Маркова Наталья Самуиловна : другие произведения.

Русско-английский словарь общей лексики Зам_Зао

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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  замалчивать / замолчать - (з. исчезновение члена семьи): he discreetly disappeared, and the family hushed it up;
  - (конфликт): his comments laid bare a central conflict that has been kept under wraps;
  - (министерство пытается з. массовый побег из тюрьмы): there's obviously been a mass breakout (from prison) which the Ministry is trying to hush up;
  - (з. наличие детей-инвалидов, т.е. в семье): in our days handicapped children were often hushed up;
  - (т.е. з. нежелательное событие): if the terrorist attack worked, it would be hushed up at once;
  - (Нередко первокурсников наказывали так сильно, что им приходилось покинуть колледж. Смерти в результате издевательств случались не часто, а те, что случались, замалчивали): It was not unusual for freshmen boys to be so violently "disciplined", they had to leave college; some of them hospitalized; yet none of these boys ever testified against the upperclassmen who harassed them. Deaths following "hazing" and "horsing" were not common - yet those that did occur were kept quiet, by university decree.;
  - смотри замолчать
  заманивать / заманить (кого-л) - (з. в ловушку): смотри ниже;
  - (з. в паутину обмана): had it not been for Mr. G. being ensnared in the web of deceit he would have made money from his trades;
  - (з. в свои сети): he had no mercy for those whom he enticed into his clutches;
  - (з. ветерок в дом): they had retreated into the shade of their cool houses, windows thrown wide in the hope of tempting in a nonexistent breeze;
  - (заключённая заманивает надзирательницу в камеру): after lock-up, the prisoner tricks the screw into locking herself into the four-bed dorm and then, into handing over her keys;
  - (з. женщин с помощью наркотиков): he used drugs to lure the women from D., he then killed them and disposed of their remains on his family property in P.;
  - (з. избирателей, посадивших его в Белый Дом): he dropped the nice-guy tones of voice and the rumpled, bird-dog grin that had originally gulled the voters into putting the boy next door into the White House;
  - (их заманили купить квартиру ложными заявлениями о том, что продажа идёт бурно / спонсор заманил покупателей подписать контракт): A group of purchasers at the Trump Soho hotel-condo are suing to get back nearly $1.8 million in deposits, claiming they were duped into buying through phony claims about booming sales there. If the sponsor had induced just three fewer purchasers to sign contracts, the project would have foundered and all purchasers could have rescinded their contracts and obtained full refunds under New York law.;
  - (к двери магазина): she lured him into the shop doorway and her accomplice hit him over the head
  заманивать / заманить (в ловушку) - he had been entrapped by the New York Police Department;
  - he was certain that he had their army in a trap;
  - Nine (rings) he gave to Mortal Men, proud and great, and so ensnared them. Long ago they fell under the dominion of the One, and they became Ringwraiths, shadows under his great Shadow, his most terrible servants;
  - (дважды её заманивали в ловушку): I tried to recover the photograph. Twice burglars in my pay ransacked her house. Twice she has been waylaid.
  заманчиво - "I could get you out of the country?" "No, it's tempting, but I can't.";
  - (как бы з. ни звучало это объяснение): attractive as this explanation may be,...
  заманчивый - (доходность облигаций не выглядит з-ой): corporate bond spreads narrowed substantially last year and do not look enticing;
  - (косметические средства): selling such enticing remedies as baldness cures and virility cream;
  - (лотереи): intricate, tantalizing lotteries on sports events;
  - (мысли): it is often tempting to wonder what would happen if... and if not;
  - (объяснение): attractive as this explanation may be,...;
  - (соблазны): the attractions of the New World were so compelling
  замаранный - (в скандалах): the center-right party looked exhausted, scandal-ridden and out of ideas, and its listless campaign showed it;
  - (компания не хочет, чтобы её имидж был замаран использованием рабского труда, т.е. заключённых): the company doesn't want to be smeared with the image that they're hiring slave labor;
  - (политик замаран участием в тёмных делах): the politician is tainted by a thousand shabby deals
  замарать - (з. картину жизни): someone had soiled his pure picture of life;
  - (компании не хочет, чтобы её образ был замаран использованием труда заключённых): the company doesn't want to be smeared with the image that they're hiring slave labor;
  - (репутацию): to smear the reputation of somebody;
  - (з. руки образно): learn the ropes the hard way, get your hands dirty, see and do things no big-firm associate would ever get near, and someday some firm with real vision will reward the effort;
  - (з. руки чем-л образно): these were top lawyers, the kind who wouldn't normally soil their hands with police work or criminal law;
  - (з. страну позором): in 12 years you smeared my country with your dirt in a way that has never happened throughout our history
  замаскированный - (танки были так искусно замаскированы, что...): the storage sited for the real tanks were so skillfully hidden that only his own staff knew where they were;
  - (набор мебели, з. под контейнер): The "Lounge" is a cool set of home furniture disguised as a simple container. As you can see in the pictures attached below this design looks like a cube, but this cube is a table with four chairs that you have to drag whenever needed.;
  - (спекуляция, з-ая под нормальное поведение): the story describes housing price speculation disguised as relatively normal behavior;
  - (угроза): a veiled threat is when you are threatened without the person actually saying threatening things, but it can be understood what they really mean;
  - The Australian Federal Police are investigating a veiled threat made against a West Australian Liberal MP, who says he fears for his son's safety;
  - (электрошокеры, з-ые под фонарики): stun guns disguised as flashlights
  замаскировать / замаскировывать - (рюкзак, т.е. чтобы сделать его незаметным): This orange pack will practically glow in the dark. I make a mental note to camouflage it first thing tomorrow.;
  - (з. фабрику конопли под мастерскую автомобильных шин): a drug farmer who rigged his cannabis factory and disguised it as a tyre workshop has been imprisoned
  замахиваться / замахнуться - (на кого-л образно): Lukashenko takes swipes at West;
  - смотри файл DVIJENIE
  замедление - (автомобиля): A rear-end collision is a traffic accident where a vehicle impacts the vehicle in front of it. Typical scenarios for rear-ends are a sudden deceleration by the first car (for example, to avoid someone crossing the street), the following car does not have the time to brake and impacts the first.
  замедленный - (бомба з-ого действия образно): the diary represents a ticking time bomb;
  - (движение): time seemed to freeze, morphing into a slow-motion dream;
  - (движение): everything is going in slow motion;
  - (з-ого действия, взрывное устройство з.д.): delayed fuse;
  - (как в з-ой съёмке): almost in slow motion, it flattened out, its sides burst outwards, its gun jerked upwards to point at the sky, and it burst into a fireball
  замедлить / замедлять - (верблюдица не замедляла поступь): the she camel never slackened her swaying gait as the miles slipped by in the darkness;
  - (з. всемирное потепление): Let's Be Sensible and Slow Global Warming Down;
  - (з. гонку вооружений): the continuing arms race which nothing seems able to slow down;
  - (диета, замедляющая старение): a healthy diet which retards aging;
  - (заболевание замедлило рост ребёнка): The boy was born with a rare form of dwarfism. His condition stunted his body's growth, but it didn't interfere with his positive attitude;
  - (исследования): the company has a stranglehold on patent rights and that could retard research that could lead to treatments for diabetes;
  - (лекарства, замедляющие размножение вируса): drugs that inhibit viral replication;
  - (лобовое сопротивление, сила, замедляющая движение самолёта в воздухе): drag, a retarding force of the resistance to lift and to the friction of the aircraft moving through the air;
  - (непредоставление информации замедлит рассмотрение заявления): failure to provide such information will delay the action for which this form is designed;
  - (низкая прибыль на инвестированный капитал замедлила приватизацию): the low return on investment has slowed privatizantion;
  - (з. печать на принтере): it slows down printing;
  - (пластмасса может з. рост яичек): this plastic can inhibit the growth of testicles;
  - (поставки): to slow down military deliveries;
  - (скорость / темп): смотри ниже;
  - (случай не замедлил представиться): the opportunity was not long in coming;
  - (трубная изоляция замедляет прохождение пара): the closed-cell structure of this pipe insulation effectively retards the flow of moisture vapor;
  - concessions in arms levels and states of preparedness, which will in no way at all hinder or retard our capacity to dominate
  замедлить / замедлять (скорость / темп) - He spied the police car and legged it past the pumps and sliding down the embankments. He sprinted across three lanes of westbound motorway and barely broke stride as he hurtled the crash barrier;
  - (скорость разложения): too little moisture slows down the decomposition rate (of compost);
  - the runners slackened their pace;
  - As he walked rapidly along a jogging path, a runner brushed into him. "Watch out!" R. snapped. The jogger didn't break pace. "Cool it, man," he yelled back over his shoulder.;
  - (з. темп работы администрации президента): the purpose of the investigations was to discredit the President and Administration and slow down its momentum
  замедлиться / замедляться - (автомобиль замедлился, чтобы повернуть): you may want to change lanes when the vehicle ahead slows to turn at an intersection.;
  - (о бизнесе): business slows down at this time of year;
  - (об экономике): Australia's economy had slackened from the buoyant conditions of the late 1990s
  замедляющий - (сила): because speed is so important to maintain lift, objects such as fuel tanks and engines, that are carried outside the fuselage are enclosed in structures called nacelles, or pods, to reduce air drag (the retarding force of the air as the airplane moves through it)
  замена - (з. винта судна): the ship was in dry dock, sitting on a collection of wooden blocks while undergoing propeller replacement;
  - (т.е. з. кинозвезды в опасных сценах): the star had a stand-in for dangerous scenes;
  - (мотору нет з-ы): there is no substitute for a good engine;
  - (мы ждали з-у, т.е. военного судна): we had been on station for one hundred days and were now waiting our rotation to return to port and reship our supplies;
  - (назначение сотрудника на з-у кому-л): I'll have the Foreign Office agree the appointment as L.'s replacing in the Commercial Section;
  - (т.е. об участнике соревнований): He had been five times full bore champion in the Met's annual shoot-off. It would have been six times if the organizers hadn't allowed a ring-in from the FBI to enter.;
  - (он - хорошая з. мэру): he is a good substitute for the mayor;
  - (оборудования): The routine part was inspection and preventive maintenance. The rest was unforseen repair, retrieval and replacement work
  - (з. охлаждающей жидкости, т.е. в автомобиле): I took my vehicle into J. auto service center for a radiator flush and fill;
  - (з. повреждённых клеток мозга): a likely future application of stem-cell therapy is the replacement of damaged brain cells;
  - (з. постоянного врача): he was a stand-in for my regular doctor;
  - (при з-е 2 любой большей целой константой получается та же модель вычислений): replacing 2 by any larger constant integer generates the same model of computation;
  - (советник президента увольнялся, но ему подыскали з-у): my then presidential aide was leaving, but we had lined up a good replacement;
  - Nixon named H. Kissinger as his replacement with terse words
  заменимый - (люди): The rest of us are expendable. You're not.
