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The roots and consequences of the negative selection into the power elites

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    What are the root causes of the rottenness of power elites at all times - their stupidity, greed, hypocrisy, deceit, corruption, pursuit of their own predominantly mercantile interests, an enduring desire to sow discord, contempt for ordinary people, constant mistakes at the management of states and regions, involving of the peoples into the wars, needed only by them, - and along with that, historically confirmed impossibility to replace these scoundrels with sane people?

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  (On the role of stupidity as a result of this selection)
  A person under the rule of the state remains a wolf in relation to another person, but - a tamed wolf.
  Thomas Hobbes
  Wherever I found living, I also found the will to power.
  Friedrich Nietzsche
  State power has always been and remains a dangerous but inevitable evil.
  K. R. Popper
  Power passed from hand to hand more often than from head to head.
  E. Lets
  They seem great to us because they sit on our shoulders.
  A. Davidovich
  There are a lot of fools inside power, but even more smart crooks.
  V. Zubkov
  The purpose of power is power.
  D. Orwell
  I find it always nice to command, at least even a herd of rams.
  Miguel de Cervantes
  Power is the strongest exciting instrument.
  H. Kissinger
  Keywords: power, management, people, information, self-consciousness, culture, stupidity.
  1. Some prerequisites.
  2. The role of self-consciousness in the occurrence of stupidity.
  3. The reasons for the negative selection of representatives of an authority elite.
  4. The consequences of negative selection into power elites.
  5. Brief comments in the form of aphorisms.
  1. Some prerequisites.
  All living things, except humans, do not suffer from stupidity, but live according to a given program of coexistence with the environment as its dynamic components in the corresponding niches, competing among themselves both within certain species and between species. Some species appear, others change or disappear altogether. Separate beings are also gradually changing.
  The circulation in the living world consists mainly in devouring each other or in coexistence in various ways, if it is more profitable, for example, as it do ants with aphids.
  Each living creature has a genome that determines its type, individuality, the course of growth and development. In addition, living beings are such due to the presence of consciousness in them, which is not determined by the presence of the brain or even the simplest nervous system, but it is present even in unicellular organisms.
  Consciousness - an attribute of a living organism. It is it that makes it alive, that is, spontaneously active in its dissatisfaction with the environment, which is expressed in feedback from the environment on base of the program on a protein carrier (genome).
  In other words, a formation, incomprehensible to science, as if coming to the world from an unknown side, - consciousness, imparts to a structured protein, which has mainly a cellular structure with a program on a special protein carrier in each cell, the ability to control this structured protein of various forms and sets of cells when interacting with the environment: to eat, multiply, organize cellular metabolism, compete with neighbors for the best place in the process of nutrition and reproduction.
  Thus, a living creature falls in the information flow, receiving and producing information at an accessible level during its lifetime, providing not only to oneself, but also the consciousness, included in this creature, the opportunity to develop in these information flows.
  It turns out that consciousness in the most general sense creates the opportunity during merger with oneself for passive matter to manifest the spontaneous activity based on dissatisfaction in the general information flow with the present, forming time and, therefore, space with the objects necessary for holding oneself in it in the form of this new formation (alive). Consciousness cannot develop without passive matter, and it alone can only be characterized as an eternal beginning developing itself through passive matter in association with it, opposing the growth of the entropy of each universe, which cannot exist in a stable state without the participating in their formation of alive, or the structured matter containing consciousness, that is, a stable state of entire Creation is provided by consciousness for own development through living organisms with their sensory organs and form-building abilities.
  In other words, information exists only due to the interaction of the passive matter (thing) and the active matter (consciousness) in the form of living, providing the formation of everything else, starting from radiations and ending with an infinite number of universes with the inhabited planets.
  Such penetration in the information flow of a living creature, that is, an organism that has, in contrast to things, a consciousness, is possible only if both consciousness and the body organized in accordance with it operate in it, in which there is an information processing center, coming from sensors (sensory organs), the main task of which is to evaluate the incoming information for adequate interaction with the existing environment.
  Actually, the degree of development of each separate consciousness in a living creature depends on the ability of this center to process incoming information at one rate or another, while consuming the corresponding amount of information.
  Thus, consciousness, to a first approximation, is the activity that makes any organism by permanently unsatisfied in contrast to inanimate objects, i.e. - by a consumer and producer of information.
  In other words, information constitutes precisely the totality of data, that a living creature is able, firstly, to perceive by its sensory organs, and, secondly, to instinctively recognize these data as information for use in its aspirations, producing in turn the relevant information for the surroundings by one"s own activity.
  This, and to a certain extent, conscious management by information flows, despite all its automatism both in each cell and in the body as a whole - a kind of complicated feedback from the environment - allows living things to develop individually, transferring the acquired to own offspring in the genes.
