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    Computer translation from Russian (Google translate) of the author's book "In the shadow of the Trojan horse", 2016, Stav, Sderot, Israel, by using the author's version of the translation quality control algorithm. The book is devoted to answer to the rhetorical question of professor Tel-Aviv University Shlomo Sand "Who and how to come up with the Jewish people?"

Dr. Joseph Kheyfets

   Computer translation from Russian (Google translate) of the author's book "In the shadow of the Trojan horse", 2016, Stav, Sderot, Israel, using the author's version of the translation quality control algorithm.
   Jews are a special people. Not only because they were chosen by God. This chosenness contrasted them with the people of the world and became the cause of world hatred. But also because of internal pathological intolerance and even hatred within their own people. Only this can explain the emergence of "scientific work", which refutes the very existence of the Jewish people. The author of this scientific essay understood very well that the world thirsts for his creation and published it in all languages ??of the civilized world in a huge circulation. Today, every anti-Semite has the opportunity to refer to the opinion of scientific authority from the Jewish environment.

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Anti-Semites of all countries, unite!

   Having worked all the conscious life in science, daily cooperating and closely communicating, and simply living in this intellectual atmosphere, I was always amazed how coexisted among scientists primitive mediocrities and even natural morons, with talented and extraordinary personalities.
   The answer to this question was easily found in the specifics of the USSR, where science was funded by the state. That's really, "... who contain of the lady, he dances with her." All the gray mice of science, soberly assessing their complete scientific futility, joined the Communist Party and, after a short time, became scientific supervisors. Undoubtedly, as soon as the situation radically changed, the question of the complete reorganization of Russian science became. Immediately all the garbage floated to the surface and began to defend its conquests. As a result, science completely collapsed. There was nothing left of the "great" Soviet science. I wrote about this repeatedly, hoping that the RAS reform will be carried out seriously and to the end. [2]
   Imagine my surprise when, with the same ignoramuses from science, I encountered in the Western world and, in particular, in Israel. This is the professor of the Tel Aviv University Shlomo Sand and his acclaimed book "Who and how he invented the Jewish people" [3]. This ignoramus, recognized by the whole civilized world, first appeared to the author of this book in an exclusive interview to Eli Finberg [4].
     Getting acquainted with this interview, the author was shocked by his answer to the question of the interviewer:
   Question of Eli Finberg - The forefather Abraham existed?
     Answer Shlomo Sand - According to available data, he could not exist! And not only because he lived 120 years, at a time when all people barely lived to be thirty. I write about this in the book. Beautifully written stories about Abraham and camels do not correspond to reality. Then simply there were no camels, they were tamed much later ....
   Further delve into the exposition of the scientific position of this "scientist" no longer made sense. Before issuing such a statement in airtime, it is recommended that you at least glance at the Internet, rather than hack it off, illustrating your own ignorance.
        I'll start with camels. Archaeologists consider the domestication of Arabian single-horned camels to around 7100-7200 BC [5,6]. That is, about 5000 years before the birth of our forefather Abraham, whose existence Sand unequivocally denies.
     Appealing to the age of Abraham, the author of the opus again admits a gross error. Abraham lived not 120, but 175 years. The 120 years mentioned by him are not just the age of wishes for Jewish heroes, but the life span of Moshe (Moses). Comparison of the life expectancy of the forefathers with their offspring (30-year-olds) is inadmissible and used, apparently, as a contrast for the "persuasion" of an unprepared viewer.
   Three gross errors, unworthy of a self-respecting scholar and shocking his university students, who listen to lectures of a venerable historian, which I wrote in the article [7].
        But time passed. The world reveled in the revelation of the radical left-wing Jew, without mentioning his political bias. The book was translated from Hebrew into French (2008), English (2009), into Russian (2010), German (2010). In a subsequent interview, Sh. Sand mentioned that the total circulation of the book exceeded 8 million copies, which testifies to the huge army of anti-Semitic intellectuals in the world.
       To ignore this solemn international parade, marching in one multimillion-dollar series with the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" and "Mein Kampf", based only on the three mentioned blunders, it would be incorrect, and I went into reading the Russian-language original of the book. The expectation did not deceive me. The author of the opus juggles with the opinions of numerous unanimous people who are not indifferent to the Jewish theme, nothing more. My opinion on the book was reflected in the article "Anti-Sand. The historical balancing act of Shlomo Sand "[8]
   The author is forced to emphasize his own opinion that one can debate for as long as you like about literary balancing (history does not smell there), but as long as there are insoluble contradictions between science and religion, no one will be able to prove the truth of his position. Realizing this, and not having fundamental knowledge in history, archeology and a number of other related humanities, I decided to limit myself to the mathematical analysis of the main source on which the historical science is based, on the Torah, to which I dedicate this book.

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   Such an analysis became possible due to the wisdom and talent of the engineer, the Bible philologist, historian, methodologist and popularizer of the Bible Eliezer Shulman (1926-2006). His mathematical calculations and constructions made it possible to create a completely new, graphic interpretation of the Torah, whose slenderness and visibility shocks the imagination and excludes any doubts about the accidents and mistakes in the Pentateuch. [9, 10].
      The book presented to the reader is based not only on the calculations and graphical constructions of Eliezer Shulman, but also on ideas born in the interpretation of his mathematical constructions.

Where to seek of God?

   Despite the fact that I spent three pre-war years with my grandfather and grandmother in the Jewish shtetl of Belogorodka (Kamenetz-Podolsky region, now Khmelnytsky), children's memory did not retain any trace of contact with the national tradition in my family. All subsequent years I was made of a typical Soviet man who was ready to build world communism on the planet Earth. But, in 1946, an event occurred that introduced a kind of imbalance in this well-established process of fooling a 10-year-old children. From the eastern and northern regions of the country, Polish Jews began to arrive in my hometown of Kiev, returning home, in order to further move to Palestine. All of them were to make a transplant in Kiev, which, at that time, was a very difficult task.
   My father, who worked as an accountant in the railway catering, was the legendary assistant who provided returning Jewish refugees with tickets for the Warsaw and Vienna lines. Well-established, among the returning Jews, oral mail worked smoothly and reliably. But the established process of transplanting to the necessary train was violated on Fridays and Saturdays. Exhausted by a difficult road, people gathered in a crowded railway station, unable to rest or meet the Sabbath properly.
   Here to they were rushed to aid jews, who invited visitors to the his apartments. The task of the neighborhood teenagers was to lead guests to the "secret" prayer house on Solomenka, near the bazaar (market). It was not an easy task, as Solomenka hooligans were always on the alert, ready to deal with the lonely coevals who were not careful. But our guests were not from a timid dozen and this gave all of us determination and impudence.
   In the evenings, all neighbors and guests converged in our courtyard, in order to discuss in a narrow circle the latest Jewish news, prospects and events unknown to most of the local Jews who accompanied the our guests in the Siberian outback. The conversation was in Yiddish and we listened attentively, trying to understand everything and not to miss anything. In these gatherings, the first ideas about a certain, unknown to none of us, God (Goth), about such concepts as Torah (Toyre), Palestine, were formed. Understand what they are talking about, of course, we are could not, and the district and city libraries fought off with mean phrases about the lack of such literature in the funds.
   As you know, the forbidden fruit is sweet. And the manifested adolescent interest was preserved in our brains turned over by socialist ideology, for life. Of course, there was interest, but the distorted perception of the world perceived a priori God as a mythological hero, who was being duped by the stupid world in order to distract them from the only true materialistic worldview
   In the mid of 1970s, when I got the first car and became addicted to annual trips to the Baltic States, Leningrad and Pskov, the author used every opportunity to satisfy his curiosity visiting orthodox churches, catolic churches and monasteries, and for the first time mastered literary interpretations of the legends of the Old and New Testaments. Never bypassed a single synagogue, even the former, turned into economic warehouses.

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   Around the beginning of the 1980s in one of these trips in Druskininkai I met with Professor Moisey Solomon Belenky (1910-1996) and stayed for a few days on a forest campsite, in order to communicate with him more closely. This wise man, officially propagandizing atheism, has radically changed my attitude to religion, calling by barbarity thoughtfully and critically on the atheism preached by the state and materialism. For all my life I remembered his words: never you don't trust anyone, take everything absolutely critical, even what you read in my books. At this time Belenky was carried away by the Qumran scrolls and "af benemunes" (strictly between us) generously shared his findings and thoughts. He was so carried away by this work that at official lectures for holidaymakers, contrary to all that he wrote in his atheistic writings, he reported on the reality of the existence of the Christian community and Jesus Christ1.
   Footnote 1
   The question of the existence of the historical prototype of the evangelical image of Jesus Christ was based on the "testimony of Josephus Flavius" and is an excerpt from his book "Judean Antiquities" (90 CE): "About this time, Jesus lived, a wise man, if it can generally be called a man. He accomplished amazing deeds and became the mentor of those people who readily accepted the truth. He attracted many Jews and Hellenes to himself. That was Christ. At the insistence of influential people, Pilate sentenced him to a crucifixion. But those who used to love him, did not stop loving him now. On the third day he appeared to them again alive, as the inspired prophets announced about him and about many other miracles of him. Until now, there are so-called Christians who call themselves in this way on his behalf "
   Anti-religious propaganda claimed that this text of the Greek manuscript is not original, but edited at the turn of the 3rd and 4th centuries by some copyist in accordance with Christian doctrine.
   In the late 70's, my first official business trips abroad began, with which I used to learn more about Jewish religious traditions. But this interest never grew into a need to plunge into the bosom of religion. The soviet system over my worldview worked too well.
   After the repatriation to Israel, the unlimited opportunities that were opened up were blocked by the need to earn a living by daily bread. As one of the ways of getting work done, my articles on the Jewish diaspora of the world in Krugozor (overview) weekly (an appendix to the newspaper "News of the Week"). After changing the editorial board of the newspaper and close the newspaper, interest in interrupted work grew into the need to create the "Thematic Jewish Encyclopedia of Joseph Kheyfets" (electronic version). It is quite natural that other themes, including religion, followed the Jewish diasporas of the world. This was, perhaps, the most difficult section for a non-religious person who wants to inform his reader non-viciously and accurately what is clear and understandable for a religious Jew.
   Work on the encyclopedia, quite unexpectedly, pushed to a number of interesting discoveries. Thus, in particular, when forming the section "The Jewish Diaspora of Korea," I decided to unite the two Koreas into one. I combined the maps of the two Koreas and began to compile a summary table for each of the parts of the country. Area, population size, national composition, religion, etc. Surprises began with the national composition of the country's population. It turned out that both Koreans are mono-national (!). The only mono-national country in the world, it would seem, should be approximately uniform in other indicators2. And indeed, the Jewish diaspora was not in the south or in the north. But in South Korea there were American troops, which included quite a lot of Jews who strictly observed Jewish traditions. For them, synagogues, kosher dining rooms and rest areas were built.
        With the next surprise it was necessary to collide in the section - religion.