  заменитель - (кожи): imitation leather / artificial leather;
  - (нелауриновый з. какао-масла исключительно из продуктов растительного происхождения): an all vegetable non-lauric cocoa butter replacer (CBR);
  - (сахара): sugar or sugar substitute, such as saccharin;
  - substitute for baking powder
  заменить / заменять - (з. арифмометр компьютером): to replace an adding machine with / by a computer;
  - (в Коране рок заменён Богом): for this powerful but insensible fate the Qur"an substituted a powerful but provident and merciful God;
  - (в ходе промышленной революции лошадиная сила заменила силу лошади): the Industrial Revolution ultimately displaced horse power with horsepower;
  - (данная предварительная квалификационная оценка заменяет оценку, опубликованную в 2002 г.): the subject pre-qualification exercise supersedes that published by the company in 2002;
  - (детали): do not substitute parts or try to modify the car seat in any way on your own;
  - (игрока): John has replaced Edward as captain of the team;
  - (изношенные шины): to replace badly worn tyres;
  - (з. кого-л на работе): I'm glad he had someone he could rely upon to take his place;
  - (з. кокаин мукой): they swapped cocaine for flour and placed a GPS to track the luggage;
  - (з. ленту с записью пустой лентой): I stole the tape and substituted a dummy;
  - (з. на более современное оборудование): as a direct result of the accident, the equipment was upgraded;
  - (т.е. з. название улицы на другое): the name seemed inappropriate after the Revolution and was changed to Congress street;
  - (нас можно з., тебя нельзя): The rest of us are expendable. You're not.;
  - (з. неисправный товар): if any part proves to be defective, this product will be repaired or replaced free of charge;
  - (новый самолёт заменил старые): the new Boeing 747 had superseded the old and time-expired 707s;
  - (з. рейхсмарку дойчмаркой): the authority reformed the country, substituting the new Deutschmark for the old Reichsmark
  - (реставратор мебели заменил ему отца): the cultured and kindly furniture restorer Hobie becomes a stand-in father;
  - (з. сахар сахарином): those on slimming diets should substitute the sugar with saccharin / substitute saccharin for the sugar;
  - (з. сцену фильма другой): he used rats to create a scene so revolting that his editor suggested strongly that he remove it and substitute something else;
  - (з. тиранию Великобритании на тиранию толпы): to exchange the tyranny of Great Britain for the tyranny of mobs;
  - (уголь может з. иностранную нефть): Coal is far and away America's most abundant fuel. There is no doubt that it can substitute for foreign oil;
  - (учителя, т.е. временно): I am a substitute teacher standing in for Professor H.;
  - (учителя, т.е. временно): it's not fair, he was only filling in, why should he give us homework?
  заменить собой / заменять собой - (выборы заменили собой вторник масленицы): the Costa Rican election supplanted Shrove Tuesday;
  - (нельзя з. школьную алгебру нажиманием кнопок компьютера): high school algebra cannot be supplanted by button pressing of computers
  заменяющий - (заявление, з-ее справку об отсутствии препятствий к браку заграницей): if you are getting married overseas, most countries will require a statement in-lieu of fml certification of non-impediment to marriage abroad
  замер - (з. уровня жидкости, т.е. в автомобиле): inspection of engine components for unusual or excessive wear and measurement of fluids for satisfactory levels
  замерзать / замёрзнуть - (о человеке): смотри ниже;
  - (т.е. превратиться в лёд, о воде): смотри ниже
  замерзать / замёрзнуть - (о человеке): I got cold. Froze solid, toes and all.;
  - (он так замёрз, что...): he was so chilled that he thought longingly of the snug, dry interior of the cars streaming along below;
  - (он замёрз до мозга костей): chilled to the marrow from his night vigil, he got back into the car;
  - (чтобы не замёрзнуть): he wore thick corduroy trousers and a quilted anorak against the cold
  замерзать / замёрзнуть (т.е. превратиться в лёд, о воде) - all the rain from yesterday had frozen solid;
  - Water in fuel iced up because of unusually cold temperatures. The ice blocked fuel to both engines.;
  - the water's icing up, else we'd ride in the streambed
  замерить / замерять - (высоту): he measured the height of the cupboard;
  - (т.е. щупом, з. топливо в топливном баке): whenever Carlo and I flew, I saddled him with the dreary, non-flying chores - filing flight plans, climbing onto the wing to dipstick the fuel, filling up logbooks, securing the airplane
  замертво (упасть з.) - he bit on a cyanide capsule and dropped dead;
  - archbishop A.R. fell dead to the marble floor, his vestments soaked in blood;
  - he took two massive swipes at his closest attackers, judging by their immediate collapse, they had been knocked cold
  заместитель - (заместительница своего мужа, т.е. в избирательной кампании): she has recently stepped up her time commitment to the campaign, appearing as a surrogate for her husband in campaign appearances;
  - смотри файл PROFESS
  замести следы / заметать следы образно - a good spy must know how to cover his tracks;
  - (т.е. взлома компьютерных сетей): the Russians are very astute at covering up the tracks (of hacking);
  - his personal diaries reveal the philandering prince was using code to cover his tracks; a letter D written backwards, signifying his increasingly frequent liaisons with Daisy;
  - смотри файл DVIJENIE
  заместить / замещать - (атом кальция замещает атом бария): a calcium atom replaces a larger barium atom;
  - (вливание донорских лимфоцитов, чтобы з. остаточные кроветворные клетки хозяина после аллогенной пересадки костного мозга): donor lymphocyte infusions to displace residual host hematopoietic cells after allogenic bone marrow transplantation;
  - (жена заместила губернатора на званом обеде): his wife subbed for him (the Governor) at the annual dinner of Empire state Pride Agenda;
  - (учителя, т.е. временно): I am a substitute teacher standing in for Professor H.;
  - (учителя, т.е. временно): it's not fair, he was only filling in, why should he give us homework?
  заметить / замечать - my friends could hardly fail to notice that I disappeared once a month;
  - if there was anything false about the smile, no one noticed it;
  - (з. авианосцы противника): American dive bombers sighted the Japanese aircraft carriers far below through a break in the clouds;
  - (т.е. з. в толпе кого-л): he was so tall, it was easy to pick him out in the crowd;
  - (з. Винни-Пуха под шариком): wouldn't the bees notice you underneath the balloon?;
  - (з. действия противника): Fully a hundred enemy fighters scrambled into the air and set up their own combat air patrol over their East coast. The Hawkies spotted that and radioed a warning to the advancing fighters;
  - (заметив это, получаем...): by observing that one arrives at...;
  - (заметим, что...): let us note that this "quantum trace" is nothing other than...;
  - (заметьте, что): please note that some appliances may operate a little slower when used in foreign countries operating on 50 cycles (U.S. operates on 60 cycles);
  - (как было замечено выше): as noted above;
  - (з. как звучит голос): he noted how bitter her voice sounded;
  - (камера заметила танкер и захватила цель): the camera swivelled like a gun, spotted the tanker and locked on;
  - (каноэ в море): a boy playing along the shore spotted a canoe approaching two days after the storm had subsided;
  - (кого-л мельком): he caught a glimpse of a small man;
  - (кого-л, т.е. обратить внимание): if I've given him grounds for divorce, he won't take a notice of them;
  - (з. латки на одежде и потрёпанный чемодан): he gave her an insolent stare, which took in the patches on her clothes and the dilapidated suitcase;
  - (з. кого-л подозрительного): there had been no one spotted near the house, no one hanging around his factory;
  - (з. малозаметные признаки): "The captain is not very happy you're on the case." "Did he say something?" "He didn't have to. I've been working with him for four years now. I know him. You pick up little signs.";
  - (з. мельницы на горизонте): we spotted a row of windmills on the horizon;
  - (не з. ничего необычного в поведении): he noticed nothing particularly different about her demeanor;
  - (не з., как, вы не заметите, как влезете в долги): if you spend more with your credit cards than you can reasonably pay off, you'll run into debt before you know it;
  - (незнакомцев): the riders appeared not to perceive the three strangers;
  - (з. невооружённым глазом): so skilfully had the work been done that no naked eye could spot the square area among the rest of the surround;
  - (ориентиры): I tried to take note of landmarks;
  - (з. отпечатки пальцев на стене): she spotted fingerprints on her gleaming walls;
  - (подробности): he noticed everything, even the small details;
  - (позвольте заметить, что...): may I point out that if we don't leave now we'll be late;
  - (з. полицейскую машину): he spied the police car and legged it past the pumps and sliding down the embankments;
  - (т.е. при передаче прямой речи): "...", he pointed out;
  - (т.е. при передаче прямой речи): the foreign minister pointed out as courteously as he could that all precedent indicated that...;
  - (т.е. при передаче прямой речи): "..." observed R. coldly;
  - (т.е. при передаче прямой речи): "That will give them something to think about," he observed smugly.;
  - (проблему): she seemed to have spotted this problem too;
  - (т.е. рассмотреть): I could just discern a shape of a horse in the mist;
  - (РЛС самолёта заметит малейшее движение): its radars would pick up the slightest movement of a metallic substance down there on the water's surface;
  - (следует з., что...): it should be noted that fingerprints are in fact worthless for purposes of identification if they cannot be cross-matched with a counter-sample;
  - (слежку): he was no expert in spotting a tail and might have been followed;
  - (з. соринку в чужом глазу): and why beholdest old use thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?
