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Long Way to Temple

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   Long Way to the Temple
   Now has passed more than ten years since in Slavic Missionary Publishing house (Connecticut, the USA) have been printed in Russian the fifth (final) volume of capital work of Dallas Theological Seminary " THE BIBLE KNOWLENDGE KOMMENTAR'' by edition John F. Walvoord and  Roy B. Zuck.
Labor-consuming work on translation into Russian of this product and adaptation was carried out by collective of Russian edition led by Platon Kharchlaa.
   It is difficult to overestimate value of this event for the orthodox Russian-speaking world. It is first time it had an opportunity to get acquainted with the original comment of all of 66 books of Scriptures. The overwhelming numbers of comments of Holy Bible have huge cognitive value.
   In many families the five-volume edition in Russian became the reference book. These books are very popular among those people who are privately studying of Bible texts. For many thousands kinds who the first time have taken in hands the Bible at mature age with firm intention to read through Holy Texts from the beginning and up to the end more useful edition than that five books is difficult to recommend. A person ho had an opportunity to read the Bible already at children's age is difficult to understand those who was generated and has grown in the malicious world penetrated by militant atheism where the religion was considered as a dope and the idea of harmonious existence without religious beliefs was inspired from childhood. Because when the habitual world has collapsed for thousands people with good education's has come the moment of search of true in religion. I now many people who have university educations and who taken in hands the Bible with sincere intention to read through all Holy Texts but left this employment after hardly having mastered some pages from Genesis. It is not their fault. It is their trouble!
   An only unit, who has put a few efforts, has managed to receive a sheer pleasure from perusal of initial texts of Bible authors. Perusal of texts of the Bible has not necessarily made their consecutive supporters of belief to God. But it is indisputable true that their outlook became others. It is true that in this perfection of outlook the huge role is played the professional comment to bible texts. That is why, everyone who incurs a role of the commentator, is obliged to take the huge responsibility. Any distortion true sense of the Bible text (often unpremeditated) admitted by the professional-interpreter inevitably attracts at the unprepared reader mistrust to the most Bible's text. I know it from own experience.
   I ask to view this clause how attempt to enter the benevolent discussion that having the unique purpose to come nearer to true in treatment of those historical events which are described by authors of Bible texts of Ezra and Nehemiah and which can be named `' The post exiled period in a life of Jewish people.''
   I understand impudence of similar attempt because I am a doctor by profession. I am only the fan of ancient history who reading Bible texts without professional interest but only with the pleasure. However, I wish to express opinion in occasion of some comments of professionals-seminary students. The only thing could excuse my impudence (or to justify me). It is thirst of knowing of answer the question `How it was actually?'
   Accepting as a whole the five-languid comment how the systematized grant for studying initial Bible texts I can not agree with its separate chapters. About any of its chapter I think they (in my opinion) give the deformed treatment of chronology of events 'the post exiled period'.
   Once again I re-read texts of Ezra and Nehemiah (English version of Holy Bible, New Living translation, Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. Wheaton, Illinois).The structure of these texts is those that are difficult to avoid desire of comparative perusal of some chapters written by two outstanding contemporaries. Personally I simultaneously as though impose their chronology on chronology of the events described in `1 Samuel' and `Chronicles'. For me special interest is represented with a historical basis of all these texts. I have own technique of reading of initial historical Bible texts. So it is easier to enter the reader into that atmosphere that sometimes is born named in Russian as `Discovery on a tip of a feather'. That atmosphere explains why much sort of discovery is made often by nonprofessionals. Them as whom it is accepted to consider in official scientific circles `People from another side'. For those `People from another side' studying of a material, from which the new idea is taken, is no more than hobby. Hobby like all hobbies the general not having with their daily that it is not the work giving by it of means for existence. Because that's discoveries look as casual. Hence, a professional such causes pushing away as the author of a discovery and its discovery (almost lawful from their point of view) and almost always their oblivion. One of ways of knowledge is those. To change something in this scheme nobody is given.
   Meanwhile, `people from another side' has one advantage - they possess fresh sight that not closed dogmas of the standard opinion. Undoubtedly the fresh sight at check can appear simply ignorant. Because as counterbalance must exist skepticism of the professional. But not bias.
