зад - (брюк): he whacked it against the seat of his jeans to knock the dust from it;
- (вертеть з-ом): the waitress swung her bottom infml;
- (выезжать задом, т.е. об автомобиле): I stood in the driveway and watched him back out and pull away;
- (человека): he kept running his hand nervously over his backside;
- (штанов): a curly pig's tail poking out of the seat of his trousers
задавать / задать - (вопрос): he asked two brief questions;
- (вопросы): he posed hard-to-answer questions;
- (т.е. наказать): смотри ниже;
- (не з. ни одного вопроса): he hasn't asked me one single thing about her;
- (неожиданно з. вопрос кому-л): he was shooting nasty questions at him;
- (з. темп / шаг криком): the men trudged sturdily on with the leader calling the pace;
- (тон): смотри ниже;
- (з. урок на дом): his English teacher assigns him some homework which sparks some inner curiosity about how words come to have the meaning that they do;
- (з. уроки на дом): my teacher gave us a homework [assignment];
- (з. уроки на дом): many students believe that teachers give homework because they had bad days and needed to take it out on someone
задавать / задать (т.е. наказать) - (взбучку): he tended to give me (Kissinger) a short shrift whenever I ventured within the three-mile limit of domestic jurisdiction;
- (жАру, афганцам удалось з. жару английской армии): the encyclopedia was written by an Englishman who was totally perplexed as to how we Afghans have managed to thrash daylights out of English armies;
- (ну и задал же ты нам страху): you've had us all in a right flap, I don't mind telling you;
- (з. по первое число, т.е. строго отругать): First he was keen as mustard, clapping me on the back. Next morning he threw the book at me.;
- (т.е. поколотить): if you do that again, I'll clobber you [one]
- (з. трёпку врагам): the Navy can give the enemy a bad time;
- (трёпку, з. безжалостную трёпку): the Cochin hen began her stay in the owl's cage by giving him an unmerciful trouncing;
- (трёпку, т.е. противнику в бою): they must take a lesson from the whipping we gave them;
- (уж я им задам!): Let me get my hands on them! I'll sort them out BrE infml!
задавать / задать (тон) - (в компании): Mr D. set the tone, designed products and even dictated what quantities of products buyers should order from the company's suppliers;
- (з. тон в том, какой тип людей покупает здесь землю): the likes of Miuccia Prada and Prince Juan Carlos of Spain have set the tone for the types of people buying here;
- (митинг задал т. избирательной кампании): the rally set tone to his presidential campaign;
- (т.е. о руководителях компании): it takes courage, confidence and diplomacy to address director performance issues - but it is the ultimate expression of setting "the tone at the top";
- (страховые компании задавали тон системе медицинского страхования): we had a crazy-quilt pattern of coverage (of medical expenses) in which insurance companies called the shots infml;
- it is those countries who will soon rule the roost infml
задаваться / задаться - (вопросом, многие задаются вопросом, сможет ли этот судебный процесс подвести черту под самым мрачным событием в истории Алабамы): there was much questioning whether the trial would finally bring closure to the single darkest event in the history of Alabama
- (скорость задаётся оператором): in normal engine operation, the engine speed is controlled by an operator who adjusts an engine throttle to obtain pre-set governor controlled engine speeds and corresponding loads
- (целью): I think you could do anything you wanted if you put your mind to it;
- (целью): you could get away with anything if you put your mind to it;
- (целью): the Gauleiter had made it a point to cleanse his district from Jews
задание - (т.е. в конкурсе): all our champions are ready for the second task;
- (з. выполнено): mission accomplished, the kid is no longer a problem;
- (выполнить з.): you will perform an essential task for me;
- (выполнить з.): He could cope discreetly with those who came too close to the top men of the organization. By January he had fulfilled 12 assignments of this kind.;
- (выполнить з., о морских пехотинцах): could the Dutch marines carry out such a mission?;
- (выполнить з. в одиночку, т.е. о лётчике): On the night of 30 March 1944 he participated in an attack on Nuremberg. Short of the target, his aircraft was very severely damaged by enemy fighters, which forced three of his crew to parachute out. Despite this, and single handed, he completed his mission before turning for home.;
- (домашнее, т.е. учашихся): my teacher gave us a homework [assignment];
- (домашнее, т.е. учашихся): many students believe that teachers give homework because they had bad days and needed to take it out on someone;
- (домашнее, т.е. учашихся): I'm way behind on responding to student assignments. I have many pages waiting for me to assess, mark, and return to students.;