  - (сотрудники заметили небольшое различие в коллеге): her co-workers noted a slight difference in their colleague;
  - (т.е. увидеть): S. had spotted the two of them coming out of the bar and gleefully pointed them out;
  - (умение з. подробности): her eye for detail;
  - (з., что он был необычно притихший): I took note of the fact that he was strangely subdued. Ordinarily, he would have leaped to her defense;
  - (з., что он лжёт): I soon discerned that he was lying;
  - (з., что они держались за руки): W. had spotted the fact that they were holding hands;
  - (з. что получил письмо): he was too busy feeling sorry for her to notice immediately that he had a letter too;
  - (что-л): if I've given him grounds for divorce, he won't take notice of them
  заметка - (з. в прессе): he dismissed as "far-fetched" press reports that the United States had offered troops to patrol the line of control (between India and Pakistan);
  - (вести заметки для дневника): the Secretary duly took her notes for the minister's official diary;
  - (делать з-и в блокноте): he made notes on a clipboard;
  - (делать з-и на полях статьи): he took out (of the folder) the news articles, along with a pencil for making notations rare;
  - (т.е запись для памяти): he laid down the pencil with which he had maid copious notes and sat back
  заметно - then, noticeably fearful that his interviewers have been followed by Sudanese troops, he and his men abruptly slip into the wide Sahara;
  - (было з., что): it was noticeable that in recent days he had spent an increasing amount of time with Nixon;
  - (быть з. ниже): oxidation rates were notably lower;
  - (интерес з. усилился): the interest around the tables sharpened palpably: some stiffened, others fidgeted;
  - (он также изучающе рассматривал её, разве что не так з.): She sat opposite him, knees tight together while she studied him. And he in return subjecting her to an equally searching inspection, if a more furtive one.;
  - (отличаться): countries differ markedly in the distribution of their urban population;
  - (з. приглушённые световые контрасты, т.е. на картине): the light contrasts, markedly toned down, look natural;
  - (различаться): to vary notably;
  - (расстроенный): Kasparov, noticeably upset, left the hall quickly;
  - (самцы фазанов з. крупнее самок): male pheasants are notably larger than females;
  - (сутулый): he was distinctly round-shouldered;
  - (упасть): the rate of hydrocarbon production has fallen dramatically;
  - (уставший и разочарованный): a visibly tired and frustrated Justice J.W. briefly lashed out at the Crown and the defence
  заметный - (автомобиль с дипломатическим номером): his car will be too noticeable with its embassy plate;
  - (автомобиль): his car must be one of the most distinctive in Germany, visible half a mile off;
  - (акцент): he had a noticeable accent;
  - (без з-ой закономерности): luminous species are widely scattered taxonomically, with no clear-cut pattern discernible;
  - (дефекты лица незаметны в кинокамере): he has the sort of face whose imperfections are not detected by a camera;
  - (добиться з-ых успехов в чём-л): the Bureau had not experienced conspicuous success in its effort to penetrate Chinese intelligence operations in America;
  - (едва з-ая бородка): a sparse, barely visible beard;
  - (...и впервые стал заметен его возраст): he heaved a sigh and the animation left his face, his years plain to see for the first time;
  - (изменения): changes became noticeable at once;
  - (контраст): the marked contrast between the lofty drape of the dais over the bed and a humble caned chair;
  - (непоседа заметен в школе): а child who "can't sit still" or is otherwise disruptive will be noticeable in school, but the inattentive daydreamer may be overlooked;
  - (ни у кого улучшение не было так заметно, как у Н.): in nobody was that improvement more pronounced that in N.;
  - (ориентир): the general summoned the captains to his tent, using maps to show them which prominent landmark they should use to muster their men;
  - (оставаться незаметным): he tries to remain unconspicuous;
  - (отчаяние было заметно под маской наслаждения): her wretchedness showed through the mask of pleasure;
  - (плакаты были более заметны / плакаты были незаметны с полей и обочин дорог): Before the 1930's the conservatives used red on our posters because it showed up better. And one of the problems with blue-green posters in rural areas is, like canvassers complain, that they cannot be seen in the fields and by the roadsides;
  - (з-ое повышение концентрации): concomitant administration of this medicine with X. resulted in markedly elevated plasma concentrations;
  - (з-ые политики / менее з-ые магнаты): power has shifted from visible politicians to less visible potentates;
  - (половой диморфизм заметен у уток): among vertebrates, sexual dimorphism is particularly apparent in ducks and most game fowl;
  - (превышение, даже при з-ом превышении по последним данным об экономике и налогах за вторник, т.е. дефиците за текущий фискальный год, государственные финансы остаются в относительно неплохом состоянии): Even with the conspicuous overshoot reported in Tuesday's economic and fiscal update - a deficit of $26 billion for the current fiscal year, versus the $21 billion forecast in March - the government's finances remain in relatively good shape;
  - (раздражение, т.е. в голосе): "Oh, very well," he sniffed with audible annoyance;
  - (различие между ними становилось заметнее): as the years went on, the difference between the two girls grew more marked;
  - (рост городов): towns were undergoing a spectacular growth;
  - (стать более з-ым): for a moment, the deadened look in his eyes became more pronounced than ever;
  - (улучшение экономической ситуации): there is no discernible improvement in the economic situation;
  - (успехи): there were other notable successes;
  - (хозяева склада старались сделать присутствие охранников как можно более з-ым): the owners of this warehouse wanted the guards to scare away thieves and looters, and so kept their presence highly visible
  замечание - (воздержаться от з-я): he refrained from pointing out that as West Berlin was not a part of West Germany, they ought to be addressing themselves the Senate in West Berlin;
  - (т.е. взыскание ученице): The teacher expressed her concern over the number of demerits both students were accumulating because of their dirty room. They also had a lot of demerits for drinking.;
  - (т.е. высказывание): he seemed able to read precise meanings into Mao's most obscure observations;
  - (делать саркастические з-я): Despite G.' decision to hand over the chief executive title to B. in 2000, he sought to retain his power within the company. In meetings involving the two men, G. still held sway that wasn't tied to a title. Mr. G. would interject with sarcasm, undermining Mr. B. in front of other executives.;
  - (записать унизительные з-я в трудовую книжку): if an employer puts a derogatory comment in your (permanent) work record without informing you, giving you the opportunity for rebuttal, you could sue for defamation of character and / or character assassination;
  - (заслуживало резкого ответа): a remark which deserved a cutting reply;
  - (т.е. критическое): смотри ниже;
  - (ответить на з.): to my smug remark that I did not see how the Democrats could recover from their electoral debacle, he said Watergate would bring a Democratic revival;
  - (т.е. по поводу научной статьи): an obvious remark;
  - (получить персональное з., т.е. об игроке): he drew a personal foul for roughing the kicker when he hit UC Davis punter B.D.;
  - (получить персональное з., об игроке): he drew a personal foul after the play as he hit WR C.J. out of bounds as several scuffles broke out;
  - (получить персональное з., о тренере): the coach charged onto the field, screaming and cursing, and promptly drew a personal foul;
  - (редакторские з-я): the literary agent made page-by-page editorial comments for a major rewrite;
  - (сделать несколько интересных замечаний о чём-л): he made some interesting observations on the current political scene;
  - (сделать з., т.е. осудить): our auditor has admonished me for the careless way I have been keeping our financial records;
  - (сделать з., т.е. осудить): the teacher has given me a slap on the wrist infml for wearing tight, sexy jeans to class. He says it is not appropriate.;
  - (язвительное): Vice President Al Gore traded quips with talk-show host Jay Leno
  замечание (т.е. критическое) - (з. по поводу руководства центром): if you have any criticisms about how the centre is run, list them below;
  - (получить много з-й от коллег): he got a lot of criticism from his colleagues;
  - (тренеру не пришлось делать з-я): It was the best practice ever. The coach didn't have a single criticism to make.;
  - (у меня нет з-й к мистеру Перо): CLINTON: I don't have any criticism of Mr. Perot;
  - (у меня нет з-й к кому-л): I don't have any criticism towards Nevada Democrats;
  - (у меня нет з-й к чему-л): I don't have any criticism of their methods / golf carts / the product;
  - (у меня нет з-й ни к кому-л): I don't have any criticism for anybody
  замечательно - it is actually a glorious thing that he can...;
  - jolly good
  - "Great," said I. "Ask me anything and I'll give you honest answers."
  - (з. летать, о вертолёте): the Blackhawk flew superbly, not at all like the earthquake-while-sitting-on-a-chandelier sensation usually associated with such contrivances;
  - (что з. в сказках, так это...): one of the great things about tales is how fast time may pass when not much of note is happening
  замечательный - (з-ая архитектура Чикаго): the magnificent architecture of the Windy City;
  - брак): we had a brilliant marriage;
  - (з-ое верхолазное снаряжение): the boffins had long ago developed for the SBS some remarkable climbing gear;
  - (вещи): marvellous things will happen that you have never dreamt of;
  - (вещи): there are marvellous things to do;
  - (вид на город): the top-floor windows afforded a magnificent view of the whole city;
  - (вино): the wine is superb;
  - (девушка): my date was C.J., a striking girl I had met at one of the numerous mixers the area girl's school held for Georgetown boys;
  - (з-ым днём): on a gorgeous afternoon;
  - (диагноз): Senator B.F., the heart surgeon with presidential aspirations, announced that watching videos of Schiavo had persuaded him that her doctors in Florida were mistaken about her vegetative state, a remarkable diagnosis given that he had not examined her and has no expertise in the medical specialty, neurology, relevant to her case;
  - (достижение): the first transcontinental railroad was a magnificent achievement;
  - (з-ое достижение компании, т.е. мультипликационных фильмов): the company's dramatic track record - an unbroken run of 5 big hits - has turned it into the most powerful creative force in animation business;
  - (женщина, т.е. о Хиллари Клинтон): the book captures the essence of this remarkable woman;
  - (з-ое искусство верховой езды): I could well observe the fine horsemanship that M. exhibited;
  - (из всего необычного в нём самым з-ым был шрам): of all unusual things about Harry, this scar was the most extraordinary of all;
  - (кинжал з-ой работы): a dagger of marvellous BrE / marvelous AmE workmanship;
  - (клинок): a magnificent blade;
  - (конь): he was a superb / splendid horse;
  - (з-ый кукольный дом): it was the jolliest (jolly) doll's house any child ever dreamed of;
  - (литература): the splendid literature which survives from the Middle Ages;
  - (з-ое литературное произведение): the book is a remarkable piece of literature;
  - (ловкость): he rushes on and on, threading his way with perfect skill between tree trunks;
  - (маги): the ancient Egyptian wizards were fascinating;
  - (местность): magnificent surroundings;
  - (местность замечательна своим климатом): the area is notable for its pleasant climate;
  - (мужество): your wife has displayed remarkable fortitude during your repeated absences from the family home;
  - (музыкант): an accomplished jazz musician;
  - (з. набор товаров): our world class travel appliances and accessories offer an exciting array of smart travel products with unique features;
  - (неудачник, о литературном герое): why admire a bungler - a brilliant bungler, but a bungler nevertheless - who missed becoming the first person to reach the North Pole?;
  - (з. общественный деятель): he is a consummate public man;
  - (певица): the singer was magnificent with her booming voice;
  - (з. послужной список): a successful mining engineer with a notable record;
  - (з-ое произведение архитектуры): a marvellous piece of architecture;
  - (з-ая работа учёного): his most striking work to date has been a series of results concerning...;
  - (работа): he did a superb job of research on the energy crisis;
  - (ребёнок): a completely delightful child;
  - (речь): I will never forget that marvelous AmE / marvellous BrE peroration;
  - (сад): visitors can tour an ancient mansion, see the fascinating garden, unique architecture;
  - (сколь бы ни были замечательны политические преобразования в регионе, это всего лишь начало): the region's political transformation, extraordinary though it has been, was just the start;
  - (сноровка): with remarkable skill the burglar cut a perfect circle on the surface of the glass;
  - (з-ые способности к языкам): he was tall and spare with a wonderful language gift;
  - (з-ые театральные деятели): one of the remarkable group of theatre-makers who worked at Berlin's groundbreaking Shaubuehne in the 1970;
  - (товары): salesmen were pushing carts full of extraordinary merchandise;
  - (успех): the fields whose recent growth has been driven by remarkable advances in computational capabilities;
  - (успехи): there were other notable successes;
  - (фигура): she had a nice face and great figure;
  - (фрески замечательны своим количеством): that frescoes are remarkable chiefly for their quantity
  замечать / заметить - did you notice anyone leave / leaving the house?;
  - did you notice whether I locked the door?;
  - I noticed that she was looking very tired;
  - (актёр старался, чтобы его заметили): the young actor was trying to get himself noticed;
  - (заметим, что... мат): note that 1 does not really mean the braided integers to be invertible here;
  - (не з.): she was wearing a new dress, but he didn't even notice;
  - (не з. присутствия кого-л): he was oblivious to my presence;
  - (пoлицейский заметил фургон Форд, приближающийся к перекрёстку на большой скорости): the policeman observed a Ford van approach the intersection at a high rate of speed;
  - (з. тихую бухточку): the coxswain spied a small and deceptively peaceful-looking cove and headed directly for the land
  замешанный - (в деле): everyone who was concerned in the affair regrets it;
  - (в заговоре были замешаны менее 50 человек): the plot in which fewer than 50 men were implicated;
  - (если президент был хотя ны косвенно замешан в Уотергейте): if the President was involved even indirectly, full disclosure would not be the course selected;
  - (компания замешана в скандале с бухгалтерской отчётностью): the company is embroiled in an accounting scandal;
  - (нефтяные компании были по уши замешаны в афере): the oil companies were neck deep infml in the scam;
  - (он был замешан в скандале): he got mixed up in a scandal and escaped the pen only by the skin of his teeth;
  - (он был замешан в смерти героя): he had a hand in infml the hero's death;
  - (он не замешан в нелегальной деятельности): he is not involved in any illegal activity;
  - (он был сильно замешан в подготовке теракта): he was heavily involved in the preparation of a terrorist attack;
  - (партия замешана в скандалах): the center-right party looked exhausted, scandal-ridden and out of ideas, and its listless campaign showed it;
  - (полиция была замешана в похищении): As the hostage's father waited in one city square, the local police approached him and searched his car for explosives. He is convinced they were in on infml it.;
  - (правительственные учреждения замешаны в скандале в связи с закупкой картриджей для принтеров по сильно завышенным ценам): there are 41 South Australian Government agencies embroiled in the scandal over purchase of printer cartridges at heavily-inflated prices in exchange for gifts
  замешкаться - she'd dallied upstairs long enough to put on a little make-up;
  - she could tarry a bit and not get home until four;
  - (...прежде чем надсмотрщик щёлкнул бичом над головой замешкавшегося гребца): they hastily readied their oar before the overseer cracked a lash over some laggard's head
  - (з. с отправкой письма): he felt immensely thankful that he had not dawdled in posting the letter;
  замещение - (вливание донорских лимфоцитов для з-я остаточных кроветворных клеток хозяина после аллогенной пересадки костного мозга): donor lymphocyte infusions to displace residual host hematopoietic cells after allogenic bone marrow transplantation;
  - (планирование з-я ушедшего руководителя): succession planning involves looking ahead to the inevitable time when key managers will depart and deciding how their places will be filled
  - (реакция з-а, т.е. в химии): a substitution reaction is a chemical reaction during which one functional group in a chemical compound is replaced by another functional group;
  - (з. функционирования почек диализом): Replacement of Renal Function by Dialysys;
  замётано (т.е. мы договорились) - it's a done deal
  заминка - в работе компьютера): we had a few snags infml when it came to configuration;
  - (при получении документов): his move to Leeds (a football team) hits a work permit snag;
  - (со сделкой произошла з.): The deal has hit a snag. One of the institutional shareholders is holding out. Unless we get 90 per cent approval the deal falls over.