   Parallel reading named Bible texts, studying of dates, names, events in comparison to comments, generated subconscious sensation no full understanding initial sense and chronology. This time it was especially sharp as concerned a General question - time of definition of year of the termination of restoration of the Temple destroyed still by Assyrians in Jerusalem. At occurrence of doubts, I for a long time apply a remarkable principle which has gathered from one very clever and good book: `READ and UNDERSTAND (the author meant texts of the Bible) as it is written!'
   But everything that is written in Ezra's and Nehemiah's unequivocally speaks: `515 B.C. cannot be year of the termination of construction (more precisely Restoration) the Temple in Jerusalem how commentators approve and what is fixed in the table `Chronology of events of `The post exiled period' (see page 254 of `THE BIBLE KNOWLENDE KOMMENTARY' in Russian Version. Unfortunately, I haven't English Version ):
   This table there looks as follows:
   The Persian Kings
   Dates of reign
   Bible's events
   Place about event in Holy Scriptures
   Dates B.C.
   559 - 530
   His decree about returning Jews from a captivity
   The first returning led by Zerubbabel (for restoration of a temple);
   Beginning of construction of the basis of an Altar and Temple
   Ezra 1:1-4
   Ezra 2

Ezra 3:1 - 4:5

   530 - 522
   Лжесмердиз (Russian version of Name
   Darius 1 Hystaspes
   521 - 486
   End of construction of the Temple
   Ezra 5-6
   Xerxes (Ahasuerus)
   485 - 465
   Charge against Judea
   Ezra 4-6
   Artaxerxes (in Russian Артахшашта)
   464 - 424
   Temporary stop of construction of Jerusalem
   The second returning led by Ezra
   The third returning from captivity led by Nehemiah
   Ezra 4:7-23
   Ezra 7-10
   Book of Nehemiah
   Dear reader!
   Let's read together the comment for Ezra and Nehemiah. It is written by John A. Martin (Джон А.Мартин) and Jinn A.Getts (Джин А. Гетц) accordingly. This comment is placed in the Russian-speaking edition in volume `Interpretation of Old Testament from the 1 Samuel till the Song a songs' (in Russian "Толкование ветхозаветных книг от Первой Книга Царств по Песню Песней" (in the further in abbreviated form `Interpretation').
   Here J.A.Martin writes:
   "Book of Ezra covers two different periods of time. Chapters 1-6 describe the period in the extent 23 years - from the edition well-known decree of King Cyrus till restoration of the Jerusalem Temple (538 - 515 B.C.).
   Chapters 7 - 10 describes of events after returning Ezra from Babylon (458 B.C.).
   There are also two exceptions, more precisely Inclusions. In 4:6 it is spoken about the event which is taken place in reign Xerxes (485 - 465 B.C.), and in 4:7 - 23, as though in brackets, gave the letter which written later, in reign Artaxerxes (464 - 424 B.C.)''
   I do not know how at whom but at me very complex schemes with introduction in them numerous, inclusions and exceptions, cause almost always sensation of artificiality, unnaturalness, frailty. Ingenious creation almost always has simply view. It is logical and even externally beautiful. The Book of Ezra, certainly, ingenious product and its author was punctual even in the description of particulars. Hi could not create illogical in any way, chronologically unrestrained structure of the text.
   Meanwhile true sequence of events `The post exiled period' it is extremely precisely stated in Ezra and in Nehemiah. Strictly adhering to Bible texts, taking written to them as events and not as symbols, we inevitability shall come to the unique interpretation of chronology of events:
   In time of reign Artaxerxes1 was not temporary ended construction of Jerusalem! In that time was only construction is suspended of a Temple. Actions of King were quite logical. Hi, as well as his predecessors, Darius1 Hystaspes and Xerxes (Artaxerx's1father), had not so a kind feeling for Jewish people and their God. They had no time to prosecute subjects of construction of a Temple to the God Who not esteemed by them somewhere on boondocks of empire. They have been absorbed by wearisome wars in the West with the Greek states.
   Artaxerxes1 Longhand's (in Russian Долгорукий) once having published the decree about stay of construction of a Temple in Jerusalem to cancel it (even if has wished) could not any more. And in fact His reign proceeded 40 years. Laws of the Persian Empire were those! This law is known also to the author of the comment. J.A.Martin himself writes about it in page 316 of `Interpretation' in comments of text of Esther 8:3-6:
   `Under laws of the Persian Empire the imperial decree that once published any more did not lose the force'.
   Same also other Bible authors repeatedly confirm. In the Esther (8:7-8) King reminds to Esther about impossibility to change that is written on behalf of King and is sealed by an Imperial's ring.