- (домашнее, т.е. у преподавателя скопилось много непроверенных заданий): In the semester after the kids were born, I had a backlog of assignments. So I took a weekend, went to the office and graded.;
- (з. заключалось в том, чтобы предсказать, как будут голосовать отдельные судьи): the assignment was to predict in advance the votes of the individual justices for every case that was argued in the Supreme Court's 2002 term;
- (изменять з-я космических спутников): the Agency is altering the tasking of its satellites;
- (лётчика): the Apaches formed up and headed northwest to their base to refuel and rearm for the next mission;
- (на проектирование, т.е. архитектору / техническое з. на строительство объекта): an architectural brief is in its broadest sense, a requirement a client may have that an architect designs to meet, usually by creating a building to accommodate the requirement;
- (он был на з-и): during the war he was on some mysterious mission;
- (он оставил мне з.): he left me a mission and R. is in on it;
- (отправиться на з.): three magazine employees head out on an assignment to interview a guy who placed a classified ad seeking a companion for time travel;
- (отправиться / уйти на з.): he ought to set out on his mission to find her;
- (плановое, невыполнение планового з-я): it is hardly motivational to blame your ice-cream division for missing targets during a wet summer.;
- (т.е. разведчика): during the war he was on some mysterious mission;
- (служебное, т.е. в командировке): assignment;
- (специальные з-я СС): the SS was charged with special tasks under the Nazis;
- (техническое): a specification is an explicit set of requirements to be satisfied by a material, product or service;
- (техническое, к маю ТЗ на пушку было разработано): By May the exact specifications of the gun had been worked out. The breech would weigh 182 tons.;
- (учителя, т.е. школьнику): it was an assignment from the teacher that led me to write my first autobiography;
- (т.е. члена подпольной организации): He could cope discreetly with those who came too close to the top men of the organization. By January he had fulfilled 12 assignments of this kind.;
- (т.е. школьное, написать автобиографию, как з.): in 1959, I wrote my autobiography for an assignment in sixth grade;
- that will be your first assignment
задатки - (у него есть все з. хорошего игрока): he's got all the makings of a good player
заданный - (время): we were unable to finish it in the allotted time;
- (выражение имеет вид, з. действием элемента... мат): ...then the latter is necessarily of the form given by the action of an element of H х H;
- (метеозонды могут оставаться в воздухе на з-ой высоте неделями и месяцами): meteorological balloons could be launched to remain aloft at specified altitudes for weeks or months at a time;
- (сердечный выброс при з-ой интенсивности нагрузки): the cardiac output for a given work intensity was comparable with...;
- (цель): the targets assigned were well within the slewing angle of their launchers
задаток - (т.е. адвокату): because D. had been negligent in paying a previous bill from the law firm for legal services, the firm insisted that he pay a $2000 monthly retainer before M. undertook the work;
- (внести з. за новый костюм): they saved enough to make a down payment on a new lounge suit;
- (вносить меньший з. ): he pushed for legislation that would make it easier for federally backed lenders to make mortgage loans to risky borrowers who put less money down
задатки - (прорицателя): she's got all the makings of a true seer
задача - (з. авиакомпании делать невыгодные рейсы): while Aeroflot has shed Soviet-era mandates, like keeping unprofitable routes only because Moscow had embassies in the cities they served, the airline still faces multiple government restrictions;
- (в з-у статьи не входит это доказывать): it is beyond our scope to prove this in details here;
- (т.е. военная): your mission is to isolate the enemy by destroying all the bridges across the river;
- (военная): German courage with a military task or a technical issue;
- (возложенная на него з., Управление по охране окружающей среды более не способно выполнять возложенную на него з-у): the US Environmental Protection Agency is clearly a dysfunctional agency no longer able to live up to its mandate;
- (з. восстановления общественного порядка): state troops proved unequal to the task of restoring order;
- (добраться домой в лодке): left alone in a dory, many residents would find it a tricky task to navigate a watery route home;
- (его з-ей было передать информацию президенту): his job was to convey information to the President;
- (её з-ей было, чтобы он хорошо выглядел): She was the official White House make-up artist. It was her job to make the President look good on TV.
