Bugarow Ivan : äðóãèå ïðîèçâåäåíèÿ.

E02. Hello-Mellow++ (Presentation Of Jotata) -- Copy Me Please -- in English

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    This article is quite heterogeneous, for it has to fulfill several purposes, as to: explain why I decided to "pollute" the Internet with the strange Bulgarian language and in even stranger form, give a possibly brief summary of what was in the Open Letter, provide the readers with some non-standard information about my country, tell you something about the very author, then make you acquainted with one my idea for using of Latin alphabet for good writing of /_all_/ world languages, which I use in order to give some peculiar explanations about several addressings of people, and hint how I can be used by the readers, for which purpose I have invented and/or translated some poetry in English, Russian, and Bulgarian.

-->[ The -_idea for illustration_- is in placing of one picture in a frame under the title and the author, which has to be square and probably 450 x 450 pixels (because I use usually 525 x 725 for the cover and then multiply by 3, when necessary). The picture is painted and shows a ... T-shirt with written on it in up and down arcs (building nearly a circle), "Ivancho" + "Jotata" (or "JOTATA"), in printed letters, or in some other style (it depends on the illustrator), and in the middle of this circle is shown an ink pot with stuck in it feather; plus this there have to be ribbons with Bulgarian tricolour, white, green, red, around the neck, both short sleeves, and the waist. The colour of the shirt can be light yellow, or blue, or green, etc, but there can also be one such open shirt to the left, and to the right to be shown a stack of folded t-shirts (i.e. coloured strips) in several different colours (and even a price tag above saying, e.g., 2.99). This is the whole idea. ]
==>*_0. Introduction_*
-->This article is quite heterogeneous, but I don't like to write short things, they are always related one issue with some other, and I don't intend to increase the number of my works under this new and episodically chosen pseudonym. The material has to fulfill several purposes, namely: to explain why I decided to "pollute" your site with this strange Bulgarian language, to give a possibly brief summary of what was in the mysterious Open Letter, to provide the readers on this site with some non-standard information about Bulgaria, to tell you something about the very author, then to make you acquainted with one my idea for using of Latin alphabet for sufficiently good writing of /_all_/ world languages, to use it as example for to tell you something about several popular addressings of people from etymological and that of the hidden /_ideas_/ behind the words point, to propose how the author can be used from the readers of this site or others, to self-advertise, too, and to publish a bit of poetry in English, and later in Russian and in Bulgarian . There is a contents below, so that you may choose what seems interesting for you in the moment and skip the left (yet the things are related, don't forget this).
-->0. Introduction.
-->1. Why I use this site for publications in Bulgarian?
-->2. What is in the Open Letter to Bulgarian Public?
-->3. What kind of country is Bulgaria?
-->4. Who is this Jotata really?
-->5. What kind of propositions makes he?
-->6. How to use the Latin alphabet better and universally for all languages?
-->7. What mean some addressings, like: sir, lady, mister, comrade, and others?
-->8. What Jotata can do for you, free or not, plus some poetry?
-->8A. CHto Jotata mozhet sdelatj dlja Vas, za platu ili net, pljus nemnogo poaezii?
-->8B. Kakvo Jotata mozhe da napravi za Vas, sys ili bez zaplashtane, pljus malko poezija?
-->9. Conclusion.
==>*_1. Why I use this site for publications in Bulgarian?_*
-->Well, the simplest answer is: because I can't publish it in Bulgaria! The letter was sent to more than a dozen official instances (I will give the email addresses below) like: our Parliament, the Presidency, the pension institution, the leading political parties, some leading newspapers, also a pair of TVs, and some churches, in the end of February (21 Feb 2017) but for about 5 weeks happened ... nothing! Id est I was simply /_silenced_/ because raise unpleasant questions, but this, for umpteenth time proves our ... barbarity, of course, for in this fashion the questions will never be solved, and this is not the way in which people, especially official instances, in civilized countries, behave! The list follows:
-->[email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] ;
-->[email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , @ataka.pr , [email protected] , [email protected] ;
-->[email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] ;
-->[email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] ; [email protected] , [email protected] ;
-->[email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] .
-->If you try to ask them what happened with some letter from by some Jotata (and read how it is written, like also Johan), they can say that: either have not received it, or that can not answer each letter, especially such enormously big, or that they don't deal with anonymous persons, or something else, what is not to the point, naturally. Our people just don't like critique, no matter that it is well-meant, and especially don't like to be called barbarians (because this is widely spread meaning and all in Bulgaria are well aware about it), what does /_not_/ change the fact that we /_are_/ such! Yet we also are /_not bad_/ barbarians, we /_harm nobody_/ except /_our_/selves! Although it can be say in reverse order, that we are not bad people but are barbarians -- what you prefer. I personally think that it is better to say first the bad thing and then the mitigating one. What I mean by "not bad" is that we, hmm, are so /_disorganized_/ that will never succeed to unite ourselves to invade other nations, but also don't want, we are pretty small nation -- just about one promille of the world population, 7.4 mln. -- so that we endanger nobody, but such well organized countries like, say, Germany, or USA, etc., have posed often problems for their neighbours and for the entire world. So that it depend how one looks at the things, and I suppose that in the current days more important is to be disunited and barbaric then vice versa, think about this! And, generally, I carry in my head for about 5 or more years the idea about writing a paper dedicated to Bulgarian barbarism and what is here good and what bad, but still can't find time for this (in the recent years I spend much time in translation of my works to foreign languages, like Russian & English, and intend to come also to German for some of my books). But if I will write this booklet it will begin with some cumulative proofs that we are barbarians, in what sense, with many comparisons with other countries, with some historical facts, and will end it with, so to say, a glorification of the barbarism! Because that is how it is, such intelligent and well endowed genetically barbarians like us is almost impossible to find throughout the world, we are, in a way, /_endangered_/ with extinction nation.
-->But enough panegyrics (or v.v.) of our barbarism, the point is that I was simply forced to search for literary cites abroad to post on a pair of places this letter, because it is exceedingly important (the very fact that our authorities don't want to pay whatever attention to it /_proves_/ that it is so important -- because we are a country of paradoxes and /_nothing_/ by us is like in the normal countries). For one thing it isn't quite correct to invade so foreign sites, but for another thing I act for mutual advantage, I allow the people in foreign countries to have some direct information about the situation in Bulgaria, and in their own language, because people understanding Bulgarian have to exist everywhere, for example in Italy they have to be not less than, say, 50 thousand persons, I suppose. So that why not to use some foreign site, like Italian, where you, if we exclude the fact that have ... stolen our national banner, are very brave people (yet as to the banner it may as well be on the contrary, because our tricolor is from about 1870, and your is supposedly older).
==>*_2. What is in the Open Letter to Bulgarian Public?_*
-->In the mysterious Letter in unknown for the wide majority of Italian public Bulgarian language are many related problems, like: pensioner curiosities in Bulgaria, propositions for solving of them, advices to the pensioners, a meaning about our social policy and the fight with poverty and misery, again propositions for bettering of the situation, how to better our image before the world, a meaning about the end of world capitalism, and other themes. And from anonymous writer, Ivancho Jotata, who is a literary hero and whose name is proverbial for a person from the public, yet this time behind him hides an ancestral intelligent, former research assistant, with two and a half tertiary educations, and a quarter of century unemployed, now pensioner. To retell everything is too tedious and also not necessary for the reason that there are many specific moments in it, but I will cite some patches from it in order to give you general idea about it.
-->That our pensions were very low, as it is normal to expect for the poorest in European Community country (and hopping to become second from the end only if the EU decides to ... accept also Albania in it), I have known long ago (as every other Bulgarian). Yet I have still lived with some totalitarian ideas in my head, and filled the gaps with reasoning on the common sense level, where the real situation turned to be literally tragic. In short, one can receive now at most 44 % of his (or her) last salary but this with /_40_/ years length of service, and that this is pretty long period and far away from all people come to such "heavens" has to be obvious. The normal case is about 30 years service and for this one will receive 33 % in the best case, with 20 years -- respectively only 22 %. Yeah, but under the "bad" communist ruling in the totalitarian years was said, and I believe in this, that one received about 60 to 80 percents of his last salary, what means roughly /_3 times worse_/; also to mention that there sufficed /_20_/ years service, what is twice less than now, and in addition the men went on pension at 60 and the women at 55, and now it is 64, coming to 65, what means that the increase (for quarter of a century) is with 5 years for the men and with whole /_10 years_/ for the women! What leads us to the conclusion that after a century it is to be expected that in Bulgaria the pensioners will be forced to wait till 80 (the men) and even 100 (the women) years, what is exactly contrary to what is usually accepted to be called achievement (of the democracy). Or to put it in other words, we have come from people's democracy to the opposite of it, what I name /_anti_/-people's democracy!
-->But it is not only this, the minimal pensions are really tragic and the media say that they are /_3 times less_/ than in some African country, namely Gabon, because the minimum for 38 years service is exactly 80 euro, with 15 years service, like my own, is a bit less than 70 euro, and there are social pensions of 60 euro (or maybe less), and there, still, remain some persons who receive absolutely nothing, also if they are not on a pension age (but above, say, 50, when one can hardly find work if has been unemployed for a long time, as I personally was at least the last 10, but surely more, years)! And, well, one can never be bored with me (as is the rule with intelligent people), because comparisons in money are not very precise, there exists the so called /_purchasing power_/, so that there might be differences, like (as I suppose) is in many of the countries from the former USSR, now called (with the funny name) CIS countries (Ukraine, Moldavia, Tajikistan, and others). But if one takes a quotient of money to some product in the given country then this measure becomes universal, right? It may differ a bit according to the choice of this product, but not much, and I (under my usual pseudonym, which I will not say here) have taken for standard unit one ... /_bus ticket_/! By such recalculation the minimal pension becomes exactly 100 bus tickets per month or /_3.33 tickets daily_/ for /_all_/ expenses, mark this! My own pension turns to be 2.85 tickets daily, what I am convinced is the next Guinness record! Such thing can't exist anywhere in the Solar system, and -- though I can't be sure about this -- in our whole Galaxy.
