замалчивать / замолчать - (з. исчезновение члена семьи): he discreetly disappeared, and the family hushed it up;
- (конфликт): his comments laid bare a central conflict that has been kept under wraps;
- (министерство пытается з. массовый побег из тюрьмы): there's obviously been a mass breakout (from prison) which the Ministry is trying to hush up;
- (з. наличие детей-инвалидов, т.е. в семье): in our days handicapped children were often hushed up;
- (т.е. з. нежелательное событие): if the terrorist attack worked, it would be hushed up at once;
- (Нередко первокурсников наказывали так сильно, что им приходилось покинуть колледж. Смерти в результате издевательств случались не часто, а те, что случались, замалчивали): It was not unusual for freshmen boys to be so violently "disciplined", they had to leave college; some of them hospitalized; yet none of these boys ever testified against the upperclassmen who harassed them. Deaths following "hazing" and "horsing" were not common - yet those that did occur were kept quiet, by university decree.;
- смотри замолчать
заманивать / заманить (кого-л) - (з. в ловушку): смотри ниже;
- (з. в паутину обмана): had it not been for Mr. G. being ensnared in the web of deceit he would have made money from his trades;
- (з. в свои сети): he had no mercy for those whom he enticed into his clutches;
- (з. ветерок в дом): they had retreated into the shade of their cool houses, windows thrown wide in the hope of tempting in a nonexistent breeze;
- (заключённая заманивает надзирательницу в камеру): after lock-up, the prisoner tricks the screw into locking herself into the four-bed dorm and then, into handing over her keys;
- (з. женщин с помощью наркотиков): he used drugs to lure the women from D., he then killed them and disposed of their remains on his family property in P.;
- (з. избирателей, посадивших его в Белый Дом): he dropped the nice-guy tones of voice and the rumpled, bird-dog grin that had originally gulled the voters into putting the boy next door into the White House;
- (их заманили купить квартиру ложными заявлениями о том, что продажа идёт бурно / спонсор заманил покупателей подписать контракт): A group of purchasers at the Trump Soho hotel-condo are suing to get back nearly $1.8 million in deposits, claiming they were duped into buying through phony claims about booming sales there. If the sponsor had induced just three fewer purchasers to sign contracts, the project would have foundered and all purchasers could have rescinded their contracts and obtained full refunds under New York law.;
- (к двери магазина): she lured him into the shop doorway and her accomplice hit him over the head
заманивать / заманить (в ловушку) - he had been entrapped by the New York Police Department;
- he was certain that he had their army in a trap;
- Nine (rings) he gave to Mortal Men, proud and great, and so ensnared them. Long ago they fell under the dominion of the One, and they became Ringwraiths, shadows under his great Shadow, his most terrible servants;
- (дважды её заманивали в ловушку): I tried to recover the photograph. Twice burglars in my pay ransacked her house. Twice she has been waylaid.
заманчиво - "I could get you out of the country?" "No, it's tempting, but I can't.";
- (как бы з. ни звучало это объяснение): attractive as this explanation may be,...
заманчивый - (доходность облигаций не выглядит з-ой): corporate bond spreads narrowed substantially last year and do not look enticing;
- (косметические средства): selling such enticing remedies as baldness cures and virility cream;
- (лотереи): intricate, tantalizing lotteries on sports events;
- (мысли): it is often tempting to wonder what would happen if... and if not;
- (объяснение): attractive as this explanation may be,...;
- (соблазны): the attractions of the New World were so compelling
замаранный - (в скандалах): the center-right party looked exhausted, scandal-ridden and out of ideas, and its listless campaign showed it;
- (компания не хочет, чтобы её имидж был замаран использованием рабского труда, т.е. заключённых): the company doesn't want to be smeared with the image that they're hiring slave labor;
- (политик замаран участием в тёмных делах): the politician is tainted by a thousand shabby deals
замарать - (з. картину жизни): someone had soiled his pure picture of life;
- (компании не хочет, чтобы её образ был замаран использованием труда заключённых): the company doesn't want to be smeared with the image that they're hiring slave labor;
- (репутацию): to smear the reputation of somebody;
- (з. руки образно): learn the ropes the hard way, get your hands dirty, see and do things no big-firm associate would ever get near, and someday some firm with real vision will reward the effort;
- (з. руки чем-л образно): these were top lawyers, the kind who wouldn't normally soil their hands with police work or criminal law;