- (з. заключалась в том, чтобы предсказать, как будут голосовать отдельные судьи): the assignment was to predict in advance the votes of the individual justices for every case that was argued in the Supreme Court's 2002 term;
- (з. моей жизни): my mission in life is to educate the rich about the suffering of the poor;
- (распределение задач по группам исследователей): the division of tasks per research team;
- (математическая): to solve a mathematical problem;
- (Математического общества): promoting mathematical research is the primary mission of the AMS;
- (мемуариста): in describing the foreign policy of the period of Nixon's fall, the task of the memorialist is even more complex than usual;
- (нелёгкая): turning this situation around is a difficult challenge;
- (нелёгкая): running a major corporation in these dicey economic times is no easy task;
- (неотложная): this is the most pressing challenge that the country faces now;
- (color=blue>огромная): massive though the task may be, it gets done;
- (основная з. монетного двора - производство монет в объёме, достаточном для ведения торговли и бизнеса государстве): the primary mission of the United States Mint is to produce an adequate volume of circulating coinage for the nation to conduct its trade and commerce;
- (основная з. политики): our primary objective is...;
- (осознать масштаб задачи): the scale of the challenge was beginning to dawn on the team;
- (з. охраны - отличить нормальных гостей страны от нелегальных мигрантов): their challenge is to distinguish true visitors to Mexico from migrants who aim simply to get past the migration supervisor so they can make it to the United States;
- (перед сообществом наций стоит неотложная з.): the international community is facing the urgent task of protecting human rights from the scourge of terrorism;
- (политическая): a gap will develop between Egypt's military dispositions and its political objectives;
- (постановка задач, т.е. политических): as we see it, on many issues we now have a more sound agenda / approach;
- (при проведении настоящего исследования ставилась двойная з.): the current study was conducted with 2 main objectives;
- (проекта): the objectives of the project;
- (решать неотложные з-и, т.е. стоящие перед страной): Somalia leaders adopt new strategies to address pressing challenges;
- (справляться с з-ами нового века): the country was ready to tackle the challenges of a new century;
- (з-и, стоящие перед нaми, т.е. политические): The Russian Diaspora today is extremely diverse/ Yet we are all facing a common agenda;
- (з. требующая максимума усилий / огромного напряжения сил даже для самых сильных пловцов): The English Channel is only twenty miles across but it presents a challenge even to the strongest swimmers;
- (трудная): turning this situation around is a difficult challenge;
- (трудная): the company has already figured out how to turn human stem cells into heart cells, with the next challenge being to manufacture the cells in large quantities;
- (т.е. з. учреждения - сократить торговлю наркотиками): the mission of the NY/NJ High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas is to reduce domestic drug trafficking;
- (цели и з-и): Goals are broad, objectives are narrow. Goals are general intentions; objectives are precise. Goals are intangible; objectives are tangible. Goals are abstract; objectives are concrete. Goals can't be validated as is; objectives can be validated;
- (т. е. цель): our objective is to achieve full employment
задворки - (бродить на з-ах пользующихся дурной славой районов Манилы): I wouldn't worry too much about muggers or rapists, unless of course you're wandering around the back alleys of Manila's shadier districts;
- (гостиница на з-aх Мюнхена): a small and obscure hotel in the back streets of Munich;
- instead of parading around the brightly-lit mansions of the wealthy and noble, he scuttled around the back alleys of London;
- (жить на з-aх северного мира): he lived on the outskirts of a northern world;
- (срезать з-ами, т.е. дорогу): Let your children know not to cut through back alleys and fields. Make sure they know to stay in populated places and don't go off the beaten track.