  замкнутость - (у него появилась з.): there is a secretiveness in his recent habits
  замкнуть / замыкать - (круг): complete the ring;
  - (накоротко, т.е. электрическую цепь): she spills her tea and shorts out all of the computers;
  - (список): lack of this component forced the system to bring up the rear;
  - (шествие): the Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman brought up the rear;
  - (шествие): bringing up the rear, tied to the cart by the rope, was a scrawny cow;
  - (шествие): his lieutenant marched beside him while Underlieutenant G. brought up the rear;
  - (электрическую цепь): to complete an electric circuit
  замкнуться / замыкаться - (в традициях): the country encapsulated itself in its traditions;
  - (о человеке): she clamped up like she hadn't heard you;
  - (об электрической цепи): but when the two exposed ends, one of the eight-foot-long red wire, the other of the blue wire, touched each other, the circuit would be complete
  замкнутый - (з. мир на корабле в море): in the insular world of a ship at sea, communication with the outside world is limited;
  - (образ жизни, он вёл з. образ жизни): he lived a cloistered, twilit and unhappy existence;
  - (пространство, боязнь з-ого пространства): have you ever claustrophobia (fear of closed-in places)?;
  - (пространство): describe any special or hazardous conditions you might encounter when you're using your respirator (for example, confined spaces, life-threatening gases);
  - (человек): he was highly self-sufficient, secretive and friendless;
  - (электрическая цепь): the electric circuit from the battery is complete;
  - смотри файл EMOCII
  замок - (замОк): the lock clicked behind him;
  - (замОк): he heard the key turn in the lock;
  - (замОк, т.е. капота автомобиля, открылся): the hood jumped up upward an inch when the catch was released;
  - (крепкий замОк): a stout lock;
  - (зАмок): a medieval castle;
  - (т.е. зАмок на неприступной скале): eyrie
  замолвить (слово / словечко) - I could put in a good word;
  - (з. слово а кого-л): I might be able to put in a word for you. If you make it worth my while;
  - (з. слово за кого-л перед кем-л): will you put in a good word for me with G. in there?
  замолкать / замолчать - one man said he was a volunteer from a non-governmental organisation, but clammed up when asked for the name of the organization;
  - (он время от времени замолкал, вытирая лоб платком): as he talked he kept breaking off to wipe his forehead with a handkerchief;
  - I called the Ministry of Defence. I talked to the personnel department but as soon as I mentioned his name they clammed tighter than a virgin on a prison visit.;
  - "Yes, Mother," I would say, and grind my teeth and pray for her to shut up rude;
  - (горестно / угрюмо, т.е. о человеке): he subsided into an aggrieved / a gloomy silence;
  - (заставить з., т.е. внутренний голос): is it possible to shush the inner critic when she pumps up the volume and zeros in on our character defects?;
  - (заставить з., т.е. разоблачителя): he has got to be silenced, once and for all;
  - (з., чтобы информация дошла, т.е. до слушателей): he pauses to let the information sink in
  замораживание - (з. операций с банковским счетом ограничивается в размере, определённом решением налоговых органов): the suspension of company bank account transactions is limited to an amount set by decision of the tax authorities;
  - (активов): asset freezing is a legal process which prevents a defendant whether innocent or guilty (usually an apparent fraudster) to an action from dissipating their assets from beyond the jurisdiction of a court so as to frustrate a potential judgment;
  - смотри файл TEMPERATURA
  замораживать / заморозить - (банковский счёт): the authorities have frozen his bank account;
  - (военная помощь Украине заморожена): the military aid to Ukraine is on hold;
  - (з. военную помощь Украине): President Donald Trump asked his acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney to put a hold on millions in military aid to Ukraine;
  - (з. военную помощь Украине): President Trump asked his acting chief of staff to place a hold on $391 million in aid to Ukraine;
  - (зарплату): the government has introduced a wage freeze;
  - (контракт): he was awarded a contract worth $1.5 million as a result of bid misrepresentations, but that contract was put on hold as a result of this investigation
  заморозка - смотри файл TEMPERATURA
  заморский - (редкости): all sorts of outlandish oddities, curiosities and junk;
  - (титул / униформа): outlandish title / uniforms
  замочить жаргон (т.е. убить) - seems like he was hitting to subdue her - didn't realize he cooled AmE slang her;
  - some say that he did in slang Bormann
  замуж - (выйти з. поздно): she married late in life;
  - (выйти з. за кого-л): will you marry me?;
  - (выйти з. за кого-л): Jill is getting married to Ben next week;
  - (выходить з.): I have it on good authority that she's getting married;
  - (она замужем за кем-л): she's married to my brother
  замужество - her first marriage was not very happy;
  - (з. с кем-л): she's a British citizen by virtue of her marriage to an Englishman
  замужняя - I'm a married woman;
  - hitched AmE slang
  замуштрованный - (народ): sport in the sense of a mass-spectacle comes into existence when a population has been drilled and regimented and depressed to such an extent that it needs at least a vicarious participation in difficult feats of strength or skill or heroism in order to sustain it vanishing life-sense
  замыкание - (короткое): Electrical short circuit, sir. Spotted it during test-run of the engines just now
  замысел - (великолепный): one of his favourite pastimes was bringing Da Vinci's most obscure brainstorms infml to life;
  - (замыслы Гитлера): the tasks of the SS included the carrying out of Hitler's ambitions to rid Germany and Europe of all elements he considered to be "unworthy of life";
  - (з. и порядок во вселенной): in order to prove the unity of God, the Qur"an lays frequent stress on the design and order in the universe;
  - (путешествия): one is carried away with the general, grand, and indistinct notion of a voyage round the world;
  - (разумный з., т.е. теория о божественном происхождении жизни): intelligent design is the assertion that "certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as natural selection;
  - (расстроить замыслы): to thwart designs inimical to the well-being of our country;
  - (честолюбивые з-ы): Russia harbours ambitions to draw Ukraine back into its sphere of influence;
  - (честолюбивые з-ы): both countries still harbor territorial ambitions;
  - (честолюбивые замыслы отделения от Великобритании): they had not raised armies with ambitious designs of separating from Great Britain;
  - (честолюбивые замыслы, отказаться от честолюбивых замыслов ради обычной жизни): some smart girls in my high school felt pressure to forsake their own ambitions for more traditional lives;
  - (шахматиста): chess computers don't understand long-term ideas
  замыслить / замышлять - (заговор): to hatch a conspiracy / a plot;
  - (заговор, обвинённые в том, что замышляли заговоры): charged with hatching plots against the State;
  - (измену): she is a sweet thing now but in ten years who knows what treason she may hatch;
  - (з. месть мужу): she was plotting a revenge on her husband;
  - (недоброе): on frequent occasions she stopped a policeman to point out men who she thought were up to no good, as they hung around the playground;
  - (они ночь не спали, всё замышляли, как завладеть его полоской пастбища): his neighbours lay awake of nights scheming how they might get hold of his little strip of grass-land;
  - (убийство): they were plotting murder;
  - (хотел бы я знать, что он замышляет): I'd like to know what he's really up to
  замысловатый - (буква): everything had a large elaborate W engraved into its surface;
  - (герб, на печати с одной стороны изображена королева Виктория верхом, а с другой стороны - з. герб королевы Виктории): the seal features Queen Victoria on horseback on one side and Victoria's intricate coat of arms on the other;
  - (з-ое деревянное изделие): he stole an admiring glance at the intricate woodwork;
  - (еда): he prefers plain food - nothing too fancy;
  - (книга с з-ым сюжетом): intricately plotted book;
  - (кресло): a fancy wooden armchair;
  - (крыша): the quaint pointed roofs;
  - (локоны): her hair was set in elaborate curls;
  - (лотерея): intricate lottery;
  - (машина / механизм): an ingenious machine;
  - (мраморный камин с з-ой резьбой): an intricately carved marble fireplace;
  - (рисунки): intricate designs;
  - (серьги): arty earrings;
  - (этикетки): the bottles bore elaborate labels with gothic image of castles
  замять - (дело): the Governor was trying to get the case hushed up;
  - (вокруг этого поднялся шум, но дело замяли): there was some fuss about it, but it was hushed up;
  - (инцидент): the authorities played down the incident;
  - (инцидент): he is for sweeping the whole incident under the carpet infml fig;
  - (инцидент): Police in Scotland are investigating allegations that a young Marine was beaten and forced to eat excrement and drink urine during a violent initiation ritual by a masked gang at a Royal Marines base. The Marine reportedly went to civilian police to avoid the incident being "swept under the carpet" fig by the Ministry of Defense.;
  - (з. исчезновение члена семьи): he discreetly disappeared, and the family hushed it up;
  - (слухи): if we attempt to silence this talk, we only lend it credence
  замяться - смотри файл EMOCII
  заначка - Should Women Keep a Secret Money Stash? Every woman needs money of her own that her husband never knows about.;
  - she finds his stash of heroin in the pocket of his coat
  занесение - (з. в списки памятников природы): the land was priceless, and I thought the monument designation would bring in tourist income that over time would more than offset the loss of the mine;
  - (з. готовой продукции в книги дохода / на доходные счета производится в день отгрузки): the booking of the revenue (invoice) of finished goods has to be done on the day of shipment of respective finished goods
  занести / заносить - (т.е. зафиксировать сведения где-л): смотри ниже;
  - (т.е. действовать, переоценивая свои возможности, мы были оптимистами и нас занесло): "Pulling back below Friday's close is surprising to me," said G., a market analyst at North American Risk Management Service in Chicago. "Maybe we were a little optimistic and got overenthusiastic this morning after China said on June 19 that it would end the yuan's peg to the dollar."