   In the Daniel (6:12) we read:
   `...it is a low of the Medes and Persians, which cannot be revoked.'
   And further (6:15):
   `...no low that the king signs can be changed'
   But despite of it making comments of Ezra (4:17- 23), J.A.Martin has written (see p. 263 of the Russian edition of the book `Interpretation'):
   `14-15 years later (in 444 B.C.) Artaxerxes has cancelled the prohibition to restore Jerusalem. There it was allowed to come back Nehemiah to build up walls of Judea's capitals. However, direct result of the letter received Artaxerxes from Samaria in 458 B.C. there was compulsory termination of buildings work.'
   So, once having made a mistake in definition of a date closed of restoration of a Temple in Jerusalem the author of one of chapters of the book `Interpretation' already compelled is mistaken and in other dates and names, naming 444 B.C. as date of canceling by Artaxerxes of the ostensibly prohibitions to restore Jerusalem. Because now author made erroneous conclusion already contrary to historic facts and words of Bible authors.
   To learn true dates of events and names of the Kings mentioned in Ezra and Nehemiah we shall read through that the Bible author in the initial text has written, nothing changing according to our understanding.
   Ezra (4:7):
   `And even later, during the reign of King Artaxerxes of Persia, the enemies of Judah, led by Bishlam, Mithredat, and Tabeel, sent a letter to Artaxerxes...'
   Ezra (4:24):
   `The work on the Temple of God in Jerusalem had stopped, and it remained at a standstill until the second year of the reign of King Darius of Persia.'
   Here it is unequivocal, not supposing any different interpretations, the author of the Bible text speaks about a suspension of construction only of a Temple. `At home divine which in Jerusalem'. But the Bible author does not mention a suspension of construction of walls of city. Duration of a suspension of construction of a Temple is precisely specified: `until the second year of the reign of King Darius of Persia'.
   But the reader will tell and the author of the comment approves that construction of a Temple in Jerusalem has been completed at the Persian King Darius. And 515 B.C. really was in the reign of Darius. Yes, of cause. But in history of the Persian state was a few Darius'!
   To a huge regret, the commentator has accepted one Darius for another Darius. Hi has accepted Darius 2, about him the Bible author wrote and at his reign restoration of a Temple in Jerusalem has really been completed, for Darius 1 Hystaspes. Reign of Darius 1 Hystaspes who, under the version of interpreters, construction of a Temple in Jerusalem has come to the end, has ended for twenty years earlier than reign Artaxerxes 1, which according to ancient author has suspended construction of the same Temple in Jerusalem. The obvious contradiction is available. But...
   But `Read and understand, as it is written!'
   And then it becomes clear that after King Artaxerxes1 Persia within nineteen years of rules Darius 2 (423- 404B.C.) and then was King his son Artaxerxes 2 (in Russian Мнемон) (404-358 B.C.). Hi reigned 46 years. For chronology of `The post exiled period' in full conformity with initial Bible texts of Ezra and Nehemiah, it is necessary to accept following version:
   538 B.C. - The Persian King Cyrus 2 the Great has grasped in this year Babylon. And in this year Cyrus published the decree about returning the first party of the Jews-repatriates who was in captivity some decades.
   Read Ezra 1:1, 2:
   `In the first year of King Cyrus of Persia, the Lord fulfilled Jeremiah's prophecy by stirring the heart of Cyrus to put this proclamation into writing and to send it throughout his kingdom; "This is what King Cyrus of Persia says: The Lord, the God of heaven, has given me all the kingdoms of the earth. He has appointed me to build him a Temple at Jerusalem in the land of Judah. "'
   Here one specification for they who first time reading these lines of the Bible text is required. Though reign of Cyrus 2 has begun in 559 B.C. him reign did not extend on the Babylon Empire up to 538 B.C., where in captivity were Judeans. In 538 B.C. (some scriptures tell in 539 B.C.) Babylon has been grasped by armies of Cyrus 2, and the Babylon Empire was included in the Persian Empire as a province. Because the Bible author write that 538 B.C. was first year of Cyrus. However, 538 B.C. as first year of Cyrus interpret all researchers and commentators of the Bible.
   536 B.C. Having received under the order reigning the significant material means, the first part of repatriates in quantity about 50 thousand person (among them were not only Judean), led by Zerubbabel in the second year after arrival from the Babylon captivity has put in pawn the basis of a Temple in Jerusalem.