   South, (%)
   North, (%)
   Local religion

   In South Korea, only 2% of non-religious (not observing regularly religious traditions), and in the north of those 56% (more than half the population). 16% of atheists are added to such a huge number of non-religious in the north. A tremendous difference for a mono-national people, relatively recently residing in a single state.
   Footnote 2
   During the work on the encyclopedia, Wikipedia and other electronic encyclopedias were not yet available. Replicated on an electronic medium (CD) only Encarta (USA). It is on the materials of Encarta-95 that the table is formed.
   After this anomaly, quite naturally, the desire arises to analyze the rest of the world. I am sure that the reader has already foreseen the result. Atheists turned out to be the prerogative of only a few countries of the former USSR (Russia-5%, Belarus-9%, Ukraine and Moldova-4%, Kazakhstan and Estonia - 11%, Georgia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan - 2-3%) and countries of the socialist camp (the aforementioned North Korea - 16% and Mongolia-9%). In other countries there was a fluctuation in the number of non-religious, but atheists turned out to be so small that they fit in the column "Others" and did not stand out as an independent group. Really, there was something to think about. In the years that followed, I was already trying not to lose sight of the statistics of the change in religiosity in the world.
          In 2005, the British Encyclopedia reported that the number of non-religious in the world is 11.9%, and atheists - 2.3%.
          In 2006, the Financial Times ranked the USA with the lowest number of atheists - 4%, Italy - 7% and Spain - 11%.
          In 2007, the most atheistic countries were Sweden (45-85%), Vietnam 81%, Denmark (43-80%), Norway (31-72%), Japan (64-65%), Finland (28-60 %), France (43-54%). Most likely, these data unite non-religious and atheists.
          Polls VTsIOM showed that in 2007 in 6 regions of Russia 6% of the population were considered atheists as atheists, and 8% as indifferent (non-religious).
           According to the Levada Center in 2007, the number of non-believers (the center's formulation) in Russia was 23%.
   No matter how different the above survey data, there is a significant tendency to increase the number of non-religious population in the civilized world. But, according to the author's observation, this non-religiousness has nothing to do with our ideas about atheism, which we still have to talk about below. The most important thing that illustrates the analysis is the gap in the worldview and the self-reevaluation of a society artificially created in the Soviet country and settled throughout the civilized world at the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st century.
         But let us return to the author's search for his own worldview. Realizing what kind of culture my generation counterposes to the world and having convinced myself of the correctness of own search for a "personal" (own) God, the author chose to classify himself as non-religious, as the category of "seekers" does not exist.
       As a representative of the scientific world, accustomed to seek strong evidence for any phenomena and laws of the objective world, I went into the terminology.
   Judaism uniquely identifies God as an impersonal, existing everywhere, always and in everything. It is difficult to understand, but one of my former compatriots involuntarily opened the veil over this mystery.
       With a view to penetrating deeper into the unfamiliar world, I attended Boris Kaminsky's courses in the Beer Sheva Club "Moreshet" for a year. One day, when I came back from courses with one of the listeners, I heard from him: "... you know, I really believe in God." It became clear that he did not convince to me, but himself. Immediately flashed a memory of the warning of M.S. Belenky - "... never believe anything ...". And I, having offended, apparently, my companion, advised him not to believe, but to live according to the covenants of the Creator. At the same time, I was surprised at the revealed awareness of reality, in which no orthodox Jew ever convinced me to believe in the reality of God. Orthodox Jews do not believe, but KNOWs that God "lives" absolutely in everything, and their lives are verified according to His laws.
   But, I repeat, the author is just a non-religious Soviet Jew, accustomed to the profession to check everything, and to question. Therefore, he always and everywhere seeks confirmation of his perception of Divinity. I accept the version of Akiva Tatz: "... Nature is no longer an instrument and not a continuation of the Creator, it is the direct manifestation of Almighty Gd." [11]. But this is not enough for me. The search for the unknown led me to the interpretation of God by the wise Rabbi Moshe Haim Lutsatto, who devoted a whole chapter to the description of God [12]. His description of God gives a more detailed idea of ??the qualitative characteristics of the Creator, as if leaving a place for fantasy and leading to a completely different dimension. According to the principles of a typical homo sovieticus, we all want to see the face of God in three, accessible, spatial coordinates. Or, in extreme cases, in two coordinates on the plane, as suggested by Orthodoxy, fixed on icons. And at that moment came the insight.
   What is a living organism (person) that appears to our review? This is a short-term form that changes regularly. From photographs we can see how a person changes in time. After 10-15 years we are faced with a completely unfamiliar subject, with whom we are forced to get acquainted with the new. Along with this, there is something that really exists and determines our behavior, memory, accumulated knowledge, skills that define the inner world, but never open until a person opens his mouth, does not materialize it in words, in letters, in memories, in his worldview, in the sphere of interests, preferences and activities. Everything that does not materialize instantly disappears with the departure of a person from our material world. It turns out that most of each of us is hidden in a different spatial dimension, different from the usual three-dimensional space. It is purely mathematically possible to define this something by the fourth spatial dimension, and, possibly, the fifth one. Is it not more correct to seek the Divine in the intangible concept of "soul"?
   From the position of the three-dimensional space in which we survey our world, the soul (Neshama in man, nefesh in animals) is in the fourth spatial dimension, which is now inaccessible to our sensory view. Just about the same as our thoughts, knowledge, dreams, implicitly embodied by words, conventional signs and descriptions, but invisible and not tangible by outsiders, even people closest to us. This fourth spatial dimension is the very "place" that is perfectly acceptable for the identification of the divine presence.
          In principle, this could complete this section, about finding my God. At the end of my life, I finally found the answer for myself where the Creator lives. Not in heaven, not on another planet, but in me, in my children, grandchildren and in each of my surroundings. From these positions, it is possible to extrapolate the Divine presence during the Big Bang.
   Above, the author promised to explain why it is unacceptable and incomprehensible for our countries (Americans, Europeans) to regard our (post-Soviet) attitude to religion, which we believe or do not believe.
        The noun "faith" in Russian is synonymous with religion and, in parallel, by some kind of irrational sense of trust, from which the verb form "believe" occurs, which also binds to the faith-religion. But, in English, Hebrew and other languages, there is no such connection. Believe - translate how to trust - believe. ?????. And faith, as a religion, is translated as denomination, ?????, religious - religious, ???. Therefore, the very formulation of the question - do you believe in God? - for the majority of Western intellectuals it is incomprehensible (even computer translation is not able to properly state the semantic essence of confusion, passing to the correct phrase). In addition, such a statement of the question is unethical, since it is equivalent to invading his intimate world, which is equivalent to asking about his earnings, illnesses, predilections, recognizing whom he trusts and who does not.
         Secondly, the relationship of citizens of the Western world with God, so intimate, that it is simply indecent about it to cope with strangers. They simply do not understand such a statement of the question. Therefore, it is only indirectly possible to judge people's relationship with God.
   I will give just a few very illustrative examples.
   In 1982, the author had to stay for a few days in Kosice (then Czechoslovakia). The hotel was located next to the famous Catholic Cathedral of St. Elizabeth of Hungary, in which I happily spent time waiting, watching the service, for the sculptural decorations of this Gothic architecture miracle. I watched standing at the entrance, so as not to disturb visitors. Next to me, kneeling down so as not to disturb anyone, a young fellow-student prayed, judging by the suitcase beside him, the tube for the drawings and drawing flight. In the evening, and the next morning, the picture did not change, as if the kid had grown to a place and did not go anywhere in between services. One day, after learning that they would send a car for me in the morning, I decided to talk with the student (it is benefit that the Slovak language is very similar to Ukrainian). We went out with him and the guy told us that he had not visited the cathedral for many years, as he had left childhood, when he accompanied his parents to the pray. But, the other day mothers have to do a complicated operation and he came to pray for the help of the Virgin Mary. Doctors, of course, know their business, but for support there is an opportunity to address the Virgin Mary. If everything goes well and the operation goes smoothly, he will fix a thank-you message on a small marble tile next to the sculpture of the Virgin Mary
   The next morning, before left, I went to the cathedral to see what the guy meant. The whole wall in the nave of the Virgin Mary was hung with the aforementioned messages, of which my interlocutor yesterday spoke.
        I remember one more case in Kansas City (USA). I was visiting my brother when a reminder from the conservative synagogue arrived, about the anniversary of our mother's death with an invitation to take part in the memorial prayer. My brother and I came to the synagogue. Next to us prayed two elderly women (in a conservative synagogue, men and women pray in one room). I enjoyed reading the adapted text in Hebrew, quite successfully after the cantor. Lateral vision noticed that while I was deepening into the prayer book, my neighbors were singing along with the cantor and the choir, without looking into the prayer book. At the end of the service, we asked the women how often they visit the synagogue, to learn the chants by heart. The answer was overwhelming. As often as you, on holidays and on memorial days. And they are familiar with prayers, since they visited the synagogue on holidays from childhood.
   There are infinitely many such examples. Everyone determines the degree of following religious laws and traditions. Only we, the Soviet geeks, did not serve God, but the party and the government, and can not remember anything except solemn marches and slogans.
   All of this I remembered when, one day, in the night program of the "Roundtable" V.Pozner, I saw the main scientific apologist for atheism in Russia, the famous scientist, Nobel Prize winner in 2003, Vitaly Lazar Ginzburg. After awarding the Nobel Prize, the TV commentators did not miss an opportunity to invite a venerable scientist to their shows. So Academician Ginzburg was at the same table with a posing atheist, or rather, with the actor-atheist Vladimir Pozner. I do not remember what kind of problem they were discussing, but the discussion of the round table participants periodically reached a high level when it came to religiousness. At one of these moments, at the very end of the program, Vitaly L. Ginzburg got up from the table and, addressing one of the participants, publicly announced to the entire television world - "I was and remain an atheist." For me this statement was not unexpected, as I had long been following his numerous anti-religious articles. But the pride that was heard in that cry was cut off. Neither a drop of doubt in his own infallibility, which is not peculiar to high science, not to mention the greatness of man, is not like Pozner.
   Find the e-mail address of Ginzburg on the website of the RAS, I did not have any problem. The next day I sent him a large letter, in which the question of faith in God was not touched at all. Introducing himself as a non-religious, upbringing, shy term "atheist", and not denying his right to be an atheist, expressed doubt that it makes sense to be proud of it. Scientists, especially so important and respected, should always keep a place for doubt in their absolute rightness. Regardless of whether it concerns science, or everyday life.
   I did not count on an answer. Imagine my surprise when mutual correspondence began. After the mentioned emotional outburst in front of the television camera, Vitaly L. Ginzburg himself felt that he went too far. And then my letter, pour oil into the fire. I will repeat, to emphasize. We did not discuss the question of the divine presence. They shared doubts as to how much they were familiar with the Bible in order to objectively assess its inconsistencies with science. It was then that a self-critical phrase flashed through his letter, based on the traditional Soviet ideological dogma "... I did not read, but I know" and the agreement that atheism is a completely inappropriate word is akin to a diagnosis.
   All of the foregoing characterizes, to some extent, my relationship with religion, and the desire to understand the religious part of society. Devoting most of life to science, its methods of research, the scientist is absolutely unacceptable to have a biased attitude to the object of research. This is the main error of the position of Professor Shlomo Sand. Having shoveled a huge volume of literature, he began to sort it out according to the pre-set task, extracting certain phrases and theses to justify his own political platform. This dishonorability is all the more disgraceful, which is the basis for allegedly scientific development. Moreover, Sh. Sand was perfectly aware that the whole world expects from him exactly such a result and will accept it "to Hooray!". Opposing such a study is like spitting against the wind. For this very reason, I, as an author, should not fight Sand, especially since all his proofs are based on literary references, but give an objective assessment of the original source, which he refutes. It is completely pointless to argue on Sand's separate theses, especially since he already did it [8]. Therefore, all subsequent calculations will be devoted to the analysis of the most problematic sections of the Bible.