-->Then there is said that one has his own individual coefficient (IC) for pensioning calculated on the basis of 3 chosen years, yet this is /_not_/ exactly so, there are exceptions. Like that there were the years from 1997 to 1999, when people were allowed to insure themselves alone, and I have done this for the minimal allowed sum, which years had also to be included, no matter that I have never wanted and still don't want this. As a result of this financial trick my IC fell from 1.28 of the average salary (what is quite decent coefficient for a scientific worker) to a bit below 0.9, what led to calculated pension even below the minimal pension (with about 10 %), so that I receive the minimum. And mark, though, that people who paid alone insurance taxes in those turbulent times were mainly with university education, because for porters or factotums of waiters or sellers /_was_/ some work, the severely hit by our transition to democracy -- which still has /_not_/ finished, the /_27th year_/ now, for the reason that we still live on the average 3 to 4 /_times_/ worse then before -- were the intellectuals. So that this is one of the manifestations of still continuing genocide of the intellectuals! Not that this was in the direct meaning of the word, there were no concentration camps or compulsory labour for those who have studied much, this is in the figurative meaning, but it nevertheless /_is_/ a genocide, or debasing, if you prefer so.
-->Then began the /_funny_/, really, moments (which made me to write this Letter), that I said to myself: well, Ivancho, what will be if you leave only the last year of self-insurance (necessary for to have 15 years service, otherwise they are 16 and something), requiring the paid sums to be considered for invalid, as a /_present_/ to the state, so to say, and recalculate the things? And I did this and it turned that for /_less_/ years of service I have to receive a but /_more_/ (the IC must raise to about 1.1), and required this officially. Yeah, but not with people who stubbornly /_refuse to think_/, like the staff (I have corresponded with 3-4 persons) of our National Insurance Institute (NII)! And seeing at least 3 different variants for bettering of the case I decided to inform higher instances (like Parliament etc.), which decided to ignore me (because I wanted /_reasonable_/ and motivated things, not, say, to raise at once all pensions twice -- like some fascist parties require and propose it officially in the Parliament). Where one variant is to add explicitly to the law regulations the phrase "everybody has the right to require discarding of some insurance payments"; or to reject at all this additional requirement about the compulsory including of these years at the very end of the former century (as contradicting to the spirit of the law); or else to allow to make additional payments for some periods for which some installments /_have_/ been made but are very low (this can be done because all calculations are done via the average salary, then and now). But nobody cares, because our democracy means chiefly that everybody can protest, but all official instances have their rights to turn a deaf ear to what they want.
-->Further in my letter were advices to the pensioners, how to raise our image, and other topics, which I will skip now (because the material begins to become very big) and to some of them I may come later.
==>*_3. What kind of country is Bulgaria?_*
-->Well, I already hinted that we are small barbarian country which is also not religious (there are rarely more than a pair of people in the churches, with the exception of big holidays like Christmas or Easter). Yet we have very interesting gene, look differently (not like some nations pretending to be pure), have very melodious language (/_better_/ then even the Italian, yeah), with /_perfect_/ alphabet (we use all the letters in it and read them in one and only way, what is not true for the other Slavs using Cyrillic, to say nothing about the West) and easier grammar than many other languages (including Italian), have original folklore, nice climate (better than in Greece, there can become too hot), are really peaceful, and so on. But we are barbarians, this can't be denied, and have very bad image before the world. Because of this we are ashamed of ourselves and try to escape in foreign countries for centuries. For example from 1762 exist one "History Slavonic-Bulgarian" of one Paisius of Hilendar where he exclaimed "Why, oh foolish people, are ashamed to call yourself Bulgarians?", what proves that we are ashamed. Or also let us take one Leipzig law trial against one Georgi Dimitrov for supposed setting fire to the German Reichstag, because he looked a suitable contemptuous figure in the eyes of populace; or take one later case with some Antonov who has to have intended to shoot the Pope, because is from enough barbaric country; and other examples.
-->Now, there is a difference between what is said about us and the real situation, yet there is no pear without its stem, how we like to say, and we all the time as if try to give examples for our barbarism (like totally ignoring my provoking discussions and proposing solutions Open Letter). Say, with the coming of democracy our public bath in Sofia, a historical building, the spring known and used from 5th century, was privatized and ... ceased to work as bath and there is no other bath at all (up to my knowledge) in Sofia. There are also no more public laundries but earlier such existed. Or take the Vitosha (said to mean a bi- /vi- or two- peaked) mountain, adjacent to Sofia, 2200 meters high, now it can be climbed as before one whole /_century_/ (if you have not a car), there is not a single city transport going there, from after the very end of the previous century (because is taken to be unprofitable), and I suppose that it is not necessary to explain to you that the very word "bus" is derived from the Latin omnibus, what starts from the word /_omnia_/. Or these tickets now, too, costing one of them a bit more than I personally spent for an /_entire day_/ for eating and /_drinking_/, believe me, which are good for those who have cars and leave them in the underground car-parks of our new metro, but not for poor or unemployed or old or also intelligent (like me) people; to add that we have /_no_/ student's or pensioner's /_tickets_/ (we have cards for a whole month but this is not the same, this requires intensive usage of the transport and costs much money). And I especially give examples from our democratic years, because now we are left to our wishes and we simply want to have rich people but not to care for the poor (for the politicians who vote these legal documents are Bulgarians, they are not Martians). And under barbarity I understand such behaviour where one, the whole nation, does not care about the other humans around us, and also before and after us, i.e. are /_disunited in the time and in the space_/! This definition is pretty simple and in accordance with the Latin view hidden in the word /_mores_/.
-->So that our image is bad, but we are ungroundedly and unduly taken for more barbarous than we are mostly for ... linguistical reasons! Really, the Greeks call us 'vulgaros' and you know that nobody likes to be called vulgar; the Serbs, for their part, call us 'bugari' playing around the word "bug", I suppose, in the meaning of sodomites! Where the truth is that the very Serbs are people whose hands often ... itch (exactly 'syrbi me' in Bulgarian; and with "y" I mark this vowel like in English "girl") to fight with somebody, what has the meaning that they want eagerly to do something, here to fight, to kill other nations -- or else their name comes from some Sanskrit 'krpanas' as a sword, saber, Malayan cris (curved like a sickle knife), where is the Slavonic 'syrp' meaning a sickle -- , what they have obviously /_proved_/ one more time around 1991 - 93 when they fought with the Croats (whose name in turn is from some dying /_wheeze_/ -- they are 'hyrvati' in Bul. and 'hyrkam' is to snore, or 'hriptja' is to wheeze). Such peculiar moment, naturally says nobody, but Jotata says because has done some own etymological researches. And for the Turks we are simply /_ga/\vur_/ ('gjavur' or 'gjaur') what means an unbeliever in Islam, something twisted, gone awry from the right way. Add to this also the widely spread on the West meaning that the Slavs are ... slaves (because they don't like to fight duels just for the sake of it, they fight only when are forced to), and the picture of Bulgarians is clear and finished, only that we are usually peaceful people and have never posed problems for the other nations.
-->Also let me give you some brief information about the political situation in Bulgaria, which is /_hopeless_/ especially from the last 10 years or so, where before this time but after the coming of democracy was simply woeful. This is due chiefly to the fact that the more time passes from the former socialistic communism, the more to the /_right_/ we turn, what surely is abnormal situation, which can be explained either with extreme foolishness or stupidity (in what I doubt), or with treacherous activity or some of our politicians supported by wealthy Western countries (what is true, but we just /_believe_/ them, I have a living example for this that some people, and not so little amount of them, still think that the communists are kind of monsters, like the West thinks about the Bulgarians), or because are barbarian egoists and prefer to act extremely mercenary but only not to think about the others (what has to be the main cause for the situation). We had earlier Komsomolets, Pioneers, and even some /_Chavdarcheta_/ for the age before the teenagers, and we have rejected everything! And we have no first communion, we are not religious, as I said. Let /_all_/ organizations from totalitarian times were bad, but we have nothing new on their place, this is like, to give an example, when one does not like more his trousers and wears them no more in public, but wears also /_nothing_/ on their place, walks just so, bare-bottomed! That is how we behave. We have lost all our moral values, but have gained still nothing, no moral rules, everything is to be paid and such situation was characterized as bad by all religions, methinks. Where the poor people are, in my opinion, simply /_more moral_/, they don't want to shift the others brutally, they are meek, they are moderate, they are not snobs, et cetera.
-->And as to the political parties we have now the following situation: first is one right-wing party named GERB (what has to mean a coat of arms) of one general from the firefighters, who just symbolizes the strong hand, or the big (and ... phallic, I would add) head, who stays now for about 10 years and is high time for him to fall headlong down, then come the former communists (BSP) calling themselves socialist but being not much left-wing, then on now little distance are the Turks (the Turkish minority party, called MRF, what means just Movement for Rights and Freedoms), then are now whole /_3_/ fascist parties, and some other insignificant parties. In my opinion the best and centrist party is MRF but nobody wants Turks on the head, what they surely are, I have incidentally looked at their names and they are not only not Bulgarian or Slavonic, they are neither Western, nor even Arabic or Persian (because the Turkish is unique language, although it has many Arabic etc. words); and they are the best (again according to me) because they are a /_single_/ minority party, something like the former Party & Government, and when one has to care for all one has to care first of all for the poor (because they are always the majority)! The former communists are not really socialist, at least because it turned that they have introduced the so called /_flat tax_/, which is the most right-wing possible scheme for taxing; more righter should stay something like this: those with income of above, say, 5,000 euro in a month pay /_no_/ tax, those with between 3,000 to 5,000 pay 5 % tax, those with 2,000 to 3,000 pay 10 %, and so on, and in the end those with less then 200 euro have to pay /_33 %_/; such situation I can't imagine to be possible somewhere in the Solar system (and then also in our whole Galaxy, as you may now guess); this was made in order to attract foreign investors in Bulgaria, but the only people who this attracted were Arabs and Chinese (for whom is necessary /_no_/ attraction at all, they invade all countries). And the fascists, well, they are bigger idealists and fanatics than the communists and have never led to something good in a country, they can lead to further disturbances, and the only excuse for their existence can be the necessity for more richer palette (because all other parties are bad in many aspects); they attract only silly (sorry) adolescents because there are no youthful parties or movements, they want just to burn fires and dance around them decorated with banners and badges -- I hope that you are well aware about the meaning of Italian /_fascio_/-bunch-of-sticks, and /_fascia_/-ribbon-for-decorating --; while they can not take the power they can be endured, and I suppose that they will never take it because real fascists can exist only in well organizes and proud with something countries, not in barbarian one like ours.