   Read Ezra 3:8-11:
   `Te construction of the Temple of God began in midspring, during the second year after they arrived in Jerusalem. The work force was made up of everyone who had returned from exile, including Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel, Jeshua son of Jehozadak and his fellow priests, and all the Levites. The Levites who were twenty years old or older were put in charge of rebuilding the Lord's Temple. The workers of the temple of God were supervised by Jeshua with his sons and relatives, and Kadmiel and his sons, all descendants of Hodaviah (any scroll named Hodaviah as bene Yehudah. Yehudah is probably another name for Hodaviah). They were helped in this task by the Levites of the family of Henadad. When the builders completed the foundation of the Lord's Temple, the priests put on their robes and took their places to blow their trumpets. And the Levites, descendants of Asaph, clashed their cymbals to praise the Lord, just as King David had prescribed. With praise and thanks, they sang this song to the Lord: "He is so good! His faithful love for Israel endures forever!" Then all the people gave a great shout, praising the Lord because the foundation of the Lord's Temple had been laid.'
   But because of counteraction of people who have been moved to the grounds and in cities of Judea instead of stolen in captivity Judeans, and also because of lack workers and the financial assets, the first years of construction of a Temple were accompanied by greater difficulties. Besides, soon (in 530B.C.) in one of fights with tribes of Central Asia the King-patron Cyrus 2 was murdered. Because about a course of construction of a Temple in Jerusalem in 530-458 B.C. from Bible almost unknown. In itself such default of Bible authors speaks about much. I think construction these decades went extremely slowly. Very much can be that it stopped for few years. And to that there are objective historical circumstances. First, counteraction of people living here whom heads constantly wrote to address of the Persian Kings of the letter with charge Judeans. Counteraction was sometimes accompanied by application of force. And Judeans have been compelled to protect with the weapon construction of Jerusalem and a Temple in it. The antagonism distracted small Judean's forces from their basic work for building of a Temple.
   Secondly (and it, possibly, the main thing), Kings reigned in Persia these decades conducted wearisome and unsuccessful wars with the Greek states. In such circumcisions they could not (and probably did not wish) to spend means for construction of a Temple to another's God for them somewhere on boondocks of Empire. It is known, that Xerxes, replaced on the Persian throne Darius1 Hystaspes, has carried out in the state religious reform, with the purpose of strengthening of a cult uniform one of all Persia god Akhuramazda (in Russian transcription's Ахурамазда). At last, one of the accusatory letters, addressed to the next governor of Persia Artaxerxes1has reached the purpose.
   In 458 B.C. (Notes: because of absence of this date in the Bible text it is taken from other sources. But here the mistake in 2-3 years of value has no, as does not influence definition of a date closed of construction of a Temple...) Artaxerxes 1 decree has enjoined to suspend construction of a Temple and city, having suspected Judeans in aspiration `to be postponed'. This King stayed on a throne forty years (464-424 B.C.). And, as it was spoken already above, he had no right to cancel the decree during all period of reign.
   Read Ezra 4:21, 24:
   `Therefore, issue orders to have these people stop their work. That city must not be rebuilt except at my express command...The work on the temple of god in Jerusalem had stopped, and it remained at a standstill until the second year of reign of King Darius of Persia.'
   There are no doubts that the author of the Bible text here could speak only about Darius 2, which board proceeded about 20 years (424-404 B.C.). There are many historically authentic certificates, that the Persian King Darius 2, unlike him predecessors on a throne, was under strong influence Judeans priests and for him God of Israel already was not a hostile deity. Having taken advantage of the changed situation, heads of Judeans half legal renew construction of a Temple in Jerusalem.
   Read Ezra 5:2:
   `Zerubbabel...and Jeshua...responded by beginning the task of rebuilding the temple of God in Jerusalem. And the prophets of God were with them and helped them.'
   These actions again cause response of leaders of hostile people. They apply to new Persian King.
   Read Ezra 5:17:
   `So now, if it pleases the king, we request that you search in the royal archives of Babylon to discover whether King Cyrus ever issued a decree to rebuild God's Temple in Jerusalem'.
   That in this case is a question of construction of a Temple in Jerusalem does not demand any proofs: the Bible text speaks for itself. It also unequivocally approves: construction of a Temple is not finished yet.