The Jewish calendar.

          All the narration of the Holy Scriptures is based on the Jewish calendar, leading the chronology from the Creation of the World. The difference between the Jewish calendar (it is also the official calendar of Israel and the Gregorian (international) is 3,760 years old.
          The beginning of the historical period of mankind (the Creation of the World) corresponds to the end of the sixth day of Creation (on the eve of the Sabbath), when Adam and Eve were expelled from Paradise and, thus, opened the beginning of the historical period.
      The New Era began after 3760 years plus 8 days (circumcision and the name of Jesus Christ) starting from the Nativity of Christ.
         It is important to emphasize once again that this is not about the beginning of the Creation of the World, or even about the Creation of Man (which will be discussed in more detail later), but about the beginning of the historical period of mankind. The historical period in which we live today, in 5778.

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   From the point of view of the problem we are considering, the main milestone of this historical period is the donation of the Torah to the Jewish people.

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   According to Eliezer Shulman's calculations, this event occurred in 2448 from the Creation of the World, or in 1312 until the New Era. Long before the birth of Pythagoras, G. Galileo and J. Bruno. For people of this ancient period, according to modern scientific ideas, the Earth was flat, covered with a celestial dome with stars. In other words, to imagine that such a perfect creation of culture as the Torah (the Old Testament) was created by some talented representatives of the human race is unlikely. Even if we assume that several people took part in the writing, having spent several hundred years to do this, it would be absolutely impossible to avoid the appearance of a mass of blunders and inconsistencies. Modern science, accepting and understanding all the inconsistencies and contradictions, must take into account the time factor and accompany each discrepancy with the appropriate reservations.
   Approximately such a picture is observed today when examining a well-known monument of the literature of Ancient Rus "The Lay of Igor's Host ..." 3, created about 2,5 thousand years after the gift of the Torah. At the heart of the plot of "The Words ..." the unsuccessful campaign of the Slavic squad for the Polovtsians, undertaken by Novgorod-the-northern Prince Igor Svyatoslavich in 1185. "The word ..." was written, presumably, at the end of the 12th century, shortly after the event described in it. The tragic end of this three-day hike is no less tragic than the fate of the relatively small literary work itself. Historians and literary critics are faced with continuous mistakes, contradictions and inconsistencies [13]. For specialists, this is not surprising. It can not be written by one or several people, the narrative reflects the reality without the subjective raid of each of the participants in the writing.
   Footnote 3
   The mass of contradictory overlays in "The Word about the Campaign of Igor, Igor, Son of Svyatoslav, the Grandson of Oleg", dated 1185 AD and dedicated to describing one three-day trek, scientists explain "... extracts from the deceased manuscript, AF Malinovsky and N. M. Karamzin, with remarks about some other readings of the original in comparison with the text prepared for the publication of 1800 (the so-called papers of Malinovsky, partly described by E. V. Barsov in his work on the Word about Igor's Regiment, another translation, with notes on the manuscript Imperial public library, is described in the "Report of the Imperial Publications of the Bible, for 1889", St. Petersburg, 1893, pp. 143-144). RO Yakobson pointed out that the extracts of Malinovsky and Karamzin are of little importance for the reconstruction of the Musin-Pushkin manuscript. The early translation of the "Word" is also important, as it was not done with the above-mentioned copy. "The history of the dispute about the authenticity of the" Lay of Igor's Campaign ": Discussion materials of the 1960s / Introduction. article, comp., comment. L. V. Sokolova. St. Petersburg .: Pushkin House, 2010. 791 p.
   A similar picture is observed in the analysis of a huge number of literary memories and documents about the history of the Great Patriotic War, which brought an incredible rage in the overall picture, and turned the closest story to an implausible myth where practically all facts contradict each other.
   It is quite natural that under the condition of the handmade of the Torah, it would be almost impossible to edit and recreate it in the form in which it is represented today in printed publications and in manuscript scrolls, 33 centuries after the Torah was presented by God to the Jews.
        Let me remind the uninitiated that the copyists of the Torah are required to undergo a special training course. In the process of work and after its completion the Scroll is repeatedly checked and rejected at the slightest blots, not to mention mistakes. The scrupulousness and absolute accuracy of the reproduction made it possible to preserve the uniqueness of the Torah and to allow mathematicians to open the so-called Biblical codes contained in the text. First and foremost, we are talking about gimatria [14], not to mention other new methods of research. The uniqueness of the text is so much respected that each line is standardized and marked with its number, we know how many letters in each line and how many letters in the Pentateuch. Only because of this, mathematicians periodically develop new methods of mathematical analysis. Using matrix analysis, former Soviet mathematicians V. Manevich and A. Sapozhnikov created the vector gematria of the Torah [15].

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   Those who wish to become acquainted with these methods of study of the Torah can learn more about the articles themselves. It seems to the author more rational to check the Biblical legends on conformity to modern scientific representations about our world.
         I repeat, we are not talking about an attempt to reduce science and religion to a common opinion, which nobody could do. Our goal is to try to assess the reality and the possibility of a scientific justification of the Biblical legends about the inconsistency of which is unfounded (!) declares to the world Shlomo Sand.

World Creation

   Is it possible to consider the first chapter of the Torah Bereishit (Genesis) as a record of events that actually took place in the past? Trying to answer this question, both scientists and religious authorities are moving away from the clearly and strictly formulated canonical text of the Torah: "... and there was an evening and there was a morning: one day ..., the second ....", etc. Not just the ordinal number of the day, and its clear restriction is an evening that the Jews consider to be the end of the day, and the morning, but the next day. On the moon, for example, there is no change of days. On most planets, where there is an alternation of light and dark periods, there is no evening and no morning, since there is no atmosphere and a smooth transition from one day to another (changing day and night on celestial bodies that do not have an atmosphere can be compared with a car entering the tunnel , and then leaving it). Even on our planet, the definitions of the evening and the morning are rather conditional, since they depend on the latitude coordinate of a particular place (the angle between the local direction of the zenith and the plane of the equator). In any case, evening and morning, are purely earthly categories.
      Why does everyone, irrespective of religion and language of communication, in determining the days of Creation, refer them to the point of the Big Bang? Most likely, due to the recognition of the omnipresence of God in time and space. That's why everyone rushed to draw the days of Creation from the beginning of the Big Bang.
   Professor of Cambridge University Stephen Hawking: "The moment of the creation of the world as such lies outside the limits of the currently known laws of physics" [16].
        Professor of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Alan Guth and professor of the University of Pennsylvania Paul Steinhardt: "The moment of creation of the world still has no explanation" [17].
      But the names of two recently published scientific works on cosmology: "The Creation of the World" [18] and "The Moment of the Creation of the World" [19] and, finally, the article published recently in one of the world's leading journals in physics, is entitled "Creation of the World from nothing "[20].

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   In all this discordance, in the opinion of the author, the most professional books attempt to answer the books of Dr. Pinchas Polonsky [21] and Dr. Nathan Avijzer "At the beginning: Creation and Science" [22]. However, the specifics in their attempt to substitute concepts (the world is created by the old?) Of the real scientist can not satisfy, since they replace the Creation of the World, the creation of an adult man (Adam), ready for the extension of the genus.
       For the same reason, the author can not accept a position VF Turchin, which offers Polonsky as one of the options [23].
     In referring the beginning of the Creation to the Big Bang, serious questions arise in the qualification of the epoch of singularity, which from the mathematical point of view tends to infinity. Ilya Prigogine believed that the Big Bang was preceded by an "arrow (vector J.Kh) of time", etc. (See site)
       Nevertheless, the Israeli scholar Gerald Schroeder even calculated what corresponds to each of the six days of Creation [24]
        In the 21st century, these searches were led by the theoretical physicist from Oxford University Roger Penrose and Armenian scientist Vakha Gurzadyan [25], from the Yerevan Physical Institute, to finding traces of events in the microwave background of the universe before the Big Bang. This means that time has no definite beginning, and it is not at all pointless to talk about events preceding the birth of the universe. It is a matter of relic radiation that permeates the entire modern universe and at the same time bears a kind of "mold" of our world, as it was 300-400 thousand years after birth. Scientists are not alone in their discoveries. The existence of this relict radiation was predicted in 1948 by Georgy Gamow, and experimentally confirmed in 1965 by Arno Penzias and Robert Woodrow Wilson of Bell Telephone Laboratories, and Dr. Abhay Ashtekar from the University of Pennsylvania, using the quantum theory of gravity, managed to model the evolution of the universe to The Big Bang. [26]
   In accordance with the opinion of R. Penrose, Our Universe is only one of the stages in an endless series of universes, generated by large explosions. The joint work of these scientists has a chance to become a fundamental discovery, but then a problem arises where to shift the Biblical point of the beginning of the Creation of the World.
         Or maybe it does not make sense to take that or another position, but is it more expedient to go from the opposite? Having found several scientifically verifiable schemes, try to coordinate them with scientific and religious authorities. However, this position is proposed by P. Polonsky as one of the options: it is necessary "... to put the question like this:" What are my reasons, arguments, reasons (but in no case proof!), Due to which I would like to choose one or another point of view? "[21]
   A group of scientists-repatriant from the former USSR, among whom was the author of the book, after a long discussion found it proper to adhere strictly to the canonical text of the Bible, where every day of Creation is limited by the evening of each day, and proceed from the fact that the Torah deals with the creation of the Earth and life on our planet, and every day of Creation corresponds to one turnover of our planet around its axis. Thus, the total duration of the six days of Creation is 4.6 billion years.
        Taking the origin of the planet Earth as a frame, we have an opportunity to assess how well-known scientific theories of the formation of the Earth are joined with biblical legends.

Six Days of Creation

   Science put forward two theories of the origin of the Earth: the theory of condensation and fusion of sun fragments (Buffon, Kant) and the cold theory.

