Анпилова Рада Владимировна : другие произведения.

The Mistake

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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If you could realize, what is happening with me -
I"ve lost colors that would draw it, lost the words that would describe.
If you could forgive, hear this senceless painfull plea:
I have never wished to bring you suffer, but I felt like I"ve been blind. 
Everything was wrong, I must never take this place,
I did spoil your fairy tale, broke joy of your holiday. 
It was a mistake, that you"ve somewhen seen my face -
I"ll compass in all my life, believe, in all the words I say.
If you"d picture once, how the people pray to death,
When they spend their days like I spent, locked in burning cell of ice...
If you"d picture, how I enjoyed of loneliness,
Of the depth of endless sorrows, of the darkness of the lies...
If you could forget that I once stood on your way:
Darling, I"ve never felt sorry like I"m really feeling now.
I will end your book, if you"d tell me that I may,
I"ll erase myself from your mind, and I swear I will learn how. 
If you just could know, how inspiring was your love -
These frustrating magic moments when I felt like I"ve been blessed...
Swear not to regret, only damn more than enough:
It"s the biggest of mistake ever been done, yes, I confess...

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