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The convenience of slavery and the light of liberty

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    The duality of the human consciousness implies the inevitability of the manifestation of his animal nature. The struggles of the instincts and passions that form the basis of the slavish psychology, egocentrism, stagnation, and creativity of the person, whose foundation lies in his eternal dissatisfaction with himself, that liberates him from the bondage of conventions and the existing order, creates that pressure and tension, which does not allow any community to stop development.

  We believe that liberty is a state of dissatisfaction of consciousness with itself which is realized into development of ways of own change by impact on existing beingness, taking into account its counteraction [1, Chapter 1].
  For a person, this state can be positive in the case when he finds something new, interesting, or just useful. It can also be negative, since in order to acquire a new one, it is necessary to destroy the habitual, which always leads to stress or may even lead to the death of the carrier of consciousness.
  It must be assumed that slavery is, in contrast to liberty, a state of satisfaction of consciousness with its present position.
  For a person, this state also ranges from positive to negative.
  Positive slavery can be considered the dependence of a person on his own particular hobby, shading everything else, but giving extraordinary satisfaction. At the same time, this dependence throws a person out of the general flow of time onto its roadside, condemning him to stagnation.
  Negative slavery means a person"s dependence on circumstances, led him by own will or understanding, for example, to satisfy his desire for rest and stability, into complete submission to one or another boss, or led him into complete dependence on some order due to the lack of will power overcoming this order or lack of intelligence for evading external influence (force, deception), that may, for the time being, satisfy him by absence of the need to make decisions independently, which many people do not want for various reasons, in particular, owing to the weak of the character, laziness, undevelopedness, worship of authority, etc.; but this path invariably leads a person to degradation.
  From the above, it follows that liberty and slavery, reflecting dissatisfaction and satisfaction of consciousness in a person, invariably coexist with each other, differing only in degree.
  What determines this degree?
  f we turn to all living organisms, excluding humans, they can be characterized only as slaves of sensations, since they do not go beyond adaptation to the environment. Within these limits, they strive to survive by obtaining food; seek to multiply, delivering satisfaction themselves; they try to dominate both individually and in a group, not being satisfied with the current situation, but striving to ensure a better quality of sensations, including a sense of superiority over neighboring creatures.
  Nevertheless, these creatures have a rudimentary degree of liberty, because they do not lose their activity during life, which enables them in one way or another to adapt to the environment, increasing the quantity and quality of sensations over time in their generations, that is, developing, acquiring both local perfection and variety of species.
  However, to get out of the limits of adaptability to the environment, that is, to cease to be slaves of sensations alone, these creatures - from bacteria to primates - are not able, remaining on the lowest degree of freedom, or - practically in complete dependence on their own sensations.
  The activity of their consciousness, as already indicated, is limited to nutrition, reproduction, attempts to dominate whenever possible, regardless of the complexity of the organisms and the development of their governing body - the brain. Everything that happens with such organisms is their response to the impact of the environment.
  Therefore, similar consciousness can be qualified as a lower consciousness, that is, a consciousness that is practically completely dependent on the environment, which is their hostess, and they are its involuntary slaves, although they are capable of slow development thanks to their own non-vanishing activity.
  It is visible from everything stated that for live organisms there is only one opportunity to get out of existence as slaves of sensations - toward liberty, as more or less conscious development of ways of own change, namely: at least partially to get rid of the full submission to the environment, i.e. to rise to some extent above it, and thus to gain the opportunity not only to adapt to it, but also to fit it under themselves, wondering how best to do it first, too, to improve the quality of sensations, and then for autonomous reflections on the meaning of life, its curiosities and own improvement.
  Similar opportunity is realized through the person, who, while remaining an animal, or a creature adaptive to the environment, at the same time acquires the ability to consciously influence the environment, thereby raising oneself above it, that is, breaking out oneself of the full adaptive slavery, and getting the opportunity through this conscious impact with the acceleration to develop their own consciousness, mainly manifested through the brain, the change of which is directly reflected in the growth of the possibilities of consciousness to influence the environment, which in turn changes the brain structure, and therefore, consciousness.
