- (нанести непоправимый в. отношениям): he was strongly opposed to issuing the visa, arguing that it would do irreparable damage to our vaunted "special relationship" with Great Britain;
- (нанести в., он бы мог нанести мне гораздо больший в.): he could have wreaked much worse damage on me by tampering with the potion;
- (нанести в., республиканцы стремятся проводить свою идеологию рынка без правил, что может нанести в. малым предприятиям бедных стран): Republicans tend to pursue a no-holds-barred approach to the markets which can cripple small businesses in smaller, poorer countries;
- (наносить в., ты понимаешь, какой политический в. это тебе наносит?): do you realize how politically damaging it is for you?;
- (в. от несмешивания удобрений с почвой): the benefit of not disturbing the soil is greater than any negative effect from not mixing the fertilizer into the soil;
- (принести в.): Frigg had rendered her son impervious to wounds by taking pledges from all plants, trees and metals, so that weapons made from them would cause him no harm;
- (приносить в., политика глобализации, которая приносит благо отдельным людям, а в. - многим / ...которая немногим во благо и многим во в.): these working-class people are bearing the brunt of a policy of globalisation that benefits the few and damages the many;
- (этот в. не поправить): I look at him levelly, intent on letting him know that this tear cannot be repaired
вредитель - (вредители, т.е. вредные насекомые в парнике): there are less root diseases and there are fewer pests;
- (галловые клещи - в-ли чайных кустов): two eriophyid mites, Acaphylla theae and Calacarus carinatus, have been known for some time as important pests of tea;
- (заражение в-лями, т.е. муки насекомыми): Ingredients used in the production of bakery products which show evidence of active insect infestation or any other condition that from a public health or aesthetic standpoint render the product unfit for human consumption shall not be received by the establishment;
- (истреблять в-лей, т.е. крыс, тараканов): to exterminate vermin;
- (люди ругали ворон, считая их городскими в-лями): humans have feared crows as evil omens and reviled them as urban nuisances;
- (о человеке): sabotage may be more detrimental to the saboteur than to the others
вредить - (здоровью): the imposition of chaderi damaged the health of the women;
- (карьере): US military personnel fear that seeking help for mental health problems could harm their careers;
- (карьере): a penchant for facts stalled her career at the company;
- (кому-л): sabotage may be more detrimental to the saboteur than to the others;
- (кому-л): if he's working for my enemy, how come he never tried to hurt me before now?;
- (это не вредило мальчику): he believed it was doing the boy no harm
вредно - (держать детей в подгузниках в. для здоровья): keeping children in nappies for too long is detrimental to their health and can lead to urinary tract infections and bladder troubles;
- (ты понимаешь, насколько это тебе в.?): do you realize how politically damaging it is for you?
вредность (производственная) - although silicosis is no longer the killer it was, it remains an occupational hazard for underground coal miners;
- lead exposure is arguably the oldest known occupational health hazard;
- смотри файл EMOCII
вредный - (вдыхание пыли тория, которая получается при подготовке электрода, вредно для здоровья): inhalation of the thorium grinding dust during preparation of the electrode is hazardous to one's health;
- (в-ое влияние курения): harmful effects of smoking;
- (водоросли): beware of chemical fixes for these noisome algae types (blue-green algae in a fish tank);
- (воздействие): смотри ниже;
- (в-ые выбросы в атмосферу): harmful effluents into the atmosphere;
- (дым): harmful smoke;
- (дым): a city bus, which emits its noxious fumes;
- (в-ые загрязняюшие вещества): just ten minutes in a car with a smoker boosts harmful pollutants by up to thirty percent;
- (в-ые загрязняюшие вещества): emissions of harmful pollutants fell in 2011, federal data show;
- (в-ые загрязняюшие вещества): method for converting noxious pollutants from flue gas into merchantable by-products;
- (законодательство вредно для детей): he genuinely believed the legislation was shameful, impractical, and harmful to children;
- (замыслы, вредные для благополучия страны): designs inimical to the well-being of our country;
- (климат): noxious climate;
- (курение вредно для мозга): smoking is harmful to the brain;
- (курение вредно для здоровья): even casual smoking is harmful to your health;
- (мы ищем закономерности, вот почему аномалии так вредны): Errors and anomalies are the bane of behavioral scientists and cognitive psychologists. We look for patterns in data to support our theories which is why anomalies are so damaging.;
