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Well, actually... I don't give any shit about the conclusion the author of the text under analysis drives at. I simply don't care of all that crap I'm forced to talk about during that exact course named "Varieties of Written English". To say that it is boring would be less then sufficient? It would be nothing. Oh, yes, ladies and gentlemen! I'm aware... I'm convinced that all of you have just the same thoughts at the moment. And what I am doing is just that I'm saying them aloud, speaking them out. And I'm not even going to apologize for that, although I feel great sorrow. I'm sorry for all of us, miserable students. Through our lives, absolutely voluntary, we have been puppets in the hands of so called "adults". We were children - and parents thought for us what's better. We became grown-ups, schoolboys and girls - and teachers told us: "We'll teach you how to live" and began breaking us immediately. Absolutely broken and manufactured anew we entered Universities, Institutes and Academies. We didn't live for our lives, our future. We lived for the exams, lots and lots of various examinations: school-leaving examinations, entrance examinations, final examinations, fucking examinations... And again we became puppets, toys of the crowd of professors. And again we were told the same phrase with the only addition: "The way you were taught at schools is absolutely wrong, we'll correct their mistakes in your education..." [long pause] Frustration... Only few of us understood everything... and they were thrown out immediately not to spoil the process of education. And what about those who did not understand? They were puppets in their childhood, they stayed puppets at school, they kept being puppets at the university, and they are destined... live their lives... puppets...


(C) joy

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