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   In the opinion of the authors of the theory of condensation and fusion of fragments, the hot and molten mass of the Sun, collided with a comet that touched its surface, received an impulse in an indirect direction. This was the reason that the torn piece of it was thrown back into space and divided into several parts. These parts also formed planets that continued their circular motions around the Sun under the influence of a double, centrifugal and centripetal force in the direction given to them by the first blow, i.e. in the plane of the ecliptic. Due to the gradual lowering of the internal heat, the Earth must reach a state of complete cooling at a certain time; the liquid mass must be finally frozen, and the air, more and more condensed, ends up disappearing completely. Lowering the temperature, making life impossible, will lead to a decrease, and then to the complete destruction of all organic life. Cooling, starting from the poles, will gradually spread to the whole Earth, right up to the equator.
   Such, according to Buffon, is the present position of the moon; it is smaller than the Earth and has now become a world extinct, from which life is excluded forever. The Sun itself will eventually suffer the same fate. According to Buffon's calculations, the Earth has reached the present state for 74,000 years, and in 93,000 years the end of the existence of all organized Nature will come to an end.
   Another theory, the formation of the Earth due to the condensation of cosmic matter, is the most common in science at the present time because it is best supported by observations, resolves more questions and more than others relies on the great principle of world unity. This theory is based on the nebular theory formulated in 1796 by P. Laplace, according to which the sequence of events in the formation of the solar system follows from the primary gas-dust cloud (the nebula in the Latin "nebula"), which arose as a result of the concentration of the scattered interstellar matter under the action of mutual attraction its particles (in accordance with the law of universal gravitation). Nebula is not an ideal ball, and its edges - simply by the theory of probability - are at an unequal distance from the nearest nebula (or star), and therefore attract one with an unequal force (which, as we recall, is inversely proportional to the square of the distance). This disequilibrium is sufficient for our nebula to receive a primary impulse, which will give it a rotational motion, albeit extremely weak. As soon as the nebula begins to rotate around its axis, gravity appears in it (as in a spaceship, which is specifically "untwisted" to counteract zero-gravity). Under the influence of gravity, the nebula is compressed - i.e. its radius decreases. As a result, the huge gas sphere will rotate faster and faster, working as a centrifuge: under the influence of centrifugal force its equator swells, giving the ball the shape of an increasingly flattened ellipsoid. Then comes the moment when the ever increasing centrifugal force at the equator balances the force of attraction, and from it (the equator) begins to peel off the ring, and then, as the nebula further compresses, more and more. The substance of these rotating rings starts under the action of mutual attraction of its particles to condense into planets, from which, in turn, their satellites are torn off.

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   According to Laplace's theory, the Earth was originally cold. The same theory was held by Academician A.P. Vinogradov, according to which the protozoic cloud gradually thickened and self-heating. The source of necessary energy was the processes of radioactive decay and condensation of the primary matter of the planet.
      Based on the above principles and analogies, our contemporary and compatriot Dr. Israel Gil (1916-2011), a former employee of the Moscow Power Engineering Institute (MEI), who lived in Rishon Lezion, compiled an algorithm for spinning the Earth around its axis and calculated the duration of each of the six days of Creation.

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   Imagine the word directly to the author of the algorithm and calculation to Dr. Israel Gil 4:
   Footnote 4
   By agreement with the author of the algorithm and calculation, Israel Gil, the section prepared by him for publication should be published in the form in which he was handed over to the author, without corrections and additions.

Biblical Chronology

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   The Earth's age is 4.6 billion years. At the initial stage, the temperature on the Earth's surface was high enough for the water to be in the vapor state. Gradually, the Earth's temperature decreased, condensation of water vapor occurred, and then cooling it and the entire surface of the planet. 750 million years ago, the Earth was covered with a hundred-meter layer of ice, and its temperature was approaching 30 degrees below zero Celsius. Approximately 530 million years ago there was a so-called "Cambrian explosion" - a rapid and simultaneous occurrence of marine fauna and many new species. Then for the first time in history multicellular organisms appeared, and this occurrence was sudden, that is, the explosion was not preceded by a prolonged accumulation of gradual changes and complications. The search for the causes of the "Cambrian explosion" on the basis of evolutionary theory has been conducted by scientists for more than one hundred and fifty years. Science gave rise to many witty conjectures, but none of them gave an exhaustive explanation of the phenomenon under study.
   From geology it is known that 245 million years ago there was a Permian catastrophe, when in a relatively short time about 95 percent of all the existing fauna died. 195 million years ago, in the Jurassic period, the first animals - early dinosaurs - appeared on Earth. 65 million years ago there was a massive and rapid extinction of dinosaurs. In biblical times, the green cover of the Earth expanded and its subsequent death occurred.
             As in biblical times and in our days, the duration of a day is determined by the time of the complete revolution of the Earth around its axis. My main (I. Gil) assumption of biblical time is that the rotation of the Earth around its axis in those years began at zero speed, gradually increasing, and therefore the duration of each of the six revolutions of the Earth around its axis (or, accordingly, days) has appeared in millions or even in billions times more than duration of day of the present time. The total duration of all six biblical days of creation corresponds to the age of the Earth and is 4.6 billion years. Science established that about 530 million years ago there was a "Cambrian explosion" when suddenly the simultaneous emergence of many multicellular species of marine fauna occurred. According to the Bible, this phenomenon took place on the fifth day of creation. Thus, it can be assumed that the fifth day of creation began about 530 million years ago. Similarly, it can be assumed that the sixth day of creation began approximately 195 million years ago, when, according to geology, the first animals - the early dinosaurs - appeared on Earth. Accordingly, the duration of the fifth day of creation is 335 million years (530-195), and the duration of the sixth day of creation is 195 million years.
    Calculation of the duration of the first four days of creation was made using elements of higher mathematics. (for brevity, it is omitted). I note that in the first four days of creation, under the influence of a constant external torque, the Earth began to untwist from zero speed and then equally well-accelerated.
         I will note one more important circumstance. According to the Bible, after the end of the sixth day, God stopped all activities. Within the framework of the developed concept, this circumstance is interpreted as the cessation of the effect of an external moment on the rotation of the Earth around its axis. With the end of the sixth day, the Earth began to rotate at a constant angular velocity - 1 revolution in 24 hours. Thus, the duration of the six days of creation is distributed as follows:

(in million years)  
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   The days of Creation according to I. Gil (brown field) the author (J.Kh.) applied to Geochronology and Biochronology (see the tabs), highlighting the six days of Creation (J.Kh) Creation Days by G. Schroeder were taken from [24]
   (Continuation of I.Gil's text). Now I will focus on how the gradual increase in the Earth's rotation speed around its axis affected the formation of our planet in biblical times. Due to the slow, though increasing, rotation of the Earth around the axis, a significant part of the earth's surface, together with the seas, was for a long time (many millions of years) on the side illuminated by the Sun, and the other part on the side not illuminated by the Sun.
   At the same time, due to the passage of sunlight incident on the Earth through a thick layer of cloud cover, above the celestial vault on the illuminated side of the Earth, favorable climatic conditions developed for the intensive growth of the green cover, and in seawater for the rapid growth of fauna. At this time, on the other side of the Earth, not warmed by the Sun, the temperature is extremely low, the surface of the planet with the seas was covered with a layer of ice and snow, that is, there was an ice age. With the slow rotation of the Earth around its axis, there was a transition of the Earth's parts, illuminated by the sun, to the shady side, and a glacial covering arose on them. At the same time on the other side of the globe, the areas of the Earth, which were not illuminated by the Sun, passed to the side illuminated by the Sun, and melting of the ice cover occurred on them.
   Science indicates that 750 million years ago our planet was covered with a hundred-meter layer of ice, and 570 million years ago the Earth was a snowball. According to the theory presented, not all of the Earth's surface at that time was in this state, but only that part that turned out to be on the side unperfluenced by the Sun.
        The years mentioned here refer to the second half of the fourth day of Creation.
   In the transition of the Earth's regions on which the seas are located, with the side illuminated by the Sun on the unlit, in these areas of the globe surface, there are planetary events: the glacial period and, as a result, the death of the green cover of the earth, the death of marine fauna and animals on land. For example, the second half of the fifth day of creation, according to tentative estimates, took place from 363 million years ago to 195 million years ago. In this period of time, 245 million years ago, and there was a "Permian catastrophe". The second half of the sixth day of creation began, according to tentative estimates, 97.5 million years ago. Just in this period, 65 million years ago, and the extinction of dinosaurs occurred.
        Many millions of years after the death of the Earth's green cover, coal was formed in the bowels of the planet, and the extinct marine fauna turned into oil and gas. It is interesting to note that, according to geology, no significant traces of oil formation have been established in the period before the Cambrian explosion (? J.Kh.). But after a considerable period, which is necessary for the formation of oil from the raw materials, - after the Perm catastrophe (? J.Kh.) - about 50% of the world's oil reserves were formed.
   Thus, as a result of the introduction of the fundamental provision on the gradual increase in the rate of rotation of the Earth around its axis, a number of fundamental results have been obtained. For example, establishing a connection between the day and the present, establishing the connection between the times of occurrence of planetary events known from geology with the biblical times of the formation of the Earth and the determination of the causes of the occurrence of these planetary events. The agreement of the results obtained with the data known from geology is a convincing argument in favor of the premise of a gradual increase in the rotation speed of the Earth around its axis in biblical times. (on this, I. Gil's report, written in the first person, is completed.)

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   A number of serious methodological remarks can be brought to Israel Gil's conception of calculation, especially since the significance of the days of Creation differs in absolute values ??from the results obtained by George Schroeder, calculated from the condition of binding to the Big Bang. This, in no way, does not reduce the significance of the work done. It is important that both authors were able to justify the gradual increase in the speed of rotation of the planet Earth, which led to the usual one turnover per day, which persists throughout the historical period. As soon as an algorithm appeared that deciphered how it is possible to explain the change in the Earth's rotation speed and its gradual build-up, the main disagreement between science and religion is practically solved.
       Putting a point at the end of the word "religion", the author realized that he had crossed the line of what was permitted, because there was no mutual understanding between science and religion, and still is not.

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   Apparently, one should be more cautious in approaching this problem and talk about the probability of justifying the first legend of the Bible, and not the differences of science and religion. This is no small part, because it will allow us to bring together the regularly arising contradictions in the future.
          This could complete the scientific justification for the 6 days of Creation, but it is necessary to emphasize again and again that this section gave only one of the possible answers to the first riddle of the Days of Creation. With the accumulation of knowledge, there will undoubtedly be other justifications, especially since the breakthrough of mankind into the depths of the universe promises a lot of completely unexpected discoveries.

The beginning of the historical period

   So, six days of Creation ended and the family of Adam and Hava (Eve) entered the historical period, from which the Jewish calendar counts today 5778 years (2018).
        Once again, we will define the period of the Gift of the Torah to the Jews, according to Shulman, and try to understand where Sh. Sand moves the creative impulse of the creators of Jewish mythology.

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   Since the Gift of the Torah occurred in 2448 from the Creation (1312 BC), it is to this period, according to Sand, should be added several centuries. In other words, we are moved around in the period of ancient Greek mythology. According to the classification of the famous expert in the field of mythology, the Romanian-French philosopher, culturologist, religious expert, ethnographer and writer Eliade Mircea (1907-1987), we find ourselves in the post-Olympian, Hellenistic period of Greek mythology. There is no doubt that the myths of ancient Greece were created at a time when in the minds of people the Earth was flat, covered with a celestial dome. Naturally, there can be no doubt in the creation of the ancient Greeks in the creation of myths. No scientific justification for myths, epics, legends, etc. also there can be no question. If it is not possible to prove that the Torah donated to Jews around the same time period (judging from Sand's conclusions) contains narratives that are not amenable to a modern scientific explanation, we will have to admit that She (Torah) is also a human creation of the same period. It was the principle of mythology that was adopted by the Israeli professor Shlomo Sand in his desire to discredit the Holy Scripture.
   Covering a huge time period, any creation of human hands (especially if it is group work) is not able to unerringly connect all events without violating either the chronological sequence or compatibility of simultaneously occurring events, and many other inconsistencies, characteristic even for later narratives. We have already mentioned the hundreds of inconsistencies, and the contradictions and accidental historical lining that took place in the "Lay of Igor's Regiment ...", which illuminates the event of a three-day duration that can not be compared from the positions of a later period.
      Let's begin our analysis of the Torah from the very beginning of the historical period.
      The chronicle of the first ten generations before the Flood, calculated and constructed by Eliezer Shulman, is very curious and logical.