  From this it can be seen that the information by itself does not exist, but is a connecting link between the passive matter (things) and the active matter (consciousness), appearing only in the process of interaction of consciousness and things, which comes true only in the framework of formations, structured by certain way - the living organisms which are in an environment suitable for their existence and reproduction. In organisms, consciousness combines with passive matter, making it intentionally active, that is, it is able to highlight from the environment only those signals, responding to which the body is able to stay in this environment and leave offspring.
  The information received and produced by the body during its life cycle is automatically picking up by the consciousness of this organism, the development of which thereby gives development to each individual consciousness in the body.
  Without such a temporary symbiosis of "passive" (thing) and "conscious" (active) manifestation and development of consciousness is impossible. Therefore, eternal consciousness becomes individually infinite only discretely, that is, through the birth and death of every living creature in symbiosis with own temporary protein carrier (a body) in its current time.
  Such carrier, with the help of a processing center for data received from the sensory organs, which scan the environment, is able to receive data available to it, that is, information about the state of neighboring material objects, responding to this information in attempts to create favorable conditions for own existence.
  By this, each organism constantly creates an individual information flow, which is transformed into its current time, or its own life time.
  The totality of all living beings accordingly creates a common information flow, or total time, in the course which all living beings are included. At this, in this same flow not only they themselves are formed by this totality, but also everything else - the inanimate, but necessary to maintain life in the form of beingness, which includes in hierarchically and systemically changing universes, fields, radiations, stars, planets, in a word, everything without which life becomes impossible.
  Thus, the inanimate objects do not arise themselves - they are formed through the aggregate consciousness of living beings, since consciousness cannot do without the inanimate, or the passive (things). Therefore, consciousness in beingness, that is, in time, can exist only discrete in its individual expression in symbiosis with structured and programmed protein matter, since the life time of each organism is limited.
  It is pointless to talk about the development of the inanimate matter, since it is formed through the aggregate consciousness of living beings in beingness and exists as a kind of adaptive background, or rather, as the base for the eternal development of consciousness through the local discrete oases of organic life on inhabited planets.
  In this context, all the unexpected ups and downs in life of various creatures not only endlessly develop consciousness as a whole, but also give it feelings, doubts, hopes and experiences of the highest link in the chain of living beings - a person. Therefore, everything else in beingness serves as a tool to the emergence of the person in the frameworks of the most complex systemic form - in the form of civilizations that exist temporarily, but appear and disappear constantly.
  This problem is considered in more detail in my work "New - paradoxical - representation of the picture of Creation" [1, part 2, chapter 4].
  The development of organisms as a whole is further facilitated by interaction of a special kind with environment, as a result of which the genome gets randomly, for example, during reproduction or sufficiently severe radiation, changes, which can affect the development of the organism and its offspring both negatively and positively.
  Such obligatory activity of a living creature, during which dissatisfaction with the present is manifested for the sake of a better arrangement in the future, provides a generally upward change in both the creatures themselves and their surroundings. That is, due to the activity of living creatures, the content of flora and fauna, as well as the things around them, changes, becoming more complicated and gaining more and more variety. In other words, living beings resist the increase in the entropy of Creation, which, if you look from this side, cannot exist without them in a stable state.
  This kind of activity of living beings with all its attributes, the main one of which is dissatisfaction, distinguishes them, for example, from computers, since the latter look for and process only the information that their owners need, acting thereby only on their tasks on the given programs without requiring anything in return.
  What is the essence and organization of such activity - consciousness, and where does it come from, structuring and giving life of the protein compounds with the genome, i.e. making them already by unsatisfied consumers and producers of information, is unlikely to become known due to the elusiveness of this formation in beingness, in which it emerges as if from another dimensional.
   The proof of this elusiveness and foreignness of consciousness to beingness is the helplessness of all attempts by pundits to give life for compositions of elements that practically coincide in composition with the protein compounds of living creatures, including the genome.
  This means that a living organism is a kind of symbiosis of structured protein (the passive) and consciousness (the active).
  And this fact suggests that consciousness also cannot manifest itself without its carrier - in a certain way a structured protein in the form of a given set of cells, each of which contains the corresponding program also on the protein carrier - the genome. On the other hand, a structured protein is not able to act without consciousness, what we observe on ourselves every day. In the same way, the computer will not work without the appropriate programs and energy source.
  Nevertheless, despite the presence of consciousness, all living organisms, except a person, come into the restriction consisting in the following.
  They are not capable, both on the action of the genome and by the influence of the available consciousness upon the organism, to go beyond the activity, which is manifested only in the frameworks of this environment, since their conscious activity at the genome level is programmed not for a certain reasonable change of own surrounding, but for adapt to it. In accordance with this program, fixed in the genome of each cell in the body, their consciousness is purely adaptive.
  It is this property of consciousness of these living creatures that makes the evolutionary process of development of living beings so slow - with pullbacks and failures. In particular, on Earth, he went until the appearance of a person for billions of years. During this time, a creature capable of conscious actions of a non-adaptive, in particular, creative direction did not appear, which is quite naturally, if we keep in mind the presence in the organisms, preceding a person, only consciousness that is adaptive to the environment, which, of course, cannot turn the flow of information from own processing center towards the transformation of own surrounding to solve design and creative tasks, since these organisms do not have any goals other than adaptive activity.