- (накипь не вредна для здоровья): limescale is not harmful to your health;
- (незаконная свалка вредна для здоровья): if illegally dumped litter is injurious to health, such as glass, syringes, spiky metal etc., prosecution under the Litter Act will be considered and may result in a fine of up to $7500 plus the cost of rubbish removal;
- (в-ые отходы двуокиси углерода): the harmful carbon dioxide waste;
- (последствие): the scientists are using the public as guinea-pigs to see if there are some harmful effects;
- (производственные факторы, пребывание под действием в-ых производственных факторов): is medical surveillance used to identify early indications of exposure to occupational hazards?;
- (религия): the leader of the far-right National Party called Islam a wicked, vicious faith;
- (ремесло): in ancient history, tanning was considered a noxious or "odiferous trade";
- (саботаж может оказаться более в-ым для самого саботажника): sabotage may be more detrimental to the saboteur than to the others;
- (сорняки / животные): a garden may be free from noxious weeds or animals; but, if recently covered with manure, it may be filled with a noisome smell;
- (химикаты): noxious chemicals;
- смотри файл EMOCII
вредное воздействие - (в.в. вибрации, трения и влаги): by binding the many wires and cables into cable harness, the wires and cables can be better secured against the adverse effects of vibrations, abrasions, and moisture;
- (в.в. на культурное наследие): The Local Planning Authority informs the applicant that it objects to the L. wind farm on the following grounds: ...The detrimental impact on interests of cultural heritage...;
- (в.в. на структуру почвы): increasing the number of cows per hectare (overstocking) to maximise production may have detrimental effects on soil structure;
- (в.в, промышленной застройки): Industrial development may detract from the appearance of the district. However, if its provision would on balance provide significant economical benefits to the local economy to outweigh any detrimental effects then sympathetic consideration may be given
врезаться (в. в память) - I am writing a book about the great American comedians, whose lives and best jokes are embedded in my memory;
- each of her visits stood out horribly vividly in his mind;
- the Agreement risks were etched painfully in the minds of all negotiators on our side;
- his face was etched in M.'s mind;
- (об исполнении актёра): the Walk the Line director J.M. says both performances were seared into his memory;
-it's a sort of things that sticks in one's memory;
- смотри файл DVIJENIE
времена - (авиакомпания носит эмблему советских времён): the airline is still displaying its Soviet-era logo despite a new exterior design;
- (в былые в.): the church steeple in bygone days was painted a milk chocolate brown;
- (в колониальные в.): in the colonial era the islands teemed with hundreds of fishermen;
- (вернуться к в-ам Дикого запада): one of the anti-gunners favorite arguments against open carrying of handguns is that society will revert back to the old ways of the Wild West, with daily gunfights in the streets;
- (возврат / возвращение к старым в-ам): After almost 20 years as Europe's strongest economy, during which hundreds of thousands of Polish, British and North American immigrants flocked to Dublin for work, the Irish are once again a nation of emigrants. Moving abroad has once again become the way out of an impossible situation at home, and is creating a new Irish diaspora. ... Her generation were probably the first one ever who could think of spending their whole life making a living in Ireland, but for the rest of us it's back to the old ways;
- (времён Гражданской войны): a collection of rifles and pistols dating bаck to the Civil War;
- (в. изменились): In the past, the insurance industry's power has been a major barrier to health-care reform. But times have changed.
- (для города настали тяжёлые в.): hobbled by the recession and outsized by new competitors, Atlantic City has fallen on hard times;
- (для него настали тяжёлые в. ): he had fallen on hard times;
- (в. изобретателей-одиночек): the era of the lone inventor was drawing to a close;
- (маяки времён Второй Мировой войны): the airport uses World War II-style beacons;
- (в. смотрителей маяков прошли): the day of the lighthouse keeper is gone, all three lighthouses are now automated;
- (старые в. давно прошли): the old days, when naval guns ammunition had to be manually hoisted up to the gun turret by steam power were long gone;
- (трудные, для традиционного книгоиздательства настали трудные в.): the traditional book-publishing business has fallen on hard times;
- (человек на все в.): A Man for All Seasons. The story of Thomas More, who stood up to King Henry VIII when the King rejected the Roman Catholic Church to obtain a divorce and remarriage.