задевать (т.е. потерять) - (куда-то з. номер телефона, по которому можно было с ней связаться): he mislaid the number where she could be reached;
- (куда-то з. приказ о награждении): I was awarded the army commendation medal after my discharge and have misplaced the special order
- (з. интересы кого-л): it is time for the leaders from both parties to link arms in an unselfish effort to reform their institutions, even if it means offending all sorts of powerful people on whom their leadership posts depend;
- (з. интересы кого-л): NAFTA had inadvertently hurt the Caribbean nations by putting them at a competitive disadvantage with Mexico in trading with the United States;
- (любопытство): смотри ниже;
- (з. неприятную тему): I have brought up an unpleasant subject when I was trying to lead us to more pleasant conversation.;
- (судебные дела, задевающие послов и консулов): the judicial power shall extend to all cases affecting ambassadors and consuls;
- смотри файл DVIJENIE
задевать / задеть (т.е. затронуть чувства) - (з. больное место): I think I hit a nerve with my comments about divorce. She suddenly looked distressed and I knew I'd touched a raw nerve
- (з. больное место): her innocent remark seemed to have touched a nerve;
- (Клинтона неприятно задел показ по телевидению компроментирующей видеозаписи): Mr. Clinton was hurt by the broadcast of the videotape. He looked forlorn.;
- (з. за живое, т.е. найти подход к кому-л): Nikki is scathing to say the least, but Helen perseveres and manages to strike a chord by telling her that they can both either climb down or fall victim to the "old boys' network";
- (з. за живое, т.е. политик говорил о том, что волнует массы): As shadow home secretary in the early 1990s, Blair met the residents of problem estates near his home in Hackney. He realised that millions of potential Labour voters were turned off the party because they thought it didn't understand the realities of crime and disorder in their daily lives. Blair tried to get going what has now become a famous phrase about "tough on crime and tough on the causes of crime." Internal polling showed the party that Blair had touched a real nerve.;
- (з. за живое, т.е. репортёр заговорил о том, что скрывалось): the reporter has unwittingly touched a nerve;
- (задетое самолюбие, потешитьзадетое самолюбие): it may be that these accounts contain some infelicities, added by Mr L. in an attempt to salve his wounded pride;
- (сильно з. , т.е. обидеть): her remarks cut him to the bone;
- (сильно з. , т.е. обидеть): your heartless comments cut me to the quick;
- (слова больно задели его): my words stung him;
- (тщеславие): to pique somebody's vanity;
- (з. чувствительные струнки): the key to making your campaign a sticky one is to figure out what strikes a chord in the heart of your target audience
задевать / задеть (любопытство) - if this lecture arouses your curiosity, there is plenty of material in the mentioned book;
- watch the first episode and tell me if it piques your curiosity;
- you have tweaked my curiosity and I am dying to know what you are up to;
- hearing scratches against the wooden porch, and footsteps across the small stones, intrigued my curiosity to see what was wondering in my backyard
задеваться - (куда-то задевался приказ о награждении): I was awarded the army commendation medal after my discharge and have misplaced the special order
задействовать - (войска): General C. Powell is reluctant to commit American forces;
- (лётчик задействовал целую батарею средств радиоэлектронного подавления): the Blackbird pilot threw on infml the whole battery of his electronic counter-measures;
- (з. всех служащих компании для предоставления контента сайта): The site has publishing system that allows the company to tap all of its employees as content providers. Any employee who has access to the system can submit articles.