  The exit from the dependence (slavery) from the sensations alone onto the space of ideas, thoughts, refined feelings means a transition from the rudiments of liberty to the possibility of its fullest realization in the course of socialization within the framework of the building civilization by these already dual beings.
  There is still no convincing evidence of the procedure in which a primate became a person, but the fact of this transformation is obvious.
  Our understanding of the procedure for this transformation is shown in a number of papers, in particular, in work 2.
  Thus, the lowest consciousness which is becoming isolated on sensations, in the person is complemented with higher consciousness which, if the person is capable to realize the actions and to foresee their development, is possible to call self-consciousness.
  Similar dual nature of the human consciousness brings with it the emergence and development of antagonism of the lowest and highest forms of consciousness, since the egocentric animal consciousness is focused mainly on the survival of the organism in the struggle with everything around, and the highest - mainly onto social harmonization of human communities, its own cultural improvement. The resulting contradiction between these forms of consciousness, which are indissolubly fused in man, leads them to fight for supremacy in the pursuit of so different intentions, thereby stimulating the development of both the people and their communities, which the most characteristic is manifested into the emergence of civilization and its rather rapid development compared to past epochs of slow development of a purely plant-animal kingdom with a change in quality - in the direction of the technological and cultural, that is, the delayed biological evolution which is not changing adaptability of consciousness of all available beings quite suddenly was replaced by the accelerated development of one of types of living beings with a modified (dual) consciousness [3, Chapter 3].
  Accordingly, a relatively rapid increase in the degrees of the human liberty within the framework of the appeared civilization occur, which is the result of the action of the powerful driving force of the human development and its communities in the form of antagonism of the lowest form of consciousness, that is common for all living creatures, and having appeared suddenly of self-consciousness (the highest form of consciousness).
  As for the original source of activity of any form of consciousness of a living being, it can only be inescapable dissatisfaction of consciousness, without which any living being is a thing, that is, a passive object, unable to have aspirations - spontaneous or conscious [3, Chapter 4.1].
  The lowest form of consciousness, leaving a being in slavery to the incoming sensations, and the highest form of consciousness, reflecting conscious aspiration of a being into the kingdom of the fullest free expression of oneself, which are indissolubly connected inside the person continuously create unpredictability of his behavior, so how in various situations one form of consciousness can push the other into the background, turning the same person that into a rude animal, then into a well-meaning and loyal individual [3, Chapter 4.2].
  The main property of the duality of human consciousness, determining its original impact on the environment, fundamentally changing the world, and most of all changing the collective and individual consciousness as a result of its reverse reaction on the effective change by it through the person of the environment, is creativity (the creative abilities of a person, or the ability to produce non-obvious ideas, to think outside the box) of a person - the highest form of his freedom. However, the creativity abilities is distributed across individuals extremely unevenly - with a minimum in individuals with weak manifestations of both the lowerst and highest forms of consciousness, reaching its maximum value in subjects with a powerful manifestation of the lowest consciousness, supported by a manifestation of high level of self-consciousness.
  It is creativity, that is peculiar only to man and not the rationality of consciousness, which is inherent in one way or another to all living beings that have organs for processing incoming information into the organism, ensures the cultural and technological development of civilization [3, Chapter 4.2].
  In any human community there is always a certain number of people permanently concerned with creating maximum comforts for their own existence, which is a characteristic feature of the lowest consciousness. If some part of these individuals is not satisfied with social comfort, the development of science, technology, art, which is a remarkable sign of the highest consciousness, then a similar combination of these features of both forms of consciousness with some dominance of the lowest consciousness, forcing a person to not stop trying to achieve the best conditions for himself, leads such an individual to a kind of instinctive creative activity, which sometimes pours out into completely new forms of things and phenomena that are useful both for everyday life and for development.
  The effectiveness of actions of such subjects is determined by the individual structure of their brain, through which both forms of consciousness mainly act.
  The maximum realization of creative abilities qualifies as genius. Behind it comes talent.