   In the verse resulted above the main proof of an inaccuracy of the book accepted by authors contains `Interpretation' of chronology `The post exiled period'. Words used in the Bible text testify that all peoples already had time to forget thoroughly the maintenance of decree Cyrus 2 about the sanction of the first party of Judeans to come back to Jerusalem and to start construction of a Temple. If to admit indisputability of the version about the termination of construction of a Temple in Jerusalem in 515 B.C. (in reign of Darius 1 Hystaspes) it is necessary to explain well somehow simultaneously and improbable forgetfulness of receivers of Cyrus 2 and all superb debugged machinery of government of the Persian Empire. How they could for so short period (less than two decades) to forget the purpose of an outcome from a captivity of fifty thousand people who heads have received from the state treasury significant treasures for construction of a Temple? They who is even superficially familiar under historical documents with discipline and order in the Persian Empire of that period of time, they cannot accept the version about the termination of construction of a Temple in Jerusalem in 515 B.C., not having conflicted with obvious things. This `forgetfulness' is possible to explain well only the factor of time: from the moment of the edition of decree Cyrus 2 (538B.C.) up to a writing of letter to Darius 2 (nearby 424 B.C.) has passed already almost 115 years.
   Read Ezra 6:1, 2:
   `So King Darius issued orders that a search be made in the Babylonian archives, where treasures were stored. But it was at the fortress at Esbatana in the province of Media that a scroll was found. This is what it said: "Memorandum... (After read verses 4, 5)'
   Having understood a situation, Darius 2 not only has allowed continuing erection of a Temple in Jerusalem, but the command promoted the termination of the tightened construction.
   Read Ezra 6:6-12:
   `"To Tattenai, governor of the province west of the Euphrates River, to Shetar-bozenai, and to your colleagues and other officials west of the Euphrates; "Stay away from there! Do not disturb the construction of the Temple of God. Let it be rebuilt on its former site, and do not hinder the governor of Judah and the leaders of the Jews in the work. Moreover I hereby decree that you are to help these leaders of the Jews as they rebuild this Temple of God. You must pay the full construction cost without delay from my taxes collected in your province so that the work will not be discontinued. Give the priests in Jerusalem whatever is needed in the way of young bulls, rams, and lamb for the burnt offerings presented to the God of heaven. And without fall, provide them with the wheat, salt, wine, and olive oil that they need each day. Then they will be able to offer acceptable sacrifices to the God of heaven and pray for me and my sons. "Those who violate this decree in any way will have a beam pulled from their house. Then they will be tied to it and flogged, and their house will be reduced to a pile of rubble. May the God who has chosen the city of Jerusalem as the place to honor his name destroy any king or nation that violates this command and destroys this Temple. I, Darius, have issued this decree. Let it be obeyed with all diligence."
   The Bible text resulted here more than eloquently describes the attitude of the Persian King Darius to God of Israel. It could be only Darius 2. Anything similar could not be in days of reign in Persia Darius 1Histapes.He worshipped to other gods.
   And, at last, there has come 418B.C. - year of the valid termination of construction of a Temple in Jerusalem.
   Read Ezra 6:14, 15:
   `So the Jewish leaders continued their work, and they were greatly encouraged by the preaching of the prophets Haggai and Zechariah son of Ido. The Temple was finally finished, as had been commanded by the God of Israel and decreed by Cyrus, Darius, and Artaxerxes, the king of Persia. The temple was completed on the third day of the month Adar, during the sixth year of King Darius's reign.'
   To words of the Bible author it is impossible for something to add. They do not require the comment. However, the author of the comment of Book of Ezra in the page 265 of the Russian-speaking edition's `Interpretation', already being in a captivity of insoluble contradictions with the Bible text, writes:
   `It is necessary to notice, that Artaxerxes, come to the throne when construction of a Temple has been already ended, any attitude to it had no'.
   The logic of error is those. Once having made a mistake, the commentator is already compelled to consider a mention of name Artaxerxes as a mistake the author of the Holy Bible text!
   Here pertinently to tell about another phenomenon. In a captivity of the mistake admitted by one commentator, in a final case, there are also all of authors of "THE BIBLE KNOWLENDGE KOMMENTAR''. To the erroneous version about termination dates of construction of a Temple in Jerusalem are compelled to adhere and commentators of some other historical Bible texts.
