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Fishery in North Atlantic

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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   Herewith we offer a collection of manuals for fisheries in main fishing areas of North Atlantic.
   The collection consists of practical recommendations for fishery in NAFO Regulation, 200-mile zones of Canada, the USA and West Greenland areas, some NEAFC divisions. The recommendations are based on tens years experience of work in those areas on search and fishing vessels.
   Recommendations per each area include complete information about optimal fishing activities in accordance with fishery rules. For that purpose such aspects as peculiarity of main species aggregations allocation, methods of estimation are traversed in order to achieve successful and efficient fishing activity level and furthermore elements of fishing tactics are described!
   We also attach some charts with indicated routs for trawling avoiding snags. There are also information about snags positions and methods for the best trawling positions choice.
   This collection was prepared by the flag specialist of fishing in NW Atlantic Mr.E.Konovalov.
   Content of the collection:
      -- Fishing in NAFO area. The rules.
   Peculiarity of fish species allocation. Elements of fishing tactics.
      -- Fishing in divisions of 200-mile zone o Canada. Fishing regulations. Allocations of main species. Fishing activity tactics.
      -- Fishing on East shelf of the USA. Fishing possibility of the area in accordance with contemporary Regulations. Fishing tactics elements.
      -- Fishing for Greenland Halibut (GHL) on the shelf of West Greenland.
      -- Fishing for some species in the NEAFC area.
   I. Fishing in NAFO area. The rules.
   Peculiarity of fish species allocation. Elements of fishing tactics.
   - Introduction.
   1. Main regulations of fishery in accordance with NAFO Conservation and Enforcement Measures
   - Fishing for Red Fish
   - Fishing for Greenland Halibut
   - Fishing for shrimp
   2. Information and reporting in accordance with Hail system.
   3. Peculiarity of Red Fish allocation in Div.3ONM. Detection and fishing tactics elements. The best fishing position choice.
   - Red Fish of Div.3NO
   - Red Fish of Div.3M
   - Red Fish of high sea of Labrador, south of Greenland (Div.1F, 3K)
   4. Golden Red Fish
   5. Shrimp of Div.3M, 3L
   - Previous years fisheries survey.
   - Peculiarity of shrimp allocation. Fishing tactics.
   6. Greenland Halibut
   - Previous years fisheries survey
   - Halibut allocation. Fishing tactics.
   7. Some amendments of Regulations in 2005-2006. Suggestions for fishing activity arrangement.
   - Red Fish in Div.3O
   - Fishing for skate
   - Fishing for White Hake
   8. Recommendations for coordinated interaction with NAFO inspectors (requirements and executions).
   II. Fishing in divisions of 200-mile zone of Canada. Fishing regulations. Allocations of main species. Fishing activity tactics.
  -- Introduction
      -- Silver Hake in Div.4VWX
  -- Main rules of fishing in accordance with Coastal Fishery Protection Regulation.
  -- Silver Hake allocation on shelf
  -- Fishing tactics elements
      -- Squid. Fishing features.
      -- Atlantic Mackerel in Div.4VWX
  -- Rules of fishery
  -- Previous years of fishing for mackerel survey
  -- Fishery arrangement
      -- Roundnose Grenadier
  -- Div.3K
  -- Div.2J+2G
      -- Halibut. Fishing for Greenland Halibut in divisions of 200-mile zone.
  -- Survey of Soviet fishing for halibut in 1981-85
  -- Fishing tactics elements
      -- Conclusion
   Supplement I. Codes of species in 200-mile zone.
   Supplement II. Pictures 1-39. Tables of fishing demonstration. Some positions for bottom trawl towing.
   III. Fishing on East shelf of the USA. Fishing possibility of the area in accordance with contemporary Regulations. Fishing tactics elements.
  -- Introduction
      -- Fishing characteristics of the area
  -- Weather conditions of fishing
  -- Oceanography conditions of fishing
  -- Main species allocation features
  -- Species of possible by-catches and directed fishing.
  -- Stages of the Soviet Fishery on the shelf. Fishery before 200-mile zone establishment. Soviet Fishery after 200-mile zone establishment.
      -- Opportunities of Fishing. Suggestions for the best resources utilization of the area.
  -- Conclusion
   IV. Fishing for Greenland Halibut (GHL) on the shelf of West Greenland.
      -- Main fishery Regulations
  -- Information and reporting
  -- Recommendations for the best reporting arrangement
  -- Recommendations for coordinated interaction with GFLK inspectors.
      -- Peculiarity of Greenland Halibut allocation. Fishing tactics elements.
        -- Fishing for some species in the NEAFC area. Reserves of Fishery in North Atlantic.
  -- Opportunities of fishing for Greenland Halibut in the waters southwards Fishing zone of Iceland.
  -- Fishing for Beryx, Gurnard
  -- Search and fishing arrangement.
   In case you are interested in detailed information and printed collection or a part of it, please contact Mr.Eduard Konovalov:
   Universitetskaya str. 8, fl.8
   236040 Kaliningrad, Russia
   Tel. +7 4012531998
   mailto: [email protected]
   mob. +7 9062131091
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