==>*_4. Who is this Jotata really?_*
-->Well, I hinted that he is ancestral intelligent with 2.5 university educations, all in the sphere of exact sciences, like electronical engineer and mathematician, who knows at the moment 3.5 foreign languages, and (because of this) is unemployed for about 1/4 of a century, now pensioner. And if you think that it is funny to be unemployed exactly because one has studied too much then I will answer that it, really, is both, funny and tragic, but such things happen in times of changes and in barbarian countries (because it has to be a function of the state to care about its intellectuals, not of the small businesses and /or private persons). So that I have worked for 14 years in several scientific institutes, have finished my second mathematical education and reached to the position of research assistant first degree and that was that, then came the democracy. For some time I succeeded to win some pocket money with private lessens in school mathematics, but little by little the students ceased to appear for the simple reason that when the education is paid, i.e. is paid for it, the students want to have /_not_/ knowledge but diplomas, and unless they are complete imbeciles they receive their diplomas. Then I tried to win something as translator but this also failed as a decent income because I was already outside of the competition, nearing 50, not with special linguistic education, with academic incline of behaviour, and so on. And then after the turn of the century I gave up at all to think about being able to compete with the 20 years old applicants for whatever job, and I wanted scientific work and have lost my qualification (this process usually occurs for 2-3 years).
-->OK, but being used to think, and seeing our foolishness in the total rejection of totalitarianism (having no new moral values, or even educated cadres), I began also little by little to write something, to invent some models or democracy, or to judge about the communism, or about the life, showed my inborn inclination to philosophizing, so that to the end of the former century I have accumulated about 10 finished or nor entirely popular books, which waited to be published. I wrote also a heap of funny poetry, initially only in Bulgarian, but later also in Russian and English, and about 2010 I began to translate everything that I have in Russian, and about 5 years later also in English, and began to publish myself on several Internet sites, where I have not much readers, but for just popular books, not real fiction (surely not actions and thrillers), maybe, also not a few. And about 1995, I suppose, I began to act like an impoverished English lord doing some linguistic research in many languages, chiefly trying to connect the related words and to find their hidden /_ideas_/, because this turned to be pretty entertaining! In this way I made my multilingual explanatory dictionary, which I have still not published but have used later to write one enormously big (for me) book about just /_everything_/, which was directly in English, has pretty peculiar name (which I don't want to spit here), and is already published on a pair of sites, and is as if mostly read of all my books. So that I have spent my time in sufficiently interesting way, and that nobody wanted to exploit me, then, so much worse for him!
-->And what kind of relations, one can ask? Well, say, why all nations have reached absolute concordance as to the name of the ... mother, and even in the language of Aleutian Eskimos 'mamak' meant milk, in that of Evenki Eskimos 'mamaja' meant mother, or in Burma /_meme_/ was mama, and so on? Or also another question: what is the relation between sex and ... /_six_/, because it is obvious that they are related (for in Latin the number is /_sexis_/ and the beloved sex is /_sexus_/, similarly in French or Italian, in German /_sechs_/, read 'zeks', is the 6 and it sounds pretty sexy, in Slavonic it is slightly varied to 'shest(j)', in Greek 6 is /_eksi_/, 'eksi', or /_eks_/, and so on)? About the latter I may add something later, but I have no intention to repeat myself under this pseudonym. In this way I have found interesting occupation for myself and especially in the last years begin to feel that have to compete with the time, it is not enough now for me, and I can't work seriously for more than a pair of hours daily. But I am really /_free_/ (the only free persons in condition of democracy are the ... unemployed, surely), have no wife or woman to distract me and scold at me (that which I had run away from me seeing that I will not win money for /_her_/ -- because I am moderate in everything). And I try to lead perfectly healthy life, using whatever can be used from the nature, making my own wines & hard drinks, exercising a bit sport (say, once in a week make about /_30_/ push-ups), don't buy even aspirin from the pharmacy, and other details, and hope to die healthy at an age between 83 and 86 years (I have calculated everything).
==>*_5. What kind of propositions makes he?_*
-->Ah, in one word: /_any_/! I have maybe about /_100_/ propositions in various fields, yet chiefly in the social area. From what you must /_not_/ come to the conclusion that I am some matchless genius. No, the truth is that ... the others are rather silly, ha, ha. I mean that the most difficult thing in the social area is not to propose something new, but to reject something old! Though I have heard this, it isn't my sentence. Still I give propositions because I have nothing else to do, I have, maybe not really brilliant, yet scientific mind, so that I am used to ask myself questions and to find the answers. On the other hand I propose nothing drastically new, I just propose the /_right_/ things, yes. Like here, concerning our misery, and requiring that the capitalism continues to exist (until it can, of course, its demise is not much far away), I came to the conclusion that the exploitation can continue, but those who, for one on another reason -- the reason is /_not_/ important -- have to receive some financial help up to some minimal for the moment and the country level. All such calculations I lead for maybe 20 years in MMS, what are minimal monthly salaries, what makes the numbers applicable everywhere but still different. And which is this minimal income, ah? I'll say 1/3 MMS, but even 1/4 MMS will suffice in the beginning. Only that paid to /_everybody_/, and /_without_/ asking, somewhere in the beginning of the month, and later, after receiving whatever money, the before given sums will be subtracted if this can be done, and if there is not enough from what to subtract, than this person lives at the expense of the state, what means of the others. This is the idea, roughly, for building of some form of /_communism_/ and /_in the frames of capitalism_/, and, mark this, /_without_/ whatever revolutions; and, on the other hand, people who receive less than 1/3 MMS should /_not_/ exists.
-->Now, here are included many problems, which I discuss in several of my papers under my real pseudonym, and just hint in the Letter, like I will do here. For one thing there has to be some financial institution or even better some bank, which will maintain by an account for every citizen of age, and all payment to the people must go through this bank, using the unique citizenship number (it is called EGN in Bulgaria). For another thing there have to exist proper calculation of the persons because there can be dependable people (children, old parents, etc.). For a third think there has to be built one Social ministry, which will make all necessary statistics and propose programs, directions, in which has to be worked; we have a Ministry of social cares, but this is different thing, it has no power, where this ministry has to be able to require changes in the laws, if necessary, because must not exist such paradoxes that one receives less than 3 bus tickets daily for all expenses, or that there is no transport to the Vitosha mountain, or that the communal costs (electricity, heating, etc.) exceed, say, half of the income of a person, and other examples. There can be introduced also special phone cards with which some products can be bought with a discount (say, up to 10 loafs of bread monthly, the communal expenses, too, maybe the taxes for education, and so on). Hence this Ministry has to do partly what I do from time to time, compare the things, make conclusions, propose measures, make first of all the necessary statistics.
-->Look, nowadays everything can be done financially, and everything can be known about everybody, but we still have not (up to my knowledge) statistic how many people are really unemployed, or what is the graph of percentage of the income to MMS for the percentage of the people in working age. We calculate the unemployed according to the registration but this is formal method, this is not real; the real will be to begin with the data of national revenue institution and for /_every_/, literally, person calculate his (or her) income, and I am sure that we have such data somewhere from the year 2000, but nobody cares. Also this flat tax has to be changed as soon as possible (and I would have also proposed all man who have voted it to be ... castrated, and for the women I have to think what to propose, maybe to sew some there often used part). Then all payments have to be somehow /_personalized_/ in accordance with the personal income (for example, now if I visit my physician I must pay 1 % of MMS only to him, to redirect me to another medic, but my daily pension is with precision of 1 % exactly as much, hence I will be left with money not even for a morsel of bread and will not succeed to go to the right medic, will be forced to hunger another day or two!).
-->And the curious moment is that these problems /_can_/ be perfectly well /_eliminated_/, because we are tiny country in comparison with the EU. I have calculated for this occasion that if every EU person agrees to donate only /_one pack of cigarettes in an year_/ (5 euro roughly) then this multiplied by roughly 0.5 mlrd people (i.e. 500 mln) makes 2.5 mlrd euro, what means that if this sum is distributed evenly to 2.5 mln Bulgarians (i.e. to 1/3 of all, we are 7.4 mln), then every one of them will receive by a round 1,000 euro, what is /_more_/ than the minimal pension (80 * 12 = 960 euro, and my is exactly 820 in an /_year_/, don't forget this)! So that such sum will be a bit more than is necessary for all of us to live only poor but not miserable, and what is a pack of cigarettes in an year? Id est, if we show some concrete calculations then I am sure that the Europe will help us, because people are not so bad, they want just not to be ... duped, if I can say so (what I want to say because exactly 'dupe' in Bulgarian means, ha, ha, this what you'll call a bottom or ass), but until we show a wish for collaboration, one common platform between /_all_/ political parties, understanding that this misery is another manifestation of our barbarity in the 21 century (or then in the first century of ... Bin Laden era, ah?), I alone will dissuade you to do this (even if you want to do it), because this will mean wasting of your money.
-->Then about the unity: it is necessary because nothing else can convince the EU that we want something en masse, all our protests will be taken as normal democratic process (where, because /_lacks_/ one just party, exist many "sinful" parties which in their union form the middle voice). And the uniting of all political parties in Bulgaria can be defined as such situation when can be build one common /_union_/ of the communists, plus fascists, plus the Turks! This seems pretty utopian but it isn't exactly so, we have built in its time round table for discussions (in 1990), we have had our National Front (against the fascists, back in 1945 but it existed till 1990), there were built Governments of National Unity in various countries, so that I don't think that this is impossible, no, we simply continue to show our barbarian traits. But if we can't come alone to some agreement then nobody can help us and only we are guilty for this.
-->And so on. For example, I have proposed somewhere to build one powerful Feminist party, because this will be quite good subsection of the nation, and also naturally moderate or centrist, because the women are -- again ha, ha -- the more mediocre of the sexes. Or then of the porters and common labourer, they are also mediocre. Or then to reform the very /_Parliament_/, in which direction I have dozen propositions, one whole /_book_/, with mathematical modeling, yet also funny in some places. But something has to be done, and as you know that there is not only bad without something good, or, like the English say, every cloud has a silver lining, then it turns out, i.e. this is my next proposition, that we can as well become an ... /_experimental polygon_/ for the whole world for testing of various social models, what will not only help us, attract investments to us, also the attention of the other nations, but maybe will be of extraordinary importance for the whole planet! Because, in short, the society can /_not_/ exist without some form of /_exploitation_/, but the capitalistic one, to work for money, begins little by little to wear out, it is necessary something else, and if there will not be experimented various models we can come again to revolutions and wars.