  The main difference between talent and genius is in the scale of the deeds.
  Talent "gives out" quite original, but local solutions, that is, non-trivial, interesting and sometimes even useful for its time. But he cannot "rise" to the generalization of his own or others' achievements, just as he is not able to see the most probable future.
  This highest level of deeds is reached by the genius.
  Therefore, a genius often remains alien and misunderstood for an overwhelming number of contemporaries, who are always more interested in current events of the day, close to the unpretentious nature of the average person (philistine).
  The most striking example of genius, not too fashionable for his contemporaries, is Shakespeare, who embraced in his works all the basic human relations in their most prominent expression, showing also the impossibility of finally solving any problem of relations both between people and between communities of people forcing "ripened" descendants and 400 years later thinking^ "to be or not to be".
  Interesting, talented and relevant for his time plays of Shakespeare's contemporaries have long been forgotten precisely because of their temporary locality.
  Another manifestation of the increase in the degrees of the human freedom in a community important for the development of the human communities is the critical abilities of a number of individuals, reflecting the most developed the highest consciousness. The repulsion by it of the lowest consciousness into the background, which gives expanse to dissatisfaction of the highest consciousness, characterizes the stratum of informal intellectuals in every society. They are confident in the triumph of reason, science, art, justice, the result of which, in their opinion, will certainly be universal harmony in society and there will be a perfect person, in particular.
  It is they who are recklessly fighting for people's happiness, not knowing how the people masses see this "happiness."
  However, the "technologies" that see even the recognized intellectual thinkers to achieve universal "happiness" are not just unrealizable, but often - the delusional, of what rather recently all population was being convinced, and especially Russia, on the example of attempt of the embodiment of the ideas of Karl Marx on entry of mankind into the harmonious existence under the name "communism".
  Of the other outstanding representatives of thinkers with a high level of self-awareness and intelligence, was Plato, who more than two thousand years ago, suggested bringing closer the emergence of universal harmony in society and getting the perfect person by artificial means selecting the best persons and using them where they are most needed, for example, to govern the state.
  For selection of the best Plato found it necessary to regulate reproductive capacity, bringing together the best with the best, and the worst with the worst - actually as some representatives of the idea of a cerebral sorting (artificial selection on features of structure of a brain). To management, he was calling for the best philosophers, who, in his opinion, are able to bring together the real and the ideal, not realizing that the real, as it is, exists primarily not for the development of man with the creation of maximum comfort for him as a biological being, but in order to contribute to the development of his consciousness in overcoming all sorts of difficulties and the resolution of various problematic situations.
  Campanella also, in order to improve people, has offered to be carrying out the selection, which should be determined by the heads.
  At present, such a primitive and in many ways inadequate approach to improving already the individual existence of each person is proposed by some evolutionary physiologists who believe that each person should be "attached" to one or another occupation according to the results of previously identified abilities, laid in the structure of the brain, by certain techniques (a cerebral sorting). They consider similar "attachment" to occupation according to discovered potentially enhanced properties of these or those departments of a brain the benefit both for the person, and for society, since this selection will prevent or, at least, will postpone degradation of mankind [4].
  It should be noted at once, that these good wishes of evolutionists that "each person after determining their abilities and the uniqueness of the brain design will be able to choose the most appropriate occupation" [4] will remain exactly well-meaning, i.e. the barren in the conditions of modern States, built on the exploitation of some people for the comfortable existence of other people, and not on providing each person with opportunities for the harmonious development.
  Nevertheless, it is assumed that the analysis of the brain structure using high-resolution X-ray tomography will become a method of in vivo analysis for objective selection of talents and geniuses with various types of giftedness, as well as a method of the objective assessment of a person"s innate abilities for planning the authentic fate to the person.
  The inadequacy of such approach to improving a person and betterment his communities from the position of the coverage of everybody and each and every supposedly for their own good, ostensibly for their own good, can be seen from the technical impossibility of the coverage more than 7 billion potential clients with expensive brain scanning techniques, that means the inevitable elitism of this process; which, even assuming similar coverage with this scan, also implies further development of the identified abilities, which is very problematic .Equally problematic is the overcoming of difficulties after the discovery of a variety of "talents" in their "attachment" to job, since the job provided may cause an objection and even rejection from it of the individuals with talents.
