There was quite a bit of time until the day when we were out of school. As much as they could preparing for this event out of concern for their future well-being. Never before have I not noticed such a concern for their fellow students, as it is now. We've together вяляли fool, wrought different pranks, did not care about the future, and seemed to be all the same. True, and there were some difference in the severity of punishment for some and injustice for the other, but it all seemed coincidence обстоятелльств, and mechanism of action had hidden under the veil of cumulative each other events.
But these are the times. The closer we approached the issue from the school, the more I painted a picture of our differences of position and concepts of who is who. Gradually on the plan through conversations about protege and "hairy" the clutches of a so-and-so, conducted in a half-whisper. The mighty of this world to help their children, nephews, children, friends, invisible and unnoticed, somewhere up there, high offices, get better, get a good and decent distribution, go to the good place, where not too felt the hardships of military service, that we were recommended to bravely overcome in the statutes of the Armed Forces. "Long-haired" go, if not with his nose, then do not worry, anyway, for your future: for them worried others. On the background of this "hairy" elite was none too good a plight position gives the crippled majority build a pink plans for the future which, unfortunately, was empty exercise, and for which the best thing in life was not there, in the bright tomorrow, and today, and already yesterday. All understood it. It was a bit sad, but still in a special despondency nobody dwelt, and who have tried to change their life for the better, trying different ways.
I must say that I was in this time in a state of calm euphoria, --> living[Author:U] every day, as a gift of fate, because he knew exactly when this лафовая life заончиться - with the release of the College and in spite of successful study, understand that there is nothing definite, and the best for me not предвидиться exactly - I was not "волосатиком". Однвако, it doesn't really bother me. I had fun,went AWOL, met with friends, drink sometimes, but tried to successfully pass the final and state exams to not turned out in the end that I чеьыре year in vain "pulled" the red diploma.
Shortly before the main event the last four years of our life --> battery[Author:U] one пронырнливый шустряк managed to get lists, утянув of their training division. They were our direction after graduating from College, and then was actually confirmed that the best place went to "блатным", those in advance bother upstairs. Among these lucky you can see the name marks and last lazy. A persistent rumors that were in the General staff or circles close to him. Good distribution of the received or, in any case, had полчуить children urban elite "local mafia", so to speak: the sons of Director of the brewery and the head of the Central house of life, the second Secretary of the regional Committee and others. Rare guest among them were lost names our course of honors, many of which his personal zeal, painstaking work, cramming sleepless nights constant hard voltage their forces all four years, earning himself a red diploma and a "good" place. Last throughout my studies in College behaved loyally not violated discipline, not впутывались any conflicts between the cadets and the commanders and, in case of occurrence of such incidents almost always stood on the side of the command, first, together with sixes, I would like, bringing discord and dissension in the ranks of fellow students.
Sixes same, well-known and secret saints, which we lacked in abundance, those that from the very beginning, from the moment посььупления in school, with no brains, no protege, bet on пресмыкание and low off, also got good directions, punched for them battery and course - who to whom лебезил - link management.
I, like most of the fellow was simple, what is called "the people". I did not have neither special zeal to study not because of laziness and dementia, but from the fact that it was boring. Although acquire any knowledge I have always liked. May occur legitimate question: "Why I entered a military school?" it's reasonable to ask me about it. But I will refrain from answering it, because too many have Tolga tell, no I don't want to. As some other time. I will only say that not all come to such institutions from a good life.
Thus, I can only say that I was not блатным nor remarkable a worker-a-student, although it on крастный diploma but only for the reason that caught all on the fly and mastered quickly, and the rest of the time тартил on AWOL, girls and...in General, enjoyed life. I was not and подлизой. And so was not expecting from the upcoming distribution is nothing good, maybe because I felt that do not deserve it.
Last year and a half out of four I had fun in the walls --> school[Author:U] passively s study, trying not to have twos, to occasionally allowed to go on leave, not grieved by the strict implementation of orders and instructions of commanders and strict observance of their obligations and disciplines. Besides, from my side, to the address of the commanders often frustrated words and replicas that it would be better to hold it shut. More than just my superiors surprised that at school I was almost a pupil in school learning suddenly cooled and I was forced to study, "pull" platoon, and were angry that this is not happening, and, of course, were going to do so that I regret this.
The stories of those who ддовелось serve in such places, and former cadets sometimes looked in school, life hardly glimmered, flowed slowly and painfully dreary marsh water, тухла in the frenzy soundly drunkenness and wild debauchery. The absence of even the rudiments of culture, remoteness and isolation the wretched Mirka military towns helped alive rot in the greyness of the monotony and заскорузлой everyday life and soul, and body. However, there were some весельчаки that such a life is like, and they told about it with pleasure.
One senior Lieutenant, somehow coming into the school поаукаться with his курсантским past, say Hello to the commanders, who remains at school, talked with us, telling about some Безречке somewhere in the distant and in sorrowful Transbaikalia, told us the tale of the commander of the regiment. According to his story, it was observed a terrible sloppiness in the barracks lacked the glass in the Windows, and they tie them polyethylene film in winter the soldiers slept in felling in каптерках, dryers, Lenin room, in a word, in places where there was less of Windows and air volume to make it easier to warm him with their breath. Boiler broke and gave no heat for several years. Families of officers lived as best they could, stoked their barracks буржуйками - sad invention of devastation. In General people there live, but survived. Officers on the beat service thumbs, played mostly in the "Prefecture", and the commander of the regiment who served there, in this very Безречке was fifteen years in a row, every year in the month of August began the morning divorce regiment words: "yesterday I phoned (Pepper) Перест De Куэллер. He said that in Transbaikalia will be winter", then did a meaningful pause and tracing system eloquent glance, indicating, inter alia, and cry: "Look, who can!" but officer, поведавшему us this story, in Безречке like it because its speech he finished about these words: "do Not worry, guys, in this службеесть their charms. However, there are places and worse. We though water is not delivered, and the nature of at least some какаяимеется. And then there are places that people generally live: steppe or sand around".
Another somehow convinced us how fun and романтичножить in the Arctic tundra, see the sun for a few months a year, but throughout the day, and come hunting deer with a gun and a bag of cartridges. Bachelors in this the Arctic get that dope that отпят stoves in their rooms butter, which they receive at продпаек.
Listening to such рассказки, I with sadness and melancholy thought that surely will please to one of the remotest places and will потихонечьку go crazy, together with these here unhappy, 'll learn how the juice, drink vodka, and the end of my распахабную in the best case some пропойцей-капитанишкой, or even make up a pension.
Such arguments are often suggests my unworthiness, but I tried to dismiss decadent mood, he has fled from them, escaping from oppressive future in the present day.
Like the spawn of mind I have created a certain complex костеневший with time more and constantly pulling me down, because чтосплошь and near feeble, but self-confident, посредственные, but impudentadjusted in the future to have a minimum of his shoulder straps, but I could not get rid of his fateful prejudice. I already doomed to fail, while my peers expected soon almost on oak leaves in their buttonholes and embroidered with big stars General's Golden epaulettes.
Of course, those who led the life of a confident and strong, всевластная hand, someone's invisible and unknown to the rest of the launched in our midst whence from above, from a prosperous tops of our society, have the right to count on it. The ambitions of the other more, I must say, parts were blatant arrogance with which they hoped to make their way up and make a career. Although hopes they had поубавиться after they roll in green river, it's something shapeless, gray, corrupting, hating herself, named officers corps of the Soviet Army, when they happen to be in the environment of inertia and passive stay and burning their assigned by the state and a defense of life, the expectations of the rest of his unbearable, dirty, unsettled, terrible, like a nightmare, and lousy as life Jackal, немилостливой fate, when they know the price of every single days of service. Dust and mediocrity which mortally heavy and тоскливы, if not to dilute their alcohol or vodka, and the more, the better.
Most have yet to learn that they have no chance of success, because everything is already in store, bought and sold, prepared for the protege, and they last on this невеселом feast. But to understand this we must go through years of withering soul and body in which each of them with great disappointments appear miserly, but favorite joy, beggarly handouts fate and the army, this хитрейшего apparatus. And then kaeach of them understand that their hopes were disappointed, and will pull the strap, waiting for pensions.
Once in the classroom the teacher-the Lieutenant Colonel told us in between times that the peasant's son in the army ceiling to become a Lieutenant Colonel, and he has already achieved. Then his words, few people paid attention, but probably in vain. In saying it was some kind of elusive, but the sad wisdom of life.
I was not the most audacious violator of discipline and order, but it so happened that met regularly with small violations that was equally punishable. Many were дерзновеннее me in our deeds and actions, but almost never happened. I always come across any offensive nonsense on his мальчишестве. This angered the commanders much more than if I соершил something big offense. Only by the end of the third course I thought of the then prevailing intolerable state of things, and was "corrected": now I to anybody boasted своимим adventures, as before, behaved silently meek. Резальтат not long in coming, and to the middle of the fourth year there, and they thought Yakovlev began to mend, has finally come to his senses. Now I regretted only that realized too late, how to behave in life, anyway cadet.
But at the same time the actions of my purchased audacity hundredfold in excess of what I did before. From that moment I began a double life, one outside the school, of whom nobody knew, and the second in its walls, which was on everyone's mind, and I suddenly became a good boy.
From the first course I paid attention to the fact that the commander of a platoon could not achieve from me, that I was wearing the lap belt as expected. He was always "loose". From this here and still with certain minor violations in the form of clothes and started my long вонйа with the commander of a platoon, and then with комнадирами higher. For four years I have changed two platoon commander and four commander of the battery, but heavy and unnecessary stigma slut passed down from one to another by inheritance until the very end.
My two mates were not strict observance of forms, номало who reached such a nonsense, as I have to flaunt parasitism before the command. I thought his valor, that when the officers did not begin as other is shameful to fuss and bring their appearance in order, thought my reputation in the eyes of his comrades from the higher and in fact, my eyes, they think I'm a serious man, if you say the least. I never rebuked any of them, believing that they see my moral superiority. As it turned out, that on this background, I выгладел the natural black sheep, and stupid. Most arrived as it was beneficial in a particular situation.
Now when the time drew receive what is called a calculation, all were "good", and I was "bad". Of course, I was annoyed. Not helped to deal with resentment even the fact that I knew that to blame himself. This was payback for my honesty, and those who лицемериl, were now on a horse. Honesty is my useless. It was a shame that directness, which was raised in me since childhood was оружиемпротив very me. Комнадиров too little interested in what is happening behind the curtain well-being, just to out do not вылазило. I did this dirt pulled out, sweeping dirty linen in public. Who could this please?
In the third year, when life really began to grow restless still, I made a few principles of behaviour, which are very necessary to TEBI left alone.
First, honest to be only when it is you, in any case, not hurt. This is hypocrisy, but I have never met a person, who being the biggest bitch and вралем, would not consider, however, to be an honest man. Calming his pride and drowning out the voice of conscience, he comes up with the norms of its internal morality, as appropriate, its views on life. But I think he tormented and suffered, that he приходиься lie. People may behave more honest than the other, but to be completely honest life cannot, perhaps, to anyone. Sooner or later, at some period in the life of any mortal prevaricate, he is tired to be honest.
That and say that all men have their weaknesses. Without it there would be life itself. Even the most powerful spirit of a man will not everywhere and not very strong as steel. Desire post тоянно her struggles with varying success. Hero does decisive моментможет concentrate the force of the spirit and suppressed desire. But the desire to destroy completely, as part of the human soul, you cannot fail to anybody, not mutilated, not искалечив its essence. Desire is a manifestation of the spirit and will, therefore, it cannot exist without the fluctuating balance of these two components, warring with each other, but impossible without each other, because without desires a person will become a biorobot, and without the will turn into a brainless animal, which creates only what pleases of his flesh. They harnessed to a single cart temporal existence, suppress and limit each other, preventing ugliness. In addition, the will helps to understand their desires and feelings, choosing any one of them. By the way, on this occasion, it is better to address to the Floor Shores and his "Miracle of fasting", you can read philosophers, still any.
Therefore, the first principle - to be a hypocrite. Second - never argue with the boss, especially if you are in the minority, and even worse - alone. Violation of this principle threatens considerable troubles. In the best case, you will be bypassed the favor of the authorities in the most basic issues that will be available to everyone around you, a more flexible.
The third principle, it follows as a consequence of a second, smaller one ambition. And, as the Americans say: "Everything will be okay".
Otherwise, while around васбудут slowly secretly do anything, you will do exhausting and unnecessary war for their personal dignity, in which lose a lot of forces and врдя whether what you achieve. In the end, you will see that the ICA walked for ten goals.
Here, perhaps, and all principle. By judging him, I was terrible a hypocrite and a coward. Maybe, but I regret only that they became too late. However, I'm probably just broke, but not wanting to myself to admit it, deceiving himself. After all, be direct - it is so hard and difficult, isn't for everyone.
I want to note that learn in school was not for me easily. I didn't waste the classroom, because my abilities quite хвтало to lead not утружденную штурмами Bastion of knowledge and life science. It is possible that if I wish, I could "pull" for "gold", but this desire did not arise. First, I did not have the character to be different from the main mass. For such a difference I bitterly paid during the times of the school childhood, and now, once burned, twice blow on the water. "Mass" not like to break off mere mortals, they hate them, and until they managed to get too far, trying to crush. Behind my back had no authority of past generations, from which we could, AK jumping go up. Not my sort scientists, writers, nor singers, нимузыкантов, nor even any party-Komsomol functionary at least on a regional scale. And therefore, I was a mere mortal, and, as never to be spoken, but is always implied. In my veins simple холопская blood. And with this blood, you can become someone, not having a fair amount of meanness. Our system cannot tolerate, if, as I begin to unfairly to break out of a closely rallied by the ranks, ranks equally non-hazardous, equally untalented and приутюженных them people called in official papers "Soviet people".
So arranged чтоесли someone выпадаетт ago, it is considered to be normal, to help him, with him Lisp, take him out on bail, if it is still not quite strayed from the hands. Slender lines may even slow down to Laggards are lost, and were "with the band". This alignment on the last, on average, for which are inconvenient and dangerous upstart that break away forward, not having the strength, patience and "consciousness" to go along with them, to pull in the past, shifting on their shoulders the burden of slow Jogging, this equalitarianism beach all, who is talented, gifted, but not recognized officially, the chain of their life, yoke, not giving a fly. So I though I knew that I could do better, but deliberately did not do it, not wanting to pull someone's strap cover someone's incompetence and laziness. I protested against this operation abilities "collective interests", "the will of the majority". Adapting themselves to the middle, I joined this "majority". This position is very convenient and is strongly encouraged.
However, I couldn't quite put out. Therefore, my energy I sent the path of a more habitual for the cadets ' environment, secret and, therefore, less возбраняемому. I became an adventurer, instead of being a straight a student and be role models. Surprisingly, the son of some "bumps" - excellent, so no surprise that I was sloven and самовольщик. And he and I are destined to our origin. For him every Sunday comes a service car, and he goes on a holiday I also falls often sit in College at the weekend, only occasionally getting in dismissal, and so for me are a common thing unauthorized withdrawal "behind the fence". And такиз, like me, art is developed to elusiveness. Of course, before we have to fill many bitter and insulting cones. When this behavior I was in his place, predefined me system, I was at ease. Otherwise I was the black sheep, to be always unpleasant.
Secondly, my restlessness and the longing for the "зазаборной" life pushed me on "feat". It took me a lot of time. In addition for your crimes, I very often was serving his service in the dress, while more усидчивые, honest, careful, sustained, heavy lifting and any others did, went to the dismissal, the word lived without any worries.
All this and were separated me with study with a calm life. I would always catch its own tail at the time when other we walked forward. This turned down me on the way, which are all cheaters. What I was different from them? Probably, the fact that they didn't care and I still ambitious claim to life. I wanted, that is, to get away with it.
All this I tell to understand the causes of all my further evil - or adventure - call your VM's will.
I would like to add that irregular and surface studies were gradually affect my character and achievement, and if on the first course I easily could answer "good" and "excellent", did not prepare for classes, using only sporadically settled in my head at the lecture, the third and fourth year I felt a significant lack of knowledge that previously required my attention to itself. The pyramid of knowledge was подгрызена mice. I tried to do, but the habit of not отягощатьсебя systematic studies has done its job. My character has lost the last crumbs of perseverance, impregnated disgust for lessons and unquenchable жадой adventure, backed by the experience of impunity and неразоблаченных adventures and loneliness, which I tried all the time to escape. I had no real friends, colleagues turned away from me, back in the days when I was trying to prove something to yourself and others, first of all commanders. However, some authority I earned. But this authority was incorrigible and successful revelers.
Chapter 2.
As I said before, the time drew issue, and interspersed with regular entertainment and проказами who occupied all of my spare time, it is time to think about the future. I, frankly, didn't want to get in some Podunk, thoroughly hole which is usually pulled out only to dismissal in stock. Not all hope left me, somewhere in the depths of my soul I was фаталистом and believe in the smile of fate, even if it was a presumptuous in my position. Without this hope...
Not RAC happened desire to lay hands on himself anguish and consciousness worthlessness of his life, and only her faint, thread kept me from fatal step. Yes, even the echoes faded хрристианского seed is sown in the souls of my ancestors, whispering and hinted to me that you have to endure, that life is a test of God to be in the Kingdom of the Lord Иисусовом, and suicide is the greatest sin and crime mortal.
If there was strong in me a belief in eternal human soul, пребывающюю here only for testing God its purity and innocence in thorns and temptations sinful earthly life! But my embodied soul, that the whole life is nurtured in an atheistic rejection "of religious delirium", cowardly antagonized the Christian covenants life and languished in squalor sinful godless existence, and therefore, probably, and there were not once thought about преркащении such a life.
Of course, they hope to get in a very warm place I never dreamt, all it took was nepotism and a pretty awesome, but get something more less decent, at least a little above the provincial, was my humble desire.
In vast Russia clamped jaws of poverty and needs as a result of senseless management and хищнечиского abuse of its land and people, "good", that is, places almost gone, and there was a sheer hedges and collapse. Carelessness seems forever settled in its place, and grey, stuffy mold, darkness fading, and the corruption is spreading through the country like a cancer. And that little ensure themselves a comfortable life, had поапасть in one of the small indigenous and rare hair on a bald head, закордонных groups of Soviet forces, almost all of ликвидироввали in the early 90s. As they say: "help from Abroad.
The dream of each was placed in one of the "friendly" countries, where our part, хротя on our warriors there watching uninvited guests. Everyone wanted to "прибарахлиться, but none confessed and envied in silence. Get it all, but were available for only "волосатикам".
Remained a big hungry Russia. But in this huge country there lived everywhere equally. There were regions where was tolerably exist, but there were places where life was on the verge of extinction, the extinction. The direction in this edge was considered a real trial, despite all the benefits that такм were officers.
Choose me was: where we - there shall send, at least for кудикину mountain. But I still hoped.
Now I was glad to dissociate itself from the reputation of the offender, a malicious violator of the order, but the label, one has stuck to me, not wanting to be outdone. Now nearing the day of reckoning, hour, when I was to hear the punishment for all my пригрешения before commanders. Not once or twice, the commander told me, calling to his office: "Well, comrade cadet, I think we'll be even with you on the issue of school".
I recently had the opportunity to make sure that he does not throw words to the wind and I don't forgotten not forgiven.
One of those adroit fellow students, who have certain artistic abilities, one of those who usually rotates in the spheres of departments училиша and teachers, resorting to the services of his talent, the one who each session is finished with some оформительной "halva", and so, one such a friend managed to get in the management of schools lists of our distribution, however, has not yet approved in the Ministry of defense. Show them he intended to secretly, and only his close friends. But some of them was not in the best of болтлив someone too violently reacted to what he saw and was not able to keep the emotions, and soon the news that the battery has a distribution lists, reached the ears of everyone. Around mount-artist formed a tight circle of fellow students requiring show them, too". The long отпирался, but then, heeding the requests and head surrendered. "Look, only I know nothing," he said, repenting, that got in touch with their ungrateful friends.
Coated paper leaves sped on his hands circled, exactly in the maelstrom, hundreds of fingers reached for cherished leaves. Everyone wanted to look into the break of the RA, which strongly concealed from us until graduation. Everyone wanted to eat the forbidden fruit.
I too rushed in the deranged, одуревшую crowd and together with all the same обалдевший, got involved in a battle for the leaves. Long they jumped over my head, jumping from one to another until, finally, they were at me. My eyes eagerly overlapping them, looking for my name, but the list appeared to be another dictionary group, and had caught again, pull them from the other, until I finally saw the cell opposite my surname is empty.
Around me were heard the shouts, cries of despair and dashed hopes, resentment and frustration, and I was in perplexity, staring at the empty cage. Someone snatched the list of my hands. I turned around and saw the "Hippopotamus", which eagerly sought his name. Mechanically I again took his piece, even though I already was not needed, just wanted to make sure I'm not mistaken. I expected anything, but just not empty cells. Behemoth looked up and frowned. He was one of our "vampires", перепортивших commanders not enough blood. In the battery, even in his school were afraid of everything cadets, because, having центнером weight, he usually ршал all disputes fist.
"Come quickly, Yashka", - he said to me. He could slapped мнне затрщину, but apparently decided not to contact, knowing my stubborn character that was argument is not worse than his fists.
I followed his advice, deciding not introduces man into temptation use of force techniques conversation, and paused, puzzled by the fact that you are not mistaken, the cell was empty.
"Behemoth" tired of waiting, and he, in his impatience, snatched away from me the piece of paper, but he froze in amazement, because the cell opposite his name, too, was empty.
I must say that Behemoth was one of the first candidates who were "send" somewhere very far away, at the edge of the earth, the polar bears: so much blood he drank our commanders that they were ready with the light get rid of. It was one of the first and most famous slackers, самовольщиков and нарушителй, not afraid of any threats and not внимавший no exhortations and admonitions. He lived in College as he want. Once in the school from the military service, "Begemot", as many are the same and did not think to learn, but waited until "drip" due time, to quickly spent his two years of service. Others who came with him from the army, has long been отчислились of "артяги" on poor progress or lack of discipline, but he seemed for a snag caught and remained: they were too lazy to move. "Begemot", he Behemoth. Sometimes he often boasted to us as "халявно" served in the army and even бивал there face some "салабонам-лейтехам". He assured that in the army, everything is different and very different from what we were taught in school. Behemoth said. That he reckless and absolutely still, where we.
I remember, the "Hippopotamus" in the first year two bosom "spine", also from the soldiers, who passed the "harsh army school". The first - "Jigsaw", Sergeant Лобзов, and second, Stepan Яшковец, called by the nickname "Бацал". Лобзов high, but thin, with all its species reminded pole. Яшковец. Same, broad-shouldered big-lance-corporal, was верзилой of spindle-legs. Where before him "Behemoth". From the very beginning it was clear that these people are temporary, but not touched. While we have passed the course for young soldiers being poured on the hot August sun parade ground ядренным then, they went on hayfields and other farm in the training center, located outside the city, there vaginas village бабенок, word, cultural and rested from military service. From the very beginning they met with the commander of the battery, there is nothing to talk about a platoon, in particular, out of reach for us, yesterday's school language that is called, in her own way. In a word, they were "experienced" warriors.
"Бацал" immediately chose the lower каптерку, was in the basement of an ancient building of the school. Kept there shovels, rakes and other economic tool batteries. He came to the battalion commander, said he wanted to be in it каптинариусом, and he put it.
The soldiers, who came to enter College from different places, one from the East, the other from the West, however, quickly found a common language. Those who come to the school after school, they not admit to itself on a gun shot. I don't know why, but the officers shouted at them, as on us. And treat them almost as equals. So, in any case, it seemed.
Arriving from the troops прохлаждались deep in the basement, playing cards shook the store-room, and we "died" in the March-roll. He slowly, but with some diabolical skill performed all the tasks of the battalion. All they managed to skillfully and quickly, but incomprehensible to the uninitiated - how.
That neither asked their commander or the commander, they would reach from the earth, knowing all the loopholes and the wisdom of this art. We were about to take the oath, not thinking to even look at the other side of the moon, they already know, as my five fingers surrounding wine-vodka point, used to go to the city and drove through the night in каптерку подзаборных потаскух ever ошивавшихся about school. We slept upstairs legs, намаявшись per day, tired from неразношенной, unusual military uniforms, while in the lower shook the store-room playing "Sekou money to drink vodka or flogged Bab. Then, when almost everything they said goodbye, it turned out that "with молтка" put everything lying is bad in the battery.
About their adventures such as I, learned third-hand, from those who was with them at short leg. They brought us closer to a more nimble and agile, those who enter the school managed to understand many issues of life, was not of the last on the street and had already had some success in dealing with women. These children quickly understood that the laws of the streets are alive and the walls of the school.
"Hippopotamus", the "Jigsaw" and Stepan were lovers of good drink. Sometimes in the case was even a cheap Cologne. Риквизируемый of cabinets of "colleagues" it is this passion and decided the fate of the two of them, but, moreover, nearly announced at the monastery.
As I have already mentioned, the comrades of the troops were in school, did not quite to the purposes for which it was designed. The service they were to himself, not knowing stops. Six months or more, they rested on the part of commanders. Service, remember this as a bad dream. Besides, after the deductions they were sent for the remaining period of service is not somewhere in Transbaikalia or the far East, and in блжайшие areas of the European part of the country. They lived according to the principle: "a Soldier sleeping - service of the question."
The commanders did not wonder how much harm incur these crooks in the few months of their stay in the battery, what растлевающее action produced this кагорта the young heads and souls. Many, meanwhile, were indignant about themselves, their situation, kept silent, seeing as they are spoken to the officers, watching indulgence. There was the impression that the others were not почсвящены in military secrets, knowledge of which gave the right to таконе communication.
Yes, former soldiers loved покуковать over the glass. But most of the other persevered in this Sergeant Лобзов. For the three months spent in school he vindicated by his own calculations in plumage battery about sixty times: him shot for the poor performance of services, and in the evening, the same day he took in the outfit again.
Thus, the sphere of influence of shared themselves. At night Лобзов freely оббирал tables in the battery when the circumstances demanded Il in his organism. Яшковец ruled in the basement shook the store-room, hospitably opening its doors for night visitors. And "Hippo" for the location of the spirit and desire to accede to one thing to another, frequented the companies and participant of all drinking-bouts.
By the end of October the first course of the fate of separated three cronies. It happened on the eve the October holidays. Our battery then заступала in order to be saved. Stepan with Лобзовым went to the training center, on duty at the canteen, and "Hippo" remained in the dress in school, whether in the патрелу, or somewhere else. Perhaps it would suffer the fate of these two adventurers if he was with them.
It was a Saturday, and possibly deciding to drink on the occasion of the output, Stepan with the "Jigsaw" went to a nearby village, the houses which were located in five hundred metres, for a small Apple garden, отделявшим ramshackle шлакоблочный fence training centre of the village.
Should заетить that centre was one long one-storey red brick barracks, a small two-story dining room, administrative building with barracks for utilities platoon officer of the hotel, the food storage, караулкой and кочегаркой. In some distance from it all was a Park with war machines and auto technology, and even further, closer to the овражистому the forest farm of the College: cow, pig farms, sheep, horse stables, summer corrals, and even its own училищная slaughterhouse, as well as garages for такторов, mowing machines and harvesters. Last was the pride of our зампотылу, Colonel Молчалина, looked like a real gentleman, secret master wealthy local land occupied училищным ground. It is for his cattle, all of August mowed hay, and for his pigs every day of machine brought from the College huge barrel waste of cadets ' dining room. All utility room allegedly existed for the needs of the school for cadets of the table. But the fed in school pretty mediocre, and that was just a bike to cover the dark dealings.
Practice on Saturday at the training center was usually moved out there OU hastened to return to the output into the city - all, and commanders, and the cadets like to rest in a familiar environment of urban civilization. So it was empty and deserted. Feed was no one and works in table no. At heart, and so was alone, and then there's Saturday, a day off. Here Stepa and "Jigsaw" and decided to have fun, to dispel the dirty mood at heart, went to the village, took cheap барматухи, because the vodka didn't have enough money stocked немудренной snack, returned to the dining room, turned the corner at the tables, was invited for a campaign a few people and started drones.
At this time in the dining room returned warrant officer on duty at the canteen, and found this merry feast. He himself somewhere шаталсяцелых two hours to do all the same there was nothing, but decided to check how the case in the dining room, and almost fainted, when he saw what was going on there, until its gone.
Furious anger, rage, he ran up to brazenly распивавшим винище kitchen work, заматерился, banged on the table, tried to take away невменяемую campaign and banged on the floor two yet распитые bottle "ink". "Ah, you, you thieving little snake, - leapt Stepan, свирепея - I got you now gonna Kil ' ya!"
A former corporal rushed at the ensign, he ran off screaming on the go, that will find him Council. Яшковец tried to catch him, to fulfill his promise, but his legs and listened very bad, the duty on the dining room disappeared very quickly.
Mourn a little, Стпена and "Jigsaw" went knock about the training center, looked at the guard, where were our children, among whom were friends, complained there on the "bad прапорюгу", asked him for money, and when they refused, began to tear each other shoulder straps, buttonholes, cursing strong words army and, in particular, their fellow students, who are "squeezed sidekick on выпивон". Be at the guard house their pacify afraid, because the chief of the guard stood замкомвзвода of young, and they went a whoring further. His feet carried them back to the village for the "booze".
They barely escaped Zack fence, as a guard appeared officer on duty of the training center, and ordered to catch two drunken brawlers (he did not know that they were here). several free from a changing of the guard immediately embarked on the search for and quickly caught up with friends, followed them some distance, not рашаясь come closer. And accompanied them to the village.
On the road to the village Stepan and "Jigsaw" then hugged each other, quarreled, not agreeing, and then fiercely fought on the belts", посеча each other face of the sharp edges of the plaques. Then suddenly bloody Яшковец rushed to hug Лобзова and ask his forgiveness. They both wept drunken tears, and again walked, arm in arm, and again quarreled.
In the village Степанзаторговался with any man for his watch, offering to buy them for two gold pieces. The clock was good, I must say, and sin would not give them the money. But man, a scoundrel, and took, and I fooled them the most boorish way. He took the watch, saying that the money at his home, and he now will went in at the gate and disappeared. "Jigsaw" and Stepan standing by the fence waiting for the money for another twenty minutes. Then Яшковца came, apparently, that they have been around the finger. "Падла!" "he shouted, howled like a wounded wolf, and rushed into the yard. The house was tightly затворен. Stepan оббежал his нгесколько times, knocking at the window and door, but nobody answered. Then he сковырнул one ставенку, broke the window glass and climbed and climbed inside. Standing by a fence near the guard ten minutes to several heard from there came a strange sound: the sound of broken glass, grinding metal, shock, splashing, mats. Suddenly the front door with a plaintive cry flew out of their frames, and appeared on the threshold Stepan, not seeing anything before the rage.. huge fists were bloody and вылезшие of orbits eyes wildly spinning around like a bull in a bullfight. "Where is he?!" - screamed terribly Яшковец, so that heard him, probably, the whole village. "Where is he?!" - spreaded around the echo of his roaring drunk. "Where is he?!" where he was sorry for crying, the watch was his squeaked лобзов, looking over the shoulder of giants. But the man and vanished. He hadn't even entered the house, where she lived a lonely old woman, and went orchards and was gone.
It is unknown what would be next, but arrived just in time : by this time, the duty of the training center ordered the guard to grab drunkards, and, tying with ropes, throw in a body of the car. The guard Willy-nilly had to obey. The same officer had several who took nowhere third, immediately rushed to twist the arms of his friends.
As neither cursed Яшковец, as neither threatened to kill all who are in him and his "brother" tries to touch them tied up and taken to the training center. However, it was with great difficulty, because Stepan was very healthy and even drunk, hardly standing on his feet, scatter the attackers as pushinok. Barely have lowered it to the ground, as he rushed up to see the ensign, classified бутиылки, and as his hands were tied behind his back, was остеревенело kicking his legs in the ass and anywhere. Warrant officer galloped as a grasshopper, shouting, "hold him, Hold!" яшковец on behind him and leaning hard throat Kill you, you bastard!"
Again assaulted, have cut leg, threw him on the asphalt and pounced on top of the heap. He fell right into a puddle cold autumn water, and one that covered the ground on which the action unfolded, and cried out for help: "Jigsaw! Where are you?! Jigsaw, save me!"
Sergeant Лобзов, lying without memory in the truck after hearing calls a friend for help, waking from sleep, got up somehow and with a cry: "they beat us!" - jumped down from the truck, so badly, that he has slipped and broke his arm, грохнувшись supine on the ground, tied his hands behind.
Scourers immediately sent to school, put in the guardhouse, and in the evening, when it was replaced the outfit reached us sketchy, and then more and more detailed stories about what happened. Such a "Grand шухера" not happened then not once during my study at the College.
About a week after that come the school paper from the court. Old woman, which have committed a drunken pogrom filed a lawsuit. Here all the school's upset. Our battery several times seated at various meetings to publicly condemned the rowdy behavior of these two прохиндеев. They were, repented, as expected, in совершшенном, promised that any more will not be. But so just get away there was heavy: the story ended in jail. The court was approaching, and not pass them to jail, if not the commander and the division commander, have taken everything to settle the case amicably. Thank God, that settled the matter, that the Granny reimbursed for the damage inflicted, and it will not be in the claims. She agreed, and asked for three and a half thousand roubles. Bargain: given how many called, only to court before the case reached. Parents transfers sent from home, as learned in what is the history of their sons come in.
Before trial that did not come, so here's the chief of the school immediately after the end of the parse signed the order about expulsion of cadets Яшковец and Лобзова from the College.
Went they in forces as losers and winners on the night, on the eve of departure, and gathered together all their pals in the most recent at the bottom shook the store-room and made a chic wires, as it should be, with away and with songs. There, except for a soldier's brethren gathered and close our ranks. First drank vodka, and when it stopped, climbed into the battery, got all the Cologne on тумбочкам and drank it slightly diluting lemonade. "Jigsaw" глушил Cologne, diluting, and not snacking, so soon passed out. His limp телоподняли up, threw it on the bed, and went догуливать. Never seen it for myself, but they say that on the morning of his bed sheets were пропитанызеленым then.
Stepan too quickly "уготовался", but нпе out, as his friend and went upstairs учинять farewell disassembly all "чмарям and гнидам".
In the barracks that night was quiet. Everything seemed to have gone extinct, but the silence of this was deceiving. The entire battery, with bated breath , listened to the steps Stepan. I too then woke up from this unusual, dead silence, among which were heard some strange хлюпающие sounds, and, realizing what's the matter, hiding and lay as quiet as a mouse.
Stepan, as if cast, walked between the rows of our bunk beds and sought out, bending low to everyone, those who wanted a goodbye, kick, or at least say who he is. When he лупцевал another person, he hadn't even пикал and did not resist, and молчя endured beatings. Only one he pardoned, though intended to strike, because he was his countryman, and just reading him morality left alone. And only one of them dared to give him a rebuff. With him Stepan fought long. They were lying, rolling in the aisle between the beds in two steps away from me and I saw this horrible fight in detail. Stepan lugging his enemy at the gates of linen, and the леталл along the corridor, clutching at the bedside tables and headboards. The forces were clearly not equal, but Stepan let go of the Challenger, saying that the fellow that was not afraid to fight him, but he only snapped back, not thinking about gratitude for the compliment. This man I respect so far, only never told him about it.
Special sins I have before Stepan was not, but still, when he began to scour next to me, I became a scary little did he might have not liked in my behavior. Besides, there was one incident that occurred during the course of a young soldier. I then had to get to the bottom каптерку for most ordinary thing for rake. People at the entrance gathered a crowd, and Stepan whipped all away. Something possessed me then squeeze through flying away to the threshold of his alms-house, where we clashed.
Against the boulders Stepan I reminded общипанного Sparrow. My body was тщедушно and Hilo. But, Oh dear, self-esteem was much stronger. Stepan was then not a little agitated, but refrained from having to call me in the face, and, after a moment, simply said, "If you knew where I was at, you wouldn't speak to me". Told you so. And I stood, trying to understand his words, and stepped back, feeling their power, their revelation, somehow open to me. Only then I was scared having realized what a terrible person decided just to argue.
Because of that, and lay in fear that night, thinking how I behave if Stepan suddenly I raise. Personal enemies he had, but he seemed determined to play the role of arbitrator. Me this Cup has passed.
So "Jigsaw" and Stepan left and the "hippopotamus" remained one of the "Holy Trinity by Stepan inherited the underground Kingdom. For some time he headed all gatherings and parties, until suddenly a big campaign was split into small pieces and thin and, eventually, to surrender completely. And Behemoth and was left alone with two to three non-permanent collaborators. But for him, too, until the end of the school entrenched wolf ticket. However, he did not much upset.
And now he, like me, had front of his name in the list an empty box and puzzled, looked at her.
The rest of the day I spent in a foul mood. It was discovered that the empty boxes are opposite several surnames, including my friend, Grisha Охромова, поспешившего share with me this sad news. Together we began to wonder, to this meant, but nothing came up and уснулив anguish and anxiety.
Помаявшись few days I stopped to think about it, because the head разламывалась from fruitless reflections. The same thing I advise to do and Охромову. Besides literally the next day about this incident it became known command. Someone told wanting to get a promotion.
We have built and before declared, that in connection with the unauthorized disclosure of lists of distribution will be cancelled and"significantly replay". All went растроеные, and only such, as I have been satisfied with. In any case, now again were in equal conditions.
Before the release there still remained a month. Began the final exams. Stood hot summer, conducive to bathe at the river. I have had a lot of debts, which we had to pay for the remaining time. And this age-old problem for me - how to get money.
And, in fact, everything was perfect and splendid, if live, not adjusting events, not hurrying life, breathing in her intoxicating scent, feel that you are strong, beautiful, young, adore women. These qualities, all the same will remain with me wherever I got. I enjoyed the delightful July air, turned the hot sun of his strong, lean body, apart from the heavy thoughts and dreary routine forbidden swim at Pattaya beach. I felt that goes on every day of my cadets ' life, that's about to finish it.
The closer to the release day for our farewell to each other, the more I felt an inexplicable, heart-wrenching anguish, sneaks into the soul. I was sad to leave all, regardless liked me or not, one of my comrades, but the greatest sorrow навивала I thought about that soon will not be my only one in College friend, this friend, whom I trusted his secrets and I devoted all the secrets of his life. We often together embarked on a variety of adventures, walked together, we had common friends and girlfriends in the city and even the General interests and Hobbies. Often we even had to challenge each other's sexual preferences, but because of the women we never quarreled, considering them as beings of the inferior and unworthy through them occurred disagreement with us.
But, be that as it may, the evil time devoured day by day our friendship, leaving less and less time.
However, we continued to live happy, whatever it was. Our life continued day and night. As before his death we were in a hurry to take from this life is all about. Most loomed ahead distant garrisons in the middle of nowhere, and all around are the city was such a beautiful and alluring, especially now live in it remained a matter of weeks.
Despite the fact that we studied, rather, a доучивались, the last, fourth year, free access to the city. But only the last officer to leave курсантское hostel, as started fees at night adventures. The most agile were already dressed in sport suits, favorite robe our brother, street nooks and crannies of the fence, behind which there was a different life. A few minutes, and a Horde "спортсмено" already ran a race to the prospectus catch "cars"to disperse then who went where, who and talk to my friends who wives and some just fool around in a pub. It was a night and day, after dinner, when it was allowed to play sports, we Охромовым, he put on melting some sports briefs, were hiding in the forest, покрывающшем slope of the hill on which came down like our school and raced to the city beach. Where was fun, because here, on a hot summer day could meet many of our friends girls, to lie with them on the hot sand, different diving from the tower, swim in the warm, as fresh milk, water - General's great to relax.
The beach was always full of people. Gaumont, splashing, screaming and other long-familiar and favorite sounds happily excited heart, but I was sad and suddenly, just from the fact that it would end soon, and it will go nowhere.
On the beach you forgot military life: Stroy, outfits, boring order form, study. Thought you were in a carefree vacation, who gave himself. Life flowed around bright, rich bouquet and seemed holiday, on which you came as if from a musty, dusty closet. Motley world рывался in the us with the bright colors and intoxicated, twirling his heady foam. To return to school hence it would not be desirable, but grudgingly сердцеммы still departed, after that time would run out and hastened back to school, to their drab, unloved anguish, that to evening again part with it. When had to sit around now in its walls, as it seemed to willpower. Time passed sad and slow. Nothing inside it already not interested and we мыкались, not knowing what to do. Then we had to stand in a queue to a payphone at the checkpoint, and then long and sprawling and chat with some familiar, if that was provided at home, or call another and complain about his fate and listening comfort.
In General, about our friends could talk for a long time. They were all young merry girl, next to which улетучивалась all of the bitterness of soul, everything becomes easy. Of course, it happened that there were not мерцу serious. But it was boring, it is very difficult. What they wanted from life, have not yet parted with the illusion and had a puritanical understanding of the relationship between men and women, protected the purity and virginity, dreaming to meet the only one who would give their charms, and if it happened that lost both in relations with the us, with надоедливостью nuisance imposed лишившему their girl's honor role of this "man" until, angry, they gave to understand how far they should go.
Yes, as far as issues of relationships with the opposite sex, then there among the students was the overwhelming majority of rascals like us with Grisha. Those "fold", who once released from the river babenka in bed, suffered after that haunted by a sense of duty, considered himself something obligation towards her, quickly entangled, окручивали, "окольцовывали". Well, well, so be it. Personally, I never had about female sex no illusions. So my fate, that I knew that sooner or later every woman to become Baba-курвой, whatever she bred and good at first glance.
An example of that served as my own mother, too, with a mind brought up and the "right" woman, about which you probably think something is wrong, it would be a sin, but sinful secrets which were mostly known me, her son, not once наблюдавшему sex scenes from his cot. I don't know why, but apparently, she thought I глупеньким baby, and not shy when I go to bed with своимим хахалями that every one seemed to me as cattle. Then I really poorly understood, but my memory has preserved these scenes bright, ядовитями пяттнами DoD since. Until I entered the age of sexual maturity. And here I was a scoundrel in the understanding of the moralists and practical man from his point of view. With women I was on the short leg, very fond of, quickly, if wanted, совращал them, and just as quickly with them расставлся, a little there was any claim.
Chapter 3.
Needless to say, were "жахи" and worse than me, but I was quite satisfied with my life. The only thing a long time I couldn't buy this ability to remain silent. I have already said that many times in this brutally was paid, but in the end wiser, became silent and замкнутее. Before, I could not keep no secret, I really wanted to share it with someone, tell about their experiences. But my simplicity and frankness оборачиывались against me, and being repeatedly beaten, I withdrew into himself more and more, and in the end. As already mentioned, learned to keep his mouth shut, as if painful it might be. Between the freedom to speak and freedom to act I chose the last one.
Believe me, that to be able to keep hard science. To keep silent about their feelings means to suppress his soul, to keep silent about their thoughts means, drying their brains, but to learn to be silent, to keep your freedom, let slave, but freedom in my position should have been, and I learned.
But keep a secret so hard to walk under some tempting temptation искуситься. Man, apparently, made so he feels the need to share their thoughts, and, if not people, then at least with a paper. Realizing that people are not worthy to trust them , I started a diary in which he began to write down their thoughts, experienced adventure and feelings. Sometimes I attended and some verse forms, though blind, wandering in the backstreets of my mind. If it was possible, I wrote them while I can't say this for their achievements.
Diary that I kept seen no living soul, even my closest of all people each, Grisha Охромов. I tried to write it in such a тарабарским handwriting that no one. Except I do not make a written there. Besides the simplest encoding, skills which I have slightly поднаучился, saved me from all sorts of trouble. Спейслужбы, like, do me not going, and simple любознайка broke there would leg, if stuck there something to read. This unpretentious тетрадочка with мудренным called "Philosophical теради" and became the Keeper of all my secrets, impressions and sorrows. Yes, Yes, пречалей, because although I had assured myself that my life is beautiful, but very often I was sad. Besides, it is not so beautiful and was, especially when picking on her deeper. That it was good?
Take, for my parents. About mother I said a little bit. Вспомниая my childhood, I can't get rid of sadness. Father... I once wrote in his diary: "Today I received a letter from his mother. Thanks for the photo, writes that I become like the father. Why does she do it? Why remembers him? Who is she now? Who is he to her since she's the first time he had betrayed, when changed with another? Does this hypocritical beings - women-нибудоь Holy? Put his horn, and now умиляется memories of him. The creature. She is my mother, but she creature, low animal, not worthy of love. I wonder if she knew that I had seen it and remember it even more acute than before. This due to her that I don't believe now, neither women. I don't know, loved her father, but I hated unconsciously, with a hidden rage. She even did not guess, how I hate her.
About your father, I knew quite a bit. It is often not бываоло at home, and when пприходил, I was tired, but found the strength to joke and laugh. Remember the mother always reproached him, we live badly, only because of him that is that we are beggars, blame it that all his former friends and colleagues long ago already exhausted their princes, "your people" have provided themselves and their children. This kind of talk I had heard very often, but one day the mother came in your accusations too far:
"What did you do useful things for their family in the ten years that we прожидли along with you? Others, like people: and machine, and a country house, and all things. And what have we? We have nothing. We even can't save for a rainy day. I already forgot what the theatre. You me can you say when we're with you for the last time were in a movie together? - has attacked it upon the father one evening.
-And don't you go to the movies? he said with such a sad smile, that her mother already blushed, and I felt uneasy, and I felt guilty in everything what happens in our house.
Mother is jammed, but then replied:
-Go, but one... And you, you, you! What have you done for me, for my family, for the son? What? What? Ten years passed, I agreed выцйти marry you. Ten years! Ten years this crazy life and no result! What did you do during these ten years? We still poor, such as they began to live.
-I do, I do. I want everyone to be happy, not the individuals. I do for all.
-I'm tired of your universe schemes, you know?! I'm tired of this! I want to be an ordinary woman, have an ordinary husband. I am quite satisfied with would be like if you was just a house. Do not think about others. They themselves побеспокояться. You are very bad, very bad know people. All of them bastards!
-Why do you say that? In fact you too man. All people are fundamentally good. Simply many sick soul, and is seriously ill. Our society is poverty of spirit and hurt evil moral disease, " replied her father.
-And are you a doctor?! You're a healer. Look at the physician-самоучку. He undertook to cure all our on-щест-in! And the fact that the family sitting naked and barefoot, so it's OK! The main society! About-щест-in! cried the mother in издевательском tone.
"You're exaggerating, Galya. Yes, we are poor, but not enough to despair. Yes, I know how others live. But you know that I never went down and not be that desperate to theft.
"Right, you're right, you're good! But what do you know, what do you know? You can't even tell where that is taken in this house. This house is only me, I solely.
-Well, honour and praise for it. The woman has always been the guardian of the hearth.
-And I tired to keep the focus in this house!
"You're just tired of loving me, Galya, that's all, " answered her father, and left.
Don't know who of them and to what extent the fault was in front of each other, but a way of life, known of no one, except me, Yes its admirers, led my mother, I saw with my own eyes.
Soon after that conversation between my parents father was arrested. Then there was a court. Me there's mother. "You must forget what his name was, " she said to me then. Said and not let her go. - It is not for thy children's ears."
She also shall not go but instead went and got drunk in the kitchen until свинского state. This one time, I had ever had.
Father convicted and gave a very long time, and I didn't even know what for. In court, he expressed his last wish - to see his son. Came to visit our home and gave him his request. Mother, quite drunk, first started screaming and then went into hysterics at the threshold, although I was forced nobody was going to lead, and then went into the bedroom, with one of them for a long time appeared to him from there. I guessed what they were doing there. When the man came out of the bedroom, he said at the door: "Well, he's not going anywhere. I'll find something to say to your husband". Behind him came out of the doors of my mother, wrapping a Terry robe, which had seen a naked body. She was leaning on the door frame, looking at nothing extinct.
Leaving, the man said already on the staircase to his friend: "Well, bitch. I never saw!" comrade smiled with understanding of the issue, and I felt so disgusting in my soul, so disgusting that this state is still remembered with a heavy disgust.
We lived in a really poor. My buddies were a machine, in a sense, is not among them, of course, themselves, and their parents. As for us in the house except the old, barely live TV, Yes, the old player no wealth was not, so I grew up with a heavy sense of inferiority and secret, secret to terrible, desire to get rich.
A decade in which I was destined to be born, it was noted turbulent events. It ввспоминали as time лихолетия as unreal чертовщину, as a mockery of our way of life and an attempt on the foundations of our society, in General, not evil there. But I was young and did not understand. I have not delved into the Affairs of adults, but the father said that this was an attempt to restore the freedom, which failed.
Father often long was not home. The mother was well, but for some reason I missed him and was waiting when he returns. Whenever he appeared on the doorstep, with pleasure I rushed to him and hugged him for tired legs. He gently stroked my head and said only one thing: "Hello, darling!"
I, smiling, pressed his knees, and doorstep and pulled him to the cubes, soldiers, cars and other boyish fun. Advancing happy hours. And not washed, road dust, hungry dad sat with me and played with toys. Eventually I fell asleep he had at hand, and he included me in my cot and put to sleep. And then waking up at night, I saw. How to include a table lamp, he writes, leaning over the Desk.
Parents моичасто quarreled, like many. Mom probably did not want to understand it. She wanted to live quietly to himself. So, there were many around, because it was more convenient, but with time and safer. She is trying its best to such a life, find the right friends, adapted as I could. Father, when he found out about her chores, leaving yourself. In such moments he first was silent, gradually becoming crimson, надуваясь, and then everything worked volley lecturing. In this state he could call my mother not only "мещанкой", "slave to money", but words and stronger. Mother, after listening to it charges quickly урезонивала husband:
"You, roll you eat, and you know how it is, this sausage? You go buy it in the store! In the store, tea, never was choking her. Yes, and there only varenku give and go, dry or get smoked! Выложишь half of his poor pay for the one ring. Yes if it wasn't for my friend, Irina Antonovna of obkom спецбуфета, shish what would you saw good. You think you're two and a half hundreds of home, and the king? Figs with two. You go on these money to buy anything! We no pants were sitting would be if you went shopping, Yes to the Bazaar! Only because of my acquaintances to make both ends meet. I still only talking about food. And if the Pro threads, Sidi, in General, not заикайся! One only your Kostya half your pay is...
After such repulse father, usually, grew quiet and no longer argue. In fact, we barely make ends meet only because of my mother's пронырливости, or as it is called differently, its ability to live. Many of our friends were not up to the next payday, and говели week or two. They had no acquaintances in спецбуфетах.
True, and her features were more than modest. Any she'd occupying such a convenient place was not averse to use their knowledge of greater benefit than supply some annoying, annoying and even нагловатой woman who works as a typist in a run-down office, from which there is no benefit either in General, or in particular. Mother prevailed only in his бессовествной annoying. Only her ability to bother people play on the remains of their confused in life debacles of conscience helped her in such cases.
Father could not make profitable Dating, and not like this. On the contrary, he thought it was a low, vile, unworthy of his case. In short , he was a man of impractical and even harmful for the normal family life in the concept of others.
Whatever he did, whatever he wrote, what he not only worked, strongly criticized. He tried to complain about my mother's life, but never met her the slightest sympathy. "The виновват", - she answered generally.
The work of the father, indeed, to this day, the dark spot, side of the moon for me, sometimes turned into a real tragedy for our family and inflicted damage to our existence.
I remember Mama "broke" warrant for the apartment. We have a very long huddled in a dirty corner, a rented one old woman, who lived in a damaged house, and paid her for it is "fun" a lot of money, much бившие on our way, and without тощему afford. But no sooner had we even понхать that is called new, so long awaited dwellings, QC order our revoked. As later explained that the mother did it, "because of the Pope", who once tried to expose the apartment machinations urban elite, but except "cap" for this thing got nothing. There were many other, smaller, but no less offensive times when I have had to suffer for his father, and I don't even know why.
Father and myself were hit, and not once. For homeowners case he tried several times to bring to criminal responsibility as a slanderer, who tried to discredit the party-state apparatus, assailed his purity and непогрешность, and only the repentance to which he was forced, public, принародное humiliation, saved him from prison. Then it seems to be broken. After that he has passed, lost weight, become pale green, sick, went depressed and sad, but quietly still continued to write something.
He was careful, behaved silently meek, and, seemingly, had to forget. But the pressure did not cease, and all we constantly чувствовли themselves by some alien elements in our society. Mother, soon decided to separate from this sad iceberg and went through, about which I have already referred. And the father continued to slowly rot alive. He always ran into troubles at work, although he tried to honestly perform their duties. There were accidents and other kinds, which seemed at first glance to be random and doesn't depend.
One day, shortly before the New year, he ran in the city on a group of youngsters, which all of a sudden suddenly stuck on him. They beat him so badly he as much as two weeks I spent six weeks in a hospital bed, not rising. After that, he fell ill and soul, and body.
However, the father was very stubborn and not willing to listen to his mother to leave their донкихотские ways and to live like everyone else, not высовываясь. She assured that then and life for us to enjoy, and we live as humans. He answered her with a sad irony sad smile: "Nothing, then you don't understand my joy". The words "my joy" were obtained from him as a particularly sad. She, too, smiled sadly and replied, "I've understand, Yes just to live no more strength. I can't stand it!" at that time in her bedroom was not yet men.
My father continued to do his job, and my mother lived, trying to somehow, something to outwit fate, to win her рублик another. Father told her: "you must Understand, if we all like you, the country never get out of poverty, sucking it like quagmire". And she retorted: "if we are just, Kaak you, you'll die of hunger simply, that's all!"
Father better than many others understood how sad, hopeless and неприкаянна our lives, not only of our family, but of all, the majority living in this country. Understood and that if live honestly, that feed is not something that the family itself is impossible. But, apparently, he could not renounce his or her conscience and honour, never went on a dirty deal. Moreover, he had struggled with this.
He was clever. He was a courageous man, because, as he said, during the last ten years and his eyes were born, fought and died of his ideals, dreams and hopes, but he still continued to fight almost in solitude, do not panic until the very end, before he went to jail, put him in the end, behind bars. He struggled, but this fight was really like a battle LFPR Quixote with the mills or the battle with the shadows of the past: the time has come more.
At that time, when his father was around, I was too young and dumb and not interested in his life. Now, after a time, when the return nothing seemed impossible, I understood that this was, if not a great, great man.
They say: "He was a man of his time," or "he was a harbinger of future changes". My father say one way or another it would be wrong, though both the first and second corresponded to the truth. He announced his time, lived in it, but the saddest thing is survived him, but as I learned much later.
The little that remained of the fleeting decade, which has fit my childhood: the little achievements, documents, sources of information, which allowed to judge about the events of those years as I am, more real, but most importantly there are very few people living witnesses of what happened then, although it was quite recently, but the haze of the reaction of those who could tell the truth, cracked down on them, rotted them alive or hid behind bars, сшельмовав charges. They say that that was true once, that was always and everywhere, but especially in this country. My father too rigid. Because they could not and would not be silent.
Once, very long ago. We were going to campaign dad's friends. Meetings were rare. On them often something remembered, blamed on what light is a reaction одержавшую precedence over the interests of the people and the country, dreamed would come someday best of times, and the truth will return to this earth. My mother was dissatisfied with such собраниямии. She didn't like the talk out among such gatherings, and for purely practical reasons, guests badly beaten by семйному budget that it does ever sought to correct. She barely наскребала dinner at three to four extra man, and after these visits, we have two-three days live without anything to eat.
Maybe that's why my mother had such an amazing figure, slim and slender, like a girl's. And the men paid her no attention views, more than decent seeing on the streets of her legs.
Times, our, indeed, were not easy. To buy something nice from service, we had to save money and доволбно long time limit himself in everything. Daddy said when I was born, living was easier than now.
Overseas things - it was unattainable luxury for many people, except those who could go to the shop with the "black" stroke or had big money for the purchase of the "black" market, where prices were fabulously unavailable. Only evil people, Yes sons of big bosses lived without troubles and difficulties.
I recall in the class with me studied Oleg zhul'kov, whose father was the head of the regional supply base. That's the one, Yes. Always dressed immaculately, had a Japanese квазивидеосистему, which cost a fortune, and many other expensive things and toys. About myself all envied him, everyone wanted to be friends with him, to seek his location. In class, he was the king, and all the girls went dry it and were willing to allow him to enjoy oneself, if only he crooked a finger, and even bragged about it to each other. Even the teachers talked with him whined and reverently, and Oleg gets out of round honors and прмерных students, although it was the first lazy and прожженым bully знаемом not only among their peers, but older children.
Only one of the teachers rebelled against Жулькова and his Almighty father. It was a young, almost a boy still, the teacher of physics. He only came to our school after graduation. Seeing what is happening in the school flagrant outrage and injustice, he entered into an unequal battle. Exactly a year lasted this undeclared war. Physicist mercilessly scribbling in the journal opposite the name of the boy-majeure deuces, and zhul'kov Sol his hand, holding the reins and turning the opinion of the class voluntarily where he liked, ополчил rebel against not only the class, but also the teaching staff школы.через year war ended, the teacher had to пкеревестись to another school, and zhul'kov stayed and graduated with a gold medal.
Still embarrassed. But I had Жулькова too on occasion. I already knew how much power and position, and money in the world of people.
Chapter 4.
In College, I got a rather strange way. not to say that accidentally, but not in its own way, in any case, if desired.
To become a soldier in my childhood I never dreamed of. Of course, as a boy, I liked form, I played in the war and soldiers, but earnest desire was not. In childhood we do not know what they will become. But for me solved my mother. Reasons to fourteen give me сувороское school, household and personal, she found plenty. She wanted to start a new kind of life, and I in this endeavor her way. So arranged it were me in, as it is called, "paramilitary kindergarten". It is arranged, because the call on another it is impossible. She was through their various high acquaintances. I was not a single pre-qualifying round of the competition and exams, which were arranged for the rest of the town, and then in the field, along with those who passed the difficult test, went to take exams in school, not knowing how many stairs immediately crossed.
By the time father was absent from home for four years. I do not know, came from him letters, but I haven't seen any of them. I missed it, mother at all when I remembered, and gradually in the consciousness of my ingrained idea that the Pope once I had, but now it is not, and probably never will. How could he sit when it comes out, and whether he is alive at all, I didn't know.
The desire of the mother arrangements for me to military school was very great. It is unclear had only wished it good or wanted to throw off such a burden, as I, a grown almost son. Apparently, was and on, and on the other.
Not having enough forces and means, and desires to feed me, shoes, clothes, she found the best for themselves out, препоручив care of me state. Besides, I was guaranteed to further military career, and no trouble about my existence from her since I became суворовцем, and I dressed in black uniforms, she was not. She managed to get me in Suvorov military school, despite the fact that in my past was the great dark spot was convicted of anti-state activities of the father. Don't know what she is worth the effort required. In all probability, very large. But it only once again showed its ability to adapt and make profitable and useful contacts and links. During the four years of absence of the husband she has achieved significant results. Despite the fact that in the city were many хорошеньки women in the bedroom my mother перебывала the city elite. She got a good apartment, she has dreamed of for a long time.
My mother taught me some tricks bureaucratic tricks. For example, to not interested in where my father, and who he was at all, I filled count in the questionnaires of the "father" of the family does not live. And a black spot, портившее my biography, floated somewhere in the depths, in the personal Affairs, dust archives, not surfacing on the surface.
After Suvorov school me without exams took in "артягу"where the citizen was a big competition. Cadets and soldiers with parts were out of this contest, by a regulation. So after the end of the Suvorov military school I just "moved" to further training in higher military school.
Long ago I finished a gallant Suvorov military school, and this remained уиться just nothing. For a long time already my life is little interest in mother and I did not care about her problems. Letters to each other, we wrote very rarely, I mostly asked for her money, and she complained to me that become unbearably expensive to live, and, unfortunately, she could not help me. Share something more intimate with her I had no desire to.
I have long had their own passions and interests, which accounted for somewhere to find means. Together with her boyfriend,Gris шкой Охромовым, we indulged in the fun and entertainment, and do it often. I already knew women and that this is an expensive pleasure. Study at the College and military career interested me since. The main question was, where would get some money for a beautiful life.
We had since Grisha your favorite пивбарчик, so imagine пивбарчик, in General, nothing special, the IEO we loved to sit, draw beer. The bartender here was the good guy, almost not diluted, not "бодяжил" beer and cheated not by much. In addition, there were довольноо sweetheart furnished, cozy interior, was always a good campaign, and familiar our girls loved to sit here. So often we were sitting here in the campaign of gay friends, jokes, expensive cigarettes smoked, drank beer with cancers or таранькой, sometimes cognac with chocolate day long, when they "otmazatsya from the presence in the school.
Money melted as snow, hardly had time to appear. They flew, like paper, carried away by a wind, and, if earlier, at the initial courses, I am able to save and to accumulate, now suddenly расстрачивал and the little that gave the state in the form of a meager cadets ' pay, and in addition got a huge, just фанатстический by the standards of cadets ' life of the debt by borrowing money on booze through Grisha of his friend from behind the fence, and now, by the end of school, didn't know how to pay.
Money allowances for the student was miserable, исчислявшееся several пятирублевками, and the remittances occasionally still sent me a mother, seemed to be mocking ridiculous and pitiful. Even the first officer's pay, which had us to pay immediately upon graduation, could not correct the situation, and do not cover the tenth part of my debt, which continued to grow. Besides срабатывавшие my brakes, now suddenly, from the understanding that I won't be able to pay off the lender refused, and I carried the slope. I took so much money was given, and they immediately come to an end.
In school, many stopped me take another half a year before release, but I still кажджый times found another guy and held it next two-three hundred, promising every time pay to release from school. Held and spent held and spent it. Girls, bars, restaurants, taxi... I could not find himself. I could not myself believe sometimes that I can behave in a way with people and with money.
Not the best situation was and Грши. He's screwed well as thoroughly as I, and was in debt, QC in silks. He has acted and the guarantor to our main зазаборным lender, which I knew not. The bulk of the money, which numbered in the thousands, we had him. So sometimes the money a few hundred, who managed to take in school, we gave him, as if partially paying, and then held three times more.
No one and nothing could stop our транжирства. We like crazy in the absorption of any pleasures, as if in front of us waiting for the last day of Pompeii. We lived as if before his death, being sprayed right and left.
Meanwhile our lenders began in earnest to worry. Increasingly, the school day resembled endless series of meetings with раздасадованными cadets, who demanded the money back. Some of them, having despaired to wait and слушить our vague promises and отбрехи, who even threatened with reprisals, who by the court. Our зазаборный main creditor, too, became a pressing appropriations for our amusement, we have become accustomed. The situation became increasingly serious and required an immediate solution. Нужноо was urgently take something big and scary, maybe even a criminal...
Saturday we decided to go with Grisha sit in our favorite pub. Dressed in the apartment of a friend of an old woman. Who lived near the school and received from us a small fee for storage of things and inconvenience that we deliver, we went out in civilian dress in the city. As usual, we call one of the girls agreed and where to meet and waited at the appointed place, until the coming merry campaign. However, at this time Grisha offered no one to call and no one to take. To my surprised question: "Why?" he answered:
-Have a serious conversation. Well, you know what I mean?
"And where shall we speak? I inquired, starting пониматья that our endless fun comes to an end.
Where into usual.
Twenty minutes after we arrived we got to the city centre and напправились towards cosy пивбарчика where loved to sit. Cafes, bars, restaurants here was натыкано each ддруге. One upstairs, other, in the basements here. It was хлебосрольная Ukraine. In Russia this was not, and lately I've always, when he came in the cadets ' vacation, quickly rushed back into this blessed city, a small, intimate, but stuffed with bars and cafes, as if here харчевались visitors from all over the world.
Sitting campaign and without much money was so sad. So his heart was evil. The weather was becoming mood. Overcast sky, scowling lead clouds, drizzled small, nasty rain on our bare heads. Not summer-cool wind выдувал of the body residue heat, poured in the face water drizzle, climbed under jacket tossed over the nylon shirt, light and not the tea. The feeling was that you in the clothes put under a cold shower. Inside, everything seemed to be frozen, and was the desire to hide somewhere from the weather.
The same feeling I felt, perhaps, and Ukraine. We выглыдели. Perhaps, as two thieves the gloomy behavior, and passers-by fearful glances at us.
We got to the bar, it was almost wet. Wanted to go inside the warmth of his beer подвальчика. At the door of the staircase, descended down into the basement, a few people stood under a canopy and, talking, Smoking. We squeezed past them into the entrance.
Sitting down for their favourite table in the corner of Tolstogo moraine oak surface of the cover of which was polished to a Shine sleeves and circles, drowning in the shadows and a cozy warm bar, we are happy to facilitate sighed is reached.
Grisha went to the reception, where there was already a few people in the queue waiting for beer, тараньки, crayfish and hot sausages, and meanwhile I watched the audience, gathered under the vaulted ceilings of the bar. When you sit in the company of girls, to do this once. And now... I was one.
The audience, mostly gathered decently dressed, what, in General, met here permanently. But in one corner, dirty, забросанным remains of fish and filled puddles of beer table sat an old woman in a headscarf, in the dirty quilted jacket. The old lady was little, posts dwarf. Her hands barely hold out to the edge of the table. Полулитровая circle, from which she saw, was the size of almost from her head. I call it seemed that the old woman is going to dive into his mug. She drank beer, letting his head deep inside her, and зажмуривалась pleasure, not paying any attention to anybody. It's there, nobody paid attention. Even the waitress, заматерелая babenka age sunset youth, ругающаяся foul language is not worse than any man, not coming to her table and even are going to leave. In passing, as if it never existed. To the lonely old woman there was nobody except me.
In a vaulted niche is housed разудалая campaign, settling for a large oak table. From there came the cries, mats, breaking through the General hubbub. There happily together rang mugs, shot in the twilight of someone's hands, someone would get up, he was immediately put in place. At another table, silently exchanging words, sat four older man. They smoked сигаретками, and it looks like игралив game of cards, sucking beer from our mugs. To him a few times and came waitress, something loudly said, but they brushed aside from her hands.
Even a few tables occupied two or three regulars institutions. The waitress today was, apparently, not in the spirit, and do not have time, and was not in a hurry to clean the tables empty mugs, remains рыбыпленку with sausages, cancer armor, and all that was thrown at them unattractive in clumps.
At our table too, someone has already managed to sit. I wiped garbage into the empty Cup and pushed the dish on the far corner to less spoil the mood.
Under semi-circular arches потола sailed gray clouds of dense tobacco smoke, which continually surfaced lights under the retro covering the hall bar, faint, pleasant light, проникавшим through the frosted yellow glass, stuck in curly iron frame made under the antique gas lamps. These lamps, but still edgy, tables and vaulted ceilings and betrayed such a cute charm of this establishment, created the unique atmosphere which is so attracted to her. It seemed. This bar there are several centuries. It's like wandering shadows of the past centuries, and even Peter himself first, lost with пьяну in this city long time ago three bags of gold, or going to, or returning from the battle of Poltava.
There really was something of a medieval tavern. And only the electric light, оббитая red дермантином hour front of the barman with high stools for подсидки, Yes he, standing behind her in the white starched shirt with a black tie, returned to the present, from which I wanted to run away. Even here, in the bar was freer soul than on the street, обвешанной red flags and banners with silly slogans. I wanted to run away from communism, and the bar was such an outlet, which created the illusion of an escape into another world.
Sit around me already rather tired, and when I finally returned Grisha, carrying шеть mugs of beer.
-Go. Take the front two plates with sausages and fish, he threw me on the run, trying not to spill beer mugs.
-And hermit? I asked, surprised.
-Be enough! The pasterns are tight.
I went to the counter, took тареки apart толпящуюся in очередди the brethren, and went back to the table. Only now I felt a wild hunger and wanted to swallow all the sausages again.
"You took a little? again I asked his дружк, sitting opposite him. "I'm fucking hungry.
-You are right - thinking a bit, he said. You will then take another.
-Then, then, " said I, " you're always right you can't think.
-If you're so smart, he would go and take it, " answered Gregory.
I stopped, realizing that in my pocket is virtually empty. Then, makes peace (it would be because of what the fuss), we began to destroy the обещеки sausages, and when there was one RAM, turned our attention.
-I have serious talk to you, ' said Grigory, отхлбывая beer.
I have already said so, " I replied, " I am all attention.
-Listen, even sausages want to suddenly confessed Grisha. - Have you got the money, even a little?
"Yes, " I took from his pocket a piece of gold - but that is all I have left. And that you have not? I stared at Охромова, trying to read the answer in his face. -Now I see why you took so little sausages. Why didn't you say so, I'd added.
I don't know, I thought that was enough, " replied Greg.
He took my top ten and went back into the queue. Ten minutes later he returned with a whole mountain Smoking of sausages and four beer mugs.
Now, from here and you have no money, - commented as he seated himself opposite to me. - Now we Wallpaper no money.
"What is it? - not I understood.
-Your gold pieces no, with some strange Schadenfreude he explained to me.
-So what now? In school piashko драпом go back, - I said, munching sausage and squeezed her cold beer.
But the fact that we're both crazy debt, and in the pocket - shish, a penny, understand?
-It is clear. You say that, though I don't know. America through the window you want to open!
-What kind of America, damn it, damn it? You what? Issue on the nose. Us creditors to the wall shaking. Something must be done. Besides, our principal debts I am responsible. I pledged that we give money, you and I, before very influential in the city of man. And if you think that will give us уехатьь just so, you are mistaken. I sure. I don't want no trouble.
"Me too, " I said, feeling the настронение, which has started to rise, falls again.
"Then we must get money and отдатьь debts.
-But how? - I was surprised. - That go kill someone, Rob? I do not know how. Yes we're still in jail and serve. Besides to kill someone and Rob, you need to know someone who have money.
-Nobody should kill him, " winced dissatisfied with Grisha. - I have in mind one sentence. The case is clean, no noise, no blood. And, in General, ways to earn a lot of money, it would wish.
The talk I did not like. But, on the other hand, I myself have long puzzled over how to get money and рассчитатьс debts.
Feeling bad, I asked him:
-What is this thing like that, I would like to know, and who you suggested?
My question Grisha only mysteriously and sadly smiled, and then began to silently absorb sausages and drinking beer.
-The catcher and the beast runs, you know that? "he asked.
-What do you mean?
-And what can you offer me? What can you take to repay the debt, at least his debt? Nothing and say I want only what I need money, and I was asked to do so. Who? Let you not to care about it. I should keep my mouth shut, and told you all just because surety for thy debt, and therefore constantly think of how we pay for. So I want to offer you participation. Understood?
"I know, but what then? Tell me.
-First, you must tell me, do you agree to take part in this matter, or not? Tell you, that, if we succeed, we, or I earn that much money that we can pay off with all debts, Yes, there will be a few cool ones on vacation. As you look at it? We celebrated together, walked together, проматывали together money. Now I want us together earn them together to risk it.
-You said that the money are going to get without any risk. And now want us together, as you say, dare?
-No money did not come without risk. If it were not so, everything would long ago have become millionaires. But, really, net, in the sense that to kill and Rob nobody will. Единствененое that may be, it is something that we ourselves can cheat.
-Those who offered it to me. But, however, said Grisha - and I was talking too much. Tell me, so you do agree with me in this business?
-You have experience of such cases?
"No, " said Grisha, a little uncomfortably, " but in life sooner or later begin, especially if like that was done.
-I do not think so.
Greg looked at me intently for a moment and said:
-Well, I, in General, and not much counting on you. Only know that I'll take it. You I suggested it's not so much what I need you, as from the fact that I wanted to help you. If you agree, we got the out of the pit. Now I'm leaving you. But, if you have a willingness to accept my proposition, come and say. But see, not long think, and then you may be late. If you come to послезавтрашнего the evening, it is considered, that this conversation was not and you don't offered.
With these words he rose and raised the collar of his jacket, emerged from the bar in the evening darkness, leaving me alone.
About five minutes I sat there, eyes downcast, thinking only that incident, but thought why not get together and went in different directions, like sheep, отбившиеся from the shepherd.
Finally, I decided that I must go. Although I was still abound, but linger in the bar one I do not like.
Only I looked up, I saw that at the table next to me sits smiling old man. Sits and stares at me.
-Do you miss, young man? he asked me, thrusting me all over and leaning over the table.
-No, actually, I said, trying to understand where it came from.
Could I make a campaign, have a drink with me a mug another beer.
"With pleasure, " I said, " but I must go now, and besides I don't have any more money to it.
-This is not a problem. Here, take it, - and the old man handed me a piece of gold - go, принисите us two cups of beer and two portions of sausages.
I looked quizzically at fun старикашку. His facial expression did not change, and he, still smiling, kept squinting at me with her mischievous small eyes.
"Well, " I said, feeling that my mood is slowly rises, be as you wish.
Standing in line at the counter, пыттаясь figure out where could take up this strange man, and could not think: "What made this old man over to join me? - I asked myself. - Did you cannot find a campaign that is more suitable than the society of young person that does not like and avoid the elderly?"
In turn had to stand for twenty minutes, by the fact that in the evening it has grown considerably. And I then became terribly frightening, wild fun was me. Разбредшиеся thoughts were not able to gather together, and I was in the wackiest of spirits, which are usually drunk, with the difference that instead of the easy indifference, I went hot and cold.
I must say that the people in the bar markedly increased. All the tables were already crammed with, and I seen my old man with enviable persistence of fury defend my empty chair from the endless attacks. Clamour in the bar already resembled the monotonous hum of the bee hive. Noise давли on the ears and comfort pubs weathered the whole, expelled all abiding people. Cigarette smoke swam under the ceiling, and filled the room evenly, like a fog, haze, and at a distance of five steps soon became nothing whatsoever.
For a moment I had a wild desire to slip out, but I struggled with them, and perhaps, decided to try his fortune. Taking all that wished my old man, I went back to the table.
Now here was closely. All the seats were occupied. Near us sat campaign of some men, loud шумевшая, гоготавшая and ругавшаяся on what light is. From them carried vodka, and now and then the sound of thunder peals of laughter that followed commonplace jokes.
Neither me, nor my new friend, apparently, did not like this neighborhood and we silently ate. Old man noticeably became sad, and his cheerful mood vanished. When we had dinner in complete silence, he nodded invited me to go out of beer , and I willingly followed him. At this time, at the next table erupted into a drunken brawl after a few strokes became a real dump. In the course went chairs, trickled glass broken glasses and porcelain колящихся тареолок, sletevshih with inverted tables. To the bar acted growing. Like a snowball lot, small. The bartender, not long thinking, immediately stopped selling beer, closed metal corrugated curtain rack, and disappeared behind her, apparently ran over by the police.
We hardly had time to exit the bar and two patrol policemen stood near the entrance and no one was allowed outside.
Old man, the floors shook off his cloak, offered me to go, and we strolled down the curve of street. He was silent, and I walked beside him quite aimlessly, not even asking where and why. I didn't care where to go, just to stand still.
Rain, fortunately, has already ended, but it was still very cool, and after нессколько minutes, cooled by the wind, I chilly through. My companion noticed it, and asked why I was lightly dressed. I answered him: "I Thought today would be warm in summer all the same. So clothed. Actually, it was not true, because I simply was not a summer coat, no jacket or something else like that. Do not wear the same лтом демичсезонное coat is the only upper warm things that I had.
From damp and cool evenings wanted somewhere to hide, at least in the entrance of the house. Penetrating неласковый, not summer wind выдулл of the last remnants of my body heat. So I was glad when the old man suggested that I look into his home. He lives not very far, and it has a big private house. Yes is he doing to a certain distance, for example, through the city, and in such weather, to a drink at the bar a couple of Beers.
I don't know, just, I have met such people, who for a mug of beer ready to jump on the edge of the world, if you feel like it.
The old man laughed and long and almost silently shook his senile laughter.
-I have, if we noticed, age is not that, " he finally said, ceasing to laugh, I even wanted to, could not at the end of the world to run out for a beer. Moreover, in this city bars enough in each district. Of course, in the centre of more...
-Not noticed, " I said somehow out of place, thinking about something.
The old man looked with sympathy at me, I looked at him and our views met.
I don't like and don't like to look people in the eye, especially old. In their depth something is heavy and sad, and the older a person is, the more he had to survive on his life, the harder this stone, hidden in the fundus. I do not know whether this heavy sediment life to someone else besides me, but I see him every. The only thing that does not have this stone, this children's eyes. They are clean and clear, free from the RAID. In the children's eyes I seemingly can look to infinity, but not in old... One moment glance at them permeates my whole being through unspeakable pain as if I looked in the poisoned, killed well and breathed his stale air. And now, when my glance penetrated into these small, surrounded by wrinkles, smiling Svyda, but such deep, bottomless sad actually, from his blurred eyes ruthless time, I was not only painful, but also scary. Bitter bile stone has emptied all my guts inside out, and I felt like vomiting.
The condition I was disgusting. Besides the fact that my body froze, now and my soul was in icy silence. Apparently, and I was unimportant, because the old man hastened to ask:
-You that, very cold? You're the heart, as цуцык.
I again looked at him, but now my glance fell on the face below his eye. I do not want. Grab the second portion of the unearthly, space cold, cold peace and coming to time and in the universe death. Confused me and touched his father's care about my being.
In the minds come from somewhere lines:
Under the sign of скопищ our дранных
People were a lot of strange.
I thought, "Whose poetry?", then I realized that, most likely, my. Sometimes I have noticed a tendency sum the individual words in a completely unimaginable, unthinkable where взявшуюся rhyme. They usually happen when good mood, or here такй stress, as it is now. My fevered mind feverishly worked goodness knows what. We go with старикомпо evening street, ventilated raw, cold winds, and in the головеу I wandered lines:
Love high star
Troubled my mind in vain
With the melancholy of the oncoming train
Flew above the ground perfectly.
Totally stupid and unclear to what my mind is made verses. He immediately threw the other way:
Misty sleep, wrapped in Royal
Already playing on top of a day,
And haze, покрывшаяся dal
Finishes his way without me.
Or I read it, or I'm schizophrenic. Nonsense, nonsense. I was cold and dreary. Body lived in and of itself, the head itself. Thoughts wandered as a stray sheep.
Chapter 5.
House of the old man was really close. Turning to some lane, we'll come out on the street, built up with private houses.
If the city still there were people, rushing somewhere on business, and then it was dark, quiet and deserted. The howling wind in the walls and the dark tops of the trees in the gardens around the houses only emphasized безлюдность and void. Behind the low wooden fences of the houses here and there where the light was on, and only dogs, awakened by the foreign smells and steps, screaming, забрехали, залаяли, Liv passers-by.
A barking dog, a wave of прокатившийся on a small street, began to quieten down and soon stopped. "You wouldn't say that in the city, " I thought, exactly in the village, in the middle of nowhere, although from the centre of the city, in five minutes of walking."
We came to the bare darkened gate, near to which the old man said: "Well, here we come."
Then somewhere in the end of the street alone and lonely, as if for the dead dog howled. This detail sent shudders across my soul in sensitive anticipation. I just wanted to run, to run, to run down the dark, промозглому the city to the College. But my legs became like cotton, and I could not move.
The old man opened the hissing with the gate, and we found ourselves in the darkness of the courtyard of a private house.
To touch the old man making his way in some lumber, набросанном under my feet, I asked myself: "Why did you simpleton, trudged behind him?" I was as still as if everything around was in a dream and not reality.
Soon we found ourselves in the porch of the house where the ceiling was so low that had to walk hunched over, awkwardly bent.
The old man struck a match, and soon it has lit a kerosene lamp, which is found somewhere in the darkness, rattling some железаками. In her uncertain, прыгающем light danced wall of the hallway, pasted an oilcloth.
I could see that everything around is forced some stuff: яящиками, tin boxes, pots. Among them were piled heaps of rags, ropes, Newspapers and paper - in a word, the most varied and not описуемого garbage, created the impression that this is not a residential house and a barn, which are knocked off any unnecessary junk.
The old man turned his face to me with sparkling, small, sharp eyes, in a black abyss which jumped gleams of the flame of the lamp, and, looking straight into my eyes, said:
"Undress, take off your shoes here and went.
Oh, these little scary old eyes. Again I was unbearable horror, but I contained myself not to scream.
The words were a mockery, because as far as I could see, in the porch was dusty and dirty, and I imagined what kind will be my only jacket when I put it on a pile of garbage this сарайной landfill.
Not waiting until I разденусь, the old man grunted, and turned and went inside the house, opening desperately заскрипвшую door. I followed him, after some hesitations, and soon found myself in the thick darkness.
The old man walked ahead of him, lighting his way kerosene lamp, and I trailed behind him, every time something stumbling and wondering why it does not include the electric light.
We passed two or three rooms, but I couldn't see them. In the next room the old man put his lamp on the table, standing in the middle and she lit a small circle on the red with black patterned tablecloth.
'Well, my lad, now drink with you Seagull. You get warm by and you will be quite right.
-Why don't you light the light? I asked the old man, but he had already disappeared in the darkness, but made no answer.
Circle around the table with a dark red and black cloth, barely illuminated by the light from dancing, коптящего in the lamp reed flame, it was dark, to the extent that there was no walls, no furniture or the environment in General. Besides, the old man disappeared, and I suddenly felt before terribly from this lonely standing in the thick darkness of the unknown strange house, пожирающей sounds that I immediately felt a chill of horror, covering all my цепенеющее body. I stood and was afraid to turn around, afraid to move even a finger, afraid to open my mouth to say something and hear his voice, his breathing and even beating of your own heart.
I wanted to hide from the darkness in itself, a dive into it, dissolve in it, stop breathing, and even to live, to drive away all my feelings.
This was the most common animal fear the one that is gripping man, when the eyes of death are revealed to him, and he suddenly a piercing clearly feels helpless bodily creature in the power of the mighty forces, responsible for its fate, standing at the limit beyond which there is nothing. In those few seconds I would like the cockroach, hide in a ниибудь narrow chink, to conceal there and not move, to prolong your life in this way, but did not dare to tread and half a step somewhere away from the table, did not dare to move, and even breathing now barely able to breath not even himself.
On the back wandering herd of large shivers shimmering ice haloes terrible cold. I felt someone's opinion. It seemed that from the darkness behind me watching someone attentive eyes. They sank like a death grip in my body and not want to let me go. From this awful feeling I was petrified the whole, as freezes rabbit under the gaze of a boa constrictor. I didn't know whose it is opinion, who looks at me out of the darkness, but I with all my being felt his leaden heaviness.
Will and fear fought in me. Horror, I could not go back, but felt that this is what I need to do to remove сковавшее me voltage waiting to be saved. I was afraid of. I felt that from the darkness behind me glowing bright green devilish eyes, pursuing scared my soul all my life. If I saw it, it probably would immediately on the ground died of a broken heart, or despair of horror throwed forward to dispel uncertainty and, finally, to see the eyes, at least once, even поеследний that is destined.
I waited and not turned back, although this situation I was in, it was only that. But as трусящий skydiver novice delays before jumping every thousandth долечку seconds to push away this decisive step until despair will prevail over the real estate and not push it, and I suffered numbness.
I already thought I stand not in the house, not in a dark room, and in the vast space, the only filled, so it's dark emptiness in the middle of which soars lonely table covered with a tablecloth, red with black patterned. It панихидно lights dim sad light. And I'm dying in this eternity.
How long this horror, I could not determine. But she ended as suddenly as it began.
Someone had touched the back of my hand and I deeply and gave a sigh, and instantly jumped to the side, turning the lightning round, like a coiled spring, оттянувшись back and sat down on the right foot and put over the head of his hands relaxed. I myself could not understand how it is so I suddenly and turned out nicely. Through the darkness of fear in my mind flashed a bright spark of self-admiration and encouraged me with your light.
Peering into the darkness, I saw standing serenely my evening friend. In one hand he held a paunchy Nickel-plated coffee maker with аккуратнымкрасиво curved nose, in another managed to hold two earthenware cups and a teapot from the same service for welding of tea.
From all this there was steam, intricately swirling in the immaterial, неяснм light керосинки and уплывающий in the darkness.
The old man smiled weakly thin, pale lips, looking straight at me. A moment of standing, he suggested:
'Well, young man, that your young body needs reinforcements, ask to the table. Don't get offended modesty meal. I most humbly request to the table.
With этимим words he carefully put on the table of both the kettle and cups, and drew out somewhere in the darkness two chairs with высокимим headboards, оббитыми old, потершимся, but sturdy material, it seems Atlas. Then with a heavy сопением drew them to the table, put against each other and motioned for me to sit down.
I obeyed. We sat at the table. The old man poured on полчашечки boiled water and stared at me questioningly:
"Well, what do you drink? Tea? Coffee?
I was surprised by his manner разговора.я dumbfounded looked at him, and said:
-Coffee, if you can...
"Why not, " replied the old man, and his dry hand reached down, зашарила somewhere in my bosom of his jacket.
A little digging into his heart, the old man pulled out a small round tin box and squinted smiled toothless senile mouth:
-From the family inventory, so to say, on the occasion of the extraordinary guest, and looked at me fixedly bleary eyes, as if trying to see something in me through old поволоку, powder затянувшую them knows how many years ago.
I wanted to ask, what in me such extraordinary. An ordinary man, kid almost still. But I said nothing, and the old man, not explaining their obscure words, to prepare the drink immersed himself in this work.
I silently and with surprise observed, as he, like a magician, he pulled out of the small and not мельмиоровую, not even the silver spoon, and сыпанул bit brown powder from the banks themselves, and then me in a Cup. The old man seems to be not жмотничал, but there was something rational, selfish in his movements, as he watched, that not one speck of dust fell by, on the table and not be in vain.
When finished, he tightly corked the Bank, and she, along with a spoon disappeared in the depths of his jacket as mysteriously as it had appeared.
The old man turned to me and asked:
-You, the young people prefer to drink coffee with chocolate or brandy?
It knows where from undertaken way of talking to an old lad was not really surprised me how many, probably, irritated and frightened us. There was something unnatural, наигранное. He's not talking to me at the bar, and then somehow spoke. I felt that the old man is playing some kind of cunning, a captivating game, but I was wondering why he'd want to. This whole strange to mysticism evening so wrong and disturbed my heart some extraordinary aching longing. This dark house, this table in the middle of the room, immersed in the darkness, the kerosene lamp, a mysterious old man, then disappearing, appearing in the dark, but now decided to have a drink with me coffee with chocolate or brandy, - all this has floated past me vague own confused dream which I have dreamed myself weak-willed observer, and all around me were eligible , раскручивалось some kind of action that I was somehow the Central figure. Man cannot escape from the "I" even in a dream, and it haunts him everywhere.
My heart was suddenly calm as indeed I saw only a dream, though scary dreams plagued my mind whenever I start them swell. But I now became calm. In a relaxed сознаниисами, in addition to the will of surfaced lines:
Misty sleep, wrapped in a Grand piano,
Already playing on top of a day,
And snow, thrown into the sadness,
In the plate melts me.
They were born on their own, without any effort of the brain, безнапряжения memory and thought. Though some of chaotically moving experience between them, fluttering and again сталкивющиеся words units, participating in a mysterious game, light flirting, like individuals, have found each other on some mysterious laws, joined, forming a chain, formed in combination, creating out of chaos something natural, almost harmonious. Apparently, and MCA nature created yourself or the Lord God fingering variations, just as he created the world as we see it, once born and becoming part of it. May and now my brain served only as an instrument for the continuous creation. Why else would so easily and quietly, so quietly was on my mind, why is this miracle happened by itself without my participation, flowed like an aura words, not owned by me and came from nowhere. They flowed like a light smoke from autumn fire in a quiet windless weather, shimmered and brought bliss and tranquility, разливающиеся throughout the body. I almost physically felt their movement. Maybe it so people come to the revelation, the revelation of the Lord God:
Snow off the roads, dirty, old, evil
Is not going to melt
The smell of the street, bloated and rotten,
Kept on мукках fiery memory.
Poetic feelings come to me sometimes. But it happened so rarely, at the most inconvenient time and in such inappropriate places, that there was no way nor write, nor remember the beautiful lines, visited my head. I heard that Pushkin had often to jump up at night and record came in the head verses. Him like that, probably, like me suddenly dreamed of magic lines, and he rushed to the paper, lit a candle and wrote, wrote, wrote... Well, I? In fact I am not Pushkin, though I would be worth to try to do this. Maybe Muse would then more favorable to me and visit me more often than now. Probably, Pushkin and was a great poet, because it never missed a chance to write born in it stanza. Otherwise he disappeared into oblivion as destined, probably disappear for me.
Location my spirit was gradually returning to normal, and I was inclined to the conversation with the strange new friends. At first I tried to find out who he is. But the old man replied something vague, undefined, and this mumbled under his breath. So I understood nothing, but out of politeness pretended all to hear. In turn, the old man asked who I was. I parried his question hints and half-words. Each was left to his own.
Topic of conversation was over, and he was now alive. But here the old man said suddenly, of the other, and we were transported to another plane of conversation, none of us not directly related. And animated conversation.
Once inadvertently I touched that life has now become expensive and heavy, that when I was young, living was much easier. Then my old man how to break.
He started telling me how they lived in his childhood and youth and even in pre-revolutionary times. I wondered, did the old man lives for so long that remembers the time, but not asked him.
Here the old man remembered that we wanted to drink coffee, which has already order to cool down, cleared his throat disappointment, staring into the Cup with a sort of faded drink, порязмышял over it a moment, and then threw her the contents of a broad gesture somewhere in the darkness, made coffee for a new one.
-Chocolate or brandy? he asked me again.
I don't know what to say.
-With cognac...
"Very well, " replied the old man, again reached into his bosom, and his jacket, he pulled out a little, I felt value пузатенькую bottle of intricate configuration with a bright label and a screw cap and a small wooden box in which lay transcribed паралоном miniature crystal wine glasses, gleaming their faces in the flickering light of керосинки.
Then he carefully unscrewed the cork of the bottle, put the toy shots, pulling them out of the boxes, and one of them pushed me. Then he strongly squinting, so as not to miss in the darkness, poured a little brandy.
-Please, - he handed me a glass.
I never drank coffee with cognac, and therefore did not know how to do. I heard only, that coffee drinking. But how? in order not to embarrass myself in front of the master of the house, I drained стопочку, and then began to drink cognac hot coffee, barely while not choking and обжегши tongue and lips.
Carefully watching my steps, the old man smiled. Then he drank his coffee, I don't even pay attention to the way he did it, and put своюю Cup on the table.
When the pain from the burn a little отпусатила me, I asked him to distract:
-Please tell us why you don't include electricity?
The old man пошамкал lips, apparently пытаясьподобрать answer:
-The fact is, young man, that in this house there is no light. Not long ago.
I was surprised:
-I haven't quite understand...
-What is there to understand, " replied the old man, " no, that's all.
-But why?
The old man looked at me with a sly squint. His little eyes sparkled slyly a sparkle.
"Young man, " said he to me, you at least know where you are? You are standing on the threshold of the greatest secrets and ask any stupid questions about electric light! Give you to understand, that let you make a small, tiny step, very small, very miserable, and you will be introduced to the mysterious and unknown to the world to you. You will be involved in it, and it will be a burden, you will bear.
-Excuse me, why must I bear this burden? - immediately tried to defend myself, I still intrigued by his words, but it is not able to understand where he was headed.
-Because it is what will happen. You wanted to know, what is this place?
House, " I continued, instinctively protected taken aback such unexpected turn of conversation. - Actually, I don't see anything strange...
-Well, how? You've asked me a question, why there is no light, no?
"Actually, Yes, " I agreed, " but not more...
-Well, if I tell you why there's no light I'm sure you want to know and everything else.
I don't know, maybe...
"But I know I, - the old man lowered his voice. - You want to know further. I tell you but one условтем.
-With какми same? I inquired, зинтригованный the tone of voice of the elder.
"As long as it does not matter. But, having heard from me something that I'm going to tell you, you already cannot be released from the cargo that fall on your shoulders celebrate their good. Then, in virtue of the circumstances, you become his servant, and will bring his whole life, why would you not worth it.
-Yes, but why are you so sure? - I was amazed.
The old man leaned back somewhere in the darkness, and from there became visible only the pupils of his eyes, and then брызгающие tiny sparks:
-Because I know. I know, not because lived a life and I have some life experience. Any experience of mortal too small to even touch the secret laws of the existence and the overflowing of the forms of existence and non-existence, of darkness and light.
I for a moment thought that he is not his words, as if saying them under hypnosis. I have never been on sessions ventriloquists, and only heard about the terrible mystical view, but now it seemed to me that I attend this session.
Here the old man shook himself as if from his sleep and started to speak more human language, closer to the earth's substance of the conversation.
-I lived my life, son, " said he long, stretched and tired, - the whole life, and people taught me something to understand.
I pretended not to hear those first words said by my strange friend. I was scared.
-Tell, please, why did you choose me? How you found me, and who am I to trust me, you do not quite familiar person, some secrets? Is it the pub, where you met me there was no one with whom to do подобну joke?
-No joke. But I wanted among shit purest алмазик.
-I'm алмазик? - I had to once again surprised.
-I understand that you all that unusual, strange. Hooked on some old man at a table, invited, kind soul, a mug of beer, then something in the guests invited, took me into some strange, is more than strange house and carries nonsense. But the old man made a movement, and in the dark, somewhere up above his head забелел raised index finger. - But! You too inattentive, my friend. Let me call you so?
-You me so long ago already call, and I'm against it, it seems, did not object.
Yes, but now I ask you for permission. However, what was I saying? Ah, Yes. You too inconsiderate and it fails you... in Fact, with what joy or sorrow, you have to be careful? Youth, fun, naivety, carefree life... Isn't at that age condemn a man because he is poorly developed powers of observation and a little attention? You still owe nothing to anybody, don't owe anybody anything, you don't need to look around, not to be careful so you don't see who's watching you, who you are interested in.
-Unless someone is interested in me? I smiled, but said the old man for some reason strongly was flattered моегму self-esteem: "If you are interested, then you're not so small fry, a look for yourself.
-And how! "exclaimed the old man. - You still too poorly know the life and invisible , secret communications, which for most people is unknown to the death. Meanwhile, life goes according to the laws of these relations, it is not interested, do they know about the people or not. Human life is a funny thing, this is the devil переплетениеинтересов, intrigue and passion. Sometimes don't know what a turn in your destiny awaits you. Don't know if you are not familiar with the secret ties between the living, between the living and the dead between present, past and future. I already know, but this is a useless burden. Life is lived. And now that my knowledge of its laws? I wish I was your age with today my grey head. The vertices I would have soared. Now, all that's that. Wings collapsed and burned in life перепетиях. A regrettable paradox of life. When you're young and strong, stupid and vain, when you're leaning into the grave, then suddenly there is a terrible, passionate to leave a footprint on the earth. Bitter law of transition from quantity to quality: the number of years lived makes you wise, but the decrepit and powerless. Knowledge and expertise to thee for a long life, become vain, painfully oppressive heart load. Yeah... But what I began, however, do ye not remember? Oh Yes, you were asked whether you someone interested in. Well, I will answer: Yes, yeah, might not easy to be interested, and to ask with great force. For example, you, in particular, for a long time carefully and closely I am interested in.
I almost fell from my chair. The old man again and again continued to impress me своимим рассказками.
-Something I did not notice me interested in, and especially you, I actually saw the first time today, " I said.
But that does not mean that I am for you do not watch. That is the art of observation, to the object of the observation't even notice it. But still, it is true, I have been watching you, watching the Guinea pig, sorry for comparison, but it is quite apt. I will not say how much time it продолжжалось, but believe me that quite a long time. I need you. First, when I started to look, I visited doubt, but then my knowledge of this idea more and more. I began observation of you not accidentally. Why and how I found you? Let it be my little secret. Well?
-Yes, but why do you still need?
-I said that this will be my little secret. I have had need of, and I did it. And today we met with you only because it is the time that is called glow. The time has come when I became necessary to direct contact with you, and I did all that he was held today. You have no idea how it was subtle game. It is a pity that no one will be able to evaluate it on its merits. Although, - he waved his hand, " I do not need this.
He hesitated for a moment, then said seriously, старчески sigh:
-I did a great, great job, but it was necessary to me. Imagine, I even had to split you today with your best friend. Do not believe?! But it happened, and that's a fact.
-True. Indeed, today I quarrelled with him. But how have you managed it?
-I told you: the finest game will of a case, " said the old man in a low voice.
-But will the case anyone does not obey, as I understand.
-Your knowledge, again I say to you, worthless and are approximate. The case will quite easy to manage, knowing the laws to which it is subject, and skillfully using them. Every man has a Destiny. Another thing is that some believe in it, others not. Now, the case is in the tideway of the human destiny, and not out of him, as the water can't leave the banks of the river. Imagine that everything that is happening around you and with you, starting with a certain period in your life, was due to a control mentality and psychology surrounding you. You went to this day for a very long time. You pushed in the path, you were turned on her, though sometimes only slight deviations, but all day today after some efforts of my consciousness and will неминеумо delineated in your life.
-Yes, but you just recently, only that, they said they just watched me, and now I already know from you that you ruled my mind, and not only mine, but those who one way or another influenced me, who was friends with me or could not tolerate me, who dealt with me...
I was not myself again, for the umpteenth time, for this crazy evening. A world of seemingly firmly устоявший in me, now stick in my mind, ready to tip over and capsize and waiting only to the last drop, which will overflow the Cup. It was a feeling that I'm about to go crazy.
-No, I have not deceived you. Until some time I really watched you. But at some moment you had to actively intervene in your destiny, because you began to leave aside float away from the line by which you should go to held a meeting today.
-But you do not even поинтересовалис.ь if I wanted this meeting!
-Still, we too unequal conditions, so I asked your opinion of that.
-Well, tell me, at least, from what date you are actively uchavstvuete in my fate? Can I at least know it?! - I protested.
-Unfortunately, I can't tell you that. Very sorry, but I can't, I impartially ответтил old man. I will just say that there's nothing complicated. Need only time to put you in different situations and to substitute a certain subjective material.
-Yes that you let yourself be,after all? - I jumped up from the chair, рассвирепев from his arrogant harangues. - Respond immediately, why you did it and what is the purpose of pursuing? Who gave you the right to hold me experiments, though over a Guinea pig?! I should know what are the steps in my life I done consciously, and which - under your influence! Answer me immediately!
I stood in the midst of the furious darkness and looked at the old fellow, who never changes. My view not brought him nor tremble, neither excited nor in bewilderment. And no other feelings will not reflect on his face. There came to me a sharp, piercing, сверлящая brains thought that most likely the interlocutor of my crazy maniac, заманивший his next victim in the cleverly placed network. He was feeble, this old man, but I've heard many times that of madmen in the minutes of the attack appear from nowhere remarkable strength, and SPE can then deal with not even a man, but to fill up the adult bull.
Hardly this idea was born in my head, like a thousand evidence and arguments underpinning it, gathered into one, into something that is rapidly sweeping and growing like a snowball, which flashed into my brain and раздаваило my weight and everything. "Yes, " I thought, " most likely it's a madman with a особбенной, mannered, too florid delusions of persecution. For a long time he pursues his sacrifice, and, probably, it makes him a special treat. He learns about its smallest details, subtle touches of nature, biography, personality, and its relationships with friends and acquaintances. He, though заправской detective pursues her long, with confidence, that the victim will not денеться from him, notes, where she loves to spend time with friends, where her favorite places with whom they are usually in the campaign. And then, when there is such a time that the regular sacrifice can slip away, he finds a way, Kaak to meet her, how to get in contact. Now he had introduced himself to the same case."
I stood and these thoughts going through my head at the speed of lightning. And the old man was sitting as if nothing had happened. He looked at me with his small eyes with a sly squint, looked as if about to hypnotize.
"Screwed you nevertheless! I thought, feeling that now остолбенею. - In which case you can't even find a way out of this dark, dismal trap".
I thought he was speechless: so long continued his silence, but suddenly his mouth was opened and listened abnormally calm, indifferent to everything happening voice:
-I warned you that you are standing on the threshold of the great mysteries. I understand your condition. Be in your position a little scary, but it will pass, you'll see.
Said the old man did not reassure me. On the contrary, it only pushed me to a nervous breakdown, which increasingly louder in my mind, similar to snow, inexorably rushing downhill. I already poorly understood what was happening with me, around me, where I actually am. I was filled with a terrible, ugly choking, and I felt that another minute delay, delay another minute in this room, in this house, and I will suffocate completely. The feet are taken me somewhere in the darkness.
-I want out of here! I shouted in a voice, whether he wanted to frighten the old man, the master of the house, or encouraging himself.
"Wait a minute! Wait! - I heard this myself in pursuit. The old man moaned in his chair, wanting to get up. "Wait, where are you?! The mystery of this applies to your father!
His screams, несшиеся me after him, only added to the fear and awe in my soul. Breath, сперло in the chest. Was worse. It seemed to me that the old man's hands, like two black lightning overtake me in the dark, and I cannot get away from them matter how fast I ran.
I sprinted off strength.
Chapter 6.
The old man again tried to stop me with your shout, however, I've not listened to and such оббращения were completely useless. Absolutely not wondering where I run, I ran into the darkness, away from the table with red and black patterned bedspread, away from this maniac.
I wanted to get out of this gloomy house, immersed in darkness. In darkness I stumbled on some wall and smash painfully hit her forehead with such wildly force that his head from затрещала infernal pain, and I think she's about to fall apart.
I stopped and looked back feeling that I was losing underfoot support and съезжаю on the wall. Kerosene lamp floated in the darkness, coming close to me in an awful silence. I like jolted. Holding on with one hand разламывающуюся head, the second I chattered away in the darkness, touching the wall and moved along her to an unknown location. Here in the way I got a closet. My palm against his side, and from it , I barely touched, with a rustle , rumble and unimaginable rustle sprawled out on the floor, fell stack mounds some paper, creating a blockage on my путит. Trying to overcome it, I stepped foot on slippery paper. Leg put forward, went, stretching me in splits. I slipped, somersaulted in the air on his back and rode on paper heap, as the snow slope.
The old man was already lost me and sharilsya somewhere behind, but. hearing the noise raised me quickly соориентировался and went straight to me.
Ogonek керосинки was already so close, when I found the strength to get up and continue the flight.
This dumb terrible chase anyone could seem like a scene from a horror movie. The darkness of the strange house, silly стриака with керосинкой in his hand, рыщущий in the darkness, and I, poor, frightened boy, rushing in search of the way out of this nightmare, what happened in reality. Imagine yourself in my place. Only well imagine all this, and you feel like frost will pass on your back.
I silently, with a heavy сопением, which I казалоось, betrayed the old man, where I am, the way forward, feeling his hand wall in the dark, and the old man as silently haunted me, not behind a single step, but unable to catch up with me. I heard somewhere very near, behind shuffling his feet, his wheezing. It seemed that he was about to overtake me. But time passed by, it did not happen.
Suddenly my hand landed on the door jamb. I tried to push the closed door. She yielded, but with such a strange creaking like led in some kind of void. But I paid it no no attention, and only unconsciously, with inexplicable relief was glad that I found it. I opened the loops of her nasty creaked hurt rust - and, without a second, without any hesitation, stepped into it.
However,, "Oh, God!" in the same moment my joy was replaced by a cold horror, because my foot not yet found the threshold nothing to support and plunged into the dark abyss, into the unknown, into the void, into the darkness. My heart зашлось from fear, вспорхнуло, встрепенулось, like a bird small, юркнуло somewhere in the heel.
I fell somewhere down and feeling that fall, instinctively grasped hand the handle of the door, the second leg still standing on solid, caught the ledge of the threshold. This saved me from the instant the fall. However, the door is opening in the wider under the pressure of gravity of my body, увлевлекла me, and my body stretched, like a rope hanging over the void.
I might come back обпатно, but протребовалось would be an incredible effort of muscles of the abdomen, back and waist to pull open распахнувшуюся to the threshold of the door, I caught toes. It had to be an outstanding силачем, not like me anyway.
I tried to bend or stretch the muscles of the press and waist, but it was in vain. The only positive effect, which was reached me, just what has slowed the speed with which the open door. However, she continued inexorably opened wider and wider, and after a few moments, lopnuv as перетершаяся титева Luke, I hung on the door handle, dangling from side to side in the dark, above the black abyss.
Under the weight of my body door hinges desperately cheering and creaked moaned thousands of frets, passing from one to лругой. I almost physically felt their stress on the verge of collapse, felt as nails, holding them climb out of the tree. The door to the beginning when hang down, ready at any moment to break with its cargo of bis, breaking away from the jamb, but still stood, did not fall.
The fingers of my hands immediately sick from the wild, unusual for them to load, and I would have slipped from the unbearable pain, if not grasped the second guidance for another door the handle.
Отворяясь increasingly, the door brought me to rough cement wall, about which I would hit back, and stood in such a position. I felt from the dark bottomless emptiness beneath me a moist wind issued forth, замшелостью and coolness.
So, dangling in the dark, I experienced the most большео of about all the turmoil tonight. Нескуолько times cold, clammy shiver ran waves all over my body from the feet to the head and back, large drops of sweat covered my face, and I almost fainted from fright. Then suddenly it got hold of me such passivity and weakness, that I already wanted to uncouple fingers and fall down, but made a last-ditch effort to refrain from this, exacerbated by the fear of the unknown.
I barely managed обуявшим me cowardice, as here in the doorway gleam of light appeared first the dim, flickering tongue weak flame керосинки, and then barely lighted them the face of the old man, dazed, staring into the darkness.
He was staring down, obviously thinking that I plopped down there.
-AI-Yai-Yai! - burst from his chest, and it seemed to me that in breath sounds genuine regret and sympathy, as if he was sorry for me. At that moment, I wanted to respond to, he realized that I fell down and hang out here on the door, but something made me to beware.
The old man made a lamp forward, further from the door, to the extent allowed make it выттянутая hand, and my eyes introduced themselves barely visible in the darkness, stood out from the darkness, shining with moisture, осклизлые stones brickwork, well leaving down. At the top, just above the door there gleamed a small drops of cement grey ceiling. Below, as lacking the light of the kerosene lamp, was seen well from осклизлого stone, stretching away into the darkness.
The old man saw me hanging on the door, and all kept looking down, trying to guess something in the darkness, which barely dismissed the shimmering kerosene light. He listened to the воцарившеся silence, and I gasped and groans from the crazy pain, крутившей my fingers. Then he bent down, put his hands palm to his mouth and shouted into the darkness: "Hey-Ho, Agay-gay!"
Раскатистое echo echoey hit the ceiling over the door several times reflected from it and gone somewhere deep down. I thought beneath me no less than a dozen meters emptiness, separating me from the bottom of the well.
The old man waited, listening, you hear a response, and again shouted loudly cry: "Agay-gay!" But, naturally, there was no answer, and could not follow, because, превознемогая the pain in my fingers, I WISA here, close to him, in any полуторах metres.
Not waiting for an answer, the old man disappeared through the door, disappearing in the dark and I was alone again in the darkness over the abyss. Not a single sound I gave myself over this time, and now continued to hang on the door.
Now I started thinking how to get out of here. Sloppy door already rather slack and has warped, and I feared lest she never wavered from its hinges, burdened by my weight. Besides the pain in my fingers had increased with every minute, and I чувствоввал that would last me for a long time. Ill перенапрягшийся from the incredible efforts of the stomach, was stiff back. Metal door handles all глуюже crashed into the meat, put pressure on the bones of the limbs. I felt like my fingers lose their power and ability to hold the weight my body. Yet a little while, and I had to inevitably break down.
Has anyone tried anything hanging on the fingers, and not on the palm, should easily understand all my feelings from such a pleasant position in which I found myself. And who hasn't tried it, let them try and suffer all прелесьб unbearable, sharp, усиливющеся pain, which eventually become so shrill and unbearable that it is easier to close his fingers and fall down, than to hang. In another situation, I would not done such a focus in a million, would suggest someone to me and now I'm hanging with good ten minutes, and the fear of height spurred my weakening the will, forced to continue to hang далльше probably surprised that I, what is so long to them and not fall, then we would fly down, but I was not surprised and generally thought only of how I get out of this situation. I knew that in such situations it is necessary to quickly and coolly search пупуть to salvation, and not to panic.
At first me still it seemed that my situation is hopeless, and the only way out - to fall down, and there, быдь that will be. I hanged by the wall and nothing could reach the door sill. But then I came up with a simple and brilliant idea.
I WISA as already said. Near the wall, and if he could push off as it should legs, I would, probably, has informed in an arc to the threshold the door even in the condition in which she was. And there already were mere trifles. Indeed, there are no hopeless situations, and often salvation lies in the seemingly неблаговидном circumstance provisions.
Had to act cautiously, slowly, not making any sharp movements. So I gently and slowly, despite the severe pain muscles of the abdomen, raised his right leg, and bent her knee, примостил sole of my Shoe on a slippery surface of the masonry, and then making sure that my leg will not go on mucus covering the wall somewhere to the side, gently, but with the power of leverage. Desperately заскрипев, dilapidated door bore me, describing an arc and slowly closing, to save the threshold. But then I still poorly tested, whether the resistance of the rusty hinges from the big overloads was too high, but she stopped somewhere in the middle. Now I floundered in the empty space, not having возможностидостать nor to the wall or to the threshold.
I couldn't hang, fingers completely numb, and it began to ache and the arms themselves. Feeling that's about to tear away, I am desperate rant on the door beneathbbut the number ofbACE, and under the influence of my recent efforts of my счстью leaned toward the doorway. You may not believe me, speak, that behold, they all say so: "fortunately". But it is in cases happened, otherwise, I know that now, I come to an end, dreamed Khan, as they say in some areas.
Yes, the door creaking slightly moved to the side of the threshold, but now I felt that I'll get to the door jamb foot. The last effort of will I forced myself do this and pull the door to the doorway in the wall. When I almost got out of there, somewhere down in a dark pit something hit and лязгнуло with metallic echo. Glancing down, I saw a weak flickering light, barely пробивавшийся through the darkness. Looking closer, I realized that it was a paraffin stove old man. Its light was somewhere below, and beside him in the darkness it was impossible to see anything. Suddenly a bright orange flash lit up the well, and there, on the bottom or at the bottom of it to be in a blaze, жирнокоптя thick black smoke rising up well curly clubs, pine torch emerged as if from the middle ages.
Чадящее flame red, shining orange bursts danced, запульсировало at the bottom in dick, hypnotic dance from which it was impossible to tear his eyes away. Glares it struck the damp walls of the well its light, giving them red-brown tint. Out of the darkness fluoresce bricks, covered with slime, заблестевшей, заигравшей light.
Not immediately, blinded by the light suddenly appeared torch, I discerned at the bottom of a small door from which looked out to see the old man. Now I saw that the well's deep, and my body just hang at a height of fifteen meters in the place where the old man opened lower iron door. But, on closer examination, I found that under the door for another three-meter continues down the wall.
As far as I can see I разссмотрел that the door protected from below serving well semicircular grille of metal rods, and below, on the bottom there is a teeming movement. Something wet, поблескивающее mucus move there. It seemed to me that I hear the splash of water, emanating from there.
Suddenly a door at the bottom became with the clang of the closing, torch, who had flickered, disappeared in the well again dark and silence. It happened, as I immediately jumped to his feet from the floor on which he lay, watching and again moved in the darkness, he knew not where. Feeling his hands walls, I soon came across the threshold of a door. Taught by bitter experience, I'm not stepped on immediately as last time, although it was opened and crouched down and felt, is there behind this door solid support. My fingers felt dyed or lacquered the surface of the wooden floor, and then, rising, I stepped over the threshold.
Moving carefully, and fearing to hurt something in the dark and make the most noise, which might throw my location, I suddenly stumbled across some shelves, densely crowded with books. I went along, and found that during the first стоиттакой same second, then a third and fourth. Between the shelves were made narrow passages. One would think that he was in a room of some library. It was amazing, because I don't expect to find in this house something like this. Shelves stood side by side in rows. Them there was much, much, more than a dozen, and all of them were forced ккакими the books and folders most разннобразных sizes.
Passing всегоэтого, I finally got to the deaf wall and saw that it was impossible to go further. Does not remain anything else how to go back. To come back. Hardly this thought occurred to me, as I started to shiver. But there was nothing to do. From this room there was no other way. I feared that, making my way back, I get around to the old man. And so it happened.
As I left the room in which the lost between bookshelves seeing that the corridor in which I stood, swaying side to side to me moving light of the paraffin lamp, the kerosene lamp, which was in the hands of the old man.
Like пришпоренный impatient horse rider, I rushed away from this horrible little spark without seeing the road, something dropping and tilting on its way. Several times hurt hurt and I almost crashed to the death the rail on a concrete staircase leading down somewhere. I rolled her head over heels and sprawled on the floor in full growth, even before they get scared. Standing up, I thought, that, perhaps, exactly убьюсь, if I run away and further. "Actually, what the hell I escaping from some несчатсного geezer?" - dумалось me suddenly. Fear vanished. And I treasurership, began to go up the stairs.
Old man I saw when almost upstairs. Light of his lamp was almost near my face. I looked carefully and saw his face, distorted with suffering and pain. In all its States, ссутулившейся figure was felt fatigue and weariness., and the hair white, becoming gray.
The master of the house did not expect that всвтретиться with me, and stumbled on me by the stairs, whole body shuddered and jumped even ago.
-I never seem to get through tonight, " he said, " I'm so scared by his actions.
He sighed heavily, and I said, not feeling absolutely fear with me completely still a few minutes ago:
-I was scared so much more.
-But what? - the old man was surprised. - What are you so scared and why so desperately rushed to flee?
I got confused:
-In fact I myself I can't say that with me happened. Suddenly scared and all. What's happening!
-It happens, it happens, " the old man agreed reluctantly. - I don't know what miracle you ever stayed alive. In this house the many dangers...
He turned and wandered away and I followed behind, feeling secure once again, stumbling in the dark about scattered by me during the flight of the items.
We walked past the door leading into the well, where I nearly hit. Apparently, " the old man said, when surprised, as I was alive. In the dim light керосинки its open doorway seemed to like me разинутый mouth of a dead man.
Finally, breaking the paper roll, hosted by me, we went back to the same room where only half an hour ago peacefully sat and drank coffee.
The old man offered me to sit down. His voice was cracked and tired, similar to the previous, that recently. I was amazed how hard hit by the incident of the this old man. He really was to old, more he was друвним, dense elder. Now it was well visible, and I again was surprised that had scared him, the old and the weak.
"Sit down, repeated his offer elder.
I obeyed him and sat on his chair, where he had sat before his stupid flee. The old man sat down as before, in front of me. He leaned back in his chair, clearly resting against wrapped.
Yes, fear at this moment again, as had happened. Now I just sat opposite his companion curiously waiting for what would happen next. The old man, learn to read other people's thoughts, вправебыл count my behavior shaped mockery of themselves. But, apparently, he also decided to mock me, only the other way, namely, задолбать stupid questions.
-So what are you hurry, young man? he asked again, frowning.
-I not ran, and decided to leave, just decided to leave, " I said.
-GM, but in a way you of the guests did not go, you will agree, perhaps?
-Hmm... Perhaps.
Old man perked up slightly, sensing, apparently, that he had found a clue to the conversation.
-You see, - said he, - you see, the consequences of non-observance of rules of etiquette? Needed to stand, сказаьб that you wish me to leave, and I would have you spent. I can assure you, the young man, by the way, that you almost погиби due to hasty action. You were on the verge of death, and I, frankly speaking, I cannot understand at all, what a miracle you survived. You see, you almost died, young you people.
-I like that about this guess, " I said.
"I warned you that you are standing on the threshold of the great mysteries. In such cases, you should be more in control of yourself. Any, even the smallest mystery when she's going to open up, to tickle nerves, well, all the more if the big mystery. Here it is hold on, and the urge to run!
The old man was talking, apparently, a good mood came back to him. He said витиеватую speech about the great benefits of politeness. In some places he even smiled, and then suddenly, as it is good, abruptly stopped and bent over to me, pushing on the edge of the Desk and asked заговорщическим in a whisper, as if afraid that someone is listening:
-So you want to be devoted in secret?
I was taken aback.
Chapter 7.
I want or not?" I repeated about SEB question the old man, not feeling quite никкиъ desires.
But let learn why I needed you посвещать in this your secret? Why me? I asked him, hoping that his answer will help me to make a choice.
-The reasons for this are many, " said the master of the house, - but the most important is the game the higher forces. It stipulates почеум you will be entrusted this mystery.
I looked the old men raised up указателльный finger, дрожавший in a twinkling lamps, and said,
-Know I don't believe in the existence of the supernatural. In my life there was nothing that proves the existence of God or the devil. And those whom I trust, not had to deal with such manifestations. So your words to me малоубедительны. In any case although I no matter mastered the material, but undertake to prove to you from the point of view of the Marxist-Leninist philosophy, as well as the materialist dialectics...
The old man sour winced and interrupted me with a gesture of his hand:
-Don't do it, boy. Do not recall here neither about Lenin, Marx, the more. I know all this. I'll tell you only one thing, after which you умолкнешь, ' cause you can't anything I say. Yes, these two have broken a lot of copies, to prove the existence of God, or as they called world of ideas - the purest nonsense. Let it be so. But all their proofs are no more than hype. Yes, Yes deceptions. While reasoning they affect only one side of the coin, pretending, or indeed not realizing that there is also the flip side of it. Yes, they say that there is no God. But find anywhere these figures reasoning about the Devil. Alas, your the search will be in vain. The devil is not affected at all. What is it? Why? Maybe they were afraid to talk about it or kept silent about this, so you can easily and simply to explain everything in terms of their very limited worldview? Or maybe they were just his obedient servants? After all, they created a world of very great service to the Evil. How strengthened its positions in the world with his victory! By the way, some Wake from this hellish sleep there a little less a dozen years ago. There has been, but immediately, with no time to come to fruition, сникло after some time. Then monuments of these "leaders and thinkers" threw bottles with petrol and set on fire. In those days, they were cursing, and all publicly repented. So long followed the belief, called Marxism-Leninism. And now... and now everything is back to the old channel, to normal, everything returned to the truth, which is simple but obvious: the Devil reigns on this earth. He was let go of the reins, but then he pulled them again. That's all. All opponents leaned out into the light, as he mowed them подчастую, and this warming, which seemed to many irreversible onset of spring and the return of peace to live according to the laws of God, soon ended, easy and unexpected, and повылазившие it was spring flowers were killed and fall under the onslaught returned cold. Everything returned to normal. Oh, Russia has always been a country in which the Evil one to live in freedom. Because this country is the constellation of Aquarius, satellites which the black cat and the number thirteen. I might be able to рассказатьтебе, but we have too little time to do it.
Enchanted I listened to the old man, but his last words протрезвили me and made me look at the clock. Oh, the devil, I found that before the end of dismissal, after which the battery will be checked, left measly half an hour, and I can greatly get stuck. Time left to spare. If I didn't want trouble, I had to immediately go way back.
-We have no time, " said the old man, and I was completely agree with him. - We have no time, " said he, making incomprehensible for me focus on this aspect, because... because tonight I'm going to die.
I again looked at the old man as abnormal.
-How do you know this?
-I know a lot from the that is not revealed to you.
"What makes you deal with these earthly Affairs? Why, if you know you're going to die, why you are not ready to die, and sit ye here whilst and chat with me about all sorts of trivial matters? And maybe you can help you to not die?
-I still have some to whom some obligations, dear boy, and not doing them I can't disappear. And help me as nothing impossible and not do that, because I don't want this.
-You want to die?
-I want to or don't want - it's not in my power.
-And in whose then?
-There were powerful forces that govern our existence. Can you believe, young man?
-I can, " I replied, however, not too confident in what he said.
-Well, then I tell you what. Believe me, the old man, who lived the life, a person, who has nothing to lose because he knows that tonight will die, but even to this event is treated with great condescension, almost indifferently. Believe me, that is both God and the Devil, and all that is written about them, maybe, not quite truthfully, but enough to understand their essence, as a phenomenon. And moreover, what is written about them, speak and do not be a mere mortal. Let he chooses how to live, how to be who you serve. It only repeat, every picture of life can and should develop, if it appeared in this world... Yes, there is God. It is not available, because't tempt, but awaits man, his servant when he comes in his Kingdom. But there is another world, he is closer to a man, closer earthly because pulling in the other direction, into the darkness of тьмущую.
The old man, прередохнув, continued:
-There are sorcerers, witches, there are wizards. There are a lot of evil spirits, not just in it faces, and who happen, will himself to her and attached. There are devils, there are vampires, and there is a Devil, the King and the Ruler of the Kingdom of Darkness Several thousands. Hard to mortal resist his temptations, for whom he or its fiery eyes would get... Remember and believe that all this on the ground and above the reach of man. All walk under God and the Devil, and between them choose their own way. With the Devil easier. It offers the transaction simple and clear, earthly properties. Many seasoned his lips. God hasn't. He gave everything a person at birth. He is the Creator, he is the Creator, not the adversary. To it do not use the resulting упишься, it can only believe that he is, believe and serve him, doing good on earth, until the end path through purgatory... In this country God is weak, and the devil is mighty. In the people of this country kill the living, destroy the soul. In other countries, too, but not to such an extent, and here especially. In you kill the souls devil servants, in a great variety of staying among mortals and nothing from them indistinguishable. And, depriving the soul, you are deprived of faith, and all of you are going in the army of the Devil, without noticing it. You продаетесь him, and he was happy to success, вершащемуся on this earth... All trying to understand God. But how can a creature understand the Creator, even if it is in his image and likeness? God cannot be understood, it can only believe, and you are deprived of it. Church closed, the churches of God have been looted and farmed out to the Devil. Dying is your land, is nearing Геене Fire, to burn in together with the Damned. Don't believe you and believe not.
-Yes, but we believe in many things and often make mistakes, disappointment, " I said old man trying to break through to reality through зачаровывающщую veil of his words.
"Fool! Believe only in the Singular and Holy. All and the rest of the faith, as magical, all this tinsel, a substitute from his Excellency the Devil. Believe in anything, but not in God, and the Devil will be pleased. Believe whatever you like, but remember that believe in a lie. And when faith in a lie gave the fruits of joy? Believe anything except God, but you will believe in Nothing, you'll believe the Devil... Only Holiness without blemish. Only the Holy one can trust. You blind people believe not in heart and mind. And faith is the mind that is the faith of the Devil. You believe what you are told to believe, drowning out his voice of the heart. You can only portray the faith, but not to take it... In God we must believe in one's heart, he was not fooled, although in other hearts already firmly nest Wicked. If you believe in God, it means that he remembers you and not forgotten in this lost world. If you don't believe, but represent, лицедействуя, you deceive yourself, but also calling on the head of his God Karu... Sinful people try to make them believe in other integrity of these same mortals, equal before the Lord rest, to create earthly idols. Indeed they are sinners. How can a mortal be great, rise above the other? Only stewards of God has the right to rule and reign on the earth. And these came out of the Darkness. They come not from above but from below and turned everything upside down, the whole of the earth's deep-seated order. They came out of the darkness and serve the darkness. Indeed, sinful, worshipping them. I CMEWbut watch what's happening on the ground. Not among mortals true righteous, because all are the servants of God. Among them there are only worthy of the flour of the Lord. In every man fights the Divine and the Diabolical. The divine is nourished by faith, and if the soul has no faith, then it fades like deprived of water a flower. Soul unhallowed risks to be tempted of the Devil, just only will they примечена...
-Aren't you make me a believer, pious righteous? - I threw the old man, realizing that if still a little побезмолвствую, you will not get out of the enveloping me shroud of his words.
-Repent, Herod! suddenly the old man yelled at me. - Fear God, thou wretch, and pray, pray, обретай faith until it's too late to ever make! I know who to hunt for you! Not my fault and not yours, that your soul is almost dead faith. But revive her, quicken, while the voice of the Lord is still reaches her weak echo! Dried flowers are not alive, but your flower can still be saved...
The old man continued to talk, but I was already in a coma and not listening. In my mind raced with crazy прытью lines, and I enjoyed their movement. Beginning caught on with the words:
My soul is killed and the dead,
Dried flowers are not alive...
And that further on, on, on. Something beautiful and quick and elusive. And compared with that everything else so unimportant, and so ridiculous.
When it was over, I heard again the voice of the old man, who continued monologue:
-... my goal is completely different. I on the scales, but your soul can hardly save as far as I understood from our conversation. But you should know that you be after death in hell, if will not turn you to God. Unfortunately, the allotted time does not allow me to do a revivification of your soul with all my desire. I don't live on earth in this dimension, even until the morning.
His eyes gleamed in the darkness, and he continued:
-But I must have, at whatever cost to send you the keys to the secrets.
"Yes but what the hell do I need them!" - wanted to cry, I remembered what almost on the verge of collapse and that I need to and that there is a spirit race in the school.
There was a pause in the conversation of confusion. I did not know that there myself thinking the old man, but in my head thoughts spun in a disorderly cycle. The silence lasted, and the old man was not, apparently, violate. And carousel in my mind раскручиваллась faster and faster, and I did not know what to say in a minute, second, what a thought, good or rash, fall out on the line in this roulette.
-Well, I am ready to listen to you, unexpectedly for himself betrayed and I thought, "Well, tough made!" looking at the clock, I noticed with horror that was already too late, and I suddenly became still, that will be with me in school. As if it's gone somewhere in infinitely far future.
The old man watched over me all this time and, in all probability, have not escaped occurring in me change.
-You were going somewhere in a hurry? he asked carefully and with the participation.
I didn't like the volatility of its appeal to me: "you", "you". You cannot, it was impossible to determine, in fact, he treats me.
-No, no, you thought, " I decided to stay with him an official tone.
"Well, then, perhaps, I will begin, - said the master of the house, and I turned away in the dark for a few seconds. - First of all, - he continued, as he turned to me again, - I have to show you this house. I must hurry because time I only have till dawn. And one inspection and we need to crawl about three hours.
-About three hours?! - I was surprised.
-Yes, about three hours. This house a lot more than you think. What can be seen from the outside, only a small part. As the tip of the iceberg is visible only a tenth of the total. So, guys, let's go.
He took the lamp in hand, rose from the table and went to exit the room. I hurried after him. In the darkness I heard his voice, speaking to me:
-All that be in this house from the moment of my death enters your property. Think of. That you got a very good legacy and be proud of it. You'll be back here then. I think that the heir would have time and wish to get acquainted with his богатсовм closer. It very much, and we will conduct a thorough survey of you to know, that where the and where is...
I still was not very fun to listen to his constant arguments about the death. Even the inside cooled temptation to make a disgusting feeling of nausea. "Let you die, but how the hell all the time to remind me about it. In my opinion, a normal man досаточно one time he remembered what he was told, ' thought I, making the way for him. His continued sobbing so taken out of me that sometimes I had to compress fists and стискивать teeth, not to throw tantrums and malice, подступавших together with nausea.
So, in the dark, I passed it from one room to another and listened to his explanation interspersed with reminders of emergency his death.
The house was really more of any of my expectations. First I took a count of the room, but when the number of their early twenties, lost count. One could not say that I remember all their contents, which were mostly, as I understand it, some very rare and valuable books, manuscripts, originals of someone's diaries, as well as things that do not have, from my point of view, not only for me, but, in General, no one, absolutely of no use and that are fit only for the space under the glass Museum.
However, see more or less detail what was in the vaults of the house, was impossible in the dim light of a kerosene lamp, and most of the information I received on the hearing and the faith that told me the old man.
-Once, long time ago - then he said casually, " I had a good job, got a salary is not that good and decent, you could say. In those days I could easily contain his family, did not know any problems. It was so long ago that you thought it was not. In those times people lived well, much better than now. Here is the coffee that we've been drinking, it's natural, Brazilian coffee, what now can not be found, remained with me since those times допотоных. This is my reserve has since years. I have a few jars. Use them to health. When you need you will find it in the kitchen, in the white hanging closet. But it then...
I followed him and listened to his chatter, перемежавшуюся with указаниами about what lies where, but nothing in the condition was to remember. Perhaps the reason is that very tired. And the old man has gone before, absolutely no interest in. Сллушаю I it or not, as if it were self-evident and continued his nobody knows for whom затеянный story:
-... you probably wonder why досмтопамятное time when in the shop you can freely buy cheap sausage, easily get Brazilian coffee, and coffee in General, as such, when the shelves abounded variety of products, why I did the stocks were purchased for the future, right?
"Yes, " I answered mechanically, although similar question I was not tortured.
You could hear the old man chuckled weakly, almost began to cough, and continued:
-Only thanks to my innate instinct, instinctive Jewish instinct, my boy! That's all, plus a little наблдательности and logical thinking. In those days, I still did not possess powerful knowledge that are open to me now, and was just an ordinary man with ordinary vain concerns of ordinary human life. Now I would not do this shallow vanity, because my position frees me from this burden. And then I was a mere mortal. Now I don't need to lie.
The old man sighed, stood, and turned around, trying to look me in the eye to determine probably, if I believe him or not. But, I потупил opinion, because, as already said, could not bear to gaze in your eyes, especially if looked at me, an old man.
We again moved forward along the endless corridors and passages of the house, which seemed to have no end.
"Yes, " I heard again the voice of my companion, " I have lived a long time and seen a lot in its lifetime. It isn't hard to see, that every year to live became heavier and heavier, and more recently, you've come to the light, unbearable. In those days I was a family man, lived, that is, as all. Had a wife and son. Was the house, though not my corner, but I do not think and do not call home apartment or another place to stay. I call home some commonality of people, namely, husband, wife, their children, their links, the feelings they have for each other, relations between them, in a word, it is quite clear what I mean by the word "house". Now, I had a personal house. Yes, we had to knock about different corners, so, probably, this house was to be scattered, having no time to recuperate. Wife left me. Yes, she lived close, but the body belonged not only to me, and soul at all did not belong to anyone and even to itself. Poor woman. She allowed herself to ruin свитое her nest. It all хотелосьвстряхнуть me. But it was not in me. Simply everyone is earthly path, where there are intersections and bifurcation. And then a strong spirit chooses one way rather weak and tired, broken destiny, walking to the other, leading to the abyss and drags into the abyss of his companions, идущиx with him, speaking the language of climbers, in one bundle.
Happened to my wife. She wanted a lot at once, was impatient and little heard that told her I. She hoped to make the breakthrough of the poverty in which we were born and lived upstairs in the higher spheres, but not calculating their feeble women's strength, lost and what was rolled downhill high pitch in the bottom. This woman still alive, but has no what was once a dream, in the end, each. She has lost her house, and broke it in a hurry, my little mirror счстья, hoping to find more, and never able to come again neither, although wants it. She's going to die lonely, unfortunately away from the son, not remembering her husband down the weight vulgar, low-life, which itself had plunged. And it was only her wine. Help her already impossible... Yes-Ah-ahhh, well, let's go out in that room. I'll show you something... well, look here. See?..
Old man in between times telling the sad story of his life, until we moved with him from room to room, and I was wondering how similar it on fate, the breakdown of my family. How many such people in the world whose a little happiness here now, just as the утлому ship in ruthless and vast ocean, разбиввается and dies before their eyes, dies and sinks under the burdens of life's storms. Probably, there are few lucky ones whose ship passed through these trials судьбины, not having received the holes, or not losing masts or sails, or not broken wheel. It is difficult to find such a man to rejoice at least for his happy voyage. Difficult, especially in our искалеченном the world, I do not know, how there, overseas: never been before.
We went, went, went in the dark, and I have already lost count of time, couldn't tell how long it lasts. It seemed that these dark hallways, rooms, all around was lost somewhere in eternity beyond time, and I now destined to wander here and so, the old man, ad infinitum, until lawlessness, until there is a dimension. I was still that tells me this man, walking in front of me with коптящей kerosene lamp, where he leads me, and that shows why he was doing and what he is talking about, that he even need from me, and when it was over. I was absolutely don't care if I was dead tired and want to sleep. I walked forward as got machine with no feelings and sensations.
Old man also walked ahead of me, less Recalling human and more machine or robot, and speaking said, without interruption:
"...If I was twenty years ago скзали that we live so, as we live now, I would have laughed and spat would be the person who spoke it. How do! As we moved forward, built communism! We fought for the ideals and, it would seem that they would very soon, if not today, then tomorrow will. It could not be otherwise. But, it appears, would and could. What we came up with? However, all this is only talk. I know all, and tell thee all that stuff. The reasons for not even those who led the whole Nations on тупиковому way. They лиь pawns. More mighty and terrible forces conducted and will conduct its bloody game destinies of entire ethnic groups with these puppets and stooges. But I shouldn't tell you about it, even despite the fact that this is my last night presence not only in this dimension, but generally, in the absolute.
The old man paused, and then said suddenly:
-True, coffee, which today we drank, has already far not the taste that before...
We came to the room, the door of which was lined with galvanized iron. The old man stopped in front of her, paused, and then lifting up the index пралец, as a sign of special attention, said:
"This is a special room. Here lie the books and manuscripts, which were supposed to be in the SPECDEP yet the KGB archives, how they got here is a long story, and I have no time for you to talk about it. Here you will find many rare books and друнгие documents for which you can get a lot of money. But you keep them as the Apple of the eye, and they serve thee faithful service. By the way, here was lying book your father...
-My father? - I was surprised.
-Yes, your father, " said the old man, but she lies elsewhere. I would read it. You can find answers to many of life issues that you care. Get it, read. She lies... However, I'll show you where.
I felt amazing. I first heard that my father wrote books, and even more, to represent any danger to the state. Even more surprising was how this book turned out to be in this house. A vague guess lit up for a moment my mind between this book and the fact that the father planted, there had to be some connection. And, probably, the most direct.
"Please excuse me, I said to the old man after a long think, - you that were familiar with my father?
-No, - ответл the old man, shaking his head, however, I noticed his hesitation. - As you'd better speak... I thy father personally do not know, but many have heard about it and read some of his works. The fate of such people небезинтересна me and therefore I know that he was convicted of anti-state activity. Unfortunately, I can't tell you much about it talk.
At this time, somewhere in the dark recesses large house the clock struck twelve. Heavy, rolling rumble echoed through the around the dark home and came to us, violating the dead silence. I looked at the old man. At the sound of each удараон quietly wince and, Nemo lips believed them silently. When stopped mellow отзвукпоследнего impact the striking of the clock, he sighed heavily, shrugged and with melancholy looked at me.
"You must 'll now leave, dear friend- I heard his words.
-But why? But we haven't examined all.
My life left four hours. And this time I want to devote themselves. I do долден one case, the last and very important. For this I need solitude. Farewell.
-Well, what will I do then?
-Then you just прийдешь here. I'm sure you won't forget the way. But come here in the dark, otherwise you you can't get into this house. Remember?
-Kerosene lamp you will find in the porch. She gets under your hands, when you begin to look for her. I do not seek more and now leave me alone. Go.
And we have moved back on corridors this Strantion house, turning to leave.
-I am very sorry that I missed you much to tell, " said the old man, seeing me, - not so long ago, I was the administrator of an unusual archive. It was ten years ago during the period, referred to as vague, отступническими. Now remember that then allegedly all captured greed and desire to get rich, that it was a major victory for our enemies in the ongoing war two systems, two ideologies. But our society has managed to recover from this attack and restore the lost positions... It was then such a society, a fairly large. It was called "Club of Amateurs and had its own section in many cities of the Soviet Union. The company is subordinated to another, more powerful organization, but I will not speak and if you must, you know about it when the time comes. History is a long and difficult.
Club of Amateurs dealing with that collected using various means of various manuscripts and samizdat books that have been banned for production homeland and made them a copy to be shipped abroad, if there was manifested interest in a particular product. He also conducted negotiations with foreign buyers on the sale of archival materials individuals and private museums. The "Club", there were multiple repositories, некоорые of which were opened for all visitors. They were called: "Museum "Club of Amateurs. But there were those who do not even рассекречиывались in the most favorable years of that time, when it seemed that everything you can. In the "Club", in his guide, fortunately, there were sober heads, expecting every period of freedom ends the reaction, and the greater, the stronger to the official authorities let go of the reins. This is the house and was equipped with one of these secret vaults. About its existence knows very limited круглюдей. Now he is much already, because many of those, who created no longer alive, others sit on prisons and roam the stages Russia.
In recent years the time, now called the Faint, that's in such secret store actively started to flock books and yet not published works, news traveled from legal museums and semi-legal clubs. Then began to tighten the screws, returning the country to normal. However, she of these iron embrace and not get out until the end. So it turned out that I was, was the Keeper and the owner of Unicum modern history and the recent past. Secret ways here still continue to flock products seditious thinking. Giant secret store continues to accumulate wealth thought... But, here we are.
Scarcely had he uttered these words, and immediately stumbled on something soft, not the cloth, not the fallen on the floor some clothes on and I realized that we came to the porch of the house where and began path.
-All the farther you go himself, " the old man said, confidentially he touched my shoulder.
"Good-bye, " I said.
Goodbye, ' said the old man, and I was scared whether from the tone, as he uttered these words, whether from a feeling that the old man is really not joking.
I wanted to get better, but the word "goodbye" and застрялос in my throat. I could no longer speak.
-Providence itself will lead you to the door, when necessary, " said the old man.
These were his last words I hear him clearly, and could vouch for it, but it was something I thought or felt, he spoke after him, a little later, after I had left the house.
In the dark I hardly felt the door leading into the yard, and, opening her already, turned around and looked at the old man. He was standing, lit by dim light керосинки, and how this was evident with so little light, his face was filled with genuine sadness.
They say that on the face is not written, but I like read on the face of the old man исполнившую his death anguish and grief. Wrinkles suffering, especially clear now, cut through the skin it back and forth, and she looked like the skin of an old baked potatoes.
Dumb on the verge of beginning to weigh me with his infinity, and I'm foolish, opened the door and went out into the garden surrounding the house. Already after a few steps. I heard the wind blowing, долетевшие to me words: "goodbye, son." Maybe I heard. I walked among the trees, not looking back, and me all the time and wanted to go on the run, to run, but I still restrained himself, and when he reached the gate of the fence, behind which was a street breathed a sigh of relief.
Street brought me a refreshing relief. The moment I stepped on it and I like a roll call of yard dogs met me and not умолкала for a long time. Probably, up to the intersection, leading into the city.
Now, carefree, casually walking down the street and fluently remembering past events, it seemed to me that the old man outside the door исчес in the dark before I could turn away. It is the recollection seemed strange to me, and I made an effort to remember the last scene, but now only great regretted that he did not pay attention to the incident своевременно.теперь was already too late.
I went for a night on the sleeping city, in the face I blew crude, cold, biting wind. Little joy from what I ended up on the street, in the open air that felt safe greater than in the house of the old man, выстудилась, weathered, giving place to ознобу and a feeling of discomfort. I even sprinted running, still he could not keep warm heat flowed faster than I was catching his swift movement.
Time approached hour of the night. I was late, risking to get the fullest. Most now was troubling me, Kaak there in the school notice my absence, waiting to see whether now my return. It would be better not waiting for: whither shall I go? Then we could work something out for "fluff".
In the wrong розоватом light of lanterns, illuminating with high pillars empty streets of the city, I was back in school. A wave of cold drizzle me pour over his head to foot, making almost wet. Hands. Especially hands, his fingers froze, as if outside was autumn, and I клял themselves псоледними words for his авантюристическое behavior mi нувшим in the evening.
All that happened seemed now more and more frivolous, unimportant as the closer and closer it became the school.
The city seems to have died. Not a soul, not a single idly staggering чедловека I met along the way, and only cats sometimes ran out of my way, and then I peered into the darkness, not whether black color. And if it happened that the cat was black, he would move to another street and went round the tenth way this place, hoping that difficult passeth by.
My head was spinning now only one crazy its simplicity thought "the Sooner the better get to bed and sleep!" nothing else I already didn't care to such a degree I'm tired, and even the fact that I'll probably wait commanders, тревожилосейчас only because it would become unnecessary obstacle on the way to the bed.
Отсутстие my not pass unnoticed, in the barracks still waiting. And waited for quite a long time. When I changed clothes at the headstock, long and сварливо ворчавшей me for this late visit, ran last the distance of several hundred meters, jumped over the fence, got to the barracks and went into him, quietly crept on tiptoe to своейй room, thunderous voice дежжурного battery stopped me, calling out the names. Such treatment could mean only one thing: in the barracks were officers. Between them in the absence of начальственного eyes cadets each other behaved so very rarely, except for "шизиков", intellectually and "those who went on the service, or, if not respected, who turned.
I stopped.
-Yakovlev! Yakovlev! again, loudly, rnu openly called me on duty. Yakovlev, go to the office.
The last hopes on a successful outcome of my misconduct burst like a soap bubble, broke away in the chest together with wildly and hurt заколотившимся heart, breath, in the face of smell heat upcoming unpleasant scene.
It seemed to me, that does not sleep the entire battery, that not only those who sit in the office, but the cadets in their beds listen to what is going on in the hallway, who with malice, who with compassion, who with ordinary curiosity and desire to taste something new and unusual, there are thrill seekers at the expense of others.
There was nothing to do, I turned and went into his office and even not as slow as I wanted to feel like I трушу (I never got feelings heroism of this stupid мальчишества so many times, together with a proud determination, and an unwillingness to submit to подводившего me under monastery).
Not remembering itself, I walked into the office. The battery commander was sitting at the table and puffed a cigarette. He looked at me with a look full of arrogant contempt. So looks the winner of the loser, not even worthy to defeat at his hands, looked like, probably, titled representative of the highest caste of medieval society on his prostrate man-servant, вздумавшего возомнить myself to him equal. So look, apparently, and Royal lion, claw legs вспоровший belly задиравшейся him miserable tykes and put out her guts.
From this view I felt uncomfortable, I felt a sneaking, which suffer other people. He pressed me to the ground, burned me, this weary excitement and anticipation opinion. As if he said to me: "Who are you to take away from me my free time? Who are you to wait for you at night and worry? Would I like to have a rest ? did I not tired today? What the hell should I suffer for you?"
The Chancellery was also my взвлдный. He looked at me, but his eyes had no arrogance, no outright contempt, or even anger. There was a reproach and a concern, but they were the eyes of a weak person. He couldn't, as a battalion commander, even if he wanted to pretend that could not have done it. He just didn't have the heartfelt moral strength of feeling which grows stronger every time, he had not had enough to survive.
As I entered the office, as behind me burst into my замкомвзвода, huge and healthy, like a bear, big fellow. He was урюм, but trying to seem even worse, puffed loudly through the nostrils, like a bull, trying to whether to intimidate me, to show the battalion commander, which he Grozny commander and as it should be afraid of subordinates, but this number has been designed to Frank fools and fools, such, perhaps, as he himself. Neither me, nor, especially, the battalion commander he had no experience. He was healthy and strong, enormous hands, possessing the power of the orangutan, could twist me like a lousy worm, turned into a sponge, cake. But... he was as careful, cowardly in the soul, how and healthy body. I knowed him being beaten face the guys and похилее me, but I would not бивал, and because it when I swaggered. Yes, he could hit me with your great big, like a blacksmith, кулачищем on top of the head, not even knock, and простоопустить it on her, and I would have collapsed, as the spot, as куренок-silly, stunned by the blow of the hammer, подламывается on its thin legs. Perhaps this could have very simply, without any tension, as заматерелого скотобоя, without unnecessary emotions and bustle of dealing only, not too strong, but accurate and deadly blow standing before him to the animal. He could, but never would. He could not commit such an act.
All of the above was seen consciously me in tenths of a second.
-Зазодите, come in, comrade cadet, " said too quietly and officially combat. Well, time is of the unrest to it really ended. The terrible happened, I was alive, and he in the eyes of change, anticipating now plenty поизмывается me, inflating their experiences. Nothing good his tone did not promise.
Actually, my commander was restrained man, was able to control his emotions, and his face was impossible to read what is on his mind. I always respected him for this quality, and most were related to him with genuine respect. Even in the terrible excitement of his face was stone motionless. Only a truly terrible, unforgiving, sensitive and well-educated people, able to postpone revenge on then and successfully implements it much later, but inevitably onerously, have such a talent. The battalion commander turn white only lip. If he immediately started yelling at me, stomping his feet, waving it in front of me with his hands, trying to afraid to hit me, it would be much easier. But the commander was not one of those men which were released as the steam from the boiler energy to his anger. He left it in reserve, as a prudent owner, and spent long as needed and on a few, just at the moment when we least expected once guilty before him than the achieved maximum impact and efficiency of its use.
This calm and an official tone of conversation подчеркивающийего high self-control and неунижаемое dignity, strength and hardness of his character, stunned me and made internally to shudder.
In moments of anger commander was calm, but he хладнокровиеммог at least through the month, at least half a year to recover from you claimed for your sleepless nights-per-call "on the carpet" by superiors, to stun and crush you just when you're least expecting it and hope that all is forgotten. His memory of the evil done to him was amazing, and he was not inclined to sentimentality. His heart didn't give in to self-pity and knew no mercy. Everyone was getting what he deserved. And, although to a stranger it was hardly noticeable, the one who felt his punishment, he knew, as it is heavy, long-lasting and palpable.
Chapter 8.
"Well, comrade cadet? - asked me a battery commander senior Lieutenant Лshoemakerн.
-What? I asked, too, unable to find anything better for a response. I was at a loss. Besides, wheezing замкомвзвода behind me greatly distract me. It disgusts me.
-And what you "чтокаете"?
I don't know.
-Well, the answer to the question: where were you?
I thought for a moment, but not finding the right answer, said:
-In unauthorized absence, comrade senior Lieutenant.
-I understand, I ask where you were?
I persistently was silent, and then the commander asked another question:
-Well, впочему so late?
"As in kindergarten", - I thought, and replied:
-Because I couldn't before.
-What's your reason, a reason for your being late? Why you did not come in time?
I was silent.
-You can specify a reason?
This stupid the conversation went on until three at night. First, it involved only we command a battalion, and the conversation was rather quietly, almost peaceful. Then came commander with замкомвзводом, and his tone immediately changed psychosis and hysteria.
Лshoemakerн only unobtrusively drew my attention to the fact that everyone will get their just deserts, made some vague hints for a speedy release and distribution. Взвоодный began to read me one, and then promised that necessarily will help me to go to hell and shorebirds. Замкомвзвода too broke to swearing and promised that устроиит me "sweet life" in the remaining time until release time. Two recent threats I took serious, but here's what I said to the commander, very worried me.
Leaving from the office of the sleepy and depressed held brainwashing, I have barely stood on their feet from exhaustion and was ready to fall and fall asleep right on the floor, in the hallway, dead deep dream.
"Your bad thing, I thought a dream, полудрему, заволакивающую my consciousness, but, what are we slaves".
Can't remember how I got to his bed as undressed and lay down. Waking up in the morning, tired and невыспавшийся, I again with disgust remembered yesterday's events. Heart cramped longing brutal setbacks and disappointments. Истрория with the old man and похождением in his ill-fated house recollect now as midnight delirium, as ддурной dream that want to forget as soon as possible.
Head разламывалась. Anxiety and бесапокойство did not leave my soul all day. I could not find peace. Conversation in the office there was no in my head.
In the platoon all noticed that I had a gloomy mood, and many know what I have been an accident. No I have not come up, leaving my grief at me, without stirring up unnecessary questions and not to provoke sympathy. So продролжалось two days. All pretended nothing happened. During these two days all the excitement in me in its place. I thought not to be disappointed, because in the end I have nothing in particular and not to lose.
Yes, nobody to me these two days't like and didn't talk, no one except Охромова. He basements to me the next day RAзвязанной gait.
-Well, what have you thought of? he asked, shaking his fists in the pockets and squinting one eye, whether from the fact that beat him in the eye the sun, whether from a feeling of superiority over me, broken and crushed.
-What I thought of? - I asked, pretending not to understand what he says, even slight to annoy him.
"Have you forgotten our yesterday's conversation in the bar? surprised Охромов, and smug narrowed her eyes on his face faded, giving сместо oval surprise.
-Oh Yes, - I pretended that remembered, also not forgotten.
I just wanted to horror tell him of past events me after he left, but with her mouth open, I immediately stopped and bit his tongue. Only and учспел say:
You know what happened with me yesterday?..
-What? What? - alive interested in my buddy. But then his face took on an expression of this condescension, as if he was going to listen to justify old inveterate lying, knowing that he is lying, but pretending he believes.
I didn't somebody tell that same happened to me yesterday, make it clear to at least one person that опопздал not because of boyish unreliable and foolishness, but due to severe circumstances, but after this now "the what", I understood that it is better to live the incident itself, not squandering anyone has their secrets, not to become the fourth year of study laughingstock of the entire course, if not of the whole school.
-No, nothing, " I said and walked away.
"Wait a minute! - Охромов caught up to me, pulled the shoulder and pulled her. "Wait a minute.
I тепрепть couldn't when I was treated similarly, when grab me like that, deploy, when generally to touch me, to force anything, and therefore hardly сддержал his indignation to his act. But when he tried to shake know, with what joy my shoulder, I has not sustained and has flared up in an impotent rage trying pulled his hand from his shoulder. But fingers Охромова only stronger stared at the lapel of my jacket. He was stronger than me, and my attempt was in vain.
"The mood is so bad, and this goat stuck," I thought.
The cadets were generally the fans to look at clarifying relationshipswith their fists, cheer, sympathize, give in difficult minute of the encounter." Well, when fighting a pals, there did not remain aside even the most lazy and indifferent to such things. Therefore, we barely Охромовым grappled around us immediately formed a handful of fans: everybody knew that we Охромовым friends, roots, - Bros, in other words.
However, apart from this dumb scene, when I tried to lay the hand of Grisha with свроего shoulder, and a few minutes насупленного standing then, locking their, nothing interesting in the hallway happened. I was scared to fight, because he knew and felt unquestionable superiority of forces Охромова me. He, too, apparently, was not going with me to bring the relationship "to handle". So we stood for a minute or two, nothing against each other without undertaking and not saying a word. Each of us waited for a fight will start another, but it did not happen.
This scene demanded any completion, and then I finally somehow to find a way out of the uncomfortable position, asked Охромова:
-What you want from me?
-Have a little talk, " he said apologetically.
-Speak here.
-No, it can't.
-Well, let's go, " I said, and, satisfied that are not received at all honest people in the face, Yes, moreover, the final word is left for me, went to the door of the barracks, with pleasure hearing behind his steps. I felt almost physically ощущщал back like after we watched ддесятки prying eyes. And this was my little victory over Гришкиным complacency and зазанайством.
On the way out, I suddenly unexpectedly for myself turned to the bathroom, having decided to talk with Grisha here.
Our conversation continued under the murmur of the water in the toilet tank, continuously flowing through faulty valve in two dozen tanks.
The first began Охромов, immediately as soon as he came from the threshold:
-I want dreams to talk to you. There is one very good business, besides ерундовое, a mere trifle. I need you to take part in it and helped me. One I can not cope.
-Well, - I replied, " I will hear your proposal. But why are you so rude? What this assault? You perfectly know that I can't stand, when to me with outstretched hands. Yes, thou art stronger than I, but it doesn't give you the right to use this power against his friend: you can receive Deposit. I look at it. That you're so strong. You agree with me?
"I agree, dropped his eyes Grishka, and it seemed to me that I myself am now too зарываюсь.
-I ask then not to dissolve the more hands, if you want to be the last thing left to us from the companionship, disappeared without a trace, concluded I примиритьно. - Okay?
"Okay, " he agreed, " I really got excited and was not right with you. Admit my guilt, and I promise you on my side no more of that.
-I hope so, " I said and noted that, although in the toilet stood suffocating smell of chlorine, life has become immediately more fun and-breathing easier, as it was possible.
-Then go ahead, tell me what you've got for the cause of this.
"Come outside, " suggested Grisha, - there and breathe easier, and the casual listeners, quite unnecessary, avoidable.
We descended from the hostel, down, left the house and went first to the Smoking room, but seeing that there sits a few people from our hundreds, turned to the sports ground.
Here Охромов and told me the secret:
-I have one friend, a civilian. Here in the city. Cool guy. So he offered me this affair. At first I thought he was crazy. But then I realized that the man was serious, and said quite seriously. On the one hand it really trifling, and it is not clear why he gives the money. But if we think carefully, it has its own share of risks. I would not have thee now to talk about it, having no first your consent. But now I too risky for me because I have no other choice. I need money, lots of money. And there's this thing that if I do, I give them. But I can not overpower him one. I agree with this guy told him that I have a reliable friend who will help me to realize it, because he immediately warned that one is not a matter of overpower: too much work. He suggested, and I agreed. As they say, nothing ventured, nothing gained. Think to yourself, to whom I can open some mystery in these walls? Who, other than you? Only you as his best and only friend I can trust. Therefore I suggest you to become my компаньеном this slightly dangerous, but very lucrative business. I even do not just offer you this. I beg you. One I can't do this and just be lost.
-Well, - I said Охромову, - you are here so much nonsense, but I don't hear a single word about the case.
-And how do you look at my proposal? asked Охромов.
-Frankly speaking, nothing.
-Why? Yes, if only because you're speaking, speaking, but I never knew that dark case us or perhaps you alone, " I have not given their consent, - will. I don't know who is this type that offered you, apparently, a cool adventure, and how it can be trusted. And in General, it so happened that he proposed to you?
Охромов hesitated, moved, to the nose knitted his brows, and finally said:
-Well, I all to you tell you. Do you want занть, what is this thing?
He paused, but not for long:
-I was offered to participate in the robbery of one very a rich private collection. It is in our town...
Here Gregory hesitated, looked at me, and continued:
-Meeting of this, judging by the way they are interested in is very rare and has a rare and valuable editions of books. But I was not interested in the book. Just there are people who are ready to pay well. If the deal succeeds, then we will be rich people. We pay well. If you believe my friend, of us have so much money that will be enough not only pay off all our debts, but still good carousing.
-If you don't believe? - I asked. - If you do not believe your friend? While, eh?
-If you do not believe? - Grisha thought. Apparently, the question caught him off guard. - If you do not believe... If you don't believe, then it is better not to undertake this business.
-Here I him and do not believe, - summarized the hell I under our conversation.
My logical reasoning stunned him.
-Why? Why won't you believe him?
-Who is speaking?
-My acquaintance.
-And with what joy should I believe him, tell me, please? I've not seen.
-But I-I-can you believe? I'm your friend!
-You can, and then not always. Sometimes I myself believe that I want. Yes and you could around your finger to circle, as Fig not do.
-Wait, wait, I would know about three months. And during this time he has been so useful to me and not again proved that he is a great guy.
-So where you hooked up with, if not a secret?
Hooking Bab, offended Охромов, or трипак. And I met him. This is first, and second...
-That same second? And secondly, hooked - again I repeated this word, made him stress. - Not you, and you, understood?
-How do you know? 'retorted Grisha, and I realized that I was not mistaken.
"I know, tell me what's wrong.
Grisha felt confused and silent. Silent he long, looking down at his feet and picking his toe of his boot ground and then strongly somehow said:
-Listen! Enough, perhaps? I you suggest. And you...
"Okay, okay - I hurried to go on, I promise. That'll listen to you very carefully.
-I don't need you I just listened! - outraged Grisha. - First, I need your consent to work! Otherwise I'll continue to anything to her.
He paused and then added:
-If you agree, then I'm all your debt translate themselves, both in school and in the city. One of your consent we go to all the creditors and rewrite your debt to me. Isn't guarantee that worthwhile thing?
I was thinking about. This turn of conversation caused a storm of emotions in me, but I'm not going to lose out. I suddenly почувсвтвовал, as my shoulders falls the heavy lump of excessive debt, which I was unable to repay and deep down, thinking about every second, but was afraid to admit it even to himself. It is worthwhile. For the sake say goodbye to your debts, I was ready to go, it seemed, on anything, so I immediately replied:
-Well, I agree.
Face охромова already cleared up
-Now, - he continued with enthusiasm, firstly, I have already told you. And secondly, he bought my card debt.
-Card debt? - I was amazed. - You that, playing cards?
"Hmm... Well, like you say. Now I'm not playing. And then played. But since I paid with a card club, there anymore or foot. That's it and there was this friend. I was very tight, and he helped. To me, no one could help. Me nobody could help, no friends, no parents, and he, you know, paid off for me, completely.
I can imagine. And many, if not a secret, you have debts?
-A lot. About fifteen thousand.
-How much?! Wow! And he paid for you?
-Yes, paid. When I banker struck opposite my surname in debt book of zeros and signed.
-Yes, screwed you, lad, I said, puzzled.
"Why not?"
I don't know I think so.
Охромов paused, thinking.
"You might be right he said finally. But not so bad as you think. Just a man help me when it was bad. That's all!
-Yes, but fifteen thousand for beautiful eyes no one will spit out! Crazy! Fifteen thousand!
-But it is not just laid out. Recently he found me and said that he is very bad with money, and I need to return his debt...
-That's why I say that you're screwed. But you got involved not even then. When he paid for you such a crazy money, and not even then, when you've lost so much money, and then when you went to play for money on the card, especially in such a place as underground club card. What are you going to do now?
-I told him that I had such there is no money...
-Can't you understand that you have already bought?!
-Considerations leave at itself. I became convinced that this man a real friend.
Yes, but I'm not your comrade?! You I never even hinted at that playing cards!
"But you could not pay for me...
-And he could! He could! I'll say once again that he bought you. And, in General, направсно you contacted with all this уголовщиной. House of cards... there now like you, only fools and shoes.
-How do you know?
-Know. No need to stick your nose where you path is ordered.
"I was there not only lost. Sometimes I were lucky, it's just not as often so I've been playing around.
-And not badly lost money. If you were to me the true friend, told about their underground passion for much before, not now when it is time to order a Requiem.
-What are you babbling about? What a memorial service? Not me ahead of time to bury, and so dramatize everything!
Chapter 9.
Let me digress from the fascinating narrative of his adventures, believe me not-so-rosy, romantic and isn't even a romantic, if they поисходят not somewhere and not with someone, but you yourself, if you participate in them, risking their health, well-being and even life itself. All the colors of romance immediately disappear somewhere, barely Alo bit dangerous adventures begin to pursue teBOJ against your will, and you already that he is not happy that the world is such and not only books, but also наявву. Believe me, I did not want to with me what is here told, but what can you do if all of his dissolute life I prepared himself so many dangerous and laborious tests befallen me in the moment, when it is least expected and the least I got. Yes, that speak, and the time for adventure, especially such was not the most suitable. Here was scheduled for release, and we had to part with school forever. It was hard to somehow improve their business and less worthy leave. While there's such temptation.
Yes, but I like all the same to distract from the topic of the story. What is interesting to you, probably, know the subject? Of course, I want to talk a bit about women, and, more specifically, the relationships that develop between the cadets and young women, occupying the city, where had the fortune or misfortune to sit on our military school. And these relations are to pay attention to them, including you.
May occur legitimate question: why are these relationships, even if they заслуживют attention? Yes, the answer is I that it was due to them that I had the opportunity to leave the school наизаконнейшим way. As полуилось? All in order. While still distract the glory of sex. All in order.
"Oh, these women!" "they say men. "Oh, these men!" - people say women. "Oh, these have sex!" - дружо say all of us. But where they still get away? It is life itself, and is, moreover, a big part of it. Drama, tragedy, catastrophe. The soil of all this sex and the passion and the underlying interests and desires that arise in connection with them.
In each city, and is, as a rule, the larger the city, not less oblast, where there are military schools relations cadets with the local population formed in different ways. I have been visiting many of my friends who were with me in the Suvorov military school, and have the right to say, the contrasts are striking.
The fact is that in many major cities with a population of close to a million, as a rule, military schools not less than two. Of course, there are cities where they do not, but it's not about them. Therefore, there is, as they say, will give more choice knights, and the knights't mind помутузить each other and not only on причинетого that do not share of women, but because of deep undisguised hostility to other genera and even types of troops. And this is besides the fact that clashes with civilian guys also are regular and frequent. In these cities there are fans of every school, and every girl, not supply a deep aversion to the military, sooner or later has to decide and to give preference to one of the schools, or rather, his agents or representative, depending on the needs in the number (about the quality of a particular subject). Now, in such large conglomerates and сосредоточениях drives selected ссамцов, I apologize for comparison, what are military schools, tied tight nodes of the most complex and contradictory relationship.
A good example of this could serve as cities such as Kharkov, Leningrad, Moscow, Sverdlovsk, and many others.
Take, for example, Kharkiv. Caught here and lay since time immemorial fierce enmity between the aviation уилищем, armor, missile, and even a few others. Only and hold on! If a patrol blue shoulder straps that they catch the gunners and tankmen, its not touching. If a patrol in the city came out tankers, those caught and drag for the slightest carping in the commandant's office and flyers, and the strategic missile forces. I didn't touch it those parts. Standing in such cities outside уилищ. They also made their contributions in this Gordian knot in it.
As for our school, it turned so that it was only in the regional town of medium size. The cadets were generally sole преддставителями military, as such. Was not in Sumy no parts, no other military formations, so many passions in a specific city, having a place of dislocation of military formations, and in the past it.
Yes, we were all much easier. Girls don't need to be gone over between schools. They certainly knew that ессли cadet, артяги", and, if the military, then a student. But, may be, in that simplicity and was very complexity of our lives, it is this that's uniqueness and following from it предвзятост thinking of local people, especially women.
Generally, the fair sex, age close to the young and younger in relation to the cadets were divided into several groups of conduct.
Well, first of all, the most intelligent or a conservative, or, as we call them? These generally were never about the cadets ' environment, have never tried to get to know some of the cadets. The motives were different. Some were on the short leg with the city субкриминальной "блататой" and kept the "chip", because there with them did not stand on ceremony. Nourishing undercurrent of contempt for the military in General and to the cadets, in particular, local blatnaya public humbleness of those girls on a gun shot, except that used them as a bedroom bedding, but not more.
The second group consisted of girls, one day at his naivete and inexperience associated with the cadets. But лешившись the most foolish and not romantic image of innocence, and having experienced the abuse from their side intimate or public, pidpalyvshy, so to speak, thoroughly wings, they feared a repeat these meetings, taking in the head bad prejudice against the military form in General.
The third group consisted of a small group of girls, задавшихся purpose or, let's call it differently - a dream of marrying a military and not just military, but оицера (is there still and ensigns in the end). These communicated only with the cadets. Of course, each of them destiny were different, but many of these prudent virgins achieved their goal.
The fourth group consisted of girls of easy virtue. Among them were adventurer, and prsto fun loving person, from which the city has already everybody'd kicked out, and just sick young women, what to hide - there are also (I mean a special kind of lady's trouble, some kind of sexual gluttony, akin to gluttony, making the possessor of such a miserable figure, a slave to his irrepressible гипержелания). This need was cadets nothing but fun Viachorka and, if possible, the same merry-night. As the saying goes: "the night was dark".
Here, perhaps, and all major groups where possible, undoubtedly, different variations and deviations. Well, that is the urban девоек in respect of cadets. By the way, not only urban, because we should not forget that Universities горола learned from other cities, and of the farm area. These were to be found in the third and in the fourth group, very rarely in the first, and I almost never in the second.
How to treat girls cadets? Here are the various groups highlight be significantly less. In General, men in the majority, as is known, the easier to look at relationships with women than they themselves. This, by the way, lie troubles many of the weaker sex, often обманывающегося illusions. But still, I попытаюс allocate and among the cadets at least three groups.
Well, first, it is, perhaps, the shameless rake and прожиги, not wishing women from nothing, except the woman. These males keep wearing out many naive and групеньких females, but mostly preferred to have fun with divorced ladies, do not pretend on anything but easy to communicate, скрашивающего their одиночство, and bed. Divorced, of course, divorced, but I would порезвитьс and with more юнными creatures than they, however, was risky.
Our rake and carousing, not to much to risk, patronized mainly from other towns and rural girls whose parents were far and therefore could not seriously interfere and will scandal. But under their influence are often caught and local, горолские girls, especially of those that love to have fun and spend time in some disorganized кампашке.
Among like these cadets were a lot of people inventive to all sorts of subterfuge, the adroit, "slippery". They did not shun called strangers or invented names and surnames.
I remember one case (and how many I've seen enough for four years!)
Came to school one girl, and the chief of the school. "I, - says - pregnant from your cadet. And he's hiding from me!"
Such incidents were not uncommon, and our head of school or how many are not surprised: you never know what happens in life. Well, he said to the damsel this, well, if it happened, we will help you find a "daddy", but just tell us his name, what he's course, or else we can not find in College, not two, not three and even five hundred cadets. Well, the girl and says, "Roller Torsion!" General Pro-discover laughs: he because a cadet was, and the girl answered: "Sorry, girl, but cadets with such name no! And, in General, the surname is extremely rare!" Here's the situation. Girl, clear reimbursement in tears. What to do? And rightly so, I won't be gullible and naive. Sorry for her. Of course, but who is to blame that she had no technical knowledge and no it is not suggested that a roller torsion a chassis of armored vehicles.
There are other similar cases, invent other амилии, but the essence remains that it's always the girls bring their naivety, trust, narrowness of vision and illiteracy. But what can you do: this знгачится they unlucky fate. In General, I want to note between the case that a good девчонккам in dealing with cadets невезло ббольше just because they just some naive and were.
The other group of students was looking for communication by calculation. Such at school had a little bit. They sought the acquaintance with the daughters of uchilishchnyh colonels and urban elite tried to be exemplary Cavaliers, and, subsequently, husbands, NGO also not гнушалиь amorous adventures. Among them were mainly people deceitful people and even more sophisticated in meanness, eat Frank idler and rake.
The third group consisted of those who did not lose even nobility, and the remnants of honor shy, worrisome and modest young man. Some of them wound up acquaintances with the girls, but very often fall apart in the network. Other, and did all the studies in College промонашесствовали never having got acquainted with one girl. No, it wasn't crackers, Yes and no other visible sexual diseases not suffer, but that they had a way of life Dating with beautiful floors not only do they not be initiated, but, I must say downright avoided. Of course, among these cadets were many влюбчивых capable suffer from their feelings, and love them often facing women, absolutely not обращавшим attention to them.
Well, now, now, when all is clear, I explained all to understand, a legitimate question arises as to which of the above listed categories in fact I myself? It's an interesting question, but I отвчу on it at once, without equivocation. Probably, I belonged at first to the third category, I described above, but then moved into the second.
When I arrived at school, they remained still a young man not only had no experience in bed, but never had a good sense, and not even had girls. You should agree that in our time, this fact is quite rare and thought-provoking. Moreover, it is surprising, but before that I spent two years in the walls "кадетки", which does not contributed to bringing the modesty and humility of the disposition of their Pets.
The first two courses of serious Dating with women, I also have not seen: whether the time is not enough, whether the time has not come. Fate was not located to send me love переживния. However, I would not have tried to make some acquaintances. However, in the third year I the beginning of seizing the fact that for two years I never had a love affair or history. Not that мучилось anguished heart, but I seized his own vanity. After all, that speak, and the prestige of the cadet largely depended on his love Affairs and success at the front of communication with the opposite sex, on the number of victories over women. By the time we moved into the third year, few people could not boast of at least one of its романтичской history. Some were given them by the dozens and, of course, came up with most of them. Especially a lot of story-tellers appeared after the holidays, because no one could refute what allegedly happened to them at home. And even скромникистановились suddenly sexual heroes, let not the first magnitude, but all the same: to them then there was no "claims"they were his, the same as all.
I couldn't invent what you have experienced, I was disgusted. I always felt in my soul непритный sediment, when I chanced to tell what with me at all was not, in order not to lose face in front of their peers. It was in the far childhood and themes lies were to nothingness comparison. But to write once again to himself, anything of sex, I just turned the language can be even lacked the courage and boldness to describe completely unknown.
Yes, on the third course I was a virgin, нецелованным boy, and if most of the girls stated with pride that in any case until recently, admit this guy was extremely shameful, especially before their equals. Anyway, this recognition wouldn't be him honor.
I suspected that much of what is told in курилках or between classes, genuine "baloney" and pure imagination. Anyway, I already knew who was capable of, and who says what really was, and who composes and improvises. The same knew most of the listeners, but lie never forbidden, the more often that the fake sound brighter and brighter than the real.
However, no matter how good it was that I was not poured himself in vain dirt and not easy in the writings on the love theme, the situation demands that my identity was piped into the category of "abnormal"white crows, and as soon as they have not called. This is a terribly oppressed created an oppressive internal state. Especially it was painful to me to hear behind me is taught about my innocence in different variations. This whispering had deeply moved me, cut to pieces, not haunted.
And now came the moment when my situation was unbearable for me. Since then, I began to feel the acute shortage of what is called love. I felt the whole burden of the lack of love. My одиноество suddenly appeared before me with all piercing and despair. Let the young and beautiful, but it is unknown how beautiful enough to please at least one woman. Doubt and have become my loyal companions in the months and неели, 't give me no rest day nor night. I wanted so much to be loved, to like, to know that somewhere out there, in the city, waiting for you and will wait until you come, beautiful girl, that she will wait for you, not just for today or tomorrow, not Toko here in the city, but after a month, a year, ten years in any wilderness and away from civilization. So I wanted.
Probably, state tested me in those days, and is the prelude, cooking rights to the first rapid surge of feelings, called first love. I do not know whether it occurs it from the presentiment of the coming or Vice versa, is the reason that fertile field, once in that, germinating seed this amazing, but after a week I head over ears in love and completely lost his head. Such then is not happened I never had, nor could it happen again: first love is pure and unique as, Poti always, it is a sad and unhappy. But the most surprising: after all, not even a week has passed.
Interested piquant details will probably not help but to ask: whom did I so much влюбилс? Can't answer - judge for yourself. Just hard to be objective to the person you love or hate.
Yes, barely I need, need in love, I immediately fell in love. And passion was quite strange and unusual. The matter is that our Gregory Охромычем interests crossed and hard схлетнулись on the soil of this love. Well, isn't it strange that two bosom friend diaper rash ointment fall in love with the same young person and after't know what длать.
Now happened to us. It happened right after the New year in mid-January. To our school sometimes хаживали on excursions in the College Museum of schoolchildren and pupils of the local "Bourse". A window class, where our platoon was engaged in самостотельной preparation, came out with the facade of the main building, and there is clearly visible cat and running from him asphalt track, surrounded by the walls of the bushes on the edge of the extensive flower-beds and the rifling of the earth, lined with Apple trees.
That day we, as usual, on training, gathered at the rear tables and argued about whether discussed some impressions. We looked out the window goes with a dozen and a half but экскурсанток are sent to school, then. Well, here everyone in the class was, stuck to the Windows and let's discuss reaching the bottom of the girls. If it would stand summer, maybe, and shout them поулюлюкали and would have done something a little obscene. But in connection with the winter window tightly all were battened down. So I had to be limited погляделками.
Excursion went into the main entrance of the school, and gradually began to break up in places. But then someone had the proposal to send delegates to the girls with a request to invite us to himself and evening dancing and, in General, have a good time. The proposal was supported by, and I volunteered, I don't know why to go. Well, and Гришк course, too. Nito did not object, and we went. Long waited until the girls come out of the Museum, and then they went after them, not daring to approach and not knowing where to start. I was, in General, went for the first time, well, Grishka was a little more experienced.
We conducted our delegation is almost up to the checkpoint, hoping that the us will pay attention. There was a time that on the territory of school than the two of us nobody idly not walking. But no reason attention to us looked, and only when the first of the number of экскурсанток, led by their leader came in the door checkpoint, Grisha felt that in a few seconds it will be too late caught behind a running group and spoke with several girls. They would stop, but seeing that approach another курсантик, all but two had gone away, to not interfere. These cultural and quick-witted girl caught.
Why were these two, I cannot say. See, this is a game of chance, but what a cruel. One of them immediately, at first sight, sunk my soul. The second I have not paid attention, although I can't say anything against her appearance: she was even посмазливее at the muzzle. Something different, deeper than the appearance, conquered me captivated and forced to forget everything.
Strange it was a feeling. From the moment it settled in my heart, life for me is filled with some new, joyful sense, a kind of waiting for a miracle, that's sweetly wearied my being, but at the same time poignant longing became my companion, and I felt that I'm in the walls of the school, as a tear to my soul. My eyes wanted to see her, my ears wanted to enjoy her charming voice, which, strangely enough, there was something and nothing special. I tried and could not understand what had drawn with such explosive, all-conquering force me to that simple girl, what secret laws of existence and development of all existing collided with her, and that keeps me now rest, but at the same time brings joy and makes my mind to bear sweet dreams.
Our first meeting lasted no more than a minute. But what was that минута1 she turned inside me the whole world, putting all with nogo on the head. That still seemed to be important gone somewhere to the back, and what seemed petty and minor, was suddenly the most important and the most important thing in life. Tumult: surprise, delight, confusion, depression, sadness, hope, sadness and joy - that's what I experienced in that short time. It seemed to me that although she said Gregory, but notice me, and I liked her more than he. So I wanted. Grisha spoke to her and I tried to speak with the rest of her girlfriend to not create an awkward situation, but kept glancing surreptitiously at her. She also threw in my direction few views, and it encouraged me. And her girlfriend, even though I tried with her to talk about something, looked in all of this scene genuine fool, a decoy duck, because even though it was obvious that I was not manifest to her persona absolutely no interest.
But this magical minute was over, and we parted. The girls went to his side and vanished over the cat, and we Охромовым - a cause. I immediately rushed поделитьс impressions, and at the same time and know what are my chances of winning. I really then wanted to interest Grisha It was a purely sporting and did not go beyond the frames of preparation to the party. But as I was mistaken.
And this, out with you before, as you anything? I asked the friend, trying to keep calm in his voice.
-Yes, nothing, " replied Greg.
-And about what you talked?
-Yes, so she took, " he replied with calm and some kind of confidence that led me into a depression. Telephone - it was a serious trump card in his hands, лишавший me virtually all types and ambitions. But I only felt the desire to third at least once again with her a hundredfold greater than experienced before. I did not want even for a moment imagine that this was our last meeting. However, what could I do about it. Grisha had much more experience on the part as gets Dating, especially because my experience tends to zero.
"Listen, you at least for the disco have agreed? - I tried to act on the conscience of the other.
-I said that I'd call her, and we will take care of everything, " replied Охромов tone, giving to understand that the conversation on this subject him not wafer-something pleasant.
So ve is what happened. Then some days I languished in the dark, trying to in a roundabout way to find out, what about the other case at the front of communication with The one I could never forget. For the first time I creepy ревновл. I thought everything was very unfair, that not Grishka, and I had to meet her, and I wanted to and did not know how to fix this fate. I Tolga still thought that fate can be cut and перераивать as desired. But fate is never wrong. It is neither right nor to blame, it is what is. Its not correct, Kaak not спрямишь hunchback.
Yes, I cruelly suffered and perished, and I do not know how many days of torment came to Охромову and said that She did not love them, and I want to know her phone. Grisha responded that the phone had to come and take then and now require, I have no right. I do not remember how, still persuaded him to share with me her phone. Even the UEL, in which I нахдился when that conversation left for me unnoticed. Охромов still graciously gave me телефончиком, but warned that already called her, and there was some relationship.
That evening I tried to call Her, but heard in the receiver her magical, soft, charming voice, произнесший quietly and politely: "al-Les, I will listen to you", - I am speechless and couldn't say anything, just put the lever in the receiver but then felt a sharp больв chest and indescribable anger at himself for his silence and cowardice, again picked up the phone again and again, hearing her a polite answer, put in the place. So I called, was frightened, threw the tube and again called Her until, finally, it is not tired, and she said:
-If you want to play a game of cat-and-mouse, do it in some other place. And I no longer call-I still tube't lift.
And finished my torments of the phone, and интонацияее charming voice did not changed and remained the same polite and to madness warning. I'm so all crazy, and, although the conversation did not take place because of my great timidity, which I could not resist, I couldn't fall asleep all night, being under the strong impression. I remembered the sound of Her voice, the words that she had said, brought me pleasure only one that remained in my memory she actually bothered to talk to me, not even knowing who she was worried so late.
I lay in my bed and rejoiced, remembering phone calls, although not had anything decent, and configured the call as a fan and tell Her everything. I was again not able to speak. And so it happened.
The following night, I again could not say a damn handset single word. And, but at length, decided never again to call.
And between the Grisha moved with It further, and did not conceal from me for this. She came to him at the checkpoint, and everything went very well. However, and he made a mistake.
Somehow, at the same time, our course arranged a disco in училищном sports centre. Was there I was there and Grisha, but we were in different campaigns, and I've been sure Охромов invited tonight, and Her. But I was mistaken. After an evening in a few days he has opened the heart with me and admitted that "fundamentally broken". It turns out that at the disco he was with another friend, which would give the shot, and made it just then. But She, without invitation, then came the night with a girlfriend, and the whole evening watching him as he danced with another girl. The next day Охромов called Her, and she asked who he was at the party and why not invite Her. He began to apologize, but she would not listen.
I felt some semblance of hope, a very humiliating, but then I was all the same. I кказал Grisha that want to држить with her that now he has It still does not work. It is quite великодушко agreed, saying only that Saturday She will come to the checkpoint. First, It will speak it, and then get to It I. I agreed.
After the Sabbath Grisha went off the scene, and It has been fully provided for my ambitions. First I have with it all went well. I don't know how it happened to me, but held even something like the explanation in the love of It. However, I do not say directly that I love, it apparently did not have the heart, but admitted that She likes me.
My experiences continued until the month of August and ended in complete defeat, while all this time I was never neither earlier nor later not tested состояянии euphoria. The whole world seemed made of lightweight foam, and even the biggest наприятности that and then don't stop bothering me, could not take away from me, out of the soul that magical feeling of love and longing.
Vexation that was special, not longing for the coveted female flesh, that has come to me later, together with sinful temptation. It was clean, bright longing for the future, full of dreams that escaped me, barely seemed to me that I was going to catch up with him. It was a romantic feeling, which transformed the whole world around me, making everything what surrounds me only the cradle, which grew, and was filling my happiness.
However, the first love, the insidious not less than all others.
Yes, Grisha left the scene of action and gave a major role to me, a novice. He was still much more experienced in relationships with women and not got really upset from what he had lost one of them, even despite the fact that he liked her. He was a nobler changing, and, may be, and smarter, and with the true grandeur and pride left this triangle. He is not allowed to choose for themselves a woman and renounced it even earlier than she could say no. however, She failed to do the selection. Обстоятелства left us alone. I was happy to madness, but She is now I can say this for sure, decided: "Well, as it so happened..." Grisha she liked, and remained like his shadow.
As soon as we were, two of the three, as she TT began to leave for the weekend and holidays, when I could see, in the village to the grandmother, Kharkov to his sister, who was a student there at the Institute. From this my suffering incredibly strengthened and sharpened, and then to drown them and a little bit of revenge, I accidentally met with another girl, which like me in the first case, and, although my temper stubbornly resisted this violence began vigorously cultivate a relationship with her, walking with her on the weekends in the city, discos, bars. In one weekend, when I was walking with his new friend on one of the Central streets of the city, and It was in оъезде once again, we "spied" the one, Her girlfriend, with which she stopped at the school at the time of our acquaintance. I felt bad as last Skoda, and I said aloud that it was the end, but my companion didn't understand what I mean.
The next day I called Her in the morning - she had come by the night train the day before, and said that did it yesterday with the campaign, but never got up the courage to tell the saving: "There was one nice girl, then we separated from осталных and walked around the city some, but in the end, I left, because I can't forget you, although you are not very жалуешь me with their appearances". I say to TC, and everything would have been different. But I could not then say it.
Then She learned from her that same girlfriend that I was in Her absence in the society a pretty girl, and everything went wrong. We argued and I as much as two weeks was attached to the first not to call Her, but still broke - called. We are reconciled, but now my отношеги on the other went unexpectedly far, and I don't know what to do.
Two months I couldn't make the final selection. Relations with It ate my attachment and relationship with the other stayed on the fact that I appreciated her attraction to me and wanted not only to love himself, but some people like it, too, have, so to say, a barometer of its own popularity with the opposite sex, to determine their chances of success, their basis and potential. I расстерял in the two months of its magic feeling and lost all довеие both, because both parties, was accused of "infidelity".
DV month barren waste of their feelings, and August has put everything in its place. Something happened, something had to be. One second, gone, found the strength to leave, as I realized that I did not нравитс, and I was so unthankful, that did not consider it necessary to refuse it, and that it would be at least honest. And with Her... Her... Her everything happened at the end of this tragic love affair.
Ended up that I was sitting one August evening, almost night in the hallway outside Her door, like a beaten dog, and whined piteously, trying in such a desperate way to touch Her heart. I have had to do this, and what a damn enjoyable was the humiliation. I have had to do this before the woman, and felt ready to stoop even more, if only she would say. For this humiliation, probably, not because of the immense courage, I could then throw from the window of the door, only to hear from her a hint that it will be Her pleasure. I was ready to become a rug in front of Her door, I wanted to бытьь her beloved dog and obediently run after her on a leash, I dreamed of becoming a bodiless spirit, and be with Her always and everywhere, even when She would be alone with other men.
This, about his Great Humiliation говоил I'm with her that night. I knew I was seeing Her for the last time, that it was the Last night of my First love, I felt it, I don't know what feeling. And I cried and cried, sitting ass on the concrete floor at Its threshold, I talked to her so openly, as never been with any woman, I openly poured out Her soul, препоручая Her will pick it up, console, or crush. The faint hope that my revelations touched Her heart, opening the way in it for me, still glimmered in his dying longing in my soul, adding his sadness in the bowl, full of suffering.
Yes. It was Evening. Hurricane feelings born in the darkness in my soul and left her together with горюии tears. All the embers of hope went out. She wouldn't pick up my flower. Never touched Her and my sufferings. For Her to see them was rather funny and tedious than bitterly, and only from a sense of decency, not to offend, she gave me this, although I understood it. She picked up my Flower, but not violated it, even though I asked Her to make a choice and do It. Flower of my soul remained lying on the road dead, Yes and wilted.
After this I have many other women, but not worth of it. When This much about it, because it's different. Saw her I then several times in the city, and where she could disappear. But it was not She. And there was more in me the love that flowered once born of it. And not one string of my soul never moved at the sight of her...
But enough of that. I so much digress from the topic and you drew. Sorry.
Chapter 10.
I quite strongly fromвлекся surrendering to the memories and увлечась story about their first love. Inexcusable relief of nostalgia.
To the devil love the hell, especially the very first. She didn't have a trace in my heart. Now I, like охромыча, many friends, with whom relations have developed quite easy and simple. We have many mutual friends girls with whom you can just have fun, to go, for example, in the bar, and then to sleep with one of them without any explanations and suffering. "Why love, why suffer, because all paths lead to bed?" - isn't it a good metaphor of contemporary folk, traditional plays? A little vulgar, little ценичная and губая, as, however, and our простодушеый and simple people, but so true.
As for our girlfriends, they don't заставилисебя wait long. Not even a week has passed since the day when we took them in the cellar, and they have already arrived at the school and began to persistently call us at the checkpoint for an explanation. They were stubborn, and had to come out and explain: "Girls, we now have a very difficult time. Sorry we are inattention!"
"Girls," "hard times" interpreted in their own way. They were прожженые, "experienced", adept in relations with курсачами before acquainted with us, and knew that such a "difficult пеиод" it was typical of the majority of cadets at the approach of a release from school. For a month or two to him our brave boys, who was not lost, of course, started to tear all ties with the local female population to not will be seen from its members had never in the future. And then began the attack girls KP, fish, подкарауливания, receptions at the school of management, tears, slander, threats won floors suddenly exacerbated to the limit. In these days of school resembled a house, salvation and hope, and his management - arbitration to bring justice and trampled honor.
Only a few students not experienced difficulties communicating with the opposite sex. Their personal secret, but they have maintained good relations until the very end, until the release, demanding nothing and no обязуя, and then went quiet, peaceful and a little sad.
Two of our girls had on us Gregory, probably, certain, and therefore, when they heard from us such explanations immediately wanted to take us to the scandal. But girlfriend урезонили them, and we said, only hinting that we'll meet again. The meeting ended peacefully, we even called them to scorn, telling a few amusing anecdotes. So they parted
But not all of them were able so мироно regulate their relations. One such poor fellow fate in a city hospital, and he lay there, "sick", not paying attention to what went final exams. With triplets still to be released, and the more he didn't have to, just to get rid of pesky claims of single ladies. And, behold, it was to go visit in the hospital, learn. How is he his health, and how long he is going to "hurt".
It was a Saturday and the commander could not get the man to send him in hospitalCthe: all who отпукали in dismissal, xhotels go in its Affairs. Who hurried to the disco, who proshvyrnutsya in a bar in a pleasant company, who descend on the city beach and who just пошататься in dark corners of the city in search of adventure. So it happened that, despite their promises, the battalion commander had to let me go in the city. For me it was the only chance to escape the каенный fence of the school. I dusted himself to visit the sick, however, aware that my chances are close to zero. But me unexpectedly was released, giving, however, twice partial time dismissal, but still it was luck.
I finally broke into the city! The "patient" I spent force for fifteen minutes, a little talked with him about the latest news from the College and passing greetings from classmates. Then we parted. He, too, where the "намыливался" slip away from the Department. Now I was free, and no one and nothing could have prevented me strive to my goals.
Fortunately, hospital, where I went , it was very close to the street, where I had to get. When I got there, it was light, and from what I remember the night орогу, it was hard to find now that house.
But all the same searches have not taken a lot of time. When the light for me appeared a picture very different from the vision of me during the night. I then thought we were with the old man in some полудом, полусарай, затервшийся the undergrowth in a dense and vast and abandoned gardens. Now I with surprise found how wrong were my view. This house was a long one-storey outbuilding that adjoined the most ridiculous way to a solid wall, high-rise building, that never was noticeable at night. The garden around was not so dense and extensive, and look now, when it was illuminated by the sun's rays, rather жидковатым and rare.
Wall of the house, which adjoined the extension old manand clad in red brick, completely was deprived of Windows and ran along the streets at a hundred, and a half meters. Height it had three floors, but the lower part of the concealed from view with green street fat the trees surrounding garden plots, broken the courts приютившихс near private houses.
Meanwhile, the construction of the interested me its origin. She's been here? After all, neither to the left nor to the right was nothing like this. And here I remembered what the old man told me to come here before dark, but all the same, posts a little hesitant at the gate, I opened it and went to the annexe.
It was tightly sealed, and where, in my opinion, had to be the door, we the fan inside, was a blank wall. However, after a lengthy examination its I found a little noticeable gap, vertically прорезавшую log, and then at a distance, roughly corresponding to the width of a door, and second. They were so narrow that they could not even put a razor blade, not to mention the fact that even open them.
I walked around extension and found the shutters. But they were closed from the inside so tight, it was impossible to прикопаться.
Passed an hour, and I could not get inside. All my attempts were vain. In the end, I decided to retire, so as not to attract undue attention neither to themselves, nor to this strange house.
"Strange a house, " said I, slowly погуливаясь the city, - I can see the old man did say that I came here after dark and not совался before dark. However, where I knew what he meant. He could tell straight, blunt, but he did not. After all, he could have simply feared that the house will be interested by those to whom it is not necessary to know where it is. So, apparently, the building stands as an abandoned, and I must find out what it is. Although they are not visible, but thousands of curious eyes every day looking for, what would such learn new, to see it. And among those few who have not применет inform about what they saw something for a gain or reckless folly".
I thought with vexation that its afternoon visiting probably already brought a shadow at a wattle fence, and abused myself last words.
But now, what could I do? Wait for the dark and again to try to get inside the house of old man? But suddenly окажетсI that the old man did not die, as said to me and alive and locked my dwelling from the inside? What am I to do then? Say: "Hi!"? or immediately to run. Or to apologize for such a late visit?
I began to sweat from such assumptions, but then I thought that, strictly speaking, what have I to fear? The most terrible thing I had experienced, and hardly scare me now than it was in that house.
Well, if the old man, indeed, not lied to men? If he really died? Don't joke with such things as death?
As a result of all these reasonings hurried on my still gone, and now I could soberly weigh everything.
Before dark, and in the summer it's too late, I have not managed to stay in the city, except that again go into conflict with command a battalion. I would like now, when before the release of remains to very few time, and less of all. Therefore we had to find a legal way, придуиать something, which could extend their dismissal. Something had to be taken, and I no longer hesitate, and not breaking in vain head, went back in school, thinking: what will be will be. Crook had to escape for a night in town.
People on the streets was a gap. Fan weekend pulled out all the streets, and from this city transport was pretty busy. However, despite this, quickly got to school through half the city, a little помявшись while in the bus.
The location of the battery was only a few cadets, for various reasons, not gone on leave. A few fanatics "Seki" playing dayroom card't paying attention. Some friends from our platoon chatting in your room on different trivial topics listened магнитоон and boiled in a glass of water boiler for tea. And so everywhere else was barren, and only after a few hours barracks had наполнитьс rumble of voices came from dismissal and fissile impressions with each other cadets.
Послонявшись from room to room, looking who is, who is not, and by the way, noticing that Охромова no, I went into the office, where he was responsible officer, the commander of a platoon, and read some книжонку. It was a young Lieutenant Швабрин. He was considered "young" for all cadets of the battery, although he was already almost a year. It was, was that he was very afraid to take any independent decisions, much depended on the opinion of a battalion commander and the other officers, and therefore could not use among us prestige and respect.
Швабрин graduated from College a year ago, a few months I was in the army, and then received a call in his native monastery for the further service. There were persistent rumors that his troops "заклевали" soldiers. Yes, and would never think anything more worthy of a man. However. In dealing with students, especially those about whom he knew it not "break off" at least from a sense of decency and respect for his rank he was strained гонорист and напускал itself unnatural severity.
Lieutenant Швабрин so absorbed in reading booklet that is not noticed as I воше in the office, and I had the pleasure of watching for a few minutes even his childish face, not covered by a mask of hypocrisy and a mock seriousness.
After a slight pause at the threshold, I coughed wanting to attract his attention, but he did not notice or wouldn't just hear. Then I said:
"Comrade Lieutenant...
He looked at me as if I hinder him to do something very important.
-What are you, Yakovlev?
The worst of it was to deal with these lieutenants. Himself in the recent past, cadet, he now tried to shut oneself off, deny from your past from what he most recently was a cadet, wore the same as I am now, epaulettes, went to the dismissal and, perhaps, ran in the AWOL. In his treatment of us behaviour was in every way is unnecessary officialdom. It was evident that the role of the commander is given to him with difficulty, and all his forces are on hold as greater distance between themselves and the cadets. Therefore communicate with him was very difficult and, certainly, it is unpleasant.
But that's nothing. The trouble is that between such forms of official and the real that was in his power, there is a large distance, which he probably realized, but only stronger from it was impregnable and menacing. Besides, he himself sometimes funny it is to play its role. Man was not devoid of sense of humor, and looked at myself sometimes on the side, and then, it seemed to drift and Leah his fly out of a child's smile, treacherously подводившая it in the most inopportune moment. But checking himself, he sadness, like a cloud, and again went on the official tone, blushing, and pressing hard on "you". This is not it was painted and even hurt, потму it became ridiculous and pitiful as possible. And what he was trying to hide, very significantly and недвузначно to appear outside, and it was evident that he "green".
Due to the aforesaid, the cadets Швабрина not respected and loved, were considered with him to the extent that and gave him a number of insulting nicknames: MOP, Green, and similar. Nicknames, however, were all officers, and most innocent and even the love of a battalion commander: Vasya - such as his name was actually - but Швабрина, unlike the others, they only underlined, as it is not respected.
Not that we loved battalion commander, rather so soft nickname was given to him out of fear. Fears means respects. Mount it would be him who dared сказат about the battalion something in a violent manner: it somehow came to the senior Lieutenant of the Furrier, and he did not forgive the offender. And from Lieutenant Швабрина not depended absolutely nothing, he himself is not depended, as did only that act only as said the commander. Maybe he thought that from this cadets will respect him because he command a battalion at the same time, but his authority only lose from such лизоблюдства and from the slavish dependence on the opinion of others.
Other platoon commanders in varying degrees, of course, some more, some less, take responsibility and take independent decisions. With them you can negotiate on the mood, at least for an hour and released in dismissal, even if there are strong objections. Of course, they risked, but were not afraid that with such a fear, as Швабрин, who turned pale to death if scolded Vasya, as though the Lord God of metal in it thunders of his anger. He avoided to make independent decisions and, be sure to someone Recalling, sent to the authorities at a higher level.
As it happens this time. Швабрин listened to me, spreading his hands, said, "can't help. Want to contact the duty officer in school, want to go home to the battalion commander, but there is unlikely he will release".
Yes, really he noticed that go home to the battalion commander was useless. But all the same I followed his advice and went to the emergency at school, because more from Lieutenant Швабрина wait was nothing.
"Well wacky same is his name!" "I thought, leaving the barracks.
In the duty room sat reading the paper, thick, обрякший major, преподавательс Department of defence against weapons of mass destruction, ЗОМП, in one word. He was a fat, red face and puffed under бреенем of their weight, as раскочегаренный samovar.
On entering, I slammed the door, and the major looked at me from under his shaggy overhanging the eyes, eyebrows, then asked:
"What do you want, young man?
Pendulous cheeks with his rocked, and the dove-coloured bags under the eyes набрякли the effort with which he разговаивл.
"Wow, young man," the подмал I, aloud:
-I would dismissal, comrade major.
"Well, " nodded the horse head on duty in school, and what are you to me pinned? You Kombat is, is responsible officer in the battery. Finally, there is the commander of a platoon. With them and decide this question here. Who am I going to let you go into the dismissal? Yes and you're a little late in the dismissal was going.
The major looked at his watch, and tried to swing on the chair, but in time I came to my senses and therefore pushed off the floor only slightly, to an otherwise fragile and loose stool would not survive its carcass and went to would you try to swing on it, as once, in childhood, had done every.
"Really, what are you to him pinned?" - I asked myself, because it really was stupid, but there was nowhere to retreat and therefore I continued упрашивть major:
-Yes, you see, comrade major... In dismissal I was... But to me for a night. Release, please.
-But-of-очь? "drawled officer. -Well, then, the more is your commanders can solve this question.
He paused for a moment, but then, apparently, curiosity won.
"What is it?
-Yes, of anything, " I was seething with frustration, realizing that only spend time in vain, -the girl came to my place. From another city, and I knew it not. Just recently found уилище and called me at the checkpoint.
-Ah. Girl. From afar, you say?
-I say that from another city.
-Yes, of course it is a serious, mayor explicitly затруднялсяя anything answer me. -Well, and what did... Go tell Someone you of the officers? There is an officer responsible?
"Yes officer. But, see, he never solves nothing. Afraid of responsibility. Suddenly that wrong.
-Well, my problem? - a toad too eyes of the officer, surrounded plump, painful bags, stared at me questioningly.
He has sent me to you. Told me to go to the emergency at school, empty, he let go, if he wants to.
-Well, tell him that I authorize, on duty again взялс for a newspaper, let you let go, time such a thing.
"I don't believe a word, you call him, please, comrade major.
-All right, - agreed офиер, continuing to read the newspaper, go on, I'll call."
Thank you very much, - thanked I his.
I, of course, I wanted to call you with me, but now imposed, annoy with your presence, to vex the old, sick man was I have no need for, so I gently closed the door and went out into the corridor.
As I entered the barracks, and immediately ran into a furious Швабрина. It was obvious how snarled in anger his face, but he could not say anything to me and just silently slid a hand увольнительную note. Hiding it in my pocket, I thought anxiously: "What tomorrow will tell коимбат? So this thing he undoubtedly настучит!"
In five minutes I was already far from the school. Despite the summer long night, it was already getting dark as the sky darkened, and I thought with vexation, as still a lot of time was taken from me Швабрин.
Soon I was on the very same street where he stood Ohm old man. I got no trouble, for исклчением that now was in uniform and me twice tried to hitch a tipsy guys, wandering around the town in search ккого any evil of fun and entertainment. However, both times all ended quite peacefully, first because I didn't answered their impudence attacks in the address and, as always, to the military in General, and the second - because quickly retreated, having estimated that the chances of not in my direction.
It was already quite dark. Street looked, as in the first time, deserted and путынно. No еловека, no cats, no dog, no one. I'm the only one, if left to furnished кауфляжным landscape of a city street theatre has been on the scaffolding, when the action has ended or has not begun at all. Range quiet, empty, dead, even the dogs in the yards do not bark somehow, and crouched and, it seems that not breathe.
Some Hume street lamps emitted a dim yellow light, making all around even more unnatural, phoney. And I am one , as in the scene with ghosts: 't see anybody, but I feel the darkness вперилась at me with her eyes.
There was a silence. Not a breath of wind, not even the rustle of leaves on деревьяхне broke the silence. Through tightly closed shutters houses no ray of light did not penetrate to the outside. And was there any light in these houses? So was I вдуг in some enchanted village, where hide behind the Windows terrible ghouls and vampires?
There was мерттвое space and I am on it, outdoor, unsecured, like a target, prepared for shooting. Terribly, terribly afraid of something became me. I felt oppressed by the premonition of the encounter with the supernatural, and from this the soul полнилаь animal fear. Something was me forward, something that made me go навстреччу this unknown. I could not afford to report that the feeling would not let me turn back and was torn from tossing me in horror. But he was unable поороть what pushed me forward. And I went, not knowing how it turns out for me.
Here already appeared, and the gate to the familiar courtyard, I pushed her and was under a canopy of shade trees that obstruct their canopy of lights.
The irrational horror caused by the game my wild fantasies, then he was gone as quickly as it had appeared, and I became quite sane man.
Ahead was completely dark, she became ve thicker and thicker as my promotion at random deep into the garden.
Touch moving forward and seeing nothing, I suddenly hands felt touching the rough wooden surface log porch of the building, and after some time, guided only intuitive memories of that night, found the place on the wall, where was located the door. Here I pushed from himself, leaned on, and the door was opened, as at that time that we were with the old man. In front of me разверзся dark failure login and the hour terrible memories of bygone night came flooding back into my mind. I again became uneasy, I felt one-on-one with the unknown world, in which road almost all living things, but that пиоткрыл their secrets for me, stopping on my person of their choice.
I hesitated on the threshold, but stepped the door and was inside the house, in the dark, прорезаемой barely filters from the street lanterns.
Yellowish, ghostly and dim light from a match, coraboutBKU which at the last moment I had with me in the barracks, lit already a familiar picture a heap of rubbish and garbage, заалившие a the whole hallway or canopy, to be precise. Making his way to him, I reached deep into osteoarthritis, ассуждая about хитроумном device, наддежно opens the house for a day and doing the entrance is free at night. Of course, there is nothing difficult in it, if you have some concepts in electronics and know how to gather the drive circuits on the photocells or оточувствительных semiconductor elements switching boards and current control. It was not clear to both blocked the door, if the house trying to get the outside, and blocked whether it at all in this case? Do night access in this unusual house was free and publicly available? I don't верилос, but no распознавательных systems type of "friend or foe" on пооге I have not met. Nothing stopped me, not required nor speak, nor show, for example, palm or the pupil of the eye in electronic eyepiece decoder resolver. I entered the house freely and unhindered. But I didn't want to believe that, as soon as night come, and thus inside this house can попаст anyone who is not afraid and wants to do it. Something had to stop impertinent stranger, but what?
Lamp "die Fledermaus" caught my eye very quickly, I barely overcame a ton of junk. He kindly hanging on гвоздике, ready to please me and to light the way through the dark maze of the house. Inside his body glowed with kerosene, and I silently thanked, who prepared it for anxiety.
A little Tinker with lamp, I wick lit it, and went ahead in the wrong, rather слепящем than covering the light, emitted by it. I walked right and straight ahead, преоолев so few pass rooms, and, having estimated the approximate distance traveled with me to compare it with that long of an extension, I've identified another day, I realized that completed it and most likely'm in the building, which is adjacent.
I stood on the crossroads, because here образоввывался a corridor, from which one could go on all four sides. Rather, it was a room, but it is very big. And here I saw in the middle of her Desk, familiar table covered with a red cloth, and the details of that evening dreams surfaced in my memory one after the other.
I remembered the terrible chase and midnight conversations, his floundering over scary and unknown purpose well and wandering among the shelves filled with some books, folders and papers. Not escaped from me and other details of the adventure, and large run cold chills over my body. I was thrown into a mild chill.
I wanted to call the elders, but I was scared. The surrounding darkness гнела me, pressing his непроницаемостью, and took immense efforts to squeeze out from the throat is not what a scream, but the sound of live, a normal voice. Yes and costabout whether scream and call out? If the old man were alive, he would have found me, seeing the light керосинки.
After standing the middle of the room at the table with a red tablecloth, I remembered the direction of its flight and went back there again. Mountain обвалившейся the time shelves шкаа paper were cleared back; everything's set in order.
I opened the door leading into the well, and looked inside. Blinding, тускоый light bulb is not overclocked thickening here darkness, and I saw nothing.
PRишлось again get back to the room which I pRabout himself called the living room, and from there went remembering the road to the library, which kept the old man. In one of the ee rooms I wandered away from the old man's home. Now, having found it, I walked down the corridor and saw that thetotheir rooms are quite numerous, and everywhere it was interesting. On the shelves there was a multitude of books, what I had ever seen. Have met a lot of manuscripts. Their sheets were collected in folders, or simply stitched huge stapled or bound.
I was taken aback from such a great accumulation of books, and didn't even know where to start their viewing, and should, in General, do it. However, on every rack was an alphabetic character, and seeing those letters, decided to first see if there happens to manuscripts or books my father. As far as I remember, the old man something mentioned about my father.
When he began to understand, it noticed that the books are in alphabetical order. Names and manuscripts by author's name. Therefore, if the father and have some books they were inaccessible to me that I didn't know their names.
I took up the manuscript. In the darkness, only slightly diffused light bat, I like a mole, pottered about among the hordes of securities, running their fingers in wrinkle-proof and rushing sheets in their ranks, got from there a page or entire packs of paper covered with writing, looking at the names of the authors, if it was possible.
Finally, I pulled gently перевязанную тесемочкой tied in a bow, a thick folder and almost dropped it from her hands in astonishment, because suddenly saw at its cork their native surname. Дызание felt heart возбужжденно thumped in his chest. Finally, I've finally found it. That often, even in secret for yourself dreamed look for. The manuscript of my father. It was his trace on this earth, the fruit of his creation, his thoughts.
I woke up pride, bordering on зазнайством, and if now somebody had the imprudence to be next to me, I could not resist not to boast of him in the most obscene form. But this was not the main. Now I know that father have sent to prison just for this. Now would I know that worried, excited him, a little to penetrate into his inner world, the entrance to which was closed I already for a long time. Probably, in this manuscript was a lot of interesting and замечателного! Yes, even the fact that she ever existed, that was proof that my father was a man not only thinking and, therefore, extraordinary in our society, but also recording their thoughts, much noteworthy and it is more surprising. Agree, very few in this country people who would bother to писаниноfirst, if not associated with ихх profession, if they are not scientists, and not writers, for example.
I put it on the table lamp and put the folder to the light, and then blew her a thick layer of dust, pre-tapping her fingers over it, untied the bow, took the ribbon and saw that the manuscript does not belongs to my father. On the first page appeared to be the initials of his namesake: "Yakovlev Taras Bogdanovich". And below it and the name "Recognition and mercy."
"Also some poor fellow," he thought, with a great disappointment, and my interest in the manuscript immediately disappeared.
Sadly I tossed the folder on the floor so that she appeared from strong blow and pages someone's work rustled, scattering, scattering underfoot. My searches were protracted, but without much enthusiasm, with which started. Now I met another four одноамильца my father, and was surprised at how rich their meeting, placed in the cellar, unsuitable for long-term storage conditions that doom could be a very rare and valuable things and works fast and immediate damage and death.
Beauty services was already desperate anything to find, I have noticed a red cardboard folder, which was not on the shelf, and lay down on the floor under rack. How to get there - is unclear. I put it my lamp, and the odd thing is not even noticed.
I took off her lamp, raised, and then read in the middle Yakovlev Plato Isaakovich.
Without thinking, I decided to take her with him. Ve finally found her, this manuscript. I was excited to read it. I decided to leave this house. Today's findings I thought it was quite enough.
I left the library, taking with him except manuscripts father still a few other random. Now I walked back up the all-ткому same huge and mysterious house, holding in one hand under his arm a few plump folders, but in another front lamp "die Fledermaus", освещавшую me the way dull weak flame.
Returning dark corridors and rooms of the building, I noticed a few stairs leading up and down. Their dark failures attracted and frightened me at the same time. I was curious and scared, but for fear of getting lost, I never changed familiar way, who knows what labyrinths and xитросплетения could they make.
Soon I again found himself in the "living room", put the paper on the table and I put myself at the clock kerosene lamp. It was nearly three in the morning. "Strange, " I thought, " have I spent with papers so long?" The time flew by, as one instant, and it was almost dawn hour.
However, until the morning, there were still four Asa, and if I wish, I could do further investigation labyrinths of this of the house. I felt that in this darkness hiding from me still many undiscovered but interesting mysteries. As it was neither afraid , but I wanted to look into that hole, where I almost fell, and, most importantly, see what's on the bottom. I remembered that the old man kaki m way down and opened the door there in his wall, looking out for something in depth. I also wanted to look there.
Curiosity won out, emboldened by the fact that the time was long past midnight and близилсI dawn, and I went into the corridor, which once ran away from his night familiar. ПройдI it is quite far I come to its end, where saw a gaping black the failure of the cool down of the outgoing arch the ceiling above the staircase.
Treading on pig-iron cast stairs, probably a hundred years ago manufacturing cast designs in the form of flowers and branches with leaves, leaving винтотом right, spiral down, I found myself in raw brick hallway with unplastered walls. Brick brown brickwork, rough and poorly laid out, extinguished and without dim reflection from the lamp, and from around the darkened the already quite darkness. Raw bricks as if absorbed little light from the reed flame. I have not seen almost, but it felt like under your feet on the cement floor sprawling in all directions, 've crunched beneath my shoes are some beasts, gleaming in the light of their смолянистыми, fat-black chitin carapaces.
Find, I saw, rather, guessed at dusk slightly ahead and to the right side iron проржавевшую door, apparently, the one opened by the old man in that far, now seemed evening. By construction, it reminded repeatedly increased the valve stove-stoves: same primitive loop suspension, identical constipation-bolt same simplicity and rudeness work.
I tried to open it and strongly dirty rust. But this couldn't stop me, even though I had a reputation чистоплюем not had a good sense of soil himself in the mud. I приналег and heard piercing визжащее creaking of the несмазанных loops, echoey раскатившееся the vaults of the well and коридорчика. Its nasty, nasty and terrible echo, спугнувший silence darkness, stalled somewhere at the top.
I просунулся in black the formed hole, putting up yourself lamp.
In the bottom, so far, maybe two meters away, maybe less, I saw his reflection. There невозмутимом alone stood a black mirror of water.
The walls of the well bottom is slightly narrowed. Examining them, I found right under the door just below, may be only a few feet, in one and a half metres, output is small, with a half-meter in diameter Laza, fenced off from the top metal bars door. I bent lower and looked in there, as far as possible.
Light bulb snatched out of the dark-furred cobblestone course. I leaned down very low to the lattice, almost touching her, wanting to look deeper.
Suddenly out of the dark saw something reminding the crocodile, not a pig's snout. I shivered of consternation and surprise whole body and almost fell behind bars out the door. Something that feels like from the darkness Laza, a blowing even more, and I now навернякаувидел long, толстокожую the face of a crocodile. His small eyes sticking out of the coriaceous bags, blinded light lamp, as neither was he dim looked somewhere by lower jaw, chewing, mouth dropped open, revealing a jagged, but powerful, terrible and numerous crooked teeth-hooks.
In a daze I смотел at him, unable to move.
The creature was in the stillness for a few seconds, and then sharply метнувшись with places rushed on a lattice, taking aim, apparently, in the blinding lamp.
I recoiled from the grid, recovering himself from fright, and the crocodile flopped into the water. I thought I heard the prisoner's jaws snapped shut his mouth. Раздалсмя strong noise, water splashed. A few drops, probably, hit the glass bat, and it immediately snapped. Lamp зачадила through the cracks in the glass and after a few moments dimmed, if тже frightened by the incident.
Everything submerged into the darkness, where it was only hear плюханье at the bottom, where in the water floundering vile creature. Not wishing to tempt fate, I immediately shut the door, грохнувшую metal, closed and bolted, and falling to the ground, sat so long coming and прислушиваяь to плескам in the well. Now it was clear to me why there grille, and that said the old man, saying that I was on the verge of death.
Chapter 11.
From home I got out, when in the East already starting to crimson strip of horizon Zarya, gradually expanding to the sky. Came just in time, потоу that door just tightly shut behind me, and in the wall again n left slit reminds of its existence, like yesterday afternoon.
I do not remember how much time I sat down in the unconscious and near-unconscious. Then, when everything was groped in the dark hardly got out I went upstairs. From a strong fear even heart разболелось as I'd never ached. Just touch I found the Desk and took with him his papers: a few plump folders.
Now, when I stood on the street and breathed in the cool morning air of the city, unfortunately, only vaguely resembling fresh, it was still incredibly nice.
Many plants have not included the full power of their pipes-lamp wick, and you can enjoy at least the likeness of the virgin purity of even mildly intoxicating oxygen. Of course, it was not a village, but not the kind of atmosphere that presses in the middle of the day heavy mixtures многоччисленных emissions.
Stress gradually gone, disappeared, going down with every breath street air. Around was green, the ordinary mind with garden in a normal, незагадочном, ordinary city, and, looking at him, it was hard to believe it could be something similar at all what happened last night.
Will soon be morning, then comes the day, I go back to school. Let this promise me some trouble, possibly more, but this is a common, it is not dangerous, and therefore happy its invariability and familiarity.
Thinking so, I stood against the wall, when suddenly heard behind includes негрромкий squeaking and clank. Apparently worked some clever constipation, reacting to the sunlight, and the front door was now наддежно blocked. Yes. Be late , maybe I'm on several minutes, and сеидеть me in this house until the following night, until dark.
The arrows on my watch, moved to the seven, and I hurried to school, because again, could be late.
However, all went well. Returning without any adventures, I put the folder in my locker, quickly changed into a spare uniforms and even stood in the ranks of the platoon without delay, before announced the beginning of the morning inspection.
At the classes came up to me Охромов.
Where are you lost today the night? "he asked.
-Yes, so, in dismissal went, " I replied evasively. To share this time with his emotions I do not like.
-I've been searching, searching. Look - you in the evening there, and then hang up. Well, I think the artist, see the MOP until the morning has left! How could you have been?
-Yes well managed. We had to go, that's asked.
-Ah. Well, well done! And I you yesterday, searching, searching. Where the disappeared - Fig knows. Well, okay, what I wanted to. People dealing offer...
"You again?
-Yes, you understand, - started волноватьсI Охромов, - it's something simple. Well, quite a trifling. Do you need a couple of cake: to shower in the car half a ton of waste paper and pay us for such a simple job bешенные money: each pieces of ten.
-Yes, money crazy, " I agreed. - but I can't believe that quartered, waste paper, you can make money.
-Yes, I'll say...
-Listen, can we half a ton of cash, will you upload, that we pay so much? I asked sarcastically. -Drive to the Bank, open safes and forward - rowed shovel? You are not asked casually, where will work?
-Гллупости what you say! - outraged Охомов. -You offer, I thou...
-Something I don't like it. Maybe that's why I stupidity and say. And that should not have them movers somewhere in another place to look for, except as five minutes officers harness?
-Think, the officer found! I know - you can or cannot be. It - you do. Maybe in this case, some special secret is that other trust cannot be.
-And can we? Yes? And I'll go and разболтаю. What do you say?
-Now go, fool! Who would believe you? On my show? I say, "He is illOh, I know nothing!" And then you face наквашу I am sure I... eh, you! I tell you, as a friend, as a friend. And you? As падла last! You I didn't like it. I don't understand you, can you feel it?! I can't understand! I can't think of what you need. And it always seemed to me. We met a soul to live!
-Well you it seemed - his carping and anything could be called взбесили me, and with elaborate апломблм said, -I also thought, was...
-What? That was?
-Yes and it turned out that you're having a little card game play, and I don't know, debt have in пятнадать thousand and I don't know, friends of odd got that for scrap paper prepared in gold bathe. What strange... But I, too, it seemed.
-A fool of you and a fool, again insulted me Охромов. -Think better, you its debt buyout.
-None of your business. Himself somehow выкручусь.
-Well-well, look, we know such nimble, - Охромов turned and walked away.
After class, in the evening, the training of when nothing seemed to be no signs of a storm, was summoned combat.
Yakovlev, he said, when knocked, I entered the office and said unanswered "may I?", -Why until the morning went on leave?
-Why, comrade senior Lieutenant? I let them go.
-Who are you to let go?
-The duty to be saved.
Why on duty in school? Who has the right to let you go in?
-You... So you themselves to me yesterday released, " said I, myself feeling that sailed the boat in my paper, yeah not there.
-Comrade cadet, I let you in just two hours and on a case by order. I promised you that выпуса from the College you will no longer go to the dismissal for his misconduct? This is not to mention the fact that I still something for you to arrange it. You yesterday, taking advantage of my absence, went and complained to the shift of уилищу, поплакались that to you girl from another city came. Although the duty of the school has no right to let you go in dismissal. Not only that you have deceived one, you нахамили another officer, platoon commander. You broke воинсскую chain of command and military etiquette..
-Yes I complained, comrade senior Lieutenant, I swear. I only went, asked permission, because Швабрин...
-Comrade Lieutenant Швабин, comrade cadet!
-Yes. Because comrade Lieutenant Швабрин скащал that has no right to let me go and sent to the emergency at the училищщу.
-Well, Швабрин said is absolutely correct, but it did you never sent, you went and complained. This score not in your favor, tovandрищ cadet. Yesterday you did very huevo, - inside he said.
"Comrade senior Lieutenant, I confused and 't know what to say. In fact, I was right, wasn't lying, and I don't believe just because I'm not an officer, and student. Because Швабрин really sent me to the emergency at school and even scared to admit. Yes, I lied yesterday about girls. But what could I do, if I had whatever was to go on leave, and I couldn't go. And the girl - a very good reason and, in fact, proven not one me, and not yesterday. "Comrade senior Lieutenant, I'm going to be a... That, as soon as I'll be, you immediately нанете believe me without looking back? But what if you two officers say different things, and some of them соврет? Are you going to believe who had a higher rank, Yes? Потоу those above the title, do not lie?
-Do not confuse the gift of God with яишницей, Yakovlev. Officers rarely happens is that they lied.
-But the same happens?
"You began to talk a lot, comrade cadet. Yes, by the way, what is this girl, you were visited?
I was taken aback by his question. Just because he said that I cheated дежрного in school, and now asks. He forgot, or he conducts strange and tricky game with me in the cat-and-mouse, and I have to rush to where it turns off. However I have not made up his mind to say straight that no girl really was not, and принл new twist to the plot.
-Why do you, comrade senior Lieutenant? This is my personal life.
-I must be sure that you really came to the girl. Then maybe I'll be more lenient to you. May she writes to me that it was really you, let confirm that it really came.
"Okay, " I'm starting to think how to get out of this situation.
-But remember, Yakovlev. The girl, of course, a girl but what you did with Lieutenant Швабриным, you just won't get away. Keep this in mind.
At this time in the office went Швабрин. I turned to him:
"Comrade Lieutenant, here tell me, please, the commander of the battery, you because me yesterday sent to the emergency at school, right?
-Товрищ cadet, - imperturbably parried Швабрин, -you still have not learned to apply, as expected, the senior military rank to the officer. This is the time. And secondly, I did you yesterday sent. Not need to lie, OK?
I was furious indignation. So blatantly lie and accuse me in a lie!
-You lie, - broke down in despair my tongue, even though I knew what to say something else here the talk is useless, -you lie, comrade Lieutenant!
Швабрин blushed, became purple, then blue, like a thunderstorm.
-Puppy! screams he, as sliced pig. -Boy! How dare you! You see, what insolent! How dare you accuse his superiors, how dare you, in General, mouth here keep your!
Foam arrogance squirted from his skewed mouth to my face, however, is not scared of him furious species, because he was ready from the great annoyance at his throat.
-I'll soon be equal with you звнии, comrade Lieutenant, and then we will talk, and nothing's going to stop me fill you up.
The blood in my veins gurgling rage.
Швабрин could not utter a word. He choked with anger, panting, not knowing what to say, wider and wider its opening. His eyes tried орбиит, and they had this look, ready to grind me into powder, crush me like a bug, incinerating, destroy. From the deep concern and confusion Швабрин not even been able to take a breath. Finally, he got out a barely audible:
-Get out of here, cheeky.
-And what are you here раскомандовлись, " I replied him- I commander here aroused. He took me and let go, if it will be necessary.
-Get out!!!
I did not expect that Швабрин so quickly and deftly did to me, to deploy shoulder and put the door of the office.
Orderly, standing at the bedside table next to the office, dumbfounded looked at me. In the corridor there were several people gathered in front of the Chancellery, attracted by the screams from there and listened to what happens there, talking to each other and sharing their thoughts.
Goat! - I hissed through clenched teeth. It was everything I could to reassure himself, to pick up. And not to rush back to the office, to give to the offender, despite the fact that there were officers ' epaulettes. Church in the veins of all was fair indignation and anger.
The next day I took up дневальным battery. Outfit out оереди I announced combat. "Rude with senior military rank and attempt of deception", so read the wording announced I punishment.
It's sad when to release a few weeks, just a few days, you can say, and over you like that continue to make fun and not having learned to regard you as a person. Put "on the nightstand" as паршивогоо jerk, and even неправедливому поклепу.
In the evening for me again подрулил Охромов. I at that time was on the nightstand" in пресквернейшем mood, besides, sensing the weakness and laziness in the whole body.
-Well, what do you want to go? - he asked me as if have decided взт me out or still not understood, that I do not wish to participate in his case.
-Listen, get the shit to hell, until I sent you away, " quipped I am from him, as nuisance.
"But-but, whoa, - brushed me Охромов. -You watch your mouth! Mean change my mind? Well, look. I know that all the same to me прибежишь. But just because it may be too late. We irreplaceable people, as we know, no.
Wali, get out of here, I repeated.
Охромов left.
After lights out, as soon as I left the responsible officer, I slipped "with bedside tables" and went to my room to make out, as should their trophies.
I took the manuscript from bedside tables, I looked through them, read the title, where they were asked the dates of writing. Nearby points of I бросилас in the eyes of the date of one of them - 1778. And the name she was interesting: "Magic, black and white". And next was the inscription in quotes "translation". Снаала I don't really noticed it, and only later did I realize what a valuable thing I got.
I again found the book and opened it. Written on it was the old Russian alphabet, what is used in the beginning of the century, and which I knew only from the movies, where there was a newsreel of those years. There was a lot of words meaning of which I could not understand, but in the whole manuscript barely read it was possible. I loved that, although its text was really handwritten, all the letters were beautiful, as if each of them вырисовывали, as an individual, as in this book was not a million or even more, but a few dozen. I was hard work and diligence of the text and performer tou incredible work that was invested in each line of the book. "But whether it was to try both? - I thought. -And for what?"
Tossed n hand "Magic...", I appreciated it weight exceeded three килограма exactly and began to realise how much can cost now a book on the black market. Were rabid money. Of course, we had to go to the swap meet somewhere in the capital, in Moscow or St Petersburg, where, surely, you can find a good buyer. Knowing this book a lot about, and, if not hinder the back of the head to sell there its thousand for ten or more, especially if you run afoul of foreign collector, whose "head" certainly does. The local crowd is not worth it and go to: here was hanging out just one кугутня village, and in addition to the stuff does no one cares. Except that the dealer sometimes наедет, but, needs, needs and умотает in the capital with nothing.
Of course, without a specialist who knows the value of such things, here you can easily get found myself stumped and bad bargain. After all, this rare copy of a handwritten books may be the only preserved. A lot of the hand you will not write, Yes, moreover with such diligence. I suppose, clerk spent half my life over one this book прокорпел. Besides, it is possible that this book belonged to Peru some famous person. According to my раскидкам and assumptions, if it was really so, then the book was almost priceless. And if she still has not been published... From мелькнувшей before my eyes figures dizzy.
Of course, in the Union of such кигу publish almost impossible. Except that in the last times of chaos and disorder, подлившегося some decade, this one could think of. But if this экземплярчик to smuggle abroad and sell any publisher or frequent collection, that is even better. Handwritten original ненапечатнной books! This gold mine in a society where everything is sold and bought all, rutoOh enterprising person.
My friends, roommates were not asleep. Zhorik Плевый (funny surname, gives Odessa, isn't it?) enthusiastically read some кигу. Roma Kudryavtsev was preparing to buthnomu похождению familiar girl, to which he had been frequenting even now, when everything is more or less sensible of his fellow students tried with "quit". Together with him wore a tracksuit and Maxim Savchenko. However, where he was, it was not known to anyone in the battery. They went about their business, and I am his: hital manuscript. And suddenly, for a second, I pulled away from her, he noticed that all three of them look at me ошарашенными eyes.
"Listen, man, " said George, " you hair stand on end. What are you? Huh?!
And the next thing I knew, as they all were at my bed and began to examine my trophies.
I didn't like it. But only a minute later, I could say clearly:
-Uh-uh, you, Fig, friends.
I became one after another push them away your bed, but they came back.
-Why not show it? in an offended tone, and said indignantly Savchenko, then everything went first and then added. "Nonsense!"
And first threw me on toRovat thick Talmud:
-In, choke on it!
-No, рабята, what are you?! - one by one, they returned my folders and paper. -Look, please. Only... it is things Museum understand, relics, one can say. Them to me for several days gave a read - justified, I have to return the location of the comrades.
-Who is this guy gave you the Museum values are read? remarked Zhora.
-One friend. She is working in the Museum.
-Yeah. Probably, things dear, these books? continued Zhorik.
"Probably, " I said.
-And she is not afraid that something might happen, and it will have to answer for themhto use? Her for it, probably, head отвинтят.
-Afraid. So why I say: be careful not cut. And you're down, as with the hungry of the region.
-None of your paper рвать and not going, " said Maxim Savchenko. Look wanted. You: well, you Fig, well you to Fig... Business as door.
-Yes, look, please, who do you not? I continued to make excuses.
-And the hell with you with its Museum of nonsense; - roll waved to the Maxim in my direction and pulling on the go sports trousers, examining themselves and brushing them from adhered pieces of fibres and dust, and left the room.
Roma Kudryavtsev, least of all заинетересовавшийся my "Museum nonsense," walked right behind him.
-Okay! All this is nonsense and the little things in life, summed up the altercation George, " but tell me, please, what you have hair on his head moved, and? I've never seen anything like it.
-And you have to read, " said I to him, " what is written here, then you зашевеляться.
-Yah? "he wondered. -And there is written about you?
-You want to read?
-Read it, " he agreed.
I opened the first available page and, stumbling over each word, read him a few pages from подвернувшейся, as the head of "Mobilizing the Devil".
-Well, how scary? I asked егоо after.
-Well, you know, not so much to so violently реагировть, betrayed your resume Zhorik and turned in his book he read before.
-Well, okay! - falsely уязвленны voice I ended the conversation, and, deciding not to try the patience of fate, he summoned all his books and положл them back in the cupboard.
At night I overcame unusually deep sleep. My shift fell on the second half of the night. My companion awakened me, awakened, Yes not добудил, as follows, and without awakening finally, I fell asleep again. Yes, and from what was to happen: the impact of sleepless nights.
The morning came to the barracks for inspection carrying outfit service our morale officer of the division. It was a great surprise, because we have long ago no one checked. And he found the outfit completely asleep.
Zampolit woke duty battery, and he raised us, then he numbered the people in the rooms. It turned out that there is no place to nine people. The zampolit was not long to understand, raise замкомвзводов, find out who did not night in the barracks, but simply saying duty: "You see, Sergeant, misses nine people! Morning report battalion commander, who was excommunicated", - turned and went back to bed home.
In the morning the commander was, of course, furious. Now, just before the release, so terrible spot formed on the reputation of our battery, only-only began straightening things with discipline.
We took off the dress and together with самовольщикми put before a battle. They gathered together the entire division.
-Here, look at that!" - разгоряченно said, almost shouting, взмахиивая hands in our стоону, комнадир division. Future lieutenants, this future officers, in the future, the platoon commanders, through nearly two months to come to the troops, will command and require them to be subject to it! You me, товрищи cadets standing here in the line, sorry, of course but I will answer this оболтусам briefly and simply, in Russian: fuck you guys...
Then he spoke about something about abstract concepts is about remembering the military honour and giving examples from life and the Charter, waving at us in front of the faces and splashing in all directions angry saliva, but finished his accusatory eloquent tirade quite prosaic and humdrum:
-Shame, shame such cadets. They will be severely punished. The commander of the battery with the day of dismissal in the battery to stop, I mean in the night and weekend, on a system of batteries, swept the murmur of indignation and discontent. "Yes, " replied the commander of the division, отвеччая on this buzz cadet of the vote-and on Saturdays and holidays, well, the holidays we had not planned, but on holidays too, dismissal for your battery reduced to a minimum. I did say how many people can go away. You understand, comrade commander of the battery?
"Yes, comrade Colonel, " replied senior Lieutenant Лshoemakerн.
-Behold, very well. Outfit standing tonight and allowed unauthorized отлучку punish, comrade senior Lieutenant, with the greatest severity. Of course, the worst distribution to them, this is it, nine and along!
And here we were in the office of the commander of the battery, with drooping head and listening to the General part of the notation. Listen to accusations it was unpleasant, but the main thing was yet to come: the commander will speak with each separately, one by one, and him only shall say what punishment he applies to him or come up with then. And there hold on!
And so it happened. After a General notation, senior Lieutenant Лshoemakerн expelled us from the office of the in the corridor and then one began to appear. This was the procedure, щекочущая nerves. Everyone went away silently, scowling, and so withdrew. Avoiding to answer questions not yet experienced, and the commander, not letting herself, immediately caused the next.
Now it's my turn to go into the office. The commander sat, sitting back in his padded chair, holding out his legs, throwing one arm over the back of the seat, and the second holding a cigarette burning. All kind of it was to inspire setting, probably, that he's a cat, and the one who comes, a mouse caught in his paws, and now he is going to with this mouse to play, until you get tired and sweat Ohm throw away, throw it, wrinkled and полудохлую out.
For me, however. the pose of the battalion of special impression is not made, because to lose something to me especially, unlike the others, was something and nothing. All that was possible to lose, I have lost and now he was calm, like a boa constrictor.
Kombat, inидимо, noticed that his posture for me not too convincing, and therefore, probably, started from afar. Although, perhaps, he won't notice, and I just had overestimated his ability to understand people.
Yakovlev, don't you think that you lately I strongly примелькался? he asked with a sly and evil eyes narrowed, and the second looking at the brought a cigarette in his mouth, and making a deep puff.
'I think, ' replied I, for some reason, though not wanted to answer, and my head was down by itself. Perhaps Imалодушничал, and it was not in my favor.
-So I think so, " replied the commander. -Erase. First, you were the midnight. You seem then ran AWOL or not returned in time of dismissal, - it doesn't matter, because your командирои platoon was waiting for you almost until morning. Times? Times! Then you invented a woman, deceived the duty of the school that you in good fathers, the choice Lieutenant Швабрину, who is not like you let go, and quite rightly, put him in an awkward position the same duty officer at the school, making it what is called a fool, then went on leave for the night, hotI duty of the school has no right to allow you dismissal. To release you can only battery commander or platoon, but not always, well, in very extreme cases, when desperately need, and the responsible officer, which remains in the battery but again, if he deems necessary. Lieutenant Швабрин not consider it necessary to let you go in dismissal so you went to him to complain to, and to whom?! The emergency at school! This is ridiculous! But still, that's two.
Лshoemakerн twisted second pale and her hand holding the cigarette.
-I never went to complain, comrade senior Lieutenant, " I said again what had once explained to him, but to no avail-and Lieutenant Швбрин himself was sent to the emergency at school because, as he put it, can't let go of me in dismissal.
"Shut up, Yakovlev, quiet, interrupted me commander, -I'm not talking about the fact that, by law, you're supposed to because you're late of dismissal, as well as for unauthorized отлучку, held criminally liable, not stand here in front of me and apologized. We are accustomed to playing at spillikins, all the children you believe, and for a long time already required by law to ask. Earned term IDN Motel him, and no talking. Then would immediately and discipline the other became, and violators would be very little, because half would be planted, and the second would calm down, glancing at first. We'll all regret it! Why, soldiers all the same: people on the officers came to learn, have chosen a difficult profession, and their planting! And to plant, because the oath you have taken, and pledged not to violate. You all here are a conscripts. Immediate Noah! That is, the same soldiers. And come here mainly not after the army, and with the citizen, after school, from the mother's skirts. We are with you here цацкаемся, Yes that's the end of the same слюнтяями came, and most выпрускается... Well, okay! Stand you in the dress отбываешь, so to say, a punishment from the commander of the battery. And in the same outfit asleep himself and admit nursing people of the barracks, that should, on the contrary, prevent! Three!.. You see, how many have you done Affairs, just in the last two weeks?! And it's good that in three NIS whom nothing had happened! And I would have to go to prison on duty in the first place, and maybe I am, but I would not sit! I would like you, cattle, then just be killed, that's all! It would be even beyond that sit!
In the office there was another awkward silence. I was uncomfortable, and I didn't know where to go from his sight.
Why the silence, Yakovlev? wearily suddenly asked the commander.
-And what can I say? - I asked.
"Indeed," quite thesame apologetically agreed senior Lieutenant Лshoemakerн, with you everything is clear.
He hesitated for a moment, making a couple of deep puffs, thought, looking somewhere past me, and then said:
-Well, what blood you I drank enough for these four years. I have nothing more I forget. You'll try also not to forget, moreover, that time is not so much left to me sclerosis came clear to you?!.. Well, now go.
I was crushed and broken, as if I drove all night water. With dress me. Of course was removed and sent half asleep in class. Well, that was self-preparation for state exams, and I immediately went to sleep on the last row. The conscience has not been able to overcome sleep.
Chapter 12.
What you promised me Kombat, happened very quickly. Even 't have to wait long.
In the morning me attire was removed, and in the afternoon I was standing in the office in front command a battalion.
Yakovlev, and where your bayonet? his question threw me in bewilderment.
-Where? 't understand I have a trick that I was prepared. "I gave it to a new duty battery, Sergeant Slutsky.
-Not щнаю, I don't know. Thy bayonet-knife in the Armoury room no. And he's not written off. Follow his search.
-Yes, but I gave it to his new duty battery, I said.
-Where it is fixed? Where an entry in the book of reception and delivery of weapons, that you own a bayonet returned?
-Nowhere else. I just gave up, because in a hurry to class, " I said, starting to think where tends to combat. -New dress didn't have weapons, and they asked bayonet-knives with us.
"And you gave her a knife?
-Yes, he gave, and how
-Well, here's what he gave, and come back. Go, look for where you want. your bayonet-knife no dress, no oruzheyka. He's not written off.
He paused and added, officially:
-Go seek, comrade cadet, think where he might be. Time I give you until tomorrow morning. Tomorrow I'm writing the report to appoint an investigation if a knife is not found and you will pay moreover, according to the order of mMinister of defense, remember ноер order?.. Now, according to that order, you will be charged the tenfold value for the loss of weapons.
"Why, comrade senior Lieutenant? - I protested.
-Yes, because you got it under a list, you must have been under a list to pass. You have not. And then you say that someone is guilty. Blame but you and your personal carelessness.
-Well, ask the officer on duty, comrade senior Lieutenant, ask duty battery, handed him I bayonet or not was taking. He will confirm that I gave him a bayonet this damned give.
-Here there and deny it. I asked him. He knows nothing.
-As so, I gave him?!
I don't know. Sort it out with him. And I VMS task set. Do you understand me?
He looked at me a long look, which was not a drop of sympathy, but it was well hidden malicious joy.
I got out of канцеларии and immediately met Sergeant Slutsk, who gave his bayonet-knife
-Listen, - I said to him, I'll in the morning gave a bayonet. You don't know where he is now?
-You give me nothing left, " replied Slutsk and I was immediately confused his "I". At the end of hетвертого course none ержант not applied for a student to "you", as well as the back. And here - for you, a few hours ago, when we passed him the outfit, he spoke very differently.
-As it is not the left? - I was amazed.
-And that's it! All have put a bayonet-knives into the pyramid, and you come?
"Well, it was my bayonet-knife put in the pyramid for me? Is it really that hard to do, even more so. That I wear with his left.
-I have other things to do much. Onbefore it was all weapons are counted, the order of the show. That to me only, what with your bayonet run? You even didn't tell anyone, no one warned, where you threw it away
"Yeah, already "you". Much better," I thought. I couldn't shake the feeling that he knows where my a bayonet, but he, because he was warned and intimidated. Rather, warned and intimidated. And it's probably the work of the battalion.
"It's strange, how come you took outfit with a lack of one bayonet-knife and not reported to the battalion commander?
-I say, time for me, running, collecting bayonet knives your. Who has come and passed himself, I wrote off. Are you in the hearth of themal that will take your bayonet-knife after class, when you come to the barracks.
-Yes, but why do you then decided that I was lost and reported to the battalion commander?
My question explicitly caught him off guard. He did not know that same to me to answer, and then suddenly gave:
-Listen, or rather, listen, comrade cadet, stop, first фамильярничать, and, secondly, get away with their гллупыми issues. I have a bayonet your not take it, it did not lose. You have lost themselves and seek.
I realized that to speak with him, to no avail.
-Listen, Slutsk, the resentment and anger spoke in me, if I ever know that you're involved in the disappearance of the bayonet-knife, then you'll be sorry. I then you from under the earth get it!
Slutsk not taken my call, though one tone of my voice was worth it to try to fill me in the face, and especially that he was not flimsy.
I turned around and went to look for the missing, hot was firmly convinced that he had long rests in the safe at комнадира battery, taken advantage of my небдительностью. He promised to take revenge on me, that's his revenge.
Naturally, that search for my no results, although I, just in case, searched the whole room. In vain I looked into all the corners, under cabinets, vain sought and under the pyramids for weapons, and in the nightstand дневального, still hoping that the LDI not so cowardly and low as I think about them.
On other people's rooms I watch did not dare: perhaps it will seem ridiculous, but I was afraid that I might write some more and theft, if омбат and Slutsk, and he was probably conjointly vile "six", see me there and compute for me and adjust such козню. Hit upon the same walk off I-bayonet! Well, okay, my loss I paid, but if you make me a thief in the eyes of the whole battery, it will be a thousand times worse. Scat it, this bayonet-knife!"
Che more I thought, recalled the events of the morning, the stronger became strong in the opinion that everything happened for a reason and this attempt to annoy me, teach him a lesson. The duty does not know where the bayonet, дневальные (its the same like the boys!) my questions answer something невразумителное, and so it reluctantly, carelessly, but at the same time, apologetically, and generally try to be silent.
When the thought that I can't cheated, has become stronger in me completely then I began to realise that I do now.
First I tried to get instead of the lost another bayonet-knife. But поспрашивав the comrades understood, this almost impossible. We had to pay too and a lot of money.
Lead me my friends on one warrant officer, who could продат me a bayonet, but a hundred roubles, that he has requested, I was not in sight. He said that in College I cheaper bayonet-knife won't buy, so until he changed his mind, we should take from him. But I refused, and prapor said that I didn to him on this issue обращалс, but the one who sent me, and he knows who it is, he "good embeds the Mord to not popped anyone.
Still, probably I should by any hook or by crook take the money and buy it from this bayonet, because, indeed, anywhere else in the whole school, it was impossible to get a similar thing. But in my душонке still glimmered still дурацка hope for a miracle, that a bayonet there or there would be, that would save my position.
There was another withоломинкка, for which I really wanted to cling to. Slutsk, помнитс, said, I am not passed the bayonet, and the rest allegedly returned and surrendered their arms, personally. And if it was wrong, it was to try to unleash Slutsk on this fact and make confess where gone weapons, улиив him of lying and pressing, as it should be. Then I can and VA-Bank to go, at all, to tell him where he was gone "knife", not even hint and put as the fact that he had a battalion commander and not without his help.
Wasting no time, I quickly found one after another duty and дневального standing with me. And what was I, when I heard from both the affirmative. Both claimed they had passed the weapon in a pyramid. Evidently someone found before me...
From them I learned that they were called after the first couple of hours in battery, [they gave up their weapons in a pyramid. Moreover, each separately, and one other't see and know that he too came to the barracks.
Therefore, caused them, and I have forgotten? Turned out very interesting. Seemed several questions at once. I long thought how to turn these facts in their favor, but I could not think of. Wanted was to approach the Slutsky and ask why he caused to surrender their weapons, and forgot me. But I thought I thought real hard, and decided not to do that: still won't prove anything. The commander knows how to spin things so famously, that no dogs are not подкопает, mosquito nose is not undermine.
I spit on all and decided: whether that be.
So two days passed. No I didn't touch, as if nothing had happened. Nothing unusual for this time not happened, except that I had no laziness crappy state of mind, engaged in further reverence manuscripts taken from the house of the old man, and once again proved that the manuscripts were very valuable, as far as I allowed to judge my erudition and knowledge of the history and the world of books.
Instances caught me in the hand were the original, unusual and probably unique. I had never read. Ancient manuscripts were given to me with difficulty. But take a book of my father: uncommon thought необыные views on things that constantly served us abundantly зацементированные dogma of an official science, look at our life as if from the side, from behind a hill that is called, sober philosophical judgments were all for me fresh, unusual, fascinating, interesting. Unbelievable, but that I would not force and clubbed to read in our textbooks on philosophy and Durga Sciences social science, this book I read in one gulp and with incredible delight. Although, of course, the share of euphoria was and that it was not someone to be the manuscript, and my father's work.
Another very заинтересовавшая me manuscript called "Magic, black and white", which describes a hair stood on end, was done terribly, terribly were to believe that this is indeed the case, but the credibility of the narrative forced to believe that it's true. In the first Asti book described the various ways in collusion with evil spirits, the use of impure force DL achieve their goals, and in the second, on the contrary, the methods of protection from it and run a divine force. Needless to say, that modern man all these descriptions seem tales, however, why did someone read my hair rose дыбком and it was terrible night even go to the toilet, where, as usual, did no one bulb.
I am very заинтерессовался got me manuscripts, but read them interfered with bad handwriting and lack of time: to school to take these papers I feared due to excessive любопытствамоих classmates and read them on here, a little before the night and after, well after midnight.
So spent two days full of the joy of communicating with the wonderful creations of human hands. But despite this grace and peace be delivered reading things such unusual, deep down somewhere stabbed, копошилс, not угоманивался worm's concern for the lost weapon. Premonition of trouble and distress heavy stone lay on the heart.
Feelings, intuition is not deceive me. About me again remembered.
On the third day, after lunch, I was again summoned the battery commander.
-Rent, comrade cadet, read and sign below, that you have read and familiarized he said to me, flinging it across the table several bonded sheets standard paper, written in small, close handwriting.
I took the paper, and as to read them, a feeling of frustration and resentment from нессправедливости more and more overcome with me. From a huge injustice towards me from the commander of the battery eyes filled with tears, and her breath at all сперло.
These were the materials of the investigation, held on the occasion of the loss of me bayonet-knife. It stated the following:
"on June 17 cadet Yakovlev when changing the dress was lost received a bayonet. The investigation found that the weapons cadet Yakovlev lost in the power of personal недисциплинировнности and irresponsibility. Bayonet for the number 357 not been commissioned received his cadet Yakovlev to the Armory or transferred to a new duty under the painting, which дневальным battery cadet Yakovlev created the preconditions for the loss of a bayonet-knife...
I think that all responsibility for the loss of weapons lies on an Yakovlev, and propose to pay damages государсству, arising out of the loss, with a ratio of ten at his expense...
The battery commander senior l-t Лshoemakerн."
Below already stood resolution наальника school:
"Given Yakovlev material damages for lost bayonet-knife using кратноти ten in the amount of 179 roubles, 20 kopecks возмесстить bayonet N 357 written off the books of material resources accounting Department.
Head of the College major General Долговязов."
One hundred and seventy-nine rubles! I was taken aback. Where can I взяь such money? And it's still to the considerable debts that I already have before ссокурсниками. For me it was crushing a blow to the solar plexus in most поддыхло. Now I never exactly already tono not escape was out of debt. The miracle does not happen, Yes this would be expected if to think soberly.
I read already written on several standard sheets of but still standing and stared at them, unable to believe, what happened.
-Examined, Yakovlev? Then расписывайся and hurry, I do not have much time to deal here with you half an hour.
The words of the battalion brought me out of my torpor.
"But, comrade senior Lieutenant, where I will take this money? I asked, finally.
-I do not know. It is not my business. Probably will be deducted from your prom payday.
"But I then almost nothing to get on release!
-But why? Half and even more of your lifting you'll do well.
But I have a big debt, comrade senior Lieutenant. If that happens, then I will have to отдат all my money, and I'll stay by the debtor. I am very расситывал at the graduation fee. What should I do now?
-I do not know, comrade cadet. Both lost a bayonet, and pay the Piper. He also costs money. Who is to blame that you lost it? And numberь managed to lose, you learn and settled.
-Yes, but worth something and he is not one hundred seventy-nine rubles! Why should I pay for it in ten times more, eat it really worth it? After all, almost two hundred turns out! Why?
-Don't you know the order of the Minister of defense for the loss of the weapon, its value shall be compensated in the tenfold size?
-I don't know, frankly I lied, hoping to get their hands a little зацепочку, for which you could be able to keep.
-Very sad. And that is a future officer! How do you people something to command? Have all порастащат, попродают, if you do not know such simple things. And, by the way, the order of this years, probably as much as you, and even more will be. Now, if you don't know, I bring you again. There is such order of the Minister of defense, he called the number, according to which for the loss of weapons of personal discipline guilty pays its cost tenfold. That happened. It is clear to you or not?
He made a deep puff and released the smoke in my direction, smiled indulgently.
-But isn't it squandered or propyl? I passed it to the battery.
-Who saw it? - asked the commander.
-The duty...
-The duty? And still?
-Ha-ha-ha, " laughed the commander, Yakovlev, you already adult guy, two dozens of years already, and say such nonsense, justified only пятиклашке some and then двоешнику round. Don't you know that for any доказательтва need have we of witnesses? Do you think that the duty recognizes that you handed him a knife? I deeply doubt about. Then, is it to pay for weapons придетс him. Why do you need this? Who hunting bills? We are all smart, all want at the expense of others, нахалявку. Here and go get the he admitted that he took you a bayonet. Pay-something he did not want to.
-I also do not want, but what?..
-So are you, " smiled combat almost comradely, almost familiar, " you're quite another matter. You're lost a bayonet signed? You and pay. Lose it though cadet DOE, which you gave revile him, the answer you. That is the law of life.
He paused and затнулся, пригубив cigarette.
-Well, all! Signed? - asked then. -Now go, and do not bother me work. I also have in addition to your other things.
The commander leaned over the table and зачеркал a pen on paper, drawing his hasty small hand and making it clear to me that the conversation between us is over.
-I have not yet signed, comrade senior Lieutenant, I asked him again.
-Well, расписывайся, " he said, not raising his head.
-And if I don't рсписываться, what then? - I asked the caller question.
'Nothing, ' replied the senior Lieutenant Лshoemakerн, just that I know that I am dealing with a coward and a scoundrel who is afraid to answer for his actions. And on the course of your work painting absolutely no effect.
-Why did they sign? - I wondered.
-Supposed to, sign that I have read.
I put his scrawl the materials of the investigation, put the paper on the table battalion commander and he wanted was to get out as then his voice stopped me:
"Wait, " he said, looking at the paper above his paintings write: "With the materials of the investigation familiar"and below that put his name...
The building before dinner, our commanders decided to gather a battery that last time was a rarity, because it went to production, and they allowed themselves to relax a little.
Collect our battery accounted for about twenty minutes, and it does not show that the underground warning system was clearly organized else since the mid - end of the third year. Someone summoned by telephone from just met their girlfriends and wives, and for someone and had to run to the city. "Excuse", as always, had iron: sat in the farthest corner of the uchilishchnoj libraries for the flower of a spreading palm trees, and did not Mogi find, or went to practice outdoor sports ground, then lay down in the grass on the obstacle course and fell asleep too long could not find.
But somehow, go twenty minutes battery actually built.
By the way, and officers have not asked sternly, as before, and looked at so significant delays through his fingers.
When all the battery was built, is completed and verified by the number of people, the commander called me out and вывев the middle, addressed the cadets:
-As you know, товрищи cadets, this friend a few days ago was on duty that ноью slept and made care of the division самовольщиков. For this he will be punished. But this same cadet, this обормот - I it differently and can't name is lost when you change with the attire of his bayonet. Find it failed. Наальник уилища ordered an investigation. Found the weapons lost in the power of negligent handling of a cadet Yakovleva, that is, that's it, - he pointed in my direction, negligent treatment. The investigation is finished. With comrade Yakovlev will be retained by the tenfold value of weapons. It's almost two hundred rubles! I advise you to consider an example of your friend and be careful when handling weapons, подмать about the attitude to preservation and conservation. I think that two hundred extra rubles nobody does. soon you will be issued. The state will pay you a certain, fairly large sum of money. Now, comrade Yakovlev their money will not receive fully, as if he wanted to. See that someone has not happened yet the same...
After dinner I lay down on the bed, broken and humiliated. Not even lay - collapsed, like the spot. The mood was so пршивое that did not want to live. Die, that's all!
None of roommates not paying attention to me. On the one hand, and rightly so, because the word here were алоутешительны, but on the other... on The other hand wanted to horror d-the understanding of the sight of someone's sympathy, friendly words of comfort, even attempted to ease my suffering. No one has found the courage to come up to me and say at least one word at least a hand on my shoulder put.
Zhora Плевый read his book. At dinner he pontificated поинтересовлся: "How so?", I only indifferently waved his hand. Roma Kudryavtsev fled together with other football fans to play on the nearest school stadium, located directly next door. Maxim Savchenko tinkered with some радиосхемой, poking at her soldering iron. He was a master of this. When after the third year we moved from barracks in полуказарменное hostel, he proposed to make the system to disable the lights and electrical appliances in our room, when the door opened to after lights out, you could read, listen to a tape recorder and other forbidden things. Invented himself, he offered himself, and made all three of us just helped him in this.
I bwas not able to force myself to heat any. Brutal, heavy melancholy attacked me. All my thoughts were about where to get money now. But thinking was difficult, thoughts flowed slowly, malleablee, confused, mixed with one доугой, either as self-adhesive resin.
I popытался count how much I now must in General, but could not. Memory like a отшибло. Nao be looking for the little red notebook, lost somewhere in my nightstand among notebooks and things. I already stood up, was to pursue his search for, something to distract, but felt clearly that there is no longer any force, and collapsed back onto the bed.
In no way wanted me to my previous debts to attribute these hundred сеьдесять nine rubles, take them into account. I thought about this unfair guessed understood, felt that I coarsely tricked... had to prove their case. But how?
The first thing you have to look referred to command a battalion order, go to the military part of the school, to ask, to read, to understand correctly me applied factor of ten. I казаллось, I shall not pay such a large sum for accidental loss bayonet-knife.
But the search for and study of the request, you should have much time. And the day when the departments of management of the school, we also have classes, it's hard to leave, especially me, and, especially, after all that has happened, and in the evening when I have free time was, Stroyev has already been closed.
But well, make time to take the order it was still possible. But then prove that you're right, that you have been treated unfairly, this time might not be enough. Yes, and it is unknown if I could prove their case or not, but time has already been lost. And now we must act was sure. Otherwise the consequences threatened the life sad and unpredictable, but in any case, ниего good I do not сулящими. Generally, it was amazing as it took me the money has not yet seen the last of me, and while not very concerned, because it was nearing release, and, apparently, I was undeniable bankrupt.
In the evening, before the retreat, I still found the strength get up and go wash. In the corridor I met Охромов. He with злорадной joy and solemnity smiling, without any hesitation in all mouth commercials гонористо asked: "Well, semi-chill?!"
His insolent, unduly appeal led me into the feeling. Somewhere even took power angry and I thought, "Now you get to was very pleased. The mwas an accident and he зубоскалит, сволоht. Now, as'm hurting in your face!"
But врезать I he does not hit and just kept silent.
Seeing that the call fails, Охромов diminished the rudeness voice by asking the already friendly:
You don't здороваешься?
I was distasteful to him speak, all the more reason for any issues, but I spoke, смалодушничал, probably.
-I do not want to speak with you.
-I do not know, do not want - all...
Strangely, we are with you such корешами were...
"Hey, how much you fool прикидыватся how much can be with you to talk about it? What is past is past. And, besides, I did not know much about you.
-What is it you did not know? - the tone of voice Охромова again began with a sarcastic. -That playing a game of cards? So, trust me, it's the little things in life, of which no normal person would do such a tragedy, what you played. I only tried to earn money. No one is not prohibited. Гулали we're together, sharing all the pleasures of life. Knowledgehit, you friend, comrade and brother.
-If you were the friend, not grinning when I have the misfortune, not злорадствовал would, as you have just done.
"I don't злорадствую, - started to make excuses Grishka, - where do you see, hI злорадсствую? I just remembered one the phrase that you said a few days ago.
-What such a phrase? I asked, and my voice sounded notes of hostility that Охромов caught and began to behave even more guilty.
Do you not remember that? he said almost whined. -But I you said, " You'll be coming back to me!"
-Well, and what's so funny you found this phrase?
"Nothing. Just funny that you really me you'll come back. Even if not today, then the other day. You yourself подойдеш to me and refuse to participate in the proposed me because you need money, you unaffordable debts that you are not able to pay otherwise. And now a bayonet this added there. Also a tidy sum.
-It might be you stole my bayonet? - I did with anger ridiculous assumption.
-Can, and I quietly replied Охромов.
I took a step forward. In me all заклокотало from anger, however, somewhere in the depths of the furious consciousness throb слбенька, almost crushed the spreading wave of emotion, but a sober thought that he is'm probably playing and, jollying, continues to make fun of my misfortune.
Seeing that I have absolutely no no mood to joke with him, Охромов tried to besiege me, попятившис слегк ago.
-Yes you calm down! Can I, can - and not I, who knows. This is covered in obscurity. And hardly anyone докопается here to the essence and truth, " he said, making a back step by step. -Calm down!
But I was not planning as раздразненная dog, which catches the man without a reason and only because he sees that two-legged afraid of her.
-You know, it is quite possible that you did not I stayed, -you don't need me to come back and this is a good bait your hook size.
-Конено agreed Охромов, but you know... would it be better to speak... to do this, one must be a man of far-sighted and far-sighted. Yes, and besides, when you took off the dress, I was already in the classroom. You understand? I just couldn't do it.
Retreating, Охромов уперс the wall. Further retreat was nowhere to go.
-I do not know, " I continued, my thought. "Maybe you are a visionary, you may be dodgy. If you thought of playing cards with some бандюгами, why don't you make such an innocent villainy. Oh, подумаеш, bayonet-knife stolen, right? It's no problem, so time to spit.
I came close to him.
-Well, okay, okay you! Let's resolve the issue amicably.
"How's that? - I was surprised that Охромов went back on their word and, and, so quickly.
"You probably want to I participated in your business? I asked, for the sake of taunts.
"Exactly, " replied Охромов with artless joy in his voice, what to expect from him was the least.
"Yes-other, of course, you could think of. Well, I think.
"Think, think - on the face of Охромова delineated unconcealed joy. -I know that you still agree: nowhere to run. I'm no offense to say. Simply is the truth of life, and we should blame ourselves. Loan to close her eyes? Know how говорт: in silks, as in debt. That is, on the contrary, in debt - as in silks. Confused a bit.
-Do you think that I and nowhere to go? I asked him.
-Yes, sure. Agree, don't dawdle. It costs money.
"I have to think, " I replied, by agreeing to himself that he is right.
"You think faster - advised me Охомов, " so how long have missed because of you. And you still выделываешься.
-Listen, - I again began to get excited, I TEBI or you, who you there, wait not made and will not make. Could without me a long time to do everything. What am I to you stumbling block?
I wanted to already turn around and leave, but Охромов stopped me.
"Wait, "he said, taking my arm (it was insolent habit: to take just that my sleeve), -I'd like better. If the money themselves are floating in the hands, why not share them with your best friend, with whom always drinking together, walked, and debts together have amassed? That's why I and Howe, o he participated in this matter, too, you know? It is quite a trifling. Did I myself would agree on some adventure, do you think?
I don't know, may be agreed, " I replied, -and in order not to be bored, to no one in соучае what the cabbage soup лаптем slurp, and decided to join me.
-What? Yes what are you saying?! Think its stalk...
-Not stalk, first, as the head, and, secondly, I thought..."
-Okay, let's head. In this terrible ниего no. but I you said that you want to download only one thing to do: a few tens of pounds useless waste paper.
-Yes, you said that already...
-Well, so, agree? - обрадовалс again, Gregory.
There was a pause. I was silent, not knowing the answer. At heart I was wrong. Not even that word was rotten at heart. Really like cats скреблись. But I am tired of his infinite and annoying harassment, from all this whirl of events. My strength was no longer tolerate it. It seemed to me, that if I I agree, all my misadventures time runs out, disappear all the misfortune that struck me relentless avalanche in, казалос would most joyful and easy period, which only happens in the life of a cadet. Besides a faint hope to finally get some money and do away with all the troubles at once, and debts in Isla also pushed me to agree, as she was, there was illusory, and эфимерна.
-Well, - I said, - I agree.
-And that's good! - shined Охромов, ' good! Now we'll go up the mountain.
-Well, and when I you need me? I asked indifferently tired сникшим voice.
-When I will get, and will be all set, I'll find myself. Wait, it will be shortly.
Now I turned around and went to sleep, enjoying humiliating sense of calm man who just behind дониматели, decided to finally leave the guy alone. My wits despite полудрему, in which he was, all the same pulsed bad idea, though I'd just made a big stupidity. A NeySNOh, but somehow bad, it made me sick to me suddenly.
Chapter 13.
Охромов really was not long in coming. After a few days, when we had to take place the next state exam he came up to me and whispered:
-Prepare for today!
-When? I asked, in surprise, not its understanding very well what you are talking about.
In the evening, after lights out.
-After bedtime? I think I quite enough of those Zaletov, who already were, don't you think? How do you imagine this? Tonight we go and tomorrow I'm back on the carpet beside the battalion commander? Yes it is me then already precisely the powder will erase! You know, Grishka, I have enough and that I had twice before him stood. Yes I don't соневаюсь that, if you get now, what shall he do with me something terrible. Do you disagree with me?
-The silly, then you can do?
"You stupid! I bet on rug-the battalion commander not had the happiness to stand, listen to what he tells you...
-Yes there was already a you don't think you are our one hero such is found.
"I'd like to look at you, what you are pale, had then.
-Nothing, you see survived. And terrible ниего not happened. But, reason by itself: the money you have is so much that is more than enough to pay all your debts, pay off at once from all troubles, Yes, there will be. And so from your troubles I'll help you kill.
Охромов moved the spirit, and not two, I have to say a word, подолжил:
-Try to evening to prepare a sports suit. Only боолее less respectable take someone else. Take at Savchenko. He's good, and he will, I think, today is not going to. In the evening, once gone responsible, change your clothes in спортивку and me in the room. I'll have to wait for, you know?
'I understand, ' said I, and the thought frightened"Can refuse, before it's too late still?"
"Well, come on! - tapped me on the shoulder Охромов, and we parted.
Meanwhile there was a preparation of the next "state" - государственноу exam, all of which we were to pass, that came from Moscow fee as many as six. The Commission was in school for nearly a week. Сдаа state exams has already started, the ice started moving. However, few of the students freaked out, except that those who doubt was "red" diploma.
Among the cadets persistently rumored, the Commission generously given that in itself is already foreshadowed passing exams without special difficulties or no to those who did not seek to have the above three. Three've a poor graduate-student not "squeezed" to none. And more so, if хоошо watered. It will be enough only for the exam to come, motorcoach to sit in Sydney, fool roll and three has already automatically in your pocket. What more do you need such a прощелыге, like me, from it the state Commission?
Конено, rumors, rumors. It would be hard to demonstrate, but refute практиески impossible. Yes unless it was a sensation some? This was repeated from year to year and передавалос from generation to generation of cadets of the mystery of the Deposit of the most important exams.
In classes of preparations to госсам" cadets kept with difficulty. Взводных was not. They also established a Roman holiday. Everything depended on замкомвзвода and commanders of branches that can occupy his position, but could also stand up and to the side of ряядовых cadets. At the lessons aryl relaxed atmosphere, even if the "castle" was in a bad mood, and he anybody anywhere was not allowed to leave.
On the front tables were a few people really intensively preparing for the upcoming exam. Among them was a student. Making the last jerks to the gold medal. Hope all battery - as it was called the commanders - sat ears, his head in his hands and gone with her head in her notes and books. With him a few "хорошистов" were also involved in and prepared for their replies Cribs and "bombs", the so-called ordinary tetradic sheets on which the ordinary поерком готовилс, was recorded response to a software issue, and after. On эзамене, such лиссток bomb подсовывался, as you've just written. They also занималис, in addition to writing Cribs, tried to загресстив their brains QC much information. They still had time to get something. Snatch, remember hastily to tomorrow, not really thinking, throw out what is left in your head in a hurry today заглоченного. Such "studies", not even cramming, and unimaginable marathon throughout the course of study discipline, a decent speed to be listed in the Guinness book of records, filled brains only tenuous, one-day knowledge on the subject, which was destined to oblivion on сследующий day after the exam. Head again освобождалассь, опусстошалась to take the following авральную avalanche swallowed a gulp, but not the learned and not learned books, textbooks, lecture notes and textbooks.
In the middle of class engaged with each other stupid троеники-unsophisticated web browsers guys honest, hardworking nature, but absolutely do not know how how should remember and think deprived of God on the part of intelligence. Many of them know was, Troika them so поствят for all courses, but among them were such that they would receive a grade for their knowledge, and maybe even get four instead of three. Perhaps, they were harder all, but the truth, and this was of very little. In all examinations they are still "floated" with the same success.
The lush, picturesque part of the platoon, the whole "colour" was going on гелерке. Here there were people who did not want and don't need to be taught, because they knew that the three of them always put on exams, because государствона their training угробило a lot of money and not going отпусать now with service Twoness and parasites, and, on the contrary, всяески wanted to serve. People setting here, to know beforehand that they will all okay, because even a finger did not want to move for the sake of increasing their knowledge, considering this sincerely, бестолковкой.
Here all the classes on a flight went from one to the other disputes, conversations and verbal sparring, травилиссь jokes. This veno choppy, бубнящий, гогочащий, ржущий like young stallions, Roy, was a counterbalance to сердитому, scowled замкомвзводу, lonely, like an eagle from the top of the lambs in the valley, взирающему on them from behind the Desk chair.
On гелерке forever discussing something about something argued and sometimes almost fought and gloomy замкомвзвод, stress watching творившееся in his presence mess from time to time, when almost unbearable to watch and endure окрикивал, одергивал the most vociferous and взбалмошных. Those, though snapped, but осаживались for some time, was calm, but not for a long time, and then all повторялоссь again.
It was to be released, and every day гарлапаны grew louder and bolder, more and more often hinted sergeants, who continued to continue to tighten the screws, close massacre.
The day was drawing to an end. PRошел balance of self-study, one end of which is particularly impatient started to sprawl who where under any pretext or just the brazen claiming that go there. I we were in no hurry, and this time I досидел surprisingly himself until the end, after listening to the last jokes and laughed heartily.
In the evening, after dinner, I asked Maxim Savchenko sports suit, then, to pass the time, read the manuscript to the evening roll-call and, having waited when take responsible officer. Got dressed and went in коммнату to Охромову.
His neighbors looked at me, ka on a real idiot, which Chakan already not brews nothing."
Охромов was dressed, the blanket on top, just in case, blanket and wrapped in him with their feet. When he saw me he asked anxious and excited raising her eyebrows:
"Well, that went?
He went away.
-Go, - he threw off the shoulders blanket, got out of bed, and walked out of the bathroom in the corridor, heading to the exit from the barracks.
The location was already usual hype. We are not alone waiting for care officer. Alone and in groups, переодевшиссь in sports suits, and fled and went to the exit seekers приклюений, which could not остановитьни strict foreclosure, no threat or arrangements, and that, заруившись eternal "maybe"pearl ahead without looking at the brazen as tanks. Just hired man of about twenty wishing to make nightly. But казалоь, AWOL is the whole battery, and from this friendly movement Neto had such a feeling of inability to stop the lead in the reverse motion of the night procession. Prodigious. That you can't stop leaving as water. Trickling between his fingers, compressed in a handful, despite all the attempts to squeeze them closer and hold her.
-Are waiting for us already, in a mysterious whisper said Охромов when we started toward the door. -now you'll see something himself, as delivered solid business.
This was because a few of the dozens of kilograms of waste paper? I asked with a sarcastic tone. However, bullying in my voice напоминалоотаяние doomed, which was unable to prevent his rock.
-Well, it's not our problem, - he stopped Grisha felt in my voice notes sarcasm. -We all do their job: to download whatever they tell you, and the money to get. Everything is simple and clear, and the rest - that's their concern.
I wondered who this "they", and whose life shouldь care of the rest. But I asked a different question, trying to figure out interest to me only, bypassing understanding. That Grisha not say anything, отвертится answer, if earnestь question straight.
-Listen, - I asked, -can you tell me, where this waste paper will загружат?
-I will not tell precisely. I only know that in any't the derelict Museum, not the archive. They promised then to say.
-Who is "they", if not a secret?
-Secret said Охромов and fell silent, realizing, apparently, that I in any моментмогу withdraw because of its secrecy.
I also understood this and wanted to say that I will not participate in the case but decided to keep silent, thinking, behaving, as a capricious and whimsical quiet. At the end of Konov, all secret becomes obvious, and does it really matter when it happens, chut earlier or slightly later.
We have already reached the exit, talking so in semitone each other as suddenly upon us сразмаху flew disarmed the barracks with лестниы Аркашка Soms under quite understandable nickname "Kgs". He looked quite frightened.
"Back! Ago! he yelled, wide with terror, and eye strain. His mouth greedily grabbed the air after a quick run the stairs and on his neck large налилась was swollen mew, pulsating artery.
View of Soma was too serious to воспинять his behavior as a joke, but because instantly worked tempered cadets reaction, and yet not even realizing what it is, what is what all who was going to leave, rushed helter to their rooms.
Appeared incredible noise and clatter several dozen pairs of legs on the wooden гулкому the floor, it seemed, was heard on the first floor of the building, and the staircase. Someone ran to one side, but then decided that we should ежать to another. Someone on someone насколчил, came across, someone someone knocked. Picture this bustle, not me one forced explode into an idiotic laugh, completely pointless, irrelevant, but even more assertive, angry, and contagious.
So, cackling and ran all the rooms, and in ten seconds, though, that took us almost unawares, in the hallway there is not душии, and only of the doorways of hideous few heads the most curious to find out what happened, and then from anyone but themselves and immediately.
A pRоизошло just simply a fact that in the barracks returned Executive officer. Apparently specially lingered at the door of the barracks to see what will happen in the battery after his departure. Whether it is the initiative was, or he received on the disposal of the battalion commander, but this периодическиделалось before, only very rarely.
And now responsible lingered at the bottom and as soon as it was the first самовольщик, tried to catch him, and when he escaped, ran after him.
As soon as responsible crossed the threshold of the barracks, curious heads of openings immediately disappeared. In the rooms feverishly dressed, сдергивали tracksuits and sneakers, hid "crime" under the beds, cabinets and cases, dived into bed with головвой wrapped in a blanket and pretended to sleep for a long time already.
And responsible, having called to himself the duty battery, went around the room with him, сситая people there, trying to find clues and evidence of attempts night sbega, the IEO not finding it, proto poked his nose in the fact that he had not checked dressed outfit, has not made from замкомвзводов correct it refills. The duty had followed him from Kubrick in attendance, guiltily lowered his head and mole listening to all the claims, and about SEB is probably due to a higher power, that it all turned out like that, not very bad, and we can even say that at all well and good.
I'm not fall behind others. Had to go to bed, get under the blanket and wait. Here he looked in and the room we were in. Examining it and making sure everything was in place, he dreams reprimanded duty for the mess we were in bed, and then went out and closed the door.
Fifteen minutes passed, and I lay in the dark, listening to the sounds in the hallway and trying them determine had left an officer or not. a few minutes from there even heard some rumbling, but then stopped, and it wasn't clear whether he left the barracks at all, whether оошел on duty in the far end of the corridor.
Another few minutes before, losing patience and nothing heard I вглянул in the corridor. To my surprise and disappointment the officer still walked there from room to room. And then the приоткрывающиеся one after another, as my now, the creaking the door did not give him to calm down and go home.
In the end, creaking doors stopped, but началоь strengthened шастание down the corridor to the toilet. And everyone who was passing by the Chancellery considered it his duty to look in his прищуреннойв hypocrisy from the light, but completely against the expectations of not sleeping face, eat more help convince your battery is not asleep, and just waiting for his departure. So he sat in the barracks still an hour until finally stopped and all the walking, and most самовольщиков not stand such a test starve, just уснуло, and the rest just realized that night adventures are not осталоь нивремени, neither the strength nor the mood.
Not stand such a test and пригевшись in bed, fell asleep and I, sweet, serene, as righteous. The next morning when прощвучала the get up!, I opened my eyes, cannot understand why I'm a sports suit, one of the first that I saw it standing over a Охромова.
"You fell asleep yesterday? he asked reproachfully.
Only after this question I realized what was the matter, and why dressed.
-Why, it just happened. I waited and waited until the responsible gone, I fell asleep. That I, stone in your mind?
Охромов roll cracked his mouth.
-Yes, - he said, - I will now accelerate. To the fullest. Us yesterday waited. And they're simple and do not like when they fail.
-And who likes it, tell me? I asked, getting out of blankets. -What yesterday, too, goes, закимарил?
-Yes, - confessed Охромов.
We agreed to postpone its plans for the second time, I prayed to myself, God, the devil and all other celestial and underground silts, which only knew that another time never came.
On the same day we passed the state examination, tactics, which, as predicted, I was unconditional three without any equivocation, although my knowledge in the science and my preparation for the exam left much to be desired.
The obtained on the exam questions I mumbled something unintelligible and rambling, unexpectedly for myself, being covered with a purple lesions сстыда, when the old, grey-haired Colonel, member of the state examination Commission, stood up and came to me, отитал Myung loudly, as a boy, saying that a heavy heart, puts me three, and so would поставилкол if everything depended on him, and drove away away from the class. And although the exam once again convinced the men in her weakness and deprivation of examiners to decide though a little trifling questions отриательно, I decided to anything to teach for the next items to not look quite round fool and answer anything.
Somewhere in глубиине soul I was annoyed and hurt that many of my товрищи seemingly me nothing луччше, pass examinations successfully me though and sat yesterday together with Noah and chatted about what is handy, but not preparing for the exam. When they had time to learn and chat - was for me great mystery. Unexpectedly for me I after passing the exam окаазался among the latter. Ahead of me even our most numskull of the slow-witted, who thought people underdeveloped and заторможенными, "brakes", simply speaking.
In the evening I saw Grisha first time after the examination date: immediately after the exam us go on leave, and Охромов here somewhere lost. Now face he had a great beaten. Under eye adorned the great синячина, which he vainly tried to disguise powdered or granulated sugar. Upper lip he had broken down and started to swell.
-On the street had some ослоебы, " he explained all of interest to his friends, as I said in his ear. -Fee for the work!
He later told me that I would need to re-take a trip in the near future. "Otherwise I Khan!" sadly sighed Охромов.
He seems to go unscathed, because he гримасам was догадатьс that smote him not only on the face, and that he's terribly painful to move and to move. With one hand he constantly held back in the spot where the kidney.
-They said that waiting for us on the machine under the fence of the school for two nights. In twelve of the rain, and they were wet because of us, like dogs. Now they on each machine will not come, but, God forbid, I do promise. I'll be sorry. That's it!
I also spent the whole day after the examination of the dismissal. Poti half it took me to try to penetrate the left me house загадоного old man. But all my attempts were in vain. Door, moreover, it has been carefully envelope, not rip никакомуусилию not moved one iota even when I tried to pry her scrap валявшимся in the high grass nearby, in the midst of an abandoned garden. In vain were my attempts to find a subtle electronic device, locking the door or some photocell of his schemes, bred out. But, if the sensor is and was, well camouflaged.
I didn't lose more time, because are long passed, and suddenly decided to go visit one of his old friends, what обыно sleeping in bed all who no hitting, no особоо not расситываясь, and which is popularly known as "блядьми, and in the literature - the women of easy virtue, which, p.about my suspicion, were all, without exception, women, only these unfortunates e could or would not hide it.
I was not mistaken in the ожидниях, as expected, spent a very good time and met me out there without any rebuking them and reproach, in spite of quite a long absence. She even asked me why I was so long прихоил, and if I didn't know who she Taka, probably, even he would have believed in what she was waiting for me and loves, and just thought of it and without me enough visitors, and it's all the same with whom to be, it would be nice.
The rest of the day was good, and I вернулс in school weary abundant bed, happy and relieved, разрядилс morally and physically.
In the afternoon, leaving the mysterious, still mysterious building, I did not fail to pass around that, the other, to which it was next, and found him in an abandoned, poor condition. Only dark spot on Warbler facade you might guess, there once was a sign, обознаавшая some institution. The front door ббыла tightly closed glass engrained with dust, and through them we could not пробитьс inside the sunlight, nor seen from the street, what was going on inside. Although it is clear that house окончателльно leave, abides in a state of total disrepair and it is unknown why is generally worth it takes place. In any case, it was clear that repairs this трехтажного giant, not заннимались at least five years or more.
The front door eorder the building went on quite lively, spacious street, примыкавшую to a noisy area, withhитавшейсI district centre of the city, where nearly always had a lot of people, beautiful beat the jets of the fountain, in the shady alleys never пустовли numerous benches. And it was remarkable that in such a place, являвшем the face of the city, which contributed about it by visitors and tourists, it is such wild, unmanaged, useless historical ruins, quite портившие a General impression of the local panorama of the city. After all, everyone-it was visible, that the building floor of an old building, probably the last century, high Windows, niches прорезывали thick walls built, as were able to build only early in the century; the pillars at the main entrance through the fervor of oblivion shone even marble or доррогими with granite; the bedsides of them were decorated with some фиграми, frozen in a kind of action, now полуразбитыми and require serious restoration, at the top, under the roof, also were poorly preserved bas-reliefs, identified only жалкии with their leftovers, ruined by rain and unforgiving winds and frost with попустителльства indifferent citizens. Nick didn't care for what is lost and dying is good. But the building is bring him in divine form, could not spoil the overall picture of the city centre, but also considerably to decorate it. Now it remains deserved isn sigh пеали and respect for his neglected and forgotten old age of those who had seen it in првозданной glory and splendor.
Nobody now approaching its granite, поколотым enterprising ноными prospectors on raw materials for artisanal crafts стуменям, ведщим to the front, column input, and only crows, brazen and arrogant, feel great, and shuffled on грниту pieces обвалившейся plaster, like gray, припорошившей once полироввнные, glittering, as parquet, plates. Here the talk has long nobody cleaned and no one went, besides these birds, чувствовавших themselves on the ruins of a building full owners.
Dreary appearance зданния, its abandonment and loneliness овергли me in utter anguish and grief. Looking at him, standing before him in silent conversation, I like to be seeing die like this whole town is dying because of it already the best frequently of all that are in him that is left in it architecture, already умерлапочти and, apparently, would soon die out completely. That say about the rest, less valuable and generally tasteless, even осталосьв it. Maybe I not understood in the processes of his life, but somehow I felt that this city is doomed to a quick death, time is not his own. And the heart was very sad.
When I have dirty this is the mood, the горове themselves are born all sorts of poetic fragments. And, standing before the senile face of the house, who could life of young, if wanted people every day reasonable past, I heard in my poems:
Dreary appearance has your facade.
That's been here? The sanctuary of science?
But dilapidated your stone outfit,
For you've never touched hands.
The creators of your disappeared all for a long time,
And in the human memory could not resist.
And time is merciless it -
You circling, only mirages were.
Clad mournful sorrow
You silently stand униженье,
Knowest not that thou art neither age nor day,
Both scared and malleable forgetting...
Verse my inspiration suddenly broke up, and I almost jumped, because suddenly, in one of the doors of the main entrance clicked the castle, she was re, dimly flashed their blind, dusty Windows, and it seemed like bringing sordid, a gray-haired old man. He went out, locked the door, threw on Myung strict, angry look and walked away down the street, towards the square with shady alleys and idle зеваками on the benches he looked like he lay in the dust and oblivion for many years, and so now we decided to show the light of God.
His appearance unexpected and sudden, has caused me to not only surprise, but some mystical, supernatural horror, such that, despite n that the streets were full of people, wanted to run away, headlong, and scream it out there. Scarecrow that except me the old man have none of гулявших nearby people and did not notice, and even if noticed, it does not пореагировл. Maybe other conscious of this old man and used to his strange appearance, but DL me, who considered the house empty and deserted, his appearance was like if мертве arose from the grave.
I he did not run and even rubbed his eyes in amazement. But стариок all went down the street and never gone. Recovering himself, I thought at first that maybe this is my friend, but then saw his receding фигуруполучше remembered his face and realized that it was not he. It was a totally different man, whom I had never seen. His old suit hanging on the dried years and old age the body, like a sweatshirt, and shoes on his feet, still worn, probably, in the days of his youth on the танцульках, increased the size of two and вихляли on their feet, as they wanted. Yes, this old man was not quite the same figure: he was площе and above my friend, besides худосочнее.
"Hey, old man, wait, ' I called him after him, but the old man kept going forward as though he had not heard his name.
I rushed after him. And when caught up with him, he dreams did not pay any attention to me and still went ahead, deep in his thoughts.
-Sorry, can you спрсосить? - ссновва I asked him.
The old man's face remained impassive. He kept going, as if deaf and blind, not seeing me completely. Maybe pretending not to notice.
May I ask?
I got him to the square, trying to attract his attention, and here the old man sharply and suddenly turned to me, looking me in the depths of the soul small, boring, faded with age eyes, and quietly but clearly and distinctly uttered in a tone which did not admit of a reply:
-Get lost!
I stopped short, and he turned and walked on, leaving the square on the other side. When he disappeared from sight, then I automatically moved behind him, already ниего not wanting to, and just wandered forward, bewildered and dejected by what he saw and what happened.
Here, amidst the square and was born at the Maine thought slightly unwind from everything and pay a visit to her friend.
As I said, in College I came back refreshed mentally and изически. Постельи woman make miracles with a male organism. But the next evening was оотравлен unclear thoughts on the event, from which I could never get rid of.
To the girl I too came in нелучшем mood. At first she laughed at my gloom upon her, trying to растрясти me, stir, making unambiguous hints, but apathy my азвеялась, and it is put on , as it seemed to me, fun, only exacerbated the inner loneliness that at times I felt such pain as if in my сердцесидел to the hilt long Finnish knife.
She finally behind me and, with her legs hurt his lips, most of the evening watching with me TV, drinking coffee and plied me improvised пиржными that I ate, not giving up, but with complete indifference. Coffee too she was not like япил once, not so long ago, in a hut, and a surrogate, the truth, "with additives, maximally approximating to a natural taste, but still not natural, not what treated the old man.
Already Poti under the horse evening, when I was already thinking about leaving, and my friend was ready to raise a howl hurt, but still had the power to restrain tears, as if I have recovered from shock, he looked around him, наиная think where I am and what actually came here for. Feelings, but I woke up men's consciences before deprived woman, and I pretended caresses laid her in bed, trying to make amends for the offense just enough to not deliver pleasure to ourselves, nor to her.
She was extremely разоарована my behavior, but still tried to enter in my position.
-Why are you so don't want to share your opinion with me. Maybe I could help you in your sorrow, then any clue. And so you keep your thoughts to yourself, suffer and destroy your soul.
Not to stay in debt, I again ran to her постелль, but this time not in earnest раскочегарился" and unrolled it to the fullest, and then, returning to school, walked for a long time and thought what I could to share with it. As all my thoughts immediately усколльзали from me, when I wanted them to share something, tell about them, and I подмалось, not наинается I have one of the varieties of sluggish schizophrenia, such a quiet insanity, but saving the idea that, if I was a schizophrenic, you never asked yourself such questions, reassured me.
As I said, when I saw Охромова, he was badly beaten. I had to agree with him about our trip has to repeat itself: the guy must have really would be at serious risk.
That night I awoke to the fact that someone strongly pushed me in the side under rib.
It was Охромов. I hardly woke up and he could not understand what he wants from me. He couldn't even Wake me until доддумался to wipe my face and body cold, wet towel, and brought me into the feeling.
-Get up, get up, - I heard, finally, through полудрему his voice.
-Do you go to? "said I, glancing at the clock. -Where are you dragging me? Already three Asa night. In our disposal from power five hours, and, besides, I desperately want to sleep.
In time, " replied Охромов, you move quickly, and succeed. This work we have to do, for my sake. And the sooner the better. Let's get up, Wake up!
-Well, look! - пригррозил I told him angrily, " I never go again.
Stand was incredibly difficult, as had happened many years of habit to Wake up in the dress ссреди night. I made a mistake at the time was only a leash двааса, and we came out of the barracks in the afternoon of the third night, illuminated by the bright moon hanging in the cloudless sky. The air was still warm, even душноватым, however dry and genuine, as apparently it is at all possible in the city. Stuffiness warm nights exacerbated the lack of wind.
We crossed school, glancing from осторрожности around, and jumping the fence оказалис beyond. I involuntarily smiled, remembering, as before, in the same way, we went with гришкой love raids, and then took a deep breath, because this time it took forever.
-Well, and then further? I asked Охромова, when we were in the street.
-Further? I needed a wheelbarrow to catch.
"Listen, you said that the us will come, " I said.
-Yes, said, " agreed Охромов, -well, have you forgotten? This is the last time came, and now, they said we have to spin themselves, because they are not going each time to drive out to the car, as boys, you know? They are not going each time торать under the fence of the school and can we expect, we will leave or not. so, today we have to go by.
-Yes you gone nuts? Where will you find a taxi at two in the morning? Yes even on the outskirts of the city!
-Nothing was stunned offended Охромов, -but to do that the same should be as you think. And if you don't care, I, unfortunately, no. I hope that today we will succeed.
Охромов turned away and щакурил cigarette, and I could do nothing but as придаться thinking about where can add is not easy, ессли time does not stop.
When Охромов finished Smoking, I asked him:
-Listen, and they know that we are dealing today, today, not tomorrow?
-Very simply: I will call them.
-Hi! And you cannot call them now and say, we are ready. Let them come.
-They are unlikely to come. Too much we fell in their eyes.
Well, you know that! This is already a natural rudeness and пижонтво, I ситаю. If they are a people business, the need for us to call. What, do they not understand who contacted? We cadets and cannot распоряжатся their time on their own. And if they were so to defying, then let they, and you along with them, the three merry letters! Get it?! I think this is pure mockery of us. You go, do what they have to say, apparently, not very tidy and a good thing - what good work is done at night? - Yes, PI is разъезжай expense on the wheelbarrow, when it is not known yet, will pay us anything or send there, where I now sent. Painfully they brazen and suspicious guys, your local roots. I already told you: they don't like me, and the whole thing too. You, as you know, and I'll probably be back in school.
After these words I turned around and unexpectedly for my friend, and DLI himself went along the fence, intending to get back to the barracks. Only when I was already meters тридать, Охромов caught up to me and began to persuade, to I stayed with him. In the end he has in some time удалоссь to do it, and I decided to come back.
And then there's the happiness from the airport on трасссе went by taxi. The driver was not afraid to stay and pick up the night, two guys in sports clothes, that in our time was a rarity, and we got five minutes to the city centre.
Grisha brought me to the street where I was this afternoon, that ввргло me in the dim anxiety. A vague be stirred doubts in the back of my mind.
Some vague and nebulous but an uneasy presentiment gripped my soul. Anxiety intensified especially when we approached the front of the building, standing before that day, I wrote a poem and I saw coming out of him strange old man. In my head though enlightenment happened. I was immediately apparent that the kind of building that it is in and that we Grisha will have to do. Don't know how it happened, or intuition обостриоась to the highest degree, or insight of what is sent Myung a higher power, but I understood. Thoughts лихорадоно earned, succeeded each other.
-Listen, and you know, that we here have to do? I asked, Grisha, he is all knowing.
"I know, " replied the boy, " I told everything, otherwise, how would we went on the case, do you think?
I didn't answer, and Охромов drew from his bosom a little piece of paper and tried there was something to read and the ghostly light of the moon.
Here the scheme of movement inside one, before totорым we stand now. We will have to pass precisely on it. so, where do we come for a book Depository, as explained to me, abandoned archive. With this store we will have to make documents, or I don't know what happened, but the rooms уазаны, with no shelves to take. And after we put them on the street, I go and call them to come pick up the goods and расплачиватся. My friends will come, and we here will pay off, and they стоону, and we are his. Don't worry, everything will be отлино!
-Well, as we now go into the building? - I asked.
-Open the door - отвтетил Grisha. Is the key.
He took from his pocket a bundle of handkerchief, turned him around and покзал me not the key, not the lock pick. I wanted to pick her up and consider, but Grisha immediately shoved a bundle back into his pocket, though not trusting me and the fear of some actions on my side in relation to this instrument. Maybe he's scared that I will take and throw the key, швырну it somewhere in the darkness to be found later, and thus will pluck all ideas of Grisha and his buddies.
I must say that by this time in my mind is ripe already some plan. Although I am not ситал himself a gifted strategist, and a thinker, however, to think no one is prohibited. Here's something I invented. And in vain Grishka hidden his key back in his pocket, I would not выбрасыват, because now and in my best interest of penetration into the building and find out what is so interested in Гришкины friends, thugs and criminals, burn their lives in a card game with life itself.
This plan was born, from what I clear suddenly it became clear that the "dealers" not only did not pay money for something that we will do, but try to deal with us here or wherever it was in another place. Now, with our help, they try to take possession of, apparently, some ценныи securities, but after we добудеи them, we will not immediately needed. Why else is it possible to communicate with the cadets, which, if they look hard, you will not find even because there they have no friends, nor people who would be good to know them in person, and if there is, it is very little, and find their DL police is practically impossible, because usually seek to family ties, tied to the place of residence. And ккакое the students of the place of residence? School?
Do they fear for some reason climb into the building. Do they afraid of that old man, which I saw today? Hardly. Means something else. And because they are well aware of the врутреннем device building scheme вычертили and even sure shelves where to get needed. Something here is not, but one thing is clear, then got into this mess because настырного friend, I found myself in a position where we have to balance on the edge of a precipice, from which it is impossible to leave, but falling in which does not want to.
Yes, tough guy the other way was impossible to me to call them, probably because I was sore afraid, well come up with. 't try they use the services of the city thugs, so still unknown, as it turned out. The gang is full of friends. Languages long, and this environment is so amorphous that we do not know where tomorrow will respond to what has got into her today. And the cadets themselves for CEE people of another warehouse. They have something to lose, they have learned to keep his mouth shut, and friends-among them one, two and a handful. Not will crawl, if any, that you will crawl. All this was me понтно. And I came up with, as now get away with this.
Of course, what awaits us, you could tell Grisha, but he probably wouldn't have believed me and thought again, I want to get out of it, though it is my desire already should have been suspicious of my friend. Blinded by thirst for quick and easy profit, he would hardly listened to my thoughts and assumptions made in this case. They would do something for yourself and bag, and пустилс the trick, then hastily invented.
Hey, C'mon come and make it all tomorrow, eh? - shocked I Охромова his proposal, and saw widened and widened in surprise his eyes. -Thy-the roots still not ущнают that we were here to-night, if you had he not say.
-What's the point? What ссмысл put it off until tomorrow, when behold, we have a purpose, there are only some, and business. We would have a lot of money. So why put it off this pleasant moment indefinitely. It is not known yet, but we make tomorrow the same as yesterday. You perfectly understand that escape now from the College is rare удаа, especially for you. No, you're wrong! You предлагаешькакую sense. Yes and not a millionaire I thee, o every night in a wheelbarrow dangle.
-Well, first of all, not every night, and, secondly, I myself tomorrow I'll pay for the taxi, it was your initiative. We've just because of this fuss, only that you proved to the contrary, that ride in a taxi we need.
-Yes, but I meant once to get quickly and do everything for sure, and you give all for some reason put off when we have almost reached the goal. It's absurd, and I refuse to understand you and your thoughts.
-And still, we have to do it tomorrow, I said.
-But why? indignantly asked Охромов.
-Because I thought about one thing, which you probably do not even thought, - decided to open their cards I seeing that he had already reached the state when ready to listen carefully to what I tell him. Now you can own at least something to swing in his obstinate stalks, because he waited for me to explain. -You see, today may be just simply so that they come and take what we discussed, and then шлепнут us здессь same or in some other place, where they enjoy this game. Шлепнут and that's the end. Why should they share with us деньгми? Who are these for them to leave us, witnesses and подельщиков, who not only saw everything with your own eyes, but did everything in his hands, alive? We're in a play, eat, generally, is a game, not a bluff, we're not even a pawn, you know? So, the ancillary material only, использовли and threw it away. And полуим we instead of money, you promised, a few grams of lead, and, believe me, with us, that's quite enough. Well, smiles at you such a prospect? I do not!
Охромов for a long time Cадумался. His face became black as thunder, and it was clear that in the soul of the friend roam heavy thoughts.
-But if you do-then all сегодгня, since we came here, - he said at last, and it was evident that he agrees with my own fears, and then by the drive somewhere these paper, hiding them in a safe place, and then call them up and demand a ransom in exchange for them, do you think?
His idea is appealing to me. In fact, as I thought: ingeniously simple as a stool, and also геиально reliably. Well done, Охромов, therefore, making you got another pot, on the uptake!
-Excellent, Grishka! "I said happily. -Only here it is not clear we take paper where and where we will store?
-Take as much as they do, and store will s a good and reliable place no dog will not guess. And, most importantly, that place will be right there. Eating I've one such very close and reliable, and they don't get, " he said with a sly smile a crooked smile, and sat frowning, looked somewhere in стоону past me and back behind me.
Here he floored me suddenly неожданным repetition of my proposal:
-Yes, all we need to wait until tomorrow. We need to prepare, to think it over, and clapped me on the shoulder in a friendly way, he added, " for a taxi, sweet root, we will pay вместе.я agree with you. Only this. We go there today still penetrate it will be necessary, Tob estimate that to him, there is some amount of work. Going to do today, so to say, the theory and practice tomorrow, right?
"Right, " I agreed, testing Boльшое relief. I immediately lost feeling that I go to were when I was involved in this case.
-Well, if so, it is all wonderful. Then forward, - Охромов took from his pocket a bundle of the handkerchief, and we went to the front door of the old building and still today, the day I stood and wrote poetry.
Chapter 14.
Picking in the dark in the keyhole железакой, which he called the key, and I think it was an ordinary lockpick, tothe Torah, inter alia, have yet to be able to use, Охромов cursed his cronies, втянувших it is a dirty business, because of which he is now forced to not sleep at night, to risk, to learn the profession of cracker and a thief, and intending finally slapped him instead of gratitude leaden bullet in his head. He muttered it under his breath, and I thought of something else entirely. What has become clear Охромову only now, was for a long time already not surprising to me. He repeated only all my arguments that I gave him a few days earlier and for a long time, until he tried to persuade me to take up the matter. I didn't feel like neither of bowing to him, nor, especially, moan with him myself. His nagging only angered me how angry any insight stubborn jackass that, until now stands on his own, and when it is already too late to correct, begins to exactly repeat what he tried to swing when you could still change things for the луччшему.
