Латман Иосиф : другие произведения.

The Beginning Of Summer...

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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Yosef Latman

                                                        All rights reserved by the author.

(Free translation from Russian by the author Yosef Latman)

The beginning of summer... The early morning... Wind gusts...
To morning blanching,
Our garden is like in a haze -
One can′t see in him trees branches.
Only a weak sun ray at dawn new day′s
calls to us.
Twinkling in moonlight′s -
A flock ducks are flying in the sky above us. -
They must be in a hurry to get home,
before the storm.

My heart skipped a beat - may be this my youth
Lost her way, coming back to me very slowly?
Or my memory bowl been
Overflowed with a green′s
of new life among mossy roots?..-
I think only,
that, seems, to sky is be given know it...
January 2020

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