временами - (в. будет солнечно): Switzerland will be fine with sunny spells;
- (в. в устройстве может слышаться гудение): at times there may be a very low humming sound in the converter;
- (ему нравилось в. поважничать): The boy was really pleasant and generous hearted, and had no mind, in the long run, for lonely state and disagreeable haughtiness. He enjoyed being lordly once in a while, that was all.;
- (в. мне бывает его жалко): there are times when I feel sorry for him;
- (в. он может вводить в заблуждение): he may at times unintentionally mislead us with incorrect interpretations;
- (попытки заниматься любовью, в. тщетные): his fumbling, lengthy and occasionally futile efforts at lovemaking
временно - (в. закрыть посольства): the attack prompted the United States to temporarily close its missions in Pakistan;
- (в. оцепеневший ум): his temporarily stupefied brain seemed to reawaken;
- (в. перевести заключённого в другой город): to transfer the prisoner to Munich, on a temporary basis, to give evidence at Dachau;
- (в. передать президентские полномочия вице-президенту): if he underwent general anesthesia, Bill would be required by the Twenty-fifth Amendment to the Constitution to temporarily cede his presidential power to the Vice President;
- (в. покинуть судно): the workers prepared to leave the tanker temporarily while the dock was filled;
- (предприятие в. закрыто): the business has temporarily closed;
- (приём заявлений на эту программу в. прекращён): This program is currently under review. Applications to the program have been temporarily suspended.;
- (работать): he proposed himself for the task on a provisional basis;
- (регистрационный взнос в. установлен в сумме $20): registration fee has been set provisionally at $20;
- (в. терять зрение): have you ever lost vision in either eye (temporarily or permanently)?;
- "pro tempore" means "for the time being", or temporarily
временной - (искажение): temporal aliasing is the term applied to a visual phenomenon also known as the stroboscopic effect;
- (рамки, с моей стороны было бы лицемерием вкладывать во в-ые рамки т.е. повествование): "What events have changed Los Angeles the most since the 1940s, which you often write about?" "I'm from Los Angeles. It would be disingenuous for me to ascribe a timeline, since my relationship to Los Angeles is largely fictional, extrapolated partially from fact, mostly filtered through my imagination."
временный - (виза): a temporary visa;
- (военное присутствие): freedom of navigation in the Strait guaranteed by a temporary international presence at Sharm-el-Sheikh;
- (в-ые военные действия): they claimed the hostilities were temporary;
- (в. въезд в страну): an application for temporary entry to Australia;
- (выгода): acts of historic magnitude must not be mortgaged by petty manoeuvers that risk their ultimate purpose for marginal and temporary benefits;
- (документы): temporary travel documents from the Red Cross;
- (в. житель страны): temporary resident;
- (задержание): A provisional arrest request is an urgent request to arrest a person pending receipt of an extradition request. A provisional arrest request may be appropriate when it is believed that the fugitive may flee the jurisdiction.;
- (законодательство): Democratic lawmakers last month helped pass temporary legislation expanding federal authority to eavesdrop on foreign conversations;
- (в-ое закрытие предприятия / в-ые финансовые затруднения): temporary closures - where a business has temporarily closed or suspended its operations for any number of reasons including legal disputes, shortages of raw materials, shortage in demand for its product, periodic fluctuations in the business cycle or temporary financial difficulties;
- (в. запрет на поселение): the temporary prohibition against settlement in the Western lands;
- (в-е затопление больших площадей): a swamp is a wetland that features temporary or permanent inundation of large areas of land by shallow bodies of water
- (в. иностранный рабочий / в-ая нехватка рабочей силы): a temporary foreign worker can be recruited by employers from all types of businesses to meet temporary labour shortages;
- (комитет): interim committee;
- (контракт): before the conclusion of a contract, a provisional contract may be agreed on;
- (контракт, т.е. на работу): If you are made redundant, be prepared for the fact that new work might not come along as quickly as you think. Consider temporary contracts as a way of getting a foot in.;
- (мера / постановление): paragraph 10 could be understood as impliedly authorizing a party to apply for an interim measure or order without prior notice to a party, albeit not to the arbitral tribunal, but to a judicial authority;
- (в-ое помещение в закрытое воспитательное учреждение в качестве в-ой меры): the provisional measure of confinement in a closed educational institution is subject to additional procedural guarantees;
- (в-ая мера): we can continue the transfusions and the lactulose, but it's only a stopgap;
- (в-ое назначение на должность): temporary appointment;