задел - (будет оказываться выборочная поддержка з-ам в области высоких технологий и современных производств): selective / targeted financial support will be provided to successful ventures in the high technology and modern production sectors;
- (если мы не создадим з. на будущее, стране придётся тяжело): if we don't lay the groundwork now, the country would face a difficult future
задержание - (временное): A provisional arrest request is an urgent request to arrest a person pending receipt of an extradition request. A provisional arrest request may be appropriate when it is believed that the fugitive may flee the jurisdiction.
задержанный - (лодки, задержанные туманом): fogbound fishing boats cluster at the commercial fishing pier;
- (подозреваемый в ограблении банка задержан): Bank Robbery Suspect In Custody;
- (палестинец, з. по подозрению в сотрудничестве с Израилем): a Palestinian detained on suspicion of collaboration with Israel died in Palestinian custody;
задержать / задерживать - (т.е. арестовать, за попытку купить спиртное по поддельному удостоверению): he got busted slang for trying to buy alcohol with a fake I.D;
- (банк задерживает оплату чеков): What do these bank people do while they are holding your check? Looking at it!? Processing should be a snap with a computer.;
- (борозды задерживают семена, принесённые ветром и водой): the furrows trap seeds carried by wind or water;
- (бюрократические проволочки задержали план): bureaucratic foot-dragging and logistical problems had delayed the plan;
- (з. введение системы): ruling coalition parties will seek to delay a new system of deposit insurance;
- (з. взгляд на чём-л): He stopped with a jolt and turned around. He fixed his sights on the backs of people walking past. None of the backs looked familiar.;
- (т.е. врагов): just hold the enemies off till we can get to the boats;
- (з. выход из порта из-за плохой погоды): the bad weather held up the departure of the ship;
- (з. доставку товаров): to hold up the delivery of goods;
- (дыхание): he could hold his breath for a long time;
- (дыхание): take a breath and hold it;
- (з. забой скота): if they know a respite is coming, they can hold off slaughtering the herds;
- (исследования): the company has a stranglehold on patent rights and that could retard research that could lead to treatments for diabetes;
- (кого-л за нарушение морали): religious officials can detain any Muslim who acts or behaves in an indecent manner in any public place;
- (з. кого-л надолго): Taiwan did not detain us long;
- (з. кого-л разговором): he had to keep her talking until the man returned;
- (з. людей за собой, т.е. в проходе): He stepped into the lobby and stopped. He was holding up the passage of people behind him, but he didn't care.;
- (не будем вас з-вать): well, don't let us hold you up;
- (не буду вас з-вать): don't let me keep you;
- (меня задержали на работе): I was supposed to meet him, but I was held up at work and arrived late;
- (з. нелегальных мигрантов): so far this year, Mexico has detained nearly 112000 illegal migrants;
- (платёж): I withheld payment until they had fulfilled the contract;
- (платёж): to defer the payment;
- (полиция задерживает вас для обыска): Your Rights under Arrest. The police should tell you that they detaining you for the purposes of a search.;
- (з. попытки Ирана разработать ядерное оружие): senior administration and intelligence officials are seeking ways to step up unspecified covert actions intended to disrupt or delay as long as can Iran's effort to develop a nuclear weapon;
- (з. поступление гуманитарной помощи): long-simmering political divisions can hold the aid back;
- (з. поступление денег по чеку на счёт): my payroll check was put on hold until the 18th when it cleared;
- (т.е. преступников): he pledged the commitment of his government to apprehend and punish the men who had killed our airmen;
- (з. рейс из-за плохой погоды): the flight was delayed owing to bad weather;
- (з. рост национального долга): the country failed to stem the rapid growth of its national debt;
- (рост, о заболевании): The boy was born with a rare form of dwarfism. His condition stunted his body's growth, but it didn't interfere with his positive attitude;
- (з. самолёт из-за тумана): our plane was delayed by fog;
- (трубная изоляция задерживает приток тепла к трубопроводам с хладагентом): this pipe insulation is used to retard heat gain and prevent condensation or frost formation on refrigerant lines;
- (трубная изоляция задерживает прохождение пара): the closed-cell structure of this pipe insulation effectively retards the flow of moisture vapor;
- (з. утверждение в должности): the senator was far off base in holding up her confirmation;
- (т.е. з. человека допоздна): I didn't mean to keep you up late;
- (это не задержит их надолго): We loosed every arrow that we had, and filled the Dike with Orcs. But it will not halt them long.
