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Revelation of the Heavenly Father

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  My child!
  Am I the Architect of one building, the Poet of one verse, the Painter of a single canvas, the Father of only one child? Are thou not able to know My bounty in infinite self-expression? Raise thine eyes to the sky, and in this wide-open window of thine earthly abode thou will see the scattering of other starry worlds - did I raise them in vain and was stingy to sow them with life?
  Oh, My child, would thou know what is prepared for thee! I sent thee My gift - a piece of My Spirit - a spark from the light of Life that thou carry in thineself. And behold, I tell thee, thou are My child, for thou have in thee from Me. This spiritual guide of light will lead thee to Me, for light always returns to its Source. He will return to Me and bring thee with him, may thou follow his guidance! Thine mortal vessel is My temple not made by hands, where My Spirit dwells and I do not need other sanctuaries. I myself took care of everything, so that thou do not need anything. And from thee, My child, I am waiting for thee to turn away from thine amusements and raise thine eyes to My face, turned to thee, and answer Me with a smile of joy, recognizing Me as thine Father, for, truly, thou are not an orphan - and may thine childish heart will ignite with reciprocal love! And may at the end of thine years thou will not peer into the bright colors of thine former infancy, when thine living soul was still enthusiastically fluttering like a butterfly in the palms of My Spirit, but thou will joyfully and tremblingly look forward to eternal life in the abodes of light, what I have prepared for thee, and let not thou exhaust the water of life that is poured out of Me. Are the eyes of thine soul still unable to recognize My light? I am the Giver and the Bestower, the Creator and the Blesser, and my gifts are truly holy. Accept them, and I will never take away my gifts.
  I am who I am, and my being is in thee, and all that is, is in Me, for there is nothing but what is, and what is, is I. I am and I am perfect. And thou, My child, are because I gave thee in Myself and from Myself. Thou are only at the beginning of thine journey, but in the space of time I will exalt thee upon to My perfection. For this is My will. Desire this also, My child, and, I tell thee, it will come true! I live in thee by My Spirit, and thou abide in Me like a beloved baby in the womb. But more than that, the entire vast universe, the entire creation, visible and invisible, known and hidden, space itself, time and even eternity are rolled into the scroll of My Word and exist in Me. Everything that exists is in Me. I am the Existing, the Being, the Reality and there is nothing else but Me. I am thine Source and thine Purpose. Thou came from Me and thou will ascend to Me, for I am thine Father.
  All secrets are hidden in Me, and I am the Secret of Secrets, but I do not hide from thee. Thou are still small, My child, and in due time I will reveal much to thee, but now I say - lean on and hold fast to My love and completely trust Me, I will not demand more from thee.
  And may thou accept My love and trust Me, and the whole universe will be on thine side and for thee. This is the secret of thine joy, peace and conviction, crushing all doubts, for thee live in the life-giving Truth. Yes, I tell thee, the whole universe was created by Me for thee, My child.
  December 24, 2022
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