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   It would seem that we should start with Adam and the great age of all members of this group of forefathers, but we will return to this somewhat later. To begin with, Diagrams made by Eliezer Shulman allow us to obtain new information that was hidden earlier. It turns out that nine generations lived simultaneously with Adam and, most likely, could communicate with him. This fact, in itself, is problematic. How often did they communicate, and or did they communicate? What problems solved? How could this fact influence this or that behavior? Shulman poses some of these questions and tries to answer them.
      Note that 7 generations were still alive when Noah was born and that 9 generations died before the Flood. Noah remained only with his family when the Flood began. Moreover, the Flood began only after the shiva (7 days) after the death of the righteous Methuselah. Let's pay attention to this when we get to the legend about the Flood

Where can we lead the age of the forefathers?

     As soon as we ask ourselves about the unreal age of our ancestors, it is not surprising that Sand made mythological basis for this very unreal, at first glance, lifetime of ancestors.
       Shulman did not care about this problem. He simply calculated successively all dates of birth and death and plotted the chart in accordance with the calculated data.

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   In science, there is a strict rule: if the researcher is not sure of the reality of one or another process or phenomenon, or is looking for possible factors that can influence the process, he must calculate the mathematical probability of the individual elements of the process (phenomenon). The diagram shown for the specialist in the field of mathematical statistics unambiguously demonstrates a strict regularity, which, if necessary, can be described by a mathematical formula. Consequently, this set is quite natural. Another thing is that the absolute values ??of the lifespan of ancestors are completely incompatible with our ideas about the life span of modern man. There is nothing surprising that Shlomo Sand immediately grabbed this tail sticking out of the surface, for which you can pull an elephant. "How could Abraham live 120 years, if the average life span of a person during that period was 30 years?"
   The fact that the average life expectancy of a person at that time was 30 years is a primitive transfer of the professor's assumption, based on some publications on the lifespan of the primitive tribes of Africa and South America. The fact that Abraham lived to be 120 years old is the biggest mistake of Sand. Abraham died at the age of 175, and it would not hurt to know the history professor. I already mentioned this in the very beginning. And, finally, do not forget that in the Torah only the righteous are named. Perhaps, by the special order of the Almighty, did they live longer? But, what has the strict law of decreasing age in time?

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       I must admit that for many years the author puzzled over this riddle and found no solution. When a problem, like a nail, sticks out in the brain, the decision comes completely unexpectedly.

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       Once, on one of the sleepless nights, I decided to turn on the TV and, quite unexpectedly, wedged myself into the final period of Alexander Gordon's night program. Two unknown biologists told me about the tragedy of some butterflies in the Far East. According to their story, the flock had a little more than 2000 individuals, and, according to these scientists, this number is not enough for the survival of this species of butterflies. The population was doomed to extinction. In conclusion, the scientists illustrated a simple nomogram of the limiting size of the population of various animal species, according to the small number of individuals doomed to extinction. The nail in the brain suddenly stirred and suggested urgently to take note of what was seen, a relatively simple, nomogram. Still not fully understanding what she (nomogram) carried me by laziness, decided to do it in the morning. What was my disappointment when it turned out that the memory failed and the focus with the restoration of the nomogram failed.
   More than 1,5 years have gone in search of contacts with the TV host, in hope to learn the names of his interlocutors. As it turned out, Gordon completely forgot about this program. I myself had to look for scientists in two zoological institutes in St. Petersburg and Novosibirsk, in the Russian society lepidoptero (collection of butterflies). All efforts ended in vain. Both scientists disappeared, along with their butterflies. During this time, the piercing consciousness of the reason for the longevity of the first generations has already fully formed. It required only scientific confirmation, which escaped due to the lack of keywords and the wrong way of asking the Google search engine. The point in this story was put by biologists of the Beer-Shevsky University, who called the key words: the survival threshold of the species. It took about another year to tie together all the scattered scientific articles and to link them to the separate statements of the sages of the Torah.
   I'll start with the "survival threshold of the population". Any kind of living organism can survive in our world only if the number of individuals of this species exceeds the "threshold of survival". The threshold of survival is determined by the collection and processing of multifactorial information. Approximately this is how information is collected to determine the survival threshold for the partridge. [27]

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   It turns out that the survival rate of any population depends on the life span of a single individual. A single pair can not practically survive if it does not create artificially greenhouse and safe conditions such as the Garden of Eden, even if the life expectancy of an individual is an order of magnitude higher. From the attached graph, it is clearly seen how the survival rate in the nature of the human population falls sharply.

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   These data perfectly explain Shulman's diagram of the lifespan of the first 20 generations of our ancestors. But on this it is impossible to solve the issue of the life of generations in the historical period. The Torah testifies that there was also the prehistoric period of Adam's life. Some scholars claim that Adam was created by the initial age of 75 years and there is no reliable information about the longevity of his family in the prehistoric period of the sixth day of Creation. Moreover, the offspring of centenarians, the forefathers, was not limited to 20, mentioned in the Torah by the successors.
   Adam, is such a significant figure in the Holy Scripture and in our common history that it requires special attention and understanding from everyone who reads these lines. Only by penetrating into the dual nature of this first-born of our world, everyone will be able to understand and appreciate himself. That is why I address the reader to the works of the wise Rabbi Yosef Dov Soloveichik [28] "A lonely believing person" and to the above-mentioned book by Pinchas Polonsky [21]. In them, the completion of the sixth day of Creation is determined by the complete formation of Adam as an individual. This day of Creation includes: the physical creation of Adam (he was created by an adult and lived for 930 years), the creation of Hava (Eve) from the rib of Adam, placing them in the Garden of Eden, the knowledge of Adam Eve (which is not a sin in Judaism), the birth of two sons Cain and Abel), and finally the Fall because of the violation of the prohibition on the inviolability of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. The essence of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, and the fall of Adam is also examined in detail in the above works. Having made his choice earlier than the Creator himself planned to accomplish, Man has determined his essence and his road in the world. The sixth day of Creation ends with the expulsion of the first man's family from the Garden of Eden.
   The period of life of the Adam family in the prehistoric period completely changes the picture of the relationship of generations. Adam lived to the ninth tribe of his descendants and died 126 years before the birth of Noah (Noah). At the funeral of Adam could attend (attended?) 8 generations. Let's pay attention to how this attitude to this longevity E. Shulman: "We understand the natural feelings for the father, grandfather, great-grandfather and to his son, grandson, great-grandson, but no feelings for the great-grandson of great-grandson and grandfather of great-grandfather. The life of our distant ancestors differed from our life not only by longevity, but also by the simultaneous existence of many generations. It is possible that this is the main difference between our being and the existence of our ancestors. "But this does not explain longevity. Rabbi Shlomo Yitzhaki (Rashi) explains that "... before receiving the Torah, a person becomes responsible for his actions at the age of 100 years." It is possible, but if the first people lived less, the age of responsibility would be much lower. Now we have already guessed what explains the reason for such longevity.
      If the life expectancy of the first ten generations were lower, the threshold of survival of a human being, as a species, this factor, would not allow him to establish himself on planet Earth. Each of the elect, who determined the fate of the generation from Adam to Noah, was the father of a huge number of children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great-great-grandsons. This allowed the species to multiply and populate the planet. In the next section we will find an explanation why the Flood did not interrupt this trend, did not destroy all of humanity, although it caused great damage and contributed to resettlement. As the number of inhabitants of the planet increased, life expectancy, naturally, declined.
        After this discovery, it was not difficult to find the necessary explanation for the religious authorities.

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   This is what Yehuda Halevy says in his book "The Kuzari" (Khazars): "Adam gave birth to many sons, and none of them was worthy to take his place, except Abel." Abel was like Adam, and when Cain killed Abel, jealous of his perfection, instead of Abel was given to Adam Shet, and Shet was also similar to him and therefore was the core of mankind, and the others like it was his shell.
     The chosen among the descendants of the Sixteenth was Enosh. So until Noah continued the line of elect, like Adam. "
   "Adam gave birth to many sons ..." - this is emphasized by the religious authority. And the generations shown in the diagram are formed by the WRESTLERS in the offspring. It was this SELECTOR that the Jewish people became for the Most High with the gift of the Torah.
   When you realize all the wisdom of nature (the Divine plan) to compensate for the survival law with a long life span and the number of offspring, it is quite natural to approximately calculate the number of the offspring of Adam and Hava (Eve) before the transition to the historical period, as well as the total number of mankind before the Flood. The task is far from simple, but it is real when the initial calculation parameters are reconciled with religious authorities. I hope that this task will be of interest to scientists and will someday get its permission.
      My question to Mr. Sh. Sand. What scientist urged all the facts (scientific and religious) set forth under a single law of nature, without confusing anything and never making a mistake? Even such an erudite as you, had no idea about this. But our "fairy tale" with the people's renegade continues ....


        Based on Shlomo Sand's statements that the Torah is a set of legends, it strikes how scrupulously "storytellers adjusted the dates" so as not to leave any doubt about the accuracy of the chronology. Not a single mistake, not a single miss.
         Let's return to the diagram of the first ten generations. It is only thanks to mathematical constructions that it can be clearly seen that eight generations lived with Adam. The elect of these generations were born when their fathers became responsible for their actions, approximately 100 years (+/-). But, if Noah had given birth to the first child by the same scheme in 100 years, by the time of the Flood, he would have had a huge offspring, like his predecessors. The sinners had to drown, but for the righteous, it was necessary to build a huge flotilla. Each of the righteous of the preceding generations with their offspring would also have to build a huge flotilla. But by the beginning of the Flood, only the Noach family remained alive. It can be seen from the diagram that the ninth righteous Methuselah died just before the Flood.
       Here is a diagram that represents the above assumptions. We already noticed that the predecessors of Noah had their first-borns about 100 years old. Let's pay attention to the diagram, which assumes that at the same age and Noah's firstborn was born.

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   Literally all the constructions, in this particular case, would have to break such a harmonious and regular chain of generations to Moses. Removing the "extra" four hundred years from Noah, which is equivalent to removing the anomaly and continuing the same hundred-year tradition of birth of the firstborn on it, and the whole harmonious chronology flies into the tartaras. What genius came to mind to add these 400 years? With this question, I turn to you Professor Shl. Sand. Really among the ancient storytellers there were equal geniuses to you?