-->Also to the pensioners I gave various advices, because I feel that most of them simply /_can't adapt_/ to this rapid ceasing to work, and many people die in the first 3 to 5 years of their going to pension! Year, we all want to go on pension, and when we at last go, we begin to feel bored by this inactivity, become alcoholics or just senile (bigger fools than necessary), there begin various illnesses, and so on, where I have a quarter of a century experience in leading economical life, and keeping myself healthy because have not enough money to pay to the physicians. And it is necessary to load both the muscles, and the brain, to try to make alone what only can be made, not to rely to buy everything ready from the shop, and so on. So that I continue to think that my Letter is important for every single Bulgarian, and not only. But enough about this.
==>*_6. How to use the Latin alphabet better and universally for all languages?_*
-->This point I need in relation with the next points and decided that it is a good idea to make you acquainted with this my quite recent idea, no matter that will not call it by the real name. I have made before more than a decade a proposition about one /_world-wide_/ alphabet, then have used my ideas about the sounds, consonants (Cs) and vowels (Vs) of /_all_/ languages (langs), but recently I decided to check whether only the Lat. (for Latin) alph. (for alphabet) is not enough, and especially for such "crazy" langs like Fr. & Eng. (what are natural shortenings for French & English, and I will use similarly many other, like: Sl. for Slavonic, Ar. for Arabic, Gr. for Greek, Teu. for Teutonic, Ger. for German, Skr. for Sanskrit, Per. for Persian, Avs. for Avestian, etc., also with adding of an "s" will mean the people speaking it, like: Lats, Frs, Teus, but will avoid using of Sls or Ars). And also what is written in single quotes is how it has to be read, what I have already used several times.
-->The idea came to me seeing that you, the Its, use far away from all letters of the Lat. alph., but I , naturally, bettered it. I reject the following: "q" (substituting it with 'k', and what will use now for the Fr. nasal Vs -- for the funny reason that this letter /_looks_/ like a nose), "x" (because this is 'ks'), "w" (which when read, like in Ger., is substituted with 'v', and when is something special like Eng. "w" I change to 'vh'), "y" (which changed to 'i' because this is /_not_/ another sound, it is called /_i-greco_/, but is not pronounced in different way; and I already used it once to mark this sound like in the Eng. "girl" which becomes 'gyrl' or even 'gyhl'). In addition to this I clear all incorrect readings of the letters "c" and "g", as well Eng. "j", where correct is to read them without looking of one char (for character) ahead, or if looking with not more than 1 char then only if this is some modifier (marked with M.) like the "h" (say, in 'vhit' for with). More precisely: "c" becomes 'k' or 'c' (the last like in /_Lat_/. Caesar, or Ger. /_Zahn_/-tooth, or the country Ceylon), "g" becomes "g" or 'dzh', and the Eng. "j" is the same 'dzh', where the using of 'ch', 'sh', & 'zh' (like Fr. /_jour_/) is like in the Eng., also 'gh' or 'dh' or 'bh' or 'ph' or even 'rh' can be used if necessary. And as to the It. "h" let me explain to you that this letter is called "akka" simply because it is not good letter for you, it is some ... /_caco_/ or sh#tty (in Bul. exactly 'akana') letter and you use it for some kind of hardening, so that I continue to use it in the same and more generalized way. Corresponding with it is the letter 'j' which may be used for some softening, like, say: Sp. 'canjon'-/_can~on_/, but it is widely used in Rus. (where 'zdesj' is here, 'rulj' is steering wheel, etc.). I have to mark that this is not /_exact_/ transliteration, somewhere may happen confusions (say, "j" in 'rulj' is M. but in 'Johan' isn't, or in Ger. "ch" is pronounced like 'h', say 'ih'-/_ich_/ is "I" and there "h" is a C., but in 'ah' it is for prolongation of the V. and in 'shure'-sure it is M. for making of the C. 'sh', and also other examples with consecutive Vs to which I will come after a bit) bit with a little reasoning the right pronunciation can be guessed.
-->Then there are three types, according to me, of Vs (also of Cs), namely: basic, Md (modified) and compound or diphthongs (even triphthongs)! This is my invention, although it is not especially difficult to come to it, but don't forget my pretensions for universality in the whole world. So the basic Vs are: 'a e i o u y', because this 'y' is unavoidable in Bul. and in other chiefly East. langs like Ar. or Per., but not only there, it happens in the Eng. (also "here" will be 'hiy', 'taiy' is a tire, etc.) and in Ger. (where the teacher is /_Lehrer_/, read 'lehry'), and can also be modified in Eng., Rus., and probably other langs. The Md Vs -- and I just wonder why I have met nowhere this name where it is full with such Vs, but maybe this is because every nations tries to turn a blind eye to its exceptions taking them for correct rules (say, "a" in Eng. is 'ej', but never 'a', only 'ah' sometimes), like the Buls proceed with their barbarity. So the Md Vs are such when one wants to say one thing, positions so his mouth, but in the last moment decides to say something different, with the classical example of 'ae' like in hand, head, etc., and there is nearly in every lang. 'ie' instead of the clear 'e' (especially in Rus., where their usual "e" is 'ie' but they have one "unusual" "e" which they call "reversed e" and what is the correct 'e'. Here are, say: 'io' like in Ger. bo:se (bad or evil or angry), or in Rus. "jo", what as if is modification of 'e' but is either the same 'io' or rather 'jo' as diphthong, then comes 'ya' like in Eng. 'byat'-but or 'kyat'-cut, then the Rus. "donkey" sound, 'yi' like in many many words (e.g.: 'myi'-we, 'tyi'-you in sing., 'myishj'-mouse, 'byitj'-to-be, etc.), or some Fr. 'uo', and others. If we want to be precise we have to write this using super- and sub- scripts, namely here we have to write 'bi\ose' 'ky\at', 'by\itj', etc., in order not to become confused, but, as I said, this isn't very exact, it is simply passable, it works, and besides in a given lang. is usually used /_one_/ variant, not several (i.e. either these are basic Vs, or Md, or combined); put in another way this transliteration is lang. specific. And there remain the diphthongs and triphthongs, where they are as if semi-Vs, like ... 'j' as V., i.e. in Jonannes or "may" or boy etc., or also 'ou' like in "dough" or "though", which are 2 (or 3) Vs but form 1 syllable (syl. for short); these cases can be marked with superscript ('/Johanes, m/ej, b/oj' or 'h/iy'-here) when a confusion can occur, but usually I will not do this.
-->Yet don't be afraid of so difficult way of writing because the universality surely requires some sacrifices, though it is not so important in many cases, so that you will understand all pretty well. Then with the Cs the things are easier, only that there, due to the incompleteness of Lat. alph., some basic Vs are written as Md, i.e. 'sh, ch, zh' but I have tried to choose the widely accepted variant; as Md. Cs can be viewed also 'th, ph, bh, rh', etc., or 'rj, lj, shj', etc.; and diph- and more Cs. don't exist, unless you count some agglomeration of Cs for such things (say, Cz. name 'Be/_ndrzh_/ih', or Seb. '/_srpsk_/a' etc.). In fact, for most of the "decent" langs (like Ger., It., Sp., most of the Sl., etc.) the major problem will be to accept this 'y' like in "girl" and to write adjacent Vs when there are some modifications (yet if something is widely used in some lang., like Rus. 'ie' instead of 'e', we may not be so scrupulous and write simple 'e'); and for the "indecent" langs (like Fr. & Eng.) there is nothing to be done, they can't transliterate the words how they are pronounced with 26 chars only when they have about 40 sounds, and there surely everything will look perverse when, say, the Fr. write /_moi_/ and read 'mua', or the Eng. write "I" or "eye" in the same way, or "thorough" for 'thyary', and so on. I have just finished one book with thousands of foreign words in it and it looks quite decent and without sub- or super- scripts. Mark though, that the Cyr. alph., especially how it is used in Bul., is /_perfectly_/ adapted to be used as world-wide alph., because we have letters also for 'sh, ch, zh', and it isn't something scary because it is half Gr. and half Lat. and everybody can learn it, yet it is much nicer to made a new universal alph., what proposition I have from more than 10 years.
==>*_7. What mean some addressings, like: sir, lady, mister, comrade, and others?_*
-->Here I want to give you same examples of my researches in different langs in finding of the hidden ideas of the roots, which vary pretty strongly, yet one can find them looking in some basic langs, using some etymological books, and chiefly comparing what he knows from several different langs and asking questions to himself. So let me begin with the known Sir, or sire, where is the Fr. /_monsieur_/, the surname-"sirname", the Senate, Sp. /_sen~or_/ or It. /_signore_/, the sergeant, then the Biblical ... Sarah, the name of country Syria (and old Assyria), then if not exactly at least pretty close are also the Lat. sanctus with all the saints, and the ... senile (as overly saint), It. /_sano_/ //_sana_/, Sl. 'osanka'-stature-or-appearance, the religious cry 'osanna'-hosanna, the Hindu /_sari_/ (woman wear) and their /_sahib_/-sir (also /_sircar_/ is there head of government, or /_sirdar_/ is a ruler, headman), and maybe also the shrine & the name /_Shri_/, where is the country /_S. Lanka_/ but this was also the name of the wife of Vishnu. The /_signore_/ is a person marked with certain sign (from where we can come to the sine function where is the peculiar relation of it with It. ... /_seno_/, yet I will not jump now to there), but this Sarah - Sir is an interesting relation in sense of something highly valued and distinct, where come also Rus. 'syir' what is ... a cheese!
-->Well, you are not convinced about the 'syir', but this is not occasionally, here is also Bul 'sirene' as specially white cheese (we make difference between this and the cheese, which is yellow and fatty), and here come at once: Lat. serum, the serene weather (what is Fr. /_serein_/ and Lat. /_serenus_/), with the syringe (which is medieval Lat. /_syringa_/, coming from Lat. /_syrinx_/, which in its turn is old Gr. /_syrigks_/, what was the pipe of Pan, translated in Bul. as 'siringa'), some old Icelandic /_syra_/ as yogurt, old Prussian /_suris_/ as cheese, Rus. 'syiroj'-crude or 'syirjo'-row-material, Bul. 'surovatka'-sour-milk, Rus 'seryij'-gray, Bul. 'slana'-rime-frost (which was somewhere in Pamir langs /_serana_/), and surely the It. /_sera_/ /Fr. /_soir_/ with the serenade, and something not really nice but unavoidable quite often, like Bul 'srane' or Rus. 'sratj'. So the /_sera_/ correlates with the serene & the serum as this time when the sky is not more mat //_matt_/ like in the /_matinee_/, but has cleared (there are no /_nebbia_/-clouds; and the mat, by the way, is so called because it is very ... mated colour), but these last words in the precious sentence mean, I am sorry, defecation or to do this, and there is exactly Bul 'sera', only stressed at the end, meaning to sh#t! Ah, but I'm afraid that you have still not got (-ten) why the Sir has to be related with the /_sera_/-evening and this sh#ting process, right? Well, this is because of the /_squirting_/ what in Bul. is 'cyrkam' and this is a way for selecting of the best! And the peculiar moment is that in the Arab lands there are several 'nasr' things and people, where 'nasratj' in Rus. is to defecate, but the Arabs have their /_Nasr_/, or /_Nasredin_/ meaning surely something good.