- (з. страну позором): in 12 years you smeared my country with your dirt in a way that has never happened throughout our history
замаскированный - (танки были так искусно замаскированы, что...): the storage sited for the real tanks were so skillfully hidden that only his own staff knew where they were;
- (набор мебели, з. под контейнер): The "Lounge" is a cool set of home furniture disguised as a simple container. As you can see in the pictures attached below this design looks like a cube, but this cube is a table with four chairs that you have to drag whenever needed.;
- (спекуляция, з-ая под нормальное поведение): the story describes housing price speculation disguised as relatively normal behavior;
- (угроза): a veiled threat is when you are threatened without the person actually saying threatening things, but it can be understood what they really mean;
- The Australian Federal Police are investigating a veiled threat made against a West Australian Liberal MP, who says he fears for his son's safety;
- (электрошокеры, з-ые под фонарики): stun guns disguised as flashlights
замаскировать / замаскировывать - (рюкзак, т.е. чтобы сделать его незаметным): This orange pack will practically glow in the dark. I make a mental note to camouflage it first thing tomorrow.;
- (з. фабрику конопли под мастерскую автомобильных шин): a drug farmer who rigged his cannabis factory and disguised it as a tyre workshop has been imprisoned
замахиваться / замахнуться - (на кого-л образно): Lukashenko takes swipes at West;
- смотри файл DVIJENIE
замедление - (автомобиля): A rear-end collision is a traffic accident where a vehicle impacts the vehicle in front of it. Typical scenarios for rear-ends are a sudden deceleration by the first car (for example, to avoid someone crossing the street), the following car does not have the time to brake and impacts the first.
замедленный - (бомба з-ого действияобразно): the diary represents a ticking time bomb;
- (движение): time seemed to freeze, morphing into a slow-motion dream;
- (движение): everything is going in slow motion;
- (з-ого действия, взрывное устройство з.д.): delayed fuse;
- (как в з-ой съёмке): almost in slow motion, it flattened out, its sides burst outwards, its gun jerked upwards to point at the sky, and it burst into a fireball
замедлить / замедлять - (верблюдица не замедляла поступь): the she camel never slackened her swaying gait as the miles slipped by in the darkness;
- (з. всемирное потепление): Let's Be Sensible and Slow Global Warming Down;
- (з. гонку вооружений): the continuing arms race which nothing seems able to slow down;
- (диета, замедляющая старение): a healthy diet which retards aging;
- (заболевание замедлило рост ребёнка): The boy was born with a rare form of dwarfism. His condition stunted his body's growth, but it didn't interfere with his positive attitude;
- (исследования): the company has a stranglehold on patent rights and that could retard research that could lead to treatments for diabetes;
- (лекарства, замедляющие размножение вируса): drugs that inhibit viral replication;
- (лобовое сопротивление, сила, замедляющая движение самолёта в воздухе): drag, a retarding force of the resistance to lift and to the friction of the aircraft moving through the air;
- (непредоставление информации замедлит рассмотрение заявления): failure to provide such information will delay the action for which this form is designed;
- (низкая прибыль на инвестированный капитал замедлила приватизацию): the low return on investment has slowed privatizantion;
- (з. печать на принтере): it slows down printing;
- (пластмасса может з. рост яичек): this plastic can inhibit the growth of testicles;
- (поставки): to slow down military deliveries;
- (скорость / темп): смотри ниже;
- (случай не замедлил представиться): the opportunity was not long in coming;
- (трубная изоляция замедляет прохождение пара): the closed-cell structure of this pipe insulation effectively retards the flow of moisture vapor;
- concessions in arms levels and states of preparedness, which will in no way at all hinder or retard our capacity to dominate
замедлить / замедлять (скорость / темп) - He spied the police car and legged it past the pumps and sliding down the embankments. He sprinted across three lanes of westbound motorway and barely broke stride as he hurtled the crash barrier;
- (скорость разложения): too little moisture slows down the decomposition rate (of compost);
- the runners slackened their pace;
- As he walked rapidly along a jogging path, a runner brushed into him. "Watch out!" R. snapped. The jogger didn't break pace. "Cool it, man," he yelled back over his shoulder.;
- (з. темп работы администрации президента): the purpose of the investigations was to discredit the President and Administration and slow down its momentum
замедлиться / замедляться - (автомобиль замедлился, чтобы повернуть): you may want to change lanes when the vehicle ahead slows to turn at an intersection.;