  - (т.е. увлечься, адвокат боится, что ответчика занесёт образно слишком близко к опасной черте): the lawyer is worrying that the defendant will stray too close to the line and open the door to a far more dangerous subject;
  - (т.е. увлечься, меня занесло на распродаже одежды): I got rather carried away at the clothes sale and spent too much money;
  - (т.е. увлечься, певца занесло во время чересчур сексуального выступления): the singer admits he got carried away with his sexually charged performance, but he's offering no apology;
  - смотри файлы DVIJENIE, EMOCII
  занести / заносить (т.е. зафиксировать сведения где-л) - (з. в дневник случившееся): he sent me a diary to chronicle fig whatever happened next;
  - (з. в личное дело, порча школьного имущества будет занесена в твоё личное дело): destroying school property goes infml on your permanent record;
  - (з. в протокол): to record in the minutes;
  - (з. в таблицу): he was tabulating every scrap of evidence;
  - (з. время отплытия в судовой журнал): the sailing time will be posted and entered in the log book by the Master within one half (1/2) hour after contacting the chief scientist;
  - (з. выставленный счёт в бухгалтерские книги в день отгрузки готовой продукции): the invoice (for finished goods) has to be booked on the day of dispatch;
  - (з. деловые операции в гроссбухи): clerks recording business transactions in their ledgers;
  - (з. результаты голосования в протокол): the yeas and nays of the members of either house shall be entered on the journal;
  - (з. унизительные комментарии в трудовую книжку): if an employer puts a derogatory comment in your (permanent) work record without informing you, giving you the opportunity for rebuttal, you could sue for defamation of character and / or character assassination
  занижать / занизить - (банки слишком занизили курсы валют): the Asian central banks have grossly undervalued their currencies;
  - (цену, намеренно з. цену перед самым завершением сделки): when a buyer in the final stages of a property transaction refuses to go ahead with the sale unless a reduced price is accepted, the seller has been "gazundered"
  занижение - (з. цены покупателем, т.е. после окончательной договорённости о покупке): Welcome to the world of gazundering, where purchasers substantially lower their offer just days before exchange. The seller must accept the reduction or lose the sale.
  заниженный - (<>давать з-ые показания): the instrument underreads; - (рынок): The market's acting schizophrenic. A lot of people are trying to come to grips with whether the market is overvalued or undervalued.;
  - (з-ое предложение на тендер): the High Court ruled that M. had a seriously arguable case that C. had submitted an abnormally low tender;
  - (самооценка): early alopecia or prostate problems can cause troubles and understated self-esteem in men;
  - (сообшать з-ую сумму дохода в налоговое управление неразумно): the IRS is very good at tracking how much a person earns, so it is imprudent to under-report;
  - (цена): смотри ниже
  заниженный (цена) - if your demands are more modest, you'll be wowed by its long battery life, decent performance - and, most of all, by its understated price;
  - the tariff value was meant to reflect the "true" prevailing international price and not the understated price declared by the importer;
  - factories were transformed into public corporations, then considered to be bankrupt, and then bought for an understated price by local businessmen;
  - when a buyer in the final stages of a property transaction refuses to go ahead with the sale unless a reduced price is accepted, the seller has been "gazundered";
  - (продажа по з-ой цене): I suspect "underpricing" is really just the market telling you that the seller has information you don't. Shoddy construction techniques are one example.;
  - (покупать по з-ой цене): online store security holes let hackers buy at cut price;
  - (продавать акции по з-ой цене): ASDA sells Casino Royale at cut price;
  - (производить отчуждение земли по з-ой цене): Local authorities have been given discretionary powers under the Local Government Act 1972 to dispose of land in any manner they wish and the government recognises that there may be circumstances where an authority considers it appropriate to dispose of land or property undervalue. The General Disposal Consent of 2003 grants local authorities the power to dispose of assets (freehold or leasehold) at less than best consideration within defined limits to secure the promotion or the improvement of the economic, social and environmental wellbeing of their area.
  занимательность - (случаи из жизни придают з. повестованию): her crisp writing flows from one crisis to the next with plenty of anecdotes to keep things lively
  занимательный - (выступления): Public Speaking - 5 Powerful Tips for Persuasive and Captivating Presentations;
  - (книга / фильм): the typical screamer AmE infml goes like this: the hero's wife and her boyfriend determine to do away with the hero so they can run away together and get married;
  - (лекции): one of the information-packed and entertaining tutorials he gives from time to time for a small group of foreign journalists on the history of this volatile region;
  - (математика): recreational mathematics is an umbrella term, referring to mathematical puzzles and mathematical games;
  - (оптика): an anecdotal history of optics from Aristophanes;
  - (разговор): an exciting conversation;
  - (з. рассказ экскурсовода): the tour is run by the Chicago Architecture Foundation, covering some 40 buildings with entertaining and enlightening narrative from an army of well versed docents;
  - (речь, признести з-ую р.): she gave a witty, entertaining and articulate speech;
  - (физика): physics can be entertaining too
  занимать - (время): смотри ниже;
  - (должность): смотри ниже;
  - (т.е. интересовать): смотри ниже;
  - (местность / площадь / пространство): смотри ниже;
  - (не занимай телефон): don't tie up the line;
  - (положение): смотри ниже;
  - смотри занимать / занять
  занимать (должность) - he holds a position at the Institute of Statistics;
  - he may not hold office in a political party;
  - (давно занимавший должность, т.е. в Сенате США): After stepping down from Bain Capital and his local leadership role in the LDS Church, Romney ran as the Republican candidate in the 1994 Massachusetts election for U.S. Senate. Upon losing to longtime incumbent Ted Kennedy, he resumed his position at Bain Capital.;
  - (занимая должность, он брал взятки): he accepted bribes while in office;
  - (з. должность заведующего кафедры): he holds the Chair for Actuarial and Financial Mathematics;
  - (з. ответственную должность): he held a responsible position in the Foreign Office;
  - (прозвище того, кто занимал д. генерального директора): the Master was half affectionate and half respectful nickname for any holder of the post of director-general of the firm
  - (з. пост в политической партии): he may not hold office in a political party;
  - (з. пост в правительстве): this Governor-General was the 7th Canadian to hold the office
  занимать (т.е. интересовать) - (вас слишком занимает проблема чадры): you Americans seem inordinately preoccupied with the chaderi;
  - (вопрос, который занимает его больше всего): as we study the menu, the Congressman homes in on the issue that consumes him most: inequality;
  - (казалось, публику больше занимали похождения знаменитостей, чем война где-то на краю света): the public seemed more bemused by the shenanigans of celebrities than by a war being waged half a world away;
  - (игрушка недолго занимала внимание ребёнка): the new toy didn't engage the child's attention for long
  занимать (местность / площадь / пространство) - (авиабаза занимает удалённую местность): the airbase occupies one of the most outlying and isolated sites inside the fenced perimeter of West Berlin;
  - (город занимает 25 кв. миль): the city covers 25 square miles;
  - (город занимает 215,5 кв км): the city of Las Vegas covers a land area of 215.2 sq km;
  - (письменный стол занимал половину площади кабинета): his office had no windows and a desk that consumed half the floor space;
  - (Эмират занимает площадь 17280 км): the Emirate covers an area of 17,820 square kilometers
  занимать (положение) - (з. ведущее положение в опросах общественного мнения): he was polling well throughout his state;
  - (з. высокое положение, т.е. в иерархии): the being who became Shaytan had previously occupied a high station but fell from divine grace;
  - (з. высокое положение, об искусстве): in Milan, art no longer enjoyed the exalted status it once had;
  - (з. высокое положение в столице): those who enjoyed high and wealthy status in the capital;
  - (з. высокое положение в организации): he is very high up in the organization;
  - (з. господствующее положение в медицине): this company is going to dominate regenerative medicine;
  - (з. господствующее положение, о странах, имеющих запасы нефти): it is those countries who will soon rule the roost infml;
  - (люди КГБ занимают командные высоты экономики): the distinction between these two forces (Putin and the government apparatus) is blurring, as the KGB men move into the commanding height of the economy
  занимать / занять - (т.е. время): смотри ниже;
  - (заняв сторону истца, суд сказал...): in siding with the challengers, the state high court said, "...";
  - (место): смотри ниже;
  - (т.е. одолжить деньги в банке): if you find that you have borrowed more than you can afford, contact your card company and try to work out a payment plan.;
  - (т.е. одолжить, з. у одного, чтобы отдать долг другому): when he couldn't cover the payments, he shifted money around, borrowing from Peter to pay Paul;
  - (позицию, т.е. на местности): смотри ниже;
  - (позицию, т.е. образно): смотри ниже;
  - (положение): смотри ниже;
  - (т.е. предоставить занятие): смотри ниже;
  - (т.е. пространство): смотри ниже
  занимать / занять (т.е. время) - (восстановление промышленности займёт несколько месяцев): the industry will take several months to fully recover (after the hurricane);
  - (дело заняло бОльшую часть воскресенья): the job took up most of Sunday;
  - (дети занимают все моё время): the kids have taken up all my time;
  - (зубрёжка перед экзаменом / контрольной... занимает меньше времени, т.е. чем регулярная учёба): cramming for tests is less effective than studying far in advance, but also less time consuming
  - (много времени): смотри ниже;
  - your child's safety is worth the time it will take to read these instructions;
  - (ожидание послания заняло бОльшую часть дня): waiting for the message consumed the better part of the day;
  - (рассмотрение заявления займёт больше времени, если...): it will take us longer to process your application if you do not reside in one of the three previously mentioned countries;
  - (создание опытных образцов микросхем может з. несколько месяцев): prototypes can take months to build;
  - (тушение пожара заняло 9 месяцев вместо пяти лет): thanks to his expertise, a firefighting operation expected to last 3 to 5 years was completed in 9 months
  занимать / занять (много времени) - (т.е. в вопросительном предложении): will it take long to get a green card and a citizenship if an F1 student marries an American in the US?;
  - (т.е. в отрицательном предложении): it won't take long;
  - (т.е. в утвердительном предложении): it will take a long time;
  - nowadays armament programmes and training programmes take too long;
  - (процесс получения лицензии преподавателя занимает много времени): getting a teaching licence is a time-consuming process;
  - (составление протокола собрания занимает много времени): the task of compiling accurate meeting notes is difficult and time-consuming
  занимать / занять (место) - (место Аденауэра, т.е. канцлера ФРГ, занял Эрхардт): Adenauer's place was taken by Ludwig Erhard;
  - (т.е. в классификации): смотри ниже;
  - (з. важное место в библиотеке): the weighty tome may not have quite the prominence in Mr Greenspan's library of Ayn Rand's hymn to capitalism, "Atlas Shrugged", but the Fed chairmen has been known to rise from his chair in mid-conversation and read aloud relevant passages for visitors;
  - (ведущее место в опросах): he is on top in the polls;
  - (з. ведущее место в опросах): opinion polls rate Kohl highly;
  - (занять ведущее место в церемонии гадания): a seeress took the leading part in the divination ceremony;
  - (коробки занимают слишком много места): these boxes are taking up too much space;
  - (з. мало места): She is sitting beside me, with her knees drawn up and her arms wrapped around them. She takes up so little space when she concertinas her body like that;
  - (т.е. сиденье): смотри ниже;
  - (з. место среди великих президентов): if the President could step down leaving behind him peace for even half a decade with the burdensome arms race of the seventies halted in its tracks, he would take his place among the great US presidents;
  - (з. место ушедшего руководителя): the chief executive is going to resign, his deputy will take over;
  - (з. место другого, т.е. на работе): the Professional Engineer or Land Surveyor shall not supplant, nor attempt to supplant, directly or indirectly, another Professional Engineer or Land Surveyor in a particular engineering or land surveying project
  занимать / занять (место, т.е. в классификации) - (19-е м. в списке крупнейших корпораций США): Textron is ranked 190th on the FORTUNE 500 list of largest U.S. companies;
  - (Коль занимает одно из первых мест в опросах общественного мнения): opinion polls rate Kohl highly;
  - (университет з. одно из последних мест по доле чёрных преподавателей): Harvard is ranked very low in terms of the percentage of blacks on its faculty;
  - (по уровню научно-исследовательской деятельности штат Вашингтон занимает первое место среди аналогичных штатов и 4-ое место в стране): Washington's level of R&D activity in federally funded research and development centers ranked the state first among peers and 4th nationally in 2003;
  - (з. 32-oe место среди 505 команд): the team ranked 32nd out of 505 teams that took the test;
  - (Страна занимает 126 место среди самых коррумпированных стран. Страна занимает последнее место в списке и предпоследнее место среди стран Карибского сообщества.): Guyana remains ranked among the most corrupt countries in the world. In a survey of 180 countries, Guyana was ranked 126 with a score of 2.6 out of 10. The country is again the lowest ranked English-speaking Caribbean nation on the list and the second lowest ranked Caricom territory, behind Haiti.
