Анпилова Рада Владимировна : другие произведения.

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
 Ваша оценка:

  They were two children, sacrificed to Demone,
  Grown up in Abyss and enslaved by chain.
  They were the tears of endless autumn rain
  And bleeding victims of deceiving freedom.
  They've never met each other, like the lovers,
  But have been two parts of same flesh and blood,
  And two true essences of shining God,
  Two helpless dolls in slipping nets of Horrors.
  I thought that you would be my torch
  For all the days I will be breathing...
  But you stay where I can't approach...
  Another night is here, it's drizzling.
  I wished I could touch your white hand
  And save our wings for next exile...
  Today I learned: it was the end
  And we'll be killed by dirty fire.
  We've lost the treasure, kept at safe,
  And tasted love, that's been forbidden...
  We're not the kings, but we're enslaved
  Because of war in Secret Eden.
  Look at me: I'm a prayer of priest,
  Cord is fastened too tight to my wrist,
  But the demone in cage is released:
  I stole key out of home of deceased,
  Because someone has opened the door -
  Someone, who's not alive anymore...
  I'm delirious of the new war,
  And no matter, what it will be for.
  Judah, your children are laughing at me:
  They say I couldn't dare to see what I see,
  To whisper in silent long prayers your name...
  They call me a beast only Judah must tame.
  We are Satan's army, join us tonight,
  We'll give you a weapon to help win a fight
  Against Saint Savior, enslaving your mind:
  He must never force you to follow the light,
  If you need your darkness, like earth needs a rain...
  We are Satan's army, set free from the chain,
  We'll come, cause you must stop believing in vain,
  Stop letting God kill you again and again,
  Stop hiding in your fragile heart endless lie,
  Stop thinking you're dirty and so cannot fly,
  Stop being afraid of the great day you die,
  Stop dreaming of Heaving and blessing the sky.
  We are Satan's army, we see you, be hold:
  The death is the sweetest of pain in this world,
  The loneliness is your unbreakable fort,
  And truth is the only ode you've never heard.
  We are Satan's army, we've got what you want,
  We are only magic, that could treat your wound,
  Nobody could dare to hurt you, to haunt.
  Embraces of Satan will never be cold:
  He's going to gift you a spark of his flame
  And say that you chose the right path of fame,
  As you had to come here today and you came,
  So, taking a look back, you won't feel ashame.
  We are Satan's army, his daughters and sons:
  The corpses of angels are lying in tombs,
  This war has begun, men are loading their guns,
  They all aren't aware yet that we'll back at once.
  A nameless prisoner of nameless fort,
  You are allowed to read my body like a Bible
  And let delirium lead me to final,
  Which has to prove that bliss means always hurt.
  A life comes after life, death - after death:
  Who'll fall next prey to everyday disaster
  And who will sing the prayers to the Master?
  We've both shared secrets of the loneliness,
  There is no need to teach yourself to fly...
  The sorrow is what you once named "the sorrow",
  So, having no right to imagine blessed tomorrow,
  It still could be not scary just to die.
  I love him, cause he's never tried
  To teach me, what love really meant,
  Cause he could dare to stay alive
  When this world wished he could be dead,
  Cause he has not been scared of light,
  Holdintg the Evil in his hand,
  And cause he found deep in my minbd
  A fire that must burn this land.
  My body's not a temple anymore,
  And there is not asylum in my soul...
  "God gave me nothing worth of living for!" -
  There were the last words of the first damned moll.
  Angel with the single wing is afraid of flying to Heaven,
  Next disaster world will bring anyway will happen - you'll never
  Change the fate or save someone, sent to you by Our Blessed Father,
  And your loneliness is just path where we must find each other.
  "They don't sleep in the doorways - now they crawl all night long"
   Jack London. "People of Abyss".
  The homeless boys do not already sleep at night,
  Don't search for place where they could hide
  From cold and endlessly long rain:
  They wander in the labirynth of city streets,
  Drink poison from same dirty streams
  And slowly die of senceless pain,
  While no one else thinks homeless boys have learned to cry,
  And sea of their tears won't run dry,
  Until God orders them to pray,
  Until Moon's laughing at delirium of home,
  Kept secretly inside of mourn...
  Until this world won't fade away.
  Innocent girls are scared of themselves:
  You left them alone, in darkest of hells.
  Tragedy's done and past never could back -
  Each of them has trace from your fangs on neck.
  That's how you stole their souls from God,
  They're drowning in dirt, they're licking ripe blood...