- (о бизнесе): business slows down at this time of year;
- (об экономике): Australia's economy had slackened from the buoyant conditions of the late 1990s
замедляющий - (сила): because speed is so important to maintain lift, objects such as fuel tanks and engines, that are carried outside the fuselage are enclosed in structures called nacelles, or pods, to reduce air drag (the retarding force of the air as the airplane moves through it)
замена - (з. винта судна): the ship was in dry dock, sitting on a collection of wooden blocks while undergoing propeller replacement;
- (т.е. з. кинозвезды в опасных сценах): the star had a stand-in for dangerous scenes;
- (мотору нет з-ы): there is no substitute for a good engine;
- (мы ждали з-у, т.е. военного судна): we had been on station for one hundred days and were now waiting our rotation to return to port and reship our supplies;
- (назначение сотрудника на з-у кому-л): I'll have the Foreign Office agree the appointment as L.'s replacing in the Commercial Section;
- (т.е. об участнике соревнований): He had been five times full bore champion in the Met's annual shoot-off. It would have been six times if the organizers hadn't allowed a ring-in from the FBI to enter.;
- (он - хорошая з. мэру): he is a good substitute for the mayor;
- (оборудования): The routine part was inspection and preventive maintenance. The rest was unforseen repair, retrieval and replacement work
- (з. охлаждающей жидкости, т.е. в автомобиле): I took my vehicle into J. auto service center for a radiator flush and fill;
- (з. повреждённых клеток мозга): a likely future application of stem-cell therapy is the replacement of damaged brain cells;
- (з. постоянного врача): he was a stand-in for my regular doctor;
- (при з-е 2 любой большей целой константой получается та же модель вычислений): replacing 2 by any larger constant integer generates the same model of computation;
- (советник президента увольнялся, но ему подыскали з-у): my then presidential aide was leaving, but we had lined up a good replacement;
- Nixon named H. Kissinger as his replacement with terse words
заменимый - (люди): The rest of us are expendable. You're not.
- (нелауриновый з. какао-масла исключительно из продуктов растительного происхождения): an all vegetable non-lauric cocoa butter replacer (CBR);
- (сахара): sugar or sugar substitute, such as saccharin;
- substitute for baking powder
заменить / заменять - (з. арифмометр компьютером): to replace an adding machine with / by a computer;
- (в Коране рок заменён Богом): for this powerful but insensible fate the Qur"an substituted a powerful but provident and merciful God;
- (в ходе промышленной революции лошадиная сила заменила силу лошади): the Industrial Revolution ultimately displaced horse power with horsepower;
- (данная предварительная квалификационная оценка заменяет оценку, опубликованную в 2002 г.): the subject pre-qualification exercise supersedes that published by the company in 2002;
- (детали): do not substitute parts or try to modify the car seat in any way on your own;
- (игрока): John has replaced Edward as captain of the team;
- (изношенные шины): to replace badly worn tyres;
- (з. кого-л на работе): I'm glad he had someone he could rely upon to take his place;
- (з. кокаин мукой): they swapped cocaine for flour and placed a GPS to track the luggage;
- (з. ленту с записью пустой лентой): I stole the tape and substituted a dummy;
- (з. на более современное оборудование): as a direct result of the accident, the equipment was upgraded;
- (т.е. з. название улицы на другое): the name seemed inappropriate after the Revolution and was changed to Congress street;
- (нас можно з., тебя нельзя): The rest of us are expendable. You're not.;
- (з. неисправный товар): if any part proves to be defective, this product will be repaired or replaced free of charge;
- (новый самолёт заменил старые): the new Boeing 747 had superseded the old and time-expired 707s;
- (з. рейхсмарку дойчмаркой): the authority reformed the country, substituting the new Deutschmark for the old Reichsmark
- (реставратор мебели заменил ему отца): the cultured and kindly furniture restorer Hobie becomes a stand-in father;
- (з. сахар сахарином): those on slimming diets should substitute the sugar with saccharin / substitute saccharin for the sugar;
- (з. сцену фильма другой): he used rats to create a scene so revolting that his editor suggested strongly that he remove it and substitute something else;
- (з. тиранию Великобритании на тиранию толпы): to exchange the tyranny of Great Britain for the tyranny of mobs;
- (уголь может з. иностранную нефть): Coal is far and away America's most abundant fuel. There is no doubt that it can substitute for foreign oil;
- (учителя, т.е. временно): I am a substitute teacher standing in for Professor H.;
- (учителя, т.е. временно): it's not fair, he was only filling in, why should he give us homework?