задержаться / задерживаться - (в гостиной): when they returned to the house he did not linger in the parlor or sitting-room, but at once rejoined his friend;
- (взгляд задержался на ком-л / на чём-л): he noticed that eyes lingered on him as he walked from one side of this immense square to the other;
- (если бы не решимость пилота, авиапочта надолго бы задержалась в своём развитии): When the next pilot refused to fly in darkness and bad weather, K. rose to the challenge and delivered the mail. Without K.'s determination, airmail service would have suffered a major setback.;
- (если бы они задержались ещё на 10 минут,...): if they had lingered another 10 minutes...;
- (колдун задержался в королевстве): the magician had overstayed in the kingdom this time;
- (з. на крыльце): it is unwise to linger overlong on doorsteps in these troubled times;
- (на мгновение з. на пороге): he lingered for a moment on the threshold;
- (на работе, он задержался на работе на 6 часов, т.е. переработал): he was six hours into overtime;
- (он не собирался больше задерживаться): he was not inclined to tarry any longer;
- (охотник задержался над кровавым следом): the boar tracker paused over the stains on the heath;
- (рост экономики задерживается): With economic growth lagging and the refugee crisis out of control, the EU is on the verge of breakdown and is set to undergo an experience similar to that of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s;
- (т.е. с ответом): We try to respond within a few weeks. At best, we may respond overnight; all too often, we fall behind.;
- (с ответом): sorry to be slow getting back to you;
- (списание и поступление на счёт средств по операциям с картой ВИЗА задерживается на несколько дней): A month ago, a VISA transaction was posted to my account twice. I didn't notice this for a while because VISA transactions are on hold for a few business days.;
- (танки задерживались ровно настолько, чтобы перестроиться после поездки на поезде): the tanks and other tracked vehicles had lingered only long enough to get reorganized after the train trip;
- (те, кто задержался, могут застрять в этой местности): those who delay may end up being trapped;
- (я задержалась на работе): I was supposed to meet him, but I was held up at work and arrived late
задержка - (з-и в переговорах): endless delays, adjournments and referring back to Moscow;
- (временнАя з. устройства): this device has a preset time delay / lag;
- (з. дыхания / з. дыхания): apnea / apnoea / apnœa is a term for suspension of external breathing;
- (т.е. между рейсами при пересадке): Edward Snowden thought his stop in Russia was a layover on a flight from Hong Kong to Latin America, but his passport was canceled and he has lived in Putin-approved exile ever since.;
- (мочи): urinary retention;
- (з-и на разогрев и остывание печей): furnaces normally must be left on 24/7 to eliminate long start up and cool down delays;
- (з. полового созревания): delayed puberty;
- (з. при рассмотрении дела): processing delays may occur if this letter is not presented;
- (развития): Arrested Development in Children. Arrested development is an abnormal condition in which development has stopped or in some cases, regressed.;
- (развития): to me (General Patton) it seems certain that the fatalistic teachings of Mohammad and the utter degradation of women is the outstanding cause for the arrested development of the Arab;
- (з. с выпуском новой продукции): the only crises with which he had dealt were business problems - capital shortfalls, delayed product roll-outs, hostile takeover bids;
- (с з-ой, конь подчинялся командам с з-ой): when I quietly insisted that the horse obey my commands, he accommodated himself to them, tardily and with a trace of rebellion;