Me now worried that store, got me from the old man's inherited, somehow warrants, apparently, with the main building, where we are now trying to penetrate, and that it may be subject to a robbery. Where men know as far leads the way, laid on a slip of paper, that was Охромова, and where the end point marked on it. Something hauntingly forced to think of me that those for whom we now get the paper, were interested precisely this storage the entrance to which was in the annexe to the main building, but could be another, which is probably knew bandits, leading through the main building. They didn't know, it is likely that there can penetrate very simply, that every evening after dark themselves сосбой open the locks of the doors of the house, outbuildings, and need only wait until it gets dark, and get in there without difficulty, not breaking anything and not closing his picklock in the castle. But weak God, that they didn't know it, didn't know was that every night, as if specifically for незвнных guests, overlooks one old, полуразвлившаяся door, in fact, not conceding on the reliability of the armored door of the safe, and everyone who knows about it, can open it and enter freely, only to fall darkness over the earth.
Охромов still worked in the castle picklock. Passed probably already fifteen minutes, and he could not open it. From its persistent but unsuccessful attempts in a dead, dull silence windless night heard the sonorous metallic clang, and his curses you could hear probably not reaching the whole quarter. I began to fear, how would anyone of the residents of the surrounding houses, not called the police, waking up in the night to go to the toilet, and heard in open wide open from the heat and stuffiness window created by a disgrace.
Suddenly I noticed that the inside of the building for the blind, dusty glass something dim lights up the little yellow dot. At first I thought it was just my imagination, but then I have a whole minute was in abstract thinking and betrayed her values) it was discovered that the Ghost is светящеес Pyatnyshko not only was not mistaken me but approached quite close to the door on the other side so that is around it образовлся, permeated the flown on the glass dust, shimmering halo round. Someone came to the door from the inside close, holding the lamp or candle.
In the first moment, as soon as I saw it, it just froze from unexpected events, not expecting inside can somebody be. My heart thudded, froze, stopped from fright, and I stood as if rooted to the spot, unable neither move nor say a word.
Охромов noticed the light behind the window, but too late, and stood on one knee with the skeleton in his hands, looking at the light-eyed. His hand dropped, and Jimmy had of them, with a loud ringing of a запрыгав granite преддверью.
Twinkle appeared in the most extreme of all the doors of the main entrance, but after a while, went to the Central door, right up to the place where was busy, trying to unlock, Grisha.
We both, instead of to run, stood as полоумные, expecting that we will present to our comparison. I felt that I must something immediately do we need flee, or, at least, hide, our indecision and procrastination to anything good will not result. I saw a friend, as I was frozen on the spot, I wanted and couldn't say anything to him.
Ogonek lamp was already close from Central door that opened when I finally found the strength to do two wrong step, as if in a dream took his cotton hand безвольную the hand of a friend, and like a great rag doll to fight, filled with sand, and pulled it on himself and, don't know what forces, towed away from doors, having done a lot of noise his footfall and clang lockpicks that Grisha forgot to hook boot.
I brought him with a furious frenzy, engaged unknown where and придавашем me the strength and as soon as we hid behind one of the columns in front of the entrance door, which opened Охромов, opened, and from it seemed скрюченная figure carrier in front of a kerosene lamp in his raised hand over the head.
My heart skipped a beat because I learned in this figure of the old man, which met in the bar, which came in the terrible night in its resting-place, not less terrible, than he. His appearance was for me, like a bolt from the goals. I remembered his words: "I die this night!" - and together with the feeling of the unknown, unexplained disgust from the vile lies and deception for the sake of something unknown, all being felt that I was involved in a terrible game, terrible play, where to put to life, and, fulfilling the role убивют really, but somehow still alive.
Yes, the old man, although not swore, but said that he would die for him it was impossible not to believe. And now he stood before me, a few steps away, still walked with his kerosene lamp. I thought, if so strange why I have not met him, when he alone came visit the his portrait den, but along with this there was and scared that when I was in the dark catacombs of his store, he is somewhere nearby, snuck up behind me in the dark and watch what I will do. Where are all the same he was then? And why are allowed to carry me books of protected them Assembly, the value of which is conclusive great?
All the behavior of the old man to me, contested them farce with death seemed so arrogant, abusive and hypocritical that instead of hide and tremble with fear, I was ready to leave to him and to Express their outrage. The only thing that bothered and stop me is kind of shotgun, which he kept at the ready in his hand, putting his fingers on the bracket of the trigger.
Meanwhile the old man stood at the door, looked around, accompanying the head rotation by turning the barrel двухзарядки and illuminating the space around the kerosene "bat" in the stretched ahead of her hand and peering into the darkness, and probably see anything, to move forward, lighting his way and sometimes glancing at his feet. His fearlessness could only wonder because, despite the fact that he was with him a gun, we together, not offering a special health, but with a bit of trickery, could not only disarm his sudden attack from the rear, but also kill, if we had to.
The old man stumbled upon dropped Охромовым lock pick, заблестевшую in the light of the lamp among crumbling on the floor from the ceiling whitewashing and lime plaster, picked her up, several seconds examined, close raising it to a shortsighted eyes, put it in his pocket and carefully read behind us footprints.
If the marble floor was clean! But the traitorous lime gave the direction of our retreat, and the old man went on the trail of the right to a pillar, taking bayonets gun взведя both hammers.
I barely heard the clicks взводимых springs, as I had a feeling as if I was already may have planted in the chest charge of lead pellets of the fraction. Even felt mouth sweet sugary taste of his own blood, filling the warm muck my throat. Legs became numb, and I have not made a step, not move until both of iron, cold muzzle, леденящее breath of death of which penetrated to the body, even through clothing, not rested against my chest, and I saw the face of an old man, strong and fearless, lighted the lamp-light, his faded, watery eyes, упершиеся in me close, inquiring gaze.
-What are you doing here? - 't said exactly he hissed.
"Hello, " I said, hoping that the old man I remember, but his face in response does not appear and the shadows welcome. He did not recognize me or not wanted.
"Hello, " I repeated, for the minute to say anything else I had no strength, -do you remember me? I like you already came.
The old man looked at me, still incredulous, and stern, but now this streak and shadow surprise that laid on the face of a slight touch of confusion.
"Who are you, what's your name? - he asked the question after some confusion, not taking her eyes on me and not taking away guns.
I tried to remind him of a rainy night, beer bar, in which he sat down by me at a table, visit it даргоценного store and even his words that he had to die that night, and that it was to be the last. My words were incoherent, the voice was frightened boys, but what I could still he рассказат, and it was evident that in the eyes of the old man began to stir any thoughts.
He still stood there, уперши trunks hunting rifle me in the chest, but his look was already more than a soft, relaxed. He, apparently, that I was trying to remember, screwing up his eyes, and turned his look inside yourself. fingering something in memory.
When a person thinks that it is visible in his eyes. In the book "Magic, black and white", which a few days ago I had with me leaving the mysterious vault, there was even a whole Chapter devoted to the art of reading the thoughts eyes, but this science is so difficult that after a cursory reading it in one night, could not boast that I iota realized what it was written, and moreover acquired any iPhone sup practical skills mastered this art. I even tried to do her studies, because first of all, were required many hours of daily training psyche, eye and brain develop their capacity, and the path to this skill was so difficult and thorny, demanded the same perseverance, patience and attention, as any other path to perfection.
Old man seemed to be still remembered something, because clouded his eyes again become firm and steadfast. I must say that взглд old man holds more expressiveness and feelings, more eloquence than the sight of a young man, probably because the vital energy and strength, will and desire over the years move into organs of perception are also moving and eyes, and they as a mirror and sunshine human, all reflect.
But his eyes seemed to clear, and is become a prickly and hard, though оценивющим me and the old man said:
"You probably want to talk to me? Well, let's go.
He turned and headed for the front door without noticing, and can be, and pretended not to have noticed that I am not alone and with such certainty that I will follow, and not наброшусь him from behind with a knife or a rock that I instinctively and immediately moved to follow him.
Going for an old man, I turned around saw that Охромов bypassed the column with the other hand and, apparently, poised at the old man out. It would be a wrong step, for the old man certainly could have shot from a gun, and if not him, you would surely to a sharp sound of the shot scare us and put to flight and get someone's attention, to be called the police. Few people can not sleep in nearby homes at this time. Most likely, if Охромову still jump in a moment, we would have had to retreat with more or less serious consequences, but something, whether indecision, or prudence, at the last moment, when it is still possible to do, hold him from the jump. He had already ducked contracted as spring, to immediately go and fly forward, but stopped in the decisive moment, and in the next second it was too late. And, realizing this, Охромов slowly straightened myself up, got up, straightened, and then hid behind a column, but the old man did not turn back.
Already at the front door he said over my shoulder, absolutely not caring and not worrying to hear it someone else besides me or not:
-The tracks I've determined that you're not alone here. Whoever he was, but he did well refrained from attacking. This would be unwise. The more that I heard his every breath and caught his every thought, as he walked to the door. Let him not think that, if I am back to him, then I see nothing and hear. I say that he did very right that we don't become me to rush from the back. Otherwise I would not have envied him. Not always the old man is a easy prey for the young, especially an old man as I am, such несмышленного young man as he is.
"Unfortunately, " he continued, отпирая door, I don't want to let him inside the building. To him there was nothing to do. Besides I don't like people who hide when their friends are risk and danger. I could shoot you! Or he doubts that my gun loaded? In vain! Tell your friend so he was waiting for you here, and what will you come back soon.
I followed his advice and said in темнту addressing Охромову:
-Grisha, wait for me here, I'll be back soon, "if I come back!" - adding about yourself mentally and entered following the old man in the door.
Reed English castle chattered for me, locked the door and separating me from the outside world, cut off the escape route. The dusty glass doors remained peacefully slumbering city, the sleepy silence of the night, Grisha Охромов, who could somehow help me there, and we were plunged into darkness, the overclocking just a light bat for almost two meters in a circle, alone with the old man, which is known what was going to do now with me and all.
Found such the aching feeling, that always comes after feeling giving up and doom when you остаешся alone with some danger I immediately hated to go to the toilet "generally", as they say, but I overcame him at the time and went to the old man, feeling the incredible torments and seizures, but for all that time, that was inside the building and not dared to ask the old man, where is the restroom and go into it, although the need pushed me sometimes so hard that want to climb on the wall, and успокаивandstayed only occasionally, but then begins again with such force that, it seemed even a little bit, and I get in your pants.
I followed the old man down the corridor, and it reminded me, as I wandered the old man with керосинкой so when he came into the house for the first time. But it was not terrible, because thoughts whenever returned to испытыываемой acute needs, мешавшей focus and think about something else. And as soon as she tried to "упрыгать" somewhere to the side, as every time returned to the same burning issue, which had nowhere to allow.
We pretty walked down the echoing silence, after a short коридорчиком, as it seemed to me, наскололько was booming echo, we found ourselves in a large room. Echo our shuffling, our steps resounded far into the darkness and void and returned repeatedly broken and weak. How on this it was possible to judge, our route lay through pretty large room, most likely, hall with a high ceiling, which amplified the effect of reflections of a sound resembling an echo in the mountains. We crossed it, and number of steps I figured that its length is about fifty meters, not less. It was probably the fact, as if the two ant crossed the room apartments in consideration of its size.
In the hall, when I saw that lamp highlighted the old man from the darkness of the walls next corridor I looked back, hoping to see what makes my buddy, but the doors were drowned in the darkness of the building. Again, I was alone with unknown to me, man. "Well, it's lucky for me with all these stories," - I thought.
On the walls of the corridor, we entered it was several of double doors, big, beautiful, обделанных carved ornament, if in any нибдь the old Palace. The dim light of a lantern barely picked out the darkness of these sculptures are covered by the massive, expensive velvet curtains, badly battered eaten something where moth, abandoned, but still preserved the remains of his was grandeur. They were gathered in folds and attached to the door jambs satin, shimmering in the light of the lamp ribbons tied on the big bows. Kept their heavy carved tapestries of some expensive breeds of a tree, whether out of the red, whether from the bog oak is to see in this light, it was impossible.
The old man turned to me and, apparently noticed my astonishment. I really was surprised that building inside his whole interior, preserved ten times better than the outside, because looking at his ragged walls, the whole exterior and imagine that it would be impossible that inside something could be preserved except scraped parquet and обсыпающейся plaster. And there was still a lot of things, and even lived a man as old as the home base.
Is that like? - asked the old man, taking over my mind the curtains. -Aboutnor indeed were good, and now nothing, especially if like them a bit repaired. They are as old as with everything in this house. Done it all here at the priest Stalin. Since then nothing has changed. I then was a young kid. Magnificent building was. Look here, except now these doors you have ever see? Is it somewhere now doing? And the ceilings! If you saw ceilings! - the old man turned his gaze upwards, put up his hand with a lamp, but the light does not reached the ceiling, and, dropping her eyes and hands, he only sighed and went to one of the doors, dreams speaking on the road. -Ceiling here, I must say, especial shaped moldings, but not simple, but thin, holding a thin, what happened was made for first-class China in the old days. Nicely done, a real work of art. Its introduction would have, but soon this house for scrap to be allowed, and with it the beauty of all disappear. Yes about such a ceiling not to tell need it to look, to show to all at once it became clear, because some words. Better to see once than hear a hundred times, and you and a hundred times't hear. Yes, earlier could and building and to do so, that the expensive show was, and now? Ugh, Castile! Like Rui from ass began to grow, and in головешке brains chicken, and even those not, and instead of blood, that hot should be, so - broth of those drain the urine welded. Neither do look at! The further you go, the worse.
Before something now, in the old, самодержские times, at all for ages built as if they were going to live a thousand years. Yes and beautifully Kaak everything was smartly. Two identical houses do not find, not that in the city the Tsar's Empire.
Round cornices лепленные figures were, ангелята roof propped up, cupids, there are all sorts flitted ibid. For every house is expensive show. And what now? Boxes gray they pointed, and all one to one - the same, as twins. Not knowing person and get lost in them not sinful case will be. All scamp scamp. I still beauty of a no, and found it. True, born - already халтурили dying, apparently, the careless work, I will. For whom is all this stuff in modelling, why? Really pleased by it the age of your live on earth? It is unclear to me. As Korobkov match натыкали circle. Oh well at least people are well жтлось, God be with her, with ентой architecture, her mother Nekhai. Doesn't that people live well, tell mne?
He turned and looked at me up expectantly, as if I had replied to him that I think of it, but I just kept silent.
I must say that the sight of the old man became quite friendly. His voice was soft, the grouchy even the fact that he anguished and жалобился me, said he treats me not hostile, and most likely, on the contrary, friendly. Gun in his hand and it was the Grozny species, as a few minutes ago, when it depended on my chest. He talked with me if not with night burglars, who tried to enter his abode and caught behind a black thing "lukewarm" and, at least as with the friend, which is not feared.
His calmness gradually was passed to me, but I had not dared to talk to him and answer his questions, fearing that the old man has come to his senses, and the tone of his conversation will be completely different, the official.
From the very beginning, from the moment we walked into the building, I зудила thought that the old man took me as a hostage to my companion or companions, he did not know how many of us had not disappeared, until he calls the police. With me he could calmly, not fearing to speak, to find out what we were trying to open the door and get inside, and the rest would still not been able to penetrate the building, even if they really wanted to: заомк, as he had already ascertained, they open would not be able to, and to break the glass door was useless, because on the other, the inner side they were reinforced bars. I saw it when only went inside. She was of a thin steel rod, almost wire, but all the same grating. Made, apparently, she was soundly, and that her crush, it was pretty mess.
The police did not want to meet. In addition, that the train was a huge scandal and such a spanking, of which I have and видыать were not, it would be fatal and other unpredictable, but it is clear that the evil consequences. The city will necessarily gossip that the cadets involved night robbery, that's still two caught, and start all troubles and нсчастья, all crimes and злодеяни, творящиеся in the city, to cut the military school. Even informally, but gossip angrier any any official opinion. In the city and without dislike cadets and, in General, military, and here such. 't want a month before the release of our stay in school was under question, Yes it is still unknown, not we would be behind bars.
I only imagined us first will lead to the Department, put him in the КэПэЗэшку, and then, knowing who we are, have informed in the school. Arrives our General начпо, someone else out of control, well and of course the smaller fry, our commander, battalion commander, platoon leader, probably, will be called - imagined, and I was scared. Bring us in school, bring before the troops, "gene", the chief of the school, says: "Here, comrades cadets, criminals, two of the scoundrel, wearing military uniforms, to be involved at night shady robbery. They are studying in the school were violators of military discipline, but we, the command of the school, their immediate commanders nursed them, as with small children, forgive them, for that is necessary to expel three neck of the walls of our school in the hope that they'll be all right, come to its senses, finally, will behave properly, become good cadets... But, as you may see, not only didn't get it that much to them to forgive their regret that they at least out of gratitude should behave as best you can. They pulled on the night feats, the theft. This to a meanness you must get down to man, given to a military school, which homeland, country, our nation, the Soviet provide everything you need for a normal life, but they are few, and have another go at night, the same people, their Homeland, Rob!
I wouldn't be surprised if I find out that these two, I cannot call them our comrades, I do not dare, when will go a consequence on them, and it will go, because I will intercede with the military Prosecutor's office on initiation on this fact criminal case, it becomes clear that these two were not only engaged in night hacking and looting, and killing people. I am very even admit this. They sunk to handle! Instead of quietly to finish school, left very little after all, they are engaged in robbery! And these are people who after a month should be, were to become officers! Shame! Shame on them and our school, in the walls of his retreat such scum!"
This whole picture stood in my mind, as soon as the thought that the old man took me hostage flashed in my head, and chilling the blood.
"God, why am I not behaved well, the reason I came to this? Well, that prevented me to be the same as promoting all? What? Would live quietly, like the others, no one would you alone. The best life when you no one touches, and you also did not touch. If to start all over! I would never, probably, would not began to communicate with all sorts of adventurers, with такмим as Охромов, in particular!" "I mused to himself, and was even such a moment of despair, when I almost threw himself on his knees at the feet of the old man and yelled, "Dad, release us, please, we won't!" but something told меняот this. I was still not so cowardly, to do things like that.
However, as we dig into the building, my fears all over смягчались, and when the old man spoke to me about the good old days, I had even confidence that the old man is configured peacefully, despite his gun, and seems to call the police will not. It стариковское grumbling almost has not left, I have no doubt its goodwill. In addition, just in case, I have reserved one powerful trump card. If suddenly case and would take a bad turn, and call миллиции would almost obvious, I tried to recall to the old man, that I had been there once, in another room, and saw something that could be interesting not only the police but also by the more serious. I would have had nothing to lose, and I would покзал secret repositories questionable literature. Let would then understand, regarding what caused them. Maybe it was and is not fair on my part, but we Охромовым would have remained in the shadows. And if the court held, I would play it with a statement that made ноную sortie specifically to expose enemy of the people, укрывателя hostile literature, and would thus of the accused would turn into a hero.
Whatever you say, and part of the skins I was always smart.
While I was busy so painful and mean any concern for the salvation of their skins, we passed by some narrow, long tail of the corridor, where they appeared when the old man opened one of the doors in the corridor. He still something told me, at times looking back on my pensive face and taking my detachment for attention to his story, something talked and talked. Actually I totally did not hear. We were thirty meters, I thought. On the walls of the narrow corridor dotting the door, not so big and solemn, like those that praised the old man, but rather tatty, though hastily made. No facing, no any decoration in General. these are usually in the utility rooms, free opinion of visitors. Yes and ceilings, and the corridor walls were covered with gravel with cement and looked more like the arches of the underground passage or some catacombs.
-Whose house this? - finally I dared to ask. -Whom does it belong?
The old man stopped for a moment, as though taken aback by what I started to say. Then somehow deeply, as if sighed again and walked forward.
-Whose house it is, you say? - she heard his gruff voice. -In different times he belonged to different people and organizations. It has built in the last century, a very rich man, a famous sugar-manufacture Morozov. All sugar plants of our city - it was all his doing. The owner is long gone, and they work and another hundred years will work. Morozov-this town a lot less than required. He his son a cadet corps отгрохал. Do not want it not in Moscow, not in the then St. Petersburg to take the cadets school. Morozov himself from the common people millionaires out of place after the abolition of serfdom, and, of course, any titles had. Here тятенька opium on Russian orders, which, if not you belong to a noble family, and all the paths are closed for you upstairs, and decided his wealth for the son of the way up the punch. He built in for our son and his buddies in a cadet corps for their money, but that's not all. To son-it was granted a title of nobility, the layout of the building in which this military institution housed, of pure gold, he sent to the king's Palace, St. Petersburg. Here. Say that after the lowest noble title was sort of the Morozovs granted Авгутейшим by the decree of the Emperor.
Then the revolution was, something with Морозовыми happened, as with all who were thought to be rich, not abroad went, not red at their expense let - sad, in General, history. And the house was transferred to the new owners.
Some time here regional Committee of the party was located. It even before the war was. During the war the building was chosen by the Germans themselves. In this house they and the Gestapo was, and is the headquarters, the building something big, and even the secret basements for torture were placed. When the front rolled back, then bet the commander of the front theirs was.
When the Germans were expelled, his loves under their apartments mестное Department IYB, as before, the KGB was called, and they were here until Лавреньтия Beria - the Kingdom of his soul, " the old man crossed himself three times, rolling his eyes under the forehead, on that light will not be sent. Well, then.. then this house many owners something has changed, as men of drug out, forgive me, Lord, for blasphemy.
Was here and the city library, then a house of political education nobody knows for whom did, and then even in the Palace of political education was renamed, just at the end of the reign of Leonid Brezhnev was. After his death again a house of political education of the call, and then for some unknown reason, in another building he moved. Perhaps, in a more modern building decided to go, only I do not understand ччем this was bad. Because новше - not necessarily mean better...
After thirty meters along the gallery, ответвившейся from the main corridor, we have two minutes stood before a door at its end нопиминавшем dystopian deadlock dungeon, but the old man continued to talk, наслаждаяь her speech and as if not noticing that we already seems to have come.
-Then the times were, I must say, vague and seditious. Want to understand himself Chet leg would be broke. Now the call is Vague at times. Then it was called democracy, glasnost, perestroika something. Michal Sergeitch, then only began to reign, Yes with a fool, young to understand, pulled the reins, gave the people of Yes will power. And the people our ages and ages are dark and wild was. It is like wild bear from the cell to release. What he'll do? So did our people is such that, so far as rushed straightening, can do nothing. Everything went awry. Now go around twenty years the procedure will have to bring the country after ambulatories.
There were so what only Mraz born not повылазила from the dark corners, like cockroaches when the light pay off, climb on the table for the bread to carry. And they. And all power and authority. People озги promises powder. And they only want one: power over this most people. And as it got, so just smile down with my teeth showing! In which parasites were. The left and the right, and almost эссеры with the cadets Yes cadets immediately appeared. And where on earth come from only? Seventy years with that stuff Yes contagion fought, вытравливали it and only let as you do! It is like a Burr, right in the growth and went into force.
Now. In the turmoil of these times there is just a lots of owners and institutions has changed at first almost all decently. House политдискуссии, then политклуб was. Here and centre стачкомов was working, you see, were striking. They own, the Soviet authorities did not like. Yes. and rallied here and speech pushed. And crowds of people gathered.
But it still was nothing. Endure such - they still moved. And then, then what was happening! Bourgeois even appeared - where it's at! Here одиин such and bought the house hook, line and sinker, restaurant opened here, and a little later, when the reins have further weakened, so here and gambling house was, however, semi-legal: in the big hall of the restaurant and in the rooms, corridor you saw tables for gamblers, roulette, even all different stuff. And in the back room - so there's generally hard Bab flogged, for the money, of course, and a lot. This is the most secret part of the institution was. All about him in the city knew, but still pretended that nothing know - so this буржую-кооператору damn helped all together themselves with money tear. However, the city is not he the only one like this, and institutions such missing. But, come on you, the single was not closed. All the people from time to time suffered. It is then such прохиндеям nuts started to wrap tighter, and then: who in consumption allowed, like in good old times, who have sent to jail to life raspberries could be. All without remainder. One broom. True, might is not right. There were people among them friendly, good, but better and them in there, what all this infection оставллять on the freedom to walk around and people to rot.
However, I must say that as they came from, how it should be, flourished restaurant long, and владелцы his eyes grew rich. Pockets of them by leaps and bounds were swollen. Yes, times were действиетнльо vague. Simple hunky was difficult to live, and now is, however, not easier. The bourgeoisie remove then taken away, but the prices are lower forgot to get.
Some then grew rich, and the other completely обнищали. Rich-then who? Cooperators there are different, we still ньюпманами called it from the words of the new нэпман, English. Моложежь invented, and all and was picked up. People always all signs of поподхватывает. So, if without сокращенки, "new непман" you have to say, everybody said "ньюпманы". Maybe you've heard of a band that was недобитая after the revolution capitalists? At school, I suppose, taught? Then our first leader, Vladimir Ilyich, too оплошке will every crowd gave, and hoped they revolutionized people's pulled forward, so they also almost drowned. And ньюпманов, it's Michael Sergeevich made.
And I think that finish them had back in the twenties. But Vladimir something Ilyich deal with them no time left for the eternal опочивание, the Kingdom of his soul, " the old man he prayed again, rolling her eyes. Is already Joseph Vissarionovich, valiant knight revolution said all those suckers on the evil and fear: "We NEP is not needed! We NEP build socialism!" then and drove them all this evil and contra недобитую which people live prevented, and steel headed by the great Stalin to build socialism, and almost built, but it turned out that буржуйское rabble not all taken out, and it Tishka became a popular cause harm. Oh, how many of them, pests, before the war-exposed - nightmare one and only! Were their camp to rot! Only them in one place eradicate, as they come out in another. There seared with a hot iron выжгут, and they are already in the third time. Spies German damn! So before the war with them, pests, and fought! Too much trouble they've done exactly the Nazi invaders sniffing. Therefore, the war is so hard and long. So would the Germans in times roll!
But, nothing Germans so we gave a light, be healthy. They Clement Voroshilov with Marshal Zhukov showed where a penguin!
My son when Жукове served. Oh! Discipline was iron. It is then the army is unfolded, littered its democracy fing, разболтали дуркой any, have corrupted. Especially in times of chaos, a lot of firewood have. Still probably suffer the Democrats засратые!
Yeah, and here is how Mikhail Sergeevich declared this the democracy by force of the law, so any Mraz again, like mushrooms after the rain, as grebes смаые vile climbed. So got that and not to withhold anything, to just arrived to the Supreme Council, to the press. And then what the interpretation was not told why not just write then. All of the dirt, Yes shit poured! And Stalin, and Lenin, not to mention the other. So what about Stalin in the former times were afraid to speak evil, and for the full tub of dirt was turned off, and no one, rabid dogs! Still, how many time passed, his name cannot wash! But the wisest man was, who I believe is second after Lenin in mind and greatness. Yes there Stalin?! These dogs hungry before reached that Lenin raised their hands, and then Michael, mountain-ruler, чередушко came. Not even remembered, dogs ungrateful, that he gave them freedom.
Yes, that was done, what was happening! So let's all, as in America, as in Japan. So Russia little and not tore to pieces, yeah with guts just not sold. And there still is, and Islamic Asians недовольствоваться steel, Yes Transcaucasia all передралось between themselves. I'm talking about the Baltic Germans did not speak. Those, in General, their freedom wanted. In General, such further hate you...
The old man spoke, spoke, spoke, and was unable to stop, and I listened and listened, and оторвться from this could not, as not forced myself.
I was strange, because his deliberate набожност does not clash with the love of Stalin, Lenin and other of our leaders. Incomprehensibly in his speech lived next to each other какзалось would be incompatible concepts. It seemed to me that in a fit of anger, ' he can link, if needed, more the opposite thing.
Only now I noticed that we're sitting unknown how much time in a not very big, but tastefully furnished room at the table, where the old man put his kerosene, and next to the already lit another, with a vast and beautiful shade of white frosted glass, painted vivid and bright colors, with фарфоровы housing as a Nude пышнотелой virgin, полузакрывшей eyes. The virgin were the Golden hair, the look of blue eyes was устрелен dreamily up, and in her hand was a harp that she apparently played. Lapa was very beautiful, you can even say that gorgeous, and probably worth the take not the last place among things ккого some of the famous Museum. Things similar to it can be seen only in the Hermitage or him of such a Museum, in which, unfortunately, I never was.
Golden virgin hair fell loose waterfall to her feet and spread inside there, and forms the basis for a stand lamp, in the Golden lake. Not light, but a real work of art.
The furnishings of the room, its interior, were also quite nice. The whole room was great furnished and well furnished. One of the walls have a huge, her whole width of the carpet depicting bright, сочщыми paints the scene forest hunting. It is made with such живописнымискусством that one could take the picture, if not антастической length of the pile, and a rare and long, its swaying made to revive зверй, dogs and riders with pipes and antique hunting rifles, настигающих game on galloping at full speed riding. And then the carpet was like a strange toy, not the huge screen TV. It was almost alive and warm.
Under the carpet, stood a wide sofa, upholstered in green velvet. Its carved seems mahogany back in a few places to keep yourself plump pillows are made of the same material, stitched on the center of each large cloth buttons-buttons and it seemed too convex. On the sides of the sofa had a big round arms-бочата very elegant form.
Large pillow in the corner of the sofa in a satin pillowcase, embroidered with bright flowers, dented, which, apparently, from the head of an old man, so had to rest, so called Manila and lie down, and not just lie down, and the flop with a running start to sink into her, burying his face in her soft Pooh, feeling the hands, fingers, palms касаютс pleasant surface Atlas that I almost succumbed to this temptation.
In the corner of the room there was a Cannonball stand by gracefully curved legs, born of an unknown master, probably more than a hundred years ago. It was possible to assume the elegant historic its forms, the fine carving on the edge of the lid, the massive cast handles of brass. Near the pedestal stood a few deep and comfortable seats, оббитых the same green velvet, probably, from one with a sofa headset.
All the furniture in the room was a natural trees, and therefore was notable elusive обоянием and beauty, which are not available modern furniture, made of pressed wood chips. From it came like a living breathing. And even bookcase, who was a good half a конаты, large and massive, thanks to this, Yes even the splendid carving and decoration, looked easy and pleasant.
The whole room was breathing the scent and warmth so enveloping and fascinating. Soothing, forcing to forget all the cares and anxieties, remaining somewhere in another world, behind the walls of this room, that the thought is that it should go, inside it was getting cold and lonely.
Two kerosene lamps enough to fill the room dim, but pleasant, warm, soft light. Moreover, from lamps with frosted glass cover and the body of the virgin was amazing pink мураж something resembling a haze around the shade, or as if I was short-sighted and looked at the lamp, and the shape of its eroded least in my eyes. I do not know and cannot say, as the Creator of this светильникаа managed to achieve this effect.
Easy twilight, сгущавшийся in the corners of the room, made the atmosphere more comfortable and relaxing mood of peace and quiet bliss, the feeling of heat and completeness, of peace, will never go out here, not to leave this small, cozy world. And I thought, how well here might be to age the little gray man.
As I gazed at the room, the old man knowingly kept silent, giving me the opportunity to see everything as можноподробнее, and, noticing that the inspection is over, spoke again.
Salese his voice in this room, in her warm, cosy atmosphere seemed so domestic and acquaintances that I came suddenly into his head good thought that it would be good now to climb barefoot felted Slippers, wrap himself in a long dressing gown and sit in a rocking-chair by the fireplace, which is necessary to notice, was not in the room to покуривя cigar long-long chat with the old man about many things, about nothing in particular, just as time went on and continued infinitely, swaying in his seat and back and forth and Smoking, savoring large and thick cigar. Don't know if and get rid of this maggot, if I don't immediately sobered persistent need go to one place, not retreating for a minute, sometimes growing, and now, just before a critical state. I and almost forget about her during a fascinating and extravagant chatter old man and remembered just now, when cornered again.
The old man tried to talk to me again, but I didn't pay any attention to his words.
-I needed to get out, " I said him and saw the look of surprise on his face. The old man was taken aback, and then I spoke to him again. -I needed to get out! I want to go out!
Finally after this until he came, and he took the hand of "the bat" said getting up:
'Well, if you need, I'll go with you. But I still wanted to know why the middle of the night you tried to enter this building, you had to. Keep in mind, there is nothing to take, and it, I assure you, not a place for easy money. Now too many of them, who are looking for, like, doing nothing, extracted a lot of money. However, ' the old man waved his hand, - such was enough at all times. And ours is no exception. Go. I'll go with you.
And, although it seemed to me that he trusted me, the old man took his shotgun. And we went out, winding through the long, convoluted corridors. He walked me out. As I requested, but only now, all the time walking behind, as if конвоируя me. I turned, but the back of my cooled all the way from the blind sight mortem, взирающей at me with empty eye-sockets two steel barrels a loaded weapon, and all the time we went, besides the desire to immediately sit down and blend right in here somewhere bunch, because the bear forces already there, I had a feeling подконвойной fever, when the whole body shudders shallow nervous trembling as if in a strong and long-lasting fever. It is necessary to add, that feeling теплаи comfort, the moment we left the room the old man crossed its threshold, stepped into the dark corridor, left me vanished, then, as the warmth of the hearth, улетучивющееся slowly but steadily in the cold, жгущем cheeks, откусывающем nose and выворачивающем ears inside out ruthless during the dank mites, barely escaping to get in there. Inside of me all warm and left only from the cold and darkness. I walked ahead, stepping on his own long, vague shadow from kerosene lamp behind they guessed the direction of further movement only on the commands of the old man: "Go right! Stop! Now the left! Right, right, right..."
Strange, but I'm shivering from internal cold, stumbling in the darkness, he could hardly see anything when the light in the back, thinking about that, behold, now the old man returns to his cozy room, затерявшуюся in the darkness of the huge cold домины fall on the big soft sofa, оббитый green velvet, sink головй in a huge, warm feather pillow and will lie and luxuriate in the midst of this all a nice and quiet charms, admiring the bright colors of the carpet depicting a hunting scene, occasionally blowing on his incredible length of the pile, to get lazy figure it move, until its not склонет fatigue, and he asleep sweet and peaceful one in his little magnificent cupboard somewhere in the belly of a huge and dark building, such unfit for habitation.
Already after the great echoing bottomless hall, I tried to remind the old man, not straight, and hints, with a backyard, that I've been in this house, only in him, not in the main building, and in the mysterious annexe, прилепленной to him from the side, and that I am aware of some of its secrets. But it seems that he failed to understand anything, for the never remembered me and only paused, lost in gloomy thought that shape and without the dead, the dead silence of the house.
He never spoke to me up to the exit, though I tried to call him on разгово and resembled, resembled, resembled him about the events of the recent past, calling from the memory separate episodes, believing that it is for these fragmentary phrases will understand what I'm talking about, or at least that I'm not here for the first time, if he does not become a memory. But from his mouth not прозвуало a word, even when he covered for Noah door.
Again I was on the street and now, barely шмыгнуть in the front garden, that was laid out on both sides of the entrance, take off your pants, not choosing a place to sit with a magnitude in the щекочущуюся grass and , despite all the inconveniences, experience a fabulous pleasure from облегчающегося after the forced-suffering bowel.
The first three minutes and I was not even able to think about something but Kaak departing from their point of need and this bliss, when, finally, she received satisfaction. But then, a little recovered, became соображат, where the same may be Охромов. It was strange that he hasn't met me at the exit and even called me. Can be frightened and run away?
However, he could I not notice this, because I disappeared so quickly.
Chapter 15.
About three minutes I sat in utter silence, undisturbed even комариным squeak and trills of cicadas, sometimes as this summer, объявляющихся in these regions. Then somewhere far away there was a sound like a deep, hissing, with присвистом, as of a patient with pneumonia sigh. He was long and long and looked like a snort giant asleep somewhere on the otherm the edge of the city for a peaceful night.
This was the sound is so implausible that I lent it absolutely no внимния and thought that I fancy. My thoughts were busy with something completely different. I thought, where could запропаститься Охромов, where his demons are.
Don't know what I would do in his place.
On the one hand, being in such a situation one, anyone could стрсить and run away, примчаться in school, залечьв bed, and tomorrow morning as casually come to my room and ask so casually, where it disappeared from my roommates room. But such an option could arrange except that some нытика and therefore automatically moved away, because Охромов could be anyone, but not to the extent coward.
Second option was closer to the truth, because I would probably did it this way, if my comrade taken under the gun: Охромов likely I tried to help out and went to find a loophole in the building. And, if so, I'll have to go looking for him around the building.
Most likely, and this is almost exactly what Охромов did: went in search around the building through the open window you forget to close it. However, as far as I was aware, from the side where there was an Annex, the wall was blank, and there Grisha able to detect a door leading to a secret store, which is now, at night, was opened. Driven by the desire to help me, he угубился inside the building, and God forbid get him where I nearly fell during their adventures.
I stood up, tore off a few leaves with росшей nearby чахленькой birches, but then he saw how this is silly, because leaves her little slippery, and it's not the best подтирка, we can say that in General, not the best one. Then, stepping in lowered trousers, and how they could be possible, I walked in circles a few meters палисаднику, until finally, fortunately, have not found a piece of newspaper, a large, however badly soiled with mud, in adhering lumps. Had before use, обтрушивать her thin yellowed, rough from time to time and weather extremes.
Somehow having coped with a toilet, I pulled on pants and it was quite went looking for Охромова how am suddenly he came to meet me where we parted, not forcing myself to look long.
I am glad to this быстроиу its appearance, however, had noticed that his face was not frightened, but pale and his eyes shone lights непотухшего in them fear, but and worked up into him in the share of curiosity. He looked like a madman came almost close and рассмативл me Nemo and long from head to toe, as if he were seeing for the first time, and expected to find in my image something that could testify to the fact, that happened to me.
I already quite confused his long silence and I had to shake him, when he suddenly he spoke and asked finally, as if nothing had happened:
"What are you so long?! I already procedure simply waiting for you! Where you've you been?!
-Where?! Are you crazy? Never seen something, that old me under the foresight led him into the house?
-And how do you let go, why the police never called?
I don't know, now and отпутил.
-And that, said nothing, even?
-No, why, we're pretty cute interview.
I briefly told Grisha that happened in the building and he in turn совю admitted to me that when the old man suddenly jumped out, then great refrained from reporting him his gun and with me hid behind a column, but then decided to attack the old man, take his gun and associate, and for a long time choosing a moment to jump, but never dared to do it. And then Гришand long sat on the steps and thought about the vicissitudes of fate, about women, it is not the way, and other nonsense.
-What you thought about women? - поинтересовлся I.
"Yes, indeed, different nonsense... But in General... actually, I would like оазаться in bed with her friend, was going to even go call her and tell them how miss her. And then do it, if not you. You know, I damn wanted to go to the this girlfriend home just horror as. She has such a хорошеньая apartment, all so cute, cozy, and she had nothing, not the last. Star of average size, so to speak, and, perhaps, even bigger, maybe I did not дооцениваю.
"Who is this friend? I do not Анжелка? - поинтереовался I.
Talk about women always distract attention and раслабляют psyche, and we do now was necessary as air, because both survived chut does not stress.
-No, you that don't know. I recently met, after we parted. That Анжелка? A doll. It may be, Baba, and anything cute, but it lacks something. Unfinished she's some. Кугуткой from it smacks, in General, from Анжелки. And it's all lady, you know? Yes-mA-a. I don't know how it turned out I had to meet her as heck helped. She so repelling Svyda that and not come even. And, most importantly, not a word scares, no, from her something comes that shiver. Surprise and respect for some. Imagine Yashka, respect, u-VA-same-no-E. You know how I feel about the women. And there you are - words can't say. And she's funny. Laughing, I would about another said "stupid", but it can't. Maybe this is what love is. You see, mind you I get that all women are the same, that it is the same as all of them, drug out, the mind-it is understand but the heart wants to believe, Yes wants, that all sounds of the mind in its desire to drown. I still can't move away. She had me right enchanted, at first sight. And, most importantly, I first spotted her, and she even then I was like eye took.
-Well, the first time with a woman without me met, and she'll immediately приворожила, I said as a joke, although something inside me just stuck.
-Yeah, not make, please. And not for the first time at all. I have a lot of friends and ZDEwithBT there is a, back home, whom you had never heard of. But this is my first time I meet.
-What's so special about it? I asked mechanically, already considered changing his, what should we do next, maybe even specifically to посорее finish this unpleasant for me to talk because the story of Grisha about a girl interested and thrilled me, and I was uncomfortable. I wanted to see it yourself and appreciate what she is.
Do not know, " smiled dreamily Охромов, and this smile struck a chord, -but I trudge and млею at the sight of her. When she is around, I can't find the desired, afraid of something to say. I broads just talk, and the boy amused. By the way, don't call her a woman, okay?
-Well. But that, she's in bed putting forth?
-Yes in that case-no. I don't get upset at her for it, but the most important and strange that, and don't want to. I somehow different, that special love. Even to hint to her that dare not. I know that I could have, could have, and don't want I feel that after this, immediately something is lost, something is gone. I'm like a flower, I admire, why am I this flower will trample? After that it's all for me, perhaps, others will. And if this is called love, it immediately disappears. I'm nothing like this had ever experienced.
She didn't like it, probably as I before it mnus do and almost blushing. Really like. Just as well. Staring at me with big eyes, laughing. And, you know, nothing special about it, no, not very beautiful, if you look, but the charm of a Royal. The ten enough. I don't even describe what takes place in my heart, in my soul when she is near. Is done so well that I ккой-prolonged power наливаюсь, which separates me from it, sinful, and I fly, fly, fly in, and it seems that ascend to the clouds and fly away to where usually people themselves do not fly...
-Yes, very interesting, but what do you етаешь, how would become of her in bed?
-As I undressed imagine and can't imagine. I have never раздетую and not seen. Even the house she was, when the ancestors was empty, and touch not dare, представлешь?
-Although she hovered near me, like a butterfly, like a moth, laughed, laughed. Just stretch out your hand, and she's yours. And no, as if behind a glass wall... and now sat and dreamed of what would have happened if I could not resist. Evil would probably work out. I would his hand to her reached out, picked it up, she would suddenly ceased to laugh... And then... No, it probably would have got it all... Oh, I don't know, but my thoughts don't come out as I caressed her, coated kisses her body as surprised her with his tenderness, his caresses, the fact that she felt would have experienced... Maybe somebody someday surprised?.. Oh, well, I'm tired of these thoughts. But you just think of how great it is lying in bed with a woman that you like...
"Okay, stop chattering nonsense, and you are delusional, like a madman. The devils that impossible! Let's leave soon the dawn will begin. We ZDEwithь do nothing more, come on, come on out. You're nuts about it so much thinking, I said Охромову and pulled his sleeve.
There's nowhere to go? if онулся and already asked soberly he. -As gone? We have done nothing.
"What are you here want to do? You saw that the building is protected, that here the guard there. Or do you suggest to Rob a right to his face? Yes it you will never change. Maybe кокнем it? And that easily, right? Especially if уесть that he had a shotgun, but with us absolutely nothing, not even mount some задрипанной to him on the head remedy...
Охромов to think, and to finally dispel his doubts, I added:
-Yes, and also something in this building nothing I know not what your friends want to take. The whole building was: should they have absolutely nothing. Blank and transparently.
-How so? surprised Охромов. -As there's nothing there?! you can't be serious! They same to me scheme Dali! What do you think these guys are a joke all doing? Watch this!"
He handed me a slip of paper on which was carefully depicted the inner layout of the building. I learned there is the big hall, which I have just passed, and the intricate weave corridors.
Red oily feature go the whole scheme was launched route through the building. He intricately wound corridors up to the door marked with a special symbol: the Latin letter R, нарисованой dotted line. Next bold trail pencil crossed the door and led to some side sleeve of the building, going to the left.
For a moment I wondered what this cecum, but then it struck me that this is probably the Annex, where I have been, and who now, as assured the old man, belongs to me, and the long way through the main building is laid only because the guys that was sent here Охромова knew about the existence of a shorter way back to where you could get to the goal much faster and safer.
I asked Grisha, so it gave me a non стелажей and shelves, with which we had to take the documents, "junk", as he called them. They оказалис recorded on the reverse side of the same paper.
-At least you can understand this? I asked him, examining solid columns of figures.
-Not now, but they told me that everything will be clear on the spot. In fact, they собиралиь also here with us first approach, however, see how it all happened. Maybe if they were here we would all clear?
-Yes, I am and so all is clear, " I said, " it is not clear why, if your friends have стольподробный plan of the building, they did not go themselves, and choose to use our unskilled, frankly, using the so thin and delicate matter? And more strange is the fact that they probably should have known that here spends the night watchman. The old man, though weak with the mind, but ружьишком but armed. You know, if now to think soberly, all this looks like a mockery with their hand over us, don't you think?
-I do not know. Me about the old man said nothing. I myself am scared of not less yours. Especially frightened when the lamp suddenly seen behind the glass. Heart fainting.
"Yeah, I saw, " I said from jokes, " you like shock turned, standing stock still, you can't go. If I were you behind a pillar not dragged him by the hand, the old man would both of us caught. However, you know, he guessed that I was not alone, and on the street who stayed.
"There you well.
"Why, if he knew, then both of us почакал? Passed would menturu.
"As you see, the police he didn't want to call.
-Listen, and if he is not called the cops, then, the reason fears. Maybe, let's... again try to climb it. To threaten старикану supposedly not tend to your own business, old crank, and take what we need.
-Listen, Охромов, " I retorted, " don't go on the rampage. You once for good, for good was released. Do not hope, that the second time all тебетак smoothly come. I always said you were crazy. Come on, let's go! I'll not go. With me one visit is enough. Maybe the old with the police do not get along, but I think he will find, as избавитьс from your corpse. Without even leaving the building. Believe me.
And that you are there if you try? The old man knows this house, as sowies five fingers. You will be led by the nose as much as he wants, like a cat with a mouse игратть you and I will...
-Okay, I'm not going anywhere, " interrupted my beliefs to your own address Охромов and turned away as if offended.
We were still standing at the entrance of the building for some time, and every thought of his own. I, on the one hand, of course I wanted to get money, but I understood that even if we do it on the bill, it will be mere pittance compared with the value stored in the cache securities that bandits are going to abduct, and then, probably, will sell rabid money kDa a cordon.
With one hand I could, of course, say Охромову: "C'mon, don't be sad, come on, I'll show you another entrance to the building where we are, no one will stop!" but on the other hand, it turns out that I myself let plunder gained me inherited by the will of luck excellent library, rare books collection, the price of which is even impossible to determine, for the already small Asti, that was me, you could say that the price of all that there is stored, is enormous. The old man, when handed it to me, spoke of her as the great Shrine and the great richness.
What I was thinking Охромов I didn't know.
Suddenly I noticed something страное around. From thoughts of my distracted me a strange smell, which appeared in the air. Охромов also began to sniff, leading nose from side to side, and wince unpleasant, you can say, just stinking spirit.
Really the air in a few moments Oka soaked some отвратитеьным stench, which all increased and усиливалос with every second.
-Listen, I don't understand, " said, clamping nose, Охромов. What пахер?
The sharp odor ызвал irritation, and in a few minutes we both felt nausea. To our surprise he was not going to пропадат. But there was something more amazing and ominous.
Quiet streets of the city in предательском silence filled обволакивались some strange strange yellow fog in which it was impossible even to breathe. It was not clear where that comes from, whether from above, whether crawls somewhere from the side, but it was clear that we urgently need to get out of this, until we both were suffocated in the yellow haze.
We rushed towards the school that had the power. Fifteen minutes until we ran along the streets of the city, located in the valley, they were a real hell. Everywhere around there was this strange yellow fog. He did not give dyhnut full breast, I разламывалась head, several times we with Охромовым puked. In the stomach already was empty, but he still continued дергатся in spasms.
Finally, the road went up into the mountain, and breathe it immediately became леге. With every meter rise we felt easier breathing. Soon we climbed the street pretty high up and ran out on the wasteland from which a view of the the city lying underneath.
Up here is not that poisonous, suffocating suspension, and we stopped to catch his breath and come to the senses. When we finally come stood enchanted by the fantastic and terrible scene the unfolding before us.
The city was not visible. He plunged into some abyss. Where the streets were higher, and their yet to be seen, she swayed on them, like waves of this sea, only much slower, and цветм they were yellow. And it was obvious that the sea is significantly dwells. Are visible only врхние floors of buildings. Those that are lower here is-here is already were to disappear from the surface, and the highest sticking out from this quaking darkness, how fantastic reefs, as the above-water rocks in the sea how surreal images on the picture of a crazy artist, decided at its canvas portray a conglomeration of a rectangular, angular, too correct form of mountain formations, thick, like spikes now dot the yellow surface of unearthly yellow sea.
The sea how it was clear, was played by bad weather. The rush of his muddy deadly, asphyxiating волнпродолжался with rapid speed. And we can understand why this is so.
In the centre, somewhere поередине, in the midst of this vast ocean yellow abyss, absorbing the city, powerful jet hit the sky Titanic geyser, выбрасывающийвысоко in the sky huge clubs orange-purple smoke. There, far away in the sky, at a dizzy height, available only aircraft, and rare, strong birds, hung with purple mushroom mew, iridescent purple bursts terrible cloud that has overshadowed a half of the horizon, which already densely розовела dawn streak of dawn. It was almost day, and was already fairly well turned bright, so that we could see in the smallest details.
Great clouds of gas, fountain spouting up, broke into the cloud and disappeared in it, but down, down towards the earth, descended yellow-brown clear that the lower the lighter became, and, settling yellow already and dense matter, преващалась in tight veil, колышущуюся over the city, through its streets between the houses.
Abyss rose higher and higher, geyser beat all power and thought ослбевать, but on the contrary, it seems, became her stronger level of the yellow haze became higher and higher, until finally the last, highest roofs of houses, standing in the valley, not plunged into it and disappeared into it completely.
We stood spellbound are unique spectacle. I can't even say how much time we've seen this terrible picture, but, apparently, for a long time, because, when came around, wave the yellow haze already достигликраешка wasteland, swallowing the street where we got up here, and to the East are already very beginning of the dawn, and the first предутренняя dawn turned into a broad band of dawn, on a light background which a thick grey cloud became still darker and scarier.
All this time we have not spoken to each other a word, and even when realized that удушлива shroud of catching up to us and already настпает us on the heels, the mole, not сговориваясь, hurried to the school. Fortunately, that the road to it was farther up the mountain, and there was hope that there this trouble will not come.
Wasteland when we left already resembled a sloping beach on the unearthly, yellow, slowly, lazily колыхающегося sea spilled to right and left, how was visible, without end. At the bottom of this арующей Majesty the abyss of death stood recessed town, and who did not wait for the dawn. And only the most recent, the upper house street from the wasteland down, poking out of her by his upper floors as the skeletons of dead ships, наткнувшихся on the coastal rocks.
Shocked by what he saw, we didn't talk to the school. Here привыча be on your guard, wait any minute accidental catch and immediately make the decision to not get caught, willingness to suddenly break and escape that there are forces, ducking away from the chase, do it and brought us out of his daze.
We перебросилис a few common phrases have no meaning to anything at all not relevant, but the dreams stopped and not already talked to the barracks.
That we just saw only that survived, neither I nor Grisha speak were not able to. It settled immediately somewhere at the bottom of the soul, and did not want to stir your senses and докапыватьс to very unpleasant experiences.
To their beds we got in without any пиключений, and, barely touched подшки, I immediately lost in a dead sleep, though sleep was of no meaning because the team to "lift" the remains of some half an hour.
In the morning it turned out that the school is also shrouded in the same yellowish smelly fog, but not in such a sickening as night, with the smell of sweet-cloying, elusive, not sharp, but временаим щекочущим nostrils. He looked like he could, from time to time, coming down upon the city, and therefore nobody paid attention to him than the two of us with Охромовым.
Everything was as usual: the rise, morning exercises, Breakfast, divorce classes.
At about ten yellow fog cleared away, leaving no trace, and only in the afternoon the school and rumors of a big accident at the factory химичесого Association "Khimprom", that in the city among the population numerous poisoning, and that there are fatalities.
Wake up in the morning I was tough. I barely got up from постли and then the whole day terribly sleepy.
Morning self-learning took place for me in the struggle with sleep, which, in the end, I was overcome and, расстянувшись shamelessly in the back row, I have remained so until the afternoon. I was woken up only when the time is right to leave the building for lunch.
Dinner passed slowly, without appetite. However, училищную slops could destroy the appetite only this fruit, I.
The evening самодоготовку I also spent in a dream.
Just for lunch began to spread rumors about the accident. Someone call from morning home to many classes did not came to teachers, most of which had the apartments are not in a military town that was PI school in the city, never returned from a night похождеия many самовольщики. Gradually, in the evening, about what happened already knew all school.
Охромов approached me before жином. By that time, I slept well and quietly already наал интересоватся worried all the theme.
-Have you heard about the accident? "he asked me as if he did not see anything had gone in the night.
-I not only heard, but also seen with my own eyes... and you too.
With him there was something wrong and if he wasn't afraid to stand as a witness before the court, then probably went roof.
-Yes-Ah, " he said distractedly cry. It was evident that some musings of torturing it. His face appeared shadow of anxiety and удруенности. -I have heard that there is even fatal cases.
"No, " I said, to reassure him, although he strongly doubted потму that almost choked in the aid stinking fog while the atmosphere just some fifteen minutes, - I think that there has to be such. We're with you too have tasted the stuff, and, as you see, alive. I don't think чттобы from this you can finally hoof discard. Nonsense!
-Well, I'll go call the house to a friend, you know, just in case, what's up with her and her родоками, - угюмо said Grisha.
-Хоешь, I'll go with you? - I was in the escort. -After dinner and go!
-Well. Only you-why?
-Yes, I also friends call him our former. I'm not like some not forget old ties.
-Well, if you are not well. And from them was at the same time conveyed greetings. And, вообщет, I am not joking, and I wanted to bolt at all put upon thee including Grisha was clearly not in themselves.
-Well, okay, okay, sorry, " I said soothingly.
After dinner, I felt again the abnormal, unusual for me craving for sleep and realized that I didn't want to go, but, having subdued himself where trudged after Охромовым, although he gave me to understand that it is not necessarily so. Why gone - I don't know, moreover, that I lied and did not want to call any of her friends, who, as Grisha I were a "hoot".
The phone booths that were located in the "front", the main checkpoint school stood pandemonium, which we did not expect found here. These three telephones now subjected to daily "weasel" hundreds of hands. Their disks spinning certain elaborate way, because otherwise the room would not gain, in their coin acceptors shoved, pushed down, шпыряли tricky appliances that replaced the coin, they knocked huge fists, because sometimes, at the most inopportune moment was lost connection. And this творилос here daily. So what can you say now, when there was now pandemonium.
Huge, man two hundred, the crowd запрудила a small Piglet before the phone будкаи, and to him it was impossible not to pass through, but even battle. She was standing, talking, Smoking and created an incredible noise. Up post was cigarette smoke, гедение stood like a bee swarm. Before our eyes, we just come up, someone tried to break the queue to the phone, пробираяс through this buzzing swarm through active work fists, and already reached my goal, but the phone booth there was outrage surrounding the so impudent and shameless behavior, and after a few seconds at the booth of a scuffle ensued, which after some time itself grew into a fight, has engulfed the first of several people, and then almost half standing.
With the roar of the crowd approval rushed from the fighters, forming around them tight circle, inside of which a dozen or two people beat each other's face and enthusiastically cheered and dared Jamie fighting. After a while accoutred joined a few people from among the supporters and sympathizers, then another and another. And a fight began to threaten the very fact that soon all standing around will become its members, so slowly those sober heads that still began to break up, dragged down by the fighters, one by one to remove them from the circle. Ring is itself narrow and closed again. The fight is over, and the crowd buzzed again, lit up as if nothing had happened.
-Go from here. Here not достоишься and until tomorrow morning, " said Охромов.
-What shall we do? To call something right.
-Come see what's going on in the "appendicitis"he offered, and we went out through the gate and walked along the fence of a quiet street, which was bending school and went far into the depths of the quarter, ending with a high steep slope in the direction of the Psel, abruptly leaving down to the river floodplain. "Appendicitis" it called for she ended the impasse, a small Park or garden in front of the fence tiny factories, distinguished by the fact that at least once a week out of the shop and lab released into the atmosphere a mixture of hydrogen sulfide and even some obscure smells, for a few hours which made breathing in the air't pleasant.
To the phone booth it was necessary to pass three hundred meters along the fence, and then past the lonely here around private houses to the far end, but we turned back, because noticed patrol coming towards us. Not that we боялис, simply have not wanted once again to fly from inflated the elephant and ascribed us AWOL when we were ten meters from the fence of the school.
Had to get to her territory училища.мы skirted several buildings казаррм, our dining room and came to the same fence on the inside.
Barely he sailed his and once in the courtyard of a large house, cozy lost in a sea of wild greens the surrounding gardens, divided around two-storey houses of the old buildings, each of which was not more than a dozen apartments (such houses were the majority of the этьой street) we saw about twenty cadets stood waiting for their turn to make a call from a single phone booth here. Next, those who called, customized all sorts of ways, shouts and надоеданием, threats and appeals to conscience, whining under his ear, and as soon as you can. If the called who ponaglee answered that it is their turn waited too very long and will call as much as he thinks fit. Who has been more modest in the booth did not stay long. In General, the atmosphere here was tense, ready is about to explode. All were inflated, and here, too, smell of a fight.
Go back no sense, but here we are not threatened, that we quickly call. With hardly found in the crush of the latter, we took him turn and moved to a low палисаднику, where there was a majority of members present to hear what they say and chat with friends who were here.
Talk span around the same: all excited случаившаяся accident. Here we heard various versions of causes and consequences and in General, what happened there. One was more wild and improbable is another, and only the two of us together, as they saw with their own eyes, modestly silent and listened, only occasionally pointedly exchanging glances.
However, the consequences of what happened, we, too, knew nothing, and therefore've heard about this with любопытсвом. Someone said that it all went well and there is nothing terrible, that all happened no more dangerous than regular urban smog, other frightened by the huge numbers of victims, said that all the city hospitals are overcrowded poisoned and dying, and that there are cases of a lethal outcome.
On the other side of the street stood a patrol, which did nothing and just watching from the scene showed that officer, head of the patrol, tried to force patrol to do something, but they refused to perform his пиказы, turned away, pretending not to hear, and he shouted at them and threatened them as he could. Apparently, he demanded that they somehow dispersed a crowd of cadets at the phone booth, although he knew how to do it. It was the patrol, which we had to go back ten minutes before.
Warrant officer long разбитрался with their patrol, pipped them military tickets to intimidate men and гауптвахтой, but it did not help. And then realizing that all the threats to it are in vain, he crossed the street and headed to толпившимся of the phone booth and cadets. Turning to the extreme of them, he began тебовать to cadets returned to the territory of the school. But nobody paid any attention to him, all just went away to the center of the crowd or on the opposite edge. Thus, the crowd started to move in our direction, closer to the fence of the school, теснимая bothersome head of the patrol. I don't know how would be next, but its trouble warrant officer contacted huge детиной and somehow tightly clung to him. He simply turned to him Sinaia, but the chief of the patrol, offended with such attitudes, grabbed his arm, thrust his arm into the pocket of his hands and, with difficulty expanding to himself, asked for the military card.
-I will never again give you a military ticket! "replied the Maypole, angrily looking down on a puny ensign and conscious superiority and moral and physical. The chief of patrul there was no real support, and behind him there was a whole crowd of friends-cadets. "Who are you, in General, to you I gave military ticket?! Release hand!
-I am the chief of the patrol, comrade cadet, and I demand from you to me obeyed and gave their military card, stubbornly and persistently repeated to him ensign, but it sounded quite convincing, and, in General, the situation was not in his favor. Maypole explicitly to mock him. But he either did not understand or did not want to recognize this and stubbornly held the hand of a cadet elbow, clutching his "Hebe" death grip bulldog.
It was felt that now for something that is not allowed by the Charter, but very often happens in life: cadet typed face the chief of the patrol.
Maypole fumed more and more. He's not just talking and shouting right in the face of the warrant. At first it sounded quite correctly and politely:
-Уберитеруку, please, comrade Sergeant, no need мнея is a hands - said the Maypole and tried to easy motion pull your elbow. It was obvious that he tries to avoid any collisions.
-Do not remove! "replied the officer, immediately, MCP sensing a sign of respect, much emboldened. "Come on military ticket!
-Can I still with you in the commandant's office to pass? ingratiating manner-with a sarcastic tone asked Maypole, when he finally got tired of the endless repetition of the dialogue of the two phrases.
-Let's go to the commandant's office, - bleary and has agreed to head of the patrol, explicitly not feeling the whole курьезности and trick question.
-Get your hands off, прапорюга! suddenly, releasing the aircraft had accumulated ярост, cried Maypole right in the face началльнику patrol. His face was red, then became densely bluish if from suffocation. "Do you hear, warrant officer, I'm going to speak!
In a voice husky simultaneously hear the desperation and the threat merged into a terrible one.
-Do not remove! still stubbornly replied warrant officer and put forward person, if specially substituting it for a strike, which had not long to wait.
Maypole swung and hit warrant officer briefly and ruthlessly hard in the face so that he as much head back came off. Then we saw how soared, airborne legs warrant officer, and he spun on his heel, drawn unbridled force распоясавшегося детины. He spun around her, grabbed him by the lapel of a tunic, easily, accurately so lightly dragged away from the earth. From the outside it looked as if we were present at the competitions hammers, and another one was going to throw his hammer with such a fury, as if wanted beat all world records.
The body of the ensign, like deprived of life, sluggish and weak-willed, as sausage, knocked at rotation of a few find themselves close to the cadets, and they scattered in different directions.
Warrant officer described in the air a few laps, and whether by accident or on the idea of крутившего it flew straight into a crowd of cadets, knocked to the ground, a few more people. The crowd rushed from the place of its fall with noise and whistles. Even touched the ground warrant officer забарахтал in the air by the feet and hands, and then they had a surprisingly quickly stood up from the ground and ran again in the direction of the offender. But he almost the head of the patrol approached him sharply and abruptly swung кулачищем and besieged the attacker blow underneath her chin. Warrant officer like a charging bull, несшийся on break, I missed this shot and again flew a few yards.
Rising, and this time, though not so fast as in the first, stood, swaying and shaking her head, as if after a heavy intoxication, and only then went forward to the enemy.
From the outside it resembled a battle cock with a bull: too forces were unequal. And it мордобитие would have continued is still unknown how much, if after the third or fourth round of the warrant officer collapsed to the ground, right. As had stood there like a post without props. Then it was immediately approached the patrol, нагнулись over it, tap on the cheek, then lifted her slightly came to himself head of the unfaithful подкшивющиеся legs and dragged him away, probably to the commandant, exchanged with someone of them stood two other phrases. And so they departed, putting on the shoulders of his hands and supporting his waist.
I must say that at that time, when there was a fight, and all those present enthusiastically watched it - and what we have people like to watch the fights? - Охромов not waste his time, and, шепнув in my ear, "I'm coming!" - rushed to the phone booth through откатывающуюся crowd, and when payphone were only two fighters, hard already тараторил in a tube, with smiles and compressing lips and his eyebrows and watching with one eye on everything.
When the fight ended, he still three minutes and spoke quite quietly, because after kurtosis not immediately come to their senses, and the next could not find. When the one who was now call queue is found, the cadets softly at first, then louder and stronger began to Express their dissatisfaction, incensed by Гришкиным rudeness.
First закрила once, then those who understood something, затемэти separate евыкрикиразрослись suddenly in a continuous noise, similar to the noise of the birds at the bird bazaars. And then I realized I still had инута, the other, and the crowd tear Охромова to pieces , excited only чтослучившимся приендентом. In fact, she had a legal right, because Grisha really blatantly got in the queue. And in our country queues joke do not like to nowhere, especially when everyone needs to make an urgent call.
Охромов first did not respond to perturbations of the crowd and smiling from ear to ear and immediately frowned enthusiastically chatted on the phone, taking in the booth вальяжную pose, but then I became restless погладывать the surrounding telephone booth disgruntled toурсантов. Smile altogether vanished from his face. He had tried to fight back, take over, impudence, but it did not. Just a little bit in the booth climbed hands, seeking stronger уцепить Охромыча for clothes, and get out, if it's something breaking the нахале.
Grisha hastily took leave, and would have to voluntarily leave the booth, giving unfair busy people, but it was too late провлять goodwill. At this very moment cadet-fellow, the one that killed a warrant officer, pushed aside the толпившихся crept off to Grisha, widely opened задребезжавшую glass door, and then, taking my friend for breast and picked him up and put him out of the booth. Realizing now its exclusive right to take his place, he looked out at standing around the booth of a crowd of cadets and, encountering no quarter disturbances and objections to such acquisition, climbed inside, barely fit into the booth.
The cadets were silent themselves the question "Who is next?" was resolved and wishing to challenge a decision not found. Several dozen nostrils sopeli now in уиротворении and silence. Токль it is wheezing, and even then, as a fellow gaining ноер, shuffling погнутым disk on the chassis of the machine, and was now heard.
-Go, - said Охромов, coming closer.
-Go, - I agreed. -Well, call?
-Bad. Her mother already hospitalized. The ambulance drove away. Wonder at all, as there was someone who else in the Ambulance work and other people to the hospital to carry. Yes, and she, too bad: not feeling well, having a persistent headache, stomach twists. Maybe she's in the hospital put.
-Well, and the others? The others like? Relatives of her still in town?
Cheering. Who is better, who is worse - Охромов thought about something completely abstract extraneous. His gaze wandered outside of time and space around. -Lie down with her in the hospital, " he said suddenly, after some thought.
-You can't do it: soon release.
-So what?
-And the fact that in the hospital you now nobody will put, don't you see? Yes if you now put her in hospital, so you are not easy госсы, and this means that you will need or drop off in the second year, in the fourth year, or create specifically for your экзаминации a new state, not simple, and state - understand? - Commission. Who needs it: with you bother? Yes you rather сгноят here in College than give now, during госсов, go to the hospital. You better give to die than not pass госсы, don't you understand? Can specially for you and the release of even arrange for you. Personally with you to carry all of the graduation ceremony, the orchestra there, родиители, relatives, flowers, congratulations, thy hand shake: how Grigory Охромов released. Razdaysya dirt - shit floats! Yes?
-Well, you! Easy! - brushed me Grisha. -No, so, of course, not want. You can and it's much easier without any ceremonies, without orchestras and relatives give me a diploma from the school in the office of "genes", and about the state Commission is they themselves that something simpler come up with, I will find some way out.
Anyway, this is a lot of hassle, and who needs it, say? - not that I agreed. -In this the case, you most likely in the second year of leave. You want some of this?
-I want, I want! What are you going on the same?! The record, is that it draws?! So change the time we have. I can, and I don't know what I want. I only know a cadet me to be like. An officer is much worse.
-How do you know?
-Feel. I have good intuition.
-Something I never noticed before.
This to me is not always visible. In some cases, only manifests itself.
-Well - met I have to surrender in this senseless dispute on the topic эфимерную and distant from the present day, "But our case? We are with you, they had not done anything! And what do we have? Some debts! Something must be done, in need of money, money, you know?
-Well, and what do you suggest? It's something we, in fact, просрали himself't you know skeptically grinned Охромов.
-Anything else is not просрали, " I objected. -I have an excellent plan. I very recently, just this afternoon invented. Therefore throw fool around, let's _unreleased_ to the end of what had been started.
-Well, and what is the plan? "asked Greg.
I already was going to devote Охромова in their considerations about our company but did not.
-Nix!!! - there was a loud scream behind our backs.
Chapter 16.
We turned and saw that the lane from the street, run a few cadets. In carrying machines. Perhaps it was our guard. They fled, in General, not very quickly, but don't fall behind he fled ahead of them an officer with a gun in his hand, evidently, the commander of the guard. He seemed shy of his funny animated (so it was unusual to see the rushing at full speed senior Lieutenant, who considered for humiliation at least slightly speed up the walk, and then: you better run), Wherefore look even funnier. Seeing it, I recognized him комнадира platoon from the second year.
The guards headed by the chief of the guard ran to the crowd, standing at a pay phone, which astonished at such a surprise. Остановившис and skipping forward cadets, senior Lieutenant shouted, for something raising his hand with a gun: "Estimate, surround, no one out of the circle!" He panting and couldn't отдышатся. The guards rushed to the crowd standing.
First, hearing the cry of "Nix!", and then seeing the guard I also taken aback with surprise and tried to figure out what is happening.
I could not got a hunch that all this is, probably, the beaten and the chief of the patrol. More vego, however, hit me that the guard, the same cadets, as we, the new guy's against us and most of those standing by, waiting for their turn to call home, the same самовольщики and lovers stroll to the phone behind the fence of the school, judging by their faces, were set quite strongly and it was like going to really fulfill their commander's order. Such cadets rare: Raven the Raven eye should not eat. This could not be a third year, because we knew what the guys there: they all came here on foot and not would run under any pretext or threat. This could be the course, but also not in all batteries, well, maybe with sin попалам in the first year, although there were steep, poorly managed "students". But the second was in this respect a high гнилостью", whether трусили, whether выслуживалиссь, whether so correct... Hot and there were guys свойские, but very little.
Yes Raven Raven eyes not pick out. But it seems that today this sign or rule, failed to materialise, it did not trigger...
Охромов strongly pulled my sleeve, so that I almost fell to the ground. I came to my senses. He already scampering. Not long thinking, I sprinted after him to the fence of the school. Only now I felt my heart beating wildly, and as needles beats blood in whiskey.
I quickly caught up with Grisha, and we almost simultaneously jumped the fence, in one moment latched on to him, defensive, and were перемахнули for withpасительной wall. Now we were in school, and nobody would be able to p that we were just beyond.
And the events behind the fence, apparently, unfolded cool.
A little later, the us over the fence the avalanche was knocked down, one and grapes fell cadets, some of those who stood at the phone booth. The rest are not lucky likely they already besieged, like wolves, surrounded by a chain guard.
Stay at the fence was not quite clever: I managed to get rid of the trouble, you have to make it to the end. And so we hurried back to the hostel, to the corner of which from our landing was not more than a hundred feet. In anticipation of his and prudence we are not disappointed, because, we barely had time to move away from the fence, to him this side подбежало several officers led by комендатом and a dozen patrol. Those that dragged the ensign, was not among them. The commandant and those who were with him, immediately задежали a few people, remaining at the fence, глядевших that поисходит on the street, behind the fence, in the courtyard of a five-story building, sitting astride it, and gathered already climb back, whether to help, whether because there's all over.
Seeing such a case, we Gregory hurried to hide in the doorway of his barracks.
On the evening verification we were missing a few people. It turned out that they were taken to the commandant's office, and the responsible officer went there to investigate. Only about an hour of the night he brought the detainees to the barracks, and angry, and angry that later have to leave, with a cross of suffering and resentment face came out of the barracks, even without checking before leaving, everything is in place.
In this ноь, павда, the location of the battery no one left. City subdued and extinct, meet almost all their lights, became сразукаким something uncomfortable and ужим, paralyzed and bemused yesterday's nightmare, not waiting for today our night донжуанов and adventure lovers. Now he was not up to them. There, in which gained its streets solid darkness, reigned sorrow, pain and suffering. There spouting this ноью tears of despair, and heard the cries of pain, there died of the people suffering in the terrible spasms and convulsions in overcrowded poisoned hospitals, where the lack of doctors, because many of them became жертвми catastrophe. For the city, to all those who lived in it has come now to another, not the best period of life. For a long time, nearly a week in the life could not return it to normal.
Several days passed. During this time, the passions around the catastrophe first alight, but then died down, and then completely disappeared, fell back as the water from the beach, after the rush of the waves. They swept past the walls of our school, almost without hitting this Slough, and we had to settle for Thea grains, which came to us by those who called the city of parents and friends, wives and girlfriends, who, naturally they were alive and healthy, and not lying in hospitals.
Immediately after the accident, the dismissal of the city categorically denied even those who had stayed there a father, a mother or a wife with a child. And we understand only the things that are coming to us through the reinforced concrete intake filters.
Several people of cases found among the cadets. They are carefully checked for simulation malaise, отсеив good half, and the rest put someone in our училищном infirmary, and who and in city hospitals.
There were a few people and with our senior year. Among them are misplaced and Grisha. Somehow he managed to pass all of the tests and even among the very few go to the city hospital. In General, he promised it,and he succeeded. How could he not know even I. The only thing he mnaboutth shared so it is said, "I'll lay with her one hospital, and, if lucky, and in one branch." all this again made me think about the supernatural пронырливости my friend.
Since then, he disappeared in the civilm medical institution it was no more don't hear. Yes it was and неудивитльно: students usually do not worry themselves to send news about yourself to your friends and relatives, if only there's no particular need, or not accumulated enough urgent requests. I could only guess as to what is happening Gregory and as he has fun with his chips, but it's hard to imagine how it is possible, when many people a lot of sorrow.
I have already said, it is usually cadets loved прихвстнуть his love adventures and victories over the naive hearts of the weaker sex. Often all it was great exaggerated fantasies hungry, unbridled sexual imagination, often do not have even a real soil. However, those who truly different in this, thrived in love and was incorrigible ladies ' man, somehow, against all odds, preferred to keep quiet. And, the worse and more serious were their adventures, the more difficult it was to pull out of them, the word, the more like they modest Pai-boys эдаких bells, innocent angels. They were buffet quiet and invisible on ohne daily boasting горлапанов-пустобрехов that seemed неискушенными in love великовозрастными boys-virgins. And only the closest of friends, such that, usually, not talking to the right and to the left that knew only they have been devoted in some part of their adventure, because often without their help was not needed.
The following кагорте treated and we Охромовым. Even we ourselves, though, and treated each other as best friends and, moreover, with anyone else for some reason could not come nigh, even we knew each other only what were linked inextricably: only common acquaintances girls from our small campaign for развлеений unauthorized people nor with that, or they didn't sign. That same concerned our relations стооне, nor I in his, Mr. Grisha in his special friend дрга not dedicated and occasionally, as with another familiar brewing irrevocable gap, said, told each other it as a funny story. And then I could not understand how he told me about his new girlfriend. Probably fell in love to such an extent that gone insane, and that little blow off steam emotions, shared with me their experiences.
However, it concerned not only love Affairs and ties. So it was with us and all our adventures like this, the last of which, learn about it нши commanders, our "gene", they would have his hair stood on end. We also knew each other only what we did together though and tried it, but still. 've walked same Охромов secret from me in underground house of cards, playing cards, started doubtful acquaintances. Now I was sure that it was not only the fact that I was dedicated and what not participated.
Deep down I forgive Охромову this "betrayal," because I told Grisha barely half of what I was for these four years. Yes and friendship because a relative thing, I often came to the conclusion that friendship is the only way to weak person simpler to arrange to itself a life, but also to bind itself in many obligations, and the ties that strong people, as a rule, avoid having friends or keep them very far away. ultimately, a person exists in the world all alone with your бреным body and soul, and everything else, as long as it was kept, comes and goes, remaining only in memory.
Yes, Охромов also knew very little about me.
A classic example is the case of "motorists".
Maybe then met with Grisha after a few years, I'll tell him about it than I am sure I will bring him in considerable awe.
Yes, it is true. However, my role in it was very modest and small: I only got the keys to the подельщиков, which were students of the fourth course, the address to which had to find a machine to steal it from there and bring in укзанное place: in several places in the city were явочны garages, where they found their last shelter уворованные machine. Here they are usually dismantled for spare parts and very rarely sold entirely.
In the "club of the motorists" I was several months, not knowing that the machine that I make and перегоняю, stolen. I said that the car left it there for our students, cadets, and they Bureau of kind services, can help you get back in the garage. In the end I realized that совршаю обыкновеныый car theft, and slowly slipped off from the campaign, for I don't want to be imprisoned. Besides, paid me there сщие pennies and I have, practically, the most basic and strictly наказываемую work. Of course, "pennies" it was by the standards of the share that they had делашт from such trafficking, but for cadet money they were fine, so, despite the fact that my mother did not indulge me remittances, I have not used anything to deny and even saved some money on сберкннижке it for a long time then felt my амбиии. From state-cadets received funny, purely symbolic окладики, so to say, ice cream.
In those вреена remember Охромов firmly set on my "tail". Обыно once a week I drove him to the bar with the campaign girlfriends, and particularly large holidays allowed even such a luxury as the restaurant, not to mention the fact that he went only by taxi and never бралсдачу taxi drivers, leaving it to the "tea" (the guys from taxi companies cool't love our brother for this change and rarely, rarely stopped when he "voted" man in uniform or in the form of a cadet).
Poto, when I left my "motor" of attachment, then ran aground, but Grisha появилис money, but we never talked to each other about the sources of our revenues.
However, after this automotive Scam, I have not had such истоника funds, coordinate could cover my притезания. It was the most, perhaps the largest and longest operation in which I had участовать. Almost all of the rest of the time I, shamefully was contained for the most part Grisha, and I heckled debts your fellow students. Live the same means, our offer to me a "good" state, I forgot, and this money I only wanted to one day go by taxi or drink fifty grams of cognac at the bar.
In the end, when I got tired of sitting on the tail of another, he, too, knew nothing, I decided to use quite common among cadets way of existence, about which I once told a friend with the fourth year, in those early days when I was young, green freshman year of College.
This method was that it was necessary to find some of the divorced or widow woman, нуждавшуюся in the men's presence, care and caress, and играт with her in Roanne until it ends at once will not bother. The main thing from the start date her understand that she should not build any far-reaching plans that, in the end, she will be alone again, may you enjoy the present and looks into the future.
The man that told me this himself lived a large part of study such спообом and уверл me, that does not regret about such method сществования that the majority lives and have never refused to do this. Then I listened to it with conviction, though not told him about it, but then my opinions have changed significantly, and when I felt extremely tight to live, that destiny itself pushed me into the arms of such an adventure, which strongly smell корыстю and which weighed no less than begging.
I must say that no matter how cynical was like,let's say, a love, but most of the women-singles willingly went to this непродолжителный Union. Who knows why. Some of them, those who are not accustomed to a constancy of their attachments, and organized such relations. But there were those that somewhere in the depths of the soul kept their little hope that maybe the young man gets used to get attached to them and will remain a little longer than promised, don't go out of their life so once and forever that it melts the heart of female affection, and, if not remain, it will at least occasionally, to drive, fly somewhere in the wilds of his lonely military life. Chances were equal to zero, because, as the evil they were too well-educated males, really scare off young people excessive their loving, reminiscent скоере maternal care, not the behavior of a woman, for which we must fight, further emphasized the difference in age, made her a huge and terrible as cleft of the abyss, on the other side of which is dangerous, and not a loan, in General, the jump...
Since that time, as happened in that conversation, much water has flowed under the bridge, I already was and forgot напроь about it, and even the facts of life ослуживцев, sometimes seeping up to my ears - and such ties, as I said, not advertised - 't remind me of him.
Visiting occasionally restaurants, I learned to distinguish between women who came there, completely alone and not waiting for anybody at the meeting. They, no matter how they are dressed, and to nor have stood them on the table, was a sad, wandering through the hall opinion, sometimes delaying appraisingly men. But they cannot be confused with prostitutes, too шарившими глазаи the hall. First did it secretly, immediately отварачивясь, frightened, turning pale and blushing, as soon as noticed that the object of their attention as suddenly looked at them. Протитутки, on the contrary, continued to blatantly stare and behaved quite defiant.
And once, when we walked for Grishkin restaurant bill on a holiday, I noticed that one such person, the whole evening sitting all alone staring at me furtively, and when I send in her direction counter-look here very quickly and, at the same time, somehow keeping her eyes to the side, only slightly, as if looking somewhere behind my back, or just dipping their little lower to the floor, as if being in meditation.
To say that the appearance she was very pretty, and not the times that night tried to get hooked men, but every time she asked them to leave her alone, and for some reason they выполнли her request, although we usually taken such requests as a single woman to be rude and ignore.
Something told me that if I try to go for her стлик, it is not indignant, but, on the contrary, even overjoyed. Don't know what led me to this step, but I got up from the table where he was sitting in the campaign Охромова and our girlfriends, apologized, saying that he saw a friend and I want to talk to her according to some business matters, and walked over to her table.
Woman, and she was a woman, beautiful, some thirty years before that furtively watched my actions as soon as I got up immediately lowered her eyes to theinоему table as if she watched me at all. She never lifted them, when I went over and sat напотив her in a deep armchair with vysochennoy back, if no one appeared at her table. It was as if I was an elf ethereal, which is difficult, if not impossible, to notice.
So we sat for some time. She looked in front of him on devices serving as if peering at filed her dish and poured into a glass of liquor before it all to eat and drink, but her hands were under the table, and she obviously was not going. And I kept looking at her and thinking to himself confusedly, why do I, a fool at all here hooked.
Scene of silence clearly was tightened and became awkward. I have already cursed himself and was as puzzled by our friends, and the Охромыч about such "business talk". They all believed in me. In essence, however, it is so to me was a business deal. I complain to полуение pension for the use of his love for services, I was selling his youth, his charm, his attractive, beautiful even the appearance of those who are interested and could, in my opinion, for it all to pay.
Yes, the customer was pretty darn good! I understood it only when she finally dared to raise his cute face and eyes and show me their bottomless cherry berries. Then I was confounded and he realized that "liked" in her ears. From afar she was not as beautiful as near. Maybe that's why its so unquestioningly obey men. Her beauty was worthy of the царственности. Men are afraid subconsciously such women, the feeling behind them some kind of demon power, that is better not mess with. Few dare to grasp such a dazzling production and the majority disappear, die in her enchantments arranged like the nets or traps. Those who manage to escape from these snares, carry the rest of his life heavy stone of destiny. It's a fatal beauty, and only abnormal and suicide are able to rush to it like moths to the light. I saw her through the darkness, twilight of the hall, but when seen near, I realized that he was in the maelstrom that would swallow me forever.
Yes, it is the proximity of death, I feel that ммент, when the woman looked up at me with her cherry eye, together with an attack of admiration and surprise, though not thinking about death. I felt the cold breath of the oblique old woman with a headscarf on the skull, остудившее me back from the darkness of eternity. She has not prevented even thick back of my chair. And they looked at me doublet, one thoughtfully, in my face, and the second triumphantly, in my back.
Maelstrom that spun me, bore whirlpool, and I long to dwell in his rough waters before heading to the bottom. I felt as together with очаровнием it breathes herself death, felt but couldn't understand why. More than a half of year nрожил I in a feverish delirium her cherry eye, and although they got the wealth of money and развлеениях, about which so much has dreamed. But could not escape from its shackles of the web of her charms, her раскаляющих me like a fire iron, hot, hugs, from her sucking my juices womb and пющих my blood mouth. I like a lunatic, he remembered nothing, cut it, though привороженный, at every hour of day and night wanted her body, devil's delight, and my flesh was constantly fighting, as the heroes of legends so I couldn't even together with their friends to go wash in the bath, because they would then засмеяли me to death.
More полугола continued this voluptuous hell. I did not remember and will ne nothing nor one spoke and talked nobody wrote letters, not read, and even thought of nothing but her. And it was hard, malleable and sweet. It was hell, which поглощад me more and more. Neither teachers, neither commanders nor my friends could not understand that with me поисходит. I заупстил study until the very last degree, it was always thoughtful and not talk could quit school and go to her at any vreya days, and, as if the devil was guarding me, because it every time left me with hands, and I didn't remember quite how she was in bed, he came back to the уилище, where she lived and how I ever found and defined the road to her house. The stray campaign, which came across my path, always evaded me party and not touch even when I climbed through them ahead, as if testing the fate. Everything was like a dream and I had no mo disassemble, where reality and what I dream. Brad перепутался with life, den with the night, life is soo death, all entwined for me in a ball, and I didn't even know what I want, think about it and led a life worthy of somnambulists.
Yes I was so himself Walker. Six months after that meeting in the restaurant after that fateful evening, I was like a squeezed lemon, my cheeks flowed feverish glow, the skin was thin and transparent, some kind of a devil power forced to move my sound body, and his eyes were bright glow of the flame приесподней, and when I look in the mirror, I saw in them, bottomless, black eyes reflection of my maid, who seemed to be bought not only my body, youth, beauty, and record my soul.
On this fateful connection! It was exactly messenger of Satan, she was fascinating, привораживающим the devil incarnate. I чувствлвл, embracing her, that it's flowing ethereal flame, giving and taking away the heat from my body. "Maybe Death itself has opened to me in his arms?" I thought in a rare moment of enlightenment of the mind, but all my ideas very quickly ended, barely again faced a voice of lust.
I lived six months not удитвляясь the fact that my raft is in an abnormal state constantly взвинченная. I вякий time under any pretext avoided мытьс in the bath, fearing that my friends will laugh at my great rebellious member. And it would be....
So for my happiness happened.
Don't remember why, or case, and perhaps Providence, спасшее me from the shackles of hell, but I failed once avoid a visit to the sauna.
For a long time I hesitated in the locker room, while the comrades seem a bit odd to me. Then I had to undress, and they immediately started me to mock.
-Посотрите, look at him fuck worth it! "I heard you, like a dream, if indeed in a dream, I exclamations. "Hey, guys! Yakovlev blue! Yakovlev гомосек, he bolt in bath gets up! Yakovlev, are you secretly men in the city in задниу пердолишь?! Ha-ha-ha!!! See what his healthy member! And it stands and falls, tetanus attacked! Ha-ha-ha!!!
Suddenly I was incredibly ashamed for your fool, so ashamed, Kaak we've never had in life. I was ashamed and that's naked, and I таакой big, huge, nasty неизвстно what about the member, and that all my friends look at me and laugh at me. Bullet I jumped out of the bath and started running, naked, with a protruding member through the entire school. Running, shame, and I can't stop it. I feel that overcomes me a great, overwhelming shame, but together withthe and joy some shines through the purification of the soul from the darkness of fatal of charms.
More I am the woman, never seen, and soon, surprisingly quickly, everyone has forgotten that incident and those nightmares six months, when were happening to me devils forgotten even faster than me. I was very pleased that all ended. And then because 't try I then such a shame, burn for me are probably already in hell. A little bit me then live on earth remained! Feel grouping the fatal passion me in the grave. Who me she probably decided to take into submission. Thank you for such a shame happened.
Росле that experience, I gave a vow: divorced, and even more so with вдовыми women not mess for any price. There is in them something of a curse. So, scary them live. Scary. This I also said. That widow. Little would have been a widow for the second time. Gave me no good nor her money, no entertainment, it received. Worse bitter radish seemed to me. And then how I don't distress you, as not needed in currencies, but is already thinking about dared not - terribly - about this method of their production.
Grisha охромов knew nothing about my connection. No one in school and throughout all the earth, probably, not know about it. To was genuine link with the underworld, and for foreign mortals it is always invisible. He just told me then, when it all ended with: "you Know, you're strangely behaving lately! Campaigns with me e appear, maids all I already распросами about you beat that I reference Bureau. Let, don, наверствывай up for lost time!" And over these six months he came close to me, never.
Now he is caught up in the passion. To me this was unusual, but what is most interesting is the fact that something pricked in my soul when I learned that he wants because of his feelings to make the madness in hospital in the midst of the final exams, especially government. A normal person to do so would not SOG. Love - love, but why so complicate your life? Something evil seemed to me in Grishina passion, in his enthusiasm, переплеснувшейся over the edge of common sense. A worm alarm and hazard stirred in me, however, fell silent.
Охромов if in the depths of the sea disappeared somewhere in the chambers of city hospital, disappeared in the chaos created by the disaster, and time, that he chose for his love Hobbies, was not very, if not to say very, not suitable. Also very strange.
And his deeds in promoting relations were n so bad as you might guess.
Few days passed, and it was don't hear. As if he had fallen through the earth. Of course, what the hell he will remember me when he is all right.
"A friend in trouble!" - they say, but, alas, and reminisce about friends forhастую, when caseshis a trouble.
Chapter 17.
A few days idleness order fed up with. And not only because banned all sorts of dismissal and going into the city, but also because, every day I become more and more force , almost physically felt the anguish of their arrears, overdue debts. I felt views their creditors, their душащее was silence, and it became impossible away all endure. But to do all I could, until AboutKhromov прохлаждался in больние and amused himself there with his girlfriend.
"How can you, симулянт cursed, making love in the ббольнице, full of sorrow and dying people, full of suffering and pain?!" - indignantly I was thinking about a friend and my thoughts became more violent, what this asshole completely forgot and thinking about it, in which me and pulled and gave me hope of success, I could not leave.
Not only the fear of not paying debts - it goes without saying, but the notoriety of unethical, dishonest, a threat which has hung over me clearly, forced me feverishly, stress seek a way out of the situation. Now lenders have already wasn't tired, as before, but their мрчные , unfriendly glances. And then simply appeal to me, as to an empty place, were многозначительнее, louder and heavier than any words. Nowhere, in any other area of my relationships with people I have not had such an acute sense of dignity, honor, in relation to its own debts. I was ready to sink into the earth, burn with shame when passing by me in a hostile silence like the people I owed money. Can a lifeь my friend Охромову it was and still, but for me it was just unbearable. Yes, and well he was lying there in the hospital, when you throw me suspicious glances and called for the eyes, as they wanted.
Yes, whatever you say, and the thing that I suggested Охромов, needs to be brought to the end, especially because it took a new turn after arising from me the idea that I told Grisha, and he recognized the large share of legitimate in my new proposal, but noted the increased risk of a new enterprise. We agreed that, as soon as he "recover" and return from the hospital, and if possible before, we'll deal with the matter without delay.
Took place already a whole week but from Охромова was neither ears, nor spirit. Whether he wanted to or not exhaust find ways to tell me about yourself, send at least a short message about how to go he's doing. I also could not reach him, because, first, did not know which hospital he lies, but, secondly, even if knew, I could not escape from the school, потоу that all the cadets have established such tight control that for the fence of the school and the nose was impossible to stick, not thatwould somewhere to go. At night now in every barracks remained responsible офитцер, evil, as the dog, left by the master of the bad weather on the street guard house, from what he could not break from the service even at night. Every two hours he walked from room to room and counted cadets, touching each leg, to ensure that under a blanket is not overcoat or something another substitute, but a living person. To top it all broke down all phones not only the three who were in school, but in all the adjacent district. Their specially cut off, whether completely доканали cadets its неласковым treatment but that they did not work, completely cut off school from the outside world, and no one could сказат that the same is happening for its concrete fences. All the inputs and outputs of the school were blocked triple reinforced patrols, which were appointed by the soldiers of the division, but there's more to the officers and warrant officers than the poor souls.
I heard that a few desperate brave men, mostly local, tried to break into the city through the cordon, but all their attempts failed, and they without exception, all were on indefinitely brig school. The fourth course surprisingly dealt prudently, and among самовольщиков anyone caught was not. The fourth course like ceased risk: the nose was already edition left a few days, and none of the graduates did not want trouble.
Officers these days were never silent, and not less рачны, if they all have the time had some great misfortune. And even especially close to them could not вытнуть no one a word about what was going on in town, on каакие would tricks not started up.
One would think that everything that happens once свзано since the past tragedy, but how? There was no answer.
IUwaiting for the, in desperation, I decided to break in the city and visit больниу, in which, as expected, is Охромов. I long opted for the moment, until at last my patience came limit. And then, saying to myself: "If the mountain will not come to Magomed, then Muhammad will go to the mountain!" threw myself into the breach.
I did this deliberately in the middle of the day. Night excluded brand: control by officers was so hard, htabout no chance did not help me at night. From daylight to a single window, in which you can get by there was lunch time. No matter how strictly controlled us, our officers but they had their human weaknesses, and, relying on some other, наальники patrols команиров, and those on patrols, all SAI without knowing it, happily went home for lunch. They, too, wanted to be with their wives and children, and cursed service, especially now, not leave another time.
I thought it was that, if I don't нарвусь of an abnormal head of the patrol and I'm lucky in a way, especially when leaving and returning to school, then in store for me is half free hours: lunch officers were leaving in an hour, and returned to the three. During this time, it was possible to pass to the farthest end of the city and to go back, if not to be detained anywhere, even on the trolley or bus. Me the same, if Охромов it was in that hospital, in which assumed I had to get much closer.
Problem, that directly interfere with the implementation of planned, was that I had to agree with his squad, and that with замкомвзводом. We had to assure them, make them believe that I can make it invisible, and if "heal", that'll take all the blame on yourself.
My squad was a guy хитроватый and savvy. He never took responsibility for such cases, and always consulted on such matters, solving issues with замкомвзводом. The same, the person himself the simple and open, but defends its simplicity mock severity and excessive severity, usually was against this, but, if agreed, he warned that he hasn will not let go, and if someone is caught, then let him take it all on himself and otherwise, were implicated someone it, he never let go. Su understood this well, and tried not to let them down.
Уламывать this time had to "lock" the very long. Very much afraid that I get caught somewhere, especially in such, as he felt неблагопричяятное for such cases the time. He finally agreed, but warned that if I would not be at three o'clock, he will report about my absence комнадиру platoon, and to then I пенял himself. In between times he remembered me two times within just recently I fell in unauthorized absence, and that I was going to go AWOL with a noble purpose: to visit a friend softened his decision. And he would not let me go any.
Despite or even because I was самовольщик with experience, almost anyone else, I know it is hard, in this case you just won't let go, and all the fellow platoon me and took me to the door of the class angry, frustrated views. I often many of them left here now, in broad daylight in the city, only just left school a platoon leader, and because I, unlike night adventures, where all were equal before fate and luck, in the day of my unauthorised absences trusted more than many of the other. Some people, this may have been a shame on me for a long time many had a big tooth, which threatened to get out once I sideways. I enjoyed this privilege, because never got a day to anybody in the city or near school and was late for уговоренному time, it found credible and cunning увертку, in which no one except me, as it turned out, was not involved. Not once seen my Junior commanders that I try not to involve in such происшесствия their person. I boldly took the blame on himself, and all of the anger came down only on my head. But леге't stand it, what you never let go.
So it was agreed, in the afternoon I had to go in town to visit Охромова, and did it. I left, when the time was hour of the day after midday - it was the most favorable time to avoid patrols: heads of patrols by that time, gathered for a report to the commandant's office, went from town to the school, where the Central checkpoint was commandant's office. I was going to town, in the opposite direction, so вероятност meet with someone from them in a trolley was equal almost to zero, and from the stop near the school escape for me was quite simple, as for any cadet, more or less knowledgeable surroundings.
By three o'clock, when I returned, as usual, in school, patrols dispersed men to meet in a town with only a dangerous place when you return, as and when leaving, however, was прилегающе to school space, where it increased the probability of encounters with the local patrol or someone hurrying after lunch on the service of officers.
Yes, I вспомил trolleybus. Funny to say, but to release from the College I дожился before, that he could not afford the luxury of болльшей than public transport, which, thank God, the cadets went free. How hard it was to admit, I was a bankrupt.
I successfully passed the zone of cordon, entirely обложенную around the school, in which I have been known holes.
Before the five minutes it took me to bypass the long corridors of the chair on which he was engaged in our platoon, go down, cross the territory of the College, the shortest way to the fence, премахнуть it, making sure that I hadn't been waiting for, and then, looking around, went to a stop.
Within minutes I was driving to the city center.
The driver announced that the trolley bus only goes to the city centre and Central market. I do not like as go I must have been quite different direction. I поинтереовался him what was the reason, but he only looked in my direction as in some special way, gloatingly, I показалос, and silently closed the door to his cubicle. In essence, me, his behavior is not surprised, because the military in the city always treated contemptuously, if увствовали, the superiority are not on their side. But as a man I felt sorry that I had to treat: I personally do harm to this driver did not.
It was annoying, because transplant had to spend a minimum of ten, and пятнадцат minutes. This was very much if we proceed from the time that I had.
Already at the entrance to the city centre I noticed ahead on a course of movement the multitudes, запрудившую all Central pedestrian street. That happened there are perfectly visible through the windshield of the trolleybus. The driver stared again at me, somehow evil grin. When we drove up close and stood at the intersection on a red light, it became clear that its a huge procession going across the street, стекаясь from all sides, towards обкому party. Over its головаи in several places could be clearly distinguished scarlet spots coffins.
This spectacle is alarmed me interested at the same time. Like to see what's happening on the square in front of the building of the regional Committee, прозваном people in the Pentagon, to whirl in this populous crowd, listen to what they say, what people want. I guessed that all this has something to do with the recent catastrophe, and, more precisely, with the victims of the tragedy, and this interest of mine is even worse. Immediately I regretted that I military form, not гражджанка, because the inhabitants of the city and without TRG couldn't stand the military, considering we parasites, обжирающими country and the local population, in particular. And now, therefore, in an excited crowd could happen incident more serious than just swearing and insults in my address. Mad with grief people wouldn't understand what I albeit in the form, but the same people as they are, and I'm wondering the same problem as them.
While I hesitated between the desire to see what was happening, ограниченносью вреени, the need to meet Охромовым and prudence, striking, from place to stay away, trolleybus, turned left and went around the curve, уходщей cool visas street leading to the square near the Bazaar.
Запруженные people of streets disappeared from sight, and my feelings, awakened by the unusual sight, calmer, quieted down. Prudence prevailed and I decided not to deviate from the planned my route.
The road had to spend unforgivable a lot of time, and the conversation with Grisha I remained for about ten minutes from the force, otherwise I would not have managed to get back in school.
In the city there was something unimaginable. All shaft went to the Central square, transport went extremely bad, and I had serious concerns: would I come back.
I must say that in the hospital I was allowed with great reluctance, Yes and it's probably only because I introduced myself sent here the commander of the battery to test the cadets to the place of treatment.
Me forced to wear a white Bathrobe, begrimed, however, to such an extent as if it worked stokers, and explained that without the robe to go to the Department of it.
Asking first got the nurse, in a ward is the cadet, Охромов, I was delighted that he was really here, and I don't have to go somewhere else, in another hospital. I walked in the indicated chamber, but Grisha is not proved. Roommates, several men from thirty to forty years, and two-three younger - playing dominoes on shifted to the nightstand metal beds - something inaudible and unfriendly answered repeated me several times question not paying at first no attention to me. I little understood and бурчания, but ask hesitated, seeing that my friend here is not at a premium. One thing was clear that Охромов somewhere walks. Maybe he had his подржки, and, perhaps, rushed into the city. In any case do here was nothing I couldn't wait, pотому then every minute was to Seth, to seek, too, so Kaa knew neither the name nor the name of its girls, nor where she lies, nor her street address, no phone.
Asking where it to forge, I pulled from rolling on it newspaper piece of paper and left in his nightstand a note to knew that I was with him, and once contacted me. After that I went out of the CTDetion, gave Bathrobe duty nurse, and said goodbyetремглав rushed to троллейбtheсной stop. But hurry my proved futile, kato in the next half an hour or one of the trolley-bus, next to the city centre, was not. At the stop has already accumulated about fifty people, but urban transport like ceased to exist.
Angry, beseeching God, clenching his fists of fury angered to a level close to hysteria, I looked at my watch and saw the arrow with fantastic speed, jumping by the minute, as if on the steps, отскакали five, ten, twenty, thirty minutes. I felt like hope leaves me with each оттикавшей second, imagine what trouble waiting for was now, when I get back.
Finally, in the distance seemed trolleybus. I обрадовлся, but radostь this was with a large admixture of heart troubles. All the swear words and expressions, which only came to my mind, sent to the address barely позущей machine and its good for nothing the driver.
People at the bus stop revived, столпилис, clung to the roadway. The crowd crawling to the edge of the pavement. Rear, trying to squeeze forward, поднажали on впередистоящих, and the first under this pressure were on the pavement. He heard their disgruntled voices, but the crowd, no matter what continued and continued sliding off the curb, like milk poured from the edge of the table to the floor.
All this continued until pokand to stop gritting overloaded springs, rolling, swaying from side to side like a ship on the waves, wheezing гудя electric motor, not подрулил crowded bus. The people in it was so much that folding like an accordion doors cannot be revealed themselves, without the help of a few men of the number of waiting, схватившихся for sash with such a frenzy, as if they were ready to tear to shreds all lining horned колымаги. From discovered, finally, with a terrible shriek and creaking doors out, fell immediately few people. They began to quarrel, отряхивать, look around your clothes, bags and briefcases, badly injured in a stampede, but standing on the bus stop is immediately swept them away, not letting herself, with insults and shouts rushing to раскрывшимся door, pushing each other's elbows, trying to be the first to take the tiny piece of free space at the entrance to the first steps, under a bunch of overhanging the people all the forces trying to keep each other from falling out of the salon bursting шевелящейся inside, breathable, hustle squeezed. Packed in an iron box, like a sprat in the Bank sauce, пышащей жаом, потеющей and тушащейся in own juice human mass. They eagerly swallowing the air from the street getting oxygen to the next stop.
I imagined what is happening there, inside, in the heart of the city. Maybe someone already choked stale air, squeezed, choked on all sides. It would be a terrible, silly, silly, improbable, but as real as our whole life is death.
In memory I came case, then remembered forever. At that time I myself was in that wild position, which truly can say laughter, tears, ьрагикоедия, simple life and equally banal death. However, I survived.
It happened once, in College, at the entrance to the dining room. I was then in the first year.
Our battery and still несколькодругих units were last supper. And at this time to meet us, dining beginning to come battery fourth year. Passage to the dining room, поещение old, God knows when built, was a small waiting room thoroughly комнатенку six meters long and three wide. At observance of prudence, if all moved in detonation colliding streams, or would first we missed them, or they have nothing terrible happened, everything would be quiet and peaceful. But life without adventure is not sweet, and, whether of pampering, whether from желаия show their ambition spontaneously emerged on both sides, in the very doors at the entrance, where was opened one leaf, старшекрсники pushed beyond, disagreements with them, who also was the first one to go. In the course at this went proven methods: hitting the caps from the heads of the enemy and зашвыривание their opposite to the movement of their masses, тыки with fists and elbows, just словсная swearing and нахрап. Our movement has slowed, and then stopped. The head of the column stood up and even rolled back, but the tail habit напирал, sensing an opportunity to frolic.
If the head beyond confusion arose, and rear kept on walking as if nothing had happened, but because and подналегли on the front, then the incoming fourth year immediately зачесались fists, and they are even more friendly pushed forward, hearing the cries of indignation their going ahead. In the middle of our column also emerged pugnacious mood, moreover, that the call was made boorish behaviour seniors - there was a pretext for a showdown, and the palm is not challenged ( in school was established tradition of respect for the younger cadets of senior courses, and the first course to be able to peacefully and amicably drive barrel even graduates). Each party wanted to take now prevail in this struggle.
Worst of all I had to those who are in the middle, in the middle of this bloody battle. They serve now as a passive mass, buffer, which both sides extruded from both sides, trying to break the resistance. If the rear much as they could fit with the cackle and passion to put pressure on the front, put his неалую silushku, ahead of this enthusiasm appeared only in the short time, until both sides of the middle not сдавили exactly a huge pressure. Then it was replaced by panic knowing that at any moment they can be crushed, and in the epicenter was already joking aside: there was a struggle for survival. These living Vice with a furious effort tried to crush, crush the middle, where the equally disastrous situation and their own, and others.
After a few moments, there was not the first and fourth year, is not shared out hikes and turn. Were the executioners themselves do not know and do not wish to know what they are doing, drugged дурманом contractions, and sacrifice themselves though, found themselves hostages of the stupidity and madness of the crowd. From the edges of the formed heap-small could hear the cries of animal ecstasy, вырывавшиеся from a dozen breath together with бешеннымнапором forces embedded in the back впередистоящих, and from the epicenter of the hustle, drowned by the roar sounded weak appeals to his own (for enemies cry was generally useless) stop the stampede to give in mind and see that business has already taken far not a joking turnover.
The middle is not remain anything else how only turn off from the hustle and fight for its existence.
Its trouble I was in the heart of this hustle. In my memory until now was Ivo that panic feeling of utter terror, which arose in me then. Sandwiched muffled from all sides, I was not able to inhale breastfeeding and not know what to do. Completely panicked I started to explain to shout others, Thu they are about to crush and strangle me permanently, but they themselves were not in the best state. And near the end I even wept, wept remnants of the air, another former in my lungs, and finally brought a moment of breathlessness. Trapped near nothing could help me. They felt the hell of the force is kind of funny, but at the same time the mad battle on their skin. But strive against those who подолжал come back, not for the first course, and not the fourth, and just individual groups and just cadets wishing to enter and exit, and meet in their way such obstacle.
Pandemonium at the entrance grew with each passing minute, and already there was a sea of heads, that filled themselves, like the flow of water, the whole предбанничек and surrounding corridors.
I cant understand how I am still alive: breathing was simply impossible. Only then I understood how helpless and defenseless people, how weak he is in his body. Here I saw all the reality of that which is usually людине believe and what not remember until the very last day: действительноть, and the certainty of not someone's and his death.
Yes, every person in the abstract, the abstract пониамет that ever die, but the concept it seems to him so эфимерным, and the event itself - matter of such a distant future that he and not think about it as it should, but otherwise he probably realizing that all his worldly ambition and passion just a whim of the eternity and nothingness, a moment, a flash in the bottomless time, lived as something different.
At some point, is probably the most critical, in me the panic and confusion changed suddenly a terrible thirst for life. I said to myself, or someone said to me, whether the inner voice of the flesh-live apart from our consciousness, it несомого, whether the Providence of Fate and of the sky, if you believe that this happens. I had a wild, unbridled desire to get out, get out upstairs, "float" above the surrounding me a sea of heads. My eyes clung to the web, трепыхавшуюся rags, aggravated by dust, under the ceiling предбанничка, if so you could get out of this absorbing me mass. I wanted to become a fly, because she is able to walk on walls and upside down, and because flies never force so бетолково each other. Breathe still it was impossible, but I wanted to breathe freely. But I почуть little gaining air into the lungs, to the extent allowed around me and pressing in from all sides live vise.
My attempts to rise above the others were in vain. All around I climbed up, ытаясь steal the neighbors, so I could be at any time under the feet of others. Everyone tried to escape from the viscous embrace the crowd, одуревшей from this accidental fun. Those covered iron hoops death, they were not to their liking.
Crush continued with furious force. it's hard for me was to understand increases if her head or decreases, I looked more like a удушенного chicken, which then nothing, and would have died, if not powerful instincts of the body, which gave him the wise nature. They were stronger than my spirit and forced to fight for life, when he had already surrendered, leaving my body to his fate. They led the salvation of the body. On their team, I instinctively placed his hands in the castle, his elbows and or pushing, as you could neighbors in misfortune, did not give squeeze yourself chest. Perhaps I increased the bee, but the case concerned спавения own life, and the instinct of self-preservation't allow me to think about anyone but himself. Thus I managed to get a living space needed for breathing, and finally sighed full breast, as if wanted to dial the air in the lungs, and the huge canvas bag, - such a greedy I did.
However, after a few minutes my hands are tired of toil, is powerless расцепились, and the abyss again bubbled around me, but luckily, soon those who wanted to leave, were the majority, broke the resistance of the aspirants go, whose ranks are significantly поубавились, constipation burst and pulled into the street under enormous pressure inside the building.
At that time, the cost, but endured the minutes of the horror experienced in the stampede, remained alive and fresh in my memory until now. So I quite clearly could imagine what is now inside the metal box horned boost cart - urban gratuitous cab-ьрудяги, пользующего their services to the urban poor.
Meanwhile, the crowd at the stop continued furiously to break into the bus, and standing on the side of this business, not without curiosity and interest in watching the happening, I once cursed himself for indecision and несмелость, that together with all now I haven't forward the remaining tiny piece of space at the door, who could not accommodate посотни people, not толкаюсь together with other elbows, IR is not отпихиваю and not сдергиваю the footboard to make room for itself. I tried to get myself to jump into the crowd and could not, and cursed himself again last words. And I had to climb up to me, the region had to hurry, I already great late.
Were fighting inside of me common sense, logic and the fear of the new failure. Most of all I didn't want to look optional, unserious person in the eyes of their товрищей, his замкомвзвода and the commander of the Department. And if I was late today, you probably силььно would fell in their eyes, and I would definitely be in the next time will not be released.
On that I could now hope for? Only at the indulgence and complacency Mr. Case,which has not once deigned to мневыкручиваться of these situations.
Door trolley натруженно roared, trying to close down. So the owner suitcases other times when he wants to put in it too much вещй tormented then, putting incredible efforts and attempts to close.
The pegs trolleybus several people were clearly unnecessary barriers slamming the door but no one, protruding, he would not admit it even to himself, and trolley stood at the bus stop until, finally, they somehow, not a bit inside and disappeared behind the doors, the doors.
When trolleybus moved from a bus stop then I saw him with great regret. Now my lack of bthedet it is noticed for sure. We were not in a hurry, but I was not discouraged.
The people at the bus stop there is more than enough, so I had no doubt that not only the second, but the third троллейбс, if they come, I couldn't.
Two men standing next to me, suddenly went to the roadway, and I saw why: they were going to catch a sweeping way away along the Avenue taxi.
No time to think, as it should be. What I do, I grabbed the last of them, that was closer to me by the shoulder and pulled her, telling him straight in the face: "Take me with you, please. I have no money and I really want to get in school, otherwise I expect big trouble!"
I tried to give my voice to sound more convincing tone, but at the same time not seem pathetic, though, I think that I better just happened. My interlocutor first completely unable to understand what I want from him get, and could not come to himself in surprise, and the rudeness with which I addressed him. Then restrains herself, somehow skeptical looked me up and down, but nothing is said, and made such elusive, Poti ambiguous gesture, that I will, however, almost intuitively guessed that he had no objection, however, makes unpleasant leniency.
At this time, his friend already negotiated with the driver, and when we got in the beauty of "Moskvich", asked:
- "Who's this?
-A familiar, " answered my спаситтель, and we rushed to the center of the city.
They were going somewhere in a different direction, but because dropped me off there, and rushed on.
On his luck here too I was this time't stay long because some deranged, like me, also returned to school. He was in a wheelbarrow and could pass by without stopping, but asked the driver to slow down, seeing me for which I was very grateful to him. Well, when someone understands you and included in your position.
-See how nix city? "he asked.
"Yeah, " I answered. -And what?
"I don't know. Parents in the hospital, and her aunt anywhere from home nose is not vanities, " he answered me, and then we drove in silence, everyone was busy with his own thoughts.
In school I too late after all, and when entered the barracks, already пиготовился to the new взбучке, tuned in to all the bad and unpleasant.
Chapter 18.
In the dormitory onour course there was a strange pandemonium the more unexpected because in this time everything should already be in your classes on the exam classes.
All ran past me, as угарелые, pushing, and the fact that I was late, nobody paid no attention. Nobody noticed, probably, that I was not in place.
From the heart I immediately felt and eased my mind, although, obviously, something happened out of the ordinary. And once everything is running such a serious and concerned, it means that happened some big trouble, only you could not see what.
I just stood there a few minutes on the threshold, watching творящийся in the barracks of a stir.
Passing me by was anxious platoon commander, not even stopping and anything without asking. Behind him rushed замкомвзвод, also not paying any attention to me. Then I met the commander of branch, who threw me on the go: "What are you waiting for?! Get ready!" - ran away.
I never realized what I need to meet and where, and, most importantly, why. And it was unclear which such a case it may happen that everyone would forget about me and will run past, though, as it seemed to me, not my commanders other such things, which can be more important than the proceedings with me about my violations.
In the middle of the corridor with the light several light bulbs, stood the figure of a battalion commander, who was watching мечущимися around him cadets and occasionally was giving orders, someone drove, someone одергивал, someone shouted.
Надтреснуто rang, разоряясь, call on the door the Armoury chamber the case is ran and ran out of her analyzing the cartridge pouches and shops for machines, the cadets.
I stood and could not understand what I do. The only thought that was now in my head, it's a relief about the fact that everything was OK. However, the long remain on the threshold of the entrance to the barracks, when the terms of цаит bustle and hustle, would mean that in the end, on your strange behavior will pay attention, then perhaps it'll be sorry:
Too I stood on the background of their running as угарелые, comrades. Unnecessary and harmful matters, which could then последовть, I was not satisfied at all, so, finally, I also came to the movement, jumped into the Armory, grabbed from the pyramid of the machine, a bayonet, filled pouch that expands, oiler, gathered them all up in a bunch, in his arms, smelling the grease gun, choking hands metal, and ran in my room to put on it all, gather and equipped.
A little late, I stood in line, making his way back the wall and втиснувшись between other. Nobody paid attention to it, since four years is a violation of discipline, adhering to men, as polyps and набившее already tired of my commanders, order they were tired, and they do not wish for this to communicate with me.
-Dress! Attention! - sounded team duty battery. -Follow the CE-re-Dinah!
On duty reported to the first platoon commander and the battalion commander of the battery is built as if it were one, and not all офиеры together for another three minutes ago ran on конатам and expelled from them cadets. But so much was and will be, apparently, our army order of behavior.
-Lines-in! - shouted the commander, hardly they informed him. -To the output of the Sha-d March! Built at the bottom of the column three.
Battery застучала boots on the staircase, going down. In mine the entrance to the shouting voice, the smell of tobacco smoke. On the way down I tried to find out what such happened, that we are raised under the gun, but nobody plain could say, and the reason of our required for alarm and left me a mystery.
Officers little late at the top, but for this time the cadets had time to walk around the entire parade ground in front of the building of the hostel. Went to обсаженному bushes палисаднику, прилегли even on the lawn, they fenced, discussing some of his works, chatting on all sorts of теы, травя stories and jokes and telling all sorts of nonsense. In the air above us together swirled clouds of tobacco smoke, gray clouds подымавшегося a five-meter and рассеивающиеся there air flows.
From the second entrance "hostel" выходдили two batteries of our course, too loaded down, loaded weapon. In a few minutes, all the space in front of the building was filled with a crowd Thueрокурсников khaki, бесхорменной and chaotic, but after a minute, as soon as came out one by one взводные and комбаты and there were teams: "Eighth battery... Ninth battery... Tenth battery... in line взводных columns get in line!", - all this seeming неправляемой and беформенной mass began to move, and after a while our entire the division was already in the one fight, and my commander law and the commander of the first account of batteries reported released after all from the entrance, a commander of the division:
-Comrade Colonel! Division on your orders built. Persons illegally missing, no! Commander eighth battery, senior Lieutenant Лshoemakerн.
-Well, - said instead of a command "at ease!" he's not even listening habit a little the end of the report. Rubbing his hands and looking at somewhere to the side, if something рассматривя there he suddenly as was his wont, quickly threw the opinion of their black, with a small косинкой, what happens to all the black-eyed, and is especially visible in the photographs for documents eye and said:
"Hey, guys! - so he began to speak to us at the end of the third course, save the serious irony, not allowing a single фамилярности. Familiarity with the systems allow and loved but God forbid was someone to hear from him eye to eye references in his lips it sounded exactly "You fool!" or something like that. "Hey, guys! 'he repeated already quieter and again rubbed his habit, like умывая, hand in hand. Then he paused, revealing so, as if I had forgotten how to speak to mouth it was a habit in the manner of treatment to ranks and, again circling своимислегка косоватыми eyes operation: whether he is listening, " said further. -There - he shook his arm, pointing your finger somewhere in the direction of the city centre, the - somebody out there doesn't know what he makes, is not aware of what happens! We were asked to keep the situation under control! Сейас we're at the first checkpoint, we sit in the car and follow directions to city centre. Therefore, there комбаты listen carefully eighth battery puts a barrier and delays the crowd of troublemakers, which will probably try to break into the regional Committee of the ninth arrives at the disposal of the chief of гормилиции, the tenth is kept in reserve and takes the place of... At the place of show - where! At the checkpoint now, commanders of batteries, get units helmets, truncheons, eighth battery additionally get shields. All of this will be the foreman of the police, that there is near a police UAZ... What have questions?.. What are the issues? No?! Well, then go ahead, guys, forward! So, eighth battery, left shoulder forward step m-AUX-arches!
Squadron leader turned his back to us, knowing that the next command will комбаты, and spoke with his political and we, one battery for another marched to the checkpoint. There were already waiting for us, as said Колониец, the so-called commander of the squadron, several covered брезетовым tent "Urals", near which gathered a bunch, just stood there and smoked drivers-ensigns. There was also "Canary" yellow UAZ with blue stripe on the Board, with оббитым iron and barred Windows van. On the roof "Canaries" boasted a few blue and red flashing". Near the car stood thick, красномордый, mustachioed police officers with small, watery, fish eyes. Noticing, he eagerly rubbed his hands, opened the rear door of the van and waved beckoned our officers to himself.
The police cadet's always been hostile attitude, because not only the troops of the Ministry of defense, interior Ministry troops, but also between the branches of the army friction and confrontation were quite common. And they ate mutual hostility and even hatred. Reciprocity this was jealous constant, and whenever the case tried to annoy each other, though, in fact, if you think about it, then we would have to stick together and try at least, allied feelings for each other, because perform the same task: protect the state, only they are inside, and we attack from the outside. But in the life of the Union as such and does not smell, and between coats behaviour was in every way a cold breeze enmity, when hidden, and when and выливающейся in blatant contempt.
The students of our school, in any case, to милиии were special quarrel. Hostility had our real sense: wherever and for whatever reason have not occurred clashes between us and the civilian population, the police interfered with the consequences for completely unfair diverging. If отделние delivered from the scene "the jacket", i.e. civil, he was regarded as a separate хулиганствуюим element. If there окказывался cadet, said in Moscow that students were beaten again "our boys". The same who had plotted and instigated the fight, there was no question, and then and just talked, that, behold, they say, release them from behind the fence and civilization, and they behave here, Kaak should nna know how. Of course, when talking about this gossip, could accuse evil tongues urban gossip, but we are always accused of the police, who either did not understand the destructive consequences of their actions, or operated in the evil us, tuning against us local urban population.
Our course on the share has fallen history, which, in General, did the police our worst enemy.
It happened on the second course. Then in a dormitory of one of the city's institutions hurt two of our guys. They came to "chat" with two representatives of women's half of the tenants of a hostel, drink some tea and something stronger, I guess. After some time, when the "tea" they didn exhaust, now we have more room two guys from a neighboring room. Well, our's, of course, called them under a drunken hand "portions" and the something else, and those offended, and gone, but not for long: later on they met hapless offenders when leaving the hostel, so as not to confuse the dam, which is not a matter of каалось, and накостыляли them carefully. The ran in the school and raised its battery, but to the rescue, послышав about the incident reached the other two batteries of our division. When the students came to the dormitory, there встрачал police patrol. The road was blocked by several police UAZ vehicles.
Then I was among the last who ran on a "showdown". In fact, I later learned about what is happening and dropped back from the main mass of ten minutes, and when began to overtake his,he saw that our battery, one after another system, as charged to run back to school, and back after them come the police "Canaries", слепя and своимим headlights following, as would fit, or конвоируя columns.
The policemen didn't let us then to find a relationship with "jackets". Maybe it's for the best, but that's what they were accompanied by the national Assembly on their machines to the school, cool hurt our pride, and we disliked them after that incident, more than ever, and even the address of the "jackets", отмутузивших then our two Lovelace, swear word remembered much less than the "damned cops".
I remember, after the incident in the city was a terrible scandal. Talked about that students again terrorize urban youth. Flew it is good to all: from the General to the last Sergeant, though it was evening, and none of the officers in the barracks was not. However, softening обстоятеьством was that all without a fight.
The main outcome of the case was that was blamed cadets. Accused may be right, but we had to find the object of hatred. They, of course, was the police. Well, who we can blame our failure? So were we, if the do not enemies, not friends with the police for sure. Any of us посчиталбы below dignity отдат honor officer милиии, and if such and met, they didn't give them credit in response and looked, frankly, as the half-witted. I can say it boldly, because some times appeared in such situations, when he was still young and наинвным a freshman. Yes, it established a long and well, and he could not change his example is a severe теение morals.
Here are our relationship with the police. And look here, Sergeant of militia gesture, familiarly, as carelessly as boys, beckoned our officers to himself, and away they went, they went to him, my dears, at least had возутиться his impudence. Like a Sergeant-major of militia was for them the decree and наальник.
This поводумеж passed the noise of surprise and discontent, but he quickly calmed down, because what really protect officers and resent everything that is happening, they ate themselves they do not understand that they are treated disrespectfully, or смалодушничали before this fat bastard.
What is happening with us and why all this was happening, and remained a mystery, but I was not myself, because I've already seen what this disgruntled elements: the Central square of the city gathered, probably, almost half of all residents, and throw us, необуенных techniques basic protection from stones and sticks, which may полелят our ranks, and not that the methods of attack and suppression of demonstrators, especially not спроив our consent, as among the protesters are sure to be someone's brothers, fathers, friends, relatives, was at least unfair, and I - deeply dishonest.
The air smelled blood. Maybe for my comrades who saw the crowd in the square, all drawn in lighter colours, but I almost physically felt her incomparable and спутываемый smell.
Prepared something terrible. I saw in what excitation of the people were on the square. Our appearance is unlikely to stilled their ardor. Rather, to the contrary, an even greater rage took hold of them, when they saw that the authority to which they are going to present a fair score, неерена загородится from them army uniform.
Yes, can бытб, it was necessary not for me to decide, I'm just a pawn for the preservation of peace and order on the square, but here and tell me we were, the cadets of the military school, designed to defend the country and, therefore, people from external enemies, and not to go against this people, in the interests of a guilty before him and опасающейся reckoning authorities. To do this, if anything, there were internal troops of the interior Ministry. Let he engaged. Not in the city parts CENTURIES is no excuse for such unscrupulous action. Apparently, someone would like to pit us with the citizens, as a cat with a dog, to our hands to do the dirty deed, but by leaving a clean and dry from the dirty water. And then let them hate our brother, bigger and stronger than before, the main thing that their кагорту. Whoever was the scapegoat - the main thing, that not the power.
Perhaps, though I have great doubts that the case started so shrewd and cunning people, the people specially wanted to set against the whole of the Army in the face of our school. Say, here, remember, when dashing Godin, for it will not take up the police, no, and not even the internal troops, the matter will then Army. Army chief bulwark of the regime. What then to the Army is the relationship? Otherwise, how bad, not name. Although, why would Shine your card? However, on the other hand, it is difficult to believe, who benefits and who does not undermine the relationship with Aitmatov his protector, Tom, for whom the whole game is played in the dark.
Officers approached the officers and exchanged a few phrases with a shrug of everyone before him with the hand, but in their place I would spit in red, plump face, to my further жиизнь once and for all eliminated the habit ever attract to itself (himself army officer finger in any situation in which the EA or went. Then the commanders have begun to call your batteries повзводно to the "Canary", and cadets полуали from foreman in advance agreed equipment, to see that in their hands was a rather unusual.
Policeman famously gave it, not forgetting to consider the rubber truncheons, bright red plastic helmets and плексиглассовые shields. Here, too - who took that fall under the arm, and who carefully watched their ammunition to the rubber at the club was not old and потрекавшейся, helmet was not проломлена, and the shield was no schisms, отломов, cracks and ridiculous fastening systems which only camouflage, I do not know from what наальника, fastened together its fragments.
I too did not hurry to depart отмашины, and carefully looked around I received a stick. A helmet and shield. Then, to the great indignation and dissatisfaction foreman-policeman asked заиенить me the shield, because he was in a small crack, as automotive glass after the accident, and then and helmet, which in the area of the crown was an impressive failure. He long bargained with me, saying that all this is nonsense, and do not pay attention to it. He even tried to read me one on a topic that I was too picky, but in the way in life have tight, but I присек his ranting, reasonably aware that this shield and under this helmet hide from the stones and the shock is not he, and I, and so, somehow himself will see to it that they are not scattered,if that, in the first minute, and if the opportunity and the negatives to stand next to me on the wall, then let him and here it takes almost collapsed shield and the holey helmet.
Police officers right was stunned by my answer. See, nobody had not spoke to him with such a daunting and разоружающей his rudeness simplicity of the truth. He paused in silence changed me helmet and shield, personally making sure their health, and another five minutes after that I have not heard back from the machine, it disturbances and curses.
In ten minutes after all this is crammede prior to the failure of our bodies as if dRовами, powerful "Urals" bore to the city cent on the Avenue in the column headed by the police, "Canary", брызнающей eyes the rare passers-by dazzling colors their "bubbles".
Foreman invited некскольких officers take to himself in the booth, as designated in the cabs of trucks all is not enough, and they are now like criminals or hooligans, looked at the streets of the city through the barred thick metal bars of the window. So, probably, travelled daily chosen on the urban streets of alcoholics and kids.
Soon the column machines stopped not far from the square in front of the regional Committee on the next street. Hence our battery, forcing lead equipment in readiness and to put it on yourself, led directly to the square.
In the distance, as soon as we have inferred from the corner the last house the street seemed huge, motley the crowd, even more impressive than it seemed to me that I saw a few hours before.
We walked to the empty podium, that is either already lost, or has not yet found its speakers, and rose up, like the Roman фалангам, pushing ahead себявысокие плексиглассовые shields. We did all this surprisingly clearly and beautifully, by liked even though us before this whole week муштровали, as is customary in the military, trained, trained to such movement.
Our officers stood behind our box Smoking and began about something chatting as if everything happened for them in the usual thing and it didn't care. Officers also offered them helmets, but they refused, apparently to keep the distance between himself and us, following the sense of his own dignity that they ought to show a little earlier and before the other type.
The officers approached some people in mufti, the energetic gestures, three minutes they explained. After this there was rebuilt in another way: " there are long lines have put all our батареюсо panels, rear stood just coming tenth battery, which, as defined, should be in reserve.
Now composed in such a manner living fence отгородил building of the regional Committee of the cottage facing a windswept on the square of national sea almost the entire length. We became буферо, which was to befall the anger of the crowd when she did not like something like in the future (which, apparently, went on.
Our appearance was immediately noticed people that we hardly have appeared on near approaches to the square. This выразилоь in has struck across the crowd rumble of indignation and discontent. It was evident, as people came to life, head begin to -- to flip over weight, noise, before напоинавший rustle of leaves in the wind, outgrew now in the market of noise, rising over the area. And among the words долетавших to us from the General многоголосицы, not even one word of approval or of joy.
While we built and rebuilt in front of the empty platform, a nation on площаи worried stirred, in the thick of it began to be some переещения, and when our "Falanga" was extended bristling fence khaki along the front edge of the square, from the crowd forward, just as before the battle on the ancient рууси before shelves militias forward put forward knights and warriors, came a few men, quite precisely arranged from different places, as if they were waiting for such a turn of events in advance, and came to the ranks closely, requesting to their проустили to the podium.
After минтной delay on рапоряжению all the same man in civilian clothes, ranks broke apart, releasing them a narrow passage.
After that corridor, the delegation, so, apparently I had to understand, rose to the podium and asked the собравшимс below. Microphones installed there, for some reason did not work, and because of my place was not heard absolutely not a single word of what they said.
On the line we reported that representatives of the municipal public, and they claim потест authorities against the appearance of the city on the square of the cadets of the military school, because people have the right to hold rallies and rally until recently was peaceful.
After standing after her application for a moment at the top, as if something or someone waiting, and waiting, delegates of the people came down and went back to the square, but not gone, not scattered in the crowd, and stood on the пятачкеперед our ощетинившимися lines, which left for them coming close to our рядм the masses. One of them, a bald man, an intellectual of mind started passionately talk to the gathered around him man, waving a hand with crumpled in her cap, almost like Lenin in the movies.
At this time on the podium went up several civilians and a police Colonel with a bullhorn in his hand. Once on top, the last put it to his lips, and over the square echoed the trembling voice, slightly drowned, but do not cut off the rumble of discontent and indignation:
"Comrades, citizens! Please go away! Cadets military school profit for our call. They are designed only to ensure order. Attention! I repeat! Please leave. Go five minutes square should be empty. in потивном case we will have to use force!
Most of them stood on the square, especially those who were in the back, not heard скзанного Lieutenant Colonel of militia. But they started to ask, what do they say on the podium, and the front began to share heard back. Gradually all the people knew what they wanted the representatives of law enforcement and the more enthusiastic. Most of all, perhaps, he resent the word "force", said Lieutenant Colonel, for immediately after the first series swept a burst of indignation.
Ascended to the podium remained there except for our commander дивиона that descended down, gathered all commanders of batteries, and gave them orders, took the formation temporizing position.
On our ranks crept excited rumors that we're going on the crowd. All this great message was worried, because никтои not to fight with citizens unknown why, Yes, and in spite of our ammunition and equipment hung behind weapon, however. Without a cartridge, we are not able, at least in quantity, to resist the crowd. We had several tens of times less than the assembled before us the people and that there think our commanders, was poor, because, if заваршк, the angry crowd would have to pound us into dust in a matter of minutes.
We were beautiful and terrible to look at, but only tinsel, separating off the representatives of power from the people, assembled at the square, and if so was the tinsel we would оставатьс, as much as was possible. Use us as a real force, it would be very unwise and to rashness голупо, but those in whose power was us распоржатся, were not sober mind and too overestimate the possibilities of untrained to such a craft крсантов. Or, perhaps, they thought that people in the area will not have any active resistance only because before them cadets? Yes they spit on us хотелои!..
People on the podium talking among themselves, glancing at the clock and as if not noticing what's happening on the square, or trying to show it.
Sun, meanwhile, is already beginning to fall into the horizon, but the heat was unbearable, and loaded ammunition, we were weakened by the heat. I felt, toAK I зачесалась head under the helmet, and then opposing streams, kapla by drop under the hair, neck, and rolled pot.
НесмотрI the requirement of the police rank, people on площди and did not think to leave. In the first minutes after the statement noise in the crowd quickly verse, but then the first individual cries, and then all the growing friendly Babel violated this неверну, minute silence.
Don't know how much time passed, but, apparently, the five minutes are up, because Colonel of militia, having removed pre-its cap and wipe the handkerchief лысеющую his head again raised the megaphone to his mouth and again started to talk to the people on the square. But this time there was not even hear a single sound, wafting out of his horn: roar of the crowd, as if on cue menacing growing, drowned out everything else.
Lieutenant Colonel said something standing right NEX to him a man in civilian clothes, but he did not hear, then he shouted in his ear, apparently, repeating what he said, and this, realizing, finally. Nodded back to him, as a sign of consent. A policeman came down from the podium, came to our division commander and also the ear explaining something to him, began to wave his hand in the side of the square.
The commander came to us and trying to shout roar of the crowd shouted:
-So! Дивизи-o-d! Attention! Forward!!! Forward!!!
Hearing this barely непутевую command ranks of cadets, lifting up from the earth, their high transparent shields, at first hesitantly and unevenly, and then more confidently and quickly went forward rapidly approaching to толпящимся before normand the demonstrators.
That everyone of us thought in those moments before the bout? It is very even could it happen that in a minute someone's going to be a fight with a friend or relative, unstoppable in the heat of the massacre and pulled limply теением circumstances.
-Friendly, friendly, guys! - heard somewhere behind the voice of the commander of a battalion. -Closer to each other! Let's not push the boards! Beat them back! Don't let the senses!
Two inраждебные mass, two lines, one thin and almost smooth, and the other wavy, indicating the only edge клокочущей, mass produced an array of indignant, rapidly came together, United, merged into one, and started стокновение, immediately accepted fierce.
Cracked плексиглассовые boards, there were numerous, hail сыплющиеся blows sticks and fists them. The demonstrators then started to tear us boards, растаскиват us in hand, breaking the unity плексиглассового fence, shove in the breach poles, stakes, прутя valves, throw in even нерешивших: fight or not cadets stones.
Here the choice was nothing I had to save himself, as far as possible from наседающей public, using issued by the equipment, otherwise vouch for his life was no longer possible.
Any minute, every second, every moment промедлеия, reflection and doubts and the need their actions and deeds were fraught with the consequences пеальными for замешкавшегося in this fight, the more so that the crowd was aggressively infused with very beginning and was not going to joke with us.
They beat us ильно, wanting to, if not kill, then dump the blame on the spot - so that's for sure.
Each of the speakers probably had time to regret in these first, decisive minutes of the bout, so nobody has taught us how we should treat our armor, 't worked out the system of management of our ranks and our actions, which would considerably extend our less successful defense, which became неша attack on protesters, so heavy, solid, flat line boards lasted only the first few minutes of the battle. And although many of our themselves fought well and skillfully, but, in General, we invariably failed eyes подминаемые распоясавшейся crowd.
First s pushed the demonstrators, pushing these shields, to keep which had been struggling because of the grasped their hands, as soon as it was possible, пыталис pluck them or, at least, to overturn holding it together with him on the ground. We did not know how to apply their long batons to remain invulnerable, and on the other side shields thrashed, broken up, smashed everything you could this do the heavy монтировками, hammers, шкворнями, valves, rods and sticks. On top of the billboards on our heads flew bottles and stones, from which only had time to Dodge the former behind us ranks, had no shields.
All that is happening around, it was like a bad dream. In a matter of minutes in several places our first ranks formed holes, in which, like water, breaking through the broken ship, surged the crowd. Another few minutes, and the first rank was cut off from the system and, breaking up into small pieces and melt like snow lumps in hot water, losing shields and batons, disappeared, as it didn't happen.
I was in the second row. In some places turned out a lot with shields, and those who do not fit gave the order to rise in the second row. On each side of me, too, were armed with shields, and rear already shields was not, so we were the last containment ограждаюющей cadets from hail of blows and каней плексиглассовой shell.
Immediately after cut off the first line and swept its ranks, the whole force of blow of furious weight fell on us.
I felt my shield shakes letters, though in a fever. Then someone grabbed his hands over the edge, strongly pulled the and immediately pushed back to probably knock me down. The impact was so strong and sharp, that my hand barely could stand the second such strike. Through the transparent mass плексигласса I saw a furious face, terrible in its дикомоскале, высветившем two gold fixes, glittering in the mouth. It seemed to me that the person on the other стоону shield Scalia devilish smile, such a sadistic smile, striving his victim, or bloodthirsty Ogre, to get their prey. He grabbed the shield to snatch it from me or just knock me to the ground.
"Lord, where did such terrible people come from?" - flashed through my head.
I thought I already eternity stand here and look through поексигласс my defense at this man, overshadowed by an evil idea, I look and can't do with him, and he can't get to me, and so we stand with them in endless flight of eternity, not approaching either physically or mentally, and not leave, anyplace, if two sculptures.
In fact, the status is not continued fractions of a second. The cases I simply lost неожиданностиперед the face of sudden danger, and fear, born in my soul with incredible speed and быстроттой, drenched my members and will, like ice river, stretched running inside of me time in tens times.
I was unable to move, though my hands and continued to dead хватой keep handle shield and batons.
Spiteful muzzle has been distorted гримассой effort and pulled shield that there are forces in the second time. I got on a roll forward, this flight also lasted so long, it was as if I hovered in the air for several minutes, not flew two to three meters.
I don't even try to resist although the changes гримассы my opponent continued mOEM consciousness very, very long time, and for me it's not rushed to shield themselves for a long and gently pulled him like a caution. In one moment I felt my feet slipped from the ground and soared over it, as I flew over it like a weightless, exactly ethereal Ghost, and while I again was on his feet, but in front of their ranks in two to three metres. It is also осталис already some chips dispersed powerful pressure of a hostile force.
Several pairs of hands вепились in my outfit, grabbed a stick, shield, dragged her from head helmet, knocking her eyes.
My fear grew into a creepy horror and reached probably his limit, because I could not get frightened, it would seem stronger and bigger than at this moment.
Hands tried to tear me to pieces, распотрошить, disarm me, pulled her machine on the back. I couldn't resist, I saw nothing, because helmet наползла on the eyes, not heard because the range was a continuous furious roar of the crowd, Yes inside was eager not less frantic, as the drum beats, my heart thumping not felt because horror crept into every cell of my body, paralyzed and анемировал nerves.
The only thing that I was capable of, so it дуать, and only stopped to wonder how I still hasn't quite been violently struck, and as I consciousness and memory. Frantic dance of the thoughts, пульсировавшей in my head in a mad dance, singled out himself suddenly one малодушную and vile idea. I suddenly wanted to scream, "People don't hit me, I will not!" Stay longer this state several mint, so probably would have happened, though unlikely, would it help.
"What for you to die? Why should you be a cripple? You're not on yourthe the request came here and otIthe very arms! You don't even know what you fight! Go, go, get! Leave this place! It smells like death! Here the talk death was hovering so low that you can see her black wings! Get out! No one will give you back your life!" - were furious swirl in my head. Under the influence of this circle of thoughts with each passing second, I размякал and became all the безвольнее. And my hands and legs became like a wadded, and I couldn't manage. "'t give up and you will spare!" - heard a voice внтри me, and my fingers almost relaxed, but at this very moment, two terrible shock, such that затрещала on the head with a plastic helmet, stunned me, and in the eyes went colored circles and blemishes, and hit with a rubber truncheon, the same as me sliding and the burning of wild pain, which came on the cheek and nose, sobered up and led me into the feelings in the most unexpected way, PRоизвели the opposite effect, though, I'd have рухнть completely.
Instead of wool in the hands and feet, I felt, felt a surge of mindless, violent force.
Then followed another тычек club, этотраз under the lower right rib, very neatly in the liver, and only a miracle saved me from breaking down, because in that very moment, I dodged like a serpent, and blow lightly slid to the side.
Still seeing nothing of myself, I somehow inexplicably managed to grab a baton and pry it away from someone else's hands. Such action on my part was sheer as a surprise, and because I succeeded because of its suddenness.
Subsequent events I remembered extremely bad. All mixed up and confused in my head at one bloody's song and dance. Hands, feet, head... I didn't remember how he freed from кокв his shield. Helmet flew off my head, and I now saw around him violent chaos of fighting and those who attacked me!
Fatigue, with terrible force, born from pain and hatred all I окружавшиm because they just kept in the grip of my body and tried to make him a chop, I dropped right and left his hand, сжимавшую handle batons, fought and beat it with невообразиой and surprising speed. But there wasn't time to wonder my ability. I rang and rang all around-ear, closedtheg yourself trying to hit in the face, head, as soon as that received the baton I pushed a shield in front of you, like a bulldozer its SOVKOM and the crowd ahead somehow rolled back from me back then turn around and beat behind his back with отмахом and retreated on a vacant space, again a heaping blows on the front, again turned right back around and done the same thing on the opposite side.
Around me screamed, fell on their knees, and land affected me with cleft skin of the scalp and окровавленныи face, clutching his hands to his head, for the broken collarbone, having lowered to the ground "отсушенные"paralysed from falling into the nerve hands, and already there was absolutely nothing in this world except отвоеванного me at a crowd Piglet dimensions little more sewage hatch, which I led his duel with наваливающейся weighing on me.
I just didn't know myself nor anything else not чувствоал no fear, no grief, no pain, no strikes, which also befell me, but I still kaki-тонепонятным way managed защищщаться using batons and shields, and because they were passing. I did not exhaust understand how I, not admirer боявшемуся fight, managed not only disperse themselves around angry people in a radius of three steps, but break then, просекая their way to the edge of human landfill, in the long-drowned our ranks, and лишькучками some places still continued to fight, not offensive, and even not a defense, and self-defense, - all that we оказалис finally able.
Climbing out, fortunately, toward the podium and sending waved a few of the beats his pursuers, particularly zealously желавши do away with me, I almost обессилил, and he went away from the place of slaughter a few steps away, fell down on the stone slabs of a square, as when stricken.
Here was our tenth battery left in reserve and preparing to intervene. Before its deployed in two ranks formation gesticulating and shouting something our squadron leader. Here he gave the last instructions, and ranks slowly moved to the place of the landfill. Someone took my shield and a club. At the moment when they came to the edge of this huge pile-small, I lost ознание.
It disappeared immediately, as if I whether failed or, on the contrary, awakened from his sleep. Suddenly I was sweet and warm, terribly sleepy, and, most importantly, that any movement gave to me now to a special, sharp and unpleasant pain. All became indifferent. Forever themselves grew heavy stone fatigue, closed, and there is no such power was not able to open them.
That was happening around me already might not matter to me: I lapsed into unconsciousness.
Chapter 19.
I woke up on the cadets ' beds in native Dorm room, which had love for the year of life, love her m inhabit it. Its long-небеленные, поблешие, worn over the bed spins cadets the walls for some reason gave me, although I could not understand the causes of this merriment.
Past events did not want to pop up in my memory, but I felt that my body aches from beatings and fatigue, but I couldn't remember where I could be so hard and cool beat.
Any movement caused me burning, dull, ноющую pain in all members of the body. I only tried to raise his head on the pillow, but пурутруженные muscles have failed me and attempt brought me only suffering. My head immediately rolled back.
The room was somewhat dark. Apparently, on a table by the window burned Desk lamp. It was quiet, nowhere резадвалось no sound. It seemed to me that I am alone with no one around to the soul.
This thought became empty, lonely and sad, heart compressed with sadness.
I didn't know whether to call on the assistance of someone or not, I was afraid that nobody else is around, and the sound of my weakened voice унесется in almost cosmic void and drown in it. but still, in the end, I decided to scream, but from my battered chest came out with a groan, long and heavy.
Somebody stood up from the table, зашумев paper and gritting on истертому almost to the holes линолиуму the legs of the chair, and walked over to me, bent over.
-Woke up, said that someone, peering into my face through the semi-darkness of the room. -Glory to God, another one returned to consciousness and force.
As I tried, could not guess no traits of persons, nor the voice of the speaker. I wanted to ask from a standing above me who he tandKoy, but only groaned again just long and boring.
-Lie, lie, don't move! again someone said. -Lie...
And left me somewhere at the other end of the room to a Desk near the window, which I was not visible.
-It's been more than a day, as you are lying unconscious... after yesterday's events, " came back the voice that I could not recognize. You're one of the few who is now in a dormitory school. You are one of the most easily отделавшихся and least of all victims. Осталтных, those who heavier, was taken to hospital. Very many beaten... very much, " the man sighed deeply. -But, thank God, that there is neither dead nor mutilated. It's wonderful, I think. Although some had to be placed in intensive care... But in fact, it is a great folly: then, утварили square: throw three hundred and untrained police methods of struggle with the crowd, children Yeshe in fact, against the twenty, if not thirty thousand crowd is madness, madness and irresponsibility in the highest degree. And in the end? Nothing else and wait should not: all of these three hundred fine boys, three hundred magnificent молодцх, healthy, strong guys, heads and arms which could be useful for better application, now beaten, поранены, disfigured, cut and put out of action for many days, if not weeks... Oh, дачто to speak there! But you better sleep... you now, it is most useful.
I wanted to reply to the interlocutor, I can't sleep now because of the hellish pain, мучающей all my body, but I knew it I fail, and therefore was silent. Now all that's happened to me, I remembered sharply and clearly and scary, appeared suddenly before my eyes, like a flash, as highlighted on the movie screen among the darkness bright scene. I even instinctively jerked in surprise, when from the dark corners of memory jumped terrible, disgusting гримасса for плексиглассовым shield. From this trembling body pierced unbearable pain, and I groaned again.
Someone again approached me on groan, bent down to my face, but I again how myopic, couldn't understand who it is. I like floating in a fog, in a haze, enveloping my eyes and затыкающей, exactly wool in my ears. Memories found one after the other, alternating with whitish haze of forgetfulness and dusk clarity., and разболевшаяся suddenly, his head aching more and more, and it seemed that now about to burst. I guess when the flashes of consciousness found in me, that hurts it from the dreadful power of memory and mental abilities, but my imagination, not subject to neither the will nor entreaties of the soul, absolutely распаясалось and swept, jumping from one picture yesterday's slaughter on the other, will not stop this crazy race in a vicious circle.
Someone put a hand to me, such a cold, easy and pleasant-прозлажную, some special soft on my hot, fevered forehead, Sizzling hot, I thought exactly the coals in the furnace. This hand if it took away my head part of the heat and pain, absorbed them, and with them the absorbed energy raging memory. I felt something sharp and prickly with easy, комариным prick entered into my hand. Only now in a last moment before забытьем I realized that hand, лежазая on my head, women's, and no other hand can not be.
This conjecture seemed to flash struck me. She broke through the veil, окутывавшую eyes, it was gone. Overwhelming desire to learn, who are close to me впыхнуло for a moment, but immediately extinguished. Only then is undefined and vague managed попаст in me through this instant gap in a light slumber. Eyes of dreams closed under the weight of fatigue and unhealthy drowsiness, and I went to sleep, and fell into a deep sleep without any visions, like oblivion.
I woke up in the night. So I decided, because the light in the room was extinguished, and around there was pitch-black. I once again it was sad and sad. The darkness of the room seemed to me sepulchral the darkness of the tomb, and I immediately wanted to, to the children's fright, light, light as air, as if night took me by the throat and strangled her completely speechless.
However, my hands were so heavy and unwieldy, as before, and even body ached considerably weaker. Even the skin, as I noticed будито was softened, ceased to be an oak and became more чувтсивтельной why I felt that I was lying completely naked and in some places on my body imposed бинтовые bandages, and in a hand sticking out some needle and nasty pulls the skin.
The memory came, that someone in the room was вечероим, someone approached me, нагибался, even speak. And that someone was a woman. But whether it was at all or I have seen in my бредовом half asleep? And who is she? Where is she now? May be gone, but may lying asleep on the bed next. I tried to get up on his bed, but the patient neck again fail me, and my attempts to find out anything about my "babysitter" this time ended.
I lay aimlessly and felt gradually go from bruises skin pleasant softness of the bed, her warmth, and felt гаслаждался this. The body, especially with bandages, and hummed and pulsated echoes heart beats, but still through this какафонию прорывалось bled through, flowing all over my body, bliss.
Lay I probably forty or fifty minutes, listening to the night sounds originating barely only through the slightly ajar window. Then sleep again overcame me and I fell asleep before the dawn. Only when the first rays of the sun touched the sill, testifying that time is noon, I woke up feeling great relief, and found the strength to bare get up on the bed.
Not very bright light casts from the street from close to the Zenith of the sun, shone all located in room pink undertones born in slightly covering a window aperture pale pink curtains. This half-light pinkish accurately pointed out that the window came a clear day, the same clear and clean, like a smile of an innocent child. Sorry I didn't catch virgin magic charms July morning, when the air is cool, fresh and vigorous call, like a crystal, flavorful, as the divine nectar, упоителен as spring water and fresh as just broken from the branch of Apple varieties Duchess.
I looked around. beds of my comrades were empty, dented and неухожены. They were still with the dinner hour recent like, but this far in the memory of the day, when nobody even suspected that very soon will be a participant of the cruel slaughter, and most likely his Supreme sacrifice, which will break his arms and legs and instruct обалденных bruises. Then ve rested here after lunch for a few minutes before the command "Collection," and then in the small hours throwing on their beds machines, cartridge pouches with equipment, felt and комкали them, thinking that will put in order after returning from the building.
Still traces of the turmoil and chaos that arose in come charges on alarm: scattered on the floor notebooks, scattered, pens and pencils lying around in disarray field bags, which went to school, in the small hours open, незадернутое until the end of the window curtains, fallen from грядушек beds towels.
On the writing-table, standing at the window, I saw some tubes, vials, boxes, sterilization his mess-tin syringe and guess that all this едицинские facilities. Everything was laid out on the white fabric napkin together with блестщими Nickel pincers and clamps with cotton wool tampons. There was also a large бутылс somewhat dark, probably, iodine. Judging by all this, my room is located a medic. Maybe yesterday girl, putting my hand on his head? However, this may not be the girl that was at all: the state of my yesterday is not possible to establish, who is with me in the evening was busy talking. But this extraordinary hand on my head...
Sun further peeking in the window of the room, facing West. I felt with increasing measures sunlight to me in the room strength return, and together with them and joy, безотчетная, but sweet.
I stayed alive, but could easily be crushed in the junkyard. And the thought of it was, perhaps, the reason for my joy, which was hidden even from самго me. Rejoiced as if something inside of me, but I couldn't understand why I do not feel this regard.
In bed I spent another two days. For this come many of my classmates came back from the hospital, recovered and slightly've medicalized wounds, and the remaining days were more fun than the first one I had to, not getting up in bed. Although I said that I am one of those lucky ones, which are quite off easy, but still I long for some reason prohibited to rise, while those who suffered worst of me, have legs. But now was to anyone пооворить. Together we remembered the incident complained about the командирова who left us against разггневанной crowd. With one hand it was a shame that we still have not coped with the гражданскии, and it подас some had caused militant flash militancy. But the enthusiasm of them broke the invisible, Kaak reefs, the rage of those in the crowd of protesters were relatives, who sympathized with their friends and tormented by the thought that had to be on the other side of the barricades from his kindred. They do not encourage enthusiastic conversations and memories of ниедавних events, but only tacitly present, when it was already quite unbearable to hear bragging, осаживли speaking. On account of everything that happened, they had completely different say. They are, if not happy, then in any case not regretted, that we got so tight.
From Grisha was no news, and it is extremely удивлло bothered me. Because even then I asked him in his note immediately contact me. Time was ticking away forever, and it seems to have forgotten that we still have unsolved until the end of the questions.
Yes, almost no time left. However, because of recent dramatic events in the city state Commission added us to prepare for exams another week, a quarter of the month, so we could to myself after, come down and dreams continued to pass exams. Their is no one was not going to cancel. But the stubborn silence Охромова and these seven days could not save the provisions of things. We were already on the verge of полногоповала operations from its collapse and our неудаачи. Wicked comparison now with all откровенностьюнаступала us on the heels, and any delay was what is called death. The plan that I had so successfully invented, was ready to fall into a tar-тарары. Yes. If Grisha will continue to be silent, sometimes seven days to fly, how to seven minutes, and then it will be too late to do anything. "I wonder what he thinks? - plagued me a question. -Or from the absolutely love crazy crazy?!"
Our lenders again assailed me and more insistent, as subsided, to claim they borrowed money. Some impatience openly expressed their suspicions our Охромычем наплетежеспособности and угррожали, time such a thing, who fill fashion, and who and to sue and to solve the issue with the official procedure: amounts were not insignificant, and no one could put up with hthis оббирают.
I had already recovered and rose to his feet, when it was Sunday, I was called at the checkpoint. Hunting meet with anyone from your friends I had, and I see no I decided not to go, when дневалный re-callandl me and said that you came from Охромова.
The people and the site for visitors - the so-called asphalted area at the checkpoint, planted lawn of roses, which SAI cadets and nursed and furnished with benches - there was little, and I , as I looked around, long I couldn't make out who was waiting for me because did not see a single familiar face. All around were busy talking. There were several parents, пиехавших to his sons, with a whole bunch of relatives, brothers and sisters, and two-three couples, fun garrulous among themselves, and quite a bit lonely сидщих waiting for someone to girls. As usual, this time of year a visitor reception center was empty. Revival here occurred only in autumn, when нибирали freshmen, and to their taking the oath, during the so-called Cruz young soldier, they were not allowed to walk in the dismissal of the city. Then there was especially a lot of people, and on weekends and in General it was overcrowded, and from this place became like bird Bazaar.
Witheйчаwith same here, it was empty, and only the sad sleepy heat soared above the ground, spilling stuffy and heat over asphalt, scorching sunlight, like resin. Нещадное July sun at its Zenith hell up lightheadedness. And the sky with no clouds, for which it was to be hoped, would deign for a little hide - it's time to lie on the beach.
Was not present on site trees - some beds of roses poured каждео morning to not burned from the heat. Попоэтому hide from the heat of nowhere, except go to конату for visitors, specially designed to shelter there from frost and heat, in spite of what the season is. But LDI somehow sat on benches stood in the middle of hell, and none of them took advantage of this opportunity, although there was shade and coolness. I thought that, probably, the duty on the cat caught a sly small and not to then clean the area for the visitors of the room, closed the door, saying that he had not. brute. In General, any among our Barat somehow missing.
Some time I stood on the edge of the platform, waiting for me come. But no one came forward. Then I went to the checkpoint and asked дежуившего there Sergeant from the second course:
-Who caused me at the checkpoint? My name Yakovlev.
-Ah, " he replied, - Yes girl's standing here. There, on the platform. However, perhaps she already left because she said that wait another five minutes, and then goes...
-Maybe she hasn't gone away at all? Which of them will go, you'll show me it. There are several girlfriends, but none of them not familiar with.
-Well, go shew, Sergeant pushed out of this chair, straightened his jacket with high collar of his dress uniform and вырулилиз his room at the checkpoint checkpoint.
We went out together and headed to the venue. Sergeant огладелся around, and then nodded towards one of the waiting:
-There she stands, and went lazy gait back in the car.
In the direction where he showed тояла girl the Bang to me. In rutoOh before she held a white leather handbag. She looked somewhere, but I somehow imagined that her eyes, pensive and sad, was converted inside yourself.
She did not pay any attention to me, and I gazed at her and thought, " who she is.
Never before have I had ever seen her. Whatever you say, and she was quite beautiful: slim, thin, long-haired, tall and leggy. Feet, so to speak. From the teeth. Hair dark brown, slightly curly, places wavy, and in some places twisting in curls like бурливой water, foaming and the raging on the threshold of a waterfall, descending to the little shoulders, fragile such, that crystal or faience. Her hands were subtly maiden, not thin, but not fat, and elegant. The skin on them was so young, and strong, with a barely noticeable brassy terrace. Oh, this maiden's skin! Its not confuse скакой another, and whether a woman in years on your face is like a young virgin, who lost her subtle, some discreet gloss, coming as if from the inside, from young juices of the body, should have given her age.
Yes! Such beauties among our acquaintances, was not. In my mind flashed a vague and dazzling guess.
The girl continued to stand there. I approached her from behind.
-Hello, - wanted to, but he dared not speak to her for some reason. You caused me? I Yakovlev, each Grisha Охромова.
The girl turned to me, then she looked long and intently, if remembering something, whether сличая the memory of their impression about me with those that saw before me.
-You, probably, I waiting for? "I asked her.
-Yes, probably, you, finally, she answered. -Grisha asked me to tell you this...
She opened her purse and brought out a sealed postal envelope, and then handed them to me.
-Is that all? - I was surprised, taking the envelope from her hands, from her thin, long and straight fingers.
-Yes, everything - girl smiled guiltily and continued, " and verbally asked to convey to you a great big Hello and said that very soon выпишеться from the hospital.
I fingered the envelope in his hands, looked impatiently it in the sun: there laid a thin sheet of paper.
-M-hmm, probably, is all, " I said thoughtfully rather to herself than her. -Well, you will be able to pass my message Grisha? You know, we now have a very difficult city.
I was excited to reveal the envelope, but I suddenly found myself thinking that I do not want to let go.
Girl paused, then said,
I don't know... Actually, I was already out And I... unlikely now see in the near future.
-As you know in the hospital? - I asked the question is not quite correct, but showing my interlocutor that I don't know. I tried to find out who she is, and if it wasn't the one about which raved Охромов... I guessed who, but I хотлось of irrefutable evidence. I even wanted to she lied. She had to understand. That тперь free to say everything. Whatever she wants and not обрменена my knowledge about everything. However, what I knew? 'm. Only guesses...
Somehow I felt very pleased that she had not lied to me, and she turned and цокая on asphalt hairpins their sandals, went to the exit, CPR, making it clear that its mission is over, and she goes: do it here, nothing more.
Apparently, she knew that I follow it, I spend at least up to the checkpoint, and was not mistaken. After a moment I was walking nearby.
-...just I was in the hospital, she continued, when I caught up with her, - and he promised to be with me right NEXm, and lay down with me. However, he came in another Department, but we are very often met.
She gave me a quick and a restless a glance in which were simultaneously and shrill curiosity, and poorly hidden coquetry. Anyway, it seemed to me.
It happened so confidently and however, it is naive and just plain that I looked at her through different eyes, probably the same as my friend, who fell in her to unconsciousness.
And it's as if lightning me садануло, struck, I felt that this girl - the Princess, beauty оторой able to enchant and enchant not that Охромова and me, and anyone.
I looked at her, as if for the first time and saw her in a completely different light. My heart stopped suddenly surging, born somewhere inside of me feelings. Breath because of this, if for the first time experienced a feeling of some kind of unusual and mysterious. Soul if soared, was out of my body and rushed free and relaxed, расправившая its incorporeality of infinity окружающго, опьяняясь its непривязанностью to the frailty of the body.
Mechanically turned that we were facing one another, and they were both embarrassed. She looked a sight, and I was seized with trembling,stood looking at it, trying to understand what it is incomprehensible that's born in me a few moments ago and pulled this is essentially the opposite sex, to this sweet creature. Charm her or external красотая? But I could not say that she was so dazzling beauty, both now and before. And charm... It is elusive, intangible, эфимерное, but still inherent human natures definitely warehouse feeling. Most likely, this presence, and at the same exact time restraint whole spectrum of emotions and impulses. Of the soul. It is not always visible, but shines through the juxtaposition of all superficial, the alien will come from this is not always pure and beautiful life, as the sparkle of the diamond happens even through the grime on a stone mud.
I could not say that the op I was going through, but now my soul is like tuned in to the waves emitted by its essence Oboyan, and I was captivated. I wanted to... to live in it.
Yes. This at a meeting with women I happened not very often: for all my life I "liked" by the ears just two or three times.
Once it was just a fleeting: I caught a glimpse of the beautiful street and can be charming, but задевшую my feelings girl. Another time it lasted longer... And here it is again arose in my heart.
Yes, I could never say, beautiful woman or not. sometimes even a common beauty did not cause any spiritual movement and left indifferent to the source of my feelings. Most likely, that my eyes punched this top layer of female charms, пленявший the vast majority of men and интитивно at some of reach, a subconscious level penetrated deeper into inaccessible to many limits, in which took place the life of the soul the one I watched. And this is the first penetration, shrill, as injection needles, told me unmistakably motives and principles of its movement. Then I thought, I'm wrong it is all just my speculation, but ultimately, the time put everything on testi place, and then, when the second hour was late, I was convinced of the truth of his first impression.
Now this intuitive feeling rather just told me that I have something mysterious and strange, charming and incomprehensible, radiating some internal warm light, like a flower, exhaling fragrance that doesn't know as потясает and captivate them insects, as well as people with its external beauty.
Between us lasted for an awkward pause, which, if troubled her, it did not disturb me. But to dispel her confusion that has possessed girl, and stop this sweet silence first, because the girl to do it was very difficult - I felt it, felt almost physically, as she fights inside himself with his moment of weakness, enveloping her just wide web, - I had to say something, speak again:
-Well, isn't he come to your home? After all, he surely knows where you live, and wants to see you.
"Damn it! I thought to myself. Zam I am asking such a stupid and нетактичные questions?"
I guess I wanted to gradually find out how far their relations. Or maybe it is already awake безотчетная, unconscious male jealousy, taking me is always so painful, and especially to the other?
Oh, this vigorous men's blood, just a churning thirst instinct of procreation! It is not her kill, probably never, even after millions of years after he ceased to live in a cave, while the will is inherent in him sexual reproduction. I CA could not give the report to the words that spoke my language.
-No, - replied the girl, still looking at the ground, if he felt something in front of me guilty -we meet with him anymore... anyway, in the near future. I was seriously infected with, and tomorrow parents take away me in the village to my grandmother, so I though нмного recovered. There the air is cleaner than in the city, and in the village there is a village.
Only now I noticed how pale was my companion. Her face had no blood, and the lips, probably, too, were white, if not lipstick, masking their natural color.
-As already tomorrow? - escaped me uneasy surprise. And he knows nothing? I continued already insincere, to mask the unforeseen impulse. -You have not even looked at it?
-No, he 't know and not just I, in the voice of the girl was growing discontent about my excessive curiosity and suspicious of concern for the relationship between them, "but I told him the other, and this will be enough for comfort - she furrowed her brow and looked away, pretending to be something interested. It seemed to me that she did this, not to cry, and barely withhold giving from слез.потом it suddenly, unexpectedly for me sharply, abruptly somehow turned to me and firmly looking into my eyes with a challenge in her voice as she is to me, and I came to her from Охромова asked. -Yes, and who is he to me, so I said good-bye? Nobody!
Here onnand again blushed and looked her gaze to the ground. I realized that too deeply climbed in vain in the wilds of foreign relations and caused the most pain, which is not intended.
-Okay, I'll go, I am sorrye me, I must hurry. I'm late, " said the girl, поврнулась and strode quickly and decisively away from me.
'Good-bye! "I called out after her.
She turned as if in surprise, then сконфузилась a little embarrassed and gently, faintly smiled and answered:
"Good-bye, - waving somehow uncertain, but a friendly hand to me, then turned and went.
-Sorry, ts so quickly going, " I said quite quietly, very quietly, to himself.
I was very pleased that we have parted with her friends. And somewhere in my heart I промелкнуло of a feeling weak, but sweet, delightful and tender, that we will encounter it absolutely.
The girl disappeared in the passing of the CPR. I stepped behind her and still for a long time looking after her, she goes to the trolleybus stop. When nandthe end, she just disappeared from my eyes, I I remembered the envelope she gave me from Охромова.
First of, than open, I again played with it with his hand, a carefully examined outside and not finding anything remarkable, ripped, took out a folded leaf and read:
"Man! Sorry for the long silence. Were the case. I know that the time is short, and you need to act. Soon vypisyvaыs'. If possible, organise anything on our case before, I'll notify you. For me no fear alive. Pay attention to that which will give you hi and this letter: it is the same, about which I told you.
Well, everything. Come on, yet.
Grisha O."
I folded the letter and put it in his inside pocket of his tunic.
"It's great to bake! "I thought, looking at the sky. -It would not hurt to go for a swim!"
Time was getting ready for dinner. Was воскреенье. And the fourth course always, until recently, on Sunday went to dismissal without any restrictions. And now, the dismissals were covered. Not only to us but to the whole school. However, except for us anyone in school and not left: third year left on training in the army. First, the future the second month was engaged in хозяйственныи works at the training centre, situated half a dozen kilometers from the city. The second course "долбился" in dresses, changing itself and not вылазя of караулки, dining room and patrols. Only the fourth course and was "free" to go to the city. But this freedom is not felt.
Елыми days we continued to sit in a stuffy, hot classes, when the window was a beautiful, July, generously sun, Manila, called to himself the warm water of the river. While we continued to prepare for state examinations. And this is despite all those bumps that fell on our heads! In place of the state Commission, I would have regretted cadets for the agony they suffered, and would liberate all the casualty rate from further pass these unfortunate exams. Because some of the stress, even his head ceased to cook how to science. While the Commission continued to mocked mercilessly over бедныи graduates.
Before the incident in the city of slaughter, each platoon passed the state examination, released in town until the morning regardless of what day of the week. It was, of course, not much to the generosity of our superiors, because насколко we knew in many other schools last, graduation year of mandatory enjoyed the right of free exit to the city, but теперьмы were deprived and this поледней joy.
However, I was not going to lose heart. Not in the first былл overcome difficulties and find a way out, look for loopholes. This Sunday was объяленно command of the school as a day of rest, as if in благодарностьили mercy for what we participated in the suppression of the demonstrators and beat us. Additionally, many have not returned from the hospital, and училищные doctors only планиовали start their transportation-sanitary part of the school that they were PR school and could sdavat exams, so to speak, without leaving your bed. But patients were many enough, so infirmary school was unable to place all: it was not designed for such a large number of seats.
In General, exams-you have to pass in fact there was none, so those who have recovered, объяили weekends this Sunday. However, in the city no one went. Partly благоволию our commanders, partly by chance обсоятельств we spent time in idleness.
To do in school, do something was определенноневозможно, so most preferred quietly leak into the river. Did it alone and in groups of two and three, and then цлыи crowds making their way in the various ways, who knew what, and only the laziest, Yes cowardly, Yes even those who are not quite попревился and not that run - walk normally could not remain sitting in a hostel: who read книши who listen to the tape recorder, and some just sleep.
The river is fed and football fans, which are normally assembled a tight group and dressed in shorts and t-shirts, напялившикроссовки, raced to the stadium to the nearest school, but now,захвтив MNA debate, went together with осталными, because the stadium go too banned.
Separate "renegades", the most desperate guys headed into the city, the nearest shops where sold wine and vodka, buying this "swill" for the coming evening feast, which usually слуались presents beta house on Saturday and Sunday, and less often for a special occasion on weekdays.
All dispersed, despite warnings and prohibitions, and the hostel of the fourth course was emptied.
Did not stay in school and I: dressed in a tracksuit, a popular and versatile clothing our cadets, and overcome the remaining else in the body weakness and malaise in theaddition etctheshM I started to inviting their голубими waters of the river.
As I jumped over the fence of the school in the area of warehouses near the sawmill, where the entire convenient and hidden from the eyes of the place, and was in the shady cool of the forest, growing on a slope, cool outgoing far down from уичлища both felt a burst of energy and freshness, that filled me inside. Going down the овражистым steep slopes of the hill on which the last century local сахаропромышленник built this cadets school for the web-son, who was not accepted for military studies in St. Petersburg, I after a few minutes found himself in a rather wild, provincial areas ссути already and not a city, but something close to the suburbs. Hence, with припойменной lowlands of the Psel, this small Ukrainian rivers were still visible at home, standing at the top of the hill, away behind высоими, poplars. But there it was rare to meet someone from citizens, and those were vacationers, hurrying across the secluded beaches or traveling for hay on the already narrow-minded meadows Biking man who held in his courtyard in private homes кродиков, pigs and other animals.
Down here on the river, no longer felt the pressure of the city that was tested on ентральном the beach. Around wildly раскнулась already wild, Nike not well-groomed, is Yes and no specific уходепервозданная nature has generously scattered here and there by stretching along the river lowland shrub thickets, groves and whole прилески trees, подстуающие seats to the water cute, quiet and calm the narrow plain of the river.
Промавшись through broad green fields, overgrown with green, started to dry already on a hot summer grass, knee-high, and sometimes and on a belt, I ten minutes already ran up to the place that between us was called "slash" and where preferred to spend their времяте who didn't like the noise and rush of the big city beach, but quite contented silence and безлюдьем of this picturesque corner. Now here Alo was designated on the fact that all the cadets bathed nowhere more so than on this "spit".
I ran to the river and was ready to dance with переполнявшей me the joy of meeting with nature, heady and одуряющей from feeling any wild freedom, which felt here.
I вспомилось while here and so, together, we raced with Охромовым on "студягу"as called by a Central urban beach is a popular place for our summer vacation. Yes! When was this?! A long time ago! And it seems that it is just recently, like yesterday, we радовлись with him his own audacity and it extracted freedom, and the unusual adventure that was waiting every time ahead of us. I was very sorry that Grisha not now, otherwise we would have necessarily give "Студягу" and today, no matter what. Not even because not did not like to bathe it in this quiet place, but because we have always sought with Охромовым to isolate themselves in their adventures from the other, close your мирот outsiders and foreign presence. And if all other избали would естом своегоотдыха the Central city beach, we would, probably, купалис either "to" or even "PM"or to "spit". Still, despite all the trouble and strife, discord and conflicts that emerged between us, I loved it somewhere in the depths of his soul, probably as a brother. There is no one closer neither he, nor I have - so it seemed.
I alreadydfled to "spit" - песчанной shoals on the sharp bend of the river, отгородившейся of extensive meadows roshchitsej weeping willow, overgrown on the sides of the thickets of reeds. This cosy little world was hidden from strangers ' eyes, except us, cadets, Yes children from the urban periphery today there was no one there.
Swimming in the "spit" was already in full swing. On the opposite steep Bank of a few people ran and jumped into the water, diving, playing tag. Others took pictures with them in a fun campaign amid the wonderful scenery. Still others stood on the shore, already swim and, Smoking, and about something enthusiastically talked. Here were kicking the ball, a dip in the cool of the river and washing away the sweat, football fans. Urban children frolicked here, without joining the us in the games, its камашкой.
I joined with the universal веелью, and soon awake young zeal made to forget all thoughts and concerns.
Bathing lasted quite a long time, and time passed already by the wide-ranging, when we noticed a man in a rowboat, гребущего visas downstream, coming to us from above located bend of the river. Oars provocatively flew high above the water, raced on it, breaking the mirror of the water drops, слетающими with their blades, and almost silently, мастерки, gently вхдили back, disappearing in the thickness of the river.
Among the cadets raced sly: somebody boat. She was with water station of our school, located a kilometre above the течениюна Board proudly inscribed "Rescue".
Sitting in the boat was back. From afar, it was impossible to recognize it, but those who continued to swim, suspicious.
Itself disorganized bathing cadets in the river was a flagrant violation of military discipline, and with the arrival of the state examination Commission of Moscow it took even more steep turnover: its Chairman, major General Бибко ordered strictly prohibit output of cadets on the river, prevent unauthorized bathing. GeneralRичал before the formation of the graduates at общеучилищном building cadets that he personally will investigate each case of such самовольства, and the one who will be caught in itm, will be punished the most strictm thus, up to expulsion from school, even with the state exam.
Divination our about who sits with his back to us in a rescue boat with water station of the school stopped quickly and sharply.
-Here is floating major General Бибко said standing next to me in невозмутимом tranquility Andrei Ivanov, a guy from my platoon, possessing a very deep, almost philosophical sense of humor.
I have got accustomed that was sitting in the boat, and despite the fact that he was in black opaque sunglasses, tightly adjacent to whetherCthe, and in only one of a broad,black swimming trunks-shorts, on top of which stood a bulky loose belly, and in the form of generals see I have not ever, I still learned the Chairman of the state экзаменнационной fee.
Meanwhile, major General sailed already quite near us, on the narrow fairway in this place, no more than twenty metres in diameter, river. Many, Yes, almost no one, and did not recognize him. In this form it is not much different from the majority of uchilishchnyh warrant officers. And all probably thinking that this is some College officer, дежурящий water station on the school decided to have fun from the service boating on the river. And only I and a few men who were near Ivanov when he said it understood who passes by. Understood, but who from оторопи, and who from дофинизма, арившего in his mind at that moment, did nothing. And continued to stand and observe passing a few metres past the us General.
Yes, this толстяке in black glasses with labour can be considered of Grozny General who shouted, ruined before the line and to appear higher and стойнее than was actually rose continually and socks сввоих little doll legs.
Trimmed under "Bobrik" head on thick, fleshy neck, tightly on her sitting, валунообразной form, необхватное torso are little resembled the low, giant man in the General's shoulder straps, which has for more than Crescent was a terror and fear came on all cadets, комудовелось time to be in school. One only his surname, the mere mention of it led many in awe.
Do not say in a calm voice Ivanov its фмилии, I would never recognized it полуголом man on the rescue boat, General-major Бибко, now, perhaps, I would not have him nose to nose, and even then, if he took off his opaque glasses.
Surprisingly those who learned the Chairman of the state Commission he swam past us calmly, not paying any attention to us and not knowing or pretending that he found us cadets, although it is quite simply determine looking at our relatively thin, muscular, sinewy body, контрастировавшие with city guys, and our short hairstyles.
We were standing on a steep, but невыссоком shore from which he sailed on a boat in ten metres. Sitting face-to-aft, he leash occasionally turned forward, looking over his shoulder, where floats his утлое boat. He looked so simplistic, beach-rescue and completely not General.
He never glanced in our direction, and we, those who knew him, watched аждым movement with close attention.
However, even if he углдел through his dark glasses that our slender body is noticeably differ from civilians guys, mostly loose, sleek, рапущенных, you did a very correctly and wisely, to show this. After all, to do with us now he was not able, and raised the cry, Tolo would put themselves in a ridiculous situation. He couldn't even scare sufficiently any of us, not to catch or get to come to him guilty, and I understood it quite well to refrain from expressing their indignation at such a mass violation of his order.
His boat and swam past us in ten meters down the river, and we pretended not to notice each other: on the one hand, the old General, and on the other we, old cadets almost too young and green officers standing on the threshold of a new, unknown for the us army life.
Major General Бибко disappeared behind крутам bend of the river to the right, for a green wall of a cane and a weeping willow загораживающей from our view sandy land spit, and we have already decided that intsendent exhausted, when, a minute later, and from there to laugh стреглав our guys screaming on the run: "Nix! There Бибко!"
Most of our rushed immediately to their heels, but few people, first recognized General, and remained standing on the slope невыокого shore. Panic swept from the others due to the sudden appearance on this укроно beach the most terrible person in school, never took us всоих swirl, took away in the twinkling of an eye the rest, and we have long watched as the Chairman of the state examination Commission, piers to "spit"is floating on the river in an odd way: on one side and with one hand and the second, неучаствующая in the movement, was submerged in the water like плавнику fish.
General and bathed, not paying any attention to us, if not he угожал us with cruel punishment. We stood and looked at him, realizing that he would now not be able to do with us, and all the same Ivanov told us that "spit" - the favorite place of recreation for the General, and every summer, when he comes to the school to take the state examinations, he relaxes affluent here on the boat with the rescue station.
Andrew I believed because he grew up in this school, so his fate.
-Well you have said about this? - asked I he.
How did I know that he will come here? "he asked in reply. -Yes, and what ососбенного happened? People came покпаться. He MS one is eating. I can even now come to him and say Hello! Want to?
"No, no!
Ivanov really could come to the General Бибко and shake hands with him. And it wouldn't hurt. We knew it: Бибко knew Ivanov and his father died many years ago, of the old artillery officer, преподававшего at the Department of fire.
Still a bit watching General, we understand that the Chairman of the state landed to this shore for a long time and to leave in the near future is not going. Swim with the General impudence none had, and we decided to leave for good-здорову, not tempting fate.
Chapter 20.
Heavy evening, and I wandered through the barracks, not knowing what to do. Usually in such days, if not had the opportunity or desire to go to the city, I visited my buddies on the other barracks, in other batteries and even on other courses. But today, in this воскоесный evening couldn't see anyone who missed because they were all outside uchilishchnyh walls.
Cinema, which was demonstrated in an uncomfortable училищном club with жесткиви wooden chairs, located on the same level so that half of the screen was not seen by ahead of the sitting, with the stuffy air and bad sound, tired of long ago with its grey, dull, faded repertoire mainly on the revolutionary and military themes. And here went only as a last resort, and even then, to have a laugh with a wicked irony or even sarcasm over дурственной and бездушеой staging these anybody unnecessary films. Special love in this sense were movies about the war, where the role of German tanks could easily see our relatives Soviet BMP, or their tower was badly and angularly сколоченны of plywood and напялены over кругленьких, squat towers of modern tanks.
It was unusual to see how many people have accumulated in the evening of the Sunday afternoon in our hostel. I don't remember since we moved here from the barracks, where lived the first three courses. Some rooms were empty, but others are full. There painted the "bullet" in preference, ease off jokes, срезаться in seka, the prison game is very popular among the students, Yes, listen to music, who is a rock, and who simplistic pop.
I wandered from one campaign to another and couldn't find a place.
Whist I played bad, Yes I would not take, because the game was on the money, as everyone knew, what my rabid debts. With such preferred, do not mess: lose I already ниего could not, and everyone hoped to win. In Sekou not take play for the same reason. I did not liked this game. She had a certain, constant circle of admirers, and Novikov here at first thorough around. Where listened to rock, going forever silent campaign, задумиво and intently listening to something from the "hard" or "heavy", isn't popular, but почитамых these меланхоличныи and угрюмными devotees "rock and roll aint noise pollution". Conversations here arose only when needed flip a cassette or ask someone in the audience cigarette. And the most part sat, listening to the modulation электрогитарного Reva, silently smoked, Yes only occasionally went phrases about time already sounding "cool places" in the compositions.
I loved to listen to rock, but not in such a situation. From pop music" I'm sick at my stomach and into the room where наяривли her sugary electronic rhythms, I did not even bother to look.
Thus overcoming all rooms not finding an appropriate campaign I returned to my room Charter wander through the Dorm, and I felt terribly, awfully want to sleep and barely прлег on the bed and immediately fell asleep soundly, not finding the strength even to undress or remove tucked the blanket.
I woke up in the night, and even was afraid, because someone woke me up standing over me and touching me on the knee. I sat up, rubbed his eyes, and then, accustomed to ссутулившемуся me, learned in the light of the street lamps barely добивающем here, on the fourth floor of a building with distant "appendicitis", Grishko Охромова.
From such surprise I spoke loudly, but he abortandl mwas, putting a finger to his lips.
-TSS-with-SS! he hissed, letting you understand me not to moan, and then gestures showed so I followed him.
In the corridor anyone on duty was not. Night table дневального was empty, and, probably, no one noticed ward Охромова to the barracks. We passed with him in the washbasin.
-Cool-now! - extended his hand to me Grisha.
-Hello, - I replied, shrugging her. -Get?
-Yes, something like that...
-And I come to thee in the Department once you order was not. Where the hell you been?
-I, or what? - Grisha grinned. "Oh, were you doin'.
-Yes, it's not important! - отмахнулс it from me, as nuisance. -I came, to discuss with you plan our further action and to start its implementation. Did you get my note?
-Yes, today.
"How do you liked my girlfriend? Liked?
"Oh, nothing much, " I lied for some reason.
-Well, - said Grisha, looking at me with a sly squint. -OK let's to the case. With her, it seems I have everything.
-All? I asked, feeling nervous.
I was extremely interesting that they happened, and did my buddy victory over this woman's heart. But ask directly, without hints, as is often done it before, without any sincere trepidation, I decided not to. Something prevented me to do so at this time. Yes I was almost convinced that the response of the other will most likely incomplete and evasive. I deeply doubt that relations with such a girl, in all manners of which could have been guessed not before it simple, peasant, and blue, thin and tender, blood, it may emerge as something clearly and simply, as it always happened that my friend is still with the other girls. It was something that would bring horror or impress servile worship. And this time Охромов impaled not on what he was used to dealing with. Some eerie and vague presentiment visited me in this moment, but then the soul is poured out within letting me do the talking.
"There! All!
-That went as in the sea ships?
-Yes almost that so, - voice Охромова filled with some obscure, subtle sadness. -I'm not at that age, so I think to give knit himself on his hands and feet. But I, again again say that he came not to cry you shoulder. Us still need money for them to do. You've already заманали your creditors? I know of. So, you want to offer a plan. Now I'm ready carefully thee to hear. Now nothing else I already not distracting.
I understand he hints.
Although I still couldn't myself after: clothing during the withdrawal did not give rest to my organism and only suffocating me, but I still found the strength again, as much detail as possible, tell him coined by my plan.
Охромов heard it thought two or three minutes bit his lip and simultaneously gnawing on the index the finger that, as I noted long ago meant выказывало he hard, almost impossible to work his mind, and then spoke:
-Is risky, but the idea of good. Well, was not was - do as you suggest.
We decided that the time to lose no longer allowed, and all plans should be the same tomorrow. Grisha promised to contact their "friends"and if they peck and agree to meet, then it will immediately tell. In any case, I had tomorrow regardless of the circumstances, to prepare everything that depended on me.
Then Охромов said goodbye and ran away, even not said where, and I was left alone again. Now I found the strength to undress, because otherwise would sleep until morning.
The next day I entirely spent in search of a suitable waste paper, which would be able to replace a valuable archival volumes and records. Something I found in the storerooms of our uchilishchnoj libraries, where there is a huge amount of crap no one wants. By the grace of imaginative librarians, обрадованной the fact that the library is going to throw at least немногомусора, I dragged the stairs and the back door a few heavy and massive stacks of books, old magazines, some notebooks and left it there until the evening, when it need. The back door of the library overlooking the rear yards from the main building, locked the door from time to time, and most often was opened. This same door enjoyed working school, carpenters, painters, those who worked in the printing house. They had the keys away from those doors, but never used them.
Even a few pounds notebooks, written in his scribblings of my predecessors, I requested the head of the secret section of the school, from the library this branch. They were useless, Yes also lost her once Neto значившую секретност, as confessed to me the chief of protection, but a heavy heart he gave them to me.
When I did what was necessary at first, then thought, what education is to give all these piles of paper a kind of old manuscripts, which demanded from us the bandits.
First of all, I decided to ground covers of notebooks, books and magazines to the point that they would have to sleep in the dust, but hand, mastered only a small part due to the incredible consuming. Realizing that it бесмысленная, and, most importantly, that does a waste of time and effort I put all the books and the books so worn, the ones that I could do to on the top in each of the stacks. Bandaging the resulting columns rough бичевкой, I examined the results of their work and find that everything is pretty cute, and, more importantly plausible done. Besides, those тетади and magazines that I got from the library, spent twenty years at least in the bullet and oblivion, but because their пожелтевшии pages and covers very like the архивыне paper, stored in a backwater and необорудованном for specially store.
In General, I decided, that all is already ready, it remains only to wait to give myself to know Охромов. And he was not long in coming.
Not an hour had passed after dinner, and in the early evening July sky still glowed in the West, changing from Golden to червонному, the setting sun, слепя its red rays in our room, when the door swung open, and the room with a joyful screaming burst Охромов. He greeted all who was there, warmly embraced, if not seen anybody here, at least six months. Last it came to me, hugged me, shook my hand and said that awful on me much. I would only wonder to what extent he is an artist. Probably all around except me, without a second thought believed in the sincerity of his behavior.
Returning to the conversation, that always occur after such a long absence, Охромов, at the end of Konov, again appealed to me, suggesting, as if by chance, go outside, sit in the Smoking room. Under this pretext, we left the room, walked along the corridor to the barracks and went down the stairs.
At the entrance to the entrance to the quarters stood still a few people about something animatedly chatting. We walked away, Охромов took out his cigarette and first offered me, and then lit a cigarette against the habit itself. Cigarette I refused and, removing tobacco smoke, immediately drowned magnificent fragrance of warm air, has been given to drink aroma of hundreds of roses that grew in all bed and flower gardens, broken in school, asked him:
-When you smoke started? I never noticed before.
But Охромов did not answer, and I guessed that he lit a likely from a terrible waves, which is now experienced. He stood and смалил cigarette, thoughtfully about three minutes looking somewhere to the side, and then spoke:
Means, so I called him yesterday, and they said that when we will be ready to transfer securities, we should give them know about it. They will pay us the promised money, however, warned that we will compensate for the wire, which arose in the case of fault...
-Well, this seems to present rudeness! - I protested. -What is the penalty we have to pay?! Yes, they absolutely insolent! No, they seem to live on the moon and not know what was happening in the city last week.
-Walk through the Bazaar, it is cheaper to find! - smiled Охромов.
't understand.
-And what is there to understand? Orders music the one who pays. Who needs more than them, this paper? Else you can offer such a deal? Anyone and they understand that perfectly. And if that, and be quiet in two holes.
"What?" - I leaned forward. -Kidding me?!
-No, of which I was over you scoff? They me on the phone said. I-what? Than'm different from you?
-Well, - I said, -and how much it will cost us this проволоча their language?
-Third of танее the amount.
-Yes, I even don't know how long shall this be in the money! You didn't speak to me!
Охромов called me the amount of remuneration, which he promised. For one it would be very good money, but for two, and even minus a third...
-We do not have enough even to repay our debts, and not something that, as you said, still walk! - I protested.
-Be not afraid, more than enough, even if they оттяпают we have the third part of our money. By the way, Grisha had one last deep puff and threw goby flowers, - they are warned that if we do not come to this meeting or pass them this time "junk" for any reason, they rest суммуурежут by one-third.
-Well, this certainly rudeness! "I said.
-Us nothing. Do nothing more. Or we continue our game with them, or we stop all relations with them and remain without money. Without money at all!.. And with enormous debts. So, how?
I was silent, quite consonant with what a friend said.
-By the way, " he began again - you made what he promised?
"Well, where is it?
Is - in a safe place.
"You хоошо looked? Will not fail? Look, here we are not in a cat-and-mouse play! If something suspect, we шлепнут. It is such people. As you think amiss?
I don't know... Better would it be if we all did it in the dark.
-What have they done? 't understand Охромов.
-Handed over the paper. If transfer in the darkness, most likely, amiss, and if there be light...
-Okay, let's see what you've done.
We went Охромовым the rough staircase library the door to happiness, as usual, was unlocked, and he meticulously examined my creation, carefully felt folded stack, though confiding, whether they are dense, almost sniffed them and then issued its resolution:
"You'll do. In any case, if they suspect, say that we knew not what we take, maybe they were mistaken in their records, and, can be, and we may be at the place already and not the lies that they had thought. Anyway, you can always blame the case that they gave me a piece of paper with some scribblings, they say, motorcoach to explain, but nothing N. explained. We could make a mess of everything. Am I right?
I nodded in agreement with him head.
And in fact, I think that for the paper at all ниыего is impossible to find, not that night and in broad daylight.
Охромов stood there, thought, and then he added:
And in fact, I find this strange. And why they give me some kind of incomprehensible scheme, more like scribbles? Do they really seriously think that we could find something? Yes this must be a real genius of seven spans in a forehead to understand it. Yes there is the devil himself leg break! And why they are strange paper that three hundred years dusty, lay, until they remembered not the stupid?
-Paper are sometimes more expensive than gold, and furthermore any money I replied friend.
-Yes, perhaps, you're right. That are more valuable, so it is. Not only are these - answer me Охромов, pointing to several of the TRC found at our feet.
Leaving the back door of the building we went out on the street. The sky was already dark, but not so much that it seemed првые stars. On the Eastern edge of him encroaching already inky darkness, through a transparent crystal which were soon to happen after the first heaven fireflies, and on the Western slope still glowed белсоватая blue, becoming darker and darker to the Zenith.
Охромов he touched me on the shoulder:
"I must be going already. Good-bye. Tomorrow, I probably already been discharged from hospital...
-Wait, - I said, - but did you even discharged?
-Well, then you today поствпил very reckless. You all saw almost half of the battery. Someone стуканет? What then?
-In half! We Tatars only would the gift, the rest poebat, " replied Greg, and I agreed with him that lose, then, indeed, nothing to issue remained a matter of days, and no one will change nothing can, even if very wants. Yes and wants you? Who wants to fiddle before release with some Охромовым, wasting time and nerves? The calculation was Frank and simple, albeit cynical, in fact.
-When we have the next exam? "he asked.
On Thursday,the say, " I told him, пытас understand the tone of his voice, why he suddenly lost a good mood.
-Well, OK then: just no exam't skip it. There is a silver lining, whatever you say!
"What is it? I asked, not understanding his last phrase, but feeling that in it the key to his bad mood.
Охромов looked at me in a particularly sad and sigh, and said, shaking his head:
-We talk about everything... Well, goodbye, the peasants to our greetings. Tell me who will be interested in what's going to be, though - he waved a hand - is unlikely.
After a minute, his figure had melted into the night. I returned to the barracks. We agreed with him that I'll get everything ready, get on a sports town and hide there obstacle in the underground gallery. Tomorrow night we taxi will take it to the appointed place, where tonight Охромов agree meet with their "buddies". There we will make this risky deal.
During our conversation, shortly before a final goodbye, he confessed frankly:
"You know I think about what we wanted, so I scared.
-Me too, - I said.
Indeed, this adventure was so passionate, that reminded me of walking the razor's edge.
Next day it was flying стремително and imperceptibly, quickly, like a bird on the wings, when I tried drawn approaching решитеьные minutes, when all will then traversed hardly, when I started to rush running hours. But still, he was drawing towards evening, the sunset.
In the evening in the battery appeared again Охромов with service of cellophane in hand, filled his things he барл in the hospital. With him again greeted, asked discharged or not, and why appeared yesterday, where then disappeared.
I stood aside from all waited while he перездоровается with everyone and finally released. Soon he came to me and greeted me, shaking hands and embracing. So after азлуки greet each other with true friends.
-Now I shall come, ' he said to me during our embrace, - shall report to the battalion commander that returned from the hospital. And be ready.
In ten minutes he went to our room and plopped down on the bed next to me, leaned against the wall, looked around, and said not sincerely, not sarcastically, in General, - do not understand:
-Phew, well, here at home! - smile creeping across his face. Home... after a few days it didn't. Can you imagine? We never to be the cadets. Never... time passes inexorably. Just think about it, only yesterday, it seems, were freshmen. It seems like only yesterday...
"You pulled on philosophizing? - with light sarcasm and humor in his voice " I asked.
-Don't know... do you remember how we used to drive Tkachenko that troops пишел... foreman with Далнего East? Remember, it was in the course of a young soldier? And as we were leaving with you in the first winter vacation? This scream was. Remember?
-I remember, and how not to remember, - I felt suddenly sad. Remembering about the last days of his life spent in school, one after another swept suddenly on me memories, быстропроплывая in the head and replacing each other. I remembered at once so much that he didn't know what to say. Probably, if I were offered relive those four years, I wouldn't mind and will gladly moved straight in time ago. As a phonograph record, spinning, "заскакивая" on one and the same natural, until you move the hand of the needle to another place, and I wanted to relive those years, times five, maybe six. Again and again. Then, perhaps, would be boring.
-Yes, you're probably right, ' said Grigory, looking at me through narrowed her eyes and remembering apparently, some of our long conversations - cadet be well... you Know, I often think, where does носталльгия about passing.
-Well, where did?
I think it stems from two things. The first is a property of the human memory to forget everything bad in a past life faster than good. It is like a self-brain overload bad emotions. Man, actually, in the life of the poor выадает much more than good. But it quickly goes from the head, and a good, though it happens - it is much less, and is much less, but lasts longer. This makes the memories of the person warm, rich joyful colours. The past is represented in memory as through rose glass. The physical, moral and spiritual difficulties that people experiencing rather experienced in the past, leaving almost completely, and past life seems bright and cloudless. A second source of nostalgia - it's a man's fear of the unknown, concealed in the future. Past matter how bad it may be, is already a fact. Nothing will change. It has already lived. And the future - all at the mercy of the elements and стеения circumstances, and little it depends on the will of man.
-Well, that poor forgotten much faster good, I think, that with you I find it hard to agree. And in the little things - Yes. But the sun big problems, which happened to me, still clearly appear before me in memory. In addition, there are actually people are rancorous, that can remember you trouble at least ten years.
-Here you are right. People who are evil in themselves usually and vindictive and destructive by nature. But the good works memory of them short. But such people are few, and I say really about more. Here we are with you a little confused sinful with the righteous.
Man remembers evil only in relation to any particular person. But memories of his own past is also likely to be painted in a positive tone. If he is so angry that and recollections of his painted in a bad paint, then he is probably a little something even know of the past. Memory fades in and fades very quickly. Otherwise мозгпогиб from the ever experienced отрицателльных emotions. This is a very powerful and deadly load. Among evil people, probably, very many suicides.
Now, tell me, art thou a lot помишь of unpleasant events from the past?
-Yes, in fact, quite distant.
-Well, you remember?" I mean, it hurts whether you remember or not?
I thought, trying to recall some particularly unpleasant incident that happened to me ever. The first memory I came incident that happened recently.
Yes, this happened in the fourth year. And the event, then what happened was quite unpleasant.
This was in the guard. Was already late in the fall. Nearing December. On the street was the first snow, white as fresh sheet, and his cheeks already покалывал easy, but a sharp frost.
I once saw service on the long-coupled posts located on the outskirts of the town's military College, where lived our officers and teachers. There were stores and one of the technical departments of the school. Distant they were considered because they really were at a greater distance from the guardhouse, located on the territory of school, on the other, the opposite end.
On the next to my post stood Gene Musuc, a good guy. In the morning, when the Department was opened, my post removed, and the Gene must continue to serve until the evening, because guarded училищные warehouses. On the first shift, we will intercede with him at eleven o'clock, and stand we had till midnight. For four years guard duty we have already adapted themselves to the system of checks and knew how much. Usually, the guard checked more often than once per shift. Reviewer approached change and with it went to check some of the posts. And so then, when we were preparing to заступлеию to the post, the guardhouse granted Lieutenant Colonel, a teacher of one of our chairs of arms. He most recently appeared in the school, just a week and a half ago, and we haven't really успелиузнать who he is. So, with a kind, good-natured guy, and there's a devil knows.
We take their posts, and the inspection went to the fleet. There was also two posts. Usually, all reviewers were subjected to the verification of some group of posts: too much was different between them, and if someone really set out to check all the posts, it could have taken an hour and a half, not less. As time would have it I missed the lesson of the entire shift. And who needs it?
We changed his comrades and for a long time served, as expected, did not correspond with each other, they watched each his own. Usually watch on distant posts night go together somewhere in the vicinity of the border posts so that was not so boring and terrible, you could talk to pass the time, so slowly coming on duty.
It took more than an hour, and time was after midnight. Remained beauty services немноговремени up to the moment when we had to change. Don't know what kept me to this, but, when the hands crossed over twelve I went неших with Генкой posts, покричал there Mashuk, and when he appeared from the darkness, invited him to go warm up "the pipe", as we called tube boiler that was located at the entrance to our posts. She отапливала residential town уилища. Night at the boiler was one operator, some old man-pensioner, who had been watching the meter readings and the normal flow and burning of gas, on which she worked, boiler room. Sometimes the most blatant daredevil, not too shy to ask to go inside the boiler-house, well, the one who was побоязливее and позастенчивее, were content with a place on her pipe, where it also was quite cute: iron, thick trunk подпирался on a concrete pedestal-the basis of the triangular sectors-kerchiefs, forming cosy prototype supercapacitor cells, where it was warm and comfortable to sit in.
Boiler располагаласьна territory of my post, and its pipe was on врутреннем economic courtyard, the entrance to which was also from my post, but the courtyard территоией post already not считалс, although the case for the "excuse" you can say that it was unknown to me.
Gene long resisted my suggestion. As I said, he was a good guy, you can even ссказать hundred conscientious, although a little lazy to study, and why, and maybe also come in a school after the army, often, almost always неусевающий on некольким academic disciplines. He didn't want to go with Noah "the pipe", but finally I persuaded him. Apparently, worked my arguments that a reviewer on our shift was already, and have nothing to fear: nobody will come more. Gene thought so myself, but something had feared. I can not say that he was the guy from the timid, but something wouldn't let him quite a long time I succumb to my entreaties. Probably, I had a presentiment that he had, which it stopped.
By my calculations we have nothing threatened. First, part since reviewer went on posts, it has been more than Asa, and he probably already asleep long been the home. If he wants to check and our posts too, you would surely have already come. Secondly, besides наальника honor at our posts now no one else could not have: the tolerances in the guardhouse treated as calculated per one shift. Two inspectors come in a guardhouse could not. As for the commander of the guard, he og come to us only with the following primitive. So I decided that we can quietly go warm up.
First, we wanted to go with Gena into the boiler room, but the door it was closed and we knock e dared. Then we went around her around, went on хоздворик, where he was a pipe, and settled on it. I must say that the frost has already been decent, and my legs, arms, face procedures froze. Now, sitting at exhaling heat pipe, I almost immediately started to fall asleep, разомлев like the заваленке the furnace.
The entrance to the courtyard was through жлезную the gate, and he represented a kind of тпичок two sides of the buildings fenced - boiler and hand плотничьих workshops, with the far end - high fence, when желаниии, you can climb again once within the моегопоста. On хоздворике were sketched кчи all kinds of stuff: junk, the rests of any metal constructions, sawdust and a pileup of logs and boards of all sizes. Here in disarray rolled coils of wire, Bay which spread, confused and lost all form, and a lot of not clear why the imported coal, and true dump empty, rusting barrels, in short, this collection всемозможного material, partially ожидющего its application, as part already, because of the heartless attitude and mismanagement, превратившегос in the real garbage, and remove the laziness was not something that result in beneficial state.
Just in case we agreed with Gena, how we act, if someone suddenly appears with a check our service earlier than we expected. In this case we'll omit them on the territory of my post, and when they turned the corner of the boiler house, I'll go after them and stop shouting, which are supposed to stop all those who appeared on the territory of the post. And Genk in the meantime, while I'll distract came to himself, перепрыгнетчерез fence, отгораживающий courtyard behind and flee to his post: he-he stuck behind my. Of course, I would ask where I was, that they were IMO me, and I will answer that I could hear the sounds from сттороны хоздворика and, although he is not part of the territory of the post, and can be, and is, I went there to check what's going on there. Scold me for it will be, I suppose, but not as much as for that, if we suddenly found RATM on the "tube".
Everything was great coined and, probably, not by us first. Our plan was difficult to find fault, and it would seem that the mosquito nose is not undermine, so we were pretty relaxed and calm, the more that come-then nobody should have been.
Of course, some, perhaps most, of the share of risk and was in our undertaking, but we thought it would cooked only relegated similarity with the adventure from him very far. Yes and we are not alone way to behave. Almost everything as we know, every time they do, if not, then somehow different, but not better. All of tricks, облегчавшиенам carrying the guard were invented and are known almost since the first course. He who at the dawn of carrying us on guard duty, not to be afraid, as many did, of some mythical an attack on themselves and could easily break even then, being a first year student Charter, always boasted of their misdeeds before my friends, and, thus, the experience was transferred from one to another, and soon received a significant spread. Those who tried not to violate the Charter, diminished, and by the end of the third course I didn't know anyone, whoever commits guard some violations, actions, запрещаемого Charter. May be, and remain, and even until the end of the fourth year, when the us finally liberated on guard duty, such heroes, but good, correct actions in our environment boast was not only accepted, but a shame, because it was considered abnormal for "normal" cadet behavior. This all shy, and so, anyway, this is not boasted. But the bad example flourished ever since the first day, Yes, moreover, he was known to be still and contagious.
Feeling the bliss of all the body, we almost fell asleep, but наали chat about all sorts of interesting things. Then talks саим themselves started угасат sinking in half sleep. We felt that dream relentlessly overcomes us, and even rose to their feet to cheer up, and stood, leaning to the pipe back, тотгрдью. Whatever you say, and it was already quite cold. For the winter hour issued toe loop, but clumsy слуюба not kept pace with fast the first frosts, rapidly enter into force, and because we were in some overcoats.
However, we fell asleep together with Gena even standing and did not notice...
I woke up from that creaked iron gate of the courtyard. Or rather, not even woke up, as if waking from a dream. From this evil squeaking heart sank in the chest in a frightened ball. Inside all in one min gone cold.
I peeked carefully from behind the pipe and in the moon свте saw three figures. Ahead, ka I guessed was heading our diluting. I recognized him by exceptional growth. Behind him trailed guard, but who knows. Over his shoulder was a bayonet-knife, put over the barrel of a gun. The third was an officer. But who? If it was начальик guard, he will go ahead. Yes and its unlikely he would disturb once again diluent, which day was held at the office and back more than fifteen kilometers, - he would have gone himself, taking someone from the guard. So, the last was a reviewer!
"Help! "my head is проенсись thoughts, tens of all thoughts, overtaking one another. I wondered where could take now reviewer? Because it according to my calculations had давго to go back home, because, after all, it has been more than one and a half hours from the moment of our intercession for the post, and we were just about to change. - Who could be this came to us on the post?"
These and many other thoughts rushed headlong in plagued my mind. If I hadn't woke so thoroughly, was ready to believe this is just a bad dream.
I pushed Генку that sweet snoring in the next compartment, between the railway кронштейно, supportive pipe. He also woke up with consternation shaking his head. With просоня he could not understand what happened, and tell him I was afraid, because we could услыщать. In the dark I only saw his frightened eyes, shining in the moonlight, and, hoping that he will understand me, put his index finger to his lips, bestowing upon him the knowledge to be silent.
"What is it? asked Genk.
"Do be quiet, you fool! - разозлилс I from what he didn't understand my gesture. CheckUser came.
-Where is it?! another испуганнее and louder asked Musuc.
-Yes do not lean out of you! - I hissed, pulling it off at the collar of his coat, as he tried his own eyes, that I'm not kidding with him.
Now we stood silently looking at each other and hiding behind a pipe, and knew not how we do it.
Reviewer meanwhile was approaching us, venturing farther on the territory of the household on a footpath, shuffling between snow drifts and piles of all kinds of junk. I suddenly thought, perhaps our diluting and not скащал him that we can hide here on the tube, and they just came here in search of us, beating both positions. Then they had to go to the end of the courtyard and finding that there's nobody here, go back. In this case, the main thing was not to give away their location, and sit quiet as a mouse. The pipe was in the party metres in five or ten off the path, and the path to it blocked a impassable heap of sawdust and chips, наструганных on the bench. So I was born weak, but surprisingly tenacious hope that we will not notice. This was the most important. And then we come up with, would have done so, as договоривались before.
Come already passed the pipe and, apparently, as I expected, gathered go further. To remain unnoticed, we had пеелезть in бругие section, so that трба hide our silhouettes.
I touched Генку, anxiously watching the movement of the inspection, by the arm and nodded to головыпоказал that the us, one has to go through scarves supports. He nodded as a sign that he understood. Carefully, I stepped into the next section and, when began to translate the other leg over the oblique edge of the sheet steel bracket, you've done a lot of noise, enough to tell you that we are here: ebony scabbard of my bayonet-knife with a flourish громыхнули about the hollow iron pipes.
All three of them stood in the middle of the courtyard turned in our direction.
-Let's call these hidden there! came up to us, the voice of the officer.
We were still there, continuing to something to wait for, as if hoping for some miracle that was to save us. But no! diluting headed in our direction, moved between the piles of garbage, and stood, and said quietly, with some fatal tranquillity, making it clear that nothing will change:
-Go on!
We seem to have waited for this non-agressive signal, somewhere in the depths of his compassionate and which was still ruing of everything that occurred, have crept out of his hiding place and went in single file to the examiner, realizing that everything now depends on his will.
Remember, what was my surprise when, coming closer, we saw that a reviewer who comes to our posts, this is the new Lieutenant Colonel, who came to проверкунашего guard when we only went intrude on shift. Since then it's been half an hour, and I thought he had been at home, asleep, or, at worst, to drink his tea. And only then we Gena learned that the validator has bypassed all the posts, every one of them, and going home already decided on a course of a look on our posts. He was so sure that he will not come back, that even made a record in the guard Vedomosti that the service is OK. And to return all had...
-That, asleep? - asked us Lieutenant Colonel. In his voice was something like his son understand the notes, but it was my fault. What is that to you?
We Gena started to explain that not asleep, and have come here слуайно, just to warm up, though, if we would listen at that moment to what we say, we'd probably feel ashamed of the ridiculous nonsense we talk.
-Where is your post? - asked me a reviewer. He, in fact, probably the first time came to check the guard.
-Here, - I replied, looking around the hand of the space around you from the entrance to the Department and to the warehouse.
"Your post? - he turned to the Gene.
-My there, waved his hand Musuc towards warehouses. -Warehouses NC glove service.
-Well, I can see what your important posts! Let's separate, " he said to разводящему, -now the posts. May they accept them under guard. And then come to change them now because the change does not end, right? And we understand.
Then he turned again to us:
-You've достоите shift to the end? - in a voice suddenly arose whether some cautious утивость, or suspicion, or fear, as if we have not done now for something else. He was trying to catch the movement of our thoughts through everything that we said. Knew Lieutenant Colonel, shows that they very often differ from among the people, sometimes almost to the opposite.
Lieutenant Colonel asked us about this, as usually ask in seriously ill patients, who for some reason hurt, whether they be patient or not. Or it might be thought that we are not on guard standing, but just for fun games in the military, and I'll now take, clap their Gene on the shoulder and ask him: "Well, brother! Достоим or maybe по1дем from here to hell?!" And he, thinking a bit, which is harder: somewhere shove or just stand there, say in reply: "Yes, I think that достоим!"
Of course, we agreed достоять until the end of the shift, and this was granted for us but not for the Lieutenant-Colonel. But sorry! He'd better not said as much, because it gave us to understand once again that he fears. Perhaps he just experienced my service because was an old officer, повидавшим, probably, of all kinds, and we were the future he change that so it saddened, but we saw that he was just afraid. And he's the fear had nothing. He no responsibility for our service is not carried.
After the change from the post of the us immediately took off guard and sent to the barracks. That night I could not sleep worrying about what had happened and for what awaits us.
But events took such a turn that the case of this was to get a huge impact. Still, if checked one of his own, with the division, then we would surely have punished, but the thing above the battalion command publicity hardly received. And here we "flew" on the level of the school.
In the morning after the night I woke up with ощщением that I am a criminal. I do not know anyone, but for me it was a painful feeling. All around there was some detached, detached and cold accurately scenery. The world suddenly itself became suddenly wider uncomfortable than it was for me yesterday. Involuntarily began to loom on the horizon some vague images, not the disciplinary, correctional institution, not sending in troops after expulsion from school, when we left behind three quarters of the way.
The whole next day was for us with Gena as in a bad dream. We pulled in different offices, starting from the commander of the battery to the генеральским. However, наальник schools do not accept us, and we are only receiving his apartment, but the fear had suffered a fair amount. Moreover, all the experiences adds even and guilt before Gena. Him and scolded more, and, strictly speaking, it is not the fault was in fact: it's because I persuaded him, and, after long belief. Gene Мушука scolded for not fasting, and me only for violation of the Charter, which was much softer. And though any time at all levels I justified him and said that Musuc was not guilty, that he gave in to my bad influence, he suffered much stronger than me.
What I had that day! We were threatened with a disciplinary battalion, and I had a mortal fear of such a perspective, I looked at the dismayed Мушука, its a simple person, luminous some perplexity, and laughed to hysterics, to a nervous attack, abnormal laugh. I was ashamed of Gena, he looked at me with surprise, not understanding the reasons of my oars, and I couldn't stop and, especially, to explain to him that laugh from it, because he would have taken it as сверхнаглость and mockery with my hand in his address, even though I experienced quite the reverse, that sort of awkwardness, compassion and desire to ask him to forgive me for everything that happened, but it was me and funny. Yes I объснить its state not differently as laughter through tears as hysterical.
Strangely enough, but then I got quite happily, we can say that easy fright. Threats дисбатом replaced with the threat to expel and send in the troops. Then and пошествию вреени replaced in the guardhouse, and after already went long time, almost a month since the event, we were told that for this act we can't go on vacation after зиней session, and guard us plant will not be.
But in the vacation I decided to go. And the story only confirmed me in opinion that in the army, I don't know, maybe somewhere and still, there is парадок that the more serious the offence, the less, eventually, the penalty for it. Maybe for some it's improbable, but I know this, what is called, the actual skin...
Here is a recollection came to me first to mind, and, on reflection, I realized that even remember this when something very unpleasant and scary for me history, only one good. All thought of as a casus, for year ended, fortunately, quite well. And, as you know, all's well that ends well. So I could not at the recollection of the events of those days cause in your soul nothing worse smile and irony.
Never hurt these memories no one string pain or sadness, and I honestly Охромову:
"You know, Greg, you're right. I absolutely e бльно remember this. Now remembered one story, доставившую me once lot of unpleasant experiences... Помишь when I guard "flew"?
-AA-a... Well?
-I remember now, as a great adventure, and only...
"You see, and you know why? Because чтооно ended all the same well, and that you remember stronger than all gone through then troubles together. I say that troubles are forgotten very quickly, in contrast to the good memories.
-What do you mean?
-Yes, that by law you for the crime was to get a life in the Slammer, and what really happened? Nothing. So you had forgotten about this story.
-But I still remember about her! So you're here, I think, is not right, " I said Охромову.
"But you say yourself that you remember this, as необыное adventure. And then it was a turning, a turning point in your life, and you take it very differently. If you are being punished, as you TGO deserve, then you should have it by then, most likely, has experienced. And so - it's just fun, only it difficult variety. So to say, with aggravating circumstances. Now. Now don't you remember what feelings, what experiences tormented and tortured you тогдая?
-Probably, not.
-Well, here. And the feelings remember the longer and deeper than what we remember the mind. So, you're the event will not Pro-feelings-of-shaft. If felt somehow remembered.
-So what do you think prevented me feel?
-Lack of proper punishment. You don't even sat in that time brig, isn't it?
-However, did not sit.
-Well, how do you think, if you put hot would guard, you would repent of their deeds?
I thought about it and agreed.
-However, nodding in acknowledgement, continued Охромов, " you should be in life still it would be useful. Experience would be in vain.
-Why is this?
-Because then you would already would, again as a cadet. Would you became a changed man. Поимаешь?! Has turned into a de least Zeca, and a way you will not see. But in prison need is a completely different experience. And all over again. However, the memory itself would put up with your OREM and wiped him from their pages to make room for another new experience, which would be able to provide further life. And mourn for the past, you can afford only when TEB in life increasingly less благополуно. Prison is not a Paradise for гргустных memories. Grieving for the past, there can be and disappear. Descent yourself in the Slammer should not be given, otherwise was going to kill. Do not own, so wrong. There must fight for his life. However, as elsewhere. Only there probably is hard and relentless struggle. Would you agree with me?
-Yes, perhaps you're right! But how do you know all this?! About the prison, for example?!
"Yes, " replied he укловнчиво and vague-I know - and all... Okay - suddenly started it, is something we're заболтались topic. It is time to begin. A night on the nose.
Chapter 21.
We came out of the barracks and headed to the sports ground, where I showed Охромову our hidden paper. They were intact. And who might want this trash?! Except that the boys from neighboring houses, often spending their time for self-indulgence and frolic, with a fool could dip into it, and then we would have to postpone our plans. And postpone had no way!
Охромов examined meticulously collected me a paper and said:
-You know, still not very likely! Подозритеьно!
-But you всчера said that pulls!
-To say something said. And here now I can see that is in itthe 't it. Not that... Oh, well would stuff ten-fifteen these manuscripts put on top for excuses, " he looked at me, like a baby's coming manuscript. - They same also not stupid... what do you think?
-Yes, perhaps you're right, " I agreed, and suggested that, immediately regretting I dissolved the language, - and you know, I here in the room there are a few manuscripts.
Охромов on fire:
-So what did you use to keep quiet?"
I don't know, " I replied, in the soul continuing to lament my outburst.
"Now, let's then run Duy in the barracks, or where they have you lie, and return here. We распихаем on the stack, so they were over the top. While I get that call from factories, that everything is done.
We parted. I went to the barracks to pick up from the room manuscripts, issued by собстенной my stupidity, and Охромов почался call. I was настолко upset that not even surprised that Охромов so calmly reacted to the fact that I was perfectly fits" several manuscripts. As if so, what nonsense, on every corner lies. He even asked him where I got though I were in his place, asked this necessarily.
Going into my room, I sat on the bed and thought for a moment. At heart I had my doubts. Terrible doubt overwhelmed me. I didn't know how same me still to enter. How my mind one after another floated manuscripts that хранилис me. They didn't rates, and even I, although it was quite far from this, understood this. Each of them was worth at least, and possibly dozens more that promised to pay for Охромову. In addition, I read them as much as possible, and насклько they were clear, they were so interesting for me. Down былло a lot of unusual things, what I have not ever сталкиватся neither in life nor in other literature. Something told me that I should not use these books are so vain and инае it isn't.
"Return - a bad omen!" thought suddenly I. -Really, what the hell I came back ?!"
I stood up and hurried back, out of the room, away from the barracks.
When Охромов from afar still waving his hand, and touched not the almost land of joy ran up to me as an avid athlete, or delight in his mood markedly diminished. He looked at my hands, pockets, stomach, trying to, apparently, understand, where are they hidden promised me the treasures and then, finally, realizing that I have nothing was astonished:
"Why don't brought nothing?
-Drive back was a bad sign, I volunteered, trying not to look him in the eye.
"You realize what you have done? Do you understand? angrily asked Охромов moving towards me as if to hit me.
I don't understand, " I replied, and not going back. -I come from a pure heart told me I was eatingь manuscripts. What if I were not? We would still have to go to this meeting.
-That if, Yes if only .... That, tucked? - suddenly, right in the forehead, bluntly asked Greg.
-Clutch! - I retorted, though not like to quarrel with him.
Охромов smiled strangely. From this his smile I felt somehow uneasy. "The Jew, " I thought to myself, -the Jew - you, kike!" wound his soul the words of hurt полоснули on the heart. I did not want to offend me, but I somehow did, and this случалосьсо me, alas, not for the first time. I did it, probably, for conscience ' sake, and my friend so he thought to himself, most likely. Thought, Yes, but not said.
Since childhood I have pursued these painful for me are the words which I took as an insult, Yes that is what they were. "The Jew, the Jew, often sounded at me, even though I considered in my soul, myself Russian. I had no reason to consider himself a Jew. Anyway, I was sure I was sure then that I am not a Jew, not a kike, that обзывательства these completely vain and not worthy of my attention. But I ceased not to pester issues with a subtle hint about what my nationality. Although all the докумнетах I passed by nationality as Russian, but all my life, everywhere pursued these two damned word. They chased me изподтишка when I'm not looking forward to this, and, chasing, hurt to the heart, in the most secluded corner. In the end, I been taught, then I really, if not a Jew, so, anyway, and not Russian.
In the end my inner faith that lasted a very long time and courageously, violently beating ve attacks on national soil, the faith that I am Russian, badly shaken. This happened in more Mature age, when I was able to perceive other people's views and judgments about yourself in a new light and with several other consciousness than in childhood.
I cannot become a cosmopolitan in the soul. Endless reminders that I am not Russian, I am a Jew or someone else, the most powerful and irreversibly undermined once were strong Patriotic feelings in me, and I already knew not to fifteen years, to what land me draw your prayers, and what part of the land considered his true homeland, the land of their ancestors.
Yes, I didn't know my pedigree further to the second generation. My parents and grandparents are not caused me to doubt that they Rusichi, because their Motherland were villages of Northern regions, where the Jews were not found. But still, the older I became, the more doubt cause the purity of my family tree. Yes, and some are not beautiful secrecy surrounding the birth of my parents reached the edge of my ear, his полупонятностью, hinting giving birth to my soul all the troubles and doubts, who strengthened me with every year, and the attitude of the people, not перстающих усомневаться in my national origin, всяески fueled this diabolical mess. Once I heard the mother boasted one of your friends that my grandmother, her mother gave birth to her from a passer-Gypsy, заскочившего in their village for a few of days. At the time when she was born, her alleged legal father, three years already, as he gave a soul to the Lord God, and when she was born, went to the village priest to baptize girl and agreed with him somehow to her recorded in the metric of three years old, though not a month passed, as was born. Pop then then baptized in secret, by agreement деревенсских, which protected him from the authorities, as the Apple of his eye. And совместительно and officially it with most of the post-revolutionary years, once banned the Church, worked in the village Council, in the table рагистрации of acts of civil status. Peasants chairmen, all who was firmly punished "do what you want, but the priest did not touch". Otherwise promised disobedient fierce think of death, and his family, the whole damn собачтим reduced. Here and was baptized by the pop Yeshe long fifty years and metrics at the same time пописывал. And мамку my baptized three years older than she was. Don't know what's to him my grandma something the matter with her, but also, apparently, do not put in the top паце was quiet.
Another time my mother she told me that often called the father of my jokingly allegedly kike, and a Jew, but assured me that he is Russian, only appearance was a painfully black, Eastern. I believed, and did not trust her immediately. It was difficult for me to believe, if I absolutely unknown to each дургом people, not saying a word, I was told the same.
However, I have not always been taken for a Jew, if you talk dirty. In the various ages of me called differently. Yes, when I was young, I was persistently declared "еврейчиком". They spoke to me and my peers, barely even with me, who grew up to kindergarten, said that and the guys are older, had studied at the school. I though it was sheer small fry, has already tried to отбрыкиваться from such attacks, angry and suffered deeply in the soul, trying to отшучиваться and wrapping the matter as a joke, to prove offenders, that I am Russian. But this is only amused around me, and seeing that I was angry and I worry, белею anger and resentment, and ready now, and weep, but consider myself from tears, they not only did not cease, all you want of me, but did it with great pleasure and daring. It happened that, unable to stand, I fought with someone, but it did not help: I could not переколотить of all their peers, скоорее they took me to the turnover. At this time I tried to fight my doubts and although suffered and suffered greatly in the soul, never talked to my parents about how I обзыают and tease. I was too shy to ask such questions to the father, and even more to talk about what had happened, fearing that he would be hurt. The mother sometimes dared to ask with great to do with creativity and care: "Mama, I am a Russian?", "Mom, we Russians? Are you Russian? And the Pope? He is also a Russian?" "Russian, Russian you, " replied my mother, probably, and not knowing about my mental torment. -And I'm Russian, and your dad English..." and I often, with age, asked: "But why then so much they call me a Jew?"
When I grew up already so far when a boy becomes a man, my appearance was much more difficult to determine. There is already наали some of my fellow students, and by that time I already embarked on the path of military field, attending Suvorov military school, "кадетке" in our folklore жаргончике whizzed and more mundane assumptions about my nationality. Variations on a theme of what a Tartar, and, may be, and Hungarian, мадьяришка, but in General, sometimes, смахиваю the Chinese probably unusual , bloodless yellow shade of my skin, which, like names-прилипалам, has haunted me all my childhood. Came up to me and does exotic race and nationality. I was and Korean, and вьетнамцем, and who only was not, except that the Negro nobody call failed: skin color, probably, did not allow - but now, imagine that the mulatto in Maine couple of times recognized without it, not cost.
All this was, and, honestly speaking, I was even glad somehow be Hungarian and Chinese, but if one began to suspect me a Jew, then I take it with constant pain and suffering in the soul. And why I was horribly belong to this националности, I imagine never could.
Yes. I got used to the fact that I am not Russian. My father was Mao growth and кучеряв that seemed to me an obvious sign of his Jewish origin, and once stopped to see him, the thought of this idea has become stronger in me with a thoroughness, and I learned to simply enjoy myself in the soul, if no one spoke on the topics of national facilities, and any disputes, which I never usually do not interfere, because I вешда said in that case: "And you, in General, not Russian, some sit and be quiet!"
A little later, I just said,
"Listen, you're not Russian, as if they saw me for the first time and made the discovery.
-Why is this? - continued relentlessly ask me.
-Do not know, - answered me, " but the Russian you don't like.
Although this attitude was unpleasant, but it was still softer the wild насмехательства and insults that I used to endure as a child from their peers. Then I. Probably acquired the complex of national inferiority that sometimes tortured me to this day.
Finally, in the surrounding world, everything is back to normal, and my best friend in school, downright иудофоб, I started compare me with Pushkin, who, he claimed, was a Jew, although he had lived in Russia and wrote in Russian poetry, then, seeing that I like his conversations'm trying to remain silent and not to accept the topics became increasingly teasing me and in other ways in the most inappropriate and awkward moments for me. And if, when our conversations, it подклепки were alone, somehow I still tolerated, not paying attention and pretending to miss it by ear, in humans, in the presence of strangers in their молании looked pretty stupid and guilty. In recent years, and especially during our disagreements, Охромов not упрускал case that not directly, but indirectly affect the patient to me topic. He then began to squabble over the Jewish origin in nearly a half of the platoon, but they took his ambition with due sense of humor, and I am not participating in these перебранкках, sat in such cases, I buried my nose in a book, pretending to read it and hear what is going вокргу, and he was afraid that now, in the heat of passion, which took possession of Охромовым in the minutes of such squabbles, he lifts his withering fire at me and say, "now, who are we real Jew!" and I was almost convinced that I could not give him a due rebuff in a joking tone, which would defuse the situation after such a statement. And, although this has never happened, I don't know that this could happen between us. To such antics, Grisha I have not хвтало spirit refers to the innocent jokes, because I knew in the depth of the sunshine that he is always glad to подковырнуть me on this, and, although it clearly and wanted to say such a thing, I could feel it almost physically, spinal cord, but he was not sure exactly what I think of this problem at his address very painful and close to the heart, and combined with my temper it became dangerous and unpredictable not only for me.
Sometimes, when I know, of course, Grisha was telling the training with a loud voice, heaven forbid that does not go over my head, anti-Semitic jokes, and then, having finished his story, while everyone laughed silently and vile, недвузначно looked in my direction. I felt this view, even if he walked from the back, "gallery", where usually all kinds of vicious пабаски and tales...
"The Jew, " I thought to myself, standing before the Охромовым, -Jew!" And I was very sick. I knew I was almost sure that Охромов thinks at this moment the same thing.
Охромов stood there a long time and silently stared at me.
-What shall we do? "he asked finally.
-If you want, I'll take your buddies all this and take the money? I asked, honestly thinking that I need to do to not подвергат other danger because of their greed. Let their жидовскую blood I поплачусь himself.
-You, in your mind? - made round gala Охромов. -Yes if you have one then you разделают on all counts. Inspect every last piece of paper and, at best, will give a kick in the ass. At worst... Ugh, I know these people. Believe me man. They are from you and wet places will not leave.
He fell silent again, something over and then said:
-Okay, let's go together. Whether that will be. If so what, you say, that took what was laying there, and if you don't like it, go themselves and take. Am I right?
Grisha told me that just called them, and he appointed a meeting in one provincial town near the school. I asked, what a place selected by his "friends", and at the mere mention of it I was not myself. I imagined this vast wasteland, on the far edge of an abandoned orchard broken on the outskirts of the city, which started the collective farm lands, Yes separating from each other fields tree-planting strip. It was quite an eerie place, on поторому other побавивались walk and in the afternoon, and we went there in the twilight of the approaching night, and not just rode, and should быливстретиться there with dashing people who have decided that утварить with us.
Wasteland the one assigned to us for a meeting, was a kilometer away from the school, but дибираться there it was only by a taxi, otherwise we would not dragged their unaffordable кипв and a pile of wastepaper.
-You know, I don't feel good, " I said Охромову.
-Me too, " he said.
I looked at him in this moment and almost frightened. His face was stone pale and motionless, as a person plaster statues. His eyes somehow fell in love deep inward eye hollows, and around the entire eye socket any необыные and scary pale-grey circles. Cheeks hollowed pits inside the old man.
I heard that людец shortly before his death on the face is her mask, but thought it was grandma's fairy tales, fables for стращяния gullible, I thought, it's all nonsense mad old women, although almost openly afraid of all kinds of superstitions and signs, хотьь somehow affecting oblastь transcendental.
May be, and now I saw on his face, something he could not feel. And maybe it's just a fright it happened.
After a few minutes we managed to catch a taxi. The driver at our request, drove the car to the fence of ' sports area, and we threw the pile of paper over the fence and loaded them into the trunk of a "Moskvich".
"Where shall we go, guys? - asked the taxi driver, driving up to the exit to the prospect.
-Until towards аропорта, " replied Охромов.
The driver turned left, wait until the bus drive away so trolleybus, speeded up, from what strongly a worn engine здребезжал and banged valves, switched transmission and again spoke to us:
-And you, guys, garbage подрядились throw, whether that?
I I heard his laughter and thought: "Talkative caught..."
-Yes, only bury, and not thrown away remarked Grisha.
-Yah? - surprised the taxi driver.
"Yeah, " confirmed Охромов.
-And do you need it? "the man asked.
"Yes, " replied Охромов.
Taxi driver shook his head and silent, focusing on the road.
I sat just behind the driver, looking at his лысеющую head and thought: "Now pulls the very with our three-rooms, Gad, and the Deposit will not give. How many times has this happened! Knows that pride Deposit of not asking, but if remind, answer that no trifles. on Saturdays, probably, beer crack with herring in some занюханной пивнухе on the "left" money, and even friends of the party treats. He, money free of charge. And пьянчужки him for it, certainly, is greatly revered. It is in your Board. And I wonder how much he earns in a day? The gold coin? Two?!"
I just wanted to crack this old, thick boar, brazenly and arrogantly talking with us, something weighty and serious in his bald forehead, that he knew who he was dealing with.
-Er, wait, overclocked! - Охромов всполошенно задергал taxi driver on the shoulder.
"What is it? "Mattie wrapped the his face with sagging бульдожьими щекамми, even from soft greenish backlight dashboard отсвечивающими unhealthy, purple spots blush.
The machine came to a screeching halt and clung to the side.
"What is it? - asked the driver after stopping.
-Turn slipped! What is what! - evil snapped Охромов. -Go here, you know! Ссдавай back now!
-You so immediately and said, " replied спокаиваясь driver, toggle switch transfer and looking pass us by the back window of the car.
-Come on, come on. Back and then to the right, he commanded the Охромов.
-On primer?! - asked the taxi driver, raising his eyebrows in astonishment and bulging eyes. The machine again put the brakes, driver turned away, not looking at us, said, - no guys I on primer't go вылазьте here if you need.
"What is it? Afraid of, then? - Охромов indignation jumped to the ceiling of the cabin.
-Why should I be frightened? - handed the man, looking at the blinking somewhere far to the right of the chain and veins of white, yellow and orange lights that could be guessed at home behind a large field окрайного microdistrict of the city.
-I don't know what can we was scared!
-You?! - carcass whole body turned to us, appraised Охромова, and then I their fish, watery, dull eyes and giggled. -You... hehehe... brother you-I'm not afraid! And not so соплякам neck мылил - happened!
He обперся its hefty ручищей on the backs of chairs and concluded:
-So вылазьте and not to speak!
In me all закипелло outraged. But I was perplexed, not knowing what to do. The audacity with which talked with us, the taxi driver, was возмутилельна and self-confident. Apparently, this ham had not received from anyone in the face.
Охромов choppers and позеленел anger. I've seen it compete desire to hit insolent and fear to get a response even more. It was evident that, and the taxi driver and he, conscious of his superiority and timidity of the enemy, smiling at us right in the face, still grinning with Golden crowns on several teeth.
Grisha, apparently, all the same order quailed and hesitated to strike. I, too, sat pretty attention, testing struggle inside desire and fear and sensing the nearness of minutes of shame. I wanted to, and could not make himself hit this broad face. Confusion suppressed my will. It would seem that is to hit him. We need only apply all the power to blow was devastating, for sure. But between desire and action, the imaginary and the real lay a huge gap, jump through which lacked determination.
Охромов chattered away a hand through his clothes, then climbed запазуху. He looked, though frightened, but some self-confidence. His eyes seemed to say: "Now, now, wait for me!"
Suddenly, his hand came something black dim поблескивающее in блеклом lights on the dashboard. In the gloom, I'm guessing the barrel of a gun. This was likely to be a Makarov pistol or something similar in design of a system. I have not had time to be surprised by this turn of events, I heard the command Охромова:
-Well, go on, you bastard, you say! Otherwise now you изрешечу!..
Охромов was very excited, and I, sitting next to me and felt his body trembling large nervous trembling. I was familiar with this condition. It comes a man with a strong excitation of the nervous system, when there is excessive energy expended nerves stands out through this small, but frequent reducing million subordinated muscle fibers of the body. Nothing good this tremor is not promised. It hampers the freedom of movements of the body, and along with that envelops the mind of a misty veil, which greatly inhibits the reaction. People calm, with strong nerves, constantly training our psyche, such stress-induced fever in extreme situations not знакоа. They completely control their actions, as well as in обячных conditions.
-Oh, you Murlo! Well, throw the gun! - the man reached out his hand Охромова, holding the gun, but he dismissed it further.
I said: go, where I say, not the шлепну! - repeated Охромов already a little more confident.
-Yes I love you now the шлепну, образина! - man shouted, grabbing my friend Breasts. He had to lean over her seat and easily find all the weight body on its back.
Taxi driver somehow fit his carcass in a relatively small space between the backrest and the ceiling of the cabin, and then leaned, leaned all his weight on Grisha. Struck up a fuss. I heard something fell with a dull thud on the rubber polik car. "Probably a gun!" - I thought.
Next to me in мелькающем the light of the headlights of passing cars fought two: my buddy and each school and toandwhich impudent, nowhere on our head grafted nахалюга-the taxi driver, big as a bear, kilograms per hundred, I guess. They fought, and I could not help because I don't know where and how to get to help a friend, not to be together with him подмятым under this carcass. General it all happened so quickly and unexpectedly that I still didn't really have time to realize that this is done.
Охромову obviously it was tight. The driver pressed his weight, trying to also grab the Гришкино throat, and took back from the roof of the machine, отего the глюкала steel sheet and went hopping up and down. All this I have watched very bad, because that's the point after another, the oncoming car covered beauty своимим headlights came full, blind darkness ниччего was not possible to make out. But only the eye began to distinguish something accustomed to this darkness, as appeared again counter or passing machine and cobbled my eyes.
Some time until I just could not comprehend that everything that happens next to me not a joke, that it seriously, that fight-it may have taken such a turn that is not for life and death. So I do not get involved in a fight. But soon I came to my senses, realizing suddenly, it will take one minute, and another, and the guy finally get Охромовым, and then take up and for me. And both of us will come natural, the real end. And to ask the taxi driver that he was going to do with Grisha, and then with me, was, at least, foolish and naive: "What, you ask it: -Uncle, and we will not kill? And of course he will answer: " No, my friends! On the ass now you настукаю, Yes to let you go Mamma!"
In General, whatever had ended in the victory of the fat man, even the fact that he took us to the police, us much good it did not promise. And therefore it was necessary to do something, because the victory now depended only on how quickly I start to act and what to do.
At some point I became quite intolerable terrifying. I was afraid that the taxi driver will not leave anyone of us alive. In my head are carried stupid thoughts: "can't be. I don't want to die! This can not be! As it is so. I had lived and suddenly -- you... Yes because of what? Why? No, this can't be!" - and the hand already went through along the bottom of the compartment floor. Several times she hits in the darkness on the other hand, vainly looked up something at the bottom of the already not because this was the salvation, but because it was another movement, still life. Second Grisha were numbered. Several имолетных moments - and all...
I heard somewhere very close in the dark hoarse, choked my friend, but could do nothing to help him. I'm so probably, not fully understood, that everything that happens, not a dream, that this is not make-believe, and because mine hand obeyed me very badly. I moved as if in a movie with speeds frame: hand-looking for the gun with a kind of detached from all that is happening tranquility, carefully and thoroughly прощупывая inch by inch of the floor blending sometimes with a hand Охромова, which seize her cold and sweaty palm as if to crush the stranglehold tenacious in its death throes of the fingers. I could not even realize why I'm looking for this iron toy, like a machine that performs a given someone program, producing one and the same action. Can't it do something different for our salvation? Could probably stand...
Suddenly the door of the saloon opened, and in the car caught fire at the seat lighting. I first noticed this, and, looking up, saw a militiaman's cap, заглядывавшего in beauty. He glanced at me, then a few seconds watched дерущимися. The taxi driver by this time fully rolled into the backseat, and tried to now, sliding shoes, to find a foothold on the floor.
-So, the citizens of that you're вытворяете? - asked finally, a policeman, when he got tired looking at all this leapfrog.
Taxi driver raised himself on his hands over the seat and, seeing the policeman, всполошился the seat next to me, yanked lifted посиневшего already Grisha and answered:
"Nothing special, comrade chief. Wanking!
-Балуетесь?! - surprise looking at Охромова, incredulously asked the policeman.
-Балемся, wanking, - скооговоркой stuck to his guns taxi driver, trying to convince the police Sergeant.
-Come on, вылазьте of the car! Now we understand, how you балуетеь! - shouted the Sergeant. -Vasya! Come here! he called someone from the darkness. -There's something strange is happening.
The taxi driver as a cork from a bottle jumped out of the car, переползши through me and barely alive Охромова, pale and terrible as death itself.
-Citizen of the head, here everything is all right! Here, look: I was carrying two glorious прнишек, cadets. All is well...
"The fuss you there made with пассажираи?
-Yes you are! What's the fuss?! So simple, pampered, and only!
-Pampered?! Well it is self-indulgence! That фамиьярности with passengers? You see, he barely alive sits! - Sergeant showed finger on Охромова.
-Yes friends are my, very good. Relatives almost... here is the one with which I struggled, so the son of my childhood friend. Beside his friend. But, as you can see, PAL-I, and not bothering. And I've, for fun struck up a fuss... Yes you guys ask, they will tell you, - отправдывался as he could, sly taxi driver.
To standing on the street, the driver and Sergeant, came up somebody else, and we heard the voice of the Sergeant he explains the and trying to interrupt him babbling our driver, frightened trying to insert into the conversation at least one of his word.
"You know, Vasily, I look inward, and the Hulk on the boy and choking him, that is the only force.
-Yes we jokingly, citizen of the head, in joke!..
-Good jokes! Yes the poor guy, already hoarse. I heard something. And now blue sits, полупридушенный.
-And the second one who's there? "I heard someoneunfamiliar voice.
-With him, probably rode, " replied the Sergeant, " Yes confused, apparently.
-Come on, show me your papers, comrade driver! - again said the stranger.
Now, not now! readily responded our driver-мордоворот.
On the street lit flashlight: policemen examined the documents.
Grisha, it seems, came to himself, but he was wrong, he was from a spasm in his throat, but however, found the strength to pick up the gun and put it between the front seats, putting next to the switch-gear boxes.
In this time have looked to us, shining in the face of the lantern and asked:
-Who is the victim here?! Who strangled?
-Yes, not a victim I replied, trying to be as smoothly and calmly, Охромов, we really amused.
A ray of light for a few seconds buried his face Охромова.
-Amused... are you joking. You cadets? - asked the same voice. The man's face and his figure was not visible in t blindeмноте behind bright, blinding beam of the flashlight.
-Yes, cadets, " said I, feeling that Gриша still unable to speak long, and every second of may fall on the cough from першащих throat spasm. -Do not you see?
On the form of the cadets, and who you knows! Documents can be your show?!
"Sorry, " I continued, giving the opportunity to rest and recover Охромову. -But we also did not introduce themselves. I, for example, you absolutely do not visible. What are you in rank and in General.
-Lieutenant of militia Panchenko, head of the operational patrol, " came from the darkness. -Yes you вылазьте out of the car. There'll see!
-Well, well, " I said and took out his military ID.
Two minutes policeman studied my documents, luminaries the case is my face lantern, and then bringing them back again turned to the driver:
-Why stay in a wrong place?
-My fault, comrade head, correct it! It so happened!
-How come?! A very sensible answer. You may think that you are not the driver of this vehicle, and, in лушем case, the passenger, like these guys. No, you have to drive us to the post of GAI, but there really let you road service understands. I I think that just so "without holes", it will not be.
-What did they, citizen of the head?! What have I done? Let's here some work this out."
-Quarter, - sounded almost inaudible полушепот policeman. He took the driver away from the machine.
We are still cheap're such a bunch. Thank you us still should.
After a moment's pause in the dark зашуршали papers.
"Let's beat it, right quick. Where did it bring in? - the voice of Sergeant.
-Yes here we turn now, on a country road. Why I stopped that slipped past.
-Yeah, and the fight began with them? asked sarcastically Lieutenant.
-Yes, no, I say that we fought, and fought...
-Okay, tired of your nonsense. Get outta here, Yes, quickly! And rejoice that we today are so kind! Caught you on the hot hand! - again said Sergeant.
-Jackals! - was a taxi driver, sitting down in her place behind the wheel. -Wow! As from the ground grown! You're lucky guy! Rejoice that it all happened, not that I would have finished I were you, I am certain of it! I better not angry, I'm a nervous, any anger been in the basement without blinking an eye! While you're here with his пукалкой jump! The fool!
Policemen went forward to where the burned two red eyes of the patrol car. The taxi driver turned on the lights, and see how they got into the machines and then watching us as long until our driver, seeing such a thing, not passed back and turned right onto a dirt road.
Grisha already quite went and stretching out her hand forward, he felt his gun and hid it запазуху.
Machine, jumping on a bumpy dirt road away from the road a few hundred meters, snatching out of the dark headlights slender poplars, lined up right from the road smooth straight and stopped, as we asked on the edge of a forest plantations, граничавшей with the edge of a huge once ветущего, and now abandoned and wild the garden. The place was very wild and dark.
I was afraid that flared up between Grisha and a taxi driver deadly quarrel breaks out now with new force, and then nothing will help and will not change our destiny, but they, as if in collusion, behaved quite peacefully towards each other and even correctly.
We disembarked and without any gave the taxi driver "троячку", fearing that he required no more. Now, he paid policemen quarter. However, he himself was not right and wrong: with clients do not argue. Nevermind m not more one and a half kilometers, but видитель and is not thought to give us even rouble surrender, took the floor for granted, and even remained dissatisfied. He silently slammed the door, развернулс, giving slid off the muddy dirt, showering us splashes of black slurry, and gave gas quickly away. Machine for a minute has staggered out in the dark two red eyes of its size.
Greg looked at his watch with a luminous фосфорическим dial and said:
-I guess, not too late.
I had no strength to talk to him after what happened. Only now I felt, how much effort is spent during this rather short time. However, I all the same asked:
"Where did you get the gun?
-Camel! wearily, but not without sarcasm answered Охромов, and I felt the resentment in his voice and rebuke, probably because I couldn't help him there in the car. "Do you want me to such a thing was naked? It's you, perhaps even a pen knife was not picked up.
I didn't answer and thought that too poorly know Охромова and his life.
-Why are we still taxi let go - I complained to break the awkward silence, reigning between us, although actually what I said had me to the highest degree of care. -Back will have to foot stomp.
-Can you be thinking of generally, what are you saying?! 'retorted and almost flew at me with his fists Охромов. -Why do I need the extra witness?! Already and the enough that he's my gun and Shine, in which case may застучать as not Fig delat! We so badly run, not having anything else to really do!
-Well, you himself only and guilty I said reprovingly Grisha, too наччиная горяччиться. Apparently, the nerves we were excited to the utmost. -Why have you got a gun? No need to was not in it. I doubt that you could shoot at him, and he knew it. After all, it is you as a son заломал, and gun your not helped. Раздразнил only human. If you now start your fool wave, then imagine what would happen then.
-Shut up! threatening hissed through clenched teeth Охромов, hissing like a snake, and I am not really saw how much felt in the darkness of his savage grin.
Time for the quarrel was most inconvenient. Besides Охромова still had a gun, and I shish with oil, какон correctly noticed, I haven't bothered to take care of their own security. "It was naivety or глупост, or committed not knowing how to behave in such circumstances? And, although BPId whether Охромов they would have begun and before my nose waving a gun: it was at least stupid though his behavior on the verge of danger as it turned out unpredictably - I still fell silent.
So, without talking more with each other, we stood in the darkness ten, fifteen minutes. In the sky above us is already in full glory soy stretches of stars. There were countless. In the city there's no such a starry sky even in the most clear and cloudless nights, because the streetlights and the light from hundreds of thousands of light bulbs, which lit at night in the Windows of houses, yards and porches, dissipating your dim light, have together created a dense veil of ghostly yellowish haze, which lights up the sky for those who watch it from afar, which absorbs a large part of the stars of the small-medium brightness. Their distant light unable to break through this self-illuminating the night mist, like a hat covering the top city улиы. Now in the sky above us was the veil, and thousands of thousands of celestial fireflies fun wink to each other in a dizzying, bottomless height. Entire sky from horizon to horizon was littered with the subtlest starry lace, and I thought that once, long ago, when the city streets nights were buried in the darkness of the same, which was now around us, no wonder it was to become a teacher or Галлилеем, watching every evening on the roof of his house majestic silence full of the stars of the sky.
Over us brightly burning bulk of the stellar sand лечный path, crossing from one edge of the sky with its uneven universal expensive. In some places the stars coalesce white spots, so close they were to each other, and on black velvet sky онигорели like the facets of a diamond. I suddenly a distinct feeling of flight of our planet, this huge space of the house of mankind, a tiny islet of life and warmth in the infinitely vast, cold and бесприютном space, among dumb, majestic and distant stars. It seemed to me that there is even the atmosphere, and everywhere sparse space безбрежье, and we Охромовым astronauts, who left his space ship, and came into the open space. The proximity of this lifeless black universal ocean attacked soul indescribable, but fleeting, almost ghostly cold immense fear in front of the infinity of emptiness and nothingness.
Chapter 22.
Enchanted night firmament, dotted with glittering, almost tangible, night luminaries, and I did not notice that we are on a dirt road vehicle approaches. Only when the light its headlights slashed by us several times, wresting from the darkness of our pieces of the surrounding us trees low, squat, feral completely яблонек, I noticed her.
-Go! - Охромов слюнул and shoved his hands in his pockets press shudder all body exactly fever and cowering from quickly наползающей coolness, which, despite the very middle of the summer already ruled nights in the local regions.
-They? - I asked.
-Probably. Who else will go over the desolate and unsafe road? It is better to give a hook on a city than to meet here with such faces as these! Moreover, after the rain the land washed away the dirt. The road was slippery... except they be no one else.
Suddenly, just metres of two or three hundred to the place where we stood Gregory car, going directly to us, suddenly he turned to the right and disappeared in the thicket of the garden.
"Hm-m! weird! They or didn't they? Now I don't understand! There совхозные greenhouses... the former is now a ruin. Maybe it's someone coming dial brick or any other building materials? And maybe it and they make some tricky workaround, ' mused aloud Охромов.
We stood there for another five minutes in the dark, ignorance and uncertainty, stress expecting every minute that somebody emerges from the darkness. But nothing happened: machine as through the earth has failed. Was not heard, neither it nor any of its passengers.
Suddenly we saw that the highway-road turns another machine. This time we were even able to see what she passenger. A few minutes later she came very close.
It was a grey "Volga" is one of the most recent versions. The color of her guess in glares of подфарников. The car was completely new, probably, not had time to never go on the sink, because in the mirror, varnished housing reflected the major stars burned in the sky. Engine machines decayed, and when opened the door of the cabin in the light of the landing lights I could make out six men, one of whom was driving, and four of them huddled in the back seat.
Охромов approached the car, greeted all, when sitting in it popped out, shaking all turns hands and something spoke to one of them, which, apparently, was among all the main. The conversation lasted for about three minutes. The others stood and listened carefully. Then came closer to me. Someone turned on a flashlight and sent a beam of light into my face. I instinctively winced and загородился palm of the hand, blinded by the bright light.
-And who is this? - I heard a rough voice.
"It's me, " replied Охромов, -my friend. He helped me. I for one wouldn't do it.
-And sell? - asked again imperious voice.
-No, you! - enlisted for me Grisha. -I Chetsre-year know. Reliable guy.
"Look, it's your business. Only bear in mind, the fee I on two not going to increase. You tell him in half, and you want to... Maybe your friend just so you helped?.. Yes you face-open or afraid? - I realized that it appealed to me.
At me have lit a minute or two, looked, then the W voice again cut, disbanded the silence of the night:
Let me show you brought.
This proposal I have all the inside sank and sank. I felt a natural animal horror bull provided to the slaughter.
Speaking walked up to the stacks of paper, which lie on the road, then sent a beam of the flashlight on the mounds notebooks and journals, leaned over to him and began to think. The rest got around him. I've seen Охромов stood with them, trembling with fear. I guessed there his shadow among others, arising in the rays of the lantern. He was shaking like a leaf, and only the fact that no one in this moment paid no attention to him, has not issued us.
-Well, well! Quantity, lot, and the quality...
The man ran in a notebook his hand, something touching there, in the middle of the stack, then said Охромову, showing the ties, which all this farm was перевязано:
"Well, untie!
I imagined now he will take the first got him a notebook, all равнокакую, because among them there is not one of those that need, opens it and sees that it is a synopsis of some of the cadet, and let a secret but nevertheless, it did not want him to open another, and the same thing there, third, fourth, and there all the same. Deception our opens with all frankness and arrogance. And then... Чтто will be then? I could not submit themselves, but felt that it would be something terrible.
There are moments in life that remembering them then, it is impossible to understand, what had happened, and how you managed to escape, when it seemed no hope of rescue, as миновла, as passed by a terrible danger ужасавшая once his despair and swiftness.
About people who come from such alterations say: "In the shirt was born!" "Kou destined to burn, he утопнет," - reads the wisdom of fatalism. I will not argue, насколко it is correct and competent, but in those fateful moment when death suddenly began to breathe in my face its appalling soul breathing, voice, out of nowhere, perhaps, from the depths of me, said to me: "Be still, nothing's happen, whatever happens!" And I unexpectedly for myself calmed down and watched reduce further with a view and a sense of impartial, непричастного and relaxing viewer. I knew I was now convinced that today these people do not Sogut me do anything that I could now no говоил and would not have done it.
What was it? Intuition, a sense of foreboding, born in the depths of the subconscious mind in motion secret life process in the brain, the decisive task with dozens of unknown quantities, connecting past, present, and future, to the life that flows in secret depths, bordering with nothingness and сверхъестеством things, where the will and consciousness of man is not in power to do something to solve. Only sometimes, in moments of most at risk, bursts out of there, like the eruption of the volcano's crater reach the surface of our consciousness and bring good or bad news that bring to the vibrant life that she'd already predetermined somewhere there, in the depths of the unknown. Apparently, in every sounds that faint voice called usually intuition, but for some, it louder, and other неиоверно deaf to his sounds and perhaps not hear him ever.
Perhaps it was the same intuition that to the village never talked to me, but maybe a suggestion some external mighty will of the standing over me behind my back and guarding fate, until not get bored or deny from the tragic dead-ends, until it reaches the person of the ultimate threshold of existence, the fatal inheritance that is destined to him not to stop in their lives location sponsors of him bodies.
Don't know what it was with me but I was calm and sure that you don't today will do me harm. This обостреное increased sense of confidence now, the moment of the highest, mortal danger, when the spirit of death have already been vital next. I acted like someone else's bidding, as a puppet on a screen puppet theatre, as the actor, who plays the role and knowing that after the show he will be oneself, another person, which do not relate to the danger and distress of his stage image.
-Well, what are you waiting for? Untie,I say!" - said the man, sitting on his haunches in front of our securities, referring to Охромову.
Poor Greg stood in a daze. He was unable to move from fear, and was probably considered himself a dead man walking.
-Grisha, do not pull the rubber! - I turned to him from the darkness. -Untie them. Only the link will they!
Greg looked at me aloof, as if seeing for the first time, then raised his eyebrows and, sitting down, began развязыват rope. It didn't give in, and then he began to frantically tear node teeth, clinging to him with my own hands like how fast it would unleash it, depended on his fate.
The man turned to me, carefully considering me for a few seconds, illuminating lamp. I stood this time with a quiet dignity, looking into the dark, where, in my opinion, were his eyes. He said, threateningly, stretching the words:
-I would in your place, keep quiet, guy!
"Why not?" - with a call voice if they didn't I was in the position of a rabbit before the lion, " I asked he. -We have done their job and teperь demand that the us paid the promised and you are here search.
-Pay-we'll pay! - the man said from the darkness - I already guessed that, among other he is here a senior. -But to make a fool of yourself h let. We are not going to take you a cat in a bag! First check that you us brought, and then, if perfect goods, then we will 'll pay, as promised and if not...
-As for "no"? That we do not trust?
-No, why not! But trust and verify!.. you know, I think this adage? That's the same!
At this time Охромов just finished suffer with the node. Despite his frenzy with which he has jumped on him, he was moving pretty slownabout. Freed from their bondage of notebooks spread in all directions, creating a bunch of.
-Well, here! said all the e voice, he времяодин reached my ears, like all the others were silent. -Right now we will see what you have brought!
Grisha with barely concealed horror staggered backward. I покащалсь that even one minute, and another and it ruins in a crazy flight, which невозожно will stop.
The leader picked up the first gripped notebook, opened it and stared at the text, trying to read биссер a ballpoint pen. In прыгающем and a blinking light it was quite difficult: light on the notebook is one of those who came with him from his back.
Охромов cringed as if in ожиданиии strike.
And then I saw that shall not be revealed to anyone from пристствующих. Seemed to me, or actually happened, but two hairy black paws, something similar to the human hands and feet of the huge cats, as if born to darkness arose from тмы and lay on the eyes to read. I've seen this so distinctly as everything happening around him. No one paid accomplished any attention, and they lay eyes bandit so real and seemingly that I was surprised that I'm the only one don't see them. It Blo like phenomenon night of ghosts, has decided to joke with people. And it was strange to me, why even those who dealt with these hands, feels their прикоснвения.
Just a few steps from me, so close and yet so unavailable far do something mysterious and otherworldly. Black , shaggy coat, glossy фосфорисцирующими play was so unnatural that I felt creepy and wrong from one of its kind. Where it was not, rough, wrinkled skin was black as pitch, Chern so that even the darkness of night, bottomless darkness of space and the abyss of the past seemed to lighten the skin. Before its black back any darkness. I tried to see the master of these hands, but he vanished into the night darkness, he was itself darkness himself darkness. I could see even those who stood in the deep shadows, and they are not dropped a single beam отсветов from the torch, but that's the one whom I tried to see, remained negligible, as I strained my sight.
I was wonder and I wonder why I was surprised, nor frightened when these limbs. As if expecting this. If such an occurrence has been commonly and even expected of me. No one else, neither Охромов, nor the one who touched these mysterious щумальца of иоткуда nor the other, standing around, didn't see it and not even suspected, it seemed to me that it is happening now. Major continued to read the text, if there was nothing except the lantern, jumping into the ROI his assistant. All the others stood around and waited for what he would say. Охромов still waiting for ежился imminent reckoning. And the only one I've seen these black hairy hands, playing in the terrible blindman's buff with a man. It was not clear what would happen. I knew now that I will be fine.
At this moment I caught myself on the thought that someone great, the mighty, and the terrible decided to help me окзать little service that emu probably worth nothing, and for me and my friend meant happy salvation. My heart was full of gratitude, which was mixed in it with zhutyu from visible. I was ready to in this moment give this supernatural power all I had for what it has come to help the mere mortal per minute deadly danger. I felt ready to love her the fact that she took part in the fate of such a small, imperceptible, a tiny creature as I, whose life compared with her fleeting fluttering butterfly-lived. I didn't know what to deserve such a favor, and even did not know who to give praise for the miraculous escape, but was ready now perform any of the will of that сверхъестества, who came to earth to save me from killing. Probably just had some рыжи th муравьишка-silly to thank me, when I поддел his wand out of the sea on dry place, as passed by the puddles in which he was sinking.
I have managed to zip the idea that pay for this little service I, apparently yet to be, whenheat me, because that I saw one, and then, it's been done to me...
-Excellent, great! exclaimed suddenly, the ringleader, who continued to sit on his lap and looking at the notebook. He slammed her, and in EBabout same instant bushy black ручищи dived somewhere in the darkness and disappeared without a trace.
A man rose from his squatting position, threw the notebook in a bunch of others and threw Охромову:
-Buns and throw in a trunk.
Охромов never understood not had time to recover himself, and not even knowing what to do, and what they will do with him and to me, instinctively stepped to the heap.
-Stop! Where to? "I called out to him.
Охромов stopped and looked at me, and I continued on, not from his impudence voice:
-No, tie and it will be you! We brought that required of us, all neatly connected. We have done their job, and the fact that you do not trust, so this is your personal. You had to check - you and tie everything back. Persuasion that we VM another, and Minister must, was not.
The leader looked at me evil, but confused, his eyes glowed with those lights, but I was not scared at all. I knew I felt that someone will not let him do anything with me, protect me in any moment of the evening and night.
-Do not be angry, I'm telling the truth. It is simple and clear. People get angry when they do not understand. You understand me. Let us our denьhi, we honestly earned. And you do with these securities all you want to. This is not our problem. Want - knit them want to - burn and we will return to where we are now supposed to be.
Man kept staring at me, but the malice in his eyes increasingly gave way to confusion. Apparently, by my sudden rudeness, what he clearly thought my behaviour, he speechless.
Finally, he had the power to pronounce, to squeeze out a few words. When addressing someone behind him, he said:
-Vasya go tie...
"That lucky us today Vasya!" - I thought.
Some guy in шляпевынырнул from the darkness, and reluctantly began to notebooks, collecting them in a pile, which collapsed.
-So, we are waiting earned! I ask to pay our work... Yes, I almost forgot. Let's играт honestly! I Grisha said you for delay in delivery and performance of the agreement intend to take some of the originally due amount. I advise not to do it, at least out of respect for myself. Pay us, please, as much as you promised in the beginning!
Leader of a gang, who had come for the goods, nothing nna answered me, though my words were undoubted impudence. Swing right in our Gregory position was unheard-of insolence, from which all present were right. He walked to the car and sat in the front seat. In the darkness broke out a match and lit up red светлячек cigarette, which he smoked. Usually in such situations, the bandits were not lost ever - and that they were criminals with experience, but still not one stints, I don't ссомневался the more that superiority in number and power was not on our Охромовым side, and kill us, kill us, they would not was easy. Pity us they could not, for the simple reason that in their everyday life of such words are not even there. But I was sure that I won't be nothing otherwise would not allow himself so openly be rude them straight in the face, and even in the Park, on wasteland outside the city, where, if пристукнут, they will find in the next century.
Охромов looked at was square eyes. To his surprise there was no limit. He could not понть, what actually happens and stunned, shocked gazed around. I came close to him and whispered in his ear, so no one heard:
-Grisha 't mind! All will be well!
Grisha looked at me as if I was not me, and some the cast and turned away in horror:
-Listen, you eyes burn!
-How to burn?! 't understand I his.
-Like a cat: green sparks in the dark glow. Such piercing, as Luh laser beat. Makes my heart sinks and stops as I can see. And the blood stops. What is it?
C'mon, " quipped I from Охромова, pretending to be offended at his words, as a stupid joke, and stepped aside. Actually сообщениебыло me very interesting, and I even wanted to quickly find the mirror to see if this really is something that tells me Grisha. "Might very well be that he is right!" "I thought about myself. And the most interesting to me was that no note of Grisha, nor my assumptions are not touched a single strings of my feelings, not dented serene emptiness, which I continued to feel inside yourself with the appearance of mysterious hairy paws, resembling a human hand, born of darkness. The soul was in a strange oblivion. As if she had anaesthesia, занасившую, заморозившую feelings. As if she ever left my body, раздвоилась, and the part that knows how to be scared, to suffer and generally feel that any flew somewhere in an unknown direction.
Come to me мужина, that was the leader came, my elbow and took ten paces away from the place where dealt with the books of his people. I looked him in the eyes, face, or rather in that place, where, I assume they had a lifeь because in the darkness I saw nothing. Now I knew from my eyes is a glow, green, bubbling up in the soul and pугающий suIanyone who sees this, light, and used that as it should be, without the triumph and without joy, without surprise, and without anything else, just with the calculation call it fear, as if was a long time ago familiar with the craft scare people. I saw in the eyes of the leader flashed little green lights, reflected from their iridescent shell languages MerzYuliving flame of a gas burner, and gave him plus at least for the fact that he has not trembled before this unexplained supernatural phenomenon at least outwardly.
-We'll pay you as much as promised in the beginning.. but there is one circumstance which I all need to discuss.
-What exactly?
-Nothing. You have to drive with us.
-No, not really. Within the city.
-But why?
-Well, - painfully pulled the man, at the same time, laughing voice, -in fact, that we had no such money.
-Really? Veryь interesting! - the green light in the eyes of my interlocutor danced brighter and stronger. -So you're not going to pay us? And what you thought calculated with us? 'm not bullet whether on the forehead? And because we took the risk and, and, repeatedly, in your job?!
-No, no... you See, just didn't think, frankly, that you this time bring us what they promised. And led through the city such amounts... you know, recently became крацне dangerous...
-You are afraid that you are robbed?
-No, we are not afraid, " he grinned, " we ourselves can Rob anyone! Just recently garbage strongly шманают, sweep, grab the stuff, sometimes just беспонтов any. Loan us once again рисковат? We hurried to the meeting with you and any trouble, let even small, we were totally unnecessary. It was easy to understand that any stoppage and delay upon the path, if we became interested in the police, could be delayed unknown extent. And then would we did not keep their word and could be late or simply not to come, not drive, so to say to the meeting place. And, sorry, but I am as a man of action afford it can't. Yes, I just never forgive myself if you miss more than a quarter of an hour!
I was thinking about. My wits was clean and the decision was taken almost immediately. I felt that the other person is lying to me, to put it mildly, deceiving, as the latest rogue, and even knew why he does it. To agree with my hand on this would be foolish, for the consequences of such a trip could be very sad, in this case, it was a completely unnecessary and tremendous risk and, perhaps, even more trickery. Give up now meant I was scared to go with them, and therefore behind me nothing, and I can safely dispose of without fear of retaliation, nor earth, nor the supernatural. I continued to feel that any business goes good for me, if I act boldly and will not shake. Voice premonitions midst inside of me and kept clearly sounding in me. I felt that I had no right to abandon today the proposals of my interlocutor, because I violate the order of some I did not understand the game, and I don't сдобровать. I took unwittingly too overwhelming weight, but now had to take it to the end, unable to throw it somewhere in the middle of the path. I had to end now play its role of self-confidence and a reckless Hama, not without reason, I must say.
"Come, then, but I warn you that acted and continue to act dishonestly towards us. It will be reckoned to you! I said the leader of the gang of bandits. About myself thought, "what will be will be. Maybe not an easy make... Once helped once, then, probably, will not deny a second!"
We came to the car. Here the talk is already all was over: books and notebooks thrown in the trunk, приехвашие sat in the car, waiting for his boss. Охромов stood, not knowing what to do, lonely and lost.
-Get in the car, go with them! said I him.
-Where? "Mattie asked Greg.
-For the money. They money, you see, we took no... Your roots! Forgot that go for a deal, but not sew. Предсставь, if we came too and would tell them: "you know, we "junk" all left in one safe place!" I wonder what they would do.?
-I'm not going! - cried in hysterics Охромов. -Let give money now or уматывают themselves where they want!
He was not in themselves, but here at all frightened by this turn of events.
"Okay, calm down you! - I shouted at him. -You must understand that the money they got it! as they tell you they will pay? We'll go, we'll take...
-And I know that they have the money! - not rest Grisha.
-Well, what I pockets'll have to fumble?! - I was even more excited, angry at истерикующего friend. -You now довыступаешься that we beans stay.
Охромов looked at me anxiously, as if a madman or a fool. But I was acutely aware of his condition. I saw that he was struggling with something wants me to say, but cannot do it, and now if he were trying to communicate his thought eyes. How I had such прозорливост and the ability to guess other people's thoughts, but I told him пытаяь anticipate what he wanted me to convey:
-I would himself go and take the money. By myself! But, you know, Grisha, they, - I nodded in the direction of sitting in the car, can not give me your dollars... and we go to most of you, not for me. If we сейас refuse, then in the best case, you just never see the money, as their ears. Yes you probably understand.
Apparently, I finally convinced him.
-Okay, let's go, " agreed Охромов.
We have gathered to sit in the car, but found that there was to be no seats.
"Chief, I'm sorry, " I said, bending down to the front seat, but you will need to find us a place, if you want, that you and I drove.
After a minute of the rear doors is two guys got out and left on the roadside.
"Sit down! said the leader, and we, having taken the place of these two, went, as he said, for our "fee".
We crawled out with a primer on shosee, turned to the left, in the city racing through his засыпающим streets, which was devoid of life, even those who refueled alcohol, wine or vodka, and better, because it is cheaper, moonshine, loves побролить looking for a night, in dark corners, пошарахаться in the parks and squares and поискатьна his head приклюений. Soon we were on the opposite end of town, in the area of new buildings.
"Volga" промчала us surprisingly easy and fast путынным streets, typing, despite its extreme congestion somewhere a hundred and fifty килоиметров per hour. In the salon in the back seat was terribly crowded, and every minute I expect that somebody will try to shove me or Охромову knife under your ribs. Such a "surprise" could well be expected from these wicked men, but everything went relatively peacefully.
We turned off the Avenue neighbourhoods, a little поныряли between шестнадцатиэтажками and stopped at the entrance to one of them. The driver cut the engine.
-Everything arrived! "he was sitting on the front seat of the leader of a gang, повернувшис ago, and all climbed out.
In the boxes of the surrounding houses, lonely burned several Windows. Heels and doors machine roared echoed through the night well the yard, violating echoing bottomless silence of the night and stalled somewhere in лабиинтах ксарталов.
I looked at the clock. It was nearly three in the morning. I was surprised how quickly time passed.
Is your friend go with us, - said, appealing to me, the leader of the team of bandits. -We give him the money. And you stay and wait for him here. MAshina will transport you back.
Pale as death, who did not understand anything and confused, what stayed all night Охромов disappeared with the bandits in the entrance of the house. For the first time that evening calm changed me, and I was excited. All that happened there, on a vacant lot near the edge of an abandoned orchard was like a dream, and now I seem to be woken up from him. Probably, the same confusion feels, feels La Sonnambula, awakened from sleep during their nightly processions on the roof, the roof of the house. Confidence in the safety of the enterprise, aroused in me still in теение the entire evening and guarding me like hypnosis from all подстерегавших hazard communication with the criminal world, suddenly started to evaporate, to weaken. And to my horror realized that he made a big mistake by agreeing to come here himself and persuasion on this Охромова. Apparently, enchantment forces guarding me for some reason this вреени, began to run low. The fact that some forces have protected me, I did not doubt for a single minute since heard an inner voice, suggesting to me peace of mind. In my mind clearly and undoubtedly, perhaps, for the rest of your life bears these two black, можнатые, with shiny glossy hair, which I have not seen any man or animal, appeared out of the darkness and saved us from punishment hands. They were hands that night, decided to intercede for us before the face of death, playing hide and seek with the bandits.
In the car remained one driver, so I had some hope that we will not be cheated. But Охромова was already about five minutes. From the entrance нессколько times came, and I thought, finally, it is Grisha, but every time came for the papers, came to the trunk of the "Volga", took from them associated piles of notebooks and carried back into the hallway. Soon the trunk of a car was empty.
The driver, who sat at the steering wheel of the car, постукивавший the wheel fingers outstretched hands, got out, slammed the door, too, disappeared into the stairwell.
Passed still ten agonizing minutes of waiting, and GRishi all was not and was not. I already наал figure out different ways that there could happen, but one of the other turned out worse, and I could only guess, being in the dark, and hope that everything will cost.
Here slammed, gritting spring input the door and under a dim light appeared two. One immediately headed to the car and sat in the driver's place and another came up to me, пыхнув in the face of cigarette smoke. People shoved me into the hands of a wad of money, blow hard pieces of paper, saying:
-Here, here for two. Your friend asked to keep покедова his share. He decided to stay with us celebrate the deal. For him not to worry, go! Good night!
Speaking laughed, giggled пропитым tenor, then took my arm and put the effort spent to the car, planted in the back seat and shutting the door. As soon as he did it, as the driver immediately turn the ignition on, started the engine and started across the floor in reverse, deftly after taxiing out with road access, abruptly turned around and rushed at full speed, famously by spinning the wheel and laying the steep and narrow streets of the dizzying turns. Less than a couple of minutes, the car sped down the wide Avenue Kharkiv streets.
I have not had anything to ask or say in response gave me a wad of money. And only then, when the car at all pairs had raced through the предутреннему city, lit by a faded light fixtures above Avenue, sufficient only to watch the road bed, вырываемым from the darkness of their orange Ghost, I thought нельзябыло to leave. No, it was not necessary to agree to go for any price, and we had to stay together with Grisha, do not throw the hem of his one. Then I realized that these thoughts came to my mind much earlier, but I cravenly delayed to the point where they will be safe for me and not allow совешить the risk of what they are I whispered. I waited until destiny is going to take me away from danger, and only now, when it was already far from the place where it was still possible to do a deed, I let the match their suffering and torments of conscience from all страстьюю. I was now vu meanness of his act. I left in obscurity other, leaving it at the moment when he was one-on-one with the undoubted danger. As not weak in my legs, and shook my hand, when I sat in the car?! I was afraid of myself to admit that in смалодушничал.
Machine sped through the city, taking me in school, away from the house where отался my buddy. The arrow on the speedometer exceeded a hundred miles, and I felt every minute that happens to me, takes irreversible.
I have continued the struggle between fear and conscience, demanding the return ago and help a friend. I felt that Охромов got in a great and terrible trouble, but the fear calmed me down, spoke teeth that Gregory would be all right, that he will return he has previously communicated with these people and, therefore, they did nothing bad will. I resisted his onslaught, convincing themselves that the bandits will find now forgery or already found it and would dispose of Охромовым, because it's him they were charging make a deal. But fear replied that , if it were so, they would not have released me , and in any case, would not give the money for the deal.
I mechanically unfolded the piece of money and looked at them, hoping to see them instead of the cut sheets of newspaper. It would give me the strength to take the decision to return. But the money was real. There were many: assorted papers big notes. I couldn't even show how many thousands I was holding in your hands, but such amount of money I have never had.
What was created here with me! What a vile and low thoughts arose in this moment in my head, the head servant, never holding in his hands a large amount of money, and now has decided that the whole world at his feet, and he was not a slave. Where only took me the unbridled greed, the greed and impurity? They are like ropes tied my hands and legs and I knew would never come back, though, and never admitted this to their conscience. In my soul-dark-grubbing. "Well, - I thought, -that though they gave money. Could, in General, to give them nothing and cheat just as we were deceived. Grisha is back... back... And if not come back, all the money will go to me..." I myself were terrified of those black, нехорошоих the bad thoughts that pesky worms дырявили my brains, but I didn't know how to escape from them. I was ashamed that I let the thoughts, but still buried already other for the sake of a few thousand caught up in my hand. I realized that I don't want Охромов returned. I became not себеот this discovery, but the temptation was somehow somnolent my conscience, crushing, destroying all sorts of impulses it bring to my mind the bursts of light of goodness. All movements of the soul, which tried to break through this barrier of the stench, and the corruption, sank into the swamp of greed that erupted in the form of windfall money, got me one. Seduce not share it with anyone, what I did not know earlier and never had turned the spit me now, as I wanted to. He became повелителеммоих thoughts and обуревал me excessive greed and fit of fun, crazy, animal laughter, sounding inside me with such force, that from this ringing numb the feelings which were still able to bring me back to consciousness of the abyss into which I plunged my soul. This wild laughter глушил all inside of me, stunned my will, and while it sounded in my soul trembled in terrible fear. This terror broke out in a cold sweat, but I tried not to notice him. I did not want to open their eyes, what terrible price paid for the money чтоо I hold in my hand the amount of dirt and darkness took me with them on his soul. I didn't want to think about how painful will I see then this money that is good has become evil, that will be me eternal проклтием and a reminder of my betrayal. I tried to convince himself that Охромов return, but would not truly believe in return. I didn't want, didn't want to share with him the money, I thought that it would be fair if they достанутьсч only me, because Охромов a finger has not struck to as-promote thing, because that's I came up with a trick of bandits and get money without giving them anything in return, because I know where the secret library, from which you had to get the manuscript, because it's me, not охромов walked into the house and risked, when I caught the old man, a watchman in the building because Охромов lied to me and often not fulfilled its promises... I cried to justice, which he tramped to and betrayed. I felt my mind that inside was some sort of agony, something squirming, something каючится, something уирает in me.
I felt that I am a scoundrel, but tried to convince himself again and again that Охромовым nothing will happen. I told myself that if something happened, I would have felt it and потебовал come back, because it has already happened in my life many years ago, at the dawn of adolescence and sunset of my детствва...
Memories floated in my excited sick ознании, and I had not that, not that millet disconnected from surrounding me of the real world, drowning in their shifting sea...
... We walked through the graveyard with his friends. I was even fifteen years, or fourteen, and sometimes less. To him no more. Fears we had suffered with him in horror as, because both undoubtedly believed in кладбищенсике horror, about which very often we hear and from their peers, хваставшихся each other, who knows more horror stories, and from adults, especially old women, whose conversations that they held between themselves, we often managed to overhear, hiding behind a bench at the entrance, where they almost every evening talked with each other, whiling away their нерадостное стариковское time: we sat, hidden in the bushes loach and vineyard, and ears listened to this and not only that - many differences you could hear from our yard gossips. I do not know from whom were recruited similar stories about the "dead and crosses my peers, but they repeatedly fanned heard, transferred, then heard from the other, all adding and adding details until then seemed nowhere to inflate passion, because the history of these took the bright colouring of the bloody and gloomy phantasmagoria of the patient by a person's mind. After listening to them, it was necessary either immediately decide for yourself that it's all bullshit and throw this immediately from the head, completely forgetting or recklessly believe these resistant to the verification of history, because the one who wanted it провериить, risked поплатитьс for it, or reason, or most of their lives, and among us желающихи bold on what was. None of our guys not willing to tempt fate, checking whether the above is true or someone's idle speculations, considering that you can find for himself something and побезопаснее, and interesting. To the underworld look, nobody wanted to, although, according adults, children are desperate devils that are capable of anything. In fact, such among children, anyway among my peers were very, very few, and those that were so desperate and tireless God is too early to call for me at the sky.
We passed with a friend cemetery, натерпевшис many fear, however, not having met in its path anything of what was frightened and what awaited our imagination. And I said to myself then: "You're a coward!" - and began to persuade their спутниковповторно go through a horrible place. None of them supported my idea, and, moreover, all scared. Called me a freak and abnormal that only the more подзадорило me, hitting my self-esteem, and made the determination to again go through the cemetery. Something knocked me in the head by a stray some thought, and now I wanted to prove to myself and to them that are with me, nothing will happen: stupid and empty business, because neither I, nor after that fear of the cemetery has not lessened.
And yet I came back, went in alone. No one then agreed to go with me, no one wanted to witness my desperate courage. All gone, leaving меняна one with his pride. Of course, I could have waited a little, to go after them and say afterwards that I re overcame their fears, and if they did, I should have had the means to silence him, imputing that it was to be with me and not to shake. But I couldn't do it. Already acknowledging himself a coward, I decided to prove to yourself that this is not so. I could not take a step back, because cowardice in me would grow even more. I didn't realize this, but felt that I should go, since I undertook the task. Then I could not retreat and very rarely entered into a deal with his conscience. I just bend the truth, passing not all the cemetery, and establishing yourself memorable place, decided to walk to the neo and turn back. These perceptible in the place was a grave with a monument, - проржавевшей through high iron pyramid with knocked sideways metal star at the top, which lost every color from the fact that her long painted, the cemetery had been old, deserted, with unkempt, sometimes even sunken graves, since here the most recent buried fifteen years passed twenty - me at that time there was not so much. Tomb stood in the center of the cemetery.
Before her, I got are fast, driven by fear and tense expectation of those things which was, remembering places such and such a time. It was very dark: although the sky was cloudless, it was not the moon, which could illuminate the road to his ghostly pale light. I ran across a broken grave with поваленныи railings and вынежден was to bypass them. The pit and flood gullies overgrown with bushes, from which, as it seemed to me, for my movements watching someone invisible, and the terrible, ready to pounce on me as soon as he offers this opportunity, often came across to me on the way. My hearing caught every rustle. The crackling of dry grass and twigs beneath my feet, teeth grinding old empty cans, the rustle of garbage and their glass seemed to me then treacherously loud, outstanding in the darkness of my location, my eyes searched the dark silhouettes of monuments, fences, sinking from time to time, bushland, barely standing out in the dim lights of the distant villages, searching for a pair of green eyes, burning in the dark two ominous embers. Sometimes I even imagined that I can see those lights, and then the heart goes to the heel, the soul came to a standstill, and, just peering closely, I am convinced that this is only an illusion.
Barely before me in the dark rose high rusty fence, behind which угадывалис contours of the pyramid monument with a star, as I said to myself, "Enough!" - and set off back down the road, again making his way past the graves, wells and овражков, trying not to looks around and barely restraining myself not to ask heels.
In one place we had to sneak between two closely spaced and наклонившимися each other under the weight of years, metal railings. And suddenly, already erect, I felt that someone holds and pulls me back the shirt-collar like отрым claw, as hook caught. My body instantly covered in sweat, and I'm for measurement of lightning fright. Probably, there would be finished with my бедовую life, if it had not been heard stories on cemeteries with подвыпившими men, Yes незадачливыми lovers of easy money, отрывавшими and габившими dead bodies, which sometimes found in the morning, dead from fear and зацепившимися for some females, snag or bar. Only I realized that I was holding something, not drawn, I boldly turned around, overcoming his fear, and saw that caught collar shirt for a sharp hook protruding from one of the fence, which only accidentally went into my throat. I took off my shirt, opening his buttons, and again had hurried to the edge of клабдища, retracing the course of the story of how one man, so, going by the graveyard at night, also caught on something and died of a broken Cerda, deciding that grabbed the devil himself. I thought that now makes my mother, if it finds a healthy hole in the shirt on under the collar, and fear disappeared.
However, something broke inside of me since I became desperate coward, and my cowardice now manifested itself in the most responsible and decisive moments, when it was forbidden to малодушничать. And now I was riding in a car, cowardly медл to accept that the only solution which would have saved my from shame and a friend from punishment. I persuaded her conscience, sang her some empty илживые fables and деферамбы, I couldn't stop delight dashing victory, with this small and little significant compared with the trouble that I was in a hurry to provoke onto himself by his cowardly behavior. I guess it started then, because I still don't dare to go through all the cemetery, and got only half his, and еизвестно, what would happen to me if I dared to be avoided completely. Exactly that, first deal with his conscience and cracked, that little crack in my soul, which since then has grown and grown, приимая in themselves the seeds of Vice, widened and was now in the incredible, bottomless abyss, which I've now discovered. Seeds of sin, once caught up in this cleft, Dali now rich harvest, and I never noticed them shoots grow stronger and more becoming in these thickets, broken up and broke the roots of my soul, stabbed her in pieces, like a break granite and basalt rocks and tree roots, whose seeds угнездились in their cracks. Now, if I had to return again, and go through the graveyard, the turning point, a prominent place, which I set a goal to myself to walk, it would be much closer, and perhaps would be found and on the edge of the graves. I then told my friends that went ладбище completely. But myself I lie could not: was in sight.
Fear of the cemetery, before his nightmares not only passed since then, not only has not decreased, but on the contrary, contrary to all expectations, and intensified, increasing from year to year. So from that ancient проверкисамого itself not the courage turned out to be one harm, because it obviously I laid deception, and, hence, the fear. It seems that it has become the Tokoi of reference, the beginning of the divergence of my action and words, the gap between which every year more increasing and now, when I betrayed my friend had inglorious outcome. Somewhere deep down I still intended to return, to ask the driver to turn the machine back. But above these urges, on the surface swam self-pity, Frank desire to do yourself a favor, avoid, slip away from this test. Something inside of me said that my share today is already fell dangers and adventures, enough worries and anxieties, and the main thing is that money with me, and Grisha return - where's he going to live?
Sometimes the voice of conscience got stronger and clearer, and then I said to myself that now, at this intersection ask the driver to turn back, say, Thu I want to go back, because I want to be with each other, celebrates whether it is valid victory or understands the agony and death.
But whenever we flew to the planned my place, I already managed to "scroll" through my head all our предшевствующий and forthcoming conversation with the driver, cowardly substantiate that the return will be empty and vain. Suddenly I come, and there really веселяться. Grisha ask me quizzically, which I returned, and the rest, God forbid, suspected that something was wrong. No. it is better to go to school, and whether that will be! And machine carried me past all in a row намеенных me one after the other borders, where I was strongly demand the return and have done this in mind. But the closer we were to the school, the farther carried me fast the wheels of the "Volga" on the other side of town where I should go back to the dictates of conscience, the more we drove past the points resolute return", the deeper I went inside the last remnants of determination, which in the beginning were able to achieve my tongue.
By going through the quarters of the city, with a furious pace flew desert crossroads, yellow мигаюие traffic lights, and in my head as fast fought thoughts, devouring each other and paralyzing will. The devil himself on his black wings took me away from the place of punishment.
In fifteen minutes I was already at the checkpoint of the school. Still not too late and was here to tell the driver: "Carry back!" - but I just thought with bitterness and sadness, closed the door of the car and looking around: "Oh, you bastard, you bastard!.. Who you choose as friends, Grisha?!. Bastard! Betrayed your friend! Sold! For a couple of pieces sold, dog!"
I beheaded and клял himself, and machine, I barely got out, moved forward, pulled from a place and quickly disappeared around the bend of the road, cutting off the last thread, which has linked me with another and that a few minutes ago could still крепитьс and put me back on the path of honor and доблети if I had to pay for it. But now I was left alone with all their experiences and remorse.
Having reached his bed, I collapsed at her as knocked down and lost consciousness. My head was kind of porridge. There were no thoughts, and only pain, dull and безотчетная, kneaded there all in a row, turning the bad and good in one motley porridge. I was tired, I was tired physically and broken, but couldn't sleep a wink until the morning. Waited I myself something or just lay in the swaddling of the soul ache. But I was lying to the rise: the broken, tormented by remorse, pathetic.
Chapter 23.
Охромов never returned to the morning, not as I consoled himself with false hopes. Not so he returned to school and dinner.
This absence was noticed commanders only a fan because we were already five minutes to the officers, and, in spite of strict prohibitions not to leave the city, our sergeants are not marry at once, thinking that he get some pussy.
All day molested me with questions fellow platoon, including the commander of branch and замкомвзвод. Twelve hours they held secret absence of Grisha, reporting on each build that persons unlawfully absent, no. And only in seven o'clock in the evening, when it became clear that Aboutchrome something very serious had happened, they decided to report about his absence, platoon commander, and then the battalion commander.
From all the inquiries I struggled with some badass fury, which has never before't noticed. I was like, probably driven into the trap of the wolf that of the last strength to protect his life from his pursuers. It was the rage of the guilty person, being aware that he could never admit it, otherwise a shame it will be known to all. When addressed to me, it seemed that my ears red from shame. I burned in the fires of their guilt, but never admitted to anyone that I know where Охромов was last night, and what happened to him. I did that and did not guess even that happened to him could happen, and where he ever went last night. Some people told me that they had seen us together then until the very last time, and then saw how together we left school. However, asking any questions I realized that no one could see plainly, how we went, but because thought myself quite a good alibi, according to which we together went to the center of the city, and then parted, and each went about their business: I personally went to their friend, but not finding her at home, and therefore almost immediately returned. Since then I Охромова and ostensibly not seen.
It was more or less plausible. There is nothing else I think is not tal decided firmly, study by heart this version.
Yes, if I Охромов, he certainly could call me ondлецом and a traitor to tell everybody that I threw it in the most difficult moments. But he would hardly started to do it, because then it would be had to reveal and all prior transgressions and adventures, and Охромов hardly dared to make it, no matter how he was on me angry. Between ourselves we would be with him, probably, would understand, somehow. I'd give him his share, and we would ultimately reconciled to him.
All day money, several thousand big notes eating and rustled in my pocket, thus lulling conscience and worry about the other. Even in the morning, despite not the past fatigue and weakness, I found the strength to count them, will check again, not fake, and, wonder and authentication them, and the number again reached into the pocket. I was супербогат!
In the evening, when it became clear that Охромов not back the delay was more impossible, our замкомвзводу had to go to report to the battalion commander about his disappearance. He so should have been cool to go for it двенадцатичасовое concealment. He crossed over to the commander of a platoon, and together they hid in the office of the battalion. From there, they appeared quite a long time, and when they come out, both evil and some miserable at the same time, there one after another began to call duty battery, дневальных, squad, whose subordinate was Охромов, and his roommates. See who of them said that he had seen us in the night together, as we came out of the barracks, discussing something. And in General, all in the battery was known, we Grisha were the closest to each other friends, and who could better know where he disappeared, as not me. So soon in the office called me.
In the study, as in one of the many memorable evenings, I again waited three: замкомвзвод with the platoon commander and the commander. The commander was writing and not even raise his head, not noticing or unwilling to notice, that in office of someone came in. Commander sat on one of the oversight of the lateral wall of a room chairs, sadly, his head. He looked tired. Замкомвзвод stood right NEXm with him, p.Rислонившись to the wall.
Kombat, without ceasing to write, took left hand from his pants pocket for a cigarette and a lighter, lit it and he. The room became filled with cigarette smoke. He shot me a quick glance and again began to write, puffing a cigarette.
-Tell us. - he turned to me. - Where were you last night?! Where Охромов?!
I expected such questions, but still failed to seize him, and for a few seconds was going with the spirit, in preparation for the upcoming conversation.
I don't know, comrade senior Lieutenant. At night I was in the barracks.
-Really? - Лshoemakerн raised his eyes and looked at me, frowning.
-Exactly! - I felt something strange, обуревающее me, hardly transcended my spiritual forces temptation to confess, but he controlled himself: lie battalion commander was very dangerous, but recognition would mean the consequences of the still more terrible, if, in General, not the end of my military service.
-Well, look! summed up so brief interrogation combat. - Everything is clear! Therefore, in the night you were in the barracks. And where Охромов you don't know. And see you night not seen. So I realized?
-Yes so, is experiencing unpleasant chill, wandering along the back, with difficulty I got the words out lies.
"Hmm, strange... I Have, in fact, other information... Well, go yet.
I left the office. Commander during a call, never interfered and did not even raise his head to look at me.
The battery was at dinner, but I didn't catch up: there was no wish. After entering your empty room, I took out of my pocket money and began to them again, again automatically recalculated. Large bills quickly opRеделились into the impressive sum even for two this was more than enough.
Dividing money for two shots, Rovno in half, I put one of them Grisha, but from any other paid after dinner with all their creditors that were pleasantly surprised because already I ne 'd probably get your money back, I was once in debt.
Having heard about the fact that I pay debts, I was approached by those who held Grisha, asking me if I give money, occupied Охромовым. I didn't like it, because, as it seemed, they all realize. And, though I could and wanted to get even for Grishin bills, out of caution, I did that and answered such questions, that I Охромов did not answer, let it be calculated for their debts himself.
After I suddenly returned to the very last penny, in my share of money there are still a few thousand. And as was right my friend, to suffice with a vengeance to good good time after release from school. And even with chic carousing, when, as we had dreamed with him, will finally totally free from this crazy military system and can without any barriers and obstacles to devote themselves entirely to pleasure and plunged head first into the foam immense mass of revelry.
The share of Охромова was untouched, and I flashed an impure thought that it would be good if she got me an inheritance. Then I would become a real rich and lived in clover at least another year, walking and kutya, I only want. I tried to rid myself of these сволочные мыслишки, копошившиеся in my head, but they spun and whirled around, and around me, like annoying flies, even and загаживали my brain. However, it seems that work to ensure and went, what I унаследую part of his devoted friend.
In the evening, an hour after finally reported on the disappearance of the cadet, closer to mount, all officers not only batteries, but division were raised to his feet to start any search of the missing. Now a serious concern was spread to the whole battery. In the air smell trouble, and in the Alma mater immediately became restless. Alarm gathered all management school, urgently organized the headquarters of search and began to think of some activities.
I continued to torment twinge of conscience, that were now all with greater force. It was a real meal. How could I now think that because of my betrayal, cowardice and cowardice was gone, but it may be already died people, not just a stranger, my old friend, with whom we had a chance to survive and try even if it is our own stupidity and лихачеству, граничащему with the hottest adventurism. Of course, if I was guilty and the suffering of some distant me a man, it would be very unpleasant for me. And when I did so with one another, here my remorse and torments, was not a limit. However, now they have been in vain. Me and wanted to go to confess all over the deed to my commanders and, probably, I would have done, in the end, if remembered at least address where we were last night. I even, at least shoot me, not could say, what we findby then the quarter. And so, my statement would be useless for searching, but harmful and extremely dangerous not only for me but for Охромова, if he suddenly nothing happened, and he will be back in a day or alive and well. And there you are again, " you will, that having one meanness, I followed her to do, and second.
With nightfall, when heard the command "lights out", which is so rarely heard in recent times, and inwithe officers remained in the barracks, sitting in the office, jumping up and going somewhere, but then again returning, infinite anxiety and terrible longing seized me.
Empty bed Grisha in the next room not let me rest. Again I couldn't sleep and the second night spent already awake and thinking, thinking, thinking about something. My thoughts revolved all on thethe same vicious circles, and this carousel, there seemed to be no never no end or stop. I was mortified by the fact that the left Grisha with bandits left, though had to stay with him, that, in General, acted like a fool, and agreed evalue for them somewhere with the appointed meeting place, fearing that criminals won't pay us the money for the forgery, which we have committed, and, forgetting completely that Охромову could threaten from my compromise great danger also, if the bandits are not stupid, and they are not stupid at all.
Then I suddenly remembered the pleasant crunching of a few thousand in my poor, poor pocket, which had never seen or smelled such crazy money. And then tried to soothe, comfort yourself, fool flared up in me feelings, seduce their phenomenal wealth, suddenly fallen down on my head, and that will not get the more, the less will be contenders for his share in it, that is exactly twice, if I had to share with Охромовым. But barely calmed down, so Ihti immediately thought of myself as Grisha, and I was scared for the first SEBI if this really happened, and then again sorry for Охромова. Carousel made a full turn and went to the new circle. All over again. And again I whipped himself remorse, and then tried to soothe, to speak, to lull them that I could. Only now have I fall asleep and could not. Carousel this is the убыстряла, was slowing its rotation, but did not want to stop the axis of its rotation was the idea that, to save his hide, and besides, you are taking another big money, I left the man in the scum of society, capable and ready for anything. And this man was a friend of mine.
It was already three in the morning and she could not sleep on my разламывающуюся on the part of the head. From time to time in the room looked that one, another officer, checking, probably, everything is in place - although, of whom must it was in such a restless night to go somewhere? And then, and along the corridor sounded measured steps. This noise makes the barracks last crumbs of comfort, which is still теплился in her rooms. Clop boots of the night and blew the anguish of his constancy, like ходики hours, counting down the seconds flying mIMO a sleepless night.
Outfit standing today, loomed at a bedside table. Usually at night, not to sleep and stay in energy, but also not get tired of service, he was engaged in any nonsense, those who listened to music, playing tennis in the Lenin room, sliding along a few tables and putting partition instead of a grid of several volumes of collected works of the classics of Marxism-Leninism, who drove hard teas, вскипятив water in glasses with the help of an improvised heater razor blades, who, when he worked, he published a powerful buzz, as the tractor engine, sometimes seconds in a glass of huge blue spark short-circuit and, in General, acted like he's going to explode, at least as a nuclear bomb, and for all the cadets and called him MCAhtion word "бульбулятор", which gave complete and exhaustive description of this device.
Now, under the watchful eye of the commanders outfit couldn't afford from these pleasures. He left that represent on the nightstand in the middle of a long and narrow corridor hostel cheerful performance of services and Kwasi all night instead of somehow relax. So, that night, too, had not pleasant.
I was lying, fixing the eyes in the ceiling and sometimes when the steps sounded in the corridor as something special, hastily and fractional ежился under a blanket. I thought that now would be integrated into our room, and raise me, and go into the office to begin again inquiries. At such moments I felt suddenly that creepy want to sleep, and my eyes closed, but had only steps walk past sleep if he were not there, and once again I was lying in restless thinking, feeling already a fever and elevated temperature in the whole body from the fact that my body is already the second day did not know rest.
Remembering now day a conversation with command a battalion, I fear the thought almost confessed to him in everything. Whether it is a bit понастойчивее this time with your questions, and I'd certainly be fragmented. To lie and to stand on his own, should also have at least a small fortress of spirit and strength of will. Cowards do not lie big. They are interfering with your own fear, the idea that ate suddenly come exposure, then they'll be sorry. And only by reckless and arrogant people, daring the-his and solid in solving stand your ground, lying carelessly, not retreat even a step back, even if the facts speak against them, and because they often leave winners of those skirmishes are. And that is why can convince them of their opponents, that it was as they say, but not otherwise. If the opponent they can, of course, not harder nut to crack than themselves. I myself was a witness, as the most impudent and outright lies because of its hardness and reckless desperation than once won a soft, pliable, though fair truth. And, if so desperate вралей and catches up with some kind of punishment, it is strongly flavored, softened doubt, закрадывающимся soul допытывающегося it is through persistence of lies.
However, there are people for whom lie true flour: so great they influence their conscience on behaviour towards their past deeds. Such should not be taken to cheat. They are too fast and admit only create about yourself disagreeable impression, thus getting in great конфузию. For them it is easier to suffer the punishment for his misconduct, than to enjoy the fruits of his lies. This is hard to walk with impure conscience. But those who have conscience blind in both eyes, deaf in both ears and chrome on both legs, one must remember that the most important thing is to have a hot some courage to not waver even under the pressure of indisputable facts, and especially to be persistent, if such facts or have to prove, and in whatever was to stand on his own to the end. This is the only chance for them to allow them to leave the game winners. The only, but not to all available, so as not everyone can withstand torture lie.
So I lay there, still suffering угрызениI conscience and those painful thoughts that I have already described, was preparing for the upcoming me to the test. This occupation is, frankly speaking, it was not pleasant. Again and again заучивал I word by heart, as a first-grader poem version of his night's adventures, according to that which I have seen Охромова the last time licked out of a taxi in the center of the city. The difficulty was in the fact that the options for such a version was tempting to many, and one seemed to me another plausible and better. But to choose the you had one, and completely forgetting about the rest. The more that I had lied when I was called into the office of the battalion commander, and was best to stick to now this option, though he was not the best. Otherwise I was'll be sorry. If the commander suspected me in a lie, he, I think, would put every effort to bring me to clean water, and I think that it worked.
So passed this night: in an anguish of conscience, перемежавшихся with the expectations of questioning and зазубриванием his alibi. I couldn't sleep a wink until the morning. And when the Windows piercing black night white faded, faltered in his thick paint, and then, посерев, moved quickly in the pre-dawn light, same for any weather, the lead cool and foggy cloudy, regardless of whether the coming day, Sunny and serene, or over the city will hang high stratus clouds or low rainy clouds - I suddenly felt an irresistible heaviness in the swollen bags centuries, realized that deadly want to sleep and felt eyes shut themselves under the power mastered me sleep. When the gray paint bucket shone through the morning the first pink tones, heralding the good weather, I dropped off a strong and short sleep.