-->There are a heap of more words but I skip the major part of them and come now to the Lady. Here the things are easier, this is something leading, like in Rus. 'lujdyi' or Ger. /_Leute_/ both meaning people, yet chosen in some way, where I can put also the Lord (what fits, although is not very sound etymologically), the lieutenant (then with the league, 'levga' in Rus.), Lat. /_eluo_/ ('elej' in Sl.), Rus. 'ladno'-good (like ... Bin Laden, ah, what must be some pseudonym, I suppose), Bul. 'sladko'-sweet, and others. Yeah, but here also can be found bad nuances, like: Ger. /_Luder_/ as bad guy, scoundrel, Eng. lout, the ... louse (which is /_lus_/ in Sw., /_luis_/ in Hol., etc.), Lat. /_lues_/ as syphilis, and even Bul., which is something Gypsy, 'laino', meaning again the already mentioned sh#t, only more liquid, as if sleek, some cream (like the ex- one), not like the dung, because there are several kinds of these wastes.
-->Then comes the Mister or master, where the core idea is the ... mist or mystery, surely. This is why I prefer to be called Mister but in Bul. (& Rus.) we use the word 'gospodin' what comes from 'Gospod' as God and I don't think that there is something divine in me. So here is the /_maitress_/-mistress, Fr. /_maitre_/, Bul. 'majstor'-master, one Tur.-Ar./_ medresse_/ as religious school to a mosque, maybe the mast, Rus. 'mastityij'-well-known, and others
-->More interesting is the comrade but in Ger. or Sl. variant, because exactly this word obviously comes from the camera meant as a hut, cellar, or cell in prison. The Gers, though, use their /_Genosse_/, what comes from /_geniessen_/ (/_genoss, genossen_/) meaning to relish, enjoy, have pleasure (like It. /_godere_/, what I, by the way, relate with the Teu. /_Gott_/-God), what in turn (if you ask me) started from the gene (i.e. of a good caste). In Rus. he is called, as you maybe have heard, 'tovarishch' what starts -- but the Russ don't think & don't care about this -- from 'tovar' meaning a load, i.e. they are ... porters, stevedores, labour slaves in some sense ('hamalin' in Bul., what is Tur. & Ar.). Ah, but most nice of all variants this word sounds in Bul. (also in Ser.) where the comrades were called 'drugari', 'drugar' in sing., what is just another one ('drug' in Bul.), where is the Eng. darling (given from some old Prussian /_Darge_/) and Rus. 'dorogoj'-dear-or-expensive (and there were Skr. /_drijate_/ as to take into account, approve, value, and 'drjtas' as respectful), as well also was the wife of God Shiva, /_Durga_/. So because of the nicest meaning of the comrade we, in Barba..., sorry, in Bulgaria, have denied them totally, and have now Sirs & Ladies (both in the bad meaning, I would say), and anti-people's democracy.
-->And maybe this is enough as demonstration of some of my abilities in the relations between words.
==>*_8. What Jotata can do for you, free or not, plus some poetry?_*
-->Well, if you care a bit for me and don't curse me for publishing in Bul. (what I don't intend to do more), I can answer whatever your questions about the meaning of words of almost /_any_/ language and the relations with other known words. I don't /_know_/ so many langs but I can understand the /_words_/, with exception of some strange langs (like Hun., or Estonian) of almost any European langs, and in some cases also of some old ones, like Per., Hindu, etc., if I can look somehow in the language and if can read their letters (what I can't, but then will look only in the contemporary Eur. langs if you tell me the meaning of the word -- because there can be half a dozen or more different meanings). In this case can be two variants, either I have already done similar investigations and have a ready answer, or I will try to think in the moment. Such questions can be interesting also for me, because, for example, I have recently thought about It. /_caldo_/ which is the contrary to Ger. /_kalt_/-cold and have come to the conclusion that you prefer to stick to Gr. /_kalo_/ as good, nice. Anyway, to explain something existing is easier than to guess one of many variants. Or take this sex - six, I will still /_not_/ explain everything in details, because there are many cumulative arguments, but can add that this is how the masculine sexual organ /_looks_/, and it hangs for a long time but than at once jumps, with some 'shh', like a snake raising its head, right, and this is also why it sounds so. But for the correct explanation are necessary some mathematical facts, from ... Euclid's "Principles" (or "Beginnings"), and I explain all digits in a booklet (but keep its name in secret, as all other of my books). So, and you have just to write your question as comment to this file and wait until I see it, but you can freely use the It. lang., I even prefer so, only that I will answer in Eng., that's it, and this is free, of course.
-->In addition I can also do decent translations from 5 langs to 3, namely: from Bul., Rus., Eng., Ger., It., and to only /_Bul., Rus., Eng._/; it is clear that this site will hardly be read from many Buls, but there have to be many Russ in Italy, say, half a million, and some of you may need translation in Rus., there are about 300 mln people understanding it; and there, surely is the Eng., which many understand more or less, but an official translation (even not from a sworn translator) is another thing, this saves time, and the time for some of you may mean money. Having in mind my 3-tickets-daily pension I propose to you the following prices: from /_2 to 3 euro for 1 KB_/ chars (with spaces, according to Word), beginning with 2.5 e., for an usual text (which can have technical or economic words, but not pretty special from, say. law, chemistry, agriculture, etc.); rarely I may come to 4 e. and this only for some places. Yet if you mean translation of /_fiction_/ this is another thing, I may not agree. And for the moment only as usual .doc text (not .docx or in pdf or else). Also have in mind that my daily productivity is on the average 10 e., so that if you want some translation from today for ... yesterday, as we say, then this will not happen.
-->But the point is that I can as well translate some /_verses_/, or write short poetry by ordering, in one of those 3 langs, chiefly in Eng., I suppose. In order to have some examples I will put here two things in Eng. and one at the very end. I think that if you give me some short info about what you want to have in the verse, or even some words to use, and send me some money to make me start, then for a short things I may be ready after a week or two. The price here is about /_1 euro per line_/, and eventually to about half of this price as premium, what means that for a sonnet (14 lines) or something similar (there can be variants of 15 lines, I along have come to one such verse scheme, or then 4*4 = 16) will be better to send me at once /_20 e._/ in a /_recommended_/ letter to a post office in Sofia (which I will tell you) writing only my unique citizenship number (EGN, which I will also tell you), when I will be able to receive the money after a week and in one more week you will have your verse. You can check me, if you want with only 5 e. (or US$, now they are relatively equal) for 3 or 4 (or 5) lines, but the postal expenses will be higher as percentage, if you must later send me another 5 e., and a sonnet is better, where with 10 e. you can make me start, but not have the whole thing. This variant must be good for up to 50 e., but not for more expensive translations /verses; I have by account in euro and US$, but I am not sure whether you will be able to send money /_not_/ writing my names but only this EGN, and I don't want to break my incognito. Sometimes I may write even an acrostic, but this will be 2-3 times more expensive. Say, you want me to write for you a poetry which reads vertically ... "Toilet bowl verse", then you send me 50 e. and wait a pair of weeks (and hurry because I may alone decide to write this acrostic some of these days and then will publish it under my real pseudonym and will not send it to you).
-->Naturally that all what I write for somebody remains his (her) property, unless he allows me to publish it also somewhere, in which case I may collect some such verses and publish them after an year or two (if they will come to above a pair of hundred lines) under this my name and a title "Ordered verses" And of course that all this is valid also for Rus. (and Bul., there can be a bit lower prices for Bul.), no matter that I give you no examples in these langs (in fact, there is some poetry in the end of the original letter in Bul., but you won't be able to read it, I suppose). So that I have come to the examples, where the first is just the beginning from Dino Buzzati's children book "/_La famosa invasione degli orsi in Sicilia_/", where the verses are more or less in my stile (nursery rhymes with sound rhymes), where first is the original and then the translation, and after this I put one acrostic for a nice It. name, just as name (I have never met the person).
®®>Dunque ascoltiamo senza batter ciglia
®®>la famosa invasione degli orsi in Sicilia.
®®>La quale fu nel tempo dei tempi
®®>quando le bestie eran buone e gli uomini empi.
®®>In quegli anni la Sicilia non era
®®>come adesso ma in un'altra maniera:
®®>alte montagne si levavano al cielo
®®>con la cima coperta di gelo
®®>e in mezzo alle montagne i vulcani
®®>che avevano la forma di pani.
®®>Specialmente uno ce n'era
®®>con un fumo che pareva una bandiera
®®>e di notte ululava come ossesso
®®>(non ha finito di ulular neppure adesso).
®®>Nelle buie caverne di queste montagne
®®>vivevano gli orsi mangiando castagne,
®®>funghi, licheni, bacche di ginepro, tartufi
®®>e se ne cibavano finch`e erano stufi.
-->Tonio, Tonio, chiamava forte.
-->Ma le ore passano eterne.
-->Risponde l'eco delle caverne
-->e intorno un silenzio di morte.
-->Si domanda: Dove sar`a?
-->Che l'abbiano condotto in citt`a?
®®>Hence, listen, children, blinking not an eye, 'cause there
®®>waits famous Sicily invasion of the bears.
®®>This happened years back, before eons of time,
®®>when beasts were good, yet men were wild, not worth a dime.
®®>And Sicily was not like it is now,
®®>but in another form, I'll tell you how:
®®>high mountains raised peaks against the sky,
®®>which frozen were and covered with thick ice,
®®>amidst them were volcanoes, just a pair,
®®>which looked like crispy bread baked then and there.
®®>Especially one was that smoked non stop,
®®>as if with raised enormous flag on top,
®®>and snarled all nights, as if possessed by demons
®®>(what it still does, the ground around tremors).