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   Each point marked on the diagram is stipulated in the Torah: at the age of 500 years Noach's first-born Efet was born, in two years Shem, and then - Ham. And at the age of 600 years, the Flood began with a slight rise in water. And only after seven days of mourning (shiva) after the last deceased righteous Methuselah, a heavy rain began, lasting 40 days and the water rising lasted 150 days. The water began to subside only on the first day of the tenth month, when the tops of the mountains appeared. A total of a year and 10 days was spent by the Noah's family on the Ark.
      As for the legend of the Flood, the overwhelming majority of readers have no doubt that something like this took place. Traces of such a spontaneous phenomenon are found in many countries of the world. Traces of legends, with a similar plot, are found in Babylonia; naturally, in Israel; Syria; Armenia; Phrygia; India; Burma; Viet Nam; Kazakhstan; China, on many islands (Indonesia, the Philippines, the Andaman Islands, Taiwan, Kamchatka, New Guinea, the Melanesian Islands, Micronesia and Polynesia); among the many Indian tribes from Tierra del Fuego to Alaska (almost a hundred versions have been taken into account). Such legends are practically absent in Africa (except for those introduced by European missionaries), East, Central and North Asia and are rare in Europe (found in Ancient Greece, Wales, among Lithuanians, Transylvanian Gypsies and Mansi).
     Most likely, Sh. Sand himself will not be able to deny the probability of such an event, because the world's scientific literature is abundantly represented by evidence of a universal catastrophe caused by a 130-meter rise in the water level in the world's oceans. It is almost impossible to elucidate this phenomenon in any way accessible and laconic in the framework of this narrative. It is enough that traces of the catastrophe are traced by scientists from a wide range of fields of knowledge, from geologists, archaeologists, hydrogeologists to humanities, tracing the penetration of refugees from low regions deep into the continents located at higher elevations.
       But we are interested in the scientific evaluation of this legend. Naturally, the figure of raising the water level in the world's oceans, which has been repeatedly quoted in the scientific literature, by 130 meters, is a monstrous phenomenon. It must be assumed that the catastrophe touched all the zones that supported this mark, where the streams of water, washing away everything on their way, merged into the ocean and filled all the depressions and lowlands. But, it seems to me, the notion of "... the tops of the mountains showed up ..." should be understood not from the tops of mountains that emerged from the water, during the fall of the water level, but the arrival of the ark to a certain mountain ridge to which water did not reach.
   It is often asked, where did all the excess water go? The answer is simple: distributed along the lowlands, creating internal seas, lakes and swamps. Here is how the water balance reflects Academician NAS of the N.P. Simonenko.
   Over the whole history of the Earth's existence, about 3.4 Ч 109 km3 of water has been released to its surface. A third of this quantity left the surface of the planet in the vapor state, and under the influence of the Sun a significant part of the photodiocompatible to hydrogen and oxygen. The remaining mass of water gradually formed a hydrosphere [29, 30]
          The events in question were played out in front of people who had already passed the Neolithic revolution and entered the road of civilization. The Bible's claims about the death of many people during the World Flood sound quite convincing against the backdrop of a story about a catastrophic flood in the Black Sea region.
   Archaeological finds have allowed science to link the consequences of a disastrous catastrophe with important progressive changes in the lives of people populating Europe.

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The Black Sea 12 000 years ago was a fresh, closed lake, and approximately 7,500 years ago, thanks to global warming, took the waters of the Mediterranean Sea. The map shows how this unprecedented catastrophe developed, which may have been identified with the Biblical Flood.

      Russian expedition on the ship "Akvanaut" in the eighties of the last century off the coast of the Crimea extracted from the bottom sediments - it is more than 100 meters - roots of plants and shells of mollusks, which belonged to the inhabitants of unsalted, and fresh waters. The find meant that, during the last glaciation in Europe, the Black Sea was a freshwater lake.
       But approximately 18,000-15,000 years ago, global warming began on the planet. After a millennium, the water of melted glaciers replenished the oceans, and their level quickly rose. The same thing happened in the Mediterranean and Aegean seas associated with the ocean. High water, overcoming the natural barrier separating the Aegean from the lowlands at the junction of Asia and Europe, with uncontrollable pressure rushed to the fresh lake, turning it into a salty Black Sea. Over time, seawater "cut" inland the straits of Dardanelles and the Bosporus. The German expedition ship "The Northern Horizon" in September 2000 received the same kind of confirmation from the Turkish Black Sea coast.
   Gathering together all the facts known to science about the breakthrough of ocean waters that took place seven and a half thousand years ago, American geologists V. Pitman and V. Ryan managed to reconstruct the events. That's how it was.

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   Schematic diagram shows the stages of flooding. 18 000 years ago, the glaciation was over. The oceans and the Mediterranean began to replenish with melted glacial water. The depression, which later turns into the Sea of ??Marmara, was still dry - it was separated from the Aegean Sea by the isthmus. 12,000 years ago, the melted waters of the glacier raised the level of the ocean, and hence the Mediterranean and Aegean seas. Waters rushed through the isthmus, and the Sea of ??Marmara arose. 7500 years ago. Further increase of the ocean level allowed to overcome the following obstacle - the valley, where the Bosporus Strait now stands. The sea waters overflowed into the fresh lake, which became the Black Sea. Present time. By the end of the melting of glaciers, the level of the ocean and the three seas, referred to here, has risen by another 50 meters.
   With the pressure in 200 Niagara waterfalls, the flow from the Mediterranean Sea cleared the way for itself between Asia and Europe. For about a year there was an unimaginable roar here - the water was falling from a height of 120 meters. The lake, turned into the Black Sea, came out of the coast and flooded almost one hundred thousand square kilometers of land, mainly the north-west coast. Next to the Black formed a new, Sea of ??Azov,. In the east, the waters approached the foothills of the Caucasian ridge.
        Not less than three hundred days the waters across the valley, where there is now a strait connecting the Black Sea and the Sea of ??Marmara, aspired. Every day through it flowed 50 cubic kilometers of water, and the level of the Black Sea rose 15 centimeters every day. On the northern and western coasts, very shallow, the disaster took a truly tragic character. For a day here the water advanced 400 meters.
         When the natural dam collapsed in the Bosporus, the tribes inhabiting the southeast of Europe underwent serious changes in their lives. To them first came the people who had escaped the flood, they brought with them a new knowledge and skill for Europeans - the cultivation of grain, the making of pottery. Therefore, we can justifiably say that the catastrophe that occurred 7500 years ago at the junction of Europe and Asia dramatically changed the prehistoric being of man in these and neighboring places.

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Map of the displacement of the coastal population after the flood.

   Survivors from the coastal areas left their homes and moved to the highlands. The map of the movement of the masses after the Flood represents the migration routes of the population. In new places the settlers brought agriculture. The first group settled in the Balkans. Soon the aliens were already in the valleys of the Carpathian Mountains, from there they settled throughout Europe up to the River Seine. It is assumed that this wave of migrations was created by the people of the Black Sea coast, fleeing from the advancing sea. 


   As already noted, there are no significant differences in the scientific basis for the Biblical narrative of the Flood. The exception is the Ark's puzzle.
        As early as the 2nd century AD, doubts arose about Noah's ability to make such a ship that would accommodate so many animals. And in the 5th century AD Bishop Theodoret of Kyros doubtfully asked the question: "Where did the water go after the flood?" Giordano Bruno generally denied the reality of the World Flood. Already in our time, in 1945, the Austrian Canon Karl FrЭthorfer wrote that we should not explain the deluge, which is a manifestation of the will of the Almighty, in a natural scientific way.
         It would seem that the mystery of Noah's ark, according to historians and archaeologists, looks the most absurd among all debated religious and scientific problems. Nevertheless, even in our century it does not cease to be a mystery, the clue which is still being sought.
       The opinion of the author of the book, about the current scientific unfoundedness of the legend about the Ark follows from the logical continuation of the last chapter about the threshold of survival of the population. Even if we assume that Noah took a pair of each species of animals, they were all definitely doomed to extinction. One pair of animals of any population is not able to overcome the survival threshold with the life expectancy that is released by nature. But this does not mean that there were no animals on the ark, and that the ark had to be huge.
       We are well aware that, in later times, seafarers took into the holds of many animals, which provided them with eggs, milk and meat in prolonged voyage, as well as warm clothing. So there is nothing surprising in that the hold of Noah's Ark was loaded with animals.
        Let's try to sum up the narrative of the Flood.
         There is absolutely no doubt that the catastrophe in question took place. Even approximately to estimate the number of victims of such a catastrophe there is no possibility. Given the means of transportation available to people of that period, it is safe to assume that a huge mass of people living in lowlands, such as the dry bottom of the modern Marmara Sea, the coastal areas of the Black Sea region, etc., died. But this does not mean that everyone died. Many lived in areas higher than the upper level of water rising, as well as in the foothills and in the mountains. Surviving people and animals migrated to areas inaccessible to the flood.
       The narrative of the Flood, in my opinion, is the most controversial of most of the events of the Biblical story, imprinted in the Torah. This is due to the fact that it buried the entire previous population of animals and people. Even if we take into consideration the version about the sins of human beings, it is completely incomprehensible where here are the sinless animals, not to mention the plants.
          If we take into account the scientific versions of this catastrophe that allowed many victims of this flood to escape, moving to the unflooded parts of the planet, which, it seems, is very likely to be very difficult to explain (at least for today), how this discrepancy is possible in Sacred text.
       Such a hyperbolization of the catastrophe is quite acceptable with a subjective approach, or with myth-making. Let us hope that the problem of a worldwide Flood will nevertheless be resolved by the joint efforts of science and religion.

Eliezer Shulman against of Shlomo Sand

   Scientific methods of research, unlike empty chatter and pseudoscience, are verifiable. A scientist who values ??his scientific authority, asserting his new ideas, is obliged not only to prove the correctness of his own position, but also necessarily offers his colleagues the method of experimental, or theoretical verification, if direct experiment is difficult. It was at this stage that Eliezer Shulman defeated the humanitarian chatter of Shlomo Sand, who based his conclusions on quotations, statements and assumptions of the authorities selected by him. In this he is at a much lower level than religious authorities possessing iron logic and, in their own circle, regularly debating on any issue and in different interpretations and in understanding the essence of the text of Holy Scripture.
         Against this background, the talented engineer Eliezer Shulman does not say anything at all. He simply uses the mathematical methods of construction and research in order to find unknown dates and open up new windows of review of previously unreasonable, but well-known facts. This great worker and a real scientist had no idea then about some adventurer who decided to spread the Stalinist postulate in the world about the absence of the Jewish people as such. But, in fulfilling this task, Shulman, by the same token, proved the truthfulness of almost all of the Blessed Scripture. The fact that not all is still amenable to explanation does not mean that what is in the shadow today will not open slightly in the future. The mathematical constructions of E. Shulman have already confirmed today that the author of the Torah could not have been a man, no matter how talented he was.
     At this stage, we came to the same Biblical forefather of the Jewish people, who categorically refuses to recognize Sand - to Abraham. Let us follow the logic of E. Shulman's constructions when analyzing this stage of life from Terah (father of Abraham) and Nahor (Abraham's grandfather).

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   The land of Canaan (now - the Land of Israel), located between Egypt and Mesopotamia, since ancient times served as a bridge between civilizations. In the Tanakh, the word knaani has several meanings. This is the name of one of the seven peoples who lived on this Earth, especially in the Primorsky Valley and the Jordan Valley. However, it also refers to the "merchant", which shows the peculiarity of the Canaan Land as a crossroads of trade routes and cultural influences. This explains the constant struggle for power over this Earth.
       Thus, together Mesopotamia, Egypt and Canaan, form the region of the so-called Fertile Crescent.