I slept long. Someone touched my arm, and I, not even time as it should fall asleep, hardly opened one eye and saw low pitched me замкомвзвода.
-Get up! You battery commander calls! he said to me.
"What is it? I asked in a sleepy voice, although already woke up to a second two-three nobody touched me and not shook in, and you could feel in these moments as well just lie in bed.
I don't know! "replied he irritably. - Get up quick! He is waiting for you!
Most of all I like to fall asleep, staying in bed and not get up from it. Only now, after the night I felt, how beautiful my cadets bed. Withhow in the hher charms. And despite the fact that she was quite tough due to the gross spring grid, and not painted her iron tattered грядушки covered it was a drab, not the first freshness official linen on top of cotton, hard mattress, it seemed to me now the best beds in the world.
However, as neither wanted to sleep in and soak up and had to get up. Замкомвзвод was configured seriously and not going, apparently, leave me alone. His head ached from a sleepless night, rutoand his feet were like strangers and ached from exhaustion, but had to get up, time causing combat.
After sitting a little on the bed, to somehow myself after and come to himself, I got up and stumbled on an empty corridor through the whole barracks to the Chancellery of the battalion. I couldn't remember a single word from your version stubbornly заучивал all night, and was in such a state that Alo what thought and could наплести anything until that issue all clean, if only отвязались and gave me sleep. Maybe this combat intended.
In the office of the battalion smoke stood yoke. For his grey veil barely discern the contours of sitting at a table near a window into which брезжил dawn, Furrier. When I slowly asked permission to enter and took place in the middle of the room, he saw that what he thought and carefully as he stared into the glazed surface of the table, on which stood a crystal ashtray, over the brim full of cigarette butts and tobacco ash.
The commander raised his inflamed, burning feverish, red from fatigue and excitement eyes and tried to pierce me their tired eyes. On his face was marked tiredness and boredom. He put a cigarette in his mouth, half already скуренную he was holding, took a painfully squinted that he always did before with someone from subordinates long and difficult conversation. But this time, then he was more miserable than terrible. Cigarette was quenched, and, weary with an oath, the commander reached into his pocket for a cigarette lighter, again lighted it, frowned, and finally asked me:
-Well, as to where you were last night? again he frowned, as if swallowed something bitter, he pulled his fingers free hand by the throat and started squeezing it. Apparently, it had to hurt.
-Here, in the barracks...
Question caught me by surprise, and I felt that now I can talk, because I have no will to be unlocked until the end, and he should now ask позаковыристей...
-No, in the barracks you, comrade cadet, for once, was that night. You are out of the Dorm rooms together with your friend Охромовым, and then you nobody till dawn never seen.
True, comrade senior Lieutenant, I felt that I Wake up and little by little, we obtain desired to have this conversation form. Although I might after a sleepless night and left just a little, " I told you everything, as it was. Yes, I left the barracks together with Охромовым. But all! With him went no whither! He said that he had to visit one of his old friend. I stood with him near the entrance, talked and smoked a cigarette, and then parted. He went, and I returned to the barracks.
"Idiot! - I scolded myself. - What do you плетешь?! You're the same yesterday, not so very soon! Well, hold on now! Khan you, boy!"
The commander was, apparently, very tired, so paid no attention to such a significant difference from yesterday's my story, and continued to ask, Vedas some his line and, omitting from under the nose of my Frank miss the chance to score the decisive goal in my gate, pulled me over him like a Fox's tail out of the hole.
-Yes, very interesting, and what have you talked to him? - he again inhaled and released under the ceiling cloud of cigarette smoke.
"Oh, nothing...
-Very interesting! And about this "anything" you're talking to him almost until morning?! Tell me more, that you stood and tried to persuade him not to go in unsanctioned отлучку, kept from the evil action of his friend, telling him that he went no whither! And on their arguments and disputes with him you spent the whole night! Tell me that it was so! Yes?!
I was confused and stood with downcast eyes, no answer.
-Well, it don't you speak? So or not?!
-That the "no"?
-Not so.
-Well, what's wrong? Said or didn't say?
"Never, " I replied softly, trying to portray in his voice shame and remorse, if the commander decided to try me on the subject of military duty.
"Well, you see! - Лshoemakerн out his hand across the table, took a position on the other side of the thick book "regulations of the armed forces of the USSR", browsed through it for half a minute, NRимательно looking through the pages, then stopped and, turning a public place to me, continued. - But you have to responsibilities is written in thy duties of a soldier, in the duties of a soldier, you're still a cadet, and in his position приравниваешься to conscripts, now, in your duties says: "...not to allow yourself and keep comrades evil deeds".
He abruptly slammed the "Statutes..."and tossed the book back on the edge of Tola, where she lay again delayed, staring at me from the waist and continued to develop monologue:
"Well, suppose that bad deed you did not... let's Say... Though it is also under question. All right, suppose: not caught - not a thief. But why you did not perform their duties, the duties of a soldier? Because cadet is the same soldiers. You're not an officer. You're not an officer, although it may be already mnish themselves officer. You and act like a soldier. The behavior you in his psychology soldiers. How are you going to become an officer? - Лshoemakerн sneered. "You think, perhaps, that the exams will end soon, there edition, and will start another, new life! Yes?! Wrong! Life-the person is the one, and she new nothing can not be the. It only continues. I, honestly speaking, you, Yakovlev, here you exactly, officer and can not imagine.
-Why is this? I asked, trying to look on my face as much as possible the surprise. Actually I only wanted his monologue lasted longer and give it all to выговорился in him and he would not left forces for questioning.
To do so, - the commander smiled again, but now with a barely perceptible and barely visible sadness. His smile seemed to me more warm and welcoming, because nothing is not something that the officer even aboutwiththe military. Not a bit, and no капелюсеньки! I don't know, " he pushed back his chair, stood up, stood up from the table and paced up and down the office, I don't know what do you and like you, what do you yourself think. We were cadets... I don't tell that the gifts were not to say that the quiet was that AWOL is not running, it was all we have, but not to such an extent! We then at least some sense of responsibility was before commanders, before friends of his in the end. In AWOL we were not each and every day, as you're doing here, but only for especially needy. As to the dismissal too, happened, and by the month they were not allowed and even some two! You have no conscience, no consciousness, no responsibility, but it is simply no concept of military discipline. You, like kids are stupid, not wish to understand, that not in the kindergarten are, and learn in a closed institution with a limited access mode. But it is already here it is, the fourth course - tju-tju: over! And as you was a child, so they still are! Yes as you in troops go?! I can't imagine the horror! Because you through the month, and may, eighteen themselves will have to educate people, a soldier you will! And VAwith another consciousness at the level of the same soldier is!.. I don't know! You seem to not officers are going to be, not people who for twenty-five years must consciously give Homeland, education of their subordinates, primarily by personal example, that all these years must be tolerated, and is considered normal for a life in solitude, in some forest-tundra, where, in addition to military town, Yes, there's a military town - there are places where the entire region in a hundred versts two-three five-story building or two barracks stand, and all: neither the city nor village tens of kilometers not found! You from there AWOL't go? 't go! There is just nowhere to run!..." is that actually the army драпать! And so it is not released yet! How much money the state on training угрохало - have the duty to give! And дезертируешь - so get caught, go to jail... And the family will be? You're not you'll be all my life go blank? Not be! And his wife and children to feed? 't! In the town you work for the wife you will not find? You will not find! All places more or less decent will be full полканами and majors. Except that some грязненькую job can find where your wife soldiers will paw or have them dirty портянки, Yes pants обспусканные wash. And Yes, such a work, if you turn up happy. This is, of course, the wife of the commander of the regiment, the commander of a battalion will not go! Will your wife to work, because one лейтенантскую pay with family feet last. Yes there лейтенантскую! Now even the captain, though, at least for майорскую - family one, if the wife does not work, I can not feed! But she is so damn black job in any гарнизончике is, Laundry service, or worse - on the stokehold! And go thy will not go away, because his needs will make! And because of such doors can you be then large family disagreements and quarrels. You and that will have to endure, if a family save you please, for ten years, until the good posts дослужишься, and even more - here how подфартит in the service. Yes and if you put even the wife work at home make sit one is all one, lost, with the melancholy death spree anyway! And what had she done? You are at the service from morning to evening'll disappear, and хахали it always can be found! What to do in a military town, when no work, no entertainment, no other besides drinking on the weekends, Yes gadding about any day of the week, or rather under any night. The four walls of the sit - wrench одуреешь! You know that Baba get insane with boredom, become diseased? Her sexual activity increases! The energy of a young and spend it nowhere! Now through the STE case it exits. Except as еблю her this energy to do with the poor have nowhere to! In the villages the women withDuru though they sing songs, when not overly ймется without елды. And the military, in our town, podi, погорлань song dreary, while her husband to landfill or somewhere on a business trip! Not without the work of the same - a bad job, even worse. If the soldiers grabbed be - then it all through the anger go.
In General, one way or another, and not sugar alive, officers, anyway. Lieutenants all begin, and you, I know paws no no to you a warm place to find that the b in the city, Yes when normal people, culture or whatever. And it is good that area your will, cubicle, there, where to stay you can. And so, actually even hang, honestly, I tell you!
Here is how, for example, my friend, my one, my lad, after the release of the hit - no stake, no yard him in the regiment was not given - live like you want. Garrison in forest stands, close to even villages slightest no where could be some халупку for the family to withdraw. He and his wife went and live nowhere! Here and there, to the commanders of appeals, and he is no apartments, why wife pulled? Had to first one to arrive. And the garrison of the whole: one five-storey building hastily rebuilt: for staff. Others live in barracks, in which before the revolution the workers casual workers lived. That's it! And each apartment has three to four families live. What to do? Had been hanging around my buddy, had been hanging around, then said he did not come to the service until he angle will not find. Who is smarter than he was, earlier arrived hand appointment, sacrificing their holidays. And it's your послеучилищный vacation отгулял, as expected, and came to шапочному distinction. To you an apartment, you immediately roof over your head! As waiting there for you, Lieutenant!
Well, in the end, he declared, that will not work on the service until will not give him an apartment or corners, gave him каптерку battery. Well, what do you think? The "first time", so to speak, Dali. So he entire year there lived! And how I lived?! In the evening, with a genouxth go to sleep, and the soldiers at the door whispering, laughing, and then the door starts to knock, "joke". He's out the door POPs up, only his trousers have time to zip up, they're alone. Only the neighing throughout the barracks worth it. Well, he picked up a battery after that time, another time, and then? What kind of a person will stand against him so much, and he alone must to beat them. Let it even and his subjectnnye. But if they are not respected, with them, it'll do nothing. Here he is, after all, and broken. And battalion commander complain because as a young officers learn laugh at his raise. And one cannot change anything in life. So he suffered a year. His soldiers to ain that he was almost on its knees asked them, that they took pity on him. Did they spare? They each other do not spare, and if you can make fun of an officer, then certainly зверствовать will. Baba too quiet caught - not from шумливых. So the matter before realized that one of the soldiers поборзее was almost on the bed with my boyfriend, went to his wife. He fought with the most наглецами that is just not done, all the same, were not behind him. However, after a year housed him in a two-bedroom apartment, yet with two families in each room family. But it's all the same Luhmore than fighting every night with the soldiers. He was so glad that almost up to the ceiling jumped rejoiced with her luck. This apartment, that Imperial mansion seemed. However, this "казарменная life" has not passed DL him in vain: he then long impotence suffered and couldn't recover: got it in that cursed the gun shook the store-room. And the wife remained frigid. That's it! Vacation complained to me somehow. And the commanders of the year was happening, he was mocked by the soldiers, no one knows, not even his commander. Wife wanted some time, go complain to the commander of the regiment, Yes he had said: said, why do you go there, for shame? Didn't go to it even once. Yes it is true! Does she regiment commander did not help, and the people had learned so accurately to the laughter would have raised. They, our people, especially women, that if only the subject of gossip for find, what лясо поточить!
And here is another of my friend settled on arrival in the room bachelor's hostel. He spent whole days in the service of disappears, only for lunch sometimes bounds into: decided guy service to start, as expected, but for the first time firmly повкалывать need, by the way, to show yourself, what is called, sometimes at night not to sleep even. In outfits too - after a day on the strap, as everywhere. And OK all went: tolerate, hopes that it will take a year and a half such a life, you see, it комбаты nominated, and live it better. And then accidentally discovers that his wife during this time, almost all the hostel переспало: there are some bachelors live, he was the only one poor guy caught him, agreed with his wife to live, instead of looking for an apartment from the headstock some for полполучки. Like Louhbetter to have it to the family more money left. And it turned out as its economy! He paid for her, and with a vengeance! However, if Baba-streetwalker, it is everywhere yourself кобелиный end avenge! So it could be even better, so it quickly became clear. Yes. And how did he know? 'd never have guessed, told me if he colleague-bachelor quarrel with hot't blurted out. He to his wife: "However, - he asks, - you or not?!" and she said to him: "No, you, every забулдыгам believe?" Well, the wife is more trusted than насмешникам. Yes hurt them, scoffers, then suspiciously lot was. Thought evil, because they are envious that his wife is so beautiful. Well, Baba his will more and more become soldiers погуливать, Yes перепихиваться. Before остервенела, in the end, that he, my friend peasant soldiers in envelope sent pictures where they have it on a rubbish dump in various poses. She is there, in those pictures, and in the mouth takes, and what abominations does not. That's it! Well? He drove her then. And she was home. There restaurants, bars пошлялась, rubbed six months. Before came that her parents kicked out of the house, his father-in-law mother-in-law. And he told her, the fool, the divorce does not independent: whether loves, or a rag. She then returned to him, lied about the job just, among other things, that straightened up, bitch. And she does not say how many abortions during these six months did. He believed her. By that time and got an apartment with shared bedroom, with a second family to the truth. And went again merry life: in the evening, at ten or eleven come home tired, hungry and goes wife garrison get, from any campaign or bed. She it on "fuck it" frankly sends it, and he's drooling dissolved: "Go home!" So he still lives: bloat the sky, and family, his home and no. What a home?..
Kombat stopped at the table, knocked down in an ashtray, which fell over the edge butts, another "Bychok", immediately pulled out and засмолил another cigarette as if without it could not breathe again began to walk the short space from the door where I was standing, leaning back, so as not to interfere with his прогуливанию, to the table, where he shook the ashes in a bunch of cigarette butts, and back.
I have long noticed that the talk went somewhere else. It always happens when people speak, as if speaking aloud, developing monologue: it is very difficult to resist the temptation to expand the circle of themes, and, in the end, he is lost, leaves from under his feet, as the soil in a landslide. Thoughts go somewhere to the side, and he begins to wander in a chaotic during his thinking.
-Such businesses, again spoke commander after some thought.
me he now seemed much older than before, and it's just four years earlier graduated from the same school. His thoughts presented to me were trustworthythus man whose entire life behind. "Is it so состарила service?" I thought to myself and I was horrified his discovery.
-Of course, one can say that all these are isolated cases that all mostly live well! - he looked at me. - Not good, not good live. And you can say who. This Junior officers, i.e. you that tomorrow will receive officer shoulder straps and shoot курсантскую form. Very few are those who would say that he is all right, all right. Of course, there are optimists who on the moon will be good. But I will not take. And even arrogant. Such is also lacking. I'm talking about normal people say that if it is bad, then say what is wrong, and if it is good, then say what is good. Place under the sun for you - a tiny piece and at all desire can't all fit. The generals also the sons of lieutenants start. This warm places and reserved. And all the rest who without protege in the army, those two cart-horses, on which all our army and holding on.
He looked at me again, but strangely, as if only now saw that it is only woke up from a bad dream. Walked to the table, sat down at his place. But, apparently, he now realized that too has opened the heart with me, and the talk went too far. And, to return to the previous topic of conversation, asked:
-Where do you побежиnil? Yeah... So you say that I didn't went to a cadet Охромовым?
Apparently, the conversation was returning to its former course, and thought with regret, that my expectations were not justified.
-...and did not stop it? Yes-Ah, poor officer you get, Yakovlev. You're four years in the military, the military school, which prepares you for the future of hard service, but nothing like what you want to be an officer. Still acting like a kid: no sense of duty or responsibility whatsoever. That you will, when you become an officer - I'll never know! Тяготишься you the service you do not love you... But, however, it seems that we digress... So Охромов left and you went to the barracks. Who saw it? On-duty battery says that haven't seen you all night.
"But, comrade senior Lieutenant, I'm not obliged to report to duty battery and I, behold, there came, on a place, - parried I придирку, conjuring crook, so it just suddenly remembered that I spoke to him last night. For the time spent or lost command a battalion on his monologue, I have added confidence that he will not achieve anything. "Now I will be unlocked until the very end!" I thought to myself.
-Why it is not obliged? "asked the commander. In this book, and he tapped his hand out, "Statutes of the armed forces of the USSR", - it is written that during the absence of the officers on duty battery is the direct chief of all are in the soldiers and sergeants, as well it belongs to you. Therefore, you have him cadet Yakovlev, must obey the same way as all other, that we have not done. Means leaving the barracks, you had to warn the person on duty that for a few minutes out you understand? And then, that he knew, tell him on arrival, that you came. He should know how many people are in the barracks. Therefore, because thou hast not warned it is your fault. You never did, so the fact that you have not seen on duty all night, and would mean that you all night in the barracks was not. So where have you been?
Combat long and intently watching me expecting that I will answer. But I kept silent and then he said, apparently concluding the conversation, trying to highlight each word:
-Well, comrade cadet! I see with you is useless to say. Like you lost to the army, I wonder why you ever went to a military school. Why? After all, voluntarily went. To suffer, then life in the service? I see absolutely sense to let you out of school. I had my way, I would have you deducted. But, unfortunately, this now can be done only by the Minister of defence.
-Chairman of the state examination Commission can? I asked, challenging the battalion commander. I was tired that he chastises me, as a boy, as a freshman, while I studied in the walls of this "zadroty", as we called it, four years, four long years, leaving in караулах and all kinds of costumes, a lot of his health, when the end of the school remained only on a week, maybe less. Just me and without him knew firmly enough that even if I wanted to, I would never expelled: too much money spent state on my training, so just let me go. Now they had to serve, that is, to give back to the Homeland as a military duties in the twenty-five years. We had to spend those years, the color of life in the far not the best locations, where it was pleasing to throw you the fate of the Ministry of defence and the General staff.
Combat all kept looking at me and looked up expectantly. But now he was confused, because he does not expect me to be such an issue.
-Do you want to be dropouts from school, when you until the end and graduation, have nothing, a few days? he asked now a completely different tone.
-Yes, I'm tired of listening to your notation and, I confess you honestly, I really deeply disgusted with the service.
Face the battalion fell in amazement.
So I ask you, comrade senior Lieutenant, can I be expelled from the number of cadets Chairman of the state examination Commission?
-Yes, he is endowed with extraordinary powers, " replied Лshoemakerн, though his voice got stronger and became a bit more confident. However, I did not doubt that he had made a point, in its discretion to expel persons unworthy for the further service, if he deems it necessary...
He stopped once, and I thought to myself, probably, too, that he "...but he will do it!"
-...okay, go yet. Perhaps you'll be expelled, I'll report your statement above. And I think that the issue of the impossibility of your further stay in the armed forces solved positively, especially if there won't be Охромов. Do you think that disappeared cadet, and it all will stay to get away with it? No, you are wrong, comrade cadet. Drag-and-so, of course, likely to be me, but I will do my best to you and engaged, as it should be! You as the nearest friend, and perhaps a witness. Well, me - God himself commanded, because I have this balbes battery commander. Seems to me that, Yakovlev, " I can do nothing for it, unfortunately prove that you know where your friend, and what happened to him. Know and silent! And if you was a little more serious in life, he already could probably help...
"Why is it me will carry? - indignant, but refrained from reporting him about myself too I.
-And what do you think? What did you want, stay away? So it is all the more strange, don't you think?
-Who can prove that we Охромовым were friends? - I asked him. - If I want to, to me not concernedtoor, and I will say that Охромовым me no ties. That's all!
-Yes no you're wrong, not all! We have in the school a special Department called. Thank God, that you with it did not face. Now, in this very special Department are some guys who know everything about everyone, you know? To him we have not addressed - time is not ripe. But when it becomes clear that the problem has gone too far, and the cadet Охромов not get, not drinking any шмары, but for me it is, for example, it is already clear that the command of the school at the request of the commander of a battalion to ask for help to him. And although it is not their specifics, but I think that they will not fail us in search of the lost sheep. But who knows, maybe for a special Department it will be interesting, where and why disappeared cadet, five minutes graduate officer. That's it! Now, really, that is all!
I stood and looked at him, trying not to show my emotion. Actually I'm all shook from a single mention of this organization. About it as I quite forgot.
Kombat also silent and watching me, but now as something vague and mysterious. At times it seemed to me that he not only all guesses and he knows all very reliably and he almost did not present and never was in our deal.
-A lot of you I drank blood, a lot. Well, nothing, " he continued, stretching himself wearily and ingesting cigarette smoke - I in the long stay, comes my turn, all those who drank my blood, I'll not leave, I will not forget. Okay, go, comrade cadet. You I don't want to say, but because we will talk with you not now and not here, but in another time and in another place and in a completely different way.
I walked out of the office. It was early morning. Before lifting it was time to sleep, " I thought, because I felt again the stone fatigue, навалившуюся on my body. The soul I it was a chore. I couldn't understand their feelings, wandering about inside of me, as the blind.
I went through the corridor on the sleeping barracks and was already anticipating, as now fall on the bed and a little поваляюсь, but suddenly I heard behind me as orderly shouted command: "Battery, get up!"
I felt powerless rage. I wanted to kick this idiot Скорняку, because he промучил me as specifically to the rise. With me almost became hysterical, but I contained myself somehow, and then walked off, along with all of the exercises, which symbolically, but still had the place to be with us, almost officers. I had only one desire: to fall somewhere so that nobody touched me, and sleep, forget a dead sleep.
Chapter 24.
The whole day I walked as the plague. Yes Breakfast sleep failed: all the officers were in place and strictly controlled departure of the self-platoons in full. I hoped that at least there is something I will sleep for this sleepless night. But someone like chastised me: a day in the classroom sat the commander of a platoon and not go away anywhere, even for an hour. And hardly my head was too low to the abstract, as he окликал me, and I had to get up and make excuses, saying that I wasn't dreaming.
To top it all about eleven o'clock, I was summoned to the commander of the division. Had to go, and I felt like falling asleep on the go.
Squadron leader long hypnotize me moving their black splayed буденовскими moustache and watching some silly looking, but cunning and treacherous actually look in her black slightly косоватых eye and then asked:
-Well! What?!
Only this and said, but so expressive like I already got red-handed and the question of my guilt was finally resolved, and I now stood almost before a military Tribunal, and he was a juror. Is it "well" sounded like "That was caught?! With good reason!"
I didn't know him to answer. Intonation of his voice was such that it was necessary either immediately confess, almost repent, begging for mercy, though already read the sentence about the execution, or to be silent, like a fish, typing in the mouth water. Indeed, it was like a verdict and not a question. And he sounded accordingly, like a pistol shot: right and разяще. Here either miss or hole with a fist. Squadron leader hoped that got to the hole, but the hole was from the bagel: I was silent, preferring the second path, and this meant, he is perfectly understood, complete defeat, despite his angry look.
I stood in the midst of his Cabinet, and he continued to hypnotize me.
-Well, let's hear it! finally he offered me, but the tone of his voice became softer, you can say the conciliation.
-What to tell? I asked, wanting to understand and that he, strictly speaking, knows.
"Where are you from Охромовым went at night two days ago? he started to twitch with a shrug, as if pushing ourselves badly sitting uniform, and then, lifting them up, and iterate through his fingers on the table. It was a familiar all cadets our course sign of unrest and irritation.
"Nowhere, " replied I, the seeing that the commander of division jumped on its chair from resentment on my blatant lie. - I will not go. Went one Охромов, and I spent him to the door down. Stood there with him, talked.
-Well, take a look! Look at that!" - began to raise the tone of voice commander of division, himself egging and fueling. - Dove, right! Spent, stood, smoked! - he mimicked me, ехидничая, smiling with a stinging, curve and unkind smile forcibly strained his white and angry face. "Maybe you are in his cheek even kissed or still where-any lower, and the? he cocked his head, putting his ear as if to get a better hearing I'll answer him.
But I persistently was silent.
Lieutenant Colonel sprang up, and flew to me. Rage, клокотавшая in him, then burst out now, and frozen on his face and pretended to be dead restrained and nasty the smile fell suddenly, as faded husk, putting out a grimace of anger. He was panting from his rage, splashing a saliva, breath its not enough to say the phrase, and he talked, and then stopped. It долговязое body выписывало near me dance of anger, randomly waving arms and trying, thus threatening me.
-You, you, you, you're my -- you've got it... everything you say! All you say!!! I long to understand I will not! Ladies fist... on the head, he swung me кулачищем, and instinctively I cringed in anticipation of the blow, but he immediately apparently, recovering himself slightly put his hand back: compressed in a rage palm stopped a few inches from my head. I was so scared that straightening like froze finally and now, don't move even if he hit me or waved again.
Nervous step, slightly limping and taking one side of his lanky body, commander of a battalion departed to the other end his Cabinet, apparently, away from sin, and from there, turned around, threatened me with a finger:
-I will show you! I'll show you! I'll show you!!!
It seemed to me that it all shakes along with the index finger. I stood, more dead than alive, and if not tired, deadly arms gripped my body, my whole being, not letting him go, get excited and растревожиться, as follows, I would, perhaps the his body shook with nervous overstrain. Now my soul and body just numbed. Even if I tried, I could not answer him a word.
Actually cadets did not like to put it mildly, the Cabinet of the commander of a battalion. To say more, they was afraid of it. Especially if he was "on the carpet" for some offenses. When the commander of a battalion command a battalion was in a battery of course, выпустившемся of school a year early, and had a reputation among his former subordinates rather various and diversified. Some considered him to be a man of good mixer, which meant that they could agree on almost everything. Others, however, remembered and cases show it in another way. He was the commander of the battery only a year, but during that time had a lot of начудить. And he began service as a platoon commander, too, in school, in the fourth year. Since those times and reached us some legends, speaking for themselves what a man was our commander of division.
With the fourth course very difficult to cope, especially to the young Lieutenant, yesterday's student. And he struggled and rather original way: through their personal example, so to speak. I wanted him to cut his platoon under полубокс - haircut this was неуважаема among the students from the second course, and here is the fourth. Of course, he is not something that a complete misunderstanding, and open hostility to his will. At this position he hadn't been shocked or suppressed, and went and took the entire platoon in училищную hairdresser, got there it took monastic vows under the полубокс himself, and then said, none of the cadets will not leave there from, yet on the head it will not be the same as he. And gained its all his platoon, only on a course, then walked with such a crazy hairdo.
However, it cannot be said that he was a cadet of ordinary. I heard that he was a foreman, classes went rarely, often missed, motivating business, and he went into the city to her needs. Cadets, his comrades and the little kids, the descent from no: no one could ever get him to agree to so проволынить a couple of other lectures, because he immediately warned that the deal will not leave and if not cope by themselves, it will report to the officers. Therefore it strongly disliked and even hated, tried several times to make him some pig, but the officers knew about his adventures, but turn a blind eye, because the whole battery under his paw screamed and squeaked in all keys. Being a petty officer in the fourth year, he himself, in the absence of officers when they not seen or can see, took the battery marching step from the barracks to the dining room and back, could keep her on the parade ground, the laughter exposing the fourth year to the younger courses. He never thought of retribution, that it may be too real. And the closer to the release of his course of the school, the more and more heavy black clouds were gathering anger colleagues over his head. Ultimately, this story had an end quite comical and instructive: our future commander of a battalion his comrades in his study on the issue was closed, запихав force in wardrobe for clothes, and thus lowered down the staircase from the second floor: here is what he arranged the fun. But the lesson to him not salutary, or has gone in the wrong direction, and that was what I thought earlier. Then he was the commander of the battery, but not long, because it quickly enough to improve further, to the commander of a division. As he was command a battalion - unknown. A story about herself. The fact is, that the course year senior us, where he commanded a battery, had relations with our rather tense and unfriendly. As soon as they become second year, they were in a hurry отчураться of its "shameful" of the past - not without reason the first course in the student's folklore is termed as "guilty without guilt", and therefore looked at us, just come in College, down, with your nose, and despised us, it is unclear what, for that year their younger. The third course is treated us with lukewarm, but comradely, there already understood that we cannot compete with them on any matter, and, therefore, more disliked the second course. The fourth course of the treated us with fatherly, giving all sorts of tips, and taught the sense that, Yes what to do to make easier life in this difficult cadets ' life. And for this reason, direct witnesses, who could tell us how they commanded our division commander, us almost no contact, to the very last course lived separately from us. But to not take it personally: in the end themselves in all figured out. However, once it was one witness.
Somehow, in the middle of the first course, after the first of their cadets ' winter holidays came back I was in school, has arrived already in place in the city. Yes there was a time hours, twelve, and trolleybuses in such a time went very rarely. Money for a taxi for me. So I went walking through the city with a guy from the second course: he returned from the hospital. We talked with him, and I started to complain of his commander of a battalion. But instead sympathize with me, he replied: "Vladimir Vladimirovich - the man explanatory. It seems to be bad, and stern, but with subordinates understands himself, never, if possible, to the top in no hurry to report. And, in General, to him of any matter, an agreement can be. We only approach to find!"
Putin actually always took the burden of proceeding with провинившимися cadets its division over, if only somehow it was possible to conceal the committed crime from higher management. He himself understood, determining the degree of guilt, and appointed himself the same punishment, on the one hand, could not be so dangerous as, say, expulsion from school, or something like that like that, but, nevertheless, according to the severity and duration of its nothing to him, ultimately, not inferior. Therefore, our cadets feared him to shake in поджилках of fire.
Sometimes the punishment of these seemed to be unfair and illegitimate but wound them, the system was such that a go and complain to him above was not possible, because upstairs in the manual training school usually knew what had happened violation, and therefore the one who came to complain, watched square eyes, and even worse, raise a hue and scandal, why the management of the division is engaged in concealment. Great fall and the commander of the division, but even more suffered one who was complaining. The punishment tacitly remained in force, but, in addition, he bore the punishment that received from the command of the school or, again, from the commander of a battalion after his complaint. Besides the cadets themselves did not support an informant should, because, though ye murmured in campaigns for the Vladimir Vladimirovich, talked about it all, but all the same, in the depths of the soul preferred that their misdeeds were not higher than division and закруглялись his commander. Well and, most recently, was that the one who complained once, never more ... until studied in the division, could not count on some sort of "подзаконное", свойское appeal in relation to him the command of the division and even the battalion, which, of course, obeyed the upstream over him nearest management. And "свойское" this appeal quite often was necessary to our brother in many cases, and, in any case, each of us understood that live under the oppression of formality, what was needed in relation to us, under the overwhelming pressure will simply hard and uncomfortable.
And therefore, the Complainants was such a little, and then the first time and, mainly, through ignorance.
On the other hand, Vladimir Putin put under the strict control of all violations, accidents and misdemeanors committed in the division, and severely punished the commanders of platoons and batteries for concealment. No one could say from whom, in what ways before him reached such information, but he as a rule, was aware of all the events. It is possible that he had on several informants in each division, but their names do not even know the officers themselves, because in the information reaching the leadership of the division, and they sometimes appeared not in the best light. Therefore, and platoon commanders, commanders of batteries usually tried to timely report to the commander of the division about the incident, rarely, rarely at your own risk resorting to умалчиванию. The exception was our John, which became command a battalion recently, but for some reason, hidden from most, проделывавший battery are the same as the commander of division: he rarely raised all accidents on the level above the battery, too, understood and appointed punishment. Upstairs he reported in its sole discretion, when believed that not cope on their own, but this happened very rarely.
Knowing this, there was talk of us that Furrier somewhere upstairs sitting protege, which fears not the one commander of a battalion, but the bosses higher. Besides some way from the very beginning of his career in the position of battalion commander Bob разнюхал, who reports to the upstairs, and found a way to squeeze these people and get their tongues.
Those were commanders.
Initially, when we have learned in the first year, our squadron leader allow various fancy robustness with respect is not something that the individual student, but also to the whole system, by teaching us something to his rudeness. Then he could easily conversing with eye-to-eye with some раздолбаем punch him or hindering the wall of his study, thank God, the health of the missing with a vengeance. however, similarly when conversations behaved not every, knew one can and should отмутузить the cannon, and to whom and the goat will not approach, and, therefore, need to go a completely different way.
Later this attitude became impossible and dangerous, because we Tali already are a bit older, and those who only yesterday allowed to give yourself a kick in the ass, today valued their personal dignity much higher than before. Therefore, our relations with Vladimir Putin became more even. From his vocabulary disappeared even those rude expressions that were used before. Now been replaced with a familiar way-фамильярное "muzhiki", which he spoke in a different tone, but with a constant share of incomprehensible, though subtle adulation.
Perhaps that is why he lost his temper and slapped me now, though it was evident, as he enraged and angry. Resist him, man hot-tempered and hot, took a great effort.
Now it was like some time his stilted step, circling around me, then stopped and looked over his brilliant black eyes right somewhere in the soul so that I felt cold inside.
-Well, what?! he asked again with a tone of the Prosecutor, apparently hoping that I'm in something I must confess.
-Nothing is gained, finally, the courage to answer him I. - I already told: Охромов gone to a friend and I stayed in school...
-What has he gone? - asked the commander of the division, pressing on the "why".
I don't know I replied in the same tone of the righteous and God's dandelion, intending to stand on his own to the end. - He told me about this and said nothing.
-No kidding! Don't lie! - a Lieutenant Colonel me right in the face of his hot, bad-smelling, unpleasant breath-smoker, it jumped almost close to me.
-I am not lying, comrade Colonel! With what joy he must report to me, where and why does he go? That said, it said. And about what he leaves us, and the conversation was not! - I tried to portray the intonation of the voice of surprise.
-And you don't know where he went?
I don't know, comrade Colonel! Said to my friend, and what is not said. Yes and little does he have any friends!
Vladimir Putin kept silent for a moment, and then spoke again:
-Well, well, apparently, we are with you this question cannot solve, " he sighed with a certain regret. - What a pity! It is a pity...
His last words had on me for some reason very a strong impression. From they smelled of temptation, and me it seemed that admit it-I told him now, and I will that be any good. Here same I flashed insipid the naive idea that, may squadron leader could improve my business with the distribution, and, may be, and make my further the fate of all as something wonderful. And under the pressure of these полубредовых dreams, suddenly опьянивших my mind, I almost undid the language.
but something stopped me from this rash thing, and stood on the very edge of the abyss into which attracted sweet dreams. I struggled but suppressed ambitions my impure souls, ready to sell themselves for only has flashed brilliant and empty tinsel benefit. The latter was good, because промолвись though I am a single word, and from me and would not behind, not отвязались, not let go of me, until we learned all. One word now threw me into the abyss of misery, and I realized it, stopped at the last moment, ready to fall down. I suddenly like saw before its mind's eye all the mountain of lies, erected me around my life, and the pit heavy and bitter reality, which ziyala near the terrible plague I was horrified the abyss lying between views about me and so actual, that, actually, I meant, that great and Tolstoy layer consecutive anyone not disclosed, not known adventures that would me now we had to lay out one after another. Hunting confess I immediately disappeared. If I wanted to confess, then, surely, disturbed me mountain lies crushed to me to death.
-Well, - concluded the commander of a battalion after the newly formed a pause, in which he is still a apparently, expecting something from me. Now, probably, it will definitely put the point in our conversation and decided on something that distracted him completely from me.
He went to my place, sat in a chair, motioned to himself standing on a desktop telephone with потрескавшимся body made of green plastic and slowly, with long pauses scored one by one the rotation of the disk a few figures on наборнике apparatus. Learn about ear to telephone the tube, he waited a few seconds in an uncomfortable, tense posture. Hand carrying a tube, hung in the air. He wasn't breathing even all this time. For these a few moments before my eyes, it's all pitched over and old. Cheek on his lean face suddenly went out, like a bulldog. Eyes подернула sad haze, through which barely differed now their alarming, quivering brilliance.
I could not understand who and where is he now calls, but on its appalling change in the person, in his waiting, tense posture felt that the conversation does not promise him any good.
"Comrade Lieutenant-General! The commander of the third division! he said, as if waking from sleep and showing me a sharp, impatient gesture of the hand, I got out of the Cabinet.
I have as much heart jumped in surprise. The mention of the head of the College put me in a mad panic, not because I was afraid, but only from the fact that once again reminded me, as if in his head was that it was not funny, not fiddling turnover. Still, whatever it was, and I was not ready to the fact that all this comes on the level of the authorities. Somewhere in the back of my mind is still not felt, and my head is still as it should be, could not meet that Охромовым indeed there was a misfortune. It was all like a game.
I went out the door, obeying persistent gestures his boss, and was in предбанничке, which was out in the corridor and the door in the next office, which housed our morale officer, who, apparently, was not, otherwise he would not have failed to visit during our conversation and be curious as it passes. Here now was dark and quiet, and, despite the fact that the wooden door to the office was closed to me I could hear a loud peal bass our the commander of a battalion.
-Comrade major General, we in the division, there was an extraordinary event! - heard from behind the door. The commander not fond of saying, "I have in the division, and said only, "we..." . - Missing cadet Охромов. Already the day, as he is not available... How am I to know... how did I ever knew before... I most reported at two in the morning... the Commander of the battery... Punish them, punish them... Well, I... We... got it... got it, comrade major General... trying to look internally... Too. Yeah... Yeah... Blame... my Fault, comrade General-major... Noah thought... thought that he'll take care, find cadet, why disturb you... There... Understand, is to blame. Not any longer... No... No... Nothing... it is Clear, now I'm coming... Yes, saw, I got his friend... A close friend... There are suspicions that the that night, when the disappeared cadet Охромов, they were together in an unauthorised absence... No... No... Asked - do not know... Silent... Yes... Well...
Here suddenly the door to the corridor opened pushing me in the back, and in the hall, entered the zampolit. He took off his cloak, all wet from the rain, getting on street, groped in the dark hanger, hung up, shaking, and then addressed me:
"Who's standing here in the dark?
"It is I, "I said, not wanting to call out his name and stupid hoping I won't know.
"Who am I? - morale officer pulled out his keys, picked up right, stuck in the door-lock clicked, and turned it opened, pushing, the door to his office.
Sunlight threw open and covered me.
-And are you! "drawled the zampolit, learn me. - Well, come in, come in, I've heard all about your adventures.
I did not understand what he meant. As he stepped over the threshold, stopped and motioned for me to him, after waiting till I come in, closed the door behind me.
"What you heard, comrade Colonel? - замполиту also recently awarded this title - " I asked, trying to understand, what is known about me that sly Fox. Our zampolit had the unique ability, knowing nothing, with a bluff on the facts reveal all and to it on the hook, thus he already not one person, therefore with him me now required special care. You keep your ear in sharply. Any, even the most insignificant trifle he was the clue he continued to dance with your questions. For this trifle he, as a Fox's tail, and pulled the much that was недомолвлено.
"How about what? Yesterday, or day before yesterday, Yes? The night before last, vanished cadet Охромов, your closest friend. He never returned from unauthorized absences. And you were in that unauthorized absence together with him.
"How do you know? I asked, but then broke off, for so thoughtless question of my mouth and gave him to the hands of the extra trump card. According to the intonation of my question, любопытствующе-relying, you can easily understand and determine that he is on the right track. I might now be more convincing in non-involvement in the incident indignant "so dirty Frank поклепом" at me, and I started asking questions. It was already half a step to failure and expose.
-As from know?.. Well, where I know is my business! - answered the zampolit. He didn't look me in the eyes, though I always tried to meet his gaze to find that there were false. He rubbed his hand in hand. Is, in General, is not important. It is important that I know. In the end, I think you're now сознаешься that was in three Russian soldiers together with Охромовым. It is so? he quickly секанул on me a glance, and, without giving awake and something answer, confirmed to myself. - So! What you are отпираешься, it will hurt you, ultimately, Yes, besides more and puzzling, confuses everything. Your friend now, it is possible in some suffering, once he can't come to school. And you instead of helping us find him, отпираешься and save his own skin. You're doing worse and yourself, and your friend. If he is absent for a valid reason, he also in this case, nothing good will not Shine. He is missing is more than a day. Will be held for three days, and then your friend railway fall under the article of the criminal legislation. He to be sued, only and only. In the best case, if he even still alive. Straight, if we find him, this case could be quickly hush up. And you don't want to tell us where it is what happened to him. You have a lot of fail. You all fail for its silence: and himself, in the first place, and the commander of a battalion, and me, and their comrades. Even the head of the College fail, because now this thing will go higher and higher. Therefore, your silence is a harm absolute harm for all people surrounding you.
He paused, watching what reaction will make me his word. I also never said anything, Although again not the shame, not something else so and wanted me to tell him the whole truth.
-May, Grisha now require our assistance. Maybe he is in need of protection, and you leave him alone, will you tell us where at least about his search. Of course, if you don't сознаешься now, обезопасишь itself is unknown, however, for how long. But then how you'll look in the faces of his friends, when they learn that you threw a friend in trouble?
-Comrade Colonel, wanted was argue I, say something in his defense, because his words hit me up for a living, beating around, and around, almost to the point, cut me to the soul on the belts. I guessed that замполиту is not known, but, somehow, he managed to catch me, that is called, for a living. Maybe he felt my guilt, subconsciously felt that he was right and therefore spoke with such confidence. And maybe it really was only bluff his sly game. I felt whatever it was that can't endure long such torture, I could not so long resistance, " comrade Colonel...
-Do not interrupt me! That's when I I say, then I will listen to, and thou shalt speak. Did you for four years, and in General still, not taught that senior interrupt is not only not good, but not culture?! So listen in silence, with respect to me, as the senior rank, and age, and senior much. Hey... How to look at you myself, Grisha? After all, if he learns how you acted at the time of his disappearance I think, that he praise you for such a "friendly" help. Perhaps he is now in serious trouble, big trouble, and you don't move even, and not what he is trying to somehow find it, help him, but we won't let them do this! Yes what you Охромову friend then?! Tell me, what are you his friend?!
Yes, you now well: nobody can prove that you were with him that night together. All are ignorant, not know where to search for the cadet, but you got to do with it. But bear in mind, that all secret becomes obvious, sooner or later - not important, because if Охромовым really something happens, you have to answer to you sooner or later for passive complicity in the crime, the victim of which he became. Thou shalt answer, because not renounced for the sake of its tranquillity and well-being is not one word to save it. Yes, you good right now: nobody can prove that you were that night together with Охромовым, " but what will you when everything POPs out? Think about it!
Your friends don't want to give you. None of them said you that night was out. But because each of them knows where you were then. They don't betray you, because we have forsaken you own the right to decide this question, 've left you alone with its the conscience. If Охромовым something happens, the main culprit of this will be you! Know that! You'll be the main culprit!
And now you can still help your friend, can help it out of trouble. One only your word can change his fate. We don't even know where to look for it, and you must help us in this...
I listened to the zampolit and a thousand conflicting emotions tore my soul apart. The suffering and torment of conscience tormented my heart: Lieutenant Colonel in your own words hit exactly in the top ten. However, fear to confess and fly into the pipe in pipe with his lies wrapped around my brain cold mist. Immediately and sadness everything that's happened, that it is impossible to improve persistently knocked at the whiskey his little hammers. Under the influence heat burning white fire coals fair words, my heart was softened, as lead over the flame, and from minute to minute had melted to drip with burning tears, заструиться tears of repentance. Oh My God! I felt like dying. Another minute, and nothing would have saved me from the disastrous repentance. I knew that I was hooked. However, do anything it was already impossible. I was now like a fish bait заглотившая together with hook and ждавшая only now, when it подсекут thoroughly." Any my трепыхания forced to pierce iron deeper into the body, and it has already helped me. I was ready to move around, the story float, Rybak to notice me, to scream замполиту: "It's pretty enough! Enough, enough! I tell you!!!" - and already scored more the air in the lungs, to make this desperate act suddenly the Cabinet became commander of division, interrupting zampolit:
-A! Here you are! Well, found something?! - he turned to замполиту.
"Wait a minute, now he will tell us everything. Another five minutes, " replied the zampolit, talking like me here and not there, and I hadn't heard.
"Well, come on, come on! - happy responded Vladimir Vladimirovich. - I'll wait. Come on then with him.
His eyes lit up joy, almost a celebration, and he groped for the handle of the door, intending to leave.
However, his appearance and this conversation had at me sobering. Fish spat the bait.
-I know nothing! "I said with a final certainty that they would never get to hear from me a word. -I have already said that that night was in the barracks and go not away.
The conversation was finished. This is evidently understood, and they. Squadron leader immediately changed his countenance: joy went with him.
-Go to the head of school! "he snapped at me turning to the door. - We are already waiting for!
The head of the College in the office, I said nothing new. Now I had already known that nobody sorry about my night absence. That was quite strange, because I know our guys, many of whom were not averse to изподтишка make another crap, but it does feel that the case is serious hurt or do not want them to thrust when the graduation from the College in different offices, but, in General, nobody wanted to interfere. Therefore determined to stand his ground I have only increased.
Of course, not come in at that moment in the Cabinet of his co commander of the division, and who knows, maybe замполиту then managed to split me. God knows how much I still managed to survive then it would be under the destructive fire verbal attack политработника. But now the conversation that played into the hands of me, not him. Zampolit go for broke, and if it were not prevented started to finish, I had no doubt that he would have won. But interrupted him, and it was his defeat and my victory. Now nobody could shake my determination to stick to the end. Even if he Охромов appeared now and has argued that that night I was with him I would, and then, probably, found strength in its present my condition, looking him straight in the face, and say that was nothing like this, and he himself does not remember anything, whether specifically trying to enter the all confusing, and tell me unnatural and unnecessary lies, - so strong and I rooted now in their lies, in its decision not to retreat, following the Covenant lie to the end, fearlessly and recklessly. I wanted to stay right in a lie, if possible.
However, despite the fact that I am not admitted I pulled the classrooms every day before the examination, which concluded, "the госсы". Starting early in the morning, I was in somebody's office and listened to the messages and sermons that it was wrong to do, then the threats that I will go to the most severe way, what're going to send me to hell and shorebirds, but in response to repeated one and the same. I had nowhere to retreat, but because I was firm and unyielding. Usually, I'm used to it, my bypass offices began with the Chancellery of the battalion and ended in the evening at the head of the College in his the reception area. Day after day I heard one and the same. The battery commander was talking quietly, but with necessary hints to the fact that silence will not work for me the gift. Squadron leader was nervous, shouting, bathed by saliva, waving his hands in front of me, walked the floors his strange gait, which impression that he kept Bouncing on the prosthetic ходуле, suppressed my bass and hypnotic gaze success, as now, his morale officer tried to promote me on душещипательной conversation, crying to my conscience and the best feelings of the soul. The head of the College with me were quite moderate, officially and gently, coaxing, if I just knew what to say, tell about this for the sake of saving not only my friend, but cadet, five minutes officer of the armed forces.
Sometimes together with the head of school in the study attended by Chairman of the state examination Commission, who repeatedly in my presence threw the head of the school assumptions, that, probably, I don't want to be in the ranks of the officer corps, having achieved, in the end, that I'm right in the face and told him that indeed it is my long-standing desire, and then he calmed down and no longer knew how to reach me. His menacing look and fat figure, although his powers, and sent me to some confusion, but, nevertheless, could not affect me so much that I confessed to everything.
Times two or three specially invited on this case I had a conversation with the military Prosecutor, who arrived from the district. He fawned very much in front of me, then suddenly for no reason, no reason launched into a gallop and shook my head fist to squeezed in it "The criminal code of the USSR". But not helped the cause of inquiry and this procedure, I was hard to crack, surprisingly not only them, but himself.
I never told them anything has changed a single word from your version. For the most part I don was silent, following the adage: "a Word is silver, but silence is gold!"
Every day attacks against me made all the weaker, and only occasionally flare, flashed with new force. Only once, already before the state examination, when, probably, it became clear that Охромов not only will not return, but find it not be able too, when the question of where he might have gone to once again become a rib, and the last illusion the command melted as snow in the spring, second, raging, high and the last wave questioning with such a monstrous, furious force, with such a fantastic and unexpected pressure piling on me that I barely kept my legs, but still выдюжил, for he knew that behind my back looms abyss. I almost broke, but withstood all the same this time. I helped my confidence that could save me not someone, but only my own firmness and commitment of the stand to the end in.
This the latest wave of attacks came as a pity, at the beginning of the so-called "Golden week, beloved, long-awaited and fleeting time that separates last state exam, deposited in school, from graduation ceremonies: a solemn presentation of diplomas to всеучилищном building, farewell to the banner, singing, greetings, dinner dance and so on. "Gold" it was called a long time ago and probably that during her when nothing can be changed or change in their destiny, it is impossible to achieve something better, but all the bad things are behind, is relax, indulge in dreams and prepare for a new life, this bright and cheerful, as at this time it seems, without exception, all graduates.
True, it happened so that our course of the "gold" of the week it came out only four days, but they were manna from heaven. However, not all. Some people never fully recovered from the massacre, which it does, whether it is the local population arranged on the square in front of the building of the regional party Committee. Yes and I had not sweet.
I must say that with the beginning of the "Golden week our rate allowed free and unhindered access to the city which was, undoubtedly, a great and long-awaited joy for us, otherwise what is the "Golden" week without free exit?! We released freely, but at the same time in the city increased the number of patrols, headed by officers-instructors with departments who, whether from their own zeal, whether somebody's instruction pick on us, five minutes officers, worse than the cadets for the first year students, and at the slightest пререканию dragged by the scruff of the neck, someone might grab and dragged him to the commandant, and from there on училищную guardhouse, wait there, in the silence of the issue. Guys our intoxicated with freedom, suddenly, which opened its doors on them after so many years of sitting "on the circuit", and indeed shattered in earnest. And, what is most surprising, the most numerous "violators" these days those who previously regularly sat "on the circuit", and now as the chain failed. With similar happened to a lot of misunderstandings and trouble in these happy days. Often fished out in any urban tavern in a completely inappropriate and excited state, "in Board", that is called, drunk. That's really people, how yard deflated chain кобеляки. Those who before похаживал more and less frequently in the city, visited restaurants and bars, behaved and now relatively bearable. Anyway, one of the notorious slackers and самовольщиков in town these days patrols are not detained. Now, in the old entrenched habit behaved meek and below the grass. In General, stability is a sign of mastery. They and in the form of even did not go all out of habit, on the civilian side. It was easier and handier in all senses.
Unfortunately, for me this festive "Golden week was darkened and corrupt fully, finally and irrevocably. I could not accede to any of веселившихся and буйствовавших these days campaigns. I was kept locked up in school and not allowed into the city because they suspected my attitude to the loss Охромова, but prove it could not.
The only thing left to me, this accept his fate and wait, when all end.
Охромов not appeared more Conscience my still disturbed me, but not the acute pain that I felt in the beginning, but some other, dull, aching, брезгучей, but not less adverse and weak.
Only, at least some consolation for my bad position, in which I found myself, was that I was in the money, which none of my friends did things like that, and the fact that finally got rid of contrary feeling eternal the debtor, when all charms, temptations and joy worldly seen through the prism of guilt, when you unpleasant to realize that you live, basically, at the expense of others, in debt that you yourself insolvent person. And this is a very nasty feeling that can spoil and ruin any joy.
However, I'm not all four days spent forever in school, but in addition to the endless seemingly questioning this week has been full and other unusual and strange even if I don't say that terrible events what hitherto me never happened.
Chapter 25.
As I said, I had to make a second onslaught interrogation and выпытываний. And he came exactly at the beginning of the "Golden week", which I was waiting for it than others, fellow College.
It is in those carefree days, the last days in school, the state Commission headed by its Chairman had to do a lot, hidden from us work. She was to sum up the results final state examinations, what is called "knock out the grandmother of their work, and with the results, go on a report in Moscow in the Ministry of defence. There were already making a final decision, issue an order of the Minister of defence on assignment of graduates of our school rank "Lieutenant" and the result.
Take the results of putting "госсов"to bring back the order of work in the rank of and badges with the Moscow mint was the duty of the Chairman of the state examination a fee. He descend into Moscow in a special wagon, after passing the last "госса", then, been in Moscow a day or two, came back with the head of the school held a graduation ceremony, was, so to say, representative of the centre and the Ministry of defense of us at official events, that was providing us and College certain honour from Moscow. That's so and was possible this is the "Golden week", which is so loved, knew about it and were waiting for her, all graduates of all years that passed before us.
In this time, besides, major-General Бибко to fulfill some unpleasant duties.
The first of them was that he drove to Moscow documents on комиссацию twenty people with a graduation rate and the appointment of four disability pensions. These cadets suffered and seriously in the scuffle, which became an attempt to disperse demonstration the urban population. Part of the responsibility lying, probably, and on the General-major, because this all happened during the passing of state examinations and with it, presumably, if not approval, anyway, tacit consent. It seems that it is not easy to carry this unpleasant burden and to report to the Minister of defence that failed at the last moment was excluded twenty healthy, educated, healthy and strong guys, each of which was a small particle of hope and the power of our army, dropped out at someone's frightened, indiscriminate wave of the hand, cast them to the square, the angry crowd. Whose only?
The second of the duties of the Chairman of the state examination Commission was not better than the first. He was to report about much more than disney. He drove report to the chief of the school, signed, on the dismissal from the number of cadets Охромова Gregory of the missing.
The circumstances of his disappearance and remained outstanding. The military Prosecutor's office of the district got on this fact criminal case but it remained unfinished because the only real and actual witness in this case I passed, cadet Yakovlev. And I haven't said has not given any testimony on the case and denied any involvement in the incident. Any materials investigators did not know. Vain were and searches of the city police, which is connected to the case. The criminal investigation has not made a single drop of clarity and found no more or less correct notes, pretexts with which to begin unraveling of the skein.
All secret becomes obvious - so the saying goes. Maybe this is true, but, apparently time to the disclosure of this case has not yet come. And it was closed.
Giving yourself a word, I and now kept until the end, although the attraction of such a reputable forces should lead me in utter awe before the power and strength of the state. But this did not happen.
While my classmates fun ватагами rejoicing as young children, were sent for the gate of the school, I sadly watched them through the Windows of the rooms where with me and talked where I questioned chiefs, members of the state Commission, the investigators of the Prosecutor's office and police and the military Prosecutor of the district. Exactly here I saw this report, speaking to the Minister of defence and signed by a team from my platoon commander and to the Chairman of the state examination Commission, with the request to dismiss a cadet Охромова of the number of students in the school, as disappeared under mysterious circumstances. I saw it on one of interrogations and knew now that such report exists, and that the defense Minister will make a decision on my unfortunate friend. One would think that he meets this report or not, depended on whether alive Охромов Grishka or will be crossed out from among the living.
A report of this as the last argument, the last hope for my prudence shook me at the last interrogation Chairman of the state Commission. And in another letter to the parents of Grisha, where regretfully reported that their son mysteriously and under mysterious circumstances missing. He in the presence of the Prosecutor and the many others who have led me on conversations and interviews made me read all this aloud to "better come down". But even after that I was standing on my and was steadfast, although it cost me a lot of suffering and effort of will. I knew that it was over and this is my last hardness test, arranged me authorities.
Of the four free days "Golden week" for two days I continued to carry the offices, to talk, violently interrogated and passionately scare, but no result.
At the end of the second day in the office of the Chairman state the Commission, in my presence, military Prosecutor closed the investigation into the disappearance of the cadet Охромова, and I have been liberated from the testimony as "непричастного to the case".
Chairman of the state Commission looked at me sadly and reproachfully when you are tired, looking small, rather turbid senile peephole and released on all four sides seems to finally resigned to their fate: to carry in Moscow sad news.
Now I was free, free to two days before graduation ceremonies. However, some problems appeared again, and it was urgent to solve, but that was a SideShow compared with the fact that I just got.
Already two days in a row from morning to our course given in stock form, and everything else that was supposed to have according to the officer clothing certificate. I had no possibility to get it all together with the rest. Now I had to make up the gap.
Night I lay alone in the empty room: my friends spent the night somewhere in the city. In the barracks only a few people who could not exercise their freedom, because they there was nowhere to go.
I too could go and spend the night at his friend with whom broken off relations were severed a few months ago oneself unilaterally, but I did not want to see it or remind yourself in vain appearance, realizing that I'll give her, in the end, it hurts. This meeting would be distasteful to me. The man always remains at the heart of any residue of guilt before the woman he cheated or took it reluctantly, and then also threw at its whim. Because women are trusting and always nourish hope for the best in relation to themselves, and even lies won't teach them, ultimately, to behave correctly with the opposite sex. They again and again into his tenacious paws and complaining about the past, hoping that with the current they will be better in a different way. But the history of relations, as заигранная, broken record, is repeated again and again until, finally, it is not осточертеет, and then влепившись in the latter, they hold on to it, why would they not worth it, creating itself the illusion of happiness and family, which is actually not, because adultery and fornication swallowed up already for a long time, to this sinful world, беснующийся pending the judgment of the Lord.
I tonight it was such a bad mood that General 't want to go out, not that outside of school, but even from this empty and boring room. If I was a dog, you now have climbed would in his doghouse, far away in the corner and whined there from the mad longing. In my mind wandered to some vague and bad premonition. I pretended to myself tried to swing at his head, that all bad things are already behind that there will be only good, but it turned out I had a very bad. I couldn't overcome his homesickness, wantonly engulfed my entire being. Any, easiest and unexpected reminder to myself about Охромове gave me excruciating pain in the heart, or in him: I could not understand, where I have a pain, so much was is my soul. Seemed to me, that, despite the fact that I escaped reckoning, some other, more terrible punishment for treason brought me the sword and ready to put it on my neck. I was scared, I did not know which side to wait now strike. All that threatened me recently, this morning, like gone, gone irrevocably and forever, and at the same time, something more terrible and invisible left to stand, lurking behind my back, and I may of this salvation.
Me even somehow it was terrible to lie on his bed, and like a crazy thought now someone can come here and find me, if I am laid in its place. So I умастился on a neighbor's bed and watched with sadness in my heart faileth this is still one of the hot, Sunny days of July, as further away from the Zenith to the West creeps over the dark blue gross to the black paint of the night, forcing the pale blue, bright stripes of the sky to another алеющему horizon.
In memory I started to come one after another all the intervening days, since when I agreed together with Охромовым participate in this evil and dirty tricks. Perhaps even then I was not disclosed for a long time from what felt that all this will end badly. Then the memory of me in the evening, when we had a quarrel with Gregory and me in the beer bar sat down at the table, a weird old man. Indeed, it was a strange old man, Yes, and all that happened then, too, was no less strange. I rather agree that all the dreaming I be if we Охромовым then not tried to enter the house, where lived the old man, only to other, more complicated, confusing and wrong way. Perhaps, that night, when I sat down beside the old man, and was somehow the beginning of all my failures and misfortunes ended, in the end, the loss of a friend and my betrayal?..
With horror shook my body when in my half-asleep consciousness, one after another floated terrible visions, woven from the полубреда, imagination and really memories of what happened with me. Night chase the Exodus from the old man, his terrible senile smile in the dark, dark well, in which some a strange monster, similar to the crocodile, which I had almost landed in the mouth the will and the strange disappearance of the elder, night похождение with Охромовым and dreams a mysterious and terrible old man, seems to be the same, that hooked me in the bar at the table and took me in his strange dwelling, but never вспомнивший me, no matter how much I remind him of that. And the last thing that come to me, and from what I woke up in a cold sweat and terribly frightened, was the night, when we succeeded in deceiving the bandits and, it seemed, that all will be well. I remembered what helped to perform a forgery: the terrible black hands, covered with resin-black, shiny coat, resembling human, but something subtly different from them. They appeared out of nowhere right out of the darkness and closed their eyes gang leader, faced ordinary cadets notes. They could be, undoubtedly, the hallucination of my excited then to an extreme degree and a frightened imagination, but the bandit could confuse ordinary notebooks with those manuscripts, which he asked? Yes and now in half sleep seemed to me that to my face touched something like that, soft, prickly-fluffy some unnatural illusive elusive.
The room was dark and quiet, as often happened lately. I was one, but it seemed that in this darkness there is someone else, unseen, carefully witness, not so much for me as for my thoughts, seeing through me. I again experienced a cold sweat. I peered into the darkness, and it seemed to me that in the corners of the room, a dark gloomy than the walls. Something lurking and hangs out and looks at me, weightless and invisible, something prowling noiselessly from one corner to the other. I thought that probably soon go crazy from this constantly torments me fear. I suddenly wanted to baptize, but I was unbaptized from birth, besides, he was brought up in the deep veneration of atheism and disdain for any faith, although the sometimes found something strange and unexplained laws of reality.
To return to reality what is happening and finally go roof, somehow I reached into his left pocket of his trousers fell asleep on the neighbor's bed. Under your fingers it зашуршали banknotes, folded in a thick stack. This afternoon yet secretly from prying eyes I checked their authenticity, because it seemed to me that they now disappear or become chopped newsprint, looked at them selectively on the light, checking for signs of water.
Procedure feelings money somehow calmed me, and. feeling that's about to fall asleep, I hardly undressed, put a thick stack large the banknotes in the pillowcase pillows, and lay down sleep in your bed forgetting about the evening fear. However, as luck would have thought again drove away the sleep from my head, and I lay a long time, staring at the ceiling, unable to find peace and sleep. However, the former fear: I felt that the room now except me none.
I woke up in the morning unusually late, about ten o'clock, at half past. Already, a day in the battery was not attire, and nobody shouted a command to "Rise!" There was no one to pick me up and throw on charge, and I felt sorry for the lost once the cadets ' habits open your eyes and Wake up refreshed fifteen - ten to seven, and keep up to lifting already dressed, regardless of what you did the night, slept or not.
On the street already the sun was shining, and long ago began the morning even long the July days. Through the open window the room was filled with a fresh, slightly cool morning air and irrational, flighty and nervous twittering of sparrows, чирикающих somewhere on the roof, just above the window. Sometimes they were thrown down from there either in reaching each other in their incomprehensible to man the game, whether seeing some prey, butterfly, or a dragonfly in flight, and then with loud chirping flashed past the window down, falling stone, and then dreams soared upwards to the roof.
This is a quiet, serene and quiet morning vividly reminded me of those distant and irrevocably gone time when I was still a good boy at school and during the summer vacations daily woke up at such a time, and sometimes later, Rigas in his house, and could have a long soak in the bed-Wake me there was none, because my mother had long been at work.
Now I, too, no one shook and made me jump out of bed, but adult life began, which still depends largely on you, and therefore I could not allow myself a minute longer to remain in bed. I still need to get and to prepare for release form that my friends all have long been.
I quickly got dressed and hastily washed, left the barracks down on the porch. Now I could see the clothes warehouse. At the entrance it was a very long queue, a man of forty, fifty. These were the remains of those who have not bothered to get uniforms and had to postpone such an important matter almost at the last day.
Approaching the queue, I cursed himself on the run that slept, that stood before, and now I will be forced to stay in the queue for several hours.
I took the last and defended in the queue hours, three or four, but would remain for a little more, if not accidentally noticed the guys from his platoon standing much closer. They took me to him and calmed was started making noise neighbors in the queue, standing behind them, saying that I was with them, and departed for emergency needs. Those who stood followed them, повозмущались, but in the end, it ceased, mention the fact that ahead of them will stand for one person. Because of this, I came to the warehouse, when finally deign to appear our College the head of the stores warehouse, красномордый, fat, youthful and cute face, senior warrant officer named Hog, knew all without exclusion of cadets, referring to him as an equal and even perhaps the youngest, just: Pasha - before he was harmless and kindly man, while no one molested, and while he was sober. Even its impressive dimensions did not save him from the familiar reference, and from year to year, from course to course was passed such фамильярное, easy to evil, to his appeal.
This time Pasha quite late and started providing the form only in twelve hours, slowly digging in innumerable, in disarray completed basement barracks that was opposite to ours, where was a warehouse, boxes, and something forgetting and continually asking helped him кладовщицы, which together with us long waited for it, swearing at the door of the warehouse, where the. Pasha recently for the училищным standards replaced warehouse retired sack masters, and so not a firm grasp on this tricky warehouse work. Prior to that, he was hanging out laboratory assistant assistant on one of the chairs, and now and then, and cursed when something didn't work, cursing himself for having agreed to go and accept this stupid warehouse", and left his dust-free and a good job, where he finger about a finger has not struck.
On the advice of кладовщицы, women, has long worked here and поднаучившейся in anti-theft and other things that you need to know to not burn in a similar institution, Pasha ran in ten people, so that they could be follow and took them around confused подвальному maze friendly bunch, so they are not dispersed and not grabbed nothing. The woman, her name was quite rare and strange - Anfisa, went back and customized stragglers. That's the way happened supplies software.
Only cut in half an hour after the opening of heavy bales behind the first batch of ten people left the basement, and I don't know how many, but would remain for a very long time in the tail of the queue, if he had not seen their children.
Finally, launch, and our top ten. We went down to the basement. Pasha, walking between the mountains some sacks and pyramids of wooden boxes, something stupidly guided us, and the storekeeper fix it and sent the case back on track. We went behind our warehouse, and gradually each of us in his hands started quite a weighty burden. After half an hour of this marathon each of us was already pretty big bale with things made of the officer's coat-tents, weighing under полцентнера. It is hard to imagine how much effort it took me to pull him up the narrow stairs leading from the basement, and drag it to the barracks, and then another, and заволочь on the fourth floor of the dormitory.
Here in his room, his breath, I began to realise where to house belongings, so they are not left unattended in the barracks theft flourished there all the time, constantly disappeared then one, then another, good, expensive suits, hats, shoes, wind jackets, watches, magazines, books and even summaries of lectures. Now, for the production of theft took unimaginable scale, and wasted all that bad lay. The most important thing was that the thief had never been caught. So leave form just like that, in a room without any constipation and castle, I do not like. Only yesterday a guy from the next platoon avail scoured the empty barracks - it took just received a tent when he was gone out of her room just twenty minutes in the Studio, to pick up sewn him overcoat, and in another room of the same platoon similarly, the owner had disappeared, chrome leather boots, dress suit, coat, портупея and even a little thing, when he went out to call my wife so that she would come by taxi pick things up. After that he ran around all day in hysterics down the corridor, looking into the room, naively hoping that over him just подшутили, but could not find all was dead serious. And now two days before the release he had to urgently sewing in the Studio expense ceremonial dress to attend the graduation ceremonies, and to buy in stock new chrome leather boots. The rest had no money, but he couldn't even occupy them from someone, because now nobody is held.
Although in my pocket I had a few thousand, a lot of money, I didn't want to follow his example and to burden yourself with new chores and unnecessary expenses, so I dared not leave the form in school. Something had come up with.
And then I came upon quite a happy thought. I forgot about the familiar Grisha Охромова! She came in and gave me a note from him and then said that he is not going more to see him. How I forgot about it?! Now I remembered that day and our meeting under the scorching sun of the July heat. All stood in front of my eyes exactly awake. Her image, subtle features which struck me then, as if personally now floated before my eyes.
Me suddenly, with extraordinary power was longing to see or at least to hear her. Something fleeting, but the magic and great was born in my soul that day, and the memory of it brightened every cell of my body. The thought of this girl like enlighten my tormented conscience, and in his head became light and fast as I was long.
At the same time, have not managed to bright images, as follows, to gain a foothold in my soul, how selfish thoughts повылазили from somewhere in the dark nooks and strangely intertwined with their innocence, with their clean gusts, made me do, however, is the same: to immediately look for her. Wicked was my mind, he could not perceive the just and unselfishly bright and beautiful.
However, I rushed to his bedside table. But tried in vain to find anything about it in their papers. I tried to find a note Grisha she gave me some time. MNA it seemed that it should specify its address. Or not... Охромов seems to have mentioned it to a phone number. But the note was gone.
With unclear, vague melancholy, in which one maelstrom intertwined high and pure thoughts and murky water calculation and selfishness, I sat down on my bed, sad, but suddenly, as if struck by lightning started, jumped, because remembered how Grisha that night before going put me in the locker all his papers and documents. He freed his pockets, which he always had a lot of rubbish, turned me on the bottom shelf stands, where I was always lying unnecessary stuff. Then he, I remember the Maine, said:
-All this debris of the old life we leave here.
This phrase sounded so poetic that in mind I was born poetic lines. I even remember the first of them:
All this debris of the old life
We leave here.
Let the litter crawling with slugs -
Give them a whole.
Take themselves унесемся
In silent dal,
Go away, leave us vow to make
Here the sadness.
Leave the world it boring
Former whim.
That the sky our fat,
At all do not give...
Strange verses, stupid even. I still wanted to write ten or twelve quatrains, but there was no time, we were in a hurry, and then it was just not to the verses, and they almost all have been forgotten.
And only now I suddenly remembered them and still, only thanks to them, that that night Охромов hard draining the pockets in addition to the rubbish was the little, white leather обложечке notebook. In it, I knew it perfectly, Охромов carefully wrote down the address of your new friends, numbering them in order. Moreover, it does not erase them when started new relationships, not to destroy and not even замазывал paste a ballpoint pen, believing that they can ever be useful, and this can happen at any time, quite unexpectedly.
Bullet I rushed to the bedside table, feeling that now, if I don't find this блокнотика, my rough and sudden joy changes, such as deep sense of disappointment and frustration, it may even happen fainted or something like that. Dreading this, but, not wanting to be in doubt, I flung open the door and just dumped impatiently on the floor from the bedside table and all its contents, blasting out desperately for cover. From her with noise showered down any bullshit, something rang and fought, something шуршало, something fell apart, раскатывалось, разлеталось on the floor, but I never did see, I was interested only in a small notebook in white cover.
Through instant, the contents of my nightstand has crumbled around me mixed and uneven, holey carpet, but among the things that mess разлеталось and fell upon the floor, among all these notebooks and pens, paper, plastic casings and Korobkov, compact cameras and bubbles of Cologne, deodorant and other liquids, shaving cream, wipe off spilled razor unit and others, I saw what was afraid not to find what now only think and my heart pounding with excitement, зашлось happiness and unconscious feelings.
Trembling with eagerness and experiences fingers I picked it up from the floor and flipped through a few pages to find the one which Охромов led by the girls believe in your pride. However, looking at her, I nearly yelled with frustration: last here was recorded some Madame, which, judging by the date Dating, recorded in front of her name, surname, he met during the winter, and so, of course, has long separated. Yes me she once and was not interested. I needed only one that came from Охромова with a note that is captured at the moment my thoughts completely. Well its something address and phone number, or even a name and a surname here was not in sight. On other pages Notepad this girl meant it could not, because they were taken careful Grisha different sorts of girls.
Yes, Охромов recently have become lazy and forgetful for his exploits and victory on the love Fonte. With them this first happened. Sorry I haven't been in this little book sometime earlier, it would have reminded him that he recorded his last victory: it would be Oh so now would be useful.
The enraged and angry at the meanness and the cunning of his fate, ready to indulge in hysterics and crazies, I wanted to throw my Notepad with a sweep the floor, but mechanically turned the pages, restraining himself from such conduct and similar encroachments. The remaining pages were empty, only in one place suddenly flashed something dark, similar to the record. I'm thrilled this place again and saw only a certain set of digits, reminiscent of by the number of combinations and location phone number in this city. In any case, the number of characters correspond. I was ready to believe in any kind of miracle: so I wanted to find this girl.
Do not delay another moment and forget about everything, I rushed to call and in the corridor came across his friends, roommates, which is why they came back from the city in school. Pausing only for a moment to say Hello to them and ask them to watch my things and not leave until my return, promising to return soon, I started running further and don't remember how, but very quickly got to the phone booth, near which a few weeks ago beating of the head of the patrol, and then alerted by a guard chased and caught were there cadets. Now here was quiet and empty. Only a few kids were playing in the grass our small garden fenced off from the road with a low decorative wooden fence, hiding from the burning rays of the sun in the shade of drying from the heat and dryness of the weather even from a dusty city atmosphere under the shade of the dwarf and the old poplar trees.
In the booth it was stuffy, stood from the smell of stale разогревшейся, hardened rubber rug air which immediately broke into a sweat. I dialed a number and started to search the pockets of the coin to throw it in this device. In the receiver he heard the dial tone, then someone picked up the receiver at the other end of the telephone wire, but I did not hear him, because not find a coin, and the machine is disconnected.
I jumped out of the booth, but as luck would have it, nobody on the street was as if all gone. I rushed down the street towards the exit of the town, hoping to meet anyone in its path, who would not be sorry coins for the sake of my troubles, and only at the crossroad with Avenue towards caught a little, bent, скрюченная to earth старушенция, walking, apparently, from a trolleybus stop, hardly влачившая their худющие, dried from the long and arduous life of feet in the boots of those circumcised ankle, like galoshes, who looked under this wildly scorching sun, to say the least, uncomfortable, hot. I ran to her, full of hope, that the old lady will not refuse "granddaughter".
-Grandma, рублик not разменяете smaller me so to call is to it. Me urgently need to call, and no trifles, as luck! - I turned to her with an entreaty in his voice, but she continued to walk forward, burying his glance low lowered peephole into the ground, though I was not there, and as if I had spoken with the request.
I thought, maybe not so addressed her grannies - pickiest people, not worse red girls, - and so she don't want to talk to me.
-Grandmother! I said still more affectionate and reverent as possible.
The old lady looked at me, распрямив its согбенную back and hardly looking up from the earth, as if woke up from sleep or unconsciousness. Her frightened eyes first expanded, and then suddenly narrowed and became sharp as a pin.
-Ugh! - spit it so suddenly that I barely had time to leap aside. Antichrist damn! FIE on thee, thou wretch!
I hurried away from the unknown than an angry old ladies. Happened first led me in bewilderment, and then laughed. I imagined how it looked from the outside, the scene: I to the Granny with affection and respect, and she at me like that, like a dog with a special fire. As much spit beginning. And, most importantly, the old lady this плюгавенькая, the half of my growth, sloppy, and the nature, like a Panther, and rushes, where not looking! Really crazy!" - I decided and went on to bus stop, where there were people.
"But I'm really unbaptized! "I thought, however, a minute later when a man to whom I applied, I was counting the coins, выковыривая them out of a handful of little things in his plump little отекшей hand. -But how did she know?!"
I haven't decided yet what to say when talking on the phone and stood near the phone booth at the stop waiting for so long as there is a good long talk a woman, suddenly, almost fell from the surprise.
My heart skipped a beat in his chest, took down somewhere, pulling to the pain, to squeak, to awe, as if титеву bow or a string guitar, his aorta, then turned again, and began to pound, delighted, work with such a furious force in the chest that seemed to me like there's not anxious my heart, and freestyle wrestling, the proud bird, locked up in a cage, rushes to the freedom that will meet with the forces of the puppies will break his некрепкую prison, going to take its flight out of her and never come back. One thousand needles pierced through my whole body, drilling his shrill delight and joy. Breath, as it happened mo me always in moments of excessive excitement, even in the dark for a few moments. I felt that пьянею from happiness. I stood, I looked and couldn't believe the miracle: the one I was looking for, that обыскался, which is now going to ring at random, and wondered whether it is a telephone number that strange cipher on empty and clean page блокнотика Охромова, the walked towards me.
She crossed the road, little pink satin skirt and white mesh shirt-безрукавке with bright colored stripes on the chest. Apparently she just came out of останавливавшегося at a bus stop on the opposite side of the Avenue and now with a bunch of people crossed the street, standing out among all the others with their light, bright and at the same time a simple dress.
Now she turned her head to the right to see all the traffic, and I caught the eyes bend her graceful, long neck, so simple and hardly seems significant, yet charming, all convulsed from bliss contemplation charms. I blew the spot grace, truly Royal become this simple movement, on which none of the others I paid no attention. I suddenly wanted to go to each and say: "Look, what a charming girl! See, she had a Swan neck and Royal become. She doesn't, she soared, floats, glides through the air, not referring to the sinful earth. Just look at what the grace of movement of the arms, hands, fingers! What is the plasticity of her body, as if dancing in her simple movement. I have the impression that seems like it's in a pink haze surrounding it, like a great flower red rose swinging in a light wind. Its movement is the music of the body. Look, look! Look!!!"
I wanted to come and say this to all who stood near the heap anticipation of a trolley bus, but then I was scared that all the really will notice this and will admire it. And then I wanted to see this one, and joyfully felt so good that no one else pays attention to this miracle, and it is available only I, as if it were coming down from heaven only happened to me and for me. I wanted to say is "Thank you!" for what she was, like a miracle, but she was far away, I could neither move nor disclose mouth.
In one moment I wanted to immediately that she saw me, she smiled and not waved a friendly hand, but remain unnoticed, unrecognised, and crawled it.
In a moment while she was crossing the road, my heart was entirely belong to her. I already adored her. My inner voice had called her, but the mouth remained silent and mute. However, my heart was flushed, and her head played March of folly, a spectacular, dazzling, foaming like a glass of champagne, sweet March of folly.
She walked towards me. She walked past me. She walked past me. It has already passed...
I was stunned, in love, confused. I'm crazy in love with her at these moments ordinary simple life, in which she was crossing the street, and I thought I fell in love with her when I saw for the first time.
The woman that we love! You bring us crazy! As a rule, you will not only does not hold any mutual feelings or just sympathy to his fans, not noticing their devotion to you, but to have for them feelings are not so pleasant, hassle them with his determination and inaccessibility, his attempt at nonchalance and indifference. Such is loved by many, and they long to play with fate, experiencing his arrogance the gentlemen of his heart and beauty, until finally. 't find that lost almost all of his admirers, and those who remain do not have such a passion and a willingness to sacrifice their lives for their consent and hands.
Why are you so madly in love men, for what they are killed for you? For what? Perhaps it is for your impregnability thirsting for bodily pleasures brains behind the mystique of your inaccessible for their understanding of existence, which usually is proud commitment loneliness? For the deaf stone wall of alienation hidden abandoned, the bleak garden of your soul, for a long time already depressed to care and affection, longing for a tender and faithful hands, and fearing to be deceived, to put on their land is not the one who hit him and who to Kona will trample the last living still stirrings of hope, will ruin it completely and will leave no stone unturned and from what it was. Afraid of your soul fall into the hands of monster, which is in many men. For your highest pride and the unavailability of hiding, like in a fortress with gentle soul and your thirsty for light love heart, yearning for a joyous feeling shy and delicate nature of the beautiful reverent flower, страшащегося blossoming not then not.
You want to love, but your heart is silent. It is not yet испило the Cup anguish, and suffering the bitter wine of life, those endless, sleepless nights waiting and thirst body that should awaken the senses and give you your only right choice. And only this powerful, crushing all impetus, which rushed by this avalanche of feelings and experiences, tore off from the peak of your high loneliness and the infinite sadness, only she is able to destroy the mighty walls unapproachable and proud expectations.
It is a pity that, as a rule, it happens too late, when the most committed Cavaliers tired оббивать thresholds of your castle, lost all hope for success you have, remember, finally, on its own male dignity for men too eats pride, however, a very different nature - and found a more compliant, сговорчивых, unpretentious, yet happy, and leave you alone. The others all perished without a trace, and you were alone in their невзятой fortress, only the shell of your suffering soul, which at one point after this, too late for real love and feelings, unfortunately, break, break and throw you into the abyss of a life, do not go where you want and where before you could get, and in a strange, неродную bed, where everything will change before you, and you will уступчивее most accommodating from the former. And the former pride of your will disappear, disappear gloss and tinsel, your ugly garden, and not found his gardener, you will see and всеобозреваем in its naked deformity and neglect. And where are all former disappear?
Oh, love! What are you doing to us?! Who has not experienced your suffering? You гнешь and crank on people with passion and крушишь and break their fate as you wish, and move разлучаешь them as you want. Who you reigns, angel or devil, God or the devil, the servants of God or demons? God or the devil sent you on the heads of people? You're the most foolish thing in the world, for the subject you the heart of man, and the reason you do not control. And you're the most beautiful thing there is in life, in the world, because no matter how much suffering and pain brought you, without you, human life would become grey and monotonous. You drive the best forces, all light and good in man and humanity. You feed on the roots ebony Hatred, juices which exude evil, bringing natural to ugly and disgusting.
But the wish of the people, namely your insight and inspiration of hope your live their hearts and souls.
Chapter 26.
Your light, white sandals смугловатых legs passed away, farther and farther, and I looked and looked you after, unable to move.
People came to a stop, sit in the trolley. Those that stood a few minutes ago have already left those that came up, surprised, looked at the strange cadet, fool bristle at the bus stop, роняющего of hands on the ground coin, the coin and if in a dream looking somewhere in one point somewhere in the distance.
And I looked and looked and couldn't see a lot of you. You walked away, and I knew that nowhere you now will not be spared, and I was glad, and I thanked fate for this gift, for the miracle that she made for me. And I already confessed you in love and in the head one after another swept the scene of our Dating and our explanations. It seemed to me that you're feeding me the same adoration, which was full I, at this moment. I saw naked, naked in your body is slender, flexible, slender, young body thee naked and bare, still slightly childish angular, but feminine and delightful, and wondered exactly that combination it would seem two incompatible things, merged in you together: not a bygone childhood and still not coming maturity, which breathed your every graceful movement, every fleeting and small moment of your being, of your image, every turn of the head, every look inquisitive and careful, wary and attentive eyes, in which the lights girlish guile, the innocent and playful, yet chaste and unselfish, followed by a haze of shyness and of some vague me inner humility is not something to his fate, not even with something that was inside of you, inside of you and to anyone except you only knows. Thousands of unsolved mysteries and secrets, movements of the senses can be seen somewhere in the depths at the bottom of these eyes. I've seen it then, in our first meeting, but realized it just now.
I stood at the bus stop not paying attention to anyone of the others, and saw me you're a piece of fluff in my hand, it seemed that now, once you appeared as a miracle in my life, time itself fate sent you to me, I'm captivated by you, and you cannot get away from me, because, perhaps, herself, without knowing it, but somewhere deep within the subconscious feelings you have long want me to be with thee, thou callest me from the depths, from the depths of his soul and want me. Your whole being is without telling your mind, trembles at the sight of me, and only the consciousness of your still not know what he wants your body. But it learns, be sure to know it, give only period. Maybe it already нашептало you this, and only I did not guess.
My head is whirling around captivating dance thoughts. Vortices desires rioted in my heart, and delight immediately followed by the unaccountable sadness and confusion. Any poems, like snow, went on in my mind, and it seemed to me that now in the midst of unbearable summer heat around me slip and falls, the flow in the air, slowly neither fall nor melt, cool white snow. He spun around, similar тополиному Pooh, but not reached the ground, do not lay on it, but somewhere disappeared, and from this fantastic sensations from this incredible and miraculous vision and my head was spinning.
I saw a piece of fluff on the palm,
I knew that it was you in my hand,
Separation, meeting, my dreams chase -
All of us is the same river.
River томленья and bliss,
Earthly Paradise shores,
A simple miracle perfection,
Love green meadows
Spread on all чертогам
Shining green silver.
On rocks, distant mountains spurs
Love rumbles spring thunder.
We prisoners in the fate of each other,
Yet sweet together this prisoner.
Burns national Assembly in the arms of a circle
From our hands carpet нетлен.
Calling me your image gentle,
Stored sleep in my soul,
In the abyss of endless space
RSS. We are together in неглеже.
Communicate there, in the cold darkness
Like the stars. In an eternal way
Joining the heavenly zodiac
In a Union of hearts, know the essence.
The Creator, the Savior and the dust
The custodian, the fate of the messenger.
Christ crucified shirt
We will be bread for the crown...
My полубредовое condition suddenly by itself broke up, like a fragile thread. The one I loved and adored by all those endless moments that lasted so long, deleted all the same воздухопарящей gait, as if I was flying in weightlessness above the ground. Only now between us there were a few hundred metres, I woke up and found the strength to follow her, not even noticing that lost at the bus stop all разменянные coins. Even now when I kinda come to himself, but go ahead if spellbound, unable to tear his eyes away from her flashing ahead of sandals, of which glowed one and then the other heel.
The girl went to the checkpoint of the school, and I had no difficulty dогнать her fast walk. A few seconds I walked behind her metres in five-ten, admiring her gait, where were the charm and elusive charm movements slim antelope, its beautiful, fantastic, long legs, hip which only half have been closed floors skirt, her hair, glittering in the sun all shades of light brown.
At the entrance of the building The CPT she slowed down though hesitation, and doubting, and then resolutely stepped on the steps concrete porch and was by standing at the entrance cadets, дневальных on the cat, her окинувших from head to toe meaningful glances from top to bottom, in which frankly flashed vulgar hunger and shamelessness. They looked at each other and зашушукались between the in her address. But she was independent and proud past them, not paying any attention to their evil jokes and jokes that probably reached her ears, nor on their greedy eyes, literally пожравшие her almost bare, incredible lengths and harmony legs.
The majority of Dating some school for cadets began exactly that with such bad jokes, capable to lead to confusion, any girl, and the same shameless solitary views. Girls, meet a challenge like that, from the very beginning were humiliated position, so the best defense was, perhaps, not to pay and does no attention to similar, but not every courage to do so: for this you need to be fairly confident the same relate to the cadets, if not contempt, and then carelessly, as people lost for a civilized society.
The one that I loved, discovered apparently, this the courage to defy their evil jokes and with dignity passed.
I also went to the checkpoint, tormented by doubts and sudden shyness. In the lobby, in the center of which was spinner, shining their вытертыми to the matte Nickel arcs, and partition, finished under the polished floor meter high, splitting it in two halves, the wall was made of the window with a small, opening for conversation window. There, outside the window, peeking out from behind the pink curtains, sitting in a stately pose Sergeant, the duty on the cat, that talked now with my friend, embarrassing наклонившейся to low lying pane. It was felt that it is not for me to stand in such a position. Sergeant talking to her, obviously teasing and didn't want to her to say something. Here she is in a difficult position.
I came closer to her. She paid no attention to me. The back was the sound of laughter cadets. It seemed to me that they laugh in her address, but I had neither the spirit nor the confidence to turn to him and ask them to shut up. It was not necessary to have a special talent to guess, however, that they are now discussing its position, savoring наиполнейшие variants of its application, which can only come to mind. "Brutes! - with anger I thought to myself. Just think, a man stood so! So what?! Bastards!" If they gave me the slightest pretext, as some put it, then I probably would not endure and накостылял them. But they only laughed behind my back, and they could laugh and on whom everything other: not only the reasons for the laugh.
I remember not so long ago and he often amused himself likewise, he entered the dress checkpoints checkpoint, especially when it was a Sunday or Saturday. Then, even if allowed to go into the city and there was no other reason for the delay, it is still dismissal irretrievably lost due to attire, and no one seems to be was not to blame, but still we were also hurt, and we broke his anger on innocent girls, who came to date someone who was not allowed to go on leave. Here then we like erupted talent mean-spirited, dirty humor, which we were treated to all who could not snap back, and also спошлить to our address. So we tried to entertain and somehow disperse the sadness and disappointment on all the white light that would not in any way отлипнуть. Yes, what an ugly and vulgar words are not covered we attendees of the CPR, how much they have listened to us vulgarity in his address. I was now ashamed of that bad and green youth, in which there was none to develop and keep us good and suppress the growing as weeds bad.
Yes, and I'm not allowed myself these jokes in the presence of their comrades in service. They were often very original and even sometimes is too cruel to the subject of our attention, because then my hungry tongue, unbridled imagination, not утоленное never view firsthand the naked woman and even kisses and touches the female body, classed in their фантасмагориях in this dirt that sometimes it is not in itself became even present at the same time my colleagues who themselves were not averse to спошлить something crazy. In such situations laughter suddenly stopped, and they looked at me so strangely, as if reproaching or saying that this is too much. I always felt uneasy when отмачивал such insults to the address of a completely unknown to me girl, you had no right slinging mud. In me and then said internal shame, but I strongly drowned his voice, trying to find satisfaction soy pride in approval of my choice and caustic comments by comrades in service. This was a kind of cowardice, only fairly thin and delicate, almost imperceptible cowardice, the man who tried to create the authority of the very best way.
I was then those who, not having my girls, I tried to think about all the women very badly. This attitude disappears many when they get girlfriends. But then I was free - and, may be, alone, from such links, but because is free in his vulgar judgments.
Now, after so many years, I was ashamed to recall their past, looking like and I стервецов that were giggling behind me. I thought, how embarrassing had to feel those of the girls, since not every such a young age dissolved and гуляща, which had not fake and real, heartfelt feelings. Our училищное checkpoints was probably worse than the fires of hell, and they were ready to meet with his boys anywhere but here.
And now, in such a disgusting and ugly situation was me and my friend, charming stranger - I don't even know her name. And the most ridiculous and to bitterness offensive was that I couldn't help it: I, too, was once as Joker as they were, and felt no moral right to tell them something against. In this case, I was like a fool, because none of the cadets can't believe that there is someone better than him, but I'm not better.
She continued to talk with Sergeant through the window all in the same awkward posture, and I remembered that here there were also those who, on the contrary, in such cases распущенно and vulgarly put on display their round ass that seemed to have a great and are disproportionately more of those облокачивались on the windowsill, прогибали back, offering shamelessly consider yourself in this position. Maybe those girls and begins the ratio of students to the female sex, as to the subject of consumption and pleasures, as поголовным whores, can therefore it is considered that a decent girl in our school would not come, and there since time immemorial saying, born within its walls: "was Not блядью, so will!"
I walked up to the girl standing next to her, feeling awkward for her and at the same time terrible and joyful, almost light excitement. She still spoke with a duty officer at the checkpoint, but he stubbornly wanted to give her a positive response. Here she sat up straight and desperation brought eyes upward.
Of concern to me thoughts are captured my spirit, interrupted breathing. I couldn't utter a sound, and only looked at her, looked long and intently, fearing that now she looks in my direction and see my fascination with a glance. From the thoughts that I hesitated to even more.
But here's what happened: turning her head, girl suddenly caught a glimpse looked in my direction. Our eyes met, and our views on some instant merged and absorbed one another. In these brief fraction of a second I drank from her pupils, her large marvelous eye so much emotion and dumb words that did not believe that this is possible: so much immediately senses were passed on to me from her that the expression on their words would need one ten minutes. These eyes expressed their first surprise, then they flashed rapid spark of joy, they then with a haze of confusion, and through it already time a sort of despair and grief, which, apparently, their mistress has long grieve. At the last moment I heard, seen, felt in their Nemo, strange incredible language plea for help in something important and difficult and request quickly to help her leave this unpleasant place.
For a few moments they told me so much, how much it was impossible to tell words of the day. I'm only sorry that I didn't end up and are very poorly understood, that they want to Express in his tremulous light.
The girl took a step toward me, but then stopped, evidently wishing I walked up to her. I approached her close. Some time between us lasted not very long, but uncomfortable. Finally, she spoke first deciding to join in the conversation:
-Hello, we seem familiar to you?
-Yes, it seems to be so, " I replied, smiling and blushing.
"You're a friend of Grisha, Yes? Grisha Охромова? Remember, I came to you from him with a note... I brought you from it...
-Yes, I remember, " I said, making deliberately view that just remembered what she says. I terribly blushed, even cheeks lit up with a fever. -Now I'm very well remembered.
She was excited and shining, smiling at her white, even teeth:
-Oh, I'm so glad! You probably, I now пригодитесь and help to find him.
My heart was beating wildly in her chest. It seemed that excitement it's about to jump out from there...
I woke up from the heady, but a mysterious and terrible however, sleep, in which he remained the whole next day after the meeting only in the evening, when was alone in his room in the school. Lying squeaky iron bed, naked, not the first freshness student's mattress, изляпанном spots of various colors and shades, size and origin, - sneaky battery каптенариус has already посдирать with beds and to warehouse linen, Yes, indeed, and he done all right, " I remembered, with an odd, special delight the last hours of this magnificent and wonderful day event which will be remembered to me, if not for life, for a long time, very long time...
Our conversation at the checkpoint did not last long. Feeling embarrassed, I understood unpleasant situation girls, kill snipers раздевающими views hungry eyes of young people, I asked her to and talk somewhere in other place. The girl said to me, saying that, in General, she wanted to see Охромова, and therefore will not be able to follow my suggestion.
"Haven't you don't know? - I was surprised, again suddenly going into conversation with her, and thought to myself: "Where did she know something?"
-And what happened? He again, is in bol
"Hell Minister @ Tor"
Hyper Roman
Book one /third
"Megalopolis jungle"
Irkutsk, 1994-1995
Chapter 1. (023). (-> 024)
-It's time to pay the bills!
One day he came and said so. From the doorway...
It was the mystery man in his life, no one, absolutely no one knew about his familiarity si him. He, this man gave Жоре all, all that he had, and he same floor fear of death has forbidden not only to talk, but even to think about it.
He was a great game, a game with no rules to the game he turned at its discretion, to the right and to the left. What he did understand it was simply impossible. His actions will not give in to any logic. His desires were unpredictable.
Those who knew Jora, some time talking about him, that he is big. However, the George knew, that in comparison with him, with his play, he is nothing and no one, because it depends on him completely and is for odd jobs. If he did not help Жоре - he would never have become the Hippopotamus, which now everyone in town knew, respected and feared.
No, he didn't bother Jora on trifles. These were run errands big as the game. For all the time he spoke to Жоре only twice.
George knew his nicknamed the Beast, and for a long time knew not what his name was, but even name. Only a year after their first meeting someone from his entourage secret. Zhora pretended that he does not understand whom they're talking about, although it with the first words became clear. His friend затеявший this conversation, and подзуживал his Jora speak, using all sorts of ways. Shortly after he disappeared, as if it never existed. It's not remembered even relatives, and when a few times after his disappearance did not know about this, Zhora had called him home, then on the other end of the line after the mention of his name conversation interrupted, were silent, and then put the receiver.
This case made Jora think about your life and remember the good: the Beast is not joking.
One day he saw him up close. Жоре happened to pass by the building of the regional Committee. During this time the animal, accompanied by several in black suits got out of the door, and went straight to the black state limousine. The beast is not even glanced his way, but Zhora instinctively lowered his eyes on the ground: he already knew that the Beast is different eyes and ears.
Once George got out of the army. And after a month of being home where everything has been changed, realized that he could calmly write itself into the category of the poor. Go to work for peanuts for a factory it wasn't for him. After a month of doing nothing when the parent reproaches of a piece of bread became unbearable, he gave the announcement in the newspaper agree on any well-paid job (bad't offer. It was stupid, he knew this, and therefore I was very surprised that received responses.
Two weeks later, after the publication of Жоре called and asked to come to the Red hall of the restaurant Theatre. There he first saw the Beast.
After a short ужинатот wrote him a check for a large sum and said: "This is your first time. Spend as you wish, then you'll get another."
-But for what? - уливился Zhora.
-For the work.
-For what?
For coming, " replied the Beast.
-But how can You find? asked George.
-I'll find you.
Thus they parted then. A month later, George received by mail a transfer, sent from Moscow. The return address was not. The amount was even more significant. So was repeated regularly.
The first work order he, too, received by mail from Moscow. Printing the envelope, Zhora was surprised to read the short message: "you have To work. Be ready. The beast." later he got a call: "in the Evening, at the old place..."
Gathering in the restaurant, Zhora very worried. It was all so mysterious. That he will? What is this work? For which he paid so much? He built all sorts of assumptions, long pushing and pulling stubborn tie before the mirror, from the most simple to ridiculous and sometimes ridiculous.
At first he thought the Beast is a mediator of some club perverts, in whose networks and fell Zhora with his stupid announcement. Now they wanted him to fuck. But he added. He will return the money to them. However it will be difficult, because the most part he has already spent.
Потопм he had another idea. Perhaps he wants to hire for a нибудьубийства. It also wasn't in his plans, but it was somehow agree on, if they pay twice for the same.
Maybe it want to send somewhere fight. The beast certainly learned that George has special skills. As know, he did not exclude the possibility that he had been recruited as a Thriller.
All these and many other thought repeatedly пприходили to mind Жоре all these months, until he was paid, leaving him alone for a single minute. It was as painful lull before the attack. And now it was her time to go.
All the way Jora worried, going over in my head a variety of options. He was scared. When he entered the foyer of the restaurant, the excitement was particularly strong. He even felt as he caught his breath. But then he somehow unusually calm down, and when saw the Beast in the deep velvet chair for oak table for six persons sitting in splendid isolation, this made him absolutely no experience and not aroused any emotions. He only полумал that from the coming fate now not be able to get away lightly.
-Well done, without delay, praised his Beast, making discreet gesture of approval [Author ID1: at Sun Jan 23 13:48:00 2000 ].
To their table immediately the waitress arrived with a tray of the most expensive and delicious dishes could be enjoyed in the restaurant. The beast has not paid NEA no notice of her, and when she straddle кушванья, left, spoke again:
-It's time to work, Zhorik.
Beast paused, медленнопережевывая food, then did a relaxing SIP of red wine, slowly put tall wine glass on the table and said:
Under the table something hit. George leaned back and looked up. In the twilight between their feet was a small bag.
-You can start using right now. Поужинай if you want to. Take the bag. There is everything. The text disappears after двадцатьминут послевскрытия envelope. I advise his memory. And remember that the game is not a joke I hope you understand? Засыпишься - 'll get out himself.
Dine Zhora was not. In the bag were the keys to the car with a flat stick, tin oblong box and семимнутная a tape cassette. On the flat a plastic stick-жетончике was pushed number of the machine.
-It at the entrance of the restaurant, at the bottom, " suggested the Beast pulling his gaze. - Good luck to you.
Coming out of the restaurant Zhora felt again engulfed his excitement. Walking along the row of machines, he found that the machine with this number is "Opel". With this brand he was almost a stranger.
Sitting behind the wheel, Zhora set the cassette in the tape recorder.
"Remember good, " he heard someone скрежечущий voice, " your task is to steal the folder under C a secret document. At your disposal, in the apartment, the car, weapons, special equipment for opening сейфоф and castles."
Next followed the address of the apartment. Zhora like to listen to the recording for the second time, but it is not so. Instead she had some silly birthday.
Apartment keys were lying on the front passenger seat. The apartment Zhora found machine Uzi (oblong boxes were bullets) and lying close envelopes. Opening and reading them one at a time, he realized that he really weird pig. But there was nothing to do. It was his job.
Foolish and capturing the case with special equipment, Zhora down in the car.
He returned only four o'clock in the morning, went upstairs, and left the apartment documents and went home on foot, taking only liked him Uzi with all the ammunition load (during surgery he made one shot).
A week later he received notice of the ridiculously small sum. It was sent still from Moscow. Infuriated by this, Zhora't know what to do, but eventually calmed down and swallowed a first offense, went for the money. The mail he received translation and certified letter. Расспечатав it, Zhora discovered regularly the supplementary Bank book. From the sum, which it appeared, and dizzy.
Since then, he became a millionaire. The beast for a long time not bother him, and seemed to dissolve disappeared from sight. But George felt that he keeps it under control, and was sure that it was not the last of the "job", which he was assigned.
Since then произолшло a lot of changes.
With Uzi he no longer left the first time, rightly fearing that he will want to remove after the operation, he had taken him with a loaded and ready to shoot the whole month. Then I got bored.
Guess what it involved a great game, established after some time, when разрозился suddenly and unexpectedly international scandal associated with industrial espionage. Some American company patented the documentation on new сверхизносотермоустойчивую резирну, which development was led by a French firm, which has enclosed money in the chemical plants in Ukraine and Russia. Leaked documents reportedly occurred with one of the Ukrainian plants.
Learning of this, Zhora only smugly laughed, remembering how clearly he made this operation, mentally praised himself and decided that he paid too little. Being an industrial spy turned nasty nice, and now he even feel sad about the fact that the Beast to him no longer appeals. But he seemed to be dissolved.
It was a full year before the Beast made itself felt. His services he decided to use at the most inopportune for Zhora moment when he had firmly decided for myself that it will forever be left alone. George has already managed to acquire its own Affairs, managed to get his company and was thinking about getting married, when the Beast without any preliminaries personally appeared RNA threshold of his apartment.
This time it was not as solid as before. He looked more than usually, затрапезно, you could say. Zhora would even knew him not, if he had not uttered these words.
First thought was that on his door bursts with some обнаглевший пьянчужка.
-It's time to pay the bills! 'he and tumbled to his apartment, literally collapsed on Jora, not t o drunk, not the deadly tired.
Zhora dared вынать it immediately, although all kind of unexpected guest said that the Beast was not the same animal which he once knew. He laid him on the sofa, gave to sleep.
When the evening Beast woke up in the kitchen was ready light dinner and a bottle of cognac. Zhora decided that this man still did something for him and earned at least the reception.
"You must work, kid! he said, knocking over the first stack in one gulp.
-What happened? - Zhora felt right to talk down to him. Intuition was here there is nothing. Himself a guest appearance gave him an idea that he took a big change. Besides, as he thought George, they were in the calculation.
It happened, happened to him, " nodded the other.
"I don't know, " said George.
-I, too... But work is work.
-That is again necessary to steal someone else's intellectual property?
This time no. The work will be worse... And without fees.
Beast specially kept glass of корнъяком on the way to his mouth to test the reaction of Hippo on the last words.
George had a lot of objections to it. He himself worked for a long time as both legal and illegal Commerce, knew what business, and that how much it is worth, and now he sent men to jobs and paid them money for it, when large when not, when not paid at all.
So, after a long pause, he said:
-It seems to me that we have not paid off yet, according to the old case.
Beast покривился, has made such a grimace, as if toothache he drove immediately to half of all teeth, but he was silent, although felt a noisy breathing, how difficult is it given to him.
-Boy became a steep? - he said through clenched teeth, singing the words to Odessa style.
-No, дяд, I just wiser, - pointed his in his side of the index finger Zhora. - Past the case was a bit more expensive than you I was paid. I was not fool enough not to understand what задокументы stole then, and who, and that after that they earned.
The beast long silence, hunched over, whether from fatigue, or cargo unpleasant discovery, but still spoke:
-Zhorik, pay for candor, frankness, and I want to tell you that you should have long ago to rot in the earth!.. If I had another such Zhorik, - he noisy, with asthmatic присвистом sighed, shrugged and unnaturally wide grin, as if the carriage. - Well I have no other понятливого, smart and courageous, resourceful, and in all respects ready for a fight)! Nope!
"You are a little exaggerating my assessment, " explained George, stung by flattery, but don't want to fall for it, let deceive itself to the end. He was now a man of action and not going to work for free. - I have long departed into other areas of activity and lost heavily in spetsnaz the qualities. Got fat, softened, обленился. Fat instead of muscle - here is payback for the pleasures of life...
The beast put on the shoulder of his костистую, heavy hand:
-Zhora! All I know. Don't lie to me. And, believe that we should do. You know, I didn't bother you for nothing, I appreciate your level, you. Please! No one in this city can no longer do it, except you. So here I am. Remember that once when you was very difficult - I perfectly know that, " I came to you and lifted you up from the dirt. Now you're one of those I know in the city, somebody in here that respect, with whom considered and who are afraid. Think, who would you be, if I handed you a helping hand? Who would you be now?!
George thought for a moment. He was not sentimental, but the words of the Beast still affected him, awoke in him something similar to the remnants of conscience, who was still shaking.
However, they took possession of the secret fear that the Beast in case of refusal can make something of which his well-being dissipate like smoke. Although затрапезный a guest appearance does not give any reasons to think so, but George, who used to trust your intuition, this time also decided to act as he tells of something inside. Certainly, this once powerful man have any secret levers of influence. Otherwise, it just like that, without any payment, he was not asked to do serious business. Something still left in reserve, the Beast, some secret stone запазухой. Another't work. He would hardly come, not having a spare progress on the case Жориного refusal of a secret козырного a trick up his sleeve, which would beat all Жорину game of the years passed at one time. Could not such a mighty man of losing power overnight. Something he had in store. Otherwise, and requests no. Beast asks for only large serious cases, and the person who is asking, can't be out of the game, can't be with the one power. Maybe its entire modern-looking simply masquerade, drawing, acid test. Give up now, George, and who knows what will happen after some time. The beast is a man who will not joking. And he came to him not from the porch and not with outstretched hand. If he says that this time the Board will not, занчит действит get considers that first of paid him more than enough.
These considerations led to the Hippo to decision and he said:
-Well. We assume that we're quits: and I will fulfill your request, but after that you're out of my life forever! - conciliation-conciliatory notes of his voice постепеннно declined to the level of threat. - What to do?
-I am speaking frankly, - the Beast was clear that he was afraid to frighten luck. - It is necessary to blow up the plant...
-Blow up?! - with surprise and unexpected scale proposals Zhora involuntarily sprang up. - A plant? As it blow up?!
-Well, certainly not the entire plant. Capacity. Only the vessel with the substance. At the same plant, where are you from the first time stole the documentation, - the Beast stopped for a moment and peered into his face Zhora, trying, apparently, to read his thoughts. - This is very important. If he had understood the meaning of the game. There is a struggle for the market. I only help a rival party.
-Америкканцам, - said George.
"Yes, " replied the Beast. - Now against them acts as some European companies. And all in this case. Patent they still won. But the Americans managed to destroy all of the лабраторных work and research on this material. There are no copies in any form. Those who carried out the research, partially or completely eliminated. To restore the formula and technology of obtaining a product, Europe потребуетсяминимум ten years. Americans will make a pause pause and restore the substance to three times faster, and запатентуют it under the guise of its opening - that's all a calculation.
-Well, why then something blow up? surprised Zhora.
-Hm, - said the Beast - the fact that it will turn out if to eliminate all stocks of semi-finished product, product-raw. The only place it is installed correctly preserved its stock - this stupid factory. And nothing can be done - it is necessary to destroy. Otherwise...
-What else? I could not stand it pause Zhora.
Otherwise, the French and their allies are able to restore production technology a half-two year. This means a complete failure...
For those of you who pays.
-Yes, and therefore for me. Hit them though glass of this product-raw, and I'll stay in his old age to beg.
-Aren't you afraid that you will be removed after this raw material will be destroyed. I, for example, after your рассказок fear for his life. Moreover, it runs through my slowly and with relish.
Do not forget that this is my merit - shook his forefinger Beast
-All this in the past, " quipped George, he felt that he again can "jump" from the promise, From the talk of the Beast appeared a sensation, that the power to influence the situation he had not so much.
-But the past loves to cling to the present. And as for your relaxing prosperity, so it shatter to pieces as soon as I am gone from the world leaders. My name is invisible part of the iceberg, which formed the bedrock of your welfare. 't believe me?!.. Yes, and about what you fear for your life, be not afraid. Besides me that you were involved in the operation, nobody knows and will not know. And I? Me, even if I wanted to, no time for you, unfortunately, lately me intently interested in the Interpol. That's it, the Beast paused, and George tried to figure out why he "merge" this information, which, in principle, was disarming everyone around him before him. - However, if you pernicious added suddenly, the Interpol, and some others who have lost tens of millions of dollars, are interested and you. You're not me. You crush a fly without's ceremonies, even a wet spot left. Only for what you stole documents and made tremendous trouble very influential people. You will be removed even without напутственного words, so casually. This will not be a revenge...
The beast fell silent again.
-Product, which you will blow up, very damaging, " said George with intonation припертого to the wall. He was tempted right now remove the Beast. It was easy and promised deliverance from all these unexpected problems. But that's why he couldn't do it. Behemoth understood that the Beast even took out another ACE out of the sleeve, he only hinted at his presence. Certainly he has all been thought out in case of such a scenario.
'Not much, ' grinned the Beast, apparently sensing the changes that were observed in its recently строптивом interlocutor. - But it is toxic. Some people in the nose will have to fasten the clothes pin...
-The scope of work, is a quite business-like, more is not going to resist, asked George.
Twenty kilo of TNT. A brigade of five people. You're the sixth and senior. 'll be leading the operation. Documentation schemes bookmark your assistant. They are good miners. But they don't have what you fighting spirit. Without you - cover. And for me to not worry. Anyone who is interested in my death, knows that in case of its occurrence competitors will get the fire extinguisher, dressed with the fact that we are going to destroy. He is already in Paris and very good lies in one place, which Americans do not get.
-That is, raw materials all the same will not be completely destroyed? shook his head Zhora.
-Five liters is not ten thousand cubic meters. I can't steal and hide so much! And this fire extinguisher me dressed only for a bottle сивухи. And it is in Paris. I have it. This is now my most weighty remedy... and blackmail.
Zhora was thinking again and shook his head:
"No, I will not do that.
-Why? You have enough of my argument? "The beast of the brow.
-Firstly, there is someone to work, secondly, twenty kilograms of TNT ten thousand dice, it means that this stuff, myomas estimates, not only burns itself, but also explodes. It turns out that it is dangerous for the city and I still live in it. And, thirdly, in fact, again an international scandal and a lot of money. This means it for thanks, at least, is stupid. At least! - up Zhora index finger.
The beast asked for a cigarette. George pulled out ккармана and laid before him just begun pack.
The beast took a cigarette and smoked silently till morning, until the tutu is not empty, and in the ashtray in front of him not formed a mountain "bulls" and ashes.
"Okay, " he said through clenched teeth. "The hell with you! Give me a sheet of paper and a pen.
George plucked a sheet of notebook paper, and gave him a pen, and the animal began to draw something, puffing from voltage unaccustomed to such business.
As he completed the job, then asked George:
-Know how many are estimated unfound Nazi archives? No? In ten billion. And unfound documents of the CPSU? Three times smaller. But this, I think you would be enough. Now, part of them is here - the Beast jabbed a finger in the sloppy drafted scheme. "You'll know where it is?
-Find out about them, nodded Zhora, intrigued plan. - The building is almost in the center of the city.
-True. There, in his secret basement a very valuable archive of the papers of the third Reich, top secret documents of the CPSU, icons, old books, manuscripts, paintings - a lot of value and just priceless material. Take all he made a wide gesture with his hand. - How much you can carry, - and I barely audible added. - Still not mine.
Such generosity seemed Жоре very suspicious, as well as the unexpected.
-And how to get there? - still asked George.
The beast turned a piece and quickly jotted down on the other side of the map of the building:
-Well, give some каранндаш, red whether to draw where and how to go... Now here's the door to the dungeon. There is a code lock on... Here is the code. Rooms racks, where lie the most valuable today documents... Enough to take only them: they уместяться three to four average travel bags. Taking them, and I with you in the calculation of the charge of the operation. The rest don't touch, Okay?
Zhora twirled a sheet in their hand.
-Okay. Only I first провперю - don't lie.
-Verify-verify. Only be quick about it, because that should be performed before the start of next week: sent here the French experts and workers. It is necessary, that their arrival there a trace of raw sugar left. None of the surviving molecules.
-Well, will be wiped Zhora hands. He felt that there is a gain.
-Only in the archive, don't send their people can run into big trouble. Find someone from the outside, not local, not from this city. And then smack it . and the wiser. That no one had thought about anything. Understand it's not yours and not mine...
-And whose?
-Тссу! - put the Beast finger to his lips. - Not спращшивай even. Give - Beri. Struggle... And only once there, and then засекут, повяжут and почикают. Understood?
-Yes, it is easier to understand, George thought that the calculation of the fire is still better than nothing. He put the piece of paper in his pocket, and, clapping a hand on the table, concluded. - Operation will spend the night, when my people will take the archive: that without cheating.
-Only I ask you: do it quickly. Miss time - пеняй the voice of the Beast почувствовлись team notes, as if he was the master of the situation.
Жоре't like this, because it seemed to him that no grounds even now he had to act no. So he said:
-I will try. And as with the safety of their homes?
-You mean the city?
-Yes, it darling!
-Explosives lay according to the American method. They have calculated the optimal scheme of the detonation. Raw did not explode, but only burn under high pressure with emission. So to that don't worry, Americans can count only the right to make a bookmark, according to the scheme, and undermining the map detonation. They bastards, even the time of day gave optimal to undermine - about four in the morning. Maximum inversion or conversion will be. In General, everything goes up...
-Okay, hand - suddenly interrupted his thoughts Zhora, feeling that this talk begins to annoy him.
-Hands - handed hand of the Beast.
After a few days to Fix, right hand Zhora, "hooked" for the old card debt, at his request certain Охромова, cadet military school graduation rate, which was about to leave the city forever. As a practicing debt he agreed to get from the specified Beast secret archives right Behemoth paper.
Zhora meanwhile, began mining the object.
However, when all was ready, on the appointed day Охромов suddenly failed the plan. He never left the school.
Without going into the reasons and excuses debtor people Hippo it as it should have finished and threatened that the next time, just шлепнут. Охромов refrained from reporting him, and promised in the next appointed time fulfills the promise.
It is crucial night. Behemoth knew nothing about Yakovlev, помошнике Охромова, and was sure that he is now in the archives, works in his job. Taking with him the coveted "Uzi" he demomen Beast went to the plant to test the readiness to undermine it.
All factory guard vigilantly carried that night service, and as always, long rubbing sleepy eyes, passed it on and on, deeper into zones of secrecy, just barely glancing at the "fake" documents.
After checking the system Hippo decided that the explosion will of his apartment. He even wondered if it works remote control at a distance.
Perhaps, this was the last possible for operations nights because, according to the Beast, hastening his French already were in Moscow and in the morning had to travel by train to the city.
The hotel Zhora let go of sappers who were quite puzzled by his behaviour - until the end of the operation they were asked next to him and to control its actions, and went home.
At home he locked the door, undressed, washed, feeling now languor, fatigue and overwhelming desire to fall asleep. Then George went to bed, and then only with a delay of forty minutes from the schedule of operations clicked on the button on the remote transmitter. Then after a while another, with a sinking heart, pressed the red button, which meant that the receivers are the fuses take the latest information, and, holding his breath, listening.
Somewhere in a minute in the open balcony door burst from the stillness of the night a strange, gigantic sigh, and all was quiet. It was a blast.
However, whether American computers not have made corrections on своенравность local atmospheric movements, whether from the fact that Zhora delayed explosion almost an hour this morning the whole city plunged into the stinking yellow fog, and the Жоре experienced all the charm of a gas attack.
He woke up only in the evening with разламывающейся pain head. In a dry mouth there was a taste of a bitter stuff. First егоо thought was a poignant and helpless rage: "He cheated me!"
He was disgusted from t CSOs that he sat in a puddle, which he himself had prepared. But doing nothing was impossible, and George, like thousands of other citizens, spent a few days in a morbid condition, sometimes already thinking intolerable attacks suffocation and nausea that he is coming to an end..
When he finally recovered and left the house, I saw that the city seems to переминлся in the face, was not such as to be as подурнел, поплохел.
Something told him what is in front of him waiting for life changes, and they are not all here. From being sucked under the spoon.
Chapter 2. 1.
-Why have you come?
He sat on the cold chair was, naked, and dropped his head cupped in his hands back.
She did not answer. He turned around, looked round her bare figure at the window, lit by a ghostly pink light sconce above the sofa.
-Why have you come? - he asked.
-I want to, " she finally said quietly, so quietly that he could barely hear him.
And if he finds out?
The girl was silent again, then said:
-Don't care.
He said nothing and only shook his head, then stood up and approached the girl.
She stared into the blackness of late the October evening, оплакиваемую tears dismal endless rain, lazily walked without interruption ever since they arrived in Moscow.
Outside the window, scattered thousands of prickly points, stood quarters of the huge city.
-Metropolis - somehow she whispered, when he put his hand on her warm shoulder. "It looks like the jungle, isn't it? ... So I look and I sometimes even scary on the street. Now I would never think of on the street did not come out.
The girl drew back, pushed off the window sill hands, crossed the room and knelt RNA scattered in disarray bed.
-Smoke now, " she said, hugging himself for the shoulders.
-You cold? "he asked.
-Me? No, she guessed, probably why he would ask such a question. Is I'm just so. I love hugging himself.
-You erotic.
His words were incomprehensible, not as a question, not as a statement, and it is in response to similarly unclear smiled.
-Come back to him, " he suggested.
The girl looked at him with her eyes, which gleamed a spark of anger:
-To whom?
-Well, to that... To her husband. So now he is called.
-Tell better: to Behemoth. He remained.
-Why are you?! her words brought him in confusion. - In your voice so much hate! Do you not like?
Silence answered more eloquently than any words.
-Why then are you married, Veronica?
-Gladyshev, calm down! - as retorted the girl.
-And still, you better go back.
-What, are you afraid?! she went on to drill his gazes.
-No, not for myself. I don't want you to have trouble.
-I do not care. You got me? Got! And don't worry, I won't tell anyone. I like you, Gladyshev, although to be honest, I sometimes you hate. Sincerely hate.
-I know. I remember then, in the restaurant when you were with that guy. The weird one...
All you are odd.
-I wasn't talking about that. You then something in me окрысилась.
-Found something to remember. You better times of yore still remember.
Gladyshev paused, apparently, having lost thoughts.
-It is strange, why do you always call me by name, even now... in such an intimate setting.
-I don't know, girl slightly shrugged her shoulders. - Maybe because I'm not frightened of you.
Maybe, on the contrary? In your address to me there is some fear, I feel it. You're afraid to approach me in the heart, even now, when absorbed in the body.
Face Veronica winced painfully, like a toothache.
-Listen, Gladyshev, shut up, eh? A philosopher! Me from your conversations sick. It would be better, took out a cigarette. Invented too, I'm afraid. Yes to damn I need you?!
Then why did you come? "he persisted.
-If afraid she wouldn't I come?
Maybe, this is your fight my inner fear before me? Huh?! You now think that overcame him. But no! You just think so! This you desperately want to, but it's not there...
-This is your last warning to you shut up! Look for a cigarette!
-Now, a phone call in the room will bring si гшарет. What else?
He went to the phone and began to dial the numbers.
-Vodka... no, better конъяка with шоклоадом or хоорошего red wine. Fortified, with fruits.
Waiting on the other end of the wire to be answered, he asked the girls forgot about prevention:
-Now comes the waiter from the restaurant, I give him a tip, and he happened to see you. What will you do?
Goat - simply replied Veronica.
"If you want to remake me? But you can't," he thought.
-Listen, Gladyshev, you clever boy?
-And what?
-No, I think you should treat. In your head Guli накакали.
He made an order in the room and stretched out on the couch next to her.
-And who will pay? asked Gladyshev Veronica.
I'm not as rich as your husband.
Внероника grimaced again:
"Don't call him a man, I told you it seems.
-And he knows how to do this? he made an unambiguous gesture.
-What are you, cultural! Already sick! Писька he is small.
-Small?! It would have never thought of that! Favorite of women, sir hippopotamus! And you do! And you know family secrets.
It seemed to him what Veronica again unhappy with his buzzing, but so as to quarrel with her longer wanted, he hastened to ask a question.
"You have a lot of guys were?
-Why do you ask?! in the voice of girls засквозило curiosity.
-Beautiful you.
-Hmm - it was felt that his words польстили her vanity. - A lot.
-Are all asleep?
-No. You're the third. Third after the Hippopotamus and the other guy.
-I know. That was with thee in the restaurant.
-Many well you know!
-I instinct, intuition good. Then he came, by the way, thee was interested in. But you were not. I he started his paintings show and houses a small пожарчик arranged, therefore, associated with him in that time we won.
He paused for a moment, but then decided to ask:
-He squeak biggest was?
His fears were not realized, Veronika didn't took:
-I once was... But it seems that it is necessary...
-And me? More?
-Have you got? Nothing too. Fool you, Gladyshev!
-Well what this idiot?
-And the fact that it is not письке.
-And what?
-Love is all about.
"You loved him?
-Liked and he noticed that Veronica was difficult to pronounce this recognition.
-And now I love?
"You? No.
-Why did you come?
-What?.. It became boring
-That, a Hippo can't you cheer?
-And it's not the whole evening.
"Where is he?
-Went somewhere. Yes me and with the Hippopotamus this boring. Sadness is jammed to death.
-Well, of course. You're still the one friend he wanted to say "бабища", but he dared not. - You, probably, men as gloves, change.
"You are a fool, Gladyshev. A fool. The thing you hate. Like you and write poems and paintings мазюкаешь, and such a simple thing as love, don't know.
"Baloney - all this love. Don't believe.
"That's why I'm yours стихоплетство despise. You've got it not from your heart and from your закаканных drain. As such verses I despise, not what I'm trying to understand. Feelings in нихз no, some labyrinths of a schizophrenic flow of your thoughts... Well, where are your cigarette?
-Now must bring.
Somebody knocked in the door.
They turns looked at each other. It even broke into a sweat.
-Who is this? he asked the girl.
"Come, Yes ask.
-And suddenly it Hippo?
"Just say that you wanted to sleep.
-Well, Yes! I would never be able to. He makes me to open the door. Get dressed, just in case.
Weak! Rag you Gladyshev! "You're afraid of me!" Yes, you coward, afraid of?! Go open up!
In двероь knocked again. This time became more and stronger.
-I ask of you: get dressed! "he asked again, rising from the couch and frantically fumbling eyes on the floor in поискахсвоих pants and trousers.
-Coward! Now I'll go отворю.
-No, no, no! he tried to detain her, but realizing that he can't, then rushed to get dressed.
"Who's there? - Veronica asked through the door.
-Cigarette, port zakazyvali?
"Yes, " the girl opened the door, naked and not ashamed of his nakedness, took a tray of обалдевшего waiter. - Go, pay off! she cried Гладышеву.
This is a shout out of his torpor, and he sped in the half-empty pants to the door, trying to go more and find money in their pockets.
The waiter came around and already in following politely, but with irony smiled:
-You have a problem? his tone was felt restrained joke. - I'll try back later or go then in the restaurant themselves later. We work until three in the morning, can't hurry.
Gladyshev and could not find the money and stood uncertainly in the middle of the corridor rooms at the half-empty trousers.
Veronica slammed the door.
-He said that he will write it all on account of your rooms, ' said the girl, then, after a pause, she added. - Went to the disco.
-American, of course.
-Oh, I had even at the entrance there money is not enough.
-Weak? Bad Board appointed Hippo his spiritual comrade! - mocking, Veronica laughed. "And you with him an additional charge ask!
-For what?!
For me трахаешь! - it was a pleasure to see how it changed in the person. - And what? Too hard physical labor.
Gladyshev was silent, just struck down on the spot. He already knew not what to do, and went on to stand in a half-empty pants, nothing is dropping his hands.
"Okay, get dressed, " said the girl, apparently, plenty поиздевавшись. - so be it, ticket you buy today I. Look though as normal людиоотдыхают. Only for the tray, be kind, pay yourself!
-No, not necessary. Tickets are rabid money, " explained the Gladyshev.
"Silence, Kazbek! - shouted ддевушка, топкнув foot. - To pay me. I have money yet.
-While there, he added.
Veronica furrowed her eyebrows, but said nothing.
-Hey, did you...
Gladyshev stopped short. The word "witch" for some reason was in his throat, and tears came to my eyes.
Girl, apparently misunderstood him, and her face softened.
-Stop talking, Gladyshev, she summed up. "We got to leave. Натягивай his pants, stupid.
At the hotel entrance, where stood a dozen taxi waiting for their clients, they almost faced with the Hippopotamus. He gets out of the approaching car. At this time they were at two steps from the taxi., and Veronica, do not hesitate even for a second, opened the back door of my car, jumped in there and pulled a Gladysheva.
"I never thought that so I can get, " he said, плюхнувшись on the seat.
"What is it? - asked the girl.
-About this. I, the best friend of Hippo, and to you!..
-Shut up immediately! - Veronika her eyes flashed angrily, and then looked through the back window of the cabin on the Hippopotamus and the long watched him until he disappeared into the entrance of the hotel complex, отблескивающего in the twilight dim light начищенным metal rotating четырехлопастных doors.
"Well, are we going? asked Gladyshev.
-What are you a coward? You will be in trouble in the first place! I can stay and unnoticed..
-Ah! About me, it turns out, worried?!
-Do not поясничать!
-No, really, let! We are going! I want to have fun! Quite melancholy! Since we in Moscow, I'm doing really miss it. I'm tired!
-So, are we going? - intervened in the conversation the driver.
-Yes, certainly, " said Veronica.
All the way they not разнговаривали, and only got out of the brightly lit flashing colored lights, luring a defiant-indecent flashy stained glass entrance to the disco, Gladyshev spoke, confused and depressed seen luxury. He felt twice as worse from what Veronica herself paid off with the taxi driver, because he really didn't have enough money.
Standing оторопело opposite the entrance to the disco, it has rested, exactly заупрями вшийся ass.
-I will not go there, - he said to the girl.
-Why is that?!
-Yes, because I can't! I already feel at ease, and let us go, and even shame places itself cm g find...
-Gladyshev! You only ride somewhere! "said Veronica.
-May be. But it is not my place! Not mine! Pay rabid money, then to head off twitch, along with the other? It's not for me, sorry!
Swinging inconsistent, thin hands, even for рроста look too long and bony, Gladyshev walked away down the street, absolutely no interest in going there for him, Veronica.
When she caught up to him, he still muttering.
"You bastard, Gladyshev! she said sorry, зашагаыв next to him. - Imprison l me pleasure.
He нпе pay attention to her.
-Well, what do you want? "the girl asked already more friendly.
-What do I want? - responded suddenly Gladyshev, and thinking.
Past toward them were three handsome guys, and Veronica involuntarily stuck to his hand, knowing the mores of the city at night.
"Now named call will begin", - not without pleasure thought Gladyshev, not noticing the thoughts миновавшей as quickly as it arose, danger.
"Actually, I want you now returned to the hotel, the room to Behemoth. You will be better! It's not late, and your absence can be explained quite good, - Gladyshev looked at her. - As for me, I would feel like now to go to any restaurant, where you can sit longer hours to three in the morning.
-You've got no money! going Впероника.
"But you asked what I want. Except to wish for something, to have this money?! In my dreams I'm much bigger than they actually are. Creamy sailing under crimson sails, comfortable Villa of white marble with a pool in which under the warm tropical sun sparkling azure blue, pure and clean as a tear, water, magnificent, powerful and wildly expensive car, furniture made of ivory, huge mirrors in the wall of rock crystal is all I'll never have in life, easily умещаетс I in my dreams. And I can fly away in this world, where a master of himself, though every day, even a thousand times a day. And because the reality oppresses me as much as anyone else in my position.
-That's so real, I like you, - snuggled up to him even stronger Veronica. She smiled dreamily. - You're still an incurable romantic.
-Why? It's not romantic, it's very convenient and easy way to get away from life, if you don't like it. How could all this have I in reality? Of course not. I am not so crazy to build illusions about its features and its future. But I invented a way, oamc avoid torture, connected with the realization that between the desirable and the possible there is an abyss. Some uses for this drug, someone drinks, someone is going to kill and Rob. But all this disastrous path. I think my brain is developed enough so that he could construct in its conjuring up images of the desired without approx енения dangerous stimulants, such as wheels, grass or vodka. The more stupid attempt, perhaps, at the same, but their brains are out of control and fall into галлопирующую, crazy hallucination. Criminals - it's all bastards. All that in the end they receive the prison, tower, or the bullet. And the wolf ticket already out of the pit and not get out. All the time life will return to the vicious circle of their systems stereotypes...
-And you're really clever, Gladyshev, ' interrupted Veronica. - You have no communication between the hands and the head. You're a good draw - could earn. Why don't you sit down, for example, to paint portraits on the Arbat, as do others? I think you have worked not worse than many others..
Thank you for the good advice, " laughed Gladyshev. - Me and without well.
"But you have no money! You are not humiliated that I am here, for example, has to pay for you?
-Actually, not really. I am not asking for anything. I can go without any money. Yes, and besides, why should I be uncomfortable, embarrassing, if Jesus Christ did not have any money?
At the mention of the name of God Veronica winced, but Gladyshev not noticed the grimace. He went forward, eyes speaking to himself.
They turned on a dark street, and girl, had молчавшая, spoke again:
-Why did you come here?
-And what? Are you afraid of?
"Actually, Yes. I think this archway swarming подвыпившими teenagers, and now somewhere POPs up gang!
-And what then? - laughed Gladyshev.
-Speak softly! - Veronica was not seriously concerned. - What is! If you do not know that then. I Nghe hope even that you will be able to protect me.
Gladyshev shook his head.
-That the soul in the heel is gone?
Veronica neither answered, continuing to walk with Гладышшевым, looked around, like a frightened kitten. Gladyshev невольрно smiled.
-And what is the soul? she asked suddenly.
"A soul?.. Well, the soul is the soul.
-And it is there at all? They say the heartless. This is what, he has no soul?
-But why? It is a figurative expression,it denotes a person's character. Soulless - so cruel, treacherous, sneaking, бессострадательный. Is there a soul, no soul, is a mystery. Even in our Communist literature comes across this word., although it tried to avoid it, because party ideology does not allow to use this word: for her, it is inextricably linked with поповщиной, religion, God. And all this, as you know, dialectical materialism for a long time already denounced as not existing, fiction, through which the damned landowners and capitalists ддержали in obedience to the working people. And now, freed from the fetters of religious dope, our people confident stomping toward a brighter future... but for some reason circle becomes more and more poverty, ворюг and dirt.
Gladyshev sold and with idiot-mocking pathos declared his speech, pretending to so real a speaker at the podium some of the rally. Only the last sentence he uttered, as an outside observer under this platform, in a lower tone and changing his voice.
"What says the Communist ideology about the devil? - Veronica asked in the same spirit, taking game Gladysheva.
-And what she says, because the classics of Marxism-лениниизма with that phenomenon in the nature and society are not met, - Gladyshev said it, so funny bulging eyes and pouting important as Turkey, that she involuntarily burst out laughing, and he could not resist
However, the Veronica laughed briefly. If stumbled on some invisible obstacle or remembering something unpleasant, she suddenly stopped, changing face, and already, as if to now get serious and exhaustive answer depends on seemingly everything in her life, she asked:
-And what she says about selling this very soul to the devil?
Gladyshev, is clearly out-of-print and staying in the best of humor, like to continue your answers in the same rhetorically-издевательском spirit, then stopped and looked at the girl, slowly turning his head, as if seeing her for the first time and wanting to get a better look.
They walked already silently, not разгоываривая, although Veronica continued looking at Gladysheva, as if expecting an answer. But he is like the water in your mouth scored.
Dark street led to a prospectus, brightly lit, but the same deserted as all around.
-Went somewhere in the restaurant as you wanted? "suggested the girl.
-Go, - agreed Gladyshev. 'But why are you such questions you ask?
-What are these?
-Person has the right to ask any questions, isn't it?
-Yes, but usually these are always held back, or fit it more carefully. Not the way you straight.
Chapter 3. (012). (-> 022)
Zhora't want to go by train to Moscow. There were substantial grounds.
Of course, the train was short and pleasant to sit down at seven o'clock in the evening and woke up, go down with him at the Kiev railway station in the morning.
It was more pleasant than to hang a half hours in a legacy, the antediluvian turboprop Ana, cabin during the flight does not cease to tremble, and squeak, moaning and rattle all your seams and joints. Other planes in Moscow did not fly - was too close for some more comfortable, modern and high-speed machine.
In the train you can sleep in the cosy AFTERNOON, enjoy the evening in the restaurant or dinner in a compartment in a word, to travel with comfort and трясущемся and overwhelming plane all were equal.
However, despite this, Zhora was against travel by rail. The reason was a woman. Although he considered himself a man with good self-control, with it, he would not even randomly encounter.
She worked as an attendant, and in time Zhora spent a lot of time its charm and spent a stormy night in her bed, delighting in the next fleeting novel. With her and then he met, being a passenger in her car. She now worked, still, the conductor on the train.
All would be nothing, Yes girl, this was a rare приставучей. And George, feeling himself among women, as cheese in butter, it feared and dreaded. Having flighty and capricious character, she was unpredictable and unstoppable in their actions, and hold it in their hands was as impossible as to catch a hand flames. She's just as fire stared at each attempt to restrain her. May be it is about such people "fire woman".
Whatever it was, but from the memories about it by his convulsively передергивало. Because of it he didn't want to go by train.
Of course, you can know the к5аким numbers, which car rides this Alla, and choose to travel another day or another car, but his fear of meeting with her paralyzed his will. Learn about when and how Behemoth is going to Moscow - his knowledge almost the entire city, - it was much easier than he find out something about her. And she could easily change change to meet him on the train. Behemoth was afraid of this, because I knew she wants, and it does not stop nor the other day, neither car nor even the fact that he married. Find her Jora in the city was a thousand times more difficult than москуовском train.
Besides Zhora could not afford to stoop to cautiously interested when running some Alla-conductor. He was now one of those called "master city", and could not now give anyone a reason, even a hint to question his authority.
Alla could completely destroy anything, exposed to ridicule his reputation. And he couldn't help because that he had to fear wacky and wayward women, which was not considered to be with anyone and anything.
I must say that the credibility of the suffered damage.
Despite the fact that he вылоил the dispensation of his wedding fortune and throughout the week, watered and fed all the criminal and major audience of the city, arranging for its humour incredible by the standards of the province spectacle, this does not bring the expected result.
Some behind the eyes, and other urban aces and eyes told him his "Fi".
Fry авторитетосм smaller, large in number but after watching the capital city of artists and thoroughly попировав, disappeared without a trace in the bustle of the city, the next day, forgetting about gratitude.
To Zhora sometimes heard rumors. That many are unhappy with. He's married, although it seemed to him that this is his personal business. The town was indignant rumors: "How so, Hippo married?! By what right?! He broke an unwritten law..."
Leaving the young wife of the sea, Hippo secretly hoped that during his month lack of these conversations calm down themselves. However, when he returned, he was convinced that his expectations were not realized.
After returning from the sea, Zhora suddenly I was unpleasantly surprised that his secret store was stolen away, and no one could tell him who did it. This meant that he обобран almost completely. In his possession was only a small part of the state you could only buy a new six hundredth mercy, which he had long dreamed of, well, two or three months have not been afflicted.
Stolen was all Zhorin archive, which got him for the operation of the Beast. Invited them on the eve of authoritative experts on art and historical ценостям evaluated it in нгесколько million dollars. Right after that it started receiving offers on sale of available values. First he kept putting it off, but then seriously decided to engage their implementation on arrival after the honeymoon.
And now it turns out that all stolen. George managed to sell лишьнезначительную part долкументов, the proceeds from which the funds устрил luxurious wedding and round-the-world honeymoon, Yes something else was put in the Bank for a rainy day, which suddenly came.
No one seemed knew nothing about it. George felt some not that plot around them for the widespread fear and desire to be away from the case.
Some information left him faithful people still out. Traces of the incident led to Moscow. Deal with москвичамии anyone in the city was too tough. George knew that he himself will have to go to Moscow and seek tips and links for the resolution of this case. The chances of a success were insignificant, and Zhora all pulled and pulled with the decision to go to war. He could not even approximately estimate heard his opponent, but he knew that his possibilities are not comparable to go with the capabilities of the enemy.
However, from his hands glided million state. And he could not, no matter how convinced his people close to him, with этисм be reconciled. The second chance to get such a wealth he had hardly ever introduced himself would.
In the end, when the circumstances closely priperli it to the wall, he told Veronica that they are in the next Friday go to Moscow.
-Who will go? she wanted to know.
-I think that nobody, " he replied, but then he asked, seeing that the young wife is not arranged. - Whom would you like to bring to you not to be bored. Only a little, because we have temporarily limited resources.
Veronica evaded a direct answer:
I don't know, of course, you have some business in Moscow, but do you yourself there's no need?
George hesitated, then replied:
-Gladyshev? "inquired Veronica.
It felt strange decision, because Gladyshev, in her opinion, was a mattress with a strange nature, difficult to communicate.
However Behemoth suddenly it seemed that Gladyshev was the man he needs in Moscow. He will "guard" with his wife, keeping her company, while hippopotamus will do your business, not attempting upon her charms. If you take some friend Veronica, they start to seek adventure. Therefore, until his face Veronica was stretched out using astonishment, in the Hippo lightning matured in the head of such a cunning plan:
-Yes, Gladyshev, and what? A bad guy?
-No. You just don't know, - Zhora mysteriously smiled to himself. - No, he's really not as bad as it seems.
Veronica said nothing. She just curled her sponge, then she turned and went into the other room. From there she continued the conversation:
-I would like to go out to somebody else.
-Who, for example? - George followed her.
-Well, at least Fix or a Nail...
"Then, let's take and Rafter, he added.
She evil flashed at him and eyes: got to be kidding me! - Zhora broke off, changed the tone of the conversation.
-Okay, okay, they, too, go with us... but only later... In Moscow, I may need a machine. Now, Fix, Nail her пригонят then when we get there then we settle in. Well?
Not giving Veronica recover, he called and booked tickets: two HOLY and one compartment. Then suddenly remembered about Alla-was guiding them and thought "Oh, to hell with it!"
In the evening Behemoth called Гладышеву that will take him on месячишко-another one, and he immediately agreed: he had some trouble with his parents. Zhora had heard something about the fact that this moron perpetrated the house was on fire.
Friday night Nail took them to the train station Жорином "Merce".
-See more careful with the machine! warned him goodbye Hippo, giving the keys to the garage and apartment. - Escort is not necessary.
He knows that he will visit Moscow? - Veronica asked, when the Nail is gone and they were three on the platform.
-Знвает lied, Zhora.
-But I thought he nor sleep, nor spirit knows about this yet.
-You that, Gvozdeva't you know?! This is a real master of equanimity.
Veronica calmed down, apparently believing the Hippo, and began to examine standing around people waiting for trains.
Gladyshev stood a little aside, it was clear felt uncomfortable, just not hitting on my plate. The night was damp and cool, it was easy баллоневая jacket as if he hastily ran out of the house for half an hour, dressed easy, not by the weather.
To give Гладышеву that he should not from them отмораживаться, George said to him:
"Are you there, article оишь, as a poor relative?
-No. What? I am nothing, - said Dima, flustered.
-You, ' Feller', what it's dressed, not in season? or forgot that we are going? "asked George, протягива him the ticket.
Veronica intercepted ticket and looked in, asked:
"What we coupe go?
-No, in the AFTERNOON. This Gladyshev in the coupe will go.
Veronica looked at Jora:
-You that, money is a pity?
-No, I just think that they should ride the lower class.
-What, are you crazy?! What kind of staff?! He's our -- well, no friend, buddy!
-So what?! 'retorted Behemoth. - I have invited him to Moscow as an employee, and therefore, I think...
"What the employee?! "inquired Veronica.
George tried to turn the conversation into a joke, but Veronica started up. She gave him back his ticket and a commanding tone of voice announced:
-So, or else you will go in the coupe, and we Гладышшевым in the AFTERNOON, or go to sleep alone I.
I still tells ь you? "exclaimed George.
-Yes, imagine that! It's time to compile your upbringing!
"Hey, Veronica, right, do not worry! "Gladyshev. - I had a great ride and купе.я never went to the Suite, and I don't want...
-Never gone - then you go! - dismissed him Veronica. And, in General, Gladyshev, I fuss for you, but not covet you vstreval in the conversation! I know with her husband. If I said "no!", so I said "no!", - she turned to Жоре. - You understand?!
George realized that I found a rock spit. Moreover, he felt guilty for honeymoon which was not entirely successful. So he handed her two tickets in the army and threw Гладышеву:
-With things restrain himself.
Filed train. Passengers crowded to the doors of the cars.
George took the ticket in a compartment car and looked at the number of the car: "Thirteen!" he was surprised, because when he took the tickets didn't think that the coupe will have to go to him. He took his diplomatic and went with him to look for the thirteenth car, leaving Veronica and Gladysheva the suitcases on the platform.
Looking up at the entrance of the train car, Zhora saw a Alla. She smiled:
-Meeting! Nice to see you again! - she threw up her hands.
-Me too, " he replied sheepishly, knowing that hundreds of eyes now made them the centre of its attention.
"Now the new rumors around is guaranteed!" he thought. He did not want the simple people used it its name for круэкой beer and chewed as жевачку on every corner.
However, Alla like trying now in all, arranging принародное show:
-Hippo, how are you nothing? - it familiarly opened her arms and made a step closer to him, if he were going to throw himself on his neck, but he pulled her полутливым gesture, feeling in a stupid position.
-What are you, as a native, Alla, climb, climb cuddle? he had to take a humorous tone, taking her game, not to look like a moron.
-Didn't I give you all this time? Alla cheeky to him climb, and he приходидлось every time дурашливоотпихивать her. - Didn't I give you all this time?!
Passengers were standing round him as dead, fascinated by the sudden drama.
George glanced in the direction of Veronica and Gladysheva.
Gladyshev toting bags to the train, and she stood there with her arms folded and watching. "That's screwed!" "thought George.
Проаводница Alla took advantage of the fact that he was distracted, and covered her arms round his neck and hung on her and highly raising ago feet in shoes.
-Will you be tonight sleep with me, honey? quite loudly she asked.
-No, no, he couldn't figure out how to answer her what to say, how to behave, because once the ears dipped in shit. - I go in the thirteenth carriage, - what he said.
-Also, the food in the thirteenth carriage - rubbed her nose on his cheek Alla, my blue-OK!
Alla intercepted him an anxious glance and she realized where he looks:
-A-a! You are said to be married! Hear, hear! And there, perhaps your wife! she pointed out her arm, pointing in the direction of Veronica, and many pairs of eyes, that for them, they turned their attention there.
Veronika, демостративно spit, turned away and went after гладышевым to the carriage of ST.
-Well, well, well! - continued shamelessly shout Alla, still hanging on the one hand on Жориной neck. - Now we are proud! See you! Look at her! What is it you, Hippo, with his wife in the different cars you eat?! She won in the tenth, in the Suite, and you're with me, in the thirteenth! Or can't afford?! Or do not want to together?! Or you came to me, my iris?! Not forgotten, then, old friend?! Not change, it means that for a wife!
He dropped it with himself, shook like a pear. "Ославила bitch, thought George. - Would now Roger, this insolent, either muzzle, Yes witnesses too much.
-So, comrade solutions"! - choking back in anger, he turned to her. - Stop to misbehave in the workplace! It is your responsibility to check tickets and run into the carriage of passengers! Be kind to this and do not do unnecessary performance!
Oh, what a serious! - deliberately nasal voice said Alla. - Comrade Explorer! Perform his duties! And as I was pulling in a compartment on the way to Moscow and back, and even without a ticket - there was a comrade Explorer, there are already "Allochka, deary, berry, flower! ugh.
Alla spat at his feet, and completed its so great.
"Come on, let's hurry it up! - she shouted at the passengers, standing at the entrance to the car. "Well, come with tickets, Yes fast: all aboard!
Passengers fussing, steel grab bags and suitcases, look for tickets. Mourners also like awoke, took leave with them. One Zhora aloof stood in the midst of this оживившейся in time after shout Alla crowd and did not know what to do now: Veronica saw everything trip to Moscow was a spoiled, not having had time to even begin.
"Maybe to go to another day?" thought Zhora...
Whatever gets you? Come on in, "comrade passenger" already in a soothing tone turned to him Alla when he stood alone near the car.
-Why did you do it? asked her powerless frustrated voice Zhora. - Why?
The young woman took his ticket:
-Oh, really! Thirteen! Destiny! It's not me, it's destiny, how did! It measles, and I don't! I am a girl freestyle, language from me, in General, does, as pomelo works, only manage! Come on, come on in!
Closing her eyes, Zhora climbed the ladder in the vestibule of the car, just the ladder scaffold. In his head, something unimaginable happened: all went wrong, if someone wanted to make her a mixer and knead it his own brains, adding a good portion of shit.
He went to his compartment. With the bottom shelf stared at him three pair of watchful eyes.
"They saw everything! he thought. - What a horror! How much will now rumors! Ославила, ославила, bitch!"
His place was top: he had ordered the ticket Гладышеву, that didn't bother him.
George, what буркнув "Good evening!", immediately climbed up on the top shelf, threw his head shelves diplomat, lay down and there calmed down, lay low like a mouse. Perhaps, the first time for a long long time, he didn't want to hear it and to see him, and he wouldn't make a sound, that it was impossible to stop, sounds of life of his body. Long ago he had not experienced such humiliation.
So, lying prone on the незастеленном mattress, and then he slept, being in complete and derogatory embarrassment.
However, Alla never thought ооставлять him alone.
He woke up in pain. Someone squeezed his left ankle sides with two fingers, nails which, long and sharp, deep and painful dug into his flesh.
George raised his head. The compartment was dark, but ддверь in-lit corridor was opened, and there stood Alla.
"What else? he hissed спросоня, wanted to use curse words and even give her a kick in the ass, for which he was not too lazy to even get off the shelves.
"Comrade passenger"we неззастелененых beds prohibited to sleep! - said Alla, buy lingerie, застилайте and then sleep!
Cursing himself, George reached into his pocket, but Alla stopped his hand:
-Okay, слазь! 'mon, I'll tea treat.
Her voice was friendly, welcoming and even inviting, and George didn't wait, when it will be hysterical notes, and she threw him in the night another scandal. He was not long in coming, and outraged groaning down.
They were in her compartment.
Zhora had a presentiment that tea is just a pretext, and because I was not surprised when, barely closed the door, she began to undress.
-Could not buy a ticket, is what she said.
-I don't know that you're going to go, " he replied soothingly.
They both undressed and sat on the bottom shelf of a little five minute walk from each other. In the compartment through the crack between the door and the floor got the cool air, and George felt that зябнет and covered with goose bumps, large crawl.
I really would not hurt anything to drink, " he told her, dropping my eyes on his hands, bristling armour bumps.
-That cold?" - surprised Alla.
-Do you want me you tea treat you?
-Yeah. Without sugar and welding, " he agreed. - Do you have?
Alla knew it for tea.
-There are, and how! The road is a necessary thing, she stood up from the shelf, opened the door, went, as was, naked, into the corridor, came to the emergency coupe.
George looked out into the corridor. It was empty. But here at the far end, appeared grandmother, coming apparently from the toilet. Hardly feet, grab bars and staggering from pitching the car, she went down the hall.
In this time of standby coupe jumped in the buff, a conductor with a bottle of vodka.
Seeing her grandmother withdrew and stood still, almost открещиваясь, exactly in front of her was himself the Antichrist. Alla, too, saw her and said:
-Cho stared, Granny? Al't you see that I ябуся!
"Foldable happened" - George grinned.
Chapter 4. (0221).
In Moscow the train arrived without delay, at ten in the morning. Alla woke him up in advance and went through the car, and calling loudly after the usual:
-So, the citizens! Rise, rise! Moscow! Go!..
This time she was dressed.
Zhora still for a minute or two sweet потягивался under the bed sheet and blanket. He would even take a NAP.
Although the night was sleepless, he was pleased and experienced great pleasure.
From the corridor of the car voices:
A daughter of tea?"
-What I am to you, daughter? - resented in response Alla somewhere very close. - What you tea?! Moscow already! Moscow!
Alla went to the coupe and asked him:
-Why you lie? Get up, get dressed, now Kofu you will drink.
Zhora stuck his legs out from under the warm blankets and put them back. Under the blanket, it seemed to him even cosier and warmer than before. The air in the car was in the morning is fresh, cool.
"Listen, there's no frost, by chance? - familiarly he asked Alla.
-Now look, she said, and clave to slightly запотевшему window nose.- Yeah, sort of. Hmm, four days ago I was travelling - it was warm. Okay, enough of my teeth talk! Come on up, come on! Come now.
"That woman?" he wondered again in a row and reluctantly climbed from under the blanket, looking around in search of his underwear. Ежась from autumn coolness, he started to dress.
Alla leant out into the corridor
-So! Citizens of passengers! Moscow! Moscow! Quickly rent lingerie! Take tickets who need!
In the coupe had someone's kinda person. Alla enforced by the curious on to the corridor:
"Come in, that has risen? Guy naked't seen that?
Kinda the face disappeared, and Alla continued to groan:
-We rent linen, linen rent! Citizens of passengers, hand over the underwear! - shouted she chanted, and in its Russian pronunciation закрадывалась melodiousness of the Ukrainian language (even Alla was from somewhere in the Kursk region, but has long lived in Ukraine).
"Now I, too, кацапка vociferous!" thought George, pulling socks.
When he donned the suit, the process of linen is already over, and Alla poured two glasses of titanium hot water for coffee.
-Wash? she asked over her shoulder.
-You can, " he replied, and stepped out into the corridor.
At the far end of the toilet crowded turn with towels, soap holders, razors, combs, tubes, toothbrushes.
Alla set it on the table glasses of boiling water in the metal Cup holders, threw them in one spoon of instant coffee and a few pieces of sugar.
"Come, I will toilet open, " she said to him.
She opened the toilet near the duty coupe, блистевший dazzling purity, and even with the hot water in the tap.
"Hey, there, too, right? asked George about toilet in the opposite end of the corridor.
Alla скептичеси explicitly grimaced:
-What then? Okay, you're here умывайся, I'm going to close, pushing all sorts.
From the corridor came the sound and from behind the door came the voice of Alla: "This toilet is not working! So what that you passengers? And I don't want to! Because I do not want to! Yes complain! Anyone you want! But I am your faces to remember! And then see what happens! Aha!"
Zhora slowly washed under this abuse, brushed his teeth, then lowered his pants and wash your swollen and посиневший member.
When he came out, Alla still усмиряла passengers, something shouting, swearing and waving in front of their faces empty bottle from them drunk the night of vodka. Passengers retreat under the onslaught.
He called her. She turned around, went quickly, and the key of the closed toilet:
-All финит a La комедьон! Расходись!
Passengers aside: the battle for second toilet ended with a victory of the conductor.
When they were alone, he sipping her strong coffee, said to her as a compliment:
-If ever I suddenly someone ask me to show him a real live Bolshevik, I tell him: "Bolshevik show (but I большевичку me to show you there!" You исчезай didn't die, okay?
"All right, " laughed Alla and sat on his lap. "You're not angry at me for yesterday?
He paused for a moment, and then said:
-If and angry, not as bad as yesterday!
When George came out on the platform of the Kiev station, where fussed passengers, greeters and носльщики suddenly felt happy. From yesterday's upset did not remain also a trace.
Veronica and Gladyshev stood on the platform with suitcases and waiting for him.
Zhora caught porter, beating his triple the price of some old ladies, and together with the trophy went to him.
Veronica демностративно turned away. Гладышел muttered, "Good morning."
Zhora was in an excellent mood. Metropolitan air intoxicated his premonition of luck, and he decided that nobody will mess up today it a good mood. He silently pointed to a porter on the suitcases, and when he put them on the truck, went measured and walked beside him.
Porter all accelerated, and George sought to keep up with him, so soon he had to flee. From the side it should have been funny, and his good mood somewhere in the air.
Veronica and Gladyshev caught up with him already at the taxi stop, where stood a huge queue.
Taxis drove rarely, and the queue was moving slowly.
Next there was a multitude of "empty", taxis available, but rarely up to them, because their owners ломли triple price against the established government of the tariff.
Zhora was not going to lose precious time, invitingly waved his hand, and, a moment later, one of the eternally empty "wheelbarrows" taxied out and reached his suitcases.
Agreed on the price, Zhora villages ahead, speaking to the taxi driver : "at The hotel!", turned around and took a couple, Veronica and Gladysheva, усевшихся in the back seat.
-And you are nice to look together, " he remarked, not jokingly, not ironically referring to Veronica.
-Thank you, quietly, cracking voice said Veronica. "You, too yesterday looked good with that thing around his neck.
"But, but! Why оскоорбления? "exclaimed George.
-Yes to the fact that at least now, when you have a wife, could settle down. Sufficient for our honeymoon, and you acted like last паскудник!
-Well, again, insults!
-You'd better tell me who it is?!
-Who?! - pretended not to understand, George.
-Last night thy neck, hang? - angrily said Veronica.
-Ah, this! The conductor. Alla name. My former Friend...
-The former? The former! What is she thy neck, rushed, as a native?
She greetings. She all on the neck is thrown.
-To whom is it all?
-Yes to all!
"Are you meet her yet? - offended her sponge young wife.
-No, of course not! As you can! Yes she's my first time in six months saw. Because, probably, and обрадывалась!
-Yes, so happy that me in your presence began to insult it, and you quietly listened to.
-Not easy, why, I just know that she greetings!
"Does that mean you can insult me! Never! And you'll listen to it!
-Well, why not...
-All, I don't want to talk to you, " Veronica turned toward the window.
Zhora digress from нприятной conversation, all the overwrought turned to the driver and asked:
"Chief, you're us, strictly speaking, are you taking?
-How much? In hotel.
-But in what? Something we long drive!
"You didn't say which.
-Yes, and you and glad to spin the wheel! Not a penny will get on top of what the agreed understood! And now we can at least until tomorrow to carry!
-But for such money can be up tomorrow! apologetically answered drove.
-Well, well! What would you advise? also softened Zhora.
-In Central - not immediately advise you to stop.
"Why not?"
-There are many people and expensive!
-A lot of people in good and expensive hotel is nice!
-Well, then go to "Russia" or "Metropol", - agreed the driver.
-And on the edge of a good hotel? - Zhora thought Veronica with Гладышевым will be better accommodated in a remote area, but good hotel, and he himself sit somewhere in the middle it will be safer for her.
"Yes, " nodded the taxi driver. - I can offer "Cosmos". There luxurious hotel, quietly, calmly. Room - upper class, restaurants, bars, casino. To the airport "Sheremetyevo" location, and to the city ring road MKAD near...
"Very well, " broke in George, " go ahead and get it!
In the hotel he scored two single rooms, presenting himself as the brother of the bride who decided to spend his honeymoon with the groom in Moscow.
Things Veronica and Gladysheva taken to the rooms. Their Zhora left in a taxi, saying the wife that the circumstances of the case will live separately for security purposes.
Then they all went down to the restaurant for lunch after the road.
-All up to his room, take a shower after the road, change your clothes, go somewhere. I do not wait. Perhaps in the evening come - Zhora, rising due to the dining room table, trying to kiss her before leaving a wife, but Veronica without saying goodbye, defiantly stood up, turned and quickly walked to the Elevator.
After a while, Gladyshev followed her, буркнув "soon!", but Hippo brought him back, caught the hand and shoved two stacks of money:
-The thinner you, and this is conveyed to my wife. Don't mix them up! However, I know that you are an honest fellow, 't fail. Because of this, and take you with me! For Veronica look out, nobody close to it, do not let the act correctly... Well, everything, " he clapped him on the shoulder and first turned to leave.
Sitting in a taxi, George said to the driver:
"Now let us in "Metropol"hotel!
-Well you live, boss, " involuntarily taxi driver.
-None of your business! "said George. - Spin the wheel, I'll pay money for it.
In the evening all on the same machine Zhora again drove to the "Space".
My upstairs? "he inquired of администраторши.
-What is yours? in turn, she asked him with a challenge in her voice. - Here are all equal, "your-our" no.
-Young, which I day settled.
-A young! Now, let's see... Yeah...
Jora gave her tea and asked to order the room to the "bride" from the restaurant champagne, pineapples and "something light".
Having received a generous tip администраторша smiled and changed in the person. Now it Zhora read: "I am your forever!"
He very much wanted to reconcile with Veronica, make her forget all the old resentment. He thought promise solemnly, starting tonight, to lead a new life, which would be arranged it in all matters.
Rising up on her floor, he gently knocked on the number of Veronica.
She opened not immediately and showed that he felt when no joy.
"You can be? he asked, through the power of the smile.
-Very surprising that you all came, " she said, still посторонившись doors and thereby allowing the log.
-Why? he asked, entering the room.
-Because I generally forgot when you I paid attention at such a time since we got married.
-Yes, Yes, " he agreed, shaking his head. - But I promise to reform.
-Straighten up? I already it seems to be heard, and waved my hand Veronica and went in.
He shook off the shoes and followed.
-What did you hear?
-Your promises.
He walked up behind her and put his arm around his shoulders and put his palms.
Her shoulders were fragile and delicate. Under his fingers felt fine collarbone, which was flowing smooth, elastic skin of a young woman. He lowered his palms below diving under the dress, elastic, bloodshot, slightly rounded Breasts, which seemed to be oozing life, filled it with excess as ripe clusters of grapes. His fingers fumbled nipples, which from his touch began to swell oneself, like rosebuds, and the Breasts became firm and sharp, ready to touch the lips of the man or the baby.
Veronica, you're charming! he said an enthusiastic whispered, and kissed her neck.
-Thank you for this.
She stood there and waited.
Oh how much he would give anything to be in this moment passionate seducer, but the previous night burned out all his passion, and now he was devastated. Besides seducer driven by curiosity, which, art, many, many women, not long ago was. Rather, there it was, but it was направленым on the search for something new, and he suddenly afraid that Veronica so quickly tired of him.
...Two months ago he has experienced quite different feelings. It was not for him, and how many times it for different reasons and in different conditions, offered her proximity, this proposal whenever rejected, sometimes easy, sometimes unexpectedly strongly and firmly.
He flattered that she deceive ourselves nor his position or his condition, which with appetite hungry sharks watched a lot of his friends are women. He lost his head because he did not know how to gain power over it.
Until he heard rumors that Veronika meets a cadet or cadets, but he would not even admit the thought that someone could seduce her, if it failed to do him потратившему on this set of capabilities. Moreover, it was not under силукакому there student or students, who mostly do not have the money to just look into the restaurant, and, leaving the city, they ошивались and cheap beer, pub and eatery, where was present worthy of their level audience.
Once he did dare to ask her: does she have a boyfriend. Veronica replied evasively that there was, but not anymore. Then he asked bluntly, is there among her friends cadets
The conversation took place during one of their joint visit to the restaurant. He liked to take her out, although it didn't promise him anything that he wanted.
Veronica then looked at him strangely, apparently, trying to guess what he Жоре, know, and then agreed that familiar cadet she has, but it's a business acquaintance. Zhora objected which cases may have had with these вояками-оборванцами, but Veronica replied that there are things in which the financial situation does not play any role.
Later, shortly before the wedding Veronica led on his birthday a oborvantsa in which Zhora instinct felt "курсача". This riled him, but he gave no sign, and decided that finds relations later, when they go to his apartment to watch a holographic video. However, "курсач" slipped away together with Veronica directly from the restaurant, and a week later he again saw her state of Veronica's not allowed to know anything: she lost her grandmother, and she was not healthy.
He didn cadet not seen... until the wedding, where he had the audacity to appear. Zhora then decided not to spoil the celebration, but he didn cadet not seen.
Zhora somehow to the bone hated the military. The notion it was the people of the third grade.
In the army, and he had to serve in the paratroopers brigade, together with поббоями "grandfathers", as an infant with his mother's milk, and absorbed the hatred. He hated all military, but spetsnaz all-тааки raised above ground of rats, which, in his opinion, to fight do not know and разлложились fully from the drill, showmanship and idleness.
In the city stood artillery school, and because he was shaking with hatred to tremble at the sight of молокососов in military uniform.
As a teenager, he wanted to beat each of them. And sometimes he participated in a skirmish, when "grasshoppers" too запруживали discos and starting the availability of the swing right there.
Only one day, fate has made a cadet. He was five minutes to graduate. Жоре then it took a man from the outside, not from the city. And cadet to do this came in the best way possible. Later, a stranger he was going to remove.
Fix, then brought him Охромова that was owed him a large sum of money - card debt. For the work of the debt promised простить.и even pay a little more. And Охромов agreed.
I remember Жоре then immediately didn't like the idea because I thought that cadet can hardly do anything sensible, but he agreed - time is running out. And George was not mistaken. When people Fixes brought Охромова and paper, which he took for the Hippo from the archive, then it turned out that they simply decided to cheat.
Охромову was destined to become a suicide bomber, but furious Hippo ordered to punish him for last. However, as it turned out, Охромов sucked into this affair of his companion, which had to be released with the world and even pay him a cautious Hippo feared lest the stranger is not left somewhere all, that can later bring him: Охромова pre-checked and found that it no one really search will not.
However, Охромов then, too, slipped away completely incomprehensible way, probably guessed уготовленной him "retribution". Behemoth couldn't find it. Охромова looking for in school, came to the military Prosecutor of Kyiv, but did not find any.
In the end, "dust-free work", then charged Охромову, Жоре had to do myself. He personally went down in the secret archive committed his people, deciding now is that since it is so, then we need to take everything that was there, instead of the little bit that allowed him to take the Beast.
Two nights in a row they took the paper and loaded them into a specially prepared for this container.
The case was complicated by the fact that the old man, who guarded the archive, окзал resistance and killed two of his guys. Infuriated by this Zhora the old man chained to the front door chains and tortured until he gave up the Ghost.
After George waited for a month then. Nobody bothered about the incident. The beast disappeared again, and George was hoping for a long time, if not forever. He soon realized that the loot belongs to him now, and spending, selling a part of this, played a wedding with Veronica and used the easy money for its full enjoyment.
Chapter 5. 3.
Avenue was completely empty. They stood here already broken half an hour, and by not passed a single machine that Moscow was unthinkable.
Suddenly вдалекпе seemed burning lights, and soon it soon became apparent that this trolleybus.
"What do we do? asked Gladyshev.
-And where it goes? - Veronica asked, поежившись from autumn coolness.
-How should I know. Where-нгибудь get there.
Trolleybus was approaching. They hurried to the bus stop, but he apparently is not going to turn upon her to move with all speed to the second page. In the corner of the window Gladyshev saw the sign "The depot".
He waved his hand, but the driver shook his head and motioned ahead. Then Gladyshev rushed him to intercept.
Водительнажал on the brakes, but when I noticed that Gladyshev left side, again, added gas.
Using the fact that the trolleybus quite strongly slowed down, Gladyshev ran next door and when he overtook him, and took two big jump and, seizing the dangling ropes hung on them.
Стрельнув blue тскрой, arc away from the wires. Motor stopped howling and trolley bus stopped, take another few meters. Gladyshev at first ran away, and then almost running, stumbling, behind him, hanging on the reins.
When the trolley bus stopped, Gladyshev let go of the reins, rising to his feet. Arc soared up, one gets on pin wire, and the other flew straight up, swaying from side to side.
From the cab, jumped out mad and scared driver with white as chalk face:
"What do you want, do nothing?
-I you asked to stop. You would not. Had to.
-I'll show you himself! You're my запомнищшь as the trolleybuses rush!
In the hands of the drivers there gleamed вороненный Prut mount. Gladyshev stepped back:
'Well, uncle, calm down! - close Veronica. - Well, can подвезешь?!
Except to the nearest patrol cars or police station, " he said, clapping his helpless hands. - And your friend will свидетем how you trolleybuses бросаешься.
-Chief! "Gladyshev. "You see her friend all продрогла. I also because it stopped you. Though believe, though Nghe believe, half an hour stand, no cars are not passed. You first.
- Well, and what now? Can't you see: the depot? That, don't know how to read?
-But, пожаллуйста, chief, run!
-What do I taxi?
-So what to do? After all, no one machine?
Veronica walked closer. Noticing that it really'm cold, driver relented:
"Okay, where are you?
-Yes we go there, where more fun! In the restaurant some...
"Well, really!
-And what?
-Yes it did not wheelbarrow, and trolleybuses. He, by wire drives, but not where they want!
-Well, Yes, we'll take a closer look and we ourselves over there on foot reach.
-You bottle, climbed back into the cab driver.
-I think he'll kill you now, " said Veronica. - I never thought that you could to do it!
They traveled to Moscow in an empty and cold bus, скакавшем from line to line, with arrows on the arrow until finally braked at a crossroads.
-Now it is a little walk, turn to the right, there'll see in the cellar restaurant.
Gladyshev gave водиле money, and they went in this direction and soon found themselves in front of the entrance in the basement under the neon "restaurant - Bar".
In the locker room, they left their outer clothing and Gladyshev задержвался of mirrors, shook off the soiled pants and settling his hair. Veronica went to the ladies room.
To the right was a glass door in the restaurant. To the left is the entrance to the bar.
-First in the restaurant, and then to the bar-see " Veronica.
Hall of the restaurant was small and intimate. People were almost no видн, many people cannot afford were local rates.
Veronica and Gladyshev stopped in the doorway of the restaurant in расстеранности, curiously looking around the room.
Small tidy tables, covered with red-white, embroidered tablecloths. In the centre on each low reading lamp under the pink-and-yellow silk cap-shade. Four wooden chairs with carved backs.
To the appeared a waiter came up incredibly widely smiling. It was felt that clients do not indulge this institution.
Расспыаясь in любезностях, waiter escorted them to the liked Вероникпе table, courtesy pushed chairs, first with her and then him, and like a magician, extracts from nowhere menu imprinted , with a Golden border on the edge of a sheet of paper.
When he went away, leaving them for the study of dishes and snacks, Veronica sighed as she looked around, then with a smile said:
"I like it here.
Her face glowed with pleasure.
"Yes, " said Dima, rarely you can get into such a pleasant place. Only now, how much it would cost pleasure.
-Do not spoil it I mood slightly bent down over him Veronica. - I want to relax and unwind, and not to count money. They far I have!
-Well, I won't - but it continued to be a concern that everything here is very expensive, so it has nothing to мтог relax, to feel completely comfortable and well.
-What do you ерзаешь, as the needles? "resumed Veronica. - You, with your views you're sampling I ve mood! Last time, I say unto thee away from his thoughts about money. I know that they are crawling with you in it, as the worms! Look better here as cute as good here! Can't you enjoy it?
"I can't, " he admitted honestly.
-Because it's not mine. It's like a beautiful, bright trap for such moths like you.
-Damn you, fool! "said Veronica. - Man, I almost spoiled the mood! Why have we come here? You now гундел himself? You wanted to go and sit in a cozy restaurant! To have you done one?
One would I here goes - Глладышев потупил opinion.
"And where would you go?
-Why do you say then to me, that want to go to a restaurant?
"I warned you that the only dream about it.
-Well, now, now your dream come true! Why you spoil the blood themselves and others?
To their table the waiter came up, with all her views of expressing willingness to serve our new customers. In his hand was a silver tray and a large white cloth.
-May I take your order? he asked, after a pause.
-In, a knight, order deme dinner - gave Veronica menu across the little table, Гладышеву.
He stared into it, and from the hard work of the brain, зациклившейся and deadlocked on his forehead was sweating. He read назвния dishes, but couldn't figure out what it is. Words are not аасоциировались with images of how he strained his memory.
Pause embarrassing was delayed, and because Veronica took from him menu:
-First, two winter lettuce, картофелль fries, бефстроганоф, pickles, red dry bottle and a Cup of good, fresh beer.
The waiter wrote down the order and left.
Veronique back into Гладышеву, blew out the lamp and hissed:
-Gladyshev, if you don't перестанешьтормозить and spoil my mood, I don't know what you'll do. Do you understand me?
"I know, " he agreed.
-Well, now smile!
He smiled. Veronica newly lit lamp:
"There! You can even wider! Well done, " she chuckled. - Now I'll almost love! If you're going to be smart.
When the morning they last left the restaurant he was so drunk that barely stood on their feet. Staggering and support Wai each other they strolled along the street, confessing to each other in the most absurd things. If Gladyshev was sober, you would have noticed that Veronika all the time called him Dima. And if she knew that happens, you probably remember that Gladyshev can be chivalrous gentleman, especially when asks her to handle, to help her climb after falling again.
The next дернь they found themselves quite dirty, broken, with empty pockets. As they got to the hotel could not remember neither he nor she.
Veronica was upset, she took to Moscow the small closet, and now ruined most of my favorite things, and now she had nothing to even pay for the dry cleaning.
The Gladysheva head раскалывалась half a day so that he couldn't talk.
-Wow, we had fun yesterday!- and then, and she was Veronica.
"Yes, " agreed Dima - mix beer, vodka, wine and champagne is very dangerous.
-I even do not go down to the restaurant to have lunch! And money penny!
-You can just go cadoo anything for a walk! "replied Gladyshev.
-I have no money for a walk I can't. It is very boring. For me it's worse than sitting in a room.
"Okay, " Gladyshev. - We'll sit in the hotel, and then.
-What then? Come Hippo and give us money, Yes? - snapped Veronica.
-Yes! You said yesterday: "Don't think about the money!", I don't think. And as soon as I stopped to think about them, they strangely disappeared. And now I happen to think where to get them! I am in Moscow at the whim of Hippo, so he provides me livelihood. Now I had a really good time and the house if your husband is not decided what to drag me to Moscow.
-I told you how many times I will speak to you never called Behemoth my husband? Do you last Chinese warning!
Why China?
-What then?
"Then? Then you'll see! But only that you don't like it, I promise!
Come lunch time, and Veronika still пришолось discreet to wear my dress, which she took just so, just in case, firmly to himself, knowing that wear it she will not have. However, the dress was useful. It was warm, wool, cozy, but already out of fashion, angular and discreet, so put it on Veronica experienced mixed feelings: on the one hand, she was good in it, but she felt psychological discomfort from немодного, clumsy, angular and low-key.
She пожаловадась on this Гладышеву, but Dima only shrugged. He was quite sober and did not remember the gallantry, which yesterday the knob and pulled her out of the mud, as well ka and that she had called him Dima.
Dine in the restaurant they went down.
His costume was too heavily soiled, but he, as he could, brushed it with a brush, and now the case is examined himself and caught every sideways glance in his direction. It seemed to him that everyone can see what untidy and затрапезном as is his clothes.
-Yes, - Veronica too caught him an anxious glance and, apparently, have interpreted it correctly, now we had to work hard before we can go out and see anybody.
-Let me постираю your things, offered her Dima without any enthusiasm, in fact, wash him didn't want
-Well, no, Dudka! "Veronica. - There is needed everywhere dry clean only, and you're their own hands only испаскудишь. They even watering once again impossible. And I have them in the dirt.
The hotel restaurant is not обладалтем comfort, which they ннаслаждались last night. Carried despite the pale pink curtains on huge, too light boxes, he was emasculated, gave казенщиной, and, if not deep armchairs at low polished table and nothing would differ from the dining room or cafe.
They ate well, Hippo guessed pay their table for the month ahead - again stood in the room.
-How boring, " said Veronica. - Wish he came."
-Better to say, wish we had the money.
-Not here, but I corrected it, Veronica, and, in General, you yourself, Gladyshev, too familiarly lead. If I let you something, it does not mean that I'm letting you all. And so I forbid you to afflict on any subject. Do not forget, please. Hippo pay you a salary. He gives it to me as much as he thinks fit as I think fit. And you your money should work it out, understand?
What way?
"You can't make a face, Gladyshev. You have to work off the money to fulfill my whims and desires, firstly, and secondly, not to stick their nose in their Affairs. Now get outta here.
She run him out of his room, and he went upstairs to the ninth floor.
Going into the room, he sat down on the couch and stretched his legs, scattered hands, now trying to figure out how to dispose of the received so unexpectedly freedom. Having made up nothing, he rolled over on his side, подкатившись to the edge of the sofa, pulled out from under him diplomat, opened it and began to examine its contents, amused by the fright as he is preparing to leave Moscow, which was prepared themselves for the journey. Among other unnecessary things in the diplomat lay boiler packet of tea and Bank with lump sugar, half-dry sausages, вспотевшая in a sack, which began to dry out a quarter of a loaf of bread.
He wanted to throw it all at once, but he was sorry he did not dare, and another long lay so near the edge of the couch, turning useless things and products.
"You must go to Moscow, just preparing to underground activity, with здевкой thought to himself, Dima, and then said aloud, to make it seem more frustrating. - How dare you!" "And anyway, what a moron. he thought to himself. "You fool, which is small. If it had not been болвном, he would not allow dispose of them, as a pawn, gave the driver to take me to Moscow. Yeah who you touch it? Nobody said that you had to go? What is called Behemoth? Little did what he said. And if he wanted you to leaped off the cliff or jumped into the fire? Would you do this?! Idiot, no, you натосящий moron. Well, you would say this Behemoth that can't go or just took and got down to the station. But no, you came like obedient sheep, as dumb sheep that dutifully goes to the slaughter, did not dare to contradict the owner!"
He took the diplomat all things. At the bottom lay a folder with his unfinished manuscript, on which he was going to work in Moscow, now he could only laugh at the stupid plans, which he built himself in the near future, надедясь that in Moscow he will have as much free time as the house.
Dima took a folder in his hands. From it darted out something white, spinning a little, like a falling leaf and went down on the floor, having flown under the sofa.
Dima reached for the white petal fingers caught it and held it up to the eyes. It was a visiting card of the publishing house.
How could he forget?! Also at the Moscow such an important thing, which, perhaps, will transform all of his fate.
Димак rapidly jumped up and exited leaped across the room. Then he ran, grabbed a handful of clothes, a mirror and hurriedly began to dress.
"As well, that I'm with her in the nick of time quarrelled, happily he thought to himself. - No, of course I would not, perhaps subconsciously, that we quarreled. But it can be very useful. I need now freedom!"
He принарядился as on date, again brushed his clothes, the most dirty place even wasted, rubbing the wet brush, and, not waiting until clothing высожнет, нвакинул on top of his балоневую jacket and ran out of the room, rapidly помчавшись to the Elevator.
, His face was inspired hope.
Chapter 6. (01) (3 or 5).
Every man given a tool, which, according to the Scripture, to use as you can воздержаннее and less. And every woman is given something to which this tool is intended and also, if we turn again to the Scripture, in the singular.
However, often, men and women do not know the Scripture, or try not to remember in the required time, allowing myself for the weakness and revealing the inability to resist sin, напирающему sweet lust, and while the tool and what he предназнгачается, are given only for procreation and pleasure felt in the process of their connection, is the only application designed to stimulate this God-honoring process, often all стаивться upside down. The desire to experience pleasure, and evading their responsibilities of parents, out of most people's first and only place, thereby giving rise to many evils. Children increasingly appear as random, Yes and undesirable consequence.
Man has forgotten to create the biggest miracle to give life to another person, exchanging it on Mercantile interest to the fact that considers the Creator, should not hold his attention and be the object of his lust, rolling in passion.
And there is one who is interested in this self-abasement men, blinded by carnal lust, passion and разнузданностью that prevent the emergence of children requiring some to what restraint and, if not decency, the orderliness of their relationship. Probably поэтомуве lecherous ladies hate children: strangers, but especially his own. They openly interfere till the old age.
Behemoth was tormented. Lying near the cold, бесстрастрной wife, he knew not what to do, couldn't sleep, for I don't want to sleep, and was, moreover, сильнго excited as events of the past day and a recent, only that occurred quarrel with Veronica, who now, as it seemed to him, slept with his face to the wall. In addition, no matter what, he wanted to women, but for how long he could not achieve vicinity of Veronica, which after the wedding and honeymoon, проведнного on the black sea coast, there was a dramatic change: it's cooled off of him so quickly and сосвсем unexpectedly. He was not understand the reason of such discord between them, and because he threatened him with their uncertainty.
On the one hand, Veronica, as argued by George, could really скурвиться and while he was distracted Affairs, went to the side somewhere and found there the satisfaction of his passion.
But he very much wanted to believe that by believing so, he completely заюлуждается.
And yet, hardly this thought took possession of his mind, his whole being was filled with the клокочущим rabies, растляющим it from the inside, like molten lead, and then he felt he could not breathe.
On the other hand, female psychology, without any logic, it is quite allowed such unexpected turns of unbridled desire to complete seclusion, successive like clear and overcast weather. Besides, Veronica could get pregnant, although they have taken all precautions, which had only been possible and appropriate, to prevent this from happening: he or she is not eager to get children. However, Hippo knew that забеременвшая woman loses all interest towards the man, and rarely with which this happens. Хапрактер own wife remained for him is still a complete mystery that was quite natural, because as people have lived together for much longer, so little ahead deep into the knowledge of each other.
And yet, despite the resentment, which stuck нарывающей the thorn in his soul, he wanted with Veronica was the second, and hoped not mistaken.
However, could be not that and not another. It is possible that the reason was not in it, and in it. Maybe entangled with his risky сулящим return his lost condition, without which Hippo become a nobody, he became less attentive and affectionate with her.
Realizing this, the Behemoth like a hurried time, although it has been even slower, and my mind was whirling in the unknown future, where, as he wanted to believe, it will be possible very soon cut out half-month respite, deviate from their Affairs and concerns and will devote our whole being only wife.
"And suddenly it and then appears passion? - scared he, quite unexpectedly for itself. Maybe she doesn't have to. Maybe she накступила frigidity? Maybe something happened to her temperament? Or she is actually pregnant? Then why keep silent?"
He turned to Veronica, lying back on him, clung to her body, with lust and admiration before a sharp, переливющимися small in more rounded forms of its magnificent shapes, поласкал palm of her smooth as silk, pleasant to the touch, elastic, fragrant skin.
"Asleep or not? he thought. - May be, pretends to be? In fact, lies, hiding and waiting for me, finally, I will guess caress her?"
He raised himself on his elbow, looked her in the face and started to kiss her already with all the tenderness and passion with trepidation felt in the neck, but Veronica aside and muttered a dream, took her hand moved to his thin, fragile плечиком, giving, apparently, understand that he left behind.
"Asleep", - decided to Hippo, going down on the pillow, and at the same moment felt resentment fills it all, without a trace.
It was small, but unpleasant fiasco, moreover as this lasted for a week. For the Hippo, accustomed to a very easy victories over жернщинами, it was doubly painful. For him it was нгастоящий stroke, which is still only promised to collapse on his mind fully, but has already made itself felt.
"Bitch!" - swore to спебя Behemoth.
He wanted to straight jump up, turn on the light in the room, pulled her blanket, Wake up and make her arrange a wild scandal until the morning. He knew that not only can, but to do it, but somehow hesitated, suddenly feeling within himself unusual shyness, несмелость and struggle.
"Creature! Bitch!" he continued to swear and was surprised to understand that only on this now and capable.
For some reason he suddenly recalled the time when he discovered the existence of the forbidden fruit, hitherto unknown. Then he was barely fourteen years old, and he, at that time the thin, clumsy and shy teenager, very often suffering from, was lying at home with either cold alone. Her mother was at work.
He had been fooled around with images of naked women, he liked раздкеваться under a blanket feel naked body of his touch. His body блаженствовало, taking off the shackles of service, seeming already commonplace and necessary. When George must have known that for a long time is left alone at home, he undressed and walked naked into the rooms. He liked in this form sit nga di van, watch TV and even teach the lessons.
The mother came at the same time, and her coming he dressed and does not issued for his tastes, and inclinations. He could not understand why quite often his penis itself rises, tenses, is elastic, like finger, and for a long time remains in this position. But once, in the same time when George was sick, he solved this riddle.
Lying in bed сперевязанным throat, he, nevertheless, out of habit undressed and lay a long time in this form, thinking about something abstract, fingering a hand over my Horny tip and considering naked women on the cards. Suddenly his thoughts прпервались strange observation. He noticed that the touch of his hand is not a simple one of the pleasant how to touch your naked body, and very nice. He threw the blanket and began to удивлернием consider his dick. Touching his fingers, Zhora noticed that especially pleased to push back the skin back, and bring it back, and the sooner you do, the more pleasant. Soon it became so sweetly, that it was impossible to stop, though his mind, and it came out that he does something wrong, може6т be even worst, and inappropriate. However, the stronger became frightened and disgusted with myself, the непослушнее were made with own hand, and suddenly Zhora felt within himself, in the bottom of her stomach and all over the body some strange changes. It seemed to him that he was dying, but instead tip monster something whitish-pink. It разбрызгалось tiny droplets on the bed. Hand immediately weakened and fell, and the body, his body floated in the waves incomprehensible, for the first time tested sweet languor.
The case was for him a serious shock, from which it could not recover the rest of the day. Despite the fact that what happened was a terribly pleased, he realized that he made some irreparable crime, and, as often happened to him in his childhood, long убивался, rolling around on the floor and вытворяя over an even knows that, because you can't turn back time and live this day as something different, new, not committing this terrible violation. But towards evening, Zhora had calmed down, as everything was left alone, was tempted to do it again, hoping to experience the power of will and believing that nothing of the kind would happen.
However, it's repeated again, and he couldn't help it, though struggled to stay.
Then it happened бесчетное number of times. It seemed to him that he's crazy, but it caught up with him several times a day: and when he is three times from school to an empty apartment, and when the mother was at home (he just locked in a toilet or bathroom). It was his terrible secret and a great shame, fear of being exposed of which he became more shy and withdrawn.
Secret these satisfactions acquired over time, gloomy shades of seclusion and increasingly uncontrollable riot. At first he had some accounting, count how many times a day he did it, and if I managed to curb their instincts for a few days, then regarded and accepted it as the greatest victory. In such days Жорикстановился happier, more relaxed in emotions, and behavior, sociable with friends and acquaintances, he himself was eager longer stay on the people in the yard of the school, the whole world seemed to him the lighter, cleaner and happier. But then everything started first, and then his senses went deep into the world of sadness, and the gloomy domain of seclusion on an iron chain slave submission of lust took too much into himself, into the pit of sweetness and bitterness. And the nightmare of alternation insane attacks Masturbation and bitter remorse, each time following them, making the tear himself physically deliver pain, tearing hair, punish his body behind the weakness of the lust of the soul, repeated again and again.
When he returned from the conclusion of the father, it was too late for him to fix something. Yes, and what he could to help Жоре?
The first time after his возвращенияЖорик somehow internally transformed. He even thought that his soul grew light under a radiant male authority of his father, whom he always honored and respected, despite the long period that he "soldered", and forever be rid of that fear. That distant star, lost somewhere in the dark night of the past and timelessness daily of the present, which was called the father, suddenly surfaced quite close and dispersed the darkness of the night, in which plunged into the life of her son.
Day was the day, and the most important conversation that Zhora had hoped for some reason did not work. Despite the fact that the recognition of the father in such a terrible низочсти which cannot decorate man was cut off as he had hoped from him and think about this sticky contagion, he did not dare so close admitted it to my soul immediately. In their relations still felt some invisible distance to overcome it was not so easy. Zhora hoped that over time, the chill of alienation, сквозивший between father and son after long separation, will be held, and then he can tell him all, but ввместо he вдрунг was dismayed to discover that every day, on the contrary, in their relations, more and more cracks that they are formed in spite of his desire to get closer, and misunderstanding смежду them not decreased but increased.
A month later, George realized that his father would never be able to understand it correctly and help him, that he, in fact, a strange person, who could only laugh at his frankness, and article th day gap and alienation between them have become irreversible.
For Zhora again came the times of loneliness and hidden from the eyes of outsiders orgies alone. Only now the same fears he has added yet and fear of uncontrollability of this element settled inside it. He is afraid that it will fully control his thoughts, displacing all the rest of them, surrendered himself to his weak will and one day (Oh the horror!) cause it not to be considered more nor shame, nor with the framework of decency or morality and the opinion of others.
Several years later, when he was nearing the end of school, to him persistently stuck another fear: earn impotence. He had long since lost счетэтим indiscriminate attacks and heard that the man before the onset of sexual impotence released nature of a specific resource that depends on the health status of the so-called Constitution, but still varies something about ten thousand.
Жоре there was not a little scary. Having apprehended with the youthful immediacy seriously this information, he began to count how much remains to him, and it turned out that they have "worked out", spent already a third of this resource, and that for the rest of your life (Zhora, like any normal person, hoped and hoped was sure even that much time to live) only about seven thousand. It was horrible. Zhora despair understood that robs himself in joy, but could do nothing. The only thing he thought of himself as a consolation is the hope that heard them one day is not more than somebody fiction or наукообразной, unproven hypothesis.
Due to this now-closed, apparently, seclusion, Zhora to the army itself had no close friends. And the awareness that women are not interested in them, even stronger burden of his inferiority complex. So whenever подворачивался case meet some girl and he тушевался, became in her presence awkward movements and inarticulate, inconsistent in the conversation. Often, when a meeting was behind in his mind were the right words, and his movement had the usual freedom and unrestricted, but he had again to be alone with the representative of the better half of mankind, and all over again.
Whether it is necessary to have a strong mind to become clear, in what despair, and sometimes burning, unquenchable longing days passed, weeks, months Жориной life. His soul, crucified sin, пригвожденная to pillory, suffered, taking fruitless attempts of his release.
In life we had to change something, to break out of the vicious circle. He knew it, but did not know that...
George smiled to himself. Of course, now he knew what it meant to do and how to act. Now he knew the answers to many questions that then, in his early youth, seemed impossible. The problem, then that surrounded it by a concrete wall, now lay at his feet. But this mismatch and amused his entire helplessness its provisions. He was not able to help themselves. Knowledge and for their application were permanently separated impenetrable and insidiously-бестрастным enemy - time.
Now they had their problems too, and they're just as before completely different, surrounded its impregnable walls, and, perhaps, in ten years, remembering the days of today, he laughed over them and over them, because again nothing could help themselves.
George turned to another side, trying to drown out all growing passion, again surrendered memories about the history of its struggle with it.
In fact, no fighting and no. It was continuous defeat, which did not end. It was crazy, which he could not cope because of his sexual glands worked with enviable rhythm and with the same rhythm him напирало desire to be free from the seed, when he was released from painful thoughts that yesterday was engaged in маструбацией.
The decision of its problems, it would seem, could become some Horny little slut, about which so much talk going on in the male environment. But this фольклерно-epic image, a kind of masculine ideal, created captures the imagination кобелиной lust, was far different from what occurred in the life, in any case, in Жориной. He убивался on this occasion, suffered and chastised lucky stars that he had no luck with women.
In the life of George, it was not so, as in досужых male росказнях: women themselves at him, not rushed, as it was expected behaved quite reserved and modest. Is it overwhelmingly puzzled. He didn't understand then, and simply did not understand that in any matter, including in such achieving the required effort. Easier to constantly resenting women, insulting himself last words for what they are not interested in, as if in justification engage in Masturbation.
Strangely enough, but the deliverance comes from where it Zhora not waited he thundered into the army and came to the place where was dominated by harsh laws and were the most brutal and fierce dembelya - in spetsnaz.
The first time he did not remember himself.
Morning started with the unusually early morning. Опаздывавших drove нещадными kicks and blows into operation fierce sergeants of the " old boys", which do not have any law other than its own. Petty officer, ensign, hog kilogram of one hundred and fifty frantically turned the eyes. Those who tried to complain about the severity of the barracks orders or awards reinforced outfits in the most abominable place, or ringleaders in каптерку and beat himself hooting заслужившихся "grandfathers".
In five zero zero they have done the March with the full kit. After a whole day of classes, where they were taught only one thing - to kill. In the evening, as the outfit or, if it happened to stay in the barracks, the bluster, and humiliation by the "grandfathers".
In the first six months of army life Zhora completely forgot who he was. Memories of the old life failed somewhere in the unfathomable depths of his memory and no longer pop up out of there, leaving him alone with this hell, who became his life. While he was awake, he was under the watchful gaze of the "grandfathers", which did not give neither he nor any other single minute to breathe. When he slept, he slept like a dead man, without dreams. If he fell into the black nothingness, just touching the stiff cotton pillows, and returned it to life only in the morning kick from the Sergeant.
In the army Zhora even forgot that he was a man and began to think about it only when passed the first year of his service. But it was something else. During this year of the lanky, he turned into a tightly downed Hulk, discreetly covered pile of tissues. His thoughts became rougher, straighter and easier, and ever he вспоминалне otherwise, as with contempt, for that was unspeakably grateful to the harsh school of spetsnaz.
When passed half a year of service, Zhora already was a Sergeant himself with as much pleasure as drove хлюпиков recruits, brought up and beat the muzzle. Then he knew that at night, in the officer shook the store-room there are vodka and women, and that when they drink, they are rebellious and wicked not less than in the men's fables, and these fables now looked pale and dim the background of the fact, that worked at night babenka from a neighboring village and dembelya-grandparents from spetsnaz.
In his home town of George returned from the army completely different person and suddenly discovered that all women laying at his feet, - choose to taste what you want. However, they were already over, the women with whom he had to deal, and have not required a lengthy courtship, удовольствуясь principle of "one hundred grams, walk to the tram - and I'm yours forever, or at night." And everything was George nothing, if not met him Veronica.
She's cool met the first onset of the brave gentleman, and he became ill of her. This carcass that knew no one lewd Orgy couldn't do anything with the newly awaken the soul, demanding and wishing to love. She was so irrelevant to her that this inner disharmony spilled into the outer world and ended the marriage Zhora Бегетова, which apparently began his misadventures: women all somewhere suddenly evaporated, and now he was lying back to back with an impersonal wife, and there was it warm.
Chapter 7. (03).
"I'll just go one or not?" thought Gladyshev, nervously glancing at the policeman, sitting on watch at the entrance. A policeman talking to some man, apparently, acquaintances, not paying attention until the Gladysheva.
You had to have a pass, which Gladysheva was not, and he feared lest that its not miss it.
Finally a little on the threshold, Gladyshev went forth, going to turn a man who closed for a moment his back from a policeman, quickened his pace and waiting with bated fear that now it окликнут. Stairs and up a few steps. This distance he overcame two jumps and climbed up the steep, narrow stairs, which were common in old buildings.
-Young man! Young man! Stand fast, young man! Where are you heading?! Stop!
It is probably called him, but Gladyshev already slipped stairwell and ran with full force for the second Bay.
"It is interesting to rush whether he followed me into the chase? - his mind continued to frantically to think. On the Elevator - catch can". It was clear to him that you need to go somewhere to the side, that direct its likely overtaken and make you come back, no matter what his explanation, but he climbed and climbed up the steep stairs, choking with unaccustomed from such a rapid ascent.
"Sunset manually. Exactly that. Wonder how they came up with such a strange and good name. In it the weight and непомерность work, the dramatic process of this action, however, читсейший and беспочвенный fiction. Sunset manually", - he passed already several floors, having lost the account and now not even struggling to recover it. His head was full of thoughts, and they were pushing, pushing, vying with each other, trying to get his attention, to draw the eye of his soul, which оплодотворила them their empathy. - Publishing house similar to the hospital. Here the authors help resolve pregnancy embodied, Mature, formed as a child in the womb, literary idea. Родовспомошествуют, so to speak. Why I'm I squirmed my way here, as if going to make literary abortion?"
On some floor suddenly he leaped to one side open, glazed door, and entered a small, round hall of the platform lift, which from several sides agreed corridors, and went at random one of them, and passed the meeting, again found himself in the corridor and went out in the end to the other end of the building, on the staircase landing of the second end of the staircase, entrance to which was from a different entrance. Here, the Elevator was on the spot and barely Gladyshev stopped, the doors open it with noise burst open, forcing the young man, dwelling in a terrible tension of the suspect, flinch and fright. Out of there come two men and was busily chatting on the go, passed him, completely ignoring him, and turned to the right in a dead-end, Allen hall with cabinets.
Do not hesitate even for a second, Gladyshev went into an empty Elevator and pushed the button for the desired floor: he показлось that side heard hasty, footsteps, and it could be the policeman of the watch. Doors, decorated with plastic under the tree, gently gathered, closed, as the folds of a huge shell, and he had not had time to study it his frightened face in the wall, the Elevator mirror again opened, letting inside the gloomy box daily, bright sunlight that fell here through the window of the entrance.
Gladyshev broke out, rubbed his eyes and look for the coveted room Cabinet, which he had learned in spring, while passing through Moscow, the women of the Department of letters and correspondence, where he's way in February passed a thick folder with typing his first and only novel.
-Your novel we had sent to the editorial office of children's and youth literature, then the woman said to him. - I met him, and so it seemed to me that it never will. Department of prose, so there's the turn of the venerable, serious writers, and you'll have to wait there for a decision on their issue very very long time. Moreover, because of the difficulties of polygraphic base, paper, with capacity we now print only members of the Union of writers, and I understand that you are not a member. And in the Junior edition, maybe you can do business. Anyway, this is some hope and better. Than nothing at all. Come four or five months later. You say there.
He did so. It was exactly five months.
Gladyshev was in front of the right door and froze in his tracks, feeling caught off guard.
"Corinne Lev Vasilievich, " he read the label under the plaque with the number - editor of the Department of literature for children and youth".
The door was ajar, of the Cabinet of разавался muffled bass few votes.
Order оробев Gladyshev knocked as cautious and polite not to seem too self-assured and arrogant editor, but blows it at the door were so cowardly quiet that he himself was heard. Having passed through itself the first wave of fear, введшую it in a paint, Gladyshev already knocked a few more confident and, without waiting for permission, opened the door, but she dared not.
At the table, occupying the entire middle long and fairly narrow Cabinet opposite each other were three -- two on one side, and the third on the other, - and something talked, sipping from a thin-walled glasses something amber-transparent. Before them стояля round glass ashtray rose up with a bunch of "bulls"which was, apparently, a local landmark. Next was a half-empty bottle of port wine, Madeira, which, apparently, and drank friends.
Gladyshev, in spite of the armed forces of their confusion, all the same has prepared some introductory speech of appeal to the editor, but now, not knowing who to talk to, again confused and could say:
-Hello, I am the author of the novel "Administrator".
All three turned to him with surprise and looked rounded, осоловевшими eyes, подернутыми haze. They probably didn't think that now to them on the head will fall for a "miracle" and intervene in their conversation, violating their meal.
Not knowing who these people editor, and whether he's here at all, Gladyshev looked alternately at each of the three, but in the next second, noticed that the man who sat alone, staring at him as if something more surprised and expressive, he was the first to rise from the chair, and the two men followed him, obviously not knowing with whom they deal.
Rising first began moving towards him, piano squeezing between table and chairs, standing in a tight row against the wall. Gladyshev intuitive feeling that this is the person whom they came, leaned toward him. Their hands simultaneously pulled towards each other.
-So you are the author of this novel? Gladyshev?
-Oh, man turned to his companions, but nothing explaining them, surprised таращившим eyes, turned again to Гладышеву. - I thought you were older. The word of honor! Years on ten older. Do you wrote?
"Yes, " nodded Gladyshev.
-Oh! shook his head editor. - I Corinne Lev Vasilievich, but you call me simple: the lion. Well?
-The plot, of course, is good! I read with pleasure... But you sit down, sit down...
Lev Vasilyevich motioned to him to the table, and Gladyshev took предлоджение. He wanted to talk about her novel, collect more impressions and delight his vanity affected first by the flattering reviews, because before he was sure he created something extraordinary, absolutely exquisite and irresistible impressive, but now it began to rapidly grow in confidence., and at the table next to the three men Gladyshev sat down, feeling how was hovering above his head with the Laurel wreath of glory.
On the table the fourth appeared in the glass for him.
-Smoke? - asked the lion.
"Yes, " nodded Gladyshev, although smoked in very rare cases, when he offered to taste committed зкзотические instances import very expensive cigarettes.
Leo pushed him a stack of cheap cigarettes without filter, which was lying beside the table. Such cigarettes served as a sign of smoker, which considers that the expensive cigarettes with filter unaffordable and became the slave of nicotine hunger.
Gladyshev not dare to refuse: to responsible moment was pulled out from a pack a cigarette, leaned down and lit a cigarette Lion. That, apparently, was watching him, and when he exhaled smoke through her nostrils, asked him:
-You that, nose freely breathe?
Yes, Gladyshev wondered was why he asked, but he guessed that the interlocutor, apparently, chronic runny nose.
Meanwhile, conversation, hardly прервавшаяся with the advent of Gladysheva revived, when the glasses on the table сползлись in a heap. One of the men at the table, thick, chunky, with a small head, took бутылкубелого Azerbaijani port wine and poured the remainder in glasses, screwing up the eyes and watching, that all came out equally.
"This here is Alexey Petrovich, with television. Incidentally, at one time led the cycle army gear - showed his hand Lev Vasilievich. - So, meet! And this worker, Баранкин Sergey Efimovich, - he introduced Gladysheva with the second his guest. - Maybe later take a closer look.
Gladyshev was flattered that unexpectedly turned out to be in such great company, and these nice people even invited him to drink with them.
Звякнули glasses. Taste of port wine seemed to be refined and pleasant, although this was the most common port. He even thought that he wanted was сейчасвыпить bottle to two of this wine and noted with regret that оноуже over.
Ate, had nothing, and they all have lit up.
-What has he written? - said Alexey Petrovich that of a Lion.
-A pretty good thing. I got it here, " said Lev Vasilievich, leaned over his Desk, opened the door of the Cabinet and pulled out a familiar Гладышеву red folder. Behold.
He twirled it over his head and handed to view the guests. However, those have been explicitly configured to read and, turning a little, have put the folder in the side.
-Then I will read it, " said Alexei Petrovich, but Gladyshev according to him realized that reading it will not.
Hey, how do you make it? - asked the lion. - As you wrote all this? Where did you come from?
Gladyshev smiled mysteriously, then pointed at the ceiling, not knowing how to put it more precisely:
-Probably, from there.
Lev pointedly silent, but as he was quite drunk, soon resumed:
-No, you know, of course, me yours Roman liked, but... but... but why do you often write about the trolley buses? I'm tired read about it, honestly. Yes, of course, with transport, we have big problems, but you can't just write a lot about the trolley buses. It is a nightmare!
Gladyshev was confused. A sense of euphoria gradually began to abandon it: a critique hardly anyone likes and few people are encouraging.
-Well, actually, nothing, nothing. There are places just strong, but in the whole novel, average hands, between us, - продолжжал lion, not noticing what changes to the interlocutor entail his words. - Publish it will be very hard, but I vowed to do it all. Of course, the opponents he would have many. But I will do my best, I shall draw on their side, a few more people from the editorial Board, build public opinion... Only... Only the novel will have to reduce... cut.
Lev piano shook his hand uplifted finger. In this time Gladyshev wanted just to ask why the editor went to fight for his novel, and who will be his opponents, but he did not give him open his mouth.
-You have a volume of what?
-Четыреса fifty somewhere.
-Well, that's no good. Have times in DV reduced.
-Of course. Of course! Do you see how much you water. You, by the way, not a psychologist by profession?
By profession " no, confused Gladyshev, but, in fact, in another's thoughts can understand.
-Here,-and it shows. You have too much speculation as to any ипереживаний. No, all this is, of course, good, but you didn't count Tolstoy!
Guests editor amicably laughed. Gladyshev felt flushed and hurried to justify himself:
-No, of course not count.
Talk quietly took for him so нелестный turnover that he himself was not happy that I came here. "About Tolstoy, it was you, of course in vain, he thought, looking Lion eyes full of hatred, and натуженно-embarrassed smile, he, like any other "real" writer could not bear comparison with the other, and believed that if he is going to implement his plan, that his work would be greater "War and peace" and, in any case, there will be nothing to...
-And you had a machine have? asked Alexey Petrovich.
"Yes, " nodded Gladyshev, Recalling instantly that the cars is gone, that she died in the fire.
-What, mechanical or electric?
-Yeah. "Ivica", do you know?
"I know, waved his hand Alexey Petrovich. - Rubbish!
"Why not?" offended Gladyshev. Is a small, comfortable...
-Very noisy. Work on it hard. You himself on it печатаешь?
-And fast?
-Sufficient. Three fingers on each hand. True, not blind, but yet sheet for twenty minutes - packer.
-And you think you are right with the head in the car talking about? - intervened in the conversation lion.
-No, first draft, write in notebooks.
-Oh, it's long, shook his head Alexei Petrovich. - First scribbled, and then перепечатай. Look, I read the article about Marquez, Brazilian writer.
-Is not the one Hundred years of loneliness" wrote? Gabriel Garcia Marquez.
"Yeah, it most. Now, the books he writes on their computer, and at the editorial refers to a floppy diskette. There only in a publishing complex remains lay, and he immediately began churning out books. This is really good!
-Well, on m to such a hundred years more to live! - waved him away with the lion. "Let's better drink!
He reached for the bottle, but it was already empty.
-Yes, if I had a computer, I would have been so much written, dreamily and naively said Gladyshev. - Know how many of my head all the stories and ideas? Ten volumes would be enough.
It is, however, no one listened. Present noticed that drink there, and all their attention was riveted now only to this problem.
"Come to our soup suggested, finally, Lev Vasilievich its guests. - Today, the wine was brought in three-liter jars. However, it is muddy, bitch, as compote, here nobody takes. And for us it will add. You sit here?
He touched ладышева by the knee and drunkenly staggering rose.
-Surf, ' he said.
-That's good. And we are now fast. There and back. On, Kuri! - he offered him a pack of cigarettes, he climbed past his chair, wiping off the wall, and after a minute Gladyshev was left alone.
Time stretched painfully slow. He pondered occurred conversation and understood more clearly that his illusions to disperse and as the morning fog.
The first blow to his hopes was made even then, when half a year ago he first got here, in this great by the publishing house, hoping that his immense power of will and for his work to find their place under the sun. Then, it is too naive, he headed straight with a thick folder of his novel to the editor in chief of the publishing house, but that nothing satisfactory to tell him and sent on a common path in the Department of letters and manuscripts.
It was still pretty early. Gladyshev't know what творчиские workers like припоздниться. And the work day begins hours of ten and eleven, and therefore rushed to издательсвто at seven o'clock in the morning, that is, no light - no charge.
Letter Department was closed for longer than other rooms. Next door lived a stocky, bearded man, his whole appearance resembling somehow Гладышеву woodcutter. He often went into the corridor, he was in the other rooms, and all cruel, too, in the direction of Gladysheva, lonely маячившего between the closed doors, and then broke down and asked:
-What is it?
-Yes here, brought the manuscript, - Гладышеву speak like.
"Well, покжи. Yes, show, show. Won't eat!
Gladyshev reluctantly pulled out a bag thick folder.
"Wow, " said the bearded. - Healthy. This is what's happening here?
-Novel - shyly replied Gladyshev.
-Eldin Hal Сурро gat - read bearded on the title page. - Translation?
-No, - confused Gladyshev. Is my alias...
-Ah, " said the bearded. - Oh why are you so? What's your last name?
-That's all - bearded passed in his office, put a fat folder on the table, and drew out somewhere pen, crossed out the "Eldin Hal Сурро gat" and wrote "the singularity".
-Dmitry Ivanovich.
-In-o, Dmitri Ivanovitch, " finished the bearded his name. - Two years later, suddenly, print it.
-Two years? asked surprised Gladyshev.
"Why, Yes? However, maybe more, but less unlikely.
"But in two years, begins another Millennium! - I wanted to shout Гладышеву, but he too was well aware that his words not take any action. - And I wanted to become famous in this... Maybe it will not be the next Millennium".
Bearded probably noticed that his words have upset the author. Several times he threw a weighty file on the hand, as if weighing, and whether to justify ourselves, whether in a rebuke to the interlocutor, умудрившемуся in such years ridden so thick романище, said:
-By the way, young man, the less you need to write. The shorter one. The shorter one.
His words had their effect. Gladyshev looked at his creation in obvious confusion, thinking that, indeed, should not be so all рассусоливать.
-About that the novel? - asked the bearded.
-About life, - has shrugged awkwardly shoulders Gladyshev. Now he himself was not glad that got involved in this conversation.
How surprised this bearded, if he knew that this thick folder - only the first book of a huge novel, and that his plan so vast and fantastic that subject, it would seem, not безусому youngster, and седовласому, умудренному elder.
-"Administrator", - read the title of the bearded. Is that so specially highlighted letters or a typo?
-Not quite.
-Well, if so, then print it. A two-year wait?
Gladyshev said nothing and simply said:
-A manuscript who takes?
-And, behold, a woman in the neighbouring room. It now no. Yes you leave the folder me, I'll give it to her.
Gladyshev somehow obeyed, although it had " no confidence to the bearded. Already when he was a few blocks from the publishing house, he had a serious, constant anxiety. He was feeling that his manuscript disappear, disappear somewhere in the bowels of the publishing house, and then he cannot even prove that it is generally brought it there, because there has to witness some kind of registration.
Пробродив troubled and brooding until five o'clock in the evening on the streets of Moscow, she made it back to the publisher.
Bearded not deceived him. The manuscript of the novel really lay in the Department of manuscripts and letters. A middle-aged woman sitting at a table piled with papers when the desktop lamp placed it in front of himself and began a conversation with him.
Her speech seemed Гладышеву quite polite and even дорбожелательной that impressed his own importance: he is the author! But to him, again, little by little, it came out that way.
Outside the window slowly and quietly large flakes of snow fell. Late at night - January days were so short. Everything was like a fairy-tale, and the melodious voice of a woman strengthened the feeling of unreality:
-You're not a member of the Union of writers? No? Then your novel I am in the Department of prose give will not. You know, there's a very big place, and we print in this Department members. But as you look to your novel to give the Department of youth literature? They are also binding doing hard...
There was such impression, that very soon, Gladysheva, will print.
-Come back in six months. Or call.
In six months? her last words brought back Gladysheva to reality.
Yes, I registered your manuscript, - she filed Гладышеву business card of the publishing house, which wrote handle : "N 92, January 29, 1998. Call in September the bodies..."
Lev Vasilievich and his guests returned with a jar muddy stuff. Gladyshev realized that there is nothing else to do. He picked up a folder with your novel and said:
-Okay, I'll go.
"Uh-huh, mumbled in response lion, закивав head, cut it and come. We'll wait. About trolleybuses do not write. And not more than ten sheets of copyright, you know?
Understood, " Gladyshev, swallowing the bitter lump resentment and thought: "All in vain!"
Chapter 8. 2.
Zhora decided that he was not there. He even thought that it screwed around your finger and, so saying, обдули.
Address him for a fee, brought him to a dirty entrance of the old buildings of a six-storey house. The lift did not work, and on the fourth floor, he had to climb on foot.
The walls of the entrance were already painted and signed coal. On the ceiling hung burnt matches, around which were black spots копот.
Jora gave gazed around, ceiling panel and used obscene words. For a long time already he had never been in such provincial slum.
Climbing up to the fourth floor, he stood there in front of oak, moraine door, with a massive polished copper plaque, on which, reflecting in the twilight of the staircase, were digits, then pressed the call button.
The melodious sound, opening the crack of the door, leaned out, an old man, looked at Jora through the glasses:
-You whom, young man?
-Yes, probably, to you.
He called password, received with the address. It worked like "open sesame!", the door is wide opened, and the owner gestured for him to enter.
In close a small hallway, apparently, apartment on the walls was hanged a lot of all kinds of clothes manufacturers вппечатление rubbish.
"It's not like it's here the people lived, thought George, looking around
The owner is not held it for a long time in the hallway and back turned to him, silently went deep into the apartment, thereby offering a follow him.
Looking at his flannelette Bathrobe, tossed over the мешкообразное, бочковидное body, with somewhere in the region of the abdomen, waist, which is not viewed, George began to doubt whether he was, and whether he was sent, who was wanted, and when they were in the large but badly furnished room, the furniture was old, tired, Yes to all this took some clumsy, incomplete, intermediate position, as if someone took her move and gave up, not finish asked:
-You, in fact, do you know why I came to you?
-I guess, young man, I guess - landlord flopped, if the Charter of the stand, in a deep armchair, took from her robe pocket a cigarette and lit it. - To me all come for одниам same, actually.
He dragged on and released a stream of smoke in the direction of the guest.
Zhora sank into a chair opposite:
-And that you all give what they need?
-Well, who pays, respectively, - he started fidgeting in his chair. - Let's to the case: I have no time for рассусоливания. First installment - three hundred dollars per visit.
Zhora involuntarily whistled back:
"That was a good start! Yet it had not managed to exchange and money flowed a stream! Not too much there? I understand that ten, well, fifteen dollars, but not three hundred!..
Well, the landlord is dissatisfied with his hands, I'm sorry, but, apparently, we are not going to get along. Too bad you were not warned, and on what conditions it is necessary to go.
-No, why not! I was told that you should take the green, and much. I am ready to pay, but only for the information
You see, каждогоуважающего a man like me, there is a threshold below which it is not working. If the client cannot put me at once , that's just like you, the down payment, then, have to say goodbye. I'm not going to no one roaming the pockets, but this behavior gives me every reason to believe that he состоятеленг. And indulgences, exceptions, I do not do to anyone, this is my principle. Money in my hand - the best and the only argument for the continuation of the conversation... so?
He made an unambiguous pause, and George realized that you need to shell out either, or take a hike. Step back, no matter how it was a pity to pay, there was no miser pays twice, and he's already stepped on the road on which it would be cheaper to go forward than back off, go напопятную.
Зашуршали paper passed from hand to hand.
-Well, what are you interested in? Or rather, who?
-Bondi BPO.
Now, it is probably turn to be surprised to the owner of the apartment:
You have! Cool, cool! However, introduce yourself.
Zhora something figured out myself:
-I have a right to remain incognito and incognito.
"Not quite, unfortunately.
Is почемуже?! - Zhora nearly jumped out of his chair in indignation. - It turns out that for my money I came himself squeal, so what?!
Interlocutor smiled mysteriously:
-Well, no. Why? You should introduce yourself to me even being polite as I do you, however. Let me do it first. My name is mark Ilich.
-I would like to believe that this вашке actual name.
"As you wish.
-Does not work. Struggling to believe.
-It's yours.
George began to get angry. His strong nature could not accept the fact that they are trying to cheat.
-You say that you have no time, and impose some kind of a rotten game!
Not at all! I got to speak to you. Yes and I have to create an image, which will communicate.
Then two hundred.
-Two hundred? I love mark Ilich.
-Two hundred dollars for пердоставление information. One hundred and leave you.
Mark Ilich shook his head, apparently surprised that underestimated his guest, then without unnecessary disturbance returned the money.
"Unlocked yet, you bastard! thought George, hiding greenish-grey bill. - All the cards in his hands. But let them one will see that not NFEA fool ran".
-I need to know about him: where he lives, what does officially and unofficially, communication... and so on.
-"So forth" - your pockets will be worn. This will cost a million. If you are interested in any clerk or a Secretary, a couple of days I would put you all her background from and to the couple hundred. But you won who have ventured... I see as a hired killer, - the larger дчиь, the greater the rate. But the rate may оказатьсмя larger than life, yours, if you do not have enough power, and my, if I do pass. This case stands, it seems to порогое both.
-You that is, refuse?! "exclaimed George " Then I demand a pay penalty. Give me my three hundred.
-Well, first of all, I will not do that, and, secondly, secondly, I do not refuse. So, step by step. Fee for all separately. The first...
-First, all the dirty things.
The landlord stood up, walked around the chair, opened an old chest of drawers. In the depth of his became visible hour computer hardware. Mark Ilich quickly затарабанил fingers on the keyboard. In ten minutes he spoke:
-What is the period of life?
-First conscious.
-Well, well. I only starting from service in army. So, 'll burn yourself or send to printer.
-Better on the floppy disk.
-Well, - mark Ilich he pressed again with two dozen buttons.
On the display screen, blinking, began to change, leaving one after another, frames with text. Browsing through them, mark Ilich noticed:
-Yes, he has a very good biography. Not without reason speak, that the most уязвляющая information that comes through time. In your army, Bondi Bohm, made stealing things, plundering spare parts from cars and marketed stole forward to left. In each case there is an almost exact date of abduction, - this is the value of information. Come here, see for yourself... Oh, here he began work a "big": copper goes West FL. See all: the price for a ton, number, date of dispatch, destination, intermediaries...
George came and stood next to mark Ilyich, browsing the text.
It comes to a floppy disk? "he pointed to the screen.
-Of course.
-Then I'll check it out.
Mark Ilich stretched thin lips into a smile:
I have no doubt. You have the full right.
Having calmed down, Zhora went and took a more detailed inspection of the room. "Wonder what he had in these absurd cabinets," thought he, passing the items of furniture. An original method, which was hidden computer.
-Young man, do not go, - asked it, mark Ilich, noticing that he was out what you need.
-You seem to be asking about my name, isn't it?
"Oh, Yes. Igor, do not go there, please.
"Okay, " Zhora heavily sank into a chair.
It seems he had some time to think.
The person against whom he prepared an extensive and expensive dossier, was a major figure, and not only in the shadow areas of all kinds of illicit trade and resales, but also on the political arena. There he was somewhere close control and конституционой Collegium is a collective monster from the Institute of power. Bondi BPO policy was merely Minister of a cast-iron-heavy direction of industry, утюжившего this poor country with a skating rink, turning it into place some incredibly huge whether the massacres, whether the privy.
Such a high position obliged to relate to the person Bondi Boma with reverent respect. In fact, the official world at it, of course, was another, quite proper name, but for Zhora, which itself is more perceived as a Hippopotamus, he was not who other, as Bondi Bohm, inveterate and notorious rogue, especially dangerous. One hundred managed to дорваться to powerful levers of power. Millstones, given by them in motion, could break bones not only such as hippopotamus, but ten of them.
Zhora understood that got into a dangerous game, but another way for him not Blo: too large money was put into the pot, too much was already lost and wanted to return, if not more, at least for what was lost
When a man learns that his one way or the other cheated and robbed, his soul lives caustic concern, not leaving him and саднящее how bad the healing wound from the razor. You just need to touch it, and it causes severe pain, which поселялется and hide somewhere in the depths of consciousness, until, finally, something will not be able to solve or do, or return stolen, or exile and glimpses of the doubt and hope to do this by replacing their confidence in непоправимости the incident.
Zhora still hoping something. The loss was surprisingly big for him. Maybe for bigwigs scale Bondi Bohm it was a penny, so small perk, compared with those incomes, which came to him through his high public and state provision, but for him, Jora, it was a fortune, which he is hard and not idle, and the more frustrating it was to feel a poor man, whose rich man takes the last.
Some time ago, in the middle of summer, in the hands of the Жоре, which pals, and all criminals in his hometown, knew not, except under the nickname Behemoth got the whole archive of all kinds of documents.
The paper always represent some value, especially if they contain the threat of exposure to someone.
Those contained, and not one, e several tens if not hundreds of people, that's totally strangers to each other, and never had been seen and living in different regions of the country, therefore addresses for sale were very much and address each separately indefensible wasteful.
Behemoth сбыл paper мелкооптовыми parties, растасовав in groups.
And recently he became aware that his "papers" are on such a fabulous price, that the money that he rescued them from a sale - a bribe to a beggar. Their trade is now conducted, blackmailing its customers, the Bondi BOM widely known in the shadow areas of large воротила. This is him through intermediaries сбыл their goods Zhora and now, having learned about the true cost of securities, willing to return true причитаующуюся share. To achieve this has already been spent мнгого forces and means. For this Behemoth is the second week he lived in Moscow, where life was now so expensive. But it was the little things in life than какеи costs had to be re-gathering information.
George knew that started hunting for the beast, which will devour it in the same минтуту as soon as he notices his attention in his address. Therefore act required secretly, and ambush appear only at the moment when everything will be ready for powerful impact of the strike.
However shelter it meant a lot of holes that he had just unknown: they were surrounded by strangers, and money were unreliable guarantee that it will not give the opponent in this situation. We had friendship, support circular bail on which you would expect at home, in their city, where he had some weight in the world of criminals and profiteers local caliber. His authority there was quite noticeable. In Moscow he was a stranger, brazen visiting an upstart from the province, who came to compete with the capital clans and even расситывающим more from them to get back.
Besides the hundreds of dossiers with подмоченными reputations was in the cache and there's something else. Paintings, icons, silver jewelry, gold salaries, kitchen utensils antique production, small antiquarian, - all this was kept тамнеизвестно how many years, cooked by someone to the shipment collected and carefully laid in neat boxes, перестелянные straw and cardboard. It was not difficult to carry it in a safe "their" place. There were thousands of ancient books, manuscripts, some folders with the drawings, containers with diskettes and галлограммами to the records, it would seem, will have to deal not one year, but it was worth it. George was a nose for money, and it smelled very big money.
To ensure that intuition fails him, Zhora immediately after the captured content hiding place, chosen by нанытого them an electronic engineer, one of the folders with some schemes, drawings and nested floppy disk to the computer, which would interest some leading electronic company, and заслал with courier to Japan, where, after several days brought great "merci" in a Swiss Bank and laser holographic VCR latest model as a gift.
However, apart from this one folder to use Zhora nothing more did not: while he rested on the black sea coast, visiting his company, all the beaches from геледжика to Sochi, all these values were blatantly stolen. Warehouse, where they were stored someone blatantly hacked and stole what Hippo hoped to build the Foundation for future prosperity.
That gave him one single folder, was quite enough to play a chic wedding with Veronica, buy her as a wedding gift a large two-bedroom apartment, and the "Mercedes" of the latest brand to which he had long had a passion.
Now, however, had very little money, and by the end of егопребывания in Moscow should they were completely exhausted. But George was hoping that by the time he is going though something back, and this will help to live equally безбеднео and in style.
Theft incredibly surprised and outraged Jora. To his secret warehouses knew only pretty people close to him, but still a few people that were of relevance to the case, of strangers. Случайныце robbers could not steal so much. In лечшем case they took only gold, silver, well, maybe that инконы. To выве6зти all, it would require a good truck, which in its time availed himself Behemoth. Those who there came to know this.
Behemoth began to make inquiries about possible похитителях immediately upon returning from the Black sea. Thread again ran to Moscow. Somebody worked in a large way. From local to such a few people were capable of, but the quality of operations, organization, and "quiet" and does completely rejected the "local" option.
A week after the honey month, Behemoth find a truck driver. The split rapidly, " to him don't even have to use any serious measures. Version was confirmed: ran capital guests. The gunner was one of those strangers with whom Behemoth had to have common interests in the latter case, but the traces of his also disappeared somewhere in the capital. Bastard got a decent Kush from the Zhora, but apparently decided that this is not enough, and decided to enter into a more dangerous and a cool game. George knew now how he would deal with him at a meeting...
-Igor! Go here called his mark Ilich.
Zhora was distracted from his thoughts. Mark Ильичт give him a floppy disk. His face is played elusive, подловатая smile. Zhora instinctively felt that relaxed comes down something. But what exactly?
-No, perhaps I'll check it. Put it back into the drive.
-In the drive? Please.
Semblance of a smile on the face of mark Ilyich faded again, and George even thought out whether he's on the right track, and not going whether this жидявый old man with a computer in the chest to slip him some wrong diskette.
The drive again charged. Mark Ilich pressed a few buttons. Once again went to blink, as if перелистываемые page видеотекста.
-The printer, " said George.
-What? I love mark Ilich.
-Print to the printer. Suddenly you ккакой any software virus on a floppy disk. I will include, where everything сотретсмя. Want a copy was on paper, it is more reliable.
'Well, please mark Ilich touched before a few buttons. In the neighbouring Department of chest buzzer sang the printer.
George opened the box and followed выползающим from there one by one, sheets of paper, reading the text.
-Tell, please, dear, Marc Zakharovich, and to damn me, say, this: "Прохлдя service in the military unit ... разукомплектовал engines of KAMAZ vehicles, sold three pump, two generators." Witnesses Артемин, Zhukov. Address Why?
-You asked for a complete, exhaustive information. Now, please get. Isn't this evidence? Here's your crime, but you are witnesses. He who underlined, it can give information for a fee, and the other is unknown.
-Well, all right, " said George, feeling still a catch all that is happening.
He gathered the sheets together, put the floppy disk in карманг, asked:
-Folders you have a cigarette?
-No. With you ten thousand.
-What? Ten thousand.
-Do not RUB, of course.
-Why are there so many?
-Information on such a large man. Give it - is very dangerous. Take is your personal business, but to give. Besides all the documents certified by a notary offices and other authorities so reliable. Collect them is hard work, and it should be paid well to those who need, who will be interested in it, understand?
-But you spot, at least two-three thousand! I just have no money!
-Well, then leave documents and come here another time, when there will be money. Only do not stay for a long time, otherwise I'll just kill.
Feeling that apparently, this was a trick, Zhora snatched from his inner pocket costume revolver.
-Oh! "asked mark Ilich. - In this case I have it all covered! Boy! Turn around.
George looked over his shoulder. Behind him stood a man. In his hand was a gun pointed to him, Жоре, right in the back of the head.
-Throw weapon! "said mark Ilich. - Count to three, then he will shoot! So. Times. Two...
Жоре had to obey. It was disarmed, everything had been taken away дерньги and values that he had pushed out to the porch.
When Zhora was completed, the landlord went into a small room, got dressed, went to his home, sending also guard, and locked up as it should be double door hidden under clothing in the corridor and reminiscent of the door. Before leaving, he phoned the reception Толстунину:
-And where is Boris Borisovich?
-At the meeting. Who yemtsyu calling?
-Mark Ilich. Pass that they are interested in. Check the Fax machine.
Chapter 9. (04).
"Every man is guilty himself in all the misfortunes that happen to him", - Gladyshev stood on the bridge and looked down at the waves on the surface of the Moscow river, talking to himself.
He himself could not say how he got to the bridge, aimlessly wandering around the city, sometimes dropping down in the subway and leaving it on some quite unnecessary to him stations.
Past flashed one after another machine. The way their неизмсенно laid past the red Square, St. Basil's Cathedral, Parking, crammed with large buses. On the other side stood the elegant hotel "Russia", surrounded on all sides of his foot with shops, restaurants, bars and even a cinema at the entrance crowded now a lot of people assembled for the next session.
Late at night, and in the Windows and stained-glass Windows "Russia" more загоралось light. The sun had already disappeared behind the horizon, but the sky still continued to be light blue.
Гладушеву we didn't want the evening.
He continued to stand, leaning over cast iron railings, and perhaps risking перевалиться through them and go down to where sailed lit lights теплоходик. In his hand was the folder with the manuscript of the novel, and, looking at her, Gladyshev only smirked bitterly.
Article Ortona, perhaps, you'd think a young man preparing to swallow paper and, choking them to fall from the bridge into the river, ending suicide. It even policeman came and asked:
-What are you waiting for?
-So easy! - turned Gladyshev.
-Down or something, сигануть going?
-No. I think I shall do nothing more!
-Look, kid...
The policeman wanted to add something else, but waved his hand, post оял, staring stupidly, about ten seconds and walked away.
His appearance only briefly distracted Gladysheva from gloomy meditations, and. although he think not thought about suicide, his head flashed the crazy driving in the back of the idea: "In fact, why not jump?" онаи stuck on to it as an infectious disease and pulled down.
He barely managed to break free from these sudden and strong bonds.
With наступолением evening was quickly getting colder, and on the street looking distinctly uncomfortable. Gladyshev wanted to go back to the hotel, but the bridge is already engulfed in darkness and reflections from car headlights, surrounded by lights from all the sides not want to let it go.
At the bottom mysteriously darkened river. From there rose cool.
Gladyshev grinned to himself and, as a cigarette butt, not бросилл even, but just published a folder of papers.
It opened sheets typing slipped out from there, scattered, dispersed and sad Listopad, swinging from the darkness unclear glare. Tumbling and circling, began to sink down.
A flock of them melted into the darkness, and Gladyshev presented themselves as they lay on the surface of the river and swam slowly downstream.
"Stuffer!" - with a stinging bitterly thought Gladyshev, trying to hurt yourself as much as possible, so that the soul зашлась from неизгладимой sorrow and longing to her one word was like hitting a sharply honed razor, who cut her half in two rebels against the other.
He finally came unstuck from pig-iron, covered with oily, sticky dust railing of the old fence of the bridge and walked away.
It seems Gladyshev knew exactly this bridge was called Kuznetsk and, rumor has it, was famous for the fact that here many years ago landed a German pilot, a boy of twenty, the спортинвом plane, вылетивший of Germany, and after this flight paid chair a Minister of defense, not to mention сошках smaller.
Гладышеву wanted to smoke. Smoking, as he rightly thought it was a bad habit, but now that it would not stop. However cigarettes he had no money for them either, and "shoot" a cigarette he could not decide, although towards roamed smokers.
On the street it was already quite dark. Descending from the bridge, Gladyshev went to the "Russia", walked around, observing the life of the huge Windows, where everything shone in the glare of the light, the broken in crystal lamps and chandeliers. There were smiling, idle people. They stood at the luxurious shop-Windows, choosing purchase, and in their hands they sparkled chain and ring, some gold jewelry sat in a comfortable tables in soft, deep armchairs, and fussed around them, going in and waiters.
Gladyshev suddenly caught myself thinking that jealous of these people, while trying not to do that. They had money, it was something that never was and never will be. He knew it was too good to not have to envy, envy yet gradually закрадывалась in his soul, and with it we had to fight, because it sowed hatred.
Red Square is not empty, and people crowded at the mausoleum, waiting for the changing of the guard. Gladyshev crossed it obliquely, went down the street and around the Kremlin, got in the Park.
Some places on the benches here you can meet people sitting couples and small groups. It was fairly common in everyday day, the more autumn.
"Why is it doesn't work, that man was just a writer, without any obstacles that he did not create any obstacles, " he thought, slowly crossing the Park down the alley. - People worked, sweated, I thought. Somewhere deep down, he hoped, perhaps, that his work will be appreciated, and when his hard work is over, he will find even if not fame and respect, not wide recognition and honor, but a new quality, which will allow him to feel if not a party to art, if not the Creator, at least not rejected and humiliated as I".
Something told him that the fruit of his secret efforts will be in vain, and that his love affair will never be published. Because he is not a writer, and therefore has no right to write. This requires some special status, official certainty that starts before the thoughts in my head, and, apparently, as behind the wheel can't sit without a license, and writing Desk - without a crust member of the Union of writers, or at least a diploma of the faculty of literary slant.
All the misfortune of Gladysheva заключалосьв that the thoughts in his head began to appear before he could do any of this. How to become a member of the Union of writers for him, indeed, it was a complete mystery, especially on this issue, he would not defeat the stock of their character and one minute. One only mention this organization brings him such a strange horror of what he had experienced only at the word "army", where скооро had to go to serve.
He thought, too old geezers with gray beards, who dwelt there for ккафедрами, as in the trenches, and defended employed once tremendous efforts bastions from the attacks of young insolent fellows, some of them have already claimed. This mechanism gave a good зуботычину anyone посягавшему without the right to inherit on paternal rights, and it memorized for a long time, maybe for life, but in any case, the second attempt was not earlier than заимев same gray hair.
Those who had the right to inherit his father's path, confidently stood up to her and стремителтьно has been on the podium to dad, nothing only before making and putting the achievement of literary exploits at sometime later. How many really talented people off of desire to engage in literature this mechanism is known to God alone. That's Gladyshev received today зуботычину.
Somewhere in his chest and sore , and he couldn't find a place. If he had now at least a little money, he would take down a drink more - 'd go to a restaurant. But without the money to go nowhere.
On the street quite colder. Red burning stars of the Kremlin hasn't warmed his soul, and he understood that he must return to the hotel.
Озябнув so that he began to tremble, he suddenly почувствовл themselves homeless dog, and the poor, whose fate it is to sleep on the bench or in the receiver police station, he became scared that it may happen to him, that it is not so far from that. As if recollecting himself from sleep, which was wandering with a fright in the heart Gladyshev began looking around, as if wondering where he was, and then almost ran to the metro station.
It was still relatively late, but in his soul was born a doubt struck already hour of the night: "the Transition ends in 1 hour of the night".
Doubt it vanished when he saw that out of the underpass of the metro сворачиввают pedestrians. Gladyshev went quieter, his thoughts were again abstract:
"Well, not exactly. If I wrote something, something about me is not to say that I am not a writer. I am a writer, but not the writer who works in literature, who creates like a craftsman for bread, but he who acts freely, unfettered by the certainty that the material dependency burden of his work, because is created, they will bring him the benefits even for a penny, and maybe nobody will ever even going to be read, and will not be awarded attention even a dozen people. It is freedom from money gives a great advantage to the Creator. He can put on paper what he thinks, what filled his soul, and not what obliges to write obtained as a job social order. It is so freely and independently worked many Russian writers of the past centuries. And count Tolstoy wrote a huge "War and peace" for anything, only not for the money. And if not for the money, which should be for the sake of love. Here is love what is another, Yes Inge essence important question. The main thing - not for the money.
Of course, I must admit that I hoped at the expense of the novel improve their financial situation and, without doubt, become a wealthy man. Although I was in a few believe it, and I even tried to cheat myself that I write simply because I интересрно, and just because I want to write something, now I can already see quite clearly that the so - once and for all - to earn money on literature impossible. At the feeders pigs are dense ring, and a young pig is worth a lot of effort прогбиться there, push apart in their hand and обеспмечить a place in this dense row ass parade: nothing comes without a fight. Loaf of literature - this is one of those fatty and tidbits, near which is so pleasant to have your buffet, and because there ten times harder to get through than anywhere else. And although before gets big and heavy Kush, allowing to live not that easy, but with a certain degree of luxury, tremendous, exhausting work on the mind, hand-eye, few stands, frightened by this."
Such reasoning, успокоившими his and led the nerves in normal, relaxed state of mind, Gladyshev and reached the door. Here, ежась from the cool autumn evening he was happy now, five minutes later, he comes into your comfortable room, took off for him Hippo, strip down, take a warm shower - it's so nice when we can do it with pleasure dive in your bed, under a warm blanket. Then he turns on the nightlight and will read some ерундовую газетенку, rejoicing like a boy, simple charms of life. Perhaps he will even call the restaurant and order a Cup of coffee in the room, maybe if наскребет in his pocket, enough to tip: think somewhere in his clothes, that remained in the hotel, also money. If not наскребет, tomorrow, be sure to ask Behemoth three to four hundred, and maybe if there is enough spirit to overcome shyness and embarrassment, and all the thousand. In the end, he just promised to give him money and nothing to reject and to allocate it as much as was necessary.
Pride Gladysheva the first time suffered from this dependency, but soon accepted. Besides, there was such a dependency, it may not be obliged: he was free to dispose of their time as you like and do whatever he wanted. It was only necessary to perform only one condition: to accompany him, Hippo, in all his travels, where he not thought of and do not need to travel. The first time this condition made to feel Gladysheva , that he is a part of Luggage, suitcase to carry everywhere for хозяеввами with clarity and without confusing, but then it passed and with it his soul surrendered even faster than he expected. But this Board allowed him to pay more attention to their creative work, his personality, his own mind and his soul.
Together with the Hippopotamus and Veronica Gladyshev went to the Black sea, Gelendzhik, then with them went to Moscow after a short arrival home.
In Gelendzhik, however, the young couple was accompanied by someone else from their previous company, but in Moscow they already Nghe went. Behemoth everywhere carried with him only his person, giving him quite generously money on all kinds of expenses, only occasionally forgetting to do this and, thus leaving it for a while without means of livelihood, as it is now.
Sometimes Hippo communicated with Гладышевым eye to eye. It was brought to them from the earliest times, as soon as they met, and Hippo opened it extraordinary interlocutor, flight of his thoughts able to ascend to the inaccessible, the sky-high given and show a way anybody. Apparently, this was a valuable and necessary quality was some need, and потму Hippo so attached to Гладышеву. They certainly were not friends. They were too different people who might rather hate each other than love. But what was lacking Behemoth, he drew the Gladysheva, and тотвосполнял its resources from space culture and sources of what способнва eat only creative nature.
Here Мосвке eyes Гладышеву came across two interesting for his books, and he put лоточникуза them all the money that were then with him.
First, Gabriel Garcia Marquez's "one Hundred years of solitude" he excitedly read for a couple of sleepless nights, after which slept sweetly and quietly the whole day in the cosy and expensive room.
Second, Knut Hamsun, reading is less enthusiastic, conceding novel "Hunger", as the flavor of bread выклевав an interesting novel "Mystery", but for "pan" and not holding.
Especially not like I had to Гладышеву that the main character in the "Mysteries", and, therefore, to all appearances, the author himself, who отзывалсиь about Tolstoy, calling him almost бездарностью, but, despite this, it was in the novel something charming.
Then he sought out everywhere prohibited Montaigne, but couldn't find not that works, but at least the "Experiments". What has gotten to this good-natured Frenchman Collegium of the Supreme present it was impossible. Good old edition of the Bible, which Gladyshev dreamed, too never met him NIV one букинистическом store. After the announcement of the "Provisions on the limitation of disordered information for the population" it among many others ranked in the lists of unwanted was withdrawn from all forms of trafficking.
Gladyshev sorry that a few months ago, when had the unexpected opportunity to acquire древнецерковной Bible written back at sunset middle ages in the old Slavonic language, failed to persuade the Hippo to give it to him as a gift. In addition, that this book represents doubtless interest, as a monument of history, it was the bearer of authentication, rose from the depth of centuries. A few days of thick volumes of heavy, manuscript, like a real book lay the Gladysheva house, and he saw how they emit in the dark let the weak, but still glow, and it was a real miracle. He didn't want to go with this book.
In such thinking being, Gladyshev took the room key at the reception, walked into the Elevator and went up to the ninth floor of the hotel.
Meet he came across a well-dressed couple foreseen in the restaurant - all sorts of assumptions that people make, largely depend on the person thinks: what hurts the, as they say, that says. Gladyshev thought again that you need to ask Behemoth money. This was very uncomfortable, but had no choice: he had no other means of livelihood, and even yourself Gladyshev was afraid to confess that addicted to the handouts from from a Hippopotamus, let generous, but not less humiliating as a drug. Admit it meant to strike their own self-esteem, which now had been infringed.
They say that the beggar in advance hates the one who gives alms: anyone who throws a coin to his feet, and causes thus invisible prick his sense of dignity. Handouts so meager that they have to migrate in large numbers, and these многочисленне injections form in his soul piercing, blood trickling wound, in the depths of which is born of hatred to any of the following, who without any intent comes and puts his hat handful of coppers.
Something similar happened in the soul Gladysheva. He was a poor, living in a luxury hotel, but every minute рискующим lose this place. He had one, but very solid bearer, who is not stingy. However Gladyshev still have been in that situation of humiliation and fear, as though hatred still not held his heart.
The key softly entered the semi-circular hole expensive castle. Gladyshev clicked on it, feeling the pleasant, elastic resistance springs. Came a soft click, the door opened and he entered into the hallway single suites, threw dirty боттинки, padded barefoot to the bathroom, stripped, hung up on a hook my clothes, a little twisted in front of a large, full-length mirrors, вмурованным in the wall: touched by the hand of his вялло hanging member, as if wanting to pull it out and make a long, turned his back and meticulously and at the same time, if to himself, with a languid longing in his eyes examined its small round buttocks with a cute little mole smaller than a dime on any of them translated the eyes above the thighs and then turned sideways to the mirror, critically evaluating its a slim figure, which would not hurt to have more muscles at its core group, and sighed with regret that do not have the will to weightlifting, climbed into the tub, drew the curtain, and опрустившись cold pale pink enamel, lay down and watched as his body disappears under the warm water.
Shortly above the surface of the water remained only the shoulders, hairy crotch, where perched like a baby mouse, flaccid penis and toes with hooked, incorrect, as it seemed to him, forms fingers, expanding, hammered to the top. His body was suspended. He made a little effort, and down it went. Hairy island went under the water, buttocks touched the enamelled surface of the metal. He relaxed again. The islet with her little inhabitant again surfaced. Spray of warm water pleased to have washed his thighs, with particular strength slipping between his legs.
Gladyshev could not спокойносмотреть on my naked body. A very common ailment that boys usually have the temerity to get sick of fourteen or fifteen years old, went along with him to this day. He was tempted by itself, and most frightening was the fact that he, a young, healthy, handsome guy совсемне needed in women. His suit is: don't superfluous troubles and doubts, extra растрант, gifts, shopping, meals, but satisfied until some time, until техсамых when this was bothering him more and more.
Last year he had a particularly painful struggle between the temptation and conscience, successive waves. It was his horror of loneliness, the end of which was not visible. Ashamed to say, but he was not destined to be with a woman never though about it, he knowed all things. But better, as they say, to see once than hear a hundred times, and it "live"...er, how are meeting to discuss the people, and never once saw.
He again bathe his body in water, and it reappears as he рассладил muscles. Little fossil on кучерявом island again beckoned him.
"Damn! - swore Gladyshev and began to climb out of the tub, feeling that his further stay in such обстановек undesirable. - All people - beasts!"
He got out of the bath, tiled floors wide bathroom of the room, took off his coat hangers large Terry towel and long вытирался them, looking at himself in the mirror. When it came to an intimate place, he again had to make an effort to wiping not passed in arousing fondling. He succeeded, and, still wiping the course of his head, he went into the room.
Gladyshev was not very observant, but he caught my eye that the toilet articles left in the bath, when he came back, lay seems to be not so, as he left them. However, not assuming anything criminal, not even allowing the thought that someone in his absence could enter this холостяцкое home, where and ьрать there was once nothing, he attributed this discrepancy in the atmosphere in the bathroom at the expense of their carelessness and scattered memory, which, moreover, no one forced into hard memorization of things: to whom he was afraid of? He was not a spy or приступником.
Feeling in the dark floor lamp and pulling for вревочку switch, he turned on the light, but to my surprise the room found too obvious traces of someone's presence of outsiders. Everything was upside down bottom up, and even the беспморядок that this room was since Gladyshev live here, was nothing compared with what was happening here now.
"Who was here? Who here rummaging?!" - bewildered, he thought, and turned to the corner where there was a bed, noticed that someone lies to her.
Coming up in involuntary fright and confusion closer, Gladyshev realized that it was Veronica.
-Are you?! - only and could ask it, releasing from hand towel.
Chapter 10. (07) -> 013.
Another's misfortune't touch you no heart, no soul, no mind. 't touch дотех until it becomes your trouble.
This is what happened with him. It is hard to imagine how much suffering and long meditations suddenly, immediately hit on the head Жоре, as soon as the first doubting wife roots and gave a small seedlings.
He already had many problems, and it would be great not to think on this a bit. Moreover, Zhora considered himself to those who stand on similar caviling. He believed that his situation, the financial independence and security achieved before married, should protect him completely from the suspicions and jealousy, which had ruined the lives of so many people.
In addition, he trusted to Veronica. She was from a poor family, and in gratitude to him was to beware of hasty acts - so it seemed Жоре.
During медовонго months he was almost constantly with her. Around them always spun so many friends and acquaintances, as were enough to not be bored. But since moving to Moscow, everything changed. Here he waited for a dangerous and serious work, if so you could name the adventure that had to start to return the lost status.
Gladysheva he took with itself, just in case, did not really knowing why. This is a harmless, gently. Infantile boy from his campaign gave the impression вполен loyal person. Several times having to deal with them and talking constantly to all sorts of abstract topics, Zhora made him aware that he is not capable not only cause someone hurt, but to defend itself.
To put it more bluntly, always generous to waste Behemoth this time продешевил. He lacked the courage to admit to myself that Gladyshev, this quiet and pensive, this man is not of this world, took him to Moscow as a bodyguard, follower and companion pastime for Veronica. He wanted to Gladyshev looked in his eyes, as a court philosopher, whom he bring, from the fact that no place to put money, whether from boredom, whether from vanity, and because he did not notice that in Moscow there has arrived quite unprepared for serious бборьбы with Moscow tycoons, which led to the threads of the disappeared wealth.
But little by little it became something clearer and smoother. Links with their lose and when I felt it was quite hard, called to help more of its people. They rolled in his black Mercedes, which also lacked him recently, and he became engrossed in the "work", and forget everything else, including about Veronika. It was like a game of chance, where at stake are not just millions, but also the lives of people, including his own. He perfectly understood, and because, not to show the enemy weak link, location Veronica перселился their guys in another part of Moscow, leaving watch over her Gladysheva. Him about this he said nothing, not even hinted, believing that Gladyshev not leave his wife alone, but will it something more intimate than flirting and friendship in her pranks and adventures.
Two or three times after Zhora had called to him from the hotel. It was rather late, and he was hoping to catch her in the room, but again cruelly deceived then and left with nothing. The most recent Zhora rose still on the ninth floor. It seemed to him that the door of the room Gladysheva sounds muted, muffled whisper and even being cautious shuffling footsteps.
In the lobby администраторша confirmed that the keys of both rooms had taken, but George did not rise. Sitting behind the wheel of a Mercedes, all the way only think about what it could mean.
"Than they knots, confused? - This idea is hurt and deeply stung him in his heart. - I also their поубиваю! God forbid!"
He read a lot of books related to women's betrayal, but if they were to him before, not more than entertainment, and now their stories began to acquire a more profound and tragic meaning.
"What, then, all of my efforts?! Why should I risk my life?! If it turns out that the whore, I couldn't bear it, thought George, not noticing that the accelerator вжат his foot out, and the car speeds through the night to the prospectus as wind, overtaking and fly past the other cars rapid boom. "Not if I know about this, first I have to toughen it. And Gladyshev?! Well even if this dopey just broke and did not want to participate in its похолждениях! Then let believes that he was lucky. But if only he confused, he'll be sorry!"
From the rush of fury Zhora hit ногй on the accelerator pedal, but it now rested against the polik. Then, in order to bring down the stress and give разрячдку his nerves, he put the brakes on, feeling with them creak from the boiling anger of his teeth. Мчавшийся behind "Zhiguli" barely managed to avoid crash, юркнув in the neighboring row.
"Bitch!!!" he thought, again giving gas.
In the rearview mirror flashed red, blue and green lights. Apparently, post GAI not miss the sight of his rabid antics. Жоре had to move away from the chase.
Reaching a depth of quarters, he stopped and for a long time tried to come in themselves. Today's night was decisive, and for the matter was not братьс in this form. But the black thoughts never went out of my head, and then George decided to go somewhere, skip two hundred grams of something good. Time he still had.
Moscow, all the same. Scared of the huge city. It is these stone jungle, in the depths of which do not even live, and прсмыкаются, crawling like worms in a huge rubbish heap, millions of people. Visiting people in the best case, only know the Central part of the city, and only those places where the railway stations, and very good, if you have an idea of ксак and how much is a ride to the airport.
Zhora could also ппричислить themselves to кагорте, if not visited Moscow in the past have often than they, and not to travel and to покуралесить here for a few days. But he knew this огрогмный city not so well that as soon as he wanted to unwind, figure out which way to go.
Away from the centre now it was unsafe. It made trouble, especially if the traffic cops spotted his foreign-room, which he either too lazy to just did not want to change, believing that it's too much and it doesn't. But often he tried to remember the location of some bar or restaurant somewhere in the vicinity of yourself - this occupation only useless absorbed fraction of the time that he still possessed.
Finally, spit on all and decided: "let it be!", he started the engine and drove off. From the nearest phone booth in which survived and not one cut the tube, he called in номерк "Fix". In the receiver he heard the words, who told him that Loew-Tooth slightly drunk. The phone could be heard coming from the depths of the room, the cries and shrieks of the women's. Zhora estimated. Who is there now can веслиться: Gvozdev, who came by his вызовуяя, Vitya-"Hose", Levin friend, who did not have him in Moscow, and not only in Moscow, but which brought the idiot "Fix", Angela, also Фиксина idea, which he brought, probably, as an exit скретарши". However, women's voices heard clearly more than one.
"Well gambol guys! - unexpected озлоблнием thought George. - Come home - надобудет break off a little "Fix" horns, and he too asked a bastard! Already believes, probably, itself Tinker with me, boy! Well, nothing!.."
"Hello! he growled into the receiver lion bass, voice Fixes" he immediately disappeared, vanished, stiffened somewhere at the other end of the wire, and from t CSOs sounds of chaos in his room were heard more clearly. - You that there падла, quite insolent!"
"Quiet! Shut up!" "came a muffled, tense voice whisper "Fixes". Squeals and cries stopped immediately.
-Leva - already more calmly continued George, he was pleased that the "Fix" it still afraid. "Have you arranged the booze? Yes?!
"No, George, no! We so simply, with the girls sitting, became frightened justify that.
-With the girls so, " nodded George: "Oh, I am sorry that I now can't see your brazen faces, or I would not resist a couple of times to move it!"
Instead it with a sense of punched his fist in a tin of a telephone booth:
-That tat you falling? - with false concern, through which pushed notes reverent fear, point ересовался "Fix."
"I'm fine!" And here you are, I hear a little drunk. Whether not so?
"Fix" wanted something забормотать in his defense, but he didn't let him open his mouth:
-I warned you, the brute to you, and drops in the mouth did not take without my permission! We here not head to beat arrived! You understand it, a donkey?! You understand that we are here on showdown?!
"Fix" something bleated unintelligible, and Жоре it became clear that to this oaf if something comes far too late.
"Whom I took his aides?! With whom to have to work!" - Zhora hurt bit your finger. Bitterness, саднившая his heart began to outgrow the pain.
-In General, a freak. Give you half an hour for the time that you gave yourself and all other senses, collected personal belongings and sat in the "Old Arbat" all together somewhere at a corner table. And so were all as glass.
Jora gave up, with the force dropped the receiver on to its cradle the device. Telephone offended flailed metal in silence immersed in darkness and hibernation yard. He came out of the booth and огладел rare bright window, behind which was still life. "Hid in holes, pigs, thought Behemoth got into the car. - Well, nothing. It even better. The main thing is that all failed, and I have had enough of this damn Moscow. Here me something obviously unlucky".
MCP he thought about it, as the forthcoming entirely took possession of them already. Excitement, doubt, fear, now he felt. Even the feelings that broke over his heart a few minutes ago, could not be compared with this. Ahead, there was nothing except risk. Of course, it was justification: in whatever was to return the lost, but even it could not guarantee anything.
He took charge of that game, where you can lose life, and has started already to the most crucial part of it. Draw back was nowhere to go, otherwise violate the logic of the previous life: he became, then, is nothing that ьыло for him is tantamount to смертти. And behind, and in front of was death, let diverse, but still equivalent. Behind was death through a shame ahead through risk, and the first he preferred the second, because before taking the first, he would have to erase the still and spitting in his address, and the second is promised only a bullet.
Zhora taxied to the prospect and slowly drove the car to the center of Moscow. "And, anyway, it's a very big city - Moscow", - it occurred to him somehow, and she shivered as a chill.
At the door of the Old Arbat met him, porters, преградивший way:
-Sorry, but we, unfortunately, have not, two and we will be closed very soon.
In other least once Zhora put it in his pocket a few bills, and it worked perfectly, but now he wasn't in the mood to lubricate a t o porter. He felt himself on a horse rushing at full speed to the edge of the abyss. He could not yet know udastsja whether jump over the chasm, but was ready, if not succeed in dragging him into the abyss as many people as possible. And so he reached into the inside pocket of his costume was buttoned up holster.
Porters waited, apparently, see crust some identification, but instead in front of his face appeared gun in the focus of посмотревшее him with his fathomless eyes.
"Uncle, I have you here will put and go on!
Hand porter, преграждавшая way, weakened and fell at all. Passing in the hall, George shoved his gun back and warned him:
Don't you вызвть cops! In the hall, my kids, and if I do not, then they will cover you in two accounts: only рыпнись!
With these words, he went to the cloakroom, passed his coat and went up into the room.
"Fix," and the company has already si Delhi here in full. They occupied a table for four. Zhora зыркнул on the table. There was a bottle of vodka, and some wine. However, although the bottles and were откупорены, glasses were still dry.
George approached the table. "Fix" noticed it at the entrance and watched across the room, then bent down closer to the table, and whispered something , and Анжелла stood up and yielded place.
-Thank you, baby, " he snapped at her, smiled slightly, climbed for the wallet, counted out the money. Are you on a wheelbarrow, and can go in the rooms: we have today would be terribly difficult night.
He looked out at the audience and turned again to Анжелле, which has already скорчить sour grimace:
-However, can take with you and Vitya, - Zhora squinted his eye on "Rafters". The "hose", I do not need. Spend the lady in the hotel.
Victor began to rise slowly, but "Fix" stopped him, putting her hand over his.
Zhora never accepted this silent protest, moreover, that was extremely angry at Levu.
The"hose", I said that I do not need.
"Fix" squeezed Витину hand lying on the table so that the white knuckles on his fingers. "Rafters" and froze, полупривстав.
-Leva - addressed Zhora to "Fix", - he will leave. Shouldn't attract attention of the public, you hear?!
"Fix," hesitated, unwilling to give up. His knuckles turn white stronger, and Vitino face contorted in pain.
Zhora wanted to say, "now I'll shoot!" - but he changed his mind: who knows what could happen next, but in any case, this meant the end to the "Fixes" were hidden away three small-size Uzi - however, to yield to "Fix" it just wasn't going: the inflexible, and went to him to get away with his hands today's disgusting behavior. He leaned back in спирнку chair and was silent for a moment, watching as he landed on its former place, then again leaned to him and said to him:
-"Rafters", because there will shoot you ever see it? Leva wants you went under the bullet next to him, but you see, you did have long, you first зацепят. Also I know that you don't love such activities, where shot! And if you go with us, I'll give you a machine, and, if necessary, make him shoot. Do you understand?
It was obvious as he turned pale. He jerked, trying to pull my hand at "Fixes", but he clutched it tightly as cancer.
"Leo, let him go, " said George. - See: he doesn't want to go with us.
-Not want, Victor? asked "Fix"to see whether he lost this fight.
Victor shook his head dejectedly.
-Well, and go up hence, the "Hose"! he dropped his hand.
Victor rose up, and went with Анжеллой to the exit.
-I won't forget! - hissed through clenched teeth "Fix."
George took it upon your address, although it knew that the words were addressed to him. However, in this situation required, just had to show yourself as clever than I was.
Is I'll remember! - he raised up his index finger. - If we remain alive after today, you know that I have a very large claims.
"Why is it we don't need to stay alive? inquired "Fix." It was obvious that he still drunk.
Why, you idiot, what are you drunk!
"I'm a bit! For courage.
-Well, I think that is enough, at the right time not to have time to press on the trigger or miss.
-Yes, well, " pulled "Fix."
-Okay, I drunken scuffle with you tired! "said George. - go a couple of hours becomes clear that the "well" or "not well". "Rusty" drunk too! he shifted his finger at Peter Gvozdeva. He silently listening to their words, and could only smile in reply.
-Everything is clear! This too drunk! Concluded Zhora. - Well, what, am I with you, fools do? If we could transfer all for another day! But "swing" today, and we need to be there. Well, knots, blame yourself! By the way, where are the weapons?
-On the spot! - drunk gesture reassured him "Fix."
-Where exactly?
"Fix," he leaned over and patted the bag that lay at his feet. Something in her hit the metal.
-Well, first I nodded his head Zhora. Then pour fifty, and leave.
"Fix" poured out glasses of vodka all round.
-Well, - he raised his stack Zhora - so that we did that. Remember: good выручаем.
They drank, overthrew the glasses, wincing each in their own way, had a snack.
-Okay, now, " said George.
He felt again this rapid pace of time, carrying him разверзшейся abyss.
The three of them left the hall, went down to the cloakroom. Dressing "Fix" tried to thrust unfinished bottle of vodka in the inside pocket of his leather jacket, but George took away his bottle, wanted to break, but then gave гардеробщице.
"Another time, I am not a fool to take a walk and enjoy - you know, Leva. But the only other time. If everything will be fine, I promise you: we fill ourselves with you, as the pigs - so, no offense.
Coming out of the restaurant, Zhora threatened finger седовласому the porter, who had повздорить:
"Look at me, grandfather. Next time прищурься better when you're me to stop.
Porters walked him with wide-open from eyed: such birds before he, apparently, is not seen.
-So vividly in the car! ordered his Zhora. - We have very little time.
-Where will the "swing"? - asked the "Fix."
-Where is no problem, " replied George. Now you can go in there with our stuff is here Yes. Okay, here we go, on the road, perhaps, think of something.
Half an hour later онизгнали "Mercedes" on a guarded car Park in Moscow there are now hundreds, if not thousands.
-This is a special "качельная" coach, said to his companions, George, - by switching off the ignition. Here watchman working his person, which does not release from here any machine without the permission of Bondi Boma.
-And how does he know what kind of machine you need to delay? - surprised the "Fix."
-The wonders of technology. Is it not enough invented telephones, radio transmitters, selectors? And there - the devil knows how. To us this is not easier.
-Why do we come here? - for the first time his voice "Rusty", who was silent all the way.
Without it, there is not involved. We'll just go out of the car, and the guard immediately after our departure will report to his boss, what car arrived, and its people.
-And why is it?
-And then, that his people into the "swing" lead throughout. Bondi BOM with who knows how many people will come . and if their will be greater, the kids will meet no good: security interests. There understand long will not, who brought изачем.
-And what about us? - surprised the "Fix."
I said Bondi that bring along two new, I present them on a swing, because I, apparently, was deprived of all, as a violator of the law. He agreed. The more that you know something.
-And what are we to do? - asked the Detective.
-Listen to. Listen while I don't file a signal.
-What was it?
Жорак gave a long shrill whistle:
-If I do so means to begin to crumble all in cabbage, until then, keep very quiet, otherwise we расколят.
"Fix" grabbed his head, as if trying to crush her hands:
-There you are! Well this is what истоорию we run! This well will!
-Not Noah! shouted at him George. I imagine if asked us your "Hose". He would do whining.
-Okay, okay! replied "Fix", then shook his head. - And still, I feel that there will be something terrible. This will start a real war. Can you imagine George is in Moscow then and not сунься. Yes there in Moscow! They to us on disassembly will visit.
-We shall see! Us today жывыми will have to leave - now that the main thing now, that's what we should think. Maybe shoot another and not have to: I don't know why me here called and that there'll decide. Only if I decide to finish off, then, and only then speak our small friends. By the way. You need to think about how we have to bring: after all, for sure, will be searched. Where to hide them? Do you think Leva?
"Let me alone! I know nothing! 'retorted "Fix." - I have the impression that I'm forced to disentangle someone else's mess!
-This is how you spoke! - рипщурился Zhora. - Паскудному! See, you, I will bear this in mind and, if nothing happens to me, something special happen to you.
The face of the "Fixes" filled with the blood of wrath and indignation. He leaned forward and wanted to say whether something is there anything I can do, but at this moment on three sides almost close to the "Mercedes" подрулили "Volga"-taxi. From one car the driver got out and went to a sitting behind the wheel Жоре, leaned over and said, цедя through his teeth:
-Are you my wheelbarrow. These two in the other! Faster.
Chapter 11. 1 -> 013.
Now, they don't even realize quite how to coming up to the back door "taxi drivers" threw it open. Apparently, it became clear to all that be in the next minute, and потму not to drop your honor physical "Fix" and "Nail" climbed out. Zhora escorted them a sidelong glance, but when the door slammed shut behind them, it was his turn to.
-Now you! That means you, too!
The thoughts in his head were running in ббеспорядке, bumping into each other, breaking, stumbling and stalling in the heap. Now even he could not tell who it is: people Bondi Boma or the police, the - it was too cool their besieged, not in a friendly way.
However, imperious voice brought him out of the confusion and forced to surrender.
"In any case, we'll shoot, " thought George, " and I would not like to продырявили my new "Mercedes". This thought was наиглупейшая, but she even has not noticed it. Already out of the car, he angrily зыркнул in the direction of "Fixes" and "Nail": "Idiots! Why go?!" - признаываться himself that escape them still couldn't , he didn't want to. For this purpose it was necessary to overstep their self-esteem.
"Фиксу" and "Nail" already searched. "Who are they, the cops or from Bondi?" thought Zhora, automatically closing the door of the car key. The one who first came to the "Mercedes"was a step away from him, holding his hand in his pocket, and silently watching his movements.
-You can not close its лайбу. We're all friends here, " he said finally.
-Are you sure of that? suddenly there was found for such полушутки Zhora, thinking to myself: "well then, no cops! Already easier!"
-I am sure-sure. Let's go better here, " he beckoned Jora finger.
-Why? - Zhora pretended to be surprised.
"Why what?! See what they do with your colleagues. Now the same thing I do with you.
-And without it it is impossible to do?!
-Unfortunately, there are no rules of the game are the same for all. The "swing" nobody should be under the gun. We all encounter. You are the most recent.
-Well, well! - a gesture of the hands of George stopped the guy already ready to proceed with the case. - I согласнен. But I think, generally, is a game without any rules. Why should I be sure that all the others will be without guns?!
-We answer, " replied the boy.
"Listen, enough bothered! We now no time, threw it to someone because of жориной back. It was the voice of one of two other "taxi drivers". They already finished their search "Фиксу" and "Nail" and, of course, they found nothing submachine guns were lying in a bag in the back seat of a Mercedes. Nothing else they had.
-In most cases - like shells guy - why am I with you рассусоливаю? Well, let's see what you have there.
Zhora again put him hand:
"Listen, I have a gun. Where to go?
-Give it here, " the guy held out his open hand.
I'd actually prefer to leave it in the car. It is, after all, a very humbling when you have selected.
-Well, throw it in the machine. And still I love you ' ll search - a lot of things! Don't want chef blew my head off.
"Фиксу" and "Nails" were taken to the taxi. Zhora tugged at the front door. Oan was closed on the lock. Then he whined, silly, probably, for the first time in his life, smiled, walked around the car around, continuing скалиться and, not looking up, staring into the eyes of the guy. He angrily and innocent frowned, and then she almost shouted:
-Hey! Where are you going?! - and reached for lapel of his jacket.
-There closed, " said George, then climbed to the lapel of his jacket, pulled out a gun and raised it high above his head.
-What are you, stupid?! - old guy. "Well, put him in the car!
George opened the back door, and threw the back seat gun and simultaneously зыркнул eyes in search of the bag. Muted розоватеыепосадочные lights snatched from the darkness only empty seat trim panel.
"What are you going чухаешься? - worried guy. He already had in his hand a gun at the ready, and turning over the head Zhora to his buddies that have already Packed in a taxi both: "Nail" and "Фиксу"shouted to them:
-Hey guys, this is some crazy! You still don't go!
"I'm not crazy! I want to live!" remarked to himself, George. He closed the door салонва and the second detected a flash of a strip in light bag. She lay at his feet, barely peeking out from under the car bottom. He had no time to wonder how it got there. For persuasiveness Zhora kicked her with his boot. Bag gasped the deaf metal. So can брякать only weapon. He knew that sound.
George sat down to the bag, painfully trying to figure out what to do now what to do to bring this saving burden. He felt that without it he will cover.
-Hey, crazy, where are you going? - started guy.
"Guys, let's look what is he doing there?!
"How I wish вахватить gun, Yes crumble them all!" - angrily thought George, when I realized that think he did not succeed. "But you can't! The guard Parking is also a human Bondi Boma. He immediately will know!
I lace tie, what do you всполошился asked George, when a guy ran up to him.
Enraged taxi driver, pushed him to the barrel of the gun into the nostril:
-I am with you here, not in toys, play, uncle! What are you мнне performance here doing?
Two other taxi driver came to Жоре back.
-May, knead it here? suggested one of them.
"Who is he anyway?
I don't know... of course, it is not ours, but like a bird accidental. In Moscow such fools, no.
-Come on, get up! - kick a medium-strength went Жоре back in the coccyx.
He got up. Vicious guys Threesome pounced on him namjali his side, and then dragged him to the mesh fence, Parking lot, примыкавшему to some deaf, with growing grass place.
"Easy now, folks! - only managed to insert Zhora between beats. To himself, he thought: "Do you not guess?"
"Fix" seemed to read his thoughts. The corner of his eye George remarked, as he came out of the "Volga", made a few steps to the "Mercedes", bent over and in a moment in the same position sprinted back.
Jora leaned against a fence. They threw him on the fence, so that he moaned, groaned, and панцерная net tossed it back. "Taxi drivers" tossed it back. Gave a couple of times in the stomach. Jora already a long time to beat. He turned down in pain. Breath. George fell to the ground. He wanted to scream: "enough, brothers, enough!" - but couldn't squeeze out from itself and whisper.
-Okay! Stop! Why are we, really separate?! - said a voice of one of the "taxi drivers", apparently, the clockwork. - Perhaps, the search was successful!
Jora ceased to beat, was raised from the earth, поставиили to the fence. Now he, after a minute, could look them in the face. However, everything was swimming before his eyes.
-What happens to little boys who do not obey the Pope! - instructive said to him, poking a finger in the nose, not the gun, not the index finger in a black leather glove.
"Well, Orlik, подыми-ka wings! Uncle will you be searched.
-I already put the gun in the car! - weak voice said George.
-Oh, Yes it is, rather, penguin like! said one of them, searching his pockets, and slapping him on the sides. - Look, hog!
"Easy now, boy, I can be offended, " growled as he could, Zhora. 'I said no gun.
-Well, you're on the offense itself, uncle, ' said the one that forced him out of the car. - We have clear guidelines, and we have болльшие authority, up to decide the upshot of dipping here like you выпендривающегося, right here, or Duma on your way. How do we know who are you? Each Roger't remember. Maybe you speck some COP, and because юлишь and gun don't want to give: afraid not split. Your попуткичи, as you can see, it is not affected.
He looked around, but the "Fix" was already in his place.
-Fellowship, you seem overdone, shook his head Zhora. - Is it possible to contact with a person?
"You, uncle, he is guilty, " answered the same taxi driver. - Behave strangely.
-You first, " confirmed, nodding who was standing nearby. - Get out, get into my car.
"Well, nothing, " thought George. - To remain alive, it is not such a big fee. Just to Фиксу" with a bag is on fire".
Жоре blindfolded. "Taxi driver," put it next to her and warned:
-Not to touch the blindfold. One move in the direction of the person to get on the horns, and then instead of a bandage tie em on the head bag: then there is definitely peek not eat. Understood?
-Got it, - according to nodded Zhora. Now he felt deeply insulted and humiliated. So with him for a long time we did not. The desire to get strengthened his firm and without the conviction that, through his will, he will not allow anyone to inflict on yourself massacre. Has clear that it would withdraw from the game. But now he steps out himself and will be the winner: "If only "Fix" is not засыпется with a bag".
He praised himself Levu and decided. That will surely forgive him all for this act in the Parking lot. Sorry.. if only they both remain alive.
Well, he shall live for sure. George felt that, in spite of all troubles, fortune favours him, occasionally moving away for a little show and not give him license обнаглеть unlimited.
Zhora зашмыгал and shuffled nose, pretending that he is itching.
"What is it? - the voice of taxi driver.
-Yes nose itches, " answered George, continuing to wrinkle your nose and led from side to side of the nostrils.
It is probably because he sniffed my fist? - laughed, "taxi driver".
I don't know, only itches very, " replied George, noting that the bandage slid up a little bit, and between her and щеким was a small slit, which, however, still nothing to be seen.
-Just how long have you чмыхать going?
-You can hand to scratch then will take place.
-Well, scratch. Only swoop - two seconds.
Armband back even more, and in a crack already could be something to see. He became visible hands with the clock.
-To sleep.? he asked a taxi driver. To go long or not?
-How much to go - not your business. Sleep sleep. I'll Wake. Since you don't doubt, - "taxi driver" nasty laughed.
"Moron, " thought with anger and disgust Zhora. - with what pleasure I'll strike you bullet personally, if you don подвернешься".
He threw back his head back and to taxi driver did not accuse him peeping in, noticed:
"Why are you headrests't there?
-What's your business? "snarled the other.
-As what?! Sleeping uncomfortable. Neck заламывается.
-Neck... You take care of her neck. Suddenly you head not сносиить.
"But-but, buddy. Now that's not your business, understand?! - for the first time for the interview Жорино indignation grew into action, and he pointed a "taxi driver" index finger in the shoulder. - Not забывайся, fryer, that I'll still inferior to them, as not cool! And you, the dog is lousy, and your groomsman шелудивые, all you get for that raised their hand on me!
"I understand you how to sing! - surprised the taxi driver. - Look at you as расхорохорился! Oh, how bolder!
-Yes, bolder. I ask again later on "swing"since the thieves became so ывстречать: twist, just garbage hands and beat? What is this shit?
-Sing, Nightingale, sing. I'll listen.
Жоре't like how to talk and how to apply. Here was something wrong. Anyway, it just never did and never dare to talk like some подметные шавки. And here was outright rudeness. Head to him, even crept into the sober thought, внушившая suspicion: a двезут them, in General, up to swing? Something one of them ruffled about the powers, to take on the road...
George felt a speeding up in his chest heart. He continued to ponder, leaning back in his chair and through the gap between the individual and the bandage watching the road: "really, where it is seen that the thief-in-law then in this way were beaten with a bandage on his face was carried on a "swing", as if sentenced to "bitch"? there is something wrong!"
-You are there not подглядываешь? - asked the taxi driver.
-Hey, you! 'retorted Zhora. - Заывязал eyes so breathe through the nose cannot be, and now kidding me?
-Okay, not dust!
-Stop, let персяду on the back seat. I want to lie down.
-Nothing! There is no time, and in the stream we go.
"Taxi driver" never deceived. They really "worked" in the flow of the third or fourth band broad Avenue. Жоре were visible red lights yellow flashing lights ahead of the running machines, glares of lights of traffic lights on a black, wet, shining like polished table, asphalt. However, more to see it, he could do nothing. So tell where they, in which district - Zhora could not.
-However, after a long silence, said George, " if now treat the thieves in the law, not just the meaning of being a thief in the law.
Taxi driver said nothing. Жоре thought he grunted. But he only seemed, and they couldn't count.
Zhora is not noticed, what time was it when they left the car Park. He just was not before. But without that, according to his calculations, it turned out that for an hour they circle in the capital streets and highway.
-Far away did climbed "swing," he said, trying to break nothing good сулившую silence, but the taxi driver, as the water in your mouth scored.
"Shut up-shut up, домолчишься!" "thought George. He felt, however, that his nerves on end, and he would not survive this torture silence.
"How far is it? "asked George.
Sit around and don't insist! And you wanted to sleep. Here and sleep!
-Want, перехотел...
At this time on both sides of the machine became dark and spacious. First Zhora not realized what happened, but the next minute guessed that they are somewhere in the direction Vnukovo. Yes it was the road to Vnukovo. He remembered her.
From this discovery badly sank into breast heart. He even wanted to съязвить: "Скаких do the "swing" spend in the airport," but stopped myself. Anyway, he still had a little hope потму that it is quite possible that the "swing" моглибыть assigned to Vnukovo, in the village or elsewhere outside the city. But hope this was so miserable and so illusive, as a solitary glimmer among the dead, cold ash. George was a good feeling, and it told him that heat.
Предчувствеи its not deceive. He understood it, when he saw ahead of the other two "Volga", folding the track on the left, on просесок. They fell behind them, but now caught up again.
Moscow has remained far away to the right, behind the bare forest now, through the collapse of which occasionally silvery lines were now very distant lights.
The way which they turned, did not promise anything good. Ahead, there was a dense forest of darkness. No lights.
Machine strongly закачало on ухабамразбитого overtaken by bad weather and сякотью statues. The headlights of the case is extracted out of the darkness взмученные ahead reaching machines puddles and раскисшие gauge, red dimensions, and the glare of the front machines, tightly подступившие with both storn to the road trunks of trees.
"How the hell on kulichiki driven", - thought George. He tried this semi-joking thought to relieve закравшееся soul in anxiety, but nothing happened. Something told him that something was wrong, and he was going over in my head all possible outcomes of this adventure, deliberately bypassing if pitfalls in a frail and fragile vessel, the bad and horrible of them, those who most of all, probably, now came nearer to reality.
The first "Volga" turned to the right, and its arc lights полоснули on the birch grove, окружившему not very large clearing. For it turned the other, then the third, where he sat Zhora. As far as he could see from under the bandages, сползшей on the forehead, there was a blind darkness.
"Where have they brought us, dogs?! - George and he felt his excitement blood from his lip. "Maybe they got the dugout what? However, there. They are not militants. They are ordinary capital bandits, those in the forest never to go - there is nothing more for them to do! How is it I never guessed!"
He would have laughed, if I weren't so afraid. Most of his gloomy prognoses that he drove all the way away, it seems. Started to come true.
"However, what could I do?! They have so cleverly took in turn..."
These were his last sober thoughts. In this second someone is rapidly opened the door, grabbed him by the collar and dragged her out of the car, drove something heavy on the head. The blow was moving, or with intent to casually, and so he lost consciousness, but only for some time goes deaf and blind. In the eyes on a dark background заплавали colored spots and ring in the ears sold like bells.
When George came to himself, the first thing he felt that someone was pulling at his shoulder. Spins it was lying on something inclined, rough and hard, most likely, on a tree trunk.
-come on, come on, очухивайся, - came to his ears.
George opened his eyes with difficulty. His head was buzzing, as copper Chan, разламывалась pain. Bandage over his eyes. George looked around the room. To the right of it, too, apparently, a good пришибленные, were "Fix" and "Nail".
"Oh, very well, " before Zhora was the most "taxi driver", which "took" him in the Parking lot.
-Guys, who are you? - managed a Zhora, feeling that his strength had not yet returned to him.
-But I do not speak, goat, what do you think, if we were cops, - "taxi driver lifted his chin gunpoint.
-Of course not. But for goat ' answer.
-The answer is, not only you. After five minutes you nobody and nothing will never be the answer, you know?
-You me, фраерок, to "understand" don't take. Antlers will you then leave. You me, better say, who are you and whence came to beat me and to me like that? from the indignation forces George increased.
-What is this?
"Uncle, I kingpin...
No, uncle, at once interrupted him : taxi driver, lifting her chin cold barrel of a still higher than the previous. - "Swing" decided to take away this title and slap together with your сосунками.
Taxi driver jerked his head toward the "Nail" and "Fixes". Zhora beveled there eyes and saw that the "Fix" worth it, hanging on a tree, and shakes tilted forward your head like a " drunk and "Nail" already knit for birch заломанные back the hands of two other bull-"taxi driver".
-What are the "swing"? That had to be today, and that I was going? - forced out through flattened gun jaw Zhora.
-Rode, Yes not reached. Yesterday they finished.
-Why me?
Apparently not seen fit to call.
-Is it done?! For what is it?!
-'ll see what for. We are little people, but honest. We promise you - we perform.
-I want to talk to your boss, mark! I need Bondi! I want to speak! - gun still hurt speak Жоре.
-What next! See what a fool!
-It's all a trick! There was no "swing"! No one held me cum! - taxi driver free hand squeezed Жоре throat, and these words he was only able to просипеть. - Goats smelly! Let's release! You all tuned! Not're concerned right!
In this moment to Zhora realized that his hands are free and without case dangle on both sides of the body. He was not sure that now cope with "taxi driver", but nothing else could. The corner of his eye he could see that the "Nail" already floundering bound to the birch tree, and the other two "taxi drivers" направляютмя to "Fix", which has still not come to himself and stands and shakes his head.
-Come on, don't swear! You're a goat! "hissed threateningly, "taxi driver". - Now we're going to take you all, and see who's the goat!
'Listen, you bastard! What have you got there, the place is not sewed, time such a thing.
-We have this tradition: all порешенных ending on the birch glade. Some замуровывает in the basins of cement, and then let me on the bottom to feed the fish. But it is not interesting. Tomorrow Bondi BOM personally come to look at the execution of a sentence. But for the "Basterds" I'm finally now personally pick in dundel...
George raised his free hand and with fury, plunged a large пальзы eyes "taxi driver". He yelled and hit the elbows of his hands and, dropping the gun, grabbed his face, and shrank back.
Жоре thought he heard the burst apples eye. He swiftly bent down for the gun. In this moment right came the automatic turn. "I shoot!" - flashed through his mind, and he rolled to the side and fell face down on the cold ground.
Chapter 12. (05).
"The whole world's gone crazy!" thought Gladyshev, looking down from the loggia of the ninth floor. His hand, as if the pendulum swung a condom, наполенный his sperm. It was the first исполльзованный condom in his life, and he looked at him, not without surprise, and even some confusion.
"It would have to perpetuate it first! hardly this thought flashed in his mind, as fingers themselves relaxed for a moment, firing a rubber membrane, and when closed again twice stronger than ever, - it was too late: she slipped between them and flew down piquant "bombs". - May in fact someone's head to get. However let. After all, I can now fly footprint and also to fall on someone's head: did in this case I will be "ashamed"?"
-What are you doing there? - came to him a voice Veronica.
-Stand, he perked up like застуканный by surprise, remembering her presence.
"Come here, " asked his young woman. She called him from still hot from the passion of the bed.
-I do not want, - he suddenly felt some revulsion towards his guest.
"Oh my God, just think, that would be a simple friend and a witness at her wedding, and today I'm her lover! As all this is disgusting!" he even shook his head in gripped his disgust.
"Why not?! - voice Veronica changed and became resentful and at the same time threatening.
I don't know. I want to stand. Hot, hot.
He lied, because it was pretty cool, and his body began to зябнуть.
-Then shut the door to the balcony. I'm cold.
He had to obey. Not knowing what is more, love or hatred, and feels for her, he did not могоставаться indifferent and not реагировть at her words, as he wanted.
"Interestingly, the condom hit someone on the head or falls on the ground," thought Gladyshev, feeling that wants to smoke like never before before.
Looking into the room, he called her, feeling somehow strong embarrassment and putting an incredible effort, not to falter after ккаждого words:
-Why, Veronica, cigarettes not captured?
-On the nightstand look - softly, as if reluctantly responded out of the dark girl.
"Like everything was a bad business! - Gladyshev frowned, taking advantage of the fact that his face is not visible. - The whole world is falling down, on devils. And I'm with him and all together, and now for sure: there".
He lived as if in a stupor of this incidental love rampage, the more hideous that all of this had ever happened to him and his young wife of his, if not best friend, then it is without a doubt the landlord and Chuck. Would this woman with the hand with which he himself would be met, he himself would be interested in her in his person, himself invited to achieve, that she should come, he would have achieved her success - it would not be so painful, and maybe he even experienced then the joy of the beast over the defeated prey.
But now, the guilt, the feeling of absolute meanness пришибло him to the ground, as the rain beats down to the asphalt autumn leaves. He felt nasty, filthy type, забравшимся back well studied and familiar path to a good neighbor, who knew him, and with a forward course quite often and amicably.
If the random woman was married or would have been much older than him and had children to him and then it was more than unpleasant, but what happened to him тепероь, left him in such a trance, in such a shock. From which now he had to get away soon.
It was a complication, muddy, no good and disgusting complication of something awful and unpleasant. Previously, he looked into the future right, not lowering her head, or rather, not looking at all, because it was in a Union with himself, with his "I", in the present. Now the future looks to be a dark spot, and there is not something that look scared, but it was impossible and eye lift.
Somewhere out there in front, was the inevitable upshot of all this dissolute history, and this is not done for myself.
Gladyshev knew Hippo well enough to imagine what will he dared to invade his intimate relations, and, especially, instruct his horn. He did not want to come before him in that light. He knew that one and the rnu would believe even this first - it was so unbelievable and ridiculous. The Gladysheva was not the character to beat the other men's wives. On the contrary, if he had a wife, would not have been, perhaps, this week, to his horn small and not lengthened. But then there happened, happened incredible, and he who had beat was the one who always had to leave his broken.
-Wines want, " said Veronica.
Gladyshev turned on the lamp and looked closely at her face.
-That you're hatched, as the first time I saw? asked Veronica. I have never heard of that? I want wine. Call me, please, in the restaurant. Let them bring in the room. I have money.
"I have one.
Veronica unkindly grinned, she was well-known source Гладышевских income:
-That, Behemoth gave?
Not give. I myself have him..he wanted to say "requested".
"Well, then order the wine.
"It's too late. Hardly the restaurant still has anybody.
-Well, call me - the tone of voice of the girls became заигрывающим, and he understood that we should move on to the offensive.
Hey, why are you his, the word "husband" was in his throat, why his... call the Hippopotamus. He is not the friend of the campaign, and the legal husband.
-Oh-Oh-Oh - Veronika nasty grimaced - teach me into his head. You look!
-No, not a lecture. Just me and you, except by name call. I you never his name never heard, even after what happened between us.
-Oh dear, what is that between us this happened? Yes you know how many I had this happened? Burdock you - that's who. And, in General, Gladyshev, not your business to teach me, and especially about my wife.
The words "my husband," she highlighted by saying their different tone, so sarcastic that Gladysheva argh turned, and made the grimace.
-Why are you so беспутная, Veronica? - he asked quietly, but she heard his question.
"What makes me be путной? Life in me, no good. Yes and no "no good" I and бедовая. You understand?
With difficulty. However. Whatever you called - the essence of something one.
-All right, enough of me to teach Gladyshev! Tired!
-What did you not tired?! now he tried to give the last word, making it almost on syllables, to mimic her in the turn, but it is not affected in the slightest.
-Gladyshev! - Veronica responded after a pause. - Where my wine, Gladyshev?
-Why do you want wine?
Veronica exactly broke out. Indignation jolted her on the bed. She threw up her hands. - Етит your Maman! What is this выгибоны Gladyshev?! We can say very soul! You know, oak your head that a woman wants to wine. What else do you need to know?! A woman wants to drink - what else do you need to become green snot, which is now limp on the edge of the sofa, and a real man, who fulfills the desire of a woman in order to get its location, and benevolence.
-All you know! - поддал her Gladyshev.
-Yes, I know. But right now I want to drink! Listen, Yes, after all, how many you ask for-you can?!
-Drink vodka?"
'Do you have vodka?
-Why did they ask? Got to be kidding me, Gladyshev got to be kidding me a donkey with счьим потрохом! You me now you get one, I am now заведусь - he is not happy shalt! 't believe me?!
-Believe, I believe! - Gladyshev broke down and laughed.
-All my favor you, consider, have lost, as, however, and should be - this is nothing surprising for such a fool as you are.
She paused, but barely Gladyshev opened his mouth to answer her attacks and that protect their dignity as she muttered again.
-If I Gladyshev, five minutes will not be kneeling on a silver tray crystal glass of wine I don't know what you'll do. Believe me: I'm not kidding. And can you not smile. All. The time has gone.
She took from the table small hand-made watch, "gold" and looked at their dial, and then back at Gladysheva:
-Why you sitting?
-perhaps, with the silver tray and crystal wine glasses will be a big snag, " he replied.
-Perhaps, " she agreed. - Well, you can without it, although it is desirable: have you got a money. But a glass..can a glass of wine. And left for three minutes and thirty seconds - not so much.
She held out her hand to the table, opened a drawer, took out a small handbag-"cosmetics", pulled out марникюрный set and started a small nail file edit nails.
-I can imagine какми pleasure I, - she glanced at her watch, - after three minutes, ten seconds расцарапаю you all face.
-Face, straightened her Gladyshev, hurt his lifting up more convincing index finger.
"Never mind, " and waved my hand in his side, as if dismissed him from назойлитвой flies, Veronica, " the point is not changed, and, by the way, don't rush is still not enough. It's exactly three minutes.
Gladyshev grunting. The old grandfather, reluctantly got up from the couch and went to the telephone.
-But you forced me to it threats, " he warned, - bear this in mind.
He picked up the phone, dialed the phone number of the hotel restaurant.
- girl, you be so kind to accept an order in the room and as soon as possible. A bottle of wine and he looked at Veronica: she watched his every word, without raising his eyes from his face - and two crystal glasses, if you can... I know that much more expensive, the words "much more expensive," he deliberately singled out and said louder, but Veronica already looked down and dreams орудовала manicure nail file. - Come on, girl, and as soon as possible.
He hung up the phone and not her breath, she said:
-You had to have a husband таконго ass, as I am to the plow was possible. On Жоре much not попашешь, if, in General, his harness it.
-None of your business, Gladyshev, and not лукавь: you much lazier. You make so it would have been ten times did. And, besides, you nasty, why not ordered a silver tray?
-Forget it, " I lied Gladyshev and then lowered his eyes.
-Who are you lie taught? - Veronica shook her head. - I forgot, because he would not. And, incidentally, remained only two minutes and thirty seconds, Twenty-eight, Twenty-four -- I don't think the waiter would be so quick to comply. Why, you even dessert wine is not ordered, and it means that you are a miser and hardly give him a good tip.
"I never guessed! - tried to defend himself Gladyshev.
-OK, enough whining, - dismissed him Veronica. What about the husband, Gladyshev, exclusively wrong. I have always been of the husband. And I've always lived so куак live now.
-What it means: always was and always lived? her words brought him in bewilderment.
-And exactly what it means. Of course, I can't say with certainty, but I think - and this happens quite often that I lived before. I don't know how long ago this was, and the word "long" here, in General, it is not appropriate: a hundred years ago it was also a long time and is not available now, like a thousand... Well, it was in the days of chivalry, anyway, so I remembered. My husband was a rich and illustrious family. We lived somewhere in the South of France, not in the very North of Italy. And he went on a crusade to the East, putting on my hips chastity belt...
-What is that?
-Oh! You don't знваешь?!
-How do I know...
I thought Gladyshev, that if you are a well-read man, you should know. Well, it's a thing, made of iron, like пантолонов that... well, isn't allows жернщине change her husband during his absence. Well, in General, it prevents do it...
What Veronica do not dare to pronounce, it is perfectly portrayed hands. Gladyshev admired its skilled gestures. They even a few incited him.
"But you went in the toilet? he already had that structure in the form of armor on women's thighs but curiosity led him to ask this question.
-I don't remember exactly, but it was provided for this and this allowed me to somehow come in contact with a man. I don't remember exactly what I did for this, but to me it was very good.
-And your husband?
The husband? He left and never returned. Only several years later came the news of his death. In my vague memory, sometimes similar to sleep, I see that I decided to get rid of that ill-fated iron armor and in the attempts to him was stabbed to death some creepy tool serving for stabbing iron.
-Maybe it's just your imagination? Imagination plus passion novels, based on sexual motivations and маструбации?
-The fact Gladyshev, that I did not read romances and, moreover, such a perverted content. Unfortunately or whatever else, it's my past life.
-The transmigration of souls?
-Yes. But most likely, the immortality of the soul. Isn't talked about this вспе wisest prophets and great philosophers? Socrates, for example.
-About this. But how do you know?
-Well, right! Where would we! - Veronica offended curled her lip, but immediately found, glanced at the clock, she said. - so, your time is up!
With these words she got up out of bed, threw nail Polish on the table beside the bed and headed for the Гладышеву.
He сперв and not realized what happened, but the first scratch from a nail Veronica forced him to recover.
She threw herself at him Cat. - just perfected, if specially, nails trying расцарапать, laying hold of his face, but from the second outburst he already ducked.
-You чегшо, Veronica?! You what?! he asked, stepping back, dodging and slapping her hands.
"I told you, finally, that you will regret if no wine!
"But I ordered!
-I don't care " time's up!
It has landed him in the corner of the room, working hands splayed and bent fingers so fast that the wind whistled from their movement. However, at the very moment when Veronica second time managed to полоснуть his cheek with nails, leaving a serious, deep and bloody trail, he dodged юркнув down and bent over and slipped under her hand and ran into the bathroom.
From behind I heard her indignant cry and depth of naked stop on a carpet floor.
"I wonder how it looks? thought Gladyshev. - Naked woman running for you across the room, and with fury, scratch your face in!"
At a bend in the corridor, not to skidded on линолиуме, he stopped, and hand Veronica caught him up, leaving traces of burning on the back. He sprinted again, in two jumps was in the bathroom and closed the door on the latch.
Heard Veronica swears loudly in the corridor of the room and takes desperate attempts to break into the bathroom. Under her остервенелыми head up the door finely trembles, but Gladyshev, carefully examining constipation, decided чтооткрыть its not succeed and, turning to the mirror, examined рангы on his face. They were similar to the marks of the claws of any large predator, полоснувшего it by the skin. He turned and looked in the mirror at the back. It flowed three streams of blood, сочившиеся of long scratches.
Listen, well, you and give! he said, outraged. - You did to mess! And only joking m you don't know how!
Cursing stopped outside the door. Veronica stopped beating down and pull the handle. Some time it was not heard, then she said:
-Open, hear! Open, telling you!
-Wow: open the door! he said, outraged. "You look better, you pricked your claws...
In the room there came a knock.
-Gladyshev, us knock, go open up! - a voice was heard Veronica through the door.
-And you're not going to scratch? "he asked.
However, her voice sounded conciliatory, and therefore could not question it.
He unlocked the door and went out into the hallway.
Veronica quickly обевалась in depth Mr. EPA, sofa. A quick glance, she цыкнула:
"Well, come on, come on!
He went to the door, and click the lock, opened it, he saw a crack of a waiter from the restaurant with a tray in her hands.
-Your order, " said he.
"One moment, " asked him to Dima and they threw Bathrobe, opened the door. - Go through.
-Now you will pay or later?
-Then, - said Dima was, but Veronica already handed the waiter bill.
-No change is necessary, " she said.
The waiter glanced at bill, whistled, almost as surprised and at the same time with contempt looked at Dima and more without uttering a word, he left, slamming the door.
-Why did you do it? in an offended tone, Dima asked.
-Then, - said Veronika by his eyes on the tray, - нихрусталя, nor silver - nothing of what I asked for.
-Well, here I am! You heard: I requested that brought...
-Bad, then asked, " sighed Veronica. - Why jester I'm with you contacted Gladyshev! You рохля! Even heard on the phone, that this is not a respectable person, and neither fish nor meat.
Dima fell silent. Hurtful words Veronica, her act and disdainful glance waiter hurt touched him to the quick. He did not at once he noticed that not able to do anything, chastised himself for it a thousand times, but note Veronica хлестнуло and scorched his heart. He lost any mood.
-Well, pour the champagne , what are you? "it Veronika.
"You know, I'd rather not, courage, said Dima.
Offended, she guessed it. - Well, anything, you will take place. And remember, Gladyshev, you're not the person who I will ask for forgiveness, and resentment which I could sympathize.
She got up and went out.
"Where are you? he asked after him, though without redneck clear.
-To my room, " she said over his shoulder and slammed the door.
Dima lay down on the couch and stared at the ceiling with his hands behind his head. His thoughts went grim running the eternal circle, which seemed бынавсегда was outlined for them. At the end of their run usually born some sad image and poetic lines, and then he took the pen and paper. Rarely happened that he wanted to draw something, but it would require more терпенияи крпотливости, and because изобразительствовать he took even more rarely, only in moments of strong emotional outburst. His heart was sad, and he resolved постихоплетствовать, sketch on paper couple of verses, which would punish yourself again for his perfect impracticality of this incomprehensible, complex and немилосердной life.
Feeling bodily relaxation, close to the неожиланной fatigue, he hardly rose from the couch and looked around the room in search of a folder with the paper.
He once again drew the attention that the room is it someone made a mess. No, he did not take away their things, but he knew, as he lay. Now everything seemed the same but subtle touch of a stranger Rui was present here, as if left on all the seal of his intervention. It was not his mess.
It then suddenly it was like we were hit by electricity. Poetic mood, this мендалевая bitterness with a taste of melancholy, at once gone somewhere, and it seems that he протрезвев, once again looked around. His sensitive nature fired still under the yoke of the charms of communication with Veronica, woke up and felt the danger posed by all this, someone else's mess. Someone was here and rummaging in his things.
He wanted to force myself to think that it was Veronica, but then EA realized that the idea is absurd in свяком case, based on what he knew about her. Why would she need to dig in his things?
Somebody knocked in the door. This sound broke the silence of his room, and he perked up.
"Who's there? - own voice seemed to him too loud.
Behind the door was not answered.
"Maybe it is Veronica back? he thought. "does she? It is not походже... However, it can be a waiter. The tray, see, come... have I been so long I thought?"
He went to the door and paused, opened it.
Stood by the door кастелянша.
-You are asked to go down! she said and walked away.
-Who? "he asked.
I don't know the administrator called and said that you went down. Something urgent.
"Strange," thought Dima, but still went to the Elevator.
-Who called me? - he turned to администраторше, which, as always, writing something, low bending over the table.
"But here, at the entrance there are, not looking up, she threw her hand towards the mirrored door of the lobby.
There were two men in long black cloaks with gloomy faces.
"Lord, who is it?" scared Dima toward them.
-What do you need? he asked, feeling him twist my hands.
Chapter 13. (014).
There was another burst of tommygun fire: short and dry. They heard a moan. George crept quickly working elbows and cursing himself for the high. Wet grass. Splashes dew fell on his face, and his collar up to his elbows were wet, but he took no notice of it, clutching a saving gun, which was all hope. As well, he had managed to pick it up!
Zhora the first time regretted that not slim and not натренерованный physically person. Now, in the most decisive minutes, this greatly hindered. He suddenly thought that creep is pretty slow, though roll to the side, and even better, move dashes.
Moan is not coming from his head. He was still in his ear: "Who got shot, "Nail" or "Фиксу"? Probably, "Фиксу". Apparently, he tried to resist. And maybe got them both? It was the same two lines, two. But the first was clearly in my direction. First launched I..."
Came the third turn. She was heard somewhere very near, he even thought that over his head.