®®>In caverns dark and holes of mountains these
®®>the bears lived and liked much chestnuts eat,
®®>and mushrooms, lichens, berries wild, and truffles more,
®®>until were fully stuffed with this and said: "No more!".
-->Oh. Tony, Tony, cried he simply mad,
-->yet only echo came to him at once,
-->eternal hours passed like in trance,
-->the nature was around him just dead.
-->But where's he, King pondered till sundown?
-->Has fallen, or was caught and brought to town?
==>*_A NICE NAME_*
-->*_R_*_ight, one can't judge 'bo®ut things one does know not,
-->*_O_*_nly I'll write verse to Miss ... Unknown.
-->*_S_*_uch things happen, see, we often speak of God,
-->*_A_*_lso I'll raise so her fame, my own.
-->*_L_*_ook, I see her gorgeous, waist tied in a knot,
-->*_B_*_reasts pomello-sized, thighs -- t'make in stone,
-->*_A_*_nd a face that knocks me right down, on the spot.
-->Ah, I have nearly forgotten that I have another example, an acrostic dedicated to /_this very site_/, where I want to add my invention to mark (when necessary) additional syllable, with "®", what is similar to the apostrophe; I think that this may be handy for some of the diph- or higher- thongs (like ou®r, ti®re, etc.) or when the word is difficult to pronounse in one syllable (like peop®le, troub®les, etc.). And now my present to you guys and girls from BraviAutori follows:
-->*_B_*_ecause the life is difficult a thing,
-->*_R_*_equir®ed are brave authors to amend it,
-->*_A_*_t any time to spread protecting wing,
-->*_V_*_exatious things with new inventions fencing,
-->*_I_*_ntensive pleasure to the peop®le t'bring.
-->*_A_*_uthentically brave are just exceptions,
-->*_U_*_nfortunately most of us are dull;
-->*_T_*_h'important thing-'s to have the right perception
-->*_O_*_f what is good and will produce a pearl,
-->*_R_*_educing fruitless tries, to show affection,
-->*_I_*_n th'end make happy all, like certain girls.
==>*_8A. CHto Jotata mozhet sdelatj dlja Vas, za platu ili net, pljus nemnogo poaezii?_*
-->Nu, esli ja vas nemnogo interesuju i ne rugaete menja za moju publikaciju na bolgarskom (chego ja ne sobirajusj boljshe delatj), to ja mogu otvechatj na ljubyie vashi voprosyi naschjot smyisla slov iz pochti chto /_ljubogo_/ jazyika i o svjazjah s drugimi izvestnyimi slovami (potomu ja i predstavil vam moj sposob zapisej slov iz ljubogo jazyika, hotja dlja russko govorjashchih ja mogu ispoljzovatj slavjanskie bukvyi, s toj lishj raznicej, chto vyi dolzhnyi nauchitjsja /_chitatj_/ bolgarskoe "y", chto ja zdesj oboznachaju cherez latinskoe "y", kak bolgaryi ego chitajut, chto znachitj kak chistoe "yi", ne zakanchivaja ego proiznoshenie zvukom "j"). JA ne /_znaju_/ tak uzh i mnogo jazyikov, no ja mogu ponimatj /_slova_/, s iskljucheniem nekotoryih strannyih jazyikov (kak veng. ili aest.), iz pochti vseh evrop. jazyikov, i v nekotoryih sluchajah dazhe iz nekotoryih staryih takih, kak pers., ind., i t.d., esli ja mogu kak-to zagljanutj v jazyik i esli mogu chitatj ih bukvyi (chego ja ne mogu, no togda budu zagljadyivatj toljko v sovremennyie evrop. jazyiki esli vyi mne skazhete znachenie slova -- poskoljku mozhet byitj pol djuzhinyi i boljshe razlichnyih znachenij). V aetom sluchae mogut byitj dva varianta, ili ja uzhe delal podobnyie issledovanija i imeju gotovyij otvet, ili ja budu pyitatjsja dumatj v dannyij moment. Takie voprosyi mogut byitj interesnyi takzhe i dlja menja, potomu chto, k primeru, ja nedavno dumal ob ital. caldo, kotoroe kak raz protivopolozhnoe nem. kalt-cold, i prishjol k vyivodu, chto it-cyi predpochitajut priderzhivatjsja k grech. /_kalo_/ kak horosho (ili eshchjo russkoe "trahatj" v bolgarskom ne ispoljzuetsja, odnako sushchestvuet drugoj idiom gde myi ispoljzuem "trakam" v shozhem smyisle). V ljubom sluchae obyjasnitj chto-to sushchestvujushchee proshche chem ugadyivatj odin iz mnogih variantov. Ili vozjmite aetot sex - six, ja vsjo eshchjo /_ne_/ sobirajusj obyjasnjatj vsjo v detaljah, potomu chto zdesj mnogo kumuljativnyih argumentov, no mogu dobavitj chto aeto to kak muzhskoj polovoj organ /_vyigljadit_/, i on visit dolgoe vremja, da potom srazu pryigaet s kakim-to 'shsh', kak zmeja podnimajushchaja svoju golovku, tak, i aeto pochemu aeto slovo (kak i rus. "shestj") zvuchit takim obrazom. No dlja korrektnogo obyjasnenija nuzhnyi nekotoryie matematicheskie faktyi, s ... "Nachal" Evklida, i ja obyjasnjaju vse cifryi v neboljshoj knizhechke (no sohranjaju ejo imja v sekrete, kak i vseh drugih moih knig). Tak, i vyi dolzhnyi toljko napisatj vash vopros kak kommentarij (ili recenziju) k aetomu fajlu i podozhdatj poka ja ego uvizhu, i aeto besplatno, razumeetsja.
-->V dopolnenie k aetomu ja mogu takzhe delatj prilichnyie perevodyi s 5-ti jazyikov na 3, tochnee: s bolg., rus., ang., nem., ital., i toljko /_na bol., rus., ang._/; ono pochti ochevidno, chto aetot sajt ne budet chitatjsja mnogimi bol-mi, hotja ih dolzhno byitj ne malo v Rossii, i nekotoryie iz vas mogut nuzhdatjsja v perevode s nem. ili ital. na rus.; i eshchjo ostajotsja, razumeetsja, ang. i bol., kotoryie jazyiki vyi mozhete ponimatj v obshchih chertah, no oficialjnyij perevod (dazhe esli ja i ne daval prisjagi) vsjo zhe drugoe delo, aeto aekonomitj vremja, a vremja dlja nekotoryih iz vas mozhet oznachatj denjgi. Imeja v vidu moju pensiju iz 3-h biletikov v denj ja predlagaju vam sledujushchie cenyi: s 2 do 3 evro dlja 1 KB znakov (so shpacijami, kak Word ih podschityivaet), nachinaja s 2.5 ev., dlja obyichnogo teksta (kotoryij mozhet imetj tehnicheskie ili aekonomicheskie slova, no ne slushkom specialjnyih iz, skazhem, jurisprudencii, himii, seljskogo hozjajstva, i proch.); v redkih sluchajah ja mogu dojti do 4 ev. i aeto toljko v nekotoryih mestah. No esli vyi imeete v vidu perevod /_hudozhestvennoj_/ literaturyi to aeto drugoe delo, ja mogu i ne soglasitjsja. I na poka toljko kak obyichnyij .doc tekst (ne .docx ili kak pdf ili inache). Eshchjo imejte v vidu chto moja dnevnaja proizvoditeljnostj v srednem 10 ev., tak chto esli kto-to hochet perevod s segodnja na ... vchera, tak skazatj, to aeto ne poluchitsja.
-->No delo v tom, chto ja mogu takzhe perevoditj i /_poaeziju_/, ili /_pisatj_/ korotkie /_stishki po zakazu_/, na odnom iz trjoh jazyikov, v osnovnom na rus. zdesj, ja polagaju (ili eshchjo na ang.). Primeryi na ang. ja dal v obyichnom 8-m punkte, tak chto zdesj dobavlju paru veshchej na russkom. JA dumaju, chto esli vyi mne dadite nekotoruju korotkuju informaciju naschjot togo chto vyi hotite, chtobyi byilo v stihah, ili dazhe nekotoryie slova, chtobyi ja ih ispoljzoval, i vyishlete mne nemnogo deneg chtobyi zastavitj menja nachatj, to togda dlja korotkih veshchej ja mogu byitj gotovyim cherez odnu - dve nedeli. Cenyi zdesj okolo /_1-go evro za strochku_/, i aeventualjno do polovinyi aetoj summyi v kachestve premii, chto oznachaet chto dlja soneta (iz 14 strok) ili chego-to pohozhego (mogut byitj variantyi iz 15 strok, ja sam prishjol k odnoj takoj sheme, ili togda 4*4 = 16) byilo byi luchshe vyislatj mne srazu /_20 ev._/ v /_zakaznom_/ pisjme k pochtovomu klonu v Sofii (kotoryij ja skazhu vam) napisav toljko moj unikaljnyij grazhdanskij nomer (EGN, kotoryij ja tozhe skazhu vam), v kotorom sluchae ja smogu poluchitj denjgi cherez nedelju i primerno eshchjo za odnu nedelju vyi budete imetj svojo stihotvorenie. Vyi mozhete proveritj menja, esli hotite, vyislav toljko 5 ev. (ili sht.dol., teperj oni pribliziteljno odinakovyie) dlja 3-h ili 4-h (ili 5-i) strochek, no pochtovyie rashodyi vyidut procentno boljshe, esli vyi dolzhnyi budete vyislatj mne potom eshchjo 5 ev., da i sonet luchshe, i togda s 10-ju ev. vyi menja zastavite nachatj, no ne i imetj vsju veshchj. AEtot variant dolzhen byitj horoshim dlja summ do 50 ev., odnako ne dlja bolee dorogih tranzakcij /stihov; u menja imeetsja po schjotu v evro i sht. dol., no ja ne uveren, chto vam udastsja poslatj mne denjgi /_ne_/ ukazyivaja moi imena a toljko EGN, a ja ne hochu narushatj svojo inkognito. Inogda ja mogu napisatj i akrostih, no aeto budet v 2-3 raza dorozhe. Skazhem vyi hotite chtobyi ja napisal poaeziju, kotoraja vertikaljno chitaetsja kak "Kto ni razu ne ... trahal, on eshchjo zhiznj ne poznal" (ili cherez drugoj glagol, kotoryij nachinaetsja na bukvu "e"), to togda, vam nuzhno budet poslatj mne porjadka 100 dollarov i podozhdatj okolo mesjaca (no potoropitesj, potomu chto ja generiruju nekotoruju idejku i potom esli nikto menja ne sponsoriruet no ideja mne nravitsja i mne ne o chjom dumatj to ja mogu i sam realizovatj aeto i publikovatj pod moim nastojashchim psevdonimom i ne vyislatj vam nichego).
