Абрек Мухаметбаевич : другие произведения.

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    История маленького мальчика по имени Абрек Мухаметбаевич. История полная правды или лжи, радости или горечи, одиночества или любви.

  The bullshit that I dreamed on September 18
  Once in distant Malaysia, a boy Vinod Sekhar was born who immediately turned out to be a hero of various legends. The link between these legends was clearly traced. It was an angel who visited the boy Vinod Sekhar during his three- year exile from his home and told that he was the son of a tyrant and a wizard and that only his power and military cunning would help him achieve the throne and get into the royal palace.
  Ramason knew about the existence of such revelations, but believed that they were just children's fairy tales and myths, not worth any attention in the face of the infinity of life and death, in the face of the dark note of inexorable existence in this endless world. All this is just a praise for a coincidence. Childhood fantasy romance negates his extensive professional competence. Ramason thought so until he came to Malaysia to meet his ascetic and learn how to fight his demons. After that, until the end of his life, he refused to believe that he could ever talk to God, and stubbornly clung to the old belief in the existence of a mythological hero on earth, capable of understanding what was happening to his hero. And now a secret treatise on witchcraft fell into the hands of Ramason, in which two rituals were described that should have been performed before starting work.
  One was to roll out twelve lines on a wooden shield, each of which was a piece of the mysterious elixir of immortality. Another is to mentally stand on one of these lines and cast a magic spell. The first two rituals were simple magic - they were not subjected to any serious test. But the next two were distinguished by genuine mysticism. There was not a single questionable element in them.
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