George rolled to the side, in some наоплненую cold water hole and stood, holding up his hand with a gun and brings the sounds of trying to define what happens.
"Now расправяться with them and will seek me, " he decided. - Well, свиньия ввам so easy to дамся!"
He pulled затворпистолета, trying not шумать. However, extractor pushed cartridge, which was дослан in the trunk before (he did not know that gun is ready to fire), and the loud хлюпком fell in a puddle. Жоре thought this treacherous sound was heard far away.
"The hippopotamus! Where are you, hippopotamus!" - Жоре seemed that someone is calling. Then he decided that it just can't be, but he was summoned again.
"Jora! Come Out, Zhora! You're alive?!" this time except that it was called by the name, it seemed to him that he hears the voice of the "Fixes".
"Means "Fix" is alive, thought George. - Who are they for so many shot? Probably, the bushes were scouring, I tried to shoot. And now they want to lure using the "Fixes". Well, not anymore, folks! I'd be a fool! Nothing would come of it!"
Just in case he raised himself on his elbow, lie autumn night in a cold puddle had no pleasure. The bushes were high and because he did not удалоось see. It again called. This time he clearly discerned that was calling him "Fix", but his voice went away, went away, and because George got out of puddles on a small knoll and dared to rise up on all fours and lean over the bushes.
Five minute walk, on the other side of the glade, there were machines. They stood with dim lights in the cabin faint yellow light shone landing lights. Right and left it was dark. Several times against the background of cars passed shadows of human figures, however, how many are they and who are disassemble it was absolutely impossible.
George lost his bearings. Not immediately, he was able to determine the place, where a few minutes ago, "taxi driver" припирал him to a tree, but when bearings, he found that the third tree, which was tied Nail empty.
"The hippopotamus! Jora! You're alive?! Answer! I signed, Jora!" again shouted "Fix."
"Oh, a new argument in the course went! he thought with a jeer. - But I don't buy: no fool! Look at you, what have invented them all signed! No, guys, I not caught with chaff! How could "Fix", which barely on his feet, put them all? Is that him shot?! But then what?!.."
A vague guess lit up his mind.
"However, thought George. He decided to trust your instincts, which today has already proved him his innocence, and now she told him that it's there: "Fix" their laid - Zhora remembered QC he picked up the bag with weapons in the car Park. - if so, then "Fix" well done, and if not..."
Just in case he took the gun at the ready position, bending left elbow to shoulder: "And if not, then I'll show them!"
He went to the meadow, pausing at each tree and the second, another waiting.
Apparently, the crackle of twigs under his feet, drew attention.
"George, where are you? again came to his ears of the deaf, the darkness, the voice of "Fixes", he дадже thought that this time he sounds more joyfully. - George, is that you? You're alive?! Where are you?! Come out soon, one of these goats! The others I have finished!"
"And where "the Nail", "Fix"? - filed finally, Zhora his voice.
-Behemoth, you as always with his repertoire! I know you don't suffer from negligence! Here it is.
George noticed now lonely shadow, двигающуюс on the meadow.
-"Nail"is that you?!
-I! I! "replied lonely shadow
-Go turn on the lights! Give more light to me you see.
-Behemoth, you're already went nuts! - laughed "Fix." - Get out, where are you? Enough already cat-and-mouse play!
"I didn't ask! "Jora. - "Nail", do as I say!
In the bright eager Farah Zhora discerned the figure of the "Fixes"that he would not be confused with any other. Beside him, on her knees, stood another shadow, which he kept, bull.
-Whom do you think, "Fix"? "asked George, coming from the forest to the glade and the approaching shadows in the light of the headlights.
-Who would you have thought?! - with a bloodthirsty enthusiasm he said. The Gad that five minutes ago over you издевлся.
Zhora approached them with pleasure and took a recent offender for Chub, lifted his, threw his head back, trying to discern in the darkness, barely расеиваемом headlights eyes of the prisoner. His face was impossible to learn. It changed from fear to unrecognizability. The fact that until recently emphasized the impudence and insolence nature now or dissolved in the darkness of night, or looked pitiful and not caused nothing but rage and hatred.
Zhora ducked to better see the fear in running the eyes of "taxi driver," recently сверкавших from a sadistic pleasure. Quite unexpectedly hunter прпевратился in prey, and his sacrifice suddenly took over and now she држала it in their paws.
-Well, shit, turned to him with a barely suppressed jeer jubilant soul winner, " what do you say?
Taxi driver was silent, frightened staring at him, and, if something like a Jackal, now was like a ROE deer quivering with animal fear waiting for deciding their fate, the fate of production.
"Cat got your tongue? he отмашь hit "taxi driver" on the face of revolvers, and not waiting for an answer.
He fell down as if dead. The helplessness of the victim's always in his defiance of brutal яростьрасправляющегося with her, but with special force, if it just was a master of the situation. George jumped to a "taxi driver" and proceeded to that had the power to kick his feet, иступленно, in delirium something приговаривя. When the fury was replaced by fatigue, he noticed that the same is engaged in and "Fix", and "Nail" stands by and watches.
George looked at his feet. Taxi driver was also unmoved.
-Dead or what? he asked "Fixes".
I don't know, " shrugged the.
-It seems overdone, " concluded George. "Well, put him in the car.
"Fix" scratched his head, then waved to the "Nail":
"Well, подсоби. I have long worked as a loader.
They отволокли lifeless body on the other edge of the clearing there, where there were three "Volga", put it on the back seat of one of the cars.
And with those two, what are we doing? - shook his head "Nail". His face was gloomy. Everything that happened and now, when the verse was not caused his approval.
-Come on, перекурим, then decide wearily Behemoth waved his hand.
They sat down and started to have lit up, sitting in the cabin taxi: George driving on the right - "Nail"and "Fix" on the back seat.
It is great we gave them a light, " he began првым, sweet and deeply inhaled. In the twilight began to Shine his Golden crown, framed with a smile.
-How do you manage that? surprised Zhora.
-I machines picked up.
-I knew that.
"Yes, and then запазуху hid him, here pretended to be drunk, and when he saw that the time, then grabbed a gun and put them like smoke. The same I - pigeons!
"Fix" suddenly convulsed by a nasty, hysterical laugh, which Jora somehow just shrugged. He still wasn't feeling great. Of course, without a doubt, the "Fix" was just a lad. If not he, then they would have already come to an end, - he knew that. But ve same Zhora could not share the joy that had seized his companion. It was нездоровя, unnatural joy.
"Fix," laughed for a long time, until George suddenly said:
-"Fix", enough to neigh! You people killed.
This phrase вырвлась had a gradually, by chance. He himself did not expect that to say this.
Leva "Tooth" it is not at first understood that he was referring to his boss, but then when it came to him, turned his smile on all thirty-two teeth, changed tense grin anger and confusion:
-I'm not caught up with the Hippo...
-I'm not caught up with the Hippo...
-Well, I mean, that cannot be so glad to find, since it happened.
-How come?
-Well, that had to pee.
Zhora all their gut почувствовл that it suffered a "not in the steppe", and it was quite a sentimentality.
-You that, with oak collapsed? - grimaced, "Fix."
"Well, it's I, " quipped Zhora.
They had an unpleasant pause, which relaxed the Nail again and asked:
-So what do we do with those two?
Both, and George, and Leva "Tooth" looked at him as though we saw for the first time.
-What to do with them? asked "Fix."
-The place-it is labeled, it would be necessary to remove them.
-Then and this, too, - "Fix" nodded lying next to him, "taxi driver".
-It's not all clear, " said George. - But those need to pour gasoline and burn.
"Nail" disagreeably winced, "Fix" dissatisfied mouth twitched at that.
One I do not see. You can, of course, would be to throw them somewhere in a city, on the way back, but the posts of police, traffic police. Why do we bother? Today, I think, are fairly... Or is it?!
-Yes, enough, " agreed "Tooth and Nail" in one voice.
"I think we are. Wherefore, let's not going to create unnecessary problems themselves. Those two drenched with gasoline and burned.
-As this? - "Fix" elbowed taxi driver.
-This will solve апосля, depending on its працездатности, - George thought for a moment,frowning, and added. - By the way, we, probably, will be useful.
-Why is that? - surprised the "Fix."
-Well, at least to ward off these cars in a safe place.
-Do you think that they need to leave.
Zhora pointedly smiled.
"You see. If I was коцап, I'd burned. If I was a khokhol, I like them a "сховав". But because I did it, and neither this, but a mixture of коцапа with the front of the head - the result is a Jew, that I sell.
-It is too dangerous shook his head who was silent until now "Nail"
"Yes, she says, " confirmed "Fix."
-Not more than today's evening walk, " replied George. "Besides, we have now is pretty tight with money. So let it be even small compensation for the vulnerability, which the Lord Moscow thieves have done in our pocket, do you?
"Fix" thought. The facial expression of "Nail" it was obvious that he wasn't going to Express their opinion, knowing that the hippopotamus is unlikely to listen to him.
-Well, do as you know.
-What are you waiting for, my friends, " tapped them on the shoulder Zhora. - Looking for cans, заметаем traces, but first tie-ka this colt, Yes tighter, so that he could not очухался and not begin to kick.
After a few minutes, at the far end of the glade, blazed two чадящих funeral fire, licking their heavy, lazy, rising up and away, подпрыгивающими languages of darkness over me. Splashes of them reflected on the white trunks of embracing glade birches, on the glass and automobile bodies, and three pairs of eyes entranced and detachment from the things watched this devil's night pandemonium fire, devouring human bodies, more recently, the former human beings who did not want and did not think even die, but that suddenly, unexpectedly, just as it always happens, were killed and now turned into fire and dense and resinous smoke and ash into nothing, into the dust, which is already tomorrow рассеиться on the world without a trace.
-But now could голреть now, probably we, " said George, broke silence, воцарившуюся in the car.
-Yes, catching agreed : "Nail" and frantically shrugged, apparently, in the shoes of those two.
-However well, enough of that, winced "Fix."
Wind increasingly gaining strength as nightfall, turned in their direction, and carried Chad and the stench from the fires in their direction.
-Close the window! - закашляля Zhora. Fu, as stinks.
-As chicken, which обшмаливают at the stake, noticed a "Fix." It seemed that the memories about the chicken raised his spirits.
Zhora desperately завращал handle lifting of glass, - at first he was desperately looking for the button электроподъемника, forgetting that he's not in a "Mercedes".
The back seat of the taxi driver was showing signs of life, heard some moans and gurgling.
Tough guy, " remarked George, nodding his head, turned around.
-A strong, Yes like already not alive, - noticed "Fix." - We отметелили that seems поотбивали all of liver, spleen. The corpse.
-Living dead, raised up index finger for giving weight to its refinement Zhora. Is someone there seems to be a play таккая is, whether that: "the Living corpse". In any case, it is necessary to revive her, to wipe the blood from his face, wash - we now come in handy, and then we шлепнем.
Жоре sometimes the most scary was listening to the cynicism that вырыался him , but he couldn't do anything about it.
-Верняк - agreed to "Fix", by moving it to a friend in the shoulder, and started lying next "taxi driver". - Hey. Get up! What sprawled!
He pulled a taxi driver by the sleeve and put it near you. It seemed that he just asleep, but already now it is visible started to exude the bruises and scratches, which he acquired from George and his buddy-buddy. He softly moaned. Nose he had a blood drenched instantly, as soon as he was in a sitting position, all his clothes.
-And he really soon окочурится? - exclaimed "Fix", looking from the bottom somewhere in the nostrils of the battered. You see, as кровяка whips. Guess we did something cool smashed.
"I think it лупасить, " nodded Zhora, then turned to "Nail". "Listen, you have possession of the car?
"No, " he shook his head.
-A car can drive?
"Well, " shrugged the "Nail", - slightly better than average. And what?
-Yes, nothing. Simply be, probably, to you for a third wheel to sit down, or burn the car here, and sorry.
-Well, okay, I'll try, - with the consent blinked a Nail.
-Yes, try it as well, but we need through the post of GAI to go. Need to travel with confidence. I have leva right there, so you need to think about what to do with you, then George looked again at the beaten to death a prisoner and shook his head. - Why are we so hurried.
"Fix" demonstratively unclenched his fingers which held the sleeve of taxi driver, and the insensitively flopped back on the seat, still hitting her cheek against the door of the salon.
-Yes, apparently he has not's going to head off, " said George.
-We will finish? readily asked "Fix" and raised his Uzi higher, demonstrating a willingness to pay without delay to the prisoner, was of no use.
-Yes, probably nodded Zhora.
-Why only dragged him into a car?! - outraged with the offence of "Nail".
-And how do we find the Bondi Boma? - suddenly remembered "Fix."
-Do you think that we need to look for him? - a raised eyebrow Zhora.
-I think I need to talk with him, especially after today.
He may know nothing, " replied George. - Little did we have common enemies, which we had never heard. Although, I must check it out. Maybe that is its people.
Zhora his eyes straying to the back seat and started thinking of staying in this position still for a few minutes.
-If this guy очухался, " said a dialogue Nail - we would lot of things could learn.
"Yes, shook his head Zhora, - if. Still, Leva, we gave surpluses. It was not necessary so hard to beat.
Leva agreed выкатив lips in a whistle, as if going to whistle.
Suddenly George shook Hisself as if from a dream, shrugged, throwing off the stupor and accurately revived.
-Well, кончаем it, Yes go to sleep? he asked completely different, fresh and more lively voice.
Succumbing to his influence, cheered and "Fix." He moved the bolt, "Uzi", again raised the sleeve of taxi driver free hand and put it up to his temple, barrel of the gun going to pull the trigger.
"Not here! - George winced. - Why забрызгивать brains and beauty of the machine to which we will use?!
"Fix," opened the door, pushed foot from the interior of the body taxi driver and got out after him, threw over her shoulder:
-Nail help.
"Nail" reached the street. They dragged twenty meters lifeless body, and then suddenly Жоре thought that this guy should be left alive, and he turned to yell and reverse it, but just at this moment there was a short line.
When they left from the glade, two fire already were burnt down, but the third is still only inflamed and gained strength. George, who led the first car, there was the sense that they three were swapped with these фраерками-"taxi drivers"and that they themselves had already finished off on the clearing and burned. "In essence, what our differences? he thought, but to develop this idea prevented fatigue and an unpleasant feeling that fell through it now every time he recollected the details of events on the glade. They spun in front of him, like annoying flies, and he didn't know where they go. Now be a big war. Unless, of course, Bondi know what happened... And he learns. Maybe not immediately, and because I have the time. It should be used, and to hurry to get out of here восвоясие".
"Nail" was the last car. Zhora and then, and looked and looked in the rearview mirror on his вихляющую, bad a running machine. Most Zhora was afraid that they would stop some post of traffic police or militia. Especially this may have been due to "Nail". "Taxi drivers so don't travel, thought George. - You can imagine that drove there in boob a little bit drunk, and it's only a Nail.
Just in case, right on the seat lying ready Uzi with передернутым gate. The second was the "Fixes"going for him. They agreed that if there is - just pop off, and then go and after an hour meeting at the Kiev railway station.
However, they are lucky. At the entrance to the city traffic police post was as empty as would've died. On the street stood patrol machine, and the crew appeared to be asleep somewhere inside sentinel павильончика, thinking that in this night the cars on the road a little, and there is no need to overwork.
Once you are in Moscow, George sighed with relief. Now it was just to pick up from the Parking lot of your "mercy" and determine somewhere these machines.
We had to find out where the color of the body. This seemingly simple task looked great danger now: without a doubt Bondi controlled if not all, then most of repair workshops, both public and clandestine, and he certainly would have known that somewhere entered repainting three "taxo".
George took to the curb and put the brakes on. Behind him stopped and two other cars. "Nail" and "Fix" came up to him.
"What shall we do? - asked George.
They were silent, preferring to take his initiative.
Suddenly in my head George matured surprisingly simple and saving solution: "So Peter is that he gets!"
-Go to the product.
-The commodity station.
-We will ship cars to Peter. We will order the carriage. Send them "Nail". He there подновит, paint and sell.
"Why not here? - surprised the "Fix."
-It's dangerous here. At Bondi Bohm surely bound. As to Peter, I think he has not reached yet. There his office.
Leva "Tooth" thoughtful but after a minute answered with a sigh:
-"Nail", you say? Is it worth? The start of the game. We need people.
-Stands, " nodded Zhora.
Chapter 14. 015.
It took another two days, everything was still quiet. Gvozdev left behind sent to Peter machines. In a lime accompanying proved that the machines are designed for one of the local taxis.
Prudence and caution, which Behemoth was always distinguished and, thanks to whom, perhaps, lived still forced him to change his "Mercedes". He already began to think, to sell it and for greater security, buy some "Volvo" or "Japanese", but attachment to a beautiful and comfortable car, crossed his arms and legs.
They were alone with "Фиксой". Returning after that fateful night, he unexpectedly for myself beat Левиного friend, "Rafter man", and ordered him to get home. Vitya поспешнео retreated, taking with him and Анжеллу, which loudly screamed during that whole time, while hippopotamus beat "Hose".
Now they sit opposite each other in the deep armchairs, and George thought about what Leva this time not stood up for his friend. They looked at each other and silently smoked. The soul was disgusting. Gvozdev left. They were alone.
Two days they showed no nose from "Metropolja", which occupied a good rooms. On the third day Zhora suddenly said, slamming himself on the knee
-Let, the time to act. Time is money.
Leva elevated with pillows заспанное face.
-Maybe we should wait until the "Nail" will return?
-No! - Zhora confidently shook his head. - I am confident that we are already looking for.
-Do you think?
You would think чтоты - no. First, apparently caught the three. Then guess what happened... anyway, hurry up.
-But what can we do together?
-If you think well, much. On our side - the suddenness and unexpectedness of action. Now we don't do anything, and they do. They are looking for us. And time is on their side. As soon as we start to act, the time will be on our side. Remember: our goal is to take back what we got for yourself, and that was stolen from us by the Moscow bastards.
"Do you still hope to bring it back? in the voice of "Fixes" felt apathy and fatigue.
-Yes, I hope so, " George went into a rage. He leaned toward the interlocutor, putting большшое effort to break away from the back and get out of a drowning man, a deep armchair. And not распускай nurse! Remember, either we get back what we lost, or none of us in any case, you and I leave here, still alive.
-I pass! - shook his head "Fix"
-No, you don't pass, home, not pass! - Zhora ran up to him, put her on his knee and took my chin.
-I signed up to it?! - outraged "Fix", pushing away from your face his hand.
-Wow... I in this case took only, to help you have, so to say, a friendly aid, and you...
"What are you?! - George shook his breast.
-Let go! demanded Leva, pulling his hands behind his запастья.
Zhora unclenched his fingers and slumped down on the floor. He felt that exists in the state in which women usually begins hysterics.
-I can no longer, " he said wearily.
-I, too, complained in response Leva, with the palm of the hand over the forehead.
-You know, Lev, I have the feeling that everything around me keeps on a thin wire, and should this thread burst, as all around me повалится, fly somewhere down and deceive зва.
Lev listened to and, with pursed lips, according to nodded, listening to his отокровениям not the false серьезнростью and hidden irony, not really understanding and concern. However Жоре wanted was the second, and so he continued in the same vein. However, interrupted him in mid-sentence, "the Detective asked:
Hey, who is this the Bondi BOM?
Question caught Jora to catch. In the first minute he could do that хмыкнуть:
-Hmm, who.... In fact, anyone?
Question resulted in the discovery - in essence they don't know whom they are dealing. George remembered, as in the beginning, as soon as I arrived in Moscow, inquired and tried to get information from an informant, who obviously knew and could выложиить the lowdown этолго the notorious Bondi Boma. His name was mark Ilich, and Жоа know where he lives.
That's why I say that we should act. Should also at least know акем we started the war.
"Indeed, " agreed Leva, but what do you suggest?
-Is here to take one little man: knows all things, including about this very Bondi Boma. I already put him to visit, but he's rubbing me over half an hour some bullshit, and then asked for is to bring in his budget a tidy sum of money and currency.
-And now I think the time has come to pay him a second visit. Only now we will act with other methods.
After half an hour Leva already rolled up on it, Жорином "Mercedes". At the sight of his beautiful and grandiose machine he could not help grinning the entire width of the mouth. "Fix" also greeted him златозубой smile.
-Go, - said George, leaning to the window. "Let me, I sit behind the wheel.
-I trudge with your machine - confessed "Fix." He rolled on the right seat and made a summary. - Still, in "Merce" there is something fascinating.
George nodded his head in approval and gave gas, got off with a space, so that there was a creak on the asphalt Hughes gone wheel that's raised from the ground liquid clouds of dust.
They crossed the Central part of Moscow and went to one of the houses in the area Savyolovsky railway station.
-Leave лайбу here, " said George. - It will be safer. Hence we pass two streets.
-And if there was an ambush? - afraid of Leva.
'I think not, but if that...
George pulled out of a bag Uzi pointedly tossed it in his hand.
-So, we agree: check the porch, the surrounding area. Then I call this старикану by phone from a nearby booth. You're standing, listening at the door. If you hear that he is talking to me, then delicately взламываешь door. When I hear your voice in the handset, you will go way up. Agree?
Leva agreed, but then not noticed:
Hey, you, Hippo, still smart!
-Why is this?
-Yes, because under my bullets expose, and the going back! And suddenly there was an ambush?
-You have a machine. Or you need something?
-I would like, so we went together.
-Together? And if we graze on the street and laid at the entrance, as конареек in a cage? You thought about that?
-Actually, no.
-Now, then, as I thought. If I see that sort of thing, it'll distract them, and you heard the shooting, go through the attic. Meet at the "Mercedes"
"I was difficult to believe that they stalked us on the street, " said the "Fix."
-In this case as well, was difficult to believe me that they организовли ambushed in his apartment. And, perhaps both, or even a third, then, so we don't expect, because we don't know who we're dealing with. Understood? So, you rotten this Bazaar throw about the first and второгою. You go first, I cover your rear. You're a provider of front - everything is like in the army, all. As in war.
"Okay, be it as you wish.
At the house of old man they were divided. Looking around and seeing nothing suspicious, George went to the pay phone, and "Fix", stressing once again the room кввартиры, galloped up the access stairs leaps and bounds jumps.
"Hello, this is mark Ilich? - a minute later George started talking on the phone, very delighted to ensure that the owner of the apartment house. "Caught, goldfish, ' he thought to himself. - With what we're begin!". Is you old friend worried. I would like you to look... Well, when -- when... Today. Yes, could now... about?.. Speak louder, I can't hear anything... louder, louder!.. Yes, even louder!.. So here it is.
After five minutes of this senseless conversations on the other end, there was some confusion, and soon the familiar voice said to him:
"Get up, I took it.
George dropped the receiver on to its cradle and rubbing her from the pleasure of hands, almost ran to the entrance.
'Well, mark Ilich? he asked, coming through the open door of the apartment and притворив her. - I promised you go.
Mark Ilich sitting in the middle of the room on a chair, with hands tied behind their backs and stuck in the mouth gag, and watched him a frightened look. About myself Zhora noted that his eyes are now very similar to those that had survived the taxi driver on the glade. "All the people are so similar in fear, he thought.
-And you were not expecting me? Yes?
Mark Ilich according nodded. His frightened eyes widened even more, and become round, like an animal.
-Yes, don't you worry, mark Ilich! Don't be afraid, we won't harm. We only want to ask you something. This time, however, require you to pay with me you don't have to, Zhora turned it from side to side, "Uzi", then moved to the door, closed it and put his that did not open the heavy crutch, standing in the corner. - The matter is that we finally went bankrupt, but not собираемсяотказываться from their intentions. But noodles on the ears in this time, I will not hang. I simply won't allow you to do this. Then I was alone and unarmed, and now...- Zhora made a significant, broad gesture. - We agree with you, do you, mark Ilich?
The old man again according nodded.
-Well, that's great!! Untie him gag... No, hands until let it be so suddenly mark Ilich заартачится, and then we will have to make on it in some not very pleasant procedure.
Mark Ilich negatively shook his head from side to side. "Fix" took him gag.
"By what right you with me do? -stuck to his guns with the go mark Ilich hardly mouth was again free.
-But on this, - Zhora raised it to his temple barrel of the gun and felt a strong desire to pull the trigger. But to do it. Yet. - On the right of the strong, my dear, on the right of the strong. A few days ago, the people of one very famous in Moscow circles human метелили us and already wanted to send it to the light, but coincidentally, our prevailed, and they followed there by themselves. And now we cannot слезеи with thee until thou not выложишь us all to the last drop that will interest us. We want to know who this man is. Everything from and to...
-But I do not know who you...
A strong blow threw Brand Ilyich together with a chair on the floor. Rage woke up in the Hippo, required that he beat on, but плюгавенький old man was more he wanted, and because he сдеражался and only rubbed зашибленный fist.
When mark Ilich очухался, "Fix" again lifted him to his chair.
"You see, Illich, I'm with you not kidding, warned him George.
But I don't know whom you mean...
-On Bondi Baume.
I have never heard about this...
He did not finish his sentence, again сваленный together with a chair on his back. This time George could not resist not to kick it a few times.
-The old man! Libro we're out of here, getting what we need, or you're dead meat. Choose! I have long not going to beat around the Bush, " said George, when mark Ilyich came back himself and was brought back to its former place.
"But what you gave up something?
Is our business, you come here, don't bother. Better put on the merits, all as is.
Mark Ilich paused, tilting his head and agreed:
-Okay, slide me to the computer.
"Fix," I kissed back, and chair заскрепел on the parquet floor.
-Untie my hands. - asked mark Ilich.
-No! - as snapped Zhora, although the "x's" was ready to fulfill the request. - No. Tell that to press. We ourselves do.
Mark Ilich began to dictate letters and buttons, and Leva incompetent, clumsy fingers began to type them on the keyboard. Zhora few minutes watched this, and then asked:
-Tell me, dear mark Ilich, your computer, and that he is connected in some network?
Face of an old man in fear winced and, apparently fearing that the visitor хорошот versed in his actions and in the computers, he shook his head:
-Yes, in the telephone network through a modem.
-Excellent. Lev, see, so that you, with such enthusiasm by clicking on the buttons, not handed to somebody something, and that there'll not come uninvited guests.
-But I didn't understand, " stunned, staring at him "Fix"
"No, you go on, go on. It's better to have this bothered to mark Ilich. By the way, has long wanted to ask, mark Ilich, to you today someone should come?
Mark Ilich said nothing, after falling silent and not to dictate Leve.
-I understand that there is. Yes? - Zhora slightly gave the handle "Uzi" Mark Ilich on клиновидному, almost bald head.
"No, " he replied, as if recollecting himself.
-Excellent, Mark Ilich. So, if as a result of your, well let our actions with this thing (because I, too, it is not good) it suddenly appears that we came here guests, someone police or thugs Bondi Bohm, the first bullet - your. She'll chop you faceted crock, mark Ilich, and I assure you that my courage to do it without delay. I will blow your head, as the clay pot. You understand me?
-Well, now keep
On the computer screen lit up with some symbols.
-Remove, be kind, with shelves at number six in a row B, floppy number forty.
George walked over to a Cabinet, made like the book, and drew specified diskette.
-Where is it now?
-To be inserted into the computer.
"What's there? - George waved diskette.
-The dossier. A dossier on your Bondi Boma.
-And how many in here fits pages?
-Two thick volumes already, but you can make as much again.
"Looks like you often refer to it, that so wonderfully remember.
-I just constantly work with the material, make there new information.
-That, and only doing this Bondi Bohm?
-No. Not only, I have a dossier on twenty million people.
-Wow! surprised involuntarily Zhora. - While I have you, by chance, nothing?
-You said yourself: responding on the merits, " said mark Ilich. Under his left eye he formed a purple bruise. In several places bore the marks of the beatings, but the old man kept safe and not just the slightest.
Zhora involuntarily made a imbued him than-товпроде respect. Feeling this, however, was so weak that he easily suppressed.
-So where you insert the floppy?
-Let, I asked mark Ilich.
-No, - Zhora made a categorical gesture.
-You break me the computer! pleaded mark Ilich. - Let, I myself will insert a floppy disk!
-We now divide your head, you idiot, " "Fix." - Speak out, moron, where you insert the plate.
Under the direction of Mark Ilyich George pulled out of the drive was in him floppy disk and put in place their own, the number forty. Mark Ilich began to dictate the cipher key, and soon the screen was filled with the lines of some kind of document.
Well, what next? "asked George.
Depending on what you need.
-We need to all.
-I said: this two-volume case. You can in parts. First, review, and right - click and print.
-What if?
Is that all? I love mark Ilich.
-All business.
-Oh, - mark Ilich shook his head. It would take too much time.
-How much? - not appeased Zhora.
-Frankly speaking, I don't know. Never tried it. Besides, I can't say whether such a load printer. - But you have a day sitting here?!
"We're ready, " nodded Zhora.
-But then I'm not ready, - забастовал mark Ilich.
"Why not?"
-I can't stay the night in this position! Рязвяжите me, give me a little of freedom! Follow me, in the end, don't walk away from me every step!
Zhora exchanged looks with "Фиксой". In the end, he was not so terrible, that all the time to keep it in this condition, with their hands tied behind the back of the chair.
-Untie him, " said George to his friend. - Only do not give him a single step. Just that - shoot! In any case, we have a floppy.
-Nothing you can do it, " interrupted, apparently to protect themselves, mark Ilich. - To get to the information need a key code that unlocks the entrance, and you don't know him.
-Learn - for convincing "Fix" took the old man by the throat of his hand. - Can you all say.
"Okay, let him go, " said George. - And untie. Only look, mark Ilich: just that, so we're going to take you right. And plug your драндулетку: we'll wait until it will give us Nagora.
"Fix" freed the old man, and he pressed a few buttons, launched the printer. His carriage almost silently finished and it began to appear in the first line. A minute later the first leaf freaked small signs, fell on the tray листоприемника.
"Fine, " commented George. - We'll wait.
He picked up the листоприемника the printed page, and plunged into the study.
"Can I go to the toilet? - asked mark Ilich.
-Can be, not only one, " answered George, breaking away from the leaf, and jerked his head to the Left.
Until the morning printer did not stop their work. Mark Ilich hardly had time to enclose fresh порциичистой paper. Zhora dug up with him yet and copier, but multiply printed was not able to due to fatigue. Besides mark Ilich tearfully assuring him that in the copier something missing, not that of a powder not then some more stuff, and consequently to work on it quite impossible, until George himself has not refused this idea.
All night they were on duty by turns, without losing sight of the old archive rat and forcing him to work as soon as possible. So by the morning both were drained dry, and mark Ilich barely stood on their feet from exhaustion. His battered face was worse. Bruises became dark bluish colour, under the eyes grew heavy large dark bags. He barely moved his feet and the view was miserable.
Towards seven o'clock in the morning everything is finally ready. Zhora was holding a heavy stack of свежеотпечатанных pages. Mark Ilich handed him the folder:
-Here, take it, fold it neatly.
Disk I too take.
-Why? pleaded mark Ilich. - Don't ruin my archive, please! I'll better yet the one thing изготовлю, when you wish. Whether a little that can happen to her from you. And I have this information will remain secure.
"Okay, first, for all this time took pity on an old man Zhora, and thought to himself: "Good thoughtlessly".
He gave him a floppy disk.
Capturing a folder, they went out onto the landing. In the entrance there was silence, only somewhere far below, on the ground floor, there were footsteps: maybe someone was in a hurry to work.
Mark Ilich escorted them to the door and stood on the threshold with a plaintive and miserable expression on his face. Жоре even wanted to tell him something to say goodbye, but he kept silent.
Whistling "Fix" skipping galloped down the stairs. Zhora descended slowly. Whistle leva "Tooth" drowned somewhere in the stairways, dissolving in his echo. "If to whistle, then we say that the money will be, thought George, - but yet they say, who discerns - responsible".
Suddenly the whistle "Fixes" is abandoned. In the same second, Zhora noticed something dark hung over his head. He instinctively, he did not yet understand what is happening, ducked. At this moment something thunder muttered the blast. From below came the cry of "Fixes", a clatter and cheers.
"Covered", - he thought George.
Chapter 15. 5 (05 -> 5).
He had no time and recover, as it заволоклив long, luxurious limousine, shining in his black mirror housing reflection of the lights of the hotel, he saw nothing through tinted glass until it is not unloaded the back of the car, but near a building.
He never gave nothing to ask, nothing to say. To make it certain that he never wants to talk pulled from the machine, he with a professional composure gave about the legs and dragged him скрюченное телокуда in the back of the building.
All the way Dima confused his thoughts and guesses, unable to understand what is happening and why, and tried in vain to rely feet on the ground. Everything happened so quickly that he could not come round to the trip itself. Then the pain from the blow looked consciousness.
As through a mist passed before his eyes the walls of the corridors and stairways, and when he began to disperse, he was pushed into the door of a huge office.
At a table on the far side of кабинетасидел, covering the palm of a person, a man. He read something. When Gladysheva entered the Cabinet, he looked up at the newcomers.
They immediately left alone. Dima in расстерянности hesitated at the door. He was disappointed with all the goings on.
A man rose from the table and pushing the chair, went to meet him. He was wearing a severe dark gray suit Troika, dazzling white shirt and a thin, black tie.
-Ah, here you are, Mr. Gladyshev! - supposed to be happy, but kept handed people. - I hope my kids were not mistaken?
-No, your guys are right! - said Dima, trying to invest in your own words his indignation and resentment. - What's the matter?! Who are you?! Why to treat me like that?!
A man took him from behind your back, as if pushing forward and inviting walk with him down the long room.
-I understand your indignation, Mr. Gladyshev! You, of course, outraged! But what to do, my people are accustomed to work! They simply impossible to remake the...
This is a real animals and butchers! - Dima cried, trying to Express his insulted dignity.
-I agree, I agree, the man nodded, continuing to lead Dima beside him руукой behind your back. - But this is already the institution where they work. Here other not hold. Otherwise, who will guard the interests of the state?!
The owner of the office stopped, letting his guest, how significant are his last words. Dima tensed involuntarily. The pain from the blow had not yet passed.
-And what is this place?
-Oh, this is a good institution: Ministry of the interior!..
"Oh, how terrible! - Dima really scared, but tried to draw his emotion into a joke.
-Yes, probably, especially if we consider that you, Mr. Gladyshev, talking with a wave of the hand which all the wheels of this mechanism begin to rotate in one direction or the other, or even stop... don't believe?!
-No, why not. I have provided the opportunity to verify, - Dima отряхивающий gesture.
-That's nice. I'm flattered by your ability to grasp everything on the fly. Love people who do not need further clarification. I hope that in future you'll be just as intelligent!
They went to the window, which was night.
-Everything is fine, " said Dima. - But what the hell to me here превезли?! I wouldn stole something or someone killed?
-Well, you don't think about the Ministry of internal Affairs, if you think that it is only a search of thieves and murderers. Besides, weren't they bring here? Nearest branch of internal Affairs of the ZCTU and all. So, you can feel a great man, Mr. Gladyshev, once it hit the wall of the Bastion Bastion of law and order. Once you are here, then you need to the state and are intended to serve his interests.
He took him by the back of the other hand, turned in the opposite direction and led to the door of the Cabinet.
"Want to proshvyrnutsya with the breeze of the night московвским streets?
-No, actually! I already прошвырнулся, thank you.
-No, you simply must agree. I'll show you absolutely wonderful place. Hardly ever удосужитесь being in a such. Especially because you are a guest of the city, right?
Gladyshev wanted to argue, but its high interlocutor still, under the back, out of his Cabinet. Balk sense was not, moreover, that Dima guessed that he show character especially not allow it, and if he зартачится will reappear "kind"-fellows, who famously twist of the hand.
He was hoping that the whole of this strange spectacle that is more of a misunderstanding end soon. Though everything was strange to the extreme. He never realized that so appealed, and why he was here, and where will know his name.
They went into an inner yard of the building and stood in the front entrance, marble and bronze. After a couple of minutes to the entrance drove up the long black limousine, similar to the one which was brought here Dima.
-Ask, - invited him inside the car owner's office. The driver threw open a door in front of them salon.
This time tinted Windows were down, and he could actually feel the cool night air washes the car and rushes into the room, and see the night streets of the huge city.
The owner of the office sat down next to him in the rear cabin of the limousine. Machine, grinding her wheels abruptly turned around, and described a semicircle on the inner yard of the building and drove up to the gate, which immediately opened. Red eye светофорапод ceiling arches changed to green. The vehicle was rolled out on a Moscow street.
-Okay, let's get something very different, friendly, said the owner of the office, put her arms around his shoulder.
Dima with a baffling dumb question on his face turned to him and found that thick his interlocutor melted into a пухлощекой , good-natured to taste придури smile. It was so unexpected and uncalled for, that involuntarily he replied:
-Let's - though nothing was going to speak.
-My name - to Гладышеву reached пухлопалая hand. - Толстунин Boris Borisovich.
-Very nice, " he reluctantly hand Dima. - And me... however, if you know the name, why nna know and name with a patronymic.
-You are right, Mr. Gladyshev.
-It is strange that I still like to call by name.
-Well, well, let'll call you by your name, Dima.
-Then it is better to Dmitry. We are, after all, not friends from the gazebo, I always keep a safe distance from strangers, especially of such rank as you.
Толстунин stopped, turned away, looking at the lights on the night streets, window shopping and cafes. Gladyshev turned to his window, which was engulfed in a whirlwind in the cool night air. Even now, when the streets were empty, and полловина and factories are not working, чувтствовался the smell of burning still some stuff. Sometimes in beauty врывалось suddenly a stench like along the street were not at home, and very often multi-storey toilets and cesspits, of which no long emptied.
-That frown, Dmitry? Not like Moscow air? "very Толстунин.
-You guessed, Boris Borisovich. In your position, the insight is a very useful quality.
-In Ukraine, the air, podi, cleaner?
I don't know. Not had the happiness to travel at night on the city streets. Perhaps I would find the same thing. Besides, we radiation. Chernobyl поддувает.
-Here, too, brings so much should not be upset.
-I'm not in the slightest.
-Can, raise the window?
"No, thank you. To me this is fun enough, when I was to you. I'm better this way.
Gladyshev again turned back to the window, this time first. He felt a few more confident.
-In your speech felt amazing mannerisms, continued the conversation Толстунин. - When I listen to you, I have the impression that I was talking Gogol or Shevchenko - I call these writers, because they have to be more close to you in spirit, however I am pleased to recall Pushkin or Tolstoy.
-I don't understand.
-We ourselves sometimes do not understand. You actually, Dmitry, can we at least one iota imagine that was the reason that you sit beside me, not in her room with a married прелестницей?
I think, mannerisms you do not hold, but the right word, I have no idea why this is, then suddenly you are me interested.
And you wonder why?
-Surprised?! I think our whole life in this country runs in the framework of violence. It is even above the law, which, in some way, represent you, Boris Borisovich. So what I wonder? In our society surprised, angry, indignant, or something or another to Express their disagreement with the power - it is useless, because it means making references to the law. But the power has long appropriated him and now turns to them as he wants.
-Wise, wise, quietly applauded Толстунин.
-The main thing is true.
Such smart people, like you, Dmitry, must be destroyed. Or isolate.
Gladyshev looked at Толстунина, their eyes met, but Dima is nothing to read in these немигающих, as if drawn on a face, eyes.
Толстунин himself breaking the silence:
joke Dmitry, a joke. Although, is a reasonably. As did Pushkin: the fairy tale is a lie, but it hint?
-I have your jokes, Boris Borisovich throat to stand. You had told me, why do you...
"No hurry, Dmitry, do not hurry. You better I guess the riddle. Отгадаешь?
-Guess the riddle, solve the question of who shoots the heel gets in the nose. Yes?
-Yes, something like that. What is ЦэКа?
-ЦэКа? Probably, the Central Committee.
"Oh, no, no guessing. That's exactly what стреляеш in heel - get in the nose. ЦэКа is a valuable picture, you know? Now, you're a valuable picture. And so am I.
Толстунин with indecent, boorish развязанностью laughed. He behaved like a man standing on the top of the power pyramid and not only feels his power, but uses it without restrictions. To him no one to fear, and he had forgotten how to be ashamed of, because so long ago lost conscience.
Dima watched as he laughs and with deep aversion to this man, suddenly thought that if he now wanted to pull the excess seed, he without any confusion and delay would masturbate right here in the car, not noticing his presence any attention.
Meanwhile laughter Толстунина exhausted, and he spoke again:
-You're a poet, Dmitry? Such поэтишко, Yes?
-Well, Yes, something like that.
"Well, think of poems rhyme "cattle - people".
Dima перекорежило, jumped up in the soul.
-That, bad rhyme? surprised Толстунин.
-No, Boris Borisovich. Rhyme something good. Only here the words are strange.
-In my opinion - the best words. I'm sorry now, not a poet, and that he himself wrote a poem. Me and cards in one place to put the couple in stanza.
-Yes, it's not difficult, Boris Borisovich!
-Yes. Just try.
Толстунин wrinkled his forehead, portraying the effort of thought. Suddenly his face brightened:
-Ah. Invented. People are cattle. Cattle are the nation. Well?
-Pull... with beer.
-Well, and you?
-I will not such mucks do shook his head Dima.
-You see! threatened finger Толстунин. - And I have to do: work in me.
-What is your job?
-The state shall defend.
-From whom?
-From the beasts -- and from the peoples. However it is one and the same. We all the same, the Ministry of internal Affairs. If it was any other Ministry, I would have protected it from someone else.
Dima didn't answer him anything, because I don't know what you can talk to him, but Толстунин not appeased. He changed the topic.
"You, I know it perfectly, wrote a novel, doesn't it?
-Well, - said reluctantly Dima, again having been surprised осведомленност interlocutor.
-And you are having difficulties with the publication?
"Yes, " nodded his head Dima. And very large.
-Yes, Russian novels are born painfully then, with nerves, but, sometimes with blood. I'm afraid that your will generally be stillborn.
-Why is this?
-I have основния think so, ' smiling mysteriously, said Толстунин. - Of course, nothing wrong in it, almost there. But something alarming. In him is in you. He reveals some of your thoughts that you don't speak up right, but mean. But you only try the forces. Let you break out, to get recognition - what will happen? We have enough, and the current number of dissidents. And your vile negligence of state authorities gives grounds to fear in будщем get in your face one more enemy power.
-The authorities to whom? What power?
Does it matter which one? That power is always power. And like you, go and went against the authorities at all times. Besides, don't you think that all the metamorphoses of power in our country: the monarchy - кипитализм - socialism - has not affected the essence of its structure. Changed in all cases, the ruling caste, but the share of haves and haves not remained on the same level, as a hundred years ago.
Now that seems to be the idea of communism discredited itself, but this did not prevent the Olympus of power, with all the metamorphoses of the external attributes of the ruling clan, остатьчся layer обогащающихся as well as with other social systems, as before. And this tip will always fight to the likes of you, because they are always against it, no matter how called operation.
The state is the enemy of their society, - it has long been known, and like you - its dangerous opponents. Part of the company under any social structure always outside the law, that comes up with the state. Like you, outside the law always, though, perhaps, sometimes, and not in public. And guarding the internal interests of the state we stand - the Ministry of internal Affairs. That's why I took you personally, as the rising enemy power. Strong enemy, I must admit. You can be proud of.
Толстунин sighed deeply.
"Thank you, " nodded Dima. And your words that are very difficult to learn, to me, however, realized that it was you stand on the path of my novel, and do not give him the right of way?
"Quite right, Mr. Gladyshev!
Dima was shocked by this news, and could not большесказать.
They have not talked.
"The monster, " finally he said Dima slowly and quietly, apparently, making for some kind of opening.
-Not much jerked his chin Толстунин.
-The state is a monster, " said Dima, his eyes opened wide. - As I had not understood.
Толстунин just laughed in response.
-I am glad your insight! The state is power, power is the people who have it. And these people want to live and not just to live, and live well, and, strangely enough, but to make them well, all the rest, those who have not the power should be worse and much worse, you know? Lords of the better they feel, the higher they rose to the pyramid of wealth inequality over the people they ruled. If a person is rich and has no power, it is, at least, strange. Not true? Opposite...
-Yes, absently agreed Gladyshev, knitting his brow, and about something thinking.
Limousine, they were slowed down and turned off the wide Avenue on the narrow street.
Only now Dima noticed that they quite a long drive around the city and are now probably in some kind of the opposite end of the capital. His sad thoughts themselves vanished пожранные concern.
"Where are you they brought me? - with fright, however, and with a curiosity he asked Толстунина.
-Now you will see, " replied Boris Borisovich.
The driver quickly jumped out of the car and obligingly opened the door to the cabin in front of his boss. The grunting, got out of the car and waved him out Gladysheva. He подчиинился.
Entrance of the building, which they arrived, a closed yard-caret, inside which they were, seemed to Dima acquaintances. "I do not go there if we went back, left it?" - flashed in his mind guess. He wanted to look more closely, but Толстунн took him in the staircase, marble and bronze.
They passed several corridors, accompanied by two tough guys probably guards. Dima suddenly decided that they take him to the torture, and he was afraid. But here are the guards opened to the NMI next door, and he gasped in amazement.
The room they entered together with Толстуниным, was a huge pool saunas, a special, Regal elegance and splendour. White and pink marble, gilding plaster moulding, bronze railings.
Above the pool and steam was rising, and it's like a mermaid and ghosts floated, walked, and streamed by naked women. They were so many that Dima's breath away from simultaneously seized with excitement and embarrassment.
Толстунин stretched his arms to the neckties. Dima also felt подступившую cry. At this time, were approached by four totally naked women and help them to undress. Dima involuntarily their chiselled shapes and tanned, with brassy, skin and felt the excitement. From this it has become even more embarrassing. But women continued their work, and one of them, when приспустила his pants and found vigorously standing member, looked into his face with a hopeful, joyful, playful smile that promised him everything.
-Well, like, Mr. Gladyshev? asked Толстунин when their clothes somewhere carried away. His eyes fell on Dima's loins, and he involuntarily looked amazed. - Oh! I see you have everything in order. That is the meaning of the youth! And I need a special masseuse to achieve such a good erection. What can you do? - he regretted to spread his hands.
"Where are we? asked Dima.
He, too, lowered his gaze to the genitals, Толстунина and saw a small, сморщившийся like a dead mouse segment. He almost completely hid in black curly hair and like a frightened hare from under the bushes stuck out from there with only his nose. "Pretty funny to see such a small economy in such a huge body!" involuntarily thought Dima, and he could hardly keep прыснуть laughing. Only the enduring mental reminder of who he is dealing with, helped him to hold back.
Is гульбарий, сексодром, differently - so we call each other, - answered Толстунин. "Come in.
Dima again looked round the sauna, and now noticed that except naked women, there is also a lot of naked men. Postal none of them was alone, many made love with women, some two or three. These were everywhere: on the benches, on the marble floor, in the pool. The sight of this mass, reckless landfill seemed Dima disgusting. He wanted to say it Толстунину, but dragged him into swimming pool, two women, who were stripped. Instead, stood next to him that which улыббалась him while undressing. She took his hand and led me around the pool.
"You're here, probably the first time? - she asked.
"Yes, " nodded Dima, uncomfortable. Why don't you ask who I am?
-We have here is not accepted. Mere mortals here still do not fall.
The woman led him to the bar in the far corner of the saunas, which was not visible from the entrance of thick vapor, and ordered two cocktail барменше, which was rather unintelligible swimsuit: he covered some parts of her body, but it is not those who closes the usual female bathing suit - they were, on the contrary, emphasized excitingly bared and downright conspicuous, framed by brilliant, fiery color cloth.
Spellbound so challenging style, Dima could not take his eyes from барменши until its not called companion. She gently pushed him in the shoulder and gave him a wide and shallow with a glass of sparkling liquid, similar in appearance to the champagne.
"Come, that if, meet, she suggested to him.
'OK, ' agreed Dima, hardly opening the eyes from барменши.
-Call me Rita, she said, and gripped him on the bench.
-And me Dima, " he replied.
Drained his glass, Dima felt quickly gaining intoxication. Hot lips Rita touched his face...
Chapter 16. (16).
His stunned by a close shot. However, before deaf, he still managed to distinguish shouts and noises downstairs.
Nothing having to even really think he made a desperate somersault forward and rolled half-side down stairs whether it is valid so cleverly that never hurt, or not feeling pain because of nervousness.
My ears rang. Her head went around. In the eyes bleed vague contours of the surrounding. Above him was some grey obscure spot. Жое was clear that it was one of those who shot that it is the enemy. He lay on his back again twisted like a snake, despite his plump build, and pulled the trigger hook size in advance взведенного machine. Sound of shooting came as if from somewhere far away, from another world. Grey spot disappeared, fallen down somewhere.
George stood up, leaning on the wall. He still could not see well. 've swam before his eyes. In my head was blood.
George thought, not wounded. Pain is not felt, but he knew that there are circumstances where you don't feel anything. He felt himself in some places, but he did not understand hurt or not.
Grey spot was now on the bottom. George raised his machine, but some sixth sense felt that shoot is not necessary. Spot quickly approached and clearer. Zhora discerned "Фиксу". Rather, he guessed that this "Fix". At this moment he rubbed his eyes and he can see better. "Fix pulled his arm. He started for him upstairs. Under the feet of them with a rustle and the rustle of the scattered sheets dossier on Bondi Boma. Zhora рнаклонился and on the move caught, caught a half-hundred pages, laying together, shoved them in his bosom.
Flee it becomes difficult, he began to choke. "Fix" puffed ahead, тащя his hand. They ran past the apartments Brand Ilyich. The door it was in a half-open state, so that was visible part of the poorly lit corridor. It was empty, but Zhora hardly resist the temptation to put in there long. "We must keep ammunition", he thought.
They run up on the floor above. From below came the friendly clatter of a dozen pairs of legs pursuers.
This was the last floor of a house. Exit to the attic there was such entrances called deaf. However, due to the whim of architects, long time ago who built this building, the floor was located on the migration corridor, stretching right up right and left. Left too ran several people.
Zhora and "Fix" they ran кориддору left. After them there were some shots of guns. Jora обсыпало wood chip, брызнувшей meet, in the face of the jamb of the door, who landed the bullet. Some more with vomiting air hissing and присвистом swept somewhere nearby, but Жоре once was even scared, it was necessary to leave from the chase.
"Fix"running a little ahead, on the left, on the move turned and, having made several steps, jumping forward a back, snarled in response to shots burst of machine gun fire.
Appeared ahead Playground is on the last floor next door. Here the corridor ended. From the bottom, too, fled with guns at the ready a few people, but they have not yet seen them, Jora and "Фиксу".
More shots rang out from the corridor. Those on a stairway, a gallop alive, and when they were on the intercommunication site and just noticed persecuted, Zhora opened fire on them.
Several pursuers immediately fell dead. Some of them managed to duck and hide behind the white marble railing.
Jora gave turn below. Pieces точеного, licked once caring, diligent hands of masters of stone flies together with the sparks, and dust from handrails and pot-bellied barrels support in all directions. Platform being wrapped in a white cloud.
Immediately, without hesitation, Zhora suffered a fire on the approaching along the corridor, not omitting the trigger until it ran out of cartridges. "Fix," shot back the same.
Behind them, a lock clicked, and the door through which ran a corridor, a slightly opened. The gap seemed half of the eyes with a curious pale blue, pale eye. Zhora and "Fix" mechanically turned around.
In this time between the wall with several bullets. They all flashed a door , but one hit in this curious eye. In the twinkling of an eye, at its place there was whitish-bloody, развороченное spot. Jora shuddered at the брезгливого disgust, and "Fix", without hesitating a second, with full force hit by the door with his foot.
The chain, which she kept howled, as the bass string and with the "meat" flew out of the casing. Killed the old woman, truncated door, fell back in the dyed with blood and brains floor. George jumped over her body and leaped into the room to the right, away from the corridor. "Fix" ran into the flat and slammed the door. As soon as he bounced from it, as several bullets in her body.
In the room sitting at the table was a small child of five or six. He anxiously stared at the two strangers, with автоматамми in the hands, and from fear to speak with his big, wide open mouth.
Men rushed to the balcony. The doors were.
Balcony was small, such that it was impossible as it should turn around, with a homemade крышицей, прилепленной to the eaves.
"Fix," shook his support balcony canopy. She staggered.
-Well, what we climb? he asked George.
The answer was clear by itself. We had no choice: either to climb up, risking quick, or wait until ворвуться pursuers and shoot them here, on the balcony.
George was the first. It was against his habit. Usually he always sent "to check the road" his assistants, and then put it himself, and from the outside it might look like a bold move. But actually, Zhora was afraid to remain. "Fix" was easier and quicker, so if he come first, and the old design has stood him, осталсь would unknown, could have then to use that same path and Zhora, more fat, heavy and clumsy.
Homemade construction, assuming the severity of Жориного body, moaned, and she sang on вспе Lada, leaned over the side, but not destroyed. "Fix" has placed its bottom, pushed the hand, and Zhora, beside himself, jumped on the roof, натерпевшись a lot of fear for these few moments when it seemed that he now will collapse along with all this nonsense down, but fearing the real thing here, on the roof.
"Fix" Les followed. Balcony canopy creaked under him, накреняясь more and more towards. He asked Jora to give him a hand to help out, but George was not in a condition even шевельнутьсмя, only starting to recover from the crisis, and распласталсяпо tin roof lining, as crushed by the toad.
As if from afar, from the bottom of the apartment, which they had just left, heard the shots. "Fix" already climbed the рубероидную крышицу canopy, and he could only attain handrails, grab them, and, already feeling a reliable support in his hands, suddenly jump over them and be near the Hippopotamus, when suddenly something there scary cracked, and he vanished along with all this unreliable design, повалившейся down.
Jora was shaking a major tremor. We had to leave, but he was lying, dulled, and looking at the place where it's just missing his buddy. It seemed to him that so he is already half an hour, but actually it took no more than a minute. He chudilis vote on the balcony, which have now been relaxed, as if the pursuers, satisfied with the results of his pursuit, seeing about the cancelled from the roof "Фиксу", now standing there and probably smoked, discussing the details of the incident and sharing with each other their experiences.
He was lying, and he did not want anything except sleep. He wanted to fall asleep right now, immediately and доспаться until such a time when it all go away like a bad, bad dream. However eyes opposed to his will, refused to obey and continued to look down, where most recently "Fix" sought his assistance.
Suddenly he увидилось that the head of the "Fixes" peeked over the cornice that he looks at him and widely smiling happily.
"Leo, no need to me to play! - asked George, but head continued to smile. - Leva...
Here he discerned the features of the face of the head, and found that it was not "Fix", and someone from the persecutors stared at him with злорадной smile. Fearing Zhora gathered his last strength and зашкрябал hands and feet on the roof, but he did not move. From the side it was probably like a cockroach, обожравшегося poison and now vainly trying to escape his death, and therefore head over арнизом laughed.
-He's here, guys! Send him take it! she said when addressing someone at the bottom, and disappeared.
Zhora again felt an acute attack of mortal danger. Animal fear born with this feeling, made his escape. He stood up and staggered away down the slope of the roof to the manhole to the attic, somehow got inside and huddled there, already badly that thinking in the corner, under the flooring of the roof, down to the ledge where barely able to squeeze, then, as a sleepwalker, producing машинальные motion with his hands, shut yourself some rags and some debris scattered about, and, burying yourself in this stinking heap, fell into hibernation, exactly insect larva, which has prepared for the winter.
Thick black veil of sleep separated him from the external world in which nothing was interested and didn't care, through it hardly made ends meet and reach his consciousness sounds relatives steps, by echoing clatter tin roof, the sounds of the voices ransacking about in search of his people. When he awoke, it was already evening.
At first he did not understand even what happened to him where he is, but gradually restoring the morning events, separated surrealism dream from quite like them reality, all the more choking from the stench of garbage, who himself buried, and thanks to which, perhaps, he was saved, he was horrified around произшедшему.
Having got out of a pile of junk and treasurership, he descended from the attic stairs in the door, listened, waited, cautiously looked around. All was quiet. House, or sleepy, or extinct, did not give his life a rustle and a sound, just like a day ago, when they "Фиксой" come here, to visit a Brand Ilyich.
Having walked through the hall to the next door and down the floor below, Zhora was again in front of his apartment. The door has already been repaired and stood in his place, as if nothing had happened.
Zhora rang in the apartment next door. Minutes later otttuda in a narrow chink peeked low black-eyed Granny. Not long thinking, Zhora pushed a gun barrel in the crack in the door иприставил his forehead woman. Everything happened so quickly that she had nothing really think.
-Open it, Granny, door and without tricks. Not what I told you now birdhouse lambasted, " he said menacingly through clenched teeth.
Cartridges in the machine, but George was not going to shoot, believing that produced the effect will be quite enough.
Action "startle" really worked. The door swung open, and George entered the hallway of the apartment.
-My dear, I f nothing! - запричитала old woman.
Quietly, grandma! - Zhora put her mouth with your hand. - Close хавальник and no longer разивай. I'm not going to Rob.
He led her further into the room and there only removed from the face of his hand. "Lucky me today grannies," thought George.
In a room on the floor playing two children, a girl and a boy. They were still quite small, probably just learned to walk and something to speak, and because of the arrival of an unknown uncle did not reacted, only looked in his direction, and again engaged in their business. However, in the corner, on the bed sat a young woman, apparently, their mother. Seeing a stranger with a gun, she округлила eyes and opened her mouth to scream with fright, but George had glimpsed her reaction, went to her and clamped her mouth before first broke the sound of the cry, then slightly, so she only felt the pain had hit her head on the wall and warned:
"Do be quiet, you fool! Close your mittens! Calm down! Hear OLT you little one complaint is considered, that the children you have had!
For persuasiveness he sent to their side of the machine. The children looked at them and again turned away, went into the game.
A woman, apparently realized that they want of her, and she, according to nodded her head, staring at Jora, frightened eyes.
"Try to be as it is now will be given!" - flashed George underlying idea.
Looking at these frightened, wide-open women's eyes, he felt excited, but resisted in itself нечаянную lust.
Noticing that she calmed down, Zhora let her go.
-Rings, money, gold in the Bureau drawer! - patter " she blurted out. - Only do not kill us, пожжалуйста. We in the police claim will not.
-You fool! - прокоментировала grandmother standing before silently.
-Granny! Bathroom is? - asked George.
"Yes, " replied the old woman with uncertainty in his voice. - And for what?
-Take the kids in the bath! "said George.
The underlying desire to appease failed, and he felt it swell more and more. Humility with which he watched the woman only подстегивала passion. George felt that it was prepared on the ve.
-Oh, my dear, you this is what удумал? - worried grandmother, smelling bad.
-I said, take the kids in the bath! - further enhancing the voice repeated, Zhora. "Or are you spending?
Even looking in her direction, he made a sharp movement of the machine, as if turning it. Grandma hurried up, took the children and went into the bathroom. George rose followed and closed them there on the latch. Through the door, I could hear the children cried, and my grandmother began to calm down.
He came into the room. The woman looked at him, not looking up. Internal instinct told him that this will not be violence, that it will extravagant adventure with a man who was in the machine. This has been talked about her eyes.
-So, you say: gold and money in the chest? - he asked.
-Yes, - according she nodded his head, not taking her eyes.
-The police will not claim?
"Yes, " she nodded again.
He approached her:
-And do not kill us?
"Yes, " she said very quietly and obediently.
He was already on edge. Passion was in full swing. Excitation exactly brought him strength.
-Take off your skirt, clearly, powerfully, without embarrassment he said.
Willingness and ingenuity women were above his expectations. Maybe she was извращенка and also lighted up desire to, as he may be able to read in his eyes the desire to possess it and defeated my pride and honour to avoid violence and save lives: and their children, but only she immediately rose, lifted her skirt bending over him and приспустила panties.
"Take them off completely! "he ordered, feeling spreads bliss, dissolving in every cell of his body, at the sight of a Nude female buttocks, obediently exhibited in his расоряжение from under the clothes.
A few seconds later, he had already mastered it, but soon felt that things were going badly. Pushing her on the bed, Zhora said:
No, I do not want to.
-And how? - with submissive bewilderment " the woman asked, having got him his bitch eyes.
-I want you I want.
-But how?
-You don't know? - by her face, it was obvious that she does not know. - Vodka?
-Vodka?.. In the refrigerator for half the bottle.
He brought vodka and a glass, poured her:
-Can't! We need something to eat.
Pei! - ordered her to George, pointing to DL the persuasiveness of the knee.
Apparently she had recovered herself, that is not at the bar with her partner and, давась морщясь, drank half a glass, like water, SIPS, then coughed. Zhora poured her another glass. Little breathless, she drank it.
-Well, what? he asked, looking into her посоловевшие eyes.
"Nothing, " she replied, piano nodded her head from side to side.
"Too far," thought George, impatiently watching shy and meek fright in his eyes, replaced by a haze of indifference. Wish it would quickly begin to wane, and he was about to pull the pants, suddenly the woman herself had drawn him to her and made with BEM disgusting art of possession.
Having experienced weak satisfaction mixed with disgust to the drunken woman shamelessly collapsed in полураздетом, распутном form on the bed, and with a bitter feeling that they used without special desire, although he brewed all this mess, George thought, apparently, vet nature all women are the same. He was so upset that I almost forgot why I came here, however, remembered and made her get dressed, released pudding and children from the bathroom.
Once free, and beholding her daughter in such a state, grandmother ran to him, with indignation squeezing the small, dry Cams:
"Are you here to do?! What you're all doing?!
-Granny - stopped her Zhora stretched out his hand. - Yelling at me don't! My promise remains valid!
He nodded to children, and then the machine gun lying next to a drunken woman.
Grandma зыркнула on the machine, something смекнула and ran to him. Zhora with a smile, watching her actions.
-Come on, go to the bathroom! "old woman, armed and sending machine on the bully.
-You're smarter could think of nothing? he asked, and not шевельнувшись. - In the toilet, for example?
Marsh, who said! - indignantly retorted the old woman, menacing rocking machine.
-Do you even know how to shoot? smiling, asked George, with all his views showing absolute calm. - Look, not застрелись.
-I know, - seriously said Granny. - Hands up, bandit! Who said hands up! Marsh in the bathroom!
-Do not go! if капризничая, mimicked her Zhora.
-Well, hold on, бандюга! grandma pulled the trigger hook size.
Heard the metallic click, but shot followed. "Decisive Granny - said George. - And can shoot". He took from inside his pistol silencer.
"Well, Granny, the performance is over! - commented George, navorachivaya onto the barrel. - There was no ammunition. And shoot you actually know how. Well, the next time you have, perhaps, something will succeed. Next time, but only if you behave obediently, okay?
With these words he fired in a flower-pot hanging on the wall. Dispersed, clay has done more noise than the shot.
-And here cartridges are! said George, taking immediately обмякшей, WAN-looking grandmother machine. And therefore we must obey me!
-Take everything and go away! - responded with anger and frustration grandmother. - Where is the - know.
"I didn't this come - Zhora made a gesture of spreading hands, meant "alas".
-But why? To my Valya here is doing? - outrage grandmother again began to gain momentum.
Softly-softly. Valya your she wanted to. Listen нажралась. But I don't need it it. So, along the way. And now we will do what I need, what I had come for. Now you, Granny, go to your neighbor and under any pretext: matches are over, anything else will you come to his apartment and see whether it somebody. Then come back and tell me. Understood?
Grandma shook her head.
And remember: just that - all your выкормышей ухлопаю. A word to him or полслова. Is it clear to you?
He sent the grandma to Mark Illich оставшисьслушать behind the door. We could hear as she went in, and after about five minutes left. "Still unreliable: suddenly she предпредит, and he, before I get there, call to whom it is necessary?.. Well, no, this time I stay here I will not!"
Grandma back, slamming the door, said, if заговорщица and not taken:
-One it is. As there is one!
-And don't mean it?
"No, darling. Here is your cross - grandmother crossed herself.
-When he called you somewhere?
-No, come on. 't call.
-Well, look, don't let God, not the way he threatened her finger.
Grandma suddenly smiled playfully.
Chapter 17. (17).
-And what, honey? Tea loose us now? - she asked.
-Let you go, let you go. Now only the neighbor go.
Is that it? - smile with бабкиного person was.
-And for what I need. Yes look, that he has not closed the door.
They went out together into the staircase, and George himself, standing on полэтажа above.
-Call me! "he commanded in a loud whisper. Tell me what bad daughter.
The old woman called. Жоора kept quiet. The door opened.
-Ilyich, подсоби yet! - asked the grandmother.
-What is it?! was indignant voice.
-Daughter of bad.
I already got today, Mikhailovna! That with her?!
-Yes don't know. Come, fell on the bed, lies down and does not move, nor lows, nor calves.
-So, a quick call you that?
-Yes it would be if the ambulance. But even better, if I would have a look?
-Yes I will, Mikhailovna, doctor?.. Well, okay, let's go, we'll see.
Mark Ilich appeared on the platform and went to the apartment of a neighbor. Improving the moment, Zhora fast, trying not to make noise, went down to his apartment and slipped in the door. Before he flew indignant exclamation Mark Ilyich:
-Yes it is you drunk, Mikhailovna! Are you making fun of me?!
George went into the room and took refuge for archival stand. After a minute granted the owner of the apartment, saying indignantly on the go and marveling at the impudence "свихнувшейся бабаки". He walked to the front of a computer and came across the muzzle of Жориного gun. Their eyes met. The Shine of a Brand Ilyich expressed terror. He wanted to move around to the side, but then went out from a direct blow to the jaw. This time Zhora spared not his fist and went to him with full force.
Stay in this apartment, it was dangerous. You cannot tell where danger. Whether it installed a listening device, or, even worse, camcorder watched everything happening in the room but Zhora already could see that they were prepared decent meeting on the exit from his apartment that morning. Rely on the fact that mark Ilich gave the alarm with the help of special computer code comprising, perhaps from one of the signal or sign, it was dangerous.
With his pistol silencer in the holster, and Uzi belt шттанов costume Brand Ilyich, Zhora took him under the arms and dragged him to the exit. At his request Mikhailovna made, turns winked remaining in the bottle of vodka, and George poured it into the throat of a Brand Ilyich "smell".
On the street mark Ilich began to come to himself, and from the side it seemed like a friend drags home from a party of his перебравшего, resisting and nonsense bearing buddy. On the way they met a police post with a patrol car, standing near an intersection. The sight of the policeman mark Ilich, a little окосевший, waved his arms and began to shout, trying to, apparently, to attract the attention of the employee of the protection order. The policeman responded, having, apparently, lunges Brand Ilyich for abusive drunk бредд address in militia.
-You fine?! - then he jumped up with a hurt expression on his face, playing veins on the cheeks.
For that, chief? "asked George, adjusting to the forced upon him by the rules of the game. - And that's this here?!
He pointed his finger in the belly Brand Ilyich and stumbled on metal machine under his suit, frightened полумал "Ouch!"
-Yes, here, for this here! - pointed his in the same place policeman and shook from the pain of зашибленным finger. - That he has a piece of iron for?!
-Machine - confessed Zhora. - Uzi.
-So, I'm just now you and Uzi, and for all the world as штрафану on the first number!
Mark Ilich shouted something, trying to poke a policeman in uniform.
-Yes, I'll now! - outraged guardians of the order Goths had to explode with anger.
"Don't! - предупредилл his Zhora. - With my father and I'll take care of himself! Now звездану his jaw, and he заткнеться all right." It happens to everyone?
He drew back.
"Don't! - policeman tried to stop him, but George has exaggerated and turn drove mark Ilich so that he could not keep him on his feet. Mark Ilich plopped back on the wet asphalt walk path. Machine treacherously jumped out of his belt and hit next.
-Well, you're already too! - policeman shook his head.
-My father, what I want with it, you do, " retorted Zhora.
-And still, you can draw, " said the policeman, apologetically. - Well, Oh well!.. Oh, what's this?!
He noticed вывалившийся machine.
'I told you, "COP", that is "Uzi", " replied George still amiably smiling, but then, переменившись in the face, drove to a policeman weighed a slap, that he fell unconscious into another Mark Ilyich side.
The people passing by, and turning to them, Zhora reassured the public:
Calmly, the citizens! It's the police! All his! It is our internal problem!
But passers-by and did not think to stop, slowly passing by, and only looking at a strange campaign.
George picked up the machine and, putting on his shoulder Brand Ilyich, carried him to their car. Behind him tossed in the back seat and the policeman, pre-pinned his hands with him, and locked them in his own handcuffs.
After two quarters, Zhora подрулил to his "Mercedes", surprised, that for a day with him removed the wheel, tape recorder and not повыламывали door. Mark Ilich moved into the "Mercedes" Zhora with a policeman pulled his pants, ripped uniform and second handcuffs fastened the first to the handlebars, slipping his hand between the backs of the front seats up to shoulders.
"One hundred and tenth, one hundred tenth"! Answer! came over the intercom внутримашинного transmitter at the very time when George was about to leave the salon "Жигуленка".
"One hundred and tenth" listening to you! "replied the policeman Zhora.
"One hundred and tenth", follow the quarter seven дробьтри. Committed repeated the heinous attack on an apartment citizen Минкина brand Ilyich, the thirty and sixth year of birth. Address...
George looked back: not очухался whether the policeman, but he was still unconscious.
-... special signs: growth above the average, build - a lean, wrong...
"Who can it be worked out quickly?" thought George, involuntarily smoke a cigarette from the excitement.
-... citizen Minkin kidnapped by the gang. The purpose of the kidnapping is installed. Possible signs gangster...
George listened. Description of the appearance of the bandit coincided with his appearance in detail. He inhaled deeply and shook his head: "Yes, I stay there on extra half-hour, and I would be the cover!"
-...aggravating circumstances of the RAID: robbed and raped threatened пприменения weapons mistress of a neighboring apartment, Zaikina Valentina Рахмановна, the seventy-third year of birth...
"I do not бабусина work? thought George, продоллжая smoke. - And as anxious sounds summary! Much creep vet skin!"
-...the offender is in possession of weapons: pistol-machine, compact, an unloaded pistol with a silencer. There ammunition. The present location of the offender is unknown. "One hundred tenth", can you hear me?
-Excellent! - George somehow's spirits rose.
"One hundred and tenth", the command you to take the observation post in a quarter of seven fraction three at the crossroads number twenty-eight. Detain all suspicious characters, check the documents, to stop for inspection of motor vehicles. As you understood it? Welcome!
-Yeah, well, take a square двдцать seven fraction three, take intersection number twenty-eight! "Jora and already wanted to vylazit of the car, and suddenly ether intervened someone обеспокоеннфый voice:
-Zavialov, Zavyalov! Fucking leg! Zavyalov!
George hesitated, but then took the microphone in my hand.
-Zavialov, God damn it! - not asking someone.
-What are you?! - George did the tone of voice, as if "Завьялову" reluctant to talk.
-Zavialov, moron! Look me! Operation oversees himself Толстунин! Don't let me down! Once the service, as expected, bring!
"Who, Boris Borisovich? asked "Zavialov"-Zhora.
-It the most! Not подкачай at least this time!
But what's the matter with your voice? asked someone on the radio.
-That voice? pricked up his ears Zhora.
-Rough you have it some, if not yours.
-Ice cream ate too much, hoarse. Okay, I went!
George put the microphone and do not resist a присвистнуть: "so he got out, Bondi BOM!! This is why so many of the guns and no noise!" it was something to think about. If Bondi BOM himself would oversee the operation of its takeover, it is possible that he will bypass the zone of the cordon and check posts and then if he is, Zhora go instead of a policeman, then surely meet him face to face.
Жоре't want to guess what will happen next. Has this very opportunity, dropped out as the winning ticket, demanded to take risks. He managed to capture Brand Ilyich, apparently, personal archivist Bondi Boma. It was certainly good! Better yet would be to capture the Bondi Boma. Then would it никакнельзя was get out of the invoice payment: either lost their lives or give him Жоре, rightfully belonging to him.
Who is this Bondi BOM - still remained a mystery for Zhora. But one thing was clear that the man, who managed to conquer his power two hostile world and manage, and attuned to each other, like rabid dogs, should be a strong personality, capable of using these two millstones, rubbing each other, to erase in the sand, dust is not something that even the separate person, but a group of people who demonstrate disobedience, and therefore, it is obvious that to reach it not so simply and directly, as it was intended Zhora, make it impossible. Anyway, DV ferocious Sphinx: the police and the criminal world - guard the entrance into his abode. And certainly, neither will ever know the truth about their Chuck... if someone opens their eyes to the double game, some Толстунина Boris Borisovich.
With rear seat heard moaning. Policeman Zavialov began to come to himself.
"Well, chief, очухался? asked George.
Policeman tried to free himself, the whole body twitched, trying to pull out his hands out of the opening between the seats.
"You don't strive for this fight! They glued to the steering wheel, citizen of the head. You fail!
-Unlock the handcuffs, the brute! the procedure Zavyalov.
-Oh-Oh, don't so much emotion, citizen of the head. Me they will not be frightened. But annoy - you can, and then I'll settle you with you on the ass - fortunately, it got naked, and then and simple: shoot. 't believe me?
The policeman said nothing, straining her.
-Quiet, мусорская soul?! I you, мусорков, good to know. Right for you to shut up: in your situation it is best to be silent and listen, that you will tell. Well, that. Going to listen to?
The policeman again but said nothing. George was in a good mood. He was in shock and felt ka lucky she asks him.
"That's right: silence, they say, is a sign of consent. Smell him, COP?
The policeman was silent and only after a minute or two, asked:
-Put on my pants!
"Oh, " answered George, clicking his fingers - already more polite, but not quite politely. You forgot to say: please. Please - the magic word. You don't taught this in school?
The policeman fell silent again.
"One hundred and tenth, one hundred tenth". "Heart" is "the one hundred and tenth - " again resounded in the радиопередатчике.
"One hundred and tenth"listening! again поднялл microphone Zhora.
-Why do not arrive at the designated point?
-Repair the engine, " replied George.
-What's the problem, "one hundred tenth"?
"Nonsense, now I leave. I "hundred tenth", end of the connection.
George put the microphone and turned to his captive:
-Well, garbage, as I get to do your work? Huh?!
"Who are you? What do you need? "replied Zavyalov.
-Who am I? "asked George. "From this moment, I'm your twin. However, he turned on the ceiling landing lights in the cabin. - No, it seems to the build I much thicker you, feed you, garbage, a poorly. So then, from this moment on I am your companion. A kind of invisible spirit, that'll be beside you and control your every word and action, until he will not run out on Bondi Bohm and take it to hook size, either on a fly.
-I do not know of any Bondi Bohm, resents Zavyalov.
-Why, how do you know him? But you probably heard about such Толстунина Boris Borisovich?!
-Why, of course, heard! So what?
-And who is this guy?
Is a Deputy Minister of internal Affairs.
"Ah, that's it! Bird flying high!
I don't understand.
-You cannot have it, but to let you know just in case, Yes keep quiet: this is your Deputy and a Bondi Bohm, королль underworld entrusted into his hands of the state. How do you like that?
-Nonsense! You probably read detectives!
Detectives to do with it.
-And what then?
What was the Deputy Minister kidnapped me some property which according to the most conservative estimates drawn to several million dollars! Is it clear to you?! And I долден this property return it to the rightful owner, i.e. myself. Once I do, then immediately подамся back home and going to leave him and you.
-I think it won't be easy, " replied the policeman.
What, exactly?
-Yes all, unless it is true, starting from taking it, would you something to take away our Deputy Minister of internal Affairs - and ending with the to get back home and be left behind. I am afraid that retreat is unlikely to succeed, and already you from him, and he will hardly lag behind, even if you want to, until упечет behind bars.
-Well, we shall see! - in the heat of the moment said George, his hands clenched in a fit of rage.
-Look, - calmly confirmed Zavyalov. Now unzip me and donate clothes. I'm cold and need to go.
-Where you need to go? asked his Zhora.
-On the task. You know that I already called on the radio and seek, ask, why isn't yet in place. Untie, - intonation last words hung somewhere between the request and demand, rising above the first, but not short of the last, fell, broke on an uncertain note.
George paused, then turned with disdainfully sour smile:
Hey, listen to a COP, you're already mine. I are you going to do, and go on their case. But if you want to get the chance to help me. I you don't require. In any event. No more than you can. Choose: or to help me, or you cover.
With these words he came out and walked leisurely walk up standing in front of the machine where lay another of his prisoner, looked in the cabin, and listened. Inside was quiet, but just in case, tied up and his tie the hands between the seats in the same way as that of a policeman, and covered the mouth is thick gag of some stinking, smelling of gasoline and oil rags to that and won't want. Then he returned to the police car, got behind the wheel and asked in a tone not receiving the appeal:
-Now that you have decided to trash? Give you ten seconds.
He took out a pistol silencer, a deft movement навернул it on the muzzle of the revolver and put it up to his side in the area of the liver.
-You're not used to call me so. What I did wrong?
-Five seconds - Zhora clicked взводимым trigger. "Well?!
"The hell with you! Agree! 'll help you, " surrendered to the policeman. - But bear in mind that I helped you at gunpoint!
-Let the cares of the Prosecutor, I do not consider going! "Jora. - So, before you I'll loose it, listen to me carefully: we move out on your post. I do not need anything but your Deputy Minister of internal Affairs. If he comes, you help me to take it. If not - we disagree peacefully, and you're his boss say that I captured this калича, because of which the whole : to meet him. And hostage - my weighty argument for this. Well, you understand?
"Then I'll release. But I warn you: without tricks. Jokes on your part никких. As the saying goes: a step aside - trying to escape, shooting. See me.
Zhora unlocked the handcuffs on the hands of a policeman from the handcuffs on the steering wheel and forced перевалиться the front seat vacated for him driver's seat and buckled his two hands handcuffed to the steering wheel, as it once taught at special training in the army, that the enemy could not do anything except turn the steering wheel.
So they drove to the "Metropol", where George ran to my room. Already from the threshold it seemed to him that someone here managed, but he didn't stay too long, and, making sure no one is hiding in the bathroom and the toilet, no one is standing behind the curtain, leaning against the window, pulled out тайничка few spare magazines to your Uzi and quickly got back in the car. Charging machine and clicking the shutter, he said to a policeman:
"Well, come on, take me where you was told.
At this time on the radio again requested "the one hundred and tenth". George raised the microphone to his lips, and pistols to the side of the policeman, and the one making an effort, he said:
-Now I will be in place. I have accident happened!
-Forever you have any accidents happen! replied on the radio someone's voices. "Let's hurry it up! The operation had been a long time coming!
-Now this intersection - machine swung brakes - pressed to the side of the road.
-Stay here! - ordered Zhora.
"But I must check the machines and documents! "exclaimed the policeman.
"What, you live bored?! To sit around and not вякай! Do what I tell you. He whom you catch, already was caught.
We had to wait for a surprisingly long. From the opposite side of an intersection подъехало multiple machines. Ahead moved fussy police "Zhiguli" with lazily rotating flashing lights, and behind him were two long black limousine.
-Go, - warned the policeman.
-I see, " he said through clenched teeth Zhora. He suddenly felt a strong tension. Some inner feeling told him that he shall come into confrontation with a powerful and unknown to his power, and now, when this power was quite near, near his face him smell her lead, heavy, гнущим to the ground breathing. And as if to delay the decisive point of contact when you need the voltage across the will, causing move naughty, cotton hands and feet, move застудиневшие brains, overwhelming the torn out fear, George asked. - Why did you, what are they?
His voice slightly дрогнувший, issued an internal unrest and growing panic, which was increasingly difficult to control. He felt that the policeman caught these cowardly notes in his words, and for it not to much расхрабрился could decide that the situation is changing for the better for him, lifted up above the pistol and squeezed the trigger such a position, in which the slightest movement of your finger, the unforeseen push or involuntary nervous reaction could lead to fire. In the other hand, Zhora firmly grasped the handle of the gun положжив finger on the top handle.
-And who is yet to be, not as our Deputy Minister, comrade Толстунину? Who is in such a time of take a ride in the back streets of Moscow?
Barely slowing the opposite edge of the intersection, procession, headed by the police "Жигуленком", went straight through the intersection on a red light, stopping other machines and стреимтельно approaching.
-I would have to go out, to report, " said the policeman.
-Be enough! "said George. Don't you buck! The more you without pants!
Sharp movement down he pressed the lever of the chair, and fell back. Zhora surprisingly deftly and quickly for his girth rolled it back and was behind the policeman, пихнув foot seat back again in a vertical position.
-No, I actually need to go to report! - not rest policeman. Different..
-What else?! Declare a reprimand?! Ha!
-Otherwise they suspect that something is wrong.
Machines, patrol and limousines, stopped at the opposite side of the road.
-Better tell him how much he's protection? asked George.
"How should I know?
Of the patrol and sentinel "Жигуленка" and released two policemen. Another one in plain clothes emerged from the first machine. All they headed across the street to their car.
-Drop head on the steering wheel! - ordered Zhora, опустившисьниже, but without removing the gun from Boca policeman. "I tell you: урониголову on the wheel! Quickly!!! 't pretend sick, bad, - anything - but your one word too much, and you're dead! I have nothing to lose!
Chapter 18. (021).
When she fell asleep, he read. At the pocket money that gave them her husband (he even wondered послпеднее врпемя so called Бегетова Jora, "Hippopotamus"), he had bought from a street vendor three books, choosing almost at random.
Books cost dearly, he had to pay for them in almost half of the sum which was in his arms, and he was free to dispose of their accommodation and meals in the hotel was paid for a long time ahead, and he never occurred to keep the money, to postpone them for a rainy day when there is no will to live and nothing to eat.
Dima Gladyshev not used to make such purchases, which was able to deprive him of the right half of his condition, and he went already twenty paces from the tray, he doubted the correctness and would have had to go back and demand the money back, returning книготорговцу his product, but quailed. Indecision, находившая at him in the most responsible moments and paralyses every time his will, and this time made him go forward until, finally, he did not accept the purchase (and most likely with his indecision and not continued to move further along the street, the more consciously and purposefully.
This happened with him when they arrived in Moscow. This time drifted away now as if it has been not a few weeks, but a few centuries, and there are only these three books, by accident, in his life with the capital's streets.
Oh, how he was now grateful whim, the foreknowledge that заставитло him choose these books, though, perhaps, he choose other, gratitude, it would not be lower because euphoria night vigil reading itself aggravated his feelings, his ability to perceive, and he MCA dissolved in the images so that fully отрешался from the world around him fully поглощался literature, not knowing morning fatigue and deadly desire to sleep after бессоной night. It was awesome condition of his soul, окзавшейся suddenly in a totally different atmosphere.
The soul of him wanting to stay awake both day and night, and invigorated body feverish freshness, bordering on painful drive. She took the body into submission, wanting to get as much experience, and only absolutely изнуренное such non-human activity, the body переставвло obey and отклеивалось from the soul, falling into deep as the stupor of death of a dream, without moving, without images, without groans and even without breathing. Typically, this would happen every three nights. Then Dima really slept without breathing, and it was amazing, but surprisingly there was no one Veronica every time conscientiously сопела near, not even noticing that side, it is lifeless body.
But the wonder was not to чему.какая difference, as a man sleeps: breathes whether he is or is not breathing, is there a heartbeat or not? The main thing that in the morning he wakes up. And what wonder, then, perhaps, more than deserves литаргический dream in which asleep conducts months and even years before waking up. He dream, to all outward seeming death, and differs from it only by the fact that organic body not претрпевает irreversible changes and not begins to deteriorate, and a man promises to Wake up. When? Unknown.
Conducting reading two nights in a row, on the third night, rarely, fourth, Dima fell into литаргический микросон. He surprised couldn't because I was not in a condition to know this, and thought of his dream вполен normal and fully healthy (though who will take argue that dream литаргический less healthy than the ordinary).
When he was asleep, waiting until Veronica asleep included настодльную lamp, put the bed on the stool, and read excitedly, while Windows was quite light. Then he would Wake her.
By a strange coincidence whether or not less strange whim, to a certain mystical coincidence that he credited in life because of their suspicious and smart, diligent and careful observation, подмечающей the smallest details in the logic of emergence of unrelated explicitly events, he chose the book that impressed him the strongest impression. Each of them spoke of her, and together they отмутузили his mind, so that after he closed the last page of the last of them, having finished reading them, almost vowed to himself bathed undeterred tears and сдержиывая rushing out the screams and sobs, why creepy and мазохистски nice to puke throat lump accumulated in it, невышедшегонаружу sound that more will absolutely not be read.
The first book literally had blinded him. Something very little when he heard of the Latin American writer Gabriel Garcia Маркесе. But he did not expect that one could write. It was blinding startling brightness talent. "One hundred years of solitude" have absorbed really century, an age, as some miracle уместившуюсая in quite small, elegant body of the novel.
It seemed to him that he is amazingly small and capacious, this epic novel, and that he himself write never succeed. Such diversity, such an incredible amount of images, arising out of, pouring one into another, sparkling unimaginable number of faces, what a change of forms! Dima he seemed like a good ограненый gem, the diamond out of the hand of the master dazzling diamond. To create something like that he was not under force.
He did not envy Marques. This byloby too shabby. His blindness was not blindness envy. He just saw, how can you do really, and after calm, humble yourselves even in the depths of the soul, where reconcile it was the hardest, and his novel compared with Marquez - pathetic окололитературная fuss, not worthy of any attention, except that of sympathy and regret about needlessly wasted time.
Second, for that he came from a little оправивишись from the first, Былл Knut Hamsun. His novel "the Hunger", but especially the "Mysteries" were the complete opposite of the novel by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Only slightly smaller, they осещали fate of only one, the main character, which выхватывала from the surrounding timelessness God forgotten маленькихнорвежских cities of the beginning of the twentieth century and высвечивала random personality and images, with whom she had to deal with, and for which she held on. Narrative вязлов endless reflections hero, sometimes being lost in them, like water in the desert sand, but then suddenly was alive with, stood out again and перекатывалось until the next viscous place. These novels difficult to read. However, deep dive into the thoughts of the hero forced to identify with him sometimes to such an extent that it seemed as if he were not, and the Gladyshev Dmitry thinks so. Sometimes this feeling managed to get away, and then had the status of backstage follower, which are allowed a lot, almost all except one: he can't guess where to go in the next moment, the next moment the thoughts of the hero and the reckless, but sometimes very familiar things that came to mind.
Heroes of Hamsun Dima felt a close kinship. This arose quite unexpectedly, and sometimes in spite of the fact that he was not agree with him. So, for example, happened when Nagel, the main person of the novel "Mystery" of a sudden bad said about Tolstoy and the Leo Tolstoy, who created "War and Peace". Itwas amazing, and angered him in the same way that shocked the surrounding Nagel listeners. He was so indignant, so taken aback that even wanted to Wake her. However, at the last moment he changed his mind, deciding that, firstly, Nagel not so far from the truth in his words was a truth, the truth of the freedom of conviction, independence and the failure of the authorities зиждящихся on the throne of his own fame), and secondly, Veronica understands nothing спросоня and only get angry for what she was, Yes there was a good cause off the Desk lamp, the object of her vituperation обнаружившихся since Dima was interested in reading at night.
The third novel in a small, was written by Czech writer, which Dima couldn't hear at all, a kind of Milan Kundera. Opening the book somewhere in the middle, as he always did when he wanted to determine whether it can be read, or better to refuse - Gladyshev immediately ran to the place where рассуждалось about the son of Stalin, Jacob, and about the shit, because of which he had to die. It was so unusual and frankly, unusually moreover, that a Czech wanted to talk about the ruler of his country, even if it is already dead, and not any of his Czech leader, Yes uncle and his son, who had lost their lives because of their own shit and private impropriety that Dima read a few pages to a number of one ддыхании, покамысль the author did not stop. And the thought of this was far from the son of Stalin and his shit плавноперетекала to God and the creation of the world and man. She was so deep and so wonderful encapsulated in the three-dimensional spatial form, that involuntarily charmed to attention.
Closing the "Unbearable lightness of being", namely, this novel was the last of the three, after reading the above passage, he decided that it should be read, and the next night I had to read it from cover to cover.
"In the morning he sobbed. He whined, trying to do it as quietly as to not Wake the sleeping next to Veronica. Tears in two streams rolled down his cheeks, laid opinion, and all swam before his eyes.
So he hadn't cried for a long time. So he never weep but one of the only times when even in my childhood I read "White BIM Black ear" Троепольского. Unbearable, yet light, weightless longing novel pierced his heart was like a swift Frostbolt, leaving thick and pleasantly aching wound.
It was an absolutely amazing book. He could not understand how the lives of two people, men and women, described in the novel got to me, so was moving stuff that made to suffer. Even the author himself warned his characters are fictitious, that they arose from nothing, from just пшика. He could not understand why he was crying, reaching последнгей lines of the novel. But pierced ice arrow unbearable and easy longing heart изрыгало of himself sobbing, and he couldn't stop them.
"What piercingly sad story!" thought Dima. Neither Gabriel Garcia Marquez, nor Knut Hamsun, no matter how great and no matter how delicious they were each in their skills, could not засттавить weep. Milan Kundera, too, did not force him to do it, he pressed on a tear and just broke off his novel at some average episode of life Teresa and Tomas, without describing in conclusion scene ктастрофы, in which they both died, and only before the end of the narrative mentioning that this happened because of faulty brakes.
That was in the fictional lives of these two, by the will of the writer came down, not from the Olympus, no, just the ordinary, normal and at the same time every day painful for them обоихжизни on the bottom, where they are destined to find peace, love and, perhaps, a little happiness, hand in hand running with piercing bitterness of loss, where is all this newfound for however short a time, immediately somehow it ended? They do not боялисьсмерти. They have not thought about it. They lived as if in passing over her, even when buried their beloved dog, wonderful and strange, and therefore, beloved, when bury the creature that connected them among themselves. It was so painfully bitter, so sweetly bitterly and painfully.
Dima finally realized why he bellowed, having read the novel. Its internal, broken down, pinching her sobs began when he read about the last days of the life of a poor Терезиной bitch named Karenin. The atmosphere of anxiety and dying creeping in each subsequent proposal, each image. She's definitely a sponge filled a Димину soul.
It was a special anxiety. This was a concern for those people who are doomed, because it has been told that they will die, but who do not yet know about this, for those people who, burying his beloved dog, suddenly turn into adult children, and apparently did not understand at his naivete, that they are losing, and at the same time aware of more. He wanted to save them, to save the whole world, their dying and increasingly shrinking world, save that they themselves, although they tried, but were unable to. They've saved touching and naive as children. They've saved it, without being aware that attempt and cannot defend against increasingly doom themselves. And they were alone in their own little world, and Dima, who was allowed to look at them a little and doomed life, unable to help them in everything and nothing. He was unable to and amend nothing in their lives, обрывающейся the end of the novel on the most ordinary, but a piercing, сквозяще sad to tears unbearable note, which remained unknown for him, but the time appointed for them.
The novel was completed, exactly window, a tiny little window in the camera doomed захлопывалось ordinary and heartlessly before his face, and in the chamber, even счстливые through the sadness the recent loss, but suddenly found each other are really first and last time in a tiny room неприютной village hotel the night before the calamity, forever, until his death happy blessed in this happiness, remained Tomas and Tereza.
The ease with which stopped novel on everyday, but not unusually shrill this cubicles with придвинутым one to another beds, was unbearable. Dima wanted to end together with this novel, drop, as this note, and no longer be. He did not want to kill yourself, but suddenly it was unbearable. He didn't want to leave the room and left there to Tomas and Tereza. He wanted to stay with them, and log in to both of them, and be имиобоими until the very end. He loved them, but not to understand that crying because of that. He loved them especiallyin the piercing second sound everyday notes of the last words of the novel, and this love broke, just stretched to the limit string soul. He could not understand what he loved them each individually almost from the very beginning of the novel, and now, when the ice arrow piercing his heart, he loved them both together. He was a critic, which parses images, trying to show that the author depicts people of unusual fate. He just loved them. And Karenina loved.
Com sobs подкатывался to his throat, he could neither swallow it nor let out. It caused a strange, juicy pain. It was the suffering that went out from it a little bit, together with weak unrestrained сипением and groan, together with two streams unrestrained tears pouring as if from a horn of plenty, from his eyes.
Com sobs prevented him to breathe. Tears filled his eyes, and he was not afraid of dying, choking back to the tight pain in the throat of the moans of the soul, rising from somewhere in the depths of his heart and lungs трахеям and esophagus and adherent to the who, разбухающему in his larynx more and more, already gained their physical visibility and density and became размероом with a tennis ball, somehow caught in his throat.
Despite the fact that he tried not to Wake her up her crying, Veronica still woke up and rose above him on the elbow.
-What are you ревешь, fool?! - she asked, wiping his eyes. - Crazy crazy, or what?
Dima thought to herself that she did not call him now "Гладышевым"and just inserted a "fool". However, he couldn't answer her, but she woke up, a few woke him up. However, a lump in my throat is not lost. I had to cry before again have the opportunity to speak. But he dared not weep stronger, continuing to moan quietly. He was sorry that Veronica found him in a moment of weakness, and therefore he could not even move. It was embarrassing.
-Just crazy! Veronica pulled to his Golden watch. Five o'clock in the morning, and he tears washed! No, absolutely crazy! Gladyshev, are you crazy?!!
He didn't respond, and she gets angry, and pushed him out of bed. However, and after that he said nothing to her, still lying on the floor by the bed without moving.
-Hurt-Oh-Oh!!! - held out Veronica, holding his head and lifting his eyes to the ceiling. - No, absolutely sick!!! Gladyshev. You're not even a fool and don't freak out! You're crazy, Gladyshev!!! No, it's not even the word! The word is what you call-you could! Idiot! !!! Exactly. Idiot!!!
She still long распиналась in his address, but he did not listen, and thought about the little Czech Republic, аккупированной and подстраивающейся under аккупантов, under the country in the capital where he is now lying on the floor and crying about Томаше and Therese, invented by the Czech unknown writer Milan Кундерой, about the Czech cemeteries that are so fond of Sabina, poor bitch Каренине, gave birth to a bee, and two of a croissant. "Here lies Karenin, - remembered him. - He begat bee and two roll". This naive, childish and pointless tomb inscription, not taken from life, and as if from a children's game in death, гворила him about love, about love Teresa to Karenin, and about his love for his Teresa and Tomas, to their poor dog, to all their lost somewhere in the middle of the novel, and not knowing that he will die at the end of his world. This phrase had to break through his sobs even stronger, a lump in my throat started to melt faster, it exploded, and pain, stuck in his throat, began to diminish.
Through a veil of his experiences, similar simultaneously on waking dream and delirium of a diseased imagination, he heard swearing Veronica coming as if from another world and therefore irrelevant, even otherworldly, not having the strength and value and exists only as the background of his piercing, unbearably sweet sorrow, sorrow, love.
In this bustle, and the mess he saw himself as the Tomas meeting on the threshold of Teresa with a crippled, dying sheep on his hands, with повязанной on the head with a red kerchief, Teresa, dealing with surprise your beautiful body covered with droplets of water in the mirror in the bath and ненавидящей it for what it failed to become Tomas only, he had them both in the garden, where they buried the deceased Karenina and laid in his grave they loved, but never eaten chocolate, and Teresa, who put piercingly sad, childish naive plate "...he begat bee and two roll", as if хоронящей it for fun, невсамделишно, and yet aware of with all the piercing that all this was happening, and Karenin, who was dying of cancer, but out of gratitude was the last walk from the owners, remembering how fun it was the mouth of unruly cows, and Tomas, making him out of compassion lethal injection and Teresa, нарядившейся specifically for Tomasz after the death of the dog, and both included in such uncomfortable, but soaked last happiness, happiness last walk with Karenin tiny room rustic hotel with two придвинутыми each other beds.
He would not close the door to this room, but it was closed, even promising to open up to him ever again. He did not want to leave them, but they left themselves, уносимые over time, as fallen leaves, together with the last lines of the novel. It was a poignant longing hopelessness of love.
"They have done something недозволительное, they loved each other for real, and because the next day they died", - thought Dima through утихающие sobs. He knew that they killed two: the Chairman of the cooperative, and with him the country boy. They were just a pity, but he didn't like them. Ice arrow piercing his heart of intolerance love to Tomas and Teresa, and he wept for him, because he loved them and knew them not to return: to continue.
It was a great read: no Marquez, nor Hamsun, nor Tolstoy - nobody. For life it was enough for him this novel, and he wanted to end with him. He didn't want to die, he would just end like this novel. It might have been read again. There, in the beginning, everything was different. In the end there was unbearable love. But it was there and nowhere is not going to leave
't have any other books. For life to him now was quite this book, and this hopeless love.
Dmitry Gladyshev finished crying. He decided that there will never be any more to write.
Chapter 19. (018).
People in plain clothes and two policemen approached their car. Zhorin prisoner did what he told him, dropped his head on the steering wheel. The newcomer tried to open the door, but she didn't - at the last second Zhora had drown the button of the stopper and then rap-rap-rap in the glass.
You see, as обнаглел! - heard a sound of their indignation. - At the post right asleep!
-Dismiss need more calmly said the man in civilian clothes. "Who was that you?
-Yes it is well-known sloven! - повыил the voice of one of the policemen. - Now I even name I can't remember!.. Ah, Yes! Zavyalov! Zavialov his name. Igor seem name is...
-Yes Wake in the end, the man! "protested the man in mufti. Unheard of!..
"Because it has even warned today that will check! And not someone! But you are... Forever because it goes to the commander, " muttered the one who remembered the name, continuing to hammer on the door.
-Tomorrow documents for his dismissal on my table! - said the mufti.
-There are, comrade Colonel.
-What do I do? - whisper from under the steering asked Zavyalov. - May be, "Wake up"?..
-..And exit without pants. Not worth it! What is there to Wake up?! - hissed Zhora, almost took in the bottom, on the floor, in the passage in front of the rear seats. "Who's that? Толстунин in civilian clothes?
-No. This is his Secretary! - patter cackled policeman. - I will "Wake up", but I already promised to fire!
-Lie, мусорня fuck! - George shoved for persuasion of his words silenced in the side Zavyalova. - Lie, and do pretend that you sleep, ' less I tell you! Otherwise now you're fired. In that light!
-'t Wake up! - said one of the policemen. Maybe something happened, comrade Colonel?! Let door crack?!
-Break, do what you want, but lead him to his senses! angrily replied Lieutenant Colonel in mufti. - No, I'm just the mother will start from such impudence! Well, now wait, I'll get you!
The civilian Lieutenant Colonel shook his through the glass Завьялову finger.
"Oh, let me, comrade Colonel, punch your window and lock the side of the handle open?!
-I said: do what you want!
-Well, what? They now the broken door! - concerned whispered Zavyalov. - Maybe, "Wake up"?
"I said calmly, rubbish! Remember that you have under the edge of the barrel, which can spit lead! Let the break, " said George. - Better tell him how much he's protection?
"I dunno?!
At this time, there sounded two stupid and strong impact. One of the policemen tried to elbow knock the door window. Another went around the machine, looking in the Windows of the cabin and putting his side to your palm against the blinding light of the street lamp.
"Ah, " said he, apparently, seeing Jora. - Yes, there's somebody out there! Lying on the floor!
"it is time!" "he himself Zhora. The corner of his eye he watched looked into the salon and therefore, after a moment, raised his Uzi and sent first short turn right in his face, which he immediately following the resounding sharp and dry crackle of flames shot, vanished behind потрескавшимся, them completely and instantly окровавившемся glass.
Had remained outside it was impossible to give a moment of time to spare, to ониуспели something to understand, and take it, and because jumping on the seat, Zhora point blank, shot through the glass and the two that stood at the front door.
Scraps of meat and blood spurted into the saloon through the раскрошившееся, smashes разлетевшееся glass door.
-Backwaters! "yelled George in the ear of a policeman. - Click! Turn towards тачкам! Quickly!!!
Stunned, ссутулившийся Zavialov, frantically pulling hands fastened handcuffed to the steering wheel, started the engine and, somehow reaching up lever transmission, pulled the car with a shriek and a squeak of rubber on asphalt, describing a steep arc to the standing opposite the machines.
In less than five seconds, but Жоре seemed that everything happens very slowly, and that all it took him a full minute.
He go shoot a police "Zhiguli" and the next queue gave at the Windows of the first limousine service, but were armoured glass, smoky-whose mirror-like surface only cracked, but not succumbed bullets.
"The devil! - swore Zhora. - Click!
Zavialov started across the floor.
"Although where the "click"? "thought George. Now or never!"
-Turn! "he shouted. - Spin the wheel!
Zavialov gave the wheel sharply to the right. Car skidded and поволокло sideways, gradually, slowly and gradually expanding.
-Click! oral, just crazy, Zhora.
Funky whether, doomed and reconciled whether the policeman clearly fulfilled the command of his unasked passenger, who took the back seat.
Appeared before them limousines. Shot "Zhiguli" somehow burned. From лимузиинов, flinging their шестидверные salons, poured people. Жоре seemed to them a million. They рассосредотачиввались the street, blocking it completely and, falling on one knee, taking aim, apparently for взбесившемуся "Жигуленку".
-The duck! - only and managed to shout Zhora Завьялову himself dived down, on the floor of the cabin, as almost immediately there was a цокающий sound and windshield asunder, осыпав macaroni crumb seat and the Jora. After the car two or three times hard shake: apparently, they downed a few of the shooters.
George raised his head. One jumped on the crossroads by pure chance, avoiding the huge crane, двигавшимся across. Ззавбялов also looked up. Both of them saved the engine, but now from a broken radiator went clouds of steam.
- Won't get far! said Zavialov as if nothing resulted. - Damn handcuffs: me because of them had to be under рульнырять!
-To the curb! Cooler! cried George. - Turn!
They turned out very nice: one quickly and clearly commanded, another lightning performed. Machine крутнуло half a turn, and she left the wheels hit the pavement. Next, very close nasty cut it with several bullets. Back glass "Жигуленка" too "crashed."
-The duck! - скаомандовал Zhora. - Get behind the motor!
-Better handcuffs расстегни!
"Like hell! - жоа pulled the handle заклинившей door.
-I no going back! Расстегни!
-Once! he kicked неподдававшуюся door and куберм flew on the asphalt pavement, not feeling any pain shock. He didn't even know now: wounded or not, and the only feeling that can move around and see the enemy.
Zhora clung to the trunk деревва and peered out. Next settled, хрустнув, fell dispersed, huge shop window. Гревшие in her lamp extinguished! Stopping movement, the road ran gunners in mufti. Some of them have already crossed the intersection. They made the run from cover to cover and freeze there, crouching on one knee in the state изготовки for shooting. From one side of the street Zhora counted three people, on the other were two of them, but he well knew that the minute should get reinforcements, and then have to really tight.
George took the machine at the ready, took aim and, when against the flames burning machine appeared the silhouette of the head, shot at him and immediately rushed to the failure gaping cabinets, made two jumps. Came the response queue. A moment later he was inside of a large store. The darkness of its pavilions tore pulsating light that failed alarm, wheezing popped raucous call. The air was thick smell of sausage and cheese. Zhora suddenly, not the place, felt the worst hunger. He tried to figure out how much he had to go without food, but the thoughts were mixed. Fear and hunger fought in it, as two of the fiercer animals. Hunger crushed fear.
George jumped over the counter. And took out from the Windows of the refrigerator thick sausages, took from it a piece of вонзенными fingers and, almost choking, shoving a huge piece in his mouth.
Chew sausage, брызнувшую juice, it was difficult and tasty. But Жорины hand, leaving her alone, already stretched to the cheese and broke up his десятикилограммовую head on crumbs, able to fit in her mouth.
Carried away by his occupation, Zhora had completely forgotten about their преследователях and, when under the broken Windows showcase flashed and lay their shadows, confused, but then recollecting himself, instead of running away, he began desperately to fill their pockets pieces of sausage and cheese. Only turn вгрызшаяся in tile wall above his head and overturned the standing near scales, led to his senses.
Continuing to chew, George " machine-gun fire and ran to the door utility, debris her empty drawers, ran a corridor and found himself again in the trade hall, but far from the place where there was a broken window in a corner of his part, the former is closer to the junction. From here she could see limousines and blazing police "Zhiguli".
Zhora ran into the middle of the floor, between the stalls and paused in confusion, not knowing, not knowing which way to go. In his direction of the hall ran two, illumined with flashes of alarm. George took out a new shop and, before they noticed him, put both.
From the far end of the room store responded queue. Bullets broke shop window behind him. The lower part of it flew out into the street, and the upper left hanging in a frame, as listed huge knife of the guillotine. Hesitating a little, George flew to зияющуб hole. In thistime someone grabbed by the back of his pants and pulled back. Zhora hit схватившей his hand gun and turned on, Bang, I had to shoot, but at this time, the upper part of the витриннного glass, remaining in the frame slithered on it, as if by полозьям, I heard a crunching sound, and pull him immediately felt better, although his pants still holding. He turned around.
Grabbing him in a death grip, for neither волоклась half a torso men, leaving barely lighted street a trail of viscera and blood. With difficulty, feeling the nausea and disgust, жоре managed to unhook from his Trouser belt hand, compressing quickly холодеющие fingers. It was disgusting. He even thought that the person is still alive and moaning.
Crossroads was quite. He stopped two steps away from the traffic. The movement was blocked by another подоспевшей police machine, брызгавшей in the darkness of blue, red and yellow rotating beacons. Another such machine was approaching the intersection, scaring all around the deafening siren.
At the intersection opposite the traffic lights stopped huge "Kirovets". George jumped on his step, climbed up to the cabin, tore the door open, and showed the driver the barrel of the gun without explaining anything to him, pushed him out to the street car and pushed the accelerator.
Motor, worked at idle, juicy roared. From the exhaust pipe of a tractor burst cloud of soot. George glanced at the sign gear included second and поддал gas.
Mahina jerked from the place, describing an arc to the intersection, swallow it on their wheels of the front of which stood in the middle of patrol cars.
The wheel jerked from the hands of Zhora. Tractor double-jumped, as if the huge hummocks, but stalled. Zhora again grabbed the steering wheel, raised his gun and fired into the open door of the cabin by descending towards the police, "Volga", оглашающей surroundings wild siren. The car made a sharp turn, if the spot queue horse collapsed at full gallop, hesitated for own wheel, подломившееся under the body and flew head over heels, turned over several times through the roof. He did not have enough energy to complete the last turn of this deadly flip, and he just sled, went to the square on the crumpled, flattened roof, spraying sparks, and stopped, immediately caught fire torch.
Жоре there was no time to watch it. Barely making sure that the side is no more danger, he abruptly turned the wheel and sent out-of-print of tractor limousines, still unaware, as thus it is possible to smoke Bondi Bohm of the car.
Both black limousine stood with all the open doors, but when there was danger, the front door cars have become захлопыватьсяодна after another, and she began to roll, circling догорающую cars.
Bondi BOM there!" thought George, making a sharp turn to bypass the back of the machine. However, the wheel of a tractor, which is already rather dispersed, passed on the back of the limousine, the subjugation of her, so that he stood up at the priest and plopped back already громыхающей a pile of metal. "Kirovets", rejected his wheel on the sidewalk caught trying to sneak out the limousine and the printer him to обгорающему skeleton of passenger cars, dragging thus about a dozen meters. Armoured vehicle swallow it for themselves fading emitting последниеискры and soot metal constructions, jumped out with them on the sidewalk and stood притиснутый to the wall of the house Deere. The door stood the mighty blow of the clutches of the bumper "Kirovtsa" and an unyielding stone and lightly bit inside. However, bullet-proof glass exploded, emitted in all directions large peas castle, and the rustle of them fall on the asphalt only the latest sounds escaped from утопившего his rattle and rumble of a horrible shock.
For a moment everything was dead, as if plunged into a stationary eternity photographic print.
After firing and грохотанаступившая silence was unreal, as all this missed a picture suddenly, as if torn, quite unexpectedly, someone's skillful hand of blistering whirl of life.
George suddenly there was a strange feeling suddenly сковавшее his will. It seemed to him that if he doesn't move, doesn't, no thunder, no guns, no fear and anger nor of death in the end. It looked like that suddenly he pulled back suddenly from it all, out of the game, which was not a game, but a reflection on the silver screen, the image, suddenly stopped due to a broken film and is now ready now erupt from the intolerant, scorching glyceric emulsion heat lamp projectors.
And he did not move. He seemed not to move for ages now, staring at the frozen on the screen a picture, and she bubble, broiled, not flabby, and it becomes unbearable.
But that show first bright spots, broken frame...
George realized that it flames, have returned from under the bottom of the armored limousine. He just woke up from the dream and convincing shook his head, then looked back.
By the intersection of them were approaching people. They fled, crouching, приникая the ledges wall of the house and trunks of trees. They were already very close.
Through the broken window in the cabin of a tractor ora issued in their favour short burst: after the third cartridge machine chattered empty gate - out from the opposite side of the wing, jumped on the hood of the limo and extruded through the windshield vanished into the beauty of a limousine.
Pulsating languages again flaring flame already started to get here, licking polystyrol lining, made under the cork tree. Inside the huge car was only two people: the driver apparently stunned, dropped his head on his chest and some man in the rear seats. He stunned, shocked gazed around, not knowing what to do, and twitched nervously, jumped from right to left, not even noticing that beauty in his fortress on wheels, miserable now, compressed and threatening is about to explode, slipped someone else.
"Come along. I'll save you!!! cried George, проотянув hand.
The man suddenly stood dumbfounded looked at Jora, apparently, not understanding how, why and where he came from.
-Hand! Hand, rather!!! - "shouted George, grasping, reaching fingers to the lapel of his coat.
People guessed what was required of him and gave him his пухловатую, soft palm. Gripping her, Zhora noticed that, despite the fullness of his hands is much harder and rougher.
-Come on, come on! Hurry up!!! he cried, holding out the next man in the raincoat through some smashed partition on the back of the front seat.
Bottom heard something wrong, suspicious, fearful sounds, and George felt in my gut that will run for three or four seconds, and the flames get to fuel tubes, and then the machine is either goes up or flashes like a candle.
Надпываясь, panting from the effort and sweat, George pulled this man in the raincoat not of the mercy and compassion. With great pleasure that he would have thrown it and tried to escape. But for two circumstances did not let him.
First, whoever it was, but without it there in the street Zhora would be helpless and doomed because the operatives were already too close, and slip away from them seemed no possibility. With him he would be on a horse, because he could cover himself, and to use it as a shield, substituting the barrel of the gun to his chin.
Secondly, it could be that the man whom he last forces pulled behind itself, was thus Bondi Bohm - Толстуниным for the sake of which he had to start all this mess. He could not lose the prey.
As soon as they were on the ground in the meter from the car, as he flashed a torch.
George noticed a few pairs but in the lumen under "Кировцем". They were his enemies. Beside himself, he jumped up on his hands, рывкрм pulled заа up a limp body, placing it in front of him, and, загородившись them as a shield, shouted in a voice:
-Stand!!! I'll kill him! Not fit!!!
For persuasiveness he put the barrel of the gun under her chin saved and dragged him along, away from the burning car. The persecutors were not behind him, holding on to some distance.
When the distance to the burning limousine seemed safe, he stopped and demanded:
-A car to me! Alive!!!
"Let him have the car, " confirmed the captured man in a raincoat a completely calm voice.
Surrounding him, the policemen began to speak, but George remarked that those who were standing at the side, quietly, trying not to pay attention to themselves and pretending to confer with his back, back began to move towards him furtively, fine pitch feet.
-Stand! "he shouted, frightened by this observation. "Back! Ago, bastards!!! A car to me! Always somebody focus - I'll shoot him! he shook the hostage, like a pear.
Tried to approach him policemen returned to its former place.
Жоре was scary. Stay in such a situation was all the more dangerous. He was afraid that someone, especially a clever and sophisticated shooting will try to put a bullet in him somewhere in the head, to slay outright, and thus save his boss. This circumstance forced him especially great stretch of attention and follow all the movements among encircled his policemen, it is easier just to shoot it was in the head from somewhere on the side, left or right. This occupation tired competitive. In addition they had to firmly hold the captured and machine, припртый barrel to his chin.
"Oh, if only they knew that I had no cartridge", with fear, but with some strange, неосознаной, quiet, subdued thought happily Zhora. However, this idea has added him nervous trembling, and he was now trying to get rid of it.
The silence and the tension was oppressive, and to somehow disperse, reset from their shoulders the weight, he shouted to himself, not realising that:
-In my hand лимонка, defense grenade! If after two minutes don't have a car, I will blow up themselves, this плащастого goat and all of you! Nobody move! Nobody move away, the cops smelly! Allow one to run for the car! The rest of you stay here. All! All the bastards, will blow up with me!
Of course, no grenade in his hand, and there was not a single cartridge in the machine. But his words still worked: after a minute, as to the sidewalk parked police cars.
-No! I don't need it! Let ordinary car! With whipped rooms and tinted Windows! Come on!!! Alive!!! Another five minutes!
After some time, police drove the black "Volga" without numbers with mirror-smoked glass.
So, now all depart to the right from me! - ordered Zhora policemen. - But no further ten steps to a case of what you all with me smashed to pieces!
Militiamen obeyed him.
-Machine! The handcuffs. Alive!!!
One of the policemen put in "Volga" handcuffs and machine.
Show me that charged! demanded Zhora. And three store! Бверку driver to leave open!
Knocking fear teeth and feeling like a beating heart, and the heart is in your mouth, he held hostage to the car, впихнул it through the driver's seat.
-And now I have someone shoot! said Zhora and crooked a finger.
The policemen pushed one and the timidly went to the car, and kept looking back.
George took Kalashnikov, checked the full store, gave queue up, and, having got the car, turned to the guy standing in front of him, trembling with fear: "Bend over, my son!" - then put the Uzi to his forehead. Policeman broke. George pulled the trigger hook size. They heard a blank metallic click.
Policemen stood обомлевшие and I could see their faces emerges guess.
Chao, boys! - хахнул hand Zhora and then pretend that throws a grenade, shouted. "Lie down!"
Chapter 20. (019).
Policemen all fell to the ground.
-Want to live? asked quietly Zhora who was standing before him operatives, which still could not come to himself, blinking frequently eyes and trying to understand what happened to him.
Then Zhora finger to his lips, indicating that we should not make a noise, and instead of the window threw it on the ground, "Uzi", noting that звку came out entirely another, but how to say, fear has big eyes.
Combed the tires on the asphalt, "Volga" jerked from the place of the stress гудя motor and uttering "прогоревшим" silenced nasty gurgling, rich sound.
Already on the move Zhora, laying a steep turn on turn, I pulled the hands of his captive cold, Shine handcuffed and put it in his pocket prudently left little key.
-And your children love you, " remarked George his servitude companion. - Or afraid. Most likely the second.
"Why not?" - he said.
-Well, the key from the handcuffs left. See? So afraid that you will return and будетевправлять their brains for what they gave you handcuffs without keys. Savvy! In their place I would not have thought, wouldn't think of, probably about it.
George laughed heartily. His prisoner made unhappy grimace of disgust.
-And why should they think that I'm not coming back, actually? he asked, after a moment.
"But you were in the hands of such a terrible person like me! "replied George, with undisguised irony.
Hostage looked at him, slowly turning his head, as though he saw for the first time, then raised his eyebrows, his eyes grew wide.
"What are you looking at, as owl?! - поинтересовлся Zhora.
-Yes here, try to see a terrible person.
-And what?
"Nothing, see nothing but an ordinary criminal.
-Really? - Zhora in turn made factitiously surprised grin.
"Yes, " nodded the prisoner, as though with regret with pursed lips. - By the way, I counted how many you clocked. I do not know what flaws you have in the past, but for what you done now, I think you almost have lasted up to the "towers". But I will do my best to you guys.
-You самоуверены? surprised Zhora.
-Yes. But not cocky, I am sure.
-But in what?
-That long you here now spend on a trip not succeed.
-With you?
-And me, without me what's the difference? But be prepared for long your thread does not curl.
-Really? Very interesting! Why?
Hostage said nothing.
"Incidentally, I have already prepared for the meeting - Zhora look nodded at the man that lay in his lap machine.
Hostage in a cloak followed his glance, but just grunted and then added:
-The second time your things will not pass. Keep this in mind. Your position is hopeless. My advice to you: застрелитесь better immediately because in the prison сгноят alive.
-Really? - with feigned a smile asked George.
-Yes, believe me, juicy причмокнул lips to his prisoner. - Your death there will be a truly hellish.
Zhora still held in her hands, but he longed to show their cards. But now was not the time. He wanted to Bondi BOM (Zhora was almost absolutely sure that it is he himself рскрыл its trump cards, taking it for an ordinary recidivist, only by chance who met him on the road. Then would he could not get out.
-So you offer to let you go and get myself? 'he asked, dragging gas, when the "Volga" jumped out to a broad Avenue.
It will not help you. I have a tenacious grip. And the one who is so boldly entered against me will be destroyed with one or the other.
-What is it with one or the other? - George felt that now his prisoner utter something important, but he only smiled mysteriously.
-I'm not going to before you report on, the more that I believe that talking with five minutes to the dead.
They just once came to an intersection not far from which he left his "Mercedes". George took over and gave the brakes. Screaming and painful, machine quickly sweat еряла speed, started throwing ahead of its passengers, and frozen in place.
George felt that he began to take the nerves, because instead continue to do your work, it stopped, and now and grabbed her Breasts their hostage, Yes shook him so violently and furiously that the eyes popping out of his head in surprise, his head, ranging wrong with the body, it would seem that could break away from the body. When he was thoroughly exhausted and tired to shake, then asked:
And if I were you, bastard, right now I shoot you out of this machine? And if I have five minutes to the corpse, you can make three! he wagged a finger in front of his face. And bear in mind: another joke! Another joke, or at least some careless word, and I will do what I promised!
Zhora оотшвырнул his подневольника back, and that, this time, apparently, струхнув is not a joke, huddled in a chair. George felt the inner satisfaction of this, though not large, but the first and, now, he was obviously not the last victory. "So, it can be broken!" 'he thought to himself.
At the crossroads stood guard. More recently, it was empty. It certainly охотилсиь for him. Zhora passed back and toured the crossroads courtyards. Егопленник sat, not daring to say a word, occasionally mowing look at the machine, lying George on his knees gun at his side.
In five minutes, "Volga" stopped in front of a "Mercedes", at the back seat where somebody was busy. In slightly припотевших Windows flashed a shadow of a man.
George looked around. Around was not a single soul. Between the seats lay a piece of dirty, oily rags, which he has closed, erecting a gag, the mouth of the prisoner, in spite of the fact that he desperately resisted and frowned from the vile mouth feel. Zhora just couldn't help myself, моморщился, presenting this smelly piece of fabric in his throat.
The street was still quiet. George opened the back door of the Mercedes and took out a очнувшегося and came to himself Brand Ilyich and immediately, without waiting for him to come round and see what happens again his his, this time mercilessly dropping heavy "Kalashnik".
The body of the Brand Ilyich goes limp and collapsed right in the dirt next to the machine. George pulled out his скалдной knife, slashed the rope and began to unwind, took off the Mark Ilyich jacket and pants, then, after a moment, shirt, leaving him in a t-shirt and funny, such preposterous shorts flowers, a large chamomile. Clothing the poor got wet as well as her boss.
George pulled from the front seat of the "Volga" second his captive and poked him in the hands wet things, then undid the one castle, handcuffed and ordered him knocked from under the counter barrel of the gun:
-Change your clothes, vividly!
The first could not understand what was going on, but the tone of the order was not tolerate opposition. Zhora still pulled the gag from his mouth, опассаясь nature and motives of the smell.
"I give you five minutes, the dog, and you're standing in this suit. If not, I shoot. I don't have any extra minute to you рассусоливать. And I warn you: the no nonsense. One careless or sudden movement, and I shoot!
-But it wet! "replied was a man in a raincoat, but immediately broke off and began to dress hurriedly.
He had tight. It was good to see how unpleasant to him to undress, in such a dreary weather, and then pull the wet shirt, pants and a jacket.
-Where to put your clothes? - very drooping voice asked the prisoner, who lost his cloak.
-Everything in the "Volga", " replied George.
-What all wet! Clothes small... who's down there?
George said nothing. He made переоблачиться this man that feared lest his pants or лакцкане jacket was not some прередатчика-direction by which they could detect. True, he could be in some other place, for example, in my underwear or even stuck in the anus, but Zhora not regretted a while ago, not too lazy to himself, not forcing undress to the end. It was very cool, and he wanted to end it all. It suddenly started to torment famine, and now it seemed that there was a bigger problem, which could take possession now his desires aspirations.
-Quicker, quicker, all the clothes in the "Volga". So now I need to hear from you in plain words, who are you. But Hey, without equivocation. Your life depends on this! So, introduce yourself.
-Why?! "exclaimed the prisoner.
For persuasiveness Zhora moved the bolt machine:
Is not a Uzi, but sieve of you will do now!
-Well. Okay! The hell with you!.. Толстунин Boris Borisovich, if anything.
-No, I don't want! "said George.
-What do you need?
-I need to hear: Bondi BPO. Right?!
Zhora is not seen, but felt the Толстунина weak and trembling at the knees. George realized that it was him, but it was important for him to hear this recognition from him.
-I need Bondi BOM, and him only. If I'm wrong, you're going to die right now. But I hope that not mistaken.
Was followed by a prolonged pause.
-Count to three, - said, finally, George, summing up the finger to trigger hook. - Once, twice...
"The hell with you! You're right! - pitched over the prisoner.
-Right? - not appeased Zhora. - To shoot you here like a dog, or...
-Yes, I Bondi BPO. I - Bondi BOM!!!! - разошедшись, Толстунин proud struck his chest so that звякнули handcuffed, chained to his wrist.
-Very good! Then alive in a Mercedes! Quickly!!! - George opened the door, but before Bondi BOM villages in the beauty of his car, locked handcuffs on his hands. About the gag he decided that embed it is not necessary.
Now, when Bondi BOM was sitting in his car, you can get on to mark Ilyich and "Volga". He planted полураздетого man the front seat and before the shoot him, thought that he might be a lot of things to tell not only about Толстунина, but many others, such as Толстунин who do not even suspect that they are somewhere in a small Moscow apartment usual, stored and accumulated large file, which can always be used as the sudden, unexpected and therefore particularly insidious weapons. He could still many Combe harm or help harm. Perhaps, he himself, Жоре would need his help, maybe he could tell him anything mind blowing.
But he Zhora, was not eager to foreign secrets, and not some altruist to worry about the other. He needs only to revert back what he lost, and in this case you can now do without Brand Ilyich.
Zhora translated the fuse on a single machine, and cold-bloodedly shot at close range, putting the automatic gun to the head. It threw it to the side, as if the old man's broken neck. Maybe she really broke from многопудового impact of the bullet, and gases. Glass salon became blond-Matt.
In the trunk of the car stood petrol. Zhora splashed a few times in the beauty of the "Volga", then shed on earth жорожку and, after trotting a "Mercedes", set fire to it lighter.
Rising like a fiery fence flame ran on the track car, and after a moment of that стояля, grasped his languages. When they had driven a little while, behind the blast, and in the back they had lit a flash, leaving ahead of their own shadows, the Bay of interior of the vehicle despondent blood-red light.
To meet them, flew two torn wild sirens and брызгающие вокругразноцветными lights lighthouses police cars.
"In time disappeared", - sighed with relief Zhora.
"It happens to me something strange, he thought, driving, and unconsciously looking for Bondi Bohm. - Just killed a man, and I have not moved a muscle, no one nerve. I'm not even sorry for him! And I don't каяюсь in very deed, as I don't committed a crime, and so did something mediocre, like crushed beetle".
He tried to force myself to be frightened the crimes committed, but could not do it. George couldn't even be surprised by this discovery. All his thoughts occupied only what Bondi BOM now in his hands. And all else is not that important.
-Why was he killed? - lazily moving his tongue, as if asleep, asked Толстунин.
-Instead of you - Zhora again noticed that inside him nothing moved,nothing has trembled even though it was not about the murder of a person, and any trifle, at least amounting to little things.
Poor man! moaned Толстунин.
-I did not think that you are capable of sentimentality! Very surprising!
What is that amazing?! You have, no reason, no reason at all killed innocent - I'm more than sure in this person my eyes...
-On your eyes, apparently rarely kill people, - George askew ухмыдбнулся. "But you know how many they killed at your command?!
-What you are referring to?! Who Are You?!!
-I? I - Hippo, Bondi.
"Ah, that's it!
-Yes. And I just recently tried to sew, shot in the forest, as the Vnukovo to go along with my guys, obviously, at your disposal. And I'm going to swing, which, as it turned out, were held the day before. What does it all mean? Game without rules? Take that, who robbed?
Bondi Bohm said nothing and only strongly sniffed.
-You are not bad settled here! Incidentally, on a swing know that the king of thieves in the law - one of the leaders of мусоровки, which for us hunts?
-Know and approve of.
Even so?! Strangely. I don't believe it. Because Bondi BOM may at any момень betray any of them, if he pleases. Isn't there? As, for example, he gave a Hippo and using мусоровни gave him a real hunt. I knew nothing about this pleasant combination.
-Will remember honour among thieves? - with the call asked Bondi BPO.
-I know what you mean. But not Wali with a sick head on healthy. I have nothing bad chaps did. And here you are... Take, at least, that you wished himself укокошить Hippo. Isn "on a swing know about this? I'm not saying that you robbed him, while he rested on the югах. Raven Raven eyes not pick out, isn't it? So someone from the two of us - white crow.
Bondi BOM glanced at him, as if the answer was clear. George noticed this:
-I with his garbage city travel...
-You, in General, a guy in a foreign city and in someone else's game. What you've taken, never could belong to you. This is foreign extraction, and protected her Old man, too thief-in-law, whom thou brutally killed. The old man guarding the obshchak, and I don't think the "seesaw" condemn me for what I ordered you cum. By the way, almost all in the know. And if someone infringes on обшак, besides deprive life of its брательника, I think, nobody will scream that it was removed.
Zhora not expect such a turn of conversation. In one moment of a Prosecutor he became a defendant.
-So, it was a common Fund? his brain feverishly sought justification, at least in their own eyes. Zhora even slowed down the movement of the machine. But I didn't know. What is the common Fund: paintings, books, manuscripts, icons... common Fund is money...
-The money invested, including. It was necessary to protect our spoils from inflation. It's me, using his connections in the Ministry and safety Committee, bought the most important and securities from the archives of the KGB and interior Ministry, best manuscripts, books, paintings and icons from the vaults спецхранов state security and customs control. And all this I did, not to some clever Hippo, пронюхав that next door is such a treasure, and that you can take it with bare hands, picked up, and brushed the gang Yes Yeshe having performed the assault. Of course, he deserves death. And I'm sure no one will be angry, to the contrary, it only approves, knowing that I made you - hunting, " Bondi BOM gleefully frowned. - I think. What if you "on the swings, then you tear up would be to shreds, although it is not accepted. So I decided to elect for you more merciful and easy death. But you would not take it.
-The hunting itself hunter was in the clutches of the beast, " laughed George.
-Vain хихикаешь! 'retorted Bondi BPO. - You're still a corpse!
-I warned you! - hand Zhora lay down on the forearm "Kalashnik".
And I said, "five minutes". Простол you were guilty twice: in front of the gang, and before the state.
-Both presented in your face?!
-But what is wrong? I control both spheres, and therefore, I stand and, therefore, stand above them both. But you прогадаешь, if you want to portray me sell the mafia high-ranking official. I'm a mafia, its top management, внедрившаяся in hostile structure. Is it a bad thing?
-Who knows? - George grinned.
-Those who need to know.
-I did not know, for example.
"Then you didn't really need to know. Besides, as far as I remember, you very seldom visited on our "swing", and, frankly, many do not even know forgot that there is such a Behemoth.
-But I had to know at least where is общаг and what it represents. Its share I listed you regularly, nothing was pinching.
-If you need help, you would have got it. But too dangerous to know for all, where is the cash. By the way, she wasn't the only one, but the biggest.
"But if I knew it was a common Fund, and not got on a rampage! "exclaimed George.
-Do you somebody said even a word?! Would sit in their Sumy and further, taxied would the local crowd - you would finger nobody touched. But you're no: went to Moscow for disassembly! Who are you asking? You brewed this porridge is that now it does not get out. And even I you отмазать I can not.
-Could send ksivu or person to warn me. I would not use.
-We did not have time. No time! You have done everything so quickly. Such a hurried from you no one expected...
Some time Zhora answered him nothing. Something not kleilos in all these explanations.
-Maybe you intentionally provoked me to remove? - he said at last.
-What's the point?
-He saw that I was too dangerous.
-Too dangerous?! Ha - ha - ha! - Bondi BOM laughed out loud. - Don't make me laugh! For me, there's too dangerous people nor thieves, nor in мусоровне. I control everyone.
"That's maybe why you decided to provoke me and take away. Noticing that I was leaving from under your control and going to exist, forming his own family?
Bondi BOM was silent.
-What did you answer?!
"Perhaps, " agreed Толстунин. - But only: may be. However, what is the difference? You're already signed own tower, killing the old man. By the way, who was that miserable?
"Didn't you guess?
Imagine: no.
-The one you have been looking for: mark p..
-Minkin?! - started Bondi BPO.
-It the most.
-A-a-a! - exactly the beast roared Толстунин. He wanted to grab their head, but the handcuffs prevented him to do it, and he closed his face with hands.
-That, important bird? - gloatingly asked George. - Judging from me there убивли: Yes. But you're not despair: he is dead. I did blow his brains out. By the way, could he tell me about you a lot, was a great dossier on Bondi Boma. Sorry. I lost it in a shootout with your dogs. If that hadn't happened, he perhaps would have stayed alive. Anyway, I nna was going to go back there, if I have not prevented to leave... Yes, mark Petrovich knew of many and knew a lot. It's a pity that I had to decide the upshot of dipping his stead. I suspect that it would be more useful to me than you. The only thing he didn't know, so this may be where is stolen, obshchak, as was now. However, I did not ask: does not guessed.
бондиБом not раегировал on Жорину tirade. Her face with her hands, articulated hoops handcuffs, he had screamed, moaned, whined, making some indistinct sounds and swung from side to side.
-You're a corpse, Behemoth! You're dead meat! finally managed to dismantle Жоре his words through the tears.
Suddenly Толстунин straightened up and Cat., скрючив fingers, grabbed the person Жоре:
-Die, you bastard!
Zhora hit the elbow of his hands and gave a fist in his head, then hit again and again.
Chapter 21. 6 (5 -> 6).
The next day, when the sun was already high, Dima woke up with a sore head and hardly продрал eyes. He couldn't understand what had happened to him, was all this really the case or only dreamed in a nightmare. By their state of health he could say only what is truly yesterday drank a lot, and seems to be raced.
Misty veil spread eyes. Dima hardly seen, but having taken a look around yourself, realized that lies in the room.
Veronica was nowhere to be seen, he called her, softly at first, then louder. No one replied.
Feeling his broken excessive dose of alcohol body moans, groans and aches, all its members, Dima struggled with Ottomans, and walked off in the sink.
"Sinks ничальник and sponges commander", - he remembered the line from the Moidodyrнs" and crawled under the cold shower to come down.
Now all that happened that night time in his memory, like a faint, vague negative. On the table beside his bed lay a large piece of paper with rough edges, and it felt-tip pen were written by two huge letters "criminal code".
"Yes - Yes - Yes - I was horrified Dima. He felt his legs подкшиваются, and sat down on the edge of the sofa. - Yes, Yes, Yes, " he grabbed his head. The events of this night stood out even more clearly in his head, fresh ice cold showers. But is stronger and more convincing than in shower, affected him this piece of paper with two bright red letters. - So, I was not a dream!"
He remembered yesterday, drunk and tired of women, разморенный alcohol and hot-air saunas, he sat next to Толстуниным and barely Lina and comradely hug, ground up with nonsense that now he has hair shame and fear became erect.
-And I, too, is versed in the Affairs of the sky, piano and развязанно waving his hand Толстунин. - I know some of the Bible. Proverbs напрример. Of the prodigal son, for example, or of the workers in the grape garden. So I say to you, откровененно, I prefer to be the prodigal son, who will one day return home to the Father than that, the other, who was with him. Strangely enough, but the prodigal son the Father loves more than a humble and submissive. And I want to be the employee in the garden, who worked worse than any, received from the owner, along with others.
-You have a distorted concept of God! - Dima cried.
-On the contrary, my concept is not available deeply for you. You барахтаешься on the surface, boy, not knowing the meaning. And it, in fact. That everything is allowed and is never too late to turn back to God. I prefer to do it in the last day in the life...
-How do you know when you die? "said Dima. - Because you can die before you have time to stop and repent, for example, now! Besides soul! It corrupts under the tyranny of the passions, and all the less space the desire to come to the Lord. Here indeed, even now you are left with only wish to come back, but it is possible that soon will disappear and it.
-And you, really, is not stupid, huh?! "Толстунин. He hurt patted wet palm Диминому shoulder. - But I think I'll know when I will die.
Christ said. That you can't serve two masters at the same time: mammon and God, pushed his hand Dima. - For one shalt thou serve, and to another to administer. One will love, and the other hated.
-Yes you're right priest! "exclaimed Толстунин. - Now I know why that bastard dragging you with me: he wants to save his thieves ' душенку. Ha - ha - ha. Behold thou rascal!
-Who are you? Dime when it seemed that in these words the key to solving the mystery of his acquaintance with Толстуниным, but he just waved him away, as nuisance and loudly asked for a cold beer.
From memories about this conversation Dima had a headache, and he grabbed and squeezed her hands. But the movie is his memory went on with relentless cruelty. He didn't want to watch it, but could not do anything.
-Tell me, my good man Gladyshev, what is your hope in my poor, useless life? She would pass all, without a trace, in poverty and deprivation. For the happiness we must fight! - not appeased Толстунин. - Do you hope that the world will change, Yes? Haha! Venerable asshole, Dostoevsky, it seems, said: "Beauty will save the world!" And the world is nothing to save him, because God wanted it, wanted it back then when it created. Even with the creation of the world his whole story was предизвестна God, is it clear to you, мальчишк?! And you're not корячься as not try, but if you are destined to a place in hell, you never get to heaven, even though the skin вылезь.
"You are wrong! "objected Dima. - Where a person can know that he was destined after death?!
-God knows! - raised with the fury of the index finger Толстунин. Beer foam flew from his mouth. He knows, and whether you are at least a thousand times a goody-goody, or as many times bastard and stuff, he will lead you through life at your place! Here!
Толстунин it drank beer, and then again, splashing foam, almost shouted at him, Dima, as if he was on the other side of the world:
-I know that God is everything long ago divided with the devil, and the best he already took to the Skies. Now on the earth were only his stepchildren, these doomed, who prepared for another fate: down!
-You lie, you lie! - Dima cried.
He jumped up, jumped out of his chair, like a disheveled, but a real Sparrow, wanting to kick in the jaw Толстунину, but before he could do this, found myself in the pool, capsized there not терявшими vigilance naked телохранительницами that before the decisive moment deftly dissolved in the total mass of drunken whores or were themselves them, but knew what to do and when.
On this memoirs Dima stopped. Apparently, his then deafened, or lost consciousness and woke up only now.
"But where Veronica?" with concern thought Dima, when a violent movie in his head went down. He went up to her room and ran into the girl nose to nose, when she closed the door behind him.
-Hi! - he said.
-Hi, - as if nothing had happened threw Veronica.
-Where are you?
-Walk. In the city. Not you wait for...
-And do you know where I was? surprised Dima.
-Well, Yes, when I rushed to look for you, I said duty администраторша that I am for you not worried, so we convey.
"What about you? - Dima felt in his soul creeps confusion, bordering with horror and amazement.
-I? And what I am. Went to her and lay down to sleep.
-And what are you thinking? Where was I?
It doesn't matter where you could be! I decided that you want needed a Hippo, and he will urgently taken. You know: in such cases, he бестактен obscenely.
Dima mechanically walked with Veronica, painfully wondering whether she should tell about what has happened. When they came down the Elevator down, he realized that not worth it. Apparently she really knew nothing, and he caught myself on thoughts that he did not know Kaak react Veronica its history.
-Where are you going to walk? he asked the girl, when they went out through the hall to the lobby of the hotel.
Do not know, " she shrugged.
At this point in its field of vision were posters on the information Board, and she went down.
-Скукота. One скукота, " said Veronika Гладышеву, when he came to the posters behind her.
"Let's go down here, " suggested Dima saw in the corner a small, hand-written ad, извещавшее that in Sokolniki group of independent artists held an exhibition-sale of his works.
Veronica grimaced.
-The brothers pulled? - she asked sarcastically.
-Aren't you interested? surprised Dima.
-Okay, Gladyshev, go - instead of answering the question she said. This time, let it be so, the initiative I yield to you.
The day was gloomy. Besides it was the middle of the week, and the people in transport was little. They довольнго quickly reached the falconers and, wandering a bit on a deserted Park, in one of his distant corners notice any congestion of people.
-Us seems to be back, " suggested Dima and enthusiastically pulled a Veronica.
-What is this bunch? 'she returned.
-This is exhibition: hangout on блатном jargon intelligentsia.
-Are you sure of that? - concerned about Veronica asked.
-Sure, sure.
-And, I think, there beating, " said the girl.
When they came closer toward them three миллиуионера really dragged two some fellows.
"You see? - with reproach noticed Veronica, as if Gladyshev was all my fault. "Do you see?
"Come on, " suggested Dima, fearing that their visit to the exhibition-party will fail.
Veronica paused an instant, wondered quickly after weighing in her lovely head all "for" and "against", and was followed by гладышевскому proposal. They entered into a dense crowd of people resembling a small lake in the wind.
Теперькроме spectators and viewers, they became visible and grateful heroes of the occasion. Dima immediately became drunk from the atmosphere of this gathering, which smelled some forgotten полулегальщиной, harassment and persecution on the avant-garde artists. Here I felt the smell of silent protest, quiet riot, which are so pissed off by the authorities, because they are powerless before this, though, каажется can be several minutes destroy half the ball.
"Here she is, the strength of weakness of culture", with a heady inspiration thought Dima, mentally belonging to this host of "saints" мученников from power.
All this dull and partly by Moscow standards party made him such a strong impression of what produces view of the tram on a guy, first time having come from the rural hinterland to the city. Therefore at some time he lost sight of her, which was carried away, and disappeared among the crowd.
On the show, stretched from tree to tree on the ropes hung a hand-written poster: "...Here... исксство that offends (Lemon)".
Dima long tried to understand the meaning of this label, but could not thinking that you can understand, apparently, only to get acquainted with the art.
He squeezed through the dense crowd, surrounded one of the paintings. Next was sitting on a folding stool, apparently, the author of the picture and occasionally переругивался with the audience.
-Sell? - ask him.
"Yes, " nodded the artist - for dollars.
-For dollars?! Fuck you!..
To Dima's ears from somewhere came the foreign speech. Guessed German and English words.
The painting, which was Dima, shown were the following: a gray-white, animal forms, something resembling the outline of a female body, lavatory pan; over him like a flagpole, a sewer pipe, поржавевшая, without a ush tank, instead whether кртина, whether портретнебольшого size with the image of the tops of the Orthodox Church, Church, synagogue and mosque, squeezed next to each other on crooked, negligent inscription: "God is one".
The audience had a lively discussion about the picture. This Goulet полушепота, and then heard insulting words addressed to the author so дерхкого cloth.
Hardly Dima got out of a dense ring around the picture and moved to another, exactly the same , living and dry. His first impression was unclear, but, in General, his soul, the scorched the rejected candidate hop feel even more discomfort and discord with the body. He almost физичеси felt, as she breaks out, wanting to leave his mortal flesh in a cold loneliness. This gap was manifested, that Gladysheva had a feeling inside like him in the chest stuck a piece of the iceberg, though his heart was hurt by the ice of a needle, and it was painful. Blood would freeze, and to disperse it he would swear the latest матерными words.
"I think I'm going to die, he thought, Dima, feeling worse. - Why we all came here?"
He MCA could not understand why he suddenly felt so bad: whether so hard on him, and acted this picture, or his hangover, his alcohol (and maybe some other) poisoning entered a new phase. "Perhaps I really was poisoned? thought Dima, barely moving his fumble in your mind, like a naughty tongue. - After all, why it caused me... or rather, was seized..."
He mechanically making his way from one painting to another, ducking from a bunch of a handful of spectators, but the meaning галиматьи that before нимпредставала every time in the centre of this circle, slipped away, walked past him, because his mind was absorbed with the internal struggle in body and soul, which it has sought to keep in unity, and who desperately resisted, trying to take a run.
"Like you, must kill," вспллыли in his head the words Толстунина. And when they came to him, as he felt severe dizziness and nausea, legs gave out and he collapsed right on the tripod with the picture, dragging it behind him. Through подступающую the darkness with wide eyes he caught some kind of vague shadows movement around him. In his ears, just gurgling, heard alarmed voices of people around. He felt even as his body touched, as it does raise, or handle. But he showed no signs of life. He didn't want to show them. He was attacked by a great laziness, which is called death, and now enveloped not only the body but also your mind sticky webs real estate and thick wool deafness, переная him, like a babe in a cocoon.
He could think of could perceive their feelings and thoughts, could listen or stare, but he did not want either, nor the third. Soon he even I got lazy know that he can, and then, and another, and another and then in his head came utter darkness.
He came on the bench. Near him were some people. In the nose шибло sharp unbearable smell of ammonia.
Dima opened my eyes and saw a bearded man, who подпихивал his nose and transparent little bubble.
-I always carry it with you, - not without pride explained bearded others, turning his head to the right and to the left, as if hoping to find in someone's eyes, support and approval. - You see, he's getting better. It seems, he comes to himself.
Dima shook his head, sniffing from удущающего smell, who walked into the throat, and lungs. His eyes tears began to fall.
-Well, that's nice, " said puny owner of a beard, " now I can say that this young person is awake. Young man! Young man! - the bearded man shook ладышева shoulder and looked into his eyes, wanting to make sure that he understands it. - Do you feel better, young man?!
Dima according nodded оитрая tears, streams потекшие cheeks.
-How do you feel? We called you an ambulance.
Dima couldn't even speak, but shook his head negatively.
-I am a doctor, a young man, therefore, can speak to me like медикомсовершенно frankly and seriously. Tell me, did you have epilepsy?
-No, - finally Dima possessed the gift of speech.
-GM, then I would advise you to consult your doctor. And the sooner you do it, the better it will be for you, for your health. You should surveys...
Dima not listened to his captain. He felt now, as fainting, and, rebounding from the bench and pushed aside the crowd, headed for the exhibition under a poster about offends art, remembering that Veronica somewhere запропастилась in the crush.
He went to the most numerous group of people, assuming that it is likely that Veronica will be there. In the centre of this broad and crowded circle just начиналость strange action, which is one of the three artists were there, near the snow-white clean the toilet, announced as "instantly-sculpture and painting composition in the triune co-authorship.
Clicked cameras, зажужжали Keane and video cameras, and three of them started a полумистический, полупародийный dance around the toilet, something resembling simultaneously Striptease and ritual not the Indians, not that any папуассов. In the end they were naked, маструбируя caused himself erection and ejaculation in the toilet and then went over to the same queue diarrhea black and brown, yellow and brown котяхами, decorating the "layer cake" from above; then предлоили honourable audience showered all this money and, thus, to complete the composition.
Showered with money of all colors and shapes, forming a phantasmagoric rain. Other bills fell right into the toilet, уные scattered around it fallen petals of roses. When the last of the lonely bill finished their трепыхающийся flight, artists, sponsors loudly announced that the composition is completed.
All sides were heard unexpectedly loud and bold applause. Apparently, the audience has been really admire their calling, incredible courage, bordering on insanity. Dima noticed that in this circle of many foreigners. Two of them, объясняясь very bad Russian and good English and expressed their willingness and desire to buy this masterpiece. The deal immediately took place. Foreigners have posted a large sum, slammed the "painters" shake on it. The artists took them to the toilet and at parting with their offspring put on his white sides of their autographs, writing multi-coloured, thick markers each word: "Обвафлили", "Обосрали", "Thriller".
Those present began to disperse, flowing to other кучкам. Some boys-maloletki swooped, exactly sparrows scattered crumbs, got bills lying around the toilet on the ground, and then quickly sped away, as if they were not.
"I wonder how they will take and what they will do with that?" thought Dima.
Then he noticed her. She, too, watched all happening and now still stood still and looked thoughtfully and detachment on the toilet. He approached her.
-How disgusting! she said, noticing it. - Fe-e! Where have you been?
-Yes, here's close ответл Dima decided not to say anything about that. What just happened. - Great! ? he turned to the toilet, which were now only foreigners. "I, too, went on this pot! How do you think they will do with him?
-Vulgar! - dismissed him Veronica.
-You don't like?! But why was surprised Dima.
Here, there is nothing that I would be a little like it, wincing, admitted Veronica. - Indicates that this dirty, filthy-looking rubbish? What is the meaning of this adventure-sculpture? I spit want!..
-Nothing, it will pass, " he Dima. - I think that's -- I presented here now, that went after them or with them there with pleasure, by the way!.. In General it is, this sculpture indicates that people all have the same structure, all go to the toilet, regardless of their social origin and situation, regardless of nationality and religion, which испооведают. Whether you're a General, a Minister or a simple rear, and the process of emptying the bowel is not fooled. He does anyone исклбчения, not looking on the social hierarchy. In this deeper meaning, which is difficult to understand. Last tramp, not knowing even the alphabet and, the more laws, maybe has more right to be happy than some uncle in high offices, suffering from constipation and геммороем, because of the scarcity of food in the tramps. However, works of art infinite number of meanings, and my explanation - just look at one of the semantic faces. Everyone sees and understands the creation of his, and this is its charm. Even under a different mood and state of mind, it will open another face.
-Still, it's an abomination, Veronica shook her head. - You can, Gladyshev, you want to rant, but I dislike it. Why have they drochili?
-Well, I don't know... Probably, as it was intended. It too is nested in any sense. Look, here. These foreigners have given for this обосранный toilet rabid money! Don't they have no taste?!
-May be. They are fat mad! Money is nowhere. Then one of two things: either they are rich idiots, or I complete fool, " tertium non datur! What you looking at?! Me-uh! - Veronica expressive and evil showed language of one of the Americans that he was very surprised, and walked briskly away, abandoning Dima over his shoulder:
"Let's leave Gladyshev, go! I was tired.
Dima, as if apologizing for Veronica, looked at foreigners, shrugged, and took her to catch up.
Chapter 22. (020).
After the third impact at шедшегося in the jaw,Толстунин "pushed" out. Still being in a rage and fury from the incident, Zhora pressed on the accelerator, adding gas, and, switching and raced along the Avenue, the squeezing out of the car all its horsepower.
The sky over the city beginning barely земетно to brighten. From the darkness gradually emerged from the outlines of the clouds. Here in the East должнваа was first посветлеть, and then become red strip of sky. The dawn was breaking. Was going to rain.
His Mercedes raced the пусттынному Avenue, whistling through the chilly pre-dawn air, saturated with moisture. He rapidly проскакивал intersections, обозначавшиеся to the horizon line flashing yellow light traffic lights.
Rare guards, still not have been in this hour of their booths, accompanied him on his car ошарашенным glance and without that emerged from orbits from the fighting intensified sleeping eye, as if considered not "Mercedes"ghostly flying Dutchman, cut жиддкий fog at two hundred miles per hour. Gang traffic cops knew that their machines are not able to go so fast and are therefore perceived "Mercedes" as its interval, the twilight daydreaming and not raised the alarm. Furthermore, there was a strict order to delay any black "Volga" - and they vigilantly looked out and were waiting for her at the crossroads.
When East заалела dawn, Zhora was outside of the town, in the forest, where a few days earlier he had almost lost his life.
-You will know meadow? he asked Bondi Boma.
He shook his head.
-Here I just do not thy slapped. Don't know who it was, cops or many pills (however, I wouldn't be surprised if I find out suddenly that some of your works in мусоровне, and after the change in a hurry to the case or "swing"). But I sewed himself: and that was it.
-In vain! "nodded Толстунин.
-Who knows, who knows! I don't think so, anyway.
He wanted to eat and sleep. Sleep even more, and he felt that not survive for long. Visit амшине to the solitude of the bushes, into a small gully, he stopped.
-Now we are going to sleep!
After these words, Zhora put a gag Толстунину mouth, and bound him capron tow rope "doll" and пропихнул on polik between the front and rear seats.
All this was given to him is not easy, but he didn't even have the strength to выругаться and barely made it as immediately dropped dead on his face on the front seats, placing a hand cocked "Kalashnik"knocked down deep sleep, resist giving him anymore.
When he awoke, it was dusk. George thought it was near the place where the hotel is located in which to live Gladyshev and Veronica, and it would be nice to go there, to see how they're not dead I still starve to death, if they have pocket money.
Suddenly his thoughts закралост a bad assumption. He imagined that the police know where they are located, and she wants to arrest them, so as to reach him, Jora: he will not leave his wife. If only the police know that she was his wife. And why not? If Bondi BOM wanted him to hunt, he could, using the mighty detective device, check all hotels, hover help for all guests. Not so many hotels in Moscow, as it might seem at first glance. Not much compared with the police, with this army, which, if necessary, can sweep inundate them all to a single, large and small, luxurious and comfortable, private and public.
This thought he was creepy, and he instinctively feeling for the handle of the machine, hugged her and even felt a finger cold metal of the trigger.
She was still laying on his stomach, with his for the convenience of feet up on the door of the salon. For Windows meanwhile more and more dark. Because of the backrest could hear the faint sounds of fuss and wheezing. See, Bondi BOM too awake or not sleep at all.
Zhora agreed that think about sleeping in his position would be difficult for any.
"However, this was not a dream. So, he really is in my hands", he thought, and comforted by that thought.
His anxiety for her subsided. In which case he could exchange it for Толстунина with minimum risk. He certainly could think of, to keep Bondi Boma in fear at a distance, were it to change it on his wife. You could, for example, to get a remotely, radio, managed charge or do anything else for her and her security. With Гладышевым would be more difficult: neither was he going in the case and then save it: the police, whether they are aware of all of his works would understand this.
The stronger grew dark, the more disturbed Jora different thoughts. They have a dense swarm out of his head, and they had to somehow get rid of.
He sat up, and ззаглянул the back seat. In сгустившихся in the cabin twilight, I could hardly distinguish the associated human body. The darkness was dissolving it in yourself.
-Woke up? asked Zhora of Толстунина, but when there was no answer, and remembered that covered his mouth gag. Had to turn the light on.
In view of the terrible Bondi Bohm was very miserable. Жоа even horrified that a man of such status and influence can so terribly sorry look. When he pulled the gag from his mouth, he could not speak, apparently unable to cope with закостеневшим language and swollen мыщцами jaw and cheeks.
"If I shoot him, his body would look even more sorry for," thought George, and he suddenly wanted to make this a stray thought. Bondi BOM now he didn't need as recently and Hippo was not needed Bondi bomu. The same hands right up and scratched put a turn in human flesh.
Zhora scared of this desire, catching myself on the fact that he has just like to kill. This smacks of madness, but it is not yet owned by his will. But before, until recently, such a thought, she come to his mind, would have aroused in his mind a storm of protest. Yes it would simply not occurred to him a few days earlier.
"How fast can change man!" surprised Zhora. However, the idea of murder was not his mind. He simply banal just suddenly wanted someone to shoot. He wished that weapon in his hands worked and shot no where and not for anything, and whenever found its purpose and killed.
-What if I kill you now? asked Zhora and noticed how widened pupils of Толстунина.
He liked the idea. He even put his stomach machine to frighten. He felt that now he seems to understand, whence come from maniacs-killer, and чтоиспытывают sadists, измываясь over his victim. See a strange fear was horrible intoxicatingly, and the desire to kill in his brain like the feeling of hunger, свербящему stomach.
Bondi BOM still couldn't answer. Jaw and tongue refused to obey him.
-Yes, what you say that I've got you now I shoot you?! - continued to taunt him Zhora, experiencing a sadistic pleasure. - Why are you I need? Я_то not knowing all work like that. Now you for me so dangerous...
Zhora hardly selected arguments for its terrible consequences of his behavior, and it looked as if a hungry man sitting in front of a bowl of soup, ranted, why he wants to eat, thinking of his желаниюэстетически attractive shell that at least in his own eyes look more properly than it really is and at least to not get frightened animal truth hunger: hunger from what I want to eat. Invent arguments is becoming increasingly difficult, and starvation seems to be screaming so much that my stomach is nipped his guts.
The desire to kill was like hunger. It grew and invent каеи-that is unnecessary arguments became heavier. It called to action and so неоттвязно hold of his thoughts that пожжелай now I Zhora stay, it would not have been able to cope with him.
George pulled Толстунина of the car, opened it and lifted. Bondi BOM desperately shook his head, saying associated members numb, занемели and therefore do not obey him.
"The better - decided to George, and there will be less to kick!"
He grabbed the handcuffs and violently dragged Толстунина on the yellow carpet of fallen leaves, зашуршавшей under the feet, to the oak tree, which stood nearby.
Forcing puffed up and расцарапать the face of the Bush twigs. Through which one had to be torn, and this practice is somewhat cooled his frantic desire. He began to reflect more coolly, and for a moment even decided to kill again is absurd and stupid, maybe even disgusting. But it was a temporary enlightenment. Barely George took a breath, blood again rushed from his brain, and again was going on bullshit. Thoughts devoured each other, and above them влствовало infinitely, soared high above the desire to murder.
George remembered how calmly and even with a certain curiosity shot in the head Brand Ilyich. It was so nice to see a shot knocked out his brains, as broke his skull, like a broken his neck. In this picture there was something fascinating, alluring - he now understood it, and he wanted to enjoy it again.
He tried to remember how it really was. Now it seemed to him that he killed not really, but in sleep kill for fun, and now wanted to know whether it is really the same look as then or not.
The victim was sitting in front of him. It was nearly dark, but the face Толстунина was to him a good view. On it in large letters was written fear, pleading for mercy. Жоре even think he now reads on his forehead thoughts that are born in my head. It was a delightful sense. "You shall not kill! - be able to distinguish it. "I should say, where is what you are looking for!"
But Жоре and now you don't want to know where that is. He was generally indifferent, who is sitting in front of him, Толстунин or even knows who. Main now was that he was a victim, a living being that he could deprive him of life, on which his power was now make penalty, and nobody in the world could stop him. It was an indescribable power somewhere, perhaps, very close darted back and fussed people, but nobody, nobody was able to stop him.
In seconds he ascended to the peak of mount Olympus to from there, feeling the immense power over their own fate and the fate of the victims, to feel everything, Everything for himself and for him. It was him and the Judge and God, he had an absolute, and that absolute was deliciously ruthless.
On the brow of the victims were faster, replacing each other any thoughts: wagon, ready to ship, station, he was standing on a table drawer, in which lay the invoice on this wagon - for a moment he discovered something that has been hidden from him. But nothing seemed now not fit him and not even surprised.
Suddenly on the brow of the victim became apparent in prayers to God for salvation. "I am your God, thought to himself, George. I am your merciless God!" "Yes he's just crazy!" "Mattie screamed the brow of the victim. "I'm not crazy, насчастный! - mentally he replied without any disturbance. "I'm just going to kill you and decided to do it!"
Stepping back a few steps from the oak, Zhora обратиося to the victim.:
"I could shoot you in the car, but you'd испаячкал me the beauty of its свинячей blood. You must die here under the oak, and where was supposed to die pig!"
"I will give unto thee the keys of the world! Leave me my life! I'll give you immense power! You don't know what power is able to get! I will serve you like a dog!" - still begged him to sacrifice his thoughts showed through forehead together with drops of cold sweat of terror.
However, Zhora was deaf to this strange signals originating him OLT victim without a single word. He was God, and the bottom one whose fate he wanted to finish immediately, promised him something strange, like бывздумав to mock him.
-How can you promise me something?! "he exclaimed, чувствуяпатетический ecstasy to which the summarized егоо closely the upcoming act of killing. "You, the victim sentenced me to death! You wished to mock me?!
From the side it might seem that someone talks to himself standing over completely helpless man with a gun at the ready. But watch out for this tragic final act of the monstrous performance was no one. In the forest they were alone, and because George himself mentally flew from yourself some distance and saw how it all looks: against the backdrop of deep blue sky darkens powerful, stocky oak, and near it the two figures; one, бессилльная, at its foot, leans back against the trunk of a tree, the other, majestic, powerful, towering over her; clearly visible contours of the machine in her hand; the silhouettes of the fascinating theatre of shadows, only the present.
It was dark so that he was out of sight of the person Толстунина. This he did not like. He wanted to see the face of the victim at the moment of death, to remember, to capture every detail of the murder, to compare it with the one that has already become unreal, painting жизнелишения when he calmly, coolly shot in the head Brand Ilyich.
His mind was beginning to take shape collection of murders, and QC any other collector, he sought to acquire new instances. The following promised's about to find himself in her, and in anticipation Жороа felt a mad joy, as if every time after this life is promised to turn to some other party, new images, hitherto unknown, and allow themselves to capture thus in his memory.
All the past had been a dream. It dissolved into nothingness, but only that managed to remember to leave in the collection of their brains, belonged to him forever. True, and the images that they could lay hands on and remember, have become blurry with time, and sometimes it йпроисходило very quickly. They развывались like children's drawings on asphalt from the rain, and demanded again and again replenishment.
Zhora tore through the bushes to the car, started it and giving back up, and then turned around and drove her to the oak-tree which lay Толстунин, turned on the lights to see well, you do not miss anything and to remember everything. Each детаь the victim's behaviour should not escape his attention. He must all remember to enjoy it properly in the memories. He must see the smallest details, to compare them with the details предыдудщего killing, which now eluded him like a fish out of hand, and for them it was impossible to catch.
However Толстунина at the oak tree. The lights flashed out of the darkness naked tree trunk.
Zhora in pursuit, having made a shiver. He already feared that the victim be able to leave. "Execution of a very long! - flashed through his mind. - Very long!"
Rays of light coming from the headlights, broke through the low bushes behind the oak, though considerably weakened. Zhora rushed into the bushes and getting behind them, saw a dark spot on the litter of fallen leaves, covered meadow. It was Толстунин. To him, apparently, was able to move, and, наапрягая in the all forces, Bondi BOM sought to escape death. He was crawling, and делопытаясь get to his feet, but every once again fell down and, stumbling, falling down, распластывался on earth and immediately rose to his knees.
It might look funny and amusing. But Jora this riled. Grabbing machine before him with both hands, holding tightly fingers on the arm and forearm, he ran after him in the meadow, in several huge jumps, made in the heat of rabies, caught Толстунина and, biting from terrible malice lip, hit it is part of the application "Kalashnik" on the back of the head.
Толстунин collapsed on the ground. Zhora examined his hands, angrily growling:
-Oh, you bastard! You still get away from me!.. So there!
Толстунину somehow managed to remove the handcuffs with запастья one hand. They now dangling on his left hand. Zhora again closed them with an oath:
"Damn it! And handcuffs these garbage something wrong.
He returned to the place of execution, to the oak, dragging the стонцущего Bondi Bohm, leaned him against a tree.
In the light of the headlights now visible face of the victim. Chubby cheeks расцарапались of blood on the branches of a Bush, lips обсохли and вспухли, her eyes were closed.
George lifted his eyelid. Pupils rolled under the forehead. Murder victim in this condition meant to kill her at all - this was not interested. He wanted to wait until it comes, and he hesitated.
He suddenly wanted to ask, finally, whether the Bondi Bohm children: he's also a man. But then George rejected this thought: what's good to be able to put pressure on pity and beg him пощаду. "No, it's quite clear, thought George, " I'll kill him anyway, but then it will be so nice not to do. Why burden ourselves with thoughts about orphans. Moreover, it will be secured by orphans. He, nevertheless, are not simple people. And yet, all this is nonsense, and all this damn!"
He waited for the Толстунин come to himself, but he, as if sensing this salvation, didn't want to return to consciousness. It also angered Jora. Angry because he started to regret this fat man with исцарапанным in blood of the person, and pity this threatened to hamper the implementation of his plan. And if he spoke, and even forced him to abandon the murder.
So something one pours out suddenly in a completely different, and if he did not эстетствовал five minutes earlier, then now would not suffered from pity and unresolved issue: kill or not to kill - the issue that would be resolved.
Bondi BOM groaned stronger, coming to himself.
George tried to remember about it all the bad to re-gain anger. But she, this anger and rage all somewhere evaporated, and she didn't have a trace.
To the spirit of murder came alive in him, Zhora even started to train, how will kill Толстунина, putting his to his temple, and then the machine and press the trigger so that isn't enough efforts for the descent. This lesson helped. It рассекло pity and обволокло his consciousness some stupidity, haze, through which now unable to break even a thought.
Толстунин finally woke up. He tried to grab a hand over the back of the head, but couldn't do it-too handcuffs. His eyes softened the batter right in the face of the headlights.
Hardly the victim moved, coming to consciousness, as all doubts Zhora dispelled: the victim was a sacrifice; it was the need to kill.
Squinting, Толстунин raised his eyes to him.
-Don't kill me, " he asked in a weak voice. Say anything more, he simply had no strength.
"What are you trying to run away from me?! Bastard?! threatening said George.
Anger and back again (and he feared that at the right moment иху not enough).
-Don't kill me again, almost in a whisper asked Толстунин.
But George, again feeling садистскую joy, asked the same question. It was exciting that the victim does not attempt to even отвачать his question, and repeats the same. He felt again ecstasy rising anger and permissiveness, ecstasy retribution. After the next issue he wanted to hit the victim machine, but restrained himself, fearing that again deprive it of its consciousness.
This time he decided to murder and deceit. Him so it was nice to lie:
"Well, take a gun barrel in his mouth. Then I will not kill you. I want to see what you're bold. If you can do this then I will forgive you, you will live. If not...
He stuck out the barrel of the gun to his mouth Толстунина. He paused, took his lips and already wanted to let go, when George pulled the trigger.
A shot rang out. It hit something свежепахнущим. It was the blood.
"I just now maniac", - подуумал Zhora.
Chapter 23. (027).
He came to his senses only when the car was in the precincts of the city. Now even he could not tell himself that he did Bondi Bohm, where he put his body.
Memories of what happened half an hour ago were as if in a fog. Where he's going now, why? Zhora strained my brain tried to concentrate on the thoughts. The fog in his head was gradually lifted.
Machine swept under the prospectus still kilometers fifteen, before he made a decision. Now he wanted to test whether what he imagined accurately projected on human Bondi Boma in the last moments of his life.
Remarking on the prospect of armed with an automatic posting (Толстунина, apparently, всве still increasingly sought out), he stopped and asked details the road to the Ministry of internal Affairs. In twenty minutes he was already in place.
It was very dangerous and daring: gets there. But there was no alternative. This was his chance, his last chance to bring good luck, return something that would bring him wealth, a huge fortune, and, perhaps, would leave this idiotic country, where everything is not as people, and live in luxury anywhere in France, Italy, or America, is in one of these countries, which have long had a secret and the continuing anguish.
This was the final phase of his capital battle for their interests, which he seemed to be, now just to win, a large part has already been done.
George entered the lobby of the building, was in passing. For thick reinforced steel mesh glass sat duty policeman, задремавший on the book.
Zhora on the move came up with what to say to him was in. The whole idea of him was the purest water adventure, not having a piece of firm support. And it felt like quicksand risk suck it now is in itself absorb his will. However, the reverse path. Otherwise, why all this burning bridges, all of this abomination, the blood and dirt, in which he made for himself? Going back to go back down, for him, was now like death.
However, he seems to be lucky. He has already noticed that should he take something very risky, and the circumstances surround the success of this so much the more dangerous and daring plans. It was amazing, but every time he had no time to wonder.
A policeman on duty was asleep. He leaned over to the window, pretending wants to ask something, and making sure that the mayor's sleeping, as they should, firmly, took up the remote on his Desk, opening the door lock. He presented himself as a set of ten buttons, but замусолено, shabby of them was only four.
Trying not to make noise, Zhora tried several combinations of order of their pushing. The third gave a positive result. Deaf door lock, similar to the Elevator door opened.
Without hesitating a second, Zhora slipped them on tiptoe and was in the corridor, passing in both directions. Right before him was a staircase.
Zhora already decided to rush through it up when someone called to him from the depths of the corridor. George turned and looked at twilight. It was a policeman.
-Where you, the citizen? - he repeated his question.
-Yes I have already checked - instantly responded Zhora.
-All right?
-In the order.
-Well, look, the captain shook his finger.
Zhora decided that it was probably some assistant on duty. When he was on the stairways n, he inquired after him:
Why so late?
But George didn't answer, mending. Now he thought about how he is going to find in thousands of classrooms that only the desired him. However, it still relied on luck, intuition and logic.
Corridors of power have their own subtle items that can serve the true signs. Based on them you can achieve the desired. We just know what to be guided by. Well, for example, to what floor is ideally removed the carpet on the stairs and foyer decorated with mirrors in bronze frames, leather sofas and a huge palm trees in tubs.
George knew something about these signs, and, based on this knowledge, he was not mistaken, and not long to wander. After a few minutes he was in the Cabinet of the Minister and, as expected, found near the Cabinet of Толстунина.
He had a little trouble with the door, before she succumbed.
He felt for the switch, walked to the table and began to rummage in his drawers. The search Zhora not even heard, not noticed, as the room became someone else. He realized that no one here when it touched the nape of the neck metal, cold barrel of a gun.
"Get up! ordered it to someone.
George shuddered in surprise, but still obediently stood up.
-Don't look back! Face the wall! Hands behind your head! One extra movement, and I put the trigger. Spreading your legs wider! Wider! Wider!
George obeyed commands. Surprise he could not understand anything even. However, this had to prepare for, but he did not bring weapons.
He was searched. Then they permitted to turn to.
Zhora was expecting to see anyone, he even thought that he was discovered миллиционер of protection, but who actually appeared before his eyes, couldn't imagine being here. he even had already decided for himself that never in my life will not see it.
This was the cadet, who slipped away from him three months ago. He even remembered his name: Охромов.
-Are you? surprised he said.
I quietly agreed Охромов. - And what are you doing here?
-I? And you?
George glanced at the weighty "colt" in his hand Охромова and thought that I shouldn't hadn't taken anything: it is a good argument for keeping up the conversation. Now the argument was not in his hands.
Охромов said nothing, and пододвинув under a chair, sat down, legs crossed, watching the interlocutor gun and not lowering the finger with the hammer.
Pulling his opinion, Охромов guessed:
"You don't look that way. I know that you're a bird, know who matter have: just that - shoot. And you know, I'm not kidding.
George shook his head and asked:
-I можнео sit down?
"Sit down, with a sense of the master of the situation allowed Охромов.
"You have not dreamed to see, - said George.
-Very happy.
-So what are you doing here?
-Apparently, the same as you. Only I have one advantage, - he nodded slightly on the "colt".
-I agree. But maybe we both agree?
-May be.
There was a pause in the conversation. George tried to collect my thoughts and think that now should be undertaken. Охромов sat in the same position, staring at him, like a boa constrictor.
Then you're in time disappeared - finally spoke Zhora, - I wonder, how did you do it?
-How? When you want to save your skin you know. Especially inventive in this case is raised when you припалят.
-It is clear. Well, how on earth are you here?
-The same as you: come for the inheritance.
The legacy?
-Yes. You too? I am aware of the milestones Affairs. And when the disappeared chef, then realized that the living, he won't be. It's because you're such a slaughter made when it took?
-I nodded Zhora.
-Well done, felt professionalism praised his Охромов.
He talked with them indulgently, Kaak with this kid. Jora was really indignant, but he couldn't help it: the weapon was not in his hands and, apparently, Охромов well aware of this.
"You, on Bondi Bohm work?
-In a sense - Yes, but mostly I work only on themselves.
"How long ago?
-Yes, since grown wiser, and if to be exact bit earlier that night when I had to disappear, including from you too. But now things have changed and you don't know me great threats and dangers - Охромов shifted leg. - Especially now. Of course, it cost me would you slap right now, but I too am on the bird's rights: I would make a noise, and глашак, I unfortunately did not take. But I think that we will agree.
I am too.
-I know what I want. Me your paper is not needed. I so because she had to suffer. I'll take what for you will have no value, and you take all the rest. Well?
-I would like to know, what will you take?
-Not in your position to exercise excessive curiosity. But I tell you, so be it. I need one box. In her black and red velvet поддкладке lies signet ring. You will not earn much. And I know that with him делатть.
George thought. His proposal seems to suit him.
-Let's deal? asked Охромов, making a pause.
"We have a deal, " agreed George.
-Well, that's good. And now no nonsense: ask not to disturb. Without me you still do not find the necessary papers.
George made a gesture that he will behave calmly.
-No nonsense, again just in case warned Охромов. Bit that bullet yours.
He opened one of the Desk drawers, and took out a pocket calculator, scored on any numbers and letters, and sent to a large safe, standing in the corner. Several seconds passed. There was a loud click. Сйеф opened and the door became itself отворяться.
-The wonders of technology, - commented on this Охромов.
He walked over to the safe and took out a clear plastic folder with papers.
You sewed sewed Толстунина? - he asked George between times.
He pointedly did not reply.
-Then sewed it up. Well, well, it was for that.
He put the folder on the table and pulled out a few forms and securities.
-All the documents on the container at the place, " he said, checking, flipping through the paper.
-What is a container? 't understand George.
-At sea. He densely hammered boxes and standing pairs at сортировойной station waiting for the departure.
-There. That here in this piece of paper put in there and go, " he pointed Жоре receipt. - I it thee, then will I give when I take what I need. Put here station of destination and give to the railway - and wait for it to their destination. Well, okay, we needed to go. You're in a wheelbarrow?
"Come on, then.
Охромов took folder under his arm, and led the way Jora ahead of ourselves black strokes. In five minutes they were in the inner courtyard of the building at a heap of garbage. Climbing on it, they jumped over the fence and found themselves in the streets.
In the car Охромов sat down in the back seat.
-Let's click on sorting, " he commanded Жоре, - if you do not know the road, I will show you.
-How do I know? surprised Zhora.
Come on, let's go.
George felt beside his seat cold barrel "Kalashnik," but decided not to its use. As if noticing this, Охромов warned:
-No nonsense!
To get to the container platform of the metro station былло or agree with watchmen, or neutralize them. Жоре second seemed more real and acceptable. But Охромов signaled to:
-Do not these cheap tricks. Do good.
They got out and walked to the booth, where sat the guard.
Inside were two young guys with a dog. When George and Охромов came, the dog rose to meet them. Охромов resolutely stepped forward and took from his pocket a document. Not giving the guards time to recover, he said Hello and waving in front of their noses crusts document, said:
-I have an order to check the contents of one container...let the paper, he extended his hand Жоре, and he догдавшись, handed him the paper on the container.
One of the guys took the documents and the consignment note, but immediately handed back Охромову. The second went to the table, on which stood the antediluvian telephone. To make a call, it was necessary first to twist the handle.
Noticing this, Zhora thought Охромов still booby and fool green, and that it was not necessary сллушать, and take the machine, Yes under the gun twist Molodtsov: it would be more fun.
Is not what we should be handled. This is in office, " said the first guy, stretching back of the paper. - There are discharged pass, and check what you want.
"Well, we should go for the gun"thought George.
This is the time the clock struck twelve o'clock, and, as though at a signal, a dog, a cross between a shepherd and дворняши sitting at the table with a telephone, growled at his master, the second guard, apparently decided somewhere to call. In the market of her felt a threat, and he stopped.
"What you дупа, очумела? surprised he asked the dog.
-You document seen, is beginning to be angry, asked Охромов, " do you have any fool know who matter have?
"I understand, guiltily отвнтил that, but without a document-you can't miss: the order of this. Suddenly you're thieves? They won, now at stuff manage.
-Do we look like on the thieves? You see for yourself! - outraged Охромов. - Would we be thieves, not in the same manner talked with you.
-To me, documents are needed. Skipping.
-A pass, you fool! - Охроов pale with indignation.
From our office...
-Yes you know what our office needs in the pass from your office?!
-Well, then let the paper from your Ministry...
You see, what competent watchman, we caught?! - he turned to the Жоре when looking in his eyes the support and approval.
Zhora only shook his head, thinking that the case begins to smell kerosene, and it is time to go for a gun.
"You ass, you know that we just did nothing doing? - Охромов waved in front of his nose guy forefinger, and he involuntarily, staggered backward. - And if something tackle something like this, secretly and quietly, to keep the state secret and not бспокоить people, to all state criminals, traitors and enemies were found and seized without much noise and dust.
Охромов pronounced every word abruptly, evil, and the guard involuntarily stepped back. George thought that command out well. Besides watchdog like mad and didn't want to allow their owners to the phone.
Young guards, apparently, in the end brought to handle confident attacks Охромова and the strange behavior of their dog, and they surrendered without any documents. I groped in my documents, they said the room loading area.
Zhora and Охромов came to the territory of container station.
-Where to go? "asked George.
-There - have shown them by the hand of the watchman.
Container stood uncomfortable, the doors to the adjacent containers. Жоре had to climb up on the crane, and run it, raise and expand a container. When he went down for the first time felt the butterflies in all States. Approaching the moment where he waited, and he feared the most. All those crimes which he had to take on a way to it, all the dangers that lay in wait for him on the road, couldn't hurt his nerves like a simple understanding of what it all behind, and now, at arm's length his dream, for which he, as in the maelstrom of head, rushed at all serious. When they opened the container, he almost choked from the only thoughts: "if everything I did was in vain that there have long been уженичего not?!"
But doubts it quickly dispelled. Due to open doors to sprinkle the manuscripts, books, folders.
-Well, finally, with a sigh of relief Zhora, slumped down on the damp, cold ground.
He reached in his pocket for the cigarettes and lit up.
"What then shall we do, my friend? he asked Охромова. - How to share become?
-I already told you: I need one little box. He is here, amidst all of this. He is not even a drawer, in fact, and this box.
"I understand you, " said George. - And you don't need anything?
"No, " nodded Охромов. - the rest of the stuff can take to themselves.
-Wow! What's going valuable box?! Diamonds, diamonds, or what?! Yes there may not be.
"Well you can't. But there is something more valuable... At least for me.
-What is it?
-When we find and see. Let's, for the work soon the dawn will begin. By the morning of the container should be closed, as was. They went for hard work. Soon near a container on the asphalt pad rose mountains of books and folders. Side to them perched heavy, though forged coffers of some documents.
-You can rent one of those?! laughing hippopotamus, kicking over the leg of one such box.
-No, thank you, stuck with them myself, " replied Охромов.
He was angry, sweating and tired. Sitting on a book pile, he wiped the sweat from his forehead and asked George:
"Look here, and here everything is or is something missing?
-How would I know? "he ejaculated. Anyway, before I have stolen this container, - there was all that had to be: the entire cache.
Охромов wearily looked at Jora, then at the boundless womb двадцатитонного safe and groaned as toothache.
-M-m-m, we tenth of not dismantled! And till the morning we should stop it all
-Tell me what you're looking for? "asked George.
Greg looked at him wearily, and care and, if not heard the question, he continued his thinking aloud:
-It is unlikely that she is here. Most likely he's already taken. Listen, Бегетов, you don't remember such black boxes with a strange pattern: the circle, and there is a five-pointed star, only she kinda flipped riding down, and around the star and her strange hieroglyphs, squiggly?
-I remember something like that, " agreed George, " I even thought profitable to sell this thing (it resembled a box), but only after could find out what сспособом it opens.
-So what? 't understand?
-Had not. Went to a wedding trip, and here and took me from under the noses of all. Honestly говорря, I thought it was some микросейф for the transport of diamonds, the more, something within cannon continued to play. Tried to split and failed. Not even found the gap between вернхней and bottom cover...
"I understand, " according to nodded Охромов. - Vain tried, poor fellow. This is really something like микросейфа, but not what you think. And open it can only initiate.
-What is this thing? surprised Zhora. - And чтоже such a precious lies inside?
-If you managed to open this black box with a star, you would be disappointed, very very disappointed. There is only thirty себебрянных coins, and copper ring, instead of a stone silver print with an ingenious узрчиком. You couldn't even sell these silver coins, because one of touching the uninitiated causes it to die. He begins галлопирующие hallucinations, and he dies of fright.
-What are these strange coins? "asked George.
-Yes, coins, coins, suddenly Охромов made a strange movement towards Жроы and frightening he added in a whisper. - Just bought Christ.
Zhora was stunned by a sudden идвижения and strange whisper Охромова.
-So what? - сапросил it a little later.
-Oh, nothing, " replied Охромов. - You, by the way, is not very easy, when I tried to split the box?
-No, not in time.
"Well done, " nodded Grisha. - You was not long for this world.
-And what?
-Oh, nothing, is a small, innocuous взрывчик, and you are not.
-A casket?
-That box? Casket will explode. Only harm she no. After the explosion it to be like chunks of coal, they must be only to gather in a certain place, and in some special circumstances... chick and she will again be unbroken-unharmed.
-What are you talking about nonsense, " said George.
-Okay, I warn you, " said he, rising. You'll find a box - to portray her in the American Embassy in the name of Mr. Ромоффа. This is a business card.
Охромов stretched Жоре card with Golden initials in Russian and English "А.Х. Ромофф".
-And where are you going? "asked George.
-In the evening I had a plane. To America. You need to prepare for.
Охромов withdrew. His form disappeared into the darkness. Zhora tucked the card in his pocket, and not knowing why, not even aware that makes, furiously began to dismantle "its waste paper" in search boxes.
By the morning of the container was empty, no boxes among the papers, folders, and books appeared. Zhora finally exhausted. He worked with such fervor never before in life. Download all back its forces he was not able, and therefore had to go, уговривать watchmen to after the change helped him cope with the work for a bribe.
The guard themselves refused to work, but found as if from under the ground got him three homeless people, who for three bottles of vodka agreed to cope with his misfortune.
Five in the evening the container closed. Zhora sent him home by filing in the office of invoices from the table Толстунина. Then he went to his hotel. The work has been done. You can go home. Again he was fabulously rich.
George went to his hotel, where she lived with Veronika Гладышевым, with the intention to take them out of there, having arranged a farewell to small gala dinner in a sign of good luck and fortune.
And Охромов, and his black box completely flew out of his head. Neither he nor she was needed, and the tone of the future again were made of grey and pink.
Chapter 24. (010). 010 -> 011 -> 09; 010 -> 09
Was a rare day when Veronica't want to sleep during the day. To him it seemed she already rather cooled and therefore, going into the room, just called him to walk.
-Go though Moscow's look, " she suggested lazy and bored eyes looking round the room in which the eye not for that was hooked except for that strange picture that Gladyshev himself drew and hung over the table to the side of the wide Windows of the loggia.
"Let us go, almost indifferent he agreed, shrugging his shoulders and began to dress, occasionally sighing heavily and grunting during зашнуровывания shoes.
-What вздыхаешь so hard, Gladyshev? - раздразженно asked Veronica. - You already tired of my company? Tell us now!
Her voice he caught dislike more than usual, and it led him to the final sadness. "How hard it is, however, communicate with someone who hates you", - he thought, but responded:
-No, - he added - just don't like when me so strongly recommanded.
-I that command you?! Her voice there was genuine surprise and indignation. - You that, Gladyshev?!
-Not командуешь, said he, bowing, " but we say... do You keep me on a short leash, you know? I like a dog you have. Gladyshev - in bed, so in bed, Gladyshev in a tavern - a tavern, Gladyshev walk, then walk. And I'm, you know, che lo century. I should have its own life, and if I, for example, don't want to see you, then you should not be together with me until I don't want..
"Ah, there you're as зваговорил - Veronika became pale, white as a sheet. She stood in the position in which you can usually follow most of swearing women, slightly widened her legs and подбоченилась, flashed a biting grimace, squinted and rushed in to attack. - Sleep with me lay - also on the team? Yes you Gladyshev, if you already started yourself with a dog compare, more expensive forlorn and hopeless tykes cannot be assessed. Don't make yourself a wolfhound. With you day and scared! Boys some vstretyatsya, глянут on your face, and it got brick asks!
-No wolfhound I can't korзa, offended Gladyshev.
-Do not interrupt me! I'm not done yet and don't give. Oh, you're a free man! Remember, Veronica took a step toward him, her whole form resembled angry cat. "Remember, you hear?! You'll be a free man when you do your life! And while the money is to you I give, or hippopotamus! Is it clear?! And so you must do what he bids you, or I!
She approached him one step. Gladyshev involuntarily stepped back. He had never seen her like an enraged and furious, and so unwittingly scared and afraid.
-But you treat me like I'm your property, your toy! he tried to defend himself. - So even the most bad parents do not allow themselves to behave towards their children.
-But what are you saying?! - передразнила his Veronica. - really? A little, then you saw the boy, then talking. You actually realizes his words?
-I, - he retreated to the wall and stared at her back.
"No, " she shook her long finger with a sickly bright red fingernail Veronika in front of his face. - You don't understand! Because you bought Gladyshev, purchased! Behemoth bought you and gave me that I was not bored...
-He does not know what we are doing! - shouted Gladyshev, and in the same moment Veronica, just Panther напрыгнула at him, pressed to the wall, grabbed his face from below the chin, plunging the bright-red nails into the skin on the cheeks and chin, and hissed, exactly snake:
"Listen you moron life, a fragment of happiness, not for you to judge! Look, what a bastard! "...we are doing" means? Maybe you're with me? - Let formulated as follows: are you with me are you doing! Used my friendly disposition, absence of the husband - don't do all seducers? Huh?!
Палльцы Veronica slightly tightened and the skin under her fingernails turned pale.
-Now imagine that he learns about it! Pray to God, so it never happened! - she even stronger nails raked in cheek Gladysheva, and from under them glistening drops of blood.
Veronica let go Gladysheva. He went limp. She moved to егоо beds, and полоснула it with a predatory gaze.
-Well, now we'll see how it behaves in bed offended and scratched...
She threw the clothes on the floor and walked over to him снгова, took his зазапястье hands and pulled himself across the room. He reluctantly obeyed, even though at this point he wanted to hit her, hit and beat, beat, beat, until discharged rage, комкающая his soul, переворачивающая its like a cement mixer. However, he feared it even now, and couldn't step over the barrier of this fear is so to say aloud: "Bitch!"
This word you could hear in his head, depriving him of the ability to think, and if he could get her lips, her throat to pronounce that word the way he wanted to, with feeling, with the sharp anger, from which the soul would feel better. If he could get it! He could not only so, but he couldn't, he not only knew how to do, but also why it is necessary.
Veronica forced him to undress. As a protest, which could not resolve in action, Gladyshev began to slow, barely fingering, undoing the buttons.
-Faster! - shouted at him Veronica, which annoyed his slowness. - I ska-per-La: faster!!!
He wanted to answer something very annoying and unpleasant, but it has lost the ability to think, because his soul filled the whole two strange combined with feelings of fear and powerless rage.
-Faster! - Veronika made hand lightning movement, aimed a blow and, spreading its fingers like cat claws, полоснула from the top down.
Затрещала straining the fabric of the shirt.
-Take it off! "Veronica gloomily, unfastening his his pants. "I've always disliked!
This was too much. However, the indignation of his splashed out entirely in the wrong direction. Veronica behaved like a very skilful mistress. The energy of his anger, she sent in a different direction, оплела hands, carried away for a while falling on the bed, and in a moment he, excited and boiling passion, was in her power.
Then they have a long lay in bed, subdued Gladyshev together with a sense of dull resentment had experienced a sharp extraordinary satisfaction. Occasionally he turned the head to lying next to him is a young woman, eyes tracing her lovely neck, lips, eyes, которыыми it was impossible not to admire, and then, feeling the confusion and fear of her vague entity, which was concealed, exactly animal in a hole, beneath all of this charming appearance, thought to myself: "a Witch. Why, she's a witch."
For the first time he'd been so close with the woman, and as it turned out suddenly, felt it even more than all those complexes, which he had experienced at the time of his independent of loneliness. Only now it was not an external constraint. It moved inside him, now controlling all the promptings of his soul. Now without looking at the woman, he dared not, it would seem, even to think of something before he could meditate for hours on end. Her presence prevented him escape from external and focus навнутреннем the world, in his soul. When she wasn't there, nothing but anxiety, confusion and anxiety, he had not felt, and his неуспокоенная soul prevent him from practicing their favorite stuff. Are these his previous lessons, now and really seemed worthless and stupid thing that he killed so many of your precious time of their youth. His literary and pictorial attempts seemed to have something like blowing bubbles: their inflating, inflating, and they all burst and burst. Castles in the air - that's all, what could he create himself in this life. Now it seemed to him that it would be better, perhaps, was to spend a whole lot of time, which he spent at the table and easel closer and extensive communication with female gender. At least, it was a real life where nothing had to be thought of, in which all experiences, adventure and danger were real and influenced his own destiny, and not on the fate of his fictional, paper heroes. Endanger their life was easy and comfortable. Sit in the warmth of the apartment and invent, as they жрогнут night in the rain, die of horror and fear. So you can допридумываться the devil knows what! What prevents him to cut their heroes live at the pieces, and then resurrect, revive again, and again cut? Him-then it won't be nothing and nothing was ever made. Something really he превносил in their жизгь of his life, but it was so ridiculous and funny misere! And all the rest? Solid fiction and lies! No, I must admit, bitterly, that he was running all this time from real life, spending it on nobody's handwriting. Is it possible in this age to write something serious?!
He suddenly interrupted his thoughts and did навпопад asked lying peacefully side by side Veronica:
-It is interesting that feels husband, suddenly aware that he cuckold? You don't know?
She looked up at him slowly, as if tired, contempt turning the head towards him, and then, but made no answer, turned to the wall the whole body, putting him on the show naked narrow back, most mysteriously turning into a wide hips.
It was charming, that it was impossible to look away, and Gladyshev hardly continued:
-I think that first of all, it comes in such a frenzy that can sweep away everything in its path.
"You first, " said Veronica.
-Why should I? - Gladyshev pretended to be surprised. - I generally say, not translating, so to speak, in a specific person.
-Don't play dumb, Gladyshev! suddenly she turned sharply, jerk threw the blanket on the floor was before their feet. - Get up! Lying here, stand up, say!!!
Already calmed down traces of nails on the cheeks and chin again hurt from this exclamation, so that he involuntarily obeyed, almost fell down headlong from the bed.
"Get dressed! Go for a walk, - Veronica pulled from the bed to the floor, his pants down, buckle in the back like a cat and a high raised his pelvis.
He again help admiring her figure, her movements. Watching her was just as if he was only a meter away from the graceful and deadly tigress. Maybe somewhere in her soul she was not only despised them, but hated him in General, but Gladyshev былл powerless against her graceful female nature, that attracted him to her, and, if no hands, eyes he did not cease to лабзать her body.
"A cat! Wild cat!" 'he thought to himself.
Veronica threw his trousers and asked:
"What you got up in his tracks? Hurry up!
-But I have no shirt! You broke!
-Put on a sweater.
-How? On a naked body?! He scratchy!
"Nothing, suffer! Buy I'll shirt in the nearest store. Фирмовую, of course, not to promise and not'm going to buy, but you would do.
She went out of the hotel. Moving away from the entrance to the car, standing at the Parking site, Gladyshev lifted his head up, looking at shining in the rays of the sun machinery building, frowned and smiled as the boy.
"What?" asked, going up to him, Veronica. She got up close and looked up.
-I? Nothing. So simply. The mood is good.
-Excuse me, Gladyshev, that you and I nails scratched - they went to the prospectus. - Something came over me that... Well, you know how crappy mood, and here you are under the arm itself. That's all it was.
-All right, - he waved his hand, or rejecting, or accepting her apology. sometimes it happens only my face. Come Hippo, увидиит my face. What then?
-Well, I didn't want to! - she ran forward, blocking his way.
-However, the fact that in the face! Okay. Hopefully they will cost.
She apparently liked that Gladyshev plays up to her. This is, probably, feel it's a big solidarity. After all lovers доолжны be solidary. In solidarity against all the others, and, primarily, against обманываемого husband. It is noticeably more cheerful, and even began to bounce on the go, from pleasure, Kaak little girl.
Having caught the fact that the relationship between them теплеют, he also became the поприветливее her and even dared to joke:
-What are you распрыгалась like a little?
Veronica smiled even wider and manifested:
"I was a little girl, and sat on the couch. Sofa diamond one - let's мнне rubles".
She broke into laughter, and smote Gladysheva up to depth of soul so fast, rapid and abrupt change in her. he wanted to tell her the good words that could come to him in the head, do something nice for her, even give flowers. He felt a surge of poetic mood, which filled him with a warm, hot air balloon, squaring his ruffled thoroughly for it is a bad time body, pouring a member of some of bustling with life force, which would seem to never come back to him. He certainly wanted to sing, to declare his poems and fly. He wanted to soar above the earth, and was very sorry that you cannot do this actually.
"Where are we now? he asked Veronica.
-Probably, in the centre. I want to take a walk along the red square, walk to the Kremlin. I like there. Then we'll see. Besides, I promised you buy a shirt.
-Well, then we have to metro, he took her hand and felt that she likes it. - Ran for the bus.
-May be, on foot? - stubborn girl.
-No, it's too long. We will be there to do when it gets dark? Ran! Here is a bus!
She gave in to him, and after a couple of minutes later, they were walking down экскалатору.
"Square Ногина!" - as always, clearly, impartially, once formally announced the speaker the speakers in the car. They went out, and soon lined with iron heels shoes Veronica цокали and tapped on the pavement of the pavement of red square.
-Great! Veronica stopped and sighed deeply, full Breasts cool air. - Not a forest, of course, but...
Гладышеву Moscow seemed tonight extraordinarily beautiful. He admired the Kremlin, the domes of the nearby churches and cathedrals. All around was миловзору and never wanted this day to pass.
They proceeded Central part of Moscow and down, as she had promised, Vernik bought him in one of the shops shirt, the way I liked it. In General, something happened, happened for a change, and the mood for the rest of the day she was wonderful
In the evening they were on the Old Arbat, where as has always been crowded. Burned pink lights, illuminating everything around unusual, ghostly some light that made the surroundings as if эфимерным, fabulous, ready to dissolve suddenly in a pink smoke пробуждаемого sleep at any moment. Under these lights going off line and теряющимися in a distant haze infinite continuation of the street, толклась разношертсная idle audience on both sides of the street, and sometimes right in the middle, sat artists with their paintings, some artisans with all kinds of dolls and other crafts arts. Some guys in some places traded military ammunition, form and attributes. Then, there were people, some show some theatrical performances, other declared poems, others read some works. Everywhere heard the rattling of coins and the rustling of paper money, falling in the sprawling on the pavement hats. Everybody threw acting as he could and as he wanted. Nobody asked and not begging. No one refused. There reigned an atmosphere of a quiet everyday holiday, which could plunge any of the bustle of the city and фешенебельности New Arbat and hit here in самоорганизовавшийся daily carnival, who was the Director, there was no script, no critics, and only the panelists and the audience, giving and taking. Direct consumption culture without any intermediaries, is not permitted, but until запрещаемое.
Everything was mixed up, перетасовано with each other, as the cards in the deck and tightly Packed. Each square meter of the Old Arbat was boiling some of his life, bore some their meaning. All the action of the street was tightly Packed выстыпающими, hawkers and the public, nothing not wasted in vain.
After a couple of steps it was impossible to predict what will look, who will be there, a singer with a guitar, leaning to the wall before the put on the ground with a frown, sitting behind the crates, which arranged the whole army of dolls and wooden articles, unhappy, tired for a day seller. There were also some people with wads of leaflets, collected around of itself crowds of people. Here and there flashed миллиционеры with clubs and even guns. They whistled in their whistles, someone fished, someone made, somebody led by the arms, in General, made in this jubilee, confusion and turmoil some variety and the spirit presence of the order, as if inviting that the government does not sleep, no matter what. All was monotonous, dull noise, in which it was difficult to catch some distant sound and you can hear only one who was near.
It was an unusual, surprising and at its cozy. Hence not want to leave, despite the tiredness.
Mouth Agape from the desire of all immediately see Veronica desperately twisted his head to the right and to the left. It ввнимание attracted huge dolls, some pictures, the poet reading ditties about the Collegium the rang out suddenly very close foreign speech and some Japanese телеаппаратурой exonerating all of this boiling bunch of people.
Courageous Armenians that had a lot of the middle of the street impromptu photo studios with vintage cars, motorcycles, huge bottles of champagne and incredible size плющевым слоно and camel, enticed, literally pulled them to himself through the partition of the chain, took some pictures, got quite a tidy sum of money and, smiling broadly, promised a week to send excellent color photographs, almost forgetting, however, to write their address.
Blinded by his dedicated flash units, Veronica long was then, rubbing his eyes with his fists, and, in the end, stated that, apparently, аррмян their inflated. From this assumption they're both fun to laugh and laughed for a long time. Gladyshev thought it very much laughter and fun for the day - usually, it's not good. What alarming feeling about a minute later, in his heart, but he shook it, broke with anxiety, not to interfere with the fun to ourselves, nor his companion. He liked that Veronica such a good mood. Lately it rarely able to see this happy, and after the arrival in Moscow, such was never, so he caught every glance, every smile, trying to have sunk down in his heart, deeply.
It seemed to him that she still loves him, but it was necessary to remember about the Hippo, a strange boy that once, on the day of birth of Hippo, her future husband, she appeared in the restaurant as it is a magical feeling of happiness in knowing that you love pretty woman, a little потухало, moreover, this consciousness became some ghostly, misleading, incorrect. Even the fact that it divides the love between her and her husband, prevented turn this consciousness to the size, which give wings, and it was felt that it is still something that этокакой surrogate the pure and passionate love he deserved in his poetry and dreams.
"Apparently, the meaning of life is that man will never be able to achieve what you want, something always interferes with the child's mother. And hardly there is at least one nor million, which was given to experience the love, hope that sunk from early youth in his soul. The older a person becomes, the more it sucks abyss of depravity, the неразборчивее and алчнее he becomes in relations with others, whether women, men, and the нечистоплотнее themselves become these relations," mused to himself, Gladyshev, watching forgotten in happiness and fun Veronica.
When they returned to the hotel, it погрустнела, became serious, apparently, something thought for a moment. Gladyshev watched the flashing lights in the darkness outside the window of the train station.
-Back to that, " she sighed Veronica.
-We are going home, " he replied.
-No, you know where I feel like home in our city, my mother wanted to, and so that no one was to make it all is still, as of old, " she was silent for a moment. - I remember that I already married, so sick becomes... the Horror! As I did so early opportunity to get married?!
Veronica paused in thought for a moment and the next moment was distracted reading the leaflets, glued on the wall of the car.
-What do you think of нуддистам? - she asked, gesturing Гладышеву leaflet.
He looked at the text and read the first few lines of: "Society нуддизма "Dolphin and mermaid" invite everybody to сттать its members. We invite you on a weekly basis in бассен "Moscow" on Fridays and Saturdays. Нуддизм is the image of purity of thought while contemplating Nudes, what is given to man by nature. To hide the nature of the clothing is bigotry and blasphemy...", shrugged his shoulders, and for a few minutes thinking:
-As I am? On the one hand it is, of course, interesting, " he vividly imagined the picture, where wander around, as if nothing had happened, a couple of dozen naked women, naturally, slim and beautiful, because толстухи and ugly ones will hardly dare to come among other naked, though... And another man, even if I don't pay attention to them, try not to pay, you still involuntarily, подсознательноначинаешьсравнивать yourself with others, and, perhaps, the comparison is in some cases not in their favor. As a blow to the ego. Of course, the shape can be seen from the beach, among ordinary people, but loins, all the same, there are covered. And here attention will focus on their study. - Although, on the other hand, there are some "but", and, you know, quite a few of them. Maybe even more than it seems at first glance and is enough to ban it. Although I personally do not mind to go there for the sake of curiosity again, other, but not more.
-But why? "said Veronica. - It is great to see around naked, not ashamed of their nakedness people, and the showing her body...
-If it is beautiful, - Gladyshev and held up a finger. - Not all have a good figure and the young, and even deteriorate with age it most.
-So what? Let then gather there are young, beautiful, sports people. It will be their way of life, and they will try to keep fit, despite years.
-Well, I agree. And libido, libido?
-What sexual attraction? has not understood his Veronica.
-It may fail to get out of balance, develop or irrepressible passion or fade to complete indifference to the opposite sex.
-I think it is not so at all. I, on the contrary, it should уравновесиься, become more smooth and regular. When you see that all women are arranged, in principle, equally, I involuntarily begin to appreciate the one that near you?..
-Really? - Gladyshev involuntarily smiled. - I think you are very much mistaken. Of course, I'm a small connoisseur of women, but trust me, that my male чутьеподсказывает completely opposite. When all around you is not one peach, and a whole sea, you want to take a bite from each little bit, isn't it? Besides, what is between his legs, is of ancient origin, and its direct contemplation in a large number of nature makes good just unrestrained and insatiable! I can only assume that the bunch, of course, no precedents may not happen, but that's what passions arise later, when all dressed in normal clothes, becoming normal, so to speak, people will go to your homes, I can not imagine...
-And still, I think it is great! It will be necessary to return home, be sure to throw this idea Behemoth! I think she like me. He likes обнажженные woman, because he is a womanizer.
-You see! reproached her Gladyshev.
-What seest thou?
-You хчешь in achieving this goal play on his lower instincts. - Means and goal itself remains unchanged.
"Perhaps, " she agreed. "But we're not angels. I want to have in the city was such a club. This is progress!
-Progress, " nodded the Gladyshev head - only here in what direction?! After all, if we follow in his footsteps further, it can be assumed that in ten years, when нуддизм will become as natural as is now staying on the beach in bathing suits and swimming trunks, more progressive people will create a movement for sexual intercourse on the streets. The same because of course!
People in agony were few, but their conversation attracted attention, and already almost all of who rode with them, give them a look. Noticing this, Veronica pushed Gladysheva in the side with his elbow and, dropping her eyes, thick red.
-That you are pushed you? he said, outraged.
-The quieter you are, we all look, " she whispered, and Veronica.
When they went out, the посмротрев each other, not saying a word, laughed.
"You know, " said Veronica, I with you today was pretty cool. I feel good so long ago.
He looked into her sparkling eyes and agreed:
-Me too.
She was still a little in silence and asked:
-What is your name, Gladyshev? Dima? You can, I'll ббуду now so call?
He shook his head and smiled.
Chapter 25. (011).
George rolled up on "Mercedes" to the entrance of the most elegant hotels, gave встретившему his porter car keys and, having tipped, asked to Park his car at the Parking lot.
Glancing slightly rounded in surprise, which was unable to hide, eyes big bill caught in his hands, silver-haired портьенизко bowed his head and said: "Thank you!"
George went on straight to reception and asked for the keys to the rooms Veronica. He's in the morning was good mood. It seems, everything started to take shape for him better than you might expect. He had long ago hung Veronica, and now went to see her with a mixture of coercion and awkwardness. Even to himself he could never admit that he could do without more visits a week or two, perhaps, till the end of all Affairs, but still forced myself to go to her today, not only because it today was "free" day, but because pause in their relationship several stran. Feelings of guilt towards his wife still not сгладилось in his soul, and therefore he felt sharper, as натагиваются strings of their relations, and further delay could lead to a scandal.
Now, you enter the lobby of the hotel, he began to tune in to a meeting with the beloved little wife, fumbling in the dark depths of his soul the desire to see her and enjoy her presence, however, was able to scrape together only last remnants, which might be sufficient to warm smile and a kiss, so passionless and cool.
Администраторша began to dig in their records, then asked the name of Veronica and, finally, скзала that worked on Jora, as a cold shower:
-You know, in this room for a few days already live foreigners. Young agreed to move in the room spouse.
-What young? - Zhora felt, as he felt his cheeks, but he remembered that he settled them here, as newlyweds. - And how they fit together in a single room? You put up there the second bed?
He also wanted to add that it is inappropriate to: settle a man and a woman in one room, but noticed that they "husband" and "wife" with its own submission.
He asked the woman smiled meaningfully and coquettishly whole body leaning forward, Breasts hung over the bar and asked in turn discouraged him completely:
-Why do the newlyweds another bed? They are quite enough and the полутокри what is there. Isn't it so?
George felt that he now becomes ill. Piercing, like lightning, guess flash flashed in his head.
-You want to say that they sleep together? slowly, with great effort, " the word, " he said.
-And what is there in this? - even more Flirty asked администраторша. - Or do you think that young sleeping on the floor?
George turned pale, then densely red in the face, became crimson, as if now burst of frenzied rush of blood to the head. Хихикающая, all whirling before him a woman suddenly calmed down, if something guessing, staggered backward and sat down in his chair.
-No, I think that the "young" not sleeping on the floor, finally could say Zhora.
-You her brother related to my mom? gently, subtly asked the woman, as if getting in the water and gently feeling the Ford and fearing ступнуть into the maelstrom.
-Yes, brother, with difficulty agreed Zhora, feeling that he was barely able to restrain myself. - Please, give me the key to their rooms.
Woman округлила eyes in surprise, then slid his foot on the table and moved away, deep into the fenced off space.
"Sorry, " she shook her head, " sorry, Mr. dear comrade, but I will not do it.
-Why, - Zhora instinctively reached for it across the counter.
-Yes, because. We highest level! Do you want to make me work fired?! Sorry. No key you're not going! Yes if the slightest complaint from customers received!
-Will not go, - Zhora stretched out his hand and made a calming gesture. - You know that I am here селил.тем more that I am the brother of the wife.
He nearly stumbled, saying the last words, and thought that he would probably shell out.
-Well, and what you would, what you brother's wife?! And maybe you do not want to see?! Everything happens. They come, and here one time, and you have them in the room! And what then? Scandal?!
"Quiet, quiet! "he Zhora. He took out his wallet and put a few notes on the reception. -Any scandal, I assure you.
Noticing manipulation respectably dressed "brother" and money in reception, администраторша came rushing back, removed from the eyes of money and immediately handed him the keys to the rooms.
-Just look! No nonsense! "she warned last.
"I promise, " he put his hand to his heart. Isn't that obvious to me that I am a very serious person?
-Actually, to be seen соглсилась woman again заулыбавшись.
-I have to you will have one more request, - said George, putting on the rack several banknotes. - Do not say, when they come to the young, that I have them in the room. The fact is, that I now no waiting, apparently, and let the fact that I was, for them would be a surprise. Well?
-Well! - agreed администраторша, cleaning and money. - But they ask of me the room key.
-Tell, that there are cleaned.
"So late?! "inquired the woman.
"Oh, no, of course not. Then do so, call me in the room waiter from the restaurant. Champagne, three crystal glass, fruits and light lunch. Tell me a good tip! On the way back he'll give you the key. I think that you and the waiter're quick, and they did not have time to go back... by the Way, when do they usually come?
Администраторша jammed, shrugged:
You know, I actually, no one else so specially't follow it, but it seems to me that it is quite late.
-Well, that's good, just have time to prepare, " agreed George.
-Do you have that anniversary today? cautiously asked the woman, apparently understanding that the question of its бестактен, but not having the ability to keep from devouring her curiosity.
"Yes, " nodded Zhora. - Can you say so.
"What?.. If not a secret, of course.
-What. It is not a secret. Wedding day.
-Wedding? ...
He left alone and bewildered администраторшу and headed to the Elevator.
"Well, as it occurred to me once wedding, so the wedding. Иакая quiet, small wedding. Very small and very quiet. With the burst of pistol shooting... What am I with them, creatures, to do?" - thought to myself, Behemoth, climbing up on the ninth floor. He wanted everything to happen as soon as possible, and it seemed that time feels like rubber, and the Elevator slowed to a crawl.
He walked into the room, went over to the window, drew the deaf blackout curtains and turned on the light.
Room unfolded in a bad way. No one has to possess a special gift to immediately say that, there lived a man unassembled, sleazy, not the usual procedure. That was Gladyshev. All that was found in the room was thrown in disarray, there were jumbled. However, in the eyes Zhora immediately rushed измятая, scattered, flipped upside-down bed. A blanket was thrown near, on the floor, clumped and потоптанное.
Feeling nervous tremors throughout the body, George approached the bed, leaned over and sat on its edge, and passed his hand over простыням. They were wet, just where he had feared. He felt his breath, as засвербило somewhere in the groin, and which drew in the stomach.
He still hoped until the last moment, that all not so is terrible, that there is some mistake, that maybe Veronica strongly потратилась it had not had the money to pay for your one-room Suite, and she went away to Гладышеву. But they somehow разгородились here, found a way to co-exist, not касась each other.
Now, however, the depth of his delusion appeared with all its appalling bottomless clarity. Still linger in his heart grains быстроулетучивающейся hope forced him to drop to bed-clothes and smell it. He wanted from the wet spots smelled something different, not only prostate gland, but he recognised the peculiar smell.
Скомкав the sheet and held it to his chest, he began to roll on the floor, just having descended from the mind, whining and howling like a wounded wolf. He really was wounded. In the heart of пришолся this sneaky and sudden blow.
Suddenly George hesitated and stopped. He tried to pull himself together, but it turned out he had very bad.
As if to prove himself, that all not so is that his sense of smell is cheating on him, deceiving him, he leaned to his lips wet stain on the sheet, and touched his tongue and, пососав this place soon felt a mouth weak проивкус, reminiscent of raw egg whites.
The sense of smell has not changed him, he only wanted.
Dropping the sheet from her hands, while he sat with a stupid, meaningless expression on his face, staring stupidly at one point in space, then found the strength to get up and sat on the bed.
What I had not expected, usually not fit in my head. And now he has tried to present itself when and how it started, and how long ago continues. We would hope that this happened only once, and purely by chance, but Zhora immediately caught myself thinking that tries to at least introduce yourself in the confusion that now was like, let small, but consolation.
But he didn't want to comfort him, didn't want to regret, because there are people weak and helpless, not having the courage to look in eyes to the truth, which is always unlike forest lies, disgusting, if it somehow relates to people.
Even about his past many people inward shudder, and therefore they are all sorts of illusions appease impartial and finicky memory, or simply stun her with something like alcohol or something stronger.
Zhora painfully biting his finger to come down, but it did not help. Think about anything, there was no opportunity. In my head swirled only the thoughts of his wife's infidelity. Yes, with whom? With those who, as he very often it seemed there was not only a male habit and attraction to the opposite sex, but even men's bodies, who seemed to him боязливее and смирнее lamb and safer ant underfoot.
Now it is painfully painted in the imagination of their sex scenes, and it worked very poorly, or not go at all, and Жоре eagerness to see them. And then get to do IT all on his eyes. What he could not imagine them together, it was even more painful that he knew that they both were.
Zhora not find a place. Time passed mockingly slowly, as if testing his patience and подзуживая, подхлестывая insulted his dignity, not knowing measures its оплеванности and you want to quickly find out how deep it is in deep shit. Any semblance of thoughts left him, leaving him alone with viscous, excruciating pain in the chest, where the heart is. This pain stung glasses and his soul, and every second of this expectation was filled with suffering, tolerate that just barely have enough forces.
He wanted to destroy everything, to break those stupid sheets, break the bed and chairs, dissolve the Pooh or wool - what it was in the thick mattress, break, in the end, the glass of the window and throw out everything that was here, in this room, down from the ninth floor. And so he wanted to do it, but it сдерживлся unknown from what reasons. Maybe because he didn't want a scandal, which would have granted the things that he so carefully disguised, though gusts riot most difficult to the logic of the mind and its far-reaching plans, on the contrary, these plans often are breaking the ruthless attacks of anger, рвущими all logical chain and smashing everything fragile, speculative construction, but coming across their path, may be because of not wanting to appear before the personnel of the hotel, the people who should be aware of all the collisions relationship guests as possible and in a bad way, disgraced and humiliated, and thereby lose their face ridicule ruthless crowd, which would hardly ever breaks out at least a spark of compassion, this bunch of fellows, stirring somewhere down there in the everyday swamp, looking заискивающим, лизоблюдствующим look at anyone who has power, money and position to dispose of them, or потокать, be indulgent to him, or on the contrary: trample and drive them as deem fit, but ready at the same time, trample, take away bit by bit, use their sharp teeth and not leave in the next second anything from yesterday's their idol, today fallen into their puddle, but may be due to a deeper struggle of feelings, emotions and common sense, творящейся in these minutes it and inaccessible to any, even a very fastidious and skillful, the subtlest penetration in his густоверть, ежемгновенно выплескивающую a thousand contradictory, microscopic, взаимоуничтожающихся and developing with each other in more distinct and strong motives.
Zhora fumbled in his pocket for a pack of cigarettes, took out a match and lit a cigarette. If wanting to hurt sheet avenge her, as if she was guilty, he put a burning match to her and tried to set fire to. White cloth immediately smoked, had turned black, a black spot became rapidly unravel, before the flames. But George foot, and satin had subsided only выжженое spot, leaky in the center, left.
George stood up. His eyes caught a big and beautiful выключательна wall. A rage made him with Wei force лупануть on it with his fist. Pieces, fragments of bright plastic with a crash emitted in all directions.
Zhora caught myself thinking that loses control and forced calm, cool of the awakening in him the beast. He went to the loggia, облокатился on the balcony railing and took a deep breath together with cigarette smoke breath of fresh air, suddenly discovering that it is very nice. However, the opening of this brought a sense of luscious bitterness, which immediately changed to a gust of hopeless despair and ощещением meaninglessness of all his deeds and all the events that occurred and are occurring with him now, his whole life in General.
"What's the difference what she actually asleep?" thought Zhora and tried to calm down, comforted by that thought. He recalled that he had many women. But here in his thoughts again crept awareness, he changed the женва, and not some girl. It was something. This meant that it not only does not love, but even do not respect, not fear that his dignity, to his honor just spit and even, perhaps, so maliciously trying to humiliate him. He thought maliciously. This word again brought his balance, made всбеситься and powerless, иступленной rage crushed in his hand a burning cigarette, without feeling any pain. Another pain, sticky and slow, like resin, iron Hoop covered, squeezed his heart, засвербила in the stomach, twisting his insides, forced blood boil and pour in the head.
George felt his became hot, stuffy as flamed his nalivshiesya crimson пунцом cheeks like a lump stuck in the throat, making it difficult to breathe. It seemed to him that someone or something is choking him. Of course, it was a starched, stiff collar white shirt and stupid strict tie - signs of good taste and high etiquette, in which he tried to put every evening.
It looked now funny and stupid. He imagined every evening, walking in a simple, elegant suit, pretending to be an aristocrat and a representative of the estate of something haves and which may, but this time his wife falls somewhere in a hotel room on the other end of this idiot of a huge city in bed with some renegade and a loser and given him, regardless of any decency, marital duty and, in General, whatever it more.
"Lord, should it be something Holy! pleaded George, I caught myself thinking that refers to what was always confusion myth to influence the suckers. This detracted him, put on his knees, and George even shook his head to get rid of the religious attack, which began to take possession of his thoughts suddenly. - No, there is no God! This clearly. I know there is no God..."
He tried to recall or re-found any evidence to prove his beliefs, but his efforts were fruitless. He only discovered that it appears to be more obvious and clear, колгда do not think about it specifically. "In вяком case, we are taught, " he decided at last, - and because I know it quite sure... why do I, in fact, about God. What God here?! I changed the wife and I have brains some empty thoughts. This top of the stupidity of what only you can imagine! God, God! What the heck! This creature humiliated me, расстоптала my dignity, and mingled it with dirt! This cat Horny cat!.. Creature!.. Дорвалась to the garbage can and eats with her, хлебает like a pig!!!"
It hard and rough swore at his wife, feeling together with the energy splashed out on her heart mud comes ккое black relief, satisfied future revenge dressing, which he had satisfied. He will find a good, original way to take revenge on her. Revenge it will be terrible! And yet... he unfinished bastard who dared to tempt camping or seduce - it is not important - his wife,mixed with mud, the mud from which he came out, he will make his life hell, but before the show this хлюпику and блудливому трусишке, should do and are true men, who never sleeps with the wives of their comrades, using with all cowardly meanness of their absence!
Before George came a knock on the door. Apparently knocked for a long time, because now just who drummed or foot. He went into the hall, opened the door.
On the threshold stood a waiter from the restaurant with a tray - Zhora had quite forgotten that he asked to send him to his room администраторшу.
-Champagne glasses and a light dinner, as you ordered, " said the waiter.
-Well, put it on the table in the room. The waiter walked in the room and, having put a bottle, wine glasses and a plate of sandwiches on the glass surface, a small table, with interest and curiosity glanced furtively chaos surrounding them. His eyes slipping away from George and a little confused. But he immediately found and to prevent excessive любопытствоприслуги, said:
And yet, please, candles, flowers, chocolates and cognac "Napoleon", the most expensive and the best. Not взддумайте shove me any shit! You clearly!
"One moment, it will be done! "replied the waiter, drooping in the кивке head.
"And be quick.
George shoved in a small pocket of lapel of his white suit a few notes at the tip and already after him, looking out into the corridor and shouted:
-Yes, and cigarettes! Good cigarettes!
When the waiter returned he was not let him in the room and took it all ordered right on the doorstep, throwing for the service with a large bill. Which mechanically rolled into a ball. Then he put the candlestick in the middle of the table, next to put in water with roses, carefully placed the other devices so that the table had a festive, elegant look, took several steps, admired his work, then come back to it again, extinguished the light in the room and looked, how it will look in the dark. It turned out pretty cute, but Zhora still something straightened, then looked at everything from the outside.
He suddenly found that it woke up artist. It was nice to know. Moreover, it was impossible not to notice that all out pretty cute, and maybe it would be worth to come to grips with this, but George thought that he made it to small and hardly could take place in his life is more serious than a hobby.
But he wanted now to somebody admired his work to anyone did compliment him, wringing her hands, said that his obvious talent. However, he recollected himself, and with the pain and realized that this would be a nobody, because this table covered with such care is not waiting for love goodbye or coming at least pretty and desirable friend whose opinion, rose, sweet aura for the soul, and to much different from this. It should serve as a decoration of the stage, the scenery, beautiful and bright in that ominous spectacle of revenge, who now, as only come to those who absolutely does not expect to see him here, played out in this room on the ninth floor of the hotel, which will become an arena for the release of his eerie black passion, his thirst to get over, get even with those two, who have dared to trample his personal dignity, defile his family hearth, Yes just надсмеятьсянад him over all that he does, for the sake of what came here and now runs the risk of not less more and own life. And here it is: In thee!", for all the efforts he had to achieve wealth and position your family, for those dangers that now he was putting his life, all of it paid him in full and grateful.
Wife, who only a month ago, pronouncing the words of the oath of fidelity to her husband during the painting in the registry Office, barely ended honeymoon, already betrayed him with a poor poet, who, besides, so far as he knew, before the spirit could not bear.
He dreams flew into a rage. He wanted to disperse the room, this decorated solemnly and festively buffet, and already now begin to act. He longed to bring to bear, in the case Tu twisted, взвинченную to failure spring of rage, which was supposed to trigger all the fists smash his great wrongs. He was barely enough strength to hold back. He jumped onto a balcony and lit a waiter brought "Havana". Glancing down, loggia was just to the side of the door, he noticed at the bottom of going to the entrance of the couple and thought, easily recognizing the girl Veronica: "Here they are, doves! Finally, I waited for!"
The thought that minute retribution close, he experienced the sweet feelings, threw down недокуренную cigar, walked into the room, turned off the light and lit candles.
"Come, come quickly!" - with a bloodthirsty pleasure said George, rubbing his hands.
Then he remembered that he forgot to return the administrator of the hotel room key.
Chapter 26. (09). 010 -> 09
"You did that, that you love one person, and going to bed completely different and even doing a very big way, although he whom you love is very near? And you come back from the unloved person and love again, to which not even dare to approach. Feeling overwhelmed with the desire you again, you again doing a long way to sleep with the unloved person and to give him my longing and passion. And all of that, that thou shouldest be afraid just подойт to the beloved and to tell him all over. Happened with you?
Gladyshev shook his head and looked estranged on Veronika, marching near.
-As happened with me, " she chanted, almost mysteriously.
I don't know, I think you're capable of and buggy, " said Gladyshev
"Really?! - with joyful readiness said Veronica and her brow spiked naive and funny.
He only nodded his head, making a significant grimace. Veronica thick smiled.
-Oh, look, a Gypsy! - she jumped pointed forward finger. - Look, why is she here?! the time is already past. Let us go to it. let it погадает.
-I don't like Tsyganok, - shook his head Gladyshev. - I do not.
-Well and good. You will think! Myself coming, Veronica took his hand and ran to the Gypsy. - Listen, tell your fortune me?
-Позолоти, sweetheart, a pen - the whole truth tell readily returned the other, taking in their hands dirty, dark, as it seemed from outside Гладышеву, her white thin with long, graceful fingers the knob. - What was, what is, what will be is all you say, my dear.
Veronica pulled from his pocket purse with money. Gladyshev stepped aside, and then he stepped closer: Gypsy толклась on-lit place of закрывавшихся stalls. One could only guess and wonder who and why she waited here at this late hour. Really hoping for a client on the outskirts of Мосвкы, and even at such a time.
Veronica, maybe go? he asked the girl.
-Oh, wait you! - she waved her.
"Listen, dear, " came to him and Gypsy. - Let beauty fate learn. I don't take expensive. Do not bother me. Do you want to hear, " stop and listen. Don't want to step back, wait on the sidelines.
Gladyshev said nothing, pursed his lips and bit them to acute pain.
I'll also then fortune, - as if to reassure him, added Gypsy and looked down at the palm of Veronica.
"Now will make a fool, thought to himself bitterly Gladyshev, but then figured that, in General, there's nothing wrong with that. - All right, stand, I will listen".
He, in General, slightly believed in гаданье, but at the same time, and doubted his claims, considered somewhere in the depths of the soul, that Gypsy money ready наврать with three boxes, only to have more lure.
Gypsy squinted, Veronica put her hand closer to my eyes and shook her suddenly, with a sympathetic причмокивая, head.
"Well, sweetheart let's come closer to the light, to me it is better to line your see - she looked into the face of Veronica. - First of all there was to say. So, so, see poverty, disease see. Now, sweetheart. Lived thou poverty, disease you had a serious illness, and she will come back. This terrible disease, and it can save no cure, and the only good man that is a sacrifice for your sake. The love you had, and now this illness through a failed love. The man you loved or went somewhere very far and strongly with you quarrelled, or died, but most likely, that he left, because he came to you, or something very much reminded about itself one day after. And yet you guys were, and one of them was near you, others fell away. And some unpleasant secret lies in your heart, and you nobody can tell. So, sweetheart. Telling the truth.
-Yes, there is something in this. If you think of serious, true.
"Well, sweetheart. Yet handle позолоти, I tell you that I have now.
Gladyshev wanted to stop her, but caught himself on the fact that in the words of the Gypsies is something that incomprehensibly intrigued, interested him. He only managed to make the first move and stopped, then anxiously looked at his watch, and I thought it was too late, and soon metro stops walking, and buses will go quite rare, and it will have to get to the hotel by walking, the path is not very close.
-Now you have two guys there, one legal, other third party, - spoke again Gypsy, but will still Prince, the dark Prince, and he decides your fate. Wealth you have, but it is passed by thee, and скооро is gone, and these two, two your guy, they too will go.
-Leave? - almost scared said Veronika and looked at Gladysheva, as if afraid that he had left. - When will go?
-I tell you about now while I'm. Means will go away very soon. And wealth also goes with one of them, but you do not worry: all is equal to you it was no good.
-And now what?" How much forward to say, for a day, a week, a month.
-Before the New year, dear. Before the New year. Meet him going. The poor will be.
-Yes, but only two months, - thinking aloud, said Veronika and frowned. - Don't mean it?!
"What are you, sweetheart! Why would I lie? You I gave the money to know the truth. Why would I lie to you will? You lie - to listen sweet. You're lying to more money Dali. You to me is well paid. Gypsy grateful to you. Why Gypsy lie, if it gave a lot of money?!
-Okay! - stopped her трескотню Veronica. - Say what will be.
-Yes don't listen to her, Veronica! - once again intervened in Gladyshev, noting that the stop in their side, sent a group of some fellows, judging by their loud talk and несдержанному laughter, feel themselves masters of the dark outlying quarters of the capital. Hey, listen to what I say, time is already a lot! Come on, it's too late.
He order afraid, only to imagine that they come closer and begin to harass, provoking a fight.
"Now one guy seems to "go away", he thought.
Gypsy intercepted his opinion and, if guessing thoughts, answered:
Guy! Stand still, they will pass you by. From me step back evil you will.
-Why did you take?! - outraged Gladyshev before had come to know, that Gypsy guessed what he was thinking.
With that she took, " she said. If not so, as I said, just give all the money that psychic took.
Gladyshev calmed down a bit, still not able to relieve fear and anxiety. And all continued to observe a noisy and dangerous campaign coming in their direction.
Fear gripped his consciousness, he began paralysis of thought, and he couldn't even come up with something suitable for the case when trouble occurs.
-Turn away from them! - almost ordered, raising his voice, Gypsy. - Behave like this before, and it will be all right.
He obeyed her and how it was scary, turned away, although on the back walked cold, large goose bumps, and tried to listen to the word Gypsy, which meanwhile, took her by both hands, compared palm, something showed, leading them rough, brown forefinger explaining something and расказывала. Instead, however, he continued to hear the approaching clatter behind, drunken voice and horse neighing, and, as he tried, he couldn't bring himself to get rid of this. He felt better only when, passing quite nearby, somewhere behind his back, the campaign began to move away, and he realized then that the danger has passed. It was like a miracle, especially now that said the Gypsy, and they possessed the minute burst of awe in front of her.
"But where are we going to leave? thought immediately Gladyshev. - Well, I'm okay. A Hippo? Where he can escape from Veronica? After all, he is her husband! Разведуться?"
-Go, - Veronica pulled him by the sleeve and drew thinking.
-What? "he wondered. - So quickly?
's all, " she nodded his head. - How long?
"At a quarter to the hour of the night, " he replied. - Let's bus. Metro is not there, and on foot-it is far.
They went out into the deserted stop. Out of nowhere, was it rains again and again.
-Well, only us and not enough, - he glanced at the sky, said Veronica.
He grabbed her gaze to the other side of the Avenue, where there were stalls. Gypsy near them was not. It seemed to him that he knows what she is thinking.
"Huh, you see what the snapper! Time, and already its gone! As the wind carried away!
-You talking about? if awaking, Veronica asked.
-How to whom?! About the Gypsy! By the way, what's it to you back there said, and then... I listened, and he certainly was ashamed to confess that he was dying from fear.
-I don't want to talk about it, waved Veronica.
-Well, that's right! - readily agreed Gladyshev. - She has lied about the job just you with three boxes, and now you brains yourself сушишь, experience. Throw all that out of my head! It is really not clear - her all the lies of the need to with you more money shake! That's still not enough: for your money and himself before the headache bring!
She seems to be agreed, nodded her head, but then suddenly said:
-You say it all right, Gladyshev, only you have too much to say.
She again unpleasantly struck him. He wanted to remind her that no further, as today, permitted to call themselves by name, and wish it was, but did not dare.
Now rejoined the number of the bus, that they waited so long, they went up into an empty almost beauty and wearily plыhnulis ' next to the seat.
-Закомпостируй card, and then pushed him in the side Veronica.
He wanted to keep silent hurt, but he could not restrain himself:
-So in fact the second hour of the night, the last bus which controllers. We then pass two stops.
-Закомпастируй coupons, only more persistently said Veronica. - Are you a beggar?
He reluctantly got up and went to the компостеру and, piercing them tickets, thought: "Driver now looks in the mirror and, probably, thinks: "fool! Coupons компостирует!"
However, at the next stop entered the lounge, two women and checked the tickets from the few passengers. Гладышеву nothing left to do but only to wonder such unprecedented coincidence and look at her like right next to him sits a witch, which is already open all the secrets of the future.
-That means, to communicate with a Gypsy! "he joked when kontrolersha gave him a torn coupon.
Veronica only looked at him with tired and indifferent, as often watched and earlier, to this wonderful day, which, unfortunately, and this is now clearly ended. Together with him into oblivion sailed her good mood and her smile, her shining from happiness eyes. She now was the same as before, and she did not want to call him by name. And it is painfully recalled, torturing his memory, pulling out of her black whirlpool escaped moments of happiness, exactly when it occurred to her reverse the change.
"Gypsy! Of course, Gypsy! It's her fault that it happened, that it again became sad and distant from me. Cursed by the witch! Snakes." - with anger he wondered, sometimes glancing towards his companion.
They entered the hall of the hotel. Porter lazily stood aside and did not meet them, because Gladyshev never gave a tip, - he just had nothing to give, and he knew that in vain will only расшаркиваться. They came up to the bar админстраторши, which is already leaning on his elbow, began to nod, and asked the room key. A minute before the front waiter came up from the hotel restaurant, and гладышеву thought that the woman gives them the same keys just received from him. He was surprised and wanted to ask what was wrong, but I thought that probably he fatigue. Besides Veronica, which also fatigue face was not, pulled him away from the front, to the Elevator, not giving stay on for the extra second.
"Listen, Gladyshev, why you live, can you tell me? she asked him near the Elevator.
It seemed to him that the girl was already sleeping on the move, but he thought a little, and answered quite seriously:
-Can. I'm waiting for the second coming.
-Who is it? The second coming of whom? has not understood it.
-Christ, of course.
-A-a-a! you mean you're a believer, Yes? Veronica has already undertaken for a particular manner to mock him on any occasion, but he tried not to get angry at her for it.
-I? Yes.
"What did you tell him when he comes? You're a sinner, Gladyshev, you are such a sinner as I am, as Hippo, as all the others! Do you think that Christ just be glad that you waited, Yes?! Do you think he would?!
She laughed exactly drunk. Гладышеву was uncomfortable that she spoke so loudly about the unseen, and could hear other people. He involuntarily looked round. But администраторша already asleep, resting her head on the Desk, and bathroom was too far away to hear their conversation.
-Shut up, Veronica, calm down! - he tried to reason with her, but she still long to grab unknown.
You know.. you know, that I said Gypsy? - finally through laughter could speak girl. You know what she said to me?!
-What? "he asked. - I don't know. What?
She suddenly stopped laughing, her face grew serious.
-The truth, " she said, and giggled again, зашлась laughter, just insane.
It was not the laughter of joy and happiness, чтовырывался of her Breasts day. So people laugh, which opens something, why they suddenly come into despair and understand that they have no chance to make amends and change in their fate. The laughter always sounds a bit scary and незаразительно.
Wing lift opened. Gladyshev stuffed гогочущую insane laughter Veronica in his cabin, and clicked on the ninth floor. Here she calmed down, straightened up, looked at him intently.
-Do you expect the second coming of Christ to tell him how you lost myself with me, Yes? Tell me how you got me совращал, me, wife, having a living man! Yes? About this he going to tell?!
-No, not about it, shook his head Gladyshev. - I have something to say to him. Yes this is not important. But for the fact that we had with you, I will ask God for forgiveness. And you ask, only sincerely repentant. He will forgive, you'll see.
-How! I see it! Yes all of this... I do not believe that Christ will come. Why is he still has not come. What prevented BO-GU down to earth?
-Why? - calmly asked Gladyshev.
"Why what? Why should he were ever to go down?
-At the last judgment, so calmly replied Gladyshev. "When the time comes, and God will become absolutely clear who is who, then he will come to judge those who live and those who died, the Bible said so.
-How smart you are, directly, as a priest, you say.
They got out and walked along the empty corridor.
"Well, and how he will judge the dead?
-He will cause them to rise from Hell.
-Why only from Hell? What Heaven?
-Those who are in Paradise, I think, got away from the judgement day.
-And those who are in Hell?
-I think, that Christ will bring some, but others, as it follows from the Scriptures, together with the Devil and his servants plunge the Hell of Fire for all eternity.
-To me it is something not quite comes, Veronica shook her head several times. -Where do you know all this?
-I read the Bible the Apocalypse.
-Yeah, that's it! Oh, and when will this judgment?
-I think that in the next year.
-Next year?
-Yes, next year. Expires the second Millennium.
-So what?
Gladyshev wanted to reply, but opening the door of the room, stopped, and exactly swallowed language.
From the darkness of the hallway rooms at him глянуло twisted face of a Hippopotamus, lighted falling from the corridor light.
-Well, - he said so cunningly that Gladyshev shrunk under, and wanted to, but couldn't dumbstruck finally, draw back. - Here are some of our dove came! Come, come, dear newlyweds! I am very glad!
He made an inviting gesture, stepping aside, but Гладышеву wanted, on the contrary, flee away. All his lofty thoughts somewhere vanished in an instant, and at the head remained ringing emptiness, which was immediately filled the animal horror. He forced Gladysheva rush to their heels, but he resisted every всехсил, realizing that he could not leave her to be devoured by one spouse, and that, if he all guessed - and he seems really all guessed he must meet with her.
"Fear not them which kill the body, but fear him who can kill the soul", - reminded him of the sermon on the mount. "Lord, forgive me, a sinner! Forgive my soul, a sinner, Lord, save! he pleaded, feeling that live the last minute and we must have time to turn to God, to try to attract his attention. - In the name of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen!"
These words suddenly gave his spirit to some firmness and готовностьступить meet retribution.
"If he kills me now, it will be well deserved, said to himself Gladyshev and stepped forward, passing by a Hippo. - Only God could forgive me for my sin!.."
He received тычек in the back with something hard and rough. From this blow Gladyshev flew forward, losing his balance, and stretched out the middle of the room, near the coffee table, on which stood a bottle of champagne, a few devices, wine glasses, plates with some food. Back Svelo so that he felt that he could no longer breathe, that can neither breathe nor breathe out, or even call for help. It was an awful feeling. He was gasping for breath, his hands, as if clinging to the elusive life, grabbing for the rolled out across the floor carpet, вонзались in its pile and collecting it in the folds.
He rolled on the floor, unable to even turn over in pain, but no one came to help, even to sympathize with his state of pity for him and participation in his agony at least alleviate them. He knew that it was now just a nobody.
Light if слепились covered by a stiff, steel Hoop. It seemed that an eternity had passed after the impact, that it is impossible to live so long without breathing, but actually it took no more than a couple of minutes. It came from somewhere far terrible voice Hippo:
-Oh, and you come in, bitch!
Suddenly the light grew dark in the eyes of Gladysheva. He decided that the Hippo turned off the light. He wanted to ask him why he занимаетсятакими nonsense, when you want to help a person get over it, because in the dark nothing will be seen.
In the dark suddenly I heard some laughter, wild, comparable sharp. He stood up and began to fumble around with his hands. Someone take advantage of the darkness, напрыгнул him from behind and squeezed his throat. He tried to throw a scoundrel, but he firmly grabbed and strongly beating around the Bush, eluded his hands. Then Gladyshev shouted, but his cry resulted in a dismal groan. But this time turn on the light, and it became evident that squeal Hippo together with Veronica. She sits on the couch completely naked, but he шекочет and her and himself the похрюкивает, just a pig. Through the wild, comparable sharp laughter Veronica, отбрыкиваясь hands and feet from the pressing spouse, shouts, Гладышеву:
-And deftly we all tweaked?! We because you played Gladyshev, ha ha ha, you know, played!
Behemoth jumps up from the couch and begins to приплясывать around Gladysheva on one then the other leg, saying: "have chop fool the four fists!" someone тоеще, the one who is choking him back, said, whispering in his ear: "Gladyshev. Gladyshev. What do you say to God? You have nothing to say! Beware, because you're a sinner, and your quest of God will lead you to Hell. You're a liar, a thief and a прелюбодейник, you stole the wife cheated husband and совращал his woman! Don't you may be forgiven? No! Can't! Fear, a publican, your hour's come!"
Гладышеву wanted to see who's there, behind him, tells him these fearful words, but saw only dancing around himself Hippo, Yes Veronika, заливающуюся laughing on the sofa and дрыгающую bare feet, so that a very good view of all the shameless places:
'We have played the Gladyshev! Ha - ha - ha!!! You're caught! You are now with us, with me and with the Hippopotamus, and won't get away! We firmly hold you in his hand and drag behind us there where we are going themselves in Hell.
Suddenly the door of the room began to knock. "Open up, open to us. We also want!" - heard her voices. Behemoth, crying: "Now, now!" - jumped to the door. When he opened the door wide, and the room began to fill some people known and unknown to him. Were visible among them "Fix", and "Rusty"and the guy who came Veronica in the restaurant on the day of birth of a Hippopotamus. Their faces drifted here and there in the crowd, floods the entire room. Behemoth wanted their friends and acquaintances and carefully рассаживал them on the couch next to Nude Veronica. Some refused and had to be persuaded. Barely sofa filled with people, as a photographer right in the crowd blinded them to flash, and then the Hippo ousted сфотографировавшихся and invited other sit next to his wife.
Suddenly one who strangled Gladysheva released him and stepped into the middle of the room. He was dressed all in black, but Гладышеву could not see him because of the crowd immediately surrounded him tight ring.
-Are we all here?! he asked, holding up his hand in a black glove over their heads, and then this whole farce and hubbub silent and stopped.
-Everything, - was heard on all sides.
"Come on, then! - shouted душивший Gladysheva.
-Wait, where to go?! Where am I?! "yelled Gladyshev.
-We in the lift! he replied, "Fix."
-And now let's get down! - jumped on the other hand Behemoth.
-Where to go down?! 't understand Gladyshev.
"Come on, comrades! again shouted душивший it.
Now he stood on the podium, and it was clearly seen. It was a tall cylinder, чрный coat old-and Bolshevik red bow on his chest. His face was not visible, but with all of the parties heard a friendly, frantic cry crowd of several thousand people. - Les-e-e-e-nor-in! Zig hi!!! Laziness-and-in! Zig hi!!!
-Where to go?! - what was the force yelled Gladyshev, trying to shout loud and беснующуюся crowd.
-To Hell! In Hell!!! "someone said next.
-No. No! Noooo!!! "yelled than ever Gladyshev. - I don't want to! Don't want to! Do not want!!!
But the man in the black coat with a red ribbon on his chest, descended from the platform, walked over to the switch and turned off the light.
In the same second Gladyshev felt solid ground is slipping from under his feet. All around dived into the darkness, came in some wild, indescribable movement, grasping it. He felt that falls rapidly with the rest into some bottomless abyss, standing around screams and squeals.
"No, no! No!!!" he continued to yell on the fly.
Suddenly some drops of dew, cool and invigorating lay on his forehead. Гладышеву thought that the decline stopped, and around the break of dawn. "Am I in Hell?" he thought, and opened his eyes. It turned out that he was again in the same room, but no one except the Hippopotamus and Veronica no, and Hippo pouring water on it, picking it out of a glass in her mouth and прыская at him.
-Woke up, dearie, " he heard his words. - Come on, come on. Performance is just the beginning!
Chapter 31. (06). [31 ?] 06 -> 08 -> 02
They уркылись in the ruins of a six-storey house prepared, apparently, on the demolition.
-It is necessary to wait here a moment, " said George.
Breathless and вымотавшийся Gladyshev said nothing to him and found the strength to покивать according to the head.
George sat down not lower window of the entrance, of разломанной frames which were вышиблены almost all of the glass, took off his Shoe and began to examine the injured foot, from which the blood pouring. His face is reflected pain. His fingers clasped above the ankle foot and pressed it so, probably, wishing to stop bleeding, that they became white.
A curse. - he said through clenched teeth.
"How I wish it was all just a dream and nothing more," thought Gladyshev, his eyes closed.
-Now I would have put a bandage, - came to him a voice of a Hippopotamus.
Testing constantly ккакую fault before him, Gladyshev felt an inner urge to рвнуть his shirt to make her bandages, but George was ahead of his thoughts.
"No, " he stopped his hand. - How are we ever going to get? Our first COP тормознет. Now something else to think of.
-What can you do?
"Well, you're smart. Think Gladyshev, think.
Gladyshev sat down on the steps at the front of the Behemoth and tried to concentrate, but in my head and climbed completely different thoughts.
Platform below, where one could see the broken doors of the apartments, gaped their dead failures, the cat sitting, gray with dark stripes, tiger coloring. He watched the two strange people, who visited this покинувшее housing.
House, apparently deserted recently, it has not managed to flood the rats this autumn in Moscow are countless, frightening many. Otherwise the cat was'll be sorry. However, it was for him ahead: soon nasty rodents проведают, пронюхают that the building was emptied, and their flocks, rising higher and higher, from the cellars of sewage tunnels, flooded all floors, all rooms, devouring all that are able to digest their insatiable and unpretentious stomachs.
The cat climbed the ladder, climbed the fence, railing and began to RUB up against the leg Gladysheva. He stroked it, пререложив in the left hand gun, shining вороненными sides. The cat purred gently.
Seeing the animal, Hippo said Гладышеву, whether in jest or in earnest:
-Shoot it.
He was still working with the wounded leg. Blood slowly dripped with heels, and on the floor already formed a small, but terrifying, disturbing the soul of his views, brown-red puddle. The blood absorbed in a porous cement, like a sponge.
-Why? asked Gladyshev, continuing to stroke the cat. His voice did not sound any emotion.
He is so tired that you might be angry, nor be troubled, nor even fear or pity. All these feelings were born somewhere in the depths of his soul, but could not rise to the surface and manifest as something externally. Gladyshev only felt they копошаться somewhere deep inside him, vague and dreamlike. If he could wonder now, then certainly he was astonished to what he does not pity Hippo. Only the blood dripping rare drops from the foot Zhora, Yes Lusatia, which was formed from it on the cement floor, were able to somehow disturb and trouble him. Gladyshev he could not even give the report itself, whether held his soul completely, or it is out of control of his consciousness and отлетелва away from the emaciated body, not to get infected to avoid anguish of his matter.
-Застрели cat, say, with a larger share of the wicked fury in his voice repeated the Behemoth.
-But why?! - finally lazily ворочавшиеся in the depth of his feelings began to Wake up.
-To not suffered.
-And he is not suffering! - Gladyshev tried to protect animal and, as if to make sure of accuracy of his words, and looked him in the eye.
-Well, then I will shoot the thing.
Gladyshev looked at the Behemoth. His face was distorted with anger. Dima understood that evoke sympathy or возвать to reason Zhora not succeed. We had to come up with something more practical:
"Listen, George, why make a noise? Do you want your shot has attracted the attention of anybody?
"Right, " agreed the Hippo, wincing. - Sorry, that is not глушака... let him in here, and I boshku now turn aside.
"You bastard!" Realized how animal life to destroy!" thought Gladyshev and objected:
"What, do nothing more?! Surrendered to thee this cat! Let it live.
To make it more convincing, he pulled the cat above the stairs. The offended and disgusted meowed.
-Ooh, jinx! - shook his fist hippopotamus cat. "okay, we need to somehow get out of here. What would rewind the leg?
Behemoth began to look around, looked at himself, then took a close look Gladysheva.
"You Mike?
-And what?
-Take off, tear to shreds stripes that, as a bandage to bind.
Until Gladyshev was taking off my shirt and t-shirt, Zhora continued to sit on the window, shaking bleeding foot that flies, слетевшиеся the smell of blood, yet fell into hibernation, could not sit down on the wound.
"Son of a gun! thought Hippo, watching Гладышевым. - A pity, that now I can not get with it, as it should be. Oh, if I had not been wounded and could do without his help. Well, anything, I'll make him wash кровавыит tears. He cannot escape punishment!"
He got out his Browning and became what осмтаривать him, looking at Gladysheva. The fact was not known that the bickering about the cat was just a game, just a bluff, a screen that covered the true cause of reminders about the weapon. In reality, the victim had to become self Gladyshev. And not what someone might hear the sound of shooting stopped Hippo. Just now Gladyshev was really he needs.
Who would dare to get here? Shoot here the whole time - except that evening, the police will come, carefully stand aside and listen, listen, and leave for home.
-Поторапливйся! throwing a Hippo Гладышеву.
-Listen to what you talking to me? - Gladyshev made questioning eyes.
-How are you to talk? - Behemoth could not conceal his irritation.
He had no clear plan to murder Gladysheva, otherwise he is eager to be immediately implemented. He had merely the feeling of hatred, оскорбленности, рождавшее desire to kill, to erase in a powder.
At this moment Hippo noticed that breaking off her t-shirt to shreds, Gladyshev continues to keep a gun in your hand, it is quite absurd, for the handle, and keeps it not because of fears to be without weapons, and because I forgot about it at all, mechanically. Fuse gun was removed, and, before you send the "Browning" the ладышева, he said to him:
-Put the gun on the fuse, you moron!
Gladyshev looked at him, as if waking, not understanding, that from it achieves. Only that he was thinking of something else entirely.
"Here is a cat. Almost лишиься life, but never knew about this. Sitting there quietly вылизывается. So, probably we, people, do not know anything about the movement of the higher spheres, can't touch their lives. We do not know what God wants, not what he wants, and how he lives. The structure of the heavens, by what laws, - to us it is not available, as now not available, it was the cat that happened between two people who are in dispute solved a very important question for him: to live or not to live. What awaits us in the future? Today the day is over? Perhaps, somewhere up there, in the heavenly office is solved a question now about me or about the Hippo, and go the same dispute: kill or not to kill, and if you kill whom: Gladysheva or a Hippopotamus. Maybe now someone just as cruelly and unjustly wants to take one of their lives, wants to without any reason, just like that. And someone big, kind and unknown, so do not give him do it."
-Put the gun on the fuse heard Gladyshev through their thoughts. It spoke to him Behemoth.
He dumbfounded looked in my hand, just saw for the first time in her arms, then he looked at the Hippo. It seemed to him that the Hippo aim at the cat, all the same decided to kill him. He did not even dare to think that Behemoth wants to shoot him тне noticed that black eye Dula looks somewhat lower him in the head.
"Don't, " he said.
Then Gladyshev translated lever fuse on the red dot. At this moment there was a deafening roar of the shot. Gladyshev dropped the gun, he couldn't even figure out what had happened. Shot all the same", - in his mind.
He looked up at the Hippopotamus and saw that he settles, fall from the window sill. His chest blur the crimson stain, проступающее through the fabric of the shirt. "What happened? asked yourself the question Gladyshev. - Was shot, but who shot?"
Suddenly he guessed that was shot from his pistol. This conjecture appalled him. He had never shot a man, moreover, to get to him and kill him. The murder of even simple flies gave him unimaginable torments of conscience. When he had to slap a cockroach or spider, he then suffered for days. But here... People. He hit the man, the husband of his mistress, his mistress.
"He can полумать that I shot him because of Veronica, - flashed in my mind Gladysheva. - But this is not so! It was an accident!"
Suddenly he realized that he killed a man he killed. The horror of the second wave of icy, wild fear came to him, reaching the very depths of съежившейся fright soul in their language, similar to thousands of all splitting blades, отскабливающими her upper protecting the shell and stick into the delicate essence.
Обезумившими terrible eyes he looked like a writhing on the floor Behemoth.
Puddle of blood, that little puddle of blood that troubled, troubled his soul was now in a puddle, great huge, terrible mess. It felt like someone, very generous to someone else's blood splashed on the floor the whole bucket, and then there fell Behemoth. Now he performed while lying on the back, a macabre dance, is fascinating for its horror.
For a moment it seemed to him that the Hippo looked at him, and Gladyshev was unable to control myself not to say softly at first and then louder:
-I do not want. I don't want to! I don't want to!!!
Echo загуляло on empty, abandoned building. This led Gladysheva in the movement, and he himself did not know why-down and ran outside.
There was not a soul. Yard, пребыывающий in Podunk, was deserted. Passers-by, apparently. Pass this place, and the house was away from the busy streets.
"Hey, someone!!! - shouted that had the power Gladyshev and ran away.
To Zhora flew this despairing cry. "Screams, screams, you bastard," thought George. He felt a terrible pain in the whole body, and it was making him squirm. Seizures and convulsions have to whip him like a whip.
When the shot sounded Zhora is also not understood who was shot. He thought this he first time pulled the trigger. Thought so, because on the face of Gladysheva was written innocence, stupid harmlessness. If he had done a bad job, his face would not be so enlightened.
However, in the next second it became clear that he fired not. Acute pain, extending from the chest, quickly through his whole body. Жоре thought that someone hit it with an axe in the back, but from the other side, from the inside.. all this was very surprised Jora, but together with this he instinctively, sixth sense grasp the entire непоправимость the incident, that he will not be the same as before, if ever, will remain alive, that the health and safety of his body, always taken for granted, now lost forever, and that it was a new band of life, in which there will be nothing but жалкогог влачения the existence of a disability. "Strange how I know all this? - полумал it, feeling that loses balance. No that's not true. This is not true. All will be well!"
The next moment, he lay down on the dirty floor, and Gladyshev to the distraught eyes stood over him, something yelled. But all this was indifferent. Pain, insane, all devouring, has captured them entirely. Жоре thought he had landed in the iron jaws of a monster, and he grinds it into flour.
"How so?" he thought, losing consciousness.
Pain suddenly became somewhere parted, as if уплывая somewhere over the black night sea. No, it isn't executed somewhere from him, so he left it on the shore, and the quiet, dark wave, покачивя boat, отдаляли him from it, carrying away, farther and farther ттемное пространоство.
All around it was quiet and dark. So, how is never the sea, and George thought it was some wrong sea, that this does not happen. But then he guessed that this is not really that something happened before he got here. This calmed him, and he surrendered to the waves, and rocked him, and maybe even carried somewhere. Maybe because there is nothing around to be seen.
Уплывая further through this dark sea of himself, he could not see a beating in the agony of his body.
Now approached the edge of the sea, and he saw the starry sky, calm, cool and serene. It stretched from end to end, and nothing was visible to him in the end. All around were only stars, unblinking and prickly.
Suddenly through his blackness began to be lined каккие-the contours, more and more filled with light. Bottomless, ббескрайняя darkness decreased immediately to the size of a darkening of the eyes, what happens from low pressure or потересознания. Became visible stairs. Then George went higher and as if seen from the outside. It seemed he got out of their own belly, having done this, as the serpent, leaving the old skin. His body lay at the bottom of the staircase and he moved over him and climbed higher and higher.
Next someone stood. So he ran away, and it was hidden. Zhora all pop up higher and higher. Here he soared up over the roof of the house.
Around Golden-reddish, misty haze was a huge city, lying своимикварталами to the horizon. Zhora climbed over him higher and higher, уплывая together with the South. The West was enveloped in a Golden mist. East was the SBI darkness. North lit up green. In the South stood a red haze. There was headed now Zhora. He felt an indescribable fear of darkness, затмившим all the East, like a huge BLOB, and involuntarily sought to the West, towards the light, which seems to get away from him.
Above the dazzling blue sky госились some translucent, ghostly creature, unlike any ever had seen earlier. Perhaps it was the elves or the angels, about whom he had previously heard. And it was no surprise to see so many, because surprised by his condition was no need, and his position, and what happened to him, by themselves deserved the greatest surprise than anything else, являшееся only a consequence of the new situation.
If George was not deprived of the ability to think, лишвшись connection with the brain, he would have to pay attention and much more. But in his распоряении were only motives, desires and feelings, and now he could only live by them. But, taking all совободившееся space in his soul, they have sharpened in excess of all conceivable пределов.одно what he saw no eyes, hear without ears, spoke about many things. Him nothing, and didn't have to explain how it could be, and he just rode at the height of avian flight, soaring up higher and higher into the blue sky, listened to and watched as possible.
Angels elves continued пархать somewhere above, around rushed vociferous, noisy air. Smell it turned into another sense, which is now served him instead of thought, replacing the logic of the brain premonition, intuition. They now told him in some big trouble, expected from the darkness in the East, and he almost saw it, not discerning the clear очертанийподобно how visible silhouette in the fog.
And now it became evident that a part of the darkness in the East separated, split off a drop and rushed to him. Drop this began to grow, to become more and soon turned into something similar to the black chariot, rushing across the sky with his rider, погоняющим winged horses, скалящих blood-red mouth. Rapidly she swept past, and the horseman ruled chariot, little like human being, tried to grab him, Jora, but missed.
Cowering in terror, Zhora rushed back down, backwards one causing it to flow.
Dim outline of the quarters of the metropolis at the bottom, floating in the viscous and pink ether, they started to come closer. Zhora rapidly sank to him, saddled only that his desire to escape and fear проносившейся past the black chariot drawn by six blue-black winged horses. He could see, as it unfolded and again at full speed rushes to him, cutting through the waves of the invisible ether and thereby somewhere below interference in радиоустройствах. She was going faster than Zhora down, although the decline was more rapid nowhere - he flew like a bullet. He's made his desire to be saved last effort, increasing the speed. And black chariot, showering his hellish flames passed her. It was good to see, as the elves and angels fly away with her.
George fell into the abyss of the concrete jungle of the city. The radio here was midst, and move because it was harder. He was rushing about in search of a shelter where you can hide from the black chariots, and could not find where I left it. There was secure he felt it. At first he was moving along the streets, but the black chariot double-swept past him, piercing through the building as easily as free space, almost overtaken him, and George realized that the same can penetrate matter without meeting obstacles.
Now the chase turned into a play, in which Zhora clearly lost to the black chariot. He occasionally abruptly turned and with a furious pace rose to the side. It saved him, but each time the distance between them is decreasing, and the next time Жоре it was not leave.
A furious pace Zhora flew over two or three shelters. But these were not his refuge. These were strangers seekers who, even if he'd really wanted to, could not penetrate. And suddenly he was lucky. Ahead, up to the height to which he was running, ducking away from overtaking his black chariots, was left to them in the body. Hardly had he whisk in him, as the black chariot распорола ether very close with him a shelter. If Zhora could at this moment, he'd breathed.
At this moment the body of Hippo gushing in convulsions, made last move and stood still in the dead stillness.
Gladyshev already saw it. He was down there in the street дадеко from this house. First he ran headlong, and even if asked now to find his way back, could not do this, then, out of breath, wearily trudged hardly, as the old man, the feet. For a long time he still could not come to himself, not seen anything around, pushed passers-by. His hands buzzing like after hard work. At times he lifted them up and looked at them like a madman.
Other passersby downright jerk away from the street, and it seemed to him that they know see him as a murderer and try to slip away with him one-on healthy.
Seeing somewhere ahead, at the intersection of a policeman, Gladyshev frightened, like a hare, turned into the driveway of the old house, went into the dark arch and stopped, waiting for something, froze, listening to the sounds in the street, rising vaulted ceiling if the mouthpiece. It seemed to him that he had been seeking, throughout the great Moscow with wild wails flying here and there yellow-and-blue police Canaries, and on all boards under the inscriptions "They wanted by police", already pasting just printed, still smelling of printing ink leaflets with his portrait.
But nobody came. He stood there, not knowing why. Passed by unknown people on their feet, and he stood there until the street it was quite dark, then went out and wandered back on evening city, occasionally looking back and bypassing rare policemen tenth road.
He didn't care where to go. He had a feeling that today is the last day of his life that he is not only killed a man, but he must die. However, in my head it did not occur to come back to where it happened accidentally, perhaps, but wickedness.
During his absence in the entrance of an abandoned house, where on the third floor lay остывающее body of Hippo, who did not come in, no mortal. In the yard of him stood a black chariot. The blue-black-winged horses impatiently led heads for the bridle, разевали exploding sheep and ржанием called his master to ask them a good scourge and let fly, slicing through the air and giving their inaudible бробным footfall in the souls of men unclear and vague anxiety.
Their horseman meanwhile выхаживался on the ground near the dead body of the man whom he barely managed to catch in her paws. Now he kept her waiting when she left the shelter and thought meanwhile, as if to coax her out of there.
Soul Zhora shudder felt this heavy gauge pace. Barely reaching her deep in the darkness of the dead body. She sought out into the sky, where there was so well flit between angels and elves, but fear not allow her. Instead he lost thoughts, told her that her outside waiting in mortal danger. It was unclear what this threat, but the emotions of the last chase has not yet extinguished, and because the soul was obedient to his fear that restrained her lifeless body, like an anchor.
The sound of a lone shot someone heard and called the police. First came the police, and then the doctors. They did have a dead body, but this does not prevent the owner of the black chariot is near and expect, as a bird of prey, production. Their funny and clumsy machines were standing right there next to his team in the six чернокрылых horses. Horse sniffed his car drivers, but they don't even noticed it, the police and the doctors did not notice that above them like a shadow is someone a lot more of them.
The dead body of a Hippopotamus were taken to the morgue, and black chariot slowly moved along. There horseman a chariot to stand in ожитдании this stubborn soul. Angels don't fly over it, he had nobody to argue for her, and she was completely in his power. He longed to have her, and he was willing to wait as long as would now not needed.
When the soul Zhora, losing gone through fear, возлетела finally, over the dead body, the first thing that greeted her eyes, was a tall, height up to the sky, black column, ending two dazzling, pointed spires, like a gigantic tree. Flying up above, it люболпытством found that this is not a column and not the tree, a giant black tower, two Windows in which those at the very top, burned dazzling green fire.
Mounting up higher still, soul Zhora suddenly realized that it was something terrible, huge, like a man. There was a deafening laughter, black giant grabbed Жорину soul in his paws, and black chariot rushed into the black abyss of Hell.
Chapter 32. (08). 06 -> 08 -> 02
If the desert evening street there shall meet you a man in a black Cape and a hat, hurry up to cross the street, and be baptized over again don't forget. Otherwise, you never know, will come to you under the brim hat face of the beast. I do not presume to even guess what can happen to such a meeting.
Gladyshev the road, no one moved. A passer-by in black bump into him, shoulder, and Гладышеву thought he hit the stone. Turning around, he noticed чтоповстречавшийся with him looking at him гемигающим, piercing eerie look, penetrating to the core, and smiles тонкогубым mouth, as if painted a pale, dusty-white face and sticking mustache.
The whole appearance of this strange so shaken by it, that he could not utter a word, although the first arose after the collision desire was indignant. Cry to him: "What the hell!" - and is stuck in the throat.
-Hit, young man? - asked a passer-by in a black cloak, turning his completely.
The tone of his voice was so indifferent, that it seemed that he was bullied.
"Actually, Yes, " gasped Gladyshev, thinking to himself, with what pleasure he now drove him on this pale, powdered Roger fiery-red moustaches.
-Well, nothing-nothing - faced type, he raised his arm and patted his shoulder. Гладышеву it seemed that even through the fabric of the clothes on his arm got cold, as if coming from his hand.
The devil is, what he wants from me! thought indignantly Gladyshev.
-And I because you kno-o-Ayu - faced continued. - You're the one who wants to become great... Great writer but who does not work... Still does not work.
Shoulder Gladysheva, on which lay a hand in a white glove, the ache fatigue, занемело like an eternity it bore an excessive severity, but crawling, he never noticed this. Now he himself became interesting:
-How do you know? - all has floated before his eyes from the presentiment of something strange and unusual, nothing that happens in life, maybe one day.
-I know much, thin lips again broke into a smile. - And you know almost everything.
-Really? asked surprised Gladyshev enchanted conversation.
-Yes. You are not only a talented writer, you're so great artist! You're a genius.
Гладышеву was scared that someone from the passers-by heard this strange type of nearly shouting, speaking loudly about his abilities, but there was not a soul. This calmed, and he surrendered to the pleasure, with unspeakable сладострасттием listening pouring on him flattery. For the first time he heard something similar. Never before, and no one praised him. He was ready to listen to it to infinity, unaware that his shoulder so tired from возлегшей hands on her white glove that is ready now to fall off.
-How sweet you say to me - Gladyshev was completely mesmerized by the speech рыжеусого stranger. - I am impressed with your words! But let me know who you are?
-I? - Mr. cloak and hat, and took it, holding it behind his back, along the deserted street. - I was a sorcerer, a young man, a magician, if you want. And this is my craft to know everything about everyone.
-Why then am I to you?
-I want to make you happy!
-Happy? surprised Gladyshev. - But how?
"I will help you.
-Help? But how?
-You want to become famous? Thou shalt them with my help.
My most treasured dream - confessed suddenly Gladyshev, разоткровенничавшись with the magician, - become the most prominent writer of the century.
-Well, I know about it and help you. You'll be the most famous writer not only of the century and Millennium. No, the two millennia! I'll do it! Only one condition: you will need so that you're completely surrendered to me, obey my will.
Gladyshev wanted to protest, a little taken aback from the last words, but he stopped his hard gesture that is not subject to objection. Lips of a magician stood in the pink line.
-No "but". No "but". I will behold thy way to glory. Only my will. You must suppress all their motives. They will disturb you. Only I will bring you where you never go without me.
Gladyshev listened, fascinated, not more daring to say a word.
-Was such Gogol - lips of a magician came into motion, twitched and started злорадной, a cruel smile. "You've heard about it. He thought it was possible to achieve something in his miserable жизненке without the participation of the higher forces. Naive smerd! Haha, how many manuscripts he had to burn, when he saw that no one reads that his feeble-minded поэмишки and рассказишки no need. I spotted it at the beginning, before all his torments, were on the way to St. Petersburg, where he drove inspired empty hope not only print as well, but the fame almost instantly. I had to offer him like this to make him famous, but he горделивец, rejected me as a beggar старикашку that came to him to ask for mercy. He thought that the talent is already all. And I made him brutally then pay for his arrogance. Having lost almost all, after testing needs and oblivion, after the disappointment in his abilities and thousands of sheets of manuscripts turned into ashes, he called me. He wrung his hands, dark nights, was riding in a frenzy on the floor and did things even more shameful, which to say something unpleasant, and I, invisibly present, waited until the bowl of his madness and despair filled to the brim. And then appeared to him one night. He hasn't left me. How could he pass by me, if you wanted fame, if hungry wealth, wanted to sell talent, if the spirit is translated in the flesh. He betrayed whom betray all from the times of Judas Iscariot, enticed metal. He still did not have a road differently than me. But, rejecting me for the first time, he drank the Cup of Woe to the brim. I handed him the Cup, I put it in his Rui, ready to take everything that comes up, I made him drink it.
Gladysheva exactly cold water poured.
-How? You and then lived? - could finally say.
Рыжеусый magician, apparently, he thought better of it:
-No, of course not, not I. This was my ancestor. The thing is, what I say is from his face as though he himself was there, because everything that happened with him and with thousands before lived my family, invested in my head as if I lived a thousand years.
Гладышеву wanted to much to ask this strange face pale and red moustaches, but suddenly he was very afraid of obscure words, failing to get through to his затуманенному consciousness, however, sowed in the soul of anxiety.
-You are not a magician - backed back, removing the cold hand, Gladyshev. - You are not a magician! I'm afraid of you!
He was about to turn around and take flight, but in этусамую second, thunderous voice stopped him just nailed in place:
-Stand by, boy!!! I'm not a magician! I'm not really a magician! I'm more of a magician! I'm a master of white and black magic. But mostly black!
Рыжеусый approached him, and Гладышеву seemed that he growls wild and bloodthirsty beast:
-How do you want?!! How would you want?!! Nothing is given for so, especially in this life! Here to pay, pay me!!! I am the master of the world!!! My power is in it's unlimited!!!
At this moment Гладышеву thought he dies. Something like a spring, was broken inside, somewhere in the region of the abdomen. He even thought that this psycho stabbed him with a knife in the solar plexus, but he stood and continued to shout something in two steps away from him. In the eyes of Gladysheva ran a spark spun colored circles and rings. "Apparently it from fear, he thought, before falling onto the sidewalk. Consciousness, like a flash, brightened for a moment, as if in a dream he heard the last words рыжеусого:
-I will come back and we'll talk! In another time...
When Gladyshev woke up, everything around him seemed too white. He looked around and realized that is a special room with painted a pale green color panels white-washed walls and ceiling. "Where am I?" he asked himself, barely шевельнув from навалившегося him impotence lips. Now he begin to see that he is lying on something hard, and, with difficulty turning his head. Saw is a hospital nearby. Near stood several more such. Them people lay, covered with sheets.
"In the morgue I? thought Gladyshev. - But why?! I'm still alive!"
He tried to stand, but his hands and feet were heavy and powerless. "What's the matter with me?" - scared he then moved his fingers. They obeyed. He tried to call someone to aid him, to scream, but his throat was heard only wheezing.
However, approached him. As if through a veil of sleep he saw the face of a nurse in a white kerchief. She said something, but her voice did not reach his ear. Ушие cs was like a stuffed with cotton.
Gladyshev saw that the first nurse came second. In their hands they had capsules, syringes, cotton wool. A moment later, he felt a little stab in the thigh, then a leg heat and fell asleep.
He had a GOD. He was a great, all-round, big and kind. Much like both Golden cloud and on an enormous pile of dough with a silver-gray beard. He sat surrounded by a blooming garden of Eden and tore themselves from small lumps, would roll them in Golden balls, the balls and shot down on the Ground where other balls, just something different from the first, that only made to return to the Heavens with him. God carefully scrutinised them, and then, or attach them to himself, and then they vanish in his huge, Golden body, or... there were some that God, having considered, stripped from myself away with anger and disgust, barely showed on the tranquil face, and then these balls like carrion crows, selected fluttering also near the black angels and carried them down somewhere...
When Gladyshev woke up, I saw that are already painted with white paint iron bed, in the room in which lay a few people. He tried to recall what happened to him and how he got here, and remembered how putting a pistol on fuse, shot in Jora.
The horror of the incident filled it with its freezing their hearts cold. Gladyshev hid under the blanket and, pretending to be asleep so, lay in таколм position half a day. When he was approached by a nurse and her blanket, was to Wake him for lunch. He has matured a decision: to immediately leave the place. He is healthy, doesn't feel that bad. Besides, it is necessary to warn Veronica and do something to find Hippopotamus or, at least, know that with him.
Gladyshev could not good to remember how he was left yesterday Hippo one. It just happened by itself. I remember he rushed to call somebody to help, but then got scared. Frightened for themselves, but not only for fear of being prosecuted for murder. For some reason he was indescribably afraid to go there, at the entrance of an abandoned house. After this shot Gladyshev was. Feeling of reality had left him, and he wandered, and not to call for help, somewhere, winding through the streets of a huge crowded city...
"I need to get away from here!" he said, rising from the bed and was surprised considering her red hospital pajamas.
After lunch, he knew where to find his clothes, descended in the emergency Department. However clothing, as he asked, he was not given. He would have gone, but he had not even money, which would be enough to take the other end of Moscow, where in the hotel remained Veronica.
Gladyshev предствил him in his pajamas will make in broad daylight it's a journey through the capital. And he felt. He knew that he could not do it. Anyway, happy. Remained night. Under its cover, if not detained by the police, he gets to be carried to the hotel, and there he will learn and be allowed. Gladyshev decided to wait for the evening.
The day passed slowly. He was summoned to the doctor to fill out a medical history, measure temperature and pressure. He tried again to prove that is completely healthy, and it should be made out, but the doctor and would not hearken to his, and his arguments answered the impenetrable silence, not forgetting to demand from him that raised their hands that hold your breath, or something else.
After this inspection, Gladyshev out in the public garden on the territory of the hospital. It was quiet in the yard of her прогуливалось and sat on a bench a few patients. The evening was a while and Sunny, but cool, steam coming out of his mouth, and Gladyshev запахиваясь tight into heavy hospital gown, thought that the night had to be quite cold, so make an escape without a coat does not.
He walked to and fro for the sick скверику, looking occasionally eyes blackened from moisture, almost lost their foliage, trees, waited until the evening and thought about his somber fate and about what happened yesterday misfortune that he does not want to say a crime, especially murder. For the hundredth time, he thought, how it happened, and for the hundredth time, and prayed to God that his shot was still not fatal. Then he was scared of Hippo, staying alive, now terribly angry with him for what he Gladyshev, run away, as the last coward, and meeting them will be terribly uncomfortable and maybe even dangerous. But this was still better for him than if George was killed them. "I'll try not to come across his eyes the first time, he thought. "If only he was alive".
Gladyshev not going neither except ззавязывать Dating in hospital. Perhaps, later, when he would come and see her, and suddenly all is well, Zhora will be alive. Then he will agree to come back here and lie here for a week or two, and at the same time and make some campaign for a pastime. But now it was no good. However, now and then came up any types in hospital gowns, asked for a cigarette, or tried to strike up a conversation. It was nasty. In the end, he was just forced to return to the chamber and to lie on his bed with his face to the wall, until supper.
Over dinner at the hospital dining room rose before him childhood memories, and he therefore did not pay absolutely no attention to the neighbors at the table and talk, and, if handled the matter, then posted something vague and incomprehensible. If he does come on memory, as in early childhood, at the age of three years-four he had to lie in a hospital with dysentery. It then детсик епереживания surfaced in the memory like yesterday's, and was sad when a mother brought him to the emergency Department of the hospital and is now leave егоо strangers, strangers aunt in white coats, very angry and relating to it without love, without love, to which, as to the air gets used and, as in the air, needs реббенок. He clearly remembered how melancholy-тоскливы for him were those short minutes. Lady in white coats took him from the mother in the house, where there were many strangers children, возившихся with toys, not обращавших no attention to him, led to the crib in the corner, covered with a rope net, but he wanted to see the mother. Then they led him to the window and put on the wide windowsill. At the bottom it was my mother. She smiled and tried to calm him, promised to pick up through the week. But this is not consoled him. Tears from the eyes. He cried, widely, childish and opening the mouth and letting drooling. Even one day in the hospital seemed to him then eternity, although he was willing to endure it. But the week was the infinity, from the overpowering which his childish heart заходилось bitter tears...
Gladyshev sighed and glanced at the window, through which it was already dark. Autumn evening came into their law, but to run it was still early. We had to wait for at least half the night, when the streets of the big city quite empty.
Because in the Department extinguished the light, he guessed that already eleven, he lay there with his eyes open, ворочаясь to stay awake for another hour, then stood up and looked out of the chamber. In the dark corridor was no one, but at the door at the table, in the muted iron shade light from the Desk lamp nurse was setting, дежурившая night. Watching her from the door of the chamber of glimpsing, he stood still for an hour, until finally, he waited, that the nurse got up and went for some reason in the distant chamber at the other end of the corridor.
Not wasting a minute, he grabbed with Bathrobe and clothes hangers on tiptoe, springy step, himself wondering how it got so deftly and quickly turns out, jumped up to the door, turned the key in the keyhole and gently slipped slightly opening the fold, into a narrow slit, which meet with the flight of stairs powerfully as in a wind tunnel, blew cold air. On the stairs was quiet and empty, and he ran down, skipping through two steps to the third so that hospital Slippers almost slipped from his feet, clapping created on the heels.
Once at the bottom, he stopped and listened. The rumble of his steps stiffened somewhere at the top, and on the stairs again there was silence. For him, no one was chasing. "So to see who would have thought: "Crazy!" - smiled to myself Gladyshev and went outside. This мысльнемного really cheered him and lifted her mood, and it is not immediately noticed how cold wind blows here.
The hospital's courtyard he crossed without adventure, and went out to the roadway, saw nowhere взявшуюся поливальную machine. Ride was still better than walking, even if slowly. Especially in his position, and he voted. The driver slowed and motioned for him in the cabin. Gladyshev ran onto the road, jumped on the bandwagon and the next moment was beside him on the seat.
-Br-R-R! Cold, " he said, wrapping floors robe.
-Are you nuts? - with a smile asked the young moustached driver, adding gas and again including pumps брандспойнта.
"No, " he shook his head Gladyshev.
-And why then the night in Moscow in one coat run?
-Yes, I'm from the hospital. My wife should be. Got a chance to hospital, she in the hotel for the day, as one, and not know where I am. I doctors say: release, the fiends. And they are not in any. Here himself, and had gone to give - justified Gladyshev.
"You young for a married individual look. Don't lie lie?
-No. Well, as it happens at all it happens in different ways, right then?
"Actually, Yes, " said the chauffeur. - M was won buddy in sixteen married fourteen-year. And the child was already, can you imagine? And how it came about?! His parents to visit with him, along with her parents arrived. Well, there I do not know that schA problems arose among them, only boy I had nowhere to put to sleep. And they did not think of anything else better and took him along with it to put as little children. I don't know where these parents then heads were, and what they themselves thought, only those fellows in the same night схлопотали child. So he had to marry. Ha - ha - ha. So, I agree - anything can happen. Okay, you where?
-Hotel "Kosmos".
-Eka far you got to hurt! Maybe you better for a taxi? I had not close light on my wagon shove. Huh?!
-Well, please! pleaded Gladyshev, whole body leaning to the chauffeur. - I have no money even.
-How is it not? - surprised the driver.
"There! No! Me to the hospital in an unconscious state brought clothes taken away and do not give in.
"You don't happen to do with the crazy whether rise, and? Sounds a lot like!
-And what clothes you not give?
I don't know it happened. Listen, well run.
-Wow - run! - nodded driver. Somewhere around here - I would gladly. And for me that way and a hook. You I imagine it?
"Listen!" Well, be a human! Help! You one hope.
The driver stopped a few minutes long and silently looked at the Gladysheva, as if examining it from head to toe, then pressed the accelerator, adding turns jerk moved.
-Well, so be it, " he said. "Looks like a man you're not that bad. Now the work completed yet, water is used up and take you.
About three o'clock came they to the porch of the chic "Cosmos". Noticing his chic showcases, looking upwards, where in the darkness drowned upper floors of the building, the driver for the farewell words replied:
-Wow! Looks like you're crazy chic, since in this edifice is live! Okay, let.
Watering the car moved away, and Gladyshev, holding floors robes, rushed to the entrance, отблескивающему тонировнными glasses.
Receptionist saw him, влетевшего in the chic lobby замусоленном portrait, she thought, probably devils that, because not recognized him as a longtime tenant hotels and threw herself between them, loudly shouted:
-Young man! Where are you heading?! Young man!! Stop!!! Wait, you say!!! I now call the police!
She caught up with him already at the ladder, he realised that the Elevator eat nothing to do and rushed up there, and caught her arm, imperiously, how can Russian women, dressed even in the most sophisticated and элегенантный toilet. To:
-Hey, stop!!!
She pulled Gladysheva themselves. It launched.
-Are you not recognize me?" there was not a breath, " he shot back.
From surprise to администраторши speechless. She stood up, still staring wide-eyed.
My room is there anybody in there? asked Gladyshev. He was very excited and he had no time to go into the explanation, although the situation demanded. - In my room anybody there?
The meaning of the repeated question, apparently, got to her, and she nodded his head affirmatively, unable to utter a word in surprise.
Gladyshev rushed up the stairs. On the third floor, order out of breath, he rang the Elevator. It seemed to him that speed cab slowed to a crawl. He was in a hurry and didn't understand what speed he has nowhere. Is it could be something to fix, something предоттвратить this haste?
Veronica long not open. Когад his door finally opened, he barged, panting and almost отпихнув it aside.
-What's wrong with you?! - Veronica rubbed her sleepy eyes. "How do you come in this form? Where are you, in General, been all this time?!
No answer, still breathing hard, he walked into the room and powerless collapsed in a chair. She sat opposite him on the edge of the bed and began to wait for a response. When she tired of his silence, she eagerly and impatiently asked:
-Will you tell me, finally, what all this means?
Gladyshev looked at her apologetically, drew breath, scored more air into the lungs and said, mumbling every word:
-I think I killed Jora...
-What?! his words tore Veronica. She flew to him and knelt beside the chair on her knees, sitting on the floor. - What?!
-I don't know - Gladyshev took your fingers on the forehead, then his face in his hands. - I don't know. Perhaps, I never killed him. But I fired and hit him in the stomach... or chest...
-Why? Why did you do that?! Donkey! - Veronica moaned from grief.
-I didn't mean... I dont like, you know... somehow it just happened accidentally. He told me to put the gun on the fuse. I became his place, and he fired a shot. I even understand't managed to do anything. And then, when he saw the Zhora already slipping down, and his clothes blurry stain of blood.
-A-a-a! - Veronica lay down on the floor and begin to cry. "Idiot! Who are you, in General, has entrusted weapons! You're a dunce! You treat him, as it should be, don't know how to even! Ah!
Gladyshev wanted to comfort her, but didn't know how to do it. He watched as she beats in hysterics, listened to her curse and wondered: is she so loved him so much, to so kill? But no, he couldn't wouldn't believe it! He knew her too well to believe her tears! However, knew? Maybe she's in my heart it was something human... But how can you betray the man, hate him, while he is alive, and then kill it when it is already impossible to return... maybe money. Money. Of course, money. Who will now provide her luxurious life which she had hungered and which sought to which it had already become accustomed? Only Hippo could afford such luxury, and she apparently understands it perfectly. From and its bitter tears. However, how could he know. Someone else's soul, as it is known, - the darkness.
-Calm down, don't cry, please! he said to her. - I don't know what became of him, he might be alive. I may be only injured him. I was in a hurry to be with you look for it.
Veronica even cried for a long time. When she calmed down, she asked him:
-Why are you in this damn robe? Where are your clothes?
-I ended up in hospital. Right on the street lost consciousness.
-Слюнтяй! with hatred through his teeth процедила it. - Change your clothes! Went to seek him! Idiot! No wonder, Gladyshev, I always called you by name. Now I made sure that the other treatment you deserve!
The whole day they spent on the search for the ill-fated house and when they found him, finally convinced that the staircase was empty. On the floor there, where there was a misfortune, there are only brown spot and вычерченная chalk figure contours of the person.
Chapter 33. (02) 06 -> 08 -> 02)
There comes a time когад to fix something already impossible. Onon inevitably comes when life ends. It is best to understand this once before mortals bier person you once knew or with whom he lived next lately. The brevity and the futility of life appear suddenly, with a special, striking clarity, clarity and unambiguous directness. And, seeing as pointless, not when expected, and because I broke someone else's life, you start to think about her, as brittle and prone to hundreds of dangers on all sides, and you realize that seemingly unshakeable сегодняшее things tomorrow becomes the cause of self-destruction, and make plans for the future, defining itself as make our own way in this world, - mere trifle, and deceit itself.
Thought about it Gladyshev, standing next to Veronica, смолкнувшей, WAN-looking wrapped in mourning attire, приглушившим all her lovely charm. He suddenly действительносделалось scared, now or at some, very little time, he may as well die. Did somebody promised him that he live still not that a couple of years, and at least a couple of months or days. Yes, even hours. The death was very near, and it seemed to him that in this building is everywhere with her, and she is waiting just a moment bite him and sink her with his cold teeth.
Bemoaning his impressionability, he was berating himself for coming here. Who is he? Is it necessarily to be present when the deceased last and give him the honours?
From all нерадостных thoughts was badly. I had a headache. Want to get away, somewhere in the sun, on a glade in the middle of the forest, to around've been green and breathed life.
The dream of its likely frantic attempts of his soul to escape from reality, тяготившей mortal anguish, broke down, because he remembered the accident that on a court yard already the summer. "As gloomy die in the autumn", he thought and wondered myself if it was possible to choose, would rather die, but never came up with: in any season die was bad.
Disposal silence, полоснув his nerves and forcing herself from thinking, was playing loudly, sadly, heartbreakingly organ music, filling high arches and ceilings of the hall, decorated in red and black, nasty tone, some nervous tension, delivering, forcing all present except, perhaps, the workers of the institution, who ruled here and the papers, and music, and the farewell speech on behalf of the relatives, and even microwave - main instrument and the instrument for which it existed building, and which, judging from the expression on their faces, lean and indifferent, all this order, to the premises, tired: ahead ббыл a whole working day, and for the doors of the waiting queue hearses, is to survive the terrible, dark hour, when eerily like only one to get this nightmare is over.
"Very similar to the registry office, - not without relief thought Gladyshev, when the music finally stopped. - The same callousness and bitter". Had reached him clear thought that he would not like to someday he's buried. It was all too disgusting to his soul. Let it better buried in a common grave for the homeless and vagrants than that.
"Who will protect? he thought. -People are almost always do not know the true will of the deceased, and if they are, they do not see reasons then perform it. Nobody thinks that comes his turn to, or thinks отогда him to be still. The world is full of atheists".
Gladyshev very afraid that it is not отпоют in the Church in the Orthodox tradition, невеслом process of parting with the world, it was perhaps the only bright moment, giving hope. But to do this present times was costly, very troublesome, and, most importantly, not very safe - Communist secret service has closely followed functions of the cult of the population, and if the старухам, Yes dead bring any claims could not, younger people still hoping somehow to live, many risked and therefore did their best to evade the connection with the Church, seeing the request of the deceased perform the Orthodox rite only a strange whim, a tribute to fashion, псевдоприверженность to the old, already obsolete long ago its century of traditions. Many of them, fussing year after year, died before had time to think about his soul and its salvation rid of the atheistic, greedy-insatiable intoxication.
Gladyshev knew that the burial of the deceased is not simply give him homage too heavy and difficult, requiring the all-night vigil in which atheists saw only causing stiffness. It was the efforts of all who prayed for him, to help his soul ascend into Heaven, having overcome encountered on this path publicans-Zastava, which was the more than as being the most sinful passed earthly life, and each could be the last on the way up to God and hurl it down into Hell, to Hell. The more praying sincerely from our heart pronounced in the night in a single noble desire words of the prayer, the easier it was the way up to Heaven. And if the soul be left alone, not knowing what the struggle is waiting for her exit from the body, then what could it be?
The thought him were terrified. He almost physically felt, as the soul of Hippo rises above the body of the deceased and her snatch from all sides demons sent from hell. It even wince.
"God forbid!" pleaded himself Dima.
-What's wrong with you?! angrily asked Veronica turned towards him. - You that, Gladyshev, and now can't stand still for five minutes?!"
Civil funeral ceremony came to an end. Church no one ordered. Approaching the last minute farewell with the body of the deceased.
"With the soul nobody not going to say goodbye, thought to himself, Dima. - To say goodbye to the soul, you must work hard! With the body much easier to say goodbye, and if you're not so annoying nasal voice even and pleasant! God, what a terrible death!"
Suddenly it is as if struck by lightning. He remembered who killed Jora, and sharp pain прострелила through him. "How could I forget?! - Dima was horrified. - It is I killed him, I am! If not I, then none of this would not have existed today! How could I?!"
He unwittingly caught myself thinking that unbearable wants to escape, to run. As you can kill a man and now stand next to his wife and to see how his body prepared to be burned alive?! Am I normal if I can afford now to do?! I must confess, repent of this foul deed and прсить for himself mercy, and not to stand now, as the graven image, and not put a good face on a bad game, playing a good man! Killer! How could you?! How can you?!"
Dima cautiously looked at Veronica. He felt that he is not himself, and she asks him about it. But the girl stood with her head turned, and stared at one point in space, somewhere past the coffin of her husband.
"I wonder what she was thinking? - having calmed down, I asked myself : Dima. - Whether she knows who killed him? Guess whether the murderer, albeit unintentional, but still a killer, standing behind her? And if she wants to generally know who killed him and how this all happened?"
Veronica again turned and left her with a look full of tears. He was short, but like пригвождающий, and Dima his frightened. Her eyes seemed to say: "Why did you kill him?"
Dima drew back from her, and suddenly remembered that Veronica knows everything, that he himself about everything she said. It scared him even stronger: "She can give me!"
Dima something had gone wrong. He felt this, but could not realize that this is happening to him. His thought feverishly рработала, but entangled herself, уязала and was lost in his swollen member, юлила in one place, tripped over something insignificant bite its own tail, and raved in a word, nothing useful to do. His soul is crushed by heavy burden страшнонго crime, performed a wild and terrible dance like tango, and from that on the face of Dima and then it appeared momentary grimaces, bottomless emptiness in the absence of emotions and suddenly terrible.
If somebody looked at the moment the Гладышевва, familiar its just not immediately be learned and unfamiliar likely would think that in the hall of the crematorium somehow snuck a crazy person.
Actually inside Dima has plagued hundreds of sharp, burning like hooks. They would have hanged him on the spot and slowly соверщали his torture clutching at its very soul. If she let him, he could not bear it and he ran aimlessly, but he stood and together with all the other looked at the red coffin with black stripes, was hoisted on the pedestal. From the grave was only waxen face of the deceased. In fact, after some time it must really begin to melt under the action of furnace heat and... carry unbearable carry, carry, so that even powerful pump, pulling vapours from the VST the pipe stinking smoke of a furnace, failed completely, and in the ceremonial hall of the air had sickening taste even now, when the furnace stand idle waiting for the next portion of the work.
"As for today, there have already been burned corpses? thought Dima. - And what for to wait until the person becomes a corpse? To accelerate the process can not wait until the person dies. Take, for example, and at the same time with the dead burn all those present at his funeral. In the German concentration camps and did: burned people alive who have not managed to poison gases".
Dima is presented as it is pushed into a trolley and wheeled into the mouth of the crematorium ovens, where the hot breath of the monster comes out of hell crave flesh, nasty flame. It rests feet in the door leaf. And it continues to shove in there. And it's hot, hot! It intolerably hot, he's hurt. The flame burns it. The skin of his hissing and popping. But more than this horrible pain, it hurt, his hatred, his thirst for revenge! Who gave the right of these people to burn it?! Who?! And he answers your question: no one. Gave no rights to these brazen людишкам cause him pain and suffering, to interfere with his life! No one gave them the right to destroy its unique organism, this miracle mechanism, this amazing creation, not they created! Therefore, they deserve punishment! And requisitions of unbearable pain, it is transformed from a victim in hangman, the avenger, and изловчившись sticks his head in the microwave one of his губителей. He hears the rattle of his hair, as he was shouting, but soon suffocated by scorching flames, as cracking and popping the skin on his head and the pain, Dima feels joy satisfied revenge and killed himself with a smile on his face. Greedy flames devours him alive...
Someone several times nudged him in the side under rib. It was Veronica:
-Wake up, Gladyshev, " she said, almost indifferently, without contempt, but without the participation. "Actually, why should it despise me? he thought. - Participate in the hallucinations of my soul it could not". - Go will say goodbye.
Veronica went somewhere, and Dima to realize that the final minute of the ceremony, when all had to come and bid farewell to the deceased. Then it together with the coffin and put on a small tape of the conveyor, which will take away it in the microwave... How terrible it is, as it is creepy! thought Dima, and again has just started. - What is an abomination!"
He also went to the grave and stood at the end of a queue to a headboard, where everyone comes to cold dead man's forehead and said some words. Dima noticed that almost no one wept, and such that were killed, moaning or fell unconscious was not. Apparently, was stinking, dismal, gloomy atmosphere of the building, and before the enormity of oppression and places, and the forthcoming actions of the body, no one was able to give vent to his feelings. He himself was a strong feeling that now die from this мазохистскоготранса, and remained in his soul all this time, lasted until the funeral. He even wanted to now and, if not that, then at least to поттерять consciousness, and get away from here in the form of the insensible body.
It was his turn to be at the bedside. It was the likeness of torture: watch the waxen face of the murdered thee person, and kiss him then in the forehead. He's from last forces stood their half a minute, but felt that he could not kiss killed under pain of death, and walked away to become numb legs.
A few minutes later two of the porter came to the sepulcher and moved it onto a conveyor belt. One of them pressed the button and coffin disappear распахнувшимися on секундустворками furnace doors.
-Why you do not want to bury him a Christian life? -- Dima asked Veronica. - Read the burial service over it, as expected, in the Church, bury the body of the earth. Go you and me, you are not Communists...
Veronica looked at Gladysheva, as an idiot, then said:
But not Christians, too. Besides, it is Moscow, I don't know anyone here.
-But look how many relatives and friends came to say goodbye to him! Could be some договориься...
Veronica looked around the гладдышева eyes, which easily could read: "be Silent in General, poor fellow!" - and turned away
Not ten minutes, as an employee of the crematorium passed in the hall of pig-iron urn with the ashes of the deceased, and all went behind him on the adjacent to the crematorium cemetery, where everything was ready for burial: the earth was seated small cube склепик of concrete. Was put into the ballot box behind her flew farewell bouquets of flowers. When the last of the нихупал, describing lonely arc in the air and covering the lid of the urn work, which brought the urn have pulled over the crypt on top of a small marble slab carved with her gold facsimile Zhora Бегетова and dates of life.
-I wouldn't like to be buried, - I said Dima Veronica.
"Don't worry, Gladyshev, " she said. - You are buried, as visiting the Jackal - be sure.
Dima sighed, realizing that at the wrong time joined the conversation.
The widow began to approach the present, to Express the last time his condolences on the loss, before the separate to go to the hotels where they were staying.
-Why you didn't want to take the urn with the ashes home? surprised Dima.
"I see you have increased talkativeness today, " said Veronica. - Well, so be it, I'll answer. And I hope it's your last question for today. I think he will rest more pleasant in the capital, where he was killed, than lie in the land, which runs on his killer-app.
She gave a final glance at tombstone and walked away, to the entrance of the cemetery. Dima went after her, because I didn't know what to do now. It was clear that we should go home: if before him in Moscow there was nothing to do, now even more so.
He walked slowly, but at the exit from the cemetery they Veronica yet passed. She stopped him with a gesture.
-We leave out: I need the money, ' said the young woman. "Besides, I'm not going to thee contain, as did George. So, Gladyshev, the hotel can even not to come back... But no, take their belongings, and then get. Thou me more not интеречсуешь, however, was not interested in ever. I hope that tomorrow our paths never cross my little идиотик. Honestly, Gladyshev, I expected CBO you just what you want, but not so the pigs you men had to strip immediately and husband, and livelihoods. Whom I now need? I now don't cry just because wept tears in these last night! Pig! You made me an orphan, left моегоо child without a father.
-What kind of a child? surprised Dima.
-Someone who starts when a man and woman sleep together.
-You will have a child?! - guessed and was delighted to Dima.
-Yes, unfortunately, " said Veronica. - But, thank God, that is not from you, Gladyshev.
She turned and went away briskly, цокая metal heels on the pavement, and he in confusion and disarray stood his ground, following her gaze, and only then ran after him.
By the evening he appeared on the street with all her simple Luggage. He had no money even for a train ticket to go home. We had to somehow earn. Where to find money, and while settle somewhere for the night, to not put in jail cops.
Late at night, намотавшись in Moscow, he found one of the most cheap hotels, what is popularly known as "клоповниками", and barely scraped money to pay for a night in the iron beds, on the bare mattress and an empty pillow without underwear.
In the morning Dima woke up from a terrible feeling of being tickled. He opened his eyes and saw that on the face of негоо sitting something vile. Feeling the wave of disgust overwhelmed by it to the brim, he immediately wiped it on the floor and saw огросмного spider"сенокосца" with long legs-паутинками. On the floor, the ceiling, on the walls, as удалосьрассмотреть dime in the first morning light, their swarm кишело. Except spiders коммната was full of flies and cockroaches.
But Диминогоо scrub that yesterday he was weary, threw it under the bed, gone, just mysteriously disappeared. Dima went to had nothing to complain about, but no one listened.
Is a flophouse, " they told him, he barely made it clear that they were gone, things need to hide under itself: under the pillow under the mattress, under the blanket. Under the mattress is better not to put - ass over the net.
"But what shall I do now? -- Dima asked.
-Look, - answered, " perhaps find something. Is that not carry away, hide under a neighboring bed, and then, only in the afternoon already, failing and then all. Seek to find.
Maybe call the police? - very timidly asked Dima.
-No, - answered, " they are here on such trifles are not shown. Except that if a fight drunk or kill someone.
And often people are killed here?
-Yeah once a week for sure.
Dima was quite bad. He had a keen sense of loneliness, a hundred KRA increasing realization of our own poverty. Now the soul he did not have a penny, and if yesterday could sell at least half the price of those books that were lying in its your bag, then today he stole it.
Wanted to cry, but everything was so gloomy and implausible that I could not believe that such things could really happen. Dima went to her bed exhausted and sat down on it, forgetting about lost things about swarming around the hordes of different insects. Dream heavy and необоримый fell on him, and he decided that he needed a NAP even if for a bed that's already purchased, because tomorrow sleep on the bed unlikely to have, and this is, perhaps, the last pleasure which he has not yet been taken away.
His heavy eyelids closed, and he was again falling asleep. His hand crawling spider-сенокосец, and Dima dreamt that his skin crawling loathsome insect, and all ковруг teeming with the same filthy insects. He suffered and groaned in his sleep, and this time the other guests rooming house already woke up and began to wander in search of a piece of bread and money, that tonight that you would come back and переночавать here.
