Далинская Лариса Анатольевна : другие произведения.


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    Скандальный роман - новая захватватывающая версия жизни молодой и красивой иудейки Марии и её сына Иисуса. О их судьбах написано уже много книг, но все сюжеты по сути напоминают старые детские сказки. Давайте окунёмся в истинную жизнь людей того давнего времении с их страстями, радостями и бедами, по-иному посмотрим на известные всему миру события. Поверьте, Вам понравится!Вы готовы? Тогда прошу Вас на страницы книги!

   chapter five
   A few months passed. The child was growing up stronger. By Hebrew tradition in due time a boy was done a circumcision. Maria named her son as Yehoshua Josh ??? Joshua and could not but dote upon him. She carried him in her hands, kissed his chubby cheeks, little fingers, and sang songs rocking the cradle at nights. A young mother was never tired and set to spin. The child was growing and it was necessary to have money for his upbringing.
   In one of days according to their daily routine Maria put her son to bed and ran to buy some new wool for spinning, and when she returned, she saw her neighbour, old Haim, standing near his wicket and looking at her grinningly. Having greeted the neighbour, Maria whisk out past him.
   But in the evening hardly had Joseph crossed the threshold when Haim came next.
   - May this evening be good in your house! - Haim welcomed his neighbour.
   - Thank you, Haim! What brought you to me? - Joseph sat down on the bench wearily and put his shabby wallet with carpenter's instruments on the floor.
   - This afternoon, Joseph, a boy was loudly knocking your house door. Nobody opened him. Having heard his loud and persistent knock I came out and asked the teenager what he was searching in your house. The boy answered that he had been sent with a commission by a merchant who had recently arrived with his caravan to Nazaret on trade business. That merchant ordered the messenger to find old carpenter Joseph and his house and hand Mariam, carpenter's wife, a letter delivered to her from Alexandria in Egypt. The boy carried out his master's order conscientiously. But since nobody had opened the door, the letter fell into my hands involuntarily. To tell the truth, I had a look at the message and I know what it comprises. I am passing it to you to give a fair trail, Joseph. You should decide how to treat the letter and your wife! - Upon saying these words the spiteful old man threw a circinate papyrus down on the rough-build table.
   Maria heard the whole talk and was standing stock-still near the cradle in the corner of the room. Joseph walked up to the table slowly and opened the scroll with trembling hands. On the papyrus there was a springing panther only and a lotus next to it.
   - What does it mean? - Joseph asked Haim.
   - Ask your wife, she must know it, - Haim looked at Maria maliciously.
   Maria approached her husband timidly, took the papyrus and saw the panther and the flower. Her soul began to roar with joy. Probably, this joy was seen on her face so clearly that old Joseph looked at his wife and turned away. But there was no stopping Haim.
   - So Rachel, market-woman, chattered not in vain that she has seen many times how you were flirting with a young Greek legionnaire, nicknamed Panther, in the market place. The warrior often came to the market-woman to buy some wine and Rachel knew him very well. There were other people who saw you running furtively and stealthily like a thief, looking over your shoulder beyond the city gate to the river. And a young Roman was following you closely in a hurry.
   - It is a lie! - Maria got pale.
   - A lie?! - Haim seemed to be ready to wither the young woman with his look. - Why was this incomprehensible message handed to you and who sent it? Is not it from that soldier who is called Panther? Is not he the father of your child sleeping in the cradle?
   Joseph lifted his head up and pronounced firmly:
   - Haim, go away, please. I'll decide myself how to treat my wife.
   - Take your decision, Joseph. But you should know: your wife must not break our ancestors' laws, and if she did, let her answer for it completely, in order that other profligates never try to do the same. We should obey Jewish blood purity and prevent it from mixing with our enemies' blood - frigging Romans!
   Furious Haim left the house. After his leaving Joseph sat down on the bench, rested his hands against plank table and lost himself in thoughts. Silence reigned in the room, only oil was crackling in the burning lamp.
   The child began to cry in the cradle. Maria came up, took the child in her arms and tried to calm him but he didn't stop crying. Then the young mother freed her plump breast from clothes and gave it to the baby, the boy began to suckle it greedily still sobbing. Joseph was looking at Maria and child sorrowfully.
   - Mariam, I do not blame you. You are very young, and I am an old man. I should not have married you. A young maiden needs a young man full of strengths rather than a decrepit old man. It is time for me to think about God, and you should think about love. Everything is good in its season. But things past cannot be changed. Just give me the answer: he is not my child, is he? - Joseph glanced at his wife interrogatively.
   Husband talked to her so frankly for the first time. His eyes were full of sorrow and compassion. And Maria was not able to dissemble.
   - Yes, Joseph, he is not your son.
   - I knew about it from the beginning and did not believe that I conceived your child.
   - So what should I do now, Joseph? - Maria was feeding her baby and glancing towards her husband discomposedly.
   - Mariam, you need to leave this place with the baby as soon as possible. Tomorrow Haim will trumpet the story about the letter from Alexandria all over Nazareth and all his surmises will become known to everyone. There are certainly hot heads that would want to punish you severely and cruelly. They will take you away from my house forcedly, put you at the pillory together with baby, and then... They can chuck you out from the city, throw stones at you, in fact, such cases are known. And I will not be able to help you at all, Mariam. Make all ready for a journey, don't lose time, seize your child and go away.
   - Where shall I go? Alone, with a small child; at this time of night! Joseph, - Maria started to implore, - allow me to live in your house, don't kick me out! Let Joshua grow up a little.
   An old man nodded.