  Besides, this approach to "improvement" of the person inevitably leads to artificial dissociation of people on the best and the worst, that is obvious talents and untalented persons. However, exactly the ordinary, but cunning individuals, as we know, mainly "get through" into the power, and they therefore will never allow dominations of talents, who besides and will not want "to flounder" in fetid ooze of only one increased consumption of the imperious elite.
  This technology also actually assumes in the conditions of capitalism the introduction of their kind of serfdom onto abilities for people with the scanned brain which is inevitable as at all not the wisest and high-moral individuals, but ordinary crooks, who always are dexterously "creeping" into power, will direct this process. They will immediately spread unthinkable corruption in this matter, while they themselves will try to avoid scanning because of their apparent ordinariness, or they will tamper with own data, just as they are currently "stamping" doctoral dissertations for themselves with the help of "Negroes" that raise their status, which is true, but only in a society of boobies.
  In essence, such approach restricts a person"s freedom, depriving him of his initiative in solving his own problems. A person at similar artificial selection, which excludes his right to make mistakes, striving for the unattainable, falls into his own intellectual slavery hindering the development of his consciousness, which is possible only in overcoming difficulties, regardless of intellectual abilities and professional inclinations.
  If nevertheless to allow emergence of similar technical capability of scanning of a brain, then realization such has to be especially private affair of each person, but, alas, it almost not realizable for all and everyone in the available conditions.
  Many people will not be interested in this procedure for religious reasons or because they are already self-confident and know what they should do; others, on the contrary, feeling lack of talent, do not wish to be completely convinced of this.
  The same people who will want to learn about their potential abilities should be provided with complete anonymity, since many will not wish to make public the findings, for example, because of their own modesty or secrecy, the inability to use them, as well as owing to disgust to the work, to which the increased abilities will be found for them. But such anonymity, as shown by current practice, does not work.
  The same who will wish to develop persistently found potential abilities need to give such opportunity in the form of additional educational courses, olympiads, competitions including competitions on the available jobs that is by all means connected with corruption.
  In other words, this procedure should be completely separated from the state in the person of its officials, whose goals and objectives very rarely coincide with the goals and objectives of active citizens, which is currently very problematic.
  At last, even if to allow improbable - the coverage of all inhabitants of the planet a cerebral sorting and the choice by each of them of occupation, the most pleasant and perspective for oneself, and, effective for society, then the individual inequality of abilities, so, and opportunities to become famous, rise, etc. or opportunities to get in the opinion of neighbors into community of blockheads, bastards, etc. will even more manifests the true (biological) inequality of people, hidden now behind a mask of hatred of the poor persons, who can be in considerable number clever, to the rich, among which fools enough. This biological inequality will excite unquenchable envy and hatred of untalented persons to talents as the first will precisely know that they will never show talents that do not exist at all at them. At least therefore, the hopes of physiologists-evolutionists as well as hopes of Marxists for "berthing" civilization at certain efforts to the honey shores of the harmonious society and will remain unrealizable, whereas the lowest consciousness and the highest consciousness do not get to anywhere and, irrespective of existence and quality of abilities, will continue the fight in the case of existence of a human civilization, providing the accelerated development of the last for the time being.
  Be that as it may, in practice, only informal intellectuals with the highest possible level of self-consciousness and, consequently, - self-respect, if we exclude their own humanitarian constructions, are able to constructively criticize the malicious power elite, no pretensions onto the entry into the power which they always hate for unjust actions concerning a people at large, bad governing, corruption, stupidity and mediocrity.
  In contrast to the critically-minded informal intellectuals, the power elite of any community is not formed of philosophers, scientists, thinkers with a high level of self-awareness and good intelligence, and it is, as a rule, allocated from an extensive layer of philistines, for whom the poor development of the highest consciousness and the weak manifestation of the lowest consciousness is characteristic (low level of dissatisfaction of consciousness in both cases).
