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Haldor Vulkan (Volcano) Hold on, long-suffering Japan!

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  Haldor Volcano (Vulkan)
  Hold on, long-suffering Japan!
  We all love our home; we install a fire alarm system so that our house does not burn. We cherish it like the apple of our eye. We tell our children not to play with matches because we do not want to be burnt alive in hellfire or, in extreme cases, having lost our home and property, we would not like to sleep with our family somewhere under the bridge on a carton sheet.
  Now tell me, will you calmly keep looking, or even sleep, seeing the fire, which has broken out in the attic or basement where you live?
  The answer is definite - no. Instead, you'll be running around the house in panic, trying to localize the fire and cry, at the top of your voice, calling your neighbors for help or dial the fire brigade with shaking hands and all fluttering.
  Well, suppose you manage to locate the fire and firemen arrive. Or, God forbid, your house burns down, and you will find yourself on the street with your family. Even in this situation, you have a way out, that is, you can get some money from the state insurance or the state for the damages caused to you in the accident. However, do you ever think about the universal human home, which is called Earth?
  If (god forbid!), it burns down then we have nowhere to run. We have no neighbors in space community or county, which would come to the rescue, rattling with buckets of water. There is no space fire brigade, which would come wailing with sirens, to extinguish the fire that has enveloped the planet, and save us. All around is the cosmic abyss, where it is impossible to live a minute without a space station or a space suit. Moreover, if our home called Earth burns down, there is no insurance company in the whole world that would pay us compensation for damage caused by a fire in a nuclear power station or by nuclear bombs.
  So we, that is human race, have not only common joy and prosperity, but also common trouble. We have no right to think that the natural disaster, which has fallen on Japan, will not affect us and say, thank God. If you rejoice at other people's misfortune, then it will be like enjoying your own misfortune, which has fallen on your family.
  We must help each other in order to prevent the consequences of natural disasters and think about creating a project to save humanity in such difficult situations. Or think about more secure kinds of energy sources, or direct all our efforts on the invention of alternative energy sources.
  Now we should beat the drums and shout with all our might to wake up our family who sleep wrapped in white shroud-like bed-sheets; and when they wake up, we will act together, before it is too late, and extinguish the fire smoldering in the attic and basement of our home, called EARTH!
  15 февраля, 2011 года
  12 часов 20 минут дня.
  Город Торонто, Канада
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