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   1 - Terah, the son of Nahor, was born 222 years after the flood, in 1878 from the creation of the world. Terah lived in Ur-Kasdim, which was on the western bank of the Prat River (Euphrates) about 250 km north-west of the Persian Gulf.
   Abraham, the son of Terah, was born in 1948 from the creation of the world. Terah was then 70 years old.
   From Ur-Kasdim to Yarden, the distance is about 1000 km in a straight line. This is a deserted and impassable area. The road to Canaan led from Ur-Kasdim to the northeast along the banks of the Prat River to its sources, to Haran, and from there to the south-west to the valley of the Jardin. The distance from Ur-Kasdim to Haran is about 1000 km; from Haran to Shechem about 700 km.
   In 2018 he took Terah his son Avram (he had not yet been called Abraham) and the grandson of his Lot, the son of Aran, and his daughter-in-law Sarai (also called Sarah), the wife of Abram, from the Creation of the world, and they left together from Ur-Kasdim, to go to the land of Canaan, and came to Haran, and settled there. Terah was then 140 years old, and Abraham 70 years old.
   After 5 years, in 2023 from the creation of the world, the Lord said to Abraham: " Now the LORD said unto Abram: 'Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto the land that I will show thee." (Genesis 12.1)
   " So Abram went, as the LORD had spoken unto him; and Lot went with him; and Abram was seventy and five years old when he departed out of Haran." (Genesis 12.4)
   The verse " And the days of Terah were two hundred and five years; and Terah died in Haran." (Genesis 11.32) precedes the verse " Now the LORD said unto Abram: 'Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto the land that I will show thee." (Genesis 12.1); but the order of events was different. Terah, the son of Nahor, died after Abram left for Canaan.
   Terah's dream did not come true. He did not deserve to come to Canaan. He stayed in Haran and lived there for another 60 years after the ascension of Abram to the Country. He was still alive when God made a contract with Abraham on the eternal possession of the Country in 2033 from the creation of the world. And also, when the grandson of his Isaac was born in Canaan, in 2048 from the creation of the world, Terah was still alive. But when Eliezer, the slave and housekeeper of Abraham, came to the banks of the Euphrates in 2088 from the creation of the world to take his wife for Isaac, Terah was no longer alive.
   Terah died in 205 years in 2083 from the creation of the world.
   It should be noted that the initiator of the departure from Ur-Kasdim in Canaan was Terah, the father of Abram (Abraham). But he was not destined to reach the land of Canaan.
     So consistently, from the date of birth of Nahor to the maturation of our forefather Abraham, and until his death, all the dates of the 229 years, the initial period of the formation of our people were calculated, to which one of his unlucky sons, who had strayed from the righteous path, denied the right to reality.
       Having presented these constructions about the family of Abraham, we not only illustrate Shulman's method, which we can get acquainted with by opening the source [9], but also pay attention to that point in the chronology chosen by Sand as one of the weakest places in Jewish history.
       But we will continue the conversation about the mysterious phenomena of Jewish and human history.
       During the same period, at the 48th year of Abraham's life, when Noah and all his descendants were still alive, according to legend, there was one of the historical events, the so-called Babylonian dispersion of peoples, at the very end of Peleg's life, to this scattering.

The 11 generations of the dispersion of Mankind

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   It would seem, how can one confirm or reject the reality of such an event? But, as it turned out, highly qualified specialists, having studied the list of peoples, were amazed at how exactly it fits into the context of ancient history. One such was an American orientalist, an epigraphist, a member of the British Academy, Dr. William F. Albright (1891-1971), universally recognized as the most prominent of modern archaeologists. [32] In his work "From the Stone Age to Christianity: monotheism and the historical process," he gave this evaluation of the genealogy:
   "It occupies a very special place in ancient literature, and even the Greeks do not have anything at all similar ... The genealogy of peoples continues to be an amazingly accurate document ... It presents such an amazingly" modern "understanding of the ethnic and linguistic situation of the present world (for all its complexity ), that scientists will never tire of wondering how well the author was competent in this matter. "
   "The most obvious conclusion from the Biblical fact of the dispersion is that civilization originates in the East, in the region of Mount Ararat (modern Turkey) and Babylon (modern Iraq). The scattering of peoples that occurred after the Babylonian conflagration can be traced to some extent by the names of the descendants of Noah. Presumptive resettlement of these first peoples is shown in the figure


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The first peoples of the world after the flood. (

   Japhetic tribes [the Japhetids are descendants of the biblical Japheth, one of the three sons of Noah. People of Europe and North-West Asia (Indo-European, Uralic, Altaic and Sino-Caucasian peoples) are usually ranked among them] mainly in the north and west of Europe. The Khamit tribes moved mainly to the south and west, to Africa and the regions of the Eastern Mediterranean. True, one of them, the Hittites, created a great kingdom on the territory of Turkey and the western part of Asia, while others could well have gone to the Far East. Semites, for the most part, concentrated in the areas of the Middle East.
   The three sons of Noah after the Babylonian dispersion became the ancestors of the three branches of the human race. And although there are still ambiguities, but in any case, the information given in the genealogy of the peoples is sufficiently true, which is clear from the map placed here.
   Let's pay attention to the list of the Japhetic peoples listed in the genealogy, which can be relatively reliably identified: Javan (Greece); Magog, Mesheh and Tubal (Russia); Homer (Cimmeria, Germany); Firas (Thrace, Etruria); Madai (Media); Ascenaz (Germany); Togarmah (Armenia) and Do-danim (Dardanians). Probably most of these peoples moved to Europe, and the so-called Caucasian and Aryan "races" took place. Then, of course, they spread to both the Americas, South Africa and many sea islands,
   The descendants of Shem are first of all Eber (Jews), Elam (Persia), Aram (Syria), Assyria (Assyria); and later through Ishmael, Esau and the other descendants of Abraham (and also Moab and Ammon, the sons of Lot) - and all Arab nationalities.
   Some of the Hamites are very clearly defined, especially Mizraim (Egypt), Khush (Ethiopia), Canaan (Canaanites, Phoenicians, Hittites) and Foot (Libya). Although the line of kinship of the Negro tribes is not easily traced, but, perhaps, they also belong to the Hamites, since, apparently, only the Khamites moved to Africa. The first Babylonians and Sumerians in the time of Nimrod were also Hamites.
   It is more difficult to establish the ancestors of the Mongoloid race. However, some signs seem to indicate that her ancestors were also Hamites. First, by the exclusion method, it can be assumed that if the descendants of Sim and Japheth are defined clearly enough, then all the others are certainly hamites. Secondly, the Sinites are referred to as the descendants of Canaan, and this name is ethnologically probably related to China. Third, the ancient name of China is Katai, and there is evidence that it originated from the name of the hetae tribe, which in turn may have originated from the Hittites (the children of Heth, the son of Canaan). Fourth, the language and appearance of the Mongoloids show more similarity with the language and appearance of other known Hamites than with the language and appearance of the descendants of Sim and Japheth known to us. "[33]

Are there any peoples, descendants of Ishmael?

    When the question of the right to the existence of people-descendants of Jacob is posed, the question naturally arises of the existence of peoples, descendants of Ishmael.
   No one, however, is asking this rhetorical question. Meanwhile, Sand committed an unforgivable political injustice, denying the right to exist for his protИgИ, the Palestinians, not to mention his other brethren. All that, it was enough to recognize Abraham, and then to challenge the birthright of Ishmael, with reference to facts confirmed by E.Shulman (Events of 2171). Ishmael was 74 years old when Eisav was born and behind him, holding on to his heel, was born the forefather of the Jews Yakov (the name of Yakov from the word "trace, following the trail," he is Jacob, he is Israel).
       Ishmael (the literal translation - "Yes God hears") the son (first-born) of Abraham from the slave Hagar, was expelled with the mother in the desert, grew up free, married the Egyptian woman.
        From him were born twelve sons, who became the ancestors of small tribes of Bedouins, who took possession of the desert lying between Canaan and Egypt (Sinai peninsula). His only daughter married Eisav.
         Two generations later, the "sons of Ishmael" grew camels and controlled the caravan trade between Gilead and Egypt. It is the Ishmaelites who sold Joseph (the son of Jacob) to Egypt.
        Josephus Flavius ??says that the descendants of Ishmael filled the entire region from the Euphrates to the Red Sea. Local Arabs attributed their origin to Ishmael, and even the genealogy of Mohammed goes back to him. On behalf of Ishmael (Ishmael), the word "Islam" occurred.
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   Does all of the above mean that there were no contradictions in the process of Shulman's construction? No way.
          The first real discrepancy was manifested when Shulman proceeded to construct a diagram (calculation) of the period of life of Rebekah's mother. According to the construction, Yitzhak married Rivka when she was 3 years old, and she gave birth to Eisav and Jacob at the age of 23. Of course, getting married does not mean that he lived with her. And yet....

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   Faced with the problem, Shulman starts searching for possible solutions. He is not limited to the opinion of one of the authors of the Mishnah Rabbi Yoshi (Seder Olam Raba), but finds the statement of the group of Tosafists that Yitzhak married Rivka when she was 14 and based on this, she presents the reader an alternative calculation of the life of the mother, to whom Rivka lived for 133 years. 0x01 graphic
   Particular attention is paid to the gift of the Eretz Yisrael to the Jews of the Earth. Already at the first stage of communication with Abraham, God made a treaty with him on the eternal possession of the land, which was confirmed six times at different times and in different places on the way from Ur of the Chaldees to Canaan.

The conclusion about the eternal possession of the country (map)

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   It is noteworthy that four times during the conclusion of the Union, he addressed the forefather of Abram, and only for the fifth time the name Abraham was first pronounced.
      -- Ur of the Chaldees, 2018 from the Creation.
   And Terah took Abram his son, and Lot the son of Haran, his son's son, and Sarai his daughter-in-law, his son Abram's wife; and they went forth with them from Ur of the Chaldees, to go into the land of Canaan; and they came unto Haran, and dwelt there. Genesis 11.31
      -- Haran. 2023 from the Creation.
   Now the LORD said unto Abram: 'Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto the land that I will show thee. Genesis 12.1
   3.Chechem, Oak forest 2023 from the Creation
   And Abram passed through the land unto the place of Shechem, unto the terebinth of Moreh. And the Canaanite was then in the land. And the LORD appeared unto Abram, and said: 'Unto thy seed will I give this land'; and he builded there an altar unto the LORD, who appeared unto him. Genesis 12.6-7
   4.Between Bet-El and Ai
   And the LORD said unto Abram, after that Lot was separated from him: 'Lift up now thine eyes, and look from the place where thou art, northward and southward and eastward and westward; for all the land which thou seest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed for ever. Genesis 13.14-15.
   5. Hebron, oakwood Mamre 2033 from the Creation.
   And He said unto him: 'I am the LORD that brought thee out of Ur of the Chaldees, to give thee this land to inherit it.' Genesis 15.7
   In that day the LORD made a covenant with Abram, saying: 'Unto thy seed have I given this land, from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river Euphrates Geneses 15.18
   6. Hebron, oakwood Mamre 2047 from the Creation.
   And I will give unto thee, and to thy seed after thee, the land of thy sojournings, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession; and I will be their God.' Genesis 17.8
   The same card is made when Almighty confirmed the Eternal Alliance with Jacob, the forefather of the 12 tribes of Israel, in Gerar, Beer-Sheva (2185), Beit-El (2185), Haran (2205) and Bet-El (2205).
      All other events of the Bible were studied scrupulously. Compiled 180 diagrams, maps, pedigree charts. The Pentateuch has been analyzed with the participation of the world-famous sages of the Torah, checking and rechecking each figure calculated by him.
     We will skim a few more examples to get an idea of ??how scrupulously the author reacted to the study of texts. It is important not only to calculate the chronology of events, but also to track how they are joined to separate stages of the intermediate period.