  Tragedy's done - there were your bless and curse,
  Teach them not to drink the life out of corpse,
  Teach them not to fall in love with the Sun,
  Teach them that death is life that's just begun...
  Hold them all tight: you must stay alive
  Tomorrow and at every upcoming night!...
  "S., you are the sparking origin of my inspiration. Thank you for always being what you are".
  I cry everytime when I look at the stars,
  Surrounding a Moon in the black winter sky.
  I cry everytime when I think you're too far
  And never will come here to teach me to fly...
  I cry everytime when I read your short notes,
  Imagine the pictures you've seen in nightmare,
  I cry everytime when I see in your words
  So simple and freaky truth you try to share...
  I cry everytime when I learn from your past
  A secrets I probably must never learn...
  You ask to remember your prayers, to trust
  That I'll find a place in your heart, if I mourn
  About the victims who died cause of us,
  About the lost unforgivable souls,
  Each one who is prisoned within stone and glass,
  Each one from the beasts and each one from the molls...
  I cry everytime when I listen to your
  Gloom songs in the silence of my small locked room...
  I cry, being afraid that I'll see you no more,
  I'm crying of you, in the name of your doom,
  That I easily hear in your sad magic voice...
  Believe me, my sorrow could not be your fault,
  As I am so proud to make the same choise
  And follow you, freely from steel chains and cords.
  I cry cause I know: I will never deserve
  Not even a moment of your divine love...
  But I'm madly hurt, feeling you in each nerve,
  In blooddrops, excited to present a half,
  A half of myself, a half of my life
  To you, like the light's presented by the Sun...
  You're magic, obsession, a sharp vengeance knife...
  I breathe just to thank you for things you have done.
  Devil swore not to betray me. My soul
  Is singing the odes to the signs of His reign.
  Tear my heart out of a flesh, squeeze and throw
  To pack of the hungry dogs, torgued in the chain.
  The rays
  Of spring sun too could kill its preys...
  I still realize there's no such place
  Where could be found those days,
  When I,
  Alone and scared, wished I could fly,
  Stop drinking poison of your lie
  And mourn before I die.
  You have been turned into insane,
  Your words are sounding in vain
  And mind's enslaved by pain.
  You said
  I only tried to feel regret
  My coffin is my wedding bed -
  So teach me to play dead.
  You have sacrificed yourself to her
  In the name of purest childish love...
  Could you give me keys to this locked door,
  When my cup of torments fills enough?
  City of insane and dreadfull God
  Turn it's lights on, which cant chase the dark...
  I can't keep this secret in my heart,
  I've been tried to escape, but I've sunk...
  Valentine, you'll somewhen hear my prayer,
  Valentine, give me angel's wings to fly away,
  Valentine, please, don't let my visions now come true,
  Valentine: I will save my last kiss just for you.
  "HOW SOON?..."
  Your shelter was my shelter, but I have lost the key...
  The last of dreams is shattered. You shouldn't pray for me.
  The hermit's path is hidden inside of snowwhite shell...
  The utter dark is giving the voice to say "farewell".
  My words become embodied and quickly die away...
  You've never felt like blinded, and you won't be today.
  I love you, like a water loves mystical bright Moon,
  But each day cuts life shorter... you swore to come - HOW SOON?...
  Farewell to the future, farewell to the past,
  Because only here and now we are living.
  We must husk our souls: bodies turn into dust
  And someone so innocent keeps on deceiving.
  Use your true right on a dark and disappear.
  Use your true right to distort and feel your fear.
  Use your true right on a pain, treat your obsession.
  Use your true right on a love: in your possession
  I am about to reveal my revelation.
  Use your true right on me and on shameful passion.
  So love is a crime, were there your true words?
  I need neither time, nor lie of all sorts
  To follow your light through my sinful dark...
  You stop silent flight, your burn shameful mark,
  You're taught to destroy, to tremble, to kill...
  I'll make you enjoy, I'll make you reveal
  The secrets of hate, the secrets of hurt...
  I did know this date: Rex Meu Est Mort.
  I heard you're a betrayal. You're watching me tonight.
  Deceiving words of prayer. Your kiss is a snakebite.
  Don't talk to me strangely: I'm almost not afraid.
  Abandone mourning angel: forgive me for my faith,
  Forgive me for my passion, so similar with mud...
  I'm all in your possession, I'm all inside of blood.
  Don't listen to heartbeating, don't read the Bible's psalms:
  Just be my star, that's leading away from Eden suns.
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