  занимать / занять (место, т.е. сиденье) - (з. место для кого-л, т.е. в кинотеатре / на стадионе): I'm running late, but save me a seat;
  - (з. место для кого-л, т.е. в театре / на стадионе): he wants me to save him a seat;
  - (со своей кафедры преподобный попросил присутствующих на похоронах занять свои места): at the lectern, the reverend has asked the mourners to assume their seats;
  - (прошу снова з. свои места): kindly resume your seats, ladies and gentlemen;
  - (з. свое место): he had barely resumed his seat, when...
  занять (положение) - (занять ведущее п. в координировании действий с другими организациями): to take the lead in coordinating with other organizations;
  - (занять видное п.): he gained prominence as a congressman who stood firm against the Southern slave power;
  - (занять господствующее п.): during the first half of the 13th century, the great Gothic cathedrals demanded artistic attention and stained glass painting achieved dominance;
  - (люди КГБ занимают командные высоты экономики): the distinction between these two forces (Putin and the government apparatus) is blurring, as the KGB men move into the commanding height of the economy
  занимать / занять (позицию, т.е. на местности) - (военный корабль занял позицию в пяти милях к востоку от танкера): the vice-chief of defense staff put forward his proposal to divert a naval warship to take up station just over 5 miles west of the tanker to watch her also in case of an attempt by the terrorists to leave under cover of darkness;
  - (з. позицию, дающую хороший обзор): taking up a position with a good vantage point, he gave the signal for his team to disperse;
  - (з. ключевую позицию): the country occupies a key position between East and West;
  - (з. позицию на крыше): the fighters took up positions on the roof and began firing at Lebanese soldiers;
  - (подводная лодка заняла позицию на глубине): The submarine was holding station 17 000 yards;
  - (самолёт-разведчик занял позицию на высоте 1500 футов): his orders were to take up station 15000 feet above the tanker and keep circling until relieved
  занимать / занять (позицию образно) - (з. антиправительственную позицию): he was interrogated to see what had persuaded him to take so public and so foolish a political stand against the government;
  - (з. позицию в вопросе о чём-л): has your country taken a stand on Iraq?;
  - (з. позицию в защите потребителя): there is also a grave danger that, by taking a weak consumer protection stance, the European Union has damaged its credibility;
  - (з. выжидательную позицию): to adopt a policy of patient waiting;
  - (з. примирительную позицию по отношению к стране): the government is taking a conciliatory line towards Moscow;
  - (з. примирительную позицию по отношению к...): to adopt a conciliatory attitude to...;
  - (не имеется достаточных доказательств того, что обозреватель занимает такую позицию только для того, чтобы обрести расположение правящей элиты): there is little evidence that the columnist adopts positions only to gain favor with "establishment elites";
  - (з. независимую позицию в международных делах): Taiwan was pursuing an independent stature in international affairs;
  - (з. нейтральную позицию): he is always reluctant to help her, preferring to maintain a neutral stance;
  - (партия заняла ту же позицию): the party was taking the same line;
  - (з. более жёсткую позицию по отношению кому-л): he took a somewhat harder line on Sihanouk than I did;
  - (з. суровую позицию по отношению к террористам): to adopt a tough approach to the terrorists;
  - (з. позицию в этом вопросе): You should take a stand on this matter and say something. But be reasonable.;
  - (з.твёрдую позицию против): The results of the GM (genetically modified) Farm Scale trials show that the Welsh Assembly has been correct to take a restrictive stance on GM crop planting in Wales. It is time for the Assembly to accept that there is not sufficient evidence that any GM crop is safe for cultivation in Wales. Until that evidence is produced, Carwyn Jones should put his foot down fig and make it clear that he will prevent any GM planting in Wales.;
  - (з. твёрдую позицию против): the boss put her foot down and refused to accept any more changes to the plan
  занимать / занять (т.е. предоставить занятие) - (з. детей на время ожидания в аэропорту): Keep the kids entertained if you are going in the airport for the layover. Kids are restless and can make the delay almost unbearable.;
  - (з. кого-л разговором): engage her in conversation;
  - (з. себя чем-нибудь, я не виноват, что ты не можешь з. сeбя чем-нибудь на несколько минут): it's hardly my fault you cannot keep yourself occupied for more than several minutes at a time
  занимать / занять (т.е. пространство) - (авиабаза занимает удалённую местность): the airbase occupies one of the most outlying and isolated sites inside the fenced perimeter of West Berlin;
  - (город занимает 25 кв. миль): the city covers 25 square miles;
  - (город занимает- 215,5 кв км): the city of Las Vegas covers a land area of 215.2 sq km;
  - (записи за одно дeжурство занимают одну-две страницы): The officer of the day records significant events in a duty logbook. For most officers, an average logbook for a tour of duty would run one or two pages.;
  - (книга занимает несколько томов): if I mentioned everybody who helped me along the way, this book would be several volumes long;
  - (письменный стол занимал половину кабинета): his office had no windows and a desk that consumed half the floor space;
  - (полностью з. три полосы движения на автомагистрали): It is unclear from the video what started the dispute, but at the beginning we see the gang harassing the car and clogging the entire three lanes of West Side Highway, before the seemingly frightened driver runs over a few of the bikers in an escape attempt.;
  - (семья занимала квартиру в течение шести месяцев): the family's occupancy of the apartment lasted only six months;
  - (теория займёт бОльшую часть тома): this theory will obviously take up a substantial part of the volume;
  - (Эмират занимает площадь 17280 км): the Emirate covers an area of 17,820 square kilometers
  заниматься / заняться - (активно з. дипломатией): the American government is involved in intense diplomacy;
  - (акушерством): Laws regarding who can practice midwifery and in what circumstances vary from state to state, and some midwives practice outside of the law.;
  - (бизнесом): смотри ниже;
  - (благотворительностью): an organization supposed to be concerned with charitable work among the dispossessed;
  - (бОльшая часть населённого мира занимается овцеводством): sheep husbandry is practised throughout the majority of the inhabited world;
  - (больше з. географией в школе): if only I had worked harder at geography when I was a little boy, I should no doubt know all about those strange countries;
  - (больше не з. возмездием): Israel is no longer in the retribution business;
  - (властям следует з. расследованием преступлений): the Western Allies had long conceded that in matters of jurisprudence the West Berlin authorities should handle all criminal and civil offences other than those falling within the ambit of the purely military laws of the Western Allies;
  - (з. внутренней политикой): E., who handled domestic policy, was excluded from foreign policy discussion;
  - (з. вопросами развития местной инфраструктуры): 23 organizations are working to reshape the town by tackling community development, crime and economic issues;
  - (вопросом / проблемой): Anybody else finding their Next G mobile broadband very slow? I've tried three different modems and sims, no change. I have put my concerns to Telstra Countrywide. I simply outlined the problems I am having, and asked if someone could address the issue. Now I will wait.;
  - (врач, который занимался больным, т.е. в больнице): it was signed by the doctor in charge of the case;
  - (з. высоким потреблением наркотиков в тюрьме, т.е. решать проблему): he is determined to tackle the high level of drug abuse on G-Wing (at the prison);
  - (генеральный директор занимается повседневным руководством компанией): the President of this company is just a figurehead - the Chief Executive has day-to-day control;
  - (з. главной трудностью): let me deal with the most important difficulty;
  - (делами): they had affairs to attend to in the town;
  - (з. делами, связанными со смертью отца): she had to go home to attend to all the issues accompanying my father's death;
  - (з. делами, требующими длительного умственнного усилия): he often is reluctant to engage in tasks that require sustained mental effort (such as schoolwork or homework);
  - (делом): to attend to the business;
  - (день занимался / заря занималась на востоке): daylight was breaking in the east, out over the Kremlin spires;
  - (з. дипломатией на французском языке): he could thus indulge his obsession that diplomacy must be conducted only in French;
  - (диспетчер порта занимался транспортом в устье реки): at another console, one of the day-shift men was taking care of the rest of the estuary traffic, bringing ships in and out;
  - (з. душевным и духовным благополучием пациентов): registered nurses who work with holistic remedies attend to the mental and spiritual well-being of patients by providing massage therapy, aromatherapy, acupuncture and biofeedback;
  - (её подруги откровенно занимались только поиском мужа): her friends in the late fifties were more overtly committed to finding a husband;
  - (ерундой): you're doing / you're into all sorts of rubbish;
  - (з. зарабатыванием денег): his complete lack of interest of goings-on in the store gave me considerable freedom to set about the business of raising cash and taking care of the bills;
  - (з. игрой на пианино): he hadn't practiced piano once since their last lesson;
  - (з. игрой на скрипке): he practised his violin;
  - (з. изучением вопроса): he halfheartedly denied the truth of my allegations but promised to look into them;
  - (исследованием): смотри ниже;
  - (историки, которые могут когда-нибудь более подробно з. этом периодом): I intend to leave an annotated copy of this volume for the use of scholars who may someday wish to pursue the period in greater detail;
  - (коммерцией): those engaged in commerce;
  - (компания занимается производством огнеупорной керамики): the company is in the business of refractory manufacture;
  - (Конгресс занялся законодательством, касающимся квот выбросов загрязняющих веществ и торговли ими): Congress has taken up cap-and-trade legislation in a bill sponsored by Congressman H.W. of California;
  - (критикой): he shall not engage in public criticism of governmental policy;
  - (з. личными делами в рабочее время): are you liable for employees" action when they run personal errands while on company business?;
  - (магией): he was still an underage wizard and he was forbidden by wizard law to do magic outside school;
  - (Математическое общество занимается развитием профессии математика): this society is dedicated to advancing the profession of mathematician;
  - (з. материально-техническим обеспечением государственного переворота): the mercenary took charge of the logistics for an attempted coup bid in Equatorial Guinea;
  - (медитацией): I practiced meditation for a few days;
  - (медициной): he is a doctor, but is unable to practise medicine in his own country;
  - (международные организации, занимающиеся облегчением нищеты): international institutions charged with alleviating poverty in poor countries;
  - (механики занимались техническим обслуживанием оборудования): the equipment was attended by cadres of active-duty mechanics who actually spent the time to maintain it, turning over the engines;
  - (министерство, занимающееся продажей государственного имущества): the ministry which handles the sale of state assets;
  - (мне было чем з.): I had plenty to keep me busy while I waited out the day before returning home;
  - (з. мужским делом): she is in a man's job, and she doesn't want to be seen as a wimp;
  - (з. написанием писем): I occupied myself in writing letters;
  - (наркотиками / контрабандой кокаина): Nearly every adult with a spare Ben Franklin in his billfold was dabbling infml in the drug, and that certainly included the Cohens and their clique. There even were whispers that he and his jet were involved in cocaine smuggling.;
  - (научить иракцев самим з. своими проблемами): the strategy is to get Iraqis to deal with their own problems;
  - (з. научной деятельностью): to carry out research activities;
  - (недвижимостью, т.е. торговлей): he is in the real estate business;