- (в-ое назначение на должность): the President can fill this vacancy with an interim appointment;
- (в-ое неудобство для купальщиков): The Natal Sharks Board is at the forefront of global conservation trends, including the reversal of superstition-driven policies that dictated killing off as many sharks as possible. For this reason, and to prevent the unwanted deaths of dolphins and seals, the NSB lifts shark nets for the duration of a Sardine Run. The temporary inconvenience to bathers, surfers and the like are outweighed by the positive, longer-term benefits of this policy.;
- (орган): provisional body;
- (в-ое падение на бирже): Is the slump temporary? - Yes, if you consider temporary a year or two;
- (в. палубный матрос): he took D. on as a temporary deckhand for the duration of the voyage;
- (правительство): The Russian Provisional Government was a provisional government of Russia established immediately following the abdication of Tsar Nicholas II of the Russian Empire on 2 March 1917;
- (правительство): to establish interim Afghani government;
- (право): a condition granting the President temporary authority to spend..;
- (премьер-министр): interim prime minister;
- (пристанище, предоставление в-ого пристанища): not only will this requirement ensure that aliens temporarily in the United States will be able to support themselves, it also provides an important mechanism for regulating and controlling the grant of temporary haven;
- (пристанище): to give somebody a temporary haven;
- (пристанище, т.е. в ожидании постоянной работы): postdoctoral appointments have become holding patterns cfig for otherwise unemployed young scientists;
- (в-ое продление бюджета / в-ая резолюция): Congress and the President agreed on a "continuing resolution" - a temporary budget extension - that authorized the Treasury to issue checks while negotiations continued. But this stopgap resolution was due to expire at midnight, November 13.;
- (работа, т.е. пока не подвернётся что-то получше): other public defenders told themselves that the job was transitory, just the nitty-gritty training they needed to get launched into more promising careers;
- (работники): they employ casual labor to pick the fruit;
- (рабоник): casual worker;
- (разногласия): no passing disagreement will ever divide us;
- (решение): they put a stopgap solution in place, but need something more permanent;
- (соглашение): the message explicitly rejected partial or interim agreements;
- (в-ое сокращение поставок): a temporary drop in supplies;
- (стабилизация): the accords were only a temporary stabilization of the situation;
- (столица): temporary capital;
- (в-ая штаб-квартира ООН): the temporary headquarters of the United Nations;
- (эмбарго): the US placed a temporary embargo on the purchase of Cuban sugar
время - (британское летнее в.): British Summer Time (B.S.T. );
- (было в., когда...): there was a time when television was dull;
- (было в., когда / одно в. Ким Филби, т.е. советский шпион, рассматривался как будущий руководитель всей британской разведки): at one time Kim Philby was in line to become chief of the entire British Intelligence Service;
- (в ближайшее в., в военное в. ): смотри файл PREDLOG;
- (позднее, в журнале присутствия было записано, что он находился в лаборатории один в необычно позднее в.): in the days before the attacks, he (the researcher who sent anthrax letters) logged unusual late hours in the lab alone, night after night;
- (в любое в., в мирное в., в надлежащее в., в наше в., в настоящее в., в нерабочее в., в неслужебное в., в неурочное в., в нынешнее в., в одно и то же в., в прошедшем времени, в своё в., в свои лучшие времена, в то в., в то же в., в то же самое в., в это в. ): смотри файл PREDLOG;
- (ваше в. закончилось, т.е. время, на которое снят теннисный корт): you must relinquish court on the hour if a player has racked up to play on your court and your hour is over;
- (во в. войны, во в. еды, во в. падения президента): смотри файл PREDLOG;
- (в. вручения): time handed in (t.h.i.);
- (всему своё в.): "When will the baby be born?" "All in good time.";
- (всему своё в.): "I'm starved! When will he get here with the pizza?" "All in good time.";
- (всему своё в. ): to every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven;
- (выдержать испытание временем): how has Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice's first international hit (Jesus Christ Superstar) stood the test of time?;
- (в. выпуска в эфир программы Би-Би-Си): Three senior Fifa officials who will vote on the 2018 and 2022 World Cup bids took bribes in the 1990s, according to the BBC's Panorama. The BBC has received criticism over the timing of the programme, which comes ahead of Thursday's vote by Fifa's executive committee on who will host the 2018 and 2022 World Cup finals.;
- (т.е. даты, он записывал в дневник в. и место свиданий с любовницей): while former Rep. C.P. of Mississippi carried on an extramarital affair with E.B. he recorded details of his exploits in a diary, including the dates and locations of his adulterous encounters;