31 December 1998, on the stairs of the landed at Sheremetyevo-2 "Boeing" on москвовскую earth stepped strange man.
On the form he was thirty, however, if someone of those who knew him before, was present at this, they would could hardly conceal his surprise. This man was a very good sign. Anyone who has seen him before very surprised, because his face is almost not changed, and he greatly resembled the young man, which was before, only the hair on his head with an early kind of gray.
For a moment, coming out of the plane, he stayed on top of its platform and looked around, breathing in the frosty Moscow air as if to miss him for a long his absence. The gangway was rocking from side to side, Recalling its infidelity as a support. The young man stood, as if hesitated a second, different, and having taken a decision, and went his way.
-All the best! he asked casually to the flight attendant waved passengers.
-Good buy! Happy New Year! - stewardess replied colored.
-Oh! Yeh! Happy New Year! "he said the young man, and I thought to myself: "New year I should meet at home!" - though his real home was still more than seven hundred kilometers. However, upon returning from China, where he spent the last twelve years, he really felt at home.
When the young man was not for the weather umbrella-cane yellow-коричнового color with the ivory handle inlaid with (who would know that he is real!) пятидесятикаратным diamond, a small case of crocodile leather with a handle of саламандрового tree, also with small diamonds, and shoes of the same crocodile leather with platinum buckles with diamond dust. The bright, silvery-grey wool suit was накинуто thin coat of camel wool. Buttons on the suit and coat well as small diamonds sparkled.
Pogranichnik long incredulously studied passport American citizen. Sparkling, dazzling view of an alien born in the Ukraine, was confused about it endlessly. To the same date of birth, specified in пасорте, refused to be true.
-Gladyishev Dmytriy Alexandrovich?
-How old are you?
Question introduced a young man in confusion.
-Can speak Russian with me, " he said to the border guard.
-Well, how old are you? again addressed him in the border guard. - On the passport you seventeen, in appearance - not less than twenty-five.
"Sorry, " confused young man, - a photo in the passport meet my appearance?
-Well, Yes, " agreed the border guard.
-Then what's the matter? - the young man was beginning to feel angry.
-But you were born in Ukraine!
-So what?
-The purpose of your visit - the border guard thought a lot before ask this question.
-Visit relatives.
Actually he came to seek спасеня from his universal loneliness, which contracted for a long time. It seemed to him that he got them out here somewhere in this time. No, exactly at this time. And his return from the prosperous world in which it was in this miserable world he left behind more than ten years ago, was associated only with this. He did not yet know how he rid of this scourge, which suddenly discovered in his soul, but was firmly confident that get rid of this obsession you can only back. Although they say: twice into the same river, thou shalt not come.
Following it, Охромов not expressed very sorry, he аообще had not expressed any sadness: moor has done his duty, the moor can go. The only thing that he said at parting: "to come back - you know what to do. But you have only six months."
-You are not afraid to go in Moscow? - asked the border guard, all the same decided to stop stupid harassment returning documents.
"No, " answered the young man, picked up the case and headed for customs clearance.
Customs officers also kept it for a long time, what he never expected. It is generally assumed that after just half an hour after arrival, will be at a hotel. They forced him to declare umbrella, diplomat, shoes, buttons on a suit and coat, as containing precious stones, warned that even if lost at least one button with a coat or suit, he is in big trouble relating to smuggling.
-Why are you вырядились? Lord, you're walking a jewellery shop. The guards you need to attach to twenty people to everywhere escort, " cried the pretty таможенница thirty years.
It then calculates the amount of jewelry, which drew the clothes of a foreigner and ran to report to the boss.
Came fat, bloated head of the customs post.
-You have to pass all of this in storage in the customs warehouse, " he muttered, something munching.
"Why not?" the young man said
-Exceeded the marginal rate of the sum on import of jewelry natural person.
-But it's my clothes, was indignant foreigner - I always dress! You want to leave me naked?
-Then pay the state duty on the import of precious stones. But it will cost you a lot of money!
The young man immediately pulled out my Visa card and handed таможеннице without any comments.
Later двадцатт five minutes long white limousine, which is in Moscow on the fingers of one could count, took him to the front of the hotel "Cosmos".
Is not the best hotel for such a guest, as you warned his chauffeur, saying goodbye.
"I know, " replied the young man and went to the rotating четырехлопатсным door.
Администраторша knew him not, yet it is twelve years since she saw him for the last time. It only made the instinctive gesture, as if closed from the dazzling rays: a young man full sparkled with diamonds, like an alien from another world. But knew it, he was hardly more than a month in her life since she last time on film in the visual memory of a young man.
-You room? - she asked, with a professional speed to recover from the shock.
-Yes, I please, " he wrote on a piece of numbers and filed администраторше.
-What do you need that room? 'she returned. - I can offer you a luxury apartment.
"Nothing, thank you, nostalgia.
Администраторша, understanding nothing, quickly executed the documents and filed a young person keys:
"Thanks, " he replied and headed to the Elevator.
"Here it is the one room in which he lived Dmitry Gladyshev month and a half ago, " thought the young man, going into a familiar number.
Room was cleaned empty and buried, like any other hotel room. There was such impression, that it is empty since the Foundation of the hotel, and it has never lived.
"I wonder where Veronica?" - asked himself a young man.
He walked in number to the window, looked down from the ninth floor and returned to the familiar couch, then wearily sat down on him, with hands, and only now feeling the worn for the last time.
"Why did I come back? - променлькнула in his head by a stray thought. Perhaps that is my next mistake is to return to the message and try to correct it."
"I wonder where Veronica, " he thought further, " the room is so empty, as if't live here two hundred years. Buried all to стирильности. Even the spirit of the guests left. But it's the room, I could not be mistaken. And Veronica should even be here."
Twelve years ago he called her from the street phone. She was in the room.
"You still went? he wanted to know.
"No, " she replied, " I told you I didn't want you to hear more.
-But why you have not left home? "he asked.
In response, the receiver began beeping. The greater this number is not answered, often he called. And now, twelve years later, when he returned, he penetrated into the room, where we should live Veronica, but it was completely empty.
The young man picked up the phone, standing on the bedside table the couch and dialed the hotel administrator.
-Yes I will listen to you.
-Tell me, Veronica Бегетова, she must live in this room, which I now took.
Is six hundred and sixty sixth? Well, if you passed, so there is no one living. He single, right?
"Yes, " said the young man. - But what about the girls. Veronica...
-No, I do not know the kind, ' said администраторша, not let him finish.
-Gladyshev, Dmitry Gladyshev...
He moved out a month and a half ago... Kinsman that whether or namesake? What is he to you?
"No, thank you, happy New year to you, " the young man hung up.
He stood up and walked to the window again rooms.
The capital was preparing to celebrate the year of 1999.
Through the snowy haze, which swerved Moscow, shone here and there a thousand lights huge megalopolis, the same as always, strange and cold. It was a real jungle, in which the abyss was easier than in the forest.
The young man leaned against the cold glass of the window on the other side of which that were fluttering, and streamed fast, picked up by a sudden impulse, snowflakes. It seemed to him that Moscow also leaning against the window glass on the other hand, looks at him. But he was still making this huge metropolis in the jungle which dissolve the man whom he wanted to see all the world, people for the sake of which he returned to the неустроенную life, throwing his provided more than enough of existence, man, by which he missed almost every day, when alone, all these twelve years.
"Where are you, Veronica?" "came in the twilight of his lonely voice.
End. To be continued...
"Hell Minister @ Tor"
Hyper Roman
Book three
"The long road to nowhere"
Irkutsk, 1993-1994
Chapter 1.
Vacation flying fast as one day. No, not because he was cheerful and carefree. From some memories of him my hair stood on end and his heart was bleeding.
Everything in my life was going worse could not be. Strikes one by one shook my soul within one month, one little accident month, events which seemed to suffice for all my life...
Now I was standing at the station with two huge suitcases and waited for the train. There was one, because walk me now there was no one.
All that happened not fit fully in the head. Maybe because I do not has yet to his surprise. Sometimes tears choked me, and I couldn't hold back the lump in his throat, so that they, flammable, not broke forth.
Sharp to the piercing pain in the heart of the loneliness I felt, standing on the platform. From such a sense of people often start drinking and become complete drunkards. I now felt the same need, and, although in a suitcase, huge as an elephant, булькали two bottles of bitter, I restrained myself and was only waiting for the time when I can sit in a train compartment, try there, finally, and lose themselves in a drunken stupor.
So far nothing else could, as soon as the smoke, and I смолил cigarettes one after another to a stupor, up trembling in hands and dizziness, when suddenly everything floats, it seems that the fall, in the head of cast iron ringing with emptiness, and the light's already burned and decayed from the hot, burning cigarette smoke and do not hurt, aching, dull and sluggish.
The language and spun the word "damned". Damn summer! Damn August! He spoiled everything in my life! Blow after blow, and between them a short respite, in which they failed to move away from the shocks.
And people around me busy. Stood early autumn, and the station was full of people going nowhere and why.
I was standing with two huge suitcases, such absurd on the background of my loneliness. Usually such suitcases escorted into the "dangerous" road Pai-boys with puffy pink cheeks from wealthy families that surround them its numerous attention: father, mother, grandparents, sisters, brothers, and they are the center of attention - proud of themselves and for themselves. I side looked very ridiculous and lost. I have not watched, and I, choking lump sobs in her throat, on the whole обособившийся, separated from me, indifferent to me the world, wanted only one thing - to get drunk. Wanted, and I had not experienced the joy of anticipation and even didn't rush to be expected. But it still came.
Companions were caught me strange, elderly almost a man and a woman of forty. They animatedly talking, and I decided that this was, apparently, work colleagues or good good friends. Most likely, it was the first because of their talk, I realized that all they are going to Moscow on business.
We hardly housed in a compartment. The neighbors things was little, but my two huge suitcases spoil the whole case. They did not want to be invisible and taken a lot of trouble to my companions, until I finally joke goblet] third then not put one of them under the bottom shelf, and the other up.
Men about something chatting, joking with a woman, but I couldn't understand what they laugh. The only thing I understood: enjoy now will be difficult because, based on conversations, my neighbors were some very large heads. "Educate begin", - angrily I thought, and went out into the corridor, went to the vestibule and wanted to smoke, but in the throat запершило, and I realized: обкурился.
The train has not had time to depart from the platform, and all passengers have already fled, sat on the coupe and now stared at the window, knocked on the glass, shouting something in farewell, - the platform was the side of the children were doing all sorts of nonsense, and their shrieks came in to me.
Say goodbye to me was not with anyone, and I stood in the corridor. Try as I give arguments in favor of this fact, the bitterness of this not убавлялась. While I was driving far, but in the end, when, if I had someone by now departing, who would meet. And even return't like it, and it was the blade across the heart from feeling that the whole world was like just a loose end.
The train started. I survived those grave minutes, and at heart a little better, exactly so that you could go in a compartment.
Men interrupted the conversation with the lady, and one of them asked:
-What. No one sees? Forgot something, or you're not local?
"Bitch, I thought to myself, " what soul you climb?" - answered him, waving a hand at all:
-Ah, - whether indifferently, or offended, but, in any case, it is not clear, and the old man had his hunting on questions anymore.
He wanted to continue the interrupted conversation, smiled even, but apparently forgot what he said, or not found the strength to continue the conversation and only sighed deeply. His companion also hesitated. And woman, изобразившая to наигранного Frank attention, found itself in an awkward position.
I was not mistaken in supposing that all sitting with me in the coupe have a close relationship to work, although they work in different places. One of my travel companions called Эпполит Апполонович and other Agafon Afanasievich, they introduced themselves. To view both of forty, and Эпполиту Апполоновичу - closer to fifty. My neighbor called Hellas, although to a beauty she was very far, and age of her farther into the sunset of his youth.
Based on conversations, these three knew each other, maybe even from childhood. The lady somehow wished to take the top shelf next to me, and the men were placed at the bottom. Each of them was on аккуратненькому abdomen, which was especially obvious, when they go to the toilet, and removing the "Troika", dressed in sport suits. A figure of a woman quite well preserved, although the aftermath years and a fascination with the flour. This was especially evident on the cheeks had drooped, and chin threatened to become triple and when she наклоняла head forward, divided in half deep складочкой, which was not very pleasant to watch.
Day quickly roll to the evening, and, перестукивая on joints wheels, train hurried him a sloppy ass.
My neighbors still for a long time chatting, and I sat, bored. Several times they tried to pry me talking, but I was bored, and I kept quiet.
Ellada, or as it is "allowed": "just Ella" - and went too dressed in tracksuit some ridiculous vinous-red, that it is surprising not to go. It reminded me of the crazy horse, выставившую off his rough, bony hips.
Soon these three sat down to supper, and (how wrong I was.) on the table a bottle of vodka. They invited me to the table.
I refused, because the whole day and only thought of how to pour the bitterness in his heart. Besides now we want.
On the table tomatoes, cucumbers, eggs, green onion, a piece of meat canned food Bank and boiled potatoes. Soon the money borrowed from conductors glasses swayed to the beat swing of trains bitter.
-Well, - raising the toast, said Эпполит Апполонович, - drink acquaintance.
-No-o-o! - immediately interrupted his Agafon Afanasievich. - We drink "elk": for living-elk to Spa elk to PI-elk and, excuse me, ladies, e...moose!
-Well, let's go for it, " agreed Эпполит.
I glanced at the "just Ella", but that's not even blushed and did not even took. "Old already, I'd think "b...damned", but cut off corners, Baba. The children might have grown up".
We were negated the glasses, and I, as always, drinking water, but only after some time to catch a breath bread, and then started to bite.
-Oh, and why don't запиваешь Vodice? surprised Agafon Afanasievich.
-I'm always so that the stomach does not spoil.
-The oddball you, small shook his head Afanasievich.
We drank another bottle of vodka, then another, adding snacks on the table, and finished off the last one that I had.
Outside the window is already quite завечерело. The dark-blue sky with pink clouds quickly became dark. We lit the bedside lamps, and glass shows our ghostly reflection. Talked even a little пьяненькие men climbed on the shelves. I walked out of the compartment, and, waiting until "just Ella" quirk climbs up, go to bed, and quench the light came, and got on my shelf.
I'm not drunk at all, but the heart has become easier, a little soul размякла from alcohol. Undressing under the blanket, I hung up the pants and shirt on the hanger and tried to examine in the light occasionally flashing lights outside the window, which makes the "just Ella". She lay against me, his head from the window and slept.
I leaned over on his elbow and began to stare into the darkness, suddenly starting to imagine, what if this woman turns me passion: did she'd go first? However, a little reflection on this topic, I decided that this would not happen, but some instinct told me and now lying motionless and making may view, sleeps, she's dying with desire. Most women, especially in adulthood, much похотливее men, but their desire to immorality is largely contained indecision and shyness inherent female nature, centuries-long habit to expect, not to offer, accumulated in the genes to overcome that, it is very difficult, and sometimes even impracticable. This innate barrier is a lot of hassle and difficulties "эмансипе" and prostitutes, especially at first.
Something pushed me to touch the woman's leg, although this could be a big scandal. Temptation researcher women, wishing to solid confirmations or refutation of their guesses. Pulling me on this long until I reluctantly agreed.
My midnight "research" could result in the most shameful way to me, but indeed I believe I was not mistaken. As I touched "just Ella" by the leg and pulled her ankle through the blanket as she raised her head as if and only waited for this. Apparently, we understand each other without words. I felt like me and she wanted me to. I pushed forward curiosity, a desire to once again make sure that women creature.
I had absolutely no sympathy for this woman. On the contrary, even it was something unpleasant. I hast thou per day on her bony hips on her rough face, learned her belly and Breasts, long ago, giving them some appreciation. Now I fear, as though, in the end, not to embarrass myself in front of her, if I have to do anything.
These fears are entirely grabbed my attention to the minute "just Ella" lifted her head with a cotton pillows, and I could not surrender to the exciting experiences that precede coitus with a subject of passion.
"Just Ella" impulsively pulled back the blanket slid down and, opening the door coupe, the output is already gave me a short but meaningful glance. As she disappeared, as I, glancing at snoring with open mouths of men, came down and went after him.
In the corridor already burned night lighting. "Just Ella stood several coupe on, looking at me and holding one hand to the knob of the door.
"Stand up or not?!" - flashed in my head alarming thought. I was on the verge of being embarrassed in front of the woman.
She nodded his head to me, opening the door coupe and showing there, then went into it. Not remembering itself, I was beside her in the dim lit by dim light from the corridor-coupe. It was empty. Cold дерматиновые pillow sleeping berths their naked телесами dilutes and a hint comfort, giving казенщиной. Passengers here, apparently, and was not, or they all are already out somewhere along the way.
"Cautious", I thought to myself, wanting to call it anything other than "just Ella" and, moreover, Greece is repaid in me even a spark of passion.
Shut the door, " she said to me in a half-whisper.
I carefully, trying not to make noise, closed the door. Clicked the lock, latch-stopper. Now we have no one could stop and surprise.
Turning to her, at first I did not understand, where is the woman saw that the shadow of her against the window disappeared, but almost immediately stumbled on her ass, and felt a hand not to the cloth, naked, warm skin.
A few промелькнувших lights outside the window I saw her, наклонившуюся from me forward, to the window, bare back with raised on the shoulders of the workshop a tracksuit.
My hand slipped down on his thigh, and the ways it seemed less angular and bony, as before, but, on the contrary, skinny, they became suddenly very attractive even to cause a passion.
The palm of my crawled between her legs and felt the touch of tender, мохнатому gun on the bosom. Don't know how I had such a wild idea, but I just wanted размахнуться with all power and one's fingers predator like a hawk in the fluffy ball between the legs, compress it and crush in his hand, to feel like he is soft and wonderful.
I did it, without a scope, but with passion, выплеснувшейся of some unknown, the depths of таившихся in me instincts. I squeezed it and felt like fluffy peach split into slices, between which opened up a cleft already сочившаяся moisture.
Every time connecting with a woman, I felt special. It is completely different from the former, a burst of passion. It all depends, what does this passion. If it started with a feeling of smells women, then it was languid, overwhelm me feeling very strange way United with the feeling of awkwardness, hopelessly clumsy and bewilderment. Sometimes, that I have captured and carried neck turn, curious, careless glance, body shape, looked to me suddenly in a completely unexpected, among the stunning and fascinating perspective, and each time passion was born completely different, piercing, causing tears, solid, unwavering, monotonous, a humming like a bass string, then intercepts breath and щекочущая chill of premonition.
This time the passion in me was born from the touch of my hand in the dark to a woman's body that I was deeply несимпатична. My hand touched the innermost of her place, and maybe pierced surprise, that it all the same, as those representatives of the fair sex, which I once went crazy, gave birth to a passion in me such a lush forces, which had never in my life I do not have to suffer.
She quickly rushed into me, into all my limbs, and I was nothing he could do. My hands passionately зашарили over her body, I felt her stomach, outlined fingers unfamiliar shape of the Breasts, and back down to the hips.
The woman stood still, leaning forward, and I felt expectation in all her pose. She waited снедаемая passion, and I did what, in the end, the man always does with a woman.
I was trying to catch all the changes that occurred to her. As it might be in the dark coupe and occasionally flashing lights outside the window.
Now I have it, and our intercourse was rather strange, without any words, explanations and even without arrivals of any of the conventions.
Soon we moved to a shelf, putting the mattress on the cold leatherette.
Of the compartment, emerged only in the morning. I dropped off into a deep, short sleep, but soon awoke me: train was approaching Moscow.
My neighbors have already gathered. They hurriedly placed objects.
I glanced at the "just Ella". I ain't never even so disgusting in my soul and it's so disgusting to look at a woman that I was close. She, as if nothing had happened, sat downstairs, 's tinted eyelashes and deceived eyes, not even looking in my direction.
The memory came to me last night, and I shook his head, trying to get out of her dirty memories. Now I wanted to train quickly came to the station.
Chapter 2.
Can't remember what happened next in the morning when I was in the store. One of the last conscious memories was that I decided that I will never get out of there.
't remember how but I got out of there and lay unconscious. When woke up, he lay for a long time, coming from fear and despair.
Later I tried to forget all that happened and never remember.
Graduation from College a few dispelled my depression. Finally, after all the celebrations we gathered in a small cafe, which previously ordered, his platoon, and remember the years spent together, which now never to return, and it is unlikely that we will now be able now to get together. All disperse to different sides and will serve far from each other. Then, already pretty drunk, and we set off on foot from the outskirts of the city where there was a cafe in the center. The time was past midnight. We walked along the Avenue, then decided to catch any car going to the center, and several times perehorodzhuvaly highway chain, holding hands. Finally, we caught the bus in which apart from the driver was the guard. Someone has already managed to negotiate with the driver so that he добросил us to the centre. He agreed and opened the door, despite violent protests кондукторши that nobody was listening. We piled into the car, taking with him a box of vodka and champagne, which we carried all the way, and so, continuing to drink, joke, and carry on, with jokes and songs that голосили in a loud voice so that the driver and conductor probably gone deaf.
In city center, we are located in a picturesque fountain "Sadko", which cascade down from the square, and continued to drink and congratulate each other with the release of the College. Below, at the foot of the fountain stood militia SUV. Militiamen were watching us. But soon our fun, got to the point that we were trying to bathe in the fountain, run through him naked and throw empty bottles at the statue of "Sadko". Then they plunged into the SUV and drove away from the sight. It was our day. And the police was a secret order not to touch the young officers, if they don't violate the law. Another hour passed. Charter fooling around, we began to disperse who where and as they could. This was all over. It was the last day reckless youth, when someone cared, and each of us cared only about himself.
Before each service relied month vacation. And I went home. But here I was attacked by an inexplicable melancholy. I was troubled. My hometown for a long time already changed. And I don't have anything to do with my former friends and friends of childhood. Yes and they had their incomprehensible to me interests. I realized that in his hometown for me, there is nothing that could occupy my attention, and what I could dedicate the time of its release. My soul longed for some new experiences. And sleep until noon, and then go out into the yard, where occasionally someone met from the former childhood friends, that now there was nothing to do, I'm sick on the second day.
Seeing my spleen, my mother suggested I go to the village, where her grandmother, with whom I never was. And each time she called me when I was able to write her a letter. A little thought, I met in the street, went to the bus station.
Early the next morning I was awakened by a bus driver:
-Hey, boy, here you go, -he shook me by the shoulder.
I looked at the clock. It was the start of the sixth. All the passengers were asleep, and here no one came out. I reached over, got out of my easy-chair and came down from the high-salon of the bus down.
On the street was a cool morning, the driver pulled out from the trunk of my things and after a few minutes, the roar of the diesel engine on the bouncy колдобинах of a country road in a big machine dissolved together with her in the early morning mist.
I looked around the room. Nobody was around. Some of the dense morning shroud could be seen wooden fences, sagging from the time the grey fence, Yes fence, and stood out the faint outline of the nearby houses of the village street.
For quite a long time around was not a single soul, and I stood, not knowing what to do, and in what direction to go. Finally out of the fog heard some noise. It soon became apparent creak, some цокание and quiet conversation. Then appeared to be of any shape, and soon I saw the muzzle of a horse with protruding навостренными ears. The horse was right at me. For it seemed cart, in which sat the wizened old man in a cap, smoked cigarette. With him came here a few women in повязанных on the heads of the colorful shawls and hooded jackets. The old man смолил and silently rules horse, and women about something talking.
I walked away from the road, taking their things. Cart ran by me, and the old man noticed me, pulled on the reins and stopped the horse:
-Whoa, wretched! You whose gonna be? As I fell down the moon no light, no charge.
Then he suddenly burst out at the Mare floor Mat, although the reason for such swear I didn't notice, but answered him:
-Yes I am from the city, to a fortune of his двоюрной guests in food.
-I see with a strange distant places, " agreed grandfather, inhaled with cigarettes. - And энто that?
-Yes, The Barman Пелагеевна. In Василихе lives.
-In Василихе? "Replied grandfather. Baba stopped talking and also listened to our conversation. Is five kilometers away.
"Why me from the bus landed here? - I was surprised.
-So it's back from the road. The bus there does. There wilderness, almost at the swamps. There Василиха. And this is a Big Василиха.
As he spoke, a decaying piece of tobacco fell out of his cigarettes, and in the fingers of the old man remained only a tube from a piece of newspaper. Grandfather looked puzzled on this incident, and with disappointment again relish swore not paying attention to women.
-What should I do now? The news rather puzzled me. To walk so far I did not want, and places were strangers.
That that's... Stand still and wait until someone in the region will yield. Ask to be brought up, and you go on foot. But I don't advise there through the forest to go. Better wait for someone... Now go there, " the old man waved in the fog, outlining the direction - there, on the outskirts of the village fork. It'll wait. There you can see who goes where. You see that on the right way to turn - Masha, pick... Well, двинтесь, beast, he shouted at the women, let the boy sit drive to there.
Women are parted, freeing me a little space. I jumped on the wagon, and in five minutes was at the fork in the road, about which I spoke to the old man.
"You there, boy, here on this road. Stand still and wait until there is someone snap. If on the road collapses who, he certainly in Василиху rides, otherwise you won't that lucky.
-- And often there someone goes? I inquired.
-- How can you say, " shrugged the old man. - As lucky. You can, and yet another day, and no one will go. Well, let's прощевай!..
Supply disappeared in the morning mist.
Indeed, it took more than an hour of waiting. The morning mist was completely cleared, the East seemed over the horizon the sun, lighting up everything around brightly pink light, and pass me not passed a single machine, or anything.
I lost all patience, and was ready to go on foot, as suddenly seemed familiar to me the connection.
-You, " he asked, catching up with me.
I wearily I agreed. I wanted to quickly get to a place where he could lie down though not much, and sleep.
"Okay, wait a little, took pity on me, old man, ' If you nobody pick up, then after an hour I in the wrong direction and go to the apiary. To me jump.
An hour passed. Life in a village between the revived. First screaming cocks, then замычали cows in their stalls, and soon the owners began to cast out them on the street. Seemed like a shepherd who ousted cows in a herd, moving toward me. Then, avoiding all the yards, shepherd turned herd in the opposite direction and drove away from me. Have passed a few tractors with trailers and machines, but none turned Василихи.
Again seemed familiar to me, old man.
-Well, what? And not the left? he smiled smoked teeth.
-And left - I replied in monosyllables.
"Well, get in we went.
I sat on the wagon, on which the straw rode a few empty aluminum cans. The old man grabbed my opinion:
Is me honey food, " the old man explained. - So you mean to Пантелеихе going?
-To Pelagiya Пантелеевне, " I corrected her.
-Well, Yes-it is here the so called...
-As you know it?
"What do you Know. Good Baba, smiled something to his old man. - And for how long?
-I do not know, for two weeks.
-Ah. Well, well!
The old man no longer ask me anything, and I began to survey the local scenery, slowly sinking into полудрему. Всходившее all higher the sun was already slightly warm up around the fields were, here and there, упиравшиеся thicket. Some of them were planted already налившимся, поспевшим grain of wheat. Others stood under steam. Here and there were visible hay meadows and engulfed them from all sides, подступившие palisade here and there the edge of the thick, impassable forests, still green, but already adumbrated subtle haze of aging.
The road meandered between fields on a hilly plain, dived occasionally in пролески, and sometimes passed through dense thickets. Some of its dry, dusty ruts were puddles, and when they were big, horse hardly move through them, champing hooves into the mud, and then tormented, pulling out of the slush cart, погружавшуюся in muck up to the axles and already resembling a boat in the swamp. The old man then kept urging her and even occasionally, when the slush was especially impassable, lashed to frighten but not hurt, lean back and ribbed sides of the animal.
I've lost count of time, when suddenly at a fork in the middle of the field the old man said:
-So, well, now слазь. You go straight, and I'm turning to the left, at the apiary.
"Is it far? I asked, evaluating the severity of their suitcases.
-Yes kilometer somewhere, mozha, smaller. I think I need to you on foot stomp: today hardly anyone before dinner in the wrong direction to go...
We missed each other, and, dragging became unexpectedly heavy and unwieldy suitcase, I промучался even with an hour, until finally appeared through a small field behind the edge of the forest outlying houses of the village.
Nature suddenly became noticeably darker and maybe I only thought that I was alone: the trees in the forest came closer to the lane, he became already and has become almost the footpath, thicket on both sides frowned. Palisade trees погустел even stronger, and among them замерещились in the darkness of the undergrowth in the shadow of the forest creatures.
I don't be fooled by their submissions: village was really small. Would it still is a little bit smaller and it could be called a village or выселкой.
About twenty of wooden log, gray old age homes appeared before my eyes. Some even turned black from time to time, there are on its side and, in General, were dismal, such familiar of the many descriptions of all time picture of Russia.
Before the village flowed a little stream. Across the river arc stood bridge. The road to it was on the mound, on which the parties was swampy meadow, and a river, flowing from East to West, to the right of the bridge has lost its sloping, subtle shore and overflowed in a swampy Creek, wide and never-ending, in some places covered with thickets of reeds, утыканную rare birch сухостоем and yellowed grass.
Passing the bridge, I noticed that the river is not very deep, almost a stream, and sometimes you can see the bottom of rusty-red sand and pebble подернутой grey velvet sludge.
Despite the fact that the time was getting to the late morning on the streets no one was visible. The houses had no plates with the name of the street, nor rooms. Spinning near the last houses of the village, I was going to knock at one of them to meet me suddenly, заскрипев door from the porch jumped low slim girl, deftly крутанувшая in the doorway yoke with empty buckets. One of them has whistled quietly tinkling, right before my eyes.
-Oh, I almost was not зашибла! "The girl said. - And you that to us?
-No, so Yes, to you. I'm looking for, his grandmother, Пелагею Panteleevna.
-Ah, so it's on the other end it is necessary. She lives there, near the ведьмячкой.
-With whom, with whom? - Not I understood.
-With ведьмячкой, " repeated the girl, but the bulge in my wondering face and intimate look, added, " okay, go shew.
We came out from the yard, surrounded in a fence made of poles and went along for Brokeback street, lifting up. I'm sort of already tired and therefore was silent, only occasionally glancing at his companion. She long and intently examining me from head to foot, and then asked:
-With the city?
"Yeah, " replied reluctantly I.
-To us a long time?
-No, week or two.
-Correctly, sadly sighed girl, there's nothing more to do. Boring страшенная. I grow up a little more and also in the city подамся: learn.
I looked at her now with curiosity and tried to guess how old she is. Apparently it was fifteen or sixteen.
Street went downhill, and we came to the well felled and covered from above теремком. Gray logs it in запашках and corners are overgrown with moss. I looked inside, and saw his reflection in the mirror of water meters in three at the bottom.
-You won before the house must pass, showed the girl, putting a bucket to the ground. - Your grandmother and lives.
-And what is the neighbor she had such a strange? Involuntarily I inquired.
-A-a-a - girl waved her hand lazily wincing. - Boredom Yes anguish not only ведьмячкой become possible.
She caught the bucket chain and pushed him down. Drum spun around, and the girl began to slow down his palm across вытертой to a high gloss surface. They heard a roar and a splash.
-Come on, I'll help you, " I suggest, contemplated the hilt, but the girl moved me with an affirmative gesture:
"I can myself.
Character", I thought to myself. Stay and watch how it works, it was uncomfortable and should retire.
-What is your name? I asked the girl.
-Alena, what?
-No, nothing. Thank you Alyona for your help.
-No, - she looked at me, smiled, and again started to work.
I went to an indicated home.
Pelageya, my cousin grandmother, крючилась in the garden house. I never seen her, but guess that this is really it, it was easy. She had long вдовствовала and lived alone. Children that she had moved to cities in other villages.
I went into the yard:
-Hello, Pelageya Panteleevna.
Grandma разогнула his back turned to me:
-Hello, Hello. It's you that s my granddaughters once again announced his? Let's see, I look at you.
She came to me:
-Okay, okay, eagle right, well, let us go into the house.
She dropped to the ground tool and led me to his house.
We ascended a high porch, passed the entrance, and were in a room, all of which reminded me of the life of fabulous Russian izba: the whitewashed huge Russian stove, wooden rough and heavy, it is unknown how old work Desk, chairs stools around it in the middle of the room, the same rough and heavy as he was. The small Windows without window sills fun filled bright curtains in the colors.
House Pelagia Пантелеевны I liked.
I didn't know how she will accept me, the grandmother, and saw me for the first time in life. But soon have eaten rich, rustic red beet soup with home-baked fragrant, amazing bread.
-Tell us, why he had come, that you are the devils brought? - Whether jokingly, whether seriously and angrily asked "Пантелеиха" (now, it seems to me begin to see that so called it the old man on the cart).
I was confused, not knowing what to tell her, but it wasn't long tormented me silent expectation explanations and said:
-Well, okay, since arrived, so live. How much do you need to be as like as many guest. But, alone, with you. 'll be helping me for agriculture: water applied, chop firewood, the cow when the show. Realized granddaughters?
-Right you are!
-Well, that's good...
Chapter 3.
In Moscow I stayed for long, though, expecting that I would serve in the capital: on my prescription paragraph dislocation part was the "Moscow".
Part turned out to be some kind of headquarters, in search that I spent the entire day оббивая thresholds military commandant's offices.
Eventually, I got into the office to some Colonel, who took away my prescription, and it vanished in his drawer.
-- , So the Lieutenant Yakovlev? Quietly said the Colonel, looking through my papers. - Bachelor see is good... So-so.
I did not know where the oppression of the Colonel, but the sixth sense told me that the more acquainted with my data this war for a large polished table, the незавиднее becomes my position.
One of the phone on his Desk rang.
-Yes! - Picked up the phone Colonel. Sir, comrade Lieutenant-Colonel! Now, right here I have one candidate! He glanced at me. - Yes, yeah, now I'm coming.
The Colonel rose from the table, put on his hat and threw me:
-Come out, as long as. Now I will go to the report and come back. Wait for me and don't leave anywhere.
I stayed near the door of his Cabinet. Passing through the corridor and down there, going in and colonels and generals, and my hand is tired and the thing to give them honor, though in answer me nobody welcomed, and only occasionally said: "Здрасьти". I soon realized the futility and even stupidity of his "козыряния" and got up just in case face to the wall, as if something there to study.
Finally, after quite a long absence appeared "my Colonel.
"Are you asleep? - Touched whether or pushed slightly me in the shoulder with it. - Come in to the office.
I was again in front of his large polished table. He quickly "зачеркал" on paper, and then called over the intercom, as I understand it, a Secretary.
-So, brother, - addressed, at last, he to me, " now you нашлепают papers, and go.
-Where? Involuntarily I inquired.
-On! - In amazement, raising his eyebrows and shrugged and said the Colonel, " further, my boy. Suddenly сфомильярничал it. - You don't know where to put?
"No, puzzled, I said.
Th-th-th - Colonel raised his head to the top, rolling his eyes - you're my little friend into an organisation that sends e-h-Chen far!
"But I have something in the order listed Moscow! "I exclaimed.
-Haha, boy. Moscow is our штабец. But we зафутболим you where we want.
-Yes, but I -- I'm not -- I don't want you needed. I even things with them-it did not take much. Thought - in Moscow will serve...
-Well, first of all, my dear comrade Lieutenant, you have no asks, will be ready or not ready to go somewhere, you want to order more or not. You probably don't understand because of the youth of his years that hit my friend in the army. Ar-mi-Yu! Well, if you had the honor to be here, it will perform what you ordered. In the army Foundation of the entire order. Well, what about your things, I think you should be not so much. Moreover, idle we товарисч. That do not have e-mail home. Mom will send.
-I have no mothers! - almost crying I replied.
The Colonel suddenly stopped spoken knocked with his thoughts, but he lost not long:
-Well, there is none. You never know what the world is. Somehow your question will be solved...
"Exactly, that somehow, comrade Colonel! What should I do?! You now зашлете me some холодрыгу, then? Want to make me sick there or oak gave? I warm things not taken, and the form of half the house left: not fit...
The Colonel sat down, and after a long silence, staring at me the big fish eyes навыкат. Then he turned on the selector:
-Masha, Africa is cancelled, - he залистал a large Notepad on your desktop. - Write down this comrade vacation for ten days... So we must, then, and at once the room part arrival write... Station, station, a... Oh, that's found, write...
He said a name, and within a few minutes handed me the documents brought by his Secretary:
Are you selling a ticket for ten days: solve all your baggage questions, things you do here on this site and there you go himself. Tickets and receipts do not lose your Luggage - in the part of it you will pay...
"But, comrade Colonel, I thought that I would serve in Moscow...
The Colonel sent me, personally escorting the elbow:
All that could help - vacation for ten days. Nothing more I can do. Farewell, comrade Lieutenant, and I do not advise you to start the service so as you begin: with any claims. I can't, I don't want to! Look, and you will quickly find the place on a disciplinary cell. Then we don't stand on ceremony, where a soldier, where officer: time, times and a king! And will instead ten days of leave for ten days sunbathing on the bunks.
He shut the door, and I was left alone, left to itself, the abandoned and deserted, in the hallway with running here and there colonels and generals.
Goat! - I was overwhelmed by an attack of fury.
Of course, I lied to Colonel, saying that hadn't taken things, the truth, and he could not grasp why did it. But now I had ten days of freedom before the routine of everyday life and, most importantly, a frightening unknown continue lying fate, which prepared me is clearly not the honey cake. At the same time eerily like to learn more in detail what he was talking about Africa. But I was already too late, and now knew not, happy or upset that it happened. We had to admit to myself that I previously did not believe that I will go to serve in the capital, too fabulously well then started my officer's life...
The taxi driver stared me in Moscow, until finally I was indignant:
"Hey, uncle, don't you think that we are lost?
Following this observation, not five minutes ago, as I came out of the machine at the station. I gave him half of what he dashed off with me, and he never did.
We have not yet reached, as the machine immediately swarmed want to leave I can barely broke through their ring.
The people at the station was many, very many. Just kind of a dam of human tel. In waiting rooms, it was overcrowded. Ballot boxes were littered with piles of garbage, cleaners, apparently, no time to clean floors, and, despite the hot dry weather at the station stood a stinking mud and slush.
I went into the storage room, where he left his very heavy suitcases and then a very long time lugging them in the Luggage compartment, where handed them to send to the station of your future destination. On the sum, which took me for baggage cashier, I realized that it was very far off.
In the evening, struggling, натолкавшись in the queue for the tickets, I'm leaving Moscow, I went to town, where they lost everything, and where already worshipped return again someday. That's called that beckoned me there after so many troubles, suddenly leaning on me there for such a short time? I could not answer, but only with some insane joy hoping that once I get there, and all the lost me back.
These ten suddenly had befallen me, like manna from heaven, the day suddenly turning my head like a good easy champagne, and now it seemed that all should be well. I so wanted this. I was so hoping that the happiness he would jump out of the ambush, where it turns out, has long been waited for me, and on my life will suddenly, like a fairy tale, easy and carefree. I so wanted to believe that now, maybe with this miraculous incident, my destiny will flow completely different course, and old problems and concerns remain somewhere in the past as a bad memories, nothing will darken my happy life. I, too, have the full right to be happy, just as many people around me...
The next morning I was already there, where tore my heart. Nothing has changed here. Yes and that could happen to the city in one month? Although...
Immediately from the station I went to Veronica, not even knowing what to tell her at the meeting. In my soul there is nothing left from her image except for a few fleeting and incoherent intimate experience that has never kept me before next to the woman. Yes, what happened with us.... But after what happened with me during this month in the village, all that we have spent together with Veronica, now seemed to the child's play. All except one. What happened in the Church...
Veronica wasn't home. Nobody opened the door of her apartment. And I wandered under the house, wondering where she could now запропаститься, and secret still hoping that they will certainly meet her. Ended up Veronica I did not wait, but have seen quite a familiar face, though he could not remember where it was I ever see him.
I walked over to the boy, who was walking like past, but at the same time seems to собиравшемуся go to one of the entrances of the house.
-Hi! "I said, holding out his hand, and painfully, trying to remember when and where we meet him and who he was.
-Great! he said without much enthusiasm, seeing me before, but to pretend that it happened just now. - How?
-Why, - " I replied, thinking that we can communicate.
And then I looked right into his fathomless eyes, and with blinding clarity appeared to me that night in the restaurant where I had seen them once.
-Hey, you never know where Veronica? I inquired immediately, as if only yesterday with him sitting in a doorway and clattered seeds.
-Veronica?! - He said. I don't know exactly, but somewhere in the cruise.
-In what other cruise? - I was surprised.
Internationally, together with the Hippopotamus. He dragged her with him.
A time?
"Ah, to be back soon, probably.... But in General, I don't know...
-And where are you going? I inquired.
"Oh, walk on by.
-By what?
-Passing all.... And actually, I'm home now. And where are you going?
"I don't know.... Like Veronica here to see. And now...
Now I knew his name: Gladyshev. Exactly, it's the way I presented that day Veronica: Gladyshev. He writes poems and even wrote to me then some memory. Where they been all this time? And now even offended. Strange type. That's the only name I don't remember his.
-Well, go home with me, - and suddenly suggested Gladyshev, as if he knew that I had nowhere to go.
-What did you like going down, walked, and everything to offer for me to go to your house, quite by chance I met? - Just in case I inquired.
No, it's good, of course, that I have seen you, but you know.... I presently feel that I just need someone to... well, someone's presence. I still someone would invite.... Go?
He asked this question so that I do not understand why there was embarrassing.
-Well, let's go, " I agreed. Go in this town now I had no one else.
Gladyshev went a little ahead of me, and I couldn't catch up with him, not knowing where, strictly speaking, we should go. We wandered around the quarters for twenty minutes, having gone quite far from home Veronica. Gladyshev all the time, went silently, intently and thoughtfully hunched over as if nobody around him and was not. At times he looked too much like crazy maniac, concentrating their consciousness on the only obsession, that she could not flee to any side in his booze-head, not waiting the goal of the path. Then I had somehow done terribly, but I still doomed kept going after him.
Finally, when I thought no more to pay attention to where I actually am, we were in the flat at the Gladysheva. Anyway, he opened the door with his key.
Inviting me to sit down on the sofa in the big room, Gladyshev went to the kitchen. However, I did not take advantage of his offer, and began to study the abode of his family. However, nothing special I wasn't found, but the luxury furniture, rich library and some other signs I made some conclusions about his parents. Anyway, people they were supposed to be quite educated and friends to become wealthy on the background of General poverty of our people. However, because I could be wrong...
Gladyshev called me to the kitchen, where he made the tea,
Drinking a hot Cup with small SIPS, I casually put to dispel feeling uncomfortable inside yourself like I'm only here and then came to налопаться pie with jam and tea:
-And I like your poem still has...
-What are the lyrics? - Astonishment raised one eyebrow over his bottomless eyes Gladyshev.
-Well, the ones that you are to me in the restaurant gave...
-Well, - he waved his indifferent hand as if we were talking about most of these issues. - Forget them.
-What? 't understand I almost burned tea.
-Throw - say... and it is better to burn. So it will be right. Oh! He suddenly held up his forefinger, as if he found permission painful issue.
-That:? - Not I understood.
"No, I was just about her. But in General, I do not write more poems after that: they lack descriptiveness. Human language, even English, is very bulky and unwieldy tool of communication. He has a lot compared with the image and can serve only as a comment to the main bearer of the idea of art as an image. And because now I do not write poems, but I have painted pictures.
-The pictures?! - I almost dropped the Cup from the hands.
-Yes, the picture, but what? Go shew...
We walked through a large room and were in a small room. There is absolutely no furniture. On the floor in a mess lay scattered sheets of paper and холщевое cloth pieces. On them there was something намалевано. On the walls were also decorated with the most incredible way sheets of paper and canvas, apparently with the fact that Gladyshev called paintings. In the midst of all this there were several easels, ready for work, rolled tubes and jars of paint palette, dry inks.
-This is all I drawed - eyed master of his room picky, assessing look.
-But what exactly? - My opinion is not found anything particularly noteworthy. Everywhere was a strange stuff. I even wished that bad, maybe really can't understand modern art and painting.
-Now, now, " said Gladyshev and began to look for something on the floor, raking feet canvases and sheets of paper with his bizarre creations.
In his hands one after another came several tubes and pot-bellied одеколонных guns. He blamed it all on a stool, then dug up somewhere a big bottle of clear liquid, and, squeezing in sprays the paint tubes, diluted by it, stirring old toothbrush.
-Now, now, repeated Gladyshev, as if coaxing me to wait a little.
Jerky movement he pulled her easel so that he almost fell from his tripod, and then, grabbing that one, another sprinklers, began to bawl of them canvas, making multi-colored spots like blobs. Soon all the canvas was filled with them. Then Gladyshev stopped suddenly, his hand to his face, he stepped back a little and looked at a few minutes so the resulting. Then his hand came a thick black felt pen, and he started to paint on top of all this лепни.
In the room was unbearable smell of whether ether, or even some fly shit.
-Listen, open at least a window or something: breathe, - I asked him.
He looked at me, not exactly knowing where it's here I came, and then he stepped to the window and opened it wide open.
The room burst into a fresh air that soon supplanted of smell, which caused me dizzy.
Gladyshev returned to canvas and took a palette and preventing paint, continued the work of the brush. Twenty minutes later he walked away from his work, understand that I was not.
-Here, look! He said to me. "Do you see? This is called "Flight inspired by a cockroach in time neighbor wife and her lover".
Gladyshev violently tossed the brush in the corner where stood a pile of old painted-up similarly, paper and canvas. "Nonsense, " I thought. - Similarly, the guy went nuts!" To my mind began to come longtime conversation in a restaurant.
-And why did you do it?
-What is It? Asked me Gladyshev.
-Why do you paint?
-And don't you like it?
I don't know. It is unclear somehow. I think this "picture" can be пришпандерить any inscription, and it will fit.
-So what?
As what?! Is this correct?
-Oh, you, anything you do not understand in painting. It's not that you can пришпандерить, and I named the picture at the moment of its creation, as I wanted to call her.
"Well, just crazy!" - I confirmed his guess, and of experiencing the presence of the quiet madness capable suddenly, one energetic explosion degenerate into a riot, I felt bad.
Not managed to slip in my mind this thought, as Gladyshev was moved, collecting the middle of the room, a huge pile of their scattered to all corners of the works.
"Listen, how poetry? I asked, to ask something. Some apprehension nightmare затеребило my soul, and all the animal instincts that I existed, began to insist that I ran away. And as quickly as possible.
To hell with poetry! To the devil! - Gladyshev again seemed obsessed as when we walked down the street. Obviously he fumed. - I as Nero, I like Nero. First break, and then describe the process of destruction, testify to his...
-What you gonna do?! Even more scared I.
-A person is not capable of real poetry. He only плюгавое semblance of a real poet. Only the element can write poetry! May she writes them! And I'll write a portrait of her.
-What are you going to do?! - Louder I yelled, turning to Гладышеву, furiously сгребающему in a bunch of my paintings. But he had not heard me, and continued to do so.
Suddenly he recoiled from the formed pile and threw it on top easel with newly created picture, went to another, and began to pour it out of the guns. Then immediately bubbles flew there, in a pile. There pleased and a bottle with the solvent.
Gladyshev took up the palette, long sought a brush, and, having found it, came up to me, pulled it out of his shirt pocket for a cigarette, put it in the teeth.
-Here, take this! - He handed me a free hand box of matches.
-What?! 't understand I feel that my face is written fright, and he likes to watch.
-Give me a light! "He cried, pointing to I lit a match.
I struck a match on the box, and held it to the cigarette in his mouth. But he didn't he her, and took a match from my fingers, crossed the room to the pile and put lying on top of all свеженарисованной picture.
She immediately broke out, even impregnated with solvent. Glancing at me, Gladyshev laughed wildly:
"I'll write a portrait of a true poet, and you'll be my grateful audience!
I had no time to recover, as the flames about with the agility and vitality of the entire heap.
-What are you doing, moron? - I exclaimed, but Gladyshev quietly, almost walked slowly to the easel and took up his brush.
-Idiot, what are you, crazy?! I rushed to him.
The room was already filled with the acrid smoke from which запершило throat. Now the flame is separate us from saving the door. I tried to grab Gladysheva and move to the window, but he just mad, violently me and went back to the easel. After a few seconds my confusion smoke hid him from me, and from captured me utter terror I could not understand, what do I do.
However, probably a certain amount of preparation and discipline in the moment of danger, grafted in a military school, forced me to collect my thoughts, and take measures to their salvation, already without any distractions. I ran through the smoke on the memory to the window, he felt the doorway and leaned out. But my eyes blew suffocating, caustic, corrosive to the mucous membranes smoke. He couldn't see anything, so I figured that jump down more or less successfully will fail. Get off too. One thing, at first glance, the craziest, but in fact the only right and salutary: pushing out through the flames. And it had already crackling and roaring through the smoke came already to linoleum and floor boards.
The blanket on top of the shirt, I threw myself into the smoke towards the heat, already without seeing the road, but then came across Gladysheva and together with him and his easel fell on the floor...
Chapter 4.
By the evening of my arrival in the village knew almost all of the adult population, mostly old people, grandmother. And then they approached the возившейся in the garden "Пантелеихе" and asked who I was. For the reason, apparently, that she was about me didn't know his aunt answered them all in monosyllables, and these plain talk came to me through the open a small window near which after a small lunch force it put me to rest from the road, leaving some not trunking, not the chest thick cotton mattress, Mat on his sheets, and throw a blanket.
Despite the fact that I strutted and did not want to go to sleep, sleep soon overcame me, and I woke up in the evening, about six o'clock, from what Pelageya pushed me to the side:
"Well, get up, honey, get up!
I got up with makeshift beds.
"There, that's when people curious about you. Who? From where? I say something really can't. In the evening the guests to me, all you suggest. Meet people?
-I don't know, I reached out. - And as you have opened?
Means - then invite all... you Have a bottle of something?
-There is one, I scratched his head, trying to remember the contents of his suitcase.
-Well, one, of course, you can't. Okay, I still brew legs.
I went out onto the porch. The sun was beginning to set, and, apparently, all lit them неродная, unfamiliar terrain, горбатенькая village seemed to me piercingly stranger, and wanted suddenly from here straight to escape. But where.... Where to run? At home I am a long time, nobody was waiting for. The distant city, where I studied for the last four years, also became a stranger to me. There was only a thin thread that bound me to him: Veronica.
"Veronica!" I whispered to myself, and bitter something aching heart suddenly started in my chest and spilling on her molten wax. From this I suddenly wanted to weep. But in the throat stood dry mud, and there were no tears.
I felt a painful and unnecessary desire. I wanted suddenly to return to the past, such a familiar and cozy from this, from this embarrassing present. It suddenly broke from me dry, muffled groan and became suck in themselves, to take possession of me.
I don't know how I get rid of this obsession. I even tried contrary одолевающей me sweets remember everything that was connected with her in my life. But for some reason her name as white on a dark background, it became even brighter and more attractive, suddenly became still closer to me, like a part of me. Cruel and cold melancholy pulled hard on me. And it was the only way to kill it. It guarantees if not full recovery from my love Blues, then at least a temporary oblivion. We had to get someone to fall in love. But what?..
Here in the head, I thought about Alena. She was not bad-looking, and with some effort on my part I could force myself to burn with passion for her. Another thing is that it was still just a child. So it seemed to me at a meeting...
By the evening Pelageya Panteleevna started стряпней. Nimbly, right in front of me she quickly cooked dinner on the whole crowd. I helped her a little. Melted the oven, pulled out from the glacier meat.
To ten in the evening when began to approach the first guests, a simple peasant food was already on the table, which gathered from several paintings that were in the barn.
Grandma went down to the cellar, and in five minutes she shouted to me from there:
-Here, take this! - Feeding on the ladder large bottle with the, muddy moonshine.
To this I added another cause a bottle of vodka, прихваченную from home, but grandma still shook her head roll:
-Oh, not enough штой-eh!
...Guests gathered quite a lot, but mostly old people, old women. There were several pairs of years to thirty-five to forty, and anyone younger. I thought sadly that evening promises nothing interesting.
All visit greeted with Pelageya as though he had not seen her for a very long time. No vid I this morning, I had the impression that they came from afar on a great and important holiday.
I soon tired of standing in the vestibule at the door and like a fool shake hands with each incoming like I know him for three hundred years. Almost all I had to also be presented and particularly curious answer pesky questions, for example, to whom I прихожусь Pelagiya Пантелеевне. But I persisted, secretly hoping that among the guests will Alena, and the evening will not be for me permanently lost. But she did not come.
Finally the guests were seated quickly and without equivocation took at first for the health of the mistress of the house", and then without any pause and a second award for her guest. I asked "Пантелеихи":
-And what is in us all guests such old?
-And who are younger-t byst? "Replied Pelageya.
-Yes, I'm here girl one Vidal: Alena...
-Ah, - cunningly сощурилась "Пантелеиха," so it's nothing to do with older? Small it yet.
-Well, I get bored. Some old people around. And talk not with whom. Here there is the youth?
-Yes girls heels. Boys two-three, Yes those who left, someone in the army took.
-So, where are those who have? - I was surprised.
-Yes how much I know, my dear! Here. Who come and come.
Guests meanwhile more and more were intoxicated, fewer asked me questions, and the stronger they leaned have another drink. I was surprised that people aged so much drink. For me it was strange. I hardly drank a glass of the vodka. Village vodka is not recognized, and leaned on the moonshine Pelagia. Many brought with a bottle of "hazy moonlight".
On the street, it was already dark. I said Pelagia that I wanted to take a walk and went out of the people crowded hut. His heart was sad. Now I realized that he was in the boondocks. And instead of running away from одолевавшей me in the city of sadness, found even more.
The street was cool. Village street was unusually dark after the city. Here because there was no street lights on poles, and just above the head, in all its glory lies a vast starry sky. It was so close and tangible that it took my breath away. I suddenly felt something unreal its proximity. It seemed to lend a hand up and she is immersed in a vast ocean of intergalactic bottomless emptiness, so close, that I suddenly was not enough oxygen, which shattered all at once in space. The stars were countless, they were not there, above, and here next to me, provincial village street. Sky fell to the earth, all sprinkled with silver smallest star dust.
Barely cope with the suddenly gripped me a strange feeling, I made cautiously first step, though in the void, and went to the fence. Here I saw unexpectedly Alyona. I barely discerned her in the darkness descended on the street space. She stood, leaning on a low fence, and watched the Windows of the house "Пантелеихи", whence came недружное singing pretty tipsy guests. It was clear that she is bored.
-Are you there what to do? "I asked her.
She shivered with fright because not noticed my approach, and answered, with a shrug:
-And what?
"Oh, look, how to have fun.
"You ain't seen nothing!
"Then listen. Leave me alone! She said to me by the arm.
I came up nearer and stood on the other side of the fence in front of her.
-Bored here! - I complained girl to start a conversation.
"And I you about this morning spoke of? - Like she greeted me my observations. - Here with boredom under the bull if you try!
-What? - I was amazed to such an expression.
-Oh, nothing... Boring in General.
-Listen, Alenka, and you're here, what, one? Well, I mean the young. And then all the guests, as the selection - old old woman Yes!
-Yes-well this is such a village! She had already thrown. Here with young people in General nobody left. As only eighteen turns - as the wind blows away! The nearest available - in Most Василиху. Well, this is, basically, girls get married there. And guys, so the further served: who in the district centre, and who in the area...
-Funny picture you drew! - I jumped over the fence and was next to the girl. - Go for a walk.
"Come, " she agreed and we walked next, treading cautiously in almost pitch darkness.
Home villages hardly were allocated with the roofs against the background of ghostly silvery haze heaven, cobweb the myriads of dust filled the void of space. And he, space, was nearby, here, with us, on this street, in this God-forsaken village. Nowhere to be seen was the lights. Only in one of the houses that was in the vicinity of the "Пантелеихи", in the boxes had a little yellowish-green, some ghostly light. I remembered that day, Alena casual mentioned some "ведьмячке"that lived here.
-Why in this house light? Who did not go to visit us? I inquired Alena.
-The witch lives here, - the будничному, without any frighten she said. Is it of no one in guests not walk.
-Why witch? - I was surprised.
-Because it is the most natural witch still quietly and calmly replied Alan. Her answer shocked me and at the same time, suddenly somehow interested.
-Is that possible? - I was surprised.
-Sometimes, " said Alain. It was clear that talk about her are just not interested.
"Hmm, never met.... And all the neighbors are? All the villagers?
-Yes does....Live. Nobody touches. And it does not disturb anybody... However, it happens sometimes. A-a-a-a - girl waved her hand.
She paused, and I did not ask her. So quietly talking we passed the whole village and were on горбатом bridge over the river. Somewhere down there in the dark, sometimes поплескиваясь and reminding of itself, occasionally cutting through the quiet murmur of the silence of the cosmos, spurted water. Starry sky reflected in it, because the river was capricious, мелководна and бурлива. The thought that around, on both sides of the road, there are boggy lowlands, and there is more, on her mound, stands thick, непролазный forest, вперившийся the tops of their stunted кряжистых, hard and reluctantly rising from the earth the trees in the starry void low sky, I suddenly there was an uncomfortable, it is not good for the soul. The places around were truly wild, uncomfortable, raw. Some original, hostile to human nature, wild animal spirit secret purpose in the tranquility of this impenetrable night. My whole body загуляли fat herds of large bumps.
-How do you live here? - Shivered from the chill of horror, поползшего on my back, I asked the girl.
-Yes now and live, " she sighed somewhere close by in the darkness. She seemed to know my thoughts. "I was born here, and me everything was familiar. Yes and others.... Actually, we have no visitors. All just leave.
I leaned on the railing of the bridge of poles, which immediately creaked. Alena followed my example. Railing creaked even stronger, threatening not sustain our weight.
-Collapse? I inquired the girl.
-Not collapse, " calmly replied she.
-What? - I became interested in.
-I think so...
I leaned closer to Alena and felt the warmth of her body. The air around was already cool, and one by one began to gather around us mosquitoes, increasingly brazen all the rage flew past his ear. I gently put my hand on a hip of the girls around her. I had not seen her, she was silent. Being in the excitement, I continued its offensive and tried to kiss her. But Alena was ahead of me, halfway stopping my mouth with his palm.
-Do not.
-Just don't everything, " she faltered, " because I know...
What do you know?
-What will happen then.
"And what happens then? - I tried to break her resistance.
-Well, if I like you?
-So what? Anyone you like you just kiss!
"But you don't!
-Yes beat you! I do not want! - Raised my voice girl, and the resistance it became more insistent. - No Ho-Chu!!!
I recoiled from it, convinced the last exclamation, распоровшим virgin silence of the night, in the futility of their intentions. For some time we stood in silence, then Alena spoke.
-But I wonder what time it is?
-Yes somewhere there midnight, I figured.
"Come then, " she suggested.
"Come, I'll show you something.
She took my hand and pulled me out of the bridge away from the village, to the forest.
"Where are we? Puzzled I inquired.
-Do not ask! All now see.
I was curious and a little scary.
-But where are we?! There is the forest! I inquired.
-We go there and have...
The embankment of the road we headed for the woods. In the swamp and then it began to appear lights twinkling blue and green. Soon appeared on the background of the sky dark silhouettes of the trees on the edge. Alena kept pulling my hand. And I couldn't help being jealous of the bravery and courage with which she was travelling in the impenetrable darkness of the forest undergrowth, dragging me after him.
At the very edge of the woods, we turned right. Apparently, there was a road on which I paid no attention morning. Shortly ahead in the darkness began to loom some lights, and then I realized that the light is coming from a building standing in impassable thicket, where around, probably, a lot of all forest beasts. It is unclear to whom it here had to build.
The building was a squat long structure with many small square little Windows. We approached one of them. Alena looked inside, and then gave place to me:
Through помутневшее glass I saw a stall, which was a few horses. The straw strewn floor stood a heavy massive stool, blackened with age. On the sat. It took me a woman. Her age, it was difficult to determine. At first I thought it was some kind of a gray-haired old woman, but then I saw that the woman is young. Beside her sat a large dog, but looking more closely, I was horrified, recognizing in it the wolf. The horse stood at attention in pens. A woman was sitting, bending over him forward so that her long black hair, giving a true gray hair fell forward and covered the face.
-What is it?! I asked, Alena, leaning from the window, moving involuntarily to a whisper.
-Stable, also in a whisper she said.
-And who was there?
-A neighbor of yours...
-What kind of neighbor?
-Ведьмячка? So she has a house lights are on!
The girl shrugged her shoulders.
-And what is she doing here? - I was amazed.
-As I say - ведьмячка. It better not mess with. Yes it is, no one links...
Together we throw yourself upon the window.
The woman continued to sit still, bowed her head. It was obvious that she does something at the bottom of the hands. Dog-wolf sat opposite, faithfully staring at her.
-What is she doing here? - I became very curious.
I don't know, uncertainly, " the girl said.
"But you knew she was here! Time led me here so knew, and not for the first time, perhaps, for her подглядываешь!
-Knew-knew! "Retorted the girl. - Yes, in the village everyone knows that she's here хаживает. It even watchman identified. I guess that's not so scary!
-Who were afraid?
-All. Why, it's not clear what it here roam. And was it scary. And the watchman appointed - it seems to be clear, what the hell, and that she is here at night need. Adults like, elderly people and children worse: eyes closed palms and think that all that fears fled, and they are not visible, hiding. But that's not the way! How was all, so there!.. Oh,look.
Alena grabbed one hand behind me, and the other in the mouth and in the glare from the window, I saw her eyes full of horror. I glanced out of the window and saw a fascinating to his horror picture.
"Ведьмячка already sat on a stool, and приплясывала and spun around him, dropping a hand. Wide sleeves of her dress fluttering black wings of a bird to fly up and fell down, трнепетали with sudden attempts to fly and movements. She seemed to really turn into a big black bird will fly. Hoisted into the air and flies away from the stables. Dog-wolf now sat, and arose, and, running on a wider circle of witches around counterclockwise, occasionally jumped up and looked at her with such a look as a sacrifice, if was going to throw himself at her and only waited a convenient moment.
On the walls of the stables, standing in her horses suddenly danced red nowhere suddenly came flashes, similar to the glow of the fire. At first, they were extremely subtle and weak, and you'd think a hallucination. But then, the longer danced witch, the more they became more distinct, were it more and more crimson colors. Soon you'd think a stable inside, all the lights, and the woman immediately почерневшем to the resin attire dancing in the flame of the fire.
Meanwhile dog-wolf, бегавшая around, was to see me sometimes very badly, though disappear from time to time for these bursts and eventually disappeared somewhere at all.
Watching all this, Alena suddenly gave a low cry. I myself was captured by such stupor, I have never experienced before in my life. If the blood rushed from all my organs and body parts or ceased to circulate through my body. As онемевает long and strongly bent in a joint member of the body, arm or leg, so just me, from head to toe, covered such numbness. And I was unable not to move, say something, say a word.
I felt like another moment, and the flame does not already flashed, and a solid crimson wall гудевшее in the stables, fall from the window of the us right in the face, cover against the stable wall, aches, загудит on them, will crack пожираемым tree. I even tried to draw back, as far as I allowed оцепеневшее horror body. But nothing happened, although the red impenetrable, like the flame wall has continued to dance inside, on the window.
Suddenly everything stopped. And instead of red flame inside there some sort of greenish-blue glow, smooth and illusory. There is almost nothing to be seen. Everything inside into a sort of purplish-iridescent black haze.
In one stall was visible some fuss and movement. Was not immediately clear what is happening there. But soon the sight that I considered there, put me in shock.
The witch was a horse standing in a stall. Propped on the back of her skirt, and she enjoyed his masculine flesh...
The companion of my all was stupefied, and in the uncertain light, going from the window, her face had turned a milky pale as paper мелованное the canvas from the deadening blue.
-We go from here, " she said in a barely audible.
-Go, - quieter I said, and overcoming stupor, took her hand. I felt like that you can't stay here longer and see something.
When we walked away from the stables metres twenty five-thirty in the forest, I looked around. Windows continued to glow ghostly greenish-violet-blue.
"You didn't pay attention to what happened to the wolf? - Suddenly asked Alain, and from this question to me was strange anxiety.
"He disappeared, " I said, finally realizing that I have not seen, and it was actually. And Alena saw it too. - And what?
-No, nothing, " girl, apparently, gradually recover. - I just have the feeling that someone is lurking...
I immediately turned around, but in the pitch darkness, already in the distance were visible only ghostly shimmering window stables.
-No, Alena, this is for you I thought I hurried to reassure not so much a girl, but to himself.
-Well, if so...
We emerged from the forest. And only when almost had reached the bridge, crossing the swamp, little by little began to return to the presence of the spirit and the ability to adequately perceive the reality.
-Oh boy you got going on! - I was surprised.
-It is really the case?! "She finally Alena. - The so - dealings.
-Oh, my little business! This is hell!
-Can be hell... Only you know, lice infest from dirt, and this " - she nodded back, - starts from boredom, Yes anguish.
-In General, enchanting! - Suddenly, unexpectedly for myself I have made the assessment. - Worse than any show will be. But you're such a nonsense't do, but you are too dull and dreary!
-And what? Going Alena. - Very well could. Simply, I probably still wouldn't have grown...
She suddenly paused and then made the following observation:
-And the wolf I had never seen before...
-And all the rest?
-Everything else saw, maybe not that way. And the glow that never was. Yes and I was afraid to go look. I, occasionally, with one eye, when it was unbearable...Quiet!
Alena suddenly started to listen not even breathing. I, too, held his breath, stress вслушавшись in impenetrable darkness. Somewhere in the back had heard some subtle sounds. As if someone pillow slapped on a dusty road. "Wolf!" - for some reason, I thought.
"Come on! "I cried suddenly, seized the girl by the arm, and dragged her over to the village.
It seemed to me that I am born like a wind, and Alena a heavy load behind prevent my running and even limited by, trying to stop me. We hit the bridge, and the only place I allowed myself to stop and turn around. Heart furiously колотившееся chest, all muffled sounds, and so I heard, I felt it a subtle vibration of the earth from four about her paws. I realized that we don't run away. We had to defend himself, but what?
I searched and tried to tear the first pole handrails, then Board the bridge deck. She did, and I caught up with her in his arms like something dropped on me, pounding feet in the chest, knocking down and enveloped by the warm smelly breath. Falling on his back under the weight of attacking me mascara (and doubt I now was, that is the wolf), I heard, as if from afar frightened yelp Alena and gasped her last strength:
Board was still in my hand, and I fall in впихнул her miraculously into the mouth of a predator, while holding that have the strength. But the wolf began to advance upon, and I could feel my strength quickly pose, and that would last me quite long.
Begi, Alena, run! I shouted again, feeling that for more than't say nothing. Light my squished attacking mass so that it was impossible to breathe and gram air.
But Alena didn't run away. She was somewhere close by in the darkness, and through growl and ... " another croak brute, through the sounds of a struggle, I heard the rustle of steps somewhere close by in the darkness.
I fought as best they could. From the jaws of a wolf at me breathed warm and смрадное breath, and I'm stronger and stronger feeling recent strength is leaving me. In the minds clearly there was only one thought, that this is the end...
Suddenly the wolf as the donkey on his hind legs, like a little set me free. There was a dull blow, before which, apparently, was another. Then blows, the same deaf and the great fell one after another until the carcass of the beast, will not lay down with me somewhere in the side.
Whether from large nervous tension, or even why, but I suddenly felt that I was losing consciousness, and only managed to sweet-joy to think: "Saved!.."
Chapter 5.
Gladyshev worked under me. I also tried to rise, suffocating in the smoke. But we interfere with each other until раскатились in hand.
Standing up, I felt the wall, and began moving it, feeling through the acrid haze of smoke hot flames. I felt the jamb of the door, got out the door and slamming it behind him.
In the room where I was, too, was a smoke. I looked at her eyes, imagining that she will be enveloped in flames. "But where Gladyshev?!" - pierced me suddenly thought. I suddenly imagined, as he burns in the fire, and opened the door again, to call him. In the person I smell the burning flame burst from there. Door from the other side already started to burn. Paint it black and запузырилась.
-Gladyshev! I shouted that it was urine. - Gladyshev!!!
"What's going on?! Was suddenly behind me indignant voice.
I turned around, slamming the door. Lancashire stood on the threshold of the room, and looked at me with wide open eyes, rounded indignation.
-There...there... There is a fire! - all he could say was I, pointing to the door.
"Why?!! suddenly screaming hysterically shouted aunt, even jumping on his thick and short legs indignation. - Kako-it-on the way-and?!
-No! 'I replied, and added, again pointing to the door. -There Gladyshev...
Most likely, it was his mother.
-What?!! - She cried. 'Help!!! Help!!! Help!!! - And rushed toward me, rather, to the door.
His feet carried me to the other side, and when the woman opened the already burning the door, her heart-rending yells, "Uh-heh-heh-heh-heh!!!" - already heard on the stairs, almost head over heels down on the rail of the apartment together with a валившим the stairwell smoke.
Jumped out, I lifted his head. Gladyshev hung on the drainpipe, bloated and look anxiously staring to the window, from which there together with the smoke behind the flames, then down to the ground, which was rather far away fly.
-Gladyshev!!! You're an asshole, you know?!! Moron!!! - What was the strength of " I shouted.
He puffed up at me with his eyes, as if seen for the first time, why his scared face till you drop comical, but has caused me, shocked occurring, only new attack клокочущей rage.
-What, goat, eyes widened?! I shouted , going on so I devoid of jargon.
Meanwhile, on the street, onlookers began to gather. Some have long attracted smoke, валивший of Windows, the others came to my cries.
Here from the neighbouring steaming window, opened it, leaned out the aunt that was in the apartment at such a bad time.
-My son! Honey, what's wrong with you?! - She cried bad voice, and the whole crowd that surrounded me, lifted her head up.
'Mama! - Only and could answer her Gladyshev.
"Bastard!" I thought, and began to squeeze through the crowd, apparently sensing that be here I no longer need or even dangerous.
-Keep, keep it up! There was a screeching at the top of her aunt.
I turned around and saw her index finger directly at me: "why?!" - flashed in my head недоуменная thought, but my feet already have accelerated the movement. - "And suddenly some ass and really decide to seize me?!!"
-Keep it?! - Kept on screaming aunt, loud coughing in the smoke (now he was already two Windows at once).
I added step, and then ran. But for me it seems that no one was chasing, and through the quarter I realized that the danger was over, and went a step.
I am so tired of all that is happening with me that now was finally defeated and depressed. Besides it was toward evening, and I didn't know now where I stay. Somewhere in the depths of my mind some half an hour ago a faint hope of being able to stay at Gladysheva. But now the way was ordered, and you yourself Гладышеву will now not sleep, and, especially, not to the guests.
Grew dark, and I was aimlessly wandering about the city, not knowing what to do now. Nothing better to do I went to the falls on the way of shops, although food from afar off long bursts. Several times I went in, and going from there, thought I'd do, if I'd not had fallen suddenly, as if from heaven, some wealth. "Not from heaven", - said to myself, I, and my heart every time sank out of awe.
Don't know how I found myself at a familiar Brasserie bar, though, and think not thought about him.
Standing in front of the doors, I felt like soda, me toe to toe gradually but quickly filled some vague presentiment. If dreams born of memories, steel like a rainbow bubbles float upwards, born from the foam of nostalgia. However, something остерегало kept me from having to go there.
People walked into the bar and come out of it. They were mostly experienced guys, but some were younger, and even met the young guys. I stood in front hesitated, watching inside struggling desire and fear of the unknown, from which посасывало stomach.
Curiosity and the subliminal sense of adventure have won in the end, and I took a step from the sidewalk.
Inside everything was like a few months ago: the same faces, the same beer, same small turn to the rack. When I finally took a beer and sausages and been able to take a loved th the table, at which we often they with Охромовым in a fun campaign, then suddenly longing came my heart, as a sudden blast, окатившая gravel during a full calm. All that is happening, all I'm doing now, it seemed meaningless, and in an instant it became empty and worthless. In the throat com, подкатившийся from somewhere in the bowels of the body, and my fork still long and aimlessly ковыряла pristine sausages.
Gradually gave way to sadness illusion waiting, and I thought it would be very good, right in great if someone here has come from friends, even Охромов or that old man who first met me here.
At first it was a sweet and malleable, but later became empty, cold, and boring. I knew that I was deceiving himself that no one will come here. Nobody I wait here, and I'm now quite alone in the world, and nobody needs. And if happen to me today to die somewhere in the alley, then there will be nobody even to cry about me: my whole life - one loss, the people I meet on my way, but go away like shadows, never stopping for a long time, and detain any of them, make its true friend, my strength, and therefore the whole world very often illusory gains shape and flimsy, like a Mirage. And it seems then, that the soil of reality's drift away from under my feet, as if I am not on it at all, and I weigh, not having any actual weight, and opens a picture of some other, more terrible, but equally or more natural existence. The vessel that holds my life in the self, as the water will be broken, and it will spread runs out in some other, unknown to me now space, and it will be scary.
I was someone touched his shoulder. I turned around and saw aunt, that since time immemorial collected in this institution dishes and wiping tables, отираясь between tipsy and arrogant men and becoming as coarse and rough:
-Hey, you, " she relish выматерилась, if схаркнула, is going to stay here?
I didn't understand at first what she says, but turning around, I saw that the bar was empty. The tables were empty and clean worn out, and only stood on my plate with intact sausages, расковырянными fork drastically, and a mug of beer.
No sooner had I bat my eye, like an aunt, as if wiped away, removed the dishes all this and without letting say a word to me, concluded:
-Вшивайся come right now rag огрею.
I went out and immediately, barely smack behind my back the latch on the door of the bar, incipient famine and wished I had not had time to eat.
It was already dark, in the houses lit up window, somewhere on the street-lamps were lit light bulb. Air quickly began to lose heat, once again reminding that the summer is gone, and soon became cool and even more than invigorating. The rare passers-by hurrying, raising collars and запахнувшись to warm homes. And only occasionally went hurriedly walking, young, fashionably dressed for the weather pair, apparently specially taking to the streets of the city, to breathe a pleasant coolness of the beginning of autumn, Yes gawk at the shop Windows, so different from their content, and can be, to feel yourself even in the evening hours in some other, happy and carefree, prosperous world.
I wandered through the city streets aimlessly reeling already not the first kilometer. In one of the darkest places in a vacant lot adjacent to the garage cooperative, crazy fight, which involved a total of at least fifty boys and men, armed with chains and sticks, knives and electrodes, almost grabbed me in his sticky porridge, and then in my head for the first time has flown regret that I left in the dark, deaf quarters. Everything happened so fast and was first so incomprehensible that in a moment around me already chased each other with the light of spotlights from not close garages, waving and beaten with chains and sticks, kicked the fallen feet, stumbled, cursed and shouted themselves with moans toppled to the ground. I barely understood what was happening all of a sudden I immediately animal horror gripped my being, because the shock something heavy mono expect now from any side at any moment.
These breakthrough fights between gangs of youngsters and older guys, дравшихся among themselves for the territory of influence, were known to me not by hearsay since childhood. I have never participated in them because it was not in gangs. But many of my childhood friends took a direct role, and because I knew that they were fighting never stayed before, to turn in chop bystanders mi unwanted witnesses: who is not with us, that they should beat - that was the motto of such dumps.
Someone jumped me in мелькании shadows and слепящем light of spotlights and, grasping the hand, turned in the opposite direction. I have not seen, and almost guessed that I want to cover, like a human shield, and therefore immediately dodged aside. Behind me I heard a moan on the shoulder and slid Dubina. Were seen engaged for me the fingers relaxed, and I rushed away with all the legs, because that was not going at all to wait for the next hit, which was probably meant to me. Turning around, I saw that for me someone chases. Several times I bumped into someone at a мелькании shadows, but it ran, it would seem, even faster. Persecuting apparently took catch me and RUB his cudgel, and its steps difficult and scary stamped for моейц back. Towards fall "Canaries", брызгающие in the darkness flashes of blue light from the "bubbles". Apparently, they were sent to the place of fights, but none of the machines did not stop to catch the one who ran behind me.
I ran, probably with half a kilometre through the dark streets and yards of these deaf quarters, but my pursuer was stubborn, and steps behind my back and knocked low and heavy as inevitable doom. My strength was waning. I just lost my breath. And then ducked into one of the entrances first got home. Switch off and paying off the light, I bullet flew up the stairs and stopped on the third floor, choking from the swift rise. There was a lift, and I pressed the call button. She lit up in the dark with a red eye.
At the bottom of footsteps. Someone come in the door, breathing stopped, but then faster than I expected, began to go up the stairs. Soon came the clatter of somewhere nearby, and in the twilight I saw a barely visible shadow of a man who rose to the platform. He walked in my direction, heading for the Elevator shaft. It was dark and hardly my figure was visible. Apparently, he was just checking not hid whether his victim in a dark тупичке.
I stepped back into the darkness, but this time the door opened a lift, and a faint, dull light from there clarified the just me.
Stalker my stopped, probably taken aback with surprise. Although he was looking for me, but something now puzzled him , so give me courage and determination. The Elevator doors were between us, but a little closer to me. After making a few quick movements, I jumped into the cab and clicked on the first available button.
The Elevator doors were closed, but the Stalker my back, and put his stake between them. Now I saw the face of a person who is so relentlessly chased me. It was difficult to determine how much he really was, because fear has replaced every curiosity. However, this was a husky fellow. On his face was obvious rage and a wry grimace of anger, but the dull expression quite заменявшее both, talked about a lot, if not everything. "This, if caught, then be sure to kill!" - Flashed through my mind like a bolt of lightning. Inside the lump and it felt as if I was alone not with man, but with a wild animal, predator, which is according to nature, alien to mercy. It was useless to persuade. And they had only to defend to the last.
The Elevator doors had stumbled on a stick, зажужжали engine and again began to open. It became obvious to me that now followed by a strike and attack, and the Stalker вломится in the Elevator. And if he does this, I come to an end. So I did not wait for such an outcome, first strike, kick, hit the stick out of the opening door, and the second, a fist that was pointed his forces in the face преследователю. The fact whether from the unexpected, whether it is valid from the force of the blow fell to the opposite wall. The Elevator doors closed, and I had gone up. "Well, now all - not lag behind", - сквозанула малодушная thought. As if not from the very beginning it was obvious that this will not be far behind now.
Having reached the top I listened to the darkness, but nothing like the movement or steps are not heard. The Elevator doors began to close automatically. I framed leg. They opened again. The sound of their engine roared echoing through the mine entrance.
My head is Mature simple plan of salvation. We had to wait for the Stalker here, and then, as soon as he appears, take the Elevator down and give a tear or drop into a nearby staircase. But time passed, and no one climbed. In addition скрежетания and buzz of the doors of the lift, and then натыкающихся on my leg, nothing was heard.
Still so could not continue indefinitely, and, realizing that much risk, and it would be better to be patient, I left the Elevator and went to the stairwell.
A faint light shining from the street from the dim street lights through the window of the entrance barely covered it. But immediately saw the shadow of a man standing on the landing between the floors. He apparently was raised very quietly, stealthily, and now waiting for my curiosity overpower patience. And it happened! He was cunning, my pursuer, and when the shadow came to me on the stairs, then it's just that I realized how underestimated his abilities hunter.
I rushed to the Elevator, trying to realize the stupidity of the situation. It does not happen! Why chasing complete stranger that you've done nothing middle of the night?! And fought-he that with familiar? This stranger is his sacrifice, his game! Mining, which he intended, and should now in whatever was to come along!
In the most dangerous moments in the life of all why something is happening in slow motion. These three steps to lift stretched into eternity, like the rubber is. I saw how slowly closed the door of the Elevator and saw that they were to be shut before my eyes, and then... then it will be too late. I simply don't have time to have time to wait when these doors will open again, go into the Elevator, press the button and leave.
And they closed right in front of me. The tree I crashed into them all over, and отлетая managed to click the call button, then turned around, guessing in the twilight выскочившую behind me shadow of a man.
The Stalker was at hand. Elevator opened again. And when he ran up, intending to its Drin over his shoulder to sadanut me hard, I made a lunge, she sat down on one knee and hard put forward a fist with the other hand bent at the elbow, closed the top of the head. The attacker came across belly with a running start on my defense. I immediately stepped back, as if dragging a hand to him, giving him a run on, and pushed him into the Elevator. Then quickly clicked on any of the buttons on the panel. The guy was crouched on the floor in the cabin, apparently, cool impaled on my fist, but realized that I was going to do and tried to prevent it, trying to hit me on the arm with a stick. I snatched the number of his hands, and would himself for reliability as it should RUB his back. But the doors closed and the Elevator went down somewhere.
I rushed down the stairs to beat his enemy, jumping over three stairs at a fourth. But still did not: one of the floors of the road again blocked my pursuer. In my hands was his cudgel. But something glittered in his hand in the twilight of cold steel.
With fear I immediately turned around and, despite the fact that panting from the constant bustle, playfully threw himself back up. Guy breathed me now in the back. I thought he was waving a knife and now I get.
At one of the sites I turn poked its end of the stick that had the power, and got away so that at the top had to call the Elevator and met him at the edge of the stairs, ready to dangerous fight.
-Oh, you kid! E-e-e!!! - I first heard it, did сиплый voice and even surprised that until this moment, we all was silent. 'I'll show you!!!
His shadow jumping rapidly ran upstairs, and I met him again poke a stick. He jumped back. But in the next second, in front of my face whipped his hand. I missed this swing, but he didn't touch me. The next sweep of the I hit on the hand with the knife leg from below, but missed, but now he grabbed my leg and wanted to put the knife, but the same got me a heavy blow on the head with a cudgel, grabbed her hands and read сумраки entrance вскриком and матерщиной abuse. My foot was free. I recoiled, and immediately run to hit her on the face of the enemy, then, without giving him recover, struck several devastating punches above its stake again on the head, covered with his hands, wondering how I can so cruelly beat a man. But then realized that this is all from the wild animal fear that all this time ran my body, making my consciousness many things purely instinctive. In fact it is only that he wanted to punish me!
I beat the enemy mercilessly where and how horrible, causing countless blows without stopping. It seemed like he was supposed to fall or at least throw in flight. But he stood there, dodging and shielding their eyes from the shock, as an experienced fighter, accustomed to these types of attacks. And suddenly I was born and quickly began to grow fear that now I выдохнусь and stop its beating. And he will remain standing, and then comes his turn. This fear cool down my strength. My bangs were for him, that kicks flies for the elephant. And suddenly I stopped, bound with this sudden opening, wondering what to do next.
At the same moment the enemy, using this, slashed at me with a knife and grabbed his wounded hands club. Wild pain through my body. I heard something crack. Not that it was torn fabric of my clothes, it was torn my skin. Suddenly I broke some screams, deafened me and spread around the entrance together with glee and the roar of the adversary.
I suddenly thought that I cover. That's that! No, no!
In contrast, the bullies I had had enough and one blow.
Somehow pushing away from you the enemy, or, rather, rebounding from him, I rushed up the stairs, but paused on the step and sat down on the stairs. As if specially for him it was more convenient to deal with me. The last of my strength left me suddenly, and I didn't even move seeing as me logged blow, like a sword of the executioner over the victim. All I could do is just tumbling sideways earlier than would have made me do it a shot. And the number of hit me on the head and shoulder. My body piercing pain took away the hand. Then the attacker struck me three times in the left side of his chest with a knife three times. But the knife all three times came across my wallet full of documents, securities and money, and only the third time out from the opposite side, poring over a centimeter in my body.
I three times while screamed, and fell flat on his back, thinking that now I do I was such a disgraceful, stupid and ugly end. Strange and contradictory thoughts raced through my head.
I was not afraid, because the thought of death has ceased to frighten. I realized that I now really happen to die here, in a strange city, in a strange house, in an unfamiliar entrance. I only wished that went to the dark in these crazy quarters unknown even why, but then decided that regret it now no longer has any meaning, because nothing in this world has no sense for me. Even the soul there was some peace. I became extremely easy and free. I always suspected that I would end his life as something bad. This has been talked about the numerous and stupid events and accidents that have made my life miserable and devoid of sense, foolish and sinful.
And now all this was only an accident, some unfortunate accident, which could not be, and it would be better if it was not. But it occurred. And marked the end of my unlucky and offensive жизненки.
"We had to go with him to the world, when you had weapons," sluggish I thought with some almost indifferent regret observer. Only the pain of the wounds and shock still made me feel something. But it somewhere departure, faded...
The guy tried to pull out his knife stuck in my wallet that was in the pocket of the heart, me stepping foot on chest heavy boot. I was supposed to be at least if it does not hurt, it hurt, but I just silently watched him. It was a feeling that I'm watching some movie, and I see it from the side, as if not from the body but from somewhere nearby, from a simple space. As a spectator in a cinema. And everything happened for me now that a third-party кинокартинкой, without feelings, without feelings...
In the porch light came on. There were far footsteps and voices. A guy once frightened and looked at me, his face was genuine fear. He climbed down the stairs to the floor below, for some reason it stopped there, but I soon heard the rumble of his shoes, drops lower and lower on the porch. Soon it stopped.
Several floors below opened the Elevator door. We heard the voices of the people. Slammed the door, and all fell silent.
In the lighted now the entrance there's nobody left but me, lying in the middle of the stairs with funny sticking out of the chest with a knife. He still went in the chest, and from there bleeding, having under me already a puddle. A wounded hand also bleeding from a long incised wounds. Another, "отсушенная" in the arm, too little fretted. My body lays in itself, and the consciousness is near, as if by itself, almost impossible without cooperation between them. "It ended the evening!" thought ironically I. Tried to somehow some way to move it. But everything was not like mine.
Again there came a sound. This time the door opened above, on the last floor. I immediately heard a child's thin frightened voice:
-Oh, grandpa, grandpa! Look! That is in there?!
"Well, go home! "Replied the old man's voice.
Clicked and the door creaked, and all was still again. Some time later, the door creaked again. The bell rang, the clank of the castle, muffled whisper:
"Well, neighbor, let's see. There someone is lying. Does killed.
To me descended нагнулись and probably noticed that I'm still alive.
-Look, like a knife sticking out! Wow, just in the heart!..
-Yes, I see! You come on, better, help me! Alive seems chappie!
-Ooh, heavy!
-Come on, come on somebody else with the neighbors...
-Where is it?
-To me yet...
Soon they raised me on hands and suffered.
Chapter 6.
When I woke up, he felt a terrible shaking, from which have hurt the insides. A few moments later it became clear that my body lies on the cart of straw. I held out my hand, and she ran into something fuzzy and warm. It was a wolf. He was lying next breath.
Before I could hear muffled conversation of a few people. But I couldn't understand what they say, like in my head, everything turned upside down, mixed up, and I forgot even her own language.
Gradually, everything fell into place, but the conversation had ended, and someone just cried aloud in the dark:
"Wait, Shaggy!!! Wait, your mother!
Cart wheels creaked and froze.
I turned my head and saw that they had reached, like, the house Pelagia, sat up, happy to discover that the arms and legs intact, and nothing hurts.
-Alena, call Panteleevna, only not panic наводи.
In the house Pelagia is still a light was burning, and from there came the sound of the already weak, but the cheerful singing.
To my ears heard a soft knock jump, then, light steps, and then I окрикнул:
-Not have anyone to call. I had already come to life.
-Ah, - with enthusiasm, animation, who responded in the darkness - well, then слазь went into the hut.
When we went into the house, in the porch of the reflections of the room has been seen that coming three: all men are over thirty and kind of harsh.
Pelageya came out to meet us. She was подвыпившая, but was apparently still good.
-Where-t you vanished, granddaughters? Here in the dark for such a walk is nothing. Animals range of wild forests roam.
-Yes what animals, grandma! - Interceded someone came. - All have long interrupted.
-All, but not all! - Another quite different. Your out as the time and got under the wolf!
Bat-тюшки! Piano threw up her hands Пантелеиха, trying to be frightened or to depict it on the face. Now evident became stronger, that it quite drunk. -Yes how?!
"Okay well, you panic inducing, Peter! Calm down, Pelageya, alive your guest. See - is unharmed, and the wolf there, lying around in a cart. We пришибли дубьем. Nothing bad happened! Can-Meaux only scratched a little bit, " said a conversation third.
-And on what occasion you today partying, citizen Pelageya Panteleevna? - Flirting, went to a fortune Peter twisting fingers spread some финтифлюшки.
-But, - Pelageya pulled me by the sleeve, and I let myself, went to her-that's my guest. On this occasion, and drink.
"Well?! Shrugged his shoulders Peter. -Goes - we culprit celebrations saved?!
He turned and funny rolled my eyes, feigning astonishment, and then, again glancing at Пелагею, added:
"Well, in that case, legally pour us as a native language, under the top edge of the glass!
-Peter! - Restrained him one that is already урезонивал his chatter before. "Stop clowning around!
-A che, che?! - Нахорохорившись, turned to him, Peter, in : thrusting out his chest forward, but for some reason he stopped and settled somehow, became even smaller.
Going by the inter guests all was not well, Pelageya itself joined the conversation:
-Okay, мужуки, come to the table. I have enough for everybody. There is more to drink.
Peter immediately went on into the house. For them immediately, finally, moved and two of his companions. And in the porch were only we with Alyona.
-Yeah, wow прогулочка turned out! - I whistled, shaking his head and trying to find sympathy in the eyes of the girl.
-Ah, nonsense, " said Alain so indifferently, as if it happened every day. -You are not a bit strong wolf? Oooh, healthy! And where did that come from?! - It seemed to me that Alena says last mechanically, so I replied:
-You as well as I know - where.
A thoughtful sight of the girl became suddenly a piercing prickly, but she said nothing and just turned and went out on the porch. I followed her, as if afraid for her that she can anything happen.
Alena stood on her porch and watched silently not somewhere in the edge of heaven, are not in darkness, властвующую above the ground.
I stood beside her, not knowing what to speak, but because stared there, where watched the girl.
Suddenly, in the part of the firmament from the forest began to rise something orange-red. I was frightened, and only when the crimson horn months, going to the full moon, leaned out more guessed that I see, and I calmed down.
-Look how precisely you know the place of the appearance of the moon, trying to flatter I Alena, surprised at how quickly, however, raises the heavenly body.
-Habit, " she grinned.
"You astronomers are you preparing? - I tried to make a joke.
"Yeah, astronomers, and the observers for UFO...
The irony Alena heard notes, кольнувшие bad anxiety my heart.
-What a UFO?
"But here, now you will see.
She paused, again focusing on the observation of the Moon, and I could join her, feeling uncomfortable from the feeling that not all the surprises of the evening still behind. Assumptions about the mysterious words of girls swarmed in my head, but nothing was solid ground in my guesses.
Passed a few painful minutes. Brewing desire to stop the joke.
-Let us go into the house, I suggested to'alene.
"And you?
-I'll stay.
-Well, first of all, because I'm a teenager, and me out anyway выпроводят, and secondly, I will wait for the UFO, " I said.
-Yes what a UFO?! - I retorted. -What UFO hell?! - I would put it stronger, but then felt the sharp nails of the fingers Alena dug вмою skin.
"Look, look! - She whispered in a low, but strong-willed voice, pointing the other hand somewhere in the direction of the moon.
From everything happening quite suddenly my eyes spread unexpected tear. When I wiped it, there is nothing new or unusual in the sky is not seen.
That "look"? With vexation I whispered to the girl.
-Already over, but you're on a month on month to see.
I began to examine the rising higher and becoming lighter and more yellow piece of the moon, and doubt, thinking that maybe there should be something to see. Suddenly on a background of a heavenly body to have some strange shadow, a fully its скрывшая for a split second, and then a terrible suspicion struck me, shaking feeling of reality. It was a real hoot in a mortar, рулившая downwind broom as the keel of the boat. This Eclipse, like a flash of light imprinted in my mind, and I haven minutes with a half trying to understand it, when Alena said:
-Now the wheel will.
-What? I asked, and from this question himself seemed to be a fool.
-Look, look that showed me Alena now along the street, and at that moment I began to feel like the hair on your head become erect. The feeling of unreality back to me again. It seemed to me that I am in a large attraction "House of terror".
The street in front of us, walking down the gullies and surfacing from there with the same speed, was rolling burning like drenched with resin wooden wheel of the cart. "Passion-what?" - was horrified at myself, but aloud to say anything failed.
The wheel came to a cart, обогнуло заржавшую in the animal horror horse and rolled back, straight to the house of a neighbor-"ведьмячки", had climbed on the porch, yeah, burning, and entered the house. Out of the window, immediately seemed flashes of flame. "Fire, probably, will be", - with unexplained aloofness, I thought. However, these sources in the Windows of the neighbour soon disappeared, and instead they had smooth green glow, soon also померкшее.
I looked at Alyona. I suddenly there безотчетная guess that girl is, if not an accomplice played before me macabre theatre, in any case, his grateful audience.
-How to understand all this? - I found finally the gift of speech.
"As you wish.
-But how do you know about and about it?..
I don't know... This is not the first time.
-Listen, but it's a nightmare! Really nobody cares? On everyone's mind right under the noses of hell is what's happening, and no one, if not notice!
-Can, and does not notice... do Not want to see, I guess.
-But is it possible to live?
"Why not?
But it is still pretend not to notice that you put on the head!
-So easier to live... Well, I've got.
"Where are you?
Alena said it so quietly and simply, that hardly arisen in my soul stirrings of hope for a romantic continuation of our acquaintance immediately sank.
"Come, I'll show you, yet I suggested.
-Why? - Alena stepped off the porch.
Hey, where is the wolf? - I was amazed, when, passing by a cart, felt her hand in the desire to discover the carcass of the beast. Straw bedding was empty.
"No what? - Without surprise, asked the girl.
-No, - I said, feeling the chill went down his back because emerged suddenly the feeling that wolf somewhere near and again prepares to jump.
-Well and good.
-As well? And if it is next?
-No. Or run away, or the mistress of the visor.
-What mistress?
-Oh, that, - Alena nodded to immerse yourself in the darkness of the witch house.
I was not myself, and even wince whole body, from her words. An oppressive feeling of horror firmly stuck to me.
I spent the girl to her house on the other side of the village and all the way back was afraid, and even trembling.
Guests of Pelagia not yet dispersed. There were already a lot less, than in the beginning. The three who saved me, were now almost half of those present. My absence nobody noticed. Except that Pelageya has thrown in my direction weird, half-drunk opinion.
At the table to eat the remains of food and drink up the last moonshine. I sat down next to me and immediately received an offer of a drink and a half a Cup of potions. Handed him the same Peter. He had pretty much to pump.
The drink, " he said in a hoarse bass voice. - Drink with me.
Want - I winced from the stinking smell of a hazy white liquor.
Pei, I say!" - Peter slightly hit his fist on the table, and all the dishes together jumped.
-I do not want, " I said.
-And I say - Pei puppy! The eyes of the man began to sparkle with the evil sparks and steel vylazit of orbits.
-You that, Peter, what is it?! - Затормошил his shoulder one of the satellites, the one that одергивал it still stood in the hall. He, too, was a "lukewarm".
-Go away-camping! - Peter easily led with his elbow, and осаживавший nearly flew off from the bench. -Don't touch me! I салаженком ентим drink!
-What are you-t or something, a parasite?! - Intervened Pelageya. "You don't bother him, the bear?! I now Dame салаженка...
Pelageya's so dirty выматерилась in the address пристававшего to me that he drew on her own bathed in green snake eyes and said nothing, silently knocked over a glass, then, again staring at me with silly drunken hatred, pulled far over the table in hand with a faceted glass.
On the face of Peter's time effort, исказившее it in the brutal grimace. Fingers, thick, covered with the joints of coarse black stubble, turned white. And at the same moment there was a dull crunch. The glass broke, crumbled. Peter, widely having opened his mouth, tucked there left in the hand fragments of glass and with a wild crunch began to chew it, continuing on bovine become swollen me глазюки, nalivshiesya blood.
Apparently, earlier this huge мужичище performed at the table such tricks, because the incident no one was surprised. On the contrary, immediately felt should be that everyone somehow calmed down, осунулись, darkened their plates.
I'm tired of all this savagery, окружившая suffocating me tight ring on the first day of my stay in this strange village. I put the glass on the table and I said:
-Wolf was gone.
Peter immediately choked glass, turned down, began to cough. The mouth flowed abundant saliva with blood. He fell with his forehead on the edge of the table, continuing afraid to cough. One of his satellites, that was dope clapped him on the back. The second rushed to the street. He shortly went out and stood on the threshold of the room:
-Nope, havent wolf! - On the face of it was surprise.
-Sper to see someone came from behind the table, on a fur coat!
Joke, however, had no effect and drowned in the deep waters of the coming suddenly silence, among which the terrible thump, spitting blood, Peter.
Take it! "He stood at the threshold of хлопавший him on the back. -Something very bad.
Peter took the arms and led from the house. On the street there was a creaking sound of the wheels of a cart.
After departing the three guests one after the other in pairs and groups were pulled out, saying goodbye to Pelageya and thanks for the meal.
When the latter left the house Panteleevna locked the door, put it on the iron hooks in приколотке impressive timber, and then turned to me:
"Well, tell me, пострелок what happened. I saw that thou tons left. A t the wolf?! All tell the straight-t! That you're a t done?!
I briefly told the grandmother, what happened, omitting the details about the wheel, flying through the sky neighbor and witchcraft in the stable, because he did not believe this, just all that I have seen or dreamed.
-Look! - Threatened me curves with a gnarled finger Pelageya. - Do not poke your nose! You've half a month shalt and firewood наломаешь - in six months is not расхлебаем. Not you live here. Keep quiet and water, lower than grass. Get it!?
-Of course! I replied, thrown into the total dismay.
Two days passed. Everything that happened in the first day and evening somehow dimmed in memory. I even became inclined to think of this as something unreal, some myth that somebody told me, and I saw it too figuratively.
Around me flowed common life, dying villages, doomed to death have left it on to the young generation. I am not very worried, because I felt a bystander, a random person, by a whim of fate found themselves in this God-forsaken village.
Rolling yourself on a moustache words Pelagia, I decided to do something harmless. Went fishing a couple of times a day, not to meet in the evening twilight, with some evil spirits, not without fear, however, walked around the neighborhood lying forests, having found higher up the river in a little coppice goes cemetery, which likely contributed to the poisoned her juices, and therefore it is not surprising was that the fish bite bad, but, putting rakolovku I in broad daylight for a hour almost streamlet catch a dozen cancers. This worked and small kids, плескавшаяся on the river. However, before I saw the way they did it, I imagine it would be impossible, and thus could be something to catch.
The village пацанва with wild screaming раскручивала over his head tied to a rope for a dead cat tail and threw it in the middle of the river. Thirty minutes later, when all this was taken back to shore, old stagnated carcass of an animal provided обвешанной several cancers, which piled up in galvanized bucket.
Grandma Pelageya tried to send me to a quagmire for berries, saying that now is the time of harvest, but I refused since childhood testing inexplicable horror трясинами and pop-up here and there from the black water, huge бульбами" marsh gas, утробно gurgling in creeks between wetland grassy hillocks.
A few days stay in the village gave me to understand that it is extremely empty. All of the male working population employed on cereal fields. The youth after school age disappeared immediately after finishing school in Great Василихе. And schoolchildren also dispersed in all directions. In the end I felt a surge of that terrible sultry anguish, I complained several times Alena.
The girl also somewhere запропастилась. However, I avoided meeting her, because noticed all hell swirled around me, as soon as she was close. Was there any connection or not - I wasn't going to find out.
Although being in a village lost to me by this time every interest and meaning, I decided to hold on to the remaining dozen days without incident and peacefully leave the territory of these regions.
It took several more peaceful and just as boring days. The only event that a bright flash flashed on this band dismal idleness, became a meeting with ведьмячкой at the well.
Pelageya asked me to fetch water. I did not argue with the frail grandmother, which the days spent in the garden, took the yoke with empty buckets and went to the well. There already was packing water one woman. She stood back to me, and when I approached quite close, turned suddenly and asked:
"You, eh, Pelageya live?
His face was a beautiful woman, even inviting, but it was something страшащее. I was surprised, because not met before a woman of such beauty and youth (for the time of stay in the village almost all remnants of its population were known to me). I couldn't even tell who she was.
I live.
-You are beautiful, guy, slender, wiry, wiry as a good horse, " said the old woman, looking me up and down black eyes, from the glance that my heart began to beat more often and more.
Her words made me confused. For a long time already разучившийся blush, I suddenly зарделся to the roots of your hair. Her face felt the greed for in sexual promiscuity, but not playful and modest, and some barbed, aggressive, devouring. Besides, the word "horse" sounded in my soul troubled, restless note, stirring in the subconscious some vague Association and guesswork.
The woman raised her head, and her black, blue-tarry, as Roma, long locks of hair fell on the face, covering it in half. Then she slightly bowed her head and looked at me askance.
Unable to make her sight, I turned hastily to get water. However, the woman was not going to go away, and stood behind me, silently watching me.
-Help me? She asked when I got their full buckets rocker.
-And what you aside?
-Yes to the same place as you, " she smiled, and the smile on my head spinning around. Now it was impossible to get rid of acute anxiety, sharp claws впившегося in the heart. My legs suddenly become exactly cotton, and the hands and even refused to obey. And the yoke with two плескающимися over the edge buckets's fixing to fall off the shoulder.
-What are you standing there for? "The woman asked, and my heart stopped for a moment, and then thumped with furious force. "Take my arm.
I tried to obey her and noticed a strange thing: my hands obediently and highly take up her burden and put it on the other shoulder. Not for the first time I experience the awe of female beauty, but to be surprised: this has never happened before to the village. "What the hell happened?" Unwittingly running through my mind, when only that the former numb legs became suddenly springy.
-Where to invest? I inquired and was stunned when the woman showed the house next door with Pelageya. Piercing guess deprived me speechless.
Not remembering itself was I at the gate ведьмячки. The effort it cost me stop here! I turned to her, trembling now with all the soul, вспомнившей shook me event. Now I don't have the strength to raise her eyes.
-That arose? Come, - has offered me a witch.
A waterfall of doubt and passionate impulses collapsed on top of me on the head, nearly tearing it. Seeing a woman dazzling beauty, I tried to get rid of the sticky web, уволакивающей me to the lair of the мракобасия, tried to reason with himself, that to me a tree whose trunk adorable - only rotten shell, for which the rotten core has formed enormous hollow. From the witch came something like a magnet тянувшее me to her. My passion зашептывала, trying to draw my attention to a beautiful figure, breast, countenance, the fact that finally, perhaps even likely, this is not a witch some, while beautiful, dazzling and passionate woman, who in his fiery beauty naturally envious rumors of rural females, superstitious speculation and false rumors. I was ready to believe her sweet whisperings, and coming over the top of a burning passion, if -- if not what I saw with my own eyes. This is what gave me the strength to stop on the threshold of trouble hidden in this house, and still somehow resist.
That stopped that beautiful? Again smiled witch. - Quailed in any way?
I watched her at the waist, trying to, but not having the strength and courage to look up above.
-What are you waiting for? "She asked again, but her tone of voice changed, became subtly threatening. -A peek under the stables not scared? Not scary in the forest at night jump?!
She made a step to me:
-Yes, if you want to know, I could be without you these buckets attributed. Look!
Witch взметнула hand and something said. At the same moment shoulder, державшее on yourself rocker, felt noticeable relief, and then got rid of their cargo. The yoke risen over the shoulder and flew rapidly to the house of a witch, then opened itself door and there disappeared.
-Well, what a beautiful, you see?! See: do not go himself - влетишь, as these buckets. I know, just not bothering. I отвяжешься...
-It is a t what you intended, Barbara? - Sounded like a voice from heaven Pelagia.
-Oh, nothing! "Replied the witch. "You, Pelageya, don't bother! I want your guest to get to know, and you to visit all gathered, and I called back, vodka is not watered.
"Oh, PIP you in the language! "Pelageya, and the закрестилась. -Holy, Holy, Holy.
There was a pause. It seemed that everything was in disarray, nobody knew what to do, until suddenly Pelageya began to wail again, apparently foolish:
-Well, let lad's, nasty!
-Pelageja, not poke your nose! - Hissed menacingly Varvara. -Do not go! You know me! Don't care if Stara...
-I said: let go!" Grandma already seed to me.
I looked at her and immediately felt the iron coverage on the wrist. It's fingers were barbarians. Cold, it seemed that, in General, the iron.
'You just try to go to the old woman! Threatening said ведьмячка. -'ll be sorry you then!
I tried to escape, but realized that it was useless: grip barbarians was iron.
At this moment Pelageya was next to me and grabbed my hand, pulling away. Despite his advanced age, strength grandmother was still abound. With surprise I found that me and stretched, like a rope. And Barbara stood quietly and did not strain, though, was the trunk of the tree, firmly держащимся their roots in the earth.
Barbarian, send the lad's! Breathlessly said выбившаяся of the forces of the old woman.
"Go away, go away, tell you! - Shouted in response witch. Her hand, cold as ice, even stronger, clutched the iron Hoop fingers on his wrist, and I barely kept not to scream with pain when I realized she was talking to me. "Well, tell her that she was left behind, not the простишься with his hand - отсохнет.
At this time I broke down and cried:
-Grandma, grandma, go away. She squeezed my arm, like claws.
Pelageya let go of me, and I fell to the ground unconscious.
Chapter 7.
I woke up on some couch. Don't know how much time has passed since the horror in the stairwell. In my eyes blurry, and I only saw the silhouettes of people moving before me in bright, dazzling to hurt light.
The vision became better, and I saw several doctors in white, bent over me with some devices, bandages and syringes.
-In General, there is nothing to worry about, " I heard someone's quiet, even voice. - We ought to take him to the hospital, Yes it would be better not to touch. The wound is a breeze, but...
-Understand, I understand...
-You police called?
-Yes, together with you, but something that's not in sight.
-Well, will have to wait, now I saw what the doctor says. He turned to her companion. - Well, we'll take?
-And what to take? she said, looking me in the eyes. He won already woke up. Tomorrow оклемается, the day after tomorrow is back on track.
"Yes, but... And you to him whom will you? - I realized that the doctor refers to someone from the apartment owners, who stood somewhere pray for the headboard.
-Yes, anyone, in General. I see it for the first time. So simple, sorry man. No joke - lies on the stairway with a knife in his breast. As was alive!
-Well, then we take, " shrugged the doctor.
-Where to take?! - врачиха widened her at him, surprised eyes, as though wondering what he does not understand something. - There's the same man said that he may have to leave itself.
Врачиха looked and pointed at someone behind me.
-Yes, - was heard in response vague шамканье. - Yes, if you like, and why not...
-Well, that's great!! said the woman and turned around to leave.
-Wait! - restrained her doctor. "Wait, should also at least wait for the police, the conclusion to give.
-And what is there to give? Now, врачиха learned from his bag and began to something scratching on it handle. Five minutes later she gave the doctor a piece of paper. - Here is our conclusion. All right, go.
They went out, and I now saw the landlord, who went to see them off. Soon he came to me, and I saw a man older, but it's not the old man. He looked at me intently and asked:
"How did you, guy? How could you do that?
I don't know, I'd shrug, but a sharp pain pierced body, and involuntary groan escaped from his chest.
"You lie, lie, - the landlord made a stop motion of his hand.
-Do not call the police quietly, I asked.
-Why? "He ejaculated.
-Do not.
-Yes, but how does it all...
-Why don't they took me to the hospital?
-I do not know. Now someone will understand? Now, asked to leave... Although had to pick up, " the man hesitated for a while, but then asked. - And you yourself where you live? Maybe your parents call, inform, what happened to you?
-No, I am not local.
-And how you got in trouble? For what to you?
-But you never know what happens.
-That's right. So you say, the police do not call?
-Do not.
-Well, well, lie down until...
The next day I felt much better and was able to explore his body. The wound was the heart, but only slightly deep, already there was dried blood top. I asked the man, that he bound up the new слезшие bandages. And then he began to get acquainted.
The host name was Sergey. He had two children. He was sixty, but he looked more amazing young for his age. The children were quite young. Sergey Vasilyevich explained that it was the children of his daughter-in-law, and where she is, I never understood.
On the third day I got up and began to walk, although wounds and injuries arm still hurt. When the owner of the apartment where had gone out, asking me to watch their children, I looked around the room. The situation was woefully poor, only on the balcony where I wanted to go, hung strange hides and skins of different suits. Not without брезгливого disgust I looked them over, but he did not understand, with what animal they were taken.
Shortly before noon came Sergey Vasilievich, brought apples for children, and we sat down to eat some dinner, cooked by coarse male hands. At the table I accidentally asked origin skins and almost didn't spoil your appetite to learn that they dog.
-I собачником work - munching a piece of hard meat, said Sergei Vasilievich, and I have at the same time there was a feeling that we eat собачатину. "Want to see what we catch?
-Want uncertainly, " I said, not knowing want it or not.
-Well then, in the evening..."
When his granddaughter, brother and sister were already in bed and quickly fell asleep, he asked:
-How do you feel? Can you move?
I shook his head.
-Then go. On, -- it was, " he threw me some дерюгу of tarpaulin, something like a short cloak with a hood.
I dressed and we left the apartment, carefully притворив door, went downstairs and sat down on a bench.
-Beyond that, I inquired.
Now, not now. The car should drive up.
Ten minutes later, in the silence of the night, they heard the sound of the engine, and drove up to the entrance of the van. We sat in a booth. Sergey greeted with a young driver, maybe a little older than me by age:
-Hello, Zhorik, you ружжо picked?
-And how! Hello, Sergey Vasilyevich, and who is this?
Is the us assistant. Went.
-Where today?
Dumpster, he named the area of town and as we crossed his story, whether they invented it, or really happened:
"On the landfill as hex: every autumn this bunch of dogs is going to pass by, walk not dare you. That them there beckons is not clear, because pile piece of iron and nothing more.
Whether past, or the year before last guy girl there took, " well, the well-known case, why frown. Now, there dogs attacked. Girl managed to run away, she assistance called. From the guy horns Yes feet remained. One Shoe and only found. In the evening there is better to avoid it".
-Do the dog can a person eat? - I was surprised and felt a large goose bumps on the back
-What's new?
-Well, not the wolf still...
-Why not a wolf? - intervened in the conversation Zhorik. - They are wild. On forests and run with the wolves, sometimes mixed with blood. Retrieved полусобаки-полуволки - a fierce animal, man is not afraid and merciless, bloodthirsty, worse than any wolf.
-Well, if so, it is directly disaster of some sort and this must be fought, uncertainly, " I said.
-What do we do? "exclaimed Sergey Vasilievich.
"Oh no, " shook his head to me not so. It is necessary to declare a real war stray dogs, and let all the inhabitants of the city, as they are destroyed.
-Yes well! skeptically, with irony handed George, vigorously driving machine. - Tell too! Not all so is terrible. Us is enough. Or you want to leave without work?! he laughed indulgently over my naive proposal.
'I don't want to. Who am I?
Soon we were on the outskirts of the city. Street suddenly ended, and the car dropped on a bumpy dirt road. Departing from the garden дичка, we saw in the darkness ahead of strange juggling torches.
As it turned out they were teenagers, boys secondary school age. They hid behind the dilapidated fence with the breach and from there, thrown in a pile of crumpled, наваленных each other automobile cabins bottles of gasoline, plugged burning rags, and tarry torch, wound on long sticks.
Bottle fought among iron, flashed растекающимися fires, illuminating purple flashes skeletons of cars, and there is sometimes like the ghosts appeared shadow of dogs, there were squeals and roar.
"Hey, guys, you shto do here? walked over to him, Sergey Vasilyevich, holding in one hand at the ready carbine, and the other something resembling a network.
Dogs kill - a simple answered one of them.
-In, Vidal помощничков?! - turned Sergey Vasilievich to become next to him Жоре, which also had a weapon. On the face of it the reflections of the flame shone wicked smile with which he suddenly rushed to the boys. - Well, git out, kids!
The boys laugh in different directions by the darkness, and from there soon began to hear in response offensive swearing at the big bad guys". Sergey Vasilyevich raised his carbine to his shoulder and held the barrel from side to side, threatening прикрикнув:
-I'm not kidding! Now someone he will finish badly!
For persuasiveness rapidly turning the hand and almost without aiming, he shot into the standing ten meters, at the fence, a bucket, which ignited densely чадящей soot.
Voice from the darkness faded away.
-There you are! summed up the victory of Sergey. The thought here skinned dogs spoil! I'll show you!.. It was some hoodlums. Here, take this! he threw me a network, and it, revealing a flight perforated shadow, enveloped me with his head. - 'll shoot the dog, and when she gets confused - there is a special cable - tightening in the bag and put them in a box.
Выпутавшись from the network, I angrily looked at Sergei Vasilyevich., but he apparently on his understood this opinion:
Or are you afraid? Then sit down in the cabin and...
-No, I am not afraid! I volunteered, trying to make him understand my mood.
-Well, if so - let's go, its probably not hurt my words.
Zhora included a huge electric torch, and they climbed over the fence, illumined with bursts of flame.
I followed them, trying not to lag behind. I felt suddenly afraid for his health and life, one had only to think that suddenly out of the darkness flies and хватанет leg some rabid dog.
Scrap stood to the right and left dark piles, among them somewhere else догорал gasoline and burned them to the trash. Occasionally the reflections of the flame in the lantern light, who held Zhora, flashed dogs, furiously щерясь on the light and compressing tails.
Sergey Vasilyevich continually put his carbine, but do not shoot. Zhora carefully snuck up with him I followed behind.
Suddenly from behind, behind me there was a muffled roar, and a small breeze through my body. I would like to Zhora there shone the light a lantern, but he dared not out of fear to be scoffed men.
We continued to Wade deeper into the landfill, as suddenly roar sounded very close. Here I could not resist:
-George, посвети here! - I asked.
George turned to me and in light beam snatched out from the darkness, the whole flock of dogs, like dragons, кравшуюся for us hard in the dark. Ahead was a dog the size of its similar to the wolf, and only the dark band on the face and the back made her different from him.
Beam of the lamp blinded dogs, and they stopped fifteen feet away from me. The leader of them was up front paw and going, apparently, to rush forward. The rest surrounded his tight semicircle behind, waiting for what he does.
-Uh, how many of you lot! - said in surprise Sergey Vasilievich, too, turning round. My rounds on all will not suffice.
The leader stepped forward, approaching me, and I instinctively moved back stumbled on Jora. The led flashlight around and with присвистом said:
"Hey, Sergei, Yes they us surrounded.
-Well, Yes?!
-Yes see for yourself!
Sergey Vasilyevich grabbed Zhora lantern, and I was in the dark again. Terrible dog was very near, and I could do nothing more, how can you expect that every second she can throw at me.
Ray grabbed from the darkness подбирающихся from several directions among the garbage and crumpled metal, descending with наваленных piles of bodies and cabs dogs. They crawled silently, and if it was possible to believe that, I have decided that these hungry, homeless vagrants acted, conspired in advance.
-Uh, well, it smells like kerosene! -cried Sergey Vasilievich. - Look, what's done!
It seemed to me that his voice shook.
-Gasoline nothing you fired! - lamented him in response Zhora.
-Ah, damn!!! What happens here!
Feeling that the big dog very close, I again moved back.
-What is it?! -asked me Zhora.
The dog, it's so close!
-Sergei, let посвети!
Beam of the lamp slid to us, and we saw, that the leader feet from us to prepare to jump.
-Oh, you creature! - George raised his rifle and fired from his belt already, when the huge bulk, threatening roar, rather reminiscent of the roar of a wild beast off the ground.
There was a deafening screech. In the light of the lantern flashed somewhere near white belly of an animal with the crimson of the lacerated wound. We Zhora sprang in hand, a dog, flying, fell head over heels just beyond the place where I stood.
-Shoot, shoot, Serge! - I heard a voice from the darkness Zhora.
Ray danced across the earth, trying to catch метающуюся squeal dog. A shot rang out. Then once again fired Zhora. Squeals stopped. The leader stopped moving. Somewhere far fallen silent thunder of the guns.
I frenzy! - admitted Zhora and recharge rifle, rushed into the darkness. - Посвети, Serge!
To see how the dogs run from him, and those that were slow to respond, he shot straight at his feet. Sound of gunshots, howling dogs, Shine flame and silhouettes, flashing in the beam of light, mingled in one кутерьму.
-Zhora, finish! - shouted Sergey Vasilievich. - It's time to take up work.
But the shots continued to rumble, interrupting squeal many of game, the wounded and the dying animal, раздававшийся around in all keys.
-You hear what I tell you?!! "Yelled abnormal voice Sergey Vasilievich.
George came up to us and he has dedicated his face lantern:
-Are you crazy?
-No, in General.
-And what палишь as creepy?!
"And why are they such insolent creature!
-So, all calm down, let's work.
We began to wander around, looking for the dogs and catching their network one and whole groups. I was shown how to do it, and I did this under the supervision of Sergei Vasilievich, Zhora threw the second, the same network.
Dog now not snapped and not much tried to run away, but, once in a beam of light were nearing tails and they were pressed to the ground, terrified of what happened. Without much difficulty we managed to catch and eat their van with three dozen.
When it was nearing the end, I went into the bushes, and rose up to recover, he suddenly heard behind him quite clearly again that big roar from which cold shiver went through my body. Dumb with horror, I turned around, but in the darkness he could see nothing. Sergey and George were somewhere in the wilds of landfills are to help me with something.
Not remembering itself from terror, I rushed away, crashing through the bushes. Fueled by fear, coming to me on the heels, I made no difference, and it seemed to me that heavy breathing a huge dog relentlessly hear behind me.
He ran through the лесопосадку, I crossed the ploughed field, drowning in a fresh, soft arable land, the turning of the earth sneakers, and, stumbling and falling. Angry roar and the heavy breathing of the tinkling of bells stood in my ears.
The darkness around, bushes and off-road changed rare lights in the Windows of private houses, then ghostly lit quarters, streets and dark courtyards of the city, but I raced forward, unable to stop, feeling of fatigue or shortness of breath. Would I have to go back, but fear not allowed to do so.
Finally difficult took me to the cemetery, and I was afraid that I squirmed my way among the graves, and I'm jumping through their fences. When I realized this, the cold horror, just apt arrow shot from the darkness of night, pierced my heart, and a strange fall fascinated me. Only when it was too late, I realized that I fell in a hole.
Hit on something my head, I lost consciousness, as if I was completely cut off from the outside world, as a useless machine.
Having regained consciousness, I saw that I was lying in a ridiculous pose on the bottom of a pit. The memory is so and it's what happened to me last night, and only with difficulty climbed the steep slippery clay wall, I realized that he had fallen into свежевырытую grave, and remember how it happened.
I barely got out of the pit, and immediately discovered that the place is familiar to me. However, why it is familiar to me, the memory was to answer.
Day very quickly arrived, and I stood and stood at свежевырытой graves at the crossroads of two cemetery tracks, stood and tried, and could not remember, how did I know that place.
People around became more and more as if it was some kind of Park or garden in the city centre, not cemetery. Soon the people were so many that they began to push me, and then touching.
-Come on, get away! - she shouted from behind me, and I saw неказистого a heavyset man with a beard, who was in the colorful sweatshirt flannel shirt and a crappy dog hat, despite the quite warm even weather. A man was coming right at me, waving it in front hand.
The man was a procession, carrying wreaths and portraits, and I saw that someone is buried, and that the deceased for some reason I know very well.
-Who bury? I asked, but the guy just pushed me away with his healthy arms to the side, freeing the way to the grave.
Then I began to examine the person on the portraits that were carrying wailing, голосящие, but still continuing its move forward on the legs give way women and old women in black shawls and kerchiefs. However, consider a photo of me for a long time failed, because she disappeared behind somebody's back, jumped out, and then suddenly and completely lost visible, and I also distract other small details of what is happening.
Then quite clearly for the first I lick my Matushka. He was on the portraits, but the rubbing of the eyes of horror, I suddenly saw the face of Veronica, and then it into the face of her friend.
And then it was like lightning прошибло because I remembered how I know this place. Yes, it is here, to the grave of her dead friend brought me last summer Veronica, telling creepy and a little similar to the truth of the story of his death. But why now the tomb was empty and fresh, like as if it was only recently dug? Does it decided to rebury?
The procession approached the pit and put the red with a black coffin next to her on two stools. Were treated violently roaring women, hugging the deceased, kissing him on the forehead.
"Come, wave goodbye! - I have heard from the ear Council pronounced such familiarity and pleasant voice that I involuntarily turned to see who it might be.
It was a man in an old coat, and as old hat-cylinder, from under the narrow fields which were staring at me green, prickly, brightly burning eyes. Red mustache unpleasant stood out on his pale as chalk face, and reminded the application on a child's drawing on paper.
"Come, wave goodbye! again advised me strange to horror type affably.
I followed his advice, but approaching to the coffin, with horror, I saw myself lying in it.
-Wave goodbye with the dead! - persistently pursued my hear a friendly voice.
As if hypnotized, I leaned over to the corpse, but now his face was not like mine.
-Kiss, kiss! - heard behind, and at the same moment, when my lips were now quite close to the densely-yellow skin of the dead man, I dreamed that I had lying in a coffin.
I recoiled, moved back and saw a man in a bowler hat looks at me, with a dazzling smile.
-What are you afraid of? "he asked. "Come to me, come on!
In the same second cold horror lightning through my body, because foot, retreating, got on solid ground, and I fell somewhere ago. Turning back in the fall I only had time to see that I fall into the same свежевырытую grave, that's been prepared for the departed.
Falling on his back, I hurt hit, and there came a voice from above "red whiskers:
-Let's hand.
He reached toward my hand, and she began to lengthen, reaching soon bony, thin hand to my throat. Taking it, he pulled me upward. I screamed with horror, increased from the fact that people around, completely oblivious to what is happening, continued to bury the coffin with unknown whose body.
Is your corpse! said I type with red moustaches. "Look, it is lowered into the grave!
He grabbed my shoulders and easily tossed back into the pit. I fell on the cover заколоченного coffin and felt like lumps of raw land fell from above.
-I don't want don't want to! - burst out of my throat, and I awoke from a nightmare...
It was already morning. In the pit, where I was stood still dark, but the sky above my head already has brightened.
I was surprised by the incident, but could not remember what happened last night. His head was buzzing like a brass pot.
It took me a long time to get out a two-meter pit. Around me was really cemetery, the same cemetery, where we were with Veronica, and where he was buried her boyfriend.
The place around свежевырытой graves seemed very familiar, and I felt like running back down my spine, when I learned, but the faster guessed that the pit was dug in the very place where he was buried the same Athanasius. Strange memories about coincidences, pursue me, surged suddenly, заполонив my mind, pushing out the cold forehead, large drops of sweat, and I thought I was going crazy. Nightmares of the past strange vacation would not let me, and there came on the heels, and followed me through life.
I was suddenly surprised that I still cling to and not have died or, indeed, not crazy.
Past гналось for me, взнуздав time, and when caught up from under the wheels of his залихватского тарантаса обдавало me up and down cold muck sticky, penetrating the secret depths of the soul of their wits.
Chapter 8.
Two or three days with me was something unimaginable. The temperature was jumping like crazy. I then tossed about, shivering, and scare grandma pulled out shaggy and disgusting pieces of memories.
Then suddenly everyone as оборвало. I suddenly recovered, though he had never been ill, but still afraid to leave their homes, often and long, like a hunted animal watching the neighbor's izba.
In the evening looked Alena. Grandma told me that she came every day until I was evil, and brought some grass. Pelageya initially did not dare to drink me broth from it, but yesterday gave, and already today the affliction of my hand removed.
Feeling perfectly healthy, I went to meet a girl.
"Hello, " she smiled happy, " quipped, finally?
"Quipped, " I replied shyly, with concern in the soul Recalling the shameless dreams from my delirium in which there were some orgies, I turned to a horse, a dog or a wolf and a witch Varvara and why, Alyona together and take turns playing with me in love. Hugging, stroked the coat on the sides, holding to the mane, became under me, exciting baser instincts, and scream, and some obscenity, which I, as an animal, could not understand, but which time, in spite of this, encouraged my flesh to action.
"The shame is what!" "I thought, not daring't find the strength to lift eyes on the girl. And she was standing in front of a light sundress of cotton bandanna, this elegant to dull the rural landscape, this bright and too short and open, that even I, a person familiar to them kind of clothes on urban girls, her dress seemed too out of place and calling on the background of the surrounding grey village of everyday life. My eyes involuntarily crept in over the edge of a sundress, only slightly covering her young, small, elastic and beautiful maiden chest. I caught myself at the thought, and even shook his head to drive away навязывающуюся me friends and growing lust.
-Why are you so well-dressed?! Involuntarily I was amazed.
-And what? Can't you?!
-No, why, again потупил I glance: obsessive obscene scenes of my delusional dreams and conjured up, as if it were the memories of recently occurred events.
I tried not to look at Alena, as the participant of torches, orgies, in which she appeared to me in all their charmingly attractive, feminine already in nakedness, and in all of shameless and isolated, dissolute the manifestations of his desires, that I with passion, ruthless, as thirst, acted, taking the shape of a horse, a dog, and, may be, wolf. Moreover, there was present and even barbarian, and they roared with me together, helping each other cope with me and absolutely not ashamed to show one before another pleasure in усладе their lusts.
I just wanted a moment to everything that I dreamed then became a reality, but then I was afraid of his shameful thoughts.
Why the silence? Asked Alena coquettishly inclining his head to the side and continued to smile.
Changes in it, were quite amazing. If the veil of drowsy and cautious, constrained, окутывавшая its hitherto like a cobweb rose, now was dropped, broken, and a small nondescript Bud opened now captivating with its beauty and the young, but already strong, with a slight hint of tartness fragrance, promising a rich and fragrant nectar, drops of which are hidden somewhere between pink, translucent in the sun thin delicate veins petals.
I thought, it is its transformation somehow with my disease and strange dreams, and from this unexpected stroke of the guess work has begun in me a strange movement, which has affected many of the emotional strings, causing the breast was hurt, and sweet, and hot burning up, and cold to chill. All this cocktail, the whole mixture, moving faster and faster, in a few seconds introduced me in such an unspeakably great condition, I could not say to yourself, what's happening to me, which is up and which is down, and stand with my feet on the ground or pulled away from her and hovered over her.
The outlines of the figure of the girl, her features became suddenly vague, uncertain, almost эфимерными, but however strong attraction pulled me to her, and I was horrified to find that to my shame I can't cope with that.
Through the spell broke outraged, muffled whisper Alena. They started to dissipate, like a mist, and I saw a girl in his arms.
-Come on, speak up! - She rested against my chest with his hands, trying to push, and shrank back, buckle in the flexible camp.
-I'm sorry! What is wrong with me?!
I dissolved the arms and freed her.
Alena stepped back and what was отряхивать, send skirt sundress:
-You that, припух?! - She asked this question, not demanding an answer, but her voice has not been hurt, and only easy playfulness gave to understand that misconduct, if not forgiven already, soon to be forgotten.
I looked around: the witnesses didn't seem to be. Pelageya rattled in the house utensils, busy on the farm.
-Go to the dance tonight, " suggested the girl, and I immediately agreed, not knowing happy or upset, but then asked:
-And where's the club or anything..?
-In Large Василихе.
-But it's far away!
-So what?! Just think - far! When you really want to, not far at all. Well, you go?
"Well, I - again, I agreed, remembering quite a long road to the neighbouring village.
Alena said goodbye to me before the evening and easily проскакав the steps of the porch, went around the curve of the village street hasty, springy gait. Her movements are felt some окрыленность and the joy of waiting a pleasant event.
I stared after her, trying to understand their feelings and not skipping past attention to any one of its movements, with curiosity, remembering slender, relatively thin legs of the girl opened up accidentally and without the hostess from under flushed floor sundress, when she quickly ran down from the porch.
When Alena disappeared from sight, me suddenly and became stronger acquire stupor. I already wanted to, but now just couldn't get away from the porch as if glued to his elbows railing, which leaned over, putting his chin on the palm. It was uncomfortable, when all members of the body have become exactly cotton. Something told me that I'm from the Windows of the neighboring house watching Barbara, and her gaze hard and incomprehensible for me, emitting viscous and sticky, tar-like energy power over the flesh, just nailed me to the spot. To mind for some reason was the memory of childhood, when I was still a boy, with his playful fellow peers catch dragonflies, pierced their abdomen thin needle, and then ran on a string. And chetyrehkryloe insect flew, hard and obediently downhill carrying the leash, where desired her a harsh mistress. Dragonflies then we killed...
My feelings had an eerie property. I have a clear mind body is not subordinated to the head, and it was a real nightmare.
Don't know how long all this, QC suddenly I felt the feet are taken me from the porch, the garden, and from there back to the Creek, where there was a bath "black" and rickety, dilapidated toilet. After a couple of seconds the bathhouse door creaked shut behind me, and I was in the twilight of four log, прокопченных walls with one so small square window, through a glass darkly whose been a faint dim ray of light.
Here me seemed to be broken, and this relaxed suddenly the soul had scared and whisk in the heel before swung open frighteningly suddenly, a blinding bright light, ворвавшимся into the darkness, the back door leading to the мостку over a small, but fairly deep Creek. My heart зашлось from the dreadful foreboding. I do not doubt that saw the doors of the shadow of Barbara, заслонившую light.
In the doorway was the figure of a man, вырезавшая dark silhouette in the light pole among distinct particles of dust. In the next second man leaned closer, and instead of resin-black braids Barbara I saw обтрепанную, with dangling in the ragged edges of a broad-brimmed hat of coarse cloth, more similar to felt, what are some deaf areas shepherds and other employees not engaged in hard work, but forced a long time to stay under the scorching rays of the sun. The wanderer was simple, some miserable old clothes on, which is not a pity it would be to pull and the Scarecrow in a garden: canvas colorless shirt, button up on деревяшечки instead of buttons, planed like oblong бочоночков, sprung wide open, also not with the colours дерюжка of some burlap, not resembling the jacket, not the rain jacket, a short coat without a hood, and the same rough not dyed pants with knee droopy and heavily blurred mud.
First I decided that it's so strange dressed that way to disguise itself Varvara, but then I realized that it was not she. Men's skinny hands, rough in nodes strongly protruding veins, with vast hands and hooked, awkward fingers, the next moment, the given host, торча of коротковатых sleeveless дерюги.
The door behind logged shut, and my fear weakened slightly melted away, giving place to curiosity. This man I had not seen before, although it would seem, had spent a lot of time in order to know already by heart all the inhabitants of this tiny village, rather reminiscent of Vyselki or Khutorok by its small size.
Quite a long time we stood facing each other in silence until, finally, my fear is gone, and then I asked:
-Who are you? I don't know you.
-I live in this village, " he answered me, and his voice seemed younger than the age at which he looked.
Why I have you never seen before?
-Probably, because I guard the whole day village cattle, and I come back only in the evening. Pastures far away: it is necessary to go through the forest.
-And how the wild beasts? Not afraid of the cows every day through the forest drive?
Well, waved his hand shepherd, and from this gesture atmosphere of our communication became more relaxed and have. Something told me, that came not wish me evil. And it had to communication and openness, wolf, if he will, he and the meadow and on the field'd stick up her little cow. And then, even if in the forest that happens, the beast the beast climb, and I will not touch, except that, in the last turn. Guns I do not give, but for now, thank God, everything turned out all right. And further, I think, all will be well. Wolf, he's after the summer is still eating, walking, not much лютует yet. However, soon to be early to get dark, and then walk through the forest becomes dangerous.
I sat on the bunk opposite the stove is built of big stones.
I don't know, I just recently attacked one wolf...
-Shh! The shepherd put a finger to his lips. -I just came to talk to you about that.
-About what? 't understand I think by the way, what is this strange such a meeting, and what is this terrible condition preceded it.
The stranger drew his breath:
-About all... a Few days ago I accidentally found out about you. And that happened to you on the day of arrival in our village. I told this story, Peter. You should remember: he likes to eat a glass...
-Yes, I remember, - I involuntarily shuddered at the recollection about the terrible spectacle of unsuccessful acquisitions Cup.
-Now. I probably would, and would not have learned anything, if he had not looked me in the pasture for the grass of the disease. And so, I had him something to surprise me. So he told how have saved you from the wolf, and killed him, and then he fled killed - steal something no one. Me his story really didn't like, and I decided to поразузнать in the village, all read more about the incident. And when he learned more, he made a conclusion that you have to leave. And as quickly as possible. Believe me: I know what I say. But you are my words may seem strange. What happened, is happening and will happen with you - not a coincidence.
The shepherd sat down beside me. "Too literate some for the shepherd!" I thought to myself. I was now seen his face.
-How, in fact, this has happened and is happening with me? - I played naivety.
-I learned everything about the wolf, and about Varvara, and even what the suspect cannot think even afraid local village gossip. I know that you went to the stables in the forest. And I know that now, a few minutes ago, Varvara again loose your spell on you. Only thanks to the fact that I grabbed her energy and sent me in the right direction ("Damn, and me in the right direction no one sends ironically I thought immediately. Some sorcerers circle. All of something great, somewhere that is sent. One I like burdock together with all this back and go and can't help it!"), you ended up here, not somewhere in another place, where she tried to entice you.
Surprised I almost never opened his mouth. I don't even know what to say now my interlocutor: "Can, in the face him move? Painfully I'm tired of all this! Now that I asked him to my feet in a bath ran?" Strange his words really didn't seem like its plain appearance. "And in General, where this simple rustic shepherd with three classes of education to know something about me, that with me and to me. It has been for some rudeness! Who I'm here need? Yes, and not only here?" - Thought frantically rushed into my head. - "However, the fact that I went to the stables, nobody knew... except Alena!"
A vague guess flashed in my mind: "Between the shepherd and Alyona has a kind of close relationship!" and I asked:
-Where do you live?
At the other end of the village...
And on the opposite side of the street, I continued, following conjecture.
-So you're with Alyona live in the same house?
Apparently I hit the point, because a shepherd stopped and the whole donkey, drooped and понурился, downcast look.
-I am her father, " he said quietly, and in these words shocked me no end.
"That's how he knows about the stable," I thought. I strained his brains to mess facts build a structure. It was necessary to link them with each other in the correct sequence, and then, as of the puzzle was supposed to be kind of a certain picture of what is happening around me.
Intuition, guesswork, one another trenchant, confused, mixed together with the facts in unimaginable heap. And in General, my brains have not been able to produce something plausible and close to the reality of the mess. From the tension I felt like I'm going crazy, just drowning in a bubbling, hissing loudly river champagne and drown yet, if I will not throw himself a straw in the form of the latter, the most grotesque and terrible guess. I asked chilling this terrible guess the question:
-And what have you barbarian?
The shepherd answered this time without delay:
Is my ex-wife.
I almost fell off the shelf. Straw deceived my hope of salvation.
-Well, it's too? Involuntarily escaped me.
"Well, why?! A good family! Husband is a wife - the witch, daughter...
-What Alena?
-No, nothing. With the Pope lives, and the mother goes to the stables to see when that is engaged there in God knows what, - dogging - so it is." And the Pope, in General, the whole day, from morning till night disappears in the fields with cows.
I have not always been so, guiltily said the shepherd. -There was a time when my character was different.
He paused, then looked at me, and again stared at the floor. But he spoke, and I heard a story which have not yet forgotten how to believe and wonder:
"This village was not always so far away and уединена. Here, nearby, the place where now the swamp was a monastery, and all around lying lands: land, forests, fields - were monastery, and farmers that lived in this village, were monastic fortress. Now, this monastery went to the land, and the place where were its walls, now it is impossible to step into and step - sink in your grave.
About all this history is known only to a few dozen scientists: historians, archaeologists, Yes, it can, with five stars Geology, - it's still strange: as it was a monastery, stood for several centuries, and then, wham, and failed. Some scientists doubt: is there, in General, there is ever monastery - too incredible metamorphosis occurred. Summer before last the whole expedition in the swamps scratched, эхолотами утопший temple was looking for - nothing, not a single stone is not found. They are just scum swamp disturbed, Oh how vain!
I caught an alarming view of the interlocutor, thrown at the window of the bath. But, apparently, his anxiety was in vain, and soon he spoke again:
"But this monastery was. Was, and I am the witness. Although it was many centuries ago"...
Involuntary, but muffled, similar to a loud sigh, a cry was out of my chest: I don't want to interrupt the speaker, but could not restrain his extreme surprise, which concerns me from his words, especially as he spoke it as casually as if this was not and could not be surprising. I already sweating!
Shepherd noticed my agitation, but not stopped and has not given it a value:
... "From those times, as this great monastery failed under the ground, I live here, every time dying, but again and again gaining life. I defeated wandering astral warrior who has completed their earthly path of struggle against evil. There was a terrible battle few hundred years ago, and the forces of Evil to triumph over the forces of Good. Deceit won fearlessness, rage - love and meanness willpower. Everything turned upside down. And the stronghold of the Faith, outraged by evil spirits, and devoted благодушными its inhabitants, not stood and went to the Kingdom of Darkness. Here was my last battle, but I met someone was unable to overcome. Therefore debunked was from powerful spells, giving me strength to struggle against Darkness.
And I am now till the judgment day I will die and be born here, as died and was born all these hundreds of years, passing from one image into, from life to life, but, unfortunately, while keeping a clear memory of what happened here in front of the disappearance of the monastery.
Every time I find a form of a fool, a village fool - word, a man whom no one looks seriously. And this is a convenient wrapper for the custodian of the treasures of the monks occupied by the Prince of Darkness.
Every time companion of my life is Barbara, which is the main Keeper. I'm at it for the delectation of revenge Evil to Good, to see and feel, feel the victory of Darkness over the Light, to see and suffer from the realization of his own powerlessness. I'm still good, but goodness impotent, безучастное, развенчанное evil. I - the good, sentenced to death"...
In my head for the first time after a long break born lines, although I thought forever forgotten how to write verses:
I'm still Good, развенчанное Darkness,
I'm still Good, already лишенно wings
And thrown in the dirt; Прислугою mute appeal
Really became Evil among свинячьих snouts...
Suddenly a shadow flashed beyond the window for a moment before falling into the bathhouse, a ray of light. Shepherd started:
-- Barbara! I should leave. Both of us'll be sorry if he sees us together!
He's put me on the go, already метнувшись to the back door leading to a river, from which he appeared.
Both doors were opened at the same time. In one someone come in, the other ran away, my strange companion. And I, as if at a crossroads wanderer, stood on a shelf, neither alive nor dead, quivering in fear, waiting for what will happen the next moment. Heart stopped and took in the heel.
Chapter 9.
Something now prompted me to call Veronica, and I began to struggle to remember if she had a phone and what his room.
Do it and failed, but the disturbing, pinching chest deep longing question: if she returned or not, gave me no rest.
Aimlessly, not knowing where I wandered all in confusion. And in his sorrow is not noticed as soon appeared somewhere in the city, in an area that seemed to me even at the beginning unfamiliar. But I barely know him, as my legs have gone, carrying me forward. And soon I was in front of a nondescript gray five story building, in one of the apartments which was born and, perhaps, still glimmered my , perhaps the strongest, for all their brevity and happy or not radiance, love.
Now I could no longer restrain his emotion, rapidly flew up the stairs and was on the ground near her door. His heart started beating in the chest, not letting hearing what was happening in the apartment. With bated breath, why echoing his shots were heard in the head, in the temples, I knocked on the door.
Echoes knocking my door resounded along the empty porch, sad and lonely, and then, without waiting for a response. I knocked again and again, but all my attempts were without result.
Long I stood at the door, feeling like everything falls in the shower, then went, walking slowly from step to step.
Suddenly behind him there was a loud click and opened the door to the apartment Veronica. At the door stood a stranger to me woman and stared at my back.
-Pardon, but Veronica home? was the patter I blurted out, as if afraid of what appeared an elderly lady vanish like a Ghost, and at the same time, wondering who she could be the girl.
The woman said nothing to me, not blinking, like a serpent, continuing to stare at me with her huge, bulging eyes.
I paused in confusion, not understanding the reasons for her strange behavior.
"What do you want? - May be unable to bear distinctly because, turned to me familiarly, almost offensive, aunt.
-Veronica, please have a go! deliberately I politely asked, trying to speak loudly, but not to scream.
-And it probably can't, " indifferently said the woman.
-How not?
-As well. Former owners moved out here a few days ago. Now here I live.
Passionate conversation and surprised heard I never noticed again climbed on to the platform. Type I, apparently, was incredulous, and maybe that's why the woman offered me:
-Yes you, son pass, if you do not believe. Come, see for yourself.
Without hesitation, I entered the apartment, intrigued again подтвердившейся guess that my life is moving on some bewitched circle, from which I cannot escape.
What I saw in the apartment, put me in despair. Already in the hallway began traces of clutter, which always remains in the abandoned dwellings: the bare walls, appeared immediately flaws buildings, scattered in disarray small things, some papers, Newspapers, scraps of wire, ropes, boxes and broken, unusable already boxes, nails and screws, lonely stuck out from the wooden stoppers in the walls of those places, where there hung a bra and a clothes hanger.
All rooms of the apartment were in the same condition, and from this dreary, hopeless ruin of the soul painful stuck and became bitterly. Unutterable loneliness overwhelmed me at this.
I ran from room to room, looking from side to where she lived Veronica with his brother. Her ragged thrown view, emptiness dusty lifeless air, unmoved, unawakening yourself standing in four walls, made me special distress. Evening summer spent here once, not by the way surfaced from the depths of memory.
That though somehow to dispel the clouds of black moods, I wanted to ask the woman who opened the door for me, where she lives: in none of the rooms was not her clothes, no furniture, no dishes, no скарба at all - but she was not there. The apartment was empty, if anyone here besides me and was not. I went out on the landing, wanted to call out, then stopped, because I didn't know who actually call.
I could do nothing but how, slamming the door, go down and go outside.
Now I don't know what to do next, could not tell myself even why they came here, in this city, and that I need.
If I wanted to go back to the собачнику that sheltered me for a few days, with all the desire could not do this: then everything turned out by itself - and, never leaving day on the street, I find now and the house where he lived. Yes, in all honesty, I do not want to see him again, though I have many, he was obliged to.
I desired to meet anyone from old girls, with whom he recklessly fun and to spend time. It is unlikely now these meetings would be something useful and the more joyful. The bridges were burned, and, despite the fact that can easily be found and now not one, not two addresses from last dashing youth I had still wouldn't do it. Yes and I, most likely, these cheerful girl has long forgot, my presence in their life would only mute scene and mutually arisen awkwardness.
With all the piercing, with a clear piercing, what could my brain, I realized that we should leave, leave today from this city, and I'm vain came here and search for yesterday's always piercingly sad and tragic in its hopelessness, which hurts the heart mercilessly down ahead, all change, breaking, breaking something to strive for the soul, ruthless, no, because it can be neither good nor evil.
"There is no love!" sadly I thought, seeing how the world is floating before my eyes. "No
Love", " I repeated, and the world had stopped, now more sober and less romantic than ever. Scattered colourful cubes, соткавшие in my mind a picture of my life faded even more, becoming almost grey, colourless, and утухание paints immediately satisfied steel, sad tone reality.
"Where are you, Veronica?" - a groan burst out of my chest, but her lips spoke in a barely audible.
Again I was at the cemetery, where the grave of Athanasius, and I saw again that in its place свежевырытая Yama still yawning dark brown failure. Yes, I have not seen it, and was all really.
Already at the station I came to my senses, in fact, nothing of having no one saw, but only all lost. From this sudden thought, I even stayed before a pedestrian crossing when everyone went on a green light, and came to his senses only when newly red. Next to me on the side of the road there was only stunted grandmother with some котомкой in his hand, a colourful scarf, повязанном on the head.
The cars on the road near the crossing was not only far from one side of the approaching loaded with мощн6ый timber, чадящий thick soot, and on the other - several cars, overtaking each other, and without special risk to cross the roadway, but me such a temptation not tempted. Waiting for a green signal, I anxiously looked at the sky where the clouds and, it seems, was going to go in autumn nasty and fine, drizzling cold крапью rain. Harbinger of bad weather, a sharp, piercing wind, already blew, raising with asphalt dust and the first fallen leaves.
An old woman that was standing next to me, evidently knew to run across the street or not. This was evident in her топтании and continuous дергании, from which every time it seemed that she finally decided on this.
Suddenly, quite unexpectedly, when the great roaring and чадящий old MAZ truck with cabin, shaking, as the head of paranoiac in an attack, was already quite a few metres from the "Zebra", the grandmother threw mincing, small steps on the pavement, and already frightened by his sudden decision, with huge, terrible eyes, rush to the middle of the road race against death.
It all happened so quickly and unexpectedly that I even had no time to recover from their unhappy and equally slow thinking about the weather and do something to somehow prevent разворачивающемуся me terrible spectacle. "With the mind that does come, old?" - only and had time to think I, with a sinking heart, knowing that all that you can now do is throw together this little grandmother under the wheels of your monster.
The initial movement grandmother was so natural that if behind it, somebody was standing, I could never for a moment doubted that she was asked a good kick and pushed under the wheels of the truck. But there was nobody, not a soul, and instead of wonder, I only began to be afraid anyone seeing this.
On the other side of the road someone screamed.
The old woman kept going, and before my eyes all this was happening in slow motion. Here she stumbled, and then was surprised it was found that in transition, it appears, was not very deep cast iron sewage hatch, which caught the toe of her tiny legs. She with unexpected agility to avoid falling, and only fell nose, but it was too late.
This is a terrible moment stretched out to infinity, and as the pictures were distorted from непоправимости nightmare face of the driver in the cab of MAZ, old woman, desperately seeking to evade a powerful bumper of the truck that can be, and had she been able to, not stumble it on the ill-fated hatch.
Further, it was like a bad dream. The old lady threw forward, and the picture came to life. Desperately скрепящий brakes timber, from under the wheels went to clubs grey smoke from burns rubber, drawing on asphalt black coal bold tread footprint, наполз to my grandma, and she disappeared somewhere in the soot and clubs exhaust fumes, dust and smoke. MAZ froze, making his terrible thing froze too late to save someone. Tore down from the sharp deceleration thick, heavy logs hit in the cabin, from which she toppled forward, stood up on its hind legs and he fell, fell flew in different directions. One of them, huge girth in two, fell on me, and I barely managed to jump away, as with resonant blows his mighty end already danced on the very spot where I stood. Next to him and slam against, гудя, rolled on the sidewalk a log, matching and наехав on убегавшую from his woman.
Noise, ringing and gnashing of intimidating a barrage rained a few more seconds, when it was suddenly blank, dead silence, had opened before the eyes of the terrible picture, seeing that it was hard not to say, and just believe that everything happened because of one impatient old woman that wishes to cross the road in front of the machine itself. In front of me opened currently battle.
Scattered in all directions logs crushed by a few people. One of мчавшихся towards лесовозу cars are now standing under his trailer with вдавленной in beauty roof, which has got a log воткнувшееся in her face and now crooked sticking out in the sky as a monument pinned under him. The other machine, dodging, apparently, from the danger, jumped out on to the pavement and was now standing, влепившись into a concrete barrier twisted accordion, пригвоздившей tightly someone.
Everything happened so suddenly that I couldn't help but think that it is unlikely this could have happened without someone's powerful and evil in this power of the hand.
As I thought about it, I immediately felt someone's palm, formed on my shoulder, and a voice familiar, not good, not a native language , as it seemed to me, said: "well Done, haha, well jump!"
I quickly turned around, but saw nobody. Cold turned me from the head to the feet, sticky cold terror, which occurs when one touches directly with the fact that knowing a person is not supposed.
Not understanding why, I rushed away, back into the city, frightened, thinking that Someone't want me to leave this town or, at least, so I left it today, now. Maybe I found the output of the enchanted trap I've ever run on an empty circle and Someone to predict my unconscious intentions, prevented from my despair.
Was still day, but I incomprehensible horror expected the coming of the evening and night, as if was going to happen something wrong. A terrible accident remained somewhere there behind the station, but he seemed to be the magic castle closed my way, returning to normal river of fate.
Long and I wandered aimlessly around the city trying to collect his thoughts. Somewhere in the depths of my soul already копошилось anxiety, what happens when you know that you are at ease, and that you've already had to have done something to be in a place where one would be. And I just felt that I would have time to serve, to leave away from here, in some wilderness, into some hole, and, may be, I get loose all stage of hell.
By the evening I went out to the place that feels like familiar to me. Square, quite busy and crowded, from what I awoke I remembered that today is Saturday led to the area on which the building stood, quite forgotten me up for lost from memory, despite the fact that I had with him was due so much stress, and it was amazing how it all about then you can forget it.
Facade of a building was, as usual, but now it was obvious that the house is enclosed by a fence, a little, what usually wall construction. From afar could not see what was happening, but I still thought that some parts of the exterior of the building lacks. And just as I came closer, I puzzled saw that from the building, in fact, remained standing, only one facade wall, which was yawning void. It seemed that the house was subjected to bombardment. Beside him stood transfixed, some construction equipment. Crane, excavator, стенобойная machine rose over the fence.
I walked up real close and looked into one of the breaches. On the fenced territory, like now on the plowed field, here and there rose a heap of broken bricks, gravel and other construction debris. In the corner stood several construction trailers which have revolved man in a sweatshirt. Next to him was running mongrel.
I decided to ask him what happened, and why they broke the house, but barely squeezed into the hole between the boards of the fence, as the dog rushed toward me, stood for a while in раздумии and watching me. She ran silently, his head tilted slightly to the side and to the ground and watching intently for my eye. These dogs do not bark in vain and to no joke. In my head already strongly swirled thought that it was time to escape and climb the fence, not to be has been bitten, when suddenly the dog stopped, окрикнутая master, and turned toward him his face.
"Scholar!" - felt on my mind.
The man walked toward me.
-What you need? he asked, approaching.
-Yes, I would like to know why this house breaking, " I replied, staring at the speaker's face.
Drizzle. It was already передумавший go, suddenly started again, showing its donors. The man looked up at the lowering sky, screwing up eyes and then asked again:
"But, why?
The dog came up to us and I began to sniff.
-Acquaintance I have worked here, and in General...
"Yeah, grandfather.
The rain intensified and the man told:
-Go in the booth. Or you hurry?
"No, actually.
-Well, let's go, let's go then. The company I keep, tea and drink.
I went after him, accompanied by rear mongrel. Rain nakrapyval stronger, and I sadly presented. As people, out for a stroll in the Saturday evening around the city, go to the Park or sit in the Park, направившиеся on attractions and rides, now forced to return home, driven by the bad weather, испортившей, maybe one of the last warm fine weekend.
We went into the cabin. The guy flipped the switch and lit up hanging on the wire without interior light bulb that is why, behind a window on the street immediately darkened.
In the midst of the booth and stood расхлябанный, begrimed, rude and powerless справленный table with the same awkward, uncouth stools around. In one corner was pealing iron couch with thrown from the top greasy mattress on which lay cotton, black driver Yes dusty blue state blanket. Next to the couch, having tilted on its side, достаивал its bleak cheap century, painted sexual paint locker for полуприкрытыми door of which hung a little old garment. At the opposite end of the booth stood electric stove and the dresser.
On the stove was bubbling and hovered aluminum, if crumpled sides kettle.
The guy took it off, took out the cabinets two glasses, aluminium bowl with pieces of black bread, and sliced slices of bacon and put it all on the table, then squinted pulled out after half a bottle blond-hazy with grey, tobacco smoke tint of moonshine and a few cloves of garlic.
We sat down opposite each other at a table. Dog and waiting hungry eyes made myself comfortable next to the host.
Man deftly peeled garlic, poured in glasses moonshine, then looked at the dog, with a cheerful anger ругнулся shook from the bowl on the table fat and bread and plesnuv a little out of the bottle and there, pulled her to the edge of the table. Dog deftly вспрыгнула, by leaning on the edge of the table, paws and began greedily drink.
"Well, come on! - raising the faceted glass, said the man. High Givet...
That "Givet" - I did not understand. We muffled were crazy, and he deftly overturned in mouth opened its first one hundred grams, and then, сморщившись and exhaling in a fist, hushed large piece of bacon with bread and took a bite of garlic.
I also drank, but it is not so cleverly. Moonshine was strong, and I nearly choked; he coughed, choking voice.
"What are you? - surprised the man.
"Well, it went something - I was justified in feeling that the lack of air.
-As it happens. Need to breathe before drink, and swallow faster stroke.
-Yes moonshine strong. Faithful ninety. Throat itself was closed.
-Well, ninety, ninety-and-seventy-five. Well, okay, what would you want? asked the man, pouring in glasses of boiling water and сыпя there welding directly from надорванной tutu.
-Why this house is a broken - that's what!
-Well, that the city authorities справляйся. I just Keeper. I only know that to build something here gather. And your grandfather that the guard was - Vidal. Not, it seems, he died in any way.
-He died?!
-How. Commonly. He took and he died, as the older people die.
"How long ago did it happen?
-Yes it from the end of August't see... to Me someone else is saying that he died. But as for thee, what he had? Maybe I could help you?
-Yes, no, thank you. I granddaughter'm looking for. She moved somewhere.
-Ah, well this I'm not your assistant.
-And inside the house-the archive of what was or library. It wherever Delhi?
-Yes, there was nothing there.
-How was not because the old man that same guard there?
-And we have many emptiness guard.
The guard stopped and began to have a little отхлебывать заварившийся already to the latest density of tea in прикуску all with the same fat and black bread.
-And where are you from actually? Earlier could not come? finally he spoke again with me.
-Yes I am not local. I studied here once. And now travel, like old friends to visit - and anyone can not find.
-So that you and nowhere to spend the night? - sympathetically asked the man.
-Yes, it turns out that the so - lessly I agreed, without even the appearance of embarrassment and feeling like a drunken heat increasingly takes hold of my body, making it supple and naughty.
-Well, stay here for the night - tapped me on the shoulder guard. "Look, we want you to bed to sleep. Linen don't have, well, nothing. And tomorrow me go home, I live until their cases are not up to this task.
We had another hundred grams, ate bread and lard. Then the watchman lit a cigarette, suggesting to me, but I declined it, and suddenly felt a terrible, fatal fatigue, took so timely and nice offer and slumped on the couch legs. Already asleep, I heard the guard calls the dog, the creak of the door, and felt the cool, damp air burst into the streets and filled a trailer behind plywood walls of which the sad, soporific be dirty nasty autumn rain.
I woke up in the morning with an aching, heavy head, tired and uncomfortable, stiff cotton pillows. Someone was touched my shoulder, standing over the bed. It was the watchman.
"Come on, I'm going home.
I got up squeaky bed. In the trailer were already some people. They rummaged through a drawer, something from getting out, anxious and unwelcome talking to each other.
We got out of the carriage. The dog sat, bound on a long chain, licking, shows only that сожрав something, and lazily looked at the sides sleepy tired eyes. The street is also visited by people in overalls, roared, sending gray clubs, wound cars, trucks and tractors. Work started.
-And what are they? I asked the watchman making his way between the pitfalls and heaped impassable ridges and deep ruts of the earth. - Today is Sunday. What do they work?
We contract work without weekends, " replied the man.
We went out through the open front of the iron gate, made on the back of the square the side of the construction site.
-Me, by the way, Sergei Mikhailovich name, " the man said, when we were not talking, few quarters. -I with my brother live. We're together. My wife five years ago. The Kingdom rest her soul. And my brother never married and was not. Boy I like you already army дослуживает, spring return. So the place where to sit there. Yes you are and don't be shy. Boy, I see you are good, but because I live, how much do you need. I have for you and room single there. But that's my brother don't pay attention. He was a weirdo some -- you'll see.
We entered the porch of the house, and after a few minutes, up to the third floor, knocked at oak, well coordinated, and a door.
-He is asleep, or what? indignantly said Sergey Maksimovich, and, turning to me, said. -We have the key with him. Actually, somewhere there is a second and even a third, but seek reluctant.
Finally, after about five minutes, the lock clicked, and the door opened. From there seemed to face with glasses, with a frightened rounded eyes behind thick marble lenses.
Chapter 10.
In the bathhouse looked Pelageya.
-- And, here you are! Something you're hiding?!
-- I? Yes, just... Went to watch a bathhouse. I had not seen before -- And she, in General, as, fired?
-- And what about? You t want to relax?
-- Yes, actually, not away, I frantically inventing excuses for their behaviour.
-- It is good that you go to a bathhouse wanted. Only now, one-t bath not hodjut. Need more t call. You're to go, firewood наруби yet, but I'll men poklichu. Who in the village now.
Pelageya disappeared outside. And half a minute I could see she was climbing the overgrown high Swan path leading along the slope of a small slides from the bathhouse to the house.
The soul felt fright was over, I looked out the door leading to the river, in the hope that the shepherd is still there. But it didn't happen.
Pelageya walked through the village, and I began to prepare firewood bath. Soon she was back, I was carrying an armful pinned into small chips of wood to the bath, and her face was distorted, and his eyes rounded with terror.
-What happened? I inquired, pausing.
-Peter medvedikha lifted her! Gasped in horror, said grandmother.
She put her hand to the right side where the heart was, and so stood in the middle of the yard, unable to catch his breath.
I rushed to the street, with the earth chips, and ran, not presenting even really where lives Peter. Near one of the houses for low жердянником gathered village grandmother, and I shall not hesitate, went there.
In the house of the people was even more than on the street, and I thought, where did so much in such a small village. Making his way through the dense humming, голосящую crowd, I was near the low of the bed under the blanket lying through his teeth smiling Peter. It was clear: he is bad. Eyes were wet and налившимися blood, he was sweating, and coal-black hair, wet from sweat and blood, лохмами sticking out in different directions. The cheek was a deep, ragged, soaked with the blood trail from the claws of wild animal. Peter breathed heavily and closed his eyes, as he rolled them in подлобье.
Seeing me, he hardly said:
-Oh, you're a... you See, saved you, and he... was no one to help...
I lifted the blanket. Outerwear and underwear were torn to shreds, the skin on the chest and shoulders was and is cut into strips by rags was floating on the dripping with the blood of meat. Broken ribs, frighteningly, unnatural sticking out of the sides of the snow-white fragments. The sight was terrible.
Seeing what was left of Peter, standing near Baba started to cry even more, from what I come in indescribable fury. I just wanted to grab something heavier and bash this dumb Indian, helplessly standing and watching, as a man gives ends.
"Well you're not bandaged, fools?! Unexpectedly for himself loudly, with anguish that had the power I shouted, trying to cover голосящих.
The crowd slightly grew silent, and I shouted again to cheer myself:
-Bandages let's rags tear, sheets!
Soon my hands pulled with bandages and bands нарванной sheets, and I came, I could rewind искрошенное, frightening his бесформенностью and compliances the body of Peter. Joined me and began to help.
Lifting her torso over Peter juicy soaked with the blood of the sheets, I realized that in several places he had broken spine. Body unnatural прогибалось, and the fingers can feel the sharp corners on the spinal column, which skin ran down my spine.
Lifeless soft body was heavy and bulky, but they helped me. It was necessary to remind, to treat careful. I asked a couple of planks, and they were handed over through the crowd that surrounded. They planted under her back and примотали rags.
Перебинтовывая affected, I tried how badly injured his skin, and every time its flaps can be easily separated from oozing lymph subcutaneous layer. It remained only to wonder how this, he managed to survive after such a passionate embrace bear.
When we started перебинтовывать Peter, he apparently lost consciousness and was unconscious. So you would think he was already dead. Put your ear to the chest or feel the pulse of the broken hands or temples there was no way, and only offering to приоткрытому mouth a small mirror, you could detect the easy fogging mirror barely теплящееся breath.
The bandage was finished, and I asked everyone to leave the house because the patient is not enough oxygen, while in the rear, where gathered the men, not invented anything better to take, Yes smoke.
When the latter came down from the porch and out into the yard, I turned to the crowd below:
-An urgent need to bring Peter to the hospital, otherwise tomorrow he should be buried.
-And are you a doctor? "I heard someone's stinging question.
-I'm not a doctor. But then any fool could see that he was dying. On it the living and left not a broken spine. Besides, he was bleeding.
The crowd rose terrible noise, and it was impossible to understand what people want. In the house suddenly I heard some thunder, and I rushed there.
A woman knows how the rest of the house, dropped on the floor basin of water, and now wiping rag puddle.
-How you came to be here? - I was amazed.
"I'm the wife of Peter, and what? "Replied светлорусая with a long, thick oblique woman.
Now I noticed that in the house of several rooms, and it was in one of them where now come out with a girl aged ten to twelve.
-This is my mom, Valya, " she said to me, " don't shout at her.
-What is your name? - I turned to her.
-My name is Larisa, she said, coming closer to him, as do during a conversation many children, trusting adults. - Today we with dad went to the forest for mushrooms and saw a bear, a little of this. I started to play, and then his mother bear jumped out from behind the bushes. Papa on the tree gave up, and he began to run away. But bear behind him has pursued, and looked behind me on the tree. I began to cry, and dad ran to the tree and began to cast a she-bear with canes, and then grabbed the bear by the scruff of the neck and lifted him up so that he began to shout. Bear jumped down from the tree and threw herself on the Pope. But daddy's gun took not, and he only had the knife. They embraced and began to roll on the ground. Papa bear with a knife beats, and she him breaking, tearing claws. And they struggled so long, and both scary screaming. And then came running uncle Alyosha, and helped to kill the she-bear.
-And who is this guy? I inquired.
Is dad's friend.
Valentina, Larisa's mother, gained from a tub again basin water обмывала her husband piece of Terry towels. I went out of the house. Now to me that was clear.
The yard of the house the people were gone. Stand there, just one and a half dozen people, including several men.
-Who Alexei? I asked the standing under the porch.
"Well I, " replied the elderly bearded man, in which I immediately recognized one of his three saviours.
-Is that you, where I saw that happened in the forest?
-Well I nodded Alexey.
-What happened there?
-And what it is now?
"Indeed, " I replied, biting his lip: "really, what it is now?"
-Very close to the village happened suddenly spoke Alexey, referring not to me but to others, and changing his tone of voice from the caller to surprise. - Here, a hundred yards in the direction of the cemetery. Whence here only here for the bears? And in this time they had the person not attack her, as time going to sleep to fall. I can hear the screams and roars. "Well - I think - the going gets tough!" Took an axe and rushed there. And there dipper Петрухе Boca pounds. Well, I'm her with an axe on the head and оприходовал. The only pity is that arrived too late.
Someone wanted to look at the bear, killed him, and remaining in the yard moved to the place where the tragedy occurred: according to Alexei carcass bear with his throat slit, still laying there, and had now to take her to not be in vain fat, meat and fur. I tried to stop them, but I didn't hear wanted.
I went into the hut to Peter, but Valentina зыркнула me so evil, so evil eyes flashed, that I realized: it's nothing to do.
"How strange, I thought, went down through the street to the house Pelageya - a person dies, and nobody wants to help him. Even if he is doomed, it still needs to try to help at least some support it with their participation in its fate. And they went to see the зарубленную dipper. It was necessary to find somewhere a car or anything else, Yes even combine or tractor, and take Peter to the hospital. However, where it's here you'll find."
In fact, in the village of almost that there was no technique, and for the whole week, that had been here, I have not heard even once the engine running.
Once in the yard and saw still in the middle of it stood Пелагею, I heard that from the corner of the house someone calls me. It was a light, almost spectral whistle on a high note, that you can be accepted for the creak of a swinging to and fro, and wooden shutters on the window. I was not even paid attention to it, but the whistle once persistently and invitingly and a little stronger repeated, so that it was impossible to pay attention. Pelageya also drew attention to a strange sound.
-What is there? "She asked me.
-Ah, wearily waved my hand, - that-that, dies Peter, and no it does not want to help.
-And what Baba to Varvara gone?
-To Varvara? - I was surprised and shocked at her words. I don't know.
Pelageya went out the gate, and I heard again посвитывание, доносившееся the corner of the house. There I was waiting for my friend rustic shepherd. His eyes were seven kopecks like mad.
-Do you know what happened? "He asked.
-Yes, I saw.
"No, not that. Baba village to Varvara went!
-So what? - I asked innocently.
As what?! Shepherd strongly grabbed my hand, showing remarkable effect, so unexpected in his frail body, and pulled her to himself. 'Do you know why they went?
-They went to ask her to help with her magic to return to Peter life.
-So what?
-How's that?! Don't you understand, that from the barbarians nothing good to wait. She's a witch. Indian sorrow blindly, she goes wherever she may seem faster help. And very often it is evil spirits, plays this...
-What are you плетешь?! "I broke and shook shepherd by his shirt. I was beginning to be annoyed that he is to me hooked on. I relax here! Not in every village shit go! Less than a week I stay remained in this damn phone village, but I still have the reason persistently not left in peace. And I'm already tired!
I tried to throw, to shake a shepherd, вцепившегося in my sleeves, but it was not there. He kept asking:
-Yes, you understand that it raises a big deal...
-What is the next big deal? - I wanted to get rid of him.
"I don't know. I have long forgotten how to anticipate, but anxiety, anxiety in my heart, and it gives me peace.
-What was the response? Why?
-Yes that is, with a bear, a trick Barbara. It's her. And the wolf that attacked you...
-Why did you take?
"Because I just seen a bear disappeared, disappeared and killed the wolf.
"Listen!" I'm sick of all this! -I hoped that he finally get loose from me, and found the grateful audience, which can be bullshit every ears hang. Maybe he's really crazy to some, quiet village crazy...
From the edge of the forest at the outskirts of the village heard the voice appeared from behind the trees, people, and the shepherd himself let go of my hands and quickly, ducking to the high grass, ran down to the river. I went into the street, to meet people.
They were the ones who went to watch the killed animal. Now they were in a strange condition, if подвыпили there in the woods, and they were not that drunk, but somehow, sloppily and even smiling, strange and дурновато.
-Why are you such wonderful? I inquired.
-Like what?! - come running to me one of the men. -Bear-gone!
He just ran to catch up with the old piano crowd.
Behind all trudged Alexey, sadly повесивший head. I asked when he caught up with me:
-What happened?
Bear is lost, - he glanced at me lost, he said.
He went on so hard, barely dragging its feet, but I was not behind him. I always thought that he said something wrong, and the meaning of his words floated somewhere in the fog of guesses...
-Wait, wait! - Feeling like me starts sending an adverse, unsteady, trembling, appearing in those moments when disappears, the presence of mind затормошил I Alexei. - Disappeared?! Think someone stole?
Suddenly Alexei changed. His face was contorted with rage, teeth evil flashed in покривившемся mouth, and he's just a sword slashed me oblique, from top to bottom at a glance:
-Fool! Who steal?!
He is evil moved his big serf's hand, and I flew to the side, on the side of the road is surprisingly easy, as стряхнутый with elbow kitten. Falling into the nettle of покосившегося gray жердяного of the fence, I burned on the grass and began to furiously shaking and scratching your hands are swollen, fast frozen red blisters.
"You fool! - An evil feeling I hissed, looking after him and imagining a good kick and I would now he bowed, if...-Goat!
On the other side of the fence emerged shepherd.
-Well, what?! He smiled his придурошной smile. "See?!
In his eyes was read celebration of the winner. I released the full charge of their verbal rage, because even in the depths of consciousness wasn't fear the village fool, didn't feel the danger, although sometime in the early childhood warned me to stay away from the insane and in case something to them the most neutral, because it is unknown ever, decide in the next second.
Having cursed the shepherd, I went to the gate and suddenly almost immediately felt a dull pain above the elbow. If someone is good to me his cudgel.
-Yes, he's really a fool! "I thought, turning around and seeing that the shepherd stands still on the other side of the fence, but in the grass away from me rolling a heavy boulder, one of those neat pile lay in the corner of the garden Пантелеихи.
I barely had time to understand something, as barely dodged a second stone, flying me straight in the head.
-What are you, stupid?! - I shouted, but the shepherd already bent down for the third stone.
Not waiting, I suddenly asked heels on the street, but immediately from acute болив the heel, where I went next hit, stumbled and rolled head over heels, picking up the dry dust.
-What are you, crazy, doing!?" - Sounded somewhere behind the heart-rending cry of an old woman Pelagia. "Oh, accursed, well I-R now you ask! Don't care if you're the fool-t!
On the teeth скрежетал sand, which somehow was full mouth. Very near the ear, flopped, брызнув in the face of the dust, another one, probably, the last stone, and I couldn't even get frightened that he almost had crushed the man's with me.
"Aptly is thrown!" - Sped through my mind. Very close I saw подбегающего Alexei with a big stick in his hands. His face was alive from the evil of excitement.
-What happened?! He pulled my hand and helped me sit up. Her head went round, stand up on your feet there was no opportunity.
-Yes here! - I waved head towards the garden, where Pelageya chasing at the corners of the shepherd. Sand nasty скрежетнул on the teeth, making it difficult to talk. And it seemed to me that many do not отплевывайся, it does not decrease.
"Are you Noodles contacted? - Opened his eyes in surprise Alexey.
With which other "noodles"? - Not I understood.
-Yes with our Noodles, with a fool to ours, with a shepherd! - Waved for convincing a stick man.
-And what with the "noodles"? - Again I understood.
-Yes it is that's his name: Noodles. Ivan Noodles. Fools too surname is!
-A-a-a - again I заплевался sand and Alex held his hand out to help me stand up. -Do not. My head is spinning.
Came запыхавшаяся but satisfied Pelageya, and breathing often and finely, through the word, asked:
-What is-t he stoned швырялся?! Are you offended him eh?!
The corner of my eye I saw from home Barbara goes village women, but behind all goes itself Varvara, pushing the hands of women, as GURT timid sheep. She turned her head, something still talking in my direction. And our eyes met, from what I was scared, and I looked down in the ground.
-Well, to lift you can already? - Again asked Alex.
"Yes, " I replied weakly, and felt strong arms, lifting me from the earth and put on the legs.
Accompanied by a grandmother Pelageya I walked to the house, not daring to lift their gaze and stumbling at every step under a heavy black eye barbarians. Inside I was trembling from fear and felt that I do not have even the courage to go forward. And when we stopped, catching up with broads, real estate seemed to me higher, saving the good, what I could find at the moment.
Pelageya something whispered, talking with women, groaning and причмокивая language in surprise. They could speak louder because I still listened to it, couldn't just hear, understand what they actually say, immersed in a stupor, ensconced in it, like a tortoise in its shell from danger.
"Пантелеиха" led me stunned, nothing соображающего farther, and when we got home, in a deep whisper, from which it was impossible not to come to, hissed, holding his lips to my face, which I felt on my skin dew from her moist, warm, heavy breathing:
-Tonight you need somewhere to disappear from the village, dear boy.
Her tender unusual appeal made me suspicious.
-Why is this? - The tone of my voice, apparently issued excitement.
Varvara said that cure Peter, if she will communicate with you.
-How do you took?
Baba said.
-Yes, they went now to ask her to help., and Varvara them answered here. She promised, otherwise Peter will die present at night. Now, t the case.
I sat on a bench by the wall and wondered digesting heard.
-It might be true that with this Varvara meet? - Asked finally, I do not think of anything better.
-What are you?! - Scared Pelageya having shaken hands.
"But Peter life will save! - I tried to reinforce резонность their proposals, although he felt himself tremble were shaking from the fear of this one thought, that it can happen.
Don't you! - Shook a fist over my head grandmother. - It and you lose, and man will not save. Well this is a witch! From her t no good to wait!
I thought about it and asked:
"Listen, grandma, how could I hide? If I want to force issue Varvara...
I don't know. May, in the forest-'t go-t, night sit there...
-Yes do you think, what you say?! "Said I, feeling the big chill, cold ripple ran the distance on the back. -She's got me there avenge itself. And more likely, and any help is not required.
Не6ожиданно in memory I offer came Alena go to the dance in Large Василиху. This was the solution. However, what I learned in the bath, somewhat confused, and combined to damp my ardour. But it seems that nothing else could. "If Alena went with me secretly monitor their mother, it is unlikely that she is with her at the same time", - I said.
I asked Пелагею flood bath, call Alexei and go to Aliona.
Come Alexey, stood in the doorway hung his heavy paw on заскрипевшую door and asked:
"What else?
-Walk with me in a bath? I asked immediately.
"You, boy, just a fool or what? I have a friend dies, and you're in the bath... Nuts or what? - He shook his finger to his temple, turned around and disappeared, as he had appeared.
Pelageya came with Alyona:
I'll go to bath'm flooding, and you're покалякайте yet.
"What?" "The girl asked.
-Go to the dance, " I suggest.
Her eyes widened:
-Don't you know what happened?
-Know. But I know something else: Barbara said, that will help to Peter, if I stay with her eye to eye, but otherwise it in the night to die.
Alena hesitated and somehow all faded, but then with determination in his voice said:
-Get ready.
-Well, - I nodded his head, " just go to the bath.
"You know, I showed girl stained sleeve and side shirts, smacked by a dirty trousers - much something dust.
The girl smiled for the first time:
-Well, well, just let's hurry, you don't really exhaust.
All the terrible experiences of today backed away, gone away, and her charming smile in front of me as if flew open another world, in which there was no trace of fear. From there breathed heat and light, and the feeling was suddenly so clear that I could not tell myself that the real: this is what surrounds me swamp provincial life, which was so much horror, or something warm and bright window that suddenly plunged my second "I".
"And you with me to the bath to go? Playfully and at the same time, half hoping to consent I asked the girl.
Alyona also playfully shook her head, and we both fun and carefree laughed as забывшиеся children. That moment seemed to me incredibly dazzling and magical gift of fate, which completely wiped out all my past painful experiences and filled my heart warm, lively gratitude.
I felt like I could tell her something extraordinary, from which the soul was supposed to fly somewhere high in the bright heavens, and stay there, surrounded by white облачек-lamb...
But, see, I did not have such words, that could Express my feelings, and only in the head, as it very often happened, spinning verse snowstorm, наметая snowdrifts quatrain:
I angel fell on the white snow,
He seemed to me to be as dark as the night,
And you're beautiful of all beautiful... Negatives
Your I win that it was urine
Sought sweet tenacious honey
That enfolded me. In vain,
All worthless. And melted the ice.
And it was all around wonderful...
Chapter 11.
-Make Friends, Yura. This young man will live here! - Said Sergey Maksimovich, opening приоткрывшуюся the door wider and pushing his brother deep into the hallway.
-I hope not for long? - weak unhealthy voice inquired Yura.
-How much will! - Sergey said, throwing off her cloak and removing shoes.
-And how many have?..
Yura broke off, because brother looked up at him angry, serious eyes:
"You might at first greeted with a man.
We shook hands, and I felt his palm, cold and wet, like a toad.
-Well, okay, nurse the guest. I have Breakfast will not. All went to sleep.
We Yurii Maksimovich went into the kitchen, and Sergey another ten minutes of noise in the bathroom, and from there we could hear it quite a groan. Then everything fell silent.
Yurii Maksimovich was busy at the stove, and I with interest eyed him from head to foot, sitting like a good boy - hands on his knees at the table.
If Sergey on a patronymic name language turned with difficulty, Yuri they sure looked old man, though perhaps was almost the same age as his brother. Much старили his glasses and with strong lenses, and indistinct женоподобная, amorphous shape, making it look like a bedside table in the robe Terry robes on two skinny legs.
Yurii Maksimovich put me in front of a plate of semolina, put a piece of bread, buttered, sat down himself, and also began to eat. He didn н6е asked, looking at his plate prying eyes.
When I ate, Yurii Maksimovich still silently took my empty plate. Put a Cup of tea, and went out of the kitchen.
After Breakfast, I went through the rooms of the apartment. There was two of them. In one, sprawled on the couch, her chin up, opening his mouth "width butt", snored Sergey Maksimovich. In another, something down, slouched over the table, bowed her head, his brother.
I approached him from behind, standing behind him. Yurii Maksimovich looked over his shoulder at me, raised up his round, fat, bloated face, but didn't asking turned their records and calculations.
Next to his Desk and above it was a strange apparatus that caught my attention. Several blocks with colored lights and all kinds of scales, control knobs, toggle switches. Equipment resembled an army, was so bulky and clumsy, ill-adapted to work with it, unsympathetic and unattractive.
Some time I watched devices. It seemed to me that some of them have already met once, and if his memory, you can know.
On one device, a blinking yellow light, flailed buzzer. Yurii Maksimovich sat up in his chair and, much squinting, began to be viewed on a small scale of the instrument, on which gradually move the arrow.
"Come along, young man! - suddenly he said to me, took his cold hand on to my sleeve like a bad boy, which was to take in the kindergarten, where he does not want to go.
I did not even bother to resist, and soon we were in the basement, where Yurii Maksimovich turned on the light. Took me along the corridor between the doors with mounted locks and stopped at the end of one of them.
When he opened the door and shot the lock, opened the wooden door, it was discovered another: iron, digital safe and a large turning the handwheel in the middle.
Yurii Maksimovich lit formed in the vestibule of a light bulb at a low ceiling and hurriedly began to gain on the chips combination, then twisted the steering wheel, and the door began to slow, hard to open.
We went inside, and when the lights went on, I saw a rather large and well furnished room, which could, if necessary, to live. Here was a small equipped kitchen, and a strange remote with a number of buttons, switches and signal lights, and the wardrobe, sofa, and even a TV with a radio receiver.
Yurii Maksimovich shut behind us a thick metal клепаную door and walked over to the console, making some manipulation. Somewhere earned motors, there was a strong characteristic noise of the fans and of the gratings in the walls of a strong stream of air.
-What is it? Why have we come here? I inquired, as he came nearer to the panel that already was sparkling some colored appliances, jumping up and down green bars, and shaking arrow indicators.
Is?! Yurii Maksimovich switched lighting, leaving burnt with a Desk lamp on the remote. - This shelter. And we came here because at the top of the radiation.
He looked at me, studying, and in the lenses of his glasses flashed a reflection of a Desk lamp and a superiority:
-So we'll sit here until it's over.
I looked at him опешенно as the crazy:
-What is radiation? Where did it come from?
The radiation of the most ordinary, it only can be, it came from, go at it and ask.
I felt that if we don't sit down somewhere and then шлепнусь on the floor.
-Listen... Listen, Yurii Maksimovich! You're kidding me? I asked, going to the couch.
-No, in General. Why do I need an adult, who lived the life of a person, such jokes? That way, you, I and this retreat specially rebuilt to you play?
-And that you built?! -I was sincerely surprised.
-Of course, who else?
-But it's how much money we had угрохать! Where did you get them? After all, here a thousand!
-Yes, I put here a few fees, moreover, had to sell his gorgeous three bedroom apartment and move in this халупу to the brother. But life requires it. To live differently now it is impossible, at least for me.
-And what fees, if not a secret?
-For the scientific work. I am a scientist, Professor, I write scientific articles, publish, get my money.
-But what these costs? Is it so often happens radiation?
-And radiation, and any excess of the MPC...
-MPC - maximum permissible concentration. My equipment pinpoint any excess of the MPC. What only harmful products of production are known, they are scanned, and are differentiated from environmental sensors of the equipment of this refuge. I can watch the full state of the atmosphere and radioactive background of the area by means of indicators and, if anything, to take refuge here. Moreover, this haven is a reliable protection from earthquakes and withstand even the twelve points. It is made according to the technology of reinforced independent Cuba and can withstand a furious pressure shake-up.
-What are the earthquake? "I do not understand me to be his last words. It seemed to me that I've missed. - unless there are earthquakes? Maybe I have and I don't really understand, but that is not сейсмоопасный district, for sure. Or you, Yurii Maksimovich, want to say that the us soon, the atomic bomb is thrown off?
-No, the atomic bomb is not to blame, but what about earthquakes, young man, I was right. Yes, you are right that this area is considered not to be earthquake-prone. But it only is considered, and in this tragedy, because there are virtually no earthquake engineering: no housing or industrial. But the fact that I still am working on a change issues, seismicity taking into account the influence of the newest factors of geological history. And one of the most dynamic and therefore the most dangerous factors of industrial mining, and, first of all, coal, especially oil. Occur giant move the masses, the balance of the earth's crust. Our thoughtless sloppy, criminal negligence at zadelke developed wells lead to the fact that billions of cubic kilometers, the entire underground sea moved in layers that you didn't have it for millions of years, and now imagine that all this is happening. It is like a person to instruct bruises, and then lament that we have done with him bruises. We live on the earth from above, from space reminiscent of one big bruise. But the earth is revenge for what she got hurt. According to my calculations we already had to turn the clock back a year and a half ago. But God is merciful, and this has still not happened.
Last summer in July was one землетрясениеце, almost imperceptible, so three points, but happened as a result of a large accident at a chemical plant. My alarm went off well and if it is not, and I, and brother would have been on the hospital bed, if not at the cemetery.
Yurii Maksimovich fell silent and turned away again to the panel that the switching on it and looking at the glowing scale and hopping green and yellow bars.
How long are you here to stretch, if that happens? asked, digesting heard.
-For two-three months. Food and water, but with gasoline worse, " said, without turning, Yurii Maksimovich.
-What is gasoline?
-From the ordinary. I have here an Autonomous power mounted. That's for her gasoline and need.
Conversation silent again, and I sat on the couch, trying to collect his thoughts, but then I suddenly like autumn:
"Listen, what about your brother?! He stayed at the top!
-Sergey still doesn't come in now - I know him. He after the shift, tired, and his tractor now not move.
-But there is a strong radiation!
-I say that it cannot be moved from the couch, he sleeps a dead sleep, Yurii Maksimovich turned to me again. The lenses of his glasses glistening in the dim twilight, and, apparently, having read something on my face, he said. "Well, young man, to me it is probably better to know her brother, but if you insist, I will call him now here over the intercom that connects the shelter of my room.
He pushed on the small cover, and under it was found out of the loudspeaker and microphone with a neatly-folded, and смотанным cord. Yurii Maksimovich flicked the switch and pressed some button. In the dynamics there was a deafening bells.
Is there in the room, Wake up call worked, " he explained to me.
Call had long about five minutes, until finally, instead of exactly взбесившегося call the speaker does not heard the angry voice of Sergey Maksimovich:
-Hey, moron, what are you doing there and climbed't you let me sleep?!
-Sergey, come over here. At the top of the radiation! "replied Yurii Maksimovich, choking back in переменившемся voice resentment and trying to be as calm as possible.
-And where is the boy? With you?!
-With me, and nodded his head Yurii Maksimovich.
-All right, - said Sergey it looked like he was going to go to sleep on.
-So you'll go down or not?! - concerned about raising his voice, asked Yurii Maksimovich.
-Yes, come thou in the swamp with his radiation - tired yawn, Sergey said, and on top of all was quiet.
"See?! - укоряющее looked at me Yurii Maksimovich, as if trying to accuse me an a brother to him offense.
"I see, " I said, involuntarily her eyes lowered.
We fell silent again for a long time. I felt guilty and could not ask a single question, although I had it in abundance. Very much now I found it interesting, and, for example, how often have a high radiation. But I sat quietly Yurii Maksimovich all went on at the console.
Finally I got tired of sitting in this concrete cube.
-Let me out of here!
Yurii Maksimovich turned to me, flashed glasses, and stared her his dark, myopic eyes.
"Why are you here you sit?" - flashed through my mind.
-Let me out of here! I repeated.
"Young man, I can't get you out. There the radiation.
-What the hell radiation?! People live, and nothing - it's OK! I don't want to sit here with you. Release me, after all!
-Well, well! Yurii Maksimovich feverishly clicked some switches turned on the overhead light, went to the door and, крутанув several times wheel on it, opened the output from the shelter. -Get out, only faster! I don't want to here and it was crap!
"Good-bye, " I said, not too slowly. If I had a hat on his head, as bullying I would not fail to remove it and take the bow in реверансе to pull the rubber and see how this unpleasant, repulsive-looking man will come jelchew in silent impatiently waiting, finally, would be to close the door behind me, and puffed on how toad.
Everybody on the street was commonly. If I never said that around radiation, he would, I hardly ever guessed that. The roads were driving cars, people were in the streets, who slowly, who simply walking, everything was as usual.
"We must драпать of here!" - visited me insight. "If someone actually control my thoughts and actions, not letting me go, then everything must be done to deceive him."
Walking through the streets of the city as would not even thinking about leaving, I nevertheless moved closer towards the station. It was a very slow, sometimes even had to return back to go in the opposite direction, that's really just to muddy the waters and confuse докапывающегося to my true intentions in the chaos of small motives and actions. I then went to a shop, cafe sat down to have a Cup of tea or a refreshing drink. In the end even I had the impression that I don't hurry anywhere and, in General, are not going to do anything to escape from this city.
For me it seems that no one was watching, and walked not on his heels, not after peeking from behind corners, but, nevertheless, someone's attention, someone's heavy hand was on my mind, perceiving all their changes, and I had to hope for flight to hide the deepest levels of thinking, bordering with the subconscious mind, what she now looked to me like a distant vain dreams impossible dreams, the implementation of which I would not have done already and step, having reconciled with their fate.
So walking and придуриваясь, in the end I went to the station square. Those who followed my mind, should be alert, but I did not give this reason, because I have in mind was to leave somewhere, leave the city, and who followed me, apparently calmed down, Charter watch sluggish during the processes in my brain, and to where I am now, he had no case until my thoughts remained on the same level.
Approaching the intersection, where yesterday terrible accident happened, I didn't react, but it's hard to hold back my excitement and not indulge in dangerous memories that are immediately alerted would be following my consciousness, and then all is lost.
"Well, now, now come on, have a snack in the cafe at the station, look what they got some good to eat", " I said quietly to myself, trying to really develop a simple desire to eat and a temptation to discover in the railway cafe something yummy. I even went over in the mind of yummy I would like, but in my head got another thought: "This station. With it you can leave. With a need to leave. Now immediately with him..."
I made a great effort to stifle that thought, запинать her, предательницу to mess up other, smaller, vain and marginal, but it proved quite difficult, and when the victory over it was me almost won, and I have already passed the crossroads where yesterday it happened, and on the horizon not had a single machine, my eyes suddenly I was struck by the fact that the transition no sewage hatch, the sewer hatch, which faltered the old woman, and she and pleased by the machine. It was not at all.
This discovery shocked me. I stopped short, staring at the asphalt. The fear inside me grew up in terror, to panic, whirling all nanos and bustle of sham сибаритства with the naked in his пронзительности thought: "I Must run away! Guard!"
I knew that I had already issued himself, gave a surge of fear, вырвавшим from the depths of the consciousness of my true intention, and if now to me was connected to a lie detector, then he would have made a splash on all parameters. But the fact that watched me, didn't need a detector. It was enough for him only, that I began to stroke my thinking cool Elendil broke, highlighting my true intention. Now I stood before him in all the boldness of his plan and, when to save the seemingly need to make one step, was the closest thing to failure, for which loomed the shadow of something terrible.
I could not move, as if sticking to the pavement, like a fly to a sugar bait, and suddenly saw rushing straight at me a car. He was already close and seem to have no thought braking or turning. "Where did he come from, because on the road there were no cars", - flashed in my mind a silly idea, although it was already clear: here it is payback for attempting to escape.
Without restraint rushing the car was close now, так4 that could be seen behind the windscreen two skewed whether fear, or anger person, but my legs refused to obey, becoming numb.
"Oh, my God!" involuntarily I thought, preparing for the worst, and suddenly felt that "came unstuck", took a step, but in the next second bumper of your car touched my legs, why I was thrown aside, and I felt like the wheel of a car passed on my heel.
Machine swung brakes, why it skidded and deployed. Покатившись head over heels, I was at the far sidewalk and, in fear sprang up and ran to the station, pushing counter minorities passers-by and feeling that хромаю on one leg because of a Shoe that I was staggered back heel. I don't have time to think, as it still can run. The corner of my eye I could see the two of them, a little awkwardly, jumped out of the car and went after me in pursuit.
From the platform went any train. Might I rushed after him, dropping on the go hampering running shoes and feeling small stones and debris hurt cut through the toe heels, passed last, postal, car and clung to the rail, calling out in a terrible voice, goodness knows why I have undertaken "Go away!" conductor, шарахнувшейся deep into the vestibule, and has wormed the belly of the iron checkered plate site, throwing his feet.
Breathless, I got up and asked the frightened girl:
-Where is the train?
Commuter it! "she said. - You have a ticket?
-Damn it! - escaped me.
I looked outside. The station was out of sight.
-For you for the ticket! - I offered a few crumpled pieces of paper ago decided never to come back, and walked in the car, where the bare shelves sat tiredly travelling from city to their homes, returning to their villages of the country folk.
Chapter 12.
The bath I went all the same one. With Alyona we agreed to meet on a village fence of her house on the other side of the village. It had to be done discreetly. And now, sweating in clubs hot steam and throwing wood on rdeyuschie coals, I painfully thought how best to accomplish this: whether to go along the river strangers gardens or go around through the forest, dark чащобой подступившему with the knoll to the edge of the village, making it seem that he shoves aside her in the water. And then, and another was dangerous, since it was of this nature. I was wondering why Varvara, did for me. And in the light of the strange tales of the shepherd and the last, not less mysterious events, happened with Peter seemed to me now is not accidental.
It was frightening. The smoke coming out of the bath, probably has already attracted the attention of anybody, and I was afraid, as it was not noticed Varvara. I don't give the rest of what she said, openly now, taking an opportunity, that wants to meet with me. She could come here, and because I locked both doors, propping one spear, and the other, the one that goes to the river, having strengthened to push the bracket stick handle.
Barely fear little by little began to let my troubled conscience, and I finally started to really bath, as suddenly шкрябание and attempts to open the door from the side of the house, attracted my attention. Having crept on tiptoe to the запотевшему the little window, I rubbed his palm and looked out, clinging to the glass, and with a sinking heart, trying to see up. But deep frame is prevented to do so.
The door kept scraping along, and in addition cat's sound is not heard anything. Remains calm which still warm in my soul, vanished without a trace.
"Who's there?! I asked, cautiously approaching the door.
There was no answer.
"Who's there?!
On the outside everything is silent. As the door opened went pairs. Sticking my head, I looked right, looked in the door, covered with a broom.
There was not a soul, but I felt that someone was watching me. In the tense silence that наползало stupor, I had a feeling that the whole village had died and I'm all alone naked in the bath in the middle of this lifeless silence, and from the heart зашлось in horror.
"Who's there?! - I cried, not so much to someone said, and more then to tell myself that I am still alive. It seemed to me that scream my resounded far on an empty area. In fear I slammed the door, securing it with a stick, and to bring a sense of reality, splashed a full bucket of cold water on the hot stones, why bathhouse is filled with heavy, thick, непроглядным steam, burning the skin and lungs exactly coal, and then immediately jumped out, сшибив simple constipation, on the bridge and, without hesitating a second, threw himself into the water.
Blessed saving coolness of the water hugged my burning body, and then a few seconds't want to pop up, and it was felt that body, moving slowly in the green-yellow sediment grains of sand and silt, sinking further and further into the thickening darkness turmoil.
Down at the bottom of something flashed a quick shadow, and I am, trying to keep the panic, earned his hands and feet, surfacing: it was not very pleasant to see that this fascinating немоте there is still something alive and moving, living here on the law of the host. The proximity of the swamp into which flowed the river is a very bad final movement - сгущала paint, and it would be better not to see that beneath you, a few feet below, over covered with silt driftwood floating unclear, расплывчатыеконтуры unknown creature. The feeling of free flight in a unknown silence nameless river, lost in the woods and fields, and the bestowing his vital energy with the silent, mysterious swamp, but not any more deep and strong river, which in itself was unnatural, grew in animal horror before the Majesty of small and frightened more than a bottomless depth of the ocean, which could not reach the human imagination...
Подплывая to the bridge, I could barely restrained not embark really took to their heels, and faster, than in other times, взабрался, almost jumped from the water dried feet to Shine, but the dark Board flooring.
Couples from the sauna was flying white clubs, and about to go in and close the door, there was no question. I left it open and, squinting up from the hot, humid air, got to the furnace and threw on притухшие coals few damp wood splinters, immediately задымивших white, щекочущих nostrils and першащим throat smoke. I began to cough, but with me he coughed, and someone else. Scared again had no strength, and I only thought angrily, that whoever it was, he now receives over this stupid game of hide and seek:
"Who's there?! - I thought I growled in anger.
Someone's fingers took me above the elbow, right behind the injured spot. In thinning clubs couple stood Ivan Noodles.
It's you in the door скребся?! - I was furious.-"You still just wasn't enough!"
Harass the stupid nerd getting tired of it, especially after the incident with stones, that he should kick properly.
"Listen, " he whispered instead of answering, - tonight will be the night - God forbid. Peter will die, it was the work of the barbarians. Don't it seem to the eye. I know she's our women offered: it's all lies, bullshit. She will do their dirty work, and you will attract, and there wasn missing you. You got somewhere to hide out until tomorrow morning, well, at least, four, until cock.
-And what are you about me печешься? I asked, feeling the fervor dies away, and things begin to frantically warping of the mind.
-I struggle with Evil, but now I can do it by word only. I need an assistant...
"Oh no, I've had enough! "I blurted out if only been waiting for this moment.
-Yes understand you, or me, or with Varvara! - tried to convince me to shepherd, but I wasn't listening, pushing out the door.
-I no except! "I said in his face and думавшему resist, embarrassed, Ivan Noodles, and slammed the door in his face. The conversation was finished.
Some time later, at the door of the bath was empty, and, quietly домывшись dressed, I went into the house where I was waited Pelageya.
-Listen, dear, you're to go to the one удирай! Again-Baba-t came to cope on your t soul. Wanted to go to the bath, hardly stopped them-t!..
after a few minutes, around the forest, and kept looking around, I drove to the house of Alena, and then, leaving the window a few lumps of earth, fled with her that it was urine on the open road along the bog, wondering why she suddenly became an infinitely long. All further road on чащобам and fields seemed shorter this open for viewing from the middle edge of the village inch of space.
"Do you think we notice? I asked, catching his breath, the girl.
I don't know! - She shrugged her shoulders, and we went chatting about nothing in particular, but continually looking behind him.
As the village remained farther and farther, and the fear passed, I became undermine the bad thought, that disturbed, no matter how I tried to banish it away. Now I have been known to some embarrassing facts of her biography that and think something was terribly. Several times already been solved finally I ask the same question about her parents, but every time stumbled halfway and Alena then looked at me surprised and scared and carefully, not understanding what was happening to me.
Of course, to talk about it was not easy. On the one hand the direct question could hurt the girl to touch the sick and maybe break the most delicate strings of her soul. On the other danger loomed get in some jungle of someone else's fate, which is then easily, if at all possible, it would be to get out. Here it was necessary to behave cautiously and carefully, and therefore start from somewhere far in the distance, something does not seem to be related to topics of interest to me...
-And Pelagia Пантелеевны have children? I inquired suddenly, not expecting such a question.
You should know, " the girl smiled. Because they are your relatives.
-Well, - I gave, looking for that answer. Is she to me not my grandmother, and I her first time visiting. How do I know?
Ална paused again, still smiling.
-How ill you to relatives think about, if you don't know their sisters and brothers, let and cousins or троюрных, - what are they there for you fall? I'm not talking to you corresponded with them or spoke as anything else...And your people deserve to remember them. Anyway, one for sure...
She laughed softly, and I thought it was the perfect moment to talk about her parents, but then decided that happen too clearly несвязанно and right way.
-And who is this one? I continued dialogue.
-I don't know what it is you have, should be a guy, though... Maybe this is wrong.
Is that not true?
Something that was such a...
-What was it?
"I don't even know how to say about him... Tadpole he was, in General.
-As a tadpole?! I asked, having coped with a laugh.
"I have heard that shortly before the war Pelageya Panteleevna gave birth to the first child - the beginning of the story Alena, and I thought it was worth a listen. "She was still quite young, was perhaps a bit older than me. Well нагуляла baby inexperience...
The boy was born as a boy, normal, in General, little baby. Grew up, grew up, but something happened, and he began to grow one head. At first did not notice it, and then late. Yes, none of physicians and could not say what this kind of disease, but his head grew to the size of a small balloon and began to occupy almost all the cushion. And the neck was skinny such that resembled стручек, and to support the heads of the special подпорочки invented.
Everyone said that he would die, because to live with such a mind is impossible, but-headed child lived and lived his. Grow stopped, but умнеть became by leaps and bounds, and to five years already spoken as an adult, and even read books, turning over the pages of children's fingers.
And for Pelageya Пантелеевной long before the war was courted by the Director of one factory, all came by car. Maybe it from him little baby was, nobody knows, but it is too him courted Yes watching Goodies brought him books. So until the war was.
The boy's head came and came to marvel from the entire neighbourhood, where only rumors доползали about an unusual child, whose head is larger body, which in five years knows more than any adult, reads a lot of books, flipping through them infantile fingers, but not even able to walk and barely sitting with the help of special supports and cushions, without which his chicken neck would already broke.
When your uncle is now six years old, he suddenly spoke. No, saying that he could before, but now he could hear terrible things. I do not know that he ever said in there, but people simply jump steel. Tell that he kind of prophesy...
And then the war began. In the village we stopped the Germans, and your uncle taken away somewhere. Pelageya like it, of course, is not given but who would I ask her was confiscated and all. More of a boy's head, nobody has seen since then, and no one heard."
-See how you interesting relatives? "The girl asked.- And you mean they did not know.
I had no answer:
In this story it is hard to believe. More like a fairy-tale.
-And you on the attic слазь to Pelagiya. Maybe she was there, among the stuff, still photography any, by his photographed.
I looked at the girl.
-Слазь, слазь, - she nodded her head instead of answering my dumb question.
We had to talk plainly appeared before them as marginal house a Large Василихи for a well-known fork of the road. Fears that the us will pursue long been dispelled, and now around me hauntingly like an angry bee, circling the thought that Peter is really going to die, and I did not tried to do to save him.
When we entered the village, I asked Alena:
-Look, here is a hospital of some kind?
"Why should you? - Surprised Alena.
"Why what? I must do something to help Peter.
-It is unlikely to help him, - she nodded.
-Why? He is still alive, and therefore must be a hope of salvation, " I said, little by little starting to remember how бинтовал body of the victim, and as my fingers run across the corners переломанного spine. Painted a picture of complete despair, but I didn't want to give up, although somewhere in my mind I knew, felt that to do anything vain, and in vain.
-Okay, let's go! - Took me with a call by the hand Alena and led me like a little boy.
I had to catch it and take away my hand, and then she looked at me with hatred, сверкнувшей in her eyes, though I've never looked expected, but still went on.
The only cross-cutting street we crossed the whole village, whose centre of the mansion housed the big stone two-storey solid old building, apparently, the former once aristocratic mansion, now converted into a rural house of culture. The building was surrounded by a large Park and garden, walled high fence of iron curved ornaments of forged rods mounted in a low stone Foundation with square with skilful stucco columns-side tables. Behind the fence had not looked, and in some places gaped failures in the lattice and red bumps in the beautiful, when the snow-white from good plaster walls. Paths of the Park were manned by bushes and tall, old poplars, through yellowed whose crown was seen huge Jerzy crow nests. Before франтоном building froze dull, dead fountain, able to restore the anguish of their neighbors for their полуразвалившимися sculptures, the former three angels водившими a circle around something that fell apart completely, leaving only a short, ugly candy white concrete with a protruding from it погнутым, rusty piece of pipe.
Further from the facade of the building, ahead of the fountain stood a pedestal made of polished brown and grey slabs of marble. Plate ahead was absent, and the pedestal was deserted. The combination of it with dead fountain made depressing impression.
On the other side of the village against each other was a small Church with крашенным blue angular instead of a round dome-репкой with gilded cross on top and a one-storey long Barack facing the street was deaf end with a door, over which hung a dull signboard with an inscription in red, textile fabric basis Hospital.
Come through the door, we were in the dark corridor, where the burned on a low ceiling few dim lights. There was no one there, and chairs, placed along the walls were empty, and all the offices were closed. Corridor reached the middle of the barracks, and at the end of it remained the last door, which was unlocked, where we entered. There, in the second half of the building was quite light and spacious. Several rows of beds, chairs and tables, cabinets and wall Yes Desk at the entrance, which was sleeping , resting her head on his hands, nurse, all that here. The room was laying there, here a few people. All were asleep, and there was a dead silence.
I touched his shoulder nurse, and she raised her head quickly, glancing focus sleep-blurred eyes.
"Please excuse me, where is your doctors?
-No one answered the nurse, going to sleep again.
"But ima need help urgently. Man dies.
-Where? - Yawned, his hand covering his mouth, woman.
-In Василихе.
-Ah. There nobody goes.
-How not to go?! - I angered her calm tone. - You must understand that there is a person dies. He needs to render urgent medical aid, - I have tried to highlight the word "medical", but this had no effect: not one muscle moved on the swollen face of the nurse.
-What happened to him? "She said softly and sweetly, from what seemed that this voice can be put to sleep any.
-Bear his dented.
The nurse already cocked her head to the hands, but for a moment, before dropping it altogether limply on her hands lingered and, nodding her, she said, frowning irritably:
-Oh, I don't know what you do. Doctor today will not.
-Well, you see, that man dies...
but she did not hear me. Her eyes closed and plump lips, pressed his cheek, blossomed in the roses.
-Well, what can we do? - I turned to Alena and saw her eyes as if спрашивавшие in злорадном прищуре: "Well, have you seen it?! -So."
"Well no, " with malice I thought, " I растормошу this land of nod."
-Listen, where he lives doctor? - I shook again nurse's shoulder.
She she something unintelligible, but then opened her eyes again and, to measure look from top to bottom, said through clenched teeth:
The third house on this side...
In the specified her house was no one there. We had been subjected at his door and kicking, and when they went to leave the gate faced with some old man, державшим in the hands of a fishing tackle and a bucket with a small fish, filled only by a quarter.
What were you guys? "He asked.
-Yes, you probably are looking for. We have trouble. Man bear dented. It seems bursted spine and ribs. But he is still alive, he needs help...
The old man made a gesture, making it clear to concede догогу, and the course went on to say:
-Well, where it here bears seen? Forty years ago, they still existed, but have long since been all повывели, on the skins попороли... But even if so, I can't help you. I therapist, I am not a surgeon, and judging by your descriptions, case heavy. We need a surgeon. The one I am nothing I can not help, unless antipyretic write, Yes iodine bottle give you. All...
He turned on the porch, looked at us from the top down.
-Well, take a surgeon! - I asked.
No surgeon at us in the hospital, and operating have not, and the machines we have no -- Where, by the way, the victim?
-In Василихе...
-Ah, so you have a car?
-No, where we have a car? We walk...
Oh, so what do you kids, what I want to bring to the patient?
I don't know, we thought you had a machine is...
"We don't have the machine for a long time already collapsed, and no surgeon. He already half a year ago left. The nearest surgeon now in district only.
-And is it far?
"Don't лизко, fifteen kilometers from.
-What can we do? I asked, knowing his weakness.
The little old man went into the house unlock the backdoor, and appeared in ten minutes:
-Here, take the bandages, iodine, antipyretic... Syringe you have?.. Take the syringe, he кипяченный, but it diphenhydramine and morphine drug. If diphenhydramine will not help, then make a shot полкубика morphine. But do not get carried away, this is very dangerous...
-Yeah, dangerous and can not be, " I said with irony, " thanks for the assist.
"Thank you, " said Alena and turned to me. "Let us go.
Leaving the gate, I turned to look into the eyes of the doctor, who is so indifferent left dying on an arbitrariness of destiny, but already and was not on the porch.
"You see? - Alena was angry распихивая me in the pockets of the packaging.
It was dusk, and the sun sank in the densely-blue clouds on the horizon, illuminating the red-gold edging their edge. From somewhere came unexpectedly cool wind that carries rare even yellow leaves, broken from the trees, which reminded, that it's not the summer. The night promised to be cold, and I shivered, with displeasure thought shivered, куак cold and unpleasant to go Василиху. Maybe even have to go промозглому autumn rain.
In some houses are already lit light bulb, and people on the street became much less, although only the first twilight came on earth. The sun disappeared behind the clouds.
We came to the house. Here flocks and one went teenagers, boys and girls have grown up. The first in a hurry, have not yet lost restless energy of childhood, and quickly overtook them, walking sedately with dignity strolling along the Boulevard somewhere in Paris and gentlemen. They looked quite comical, but I did not share his impressions with Alyona, fearing that her battered village girl never have been in the city, will be unable to understand my humour.
Entering in the Central alley, which was beautiful and shady, but now already lost its former charm, we passed the decapitated pedestal, and I asked:
-Why pedestal is, and the monument itself not?
-And here the monument to Lenin stood. His eight years ago piled up, and that instead put it up. He was lying in the garden, behind the house of culture. Him say gathered put back, so here's something not thinking.
We rounded the concrete pelvis fountain covered with patches of moss, and, rising to a low-round porch, went inside the building, leaving ahead arrogant беспардонных brats, climbing ahead.
In the hall with columns restored lobby, was somewhat dark and chaos random motion and bustle of adolescents, noisy games which were often similar to the real fight with the screaming and screaming, вносившие in all happened Bedlam and the feeling only train stations or airports. In the corner stood a plywood brightly colored booth from which sold tickets. Her stretched a small queue, where they sit back and we.
-Take tickets to the dance, " said Alena, looking around.
-And where it is still possible to take? I smiled involuntarily in contempt for local poverty culture, and in turn began to look around.
-In the movie - Alena not noticed the sarcasm issue.
In the big hall with a circular balcony on the columns was still empty. Several couples мялись in the corners, although хрипловатые dynamics, which exactly redoubts hidden a few people, apparently, the organizers discos on a small, low stage the far wall, exploding cutting, крушащими sounds crazy rhythm which was so out of place here. The roar of the disturbed not to say, but even to think, why, probably, all the participants feel uncomfortable, and in the other half of the hall, where there was a scene with equipment, nobody went.
Day behind the high, why they looked thin Windows overlooking the balustrades on the huge balcony on the facade of the mansion, soon faded, and the people was added. Special fire music continued to rumble. In the hall quickly became dark. Blink colored spotlights, fortified the columns under the eaves of the balustrade along its entire length, making all around being mentioned in erratic всполохах, высвечивающих, wresting from the darkness of the motionless figure, столпившиеся in circles and рассевшиеся on wooden folding chairs along the walls, twisted озирающиеся person, heady, бахвальные muzzle.
No one was dancing, and although people were crammed a lot already, in the middle of the hall was empty. As was seen in the blinking yellow, green, red and blue lights guys gathered in several groups, leaving her friends and drank, did not hesitate bottles and glasses in their hands. I pay attention to them Alena.
-Are charged, " she said, shouting to me in my ear. - Until they have done drinking - dance will not go.
Girls have gathered in flocks, but not to drink or at least have a chat, if there weren you can do it, but just in submission awaiting their knights. They didn't even look at each other and searched empty glances around the room, considering the long time already familiar columns and a balcony, whimsically change their shape in multi-colored shadows outbreaks.
Is that just going to stand there?! - I shouted in his ear Alena why she shook her head.
Let's go to the balcony! - I heard through the DIN of the music of her answer. She took my hand and led her to a closed door in the side wall.
Chapter 13.
Making his way along the corridor of the car between somebody's knees, sacks, bags, filled to the top with all sorts of things, I've been looking for a free place, but in the coupe, and on the side shelves it was overcrowded. When he reached the last coupe, I stopped in the passage: to go back there was no sense. People continually squeezed past me with a request to step aside., and then just silence. Give them the road was difficult because there are a step was impossible, but they still made the way, thundering with insults and попреками on his life, going to the toilet and smoke in the vestibule. Children in such a case, transmitted on hands, and one bright boy of four or five, озорничая, kicked me to her little shoes in the chest, almost being included in the solar plexus and looked with curiosity, what will you do with my hand. I immediately realized that he did it intentionally, but, although everything inside вскипело from such insolence and disrespect by little хамца, not innocent, what happened anything.
The train moved like a turtle and stopping at each post. At a stop, immediately after the city, the people went down so much, that the car was like a city bus during peak hours, but then, the farther drove away from town, people are becoming less and less, and soon there were seats available.
I've wanted to sit down and, finally, to sigh in pleasure of sitting down suddenly in a compartment in front of which I was standing at the window he saw the familiar top of his head, and before he knew, felt pricked in the heart of surprise. This happens when one not long ago встречавшемся man know of another, sunken into the fly.
It seemed to me in the first instant that by the window sits Охромов. But it was Gladyshev. Apparently, he got another city station, and now calmly stared out the window, by leaning on the table with his elbow, and her head resting on his palm. I know its just because intuition is suggested. When my eyes fell on him. That it is familiar for me people.
Reach Gladysheva was still impossible in the coupe people sat tight, although in other places for a long time already had free shelves. Окрикивать was indecent, besides it would be hard to predict how he would react to such a meeting.
I alone chewed the joy of meeting with a familiar person. This food in сухомятку, not diluted with water at least some communication and emotion't gave me any fun. Rather the opposite. And for another half hour until the chance to get to his shoulder, I was forced to stand and watch as Gladyshev all looks and stares in space somewhere outside the window, in a passing by the landscape, and sits there, without moving or changing his position.
It turns out that he slept. Pushed his way under their eyes, smiled genially growling, I. ask neighbors to move over, planted next to me.
-Where are you? his eyes were round in surprise, glowed with genuine joy.
-Nothing really, - I don't know what to say, and waved his hand. -And where are you going?
-Yes, here I am in the link! - Gladyshev smiled widely.
-As it is in the link? - not I understood.
-Ancestors were exiled. For the fire and the fire.
He suddenly laughed wildly, and his neighbors moved away. And then began отсаживаться, one disappearing in the other compartment.
-Now our cleaning went. And I stayed home, as a victim, to help restore housing...
-And our - who is this?
-Students. Well I Institute study... Well, renovated and I do not know, and because I was exiled to a fortune. Here I go there and food. With eyes away.
-Well, you are to blame for what had happened.
Gladyshev hurt slapped me on the shoulder:
"Listen, you mother remembered! Says, what this moron with you in the apartment was...
We long talked about all the stuff. Until, finally, the topics of conversation will not run out.
Outside the window is already darkened, and the heart crept into the alarm. I never liked to go off somewhere, and darkness reminded about it. Alone now did not want, and in anticipation of loneliness my soul was ready to follow Гладышевым wherever we can not be left one on one with беспризорной Vokzalnaya bench on some anonymous station.
Gladyshev a long time he was silent. I walked to the car and saw that the people have left. Everything pointed to. That is close to the terminal station, and it looked as if a clear dive in the pitch глыбь river Slough and, not reaching the bottom, stay there, between heaven and earth, while the lack of air and the spirit.
I wanted to say Гладышеву that he never parted with me, because it seemed as though we are old friends that know one else knows how many years. I would hope that he experiences a similar feeling, but it was unlikely he knew where he was going and he had a target on which the trip is over. I was going nowhere, and мыкания my aimless and meaningless cannot be described as bitter word wandering.
-You Veronica saw? - perked up suddenly, my companion, and I felt hurt pulled down somewhere heart.
-No, - I had no voice from the excitement.
"She came.
It was like a mockery. The one of whom, perhaps, I will come back to the city, appeared hardly I had no opportunity to meet with her.
-And how is she? - I tried to excitement was not manifested in the intonation of the question, but I think it turned out bad.
-She tomorrow wedding, from these words, I almost choked with air and began to cough, feeling pulls the throat. -Tomorrow she marries a Hippo.
In the voice Gladysheva there was no pathos or taunts. He just told me about the news that, it was clear he was interested in so far as this may be an interesting interlocutor, and which seemed to be interested in me only as a fun fact from the life of our common friend. I've seen it. I felt it in his eyes, in which there was no shadow of suspicion that this could hurt me.
Somewhere beneath us creaked brake pads, потравило compressed air, and the train began to stop.
Gladyshev looked out the window on the other side of the almost empty car.
-Well, here we go.
Outside the window was shining lights outlandish designs station, reminding increased by several times the house with a gable roof.
Hey, where are you going? - finally Gladyshev was surprised that I went with him to the last stop.
-I myself don't know where! - I grew concern. Now stronger desire than to return to the city. Annoying idea that all heard - weird accident, and it can be fixed, prevent, if I get back in town and stand before the eyes of Veronica, not let me rest. I do not doubt that I can say anything I want to I will tell you how to think of her all this time, as he remembered her in the most difficult, difficult and dangerous moments of life, did not doubt that I can talk her out of the wedding, I rush to his knees before her, and will ask her hands. And she will understand me, agree with me, and we will never part. "Otherwise, how are the voices that whisper to me: "She'll be your wife!"? What about all those promises, that I will suffer for it?" - I thought. - "When will these things be? I am ready to suffer. I want to. I can't live without her, I can't..."
It was hysterical. It has not escaped outside, but кромсала my soul...
I woke up from that Gladyshev shook me by the shoulders
What's wrong with you?!
"Nothing, Gladyshev, nothing... I have to go back. I've got to see Veronica. I want to be at her wedding. I don't want her married! You're lying, Gladyshev! You're lying, scoundrel!!! It's a lie!
All. I blurted out, and I, in a fit of fury fought forehead and knocked his fist on the wall between the coupe. Gladyshev jumped next, trying to calm me, but it simply did not exist in my mind. Then he sat in front of it and began to silently contemplate my condition with his large, absorbent everything, the whole world with his stupid laws, and it worked on me faster, and stronger than all persuasions together.
When I calmed down almost came running conductor:
-Young people that floor you here расшумелись?! Go out, have long time: the train will soon go to a standstill...
"Isn't he go back to town? - I was surprised.
-Only in the morning.
We went out on to the platform. I don't know what to do.
-So where are you driving? - again asked Gladyshev, but this time it tupovataya molestation me доканала.
-Yes you went to the devil, Gladyshev! Tell me, better than where you got the bus station.
We entered the station. I rushed to the schedule of trains. In the desired direction first was only three o'clock. Passing. It was too late.
Show me where you got the bus station! again I turned to the Гладышеву, плетущемуся for me, not even wondering which occurred in itself change.
He brought me to the bus station, lost among private houses close to the railway and representing himself single-storey unsightly building, resembling a large barn or a chicken coop. To my surprise there were people. They stood in a queue at one of the closed small little Windows and half asleep and quiet conversations kill time waiting aimless.
I was wondering when you can go to the town, but until the morning in the direction nothing in sight too. The bus left an hour earlier of the first train. But still it was too late. If from here airplanes flew, I would fly, without thinking...
On the street at the bus station, on a small platform, rather reminiscent yard without fence, landed a huge red "Ikarus", чадящий oily soot. In his cabin tempting burned dim light, the passengers were asleep, leaning back in their chairs. The driver cut the engine and opened the door, came down from the cab to the ground and went inside the bus station with a piece of paper in his hands.
I asked him, where is the bus. It turned out that in the right direction.
-But you don't have a timetable! - I was surprised.
-This is four hours late, " explained the driver.
-A place to eat?
-There are three or four free.
-You can go to buy tickets?
-You can.
Gladyshev relentlessly followed me. he was silent now, and he was beaten dog.
I rushed into the building, and overtook the driver in a dark, narrow corridor.
In a hall-room given was full. People shaken off a dream and now Boyko quarreled with each other for the right to buy a ticket. Did not have long to watch them to understand that many of them want to go on that bus.
Wasting no time, I tried to get through to the small, barred, private deaf plywood with a small cut out for the money and the ticket window, but I отпихнули the two accounts, and the whole wrath of the queue moved on to us with Гладышевым, who stood at a distance, but not escaped the fate of being nailed to the pillar of shame and spit on with me.
To do here was nothing, and I dragged Gladysheva to the bus, opened the electrical door of the salon is both a blessing to know where the button, and entered with them into the cabin. We took the vacant places.
Soon appeared the lucky tickets. They walked into the salon and in the ghostly light night light began to look for places available. But those turned out to be two less. The remaining offended passengers rebelled, came the controller, and we quickly выудили and thrown out of the bus, no matter how I tried to convince perturbed that an urgent need to go, to appeal to their conscience, and mercy, and promise each pay triple the price of the tickets.
We stayed in the street, and the bus, showering us Chad left.
"Listen, why do I with you in the bus got? - asked himself Gladyshev't found the answer. He stopped, shrugged and suddenly went far away into the darkness, this is too ссутулившийся.
I caught up with him.
"Wait, where are you?!
-To a fortune. All farewell.
-How? And with me you will not go? The wedding to Veronica do not go?! - I do not want to let go Gladysheva, but he left me.
-I'd never get called, " he was talking on the go and walked rare, but very long strides, so that I could hardly keep up with him, then stopped a moment. Except be there to lead you?! - went again. - Stupid.
"Listen, but how do I find them?
"You know where he lives Veronica?
-But she does not live there, I went...
I don't know, but the wedding will play there.
-In what the registry Office to register?
I don't know! - Gladyshev opened the gate in аккуратненьком, выкрашенном, from the same реечки workbook and stopped at the entrance. "Listen, I do not want more to you pursued me. I came to my Granny entertain any wedding or where not to go, and go not going to. You gotta do you and go away. I haven't been invited, and my soul is not, frankly, with the campaign to communicate, especially after the case...
-What works?
"Do you know? Well. It is not important. All the while!
He closed the gate and disappeared in the darkness, and from house, standing in the yard, shouted:
-I've told you that, for the sake of fun! Don't think that you have it so will act! Chao!..
At the bus station taxi stood. I turned to the driver, and he charged such an exorbitant price, from whose head went round. Bargain, I скостил a good third of the amount, and after a few minutes reclined asleep on the back seat of a speeding car on the highway.
Early in the morning I already got out of the house where you lived before Veronica shivered from the cold autumn wind and with a strange sense of glancing at the window of her apartment, barely lit Eastern dawn.
The door of the apartment long opened, and I felt cruelly deceived, as could already be somewhere very far away, and my wounds, finally, began to heal. Giving as it should be, the most recent kicked in the door, I sat on the stairs and paused. I could not leave. Here and now back God knows why. Believed Гладышеву. But I saw that the apartment is empty, knew it, and still believe!
Going down the street, I saw at the entrance of the discharged wedding rings, ribbons, with a large doll in front, dressed bride machine. To sit alone driver, and stood behind a truck, and some people unloaded from the body of tables, chairs and some boxes.
I asked them why the furniture, and they replied that the wedding. Where the bride and bridegroom and their relatives - none of them knew.
OCS in the city were only two, but they were quite far from each other, and that I could tell her there, when, probably, had been to the unique mood, what happens brides first time preparing to enter the hall of ceremonies. It is unlikely that she would listen to me, and even more to delve into the meaning of my words and spoil your mood. But I did not want to admit to myself that Veronica was lost to me for a long time and forever, Yes, most likely, never belonged to me. I was anxious to see her, and that I can meet her in one of two registry offices, but don't know exactly where and how much, much worried me.
I asked the driver decorated machine where and when will the ceremony, and after a few hours, shifting in his impatience, feet, eyes sought out among the many подъезжающих machines Tu, with a doll in front, which were supposed to arrive Veronica with the Hippopotamus.
I couldn't imagine her next to him, though now resigned somewhere in the depths of the soul, that the wedding will take place.
Soon the square in front of the building of the registry office seemed to several machines at the front of which sat doll-bride. Wedding cortege was numerous and so richly decorated and brightly that immediately stood out among the others.
Parking in front of the civilian registry office was crowded with cars, and a train stopped at a little distance. I saw the groom, and though he was far away, I guessed that it Hippo. He got out of the car, went to the other, and gave his hand to the bride.
My heart застонало. I learned and not learned to Veronica. It seemed dazzlingly beautiful. And the closer couple Suite, the more beautiful and charming she appeared before my eyes. I could not take my gaze from her, as if spellbound.
Veronica approaching, and we could distinguish the smallest lines of her face, the expression of the lips and eyes. She seemed infinitely happy and relaxed. She was looking ahead, beyond space. Behemoth kept her hand on his elbow, looked around, around and managed the talking, smiling with a witness.
Behind the newlyweds went together with a numerous retinue, excited, motley, брызжущая joyful jokes and laughter.
Veronica floated around the corner from me and disappeared in the building, without noticing my sight. I joined her guests and with them went inside.
In the big hall was crowded from the audience. There were visitors from other weddings. The bride and groom disappeared, left, accompanied by staff of the institution. Somewhere, as if from another world, and then came the wedding March, then went out solemnly dressed woman with broad red ribbon imprinted in gold letters Mantilla over her shoulder and offered to go relatives and guests another pair.
Finally came and turn wedding Veronica and Hippo.
Together with others I come into a little hall with carpets, the chamber orchestra of the corner, in the middle of which a microphone with an open book in his hand stood waiting for a smartly dressed woman with a sash over his shoulder. In front of her, accompanied by witnesses stood Veronica and Behemoth. The head of the bride was hidden by a veil, but still, I could see under her hair, neck and face.
The whole ceremony took place for me in a daze, and I had not even noticed again appeared on the streets. Young sat in a tuple. I too hurried to one of the empty seats in the car, but soon I pushed. Then in the car crammed as many people that it was impossible to imagine how so many people can fit in such a small space. However, no one noticed the tightness. The guests were entertained, joked and незлобно denials.
Wedding long worn to discover the city and suburban locations. There they all were unloaded from the car. Young photographed. All drank champagne, which whenever it in abundance was taken out of nowhere, and each time at each stop will definitely ended.
Only after almost half a day tuple landed in the yard of the house where you lived before Veronica. Here at the entrance was already a crowd of onlookers and children who are eagerly waiting for, when the young would be showered candy and chips.
After the ceremony of meeting of the young at the door, when they were forced to bite the bread, drink champagne, and have broken into happiness expensive wine glasses, all went upstairs. The groom with the bride retired to rest after hours check in the city. Guests have settled for capped apartment tables. I learned that towards evening wedding move into the restaurant.
I was terribly hungry, and barely concealed hunger attacked the food. The idea to meet with Veronica as soon as possible and tell her that I love her, seemed now I do some crazy and unnecessary. Me so here were not invited. In some moment I even felt ashamed of his presence at the wedding. I ate expensive foods and drinking a good expensive wine, but me nobody knew and no one expected. Feel unbidden guest, it became increasingly difficult as my stomach was...
In the restaurant of the bride and bridegroom stand near the entrance to the hall, and now already met each guest, which gave them flowers and gifts. Next were the witnesses. In them I learned the red-haired girl of the campaign in the restaurant and the Rafter, which is so loved, so I knew Behemoth.
Standing at some distance, I watched поздравляющие give flowers bride, boldly kissed Veronica, and she dazzling smiles and talks to them with joy and happiness. Surround her some subtle glow of bliss, illuminating the surrounding garden of Eden fragrance.
All this went on for what seemed a long time, and when it's almost no one left on the area near the entrance, and next to brides, has grown the whole bed of bright colors and a mountain of gifts, Veronica looked in my direction, apparently. Drawing attention to the man, who stands in all this time and not coming closer. Maybe she finally felt my opinion, during this time intently watched her. Smile immediately disappeared, gone from her face.
Behemoth continued to receive congratulations from the last guests, but she did not react to their wishes and now looking in my direction, slightly open mouth.
Lose the more you cannot have a single minute, and I went immediately to her, not knowing what will happen in the next moment, seeing as increasingly become her eyes.
Now and Hippo saw me. The corner of my eye I saw how unspeakably he was surprised, but my eye was chained to Veronica. I was trying to read in her eyes that happens to her at that moment, but he could not do it. At the same time, those eyes told me so much in those few moments of our silent dialogue that I suddenly felt, whether from what I himself coined this dialogue, whether from the fact that it did happen.
As if from somewhere far away I heard the words of Hippo:
-Oh, well, buddy! I wouldn't expect you заявишься!
Somehow I felt sorry for him, I began to mumble something ridiculous excuse herself, feeling inside some thief to him. I took out of his pocket pretty поредевшую in the last days of my cash, divide it in half and gave one part of the Hippo:
-Here, take it and be happy!
-Well, you what?! - Hippo hesitated for a second, but still took the money and took them into the inner pocket of his dazzling expensive suit. -Well, thank you, come in, sit down at the table, help yourself, and be merry.
I wanted to kiss her, as did all that the congratulations, but I have not had this spirit. It seemed to me that all the same Hippo closely follows me, that he reads all my thoughts. And therefore only bringing lips to face stunned my appearance bride, I felt that no effort can't continue this movement.
-Why did you come? - she whispered. "Do you mean to spoil me a wedding?
-I steal you, " I replied, not knowing why.
-Hey, what are you шепчитесь? asked Behemoth.
He says that steal me, - said Veronica...
Walking into the room, I looked around. The groom is already accepting new congratulations from припозднившихся guests, and Veronica looking after me, and it was difficult to say what came over her face...
Only by the middle of the evening, when dashing toastmaster drunk to such a state that is not elm already bast, and the case by proposing a toast, and not hesitating to itself SIP a glass of champagne and a shot of vodka, I dared again to catch the eye of Veronica, but invited to dance not her, but wanted to do so, and the witness.
The idea to steal the bride now not to leave me, and I now waited, when this opportunity to introduce myself. Soon advantage of the moment when the bride turned away, turned away conversation, I grabbed Veronica remained without supervision, by the hand and in the two accounts drew her away from the hall, up the stairs. A second later we were on the floor above, at the entrance to another hall, where only two months ago I sat with Veronica in a bizarre campaign same night, that first gave it to me, and then took away suddenly. Now I hid in a corner, having absolutely no idea what to do next, and all he could say was:
"You fool! What have you done?! - boiled it.
-I DO?!I stole you... it can be...
"Idiot! Now take me back and apologize for your foolishness!
-Why did you go with me? Could snatch hand - remnants of my illusions somewhere suddenly evaporated.
Veronica said nothing and began slowly, as if still doubting, go down the stairs.
Now in her face there was something missing, and I struggled to understand what it is. Finally, when she was already a platform below and going further down the marble steps, it struck me with a piercing pain that's not enough halo charm, radiating love, pink haze окутывавшего her and forced me charmed with it, which I myself surrounded it once.
Struck suddenly with his discovery, I was mechanically down behind her...
Behemoth all also chatted with the guests, not noticing our act. All behaved calmly, like I didn't rush headlong bride from the audience.
We came up to his campaign, and Veronica said quite loudly:
"Well, come on, 't apologize!
Everybody turned to look at us with curiosity, why I started to paint.
-What happened?! asked Behemoth.
-Yes here, he wanted me to steal.
Such behavior Veronica I was not myself.
-I thought -- I said... it is a wedding, I felt that my explanations are becoming dumber and more blushed. - In General, forgive me, please, " I added, turning even not clear to whom.
I myself was not clear at whom and for that I am sorry, and I managed to get into such a stupid situation.
-For what? - Hippo took apologize in his address, but smiled unknown what.
I don't know. In General, good-bye! - I headed for the exit.
-Oh, wait! - the cry it made me obey. "Do you mean to ruin our holiday?
-Yes, in General, no.
-Well, then stay and not invent anything, he took me by the hand and conducted to the table and sit down, he sat down on the next to his bride.
Forced to have fun, I suddenly felt a sharp attack of melancholy. All around eating and drinking, without paying any attention to me. And then I imagined I came very simple thought: "Напейся!"
Immediately knocking over a few shots of vodka, I got a taste, and then have not remembered where I was, and what with me...
I woke up in the cabin of the machine from which I was someone trying to extract. It was dark outside. On the sidewalk near the entrance of the house carrying on any people. Everything was a blur.
I could understand now, was that I enter in some housing, lower on something soft, like a sofa, and the circle continues holiday music blasted, jumping, and dancing people.
"Where am I?" - flagged question in my mind.
"You fool! What have you done?! - Boiled it.
-I? I stole you... in Fact you can also...
"Idiot! Now take me back! And apologize for your foolishness!
-Why have you followed me?! Might just take your hand...
Veronica said nothing and began slowly, as if doubting down the stairs.
In her face there was something missing, and I struggled to understand what is missing. And suddenly, when she was already a platform below and was going to go even below the marble stairs, hit me with piercing toothache. The charm, easy, pink haze окутывавшего her image once in my mind, so who captured imaginations me in that distant day, was no longer in sight.
Affected by their sudden revelation, I was mechanically down behind her.
Behemoth still chatted with friends as if nothing happened.
We came up to his campaign, and Veronica said quite loudly:
"Well, come on, 't apologize!
Everybody turned to look at us with curiosity, why I started to paint.
-What happened?! Asked Behemoth.
-Yes here, he wanted me to steal.
-I thought -- I said... After all, this is a wedding! - I felt that зарделся crimson blush. - In General, please forgive me!
-For what?! - Hippo smiled unknown what.
I don't know. In General, good-bye! - I headed for the exit.
-Oh, wait! - The cry it made me obey. "Do you mean to ruin our holiday?!
-Yes, no...
-Well, then stay here, " he took my arm and held to the table, sit down, sat down next to his bride.
Forced to have fun, I suddenly felt a sharp attack of melancholy. All around they drank and ate, not paying each other any attention, and then I imagined I came very simple thought: "Drink!".
Knocking over a few shots of vodka, I got a taste. And soon I did not remember where I was, and what with me, and in my field of vision was left only a small section of the table with a glass, a plate, a snack and a bottle of vodka. It was the most simple escape from boredom...
I woke up in the cabin of the machine from which I tried to somebody extract. It was dark outside. On a platform before the entrance of the house carrying on any people. But all that happens is appearing though my mind is unclear. I understood that I enter in some sort of apartment and lower on the sofa, and around goes some свистопляска under wildly screaming sounds from the speakers powerful system.
"Where am I?" - Flagged question in my mind.
Chapter 14.
After the dark stairs, where smoke and quietly talking to several people, and in the darkness were visible only red fireflies cigarettes, we were on a balcony where the sight was even more ridiculous. Then have passed to the external balcony, representative of the vast veranda, lined with marble tiles, in many places already broken and missing altogether. We came to the wide stone railing.
At the bottom of the weak glare from the window froze in timelessness dead fountain. Over us lies in the magic, frightening silence starry sky , looking at us from infinity millions of their impartial eye. From behind came the muffled roar of rock, rhythm which made involuntarily tapping his to the beat him , and out of place him somewhere behind the trees were heard vague voices:
Here is one with the mountain came down,
Probably, my dear goes,
It embroidered blouse,
It mad me freak out.
This dissonance unpleasant something that impressed me, and I just woke up from a deep sleep, feeling that I зябнуть from the cool air.
-Don't you cold? I inquired Alena.
-No, - she shrugged her shoulders and looked over his shoulder. - I got used to cool.
We stood alone , and I began to wonder how long this will go on, feeling that it is time to go to jump, to dance, to keep warm, as the balcony doors were flung open, and seemed to three: two women, both for thirty-five years, and with them the older men. Smiling, loud talking to each other, waving their arms and helping gestures in aid of facial expressions. They approached and standing in the corner of the balcony, continued noisy conversation, not paying any attention to us.
-Well, let's go! Let's go! "Cried one of the women.
"Well, you say that?! That I am with you one will do? - Отпирался man, vigorously waving his hands and brushing with yourself persistently repeating arms of the subject.
On the balcony began to people again and again, and already formed a quite groups and piles that you would think the bottom nobody left.
To Alena came some girls, talking with her, and she excused himself, was off somewhere, promising to be back soon. Not managed to trace her forgiven me Pat on the shoulder this very man that was with two women:
Boy, I see you are alone? Do not make us campaign?
-What should I do? Cautiously I asked.
-Oh, nothing special. Out of those, " he nodded over his shoulder sit fifteen minutes, drink or two miss.
I tried to refuse, but apparently anticipating my thoughts, he made a warning movement:
- Nothing more. I promise you that. To me they are themselves here, and here he made a movement in the throat vigorously полоснув the edge of his palm throat.
I was silent, not knowing what to do. Drinking is not wanted. Yes, and some women untied, vulgar, real шмары. They immediately instilled in me disgust.
-Well, please, " begged quite helpless man, feeling that I was not very strong desire.
"Don't get loose, damn it!" Thought sadly I, looking around, hoping to find Alena and to summon her to this type behind, finally, but its like the evil was nowhere to be seen.
-Well, what? Let us go? - Sounded annoying gloss over the ear.
"Okay, " I broke.
The four of us went inside, and right from the balcony in some dark and empty room, apparently, a lecture hall, complete with tables and chairs, sat at the window, the sky, through the незашторенные glass poured silver moonlight.
On the window sill of a bottle, заткнутая a folded piece of newspaper. Inside was splashing in a turbid, whitish moonshine. One of the women somewhere in the darkness with причмокиванием took out newspaper bundle, in which lay the slices of bread and bacon cut into pieces, two glasses, rubbed them the hem of the dress, дунув inside, and said:
-Well, open up!
All were silent, waiting for the glasses are filled swill, and I suddenly with a sense of disgust felt like an alcoholic, with shaking hands, and parched throat, greedy глотающим saliva at the sight poured a potion. An alcoholic among alcoholics.
The man took his glass, I have filed another. He volley knocked over two hundred, закряхтел, his eyes tightly closed so that the tears began to fall from his eyes, lifted it to his nose piece of bread, much to catch a breath of bread of the spirit, and then ate a slice adding fat.
I expected it to be some toast, but realized that was wrong. Moonshine exuded a terrible odor, which had disappeared and that drop the desire to drink, which was still. But three pairs of closely watching eye priperli me against the wall. Sipping her breath, I felt like it was stuck in my throat. It was really swipes, a пивать have ever had. The strange taste of the caused nausea.
-Well, what are you? Asked dranked man.
"I dunno, " I said, trying to vomit.
Haven't drank eh? - Asked one of the women that was ponaglee Yes понапористей
I silently put the glass.
-Never at a loss? Said the other.
-Well, okay, then at least sit - finished man.
He knocked over another glass, and brazen quiet, примостившаяся under sideways spoke again:
-Where'd you come from? I you had not seen it?
-I of Василихи.
-Yes, and there's no such.
-Yes I went to a fortune to stay.
-For a long time? "Said the man.
"Yes, very quickly.
-A vacation? Guessed the man.
And I've also on vacation. But I houses, - he slapped me панибратски on the shoulder, she bent - I, my brother, a couple of days, because the military. Major I. Me for a long time to come because as Rodney much, and vacation - time and havent!
And this is your wife? - I nodded at the woman sitting next to him, asked almost in a whisper.
-No-o, I, brother, unmarried, divorced.
He poured himself another glass to me and asked:
-Well, on the latter?
"No, I don't want to. I'm sick of your moonshine - I wondered why women do not drink, perhaps afraid that not enough men, and I asked. - Why are you arguing?
They only хмыкнули in response, and again I wished that he was in this strange campaign. The bottle was empty, and, having said goodbye, I first came in the door, a wrap-around balcony above the dance room.
Alena was nowhere to be seen. And hardly could find her now among the hurly-burly of fermentation and darkness, озаряемой colorful flashes, between those groups jerked down there.
Пошатавшись the hall, downstairs, I decided to go back in Василиху. After a drink of moonshine I felt sick, and now no what not been the case, as only lie down somewhere and скрючиться from the approaching times of spasm in the stomach, and I was relieved to think only about what is good, what is not drunk.
However, just at the thought will have to go back through the deaf thickets of the forest at night and a few hours of travel through the night cold, that has already become noticeable, not done for myself and I was ready to sleep anywhere wait until dawn and heat.
Having left the building, I went round to the club around looking for an open window, but found nothing suitable.
The club was surrounded by overgrown garden, rushed to the walls. Many Windows, especially on the back wall were boarded up rough boards, between which gaped black gaps cracks, and I at first sight it was clear that there be stored some dusty and dirty, messy stuff, not demanded from the culture of the local people.
Bypassing the building in the back, where a thick quinoa solid carpet rose almost to the waist, I about something hurt stammered, feeling that I am flying forward through something big, like a large stone or boulder, and was in time to see how clamber into росистые grass. Standing up, I started looking for, pushing the hands quinoa, your culprit fall.
Not making two steps, I came across something dark and did not sound like a trivial stone, and, bending over him quite low, frightened because not once, but considered the phantom silver light of the moon stone face of Lenin. Leader of the people lay on his back, forgotten and abandoned know, with what were the times, hiding on the outskirts of grass and half lost in the earth, holding in one hand a bronze newspaper. Lay there with a strange expression on his face looked at the silent heaven, starry dome stretches over засыпающей earth.
Bent closer to the face of the leader, I was surprised to find that bronze eyes of the statue are the weak, buttery mirror gleam inherent in the eyes of a living person. I thought it was creepy obsession, напомнившим about recent events on the verge of reality, space and time. Recoiling, I and with rapid steps walked away, leaving attempts to find a refuge for the night in this building, and even not daring to look back, to not get hit. Now nothing could make me stay here even for a moment. Sense of security had not come to me, but now my intuition was telling me that I was lurking danger, and that it was not known where to wait for her arrival, self-discipline in my mind was swinging on the edge of кручины, which was easy to hit, falling into a stunning panic.
In a few minutes I found myself on the outskirts of the village. I wanted to throw myself away, but I restrained myself argument that the danger included in me fear, apprehension, can not only go on the heels, to overtake, but be ahead, somewhere in the dark thickets of the forest, through which I had to pass ahead of me on his black wings, taking advantage of the Kingdom of darkness, which came into its own.
I tried to return, to find and pick up to Par, but not having enough spirit to do this, every way overpower the weak припугнутый instinct of self-preservation, the voice of conscience, and went, went forward, away deeper into the abyss of darkness.
The last lights still some time мелькавшие disappeared behind, and around there was only a virgin, the primordial darkness of the night, slightly dispersed Moon hanging in the sky. My feelings were exacerbated to the limit, catching and repeatedly, to fright increasing every rustle and sound, раздававшийся around. The memory came the shining eyes of statues, and imagination suddenly played a joke on me, vividly imagining how they are stronger flashing green lights bronze mouth stretched in a smile, statue stands up and begins to overtake me, and I run from it, and nobody sees this terrible chase.
When I presented all these to the how behind I heard strange sounds coming, very similar to those which could arise in the rapid run very heavy man, and not man at all...
"That's it! In horror, I thought, and heart thudded. - Could it possibly be? And why not. It was already..."
I turned. The road behind was dark, but the sound is not disappeared and became closer and more clearly. So it was not possible to doubt in his reality. Someone caught up with me, and thought that the earth is trembling with each blow.
"Nonsense!" - I tried to reason with this consciousness, however, the heart металось in feverish dancing like a Sparrow, rushing out of the trough to freedom.
Happened that I took to their heels. However, the sound became stronger and closer, and the outcome was close.
Blows were very close when suddenly through a veil of fear, I got it: it was a motorcycle. However, poorly running engine made a strange sound. I stopped short, and turned around again, only now noticing barely glowing Faro, and in order to disperse their mad horror, whether to the motorcyclist heard me, yelled bad voice.
As if frightened by my cry, motorcycle immediately stalled and, patting the tires in the sudden обвалившейся, deaf silence, подкатился to me. In the darkness it was impossible to distinguish his rider, but I spoke immediately:
-To Василихи not подбросишь?
-Sit down.
The engine roared after two unsuccessful attempts, and it seemed to me that we have woken up the whole Universe. Тарахтелка began to move, and in the ears зашумел wind. Jumping on uneven roads, ducking into ravines and flying through the mounds, she went forward, slicing through the oily dark, and had no idea how you should go on a road, and with a furious seemed to speed without seeing anything ahead. Gradually my fears, aggravated by each diving in ухабу and descent-take off the буеракам turned into a state where only have to trust in fate and the driver in the hope that he would ride in the forest and did not fit into the tree.
I clutched fingers in the jacket motorcycle, and only felt as a counter cold wind blows on my face, Yes chilling cold hands.
Suddenly the engine зачихал, then stalled, and we stopped.
-What happened? - We got off the motorcycle.
-Something with the engine.
Pain in the abdomen, seemed to be forever gone, suddenly returned sharp handicapped by a spasm, and not waiting, I fell to the ground.
"What is it? "The driver asked.
I don't know, my stomach started churning.
-Get up can you? He started the engine.
I скрючило, and trying to be straightened , I moaned from the piercing pain.
-Well, I will go for help.
I don't have time to answer as motorcycle started across the floor, and in a few moments he бумкающий sound verse somewhere in the dark. I was alone and unable scarcely breathe, laying on the side of the road, on the cold ground.
Whether I dozed off, but it seemed to me that the pain is gone, and you could even stand up from straightening. Wandered somewhere without seeing the road, I went into the undergrowth, rapidly long way, getting tangled in the branches and bushes, crisp knots.
Front lights flashed fire, and I was glad that accidentally stumbled upon a tourists, who made their camp in the forest, but going into the clearing, was surprised: no fire no. Just a strange light flashing lights up the district standing trees and across the meadow dance not a shadow, not the people in rags, with long, bony hands and hooked his fingers. Any sound accompanied this event, but was felt in the movements of the dancers wild, uneven rhythm.
In the centre of the glade something was getting dark, and coming in there, I found that it was a low round the well, looked and felt lose balance and fall into its abyss.
I flew for a long time, but did not even hurt by falling on his rocky bottom, and immediately rose up, and went through the dark vaulted corridors and stairs, lit коптящими torches, looking around, when left and right, displayed a leading somewhere up the stairs. Something told me that it is necessary to go forward with nowhere to turn. Behind me moved some shade, but it was completely't care who it is.
The corridor was getting darker, and on one of the corners, where both sides descended the stairs, a voice was heard: "Beware of the spirit of a warrior with a sword, he guards the grotto!"
Barely stopped these words as a back, began a movement. I turned around and saw that the back is spinning a spinning top, and when it stops, you will see a man in a cloak and a mask with a sword in his hand, sparkling in the reflections of the torches. Shadows watched me, retreated back. Some of them began to fall on a cobblestone floor of the dungeon, and a spinning all around and spinning rapidly plunging into their mass.
I continued on, down to where it became quite dark, and where to meet moved thousands emerged from the darkness of lights. They no end in sight, but cutting edge closer, and it became apparent that some animals.
"The rat" - for some reason, I thought, but it was huge black beetles, solid avalanche moving towards me. There were millions of them, and gnashing their feet on булыжному the floor turned into a monotonous drone. I went against their movement and marveled at their huge size. Backless Zhukov reached a height of my knees. Beetles came on my feet tickled them with his mustache, and was not visible edges of their hordes.
Suddenly ahead dungeon раздвоилось on two corridors, of which went on insects, together in one thread, and I, at the junction, there was a door through which I entered.
Huge and dark room, the ceiling of which were lost in the darkness, stood before my eyes. At the far end of its walls, lit by torches, ascended the throne, he was sitting on someone, and I realized that I was waiting for, and it is to him I must go.
Approached, I saw on the throne something terrible and beyond description, and at a long table at the foot of his whether animals, or people, with champing chewing something. There was something rose up from the throne, and now there was something familiar. It was like, but at the same time, and not like the gentleman in a hat with a red moustaches and a piercing gazes from under the counter. Animals at the table turned to me with his face and snouts, having become such people.
-I waited for you, " came from all sides voice. "You came.
Nothing I could answer, and left me speechless.
I am happy that you came. My will has prevailed over you, " continued the voice speak from all sides . - You're in my realm, and you are mine now.
"No!" - I wanted to reply to me, but I was deprived of the vote.
"I see that you oppose? - Speaking as if reading my thoughts. "But nothing, you're not going. Sit at the table and eat.
The people behind the Desk smiled and their animal grins frightened me. It seemed to me that only come nearer to them, as they pounce on me and devour, not choking.
"I will not sit down! I want to leave!" - I wanted to shout at me.
"Sit down! This is I, and there is no one here who would have been stronger and stronger than me, and who could argue with me.
"No, no! I want to leave!" - I was not planning.
-Look! - The one who towered over the throne, made a movement, and one of the walls of the hall opened up to the mining him a red glow.
Continuous fire I saw there. He did not burn and not buzzed, but it was obvious movement inside it. Something flashed and moved inside, and the sounds terrible, terrible, indescribable sounds able to chill the blood rushed out of there. I almost physically felt someone burning inside this ocean of fire.
"Sit down at the table or right now you go to hell! "He heard the same voice, and turning around, I saw again at the table of animals, сбросивших human faces.
"Who are you?" - I wanted to ask, but he said only the laughter that had reached me of transcendence.
"Sit down or go to Hell! - The voice repeated. - I found you, but I demand to submit. Sit down. I suggest for the last time.
"And I'll be like them?" In horror, I wanted to inquire of me, but instead of answering, towering over the throne made a gesture, and the beasts from the table and rushed to me and dragged him to the fire wall.
I saw that the left, right, bottom, and top drags the same accident, and the fire wall is already close at hand and presses his withering heat, and meet with him rushing horrific, terrible screams out.
"No, wait!" "I implored, but no words could say, and when tongues almost touched me, and тащившие released threw me into the flame, and at the last moment I remembered God, and turned to him. - "Lord, save! Have Mercy, O Lord!"
All at once vanished, and I opened my eyes I saw Пелагею Panteleevna and felt that I was lying in bed.
Chapter 15.
Having fallen asleep on the couch, I woke up with a start in the side:
-Why are you sleeping?! - Looking at me for a stranger.
-And what? - Perplexedly I looked at him.
"Nothing, go Vidic watch!
-Go, - I agreed and, swaying drunkenly, got up from the sofa.
We went to another room where already crammed a lot of people, men and women, cigarette smoke stood where, occasionally heard the lapping of the loading and the clink of glasses, some quietly reported, пригубляя wine glasses and goblets , and ahead of where all looking, was a miracle of technology, see what I have never had to. High cubic screen as a window to another world, where there was a different life.
My first impression was such, as though cube cuts through the wall of the apartment and goes to some other world. Everything that happened there was voluminous, and it seemed that may be entered, and from may run, crawl out the characters of the movie. Any sense of reality, the reality that I'm somewhere in the side and I see only artificially created fabric artwork, was lost. But the feeling that I'm somewhere inside a movie and even participate in its action.
-What are they looking at? I inquired of one who woke me up, barely escaped with the feeling.
-And what they want. Everyone looks that he would like to see.
-How is it?
-As well. The miracle of technology. Made in is not ours, you know? It is worth rabid money. Ten thousand cells. In each recorded on film. And choose something that you want to see, and watch can at any moment.
-And that, everyone's watching what he wants?
"But this is terrible! - I was not myself.
-Why? 't understand me interlocutor.
-Why?! Why, then, to sit together, if anyone in the forest, who firewood? After all, if people are watching together, and together they must empathize and sympathize, and then discuss the details of the vision! - I wanted to say a lot more, but not enough words to explain opened before me.
-You some nonsense you're talking about! "exclaimed the stranger. -If someone with someone wants to watch the same thing, they agree and are configured together.
-How managed by this device?
-Through ideas of the beholder.
"But they were there with two dozen!
He can perceive and a greater number of spectators.
-Listen, I never even heard about such device! - I retorted.
-So what?! You've not heard, but here it is in front of you. Don't bother me, but better настраивайся the film, which you would like to see.
"But from such a device, the roof can go!
-Do not disturb! - cried the stranger, and in my eyes, his face began to change, and soon he smiled something that was visible to him.
I looked at the motley cube, where hundred-мельтешило, and even could not hear anything, and almost thought that it would be nice to show cartoon, I was among the drawn, but the bulk of the characters surrounding himself with almost one of them.
Cartoon disappeared, and I again found myself in a room among others. "And what if I send her the fuck?" - there was the head naughty thought. I swore as soon as he could, myself, and for some minutes nothing was happening, when suddenly I was moved from the bedroom to the bedroom, from the Orgy to orgies, where naked men one by one and whole groups, separately kids loved women, where men do without women, and women without men.
It was horrible and I soon thought I was watching this I don't want to. Cube again запестрел, I looked around. People still something looked there, and I'm nobody prevented come close to him and touch his mysterious surface, determine the properties of which touch was impossible. It was impossible to tell what it is: a glass or foam rubber. I turned. None of the participants me, it seemed, did not see, though I was, in theory, to block them all field spectacle. But they all looked somewhere by and through me, as if my body was transparent.
Room began to fade before my eyes, and I've not even guessed, and with a piercing felt myself inside this mysterious object, and it envelops me something ghostly dark, absorbing surrounding and devours my being, like a giant amoeba. I didn't even get frightened when I found myself in the darkness. Nothing was not around, when suddenly I found myself in a room, barely illuminated the wrong light, as though the Moon looked in a window.
Someone in the room was, and, deciding first, that it was an accident involved a movie, I suddenly surprised and a sense discovered that I see before myself the Veronica and Hippo, and still someone. What is happening and where it was absolutely impossible, and first came to mind ridiculous idea that for fans of juicy scenes and some perverts, curious to secrets of a strange marriage bed, in this thing somehow connected direct channel, and now I tuned.
However, what I saw, wasn't like the wedding night. Veronica was sitting next to a man in the hat, on the other side of a long table was Hippo, and a lot of people, men and women, looked in my direction, as if in anticipation of what I do or say. We all stayed in silence, and suddenly I realized that this is not a movie, and not even giving, as it actually happens.
The man in the hat was me, seems to be a sign. "So if he come then Veronica?!" - flashed in my head sudden hunch, and I remembered sunk into nowhere evening, and the Church.
"Welcome, " smiled the man in the hat.
Are you me? - scared I suddenly heard this dumb silence the sound.
-You, you.
I looked carefully, but did not understand, who said, and where is that voice. Everything seems mouth opened and sat blankly like a mummy.
-Veronika! "I called the girl, but she never looked at me.
-Do not try in vain, she can't hear.
-Is this a dream? I asked the voice.
-No. but that is a dream? Dream and reality go near, into each other . you're not there, not there.
-And where?
-You between them, and I waited for the moment when you come here.
Man in a hat stood up and moved around him, approached me. I saw his red mustache and burning in the dark green eyes. He touched my hand - and even through clothing, I felt the freezing cold, his hands and led to the window, pulling. At the bottom, on a crazy depth could see some flickering lights. They looked like small sparks and embers, remaining from the spread of a fire.
-You see this? - asked me in a hat, and I saw that his green eyes, мелькнувшие in darkness.
-What is it? involuntarily with surprise escaped me.
Are the city. Look, - he made a movement, and half of lights ceased to flicker. - Welcome to the holiday.
The wedding? - not I understood.
-Yes, the wedding! - I heard it unpleasant, chilling laughter. - Today wedding! Virgin, a vicious world finally plays the wedding! Wedding with darkness! And we are the main witnesses. I can make you the master of ceremonies at the wedding. You'll rave about, waving to right and to left, and there, where you уронишь your burning look, all would fall, crumble, burning, dying and break! This is the hour. See.
He made a movement, and the last lights at the bottom of the faded, having plunged into darkness.
-Now I make a move, and this town will not! Then another and another. And they will crumble like matchboxes, and people will die under the rubble, as filthy worms, like cockroaches, twisting and crisp bones!
-No! there Veronika!
-Oh! I'm touched! But no, boy. Here she is! She with us. Here it is! -he drew me to the table and brought to Veronica, who was sitting exactly doll or a mannequin.
-Say Hello to him! - addressed this in his hat to her.
The girl seemed to be revived, rose, turning to me and, unnatural smile, as not smiling never before, said: "Hello, you're here too!"
I wanted to say something to her, but in the hat pulled me away.
-See. She's with us, and we can begin.
-But what to do?
'Nothing, ' he pulled somewhere in the darkness basket with something gleaming in the moonlight blue needles sparks. -Nothing special. Yet. Now just take these stones, these diamonds, and sift them out the window, sow down. You know, as a bride showered before the wedding money? Here is the same, so are you. Until the basket is empty.
"But why me?
"Do you want to be there?! he pointed into the darkness, down somewhere. -Well, look.
All gone, and suddenly I found myself on the street. From the sky the sun was shining, the people walked past me, and suddenly the earth under your feet go, passers-by rushed in different directions, screaming and his astonished eyes, and the buildings around one another and whole streets began to settle and fall like a house of cards. Clouds of dust clubs взделись to the sky, застлали him, and around it was dark. The earth continued to tremble. Brick and cement dust scored all nostrils, eyes, and mouth. It was impossible to breathe. And I felt that I'm choking and I can't even cough. Brown darkness enveloped me, and I fell, fell lifeless on shaky ground.
-Well, what? - asked the man in the hat.
I stood again in the dim moonlight next to him.
-What was it?! - in the throat I still першило from dust.
-Nothing special. The beginning of the end. The end of all the world. Take a chance. Or you'll be there again he pointed down, -or here, next to me, when they was all going to die and break. It is an honor to be with me. you should be proud of the choice, and it will certainly say: "Yes!" agree. In fact only one of the mortals may be near me, and before our feet will lay a perishing world, and thou shalt tread him and murdered. Are you going to do then. That I will rule over and manage the forces, having a hellish power, which I ввергну into the abyss of struggle. And thou shalt be above all... except me.
-And how Veronica?
-What Veronica?
-It is also here.
-It is yours, as you will agree.
-I agree on that?
-The fact that I invited you to.
-But this is a dream... why, Why did I dream all this hell? I was baptized! Should I be delivered from this devilry!
-How were you baptized? I know all. You do not have dipped in Holy water. Pop was not too burdened with the duty to perform the ceremony properly. So your baptism is a fiction. That's it.
-No, no! - трепыхаясь in the darkness, I tried to dispel the vision, but nothing happened, and the man in the hat, burning me green eyes, silently smiled. I have not seen but felt the chilling smile.
"Okay, boy! I loose you. Yet. But remember that I am your master, I will follow you. And remember that when the right moment comes, when you'll bow your me his trembling knees. I suddenly can do great and put at the head of the fellows that crawling down there. I randomly attention. I need you, and I am flattered that you have something against pride, although still not enough. I loose you while and no longer will continue to bother. I just know that you call me. Remember, my name is Mr. devil.
-It's something to do with evil, if English? "I said.
- "That's right. It will be easier to remember my name. You call me yet. Until then, goodbye! But to you hard he remembered, just in case, a farewell surprise.
He suddenly disappeared and the darkness around was quick to, lighter and dispersed at all. Looking back I saw that I was standing at the motley Cuba, against which people sit still continue to see him as their own.
"Diabolical box!" I thought, and I immediately felt the ground under their feet came down.
Already familiar with the feeling of the earthquake, I have learned that this is it.
People still sat and watched some prohibitive magic cube - wonders of technology, although tremors were already visible, and the floor and ceiling of the apartment walked like a deck of a ship caught in a violent storm. Reality threatened to death, for they simply did not exist.
'Help! I shouted, breaking voice on a high note. 'Help! Earthquake!
But none of the audience heard my cry, and I realized that we had to escape himself, for the present not late. She rushed out of the apartment, вшибаясь in crispy and with a Bang swing open the door I flew to the ground and not seeing the stairs, rushed down, not even thinking that I could stumble and cool wind up in tar-тарары. The light suddenly disappeared, but I could not see where I tread, and the darkness has not prevented me from bullet racing down the stairwell for a few seconds to jump out to the street.
The light in the surrounding houses had subsided as задутая candle, and everywhere were the cries and wild screams of horror, the sound of broken glass, a knock, crackle, crackle and all growing buzz, the origin of which came to me with great difficulty and only when I saw заволакивающие starry sky clouds of dust and felt the teeth gnashing of sand. Without hesitating a minute, I ripped off his shirt and closed his nose and mouth.
New jolt knocked me down as if I was standing on the carousel, made suddenly furious turnover, then followed by two more weak, but I still twice caught, dragged away from the earth, and when again fell on her, then felt the ground trembling quiver from a close of the fall of the multi-ton concrete constructions of houses. The cries of the people and other sounds absorbed monotonous, gluttonous rumble.
What was happening was scared, but I couldn't scared to late to be scared, like really was happening, because the memory of the strange conversation was still going strong. Something hit me on the leg, and pain in the body. I curled leg, feeling her fingers felt a deep wound on the muscle of the tibia, which oozed blood, sticky and warm. Very close something lurched, and I again was thrown up into the air and fell down, I felt that something проткнуло my back and stomach with sound, напомнившим Champ rotten watermelon with a soft but still durable skin when it is pierced with a blunt end steel probe electrode. The memory of it came from the distant childhood when with friends I am amused similarly, but then faded from pulling the roll pain in the abdominal area. Stretching out there weakening the hand, I felt a ribbed body of the Prut valve sticking out of the belly. Hardly having had time to wonder what had happened to me is, I don't suffered a new wave of pain, and fainted, before considering that I'm dying...
I opened my eyes I saw myself on the white bed. His head ached, disturbing figure out where I actually managed to get. Looking back, I realized that I was lying on the upper shelf coupe, outside day, or morning, the train goes somewhere, перестукивая wheels on the rail joints. Below are people, two men and a woman. Not immediately I realized that it was my neighbors coupe: Эпполит Апполонович, Agafon Afanasievich and just Ella.
Not understanding why, I dumbfounded stare, then closed his eyes tight and shook his head.
-What's the matter with you? - I heard a voice from below, and opening his eyes he saw that Эпполит Апполонович, deftly pouring out on the palm of bubble Cologne and wetting his fingers and then patting her cheeks and chin with a satisfied покряхтыванием slyly squint at me. - The head of the VA-VA? at night we slept bad, Yes?
Embarrassed, I mechanically nodded and looked at the "just Ella". She smeared lipstick lip with the inherent to all women with art, compressing, revealing them, and closely examined his reflection in the mirror. The woman doesn't even looked at me, and I have some time sitting cross-legged on the top shelf, still trying to understand what had happened to me the truth and what is a dream, and when it was decided that ... trains, wedding Veronica and all the other no less strange events - nonsense too protracted sleep, pain, similar to the injection, the needle piercing right through my stomach. Lifting his shirt and looked at my stomach and saw round, затягивающуюся, заживающую wound the size of a Piglet, covered with clotted blood. Long, lingering wound on the leg does not hurt, but was clearly visible. I touched my finger to the curved scar through muscle on the back side of the leg and felt his rough сросшуюся, bumpy surface, блестевшую young, glossy отливающей skin.
Silently I dressed and went downstairs, trying to comprehend what a bunch of little fills my memory.
-What is the date today? I asked, clutching his face with your fingers, pretending продираю eyes after drinking.
-What are you, boy? surprised Agafon Afanasievich. - Really bad. See, you can not drink.
-Yes, - I tried to defend himself, but muttered something stupid and meaningless.
Sigh, Эпполит Апполонович called number. Today, as it turned out, was a day that has long disappeared in the past. I could not understand how he found himself in a train, which was traveling ten days ago.
Train landed on the high platform of the station, and I was surprised to find that it's still Moscow. Asking passers-by what day and the number that after such a question every time for me, as Frank drunkard, you bastard, but surely that the person clearly lost, they reluctantly all answered, and I realized that some wonderful, strangely went back in time, and could, waved his hand and firmly decide that night I dreamed something pretty crazy and strange, if not the wounds in the abdomen and leg, at least occasionally, but reminiscent of yourself and return me to reality, a fact, which would be more realistic, know that it is only a fruit of my imagination.
The day was just as then, ten days ago, and I did not resist the flow of events in advance familiar to me, but just wondering exactly how the detail in every detail of the repeated all, one after another, as if I was unlucky again come to the session of the film, who recently had a chance to see.
I again gave leave of ten days, and only at the station, already sending their things Luggage to the station of destination and left with a small suitcase filled with the most necessary in the trip of things and objects toilets, already bought a ticket on the train, like the ten days ago, going into town where she lived Veronica, I suddenly realized that the events of my life went in a vicious circle.
The temptation to go back would be exorbitant, but all the same, overcome its unimaginable effort, I broke out of the vicious circle, passed tickets and went to the Yaroslavsky railway station, from where my train departed to the East.
The joy of my victory over himself, over his own weakness still punctuated with bitterness that I did not use the chance. Something told me that exceptional service to my own weakness, it was all just the same, as already happened in those strange ten days, had sunk to an unknown location. And, may be, succumbed to the temptation and agreeing on the second round, I mired in kind of a pit deeper, and would happen to me something more horrible, and then two подживающими stripes on the abdomen and legs would not get rid of.
However, the temptation that could happen something good, and gave me no rest, tickled his nerves and compelled to doubt, but is not made if the error is the fact that now the possibility rejected, so that I almost went back in a fit of ill-splash fight desire and apprehension, подсказывающего insisting trying to convince me that it's not going to do any good.
In the meanwhile, I was already in the subway, несшему me a large underground ring, and as if through a veil, through the struggle of their reflections, standing at the handrails and nobody touching, watched as the middle half of the car firmly with the drunk man, waving one hand and, holding the outside handrail and turning, tossing around him, than obviously scared the next sitting of citizens, declared in the subway:
They told me Communists: "Vanya, here he communism, on the horizon!" and I walked to the horizon. And behold! Life is over, but to the horizon I never really did!!!
He started to undress, removing his pants, and at the next station and a few men finally dared useless after a verbal skirmish, grab his hands, dragged him, beating hysterical out, and I bent down and saw that it was my stop.
Chapter 16.
Pelageya told me that I picked up in the forest near the road without consciousness "Ambulance", who was on call doctor of Great Василихи to the already dead by the time Peter picked up in the morning, cold and wet of dew, the sticky deathbed sweat. I was brought into the village, and Pelagia, seeing my condition, realised that it is Magnin, went on the same Ambulance повезшей охладевшее body of Peter in the morgue, in the regional centre, in a Large Василиху, like there by wise old women, on friends what, Yes learned that one local babenka decided захомутать a coach ofitserika, so fast and cool all провернула that the feet fell, but away and now lost potency - rag telephone passed all the details of the case. Said that was when the officer tear potion, there's still a kid of her misfortune, but boy are not from here, and no one could tell who he was and where, perhaps even from the moon fell down, Yes flew back.
Pelageya guessed what a mess I'm in trouble, have collected herbs, which had to отпоить me from the plague potions, Yes hurried back was already gasping for breath, because if not here it until evening with me would happen the same as with the poor guy is a major, but whose eye village cheat. The force had a grandmother. Made broth and merged into my mouth already бездыханно-безвольному. After two days my health was getting better, and now, finally, I woke up.
Sat next to me at the bed of an old woman in a low voice telling horrible things. I heard after I left the village women rushed to look for me, led by distraught with grief wife dying of Peter. Excited exhortations barbarians, who wanted the black case and promised for the issuance of me heal her покалеченного, she had led a band of горланящих Bab in the house to Pelagiya and not listening to the old woman, turned them all the house, not forgetting the cellar and climbing to the attic. Not finding me, a woman uttered Pelagiya a bunch of nasty things, and promised in the event of the death of Peter perpetrate the violence.
Peter died in the morning, closer to four hours. The whole village was up, alarmed happened grief, through the dark streets exactly ghosts with torches flew to and fro on Brokeback street some people completely without confusing violating the night's rest. Pelageya not slept that night too. Offended impossible behavior, she did not resist the temptation, not to break away from the window that night таращила eyes, and not run out into the street, where the other side of the village, as if appealing sound, came tearing up the mute silence of the night, the heart-rending cry, which meant only one thing, that the last hope for a miracle dimmed, as догоревшая candle.
I heard story, рассказываемую aunt, with eyes wide open, although it would seem that happened to me during these three days, the dream, sticky and viscous, the enormous flying into oblivion, was to excite me much stronger and take possession of all my consciousness. But this did not happen, and, probably, because at times it seemed that nothing happened at all. Few dreams to play the man, and if they are constantly remember and think, then you can go crazy and fall into such madness, of which not under force will get out. However, this "dream" unlike any other dreams differed clarity of the show, in what would get up every time again and again, almost cost me close your eyes and think of it as something non-existent, as the combination of feverish visions poisoned brain. And it was a nightmare, увязавшимся my subconscious memory and вносившим now in my existence more sharp and deep shadows. Everything around me seemed now in a different light, and the future of the soft, rounded semitones at times appeared suddenly in ugly angular his predestination, which could not remember, but it was enough to see, to be afraid of hopelessness way. Rock like a rock in the fog loomed ahead of him and, although it was impossible to tell how far is it to her, close Lee, obviously something that will not escape its sharp granite hills.
Old Pelageya sat and talked, talked, and as if they themselves were floating in front of my imagination successive picture, as if I saw them every one.
-And where Alena? Asked suddenly I'm asking if he, himself. - Where Alena.
In my memory, however, came up in a completely different way. I saw Veronica. She smiled once, in the distant and mysterious evening, so much has changed in my life, when we are still, it would seem that nothing could separate, and I was sure that the girl has for me the amazing feeling, forcing see the world as bright colorful show pleasures, which somehow never noticed before.
-Alain?! And where is it to be! Here Alyona! I saw her the other day... Yeah so yesterday, at the funeral of Peter.
Peter was buried.
-Buried, of course. What?! On the third day buried. More impossible to keep the dead man.
"And you went to the funeral?
-Go so-t, of course. Funeral-t we a rarity. Soon and me in the grave. So-t from the side of the show, as it will be, and even forgot when I saw the most recent funeral.
-And here I was alone? I asked the grandmother after a pause.
-One, she said, but immediately caught on. - Do not be afraid! I left the room, the door was well locked.
I stood up, feeling that the move quite easily, with no signs of post-crisis weakness, walked over to the window overlooking the street and I looked out onto the street, I caught myself that I'm expecting to see there is something important.
-There are those who have not a hindrance closed doors.
-Just what are you implying?! - "Пантелеиха the" offended raised my voice. - The barbarian? So I told her too not an obstacle!..
But I wasn't listening Пелагею. On the street was Ivan Noodles. Shepherd picking his land toe of his поношенного, lost every kind, formless Shoe, stood with his hands behind him, and could create the impression that he stopped for a moment, interested in something on the road, and now is about to go further, but полудурок did not go out, and stood there loomed in front of the window, and suddenly he looked at me askance, as if I felt that I looked out onto the street. Making sure that I'm behind it watch, the shepherd went in the direction of the forest, and, being on the edge, made such a strange, incomprehensible movement, seems to be not binding, but it dawned on me that sixth sense, that he was calling me, and his gestures constrained because watches him for someone else.
Pelageya was next to me and looked out.
-Something you saw there? Stuck, as if glued to him.
I went to the Windows, looking out on the house of the barbarians. Whether stress eyesight failed, or actually, but the curtain in it window jerked and stopped, as though someone hid behind her. Leaving the comfort grandmother: "I'm coming!", I went outside into the yard, standing at the gate, slowly. If walking, but still hesitating whether to go this way or maybe go to another, began to pace, moving closer to the forest.
Shepherd I found quite far deeper.
-Listen, - I took it in my hands my wrist and began to knead it in the excitement, not even said Hello as if we had parted with him a few minutes ago. - Happened terrible trouble. Peter died, and was buried.
He looked at me and I noticed his pupils hectic, hectic light.
-So what? - Recently I began to notice that when she talks with me their good-naturedly-helpless voice, as in my replies appeared metal, mocking tone of sarcasm, and even the incident with stones not taught anything to me.
But the fact that they buried him not according to the rules, without burial services, without a priest, without censers, without any rites of the Church.
-So what? I continued to taunt him, not even feeling the slightest danger.
-Should be aspen Cola!
-What? You that. Uncle, nuts?!! What aspen Cola!
-Ordinary - equanimity shepherd exasperated me, and he apparently liked it. - Silver bullets you have no... you can still gallows supply, but it will be removed too noticeable. So. still garlic.
He thought his lips, looking past me, and I realized that so Noodles says to himself, making a plan of action. However, from his chatter absolutely nothing was understandable. Finally, I was this performance rather tired, and I said as cut:
-So, or are you now in order me to explain, to understand himself or do anything: even number on the head of teshie himself, though the bullet some silver with garlic seek. I went.
-Wait, wait! Shepherd kept me jerky movement, gripping the retrieved his hand and I felt his nails dug into my skin. "Wait a minute. Do you even know why the bullets and an aspen stake.
-I'm tired of your riddles - again I tried to draw back his hand, but it was useless.
"What do you know about vampires? Quiet voice pridurka produced an unexpected effect, and I felt the загуляло a whole herd of large bumps. The horror of some rotting, dilapidated old, half-forgotten stories, barely surviving in memory from childhood, when the summer nights we, boys and girls were going somewhere in a secluded corner of the yard or in neglected, abandoned gardens a few yards broke, were in the vicinity of our deaf urban periphery, frightened each other with all sorts of небылицами about the dead, witches, coffins on wheels, black cats, cemeteries with wobbly crosses and other stuff, trying to talk to as scarier, but more plausibly, that is why the effect of perception only intensified, and from the most successful stories of the girls screamed and could not calm down, and the boys, though хорохорились, but somehow lost interest in the continuation of stories and were not averse to move somewhere in a crowded place or start some noisy game to screaming and race disperse meanly, who had been hiding in the depth of shower fears.
-About vampires? - I asked mechanically, although everything is good to hear. Apparently, I wished that I had missed something. When such unprecedented, existing in the distant nowhere things you hear from the mouth of an adult, although with views of the fool, man, wish that it was flat joke, well, at worst, a clumsy attempt to frighten.
-About real vampires. Vampires. Bloodsuckers.
-So what? My presence of mind was somewhere disappear, because suddenly it seemed that Ivan Noodles will say now: "And that's it!", - with a good appetite and bloodthirsty champing at my throat.
-And what Peter - ghoul.
From this, spoken in whispers proposals large goose bumps peacefully пасшиеся on my back suddenly rushed down somewhere together and raced together and raced and shoulders, as if by invisible winds. Eyes shepherd burned triumphantly. Apparently, it reached the produced effect on me.
In the back layfon, if someone is pierced her icy gaze of the near standing trees. I hardly overcome stiffness, turned around, and here it seemed to me that in the undergrowth, among погружающихся in предвечерние soft pink and Golden twilight the bushes and bushes of hazel flashes here and there rapaciously smiling face Peter-defunct выслеживающего moment had to grab my neck. However, it turned out that it play a recent falling into the lower layers of the forest of the rays of the low sun descended welcome here and there on its way gleaming, отблескивающие leaves.
-We can not now appear together in the village. Varvara can notice. But you go on, Ivan Noodles speaking rapidly all the same frightening breath, " go, get into the attic to a fortune Pelagiya. There are a lot of old books. Among them is one such, covered with red velvet with оттиснутым gold intricate character. She's fat, page it along the edges of the gilded, and the cover is closed on a big brass buckle. This book open and read. Everything is written there. You will understand... come on.
The shepherd let go of me and began to push in the back. I walked away, trying to get out of her daze, but it didn't, and there was such a feeling as if I were not whole, and part of me the light and agile already somewhere carried away by itself. In pursuit still heard the voice of Ivan Noodles:
And look, the door today, nobody is opened. Пелагею warn. It got like, grandmother churchy. Let the candle in front of the icon will light, lamp shines, and prays let praying... Tell her sure. And itself on the attic... And the doors don't open...
Day quickly subsided, and I all sat at the window, feeling everything inside me cooled, and blood was viscous and barely flowed through his veins. Pelageya was engaged in стряпней, something growling to himself, and, when she walked out into the yard, I felt terribly wanted to someone kind, a great and strong was now near and said something tender and warm, what would be scary and light at heart. But only grandma came back into the house and притворяла for the crash the door into the hall, as the desire of the disappeared and instead remained emptiness and shrill, a clear understanding that this warm and large cannot be next, because there isn't one, and has the same helpless and vain, fearful, and thirsty in spite of all peace and happiness in their understanding of people, and among them, such as myself, small and тщедушных no one who has dispelled my loneliness, loneliness is not something suddenly and once нагрянувшее, was as gloomy cloud on the sun, which is as fast, even with the nostalgic regretfully had to go, and the feeling of another afoot to me, as a tireless and evil companion, for life, the receding, lagging a few steps in the coming very close, why, how now, was a particularly difficult and depressing.
Time is always slow and lazy in the evening hours, inexorably was carried away away like finding a deterrent measure space ккую the dimensionless the loophole, and I barely two or three times was about to start with Pelageya serious conversation about this mythical, but suddenly became real , almost physically tangible, he only had to imagine that somewhere near wanders ghoul, danger, but then postponed his hesitating and the faint sensation, for a completely darkened, and became really scared.
Only I thought that it is necessary to gather Ghost and begin to speak, as the door of the house, someone knocked. Those who broke loose from the sleepy silence sharp, loud and bold strokes, I screamed involuntarily so that "Пантелеиха", gazing back at me, crossed myself, "Holy, Holy, Holy!" apparently, it still somehow passed on to my anxious mood.
"Don't open. Don't open! - I asked Пелагею.
'What is it?! She said angrily, moving meanwhile Kryukov beam-bolt, which on the night locked the door.
In the shadow of the entered Alena.
-Good evening! - Hello girl and came to me with a question. - You тятьку not seen?
-What тятьку?
-'t play stupid with me not. Know it all! Тятьку, I say, not seen, Alena did not even led, brilliantly after exposure.
Pelageya passed by as if you hadn't listening to what we speak, though it could not interested in this late visit and the theme of our conversation. At least the word "тятька", spoken quite loudly.
I have not seen, - he did not know why I lied to her.
"You're lying! - The tone of voice of the girls was too familiar, and I knew she was extremely excited, otherwise she would not have allowed myself such.
At this her scream Pelageya turned around, and I realized that the old very carefully listening, though they pretend that it's all the same.
Maybe the cows still hovering?
-What a cow! Look: a night! - Appeal Alena became increasingly bizarre. She was being lectured me as нашалившего boy, is increasingly raising his voice less ashamed of presence of anyone else.
-Yes, I don't know! - I was able to fire up the answer, as I thought that it really did not know where the shepherd: he told me nothing except that... - Say - I don't know!
"But you saw today? - Already more conciliatory " the girl asked, and I gave up:
-Well seen! Thought: "In fact, why hide it?!"
I think now is the best time to open their cards and tell grandmother and girl all that I know, and that asked me to make sure Ivan Noodles, although about Alena her father did not spread and forgot to warn me if she had something to tell.
In a few words, referring to the fact that very little, that have understood from the stories shepherd, I explained the essence, saying that allegedly Peter - an extraordinary dead, and tonight will stagger through the village, knock on the door and look in the window, and therefore open them in any case impossible, and, moreover, would do well to pray for greater reliability.
Pelageya loudly laughed, but still went and opened занавесочку in the corner, had lit a lamp and began to quietly pray, standing to his full height, crossing himself and seemed to hesitate when we kneel.
I approached her and stood, staring at the images and icons, with a pyramid filled the corner. Pelageya interrupted the prayer, putting his hand to his chest, and her eyes I lost any desire to pray with her, though at just that moment a clear necessity to turn to God visited me.
-Are you a believer? - The question of its cooled my religious impulse.
-So little that baptized-that is, do Not bother me.
I went away, thinking that God will hear my sincere desire to turn to him, and went to Alena, who was sitting in a loss on the bench, lost in meditation.
"You go home? I asked her, with a touch on his shoulder, to the girl woke up from his reverie.
-And what?.. Ah, home. I don't know. I don't feel like it.
-Then went with me to the attic.
Alena looked at me with distrust and only shook her head negatively.
-What are you gonna do?
The girl stayed at a loss and, apparently, was so exhausted shocks that only wearily lowered her eyes and began to consider their fingers. I touched her shoulder, having a warm, sad-sweet feeling akin to compassion, and however, the tenderness, but she led them forward, and hand slid off.
"Don't touch me - I heard her soft voice.
"You want us to stay? Asked Alain coming at this time Pelageya.
I don't know, " replied the girl, raising his eyes continuing to poke hands.
-Well, stay, come, I'll put you to sleep.
"Пантелеиха held the girl to the chest at the window, where it is almost a month I slept, and had a bed for her there.
"Good night, I would'alene.
"Good night, " she said. - And where you sleep you?
-Yes, anything, I'll find me where to go.
Pelageya задернула blind, отгородив improvised couch from the room, and I, making sure that it went to my room, went into the hall, where the attic led narrow, attached to the wall sloping ladder of poles, taking a kerosene lamp.
In the attic on the knee it is piled dry hay, so we have been very careful with керосинкой not to cause fire. Here all запылившегося junk, junk and useless things like a chair with отломленной leg and cracked a large clay pitcher there were so many that the midst of it there was no way we had to move with great caution, to avoid making noise, caught accidentally one of наваленных to the roof of the mountains of junk for some thingy hanging out there. Involuntarily impression that this musty the closet, in which the careless, lazy the owner puts their поломавшиеся things in the hope that someday someone he's fixed them, or he himself takes up this matter, sleeves rolled up, and all at once remodel, leaving nothing broken, and yet... but Pelagiya could forgive such a desolation: the grandmother was lonely , too old and, see, not raised here already ten years in a row., because the layer of dust covered everything around exactly grey virgin snow, concealing the outlines of objects and producing the impression of unreality sham scenery. Besides, judging on subjects such as an old gramophone with a copper plaque "Mechanical заводъ Mr. Zubkov" on the side, over the cluttering of the attic employed generations of owners of this house. Could only wonder how under the weight of these things, converted into an antique garbage, ceilings of the rooms in the house were still in good condition and did not fall down. Apparently, the house was solidly made.
I gradually deepened further and further, carefully облазя and stepping along the way blockages, but accidental touches raising clouds of heavy dust, обваливающейся down and then rising higher and higher. Among the mass of rubbish find anything was hopeless, especially because I don't know why climbed up here. Ivan Noodles not give any further explanation, and maybe really hung me noodles on the ears, for he was a fool. Having reached one edge of the roof, then to the other, to the third, I felt like a real ass, which cheats village idiot, забавясь secret in the quiet joy alone their mischief and how to manage him подурачить sensible, not like him, a man, and thinking of come up with more to continue its dirty with легковерной and frightened victim.
Imagine such a clear picture, I angrily spat, remembering shepherd all the unkind words which only got near me this minute, and started to descend from the attic. Already going down and trying to get a toe on a thin жердочку, I put a stick and, leaning on something, covered with dust, he felt suddenly that depart from under my fingers in different directions, to fall into the trap and my foot, failing to find support, rushed in прогал between жердянками, and in the next second, describing unimaginable arc and making a somersault, my body is hung on a ladder between heaven and earth in a ridiculous pose upside down, stumbling over something, under the noise.
Chapter 17.
The people at the station was a dime a dozen, and I until midnight stood in line at the cash register. The tickets were only on a train in the morning, eleven o'clock, and I had the whole night проволынить the loud, crowded station.
Seats were tightly crammed with passengers, who has not enough chairs, huddled here, on your product, примащивая as soon as possible to children on their bags, baskets and bags. Hardly any place freed, he immediately rushed from different sides and then long and angrily argued about who it must be. Finally someone prevailed, but sometimes it nearly came to blows.
After watching this show, I realized that it was useless something to wait for, and I very much like to me someone shouted. The prospect remained gloomy: all night to spend on their feet, hanging out on the huge building of the hall, studying kiosk with Newspapers, funny expensive trinkets in private stalls brought enterprising operators of the hill" and from time to time for a variety of push in the queue for bread rolls and coffee, so at least thus deceive sleep and fatigue.
Motley Vokzalnaya crowd, not decreasing, but, on the contrary, only arriving, густеющая night, gave food for observations. Among road Luda, tortured persons whose ugly mask been imprinted confusion, close to the capitulation of the plight of the endless road and fatigue disorder and need constant vigil over my belongings and possessions, were infinite number of thugs and crooks, not how much стесняющееся rare guards, lazily вышагивающих among the dozing of the mass, and even entering sometimes in the open squabble with the latter, the outgoing eventually swift flee and disappearance monotonically going crowd. The toilets were flocks of short-haired teenagers in jackets for growth, it is important to elegantly, though in the most expensive restaurant, Smoking cheap cigarettes, business blowing smoke up and trying to impress. They use foul language, accustomed to, that no one pays attention to them, either because of fear, fatigue, and зыркали the visitors institution prickly, arrogant, thriftily обшаривающими views of small empty eye, in which there was nothing but fight and readiness to violence. "These cubs!" "I thought, when such a view slashed at me, and then for a long time, standing in a stall, couldn't do anything and tried to portray that I cannot find and unbutton his trousers, feeling cold on the back, you can count me come back to your eyes.
At the corners of the halls, in the darkest places with big bales are settled the whole Roma camps, постеливших right on the dirt floor of the new Terry towels of such a size, which is in my life before had ever seen, and laid them side by side side by his numerous grimy cubs. Gypsy immediately stuck to the unlucky onlookers, who dared to go by, набиваясь tell fortunes and tell the "whole truth". Other traded junk. Bearded, hairy men asleep or gathered in a small handful of something talked and argued in his strange language.
For fun in one of these places I stopped to discreetly, from afar to see how the Gypsy earns his living, облапошивая unsuspecting customer. She showed the palm of their hand, finger, energetic, colorful жестикулировала, smiling, whined, looking in the eyes and then suddenly seriously pouted and again appealed to the palm. The client continually climbed into his pocket and laid them on the palm of one by one for the money, fine, but sometimes larger.
Suddenly a man, which was wondering Gypsy, shouted something at her, and rushed with his fists, and she deftly slipped my under her dress, bra crumpled pack of colored bills, too screamed as the cut was not giving put to the attacker, deceived her hand to выманенным money, and began to retreat.
Instantly help could arrive. Two Gypsy, young and older in years already, jumped on her screams and not even listening to the explanations of the person, began to crowd him, пихая in the chest. Gypsy immediately if evaporated, and seeing such a case, the deceived пытатель fate withdrew.
Five minutes later, when I was ready, deciding excitedly: "now you can screw me over, witch!", approach appeared at his workplace fortune teller, this man appeared again, but accompanied by the policeman.
-Comrade policeman, he was trying to rape her! - we reached me cries of Roma, in a panic, with its inherent to all this kind of artistic ability pretend показывавшей the suitable man, and receding, пятящейся while as if she really was scared so, that even the presence of the policeman could not save her from fright. He wanted me to rape her! I have witnesses!
Immediately jumped two Gypsy, and all of a sudden, in the middle of the corridor formed a noisy bunch, where the case is exuded hands, rushing war, Roma were trying to seize the man by his shirt, and the policeman beat them on our palms, protecting the victim. Already the expression of his face it was clear to me that the case is hopeless, and I wasn't surprised when after about five minutes he shrugged, signing his inefficiency, and took the man away to him, God forbid, not stuffed finally face.
After the decided to go and I, hidden money as far as possible, in the most secret pockets, which until you get ten times have time to stop and think: "What are you doing?"
Gypsy stood, turning his head around and sparkling black eyes looking for the next victim. Полоснула she and me, but not delayed, maybe because I walked closely with challenge, despite only seen that scene, staring at her. However, the corner of his eye woman still watched me, her hands nervously зашарили his pockets unearthed замусоленную deck of cards and began to shuffle them, and when the distance between us there was no more than a meter, with a turn, just thrown a dagger, she thought, strike me direct, dry question:
-Тэбэ чэго, парэн?
-Try to guess, " I replied even shorter, parried the blow.
-Погадат, her voice, with a strong emphasis became softer.
-Try to guess and speculate, " I said.
-On Chom тэбэ погадат? Gypsy suspicious, suspecting me, apparently disguised as a policeman (I put the toilet in civil shortly before).
What you can do. I will pay...
-Ne nado, I дэнэг not REM, " she waved her hand and turned away.
-But guess what - you guess?
Gypsy pretended not to hear.
-Well, tell fortunes, please.
She went away from me, but I followed her, eye however mowing on those two Roma who already showed us and now expect only the slightest trick on my part.
-Well, tell fortunes, please, " I repeated and guessed add. -I do not trash, not ment I, honestly. Tell fortunes!
Gypsy stopped, slowly turned around, flashing ravennian eye.
-Okay, let's palm.
I reached out with her hand, watching the expression on her face and preparing myself to sustain its psychological attack and not to cheat.
Minutes with two woman just looked at my palm. Then her eyes narrowed, exactly Onam noticed there something extraordinary, which surprised and puzzled her. Her brow of us jumped up and broke in half should bend the arc. "Begins thought to myself, internally even more by getting up and focused on the thought not give her in no case of money. - Well, hold on now!"
-Парэн, I ne'll тэбэ гадат! "she said finally.
-Why? thinking to myself, "yeah!", I asked.
-Видэшь, - she took a finger, stopping at some intersections of the lines on the palm - that's крэст, here крэст, here звэзда, here звэзда, that's lines - совсэм bad hand, совсэм bad. Гадат нэлза - bad будэт.
-Who is bad? "I подковыривало from what I knew, that she will now need to give money.
-Мнэ bad.
-Money and I'll give.
-Net, парэн, ne nado...
-Many ladies.
-Saying - I will not гадат - боюс. Bad будэт. Чэрт.
She turned resolutely away from me.
"Wait, wait, " I tried to stop it, not having a mind that is not maneuver the craft, and really refusal to contact me at all.
Trying to rebuild her last words in memory, I thoughtfully went away from that place and soon came upon a small pile of young people wearing uniforms of student construction teams, which are rare flocks enthusiasts scoured the country in search of romance, dispelling a longing dusty departments. Beautiful girls and variegated guys and boys surrounded by a thick ring of one with a guitar, wearing a beard and glasses, apparently, the most seasoned, wolf romance, and to listen to his singing. From there came the quiet, barely hear something from the "grandfather Grebenshchikov":
... everything was not bad.
He stared at the traces of her, it was thirsting for water,
Was far in the light of the stars.
The finger of his turning the water into steel.
I stopped to listen. The voice of a bearded and manner of performance were similar to the author, but I liked a lot of the early Grebenshchikov.
Listened to student singing I am not alone. Several onlookers also stopped nearby. On the faces one was written sadness, maybe, kind, romantic jealousy, not burdened burden of life of youth, the other directly on the eyes одухотворялись, perceiving music, absorbing, absorbing the juice of her melodies and energy of rhythm, moving away from the bustle, cracking down from the discharged cargo being bloom like flowers from a touch of the sun, and departing, уплывая soul somewhere far away, in the long-forgotten dreams.
Beside me stopped a Lieutenant in a brand new, brand-new form just заслушавшись. "Green!" 'I thought, meticulously bulge in his head, and definitely finding that uniform on him мешковато and clumsily, and it spoils the impression from his perception. "Green!" I said to myself for greater credibility in the rightness of their arrogance, although he himself was in the same "green" and неотесанным as he is. I wanted to establish themselves in their own eyes and, perhaps, also because the young officer was in the form, and it won me his position under the uniform.
Lieutenant stood by, and heard without going out. Coexist with it I was hard, so I decided to retire, although I would most соприсутствовать here, because all the station, perhaps, was not designated отрадней. It was the only cosy nook, attracting to itself mysterious warmth of communication with simple and nice guys, who openly sang it. what they wanted, in spite of his fatigue. And their close circle, their tireless enthusiasm coming from them waves of energy, their thin, beautiful and strange at the same time the song liked me, and not only me, but all who stood, gathering around them. All the rest of the space station was only a cold and a disorder of thousands of people, torn down in the street by the will of fate, from the gloomy their type and tired of persons from crying and shouting капризничающих children faster than their parents engaged in heavy conditions of travel and pastures, which cavern under the high arches, stairs and passages of a vast and indifferent to their hourly changing the inhabitants of the halls.
-Mister, give rouble, I'm starved! - emerged suddenly in front of me you young monkey-ragamuffin. He did not waste time and bother passengers extortion of small amounts of money, sticking to him with all душещипательными tricks.
The view мальчонке was thirteen years, but skinny and thin, in полуоборванной, полуистлевшей clothing, through the holes of which there were lots of naked body, he looked much younger and беспомощней his age.
I looked at him and could not say anything in surprise. Then tried to figure out what exactly he wants from me.
The money I had, and give ruble ragged boy was not sorry. However, reminding about food, I most wanted to eat, and I decided:
-Listen, I give you the ruble, and you show me where you can eat, cheap and cheerful. Goes? - in the station buffets with nothing but dry bread rolls and fried chicken with a faint smell of ribbon, and in сухомятку is not wanted.
"All right, " agreed the boy - let's ragged.
-No, you got me first take, where agreed, - I nodded my head. Your brother so - and-seek-fistulas then.
We left the station and headed somewhere wobbling through the narrow streets between sleeping, dark buildings and crossing the empty quiet courtyards, he went quite far from the railway square.
By the way, I spoke with a teen, fearing he took me to the wrong place. Apparently, it was a street kid, and he had no trouble now lead me to the den, where lived his gang. However, if he has recently wanders and exists only by itself, for this final there was no fear.
"Are you Moscow?
-Your cares? - roughly replied the boy.
-Well, what... Great. First, you are younger and therefore, if the eldest is interviewing you, you should respond to them. Secondly, I still wonder why you night on the train and that you're up to.
-Your cares? - the answer was in the same intonation.