  - (з. некоторыми видами деятельности): the broadening of the base would reduce the incentives to pursue certain activities simply to avoid taxation;
  - (неправильные алгоримы занимались тем, что увечили финансовую систему): some of them (rogue algorithms) were busy wreaking mayhem in the financial system, where they are blamed for some of the failed trading strategies that contributed to the mid-summer market meltdown;
  - (области мозга, которые занимаются расшифровкой речи): when the scientists spoke to her, her brain registered activity in regions responsible for decoding language;
  - (область математики, которая занимается функциями углов): trigonometry is the branch of mathematics concerned with specific functions of angles;
  - (з. судебными приговорами): we identified this massive market eight years ago and have actively pursued Judicial Judgments since;
  - (ОБСЕ была создана как организация, которая занимается обеспечением безопасности): OSCE was born in the midst of the Cold War as an intergovernmental organization dedicated to ensuring security;
  - (он занимался этим делом шесть лет): he"d been in the job for six years;
  - (он очень давно занимается антиквариатом, т.е. торгует): he has been in the antique business for a very long time with an excellent reputation in the Trade;
  - (планированием): to deal with forward planning;
  - (повседневными делами): people were going about their daily business;
  - (подробно з. разработкой программ): he doesn't want to get into infml the software development game;
  - (подразделение занималось бытовым обеспечением войск, морально-психологической подготовкой и организацией досуга): the section handled troop welfare, morale building, and recreational activities;
  - (з. подрывной деятельностью): he is accused of carrying out subversive activities;
  - (з. политической деятельностью): he shall not be compelled to engage in any political activity;
  - (з. политической деятельностью): Can Nonprofits Engage in Political Activity?;
  - (помешать мошенникам з. своим коварным делом): partnerships among law enforcement agencies in the U.S. and Canada are making it tougher for cross-border scam artists to ply their deceitful trade;
  - (посетителями): to attend to the visitors;
  - (з. построением экономики жизнеспособного государства): in Bethlehem, far away from the television cameras and breathless news reports, 2,000 Palestinian financiers also gathered recently at the second Palestine Investment Conference to quietly go about the business of building the economy of a viable Palestinian state;
  - (з.практическим обеспечением безопасности): all too often those involved in the practice of security have seen research as an irrelevance;
  - (предпринимательской деятельностью с целью извлечения прибыли): to transact business for pecuniary profit;
  - (преподаванием): to engage in teaching;
  - (прибыльной деятельностью): non-residents who effectuate fml profit-generating activities;
  - (проблемами): the Congress deals successfully with money problems;
  - (з. проблемами, вызывающими международную обеспокоенность): Iran will continue to explore all ways to address international concerns;
  - (з. проблемой своего пьянства): he finally came to grips with infml his drinking problem and started attending Alcoholics Anonymous meetings;
  - (з. проблемой хронического дефицита, т.е. о стране): we all know why we finally came to grips with our chronic deficit problem in the 1990s: because we had run out of all possible alternatives;
  - (з. проверкой кандидатов): he was busy in vetting candidates to replace retiring Justice B.W.;
  - (программой): leaders dealing with this program;
  - (продолжить з. управлением): Whitewater had to be pushed off the front pages so we (the President and his administration) could get on with the business of administration;
  - (з. производством товаров): companies that were engaged in producing goods;
  - (произношением, т.е. учиться): I was drilling to improve my pronunciation;
  - (работорговлей): he became captain of his own ship, one which plied the slave trade;
  - (расследованием): his charges provided the basis for the criminal investigation against Mr S. that prosecutors took up five years ago;
  - (расспросами): she began the kind of intense interrogation she engaged in when her suspicious mind felt the need for more specific knowledge;
  - (з. репортёром, ведущим расследование, т.е. чтобы заставить его замолчать): the assurances on the phone that the reporter would be taken care of only partly assuaged his anxiety;
  - (з. с логопедом): he had a speech class;
  - (самолечением): to self-administer drugs;
  - (самобичеванием): we must do away with this foible of spending our time in a sort of permanent self-flagellation;
  - (самолёт занимался воздушной разведкой): the plane was engaged in aerial reconnaissance;
  - (самостоятельно, т.е. учиться): You will be expected to spend between 12 and 15 hours per week per module studying on your own (MBA students are expected to read widely);
  - (самоцензурой): that bullying (the anti-indecency campaign) has become omnipresent, leading television stations to practice self-censorship and high school teachers to avoid mentioning evolution in their classrooms;
  - (з. сбором средств на политические цели): the Senator admitted that he did talk privately with the governor's brother, who was intent on political fund-raising;
  - (з. своей безопасностью): the woman is in charge of her own safety;
  - (з. своей профессией): when we practice our profession, we operate from some amalgam of experience, intuition, technique, context and personality;
  - (з. своим делом / своими делами): смотри ниже;
  - (з. своим ремеслом): the dentist plied his trade and chatted amicably with his victims;
  - (з. своим ремеслом): a "red light" district where more than a dozen houses of ill repute plied their trade;
  - (з. своим ремеслом, шлюхи, которые занимались этим ремеслом, не задерживались с клиентами): the whores who plied this trade didn't linger with customers when they could be selling their bodies elsewhere;
  - (з. сельским хозяйством): men learnt to live in villages and practise a simple agriculture;
  - (з. семейным бизнесом в строительстве): he had taken up his family trade in the construction business;
  - (з. со школьницей таблицей умножения): he woke me up early to drill me ondrill my multiplication tables;
  - (спортом): to take up sports;
  - (СС занимались особыми заданиями): the SS was charged with special tasks under the Nazis;
  - (з. строевой подготовкой): the local militia drilled in the open field;
  - (строительством, т.е. работать в строительстве): I am in the construction business;
  - (з. тактикой боя): to practise combat tactics;
  - (театром): he took up acting while he was at college;
  - (з. тем, чтобы): Hanoi's preoccupation was to reduce the participation of the Secretary-General of the United Nations to a minimum;
  - (з. техобслуживанием оборудования): the equipment was attended by cadres of active-duty mechanics who actually spent the time to maintain it, turning over the engines;
  - (торговлей): those engaged in commerce;
  - (заняться торговлей наркотиками): he became involved in drug dealing;
  - (упражнениями): to practise one's drills;
  - (учёные занимаются микроволновыми схемами): they are working on microwave circuits;
  - (з. физическими упражнениями / физкультурой): "Did the doctor tell you to exercise?" "I told him I was going to exercise by being a pallbearer for all my friends who exercise.";
  - (фонд будет з. административными и юридическими вопросами): the foundation will take care of administrative and legal details in exchange for a management fee;
  - (фотометрия занимается яркостью света, колориметрия - цветом; радиометрия занимается чисто физическими свойствами света): Photometry deals with the attribute of light that is perceived as intensity, while the related attribute of light that is perceived as color is treated in colorimetry. The purely physical attributes of light such as energy content and spectral distribution are treated in radiometry.;
  - (з. частной практикой в адвокатской конторе): he is now in private practice with a Toronto law firm;
  - (человек, который этим занимается, т.е. руководит): the man in charge is new, since last month;
  - (чем бы он ни занимался, то ли заключал сделку, то ли обменивался соображениями с сотрудниками, то ли очаровывал интервьюёра, он не церемонится): whether the matter at hand is making a deal, kicking around ideas with his staff, or charming an interviewer, he doesn't pull punches;
  - (чем з. во время ожидания в аэропорту): How to Entertain Yourself During Long Airport Layovers;
  - (чем-л): That's the kind of guy R. is. Once he is engaged in something, he's a pretty passionate guy;
  - (чем-л): She asked me for a priest. The last rites. Will you see to it?;
  - (чем-л, наши адвокаты этим занимаются): our lawyers are dealing with the matter;
  - (чем-л, я занимаюсь этим не ради денег): I'm not in infml it for the money;
  -- (чем-нибудь, займись ч., пока я на работе): keep yourself occupied while I'm at work;
   (чем ты сейчас занимаешься?, т.е. вопрос к ушедшему на пенсию): Hey, what are you doing these days? Sunning your fanny, spitting at the ceiling?;
  - (...чтобы мы могли продолжить з. управлением): Whitewater had to be pushed off the front pages so we (the President and his administration) could get on with the business of administration;
  - (эксперимент, которым он занимался два года): his attention went back to the experiment that had engrossed him for two hard years;
  - (з. юридической практикой, лицензия на право з. юридической практикой): he will lose his license to practice law;
  - смотри заняться
  заниматься бизнесом - (иностранец, занимающийся б. в стране): as a foreigner doing business in the People's Republic of China, he might get some easiness of treatment;
  - (компании, желающие з.б. в стране): companies wishing to do business in Ukraine;
  - (он занимался игорным бизнесом): he was in the gambling business;
  - (я занимаюсь строительным б.): I am in the construction business
  заниматься исследованием - he is doing some research on...;
  - to carry out some research on the effect of...;
  - (з.и. чего-л всю жизнь): he spent his life exploring the hidden interconnectivity of disparate emblems;
  - to carry out research activities;
  - nowadays research is pursued at a diverse set of American institutions
  заниматься (своим делом / своими делами) - On Tuesday, October 17, 1989, in the late afternoon, a huge earthquake hit the San Francisco Bay area. People were going about their business as usual. Working men and women were heading home from their offices after a busy day.;
  - (в полицейском участке Сан-Франциско несколько полицейских в штатском занимаются своими делами): at the SFPD Precinct, the phones are ringing, several plain-clothed officers are going about their business;
  - (т.е. з. личными делами): You're free. You can go about your business.;
  - (з. личными делами): to attend to the personal matters;
  - (т.е. з. личными делами в рабочее время): If you are in a private company you have no time to do your own thing. The Government is more tolerant about time. You can just go in and leave your handbag on the desk, and then go about your own business.;
  - (т.е. не вмешиваться в чужие дела): you mind your own business, and let other people mind theirs;
  - (т.е. сосредоточенно работать): the people were calmly and quickly doing their jobs;
  - (з. своими обычными делами): The best way to fight terror is to go about your normal duties. Mumbai has to resume its commercial activities tomorrow. We have to show the bunch of madcaps that we are not going to be cowed down.;
  - attend to your own business
  занимающий - (важное положение на государственной службе): a Communist agent high in the civil service;
  - (з. государственную должность): holders of public office should take decisions solely in terms of the public interest;
  - (з. много времени): frequently performed and very time-consuming functions;
  - (з. много времени): owing to the demanding and time-consuming nature of the tournament, the champions are exempted from end-of-year tests
  заново - (начать з.): when you become hopelessly mired in a sentence, it is best to start fresh;
  - (начать работу з.): we begin our work anew;
  - (з. созданные организации): newly created and already functional organizations;
  - (з. сформулированная старая идея): an old idea newly phrased
  заныкать разг - (Агентство спутников-шпионов заныкало деньги): U.S. Spy Satellite Agency Squirreled Away infml $4 Billion. In a complete collapse of accountability, the government agency that builds spy satellites accumulated about $4 billion in uncounted secret money.
