Галинский Олег : другие произведения.

Fragment from the cyber punk "The Return of the Albatross."

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    Fragment from the cyber punk "The Return of the Albatross." Vladivostok. Egersheld. Foreign officers are sitting by the fire.

Владивосток. улица Саратовская 9,11
  They are sitting by the fire:
   A young South Korean pilot
   American, nuclear submarine commander
   A Japanese officer, a naval officer.
   They drank it 150 grams of whiskey and ate a bit of it. And then the Korean says to the American:
   - But my grandfather was a kamikaze, twice rammed your B-29.
   The commander again drank and said: -
   - "Your grandfather should have rammed Il, not us!" Then the northern border of South Korea would be where Okhotsk. Do you know what I mean? - I think, - the Korean replied.
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