Unable to stand, I caught up with the teenager, who had passed a little ahead, and in the hearts, feeling like a rose up, boiling blood, turned it around, as Yul and grabbed her Breasts tearing away from the earth:
-Listen, you, shket, another such a reply, and I'll face in the blood расквашу! - I had no doubt that now, try it snap yet somehow, I would have brought threat into execution.
Boy, frightened approximated the eyes and seemed to be swallowed language.
-Do you not see that I am such a kind. To get rid of it - get it!
I lowered it to the ground, because I felt sorry for him. At this moment he seemed so miserable and helpless in front of me, startled by this unexpected turn of events and angry "uncle"that arm themselves released his clothes. My childhood was not very far, and because, perhaps, I felt compelled to try this guy, which I had hard times in life. A heart that is broken went down in the chest.
-Okay, let's go, " I said.
The boy silently moved forward, but not as strong and fast as before, and as if in thought, his head lowered. He probably tried to now figure out what happened, but maybe going to throw myself away, frightened by my reaction to the familiar to his own conduct, and that, if it be wasted, whether to call for backup, and go back to get revenge.
Why the silence? his behaviour was in need of a soft control with my hand, and if the boy was going to the next moment the ask heels, now the willingness of several faded away: you had to answer.
"Nothing, " he grunted.
-So are you from?
-With Peter.
-And in Moscow that doing? - I felt the interlocutor and the urge to reply to me again about a brute.
-I was in the militia?
-No. I'm a friend asking you.
"Wow - friendly! And jacket pop?!
"Because you me хамишь.
The boy fell silent again, but I wasn't going to wait until it met with the spirit and ask heels.
-So what are you in Moscow doing?
-And how old nurse with a folder? They are crazy!
-Children's home I.
I have not enough strength to continue in the same spirit. I suddenly felt a sharp sympathy for the boy, the same lonely, not necessary to anybody, and, perhaps, even to himself, кким now I was also.
-So are you, brother, also an orphan? - I pressed his hand to, and we went on. The boy just looked at me from under a shoulder strangely learning: not lying if "uncle". And I was no "uncle"I was as a child, only adult child, forgotten and abandoned, lost his house and even the hope of gaining ever its warmth. I suddenly wanted someone to native, large and warm, gently pulled me close and fatherly, as parents, lovingly stroked my head.
"Come on, brother, I don покормлю.
The boy brought me to some provincial, dirty and shabby pelmeni, who worked around the clock. Despite the night there were a lot of people, and we perched at the end of a long, through the queue.
With a series of tables located in the centre of the hall were occupied by visitors, поедавшими your dinner. The cleaning lady lazily crawled between them and wiping the vacant seats when it is quiet, and when and clamorous from licks its clean the dishes, if they tried to leave just like that.
The queue was moving slowly, and I noticed two standing slightly ahead of the lads. They were the same beggars, like the one with which we came here. One was eighteen years old, the other was the same age as my companion. Boys behaved strange. The one that was older, seated himself on a free seat at a table, and the youngest, typing on a tray of plates with meals and snacks, and then подлазил under the railing вольерчика, отгораживающего turn from the hall and passed that on the table half of what took. He did this when раздатчица, пополнявшая shelves new portions, turned away or leave deep into the brew in full view of the near standing with him in the queue of people who like and didn't notice what is happening. Between me and этимим two had a few people and I wanted to make minor воришкам note, not fearing their reaction does not, or wanting to make a lot of noise. Everything was done, as if it necessary, and, may be, in fact there was so opened.
I wanted to ask about those two have their boy, but he himself said to me:
-Won those two-they're with me live together.
-And what do they do?
As what? Steal.
-And here all the time right?
The boy shrugged his shoulders:
-When both...
-And you, too? - our eyes met, and I realized that I better not hear his answer and not climb in the jungle, in the dirt in someone's life.
Meanwhile two of the Dodgers have already covered a full lunch. On a tray at the younger remained a cheap salad, and, going up to the counter, he put two more Cup of ersatz coffee, and then paid off, as if nothing had happened. In my opinion, none of the witnesses ugliness told him, and words.
-Take all that you want, " I said мальцу, and he did it from the heart, great clicking on a song.
We sat at a table near the прохвостами, and turned to him I said, unable to bear:
-Guys, conscience to have.
-And those che? - heard behind me defiantly.
I turned again. Asked the elder. The views of our eyes met, and I forced himself to переглядеть it.
-Not th. I say, conscience to have.
-What is the conscience?
-Ordinary. The human.
"Well, the guy turned away, and I heard its a Champ.
We ate and headed to the door.
-You should have it, " said the boy.
-What is it? - not I understood.
-Contacted them in vain.
"But somebody has them to heel.
The boy looked at me, and I realized that we speak in different languages.
At the exit already waiting for us.
-What the hell are you, mark? Che you come? Che forge a show-off? - the one that was older than me, moved me, and I felt that quailed before his impudence. "Well, went to the corner, I am with you, Pierre.
We needed something to do, gather the courage to apply the Golden rule winner: Bay first - gave the most part of the chances of success.
Guy approached, and when he pulled his hand somewhere to my collar is probably going to take me by the scruff of the neck, I through the power of forced himself to hit him in the face. To make the second strike was much easier. The third went like clockwork.
He did not expect me, and therefore made no attempt to defend against, only clutching his face with his hands and something захрюкав, забулькав in anger. The second time I gave him in the jaw, the third - kicked in the groin.
The boy fell to the pavement in the mud and slush. His younger companion retreated a few steps, his eyes on me. I wanted to stop, but he could not equal the other.
"You've been the first thing it to you for a second, you are the third-and this you for your insolence! - I kicked his feet, not looking where to put the blows. I even wanted to make him as much as possible, and that he long remembered the lesson.
At this time the doors pelmeni came out a few people, and one of them shouted:
-What are you doing?!
I stopped arriving in itself.
-What are you doing?! - come running to me a man quite puny, but apparently расхорохорившийся from what I have paid attention to their words. 'I'll...
I pushed him aside, a new feeling a surge of rage as he swung at me.
-Uncle, go here! You'd better in pelmeni now that that's out what made the remark when they over-the-counter pulled, " I hissed through his teeth, and then swore.
Out on the street and stood looking at me surprised and frightened, примолкнув in anticipation that they might get. The guy began to rise from the earth, seedtime and trying to get up, but I released all the charge of hatred and couldn't hit him. He sat there, вытирался and coughed, looking at me. People started to disperse. The new who came out of pelmeni, only silently thrown in our direction short views.
The pause was tightened not in my favor. Should have slapped him finally and leave, but I couldn't do it. Leave the same hand, meant to leave him a chance and the desire to catch up and try to recoup: surely he had a knife, which he just did not have time to exercise. I did not like that they attacked me from behind, moreover, that there were two, and maybe three of them, because Malets, which I fed could flop over to their side. However, it felt to me friendly feelings and probably would not participate in a fight on my side, 'm it again, and in the best case, leaving just curious observer. These two were to him a hundred times closer, he shared with them and shelter, and destiny, and later undoubtedly has got to be in big trouble.
-Well, mark, cope? - the voice of the older, still sitting on the ground. He touched it and wiped the lip. - Okay.
I knew that now we need to hit, hit it again, but in his mind there was something of a mess. In memory somehow surfaced Veronica. She was kissing with a Hippo, and I thought, "maybe I was just dreaming all that appears to have been?"
Thousands of wacky thoughts not by the way conjured up. Verses buzzed and hummed her, persistently demanding pay attention to them, and only one sober, like a spell, a simple combination of: "Should leave", - прокладывало through all the chaos path to salvation.
Really go away. Beaten me guy tried to get up from the ground, and stood a little apart, staring anxiously. My companion was hanging around somewhere in the back, on the corner of the house.
I spat be more convincing to someone had to teach me to catch up, and walked away. The boy had come with me.
-Still, you should have with them, " he concluded.
"Why not?" - I did a little boyish wanted to feel like a hero.
-I now get.
-Yes, but you're here?
-I? I don't thing, teenage sighed, " but the face for all I care they beat.
"And you with them do not live together, and go somewhere.
-Where? - my interlocutor smiled skeptically. - Everyone knows each other, and I still find it.
-Do you so cool? - I was surprised.
I don't know, that's cool, not cool. Only lie to me why not...
In a side street between the houses, I stopped to facilitate the bladder. The boy followed my example.
-Good night: can be anywhere to do this, " I said. To somehow revive the silence.
-To me, I and during the day it can do, " replied the street kid.
-That, right on the people in the street? - my question is sounded with intentional irony.
-No, why? So the cops murderers get bagged. But in the entrance - you can.
-Well, - the entrance...
-So people go there. They are outraged, and I stand and do what I need.
-And if the other is that it suits me, more serious?
-Then sit.
-And that no comments are not even going to do? So all past calmly and pass?
-No, I am not a stairwell. Few places in the entrance of the corners?
We came to the station.
-Well, have you ever ate? I inquired, intending thereby to bring the case to прощанию and calculates how much cost me this lunch.
-Yeah, if only you had better ruble made, " replied the boy.
"Why not?"
-Beat me.
-For what?
-Sales no. By morning shall fifty bring.
-Who bring?
-Surely. Пахану.
- "Who's this yet? Zak that does what?
-Convict, - he nodded, agreeing head. He fills us. And even those who with hats sitting.
"That beggars. He with them and with us every day shakes. With us rouble, and with them - I don't know how many, but probably more likely more because they collect more.
"And these, " I showed a nod ago, hinting at those two that were in pelmeni, too, he is paid?
-No, they are not beggars, they steal. This is already a step above is considered. But he also takes these things or grub. And I'm fifty rubles necessary, otherwise the beat.
-Why did you give him fifty rubles give? - I protested.
-To not have to beat.
I paused, then asked.
"Maybe you fifty rubles give - I was sorry offered money. But it would be a pity boy.
-No, no, " he evidently was bothersome to me, ' and so you gave me, fed...
"If you want, I'll go with you? - I didn't know how to thank the lad's for his counter sympathy, and, without noticing it, tried to stick your head in the lion's jaw, and not just shove and deeper...
"No, no! - he waved his hand, but then suddenly shuddered. And I went. Only see that they got guns are available, and Finnish hammer blades. There until the end.
'Nothing, ' I myself, feeling that Leo decided to close his mouth, leaving behind my head. - Nothing, let's go...
This time the boy brought me in some ruins, neighbouring with the begun construction. On the way, which happened not too long this time, we have reached the end of the platform, then with half a kilometre along the paths, and jumped over the fences, ditches, thickets dry prickly grass and gullies were not доломанной five-storey building - I learned that his name is Maxim, that he ran away from the orphanage six months ago, for the second time , and closer to winter would again return to the cold and hateful walls of the orphanage "wait out the cold." Last time of his return successfully taken care of by the police. Now he expected to do the same, but a little later: still it was not so cold.
We climbed on the third floor of a building on dilapidated and dangerous stairs one of the doors. Here, in one of the ruined apartments with sooty walls, выломанными doors and растасканными floors, side by side, covered with anything dead sleep slept teenagers. In the middle in a small empty circle on a concrete slab subsided, but still showed signs of life white, skinny smoke a little fire from the wreckage of the boxes. Here is a few empty bottles.
Chapter 18.
When the noise stopped, and dust, waterfall struck down, dissipated somewhat, I listened: the do not disturb whether the rattle Alain or Пелагею, but in the house there was a dead silence of the night. Freed from the uncomfortable situation, I found that dropped it on the floor in the vestibule some thick, heavy books. Some of them hit in the fall of poles stairs, fell, broke up, having shattered the pages on all сеням, and took quite some time to collect them, fearing that at any moment in the doorway, you may receive Pelageya Panteleevna and arrange my shaped scandal for impermissible curiosity and unauthorized visit to the attic of her home. Although the attitude grandmother to me was careful, he had another side, which I also had to face, and now she would certainly gave me a spanking, regardless of the fact that I was her guest.
It was nearly midnight, and when I finally managed to combine in a thick leather covers, darkened, warped and погрубевшие from time to time, dilapidated, rushing from any careless movement pages of many places worn and a pair of decaying at the corners. After completing this painstaking work, hardly дававшееся in twilight, разгоняемом only the faint light of a lamp, which stood at the top, on the edge of the roof and done, the most likely wrong, because on the pages, written by hand, there was the usual sequence of digits, but instead somewhere, where else survived were seen strange, strange signs and letters, I went with a pile of heavy books under his arm into the attic and there sat down comfortably above the open hole, became the study found. Perhaps this was due to the shepherd Ivan Noodles?
I remembered what he said about some thick book, covered with red velvet. "Ah, Yes! That's what I forgot. He spoke about the book! - I thought. - But where do these books come from here? When I climb, they didn't seem to be..."
Among the mountains of ancient books of the book is not. I went down and, just in case, looking from the porch into the room, found her, thick, covered with red velvet cover with huge, full cover sheet character imprinted in gold, with gilded along the edges of the pages and a large copper fastener, decorated with engraving. Pick it up, I climbed back into the attic, and opening щелкнувшую buckle, peeked inside.
From the gap between the pages fell some sheets of paper, and, lifting them, I was convinced that this letter is strongly crumpled, yellowed by time. Paper they broke like dried leaves, crumbled beneath his fingers in a small crumb, almost dust, so long I had to mess with them, until finally I gathered up their hands and carefully, trying not to breathe, brought it up to the light.
Tex was written on some old, maybe the old Slavonic language, but to abide in extreme agitation, I suddenly discovered that I can capture the meaning of the verse.
"I have to warn you that the times of today are not contribute to the peace and bliss, in which now are many, and around the point, which is near the end of the world, and in the speed of Christ do the second coming on the sin and sinners will be punished.
It would like to draw your attention to one testimony.
Summer 1477 age 47 years was buried someone Prince Vlad IV, king of Romania, a well-known fact that managed to unite the three disparate principalities of Moldavia, Wallachia and Transylvania, burdened by the yoke of Оттаманской Empire, in a strong state, spoke against the Turks with the refusal to pay tribute and defeated the Turkish army. However, this act сопровождаемо was excessive brutality and violence against neighboring princes, equal with him for nobility and regulations. One of them, Prince of Transylvania Peter, who refused to unite with Wallachia, Vlad IV, or, as is known, he was still, Vlad Dracula, then guests and workers planted in the yard at stake and enjoyed watching for his anguish. The Prince of Moldavia Alexei he set before the spectacle of Shem, and, taking him by the cowardice and impotence, created the Kingdom of Romania and started a war with the Turks over which won a considerable number of victories than you brought a lot of pleasant and joyful feats of the Christian world.
I have no doubt that the rumors about his adventures reached and your edges, since in those years were you, my dear fellow, in good health, and in modern times we pray to God. But you hardly know how bloody been his war, and along with the Turks in larger quantities he destroyed a subordinate yourself to the people and kept this in eternal fear of the Lord and his forest hosts, показывавшемся the light of God only for abuse, robbery and plundering. I cannot be sure how many people ruined the ruler of Romania, however, I think that number so we could settle in ten cities, ten times as many villages.
Bloody deeds of the Prince not be prevented him a member of the Christian order of the Dragon, based in many lands summer 1418, and the world Christian surprisingly resigned and kindhearted witnessed in its ranks the bloody killer that not once lauded in his victories, not paying attention on the means to achieve it. Secular name of the Prince, Vlad Irena Telesh, hardly anyone is familiar, but стерегитесь person with like him.
Compelled to write to you, his serene Highness, this in order to teach in your face all the brotherhood, namely, himself, in the person of Prince Dracula saw the impure force, свившую nasty nest in light our ranks, and open unto you these things.
Having from God to live in the vicinity of the described places, I could tell many details, but for the lack of possibility given enough time, I try to describe all possible for shorter and more.
Prince Vlad IV, Dracula, died when вестма mysterious circumstances, and there is no credible evidence, whether his death was violent or natural, although on this occasion there are many contradicting one another rumors and false rumours, nothing, however, not confirmed.. when the funeral service and burial of the body there have been some strange misunderstanding and accidents, testifying astute mind that it is unclean. I myself was a witness of how someone maiden N, exhibited in the Church of excessive despair and grief over the eminent dead, in the same week found was lifeless and completely devoid of blood in his own bedroom in the house of his father, who stated at the meeting with me, being in a strange state that last night saw a huge wolf, блестевшего in the moonlight, jumped in the garden of the estate. Crossing himself in terror before seen, sir, this is no longer see anything, and drew away from the window, went to sleep and only late at night woke up from a terrible sounds.
I know of many cases that occurred at the same time in the vicinity of Bucharest, close to which was buried Prince Vlad Irena Telesh. Then they repeated and frequent in the whole of Wallachia and Transylvania.
Since then passed ten years, but I still threw their observations of the terrible cases, the geography of which became increasingly be the North and East of Romania, and because I think the speed can reach your seats. I will pray to God that this did not happen. I ask you to pray, his Holiness, and let especially zealous in prayer brethren, and then the scale of evil passes..."
The letter ended. Further text it was отломлен and crumbled to dust under my fingers.
Feverishly I began to seek continued, and from awkward movements broke several pages more, perhaps, belonging to other messages. The paper fell in the dust from the slightest careless movement, which gave me a lot of grief.
Finally took himself in hand and acting again with extreme caution, I raised the shaking from the tension palm another old page. Handwriting is absolutely no resemblance to the previous one, Yes, probably, and the letter was done at a different time and a different person. Intrigued curious content of the letters written by insanely long and unknown by whom and in what language, and I wonder was not able, how can I read this:
"Your Holy grace!
I do not know how to begin my address to you, and after much thought, I decide without unnecessary phrases go directly to the exciting me and not only me, but many of my neighbours, and also inhabitants of our and the surrounding villages, peasants, their hosts, and all the pious inhabitants of the district, good Christians, under your auspices and who see in you the good of the defenders of our.
I myself am a doctor, nurturing the love of good, but poor people ншему, peasants, over which you have to dwell in the monastery, уготовая itself the heavenly life, and anti many rules I live in the manor house on the rights of personal physician and provide the grace of healing Kholopov amiable patron who die like flies, let not these things богохульствием.
The owner, pan Гложич, although the kindest nature man, sometimes it happens бивает peasants for misconduct, disobedience, and to pacify their liking. Because it happens that these, especially the youth, are running in the hope of changing their existence. Such, of course, a little, and let your Holy grace doesn't think I'm going to defend горделивцев and disobedient and ask the same of you. Not at all! On the contrary, in my soul purely Christian and God-fearing stays humble obedience before fate, revealed to me in purgatory our Lord, but, following the commandments, I don't judge them for anything, for it is not right on it.
My speech goes about a certain event took place at all this, and how much was given to me to think, necessarily requiring Your наимилостивейшего intervention.
To begin with, that you may be aware, and that is what Mr Гложич, himself a Polish family, can't stand in the house of the servants of the local people, and writes out yourself hired domestic from Europe, who come to our country with all of their possessions specifically coach and also decrease at the end of the contract.
Year and a half as the pan Гложич wrote somewhere in the Balkan lands, exactly-what I don't know, never having many other worries, this is not interested servant Ежива, not the сербиянина, not Bulgarian, not the Slovak nationality (to my shame, I'm no expert and not a fan of anthropology, although many of my colleagues and passionately addicted to this science, and in General, I believe and understand the people for some of the other qualities of character rather emotional than ethnological).
Ежив this was a groom Mr. Гложича and in the service of their coped diligently. Man he was unremarkable except that with the men spoke very rare, and did not consider himself to them equal, was closed, miserly because of its remoteness from their land, often spoiled girls, undoubtedly sinning and condemning those in the future on the severe punishment in the case of marriageable age to marry and use pan Гложичем right of the first night.
Ежив never went to Church, because by faith, as far as I know, was a Muslim, who was being captive by the Turks. To save his life, he turned to another faith and came under the green banners of Islam, much later defected from there, they returned home, but remained in Islam.
I must say that the pan Гложич attitude to the religion of his groom quite OK, although, until recently, was a good Christian.
Your mercy! Perhaps you tired of reading my confusing lengthy message, but do not take the trouble to read, for God's sake, until the end. Circumstances deserve.
Last winter, as You know, was very cold, and the groom Ежив have an awful cold. I tried to heal it, but the symptoms of the disease were several other than for catarrhal diseases and pneumonia, and, despite my efforts, Ежив died away like candle, and as soon earth receded , and it wanted to bury on the edge of the monastery's cemetery (I hope you haven't lost the memory of his deep indignation at the fact that under the walls of the monastery had decided to bury infidel). But after buried somewhere in the woods, as in the adjacent corner of the manor garden, not making any signs of graves, except stuck the pole in the ground, which in speed disappeared.
Pan Гложич was very upset about the whole thing. But because of the arrival of spring and the impossibility of long waiting replacement suddenly dying servant of Europe took the groom slave Taras, his serf, a young man whose reason is not entirely fair treatment often punished for negligent care of the horses.
In the stables, Mr. Гложича after the death of Ежива really began to happen, bad things, and the worst of them was that one after another during may disappeared four horses, one each week. Mr. Гложич after each loss brutally beat up a new groom and became of all the ferocious and ferocious. He assumed that somewhere nearby appeared Gypsies-конокрады who heard about remarkable trotters Pana Гложича and their fulcrum of origin, as well as magnificent breed, criminals steal horses, using вислоухостью new groom, not able to устеречь lordly good. His experience, and the loss of each stallion heavily dominated this period as well pan Гложичем, he shared in moments of despair with me, trying thus to find a way to their grief.
Meanwhile, to heal the deep wounds of the groom Taras remaining from Panska lashes, I heard from him amazing story. Poor young man told me that how could guarding the horses, and the last two times, being nearby the stables, I saw that unusual, like a glowing Moon wolf jumped out the window and from there after some time appeared, easily carrying his sacrifice, which was several times heavier than predator in the teeth.
I could not believe the groom, because I know that wolves are rare and are not malicious in these regions and especially in the spring, and, besides, personal inspection is sure, that the window stables not that the horse, but the animal smaller climb can't, and I decided that thus, using stories, Taras as if asking me to intercede for him before the owner.
Without a doubt, negligence servants should not be encouraged by the owner, but nevertheless, I decided to Express panou Гложичу assumption that the cause of the loss of his string can be something other than the Gypsies-конокрады, and. in particular. Wolves, that the master, of course, laughed, and said that was not found in the whole region with such a wolf, which would be able to carry out the horse. I argued that everything can happen, but pan Гложич just ridiculed me, after what I had doubts himself in this version, however, drew the attention of his master, that the loss happens every quarter of the moon, from the full moon, and perhaps it's not quite pure.
Pan Гложич on your took my hint, and the next upcoming full moon made Taras night sitting in the barn and do not close the eyes, waiting for the robbers.
Troubled by a disturbing premonition I until midnight observed in one of the Windows of his bedroom, which goes straight to the stables, the terrain, expecting that I will see the emergence of adjoining garden forest appearance of the wolf. Dream all the same overcame me, and I can't say I've seen already in a dream or dreamily something silvery dairy sweeping through the dark garden to the stable.
The next morning Taras could not find anywhere, and pan Гложич, assuming that the fortress had escaped from a конокрадами, sent in all directions pursuit. Поис5ки not yielded any result. But one of the messengers found what not sought to discover in the forest not far from the house torn and the flesh of all four horses.
Message shook Pana Гложича. However, he made every quarter of the moon ordered the new groom, again from Kholopov, guard, armed with a stable inside. Horse now not disappear, but one by one began to disappear people, who on the night remained in the stables. Deal recently reached the point that the peasants under the fear of any punishment, even death, refused to go to the grooms, and Mr. Гложичу not remain anything else how to leave their horses without protection.
Two days ago there was a full moon, and pan Гложич called me, asking night accompany him when he goes, just in case, take a look at the horses. I agreed, not without fear and curiosity, however, because no matter how many attempts did see the beast, that I couldn't due to the fact that he was afraid to approach the ill-fated building. Pan Гложич talked to me for a long time against the habit, and I made a careless assumption that, perhaps, all that happens is somehow connected with the deceased servant Еживом why pan Гложич frightened trembled, and answered, that, too, thought about it, and that he often, especially lately dream former groom.
We agreed with him out of the house at a quarter to one in the morning, and immediately after the conversation, I went to bed, and then to make it easier to move a sleepless night. It was somewhere around nine.
Woke me terrible cry which froze the blood in my veins. Barely alive from the wild fear, I still found the remnant forces, ran out into the corridor. In the house there was a dead silence, and I have already decided that, apparently, in a dream came this bloodcurdling scream, however, unable to get rid of icy terror. Crept along the dark corridors and stairs to the bedroom Mr. Гложича, fearing even take a candle.
I forgot to look at myself in a room that was the hour, and that I was in these minutes. In the chambers of his master was silent, however, on my knock there was no answer. I knocked louder, and then a little harder and more persistently, but nobody answered. Troubled by a bad premonition, I opened the door into the барскую bedroom door wide and almost fainted. One of the Windows of the room was open, and the curtains in the light of the moon disappeared something. Bed pan Гложича with severe canopies was empty.
Having hardly overcome the fear, in the meantime, I dashed to the window, and saw, QC something lunar silver and illusory disappears in the garden. It was not a wolf, and, in General, any animal. As can be seen at that moment, it was a man, and if he does not Shine like the reflection of the moon, one would assume that it was the pan Гложич, waking up in a fit of fear for their breeding stallions, who published the wild cry, who managed to jump down from her bedroom window from the second floor and rushing through the garden to their horses with fears for their lives.
Pan Гложич disappeared, and I since yesterday morning, the sun rose barely, organized search for the gentleman, привлеча to them all the Lord's servants, and several peasants.
Unfortunately. Search for my crowned sad success. One of the servants , and one that has recently discovered the manor horses, today at dawn found the lifeless body of a host, lying in the forest roughly the same place, maybe a little further.
After pan Гложич was delivered to his house, I examined the body and found in the neck several deep прокусов probably left by the teeth. However, the form and depth they don't look like traces of human teeth.
Extreme excitement and limited in time have not yet provided a detailed study of the corpse of Mr. Гложича, it is clear that there is not and drops of blood, because blood vessels in his hand, made an incision me, was empty, as in вымоченном meat.
By the time I sat down to write to you thereof messages in the woods at the side of the district is found a few corpses of young men, former u Pana Гложича watchmen and конюхами and disappeared before the host itself. In the evening, I proceed to examination. But first I wish to notify your mercy of the threats we face, that there is a concern that more I have witnesses, intelligibly could describe what happened, and if something happens... I hope that Your lightness mercy will receive my message and give us the necessary support.
Probably Your grace, it is known that in the neighboring domains..."
The letter ended. I couldn't find it and continue, barely catching breath, gently put the lamp cover sheet another message.
"Your honour! I hasten to inform you that your requests I made. My soldiers entered in the indicated the earth and found the absence of the master, servitude and extreme scare serves to be the serfs.
The body of Mr Гложича, his servants, the doctors, as well as several peasants killed at the same time, extracted from the graves and burned by all the rules of the Holy Inquisition. All corpses found remarkably preserved. The corpse of a groom Ежива Muslim could not be found due to the lack of graves, but I hope night ambush will speed up the latter.
I dare say that the attack on the peasants recently stopped. The latter protects itself by preparing the aspen stakes and hung on the doors and Windows of their homes and ligaments of garlic. I think, that soon my help here would no longer need..."
My attention distracted and gnashing of скрябание in the door, раздавшиеся outside. Even before he could think, that hut is protected by strong constipation from the invoice beams, I breathed in the lamp, and she immediately went out, leaving me in the dark.
A few minutes while sitting in stillness, I was listening to the sounds, but suspicious rustling stopped, though it was not. Matches with him was no more, and had to go down and go through the room to the furnace, near which Pelageya has always left boxes on the kindling.
I got carefully and came out of the porch. Alena slept for ширмочкой at the window. The regular breathing well was heard in the silence of the house. Somewhere in the back room unevenly посапывала, похрапывала grandmother Pelageya. And only the creaking floorboards under the feet broke serenity house.
Feeling in the furnace in a silvery-blue twilight, подсвечиваемом in not cluttered window shutters full Moon, I went back and decided to go, see how to become an alcoholic'alene. The girl lay peacefully, covered with a cotton blanket without a blanket cover. Her mouth was slightly ajar, and through it with the noise was and was back on the air.
"I must! involuntarily I thought, looking at her simple, serene face, which became in a dream quite childish. And not frightened: she's asleep. And the grandmother is asleep. One for me, any fool can't sleep. I contacted with this nut!"
The girl's face and her Breasts, blanket tucked around her, fell silver moonlight from the window. Suddenly it grew dark, and I realized that someone looks in at the window, and moving his gaze, saw a man's head, прильнувшего the glass, his face left in the shade. My body also does not protrude into the light except for some of the thigh, and frozen with fright, I, too, in the stillness watched him.
All remained motionless for some time, and if the head does not appear in the window of my eyes, you would think that the glass прислонили effigy.
I finally got tired of uncertainty and my stationary, and after recovering from the initial fear, I pulled out his matches, drew one of them and put the glass in which there was dancing reflection of yellow flame. It hurt to consider проступившие contours and shape of a person. And sweep of his head to the side, I could not tear myself away in horror stared at Peter, выпучившиеся eyes which looked at the shimmering, тухнущий the flame of a match.
I wanted to scream that had the power, took a deep breath, but only convulsed першащим cough, which exactly choked.
Alena started, frightened stare at me awake, murmured something incomprehensible, on a strange, unearthly some, каркающем language, and to defend himself from me naive outstretched palm.
-You that, Alenka? - tenderness have overcome my fear. Being more helpless than I, were in need of help, and it gave me courage and strength, as then, on the bridge.
Chapter 19.
"How long you been here dwell? I asked Maxim, pausing on the threshold to the surprise of seeing the spectacle.
-With the week. Before the column lived, but then quarreled there with one, and they have been drove away.
-A column?
-What, what! In ordinary, which is sticking out of the ground.
-In the sewer?
No, not in the sewers. There pipe some warm, and winters can live.
-And who are you drove?
"There are some assholes. It is their column. They have to themselves called, and then we fire it sparked, frogs wanted to fry, well and built there a small пожарчик.
A hundred, a fried frogs love? - I involuntarily shuddered.
-Yes, I'm more dogs love and cats can not stand...
I nearly puked from such gastronomy.
From our conversation woke up.
"Who brought a dork? "came from one of the risen over the carotid mass lying near each other, tel head.
-Buddy, оробело said Maxim.
Having woken up, stirred, lifting. Several people approached us, stepping directly or stepping on матерящихся in a dream comrades. Old they were fifteen, sixteen. They were looking at us, trying to продрать sleepy, sticky, puffy eyes.
"Well, great! What came? - asked one of them to me as if a time I knew me before him guilty.
-Yes, - I was taken aback opponents were too many, and their behavior was unpredictable even for a second forward - this was clear from the first words, and what else could be expected from the street kids, no matter how vague.
-Just don't go, especially here, in the hand of the speaker suddenly a knife that he playfully began to twirl somewhere down the thighs. It was below my height, щупл and худосочен, but now it is unlikely there was any value, and the hour I immediately regretted about two things: first, that coming here, not knowing what and why, and, secondly. Not being able to fight like a dashing guys in the beautiful cinema, stacking of infections with a dozen opponents.
-Yes, he came to our gift to make, Zhenya. Don't you see? - someone near.
-Then выкладай! - immediately, scenario, without a pause picked up Zhenya, continuing to play with a knife.
Meanwhile, all new teenagers approached the pile in front of me, who shivered from the cold morning air, who yawning and stretching. The case has been increasingly nasty turn.
-Oh, and outfit-it's nothing. It is necessary to undress, and then I have some holes on the coat. "came another voice.
-Plenty of time, " he remarked Eugene. - Well, what are you waiting for? Took out a nickels.
I felt it's a pity, what a silly situation I was unwittingly. The world around, after all, is full of evil, and this should never be forgotten. We must constantly be alert and not allow the heart to give orders over the mind.
When I had all the money, all my cash it remained, and part because of their own stupidity with this pretty decent, but, more importantly, the last amount of savings, of which all his life after me, perhaps. Not to be had, it was like death and unbearable. Wanted to suddenly collapse right here on the floor and no longer live, if all so badly formed. And let this blond shket me зарежет, and then takes my money, I don't see it...
-Ah, mark! - cried someone at me for the very back.
I involuntarily looked round, and saw who was beaten by the pelmeni. - Meeting! And I thought I'd see!
-Польд, do you know this? - asked Eugene. -He?
"Yeah, his own! - Польд walked me around, gloatingly squinting. A crowd of teenagers back a little bit. His own!
I felt he knew me now hit the eye he was a huge bruise, nose побагровела, and the lower lip is swollen to the size of a grape, and hardly knew it, as he felt a sharp pain in the groin, потянувшую me down. My body скорчилось and crumbled down. Through a fog of pain caught up to me words Польда:
His own! That's what it, that's it!...
New blows rained down on my body, and I thought I beat the whole gang of youngsters. The surrounding world is separated black wool from my consciousness.
When I woke up, he felt bound to pipe behind the back and sit on the cold concrete floor in the same room. Body hummed from beatings, eyes did not want to open up and in the ears something дребезжало.
"Well and leave," - somehow indifferently I thought. How many times had to fall into foolish and unpleasant situation, hurting and getting punched in the face - it was a nightmare, the crazy house. Is my life now, until completion, will consist of only troubles, illnesses, tragedies, beatings and remodeling, in which I had just tired get. Because before me this has never happened. Now adversity lay in wait for me at every step. If my life is for them to become the best and the world's only target.
Finally, his eyes were opened, and I saw that order room was empty, and now it remains only five people. Here were Zhenya, Польд, his partner, my night companion and someone else can I, a stranger, a man of about twenty-eight or thirty - two.
When we Maxim came to the house of the morning sun had not yet appeared over the horizon, its dawn lit up the house with the other party. Now it shining right in the window of the room, and it was easy to guess, that had passed quite a long time.
Were in the room with me were talking among themselves, and only Maxim was silent and sad. Seeing that I opened my eyes, he came to me.
Does it hurt? - I heard his voice.
"That hurts, " I agreed.
-Sorry, I'm not wanted.
-Yes, that is really there.
We were approached Польд.
As a mark woke up! Well, how are you feeling? he sat down in front of me on his haunches, looking into his eyes. - A mark!
On his thin direct lips played meanders smile winner, enjoy a mockery of the victim.
I found the strength nothing to answer him.
-By the way, you know, what's the name of this? - Польд patted щуплому shoulder Maxim and, not waiting for an answer, give it to himself. His name is we ПОЦ - guy particularly valuable. You know he raised up the index палеци pointedly has dissolved the lips. - And do you know who the "поц"? It's a boy in the synagogue of the Jews, which deprives the innocence of the dead women virgins, that... well, not important.
Польд rose from his knees, but never finished the conversation:
-Now, judging by the way, what does "поц", it should be natural shit. And this ПОЦ it is, Польд again, but this time with a wicked force slammed Maxim on the shoulder.
The man looked at him askance, but still scared.
-Not пяль eyes, ПОЦ, and the схлопочешь in the face, - noticed Польд, and then turned to me. - And you, mark, do not relax. Just in case I took your wallet.
He waved in front of my nose wallet that contained all my documents, cash, and several letters of credit for large sums.
It was a real blow.
-What not to like? - Польд looked inside. - Oh, listen, you have a good live, fraer. See how much you got of dimes. Here is the catch!
-Take money, " answered I, and the documents and letters of credit give me.
Польд began to pull out the wallet contents:
-So, the tickets at the train, well, you can go pass them, they'll ужен not be required, " he gave me a haughty look, and then made a дурашливую grimace, not означавшую anything good. "Yeah, документики... Oh, Yes you цирик?! Here is the catch! Look, Yes it right wonder what! I still just never happened.
He took out the letters of credit and gazed at them with wide-open eyes, then looked at me.
"Hey, mark, you where did that come from? How many цириков know - all below Colonel - poor, almost like I am. And you're right millionaire! Maybe you daddy - General? Oh, so we feathers пощипаем. Come on, give it to the url?
Behavior oborvantsa was outrageous, and, despite the disadvantageous my position, I couldn't help it:
-Listen to me, you pig! I tell you what I say get yourself a money, documents and letters of credit, pay me! And untie me now hand...
-Oh, Yes you Greyhound quite фраерок, - Польд approached me. You see here, just a General's son. Now we'll conceit-save...
His face was contorted with anger, and he began furiously beating me anywhere, saying at the same time:
On, on, here's to you! Get a fascist, a grenade...
I defended feet, stimulated stand. Pulled his hands bound together behind a pipe, and, finally fell to the side, leaving unprotected back. Польд took advantage of this and repeatedly struck me feet in kidneys. His wickedness came out, and he stood over me, panting, and much his mouth.
When I was able to sit down, he had already calmed down and smoked, standing at the window иглядя somewhere on the street.
-Oh, brought you to me, фраерок, " he breathed with cigarette smoke, not turning around. "I hate you, цириков and Communists! In General, milestones bastards, who is up there, hate. And like you, lackeys.
He swore viciously, and in deeply, exhaled, sweet frowning. The sun, выглянувшее from behind a cloud, shone in his pale forehead, on which свисла strand dirty, as if covered with gray bloom dust, uncertain hair color.
-Bastards!.. Ah! he threw the butt, crushing his toe поношенного Shoe. "Snakes!
Than the two of us in the room was empty.
"Well, you wait here, фраерок, think. You now useful to think about: how to know how many left to live. And I will go about their business, - he went to the door. - Yes, and don't forget to my return папашин address to remember. We think will try...
Loneliness dragged on endlessly, and I couldn't tell how much time am one. On the street the sky was quite overcast, then began to drizzle drizzle. On concrete slabs near the window was formed oblique wet square, turned into a puddle every moment flew fountains often from falling drops. In the room there was fresh and dark. Thick twilight, which is usually during autumn моросящих rains, gave the empty space at her, once serving someone a cozy home, and now загаженному and sheltering a gang of young tramps, the view is almost dark.
It seemed to me that I hear a squeak. Soon he was strong, and, looking closer I recognized in the twilight, two rats, approaching me zigzags, sniffing and fumbling on the floor noses, from the back of the room, from the door.
At first I was even glad though these living beings appeared in the room, but then the alarm pierced consciousness - the rats were not so worthy of emotion at all, besides, for sure yet, wanted to eat something. I recollected once heard stories about what these creatures gnaw sleepers ears and noses, and if this person is totally feels nothing, because in the saliva of these animals contain strong analgesic, anesthetic substance.
The rats came to me and began to sniff at my feet. Their eyes beads, shining in the dusk, sitting motionless, expressed nothing, but it seemed to me that they would like me to chew on. To them I was just a big piece of meat, and my immobility seduced them to sink her in my skin, his little, but the razor-sharp teeth. I thought I предугадываю their instinctive action.
One of the rats crawled along the leg to the ankle, where it ended, and opened naked body area. I kept watching her, without movement, but guessed her intent to drink are in me with his teeth. Experiencing the deepest disgust, developing into клокочущую rage, I still slow to kick her harder, waiting for a time when she разинет mouth to bite. However, my reaction was not enough: in a flash of her teeth were in my ankle. The pain from the bite was weak and there was, perhaps, only because I could see. I yanked the other leg and foot pressed rat to the floor, trying to crush her. Another вспрыгнула at me, ran down his stomach, chest, shoulder and run out of the way.
Down a rat скрипуче twittered, releasing the ankle and trying to bite the sole of the Shoe. Now I felt whined, запекла from the bite wound. My bitten by foot is to have the rat остромордую head, and was surprised that after such a blow with a rat, nothing happened, and she still continued to squeal. Then I hit him again and again, and then beat with a desperate rage and fear, wanting to kill a rodent and fearing that this does not happen.
Rat chewed and writhed under my leg, шкрябая legs, and she managed to twist and break free. She asked heels, and I only just managed to pry her toe and throw into the air. Tumbling, her body crashing on the ceiling, and then slam against right in the middle of a puddle at the window. Then she got up as if nothing had happened. After the rats had gone away, wagging their tails: one dead, the other is wet, leaving a winding trail.
The evening came and I sat in the empty and cold room and the ruined house. The rain is long over. From the street now together with the cool wind came rare signals hire, chime crane, humming his engines, voice builders and other sounds of the city, not разгонявшие my depression, but only emphasizing a sense of absurdity and absurdity of the situation. For the whole day, no living soul appeared here.
I wanted to have, but besides all other things, and something more unpleasant: I really wanted to be in the toilet, and I couldn't do it. Peeing in pants was too much, and I waited and waited, and when someone finally appears, and I ask him to he untied my hands or, at least, came up with something, so you can go and this position. Bitten by a leg ached and whined in all keys.
Time stretched painfully slow, but no one appeared, and then, when it became completely dark.
"Maybe they went, never to return, and I will sit here still unknown how many?" in desperation I thought, and the next moment he heard a sound, обнадеживший me its similarity with a rustle of steps. However, as was seen in the light of lamps and lights with a neighbouring building, in the room no one appeared. Noise same, reaching me, not a poem, and a minute later the few black beads flashed in the darkness by the window.
Crossing a slanting ray of light, I was approached by the rats. Now, there were not two, and much more. In the darkness it was impossible to determine their number, but grey backs flashed here and there, and I thought that room all teeming with these creatures.
In desperation, I began to wiggle, hitting feet, fearing that I will not notice in the dark, that any of them was dangerously close to them. Several times it seemed to me that I'm someone kicked.
Peering into the darkness, I found that rats are now moving closer to me from the window, by the wall, and to get there, it took me move Hughes almost a quarter of a turn that was not easy. However. Driven by fear, I did it and began to knock down the very подлезшие me hordes. They scattered, but now with the other hand along the wall were pressed against the floor, the same brazen and hungry creatures. To think that they can do to me these hordes and that will leave me if I give up, I queer and creepy to shake and shiver.
The struggle continued. Now the rats have left their mass attempts to attack and were surrounding me tight ring, from which tried to lean one and then the other creature and immediately received from me on the nose. I oversaw this threat semicircle, not giving any minute relax or escape. I got used to this confrontation and extremely afraid of me started to get sleepy. Not once or twice, drove away I enveloping the brain thought: "Well, these rats in the swamp, I die, as I want to sleep now. Maybe nothing will happen to you"...
I woke up from the piercing feeling of danger. I didn't managed to chase a dream, and he overcame me. Now I couldn't understand what was going on, and to realize that rats swarmed me and creep on me. This horrified me. Now was not even clear how they managed to eat me, or maybe I was lucky, and I'm still safe.
Energetic, desperate movements in horror at what had happened began to throw down the vile beasts, облепившим me how to prompt a flock of locusts, but it was hard. They firmly clutched at me, his little claws, and when I pulled the sides of the torso and legs shook, then felt through the fabric of clothing their claws come in my skin, scratching on it.
Rats, barely broke loose, again climbed, rushed to me, and where they fell, кишело the multitude of their relatives. Not remembering itself, I yelled so loudly that it would seem all Moscow needs to hear this cry. It happened by itself from пронзившего me the realization that I now really can be eaten by predators, torn alive into pieces.
At this moment the walls of the room, everybody in the gleams of fire, and someone came in with a torch in hand. I saw a teenager, who had stopped in the doorway and immediately поспешившего to help me. He began to kick and throw about kicking rats, which is now clearly visible, кишело all the space around me, burn them with a torch, running it into the middle and shout.
There was a squeal and squeak. Scorched, frightened, scattered animal ran off, leaving me alone, and soon only some of them remained die on the concrete floor of the room, crushed or burned by impregnated by pine torch. In the air завитал nauseating smell of burnt meat.
I looked at his Savior, and in the orange and crimson reflections saw Maxim.
We looked at each other in silence.
-Why did you do that? - Asked finally, I.
-That's it!
-So you wanted to go with me.
But I didn't know that all the work like that.
-And I don't know. What I knew - I told you.
-So what do I do now?
I don't know.
-And why do you come here now?
I don't know... you See, you saved.
-So you save me till the end, I was disgusted to be humiliated before мальцом, but no other option to be seen.
-I can not. Now here everyone will come.
-So what?
As what? If they find out that I made you free - the skin will be pulled down.
And often you here so people catch?
-None of your business - teenager again began to be rude, but now the advantage was on his side, and he had all the chances to win for his injury: nothing didn't bother him.
I realized that my works useless, and, if life does not end there, in front of me waiting for the many adventures and trials. I don't want to die now, especially here in these dirty, dirtied the ruins.
"Listen, give me go to the toilet, " I implored your own need, which suddenly gave themselves known again ноющим overflow, petrified bladder.
"Generally what?
Malets sighed, попыхтел a minute, then, by sticking a torch in the radiator radiators, came up to me, sat down and began , squinting, untie the knot behind my back. I wanted to ask, "aren't you afraid that I'll run away?" - but still, I didn't.
Only making an attempt to get up, I felt like the задеревенели, numb my members.
-Well, wow!
"What is it? "asked Maxim.
-Ass asleep and froze like a cake раскаталась, and hands can't feel...
-Well, it happens, " he agreed. - Nothing, now to be held.
I finally stood up, having experienced the rush of blood in занемевшие place. Покалывающей thousands of needles.
"Where's the toilet?
-And you just sit in the corner and справляйся, " he suggested.
-No, I cannot.
-What is it?
-You sleep here.
-Yes nonsense.
"No, not seriously, I can't stand it.
"Come on." You go yonder, " and he pointed to a dark doorway in another room, - want - I'm in the toilet'll take the bathroom, but there is nothing except the g...on.
I still go to the toilet. Maxim relentlessly followed me, and his torch popped right behind me.
Ahead flashed a dark corridor leading to the entrance to the stairwell. I thought it would be nice to go there now, and if necessary and finally hit the little гаденышу.
-You don't try to get out of this, as if he knew my thoughts, mumbled behind me teenager. - I have flared sticky resin - stick, so all burned, if he уцелеешь.
I turned to the toilet. The toilet was broken, and covered with a tiled floor sticking only to his small fanged skeleton, thickly furred of all sorts and colours excrement. Go in there, not to get into any of them, it was impossible. The bathroom was the same.
"Sit down in the kitchen, " said Maxim. - There just started to walk.
In the empty kitchen with a distorted stove and the remaining from the sink pipes for water supply and sewage really soiled was only at the corners. I found a place cleaner, took off his pants and sat down. Maxim stood in the doorway, watching the procedure.
-Look, what if you set me free? I asked, тужась and experiencing the bliss.
Maxim gave no sign that he heard my question, and then his lips sarcastic, bitter twisted:
-Am I the enemy of your health?
-Well, no, why not. But who knows? Say, come, and I no longer have here. If I ran away, when no one was there before.
"No, not go.
-Can our now in a new building and all they see. Dangerous.
-Well, then tell me unleashed in the toilet to go, and I'm in your face and a tear. Goes? Now imitate.
-What are you?! Say too! I didn зачмарят1. Will not go. Yes, and what shall I let go? Hurt it!
-I you fed, and you? - My weak urge to his conscience was met with complete silence. Go though the paper I find.
He withdrew, leaving me in the darkness dissipated only spotlights from the construction site. The street was already quite dark. The city shone the lights of houses.
I could not collect his thoughts, continuing to squat with приспущенными pants, блаженствуя relief. Think of now was the time, and each second was on the account. We had to flee. But always, in the most important moments, head refused to think.
Maxim returned with a piece of faded, in a limy strike newspaper and handed it to me. I shook off the paper and asked:
-Where you ripped out?
-None of your business, " replied the boy in the old manner.
Standing up, I suddenly clearly realized that if we do not take any steps to salvation, then it might be in five minutes it will be too late, but your own indecision shackled will.
Chapter 20.
The girl was unpleasant to look at, and I touched her shoulder, so she finally woke up.
"What?" Asked then Alena, if only opened her eyes.
-Nothing, - match in my hand already gone out.
Alena raised her head, and she was near the shadow of a dead man, all still standing outside the window. The hair on the back of its head silvery glittering.
"Come here, Alena, and only don't be scared! I drew a girl taking her hand, at the very moment when she wanted to see what falls the shadow.
She was beside me, and I stepped back into the room, dragging her away and not giving a chance to turn around.
At this time, the shadow behind the window described an arc, just fell, and disappeared, as if it had never been.
"What?" What's wrong with you? - I have heard from the ear hot whisper girls, from which even been warm warmed the bed of the body.
-Yes, so imagined something.
-And woke me up why?
-Scared - I really just shuddered at the from the inside coming out cold horror.
-And don't sleep what?
-Don't sleep...
I don't know what to say to a girl, and only began to invent what to say, how strange sounds at the door repeated.
-What is it? - Instinctively pressed against me, frightened asked Alena. Her wide opened eyes shifting from side to side, flashing sparks reflections of dropping into the room through the window of the moonlight.
I don't know.
I tried to ascertain whether these strange sounds somehow be associated with the appearance of the window of a dead man. Maybe somebody tried to play a trick on me, or all of us. But that someone could only be shepherd named Ivan Noodles, and at пугавшим me terrible speeches. Although, on the other hand, why he would need to leave also a stutterer his own daughter for the sake of a bad joke. Yes and dig out the coffin, get out a corpse and be almost half a kilometre from the cemetery to the village - even if at the village fool and have enough mind, it is unlikely that he could have all of this done in a few hours.
Скрябанье like if someone biting off the cracked door or tried to remove it from its hinges, lift scrap, became stronger and more distinct.
"What is that noise? - Fingers Alena hurt dug into the skin on my shoulders.
-Alena, you just don't be scared, but I only saw that there behind a window... here's Peter standing.
The girl screeched, even stronger pressed against me and clutching my shoulders.
-Be not afraid, Alena, fear not, please. I warned you that Peter is not the usual dead, that he at night to roam around the village.
The girl looked me in the face and long, staring straight in the eye, then pulled away, smiling crookedly incredulously.
-Look, what you удумал! - Grin was archly-crash-and-burn. It's you, I guess, to me.
How to take where to get? 't understand I was at first, but then guessed.
-As well as girls take. Scare myself to you in the arms rushed! Oh, what a tricky! Found what to scare!
-What are you?! - I put away from him the girl, taking what отряхиваться. - I wouldn't.
"Yeah, was not. Now go down and see who's there шкрябается.
She really went into the hall, and I went after her.
-Wait, wait, Alena. Don't you open the door.
In the back of my mind flashed a wild idea that a girl can be at one with all this evil spirits, because half its roots go down into the darkness. I caught her hand and stopped, pulling himself out of nowhere began to smite and nail, already at the door squeaks and gnashing turned into a real knock. Someone тарабанил in the door, if asked to be allowed.
-Why won't you let me open the door?! I want to see who could teach you to be your accomplice! Her voice sounded sincerely indignantly.
"Listen, don't you think it's strange? - Knocks on the door became a continuous roar, about which she trembled and then, and beam jumped up up, threatening to fall off the hooks.
-And this? - I showed a sprung door. - Isn't it strange that someone in the night so blatantly...
I could not finish her sentence, because, jumping too high, cross bar with a crash flew on the floor, the door opened, and on the threshold appeared a silhouette of the huge, heavy massive man, in which it was impossible not to know the deceased. He stood in the silver light, flowing from the sky, spreading its hands and looking at us creepy horror.
I stepped back, takes a step back, and pulled the sleeve Alena, frozen, dead still. She staggered, nearly stumbling, and when Peter-dead man took the first step into the house, turned around, dropped deep into the hut, and screamed at him.
The hair on my head stand on end, and I have nothing left, how to follow it in перекосившем face of terror. Feeling cornered lamb, which came to an end. It was a terrible, terrible feeling мешавшее think. Before me I saw only метающуюся shouting from side to side Alena, from time to time попадавшую in the rays of moonlight.
-Run for me! I stepped into the room Pelagia, and waited until finally the girl hears my words and followed here, slammed the door in the face of the deceased, the second two, having had time to pour cold sweat, looking for a hook and managed to put it on loop in приколотке for a few moments before was followed by the first push. - Grandma, get up!
-Yes, I'm awake, " came to me in a surprisingly calm voice of an elderly woman.
The room is small and narrow was only one small window with a cross frame.
-Hit the glass! Frame break! Вылазьте the window! I shouted, leaning against the shoulder пляшущую door, but the two women remained motionless. I was seen. But it can be felt , because no sound except shots and лязганья iron hook did not reach my ear.
Strangely, the light does not illuminate! Again came the voice Pelagia Пантелеевны, щелкнувшей several times somewhere in the dark switch.
-Granny, let's jump out the window! This time I am I got tougher and more convincing. Tone is not tolerate opposition.
-But how grandson...
-How!!! Bay stool glass!
However, all remained immobile. And then, evil сплюнув, I rushed out of the door, the whirring of every push, gleaming in the gloom, a stool and grabbed her leg, she gasped window. He heard the ringing sound of a tree. I swung and struck yet: the way to the retreat was free. But Peter was already here. And there is nothing else left to do, swinging in the opposite direction, hit that had the power and the dead. He staggered away, but in the next second went again to me not сгибающейся, ходульной gait.
-Вылазьте, Вылазьте soon! "I implored, not having even a possibility to turn around and see what was happening behind me.
"Here, take it! - Pelageya was next to me and put my hand in something solid, resembling a plate, and then broke somewhere in the darkness.
The reflections from the window flashed patent icon that stood on the table at my grandmother's bed, and not really knowing what she should do, I was fenced off the Holy icon from the dead, and felt that his efforts to get to me became not so energetic, but also my hands had experienced such pressure force, if they tried to stop the locomotive of the train, and it was clear that so not last long.
Somewhere nearby the distribution смрадное Champ from the darkness could hear some sounds, flashed part of the body of the dead man, and the incredible , like cast iron severity of hell's vain efforts to achieve my flesh was threatening to break my fragile hands, with difficulty restraining a small icon, which as a shield загородился I from the horrible corpse, who aspired to me, навалившегося invisible force.
A few more seconds, I was going to topple to the ground. I stepped to the window, but the severity, налегшая on hand, only increased. And then, releasing from the hands of the Holy painted oil painting, I dived back into the narrow doorway, silver square-emerged on the dark wall.
Peter managed to grab my leg for the foot. Cold his fingers, rough, thick and ugly, once cooled my blood. My body hung along the walls, and in the turned the sky, burning only major stars, подернутом gray-herring, smoked поволокой, I saw a swinging from side to side of the moon, impartially observing what is going wrong when its light the terrible horror.
Peter easily, so lightly, drew me back into the house, and feeling that now will do something terrible, I twitched, trembled in his icy its claws, like a helpless синичка in the fist of сноровистого ловчего.
Thoughts, hundreds of thoughts confusing and circling алогичными vortices. Rush in my head, just water, which rushed by of the dam through прохудившуюся, лопнувшую dam. Here soul cries feverishly sought the support of consciousness done facts, the last lights of hope drenched embers turned into ashes, dead thoughts rushing about from head to heels of animal fear of death.
All has floated before my eyes. I jerked it a few times, but without a passionate impulse, and not knowing convulsions whether this agony, or else miserable past attempts attempts to break free and escape.
In the moment dead man's fingers relaxed, and I hurt his on the window frame of the knee, kuvyrknuvshis over his head and landed on the floor, грохнувшись sideways. In the ears faded out a cry, resembling more the groan of a falling tree, подрубленного дровосеком than the person's voice.
Воцарившуюся silence and darkness, in which I lay, a few seconds of hesitation, I know if I am already in that light, or even dwell on this, broke as thunder coming voice:
"Hey, are you alive?
I recognized the voice of Ivan Noodles and a few seconds trying to figure out not misheard whether, if at all, did it for me. Was this his hands that clasped fingers of my bare feet? Why he had such power? Yes and not fit something...
"Hey, are you alive, say? - repeated question.
-Alive - in a weak voice, " I replied. - Bitch.
Someone jumped down gently next to me in the grass and hand touched my shoulder. His fingers were warm.
-What was it? - only and could I ask, physically feeling, as my strength is leaving me with every spoken word.
-What I told you was the voice of the shepherd, now it was heard clearly.
-And where is he?
-Who? Peter? I Drin aspen pierced. He is now in a house of sand.
I frowned, and numbness relaxes the body. Sensing the weakness in all the States, I still rose from the ground, supported by the hand of a shepherd.
"Listen, Ivan, what does all this mean? I asked, trying to see the facial expression of a shepherd in distorted long shadows отбрасываемыми Moon, the contours of its parts.
-I told you so, " he replied quietly. I'll tell everything! I warned you!
"Yeah, " I agreed. - And what next?
-What next?
-On now what? What will be? Why wait?
-Why wait? - in the twilight dashed hand Ivan and stupidly зачесала the back of the head. - And where Alena?
-Alena. She Pelageya before I managed to climb out the window. Too scared, probably, poor fellow.
I looked around and it seemed to me that everywhere loom, toss some vague outlines of the shadows.
-Come on, John, I want to see Peter.
We entered into the house through the door, passed the bathrooms were in the just ended the fight. Light does not ignites. Flashed me a burning match, and in its dim light on the floor stood crouching corpse, which was oozed and растекалось on the floor something dark. The room smelled terribly of decaying flesh.
-What is it? I asked the risen a little further back of the satellite.
-It decomposes.
I got sick from this sweet luscious stinking smell, and we hurried to leave the room, slamming the door.
-I found at the top of any strange books, and one of them, as you say, red, with embossed on the title page of the gold sign. It lay some letters, the very old, in the hands of the right break.
What have you managed to read?
-Only a few scraps of letters. It was said some terrible things.
-But isn't that scary? Ivan showed on the door, which was lying nasty corpse. - Why you did not believe my word? Do you had to read something to make sure that my words will not cheating?
-But your behaviour at times so strange that actually attend obsessed with the thought: "Yes, in fact, is not a fool, is it?" all the village says that you're not in your right mind.
The shepherd was silent, with lowered head, then said, and looking down at his feet:
-Well, be here and I'll go get Alena and Пелагею. They must be hiding somewhere.
He left.
I was alone, and again I became scared. Just before dawn Ivan returned with Alyona and Pelageya saw me sitting on the doorstep, прислонившимся to the door and tired from a busy and tedious waiting. Old woman and young girl, too, were pale and seem very exhausted last night.
I would now not wanted only to fall and to fall asleep, which I did, barely reaching a trestle bed at night slept Alena.
I woke up in the evening. Head раскалывалась from the unbearable pain. Pelageya fumbled at the plate. I got up and went to her:
-Where's Alena, grandmother?
'My father is gone.
-Everything is OK with it?
-Yes, everything seems-so how are you, really? Has suffered a great deal? - she turned to me.
-Yes, I suddenly found myself thinking, what really wish it was a dream, let scary, but a dream and not reality, and passing Pelagia room, as if in confirmation, found on the floor there is nothing, not even a trace from the past incident.
-Pelageya Panteleevna, and where the corpse?
-I removed it so said the lady, as if done this every day.
-How to have removed? And what is the evidence?
-What evidence? It by the morning am withered whole. From him, some bones, Yes ashes remain.
-Well, as the police? If she comes?
-What is the militia?! Should it hurt her. That it investigate, what to look for? Here, won. The man was lost, and nothing!
-Who's missing? - I was suspicious.
-Yes Petrova wife and her daughter at the same time gone where-t - Pelageya for a minute away from cooking. - And the neighbors say, "What are you, grandma, you're worried, may, in the city she drew. She is now free bird, a widow. Bringing her here?" Daughter under his arm and into the city, do it here: my husband is not, who will now feed? And there she and the factory or the factory for a job. But I t know that it is not in the city she leaned that
-Where have they disappeared? - However, on a heavy silence Pelageya I guessed what had happened. - Do...
However, and ask nothing else was necessary as everything was clear.
The old woman again to cook, I climbed up to the attic. Now here in the sun, coming through the hole and the hole in the roof, stood column of dust. All was still припорошено thick layer of dust. Books lay in the same place. I took the one in the red cover with gold stamping, and opened on the page where the beautiful calligraphic handwriting was made the last entry in a strange language. Half of the book sheets remained unfinished and shone well-preserved, polished, coated, white paper. Not immediately able to understand me intricate ornament of unfamiliar words, and, desperate and having met with anger shut the book, I suddenly caught the meaning of the last entry:
"Today. 13 July 1720 from the Nativity of Christ at the monastery on the invitation of the Abbot came doctor of black and white magic - name was carefully замазана, that help the poor to the brotherhood of our get rid of the above adversity".
I leafed through a few thick, rustling pages of the book and read another one by the same author:
"In the monastery's garden brothers in his multitude observe the appearance of the Ghost, who become accustomed to magnify - White monk. The Ghost is walking through the garden, wanders through the night in the corridors of the castle. He attributed depravity and debauchery, soluble among the monastery peasants, and, to everyone's shame, and among our brotherhood. White monk is attributed to the manifestation of the power of the impure force. Возобладавшей over our home. How could she resist the will of the Lord, not even clear to the Abbot, who, however, is not involved in the fight against evil, but only twice a day falls in the cellars of the monastery, and examines the monastery Treasury. Could attack this happen because not all the brethren our sincere and diligent in prayer and obedience. The facts that are known to me afraid even to betray paper, and mostly belong to the parish priest at which I am especially close. However, our Lord, they are known, and, may be, he sent us his forgiveness and gave us in the power of demonic forces. I do not know what will be next, but the times come scary. Severe wrath of the Lord, and all we, poor, deserved his punishment for violation of the Charter of the monastic life. And I'll pray to the Lord for the salvation of the soul".
Thumbing through the book and further reading some notes, more than anything like these two records, I discovered. All the rest was like accounting reports of the coming of taxes and levies taxes from around lying lands in favor of the Church, and of the expenses that were holding the monks on the content of the monastery and its Genesis.
Closing the book on a brass buckle, I put it aside, and went down the passage and out on the porch.
The sun was already down for the forest. The sky became pale pink, rare clouds on it felt begun to blush density purpura, окрасившись purple and orange tints. Above to the Zenith sky gradually darkened and passed into the blue, and then in blue tones. Forest edge merged into one dark band with a torn upper edge, uneven, where sharp and where eaten teeth впившуюся in delicious amethyst the pink flesh of heaven.
Idyllic picture, frozen like the forever seemed to be painted on the canvas of a skilled artist. But the night fast approaching, carrying with them the fears, suddenly became not a fiction, and a part of my life, and I very much like to come this night.
However, it was necessary to somehow prepare for it, to this night, and I went round the house, and shut tightly all the shutters. On the porch out Pelageya and angrily asked:
-What are you doing-t?
"What is it?
-Why Windows-t all позаставлял?
By night getting ready, so no one climbed into the hut.
-Well, I-t now what to do?
-And what?
-In-house-t dark. And electricity since yesterday, no.
-And I know-that
-Well, I now see what the posting.
-What, are you crazy or what?! Light-t no yesterday in the entire village.
-Yes, the message was confusing to me, and I just sat on the porch in his impotence before the element of darkness, насевшей top and has straddled my destiny. - Well, I open the window.
Quickly it grew dark, and Pelagia, and not having time to finish cooking, took off my chest mattress on the floor, opened оббитую iron cover and found the kerosene lamp.
-Why-so-Kerosene W, where take-t? In the cellar there. So, grandma thought. - Should the neighbors go. Maybe go?
-Whoever it is I know?
-And what? You zato-t all know.
-Yes, especially after the death of Peter.
Pelageya was silent, thought for a moment, but then agreed:
-Okay, herself go-T.
Groaning and holding his side, she left the house, and I sat on the bench at the table, poured from the pot potatoes and meat in a dish, pour on the touch in an earthenware mug from a small jug of milk, listening to the sound наполняющегося vessel, and began to chew slowly arguing that it really is time to leave. All this, and the time drew: the holiday ended.
Sitting in the dark, alone, with a scanty meal in a strange house, never посещавшемся me, I suddenly had a strange feeling. It was the homesickness, which I had not woke up the sons of affection. I wanted to go home. And from what time to go back to mother, remains absolutely nothing, and, barely coming, we would have to immediately leave, and from the fact that it is unknown when and how will I get out of this swamp, rage suddenly took possession of me, and wanted to turn the place upside down and break that no hitting arm.
Time was spent stupid and unimaginative. Now we had with sadness and pain tell himself that vacation was dull and not as I would like. What prevented me shake its on the South, the sea somewhere, because pocket was full of money? That brought me to this godforsaken hole where, moreover, in dull and muddy from hopeless boredom water, still waters run deep, drooping of the life of the local countryside had not one frost two, and the whole Horde of demons? I thought, if not all, most of the villagers muddy water, diligently striving to overtake one another. And at what here the barbarian, even if she is a witch? Was she one the strength to make life intolerable and disgusting, what is it now? However, the life, it is everywhere today, and such. Hopeless...
I took his head in his hands, dropped the spoon, with the ringing of a fallen on the table, and began to twirl your hair, grabbing their fingers and trying to hurt yourself, to somehow Wake up from just this quiet horror, that happens to me, that perhaps I can finally see which side there's light, and, maybe, my guiding star to rise above the horizon in a sky full of strangers, indifferent to me the stars. And that's when suddenly I understand that my life has any meaning and purpose in this world, and not a single grain of sand I, carried from one side to the force of the wind of destiny, and the man who could withstand his head.
-You have no purpose, " I said to myself, and just made a discovery.
Outside the window rekindled green glow.
Chapter 21.
Talk with Maxim was useless to this I already knew. But the one thing to act unceremoniously and arrogance. In the end, I was stronger than him, and that he threatened me, only instigated me to use violence to the presumptuous youngster.
I walked up to him:
-Well, thank you. And now went...
I wanted to remove his hand, загораживавшую me the way into the corridor, but barely managed to evade the torch, which teenager tried to hit me on the head. His outspoken ruthlessness finally untied my hands and persuaded to some strict measures. In two installments, I rolled mounted Cossack, dropping on the floor and bent knee to the floor. Torch dropped from his hands, and now, треща and shooting blue sparks, lying somewhere.
-Oh, you shket! You who wanted to scare?! I'm with you later, youngster!
Let go, " придушенный boy.
I'll let you go, - and my anger broke out, and I heartily Nabil give his face, then lifted up and kicking, dragged down, illuminating the way for the collapsed stairs selected torch.
Maxim was hanging back, stumbled, whined and cursing to himself, several times fell, but I picked him merciless blows and again dragged him after them.
Already at the exit door, at the door I met returning to his lair tramps. First came blond Eugene, his hands in his pockets on the elbow, fingers extended pants and whistling a song. When he saw me he stopped in confusion and stopped whistling.
Without waiting for his visit solution of the task in the current situation, I made a lunge and with amazing, surprising even to himself composure pointed his torch in his face, hit someone else from a number of standing and rushed away, trailing became hang back with a vengeance Maxim. Behind heard the screams and shouts. Teenagers and they were after me in pursuit. I kicked several times Maxim , waved in the face of the torch, implying that joke does not intend to, and, driven by fear, not feeling feet, rushed further. The rare passers-by found on these deaf streets, scared, ahead of time drifting away and staring in horror округлившиеся eyes blazing in my hand fire, the former for my only weapon. The flames were buzzing against my ear from the wind, like a jet engine. Turn another.
We jumped on a busy street. The torch had to run into the ballot box. I turned. Bouncing shadows catch up with me бродяжек were already very close, fifteen meters. From the alley, from which they had fled, was rushing war. I rushed to the sidewalk, but Maxim leaned heavily deviating ago, and I had to let him go, why teen flew head over heels on the pavement.
Already at the station on the way I met a patrol police car was moving slowly towards along the sidewalk. I rushed out, waving their arms and attracting as he could, to the attention of sitting in it. I have noticed and stopped. The door opened and out seemed привставший seat policeman.
-Rescue! Help! The money was confiscated, documents, kill want! Won catching up!..
After two hours in the police composed a Protocol of detention. Detained ten people, but among them Польда and men aged twenty-eight, thirty-two were not. Documents together with wallet were Zhenya, blond Chub which burnt, forming a stinging bald spot above the forehead. His face also was badly burned.
I returned the wallet. Documents, expired train ticket and even letters of credit, fortunately, ended up here.
After all the procedures they let me go.
-And what will happen to them? I inquired.
"Don't worry, " replied the officer on duty, who conducted me to the door of the office. - Get to the fullest: aggravated disorderly conduct, vagrancy, robbery, attempted murder, - bouquet that is necessary. This company ten years no one would see.
-And two remained, - I was really worried these thoughts. - They?
"Don't worry, they are looking for. See where, just tell us or by any policeman, who will meet...
Night at the station was restless. It seemed that the two are still at large, watch me and only on guard moment to somewhere in the dark place throw me in retaliation.
I had no money, I tried to buy a ticket for a letter of credit, but the cashier, making the round eyes, replied that he could not accept it, because in hand there is no such amounts on surrender, and it is not necessary. Only had to wait till morning, until open savings Bank, and the night passed in the struggle with sleep, and fear.
Hardly the time has come to nine in the morning, I was already at the savings Bank and receiving money immediately bought a ticket, and two o'clock already I sat in the train, and when entered into the carriage, it seemed to me that on the platform there are the two whom I caught up to the police, although I saw very little and poorly remembered them both. But fear has big eyes, and these two were persecuted my imagination at every step.
However, nothing happened, and, having left Moscow with half an hour, I sighed a sigh of relief.
The train gathered speed, and little by little my soul has found calm and even carelessness. The mood of the road changed the tension of waiting, when it seemed that something else can stop me to leave. But I didn't want any adventures. I'm sick of them. I has suffered a great deal of fear, and now hoped that further will be well.
Wheel cars перестукивали on the joints. Bad whether. Whether well. But there was four days, in which you can relax and think about nothing, don't worry, doing only what to eat, sleep, Yes while away an hour or two for a chat with neighbors in the compartment.
There's three of them. Among them stood a young man about my age, and I was pleasantly surprised to learn that he, too, has just graduated from school. And now he is going to serve in Transbaikalia. We were fellow-sufferers: service in the region have traditionally been considered a punishment, and could easily assume that he, too, was not an angel during the study at the school. His name was Anton, and we somehow got in touch with him, after talking for half an hour and found a lot of common interests.
In the compartment apart from us was another man. Youthful, but with a black beard , he looked thirty-five years, participate in our lively conversation had not participated and only glaring at us it is unclear. Third neighbor was a girl. Her face was not beautiful, besides the glasses. The skin on her cheeks, coarse and rough, was covered оспинами, and only out of respect, apparently, Anton offered her lower berth, but she refused, managed to climb up and more showed no signs of life and wasn't paying attention.
After suffering a situation quite suited me. Everything seemed cute and almost comfortable. We started with a game of cards, closer to the dinner we went to the dining car to eat while back into the compartment, found there a lively campaign.
The girl still lying on the top bunk, staring at the window, at the bottom of the bench stood one empty and the other half осушенная bottle of vodka, was decomposed good snack: bread, pink fat large chunks, garlic, green onions, several вспоротых canned. Around, armed with spoons and puffing сигаретками, sat lively men gathered, as seen from the neighboring compartment. Before each was a glass, and they splashed swaying with the aftershocks of the train, vodka.
Men have already taken a dose of alcohol. Their eyes посоловели and gleamed. Seeing us, they were greeted by our appearance and pulled into their circle. We sat down on the edges of the shelves, being the most extreme of all.
-Go, conductors cups still ask appealed to me one sitting.
Sit around, I'm coming down, raised up Anton.
Soon he returned with utensils, and poured us too. The guy who sent me deeply, exhaled, сморщившись and squinting his eyes, released cigarette smoke, and then said:
-Well, what, guys, for that drink?
His drunken enthusiasm was passed to me, and suddenly wanted to drink before the hedgehogs and even make effort to get a bottle, a can, and not one.
-Conductor-it is nothing, " remarked who sent me away (he was probably here for заводилу and organizer of this binge-drinking), - I to Vladivostok necessarily will get. You saw how it moves, wagging ass!
'Hush you! - Pushed him in the shoulder our bearded neighbour. Here the girl driving, and you with such talk climb.
-And I have no one I haven't. I'm just saying, share thoughts... just Think - girl! Yes I have this breed is thoroughly studied, tea, no way, he was married three times.
It seemed to me that whatever our shipmate, patient, timid and shy, but now she would resent the whole situation. However it still was lying on the upper shelf and looked at the window, breathing together with the rest of tobacco smoke.
-Is that true? "Someone from the company.
-And why I lie? I полполучки alimony surrender. And now, maybe by the end of the trip for the fourth time to get married. The conductor.
At this moment it looked in the coupe, pushing open the door. In the corridor of the car dove-colored threads rushed past her cigarette smoke.
-So, comrades, something coupe very sternly sliding eyebrows together, " she said. In appearance she was twenty. But the youth had not yet left her face.
"Oh, Madame! - Развязано reached for her from the window thata talkative многоженец. - We about You just talked about, Madame!
-And you, comrade, I warn particularly, is still severely replied the girl. - will vandalize, I line them by the time you rent.
"I, хулиганю? Donkey man. -I хулиганю? I meet You I want to.
-Learn differently - tone of voice conductors got a little soft.
-My name is Kolya, and You?
-Me and Marina.
-Oh, Marinochka, glad to get acquainted...
But the girl is not дослушала his rants:
"So remember. For non-contractual penalty. Once again I'll go over and see that you smoke blame yourself. Warn on account of the noise and Матюков. You look with your woman go. Shame on you! Shame! You make it listen to your cries, sniffing cigarettes. Think it's pleasant for it?
-Marinochka, Yes its not forced. - She was...
Thata talkative again reached for her through all, aiming take hold exactly waist.
Conductor whacked him on the wrist:
-And you, Kolya, - it is a purely feminine in her indignation, lips, giving out your mental effort to resist. - You, Kolya, I warn personally. Just that, and will be explained in the police. Responsible for order in this coupe you: I personally appoint.
She closed the door.
-I'm not in that compartment food, Kolya with a friendly smile hunched his shoulders, rejoicing in this case.
'The worse for you, " someone said.
In that pause was heard again the voice of neighbor:
-So you, too, Nikolai name? Namesake, then!
Namesake, piano nodded and agreed, looking somewhere down under the table.
-And I, Nikolai, " said the bearded. - Wow! And your patronymic? Not Mikhailovich , an hour?
-No, not Mikhailovich. D..
I Nikolai Mikhailovich.
-Well, now, let's go for it, namesake, and let us drink to hand talkative reached for the bottle.
-Wait! What, are we alone shall we drink? And the guys? - Bearded looked all become silent campaign, слушавшую their conversations.
"Right, nick, and they may drink.
Vodka заклокотала, flowing in glasses.
-So, let's have a drink, invited Nikolai Dmitrievich, when all took the glasses, let's drink... for women, he raised himself up, looking over his shoulder at the top shelf. "Madame, you hear, we drink for you!
Girl pretended to not hear him, and he fell into place:
-Well, everything started!
Heard the clink of glasses, to the table, pulled the hand in search of fat, forks, cans, heard a Champ on all sides.
-Yes, something angry little sister. "Nikolai Dmitrievich, taking from his pocket a cigarette and again trying to light a cigarette. - Well, nothing, обломаем!
-Kolya, quit Smoking, " said he namesake.
-And what? - Drunk opinion if it was not found the opponent.
"She requested of you not to smoke, warned...
Well, she went...
He paused, glancing up.
However, rebelled, and others, and then took away his cigarette.
Apparently, the patience of the girls came to an end. With a determined look she descended, and it would seem that now followed by a slap - fair punishment for the offense, but the girl came out of the compartment.
-Uh, come on, faster smoke! - Turns whispered Nikolay Dmitrievich himself waved his arms, explaining. Now she is here was guiding them to lead.
And indeed, after a minute the girl returned with Marina.
-So, men. That survived the girl from my seat?!
-No it did not survive her finger... We did not touch... We conduct themselves peacefully, неча us barrel roll, " said a voice.
"Okay, one of you on the twentieth place is going?
-Well, I will, " said a man sitting near a polygamist".
-Hop over to it is a coupe, and the girl will go in your place, " the conductor, and, упредив man, with breath for perturbations added. - Not that it will be worse. I suddenly on the shelves will put down together not going to... Well, count to three......
So a man and froze in amazement with full Breasts air, not knowing what to say. Nikolai Dmitrievich pushed him in the side, making an idiotic grin overt hint:
- "What, dumpling?
-All right, - a man grows old and waved his hand. - S'pose you do, comes back, and then turned to толкнувшему. And not dumpling I do. My name is Konstantin, if you want to talk.
-Oh, Kostya, very nice, " said дурашливо Nikolai.
That's much better - and lost suddenly serious expression on their face, ingenuously and smiled widely Marina. And remember: I see the smoke, and - just fine prepare to pay. I warn you.
-Animal-Baba - whispered in my ear, Anton. - I think we agree.
-About what? - Not I understood.
Anton drew back and looked at me with astonishment, not knowingly staring eyes:
-Like what?! You what?..
I had thought, and in a sign nodded:
"Why are you decided?
-I feel. I have flair.
-These also flair - I squinted my eyes on Nikolai Dmitrievich.
-Oh, well it! Old goat. He is not a barrier.
Girl-shipmate pick up some things and, промямлив shyly: "goodbye," the departed. Konstantin moved into our compartment. Booze went better. The generosity of fellow travelers began a new starter, a bottle was replaced by another, no time to linger and fifteen minutes. Someone went out, took the vodka in a restaurant, and when it ended, conductors Marina, припасшей on the road, apparently, not one box of green snake: the case was profitable.
Day outside the window flew faster and inconspicuous. The campaign became more and more strong conversations all бессвязней, conversations and disputes were mostly turned into monologues or stalled. Someone climbed up to sleep, without waiting for the next toast and getting tired someone went, pushing the walls of the corridor and rocking the car, in the toilet, someone in General, is in an unknown direction. Campaign people gave way to a campaign of empty bottles under the table, fun перезванивающихся among themselves. In addition to the passenger in the compartment remained only Nikolai Dmitrievich, asleep right at the table, dropped his head between the remnants of food, glasses, empty cans, knives and forks. In a dream to him, see, it seemed that he was still awake, and he tried to say something бубнил to himself and waved свешенной down hand remained sandwiched fork half-eaten piece of bacon.
-Well, that, should it take? - Asked me Anton. He and I drank half a liter of vodka, but was still vigorously as slightly drunken man, lost the clarity of speech, coordination of movements and was flushed slightly. Alcohol probably good for him. - Now I will go ask Marina where he was going. Oh, Marina, Marina, such Popa, such chest, - m,-mm, - he only moaned, portraying hands contours of the female charms. - Do not go away!
In his words felt desperate and the experienced lady-killer, who had a special passion for the female sex in General and to specific representatives in particular. Twenty minutes later he appeared again:
-All-all-all. Everything I learned. Made all the arrangements.
I felt so good as he is. This dose of vodka always putting me on the face of the severe stage of intoxication, t could only focus on hold consciousness in weakening the head and wait, when the alcohol little to be dispelled:
-What have you learned? That agreed?
-Come on, help me! - Anton grunted, picking up on the shoulder of Nikolai Dmitrievich. His view was flourishing, though he did not drink the entire campaign, and only now was from the Bureau of kind services, help solve their difficulties. - Yes you help me, he's heavy!
I have covered yourself the other hand Nikolai Dmitrievich, but at that moment the train braked and the three of us шлепнулись on the shelf: Nikolay привалил Anton, and I covered them both.
Mu-LM-Ki, OS-торож-it - проблеял, not coming Nikolai Dmitrievich, and immediately began to snore.
-Well, what broke? - Evil округлил in response to my smile eyes Anton. - Get up, get up come on. Assistant.
We отволокли Nicholas in his compartment, threw it on the shelf, and stayed alone. All other participants of drinking, it seems, already lay down to sleep, and the car there was a silence, broken only by the reknock wheels, Yes spinning rims on rails.
"So, - appealed to me Anton, when we stood at the window in the corridor. - I made all the arrangements. Give Marina in half a bottle of vodka and in the evening we go to him in the compartment.
He pointedly looked at me during the pause.
-Well, it is already evening, I found nothing to answer with something more intelligible.
-Oh, no! - Anton hesitated, trying to tell me their plans. - When it's dark.
The passengers of the other compartment little by little grew bolder and began to stick out into the corridor, at last, realising that lush campaign quietened down.
-And how about these? Our neighbors?
-What are we neighbors? I at all do not care. This liar, - he nodded to the compartment where we just dragged Nikolai Dmitrievich, - till morning will Wake up lucid. Yes and pulls it more than it can do. In the extreme case, I was simply beaten ladies to not совался.
-Where not совался?
Anton for a moment looking at me exactly trying to understand how I'm drunk and I can still something to perceive, then continued.
-In General, there are two: the Marina and her companion. Well, she certainly worse, but my Marina, because I went to agree. Now lie down, sleep, when need be, I'll Wake. The money you have?
"Yes, " I showed edge packs of banknotes out of his shirt pocket.
-Excellent! All go to sleep.
I even was too lazy to ask him a question that will do it. Think of nothing I wanted. I suddenly felt so overwhelmed, dying of desire to fall down on the side and barely reached his shelves, even undressing and not taking off shoes, fell on his stomach and fell asleep in an awkward pose a deep and all-absorbing sleep, wants which nothing was in that instant.
I woke up from the hustling jerks that entwined into effect sleep, but then отчленились, attracting attention, and I realized that they come from the real world. The compartment was dark, someone leaning over me, closing the light from the slit in a tightly covered with a door.
-Well, you are you falling asleep?! - I recognized the voice of a companion.
-What happened?
As what? Bro, you seem too great наклюкался if nothing remember, - whispered Anton me in my ear. "Come on, come on, let's get going.
We went out into the empty and-lit corridor.
-How long? I inquired, rubbing closing themselves eyes.
It doesn't matter. But, if you want to know, half ten, " replied Anton disgust looking at me from head to toe. - Go though wash, and then come right to him in the compartment. We will wait for you there. So, let's just money.
I counted out to him his share, and went to the toilet until washed his face, painted a different picture of the forthcoming. It seemed that now , as I have. I want only one: sleep, and because what may be gatherings, drinking, and everything else. Alia, to the same, like this, all of a sudden, not like. I felt that now is not prepared to meet with the woman, and hoped that before this still will not come, despite all the preparation, mysterious whisper, and other tricks of the malicious neighbor Anton, which is why I was looking for adventure on the head and another place.. if he wanted something, let it be all done without me.
"In an extreme case, you can always do, - I said, heading покачивающимся, not quite sure step towards coupe number one, where linen and all his marching belongings settled conductors. - Partner, he said, ugly. It is on my hand. In the extreme case, could this be justified before him."
In the coupe waiting for me. The table was laid. In the middle of it stood a bottle of vodka, обложенная fresh tomatoes, варенными eggs, почищенными tubers condensed potatoes, still steaming ferry. Serving complement a plate of boiled meat and fried fish, empty glasses large slices of bread.
Marina " built at the table , his arms clasping his hand. Anton got in beside her, trying to, apparently, притулиться closer and taken for their trouble. On another shelf, against them alone sat full girl with short hair and дурноватым face. I realized that the empty space next to it is intended me.
The views of all three were turned to me and full of anticipation.
"Good evening, " I greeted him and sat down next to ugly, feeling at ease.
"Okay, though I'm drunk," " why do with disappointment in her mind.
-Well, all in Assembly. Let's begin, " the role of master Anton, reaching for a bottle of vodka. "What shall we drink, girls?
-For the love! - Picked up the Marina, glaring at him, and turned to me. "Shut the door, please, not to be disturbed.
Plain next to me was silent, and only drank vodka along with others. Sometimes, when Anton told something prickly, cheerful, her face lit up slowly расплывающейся smile, but it didn't give him any charm or even hint at it too it was ugly.
"We will probably look great with it!" "I thought, suddenly drawing attention to the fact that all the time I am silent as a statue, and only rarely smile. This unintentional opening drove me into the paint, but no one seems to have noticed the change in me.
In the course went cigarettes. All together smoked, reviving the conversation tobacco smoke.
-As you say not to smoke in the coupe! How fine? - I turned to the Marina, trying to make a joke so, because my silence considerably inconvenient to linger.
-Well, - she waved her hand with a cigarette. - The same for all I, for they said. And what will it be if all the passengers start Smoking in the coupe?... And we can...
Chapter 22.
Not immediately, I noticed the green spots covering my back, but, turning back, saw that the Windows of the house Barbara danced slowly and dark greenish-blue flame, cold and callous. Not the first time I watched it dance. He does not Bode well, for me. Or someone else.
Soon flashes became weaker, then faded away altogether. But then a fiery wheel had slithered out on the porch Варвариного home, begin to jump up the steps, выбежало on the road and traveled along the curve of the only street of the village, hiding behind mounds, then climbing on their crest. It was obvious as it is very small, the fiery point went by the road through the waterlogged field to the forest and hid in his thicket.
For a moment I stood and looked out the window, unable to recover, taken aback with surprise, surprise and fear, and, when suddenly someone touched my arm, jumped to the ceiling and whirled around, his hands clenched and he made ready to defend yourself from whatever it was. Heart skipped a beat, stomach and got fully immersed somewhere, suddenly pulling veins up the steep pain.
In the darkness it was impossible to see who was here yet. Breath, and I couldn't even file a voice, not what to ask anything. However, no one attacked, and to dispel doubts, I held out my hand forward.
Fingers on something came across.
-That, refrained from reporting him? - said a voice, and it seemed to me that it says Ivan Noodles.
"A little, I was able to speak. - Why so frightening? I almost died from fear.
-Not died? Nothing, the healthier you will be. If last night is not напужался, now sort of you as children's prank. Al't it?
-But not quite.
I, not knowing why, turned and looked out the window.
-Saw? - asked the shepherd.
-Saw - I nodded my head in assent, but then decided that gestures and facial expressions now not visible and are not mandatory.
"Listen, what are you doing here? Now Pelageya return.
-So what? That's nothing. Here the case is more terrible, Yes even harder!.. Pelageya. We need to go.
On the cemetery.
-At the cemetery? I felt the hair on the crown began to stir and stood up. - What are you, crazy?
"You nuts! shepherd grabbed my Breasts. "Don't call me that anymore. I am a normal person, perhaps the most normal of all who live in this village, and so people think I'm a fool. But he who carries confidentiality may not seem like other normal man.
He let me go, and just in a minute, feeling guilty, I asked themselves agreeing on anything to atone for insult:
-Why should we go to the cemetery?.. Okay, don't be angry
-Hunt vampires.
Again I was not myself. From the last words of emanation from the beyond, beyond the cold.
-You-PI-ditch, " I said thoughtfully, to get out of his daze. "Wait, you had to kill today Peter or whatever is left of it?
-And his wife? His daughter? - it seemed to me that I see is widely open eyes, glittering in the dark restless sparks. - They no longer belong to the world of people. - believe me: I know it. But there, at the cemetery, still full of evil. Many graves which no crosses over which rusts away stars or no monument, a lot of buried homeless people who do not отпевалась funeral and burial. There are peasants, martyred for various reasons secretly and quietly. Among them there are those who, even if life were bitten by a vampire, and themselves become ghouls. Several centuries ago, when then everything began in the village, then the former monastery, half of the residents have become their victims. And this plague raged throughout the County, until the monastery fell into a tar-тарары, could not resist the onslaught of the impure force, because its inhabitants were not all over the righteous. The walls of the monastery collapsed, подгнив inside and being broken from the outside. Now in a swamp that on the site of the former Church, had gathered all the evil spirits that come here then, imported from the Balkans.
-I read something about it...
"You found the book about which I have spoken unto thee?
-Yes, the red velvet cover with a large and character. But there were other books in black leather covers, quite rotten...
"Ah, " slipped out the shepherd and his excitement immediately passed on to me. "I hope you didn't touch these books?
They were scattered from me, falling down from the attic, scattered on the page, and I had to collect them.
-What have you done?! - the words of Ivan Noodles sounded so terrible, as if I really created something terrible. - Why did you touch it?!!
-But I didn't know! - I tried to defend himself, but then realized that my words have no meaning, that I am not talking, and of this I became more frightened. I put together a page. Some strange letters, characters and numbers. I don't know whether...
You didn them and read?!! - the last cry of a shepherd, said more despair of the condemned, than with indignation, just nailed me to the wall. - What have you done. What do you de-Lal.
There was a long silence, which lasted very long.
-Yes what happened, finally?!! I groped in the dark shoulder Ivan and shook him forcefully.
-I have done everything that could be thought of all that was in my power, " said finally, his whisper, and it soon became evident that weakened his voice, - and, maybe nothing would have happened, because I spent so much effort... clear to me Now... Now everything is clear to me...
"But what have I done?!! - I was scared of him muttering.
-You made a hole, a hole in the security field that I weaved from last forces. Now, this hole is growing, and will be even worse...
-How -- what kind of a hole? I never did anything like that...
'I told you: the red thick book. After all, I didn't ask you to touch anything else. It was a trap... He is not asleep.
In the darkness I heard a crunching of cartilage in заламываемых fingers.
-It's all my fault again heard a despairing voice of the shepherd. I forgot to warn you, to you except this book is nothing more touching... It was a trap, and I lost sight of the...
-What is the trap?
-The books in leather bindings... To him you, and not only you, could not even touch. These are books on magic. Mere mortals they do not bring nothing but misery, loss of strength and health. Only yesterday you could just die... it's Strange, why is the energy taken from you, broke through the huge hole in the security field...
But I have nobody consuming energy.
Is not seen or felt. For those short moments that you held in the hands of the book and tried to still read them, of thy fingers, from your eyes, quietly took several years of your future life. Aren't you feel it? You just before you die, if... now if anyone would still be alive.
He fell silent again. And I also dwelt in silence, trying to absorb all that had just heard from him.
-Go to the monastery, " came very quietly, though it seemed amid the surrounding darkness, " there is no alternative. Otherwise all will perish.
He sighed:
"Yes, boy, did you mess. Come on, come on, where are these monsters.
-What monster? - 't think I.
-These books, in black leather bindings.
"Come, " I took him into the canopy. We have no kerosene. Pelageya followed him on the neighbours. Wanted me to go, but then she...
In the darkness broke match, and I shut the front door to the fire was not visible on the street.
-Where? - the shepherd began to climb the stairs, illuminating the space above his head.
Dull flame highlighted the ghostly outlines of the ceiling, stairs, black, yawning failure hatch, the figure of Ivan Noodles. Clumsily up where I'm crouched on the stairs, free hand gripped and seeks the poles ahead and looking up strongly narrowed eyes. His head was unnaturally thrown back, neck and left shoulder, and in his whole figure, мелькающей in the wrong, the dim light of a match, had a bit of tension and anticipation about anything in the next instant.
He climbed higher and higher, peeked into the attic. One match faded, he showed another, then a third.
Books lay there, where were left me last night. The shepherd went up to the attic, closed ляду - piece hatch cover and appeared only after some time, keeping all the books under his arm and quickly going down. When he was next to me, stretched forward thick book in a red velvet cover, pointing a finger at the hieroglyph:
"Do you see?
Golden color image was seriously cracked, faltered, and in some places altogether disappeared.
-What is it? - I did not understand what he wants me to say.
-Gold облезло, - said the shepherd. - It all away from them.
He nodded to the black, just chapped centuries, gloomy, as I felt, even in appearance, books.
-Let us now is not to waste time! Faster, faster!
-Where, where will we go?! - I could hardly keep up with Ivan Noodles, who walked down the dark street, heading to the house Barbara surprisingly quickly, widely, and decisively.
The next minute I was next to Ivan on the porch of her house.
-So, - Ivan, apparently, was not going to go into details. - I was on the way there, - he nodded at the front door of the hut barbarians, " you got to be here, there hasn't come in. If suddenly appear barbarian... But she already doesn't do anything...
He touched my arm and down, pulling from the porch on the ground, hesitated for a while, then said:
-In General, let's get out of here. I'll do it my mistake. You are to me, all the same, not assistant. For in vain just can do you harm. Go, let's отсюдова as quick as possible, now. And remember, if by morning I get back, then, is in trouble. Then the next night, ready, steady, go to Alena, she be home, it's all there, she knows everything. Work - does not get you anything - the next morning to go away. Go away, run away, уползай. - do whatever you want, but you have to leave the next morning. It is not your destiny, I know it. You came here quite by chance, and all that happens, happened and still is happening is not lawful for you to damage your journey through life.
He paused, looking back at the house Barbara. In this moment from behind the clouds in the sky looked round-faced young, bright Moon. Ivan Noodles looked at her and said, like myself something explaining or suggesting:
-Full moon.
The moon hid behind a cloud. The shepherd he stayed yet, then punched me on the shoulder, apparently, thus saying goodbye, and insisted that I went, and recaptured the book under both hands, went to the door, pushed it open.
-What about the vampires? I stopped him by the unexpected escape question.
-Today can sleep peacefully. They are here not for money. Because I'm going THERE. And tomorrow do-it-all, as I said, if I do not return.
The door was shut, lingeringly squeaking, and I remained alone.
Village like it died. No single spark, any lamp, not a candle, as if all time residents left their homes and moved away, and I remained alone among their abandoned houses. Pelageya somewhere запропастилась, never returned from a campaign for kerosene.
Home to Пантелеевне't want to go. There was too dark and scary as it is here, on the street and may be even stronger, so I decided to remain here with the expectation immediately retreat barely feel that returns Varvara.
Painfully pulled minutes. I continually imagined that in the East it was dawn the next day, but every time I was wrong. Instead of ten was only a minute, and sometimes excitement for the barbarian's "прикатиться back and finds the home of her former husband and worst enemy, and me, whom she had hunted like visiting a kitten, at the threshold of the door, excitement, which hardly it amplified, immediately collapsed and frantically began to pound my heart was becoming unbearable.
I sat down on the top step of the porch, leaning on the railing and almost fell asleep, сморенный fatigue. Waking up once again, I realized that reveal himself too easy prey, and so they must either leave or try to enter the house to Varvara: curiosity глодало inside me, like a worm.
Finally, I decided, stood up boldly strode over to the door and, opening it, run in the gap. Once immediately in беспросветном darkness. When he walked forward, I was surprised and some excitement discovered that go down the stairs leading down. The smell of damp and mould. My hands, feeling their way, stumbled now and then on the earthy, damp walls of the corridor, where I suddenly found myself. Already quite deep somewhere, I regretted that I had started this adventure, but for a long time there were only midnight, crude darkness, Yes narrow earthen walls.
The journey is delayed, when suddenly the darkness ahead became lighter, then посветлел another, and to my surprise I found myself in a completely unfamiliar terrain. Besides, around was another day, and the sun was beginning to fall to the West.
Around me is spread huge garden, and, may be, Park. For its big, old trees, вытянувшимися high into the sky and spread branched crowns wide apart, could see the shape high, up to ten metres, a powerful fortress of the fence.
On the other from my hand, also at a distance, in a green haze surrounding gardens were visible walls of the huge monastery, totally lacking any маковок domes on its tower and chapels.
All around it was quiet and not see a single soul.
Presented before me the picture seemed to dream about the green summer, and long before the pain Ter eyes as much to the surprise understood, understood that not sleeping, and that everything around is not a Mirage and not a hallucination, capable to fall apart at any moment to indiscriminate fragments, but the reality is the same reality, as is the dark night, from which only that I got here.
Pinching myself to frighten up blood for a thigh I went on a thick, polegshey from moisture, grass buildings of the monastery, возвышавшимся ahead, focusing on the trampled down the grass, testifying that recently someone was here.
Trail to a small, unmarked door in a solid wall, one of the side buildings, connected with the main walkway. I opened the door, went inside and up the spiral staircase ascended, went transition and found himself in a dark huge hall, with blinds drawn over the heavy, black-out curtains Windows, seemed to me somehow familiar.
In the midst of the hall, in the far side of it came down like the rise, and, closer I saw that this throne, ordinary throne, where important pose sits someone, but nice Ivan Noodles and gives him a book which he brought with him.
Fearing that the notice me, I hid behind the door, but it is not felt safe. Nobody was around, but the feeling that someone walks, moves past the dark corridors of the castle, 't leave me. Desire somewhere to hide grew stronger and stronger, and I decided to leave the building and return. Looking finally at the crack between the doors to the great hall, I froze in surprise. He who sat on the throne, stood up to full height, and whether he himself or his shadow became huge, to the ceiling. Ivan noodles stood before him now tiny propped up his head and kept in the hands of books. But here he swung and threw all of them, except what was in the red cover, to the foot of the throne.
Falling to the floor, thick, black leather-bound book sparked green glow. The radiance of it began to grow. Ivan Noodles retreated a step, then another step, and before him all at once, barely glow asleep, rose black army. Shiny swords and spears and its a terrible sounds.
Ivan took a step back and threw the red book.
As she fell, as there is illuminated with blue light, and as soon as it disappeared behind the Ivan appeared white army, the armed Golden swords and shields. Ivan stood up in front with a big silver shield.
Towering over the throne flared up, to the ceiling, have gathered there in a black cloud and rushed from there on Ivan, but that in time hid behind a shield and only fell on the stone floor of the hall.
Black hordes was much larger than the white armies behind Ivan, and I was thinking that they will not be easy.
Meanwhile, a black cloud rushed into the second attack and turn to him with their Ivan slipped farther into the ranks of the white soldiers and прошибла them thoroughly, leaving a huge gap.
Black mass went on the offensive, наползла on trying to get to his feet Ivan Noodles. Rows of white flinched, but didn't. A hole in their ranks became protracted. Ivan, dragging the shield, отползал, until he raised white soldiers. Wall, black and white, join with each other, лязгнув iron, and a black cloud, again gathered under the ceiling of the hall, rushed to the white armies of the top. Separate red flash turned into a glow that in the next second, to fill the entire room and reached the door, which I, half in fear, watched the scene, even with bated breath.
I only managed to shrink, as in the slot gave heat, the door was opened, слетев with loops, and размозжились, брызнув chips, and searing flame burst out into the hallway, almost licking me his bloodthirsty languages. I was flung aside with a wave of hot air.
Not remembering itself, I rushed away, and fire followed me closely, till it managed to hide behind a door.
Underfoot something звякало, and, looking down, I saw that ankle-standing in the Golden coins, a thick layer of scattered throughout the space of the room, where, through covered with mold and dirt glass high and narrow Windows scarcely penetrated the light. Here and there, to the left and on the right rose the huge heap of gold jewelry and coins, vases, plates, cups, and all the other utensils made of precious metal and inlaid with rubies, sapphires, pearls, emeralds, turquoises and other precious stones, bright shiny and sparkling even in this twilight. At the far end of a blank wall in the dark was visible countless some stones, the thickness of which was poured by all colors and shades, from steel gray to bright yellow, and purple and bright red. Possibly they were diamonds. Their was lots of fused into one одуряюще-dazzling mass, which charmed look insane beauty of his flamboyant, cold burning.
Like a fairytale I moved forward to this fascination rising, into the room. My hands themselves coming to the flamboyant priceless mass wonderful stone, and the next moment my fingers felt the touch of the jewels, dug in her nice вонзившись flown in dazzling reflections depth and curled they had faceted beads, spheres, cones and pyramids and pulled them out of there.
The palm of my widened, and sparkling diamonds appeared before my eyes, quite close, fell from the edges of the palms down, falling like the purest tears.
Never in my life had I seen such a quantity of jewels, and now from all this wealth dizzy. Consciousness опьянело, and I играючись, fell flat on his back, pleasant feeling how my body is immersed in скрежечуще-rustling, the creaking, перекатывающуюся and enveloping my body diamond muck. I literally drowned in it and almost choked on time feeling like precious stones climb and stuffed into the nostrils and mouth.
Spitting, with difficulty I managed to get out, and then some, admiring their beauty, I filled them up to the top of his pockets, which had only been in my clothes, and went into the other room, opening the side door.
There was the same: gold and precious items were scattered throughout the room, piles and whole mountains rising above the thick layer of gold coins, covering the floor. Legs left in the yellow, off in a lot of places on the knee, and I hardly moved from room to room, scored untold wealth.
Obviously this was the monastic good about that while talking mentioned Ivan Noodles, and because of whom died this monastery, having been their treasures all evil.
I felt that my feet hot, and I thought it was from fatigue, but has become directly burn, and then, touching the gold coins, which sank knee-deep legs, I fingers felt like they are hot.
Gold continued to heat up, and stand in it was done unbearable. Get back, making dozens of steps, - did was think. Only one thing remained-and after two steps to the window, soaking in the hot coins and feeling like burns, I had nothing wondering, without hesitation, and without hesitation leaned on the plates of coloured mica, which was glassed frame stained-glass window, and, after breaking them, flew head over heels to the ground as the plague staring eyes and разражаясь curses.
High grass under the walls of the castle gently took my body, juicy захрустев thick, fleshy stems, and, having rolled down the embankment, I was in a deep ditch.
From the broken window, where I just fell, with the roar of flame burst. The whole monastery was already wrapped in fire, вырывавшимся out from under the roofs, Windows and doors of the building.
I jumped to my feet and ran away from the castle, standing on the border of wooded Park, in the midst somewhere among the trees that hid a manhole to an underground passage on which you could go back in Василиху.
Smoke, rolling up from over the monastery began to curl and soon became tight and elastic tornado greedily вбирающим in itself гудящее flame and debris collapsing before the eyes of the castle. He spun faster and faster, higher and higher, going into the sky, and I could feel myself pulling him hurricane air flows гнущие and pluck of the earth with the root beside me standing trees.
Barely feet and clinging to the grass, leaning forward, I, barely moving, barely moved away, fearing that I would not leave.
Chapter 23.
Because the truth, the Light. - asked Marina to her friend.
-That's true? - She shook her head, listening to the question.
-Smoke - we can be, and passengers are not. True?
"Yeah, " agreed Light, stretching chanting the word.
This involuntarily disgusted me to this clumsy person. I finally realized that with her I can't do anything, and was thankful that it is so far everything in and out. I suddenly remembered that I have not connected with women, which was not loved. After Veronica I have not had anyone (the case of the woman in the train, - though I wished it was a dream, and tried his best to forget him, to smooth memories of him, interfered with that purity, that I have found my spirit since June we parted with it). Maybe I first touched such a concept, as a Platonic love, but now seems to be the fate pushed me to part with this piercing dreary and sweet-painful sense of anticipation without end. Sometimes circumstances are stronger than our will and desires.
Time passed slowly, and I lost him a bill. We drank a bottle and now only smoked. I was in that condition when faintness, appearing at excessive use of alcohol and cigarettes, passes and there comes a kind of trance, this amazing state when the head again brightened, and the brain works with clarity, close to лихорадочности, but the body, all of its members, leather lose sensitivity and relationship to the brain is almost full, and exist separately. Tobacco light seemed одубевшими and elastic, like the skin of a drum, but I knew that tomorrow they will be ill, and I start coughing. But what shall I do tomorrow? Until tomorrow, have to survive.
Anton sat opposite me, посверкивая excited eyes, gleaming in the dim light sconce above the shelves. In a dark window as ghosts reflected our shape and order the empty table. I was no longer wanted, even sleep was like I had slept for a hundred years and that was dangerous state of indifference, because that in it man is able to accept any, most rashal decision, starting with the fact that impose on the arm, and ending with the fact that kill, to Rob, or even offend and humiliate someone else, just to feel again, feel that he is afraid of something and something wishes. Anemia feelings is a dangerous disease.
In conversations, I participated in so far as it was necessary at least to campaign not broken at all. Light constantly said nothing, but just a little nod and unclear smiled ugly mouth. It was not haughty smile of the person owning the situation, witness its development and предугадывающего each step ahead, but it was not an expression of embarrassment. It meant nothing, that smile, and if his lips a man all the same participate in the expression of his thoughts, these, припухлые and shapeless. Impressed with your stupid безмыслием.
Meanwhile, my friend not waste his time. And if the Light still does not concern my close position on the opposite shelf lively happened convergence. Anton whispered something in the ear of a Marina, clasping her hand around the waist and attracting to themselves closer and closer, and I knew there everything is predetermined. It seemed strange to me that this girl, the day the former the severity, and now constitute the opposite still appearance. It was already absolutely other woman, not very strict and inaccessible означавшая of their appearance presence of law and order in the small world of the car, and funny, cheeky and ready to do anything - at least so it seemed. Such a change could surprise and more seasoned and old bachelor and повесу than I.
Marina was lively, something talked incessantly, sometimes stopped suddenly, staring at Anton close and almost loving gaze.
"Did she lie to bed with him?" "I thought, although the response was familiar to me. Now I'd be stunned if this did not happen: the plot was developing a long-known, thumb groove, and I was just wondering: when and how this happens.
All happened without any transition. Marina stood behind her rose Anton, буркнув something like: "we Must go and smoke!", leaned over to my ear and whispered: "Come on, man, I went with the one and you're the girl borrow".
We were alone with Sveta. Subject to the circumstances, just a marionette, driven by somebody else, I locked the coupe and I sat in front Lights, situated on the side, cross-legged, on another shelf. Now, she appeared before my eyes in all its forms too full body, incorrect distributes a figure which could not hide even the folds of the clothing. Thinking to herself what to do with it, with the "sex bomb", or waiting for me to do something, or not indifferent to the entire male kin because of their immaturity, written in глуповатом face, I started from afar, and suddenly it became clear that it is not so not talkative, and at the age of my mistake was seven years: she was only eighteen against those twenty-five minimum of years that would suggest.
Light was a student of the Institute. Studying her discourse little and therefore went wrong - I began to wonder what she is interested in, in this case. An attendant, she worked in summer, in practice, but now he liked her a ride, and remained still, and now thinks hold out until the winter and already knows to go back now, in General, in school, or throw the hell out of there.
The conversation went on about how boring to sit at home, that there every day the same, and here new faces, people are constantly changing, and it is interesting. In her words, the boredom, I felt a hint, thin and transparent, which is usually used by women for rapprochement, but she caught her gaze, then realized that it is straightforward and sincere in his statements, and the trick is unknown her heavy, awkward, clumsy nature.
With relief I perked up in his interview with Sveta, realizing that this only our communication with it and stop. The thought as I touch its members its bold, loose, pale, formless naked body, at times faintness подкатывалась from somewhere in the depths to the surface, and I drove away delusional vision, мучавшие me slow torture. Besides thinking about what I would say to Anton, when he come in and seen there was nothing, not given now rest. After all, whatever you say and how not to make excuses, it was a real man's shame. And if it was his first danger somehow pushed me to take action, now, on the contrary, she seemed to enchain me ice hoops, студила blood, and immobility is now the highest good. Perhaps, it was the influence of my "partners"?
In the coupe someone tried to enter two times jerked the handle of the castle. I opened. On the threshold stood Anton with a cigarette in his mouth, and, as it seemed, an angry expression. he tried to light a cigarette, been working on matches, and they broke one after the other, not having time to catch fire. I flashed a weak hope, that they couldn't manage it, and I walked down the hallway to spill over with him two, and the other phrases.
-Well, what?
Anton grimaced with disgust, and his nose bent arc. Was involuntarily feeling that his forced to eat jellyfish:
Baabe nineteen years, and belly hanging bag! Phew!!!
His disgust and frowned, then they looked at me, looking from top to bottom with a sense of superiority. - And you, I see nothing happened?
His tone was mocking, but I am still confused. I was ashamed to justify himself:
-Yes, you know, I kind tear wants, and not what...
Marina is also not a fountain, " agreed Anton, " but still better than the cow. I felt for you in advance, but in vain.
-Oh Yes, - inside all was relieved from his приятельского participation and understanding. In a second I was filled with gratitude to this almost unknown, but such кампанейскому, simple and понятливому guy, my mate. Now I was ready to go with him to the edge of the world and even to obey him, - so was fulfilled my heart of gratitude. "It's like, all right?
-In the order. Now I'm behind you could trade places with Marina.
"You what?!" - Only and could be appalled at myself, not venturing to scream it out. . that suggested Anton, not fit in my head. Yes and special lust and thirst women I have not experienced. On the contrary, in this moment of deep calm and blind indifference to the opposite sex filled my whole being, and out of those dozens of thoughts, and simultaneously were born and existed in my mind about that, bed, shared with a woman, it was impossible to find a single one.
"No, Anton. Why?
But it seemed to be already awakened a desire to redeem their advantage in the success, and the sense of moral discomfort had plagued him, and caused him to action:
-Why are you lost? What is there in this?
-Well, what was wrong: first you and then I?
-What is this? Think Eka wonder. I agree with that, " he nodded to the compartment where alone remained of the Light, and I have nothing would have happened, but nothing, now with Marina tryin...
-What are you?! - I had a feeling that I, as a bull, operate on случку with girl without even asking, whether that my soul for the simple reason that the animal soul is. But I have a soul was, and what mating now not want to.
-And what? Everything will be fine. Now, wait, he went to the head of the car and disappeared in полукупе, where, apparently, was still Marina.
I was still standing at the window in an empty hallway fallen asleep, Pacific wagon, peaceful sleep which was broken only by our torments, was now not knowing what to do to me and how I behave. There was no clues to smoothly, not bending the stick out of the game, and I continued to like on the very edge of the precipice, describing a steep arc, and at any moment I could not stay on the cutting edge of this dizzying turn, but the most unpleasant was that I didn't choose this., and looked out across that it will end with failure.
Anton appeared and approached me:
-Go. There towel, I named her all there wiped. You see, don't you wipe their face or something. Over a shelf else - you will see.
Uncertain step, each time he wants to go back and give up, I moved to полукупе and faced the door with Marina. She was dressed as before, and like going out. Sliding down past her in полукупе, I took her wrist and pulled, sitting on the shelf, and in silence, watching the expression on her face. Marina smiled пухловатыми lips childlike smile, and looked at me as well is in love with as little earlier on Anton. Her eyes shone clear and transparent, and the light from a lamp over a shelf penetrated into the very depth through the bright, blue irises.
Marina stood before me, and my face was at the level of her belly, hidden under the uniform skirt. Involuntarily memory returned the words of Anton spoken with loathing and disgust, and I got to thinking.
The pause lasted. Marina continued to stand silently in front of me, and I sat in a frankly locked and frozen, not knowing how to revive and get out of this trance indifference, beset me. I didn't know how should start getting closer. To say that I miss it, was naturally stupid, that I wanted it and fainted from the desires and passions, and now, finally, insanely happy and drunk with the сбывшимся sleep dreams - the nasty, dishonest and disgusting. I would and language are not turned to say something like that. Moreover, such a sugary, ornate lie could push her away - she seems to realize that not beautiful, despite all its advantages before her friend Sveta. Start simply strip her would be shamelessly, rudely and, in my thoughts, I even laughed, presenting such a turn of action and possible responses to it. A pretext was not, and pause threatened's blown up the size of a small balloon and also slightly explode...
-Listen, I have so shoulder aches, shoulder - I heard the cobwebs reflection voice Marina.
-Come on, I'll помассирую, " I replied to her immediately and even caught: the plot of whether it's proximity or indeed true.
Marina sat next to me on the shelf.
On the right side.
Feeling strongly protruding shoulder, I began to RUB through a uniform railway shirt, but soon said:
-So uncomfortable. C'mon, get down, take off your shirt.
Marina obeyed and, seeing this, I became more confident, silently pulled her skirt, undid her bra, revealing his back completely. There are still some nylon panties.
Making the massage, I could not wonder at once to several things. The first of these was that in me there have been no put a man's body at the sight of a naked woman changes. This was all the more strange that before such a reaction, never arose. On the contrary, easy, anxiety accompanied me to the last time and after that, when I realized myself a man. Excessive dose of vodka in combination with tobacco, apparently, had their effect. Second, what I did not fail wonder - slim, pretty, the figure was the complete opposite обличию partners, be called even beautiful.
No one string desire not waver in me, and sitting on top of the Маринином pelvis, I desperately tried to excite yourself and make it see in it an object of passion, but it didn't work.
-Well, hosted a shovel? - I hoped to get a negative answer.
-Was held.
Action should be continued, and before me there was a choice. Everything could be stopped immediately, and my conscience would not be burdened with another dirty business. But that meant abandon the woman, when she undressed and is not making even the slightest effort to resist, but on the contrary, perhaps, just waiting with inherent obedience, when she will be engaged? A man can be experienced canines this moment, because he knows that this is a crash and crash not only in the eyes of this woman, but in its own self-esteem, which is similar to cause a significant, though not immediately, and not long заживающую wound. And not to injure his I should just bring the case to such a state, when a woman naked and, although not say it, but, nevertheless, all agree. The way to the retreat becomes a thousand times longer, more shameful and painful, than to continue to move forward, at the meeting place of debauchery...
And I couldn't turn. I lay down next to the Marina. She readily turned to me, and I have seen her misty eyes half-opened, whether from the unresolved shame, or already овладевшей her wistful passion. Clothing like itself scrambled with the body, and the next minute we were both completely naked. But a strange coldness and sensual атрофированность not passed, and, although my lips were connected with her lips, I knew that I am doing it mechanically, forcing himself and fearing tensions action not overpowered my love of art. But, it seems, all went well, except that a single drop of passion not managed to squeeze out of the heart.
Their skin was cold as ice, and it could not contribute to распалению my desire.
Marina touched me with her firm Breasts, rubbed kicking my legs, but I remained insensible, and now feared seem impotent, or some kind of pervert who are indifferent woman.
Her hand dropped from the back of the thigh and slipped to my genitals.
-You know, to me that something had happened. I like this had ever happened - I tried to defend himself, feeling the fingers of her concern lifeless member and touched by the scrotum.
"I understand, shook her head, smiled, Marina, and she seemed to me simply bullied. However, I'm not innocent, and, moreover, did not resent because the situation was not in my favor.
-Give a little bit полежим, perhaps it will pass, and he will rise up, - I said, Recalling with concern and unfounded suspicions, I'm not a consequence of whether it's the booze in the club with the officer and two rural women, being deeply poisoned dubious origin moonshine.
-Let's полежим, " said Marina, her head down on the pillow, and still looking at me with a look already not in love and languid, but still unbearably close, taker through.
Suddenly the door полукупе opened and she looked Anton, standing in the doorway.
-Well, what's with you? He wanted to know.
I was startled from its simplicity, but still kept the presence of the spirit:
"Rest, " and thought to himself, "a Strange man, isn't he pushed me into bed, but now looks as if there circus".
Anton all remained standing in the doorway with an open half-door. On the face of it came a crooked grin:
'Perhaps you help?
-No, " laughed the Marina, and I was filled with gratitude to her for these words.
-Well, okay, lying farther, he came out.
-Hey, close the door!" - shouted after him Marina.
When we were alone again, I turned off the lights, not to see its sparkling, who became his glaring eyes, and hugged, kissed again, determined to show her his love skill and lack of any complexes. Besides, I would like to Express her gratitude for leniency to my weakness.
My hugs and affection caused her to break out of passion, then my hand slid down her chest and belly down, dived pike between the legs. My fingers felt the wet sliding folds and the surface of her genitals, neck entered deep into between them, completely replacing him on what is not capable is now a member for a few minutes and Marina moaned from voluptuous sensations, fell into oblivion orgasm.
Then we long lay silently until suddenly I again wanted to justify himself before her.
"No, " said Marina, - me so well... Oh, now it may be.
She jumped and climbed over me and began to dress hurriedly. I include sconce above the shelf, enjoyed the view of her figure and the extraordinary sense that arose after I had that connection. Purity, temperance, and complicity in the act, the crown of which was pure bliss without dirt and guilt, awareness of their dignity and duty - all merged into a single fragrant bouquet...
The train slowed down. Marina broke the door полукупе, having clothes: smoothed the folds of his shirt and одернув skirt. I dressed, followed her, when the train stopped, gritting last brakes.
Anton stood at the window and, seeing me, offered:
"Come, come, have a smoke on the platform.
It turned out that this is a Perm. We went out on the desert night platform.
"We're already behind the Urals? I inquired.
'I think, ' Anton nodded. - Sorry: 've missed the Ural mountains - say such a beauty.
-And when we drove them?
-And now, when drank sat.
We went to the Marina, coming from the train station. In her hands was the three-liter Bank with cucumber and a loaf of bread:
Boys!! Cucumbers! - Shocked she can.
Anton let the silly joke about cucumbers, and then, barely verse laughter of a young woman, immediately explained to the appropriate anecdote: "there is a queue for cucumbers. One woman asks: "I thicker and shorter!", another: "I'm thinner and longer". Comes the turn to the man. He says, ' and I let any, I still have the will"...
Marina and laughed again. Her eyes, сощурившиеся in a coy smile, slashed me inside and out, and it was difficult to say what they have more or arrogance or gratitude.
In short, uncles, you bottle to my cucumbers! She concluded.
From the car seemed sleepy Light with rumpled and swollen face. Tried to open my eyes, she is shaking her head, hanging on the handrails on both sides of the doors and дурашливо leaned out.
To a feeling of disgust for her now примешалось more indifference, and I didn't react to her clumsy focus. Anton contemptuously grimaced, looking in her direction, and turned away. Light, falling somewhere by our campaign, looked first right, then left along the train, though her безразличному face could not be seen anything from the outside would they be interested.
Apron was still deserted. Was thick in the air already evident coolness coming in the midst of autumn, and our breath smelled ferry, Recalling the yard at a time of the year.
We all were impassioned and not noticed the freshness of the night. Anton with pleasure pulled a cigarette, covering her from the pleasure of the eyes, and the filled formed in dealing vacuum. I stood, unable to smoke more, and looked from him to the Marina, вертевшуюся with a jar of cucumbers from side to side, and then on the Light, still hanging on the running of the car.
The silence of the night распорол voice Manager, who announced departure. Somewhere in the darkness ahead of the locomotive gave a warning whistle, and we rushed to the car.
-Now I go to Marina, - whispered in my ear Anton and caught her by the elbow, carried away in the twilight полукупе, handing me a jar.
We were alone again with Her, but now I felt more relaxed, relieved from having to wrestle with, how to be chosen, and whether we should do it at all. I put the jar on the table, and prying with a knife, opened the lid. In the coupe smell marinade.
-Where cucumbers? - Lazily asked the half-asleep, half-drunk Light.
Marina bought somewhere, " I said to her, suddenly thinking to himself that it now would take it by force, lifting her skirt and took off his boxers. It is unlikely that she would be against it, because they felt a trained her immaturity. However, I was not going to do this for fear, moreover, that only after that incident not be able to get rid of impotence, but also from the fear of disgrace again.
A starter is, and where the bottle? - Continued sluggish light.
"You well there is.
"Not me, and Marina. It is vodka. Give me the money, I will get.
I pulled out a wad of cash, counted out for a bottle and handed it to her. On the table appeared поллитровка extracted from under the bottom shelf, where stood a box.
-Are not you afraid that you прижучат? "I go there.
A-a - a negative nodded Light. Her voice was опротивевшее I indifference. - Not прижучат. For everything is already paid for. Never - themselves have made.
She откупорила bottle, poured himself and me in glasses and immediately knocked her, wrinkled and выловив cucumber, with a crunch took a bite of it in half. I followed her example and go to the toilet. Here in front of the mirror, приспустив pants, I desperately tried to bring his dick. However, before it failed, and he was barely longer and a little упруже, splattered on the walls, scattering heavy thick ляпухами, sperm, but I did not experience any bliss. The signals have not head poisoned by an excessive dose of alcohol and cigarettes nervous system.
Fastidiously rinsing in рукомойнике dirty hands, I pulled his pants back on, thinking: "Sexual intercourse of two parts...Ha, ha, ha".
Anton was already in the coupe and drank together with Sveta vodka.
-What is all that? I inquired, sowing next, speaking so quietly that the words did not reach the ears of Sveta.
-And what is there. Prodded, but came and stuck out, - cracked his lips Anton in contempt disgust clear to which, whether to my curiosity, or for the described action.
-You that, not even undressed?
-But why? His eyebrows highly of us jumped on the forehead in surprise.
-And where is Marina?
-In the restaurant car went. For the cigarettes... Sleep hunting. Went to sleep.
-Yes I'll be here, - I wanted to wait for the Marina and prove it to yourself and to Anton that I am a normal man, and besides... He knew that were trapped on me, because I thought it best himself to share with him this trouble than he learns this from the same Marina...
Time passed slowly. Anton left. We almost had drunk vodka, and I tuned in to the upcoming meeting, drawing before the eyes of the erotic images and exciting scene. It was nearly four o'clock in the morning, when Marina came into our compartment.
Chapter 24.
A strong flow of air knocked me down, and I, holding some kind of snag, sticking out of the ground, felt that develop as a flag in the wind, drawn in the epicenter of growing in width and up tornado, acute whose head disappeared on a crazy height, clouds of dust raised from the earth. Long time me so hold on, it was impossible. It was a feeling that I hung it on the lintel, and hitched to the feet of an elephant, and the fingers were just about to unclenched from the unbearable pain. Feeling that can't resist, I unclenched his fingers, and I got on a roll right into the wildly rotating the abyss.
I braced myself for the most terrible, but the next moment he let himself down on the ground, and, lifting up his eyes he saw that tornado black shadows sprang up from the earth, up into the sky. There was a lull, dust quickly осекла, opening a terrible picture. From the former monastery of the Park there is not a single tree: some were broken, plucked up by the roots and broken down, scattered, others and even killed, pulling into the funnel of a tornado. On the spot where stood the monastery, was now a large, flat field cleared of all buildings and plants. On one side of this wasteland, on the sloping Bank of a small river was very familiar to the village, on the other stood the ancient forest.
The outlines of this area were very familiar, and not enough... a huge swamp. In its place was now a wasteland, and I stood in the middle of it.
Glancing up, I saw that the tornado is returned, approaching the earth swift black haze, increasing in size. I guessed what was going to happen. We had to flee.
However, the few steps that I could do not have saved the situation. The ground shake me caught up, like a ball. Шлепнувшись 7on her, I felt that the earth goes away under my feet and, turning round, saw a huge hole, which was made all the more extensive and deeper. In place of the wasteland opened a yawning abyss, and the edge of the earth continued to fall in her, from which she became more and more.
Now I lay on the edge of the cliff, and my feet were hanging over a precipice, and the earth under the belly cracked and began to settle, dragging me with them.
Not remembering itself, I jumped and ran, ran onto the road going along the embankment to the village, and took it away that it was urine. The land was settled, I barely had time to remove her leg, and landslide raced for me the race, but when he reached the road, he stopped. From the abyss of the heaven strove fire, and in the twilight shadow of mine from the flames, red-yellow, then green, then blue, ran ahead of me, towards the setting, садящемуся for the forest the sun. The heat hit me in the back and hair on his head shook from hell hell.
Just on the edge of the village, suddenly having flown over the small bridge through the river, I looked around.
Great pit in the depth of which рдели giant coals, appeared on the place where recently there was a solid, reliable construction thick-walled castle monastery, surrounded by a Park of secular trees and a high stone fence. From the bottom of the abyss, with incredible depth, from the shimmering пунцом red-hot stones and gold climbed up putrid smoke going high in the sky a dark cloud, lazily уплывающей South. River, now emptied of its riverbed, soaring from heat, вскипающим waterfall fell off the cliff into the abyss, and went up immediately scattering in the wind pairs. The view was stunning.
Обалдевший from all seen, I entered the village. It only remotely resembled the one Василиху, which has remained in another world. Like everything was and that, but there was something lacking, the house there were any other, and, having paid attention, you would see that and no wires in sight, and the pillars on which they are suspended, and TV antennas, rarely over any home, but still торчавших in the village. It was some other Василиха, although layout and узнавалось that this it the most. However, to understand what the problem was, I couldn't.
Settlement stood exactly defunct, having lost all signs of life. Neither in the street nor in the homes was not a single soul and void this acted terribly and depressingly. Deceptive silence, wool laid ears, putting pressure on the eardrum tense expectation of his sudden end, which предчувствовался and as if was in the air. Not loneliness, and horror I felt at that moment, moment by moment sensing the presence of lurks danger, and only waiting when my feet will lead me away in the prepared trap. And, but something had to happen, suspense томила me, stretching seconds in thousands of moments, in their hundreds of MiGs, and those, in turn, in the tiny grains of hellish torture expectations.
"Day of hell lasts a thousand earth years", I thought to myself, stepping forward so that every sound of my steps echoed in the bottomless silence, it would seem. For thousands of kilometers around and you can hear the dumb creatures that repressive watched my movements out of their hideouts, painful swelling in my ears and in my head, services soul, frightened by what was happening, stopped the blood in my veins. It was necessary to somehow escape to time flowed faster and numbness slept, and it would be necessary to do the calculations, and link them to once слышанной theory of construction of the worlds and times according to the teachings of Buddhism: "the Day hell lasts thousands of years. Hence, the second hell lasts... second hell lasts... lasts..."
With the calculations, nothing worked. Thoughts were confused and lost in a panic, ungainly, shapeless heap, barely me attempt to get them. It was now harder than to reach over the earth.
I took a step, then another, rumble отозвавшиеся in the head. Feeling the animal, just the animal, the flesh, strung on the bones, tasty, juicy, loping flesh, by which the cry of a hungry лязге teeth, flesh, received a bit of the spirit and brain to move, personifying nature, and be ever eaten for impersonation of the law, is the feeling of suddenly filled my whole being. And after him, animal fear was seized me, carnivorous devouring the remains of the presence of the spirit. I felt that I was losing control over his movements, his body, thoughts and the ability to think logically and in General produce this very substance called thought that distinguishes a human from a beast that is called intellect, and realized that this is the end.
I was just animals, brainless, being issued in an enclosure for hunting and not seeing his dull consciousness source of danger. I ceased to be a man, одурев from beast, dreadful fear of their flesh, because the animal only and there is this fear and ceased with the death of his flesh, knowing the concept of "soul". Horror surrounded me on every side, and I realized how bad to be an animal, and every second tremble for his own skin.
Barely stupor fully chained my movements and the ability of the consciousness to generate thoughts, as those expecting it not been long in coming. They seemed to feel the apogee of this immense fear, опутавшего me its viscous web, and have now decided to act. I was standing in the middle of the street as if rooted to the spot, just a rabbit in front of a boa, and they seen it.
Twilight deepened, from every corner, from behind every Bush, where little bit was more shade separated dark silhouettes and crept toward me, narrowing down the ring. Mesmerized by this silent massacre, I couldn't lift a finger, as if turned into stone sculpture. But in my veins still flowed, though, and has become a viscous from icy horror, blood, in my womb was frightened soul, frantically seeking to soar breaching the petrified flesh. She failed it, but attempts to escape gave me increasingly growing pain, грозившуюся soon Eclipse the animal horror ferocious teeth of predators.
Creature approached. Seemed an eternity, and they have not yet crawled up to me. But the sun was going down slow, although his Golden edge was out of sight behind the trees, the light did the sky is still blue, and with those last rays of the sunset kept hope alive that do avoid the dreadful end succeed.
I couldn't see what was approaching me, my eyes were like dimmed haze, which were hidden dark beings, but all their gut in their silent occurrence felt hostility and ruthlessness, which was the power of darkness. Sometimes it seemed to me that this is a huge hairy spiders, then suddenly seen оскалившиеся jackals and hyenas, which in turn turned into black Bogomolov and locusts.
Soul vacillated in the body faster and faster, pushing like a rabbit when jumping from tearing lived with their heart, reverberates in heels. The pain from her torments caught up with fear, and in the next moment, when the nebulous black ring almost closed around me, touching my body with his проголодавшимися jaws exceeded, beats, become taller and stronger than he is, what consciousness очнулось and work with удесятеренной, frantic haste back to a sober logic and addressing the task of the salvation of the soul and body of the current situation with the speed of electronic computing machines.
-This is a dream! "it dawned upon me in the same instant it was not late to be saved. - This is a dream! We need to Wake up!
That lightning speed compared to the speed with which flashed in my head aching guess. As I thought about this, and immediately the contours of the surrounding lost clarity and linear forms, broke into a gray and black spots.
I thought I возношусь upwards, into the sky, and сомкнувшееся dark ring creatures had only лязгнуть with their jaws, taking only the edge of the soles of my shoes greedy teeth. In the eyes became dark and we could not understand, where do I fly or fall. There was something strange and unusual.
I felt that I was lying on something hard and cold, with зажмуренными eyes. Opening them again, I saw around the darkness, and my first thought was that it was over: I ate. However, looking to the left, to the right, I saw the houses in which dim tabs stoves, and feeling their members, moving his fingers, he realized that unharmed.
Me bright prickly asterisks stretches heavenly tent, drawn by the milky way nebula on the slope. Bright Moon flooded the streets of silver, ghostly light, eclipsing its radiance many of the stars around.
The streets of the village were silent, as the nature, затаившая breath with his restless life in anticipation of approaching ambulance storm.
Until I realized that I was lying on the porch of the house Barbara, and I immediately got up. Now, it occurred to me and how I got here, and with whom came from, and what, in General, only that the incident: the monastic castle, tornado, wasteland, village, - all this need not be seen more as episodes bad, incoherent sleep, inspired by anxiety, wandering in the fevered mind.
I sat on the porch, shook his head, went to sleep at all, then, as it was in vain, went on back to the bath to подмостка dip your head into the river. I could no longer be sleeping, because Ivan Noodles asked me very steadily and seriously about two things: that I was not asleep, first, and, secondly, to not entered the house Barbara.
First his request, I think, and failed, but about a second there were many doubts. In the dream, whether it was awake, but I was dreaming of the scene, as I open the door in this strange house, walk in, find the entrance to some strange dungeon...
No, I think I really dreamed it, because it could not actually be that followed it. This may be only a dream. Therefore, house Barbara I went into a dream.
I sighed with some relief, coming on the bridge, coming from the log baths on the middle of the coastal Slough, where apparently not dived again, climbing out of the hot baths, red as cancers, tipsy guys.
He knelt on the edge of the top ramp, I was leaning towards the calm water, the surface of which the black mirror of the stars, stood a quarter of meters below the creaking boards, violated the silence of the night, and dip it in her head, but imagined something now slippery and Mohnatoe hiding there in the deep waters under the bridge, would rise to the surface, but remains invisible, invisible in this смолянистой, mirror thinner, and now I grab my head and easy knocking over with a solid base, pull it into the depth where the most desperate my floundering only accelerate drowning. And maybe someone, the same ugly and hairy, jump out of the bath in the decisive moment, when will occur struggle, and push me in the water, if I умудрюсь cling on to the bridge.
Hesitating a little, I decided to drop into the water hand to dial in the palm of water and wash. However, and this is the guts not immediately. And I have a few minutes hesitated, but then decided that if anything like that can happen, then the delay is my only plays at hand, scooped up a handful of water and wiped his wet hand hot, outgoing dry heat face.
The procedure will bring relief. I looked guiltily at bath. Nothing happened. The door frame, as it can be seen in the uncertain moonlight, was closed. Foolish. I leaned down below and already two hands, to make it more scooped ice cold water from the pool.
After washing up, I grew bolder even stronger, feeling the pleasant cool night bursting with heat face, laughed in my thoughts over children's fears and. already afraid of nothing, resolutely put his head in inking the mirror of water, the next thing considered changing his already сигануть with the top ramp naked.
The water filled ears. Night underwater world lived some mysterious sounds and noises, occasionally reaching my ears. One of them caught my attention more than others. He repeated rhythmically. It seemed that the place of his birth is somewhere near, but not in water. Looked as if someone in a hasty step was moving on the мостку...
I had barely raised his head from the water and look like someone breaking my balance, pushed me into the water.
I settled on some depth, hearing surge and noise disturbed the water and клокотание rising to the surface and failing large air bubbles, enthusiastic my body in the water column and escaping now from under my sail надувшейся shirt and pants.
Desperately earning his hands and feet, I rushed upstairs, with fear thinking that if fulfilled one of my delusional concerns, then why not become a reality and another.
Somewhere near heard once more the sounds of falling: splashing and gurgling. I had come. I was on a wave splashes and wave. On the bridge, as it was clear no one was there. But someone dived only that, and I somehow fell into the water.
Grabbing boards of the floor, I pulled himself, first to my chest, and then almost immediately, using the buoyant force of the water, jumped on his stomach, rolled, intending to throw a leg.
At this moment someone firmly grabbed my ankles and pulled, and then pulled down, why should I again failed to hold on the bridge. I slid into the water.
My hands instinctively trying to push, but nothing met in motion. Although their eyes were opened, he couldn't see anything. Here it was even darker than the above, where somehow helped the Moon.
Someone again pulled my legs, and I went even deeper, feeling the water around was even colder, and the muddy bottom of the pool is very near and far to surface waters, air and salvation.
I could not discern the enemy: it was beyond my powers. He was agile and nimble, spinning somewhere near and vile, surreptitiously pulled me down, where, apparently, decided to punish me, their prey, finally.
I was scared. A few minutes ago, it seemed that my fatigue stronger and demanding any fears, and nothing can frighten me, but now...
Somewhere far above them there was a burst of new outbreaks. It was so high that could be compared with безмерностью cosmic abyss. I even tried to think what it could be, because this was not before. My soul is, apparently, already prepared to escape and was going to leave with a dying body. The relationship between them became miserable, barely existing. She went to the secluded his уголочек, as they say, sank into my boots, and from there waiting for the ongoing death, waiting for the moment for departure. She already looked for hope for the salvation of the flesh, and prepared to say goodbye with belonged to her hitherto body, as if death was already an accomplished fact, and no one was able to make her think again.
I woke up, not knowing where I was and what happened. Not at once it dawned on me that my back is based on the cool sand, me impassively shimmer not able to descend to the low of the earth, the stars, the Moon also is rolling slowly across the night sky, diving into the clouds rushing to meet her. The whole world was calm as a few minutes ago. He rested, and death would be my meant to him no more than the death of a mosquito than an earthquake or volcanic eruption with thousands of killed, than the death of the passengers of a ship or aircraft or an entire civilization, низвергнутой into the abyss together with the entire continent.
I glanced around. Next to me there was someone else. He was breathless, and gently limping over to him, I recognized him as Ivan the Noodles. It had no signs of life, and for a long time I was shaking and called him before out of his mouth came a quiet, long groan.
Ivan's eyes slowly opened, turning his head to me. Are reflected in them glares of the moon.
-What happened? - I asked.
He didn't answer, only his lips Nemo stir.
"Who was that? That pushed me in the water? Who wanted to drown? Do you know? Say.
Lips Ivan again called. Something told me to give him water, scooping up in the palm of the river, I poured it into a ротрот shepherd. He perked up a bit.
I stretched out on the sand beside him and put my hand on his chest.
Is you save me?
My fingers felt something sticky on his shirt. I raised them to his nose, then licked. The smell of blood is not deceived me. It was the blood.
-You hurt? - I was surprised.
Ivan nodded.
-I will carry you home.
However, whether I am broke so much whether Ivan Noodles was suddenly heavy - lift him up from the earth I could not, and so I pulled him along a narrow strip of sandy shore, moving toward the baths and the top ramp, dark silhouettes which were now fifty meters upstream. But there, where he began a grass conceals uneven, ухабистую, overgrown path up from the river, I had to stop.
I put Ivan so that his head was above their feet.
-Now, I will go for help and bandages, " I said to him and was going to rush for help, when suddenly the fingers of his unexpectedly strong movement went around my wrist.
I involuntarily bent down to the person himself the shepherd, slightly taken aback, but realized that he wants to say something to me and to manifest superhuman effort.
-Do not. I'm dying - донеслась to me its weak as a breath of speech.
-But I'll get somebody...
Fingers closed stronger.
No time to waste, I am doomed. I'll still die. And after a few minutes, when you come back, I will not alive. Better listen. Listen and remember. Now all it is important to remember every last words... And then make it necessary to do. Otherwise... I can't talk long. It will be bad. We must do everything. All that I say now. Are you ready to remember? You must learn and do. Ready to do?
But I don't know! - seized me suddenly panic, boyish confusion to circumstances, require from me too much responsibility.
"You got to, tone of voice, Ivan Noodles became rigid and severe. Now he really wasn't until sentimentality: death has already found his eyes smoky поволокой, he wrestled with her last strength. Pushing her away and still finding little to talk.
-Well, well. I listen, remember and do everything.
-Barbara end. But she won't die. It is necessary in притолоку door drive a nail or a needle. Ask grandma: it tells you. Tomorrow at the cemetery find an abandoned tomb in the corner on the edge of the forest. There grows an oak. Oak cut, burn to stump обуглился. Take an aspen stake, Allen will silver bullets and a gun. Don't forget the garlic. Bind his ligaments and hang it on the head of each grave, Ivan took a deep breath, swallowed hard. - Take thy cross, silver, he will protect you. Be afraid, be not afraid. The number of stay, the main thing, and the cross-hold. Every Mraz cross afraid, put it ahead of itself, " he stopped, gaining strength and panting. - In an abandoned tomb ruby осиновую gallows, bet black cat story. 't help Bay Colom, shoot a silver bullet. Fight to the end. Tomorrow is the day of battle... are You the one... The aid does not call... no-one goes.
Ivan closed his eyes, and I was afraid that he would die.
-But who are you?! Say it! - shouted and shook it I.
He труддом opened his eyelids. The eyes were no life, they were dull. However, lips moving back and forth:
Water man... You're a witness... You were there, where it was... He was going to eliminate the witnesses... I saved...But water man alive, sitting in the swamp. See, be careful... You saw the battle... It's forbidden... Only curse...
His words became невнятнее and quieter, and nothing more I could not hear. His breath, barely noticeable, quickly came to naught, and I realized that Ivan Noodles died, leaving me alone with his corpse and vast, hostile night full of hidden dangers.
However, I was not afraid that anything that had to do seemed infinitely worse and more dangerous than dying now, and men would be neither скольконе afraid to leave now, after Ivan, than to wait for tomorrow's test, if such it can be called. Rather, the task it was bequeathed by fallen to his young receiver.
From my will nothing depended. The choice was nothing. Something inside me was saying how important it is transferred to a dying order, and, putting his head on my knees, I sat on the sand, where he joined the footpath up to the shore, and tried to remember everything that he said, struggling with a horrible fear for tomorrow. It cost me a great effort.
Chapter 25.
Barely saw Marina, I took her by the arm and firmly led in полукупе. She was not going to resist.
"Undress, " I said, when we were there, and he pulled off her pants with hollow, sagging knees and shirt, under which more and nothing came.
Marina wrapped up his hands to her breast:
-I'm cold, " she said.
-Now согреемся, " I answered, hurriedly undressing.
-Take there, on the top shelf of a warm blanket, " she said.
I pulled the blanket, threw on the bed and, having felt in a pre-dawn twilight her wrist, laid her hand on his hard member of the standing, feeling pleasantly cold, frozen fingers went around him hot barrel.
-Well, what? - I was excited to hear her words of encouragement, but instead Marina climbed in bed, under the covers and she called from there:
-Go here.
I was beside her, my lips touched her lips, arms went around her waist, and we've been frantically made love, bringing themselves to exhaustion, and after an hour of the pains and pleasures, when time and space are reversed, and it was unknown where up and down, where is the beginning and where is the end, collapsed on the hot bursting fire sheets. In the first, decisive moment when we had to make a choice, I managed to besiege the passion and ask just in case, can you pull the seed in her or not, although the answer was clear, and, having received the consent, I with moans of lust and pain threw it into her womb.
We long lay silent and unmoved, feeling that gave огнедышащему beast passion all the strength and energy.
Unknown how much time passed. Outside the window was daylight. Soon the sun would rise. I felt terrible fatigue and wanted to sleep. The thought that now Wake up Anton and will burst again, shamelessly and blatantly, in полукупе, looking distinctly uncomfortable and uneasy.
-You, probably, should rise? I inquired from the Marina. - Already morning, and you still should work.
-Lie quiet, voice Marina was soft and gentle. - The light now the day on duty.
Does she know?
-Knows. Lezha, Marina was silent for a while, but apparently, she had awakened a desire for a chat. - And you're a married?
I shook my head. I even earlier was noticeably her engagement ring, and now my fingers groped him.
-And you, see everything married?
"Yes, " smiled Marina was little. But not now.
-Why then ring you wear?
Marina shrugged:
I don't know, used to, probably.
"When have you had time to get used? How old are you?
-Me? Nineteen.
-When are you married, and divorced managed?
-Eighteen. Yes, I'm not divorced. Just Roofing, my husband left her for малолетке live.
-How so? What малолетке? - Not I understood.
-Yes, he is with youngster one slept, and then she came to her mother and said that she and her cunt became pregnant from him, and if he did not marry her, she, her mother, him and threatening him.
-So what? Married?
-Yes, the undersigned. Already a born.
-That's it! And you're like, Marina?
-And what about me? One live here. In conductors went, that was fun.
Marina started telling me the sad story of his life, so young and already quite потасканной. She lived once in the unknown, a small town in the Kurgan region, was published in nineteen years married to a Fraction moved with him from the hostel College, where she studied at that time, in одолженную husband with cronies халупку, where they have lived peacefully with six months. Tolik, before becoming a spouse, was her boyfriend, any Marina had escaped from the house from not very loving and caring mother was quite a lot. It does not spread especially, but even this story, only casual dealing with the gray of everyday life provincial youth, варившейся in its own juice, and relationships between the sexes, gave the concept of those knotty, randomly generated and quickly disintegrating relationships, развенчавших all sorts of notions of honor, decency and morality, which prevailed in that muddy the water environment. I listened and was amazed with its simple story, finding in it the same symptoms universal syndrome corruption that existed in the urban atmosphere, more educated and cultural, as it seemed to me, more cultured and high than this poor working young people abandoned provinces, which never worked and will not work in the future, and who are destined to lead his horrible existence, becoming older, then having got old, but not becoming more restrained and wiser in this cloaca, from which rare простолюдину manage to survive - not up the career ladder - is unlikely she would save him from vaccinated vices, - a to shore cleanliness and morality, where are these evils in the clean atmosphere integrity, culture and restraint instincts dry off and disappear of their own a purified conscience for light better, that will befall the seeing man.
My thoughts were sad. Somewhere in the depths of consciousness, I realized that a commoner was himself, and while it also sought to climb up, went in the service, but do not go in the direction where it was planned to open clean beaches, nothing doing, and unable to cope with his dirty vices, облепившими me the same way as millions of my peers that share the sad fate to be citizens of this muddled state, deprived them of all rights and hopes for something bright and joyous. Our roots were scorched, and the tree of wisdom of the nation it was close to complete destruction, not knowing even a single touch the soil of righteousness, once nurtured him from the depths of the passed centuries and of the experience of history. We were separated, we were the children of communism, and its new culture and a short story is not identified any guidance to our generation, as well as the generation of our parents and our grandparents and all those who entered in life after October seventeenth year.
System cut off alien shoots past, and under crimson banners dense, narrow rows we walked a long road to nowhere, go through life, luminous stars lead, gray, faceless shadows, don't leave any trace of his непрощенного existence. "And in the end you will see you, how vain were your plans," - said one of the classics...
The day was already in full swing and the sun was shining in the window when I woke up from a heavy sleep, did not even understand at first why I am lying completely naked in the cold полукупе, where my clothes, and that it's all means. But the details of the last night together with hops out.
In the car was cold. After passing on it, I found in one of the coupe Anton campaign in some men. There was already opened bottle of vodka and placed the glasses.
-Now, let me introduce you, " he said to me. Is Kostya, is Valera, Igor. They ensigns. And Igor officer. Valera with Igor once served together in Mongolia, and now both in Transbaikalia, only in different places, and that's happened to meet here, in this car. Can you imagine? Now sit and Kwasi for this meeting.
I sat down with them. I poured vodka, but I pushed the glass:
-No, guys, I will not drink. Enough, yesterday налакался.
"Hey, man, you who? - Addressed me, Igor.
As this is who? - Not I understood.
-What?! - He put his hand on my knee. - Warrant officer, officer.
"Lieutenant, I breathed with difficulty transferring it fume.
-Lieutenant?" Surprised tipsy Igor. - And I'm the captain. So that's it, Lieutenant, I command you: drink! You're in the army now!
-And if I don't? What then?
"Listen!" What are you борзеешь, guy?! "Maypole Valera.
-Hold on there, hold on there, Valer - pulled him Igor. - We now its so перевоспитаем, in a good way. We always have time to apply!
I was quite puzzled by such an address, and realized that came to the place where you cannot сплоховать and you can either obey, either to prepare for a fierce battle and protecting dignity of such brazen attacks.
-So, Lieutenant, you're wrong, continued to bring me Igor. "Look at his friend. Too Lieutenant, but behaves differently: компанейски. With him here and chat pleasantly. You see: against the team, against the majority in the army to go don't you advise - you get this on the nose. Otherwise you will have to wrong, I tell you, not as a senior rank, and as a senior fellow. I like you, see through. See: horns quickly пообламывают!
I was silent, downcast Глову and wondering, as, in General, had such a situation.
-Well, and that'll be nice to you behave or what?
I had to affirmative nod: Valera reached for the door handle its hefty ручищей, the intention is apparently shut it in case of refusal. This did not Bode well.
Igor handed me the glass, and poured the rest, with a sigh:
-Well, for acquaintance...
Burning alcohol poured into the stomach and spread throughout the body. Head захмелела, and I was already not so bad.
Apparently, my appearance interrupted the conversation, and now it continued as if nothing had happened:
-Well, then still a bachelor, was, " said Valera - served in that... in a separate tank battalion. It then removed, right?
-Removed the agreed Igor.
-Well, he was still there. We with anti-tank battalion, one Park occupied: they front, and we followed them, in the rear. Well, sitting with a friend, Колькой, I have in the duty room, Kwasi. I am a bachelor, he was a bachelor. I was on duty in the Park, and it is the duty of the Park. Only he противотанкистов, and I in the tank. But I advise to sit. Yeah, ha! We drink on, we drink, bottle, second, tenth... Well, there has men friends are sitting. In short, everything's OK. "Чамбур" - moonshine I mean - end - in Barack go, take out the bottle and further.
Campaign again venerated the glasses and Valera continued:
-We have a new chief of staff arrived, the major... his name I do not remember. Лузенков. And now, I already пьянючий sit. Suddenly times! The door person просунулось . well, I told him: "Go on x..!" The face is hidden, then, lo and behold, again leans out. I told him again: "I Went to x..!" It again disappeared, and when it is already the third time seemed, to me through hops realized that it was the chief of staff of our battalion. Well, I got up, the guys say: "come here," and drill rack and took report - hand, as expected, to a headdress applied, - well, maybe покачиваюсь slightly: "Comrade major," and all there is. And he's like let's yelling at me. The oral-oral, until, finally, finally, I didn't get angry and say to him, "Well, comrade major, I'll shoot you now," I just take my gun out of the holster, I snap the shutter... Chief of staff of the frightened soldiers and says he's just with the guard and distributing posts come check: "Direct the machines!" Well, they trunks pointed at me, and I was drunk, reckless, I take them for Dula, the soldiers taking up and toss them on the "spine" of the fence. Mayor sees things are bad, and to give me at once: "Valera. Valera, everything is fine!" And I have not seriously broke and again: "All, you bastard, I'll shoot you now!" And I do not remember, what I got mad at him?.. Ah, he me with dress decided to remove the...
Valera breath, raised already filled glass, and чокнувшись with Igor and those who managed to follow him, continued again:
"Well, now, Лузенков this sees that protect anybody soldiers machines went to look for. And he asked asked, and gone!.. And I swear to God that bad, when I drink, and what not then shot him, I don't know. Several times he did the shot without taking aim. Aim would be exactly укокошил! As he runs, wagging like a rabbit on the field, from a bullet, fool, dodges! I would want from my would not dodged! In General I let go of it with the world.
Valera somehow looked at me, watching and something disoriented for a moment paused, gathering, apparently, to "switch" to me, but then went away, and continued:
On the following day, the most interesting, Wake up, to me this story is told, and I don't believe - I don't remember anything about anything. My neighbor in a hostel duty stood and says: ' You have no feelings lie, I tell you: "Valera, let's gun!", and you answer me, wagging a finger: "No, bring a book to surrender their weapons, I'll see you to it with me off. And I'll gun rent, and you tomorrow you'll say it to you I did not take". Can you imagine?! I must!
Valera once again took up the glass, making it clear to pour:
-I after that experience, generally six months in outfits not go. Guys, I am asked: "Valera, what is it?!" And I say to them: "do Not trust!" Then look me in the outfit set. Come pistol receive, and I give, say that the chief of staff banned. Well, I said to him, bald: "what's The matter, comrade major. This is why!?" And he told me: " You are in the outfit заступай, but without a gun!" And I am his finger: "No, comrade major, such jokes with me will not. A gun or give away, or I dress does not заступлю!"
Valerie looked at the empty glass, and then stopped, but now the conversation caught Igor:
-We also one senior Lieutenant увольнялся. Rather, he was fired. Nothing the boy was only шабутной a little, drink a loved pregnant proshvyrnutsya, - he as in Mongolia was as much his wife remained in the Union, in Ukraine, its none of our and never seen. Once - Сэмэн-his nickname was so named - Semenov - night went to the barracks slightly вмазанный, and something he didn't like the дневальном, and the one on the face of it has got. And the commanders only this and asked: " what Semenov get. And here such puncture! Well, it's under the mark and fired a service mismatch. Wanted to discredit the title, the court officer's honor was even do that happened in the district is not approved wording of the reasons for dismissal. Maybe because his name coincides with the name of the officer commanding the district, I don't know. But the question I am, Сэмэн, already when the court of honor above it produced, the chief of staff of the regiment and division commander says: "I, comrades Lieutenant colonels, well, he's certainly not so expressed, and the stronger I'll shoot!" well, those two струхнули in earnest. And then its only an assistant on duty in the regiment put the outfit and also a gun is not allowed. Neither in the Park, nor in Karaul - nowhere else. So it is up to the dismissal of six months and went "in a box" and the gun never seen. But he? - No troubles from him was not.
Kostya, all the time silent, poured on the new vodka glasses and began to give them out, offering thus a drink.
"Well, guys, for that drink? "Valera, and I noticed his mustache натопорщились in the form of alcohol.
For those, perhaps, who in boots, - said Igor. He looked round the whole election campaign. - We are all in boots. Hard. Uh-Oh!..
He famously knocked over a glass of bitter frowned and crunch ate salted cucumber. It was followed by all the rest. I hesitated, but threw in the mouth scalding liquid, and almost choked with difficulty swallowing the liquid fire.
-I knew a guy, " said Konstantin, -so he took a bottle of vodka, it unraveled half a minute in his hand, to the crater was formed, then again, it запрокидывал. And in eight seconds exactly the bottle was empty. He yourself on it earned: argue with someone that drink a bottle of ten seconds, a bit of a stock take, and he immediately agrees, and then loses.
"And have you been, " quipped from Konstantin Igor. Clearly not interested in his story, when the tank division зампотыла shot?
-I in that day either before or directly left again, has been replaced by. I will have the guys told me, " replied Valera, fumbling hand on the table.
-As I was. His company commander of material security shot, and then shot himself. He was still chief of staff tried to kill, but missed.
-Yes, I know зампотыла this. I it was long, then the Union of exiled in Безречку, Маньчжурку, but where he did not engraft, and after two years of dreams back турнули returned to us in Mongolia, but with the increase, a Deputy on the rear of the commander of a tank regiment. It all was said then that was a crook and пройдохой, but I then he himself was convinced of it not time - Valera nothing on the table and not found - we're Миньковым go, the chief of a warehouse of fuels and lubricants division, and this зампотыл - after the return - advances to us, and suddenly stops us, as if he'd already knows, and asks: "is that You, гэсээмщик?" Well, Misha Миньков answers, "I, and what is it?" "Oh, nothing, again will alcohol on a tank regiment does not додавать, blame yourself, " I'll complain to the commander of the division!" Misha was offended by his words, of course, and replies, "Well, comrade Colonel, I'll be your shelf alcohol to issue all of a gram, but none bastard it doesn't drink!" we both made: ten liters of invoice are to nine liters of posing, liter itself leave. Otherwise impossible commissions come - who gives? - the chief of a warehouse of fuels and lubricants division. And no inventory is the same all - Khan! They, he, as понаедут, so выжирают all without remainder. Otherwise, obviously, two points for verification, because we are all on alcohol... Well, here clashed Misha this зампотылом, then parted. And Misha took зампотыла division Supplement to alcohol, choking, took counsel with him, amounted to a statement of introduction that poisoned alcohol and drink it cannot, on the bottles of bubbles red line diagonally smeared and extradite him. And now, turn to him it зампотыл for alcohol with a canister: let's supposedly give out! And Misha him: "sign, comrade Colonel, that you know that poisoned alcohol and drink it." He protested: "Oh, comrade ensign! I will complain! Pour me pure alcohol!" Misha answered him: "Complain wherever you want. I according to the order of Minister of defense on the prevention of the use of technical alcohol in parts do everything". He poured this Lieutenant Colonel poisoned with alcohol. And he took, and nowhere to go? But after this incident he as silk became, almost dancing before Misha, as you will see. Yes! And boy, commander of the CDSP, pity, of course! He brought, poor fellow, got it, that is. He regimental services and the rear of his said to those strongly pressed, fought with him, as with limes, and for all the nonsense which usually eyes closed, we calculated our money. What he disliked the captain didn't know. Maybe because the bastard was decent. And here he got the company, got, all the blood he drank. Men say, that poor little fellow sitting in the office, writes a suicide note, 's machine stands charged, and at this time зампотыл with the chief of staff from the second floor down. And this to boast, it is seen, the chief of staff said: "I'm going to leave this to the captain again pepper ask". And the commander saw him, couldn't stand it, immediately machine grabbed the -- the Chief of staff, as the shots heard, immediately gone in a guardhouse asked. The commander ran out and behind him another queue, and then himself: death, " and noted that the chief of staff did not hit, because he managed to fall, and the bullets have passed... they Say when зампотыла carried away, he's still living was... Yeah, no one pitied, and now the company many commemorated: why do it yourself? nothing was. Well, would have given five years for the murder in a state of affect. Witnesses you had a lot of their relationship.
Valera was silent, but continued Igor:
-In General, this regiment "occasional" some was. Almost at the same time, Lieutenant BMP flipped over the top, "on the armour" was riding a cake. Then five people antifreeze were poisoned. Time shot. We have something in артполку this often doesn't happen. It was, but less frequently.
-But we have, in the battalion of material support was cool, " said Constantine. Each day twenty machines at the output. Weekly column somewhere to go or in Sain-Xanadu or Choir, or in Эрхэт. And as the column goes away, you can safely two tank truck fuel to cheat. Before, when I was there, two bottles of fuel truck чамбура cost, and then, five years later, when our there's very little left of the Mongols as time was short of gasoline went for forty thousand togrogs a fuel truck they passed it. Men who were smarter than that, there's a lot of шмотья any нагребли - for life. In those days some forty thousand in Mongolia Tugrik feature can be bought. Now I don't know what the prices are... by the Way, when I was there, I was offered a suitcase tugrugs per ten thousand rubles. One civilian was leaving already bought all that I could, ' him container is not expected, as a civilian, because of not knowing where this money to put himself not повезешь. -why are they in the Union? Well, I thought, thought, Yes refused. A pity, because now would be a wealthy man and would have spat on the army with high hill... by the way, I frame knew well. His salary was six hundred togrogs a month, and he чамбуре did during this same time, five or six thousand. Once, I remember, together we was Mongol leather jacket bought. Mongolia for her eight hundred asked, I told him, "Let's go for six hundred!" And he looked, in the hands shook his, felt and silently gets so then money: "On, get it!" and I twice he got -- You remember how we in the barracks чамбур persecuted?
-I remember, - nodded his head Igor, to which he appealed.
-Yes, boys, we moonshine such a hurry, he looked at us with Anton that flashed like gasoline. Our distillers Mongols чамбур this were afraid to sell those couldn't not drink, then to the stomach does not burn and does not die. Apes such a strong things not to be used. Is it just a Russian boys stomach can digest such. We represent ухари were such that to save yeast. - this eerie deficit was the same as sugar, and even more, - have added in the бражку carbide, and even on one carbide is set. Don't know how they've turned out! There were such special - th-th-th - all the details of this case, technology know. It all day at work, and he has the barracks all boils, everything flows, a hundred liters per week catching up, if you count on each of the employed. There alone around, and clans. Some in the basement under the bathroom even barrel was buried on a whole ton, and they each week a new set, and closer to the weekend day and night pressed чамбур. The interesting thing is that no man is not sold, campaigns were doing, price, and no one dared to do the above, and especially lower than it was adopted by the thirty Tugrik per bottle. If anyone dared of thumb gauge out, that not long kept: it quickly "handed over" to the Prosecutor. And there a long time did not stand on ceremony: time - and in jail. This is what we were mainly engaged in civilian - military: drivers, locksmith, and cooks. I knew one in the cafe, now pressed чамбур. Military - rarely those who worked and only for themselves. God forbid for sale! They have all the time in the service, from morning to evening. And it's nothing to prevent. Well and used to plant them for it.
-Twisted you, of course, about thirty Tugrik, - said Igor, fumbling in the bag under the table in search of another bottle of vodka, then found it and put it on the table. He then sixty-cost, and one hundred and fifty.
-Well, I at that time was not. I'm in the Union of the left, " replied Valera - I'm talking about their time.
-And I too чамбур persecuted! And, just imagine, even for sale. A senior Lieutenant was then! And not a single dog...
-Who are you selling that no one knew?
-Mongols. I had all taken away. Спиртометр I had, carbon canisters of gas mask peeled чамбур. As it turned out no worse than vodka!
It is, of course, dangerous to do - with the Mongols communicate in this matter. How much they gave to the people, how many of them повыгоняли in the Union, пересажали. He comes. You чамбур buys, and the next day already leading representatives of law and order.
I don't know, to me, this has never happened. Apparently they liked, as I persecute. Quality I had a good strictly forty degrees, no carbide, one sugar and yeast...
-But I know a lot of such cases, - not give up Valera.
-Yes, I have in the barracks, no one even knew that I moonshine persecute. Remember, I come back home somehow. and in General, the corridor a crowd of men got together for lunch came and started to talk. In our barrack mainly all military lived. And here Leva Grigoryan, a warrant officer, the other says that yesterday someone at eleven o'clock in the evening to him knocking. He opens the door, and on the verge of Mongol drunk worth, reeling and silently gives him thirty Tugrik. Leva asks him: "what do You want?" And Mongol stands and holds money. Well, he come on send, we on the second line there were barracks, where they lived контрактованные and drove чамбур, thither. And he Leve reply: Yes I am here today to buy. And he has long argued with Mongol. Leva he proves that here чамбур not pursued, and that his: "I bought here!" And here Grigoryan this story neighbors tells the laugh and I laugh, Yes Pushcha other. To me it is ridiculous that no one knows and understand not take, that the drunken Mongol came to visit me, he's the only one flight corridor mistaken leva-the apartment was just as I have located, only a span further. So on until the end, no one knew that I самогончиком own приторговываю. It happened to be his own to sell, even with his regiment, but I always say in such cases that I go now to a friend who has чамбур. Yes and Mongols so many spoke... and everything I have done.
-Well, you're lucky just - concluded Valera. - One... You are in a barrack lived?
-The fourteenth.
-And he's in the twelfth. And it забрили. The soldiers caught. Those he чамбур took, and he calculated the owe him and the next time came, he told them to first settled in cash or meat. Well, the soldiers went to the pigsties, Gav свинарю face, took a pig and returned. And the commanders of the свинаря interested who he filled his face, and what happened to the pig, the search began, and went on to these two, their свинарь identified. They started to twist and had this. So what? five years later he sort of gave up.
-I know this is the case. Twelfth Barack generally differed abundance of bootleggers. Remember, as a division commander Reid announced the barracks, catch bootleggers, and there Максимыч such lived. And now, зампотыл division, head of the political section, still there шобла шавок goes floor corridor, comes from one flat to another, to him knocking. Максимыч goes to meet them: "that it is necessary, heads?" and there apparatus works, as much steam pillar stands. Him: "Yeah, we here bootleggers harvested. Can you go to the apartment?" Максимыч worth, belly pursed and asks disparagingly, lazily: "the public Prosecutor sanctioned the search do you have?" "There was no reply. - We only for a minute go show" "Well, now, if you don't have it, and don't fuck you then go here. Прощевайте," - and again, came back. Never let the whole зампотыла commander of the division, Deputy chief of the garrison! Here's another example.
-So the whole different story! - Outraged Valera. But then waved his hand: apparently, he was tired of arguing. - Ah, okay, let's have a drink, and then something quite трезветь he had no order.
Chapter 26.
Village night is very different from the city. Even in remote suburbs, there is the mirror of silence, falling to earth from space. Only in the village there is no subtle noise from the hectic of the city, its enterprises, plants and factories, which punished and even distant suburban neighborhood. And from the silence of the night in the village seems unusual urban ear piercing and empty vacuum.
But it is not. Thousands of other sounds, inaccessible his ошалевшему from the endless noise, затоптанному urbanized civilization ear, the sound on this virgin stillness of the night. The sounds of nature, the way she remains in some places is not the first Millennium and what will remain, even when done the day of judgment. Probably, the Nature of this fact. She is a stranger to the people, its destructive crown, and, perhaps even to breathe calmly, getting rid of his pressing Sha. Isn creature of God something to blame?
Perhaps the first time in my life I heard these untouched by time and man, the sounds of the night, the deaf to which remained even yesterday.
Пучеглазая Moon swept the horizon, over the other is already rising, glowing brighter and brighter dawn, I was holding the head of Ivan Noodles, already cold, as the sand on which we were together.
What became more real offensive the next day, the scarier was the meaning of the words of a shepherd. He just didn't fit entirely in my head, and I wanted the night to never кончалсь.
But it was ended. Morning came, foggy and damp, and full of coolness to the fledgling autumn.
I got up, put his head Ivan the ground and then went to the house to Pelagiya not himself.
Grandmother slept peacefully захрапывая the whole hut. Having heard the creaking floorboards, woke up, проподнялась on his elbow:
-You where it's the devil taken at night? Why the silence?
-There shepherd on the shore lies. Dead I automatically raised my hands and exactly surprised started to examine the palm of his clotted blood.
Grandma and gasped, instantly jumped from the bed and wringing her hands.
-What are you, dear! Well you done-t?!
-Yes, it's not me.
-And who.? Look-t, ручищи all-tonnes in blood!
"But I say! - I raised voice to grandma little остепенилась. - Ivan saved me. Today at night. Water man.
Bat-тюшки! - Pelageya again threw up her hands. "What's the лихоманка-t marsh-t?
I don't know it me with мосткка threw off and pulled into the maelstrom. Ivan saved.
"Oh, you! So why don-t мостку at night doing-t?!
-Ugh - сплюнула Pelageya Panteleevna. - You are well-t, the simpleton, in such a hard night шатаешься?!
-Yes Ivan went.
-In house to Barbara. He asked to wait on the porch. And I was hot. Well, I went to the river to wash. It all happened.
-What Ivan in the house Варовары forgot?
I briefly conveyed only what is asked of her, Ivan, losing not concerning her подробностти about the cemetery and everything else. Pelageya Panteleevna only shook her head, Yes перекрестлась, not finding the answer, then погшла into a room with images, where he stayed for one and a half hours. Appearing otttuda, she said to me:
-Yes, the guy-stripper-t you. Not in your case you got, not his. Tick you-t from here it is necessary. Immediately.
"I can't, Pelageya Panteleevna, - I said to her in a more alienated, official tone. Promised.
-Who promised what he promised-t? "inquired Grandmother.
Grandma ниченго no answer, only waved a hand, turned and walked away.
"Okay, if that Varvara - I'll help you, but for the rest - himself квитайся.
-And where Alena now?
-At home, probably-t, where else? - Pelageya suddenly bethought. - A-yay-yay, it's her father died! Mount-t, the mount-t what, Ah-Ah-Ah!
She sighed, crossing himself, bustled, засобиралась, took my hand:
-Go to it. where t is he? The bath-t, you say?
Through the village has not yet проснувшуюся, not очнувшуюся from a restless night, on the fog we went to the house of a shepherd, knocked.
Alena opened immediately. Her face was wrinkled and заспанное. I am speechless and couldn't even say Hello, in an instant, placing in my head of what happened last night.
Pelageya pushed forward, entered the porch, and shut the front of my nose door.
Ten minutes later, she came out and asked me:
-Go men gather, Ivan the house include the need to prepare.
"Where could I go? I don't know.
-Go, say, tea, nobody-t Ivan shepherd knows it! When people grief, no one asks who you are. Yes and how can he not know? The whole village saw beside him, poor guy. Go tell-t, go away, " she angrily furrowed her brow, and I instinctively obeyed, ashamed of her words.
I обстучал courtyards, gathered some as three men, one of whom was a friend of the deceased Peter Nicholas. We brought started stiffening and скрючиваться in States such as in the house, where were already waiting for Alena, Pelageya and a few neighbors. The girl was pale, Baba serious and gloomy. See, they often had to celebrate the solemn ceremony, but maybe the presence of evil fate, спустившегося its heavy burden on their quiet, nobody unknown and uninteresting life, which they felt even more clearly than the last time when an absurd death came to Peter, fell on their faces serene, but mask the harsh obedience to his doom.
I pulled Alena for the sleeve out of the room. She did not resist. We went into the yard.
I'm very sorry, " I said Alena, taking her hand. She stood, with his eyes cast down. - Look, I'm not to blame. I would have died to-night, if the -- if your father hadn't saved me. But he died not because of me. Anyway, it was something else. Did you see how he wounded?
Alena slightly nodded, but she гляз not raised.
I told her something else, trying to prove that is innocent in death of her father, although he doubted the reality of what was said. Perhaps fatal injuries from which he died, were inflicted on him and in the battle with water man, though something told me that it was only the final episode of the drama, which I observed either in a dream or in a sort of trance through space and time, whether the reality.
I told the girl about the last moments of the life of her father and to spare her nerves, missed the most unpleasant moments and that the barbarian, who was her mother - she knew it or not, is also doomed. At my request send me a weapon and silver bullets, which told me Ivan Noodles, she did not reply at once and thought for a long time, still not looking up about something.
-Why do you need this? They memory of his father, and he kept them, as some valuable things never shown anyone, and I rarely reminded about them.
-Now they need me, Alena, " I replied.
She looked up:
-Really? How they can be useful to you? The fact that silver bullet?
-Yes, exactly this. Thy father asked to give it to me. Not for fun, for the case. Today I have a terrible night, and the silver bullet great to me will help me.
Alena сощурилась.
"It's not whether you shoot with it going.
The girl snatched my hand and walked into the house. I tried to stop her, but she retorted:
-Listen, I have a mountain, and you're with some rubbish climb.
I don't expect her to do, so always meek and humble, similar words, and literally taken aback for a while. But then shook his head, collected his thoughts and hurried in search of saws, axes and other tools, because the sun is shining, like rush things, hastened to the West, already getting to the Zenith.
The day promised to pass quickly, in feverish preparations, and anxiety.
Ivan said I need to cut myself stake and build осиновую gallows at an abandoned tomb in the corner of the cemetery on the edge of the forest, where I grew up the old oak tree, but to my shame and misery, I don't even know how the most aspen. And besides that it is still necessary to find the black cat and вздернуть it. But as I walked through the village, never seen a black cat no.
Resorting to shameful tricks and tricks, I most fear, QC would I not be exposed suddenly, that I am not familiar with such simple things, inquired of местнгых children, that is an aspen, and where it grows, and then, armed with an axe, went to cut it down.
Go from the village turned out pretty far edge of the swamp, where meanly passing from the solid ground immediately in trickling moisture and step farther almost in the hole, and where обозначившимся open, transparent, but some reddish-rusty water backwaters, the bottom of which was fairly deep, but not promised that will keep pace and not fail, if you step on it.
Swamp was a huge, heavily overgrown with bushes and утыканное birch сухостоем. Now and then heard the gurgling from всплыввающих on the surface of gases, sometimes so strong that might seem somewhere, in the midst of his безбрежья sports and the splashing of the wondrous beast, which stand quagmire.
Finally, I came across something similar with aspen, and after some hesitation slightly cut some trees, cut their trunks and took on the shoulder and walked back to the village.
When I walked to the edge of the forest, примыкавшую its угллом to the bridge over the river from swamps, heavy чечеру, and this has spurred me how good возжи stallion. I rushed into the village over in the grass at the fringes of the aspen logs, not to attract attention.
In the house of Alena and her deceased father still fussing, bringing back the body. Someone has already cut the tendons and pulled those members of the body of the shepherd, and Ivan Noodles now lay in an empty room on the table, standing in the middle, dressed up all in my underwear, clean, with a candle in his hand. His features заострились, nose, snapped to attention, and the hair and the nails of the fingers have grown strongly. Here was the least of the people. Other женщимны dealt in other rooms of the house.
Alena was sitting on a chair opposite the headboard and silently looking through the surrounding her in the distant world of his thoughts and dreams. However, judging from her expression, there, in that distant world was nothing but a detachment. I sat down on an empty chair.
-Alenka, " said me by accident, because she seemed to not notice me, approaching evening ahead of me rough night. Your father, I involuntarily glanced up at lying before us corpse, прибранный in my underwear with воткнутой in the hands of a candle, " he asked you to give me his gun and the silver bullet. This is very important.
The girl did not answer at first, then opened her mouth, but the second surprised me not smaller than the first one. At first I thought that Alena оглохла, then, that she lost her mind.
-Well, here you bury them according to all the rules, " the girl said. - In large Василихе would not have suffered so with a candle in hand, a dead man was lying. It would selsovet came and the police. And here is good: the wilderness, and bury you can.
-What Peter then so should not be buried?
-Not wanted.
-And your father's want?
-Wanted to -- I wanted to. It in the Testament написанобыло to him buried in all the Orthodox Christian customs and traditions. I today Testament read, and we have so is not usual to the last will of the deceased to cease.
-What your father even Testament wrote? He knew that he would die?
-All ever die. And the clever people write Testament in advance.
But what about the neighbours? They consider him a fool. As they took his will?
"All things considered. It is, and all. And, in General, leave me alone. I ask you to do.
-Well, just give me the gun and the bullets, and I'm gone.
Alena округлила eyes, as if she had heard for the first time such a request.
Is a family heirloom. The why should I give him?
-But I have to...
-I don't want to hear anything! For what it may need such a weapon? You know how much it cost?!
I'll bring him back. Tomorrow morning you get it, - I felt: the ratio of Alyona to me changed sharply, and if previously she was kind and affable, Yes andnot refused me in this matter, now from the speech it felt cold, heartlessness, and detachment. Ill guess that is, apparently, the impact of barbarians, which clearly intensified now ceased to be a counterbalance to it together with the death of Ivan Noodles, flashed in my head, and, as if catching смои thoughts, the girl said:
-You probably this gun to kill her, my mother?! - her eyes lighted by an evil spark, which I had never seen her, but one day the same gleam I watched a witch, its dark as night, Shine.
-You that, Alena?! - I wanted to add: "God is with you," but stopped short.
-I feel. I know of. Speak out, what do you need it.
"Okay, then give me at least a silver cross, - at first I forgot about him at all.
Credit-eats. Oh, what захоте-ate, Yes you got me right to Rob the fatherless, will you, huh?
It was unthinkable, and it was clear that no cross, no gun I can't see. I decided to make one last attempt to reason with her:
-Alena, listen. Just this morning I would have to leave your village and never come back, but... I promised to your father do before the end of his case, and that's why I stayed, stayed to meet those against which it fought...
"Does he struggled with something?! - Alena дурашливо smiled, than made in my soul stirred up feeling uncomfortable. Ha! I never knew! His case... Yes he has one thing to cattle to graze. If you want, tomorrow you will go to pasture instead. Only I don't know, why would you stay there. Ha.
To continue the conversation going was useless. I left the house and walked slowly back across the curve of the village street, ныряющей on пригоркам. Already at the house Barbara I heard someone's rapid steps, and turned, saw me catching Alena. She mysteriously smiled at the girl's arms was a big tarnished from time to time, silver cross, flecked with inscriptions and ornaments, on which lay a sculptural image of the crucifixion of Christ, and the same old gun, similar to the musket last century, with silicon ardour, cast heavy barrel', decorated with ornaments, and a large wooden handle, clumsy and only slightly subsided.
In the hope that with Alyona again happened change, I stopped, waited for her at the entrance of ддвор Barbara and when she came closer, his hand towards it, but девушкка suddenly turned to ддому ведьмячки, and an involuntary movement I had to open the gate.
"I'll take this to the mother, abandoned, passing by, девушкак. - Here it is safer to be maintained, and in the evening father will burial, people собберется much. Steal, look.
I only mouth opened in surprise. The girl was in the house.
Time passed already four o'clock, and I almost physically felt the ruin plans to prepare for the fight. Little of what is known to me was what was ahead, but what should have been done, 't work.
I walked into the house. Pelageya was not. Thoughts in my head spun disorderly in a circle. I раздирало the two. My whole being felt terrible danger, hanging over my life. My soul was torn away from the village, but the duty of the promise given to Ivan, forced to stay and go to the cemetery. At least I had a wooden stake, Yes, and hangman was almost ready. Only had to look for somewhere black cat, Yes cut and burn oak at the grave in a corner of the garden.
Whatever happened, I decided to make something that promised to Ivan Noodles.
Quickly grew dark. I got out of the house into the street, almost running sprinted to the other end of the village, where at the fringes of the left aspen stakes.
To the house of Ivan stretched Noodles villagers, singly, in pairs, threes, frowning all, thoughtful. From the forest on the other side of marshy plain, jumped machine, jeep "UAZ", passed on a curve of the mound, and jumped over the bridge, jumped up on a hill at the entrance to the village and creaked brakes at the gate to the courtyard of the shepherd. I was under the hill, and turned, saw Kaak of the car in black frocks climbed pop with a long white beard and дьяконс незажженным censer, which loose in his hand.
"Where to find the black cat? - painfully I mused, mechanically watching pop crossed the yard to the house of Ivan Noodles, deacon просеменил after him, trying not to step in a puddle and rising above the mud floor of the black caftan pop and old women, расступившись, missed a priest to the house, they bowed to him and quickly crossing himself. - Where to take the black cat?"
Out Василихи to the forest, which had a cemetery, I saw постреленка of five or six, возившегося alone in a roadside ditch and something made in the muck, взболтанной from a puddle.
"Hey, what are you doing? - I went to him, put a bunch of претьев on the ground and stroked мальченку on белобрысой, dirty mind, hair which hung straight icicles.
-I can play here, dad, " answered the boy шмыгнув nose and wiped his sleeve shirts accumulated above the upper lip green snot.
-And your mommy where?
-Mommy went to the funeral.
-And you did not bring?
-And let's you and I поиграемся.
-Come on, dad, and how?
-You get me a black cat find, and I give you candy dam or a piece of sugar. Let?
-Let. Better candy.
-Well. Only you to me have the cat black-black find that without a white spot was that all black, and in the belly and paws.
-Okay, now I will bring.
-And do you know where is it from?
-Find, old man, only candy bring necessarily.
The boy climbed out of the ditch and ran to the village, funny Bouncing with every step, and I followed him to look for in the storerooms of Pelagia, which, like any instructed by the hard life of the old woman hid on the black day of the lot of all kinds of products and things, maybe even not very useful, among which could be and some candy. Lifting on the porch, the corner of my eye I noticed that Malets scouring the yard of the house barbarians, and he would call out, but changed his mind.
The house was empty. I went to the upper room, and from there into the kitchen, got into the Cabinet, chest and began to rummage among the canvas sacks of grains, flour, rice, пшенкой in search of candy or sugar, which eventually finding and thrusting deep into his pocket, had hurried back.
Malets has already pulled оравшего bad voice чернющего cat. It was just marvelous, where so fast he could find required, something that without the use of took me a whole day.
Cat claws and began to brush off paws, одурело his eyes wide, as I attempted to take him to the boy, holding him under the arms from the back. I had to go for the bag. In the end, we made a deal. Cat, трепыхающийся in холщовом sack was in my hand, and candy, dried up to the hardness of the crackers, the little fingers of the boys.
Ten minutes brisk walk, I was in a cemetery but at the heart lay anxiety from that time has been lost, and for quite a short autumn day promised's end and give way to the twilight quickly перейдущим in the night.
Oak was visible from a distance. It stood out vividly against the stunted by its powerful neighbors, curly crown. Making his way between the rickety, rusted fences, abandoned burial pits, неогороженных burial mounds with aspen poles and an axe on his shoulder and a bag with притихшим cat in his hand, I hurried to him. I felt like seconds overtaken me, despite the fact that the movements of my too hasty. Somewhere in aspen poles and bag greatly hindered me, clinging to the fence , monuments, crosses and bushes. In powerless rage I рвл them, pulled, feeling the energy goes out of me like water from a pond, прорвавшаяся through the dam.
The oak was MCP noticeable are the hill, when, apparently, was a grave. I сбросилна it aspen rods, bag, checking whether it is tied, and some time was rushing about in confusion, not knowing which way to go in the first place, whether to cut oak, whether build on the grave of the gallows. I very vaguely imagine why you need both, and therefore confused because of their ignorance.
However, in the end, common sense has prevailed, and, judging that in the light of the fire from a tree cut down, it will be possible to build a gallows and hanged cat, and, conversely, when it gets dark, cut oak in the second turn will be very difficult, I took his axe.
I previously had to chop wood. But this tree was very thick. Here it is good to have a companion with a two-handed saw, and one with an axe work this out too daunting. The more that time was running out, and it seemed that axe gets stuck in the air.
Hands hurt and ached, palms were covered with varicose вулдырями corns and the shoulders were felt from fatigue when, finally, having grinded not too sharp tool thick trunk, like a pencil, only under very obtuse angle, I heard the tree cracked, покачнулось already more than the wind, гнавшего on the sky to the low gray clouds, and повлилось, falling towards the cemetery and powerful their weight straddling my aspen poles
The crown of the tree fell so uncomfortable with that I closed the shortest and the best way through the cemetery to the road leading to Василиху. Luck did not want to accompany my case. The sun has set behind the horizon, and only the scarlet dawn рдела even in the West, heralding tomorrow windy day and quite rapid onset of night.
Chapter 27.
We sat and listened to stories of Valera and Igor how they served in Mongolia, more and more astonished by the things that they talked about. There was even such a moment when it seemed to me that in these stories more fiction than real events. However, one of the mentioned anything like the other would pick up his word and developed the topic further. It could hardly happen such unanimity, whether these stories are invented.
Empty bottles, the number of half-a-dozen, rolling on the floor under the table, and two more were початые, half-empty among the mountains of bones and stubby residues marching snacks. Everything is already fine поднакачались and has not paid even a drop on, if someone looked into the compartment.
Anton left already, just barely sleepy Marina made in the coupe with soaring glasses in the aluminium Cup holders and offered tea. I sat and listened to the stories, in the soul feeling the anxiety of jealousy. I was curious to know what was my companion, but it seems... I guessed already, and gets there was obviously late. About the Light, not worth remembering.
However, I was sitting on pins and needles, and because of this could not last long, still came out, finally, in a corridor. But here were my pains not been completed, and tormented by the strong imagination, I stood alone at the window and was staring past the solid wall plantations endless string of проносившейся past. On mobile fabric of sprays of trees and bushes my mind conjured up a picture, бередившие the soul of his relentless inevitability and illusory nature becoming a reality in the полукупе where went crazy evening, night, and morning. It lasted, but I do not like it hurt him to think that Anton is now somewhere together with Marina, strange and unsympathetic, but the former and my спавшей with me as well as him. Another night to me it seemed like something abstract, not prompted them to serious reflection, not troubled mind and not even bother, but on the contrary, cheerful soul. The world was as easy and clear, but now, on the contrary, heavy Blues changed phony gaiety, and I could not find balance and peace.
I was thrown from one extreme to another, but it internally confusion does not betrayed itself outwardly, and I still stood at the window, painfully thinking that there was already an hour, maybe more, although not actually pass over fifteen minutes.
Along the corridor past me sometimes people passed by. Almost everyone followed by transit through the carriage. Someone went out of the compartment, heading in the vestibule of the smoke. Someone with заспанным, sluggish which usually peculiar to the passengers of trains of distant following, where it is warm, but closely, and can only stand, sit or lie down, and have nowhere to go except the dining car, and there is often do not like to Flex their muscles, протаскивался from the toilet. But none of this concerned me, not even in my consciousness, employed a completely different thoughts.
Despite the fact that I drank, I was not drunk, and I wanted another drink, get drunk to the point where everything becomes either never, or appears in pink color, or completely forgotten. However, back in the left campaign that did not want. Their talk and memories, a few озадачившие and потревожившие my views about the army, which while not positive, and most likely quite dull and grey, but not to such an extent dirty and perverted, what could be formed under the influence of any of these calls.
"It was all so long ago, ' said I, continuing to paint sex scenes with the participation of Anton and Marina, and it will be tried to calm his soul that things had to change. I hope that wherever I go, serve, and everything will be fine..."
I imagined Platz, which is a formation of soldiers, commander with big stars on their shoulder straps, which is me, and then goes, and I begin to command, and soldiers obediently turn, rebuilt from the column in a row, dropping and again form a system, and I stand before them in a form of beauty, and only give my team. And then, in the evening, at six, go home and rest. Perhaps I will get an apartment, and a neighbor will Anton. And in the evenings we will arrange there debauchery, invite guests, have fun. Everything will be fine.
"No, better not to Anton. Let someone else," I thought, and my dreams have vanished and мучавшие bedding picture returned. "Soldiers, soldiers, what soldiers?!" - My thoughts went the other way. "It is strange, what other soldiers, but we have been recently my main concern was the problem of how to sneak out AWOL from the College. Now I had to change its role on the opposite. Whether on forces me this metamorphosis?"
I was a little scary, but from these reflections. The memory memories came about Mongolia and service Valera and Igor:
-As you was when айзеров drove the service in the regiment.
-Well, of course. Their winter eighty-ninth year gave us, and I'm only a year and half the summer's gone.
We on the division of the two thousand of them came, " explained Igor all, in each battery in each rote half айзеров. We in the battery twenty-five people were, and of them those twelve. Everywhere, in all the regiments and battalions. In December sent. All Transbaikalia, said five thousand Dali, and half of which us how to go to the toilet, напихали. That's right, from Mongolia across the border to escape, and from Transbaikalia they quickly all home посмываются. Then just Sumgait events subsided a little, here in the army packs and began to call. Even those who age of military has not reached... And behold, there was Orlov these to us at the division, were herded into one barrack, and they are there for one month were cooked in its own juice - it is in their charges so passed. There is no head of fees, neither the company nor взводные the first two weeks were not displayed, and then подсунуться could not (and feared, because there such mafia emerged that hoo! Айзера after all, when a lot of them, when the crowd to one - because they are courageous, cruel and ruthless. Санинструктора, officers-сверхсрочника was nearly killed when he quarantine them went and tried some of them to lecture... Then their parts are dealt, and began!.. We commander of division on the eve of their arrival the soldiers all built and says: "comrade soldiers, on Monday we get young replenishment: all Azeri. They are people that love, when it is treated fairly. Therefore I ask you to treat them politely, not to dissolve the hands, do with them as equal and not see what you "demobilization" or "scoop". I know if about someone that he is such a nonsense in relation to them suffers - beware, blame yourself! Skin put!" a man-he was harsh, great big fellow, with a half-turn of the road, if that suddenly he finds not predictable, in General. and the soldiers of his fire as feared. And we, the officers and warrant officers he said then: "Well, guys, hold on now! Айзера is two years service, and pain! They floors will not wash, no dishes to clean, and wearing will not work!" As the water looked! I still young then was лейтенантик. Now, like you - " he nodded at me with Anton. I thought he evokes fear. And it all and so it happened. Our-the commander of a battalion had with them serve, and his conclusion was categorical: of all "non-Russians" these, айзера, the most stubborn and obstinate. He told how their brig гноил in the camera bleach poured so that can't breath, eye rivers of tears gushing, the frost out barefoot. And they are all one: "Ne'll wash!" and that's all! Though you burst. When only with a week over them поиздеваешься, then they break. But in a fortnight again refuse: the floors, wash - ne would be, it жэнский work. And what you do with them again just don't do. though prison scare, though in the guardhouse convert, even in the face Bay all useless until a week in a cell with bleach not serve their term. And now the whole service to muster... But it then their little was, one, two in the company, then some of them you could make. And when полбатареи айзеров, there something else we should find and going anywhere!" - Igor breath. - "Well, here! And decided to luminary of the command of the new tactics work with them to elect. And they only have guessed it, immediately began to walk, just their Sergeant embrace, directly to the commander of a battalion and complain. Of unfair treatment. And so skillfully, you bastards, enjoyed the quiet pronunciation and ignorance of Russian words that until something for him to explain, QC sheep проблеют, he already рассвирепеет and who did not even understand what the matter was, that the commander of the Department or замкомвзвода as enraged lion is thrown. Here and someone immediately goes, and battalion commander. And this is only the name of the Sergeant barely pronounce and anything else rambling, pointless with a plaintive views pronounce all the machine started working.
-Yes, we also used to have it in the battalion, " agreed Valera. - Only different a bit. The commander of the first freebooters gave them, and then watching them and do the impossible: mopping the floors don't want to dress remove not want, do not work, in the dining room at the corners of proliferation, whispering to her, when they put there on duty. The guard put them afraid, because suddenly weapons anything учудят or no officer, the commander of the guard, shoot them. Well, he decided to plant a few of them for the procedure and an example to others to онихоть once obeyed. Steel everything according to the law do refused to work or mopping the floors - write an explanatory note why. Several explanatory accumulated - report of the team: open a criminal case, and all. And here comes a report to division commander. He is to us in the battalion comes: "Comrade Colonel, you don't know how people work! I'll show you now how it is done!" And let these айзерам show. How to wash floors. Himself rag in hand picked, a bucket with water, washes and says that. as a Yes. And these standing looking, as a Colonel, the commander of the division, they were in the barracks removed...
He then General received, in the ninetieth, - said Igor.
-Really?! surprised Valera.
-Well, it's not important, after a pause of wonder waved his hand Valera. -Now, he washes the floors, wash, and then said айзерам: "see how I was doin? - Let us now and you so!" And they answer: "Ne будэм!" Well, commander of the furious twin beds turned, noise done and said battalion commander: "Educate yourself your soldiers!"
-The best is yet to come, - said Igor. -Then what started! Everyone thought they were closer to дембелю rest, Yes, there it was! Just the opposite! They began to grow brown, more and more. And what they, in fact, be afraid of? How much they mess done - not one of them but not jailed. Take the case in the infantry, when deuces айзеров stools beat platoon leader to such an extent that his face turned into a bloody mess, and it was difficult to know! This is the eighty-ninth. You must know about it, Valera.
-Yes, I remember...
-So what do you think?! Plant them? Figs with two! Sent to serve in Kyakhta.
-I in Kyakhta serve, " said Constantine.
-Oh, maybe you about this story you know! Have sent them to serve in Kyakhta. There they were beaten to death chains officer, but not jailed. But turned back to us, in Баганур: take, they say, their soldiers and nurture. In the infantry after that and even the hands were lowered, and they did there, he wants to. But that's nothing. In August ninetieth айзера refused to perform any orders of commanders and even peaceful message to your own address is not perceived. They demanded to them by mid-September, was fired all, was put on a plane and sent directly to Azerbaijan. This requirement, they came up to the commander of the division, who by that time the General managed to get. He promised them to do it, but they were not satisfied and to make it clear to the authorities don't joke, organized a hike in Ulan Bator, where the headquarters of the army. From the us there is far - hundred and twenty kilometers, plus two pass, through which the machine hard to get over I would never come! But you know - it worked!.. We in the exercise were somewhere in the beginning of September. And айзера that in our regiment that in a tank that anti-aircraft missile, - but there was smaller, - infantry both already have been deduced in the Union, behold, айзера refused even though on classes to go, though, especially on the polygon ride, remained in the barracks. In the evening we come back from shooting to the barracks approach, and I don't understand time, about nine o'clock in the evening, and the barracks and on the parade ground, at the headquarters everywhere officers fully core staff, chiefs. Our entrance of the commander of regiment with some lost views. All excited and aroused! The soldiers at the landfill is exhausted during the day, tired, only to bed without undressing, left to fall on the ground are persecuted, on the evening check, if they have a whole day in the barracks прохлаждались... Well, weapons, instruments set, and I to the commander of the division's appeal, they say, home is you can go: tired, I want to sleep now, with legs fell, while I was behind the battalion steer. He growl at you: "Comrade Lieutenant! You what, are you crazy?! Regiment commander here! And you, commander of the platoon, gathered home!" and here I stand as spit on, and think to myself with resentment: "What is the regiment commander here? So let them! He at the landfill was not, and I'm tired as a dog," and the shiver: I don't know what happened, and all created by around unclear and goes beyond the usual. Only learned later, Azerbaijanis, about eight in the evening from all parts of the assembled at our barracks, погудели, like a swarm of bees, and in steppe went to Ulan - Bator, - I mean... The commander of the division, he learned about this, разведбат, our "home" spetsnaz, raised the alarm on himself on UAZ, a reconnaissance company on "Urals". And let's catch up with these idiots чернож...pykh. They already twenty kilometers away from the town, when he overtook them. The reconnaissance company blocked the road with guns blazing, but айзера-the - know that the shoot will not be just like water through your fingers through this chain leaked and went further. Scouts, though they guys were tall, ninety-meter, Yes the Russians, as the selection, but something shunned did wrong. And that they, in fact, shoot? They would've been there for two thousand monkeys bare hands strangled, they would put a hundred't yet. Yes, and who gave the command to shoot?.. well, then commander himself ran out , ahead of the car that crowd. On my knees stood up and let them beg crook them to come back. Then he and promised them a second time and has firmly that on the aircraft in mid-September in Azerbaijan will be sent. And how! He's just General received. I had to save their shoulder! Here it is in all sorts of tricks, you have to go. Including such... and now, he persuaded all this bunch of back to the barracks, even (you know!) forced scouts who are with him come, walking back to the town to come back, and those monkeys on the machine planted and before midnight, to and fro, and carried, only they would not change your mind. And the next day, just in a tank regiment officers strike was declared. The most genuine! And started with her before the division headquarters Deputy commander of a tank regiment. The condition was simple: as long as the commander of the division айзеров not приструнит and not make them at least in combat training to participate and to submit to the routine of the day, the officers of the service will not go. Such a reaction, of course, the division commander did not expect, but still, itself in response reacted promptly: in many parts handed to all the classes, all the work in the parks, on the machines were conducted, and personally, each unit commander was standing in the check-technical paragraph, output, and watched that no officer, especially the youngest, from the location of the Park will not come out. Isolate so wanted. But the information still somehow leaked and we have almost all platoon commanders, комбаты many eleven o'clock, were already sitting in the garrison House of officers... the Commander of the division there too soon arrived. He began to ask questions, requirements, almost accusations put forward. He is a sly Fox, with three boxes officers promised these things: and instigators of-the leaders of Azerbaijanis plant, and from warehouses of the commodity and food remove warehousemen-soldier of Azerbaijani - sufficient. That all the heads of these almshouses - айзера, and give commanders parts resolution on self-excitation of criminal cases, and the hands are not покладать. Until everything is done, but the two days on vacation умотал and all things had passed on to his deputies. It was quiet. However, a tank regiment still long to boil. Deputy commander of a regiment was there explanatory case, incidentally, said. He was still in GDOs комдиву said that for a long time already collects information, and he reportedly division of Azerbaijanis has developed a strong underground organization split into three, and having even the Council, whose leaders, well camouflaged, are in the battalion of material support. The Council manages the entire organization, having in its composition that five members, among which was the son of mullahs, who was also a well-disguised. There flocked to all information, and each of the Azerbaijanis at the bottom of the very afraid. To the other two of his three't caught him in weakness to submit to and obey the officers and sergeants, because then it would be'll be sorry. The Council was engaged in extortion and everyone had monthly fee in one to two thousand Tugrik, is ten salaries soldier per month. Where they are produced, the Council somehow didn't care. Where can undertake such money? He actually encouraged bribery, theft, and produced by such funds were bought from the Mongol for a few hours, as taxi drivers, truck and drove the most favourite and close to the top of the meeting in Ulan Bator, where the court" infantry regiment "army" elite settled. By the way, and rebelliousness all theirs first, Ulaanbaatar, started, and then to the us, on the periphery of the spilled over. And they happen to be, when in March on the capital went, went to support the hunger-strikers there countrymen... When I listened to all of this, I have hair on the head is moving, the commander listened, agreed, promised vacation умотал, and we айзерами remained stew in their own juice... too September has come to an end, айзерота again inquired, with the promise of something комдивское. Уговоренное, has not been fulfilled. Here they were already threaten the abduction of the wife or child of any of the officers as hostages to send home. You know, than similar tricks threaten. And that's almost two weeks this whole катавасия he wrote. Officers on айзеров spitted : let them do what they want. Soldiers Russians, Uzbeks, which these oppressed, for himself and for those monkeys in the dresses, the sentries on the work of the fly, and these get up about eight, before lunch, the heap will gather a crowd, without fail go into the dining room, then set down somewhere in the sun where it's warm and Boo Boo Boo Boo Boo Boo until the afternoon. And so the whole day. remember, the commander of the regiment of the dining room there is, and айзера past him a bunch pass, hands in pockets, his side do not even look like there's an empty place. And behind the commander of the company is approaching, and, well, Colonel shouts: "Comrade captain, and bring order to these soldiers!" And he answers: "Bring yourself, comrade Colonel, I will not listen!" The commander of the regiment had snapped: "Make to you listen, comrade captain!" "And I'll make?" in turn asks the commander, and, indeed, what he can do: face to beat the law can not and I will not give myself айзера face beat in the guardhouse plant - funny: first, it is for them to talk, and, secondly, even before going their Ulan Bator in the same ill-fated tank division few Azerbaijanis put in the guardhouse, so the rest of learning, came to караулке and became the commander of the guard require that the freed arrested and even to convincing sound, breaking the barrier around a guardhouse. Soldiers who guard stood, and there Russians almost all of whom айзера every day in the barracks face and beat him, harassed and humiliated, as they wanted to trouble the new't get in, hiding in the guardhouse. Well, that the chief of the guard not timid guy was, machine grabbed, jumped out into the yard, turn gave up and warned: "the Following give you, if you don't stop!" they stopped, but then another two hours of караулки crowding, while the head of the political section of the division came and freed arrested, - have-did his... By the way, the chief of the guard then this two weeks with a gun walked up to the end of history, because they had sentenced him to death, and hopes on anyone to yourself, Yes the gun, the senior Lieutenant left. Him how many times ordered to surrender their weapons, but he would not hear: who else can guarantee the safety of life - examples-that much has been that the officer there is nobody to defend and soldier justify what atrocity he would not done, especially if it айзера and, moreover, if them two thousand of the garrison, and each of these two thousand knows, what do you want to revenge, and just watch a good case of when you will decide... Shorter, such is the Abracadabra was until айзеров, still not decided to demobilize earlier than usual, because every day became worse and worse: in the morning already and don't know whether the service to go, whether at home, wife, yeah baby guard that the door has not planted and not stolen... I like the morning will come into service, and know that in the evening of Azerbaijanis planted in cars and sent to Налайх, under Ulan Bator, where a military airfield used to be. And something other soldiers too excited. It is understood of course that is easier for them to come, but they too excited and animated. And later already heard from some of the conversations that night, it turns out, the boundaries of what was happening: the whole division gathered and let айзеров drive along the barracks. What was happening there, can not describe, the more that I do not have caused the alarm, the - all the officers informed about me and seemed to forget, but smote them, threshed two hours, until they hit upon the division headquarters ломануться. Importantly, commander of the already from vacation had returned, out of the house runs out, I'm told, and past the crowd for айзерами chases. She across: "stop it, stop it, I command you! Wait, I General, I division commander!" And all of the soldiers rushing past him with sticks, bricks, and nobody pays any attention. One, however, the soldier stopped and said, "Well from what you General?! I fuck you put!" - Continue пошпарил, time to lose, don't want, need for all to be in time for revenge... Айзера when we ran into the division headquarters, a duty staff jumped out with a gun. The crowd in front of the entrance to the headquarters stopped, smoke, not diverge. Айзера only from the headquarters of the lean - осмелеют, means - as them back in the building will be made. Then Trucks drove, айзеров посажали in the body, and they started to get under way , as under the awnings bricks flew. Sticks. Stones, that hand was. "Првожающие" on both sides of the road are lined up and let them good-bye to regale... But they who left were lucky. But forty of them had not time to leave, and on them all night came off. Done all kinds of things: they floors in the barracks washed, and in the toilet cleaned. The bald their tonsured, and the hounds in the toilet head помакали little to cool blood. Say, if officers in the barracks was not there at all killed. The officers were defending them, not zealously, of course, and so, for близира, then to the Armory was locked to reach them failed, and left them there for the whole night... these were the case, concluded the narrator. - Айзера then another two weeks in tents at the airfield lived in full dress uniform, without food. And then the airborne transport "Il" planted and drove home. They were said as the Caspian sea saw and immediately you mind began to go: jump, shout, run on the compartment, cuddle. And the pilots are angry with them and to calm down, the hatch opened and so almost to the Baku flew. Айзера immediately subsided, but when the plane went out, all blue were, as broilers at us in shops. In General, conducted with the service, as they deserve, and not officers did, and soldiers, the people that's called, атмейский..."
Someone touched my arm. I turned around and saw a girl:
"Could you help me? She wanted to know.
Chapter 28.
Oak does not want to light up. Until I ran into the village for the fuel to запалить its probably another hour passed.
Gasoline find not immediately, just by chance I found out that one in Василихе holds motorcycle, though long ago, does not drive. He helped me. The happiness of the old man himself admitted that somewhere in the shed he perfectly fits полканистры gasoline.
"But, why? "He asked.
-Yes there is a priest brought the machine, and back almost sufficient lied I: the machine is long gone.
Approaching the cemetery, I felt a shiver in all States. It felt as if I was someone already waiting there. In the thick dusk suddenly tense silence, and the deeper I climbed the cemetery, the stronger became the feeling of fear, accompanied this infinite expectation of meeting the unknown.
Only be reached already in the blind corner, where he lay in an unmarked grave felled me oak, I heard terrible screams cat, and strange, but suddenly became easier and safer. I suddenly became even feel sorry for the poor animal, which was to become the victim of this strange struggle, in which it is unknown why I got involved and now was to make strange, absurd actions.
I pulled the poles and a bag of cat away to the side, doused trunk of an oak, starting from the lower end to the very top, lost in the crumbling yellow leaf crown of gasoline canisters fired him and only managed to throw a couple of steps, as a huge pillar of fire, чадящий thick smoke, went up, all the mining cemetery.
Wood cracked, застонало, swallowed by the flames, crown broke out thousands dry out like the gunpowder leaves, but then almost extinguished, flaring up gradually with new force. Near this huge fire was already unbearable to stand the heat. Had to take a sack and aspen whips even further into the forest.
Cat in several places tore the bag, but could not get out, and now зыркал through these holes on the raging flames. So he did not run away, I tied it in a bag so that now he couldn't there and move.
The forest grew up on this side of the cemetery was kind of strange, rare and short. Still light when in General, when a General notice anything this time was not, I caught a glimpse noticed that the trees around some sprawling, with squat, round crowns and crooked trunks. Now, coming closer to them and not believing his eyes, I found that it was some fruit trees, pears or apples.
This was certainly not the forest likely garden, has long been abandoned and overgrown other trees, wild bushes and tall grass, why, and learn it was not possible now, perhaps, even to the former owner.
Then, in the afternoon, it seemed to me that in the depth of this little "forests" are seen sharp roofs of some buildings. But then I just dismissed this absurd conjecture, intelligently, accepting panelists sharp spires and roofs for longer trees, rising above the rest of his brothers. Their visible especially from the center of the cemetery. The road they merged with the surrounding green mass, скрадывались on the background of полго rising slope barely perceptible hill, in the hollow of which was the cemetery.
Now, when from a bright, high flame forest became like Lacy, transparent, I became clearly visible ruins of the house, gleaming in reaching its moss-covered walls всполохах fire bloodred breaks, a bright green, заплесневелом background of the skeleton of the building.
If spellbound I moved, pushing through the thick between the branches of trees, high grass and bushes, to that arising from nothing vision. Strange images began to appear one after another in my head, gradually transforms itself into something issued. I recollected read in the attic of his Pelagia old letters, text excerpts from the book, event, events, budora"iv ie this area and the population of several centuries ago. Thought that I could guess who was mentioned in the writings, as the owner of the land where he lived, where his home was, his mansion, where lived his serfs.
My thoughts, blinded and frightened by the sudden opening, huddled together, then fled, and did suddenly gathered in some design, firmly perched on the facts that I know.
Around the light was almost like day. However shadows сучковатых branches Bouncing around on the mossy walls, done it all even more illusive than if only the Moon poured out here from heaven your silver, mysterious light. It seemed that the stones breathe and move, as scales of the huge monster. Creepy could they even touch the walls of ramshackle buildings, the remains of which showed the commitment of its long sunken into oblivion the host of the Gothic style, but, I forced myself to do it.
Fingers lay on the cold, rough stones, wet from the first dew. Now the thought of yawning black void of Windows leap someone or something, for which I arranged all this terrible event, but the minutes passed, and the silence was broken only my steps on the debris of bricks and rubble in the grass under his feet. And longed to go inside the building, but something stopped me. First, it is unlikely that anything interesting, capable to excite my surprise, left there, after all these places probably along and across излазили village boys, and secondly, even if something worthwhile there still remained the same, already rotted away from moisture and ruthless time. Besides, despite the fact that in a few hundred meters brightly blazed a huge bonfire in the house remained dark, and the rays of a flame penetrate inside through the holes, holes and blind niches Windows in the walls.
I rounded the house round about. On the other side stood the blackest darkness, but nevertheless it was noticeable that a fairly large space is almost completely devoid of vegetation, and on the far edge of its walls were of wood, on which the dancing shadows from the spires and roofs of the houses, is seen oblong, squat building, as well dilapidated and iridescent blue lights, like fireflies, Roy accumulated there, moved by his remains.
Driven by curiosity, I went there and saw something resembling a stable or barn. "Maybe hence the huge wolf like lambs had a healthy horses," thought I, remembering the extracts from the diary of the doctors, and передернулся all from the rush on me cold chills.
The further presence here was done all the more painful for me, and I hurried back to the cemetery, where burning, though not so bright and strong, large oak tree, although there is a special comfort and safety for some reason is not felt, especially now, when my back, I felt the cold breath of the dead estate filled with seemingly uncanny shadows of the past, like зацепившегося for her remains and not wanting to get out.
Oak догорал dispersed on several bright red boulders, blistering hot sparks on the ground. One of them was on the grave, where I had put the gallows. There it was still impossible to come from bursting heat huge coal. I didn't know how much time I have left, but was from the fact that everything was so bad. Now I was literally пробирало cold to think, that with me there is the most important weapons, and to protect: the silver cross and silver bullets. All this was now the barbarians.
In the head I got a ridiculous idea, that if I went to Barbara and very well ask her to give me the cross and bullets, citing Ivan Noodles, then she'd give them to me, because a human was still remain. As I reflected on it, supported by the hopelessness of her position, she seemed more real and believable, and soon even it is surprising for me was like this before I have not guessed to do so. "Will not eat me, in the end, Varvara", - thought I, twit from the continual state of fear, in which he remained still since only entered the cemetery land, but it did not show himself in this report.
The sense of danger dim I have so much that I just sat down on the ground, leaning against the thin trunk of a tree, feeling the warm skin of the face rdeyuschie remains of oak trunk, enveloped in blue lights shooting out from the fiery bowels of holding another stem form of coal, and began to lazily and slowly reflect shall I go down to Varvara or to wait when you can put a gallows and вздернуть it black as ebony cat. Everything else, until now беспокоившее me, retreated somewhere in the darkness of the surrounding world, not hiding there, to return then with all his ruthlessness inevitability, and gone forever, as if left heinous their attempts and harassment of my destiny.
I sat for so long, until suddenly, heart-rending yells cat, again suddenly began to scream and flutter in the bag, not brought me back to reality. I realized that I almost fell asleep for quiet contemplation, warmed by the warmth догорающего oak, and, поежившись from the consciousness of the whole horror of what would then happen, shook his head and got up, determined to act.
Coals which had fallen on the ground, barely burning now, and the darkness is coming right up close and make me worry about and заторопиться. Hardly found in the high grass axe. On in the dark, almost at random отесывая, binding and bonding pole between them, I looked around, turned to the right, left, fearing seriously and consciousness of danger, how would anyone unknown to me not approached in this darkness too close and not attacked me on the sly. And the fact that nothing boded ill that night was quite warm for this season, the same tangible, cheerful, calm as always, that the world around does not make sounds of fear and flight, was not filled with horror nightmare, all this roused in me more and more growing concern. It seemed that Nature itself along with those against whom I had to fight that she сговорилась with them, entered into the sinister Alliance, and is now trying to deceive me, to lull my vigilance of its calmness and equanimity. And the most terrible was that it was pretty good. She was around me, she owned the land on which I stood, and the darkness that descended from heaven, and those trees and grass that surrounded me, clung to me their branches, got into eyes, scratching, prevented move her legs.
Coals stopped giving light. They were still visible in the dark purple-red Milky way, простершимся before legs, flared brightly, it was worth to step on it and crush, but still burn out and were just about to fade away altogether. However, hangman, as bad as things are, and fragile it may be, is still lying in front of me, and had only вкопать her in a low, grave mound, still Smoking under the remnants of fire.
I threw the axe embers, freeing Piglet in the middle of the mound, and began to hack warm, hot even the land. Soon formed hole, but it was not enough to safely and securely deliver instrument of execution. Cat meanwhile raged in the bag stronger and more. His heart-rending yells, разносившиеся the entire cemetery, became more and more threatening, and I have not a little fear, as though not the opposite happened, and I myself did not have to share the fate prepared this animal. It seemed that the cat is calling someone for help, sensing his death, and he must come to the aid, I have been hurt.
I drove from these terrible, delusional fantasies, but they would not leave my mind. Of course, I have not come here for a walk. But somewhere deep down glimmered, lived still hope that everything would turn out today those fears, I has suffered a great deal, that would suffice. And hanging cat in this full moon night in the cemetery, I consciousness of accomplishment, tired and survived all went to sleep to a fortune "Пантелеихе".
Finally, utrambuvavshy knee down around a vertical stand, I was ready, and, taking the cat through the bag with one hand tried to get him, but озверевшее of horror and anguish animal расцарапало my palm in the blood.
Like the burnt I drew the brush. In my head flashed the thought, not hang whether it right in the bag, the more that I haven't noticed a sadistic inclinations and wasn't going to watch the dying convulsions of the victim, and just did my duty, as suddenly, having made an incredible strength and agility movement, the cat escaped after my hand in the formed hole in the bag, slipped through my fingers. Its glossy black ash-silvery Shine bright moonlight back flashed before my eyes, and I only managed to grab his hind leg.
Feline body прогнулось arc, and its teeth and claws dug into my and without the wounded hand, however, flustered, I have not dropped a sack, and wrestled with him only by the fact that tried not to close his fingers, despite the extreme pain. Charter, animal hung down his head. In the moonlight I was well seen his unusually long carcass, limply крутившаяся few seconds on his right foot and the left. But soon, before I could even figure out what you need to intercept the cat the other hand, he plucked up again forces, again bent over, clutching ухватившие him for the finiteness of the fingers.
Like crazy I watched for his attempts to free herself, and it seemed to me something abstract, my head is spinning some extraneous thoughts. I suddenly thought that I'm hungry and instantly if lightning секануло. I remembered that I forgot about the garlic, I completely missed that in your head, and at that very moment, when this conjecture scared me the world turned around suddenly and loudly хрустнув, broke into pieces, as the delicate crystal mirror. In his scattered fragments of dumbness and real estate night seemed only insidious mask behind which is hidden, изготовившись sure to catch the prey, something terrible and strong in his ruthless honesty carnivorous contempt for my life and the lives of other things.
Somewhere nearby, frightened silence, закауркал, sang, загорлопанил owl, he echoed immediately another, then a third, fourth, if gathered around the cemetery in ambush and now together intending to drive game, and as if on a signal, then polyphonic yelling, the earth under your feet came down.
I felt like I was standing on a huge pancake, which is going to turn the other party, and immediately fell back, not retaining an equilibrium. So is drunk guy who can't understand, whether the snake is not holding him and kicking underfoot, or whether he can not maintain an upright position. Only the first thinks: "Do earthquake?", and in my head sounded: "am I drunk?"
Cat rowed three loose pawed the ground, trying to sneak back and throwing her lumps me in the face, but I wouldn't let him, when suddenly under my belly earth вспучилась, exactly вскипая, and rose to the surface, pouting and going to burst, a huge bubble pair. Обомлев of surprise and terror, I pulled hand to itself so that in weak fingers to the bone cat feet хрустнула. The cat screamed wildly and sunk his teeth and claws in my brush with such a furious rage that my hand involuntarily also lost its grip.
The animal had disappeared in the darkness, but I was not to the chase. Created by around left in the released immediately from all of the thoughts of the head but the throbbing with the speed of взбесившегося heart "Started!"
Something fell on top of me, and I guessed that it вывороченная of land осиновя gallows doubt that me nothing seemed, as it happens, there was no more. I jumped on the floor, and then the terrible picture compelled to cool the blood in my veins, appeared before me in the moonlight.
Graveyard earth was in full swing and пучилась, but instead of steam from the depths of her outward portrayal of strange creatures. All was moan coming from nowhere. Beings, bright отсвечивающие white, exactly фосфорисцирующие in the moonlight, much like people. They became more and more, and this picture was drawn to me with his appalling act. I откзывался believe my eyes, and even tried to wipe them, but nothing was missing.
Finding the strength to finally сьросить heavy shackles daze, I turned around to find long-cooked stake lying somewhere nearby, is the only weapon of all, which would now be necessary, and saw the tomb, where a minute ago there was hangman, torn up, and from it emerged the huge Ghost of his way to me now with greedy hands outstretched. It was a man, or rather, the body of a man, but well kept and looks like a living, but I was less afraid, and in my soul there was nothing but misery, Yes barely a glimmering thought that salvation comes only overcoming fear and somehow defensively.
Instinctively stepping back, I stumbled on something and, bending down, felt the surface drafted aspen stake, picked him up and got ready, gaining spirit to defend himself.
Фосфорисцирующие shadow of the vampire leaned towards me from all parts of the cemetery.
Reality mixed with a dream, but a dream it was also a nightmare, as really, it was impossible to get away.
That was the strength of hit I pointed end aspen stake nearest of ghouls, feeling, as he gently, MCP encountering the resistance of the skin, entered his body. Heard the clapping sound, but it turned the other, like the howl coming from all sides.
Vampire issued a prolonged groan and fell to the ground, but others were already very close.
Hitting two or tre, not remembering itself, I rushed headlong, falling, растягивясь on пляшущей under your feet, shaking хожящей earth, lifting and again resorting to their heels. It seemed that I caught and хватят, but being already on the road to Василихе, I turned around and saw that vampires are far behind. Their фосфорсцирующая the crowd was still far away, but they still followed me and did not intend останасливаться.
Already on the outskirts of the village it dawned on me what kind of trouble навлекаю I at its inhabitants. However, the change was not at my best when I thought about it, pausing for a second, like vampires appeared from the forest. Further there was no escape.
In the house of Вравары burned greenish light. The window in the hut Pelagia Пантелеевны and in the neighbor on the other side of the streets were dark and lifeless. I paused in indecision at the gate to the yard witches, glances at the upcoming вмпиров.
I had no time to think, I am guilty of this invasion, or it would have happened anyhow. We needed something to do, something to redeem himself and, if possible, to save others.
Suddenly I caught myself thinking that me not to give a damn that I try to fool myself that feel the need to defend someone besides himself, trying to impose on yourself now this need to be a defender.
This маленькя, God abandoned, lost in a boundless world village not interested in anyone, including me. What will be with it, with its residents, that was going on yesterday, is today and will be происходитьзавтра, does it exist at all in this world and how many more will exist, never интересоваломеня as well as the fate of tens of thousands of these villages and settlements. And these horrors, which as in a dirty puddle, I've been running today, is only a particular occurring only here and nowhere else. Maybe somewhere events happen and even more terrible, but they only particular location in which to arise as dirty, greasy stain on the clothes, which in other places is clean and dry, and the people living there never заинтересуютмя, do not take to heart what is некасательно them somewhere in a strange away, that was never really for them did not exist and will not exist, and for which they clearly the concept of "nowhere".
Maybe now vampires will carry this peopled small, secluded, solitary world, erased from the face of the earth, leaving behind only the dead and useless houses, livestock and livestock owners. So what? Who cares? Who will дознаваться, dig, why, and why, as happened this disaster, that there has actually happened?! And if I don't have time now to escape, escape, escape from this nightmare, the causes of which do not understand and I do not have anything to do with them, will be carried out together with him into the abyss of the past.
Animal fear, просыпающееся in a moment of mortal danger, a familiar already before, had possessed me, because before I delay, it is unknown why staying at the gate to the yard Barbara, vampires have approached to a distance of a few steps, and the next minute I would enjoy my blood.
I turned to the gate. The Windows of the house of the witch was smoldering green spots. "From the frying pan into the fire!" I thought to myself, feeling as if in mortal anguish and despair hurt heart, turning into elastic lump the size of a walnut.
Flinging open the gate, I ran to the house. Someone grabbed me by the back of clothes. Fabric shirt затрещала, and I managed to escape.
"It is interesting that feels fly, getting in a sticky spider network?" - he thought the second as my body with a crash has encountered strong, oak door, слетевшую of whack with loops and грохнувшись with me in the dark corridor. Hum fall echoed as if I broke not in the wooden porch of the hut, and in the stone cave of the grotto.
Sharp pain of the bruises spread around the body. In the eyes darkened, although around and without, as it seemed, it was dark.
"Well, that's caught," I thought suddenly indifferently and sank into oblivion.
Chapter 29.
The girl looked at me attentive, unblinking, and I could not figure out where I am and what they wanted from me.
-There poorly with my grandmother, " she said.
-What is your grandmother? - I could not understand anything.
-With my neighbor. She was shaking all.
-Where is it?
"There, " the girl led me along, turning now and then and talking on the go. Is it normal was like, and then suddenly fall as задергается. Eyes turned back, some proteins visible hands скрючило, breath some intermittent, sometimes it seems that it does not. and then... I'm so scared.
We were in a compartment where on the bottom shelf in front of me opened a bad picture. Old woman, old, wrinkled, colored, like a baked Apple, with locks of silver-gray hair, выбившимися from under the colorful scarves, lay опрокинувшись on his back. And not even lay, and bobbed up and down on it. Signs of consciousness is not observed. Eyes, in fact, entered the подлобье. The old woman was a major trembling, her mouth was yellow foam, and when she suddenly sighed deeply, that happened more often than once or twice in a minute, roaring mass involved in the lungs.
The sight caused me брезгливое disgust, born from the mere thought that it should be closer, but, having overcome it, not without difficulty. I leaned over to the old woman, to meet a flying from it in all directions spray of saliva and the stench, grabbed her bony hands, turned on its side. Why foam immediately slow, large ошлепинами began to fall on the floor.
-That with her? - The girl sat down next to me, paying no attention to омерзительность what is happening.
I don't know, I'm not a doctor, " I replied. - Perhaps it's an attack of epilepsy or some shit like that.
Jaw old woman suddenly with a clang shut, and I began to remember. That heard about them, and how to act.
-Give some stick, umbrella or something like that. She has to close his mouth and to put something solid, so that she could not eat. Otherwise it'll choke.
The girl hurried rushing to his things, but time was lost, and this threatened the fact that the old woman could now suffocate. It was urgent to do something. I finally remembered that in such a state language sink down into the throat and closes the path of air into the lungs. Swift and sudden I turned the old woman on yourself, face down, and heavy foam spilled on the floor, but it was not enough.
Girl, finally, something sought out and slipped my hand. I don't know. How it happened, but I managed to close his mouth Granny and put it between the teeth of the resulting object.
It took quite a long time before the attack turned the old woman, and fight her disease successfully completed. Now she lay still pale but already live, opening the eyes and уставившаяся them on me as a stranger from another world.
-This happens to me too - weak, thin, her voice guiltily. It seems as if the requested an apology for what happened to her.
-Nothing, - I tried to tone of voice given to understand that you are not don't like and certainly not blaming her for anything.
-And you with us going? - Asked the old woman.
-Of course, how did I get here?
Grandmother silent, and then suddenly for no reason, no reason said:
Give me your hand. I in your eyes see you have an interesting fate.
Such a transition somewhat confused me but still I held out her open hand.
The old person began to change. The shade of surprise, fear, curiosity began to sweep it, replacing each other quickly, slowly. In the end, apparently, horror all the same beat all the other manifestations of her soul, and I heard:
Boy, terrible your hand, " she began finger on the palm of your hand. Glory to you soon awaits. Much fame. But the glory that will be black... but this star means that help you be for the glory of force large. It will not even people... Hmm, strange, I am no one saw. Yeah, but it's a sign of Satan himself. And the journey to Mars lies. He will help you. Inheritance you have already received or will receive in the near future, but then lose it... And attain wealth, and the whole world will be in front of you, but then abyss... Oh, man, how many live with that hand is not seen! Dirt, oil will be a lot to you, and from you to many people! And death want - you don't get: black prevent and guide them to himself, and marries his. There's the star, here are four cross on Jupiter from the line in the finger at the moon and to the sign of Satan. And your heart will be broken, and many people from thee shall perish... No, the guy say more: scary thy hand watch. Go, go here...
-Why did you started to wonder grandma?! - I was amazed.
The old woman did not answer, and I pursing of nowhere, out of the coupe in the corridor, not even finding the strength to say goodbye.
Left alone for very short time. The girl followed me and stood beside the window, trying to look me in the face.
-Don't take offense at it, " she said. Would you be offended by the old man? Thank you, in fact, that helped her, I don't even know to do if you hadn't helped.
-What would you do? - I caught the sound of his voice the notes of sarcasm. - Nothing. Just would present at the death of a neighbor in the compartment.
-Why do you say that?! - She is clearly affronted.
-And what? - I have always seduced excited women, I just started to admire them, as enraged cats. The hidden charms of the facial features. facial expressions, grace in posture and movements suddenly appeared on the surface from under the tongue-in-cheek, invented by mask, a certain stereotype daily convenient, greyish behaviour and way, and then a singularity of women's nature is manifested in all of this fleeting and fascinating, so that in this very ghostly essence could recklessly love in a few moments, and then the whole life of wonder and wonder how this happened and whether it was all really, or was only born as the fruit of their imagination in a moment of unusual excitement.
I barely saw. That girl's not just pretty, but pretty and charming, as suddenly behind us came a thick bass:
-Young people. Do you want to make a campaign?
I turned. Speaking was a tall, broad-bone man, возвышавшимся me two heads. He incomprehensible, wandering grin looked down on us growth, and looked from me to the girl and back.
-What is the campaign? Drink?
-Of course, my dear, drink, he patted me on the shoulder a hefty man. - Have a drink, sit down and talk. It's so nice, especially on the road, when bored and have nothing to do.
Girl, anger which it was not possible to boil over, immediately demonstratively left with pursed lips.
-Oh, and where are your friend чесанула? - Surprised the man when the door of the compartment slammed in his face.
-Yes, it's not my girlfriend at all - I was justified. - So, just chatted.
-A-a! you see the kind! Shook his head my new interlocutor, still looking at the door as if pinning her through and through with his eyes, and as mysteriously and uncertain smile.
-Okay. Come on, I'll treat.
He touched the palm of my shoulder, offering to go along with him, but outraged by such an address, I tried to resist, натужившись hard, resulting in only disgraced, uttering a sound. So ashamed and avoid in any society, and that people of any age and education are met with hostility, bewilderment and contempt.
Is you пукаешь? Asked Maypole, without any exertion and effort moving me in the right direction. -Don't worry, boy, to me no need to argue. I because you are much older and stronger. Besides, I'm not gonna nothing wrong.
Realizing that resistance truly useless and even comical when viewed from the side, I relaxed and walked guided strong, large and with a sure hand. We come to the last coupe, entered it, and were in the campaign of a teenage girl. Maybe she was older than looked really, but short hair "under the boy gave her ease, kicked aged and add levity around her appearance. She was Smoking a long cigarette, coupe smelled of menthol. On the table was an appetizer, откупоренная Cannonball bottle "Napoleon" with bright, charming hungry gaze label, four glasses. A huge chocolate bar, наломанная negligent pieces scattered wrapping foil, involuntarily forced to draw attention to themselves. "Here goes not a simple person, - flashed in my head at the sight of all this abundance and from the sensation of pleasant sweet smell of expensive cigarettes, which are sheared girl were clearly not too expensive, and probably served refreshments from the owner of all this gastronomic wealth, from which it was hard to choose. In fact, why not sit and drink a good cognac, not eat his chocolate. Moreover, the campaign, in fact, does not threaten a riot and unexpected complications".
'Have a seat! - Commanded me big boy and turned to the girl-teenager. "I found us a cavalier... And the lady with him was so painfully гонористая. Went.
-Yes is not with me it was! By itself! - Again made excuses I fear now, as if I was not invited out. It seems this frail, just the weak girl had a husky great effect, once it before so it was justified. Now, suddenly, I really wanted to cognac and chocolate, and at the same time expensive basic menthol. I suddenly felt myself on the position of prostitutes, продавшейся for lunch, but tried to get rid of nasty, unpleasant thoughts.
-Well, okay, okay, not make excuses, if the entering in my position, uttered big guy, meanwhile, pouring in glasses of brandy. - Everything is fine, everything is clear. The main thing that there are three people, because it is already a campaign in which you can sit well. However, Annie?
Anyuta, this teenage girl with short hair, nodded in assent head and smiled as mysteriously and reserved, as it did Maypole, why it occurred to me suddenly that this father and daughter on the temples of tall guys pushing up thick grey hair, and the difference of age allowed to make such an assumption.
-Well, that, for acquaintance? - Asked the big man said. And then he answered (Anyuta all also mysteriously-restrained полуулыбалась, staring down at his "dad", just sticking to it eyes and not noticing me, would anyone here besides these two was not). - Acquaintance.
We touched them, missed the first portion, and I felt pleasantly different "Napoleon" of vodka. This was not some sort of "cress" of those that met in our stores. It was a wonderful drink.
Chocolate, also from the hill", greasy, but unbreakable and crisp with a pleasant crackling nuts on the teeth, complements my impression. I thought that all my life, if it were possible, and only drank "Napoleon", snacking on a good chocolate.
Man pouring out a second glass, then a third.
-Well, Annie, how do you like a guest?
"Nothing, " said the girl, not even glancing in my direction.
-And me too, " agreed the man, and then asked, touching my shoulder. -And where are you going, young man? The guests to whom al forgot what in Siberia?
"No, I'm not in Siberia food. I further in Transbaikalia.
-And what?
-Serve food.
-After school?
Man shook his head:
"Come on, could not where better to go?
I don't know, ' I said. - It happened so. Who am I to choose?
-who? People. Man is! As a classic said, man - this sounds proudly.
I don't know. I didn't get to go wherever I wished I could...
"And where would you like to go?
-I don't know, I felt awkward and uncomfortable all these questions. - Probably, nowhere.
-Well, Yes, brother, and the abyss long.
-As I already disappeared...
I wanted suddenly to cry and it would not be ashamed to cry right now, here, but the tears do not want to go from the eye and, подкатившись to the throat, stuck in it свербящим, disastrous Allergy driven nasal congestion wall lump.
-Why are you so? It is not necessary. While the person is alive. He has not yet disappeared. Everything can be improved, - the man tapped me on the shoulder. - There was a time I was your age then, too, it seemed that the whole world from under the feet rooted. But now I'm standing on my feet firmly, already knee-deep in the earth left nothing for me not to move. However, Annie?
The girl nodded her head in assent. She still did not look in my direction, as if in a compartment they were wise.
We drank cognac, chocolate was already eaten, and in the course went smoked, sliced, dry sausage and Dutch cheese.
Is, where do you think all this? Asked the man. - With a drive, Yes? Oh, haha, no way.
He took from his pocket a little book in the red hardback, similar to a membership ticket or pass and showing it to me instructive said:
-Now, now this crust is doing wonders. All that you see here is from our provincial dining car, where in addition to заплесневевшего kefir, sour Apple juice, stale muffins, and the foul chicken on the counter nothing. And it is all so cheap that for this money you'll do yourself a plate of soup will not buy, - he turned to his companion. - Annie, go get us something.
He gave her a "crust", and the girl reluctantly, with a sigh, пордвинулась from the table, got up and left.
-Well, now, if relieved man said. - Although I can talk heart to heart.
It seemed to me that he leaned on me, approaching more than I should have done during the conversation.
-A guy like you find me?
I was just taken aback, the first seconds generally not realising what was happening.
-Well, why are you silent? I'm asking you, as I told you?
-Nothing - happening little resemblance to the familiar reality.
-I like you, too, man! he leaned closer to me and hugged me with his enormous hands, why I seemed suddenly to himself the lamb, who are in the clutches of a wolf.
-Wait, wait! What do you want? - But to me it came suddenly and without further explanation, with whom I'm dealing. My soul felt those experiences that, apparently, is experiencing a virgin when you first try to possess it. An unpleasant chill in the lower abdomen, aversion to what is happening, horror свершаемым like and not violence, but, nevertheless, action, contrary to my will, the desire to resist, to beat the man in the face, get out and run, but awkward, strange stiffness and motives, matted exactly sticky, viscous web, as well as awareness superior strength and weight striker - all this is mixed up in a nasty lump, fills my whole soul холодящей mucus, if put in it giant jellyfish, just taken out a from the sea.
The man did not reply, but only was thoughtful, and trying to kiss me in the face and neck. I have to flinch, but his strong arms hindered and hinder my movements. He dropped me on the shelf, closed the door and the same hand climbed down. I felt like me slide down the pants and the next minute they fell into the passage between the shelves.
It was a disgusting, repulsive, disgusting. Never in my life I have not had to act as sexual victim, and now, suddenly, unexpectedly, I was, having jumped already for the second decade. You can foresee anything in my life, but not this.
Cold thick fingers felt my genitals, obviously wishing to bring them in excitement, but there was no result. I couldn't resist kissing on the neck and cheek, pinned like a chicken, but when the Maypole tried to kiss me on the lips, I прошибло exactly cold boom, my body contorted like a coiled spring, and I barely managed to throw off the наседавшего man.
Is rape! - I breathed, barely felt a little relieved and managed to breathe in a relaxed way. The man meanwhile folded and his pants and touched his groin to my, why the feeling of loathing only intensified e two I felt something strange and soft, enveloping, may be the same as mine, but nevertheless unpleasant and disgusting. However, the authorities also were not filed.
-What are you doing, stop it! - Again said , as soon as I managed to do that.
Навалившийся me pulled away from what might seem that he changed his mind, but as I propped myself on the elbows, as saw his huge ass, under which slung male economy, overgrown with Bush spiky black curly hair.
-Вдуй me in the ass, please, " he asked, looking at me over his shoulder.
I winced involuntarily from his words. Disgust never left me, but prudence is not allowed me to explode:
"I can't, " I replied as calmly as possible. Take a look.
He looked at my lifeless bodies and face changed. Passion went with him, replaced by a painful grimace.
-I never did. Not to climb to anyone, and you can break off, as now, - now the advantage was on my side. It was felt throughout, but worse it would be if he was an active мужланом.
Realizing that there is nothing to wait, man began to dress. I was uncomfortable incident. He was silent, and I dressed, I tried not to look at him, dropping her eyes and pretending to be fully focused on the task.
-Well, you excuse me, guy. You liked me, and I thought...
Man paused and waved his hand.
-I say that with such never before encountered, and I don't want to face - I tried to protect themselves from a possible repetition of harassment and simultaneously justified, apologize to him for his failure to give him pleasure, as if it was required and not able to do it.
"Why, however, it is strange how people, I thought. That the use of force to compel rapprochement, but it is in the soul still trying to justify to myself why it did not happen".
"Well, we believe that nothing was concluded man reached into his pocket and pulled out a packet of expensive imported cigarettes, which rarely anyone could see, and offered me a cigarette.
From such cigarettes was difficult to refuse, and I happily began to smoke, together with the "rapist", drawing tart, sweet-cloying smack hot, but not hot, pleasantly soft, slightly покалывающий smoke.
-Cigarettes, incidentally, also of the restaurant car.
I could not resist not to raise eyebrows in astonishment.
-Do you know where I work and who is this? - Not without bragging he asked me.
I shook his head negatively.
-That's the same. But about "the black stork" is heard?
-And about the spetsnaz?
-No... Actually, something had to hear it.
"Actually, that's what! - Mimicked me man. "Remember that spetsnaz is the power. Spetsnaz is a special purpose units. I been twenty years in spetsnaz. I took Palace in Kabul in the seventy and ninth, I in Afghanistan from bell to bell whistled. I "spirits" as many передушил, shot, cut their hands, that you have never dreamt the whole regiment of the dead could be dialed. Us "black stork" called in Afghanistan. We caravans took, and in the raids went, sometimes to the border with Pakistan crawling. I personally hundreds of eight operations participated in the very den of the spirits got, in their nests. Us choppers on the base throwing, and there we left no stone unturned erases all to powder, and burned to a crisp. Eh, what can I say! You're as Filkin Charter explain... and after Afghan Affairs enough. Our parts together with alpha such кардебалет arranged all the bastards, the Democrats are there every stinking, other выродкам that the devils in hell makes you sick... And now I'm here on a mission food. True, it is certainly the secret, but you hadn't claim to be. So, boy, spetsnaz is power. You know, as a person neck easily collapse? 't know. But this is easy! It is like the chicken fragile. I with one hand and take any neck folded when ordered, or if need be, he mimicked the movement, which was going to collapse neck, his face distorted with rage. I again became terribly, because I felt defenseless rabbit, placed in a cage to boa.
The door someone tried to come.
-Unlock the lock. - Asked the man.
It was Annie.
-Well, you that all or not? she asked the man.
He remained silent, her lips, then held out his hand:
"Oh, Yes! Now, now! - In the hands of Anya was a plastic basket, ломившаяся from the content. She reached down in her hand. I have it on the bottom left.
On the table appeared bottle of cognac, wine, vodka. This was followed by a snack: canned crabs, plastic box with dates, cheese. Several bars of chocolate, bright packaging with закордонными candy. When the basket was empty, she learned from her a red crust and handed it to his companion, who at this time he did not brag about it, and immediately put it in his pocket.
-Okay, let's continue, - offered me a man.
-You open everything here, and I am coming, " said Ann. Now, in the comfort of a coupe, she gave me of unknown values of view, that smirked. I don't know why, but it hurt me deeply.
-You that, сожительствуете with it? - I wanted to vent their resentment, and so I asked bluntly.
"My wife quietly, " answered the man, making himself comfortable at the table sit with your feet up and sat cross-legged.
-Your wife?! She's still a teenager.
-No, why. She just looks so. Actually her age, drawing to twenty - male раскупорил a bottle of brandy, then, a little помешкав, put it back on the table and reached for vodka. Let's, as we would do in Russian, dammit!
His hand slightly shaking poured vodka in the glasses, then opened one motion, pulling the ring, the Bank imported ham.
-Well, for that drink? He asked, and without waiting for a response, he offered. - For the silence.
-Do you mean that? 't understand me, but he already чокнувшись, sipped a glass and overturned its contents into her mouth, wrinkled, covering it with his palm, then plug выкромсал a piece of ham.
Hold the glass in his hand seemed ridiculous, and I drank too.
-Everyone has his hobby, " said the peasant. mine is that I collect wives. This is my tenth. I keep them until they become adults, infer, so to speak, in their people, and then looking for a new wife. This is, in General, is not difficult, especially because I have position e allows.
-And then when they become adults? I inquired.
'Well, this is my personal business. The secret...
"What you're talking? Asked, entering the compartment, Annie, she took a towel and began to wipe.
-Yes. You can say that about anything. Sit down, get a drink of brandy, a chocolate eat, " I gather that after our revelations tone of his address to the little Hannah at became somewhat more relaxed and warmer. Now I could feel that this is not simple companions and neighbors in the compartment.
-Thanks, I'd rather not, Hannah sat down at the table opposite the large man, and I involuntarily began to evaluate deserves this, in General, несимпатичная, like a teenager, a girl neighbourhood with such exquisite table. My reasoning tipped the scales against her. Too underdeveloped, ugly she was. However, some oddities of her husband allowed to assume that he has sympathy is such a плоскогрудым women, his whole appearance resembling rather boys of fourteen, and maybe that's why she was here.
Several servings of cognac, not казавшегося so divine drink, a glass of white Azerbaijani port completely распалили my imagination, and I started to represent the Anyuta in the arms of her husband, but, as their behavior in the bed was quite hard, I put in his place yourself why felt a strong surge of excitement, обволокший me voluptuous veil of fantasy. A sudden I felt unusually strong attraction to this girl-teenager what never would suggest to twenty minutes ago. It is now seen something распаляющее passion, perturbing male flesh, maybe it was the lack of underdevelopment of her feminine nature, and сделавшаяся suddenly so attractive and calling for myself, and maybe that was the action of the explosive mixture of brandy, vodka and port wine. I suddenly flashed random, but, apparently, the only sober thought-guess that now and become rapists, pedophiles and соблазнителями adolescents, boys, barely простившихся with младенчеством.
However, Ann ignored me, still looking only at her husband. It little by little has toned down my располыхавшуюся passion, and I even envied involuntarily happy conjugal Union, where the wife, in the far East times younger than her husband so devoted and faithful bonds hymen.
We already casually chatting, mostly men, as it was finally made clear called Sergey, he refused to introduce themselves on a patronymic, saying he did not consider himself so very old, about nothing in particular, piano laughed all that is handy. Furnished discharged, and I already felt nobody bound to, and this was easily and freely.
The day wound down the window the first signs of evening twilight, and we all drank and ate, unaware of the passage of time, and how many empty bottles and rubbish gathered in a plastic basket under the table. I have already tested a simple human sympathy for these people, despite all that has happened, and that Annie also do not pay any attention to me and not even looking in my direction.
Soon on the table nothing left but the remnants of the once beautiful and bright cans and packages of food.
-OK, - Sergey stood up from his seat. "It's my turn to go to the restaurant.
He checked with myself as to whether he had cherished red crust and left the compartment.
What are you looking at?! - Suddenly asked me shipmate, when you left her alone in the compartment.
She reached for the door closed lock, raised the bar is a pointer to the not given in the case and then open the door immediately, and addressed me again:
-Give me a light, soldier!
-Not a soldier I, officer, " said I, trying to remember if I have a cigarette.
"But you soldier-ie?
-A soldier? - Not I understood.
-And now this! - She reached out to me and placed her hand on my pants, dropping her exactly where, barely lifting the elastic costume, were men's charms.
Even through the fabric of the clothes you could feel it was hot, and her hand, and I felt that the passion stirred in me просыпающимся beast.
Hannah rose slightly, поддернув up skirt and throwing up her canopy, revealing a belly, and I suddenly realized that her feet bare, hip nothing covered, there is nothing, neither cowards nor of his trousers.
By the unexpected turn of events, I was not myself, turned everything inside, something fell, something is up, and I felt stronger загораюсь unintentional, but only a burning passion, располосовавшей me to the belts, дерущей, tugger to pieces, scratching the inside of his sharp animal claws...
"Strange how similar the husband and the wife, - I thought, already taking Ann. - What is, however, all this crap!.. However, Marina now because somewhere with Anton! Oh, now I play!"
Passion has entangled, enveloped me, took possession of my soul, subordinating it to their low desires, and the whole world falling with me in sin, turned into obsession.
Chapter 30.
I woke up immediately, but it seemed that the whole eternity passed. No one followed me. However, and it was day. In opening the front door, which I beat, beat slanting rays of the sun.
"This is a dream," I calmed himself, got up and went down the dark, гулкому corridor. Rolled through several steps per turn and found himself in the darkness. No sound, except гулкого echo of my steps, reached my ears.
Ahead again there was a closed door, that I came across with a full speed. Behind her was a strange world, as if bathed in green light that came from nowhere. Sky overhead was not. It replaced the solid haze, сливавшееся with the same expanse beneath their feet. There is no space, perspective, while at the same time present some extent, however, gets as if from nowhere and like nowhere пропадающая like hiding in the fog.
Under your feet rubbed grain each other a big, green, translucent sand, not having thickness, because, collapsed into it, stop immediately hung over some elastic emptiness, however, grinding reached my ear, as if the ears were laid wool.
Right and left grew strange trees, whose branches, just covered with frost, the same translucent green, reminded corals. They, these plants were separated, separated from surrounding me green mist беспространственности, but still did not have the volume, while at the same time I noticed passed them that their crowns are reshaping just as they would in space.
Strange trees marked the semblance of road, having neither meters length. However, I moved it to высящемуся ahead of me, sparkling green glow of the castle or Palace), made like emeralds. He, too, seemed to accurately drawn at some indeterminate distance from me, but as you approach it grew, though it remained flat.
Green sand over, and I stepped out on to the stairs leading to the entrance to the Palace. Each next step if arose from the painted front of the plane of the building and also disappeared behind me, merging into бестелесности with everything else, disappearing in the haze of the emerald.
Each of the steps, railings them, were like crystal, if there be a green crystal, or emerald, filled with reflections all around the surrounding light, берущегося from nowhere. The same effect had accompanied me and in the castle and in its shimmering in the depth of a semi-transparent and do not have the thickness of the walls of the corridors. However, I could not touch anything from the surrounding me. Something prevented me to do it, whether someone's will, whether my own fear that I barely touch the emerald railing or, if сочащихся light walls, they disappear. Even the door when we had to open them, do it yourself.
So if in a dream, and I was relieved newly agreed that it is still strange, but, nevertheless, the dream.
Corridors led me into the great hall green, tall doors which opened by itself. At the rear of the emerald wall was painted a throne of glory someone left and right side are the same flat, like everything else, were vassals of the citizens.
Coming closer to the throne, I saw a huge creature that had occupied the Royal place. It was like a dragon with a prohibitively large, sharp as needles, horns, проткнувшими high black cylinder and who have directed under the emerald vaults rooms. Green, сверлящие, prickly eyes of the dragon nailed me so, and I felt turned himself into a flat безвольную picture, not having the possibility to move either to the side, neither forward nor back. Among the challenges on both sides of the throne, like an emerald shade vassals were Varvara and Alena. They silently, like all the other looked at me from a green безразмерности, and their stillness gave them an even greater similarity drawings made talented and diligent hand.
"You come to me, " came the voice, and I realized that it says being on the throne.
It разинуло fire-breathing mouth, the only red in all of this emerald world, and deafening laughter, like a thunder shook all around. Dragon leaned over to me, probably, wishing to look better.
-Why come? He asked, and answered for himself. - Probably, for this.
From the hands of Alena he took the casket and clawed paws pulled out a pistol and a cross.
-Why do you need this? Ah, apparently, to shoot and isolate themselves.
I was speechless and couldn't answer.
'Well, try it!
Suddenly he grabbed the cross as a sword and began poking, riotously laughing at the same time, his vassals, bursting like soap bubbles.
-See, I'm not sorry. I do not pity, though this is my servant. I have millions of servants, millions!
Indeed, in place of the missing soon there appeared other shadows vassals.
Soon he got tired of it, and he, putting it in a box back, returned the cross and a pistol in the hands of Alena.
'Give it to him, he said to the girl.
Alena, all the same flat, joyful and not angry is the same as all the rest, indifferently impartial, while still remaining the same flat, approached me and handed her a box.
I took it, trying to look into her eyes and understand what was going on inside of her, under his insensitivity and lifelessness, but her eyes went somewhere by, through me, and I could not pass through deep.
-Took - go - произнесло being on the throne. - Поиграйся, but not заигрывайся. I will look how you obtained it.
Ice laughter, even more terrible than before, split the castle, as a mirror of thousands of sparkling emerald fragments, blew it, and bright green flash blinded me, hide all the rest. Then she faded, replaced by an eerie darkness...
I woke up in the icy sweat, feeling that I was lying on the door in the dark corridor, and under the right hand me a box. Already without understanding anything, I turned around.
Darkened door flickered distant stars. Suddenly it appeared phosphorescent silhouette. Involuntarily edged, I opened the box, he felt a heavy gun, led dog and barely aim, pulled the trigger.
In the dark flashed and scattered sparks, hewn from a silicon striker something hissed, then bahnul, полыхнув reeking flame.
Me being wrapped in a cloud of acrid smoke of gunpowder, and when it cleared, I saw that the output is free.
On the street stood a suspicious silence. With the help of. Small craters I put in the trunk of холщового кисета the eyes of gunpowder, put pyzh, scored his ramrod, then poked the hole in the barrel of a round, slightly oblong bullet, which in a bag made of boxes on the weight was with good kilogram, then poked the silver crucifix in his bosom and into the street, rapidly passing through the village, immersed in the darkness before the house of Ivan Noodles, in which a single dim light was on.
Here before me terrible picture appeared. The house was just wrapped phosphorescent silhouettes ghouls, заглядывавших in the window, карауливших the door of the house. There were so many, that I not only got confused, not only was struck dumb and afraid, feeling that it is just ridiculous to speak out against this hordes of the ancient antediluvian gun on reloading of which would every time one minute.
"Удирай before it's too late!" - Whispered the voice inside of me. - "Gun you have. Hardly anyone of them begins to chase you. Tomorrow you'll be safe. Don't shoot! You ruin yourself and not just yourself. and so you shall be saved. Let the rest..."
However, the gun was loaded, and despite all the fears and concerns asked to fire, and in spite of противному, vile voice, I stepped to the house of Ivan Noodles, raising his arms and taking one of the vampires on a fly. I just didn't have the right to be embarrassed, and therefore had to dangerously closer to вурдалакам, that the happiness is not noticed it before a shot thundered, which seemed deafening, like thunder, in dead silence, have shrouded the village.
One of the vampires plunked down on the ground, uttering horrible, squeaky groans, the others rushed to me at the same moment, and had to run for failing to put even a pinch of powder in the barrel of a musket.
I ran to the bridge over the river by feeling on the go in оттянутом to earth pocket pouch with gunpowder. Part of the vampires went after me, but others remained to guard the house from which the sound of the shot someone appeared on the porch, grinding her door.
Behind me I heard some screams, cries, затеялась romp заглушаемая footfall plaguing me ghouls.
Staying behind the bridge, shaking from icy fear hands I put the barrel of gunpowder, somehow scored pyzh and poked the bullet, thinking that this way I would not be able to cope with the countless полчищем ghouls. They meanwhile, were already quite close, when finally was my next shot.
One or two of them even fell down, but the rest continued their pursuit, cramping me farther to the woods on the side of a marshy valley.
On the way to the woods I managed to take two to three shots, but in their haste they proved wrong and failed to hit any of the pursuers.
Before me was a fork. One of the roads led through the woods and fields in a Large Василиху, another, more narrow and overgrown, to the stable. I stopped here in meditation. I had a choice, but the feeling of traps, whichever of the parties had continued my flight didn't leave me.
By this time, the sky has clouded clouds, cold wind rose, an increasing trend, breaking the yellow leaves from the trees and метущий exactly broom them somewhere with him known goal. He reminded that took their rights autumn, besides soon заморосил nasty drizzle.
"Not enough for them to appear in Large Василихе", - I thought, and turned toward the stables.
In fact, my soul is just not lying to such a path, and hoped to get out of this terrible mess sometime within the local landscape. The most important thing was not to lose the gun until it ran out of bullets.
There was a lot of strange in all this fell down on my head out and myth. My mind demanded associate occurred during these weeks of events in a logical chain, identify the causes of the subsequent one, but she, not having had time to be, immediately broke up into separate pieces and fragments, not состыковывающиеся between themselves and contrary to any logic. Reality and dreams, what happened a week ago and what happened yesterday, ghosts, real people and what could not be called a figment of the imagination, nor a part of reality, something amorphous resulting, переплывающее from one to the other, - all this is mixed up in one heap, turning in my head, in my mind in a mess-mash, which, from what end does not подступись, was one and the same. Soul resisted this sticky mess, which is mired mind a quick, разухабистого running, but unable to break free.
Don't you all our life consists of separate Islands, pieces firmly anchored in the memory of events, fragile, thin bridges logical connection between them in one wonderful moment-erased, breaking, breaking down, and these blocks, set in a free-swimming., touching each other sometimes the most unexpected faces, the most incomprehensible way, and think, and produce memories of what never was...
Appeared ahead stable. In the Windows of her, similar to the loopholes was dull, muffled light. I rushed to her, understanding and at the same time not wanting to understand that its walls will save me from vampires. Shiver ran through the whole body clammy, cold crawl. Had no choice: there was непролазный forest undergrowth, overgrown with bushes and undergrowth, where they caught me without a doubt much earlier than would have been to do it in the barn.
I'm locked behind the door, sliding strong bolt and propping her log, in the dressing room, from which were clearly visible horse stables and the passage between them, covered with hay and illuminated by some dim bulbs under the ceiling. A horse quietly standing in their stalls, and only some of them raised their heads and looked at me now through the strands холок her black eyes, in which was read itself serenity their simple life.
Fingers obeyed bad, though намерзлись, but I still managed to load the pistol before. Than first blows were heard at the door. However, it выдюжила, only затрещала of the frenzied head, but I shuddered inwardly from all this, and felt that I was losing the presence of the spirit. I could see very well, as she jumped up on Петях, giving arc, as soared подпирающее its log.
Followed by a second push, even stronger than the former. The door seemed bent almost wheel, затрещала, swung on it. The deadbolt threatening's about to break. Log it came off to the far wall of the waiting room and зарылось in the hay.
Putting tremendous effort of will, I forced myself to move, dragged log to the door propped her again and only just managed to lean her, as was followed by a new, third impact.
I was knocked log. It jumped up and boldly my body out of the way, so lightly, and again it came off in the far corner of the waiting room. I rolled over on his back on the clay floor, looking up, saw that the door is still holding out. The strength went out of me, and I was unable to now not only re-drag a log, but even rise up from the earth. Shoulder засаднило, sore exactly вывихнутое and the entire left half of the body, which I have relied on the log was now as if my.
The next onslaught followed, and there was a strange calm, don predvesav ee anything good. It became clear that the vampires left attempts to penetrate stable through the door - and it was good, because the next attack she could not stand, but now looking for workarounds.
Horse woke up excitedly snored, ducked their heads and скалили upper lip. Some of them became nervously laughed, feeling bad.
For some time I stayed in the stillness, until finally felt that I could somehow move it, then переполз closer to the box, took the gun, and stuck the other hand, a good hand in his bosom, перевалившись on his back, and, having felt the cross, sighed somehow relieved.
Restless friendly neighing of horses made me shake. I raised my head and saw that the aisle, past the pens to me rushing huge wolf, the one that once we saw here with Alyona in society barbarians. The mouth of his, repressive Alai, greedy, разинутая in the full extent, oozing hungry, bloody saliva flowing language foamy stream and слетающей with высунутого its end in different directions. Rapid, long jumps at a furious gallop, he flew to me with a speed shot arrows, and his blazing brutality and evil eyes shone itself determination and foregone the outcome of the throw.
The gun was in my hand, but I was not even able to lift it, because wolf was approaching faster. The corner of my eye I saw a black dip in the back wall and guessed that they opened the exit gates, that there probably were.
The wolf was already close. He made the final jump, hanging over me. I instinctively closed hand from its terrible jaws, and it so happened that the barrel of a gun landed right in. My finger itself pulled the trigger, and, although there was no hope that shot sounds, he sounded like a miracle, but not too loud, and it gurgle in his throat predator. My eyes wolf big neck and burst like a soap bubble. The head of the beast, biting teeth barrel flew to the wall, and the decapitated body of his, фонтанируя blood, collapsed on top of me.
Vampires were close. Bad knowing what was happening, I got out of weakening the hand of the crucifixion of his bosom, and, pushing forward, fenced off the oncoming hordes. Suddenly they seemed frozen in a few steps from me, just not overcome this distance.
I saw their hands, they reached out to me by its blue fingers. The skin was deathly pale and синюшна, and only on the cheeks burned unhealthy crimson blush. Their eyes dim, поволоченные haze, deathly detached, though not belonging to them, somewhere in the depths of the fire glowed thirst. Greedy fever and shaking her members, and it was disgusting show, causing severe nausea and disgust.
Astonished by this power of the cross, I felt a feeling of heaviness pulled hard on my hand, holding his, and he pushes her back. Undoubtedly, it was an act of ghouls, seeking to break through to me through the unknown protection, and it is felt rather strongly, because very soon I felt that keep crucifixion is not so simple fingers brush, shoulder and the arm tired, as if holding a weight of one and a half пудовую weight.
Unable to make more such power, not having the ability to intercept cross the other hand, because my body still was not completely obediently me from hitting the log, I dropped the cross on the ground, sticking tailored to a cone end of its Foundation in clay \slightly damp floor stables.
Vampires are only waiting for this. The distance between us has declined immediately by a few steps, almost half of that, and now their dead hands hardly wouldn't hit my head, stirring, for example, blue fingers, like tentacles in three to five inches from my body.
Opposition protecting me the power of the silver crucifixion not eased. On the contrary, it seems to become even stronger. Vampires like to feel that my strength was diminishing with each passing minute. I'd have to put even more force than before, and I didn't know what else makes my ноющую from excessive fatigue brush keep the cross. Now it literally was vomiting my fingers, as if drawn by an invisible magnetic force iron nail. And only a raving despair resulting from the consciousness that is the goal, the last hope of salvation, even to the same surprise that someone using this simple, symbolic tool gives me his protection from evil spirits, gave me strength to stay.
"Infernal beast! - I thought with silent anger. - You want to take me! Want to drink my blood! But you'll never make it! In vain you pull on their bluish hands with hooked pale blue fingers and black nails! You do not drink my blood! You don't get me! Out of spite, vile creature, I'll keep this cross, I will defend myself, even with all the forces leave me! You don't get to me till my throat until my heart beats!"
It was unknown how long have and how many more would have continued this silent confrontation, as suddenly толпившиеся in the corridor between the pens with horses vampires a little parted, and pushed forward, Stripping them of decayed rags, turned to dust unknown how many centuries and how many years ago clothing, Barbara.
Seeing me, helpless lying on the floor, she ground her teeth with the злорадной smile, her voice cracked and coming as if from another world, struck my ears after a long absence of sounds of human speech:
-Ah, ha ha, so we met, my friend! I long to get to you, but you deftly avoided my traps. But now no one will catch us. Even this foolish shepherd, Ivan Noodles! He's dead. It killed the one who forced me to return it to you these trinkets! She pointed with his long finger with a sharpened fingernail-like claw on a silver cross. He also warned you not заигрывайся! However, he knew everything that would happen.
She stepped to me, and I was horrified to find that the power of the cross, остановившая vampires, not acting on it completely.
-Ivan Noodles dead, and the one who killed him, took away his душенку in Hell, and soon it will be fried on a slow fire. Now it's your turn, " she approached one step, and the crucifixion, which I kept holding, sticking in the ground, turned to the crowd of vampires. - I will drink his blood! "She threw up her hands up. - Now I am very hungry, and let no one dare to approach it, while I enjoy his red milk. Then I'll leave it to you.
Among the vampires came discontented гырканье.
Turning around, she twisted in fury face kicked his Shoe silver cross. He flew out of my fist, hitting the wall with a pure bells, bounced back and unexpectedly struck a witch, вонзившись a pointed cone under ground in a rotten chest witches, hitting her in the heart. The wound was out something brown-black, rotten. Barbara grabbed with both hands on the crucifix, trying to wrest it from the chest, and slowly, with гырканьем and wheeze settled on the ground, kneeling. The same liquid that oozed from the wound, went to her throat, and she collapsed dead on the side.
Vampires rushed to me over the corpse.
In my eyes ran over suddenly a beam of heads of garlic, somehow stranded among the straw and hay. Feeling the fingers vampires clinging to my clothes as he could on all fours, полуползком, I rushed towards him, remembering that ghouls stops garlic smell, grabbed the bundle and, being in a close circle of ghouls, which stretched in my throat and could not share me with a desperate knows whence the undertaken violent force, and began to crush garlic head and shove them where the разинутую mouth, who under his breath in his face. Vampires have forsaken me and отбежали half a step.
Somewhere far allegedly shouted cock. For Windows became quickly dawn, and why some glad morning came, I lost consciousness.
Chapter 31.
At the door somebody knocked on the door, then yanked the handle, then pulled her stronger.
Hannah pushed me anxiously and одернула down skirt, but I already had an orgasm, and shed, large drops of SIZO-whitish semen fell on black cloth, шлепнулись on the floor.
I began to feverishly dress, feeling the beats me nervous tremor. Anyuta was fastidiously and hastily отряхиваться and deliver feet incriminating us in wrongdoing thick drops of the BLOB.
From the moment I opened the door, collided with a furious Sergei. It's all dirty, and twisted his face had an expression of suffering, pain and resentment. In the hands of his ridiculous wobbled basket of products and new portion of cognac and wine. Cheekbones Sergei were pale, his eyes gleamed all сметающей fury, large, clearly distinct tumors slowly, with a hidden, suppressed energy upcoming storm of anger pumping up and down.
Easily removed me from his path, Sergei entered the compartment, also silently turned the basket over his head обомлевшей anjuta and poured it on his wife, then the same plastic basket of magnitude struck her in the face, rolling slaps her why she fell, hit the wall beside the window.
Sergey turned to me. I decided that the next blow to me, but he only said:
"Don't worry, I won't hit. Bitch wants the cable is not to jump, don't you know this saying? Don't know, ever know. Yeah, again he turned to the little Hannah at, - I did not think, that my tenth wife like that quickly gets older.
Sergey spake unto me again:
-Now, that's when it happens. That's when a woman Matures and goes in life... Okay, go. Go.
He pushed me into the corridor of the car, and I'm at a loss stood at the window, which was twilight, and there was not visible. I wanted to go away on its place, but it was inconvenient, because the role of a coward, who left at the mercy of виноватую woman, I do not relish at all, but back in the compartment where were Sergey and Annie, I didn't dare go back and hesitated in severe doubts at the window, pretending to be me something interesting in the darkness that stretched on the other side of the glass.
Five minutes later the door lock behind me again clicked and Sergey, coming out of the coupe, stood next to me.
-You beat? With difficulty I interrupted awkward silence.
-No, slapped twice on the ass. Paternally. Said things to collect.
I don't know how it all turned out, I was embarrassed in front of him. - I don't want actually. It itself...
-Better say: she herself, - Sergey looked at me gravely and intently. In his eyes was anger and malice, but I involuntarily looked down. - Okay, let's go to a restaurant and sit.
-And with it? I nodded at the coupe.
-What's wrong with it? - Eyebrow Sergei of us jumped in surprise. - Nothing will. Now belongings to gather and forward.
-Where forward? - Not I understood.
-And where it wants to. I'm not going to keep. Now here is some station, and ссажу her. And maybe tomorrow morning. Okay, back to the restaurant.
-Now, I'll catch up, you go, Sergei, " I told him and went to his compartment. I just wanted to check if my money, the ones that I still have, after all my misfortunes.
In our compartment continued infinite, to the end booze and talk. Smoke stood a yoke, and the campaign was attended by some new faces, which was not earlier. Apparently, in the whirlwind of drinking thrust of new passengers. However, there were old acquaintances, known to me, Nikolay Mikhaylovich and Dmitrievich. Anton was not here.
I dived into the coupe and felt the pocket of his coat hung on a hook in the coupe.
-Hey, where've you been? - Подковырнул me Nikolay Dmitrievich.
-Yes! - I tried to laugh it off, was relieved to feel the stack of bills and crisp bills letters of credit.
-What were you in the pockets of the роешься? - Did not stop drunken master of the campaign.
-Yes money I'm taking. Your money - for credibility I took from his pocket the money in the banking package, and put it under his nose приставшему me трепачу. - In, see?!
'Yes, ' agreed многоженец. - Ah, so you рэсторан going?! Ah! You look! And our campaign, so you don't like! Let's stay.
I decided that now the money back is better not to put otherwise, they will "leave", and clenching his wad of cash in his hand, went to the corridor, without waiting for the blow drunk quarrel, and reassuring themselves that does not frightened, but I just do these people have nothing to divide.
Someone tried to grab me by the sleeve, but I'm confident that these blatant trick Nikolai Dmitrievich, with the power of anger and drew back his hand, feeling the bursting at me elastic sports jacket.
-Wait, wait! - Came to me after him. The voice was different, and, turning round, I saw an полураздетого major in unfastened navel green shirt with ragged shoulder strap and болтающимся tie, пристегнутом at the navel clip to пологу shirts. - You that, countryman, do not know?
Major drunk step, falling from wall to wall of the corridor, came back to me, trying to open wider заплывающие eyes. It seemed to me that the officer I was wrong, but gave him the opportunity to catch up with me.
-Countryman, where are you going? Mayor tried to attack my shoulders in a drunken hug, but I have removed him, thinking that something good he "обделает" me. "Don't you recognize me? It's me, Кудлов!
-To me this name means nothing.
-Well, how, countryman. I remember, but you didn't. Large Василиха. Disco. Baba two. You, me. A bottle of moonshine.
-A! Finally I understood what he says, and now I remember it, and that is not a very good evening. - I remember.
"You thought that I was mistaken? Кудлов semen is never wrong, remembers everything! Even in this form, the mayor broke into a smile having shaken in front of me with his forefinger.
"Okay, okay, semen, - I patted him on the shoulder, looking around and wondering what Sergey long time already sitting in the dining-car, " I will come, and we'll talk.
-Countryman, wait! Where are you! PAL! - she shouted from behind me, when I briskly sprinted down the hall.
In his hand I've crunched the money, and placing them in the back pocket of sports pants, I suddenly realized clear and shrill in his terrible, naked simplicity of the question, subconsciously сверливший in my head for a few minutes, a big hole, "Look, you have given away all their money, the ones that you were left to your mother died?" he suddenly popped to the surface of consciousness, this painful question, and make an end of him immediately and for a long time, if not forever, I said to myself, as snapped knife, ruthlessly and rapidly саданув them in the veins of pain: "No!"
"No! No! No!" - I had no time to think more about this, there was no time to argue with his conscience may be задавшей this tricky question, I didn't want to stir their feelings, like a lot of dirty Laundry, by which it would be better to pass without touching. I raced in the restaurant, where I waited for some fiddling Maypole Sergey, former and current sadist and murderer whose wife I just slept. I was in a hurry, running away from his conscience, and together with terrible horror, преследовавшим me to tag along, I felt a pleasant coolness in the place where must fit the human soul. I liked that it was silent. Silent, because there is no...
When I opened the door into the dining-car, my body suffered such terrible fatigue, like I оббежал around the globe non-stop, and I wanted to fall now бездыханно and freeze. On this crazy draft I think I caught a cold deadly his soul, flinging her only for a few moments towards the black wind, invisibly уносящему time...
It was getting late. Beauty of the restaurant was almost empty. I immediately saw a large Sergey sitting at a table. My mouth go dry, but a strange thirst overmastered me. I wanted vodka. Vodka, I was no more he could not get drunk.
Arrived at last! Loudly, breaking the silence of the dining car, staying in the shadows, said Sergey.
Before him on the table, stood a bottle of vodka and a little good snacks. Two glasses filled to half, waiting for them to take, and I eagerly reached for one of them, surprised to drawing attention to the fact that my hand finely shaking, like that of an alcoholic. However, this does not scare me. Thirst overcomes all, even the mind and attention.
"What shall we drink? - with a wry smile asked Sergei, at the very moment when I greedily knocked over her glass, and vodka is stuck in my throat, going back through the nose, burning mucosa.
I looked askance at Sergey, holding one hand to щиплющую a nasopharynx, in the hope of seeing if not an apology, at least compassion in his eyes, but realized that not wait for this.
Sergey silently swallowed his portion of burning, making it quite fluently, accurately drinking a SIP of water, and not even wincing, then slowly reached for a snack.
-Well, boy, why did you and my wife was asleep?
I suddenly with blinding clarity realized that the play, which we had not waited just begun. Humiliated husband was somehow pour seducer his injury, and he'd better I immediately gave зуботычину than what it is unknown how much time to listen to him.
-All right, - as if guessing my thoughts, waved to the big guy. - Would have to be you right in the face crack. That now. Are you a Communist?
-Not yet, - I was not clear to turn his thoughts.
-And it shows.
-Why? I'm going to...
-Thief alive you, I see. However, it changed a lot now in life. I'll tell you from the heart. I used to Lenin loved, since became a pioneer. And then began to hate, hate, just as earlier he loved him. Why? From the country of his poor communism made the country poor. I myself am a Communist, was a Communist, even when the party did not exist when she returned to power, was a Communist and now I. Otherwise we are in spetsnaz, you cannot. Even when I appeared out of work for some time, and in these difficult times, never showed a sign of disloyalty to the party, although in some ways and not agree with the communism. But, you know, тдеология is an ideology, but life is life. In our country cannot be a Communist, if you want to achieve something in the service of the state. You know, the party of us and it isn't a bunch педерастов and governmental structure, cha ness of the pyramid of the state. So if you're not a Communist, that means only one thing: you're a poor people of the second grade. The party ticket is the main trump in his career, otherwise you can put it on the cross. Until you commander, he still would be tolerated, but as a company you will never be without партбилета in your pocket. The party made a good lessons from all of their defeat in the last decade. Enough rudder of the ship cannot be disclosed to anyone, even if this ship is directly on the reef!
Sergey sold out, and we looked past few visitors institution. To our table the waiter came up and addressed to Sergey:
-Excuse me, please, the restaurant closes.
-In, saw - Sergey shoved under his nose waiter red crust and, without waiting for him to even see what it is that we took back in his pocket. - Your Director is aware, guy. We'd sit here as long as I pleased. If that is not clear, let the Director himself comes. Otherwise I'm your chicken coop in chips lambasted, nothing will remain. Clear!
He was married apples выпучившихся of the orbits of the eye, and I felt, as he, like a sponge, impregnated with anger, turning into a living machine of destruction, capable to destroy everything.
The waiter hurried away. Sergey removed his furious gaze to me:
"Listen, this puppy does not know against whom he had just выпендривался. Bastard. I participated in the coup and the return of power to the legitimate предстаивителям! It on my shoulders, my neck Communists are back up! I personally shot in P-resident! I изрешетил its like a rotten roach, I've seen of his leaky belly, in the поротого queue exploding bullets from my machine, fly ulcer and lumps of shit, proving once again who clear that he is a man, like all other, the same wineskin, full of shit and nothing more! When I did, then felt his hands, with these hands here, stop the wheel of history and turn it into another, necessary, party, party! - Sergey gritted his huge fists, why the bones of the fingers were white mounds, his terrible eyes, скрежетнул teeth and gave on the table, there was a crack, and a bottle of vodka fell splashed on the table content.
I was frightened at this man, giving me drunk on such mysteries, later, протрезвев, get scared and turn on my neck, just as day is depicted hands.
"Come here! - Rose from the table, Sergei.
Following him down the hallway, I unwittingly caught up in his mind strange, quiet lines:
And that the Communists? Fed people?
Yeah, fed кровавою foam.
His severed, causing orphans
To call himself "your change"...
Apparently, the soul came back to me and now slowly thaws, although wounded by my desire to get rid of conscience and домоганий.
The train began to slow down. Sergei went to the проводницам and began to knock at the closed door, where soon seemed sleepy Light.
-What is the station?! In a loud voice he asked, frightened was guiding them.
She закопошилась in the directory:
-So, сальские steppe we drove... yeah, Novosibirsk.
-Novosibirsk?! Very good! - Sergey resolutely went to his compartment, opened the door and затормошил заснувшую Anyuta. - Get up! Get up, come on! it's time you!
Half asleep, Annie, without understanding anything, and probably all forgetting tried to protest, and then squirmed. But, probably, the character of Sergey was strong, and its decision was adamant. Like a kitten by the scruff you put it in cold aisle полураздетую wife, threw things, suitcases and ordered:
"Get dressed, say now to the exit. In the corridor a blowing some interesting goals, but soon disappeared again, slamming doors.
The train stopped, and Sergey dragged Anyuta to the exit. On the platform there were several passengers released to the train. Sergei took Anyuta away from cars.
I did not go out and looked at them through the glass of the window, feeling from the street into the corridor through the open door, pulled the autumn coolness. Pool on the asphalt apron with ice crusts. Land of gleaming sparks speaking frost. People rush to get into the car, pushing and пихая in the vestibule of his belongings, backpacks, bags, suitcases.
I could see Sergey stroked his wife teenage on the head, allowing her to even bury his face in his shoulder, then suddenly put her aside and gave her ass as street оборванцу, went away to the carriage.
Hannah stayed on the platform when the train moved accompanying him a confused look. Sergei walked over and stood next to me, strong and frequent breathing.
-All bitch! - He said through clenched teeth, and then stopped, staring at the window.
The train picked up speed, moves away from the station. Outside the window sailed city streets, bridges. In my head again circling the poetic sad and slow snow:
I would die clean,
I would like to die healthy,
I would like to die fast
Longtime way, alas, not a new...
"Bitch do not want - dog not to jump", - I tried to justify himself before his conscience, but not easier, but my head is continued рифмованная mess:
I would like to die old
I would like to die wise,
But boy поджарым
Be in the soul still
All that happened was to blame, of course, I. Anyway, so I thought. However, Recalling the incident from the beginning, I still found in their behavior, something the caller than you could provoke similar intsendent. About this dirt't want to think, but she stuck to their heavy, fatty lumps and did not want to fall behind.
I seemed an eternity had passed from the moment the train left the station, as suddenly something by my side came in the direction of the shadow, and I turned, saw Sergey grabbed a stop-off and pulled the lever down.
"Now I go"almost in her mind as sharp jerk pulled my body down the hall. Somewhere under the wagon creaked brakes, and when the train stopped, Sergei cold and trace.
The corridor ran out, pulling on the go at the bare thigh knitted pants and adjusting подпрыгивающую to the navel мастерку, Marina. She jumped up to me, растянувшемуся helpless on the carpet, and trampled down by dusty:
-Are you nuts? - It thru the high stretched note voice was against my ear.
-That, Marina?! The guests have well drunk, like dogs, and then at night stop-cocks rip off! Fine who will pay for it?!
Of steel coupe protrude passengers. From where just ran out conductor, popped his head Anton.
-What interfering with sleep?! What moron here is toying?! Who do nothing?! Heard from different sides.
Marina don't cry, please! - Door coupe in front of me too lightly. "I will pay. I will pay this fine, how many there will need to...
I got up, shook off the dust.
-Okay, let's go, - has calmed down a conductor and went to his compartment.
I followed her into the coupe. Here in the light of light my eyes appeared naked fat Light, shamelessly the collapsed on the shelf and indifferently looking all honest all on me затуманенными eyes. Beside her sat смоля cigarette, in jeans naked body with not buttoned ширинкой from which betrayed a resin tuft of curly hair, Anton.
Whatever буянишь? He asked, squinting in a cloud of tobacco smoke.
-Yes is not me!
-Who? "Inquired, turning, Marina. - Pushkin? Conscience then you must have at least a little bit.
She stripped off her tights and мастерку, обнажившись and turning to Anton ass, was anxiously to fumble with his hands on the shelf, looking for something in the dusk.
Anton buried his head between her buttocks:
-Now not I will, " she heard his hot whisper.
-Get lost! Marina took his head in his hand, still searching for.
-Now can't stand it! - Anton furtively, trying not to make noise pulled off his jeans.
In the ghostly light of light looming his Horny member, and I unconsciously began to compare it with their own. Anton stood, and followed them back to the Marina and tried to take her, clasping his hands:
-I warned you, I couldn't do it!
-Get lost, tell you! Marina began to struggle and, отпихнув finally it off, said, gasping. - I to the t now jump! Joking aside: we need to report, who stop-cock jerked. Give me the money!
She switched on the overhead light, sat down behind his Desk and took out a folder form of receipts and pen, застрочила large, sweeping handwriting.
I went to look for money.
-Here, take this! Marina, blasting out from the spine, gave me the receipt, took my hands the money - no change is necessary, - I understand?! And began to put on the form.
-Sorry, sorry to see you go! - Lazily, with regret, said Anton. Now I'm in the form.
-Won, Svetik, " said Marina. - Fuck her.
-Ah. that Svetik? Anton looked at развалившуюся naked fat girl and asked me. - Do you want it to blow in?
Not finding what to say, I got out of the coupe. For me left and Marina, and we parted with it in different directions. I stopped, wondering what coupe go: in his or Sergey. But then, having decided that it was, in any case, watch your things, went to his compartment.
Someone was sitting. It was an old man with long, седоватой beard. It seemed to me that it black, long, ankle-cloak, but seeing on the table Popovsky кивер, and on the chest of the person of the big, shining Golden in sailing outside the window lights cross long yellow chain, I guessed that this priest. For his age, I've never met in the train or plane with a representative of the clergy.
-Good night! - He turned to me, fingering the hands laid on the table. - In that compartment, it seemed to me there's space?
-Hello, - I replied. - You are absolutely right.
-That's good. And then I see things here someone scattered. Thought will have to leave from here. All other compartment closed and проводниц that are not visible.
I suddenly wanted to do something good for this soft, genial old man, the speaker seems to be easy, just like other people, but whose words are spoken politely and warmly, warmed the soul.
-Would you like me now linen bring?
-Oh, young man, please give me such a service.
For me I had really warmed up, and I with a light heart went in the coupe to проводницам.
Anton died over Her, putting her in intricate position.
"What are you walking? He said, outraged. - Do not figs?
-Let me set underwear! - I asked.
-You that, just crazy, or what?! - Old Anton.
-Yes, there to me hooked...
-Чувиха? Where the linen? He asked Sveta. "Give him.
-There take, on the top shelf, bag, showed it by hand, bending down.
I brought the priest linen, and he thanked me.
What I shelf can sit? "He asked.
-Go to the bottom, " I said, throwing up out of bed linen anjuta.
-And someone else in here goes, except you?
-Yes, but they came up: a small family quarrel. But I think to Ulan-Ude, and maybe catch up to Chita.
The Holy father sighed, carefully, as if hiding, listening to me.
"But where are you going, young man?
I? To Chita. And you?
-Oh, I'm far from Vladivostok.
-Wow. And why so far, if not a secret?
In the cases of confessions.
-As I pretended to understand something.
We have gathered to sleep: in the presence of a clergyman I suddenly felt himself to be humble and a good man, felt the desire to be that way, and it was pleasant to me, when suddenly, unexpectedly, in the coupe burst Anton.
-A-a-a! - Not his voice " he shouted, apparently, looking forward to come to here and spicy scene. - Where is thy plague?
Pop lifted with a head cushion, and his white beard fell into the beam of light fell from the corridor in the doorway. Face Anton changed:
-Oh, sorry. I don't think I got there... No, there.
He apparently considered me in the twilight, and, approaching nearer, ' I was lying on the upper shelf, - whispered in my ear some nonsense. In the face of the smell of booze out of his mouth.
"Yeah, " I agreed, pretending to be understood him. - Go to bed.
Late in the morning, when after a hard night I managed to продрать eyes, father was already at its full parade, in the black cassock and кивере with a Golden cross, from which fell on the shoulders of a black veil. The priest was busy reading a book, Tolstoy, but not very large format, such that you could put in your pocket sized.
"Good morning, " I greeted him.
-Good afternoon, young man. A little late getting up. Always so?
-No, yesterday difficult day was.
-Your buddy, it seems, also does not Wake up.
I looked down, on a shelf beneath, where pointing pop. Anton was asleep, his head thrown back and widely having opened his mouth. At night, apparently, he was snoring.
When I washed, and came back, Anton was already sitting on a shelf and rubbed the sleep from his eyes with his fists.
"Hey, " he smiled wearily. The smile on the face crumpled was very acidic and pale. - How you doin'?
We sat opposite the priest, as the two sample boy, his hands in his lap. I felt ill at ease in such tacitly tense seat. Robe кивер with a veil, a great Golden cross on a thick chain just below the breast, white long beard, - all this had us fascinating rears actions and even thoughts of fear suddenly make something wrong and вызовущее indignation and outrage from the Holy father, although it would seem, religion and the Church are not used to, and respect our state and this country in General is not known how many decades, and from she stayed only a pitiful scraps, полуразоренные Church, where people came to the service only an old woman, have lived up to their Sedin and unknown way which restored their faith in this безверной earth.
The Holy father remarked, apparently, our clumsiness and looked up from the book, covering her and shifting the page with your finger.
-That don't eat, young people?
-I don't want something. yesterday I so налопался, in one voice uttered we even looked at each other in surprise.
-Sleeping don't Wake. Awakened feed, - declared the priest, having raised up his index finger. - Let me you will. I then something in the road collected.
He bent down and reached under the shelf black leather briefcase. On the table appeared simple food: eggs, onions, boiled potatoes in their skins, a small piece of butter.
-Eat, join us for a meal, " said the priest.
It was not comfortable, and suddenly feeling of famine came, reminded about itself. For Breakfast we got chatting. Knowing that we are officers, the priest became more talkative and kindly disposed postponed the Bible, which was the book in his hands, the mite.
-I before the war, too, the gunner was. Platoon howitzers large caliber commanded, " he said, and, seeing our astonishment is explained. - Yes, do not be surprised! God works in mysterious ways. The war ended, left the army, was baptized, " I since the childhood was baptized, so it happened, then the theological Seminary he entered, finished it successfully. And how it all happened - and I don't know still. The heart I had called to the faith and worship of God, - that's the thing. And strange it, because then persecutions on those who truly believed. Many saw it has suffered a great deal and I over the years, but I'm not sorry in the slightest, because glad I have these sufferings.
Anton evil, wrong somehow grinned, but the Holy father said nothing, though I noticed this just looked at him steadily and silently, as if peering, and then continued.
-Now calling me father Seraphim, in the world my name Ignat Andreevich. And that has called me to serve? Maybe the war, that it had had, he saw, but he remained alive, and can be, and family memories from childhood in sunken soul.
My grandfather said Nikolai, when the red army came to Rob us with the so-called продразверсткой, - his voice is such a сиплый was, always chilled, "who will die, sons: for God al for anything else? In God you are, tea, do not believe". And they to him: "Lenin's grandfather, Kohl happen, and for the proletarian revolution". And in the evening, grandfather took bleed in the barn, Yes with the same peasants, as he himself across transport, through the woods, the short way, and there in ambush beat these "sons".
Bandit was my grandfather, ain't a thug - how to judge it? He took, and he used to take. He killed and his shot. It's win-win, if so look. An no, there is over all, God. He sees everything and knows everything. People of all, each person he loves the same, but also judges strictly those who step back, who will not obey his commandments. Here knows by now that with the soul of my grandfather, where she is now, in heaven there, and maybe in hell. Good he was a man, family, loved, children, grandchildren, but because of this love and the murderer was, the sort of hunger, devastation and death defended.
And not only for the soul of his grandfather's hurt me? How many such people, even intelligent, lost, indulging in anything, whether Sciences, career Lee, exhibitionism whether and deserted him, but turning it away from God, which prevented them go through life, widely, without thinking, destroying everything in its path, climbed with his love of people. And that in the end of the road? None of them have not discerned даруемого God of light and salvation, and therefore no no not saved from eternal torment.
No in the world of science and philosophy, which could replace the religion that would bring food to the spirit and something itself is not compromised. Even idealistic, close to the religious philosophy - and those fail. Communism, so he generally rests only on force and violence. And religion, whether ours or иноверная, lives, gaining a victory over the darkness and evil. And without it a person in the world пропащ, because only it specifies the path and guide the true way. Science because all come from the mind, whether large, small Lee, the mystical or atheistic, but faith comes from the heart, but because the lives of more than others, and one is eternal and indestructible.
Religion has its own history and its own path, and although it seems that a lot of religions, - it is only one, only in different stages of its development caught the gaze of the mind. Growing and baby, turning to the boy, the boy and then a man, and religion. Возмужавшая is Christianity, the last period of its development. A little bit younger than she is in Judaism, Islam, Buddhism. But only Christ invites people to confide in him and be saved. The rest do not promise of deliverance from hell...
-So, thanks for a free lecture! Anton stood up and abruptly walked out of the compartment. He probably got bored, and he went to the Marina and the Light, where it probably already tired of waiting.
Father Seraphim was silent. Again I felt embarrassed and said:
-I now things go go. They have me in the other compartment.
Nikolay Mikhailovich tinkered with their suitcases. Nikolai Dmitrievich with a swollen from lack of sleep and soundly drunkenness face was staring at him from the top shelf, by leaning on his elbow. Seeing me, he's supposed to be happy:
-Oh, countryman, where did you get lost?
I wanted to explain something, but, realizing that it is difficult, just waved his hand.
-Are you in dreams don't understand? And then I dream a weird dream. The war seemed to be going. City frontline. The factory. Dwarf machine tool operators. He substituted boxes, but he circus, and does not know how to sharpen details, and beat him for it. 't know what it?
I shook my head and turned to Nikolai Mikhailovich:
-You have going?
"Yes, " agreed. - Soon Irkutsk. It is necessary things in order to bring.
On the shelf opposite lay someone under the sheets with his head. Here he pulled her and I saw a stranger, although began to assume that there is located Кудлов, my friend mayor of Large Василихи.
-Здоровэньки булы - I heard the Ukrainian speech. The man held out his hand towards me and said. - My name is Bogdan.
I shook his hand, healthy, strong, with broad palm.
-Brew with Ukrainian bacon want? Asked Bogdan. "I said you're on Ukraine studied.
I nodded Yes, but the guy understood me wrong and became, groaning, rise from the shelf. Drink I didn't want. The head was clear, and fresh thoughts, dig around in it. 't want to pour again his mind a green snake. However offend Ukrainian refusal I did not dare.
Chapter 32.
Waking up I see the low bending Alena and the next minute I realized that I was lying on a couch by the window in the house "Пантелеихи". Pelageya stood behind the girls.
"You all night had a high fever! "Alena, touching pleasantly cool palm to my forehead.
-What?! - I wondered, trying to understand, what actually happened at night, and was then that I remembered the dream, or the same has happened in reality.
-Yes you all night struggled frantically, " the girl went on, without taking his hand from my head, heavy, which seemed to me a cast-iron pot, filled with lead чурками.
Pelageya Panteleevna nodded her head in confirmation of her words.
And all night I lay here?
"And you?
-We took turns watching over you. We had to attend the funeral service for my тятеньки, here we are with Pelageya and went there in turn.
-You're lying to me, " I wanted to shout, but only weakly uttered it, slowly, heaving with застеленного mattress chest and feeling the painful weakness throughout the broken body disease. - You're lying to me. I well remember what happened last night.
-And what happened? Curiosity in his voice, close to издевке asked about Alena, though condescending at the same time, shaking his head.
I was beginning to tell, but after a minute and then stopped, seeing that they look at me as an idiot.
-I say that you dreamed about! Concluded Alena.
I took his head in his hands, trying to pacify раздававшийся it hum.
-I today I leave! - Unexpectedly for myself, I said to my women. -Enough rest.
The last words of the I was called involuntary smile: "Rest. Wow rest!"
Suddenly I realized that vacation, whether it was good or bad, came to an end, and I stayed a few days to get home from the middle of nowhere, in which the devil knows why brought me up to his head, put our things and leave for the place of service. I felt like any service, any trials will be easier for those days that I spent in that anyone unknown Васелихе.
-I went to gather. Pelageya, help me to add things, Yes give something to eat on the track.
Grandma bustled, but Alena took me with her cool fingers wrist.
-You cannot leave now, " she said quietly.
-But why?! Right about now go and leave! "I said, feeling along with the decision taken me strength return, and my body recuperate before her eyes.
-You cannot leave now, - insisted the girl. - Father wanted you to be present at his funeral. And still...
The father?! How do you know? - Now, it seems it was my turn to laugh. "Have you been in the afterlife, to ask for his posthumous will?
"I know, " Alena came to me, дыхнув in the face and looking into my eyes.
Just now I opened the bottomless, black void, прятавшаяся for its pupils. She definitely vacuum pulled from my soul, and I barely got away, making an effort, from her mesmerizing eyes.
"Here's to you and witches ' daughter!" I thought to myself, a new feeling a surge of terror, from which it would seem now had to get rid finally, and certainly, deciding to escape the burden of alien imposed unclear to me what the circumstances.
The father wanted you to be present at his funeral, " a voice Alena seemed заговорщическим and terrible.
Involuntarily I glanced over his shoulder girls on Пелагею, but she continued hastily walk around the room, something transferring, rearranging, pretending to be fully immersed attention in my preparations for the road and not to hear the dread words my underage Minister.
"Yes, they all conspire!" - Indignation and guess merged in this exclamation, пронесшемся lightning in my mind. "Where can we find protection against this universal evil?!"
-Well, " I said, trying to ask himself at what I sent such a hopeless attack, from which, as from the quagmire not escape, though hard earth close by hand before it can reach, Yes swamp still not let go.
"There is another thing that you have to do, but I will tell about it later.
Only let's agree, " I said Alena, wondering to himself, to the highest degree, as it so happened, that the girl, almost a girl, now dictates me the terms and imposes his will, and I can't обороть it and get out, get out, finally, to freedom. - As soon as the funeral of thy father's over, and I will do that, what else did you want from me, I will no longer be repaired obstacles.
-You leave tomorrow, by the same firm, without a trace of sympathy to me with a voice said, as the cut Alena.
-But why?! - escaped me involuntary cry of astonishment. - What happened? What happened to you, Alena?
The girl was silent, impartially looking at me with unblinking eyes, and I realized that enquire that either make no sense. This is stronger than me.
Funeral Ivan Noodles began at noon. Brought on a tractor with a trailer оббитый кумачом with black mourning ribbons coffin. Come on UAZ pop yesterday, which performed the funeral of the deceased, and with him yesterday deacon.
From the village procession went out in silence, accompanied by only всхлипами old ladies, ready seem to cry for any reason. Norm on this occasion, the city orchestra, copper pipes which heavy resounding dryer, spewing funeral March, always brought me death anguish. Was not and wreaths: "Dear husband...", "Beloved father...", "we Will remember forever..."
Only into the woods, pop with a deacon came forward with a brass censer and follows the heavy silver frame and sang the prayer.
For the first time I attended the funeral, where they were met Orthodox customs, where there was a filthy, полупьяного tearing its sounds into pieces orchestra, where the coffin to the cemetery carried on shoulder, and drove the car.
The cemetery was an amazing sight. If plowed deep plough вывернутое inside out, разворошенное, раскуроченное, it stood now. Graves could be distinguished among all this mess. At the far its edge now distinctly inconspicuous certainly blackened outline of a building with шпилеобразными roofs.
What happened last night floated before his eyes, as soon as that happened, but it did not want to believe now. However cemetery served as conclusive evidence that not all that seemed to me, was a figment of my imagination, hallucinations and fantasy.
From the shock of what happened with me, I involuntarily stopped, but the other did not seem to notice these terrible changes, and went on.
Pit grave was ready. It dug another morning with someone from the village men on the edge into a plowed too big plow a field cemetery, beside the road.
In an hour all was finished. Pop read over the grave with свежесрубленным cross last prayer, ending with the word "Amen"to the end of continuing to swing the censer. Old women and a few men, who stood just so, who is being baptized, went away from the cemetery, leaving far behind the priests, though all of them and not вникнувших until the end of the incident, bearing slowly and heavily bitterness and sorrow of their sin.
I noticed that neither barbarians nor Alena for the funeral and was not, and wondered why I had to attend to them, to me, an outsider, пришлому now, and wants to leave this small, closed in his dingy and the simple life of the world, joy, sadness and tears which were interested in me, it would seem, is smaller than all other than its inhabitants, who were born here and here уйдущих from this world.
Everything that happens to me it was strange and rather resembled a dream, prolonged, bad, erratic sleep in a stuffy, hot room, Wake up from that, apparently, has not yet come. I will not be surprised with anything, I'm tired to be surprised anything in this dream and now only limply watched its development, with frequent and incomprehensible change of scenery, such dissimilar. And it seemed no turn of events would not be able to surprise me get out of this state sleepy indifference
Alena was sitting in the house of Pelagia Пантелеевны, looking through the window at the house Barbara in brooding stillness, motionless and not even blinking. In her pose no ability nor the tension of waiting, no relaxation of detachment. It was a sort of intermediate state, similar to what he is when he's asleep. Having heard the creak of the floorboards beneath my feet, as if she woke up, looked at me, asked a little later:
-Well, buried?
-Yes. And why don't you go?
Instead of answering, she turned toward the window, also despoiled, staring at him.
-Interesting job! - Me as broken. - I mean, should be present, though not have to покойничку nothing, and own daughter stays at home, the way it should be, and can not, that Lukashenka is buried! Normally!
The indignation of my like not reached hearing Alena, and not a muscle, none of the vein under the skin on her face twitched, not waver me in response. However, I was not satisfied, and has a long indignant, before she turned, suddenly stopping, like cutting off, the flow of battle, лившийся of my mouth, and said quietly and simply:
-You've been there for me. Is it clear?!
I was astonished with such a response, and stood silently, with his mouth open, unable to find words and common to at least finish his speech.
In the window I could see the porch Варвариного home. The door on him opened and inside knocked down the woman, wiping noses and cheeks handkerchiefs. Among them flashed and Pelagia. Soon she came in.
-Barbara-t in a very bad state, she said to'alene.
"I know, " replied the girl, laced his chin on the palm of the hand and leaning his elbow on his knee, all continuing over the shoulder look in the window.
The indifference with which she spoke it, just stunned me. My mind refused to accept that saw the eyes and ears heard, and the brain reached the brink of collapse madness from the inability to absorb the incoming information.
I do suddenly felt, that now the time has come, when all of a sudden most of all I wanted to run, to run away. All the same where, if only not to hear, to see not absorb this unpleasant my soul, доставлявшую her pain reality, like a sea urchin, without demand лезущего to my throat.
When Pelageya has departed, Alena suddenly, rose from the chest, where she was sitting, she took my hand and, without even looking me in the face and led her into the hall.
We went outside. Alena got me into the shed where the Pelageya was it is piled a lot of any rubbish, itself stood in the doorway and said:
-Find a hammer and a nail.
I obeyed her, to the surprise of not having even the internal resistance of her team.
It was soon found both.
The girl brought me into the yard to Barbara. We went up on the porch. She opened the door. Inside the house smell stale, marsh air, heated however, to such an extent that he went straight from the oven.
I involuntarily shuddered when скрипе rusty door hinges. I wanted to get more air to breathe a little deeper before we get inside, but Alena't let me do it and immediately pulled hand, as of a lamb on the rope in the dark, damp and stuffy canopy.
There was such impression. We were in the dressing room. Somewhere ahead were heard muffled moans.
I decided that it was again, a dream or reality, we go through the dungeons and be absolutely unimaginable place, in some other world. But the most unexpected was that none of this happened. We were in the room, uncomfortable, dirty, littered with randomly all sorts of stuff and seeming even smaller than it actually is, quite tiny and miserable, and proceeded to another, the same неухоженную and differs only by the fact that one of its walls was a metal badly painted, who had in many places поржаветь bed, scary скрипевшая, exactly вывшая like a dog that lost the master, at the moon, an artist from each movement lying on it.
The sight was horrible. Only after several minutes of silence before me, hardly realised that this withered, leather-covered шевелящийся skeleton with a deep hollow in orbit eyes, seeming now widely madly open and rotating in the hopeless, the blind and rather aimless search of something, that this kind of person, only vaguely resembles a woman with long, dirty-white, shaggy hair, and a barbarian.
Instinctively I drew back from the bed, but Alena immediately caught my elbow, apparently, intently watching my slightest motives.
-What is it? - Perplexed, I asked her, feeling the cold wave passed with head and swept down to the tips of the toes, and the hair on his head began to stir.
Is my mother. She dies voice of a girl coming exactly from another world.
-Why have you brought me here?
-Need help.
-How?! - Unintentional a vague guess flashed in my head. It seemed to me, that girl wants, apparently, so I kicked Varvara skull these rusty hammer (for some reason, because it has forced to take a hammer and a huge nail, and on the equipment for providing first aid to these items did not like). - "Apparently, she made a mistake with my choice, accepting me for who she wanted. And she only has buried the father..."
-Вбей nail nail in приколотку door, " Alena.
-In приколотку door?