заменить собой / заменять собой - (выборы заменили собой вторник масленицы): the Costa Rican election supplanted Shrove Tuesday;
- (нельзя з. школьную алгебру нажиманием кнопок компьютера): high school algebra cannot be supplanted by button pressing of computers
заменяющий - (заявление, з-ее справку об отсутствии препятствий к браку заграницей): if you are getting married overseas, most countries will require a statement in-lieu of fml certification of non-impediment to marriage abroad
замер - (з. уровня жидкости, т.е. в автомобиле): inspection of engine components for unusual or excessive wear and measurement of fluids for satisfactory levels
замерзать / замёрзнуть - (о человеке): I got cold. Froze solid, toes and all.;
- (он так замёрз, что...): he was so chilled that he thought longingly of the snug, dry interior of the cars streaming along below;
- (он замёрз до мозга костей): chilled to the marrow from his night vigil, he got back into the car;
- (чтобы не замёрзнуть): he wore thick corduroy trousers and a quilted anorak against the cold
замерзать / замёрзнуть (т.е. превратиться в лёд, о воде) - all the rain from yesterday had frozen solid;
- Water in fuel iced up because of unusually cold temperatures. The ice blocked fuel to both engines.;
- the water's icing up, else we'd ride in the streambed
замерить / замерять - (высоту): he measured the height of the cupboard;
- (т.е. щупом, з. топливо в топливном баке): whenever Carlo and I flew, I saddled him with the dreary, non-flying chores - filing flight plans, climbing onto the wing to dipstick the fuel, filling up logbooks, securing the airplane
замертво (упасть з.) - he bit on a cyanide capsule and dropped dead;
- archbishop A.R. fell dead to the marble floor, his vestments soaked in blood;
- he took two massive swipes at his closest attackers, judging by their immediate collapse, they had been knocked cold
заместитель - (заместительница своего мужа, т.е. в избирательной кампании): she has recently stepped up her time commitment to the campaign, appearing as a surrogate for her husband in campaign appearances;
- смотри файл PROFESS
замести следы / заметать следы образно - a good spy must know how to cover his tracks;
- (т.е. взлома компьютерных сетей): the Russians are very astute at covering up the tracks (of hacking);
- his personal diaries reveal the philandering prince was using code to cover his tracks; a letter D written backwards, signifying his increasingly frequent liaisons with Daisy;
- смотри файл DVIJENIE
заместить / замещать - (атом кальция замещает атом бария): a calcium atom replaces a larger barium atom;
- (вливание донорских лимфоцитов, чтобы з. остаточные кроветворные клетки хозяина после аллогенной пересадки костного мозга): donor lymphocyte infusions to displace residual host hematopoietic cells after allogenic bone marrow transplantation;
- (жена заместила губернатора на званом обеде): his wife subbed for him (the Governor) at the annual dinner of Empire state Pride Agenda;
- (учителя, т.е. временно): I am a substitute teacher standing in for Professor H.;
- (учителя, т.е. временно): it's not fair, he was only filling in, why should he give us homework?
заметить / замечать - my friends could hardly fail to notice that I disappeared once a month;
- if there was anything false about the smile, no one noticed it;
- (з. авианосцы противника): American dive bombers sighted the Japanese aircraft carriers far below through a break in the clouds;
- (т.е. з. в толпе кого-л): he was so tall, it was easy to pick him out in the crowd;
- (з. Винни-Пуха под шариком): wouldn't the bees notice you underneath the balloon?;
- (з. действия противника): Fully a hundred enemy fighters scrambled into the air and set up their own combat air patrol over their East coast. The Hawkies spotted that and radioed a warning to the advancing fighters;
- (заметив это, получаем...): by observing that one arrives at...;
- (заметим, что...): let us note that this "quantum trace" is nothing other than...;
- (заметьте, что): please note that some appliances may operate a little slower when used in foreign countries operating on 50 cycles (U.S. operates on 60 cycles);
- (как было замечено выше): as noted above;
- (з. как звучит голос): he noted how bitter her voice sounded;
- (камера заметила танкер и захватила цель): the camera swivelled like a gun, spotted the tanker and locked on;
- (каноэ в море): a boy playing along the shore spotted a canoe approaching two days after the storm had subsided;
- (кого-л мельком): he caught a glimpse of a small man;
- (кого-л, т.е. обратить внимание): if I've given him grounds for divorce, he won't take a notice of them;
- (з. латки на одежде и потрёпанный чемодан): he gave her an insolent stare, which took in the patches on her clothes and the dilapidated suitcase;
- (з. кого-л подозрительного): there had been no one spotted near the house, no one hanging around his factory;
- (з. малозаметные признаки): "The captain is not very happy you're on the case." "Did he say something?" "He didn't have to. I've been working with him for four years now. I know him. You pick up little signs.";