  занявший второе место - runner-up
  занятие - (для слюнтяев): an activity his disgusted father regarded as occupation for sissies;
  - (з. знойным сексом): when it comes to rumors about torrid sexual activities, Trump himself isn't in the clear;
  - (литературой): his environment did not encourage the pursuit of literature;
  - (любимое): listening to music is my favourite pastime;
  - (любимое): one of his favourite pastimes was bringing Da Vinci's most obscure brainstorms to life;
  - (любимое, фотография стала его любимым з-ем): photography has been his avocation lit for 20 years
  - (любовью): his fumbling, lengthy and occasionally futile efforts at lovemaking;
  - (любовью): taking her to bed would be no hardship, and what might she tell him in the unguarded intimacy following lovemaking?;
  - (мирное): for some seventy years the West concentrated more on monitoring the soviet empire and arming itself against it than on any peaceful pursuits;
  - (з. наукой и юриспруденцией): they have done well in all kind of pursuit, in science and law;
  - (основное з. парламента): Parliament's principal preoccupations are...;
  - (з. по обучению работе с системой): attendance at vendor training sessions provides the coordinator / trainer with the opportunity to evaluate the quality of classroom instruction and instructional materials;
  - (практическое, т.е. студентов с преподавателем): the weekly tutorials (in Oxford), in which essays are read, criticized, and defended;
  - (практическое, т.е. студентов с преподавателем): in British academic parlance, a tutorial is a small class of one, or only a few, students, in which the tutor (a lecturer or other academic staff member) gives individual attention to the students. It is rare for newer universities in the UK to have the resources to offer individual tuition; 6 or 8 (or even more) students is a far more common tutorial size. At Cambridge, a tutorial is known as a supervision. In some Canadian Universities, such as York University or the University of Toronto, a tutorial refers to something more like a recitation in an American University, that is a class of between 12-18 students that is supplemental to a large lecture course, which gives students the opportunity to discuss the lectures and / or additional readings in smaller groups.;
  - (предаваться любимому з-ю на свежем воздухе): he indulged his favorite outdoor hobby, gardening;
  - (пустое): It is often tempting to wonder what would happen if... and if not. Usually it is a futile exercise;
  - (ростовщичеством): the practice of usury is forbidden in Islam;
  - (учебное, он был на з-и у логопеда): he had a speech class;
  - смотри занятия
  занятия - (аэробикой): airy rooms for aerobic classes;
  - (з. без отрыва от производства): staff and volunteers participate in regular in-service training;
  - (з. в школе были сорваны вспышкой гриппа): classes were disrupted by a nasty bout of flu;
  - (вести з. по государственной службе): the professor taught a class on public service, open to juniors and seniors;
  - (дополнительные з. с учителем): extra lessons with the teacher;
  - (многолетние з. восточными единоборствами): Putin was compact and extremely fit from years of martial arts practice;
  - (з. на тренажёре): she went to the grocery store with after a workout her hair plastered to her cheeks;
  - (после занятий): all the chuckles over the beer during the nights after training sessions seemed a distant thing now;
  - (после занятий, т.е. в школе): in my junior year, the underlying tensions broke out with fights between groups in the parking lot after school;
  - (после занятий): after class, all the students of our class met in the annex;
  - (привычные): deprived of their usual car-washing and lawn-mowing pursuits, the inhabitants of P. had retreated into the shade of their cool houses;
  - (приступить к занятиям, т.е. в медицинское училище): the inscription fee will not be refunded if you are accepted but do not start classes on time;
  - (составить расписание занятий): in her third years, she had scheduled her classes so that she could work two days a week clerking for N.;
  - (ходить на з.): he was smart but seldom attended class;
  - (после занятий): the average student is unable to recall most of the factual content of a typical lecture 15 minutes after the end of class;
  - (т.е. школьные, з. проводились в трейлерах): to build new facilities in school districts so overcrowded that classes were being held in trailers
  занятно, занятный - смотри файл EMOCII
  занято - (в строительной отрасли з. примерно 107600 человек): the construction sector employs about 107,600 people;
  - (т.е. пустое место в кинотеатре): now I have to say "sorry, this is taken" ten thousand times before you arrive making me look like a jerk to everyone who showed up to the movie on time and has to sit in the front row;
  - (услышать телефонный гудок "з."): he dialled the Frankfurt area code followed by the private number of the house, and three times he got busy signal
  занятой - (человек): he is a very engaged person
  занятость - (гарантии з-ти): agency workers generally have little or no job security;
  - (министр з-ти): employment minister;
  - (з. на определённый срок): fixed-term employment;
  - (стимулировать з.): the Act aimed to stimulate employment
  занять - (более низкое положение в обществе): his father had come down in the world;
  - (важное место): how did this far-out stuff get so mainstream?;
  - (войска заняли анклав Сребреница): Bosnian Serb forces overran the Srebrenica enclave;
  -- (войска союзников заняли сельскую местность): aided by the French resistance, Allied tank forces overran the countryside;
   (т.е. войска заняли шахты): he sent the army to take over the mines and operate them;
  - (з. выдающееся положение): Dr M. rose to national prominence with the discovery of the first effective vaccine against rubella, or German measles;
  - (высокое положение, семья заняла высокое положение благодаря милости короля и удачным бракам): the family had gone up in the world as a result of royal favor and successful marriages;
  - (з. должность директора): he took over as European media director in 1995;
  - (з. должность командира): he was promoted to the rank of colonel and took over a position of Commander of National Defence Volunteer Service in 1997;
  - (з. должность мэра): Detroit Mayor K.K. entered office in 2002;
  - (з. должность преподавателя): to take a position as a reader / lecturer;
  - (з. жёсткую позицию в вопросе о чём-л): to take a hard line on the ban of British beef;
  - (з. ключевые позиции): to climb the ladder of success and move into key positions at home;
  - (з. место главы семьи): at eleven years old, I took over as head of the family;
  - (з. место ушедшего в отставку губернатора): who will take over now that the governor has been dismissed;
  - (з. позицию наблюдателя): to adopt the attitude of an onlooker;
  - (з. позицию по вопросам): to take a stand on a diversity of issues;
  - (з. примирительную позицию по отношению к чему-л): to adopt a conciliatory attitude to...;
  - (з. точку наблюдения): the police took up vantage points overlooking the route of the procession
  заняться - (бизнесом): he went into business as an exporter of South American hardwood timber to Western Europe;
  - (з. делом кого-л, т.е. ходатайствовать): it is not clear when Roger Clinton took up the case;
  - (другими ремёслами, ...После чего число учеников у друидов уменьшилось, и друиды занялись другими ремёслами): When the people found that they were none the better for the blessings of the Druids, and none the worse for the curses of the Druids, but, that the sun shone and rain fell without consulting the Druids at all, they just began to think that the Druids were mere men, and that it signified very little whether they cursed or blessed. After which, the pupils of the Druids fell off in numbers, and the Druids took to other trades.;
  - (з. заполнением налоговой декларации): I really get down to filling in my tax form;
  - (з. игрой в кости профессионально): she was playing with all of her suitors with a skill that made me glad she'd not taken up the dice professionally;
  - (з. игрой в театре, учась в колледже): he took up acting while he was at college;
  - (з. изучением вопроса): he halfheartedly denied the truth of my allegations but promised to look into them;
  - (кем-л разг): смотри ниже;
  - (он пообещал з. этим делом / вопросом / проблемой): he promised to look into the matter;
  - (политикой): he wants to go into politics;
  - (разбоем): they are attacked and robbed by Martin's band who have taken to brigandage;
  - (з. сбором денег): he took up a collection for the passenger who lost his money;
  - (з. семейным ремеслом в строительном предприятии): he had taken up his family trade in the construction business
  заняться (кем-л разг, т.е. обезвредить / уничтожить, им занялись) - A British agent began to snoop. He was dealt with.;
  - to work out the problem with someone / to confront someone;
  - to get someone out of the way;
  - Now the man was only a few paces from the bunker. E. was getting fidgety. He played with his pistol, glancing at L. "Don't worry," L. said. "he won't get here. They'll take care of him."
  занятый - (актёр был занят во второстепенной роли): he was cast in a supporting role;
  - (вы не заняты?, т.е. перед тем, как предложить что-л): anything doing?;
  - (вы чем-нибудь заняты): are you doing anything special?;
  - (вы чем-нибудь заняты на этой неделе?): have you got anything on infml this week?;
  - (т.е. делами / размышлениями, его дни были заняты): They were extraordinary nights for S. Thinking of them afterwards - though his days between were just as fraught, and on the surface more eventful - he recalled them as a single journey, almost a single night.;
  - (деятельностью): mathematicians are typically involved in these activities;
  - (Китай занят строительством экономики): China is preoccupied with building its economy;
  - (место, ещё одним событием сезона стало 11-ое место, з-ое в чемпионате): another highlight of the season was placing 11th in December's Pan-American Intercollegiate Team Chess Championship;
  - (некоторое время я буду занят): I'm going to be tied up for a while;
  - (области мозга, з-ые высшей психической деятельностью): some people in a vegetative state retain "islands" of preserved neural function, but not in areas involved in higher mental function;
  - (он будет занят тем, чтобы не попасть в тюрьму): he will be totally occupied for the next two years in staying out of jail;
  - (он был занят тем, что жалел её): he was too busy feeling sorry for her to notice immediately that he had a letter too;
  - (президент был занят проблемой): Nixon was preoccupied with Watergate;
  - (расписание): some of us thrive on a highly charged schedule;
  - (самовольно з-ая квартира): some mates of mine were going to be evicted from a squat;
  - (Служба столичной полиции, занятая поддержанием законности и порядка): the Metropolitan Police Service was London's first organised police service, charged with maintaining law and order in the rapidly expanding capital city;
  - (территории, занятые, т.е. врагами): millions had fled from the former German territories overrun by the Russians;
  - (часть стола, которая не была занята клеткой, т.е. птицы): that part of his desk that was not taken up by the large, empty cage;
  - (человек): he is a very engaged person;
  - (я был занят доставанием билетов): I was so pre-occupied with this ticket business;
  - (я занят во вторник): I've got something on infml this Tuesday, but I'm free on Wednesday
  заодно - Town Alderman J.H. banned drivers from using cell phones in his city because it is so distracting. While he is at it, he might as well ban public from eating in their cars, or having radios in their cars.
  - (а з.): Congress should not be calling for Rumsfeld's resignation. It should be calling for Bush to Resign. And while they are at it, they should immediately fire Paul Wolfowitz, one of the most ardent supporters of military privatization.;
  - (а з.): All T. needs to do is explain why he is using his members" money to finance his mother-in-law's childcare service. And while he is at it, T. should also explain why he spent $10,000 at a fancy cigar bar.;
  - (герцог был з. с разбойниками): Brigands raided a merchant's mule-train on the Great Road. The Duke was hand in glove with the raiders.;
  - (действовать з. с кем-л): he denies that his Janjaweed are aligned with anyone;
  - (потерять контракт, а з. с ним и репутацию): the company can lose the contract and the reputation to go with it;
  - (профсоюзы действуют з. с начальством): The Unions are working hand in glove with the managers, and are not operating in the interests of the workforce;
  - (действовать з. с кем-л): You admit you're as one with this scum. So much for you claim of being honest broker;
  - (сжечь чепчик, а з. и парик): he burned her bonnet, then her wig - to keep it company
  заорганизованный - (конгресс): many participants believe that the Congress of Russian Diaspora, attended by President Putin, is a set-piece affair / is a rigidly controlled affair / is over-organized
  заочно - (приговорить кого-л з.): to sentence somebody in his absence;
  - (он был осуждён з.): he was sentenced in absentia legal for sexual assault;
  - (судить кого-л з.): to try somebody in absentia
  заочный - (голосование): the Internet possibly has the potential to be far more secure than voting by mail-in ballots;
  - (закон о заочном голосовании военнослужащих и проживающих заграницей граждан / бюллетени для з-ого голосования): The Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act (UOCAVA) is a United States federal law dealing with elections and voting rights for United States citizens residing overseas. The act requires that all U.S. states and incorporated territories allow certain U.S. citizens to register to vote and to vote by absentee ballot in federal elections.;
  - (курсы): distant learning courses;
  - (образование): distance BrE education;
  - (обучение): some courses are also offered via distance learning;
  - (решение, т.е. суда): The defendant has 30 days, in most cases, to give the court a written or oral answer to the claim. If the defendant fails to answer within this time, the plaintiff can ask the judge for a default judgment.;
  - If the defendant fails to answer the plaintiff's claims or fails to appear at the hearing, the judge may, upon the plaintiff's request, hear and decide the case without hearing the defendant's side. This is called a default judgment.;
  - (школа / з. курс обучения): correspondence school / course
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