   In Ezra 6:17-22 describes procedure of consecration of a temple, bringing of victims to the God and celebrating of people on the occasion of the termination of construction of a Temple. And further, in full conformity with chronology, the seventh chapter of Ezra author begins words:
   `Many years later, during the reign of King Artaxerxes of Persia...Ezra...came up to Jerusalem from Babylon...in the seventh year of King Artaxerxes' reign.' (Ezra 7:1, 6, 7)
   There was 397 B.C. In this year was beginning of returning from the Babylon captivity of the second party of Jews-repatriates. Has headed this party of Ezra, who "was a scribe, well versed in the Law of Moses..." There was it already in reign of senior son of Darius's 2 the Artaxerxes 2 (in Russian Мнeмон) who has ascended to a throne of the Persian Empire in 404 B.C. He was reigned continuing 46 years till to 358 B.C. As well as his father Darius 2, new King was under strong influence Judean's priests, who were a scribes and experts in Law of Moses.
   Artaxerxes 2 on the seventh year of the reign has directed generous gifts to a Temple in Jerusalem, restored twenty one year ago, at time of reign of his father King Darius 2. Artaxerxes 2 has given to the head of the second party of Jews-repatriates great privileges.
   Read Ezra 7:6:
   `...and the king gave him everything he asked for, because the gracious hand of the Lord his God was on him.'
   And further read verses 15-23 same chapters:
   `We also commission you to take with you some silver and gold, which we are freely presenting as an offering to the God of Israel who lives in Jerusalem. Moreover you are to take any silver and gold which you may obtain from the province of Babylon, as well as the freewill offering of the people and the priests that are presented for the Temple of their God in Jerusalem. These donations are to the used specifically for the purchase of bulls, rams, lambs, and the appropriate grain offering and drink offerings, all of which will be offered on the altar of temple of your God in Jerusalem. Any money that is left over may be used whatever way you and your colleagues feel is the will of your God. But as for the utensils we are entrusting to you for the service of the Temple of your God, deliver them in full to the God of Jerusalem. If you run short of money for anything necessary for your God's Temple or for any similar needs, you may requisition funds from the royal treasury. I, Artaxerxes the king, hereby sent this decree to all the treasurers in the province west of the Euphrates River: "You are to give Ezra whatever he requests of you, for he is a priest and teacher of the low of the God of heaven. You are to give him up to 100 talents of silver, 100 cors of wheat, 100 baths of wine, 100 baths of olive oil, and an unlimited supply of salt. Be careful to provide whatever the God of heaven demands for his Temple, for why should we risk bringing God's anger against the realm of the king and his sons?'
   To they to recognize also that these outstanding figures of ancient Hebrew people were also contemporaries of the Persian King Artaxerxes 2. And then we should not read on p. 261 of the Russian edition of the book `Interpretation absolutely an improbable assumption: So unless after such blessings the name of King Artaxerxes is mentioned in the ancient Bible text casually?
   Rich imperial gifts for a Temple in Jerusalem and privileges to heads of the second part of Jews-repatriates necessarily should leave a deep trace in history of Jewish people and in memory of his chroniclers. Because, a mention (see Ezra 6:14) the name of the Persian King Artaxerxes (certainly, Artaxerxes 2 who in Russian Мнемон) in connection with a Temple was not erroneous as commentator J.A.Martin believes, but, contrary, logically, naturally and explainable from the point of view of historical events. The mention of a name especially of that King's in this place of the Bible text is chronologically consecutive.
   Later thirteen years after an output from the Babylon captivity Jews led by Ezra, Artaxerxes 2 has directed to Jerusalem other priest Nehemiah's (in 384B.C.). The fact that Ezra and Nehemiah were contemporaries it is recognized by all researchers of the Bible, including authors of `Interpretation'.
   "Everything about what it is spoken in verses 6-23 chapters 4 of Ezra it is necessary to consider as some kind of an insert (`the message in brackets')".
   To the author of the Bible text who extremely consecutive and strictly adhering to chronology there was no necessity to resort to such, without any motives, to reception. May be we must to admit: he thought, as though to confuse us, who far descendants living from him on distance of millennial more strongly?
   Once having plunged into bog of contradictions and erroneous interpretation of the Bible text, the commentator of Ezra's already now does not try to get out of it. Now, without a shadow of doubts, he approves (see р.267 the Russian edition of the book `Interpretation'):
   "He, Xerxes, was that `Artaxerxes', about whom speech in the book of Esther".
   But, probably, that author of Bible texts, having resulted name of Artaxerxes, knew better than us, whom he thus meant actually. And there was no at him an occasion to name Xerxes as Artaxerxes.