-Yes, in приколотку door!
-But why?!
"Do what I say, don't ask.
I was indignant, but at this time, Barbara issued such a terrible, heart-rending cry, that my heart зашлось from the cold out in painful spasm.
Though if stung by bee, like пришпоренный and fuelled by hot whip on a side stallion, I dashed to the doorway and in the twinkling of an eye, not knowing how it happened, pushed двухсотмиллиметровый rusty hinge in a clear tree almost half.
Varvara was happen something unimaginable. Her whole body shook exactly fever moans turned into one long howl or roar. Her eyes became big, dull-Matt's mouth went white foam. Then eyes have failed altogether, and on the face there were three burning green failure, three holes similar to the eyes in the furnace rolling, which were buzzing unprecedented green flame.
Nail burned his hand. I drew back his hand and saw that he steaming-hot, and wood around him обуглилось and задымилось. Bright light suddenly blinded me, and when the ability to see come back to me on the bed, dirty blankets, like насыпанный lay just grey dust.
-All - quiet, but insensitively said Alena, I touched its расплавившийся and bent over to land a nail.
Приколотка still smoked.
We left and headed to the other side of the village. I decided that Alena was going home, but she turned to the bridge.
-What does it all mean? I inquired, gently moving away from the residue оторопи.
-Do not ask.
The girl was walking a little ahead, and we could not go for it. Moreover, she said nothing. But for some reason I followed her, still carrying unnecessary already hammer.
-So die witches, - as though to herself, said Alena, not even turning to me.
Soon we arrived at the stables in the forest. There were still a horse.
The experiences of recent night swept over me, and I cautiously walked into the semi-dark, gloomy building, as if sensing the presence here of shadows and ghosts, participants of the night of the fight.
Alena suddenly stopped in the middle of the aisle between the stalls and sharply turned to me, saying,
Because you killed my mother?
The question was unexpected and sharp, but I found and answered:
-No, I did not kill her. She just kicked a crucifixion. And it bounced, struck her in the chest, in the region of the heart...
-You have done ill, " the girl went on, after a moment. - Development of history does not conducive to your intervention, you know?
"I understand, " I replied and nodded. I was not clear where she was headed.
"You wouldn't understand. You just had to walk past all of this and not meddling. But, say thank you to my daddy, you got involved in this shit up to their ears. He tried. Now you must stay here himself or to leave his seed, otherwise you here will not leave.
I only had time to think, what should be indignant her words, as behind her in the side where there was a gate, as if the earth opened, and from it seemed, went up Varvara. Behind me I heard some rustling, and I, I turned around and saw Ivan.
"All the family in gathering!" - I thought, and had somehow it was funny, but I kept my own laughter.
-So you just what am I not release it? I inquired.
Alena shook her head in acknowledgement of my innocence.
-What do you need?
"Now you.
-But why?!
-You stepped in history and now can't leave just like that. Choose: you stay himself or leave here his seed. In any case the balance of the forces of good and evil requires the restoration of equilibrium. Too much good - it's too bad, " replied Alan.
-So what should I do? I asked, looking back on her, then Ivan, motionless стерегших outputs.
-Agree. You should stay or leave the seed. Take a chance.
-And how to stay? - I caught myself thinking, trying to stall for time and talk to her teeth.
-It means to die, but to move into a different entity. She will be my husband, and I'll be what barbarian...
-And what means - leave the seed?
-It means to take me.
In my head barely flashed the thought that the second fits me more, as Alena immediately threw the clothes from his young body.
-It suits me more, " she said, coming closer, in that case, I'll only conduit, and good will sit next me next to evil. I don't want no remainder belong to some one of them.
She turned to the ghosts of their parents:
-Go away, embarrass us.
Ghosts suddenly disappeared.
I perked up and asked:
-If I say no, it'll return again?
-Yes, but in this case you will die, " answered quietly Alena.
Now I expected that it will suit me, but instead of this the girl turned into the stall of the stallion deftly подлезла under him, holding his sex organs. Her fingers opened a horse, and a member of his, black, shiny and dirty, immediately rose, hanging over almost to наваленного hay on the floor.
-Shoot down, darling, knock down, " came to me her sweet whisper.
Picture could not leave me indifferent. I felt from somewhere in the depths of my soul, this unknown and unfamiliar to me, as to any stranger, the same unrestrained and wild as any element, stand up, open злачными flowers lust, baser, animal instincts, apparently similar to those that prompted the rise flesh stallion.
Alena beckoned me and I'm excited to limit passion, rushed to her side, feeling that he himself was a stallion and already not good.
All the rest was like a dream or a dream. Suddenly I really thought that I had turned into an animal...
-I have a boy, - has told to me Alena after all this madness, which lasted until the evening.
We went out of the barn and went on the road to the village.
The sun was setting, looking unusually deep crimson.
-How do you know? I asked, thinking to himself that tomorrow will be windy, unpleasant weather.
-So requires story.
-What else will it require?
He will be my husband.
-Your husband?! But is it possible?!
Instead of an answer, the girl laughed.
-Is it possible that the son was the husband of his mother?! And then, as I understand, you then take place Barbara and shalt be the embodiment of evil?
The girl laughed even louder and I felt so horrible.
In the first half of the night we parted with it in the bridge on the outskirts of Василихи. The moon hung over us, it seemed, went mad and furious, bright as ever, shines from above, Recalling the huge one on the whole Earth, street light.
-Hurry up and go as you can, " she told me goodbye.
-But now I can't go quietly? - I was amazed.
-No. You will pursue. In this village today is a terrible night. And it's just your luck that you're not leaving here alive and another man. Run - monsters will chase after you.
With these words, she pushed me, though betrayed me determination and initial start acceleration. With this submission, not remembering itself, I got to dawn in БольшуюВисилиху and sat down on a passing bus.
Door in the apartment, no one discovered. His key, I was not. On the platform of the left neighbor, aunt Masha handed me the keys. I оторопело looked at her, trying to understand, what is the meaning of her words:
-Not стучись, dear, here's your keys. Uterus, my three days, as has died. We do not know where you have gone, where a telegram to give. Themselves and buried. So late you. We didn't know when you're coming. Maybe in a month, a year later, the uterus is your reluctance to do распостранялась. If there yesterday, it's time for him to another. Yeah.
I looked at the loose in her outstretched hand are the keys to me, gleaming faces a notch, and they are stronger spread before my eyes, dissolving, расплываясь in tears filling my eyes. When he came to me that happened, from my heart broke only like a scream, vzryd impotent despair and melancholy: Mother!!!
Chapter 33.
The smell of booze as honey come flies, from all sides to the table began to gather. Top slipped Кудлов and Nikolai Dmitrievich, Nikolai Mikhailovich postponed their stuff out of the way.
-Uh, friends! - Outraged Bogdan. I, actually, you didn't expect...
But his words no one reacted, and all were sitting around waiting for their cups of liquor.
-Oh you and кацапы, Oh and moskali. Усю life you ненавидив, - Bohdan said, seemingly with the joke, but at the same time, and seriously so, it is unclear how to treat his speech to complain or take with humor. - Скильки you know скильки in this Russia верчусь, driv truncated вэмя you дывлюсь!
Why?! "Exclaimed Nikolai Dmitrievich.
-You have three qualities are developed, кацапов: lazy, брехливые and brazen, - here is truncated, scho about your nation true.
"But-but-but! You feel better - навалять can! - Then Jumped Кудлов.
-I ne afraid! "Replied Bogdan. - You around, scho and panties.
This argument, apparently, objections none had, and Bogdan continued:
-I тильки compatriot wanted to treat, and you налэтели. Listen yaki Boers!
-Yeah, it doesn't countryman you! "Replied Nikolai Dmitrievich. He also кацап, the most natural, or, even worse, a Jew.
I didn't have time, and found nothing to respond алчному наглецу, but Bogdan immediately retorted his statement:
-And me and the countryman, who at least трошки slightly, having lived in Ukraine. It's you, кацапы, exactly what Ivana, 't remember a kinship! And we, Ukrainians, so consider: who in Ukraine побував, one of the осьмушку crest, and who lived there, and half-a whole.
In this case, I too crest half! "Replied Nikolai Mikhailovich. - Five years I lived in Dnepropetrovsk.
-And what he doesn are you there робыв? Surprised Bogdan.
-What he doesn робыв, what he doesn робыв, he moved to the Ukrainian accent Nikolai Mikhailovich. - Ховався there, what he doesn axis.
-Well, then for shidai next, agreed Bogdan.
And I Ukraine бувал - with indignation on коверканном Ukrainian asked, with a touch on his shoulder, Bohdan D..
-Ah, okay. Сидайте truncated! Waved his hand Bogdan. - Scho then unhide будэте, yaki Ukrainians жадобы.
Кудлов, briskly rubbing hands, пододвтнулся closer to the table. Bogdan grabbed me around the neck and pulled her to himself:
-Here is this boy in Sumy учився, my beloved зэмле, my ридном Myst. So that he is native зэмляк to mene. Hi, closer усих and сидае.
-You have many буиылок? - Busily asked Nikolai Dmitrievich.
-Little shook his head Dmitrievich. - Well, for friendship Khokhlov and Russian. Time went so booze, it is still a couple of bottles reset, support of crest.
He reached into the inside pocket of his bruising of his jacket, took the money:
-Well, namesake, let's take shape, " he put his hand to Nikolai Mikhailovich, and he unbuttoned his shares. Then Dmitrievich turned to Кудлову. - Simon, come on and you.
I also gave his share, and Dmitrievich went in search of alcohol. Кудлов and mykhailych went to the vestibule to smoke, and we with Bogdan remained in a compartment together.
-Okay, ne Wake hour to lose! He took up the bottle, he opened it, and has already gathered was to pour in glasses.
"Wait, Bogdan, - I asked. - I have something to drink don't really want to, and men offended.
-I already казав: mini to кацапов чхать, but his hand stopped halfway. - Although you too кацап. But eat well, and теби scho times кажу: you кацапов I don't like... we Yak on Ukraine: her husband home возвернувся, - truncated, жинка immediately diet buffet подае. And don't let Божэ, ne done! And you, кацапов?! Чоловик home воротывся: "Wife, eat Cho?" And жинка of постэли лэжить, peep of cards, "Go, сготовь, and feed me". You have my word on Ukraine for the same рэчи жинку would already be submitted шмякнулы, and you eat with hands coming down. So Yak воспыталы. My mother of five годын with wound ached, осемьдэсят cows milked, аписля us харчовала, тяпку take in the garden, - here CE I разумэю: a hostess жинка. And none of St. Nicholas TSE her робыть ne заставляв. And you кацапка москальска scho? Ugh - усих would перевешав. Home сыдят, дэлать несого not хосут, the friend about the friend gossip собирають, Yes scho whore on a harlot. Hi менэ who говорыть станэ scho CE ne so, I цему человику the throat уцеплюсь... Now you менэ цего ne скажеж?
I shook my head:
-I will not say.
-Правыльно, ne say. Yak already be submitted to: speak of the truth. Ne inventing, - ne think. I have juveniles of Сыбирэ служивсрочну, затим прапором becoming. Of the military town усякого дыва and насмотрився. Khokhlov there was a little, - Wuxi on Украйну of the rocky подавалысь. Oh, qi кацапы. Oh and насмотревся I. Oh, qi кацапы... And my жинка, I already be submitted married PDR, бачит still del and кажэт mini: "other чуловики Yak цуловики, жинкам кофэ of постиль подають, готовять, убирають. And you are?" "As for me, I кажу her, " khokhol, and to Cola you're with me жывэш, Boudet Yak we, украинцив повэдэно, YaKU симьи трэба conversation. And ne хотиш so life - go, шукай another чоловика. Bags are Packed".
Back Кудлов, Nikolay Mikhaylovich and Dmitrievich with two bottles of vodka.
-In! - He showed. - Ambassadorial!
-Well, сидайтэ, хлопци, сидайтэ invited Bogdan, cutting slices of pink fat.
In the evening, when everything was drunk, we took Nikolai Mikhailovich. Bogdan escort went. Nikolai Dmitrievich and Кудлов carried his bags and returned to the coupe, promising to come out on the platform, when will Irkutsk.
We Nikolai remained in the vestibule. He stared at me, then said:
I just recently was the same as you're a kid, when I had to get away from Irkutsk.
-Yes, to flee. And brought me to Ukraine: I'm not lying, that lived in Dnepropetrovsk. What brought it? because the times were such that the Communists restraints that people kept out of the hands released, and suffered Russia over bumps. May be, and properly incurred may be brought even somewhere, if the Communists did not realized.
I in those days, studied at the University of Irkutsk. Well, I have so many crazy thoughts in my head was that the rest of them there was neither day nor night. First, the most shocking for me was that the Communists did not incur any criminal responsibility for the genocide, which staged over his people from the seventeenth year. To judge them it was tougher than judged German war criminals from the Second World war. After the collapse of communism was to take place in the process of pohlesche Nuremberg, and everything was quiet, like clockwork. Nobody knew the time, as Communist wolves перерядились in democratic sheep, took again all posts in the state and the government. In all the structures of the political pyramid, became биржевиками and capitalists, and the Russian people, as was оболваненный and beggar, and has remained so. Its position is even worse it became. Secondly, the Communists and черномазым hands unleashed. They in markets such mad rates ломить of steel that is not подступись. And the shops empty, ball покати.
So I decided to create "the Iron Legion, to hang former Communists and smash shit an no Shine on the market. Yes, I came to the conclusion that communism, whose roots in Russia have strengthened well and promised to give new sprouts, despite the fact that the top, it would seem посрубали, you can fight only fascism. Not so, of course, that was Hitler. He relied on smaller businesses and behind him were big Industrialists and financiers, bet on fear of German shopkeepers and owners of small shops and enterprises before mass destruction and поманившие their candy enslavement of other Nations and, first of all, survival and annihilation of Jews in Germany. Behind my back, not standing so strong backers, and the problem I had much more modest, although the principles and methods remain the same as that of the German Nazis: creation of the Legion of the assault troops.
I felt the connection with Irkutsk fascists. These were the most ordinary hooligans, кичащиеся leather jackets and a swastika. More of them there was nothing in my head wind blowing. But I was lucky, I put the idea in their heads against whom it is necessary to direct their energies of vengeance and took over the leadership of the formed paramilitary units in the ranks of which will soon there were several thousand. It was already a force able to declare itself for the whole country.
As the official judicial authorities have not paid tribute to any of the former Communists, it was doubtful that they could do that and in our submission. Therefore, we have relied on its own strength and responsibility. We have already made several executions of Communists, and some of them managed to make even publicly. The mechanism was simple and worked well. First sentenced on behalf of the Russian people, our court похищался battle groups, and then the sentence was carried into execution.
I still remember one of the last executions. Our guys seized truck, forced the driver to follow the agreed place. There in two hours on the body was equipped with a scaffold with the scaffold, which, so as not to attract attention, had to go up a hydraulic lift in the time when the car is already in the established for the penalty spot.
In the same way, the storm troopers seized "Икарусом", planted in him коммуняку and was taken to the marketplace. It was Sunday, and the people there was enough to collect the grateful audience, especially for half an hour before the agreed time our agents spent propaganda among the crowd, and they were waiting for our arrival with curiosity and impatience.
The operation was carried out clearly and took almost perfectly. At ten o'clock in our column of cars with эшафотом and "Icarus" came to the square. Заждавшийся spectacle people immediately surrounded our escort. Militants poured out, quickly forming machines armed caret. Hangman rose. I climbed up on the scaffold and announced the verdict on behalf of the people of the former high-ranking Communist genocide over his people. The crowd cheered, rejoiced and засвистела. Коммуняку brought out of the bus, thrown off the bag from his head, and after a couple of minutes later he was strung up with a sign "Tormentor of the Russian people".
The police arrived in time of ten minutes, and we have already managed to speak. Authorities had already heard about our "trick" and immediately opened fire. Наод ran helter-skelter, and we took to their heels. A couple of people in a hurry knocked down, but then two hours, and traveled to the city with the scaffold, as long as we are in the turnover on one of the streets was not taken. There our many were killed. Later I had to leave the Irkutsk...
Nikolai Mikhailovich was silent.
"And then what?
"Then? Then Ukraine. It is better than rot somewhere in the mines! Now go back to.
-Not all celebrated. I think a fresh start.
The train stopped at the Irkutsk station.
-Well. Where mourners? "Exclaimed Nikolai Mikhailovich, but no one is waiting, opened the door to the stairway and down.
-Come on, help you."
-Yes, well...
I handed him the bag. The car went out, yawning, Light yellow flag.
-Well, finally, the young girl asked her apron Nikolai Mikhailovich, -and we thought that not wait.
-And what is it you, comrades passengers, open manually input the door of the car? "She said.
-Not friends, and of the Lord, is in the first place. And secondly, ass we must quickly move on, you're not walking, but at work, pretty darling girl, and, third, and because the same, shut your mouth, until I said something worse.
-Oh-охох! - Only and could speak of the Light, but trailed off.
"That's better, approvingly nodded Nikolai Mikhailovich and turned to me. - Well, say Hello to all of these хмырям, especially, kind of sidekick to her, Khokhlov Bogdan.
The train started moving, the Light and shut the door and leave, collided in the doorway with Bones and Igor holding were also things.
-And where you gathered? 'She returned. - Irkutsk already passed.
-And we are a little further, Goncharovo.
-In Goncharovo train does not stop.
-And in the Big lug?.
I can't recall.
-Well, okay, where to stop there and get it.
-Only the doors do not open.
-Of course, only you tickets for us return.
-Bed and handed them over?
-Yes, it is at your booth is.
Light departed. Kostya with Igor lit up.
-And where you lost the third? I inquired.
-Valerie? And he further to go, " said Igor. - Now, I look at you why you're so young in the army moved? A beautiful, healthy out guy's been mistreating. That you're in the army forgot?
I shrugged, not knowing what to say.
-The army, brother, she's slightly differs from prison. Most significantly, perhaps, the difference is that the prison guards separated from prisoners doors with bars and in the army they were planted together with them, even instead of the thorn all honest word is fenced. Of course, the punishment of any words, like a guardhouse, but there always are no places, and who are afraid of her. And in дисбат the area who rarely send.
"Yeah, " conversing Kostya. - Officers and the ensigns happens to be, nor for that kill. I remember, in ninety-two served in Kyakhta. Soldier left the постапрямо with a gun. To meet him, the officer was caught, reviewer, asks: "where are You going, soldier?" - All this in broad daylight occurs. As a soldier he was immediately put in place, then the commander of the guard, which ran from караулки, and eight people have to guard put dead and gone. Catch him steel, he himself with Irkutsk was then decided that he through the border, Mongolia moved, and only three months later they found him in the forest, near the part of: shot himself. That's how things are in the army.
-Well, I have something worse cases seen before, " said Igor.
-Okay, I'll go, " I'm tired of listening to them. - Sorry. Yet.
"Good-bye, bye.
The coupe was standing friendly snoring. Кудлов, Nikolai Dmitrievich, Bogdan - all were fast asleep. I sat down on the empty, Nikolai Mikhailovich, a shelf and felt dead tired and want to sleep, fell on the side.
The next night we Anton scrambled out in Chita. Despite the coolness of the night, sitting on the benches were sitting or lying ragged people. In the one-story building of the station, absurd dim and gloomy, was thick people. People waited in line for a glass of tea on-забайкальски, as it was called, representing himself milk tea without sugar, and stale bread rolls. Swarms of flies buzzed on the tables, windowsills, walls, boldly climbed into the eyes and crawled over the cooked chicken and fish on the counter kiosks. People't paying absolutely no attention, not scolding sellers because they spoil products.
-Say, how come there are so many flies? Asked Anton, and then, just as I wiped them with the skin of the neck, face and hands, which they provoked touch their sticky, unpleasant щекочущих feet.
I don't know.
-My father said he had also served in Transbaikalia, in Transbaikalia everywhere, from Ulan-Ude and ending Манчжуркой, very many flies. But to make it so much! I would never have thought of that. As if there is not railway station and the scrapyard. throw them out here, or what?
We stood in a queue for tea, and when they approached the window, kiosk, me vomit. Saleswoman gained tea cups, spreading out every time, before you draw a large scoop thick layer of обварившихся flies floating on top, as a black foam.
"You chicken want? I asked, Anton, glancing at his darkened carcass on display kiosk, which roam, poking хоботками, winged insects (Before us some old man asked his chicken, indifferently watching, вспугнув swarm of flies, clerk handed him one of the plates with a shop window).
"No, Anton fastidiously winced and shook his head from side to side.
We bought a plate of boiled eggs, two stale rolls, a glass of Transbaikalian tea and went to a corner where stood the dirty, filled with puddles and covered with crumbs tables, which, apparently, is never removed.
-Listen, to die there of hunger can be! - Old Anton, making her round eyes. - Such rabid rates, and from grub hooves can be discarded! How people live?
-Live. As you can see. You saw her tea is gaining?
-Saw Anton nodded.
-I don't know. It seems to me that I can't drink. I'll vomit.
"But the drink, - Anton looked around.
-Let him drink. And I can't, - I moved his glass aside.
"I think you're so not stand the test. Because this nightmare, he drove his rolls fly, but the second ended up right in his glass. - Ugh! This nightmare, - Anton started catching сварившегося трупика insect - not for one day.
I don't know, but I can't drink this stuff.
To our table came up a little old woman with a teenager, dressed in grey, and the greasy rags. They silently, waiting stood in front of us.
-What are they? In a whisper, leaning forward, asked Anton.
I don't know, " I said, but, having guessed handed them my Cup of tea.
The old woman silently took him and began greedily отхлебывать, then gave the glass a teenager. I handed her and a muffin, because could not eat it, hard, сухомятку. Beggars, almost pulling her from the hands of each other, разломили it into two pieces, taking each other's crumbs.
-Snake-AU! Said, watching all of this Anton, his eyes never came in normal state, while remaining abnormally large and round.
We spent a night at the station, fearing to go into a strange and not very friendly and happy-go-lucky town. In one of the halls of waiting we have found in different places two vacated chair. Anton immediately fell asleep. I sat, staring eyes and force trying to get them from collapsing.
Past me flowed dirty, poor life, which has never before had I met. Beggars. Голодранцев, thugs and homeless children there was so much that Moscow railway stations after they had seen it, might seem a promised land. Perhaps this cohort was here more than the passengers distinguished from it, not the quality of service in the majority, and only in the presence of bags, nodes, ридикюлей, portfolios and other скарба.
In front of me on the wooden back of the benches sat a girl in a bright, with grey environment in its brightness attire: juicy-pink, exactly glowing skirt that was visible piece of white panties, emerald blouse-безрукавке with a deep cut on the back. The hair on the girl's head was placed in a beautiful, original hair, cheeks burning young cheeks, her eyes shining, and the entire sight of her was such that she was here from some other bright and cheerful world, confusing the door and got here by accident. It was the same bright girlfriend. She was at the head of the queue in the kiosk. This same waited, turning to me your beautiful profile.
Wait was it possible to foresee everything, but I wanted to approach her and talk. I suddenly got scared that she now вспорхнет butterfly and never appears in this grey, boring building. It seemed to speak to her, my life is something bright, joyful change, something extraordinary, why suddenly disappear, disappear all my sadness, doubt and anxiety. But these were only illusions, and deal with them, I sat on the ground.
For some time she allowed me to admire its alluring, long legs, her beautiful profile, then fluttered and flew off somewhere, leaving me in doubt and раздумии. Was the reason why she was here, in this dirty, uncomfortable station, full of dark, hungry, gray and tired of people that outfit you even pay attention to her. Even if she wanted to sell her body, it was not the best place where you could trade in such goods. Too bright and beautiful she was and too concerned with the poor and the surrounding crowd, so that it could somebody come up. Apparently, she and her friend were still inexperienced in this matter, and perhaps today the first tried out on the panel.
In the morning we went in search of the staff of the district, then we found the personnel Department and passed into its own regulations. The time before the evening was free, and we went for a wander through the strange city Chita, on each corner of finding more evidence удручающему impression he made originally. The city seemed to have been created especially to remind that this is not Europe, and even Siberia and Transbaikalia.
Chita - the capital of Transbaikalia!" - you could see it on the roof, the wall of another building poster with the inscription, which wanted to laugh hysterically and cry with impotent anger. If Transbaikalia was such capital, one could imagine that this was a self Transbaikalia. I still feared that my fantasy is still not enough, and my views will be fantastically bright compared to reality.
The shelves were pristine clean, and it was unclear what generally traded here sellers. From desolation shops per capita was gloomy dejection. We couldn't even buy bread, and only about four o'clock we managed to do it, stood a half hours in a huge queue.
Buy a loaf of black bread, we decided to have lunch and to find something to drink. In stores no juice or mineral water. We couldn't even beg to us given water from under the crane, because the sellers refused to sell us an empty bowl. Their logic was impossible to understand.
Finally, we accidentally strayed into some provincial cafe, where not a soul, she'd shifted from candy in конфетницу crackers. Give us water she also refused, but suggested to buy dubious yellow-whitish drink, in which the flies, but swam large white flakes of unknown origin. The drink was called "Orange", but had no even signs of an orange or at least juice in its composition.
Do, however, nothing else could, and, desperate to find something more suitable for drinking, we took a glass of this heinous and besides, not a cheap liquor.
Never in my life had I had such a poor dinner. Despite the fact that almost a day I have not taken already and crumbs in his mouth, appetite for the food I do not possess.
Returning office of personnel, we drew attention to the unexpectedly large cluster is right in the middle of one of the larger streets and went down there. Coming closer, we found an unusual sight: as if from under the ground on shops and green strip of lawn, separating the pavement from the pedestrian walkway, the market appeared, which in the people have numerous names like "crush", "clouds", "push", "flea market". Top ten with a half Chinese Boyko traded all sorts of things and baubles, exchanging it on their pieces of material, watches, military uniform and greatcoat and other совдеповское stuff, that from all sides dragged people. Judging by how Boiko was the exchange and trade, as vehemently arguing, using mainly gestures on the fingers, signifying rates, and матерными words Russians, the brazen trying to inflate brothers-the Chinese, as the more inferior to their onslaught, it all started a few minutes ago. Here knew their work, and nobody lost a minute, pulling out each other benefits. There prevailed a fervent spirit embittered, and the soul of a beggar of the Russian people, not consonant with their lot and miserable life, revealed itself in all its glory in the attempts to snatch the pie handouts alien civilization bigger and cheaper, but without ненавистничества, which often manifests itself in poor buyer towards sustainable seller.
I could not help admiring one of young of teen girls, Boyko добивавшейся of not understanding a single word of her explanations Chinese to change her favorite thing on the old, women's mechanical watch, which he desperately waving, never wanted to.
-Well, let's? - Touching her eyebrows flew up as if helping its movement of the Chinese to give consent. - Come on, eh?
Chinese again vigorously waving the face with his palm.
"Well, come on! - The girl tried to put a watch in hand, Chinese, and he jumped away from her, as if stung by bee, and then he waved his yellow brush with clumsy fingers.
In the other side suddenly there was a terrible, shrill cry, I turned around and saw a fat Chinese, awkwardly припустившую along the street, right on the pavement, losing on the go sports suits, immediately falling under the wheels of cars. Far ahead, already on the other side of the street was visible for some time, the rapidly receding boy, прихвативший with you something of its goods.
-Well done, boy! Came near affirmative exclamation. - They need, bloodsuckers желторотых Rob.
Soon the pavement approached a large, comfortable bus. Trade quickly curled up, and the Chinese, tucking not sold and purchased things at his door ahead of him, climbed in a cosy interior of the machine.
We came round and hurried office of personnel, risking already be too late.
Lieutenant Colonel, who took the morning, our regulations, invited us into the office for an interview, asked a few of duty issues and making notes in the papers, presented us again accompanying documents:
-You Yakovlev, destination does not change now, - he emphasized the "not yet". - And you, Krivoruchko, get a new appointment. Now I'll give you a token to the passport office. You get a service passport. Serve'll be in the area of "triple zero". There salaries triple, all sorts of benefits, but... more responsibility. I think that the service is there for you to enjoy. Perhaps Yakovlev there soon will go. Month three to four. There, I think, and meet. Meanwhile, Yakovlev, get travel and forth into the way, and Krivoruchko go with us tomorrow.
-But to hold something I can, - Anton was obviously upset, although me and all of what was in bad condition. Засвербело somewhere under the spoon in anticipation close, very close already changes in your life, who always lived, it is not easy, and for me, as it seemed to me will be painful and difficult. With all the blinding clarity in my head whirled ирезвая thought that I failed to love the army, more than that, I'm just afraid of her, because for the six years I spent in the educational institutions of the Armed Forces, directly with it experienced only during two months internships, who passed two monthly holiday with military bias. To the service, to the management of soldiers me never and no one is serious not attracted, and now I had to plunge into the abyss of the unknown. Help there was no one from whom and from where, and, feeling suddenly for the first time really young adult, I was frightened and felt my forehead was covered with a nasty sticky sweat. It was almost animal fear of the future.
Apparently, Anton experienced this with my feelings, because his face became first Magenta, then suddenly pale, and he was unable to say anything, as I, in response.
We went out in the corridor. Anton took a deep breath, his eyes grew wide, and again nothing could say. After two hours we were with him at the station. I bought a ticket, and my train was about to start here.
-Write to me... or come over, if you really get into this трехочковую zone, - said Anton, shaking my hand. He gave me the number of his military post of the regulations. - Well, and the rest you know: Anton Krivoruchko. Find me where the bachelors will live. Well, okay.
The train started, I jumped on the bandwagon, waved to him and stood up, squeezing past the conductors with a yellow flag in the vestibule.
-Before I get in! - She mumbled sourly.
I went to his compartment, which was empty, and found there a passenger, sitting quietly in сгущавшемся сумерке early evening.
-Come in, come in, young man, " the voice of him who spoke seemed to me to be highly familiar, and I was glad it was there, thinking that with me will go one of my recent travel companions.
-And where are you going? I inquired, annoyed that I can't consider a person companion.
-There, where you are, young man! Said passenger and flipped the switch under the shade of a lamp beside him.
All four sconces were lit at a time, and this illumination I saw the gentleman in the hat-pot with red moustaches. From under the counter of his hat glowing green embers flushed with the light of light, watched two of his penetrating to the very soul пробирающих eyes.
I was stunned and felt that I was losing the presence of the spirit and is now going to faint. My feet became numb themselves disobediently buckled, and I sat down and literally fell on the bare, not covered shelf cold leatherette cover it. The line between reality and nothingness, between this world and the beyond has again become shaky, almost растворившейся this сверлящем two sharp rays-beaten look. It even seemed to me that my soul soared, выпорхнув with the fear of the body and leaving it as unnecessary dirty bag, and, thus, I simply gave up, as they say, the spirit.
-Well, boy, we met again, talk of souls? - Asked the gentleman in the top hat.
It seemed to me that this is the end.
Two months later, before the New year I again sat in the train. Come nineteen ninety-ninth year. Before it was only a few days.
On the street was hard Zabaikalsky frost, and waiting for the train, once a day притормаживавший here at the platform godforsaken passing, I danced, feeling like a foot сосвсем already stiff, and the fingers can no longer feeling was: whether they are alive or even отмерзли completely. Leather chrome boots and a pair of wool socks, напяленных on top of cotton, not saved from the evil cold.
The train was late, and I used foul language on обжигающем face and hands in gloves wind, scolded her unhappy судьбину, заведшую me up in the icy cold, harsh land.
Two months have not passed without trace, and now I can already вкусившим from unsweetened officer of bread, though there seems to be nothing special with me and not occurred. Yes, and that could happen in this God-forsaken hole, lost in the boundless unfrequented spaces Buryatia like forever заговоренных from human presence.
I saw the lives of the officers in these areas in its ugliness and experienced it in full on сосбственной skin. Life, in General, in these places hardly glimmered on the verge of extinction flowed slowly, as if sinking in drowsy vastness of wild land, not able to even give their power stunted plants, frozen nine out of the twelve months of the year.
The local population existed here out of habit. Yes, and where he wanted to go with his unlucky homeland. Officers same, although very few of them spoke about this, and feel here on the position of the exiles, who do not know, for what пригрешения окзавшихся here.
The promise of Lieutenant Colonel of the personnel Department of the district was not empty words, although I had forgotten about him think. A month and a half came paper with the prescription arrive to me again in Chita. Two weeks I was taking the post, the ancient cuttlefish tractors with ancient tools, which are, as it seemed to me were only in the museums and military in книжкх on the history of the arms, and now, behold, sending baggage from her simple bachelor belongings and form, stood there and waited on the platform waiting for опазддывающего trains.
A day in the same icy day I came out of the carriage on train station in Chita. Breaths of the people clouds rose upwards, forming a haze of mist. Everyone was in a hurry to hide from the cold somewhere in the shop or in another place, and rare passers-by hurrying семенили on вымерзшим streets.
The stores were still empty, but already притеревшийся to the wild conditions of existence in Transbaikalia, I took a week's supply of canned food and bread, but it tried to растягивть, save.
The Chinese again shook his overseas junk. Many, though the frost, were without headgear, others put it upside-leather caps with earflaps on the short fur on the eyes, funny tying ribbons under her chin.
Around them, in spite of hard frost, still curled people offering to exchange it for sports suits and other foreign rags electric irons and samovars, watches, goods, has long disappeared from local trade. The exchange was неравноценный, but Chinese still торговлись irritably морщясь and trying to buy all the cheap. Something subtly suggested that they benefit from such auction, but how come they for so many hundreds of miles if it were not so.
Послонявшись aimlessly through the city, I went to the personnel Department, where he received a service passport, a new regulation number field post of the military unit and other necessary for the passage of the paper.
-So did I, abroad will serve? I inquired from a friend already Lieutenant Colonel.
-Something like that - somehow unclear he joked. - The main thing is that there's salary triple, and month of service goes for two.
Lieutenant Colonel pointedly raised his finger up.
-There, that fight? struck me, though I haven't heard about it.
-Lieutenant Colonel paused, coughed, but said nothing.
-So, now you go to the interview with the head of the personnel Department of the district, " he finally said. "Remember, I never told you, but if you want to interview, you can refuse.
However there with me not even have to talk.
-Everything settles it, go, get all you need and go. Not up to you now, comrade Lieutenant. Here such things! - waved his arms head, fat Colonel, not even risen from the chair. Yes, don't forget to come on training at district headquarters. The office of the chief of staff of the adjutant say, what you eat in the area of three zeros and call the number field mail. All goodbye.
District headquarters was in another area. Sleek captain, who was sitting in the reception room of the head of the staff of the district, where immediately, after many obstacles and constraints associated with crossing regime at the entrance to each corridor on each floor of the building I managed to finally get to, looked at my field form ironically-discreet glance, задевшим my soul for the most alive.
-You that, comrade Lieutenant, to the barracks for soldiers to come or to the General? - he grinned. - How you are dressed? You look at yourself! As you dressed like that?!
-What is it?! - outraged officer even поднялс from his chair. - Are you stunned? QC you are talking to? That you think you're doing?!
-You see, comrade captain, I was there right from the troops of the parts. I train and right here...
With every word of my explanations captain increasingly багровел. He was ready to explode and that would release the steam, as suddenly on the table before him invitingly loudly затрезвонил telephone. Captain face changed, suddenly turned pale. His hand swift, trained движенем, she rushed to the tube.
"Yes, comrade General. Yes, comrade General. Now.
The captain hastily jumped out of the reception, wagging me on the move a finger:
"Well, Lieutenant, I'll be back and you sit at me on a week-the second ward.
I remained alone. The door to the office of General was ajar, and now hear what was loud ругатся. I went closer.
-You give me an apartment, comrade major, and then ask about service! - came to me in приокрытую door.
The gap was visible piece of a long polished table, tightly furnished chairs, a huge map on the wall. The floor was covered with bright, juicy carpet. However, speaking to be seen.
-How much you have accrued, товрищ Colonel?"
-Yeah, more than you, comrade major.
-Okay, sit down.
In the study else was said, but the tone of the conversation became less and nothing was heard.
Finally, I heard the steps to the door and two jumps bounced away.
At the door, vigorously flinging her, came out husky-Colonel, for him with a wry face следовл General. He stopped a moment, stunned she caught me from top to bottom, and in perplexity said, рявкнув exactly dog:
Is happening here?! he hastened the Colonel.
Two hours later I was boarding a train to Krasnokamensk.
Waking up in the morning, I could not understand where he was. Behind a window on how much they could see, stretched steppe. The trees had not, and only rare shrubs, Yes выбивающаяся of red-red sand, in some places covered with spots of snow, and stones brown grass were all poor vegetation of this area. I just never expected to see.
If some buildings were on the way, you could see them from afar. Small, rare settlements, the NPP construction marching outside the window only escalate the feeling пустынности these lands. Back when I was in Buryatia, I thought it was the end of the world, but only now it became clear what it means. There was a feeling that the rails are right in the middle of nowhere, and cars now begin to crumble one by one into the abyss. Feelings of abandonment, neglect овладевло me stronger. It seemed to me that the train ведзет me straight to Hell, and I tried to get away somehow from тяготивших my thoughts. However, this would close all Windows or eyes and not open them until the very end.
Close your eyes was easier, and I did so.
I remember that evening. The strange evening...
-You will enter, young man, or not? Do not worry, do not panic, I see that you are shunned. I have a little talk. Soulful, we can say the conversation. Подсаживайтесь closer to the table. I noticed that in the way you like to drink. I you buy. Yes, you do not be afraid, EO most ordinary vodka. Yes, I let you drink.
-No, I am нехочется - but I still came closer.
"As you wish, " Mr. hat poured himself and knocked over a stack. "Oh, good, a plague.
He looked out the window, where almost nothing could be seen.
-Yes, it did, in some backwoods you run! - he sympathized me. Is it right the injustice of some sort, don't you think?
-Yes, involuntarily I agreed. I really felt sorry for myself, sorry to tears because life went wheel, putting things upside down, turning over as the pelvis, my destiny, having emptied it and depriving me of all, what was tied up, got used to it, got accustomed to my soul. I wanted to talk about how I like my poor cadets life, I would again return to it and, perhaps, never become an adult. However, while keeping in mind who I'm dealing with, I did not open my mouth.
-No need as much effort. You can say, young man. All your thoughts are known to me that only you haven't thought of.
I was not myself. I felt субя turned inside out. Since August, my life is mixed with sleep so tight that it is impossible already was impossible to tell where reality, and where the dream.
-No, no, you're not dreaming, " confirmed Mr. hat, просврлив through his green eyes. - Be a man. At least now. I just read your innermost thoughts. So, you want to come back to the past, when they were курсанттом, isn't it? Don't be silent!
"Perhaps, timidly I agreed.
I can help you in this! - Mr. hat splashed me a glass of vodka.
-And what will it look like?
"Suppose you will survive to the very last day, when you have ceased to be a cadet, to the prom. And then again transferred at the beginning, from the moment you enter the school. And so will be repeated to infinity.
-And what all is that every time the same thing?
-Of course. And what do you want?
"Why can't we just in time to alter my destiny? Why not make things were different?
-Well it's too! Every time you would then другм man, and it is very hard to implement.
"But can I be bored endlessly spinning in circles! And what then?
Is the lice problem. However, we can agree, and when you are tired of such a rotation, then we stop. But I don't think. Anyway, I leave you the month that you have already lived after school, he threatened to you each time this whirlwind will подходть to the final.
"But, but, still, I get tired of it, and I want to get out of this vicious circle, what then?
-At this point? - Mr. hat shrugged. - I now too many let you. Here we must answer whether you agree or not.
He handed me the glass of vodka. And I, for some reason drank, thinking to myself, hold on and try my best not to get drunk.
"Look, look yourself. Your past you know, as my five finger. Every time you проходдить you the same way, and, moreover, will not even remember that already seen it millions of times, and know that after another pass the same and once again the same. Well, may be, someday you feel that something happened to you or recently had a dream, but it will be only a fleeting guess without any consequences. You know, a slight deja vu. So live thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions. Isn't this example can not relieve you отстраха and give opportunity to agree.
I was deep in thought, and could barely get out of the second stack, feeling that I'm starting to become tipsy.
The most frightening thing now would be the wrong decision.
I think I already heard the one about such a deal. One very keen on music people. You have helped him, - "If you could call it," I thought to myself. - Told me about this Veronika.
-Yes, I remember something like that. But it's not the biggest deal. There have been stronger. And Veronica... Oh, Veronica. Sweet girl. You enjoyed it, isn't it? Imagine you meet her each time and fall in love with her. However, I know that you had a lot of women, but it seems that Veronica is not indifferent to you. Yes, and those women, all of them will be millions of times.
But all the trouble and misery that followed me will be repeated millions of times, Yes?
"Ah, Mr. hat in his hands. - They are not well organised. But, if I understand, they are nothing compared with what is different, and, may be, are some decoration life as pepper or mustard sharpen the taste of food, and they do more acute feeling of happiness. In the end, is it a misfortune, if anything serious has not. And серьещное, is that it? This is, for example, if you have lost some important convenient physical condition and died or lost a leg, or simply if in prison. But nothing happened, so we can safely agree. My proposed product has, so to say, a guarantee. Agree, and you will automatically gain your purchase.
-And in return?
"Well, how is that?! If you know the history, you should know that I ask in return. As I said at the outset that I have a good talk. Sensual, see?
His words made съежится my heart. Something bad, evil permeated them.
-No, I cannot, I squeezed through the power of his throat.
-Listen, think. You have tasted this life. Do not hope, that it'll be something more bright! I'll take care of it! I'll be back, but by then my contract will be much worse for you. Think! Agree before it is too late.
-No! No!
Mr. hat stood up from the shelf and went to the door
"I thought so. But nothing. Remember, I won't let go, since I was already on your way. If you'd agree I would have been upset. Indeed. I find it hard to believe, but can not doubt it, - he opened the door and already in the hall said. - By the way, the vodka was poisoned. I thought that we will find a common language with you and agree, but because prearranged. But, apparently, not fate. Well, good-bye. Before the meeting.
He shut the door and I suddenly felt hands and feet become numb. My throat was dry, his eyes darkened. Own hoarse blow came from another world, and I'm fading consciousness only had time to think that I fall into the passage between the shelves...
The train stopped at a station. I looked out. On the facade of the building large letters mean, "Borzya".
People climbed out of the cars. Several officers in dirty jacket, with suitcases and with them a dozen soldiers uneven formation stood on the platform, and then hurried to the station.
Grandmother, men and women were dragged some bags, bales, heavy suitcases.
-How much will stand? I inquired of conductors.
-Fifteen minutes, " she said.
-And what is the Scarecrow such, Borzya?
Is not frightened face of a woman become judgmental-serious - and the city.
I went out of the car, walked to the station, then on првокзальную area. To the right there were two five-story building behind them loomed even some houses. Right outside the Park itself, a quarter of wooden houses, surrounded by fences, left, with a few neighbors buildings was clean, the boundless steppe.
"Well, and the city! - unpleasantly surprised, I thought. - As here people live there?"
Moroz made Hisself to know, and I hurried back to the car.
-What's not to like?! "smiled the conductor.
-No, - honestly I.
-In the first, probably here?
-In the first.
-Serve or a business trip?
"I didn't know. Kind of like to serve, and documents, as for a business trip decorated.
"You're where you're going? - conductor закопошилась in its folder, found my ticket. - - UY, Yes there where you're going, and there is no such thing, " she nodded towards the exit of the car. - There Borzya - civilization, the capital.
-Yes I even further, ' I said woman.
Still farther? Where do further? Further. Further there was border. China and Mongolia.
"And I to the side. You know, the competition is there jump to the side.
-A-a-a - pointedly nodded головй conductor.
Passengers in the car were noticeably less.. almost all compartments were empty.
My travel nearing an end, and that with every hour on the soul became more and more restless, because it will end no signs of even the illusion of peace, who is now wanted the most. Unknown upcoming conjures the increasingly oppressive feeling. I already forgot to be romantic, barely drank some of army life, and now not expecting anything good. I wanted to heat, like the house, in which you can go back and where you will wait. But me nobody expected nor where I come from, nor there, the more I was going.
End of the trip does not mean the end of the road.
At night, разволновавшись, I could not fall asleep, and woke up the next day from the fact that the conductor was shaking me by the shoulder.
"Get up, you got to get out.
I jumped as if stung by bee.
The picture I found on the exit from the car, had plunged me into a depression. Several rickety, gray houses close to the yellow station buildings and in the other side, just five minute walk as if brought here by the wind taken out from somewhere else, not from this world, civilized and prosperous, modular five-storey building and beside her three-story barracks, headquarters, several other administrative buildings and hiding behind all this Park with combat equipment. Nothing except that, Yes threads rail from horizon to horizon endless манчьжурской steppe, semi-deserts, not visible around, as far as the eye.
Frost was intensified by the ruthless wind, and I'm not willing himself, had hurried to the buildings part. The train, where I arrived disappeared on the horizon, not pausing on this station and two minutes.
"Is this hole is the zone of three zeros? "I said, feeling the конечностистынут in the wind, and even fur mittens not save from his icy breath. Can I serve?"
"No, not here, made me tired Lieutenant Colonel, chief of staff of the regiment, looking through my papers. All this, apparently. Habitual and order bothered occupation. - Here only a transit point. Decoy for imperialist intelligence, so to speak.
He threw me across the table of the paper and said:
-You will come into the squad drill, отметишься that arrived. This is required, otherwise you will be deemed to be a deserter. Nowhere, except in this small staff does not remain концаниточки your fate and then, after many years, when the question arises, where have you been these next two-three years, the answer to this can only be found, if you won't forget to check out in the ceremonial part of our regiment. Tomorrow sending in the area. All forward.
Captain, drill part, having my documents humdrum, but evidently that is scary said:
-Oh, another смертничек. Taktak, дававй their командирововчное. I no longer useful. Спецпаспорт leave yourself to be that mom send. Married?
-Oh, that's right, and here almost half of idiots married rides. They are in the shit, and the wife for them there will soon fly. Why? And children still a drag.
-What is that area, three zeros?
The captain looked up at me mocking eyes, then again some papers:
-Will soon find out. While it is not necessary. I will only say one thing: there I post like you, batches, and from there only paper wads same post. The lucky ones who come back going across the other part, but still the papers returned more than people. But do not fear." You Roger says that long you would live.
-I would like to believe, " I replied, taking away documents.
In the barracks, which was provided for пересыльных, it was cold, stood iron soldiers beds and bedside tables, a washbasin worked badly, and the toilet was clogged and swam in a jumble of paper and decomposing manure hotel. The soldiers left the supervision order, closed shook the store-room and one out only wash or in the toilet in the other wing of the building where they lived established company. They were too lazy to dress and сорокоградусный Moroz they surged in one полушерстыном outfit.
Transit officers waiting to send, wrapped in a robe and dusty blankets sat on the stools in front of the black-and-white, полуразобранным TV. He kept turning off and then some special started poking at his insides. The rear panel of the device was not. Several experienced majors and captains gathered in даньнем corner of the bed, lay on the stools snack and drink. The TV gathered mainly youth, green lieutenants. "Старлеи" veering between the TV and the кампаниемй. First it was boring, and the second one - is not available without introduction of the quota bottle of "fuel".
Day evening stretched slowly. To a stupor after watching TV, I fell down dead on the bed without underwear. Forces have been just enough to wrap ourselves, fully clothed, in the dusty blanket and outline still on top of his dusty coat, pulling it up to her nose.
In the morning our group was put in the only car with надписьб "Путеремонтный", hooked up to маневровому a diesel locomotive. Five hours later we came out in a deadlock. Around there was nothing but leaving behind the horizon of the rails. Accompanying the group mayor, wrapped in cotton armor, as matreshka, took us hundred feet from standing in a deadlock composition, gathered in a circle, looked at his watch and said:
-To endure, tolerate, товрищи officers. After about ten minutes on our Baikonur you will welcome the rocket. Fly into space. The weather today хоошая. Only twenty-five, and there's no wind. You all inhabitants of Transbaikalia, so do all this. You are used to.
Half an hour later came the roar of the helicopter turbines, and of low clouds jumped in delight itself винтокрылая machine.
Thoughts in the cold to the head moved slowly. I remembered the summer, distant Ukrainian city, which seemed to me now the most dear in the world, Veronica.
-You can make for the sake of saving another person's something crazy? she asked seriously.
-The human heart is an Apple, shot full worm evil, replied the priest of the train.
"If you could now ask something of God, what would you wish?" I asked myself, and thought for a while and haven't found an answer. There was nothing worthy of my request. Was not, or did not want to look.
The helicopter descended lower and lower.
End. To be continued...
1 чмарить - verb from a noun SCHMUCK - man morally lowered, жаргонизма (author's note.)
"Чамбур" - moonshine in Mongolian (approx. author)
"Чамбур" drove at home intentionally hired the Soviet army, who lived in apartment barracks (approx. author)
The senior Lieutenant - senior Lieutenant (approx. author)
Replaced means to leave the Union replaced by another who arrived in trips abroad for this position (approx. author)
Sain-Shand - the city on the southern border of Mongolia, South Gobi desert, Choir - city half way from Ulan Bator to Sain-Shand, Northern edge of the Gobi desert.
Iser - Azerbaijani (approx. author)
Sumgait events - the beginning of the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict 1989 - 1991 (approx. author)
Fees - 's course for young soldiers - the initial transition period of military service, when conscripts being prepared for its further processing. In this period of conscripts is prepared to bear the internal and guard duty, study military regulations with further examinations. Usually at the training camp commanders are appointed to rank higher штанного of an officer of the rank corresponding to the position. For example, a platoon commander of the fees shall be appointed captain or major instead of the prescribed Lieutenant or Lieutenant. Fees are completed acceptance of the military oath, after which starts the actual passage of urgent service (approx. author)
Kyakhta village on the border with Mongolia a few kilometers from the border station Naushki on the railway branch of Ulan-Ude - Ulan-Bator (approx. author)
Баганур - military town division ten kilometers from the Mongol town Багануур, located in 120 km South-East from Ulan Bator (approx. author)
Never March in the infantry regiment of the division (approx. author)
Money allowances for Junior officer was on average one thousand two hundred togrogs a month, soldiers and sergeants from one hundred to three hundred togrogs a month (approx. author)
"The court" called motorized rifle regiment, which was located separately from the whole division in Ulaanbaatar at the army headquarters (approx. author)
The rise in military units at six in the morning (approx. author)
"Hell Minister @ Tor"
Hyper Roman ѓ
Book one /FriAya
Chapter 1.
-Veronika! Veronika! - it is not revealed.
He caught up with her.
-Why you didn't want to take the urn with the ashes home? asked her Gladyshev. He apparently didn't knew that at that moment Veronika it could no longer tolerate.
After the funeral of her husband Veronica felt suddenly a wild, unbearable отварщение to his companion.
Gladyshev was she now then ever before. Aversion was unbearably so unbearably, that she hardly even looked in his direction.
"God, how I even went to bed?! Where my eyes could look?!" - thought to herself, Veronica, trying not to look away Gladysheva, as they walked down the path from the crematorium.
In addition, its just strangled some bitter, latent resentment. No, not at him specifically not to Gladysheva. She порнимала that Gladyshev - just a fool, a buffoon. But this fool shot her husband, albeit accidentally, and now was as if nothing had happened beside her, moving away from the crematorium, where only that burned his former patron and her husband.
Maybe Veronica angry with myself, to their fate. Something inside her told her that now will not be like it was before! Will not be the carefree life, when she could spend the money as much as wanted. Now, probably, before the marriage, you'll have to count pennies, choosing a painfully long and where they spend, what is more important, valuable lipstick or a piece of sausage...
Yes, she was angry with his destiny, who for some reason decided to again turn to her ass. And Gladyshev was part of this destiny. If not he, then the Hippo was still alive, and her carefree existence now would, as before, were not threatened. Therefore, the unconscious part of the unbearable disgust that she now felt to Гладышеву, was the threat of its пошатнувшемуся position, which came from him. She felt her entire being. Although the threat has passed powered, realized in the past, but Veronica felt that she nest somewhere in the future and threaten her from there. It seemed to her that if she didn't get rid of Gladysheva, in the future it will have big trouble. She did not understand, just didn't want to understand that the trouble had begun, the mechanism of karmic retribution was already running, and изабилась would it from Гладышеыа or not is nothing to be changed in its future destiny. Perhaps, on the contrary, the presence of Gladysheva how something could be to her benefit, because she was going to stay alone in a strange city, a huge metropolis, where and relatives, sometimes, other do not need, not what outsiders. However, provincial carelessness, which she had no reason to lose, because any negative experience, свзяанного with loneliness in the vast metropolis, which was itself as the whole country, pushed her on the rash and short-sighted steps.
Veronica wanted nothing to think. Gladyshev was disgusting to her.
"I see you have increased talkativeness today, " said Veronica, interrupting his thoughts and turned to надоевшему and опротивившему her companion. - Well, so be it, I'll answer. And I hope it's your last question for today. I think he will rest more pleasant in the capital, where he was killed, than lie in the land, which runs on his killer-app.
With these words Veronica stopped, turned around, and gave a final glance at remaining in the distance, the headstone, and then resolutely walked away with the release of the cemetery and crematorium.
Gladyshev followed her, and now all her thoughts were busy with how to eliminate eh this boring and опротивившего her escort. He dropped back, and because Veronica had to wait for him at the exit from the cemetery. She stopped him with a gesture.
-We leave out: I need money - tossed him Veronica. "Besides, I'm not going to thee contain, as did George. So, Gladyshev, the hotel can even not to come back... But no, take their belongings, and then get. Thou me more not интеречсуешь, however, was not interested in ever. I hope that tomorrow our paths never cross my little идиотик. Honestly, Gladyshev, I was expecting from you just what you want, only not such a pig, you've had to strip immediately and husband, and livelihoods. Whom I now need? I now don't cry just because wept tears in these last night! Pig! You made me an orphan and left my baby without a father.
She spoke quickly, without hesitation, without stopping, with such certainty, as if for a long time already rehearsed this speech, and this scene.
-What kind of a child? surprised Gladyshev.
-Someone who starts when a man and woman sleep together.
-You will have a child?! - Gladyshev was delighted, and she was still омерзительней.
-Unfortunately, Yes, " she answered him, thinking how would поскороее finish with him. - But, thank God, that is not from you, Gladyshev.
Veronica turned and went away at a quick pace. Her heels цокали metal on the asphalt. Some sixth sense she felt as if she were on the back of the eye, that he was in confusion and disarray stood his ground, following her gaze. It seemed that she had from him forever, and Veronica sighed with relief. And although Gladyshev ran behind her, she already knew. That now we have one more.
Approaching the highway, Veronica habit raised her hand to catch a taxi, but then dropped it, remembering that now it will have to reckon with new reality: дньги should be considered and save. Veronica turned and headed in the direction of the bus stop.
Gladyshev, trailed behind.
After an hour she came in and took the keys, entered the room, which they occupied before the Гладышевым. In my head already been thought: that of where to put what things fellow, and which to throw away in the trash.
Entered Gladyshev. He silently gathered his belongings, and in half an hour буркнув under his breath "good bye!", disappeared behind the door of the room, leaving her life forever.
Wali! Vali! "good-bye to him Veronica, on the move, not even обернувшсиь, деловавито and quickly прошагиваясь number and picking up here and there scattered things.
When the door behind Гладышевым closed, she came, locked it, that he could not tempted to go back.
Now she plopped down on the bed and allowed myself to relax, wondering how to get home.
A few minutes, maybe even half an hour she lay, and just mindlessly staring at the ceiling, occasionally listening to the deaf steps in the corridor outside the door. It still bothered that Gladyshev can come back and start whining that he had no money...
"By the way, I knock out a grandmother!" thought Veronica, and reached for the bag.
Attended the funeral friends, acquaintances and relatives Hippo, not all, however, were kind to her, and now she was holding in his hands three dozen of the hundreds of dollar bills. Veronica began to calculate how much it will have to change right now at the bottom, in the exchange office in the hotel lobby, enough on the road and for the first time home expenses. The rest of the money she tucked away in a bag, hiding them in a small secret pocket. It seemed to her that she hid the money very securely from any encroachments on them on the way to the railway station in the train, if suddenly have. "Apparently, still have to take a taxi, she thinks glancing at their things: two large suitcases and a bag. - In the bus or in the subway, I with it all herself not making!"
Veronica gained by phone number администраторши:
-Be kind, at six o'clock in the evening to book me a taxi at the Kiev station, she duty.
-And are you comfortable? "inquired she.
"Yes, " answered carelessly Veronica. "I have the tickets must be on the train and money order should be changed, dollars.
-I to you now get up, " said a voice in the handset.
Veronica shrugged and began to carry the suitcases in прхожую rooms. The train was still two hours.
Having coped with all the things Veronica went to the window and looked down at the street.
There was a deep fall in some places was lying small Islands, wet and snow melt. Near the metro station was a huge crowd of people. Further in the fog to discern the contours of the Central entrance to VDNKH.
Tried to open the door but it was locked from the inside. Then there was a persistent knocking, like Veronica забаррикадировалась in the room and for a long time someone wouldn't allow it. The knock was a persistent and unpleasant. It's a little полоснуло Veronica's nerves.
-I come, " she cried through the whole room, trying to calm someone outside the door. - Who is there so nervous.
Stood by the door администраторша, which Veronika just called you on the phone. Her face was kind of stressful. She carefully, and looked intently in the eyes of Veronica, if that's something she was going to steal. Behind администраторши loomed porter.
"May I come in? asked администраторша, as if Veronica would not let her in the room.
-Of course, - the girl missed the employees of the hotel inside.
Администраторша walked into the entrance hall of the room, looked at the assembled and ready to carrying out of the suitcases. Porter followed her, hesitated in indecision. The lady walked into the room and stopped in the middle, apparently waiting for the perfect Veronica.
The girl collapsed onto the bed before администраторшей, полуразвалившись, supporting his head with his elbow.
Администраторша looked at her intently, and then said:
-You owe for the room, you have to pay!
Veronica exactly poured cold shower. She even got up and sat straight. Somewhere in the depths of her soul засвербило some apprehension. From impudence администраторши Veronica lost even for a time speechless. Inside it was growing resentment that had splashed out righteous indignation, scandal, and the entry in the complaint book. Veronica decided that the descent of this shameless lady will not.
"Actually, for the room and for lunch from the hotel restaurant was paid immediately at arrival, before the end of the year, as far as I know! slowly, with contained anger she said, hoping to see the next minute gesture of apology for the misunderstanding, and delivered anxiety
on the face of the votaries of the hotel.
But the face that contrary to expectation naive provincial and is not thought to change. Not one muscle moved on her cheeks. And face администраторши was still severe, and even a little angry.
-It is not! You owe for the room! I repeat! You, before you move, you must pay another so much! she handed Veronica payslip.
Veronica looked at the amount and her eyebrows highly soared in surprise. To pay the bill, if the change dollars, which she had hidden away for a rainy day, gone almost all of its ZANACHKA on the black day. From Moscow, she left virtually empty wallet. This greatly angered Veronica. She did not think that this is a black day has come, to leave with the last money. Moreover, pay require new for what has long paid for her late husband.
"Why! "she protested. -Where this crazy number. Have you any idea. How much money?!
Is money just as much as the number that you have today.
But my -- my husband when I paid for the room before the end of the year. Yes, I'm a receipt will show about payment! Veronica began frantically rummaging through the bag, feeling instinctively that the situation leaves from under the control, and she did not know what to do to get it back to normal, to everything continued to go quietly and steadily, as just half an hour ago.
-I don't need anything show! - stopped her gesture администраторша. -You owe for accommodation in a Deluxe room, be kind to pay it until departure!
'But tell me! I don't understand! prayed in расстерянности Veronica, feeling in words администраторши some kind of self-righteousness.
-And what is there to understand?! - администраторша opened the notebook, which gave her a porter. -Yes, you had paid for the room until the end of the year in which you are now! But this is being paid for the last name Gladyshev. Your surname - Бегетова, as I understand it, if you believe your passport. This first! You belong to another number, as far as I know.
-Yes, but we passed the room, and unused fee for this number to the end of the year isn't even a New year, isn't it?! - must go to cover the debt over this room, and if something is missing! - retorted the argument администраторши embarrassed Veronica. She felt her try to dissolve the most brazen way, and frantically looking for ways to protect.
-And what is your relation to the comrade Гладышеву Dmitry and to his money, actually? Here he let and receives a refund of the amount! We will pay him! You no relation to money Gladysheva not have. And, secondly, by the rules of our hotel, which you have violated, you, the citizen of the Бегетова Veronica, fined for accommodation in a single room with a foreign man, because, as it turned out, this is not your spouse, you to us it represented the whole month. You broke the rules socialist hostel. What we have here, rendezvous house or a public house?! We have a decent высокоразрядная hotel of the highest quality! And we are not indifferent to what we had in the rooms make the guests! According to the rules of residing in the hotel, she shook some nondescript by a tract, - we have every right to you fine! That's what we do!
Voice администраторши increased all the more menacing with every spoken word, and Veronica felt like she tries to nail her a rush and not give escape retribution.
-The same fine is issued on the name of the shooting this room Dmitry Gladysheva! But since he moved out, and I saw how he went with things from the hotel and you are to pay both fine will be you! - администраторша тыкнула toward her, his clumsy длнным finger, then took a Notepad two receipts and shaking her nose Veronica.
-This outrage! going to have somehow not quite boldly Veronica. It was felt that the arguments insolent администраторши, its brazen assault and growing the tone of her voice had on her his action, and she began to break down. -I pay for anything!" I want to be provided with a book of complaints!
There was a small pause, as if marked the culmination of a conversation, затм администраторша already low and calm tone of the winner, only that прикончившего sacrifice asked:
You may be a citizen of Бегетова, with the police want to talk? I now call!
Thoughts, getting tangled with each other, frantically spun in my head Veronica. She felt her try to cheat, but they understood that formally администраторша was right, and it is now thought that if she calls the police, it will take a very nasty turn.
Veronica sat and frantically tried to think of, until администраторша silently waited for her answer, standing in the middle of the room and blatantly looked down at her.
The easiest and possibly correct way out was to pay the amount demanded администраторша. But the sum she demanded, as though practically coincided with the information available to them in cash, net of expenses on the road. And if she decided to do so, on the platform of the railway station of his native city, she went without a penny of the soul.
Of course, if you would stay with her in the eye and take a compromising position, it is quite possible that администраторша скостила her some of the amount, taking money without receipts and without exchange for rubles. But it could not knock them off! Besides, she could pretend that Veronica she did nothing dumped, and taking the sum without a receipt, demand it again! Judging by the impudence and meanness, with which it напирала администраторша, she was is capable of, if апочувствовала in a girl up the slack.
But most of all Veronika it was a pity to part with his money, as it were, indeed, the recent big money, that she belonged to, and to give their clever aunt, who seemed to be learned as much as you can with her and get busted now on a completely far-fetched pretext, she doesn't want. They'd say she's the most useful?
Veronica glanced at the clock. The scandal had taken her for a whole hour time. Thoughts continued to frantically spinning in her head, looking for the best way out of this threatening situation.
Veronica again looked at администраторшу. She was looking at her, like a boa constrictor on rabbit. Next, a little behind her, rubbing porter, glancing around, their eyes wide and moving and then, and for some reason, apparently, not to meet with Veronica eyes at the ceiling. Apparently, attend such divorces he had regularly.
-Well! - gave up Veronica. -I'll pay! Only I haven't got my money! I will call her friends and relatives. You understand that to collect such sum is not easy. You have a day of stay costs of their monthly salary.
-It's yours! - more friendliness said администраторша. But until you settle accounts with you, we won't let you know! Here! Sign a receipt that debt agree! The deadline for calculating - tomorrow till midnight!
She held out Veronika receipt, and porter, which ceased suddenly staring around and catch the crow, sympathizing framed her tray, on which she could write.
"You sign a death sentence!" cried something inside Veronica, but she ignored this inner voice and began to write from dictation администраторши.
-And please note added a servant at the door of the hotel, leaving the winner of the field of battle, that, as long as you live here, no one cared for what reason - the fee for the number continues to build!
When the door in the corridor outside the uninvited guests slammed, Veronica collapsed on the bed, as if unsettled, and long lay, stretched out his arms and staring at the ceiling.
"Run! cried something inside her. - Escape!" Run! You to the bone разденут!"
This uneasy thought hurt сврлила heart of anxiety. The future that only an hour ago, it seemed, though, the bleak, but some decorated in a frame, now looked uncertain. Be calculated, it is unclear what Veronica вовспе not intend to, and now she had only one thought, how would sneak out of the hotel.
Chapter 2.
Veronica stripped before goals.
All the clothes and underwear, which she had torn right on the body, and, leaving her high boots, withdrew from the Cabinet администраторши, and then walked with her as with a dog through the corridors of the hotel.
Ahead was "Mama". In her hand she held a leash, which was tied collar on the neck of the girl.
Veronica was very, very ashamed. She never felt humiliated as much as now. She just burned with shame, and while there met them random and totally unfamiliar people, mostly foreigners, low lowered his head to her face't seen the guests.
Although it was already late in the corridors would anyone ever met. People, do not expect this to see frightened recoiled away from a woman at the head of the procession, proudly, slowly, as if victorious, as if at some spectacular show-parade вышагивавшей in the very center of the aisle.
All who came in their way, saw phantasmagoric picture.
Ahead of the cavalcade was, proud, with his chest stuck out, and raising his chin, being all расфуфыренная, pompous lady years more than the average in the red dress with a plunging obscenely neckline, in red stockings in a very large grid with large, like hands tied nodes, white, half-boots has high-heeled shoes with Golden cap over the thick leather boots.
In the hand of the lady had a leash on which that, if a dog, guide the next dazzlingly beautiful, completely naked girl shyly covering their fold hands. The lead girl in the red dress with indecent deep neckline was strapped to a wide collar, опоясывавшему beautiful neck with six конусообразыми metal spikes, навинченным him on the perimeter.
The girl put down her head low, why her face was visible bad. On the cheeks of her рдели spots thick crimson blush of shame. Silky curls, shimmering shades of light brown hair playing in the light of halogen lamps waves fell down across her shoulders, and from there flowed part of the back, and the front of the chest.
Beautiful, graceful, simultaneously juicy and at the same time девических shapes and sizes breast lightly walking girls. Their line, gradually turning from almost vertical peak, with her delicate shoulders to shimmer, converging at the top and bottom two crossing гиперболам ending Breasts, defined as round, filled to the bottom of the form, forming two weighty, as if filled with bunches of ripe grapes, bowls, elastic springing to his suspension.
Each breast girls, ivory, stars in his side a large, bright pink, red medal, nipple, blinding and bewitching beauty, splendor and unexpectedness of the emergence of where the nature and the custom of things should not be from the point of view of a normal good Burger or a lodger in other civilized breed, like an Englishman, a Frenchman, or the American, random men, who saw this miracle.
Behind the procession followed by several men Caucasian appearance with severe persons, dressed in suits and white shirts-shirts, carefully озирающихся around and обшаривающих incisive views black eyes terrified and centred on concerns over the eyewitnesses of what is happening, which was недомек: whether it is security, whether the accompaniment of a strange procession.
Guests, most of whom were foreigners, could not understand what they see. And it may well be that they take it for a freak to the hotel, which arranged this kind of entertainment, some экзальтированое show on the medieval themes, thus attracting in these difficult post-Communist times to his wait future customers who come back and stop in the next time it is here and not in some other place, having heard from their already visited Russia friends about the things happening in this hotel unbelievable, exotic and even ecstatic night miracles like this walk provocatively dressed, aged ladies bare, the mesmerizing beauty girl on a leash instead of dogs.
The other watching this scene burghers, accidentally caught in this moment on the path of the procession were to bring cameras. Foreigners in General has always been своейственно constantly be anywhere, where would they go or where they were not present, recording and releasing equipment, because посткоммунитической Russia might suddenly bumped on that material, which with pleasure would have bought homes in prosperous Europe or America, some magazine or newspaper, specializing in coverage of the events in the former Soviet Union for very good money, immediately окупившие more than all the travel costs in this wild and strange country.
Many of the eyewitnesses, who was carrying cameras, surprised by what he saw, could not even knew and time to figure out what you need to grab the camera and shoot until the procession passes by. Some of the most nimble and enterprising, those who came here specifically looking for sensations, threw up their own technique, but accompanied the procession of men, seeing this, immediately briskly approached, closing the lenses of his hands, and shaking his head, said something in a strange бюргерам language, thwarting all attempts to shoot the cavalcade. Intonation and their facial expressions foreigners to understand that you can not shoot.
Some tried to join the procession and go after, but the Chechens, noticing tail, cut it on the nearest corner.
One of the witnesses of the scene still managed to take a picture.
The contorted Veronica. All the way she looked, not lifting her eyes to the floor, but she became visible bluish glares and glare that lit up her stomach and thighs.
One of the Chechens immediately jumped to the foreigner, something гырнкув, snatched from his hands the camera, then, even though he held out his arms to its apparatus and began to shout "No! Non!..", opened the lid and long jerk released the film out on the floor. Then brought the camera back and coolly joined again to a bygone ahead of the procession.
Pompous lady, возглавдявшая cavalcade, completely ignored the surprised and even frightened such Exotica guests. She was walking on my own winter garden with a dog somewhere far from the city. She sometimes looked back and поддергивала leash, which has been linked by the collar girl up, so that he struck her on low dropped person as possible. While she was talking to the girl. Foreigners do not understand the Russian, but unlike them Veronica good to hear her say:
Raise up харечку, cute! And not in blood расхлещу - have nothing to hide! Prostitute should not hide his face! It is the goods!
Veronica was not going to be a prostitute!
A prostitute!!!
It was agreed to do anything, even to wash the toilets to repay the debt, but being a prostitute?!!
However she knew already that simple cleaners naked on the hotel does not lead.
It were trying to she got used to not being ashamed of their naked body in public, when random people, because it was her future work uniform, which was not supposed to embarrass her.
A woman, especially a beautiful nature, inherent modesty. Rarely a person, not a trained practice public "Ala-naked debut could calmly, as ччем not used to transfer its presence in the Nude with numerous dressed audience. And now Veronica this modesty burned from the soul the flame of shame, from which the cheeks burning like a torch.
Veronica was hot, and cold.
In the corridors of the hotel was pretty cool. Wind blew through the crossings. In another environment in such a cold weather and draught she had long'm cold and забескокоилась about their health, tried to cover up, to not forgiven. But now it was as if detached from what is happening with her, not even thinking to hide from the cold.
And as she was to hide? In that?!
Shame, which she was burning inside, not let her feel the full force of coolness and all unreality immediately stunned her to such an extent that it does not already reacted anything around.
The only thing she knew that her body, her favorite, beautiful, most beautiful thing in the world body, gourmet temple of her soul, was offered now on display outside to it public that she was at a loss of what is happening, but tried not to give a sign, perhaps, thinking that it is a manifestation of some national specifics of the Russian, custom, they didn't know because of the extreme rarity of its Commission.
Veronica couldn't say exactly how much time it took him through the corridors of the hotel complex, up and down the stairs, passing on a large, luxurious elevators with floor to floor crossing the halls and passages between the parts of a huge building. It seemed to her that it'll last forever.
But the procession walked to the door, where ready stood a doorman.
At the approach of "mom" he greeted her, respectful, лизоблюдским even a bow and stretching out her hand, opened the door himself, keeping out of the way of its movement.
"Mama" has entered into wide-porter of the door, like the Queen in the throne room. She moved, and not easing off the accelerator iota speed, was held in the spacious hall of the luxurious rooms with four huge red velvet sofas in the form of shells, who occupied almost half of the entire inner space.
Floor rooms from one wall to the other was covered in a long-haired white carpet. The huge window on the wall was зашторено heavy green, отблескивающими in the light of the dim light from the lamp-brackets in the form of candles on the Golden candlestick-horns. They hung in rows along the orange walls in the room next door with expensive, epic size paintings in large золоченных frames.
Veronica accompanied by Chechens, dragged leash, came along.
-Give her the vodka! Grind! "said the lady, sitting on the sofa shell.
Разуваясь, she lifted her leg, why Veronica became apparent that under the dress she had nothing but stockings, no.
Get behind the procession and has closed the front door doorkeeper went to сервировочному the silver table on золоченных trundle, who stood near the entrance to the room, where there were snacks and drink, and, pouring out of a carafe with vodka, handed Veronica стограмовую stack.
Pei! said, "Mama", looking at it from below.
She said it quietly, but so that Veronica not even thought to contradict her, and immediately she drained the glass, threw back her throat.
Vodka was violent, nasty, with the smell is disgusting! In Ukraine this is not done.
Veronica coughed, поперхнувшись stuck in the throat of непривычности flavour and flair alcohol, обжегшим her esophagus.
-What are you?! - cried "mommy". -Good vodka, by the way! "Rasputin"! Itself this drink!
Veronika not given as follows cough. It immediately put face down on the ribbed surface of the velvet red shells. Someone began to RUB her back the same vodka.
First the skin scorched cool liquid, but then she became stronger warming.
The body was recovering from fever, согреваемое strong hands and alcohol, absorbed by the skin. Veronica even felt some slight bliss. It was similar to some local pardon, as a brief respite, a little rest during the time of execution. Still, it was nice.
Her back massaged pair of hands, then it was joined by a second, and someone sat down on top of her. Veronica felt the heaviness of someone else's body around my hips, from the sides of her arms round someone's naked, warm thighs. Sacrum and hollow between the buttocks tickled the side of someone's pubic hair.
It continued to massage, but soon on the back there was only one pair of hands. It was the hand of him who sat on it from above. Veronica felt that this women's hands, because they were soft, delicate and small.
Veronica guessed that the hands of "mom"because more women in the room.
The hands of these some time ironed her back, then dived under the arms under her Breasts, grabbed and began to knead her Breasts, pulling them apart, then to the center, to the solar plexus, then down a bit, and so while twisting them around towards each other.
The fingers of the hands нащулали Breasts Veronica and защипнув them, покручивать and pinched from time to time to gradually compressing them stronger and stronger.
Veronica lay neither alive nor dead.
"It started!" "she thought. She did not want her body patted on the back, not like someone took her Breasts in his hands, even more so that it was a woman. She did not want it touched and brought pleasure and pain. She never asked for it.
But her about it and didn't ask. It caressed because someone nice it was to do, caressed for your own pleasure and not to deliver it's a pleasure to her. For this she did and pain.
-And you pussy! - admired "mommy", touching her body, приникая her back with his powerful Breasts and leading them to her skin, so that Veronica ran across the thousands of sparkling мурашшек, nice покалывающих and exploding like little bubbles with soda. -Maybe some time you will be mine!
She kept one hand to knead her Breasts and pinching the nipple, which Veronika unexpectedly, and contrary to her desire became more and more pleasant. She tried to think, to wonder, how can there be so immediately filthy, nasty and nice, but the waves of bliss beat stronger, filling thoughts fire of lust.
Second hand "mommy" launched at the back, between the buttocks Veronica, cutting through and spreading their palm, like a knife. Then dipped his fingers into her vulva, groped clitoris and began to massage it.
Someone took Veronica for the curls of her hair from all sides окутавшие head, like a watchman's hut, gathered them into a fist, and then, holding up his head from the couch turned her in the side, and in his side.
Veronica felt faint from desire. She was pleased and disgusting.
"If rape is inevitable, just relax and enjoy!" remembered playful Council of school times, wanted to ухмыльнуться him with irony, but could not: wave of pleasure swept the thought.
In the face of Veronica something ткнулось, and she smelled the odor. Someone разгребал fingers her hair hiding the face, and tried to push her mouth his cock. Veronica clenched teeth and closed my eyes. Hand above head gathered her hair in a ruck, holding in his fist.
-Come on, come on! - shouted a familiar voice. -Garik told that you are a good sucking on it!
Veronica did my best to resist. She didn't want to take in a filthy mouth a member. She tried to turn your head. But with the power held by the hair, clutching their beam in his fist, the stronger and more painful than the harder she tried to turn away.
-Come on, come on, bitch, fulfil! - someone pressed her with the force of the cheeks, fingers, pushing so painful that she could spread her jaw.
In the mouth something got in. Veronica wanted to push this language, but it got faster even further inside her, filling in the throat and causing retching.
Hand, carrying her hair and turned to pull the head Veronica and fro, stringing her on the member, ingrained in his throat. In the muscles of the larynx began to vomit spasms, bringing someone удовольтвие of this massage.
"Mommy" in the meantime, talked with her friend, раззадоривая her stronger.
The two men's hands took legs Veronica for the calves and divorced in hand. Then lifted her up for them so that she almost not changed in the place where it sat heavily "mommy". That from such a shock sank forward on her back, continuing to caress her Breasts.
Veronica someone behind put them under the belly of the great cold the pillow so that her hips were up in the air up high. "Mama" has slipped from her side, and then he arose side shoves it in the anus whether several fingers, whether фаллоиммитатор, whether still some прибамбасину for sexual pleasures, why Veronica felt the hurt and eyes emitted as if from a compressed lemon, tears.
Soon someone lay down behind her, sticking her vagina his dick.
Veronica just went crazy. She was unbearably painful, and also the unbearable pleasure. She couldn't understand that outweighs her feelings. And yet she was very, very ashamed.
She was inside his body, which at that time had several people, and who received from the pain and pleasure. But her mind the lurch inside, not knowing what secluded corner of this vast reservoirs of blemish now hide.
Veronica during life after "guest" as something already resigned to the fact that it had in all holes Garik, and even began to forget it, but worry gang rape her ever. Yes she did not want when ever experienced!
Her soul was disgusting in contrast to the body that secretly from her already experienced several orgasms. Its continued use, and soon soul Veronica is lurking somewhere so that it seemed to her that she was now just a puppet, flesh, нанизанная on the bones, ' which is still what it is doing.
Her soul if curled into a ball like a hedgehog, having bristled up detachment, and stopped responding to external раздаржители.
Now Veronica in fact turned into a huge doll for the joy and pleasure, which had, with all the possible fantasies "mommy" and its преспешники.
It is already not respond anything resistance, subject to mechanical and dispassionately, when she turned when she something somewhere thrust, and if she ordered, helped to do that. It is not even perceived reality as if she were in a kind of swoon.
In her head no longer were no thoughts, no feelings - nothing.
Chapter 3.
Outside the window light dance of the snowflakes whirled, the shined on a black background evening Moscow sky where the deep bottom of the street lamps. They absolutely didn't care that somewhere in the middle of Moscow, in a huge hotel stands and looks at their mysterious and nonchalant dance girl locked in a fashionable fortress in prison.
After the conversation with администраторшей Veronica descended into the restaurant and eat your supper, at the same time making sure that every step is carefully followed. In the lobby of the hotel with her not take their eyes off some porters and a porter. Under their views Veronica felt like a target, торчашая on the shooting field waiting for the moment when it will strike.
Now, convinced of the seriousness of their situation, although something told her that it is better if you have the money in the required администраторшей number, give them away, and let the poor, but secure about their future, to leave the city back home, but she felt that these thoughts sign of cowardice, not common sense, Veronica stronger strengthened in our resolve to flee. But she didn't know how to do to make sure because the second attempt, and now stared out the window, wondering how correctly to escape.
It was clear that things, no matter how sorry she was, would have to leave the room. But what to do next? Cause commercial taxi, bypassing администраторшу? Of course!
Veronica remembered as the taxi driver that picked up their with the Hippopotamus, when they arrived in Moscow in "Cosmos", left a business card with your phone number on just in case. Zhora then wanted her quietly discarded, but Veronica noticed it and took it and placed it in her purse. Handbag her eventually continually пухла, filling with any crap like вотэтой useless cards, and because Veronica periodically вычищала, throwing out all that was in it, the necessary and the unnecessary, indiscriminately in the trash. Now she desperately shaking her bag, вываливая all of its contents, which would probably take you a whole bag, but fits into its small size, the bed and desperately Recalling when she last made the bag "cleansing".
As new meetings and casual acquaintances nowadays because of the long stay in the closed world of unfamiliar, vast as the ocean, the city from this island that it practically was not chosen, but because with anyone and not have met, the card taxi driver was still in the bag. She распкопала her among a pile of cosmetics, handkerchiefs, подследников, pantyhose, panties, tampons, cotton buds, pens, pencils, tubes, chains, necklaces, bracelets, клипсов, earrings, rings on their hands and feet and other knick-knacks, and many long time ago already abandoned in a paper bag records, postcards, business cards, and other things that do not understand how could fit in her purse.
Veronica grabbed as a jewel, and rushed to the phone on the bedside table, on the go absorbing the contents of business cards and trying to remember the name of the taxi driver.
"Only he was on the spot!" prayed Veronica, dialing the last digit.
Tube did not take long, then on the other end sounded grumpy voice rough guess Armenian accent. A woman answers her enough that she spoke with a wild accent, in which familiar words came across in time, but also Russian poorly understood.
-Garik! I need Garik! - demanded from her Veronica.
-Нэту, нэту, Garik! - followed by a непереводимый set of words. -Уэхал in the city! and again неразбираемое something.
-When will you? Will be when?! - ten times asked to repeat her Veronica, while ensuring that the Armenian her understood.
-Нэту! Нэту! - om chanting on the end of the wire..
Veronica put back the receiver and put up both hands in despair. Garik th needed very urgently. He now was the straw that seize buried Veronica.
"I'll call you later! finally she decided. - Mnya there is still time!"
She called again in an hour, then two, and finally, she called the first hour of the night, when the normal, decent people, nobody will disturb your натренькиванием. But in response, she heard the same voice badly misguided and evil изъясняющейся Russian-Armenian woman. And in answer to her "Garik" still, still heard "Нэту!"
Time inevitably стремително driven forward. It was already three in the morning. Street lamps outside the window was dimmed light. Now well visible silhouette of a flying up in the sky rocket-monument, темневшего against the orange glow of the distant fires.,
Veronica didn't sleep she tensely thought, as her find this damn Garik, pacing the room to and fro, as if he had already promised to save her.. now and then she jumped to a bedside table, intending to call, but every time stopped, almost turning fully to call at such a time was uncomfortable even Armenians.
In the end she decided and scored once again the room fully, knowing that tomorrow morning Garik no she just finds it. We had перешагивть through the "inconvenient" and "indecent"if she really wanted to be saved. And she now all явственне understood that wants it, come what may. Now she was determined that willingly pay this outrageous milkmaids-администраторше nick опейки!
In the tube long long beeps heard. Probably at the other end of the line are already asleep. Veronica wanted to hang up, as suddenly there was a sleepy male voice:
-Garik?! -guessed Veronica, all internally обрадоввшись as if it had just won the lottery million.
-Yes. Who is this?! - now it clearly recognized the voice of the taxi driver, squeaky, ловно pleasant. She somehow good апомнила.
-Garik! This Is Veronika!..Well, do you remember you took with the Kiev railway station three in the Cosmos, left there two, and the third took in "Metropol"
In the tube wheezing. It was unclear whether Garik listens carefully and stress tries to remember their clients, sending, such as the girl he reported him for a week to ten happened, whether he is asleep, forgetting to put the handset on the handset.
-Garik! Are you listening to me?! cautiously asked Veronica.
-Yes-Yes! - was heard in some time. -Who is this?!
-Garik! This is Veronica's bothering you! Don't you remember me?!
Silence is eloquent responded to Veronica for Garik.
-Чэго need?! again sounded on the other end.
-Garik! I need you to urgently drove up to me in the hotel "Space"! - directly posted Veronica.
-A-a-a! You could have just said! And then you remember do you remember... how do I do all I can remember?! Now, after half an hour I will! The room what?...
You only go so nobody knew in what room you go! - gave him instructions Veronica. -I had problems with администраторшей emerged...
"Well, my dear! You have a problem! - Garik barely noticeable экал, but spoke Russian pure affected by long practice of the capital of a taxi driver.
Армянскоое promise vivid Veronica. She took heart and, sprawled now relaxed on the double bed was half-asleep wait Garik.
Through почаса, as promised Garik, on the door of her room knocked softly. Заговорщический, faint sound of knocking at the door left no doubt that it was someone else and not a taxi driver. Veronica opened the door and launched in number of Armenians.
-Ah, it's you're beautiful! - recognized her Garik. - Thee-I remember well! That you got wrong?
-Garik! - confidently, as if it was an old friend, and not a taxi driver, she saw for the second time in life, rushed to him Veronica. -Help! I need to get away unnoticed and tomorrow leave at the Kiev station!
For a wait owed, sweetheart? calmly and soberly asked Garik
-How do you know? "said Veronica.
-Here, many get caught! - shared information Garik.. - I'm clients - Oh-Oh how much. A bit disorderly think here! Simple, whom приметят that no one there, so they try to Rob! Yes, do not fear." Tomorrow I'm here, sweetheart will bring. What train?
Veronica agreed with Garik that he will arrive tomorrow, at half-past six, a half hour before the train departure. Good-bye, when Garik, cute Armenian thirty years old, went, softly and cautiously, so as not to make noise, covering the front door, he - Veronika noticed it, gave her top to bottom, exactly section, any strange eyes.
"Наглец! she thought to herself. I армяна was not enough! Besides I am a widow! In mourning!"
Women are constantly having naughty thoughts - that is their nature, but Veronica resolutely cut them, leaving the soul of even a hint at the possibility of any flirtation. To think about it its involuntarily shuddered at all. Although nature has already made itself felt, and her friend, who used without delay receive their increasingly invitingly demanded some adventure, not betraying no value to its status as a widow, wearing mourning. What the nature of the social forms, invented by man? Her merits of the female in which the soul is, its bring! In it, this being their processes go, and they don't care about what is happening in the soul, the hostess of this universe, which is called the human body. To him, the merits of this, the main thing is that it существоввало, developed, multiplied because it is his program. And the soul? What is soul?! The soul only guest in this material object compelled her time of life, assembled from the surrounding earth.
Veronika all shuddered again. However, the desire to still visited her, and she had some time to struggle to drive him away and pacify the beginning rage body. Yes, let the will of spiritual matter, run away the mind, truly she бысстыдна! However, shame, again, the notion of social, alien to nature, nature. This is only a framework, in which the mind keeps in check nature...
Veronica finally managed with his thoughts and began feverishly to think that she take with you, because Garik confirmed that suitcases have to leave. He was using his numerous acquaintances among the personnel of hotel: the hotel reception, maids, cleaners, cooks, waiters, and - well knowing all inputs and outputs, to carry it through the restaurant kitchen and utility room casino on the street.
-You sleep right, dear, till the evening. Tomorrow will be a difficult day! warned before leaving Garik.
But her sleep calmly have not given. Several times in the room came администраторша and warned that near the time of calculation, so she moved in search of money. She came with no doubt, literally in every hour, so when once again knocked, Veronica already wanted to Express администраторше all that thinks they are.
Outside the door stood Garik. He was cunning, like rogue. And Veronika even thought him still communicate not worth it. But she drove her away: everything was decided.
-Follow me! whisper said Garik. - Things ain't take it!
They had proceeded some stair mines, the existence of which Veronica could not even imagine, down, and were in the basement, in a restaurant kitchen, then, winding to some littered with all sorts of obscure things corridors where it was dark and dingy, and sometimes even get between the rubble could hardly got out from the back side of the hotel via a dual sunroof, ducking to the turf прошмыгнули open space to narrow paths, огибавшей hotel from the rear, climbed over a low, waist-lattice fence.
Taxi Garik stood here under the pairs. The machine was closed, but the engine worked.
-Yes, dear! asked, breathless, her taxi driver, when they found themselves in the cabin. -I for their service with thee thrice take against their ordinary fees! And the money right now come on!
-Dollars take?! - only Veronica asked, knowing that now is not the time to haggle, Armenian chose the right moment, in order not to miss her.
With centesimal dollar bill Armenian, long слюнявя and carefully counting, gave Veronica surrender rubles on state a rate that was five times lower than a commercial. Seeing that Veronica long holds the money in his hand, he said:
-Don't like it - go change in the exchanger in the hotel!
Veronica silently withdrew the money, only drawn from resentment sponge.
-I can get tickets "no problem"! told her goodbye Garik, as if not noticing that the girl was to him not a little angry. -Where are you?
-Thank you! I myself! - Veronica angrily slammed the door "Volga" and walked briskly away from the commercial taxi stands, where the eternal wait for clients stood with two dozen empty taxo.
-Come on, if that! I'll stand here! she heard big words Garik, донесшиеся through the hubbub of the crowd on the sidewalk, in which it, the next moment, then ducked.
At the Kiev station stood selection. The people were so Veronica thought here brought together all of the Ukrainian Diaspora, scattered across the expanses of the Union, in unison to return home.
It has long sought ticket hall, asking random passers - no one answered, silently, as if to them and asked, passing by. Finally, some guy, similar in appearance to the Taras Bulba, as it is in the childhood, when they were Shevchenko school program, imagined Veronica stopped and friendly гыркнул her native хохляцким accent:
-So there's the other side of the entrance.
Despite the fact that Cass had a lot in every stood длиннюшая turn, and Veronica, looking at the scoreboard apprehensive, as if not to miss the train. She begged to miss it, because to her train is left less than an hour, and she did not have time, but nobody agreed. Had to become in the end of a long queue of people in fifty. Veronica has calculated that even if every person cashier will spend a minute in reality she worked much slower, it would not have time to train. Only now, because she had never доволилось buy tickets on the capital's railway stations, she understood what the words Garik - without problems.
Yes, it certainly is late if continued stupid to stand in queue for the ticket office. But Garik she treated more like he cheated her! We had to think of some other way as not to miss the train.
Saying that she would be right back stood behind her thick aunt with some wicker string bags, Veronica went to the window the cashier. She fought her way through the dense crowd and not paying attention to the disturbances surrounding her fellow citizens, addressed to кассирше, brazenly distracting her from the service of another customer:
-Aunty! I train in thirty minutes! Sell, please ticket!
"Aunty" gave her one second attention. She зыркнула her lightning evaluating eyes and turned away, leaving:
-In the order of the queue!
Veronika, ошеломленную answer immediately pushed from the cashier window. She turned around, searching the crowd turn, and at this moment I saw a few Caucasians, ransacking about among the people. They were throwing in the eyes. Because vigorously for someone in the crowd, which no one else did. Veronica is clear: it is her soul.
Immediately turning away, she rushed out of the hall, headlong flew down the stairs to the entrance on the street and violently threw herself, not remembering itself, encountering with oncoming pedestrians, apologizing on the run again faced and apologizing to the Parking lot of a commercial taxi. "If only he hadn't gone away!" prayed Veronica.
Noticing machine Garik, still standing among other bored taxo on a deserted Parking lot, aside from the wild queue on public taxi, which, as always, it was not, Veronica остепенилась and went slowly, almost casually, as if carelessly walking, trying to catch her breath on the go.
Garik already noticed her. He sat behind the wheel of his "Volga", as if signaling for her to not missed it, turned on the light salon. Now he looked at her as a girl approaching his car, ежась in wet evening twilight of the capital, and smiled arrogantly: Garik to be impossible - he dog already eaten doing the driving from Kievsky railway station and knowing all of the local customs and conditions. He even got halfway down, leaned out the window, opened the door:
-Hurry up, sweetheart, be quick something!
His face was written, on a white sheet of paper: I knew you would be back!
Veronica immediately precipitated step, ceasing fooling. The girl's eyes were still images ransacking about in her quest among the crowd Slavs Caucasians, vigorously rotating heads, and throwing around like daggers, gazes.
She slipped into his car, as if in the next second it was already too late:
-What, honey! Ticket needed?! ironically handed Garik. -Where you're going?! Speak! Five minutes will bring! The price of a ticket, just warning you - the double!
Veronica takes out a change, which gave her a taxi driver with стодолларовой bills.
-This is not enough! - nods Garik.
-I have no more! Veronica didn't expect that to say this.
In fact, the remaining few thousand dollars she зашила night in the lining of the bag, so that no one could find. That hundred dollars, as it is correctly and considered to suffice with a vengeance at extortionate rates Garik and tickets. Should have been enough, if she managed to change money at an exchange point "Cosmos," which served only the guests of the hotel, at the commercial rate. Veronica зашила bucks so diligently, that now they get to be the whole problem - they would have found all, and she did not want anyone to know that she is such an amount of currency: for such a "cache" could easily kill!
The head of Veronica swept desperate idea that, maybe it would be better to pay off администраторшей and not to engage in a desperate and dangerous adventure escape. Why she lied to now, that she had no money?! They had expected?!
Eyes Garik carnivorous glittered so that Veronica even scared of his presentiments, блеснувшего in the brain, like a bright, piercing, saber tooth lightning, has overshadowed for a moment her mind. She immediately wanted to say that she joked that she was wrong, but then suddenly she remembered that she Garik changing dollars to мизерному state rate, and that stopped her.
Face Garik распллось in a mysterious smile. Veronica tried to read him in her thoughts, my future, or something. It somehow seemed that must happen for a miracle, and all should get itself. Everything should do!
-And what do you suggest sweetheart! - laughed Garik. - So I'll train ticket bought?! Maybe you another hundred dollars to pay?!
Thoughts Veronica began to work lightning finding равильный answer:
-Well, at least crack dollars according to the exchange! Then me all enough!
"Why, my dear! - Garik angrily raised himself on his driver's seat and надвинулся on top of her, as if trying to вутюжить her in the passenger seat.
"Well, you're still here to stay in their hotel then at the commercial rate! You have connections!..
-It's mine! - Garik more стервенел right before your eyes. - You to me these links do?!
Veronica said nothing, turned away, drawn and haggard, shrank. It suddenly became clear that the miracle did not happen.
Between them there was a pause. Garik already decided upon, Veronica felt like this, but remained silent.
-I still Caucasians are looking for! said what Veronica.
-How did you know?! - started Garik, becoming suddenly during unkempt Sparrow.
-At the station saw...
-One so tall, long narrow face, with a scar on his cheek, forty years on?!
-Like Yes, I have not been eyeing...
It said a Chechen...
Garik suddenly removed his feet from the pedals, pursed his knees, turned around, having managed to hand door on the passenger's seat and instantly put out the light in the cabin, turned on сидушке, and was vigorously выпихивать Veronica from inside his car.
-Gone, gone away! I don't know you! Caught - don't try to show me!
Veronika did not expect such attitude. She felt as гшрязные shoes taxi driver pushing her in the thigh, dirtying the new yellow imported autumn coats, which managed to buy her a hippopotamus on the New Arbat, while the only joint walks around Moscow. Coat cost several hundred dollars - rabid money!
-Are you crazy?! - cried the girl.
However terrible fear, written like a scene on the face of Garik, immediately sent her animal horror. It all shook up. In one second Veronica suddenly realized the terrible machine she contacted, and already regret is not a joke, that is not paid off on time when they had the chance. The world was crumbling around her. If so frightened Garik, which was not only helped her to escape from the "Cosmos", as it should have been scared then it!
Veronica instinctively grabbed the dashboard, dug her fingers into the soft lining chair, trying to stay in the cabin. Garik continued her frightened and vigorously выпихивать like ополоумев.
-I don't know you! he repeated беспрестано, putting more and more effort to disrupt the girl.
-Garik! Sweetie. "Mattie pleaded, not expecting such a turn in his speech, Veronica. - Save me! Do you hear? I shall only say! Save me!!!
Garik some time hollowed her shoes to the side, but something was thinking, and impacts and push her out of the cabin, were not as strong.
Suddenly he stopped, turned into a normal position, with her feet.
'Get in the back seat! "he ordered her abruptly, and dry.
Veronica immediately was out of the salon and in the next second, not remembering itself, found itself at the back of the car.
-Hide down to you nobody saw! - Garik ordered.
Veronica dived between the seats, in the passage foot in front of the rear chair and hid there, like a mouse. "Goodbye my yellow coat hundred dollars!" - flashed through her mind.
All you say you do?! asked whence from above, from the darkness Garik.
-All! All! - confirmed Veronica, beside himself with fear.
A week then I'll tear up like a bitch! betrayed its probably a long time ripened decision Garik.
-Well! - agreed the girl. - Only вывези my homeland! I beg you!
She didn't even understand plainly what is there said to her, " this Armenian. Now Veronica important thing was to get away from Moscow and have come here never let the Armenians say whatever they want, if only helped!
-Okay! Lie down and wait! I now! - the tone of voice, Garik immediately changed, became somewhat steel, hard, even cruel - so it seemed to her. - And only then try something doesn't do what I want! For a week you are mine!
Veronica was on the bottom, in the aisle between the seats, hiding as a mouse, not understanding from fear and not responding to the taxi driver.
The car door slammed. She heard on the asphalt, somewhere very near her ear швыркают wet and messy melting capital snow boots Garik moves away. Soon broke the silence only делекий hum station bustle.
Chapter 4.
Veronica slept. Maybe not slept. She herself could not understand what was happening to her.
Before it floated "mother":
-I call it dedication, bitch! And remember now for life on his new name, bitch, Lada!
-My name is Veronika! - she tried to protest.
"Mama" strongly pulled at the leash. She tugged him so hard and furiously that collar pressed Veronika on the artery on his neck, why her eyes darkened stronger.
She had heard through the darkness disgusting voice:
-I don't care bitch, you were before you came over here to me! Now I'm your mom, and I give you a name! Your name, bitch, now, now and forever - Lada! Remember?! The rest of the life you now - Lada! And about how you were before, you can forget!
-Why for the rest?! - wondered Veronica. -I know that you're only at the time of processing of the debt.
"Mama" again pulled at the leash so that Veronica felt that turns off:
-Because, bitch Lada, you never will fulfil!
Veronica tried to open her eyes. They obeyed not, as though she might have fallen unbearable drowsiness from a few sleepless nights, and were closed. She tried to understand where to be, and what happens with it, but could not, and again plunged into the darkness.
Some time has passed. She woke up again.
This time eyelids were more obedient and opened.
Now she saw that lies on the bed. She couldn't rotate the head. Even with the eyes rotate it was hard and painful. But out of the corner of vision saw a white piece of sheets.
Far from it, for незашторенным window at the low end of the gloomy sky quickly went through the clouds. The sky seemed so close, as if to him was not any metres ten to twenty.
Veronica knew the room. It was photographed by the Гладышеву Hippo, and where she spent the last two days before the escape from Moscow.
At first she decided that she saw a nightmare: and about the escape, and about everything else that's happened to her.
In fact, maybe it was just a dream? Sometimes interesting, sometimes depressing, but all the same dream! Anywhere and from anybody she didn't run away, just saw it in a dream... Because with her and before this happened, she woke up, she could never understand whether what has just happened, a dream or a reality, and only then, noticing that she was lying in bed, starting to move up understood that endured all in a dream.
They, those dreams were often like reality. Sometimes the continuation of the reality with which it took place, sometimes as would parallel the present existence, which got her away from what was happening in her life actually.
Much has been left for her controversial whether this was a dream or reality.
She remembered, as Yakovlev told a terrible story about his friend Athanasius, and even when she told it, she was scared. Then she too remembered it, but doubt - a dream or reality - asked him to marry her at Church...
Yes! What was it?! Sleep not a dream?! Сомения overcame her still.
Yes, and many of the events that occurred in her life later, there were somewhere in the border territory between dream and reality.
Sometimes she thought of anyone and married't appearing, and there was no Hippo, no trip to Moscow...
But now, lying in room, where drove Gladysheva, she suddenly realized that it all the same has happened with it actually.
Well, and hitting администраторши?! May be he-she, in fact, dreamed? But then why did she remembered the many events that have happened to her and later? Garik, for example! In a nail! Sashko! Or she dreamt of you too?! Maybe she has some kind of de жавю?! Maybe it once it's already happened?!
Veronica knew way more likely to understand what is dream and what is real, and in any case with the events, which he saw them: I had to get up out of bed, and then it became increasingly clear. Reality separated from sleep layer of current existence.
She wanted to immediately do it, but the movement has brought her a lot of pain that shot through her whole body, every cell. And this seemed to her to reality.
All the events of the last time suddenly surfaced in her memory with piercing clarity.
"So it was not a dream!" - was horrified Veronica aware of their position and status.
Now she began to feel and to feel.
She realized that she was in the room one. Apparently, it will finally be left in peace.
She lay supine, all naked, because not felt on themselves a familiar tightness of linen. Yes, Veronica liked to sleep naked, but not in a hotel. It is'm cold, because it was not covered, but could not move, to do this and even think it was painful.
All that she could now do, is look to lead the heavy clouds barrel close the window.
Veronica was horrified, remembering what happened the day before and froze all in itself. Her head was not a single thought.
Its like a completely devastated. Even her eyes, wide open, were now still and empty. It seemed that, who would have seen it from the outside, decided that she was dead. But only the brilliance of her eyes betraying the presence in her life.
So, with open eyes, she stayed all day. She didn't know what time it is, and not want to know. It was waiting for, when they go out of her life, this is empty, and scold the unnecessary. She didn't want to remember this life, not that that experience, she stood as if in a daze waiting for the end.
Outside the window was dark. From underneath was the light of the street lamps. And she waited. When it gets too dark. She asked someone to stop her life. With it, in fact, was enough.
She understood now, that old life, good it was or not, but return was not. And exist like this, she would not. She asked someone: "Kill me! Enough! It hurts!" But someone she asked, not answering her prayers, and Veronica understood that the road yet passed, and someone wants it passed it to the end. She didn't agree with what she want to go forward. That meant back to see this woman, who called herself "mother", these Chechens, who were tending her soul and body by steel rods evil. If she were able, then, surely, you know like what someone much of her suffering, mental and physical, that someone wants it to go further.
Outside the window the sky again became gradually become gray. Dawn worked over Moscow, the capital of a foreign country where she would not be. Veronica soul was at home in his cozy apartment a thousand miles from here. And there was seemed to be frozen and uncomfortable. It seemed to her that she's lying on a metal gurney, and that she was not a living person, and the corpse.
Only now she noticed that gradually comes to himself. Returns to it the ability to think. However, from the pain she still couldn't move a member of the body, and so, and she lay naked and naked.
With the return of the ability to think her mind is filled with some explosive mixture of pity and self-disgust. Вроника felt a doormat, which had removed the worst of uncleanness, and of these воспомнаний she wanted to tear.
It really felt nauseous. Inside are having convulsions retching, which caused her pain. Feeling of her now to throw the contents of her bowels, it is difficult to not choke, turned her head to the side, and in the next second her stomach drew the sheet some желеобразную slick-slimy cake.
Veronica with disgust, she realized that it sperm. She turned away in disgust, although it was very painful, to the other side, not to see what its already озябшее body was shivering.
From it came so much sperm that a little more, and she could drown in this slime puddle. She thought that if the urge to repeat itself, and its vomit again, then she definitely drown in my vomit, because it will not raise your head.
The more Veronica was recovering, the stronger understood that it hurts all that could hurt.
All her body hummed from a dull pain. As if it was burning some нутренним has become besieged barely noticeable flame so that it seemed to her as if they are fried on a slow fire.
Hurt unbearably muscles. Aching bones. She could feel the ache her torn vagina, as it bites like a torn, anus. She had the impression that they are still something hideous, and that something was a рамером with the handle of a shovel.
Veronica even think it was painful, as if her whole body, from the skin to the brain, it was one big entirely burnt nerve.
Now she lay staring at the wall, turning away from vomit, and Windows. And to not feel pain, tried not to think.
When she replaced away all thoughts and just laying was as if not a human being but a bunch of cells, their conglomerate, so suddenly formed community billion unicellular that all of a sudden decided to посуществовать together, to cleave to each other, the pain became much weaker as the brain, which was itself already a part of that conglomerate, it was not necessary to send the annoying pain signals from all parts of the crowd to someone, the one who was the owner and the master of this multi-billion community had something to ease his suffering. Because this someone, her soul, I couldn't stop it. And therefore, exclude, and his body continued to lie there, staring, unblinking, blankly at the wall.
So her soul was not so painful. But I still had to endure the pain, exist with it and put up with her presence. And if she was not so painful to think, then Veronica'd definitely look into the issue of how to reduce these aching veins, which are tied her soul to her body, how to break them and fly away from this crowd of pain.
The day was passing, clouds, which was close to the sky somewhere, without meaning. Somewhere in the West it has become clear, because shortly red, теребящие consciousness rays of the setting sun coloured the white wall of a room in pink tones.
Veronica was still so painful that she could not even ask someone who did not want her life continued: "what For?!"
Soon consciousness, натерпевшееся has taken a sufficient dose of suffering, left it, heeding her entreaties, and Veronica was in полуобморочное oblivion.
When she returned to consciousness, and her reverie was Veronica realized that and lay with open eyes that saw nothing all this time.
When he awoke, she once again immersed in the ocean of pain.
In the room someone walked in. She heard клацает castle. Sound hurt резанул in her ears.
It continues, as before is gone, lost, lying on the bed naked and naked, but she was painful to think that even there was no way ashamed of his срамного species. She couldn't move my not that arm or leg, even thought! Even the head to rotate the other way to see who came in the room was unbearably painful, and she lay there, listening to the conversation included, which cut the brain through her ears, like a saw.
These were two women, anyway voices were women. I heard they roam number, something обуждают among themselves.
-"Mommy" said here tidy up! - came to Veronica режужещее brain sound fluctuation. This was told by one of the included. Sound was from a distance, apparently, they were still in the hall of the room.
-A-a-a! 'd been something? - cut the brains Veronica another question.
On колящему consciousness sound of steps it was clear that the women entered the room.
Fu, as stinks! Who's crap?! - was indignant the first, again bringing Veronica its вскриком pain that was stronger, as discussed already somewhere near.
-And won! On the bed of lies, bitch! Обделалась for yourself! explained second, hitting her созаннию new sound wave.
Only now, when this was said, and she Veronica felt stink-sensations of smell too pressed brain pain - and realized it was the smell of her stool.
One of вошедхих rushed to the window. I heard she frantically tries to open it, and these sharp sounds stabbed brain Veronica like needles.
-Not! I didn't understand the humor! "screamed the one that pulled a transom window. "I'll suffocate! Why we need a bitch full of crap cleaning?!
Window opened. Veronica felt in the room bursts into the icy wind, burning her undisguised nothing body.
Every touch blows air, every impulse, which concerned the skin, caused Верониике such pain, as if her body has been erased with a knife.
"Hey, calm down! - урезонила возмущавшуюся second, again саданув ears Veronica close sound. It seemed to her that they speak so loud, as if fired from guns. -I'm telling you: "mommy" asked! Why are you not remember that you were, when you are devoted?!
"Well, if that is not obosralas ' definitely! - she answered somewhere away from the window.
-How do you know what she did?! said the second somewhere quite close, and Veronica deeper the voice. -You, mozha, not so ябли like her! Her, heard I, for three days flogged in a row! Look: пиздень all red, all the way from the blue! Turvy! As an ass of мортышки! It won sperm vomited! With litre probably! You can imagine how much her mouth наспускали?! Here, the whole "Space" was that it?!
The first is now also came closer and said the second of the ear Veronica so that she again nearly fainted from thundering sound:
-Yes, well, she charged! To be stunned! Mama do not cry!
Now they discussed somewhere over it, and Veronica their speech pecked on the head with a frequency of drumming, increasingly, by driving out of her life.
-Got telke! - agreed to the second.
-Well, I don't know! Something she "мамку, too, прогневила that it's here now! Me, I remember, cultural and отъебли three bull, and all! On the dedication and over! As this!.. This as a whole herd of bison fuck in all holes!
-Look! She's not asleep! - noticed first. -Turned away, in the wall looks! Overhears, eh!
In view of Veronica got a woman. Someone looking into her face, leaning over the body.
-Beautiful! - отрезюмировала first, she looked into her face. -Oh, how смазливенькая! Listen, friend, would be a man, there would probably have отъебла would again! And not looked like that обосранная all lies! I have already shorts помокрело!
A woman spoke directly above it, and Veronica seemed to her ear cry out from the horn, stunning fevered brain decibels:
"Hey, Yes I of this heifer was excited right all!
Someone even looked into the face Veronica, leaning over her body.
-Yeah! - extended a second.
-Che Yes-what?!
-With such мордашкой and with such delicate body will get her here on the not to play! - sympathetically've a second. -On расхват will!
-You count up, man, I was excited all! - not appeased the first screaming Veronica in the ear, is intentionally trying to give her plenty of pain. -No joke! With me don't remember when it was the last time! Huh?! So from a woman get Horny! Well, it is! In General!
Friend moved away from Veronica, and was not so painful to endure their conversation.
"Let her отмоем soon! Look, what a juicy, fleshy clitoris! As plum! And pulsates so tantalizingly! I'm used to it so sponges and she fell down!
"What's stopping you?! Извращенка! Take him, and suck!
-So shit W circle! Let her отмоем soon!
"Listen!" In the nature! - урезомла the first second. -There Didelot lying! Take помаструбируй! Stand down!
-I che your Didelot?! Me and vibrator cum't help! Let her отмоем quickly!
-Отмоем-отмоем! Not only to you трахала! - the second said. "You see, Baba unconscious lies! Hurt, probably her! Even with the eyes cannot move - looks at a single point! Here, mozha, have to call an ambulance, and you clitoris now suction! You fool!
-No, you know, ambulance "mommy" does not give cause! Girl, if something was wrong заподозоит, consumption puts forth! Here let alone make it!
We heard that the women began to clean the room. To the sounds of their voices now have increased delivering pain rustling, crunch and скрябание.
-Sorry, if you will die! "the first one. -Beautiful! I the beautiful, young girls Oh how I love! Alive remain - Chur my girlfriend! I her to take! Angelina line. Let him go to the other place!
-Yes it without your work will not проворот, calm down you! - objected to her second.
Women for some time silently removed, and Veronica seemed happy that on the brain she no longer writes fraction of their conversations.
"Okay, where are you Didelot is then seen?! Go драчну a bit! agreed first.
-Listen, caulk hole then you will! - was indignant the second. "Let's order to put things first! Grab her leg! I for another! Dragged me to the bathroom!
-And you know that when возбудишься, be sure to cum, huh?! - goes first. -Arousal orgasm without harm! I don't want my lips then, as plums inflate due to the fact that I was ignoring spike!
-Oh, грамотейка! Well, go, go! Only be quick!
-Yes, I was in five seconds! happily responded first.
Veronica felt like something taken out of bed, and a light shudder bed her body, all of her muscles, piercing the unbearable pain. She barely kept groan, who wanted to escape from her body, because moan was as painful as everything else.
From the bathroom five minutes heard some sobs and sighs.
-Manh! Help?! "I heard from there invitation voice first.
-Come on! "said Manya from the bed Veronica, hitting her on the brain wave of sound.
-Well, Man?! - called first.
-Took five seconds, and already five minutes in пезде its колупаешься! In a couple of fingers pls - helps! - she gave her good advice, Manya.
-Listen, I am free tips are not needed! We have now - the country of the Soviets. Would be better if that helped! - urged her first.
But Manya did not move from the spot. Veronica felt that she was standing next to her bed and looks at her.
Five minutes later he heard the approaching shuffling steps.
-Phew, force coped! - also has on the brain Veronika from a close call. -Well, you, man, bitch! No, to help a poor girl to complete the process!..
-When you girl was?! - laughed Henriette. "Two hundred years ago?!
-Okay, I'll remember! she first.
-Enough to show off! Finished?! Grab her leg and suffered in the bathroom! - ordered Manya, taking the bull by the horns.
Veronica felt her take, like a doll stuffed with cotton wool: from the pain she could not exert any muscle. They took her off the bed and for arms and legs suffered through the room to the bathroom.
Girl's head hung limply down, went back to the ground, a high forehead nearly touching the floor and labeling it pretty, iridescent hair blond hair. Its mouth opened under the weight of the head.
At each step of supporting her body, доставлявшем her pain, before the eyes of Veronica now swung upside down floor of the room, its walls, doors and шагавшие the face of stout legs in stockings a mesh.
-And пезду she really разворотили! - rang out from behind a sympathetic voice first. -I will have some compress make!
-Yes! -agreed Manya somewhere near, head over to Veronica. They were her stout legs, маячившие before the girl's face. -Went to the maid! Let thanks say that remained alive!
Stayed? Suddenly окочуриться? - doubted the first.
-Yes ought not to be! 's going to head off! - appraising said Manya.
Veronica put into the bath, наполненую warm water. She experienced some semblance of bliss. Body pain became much weaker.
Now she visible Manya and the other one, which has opened a window.
Veronica saw his body, legs bruised and purple bruises from tightly gripping their Bicycle her hips male fingers. Pubis, her womb was припушхим, inflamed, like налившимся blood excitement. Skin on it was blue. From under the crotch became blurred brown stain soluble in water excrement, which she испражнилась while lying alone in the room.
If it wasn't so painful to think, she'd be scared of its kind, it is possible that even cried in sorrow, but now it was all the same, only it wasn't so bad as before.
Women began to wash her, leading to her body sponges.
Manya looked into her eyes, trying to understand consciousness Veronica or no, and then she asked:
-Friend, do you, in General, in feelings?
Веронка't told her anything. She was very hurt not that tense muscles, even to hear the sounds, sense of smell, think.
Chapter 5.
Veronica seemed that it must have been already довольньно a lot of time since the taxi driver went for tickets. She could not move in a narrow aisle between the seats, lift and push from the hips to face the hand to watch on the wrist часиках time, but the feeling that today's departure from Moscow every minute more and more moves under the question mark, grew stronger. It seemed to her that the train was about to go.
In the cabin of the taxi was dark, damp and cold. From the rubber mats on which she lay, something unbearable stench. Body locked immobility in the narrow hallway, коченело from chilly dampness.
Finally, near the machine on the street were heard approaching хлюпающие wet snow steps shoes taxi driver.
-Listen, Chica! - the tone of communication Garik, climbing into cab, suddenly became quite different. -From this moment and on the week I'm your master! Understand?
Veronica was still down in the aisle between the seats, no answer taxi driver and trying to understand what is going on in her life.
Her except fear in the soul felt it loses in General any control over what's happening with it, and is very worried about her and the Scarecrow.
I realized I say?! - Garik lowered the arm, he felt the collar of her coat and, although the view was puny and dead, and raised it up by the scruff, like a kitten.
Veronica saw quite near, the reflections from the street, щетинистую cheek Armenian. In her face smell his rotten breath, and it all, scared, became helpless from the consciousness of his helplessness and obligations to obey someone else's will. The more disgusting was that it had now become submissive some армяшке that it is not even that cute, and now it is despicable and disgusting. She suddenly realized that once again sold out!
-You see, - Garik was led her cheeks some pieces of paper, continuing to hold the scruff of the neck, like a kitten. - I took us эСВэ!
Veronica couldn't understand. She tried to deal with what is happening in her soul, that tells her this arrogant Armenians, why he so conducts himself with it, why so unceremoniously suddenly started to treat it as though it were some шантрапой, not pretty, bright, brilliant young woman, worthy of admiration and worship!
Garik let go of her collar, and Veronica, as Kul potatoes, collapsed down onto the rubber polik between the seats.
-Lie here! again ordered her Garik. I'll go with the guys will get to the car we looked for a week! 'll take a week-long-sex-vacation! Love хохлушек! And you, in General, a beauty! I'll immediately spotted when the first time you drove, because remember! Didn't think you were me достанешься! And with whom are you was in that time?!
With a husband! Veronica was surprised that her voice засквозили хныкающие notes as-a teenager who surrendered to the adult.
With a husband! There was two. This is what style is your husband was?! Thin or fat?!
It's a solid guy! And the second one? Who's that was?!
So, the employee him?!
-A-a-a! Well, where is thy husband go?! - surprise asked Garik. - Divorced? Something quickly! Or he snapped at you?! Although it hardly would have thrown! Yeah, you eyes and the eyes need - you are very beautiful! Guys, probably stick to you! Aisle. Huh?! Хохлушки in General, is pretty all the women, as the selection. But you! You are a true beauty!
Garik stopped, whether something over, or waiting for a response from Veronica, whether assessing his statement.
"Well, husband-where did he go?! again поинетерсовался it.
They got him, " replied Veronica.
"He is a bandit was?
"Looks like a bandit.
-Who killed?! Moscow?!
-All you need to know! - for the first time the indignation of the girls broke through the fear and confusion.
"You don't get cocky with me, and that now instantly throw out! There you said and pick up!.. So who killed?!
Is he the second, that in the car sitting next to me, in the back seat, " Veronica replied, indignant inside regarding the interrogation, which was totally out of place.
-Oh, it, and do not say. Skinny and puny! He also is a bandit or something?! surprised to be Armenian.
'He's a fool! - angrily replied the girl. "Now, let's later you I interrogation done! Go договаривайся about the car, and let's go in the train, he soon depart must! Late at its wagon me in Sumy повезешь! Veronica felt that fear gradually fit into her soul. Already and Caucasians did not seem so terrible, as at first, maybe, everything seemed to have been settled.
-Okay, lay there quietly! - ordered the Armenians. - I went!
The door swung shut. The steps died away, and Veronica was left alone again.
Now she's painfully deliberated how would quickly get away from this незванного guest. She nicknamed him to himself, - "guest".
She is not smiling to bring back on the tail of the insolent армяшку. "Edged chock" she could not stand up, never them and for the people-is not considered. Black as crows! Veronica saw them at home only on the local market where they were selling imported, southern fruit and vegetables. She always disliked. Strange people, неруси! Besides speculators! Do not grown and traded tangerines Yes peaches, who Crimea brought to their "pennies" with reinforced suspension, which was used as trucks, loading them a ton of fruit. There bought for a song in the collective gardens and then sold at exorbitant prices. And the price was not wind down, even if the goods have started to deteriorate. They then it simply threw out! And it did, in Moscow with "чуреком" closely had to face! Yes still with her in Sumy go! Here is a brazen these "pests"!
Ugh-Veronica was so disgusting that it сплюнула on the floor. She thought could never be that so closely will have to communicate with a representative of the people, which, to put it mildly, not долюблива and disrespected. Suddenly Veronica introduced that will, perhaps, kiss this "черномазым", and it was almost puked. Ugh - the abomination of the kind! Forbid!!!
Only now she suddenly got up this Armenian promise. His impudent "week I'll tear up like a bitch!" also has the ear, but only now, when the numbness from fear, сковавшее her consciousness, and was slowly let go. "Here влипла!" with vexation thought the girl.
Well, maybe she could imagine that things would turn out so bad for her. She thought how?! Well, throw things at the hotel - pity, Oh, okay! Well, change hundred dollars for rubles - just had to last for Moscow taxi to Kiev, not even predatory commercial prices, Yes tickets. As she estimated her again for the first time, the house was supposed to stay a little while to hold on until it becomes clear what to do next. The most important-and then she seemed to get away from the hotels!
And what happened?! Well, she got away! A hundred dollars saved for the all - everything, not that all her plans is not enough even to get home! And instead of freedom she became suddenly, for no reason, no reason at all - she did not notice that happened, the slave of a brazen армяна!
Veronica again shuddered in disgust. She could not even believe that all this happens to her. Not with someone, and with it! Never had it happen! Let anyone other, not only with her!
So, probably, and every man does not believe in the fact that it starts happening something unusual, not keeping his usual notions as this gets used or this will not happen, not the end itself. For example, I think that when a person dies, he could not get used. But here all by itself not finish going. Veronica watched as the plot unfolded with the speed of a spring, and it was unclear where all the shoot.
Doubt was now less: draws services use of the escape was impossible! It was very somehow disappear! Why she рассладилась?! Why was the search for this армяшку! Well, what I found?! Adventures on his head?!
Veronica remembered a crowded as during the revolution or the mass migration of the Kiev railway station kilometer queue at the ticket offices, and suddenly confessed to herself that without assistance is not something that would escape she could not from Moscow - buy a ticket on time to the train be late!
No, армяном she probably right contacted. He were not restricted to it! requested a triple price for a taxi! What's she, малохольная wanted?! So he helped her escape, but still free?!
Veronica remembered how snarled at Garik face of unspeakable fear at the mention of looking for her Chechens. Of course, if they find out that he helped her to get out of him in the best case not be good. Behemoth, I remember talking to her someone that "Czechs" - so called why some cool guys, shoot and pharynx people cut, like sheep! Therefore, Garik frightened. He-for them better than a sheep?! And what they will do if they find?!! No, knew that everything would turn out, - the last shirt'd give and gone! But!.. but did not gave the same! Decided that the most useful! Here and now! Why Garik said, I have no money! Well, ransacked be for him the lining of the bag, well, I'd give him another hundred! Well. and all! Good bye! Would give him the окночании play a kick in the ass. As you tried machine kicking those! So no! Asked for a new adventure! The contents армяну! Ugh!!! You fool! Well, like a fool!!!
Veronika not предсталяла, as it will allow him to touch his low places, which she loved, cherished, and холила at every opportunity and kept for use only when she dictated her whim. No, even could be no question about any touch!
"No! thought Veronica. - Sit in a train, and let him try полезть to me! Immediately yell out! I'll be on call for help! Kick will, in the end! Do not give him anything! Nothing will!!!"...
Driver's door swung open again. In the car задуло damp and cold in the street.
-Get up! - Garik ordered. "Run! Before train departure five minutes left, and he stands to the side of the station, at the eleventh way!
Veronica rose from the rubber Mat, hardly freed from the captivity of the narrow aisle between the seats and sat on the back seat of the car and looked around.
-How do I escape it?! - she looked at myself and saw what had turned her bright light model coat, soiled now traces of shoes Garik and wet black oily mud with rubber rugs taxi. "You look at me!
-The train leaves in five minutes! - again said Garik, and his tone became lower. It appeared to the threatening tone. -I fulfilled his promise: you train tickets bought! If we are late, I'll still you have a week! Believe me, I have somewhere to you for a week in Moscow close. And then throw into the street! And all! I know you don't know! And said you will find it out of you will make mincemeat and скормит their dogs. Understand?
-I understand! "Mattie said Veronica.
-So that now, a heifer, you want everything at your happened run to the train, that you are strong! And don't look dirty you or net! This is your last chance! Understand?
-I understand! - agreed Veronica, realizing that really stands on the edge of the precipice, and behind blows black unhealthy chill bad.
Garik looked at his watch:
-You have to jump into life left three and a half minutes! The car number six! Run!
She jumped out of the car, almost forgetting his precious bag with dollars in the lining, and rushed at full speed, pushing on the go sadly бредущую like a belt вчного cinema, a crowd of people and not looking back and not apologizing. It seemed to her that she runs so fast that Garik fell behind her and will never catch up. And she wished that he fell behind her! Garik was the last episode of this nightmare Moscow sleep, which could not end. She hoped that впрыгнув in the train, she finally wakes up, and then everything will be different. Not the same as before! But different! All will be well!
Veronika, оббежав station building выскочиал to the left street перронам. Here people was significantly lower. Only cops, passengers and cargo handlers. Eyes she нашарила on the Board the train. So there! Eleventh way! She looked at the watch. Before the departure of the soon have two minutes. Veronica then I raced off headlong forward, as if trying to pass the time. Up to the platform were still a hundred yards.
She swept by several policemen, and then she heard a whirring of a police whistle. "Get out, you bastards! I do not violated!" she thought просебя, consider even faster. In the dark, somewhere in the sky from the side of the station came the announcement about the administration of its trains. The presenter was wanted passengers happy way.
She had to catch that train! Somehow! This train who must save her life!
Veronica ran along the platform, past the composition. Twelfth car, tenth!
Each platform stood a conductor with a raised signal flags, we say that everything is okay, you can go.
Suddenly I heard some improbable clank. Veronika, запыхавшаяся, there is little that already соображающая from wild sprint race, could not understand where this clank.
And then she saw that the train, her native train pulled out, rolled along the platform. She only reached the ninth car. First she ran faster than moving cars, but their speed squared, and after a moment they already began to overtake her running.
Veronica realized that too late. She is powerless to stop at the edge of the platform. Past her feet quickly passed, more and more speeding train carriages her hopes, the last hope to jump out of the nightmare.
Tears themselves clouded eyes. Through them, refracted, as in a magnifying glass, floated yellow squares future, tambours with standing in them, at the open door проводницами... that was the end!
-Hey, малохольная! Jump in here! - rang out from behind a woman's voice.
Even not having to understand anything, Veronica turned to hail, saw the approaching rapidly наплывающий her yellow прямоуголльнник the open door of the vestibule of the last, thirteenth of the car, standing in any two of the silhouette, and, realizing that shout from there, jumped, do not hesitate to who and why oral, forward, grasped the handrail and flew into the vestibule.
His feet slipped on cold рефленой metallic slab floor-vestibule, painted orange paint. Veronica almost подскользнулась, but kept on hand, повисших on the handrails on the sides of the entrance. Silhouettes sprang inside vestibule.
Veronica has leveled off, stood up, wiped her tears and interfered with her to see.
It faced a conductor and Garik. Both were smiling.
-Well, you, as Wildebeest fast! said the conductor, clapping her on the shoulder.
-Well done! Probably broke the Olympic record! You who wanted to catch up, the locomotive? Machinists whether that gathered in the campaign. So they would not have! No, look, cute face, mozha and would have moved more on полпалки!
Conductor chattering nonsense. Language she worked as pomelo. But Veronica is not обжалась on her caustic sometimes jokes and comments. She was happy she had a bad dream stayed together with Moscow around the outside of the train that took her to his home.
She suddenly felt a kind of warm joy within themselves, some boundless happiness. She wanted to hug everyone: and Garik, despite the fact that he Armenians, and was guiding them, from which, as from a horn of plenty was an endless verbal feed.
The wheels of the train fractional отстукивали a good anthem. Maybe it was a hymn farewell with evil, from which surfaced train, leaving a deserted and silent space immobility. Train surfaced from the karmic site, deliver Veronika a lot of trouble and anxiety. The only reminder about the past unpleasant period of life now was Garik, from which we had to get rid as soon as possible.
-Hey, buddy! - conductor, still continuing гоготать and joking unceremoniously forced her shoulder as if they were sworn friends. -And I know you!
Now and Veronica recognized in the conductor that hung at her husband on the platform, when they left to Moscow. However, even at very surprised when she had not been on this occasion no emotions - sharing was nothing left.
-You, this is the most, a friend, a wife of a Hippopotamus! - finally remembered her name is Alla. -Then in the AFTERNOON was going, and now, in a coupe?! A-AA! I realized it's you I raced AFTERNOON with the Hippopotamus is overtaking! You see, Hobbies like that, each other ride in different cars!
Veronica was silent. The joy of deliverance from Moscow nightmare slightly dimmed from meeting with this noisy and brash нахалкой.
-Oh, no! I'm in the HOLY food, in the sixth train! - reported before Alla Veronica.
-Ah, well, of course, that I see then I raced off by how fast a deer! Well, let's go! Alla frowned, her smile gone from her face. -Begi rather to Behemoth, and it is stolen!
-Do not steal! - Veronica replied, opening the door to the car.
Well, look how, приворожила eh?! See, he's a prominent! Like you pupae in our nice town as manure in the barn! But Behemoth one - heard Veronica after yourself rants conductors, passing along the corridor past the coupe. Passengers, sometimes coming across her way, parted, leaning against the поручням or left in a compartment, passing it forward.
-Yes no the Hippopotamus! - сказл her loud Garik, before just standing in the vestibule and listening to squabble.
-How is it possible? - surprised Alla. But Garik already followed Veronica, поотстав from her полвагона. - How is it not?!
In the voice sassy conductors, still долетавшем to the ears of Veronika from the other end of the car, crept into the alarm.
They got him! throwing a farewell Alla Garik from the middle of the corridor.
-Was killed?! Who killed him?! When?! - расстералась Alla. In the voice of conductors now sounded notes of real grief, which she generously gave Garik. -And who are you?! How did you know?!
-The hitcher I! - threw Garik from opposite the exit of the car and disappeared into the corridor.
Alla how she stood in the hallway near расочегаренного titanium, collapsed on the floor, as unsettled terrible news. Passengers were standing in the corridor, which became accomplices and drama, and rushed to her.
Chapter 6.
Veronica woke up after oblivion. Like and sleep it was not.
Now she lay in a clean bed, so pure, that underwear even скрипело.
Top of the duvet in crispy starch blanket.
At first she could not think what was happening to her where she is.
Bed it was surrounded by some four-poster bed, non-transparent, made of thick white silk. The canopy was light искусстенного lighting, and she first decided to be in a hospital.
She couldn't really remember what happened to it. Some memories, and maybe it was just a dream, flashed in my head. They were отрывчатыми and filthy, and Veronica looked like it was a hard and terrible dream.
Last light that she remembered, so it is a conversation with school friend who promised to take her to his компаньонши on the market.
On the thought of him she decided to concentrate on a bad dream, this phantasmagoric nightmare gone from her mind forever.
However, as soon as she tried to move, wild pain in all мыщцах all over the body, vagina, uterus, rectum - everywhere - shot like lightning.
From this outbreak she piercing howled.
In that second, following after awakening, Веорника realized that it was not a bad dream, and even more nightmarish reality.
Howl that turned into a groan of bitterness, from the eyes of the tears began to fall.
Canopy stirred, its floor was opened, and the interior had a female face.
-Очухалась, my friend! said person.
Veronica had something she wanted to ask, but the language was painful to move, in throat go dry, and she only замычала as a cow.
-Yes, Chica, is left for you! - произнесло woman's face. -Tell me thanks! Mommy you wanted to consumption, put, because I decided that you окочуришься still апосля such a steep изъябения. But I persuaded barely, that she cancelled her disposal. She told you in the trash can to throw! And there's a garbage truck and dump!
Face fell silent and looked at it for some time, apparently expecting gratitude, but not waiting continued:
-I am for you five hundred доллариев "Mamma" unfastened his! Liked you to me! Immediately, I saw fell in love with you! Would be the man!.. E-eh! Well, che say something, say it!"
Face again became wait for a response.
Veronica wanted to move my tongue, but the pain made her do it.
Before the eyes of Veronica all dizzy, and she again plunged into the darkness...
She woke up.
Now memories have been clearer.
Sore all at once, and she thought that her nightmare пригрезился. Nightmare and was her life.
She suddenly wanted to pray, but she didn't know any prayers. However, the Veronica reason was sure that if she turned with prayer to some Saint or even to the most Holy mother of God, that would have saved her, вызволила it out of this hell.
But Veronica did not know how to pray, and therefore only bitterly and silently cried.
The canopy was closed again. Behind him still burned with the light of fluorescent lighting.
Now Veronica стралась not to move, to not scream from the piercing pain. She did not want to re-thought this strange woman's face, which would become her to tell about what it paid for it five hundred dollars to her't thrown into a huge trash can, which is served each morning transported far beyond the city heavy Laden any rubbish garbage truck.
Then, if not killed when booting, it would have found living there, on the vast as the whole city, trash gang directory of homeless people and give the wife for some to his king.
She was horrid. Crap this, as soreness bred somewhere within, in the soul.
She shouldn't be here now! It shouldn't have happened to her! Veronica waited another, happy destiny, full of joy, success, wealth... she's been here? As everything changed in her life, so suddenly, so fast and so wrong? She fell asleep in the light room a Princess, and woke up in a basement, a Baker or a dishwasher, or a cleaner... no, worse - a prostitute!
A prostitute!!! A whore!!!
In the terrible dream she couldn't imagine anything like that. In its view, the prostitutes were fallen women, who themselves have chosen such a way. It was their conscious choice. They knew what they were!
Never, ever, that she would not become a prostitute!
And suddenly some evil fate fate so подшутила with it is that of the wife of the businessman it became a prostitute. And she couldn't do anything about it! She even could not move! It hurt! Hurt in my heart hurt in the body! She wanted to cease to exist as a bad, bad movie!
Veronica stared up into the center of the cone, where the canopy converge in a knot, and lay, lay for a long time, motionless. Tears ran down her cheeks. They were tears of impotent rage and despair.
The world suddenly changed around her and began to others. She didn't want to. She кутек, puppy, who lost сучкину boob a little bit, now squeaked all in the soul, led back lost your little Paradise that - she hadn't even thought of ever - so precious to her.
In my head and climbed all sorts of things. Вопсоминания, regret.
They бередили soul as sharp hooks, causing unbearable mental suffering. Oh, if only, if only...
If it were not so, if she is not married to the Hippo, and threw herself on the neck of the lowly безродному лейтенантику Yakovlev, the same as she.
He probably would have married her! After all, she saw that he likes! Veronica watched how he looks at her. Though, maybe, she seemed...
But if I had my way!
Then she went into some backwoods, as many of her friends from school, who leaped marry young servicemen gabbing away behind her from артучилища. And, perhaps, would be happy there any small happiness that a man's salary for a piece of bread, some kind of angle for life.
She would wait for him with services every day. In the evening he came dirty and tired from the landfill. She would feed him his dinner, and then they would go to bed...
From the latest thoughts dreams suddenly burst like a soap bubble. Veronica suddenly like a stinking rubbish inside experienced, felt nauseous.
Memories about past humiliations during the Orgy suddenly surged with all frankness. And they were in pain, as well as from attempts to move.
Veronica began to cry again. Crying already and was not hurt: the body gradually recovered. Tears streaming down her lovely cheeks like that, a burning crimson, feverish cheeks, down her beautiful face on the neck with traces from the collar in the form of a belt of bruising and plaques from hats bolts of thorns.
The canopy was bright and quiet.
Veronica wanted now the only one to come around more never had anybody that nobody bothered, and so, at last, she could die, quietly, calmly, without pain.
It agreed was lying so, motionless, waiting for the death of a day or a week, at least a thousand years. She was ready to become a stone, but only to her anymore nobody bothered not grabbed her by the arms and legs, not collected would beam in his fist in her hair, not interfered in it, in the most intimate and she loved, nooks of her body against the will of her soul, would not causing her more pain...
Somewhere there was a sound of trigger lock.
There were voices. In the room, echoing from the sounds, not very big, somebody come in, talking. The vote was слышлно that a man and a woman.
Veronica couldn't move, but she wanted this moment to become the size of a mouse, so it's not found, lost on that pure, white, tucked expensive, rustling bed linen.
She was scared, that all that she had to start again, to repeat again. Sounds male voice made her heart in fear to shudder, and then stand still from wild fright.
Inside the canopy again просунулось already familiar now has a female face, her rescuer.
-And awake? Saying that though, can you?
The person waiting for a while, but then disappeared.
-Here it is! there was a canopy for the voice of a woman. -See it!
Inside the canopy просунулось male face with a grey beard, with the same white mustache and glasses.
Veronica couldn't move, because I knew that it would cause her a lot of pain, but she wanted to hide in a mattress, catch up with its surface, to become a sheet of fright.
After the canopy просунулась hairy man's hand. She threw the blanket that was covered Veronica. Face with glasses was viewing her body. Veronica couldn't lift her head, could not turn. She only looked at this person, and she was very, very scared and ashamed.
She had the feeling that she piece of meat, which examines the butcher before his cut. She felt cold, rough men's fingers touch her hips, why it is bent and spread her legs, pushing the labia. All these touching were painful and cold, burned her like a cold поамя.
Face leaned toward her pelvis. The canopy просунулась second hand with a small flashlight, which a man was shining somewhere in the area, her crotch.
Veronica feel unbearable pain because the male face is picked fingers inside her pussy, in her anus, but couldn't even bite his lip.
The person in glasses, in which glimmered her bare thigh under the folded on the chest sheets, continued to something высматртривать in her genitals, now continuously цокая, or surprise, or from empathy.
His examination of her genitals, дицо glasses shifted his attention on his stomach and chest, but for a long time there had been delayed.
Bed Veronica walked, and on the other side of the canopy просунулась her спасиительница. She love to stare at her.
"Don't worry! - she explained to the man of your observations. -Shivering! - then turned to Veronica. Is a doctor!
The doctor continued цокать, pushing it to one, then the other breast Veronica, leading him with a finger, touching, then covered her with a blanket and disappeared through the canopy.
A woman's face is also gone. Veronica heard a whisper of a doctor who spoke with her new girlfriend.
From the pain, shame, shame, that she could not now even move, and everyone is so come and caress her body, breed in the side of the legs, pushing his fingers buttocks, to sit, not спросясь, even in her most secret place, she was ashamed, disgusted and it was so painful I wanted to die immediately, right now cease to exist. She did not agree with the position suddenly. And this caused such mental suffering that she had never known.
The canopy again came the click of the lock.
The Saviour of her soon returned and plunged again inside the canopy.
Now her face seemed so foreign, as before. Veronica had time to get used to it, and even, it was nice to see him, although she did not know why.
-In General! - reported that, then wondering, apparently, as сформулиоровать all she wanted his words to her from the diagnosis of the doctor. Doctor says you're hit, my friend! He is not sure, but you may have to do the surgery. In General, says that you ought to be examined in a hospital put. But "mommy" you never here not let go! It easier for you in the garbage truck send, than in the hospital... Yes, a friend asked me the task you - I do not know what to do! You're saying that even though you can't or dumb?
Veronica looked at her and cried. Tears ran down her beautiful little face, and she thought, looking at the woman: "Kill me, only not hurt!"
Назвавшаяся Savior was silent, as if listening, would not answer, but then I remembered:
"Oh, Yes! You now put on a drip...
Her spirits suddenly changed:
I don't know why I'm fooling with you, spend money on you! Who are you to me this anyway?! Maybe you, in General, окочуришься, but I'm here стелюсь in front of you!
Now the woman stared at her, and her face like a theatrical stage, reflected the struggle of passions that took place inside. It was evident, as the painfully ponders what to do: continue wasting a lot of money on treatment Veronica, or allow the nurse to send her body in the garbage truck.
We heard that in the room someone came in.
Something was brought and put near the bed Veronica, for a canopy. It просунулась another head. It was a woman in a white cap. In her arms she held a cotton wool and needle connected to the system.
-Okay! said the Saviour. "You lie while прокапают you! And I went to work. Me till the morning! The light I'm not a turn off! I hope that in a couple of weeks оклимаешься! Maybe it! However, treat you to do this! Spend the money!..
A moment later the room was empty. Veronica was left alone again, alone with their heavy reflections.
She felt that she shut down again...
When she woke up, the system was not.
She почувтсовала that she is much better. Move she could not, but the pain was not such a total, захватывавшая all consciousness and not even think давддавшая
The canopy is still a light was burning. System on the hand was not. Probably, it's been quite some time.
The lock clicked into place. Someone came in. He heard excited whisper of the few female voices. They have something to vigorously talking.
The canopy просунулась her Savior. She is fun stared at her, then said with some optimism and enthusiasm:
-Well, you as a friend?!
-Yes, nothing like! Veronica was surprised that can speak.
-Oh! First time I hear what you are saying! - surprised woman. "I thought ashamed to say that you're dumb! Hey, girls led! Want to look at you!
-And what look at me?! "said Veronica.
-Well! We don star! We can say that the star of "outer Space"! Not had time to be, and all about you just say!
-Why me something I say?! Veronica felt that telling her still hard is quickly tired of it.
-Well! "she now спасиительница. -Probably, from the times of the Mongol-Tatar yoke nobody in Moscow not ябли as you. And secondly, you are very beautiful! Hey girls I start?!
Veronica was uncomfortable that she came to see how the little beast in a cage, but remembering the kindness rescuer and her five hundred spent on saving bucks, she agreed.
The canopy просунулось several women's smiling heads.
Veronica suddenly seemed as if the memory of a childhood that came to visit her in the hospital пионерлагеря her girlfriends on the force, and even my heart was somehow easier from this host of smiling, curious, looked at her looking faces.
-Oh! Vika, well done! She is now your friend, Yes?! Ангелинку on her cunt mixer?! Well, you and steal yourself broke - blood with milk?! - appreciated someone Veronica. -Where is this?! Obviously with Yugov girl!
-I don't know! Heard from the "moms"that Ukrayny from somewhere! "replied her Savior. "Where you from itself?!
-From Sumy! - Veronica replied.
Is that? do Vika.
-The city of...
-No, not heard! - отрезюмировала Vika. -But we in Moscow as well! However, girls?!
-Aha! Moscow super! This is the best city! -Ur! heard разноголосье всебщего consent, слоно they соббрались here to the meeting.
"Okay, girls! Поглазели?! Met?! All отваливаем! Girl in itself has not yet reached after the consecration. Then get to know better!
-Yes! Beautiful! - отрезюмировал someone from Викиных friends.
-Uh! Chur not paw! - stopped Vika someone's attempt to get Veronica's hand under the blanket. -All! Leave all! Ger out!
Women with regret began to leave the slot in the балдахине over Вероникиной bed.
Now you could hear the vetch throws all of the rooms. Soon the voices stopped, and now heard someone lonely steps returned to the bed. It was Vika.
-Well, let's get well soon! -she looked in the canopy. -You have a lazy afternoon on the drip will take, and then will be with Chow restaurant wear! Well, you're a strong woman! - finally, she concluded. -Like fragile such an action figure, all of it, like a doll for a million доллариев! And look how the cat is tenacious! Out already and cheeks flushed! she raised her blanket and looked there appraisingly as their fiefdom. -Everything is back to normal! It is astonishing!
Vika передохнула, gathering his thoughts and appetite, as the bun, Veronica looked in person:
-Okay! Have a rest! We'll see you later! With me you will live! Everything I have is yours in the house! Обалдеешь!
With these words she disappeared, leaving Veronica evaluate new experiences and consider how to build new relationships with life: it was necessary to somehow adapt.
Chapter 7.
Veronica went forward on the composition, overcoming the car after car under the rhythmic, hypnotic clop wheels, which seemed to promise her now, the end of all anxiety, suffering and fear. The farther leave the train on Moscow, the more time that passed on the road, the greater was Veronica confidence, and a sense of suspended over the abyss of state, where she remained for the last two days of stay in the capital, now lost, it was dissolved as it had never been.
She took off перепачканное like побывавшее in the role of a doormat, coat to it not remind her about the recent dramatic events at the Kiev railway station, and hung it on a hand that was holding her handbag with sewn in the lining of a few thousand dollars. Now it was not exaggerated, like any of traveling in the train passengers - not better, not worse.
In one of the passages between the cars, where on the sides of the clanging against each other armoured plates connecting path for passengers, there were gleams of open space in which flashed, выхватываемые of the pitch darkness reflections of car Windows rails and sleepers, it occurred to get rid of carcoats, that now, even after cleaning, hardly took his old, elegant appearance, really. She thought shove, скомкав into a tight ball, short coats in one of the side openings, so that it fell down on the rails, and was about to do, but at the last moment suddenly changed her mind: she somehow felt sorry for throwing this thing. Maybe because it reminded her of the time when she could carelessly, without even thinking of evaluation, to buy such a car coats in the fashionable capital foreign exchange store on Novy Arbat, where even the foreigners have shied away from prices with round eyes. And she could! Could, because there was a Behemoth, who carried out her wish of one not even a gesture, but just look.
Yeah, Behemoth, though паскудник, a womanizer and a cheat by the female, but she, his wife, loved, like myself. She saw, felt it! And how much time he подкрадывался to her to be cherished precious extraction, fearing to scare the accidental movement of it as game. Veronica allowed him to do it. Maybe he thought he was doing it very cleverly and unbeknownst to her, but she has seen him compresses the ring around her, and long before fluttered with it under the crown, when no one even hint could not appear on their future marriage, knew that would be his wife. All around thinking that the Hippo - shirt guy, Col leads almost every day on кафк and restaurants whole band of buddies with my friends, but Veronica even did not guess - she knew that all this is only a veil hiding his slow, careful sneaking to it.
Of course, it flattered her, and inside so all this time she strange flirting, participated in the whole campaign nothing догадывающихся about the true direction of motion of the game Hippo girls and boys, was happy, but in some strange happiness. She was a star! No one beside her did not know it, but she was a star, the only truly endearing star on the horizon of man, whose name is George Бегетов. And he was the value! He was a real value!..
"Oh, George, George! - suddenly for no reason, no reason remembered Veronica husband. - Why there is all this happened?! Why are you doing in этугребанную Moscow?! That you could not sit at home with his young wife, Liu..."
She almost thought "favorite"! Люьила whether she, her husband is a tough question! Sometimes she hated. Sometimes she терепть could not. Sometimes, when found распаление passion, she allowed him to do, but the set Жориных bedding fantasies was very limited. And then, after these соитий that Behemoth may seem passionate and плкими, but it does not meet, she hated him even more! Well, how could she love him, if almost always after copulation had to sneak маструбировать, not to indulge, but at least that drove the strain and the pain lower abdomen after раззжения passion.
Sometimes Veronica thought that somehow, sometime later, when the family life of their settle become more measured and understandable at least she will have to teach Jora give her pleasure, and not just to finish my process, thinking that she, too, had all passed! Just the opposite, when it all ended, she only came in readiness to make love on the present.
Maybe that's why she and find adventure! Gladyshev, Охромов, Yakovlev! Oh, Zhora Jora! What have you done!
Veronica caught myself on the thought that accuses the deceased husband of her infidelities him. However, for women it is peculiar to - blame others for their sins, and especially the man who is near - husband. Attacking it best. Wen before he was like a child! She saw through it, and he thought that all his adventures shrouded in mystery. Yes he has written on his face was, when, with whom and how many times he slept, walking away from her! These inscriptions read as ABC-book, and he thought that very tricky! Maybe because Veronica and instructed him a little horns that saw, how it behaves in relation to it!
No, she was not hurt, that he slept with other women, although she knew many of her married friends just with uma went from jealousy, from one only thought that their husband someone climbs. Someone, perhaps even to him, it be strange, but she didn't сазала would Жоре, even if it's in their marriage bed took something girlfriend! If only proceeded, * * * would it really, as she wanted to already turned inside out from the pleasure! And then let them at least ten heifers next - it is what it! And she knew that he would always her, how much he потаскушек on the side was not.
Her shame was that Zhora not fucked whores and cheated on her! This was the root of обилы! And he could not see through it! And she wasn't going to him to explain - it was already too!
If he told her: "you Know, Veronica, yesterday with river babenka locked together, well with that of the us in the restaurant was, redhead, such Busty! Good fucking, лярва, even better than you!" it would vividly would be included in the conversation and would answer something like: "Zhora! Yes how did you know I eBUS ' when thou me orgasm never brought?! You кончаешь, when I start! Well, ka let's try it now! Look who лучге in bed - tan блядешка red or your супргуа-beauty, молодица berry, what to look for!" But he did not say so! He hid its relationship with other women, thinking that she was a fool, and sees nothing, and then things pretend that nothing is happening and was surprised when she resented the fact that he didn't like it, and was afraid of the police! No, she didn't want her husband to be Auntie from which he tries to hide all their antics. She wanted to be his friend who agrees to participate in all his pranks, no matter how wild they didn't seem the way. But he all the time from the beginning of their life together пихал to the place of the mother. From which he will hide! Well, because mom and became counsel Жорику little horns! Yes she is younger than his сеь years was still pretty darling girl, her mother! Why this role is needed! But Zhora imposed on her by their lies and betrayals. Yes it would interesting to see how he is with another girl in bed cope, to ask that, she Жориного onslaught finished or not, itself додрачивала then. But he had concealed, and calves, her girlfriend, too, looking into her eyes, pretending that nothing is happening, portrayed themselves honesty in front of her. and she didn't need this поазуха, which they railed against it as a fence. She had to get her friends who told her: "Listen to what your Zhorik cums so quickly! Like, wild boar healthy, but as the boy шкодливый - inserted, and begun already, and it all goes limp - lo-Hello - sailed!" but friends were silent, pretending not to sleep with Zhora, and this being distant from her, that this паскудным attitude hanging her horns!
Veronica shook her head, "That I am in the memories hit?! There is already Zhora?! Ahead is a different life! And I, his adventures обмусоливаю!"
In fact, on the front of it was waiting for his native city, where the childhood was sweet, familiar and habitual, where even some kind of trouble were his relatives, some household, not threatened to plunge into the boundless abyss of despair and fear, as it was in Moscow. All was quiet, all is gone, all gone... It was on one hand! But on the other hand there was a life in solitude and material ущемлености, from which it had already become alienated. It was the other side of the coin, quite нерадостная! And I had to get used!
So Veronica went along on the composition, passing car after car, discussing on these, everyday subjects, until suddenly remembered Гарике, who had come with her. Yes, Armenians was the last unpleasant reminder of the Moscow period of her life, from which to get away right now. He уклдывался at all in any of her thoughts, neither are in a happy, never sad. He was out of her thoughts about the future. He was an alien element in her life!
Veronica was not going to sleep with him, as expected this arrogant "chock".
Yes that to himself as he imagined, in the end, this занюханный Moscow taxi driver! To it, let the widow, but still widow kingpin would be before him travel along! No, it was the extreme impudence! But now they not in Moscow, now they already far! And when they happen to be in a compartment where Garik bought their tickets, she tells him that it is impossible! No sex between them! No-ka-Ko-go! Yeah she just doesn't want it! She basically чуреками in постельне lie, even thinking about it will not dare - so it's nasty and disgusting! No, he thinks that she's willing to go under each fervent?! Or he thinks that he is irresistible?! Maybe he thinks that bought it?! Of course, took the triple price for help, when he fled from the hotels! Changed her dollars at the state rate! That is, it turns out that three times at five - fifteen times more expensive than had her fuck! He cheated and now for her шанешки wants, how he puts it, "tear week"?! Be Enough!!!Brazen Armenian face!
Veronica suddenly felt a surge of rage, with all the piercing realizing that from Garik we should get rid of right now! She вспорет the lining of the bag until he sees, hit two hundred dollars, maybe three hundred, give him and tell him to the nearest station отчаливал back to Moscow!
For the thoughts Veronica, увлечась reasoning on all sorts of topics, lost count of the cars that are passed, and woke up only when got into a carriage with numbered reserved seats.
There was commotion, overcrowding, people were on the side shelves, as in an anthill, so she immediately recollected herself, and asked the conductor, who was looking at her fixedly disgruntled, angry somehow look:
A number of the car, please?!
-Fourth! "replied the porter, ready to listen to a story about the lost ticket and save-help, or something like that.
-And sixth where? - Veronica asked, not noticing оведения Explorer.
-You that, in the sixth eat? IN THE AFTERNOON? - surprised the Windows Explorer.
"Yes, " nodded Veronica. - And what is not worthy!
-No, - embarrassed, the man, " you have overcome!
And here Veronica saw!
She saw that instantly destroyed all her plans thoughts, ruined their вдрубезги as a mirror, leaving the head instead of silver ensuing peace a black void of despair. Fear broke out into her from head to foot, like lightning!
-Spa-C-Bo! she said the conductor, slowly, as if trying not to make noise turned, and almost on tiptoe went back. When she found herself in the corridor and closed the door behind her, then turned to run, consider just as she caught up the train.
In the eyes she had said, going on to close the passage of second-class wagon, look closely, cutting look in coupe and showing her фоторграфию passengers: "VI this дэвущку ne видэли?!". Behind him, looking around, ошаривая eyes all the regiments passed several Chechens.
Not remembering itself Veronica swept through fifth car, slipped into the sixth and saw Garik, стоявшаго in the corridor and something раздумывающего.
Garik had noticed her, his face tensed grimace and he'd probably yell to her something like: "where are You шастаешь!?", but feeling, maybe even having seen the horrors that engulfed her, he stopped. Seen it all I read in the eyes of испуганой girls, because immediately said, trying not to attract attention of strangers, even brightening up feigned smile:
-Well, finally! And I'm waiting! Come on in, honey, coupe, yourself!:
"Honey" was changed to run on the step, trying to go now as easy as it получалсоь and smile.
In the corridor we were few, and all were engaged in some conversations, so at this stage special attention paid no.
Veronica approached Garik, and he took her hand around the waist, as if to embrace and seeing off in the coupe, but actually впихивая her there with redoubled speed and strength.
-There Said! - said Veronika when Garik deliberately slow, relaxed, as though uncertain whether this is generally do shut the door coupe.
-I have already realized this! - a person Garik was decisive, but not frightened.
-They go, and look in all compartments, ask about me! Veronica felt as if from the depths already covered by the horror of the soul emerges hysterics.
-Yes quieter you! shouted at her Garik. - Far away?!
-Through the wagon! - Veronica replied, her eyes more expanded from fear and despair. "What do we do?! To run?!
-No! said Garik. -Find! To find you - I don't know what you make it! But in Moscow take - that's for sure! As I see it - I'll stay lying on the rails, where it will happen! Yeah, baby, cool they for you are caught, once in the train sat down! Would know this alignment - even with your finger would not led help you!
-Well, what do we do now?! Veronica put her hands behind her head, бросмв on the shelf purse and coat.
In the hallway he heard a murmur. The door of a neighboring compartment opened, and the ears of Veronica's voice muffled partitions coupe bass said:
VI this дэвущку ne видэли?!
On your knees! - Garik ordered.
-What? has not understood Veronica.
On your knees, - already in a loud whisper repeated Garik, pushing Veronica that there are forces on the shoulder.
She instinctively obeyed his orders and his arm опускавшей her down. In the next second, Veronica stood before his lap, looking past him at the opening of the entrance door, which is about to be revealed
The corner of my eye she noticed that the Garik something falls down. She ничегоне have to understand how Garik skillful movement hurt pressed her fingers on the cheeks, why her mouth opened involuntarily and slipped his something that filled his whole without a trace.
The light in the coupe is off - Garik turned the body and turned it off hand. It became dark.
Veronica couldn't understand what was happening, what was in her mouth, soft, filled all the space. Unbearably, as in the toilet smell of urine, and it was a fetid masculine scent. In the mouth there was a salty taste. Veronica realized that Garik stuck in her mouth, the vile member, who became to grow, grow, like inflatable balloon. Veronique was not expecting such a turn of events. Like instinctively move around ago, spit out of his mouth nasty alien its contents, indignant, alienate and send Garik mate, but he grabbed her by the hair, not giving Veronica take back his head and began to move it back and forth in pain and strongly pulling strands caught.
-Suck, bitch, suck! "yelled Garik.
His cock was growing in his mouth Veronica at an alarming rate. To this it never did, and Veronica was all indignant, anger, disgust, the abomination of their devalued status, anger and resentment. However, she could not сопротиляться severe pain, which Garik pulling her head up by the hair curls his hands back and forth, and obediently moved it forward and back.
-Suck! Suck! Suck! - shouted Garik with some incomprehensible to her delight, as if she was some поездная потаскуха that money соглсна was a Blowjob from anyone.
Darkness coupe резанул light of the corridor. The door sprang open. On the threshold of a coupe stood Saeed and his charges. Due hips Garik, walking backward and forward in front of her face Veronika not see them. It had only visible silhouettes shadows on the floor, fell from standing in the hallway.
VI this дэвущку ne видэли?! - the voice said.
-Suck, bitch, suck! - shouted Garik, as if testing the approaching orgasm. His cock became hard, huge and thick, walked in the mouth Veronica, ducking into her throat and then surfacing back, why it happened retching. Her throat then extended, and then collapsed, crushing the member Garik from all sides pulsating motion. Veronica felt that a member of Garik also starts strangely pulsate.
VI this дэвущку ne видэли?! - repeated said.
You could hear him fumble in the dark compartment on the wall, trying to turn on the light.
At this time Garik finished. He contentedly yelled. Veronica felt that in her throat that it hit like a jet. It was the first impulse of ejaculation.
Garik immediately removed her back and turned to standing on the threshold. His cock sticking out forward and up huge baton, pulsing continued to spew seed. Veronica saw on a yellow background of the doorway, as fly like a bullet, clots seed Garik, turning to the door, hitting all around on the radius of half a meter, following the bend of the hips Garik.
-What did you say? asked Garik, as if she heard the question.
Standing in the corridor of the coupe, rebounded in hand, not to fall under the bombardment of the member Garik, jumping slamming the door coupe.
Ten seconds he heard the door open as a neighboring compartment, and Sayid asks passengers:
VI this дэвущку ne видэли?!
Beside herself from fear of Veronica lurking in the dark coupe and while still kneeling, listening to the receding clapping sounds door coupe and басовитому voice said, asks the same question.
-You that, охренел?! in a loud whisper asked Veronika of Garik, standing somewhere in the dark coupe and прислушивающегося to the sounds outside, when it became clear that the pursuers had departed.
"What did you want them to thee cheek наваляли?! "inquired from the darkness Garik. -Say thanks that I realized it to, and then we're both now cover was!
Veronica remained silent, wondering should really thank Garik, or this sneaky "chock" all in advance thought over? Хротя how was he to know, that said in the train? She watched as he himself is not a joke refrained from reporting him when he learned that the Chechens got into the train and prowl in her quest.
But that abomination that he did not fit nor within the frame.
Chapter 8.
Veronica stayed another week. But that was long ago, so long ago, now that she didn't remember.
's been a week since she lived by the Wiki.
As she promised, she really the room was like an apartment. Friendly, helpful, washing machine, microwave, vacuum cleaner, music center, Vidic. The room was furnished with expensive Finnish furniture.
Veronica no one touched. And she could not understand why it is placed under the clients do not send in the rooms, although Vika worked as a bee been days that she had to serve at least ten times in fifteen clients.
With other девочами Veronika not communicating, although they were eager to get to know, but in the room it did not go, because they knew the steep nature of his mistress-possessive. She was jealous of her, as a man, falling in love with her in earnest.
Vika was one of those who washed her from shit after initiation. She told her during one of the nights when was free from work. Yes Veronica and she suspected it: voice that hammer was busting her that day well imprinted in her memory, she even had she forgotten it - failed.
Sometimes Vika encouraged his new beloved to coitus, but, as recently got tired from the influx of clients, does not abuse excesses. Yes and Veronika after the "initiation" it seemed like child's play. Remembering that Vika was sleeping her from death, Veronica with gratitude and some even unexpected pleasure performed it незлобные whim, sometimes surprised even herself, how could she do that.
If anybody even месяцом before, when she was carried to Moscow would tell her that she would be happy living in a hotel room with a prostitute, allowing her a little messing with themselves and with pleasure and even some passion tongue caress her clitoris, licking orgasm, anus, forgetting about the disgust and to do many other things, from one story which would then jarred and vomits, she would relish typing drooling, so that one spit started to throw the whole face, spat would or in the face.
But now, in doing this, she does not even thought about the essence of what is happening: all полчалось somehow by itself. Finally, when a child breastfeeding from a mother, no one thinks about the moral nature of nature. The more immoral was caressing tongue female clitoris?
When Vika did not work at night, they slept in the arms on the double bed and talked a long time, looking some nonsense on TV. They нраилаь this quiet conversation under the purr of a mailbox.
First Veronica felt some kinship of souls. But they really were both women. It seemed to her that if she лажит warm cozy bed with her older sister, it never was. Talk it's so sweet, so sweet, how to drink the nectar, and although about anything serious, they never spoke, Veronica seemed that she has never had a better interlocutor.
Then she stronger I felt warmth Vika's body, her hands already felt the Breasts, hips and bosom Veronica. Became warm and pleasant inside. Even the fact that someone loves you, someone shares with you the bread, shelter and couch, somebody wants you, and your attention is all it warms and brightened, muffled sadness Veronica about the destiny of the Motherland. Vika kissing her neck, lips, in the hollows of the collarbones, down to the chest, pulling at the tip of the reed her nipples. Then came the case before the clitoris, anus, and soon, Veronika didn't even know yourself, then sleep in a fiery passion.
Even my husband Hippo, and especially of some other man she'd never before was doing what she now did Vic. And that, with passion, passion, delight caressed her body, do not hesitate to reject any conditionality. And although this was a reality, Veronica seemed magical dream, a mystery, a mystery посколльку even now she did not dare anyone to tell, if you had a chance Oh. about his relationship with Vika.
When the day it remained one - Vika preferred to work this time - she understood that it's not right that a woman can't make love to a woman. But the evening came, and everything was repeated again, and Veronica could not say even to itself good or not.
But it was, and she took it as it came.
And if Vika asked her, if she pinned his straw reed, tucked it into her anus feel there's the little геморроидальный knot поласкала this unexpected erogenous zone, Veronica done it because Vika and lick all the pockets of inner fire that broke during their love of the game in the most unexpected places, because there was this humiliation or something obscene. They simply enjoyed each other.
Vika loved it with a passion men. While Veronica answered her passion reciprocate not even because I felt all the sincerity and genuineness of her impulse, and because she suddenly took care of this, some unknown before feeling which was akin to the feeling of nursing love, but some special, different, because here was ultimately involved in the search for pleasure, orgasm, ecstasy соитием, what it is impossible to test a man in the very opposite of the nature of his body, aimed at the possession of the internal female creature on the invasion and insemination, as the ultimate goal of the process.
Yet Veronika was never called to work. About it as if forgotten, and, after staying a week Vika, she began to suggest to yourself and believe that it will now always.
Well, in fact, if "mom" with such ease wanted to send it in a garbage truck, what she should forget about her, as if she already did it? Perhaps, indeed, it now belongs only Vike? In the end she defended, заплатилша for her "mom" полкуска green! And, if so, maybe not now, but later the day will come when she freely out of the hotel and even on foot go home! She now agree was done and on foot! After all, "mom offered her crawl to Kiev cancer! So just walk to the native city was now just tempting.
Now she and not think about it. Frightened catching, cool boiled "dedication", now she was afraid to even think about this fear was still very alive. He was somewhere on the surface of her soul. But it is possible that once Vica had to say: "a Friend! Go home! You here anymore no one holds!"
And she would go. Would have gone! Nothing could hold here, in "Cosmos"in Moscow, Russia! She wanted to go home! It дюбимый city dreamed of her every night.
What would she began to do at home? Without money, it is possible that already apartment... It was already the second question. The main thing - to return home. Veronica believed that everything get better by itself. She didn't know how it will work out. But she knew. That everything will be good as it will be at home in my native land...
And yet there was a strange, why not disturbed. Several times she wanted сросить on this Wiki, but remembering the saying: "don't Wake famously, while quietly!" - every time held back the urge.
Once at Breakfast Vika myself saw it.
-Do you live freely! like envied it.
Veronika not know what to answer. She did not expect such a compliment from the Wiki, sounded like a gunshot, as if a reminder that no one has forgotten, and was not to reply, so as not to raise accidentally storm in a teacup and not to change the status quo.
-"Mama" is plotting to товему about! - continued Vika, as if unconscious of silence concubine.
-Maybe she forgot about me? expressed Veronica timid hope.
Ha! - smiled Vika, and Veronica понялаЮ how she is far from understanding the essence of what is happening around. -Forget it, how do!
-But what then? - scared Veronica.
-I say - is up to something! - continued to talk Vika. -This rarely happens to a girl she "in a tit засиживалась"! Believe me: I know the nature of it!
"But she's on to me and not to spend money! "Veronica. -Feed me! What else?!
-And money - who will it be?! "Mom" just, free, not even fart! You'd cost a pretty penny!
-Yes I have raked know how much money?! "inquired Veronica. -I initially give the less had I took...
-I heard about this story edge of the ear. But the money these Anfisa, администраторша, himself took... and for "mother" anything less чирика thousand доллариев,, seeds, powder... in General, a trifle!
-Ничго yourself a trifle! "said Veronica. -Yes, I would have the money at home year would have lived happily ever after and sorrow would not have known!
-You its province, there are more, Ukraine, with Moscow not compare! In Moscow these money - ugh! Zilch! "Mother" in a tavern more for the evening leaves, when the buzzing. Therefore, I say: something strange is happening. I, in any case, I do not remember...
Vika CAW in the water looked. Barely two days, as for Veronica came said.
At his appearance in room Veronika all cringed and internally tensed. The memory is still good stood his image is directly related to her fear.
-Went to the "mother"! - he said. -She calls you!
It was morning, Vika just умотала, "наштукатурившись" to work and to ask the Council was nobody. Yes, and that she could do: I had no choice. Calls to go!
-That began to weary?! asked, "Mama", seeing Veronica, from the threshold.
-From what you have? "she protested.
-Well, what?! Sit idle. Boring, perhaps?!
Veronica said nothing. She knew that now does on a tip of a knife blade, and one wrong move, even the breath of the wind, not with the hand, lead to catastrophe.
"Mama" swam across the pool saunas naked, unashamedly present men. Veronica looked at her and tried not to do anything, some trick itself, which would have caused an avalanche ввергнувшую it again into an abyss of wild Orgy.
"Mama" climbed on the Nickel-plated ladder out of the pool. Waiting for her porters covered it big as Bathrobe towel. She sat down in a wicker chair, and took from the table a glass with some drink lightly took a SIP of her. then she put the back and looked at her, standing before her in confusion.
"Well?! Why the silence?!
Veronica tried to understand where the "mother" was headed. Until the beginning of the new orgies or even some stuff with his participation she had any second. And she knew it. But on the other hand, if something like that and started to prevent this Veronika was not able to.
-Okay! like spared her "Mama", Veronica felt after that shouting that nothing extraordinary to do further, at least in the near future. -Listen up! I see you shivering from the cold, like a leaf! Afraid of the new fuck?! A good thing to do! Its for you nobody cancelled!..
"Yes it still hurts!" I wanted to scream, Veronica, but I stopped myself in time suddenly remembered that this is the opposite may work as a detonator of a new execution.
-Now, I just want to talk to you! Come here! - "Mama" beckoned her finger closer to her плетеному chair. Veronica gave in. -You're in shorts?
-In shorts! - Veronica tensed.
-Take off! said, "Mama."
Veronica obeyed, feeling the pressure mounts.
-How do you feel now? asked, "Mama."
-Nothing, - well, what else she could answer?
-It is good for nothing! So stop! Let втерок bottom blows, the hair on кунке tickles... I'll redo it you, kick out of you stiffness and hypocrisy, stiffness and other vices, until you are happy you will not meet any man who goes to your bed. Understood?
-I understand! - Veronica replied, feeling a trick.
And I see not! - doubted "Mama". -I'm a dog on this matter ate and see how you inside now all wrapped up from my words... Oh, teach you need to learn!
-But I will not get used to this! "said Veronica against her will, she immediately regretted it, because after the words "Mama" took плетенного table, standing beside her chair lash with leather braided handle and a few short leather кнутцами, beam, squid tentacles, hogs hanging from it.
She put a tool to hem dress Veronica and lifted it so that you can see all the bosom of the girl and part of the fascination of her tummy.
Veronica nervous. It just all came back to normal, no longer hurt, they recovered and returned to its previous, a rare sight. She stood with stiff up the hem is neither alive nor dead, realizing that one wrong word, "soul" impulse or unnecessary shouting, although from the heart, but here's a completely useless, and its plunge into the abyss of orgies. Present here the men had stared at her charms with undisguised lust. She knew that as soon as the "mother" tells "FAS", it will tear, like wolves calf. She didn't want to repeat the experience.
"Shut up, you fool! - Veronica ordered to itself. "Shut up, if she does!"
-You husband cheated on? - suddenly asked, "Mama", continuing to consider its charms. She noticed that her whole потрясывает quiver and looked into her face. "That was the husband?!
-Was - Veronica replied, not knowing what to expect in the next second. She knew that at any moment, everything can turn against her, and after a call to follow the action.
"Mama", and dropped her skirt, and put lash back on the table, then surveying standing around the pool and asked:
-Do you know that they are mostly in excites you?
"No, " said Veronica.
-What are you afraid of! mom said, examining on the queue of their subordinates. Not your beauty it is possible to admire and enjoy, but it is not злачна! Your fear is what most effect on them! The more they see you quiver, the stronger are ready to rush at you as soon as I decide to do it! Understand?
-I understand! - Veronica nodded.
-And again I realized that come in yourself! said, "Mama." -I because you called rather for other! But if you will continue all tremble, I feel it is just a shame! Well then, hold on!
She погрозила her finger. Then, only gave her a look from top to bottom and asked:
"Do you want to sit down?
-What?! has not understood Veronica.
-Sit down, I say, do not you?! - she asked, "mom" for more than a threatening tone. She didn't like the girl concentrated on my fear, from which it was to learn to be released.
-I want! - admitted Veronica. She wanted to take a position lower, if it was really sit down to not hang around in front of "mother" in the same dress with no panties, when each moment could raise her skirt.
-Bring the lady chair! "Mama" someone in the side, and then turned to Veronica. -Undressed!
The tremor, which Veronica tried to overcome his own, has again increased.
-Two times I will not repeat myself! - "Mama" took a small Cup of coffee, which she handed porters. -Once you produce misunderstandings, and my patience has an end!
Veronica immediately dropped the dress and bra, it still remained, trying to stop trembling.
I just cold! "she said.
-Get in the pool! - asked her mother. -Поплавай! Get warm by!
Veronika not even slipped her, she ducked into the hot water, feeling passes shiver.
Nice hot water hugged her body and began to caress him. Veronica felt that upokaivaetsya. She slowly began to swim, not paying attention to men who looked at it from above. In the water she was comfortable, and, despite the fact that she was naked, felt safe, like a dress.
"Mama looked like she floats as a theatrical show, calmly and with interest, drinking coffee. Approached to it some visitors about something with her, talking into his ear. Veronica seemed that she floated like forever, only to be no longer стояшь in front of mom naked. Here she was much more comfortable.
-Well, the husband-what changed? asked "mom" from above.
Veronica shrugged, as though trying to recall whether there was anything as she asked.
-Yes, don't lie! - continued "mother" his tirade. -A beautiful woman it's hard to resist temptation! Yes and it is unlikely that you strain to do so! I just saw you guys stuck in batches, so do not even doubt that someone you once or twice a liking, and you're invited him to himself!
"Mama" silent watching Veronica. She seemed loved it. And Veronica decided to say anything more until she asked.
'I was thinking what to do with you! - continued its discussions "Mama", giving orders came from the restaurant to the messenger to the waiter. -You think that I am week you didn't bother just like that?!
Veronica continued to swim, raising his ears. She didn't know what to answer to this question.
-You have me, girl, all before the eyes! - continued "Mama", not waiting for an answer. -I read like an open book! If you like, I'll tell you who you are, or what you think? - "mother" had not waited for a reply, she seemed to read lectures or led some other professional monologue. -You маленькя provincial bitch! Note: I'm talking provincial not to offend you or to humiliate and to Express your essence. You really are a small provincial bitch. And you this Moscow and the gift is not necessary! You love their town, and more to you need. And again, you really love yourself! Do you think that your pussy... Understand me?!
-Yes! - Veronica nodded.
-Well, at least I'm not mistaken, this is good!.. Now, you think that you have it is the most raschudesnaya! Tell you a little secret: so says ninety-nine percent of women! But that's not all! Are you sure that all should treat you like a Queen, and, by the way, this probably has achieved a lot in their годочки. Do you think that this whole attached thy internally content, your rich inner world. Here I'll also reveal another little secret: your inner world, nobody needs! Everyone has his own inner world, and from thy them not to mark up...
Veronika all swimming, listening to every word "mother".
This time around that began some kind of vanity: they brought the second wicker chair, several waiters of the restaurant came with trays, capped white towels on top. Beside the chair of "mom", between the wicker chairs appeared Nickel-plated table, which began laying, putting dishes brought trays.
"You think you got here by accident, " she continued, "Mama", occasionally glancing, served as buffet, and gestures something adjusting. Prostitutes do you even for people not to think. Keep them for the women won't even third-class. And herself, on her own will never be a prostitute and did not. Yes you never even thought about that! At your discretion you had been very rude! In fact, they raped you! Moreover, it was Gangbang atrocities! You even in your mouth, probably никогла before, and had not taken...
Veronika, floating past the "mom", ears followed her every word, afraid to miss. She knew that this could be grim.
-But this was just the dedication, girl! A bit unusual! But... now, You're too unusual, isn't it?! - "Mama" again released her silence. -To me the girls they are asking themselves, and I don't take it! And you didn't ask! You're like a wild filly, which was caught in your native prairies! And that was under the rider myrrh, you first need to test! Clear?
-Yes, - Veronica barely nodded. She wanted to dive under water to nothing to hear and not see.
-Well, well! - continued "Mama". "I am not such a bloodthirsty, as you probably thought, but know I need to be afraid! You're afraid of me?
"Yes, " said Veronica.
-Well done! Love the honesty! - smiled, "Mama." -You know! When you realize that you are afraid this is nice! But when you talk about it!.. I am ecstatic! I don't know why, but I like to were afraid of me.
She took the hand of pot-bellied glass, and the waiter at the third filled it with wine from the bottle. "Mama" поболтала it and venerated nose to the edge of the glass.
Veronica suddenly saw myself as if from outside, from above. In a swimming pool floats bras she swims, beautifully spreading legs to the sides and back. It попочка looks from above, like a delicious peach. And she пчему the presented itself frog. Not a frog, as an animal, but just some girl-frog that lives in the warm pool.
"That's enough out there! Расплавалась! - окрикнула her "Mama". -Вылазь, come on! You will be with me Breakfast?"
Chapter 9.
Veronica with disgust about the experience cleaned her teeth in the toilet of the car. She did it once, then a second. But the feeling that her mouth turned into a nasty garbage can was not. Such it has never been done before.
She knew, of course, that oral sex exists, but believed that this exercise is deserving only of prostitutes and whores. Especially with нерусем!
However, sometimes she wanted to try, but only not with a stranger. But it even in the mind could not allow that one day her mouth the vile member shove a "chock".
-PAH - Veronika сплюнула from the memories of the experience.
It was almost puked. Inside, in the stomach of a sperm was Armenian, and that thought was dizzy: "How filthy. Why is this happening to me?!"
She went back to brushing your teeth, the third time, wondering what to do with swallowed. It should not have to stay there more.
Someone tugged at the door knob on the other hand, and pushed open the door. Making sure that the toilet is busy, there was a knock on the door outside.
Veronica asked cautiously. Heart thudded. She somehow thought it said. She listened behind the door quietly.
Suddenly, a knock was repeated, this time she heard a voice:
-Release the toilet! Border! Passport control! Toilet is closed! - it was the conductor.
Veronica opened the door and looked out.
The lavatories stood conductor.
"Come on, girl! Bryansk! I close my toilet on the passport control! "she is already in a calm tone.
-A passport control?! "said Veronica.
- "Hello! in turn surprised conductor, slightly bent, as if in a dance PA. - Where are you from, Queen, with the moon fell?!
In her voice there was irony.
-And what? could not understand the girl.
As what?! - conductor began to lose patience, took her hand, and began to pull out of the toilet. - Toilet me I have to close! Now border guards come!
-What are the border guards? has not understood Veronica.
-First Russian! explained conductor, graciously deigned to ignorance passenger. - And in Konotop - Ukrainian! Darling, Yes you are, in fact, what news do not look, do not read Newspapers?! "said the conductor.
-No! Once I was lately! - Veronica feel guilty профанкой.
-Well, you give, Princess! So the Union-it is not! Now, instead of Union - СээНГэ - Commonwealth of Independent States. Ukraine was separated, in General. However, it is not...
Veronica watched him frightened of surprise. Conductor closed the toilet and looked at her confused, stupid expression.
-Ah, C'mon! And Moscow goes! As with the villages. Not in vain: Moscow is a big village! So there! - conductor протолкнулась, pushed past stunned Veronica went fact briskly along the corridor, swaying from side to side in tact покачиваниям car, and cried to her, not turning around. - Go into the coupe, ready passport for verification! After a month, they say, still and customs enter! Then шмонать will!
In Bryansk - Veronica realized that it Bryansk only because said the conductor - in the coupe barged evil, wet from walking on the street the rain a border guard. With cloak-tent he poured buckets on the road, thick carpet, which was covered floor two-seater coupe.
He asked for a passport. First checked passport Veronica long looking up in her face and чтоз something studying in it and in the document, then began Garik.
Passport Garik border guard something not liked and he said to him:
-Just come along with me! Things while you can leave! The two of you like to eat?! he said Veronica and Garik.
-No! No! - in one voice they replied.
Garik disappeared behind a border guard. Coupe door closed. Воцариласьь silence, which was heard in the neighbouring coupe voices погранцов are checking documents.
If it was removed! with a hope for a miracle prayed Veronica.
However, Garik soon returned. He said nothing, just sat in front of Veronica at the table and stared насупленно in the window.
Outside the window was visible asphalt platform, illuminated by the bright lights on posts. There was some movement. Passed the border guards with dogs, сноввали railway workers with hammers and lanterns, stood under umbrellas are some passengers, who were led out of the car. Then them somewhere away. Some came back and sat back on the train.
Suddenly, very close to the window coupe Veronica saw said. He walked with a border guard. We could hear how he explains to him in broken Russian. Behind him, the border guards led several men who were with him in the train.
Veronica involuntarily drew back from the window, drew back in depth coupe. Garik, noticing her movement, зыркнул the street and moved away from the window, too.
The train had just about fifteen more minutes, then I drove. Saeed and his people seen no longer.
-Interestingly, their journey?! asked Вероинка of Garik, for the first time speaking with him for the night.
Garik shrugged.
After an hour, in Konotop them again awakened the guards, but this time Ukrainian.
-Be a weasel, documents! - called to them, and going into the coupe, сержантик-border guard.
Soon the train moved eastward, подцепленный diesel locomotive with the back side of the composition. There was such impression, that he went back to Moscow.
Outside the window was the soothing rain, and, despite the stress, pushed up the nerves Veronica to the limit, she felt that she wants to sleep.
Without undressing, she got into the bed, covered her face almost head and turned away to the wall.
-And how "good night"? asked Garik.
-Good night! - mechanical Veronica replied, not intending to a waiter with армяном.
-No, you do not understand! - Garik sat down beside her on the shelf and started to disclose it.
-What's the matter?! angrily Veronica asked, turning to the insolent boy taxi driver, which prevented her from sleeping.
-Wow, her voice erupted! - surprised the taxi driver. - That has grown bolder, sweetheart, as the birthplace of smell?!
Garik took off with her blanket, a deft movement of the hands slid under her ass, his fingers grabbed her panties and pulled them down on the hips so that they cracked.
Veronica tried to resist. She crossed her legs at the knees, not giving remove the panties on. Became scratch, repel армяна.
-Do I have to apply to the CID? asked Garik, ceasing to remove her panties. - We, Chica, and me agreed. I've done everything that you asked for, risking, as you saw their skin...
-And in your mouth nasty member fetched me, too, at the risk of skin?! - evil squinted, served forward Veronica.
"Listen!" Girl, be good, do not anger me! warned Garik. - What do you think, was it?! Now you can throw me?! No, sweetheart! I you do not allow it! I said a week I will tear up, as a bitch means I will tear up! And that's got you from me!
-Who are you, anyway?! "said Veronica, feeling frantic rush of anger.
-I - Garik! - introduced himself as a taxi driver. - And you who such?!
-What do you think I prostitute hold?! - outrage Veronica was growing.
"Listen, sweetheart, if I were you kept for the prostitute, we could give you a completely different conversation was! You fool, that I helped you! You can't imagine, from the shit I've got you out! If not I am afraid to say that you waiting for! So, let's make a deal! You're going to be smart! We agreed that on week - a week I'll let you have, when I want and where I want! This is your fee for salvation - be good not to be a fool not to kick and pay me!
Garik said convincingly. In principle, he was right, but Veronica was not going to sleep with him! Not that week - and one times she would not let!
Armenians tried to continue the shoot with her Lacy white panties.
-Listen, Garik, you're right! - stopped his hands Veronica. "You helped me! Thank you! Yes, maybe you really saved me from a bad situation, and if not for you, my future, perhaps we would like shit! But, let's all decide differently!
-How else?! - thick thick eyebrows Garik skyrocketed from a surprise in light of light over the sleeping shelves.
-Well, in other words, it differently! said Veronica.
"Hey, girl! Does not mind me brains! - Garik was getting angry. He began again to pull her panties down. "You, of course, a beauty! This, believe me, would I even lifting a finger to help you! But "different" does not work!
-I'll give you two hundred dollars! "exclaimed Veronica.
Garik smiled widely, her naive suggestion:
"Huh, what?
-Two hundred dollars and buy a ticket back to Moscow!
-Sweetheart, you don't have the money - you said that!
-On arrival I find you! she Veronika
-On arrival - I don't like!
'Listen, you two hundred bucks in Moscow elegant потрахаешься! The most expensive prostitute hundred worth it - you know! - tried to persuade him to Veronica.
Garik stopped again, ceasing to pulling off her panties.
-I would for a thousand dollars wouldn't help you from Saida escape! he said, прщурившись. "My skin road!
"Then why helped?! "said Veronica.
Because, you said, ' I will do all that you want! I put you the price - you took! Be good to pay!
Garik again pulled the panties stuck on crossed knees girls. Then stopped as if in thought, and looked over at Veronica:
-Count to three! he warned. -Once, twice...
Veronica was in confusion: "What to do?!" Go under the армяна?! No, never! Shout?! Help, raped?! Well, come passengers! Well, the police will be called! Them with trains withdraw! Write it include a statement to the nearest station! But the evidence is not present! Армяна will be released, he in Moscow said стуканет where to look! And then - a question of time.
-three...! - Garik pulled the panties so that they превралились in the long gum, cracked.
-Not tear! "Veronica and spread her knees.
At the station the train came early in the morning. Conductor finished in the coupe, picking up passengers at four in the morning. She looked in their compartment:
-Ascent! Wake up! Wash! After an hour to arrive!
In the face Veronica hit a bright beam of light, and she awoke from a restless bad dream. She felt shattered and невыспавшейся, but her body strangely sang, as a guitar, tuned to the desired note the string.
Garik calmed down only in the morning, an hour ago. All night he spit it, as on a spit, and put her in such postures, whose existence she did not guess, and have done with it things which she did not know.
Per night Veronica, submitting to the evil will of their own destiny be отодранной, "as a slut, to her surprise, managed twice to experience orgasm. It was a real discovery, and aversion to армяну still гнездившееся in her soul, mixed with a sweet feeling satisfied lust.
Veronica stretched like a cat, выпростнув hands from under the blankets. It had slipped, revealing her naked breast. Veronica looked at the adjacent shelf. There was snoring Garik, his face buried in the pillow, lying naked ass up.
The conductor gave their assessments glance, but saying nothing, except to reiterate:
-We rise, wash! After an hour Sumy!
Perhaps she had often to see in his car.
-To me that is for you in the apartment to?! - said Veronika Garik, when they came out on the square. -There are my parents!
"Nothing, honey, look for the exit! Week you're mine - as agreed! As part of the bargain is more valuable than money! said Garik, looking around, surveying the stranger, a Ukrainian city. -Yes, with a taxi you here at all a bad thing! - he made his professional observation, not noticing the huge territory of a single taxi. -Take off your hotel room for the week - your problems. You are at home! By the way, as I recall, you said that upon returning home, will find two hundred dollars! So go on!
-Well, you наглец, how you got there!.. Garik! I wanted to give you money, not to sleep with you! And that turns out - подложись under you, Yes the room and take off!
Garik looked at her from top to bottom:
Room shoot the best in the very center hotel! In which case, I find said in Moscow and tell them where you now reside!
Veronica stood confused: Garik used it to the fullest. Now he raped her, and money still wanted to tear off, well, наглец! His arrogance had been not beyond any bounds!
-As you know! "sighed the girl. -I have got no money, that's all - that's enough! Under the bridge, so you will I tear, or in Park city on the bench! Home I'm not going to lead!
-You said that you will find the money! - old Garik. He again looked at her from head to foot, then reached into his pocket, took out his purse. "Here, a hundred dollars! They're here to stay, the hotel will pay, and the жрачку!
Veronica reached for money. When she took up the bill, Garik held her and added:
-But bear in mind! Money I'm taking! During the week you will find, take - give! No - пиняй! I understand!
-I understand! through clenched teeth as the girl answered. "Well, Mraz, черномазая, I'll show you!" she thought to herself, and pulling the bill from the hands of Garik, hid it away in his pocket.
After an hour, catching finally, taxi, they hauled out of the Central hotel of the city him with the same name, candle flowing into the sky on the Central square, opposite the huge building of the regional Committee of the party.
Garik, looking upwards, approved the selection:
-Good hotel, high! Take number higher than that, I want to see the city!
Адмнистраторша looking at the hundred dollars handing her Veronica, said:
-Go change! We dollars not accept! RR too! We now карбованцы!
-And where is the change?! - she was surprised.
-In the Bank - where! - smiled администраторша.
"It's six o'clock in the morning! "exclaimed Veronica. -A Bank!
-Well! - администраторша put her keys on the counter. - Here is your room Suite on the twelfth floor! Advance run! Passport leave me just in case! at nine o'clock go to the Bank, change your dollars! It paid off - I will return your passport to you!
Veronica took the keys, referred them to the Garik, he walked with them through the huge spacious hall to the Elevator.
Администраторша, glancing at the trail of the Armenian said:
-Single room! You propiska local, so the hotel you shoot is not supposed to! This who you are?! "she said with a nod after the "guest". -A relative of that?!
On the face администраторши display слоная grimace: guesses, grin, irony, compassion, understanding - a cocktail of these feelings. Veronica didn't know what оветить.
-It's just a guest! Familiar! - found it.
-Tell your friend - intently stared at her администраторша-that after twelve strangers in a room should not be here, including you! You clearly!
Veronica nodded and she went, and filled with paint behind Garik to the Elevator.
-Yes, and another thing! "it администраторша.
Veronica returned, not looking her in the eye.
Dollars can change in the market - prompted администраторша, if not scary! At changed! They already seven hours there sticking out! Just look - throw! As a child! - pictured throw it aside. -And money! Note!
-But why? - Veronica was startled by the new order of things, steadied during her absence.
'Because in the Bank for dollar give twenty-three thousand, the karbovanets, and money changers offer forty-six! It's clear!
Veronica tried to deal with numbers, nodding just in case the head.
-Here and decide for yourself where better to change: in the Bank or on the market! said finally администраторша.
The room was spacious and comfortable. Chic lamp, double bed, sofa, TV, armchairs, wardrobe. In the toilet imported bathroom and glass shower - Garik satisfied. He went to the balcony. Zarya only been at the bottom of the streets crept clouds of fog.
-Nice city! - отрезюмировал Garik, examining the panorama. "What are you here for embankment?! he asked Veronica.
-The embankment of the river of the Arrow! "she said. -Listen, I'm not a tour guide! I went to the market money exchange!
-Beautiful promenade, only instead of the river some swamp! - old Garik, if it is not listening. "Go, my dear! I'll wait for you! But not for long!
Garik over at her strange eyes and when she was already on the threshold of the room, shouted after her:
"Don't try to slip away! Imagine worse do!
Chapter 10.
Veronica sat down in a wicker chair as she was, naked.
"Mama" made the sign, and her top and threw a towel.
-Thank you! - thanked Veronica.
But really I don't need to thank! replied "mom". -Let's eat! Take a glass!
Veronica grabbed the glass. Standing next to the waiter immediately filled it on the third of red wine.
"See how you serve! said, "Mama." -Have you come to a big, friendly family, where all love each other, where each other happy!
In another situation, Veronica, without thinking, would have acted smart, but now she had nothing to do, only to be silent, gritting his teeth.
-You even do not notice how you are treated, " said, "Mama." -Well, let's drink! For you!
She put aside Veronica glass, and she was crazy with her.
The wine was nice, it gave Veronica some bit of joy.
"In fact, enough sad! - ordered himself Veronica. -And you now horsemen quickly cheer! Time to cook and ready quail!"
In General, until really no reason to be sad. She was sitting on a straw from vine chair in the luxurious sauna. Next was covered with all sorts of expensive variety and snacks chic buffet. She пребывла in the company of Nude woman respected and feared so much that dozens of Chechens stood at attention around the pool, while the naked lady in a towel and sat угощалась expensive wine and a Breakfast of the restaurant for several hundred dollars.
Veronica thought. What if we exclude the experience of the past and unknown future, itself this picture, it пристутсиве here looked cool. For a moment some dazzling точчно бриллинтовый glitter sparkled in her brain. It was as an inspiration and as a miserable, let subtle, with a speck of dust, a piece of consolation, but Veronica decided to take ahold of him, as for a moment, and while it lasts, enjoy it.
She allowed himself to relax for the first time in a long time. Can be worked wine? May be its people her mind? She suddenly a wave admitted that five minutes later on her head by the will of the same woman some Chechen пиставит gun and stuck out her between his legs and will be poking around them in her childbearing pass. "Well, Yes and went to the Chechen, and the lovely moment, and I'm there!" - I sent it all and started удоволльствием for food.
"Still, the food is great differs depending on the price!" - with удовольствем thought Veronica.
She boldly reached for a glass, which made the "mom" barely noticeable, but still eyes widened, and she smiled so happily, as if Veronica gave her pleasure, too, reached for the wine glasses.
-That's what I like! said, "Mama."
They had another, then another. The food was delicious. His mind was good, Veronica was still what it will do now. "Maybe so, and had always behave? she asked herself. "If rape is inevitable, relax and enjoy!"
-Well, you did not answer the question! - said to her, "mom, when much of the Breakfast accelerated pace was destroyed hungry girl. -You husband cheated on?
Veronica was silent, and did eat. She was like bumping this aunt.
-Yes, don't lie, that has not changed, - continued like захмелев and hearing почудившийся her an answer. -Well, well! Do you remember your feelings! The joy of meeting, waiting for something new! After all, you would not take that to you in bed dives the other man, as some heavy duty?!
-But this was different! - has grown bolder, finally, подвыпив Veronica.
-Yes, another one! - sincerely surprised "mommy". Is there all the same! You just subjectively perceived then random intercourse, joy, and now for some reason you perceive the same random порево, as a kind of duty.
-But then the guy I had to choose! - objected Veronica, feeling her bear and she drifts off coils, what shouldn't. But we drank wine горячило blood, like to argue. She even "mom" now, in the face would have clung with pleasure, patted her claws подрала, well, still a little drunk. "Now pick-me-up!
"Mommy," about something thought for a moment, as if disconnected from the conversation, and even towards turned away.
-Well! she continued again. You're a girl is cute! Even beautiful! And, most importantly, I like you! You're clever!.. Why do you think I'll week held in the stall, when me every minute of the road?
Veronica brazenly shrugged carelessly. "Mommy," estimated this ужимку, apparently concluding that she lost her fear. Stand the new pause in the conversation, she soon родолжила:
-I basic income, of course bring numbered girl, well, there is more out there in the street a few roam, but then, in General, garbage. They don't even live here. Them out, pimps graze, and me unfasten. And, in principle, and those and others - working horses. They naturally are plowing. But you are quite another matter! You're something special I don't want to itself to you as a tank came every day and cum in you ведраи poured.
-Why me?! going Veronica for the first time дрзнув to do this.
"Mama" has not left this attack without attention, but continued as if nothing had happened:
-But I have the elite! This girl, who by numbers not carry. They are very expensive! I give them to экскорт services. The girls who work there, are split into two levels: ordinary and higher. Ordinary, in fact, nothing of the license no different. Just the girls work on the exit from hotels, apartments, dachas, serve the Metropolitan know. But the Supreme is a special caste! This is a premium class! There many want to go. After all, the girls fly abroad, the health resorts, the capitals, communicate with influential people, however, is "mother", could not help looking съязвить, on a low, gender, level, but still! I have only five of the girls worked! You'll sixth! But there are a couple negatives! First, the percentage that these girls get several times lower than the one that I leave the room clear heads,. And, second, these services are not so often needed, and because in General, wages among girls there. Even though they are high class, small, sometimes even less than ordinary girls...
-Well, I am not in danger! - развязанно interrupted her Veronica. -I Asha sex slave! Me the money at all to pay, no one is going!
-Well, here you are right! "agreed, "Mama." -So after weeks of deliberation, which, believe it, were very painful, I decided to enrol you in the premium class! Well, of course, compared with the number of ordinary girl, this is different still like Cinderella at the end of the fairy tale of Cinderella at the beginning. But there's requirements completely different: ethics, culture, English or German must own! Well, that agree?!
"Mommy," stared at her as though that gave Veronica million dollars.
-Yes, I don't know...
Veronica was in disarray. Again the wine hurt her in a decisive moment to think quickly and clearly. "You fool! What are you babbling about?! cried something inside her. -You had the choice is there?! Agree, until aunt good!"
-I must say that you have will be much less, than usual, numbered girl. This is already an advantage that affects you. You no need to feed the family. Well? What, do you agree?! - anxiously asked, "Mama." -Incidentally, why I should be your consent ask. I said " it should be. There other get dream and you're tsatsu of yourself doing this! I then thank them! But one condition! An indispensable!
-What? asked Veronica. She already decided for himself, though, and wasn't going to engage in prostitution, but ve accept, because suddenly realized. What if you refuse. Its numbers таксать will be as vetch, every day for ten times. But though the money earned for further счстливую life. And Veronika this is the reason why you have? This premium-class look and actually work!
-Each barrel of honey - continued "mom," should be the fly in the ointment, so sickly and not become a chore. So you like it - not like I'm having when I want and with whom!.. But it is still better than if you were to be every day by numbers ебсти. However, baby, choice you still have no! Here all I decide! Tomorrow was going to take over your education: luxury class I teach personally, because this is my elite, my pride, my showcase in the higher spheres! Female partner, its nothing to tell, and she you'll skin, learn, understand?
"Got it, " Veronica nodded, knowing that the conversation and all the audience in General are coming to an end.
-Yes, and another thing! suddenly bethought "mother". -If I tell you the future - remember good, I note that you take a man a member though with a share of concealed disgust, and I feel it in my gut, then you'll have me in this train, train and train. To insanely convenient! Understood?
-I understand! - agreed Веронка, thinking that have their disgust towards this task hide very deep, or someone else member will be a frequent visitor in her throat, and she didn't want to completely.
"Mother filed a sign beside Veronica waiter, that poured her wine, each time making it up with some заискивающим лизоблюдством in manners - the Blue?" thought drunk and a little bit bolder in thought Veronica, the corner of my eye watching his жеманными марнерами:
-Hey, you, get up before her armchair!
The waiter complied "mom".
"And now, Lada, take off his pants and get in the mouth! I'll see how you're ready!
Veronica taken aback.
Everything was going so well, nice drinks, delicious food, a business discussion of the future work...
And suddenly, you do! Like a thunder in a clear sky! Shoot the guy pants and suck his cock! Moreover, the "mother" for the first time appealed to her for her "work" name: Lada.
It was a challenge. "Mama" once again checked her loyalty, she had under big question. Maybe she just прикалывалась?! But the fact that suddenly, for no reason, no reason a waiter for the "mum's" will now she had to suck!..
Veronica wanted взбрыкнуться as the wild filly, which have not yet travelled, but then realizing that this only give myself once again "travel" his dzhigits, standing around, obediently pulled to fly waiter.
He stood stock still, himself, apparently not expecting such a turn of events.
Veronica unzipped his waiter light pants, dissolved belt. All this she did slowly, as if unwillingly, because "mother", watching her every action with such interest that even got on the chair, said:
-Let's alive! You Lada, fell asleep!
Veronica запешила, hurried up, feeling the neck breath your groupie experience. It was better, indeed, suck one member, than a dozen.
"God, how disgusting!" - вокскликнула it within yourself.
Hops suddenly emerged from it. And from this became more repulsive.
She let down her pants to the waiter, then some absurd, flowers, boxers, he did not expect, you will probably have to undress in public.
Now before Veronica at the level of her face hung with bowed her head on one side, the male member, выглядывавший of black, curly thickets like a little mouse. At the bottom hanging scrotum at different heights of the two testicles, one more, another less.
Veronica was sitting in twenty centimeters from the genitals to the waiter tried to persuade himself: "Well, that is an ordinary person, and his ordinary member! In fact this is not..."
More than anything, she hated the fried bacon!
Despite the fact that Veronica lived in places where the fat on the table almost daily food, but the fried fat she could not stand up, despite the fact that her as if поалагалось his love. All around just loved fried fat.
Raw fat Veronica loved and ate with pleasure. To вареному it was quieter, although force myself to eat it was difficult. But the fried fat made her always gag reflex, and she now he remembered.
Veronica почвствовала something inside, filled with food and вном stomach rolls to her throat.
"Yes, now would be cool to take and обгадиться!" - with anger at himself thought Veronica, producing сглатывание and cleared away the memories of жаренном fat.
-Well, Lada! I'm waiting! - as if gave a start countdown of the "mother".
Overcoming wild disgust, regretting that протрезвела, Veronica took палчиками member waiter, going to shove it in my mouth.
-And how can you take? With ingestion go just cheek? -she turned to the "mommy", what for trying to show off your erudition in this matter.
"As you will, Lada, as you want! - she answered. -If I see you have a greater humiliation than just read on your face a little bit, believe me, that this member will not be the last one today!
Warning enough. Veronika, forgetting his disgust, pulled waiter for his process to himself, pulling it out as gum. He leaned forward motioned for her closely.
Veronica took penis into my mouth. First, she placed it in cheek, but it began to grow, and grow, to become firmer, reviving ... such pleasure, then she had to open the throat and enter already become elastic baton genital organ there.
"When this is all over!" - thought to herself, Veronica.
-'t bother, Lada, not always. - experienced near "mommy". Do it professionally! Here is well done, well done! Ditch the hypocrisy and bigotry! Work only with authority! How clever!
The waiter stood re Veronica, blocking балженства eyes - she sometimes looked at him up. Fortunately, as long tormented had not, he was muzhik weak and through поминуты finished, зайдясь слсдострастным "a-A-Ah!"
That the client is emptied, Veronica knew by this quiet sobbing of intelligent men and to that member in the throat was pulsating rhythmically, making this a couple of times, and then lost elasticity, сдуваясь.
"Then it is up to the mark! With the initiative, you, Lada! happily commented on the "mother" completion of the process. -Pay shalt girl?! angrily she attacked the waiter immediately, even before he could move away from bliss, already испугавшегося its collision. -Okay, I'll pay!
She stretched out her aside a hand, putting the index finger, and standing beside it a Chechen man handed her the green bill worth a hundred dollars.
"Mama gave it to Veronica, вытиравшей mouth:
-Here, take this!
-I'm on working! naive cried she, herself mentally grinning his feigned honesty: you can work out just what is the size.
"Take it, take it! said, "Mama." -Give - take it! Hit and run!
Veronica took his first public earnings.
"Get Dressed, Lada! Tomorrow we start with you! - let go of her "Mama". -Отсосала well! Almost professional! I surprised!
Vernik got up with a cane chair and began to dress. Now she knew that her today no one was attacking.
Coming into the room to Vike, accompanied by Saida, Veronica went to the bathroom to vomit.
Saeed reviewed the threshold of the room and locked the door from the outside.
Vomiting was not, and Veronica stood on his knees in front of the toilet, then spat on it and went in. She put a pillow under Vike a hundred dollar bill, so that she knew that Veronica started to give her debt.
For a while she lay on the bed, curled up in the position of the baby, then undressed, climbed under the covers and fell asleep.
"Well, now, Princess, you and become a whore! What you so afraid of finally happened!" - was the last thought which flashed Veronica before bedtime.
Vika came in the evening.
Taking a shower, she woke girlfriend:
"You are said today at the "nurse" was in the sauna? Tell that was!
A : who says that? "said Veronica.
-Listen, if Moscow is a big village, what do you mean the "Cosmos" astonished? Here пукни in one corner in another starts to stink!
"Well, then, to tell nothing, if so! - got offended by the flawless performance of "тряпочного" phone Veronica.
-Come on! - hugged her Vika. -I like all - in General terms only know! Again you there ябли all choir!
Veronica offended, tried to break away from Викиных embrace.
-Yes, okay, okay! Kidding me! - урезонила her Vika. -I jokingly! What I don't understand, perhaps, what if this happened you would in any case now didn't look like that!
Veronica some time offended sat and дулась.
Vika has released it, went to the fridge and brought out a Bank sprat, a bottle of champagne, cut the bread, made sandwiches, laid them gently on the plate and went back to Veronica on the bed.
She had already turned on the TV and сердитоо stared into the box, like they actually watching our transfer.
Vika got from under the bed, a small table and placed him in the midst of the bed, covered by a tiny little white скатерочкой, took from the shelf above the bed a couple of wine glasses, covered the table.
-And what do we have for the holiday?! "said Veronica, as if distracted from the TV.
-Well, as che?! "Mommy" about you вспосмнила! - I found the answer Vika.
-Yes, it is better to have three hundred years had not thought! bitterly, almost брызнув tears, was stopped by a hand on his knee Veronica.
Is that so? - surprised Vika. -Why?
Instead of answering Veronica looked under подушкухозяйки of the room and brought out a hundred dollar a piece of paper and laid before his new girlfriend:
-What is this?! do Vika, but then she guessed. -Che, customer you have today was the first?!
-Aha! - Veronica nodded her head. -Waiter!
As the waiter! - I did not understand Vika.
-Отсасывала I had! - almost with hysteria, with tears in her eyes, cried Veronica. -"Mother" so wanted!
-Oh, that's nothing! - успопоила her Vika, stroking the вздрагивающим shoulders: Veronica whether laughed silently, whether sobbed. -But anyway, let's drink!.. What do you want?! A prostitute and be in your mouth not to take?!
-Yes, I do not want to be no prostitute! - shaking her hands Veronica hysterical.
"Look, mother! - shouted at her Vika. -Here ниего life! It so happened with you! Accept and live on! Not that it will be worse! 'll throw tantrums - I again Ангеллу in the room will take! And you go wherever you want! But know that such coziness and home no one else! In addition, other in-room three, чпетверо live! Where grandmother each other, steal, where the fight where is that! Why are you thinking?! Just so everything is in this life! Non-then we pay! I'll харчую, cherish! And so would you put those who just arrived!!! Do you think such mansions, like me, all of you. Yes those girls that start only ten in a room live! There want?! Please! I do not hold! And lice. and трипачек, and all other pleasures of life! And guarding them there for free ябет every day! And you're the kind! Yes you there just заябут, even before the work gets!
Veronica stopped.
Indeed. She was just lucky, judging by the stories of the Wiki.
Yes. It was, indeed, stop fidgeting, and adapt to new conditions of life!
Chapter 11.
Veronica walked along the cast-iron fence river embankment, which below, in a wide, the stone-walls of white stone stream meandered and barely flowed among huge Islands sludge, overgrown with reeds, now rusty spots have occupied almost all the space intended for full-flowing river.
Maybe a long time ago, when they built this seafront, Arrow and was overflowing river rivulet EDA, which flows into the Psel. Maybe, on the contrary, in the future, planned to make it so. However, she was, is more like a stream, by some mistake, текший on заиленному the bottom of the wide beautiful canal, built in the center of the city, смотревшегося very ugly and out of place in such a combination. In some places this stream poured in broad puddles of lakes. But still nowhere, nowhere, no channel was filled by water from one vertical, paved with white stone wall to another.
The air was fresh, cool. Fog with the approaching dawn diluted. Despite December weather is reminiscent of a late autumn.
Veronica walked slowly, as if he was walking early in the morning, sometimes looking at the other side of the canal where there was a Park, for which, on взгорке, in the end of the street stood a five-storey house, where in a corner apartment on the fifth floor of her parents lived. They don't even mean that she was in Moscow, and so, what happened to her there. All they knew was that Veronica married rich, who bought it in the centre of huge flat as a wedding gift.
December freshness felt. Dampness пробирала to the bone, and Veronica ежилась, wrapping her in his yellow light overcoat, which had to wear something like it with a damp cloth wiping out quickly. Yellow dear драпу were now visible dirty divorce. No other clothing, Veronica was no more: all remained in Moscow. She looked terrible, затрапезный, and she thought, "Well, that early in the morning, and on the street no one!"
She reached the intersection, turned to the right, to the bridge over the Arrow, and climbed up the narrow, crooked street, was three hundred yards, turned to the right, on a wooden pedestrian stairs and climbed the mountain. Here she lived. However it was сосвсем recently, but Veronica seemed that from that time on the whole eternity passed. The long white enamel plate, nailed on the corner of a five-story building stated: "the Street Новоместенская". Below hung round white plaque with the number "35".
Veronica got up on the fifth floor of the far door, carefully, trying not to make noise stuck the key with a keyhole, carefully turned, walked into the hallway of the apartment.
The house of the parents was quiet, warm and comfortable. Veronica was in his room, in which it was already almost half a year. Opened the wardrobe, pulled his old brown coat with the collar of the Fox, which is considered already unhip, and therefore was not going to never wear since last spring, dressing, and also quietly slipped back, направишись the Central горолской market change currency.
Now her spirits became much better. And she unconsciously returned to the events of the preceding night.
To my shame, Veronica had to admit to myself that this was the first time she really experienced orgasm. And not one, but two. Something happened, something for so long wanted her girlfriend: uterus has been turned inside out, so carefully, so well that, despite the fact that her soul is still not felt to Garik nothing but disgust, her body ring in here, as melodious string tuned in unison with the outside world, and therefore experienced pleasure in each step, every breath now.
Veronica is бабьи was the first time happy. Of course, she was still quite a young woman, who earlier yesterday thought that orgasm is when growing pleasure, but now, after a night of experience in the Moscow train she could say that for the first time in her life выебли really!
It turns out that all she had before, even the маструбация, where she worked occasionally, to experience feelings of witty, were all pale, slightly compared to yesterday night eruption. She is now suddenly realized that turns out to find a suitable partner wasn't an easy task.
But Garik was not her partner. At night, when she gave up and decided whether that will -- he had it, as probably the chef has Patty pan skillfully, quickly, relentlessly, with knowledge of the case. It was not a partner. Partners she has had much! As this!.. Veronica didn't even know how to make the right call.
He held her! A thing! With a partner of the talk, he says something to you, you tell him to say something. And here there was none. It it wouldn't become to speak! And he tell her anything and not have to! He just took and did to her what he thought was necessary. He, when he wanted to moved her feet to the side, landing on the ass, so that Veronica he seemed to her now turn like a chicken, and lick her Clit with his rough tongue, sometimes dipping it into the vagina. The inserted two fingers into the anus and drove them in there, portraying the invasion of a member so that the habit, until softened, as iron, Верониа quietly взвизгивала first pain, then obscure, wild pleasure, which did not know before. They twisted it on the broad shelf, put cancer and pierced the back, всовывая in the anus больой finger, which turned from side to side, then faded inside her and drove her hips to the right and left, so that Veronica felt as if her vagina is a big leather ball, the walls of which, as the language of the bells, hits something solid and elastic, forcing them to stretch and bounce and then vibrate even in time with these emergencies, as титева Luke. To this were added such, only in мменьшем scale sensation in the rectum, which, before she knew it, act like a younger sister vagina. He took it off the shelf, lay down, насаживал her body on top, as on the spit, Turkey, and whether twisting in it, whether it twisted on itself Veronika from обуревающих her waves of bliss it was unclear Yes and no matter managing thus those same two fingers of one hand to depict her ass often the batter into the passage of the second member, and the other greedy and power crush her swollen from the pleasure, like ripe water-melons, breast. Then sat down on top of her, in front of her face and brazenly stuck in her mouth, immediately suddenly full of saliva, his monster himself scraped a little bit ago and entered her with two fingers, the index and the middle of the vagina, and the little finger and ring in the anus and шевелл they prudently, knowledgeably, not asking her whether she likes it or not.
"It might be called, pulling like a bitch?! - now asked herself, remembering the lush, passionate night, Veronica. -Maybe all the guys know how to behave when дерешь bitch, but I was treated differently from some other motives, for example, the bitch me not counting?! And Garik warned - I will tear up like a bitch! Perhaps, with his wife if he has, he sleeps in another way, and she did not feel anything like this?!"
Veronica suddenly confessed to herself that if someone had so every day, it would be this person would be ready to lick off the mud from his boots with his tongue, travel along the carpet before him, do what he will say, if only it lasted, went on and on. "Only that it was not genocide!" she began to persuade itself, but immediately found what her anyway, whoever it was, if only it was like last night!
It was an unpleasant discovery, which strongly resisted her humiliated and offended soul, but the body of her female body, shameless and insatiable, затыкало her mouth and cried: "Let fuck like always!"
"If, indeed, find someone who would have fought so every day!" suddenly accidentally made a Veronica, not noticing how the energetic impulse launched this desire in the pocket of materialization...
The market was already a real pandemonium. Despite of early morning there were overcrowded, everywhere there was a brisk trade. Veronica some time roamed under its huge dome, came in the meat Department, where from the noise before the counter with meat and lard was deafening, went down in the ditch, Central circular Piglet large building made as the bottom of the pool or the arena of the circus, only a concrete, in which all sides made several stairs.
Here only not тогровали! Everything that grew on the hospitable Ukrainian land was in here. From маянящих, перебивающих one another smells But Veronica was looking for change. She had no idea how they should look and what to do, but because the time was passing, and Veronica were still not able to exchange dollars.
It has gone on the market, navorachivaya for the second circle, but nothing changed was nowhere. Then she spotted walking ahead of her father one of their former school friends: healthy, высоченного, пучеглазого handsome мясоруба. He looked youthful and fun, slightly tipsy, went between торгашками lard and meat and showing great forefinger in the direction of one wants to talk, from a distance, not to crawl through the давившийся at counters people about something with them перекрикивался. Hearing the answer, beautiful, развалочку, as the host, would move on to another торгашке.
-Uncle Kohl! - having caught up with him, cried, trying to shout standing around the hubbub Veronica. -Uncle Kohl!
But he heard himself stopped and something горланя through the crowd in the stalls.
-Uncle Kohl! - shaking her his Veronica sleeve, barely catching his жестикулирующую hand. -Uncle Kohl!
He turned to her, looked slightly осоловевшими, drunk, gray-blue eyes, which dried not one woman's heart.
-Uncle Kohl! Not learn?! cheered Veronica.
Uncle Kolya, when the verse was not recognized it, he even closed his eyes from the effort, trying to remember who was before him, but then not admit, but, somehow, it is seen guessing, judging, probably, by age, that it was a friend of his daughter, loud, as if from the horn, bass, roared:
-Tell me, uncle Kohl, - he leaned forward to better parse her words through the surrounding noise. -Tell me, us where to change?! Moneychangers where?!
Дядяд Kolya beckoned to her finger, so she followed him, crossed the outermost of the concrete ring market, stopped, waiting, until Veronica подгребет to him, forcing his way through the crowd of incoming visitors and pointed to the direction of:
-Is there on the glove, - his finger was pointing to a fenced square metal lattice fence territory with rows, covered with long roofs, on which traded челночники, recently infest, like mushrooms after the rain, imported stuff. -Тильки careful - throw Samoilenko. Sashko Циндренко ask your однокласника, Yes you know it! Well, now, if that's not right - you approach.
Veronica walked into the cell. Here was quieter, trade was not so brisk as in the food market. Now she saw standing in rows according to several people in the aisles between trade стелажей with plates in her hands and neck changed. These were people of different age: and quite boys and adult men. To them and then, and someone approached, asked something passing by the visitors of the market. Veronica came also to extreme young guy:
-I Sashko need!
-Який taky Sashko?! - переспроисл her boyfriend as if he already sent away. -Here know скильки Sashko!
-Циндренко Sashko! the official Veronica.
I don't know this! - cut the guy and turned away, letting know, that going on, did not interfere.
Veronica walked away, a little frightened: familiar, native rudeness! How she's on it "missed"! Just felt like you needed here!
To the guy who she had just asked about Sashko, came a great big old fellow with дамочкой, apparently, his wife, thin like тростиночка that trusting like a child with two hands held onto his hand, едвва does not dived to him under the shoulder.
The damsel in distress Veronika it just wasn't determined by local breed: the market looked visitors from the Kursk region, to the border with which the straight was about thirty kilometers. Yes and their dialect is the man was not from here.
-How much money to take?! "inquired the man, bending over менялой, as if wanting to scare them.
-What's your number? imperturbably, with professional composure asked that.
A hundred! "replied the man, saying this like "million".
-Forty-four and a half! - made the price changed.
-No-o! - nodded his big guy. -There's more to give! Come On, Jen!..
-And how many do you want? - stopped him changed.
Forty-five! - man turned back.
Let me! - surrendered changed
Big boy climbed запазуху, he pulled out a wallet, opened its branch in which lay the only one bill, I took it out and handed the money-changer.
-Not fake?! asked changed, raising a hundred dollar bill over his head, trying to see it on the background of алеющего the dawn sky.
-Verify! - allowed to man.
Suddenly beside hand moneychangers over his head rose from the side, from a long series of his fellow the other hand. She pulled bill, snatched her from the hands of the money-changers and over the heads of the crowd transferred somewhere else. There she had met the next hand. The banknote with the speed meteor went over the heads of the crowd, удалясь further.
-Hey! Stop! "roared the big one, выпростнув hand from his ladies and rushed through the crowd to catch up мчащуюся over our heads into the distance, her one hundred dollar bill.
Changed that just разговривал with him, run in the opposite direction and gets disappeared in the crowd. Lady not the local breed thrown knight, погнавшимся for unreal hope to get their money back, in confusion remained standing in the middle of the crowd, and not converting to it any attention, running along the aisle between trading rows and staring at biting in the price of imported clothes.
"Wow! thought Veronica, after witnessing a lightning-fast, proven to automatism scheme of obtaining money. -We should search for the friend!"
Through thirty minutes обрыскав in the crowd the whole clothing market, she saw at the rear, a remote corner of the few money-changers, standing apart from the others. Among nor she learned однокласника. He was still at school became famous all sorts of speculation, and his older brother stuck with блатными. Sashko together with his brother attended among the invited a Hippo on their wedding.
-Sashko, Hello!
-Oh, how?! - smiled the former однокласник, welcomed its appearance, although close friends they never even at school, were not.
-Yes here, bucks, you have to change! - privately reported Veronica.
-Shh! - Sashko put his index finger to his lips, took her by the shoulder and led him away from the rest of the money-changers. "Do you want a blank leave?!
-What?! "said Veronica.
-Yes, here everybody throw, indiscriminately! - заговорщическим whisper said Sashko girl, then leaving her, suddenly turned and approached the rest of his brothers in the profession. -San and San! Then my friend came, Kuma, Hippo widow!
-Well, what! angrily said one of them that stood by the group changed.
-Yes, I'll be gone, Kava drink!
-For what?! - also dissatisfied continued to Sanya.
-Yes, not seen for a long time! - justified Sashko.
-So what?! - old Sanja
-Погутарим трошки!
-And who will work, thou, pepper?!
But Sashko already departed, backed away to Veronica:
The I quickly! Пъять хвылын!
-And she had the bucks to change that! gave up after him Sanya.
Is that what the bucks, Sanya, W won joking!" - also, on the move, pulling her aside like dragging from the edge of the cliff, threw him away Sashko.
He took her by the arm as a good friend, and took away with a flea market back in the direction of the circular concrete washers Central market.
"Come, I'm one of the cafes know right inside! Sit a little, let's talk!
Why so Sanja your bucks my interested?! - спроисла Veronica.
-That you sho?! - made round eyes Sashko and turns told. - Shove all in a row! And it's own and others'! First though their path changed! Then one time the agreement was: beautiful girls not to throw! And now scratch all, indiscriminately! So, say thank you, that I saw!
"This is to my uncle Kolya prompted! Надьки Sklyarenko father!
-So, that's the same! Hi to her tell! - asked Sashko.
-As I see it?! She'll marry лейтенантика came pointed and rushed somewhere over the hill.
-So, that's the same! - agreed Sashko, then complained. -Well, times!
In a cheap and dirty diner on the second floor of the Central market round-table Sashko, occasionally looking around and closely examining the visitors counted out under the table thick stack of strange colored wrappers, little походжих the money, and gave карбованцы just under the table, Veronika:
-Here, take this!
-How many in here?! - Veronica asked, hiding the huge chunks of the inside pocket of his coat.
Forty - said Sasha.
Why so little? "said Veronica, already a little соориентировашаяся in the declared on market exchange rates. -Well, at least, forty-four!
-That you sho! - rolled his eyes expressively Sashko. - What are forty-four! You know how much the Bank gives?!
-Twenty-three! - aware reported Veronica.
Twenty-two - 't want to! asked resentfully Sashko. -I of this course, never change!
I администраторша in the hotel said...
Veronica broke off: to know that she talked with администраторшей hotels, Sashko was completely not necessarily.
The little did anyone sho told you. Let her go and change anything and then learns! I now you at the highest rate changed! Even good friends below me, the same uncle Kolya.
-Okay, thank you! - agreed Veronica, putting her hand on top of his.
I changed and then you just sho heard what your grief happened - breadwinner lost...
-Yes, - according to Veronica nodded and looked away.
You see, money careful! - предупредл her Sashko.
-And what? - the girl asked cautiously.
As sho? Do you even know Yak among the people, the average salary in the city?!
-No! - Veronica shook her head.
-So, that's the same! - confirmed Sashko. Five hundred thousand karbovanets! It is little more than ten dollars at the market rate!
-A day or what?! "said Veronica.
-A month! - shocked her Sashko. -Here, we see immediately that with the money of the case had! Of course, for a Hippo with thee, as behind a stone wall! Well, now get used to normal life!
-And what? "said Veronica.
"Well, how is that?! Your husband is no more! Now I think, how to earn bread! And now it's going to be easy!
Veronica didn't answer. Then, after a pause, she asked:
-Sashko, want cava!
"No, thank you! - classmate immediately started getting up to leave.
-Well, Sashko! Please! Sit with me! prayed to him Veronica.
-No, I'll go! - Sashko was relentless. "You want me Sanja soldering deprived?
-And who is this? - Veronica asked, catching Sashko, already отбивавшего the stairs tap dancing, скатывась down like a ball.
-A brigade of ours! He is now on me angry, because he suspects that the client I took - you! Follow me on clothing market do not go! warned Sashko.
"Listen!" I have yet to have a serious conversation! - grabbed his sleeve jackets, stopping, Veronica.
Sashko snatched her hand and went on:
-Speak, until we go! Our clothing is two hundred meters!
-Is it on the fly serious cases discussed?! - she was surprised, keeping up with the fast pace Sashko.
-You speak, and I certainly покумекаю - serious cause of Chi no! Seriously - in the evening, писля market пошукаю Toby.
-Yes where you find me?! "said Veronica.
-Here is the same! Misto small - in хвылыну розшукаю!
-In General it is one person to remove! - hurried Veronica explaining, seeing that the fence near the market close.
-It is not me! "quipped Sashko.
"But you have a brother in the underworld! He also my husband knew!
Sashko suddenly he stopped in his tracks:
-Husband! But not you! You блатном world no one, you know! Besides, now a lot has changed since the collapse of the Soviet Union! Now other times! The owners in the city of others! No man - no problem! Your husband-not - you are without it, no one! In the city every day someone is killed - showdown between блатными go! So, my advice to you, keep quiet! Don't try to блатным thrust itself! You there and did not recognize! Many were unhappy that the Hippo on you got married! This is my good advice to you! And about the fact that there for you someone to remove forget about it, how about a scary dream!
Sashko again walked. Veronica hurried after him. He stopped:
"Well, do you not understand?!
She did not know what to answer. She wanted to, someone to help her to get rid of Garik.
-All! Next go! warned Sashko. -And then, without grannies get away! Yes, and look! Here pickpockets foraged also, be healthy!
Veronica remained standing one looking as Sashko disappears behind the forbidden for her area enclosed by a fence square.
Chapter 12.
Every morning now for Veronica came said, or somebody from Chechens. It took away the sauna to the "mommy", where she spent her private lessons.
-In the school can teach everything, except two things! - tell her "mom" after Breakfast, swimming pool, and easy warm-up, which for Veronica to настронию teacher was or pampering with her Clit and bringing "teacher" to orgasm, or in отсасывынии someone from present member, after a week, she is already used to this procedure and engulfed by the male proboscis so, like an oyster, not even paying attention to the person, as a mother of order sought. The first is how to make money, and the second is how to have sex. Therefore, listen to me carefully, and remember. Money do I have to teach you won't, at least not yet. But do sex is something that you must learn in these few lessons! And remember, проститтуция is a profession like any other. It is rather specific, peculiar, but the profession. In the end, there are many unique and specific professions requiring a person those or other qualities. Many professions in which people have to deal with someone else's body. For example, a physician, especially in the morgue! But prostitution is a special profession, because you are dealing not only with чуим body, but also with their...
"Mama" pulled wine from Fougeres.
They now every day we sat in the sauna before a swimming pool in the wicker chairs and communicated.
Veronica eventually resigned from his position and no longer сопротвлялась neither fate nor the fact that the mother called her Lada, no daily заглатыванию in the throat of a regular member. She now all this is perceived, of course, is not how the little things in life, but as a certain lack of its existence, which is not to get rid of. Finally, other people had to put up with горащдо great inconvenience: disabilities, an incurable disease. And Veronika suddenly realized that against the background of it all was wonderful. No, of course, there were other people who have everything was much better than hers, but Veronica accepted the неизбежнось, from which first of unsuccessfully trying to get rid of and now lay in inner peace, even making the mind foul things.
If you want to know, Lada, " continued while training "Mama". - ability to present his body, the ability to deal with him, the ability to squeeze from it, as from a lemon, a maximum of pleasure - well worth it. It is unlikely, and five percent of women know this science. As for prostitutes is the basics of the craft, which incidentally, empirical methods not know! Only the hard way! I have, incidentally, higher education and not one! And a doctor of science degree: in two directions - the psychology and biology. I also candidate of medical Sciences. But I was a prostitute when once understood, sulphur and miserable my life, including sexual. I have, believe me, there was no need of the material to do it, but I decided to devote his life to this profession. Why? Is a personal and goes beyond the training program. But I do not regret about the choice!
"Mama" засмолчала, leaving her alone, and she plunged into the pool, enjoying floating on it.
If you want to, Lada, you can join!
Veronica drank his wine, rose and sank with a side of the pool, joining the "mother".
So floating beside her, she listened to further its teachings:
Prostitute premium must fully correspond to his rank! Therefore I will teach you the contact with the body of the client, man or woman, it's not important! In addition, I will teach you manners, art. You'll elegant, refined, irresistible! Even then, when you're in bed with multiple clients, they will not see around nothing but you! Thou shalt know what secret strings of their body and soul to play at one time or another that they after свиданния you and I were delighted and spared neither how about spending you money.
Strangely enough, but started a training course with the Bible. Veronica was эому inexpressibly surprised.
-Our profession is the oldest described even in the old Testament. Therefore with him and we start, - commented on the "mother" this decision and made a beckoning gesture.
She gave the book. The Bible filed and Veronica. She caught herself on a very delicate thoughts that now sits in the sauna, naked, on a wicker chair, surrounded by standing both on a post of the few angry Chechens, close to his пленительницей essentially depraved woman, and together with her thumbs through the pages of the Holy book.
For her it was a regular phantasmagoria, one of many that have happened to her lately, maybe even a sacrilege. But it was better than swallowing a member of someone.
However, Veronika now doubted that it was indecent to sit here and so, naked, with a Bible in the hands of the sauna next to the prostitute extra class or the already former mental resistance, just as if doing routine work, swallowing and сдаивать the male sexual organ.
-I want to read to you a page with the Scriptures, said "mom," that you had internally calm during prostitution. You see, many believe просттуток immoral women. Partly it right. But only in the part, in which the woman is actually fell. Here to take at least you, Lada. You become a prostitute is not according to his will! And there's nothing you can do about it! You have the only way out of this situation - to die! Or be a prostitute because of this I want, because you that the fate of the sentenced, or die! Here's your and all of choice! As you can see, it is not big. Maybe you want to die?!
-No! - Veronica shook her head.
-Well, that's good! This, indeed, not everyone has the strength! Then get ready to become a prostitute! In principle, this as another form of marriage, as if with the whole world. And if it's not according to your will - that this поорочного. Death порочней corruption!
Veronica thought that now it says not naked aunt from плетенного chairs in the sauna fashionable Moscow hotel, and her grandmother, who always tried to teach her the "fear of God"through her long hours of reading the gospel.
"Mimi, I'm sorry, that was you have bad учиницей! she mentally forgiveness.
-I status Communist, former, - explained the "mother". Communism is no more! However, as to personally my opinion, the Communist at heart I am not when was not. Just in our country without the party - nowhere to rise above the janitor was impossible, therefore, present a shell of communism, if you want to achieve something, we had to wear. You know, I will not dwell on his origin, but to me, the prospect that I came from the hungry and slaves, well, does not suit, however, as what I am supposed to have originated from a monkey...
She smiled and looked at Veronica:
"You, Lada, believe that occurred from a monkey?
Veronica shook her head.
-I don't believe... Yes, I like this idea itself is just проттивна, not to mention the fact that it is absurd! - indignantly protested, "Mama." Is to have this come up! I do not see widespread humanization of monkeys in Africa. Judging from this theory, we now would have to meet the monkeys at different levels of evolution transition in person. The evolution of fact goes by itself! So why quit. Conductor disappeared! Aha! - "Mama" погрозила finger nowhere.
Veronica listened to "mother"and suddenly she suspected that she probably "not all there". Sometimes something similar угадыывалось in her behavior...
-The one that I'm on the outside is a Communist. But the Bible I read, though not believing in anything except the greens! I don't приверженка Christianity, as such, as entities, out of curiosity because I studied many religions, and for me христиантсво the same shard of truth, like all other religions, a kind of spiritual brilliant! But in order to collect the crown of truth, to fold all the diamonds together! You know, hardly anyone from the living, the living and those who will live in the future able to do it. Here merely addition, inclusion, Association or some other механичекий way of thinking will not help. Gather that crown - the true puzzle. This is equal to overcome the cherubim, which guards the tree of life. You know what I mean?
-No! Veronica tried to remember something, but the idea was stopped by the emptiness.
"Well, baptized! I'm atheist", but the Bible know, probably a hundred times better than you. It is necessary to read the Holy Scriptures! By the way, I have a few friends, couples... Surprised? asked suddenly, "Mama."
-Yes, no! - Veronica shrugged.
-Well, well! They пыжаться, portray themselves as believers, Orthodox. He, incidentally, brainy guy could go far, but to join the party did not, when offered, and the cause is not explained, of course, afraid... do You even know that a little earlier, for the commitment to religion shot at us in the country?
-Well, Yes, " she Veronica.
-Well, - she continued, "Mama", - he suffered, in General, in life for the idea. And when I with them I read passages from the Bible, the couple begins to my ears and shout that in the Bible написанол can not be. "It is, they say, is not the Bible, and some pornography!" I just tell them to take and read for yourself, with your own eyes!" Not to take! They say: "you got the Bible's wrong." And this book I have on the shelf picked up! So the Bible is such a book! In it everyone sees what he wants!
"Mom," beckoned standing not far "жеманного" waiter. He bent over her, and she whispered something in his ear.
Veronica before relaxed in a comfortable chair under a towel, накинутым naked body wet even after the pool, tensed slightly, pricked up his ears: "mom" at any moment could anything "отчебучить" and conversation on religious themes easily in the next moment could turn into something obscene in terms of morality.
-Now it can be! - explained the "mother" of their whispering Veronica turned to her and noticed that the girl was a little bit worried. -I warned you! - погрозила it to her finger, that you was cool and calm, like a boa constrictor.
She was silent for a while, as though trying to recall what she said and continued:
-But there is one very important feature that I like in Christianity. Rather two. Would like to know what?
-Yes! - Veronica nodded. Really curious to hear "mother", which showed unexpectedly deep intelligence, it was a little scary at times, as the beast with the knowledge that you and so intelligently on the surface of life which was seen only a hat the size of a pinhead, can be simultaneously so smart, such enlightened, such эрудироанной, such greedy, so dirty and such cruel.
First, is "mother" made in the air a spectacular gesture. is that Christ is always portrayed naked! Yes, he covered for decency in intimate places the image of fabrics, but it is in such a remote from his body position, as if in a slant that you understand that this is only a measure of decency. After all, executed on the cross them naked to them then less clean. There's nothing to say, but when a person dies with him of all that was inside, in his кишечниве and bladder, comes under the influence of gravity. Muscles don't work, сфинкстеры, rings of muscle tissue, which are as cranes, relax that the urethra, rectum. Therefore, in theory, on the cross of Christ should be pictured without service, by the way, the gospel is the moment where his clothes divided between the guards, the keepers of the crosses. But since he, and there is covered by the loins tunic, suggests itself analogy in the image of Christ naked and in other cases. And this is a sign that Christianity works even with a human body in the image of the Savior shown naked, and deeper, so that the inside, with a soul...
Veronica wanted to ask her, "Why do you tell me all this talking about?!" She questioned " " mother's" expression on высокпарные crown, but she decided to remain silent. This was still better than a grasp of the basics of the profession in kind, though she had no doubt that she will. But it was unclear why "mom" got in religion. Here it was totally unreasonable!
-...And the second, " she continued, "mother," is Mary Magdalene. She was a prostitute. Do you even know who I'm talking about?!
-Well, Yes! something tried to remember Veronica
She was the nearest helper Christ, by the way! Yes, she расскаялась by the Bible. But she repent, if she was committing adultery is not the прихоте their desired. I think there's a deeper, incomprehensible sense. The fact is that, by and large, life is forcing to prostitute women, many of whom are not inclined to полигамным relations. There are married, and that one little guy. But occurs and Vice versa! Yes, even you, Lada! Now, you're полигамная bitch! Men love! Well, not однолюбка, that's for sure! And let you put in the machine, so you брыкаешься all, how touchy!
Veronika, oblivious, she wanted to argue, but "Mama raised her index finger up:
-Let me say, I love to hear you out!.. And in the image of Mary Magdalene, most likely, expressed hidden suffering woman who against their will should take a man to survive. Here there is another sense! If Christ is the Supreme symbol of human сущестования, depicting his chakra, located above the head of the human being, that Mary Magdalene is the lowest sense сущствования human body, which represents the chakra pleasure, pleasure, procreation, located in основнии spine. Here is the alpha and the omega, speaks of Christ, the beginning and the end of the path. Such a living symbol, consisting of living симовла unity and contradiction, like it or not, is no longer in any religion.
There was a group of waiters with trays.
Soon the "mother" invited her to a meal lifted and stretched her hand with big-bellied wine glasses, one-third of beautiful red wine.
-Certainly, I do not pretend to deny it, she continued, with some dignity, plying his knife and fork on the plate, in Christianity there is a way of Holiness and purity. It's the Holy virgin, but our profession is not true, but because I cultivate in Christianity only what is close to me. By the way, here is another image of unity and contrast. Mary Magdalene and Mary. You know, understand only the images and symbols of life is not enough...
-Why are you telling me this, - I could not resist again from unnecessary question SIP of wine and feeling some greater degree of freedom and рскрепощенности, Veronica.
-I?! - "Mama" even stopped to chew, staring at the girl. -I'll slowly do prostitute-class!
-But is it all it's necessary to know a prostitute? "said Veronica.
"Mama" again stopped eating and looked at her, as if focusing on the fact that it begins to go beyond the prescribed her behavior, because they are not friends, cute talking on a picnic, and the present status has not been canceled, but then continued, as if he put another notch minus student behavior, which should be corrected:
-Ordinary - no! But, where will you be - Yes! You know, you're not going ordinary as a call girl! You'll be a priestess of love, which is my Church Eros. Even in ancient times were the vestal virgin, who served in the temple. They took the men also took as their street girls. But to the street were commoners, and to весталкам to know. And differed one from the second also, as heaven is from earth. And if you think I am wasting you time, I can make you a number of ordinary girl, although today!
-No, no! - scared Veronica such a prospect.
"Then don't anger me! warned of "mother". "I'm not laughing, but I think your punctures! It already has three! I will stand up to ten! But when this happens, I simply'll throw you in the trash ordinary life of a prostitute! Back there's no way!
Veronica thought. "Mama" joked, and she realized that this sauna, ti sumptuous breakfasts and conversations on the abstract, it would seem topics, not just a whim, and indeed the process of learning is one of the most difficult subjects - the skill of prostitution. And yet she understood how insidious this woman, that all those seemingly bullying, she had to carry and transfer, were just the price to pay for the entrance ticket to the elite, in which the "mother" was going to devote her, and their questions and remarks she just sawing the branch on which sat above the foul-smelling muck usual routine of prostitutes.
Ten надпилов and females breaks and it falls in this fetid puddle! She made three!
Veronika all being felt "mother" does not lie with her, and plays that she really coolly considers its faults, and when there are ten of them, calmly and coolly faced her with a trail leading, let not fabulous and beautiful. But вссе small Palace some welfare - better fate of all possible in her position.
Ve is in her mind Veronica, and she once again promised myself to never ask "mom" no questions asked, not sarcastic, and, in General, be below the water, quieter grass. And if следующуб minute she will get cancer or forced to do миньет, treat it the same as in the school belonged to the fact that ended the lesson of literature or history and began the lesson of physics or chemistry - no!
In fact, it already succeeded in the knowledge of some of the foundations of a new existence. Now she simply and naturally worked in the presence of men as if they were not, coolly mouth engulfed by a male member, placing his feet and took a man in the back and in the front is like washing the dishes or doing something simple chore. She would have never before повеила anyone if she was told that she would be such that it will simply be оключать shame, disgust, embarrassment!..
Until Veronica became absorbed in her own thoughts, "mother continued to speak, and she regretted that she attended:
-Conclusions...you can do a lot. Well , now you, what mind first go? asked, "Mama" , and Veronica have that thought, changing the face grimaces, khots had no idea what she asks.
Well. you, " "Mama" not заметива puncture Veronica, I would be the first thing concluded that from a good prostitutes in subsequent turns good wife: husband does not change, - why do that to her. Incidentally, the term "walked a lot" akin to this. But нагулалась is not the fact that continue to walk will not suddenly met a suitable size and temperament. And a prostitute, she наработалась, she no longer necessary and the gift. So I have good girls, not a cheapo, of course, the opposite. In the other direction to go, and good, go very well married! My girls are the best wife. And they take pleasure to men with money, position, at the age of. You know why? Because many of them had already divorced more than once, children raised up, and I want семйного happiness, including in bed. My clients, who use my girls are so accustomed to the highest sample in bed that their already nobody and are not satisfied. And they take my girls to be his wife! They them I have and buy! And that, they know that for such a wife as for ккаменной wall: a loving husband in bed - true courtesan, children, usually no, betrayals, and so, with racket and a whole bunch of every deadly stuff, which you can run with an average woman, took off the issue! So, in this book, Lada, I find joy and peace. By the way, you know, is different than the Talmud, the old Testament and the Quran?
-I don't know, Veronica shook her head.
-You should know that, because you have different clients: atheists, Orthodox, Catholics, Jews, Muslims. With all you should get along and find a common language. You're the believer? asked, "Mama"
"Yeah, крешеная, - Veronica nodded.
-Well, it is now fashionable! - agreed mother. -So how do they differ?
Veronica was silent, because I already gave the answer, and "mother" seems to mention this:
-Nothing! In описателной part - nothing! In fact, it is one and the same book, the same God, the same way of occurrence and development of mankind, only created in different confessions. Well, Oh well! All these books you will read it, but my advice to you for the future - all it seems an atheist, not a believer! It's easier! No problem!
Veronica wanted to ask: "But what about the cross?!" - and only then remembered that she was not wearing his already many years. She doesn't know when she had put it on your neck for the last time.
Gradually, the conversation Breakfast came at the end, and with it the theory. "Mama" called the Chapter of Genesis, that tomorrow Veronica will ask. She leafed through the Bible and laid down the page to be read.
Well, today lessons finished! summed up, "Mama", then waved the towel and beckoned to Veronica. "Well, now, pussy Lada, give mother a few minutes of joy!
Veronica without delay stood up, took off her towel and pressed her for a hot woman's body.
Chapter 13.
Veronica walked away from the Central city market, feeling on the patio pocket weight from waste paper, on which she exchanged a hundred dollars.
-These карбованцы, perhaps, ten kilogram pull! - думула it. -Yes! Heavy ридненька currency! And if I swapped its three thousand?! Me that filled up like a bunch of these colorful wrappers?!
The girl inquired. She left the bag in the room Garik. Or rather did not leave. He's already in the Elevator caught up with her and took the bag:
-Will be an occasion to return! he said, pulling the bag from her shoulder. -I understand that it doesn't bother! What is there?! A bunch of cosmetics and all kinds of stuff, but... Will be an extra reason to go back!
I knew he had, as the road to it is the bag! Maybe if it did not occur to her to take, then it really would disappear from him, disappeared in the city! Yes, Garik some scent!
"And suddenly it starts to rummage through the bag?! "she thought. - Found under подкладом, though dense, but still, something strange, crispy under strong pressure?!"
Veronica became uneasy, and began to convince myself that this will not happen: "In the end, I hid the notes are not directly under the Atlas padding, and under a layer of a dense paper and foam that were under it!" she understood that now safer place than Garik Suite for her bags no: bring on the market when around happening not the news that was even more dangerous. Veronica remembered the scene with the retreating over the crowd dollars, warning Sashko that everywhere they pickpockets,and decided that it is even good that Garik took away from her bag.
She briskly walked back along the waterfront without the river towards the hotel. The city woke up, there were cars on the road, везед were visible people.
At the front администраторши Veronica opened her old, as she seemed to light overcoat and took out of his pocket hefty stack, the size of bricks, перетянутую rubber band.
-Changed? asked Veronica duty, whether in surprise, whether with relief that her pay, then rummaged in his journal. So, here's your receipt! Two million three hundred thousand karbovanets! "she Veronica.
"Well, now, " thought she, " if the Bank changed - just enough!"
Veronica separated at random half a pack of karbovanets, pulled them out of the pack and filed администраторше. One мусоля fingers, carefully began to consider the bill.
-Another two hundred and fifty missing! she concluded and turned her eyes toward the girl.
She added a small stack of karbovanets.
After calculating Veronica sat down in the lobby on the modernistic chair, and, lounging in it now felt like she tired mentally. "Now would be a lie down! Sleep! - размечталась girl. - Bath would take!"
Rise in number of sexual maniac Garik, which would, she did not doubt this would be immediately lashed out at her, she doesn't want. But it was some what baths there is still not there, and shower. Shower for fools: she wanted to soak in hot water, in a warm bath. This could only be done in two places in this city, where she could now get: for parents and yourself in a luxurious spacious apartment overlooking the Psyol and the city drama theatre. From here before it was five hundred yards, if you walk along the pedestrian Stage. The only problem was that Veronica did not have the keys to his apartment. They stayed in the apartment of a Hippopotamus, and the keys from the one he is leaving for Moscow, as far as she could remember, he gave a Nail. Now it was necessary to look for him, if he's only in town. We formed a vicious circle.
Veronika not seen any Nail or Фиксу, which then подрулили in Behemoth in Moscow for a long time. There were not even at the funeral of the cartridge, and it was very strange and disturbing.
"Well, if I can't find a Nail - call locksmiths break down the door! - the girl decided to: George after buying an apartment set on the entrance финрменную metal door. -Жлко, of course! How much this response-is only repair cost?! No, better to find a Nail!"
Veronica finally determined the plan for the day: do a search for former improvised husband. "I ask them how to find, to армяна this finished off!" - anger she thought, rising from the deep soft кожанного chairs.
-E-Hey! Sweetheart! - окрикнул her in the echoing emptiness huge foyer hotels became a familiar voice, from which it started.
Veronica grimaced and sank wearily back in my chair. Garik came closer:
-I've already lost! Where have you been?! Three hours passed!
"Where -- where! Dollars change went! You think this is so easy! irritably she explained, гляда up from a low deep chair, which had drowned.
-Oh! I see you got a new outfit! "exclaimed Garik, touching fingers fur collar and throwing centuries trade of polar Fox tail.
-But what is new! going Veronica his ignorance in women's fashion. - Junk задрипанное! You are my soiled my model yellow coat! I had to parents to run, change into that found! Therefore I will not go in a dirty! It is, incidentally, seven hundred worth it! And now its only in the trash send!
-You that, sweetheart want to show me?! surprised Garik, showing themselves up. -Well, good luck!
-I do not want anything you produce! - reassured him girl, thinking to myself: "When will it all end! As if on his way to find!"
Veronica presented, as will those who will be able to finally deal with her abuser and perpetrator, and, although she was not садисткой, but now decided that he will be present when Garik are being killed, and perhaps itself to this will make the hand. "I'll show you! - angrily thought the girl, зыркнув askance at стояшего in front of her, right in front of her stacked one on another leg of the Armenian, and added dreamily. -Now would be as gave him in the balls!"
-Well, now here I sit in the room't you go up?! surprised Garik, satisfied her response.
-And what I forgot there?! The room I'll pay money changed! Go go!
Garik turned ago, where ten yards it was the hour, that администраторша my ears, listened to their conversation: in the lobby of anyone except the two who were not, and their conversation, far разносившийся in the echoing emptiness, instinctively attracted her attention.
Noting that the occupant's looking at it, администраторша dropped her eyes, as if doing records in their instruments, but continuing, it is all the same it was obvious to listen in a squabble.
Garik sat down in front of Veronica quietly, taking her by the elbow under the skirt, and painfully squeezing it like a claw, quietly muttered through his teeth, that it was not heard anyone except Veronica:
"Listen, sweetheart! And I do not here in госттинице tion has arrived! I'm here to you my get - finally! I know that you подумываешь, how would slip away from me!..
-No-no! - leaning forward as шепото, frightened закивав head, said Veronica.
-Yes, I know! - Garik gave her to understand that good at psychology.- You think I don't understand: you are at home! Could just walk away and all! I already thought so even surprised when you уивдел down in the chair. But! This fellow, that you're back! I'll keep that in mind for the future!..
-What is the future! in a loud whisper, almost going to the voice was indignant Veronica. "I'm six days do not want to know more!
Garik put on her mouth across his lips укательный finger:
'Hush, be quiet! Seven if it comes to that! But these seven days are the future, I'll consider your behaviour! Believe me, they still have to live! Do you agree?!
Veronica nodded, removing fat finger Armenians from her face.
-But when live the seven days, then please goodbye... by the Way, the house was, took money?! asked Garik. -About a hundred dollars't forgotten yet?!
-I am at home parents had! - Veronica replied. -They are simple working people! For them a hundred dollars is a fortune! They have never seen!
-Well! - agreed Garik. -Search!
So I wanted to go to seek! 'Veronica. -And you stopped me!
Later go! concluded Garik. -Now in the room get up!"
-I don't want to! - muttered the girl.
-I want! - Garik squeezed knee so that it was unbearably painful and she almost shouted. What are you doing?! Bruise! I will then go?!
-Then listen!
Garik waited until Veronica get up and go to the Elevator, then went over to администраторше and something said to her ear.
Without waiting for Garik, girl caused Elevator, and climbed up to the twelfth floor, feeling that goes like for execution.
The door to the room was open. Her handbag was lying near the entrance, carelessly thrown on the floor like a commercial package.
Veronica picked it up and checked the lining, held it in his hand. He was whole. And, indeed, Garik would hardly bother roaming in it, raking the piles of junk that she periodically ruthlessly sent in the garbage bag when it is impossible already had to close.
Veronica went to the balcony.
The sun has risen and now red pancake взбиралось above the houses, заменявшими horizon. From the twelfth floor of the hotel the whole city centre was at a glance. Won онка her house, get out of the market. "Maybe while I was walking, guest stood there and watched me?! thought Veronica, облакотившись elbows on the sheathing concrete barrier balcony. - However, what's the difference!"
The door in the room snapped her, запираясь.
-We now have Breakfast will bring! - told her Garik.
-Pay to me, too?! - asked the girl.
-All costs are yours! What?! I guest! - smiled Armenian.
"Yeah, sure "guest"! - agreed to Veronica. "You fuck me going before Breakfast or after?! "she inquired, her hands on her hips.
Her question turned his thoughts Garik in a different direction - she saw - he just aroused him. Impulse lust, passion bounced like a ball for ping-pong table from his astral body and hurt кольнул Veronica, coming back like a boomerang. It is also something зардело.
"Why do I ask?!" "Mattie was surprised Veronica. She didn't want to ask армяну such a question, but she, or rather, her girlfriend, which enjoyed rapid and spectacular night отдирание old mold of oblivion, without asking his mistress, she wants it or not, is blatantly provoked the owner of a member of the invasion.
-And what? surprised Garik her bed, on which he had, apparently, take a NAP.
-Oh, nothing! I am interested to know your plans Boo Doo-t-e! allocate Veronica last word.
"What am I doing?! What do I do?! - came from Veronica in the head. -I, as the last whore am looking to me strung to cook!"
Garik sat on the bed:
"Hey, sweetheart, come here! he called her.
Veronica gave in. Garik put her on his knees, put his arm around his waist.
-Well! - acted smart Veronica. -We just like lovers!
Something inside her already burned. Some icy raged in the body, bringing's militarist cold. She wanted to - she suddenly caught myself on the thought - Garik to beat her, had given her pain, pain which, as she thought, her body warm.
It was like insanity! Such it had never happened! But now she wanted it!
Inside was the cold, body seemed to be frozen, and unbearable desire to put her on the bed, втогрались in all her holes, which only she has a hot male member, warming up, cleared away this internal unbearable cold, embracing me her consciousness пеленою torpor.
It was strange, wild, it is unclear her troubled soul, which just was so unbearable heat of shame and disgrace while her body burned out from the same unbearable icy cold. She was absolutely ashamed of himself, for his condition, in which she came, she didn't want to, she would run away right now away from here, away from this maniac, into any нбудь area of the universe and there would пкережидала the storm, but the body is required, desired, wanted to execution, it whatever мозжечком dreamed that he put on his stomach and thrashed numb ass, reviving it, thick and wide belt until it зардеется stripes of blood, until finally live. And then her and her girlfriend pushed long hot swords, and ice melt inside least, was spreading into the body burning water bliss.
"I go crazy! - admitted to myself Veronica. - I'm just going crazy!"
She began to be afraid, if it continues, if not stop this madness, it soon everything in life changes to it "fought like a bitch"! she didn't want this, but something inside called passion just pushed her to do, and she complied, as obeys the cobblestone pull of the Earth, and falls in outer space at her, burning in her aura-atmosphere...
-As can be! "grinned Garik, drawing her closer. -Why not?!
-Well, - it, making the incredible effort, tried to pull away slightly, but his hands Garik were strong and still holding her close as they wanted. Oan still сопротивллялась his wild unrestrained ice flame inside, though knew that already lost, but put off the moment of reckoning for the defeat, forcing the brain to conduct a heated argument with a man. -At least because you raped me in full and in finances, and in bed! You dollars me how to change?! If normal changed, then I would itself quietly got home without your services!
-Well, maybe because so and changed! - agreed Garik.
"Oh, look, what we farsighted! "exclaimed Veronica. It is already not отпихивалась. Inside everything was already decided in favour of her girlfriends. Sit on my lap was warm and pleasant, and she allowed himself no longer resist: "anyway, 's gonna fuck, why should I bother! Once I went suit, so she did!" By inertia she even said something, although she is already anyway, not important. -Only love in this and does not smell!
"You don't smell! - Garik ran her hand under the jacket bottom, felt the bra and entered into him, she began to wrinkle my chest. "It started! thought Veronica, testing within itself the long-awaited bliss from прикочсновений. Now she wanted to just open up as a flower, to be turned backwards and inside out to her drunk благоуханный nectar bees, doing his thing, keeping the custom of the Land, which is subordinated to all and bringing her warmth, joy and bliss. -And I still smell! I would be добреньким, you would never have got! And here you are mine, and not going anywhere!
-Your hands are cold! "she said, with sinking feeling that her vile body and melt in your hands Garik. You had to put a huge effort to resist his caresses to выпростнуть from his embrace. It was like as if she now wanted to break away from the sinful Earth, выпростнуть from the embrace of gravity and fly away into space, where it's easy and free, and there is no gravity and Brehna existence. But the strength she no longer had. She was so tired to resist even not to him but to himself, his body, his passion, desire, ice on fire, raging in it, and calling to him crushed, destroyed, trampled...
"You have trampled on! complained Veronica, all subtle sunlight of morning, but trying not to show that already ready to all. Do you realize that trampled on me! I don't know how I will live here! Who have I become?!
Actually she didn't care that will be further. The main thing now, and it only showed that resist it.
-All at you will be good! - Garik too говоорил something to say.
She was already lying on the bed with raised skirt and jacket, with полуспущенными tights, and she sought to get rid of the fetters of service.
"What am I doing, you fool?!!" - was the last conscious rebuke Veronica most себке before the wave of passion finally, with голойо swept over her, and next she already took it as in a delirium, in a fever. What she did next, what did next guy, now perceived as a phantasmagoric erotic dream in which everything is possible, because shame is not effective in forbidden for him zone of dreams.
Veronica was burning, it was raging like a fire, she was now, as this icy fire, devouring теплло, fever masculinity, who'd been starved, which is so lacked inside. She wanted this heat settled in it forever, never was this ice cold to more she never thirst invasion, be self-sufficient. And she was ready to pay the price of his passion, she was ready to do now all that is to say to her, her passion, all that is wanted now a passion горячегоо male fire, обвивающего languages her icy flame.
She was ready to merge with that flame, knit together with him, to plunge in it completely and let him dip in yourself and never be separated, be one, repay its icy passion hot male passion and pay it, become one with zero temperatures, with zero-momentum desires forever.
Languages her burning ice blue fire закручивались around joining her hot испепеляющих orange languages alien male flame, forming long крученные harnesses, which are getting more and more intense twisted, истончая each other, and then explode, explode, scattering millions of tiny bubbles of bliss, needles вонзавшихся in the flesh. But new flames continued to the same dance, performed the same program, performed the same dance of passion, in a second, just scattering and freeing space for new dancers.
Garik telling her something, wielding with her body so as yesterday. He praised her, or cursing, or screaming. But she couldn't hear him. She broke through to reality through the raging flames, скручивающиеся, exploding, ударяющие it waves of orgasm, and could not break through. They surrounded her with his passionate dance. As if she was a prima ballerina in the circle of those passionate blue-orange couples who whence came out of nowhere, came and came, spinning, twisting, exploding in its wild dance and squeezing her ring around her closer, not giving her already and place for a dance. She just gasped with their endless tears, these millions of small брыхгов hurt stabbing her flesh. It seemed to her that now she's выпорхнеет from the unbearable pain bliss of his body and унесется off, leaving these crazy dancers alone, that another second, even half a second, it is no longer enough to take this on! She just come to an end, exhausted!
Veronica broke into a wild howl, сотрясшим, as it seemed to her the whole building. EB this Histalkut sound was collapsing tower of the hotel, the square, the Earth itself, so it seemed to her. She wanted to tear the world in half spoiled and a useless piece of paper, just crumple it, and get out. Nothing was after this continue! Nothing! The existence of all things on this should have ended...
She had finished, almost losing consciousness and lay still.
In-door rooms someone persistently and for a long time already hollowed fist: maybe it was the Breakfast.
Chapter 14.
-Today is the lesson of physiology, " "Mama" Veronica, noticing the Bible in his hands.
Veronica done her homework and read the above her yesterday the Chapter of Genesis. She was now under the impression reading accompanied by a Chechen with a Bible in his hand, hoping that today will be the continuation of the esoteric topics.
Veronica was surprised that I had never tried to read what you had asked her now "on the house", "Mama." As it was strange to read the Bible at the direction of the woman. Indeed. Why, when asked her to do it his own grandmother, tried to introduce her to the faith, she avoided reading this book, увертывалась, lied to? And now read. Though not all! Even Genesis for the evening overpower it was impossible! Moreover, Vicki work yesterday was little, so she льнула to Veronica, seeking affection and with renewed urgency. So she hastily, not to earn another "minus", "pulled out" of the fifty heads of only those that are required to read the "mother". Was little understood, but экзальтично.
"Mom," ordered her to mandatory to read Chapter nineteenth at the end of which Veronika was surprised incest, thirty-eighth, where the daughter-in-law under the guise of prostitutes conceived by her father-in-law.
-If you have time, read several chapters: twelfth, sixteenth, twentieth, twenty-fifth, twenty-ninth, thirtieth and thirty-ninth! But today it is not necessarily! - finally told her "mom".
Now Veronica was going to share her impressions and continue the classes.
But "Mama" changed the schedule without warning, as, however, and everything else in the life of his captive. She looked at вставшую in confusion before her chair Veronika, then she took from the table of the vine a leather whip, which was always beside her and lifted the hem of her short skirts Veronica that she dressed, checking whether all the way she commanded, though her situation, most likely, was so noticeable that the girl without panties.
Veronica even surprised himself that already does not react to the extravagant " " mother's" steps, such extravagant, like all of her present life. She just stood still and waited for him to "mother" ensure executing its rules.
Every day wardrobe Veronica was engaged in a specially appointed a woman. She came location with Sayid or other Chechen and out of specially delivered in the room Nickel-plated metal locker, like the ones used in sports locker rooms, clothes for exit strategies.
Veronica felt that her dress up as a circus horse. However, looking at myself in the mirror, she liked yourself. Even that which is below задувало already't bother her: "mom" immediately sent her into a hot pool, and on his return Veronika get in the hot bath.
New clothes were chosen with экзальтирующим addiction someone's professional hand and transformed it so that when in the corridors of the hotel shining bright cloth, sequins, long cutouts, or short юбочками, sometimes of a translucent material, sometimes, in General, like gas, which was not like, and their outlines could be seen only on the invoices applications girls met on the way guests and servants of just froze in amazement and astonishment before dazzling and provocatively dressed pretty special, descends in cold Moscow as a the Brazilian carnival.
Seeing Veronica's closet Vika was surprised and outraged. Their anger she замаскировала under the pretext that Veronica without her knowledge that brought in the room, but when he learned that this Directive "mother"run amok stopped.
-OPA! What you, the nuns decided to go?! - ticklish Vika noticed last night Veronica in the hands of the Bible, which she read in the order of mother.
-Yes! If! "she said. "This is to my job!
Vic looked at her strangely, even with genuine surprise, looked for the first time, wanted something else to ask, but only went silently make sandwiches.
Veronica increasingly noticed that her friend and Saviour of the strange reacts to any changes in her life changes, which she obviously didn't like.
In fact, why she had to sympathize with the fact that, instead of working at the numbers Veronica every day now all the more of yourself dressed up "roam" in the sauna to the "mother" - word of mouth about this carried the picture immediately, and now, even the Bible reads! Probably, for the understanding of Wiki is in fact too.
"Mama" whip sent hand Veronica to the table, as if to show that she left the book at him.
-Read that? she wanted to know.
-Read! enthusiastically beginning Veronica, like a schoolgirl to share his impressions with the teacher.
-Anything I said?!
"Well?! - "Mama" has made a pause, during which Veronika managed to score in the mouth more air, but did not give her anything to say. -The whole world revolves around pussy - this is the moral of what you read! Really?! Well, if it roughly on our way! Both male and female. And note that it is written in the book, which is the bedrock of the whole civilization, well, I don't take into account the Communists! And what you saw there?! Closely related to communication, incest, aspiration расплодиться and acquire material. All these properties of the lower chakras, which is located at the base of the spine. In the New Testament world is described in terms of the higher chakras,but there is lower, however, in a new quality. Therefore, morality, reigning around, " is not true. Abraham and Jacob had several wives, and they recorded their concubines and maidservants, each with its hand, and born of them children thought their. However, there is also a conflict. But for you this is not important. The main thing for you is to understand what is the place of sex in the life of mankind, since this place is given in the Bible! Paramount! And yet, you should pay attention that a woman shame is not inherent. She should conceive, and she's ready for this sleep even with his own father! Well, Oh well! It to you for common development! Then, at your leisure be sure to read Genesis and the New Testament! I'm a little проэкзаменую! Later, when you have in mind it is all over, take the other religions! Understand?
-Yes! gasped dialed air frustrated by their passionate enthusiasm Veronica: in fact, not at school she was!
-And remember that you're the priestess, the lower chakras, which is described in Genesis! The Bible is a tool, like a hammer! Hammer you hammer a nail, and you can head to remedy!.. Well! Okay, now as always we warm up, and then going to do a theory! Whom to choose?! Go ahead! - "mother" had shown generosity, allowing choose Veronica partner for миньета itself.
Veronica showed that жеманного waiter, with ктороым has already had to deal.
"Come here! - beckoned his "mother", then turned to Veronica. -You will do this standing up! Feed me turn! Bend!
Veronica leaned over and started trousers waiter. "Mama watched her for a while. Then she lifted her short skirt girl on her back, revealing her hips as if croup lovely creatures and began to stroke her tummy, happy considering Викины holes. She glanced Veronica managed with a member of the waiter, making observations:
-You who swallow taught? - interested in it with curiosity, but realizing that Veronica could not answer her, she continued. -However, I can guess who! You think that mistress миньета!..
Veronica listened to the words "mother", feeling like a member of the waiter takes in its hands all the greater in size. No mistress it itself is not considered, but with the "mother" of the ear you keep eyes open!
-...And I'm only saw that one professional reception! And cheek take it so your personal fantasy, household! Maybe a couple of times in the childhood of the boys who did you stuck, you remembered! And, by the way, миньет is a very serious thing! We can say that this is the basis of the profession of prostitutes, especially in our time, when мижиков through one't need at all like you! We will teach you sure this art! then, exhausted by type of торчашей of bright одеджы young, firm and beautiful, like a chiseled from a piece of precious stone ass, quietly, like whispering, shouting. "Ah, you're my darling!' It's a pity that I am not an artist!
View standing in нагибе with raised skirt and clung to the loins of a waiter Veronica aroused not only "mother". Standing around the pool saunas men such as neuro переминались now on one leg, ready to explode with passion.
"Mom's" fingers already approached the vulva Veronica помокревшей from affection. Now she gladly окунала them between налившимися, become elastic and large срамными lips girls, sometimes cleverly, with professional skill of throwing them to the side of the thumb and little finger, why could be seen black, inviting peephole vaginal mouth, in which the "mother" gently, but passionately launched a doublet of среднегго and index finger, ring the wider revealing pink vulva down. Then, поводив there a little, she took them and ran become slimy, fingers into the anus Veronica, where committed врашательные movement.
-Yes, a lot of you will have to learn, girl! - continued his instructions to a "mother", a nod beckoning standing first on the other side of the chair said.
He, like a stallion darted off.
Veronica felt something else besides fingers mother stuck her in the area of the clitoris. She was today in the red shoes on hairpins, but without it her legs "from the teeth of the" left чеченцу no chance in this position to get in the anus that "mother" was prepared for this, and even where it was decided to include male member. Veronica herself mentally grinned, imagining how ready is about to explode with excitement, like a ripe cucumber, said rises on his toes, stretches up, her teasing, revealed how greedy rose vulva and can't do. She was funny, and she gladly continued to feel my Clit, which slid the head member сходившего from mad desire men, vain attempts to invade her adorable Bud proboscis coming saliva on the nectar of the insect. She wasn't going to do what I could, slightly bent knees. And her legs are slender, like an arrow, and high as columns, proudly тверддо held her ass high against the encroachments of the attacker.
"Not old enough yet, мальшик!" - with vindictive pleasure thought Veronica imagine concerned, centred and pained expression on his face said. Although she could take revenge, and she promised herself that would avenge themselves by all available means, even such.
"Mama" seeing vain attempts of his преспешника reach the desired holes girls, attracted him to her and tongue began to lead begun to blush at his head, sometimes причмокивая her folded into a tube lips, sometimes spreading them in the ring and not deeply taking in his mouth organ.
Shortly said разраразился loud "a-a-A-a-a!!!"
Veronica also warned that, although "Mama" and helped Saidu, the reason for his ardent excitation was she, her proudly standing on a tall and slender legs brings up lightheadedness men by their beauty pop. "Get, you bastard!" with some садисткиским rapture, the first of which she had never experienced it, she thought, Veronica, and I understood that I felt a light orgasm: the muscles of her uterus several times rapidly decreased.
Официантик quiet, intelligent empty her throat and began to deflate.
Warm-up былла completed, and Veronica was not going to anyone accept.
She straightened up, одернула down skirt to her charms, nobody else excited and wiped her mouth with his hand.
-I am ready! she said "mom".
The ousted посрамленного Veronica said, натягивавшего back his pants strictly suit, dropped the towel from her shoulders and down soaring pool.
-Well done! - praised it as the many meanings, слолвно noticing little revenge Veronica. -Go swimming!
Veronica took off her shirt, embroidered collar, and рукавчиками of red, painted Pooh dropped a semi skirt with application of yellow, red, green and gold big hearts from the glittering reflections in the mirror film, putting them on the now its wicker chair near the "мамкиным" and jumped pike, folded hands above his head, into the water, raising the highest wave хлестнувшую through the Board of the pool, why the guards started to raise the queue feet, so as not to wet their shoes in побежавшей on the tile floor puddle, rushing to the drain holes.
While they swam near, and Veronica suddenly, for a moment presented itself to "mom", but then drove away the illusion that good would not brought. However, she was pleased that she took the hassle of "mother" with Sayid, and somewhere deep inside herself she thought now that someday, when it becomes free, it really laugh, remembering all the goddam time. She knew that one day, she really didn't know how, but she throw off the shackles of slavery.
Perhaps the "mother" thought Veronica already like that happens in her life. The bride was dressed in expensive clothes, she ate together with the "mother" of амыми delicious dishes, and she was preparing her to become a prima ballerina of its elite. Perhaps any other girl that was исполением of her dreams. But Veronica secret dreamt of freedom.
She didn't know what it will be this freedom, certainly not the same as before. And whether there was a first of freedom? But she knew that this time will certainly come, and was ready now to tolerate their existence until clearly not going to see her radiant light.
"Mother" was to believe that Veronica, if not like what was happening to her, at least she resigned irrevocably with its existence, and the new role.
Veronica thought.
Role, now, that was her life! It has always played a role: the wife of a Hippopotamus, now girls, becoming a prima prostitute. She can never be myself, what she wanted to be, the way it was before.
Veronica suddenly brightened a vague guess that in all that happened to her, now and before, was to blame. She slowly, but surely, perhaps without even suspecting step by step was to such a life...
-What was wondering, Lada! asked, "mom, trying to get into her мыслии.
Delicious was a member! - Veronika made every attempt to make it sound not as sore and as a stupid joke.
-And what is said't let?! - "Mama" she asked as if to reproach furrowed her brow.
Veronica felt almost ran into another "minus", and now we need былоспасать yourself:
-Fascinated миньетом!.. Tried to straighten up, to avoid remarks!
Justification looked a little silly, but the "mother" seems to be believed.
-You must be attentive! I think that I'll believe it! - with reproach and irritation she said. -Once again, this note, consider that ran into! Get it!?
-Of course! - Veronica nodded.
-Not забывайся, girl! - continued "Mama", sailing beside her in a circle. -You're not here at the party: you want to or not! See what you cook, then wait for the client! And it is you rubbed-rubbed, and the annoying! You what?! I teach you to guess the wishes of the client, his every whim, because often you'll have to deal with people стеснительными in the actions, chained ethics and their views about sex, and you'll have them free from these chains, they often do not even suspect! You will anticipate the thoughts of these people who wander in the most secret recesses of their consciousness. Those who will meet with thee, as a rule, prominent persons, mostly foreigners. Marital status, Puritan morality, the pillars of which they are a just crushed their sexuality to their oppression. And you'll have this pressure to remove one easy motion. Not forever, forever they not needed and even detrimental, on time, at the time, that they will be with you. Understood?
-I understand! again agreed Veronica, feeling like "Mama" slowly tightening the screws.
"You think I didn't notice that you've done?! - поинтересоввалась "Mama".
Veronica didn't answer, curled inside.
"You think I didn't understand your deed?! - "Mama" раззадоривалась. A girl! I would now here you are not swim then, and обслуживла some забулдыгу for three roubles in the stairwell! You of course!
-Yes! even more wrapped up somewhere in Veronica, trying not to show comes from the outside.
"Mama" headed for the ladder:
After Breakfast her mood improved. After drinking some red wine, she повесела, or Veronika so was only because захмелела slightly itself.
"So! Today, as I said, we lesson physiology, and a bit of medicine. Prostitute thy level must know briefly, the device of sex and related other systems of the body of men and women, as well as the modification of these systems with age, to take into account features. Your clients will be men and women closer to forty and over, so youth will not touch, just in passing, suddenly some passengers dad wants you to teach his son to properly handle in bed with my wife.
Veronica was listening to her instructions, but the "mother" suddenly, as always, dramatically changed the subject of the conversation:
"You think I don't know what you dream about?
What do you mean?! - not understood Veronica.
-Literally! - corrected "Mama". I read you like a book, Lada! I already don't you once talked about it...
"But what have I done?! - tried to understand the impact Veronica.
-You didn't do anything! But you are always thinking! You secretly dream of escape, having lulled my vigilance!
"Mama" paused, as if giving her the opportunity to parry his words, but Veronica only kept quiet.
-Well done, at least not отпираешься! - praised her mother. -This is stupid! I don't buy! But believe me! That to a door that separates you from freedom, I have a key, you never know! And more!
"Mama" again made a pause pause, positioning Veronica looked into her eyes:
-I can see your future is very dark, you won't work on me hard, as I want, and what I'll cook! Do you think that I just забавляюсь with you in the sauna?! It's not that, Lada! This training! And training costs money! You already flew me into a lot of money, and I'll spend on you even more! I see that you can earn the same amount, which I want to get! So right now I'll give you hope, hope for freedom! Cherish her, Lada! And take care, as the Apple of his eye! Understand?
-I understand! - agreed Veronica, all listening to each word of a woman who has just promised to release her. Now she could not hear any sounds of speech "mother".
"Here's my proposal, Lada! - looked at her intently woman. One million dollars! I give you your freedom, when I get with your pussy one million dollars! It is clear to you?!
-Yes! - with reverence said Veronica.
The amount that detailed the "mother" was huge, but it was the horizon, let very distant and indistinct but nevertheless, the real horizon end of her endless night. She was just happy to hear this!
A million dollars! What a trifle! Yes she spent her a million dollars!! If not immediately, but it will try will gratify коиентов so that they just poured on the "mother" Golden rain!
Noticing that the girl from the inside seems to be beamed and got light, "Mama" has decided a little damp фитилек to not burn prematurely:
But to do this you will have a lot of work! So I'll study everything that I know myself! You betray secular type and status of a highly educated and кульрутной lady, against whom thou hast even now it is still just a pretty darling girl provincial, затраханная in this hotel! I prepare you to work on the international level! You'll be my diamond tiaras, because I've decided! I see that you are worthy to take the Central place in a frame of my glittering crown of the six stars are charming! So learn, listen attentively, remember, practice! Whether as plasticine, from которог I do masterpiece! Remember?!
-Yes! happily nodded Veronica.
She now like she saw a light in the end of the tunnel.
Somewhere deep down she was still hurt and sad that it has come to this, that happened to all of this. But now Veronica knew that if she wants to reach the horizon, which showed her "mum"she should forget, jam, destroy this offense. She, despite the fact that the more unpleasant it must become a real prostitute premium to crawl across this black like the night sky as night without territory, field strange lust to the bright horizon of freedom, which has been pierced by a ray of hope in the pitch Dali.
Chapter 15.
"Veronica! Have you become a harlot!" - scolding yourself girl.
She stood on the balcony of the twelfth floor of the hotel and watched stretched in front of her hometown, such a beautiful and now strange. As if it had never lived, and only came to understand why from Moscow with армяном-taxi driver to the latest whore three times a day given to him now in a Suite provincial hotel.
"Who am I now?! What is wrong with me?! - asked the girl, trying to catch hold of the consciousness for the steep rock of reality, проносившуюся past her in her free fall, which was to end pain and fear: and what else happens when you fall down with a crazy height? - the only way.
All so rapidly changed in her life! Her last hopes that all will return to its original, quiet, serene, quiet towards the so desperately rose the past, somewhere up, forever becoming harder, that the head was spinning, and she thought that it would fall down from the balcony down to the square. She wanted so badly to the whole nightmare happening with her, suddenly burst like a soap bubble, and would be that it just simply was only a bad dream.
"And, maybe for the better, if I really fall? - thinking about it for Veronica. In fact, suddenly I sleep?! And this is the leap, this fall will be just an excuse to Wake up! Because it can't happen to me actually! All so silly, ugly, so strange! Not what happens to me, may be only a dream. Then why does it never end? Maybe now, when the head is spinning, but I am drawn down from the balcony and comes its isolation, therefore, the fall is just a reason to finish it?! No, this is not reality! This is a dream! A dream!!!"
-Sweetheart, come here! - came to it from somewhere out of nowhere. - Don't keep the balcony open - cold!
Veronica as if woke up, looked at myself getting used to the fact that she sees.
She stood barefoot and naked on the carpet, which was covered concrete floor of the balcony, wrapped in a sheet, and not feel cold, which was around. As she stood there? A minute? Hour? Eternity?
People say, get used to everything here she used to stand there like a statue, feeling neither cold nor shame, which burned her смятенная soul - nothing. Now she was just a statue, just like the girl on the fountain, at the entrance to the Central recreation Park, which other jokingly called the last virgin in the city. Yes, it would be better if she was the girl, and would have sat on the empty, dried trough the fountain, not knowing neither shame, which now burned, not in front of someone before yourself or confusion, which allowed it to understand how to live.
Yes and how do you know when you "steals like a bitch" three times a day, and it seems to last forever.
It was the third day, as she changed the money market. Since then Veronica no longer leave this room. Even food brought them here. Garik took from the pocket of her brown coat, climbing to myself, thick wads of карбованцы and gave them a messenger from the restaurant that was located in the basement of the hotel.
Although администраторша warned that after twelve in the room must be free, this prohibition did not worked, and it did not expel from the hotel is the third day.
Veronica has grown stupid so what is happening with her, that not even dressed. She walked in the buff number, hiding, if it became cool, sheets or blanket. Seen whether employees have hotels that she's in the room is not seen, it is already not interested in: life still flew, as descended from the mind fast train going downhill, where a deadlock, collapse and death... if only everything around was not a dream.
Sometimes, in such moments, as now, it seemed to her that if she closed eyes напряжется, something to do with your thoughts, everything will change, and burst like a bubble, will cease to be, and not disappear anywhere, where all dreams disappear. But she didn't know what to do, when you really зажмуришься that it happened, how it all to stop, and this was a burden and wearied her spirit. Her soul, so exhausted this nightmare, just остолбенела inside, like отрешилась time, and not conceived it does perfectly.
Garik whether raped, whether seduced her so that she would light up lust, three to four times a day, and from this never ending sex vacation "guest" she was completely exhausted and devastated. Veranika could not even be aware of, now that she thinks about Armenians sex what kind of stupor chained her thoughts, and she simply existed as a biorobot, responding only to external stimuli: her soul made no signs of its presence.
-Today is Wednesday! said Garik, when Veronica gave him shouting on, walked into the room and closed the balcony door. "Let's go into the city! Find money! A hundred dollars! If you don't mind!
-No! - Veronika not even glad that he let go. She like zombies began to gather, not feeling any emotion.
-Bag leave the room! warned Garik, when she wanted to take her.
He or something suspect about the contents of this bag, or simply possessed some very subtle insight and enviable intuition.
The street was not crowded, though it was dinner time. Veronica was a Hundred, as if coming slowly from her daze, and remained in it recently. Thoughts on a few run, and she began to think what she should do.
To a place to go, you should know where you're going. And for this it was necessary to set a goal, to outline the guidelines for its achievement.
Veronica walked into my first favorite cafe "snowflake", got her a Cup of coffee and sat at a table in the corner of an empty hall, began to think of what to go back to the normal flow of life.
"We must find the Nail! Take him out of The house! Then I receive at least some of them. Maybe Nail and Fix, if their meeting will help me get rid of армяна?! "girl, just sipping slowly hot drink. -But what will I tell them? Who is it, and why they should get rid of? And if climbs out all my adventure with this армяшкой! Who cares by whose will it happen?! The main thing that it happened. Then the passage of will not be from lustful bastards, and my life in my native city forever will be hell! Will be quiet - Garik-then go and all as there was nothing! If only администраторша hotels and maids not spread through the city like a magpie on the tail! Yes, a small town! Veronica remembered long words of counsel one of his girlfriend, as she had warned her when she went nee, that in this city all sleep under one blanket! And if all this whoredom, that she plunged, as in a bucket of shit, come out to the outside, it is certainly not a wash - life changed forever, and not in the best for her!"
She would even now ask anyone to dealt with Garik. The same old anger with which she wanted, as she will participate in the execution of the армяном. Dried up. Tired of being like ate teeth. No, she did not treat Garik better one iota. Just emotions given way to the reality, pain and resentment were dulled, she seemed to have got used and resigned with her some strange fate that eventually had to end. Now she was waiting for, when all is quiet stops, will come to naught. It is left to wait four days. Half-term's already passed, and was glad, gives hope that the rest of the time will also be held, albeit difficult, painfully slowly, but has passed.
Veronica knew what disgusting qualities rumors in a small town, but secretly still feared the only one, that return to Moscow taxi driver will surrender it said. And this made her now cold, remorseless, but frantically and unsuccessfully to think about how to prevent this. However, sometimes she agreed with the fact that if Saidu really want to find her, he found her and without Garik.
Rumors that could spread doing if on a city, its weekly staying in the hotel, were, of course, unpleasant and even, in a sense harmful. But these were only rumors, which could be stopped. She knew how to do it: it was enough to behave so that the mosquito nose is not sharpened, so that no one guided heard could dive to her skirt and failed to explore, talk to, and others that this is not true.
But said in a distant now Moscow was a reality, the control of which she had no chance. Live with the knowledge that one day he might again occur in her life, was equivalent to sit under the sword of Damocles: get used to it was impossible to get rid of this too. Of course, you could go somewhere else, so no one knew where to look. but she would never leave his home city, which seemed to her now the best in the world.
"No, it is unlikely he will go to Saidu! "Veronica. -He does not need to glow in this story, because Saeed can and bring him for help to escape. After all come out the same, if he starts something against me! In the end, unknown, may be Chechens already and came on my soul? I was, after all this time, not the house I live in a hotel, incognito!"
Thinking this way, Veronica decided that she strongly thicken paint overestimate the possibilities of the Chechens and their longing in her capture. Most likely, about it already and forgot! Well, boarded the train, but it is hot on the trail! And now what? It is unlikely that they will go to another now, as it turned out, a country thousands of miles, to search for the fugitive, which owes a couple of тысченок bucks. For Moscow is minuscule! In Moscow the scale of money completely different!
The more she thought about what had happened with her, the more strange it seemed to her that the Chechens in General chased her. although, of course, if you know where people in Moscow can escape, then it will catch up. But to Ukraine for him to go - perhaps this is too much!
Whirling thoughts in her come in himself head again brought her to the Garik, who had come with her, stuck like glue, stripped her as he could and assaulted her, as a woman.
Yes, he didn't rape her in the ordinary sense of this word. He skillfully распалял her desire, and sometimes even she somehow подвигала him to it, feeling melancholy for the sharp, stinging усладе, which he had taught her experience. But before he invaded her Holy of holies! And they cried aloud for vengeance! She hated him for it!
Cafe entered the guy went to the front. Veronica was distracted from his thoughts, and обуревающих her head, and drew attention to it. Besides, it was the only visitor of the cafe, and he, moreover, seemed to her friends.
"So there!" cheered Veronika:
-A nail! - she shouted over the hall so that she was annoyed with herself for his flamboyant mental impulse. There's something inside her so исстрадалось that more could not make the former course of events and хваталось for any oncoming straw. -A nail!
It was really Gvozdev. Hearing a wild scream coming from down in the empty, as it seemed to him the cafe, calling him by name, he turned around, wildly, as if frightened looking around: why there is so heart-rending scream, and, glancing through the eyes of the hall, stopped his opinion on a corner table, behind which, as behind in area of fright child, sat Veronica, all kind of not so, as usual, disheveled, just nailed or little old worn-out life.
Nail slightly threw back his head in greeting, raised up their hand, somehow strained, as if he is not sincere, and according to the regulations of what is happening, smiled and changing abruptly a direction of movement, went to her.
-Oh, cool! And you're here! he wondered approached her table.
-Can't you see, coffee drink! - Veronica smiled. She was so delighted to meet Gvozdev, that could hardly conceal it, like a good old friend saw, although the Nail was just a man Hippo and it practically did not communicate. But now she hoped that they will succeed in a business contact. -Upside wandered off to look for you! You W keys Жориной apartment!
-So what?! - surprised the Nail.
"Well, how is that?! - too surprised Veronica. "I'm in her keys to her apartment left! Home can't hit! Yes and I, as far as I understand, хозяйкка now both!
-Well, where are you all this time lived?! asked her Gvozdev, strangely, as if demanding the report.
What do you mean?! has not understood Veronica, but a joyful smile from her face смахнуло some bad feeling about this.
-Yes, literally! said the Nail. - I just three days ago Циню seen. He said that you dollars on the market changed - hundred units, at the rate of forty! You see, I'm all about you know, except one, where you jumped!
Veronica was not myself. The mood was spoiled.
-Well, I need to answer you should not! "she protested.
"No, my friend! Wrong! "replied Gvozdev. -Okay, I now for something to take a snack and go! And come on, пересаживайся from this angle place somewhere decently! You take anything?!
-Salad of some! - Veronica asked, feeling lighter hunger.
Until Gvozdev did order, her whole body shook as from a chill. Something evil was in words, in all the behaviour of a Nail. She couldn't understand what she might face yet, but she felt instinctively some unpleasant and serious disadvantage.
Nail turned to her and saw she was still sitting in the corner, and with a nod he reminded her that he had asked for change.
Veronica pulled herself together and jumped closer, sitting with huge Windows cases, in which it was good to see going on вечерную service in St. Peter and Paul Cathedral parishioners of the Orthodox Church. Now, they were much more than before, and Veronica could not understand whether it is from the collapse of communism, whether from the collapse of the Union.
Nail sat down at a table напротв her, brought several plates of food. After jumped waitress and set it on the table several dishes. Gvozdev pushed her salad:
-Eat. Help yourself!
-Thank you! - thanked Veronica and began gradually наклевывать угощенние. She was somehow terribly hungry, although in the morning, ate in the hotel, but not to show it.
Went back to the table and the waitress brought two small хрусталные little decanter wild ash tincture.
-Will you? asked Nail. Veronica shook her head. -But in vain! Well I, just in case, and pour it!
He poured on стопочкам ruby drink:
-Well, for the meeting!
Veronica sat looking at him, nail glance showed to the pile, and on it to connect. She hesitated, but still held out her hand, with the excuse before him that she действительнонадо relieve stress.
Honestly, Veronica thought that the first thing, when it's all over, drunk like a pig. Closes the apartment and drink! Otherwise it just sit nerves. But nothing's over. However, she allowed himself to relax a little.
Nail overturned стопочку, then began Ukrainian borsch.
Veronica hung out for a bit, but repeated after him.
Burning, but pleasant, tastefully peculiar only to this drink, produced at the local distillery, fire flowed through her body, filling all its members warmth, and the head light hops.
Nail poured another.
-I will not! warned Veronica.
-Come on, help! "he ordered. - I am driving more than three hundred don't drink!
Veronica had some more wine, feeling that gets drunk, however, the alarm away somewhere, fly away, like in the side.
-So where are you шарахаешься the third day? again поитересовался Nail.
"What do you want to know: where it was, where it was? - waved Veronica.
-Picked up eh what?! - съехидничал it.
-Yes, here in my position unless someone to pick left! -cried the girl.
-And what is your position?! You're a widow, grandmas, in the apartment...
-Under what grandmas, the apartment?!
-Well, Hippo also gave you an apartment? Presented!
-A grandmother, what?!
-Well, I don't know! Can stash left!
-Yes, I'm from Moscow empty came like a drum!
-Where I stayed for three days?
"Listen!" - подвыпившая Veronica has grown bolder, moved away from its пришибленного state. -I'm not your wife to report! You're not the hippopotamus!
"Yes, " agreed Gvozdev, I'm not a hippopotamus, but since its not, you are to me you'll be reported to all their incidents, okay?!
"Why not?" Veronica watched the Nail adds another Sumy wild ash, waiting for the finishes and prompts you to enjoy.
-Yes because I've now your legal representative of the deceased spouse.
He gave her hand a pile, they drank.
"Who decided so?! - surprised Veronica slugging tincture, as compote.
-What are these people?!
-Large. Soon to be сходняк, which still to be determined. Well, Hippo apartment and all other likely общаг отойут. And about your apartments - all will depend on me.
"Why not?! - Veronica drained stack, poured again and drank again, not even waiting for an invitation.
-Yes, because I told you - appointed as his executor. 'll name her husband disgrace - apartment you will be picked up.
-So what! - Veronica piano struck his fist on the table. -How to take?! Who?! On what basis:?!
-And on such that'll be unworthy of the name of the widow kingpin news of all! 'll be devoid of all good things!
-Zhora Бегетов, among other things, gave me this apartment! Wedding! "exclaimed Veronica.
-I mean, there we are! Behave yourself, then, is worthy of its name! - did not stop the Nail.
"I? I do something wrong?
So I ask you, where three of the day was this?
-In all holes пердолилась, as the last of a bitch! - threw him in the face with it, feeling that quite опьянела. -You'd better from my apartment keys may I have not slept anywhere!
-So, and that is not immediately came in, how come? - Nail reached into his pocket and pretended there пошарился, " he added. -Oh, forgot house! In The Hippo! Let's go!
Veronica had failed to understand anything, as he firmly stood from the table, took her by the arm and dragged her away from the cafe, as if she was already in the stage of "готовченко"
-You got me where? she asked, trying unsuccessfully to hold back.
The keys! said a Nail.
He held her a hundred to a Cathedral. Here, around the corner of the building, where ended pedestrian zone, stood his brand new Audi.
-Vidal! - with горддостью threw a Nail with a nod to turquoise foreign car.
-Vidal! indifferently agreed Veronica. 'I see прибарахлился you! For whose only account?
-So machines in St. Petersburg pushed taxo! - he put her in the car. -We with the Hippopotamus is one thing разбадяжили. I такчки pushed, and the host is already there! well, I поалагается, общаг part of the cast, and a part - here, on the advice of friends, that is."
A minute later they were already on narrow or winding streets. Nail with pleasure pressed on the gas, and Veronica only looked at the window.
"I guess now in bed drag! - with a drunk indifference she thought, looking at whizzing past the people, buildings, machines, kiosks. -Otherwise, why watered! The executor will! Well, like all goes to it!"
-Well, tell me, where were you three days?! - again asked Gvozdev.
"I said пердолилась in all holes, which in my body! - it amused that can be sarcastic, answering the truth, and it will not be perceived as truth.
-Why should you answer?! offended Nail.
-Why do you ask?! The executor will Khrenov! - Вероникавдруг understand who is guilty in all its problems. She suddenly not a little angry. -You'd be better for me to Moscow there has arrived! The executor will! Then ask not have to! Yes I have, the widow of the thief in the law, there would be no problem!
-And what are your problems?! - he asked, wrapping it in the familiar courtyard Бегемотова home. -Heard Циня mentioned that you're someone remove requested!...
-Here Цындренко, here YAP! "said Veronica. -That the men gone?! Worse Bab! Yes, Nail, I have a problem, and it turns out they all come from you! You fuck me not arrived in Moscow?!
Veronica said this with such genuine anger that the Nail, slowing at the door, and even taken aback:
"But, but, but! Be careful on the turns! We agreed it was...
Veronica seemed that if she were now pistol, she would be with wild pleasure released in him the whole clip, comforted his habitual insult and humiliation.
-Then try, сученок, ask again, where I was three days! warned Veronica, feeling a moral right to say so with a man, a senior itself age.
Chapter 16.
-Well, stop dreaming! "Veronica "Mama". -Dreams not eat! As the great Lenin said, to study, study and study! So let me learn the cause of prostitution in a real way, not out of fear but, really, conscience! In fact you now have something to strive for, right?!
-Yes! - agreed Veronica, in anticipation of freedom covered his eyes.
-Understand! I don't have to you no good, no evil! For me you are the only source of my income! One of the many! My task is to correctly define you a place in my Empire of passion that you brought me the maximum effect! And if I promised something, I will do! I mentioned the price that I want from you! As soon as you рассчитаешься - are you free! But remember! - погрозила her finger, "Mama." -This is my condition is based on your implicit obedience to me obedience! The path to freedom is very narrow and slippery! See, not exceptional service temptation, and follow it right, as we agreed, without stopping, without looking back, without thinking! Then you get! I see you do have the potential to overcome the bar, which I will put! I know is not easy but you can do it, otherwise I would have you even minute to spend did not. Understand?
-Yes! - only and answered now Veronica, inspired of a new dream, as if it gave the exemption.
-Well, then let's begin classes! - returned her "Mama" from heaven to earth. -So, we digress! Our lesson today physiology and medicine! So the first thing you should know is that there are men circumcised and uncircumcised! Seems to be a trifle, but a very important! In the Bible not for nothing he is betrayed so much! Cropped Jews and Muslims. Uncircumcised - are Christians, atheists, well, and all other. However, sometimes circumcision can be performed for medical reasons and to improve hygiene of the penis.
"Mama" gesture invited to his chair one of the Chechens and the waiter, who Veronika twice did миньет:
-Go here both! Remove the pants!
She waited until pants both men fall to the floor, and then, taking in both arms member, became sharp movements, quickly, as if blowing up a bus on a child's Bicycle, to bring them into a fighting position.
-You see! Even so it is clear cut cock! - commenting on it's own actions, addressing to Veronica. "This head is in a calm state, hidden in the foreskin, but she always outside! Well, depending on the age and type of circumcision, it sometimes, and sometimes not, ring of the foreskin.
"My mother continued to skillfully led hands on напрягшимся the genitals in both men, achieving orgasm. Sometimes it was put lips and щекотала them head tongue, trying to do it the same, equally.
"Look here! she said, when the first shot gun waiter. -See, uncircumcised ejaculation occurs faster! And this is despite the fact that he has just finished - well, quite weak, young man.
A moment later, threw some whitish muck and body Chechen.
-Understand? asked her "mom", letting go of men.
-Yes! - agreed to Veronica.
Now she always attempted to perceive what is happening is not as unreal, like a dream, phantasmagoria, and professional information that otherwise receive and assimilate, apparently, it was impossible.
"That's right! "agreed, "Mama." -Now to the age peculiarities! First, the boys! Boys virtually all observed premature ejaculation: thrust - and потелкло, even a couple of times not able to move around. Due to the increased hormonal background and perevozbuzhdeniem nervous system. Here we won't stay long. What do you do if suddenly caught the boy? Well, first of all, anything inhibitory, soothing, and if doesn't help, go to a second round. The second time it all will not happen as quickly. No - go on the third. On the third try, he's just ten minutes can feel like a man, засадившим кобылке, to feel how it is when his penis inside the woman. Boys usually within ten to fifteen minutes after orgasm again ready to rush into battle. Their factory for the production of sperm works as shells on the front stamps - without breathe. But with the elderly, everything is exactly the наооборот! Firstly, to Wake them very handsome! He looks at you, and it all hangs! Through the eyes of the whole already in you, but in reality as a child! As if not a man! For man worse shame no, when before gramineous girl he saliva flow, and the tooth he take it or not! What will be with this client?!
"Mama looked at Veronica up expectantly.
-I will do миньет! - she answered readily, like a schoolgirl on the exam.
"Mama" shook her head.
-Dead room! Although sometimes helps! But he's either in the mouth you almost immediately stopped, or when it tries to you climb, you come in, it all fall! And what then?! - she again looked at озадаченную Veronika, but then continued. -Have I told you that you have customers, пришибленные cargo Puritan morality, marriage and other hardships of their provisions obliging be on the alert! They to us now and fly, because there, in the West, they can watch and caught. Withdraw such uncle, in a newspaper пропечатают, and all - goodbye chair, position, power, money! They fear that оскопиться ready. But you can't go against nature! So go me! And I give him such a gorgeous Ukrainian all, like you, blood and milk, turning the body, all for delights! He saliva tonight and only! Well, maybe таблеточек there which will take a SIP! But! You know, it is usually helps! It should distract! Make him feel that with you it's like he's in another world, in which there is no establishment and respectability, which has only a little, her neat, pretty Ukrainian bitch Lada, ready to execute any whim, and it is!..
-Well, I will dance for him! - found Veronica. -Massage going to do...
"Mama" for some time was waiting for the manifestation of some fantasy girls, then continued:
-Earlier in the king's chamber walls were hung paintings of artists of pornographic nature to, once there, the royalty distracted from the Affairs of state and handle cases bedding. Therefore, you should always be at least one качественнй porn film, better than the so-called "quarter". Meaning there is no, but one порево! It is distracting and dispel very well! The client in the physiological sense, maybe, everything is fine. Therefore, work through the mind: relax in the atmosphere, music, clothes, little porno such, so for the eggs it took and выжало. Clear?
Veronica nodded.
-Well, as for the women...