  The philistines are guided generally by own rationality and experience: occupied by themselves and own wellbeing, they do not aspire neither to "high", nor to the "low" purposes, being limited to desire of trouble-free and smooth life in which the troubles is desirable to see only on the monitor screen. The philistines do not feel the aspiration to new due to own efforts, trying to obtain more comfortable status in life from a position of simple acquisition and consumption of available benefits.
  Nevertheless, among the average inhabitants there are always subjects with a somewhat higher level of the lowest consciousness, which in this case can cause them to strive not only for full, quiet and safe life, but also for domination among their own kind. Withdrawing from the highest consciousness the corresponding share of rationality which includes the increased ingenuity, and from the lowest consciousness - rapidity of reaction, quite good strong-willed qualities and energy, skill to communicate, sufficient dexterity, cunning, insidiousness and unprincipledness, these subjects gain an advantage over the rest - the more inert members of the community in the form of ordinary people, highly moral intellectuals of any kind, and other members of the population who are sluggish or preoccupied with other matters, and who are not able to deftly push aside or slander their opponents, as well as really enjoy the humiliation of the lower ones, and at the same time endure mock from the side of own bosses.
  They compensate a lack of mind by involvement of numerous advisers, but, because the decisions ultimately has to be made by them, so far as they, as true creators of own happiness, at first consider them from a position of the personal (corporate), but not the public good with a lurch towards retaining power, gaining a greater degree of their own domination and the acquisition of all sorts of benefits, littering, besides, the leadership of the various managing and economic structures with own mostly incompetent offspring.
  Therefore, the hopes of naive masses to correct these moral monsters and cunning, hypocritical rogues, representing the power elites of various states competing with each other, have no basis, regardless of the structure of the state and its degree of development - from despotism to parliamentary democracy.
  Actually, the difference between the ruling elite of the despotism or authoritarian regimes of one kind or another and democratic regimes lies only in the fact that at democracy the ruling elite masks its chronic incapacity and dullness by regular change of rulers, but for some reasons - out of the same group of people, allegedly according to the voice of the people, to which actually the valid choice due to specially and accurately thought over selective rules is not provided, and quite inert masses can appeal in the protection, except rather rare own indignation and almost fruitless addresses to the mighty of this world, only to own elite - to intellectual nonconformists; however, these intellectuals, being able to constructively criticize the authorities, have no ideas of development, except for utopian ones. This deadlock situation is usually resolved by no one unregulated, but still progressive motion from crisis to crisis [3, Chapter 6], due to the constant influx of new information, during which holistic communities somewhat increase their technological and cultural level.
  Nevertheless, similar motion of civilization cannot be infinite, and it really comes to the end with information collapse (a singularity point) [5, Chapter 3, 4].
  Confirmation of low level of consciousness (the highest consciousness) of the imperious elites even of the most developed states is their behavior during World War II when they almost in all countries of Europe went to the service to Hitler without any remorse.
  Thus, the real reflection of the driving forces of the development of human communities, consisting in the antagonism of the lowest consciousness, reflecting adaptive slavery, and self-consciousness, reflecting one or another degree of liberty, is the critical impact of liberty in the face of the informal intellectuals towards the slave imperious elite, which forces the latter - especially with the support of the masses, sometimes to turn to the development of communities, and not to follow one"s own selfish interests.
  1. Nisovtsev Yu. In what, how and for what liberty is acting? 2016. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru. Amazon. Yury Nizovtsev.
  2. Nisovtsev Yu. The person - a product of evolution?! Whether everything is so clear here?! 2017. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru. Amazon. Yury Nizovtsev.
  3. Nisovtsev Yu. The driving force and source of development of the person and his communities (Against L.N. Gumilev's passionarity). 2018. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru
  4. Савельев С. А. Церебральный сортинг. Издательство: ВЕДИ. 2016.
  5. Nisovtsev Yu. Miracles in a sieve. 2016. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru. Amazon. Yury Nizovtsev.
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