- (в. действия гарантии ограничивается одним годом): all warranties are limited in duration to one year from date of original purchase;
- (длительное в., умение учащегося обращаться со сложными формами развивается за д-ое в.): the student's skills in handling complex forms must be developed over a long period;
- (дня / суток, белый парень в негритянском гетто неотвратимо становился объектом нападения в любое в. дня): a white boy in this ghetto was an irresistible target, regardless of the time of the day;
- (дня / суток, самое жаркое в.д): this was the hottest stretch of the day;
- (долгое в., он д.в. находился под следствием): he was under investigation for a long period for his alleged connections to organized crime;
- (в. дОрого / в. не ждёт): time is precious;
- (драгоценное, классная руководительница явно не хотела тратить своё драгоценное в. на то, чтобы от меня отделаться): the supervisor obviously didn't want to spend too much of her busy time giving me the brush-off;
- (её в. прошло): she sold a lot of books in the 1960's, but she's had her day;
- (желаю хорошо провести в.): have fun;
- (за короткое в.): смотри файл PREDLOG;
- (за в., проведенное у весла на галере корсаров, он развил огромную силу): his stint at a corsair galley's oar had given him a formidable wiry strength;
- (занимать много времени): getting a teaching licence is a time-consuming process;
- (занимать много времени): her work on the study is time-consuming;
- (лeтнее в. действует с 5 апреля / переход на л.в. произойдёт 5 апреля): Daylight Saving Time effective April 5th;
- (летнее): it was the Sunday that daylight time ended, thereby causing a monumental mix-up in the timetables of the trains and buses;
- (летнее, [переход на] зимнее / летнее в. был впервые введен Германией): The Daylight Saving Time was first put into practice by Germany during the First World War in order to preserve energy for war production by taking advantage of the more daylight in the afternoons and evenings.;
- (лучшее эфирное в., выступление перед Конгрессом, переданное по телевизору в лучшее эфирное в.): he scheduled a televised prime-time address to Congress on September 22 to outline the health care plan;
- (на в., на короткое в., на ограниченное в.): смотри файл PREDLOG;
- (найти в.): Thank you for taking the time to fill out the forms;
- (в. написания картины близко к его важнейшим заказам): the painting is close in date to his more important commission;
- (настроения того времени): in keeping with the anti-Communist mood of the period;
- (в. не ждёт): time is precious;
- ("Время не ждёт", т.е. роман Джека Лондона): Burning Daylight by Jack London;
- (в. непрерывной работы): non-stop operation time;
- (неумение распределить в.): most students have an aspiration to perform to the highest standards that they are capable of; however, factors like family pressures, poor time management practices, unexpected events and heavy workloads occurring in conjunction with over-assessed courses and coinciding assignment due dates are catalysts for plagiarism;
- (ограничен во времени, если вы не ограничены во времени): the best way to see the country, unless you are pressed for time, is to travel on foot;
- (ожидания, т.е. пересадки в аэропорту): A layover in an airport (flight layover time) is one of two things. If you are not changing planes, it's time after your flight lands and before it takes off again. If you are changing planes, it's time after your first flight lands and your next flight takes off.;
- (ожидания, т.е. пересадки в аэропорту): when faced with an extended layover, make the most of your time and experience a nibble of the transit city;
- (обучения, сократить в. обучения): the enhanced user interface will reduce the learning curve;
- (опередить своё в., изобретение мотора опередило своё в.): In 1832 there were no engineers. There were scientists, industrialists, and inventors. The motor was an invention before its time.;
- (в. от времени): смотри ниже;
- (в. от начала разработки до выхода на рынок): fixing design bugs and wrong wire connections in computer chips after they've been fabricated in silicon is a tedious, trial-and-error process that often costs companies millions of dollars and months of time-to-market;
- (отменить свободное в. у служащих): cancel free periods to raise enough staff;
- (в. подготовки к выпуску новой продукции / к реализации заказа): lead-time;
- (в. подходило к концу): that time period was nearly up and there was no sign whatever of implementation (of the agreement);
- (пока не настало / пришло в. рожать): she worked in a nursing home until the baby was due;
- (в. полураспада): the element is radioactive and has a long half-life;
- (потемневшие от времени портреты): age-blackened portraits;
- (потерять счёт времени): I lost track of the time;
- (предполагаемое в. прибытия, т.е. теплохода): ST LOUIS EXPRESS V. 3. SLG (Sailing): 12.05.07 - HOUSTON. ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival): 12.24.07 - HAMBURG;
- (приёмное): office hours;