"Mom," interrupted, drawing attention to the puzzled expression Veronica:
-Yes, Lada, among your clients will be and women! Moreover, in the age! Sometimes couples together employ the services of a first-class prostitutes, to fill a spice of past sensations. So you must know about women not less than about men. I'm not talking about those that lack of male attention. "Macho" I in range too. I'm talking about those women who will come to you.
-But why?! "said Veronica, playing himself naivety.
"Mama looked at her with a warning.
-The fool of yourself, Lada, don't play! Vika with you sleeping?! Sleeps! - she tossed herself his head affirmatively, confirming his / her awareness about the intimate life of the girls. "She is not old, and fucked her every day! So there are women who just have a need for same-sex sexual relations, however, as the men. And they will be your clients! Basically, you will come women rich, wealthy, often married, where you will serve no worse than men. If you think that it's easier паренной turnip, you're wrong: these ladies are very demanding, shy, silent. You will work hard to exhaustion mental and physical strength, before will take them in for a real treat for which they came. And remember that, unlike wealthy men, wealthy ladies descent. Not wait!
"Mother," and held out her hand and the waiter, who was standing with her, handed her a glass of orange juice, which she промочила throat:
Of female physiology you should know? If not to take into account lesbian generally with men are not in bed, the woman closer to forty, what earlier, what later begin to feel the need for the relations in the anus, in the anus. I'm not talking about frigid, I mean normal women, who know how to have an orgasm. The usual way they achieve such thrills.
"Mama" put the flute and showed the waiter finger to poured wine for her and student:
-By the way, this also applies to men, but more on that later: they have a very different reason. Now, back to women forty years! They often can't tell about this not what husbands, but even lovers, with whom more honest. So they come, come, come to me. Many of them are not aware of this need directly. They merely are not satisfied by previous forms of intercourse, but do not understand their reasons, and therefore look for different ways of getting rid of it. And the reason is that they no longer feel that experienced before. This is called local frigidity, when the erogenous zones that were operational before, cease to be a source of pleasure. They like to wear, and is disabled in General, stale. And the old forms of intercourse do not bring the visual orgasm you have ever felt before, it stronger fades out. For women this as the end of life! If only she had experienced these feelings, because, for example, about eighty percent, and the ninety, my peers orgasm never in my life experienced. Well, those who experienced become hookers and prostitutes, because we have men on the ninety-nine percent do not know that a woman is also an orgasm supposed to feel! Statistics are stubborn things. Well, got distracted!.. And these women start to run on the doctors to be treated, not knowing what just happened offset erotic zones, and now they can do it only through the anus...
"Mom" took filed her a glass of wine and began to lightly колыхать in a circular motion, putting my nose and sipping his flavor with the edge of the glass:
-By the way, porn movies, of course, as a textbook should not be used, but at least they have a visual aid, the symptom of this behavior, the display needs, which begins to secretly давлеть over the woman in my forties. I don't know why this is the way the female body. It is possible that this аттавизм, relic, inherited by us from the birds, the females of which there is no separation of the anus, мочеисрускательного canal and genital organs. They have a one - cloaca. We are not birds, but need to in this cloaca something поприсутствовало, the female body, apparently, remained. However, I admit, this is my personal opinion.
The waiter brought a glass of wine to Veronica. She took him and began to repeat the "mother"of trying if not to feel the flavor of the drink, then at least to pretend that knows the rules of etiquette.
"Mother noticed her diligence and praised:
-Well done! I see that now you really want to master all the subtleties of our craft. But you will have a special teacher of etiquette! In addition, you will be taken to the light, led to the performances of the ballets that you become a charm!
Veronika made involuntarily surprised face, and "Mama said:
-And you think I'm price you identified just like that?! Lada, you will engage the best specialists: a choreographer, a masseur, a choreographer, critic, hairdresser, women's clothing designer, a specialist on ethics and ethics of high society. The image-maker will shape your character, so that it appeared to be even stronger, complemented by a bouquet of grafted you skills, standards and rules of dress, behavior. If you will diligently learn the lessons, you will be the envy of many of the best society women. In addition, you will learn the rules of etiquette in high society. And more! I call this the French sommelier - he was the only one on the entire city of Moscow, - to tell you how heed fragrance виннного aroma and understand the fault! We now drink you wine collector. Not the best and the most expensive, but it is quite decent, so I had been touched! Try to catch his scent, his bouquet!
Veronica took a SIP of her wine, and not sensed the smell of drink no special fragrances.
"However, we are distracted! Back to the physiology of the human body, regarding some parts of the us interest...
Veronica was surprised: "mom" become exquisitely speak. Disappeared its скаберзные words.
She suddenly got distracted, something happened. Like somewhere inside her, deeply triggered some alarm clock, будивший it from this dream.
Veronika like again saw himself.
She sat in the sauna, naked, covered only by a towel in front of a depraved naked aunt owns dozens of Moscow prostitutes, with a completely corrupt мировозрением, which she now tried to transfer it to her. And for what?! To it, Veronica Бегетова, became суперпроституткой and earned this гадине a million dollars! Your body!..
She felt as though she had seen the revelation that it wasn't her life! Not her! She played some strange role, and could not get out of this state, to stop him as he needed some key, a sort of atonement, to get out of this hell and back in habitual for her life. She realized that she does not want to delve into what she predicted these blatant aunt that stole her and was ready to squeeze her juices all, despite the fact that she was the widow...
Suddenly it seemed to her that all that happens is a terrible revenge of the deceased spouse. They say that the dead sees his life and the lives of their loved ones, as on a palm, moreover, they are the thoughts of those whom they loved, as their own! And if this is true, then the Hippo just opium his spouse and, perhaps, it is in his power, had her now this "sweet" life, how she never dreamed that she plenty filled with what secretly, somewhere in the depths of your subconscious often wanted: a good fuck!
I get!
For the first time in the life of Veronica suddenly with a prayer addressed to Бегетову Eugene, whom she always before, even myself, named not differently, as Hippo, despite the fact that he was her husband: "Jora! Jora! Жорочка! If you hear me! I don't know in hell you or Paradise, and whether they, in General, these hell and Paradise, but! Jora! If you hear me! If you hear me! Save me! Just save me from this nightmare! Send me somebody! Send me a deliverer from all this! Zhora!.."
-... as for men, there is another case, " she continued, "Mama", not noticing that Veronica is hovering somewhere in the clouds, otherwise she would схлопотала another "minus", - is to blame for everything prostate gland. Heard anything?
"Mom," now noticed seems to be that Veronica do not listen, but that in time caught on with a shrug.
-Prostate - continued the lecture, it is a very interesting body. In shape it is reminiscent of an acorn. Iron covers the urethra men. The front cover is closed, the pubic bone, so access is only possible via the anus...
"Mama" paused and looked at the men present, as if to say: "Aha! Trapped!", then continued:
-It is five to seven inches from the anus, and plays a very important function: if the iron is faltering, the guy is not worth it. When мужина young this iron works well, even too well, but as she grew older she gets tired, and her to continue normal operation begins to require periodic massage. There is a special Daimon procedure, when the doctor нагибает man and makes him in the anus finger massage. Frankly, I think that it is better than to try it, just come to us. And competent, trained prostitute make it better and nicer!
"Mama looked at Veronica, словнго saying, "You will!", and OTOP spoke again:
-Many men are embarrassed to admit it. But the need to поковырялись in the back passage is, most of those who at the age of forty. They are terribly ashamed of it and even indignant, if you try to get access to their anus. But here you must be perseverant! If a man even after watching good порнушки, and you вскоорости learn to understand pornography, as a professional, I promise you that intervention is required. Therefore, you will not even offer it to the client and with the help of a game to reach his prostate. Has a set of tools: in the West it in any sex shop sold. To thee I will give them after the training.
"Mama" rose from the chair and went back to the pool, and from there, floating past Veronica, finished his lecture:
Men will be embarrassed that you will be offering. They do not even realize that испытавают this need. Some believe that when they are in the anus дидлом or vibrator, it is a sign blueness. You'll have to convince a client that this will remain between you. In fact only a feature of the product of the male body. Sexual orientation is not to blame, and to courageously take the bull by the horns, смызывать Didelot or vibrator and gently insert the client in the ass. My license girls don't do that - I don't teach them this. There's another clientele, and other relationships, a different level of income. But prostitutes premium class I teach these techniques is necessary. Here the relationship with the client occur at the level of family, trust. Sometimes it happens that my elite girls clients trust what could never ask your wife. And for this to really try! Inter alia, prostitutes premium is mouth shut. I don't even know what is happening in bed, and teach them that it is a mystery that their first client, and only the second to them.
Chapter 17.
No, Veronika not clung like the brazen самодовольную, which became a sleek and разъевшейся face of a person, which her grief, too bad поднажился. It was possible, Nay, even, was exactly what the machine on which he now brought to the house where was the personal apartment of her late husband, bought with the money the Nail had to give the Hippo, and, hence, now it appears to her. And with the apartment, with общаком, with all that stuff, the noodles that she hung on the ears of a Nail, were all the same. It is very probable that this Gvozdev fork in the air. Someone just her divorce, taking away what is bad, and using her ignorance.
Veronica felt some kind of inner strength, self-righteousness: "No, I will not let themselves fuck who is handy! I'm not so! I'll all be who I want!"
From the last phrase of the Nail was taken aback, and sat in the same position, frozen, taking a key from the ignition lock. It was a challenge, and he pondered how to react. Veronica, though she was drunk, it was good to see how he tries to determine the correct direction of its future behavior against her: it depended on who of them will be in the future on a horse. She regretted that drank, and it hurt to think quickly and coolly, and make accurate decisions. But she was determined to go now on the offensive and not give a Nail and a minute to recover and get yourself:
"You are to me now to the apartment to Behemoth brought! You think I don't know why?! To put to bed! Keys to drive fast!
-What are the keys?! - Nail tried to recover from the onslaught, which did not expect.
-Ordinary! The keys from my apartment!
-Well, now, I'll go!..
-A nail! They have you in my pocket! I saw in the cafe! - Veronica blatantly lied to, continuing a violent attack. -Took out alive! Or me that you are searching?!
Nail apparently forgot that he is in the cafes of the pocket nothing bullies, - "need to be Careful!" - permitted herself Veronica, and reached into his pocket, took the keys.
"You see, you asshole! - Veronica bitten us on them like a cat. "You think that's a very tricky! Today, what is my place of my deceased husband оттрахаешь, and then show some video recording on сходняке and say, "Yes she is a bitch, fucking with everyone! I myself fucked, look here!" In you! - Veronica under her nose Nail дулю with such a passionate impulse that drove him in the face, and Nail, as the jerk, drawing blood.
Head Gvozdeva flew back and hit the glass.
It was the culmination of a short and sudden clashes. Now it was necessary to bring a "душеприказчику" reasonable guilt or "съежать with Bazaar" and wait for the counter-attack!
Yes, if she had not got in Moscow! If not brought on the tail of the city taxi driver-армяна, who for three days had her, I wanted to, "in all holes" in the hotel! If she behaved courageously, and has gone through all of Moscow's intrigues, whatever these terrible have not been herself, she would now could produce! Once the Nail was called now executor of her late husband, she would have played it your best! And not only on it! She would go on сходняк and brought all the thieves, that they threw her in Moscow, left alone with "Czechs", with the Moscow bandits! Yes, it is not their territory, and in Moscow their orders, but they had to help her! She had to pull out! It is not alone in Moscow leaned, and with the Hippopotamus, according to his deeds! And as he unfastened the "common Fund", they had to bail her out of trouble!
These thoughts rushed through my head Veronica with the speed of a bullet, and only now she realized how she was to behave in Moscow to do so. It is possible that she would have hard times, it is even possible that it would have been killed! But!.. But if she remained alive in all of this mess and would come to visit me in the city itself, it now or when we come back, at any time, could present all thieves city invoice! They threw her! Yes she was not a thief, but she was the wife of the kingpin! Yes, it was pretty darling girl and didn't treat it seriously! But!.. But they should have to answer for everything!
Nail shoved her fist on her chest, counterattack began.
-Say thank you that I Bab not beat! he said, wiping the nose of yushku. -I'd just showed! What do you think, cool or what?! Yeah who are you?! Behemoth you picked up under the fence! Hey!..
Veronica was going to strip Nail another hundred dollars "for the offense" - she felt that he "when grandmas", but time was lost, and the attack bogged down enemy shook himself from the overwhelming onslaught and came to himself, and now all I needed was to counter strike and the best retreat to think things through: drunk to think it was difficult. Brains are constantly started to think about what we need.
Was another way: go back down, coming to terms cozy up, ask for help. But it was slippery and dangerous path. Here you can give up the slack, and all would have turned against her. It was better not to tread! But Veronica, suddenly, I do not understand why that inspired her to this step, turned down this slippery slope, feeling loses its positions:
-Okay, Nail, don't be mad! Give me a hundred dollars, or two hundred!
The Nail's eyes widened. He stopped to wipe the blood from under the nose, and she began to drip him on the jeans.
-And maybe jamb roll away?! - ухмылнулся he, evil scowling.
"Yes, when talking about stocks, all стервенеют right before your eyes!" thought Veronica.
"You jamb! - agreed to Veronica. -The more, the better! Follow me not arrived in Moscow, I had debts touch, to get the most!..
-This is your problem! 'bandit.
-I understand that my! But the executor will Hippo-that is you! So you had to solve them! So you surrender! I'm not asking a lot! Hey, come on, really, chopper, and we parted friends! - Veronica again quietly began to emphasize, began their attack.
His eyes Gvozdeva continued to expand.
-Yes you know what is in these times that knife?! - возмутиося it. Is forty-five million karbovanets!
-I do not ask you, how much it! - raised her index finger, Veronica. - I say: "Give!", and, by the way, I do not need to count the loot on кидаловскому course, it is still money changes! Okay, come on, come across! I know that money you have! And this money my late husband, the executor of the will which you were appointed! By the way who?!
-None of your business! - Nail again began to wipe the blood from under the nose, saw that she have dropped the jeans, swore, took out his handkerchief and swabbed, слюнявя it.
-None of my business?! "said Veronica. "It seems, I came to Moscow without a spear in his pocket, three days can't go home, and I legal representative Hippo chopper does not give him money for small expenses?! So whether it be?! Veronica felt that she is a member of a new role, and she liked it! "Indeed, this filth owed me money my husband unfasten to life!" suddenly flashed through her mind. -When you сходняк?! I want to go! I want to see you there salvage my late husband will share! In General goes that someone tries to steal!
-Yes you who such?! - surprised the Nail, ceasing to wipe the blood and raising her eyes in genuine astonishment. -You and the threshold will not be allowed! You're not criminals! There only the aces access!
-I'm the wife of one of these aces, who was killed in Moscow! - screamed at him Veronika so that probably hear it on the street. - And I have the right look, the way you make me try to undress and leave without all!
She suddenly остервенела. She really wanted to hit the Nail something heavy or shoot him like a dog. Veronica rushed at him, not understanding itself properly, which makes:
-Grandmother Geez! Alive!
-Do you think that I am a burden?! - outraged the Nail, fighting off наседавшей girls. -Let us go into the house, I'll give!
Veronica почувствола catch in it, stopping the attack:
"Fetch me! I'll wait!
She had no doubt that the apartment Nail will behave differently. It is possible that he really ready for shooting порносцены.
-I will make will not! - cut the Nail. "You want rolled the dough, " let's go to the hut! No - go empty!
This, of course, was a chance, a chance to break as a king, and "fall below the plinth". It was too risky to trust the Nail: who knows what he had in mind. In fact, suggested that Veronica was only one of the many variants of its behavior. In the end, it remained the whole apartment, or maybe two, if Veronica will behave in the future correctly. Yes, generally, no one knows what really was owed to her from the Affairs of the deceased spouse. She thought only now, when it is wise to Nail, bringing the conversation on the housing theme. She'd somehow never knew that Behemoth, of course, belonged to the city much more than two apartments.
Veronica recalled the recent stage in the flea market when stodollarovaya a denomination rapidly ran away from the man. She just saw now how to try to inflate spent in the same way. All went to it: it would dissolve, leave blank and impoverished, the same as she was before her marriage.
"Oh - VD!" - with malice thought Veronica. Now she was a widow kingpin and the time you meet with a Nail wanted to get everything which is due to her full! But how? She didn't even know where to start! She needed advice! But who could deliver quickly, correctly, and not willing to cheat? She had to act decisively, but carefully, so as not to make a mistake and lose everything like that guy a hundred dollar bill. It was like walking on a rope over an abyss blindfolded and without insurance: the slightest wrong move and goodbye!
Veronica knew that for doing this game for and on the headstock, she must have some significant levers of influence. Now she was pressing only ambition arising from its resentment and anger, completely out of the blue. It was just a dummy, push that, Yes, just blow the dust of it, and it shall fall, опрокинится and uncover all her naked nakedness.
"The понтах does not go far! - true she decided. -But where to find the levers?!"
As a lever in this case, it would be good to сгодился somebody's massive member, some steep city ACE. But where is it? How to enter? Nobody there and willingly will. Yes, it should be to this ACE surrendered its защизать, to defend its interests.
"Whom would fall under that and you will! Veronica knew that the second Hippo her fate will not provide. He was just a Fluke, unplanned gift of the fate that was her only because she was строптива and stubborn, and not to travel along close to him did not admit to the wedding itself. -Yes, we had to take care of Hippo, as the Apple of the eye, and nurture, as the most expensive diamond!"
Contact with a Nail? Go under the brutal six, which has already defined the fate of her property, as общаковского, приворовав itself, probably with half?! Cost! Contact with the six - and above шестеровсвких whores and girlfriends won't get up! Moreover, this guy was so unreliable! From and through the подляной! He could betray any minute, which is determined to be comfortable! Here and now! Why he called her into the apartment?! Rape and portray that she basis, and then display on the сходняке that this whore is not worthy to control the money of a Hippopotamus, and let's take it all in "General", including rent, which now this slut lives. She is not worthy!
"Maybe! - Veronika struck by the rapid guess that made even her sober up. - Maybe going to Nail me there just kill?!"
This discovery seemed to Veronica terrible, and she looked at the Nail completely different eyes.
And what? No man - no problem! All go into a "common Fund"! And Nail take the lion's share of the former Жориного wealth. And do not rape, do not shoot anything, strain, wait ' meeting also attracts attention! All at once dare! Hippo no, time - and his wife, Veronica Бегетовой, no! Now all collective-farm, all now общаковское! You can take until there are, how many you want!
Yeah! Here is a discovery!
Excitement Veronica broke out in a cold sweat: the farther into the forest, the thicker the guerrillas!"
-What is it you I so strongly to the apartment to take?! - evil Veronica asked.
Gvozdev said nothing, насупленно still wiping the blood from his pants.
-So, " I give you five minutes, that you made me a thousand bucks, and even better - forty-five million karbovanets!
-No I have so much! "replied the Nail.
"Okay, tell me, when you сходняк and I went! - Veronica opened the car door and stood, half leaned on the street and as if waiting for an answer, but the Nail was silent. -Okay others know! In any case, that thou me with pasterns are tossed, I find the people who say!
-Okay, wait! - A nail out of the car and already headed for the door, but he stopped, came back, went to the car by Veronica. How strange that you don't want to go to the apartment?! Your's...
-Strangely, for making me so hard it drag! - she retorted. "My, but you live there you!
-And what?! - surprised the Nail.
-Turbulent times! Veronica looked at her watch. I'm waiting for another four minutes, and then just leaving!
Nail disappeared in the doorway, and three minutes later appeared again, holding out Veronika mailing envelope.
-How many in here? she wanted to know.
-As requested - knife." "replied the Nail.
"If you'd asked two? - Veronica opened the envelope, counting the "green".
"Listen!" Not наглей! - angry Nail. Simple people and for the year such grandmother wouldn't work, what I gave you, and you...
-Well, we are not simple people! - Veronica was happy with everything that happened inside her just bursting with joy, and she almost держивалась to this joy broke out, building themselves a grudge.
"You're not thieves! summed up the Nail. -All! Grandmother got?! Bye!
"Wait a minute! Veronica turned her legs, put them in beauty. The audacity it grew with each passing minute. "Take me back to драмтеатру, to my apartment!
-Well, wow! Бегетова! You sure as борзометр зашкалил! - outraged Gvozdev. -you now when бабле! Go taxo!
-Well, Gvozdev! Well, as an old friend! - it старала дурашливо like flirting with him, to persuade him, pulling the брючину, which накапало blood: a good mood hide all the same failed.
Gvozdev walked slowly on водиительское place.
-And how much these days worth of murder! - Veronica asked, when they departed from the yard.
-Looking one! "replied the Nail. -Цыня said you asked him about this...
-Let's go somewhere and sit down and talk! suggested Veronica.
Gvozdev made a wry grin, strongly bulging lips:
"Well, come on!
They slipped to the Central house of communication, turned off the square, went Brokeback street almost to the top. Gvozdev slowed down, drove off the road.
-What are we going?! he wanted to know.
Here, on a small tiny patch was just four bars entrances were very close to each other.
-"Under the lanterns"! - chose Veronica.
The people at the bars was so much that it would seem here to celebrate celebration. Inside, too, was crowded.
The nail went up to the bartender and whispered something in his ear, pointing hall, on Veronica. He nodded, asking to look behind the bar waitress walked in the room, and went to the table that stood in the cosy arch-booth, the entrance to which was entwined with vines with вьщимися shoots ivy on top. There at a table for two sat kind of couple.
"Sorry, " turned to the bartender, " but the table was commissioned! Did the waitress you not warned?!
-Yes-Yes, " said the bearded, intelligent man, - we are now.
After a minute Veronica with a nail sat in their places.
-You grow up! - Veronica nodded her head.
-And then well! - agreed Nail, pleased with the compliment. -This table is always reserved for such persons like me! - he boasted. And so in each bar of the city!
Brought cognac, hookah and coffee.
-Chur, treating you! - offered her Gvozdev. -You now when grandmas!
-I not against. Only I have the bucks, and how to change them!
-Easily! - Nail whistled for a waiter.
He walked up, Nail began to speak in his ear, simultaneously showing to Veronica gesture, drove to a hundred.
-At what rate will change? - Veronica asked, when the waiter with her стодолларовой province withdrew.
Forty-three! said a Nail. - My three!
"Go ahead! - waved her hand Veronica.
-Well, what is it? asked Nail, sipping a hookah.
The murder! - said Veronika, watching closely the reaction of the interlocutor.
He and mustache did not lead:
-I heard about this! Specifically! Someone remove the need?!
The girl thought: "put it all on the joke? Say "you" or "me"? but the joke was dangerous, why once again give an occasion to elaborate on this subject!" On the other hand, make an order to open the card. Play had to be careful.
Veronica suddenly remembered said, and this determines its decision.
-Is man! Not local! You'll get?! asked Veronica.
"No, I'm in Moscow do not go! - immediately waved his arms in a Nail. -I like it here!
-Yes, I had brought along! the girl said.
-About it! - surprised the Nail. - Who is that?!
-Yes, one man!
-Not темни! What kind of man?! What breathes!? - Veronika did not reveal the cards, and Nail nervous. "I was just on мокруху not go.
-How just like that?! has not understood Veronica.
-Who is that?! Especially with Moscow! Slang?!
-Yes, as you say... In General, no. Although the relationship he had with блатными available! I call it simply - "guest". How much do you want?!
-And what he did?!
-Yes, the old sins! - Veronica темнила.
-Yes, some old sins! Why persecutest thou! - outraged the Nail. "Where have you in Moscow old sins?!.. that money owed?
-Owed! - agreed to Veronica. -Not to him! He as a messenger for them here! I promised him I would find it!
-A-a! That's why salvage дерешь as special fire! guessed Nail.
-Yes it is pennies compared to my debt! - dismissed him hand Veronica.
-Penny?! - surprised the Nail. - How many for you?
A hundred Kosykh! - Veronica called sum from the ceiling to impress Nail.
A hundred Kosykh?! he almost choked with smoke from a hookah. -Yes you be thinking of how much it bubble?! Where are you so much owed?!
-Well, you tell! - so, you take?
"Well, come on! shrugged his shoulders, as if to agree about something mundane, a Nail. -Do so! When he entered, you call me and tell what you call a taxi. I followed him to come back. It was just a matter of technique!
After sitting a little more "Under the lanterns", they went out of the cafe on the street
-You only first settle up! - to propose to her Nail, approaching the car. -I'll remove the "guest", but it will be expensive!
-How much? readily asked Veronica.
They already got in the car, but the Nail still silent, pretending to be busy выруливаением with Parking ago, down the mountain, then when they turned around and came to a crossroad, finally, проинзнес, saying, as if having stitched machine gun:
-Grandmother now I do not need! Therefore, you shall give пиздой! he looked at Veronica, just опешившую from such a statement, as if assessing the reaction to the word.
-Listen, Gvozdev, I'm in shock! "she said a minute later when they had already passed the city centre and turned off before reaching the bridge through the Psel on the road, bending around the city drama theatre.
-No, well, why are you thinking?! You get a "guest"for free?! I che for just мокруху should go, yeah?!
-Why is it free?! "said Veronica. -I agree to pay!
-Well, here pay! - agreed Nail. -The year I'll have when I want to, do you agree?!
Veronica couldn't believe what he hears it from Gvozdeva:
"Listen!" I'm in mourning! I'm a widow of a Hippopotamus, a Nail! Do you see how much around girls beautiful, handsome! Our city they are full of just - you cannot pass! You of them can have, in a Nail!
"As you wish! - ardor Gvozdeva waned a bit. -This is my condition! There is none! Veronica sighed. There was something unimaginable. The men around her like crazy. Each strove to her присунуть.
-Give a kid! - Veronica asked, trying to realize new proposal.
-Well, think quickly! - Nail braked at her entrance. You will find, if that!
Chapter 18.
The next day, Veronica in a sauna "mother" nobody went.
She waited until lunch, surprised and a little fearful of change. The procedure of the morning visiting the "mum's" "apartments" seem to have become a habit, and it was even afraid that everything changes.
Only in the evening for her said. He brought her black stockings, a mesh with belt-support mink coat, a white blouse with a deep cut on the chest, a long skirt impressive рассеченную on the sides, black patent-leather boots, similar, more on the ball Shoe, and some small decorative hat of black veil брошами, bow curled in a small lump that was attached to the hair, as a large clip. Instead panties said handed her a furry bundle of fur on an elastic band, similar to a rabbit's tail.
After Saeed in the room went to the hairdresser and make up artist.
"Get dressed! - ordered a Chechen was relaxed. One hour drive to Opera!
In conclusion, said handed her a necklace made of stones sparkling thousands of sparks.
-See more careful! - he drew her attention to a thing. Is бриллики! Lose it, you will "mother" even NML work
Veronica surprised and glad.
She was on the street so long that not even believe that there is something else besides this huge hotel complex. All she had seen in the window some time has perceived it as a decoration of the play, in which she participated: the people, the trees, cars, buildings, fences and even Ostankino tower.
An hour later, Veronica emerged from the porch of the hotel on the ramp, where she was waiting for a limousine. Here, to the upper entrance allowed to drive only the most important guests of the hotel.
On the street circling the last snow, was slightly chilly, and I smelled the spring.
Veronica happy breathed heady fresh air, trying to hold his breath and taste.
Щвейцар opened the door to the car and bowed dressed as Princess young woman. Said gently and barely pushed her to the door, as if giving to understand that it is still under its control. Veronica stepped forward and landed in a spacious interior.
Inside was "mother":
-Well, Hello, Lada! - she smiled slightly, accurate eye assessing become Veronica смотревшейся million dollars.
Saeed sat next to the driver in the cabin, separated from the salon of стаклом. Veronica felt limousine slowly started moving.
-Talk to me "mA'am"! said, "Mama."
-Hello, Madame! - dutifully repeated Veronica.
-From this day on, your life will be different! I'll take out of you in the theaters, the restaurants, where there are foreigners. I will show you its customers and at the same time you'll take my training program. You clearly?
"Yes, Madame!
-And, Lada, remember: all they know who I am! And of course, everyone knows who you are!
Veronica listened, trying not to succumb to the joy which were exploding inside her. She felt that her life from this day changes! And she barely restrained myself not to jump up to the ceiling.
Now every day she went with "a mother", dressed in expensive clothes and jewelry on Opera and operetta, ballet, and performances of classical theaters - in places which are visited by rich foreigners, who came specially for the sake of one show in Moscow. Later they dined at the most expensive restaurants in Moscow in society "mum's" clients.
Veronica tried to be немногословной, and, although she knew the агнлийский, supported the conversation only in the most extreme cases, one-way "Yes" and "No". "Mama told her to behave very modest, like a good girl. This woke her strong interest, and "mother" like obkatyvali its image in front of prospective customers, enhancing and increasing in price.
Day with Veronica teachers were prepared by the "mother" of the program. Took place one week, followed by another, but its more nothing happened. Moreover, the "mother" отселила Veronica in a separate room, state, empty, and did not like Викин like меленькую apartment, but still separate.
-Gained juice, Lada! - she said "mommy", forbidding even masturbate. -I will follow you! - погрозила she Veronica finger. -You are now my product!
However, Veronica, she seemed so пресыщена not that sex, and even memories of him that now will be able to live without it for a hundred years.
Daily walks on fresh air were uprooted from her face pale, she разрумянилась and blooming as a rose, waiting when it will break.
But time passed, and the "mother" of all't release it in the ring.
Veronica gradually accumulated experience in the theatre, Opera and опереточных cases in the ballet. It taught daily, and she tried to be a good disciple. She knew that the study will help her quickly regain his freedom.
Somehow come April, and is now around all распускалось, blossomed and have a real spring was in the air. Veronica often thought of their native place, which has long warm days, but nevertheless, he was glad that become warm and green that day more dwells.
Vika she now rarely seen, only a few times in the corridors of the hotel, and the meetings, and stopped her and asked how things could for the guests. But Veronica at all desire could not do it: the room is still locked from the outside, and several times during the night guard came to personally ensure that Veronica on the spot.
-I can't! - said Veronika, knowing moreover that "mom" was talking to her mistress and strictly forbade the sleep with her.
But to the Wiki, as though nothing came. Veronica saw that all burning with the desire to fuck her.
-Well, let's just one time! - began to urge the vetch.
"I can't, I graze all day and night! - оответила Veronica.
-Well, then grandmother Geez! Alive! - suddenly changed her ex-girlfriend. -To tomorrow gave it to him and not you! - Vika put Veronica's hand under her skirt and so cleverly and hurt clung thumb and index ральцами the clitoris that Veronica's all in his eyes darkened. The guard, who accompanied her, and turned away, as if distracted by something. -Understand?
It looked like a crab grabbed her claw. Once, a long time ago, in a happy childhood, Veronica grabbed the finger crab, which she reached out, saw him in a transparent sea water. The feelings were the same! It hurt so grabbed the finger Veronica that she was to reduce the muscles!
-Yes! - Veronica replied, but claw is still clenched her most sensitive organ: such a thing could only be done by a woman, and not every one, namely such as vetch.
-Really?! - Vika even stronger closed her clitoris razor-sharp nails.
-Exactly! - confirmed Veronica.
-Well, look! - Vika let go of her and walked away down the hall: their friendship came to an end.
The guard immediately turned to Veronica, as if nothing had happened. She wanted to be indignant: where he looks, while her here punching, but realized that it is stupid and useless.
From these little pricks who were completely different, but always stabbed in the same саднящую point of her soul, Veronica still was not feeling his essence. It every day, despite the fact that the past is gradually forgotten, and the future is still did not come, thinking about what is actually someone's property. And barely these thoughts creeping in her pretty little head as she tried to escape from them away. Pressed her to the ground, nailed it to Mirko, in which it existed, despite the fact that now she traveled about throughout Moscow on extremely expensive limousine, visited the Opera and theatres. But all was not really, everything was against her will, and even if she liked ballet or staging, she still remembered that all this is not for her, it's all because so ordered "mom", it's not the result of a commitment of her soul.
And yet she had more freedom. If Veronica was the day in the hotel, she was allowed accompanied by a guard access to the restaurant and casino, attend the concerts held in the huge auditorium of the hotel.
The money she had, and she had not wanted it to those places, except the restaurant where she was fed for "mother's" account.
Somehow down in the dine restaurant, Veronica noticed in the lobby Garik. Apparently, he brought client and I went with him to the hotel.
In the soul of her mixed lump feelings. She stood up, her hands on her hips and her leg slightly to the side, in a posture of "Well, we got him!" and stared at Garik in emphasis.
At first he pretended not to notice her, but it's hard not to notice the brightly painted and brightly dressed in red, purple and violet tones, all in some блестках and bright, yellow-green fur collars and cuffs, a beautiful young woman, who stood out against окрущающих as a bright spot against the grey оббденности.
Veronica looked at him for a long time. It was evident that Garik immediately spotted and recognized her. He shrank, hunched, as if something was crushed from above, mumbling hurried, losing самобладание.
She called him. She just watched him as the man whom she would now like to break into small pieces. He did so that she was now standing in the middle of the "Cosmos" all of a bright, расфуфыренная, recognizable, catchy. Maybe some other provincial girl and said Garik "Thank you!" for such a metamorphosis, but not Veronica. She was here, in the lobby bite him, grab his insolent face and pulling her with his claws, as flogged her because of that the person who first popolzovalsya it, and then passed it to the hotel thugs.
But the recent events in her life taught Veronica maintain composure, so she just stood and looked at him. She was as hypnotic him, that he looked in her direction, but Garik stubbornly turned away. Veronica walked him with a glare to the rotating четырехлопостных door... and then he turned and looked at her in the eye.
According to this view Veronica knew immediately that he had noticed her, and now painfully overcame the temptation to not look in her direction, but he could not restrain himself and looked.
Face Garik at first white, then red, then green, and eventually became crimson.
Veronica, and in continuing to stand in the pose in which she watched him, now beckoned him with his long forefinger overlaid with red nail: now it was her dress code, in which it constantly move around the hotel complex, causing the sea attention.
Seeing that Veronica looks at him, and beckoning finger, Garik has blossomed into a broad златозубой smile as though saw an old friend. What would be a pleasure to Veronica was she slapped him now in this smiling Armenian insolent face!
-Hi, sweetheart! - he came near to her, and scenic slowly, widely opened the hand as if to embrace her somewhere in the area of the waist.
Chechen who accompanied her to the restaurant, silently moved out from behind her back and put forward a hand to stop Garik feet from Veronica.
-What're you doing here? asked Garik, leaning a little back.
-Пиздой trade! Veronica had forgotten all decency.
Garik confused, потупил opinion.
"Come, will you accompany me to have lunch! she suggested to him.
No no, beautiful, you извиняй me, my customers, work! - Garik was going away, turned away.
Veronika, taking advantage of its position, threw a glance чеченцу on Garik, and the next second tenaciously grabbed Armenian wrist.
-Here your consent nobody asks! commented Veronica.
She suddenly found myself thinking, what begins to treat people so as it makes the "mother". But it somehow liked it.
Of course, if Veronica ordered the guard to beat Garik, he would hardly bother to do it... yet. But delay is detained by the authorities that was enough for now.
-Hey friend! - addressed to the Armenian чеченцу. -Hand let go! I said I know!
-Here the orders I give! - continued Veronica.
She couldn't believe it herself. She really liked that комнаде detained a man, moreover, that, had her will, she would пришибла right on the spot. "That's splendid!" - with surprise and easy ecstasy thought Veronica. Now she understood what "mother"when she gestures decide the fate of people.
She was pleased. She knew that the guard, as the bulldog, grabbed Garik stranglehold and now will not release up to her паспоряжения. And if the Armenians began to break out, he'd Chechen couple of times kicked him so that he turned down this Veronika not doubt.
"Come on! Дернись! You bastard!" - crying to myself Garik Veronica with a faint smile, watching as he tries to free himself some explanations from the silent and waiting for a command or action by a victim of a security guard.
-He won't let go! - Veronica turned to Garik. -Until I tell you to!
"Listen!" Sweetheart! - the switch from a Chechen it Garik. "You let?! Why I took to рууку and holding?!
"As I said, went to dinner! - answered him with Veronica. And if I said, "let's go!" it means " come on, and nothing else!
-You that, steep became, Yes! - old Garik, realizing that he will not die.
-If I was steep, you would now on another spoke! said Veronica. -And you just hand took! And you разнылся as Baba! Dine come on, I said!
She turned and went, knowing that all around look at this scene, and that the Chechen lead Garik behind her, drag his snare, if he will Balk.
When the guard stuck Garik in a chair at a table in front of Veronica, the offended, straightened his jacket, looked at him and brushed off his sleeve, as if they engrained with dust.
-Well, that Garik?! asked Veronica.
-What, what?! 't understand that. -You me lift! Me the money I earn it!
-And in Sumy ride girls fuck you time and money is not a pity! "said Veronica.
"Listen, sweetheart! - Garik leaned a little towards her, as if about to privacy. -This question between us! We agreed!
-As we agreed, " said Veronica, when I'm here in Moscow?!
"Well, so what?! - has shrugged shoulders Garik. -Can you their cases came...
-And it is then who?! - showed Верониа finger on a Chechen.
-Well, I don't know, you came! In this life, you know, everything is possible!
The waiter came up, learned Veronika, made a slight bow his head and gave menu.
-Order! - held out Veronica folder Garik.
"Listen, sweetheart! I have so much there is no money to eat! - became false modesty : an Armenian.
-Nothing! Find! Let's order! - angrily said Veronika. -I'll soup shark fin, roast venison...
Garik quickly calculated how much it will cost lunch Veronica.
-Two hundred dollars?! he said, outraged. -No-o-o!
-Rent yourself the same thing! - added Veronica in his indignation.
The waiter didn't even задерживатся more, and left for the order.
-You pay! - warned him Veronica.
Garik sat broken. She didn't know much whether it amount or not but she needed just four hundred dollars to pay off with Vika, and that from her behind: dinners still recorded on "mother's" account, only Garik did not know about.
"What did you expect?! asked Veronika of Garik. -First popolzovalsya me. And then leaked?! We're not the договаривлись! Now pay for lunch! And we assume that in calculating!
Garik a little cheered up. It was obvious that he already agrees to pay, only to Veronica really had no complaints against him.
When прнесли salads, he again leaned forward, though eats and whispered Veronika:
"Listen, sweetheart, well, I'm sorry! I don't want to! "he apologized before Veronica.
-Well, how is it that I covered in the apartment? "said Veronica.
-Yes, I am saying that I do not know! - whisper indignant Garik ate her пятидесятидолларовый salad. Saeed as the captain got wind that I know where you're down on me, threatened that if not rent. My whole family would cut! And with Sayid trifled with!
-You cowardly, Garik! concluded Veronica.
-And you're gorgeous look! suddenly admired Garik. -I heard that you're a king broke! I told you that you stand a thousand dollars!
Veronica said nothing, and all the rest of the dinner passed in silence.
At the end of Garik took out a purse four hundred dollars and put it on the table:
-Call now, if that...
Veronica reached out and took the money.
In the evening she found her and gave her a debt.
-Counting! - Ashida with regret that cling more to do so. -Well, прощевай!
However, in the evening, in defiance of the "nurse" Vika вломилась into her room.
-Where were you took the key?! "said Veronica, думав to myself: "Now will stick!"
It only took a shower, and went to number bare.
Vika flew to not and, clasping his waist, so lightly lifted her into the air. She beamed with delight:
Friend, I congratulate you ran!
-And what? - Veronica asked cautiously.
-Tomorrow we will be with you push off!
-Where! - Veronica was born in the soul some sweet anticipation adventure and travel.
-In Spain or Italy! happily jumped Vika. -I myself do not really know!
-Why is that?! "said Veronica, but a foretaste of the sweet anticipation of the feast of the rose in her even more.
-The shooting! Will the erotic film star in итальяшек! - Vika screamed and jumped to the ceiling, rejoicing like a child. "You imagine how great it is! The sea, the sun, the heat! Beauty!
-How do you know?! - Veronica already believed it, but for something asking stupid questions.
Said let it slip! - admitted Vika, continuing the jump.
-If the passport, all the formalities...
"Ah, come on! Not your concern! The "mother" of all mated! You in the plane was loaded and fly, you played! Only you and I!
Викина joy passed on, and Veronica, she began the same jumping ka baby bed on the carpet. Vika hugged her shoulders and they've jumped together. Then suddenly Vika, grabbed her by the nape of the neck, drew and passionately kissed kiss.
Veronica some time jerked, trying to escape. But soon викины hands, гладящие her Breasts, buttocks, проскальзывающие on the clitoris, gently penetrating his fingers into the anus and vagina, conquered a wild all, and they both crashed to the present mess in bed.
-Listen, I'll not give it! said after the vetch.
-As regards Italy you lied?! - Veronica asked, unable to get mad at her friend. She suddenly wanted to believe this story, and it was a bit disappointing that Vika used such a beautiful legend, to seduce her.
-Oh, no! You what?! - Vika guessed and rose on one elbow, looking Veronica in her pretty face. -Have you decided, that I thought this up to you to sleep?!
Veronica said nothing.
"Look, mother! going Vika-Well, you bitch! I bitch! But you...
"Okay, tell me what to do'll be there! - distracted her Veronica, again plunged into the joy of anticipation of a fairy tale.
-Well, эторическое movie! - began to explain to Vika. -We will be there naked shoot!
Is that, you will...
-Oh, no! - interrupted her Vika. -There should be! This is not porn! Итальяшки remove erotica! I do not know why! This Germans shoot porn! There you tear will be ten times the one take! And the worst thing is harmful for health: only возбудишься and stop the motor! Something went wrong, you need to peresnimat! And here erotica. Filming men. Their bare removed, but a member of the do not show! A rope is hanging out! Much disgusted! But the main thing, friend, not this! The main thing that tomorrow will be abroad on югах!
In the morning Saeed brought Vike green suitcase.
-Pack your bags! - he said casually.
Veronica said nothing, because I already knew where.
In the soul sang for joy!
Chapter 19.
Finally Veronica was home.
She went into a spacious corridor with his huge apartment, closing the steel door to the staircase.
My God, it feels so good! - Veronica threw Il hands all on the floor, stripped off her shoes and started running through the rooms and jump of happiness, scattering, like flowers, fireworks up under the ceiling, us and them millions karbovanets, that in cafe replaced hundred. My God, it feels so good!
Only now she understood, as has missed his apartment in the center of his native city. No, in fact, she didn't have any Moscow! Yes, and nothing else at all! Nothing, except this city, no other, may the best in the world... for others! But for her! Her city was dearer to her all the rest of the world! It was true! True! True! Here she come, here she grew up, here she was happy.
And now, being in his native flat, she just bursting from the emancipated from happiness.
"My city is the favorite in the world! I love you! - Veronica screamed loudly, and echo reverberated through all the rooms of her great apartment. -I love you!"
Her joy, her delight, suddenly escape out of the long captivity of detachment and anguish, there was no limit. Only now Veronica felt returned to his city, and his apartment home. Only now there's a sense of security, which deprived her completely last days предывания in Moscow.
Veronica jumped, clapped her hands so that they all reddened and looked like two pulsating from the rush of blood thick pancake, ran out on a large balcony, looked at the people walking idly and peacefully on the square in front of the drama theater, around a huge, square pool fountain, something screamed them, like she was drunk, and again finished in the apartment and was worn on it again, like a racehorse, producing some wild, screeching and exuberant sounds, all based on the exuberant energy of infinite joy and boundless delight.
No, it was not as if drunk!
Veronica ran into the kitchen, opened the huge refrigerator, learned from him a bottle of champagne, opened, откупорила tube.
Brut threw sparkling foam on the tiled kitchen floor. Veronica almost поскользулась, захохотав as a child. She sipped from the bottle of cold, hot champagne and poured the rest on myself from above, having a shower, for twenty bucks.
She thought so little! She took another bottle! Растрясла it in his hand so that he could hardly turned slightly liberated wire frame, удерживавшую cork, as the wild cotton flew up into the ceiling, hit on him and bounced off somewhere in the huge, spacious hallway of an apartment, as a ping-pong ball. Foam jet, as if from a flame arrester fire truck, a thick trunk fired up and crumbled, not picking up the ceiling, зонтообразным rain of huge, Sizzling, flying at small брызки drops, окативших Veronika from head to toe.
As she was waiting for this moment!
She had no idea how she had waited for this moment! It turns out all the time, all the long, endless time that it happened every strange shit, and only lived with waiting, finally, enter her apartment that was given to her husband at the wedding, which she loves, when left alone, and all the trouble, fears, chase, threats, conversations, all of the invasion and attempted invasion of her pearl-opal body, all the riffraff that поганили its clean, sparkling like a diamond necklace, life will be outside, behind the steel door of her apartment. And NTEC of them dares here penetrate.
She even believed that this moment would ever come! Sometimes it seemed to her that her journey past the house will not ever.
Now she felt like a hermit, who found his old firm and solid shell, in which he did now, as before, was not afraid. No, she felt even better, like in a fortress. It was her luxurious and cozy fortress, which guarded the now his young and beautiful mistress of the vicissitudes of health and life risks.
"My house - my fortress! Veronica felt delight and security, joy and serenity of the beautiful and the happy end of a terrible way. -Nobody will cross the threshold of my house! No one!"
Again she ran to the kitchen. Riot joy is still not died down. It prevailed in her soul. She opened нобую champagne bottle, poured into the cone-shaped glass - шампанку, standing on a high and narrow, like a bar rack, table extended from the kitchen wall, lit round halogen bulbs point suspension, let into the looming over him the same narrow retractable ceiling with Nickel-plated рюмкодержателями, wanted to sit on the high bar stool rotating leather chair, stool, but could not help it, she slipped on a huge, amber, fizzling puddle of Brut, poured over pale pink, peach floor, and fell into it.
Даваясь laughing over his clumsiness, happy, she began to ride around the kitchen, and then got up, threw off its all clothes, left naked and trampled her, looking like the wet, saturated with champagne.
She wanted to thank fate for those feelings which she now felt the immense nothing happiness, in which she suddenly plunged. Veronica сватила from the bathroom huge pelvis for linen and became нагребать scattered in the corridor карбованцы, then ran out onto the balcony and started камими-joyful cries scatter them around on the street, something piano screaming people were on the square.
First at her, nobody paid attention. However, when flew from the balcony, like a thick, dense flock of sparrows, порхающиеся in different directions and rotating papers, people begin to look closely at what is happening there. Soon all простарнство around the balcony on which something was screaming naked girl was filled with falling leaves of paper strips like konfeti the firecrackers spinning and dancing with each other in a slow fall. At first it looked like it some children thrown from the balcony wrappers and candy wrappers that some of them have the habit of collecting and collecting, suddenly, for some reason, throw them or their parents. But when карбованцы, relieved from the ninth floor, wide fan began to fall to the ground around the multi-storey house, rained down on the area, on the roof in front of him, store, stuck in the trees, flying away, уносимые the wind, in the people movement and became a significant recovery. Not every day, especially now, when everything collapsed and fell, one can see how someone pleases the crowd exhilarating dances money, сыплящимися from heaven, like manna from heaven.
Soon this incident attracted a huge crowd of people suddenly formed as if from nowhere under the house. People давились, excitedly jumped, trying first to catch rotating propellers, fluttering in the air like a carefree moths, bills, punching one another, picking up something that had to fall on lined with tiles square, looked up at the naked girl with pelvis on the balcony, something piano орущую and одаривающую generous people Doge karbovanets.
The bar Veronica gave for dollars in some small bills - those that were in cash, - the whole bag - and now she is fun and fun sowed them in the wind, trying to they invaded all the space around the balcony.
People went into a rage. At the bottom was some kind of pandemonium. People just went crazy. They were yelling, "More! More!", they ran улетающими the wind away banknotes, pushed each other's fallen on the ground of money and just frankly fought. Who was so agile, could get their money here with a monthly salary.
Карбованцы in a basin ran out. Recent bills, circling and circling flew up to the crowd and disappeared in which were coming up from it one above the other hand. Cash Listopad ended as suddenly as it began. A crowd of people stood at the bottom, waiting, with his head up, like hungry children waiting a slice of bread from the master's table.
-I love all of you! "boomed Veronica, Bouncing, shaking her bare Breasts, waving his pelvis.
In response from the street to her holler from the bottom up she caught some of the cries of approval, conscription, surprise and even скаберзные jokes, and this added to her delight and tumult of joy even more energy. From all sides of the human sea bottom could hear: "More! Come again!.. Yet!"
But Veronica поостыла, in the truest sense of feeling on the street is very cool.
After returning from the cold balcony in the warm кварттиру, she finally felt that joy is quiet. Riot waned.
Veronica now felt that the procedure takes.
She walked into the corridor, where long-closet-door entrance hall was built a huge, up to the ceiling, mirror and looked at his naked body.
It was great! Probably, there was no one in the world who would her body liked it better than her. It always amazed привораживало, admired and even excited her, as if she was looking at him in the eyes of men.
But now that excitement streak of some bitterness. She sat on a high stool, putting it in front of a mirror, spread her legs and began to consider their bosom, spreading his hands swollen, as if inflamed, large shameful lips.
She carefully examined the clitoris with a small пимпочкой urinary holes, small shameful lips, the mouth of the vagina, made his fingers, заглядыва as possible was inside, trying to see there some special uncleanness, dirt violence, the same as she felt now in the soul. Results of the examination and depressed. All parts of her womb seemed to her now, patients were unhealthy rich red colour. Veronica knew, - still she did not know! - as they should be, how they looked before: opal, pale pink, glossy, like the inner surface of a sea shell, гармнонично passing in the tone of the rest of the body. But now they, in fact, looked inflamed.
"Yes, my friend! Left for you! - 've itself Veronica. -First with you such abominations't happened. I hope that it will not happen again! But this could freak me some "broom" infect! Beast чурекская!"
Just the thought that her darling girlfriend could now become havens for some nasty venereal infection, and she thought with others you are failures to attend dermatovenerologic dispensary, tests, pass humiliating examinations take medicine and injections to feel whether Guinea pig, which decided to conduct experiments, whether the sticky шлюшкой that doctors themselves and врачихи cast a sidelong, simultaneously sympathetic and condemn his views, led her to the SAP.
Wanted to see what was happening even with the anus, which is always the primary area was taboo for sexual relations.
She lay on a leather surface round stools stomach, turning back to the mirror, and turning his head, began to closely examine your anus, widely outstretched fingers in the side of the buttocks. It seemed, perhaps, in fact, only it seemed that in сморщенном the mouth of the anus she sees some reddish cracks and gusts of mucous.
Never before in her anus nothing! When the Armenians brazenly пихал his fingers and then his thick member, Veronica seemed that he broke her all the place where the thin, having met in accordion mucous passed smoothly and unnoticed in the skin of the perineum. And only now reaching home, when she was alone, and she did, Veronica could finally carefully, for the first time recently, studying the consequences of the three-day sexual execution.
She felt it all started to shake from nervous exhaustion. Body shook as if in anger occurring abuse.
Veronika all shaking as if from a chill went into the bath. She felt dirty, like a pig, and she wanted to wash. But the most important dirt, one that remained in her soul to wash in the bathroom was impossible! And Veronika troubled how to get rid of this, spiritual uncleanliness.
She turned the water and started to get in a huge tub of water, pouring there a bubble of a дорогущего америкаснкого funds, which she sold girlfriend, consisting of a network company sect. That bubble, certification saleswoman had to last for several hundred baths, but Veronica poured it now wholly.
From the bath, a huge cloud spreading the fragrance climbed pinkish foam with such power that in a minute the bath under its mountain could be seen.
Veronica finally felt that now she will be able to wash the dirt of the last days, успокить their swollen bodies, as before knew nothing of such treatment and were carefully kept mistress, as the biggest of its treasure, wash off the uncleanness of forced and unwanted intrusion.
She went back to the kitchen, trying not to stumble, go on a wet floor семенящим step, took the bar table wine glass-шамапнку with колыхающимся amber drink and pulled out of the fridge another bottle, had brought a couple of tiles bitter chocolate and with all of this went into the bathroom.
Here foam already stood, like an iceberg, hiding under a very huge, round bath sink. Veronica entered the pinkish шипящую, расступающуюся before her mountain of foam and knelt, holding high in the hands of the bottle, chocolate and шампанку, down, набравшуюся to the top with water a great shell, which was not visible because of the foam.
Fragrance expensive tools bathroom, nice hot water, comfort native bathroom surrounded Veronica. She moved her head and put the wine glass and the bottle on a flat notch-shelf in the reservoir above the water, put it near chocolate.
As she pulled back her hand, as a foam, continues unceasingly to climb out of the water, concealed it all from the view of Veronica, like everything else around. She lifted her head, looked up, and it seemed to her that the foam has already reached the ceiling, filled the snow-white bathroom without a trace and now through the crack under the door to leak out into the corridor.
"Yes! - agreed to Veronica. -Should have listened to a friend!"
But all the same it was in his bathroom, in the usual tub. She was at home! As long as painfully long she wanted to climb to a warm, even hot bath, arriving home! No Moscow Deluxe rooms with their Treasury luxury could not replace the warmth and comfort of this home native bath.
"A-a-Ah!" Veronica went out, like a roller coaster, the ledge baths in its deepest part, occupied half of the bowl bath and plunged headlong into the hot, bubbling pink foam, шипящую, pleasant water.
For some time she was under the water, holding his breath and putting his nose. You could hear the water with noise is pouring into the bathtub tap, as Sizzling around bubbles American funds bathroom, continued to generate foam, as плещуться, hit the surface of the water to her feet.
"What bliss!" - she could not even absorb, keep in his mind all the comfort, charm, purity, happiness, peace and bliss, which came to it from everywhere, from all the surrounding circumstances, in which she now lived.
Was it cannot be compared to anything! She felt like a new born, and now bathed in a bright and cheerful feeling the harmony of body, soul and spirit.
Veronica jumped on the surface, sighed and not loud, not to expel the harsh sounds, but much to experience again that she's not dreaming, she said: "my God! As well! As well!"
This was all that was required for her happiness. And that was enough! Today, this very minute, she was happy. She was in a state of euphoria, which could be called, using English, "happy end", and now decided that he would make all efforts to ensure a life in the future forever.
She swam and floated on the bathroom, dived, sat down on the acrylic notch-bench in the body of the bowl, drank champagne, eating bitter dark chocolate and feel in the seventh heaven of happiness.
She didn't want any more to think, not about Гарике, and neither said nor on a Nail. All her problems somewhere flew away. She drove them away, left alone with his own apartment with hot and an ensuite, with a glass of champagne and chocolate bar.
If she were offered to pass the rest of his life, then she most likely would, without hesitation.
Foam, carried away by a stream of water in the upper drainage hole baths, started to gradually recede, although in the bath still was her generation. Veronica took a sponge, finally closed water in the tap and began to wipe himself with the utmost care in his efforts to the perineum between the anus and the vagina, diligently оттирая from invisible but felt her soul sewage clitoris, shameful lips, covered with curly wheat color hair pubic mound. She again and again was taken to put in all those places, for which the grabbing hands Garik, which included his member, testing a new fit of disgust, this time to myself. It seemed to her that how much she didn't wash their intimate folds, they will still be dirty.
Together with the remnants of foam was evaporate and feeling полнейшенго comfort and coziness. To somehow make up for the loss, Veronica went through to the bathroom sink, took on a shelf remote hanging above the door of the room the TV and went back dived into a hot spring bliss.
On TV talking some nonsense. Now broadcasting was only in the Ukrainian language, and Veronica, though she felt that she was Ukrainian, from what jarred: "Oooh, now everywhere we will Ridna mova!"
Delight her vanished, foam bath was no more, шампанка was empty, Brut drunk, eaten chocolate, and even though the mood Veronica was still good, she already took it happened is not more than sudden powerful splash of emotions associated with the tested it stress. Even the fact that she has wasted a few million karbovanets for the amusement of the crowd, perceived by her now, as utter foolishness of this money could live comfortably for a whole year. Yes and Brut, made on the floor, standing about a hundred dollars.
"Veronica! You suffocates toad! Stop!" - she said to the girl.
In fact, now that sad about what has been done? This can be treated with a sense of humor, we regret, but it doesn't change anything!
Now the thought of Veronica somehow switched on Garik. He is without doubt lost her! Veronica even imagined, as he now helplessly rushes to the hotel, by number, like a wild beast in a cage, in which he felt cramped and uncomfortable feeling, probably for the first time discomfort loneliness in a strange city, and laughed heartily.
With these thoughts, she had fallen asleep right in warm water and a huge bathroom, suddenly feeling the terrible fatigue, навалившуюся on her like a stone, had come to replace rampages feelings of excitement and fun.
She dreamed that she's swimming in the warm sea. In a cloudless sky, at the Zenith of high and weighs the Sun is shining brightly, presenting the world with its warmth. The sea is turquoise, magic, as it always it seemed to her, gently lapping around his foaming at pebble beach by the waves. It lies in shallow water on a red sand mixed with white pebbles, by leaning on the bottom of the elbows, looking as gobies поклевывают her feet, as the creeps between small stones tiny cancer-отщельник with a white завитушкой-sink on the back, the case turns набегающая on the shore of the light wave. But отщельник again turns on the paws and creeps on.
Suddenly Veronica sees that one of the waves against the shore of a light breeze, becomes too large, not like the rest of her sisters - small and subtle, and high and even another color: dark blue, threatening. She wonders what was happening, but understands that this wave will cover her head. Veronica tries to get up and run away, but cannot do it. Then she gets into the lungs breath and tries to cling to the next in the water slippery boulder. Wave is coming, Veronica is under water, starts breaking down...
She opened her eyes and couldn't understand. She really was under the water and let the bubbles. Veronica few moments to realize where she is, and only then I understood that it sinks in private acrylic bath in his apartment, having fallen asleep from exhaustion while bathing.
She broke the surface, gasping for air.
TV hissed white screen on which ran thousands of grey dots - transmission ended. Tub water cooled and was pretty cool.
Veronica got out and wrapped in a huge bath towel, went into the bedroom.
Electronic clock in the corridor over the entrance to the kitchen showed half past three in the morning. Veronica dived in a huge double bed, furnished before departure to Moscow red sheets, she covered herself with a duvet in the same red satin blanket. Her head was lost in a huge feather cushion in a red satin pillowcase like lulling and singing barely visible lullaby.
Veronica felt bliss, but didn't focus on it, as sank in the interval, the twilight of a deep sleep. Her face lit up, a faint smile. She dreamed something good.
In the morning she woke up about ten o'clock. It was quiet. Veronica reached in bed like a cat popped out of her, opened the window. Otttuda came the familiar sounds of the city everyday life: noise machine on a distant street from the square came the some rare voice of passers-by, a dog barked somewhere screamed, playing children. "Life is returning to normal, Veronica! All is now well!" - adjusts itself girl for a good mood.
Suddenly she remembered that the room Garik paid only to the present day, twelve o'clock.
Of course, she could not worry, send this армяна on all four sides, and forget about it forever, how about a bad dream. But Veronica was not going to let him go to Moscow. And her soul remained still ожна a thorn, from which she was never able to get rid of revenge.
Someone had to answer for the fact that all of a sudden her for three days raped her were racing in the Moscow Chechens, while she was absolutely nothing to do with her just bred for money!
Chapter 20.
The next day, Veronica saw the sea!
It so long ago it was that I just could not contain his delight. Then it was a different sea, not that for which she had been since childhood, more warm and Sunny.
Here was great! The sun, sparkling turquoise gave warm air, which seemed to caressed the skin! Mountains and volcanoes, affecting their terrible Majesty. And the smell of this particular smell that чувтсвуется only when very near морксая water.
Veronica delighted embraced each other with Vika, and they long to jump on the stone platform, which had a wonderful landscape of the surrounding area, all in green and turquoise.
The sea is calm, warm and gentle shining to the horizon thousands of brilliant sparks. Veronica was a thrill with delight.
Morning all whirled in her life, as in a well-oiled mechanism. No sooner had they arrive in Rome, as they were immediately put into a car and driven away in the neighbourhood of Palermo, where they were supposed to be shooting.
Veronica смортела the silhouettes of gigantic volcanoes, очерчивавшиеся on the horizon, framed by clouds purple silhouettes, the green mountains, vineyards, fields, whizzing, on the picturesque пейхажи around, and her soul sang for joy. It's about this and could not even dream.
The driver, толстоватый Italian fifty years old, all the way he looked at the beautiful girls sitting in the back seat and smiling said something, purring on the melodious and beautiful language. At any time зыркал at the vetch, which of pampering, as he turned, he immediately made legs and showed him her pussy. Saeed, who was sitting next to him, knowing that she gets up, and then showed the driver gestures that he was watching the road, but the Italian paid no attention to him, and turning my head, обалдевший."
All the way from Rome to Palermo Veronica and Vika unreasonably bathed laugh of delight and pleasure, from the amazing excitation, which led their journey. Was so great, that they suddenly found themselves somewhere far away from what seemed to be now the cool, distant and dusty Moscow, in the hot, bright, like a piece of glass spring rain washed Italy. It seemed now everything will change.
By the evening they reached the sea. To do this, it sometimes appeared from behind the mountains, flashed somewhere on the horizon, closer, farther away from the road. But now lies before them throughout his vast, magical beauty.
The machine on which they carried, stood on a rocky area, with коорой like the cliff magnificent sea view.
The driver made a halt. Here, somewhere in the bushes on the other side of the road, was a source of water, spring, fell from the cliffs. Italian something chattered, smiling at the vetch and went with a jug to the spring. But Vika did not go, although not seriously раззадорила Italian uncle, to the men she was indifferent, and the never with them slept.
Saeed stood on the edge of the cliff. Mountain landscape, обрамлявший sea, apparently reminding him home. He happily threw his hands behind his head and stretched, поделал bend to the right, to the left, sometimes looking at the jump, naughty as children, girls.
Five minutes later the car moved further and soon reached a small village on the sea, immersed in gardens and vineyards. Driver will not turned back, realizing that the woman with him just playing.
Air Italy, warm, aromatic, smelling the wine, the sea, flowers - life, intoxicated and дурманил mind Veronica.
The car was approached by a smiling man, about thirty, round glasses. He climbed into the open back window and saw the beautiful Slavic women, all crumbled delighted and compliments on the beautiful but strange language.
Veronica always heard singing, мурлыкющий like to singing and pleasures born language. During her childhood Italians flooded her hometown, where they built pipe plant. But then she was small and now regretted not know this beautiful language, vibrating warm, the sea, wine and passion.
-Адьямо, адьямо, синьоро! said something came to said, coming out of the car, mustachioed Italian, showing a neat two-storey house with a tiled roof, near which the car stopped.
He understood nothing, but guessed that they are invited inside, nodded, showing that the girls followed him.
The young man round glasses and opened the door of the "FIATA" and made a hand invitation.
It was funny and fun talking with people, not understanding the language and guessing. What they want to say and gestures.
Guests conducted house, at the dinner for their arrival stuff buffet.
Everything was tasty and unusual, with many dishes were very exotic and unfamiliar Veronica. The food was simple peasant, but in Italian extravagant. Them, like a compote, fed delicious, like not strong, but then giving yourself to know the young wine.
Then the Italian in glasses, who directed the film, in which they arrived removed - this became clear after talking жестикуляциями and attempts to link the concept of two different languages, he was capable of Vika and her upstairs and showed them a room with two beds.
Bona note! - wished Italian, and soon his steps died away on a wooden ladder leading down.
As soon as the door closed behind him, Vika, flushed with wine and impressions, immediately pulled Veronica dress, all that was on her clothes, and soon they were passionately making love at first on the floor, then on the bed.
When the Moon appeared in the sky and it was growing dusk, Vika примостила Veronica on a wide wooden windowsill door wide open to the village street the window, and, turning to yourself for a long time, and gently caressed it with his tongue, sometimes distracted and hotly whispering in her ear:
"Oh, my filly Ukrainian! I love you!
In the morning, opening my eyes, Veronika didn't even know where it is. So it was unusual to Wake up in a hotel room.
Remembering that he had a wonderful Italy, in a beautiful village on the shore of the sea, and with the unspeakable pleasure stretched.
The sun is already shining in a cloudless sky, the yard горланили roosters, hens cackled. You'd think it was somewhere in Ukraine.
Veronica got up, came to the door wide opened window.
At the bottom of the curve village cobbled street, some little boys discussing something, showing off their window. Perhaps yesterday they spy through and saw bare ass Veronica взошедшую in the window, with a silver moon in the sky. Noticing her in the window they smiled her alive, were waving, attracting her attention.
"Life is probably really simple thing! thought Веронка, looking at the village boys, with the hope of sending signals and remembering recent conversation with an interesting and unusual young man in the plane. -If you want something, ask! And sooner or later you get!"
Vika still asleep, tired wine and night entertainments.
A knock at the door, entered Director.
He wanted to say something, but saw a beautiful Veronica standing completely naked at the window in a Bang, and examining the rural landscape in a strange country, just froze, admiring.
A ray of sunshine penetrated between her legs and overshadowing her белра and back. Brown hair Veronica, shimmering gold in the sun, fluttering in the light the wind, вихрившегося in the window, as if he thought, lifting, combed, and stroked them.
-Grazia, Grazia, синьоритта! "Italian.
Veronica turned to him, blinding him with her beauty. "Mom's" lessons were not in vain, and she has now a shadow of confusion. She, in fact, was not ashamed. What of it? After all, what she saw and experienced, to stand like this in front of a strange man completely naked?! What a trifle!
Woke up Vika, she got up, pushing his blanket looked at the Director, then the Veronica.
-Why is it on you staring at?! she asked her, scratching down to the pubic. Baba naked eh not seen?! asked Vika already непонимающего its Director. -Erotica shoots!
-Well, maybe because he and stared that shoots! - said Veronika, protecting the Italian. -Beauty sees!
After Breakfast, they were taken to the sea, where already there were shooting. Here stood plywood and wooden decorations of buildings, models of ships, a few trailers for staff, chairs under umbrellas, cameras, miniature rail roads cut along the coast.
The translator was not all explanations were supplemented by expressive gestures, but the situation gave to understand that people make money. Veronica several times forced naked run on the Bank. Thus, just ahead on rails rolled the trolley with the operator and the camera, and she felt how to shoot close-UPS.
Then there were the shooting стояшем here the layout of a sailing ship, like a discarded storm on the shore. This shot of the scene of her love from спартанцем, not even with some ancient warrior in lats over the naked body.
Veronica turned in different poses, removing the hot spots close-up, then a few times doing doubles in обятиях "Spartan", which portrayed that having intercourse with her in the one position to another.
The "Spartan" really all loose. And Veronica felt that she is repulsive even, than if she had been forced to have sex with him for real. Doubles shot several times, and it felt like his lifeless genitals beating on her legs from behind, touching him like a soft lump раздаржая its немощностью.
Shooting continued in an emergency mode until the evening, with a break for lunch, during which Veronika ate, not bothering to clothing.
In the evening, when they were alone in his room on the second floor, Vika long spat.
"I don't understand! she demanded. "They that comes only when they want, or never rises?! Nasty so, ugh! - she's men could not stand, but it was for her too. I never thought that it could be disgusted when the man does not cost anything, he poses as a sex machine! I thought that porn shoot hard, because there health loosened! You put on some doubles in a row, but cum. But here, at all. The roof can take! Now, here годок поснимайся and mind тронешься! No, it is better to be simple whore - that's what I say!
This continued for several days. Saeed accompanied them on the shore, and when work started, looked at shooting from under my umbrella прищуренным eye, the whole разморенный heat. In the evening he remained somewhere in the lower room of the farmhouse.
-Tomorrow "mother" is coming! - informed her Vika, as they lay in each other's arms in the evening.
-How would you know?! asked Veronica.
Saeed said. Warned! "replied Vik.
-Why? "said Veronica.
He knows that I'm with you sleep! Here and warned! My mother was very nervous. Jealous or what?!
The next day there was really the "mom," accompanied by a handsome man of thirty-five. It was hilarious, some beach-resort mood. It was an expensive white dress embroidered with gold, glasses in gold, wide-brimmed hat.
"Well, Hello, girls! "she said, turning as if to all.
Then took her by the waist and led me in the direction of:
"Well, like you, Lada? Like in Italy?!
-Yes, thank you, Madame!
-And I miss you! - seductively threw back his head, "Mama."
Here away from Moscow, from the "Space", her words sounded like something different, it's like a shrinking in the eyes of Veronica against the background of the surrounding magical splendour. Got even old привечке that it almost etched, съязвить. But Veronica kept myself, realizing that this was just her illusions, and sprained her mouth in a smile.
In the evening everybody sat down in a rustic house, where lived Veronica and Vika. "Mother" was shining success, health and happiness. Beautiful man was a mystery for all and attracted the attention of the participants of the ladies. He sat next to "mother" and watched the whole evening on Veronika, as if fascinated.
"What?" - Veronica asked, noticing that Vika is sad beside her.
She was slowly wine from the clay mugs, then whispered in her ear:
-"Mama" you at night, take in Palermo!
-Who is beside her? "inquired Veronica.
Is Битлер, a German, but English! In London lives. Ten years ago left the Union. He financed the film. See, as you stared! It is possible that "mother" thee to him скормит! "replied Vik.
-Why? "said Veronica, but she understood that "mother" can "feed" her to anyone who will pay, without explanation.
-Because it's the "mother's" movie! - raised their awareness of Vika. -She started shooting! Битлер arranges the financing! "Mom," she is a rich нашенским standards, but worldwide - zilch! - poverty! You know how much money to this фильмец off?! You know how much she it is working?! Hoo!!!
But Veronica was not interested.
After dinner, "Mama" invited her in her limousine, where was he handsome man. Again he looked at her fixedly. "Mom," sat next to Битлером, opposite Veronica, and limousine rode in Palermo.
Almost immediately, "Mama" discreetly from him made Veronica gesture with his hand, revealing a ring of thumb and index finger. This meant that Veronica must dissolve his legs so that before the guest appeared all its charming beauty.
Seeing the sign, Veronica casually moved slightly on the seat of the pelvis forward to Popa not so much buried in his soft skin, like a sink, revealing the sash and drew his precious pearl, gracefully spread her legs.
Like a light in the darkness turned on. Look man involuntarily moved down to her thighs.
"Mom," she shook her head, dissatisfied with the fact that, despite the training, Veronica herself hadn't thought to do it, but also her eyes well-groomed pussy.
Veronica turned toward the window. She was fun to watch on volcanoes in the distance, on the southern landscapes мелькающюю outside the window to light, the blue horizon of the sea surface, neat, like combed, juicy green plantations and vineyards, picturesque, like a tale scenery, landscapes with налепленными them houses with tiled roofs, gardens, mountains, fathomless depths of the sky, a huge city, to which they drove up.
She suddenly wanted to stay here forever.
Realizing that this is impossible, Veronica glanced at the sitting opposite her in the cabin of a limousine. They both looked down at her divorced feet. "Mama" something signalled. Now, it showed a ring of big and ring fingers, in which окунала average, and слекга her head angrily implying that the girl relaxed.
Veronika completed the "mom's" signal, lifted and put a hand under her seat, sitting down on top of her, so that her toes peeking out from under her злачного flower bottom. Slightly leaning towards the window, which swept wonderful emerald landscapes, Veronica imposed a huge finger into the anus, and the index and middle launched at the vulva, sometimes penetrating the vagina, sometimes caressing the tip of the clitoris.
The corner of my eye she saw that the man begins to boil.
Soon her pussy and let the juices, Veronika and I suddenly felt strongly was excited itself from this game. The situation around: Italy, sea, limousine, handsome man - all this was exciting.
She threw a wet, inviting look at who was sitting opposite handsome. Veronika not претворялась, you could see how it all comes passion
Битлер looked at mum. Apparently, that prevented by his presence, go to him in the attack. Then, Mama", noticing the look itself excited from the observed game, moved to Veronica, drew her to him and began to kiss the kiss, slipped her hands under the dress girls and became passionately knead her Breasts, simply by reducing crazy. "Mom" and she was not opposed to partake of her youth and beauty.
Soon, Veronika all burned, as well растопленная microwave, but the man still sat on the contrary, all consumed with passion. And when Veronica, leaving mum, has moved through the lounge to him, sat on his knees and laid on the shoulders of his beautiful, graceful hand and drew his hand to his hot bosom, emanating heat of passion, the nectar of love and fragrance.
Битлер could scarcely restrain the impulse. Her hips Veronica felt the throbbing, pulsating, meets at her pinned in the pants male member. She unzipped his shirt, but he had already undressed himself. Soon he moved her to the seat, raised her ass up. Vika saw his large covered with crimson head like a piece shaved listed above her stallion, and all went bliss anticipation. Desire led her to attract his burning down the fire of desire body, and Битлер passionately planted his пышащего lust, handsome in her bosom.
Veronica liked this man, she was excited, and now, skillful in the art of love, training techniques, this priestess of Eros, imperceptibly упраляла process intercourse so that his passion is to keep as long as possible, and it exploded before the time, as переспелый лгурец splashing around the seed.
When she felt that he was approaching orgasm, отстраняла him away and just stroked his body, but then, when the excitement перегорала, she knew that to the next peak may allow him to eat yourself further.
Veronica with pleasure experienced an orgasm, then another and another, and only after the third time allowing a man with loud shouts pour flow seed. Then she took pleasure in his mouth, handsome, which still continued to ooze seed and helped to get rid of his residues, massaging the member finger to promote the fluid outside.
Битлер fell down on the seat next to "mother".
The window flashed picturesque and unusual quarters of the southern Italian city on the background of the biceps of mount Vesuvius on the far horizon.
Veronica was happy. It was the first time she самаприняла in a mouth a member and experienced pleasure from it. And even sperm Битлера struck her as delicious as a raw egg.
She clearly knew I should keep Битлера about yourself, if not forever, then for as long as possible. Veronica knew she wanted to belong to him only. But then grinned, remembering the word "mother": he knows who she is!
From this day on shooting Veronica were taken from Palermo. On the way she admired the beauty of the Gulf and fabulously beautiful quarters of the ancient city.
Sometimes she wanted to shake its head: don't dream it. But she was afraid that if it is really a dream that will get rid of him, so tried to even breathe on his feeling of a fairy-tale and unreality, if only it lasted.
Битлер took luxurious apartment with view of the embankment from the window and now, barely waiting until Veronica's finished work on the site, immediately attracted her to the car, where the road indulged her frantic passion.
This continued into the room. And only late in the evening, tired of sex indulgence, they went down to the restaurant on the shore of the sea, blown on all sides warm sea air, at the dinner table for them under полтняным tent.
Music played this trio-оркестрика, scurried waiters glittering with thousands of little like stars, lights, укарашавших space above it, just hanging in the air like a starry wide web.
Veronica was drunk life, sex, warm, sea, Italy and Битлером. She was drunk and happy, like she was not a prostitute, but simply in love with the little girl, who appeared suddenly in any манованию magic wand in this amazing and wonderful life.
Chapter 21.
Wrapped up in a fluffy Bathrobe on a naked body, Veronica went into the kitchen.
Brut, spilled during yesterday's enthusiastic riot, already dried up, leaving the wet, sticky spots. In the middle of the kitchen lay crude bunch trampled service, imbibed the part of the champagne. Veronika foot отпихнула it in the corner, automatic washing machine, walked up to the plate, lit the gas, got a coffee grinder, a jar of coffee beans.
Five minutes later she was sitting at the Desk by the window, while eating бутердродами of crackers, salami, which I found in the fridge. He was hammered products, but most of them, despite the storage in the import, completely automated refrigerating unit, spoilt too long they lay.
-How do you do? she pondered, remembering yesterday's conversation with a Nail. His proposal was even worse than just to get lost from "guest", and let Garik go to Moscow. So, in the end, Veronica decided to just buy a gun.
For the first time in her life, she regretted that no one taught her how to kill people. Then would it cost and without a gun. "Still, kill a man with his hands, even got a chunk, probably, really hard! I thought the girl finished the last sandwich and glancing at my watch, already shown the beginning of the twelfth. -Now shoot the pistol, probably, much easier! So I need a gun!"
Veronica was in the corridor and dialed the apartment of a Hippopotamus. Nail picked up the phone immediately.
-Al-Les! came down the tube of his drunken voice.
"It is I, in a Nail! Hi! - Hello Veronica.
-Che? Think up?!
-Let's meet! she suggested instead of answering. -Conversation there!
-Well, let's only in the evening! Now I can't! The head of the Bo-Bo!
They agreed on the ten o'clock in the same bar: a walk to the past the Central Department store Veronica was going just five minutes.
Having gathered in the corridor scattered dollars and a few dozen left over from yesterday's riot bills карбовенцев, Veronica took with him two hundred dollars, and all without accounts cash in Ukrainian currency.
Along the way, she went to the Bank, because more, at least for now, not going to mess with менялами on the market. The exchange office and it was deserted. Only in the corner sat some aged woman.
Veronica went to the window, looked course and thought: "Twenty-five thousand! Karbovanets confidently devalue!" She wanted to get a hundred dollar bill to exchange it, but this time the woman sitting in the corner of the exchange office, came to her and asked ear:
Dollars will be hosting!
-Well, Yes! "she said.
-Let me you buy it!
-Why? "said Veronica. -You can buy in the exchanger.
She showed by hand on a marked on the sign rate of sales: "28500 KRB./$ ". The woman grinned at:
-You see, only selling the currency! Try to buy!
"What?! "said Veronica.
-Yes, it is a course that will only appear. Banks dollars don't sell! Only buy!
Exchanging a hundred dollar bill on the plastic bag with candy wrappers for four and a half million karbovanets, Veronica went to the hotel.
Duty администраторша, is another, not one that was in their day with Garik settling asked what number is sent to the girl.
-And you know what this number twenty minutes should be released? she wanted to know.
"I know, know, " said Veronika and headed to the Elevator.
-Extend the booking will not? asked администраторша her in pursuit.
-No, guest today was leaving! - Veronica replied: about Garik she now was his plan.
She walked in the room, opening the door.
Garik was lying with his back against the headboard feet in his shoes and looked at the ceiling. Hearing that someone enters the room, he поднлся of bed and turned around, to see who it is.
Where are you going, beautiful?! he asked with indignation, stretching out her hand, palm side up, to be sure her hands on her hips second hand.
-Know - where! Veronica was in the room, feeling today is totally different.
Yesterday in the city and an evening spent at home, seemed to have given it a vitality and a determination to oppose the attacks Garik and his sexual harassment. "Nothing will!" she decided.
-Honey, I'm here, sofa проминать arrived?! - Garik tried to run over her.
Is it true, what are you here, really?! asked Veronika of армяна, like she saw him for the first time.
She did not look at the "guest", but just the spinal cord felt as he rounded eyes, as Garik inflated like a kettle, ready is about to explode, not knowing what to tell her.
She quickly went to a hotel room "Suite"to collect their things. In the corner there was a handbag. Veronica picked up her and looked inside, pretending to be looking for something. The lining was whole. Veronica was relieved.
Garik grabbed her from behind. He dragged her on the bed, expanding from a corner and pushing ahead of her hips. Veronica felt her buttocks through the fabric, clothing rests against his hard dick.
-Bastard! - Veronika not withhold giving, somehow, she broke away from his grip. -Enough of me violate you, you scum Armenian!
Garik taken aback by this decisive rebuff. He stood in the middle of the room, and knew not what to do. Finally, he found some clue:
-You're a hundred dollars found?
Veronique got a hundred dollar bill from his pocket and threw him on the bed.
-And where are you going? asked Garik, looking at the currency ha light.
-I? I'm home! - Veronica going to get out of the rooms in the corridor.
At this moment seemed кастелянша and asked армяна:
-That you are taking a room? I came to take.
Armenians was dumbfounded surprise.
"I'm at the bottom of the waiting! - tossed him Veronica and disappeared into the hallway.
Its daring and risky plan was now to bring рмяна to apartment and there to get rid of him with the help purchased from a Nail gun. Yes, she promised herself yesterday that none Mraz not stepped over the threshold of her house, but Garik, in this case was the exception. She could not let him go to Moscow, and therefore was ready for this to lead him home.
-You said that you have parents at home! said Garik, when Veronica has got it in the corridor of his роскшной apartment, огладывая exquisite interior. -Yes, and it's not like that here the old live.
-This is my apartment! - said Veronika, feeling the mistress of the situation, which is nothing to hide all the same "guest" further, the apartment has not gone. -To me, my husband gave wedding!
-Elegant apartment! - Garik began to walk on the spacious rooms, assessing the housewarming. "Listen, sweetheart, I guys call - let another week for the car look!
-Well, I Dudka! - Veronica replied. -The day after tomorrow - ауфидерзейн, good bye!
Armenian haven't got used in a luxurious setting and happily walked through the rooms, and Veronica, using the moment, said:
-I currently for products in the refrigerator mouse hung herself! I come in the evening! Rest yourself, take a bath! In the refrigerator for a beer, vodka, champagne - what you want! So far!
Garik hesitated a little, then he wanted her to say something, but Veronica, затворяя steel door, heard only:
"Hey, sweetheart...
"Sit here, motherfucker!" she thought, locking the apartment, without the key Garik could not open the lock and exit.
She jumped out of the doorway and went on foot to the city centre, on a Hundred, which was about two hundred meters, to pass the time before the meeting with Gvozdev in some cafe.
On a clear sky shone brightly low December солцне. There was a touch of frost, and Veronica now dressed for the weather: the house she was a rather large closet, is getting rid of the antediluvian brown coat with песцом. It was now fashionable red leather jacket and jeans, and she looked just отпадно - she loved when she looked at himself in the mirror.
The Approaching New Year. Everywhere people fussed town dashing around all the shops in search of gifts. In several places on the street, put a big new year tree.
Mood Veronica rose. Life was getting better. She was ensured for the first time, won't realize what she should do. It is about this that she was going to think in a cafe, alone, to avoid being disturbed. It was clear just one thing, that whatever money supply, it was not, they have come to an end. You had to provide a constant flow.
Veronica was planning to retire to her did and think about how to live, "Snowflake", where the last time visitors anyone but she was not. But there were people thick. "Once upon a time is not necessary!" she decided and went on, because at a Hundred cafe was so much that you had a choice between them all day.
-Veronika! Hi! Is that you?! she heard someone familiar voice.
It was Анжелла with which they constantly had a rest together in the campaign, which daily collected Hippo a whole year, until he managed to drive up to Veronica.
-Hi! she did not know rejoice or not: neither except it plans to meet not included.
-You're in the city?! - surprised Анжелла. -When I came?! That is not calling?! Meet потрещали, about Babi!
Анжелла dragged her to the children's Park, in the cafe "fairy Tale". They went through the whole Hundred square in front of the former regional Communist party Committee, past the hotel, which has lived in the morning Garik, crossed the Avenue and went down into a little valley. Occupied by urban children's Park. The rides were not working, but several cafes, ice rink - everything functioned. Here toe have established a huge Christmas tree.
Поддружки hopped into the building, where the on several floors were five or six cafes, passed in a fairy tale: liked it here Анжелке.
The people here were many. It seemed that the entire population of the city has decided today to occupy all available in the city cafe.
-Well, tell me, how are you? - became interested in the Анжелла when, finally, they managed to take a small table for two, отстгояв long queue for coffee and ice cream.
-Yes, I?! Veronica shrugged, downcast glance: what could she tell her?
-Yes, I sympathize with you! Accept my condolences! - sympathetically said Анжелла. Veronica nodded her head, pursing her lips. -Understand tough for you my friend! Do you have your finances-how?!
-Why do you ask?! - Veronica frowned. -Help do you want?!
Анжелла jammed. For a while they ate in silence for ice cream, and Veronica thought, "Fell on my head!"
"You know, she resumed Анжелла, I'm jealous because you're behind a Hippopotamus married gently. Oh, how many around him Baba вилось! Thought: "what a surprise! It is better than me?! Boobs less ass with Cam!" You, Oh, I'm sorry, friend, that I окровенно with you! Thought: "Well, that he found this fool!" And now I'm not jealous! Not at all! Yes, it is better to be like me, than be in your position...
-What has happened in my position?! "said Veronica, even stop eating.
-Well, the widow of the kingpin! Difficult situation! - if he understood what he was saying reasoned Анжелла. -If you're out something was! Well, there is a well-known in the city family would be, or any communication you in блатном world were strong, well, at least itself something worked before the girls kept, beauty public, moved, pushed something is Yes! Would you even more now in authority! And since you are nobody, because, honestly, Behemoth almost poked in the eye, who did he marry after his departure did you become a "nobody" and even more, you know...
Анжелла looked at Veronica and seeing Veronica doesn't understand that she wants to say, explained:
-Yes, you now even cleaner before you take, will think ten times and посоветуются with someone, not to mention something more! And in the criminal world of the road for you closed because you're not from there, and the death of your husband, not a reason to let you down, get it!?
-Of course! - agreed Veronica myself thinking, when this unnecessary her meet and talk.
However, in the words of Анжеллы truth, and it would be useful for her upcoming reasoning about the structure of their future.
-Listen, Анжелка! I will not heal! I understand everything! - Veronica told her and suddenly decided slightly run over to the quickly from her ticklish further. -Better help financially! Money there, you know?!
Hearing on the request to help with Finance, Анжелла sharply засобиралась, remembering that she had some urgent matter.
-Well, you call, if that! - had said goodbye to her former friend Veronica knew it for sure - not once dived into bed to Behemoth.
-Well! Veronica walked her eyes лохушки, from which flows the last hope, and then some time watching the window, куак that goes on the road in the Park lucky and happy that you've met the one she used to wildly jealous, and they now have a reason to laugh: she is full of shit.
When Анжелла disappeared up the stairs leading from the children's Park on the sidewalk of the Avenue, Veronica finally got out a notebook, stockpiled in advance for this purpose, became подсчитыывать your finances and plan upcoming expenses.
After a couple of hours, she has already compiled a preliminary plan of their further existence. He was a genius. It only remained to resolve several issues with the former subordinates, while also finding ways to defend уплывающее from the property of her late husband. It seemed to her that she invented an original and successful plan that promised her success and prosperity. It only remained to begin to clear the way and the first Bush roots that had to clear out of the highway to success, was the Armenians Garik. It had to liquidate quickly and quietly. Veronika and hurried to the meeting with Gvozdev, which in this respect held for her key role.
No, she was not going to agree to his bed proposal. This path meant only one thing: sink to the level of gang whores and потаскух, and not of the highest category. Then she would definitely not get out of out this swamp into which and touch not going to. Everything that should have been Veronika from a Nail is a pistol. She was ready to pay for it, a thousand dollars, all the thousand, коорую with it tore. It was really cool. Gun - she had heard about it from a Hippopotamus - according to current times, can be bought for hundreds three, if he was clean, and "moonshine" - General and moan would not cost.
Veronica was like a gun to her sell Gvozdev. And she quite rightly expects the success of the deal, as it gave a good price. For the money her gun would sell any, but unfortunately one else from the criminals did not know she is close. And we must act quickly, so the meeting with Gvozdev was it so important.
Nail подрулил to the cafe a little later than agreed. He saw waiting for him at the entrance to Veronica and grinned at this time in some kind of stupid, but the generous smile.
"You're late! - showed the watch Veronica.
-Yes! There are a few! - agreed Gvozdev, has a strong smelling of booze.
-Not afraid to drive drunk? - Veronica asked, when he, passing it forward, made an inviting inside gesture.
-A-a-a! - waved his hand to the Nail.
When Veronica passed by him in the door, he did some strange maneuver with tilt, just wanted to kiss her. She held up her hand, загородившись:
"But-but, whoa!
They again took a table for two in the arch, which has always been the hotel of a Nail.
-You know, how am I today a hundred dropped? - Veronica asked to give a conversation liveliness and defuse the situation.
"Well?! - shook his head Gvozdev interested.
Forty five! - boasted a girl.
-Where is this so? surprised Gvozdev.
-And here! playfully said Veronica, making it clear: you say you want.
-Today the market of dollar fifty cost! - informed her Nail.
-Well, it's the scammers! - Veronica grinned.
-Throwing - not throwing, but by the New year to sixty допрет - I promise you!
They brought ordered Gvozdev dinner: chicken Kyiv, the decanter wild ash tincture, cheese, lemon, sandwich with caviar.
-Tell us. - offered her Nail, raising налитую stack.
-What to tell? - Veronica asked, supported it.
-Agree to my proposal?! - Nail knocked over a glass in her mouth.
-No, Nail, does not agree! Veronica put her stack on the table. -I did not need that yesterday I asked!
"Oh, look how! - he began to chop, but it was clear that he was expecting another answer. -Quickly you everything changes!
-Yes, rushing forward into the twenty-first century! - agreed to Veronica.
-A-a-a! guessed Nail, Veronica could tell he was very upset. 'Well, well! Come on, come on!
-A nail! - it is slightly пригубила stack. -Me from you else you want!
What, exactly? asked Gvozdev are intrigued.
-Would you brought me into the criminal world! - blurted out Veronica.
Ha! he nearly choked once stacked wild ash. -What are you, girl! Why on earth!
-Well, first of all, not a girl! And secondly, I'm a widow of a Hippopotamus!
-Well, what? - surprised the Nail.
As what?! going Veronica pressing issue at its argument.
Nail shook his head:
-No-o! No channel!
-Well, at least, to acquaint me with those on the position! suggested Veronica.
"Listen!" - evil protested Nail. "What you think about yourself?!
Veronica began to chop, after a pause. In silence they ate ten minutes.
-Let's drink! "suggested the girl. -Pour!
When they raised the stack Veronica suggested:
-For future cooperation!
Ha! "grinned the Nail, but the toast supported.
After five minutes Veronica finally moved to a question that really worried her the most.
-A nail! I trunk need! A gun! Any! You can "moonshine"! Thing greens give! - in one gulp she blurted out the learned ahead of time and many times repeated phrase.
Bandit again nearly choked, this time with a sandwich. He looked at his companion intently into her eyes and trying to understand where she was headed.
"Well?! You will sell? asked Veronica.
For me, kind of, shop on the trunks?! ironically smiled Nail.
-Well, I don't know, " shrugged her shoulders Veronica. "But I'm from criminals but you no one else I know, so to thee, and I'm asking! Same thing I give! You still наваришься! Cool! - she hoped that her arguments take action.
Nail thought. Veronica trying to hide his excitement and extreme interest result answer, waiting.
-Serious statement! - finally, заключилл Nail, зыркнув several times on the companion изподлобья. -Barrel - a serious thing! Why do you need that?!
-Need! -Veronica replied evasively, she added. -For self-defense!
-Type believed! - Nail got up from the table, piano шатувшись, said risen to the waiter. I write down the debt for a table! Tomorrow cabbage'll - I'll give! - he shook his head, and Veronica bandit beckoned to the exit. -Почипполинили!
They went out.
-Take the wheelbarrow! - offered her Nail smoke. -Well, what I'll say! he continued already in the car. -Trunk you need?! My ideal?!
Veronika first't understand the proposals, then when and now they were on the road, said:
"I am quite serious!
-Where to? asked Nail at the traffic light at the intersection of Hundreds.
-Home! - Veronika all tensed in ожилании answer.
Nail drove through the intersection, folded before момтос right to драмтеатру.
-Barrel I'll get it! "he promised. 'You've bunk!
"Is that so? - she seemed surprised Veronica: she already knew where he was headed. It boil some tantrum: "That all it should be? As the chain failed?". -Well, you and cattle, in a Nail! Veronica couldn't keep the resentment, although it was completely not at hand. -Sorry my husband alive no! He'd heard this from you - shoot him like a dog!
Gvozdev was silent, concentrated driving along a deserted street.
-Listen, and what he did to you, were he alive? "he asked finally.
-In what sense? "said Veronica.
-Well, are you in Moscow that with this poet in a hotel doing?! Horns instructed him until the money he got it from?! - Nail went on the offensive.
-You mean you're a candle held?! going Veronika from last forces.
-Not hold, type, but rumors...
"Shut up, idiot, and then for Bazaar отечать you will! - cut Veronica, feeling the pressure mounts.
-Who are you to the Bazaar before you answer?! - outraged the Nail with a drunken rage. -After the death of Hippo you're just a whore Sumy, breed! Your future's now or become a whore, or a harlot! All!
He sharply and evil braked at the entrance of her house.
"Thanks for the ride! Veronica quickly opened the door, giving him herself, although she saw that he was going to follow tirade, jumped out of the car. And before Gvozdev out behind her, as she had already disappeared into the entrance with the code lock.
"With a Nail her relationship ended!" - angrily thought Veronica, remembering that her house waiting for another sexually anxious Dzhigit.
Chapter 22.
Veronica felt and happiness, and anxiety at the same time.
The shooting comes to an end, and soon had to return to Moscow, back in the "Cosmos", remembering that her soul trembled. He saw her now like Бастилье, in which she was to spend the rest day.
Битлер a long time already had to fly to London, but was still with her. It was not hard to notice that their deeds he may be the first day is finished, and now just got hooked on Veronika, unable to extricate himself from the shackles of passion, which she had tied him to himself.
But she, too, had stuck in his feelings, like a fly in the sweet nectar.
Now it seemed to her that Битлер was always, and the life she had lived before him was not the life, and the only expectation Битлера.
They couldn't even really talk, because then, just as there came a minute of privacy and immediately plunged into a passion, were interwoven in one whole and could not leave.
Veronica awoke from oblivion and realized that turns out to Битлера she does not really loved.
No, of course it was someone's wife and someone's lover...
Mistress! Mistress never. This condition, like it was in "Cosmos", was as prostitution, only of a different quality, when a woman suffers his lover, his whims and his presence in my life for the same reasons that becomes a prostitute. Only the client she has one, sometimes several. In General, the mistress is a kept woman, the same prostitute, and motives of the entry into intimate relationships are the same. Only the phenomenon is so widespread that the Puritan morality, condemning prostitution, closes on such relations eyes, as something that seems to be palatable and common. Although prostitution, if you look, more honest than the attitude of his mistress to her or his worshipers.
However, what her deal about all this stuff! Mistress she had never been, although married Hippo came, indeed, as the girlfriend, calculates the carefree living the rest of your life.
She had the novels she allowed herself with men, but nobody could tell that she was his mistress. Men she dropped as soon as it became uninteresting.
Though now, with the height of his new experience, who had thrown her into a pit sales of life, she could tell that the novels and these were some children. No depth of feeling, no exaltation, no ecstasy. She even couldn't remember when at least once experienced a women's satisfaction, as насытившаяся cat, in those ties that were all that was happening to her now. It was the most real childhood: girl allowed the boys to her amused and soiled her hole his incompetent писюльками. Ugh! She knew she would, that this is different from real sex, as the grey twilight of a Sunny day, did not admit to myself and anyone close.
But Битлер! Битлер was for it all! She gave herself to him with pleasure. She took pleasure on his member, launching him into the vagina, anus, in the throat. She seemed to get enough of them, and could not, and is not even considered this insanity. She gave herself Битлеру fully at the cellular and molecular level, at the level of their DNA, as if he was the only key which opened the casket of her happiness, hidden somewhere far away in the depths of her cosmic essence. And she was absolutely not important, what he thinks about it, no matter what he does not know what passion she burns all and then, when he's around, and when he's not around. From the first to the last atom of its multi-billion dollar universe, called Veronica Бегетова, belonged to this man unchallenged.
And she is not worried about that soon it will not close, and she again be used as a doormat, let the Supreme category, but still, cloth, whose fate was in the hands of others: in memory of Битлере recorded in each cell of her body, will remain forever.
Yes, it was sad that it is about to be completed, that flashing "ready!" has already been given, it was even a little uncomfortable to understand that because of it he spoils his life, his career, because I must be in London with his family, in his Bank. But it was his choice! Veronika and only spoke in himself, in his soul "Thank you!" waking up and seeing that Битлер still here beside her.
And this meant only that again will be a bright Sunny day, full of feelings, love, sex, sun and happiness. And he thinks about it wants, she is not against! And even allow him to think that she just суперпроститутка that gives him such pleasure as he had been taught - that is unlikely to, and, most importantly, wants to deliver ever any other woman. It was not important! It was important that she met this man, and now he is going to stay there, in her body, in her memory, her feelings forever.
Perhaps all her life, all her squabbles, all her fears and adventures, were sometimes problems, all the dirt in which it is immersed, and even now sat in her ears were needed only to meet Битлера! And now she was agreed to pay such a price, because suddenly aware that he was its higher purpose, which simply would not have happened with her, if her path lay not so, not through Moscow, not through "Space"or "mother." Otherwise Битлера would not exist. And her life would have passed in vain!
He was like a flash in her life, озарившая meaning of her existence, which did not seem to her now so bizarre and strange, so vicious and dirty. After all, someone to enter into her life Битлера, just calculation of the best, and may be the only route to achieve this meeting, for which, now Veronica knew it for sure, she was born.
As a lightbulb, with over her, which made somewhere in Asia, then brought across the entire globe here, laying and long gathering dust somewhere in warehouses, then shook in trucks, then lay on a shelf in a store, yet it is not bought, which then again, maybe weeks, or months waited for the time when it will finally вкрутят in the socket, to Shine, and then burned down, and then just throw in the trash, and it will fall down there's still unknown how much, until проржавеет and not fall apart until the turn to ashes, remembering all the remaining беспролезное the time of his existence, as it's bright lights above the head of Veronica, over the wonderful bed, where she devoted herself to love and passion, and Veronica now knew it was the time when we should just burn, not thinking about tomorrow, because tomorrow is still to come, she wanted MLM no, and it still awaits the completion of a garbage pit...
Every morning in their room rang. First, from the Bank where the Битлера have simply lost, then from the house, from far and maybe the only happy cities of the world, London, which simply could not be different, because there lived Битлер.
He thought composed, lied in the telephone receiver, proving that there is a need here on the set, bore some crap to stay in Palermo, at least for a day. And Veronica knew that the reason was she.
She, of course, it was nice to be aware of this. But that was not important, because he would have left or left, Битлер settled in it forever.
She was unbearably sad. A chill of despair and imminent parting behaviour was in every way stronger in her soul, and she replaced away disturbing thoughts, trying to prolong the heat inside or its illusion, with every day it's getting harder to do.
Of course it was an illusion! He knew who she was! And hardly it was important for him what she feels! And even the fact that Veronica was a prostitute against his will, was unlikely to change something. Yes she did not try to explain it to him. All of two weeks, that Битлер was with her, they were wildly indulged passion. And Veronica could not understand: whether she has changed so much, whether he was the man who came to her as a key to the lock. Sometimes she wanted to ask him what he thinks about it, but she did not dare.
Came the last day of shooting. Veronica realized that rolled up the scenery. She once again starred in some of the last bed scenes, where depicted предающуюся Masturbation on lonely bed abandoned beauty. The shot somehow did not like the Italian Director, and he was forced to shoot it again and again.
Битлера this day, as she got used to it already, on the set was not, and Veronica realized that this is the end of a sweet fairy tale. At the heart of the полоснуло knife, she wanted зареветь and barely withhold giving.
After noon "Mama" called all in a rustic two-story house. From the whole situation with a fan finale. At dinner she said Veronika:
-Do you stay in Palermo another week. You bought.
By the evening for Veronica went Битлер. She could not believe: a tale continued.
It turned out that he already had to fly to London, to resolve their urgent case and go back. To her! To Veronica! And no matter how it was called, "bought" her or done anything else. Битлер, it Битлер again was near!
It was like a miracle! It seemed that someone where they were cooked in a cauldron of human destinies, accepted her accidental begging and gave Veronica another week in Italy, Palermo, and most importantly, the week of Битлером!
Лалмпочка burned again, as if she had a second spare, the secret spiral. And, means, it is still too early to remove from the base and disposed of in a landfill!
She was just in seventh heaven, as if this week must not finish it ever! Her dreams come true!
Veronica remembered how close beside her in the plane in Rome, at any international conference, flew a nice young man. He told, that does not work anywhere, does nothing and lived in clover. Veronica then also wanted to live, and she wondered how it was possible.
-Very easy! I distributor network campaign! My main task is to create passive income. It was a little, but every year my income increases, and now I go on conferences as a guest of honor, stand before beginning distributors.
It turned out that almost half of the plane, which flew from Moscow, was filled with his team of distributors, which he was carrying to the conference.
Veronica always heard about the network campaign, and even had a few girlfriends, who made the suggestion, around, around, but she never thought that they could achieve such a result. When she told a friend, she was sure that they simply luring her into his net.
But the young man tried to lure her, he just telling her about how you can your thoughts to change their lives влучшую or worse:
-Think about what you want to achieve, not what you want to get rid of. Law of attraction - the greatest mystery need to know. Perception occurs through the prism of consciousness.
Veronica listened with interest.
"Remember, " continued the young man, " that your thoughts are not materialize immediately! Between an idea and its materialization there is a certain pause period of time which separates the desire of its materialization. He needs to man realized exactly what he wants, because correct materialization then it is almost impossible...
Veronica remembered at these words, as she walked along the embankment of the Arrow and suddenly, with a special passion made... she even literally remembered as that! It was such a passionate and powerful desire! But it was somehow wrong because materialized in the form of Saida, "Space" and "mother"...
"...it's very important positive emotions then instructed her young man. -The more often you experience positive emotions, the more they will be sent into the universe and repeatedly come back to you! Concentrate on positive emotions! This is the secret law of attraction! This is the mystery of life! Your life may be just phenomenal!
Veronica, and believed, and did not believe his occasional companion. It sounded so beautiful, so simple!
Against his words was the whole experience of her life, family, friends , and acquaintances. If it was so, as he said, then all would be happy people. But most of them were miserably.
However, most people in the plane, flying from the grim Moscow in Sunny Rome, were distributors his стрктуры. He was beautiful and well dressed and looked unhappy and flattened life. And Veronika suddenly wanted to get out of his close Mirka and go with this man, down to itself the future that she wanted to have.
All flight time she listened to him. He hadn't called her in his network, has not offered her to join its structure, and is corrupt. He just рассказываел her how to make her life better:
The first step is to ask, tell the Universe what you want! And the universe откликнится your thinking. Write your wishes in the present tense, as if размещаешь order, choose a dish from the menu of the Universe. The second step is to believe, that the ordered fulfilled. This is very important! No one knows how to get what he asks. It's just that some are asked and поом immediately cancel their orders, say nothing, or it will not work. And others just know that it will do. Doubt bring a feeling of disappointment. Replace doubt confidence in the implementation of the plan. The third step is to take joy. As if you've already got what she asked for. Faith must be supported by corresponding emotions, otherwise do not have the strength to materialize desired. Don't think: I can do, but don't want to. The universe loves necessary event, do not hesitate, no doubt! Act! Be careful what you pulls! Desire enters into physical reality together with you and through you...
It was amazing! Veronica listened to the narrator, turning over the events of his life, and had found largely confirm his words. Most of the events were the result of her fears, doubts, and passionate desires. Sooner or later they incarnated in her life.
-And you get what you want just because you want to. Your dreams you do the lighting only fifty meters of the dark road ahead, which drive through the night life. But if not to cover them and not to choose the road, you can very soon be in a ditch. You should ask находишся whether in harmony with the Universe...
Veronica mentally smirked. Here she is now, of course, was in harmony with the Universe, while flying in a plane, carrying her to take the erotic film. She listened to the young man the freedom that the man could give himself and could take from himself, and on them now and then glancing askance said from the rows in front. Yes on her panties! I wonder what is he now began to do if she took his hand and pressed his palm to its hot clitoris, пульсировавшему under сарафаном.
Veronica shook her head: "No, girl, you've become a whore! Where did you get those stupid idea!"
She again tried to listen to the guy, unsuspecting, that girl he rubs in the brains of their nonsense is a young prostitute who was driven to act in erotic film, and she sits next to him in only one motley сарафанчике-разлетайке and black stockings a mesh belt-support...
-We who make the rules, " continued the young man in the Universe, no rules! Start with the materialization of simple desires that you know what's available to you in the implementation of, for example, with a Cup of coffee. Materialization desire takes as much time as you myself назначишь on it!
But Veronica in fact now wanted to put his hand on the clitoris. It would be a materialization! She imagined how it does! Then bethought that it is very easy! She needed no "order" to the Universe, to go and do it. It was necessary only to have the courage! But if materialize, that he placed his hand on her злачный bump! It is interesting!
-...you first have to change their way of thinking, enthusiastically continued to tell her NetWorker. -Debt receipt come - because you're waiting for her. Reality - residual effects of past thoughts. Change, make a list of what you could be grateful. Gratitude is the most important. Very thankful for what you get. Should be thanking soul...
Veronica again tried his слушалать, it hardly overcame their naughty thoughts that crept into her head. "Really, " she thought, trying to escape from them, and that if I focus on what I have, and I am grateful! I will every morning and evening, to think, and for that I am grateful!"
-... "stone of gratitude", - continued the young man, looking at Veronica. -Installation of gratitude. Another setting - visualization. You need to use a feature of the mind, mentally represent, what you want...
Veronica immediately presented himself descending in someone's company through the vast sea by speedboat. Boat flies through the waves, jumping on them, sometimes buries itself. Behind some rocky, white as sugar, banks covered with green кучеряшками vegetation...
The brain does not distinguish if you do and it really упражняшься, as instructed by her companion.
And Veronika all явственее imagined myself rushing along the waves on a gorgeous, speed boat in the company of a beautiful man that she loved, dressed in a white t-shirt and white trousers. The man at times, taking your eyes from Dali, translated him with high-captain's bridge, where he stood for никелитрованным штурвалчичиком at her, загорающую at the stern and the love which stares at him. She could not see his face, but for some reason it seemed to her best friends, the only one of all men on earth...
-Try to fix only one end result. Ask yourself the feeling of real presence, feel joy, feel happiness. Without this visualization will not work. This will be an outlet through which will be manifest to all the power of the Universe. Trust in this matter of the Universe. This should not be a duty or a routine, to experience the joy of sensations...
He remembered her as then she guessed, asked the Universe... No, she just imagined lives with this beautiful man on the shore of the sea, the house, the Windows of which you see his infinite horizon blue and never gone from Italy, which is fate.
Veronica then wished: "I want in my life there was a man: smart, beautiful, rich and good - which I like, and he for me to the sacrifice. I want to meet with a man who pulls me out of here!"
Chapter 23.
Veronica softly opened with a key lock and entered the apartment.
Everywhere burning lamps and sconces. She walked through the apartment. Garik slept on her double bed, lounging across. He was naked. In the corner of the room holographic video porn film showed that Armenians dug in her discs and videocassettes.
"That's the perfect moment to kill the bastard! thought Veronica and headed кужню for knife for cutting meat. -May be well that I Nail not agreed about the pistol! Everything will be covered over! No one will know!"
She returned to the bedroom with a huge stainless steel knife in the form ax, приблизалась to the bed, wondering where to strike.
A minute passed, and Veronika all waited, not daring to a terrible thing to do. Something stopped her. One second and one bold and decisive movement of separated it from freedom, but she could not do that. "No, I'm still not a murderer!" "upset girl.
She squatted next to the bed with a knife in his hands and stared at the sleeping on her bed naked man. Tears of impotent anger flowed down her cheeks. She could not even avenge the abuse, which over her made this arrogant Armenians.
Suddenly Garik woke up. It for a few seconds, not knowing looked at her, the huge sword in her hands, and only then guess stitched right through him, like a needle.
In this second Veronica realized that missed the chance to release. Now she замхнулась, but too late, because his hand gripped her wrist and squeezed so that the sword fell and pierced blade angle in the parquet дошечку. In the next second, Garik, rushing at her like a furious tiger, squeezed her throat and knocked on his back.
-Oh, you bitch, that conceived! his fierce face was very close, splashing her with his spit.
-Hate! - захрипела Veronica. -Hate!
He wanted to hit her in the face, but Veronica saw him swing, warned:
'You just try!
Hand Garik froze in the air, then опутилась the zipper of her jeans and began to unbutton her. Veronika did not resisted, she seemed отрешилась, and now obey his hands.
Garik dragged her from the floor at the red satin of her bed and enjoyed her body all night long. He dug among her things, digging into the bedside table, until it was imported expensive silicone Dildo with Dildo and anal beads that Veronica bought immediately after the wedding in the town's only currency полуподпольном sex shop secret from Hippopotamus, when I realized that the bed of her husband is not as strong as they would like, and now skillfully used them to excite her lust to the extreme peak, the existence of which in the design of his astral body, she had no idea. Then she was ready herself to ask him, to fill the emptiness of her body some content. And Garik seen it himself did what she asked in mind, because it is not said for all time of this exciting night n word. He turned her head to the image of a hologram, forcing to look together with a pornographic movies, but then again excited from the scenes of mass порева, skillfully совращал her body to the new coitus.
The night was filled nightmare, passion, scenes, postures, invasions, and eruption and orgasm. The blood rushed from her head to the excited chest and bosom, and she was nothing that was dysfunctional, but only moved, moved and moved, doing all the things that made her male body, revealing all her secret corners of the female nature, and of which she herself did not guess.
Veronica allowed again over a molest them. At home, your favorite bed, in which loved to pamper and indulge in fantasies. Now she wondered, trying to break into the consciousness of the fog горячечной lust, which cleverly fanned the flames of Armenians: "Why? Why? Why?!"
She herself could not understand why enabled the "guest" login to your house, but now log in itself.
When the window of the bedroom began to late December dawn, "guest" finally calmed down, иссякнув. He tied her hands behind with a belt, and left to lie on the belly, covering his next with a blanket. After a minute Garik was snoring.
Veronika, worn-out violent sleepless night followed him and nodded off, even before обидиться of their condition.
-Don't touch me anymore! she told him, when opened her eyes. "Do you hear?! Enough!
Garik lying there and staring at the ceiling. Outside the window late at night.
-Untie my hands! - Veronica ordered.
Garik turned sideways and fulfilled her request. Veronica walked up to the mirror Cabinet, opened the door, put on a Bathrobe and went into the bathroom.
She sat in the hot water, trying to understand what was happening to her, and as всве to stop it. Thought lazily flowed, not intending to help her to think her like a пришибли something. She didn't know now what to do: trying to get rid of Garik failed, and instead she was once again destroyed. Like chicken!" with a reproach thought Veronica, trying to find the secret motives of all, what she was like. She knew that she only to blame for what's going on with her life. She suddenly with fear she found what she sought in her soul, and she was not myself from this awful discovery. She suddenly realized that all this was happening to her only because she wanted!
Yes she want her so perverted from the ordinary point of view, twisting literally inside out all her being, and penetrates into all the holes of her body, namely fucked - on else can you say? This she made himself all this изъебение on the night and Garik was just сполнителем her will, dirty executioner of her soul, экзекутером her vagina, anus or throat.
When she came out of the bathroom Garik was going in the corridor. Veronica stared at him. He noticed that she was looking at him in the middle of the corridor.
-Sweetheart, I thought you really enough! said Garik, as if answering her unspoken question.
"Wait!" Veronica felt the happiness quietly goes back in her soul, like the rising sun in the расвете the sun.
Veronika all their gut felt that she begins a new period of life, and it is the flight from Moscow, this is a sex maniac Garik, - only the thin dirty gap between the past and the clean, white pages of its future.
Veronica silently climbed into the pocket of his coat and brought out a bunch of karbovanets like garbage fills up the inside and проттянула their "guest". Garik took the money, rassoval pockets and nothing, turned to the exit.
-A train in seven! said Veronica. -Will you have time!
She closed her like a solid sash shell, which hid pink tender flesh молюска, steel door of the apartment, освобидившись from the last foreign element in his life. A phase of rapid, uncontrolled falling into the abyss ended, it was good to collect my thoughts and think about how to live.
Went unnoticed week. Coming New year.
Veronica gradually came to himself, as if after a long illness. She bought a small pine, put her in the hall, and now carefully decorated it, carefully selecting toys.
The city was happening pre-pandemonium. Shops were filled with crowds of buyers, despite the steep rates, smashing everything from the shelves. Weather greeted with a slight frost and fluffy snow, валившимся from the sky without stopping.
In new year night she ззажгла candle on the table, sat down at him, opened the champagne, drank a little.
For the first time in her life, she met the new year one. Called her parents, but she decided not to go. She was a good one. She suddenly felt the need to be alone, away from the world, until, finally, her thoughts do not come in the normal state, and the events of the last months are not изгладяться from memory.
She could afford to simply live: but she was a few thousand dollars, which were to provide its existence for quite a long time. Of course, compared with the Empire Hippopotamus, which existed before, it Blimber жалкте the scraps, but they gave her a head start: time to think how to restore control over at least a portion of it.
On the street shouts, the explosions firecrackers, in the sky above the city neighborhoods were raised hundreds of salutes and феерверков. Veronica looked at her watch: twelve nights. She poured a glass of champagne went to the window, was crazy with glass: "happy New year! Veronika! Let him be to you happy!"
The street was as light as day. Theatre square was lit pinkish lights were done under the antique gas. It was obvious how веселяться people. It is possible that it was the same people who caught разбрасываемые it карбованцы. "I wonder, though they remember it?" - asked herself Veronica.
She didn't want to jump on the balcony naked, throw out basin wads of money, jump, feeling naked Breasts nice Bouncing, no time for a body that was pulling her down. Now she wanted peace, tranquility, умротворенности, respectability.
Veronica got dressed and went outside. She rounded the house, walked on the square, past the theater, watching the people go in droves, hugging each other, meet, drink directly on улце champagne, treat each other, congratulate with New year, happy, scream songs. Then she turned around the corner from the Museum of local lore and passed by the restaurant "Central", where now all floors were filled with light, noise, fun, holiday.
Veronica remembered how once Hippo he loved to collect here the crowd of idlers. From there and now coming to hearing music, laughter, shouts of men, the shrieks of the women, the clinking of dishes. Someone drunk voice false sang karaoke.
Veronica crossed the Avenue, standing near the Central Department store. Here it was deserted. Turn right and she went into a Hundred.
The street was filled with crowds of people walking on new year's морозцу. Вероникевстречались many friends (girls and boys. But all of them were fond of what is happening in their campaigns, so do not notice it. Yes Veronica and did not strive to meet anyone and be someone узнанной. She wore a cap of darkness and now walked among them that make merry, drunken crowds of citizens, like a Ghost, absorbing the energy of joy and fun, outgoing from everywhere, like nectar from the spring. Sometimes though, when walking passed сосвсем close, it got to me, that to it nobody sticks, nobody notices all passionate about their. She then began to feel that, maybe, in fact it became a bodiless spirit, and then both her and wanted to check this, but she restrained myself struggling: although the nature of her, as any women needed a man's attention, she still wanted to drink the Cup of loneliness to the end, so as enough восоминаний about the recent experienced it. Although she understood that this experience was by its nature is foreign to the fact that now could she begin at casual acquaintance, Veronika not hurried events, as always before been accustomed to do. It decided to postpone any novels.
She walked among them that make merry, employed by their lives and holiday, your friends and relatives, children and parents, people, and almost physically felt flowed past her time, washing out of her soul, as caused by debris from the pure river sand, all that dirt which it filled up lately. Holiday, Shrouding Veronica his new year, promises a miracle, a fairy tale, like a return to barely ended childhood atmosphere, healed her wounds, acting gently and carefully. She walked a Hundred past the sleeping Cathedral, past the cafe filled with visitors, feeling more and more recovers. Something black, unclean, filthy took of her soul.
She was a little sad, but at the same time and happily. Now her life belonged to her, and though she is not accustomed, it was nice. Maybe that's why she didn't want anyone acquainted, to meet anyone, had not wanted to recognize her tipsy much and not very familiar.
Easy Christmas snow припорашивал uncovered head girl. Frost barely felt. From above poured colored confetti fell on the shoulders of colorful streamers, пускаемые everywhere. She would have certainly gone to the Orthodox Church, if it was opened. She had long wanted to start attending Church services, but something did not let that stop. Some do not fear, not that dreadful attacked her whenever she came to the open door of the temple, and Veronica in sorrow walked away. But now the Cathedral was closed, and she just passed by.
Veronica remembered Gladysheva. She now felt very cruel that she, heartlessly threw him out into the jungles of the metropolis, surrounded by the most beautiful hotels like the mouth of an animal. Yes, and the "Space" suddenly наповерку was no better. Now he remembered her not a huge hotel and the focus of evil. Veronika still could not understand what happened with it at all possible that this is not fiction fevered imagination, and действителльность that, tell her to someone else, she would never have believed, and possibly considered narrator first-class вралем.
Yes, even that now was not the great Motherland she is accustomed to, and the Motherland has now become a small, shivering as shagreen leather, even it seemed to her utter fabrication. Some millions karbovanets, wild rates, frightened, as if that were present at the universal catastrophe people completely detached from what is happening, as if hidden from the outside, нырнувшие in yourself and пережидающие there a time when there is skinned alive their neighbors, acquaintances, fellow citizens.
But Veronica was waiting for, when all will pass by itself! And if not passed? If this arrogant Garik still would have left in its Moscow and seeing her luxury apartment, he would have stayed another week, and then for a month?! "So then you, girl doing?" - asked herself Veronica. He indeed was going to stay.
Yes, Garik left, leaned back home ahead of time only fearing that brought it to the handle. If he didn't see her waking up with a knife in his hand, who knows how much time it lasted for sexual slavery.
"How do you, in General before that rocked, Veronica?" - asked the girl, trying to understand, when it's done wrong. Maybe the output, which she chose was the best of слжившейся situation? To happen if she gave as a Minister in religion hotel required her money?
Veronica drove away from these issues. Along with them came back unwelcome memories. Of course, Garik has enriched her sexual experience. But maybe it enrichment she was completely unnecessary? As can be observed in ordinary, normal family life, all the perversions that she felt with him? What would a normal husband wanted fingers or a Dildo-vibrator simulate that his wife along with him has someone else in another hole? Or how could a loving man touch his mouth sweetheart his cock so that his head into the larynx and walked through the esophagus?
"Ugh!" - Veronica сплюнула.
No, everything was interesting, instructive, fun. Sometimes even too! But no more, thanks!
To distract from recent events, Veronica remembered Yakovleva.
Maybe worth came to him to wife, to leave this city, to go to some darkness-cockroaches, sit down in a little лейтенантской apartment, or Dorm room and wait when he comes back from service. At lunch to feed his tasty borsch, and then go to bed with him. Get pregnant, give birth to a son or a daughter, then another son or daughter... And so live, live, live... Live-njoy and have kids!" - Veronica remembered wish Lena, his однокласницы, who wished it Надьке Sklyarenko. Perhaps she too was worth to do so.
However, why is it here раззавидовалась? She also got married! Who knew that all this goes on, and it will remain a widow?
Here Veronika like lightning прошибло! Behind all this crazy house she forgot that her monthly not. The delay in the month, although sometimes stress with it, this has happened before, and recently stress abound, gave hope that she is pregnant.
"A good woman is different from bad that idea who became pregnant!" instructed her as a year ago, her grandmother, who began to suspect that Veronica shall enter into close relations with the guys.
"God! From whom, valid, I become pregnant?" - scared Veronica and immediately found myself happy thoughts, that if she starts to worry about such question, then life is, indeed, have returned to normal.
She instinctively went through a Hundred across the square in front of прозябающи in the dark huge "boomerang", the building of former regional party Committee, past the hotel, moved across the deserted Avenue, then on the bridge above the Arrow to the Children's Park, where происхоила real Christmas фейерия. Fairy-tale castles of the huge children's town alight, decorated with garlands and lights. Far away, in the centre of the Park there was a huge Christmas tree, котоой was some поулночное view, which brought together a fun crowd. On the other side of the Avenue, in the Park, following the huge two-story restaurant "Crystal" were filled with warm water in which huge spotlight color music installation flashed to the music of the phonogram. Around the fountains everywhere were also mark the beginning of a New year cheerful groups of young people and older people. Clapped and took off fireworks, Bengal lights sparkled, fired high into the сыплющее light snow sky fountains of fire salutes.
Veronica suddenly toe wanted to be among those people, she, too, wanted his campaign. Never before has it met this holiday alone. But the same was not, and join some other campaigns was ridiculous.
She wanted first to go in a Children's Park, then changed her mind and decided to go to the opposite side of the Avenue, the Park of "Crystal", where in the fountains were bathed цветомузыкальное show, but not venturing to do neither one nor the other, suddenly turned around and Embankment of the river of the arrow around the hotel, recently spent the night passed on, looking from afar on "Youth center"in which rattled the new year's disco and deserted street headed in the direction of the bridge through the Psel, returning past the Central city library, a huge building which sank in the orange twilight, back to the house.
"In fact, Veronica again remembered the important observation and tried to listen to my stomach, where perhaps there is already a new life, From whom I managed to подзалететь? Interesting will be a boy or a girl?" The girl she wanted.
She reached cascading fountain "Sadko", sculptural composition which was посвечена spotlights. Here былло пустыно. Rare pedestrians hurried somewhere in the crowded places. Ероника descended into the underground transition and went to the bar to the left of the bridge across the river.
For Пслом, on the other side glowed white neighborhoods huge and broad prospect, Kharkiv streets. Above loomed the drama, and right - Ценнтральный Park of culture and rest.
Veronica went to him, after passing a small fountain at its entrance with вечносидящей here "last virgin of the city". The track over the steep Bank of the Psel strolling couples and groups of citizens, горланя and the talking. The Park was full of people as in a nice summer day, when crowds of tourists go on a Student's beach, a favourite place for bathing.
She exercise all alone. Slightly starting забнуть and a little tired of long hours of walking, looking at the happy people who were not alone. However новгоднее loneliness was her personal choice. If she wanted it, it would be worth it позвонть several girlfriends, not in one or another place merry campaign was her be ensured.
Veronica walked through the Park, crossed it all, passing through an empty Peninsula Student beach, then, by clicking on the pontoon bridge, deepened in the дремучуючасть Park, as if looking for adventure. After ten minutes, прогуливась here already a perfect forest, Veronica reached the new bridge over the Psel. She climbed up the stairs to his steep embankment and, once there, turned.
Bridge оттрассированный lights, pierced in the white areas of the city, светившиеся river, flying graceful arc over the darkness flood plain forest Park. On the wide, like a prospectus his canvas in this interval, the twilight hour was deserted.
Veronica order tired, cold and tired mentally in their nightly wanderings. She didn't realize, but as if looking for adventure on this night, the occupational group of the fact that it recently happened was now little.
Across the bridge, up, she appeared opposite the cemetery, which was buried Афаеасий. "How strange, " thought the girl, ' that your feet had brought me, as if by chance, come here!" she had long forgotten about his old friend, which once was a lot had to do in her life. Strange, but it's much now seemed not important thing, almost nonsense, even fiction. Oan she now believed that it really happened.
From here to her house one had to pass along the street, about a mile. The road went down the slope, and ступалось easily, though his feet with unaccustomed to such debilitating walking ныои, налившись lactic acid.
"Wow, aunt, are you satisfied with Christmas marathon!" going Veronica finally оказавгись home. She went to the window.
New year's eve was nearing an end. In the East the sky has brightened slightly. The miracle did not happen.
However a miracle she was looking for?
Not whether the main miracle was that she now, after so many trials was at home. She had a roof over my head, money, and that most of its fellow countrymen not even dreamed of, private and luxurious apartment in the heart of the city.
"What you want, child?" - укорила itself Veronika
She stood in front of the window, waiting for the sunrise, and when it appeared over the horizon ascending the horizon of scarlet pancake, promising frost, guessed that the new year was for her, well, that from this year all her life went a different way. She did not know how it had to be another way, it is not yet invented. But she was not sure that necessarily come up with how to look her life in the future.
Chapter 24.
Veronica realized the fairy tale ended. There was not even a: "that's the end of the story, and who listened - well done!"
When she woke in the morning, Битлера next, on their big beds.
But instead of him in front of the sat said. He rocked back and вреред on legs expensive chair and somehow, against the habit, waited until she wakes up.
All this immediately returned Veronica from sweet dream into reality. And although it was still was Palermo, sea, sun, Italy, she knew that this story will continue to live without her. In the next plot.
Veronica noticed that again shy man: it was amazing, because she felt that she had lost shame forever. But that said does not suspect any changes, and she again did not have to go through a severe "mom's" school again, she is making an effort, pulled back the blanket, rose from the bed and began to walk around the room naked, collecting вещии trying not to pay attention to the presence of Saida.
The scenery of the performance named "Happy trip to Italy" cleaned up so quickly that Veronica didn't even have time to throw their farewell glance.
After a solitary Breakfast in the room, not as before, with Битлером, shore restaurant, for which it has managed to привыкуть for the last week, they put her in the same "Fiat", who had brought them with Vika to the shooting, and the machine rapidly and without stopping rushed to Rome.
The world, the magic world of Veronica, she has made himself this week, and has several times tried to tell: "Live for eternity, нкогда not кончайся!" - the marshes now with the rapidity of collapse Express its unrealistic hopes.
Swept outside the window quarters of Palermo, losing sight of the majestic Vesuvius on the horizon, then the sea, and soon Italy. And this time even uncle, the chauffeur, the most lustful итальяшка, which was teasing her pussy Vika, not smiling and not turned back, but sad and casually drove as if everything had to be done.
And here she was already in the plane to Moscow, leaving fantastic, magical country where fulfilled its fabulous dreams.
"Bulb flies in the trash! thought Veronica. -If all goes badly, then everything goes wrong!"
Now on the next seat instead sociable and charming young man from a network campaign, рассказывавшего her all the way to Rome, how to make so that the whole world has changed at her request, sat an old aunt, speak with which it has no desire was not. Was not and nothing else, for that could catch joy and her flying away from Veronica, like a faded leaves from the trees, autumn wind.
Quite another thing was, when she was in Italy! It was entertaining stories young man, palm which she then put on her warm bosom...
Veronica betake memories.
-Вытаботай habit to use the law of attraction, - said she, he, while Veronica drew nearer to him, leaned toward him. -'t use it constantly. Not say to myself, "This thing is not working!" The universe hears it, and everything comes to naught! The universe says: Yes, of course!
Veronica took his wrist and held his hand, pretending to be carefully continues to listen to him. In her head again had a naughty thought that she now decided to implement.
For some time she just held his palm with my hands, looking into the eyes and pretending that the words of a young man penetrate to its very heart.
-...create a panel of images. Put her stuff of your dreams! See her every day! Be aware of that already in possession of the fact that there posted. Cut out the pictures of all what you want to achieve in life! Believe in the power of visualization! Decide what you want, believe you deserve it, be aware of that already possess it, and then try gratitude and scatter out her into the Universe.
Veronica began to caress the hand of the young man. She wondered to herself that does something that would never dare, and more of what a first of its nothing inspired!
-mind человекка can achieve anything that will present! - continued NetWorker. -Say to yourself: "I will believe and act as if it is already happening and feel gratitude for what you get, as if you get it already!" Focus on abundance, prosperity. You attract to yourself what you think! Have said and believe: "I can do it!" - and to give thanks that will once, as if it's already come! And always remember: do not doubt the realization of desires because, once you begin to doubt the universe immediately cancel your order: listen and obey. Money - part of well-being. First, we need to have the internal attributes of the well-being and not Vice versa. Each of our desire to materialize in the universe. Therefore, it is important monitors thoughts. It is important to understand myself!..
Veronica поддернула casually hem of her motley sundress, and when he вспорхнул carried cool palm of the boy and put it between her legs, on the fire-breathing her mouth of the beast, longing for pleasure. She felt the cool fingers young man lay on her hot, pulsating under the blows of the heart clitoris, наливший blood from desire.
Why she did it?! Was it some meaning in this act?! Veronica was all the same! She just wanted to do it. Do this and see what happens! It somehow procedure was excited. Perhaps, the unusual situation: the plane, a foretaste of the foreign country, the heat, the sea, holiday, another life, joyful and happy - did their job, drove the scale of its возбуждкения up to the mark "Will be a blast!", and maybe there's something else happened, maybe in her actions was some secret, unknown even to her sense, she could not guess herself.
The young man was taken aback. Veronica was a pleasure to watch as his face, so confident a minute ago that he had then declared suddenly fell in surprise, and he was speechless.
Veronica hotly sighed into his face, showering his heat of passion. She really was burning inner fire of lust. The young man wanted to remove my fingers, but only hold her hand clasped them in this endeavor, and began to lead their rough pads on сочащемуся juice clitoris. It seemed to her that she may be дактелоскопический figure this cool fingers, affecting every cell of her налившегося blood and desire губкообразного tubercle.
She looked him straight in the eyes with his hot, пышащим desire coition eyes, penetrating the most masculine its essence somewhere in the depths of his being.
-And you're a naughty girl! "remarked the boy, and he was in front of her boy, with my knowledge about the world, has seen hardly more than one pussy, from which the whole world was.
Veronica was in ecstasy. She felt Mother Earth, which gave life to all living things around, including this little man, объяснявшему her now the device in the world, which she allowed to touch his Holy of holies, not only to discourage him, mock him, and show him his true place in the world order, but also because she was like a volcano ready now explode сокрушающем everything in its path eruption.
A guy once trailed off, looking her in the eye. Now he just didn't know what to do. He had not expected such a turn of events, feeling like the king of the provisions. And suddenly this girl, which he had just hovered brains", tied him up in one simple movement, like a bull to стойлу, to his hot, пышущей heat of passion, wet from the excitement users. How could he expect from her?! It was unreal!
-Well, and what will we do?! he said, rousing himself.
Veronica was still looking into his eyes. It penetrated into his thoughts. She watched as the boy himself lights lust, and is now rapidly catching on, where possible intercourse. She read him like an open book. Now all his thoughts were of the toilet.
He turned back, looked forward through the cabin, estimating, in which toilet closer and much less turn. Then he turned to her and not even said anything: Veronika read in his eyes: "let's go!".
The young man rose from his seat and walked down the aisle ahead. Veronica got up and went after him.
When she passed the chair Saeed, who has been the corner of my eye watched their intrigues, he pulled into the aisle cabin hand and caught her Shin below the knee.
"Sit down on the spot! he said to her calmly and quietly. "You want the same flight to return to Moscow!
Veronica went back. The heat of lust in her body not let up, but the order said as if a bucket of water on it poured.
He stood up and moved next to her, saying calmly and angrily:
-You that, humanly not know how to behave in public?! With you, it turns out, keep an eye impossible! And still bore gave!
After a couple of minutes later the guy that was sitting next to Veronica.
Seeing Saeed, who took his chair, he wanted to rebel, but he only showed him on his vacant place and added:
"Sit down there!
In the voice said was something that did not take objection, and the young man silently obeyed.
The rest of the way to Rome Veronica sat, гляда out the window at the passing outside the window cotton field clouds and slipping between them green meadows, серкающие threads rivers, arrows, highways, intricate contours of the cities and villages scattered сдловно биссер on earth.
Lower stomach cramp like a gasp, and he desperately ill from pointless excitation, causing her discomfort as if she wanted to urinate and could not...
Veronica was distracted from their memories.
Nearby sat still the same old woman. She returned to Moscow...
Битлер! Her thought was looking for in her heart now this image. He is still yesterday was beside her, and now, suddenly, she was alone, although ordered совему consciousness does not let go this reality to it lasted and lasted, that he extended their hot date for another week, then another.
It does not care to lose if he family and job because of it: Битлер belonged in her mind her, and she with anyone not want to share.
Veronica suddenly with amazement stopped herself inside yourself like having frozen.
She remembered.
The emerald waves of the sea, cutting them, sometimes, not getting to the beat and then burying, rushes, plunges, low and confidently growling its powerful engine, white, dazzling boat. And it's not even a boat, and a little high-speed yacht with the captain's bridge above.
The bridge is Битлер and looking afar, slightly turning the hands of Nickel-plated штурвальчик. Sometimes she looks over at the nose of the ship, where reclining, turning to him she Veronica.
She was leaning on his hands and rose, and the lies so completely naked, substituting your oily-from the warm spray, lavishly splash her foaming under the keel for a high-speed yacht sea body reigning in дезоблачном bottomless sky of the Mediterranean sun.
Boat неес her and Битлера somewhere in the open sea. Behind all away remain rocky cliffs, beaches, white as sugar, covered with green кучеряшками vegetation. A little further visible houses, whole blocks attached to each other's houses such tiny and becoming less and less. To the right of grey shadow of Vesuvius, menacingly outlined against the background of forever billowing over the top, like a wig, Cumulus clouds.
All this is increasingly disappearing away. Битлер takes her on some island where they will once again be making love. Veronica smiles at him playfully, and when he throws a glance of Dali, which rushes their boat on it, only a little wider divorces his feet, showing his lovely girlfriend in all its glory revealed from desire and thirst for love, as Bud blooming and fragrant roses.
Битлер unable to make this picture. He throws her one look, then another, a third, and Veronica everything fascinates and attracts him, as if to say, his pose: "Here I am! Take me! Eat!"
Finally, he could no longer resist, he shuts down the engine and throws an anchor. Ship waving in the emerald waves, Битлер down the stairs to the stern, and bypasses the cabin and approach her like a predatory lion greed of production, which for so long has been teasing...
Veronica remembered.
Yes, because it загадывала it then, in the airplane, when I was flying to Rome. She had ordered Universe speedboat, riding the waves, and myself in камапнии handsome man, that she's in love, as the March cat.
Just when NetWorker told her how to control the visualization, as should be brought to the materialization of the images desired, she passionately, and introduced herself to this picture: emerald sea, high-speed snow-white yacht, the shrinking rocky island, the man she was in love.
"All of this happened! - suddenly realized Veronica. -All this actually came true!"
Something joyfully pricked her chest. So, what has been said by her, the young man actually works, and they've only to focus on their images...
-solution of your problems is in you, sounded as if she heard them now, the words of the hitter. -Fall in love with yourself, and the rest of the world in you to love. Loving yourself you will love and others. We allow other people to make our happiness. But they have it bad or does not work at all. The source of your happiness within you. Materialize in your life, something to spend your energy. Energy is directed to where you're looking. You should feel hungry, should to want something. Don't waste your energy on them. Aim of your life what you myself deliver. Goal is to experience joy. The source of success is inner happiness. Find something finds in your heart response. Follow the feeling of bliss...
Veronica then realized she realized the condemnation of "mother", its constant returns to think about the "Cosmos" she drove their future in this trap. How much effort she spent the pain and hatred! And they only repeatedly been exacerbated in her life.
-...дмай about what you want, not on what not! - sounded in her head the words that she had not perceived. Now their meaning became more understandable for her. -Make not anti war rally and rally in support of peace. Be distracted from negative emotions. Отгораживясь from the world of negative thoughts you will suffer, you will feel uncomfortable. And moreover, the universe multiplies this discomfort and returns in товю life repeatedly increased.
"Now I am never going to think about "mom"! Nothing will think about it, neither good nor bad! Never!" - decided to Veronica.
She realized that in order to get rid of the "mother"from the "Space", from Moscow, they should stop оних think!
-...the last line is a holiday, - sounded in her words hitter. -Visualize a holiday, goodness, happiness, whom thou жаждаешь. Nobody will ever be able to write for you the story of your life. The right idea!
"I will, I will think correctly! Now I am going to present yourself at a Spa, luxurious and expensive hotels, traveling around the world!" cried to herself Veronica.
She shut her eyes and all the remaining time of the flight to Moscow will present itself in the most exotic places around the world, what she knew of and being heard.
"The tale will continue!" - decided Veronika
Chapter 25.
Veronica without undressing flopped into bed, furnished turquoise satin. After a night of crazy Hiking she desperately wanted to sleep, and she immediately вырубилась asleep healthy, мертвецким sleep.
Woke up it only in the evening of the first of January of the fact that someone persistently would call in the call to the front door.
Veronica asked cautiously. Calls were repeated with an enviable regularity, maintaining a slight pause
"Who could it be?!" - she was surprised.
Continuing вылеживаться in a cosy bed, she started looking through all the options but not found a suitable explanations for the persistent trills. She was sure that none of your friends just could not for it to come, the more so unceremoniously натренькивать.
And who knew that she was in the city?!
Nail?! But he staggered towards it, how that he was on it was something you need. Of course, the Nail of her need Bala certain срершенно thing. However, he wouldn't achieve such примитиным way: not a boy after all. Moreover, knowing the habits of Gvozdeva, his lazy nature, Veronica brushed off this option immediately. He would be sure to first called to not trudge in vain.
Then who else? Анжелла? It is unlikely that she would have become напрашиватся to visit her the first of January. The more so persistently and continuously call.
Собсвтенно speaking, Анжеллу Veronika not interested in ever again. She knew it. And if before it appeared on the horizon, now, when there was no matter of its interest - Hippo - this girlfriend hardly ever willingly would have seemed on the verge of her apartment. Veronica just saw that deep down Анжелла despise her and can not tolerate.
There were several variants of those who would today call to her. Maybe someone from the former acquaintances still saw her yesterday пргуливающуюся a new year's eve alone, and today, leaving his girlfriend decided to warm her bed?
"Thanks guys, I'm old gentlemen don't need!" - decided to Veronica.
But rang somehow very much brazenly. So названивают usually plumbers or electricians, who called on repairs in the apartment, and they will call to blue, as they are not close appointed thee same outfit.
But Veronica nobody aroused. With the wiring, plumbing, water supply, heating she was all right.
Who could it be?
And then visited a terrible guess, from which the girl let out a little noise, crawled under the blanket, hiding like a child. "What if it's for me came from Moscow?" - исугалась Veronica.
"Guest", Garik, which it has already become forget, for a week, as he was in Moscow. What in the world could happen?
Veronika not once entertained themselves with illusions that Garik borne her feelings more and other properties, than she to him. But all the same she was hoping for his prudence. Go just rent it said it would not. So that he could fuck? Hardly such a campaign would have ended for Garik something good.
But, on the other hand, Garik had a reason to do it. Because he had to finish his weekly sex vacation for two days earlier than it was planned. Besides Veronica продинамила it for a whole day. So, actually, if you look on the merits, he had her, "was humping like a bitch", as he promised her, only a half from the indicated date.
Who is there that аряна, knows that he was on the mind. Maybe he plunged into serious because I wanted a wholly due to him оющение in this way with Veronica.
"Brrr!" - it all started.
However, only been a week and a girlfriend it was've felt miserable execution. She нахалке hoped that her again inside out inferred.
Yes, now Veronica as she seemed to understand the meaning of the expression uterus inside out turn out. But it is usually Baba each other promise, where the скубатуу adopting. But Garik her uterus inside out выворачивал on олной program.
Veronica dreamily stretched, feeling all of her female flesh, as one solid source of pleasure, dotted with erogenous zones. She pushed back оделяло and saw down, on the ground of his pubis, кучеряво rising up between her thighs, lowered her hand down, touching налишийся blood, выпроставшийся out of his hiding place, because of the large bawdy lips Clit.
Veronica reasonably believed that the clitoris she was special. Нимфоманкой she was, or someone else, but its construction of the female body has been the subject of her impassioned study and worship.
Myself naked she could study for hours, and ейнравилось to do it. She couldn't get enough of his beauty, its forms, которорые she gave the Lord God and mother nature. Examined myself, stroking her body with his hands, feeling the touch of them to иззящным lines, thighs, abdomen, buttocks, Breasts, she always used to say a sincere thank you to the Creator, this good beginning of things, so freely given her, which made her a female.
Veronica didn't know the entire celestial мерархии structure of the universe, and perhaps a billion billion universes - who knows - but she always felt any extraordinary happiness, when I could be alone with my body and enjoy them in the mirror, take some crazy poses, opening егоновые proportions, to communicate with him, touch and learn its secrets. She herself was the whole Universe, and it seemed quite herself.
No, what is the depth of the consciousness, a never-ending love which превечной wisdom you had to have to create this amazing, this graceful, this graceful and multi-function design - her body.
It was a sculpture. It was this sculpture. Not that other, she herself could not sometimes take from him глаз.оно simply bewitched her.
If it had been worn - it was decorated. Even mere rags, if she would have got on them, дерюга any full of holes, rough or jute sacking could set off its beauty and splendor!
It could not spoil your clothes. If the clothes are beautiful, it only emphasized the dignity of her untold сокромища, her body
But the body was not only the sculpture. It was a incubator. The cravings of her soul, the seat of life. And the awareness that simply breathtaking.
It was just as if we imagine that the land on which you walk, which move триллиарды other living creatures, where they spend their lives are born and die, зачниают new life, kill and пожирют each other, the land where the rivers, the mountains rise, reign, majestic oceans, where the muscles appear and disappear гелогические era, this earth is not just a receptacle million, billion a variety of functions, processes, and phenomena and Earth - the planet shining though with a speed of tens of thousands of kilometres per hour in the void of the cosmos, in its boundless infinity in which her way оотведена just a small path trajectory descent which means the end and the planet and everything on it.
"In space no longer had anything like the Earth! thought Veronica. -In vain looking for a life scientists on other planets. They just camouflage. Because the Bible says it all about the world order..."
She always tend to compare themselves with the Earth. She could not believe that other women also exist. She accepts them not more than scenery to your life, and sometimes, in General, the whole world seemed to her a decoration to существовванию her soul and her body.
She was alone in the world. Just the Creator of her so she wouldn't get bored, probably made up all of the other characters, invented a story, and pampered her, as beloved children.
Veronica believed only in himself and the Creator himself. Sometimes it seemed to her that it's the same. That the Creator lives within itself and creates the world in his own image and likeness. And it's his image and his likeness.
Then she became so much fun, so good, so happy. She suddenly understood in such moments that live in it eternity, the vast eternity, and she, his favourite child, she herself the object of his passion and his passionate feeling, and those who come in her life - it's just the characters that play a role, which she invents. But, since she should be interesting, that part of it which придумаъывает role for the characters possesses a certain degree of freedom and secrecy, so as not to disclose further story of her fate before the time, when it должжно come true.
Sometimes it seemed to her that her mind, her power of thought can be anything she wants to create. Sometimes happened that they gained some independence and worked just from random thoughts, what would be cruel or unkind to her, she was not, and then everything had to be redone and correct.
However, былвали days, when she appears in a different light. And then she felt that it nor mistress of the world, but only a tiny speck in his boundless ocean, from the will which nothing depends on it. In those days it became поинстине sad. Then the world was becoming a huge, terrible, cold and strange, and it seemed to her that she's just a crazy fool...
Veronica rose, опервшись on his elbow. So she stayed for five minutes, присулшиваясь to phone calls, not прекращавшимся all this time, but then decided to sneak up to the door and look through the peephole.
However, soundproofing apartments allowed to just walk up to the door, and there, on the stairs that we could not hear, but it all slipped up.
And even eye! Behemoth generally not wanted to ask when you installed a steel door. He spoke to the young wife when she asked him: "Why?" that eye of the main traitor. In visible light game, when out of the apartment in him look
-So what? - wondered, I remember her when Veronica.
-Can shoot! 'replied Behemoth.
Where to shoot?! - laughed, not realizing it Veronika.
-Peephole - calmly explained to her husband. Then he really nothing to be seen. Only the space in front of the door. Peephole is bullish for!
It was funny to listen to his words. It was simply ridiculous to imagine that you look through the peephole, and at this time, someone shoots. "Nonsense!" - Veronica laughed.
She finally persuaded Behemoth put her in the door peephole:
"Look, here I will live in after all! "it was pushing eyebrows Veronica. -Can consider me бычкой, but peephole I put. I so want to!
Setting normal, Hippo ordered some imported the Japanese peephole, who worked as a video camera and gave a review of almost wall-to-wall. In addition, if the vestibule suddenly it was dark, he went to the night vision mode.
Is a miracle of technology had to wait from Japan a few months, and therefore, paying for the order, they went to Moscow, leaving the door ordinary Soviet spy.
Quietly sneaked toward the door Veronica snuggled up to глазку.
It was evident convex ground floor, the dark corner of the spur of the well in front of the Elevator. But nothing more. However, the door continued to periodically call.
Veronika found it very suspicious, and she first felt sorry that she really no eye roundabout review. The door she decided not to open.
"In any case, it is not worth doing in the near future! thought the girl. - I should probably move in with his parents, to live with them half a year! And to hand over the apartment to the guests!"
This strange call made her worry more and more.
Suddenly purred telephone on the nightstand in the far end of the corridor, the kitchen. Despite the fact that the sound was very nice and melodious, Veronica was scared.
She still взяза tube, expecting something unpleasant, all nervously.
-Бегетова! Healthy! With the New year! "came tube cheerful voice Nail.
-A! hi! You, too! "she held her breath, calmed down a bit, though trill apartment call still annoyed.
-I met?! asked Nail with a strange intonation not sympathy, not the irony.
-Alone! - honestly said Veronica. -As befits a widow.
-Listen, I to you here on any subject! - Nail again was drunk. -You Cupcake wants to chat.
-Who is that?! - asked the girl.
-Well! "Hello! - outraged the Nail. -Dude, type of Cake't you know?!
-No! Veronica felt that loses in the eyes of the Nail weight, сдуваясь as a balloon.
-What else do you want to сходняк! So you there замордуют in three accounts! - sympathized Nail.
-Listen, I have realized that this is a thief! - he said Veronica.
-So I understand! This положенец now! suggested Nail.
-And on what subject? asked Veronica.
-Well, what? - surprised the Nail. "Think!
-I have many questions! - проинфоормировала his Veronica. -What exactly!
'Listen, you would thank you said that you met and had not updated! You-you have little choice! D and, in General, he broads only in the bath meets! And with you as an individual wants to settle theme...
-What?! - Veronica осторожничала.
"What is it you тренькает! - outraged the Nail. -To speak in the way!
-Oh, somebody in the apartment is calling for fifteen minutes, maybe...
-A-a-a! What is yours house? - himself thinking Nail. Is probably the burglar! You doors don't open! Call-call, Yes, go ahead! They now have a RAID in your area. It's time to clap hut. Well, you don't worry, you have a door strong, locks - upper class! The main thing - do not open! They lawlessness! Вломяться, according to the head настучат and выхлопают hut! I couldn't help you then! It is their earnings, needs to understand!
-Yes nd us on the access door is worth a code lock! "said Veronica.
"What are you whisper?! surprised her naivety bandit on the other end.
Nail paused, apparently, trying to remember what was discussed before.
-In General, whether at home, not to go away! I'll give you a call! Definitely not promise, but it is possible that this недельке Cupcake you will invite. I am behind you then подрулю! Lada?!
-Well! - Veronica hung up, now fingering cases that her could choose to communicate Cupcake.
They all converged to one - wise old women Hippo. Time with her wanted to talk, so, out with a simple sticking property of her deceased husband. She was in the way.
Suddenly Veronica, the thought came that she should never be anybody to open the door. It is unknown how much money is stuck for her soul after death of a spouse, but even two apartments and Hippo - whose fate hung in the air, would be enough, so she turned her head, as partridge.
In the apartment for some time continued to call, and to not hear it, she went into the bathroom and turned the water, filling the huge Cup of bathtubs.
Your message Nail knocked all her thoughts. And Veronika пыталсь now find the thread pleasant reasoning, which hitherto devoted herself. However, their attitude is spoiled, finally. She intuitively felt himself a target in a big game. No, of course, hardly anyone was to kill him just like that. But for the money! Especially for big money!
Veronica closed the door to the bathroom and turned on full blast TV, not to hear the doorbell rings, trying to escape from evil thoughts, surrendering to the pleasure of bathing under appeared recently MTV channel.
"God will not give - pig will not eat!" - in the end she decided, thinking thus deceive scary speculation. But they never left her head.
Maybe Cupcake just talk to her, will empathize, to Express соболещнование, and then prompts you to sign some papers on the transition of ownership? And what should she do?! Sign - not to sign?! What to do? And where is the guarantee that Mae signing any documents, it will remain alive?
"Say, girl, we certainly understand that Behemoth loved you, but this is his problem! There was no man, and the problems it either! We don't know you! So sorry - " move over! We'll take this and this!" "Veronica.
She пониамала that what was designed for dummies, or simply belonged to her late spouse on the картельному Treaty, already departed the other hand. Probably, so has been issued in many, but not all. Otherwise, it would not disturb! And here at once so much attention! It is seen that there was something that just like that, without its consent to take was impossible, and that something was a significantly in price, otherwise I would Cupcake would not see her again.
Продоложая their hard thinking, Veronica got out of the tub.
The door won't be called. She went into the kitchen, looked in the refrigerator.
Here was a ball покати. Old, tattered products, probably a hundred dollars, she sent in a garbage disposal. Veronica bought for the new year provisions, but somehow all подъела. Stomach сосало from hunger. Had to go into town for groceries.
In the Central Department store, which is already, despite the first number, worked stood pandemonium. Wild inflation customized people to shops spending their savings, trying them though so save. There were many visitors from Russia.
Veronica wanted to get past the Central store of the city - here it was nothing to do but, suddenly, through the glass doors of the lobby saw in the middle of the first floor Sashko, which now отирался here, in the group changed, and I decided to ask him talk for talk.
-Great! - shined the one seeing the right girl. -Happy New year! New happiness!
-Why Nail told?.. asked Veronica.
-Shh! - Sashko put his index finger to his lips.
He grabbed her by the shoulder and led him back outside.
-Циня! Where are you again?! came back indignant voice.
-That I тильки W хвылыну! "quipped he and Veronica to my ear and whispered. -Don't tell me I bucks changed!
-Yes need you to hurt me! going Veronica away from the shoulder of his hand. -You'd have ruffled less! Where a nail knows about it?!
They went out. The sun sparkled in the frosty sky, and Sashko kept squinting.
-But it's in the order of information exchange! he made excuses before Veronica. -it is to our office has no direct relevance, but the word for me to say, so I told him something fuse! By the way, have you not heard?! suddenly remembering something important touched her shoulder Цындренко.
-Not hearing?! asked Veronica.
-So it W killed...
-Whom? - she was surprised.
The who?! Nail W! said Sashko.
-Was killed?! has not understood it. I just with him on the phone talking! Can hour, maybe a half ago!
-Yes! Yes! - confirmed Sashko. -It's for sure! While the Cake is still not known! Like only hurt! Right at his apartment!
Anybody in the apartment?! asked Veronica.
-Well, the Nail! said Sashko.
Where is his apartment? - she asked.
The Yak same W where?! Your husband покойничка apartment! He told me that you didn't mind!..
Then someone turned the Sashko away from Veronica, to himself. Veronica recognized Sanya, and the foreman.
"You know, pepper! evil one, but discreetly, he said. -With кралями then лясо sharpen you will! We're working on now, got it?! Or you again without soldering leave?! So Nail бильше немае to be rescued!
He pulled опешившего Sashko inside the store, giving instructions on the go:
-There customer Packed basements! He chopper! Traded for the course! You do you interrupt me! Pull and we dump! Today Basta, understood?!
Moneychangers disappeared behind the glass doors of the Central Department Store, and Veronica went his way, in a grocery store.
The last thread that bound her with блатным world, no matter what the rotten she was broke.
At home it just in case, though had no doubt that this is true, dialed the phone in the apartment of a Hippopotamus. No one answered.
"Probably for the best! - decided to Veronica. It would be necessary documents for the apartment Zhora check! Who they are! Suddenly Gvozdev, indeed, they rewrote!"
Veronica looked out the window on the evening square in front of the theater. The city has seemed so sweet and dear as before. She felt that inside of this calm with mean landscape is a real game, including on her.
"At least take and disappear somewhere months commercials on six! - broken girl thought. - But where?"
Chapter 26.
Veronica really miss it is not necessary.
Immediately after arriving in Moscow "Mama", informed her that she is serving with a couple of new clients in the sex club Plato retreats" somewhere in the United States. After this were fabulous Hawaii, compared with which Italy has seemed to Veronica already backward and impoverished village. Then she accompanied one American businessman in his trip to Hong Kong. And barely Veronica returned to Moscow, as it's already waited for the next lustful up pretty young Ukrainian пизденки old man. Now she felt the power of the "mother" of the business in which it occupied an important place, but was a mere cog in a huge механзме money on a man's lust, and lust for a young, rich, healthy body young and dazzling beauty of the person.
Veronica was diligent, выкладывалась the fullest. She remembered the contract with "a mother", and only he and stood before her eyes. It had some шкаликом, the level of which is constantly growing and at the top was the cherished number - one million dollars.
Customers were very satisfied, and the news of a new, charming and very skilful priestess of love, which appeared in a clip from "mom", dispersed across the world in the literal sense of the word with the rapidity of lightning. It used to be that returning her "mom", they have already phoned her and ordered her in the very near future again. Veronica was snapped. Happened so, that said had it directly from one resort to another where they were already waiting for her new luxury apartments and once a rich old man, outgoing saliva only one recollection of this хохлушке, without arrival in Russia, in Moscow, in "Cosmos". And this is Veronica in her position suit most.
Now she understood that "mother" is not in vain spent on it " enraged " by the standards of Veronica money, drove her daily operas and expensive restaurants, decorated in exquisite outfits and осыпанную diamonds. No wonder it takes teachers who were trained girl in English, German, French, who gave her ideas about art and painting, which taught her to dress and put make up, and determine its dress code. Her promotion was a success, and now all the world's money-bags, former "mother" customers wanted a taste of her charms, and occupied one another turn for six months. "Mom" had no time to fill the pockets of greens and could not get enough, so well guessed place in the hierarchy of their sex Empire for a new pretty Ukrainian girls. Veronika, - no doubt she was truly born to суперпроституткой, talent which was just buried in the ground, and she managed to dig up and reveal it.
After a couple of months Veranika couldn't remember exactly where, in what country, in what city, what an amazing and exotic resort it was two weeks before the last trip. Now she slammed around the world with lightning speed each time with a new client and consistently with Sayid, who became like her shadow in this never-ending world tour. Everywhere were followed by several people, ensuring its proper and suitable to the local climate appearance and clothes and makeup. They were always different. Veronica saw how they treasure their place, as they do not want to leave her, носящуюся the international resorts and hot spots of суперпроститутку. Veronica felt cash vacuum cleaner hose whose "mother" skillful promotion managed to stick in your pocket not one millionaire. She was now a sex machine to the highest level, skillfully and irrevocably отсасывавщей from the pockets of the rich their money and old, have been too short cum from their deceased was the rest of the testicles. Both she did so delicious that were happy and female clients. Was not happy only it.
At first it was exciting and unusual that it already and I forgot how something to about everything else, but even Битлере. But then Veronica like some movie watched, as past her swept tens of thousands of her dollars, and in her pocket not settled nothing. It is often recalled the famous saying: "I was there, honey-beer drinking on the moustache flowed, and in the mouth are not horrible!"
Yes, it's tempting to усикам that she left on the big bawdy lips, left and right from its gramineous slits and every time carefully aligned hairdressers, really flowed with the river. But in her pockets not settled and cents. All her precious outfits that followed were taken around the world in the cases, and a few pounds of the millions of jewelry, which in the diplomat, пристегнутом gilded handcuffed to the wrist under a white, dazzling costumes, carried with him said, - it all belonged to her. And every time it round her neck, wore a necklace worth hundreds of thousands, or even millions of dollars for dinner or other occurrence in client's company in public places, Veronica felt even some intolerable burden to overcome that cost a lot of effort. She was preparing to go on stage in a dazzling props, who did not belong to her one by one cent, and after a performance also gently had to remove her, pick up, leaving with nothing.
Veronica is increasingly understood that it was just a decoration, a sign, a bright light on which her drooling flew " " mother's" customers-millionaires that she, as a person, as a woman, none of them and was not needed at all, that they perceived it not more than a prostitute than brightly painted, polished and expensively dressed function, sexual services, part of their эпатажи and recreation programs or travel, which appeared from nowhere and at the end of the trip or holiday should also disappear into nothing. And, despite all the fabulous and fashionable splendor of life on this beautiful planet, which now, thanks to its new status, she was available, she in any other case, as would otherwise not shaping its destiny, not tried the tooth, Veronica satisfied with less and less. She knew that poisoned by the venom of luxury, as before, she had no idea, not even suspected that this is possible, could never live differently, but it was to realize that all of this fascinating splendor, this whole story, in which her head dipped, all this was not for her forever! And it is increasingly thought about it. The money that paid for her body, because of her beauty, for her sexual nature and its ability to сдаивать stagnant secrets of the male body, to ravage the testes and seminal bag so that she would have envied any urologist to flow straight into the "mother's" pocket, but once this thread was to begin to disappear, because it ceased to be the seductive thing, which was now her beauty would already not young, and not so attractive. By this time, "mother" is probably already надоила would through it a million dollars and I would find a new фаворную girl, not succumbing to her beauty and abilities, and Veronica would become her simply not needed. She would not even let go, and just thrown out in the trash, leaving without a penny in his pocket, only sweet memories in my head.
And what would be their sweetness? In fact, she went in foreign diamonds strange expensive clothes, traveled to luxury resorts and dens of iniquity in the world, like Las Vegas and Monte Carlo, where like cockroaches to a plate with a sweet poison, flocked millions of people, rich and not so alone just to spend time with other sincere and a vain hope to win this LM FDI lucky ticket? What she would not be Otrada when was that?!
Veronica knew that her place was any other, it would be "mom" licked all that she ordered, to be in the fairy-tale life, that now surrounded her, and no matter it would be, absolutely, absolutely not important, that happened next, a year, two, five years. But Veronica increasingly conceived exactly this, and it poisoned her the opportunity to enjoy the fantastic, bright, beautiful, luxurious, inaccessible for overwhelming majority of the inhabitants of the Earth life in which she was now submerged. All the more she thought about the question: "what then?!"
May be, and should not have done that? Perhaps, indeed, while all around was a holiday, we were not thinking about the future, enjoy this feast of life, and then when suddenly everything is over just to take his own life? But Veronica knew that it was she and not get! She can't kill myself! Not because she loved herself, she knew that she loved himself, because more is itself perceived her body as a thing, not as his precious and the only Universe, which belonged to her before, and that she had once loved and adored genuine and sincere love most in this world! And just because she knew she was just scared, and will not do it! So when Mama" give her a kick in the ass, and the "mother", she didn't doubt it, " this was strictly рассчтан and known in advance, Veronica long as used, a burned out light bulb will lie on the trash heap of life, until it disappears from the face of the Earth. And Veronica knew it for sure: she doesn't want! She has to manage our future and make it what it sees itself, but, unfortunately, dazzling, sparkling, завладевающая every second tinsel environmental her luxurious life, prevented see, consider, to construct for themselves a future that she really wanted to. We had to stop, to stop, to stop perceiving the surrounding every minute someone else's reality, in which she was just a decoration, raise a fist of his will and start to build their world, which belonged to her alone.
Veronica increasingly thought about it, but could not begin to carry out his plan. It is often remembered the guy who taught her once on the plane, how to manage your life, but his instructions all the more concealed transparent, but dazzling veil of what is happening with her without stopping the action, as if she was spinning on a beautiful, bright carousel, the whole world tumbled around in travelling and new impressions, and she was unable to stop.
Yes she really couldn't this get off the carousel. To do this, she had to earn "mother" a million, and this was still very far. And nobody would she million not presented.
One day there came the day when Veronica terrified woke up in the night in a five star hotel in Rio De Janeiro, and realized that something must be done.
In bed next to her snoring once naked old man, who had no idea how much spiritual strength she had to spend to please him, to make him a member of the recall, that at the sight of a naked woman, he should get up, to grow, to become elastic pillar of love and transport to send the offensive troops from tens of millions of soldiers, one of which had to pass a king, and not continue to hang like a dead mouse. Who would know what it cost like with a real passion to embrace, to attract and to hold to its soft, smooth, silky, elastic skin old flabby, обрюзгшее body of another millionaire, думавшего with her in bed, that he really is hoo!, macho and not a piece of shit with the million Bank account, all in some nasty stains, плешинах and other signs of the body, diving a wreck. Who would know how much cost her mental stress carefully displayed whenever the client turned to her, welcoming and happy smile, as if it was her honeymoon with fairy Prince, and not serving in the regular paid room with another walking corpse толстосумом.
Waking up, Veronica sat not the bed, her legs under her, thinking of things with it. It was stuffy and she came out to a spacious balcony.
Far below, below the hotel ran by, from one end of the city to the other side of the ocean, illuminated with lanterns wide sandy beach, where even at this time, the people managed to swim, play ball, to lie on the loungers talking to each other. Spa industry worked non-stop. From the Central streets could be heard the sounds of carnival, motley cavalcade which seemed to here does not stop here for ever. Her old man was asleep, and she felt a nurse at the last издыханиях patient, rendering him assistance through sexual взбадривания it is already approaching eternal rest of the body.
A gust of tropical wind blew Veronica's face. She tried to peer into the blackness of the night ahead, over the sea, diluted with only rare lights of ships in the red signal beacons on the tops of mountains surrounding the city. The night was moonless, and therefore barely discernible in the dark shape of a darker, mysterious and its beautiful Sugar loaf, incredibly sticking out of the water steep slopes.
Again she tried to focus on the things she taught the guy in the plane, and remember his commandments.
It was, of course, great, that Veronica within a matter of months visited places, even in one of which in normal life she hardly ever managed to get. But she suddenly realized that this go-round, once launched "mom"one stop and throw it straight to the dump. But now he will turn her for a very long time, perhaps even until one day she just wakes up somewhere in Sri Lanka or Madagascar among the tropical night and realizes that it was not she, not Veronica Бегетова, which even now she still, despite everything, still felt himself, and, indeed, some суперпроститутка Lada, which is nowhere, no need and does not want to have to go with this carousel, because she used her more than anything, anywhere in the world, except endless series of new and old clients-rockers, waiting for earning "mom" that notorious million, who promised her freedom, she can't leave this vicious circle, because he was already a part of her nature and firmly possessed her soul by their vicious новообразовнием, which separate from myself without painful efforts, large losses and unbearable pain will be impossible. And even if it succeeds, it is unlikely that it will find the old Veronica Бегетову and will be able to regain the lost image. By the time Veronica Бегетова die forever. There's nothing left except the dummy Frets, And past will drags behind her, like a sticky web, attracting to themselves, ago. And побарахтавшись, побултыхавшись in the ancient world, where she has no place without this strange work, if it can be called work, and without this mess, without this never ending tour with an infinite changing unsympathetic and unpleasant men, it returns back to the "mother", goes to crawling to it and will detract, crushing the remnants of pride, take her back.
And perhaps the "mother" will descend and not обидется on her because she left her Empire of passion, swapped the ordinary, such неприкаянную and hopeless, gray and everyday, devoid of the holiday and impressions of life, and take it back. But, it may happen that by this time the "mother" already grow new фаворитку, which takes its present place in the main diamond its дииамдемы, and will say to her: "Sorry, Lada! You're gone from his throne, the Holy place is never empty! I found a new красивенькую all that will walk in the resorts millionaires from all over the world, and now thou take place somewhere modest, switch to domestic businessmen, or just go into numbered girls! You're not котируешься!"
Veronica saw his future so clear as day, and realized that she didn't want it. She didn't know now, and I'm really know what she wants, but just not so.
We had to find a way to get out with this motley, успляющей common sense its heady, intoxicating nectar, attractive carousel before she earns his body million. Because if she doesn't do that now and she, by the time this monster will eat it from the inside, and leave nothing of its essence, which is in itself loved. It will simply fail, make money prostitution, selling their body and their skills in the area that most of the reason, prefers to keep silent, pretending that it does not. She will be the one that nothing more is necessary, and which fears, as it took place not more young, beautiful and striking pыtanв, - and this, sooner or later you will still happen!
"Something must be changed! - decided to Veronica. "While I'm in itself did not become Lada, should be selected from this Golden shit! But how?!"
She remembered Битлера! Now, who was it necessary! She had forgotten about him with all this motley кутерьмой! Met the man of your life, and then plunge again into путанство! But what could she do?!
Yes, she thought that they had something like a fabulous novel, but it seemed only to her! Because Битлер knew who she was and why he so passionately given! He bought it! He could not think that she did it with the same pleasure and just because she liked him, and because she loved him!
Битлер! Битлер! Битлер!
He never appeared in her life so long that it was worth just forget it. But she could not! It was recorded in each molecule, its DNA in every cell of her body, and it is only knew it!
And the tinsel, which motley rain fell upon it in its present жизнни only distracted her memories of him, but could not absorb fully.
"Битлер! Come back to me! Take me away! I don't want to! I don't want to! she cried silently somewhere in the black Brazilian night. -Битлер! I love you! Take me away from here, from this shilling, but stupid me his brilliant tinsel life! I want to live differently!"
She closed the door to the balcony, to not Wake his client-старикашку, peaceful and sweet, like a child, dormant after emptying it of the seminiferous tubules of his body, and again, that was in her power yelled:
-Битлер! Take me with you!
The eyes Veronica tears.
And although some убаюкаввающий a voice inside her said: "come on, girl, you'll get used to it! Watch all around nice, wonderful, how you like it!" "she knew must броться for himself, yet it was too late.
The only thing Veronica didn't know is - how?
Chapter 27.
Veronica already accustomed to the fact that every day someone for a long time ringing in her apartment. Several times she tried to look through the peephole, who it may be. But none of anyone she could not see.
From the house it was now extremely rare. Only the biggest need. Anxiety from obscure calls, mysterious murder Gvozdeva, though, maybe, and most likely with Veronica it had nothing to do, all the restless, nervous atmosphere reigning in the city and also a sense that someone is hunting, forced her to sit locked up in an apartment. She hid and now lived quietly as a mouse.
Now out of the house she was hiding in a week, occasionally leaving behind the products. Now she chose for shopping store on deaf street, rising up from the drama theatre on the slope предпойменного the spur of the right Bank of the Psel, in the side of the monument, the stele with the eternal fire and a tank. Here rarely met passers-by.
Assortment of the store was run-down, products are more expensive. But Veronica was even scared displayed in the center. She did not know where to wait for the impact.
Now, however, than what's in store - even just out the door, an entrance - she was scared now. Because at this point there could be one who is constantly, almost every day, sometimes ten, sometimes even twenty minutes, would call her in the apartment. What would have happened to her? Who it was?
Now Veronica regretted that prudent hippopotamus managed to put the imported Japanese peephole with a span, allows to see even the walls on both sides of the door.
So, locked in an apartment like abalone in the sink, Veronica spent day after day, doing nothing to somehow to start resolving the accumulated vital issues.
First, she knew that pulls rubber, that sooner or later she would have to get out of the house and start acting. Nothing for it will not do. In the end, she must take steps to protect their property from attacks eager easy money bandits. She knew that the earlier you begin, the more it will be able to save. Because досидеться was before, they just throw out even from this impregnable and reliable, as it now seemed to the fortress of her apartment. Could be that she already she does not belong to the money and can do anything. While it sit out in its shell, thinking that is safe, somewhere there, outside, unknown villains, even without meeting her, without threatening, trying to kill her, rearranged the documents on its latest property, using any one of the hundreds of schemes divorce, that they had in the Arsenal, and then would come the decision of the court: "Выселяйтесь, гражданочка! Пшли out on the street!"
Authorities no in this case did not work. The fact that she was the widow of a Hippopotamus, for them, those who wanted to pick up an empty sound, zilch, is Veronica realized even from communication with Gvozdev, which itself, as it is now known to have already made some steps to the apartment Hippo, allegedly with its consent. And all the rest of her consent drew least as many times as was necessary, she would not even know.
Veronica knew that largely property relations are securities, which were necessary to properly execute. She felt that she still sits in its own shell, the world is changing in нелучшую to her side, and perhaps was quite possible that when she finally wakes up from his incomprehensible оцепения, will come down and want to act, then retrieving much that is still possible to save, then it will be impossible.
She reproached himself for his fear, tried to make it work, at least try to call any lawyer or an attorney. The challenges facing the matters needed the assistance of a competent and reliable person. Let he would not even be a lawyer or a lawyer, but to understand the intricate subtleties and intricacies of strange domestic legislation.
She was not going to even претенддовать that her late husband were неоофициально, some картельному agreement on the division of spheres of influence - this was dangerous and stupid! Not worth the anger of Cerberus, стерегущего common Fund. This is already перкочевало part there, and part of them, surreptitiously, spread to those who were closer to кормилу. There and catch up with was nothing. Often as several times when her husband slip, these were state-owned enterprises, which just money through the right people were taken away to some unknown items of expenditure, but later turned out he had in his pocket. There were several cooperatives, owners of restaurants and bars, cafes and canteens, from the income of which Hippo received my negotiated percentage. They were decorated on absolutely innocent people, controlled by the bosses, and when there was a Hippopotamus, its part of the income of those simply divided between them. To her there was nothing light. She understood it.
But Veronica is not going to surrender without a fight, and watch as it will take away what belongs to her as a wife, according to the documents officially. It was required urgently secure their rights that could be saved. It needed money, big money. Veronica didn't know how much money it would take, but secretly hoped that she managed to save and demand what the Nail, it should be enough for at least probate and rights to the apartment where she lived, and in the apartment, belonging to the Hippo, because, although she knew that Gvozdev something already done, actions with re-registration of property rights can be challenged in a formal way through the court.
However, with the flat of Veronica was easier, because it was bought for her, and it only remained to the end and correctly draw up the documents. The second apartment, which lived Hippo, everything was much more complicated: Veronica didn't know who she is framed so afraid to start the explanation of this question. It could well be that raising the issue, it would hurt some rotten firebrand, and the whole building its hope, and without that seemed shaky and unstable, just would have collapsed, quite possibly burying the hostess.
The main thing was not Veronica - it ties. Of course, she knew that the links are purchased. But it is justly believed that those few unfortunate thousand dollars, sometimes, when her for the sake of interest вздумывалось recalculate the course rapidly cheapening, as if falling into the abyss галлопирующей inflation, the karbovanets, seemed phenomenal wealth, in fact, in such serious matters, which Veronika did not dare to start would be just blunder, which even noticeable-it was not.
In fact, well, what do three or four thousand "green"when it comes to the relations, which cost millions?
All communications in the city were monitored and перекупались tycoons, as became her eyes Behemoth. Who got their sphere of interests, was doomed. One way or another, but they have won them over the top. Earlier there were some inaccessible shadow owners city areas, but now that collapsed last little essential foundations of the state, the city belonged to them. And Veronica knew she just saw it, that now, being left without a husband, on the ruins of his Empire, she stood on the path of seeking its still all garnished riches bigwigs, ready to sweep away everything in its path obstacles, including her little life.
Perhaps they even behind the enemy is not considered, and, perhaps, if she had not become manifest obstinacy with the upcoming redistribution and all that were behind it from the Empire Hippo, quickly gave, she would have been spared. It is even possible that would have left with his master's shoulder apartment, which was presented to her husband. But that would be the limit of their generosity. Without doubt, everything else bigwigs would be tidied up.
And could even be that she and ask something. Who is she?
However, despite the fact that she didn't even know, with whom she has to fight for its future, she knew that the struggle would be merciless. Although it could be quite short. After all, she's not even a Nail! So, hearing the familiar held that Бегетову reason, and someone killed. And, may be, and will not go!
Veronica was very afraid, but she did not give up just like that. Will any negotiations - not will be, but if it becomes aware that something behind her renew that be for her, she will take retaliatory measures will be protected! although she understood that in the case of a loss will lose ever!
Until recently, it was not so obvious. Vernik didn't have a clue how does this merciless machine. But now, when suddenly, there was a Nail which else recently whole понтах traveled to new тачиле the city in a completely drunk and not просыхал for a minute, Oan saw how it operates. Someone says something, and at the bottom of someone removed.
Yes, now with блатным world for her slap. Behemoth was in no hurry to acquaint her with their partners. He said that it is better to be away from the dirt, not to замараться. And it is, in principle, did not protest. Yes it then was all the same! She was not going to become some бандиткой! Yes it is, in General, was another girl, who immediately after school successfully jumped to marry. And now the world, where he was hippopotamus, for her захлопулся completely. There was still a small window in the form of Nails, which she somehow hoped to rely on, although I felt that the guy practically not hiding anything and don't doubt, vomits right out from under her, but he was not.
Now Veronica knew that when it comes to remove them from the road, hitch does not happen even for a second.
Yes, now the most important to protect yourself from criminal punishment. And it's like a storm, пережидала, locked in an apartment, this is the time that is totally unclear when should have ended. She had no information, no drops, no hint. Hunts anyone for her or she can live in peace, because I don't need anybody in this city, she has a very big question. Ask there was nobody. I have to ask, even if she knew who: "You are not going to accidentally kill me?!" And to respond? "Yes, 're going to wait with other understand your time is coming!"
The uncertainty of the position drove her crazy. Sometimes it seemed to her that time has stopped. And the whole world seemed froze around. In other moments, she felt clearly seemed that everything around мчиться forward with the speed of a rocket, and only it stands on the site as a lamppost, which, like emery skin, счесывает, thinning merciless river of time.
Then she seize cases that have not waited for the delay. She urgently was a list that tomorrow was started. But there's coming tomorrow, and Veronika all sat inside the apartment, thinking to herself some absurd excuses why it does nothing. She then watched TV, then took a few hours to a number of the tub, then carefully puts make-up, preparing to issue. In the evening, and she sat on the couch, continuing diligently to sum up the eyes and cast shadows.
Finally, realizing that the day is lost, it reached some stupid hysterics: spoil yourself cheeks lipstick, размалевывая them, as the clown, drawing large lips and запудривая person to stupid white, and then teased herself in the mirror, venting, because it is no longer who was, by itself on itself rage for their inactivity, its stupid, helpless position, its weakness and indecision.
It happened sometimes that her hysterics went so far, that she remembered how a committed, let it "was humping like a bitch" some nasty Armenians, who agreed to nowhere, as if out of place in her life from the ceiling, and then she mocked the so ugly and mean, how not to think of that would do it no one else. She tried myself to humiliate with such a frenzy that he who would have witnessed this scene hair would stand on end, and he'd decided that sees a умалишенную, really тронувшуюся mind of a young woman who tortures his bare, разрисованное some paint and помадами body in front of the mirror, pushing фаллоиммитатор in all possible places, in the vagina, anus, mouth, and to observe itself as it happens, and calling themselves the latest, degrading, плющащими remnants of dignity in zero words.
After these failures, in the morning, tired from yesterday's self-torture, Veronica came in shock and shock from the one only memories of what she with him on the eve got up. And then she cried, выламывала in a frenzy their hands, asking herself forgiveness, and promised myself and I tried to forget it. Then, having calmed down, she took a half-day bath, trying to wash away any dirt, which actually was, but she felt uncleanness of his body, and did not know how to cope with it.
Then she cried again. Cried because it was something strange and incomprehensible. She regretted his bruised body, and her worn-out this existence soul was in purity and chastity, who were now beyond the reach of her.
Finally, realizing that nothing in return is impossible, and we must move on, she calmed down, took himself in hand and promised myself that tomorrow it will certainly identified when something urgent matters, again was a list of them went to bed calm and happy, that finally she pulled from this vicious circle will start to do something.
But tomorrow everything was repeated again with the accuracy of any embedded in the consciousness of the program, terminate the execution of which she was not able to.
In the minutes of the extremely rare, but a clear enlightenment, she suddenly realized that slowly goes crazy that need to somehow get out of this trap, in which it was, but then calmed down, thinking that since she fears that her paranoia is actually okay because crazy never think that they are crazy, and that she suspects themselves in this, so it's actually normal.
All the same then she stopped to plan some things, and trying to deceive the course of events, just to give myself the opportunity to relax for a few days, just to forget, to calm down. But secretly, somewhere in the depths of the unconscious Veronica knew then starts again with the decisive storm and get out of these rat race in a vicious circle of self-flagellation.
Rest days have passed. She sat down, успокоившаяся and rested, detached from the shocks, and diligently, trying to keep the logic straight, writing down on a piece of paper, what actions for their salvation will start tomorrow to take.
Come tomorrow, and all the whole cycle delay, ничегоонеделания, and then self-torture was repeated again and again.
She wanted to be strong, would finally start to really act. But somewhere inside something crunched like she come out of building a small, but very important spring. And now seized her like a broken toy on the strong, responsible moment.
It surprised when appeared such сособность be surprised but it came in moments of remorse why this phase shift, this conference with coils, happened precisely now, not ever before. Perhaps, it seemed to her that completely alien to her life event - the murder of Gvozdeva - worked as a trigger, up-to-drop, переполнившая Cup long imminent mental health crisis? And it suffered?
Sometimes she tore to go to the pharmacy and buy something soothing, but then discouraged herself, because she knew that she should accept. To the doctors she was afraid to go for several reasons.
First, she thought, that if you tell the psychiatrist that gets up during the madness, then any sensible doctor упрячет her to a psychiatric hospital for compulsory treatment. And, secondly, it seemed to her that even if it was nothing and will not happen, and she was just appoint some day hospital, the city's movers and shakers, knowing that she came for treatment on this occasion, will certainly take advantage of the situation to put her in the hospital, having recognized incapacitated for life: it's still more humane than killing.
A week passed, then another, a third, and she was in this closed кольцевороте madness and the fear, unable to stop him. In the end Veronica lost count of time.
Only occasionally it out of the house to the grocery store on a dead street for fear of getting caught by a caller at the door. Itself Veronica anyone not called and did not respond to phone calls. She was like if I were completely insane. She has nothing and waited, even forgetting why she began to plan the case, when repeated the next round of attack, and it became like unmotivated paranoid syndrome, once started and now, самовозбуждавшийся, repeated again and again.
When she once again was running out of food before heading to the store, she went around all the corners of the apartment, trying to find what iPhone sup supplies, if only not to go back to the street. Every time she ever found.
The last thing Veronica managed to find and eat any kind of expensive chocolates that she bought before the New year and pour in a Chinese porcelain vase in the hall, and later forgetting about them, and a few bottles of champagne, stashed behind the curtain of crumbling already rather, yellow pine, which she drank, as compote from a Cup.
Before she finished with imported dry sausage, canned анасами and other delicacies, which is found in the storeroom.
Normal, human food, such as milk, potatoes, bread, the fat, which Veronika always preferred to any exotic, like any normal Ukrainian born in хлебосольном edge, now became for her a luxury because, as she seemed to go for it to the shop, go out of the house, was the equivalent of crossing the front line during the shelling.
But it so happened that hunger, despite its desperate resistance, once again drove to the store.
Veronica opened the front door and saw drops to the floor a scrap of paper.
She picked it up, and began to read.
It was a note from the workshop, which stated that the peephole, ordered and paid for by her husband, a long time ago received. The wizard several times came, but nobody can find at home. Phone in the apartment is not responding. And because it leaves just in case this note, since not intend to оттаптывать feet, and requests the owners contact them when they come home, and assign a time to install the eye.
Veronica came back to the apartment and several times re-read the note, trying to understand its contents.
Finally until she came. She was excited. Now she can see who all this time названивет her doorbell. And then it will become clear, is it possible to catch the visitor or not.
Veronica rushed to the phone, dialed the workshop and agreed with the master of installation time of import of a miracle.
Now she had to put himself and the house turned into a den in order. She, pleased by this, rushed cleaning, went out, and finally, from the circle of madness.
Chapter 28.
Infinite world tour Veronica continued for some time even without arrivals in Moscow. She herself did not remember when it was.
Veronica only that "отгуляла" a very rich client exotic Maldives, and the plan was the next day to fly to Madagascar, when suddenly Saeed said:
-Tomorrow we fly to Moscow!
-How?! "said Veronica.
She though she knew so can't go on forever, already passed half a year, since it was the last time you sat on a flight to Russia, but hoped that it will last a little longer. How? She about had it easy! She didn't meant to last several months. Changed the country, resorts, hair stylists, makeup artists, clients. And only one thing remains unchanged: it and a celebration of life that surrounded her on all sides no matter what.
-What's that?! Silently! Saeed was laconic. He seems to not want to stop flights with one luxurious resort to another and back in a dull and infinitely hopeless Russia.
In the evening Veronica slowly and even reluctantly returning to Russia, in Moscow, in "Cosmos", she had no desire collected things in a Deluxe room, which today morning left her a wealthy client, when logged said. With him was a makeup artist.
One hour waiting for you on the dinner in the restaurant! he said and handed studded with diamonds necklace.
Veronica was surprised: for whom she was to dress up? - but after an hour waiting for him in a room adorned and decorated, as usual, to exit with the client.
Saeed went behind her, took her to a taxi, and within a few minutes they were sitting close to the restaurant made in tropical style.
The table was elegant and expensive served.
-Who are you waiting for? asked Veronica.
-Anybody! "replied morosely. -I'll treat!
-You had me do you?" - surprised Veronika so sincerely, impishly and it's funny that her words slipped a certain familiarity and playfulness, обезоруживавшая her bleak guard. It was a Frank flirting.
Saidu categorically prohibited "mother" to sleep with Veronica, because such a relationship, even once admitted them, and led to the automatic disqualification, as a guard, and had been replaced by another. He could use any third-party prostitutes, which were a means, but not to enter into an intimate relationship with the one that was supposed to protect.
Veronica thought, and richly laid table a-vindicated it, that today said why I decided to break this cornerstone, a pillar, the Foundation of his work. It was amazing and weird! Veronica too well managed study said not to suspect that something, some kind of trap!
But in her head, вскруженную wonderful farewell evening, sparkling red wine, already crept into the nasty thought that force her behavior.
Though somewhere deep inside she still was offended by the Chechen and even liked it, months of the joint travels in his perpetuating the company somehow reconcile it with his perception of the guard, and it is more and more peaceful, and уравновешенее belonged to this man.
And suddenly today, all of a sudden, she decided to sleep with said on their own, wishing that from the soul, really, because normal guy, which would not have to take care of, how sexually depraved sister-babysitter working to secure the boy aged at least the elementary three minutes "strut", after Битлера, probably, have never and were not.
The thought that tonight she will chic sex, Veronica impressed and inspired a new demonstration of desire. In the end, it was not her problem, and said to her "mother" of such a categorical ban is not put.
Veronica knew, as said values his place her guard, therefore, such a step with his hand alarmed.
-Why do we come back? asked Veronica.
She knew that "mom" in the most recent cost a lot of money and many efforts to organize its departure from Russia forged passport-it must be something extraordinary, if Veronica had once again мельтешить before the border guards.
Saeed not answered, continuing to slowly there and look around, admiring the tropical nature.
Veronica saw that he was worried about something, even upset, maybe to say about it, but can't.
Finally, when dinner came to an end, the guard talked.
Is it because of me, " he said.
Saeed continually kept filling her red sparkling wine, but he never drank.
-Why is because of you?! "said Veronica.
-Russia was waging war in the Caucasus, in my house, Grozny in ruins, " said a Chechen, Veronica heard something about this by ear, but it was so far from her life that could not interested in her at all. -We are fighting for the freedom of their land! What is not possible to make Hitler's happened now. Sooner or later, it still has to happen. Cannot be kept people in check! Moreover, Russia! Unless I am intuition, that she did not have long to exist as a state. Coming in its place there will be a dozen other small countries. And we are the first who has separated from the имперсокго monster!
Veronica listened without much interest. In a speech said let in the draught some high-flown, advocacy notes, and any advocacy of it is simply not переваривала. Moreover, all she wasn't concerned. If it is, this country, we should let the fighting, though завоюется! What her case to the Russia! Perhaps if you were to choose the country in which to live, this country was not included even in the top hundred.
-And you go to the Caucasus?! asked Veronica.
Saeed strangely shrugged.
-It will solve all the people, who will arrive in Moscow tomorrow! - he answered.
But Veronica read it real answer in the eyes of the Chechens, he drew aside. She suddenly noticed that he would not, he was simply afraid that take him to war, and of the less successful Moscow gets to fight against Russians tanks, cannons and helicopters. Of course, ride with a girl resorts in a white suit, embroidered with gold, and with brass buttons, carefully and strictly decorated with precious stones, ruby and emerald, diplomat, full of diamonds, was much nicer than run through the woods with the Kalashnikov at the ready or Stinger shoulder, dirty, with небритой beard posing as a Wahhabite.
Veronica smiled.
She впомнила what I saw on the way to Moscow, not the state, and ruins. And this happened everywhere, all over Russia, to Moscow! Not steel specially, after its passage, bring along the road to ruin!
"As this poor country, some ashes of the Empire, a parody of power, could somebody else to fight?! 'she returned. -People in a world of shit's about to drown, and the generals they are all fighting! Well, well! See, gunpowder in one place't run!"
Yes damn it, is Russia!"
This country has not had for her no value! It meant nothing for her! Especially after what she saw, travels around the world! Russia was now her dismal den of the Russian bear, which dwelt in Moscow and стращал from there the surrounding land, where enough of his paws, пришибая people, already half-dead, accustomed to his bat and stick so much so that in good conscience could do only one lousy drink рускую vodka. She saw she had enough one time to see it, when she was carried to the car, how to live in her people: like prisoners in their in slavery suffer - not live. But the fact that now there had to return, it does not suit.
"But could someone send you a replacement! "Veronica.
Saeed shook his head.
-"Mama" no longer can you nobody but me, trust, - he has opened the heart. And this is not only because you are beautiful and hardly anyone will stand long as I, against thy enchantments. Needless to say, you know, how much effort they have to put me not to put to you my horseman!
-Well, I see you decided to change this rule? - coquettishly asked Veronica. She knew that, when so acting, the man could not resist its networks: he got.
"Besides, " continued said, as if not noticing Frank coquetry, you аммуниции, брилликов and other junk Lyamov five pull! Who can resist the temptation to one day send "Mama" and not go with you on the run...
-Well, and you? asked Veronica. In fact, why don't соблазнишься this? Me under the arm, and "mom" on the side? Money would be enough for us for the rest of your life!
Veronica sipped at the glass, made a small SIP of the red sparkling wine, playfully looking at Saida: it is the procedure plucked up and could now start wearing some nonsense. Saeed leaned forward.
-Why have you decided that you!?" - cleverly сощурившись, he said, like a dagger to the heart slashed. -Do you think that I would not have enough brains blame everything on you, cash бриллики with a necklace, believe that even this would be enough, but to be with the rest in a suitcase "mother" and say that you started running.
-And me where? - Veronica asked, but she had a terrible answer.
Saeed made an eloquent gesture in her throat:
-Consumption - where else?! And believe me, that this option not only know me! That's why Mama" and sends you me! None like I have no!
Veronica little оробела when her guess coincided with the answer Saida, but asked:
-But why did she trust you?!
-A lot of you know is bad you sleep! "replied morosely. -You finished?!
It was evident that he cannot wait to get into the room Veronica. Guessed it or not, but she, too, was not opposed to it, finally, Stoke продрал healthy, сердтый, full of power in the loins, restrained, but if Dorval - hold on, said.
However, she played for time. Maybe because she suddenly felt this was the last night of her life in the world resorts, where the rest of the millionaires, and now her life again dives in the shit for a long time. And because Veronica wanted now longer sit under the tropical sun, remember how should this warm evening, then, in cold and grey Russia to remember this wonderful area.
-Can you answer me one question? said she said.
-Well, ask away! - agreed.
-How many earned on me "Mama", if you know, of course?!
Saeed grinned.
-Well, we have the "mother" was the agreement that she let go of me when earn me a million dollars. And now, I want to know: I have already worked this amount or not?! - eye Veronica навернулась large, but buying a tear. She again felt like a sex slave, squeezed like a lemon to her life, her health, her body earn, put together a fabulous fortune.
Saeed was silent, but Veronica was looking back at him now their испепеляющих, sparkling tear eyes that were like knives, glistening drops of her pain. And he, a strong and ruthless Chechen, without a shadow of fluctuations able to cut the throat of anyone, if only to him this will be a need to, could not stand against these subtle, terse, for men, but bitter, горчее the bitter tears, this young, beautiful woman may be present, which was next to some of the Regal particular, in the throne room, but fate and "mother" defined it in prostitutes, albeit super on the way of living in rooms and luxury, Royal such, but the sales woman that, as heaven is from earth, defended from noble blood.
-I think Yes! - he said quietly.
She let go of me?! with the outbreak suddenly these drops of tears trembling in her eyes, hope, like crying, Veronica asked.
I don't know, shook his head said. -Tomorrow she'll ask herself! To wait remained not for long!
Suddenly Veronica remembered the reason why she threw the first heat.
She couldn't understand why she's so dreary today was the morning for a soul so bad, and only now it впомнила that today was the anniversary of that time, as did become her husband.
Veronica poured wine in the glasses themselves and said and suggested:
-Дававй drink, said!
-No-no-no! - waved one hand. "I don't drink, especially with a woman. You want - drink, I ain't stopping you!
-..not at! - continued Veronica, now, the tears streaking down her face already two streams, and she is not able to stop them.
Saeed was suspicious.
"What have you? - оинтересовался he sympathetically.
-I have said, the year died as my husband! she said Veronica.
She could hardly contain her sobs, which suddenly seemed прорались out from somewhere out of its depths of a volcano of emotions.
Said a little покелабался, then raised his glass and said:
-Who he was?
-He was a bandit... he was said! Bandit!
-A-a-a! "drawled the Highlander. -Well, peace be upon him!
Drinking Veronica felt grief it just got tipsy. She suddenly почувтсовала such a dirty, useless, sales harlot, that is not worthy was no forgiveness, no self-pity.
-What I am a dirty! - cried so Veronica already openly crying so, that a few поетители of the restaurant turned out to their table
-So! All! Go. Saeed took her under his arm, and led him out of the Bungalow, making all signs that all is well, girl, I went over.
In the morning Veronica woke up against the habit dressed in a huge bed rooms Suite from the fact that somebody came. She turned and saw said.
-That yesterday as you were? - Veronica asked, but the guard has already become the same, austere and unapproachable said, not so, she saw yesterday in a restaurant. -That yesterday as you were?! she repeated the question, assuming familiarity, which said could not stand.
-Nothing! finally he said. -I drunken women don't like! Even very beautiful! Moreover, you yesterday was sorrowful date!
"Okay, you! Veronica tried to catch the last wave of his настронии, but it was useless.
-We have two hours the plane! Bring myself up! only answer, and he disappeared behind the doors of the rooms.
Appeared hairdresser and makeup artist, and Veronica realized that the postponement of departure, on which she had so hoped that at least a day to stay in this tropical Paradise.
Moscow met them early winter, light frost and snow.
Veronica came out of the trap, ежась and squinting large snowflakes that tried to запорхнуть under her eyelashes.
She could not believe that in the morning she bathed in the tropical air, in the rays of the hot sun. "Well, Malvina! Tale ended, that's your dusty closet will do!" - said to myself, Veronica.
"Mom" I first met her as cool. Veronica even was surprised, because, typically, after a long absence let go of her and kind compliments though коробили, but claimed that she is breathing unevenly. And then she had noticed it just slid off her steel look. She gave the hotel a security guard to escort her in the room.
Veronica was closed again on the outside, as though it was not yet become the sex Queen. Котораяя brought "mother" a million dollars in revenue for the six months of its work! It was outrageous! She expected a completely different meeting! Yes, "my mother had her wear! And lock it in the empty, breech гстиничном room, not even in which she lived.
Veronica wanted to start clatter from disturbances in the door and to demand an audience with "mom", but then changed her mind, deciding that morning evening мудреннее, went to the window and stared at the night Moscow. In this city, nothing has changed for the time of its lack of! As if it already hasn't left him!
The door unlocked and the room went Vika. Veronica felt suddenly as a missing friend, and rushed to her. Vika rushed to meet her.
"Listen!" Mother! - raised it into the air, so lightly, Vika. -Well, you give! Where have you been?! Where it disappeared?! Wow! Disappeared from the horizon, like a ship from the pier! I really missed you!
She hugged, was pillowed yourself Veronika, almost crushed, kissing on the cheeks, neck, lips, and was similar to the соскучившуюся mongrel, which is licking the gusts of immense joy заплутавшую mistress.
When the joy of meeting and emotions have calmed down a little, онги sat down on the bed.
After luxurious hotels Veronica dwelt recently, furnished Deluxe rooms "Cosmos" seemed to совковски state and even-like chamber.
She told everyone Vike, in what countries, what strange resorts visited, she listened, looking at her from head to foot, and constantly attracting to himself, and then concluded:
-Well, all отъездилась you!
-Why? was surprised and frightened Veronica.
-As a war W! "плчами Vika. -Everything is changing! Said, most likely, will be taken in Chechnya! Tomorrow will come on some of the important military commander Shamil name! Bearded, angry as hell, they say! Will the Chechen Diaspora gather here, in "Space" on meeting! Many will go to war. So accompany you in your world tour will be no one!
-Yes I don't want it to my escorts! - Veronica replied.
-How so? - surprised Vika. Mama you for free bread will not let go!
-Yes, I do no longer going to do this! happily said Veronika.
-And what? - surprised Vika, she was in the dark about its contract with "mother".
-I worked lemon green! Now I'm free! - Veronica smiled, she did not believe herself to his happiness. -Go home!
Vic looked at her for a little while stunned, p seeking to understand the meaning of her words.
Ha! Mother! - finally she laughed so that Veronica was not myself. "You "mom" bad you know! Размечталась to you let go! How do!
But I have a contract with her was! Veronica felt the anxiety in the heart.
-Yes, she would put on this contract you know what?! You say!
All night Veronica could not fall asleep. She would not believe the words of the Wiki. After all, Saeed told her that she worked million dollars. Now "mom" had to release it. But something told her that it hasn't actually released.
The next day, guard, a young Chechen, took her to a restaurant for Breakfast.
No one came to do her hair and choose what to wear out, and Veronica realized that in this matter she is now left to its own devices.
With him she had a few things: only wearing lately on the Sunny beaches, where prevailed eternal summer - open dresses and blouses, short skirts and high. The rest of the closet she at flying resorts left useless in the hotel, and now he had disappeared.
Veronica decided to impose the most modest makeup and wear the longest and closed from the fact that she was with him. However, the most desired and desirable things of which she now dreamed of - ordinary women's panties, she found it was not possible. Now it agreed was put even panties, and let it all looked like the fool: her career суперпроститутки, Yes, actually, prostitutes ended decided to Veronica, and she's going to walk to the stairs men, mouths open ducked their heads and stare from below her skirt. "I've had enough!" - evil she thought.
-Listen, I am with "mother" we need to see, " she said to the guard, when they came out of the room.
-Her once, " replied the Chechen boy, almost a teenager.
"Please, show me to her! - begged for his Veronica.
Now she is present at the meeting in the concert hall, to speak you can't, " replied the guard. -It is not up to you!
He spoke as if was dedicated to all the "mom's" case and knew what and to whom she now has to work, and to what and to whom not to. But Veronica was persistent and eventually persuaded the boy to take her to it.
After Breakfast they went through the hall to the right wing of the hotel, and found ourselves in front of the door to the concert hall. Veronica careful not to make a noise opened the door and peeked inside.
On a brightly lit stage performed a bearded man, dressed in combat fatigues, well-tailored according to his lean figure, and the highest military boots. He walked across the stage, vigorously gesticulating, and talking. The hall, where all seats were occupied by men, was Packed to capacity. All listened to him. A deathly silence in which the man's voice was heard, like the buzz of a mountain stream.
The light from the slit ajar Veronica entered from the door of the corridor inside the huge dark location. The bearded man broke it and threw the sabre look at Veronica.
She is taken aback. This view, it seemed to her entered her to the marrow of the bone, I read all her guts and all its essence for the moment. He seemed to be shot on the spot.
However, the Veronica desperately needed a "mommy," and she stepped inside.
Boy-guard came after and closed the door behind him.
Veronica thought that the incident is over, but the bearded Chechen on the stage remained silent and look at her sharp like a razor режащим her, eagle look.
-Print a woman from the audience! finally he held up his hand up.
The guard in fright moved back in вестибюльный corridor and pulled a Veronica, grabbed her bare arm.
-There are men! going Veronica turned the terrified teenager.
-It is there, not in the hall, perhaps, behind the scenes! he replied hastily, continuing to drag her down the hallway away from the concert hall. -I told her not to you!
Chapter 29.
Veronica started up from my nightmare. Paltry and insignificant event: the upcoming installation of the Japanese eye, suddenly brought her back to normal.
Well, now that she is able not to watch who натренькивает her door, Veronica will no longer be afraid of the unknown. She still didn't know what to do, when he sees the caller, but I was sure that now it will be different.
After a call to the workshop she turned on the TV and suddenly learned that it's been almost a whole month of January.
During the week, she прибиралась in the house, brought in the order itself, waiting for the master, as if some of the gentleman. She referred to the order of the apartment, which had been during her madness in the real abode, выволокла on the ground and threw the rubbish pile of debris, washed the floors, did the vacuuming, wiped the dust everywhere, word, cleaned so, if it is expected, some important guests.
She no longer was no plan. She was now one plan: put the import miracle-peephole - and there it will be different, then it starts to act, will truly live!
She threw all my old cosmetics изрисовывала in fits of madness his naked body to forget about this abnormal, reminiscent of a nightmare period of life. Then phoned, met with its familiar сетевичкой and gained her the whole handbag another, completely unknown to her makeup to bring to life a new stream of feelings and оасстаться with the old.
Now Veronica was waiting for the master. All week, the master was busy on some other sites, and they agreed on today. He had to come at twelve. And she was sitting on pins and needles in the corridor, looking at the electronic clock above the entrance to the kitchen.
Installing and configuring the eye, as promised her master, was supposed to take no more than an hour. And after that, Veronica felt, she begins to have a completely different, счатливая life. Everything goes as it should!
Yes everything was different!
This week, that took place after the call in the workshop, in her life suddenly changed for the better. She stopped to plan some stupid things and calls, I just decided to do device surrounding her life.
In the first place she needed a source of income, and Veronica decided to pass both apartments, first cause, and later Behemoth. She hoped that an agreement with the parents to come and live with them for some time. Then, perhaps, will meet someone, marry will, all the better!
The day after this important events in her life, call the workshop, Veronica went to the editorial office of the newspaper and posted a paid advertisement about what is in the heart of the city, the drama theatre for rent luxurious apartment with beautiful views of the Psel, price is negotiable.
Now to her every day, phoned and assigning time went to see the apartment. Since the meeting in advance part of and have not hid from sight eye, Veronica safely opened the door and ran to look at the apartment.
The people looked, they liked it, but then went away, promising even call back. Veronica couldn't understand why no one wants to take over the farm: the price it has appointed even lower than in such flat in the district. However, she had no doubt that sooner or later will the recruitment of the first apartment, and only then will картирой Hippo: there still had to deal with documents, and for Veronica this topic was taboo, while in themselves not come after a month of self-torture. Once she tried to plan how to address the paper of property issues and not wanted to return to, in вяком case, in the near future.
"Perhaps then that time is still there, " she, " I wish to get acquainted with some юристиком, and everything will come out by itself!"
Been another wonderful обытие that заинетерсовало Veronica, and was now completely caught her attention.
The other day, and now she became bolder go into the city, she met a school friend. She dragged her in the cafe, saying that she had to Veronica has an interesting proposal.
-Let us fly to China, the rags! - treating her expensive coffee, proposed a friend. -I place in the market of trade откуплено! Will be together, by turns trade. I now one and trade, and the rags flying! While fly - place idle, and the rent is ticking. But even so business I have pret! Twist one thousand percent of the purchase price! Can you imagine?!
I don't know! doubted, smiling pleasant meeting, Veronica.
She only Lenk showed himself-then delighted with this proposal, everything long ago decided and agreed.
Is now the most! - urging her girlfriend, and Veronica was with her in the shower agree, for she felt that she just needed a breath of a fresh air, new experiences, but still pretended not yet decided. -Годок fly, and the apartment earn!
Veronica exulted: "it Turns out, here it is, a life. Vaughn, girl! Itself in China flies - no fears! Itself there rags there тариться - hand already Nabil, probably, not without cones! Here the point of trade holds! And spat on everyone from a great height! I worse?! Yes and went all thieves in Fig!"
-Yes I have an apartment! laughed merrily, suddenly dropping all restrictions and the shackles of the fears, concerns and reservations, as if plunged into another life, forgetting about everything, Veronica.
-Well, then! - urging her Lenka. Machine then steep can buy!
-Yes I do not want a car! - упрямилась in response Veronica.
-And what do you want?! - Lenka angry, not realizing that not uploaded in its motives. She know was that Veronica just making fun of work, drunken " feeling from ordinary conversation on a completely trivial topic.
In fact, how great it was, so she is going to fly, something purchasing carry, sell, be herself mistress. Perhaps, indeed, still earn on it!
-Yes live peacefully want! - admitted Veronica. She did not understand the answer, but Veronica and it meant that easy to live - it means somewhere fly, constantly somewhere abroad something тариться, and catch up, nobody can. -To anybody did not touch!
-And what, you don't touch that? - surprised friend, slightly насторожившись: about the life of Veronique it is unlikely that the General knew from school while.
-Yes, no! - tossed her head Veronica.
"Hey, come on you think for a long time! - Lena went on the offensive. -Come to me! 't want to fly? Going to the market to sell, and I'll be in China dangle! Income in half! But less costs! Goes?
It was evident that Lenk just desperately need компаньонша and Veronika and it pleased and amused. It seemed interesting, promised something new, fresh breath of life, new, pleasant impressions.
-How it is? In China? - Veronica suddenly размечталась, and she felt so good, though she had already plane ticket taken, and tomorrow it will be somewhere far far away, thousands of miles away from their sorrows and anxieties, from неопределленности and madness of hopelessness.
"Listen!" - She threw up her hands, обрадоавшись that the companion was hooked and now she has a new argument in favor of cooperation. -China is super! There even now, it is warm! Can you imagine?! You can before тариться for a week at sea, chased, on some island... Хайнянь, for example! Oh, how good it! Oh, it was so Jolly! Friend, you don't know how it's wonderful! Get - обалдеешь! I promise!
Veronica already like right сейчса break away and умотать this Хайнянь! She introduced herself to the yellow sand, on which the splashing of the gentle turquoise sea, green palm trees, warm tropical wind, nice blowing on body and even screamed with ecstasy.
Lenka is dumbfounded looked at her
"You what?!
-Oh, no! - сконфузилась Veronica. -Remembered something! And you're the sea go?! Had a rest?!
-No! The time! We need a тариться! What there by the sea! - Lenka погрустнела, but immediately recovered. But if I had компаньонша, like you, I would have certainly went! Well, what?! Do you agree?!
-Yes I can't! - Veronica stubborn, heaping up his worth watching, which spends his grave still Lenka to захомутать. She was funny, and Lenk unclear.
The angry:
-In, дуреха! Yes, all on the beginning not know how! I will teach you! Secrets some will tell you to not влипла where! Percentage of you nice ladies! Than not the life!!
Finally, Veronica decided to stop torturing Lenk. Does she have long ago decided, but pretended to think that consent is not looked frivolous and precocious.
In her position, perhaps it was the best thing that could wait. She even felt some soul delight, окрыленность, as if she was offered not компаньоншей be торгашки at the flea market, and the Princess in Neverland.
So as not to give his joy proposals friend, Veronica promised:
-Well, friend, I'll then call you right back!
-Only a long time do not think! warned her school friend. -I компаньонша urgently needed, well, or at least sold on the market, if you do not want to fly for the goods! You would be my pleasure picked up!
They parted, and Veronica went home happy, that everything in her life is improving, is arranged as something new and different.
All the old fears of her long subsided. It has already become forget about the fact that in Moscow it was wanted. Yes and searched for it at all?! Yes, and where it is, that Moscow?! A thousand miles! Now it's even another state!
The guest! Who was it, this guest?! He already obliterated from her maiden memory! How long ago it was! Long ago! He went to Moscow, and, well, he has gone! Yes, there was, in General, no person! All this she dreamed! It was a bad dream! However, sometimes funny!
"How long have I man was?!" suddenly surprised Veronica and she if she thought about it, so everything is really going to be different.
Well them, Fig, these bigwigs who bigwigs! She never met them. Yes doesn't want to know! With anyone else she will not meet! Will re-execute apartments on the father, the mother what she had something hadn't thought to do it? - and will live happily ever after!
Moscow nightmares, Garik - everything was in the past.
Her sweet, cozy native white-stone city surrounded her now from all sides, and like a caring father налажил its existence. Now China наклевывался, long, warm, interesting country!
"The main thing is not to go to блатным!" - decided to Veronica.
Really, what for it in the fire, his head-I tried to shove? Immediately had Sashko and listen! Yes and with a Nail on the contact's not worth a go! Never know who he could трепануть!
Moscow Veronica remembered now only sometimes, but with a shudder inside, as the wicked stepmother. She couldn't even understand why this huge, shiny, fashionable in some and like the latest, sediment garbage in the world in other places of the city, which with some strange to her dreamy envy thought many of her friends called her now so disgusted.
First she did not know what, this Moscow. To travel with the Hippopotamus she even never was in it. Yes and not want to ever visit, and now even more so desires it.
The week flew suddenly, as one day.
Finally, at the appointed time, the master came. He dragged a small suitcase with a drill and other иструментами, some testers, осцилографом and other дребеденью where Veronica't understand.
-After an hour will be ready by the hostess! assured installer.
A moment later, he already had been drilling from the front door of the old peephole opened the door wide.
In the stairwell was cold, and in the apartment задувало icy air. Veronica got dressed.
Онга decided to make coffee and treat дяденьку she somehow liked.
He did his job: he wrestled with the open platform of the entrance door, praising its quality.
The door was really excellent: on German technology, security, burglar grenade not'd better carry.
Master told something in between times, to work was not so boring about any funny cases from work, and Veronika and then it went into a spacious hallway of an apartment, keep up the conversation, and then returned to the kitchen to the plate, where's fixing to come to the boiling the coffee in a Turk.
-The hostess, to you some young people! came the voice from the corridor of the wizard.
-'m going to come up! - Veronica came cooked coffee, foam climbed out and she hastily withdrew Turku.
Wiped the plate from brown blobs, she went out into the corridor.
-Who asks me? she asked the wizard.
-And won! - he waved his hand on the ground.
The staircase stood two simple, yet tastefully dressed men in which Veronika immediately recognized the Caucasians. They stood on the stairs, on the side of the door, and looked decently and even respectable, with style. On waiting for her had long black leather coats, white silk scarves, severe dark suits with white shirts-косоворотками, with several растегнутыми upper buttons. Their присталный, steel, cold, indifferent to its fate was a look that said Veronika a lot.
Veronica done in the chest, heart thudded. The first thing she wanted to do is to close, hide inside the apartment. But the master has mounted equipment. Opening the door he was busy, something mounting rail jamb its steel box.
The men stood and looked at her, as if waiting for something.
Veronika, still hoping for a miracle, that it is simply another lodgers - as a huge apartment in the center of the city, near the drama theater, with wonderful views of the river, five minutes walk from all amenities, is expensive, and, in principle, only those characters and was, if you look, can afford to shoot it, " she asked, trying to control my emotions and not to lose presence of mind:
-You on your ad!
-On your ad on Craigslist! - replied the one that was closer to the door.
He was taller than older and more respectable to his companion.
Veronica was restless, she felt like her whole was pounding tremble.
-Well, everyone! - she invited an old standing in the corridor of the apartment, trying to cope with their anxiety.
Uninvited guests unceremoniously sunken, slightly pushing wizard from the door. He looked back at them, but said nothing, pretending that nothing had happened.
Men in развалочку, slowly came down the corridor, looking at the luxurious repair. They removed the shoes and walked straight into them, leaving the dirty stains from the street to the Finnish expensive parquet. Veronica immediately noted this fact against his assumptions that it can be lodgers. However, a few couples who came on an ad before, didn't wanted to Razuvaev, even when she asked them about it.
-Whose such mansions will be? - asked one of the advanced, the taller, older and more impressive when they were at the end of the corridor, in front of the entrance to the spacious kitchen. "Your what?!
-No, not at all! - lied Veronica, her heart she was impatient. -I am here just looking!
-Well, mansion-who?! - again asked that.
Caucasians are back along the corridor ago and, just like you were, shoes, coats, and entered the huge hall of the apartment and sat down on a sofa, standing in the middle of the room, lounging in it, blatantly and unceremoniously.
The one was talking to her, put a hand into his side, laying it on the broad back of the settee. Second hand he still held in a leather jacket. Other villages as something more modest, with her hands folded.
The men sat and looked at her, as if waiting for her some questions.
-I listen to you! the girl said, realizing that this can last quite a long time - guests without a hurry.
He held a hand in a cloak, pulled it out of his pockets. In it he held a gun with a silencer.
"Come along, monkey! he said Veronica, not even changing the tone of voice. -We are for you!
Doubt it no more. Veronica realized that it was a "Czechs" from Moscow. Veronica knew not what to do. Caucasians sat quietly in front of her.
In the room looked master. Caucasian, saw him approaching along the corridor, hid the trunk under the floor кожанного cloak.
"Well, Madam, I fixed it! he said, apologetically thinking that got into some important conversation. -You are now in complete safety!
-Aha! - perplexedly said Veronica.
Actually her legs keen to rush to this unknown man scream "Help! Help!", hide behind him, go with him out of the apartment. But she continued to stand, restraining himself from impulsive actions. Veronica knew that the only injure an innocent person, and, most likely, will be shot right before her eyes. So she kept myself from last forces.
-See how it works?! "inquired the wizard.
-She then look! "a Caucasian, one that was older. 'Good-bye!
"Good-bye! - lightly waved from the corridor through the door of the master, as if speaking to all in the room.
He apparently wanted to say something, could ask to pay him, but the tone of the men spoke for itself.
"Good-bye! hardly вылавила Veronica.
Master расшаркался and left.
-Well, what you stand for?!" - again asked Caucasian with a gun. "Come along, vividly! But then so will you go!
Ten minutes Veronica accompanied by Caucasians descended.
At the entrance in front of the house stood six black "Mercedes" with Moscow numbers. Toned his glass in the front doors were halfway down, and it was evident that ahead of the driver and someone else close by, on the passenger seat.
Veronica was trembling violently. It seemed to her that she was going to lose consciousness. She wanted to rush to their heels, but she knew her immediately catch up.
One of the Caucasians, that one was younger, opened the rear door of the salon and climbed inside. Second, the one that kept talking, and now went back behind her back, gently nudged her forward, toward the open door, as if inviting me to sit in the car:
"Mummy! Save me!" - a cry within, in the soul of Veronica as an explosion, when she reached down and plunged inside expensive limousine service.
Caucasian, standing behind her, followed her. And now she was sandwiched between Caucasians with both sides in the spacious salon "Mercedes".
Sitting in the passenger seat next to the driver man Veronica recognized immediately said, turned in the beauty and asked, looking her in the eyes of their свердящим glance:
"Well, bitch, добегалась?!
Veronica couldn't признести. Scared that she just numb, like a gulping for fear language.
However, Caucasian and not waiting for her answer. He turned around and something "гуркнул" driver.
He started the car and drove out of the yard to the street, then at the prospect.
Veronica finely was trembling and watched for tinted Windows gently coming of the car, as if not noticing pits and ухабин bad rehabilitated road, quickly проносяться ago white neighborhoods of the city.
Soon the "Mercedes" jumped out of the wide, like a prospectus Kursk street, and in ten minutes left the city.
Veronica sat neither alive nor dead. Caucasians about something talking among themselves.
Half an hour later the car stopped at the checkpoint, temporarily обозначавшем line of demarcation of the Russian-Ukrainian border. Inside looked militiaman. Veronica wanted to scream, shout for help but cry and got stuck in the throat.
"Mercedes" has crossed a conditional line, and was on the territory of Russia.
To Moscow no one spoke a word.
Chapter 30.
"Mommy" she called Veronica afternoon. The same boy Chechen withdrew it to her in the sauna.
"Do it again?!" "said Veronica, she noticed where it leads.
She did not agree to everything in her life was repeated, as if de жавю.
"Mama", as before, sat after bathing, glabrous, slightly covered with a towel, in a wicker chair. The second was empty, as if intended for it.
The guards were now three times smaller, and all of them, as the selection were young Chechens, are almost teenagers, new. Next to the "mother's" armchair still helpfully stood waiter.
-Lada, join us! "she called in to Veronica, not even said Hello, showing short gesture to the vacant seat.
Between the tables, as before, stood covered a variety buffet with red wine decanter and three goblets.
Apparently "mom" I thought that Veronica now throw down your summer dress, which was the only, and also naked, as before, усядеться in a chair or will swim in the pool.
Veronica was outraged. She undressed and plopped down in a chair in a sundress, with anger and challenge looking at the "mom" пышащим outraged eyes.
"Mama" stopped eating and looked at Veronica, after a pause.
-We have that, the riot?! she asked quietly, like a firefighter with a hydrant at the kid, балующегося matches.
-I worked a million! - without a word of introduction of the beginning of Veronica, she was so loatheth this stuff around, that she wasn't going more linger in "Cosmos"in Moscow, or minutes, and if it were now released, it agrees would be in one summer sun, without underwear, no panties and a bra, walking, crawling even get home, on Ukraine, in his native city, in your favorite apartment, through the cold and snowstorm, царствовавшие around. -Release me! That's all I have to you, Madame, please!
She even agreed was that "mother" is still called her Lada, just to let go now, immediately! It had every right!
"Mama" again and began eating. Threw a nod of the head, a small gesture on the wine glasses and the waiter rushed and filled two of the three on the third of red wine out of a carafe.
-Who told you?" asked, "Mama" with surprise.
Said! - lips compressed, and her fists in anger Veronica.
Said no more! He Chechnya tomorrow goes! replied "mom".
-But, nevertheless, he said to me! "Veronica.
"Mama looked at her a long look in her pale blue fish eyes.
A girl! You борзеешь! "she remarked. -There was a war, and you me release!
Veronica taken aback from such impudence of it for a minute, even lost the gift of speech.
-Why war?!
-Well, what?! Force majeure! - "Mama" was nonsense.
-I for the war, as well as to this country, have nothing to do! "exclaimed Veronica. She felt that she will now be hysterical.
-But I have! said, "Mama." -You see, as I have contingent changed! - wrapped it around her hand, showing the boys guards in the black suit. -Right Гитлерюнгерд! Work not with anyone!
Veronica felt that she was about to explode.
-What have I?! she cried, beside himself, and for the first time did what she wanted to do a long time ago, threw a glass of wine so that he spraying the fan big round red drops of wine, flew head over heels through the sauna and hit the pool at its far end, loud хрустнув.
Mom was calm. She only spent a glass eyes and looked at the waiter, why he immediately began to move and left, apparently for the new wine glasses.
-There is war! - скщала it like there was no antics by Veronica. -We all help out the front! The Chechens have no airplanes, helicopters and tanks to meet with the Russians in a fair fight! So we buy them weapons, which can withstand the iron чудищам: "Stingers", grenade launchers! We are sacrificed in the name of freedom of the Chechen Republic!
Veronica already regretted that snapped. She wanted to apologize that not withhold giving and gave a flute, but "Mama" seemed not to notice, and apologize was like and not for that. Now she calmed down and decided to keep the conversation, slightly обмякнув, realizing that unceremoniously come to nothing.
-Tell me, Madame! What have I?! - she really wanted to understand now, as "mother" tries to bind it to this war. -I'm not a Chechen woman and not a Russian, I am from another country!
-And the whole world was you who started?! - surprised "Mama". -You that, in itself, skated on international resorts, where new Russians come not every - can't afford that! And you all have traveled for a year!
"But I still worked! "said Veronica. It seemed to her that "mom" she envies. -I worked on you! Ублажала money bags, that I and you got the money!
Mom прводила look logged waiter brought a new flute.
-Have a drink with me! she suggested looking as the waiter again fills the wine glasses. -Say, Lada, that worked, " she added thoughtfully. -And do you know how many of my girls enamoured in your place?
Veronica said nothing. She just didn't know what to beat.
-It worked! - expostulated, "Mama", raising a glass of wine.
The waiter handed Veronica new, the third full, the flute, and she accepted him as he surrendered окончатнельно. The uprising was suppressed, she was in the power of the mother.
"But you promised! "Veronica her last trump, who was also ненадеж, and all the other arguments. -You said to me, my word solid! Earn me a million - let go!
"Mama" stretched in the direction of Veronica flute, she was crazy with it.
-The victory! - made a toast "mother", then paused, пригубив glass. -Well done, подловила! - she grinned. Well I, his word, not a taker! It's a really solid!
-Well, then let go of me! prayed Veronica.
So the war! Force majeure! - came back for his "mother".
Veranika silent, knowing that it will twist and turn this way and that way, but the freedom of her sight. She wanted to cry, but barely holding out.
"Mama" drank wine and looked at her, trying to read her silence.
"You want me to tell me how much you earned?! "she said suddenly.
-Why?! - hopelessly Veronica asked, realizing that the "mother" looks for excuses to his treachery. -I've understood everything! Your word means nothing!
"Mother," it was obvious barely withhold giving from anger, and процедила:
"You, Lada, for me the word don't touch! I angry beast! Better do not anger!
Veronica dreams silent, and "Mama," a little поостыв, continued:
-You made me only three hundred thousand dollars!
But Saeed said...
Little said Saeed - interrupted her "mom". He knows shaft, but the cost is not considered. Yes, on the shaft of your экскортных services received even more than a million! I'm sorry, accountant I have elsewhere sits in a hotel, of course, so I'll Ledger cannot give! But I, offhand, you'll show the whole situation!
"Mama" put the wine glass on the table and leaned to Veronica so violently, like she wanted to hit her, that she shrank.
-What do you think, Lada?! - barely restraining his anger continued, "Mama." -Паримахер you go, make up artist, masseurs you served, designers, dresses you sewed it all at my expense, Yes?! - it поматала the face of a frightened girl his thick forefinger. No! It was all for your account! Understand?
Veronica scared silent, dumbstruck of "mother's" counter-attack.
Saeed went with you, you guard your jewelry around the world carried a in the suitcase! - continued "Mama". The my account, think!? Noa! - it hurts poked in the chest Veronica index finger For yours! And therefore, after deduction of all overhead expenses, you brought me an income of three hundred thousand green! That's that!
Veronica wanted to cry with impotent rage. The attack bogged down and failed. She felt, as the last hope to get out of the "mum's" claws leaves her.
"Mama" for some time in silence, was enjoying his victory, looking with rapture, as Veronica исходится suffering. Then continued to play the apparently long-prepared performance.
"You want the deal? she asked, Veronica, who sat killed "mom's" divorce. -Honest! You're doing. And I you lose! Honestly! You have my word!
Veronica sat and seemed not to have heard her. On шекам ran down her two streams of bitter tears. Would she have done now everything just to let her go home.
"You know, "mother" came as if from afar. -frankly speaking, I too thought that with you, Lada, do! Thought and thought! Well don't conform you more in my scope! Saeed leaves you and брилики I entrust someone else can't! I have no more such a person reliable, as said! Do you plain number... I honestly feel sorry for spent for you efforts! You're still a star! I'll raised in супердевочку! And I just assume respect the cease, if you, the fruit of their efforts, 'll feed local шантрапе! It still is that I'm under them go! Yes I better удавлюсь! And now, I thought, I thought! And thought up! I will make you a deal! Do it and in the calculation of me finally! Go home!
Veronica was still, as though he heard "mum's" rhetoric.
-You here today, as the fate of scented, looked in the концерный hall! - continued "Mama", noting that Veronica alarming ears. -You myself, Shamil spotted! Liked you very much! He in women know it, believe me! It has such beauty - hoo!..
Veronica more настораживалась, the tears stopped her flow, and she now sat still. Heart stronger thumping mouth of fear in her chest.
"So! summed up, "Mama." -Tomorrow you go to the Caucasus with Sayid! Go Shamil ППЖ half a year, in the transport поездешь! And then you said in Moscow will bring!..
What is that ППЖ?! has not understood Veronica.
-Outdoorsy field wife, " deciphered "Mama", as if in passing, continuing its basic idea. -I Shamil for you of thing makes a million dollars! Coming back from a trip to ten percent of yours! I'll nalikom surrender and let go of you in your beloved... what are they?.. Oh! Sumy! Goes?!
Veronica has slipped from a wicker chairs on the floor as if dead. Podol sundress went up her belly, revealing that of boys Chechens unprecedented through on their charms. It has been crushed. She had no more strength to anything else, as soon as creep up on all fours with my mother, взбраться to her knees and beg:
"Let me go, please!
Pear попочка Veronica злачно sticking out from under задравшегося sundress, confusing its appetizing forms, its distinguishing between lush buns buttocks brown spot erogenous zone around a little wrinkled дульки anus, its below peach bawdy lips, обхватывающих two sides of her magic rose of love, trying to escape from the captivity of these guards, surrounded by the narrow, carefully cut, like the antennae of a hussar, strips of hair. It seemed that boys do not окрепнувших in the observations of a naked female body, now will take place spontaneous ejaculation...
In this moment, the door to the sauna widely opened and she went bearded man, who appeared on the scene. He was in a long robe Terry robes, in which, probably, and walked through the hotel.
For a moment he stood, evaluating seen the picture.
Nude booty Ukrainian beauty, which he accidentally noticed during his speech before the meeting, now looked to its inviting viewers right at him.
Shamil decisively moved around the pool to the chair of the "mothers", which played some kind of female drama.
"Mom," remarked logged and now looking at him as he approaches them, but Veronica still passionately detracted from her go, not noticing anything around him.
Вдург she was scared. Someone decisively and powerfully took her hand and raised his knees, so lightly.
Veronica turned around and saw the bearded uncle, who kicked her out of the hall. Her heart обмерло from fear.
Shamil turned her easily instinctively spread his прижавшиеся in his arms and in one motion ripped her dress, exposing the dazzling beauty of her body.
Veronica couldn't say, she just did not expect that there will be someone else. Chechen pushed her into the pool.
-Let's go swimming, baby! Good! - appraising flashed his eyes, looking like the body of Veronica describes pirouette, immersed in water to dampen her all around splashes
When Veronica jumped, spitting the проглоченной water, bearded man pulled off his robe, that was, like a torpedo, sticking out from the excitement of his stallion and jumped pike into the water.
Veronica nearly swept a wave. In the next second she felt the strong hands grabbing large palms of her waist. Near from the water seemed smiling head Shamil. Veronica почувтсвовала as large head member furiously, not спросясь, splitting open her vulva.
In the evening in her room came Vika. Veronica was laying on the bed, staring in dull московксое sky. It was Bathrobe bearded vulture. Vika sat down on the bed.
-Say, how come you got the keys to my room? asked Veronica.
"Why should you? - surprised Vika.
Veronica said nothing. In fact, what was the difference, where and how are taken from Wiki keys from this stupid rooms, if tomorrow she goes to Saeed in Volgograd, and from there to the city of Makhachkala.
The names of these cities not said Veronica nothing. It has never былва, and was not going to ever go there. Now she just lay there and looked at flying over the hotel gray clouds that threaten to snowfall.
-Heard that leaving tomorrow! - she said.
-Aha! - somehow отершенно said Veronica.
-I told you that "mom" you won't let go! - Vika waited the answer, but not waiting for dialogue, continued. -See more careful!
-And what? asked Veronica.
-Yeah it Shamil temper cool! Be wary!
-Me "mom" again promised to let go, when six months back! - somehow indifferent said Veronica, like myself do not believe in the promises.
-Can, and let go, who knows answered Vika. -Because she promised, because he knows that chance to return from there you can practically no!
-Why is that?! - asked cautiously Vika.
"I'm telling you: that to the Chechen Shamil temper, as from the devil, evil, cool! He women changes as gloves! See, not гневи it!
-Yes why? "said Veronica.
He jealousy can easily throat cut or neck twist, as the chicken! You know how many girls he killed! Killed easy!
Veronica remembered, a fiery temper lammergeyer, manifested them in the sauna, and involuntarily shuddered, imagine what he can do it.
-You sold Shamil! - she said. The debt! Shamil imposed a tribute to all the aid for Chechnya. "Mother," he appointed pay a million bucks. "Mama" money regretted said no, and invited you as a calculation. He's in the sauna and went to the product show. So now you're his property!
-How? "said Veronica. "She told me that I was on a business trip food for six months.
-Yes no, this is not business trip, fool! You have sold in the harem to Shamil, understood?! - smiled Vika.
-And what do I do now? - поинтресовалась Veronica confused.
"I don't know shrugged Vika. -Run!
-With whom? Where?! - Veronica grinned. -I have this Bathrobe, that he gave, the warmest thing in the wardrobe.
-Here Битлер! - informed her of Vika. -That is why I came to tell you! Maybe it's your only chance to escape...
-Битлер!!! - Veronica встрепенула, jumped on the bed. Her heart letters quivered in the breast from love, that all this time smoldering in губине soul. -Where is it?!
-The "mother"! - said the vetch. He came several times until you resorts went. You asked. Fell in love? If you want, I will fix him?!
-Bring Vika, bring them in! prayed Veronica.
Vika got up and went to the exit. At the threshold to open the door. She stopped, as if something else to say.
-I go I won't anymore, she said. -Битлера run, and myself will go. Give him the key. Therefore, we are with you, friend, I do not see you. In any case hardly. Run away you're with him - you can't run away, don't feel see you! Therefore, прощевай. dear!
-Goodbye! sadly said Veronica, it was hard for her to realize what his rescuer, which they always hurt the heart so that he wanted to weep.
"Oh, Yes! I almost forgot! - Vika went back to the bed on which lay Veronique and stuck her headboard few bills. -Here are those four hundred, that I with you, jerked! You're sorry that I'm such a bitch was, and is, I guess!
"Nothing, " said quietly, as if she forgave Veronica.
-I loved you always, mother! As a man, probably loved, jealous, could not let go! And now love! Only now I understand that you can't stay here! Заездят you! Maybe if you come back, "mother" and indeed you go out! And if not?! I know her! Believe me, no one not виделва girls, which was working, so she went. While the "mother" of all juices are choking - lets go! Yes and not let go, and will give a kick in the ass, when she had no value whatever! That's all! And you look how! Such search more! "Mother," you know how much money from you огребла?! All to go mad! Only now said to war is taken, so you can no longer operate abroad! You as a gold mine was! She no prostitute so much money did not bring much you!
-How did you know?! "said Veronica.
-Boasted she администраторше, well, that you кутерьму all started about you, " said Veronica. The something with you several thousands raped, and this to you a million dollars raised! Here and boasted that the toad crushed!
Veronica listened to the truth, which now, in the last hours of her stay in "Cosmos" even now from the Wiki.
-Yes, beautiful, they are you, Veronica, guys! In General, beautiful! This администраторши right talent sacrifice to choose like you!
-So you say! Veronica rose up on her elbow. "So I did them and shouldn?!..
-Of course! - agreed Vika. -You yourself't seen it all a Scam! You got divorced, a mother, as a simpleton provincial, and of simpleton made a prostitute! Yes, and stripped completely removed!
Veronica didn't know what she should do.
Rage has risen to its throat a lump of tears, she was breathing hard, tears welling eyes.
-I'll kill her! she Veronica and repeated. -I'll kill her!
-Okay, I'll go, and then Битлер tired of waiting! - Vika потеребила her hair, then leaned in and gently kissed her lips. Veronica let them, leaning slightly forward its beautiful head on the lovely long neck, feeling the warmth of love, coming from a woman in her heart. Down her again tears. -Прощевай!
At the threshold of Vika was delayed, but now she felt that it will not return.
-Yes, mother! And another thing! - she hesitated, as if had to tell her something very important and could not. -Baby, you're lost then!.. Well, when it посявщение was! You miscarriage was! I'm not wanted to speak, but now I'm saying! You must know this! And who you кромен me to say?! Yes, okay! Well that she is alive then left! I say thank you!..
Veronica почувтсвовала that two bitter flow is even stronger. She choking their bitter tears, already Mae unable to ask nothing. Yes, and that was to ask?! She saw first hand the whole picture!
A child! Her baby! Her little, the most beautiful, the most favourite in the world, the only infinitely dear to her baby, she was to bear and give birth!..
Vika disappeared behind the door.
Mouth Veronica opened in a silent mourning. It all has turned into the mountain.
Chapter 31.
Veronica stared forward into the clearance between the seats, on the road, Dating back to the snowy expanse of gray cloth, sometimes dodging and bending, sometimes straight as an arrow.
First, on its sides were of Ukrainian hamlets and villages with houses from a brick or, rarely, clay houses, white, decorated with blue shutters, with tile roofs, sometimes fresh straw, rarely slate. They were like a picture from a children's book, with разводками gas pipeline network on posts, with neat low заборчиками, and if not on stone columns, with squares sections metal grid or low, only to designate the territory and pallisades of beautiful остроглавых painted plates, then carefully made плетнями.
That car drove into the territory of Russia could not even guess. The landscape outside the window immediately changed. Gray, log, often nod and have sunk in the ground, sometimes gone to the Windows cozy little houses, broken, worn slate roofs, fences long on bare curves посеревших poles with rare, покосвшимися risers, to which they were fastened not the rope, not the wire.
Everywhere caught the eye of neglect and disorder, покинутость like it's not already lived fifty years.
Although Veronica was frightened at what is happening with her, her brain kept thinking of nonsense, he thought.
"Strange, " the girl before she's never been out on the territory of the Russian regions on the machine, and now this contrast, for the seasoned driver became long been familiar and invisible, rushed into her eyes - the same land, the same climatic zone, the same yields the same state! Why such a difference?! Even people of the same: and there, and there on the majority of Russians! What then? Why so?"
It was unclear how such a powerful country молго based on the defunct agriculture, blatant mismanagement.
In a Ukrainian village, though the earth the same seems to be enough, every scrap of присмотрен, treated kindly cherished owners. Землица worth groomed, вскормленная ready now прыснуть generous yields in the spring. And here, everywhere you look kin - mediocrity, забытость, сиротливость, as if the owner had no possessions, if not the land of fertile land, and a desert, no man's territory. Everything is left to chance, as if people here dusty bag from behind the corner пристукнули, and they whole life, дебилами and go, wander, the misfits on the ground that their hands are needed.
Wherever they look, everywhere felt some incompleteness, carelessness, carelessness. Sometimes came across some strange, frightening even his despair facilities.
In one place Veronica saw the deaf, high fence, welded flat radiator batteries. All rusty, uncoated, he hid his wall plot around a house, and the roof was not visible.
She was horrified: "Who needed to construct such a Scarecrow? Why? Why is radiatornyh batteries? Why so high?!"
In essence fence looked like his push, and he will fall. He did not represent any serious obstacles.
Maybe the master of the house so afraid of others, which огородился the fortress, as he probably seemed a wall in two and a half meters high, although near-around, nothing more than a few холуп, with falling apart жердянниками, with покосившися shutters, Windows, full of dirt and dust in the openings through which the inside and the light hardly penetrated, and was not. May be, on the contrary, he would be exalted above the surrounding rural дебилами and the old ladies, lonely graduating from sentence on this God damned land. Maybe he just didn't know what to do with inherited him on the occasion of or наварованными improved shields. But in any case the type of the fence and the surrounding ruins has been shockingly awful.
If she even had a million dollars in exchange for the fact that she remainder of days spent in such a manor, Veronica would abomination has rejected the proposal. It seemed that the fence was just scratching the rusty claws souls of those who lived, if they had them.
"But how will the children live?! - she was horrified. -They will grow дебилами and moral freaks, if all childhood will hold for such a fence!"
If Veronica were offered to paint the scene, she would have called him: "Castle of the king agricultural Soviet of the Russian poor"! Name turned out the same ugly, as the landscape itself - match!
And such a hopeless picture was everywhere. Veronica sometimes it seemed that she was brought down to Hell. Yes landscapes of the Russian backwoods around nothing but paintings hell reminded. They were gloomy, sulfur and disastrous, as if there already occurred, and maybe even ended апокалпсис.
"In Ukraine there is no such thing!" - she wondered.
No, it was in Ukraine one place where it was неустроено and abandoned. But it was a zone of a nuclear disaster, which left residents, and where reigned морадеры, растаскивая radioactive belongings throughout the country. She had once seen photographs of these places, brought there from her uncle, заглядывавшем travel to visit her parents. Once he liquidated Tu accident, and his album, which he had taken with him. There were several pages to restore, " Zh on kin. They also reminded the Hell of war. Veronica then got really scared when I saw those pictures. She decided that they filmed the scariest place on earth.
And around here, wherever you look, there was a disaster. All Russia, to Moscow was laying one мертвящая, frightening accustomed to a different world order eyes, the territory of disaster. But because there was not the Chernobyl zone, lived around, and, most likely, simply there were people like наплевавшие on his life and проклявшие themselves.
Looking at the devastation, which she had not seen one, living in хлебосольном edge, through the Windows brusque passing over the vast expanses of the Russian carelessness, as the horse of the Apocalypse four horsemen, the Chechens-executioners, on Board, "Mercedes", Veronica now understand why Sergei Esenin called this country that he loved, "the Country of scoundrels". For which he paid with his...
The picture of the surrounding landscapes disturbed by Veronica in addition to its state of nervous tension. It seemed to her that life ends. It seemed to her, dragged to the thick places in the darkness cockroaches, at the mercy of Кащею dragon or Snake. And Niko could not prevent it. There was nobody who would be for her to intercede.
Veronica suddenly with all piercing clear why Hitler wanted to destroy Russia, to destroy and to flood Moscow.
He saw the people, like a cancer, like decaying decapitated corpse, which threatened its plague infect the whole of Europe, and has already infected the Ukraine, Belarus and the Baltics severe virus халявности, nonchalance and dependency, to degenerate from the once great that inhabited the Great Rus', started by the Kiev, in some low-energy biomass that his slow деградацей растлевала the rest of humanity, as a weed rated the huge space. Than retreated further those who in the nineteenth century called himself the great Russians, were moving away from the real roots, the more извращлся their path. And even the Communists, who have graduated from аппокалипсис Russia, загнездившиеся in Moscow and St. Petersburg, were just a logical link in the chain path into the abyss. The same that Hitler saw Gogol and Shchedrin, who discovered the vicious essence strange Russian state. And those were just the writers. And Hitler had a powerful военнной machine. And if not for the intercession of heaven and Vernik knew perfectly well that Russia was only saved the heavenly intercession of the MostHoly virgin, the facts about which so thoroughly concealed from people in the security services he would carry out his plan.
A strange country this Russia. Three hundred years of transformations and reforms have not given virtually nothing. She has not changed under communism, not change after them. Nasty essence of the Russian state, sometimes naked, sometimes well-kept not one iota подобрела. For him citizens were always only подножным food, firewood, which was firewood item in the house of the nobility, of whatever nature it was: иерахической statehood under the monarchy, the party caste system under communism, the financial oligarchy and the state leadership in the future. And this little group will be to the very end, when she has the strength to hold grip on the vast territory of the globe, filled оболваненными, полуголодными, умалишенными from the hopelessness of existence, helpless to such an extent that in protest can't even strangle, and just eke out their existence, people accustomed to the скотским conditions in which they have appointed to live обирающая them on every step of the authorities.
"This is a real socio-political gangrene, struck Veronica, and Hitler only wanted to cut that affected her part of the world to save the rest from rotting! But he has failed! And now everywhere, it is already evident that the disease has become the last stage".
In several places, she drew attention to пронесшиеся past the ruined Church. They were demolished domes of the city, and even from the upper part of the Church is gone, and their ruins completed the picture безутешного landscape. For all the thousand kilometres she did not see any not that active, but at least the whole Church.
In her hometown of all the churches were maintained and operated. In Ukraine it is not seen one of the destroyed Church.
Veronica was strange reason all heaven заступились for Russia, where most of the churches were cast down by, plundered and destroyed.
And she knew another thing that is not customary to say in Soviet times. Residents of the city welcomed the Germans as liberators, with bread and salt. Of course, there were other, those that went to the guerrillas, cadets артучилища that died fighting on the outskirts of the city. But mainly, were newcomers from Russia, and not the indigenous inhabitants.
And what, indeed, the Communists, who Veronica associated with Russia, because it was рассадницей of this plague, were better Germans?
Yes, Germans shot Jews. But the Communists, most of whom were the same Jews, staged at her home in the Holodomor. The sold укаринский bread gathered bloody requisitioning detachments, расстреливавшими peasants for the slightest disobedience and harbouring food, выметавшими all of the peasant's barn under the net. People who have grown and gathered bread, die from starvation, eating corpses and children. Millions in Ukraine died in this terrible time. Can those who did it were better Germans, then the shot? Knowing the terrible stories of her grandmother, barely survived the time of painful suffering of ordinary, innocent people, about the wild things taking place by the grace of the Communists, and, therefore, of the Jews, верховодивших in Ukraine before the German invasion, Veronica would not deny that whether it was in the place of those who survived the Holodomor, it would also came to the Germans with bread and salt and herself would have showed German soldiers, where disappear the executioners of its people.
Of course, the Germans, too, were not a gift, and exported from Ukraine compounds leached and people to work in Germany. Veronica was not going to justify them for it. She could not understand, than the Russians, great Russians, with whom she has always been associated communism, were better Germans? The fact that they have won? The winners are not judged?! So won't they - the intercession of heaven: devoted to know it.
That's the Chechens, the descendants of which are carried her now in a black Mercedes at the mercy in Moscow, too, were behind Hitler. And they Stalin avenged mass of links with their native places. But Ukrainians do not avenged - most still Ukraine for he was. Though here too loyal Communists of people missing!
"Brrr! - Veronica tossed her head пытатясь freed from their high-sounding reasoning. -I was at the mercy driven and I about some strange things рассудаю!"
A Chechen, the one that pushed her into the salon, slightly turned his head and looked askance at her, as if to ask "what are You?! Sidi, not rock the boat!"
Veronica somehow remembered "prisoner of the Caucasus" by Leo Tolstoy.
"Yes, now and in the Caucasus does not have to travel to captured by чеченам get! - усменулась it. -Even the threshold of the house to go it is not necessary! The capture of exported! And Moscow is now as the Caucasus, it turns out?! There, probably, Chekhov more than in the Caucasus! Of course - where all the money of the Union, now Russia! But still! Fish place was, the Moscow! Only me why there to understand?! I'm a little fish in a Metropolitan scale! Yes Russia is now probably destined to the second coming be under the Caucasus, since her head was removed - the king was shot. Stalin верховодил, now the Chechens. Of course, if Russia was left without a king in my head! However, that to me Russia?! I was taken God knows where!"
Been a few hours Mercedes raced swiftly crossing the villages and settlements, towns and cities, in Moscow's side, taking her farther from home.
Her soul hang like a rubber band, one part of which remained at home, got ahold of his apartment, his own beloved, comfortable and nice city, and the second was with her, and from inside the stronger was aching all the best singers sang nerves. It seemed that they now's not sustain pressure and explode.
In the cabin there was silence was heard only the faint sound of the engine. All were silent, and Veronica was not myself.
Yes, it would probably be better if she said anything, for something criticized, he was threatened. Even if called her most recent words, it would be easier. But for all the time the road no one said a word in Russian (unlikely Caucasians размовлялись on украинньской мови). And it was worse than any of the attacks.
Sometimes they vigorously перегоривались about some things in the wrong Veronica language, and then she tried to intonation guess what it is. But it was not easy, because Veronica was lost in guesses what awaits her.
When you already have, and it is possible to simply remain silent, to listen and learn, then you get some advantage, and this lets you know what to expect there, where the words should be surely and swiftly respond words, otherwise you will eat. For the time of life with the Hippopotamus Veronika have to understand that many things in the world of gangsters decided on понтах. No, of course, the rule of "the rights of one who has more rights" worked, but only a very interesting way. to the right was the one who tongue was suspended better, and who could really make something extraordinary, for all to see, as he is outraged, and, therefore, rights. Cost during the "Bazaar", verbal skirmish, lose, lose your rhythm exchange of claims, "предъявами", threats, attacks, as you can assume, that you "blown" arrow.
On the other hand, if you're wrong, but you behave aggressively attacking the victim so as if they've got something moved, and not thou he, in a fit of feigned rage he can move or shoot with a hot, all this adds weight you, and if the opponent funked it with this your behavior, then you're as good as his "deceived" and won the encounter. He still can show to those who oversee disassembly, looking, for unjustified impact.
Especially this technique works well if you were invited to parse, and the victim came with a roof, not with her, or мелковат, or he does not have it, and he just asked.
The irony of her position was that all of her knowledge were now useless. She was carried, as for interrogation. It was not the shooter. It just caught and brought to that. From whom she had escaped. The funny thing was that Veronica knew her just throw the money, because everything was paid on arrival. It was a vile, disgusting! But people worked: given the slack - get and sign it! And it раковинка called Behemoth хрустнула and fell apart, revealing the pink flesh for поживы, and her shamelessly began to eat!
No matter how far it was to Moscow, but the evening "Mercedes" joined the flood of multi-row automotive sea, luminous ahead of hundreds of red and yellow lights, and the oncoming - private sheaves of white light.
Now their вдижение slowed down, and a couple of hours they drove through the capital's traffic jams and congestion, which started even on the approaches to Moscow.
Veronica again started to shake in anticipation of the nearest junction. If expensive distract her outlandish scenery of devastation and lofty thoughts, now nothing but the night lights and cars to be seen. But she felt that the journey's end, and there will be unfavorable for her isolation.
At first it тряслло only slightly, but when the car drove into the territory of the hotel, fenced along the perimeter fence of the steel rods, she could hardly keep that shiver.
Mercedes drove under the ramp to the lower entrance.
-Get out! - for the first time appealed to her. He was seated next to a Chechen, the one that talked to her at her home.
He pulled himself, and stood, holding open the door, waiting until Veronica.
Saeed was also waiting for her outside. He looked at her with such a look as if he was going to the next second, rend.
I'm sorry you're a woman! I women do not hit! he said and walked down the stairs in the lobby.
Upon seeing him, porters cautiously opened the door.
-Go! ordered Chechen who constantly talked with her, показвая gesture that it follows the Sayyid.
Veronica eyes have darkened, but she pulled herself together and stepped forward, toward the unknown. Legs refused to obey her, as if saying to her: "Тикай! Тикай, girly!".
"Where тикай?! - herself said Veronika feeling some kind of deadly sadness. -Already тикала!"
Chapter 32.
Through a veil of sobbing, душивших her, Veronica saw that someone entered the room.
It was Битлер. He saw Veronica, weeping uncontrollably from some беконечного grief on the bed, naked, in накинутом top men's robe Terry robes, and rushed to her side.
She seemed upset the child, continuing to proceed with tears, held out her hands to him. He put his arm around her and drew.
-What are you doing here?! happily she cried, clinging to him and calming down a bit. -I was thinking all the time about you!
-I came to see my mother and to visit his father's grave! "replied Битлер.
-Take me away from here, help me! prayed Veronica. -I feel bad!
-Let's go! said Битлер. -I bought you till tomorrow night!
He lifted her from the bed.
"But where shall we go?! "said Veronica. -Look at me! Winter outside, but I have no winter clothes! Yes, actually, there is nothing but this stupid robe!
Veronica with hatred threw off its Bathrobe, presented by Shamil instead of ripped them a sundress and remained on the bed naked.
-I have a car at the bottom! said Битлер. -I'll drive to the country house of my friend. It's better than sitting here!
"But what I go? prayed Veronica, painfully, her hands folded.
-Wear it until Bathrobe! - filed his Битлер. On the way we will stop in the currency store! Приоденем you!
Veronica went to the elevators, and then down through the lobby of the hotel, the glass turntables door, wrapped in a large dressing gown, then went out into the cool air of the porch dived in a brand new BMW, which showed Битлер.
-How glad I am you came! - she smiled when they drove off, then pulled to the beloved man, who was sitting behind the wheel, pressed her to his shoulder. I wanted to say, only to not find the moment. And then the fate of separated us...
-And what? he asked, touching his eyebrows, but watching the road.
-I love you, Sasha! "Veronica as she never and no one spoke. -I love you!
Битлер stopped the car at the gate at the exit from the territory of the hotel and looked at it as something very strange, long and carefully.
"I love you too! 'he said at last.
-Really? "said Veronica. "Then why do you not say this before?
-Why aren't you say!? "he asked.
Veronica looked gaze.
-I thought that to you, I am nothing mean! - finally answered it.
"But why do you say that now?! surprised Битлер.
Because tomorrow I'm going to the Caucasus, in Chechnya! - curled her lips Veronica. -I was sold into slavery Chechen field commander! 'll outdoorsy field wife!
-It's impossible! - shouted Битлер. -We are civilized people!..
"Hey, take me away from here! prayed Veronica. -I don't want to Caucasus, I don't want some kind of Chechnya, I don't want to war, don't want to be anyone's wife, to then, one day, me in a fit of anger or jealousy demolished dagger head! Take me away to England!
Битлер turned his head back backpedaled and drove up to the entrance of the hotel.
-Sit in the car! I now! he told her and disappeared behind четырехлопастными doors, but всорке returned, and it was obvious that things are not so good.
"She won't you give! helplessly and outraged shrugged Битлер. "Listen!" Right something strange! You know how much it for you requested?!
A million dollars! she guessed Veronica. -But do you not have such money? Pay her for me to give me freedom! You're a rich man!
Битлер shrugged:
-Millliona dollars cash I have not and never was!
-Well, what about this holiday in Italy?! "said Veronica. -Rent a yacht?! Luxury room with sea view?! Breakfast, lunch and dinner in the restaurant?! And all these countless excursions?! You spent on me a week more than a hundred thousand dollars!
-I financier! - Битлер grinned. -In the West and in Russia, the notion of a million dollars varies greatly! I make money by referring other people's assets, investing and реинвестирую, create all new дерривативы and derivatives! I do income that can be obtained million dollars, using only a virtual one million dollars!
-How is this?! has not understood it Veronika, feeling that Битлер bears some nonsense.
-This is a very long time to explain! - Битлер shook his head. -For this I studied for many years! But I'll try to tell you in a nutshell! In Russia, the notion of a million dollars is a suitcase stuffed with cash! So think of it here! This country cave and cave approach to money! Everything here, even the current Russian capitalists, in the past the same Communists and Komsomol members, inherited the concept of money from the antediluvian, obsolete, cave-utopian teachings of Marx! In the West a million dollars - a single sum. This is not a cache, you know?! I use the money, which I can't touch it, and this money is not even belong to me! I can't make millions of dollars, with which I have been working in the cash! It's not even my money! All that belongs to me, this interest with this million, a gain on yours, that I can earn, net of the value of money, you know?! Roughly speaking, I take someone's money temporarily for some interest, and sell the same money, temporarily, for a lot of interest, and the difference lay in my pocket! But this is a very primitive explanation!
Битлер looked upset person Veronica, who could not understand him.
-I paid for the yacht, for гостницу, restaurant! - he tried to explain доходчивее. -Yes, I spent over a hundred thousand! But! These were not the cash! It was only my promise, you know! If I paid cash, would have stayed without pants!
According to Veronica was visible only to the fact that her hopes for Битлера were crumbling before our eyes.
"Well, and how you made for me bail of one million dollars when I left you without a bodyguard, without a Saida, in Palermo?! she asked, already weak and hopelessly.
-In cash! - admitted as a financier. -As made bail and now, today!
-Well! So here! How?! Thou them in from it?! 'couldn't understand Veronica. Then why didn't you buy me a freedom from the slavery?!
Is the money, which I don't! - Битлер sought out the concepts easier to convey to Veronica essence of her богатсва, more by similar, in essence, a soap bubble. -I'm taking the Bank into temporary order!.. Even not so! Is an operational credit Bank, which is controlled by me, but which I do not own! You know, banks give дург other short-term loans for covering the deficit of the balance of payments, replenishment of liquidity... I'm sorry, for those terms! I try to explain as simply as possible. Well, then have a loan overnight, there are кроссдэй. I sit on the cash flow of the Bank, that is passing me by the river of money. There flowing billions of dollars! So, what I отщипываю for a few days, a small amount, say, one million dollars, no one noticeable...
-Well, отщипни and pay for me! - Veronica's eyebrows naively took off.
-But it is invisible, when I deduce money from the stream for a day, for up to three! And then, I лавирую between lines of credit. You saw, as in Palermo I several times a day to sit at the laptop and do something! I closed overnight and immediately took кроссдэй. These loans are rather expensive; therefore, the maximum duration of which I can afford is three days. Then I return the amount in cash flow because the pay interest for the use of it with my salary, I can only during such period of the loan, and quietly make interest for use of credit. If I don't восполню percentage of the Bank, will lack of liquidity, the Bank money is lost, will not balance! Commence proceedings, and, eventually, come to me! I would lose my job. Get it?! And if financier loses his job because he was caught on such frauds, never could find her! Of course, I could pay your mistress of a bill of exchange Bank with high liquidity, which, in which case, she easily could turn into cash. I would not risk and the interest is not paid. But she notes are not acknowledges requires only cash. So I have to go to the machinations to spend time with you and to deliver you from its yoke of slavery even in this short time! I am seeing what you do!
-Thank you! - Veronica suddenly leaned to Битлеру and understandable only to her gratitude snuggled up to him, embarrassed and equally powerless before the "mother"as she was. Now it wasn't a huge financial воротила what it seemed to her before, and almost an ordinary man that just could turn their financial knowledge and skills in the money and it lived. -Now I love you even more than before, when I thought that you all pockets full of dollars...
-But what to do now? I don't want you took them in Chechnya! - he said.
-How much can you give me the cash right now?! - she asked.
"Well, fifty thousand! Believe me, that is all I have! - he answered.
"I'll talk to her! Veronica pulled the handle of the car door and turned to him. In the end, it's arrogance! I had her all to fifty thousand!
-Veronika! - called to it Битлер, but she was already moving through a snowstorm to the entrance of "Space" in the same robe Terry robes on a naked body. The wind stirred his floors, and passers-by with astonishment looked at her обнажающуюся with each gust up to the waist figure. He got out of the car and ran after her, but caught up with her just in front of the Elevator.
"Where is she? - Veronica asked, adjusting распахнувшийся Bathrobe, exposing her figure, and trembling more from nervous excitement than from the cold.
-In the office! "replied Битлер, pressing the call button for the Elevator.
Veronica knew this office! There she first saw "Mammy". Rapidly breaking a few transitions she burst into it like she was ready to give the decisive battle or, at least, to stuff as it should, insolent face a vile woman.
"Mother" was sitting in the company администраторши, they smoked, and both are very surprised at the appearance of Veronica in one coat unbuttoned, accompanied by Битлера.
-I was fifty thousand dollars! - said Veronika from the doorway, pushing open the door. -Why my release you require with Битлера million?!
-What do you think, Lada?! - with a blank arrogance told her "mom", a long waited for this issue. -Money is money! On your duty to falling interest!
-What interest?! "said Veronica. -And stop, finally, call me Lada! My name is Veronica, understand?!
"Oh, look how we talking! threatening raised tone, "Mama." -Wow! In the presence of the gentleman has grown bolder?! So he's here, in Russia, no one to call, and it's impossible to understand? I here, in Moscow, the сцапать I can be naughty! And he knows it!
-I worked you a million dollars! - продолжада Veronica, paying no attention to her words. -A million!!! You me not a penny paid for! Everything was taken away! Even clothes! I had only fifty thousand dollars! You none of your prostitute so much money did not bring much as I! I worked honestly, to what we say! According to my calculations, I already gave you my duty, whatever they may be!
It doesn't matter what you think! Gave the debt! going on "Mama" so frankly, that involuntarily listening to it it was possible to think that Veronica indeed it should. -Your debt more and grew up! I've already explained how much money you spent! What? If you complain?! To whom?! she laughed, leaned back. -Битлеру?! IN THE UN?! "Mama" and администраторша wound up they, and Veronica realized: they stoned. His study was a specific smell out. Proving anything to her was useless.
-How much? - Veronica asked, suddenly hopelessly сникнув, realizing that in some mysterious, incomprehensible way was entirely in the power of this woman could now assign its freedom any sum wanted from the ceiling.
-A million! - being serious and evil replied "mom".
Is a mess! no longer Veronica. -I never paid! Why a million?! To the resorts had a million, and now, when I already принелса you a million on a silver platter, again a million! I, your property?!
-Yes! - nodded her head дурашливо folded tube lips, "Mama."
The conversation was ended in complete defeat. Veronica went out of the office.
-When you leave?! she asked the Битлера.
-Tomorrow! From Sheremetyevo! - he answered.
"So we see each other one last time?! - in the face of Veronica tears.
-Well, why not! - he answered. -We still have time till tomorrow night!
-No! - Veronica shook her head and went to his room, then looked around, puzzled stood in the midst of a corridor Битлеру. Go on, take it a million! If you will ask, tell them that I don't want to sleep with you!
She walked away, then stopped, she turned back to him and said:
"Will you stay with me here in my room! I want you!
All night Veronica were in desperate sex like she wanted to eat Битлера entirely, completely turn his body in the seed and absorb all of the remainder.
Now she knew from the Wiki, why not get pregnant, although no предохранялась contrary требованниям mother. She had all this time had some kind of spontaneous desire to "fly"! Though from someone! It was all the same! But nothing came out, and now, when Vika told her about the miscarriage, she knew that she would hardly be able to do this.
If she could, she would become pregnant now from Битлера simply because really loved him, and wanted to give birth to his child, a boy. In the secret надежле the miracle Веронка all night passionately, самоотвержено copulated with him.
Under the morning Битлер tired of passion and her skillful game and calmed down beside her.
-If I run away, you will take me with you in London?! asked Veronica.
-You have even no passport! sadly, he noted. While abroad!
-All the same! she continued. -I run away! Hide me in your suitcase! Buy the big suitcase! I get there, and you send me the Luggage! In England landed in a suitcase!
-Can you imagine what it is? surprised Битлер. -It is cold in the Luggage compartment! This is not a passenger cabin! You can just freeze when flying! You can discover! Besides, baggage, thrown haphazardly, you can download a ton of other people's things and just crush it!
-All the same! concluded Veronica. -Better to let crush, than to endure this!
-Well, well! agreed, suddenly Битлер. -Flight to London, from Sheremetyevo, tomorrow, in twenty-two zero zero. I buy a suitcase more plastic so that you aren't crushed, and some warm clothes. Here not to beauty, I think, Telogreyka, cotton pants and thick шертсяные socks will do. I'll wait for you in the Airport building, in the lobby, where comes Aeroexpress with Савеловксого station.
-Well! - Veronica replied, already hatching a plan to escape. -I get to Sheremetyevo by herself! And now you're in the morning take the money and go away, as if at all, understood?!
-Only If you do not come, Veronica, " said Битлер, I'll fly away... Without you...
-Well! resolutely she said. -I will! Wait!..
Early in the morning until I went Битлер, she called Garik with phone of rooms: while in the room she had a client, for his convenience connection is not disconnected.
-Garik! - said Veronika heard a sleepy voice армяна. -Wait for you for lunch!
"Listen, sweetheart! Expensive in "Cosmos" dinner!" You know! I havent so much!
I'll give your four hundred доллров! she said Veronica. -Be four!
-Really?! - Garik even voice changed, he suddenly woke up. -Well, wait, dear!
Veronica chosen from the remaining rags dress decently and accompanied by a young boy-a Chechen went down to the hotel restaurant for lunch.
"Don't eat! - warned her guard. -Six you said will come!
Veronica glanced around the room and found a table, behind which was already Garik, not only expecting it as the promised money. He sat with a Cup of coffee. Veronica went to him and sat down, pretending not to know the taxi driver:
- "Hello! Can you land?!
Garik glanced at her, then at the young guard and took the game:
-Yes, please, my dear! For such a beautiful girl I have always freely!
The waiter came up, Veronica made the order, and began to wait, when it will bring. The guard stood beside her, and she is now feverishly thinking how to get rid of it.
Listen, kid! called to him Veronica. -Come on, I'll order something!
-No! No! Thank you! - waved his arms a Chechen. -I'm on duty!
-Yes, Oh, come on! "said Veronica. "You think I enjoy eating when you're here as a guard over me stand for! Even in prison, so don't eat!
Her words took effect, and in ten minutes the guard was eating at a nearby table Veronica ordered him lagman. Now she could speak.
-Where is the money, honey? asked Garik first.
-To give the Sheremetyevo! - процедила Veronica, bow over the plate.
Garik realized that she wants to run away, but, apparently, decided to help her for the money.
-Half now! "he said, glancing at увлекшегося food security guard.
Veronica moved him on the table two hundreds of bills, although she knew that Garik can throw, but untill had to risk: haggle there was no time.
-And for lunch today you pay! - the taxi driver said, picked up dollars and stood, preparing to leave. -Wait for you fifteen minutes under the ramp, then leave!
When Garik disappeared from view, Veronika a few minutes lazily поковырялась in the plate, then stood up and went.
-Where? - asked the guard, broke away from the food.
-The ladies ' room! - confused his Veronica, and turned to the waiter, saying. -The boy still lagman, please, some dessert and drink. On my account!
Improving the moment when the guard is looking at it, Veronica jumped out of the restaurant, slowly passed through the lobby, past the администраторши, which articulates the group of clients, as well slowly entered in the chopper, which table улце porter.
Veronica imagined that nobody sees, and therefore we must do everything quietly, because if you start мельтешить, everyone's going to pay me, and understand that this escape.
On the street was a big tourist bus, and from it left the tourists. Garik with his car. Veronica from resentment filled with tears, and she, realizing that he deceived her, turned her back to the entrance to stand in one dress was cold.
"Hey, sweetheart! -окрикнул her voice Garik, выглядывавшего of the bus.
She turned back to the voice, walked slowly bus and immediately rushed headlong into the car, shivered from the cold.
"I specifically for the bus stood up to me have not noticed! explained Garik. -In Sheremetyevo, you mean?!
-In Sheremetyevo! - confirmed Veronica. -Click on all cylinders! Hurry!
-Uh! Here next! - успокил her taxi driver. Traffic jams are not, in half an hour'll be there!
In Sheremetyevo-1 Veronica gave at the entrance Garik the remaining two hundred dollars.
-Don't tell anyone! "she warned him.
-Yes, I'm that sick?! - has shrugged shoulders Garik, taking in his pocket money. -Running, whether that sweetheart?! he said after.
-Listen, Garik! And I thee in Sumy wanted to kill! - he said Veronica.
Garik stopped and sat there, shocked recognition.
Veronica was out of the car in her summer dress, and ran into the entrance of the terminal, swept to the top floor, in the end of the long hall which was the entrance to the station Aeroexpress.
Битлера she recognized from afar by huge suitcase, which was with him. He rushed to her happily, like a boy.
-Sasha! No time to let about packing! - suspended him angrily Veronica.
They went to the platforms of Aeroexpress, boarded the train, which soon went to Moscow.
In the car was empty. Under the ceiling in the center of the salon television.
They settled on chairs, Битлер revealed a huge suitcase, where pulled on his jacket, underwear, cotton pants, socks, boots and hat cap.
"Get dressed! he said Veronica. One hour will be at the Savyolovsky railway station.
Veronica put off from himself the dress, pulled полушерстяное underwear, then pants with фуфайкой, boots and hat. In this dress, she was like a гллупого, but very beautiful teenage boy, стонкими, youthful, almost girlish even features безусого person.
Dressed to Veronica began with злостю trample her dress, then ripped him to shreds. After that, she sat down and began to look at the проплыващие past the lights metropolis.
-Soon come! - looked at his watch Битлер. -Need to delve into the suitcase!
Veronica turned to him from the window. In her eyes was something strange, not anxiety, not fear: a plan to escape to England with a suitcase was truly horrific.
"You scared?! asked Битлер.
Veronica paused a little, as if he were going with the spirit, and then said:
-Sasha! Worse, of the life from which I run to me there is no nothing!
Then she stood up and ordered him a glance at the suitcase:
"Open up!
Битлер opened the case in the centre of the car, where there was no chair. Veronica entered into him, sat down and settled, they minimize curl up. Битлер helped sweetheart to fit in the limited scope of the plastic boxes.
When the train stopped smoothly from the deaf apron Savyolovsky railway station, from him among the few who arrived in Moscow passengers went Битлер. He hardly moved оромный and heavy suitcase on the platform, and had got it on wheels to the building behind the departed forward companions.
You know how much extra pay? "she took on the scales baggage girl. -And you custom pass it!
-What's in a suitcase?! asked, coming таможенница.
-A very valuable cargo! "replied Битлер.
What, exactly?! - not appeased woman.
-Your documents! - Битлер filed a diplomatic passport. -Examination can not be!
-Not subject not subject! "upset таможеница. -And why so much?!
Битлер shrugged:
-Diplomatic mail! - and turned to взвешивавшей suitcase girl. -How much should I!
Soon suitcase weighed and paid out across the conveyor towards the window, which has rubber ribbons, and Битлер cried in addition:
"You be careful with email! Very tender documentation!
In an hour he was back in the Sheremetyevo and wait for invitation for registration on the flight to London.
-As there are now Veronica? thought Битлер, sipping coffee in the airport cafe.
Chapter 33.
Veronica't believe her eyes. She again saw these perfect, but cold, repulsive from her soul halls and corridors, halls, lobbies, lifts and corridors. Only now it was even more strange than before. She would never come back here on their own. It was like a bad, incorrect de жавю: the same as it was a few months ago, the same people: duty, porter, porters, cleaners, кастелянши, the same meeting and seeing off guests arriving and departing one and the whole tourist groups, only it here in a worse quality than then: not arrived by the will of man with him in Moscow unnecessary here to anyone girl, and brought terrible "Czechs" runaway.
"God, Hippopotamus! Why did you take me with him to Moscow-then dragged her?! - escaped Veronica cry inside of her soul, рванувший heart of steel claws tribulation. -see, that with me now!"
Well, in fact, that have the capital to the bandits and schemers from it?! Why they brought from home in this hotel, which she already hated?!
Veronica for a moment she closed her eyes. The circumstances of life, in which she appeared, were so improbable, so unreal, as if from another life of a gangster movie, invented Director crazy, that she thought that if she carefully, so that it hurt глзам, squint, all this obsession will disappear! All this was not about her, another story! She didn't want to be part of this!
Veronica did so. She shut her eyes really, really, painfully in мыщцах, in order to feel that it does. In the eyes in the darkness, went yellow and blue circles, blurring and pulsating. It seemed that she was going to jump from a gust of efforts and wishes into some other dimension where she lived happily and carefree, and parted from this nightmare.
"You what, monkey faces корчишь?! interrupted her impulse voice Chechen.
"Cunt you, girl!" - frankly admitted to myself Veronica, opening my eyes. It was not a show-off before him, it was a Frank analysis of the situation. She had not moved, nothing around vanished like a bad dream and again she realized that reality - heavy lifting thing just by not передвинишь and that will not change.
Veronica was led in a spacious office with a large window, with a large table in the centre, with Seating on both walls. At the table sat a friend Veronica администраторша.
Veronica thought that now rushing into her, will do something bad to cry out. But the woman only looked at her for a moment, as the next thing on its konveere and ordered заведшим her Chechens:
-Search of her!
Her unceremoniously stripped down to the bare bra and underwear, roused by the chair of her purse, which as always was full of stuff.
Among all the junk attention of the young Chechen, who was involved in her handbag attracted thick, short tube of dollars: Veronica took with them all of its currency, realizing that leave her home was silly. Chechen took the bundle of three fingers of высыпанного pile on the chair seat content, brought to the table and laid it before администраторшей.
Almost four thousand dollars! said Veronica. -Take and we even!" This is all I have!
Администраторша picked up the bundle, покрутила, removed his gum, counted currency. For some time she was silent, as if thinking, and Veronica seemed that the issue has been exhausted: it really was a fortune.
-I pay, as a penalty! she said администраторша clear and cold.
-What is the penalty?! was amazed and protested Veronica, feeling that insatiable greed of this woman eating all her savings, like a sandwich, threaten freedom despite the fact that she gave her all that she had.
-Penalty for escape! explained администраторша. -And you, Бегетова Veronica, still I must now this amount!
She drew on a piece of paper a number and passed through the young Chechen Veronica.
The girl looked at a piece of paper:
-Fifty thousand?! was amazed and scared at the same time it. -I должнва you fifty thousand dollars?!
Администраторша pursing his lips, closing his eyelids, silently nodded her head.
Inside Veronica something breaks, as if dropped and shattered like glass its crystal slipper. She wanted to scream, to do something violent, grab a hold , rushing across the table in impudent face this vile aunt, but only started crying of impotence. Took all that was a fortune with which Ukraine could live, not knowing grief, for several years, and she was still must, should much bigger than that, that she had and gave.
Veronica knew that explain something now, try to appeal to conscience or that there is this aunt, it was absolutely useless.
-I have no more money! "she said. -The truth! I gave you everything that was!
-Well, first of all, do not give! the official администраторша. "If you then gave me the money, you're then even less was, I think, администраторша squinted, strumming of themselves justice in that, then perhaps I would be satisfied even with this amount...
But where fifty thousand dollars?! "exclaimed Veronica. -Have you any idea, what is money?! Yes, the money can probably half of your purchase!
Администраторша grinned at her assumption.
-Well, girl, say, not half! And you interrupted me! - she leaned forward and massive Breasts налегла on the polished mahogany table cover. -I don't like when I interrupt!.. Secondly, as I stopped, I have no reason to knock them off to you this sum and cents! You know how much the guys that you brought?! Damn expensive! They're looking for damn long! Plus, the room still for you! You do not passed! So, pay!
What?!! "exclaimed Veronica wringing her hands in despair. She realized that her aunt won't let go just like that, and these thousands of dollars which took, and for that were a condition for администраторши so, zilch, nothing pocket expenses.
Администраторша leaned back in my chair, and then отъехало back under her heavy carcass.
I don't know! This is your problem! In General! - she took a pen and began pounding it on the table. "I give you until tomorrow! You live in your room, подумешь, remember! Call relatives!..
"My parents - workers! They kind of money during their whole life will not earn!
Администраторша paused, waiting, when Veronica stop getting upset.
"I told you that you did not interrupt me! she reminded. -do you second comment! Now, you live until tomorrow in room, think, may be you remember, who can give you money! Tomorrow, the next day, she glanced at the watch - twenty-three thirty we will meet in this room again. Clear?
Veronica was silent. What's the difference. Clear it or not - this ничег not depended.
-The guys put it in the room! "администраторша, and when Veronica led away, warned. -Yes, and Garik call no more. He still didn't come!
Veronica took in the familiar to her room. Here was clean and tidied. It all was shaking from nervous exhaustion. To somehow calm down, she had a hot bath and got into it, leaving on a surface, in the water only a nose, his head thrown back, to breathe.
Sometimes surfacing and lying down in the water, she thought long and hard that she should do now.
In fact, call their parents? She did not want them растраивать! Yes, and what they could help?! Sell her apartment?! Even in the best scenario, they would not be able to help out and half of the amount required администраторша. Besides галлопирующая inflation switched human demand on the more immediate needs, and sell the apartment quickly and at more less the right price was impossible.
Yes, whom she lied?! She did not want to sell their own spacious apartment! Even now, when her life is in mortal danger, and she could sense it, Veronica could not give up with the thought that when all end, and she returned home, the apartment it is necessary: to live where she is?! Besides, trying to protect from possible encroachments on its property by the local bigwigs, it a few days ago took the statement in the BTI, that would deal with its headquarters seized, which can only remove it personal visits. No power of attorney, certified by at least three notaries, at least ten, were not valid. She knew that bosses if they want to, "сляпают" such power of attorney without problems. Therefore, with its headquarters now do nothing was impossible, and she would not like бестелесному spirit of her if her kill, this apartment is required!
Somewhere deep down, despite terrible fright, Veronica hoped that all cost, and everything will be fine. She looked like a movie herself, and could not understand to the end that everything is real.
Charter lie, Veronica left the bathroom and went into the room rooms. Was the third hour of the night.
She went to the window: there was still Moscow, in the black sky stood some orange haze from thousands of millions of lights below: this city shall not sleep, even at night.
Veronica some time stood near the window, feeling tired that even the emotions in her mind already extinguished, and that will extinct thoughts, следала few steps to the bed, dropped down on it and заснудла immediately deep, but a disturbing dream.
Next day was a blur. In the morning she brought the Breakfast, at noon, followed by lunch, dinner in the evening - hotel service worked as it should.
Veronica lifted the handset. The phone worked, but she lowered her back: who to call? There is nobody!
The whole day she was kind of detached, several times looked out why some of the rooms, but there was walking along the corridor of the Chechen another. These were unfamiliar to her, very different, very young, and Veronica realized that "Chekhov" in the hotel are a dime a dozen.
To вечеоу, when it became dark, and in Moscow at this time of year was a dark, much earlier than in her home, she stirred up, became feverishly think of something, but could think of nothing. And spent the rest of the time in a room with потушенным light, lying on the bed, gazing stupidly at the ceiling немгающим look.
In the beginning of the twelfth have come after her and led her off again in the same office.
now here except администраторши sat some расфуфыренная aunt, all in gold rings, sparkling small diamonds, which continually Smoking a long thin expensive cigarettes.
-Well! What?! asked администраторша Veronica.
"Nothing, " said Veronica, like отупевшая per day.
Администраторша was leaning on the table, pawing some trinket, long looked at Veronica experiencing eyes, then she started to speak:
Because you're from a poor family, and you have nothing to pay, we will proceed in another way!
She did pause, again looked up expectantly at her, as if giving the chance to think again and put it required money, but after a short while, she resumed:
-Women always have something to pay! Her purse is always with her! And this purse her between the legs!
Veronica some time trying to figure out what is this bad and администраторша stretched out her hand towards расфуфыренной aunt, who was busy with something under their noses, on the table.
Is this your mom! she said администраторша, pointing at the strange visitor.
-What it means: my mother?! has not understood her words Veronica.
Is now your mom! repeated her администраторша. -You will work on it until you don't with me!
Veronica couldn't understand what mom?! That means mom?! Her mother is!
Any thoughts began to spin her head, word processing this insolent aunt to the understandable her language.
Администраторша meanwhile, for the first time conversations with her, got up from the table and walked over. In her hands was something there, but Веронка could not see what it is.
Администраторша stretched her hands to her neck and became something for her to wear, and his plump handles under her hair. Veronica jumped back in the side, back, and, throwing up his hands, knocked off the hands администраторши:
-Take your nasty poles!
She suddenly felt like she was seized from behind, tied his hands.
Veronica felt the hurt and she involuntarily bent forwards.
Администраторша again leaned to her and grabbed her hair curls hogs hanging down, so it does not shaking her head from side to side, cried one of the Chechens, крутивших her hands behind:
"Hold it, so as not to rock the boat!
Chechen took coma Berenices of администраторши and rolled them at fist, like a rope. Veronica felt like the skin of her scalp stretched, it hurt. It seemed to her that her hair crackling, рвуться and turns popping out of his head along with the bulbs.
-Ah! Hurt! - she cried.
Администраторша my arms around the girl's neck, and soon Veronica felt her something tightly compresses.
It was an ordinary collar. Veronica realized it when she saw how администраторша moves away, goes away, and in the hands holding the leash. He was wounded with automatic coil, which was by clicking the button, adjust the length of the leash, to make it shorter. The other end of the collar was drawn to her neck.
It was so humiliating that of the eye Veronica laugh tears.
Администраторша went to the table, still some of my Affairs was engaged, Smoking a long and thin cigarette in the tip, расфуфыренная lady.
-All! 't take her! Until he can pay off debt! said, passing it the coil leash, администраторша.
-And how I should?! - twitching Veronica, but the Chechens are stronger squeezed his arms.
Администраторша made questioning eyes:
"What about you? Don't you remember?!
-No! - cried the girl in hysterics through tears.
Администраторша again called amount.
-Yes, I could not owe you so much! "Veronica bad voice. -Let's assume!
-And, what is there to consider?! - up to this администраторша. -I have a counter-always on! The longer you run, the more self-набегаешь! Here and ran up! Plus the guys behind you on Ukraine rewind, in these, as they are there,.. Sumy! Their services damn expensive! Besides the car, mileage!.. You that "Zaporozhets" in Moscow, brought?
"I wasn't asking to me at all brought! "exclaimed Veronica.
Администраторша came and moved to Veronica in the stomach so that the bent:
I do not ask thee. I didn't ask you from Moscow to run! Rather, everything would have been much lower blood! And you are no words did not give! You're now our, until рассчитаешься! And pay you, from here to the Kyiv cancer crawl, and even on the road so you пердолили constantly, understood?!
Veronica was silent. From a strong and unexpected blow to the solar plexus spasm bound its entire respiratory system, and she crouched on the floor, thinking that's about to suffocate.
"Mama" затушила bull in a glass ashtray, stood and pulled the leash:
-Get up, bitch Ukrainian, go to work! Need you first to look! But, like, nothing! Ladnaya! Oh! Nickname you will be working "Lada", understood?!
Veronica writhed in pain on the floor, made her no answer. Администраторша with the whole force kicked her in the side leg:
-Answer, when you turn!
"Mama" stopped her:
-Anfisa, do not spoil it for me the goods, and then for her, wounded, and cents will not give...
Veronica was sitting in a noisy coupe second-class wagon and remembered.
This was! It was indeed! Like a dream.
Was he good or bad?
No, it was neither good nor bad the dream.
He was her life, that was all, and the worst, and the most good.
But now it was all over. Outside, on the platform of the Kiev railway station stood Gladyshev and love looking at her, it was barely visible in the December dark.
Veronica shook her head. No, we need to stop this dream. We should get rid of its image, including Gladysheva...
Although it this dream was not. She kicked him in the beginning of the dream and he appeared in the end, like Almighty God pulled him out of this nightmare.
Бегетов. Yakovlev. Gladyshev. Охромов. Битлер...
She kept reliving in the mind of the men who had something important. Each has left its mark in her life, and in life of each of them it has left its mark.
Whether it was or bad? She did not know the answer to this question. But now the train was taking her home, and she wanted to throw out of the memory of them all, to make room for a whole new life.
What will it be, this new life?
Veronica didn't know, but now she knew that all would be well.
"Probably, it is in life not just me: one step forward - two steps back, then on the contrary, two steps forward and a step back. Life is over, but you seemingly nowhere and has moved! thought Veronica, looking at Gladysheva outside the car. But no, I more so it should be! I should set yourself a goal and stick with it! And no matter good or bad! We should go to this goal, as rush from one to another - perhaps the worst evil you can think of! I should set yourself a goal and follow to her in that everyday!"
But now choose a goal, after all those events that it occurred, was so hard, that she was now just afraid to do wrong! After all, the materialization of desire - it's good only when it happens correctly and in time, since she already convinced of this.
Her whole life was the materialization of its sudden and unconscious, but powerful and passionate outbursts.
Sometimes it seemed to her that she could not wish for what happened to her. But somewhere it is not уследила your thoughts. Because their energy is like the energy of explosion of a powerful explosion of a supernova. And control the flow of thoughts is as dangerous as a race сорости three hundred miles an hour on city streets: in case of error chance to correct it, there is little, but this is noticeable only when the result of the last maneuver already before the eyes: you should have experience...
Gladyshev waved her hand. Veronica answered him.
Why she did it with him. After all, he saved her from all of its problems. A year ago it tried to do Битлер. But really managed only Гладышеву.
"Strange, " thought Veronica in that little old man, it's hard to believe that this man can someone save!"
She remembered how come then in consciousness. Next was Gladyshev.
-Dima! Where are you from?! - wondered Veronica.
-I am for you! - Gladyshev said. -You are free, I paid your debt this уродинам!
-But how do you money! They asked so much! could not understand Veronica.
-You are nothing more should! - responsible Gladyshev. -Calm down! I'll take you home!-
-Dima, do you gave me such money?! Where you've taken them?! This was a fortune! Veronica couldn't believe his words.
-Yes, nonsense?! waved his hand Gladyshev.
-Nonsense?! "said Veronica. - I don't know anyone who found such money!
-Veronika! Calm down! The most important thing that you are free! - answered her Gladyshev.
-Free?! she stood up from the bed. -And I will tell you nothing should?
-No! - he shook his head.
-Why?! "said Veronica.
-Probably because I love you, Veronica! You are free! I'll take you home!
They descended from the hotel down. And nobody stopped her, no one paid attention to it, no one accompanied not окрикивал.
They walked for some time in silence, somehow aimlessly, unknown where and why. Veronica walked ahead, Gladyshev as before followed it.
"Another would now grabbed my hand! - thought to herself, Veronica. -Stopped at least! Said, "Stop! Bitch! Where are you going чиполинишь!". It angered that Gladyshev doing what nobody was able another that led her on. Like he never did, as if he was here there is nothing. No, it angered not even that! It is maddening that he appeared again in her life, and has now made what he could not even say "Thank you!" because of saying "Thank you!" it was so small as not to thank at all. And the more he did not ask. She didn't see what he will ask for more. Yes here we should not ask, but demand!!!
In silence, they walked a block and then the second, the third. Veronica wanted absolutely unclear where, bending around huge territory VDNH left. They walked along some tram tracks, crossed a road. Veronica meandering, as if she had had from the chase, some curved streets. Then appeared ahead some small duct. Not congealing длаже now in December, which floated some ducks. It was held at a semicircular bridge over it, stopped.
Ahead, there was a Park. The road directly, уходившая the hill leading to the Church. To the left of the bridge was another asphalt trail that runs on a wide parapet разделявшему channel and a square pond. Trough the pond was замезшей. Kids made it snowman. Past them on the thin ice was trodden, dark. Swollen water path. Veronica went to her, listening to down her Gladyshev.
She was embarrassed. She was so embarrassing! She suddenly found herself in a situation, when she could not resist else's will is to save her, because she wanted to release, but could not accept this salvation, because the Savior was she dislikes. Unpleasant and he was her for the most part by the fact that not behaved the way she did the other men who were not even explicitly, for example, as Битлер, but ve made it his own. After all, even the salvation of Битлера, more and more look like a bargain...
"Wait!...You that, you will not put me any conditions?! Veronica couldn't believe that it actually happens. Won't you tell me that I have to you the money?! Although I can't imagine how they can work off?! Yeah where did you get such a sum?! You actually gave them for me that kind of money?!
She sort of hinted, as if begging him for almost clear text: "Well, поведи you differently! Crucify me, I'll agree!", but he only said:
It was like a death sentence. It was worse sentence! Suddenly, everything that she had and had now been devalued! Its universal grief which she carried in his soul, become then in penny fun! As if nothing had happened! As if it was just a dream from which he woke her up! And she's somewhere in the depths of the soul отелось to the one who will save will deliver her to go to the sacrifice, just as it did Битлер!
But Gladyshev just came and freed her. He made it so simple, as if she did not suffer these two years, as if her soul not I from нестерпимых suffering! As if nothing had happened! Was just a dream!
Maybe it really was just a dream?!
But no, she now not like it was a dream! She somehow wanted to remember the suffering and even sadistically enjoy them, remembering how she was turned into a victim. But what did Gladyshev, turned those memories "zilch", in the garbage! They actually became something unworthy of existence! And so her life for those two years that just правалились in hell, was wasted!
It seemed that all her suffering and mental anguish, accompanied отсрым as chilli, contrast bodily pleasures, were in vain?
But as she could live with the fact that Gladyshev had taken her two years of life?! To remember them, had to suffer, to suffer further move from the oppression of one to another. And he just picked it up and all! As nothing was! He still took and of adult life brought her back to the carefree childhood, only that it is not making is not decreasing age, not removing from her memory of what she already knew about adult life. And it was the childhood of a stranger. Kids don much't allowed to know! And she knew!
Yes, there is! She was not a child! Now she will never be a child! She felt like a woman! Ain't a woman can become a child again?!
Learned husband cannot step over the line virginity! It opens the bouquet злачности, it is the spiritual seed of new knowledge about their bodies, which cannot be ignored! From that moment the woman feels that she is not a done deal, even if sensuality in it isn't up yet, it is only part of the being! And even the most exalted Masturbation, which sometimes she once entertained the nee, unable to stand it any longer accumulated inside in vain flame could not start the process of growing of cereal that trigger the penetration of her temple, alien and opposite the spirit of education - men. And it was not only that inside it in a physical sense penetrated the penis is you can simulate and mechanically, and she often it tried to do. The four lower bodies of the seven bodies human design: physical, etheric, astral and mental penetrated each other and merged, becoming the time in a single whole, forming links between them.
And she knows what now, if you could fix it, I would not know never! She experienced many men!
Yet do not know, this sounds enticing, then when it know it is even interesting appears каккая the passion for new, unknown. But when thrills wither, and you begin to feel more before ignored, feel stick together, схватыаются each other these bodies, forming a single unit, one organism, as it is written in the Bible and become one, then these links are broken, causing increasingly severe pain, passion эмоци1 that hard to appease and experiences which remain even longer - it becomes unbearable! You adjoin new body, with which your etheric, astral and mental body again immediately begin to form communication, trying to create a cocoon. And this cocoon soon again wants! And again becomes painful, shame, dreary. They also these bodies no idea why this is happening. They performed their life program, each time trying to сраститься with foreign bodies men.
Whether she is interested, as are experiencing the same thing others?! Most likely, no! she suspected that perhaps the design of these bodies varies among different women, and those who are prone to polygamy, she's some other, as if specially created for the many connections! Whether it is interesting that later on, on and after separation men experience she was слепляться for a moment?! No more! He just looked now at their расттрепанные for these two years, истасканные body, and could not understand whether they, in General, bounce back, recover.
And she wanted! She wanted to live these two years different! How? It is not yet invented! But even if invented, it would be in vain, because the time of return was impossible.
But Gladyshev now did something else. Now, after an intervention in its destiny entry point was equal to the exit point between them lay arc suffering and life, which did not belong to her.
And now thanks to Гладышеву arc this was in a strange ring. Behind was a smooth road of life ahead now there were no signs of trouble, and under feet, somewhere in the depths, like in hell, was this arc of a long two years, collapsed in the ring. And about the ring is now you can forget, nor was it at all.
It was like atonement, but differed from it, because of the atonement ask and pray to a higher power. And Gladyshev was earthly, common, Yes, she knew him first few years! And she could not now recognize him either God or messenger of God, исправившим her fate.
-Gladyshev! You're crazy! - she lurched went away from him, lifting a path взгорок Park.
-Where are you, Veronica?! - Gladyshev went after her in pursuit.
-Gladyshev! You said that I'm free?! Veronica couldn't believe that so he's talking to his deliverer. -Yes?!
-Yes! - he stopped, not walking towards her.
-And once I'm free, so I'm not bound by any obligations, including in front of you, understood? Veronica said things that didn't want to talk. At this time, she thought to herself, "Where you bear!", but nothing could help it. In her heart she was not a drop of никкой of gratitude, and she could not understand why. Something inside of her protested against the fact that, in the end, it really saved Gladyshev.
Even salvation, устронное Битлером faded amid what he did for her, this ugly-looking fellow, the same strange, whom she knew, inside out, which it even now, though he could buy it with guts, помыкала as a rag, and she was pleased to do, despite what he did to her that no one else had failed to do. But Битлеру Veronica was grateful. And Гладышеву - no.
-Right you are! - agreed Gladyshev.
-Well, that's all! - Veronica again went away.
Gladyshev and left to stand on a place, in the midst of the paths lined with red bricks. She stepped hundred feet, where hovered round like a pancake metro station. Then stopped herself in thought.
Feelings, the most incomprehensible swept over her, and she could not understand them. This man had saved her, pulled out of the pit of slavery, which, if it were not for him, she would be, perhaps, for life. She knew that no one is ever is nothing more valuable for she did in life. He released her freedom. Битлер failed to regain freedom. He only helped her to escape. And to him she was grateful. And Gladyshev return her freedom, and she could not find a single drop of gratitude.
Maybe because she loved Битлера and Gladysheva despised? And now, no doubt, she was in debt to him, but she couldn't accept that debt, because he demanded nothing, and from the material he turned into a debt invisible, impalpable, but more painful, moral.
But how repay him? Again bed? Sex?.. Gladyshev did not require such a calculation. Yes he could not demand, if he, as a самозванный Redeemer came and freed her, then all that he give her is freedom. Require only conquerors!
Битлер took her because he loved her. And Gladyshev release her because I loved her. But between love Битлера and love Gladysheva was such an abyss, from the gaze that she felt dizzy...
Veronica turned her head and went back. Gladyshev still stood on the site of гляда it is returned.
-Dima! What do I do to thank you? Veronica came over and took his hand. He looked at her and said nothing. -Dima?! "she asked again, looking him in the eye. -What do you think I like?
-Yes! - he answered. And I want you to be near me!
Veronica sighed:
-Dima, you saved me! And I should thank you! I should travel along the carpet in front of you, I should lick your feet but I can't! Why, you know?!
Dima just stood and looked at her. Somewhere in the depths of the soul Veronica catching the adoring look and took it. But now she was not the girl that could завибрировать as a string in the form of this view, which it would be nice that a boy so in love with her. She was now worldly woman, with all the subtle being carnal pleasures friends and foes, and this made her more Mature, older, and maybe even older, not a body - soul. And he was the same young мальчикрм. The same passionate дурашкой, which took about ten million dollars and paid for her life, not leaving himself, навнерное, nothing...
-But I don't love you! she said Veronica. -I would like you to love! The truth is the truth! I would very much like to me love you for real! But I can't! I just can't find in my soul, and sparks of love, the flame to light it, you know?!
-Who do you love?! "he asked her.
Veronica thought, see searching within yourself the answer to this question.
-I do not know, until recently, this is all I loved yourself! Unlikely, Dima, I loved someone else! In fact, I do no longer loved him! But now I am such a dirty, all истасканная! Veronica began to cry.
Dima held her to him, hugged and held her for a long time, until Veronica shook violently in his arms. She even thought it was warm and cozy, stand in the midst of a winter garden in his arms, that she for a moment forgotten. And this минуточка seemed like an eternity, such a blessed and happy, like in childhood.
Suddenly she stopped shaking and started:
-Dima! But I don't love you! - she looked intently into his eyes, like she read in them all his thoughts.
But then suddenly turned and went away.
If he now did not follow her!
She begged him that he had not followed her. Because, actually, she had no place to go, in Moscow, without money. Now, when she was free thought, sometimes visited her before that she would go home on foot, now it somehow not вхохновляла. And покапризничав still a few turns and then, she would have returned to him, said: "Dima! Forgive me, fool!" - and would have dropped to their knees before him, not because was grateful, but because we had to live on.
But Gladyshev again staggered towards her.
"Fool! - with anger выругалась Veronica. -Apparently, you have not learned to treat me as a woman!"
She stopped, and as he drew near, she said:
"Okay, " walk me to the station! I'll go ahead! Buy me a ticket! Put on the train!
He silently listened to her, ready for anything. But it all ended for him at the Kiev station. And Veronica saw that he will agree to do so! That he had, if he paid for it "mother" ten million dollars!
She took him by the hand, and led me in the subway, then referral and forty-five minutes later they were at the Kiev station.
Here, as always was kind of a crowd. Queue to the ticket office was crowded
-Go there! - she showed him to the Parking commercially taxi. -Ask Garik! He'll help you get a ticket without problems! Take me couchette car!
Gladyshev looked at her, as if someone wanted and could not ask, and Veronica replied, reading as if his thoughts:
"I'll go one! Take a ticket, встретмся here!
He sadly, no interest, resignedly went to the taxi drivers, and Veronica remained standing on the spot, trying to understand why she's such a bitch.
No, her life has taught me to be docile with men, but why is it to Gladysheva remained the same? Maybe because he still is a Гладышевым?
Half an hour later Dima found her. He was with the ticket. With one!
"God! When you learn to understand a woman!" - thought to herself, Veronica.
If Gladyshev came with two tickets in the AFTERNOON, she -- she gave him a wonderful night, and, perhaps, become forever.
But he came with the ticket in economy class! With one!
"Fool!" - evil thought Veronica.
The train started. Gladyshev was somewhere in the dark apron, beyond reality.
Train gained course. Outside the window was dark and the cold, in which floated by Moscow neighborhoods where they lived, were invisible, like ants, thousands of people, whom her fate is not interested in exactly the same way as them.
Suddenly Veronica drew a look inside yourself.
Prayer! If she now thoroughly prayed, she would have pointed the way in which it will be right to go further! But she never learned how to pray! Prayer kept her life, and she knew that prayer is not эфимерный set of words that only the key to the door, it is something living, living, strangely enough, even inside of her, the one she now cease to love and couldn't love again. She was with her always just Veronika didn't know that. Prayer was what kept its life in all debacles, it was a magic door to another fairy-tale world, deliverance from all опостылившего her, but she couldn't find her way.
Veronica knew she must somehow find the strength and love yourself again that she was now dirty and corrupted woman. And then, perhaps, her life would be different. But how was it done? Love yourself such was like to love Gladysheva! And it was not-who-can-but!
"It is strange! "she thought. Again some de жавю! As if this is not the time with me!"
Then she ordered quietly, but firmly: "Not tear his heart, Veronica!"
End. To be continued...
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