-->Estestvenno chto vsjo chto ja pishu dlja kogo-to ostajotsja ego (ejo) sobstvennostjju, esli on ne razreshit mne publikovatj aeto takzhe gde-to, v kakom sluchae ja mogu sobiratj nekotoryie takie stihi i publikovatj ih cherez god ili dva (esli oni prevzojdut paru soten strok) pod aetim moim psevdonimom i zagolovkom "Zakazannaja poaezija". I razumeetsja, chto vsjo aeto v sile takzhe i dlja ang. (ili bol., tam mogut byitj dazhe nemnogo bolee nizkie cenyi). Tak chto ja prihozhu k primeram na russkom jazyike (a na bol. imeetsja odin akrostih v konce originaljnogo pisjma), no nuzhno vklinitj zdesj zamechanie, chto ja, dejstviteljno, realizuju svoi interesnyie idei sam, i aetu "Toilet bowl verse" predlozhennuju na ang. ja uzhe napisal, a, v interese pravdyi, takzhe i aetot dlinnyij "trahaljnyij" variant (rovno 36 strok, v rimskoj terce, luchshe chem toj kotoruju Dante ispoljzoval v svojo vremja). Tak, dlja primerov ja daju dva akrostiha, a v konce i paru korotkih veshchej.
-->*_P_*_rochno utverdilasj demokratjja,
-->*_R_*_jadom s nej bledneet dazhe kommunizm,
-->*_O_*_h, i mozhet statjsja, chto ona ne luchshe.
-->*_S_*_talo byitj ona-to galimatjja,
-->*_T_*_ochj v tochj porozhdaet inogda fashizm,
-->*_O_*_tchego moraljnee byivajut putchi.
-->*_K_*_azhdyij chuvstvuet v sebe, vuljgarna ta,
-->*_V_*_edj narod prostoj, ego uchitj-to nado,
-->*_A_ *_moralj pridumana-to ne sprosta;
-->*_SH_*_opotom skazhu: vne rajskogo zhe sada
-->*_A_*_bsoljutno nuzhna kompetentnostj, da.
-->*_S_*_eks poistine venec tvorenjja,
-->*_A_*_h, kak smyisl on zhizni pridajot!
-->*_T_*_yi ej vstavil chto-t' i do zabvenjja,
-->*_I_*_hu, vzad-vperjod, snujoshj kak krot --
-->*_S_*_ladkie prinosit aet' volnenjja.
-->*_F_*_akt takov, chto Bog 'go nam podsunul,
-->*_A_ *_ne zhdjom chtob' veter, skazhem, dunul,
-->*_K_*_azhdyij vyisshij zverj na aeto kljunul.
-->*_C_*_elj dlja nas, vedj, /_ne_/ vo razmnozhenji,
-->*_I_*_stinno, aet' ostajotsja v teni,
-->*_JA_*_vstvenno blazhennoe dvizhenje.
=>*_* * *_*
-->Nezabvennaja moja tyi, Masha,
-->svetla dlja menja ljubovj-to nasha,
-->ibo dazhe kolj skazhu "zabudj"
-->ne zabyitj mne vek tvoju zhe grudj.
=>*_* * *_*
-->Hochetsja t'e volosyi razvoroshitj
-->tam gde rechka strasti chastenjko burlit,
-->i kuda popastj mne i ne nuzhen gid.
==>*_8B. Kakvo Jotata mozhe da napravi za Vas, sys ili bez zaplashtane, pljus malko poezija?_*
-->Ami, az pak prevezhdam nachaloto na 8-ma tochka, adaptirana tozi pyt za bylgarska auditorija, ako shte da e v chuzhbina. Ta ako az pone malko vi interesuvam i ne me proklinate za mojata publikacija na bylgarski (koeto az poveche i ne vyznamerjavam da pravja), to az moga da otgovarjam na vashi vyprosi za smisyla na dumi ot pochti /_vsichki_/ ezici i za vryzkite im s drugi izvestni dumi (poradi koeto az i predstavih tuk moja nachin za zapisvane na dumite ot razni ezici, makar che za bylgarite, poradi /_perfektnostta_/ na azbukata ni za nas, tova ne e nuzhno, az mozhe da izpolzuvam i samite nashi bukvi, pljus "j", kojto nie imame, no ne polzuvame). Ne che az /_znaja_/ chak tolkova mnogo ezici, no az moga da razbiram /_dumite_/, s izkljuchenie na njakoi stranni ezici (kato ung. ili est.), ot pochti vsichki evrop. ezici, a v njakoi sluchai i ot njakoi stari takiva, kato pers., ind., i t.n., ako moga njakak-si da pogledna v ezika i ako moga da cheta bukvite im (koeto az ne moga, no togava shte poglezhdam samo v syvremennite evrop. ezici ako vie mi kazhete znachenieto na dumata -- zashtoto mozhe da ima polovin duzina i poveche razlichni znachenija). V tozi sluchaj mozhe da ima dva varianta: ili az veche sym pravil podobni izsledvanija i imam gotov otgovor, ili pyk shte se opitam da mislja v dadenija moment. Takiva vyprosi mogat da bydat interesni i za samija men, zashtoto, naprimer, az sravnitelno naskoro misleh za ital. caldo, koeto ima tykmo protivopolozhnoto znachenie na nem. kalt-cold, i stignah do izvoda, che it-cite predpochitat da se pridyrzhat kym gryc. /_kalo_/ kato dobro, hubavo (ili oshte che nashija izraz "mamata si traka" ne e jasno kakvo tochno trjabva da znachi, no rus-cite izpolzuvat masovo dnes "trahatj" kato nasheto zhargonno "chukam"). Vyv vseki sluchaj da se objasni neshto syshtestvuvashto e po-lesno otkolkoto da se otgatva edin ot mnogo varianti. Ili vzemete tova sex - six, az pak /_ne_/ se kanja da objasnjavam vsichko v detajli, zashtoto tuk ima mnogo kumulativni argumenti, no moga da dobavja, che tova e kak myzhkija polov organ /_izglezhda_/, a toj visi dylgo vreme, no posle izvednyzh podskocha s edno 'shsh', kato zmija kojato povdiga glavata si, taka, i po tazi prichina tazi duma (ili nasheto "shest") zvuchat po podoben nachin. No za korektnoto objasnenie sa nuzhni njakoi matematicheski fakti, ot ... "Nachalata" na Evklid, i az objasnjavam vsichki cifri v negoljama broshura (no pazja imeto `i v sekret, kakto i na vsichki drugi moi knigi). Taka, i vie trjabva samo da napishete vyprosa si kato komentar (ili recenzija) kym tozi fajl i da pochakate dokato az go vidja, i tova, razbira se, e bezplatno.
-->V dopylnenie kym tova az moga da pravja i syvsem prilichni prevodi ot 5 ezika na 3, ili po-tochno: ot byl., rus., ang., nem., ital., i samo /_na byl., rus., ang._/; to e syvsem jasno che tozi sajt njama da se chete mnogo ot bylgari, makar che te trjabva da ne sa malko v Rusija, Italija, SHTatite, Germanija, i prochee, no njakoi mozhe da se nuzhdajat ot prevod ot drugite mi ezici i na ang., ili rus., koito vie mozhe v obshti linii da razbirate, no oficialnijat prevod (dazhe i ne ot zaklet prevodach) e drugo neshto, vse pak, toj ikonomisva vreme, a vremeto za njakoi ot vas mozhe da oznachava pari. Imajki predvid mojata mizerna pensija ot 3 biletcheta dnevno az predlagam slednite ceni: ot 2 do 3 evro za 1 KB znaci (sys shpaciite, kakto Word-a gi broi), zapochvajki ot 2.5 ev., za obiknoven tekst (kojto mozhe da ima i tehnicheski ili ikonomicheski dumi, no ne tvyrde specialni ot, primerno, pravoto, himijata, selskoto stopanstvo, i proch.); v redki sluchai az mozhe da stigna do 4 ev. i tova samo na njakoi mesta. No ako imate predvid prevod na /_hudozhestvena_/ literatura to tova e druga rabota, az mozhe i da ne se syglasja. I zasega samo kato obiknoven .doc tekst (ne .docx ili kato pdf ili po drug nachin). Imajte predvid syshto taka i tova, che dnevnata mi proizvoditelnost e sredno kym 10 ev., taka che ako vi trjabva neshto ot dnes za ... vchera, kakto se kazva, to tova njama da stane.
-->No rabotata e v tova, che az moga da prevezhdam i /_poezija_/, ili da /_pisha_/ kratki /_stihove_/ po porychka, na edin ot trite ezika, za vas osnovno na byl., predpolagam (ili syshto na ang.). Primeri na ang. Dadoh v obiknovenata 8-a tochka, v 8.A. ima njakoi na ruski, a sega reshih da dobavja oshte neshto i na byl. (naj-veche ponezhe se pomychih da prevezhdam ot Petrarka, koeto dosta me izmychi, zashtoto toj e ot 13 vek i ital-ja e naj-slabija mi ezik, no vse pak neshto se poluchi). Az mislja, che ako mi dadete njakakva kratka informacija za tova kakvo iskate da ima v stihovete, ili dazhe njakoi dumi, koito iskate da izpolzuvam, i mi izpratite malko pari za da me nakarate da zapochna, to togava za kratki neshta az mozhe da sym gotov sled edna - dve sedmici. Cenite tuk sa okolo /_1 evro na red_/, i eventualno do polovinata ot tazi suma kato premija, koeto oznachava, che za sonet (ot 14 reda) ili neshto podobno (mozhe da ima varianti ot 15 reda, az samijat dojdoh do edna takava shema, ili inache 4*4 = 16) bi bilo naj-dobre da mi izpratite napravo /_20 ev._/ v /_preporychano_/ pismo do poshtenski klon v Sofija (kojto az shte vi kazha) pishejki samo moeto EGN (koeto az syshto shte vi kazha), pri koeto polozhenie az shte moga da polucha parite sled sedmica i priblizitelno sled oshte edna vie shte imate vasheto gotovo stihotvorenie. Njama problemi da me proverite i s neshto malko, ako tolkova iskate, kato izpratite samo 5 ev. (ili sht.d., te sega sa pochti ravni) za 3 ili 4 (ili 5) reda, no poshtenskite razhodi shte vi izljazat procentno poveche, ako trjabva da mi prashtate posle oshte 5 ev., a i sonet e vse pak po-dobre, i togava s 10 vie shte me nakarate da zapochna, no ne i da imate cjaloto stihche. Tozi variant trjabva da e dostatychno dobyr za sumi do 50 ev., no za po-golemi tranzakcii /stihove, az imam po edna smetka v evro i sht.d., obache ne sym siguren, che shte vi se otdade da mi izpratite parite /_bez_/ da ukazvate moite imena, a samo EGN-to, a pyk az ne zhelaja da si narushavam inkognitoto. Ponjakoga mozhe da napisha i akrostih, no tova shte e 2-3 pyti po-skypo; takiva primeri davam v anglijskija i ruskija varianti, taka che njama nuzhda da se prestaravam i s bylgarskija (samo deto predlozhenite vertikalni tekstove /_veche_/ sym gi osyshtestvil, zashtoto na men mi hrumva neshto v glavata, i ako se vyrti dostatychno dylgo vreme v neja to obiknoveno az go realiziram).
