Аннотация: Translation: An outburst of a great Russian poet of the XIX century Nikolai Yazykov that could just as well be addressed to our present day totalitarian "liberals" (Interlinear translation into English of the poem by Nikolai Yazykov "To Those Who Don't Belong". The translator's note) Перевод: Гневная отповедь одного из крупнейших русских поэтов XIX века Николая Языкова, которая с таким же успехом могла бы предназначаться нашим нынешним тоталитарным "либералам" (Подстрочный перевод на английский язык стихотворения Николая Языкова "К ненашим". Примечание переводчика)
To Those Who Don't Belong
by Nikolai Yazykov
Ye you, who want
To transnature, spoil us,
And to Bocheize Russia! Give heed
To my frank outburst!
Whosoever you may be, a compatriot
And a brother of mine: a pathetic old creature,
Its grand parricide,
Its haughty defamer;
Or you, a sweet-mouthed scribe,
An oracle for ignorant youngsters,
You, a frivolous inspirer
Of rakish thoughts and prospects;
And you, an ingenuous and amiable
Worshipper of obscure books and words,
A goody interpreter
Of others' judgments and sins;
You, arrogant and impudent folk,
You, imprudent advocates
Of schools of impious thought,
All of you - you aren't the Russian people's kin!
A fat lot you care about the sacred cause
And glory of the olden times;
Real kinship doesn't dwell in your hearts,
It's grown cold. You don't feel
That sublime and noble
Love for our native country; you aren't
Inspired by the bright fire, pure flame;
It isn't love for the truth and the good
Dwelling in your hearts;
It isn't the voice of the people - the voice of God
Giving rise to your courage,
It's foreign, weird, barbarous for you!
Our fair legends ring
Ridiculous and meaningless to you;
Our mighty forefathers' deeds
Convey nothing to you:
You disdain them in your pride.
Our sacred place, the ancient Kremlin,
Our hope, power and stronghold, is
Nothing for you. The Russian Land
Will never accept enlightenment from you,
It finds you hideous: you tender
Your own treacherous views
And sacrilegious dreams!
It isn't for you to uplift it
With either your reviling or adulation,
You, who don't know
How to either get along, or sing in tune, or talk to it!
Your futile spite will die away,
Your deceitful tongue will freeze:
Strong and standfast is Holy Russia,
And Russian God's as great as ever!
"the voice of the people - the voice of God": See the proverb: "Vox populi - vox Dei" (Lat.) - "The voice of the people is the voice of God." (Eng.)
Translated by Larissa Izergina
Перевод Ларисы Изергиной
Source Источник: Стихотворение Языкова Н. М. "К ненашим"