   To an arrival time to Jerusalem second part of Jews-repatriates, the most part of those who has come still with Zerubbabel has mixed up with other people: Canaanites, Hittites, Perizzites, Jebusites, Ammonites, Moabites, Egyptians, and Amorites. Read Ezra9:2:
   `For the men of Israel have married women from these people and have taken them as wives for their sons. So the holy race has become polluted by these mixed marriages. To make matters worse, the officials and leaders are some of the worst offenders.'
   Mixture with other people, as all previous history of Jewish people testified, led Jews to recede from the laws of God. That laws that granted to them as the first-born sons and who was selected by the God. And mixture with other people led them to worship cults of gods of other tribes. So was and this time. Having familiarized with a spiritual condition of people and using the powers given by the Persian King, Ezra has carried out a number of the strict actions that directed on strengthening of belief in uniform God of Israel.
   But these actions go to isolation Jews from people of other tribes who lived on the grounds of Judah and to strain of relations with them.
   Attacks to builders of Jerusalem have again renewed, one of which was accompanied by destruction of a wall around of city, with such difficult of the persistent work build for decades.
   Read Nehemiah 1:3:
   `They said to me, "Things are not going well for those who returned to the province of Judah. They are in great trouble and disgrace. The wall of Jerusalem has been torn down, and the gates have been burned.'
   The priest Nehemiah results in the text the message which has brought to him to Babylon the people who have arrived from Judah. Using the influence at a court yard of the Persian King, Nehemiah receives the sanction from Artaxerxes 2 (in Russian Мнемон) to leave for Judea in posts of governor of Judah. It was in 384 B.C., in the twentieth year of reign Artaxerxes 2.
   Read Nehemiah 5:14:
   `I would like to mention that for the entire twelve years that I was governor of Judah - from the twentieth until the thirty-second year of the reign of King Artaxerxes - neither I nor my officials drew on our official food allowance.'
   The same dates are named by the Bible author in the first verses of chapter 1 and 2 of the Book of Nehemiah's. Occupying the post of governor of Judah and using protection of the Persian King, Nehemiah has quickly enough restored the destroyed wall around of Jerusalem. He has put in it a gate and has started intensive building city, inducing to move in it, under protection of the walls, the Jews who lived in neighboring valleys.
   Read Nehemiah 11:2:
   `And the people commended everyone who volunteered to resettle in Jerusalem.'
   Revival of city was accompanied by solemn consecration of a wall, sacrifice and national fun.
   Read Nehemiah12:43:
   `Many sacrifices were offered on that joyous day, for God had given the people cause for great joy. The women and children also participated in the celebration, and the joy of the people of Jerusalem could be heard far away.'
   Presumably, this event can be dated 372B.C. And though Judea still remained a part of the Persian Empire, the whole stage in a life of people has come to the end. This stage can be named `The post exiled'. (The some people prefer to use the term `Post captured').
   The God prepared for people selected by him for new tests - to centuries-old scattering over the face of Earth.
   And to go through even centuries-old dispersion for the Jewish people, possibly, has helped the major event of `The post exiled period'- the restoration of a Temple to God of Israel in Jerusalem, and, as a result, returning to Belief.
   Proofs that offered by authors of the book `Interpretation' the chronology of the `post exiled period' it is erroneous and 515 B.C. cannot be accepted by serious researchers of the Bible as a date closed of restoration of a Temple in Jerusalem, that was destroyed in 586 B.C., in initial historical texts of the Bible is many.
   In addition to already resulted facts I wish to state two more facts which are having universal value.
   First of all it is a "factor of time" as one of elements of the proof by search of true. It is known (read the 1 Kings 6:38), that King Solomon built a Temple in Jerusalem seven and a half of years. Construction was carried out when the ancient state of Jewish people was in zenith of the development, possessing the huge qualified human and material resources, in conditions of a favorable international situation. Besides, it is necessary to mean that predecessor of Solomon on a throne the King David already has prepared practically all necessary building and even finishing materials for the future Temple; in details the project of the future Temple has been made also.
   Restoration of completely destroyed temple, and on-essence, its new construction, in `the post exiled period' it should be carried out in conditions of sharp deficiency of a labors and the qualified masters, at the limited material means, in unprepared territory, in an environment of hostile neighbors from which it was necessary to be protected often with the weapon in hands; with the constant account "moods" of native Kings.
