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She Tells Me To Tell You

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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Have I ever told you, what you mean to me, 
You are the Father I never had, I am a Refugee. 
All those years ago, when first we met,
You came with Mary, your Wife, never to forget. 
I remember the kindness, in both your eyes, 
How tragic that now, only one sees the sunrise.
How sad it is, the waste of all those years, 
When I knew of you both, but not of your tears. 
Only one phone call, the day I spoke to you, 
Did I realise the hurt, that within you grew.
You told me of Mary, your Beloved, so ill,
Her life, out of your hands, how bitter the pill.
You told me of your visits, seeing her so helpless, 
Your mind in turmoil, your heart in such darkness.
So many weeks, you suffered in aching silence,
Your heart in tatters, forever searching patience.
Until one day, God chose her to leave,
This Earth and you, sadly, forever to grieve.
You tell me your Love, for Mary was immeasurable, 
Over fifty years together, memories so valuable.
I know your heart died, the day Mary left,
All that is here on Earth, is your shell, bereft.
I do understand, the pain in your heart,
My thoughts and prayers, to you, I impart.
Whatever time is left, in God's hands we are, 
Mary in Heaven, watches over you from afar.
She sees in your heart, the tears that you cry, 
She tells me to tell you, she did not die.
She lives in your heart, in all that you own,
The pictures, the photos, everything in your home.
She tells me to tell you, Life must go on,
Each day she rises, with you, to see the Sun.
All day, she watches, everything you do,
Making sure that you care, for yourself to renew. 
Each evening she reads, the Psalms while you sleep, 
Then closes her eyes, from within her soul so deep.
How Blessed you both were, with undying Love,
I think of you both, on Earth, and Heaven up above. 
People search all their lives, and never seem to find,
That someone special, who will be to them kind. 
Remember the years, of Love that you shared, 
Many would envy, if they found, someone that cared.
I believe in fate, and I know in my heart, 
That we keep in touch, while Mary is apart. 
She tells me to watch over you, and all that you do, 
The joy that you bring to me, no-one else can do. 
So listen to her words, so gently does she speak, 
Your Love, She feels, and returns to, each week.

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