- (в. проходит быстро): time goes by / passes quickly;
- (в. работы меняется в зависимости от в-ни года, т.е. музея): hours vary seasonally; call ahead;
- (в. работы учреждения / конторы): office hours;
- (рабочее, выйти на работу в обычное р.в.): in instances of inclement weather when schools and Board offices remain open, employees shall be expected to report for duty as per regular working hours;
- (сколько времени вы на этой должности?): you've been in this post how long, exactly?;
- (Сколько времени? - Половина десятого.): "What's the time?" "It's half past nine.";
- (сколько ещё времени ты будешь притворяться больным?): how much longer are you going to keep up this pretence that you're ill?;
- (среднее в. по Гринвичскому меридиану): GMT (Greenwich Mean Time);
- (среднеевропейское поясное в.): EMT (European Mean Time);
- (того времени): in keeping with the anti-Communist mood of the period, the United States supported a pro-Western government in Vientiane;
- (того времени): some of the era's most powerful leaders;
- (тяжёлое, я переживал т-ое в. ): I was going through a rough patch and was constantly depressed about what I was doing in my life;
- ("Человек на все времена", т.е. фильм): A Man for All Seasons is the story of Thomas More, who stood up to King Henry VIII when the King rejected the Roman Catholic Church to obtain a divorce and remarriage;
- (чистая прибыль компании за это в.): the net income of the company for the period;
- (эксплуатации, т.е. нефтяных месторождений): these oil fields require modern techniques to prolong their productive lives;
- (это было хорошее в.): It was a good time in my life: I was working for a great company, my wife and I had started our family, and we were living in a pleasant community that suited us well.
время от времени - (в.о.в. встречаться с кем-л): she meets her boyfriend for a drink now and then;
- (в.о.в. выпить стакан вина): I like the occasional glass of wine;
- (в.о.в. выполнять работы с плашечными цветами): they do occasional spot-color work;
- (в.о.в. делать заметки): the KGB chief asked a few questions, making the occasional note on a jotting pad;
- (ему нравилось в.о.в. поважничать): The boy was really pleasant and generous hearted, and had no mind, in the long run, for lonely state and disagreeable haughtiness. He enjoyed being lordly once in a while, that was all.;
- (инстинкт в.о.в. появляется в разных группах животных): the instinct of feigning death is extensively distributed throughout the animal kingdom and appears to have arisen sporadically fml in several groups of animals;
- (в.о.в. лапы судорожно царапались): now and again, the claws scrabbled fitfully;
- (в.о.в. липкие остатки от разлива нефти платформы Бритиш Петролеум выносит на пляжи залива): BP oil spill's sticky remnants wash up sporadically on gulf beaches;
- (Многие мои пациенты страдают бессонницей. В.о.в. то же бывает во мной.): Many of my patients have trouble with insomnia. Now and then, so do I.;
- (в.о.в. нарушать диету): you can break your diet now and then;
- (в.о.в. находиться в состоянии войны, в общей сложности 25 лет): the two countries were at war with each other off and on for a combined total of 25 years;
- (в.о.в. образуется накипь): from time to time, a limescale deposit is naturally formed on the heating element;
- (он в.о.в. замолкал, вытирая лоб платком): as he talked he kept breaking off to wipe his forehead with a handkerchief;
- (он в.о.в. переворачивал стол): he didn't like losing and occasionally upended the table after a particularly irksome defeat;
- (в.о.в. останавливаться): He was passing hundred-dollar bills through an electronic money-detector and totting up his findings on abacus. Occasionally he paused to take a portentous gulp of coffee;
- (в.о.в. переставать работать): the keyboard sporadically stops working;
- (в.о.в. переходить на бег): now and then he broke into a run;
- (в.о.в. подбрасывать информацию): he had tossed me the old snippet of information from time to time;
- (в.о.в. поглядывая на улицу): he was sitting in the window seat, glancing intermittently out into the street;
- (в.о.в. получать инструкции): this house would make certain disbursements in accordance with such instructions as would from time to time be received by this house from persons entrusted with a certain code word;
- (получение государственными служащими в.о.в. или разово благ от лиц, имеющих дело с правительством): the acceptance by public servants from persons having dealings with the government of sporadic or casual benefits such as hospitality or small gift items may usually be consented to by deputy Ministers or Branch heads where such benefits or advantages are within the bounds of propriety, are a normal expression of business courtesy or advertising or are within the normal standards of hospitality and are not such as to bring suspicion upon the public servant's objectivity;
- (посматривать в.о.в.): every now and then he threw a disgruntled look at her;
- (потреблять спиртное в.о.в.): if you are an occasional or moderate alcohol consumer;