-->Estestveno, che vsichko koeto az pisha za njakogo si ostava negova (nejna) sobstvenost, osven ako toj ne mi razreshi da go publikuvam njakyde, koeto mozhe da stane, primerno, kato "Poezija po porychka", no ako se syberat pone stotina i poveche reda sled njakoja druga godina. Po ideja za bylgarite mozhe da svalja malko cenata, da rechem do 30 lv. za sonet, no ako parite idvat ot Bylgarija, a ako sa ot chuzhbina ne vizhdam smisyl ot takyv "diskaunt". Taka, i sega sledvat primerite, pyrvo originala i posle prevoda, koito sa dva soneta, pyrvijat i trista i pyrvijat, ot spomenatija Franchesko Petrarka (ot "I Rerum Vulgarium Fragmenta", ili "Fragmenti ot vulgarni neshta" no izglezhda che pod "vulgarno" se ima predvid ital. ezik, a ne lat.), samo che ne smjatam poveche da se mycha s chak tolkova stari neshta (kym ot 1350 g., koito i ne se polzuvat s populjarnost v dneshno vreme, razbira se, ponezhe toj govori za njakakva absoljutno teoretichna i neosyshtestvena ljubov, syshto kato tazi kym Boga, na kojato sega nikoj i ne `i vika taka). E, ama kato se zachetoh v nego izvestno vreme to usvoih malko stila mu i reshih da mu posvetja i edin sonet ot mene (da se zaradva na onja svjat choveka, nali?), kojto inache si e v moja, obshto vzeto cinichen, duh (zashtoto inache e strashno skuchno, prosto ne mi idva "muzata"). Ta tova e, prijatno chetene, i dano njakoj vse pak da se seti za mene prizhive, zashtoto za njakolko meseca i na chuzhdi sajtove njama absoljutno nikakvo dvizhenie.
-->®®®Voi ch'ascoltate in rime sparse il suono
-->®®®di quei sospiri ond'io nudriva l'core
-->®®®in sul mio primo jovenile errore
-->®®®quand'era in parte altr'uom da quel ch'i' sono,
-->®®®del vario stile in ch'io piango et ragiono
-->®®®fra le vane sperance e 'l van dolore,
-->®®®ove sia chi per prova intenda amore,
-->®®®spero trovar piet`a, nonch``e perdono.
-->®®®Ma ben veggio or s``i come al popol tutto
-->®®®favola fui gran tempo, onde sovente
-->®®®di me medesmo meco mi vergogno;
-->®®®et del mio vaneggiar vergogna `e 'l frutto,
-->®®®e 'l pentersi, e 'l conoscer chiaramente
-->®®®che quanto piache al mondo `e breve sogno.
=>*_I [prevod]_*
-->®®®Vij, det' slushate tez' pesni deto leja,
-->®®®i vyzdishkite v syrceto spotaeni,
-->®®®za mladezhkite mi greshki neprosteni,
-->®®®det' da vyrsha pak ne shte az vech' uspeja,
-->®®®nachinyt po kojt' gorchiva pija chasha,
-->®®®lutajki se mezhdu bolka i nadezhda,
-->®®®do koeto chesto ljubovta se svezhda --
-->®®®tyrsja systradanje az, ne proshka vasha.
-->®®®Ala vizhdam dnes, che samo za nasmeshki
-->®®®v horskite ochi sys mojte chuvstva stavam,
-->®®®i ot sebe si se sramja az i bjagam vyn;
-->®®®i za moite bylnuvanjja ludeshki
-->®®®se razkajvam az, shtot' veche proumjavam,
-->®®®che tuj, shto ni radva na toz' svjat, e kratyk syn.
-->®®®Valle che de' lamenti miei se' piena,
-->®®®fiume che spesso del mio pianger cresci,
-->®®®fere selvestre, vaghi augelli et pesci,
-->®®®che l'una et l'altra verde riva afrena,
-->®®®aria de' miei sospir' calda et serena,
-->®®®dolce sentier che s``i amaro riesci,
-->®®®colle che mi piachesti, or mi rincresci,
-->®®®ov'ancor per usanza Amor mi mena:
-->®®®ben riconosco in voi l'usate forme,
-->®®®non, lasso, in me, che da s``i lieta vita
-->®®®son fatto albergo d'infinita doglia.
-->®®®Quinci vedea 'l mio bene; et per queste orme
-->®®®torno a vedere ond'al ciel nuda `e gita,
-->®®®lasciando in terra la sua bella spoglia.
=>*_CCCI [prevod]_*
-->®®®Dolina, kydet' se mojta skryb protjaga,
-->®®®i reka prelivashta ot mojte s`ylzi,
-->®®®gorski zverove, i ptichki pojni, byrzi,
-->®®®ribki lutashti se mezhdu dvata brjaga,
-->®®®vyzduh stoplen ot dyha mi nespokoen,
-->®®®lykatusheshta pytechka, na momenti,
-->®®®zhivopisno hylmche tam -- vse santimenti,
-->®®®shto Amur mi prashta v den studen il' znoen.
-->®®®Razpoznavah vredom vse poznati formi,
-->®®®ne, prostete, v men, i tyj zhivota lesen
-->®®®vyv prijut na skryb prevyrnah neotmenna.
-->®®®Tuj e mojat hal, i senki bezprizorni
-->®®®pochnah da syziram v svoda az nebesen,
-->®®®vizhdah neja chista, bez obvivka tlenna.
=>*_CCCLXVII [na Fr. Petrarka]_*
-->®®®Gledajki ovalnostta na tvoeto lice,
-->®®®se prehlasvam v nego az dosusht kat' gladen pes,
-->®®®shtoto -- i tuj kazvam go izcjalo v tvoja chest --
-->®®®e za mene to kato velikdensko jajce.
-->®®®A da ne govorime v'obshte za tvoja nos,
-->®®®ili ustnite ti, aleni kat' drenki,
-->®®®ili prystite ti, pyrgavi kat' mrenki,
-->®®®a nosyt -- 'mi kopie na kljun na albatros.
-->®®®No prehlasna me naj-veche tvojto ime,
-->®®®L`aura, uhaeshto kat' lavrov list,
-->®®®i 'ristokratichnoto ti poteklo;
-->®®®podminavam vyv mylchanje tvojto ... vime,
-->®®®shto vyzdejstva tyj na moja kljumnal "glist",
-->®®®che toj zatvyrdjava kat' glava cveklo.
-->Ha, ha, ha, i prochee, kato neka pojasnja, che az se hvanah za ovala, zashtoto toj na ital. e volto, t.e. tova znachi lice, no to e taka zashtoto e ovalno (za men tuk njama symnenie), i kakto znaete "mackite" si izpisvat licata dosusht kato velikdenski jajca (koito syshto sa ovalni).
==>*_9. Conclusion_*
-->Well, I have finished this long explanations and presentation and self-advertising, and what only not under the invented (yet not for the first time, it turns that other people have also used these words) title. I think that so it is better, because a direct translation would have not only been boring for me (for the Letter is pretty long), but have been also not better for you. What I have left from the original are unnecessary deep details of my odyssey with the National Insurance Institute, the advices to the pensioners (which are chiefly nation specific, though not only), and the correspondence with this Institute (which is quite funny in places, because I don't want to insult their staff calling various names and have invented the illness "inability for logical reasoning" which they show). But in recompense I have provided you with surely original and frankly first-hand information about Bulgaria, I have acted as a kind of ... war correspondent for you. Then I have shown you, using myself as example, how in barbarian countries the intelligent people can suffer because the state does not care for them but they can be of use for the people (with what ruination of the intellectuals I explain chiefly our outsider place now in Europe, as well as the low moral and bad image of us). Then I have allowed you some inside in my various propositions, so that if some of you want to search for my real pseudonym in Internet I suppose that they can find me somewhere (by some keywords related with my ideas). Then I have given you one quite good, if you ask me, way for writing of the words of all languages pretty near to the pronunciation in their language and this using only the 26 Lat. chars, what I may use to explain some words to you if asked. Have succeeded even to advertise myself a little, what usually costs money (which I don't have), and have given you some poetical examples, which you may like, including a dedication to your site. You can, of course pay no attention to this file, what will not surprise me much (after all, I am not from your /_paese_/, and don't try to excite or lull you with some impossible things but on the contrary, speak chiefly the truth, which usually isn't nice), but if you decide to call me then don't rush at once because I don't need more than 100 euro monthly, 50 will be quite enough, and I have other plans for the next at least 5 years, so that I don't intend to waste my time for mere money. I live in accordance with Russian funny saying that "If the happiness is not in the money than I am very lucky", and, in a way, I /_am_/ lucky. I do what I like, have no wife to torment me, exercise a bit gymnastics, cook alone and make my own wines and hard drinks, read in several languages, and can regret only that it will be difficult for me to understand now really scientific books, but what remains can surely fill more than a decade or two. And on this place parts with you the so called
-->®®®*_J_*_aded by the years am I now,
-->®®®*_O_*_nly still can come I to perfection.
-->®®®*_T_*_his is 'cause to decompose know how
-->®®®*_A_*_ll the things in easily done sections.
-->®®®*_T_*_roub®les with the sex have, though, for, wow,
-->®®®*_A_*_ny year have by ... half erection.
-->Easter 2017
--> -- -- -- -- --

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