   - Mariam, you can live here as much as you want. You are my wife, and I am responsible for you in the face of God and people.
   - But maybe Haim will not kick up a shindy? Maybe, things will come right?
   - I'd like to believe it, but I doubt, - the old man rose to his feet and went to bed slowly. - I am very tired and want to have rest, and you think over my words.
   At night Maria could not sleep. Anxiously she was sitting near the cradle lulling the baby. Suddenly rustle sounded behind the door and someone knocked softly.
   Maria walked up and asked frightenedly:
   - Who is there?
   - Mariam, open, it's me, Ruth, - a whisper of the neighbours' girl, Haim's daughter, was heard from the yard. Maria opened the bar quickly. Slim Ruth slid into the room like a shadow. There was twilight in the house, but Maria saw that girl's face was alarmed and scared.
   - Mariam, - Ruth began to whisper, looking around. - You need to hide yourself somewhere or run away from the city. In the evening I heard discourse between my father and my uncle Eleazar. They pronounced terrible words: named you a strange woman, talked that you afford to mix up Jewish blood with blood of Roman and gave birth child who is stranger for Jewries. And it is a severe sin, and for such a sin on the laws of Israelites the guilty is necessary to punish severely. Farther my father and uncle started to whisper, and I was able to hear not everything. I heard only " to pelt stones", " to throw out for wolves eating". And I am worry about you and little Joshua. Waiting till night, while everybody went to sleep firmly, I quietly went out from the house, deciding to warn you.
   - I thank you, Ruth, - Maria hugged her neighbour's puny shoulders and kissed her. - You are a glorious girl, but now take your heels from here. If father knows that you came here, to be a misfortune.
   The girl, crying, hugged Maria on farewell, walked up to the nurse, kissed the asleep kid and escaped, dissolving in darkness of street.
   Maria tossed over the room, feverishly collecting her simple things. She laid down clothes and new sandals, a few cubits of linen fabric, to swaddling the child in transit, put small cakes which she baked a lot in the evening. Then she fed her dopey boy. The child, satiated, firmly went to his dreams.
   Joseph, having been awakened by the rustle of steps and urgent collections of the scared wife rose and, groaning, slowly went to one of corners of the room. Delving in some had been known only to him and nobody else hiding-place, obtained a convolute dirty rag, and stretched the package to Maria.
   - What is it? - she asked in surprise.
   - Here is a little silver chinks - all, that I succeeded to collect for a year. Take it, you are enough for start. And farther take care about yourself alone.
   Maria began to cry. Living with old husband she even did not guess that at his heart kindness and sympathy is hidden to her. She came down on knees in front of old man and kissed his over-worked hands.
   - I am so guilty. Will you forgive me?
   - Maria, I have already forgiven you. Hurry, go away, rescue and rescue your child. And God will help you and will not leave you both. Go, do not dally. Morning will come soon, the city gate will be opened, - the old man prompted to inexperienced Maria, - Through our places caravans pass often, stopping in Nazaret for a short halt and providing themselves with water and food for a further way. Possibly you will meet one of them at the gate. Pay merchants not bargaining, and they will bring you along with themselves. Depart far away from Nazaret.
   Maria put on her simple attire. Enfolding in a pillow-sham she took her child on hands, hung up on shoulders a travelling bag and ran out from home in darkness. The woman hurried on narrow, dark streets. It seemed to her that pursuers which just about will go out and will arrange after her will begin to drive going after her. Villains will take away Joshua, will break his little head with a stone, will throw his little body to hungry dogs, and she will be pulled along a dusty road, tying for both hands to the croup of donkey. Frightful pictures appeared to Maria: here the maddened crowd gives up stones, insults yell her in a person, surround from every quarter, trying to tear up her child from hands...
   She folded her asleep child to the breast - fear for life of son gave force to the fugitive. It was dawning, morning coolness refreshed and braced up.
   When Maria walked up to the city gates, the first camels, loaded with commodity, was going out from the city, and driven in bustling about round them people, slowly stepped on the road. The young woman threw herself to one of drivers and asked where that caravan went.
   - We are sent to the city Memphis in Egypt.
   Hearing the name of the country, Maria shivered.
   - But is it possible me to join your caravan? I also go to Egypt... to my husband, -dissembled she.
   - Walk up to the merchant Leonidis, which rides begone in that cart, - a driver specified with a whip at one of the covered carts of the caravan. Leonidis is an owner of commodities, and he is to decide if to take you or not.
   A merchant Leonidis lay on the mountain of silk pillows. Poor Maria with her baby on hands by the hurried steps, not to fall behind, hurried after the cart and pleaded with a merchant to bring her along with himself. Leonidis was a small thick Greek with short pilose fingers, covered finger-rings. He opened slightly eyes and listened the suppliant with half an ear.
   - And will your child survive this transition? Our way is distant.
   - My boy is healthy, me too. Worthy merchant, let us follow with your caravan to Egypt, I will pay generously.
   - And how much will you be able to pay for a road? - The merchant interested a talk.
   - Tell me your price at first, gracious mister.
   The merchant squinted eyes and began to dig in a heavy beard, meditating.
   "Let her pay money ahead, and farther it is not my anxiety where she rides and whether this baby will live by the end of the way", - and, estimating his benefits on this business, named Maria the overpriced price.
   Choosing was not necessary and the woman, not bargaining, consented.
The merchant pretty hemmed.
   - You will depart the same as I - in one of carts of the caravan. There will be erected a bed for you and your boy among bales with commodities.
   And, doing a driver some orders as to Maria, Leonidis leaned back on pillows again and closed eyes.
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