- (з. мельницы на горизонте): we spotted a row of windmills on the horizon;
- (не з. ничего необычного в поведении): he noticed nothing particularly different about her demeanor;
- (не з., как, вы не заметите, как влезете в долги): if you spend more with your credit cards than you can reasonably pay off, you'll run into debt before you know it;
- (незнакомцев): the riders appeared not to perceive the three strangers;
- (з. невооружённым глазом): so skilfully had the work been done that no naked eye could spot the square area among the rest of the surround;
- (ориентиры): I tried to take note of landmarks;
- (з. отпечатки пальцев на стене): she spotted fingerprints on her gleaming walls;
- (подробности): he noticed everything, even the small details;
- (позвольте заметить, что...): may I point out that if we don't leave now we'll be late;
- (з. полицейскую машину): he spied the police car and legged it past the pumps and sliding down the embankments;
- (т.е. при передаче прямой речи): "...", he pointed out;
- (т.е. при передаче прямой речи): the foreign minister pointed out as courteously as he could that all precedent indicated that...;
- (т.е. при передаче прямой речи): "..." observed R. coldly;
- (т.е. при передаче прямой речи): "That will give them something to think about," he observed smugly.;
- (проблему): she seemed to have spotted this problem too;
- (т.е. рассмотреть): I could just discern a shape of a horse in the mist;
- (РЛС самолёта заметит малейшее движение): its radars would pick up the slightest movement of a metallic substance down there on the water's surface;
- (следует з., что...): it should be noted that fingerprints are in fact worthless for purposes of identification if they cannot be cross-matched with a counter-sample;
- (слежку): he was no expert in spotting a tail and might have been followed;
- (з. соринку в чужом глазу): and why beholdest old use thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?
- (сотрудники заметили небольшое различие в коллеге): her co-workers noted a slight difference in their colleague;
- (т.е. увидеть): S. had spotted the two of them coming out of the bar and gleefully pointed them out;
- (умение з. подробности): her eye for detail;
- (з., что он был необычно притихший): I took note of the fact that he was strangely subdued. Ordinarily, he would have leaped to her defense;
- (з., что он лжёт): I soon discerned that he was lying;
- (з., что они держались за руки): W. had spotted the fact that they were holding hands;
- (з. что получил письмо): he was too busy feeling sorry for her to notice immediately that he had a letter too;
- (что-л): if I've given him grounds for divorce, he won't take notice of them
заметка - (з. в прессе): he dismissed as "far-fetched" press reports that the United States had offered troops to patrol the line of control (between India and Pakistan);
- (вести заметки для дневника): the Secretary duly took her notes for the minister's official diary;
- (делать з-и в блокноте): he made notes on a clipboard;
- (делать з-и на полях статьи): he took out (of the folder) the news articles, along with a pencil for making notations rare;
- (т.е запись для памяти): he laid down the pencil with which he had maid copious notes and sat back
заметно - then, noticeably fearful that his interviewers have been followed by Sudanese troops, he and his men abruptly slip into the wide Sahara;
- (было з., что): it was noticeable that in recent days he had spent an increasing amount of time with Nixon;
- (быть з. ниже): oxidation rates were notably lower;
- (интерес з. усилился): the interest around the tables sharpened palpably: some stiffened, others fidgeted;
- (он также изучающе рассматривал её, разве что не так з.): She sat opposite him, knees tight together while she studied him. And he in return subjecting her to an equally searching inspection, if a more furtive one.;
- (отличаться): countries differ markedly in the distribution of their urban population;
- (з. приглушённые световые контрасты, т.е. на картине): the light contrasts, markedly toned down, look natural;
- (различаться): to vary notably;
- (расстроенный): Kasparov, noticeably upset, left the hall quickly;
- (самцы фазанов з. крупнее самок): male pheasants are notably larger than females;
- (сутулый): he was distinctly round-shouldered;
- (упасть): the rate of hydrocarbon production has fallen dramatically;
- (уставший и разочарованный): a visibly tired and frustrated Justice J.W. briefly lashed out at the Crown and the defence
заметный - (автомобиль с дипломатическим номером): his car will be too noticeable with its embassy plate;
- (автомобиль): his car must be one of the most distinctive in Germany, visible half a mile off;
- (акцент): he had a noticeable accent;
- (без з-ой закономерности): luminous species are widely scattered taxonomically, with no clear-cut pattern discernible;
- (дефекты лица незаметны в кинокамере): he has the sort of face whose imperfections are not detected by a camera;