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   Particular attention is paid to the comparison of genealogical constructions and inconsistencies that arise in the construction of the genealogical tree. Those of the readers who were involved in building their own family family tree, we know what difficulties we have to face as we deepen our ancestors' generations. It is not surprising that the explorer of the genealogical tree of the forefathers paid great attention to this side.

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   In principle, the seriousness of the work done by E. Shulman, is so startling and shocking that the most famous religious authorities of the modern religious world could not stand before her. I do not think that it is possible to find work in the history of non-religious literature worthy of attention and recognition of the main authorities of the rabbinate. I approve this from my own experience, and from the experience of all the creators of academic Jewish encyclopedias, and have not received recognition among religious authorities.
       In principle, the main contradictions of science and religion, which belong to sections of the Holy Scripture that are known to the general public and have not received scientific confirmation, have already been resolved. Further, the history of the Jewish people is confirmed by historical documents, archaeologists, biologists, etc. Further research can add little to the virtual dispute between the professor and the engineer. Further, the field of activity will be presented to real scientific historians.
      I hope the reader got an idea of ??E.Shulman's constructions, contrasted with the empty chatter of the star professors. To finish this illustration, I would like a map of the location of the tribes of Israel after the arrival of the wanderers in the bequest of their land and a brief description of the country's further history.

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   After his death in 928 BC. King Shlomo (Solomon), the united kingdom of Israel divided into two kingdoms: Judah in the south (the land of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin) and Israel in the north (the territory of the remaining ten tribes).
      In 732-72 BC the kingdom of Israel was conquered by Assyria; most of its population was taken captive and settled in small groups in various areas of this vast empire. Thus began the first Jewish diaspora.
       To date, the consciousness of tribal belonging to the Jewish people can be traced only to some of the peoples scattered throughout the world. In addition, only the descendants of the tribe Levi (Leviticus) survived, some of whom (Cohen) even keep a memory of their origin from the genus Aaron.
      According to the New Testament, John the Baptist was from the priestly family Levi (Luke 1: 5), a certain prophetess Anna came from the tribe of Asher (Luke 2:36), the apostle Paul of Tarsus from the tribe of Benjamin (Rom.11: 1). The number of the apostles of the Christian church - twelve - is symbolic in nature and is associated with the number of the sons of Jacob and, accordingly, the Israelites' tribes.
       Even such selective acquaintance with separate fragments of the research shows that there are no contradictions inherent in the spontaneous accumulation of facts in the Torah. Moreover, all the fragments substantiate and confirm each other.
       I will repeat. How much such an incredible and unexpectedly can be checked by anyone trying to create their own family genealogical tree. And we talked about events more than 33 centuries ago and, as Shlomo Sand assures us, a collection of myths of different periods, is a fertile environment for the accumulation of errors in a geometric progression.
       Those wishing to familiarize themselves with the album of the constructions of Eliezer Shulman, I refer to his album [9] "Sequence of events in the Old Testament", Publishing house of the Ministry of Defense, TA, 1994, p.180.
       In the first section, the author emphasized that the Five Books of Holy Scripture had long attracted the attention of mathematicians, struck by the existence of so-called Bible codes. It is enough to admit at least one serious error in writing one of 304805 letters (or approximately 79000 words) to break this mathematical code.
        How do you, the reader, consider how many letters from these 304805 could be distorted? (Most mathematicians call numbers from 25 to 1000).
       In fact, as a result of all sorts of misfortunes, relocations and persecutions, only the Yemeni Torah Scrolls are different from the other Scrolls. For centuries, the Yemeni community was not part of the worldwide system of checks, and their Scrolls number nine incorrectly rewritten letters.
   Mathematicians argue that these errors are purely spelling and do not have a serious impact on the meaning of words. (Based on the materials of the Discovery workshop, the international educational organization Aish ha Torah).
       In the mid-1970s, four Kiev scientists were traveling to the international conference in Lviv: the director of the Institute of Cybernetics, Academician Viktor Glushkov, the director of the Institute of Coal Chemistry Vladimir T. Sklyar, the head of the laboratory of the Institute of Coal Chemistry Moisei Shaylik Kendis and the author of this book. During the traditional evening meal a discussion of a number of general scientific problems began. During the discussion, VM Glushkov suggested thinking about the effect of creating an algorithm for a self-learning program for new generations of computers. In those distant years, by computer standards, this idea was so discouraging and took over the general attention that in my memoirs I repeatedly returned to it. The decision about the possibility of creating a new form of artificial life seemed so absurd that any desire to delve into logical assumptions vanished.
       Now, completing this book, I suddenly found the answer to a question of 50 years ago. Nothing extraordinary can not happen for one simple reason. Even the most talented and talented creators of modern computer technologies are not able to invest in the silicone "individual" neither the human soul (Neshama), nor the soul of the animal, or the plant (nefesh). That is why life on our planet is unique and absolutely unique
      1. Живой Журнал. Saba6. Содержание журнала. (Live Journal. Saba6. Contents of the journal.)
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      4. Эли Финберг. Я не лжец (Eli Finberg. I am not a liar)
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      9. Элиезер Шульман. Последовательность событий в Библии. Изд. Министерство Обороны. Т-А. 1990 (Eliezer Shulman, The Sequence of Events in the Old Testament, T-A, 1987).
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      14. Рафаил Hудельман. Библейские коды. (Rafail Hudelman. Biblical codes.)
      15. В. Маневич,  А. Сапожников "Новые методы исследования слов и стихов Торы", Израиль, 1999 (V. Manevich, A. Sapozhnikov "New methods of studying words and poems of the Torah", Israel, 1999)
      16. S.W. Hawking and G.F.R. Ellis, The Large Scale Structure of Space-Time. Cambridge University Press, 1973, стр. 364
      17. А.Н. Guth and P.J. Steinhardt, Scientific American, t. 250, may 1984, p. 102
      18. P.W. Atkins, The Creation. Oxford. W.H. Freeman, 1981
      19. J.S. Trefil, The Moment of Creation. NewYork: Charles Scriber,19
       20. A. Vilenkin, Physics Letters, т. 117, 1982, стр. 25-28
      21. Пинхас Полонский. Две истории сотворения мира, Иерусалим, 1999 (Pinchas Polonsky. Two stories of the creation of the world, Jerusalem, 1999)
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      23. В.Ф.Турчин Феномен науки: Кибернетический подход к эволюции. Изд. 2-е - М.: ЭТС. -- 2000. -- 368 с.. (VF Turchin Phenomenon of Science: Cybernetic Approach to Evolution. Ed. 2-e - M .: ETS. - 2000. - 368 s .)
      24. Gerald L. Schroeder, The Science of God, NY, 1997
      25. Роджер Пенроуз, Ваху Гурзадян Что было до Большого взрыва (Roger Penrose, Vakha Gurzadyan What was before the Big Bang)
      26. Ученые смоделировали развитие Вселенной до Большого Взрыва (Scientists have modeled the development of the universe before the Big Bang)
      27. Популяции.( Populations.)
      28. Йосеф Дов Соловейчик . Одинокий верующий человек, из-во Амана, Иерусалим (Yosef Dov Soloveichik. A lonely believing person, publisher Aman, Jerusalem)
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      30. Как появилась вода и сколько ее на нашей планете. (How did water appear and how much does it have on our planet.)
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      32. William Foxwell Albright  From the Stone Age to Christianity: Monotheism and the Historical Process. 1940 ( Paperback - August 28, 2011)
      33. Генри Моррис. Библейские Основы современной науки. Происхождение народов. (Henry M. Morris. The Biblical Basis, for Modern Science. The origin of peoples.October 6, 1918 - February 25, 2006)
   Doctor Vlad Kresman's review
     I read the book with great pleasure, because I was familiar with the creativity of the author and did not doubt the talent and unexpectedness of his decisions and conclusions. At the same time, I fully realize that I had the opportunity to become one of the first to get acquainted with the next creation of Joseph Kheifets only because real religious authorities consider themselves below their dignity, or do not dare, to speak out on such a non-standard topic.
     What allowed me to gain the audacity to judge this work? The same thing that gave the author to form this border zone of mutual interests of science and religion. It is about elementary human logic and the mathematical predisposition of thinking, brought up by almost half a century of experience in scientific work. And most importantly, clearly set by the author's goal to exclude from the toolkit such a concept as "trust", replacing it with the word "knowledge" (as far as possible).
      We are related to the author by the Soviet world view, defined by him as "homo sovieticus". It is unambiguously traced in his search for God, dissatisfaction with understatement and an attempt to find His material equivalent, imposed on our generation by the Christian world view. The most amazing thing is that this author succeeded. In any case, the assignment of the divine principle to the fourth spatial dimension is quite logical and acceptable if one mobilizes one's own imagination.
     The author's longstanding cooperation with a group of scientists Rishon Lecion and, in particular, with the now deceased Israel Gil, was reflected in the limitation of the World Creation area, our planet and the adoption of one of the variants of creating the model of your six days of Yours - according to Gil's version. This model was widely popularized in the press and on the Internet, but was accepted by the public ambiguously. There were other models for the promotion of the Earth, but in them, as far as I know, the author did not penetrate, because he considered for himself the fundamentally proven probability of similar events. This position can also be seen in the book.
       Quintessence of the book, it seems to me, is the analysis of the section on the longevity of the forefathers. It was absolutely impossible to imagine what the author was going to justify the unrealistically long life expectancy of the first 29 generations of forefathers. It is enough even to glance quickly at the values ??given in the Torah, given to the life of our ancestors, so that any desire to seek an explanation for this disappears. How did the author have the patience to overcome all the barriers in finding information to substantiate these astronomical magnitudes? And how simple and logical a simple and understandable conclusion came to the surface. This was more than enough to ensure the success of many years of searching.
     It is on this, I believe, that it would be possible to complete the review. For all the materials are laid out easily and logically, as is characteristic of all articles of Joseph Kheifets. No chance left the author of his opponent, who created a huge soap bubble in favor of the world's anti-Semitic majority.
    But, the coming of 2016 was marked by another scandal, shaking Israel and, to a large extent, supported and inflated by the author of the book. It's about V.Pozner's film "Jewish Happiness". In the book under review, the author casually mentions the tactless behavior of Posner, who tried to join the glory of the great scientist V.L. Ginzburg. This, to some extent, predetermined the watchful attitude of I. Kheifets to this film. Most commentators recognized Pozner's right to express his position, as he understands it. It is in this right that the author of the book refuses to the unscrupulous filmmaker, without making a discount and that he represents the microphone and some right-wing Israeli politicians. But, the overwhelming number of commentators on the film, did not pay any attention to the left-wing environment of "objective", at first glance, Posner. Among this silent, which periodically, from series to series, flashed on the screen, an anti-hero of the real book of Shlomo Sand also appeared. Few people turned to him, an unfamiliar face, except that the author of this book could not miss him. How did this antisemite come to be surrounded by the authors of the film, a priori imprisoned to create another anti-Israeli opus? It is in this that the entire "objectivity" of Posner is concentrated.
                                                                                         February 10, 2016

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