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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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Lord, give rest awake in a night cold,
 Let will forget hunger, swords and gold,
 Give them dead last, give them the way to heaven,
 Give your children the lost calm down, give away ...
 In the light of a dead sun
 The wind blows the ash
 The world will never wake up
 And there to call destiny is no need ...
 Night falls again
 And the day the haze gray,
 Forgotten faith in the word,
 Forgotten are the holy words ...
 No more bright temples,
 There is no heat of the soul,
 Night - damn time now
 Soul forever deprived ...
 Cold face froze,
 And crying an old man;
 His name - Time
 And we are forever - like a moment ... to see...
 But over the years - the price paid,
 Again for eternity year,
 Fire strands dry thirst,
 Run well, run, man!
 Fate did not leave the door
 Where could step
 Forgotten, beasts of prey,
 Leaving the only way ...
 In this forgotten world
 Where hatred reigns,
 Death is lighter lifes
 And someone to tired play ...
 But it is not his way,
 Across borders and scy,
 Wings tossed again
 To carry out ... Choose  and fly...

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