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Mysteries Of Space Night

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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  Before you is a book not of individual poems, but a single chain of spiritual development. It highlights the themes of the universe and man in it from new positions. Answers are given to many questions that for centuries have occupied the best minds of Mankind in the fields of physics, astronomy, religion, theosophy, and yoga.
  For those who are looking for answers to the question of the origin and evolution of Life, who are not satisfied with the explanations of generally accepted teachings and beliefs, who are looking for the hidden Truth on the path of esoteric knowledge.
  Everyone will find something important for themselves in this book. Visionary revelations about the meaning of life and death, about the soul and God, the laws of physics and the model of the Universe, as a single pattern of a new worldview. The book is written in the form of quatrains (rubai), where in each of them, as in a drop of the ocean, the entire ocean is reflected. And even behind the pictures of everyday life, a deep philosophical thought is hidden.
  Many civilizations perished, religions and knowledge disappeared, the fear of the inevitability of our End does not leave. People are increasingly asking questions: "Who am I and where do I come from, why am I here, what is the meaning of everything?". This is the beginning of the Path, upon which you are freed from illusions and dogmas, you will be able not only to see the Light, but also to bring new knowledge because of the Threshold of Ignorance... There is nothing more valuable than personal experience and insight, the search for Truth, without being attached to forms and words.
  My ruby, like stars, must be pierced a single thread of your consciousness to turn around Necklace of the Universe.
  Read from the beginning, slowly, penetrating to the very essence, on the other side of words. You may not believe it, but keep thinking about it in the thick of your life, among people. I hug everyone who entered and thank you for your understanding!
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О.Болдырева "Крадуш. Чужие души" М.Николаев "Вторжение на Землю"

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