   Difficultly, it is almost impossible, to think that in such adverse conditions was possible to carry out only for two decades (536 -515B.C.) restoration of a majestic construction that was a Temple in Jerusalem.
   Even the termination of construction of a Temple in Jerusalem in 418 B.C. (under my version) it is necessary to consider, not being afraid of exaggeration, as a feat of that first party of Jews which has left captivity in 538 B.C.
   It is impossible to bypass silence yet one more (let too indirect) the proof of greater historical reliability of my version of chronology 'the post exiled period' and dates of restoration of a Temple in Jerusalem in 418 B.C. Majority of researchers of the Bible converge in opinion that both Books of Chronicles (1 Chronicles and 2 Chronicles) have been written by the Bible author right at the end of the fifth century B.C. (nearby 400 B.C.). To that opinion there are very many proofs among which the most weighty is the mention of name of Anani as last of listed of `Descendants of David' (read 1 Chronicles 3:24). He was the descendant of a dynasty of King David in the eighth generation, so, he was born between 425 and 400 B.C.
   The author of the Bible texts of Chronicles aspired to concentrate attention of the reader to two themes. On a theme are `David and his descendants' and `A Temple in Jerusalem and worship in it to God of Israel'. Therefore, almost undoubtedly, it is possible to admit that for the Bible author who has come back home from the Babylon captivity, the termination of construction (restoration) of a Temple in Jerusalem was that most powerful source of inspiration which up to descendants the feat of the ancestors made on a plan of the God and under His protection simply obliged to inform. That God of Israel who in the original way has awarded the people who has come back to Belief of fathers.
   Here this event in a life of Jewish people, which (under my assumption) has occurred in 418 B.C. time of creation of the first-second of Books of Chronicles in the end of the fifth century B.C. Occurrence of the bible text, with strongly pronounced religious idea speaks, was the requirement of time. All in this world, being elements of a plan of the Creator, is interconnected...
   Outside given clause there was an analysis of the reasons of occurrence of the erroneous version of chronology `the post exiled period' which, in turn, has entailed mistakes in chronology of boards of Kings of Judah and Israel. However, it is other theme. About hundred years ago someone has counted up, that on the basis of studying Bible texts by visible researchers of the Bible it is offered from above 150 chronologies. Since then, possibly, their number has increased essentially. And the reader has the right to ask to the author of this (my) chronology a question: "what will change if to consider as year of restoration of a Temple in Jerusalem not 515 B.C., but 418 B.C.?'
   I shall answer frankly. The world, certainly, will not change; in it is not becomes less malicious also defects, the number starving will not decrease and patients, is not becomes more kind, mutual understanding and respect; will not come in this world and harmony. But I, having started to read the Bible in already old age, and having plunged into the opened particle of sense of its texts, became another. And now up to the end of days terrestrial I shall approve: `The Bible is an inexhaustible source of the most authentic knowledge!'
   The door to this source is always open for each of us. And that is very a pity to me of the person who has not wished to take advantage of a given opportunity and has not opened this door.
   So the chronology 'The post exiled period' sees if to understand the Book Ezra and Nehemiah how they are written:
   The Persian Kings
   Dates of reign
   Bible's events
   Place about event in Holy Scriptures
   Dates B.C.
   Cyrus 2 "The Great"
   559 - 530
   His decree about returning Jews from a captivity
   Beginning of construction of the basis of an Altar and Temple
   Ezra 1:1-4
   Ezra 3:8-11
   530 - 522
   Лжесмердиз (Russian version of Name
   Darius 1 Hystaspes
   521 - 486
   Charge against Judea
   Ezra 4:5
   Xerxes (Ahasuerus)
   485 - 465
   Charge against Judea
   Ezra 4-6
   Artaxerxes 1 "Longhand's " (in Russian Долгорукий)
   464 - 424
   Order of King about stay of construction of a Temple and city
   Ezra 4:21, 24
   Darius 2
   The decree about renewal of construction in Jerusalem;
   The Termination of construction of a temple in Jerusalem
   Ezra 6:6-12
   Ezra 6:14,15
   Artaxerxes 2 (in Russian Мнемон)
   404 - 358
   Direction Ezra to Judah with gifts to a Temple in Jerusalem;
   Direction Nehemiah to Judah
   The termination of restoration of a wall around of Jerusalem
   Ezra 7 : 1,6,7, 15-23
   Nehemiah 5:14
   Nehemiah 12:43
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