  The pure adaptability of organisms implies only the desire to interact most effectively with the environment, as far as available resources allow, without being distracted by everything else - in this regard, all creatures, except humans, resemble living automatic mechanisms, the spontaneous activity consciousness of which is closed in the frameworks of adaptive reactions with respect to the environment, that is, everything, that does apply to inadaptive reactions, in particular, - humor, emotional experiences, as well as aware targeted actions that do not correspond to the real conditions of humanitarian and everyday communication, or, in the human understanding, stupidity, cannot be characteristic for these dynamic components of the environment.
  In other words, the lowest form of consciousness of organisms consists in the spontaneous activity of the adaptive type, leading to self-development against the background of randomness (mutations), and the higher form consists in the intentional activity of the design-goal type, leading to self-development through understood forms of activity.
  Therefore, only creatures that are able to partially abandon adaptive instincts can carry out such actions that they themselves qualify as stupidity. That is, stupidity is not able to manifest itself without a deliberate setting goal, which in general does not correspond to the realities of the situation, and it is peculiar only to a person.
  Oddly enough, it is precisely due to stupid intentions and actions corresponding to them, which either contradict the established views and theories or do not correspond to them, provoking at first mocking objections and laughter of the audience, and then positively changing the life of the whole community: appear most epochal inventions and discoveries, as well as artistic works.
  Of course, few are capable of such useful stupidities, and the rest, with rare exceptions, commit useless stupid acts every day, but are not able to prevent them. And no one has yet given an answer about the true cause of stupidity.
  Let's try to do this.
  2. The role of self-consciousness in the occurrence of stupidity.
  So, in addition to the non-target (instinctive) adaptive activity of organisms, there is also the target activity, which is realized in the conscious intentions and actions both a person and of human communities, unlike other living beings and communities of various organisms on Earth.
  Such communities appeared on the basis of highly developed primates, first in the form of hominids about 6 million years ago. It was they who amazingly changed the world on Earth rather quickly in comparison with the previous - slowed down - process of the development of life on the planet.
  The main role in this acceleration could be played only by the new form of consciousness that appeared in these new creatures - awareness of oneself in own aspirations and actions, ensured the project-targeted orientation in own activity both every person and his communities.
  In more detail about the mechanism of the appearance of man on Earth, which differs from all other creatures, in fact, only by the presence of self-consciousness, it is said in my work "How and for what was the person being appeared from the monkey?!" [1, part 1, Chapter 1].
  Thus, stupidity cannot exist without self-consciousness.
  A person sets goals for himself on the basis of information provided to his consciousness, and, in particular, self-consciousness, by the center of information processing, that his brain is.
  This information may be inaccurate or insufficient, and it is not always possible to fill this gap. However, the goal is set and the deed is done, turning out to be completely idiotic in the eyes of the public.
  In this case, it is difficult to blame this subject for what he has made, because he wanted how best, but something was not enough. It is usually thought that there was not enough mind. But often this is not the case, because our previous actions define the subsequent ones, and the husband under the bed (F. M. Dostoyevsky) turns out because he did the first foolishness - married. But thee stupid things are not done only by someone who does nothing, however it is impossible. So the world of people is largely determined by foolishness.
  However, mistakes are made not only through stupidity, the cause of which is unreason.
  Mistakes are made due to oversight, trembling of the extremities, headache, other natural hindrances and informational insufficiency, that is, what is characteristic also for animals, although they, unlike people, are always reasonable, since they do not act according to the reasons of self-consciousness, which always seek support in the norms of morality, in the achieved values of culture and science, in the pursuit of fairness, however, the insufficiency of these products of self-awareness is obvious, since it depends on the time and circumstances, but the adaptive mind of animals is limited by purely instinctive-reflex actions, which may be erroneous, but their errors are dictated by natural causes, and not contrived within the framework of self-consciousness. Nevertheless, the intelligence of different animals is unequal in its level. Therefore, some devour others, these others gobble to third ones, etc.
  So, stupidities, unlike mistakes, are committed exclusively by people, and these people can think very well. Moreover, they often understand the stupidity of their intentions, but they can"t refuse them, because sometimes they want something inaccessible, as it seems, for now. And the person enthusiastically writes poetry and reads them to friends, causing them crazy laughter.
  Of course, lack of intelligence also gives rise to stupid things, but they are akin to animal mistakes, and are qualified as stupid only by the social environment, because they either contradict established rules in society, in particular, morality, for example, arranging the brawls or quarrels for no apparent reason, but due to a bad mood, like dogs wrangling.
  Lack of intelligence can deny natural laws, for example, in trying to bale the sea or reproduce rams out of the goats, or a person sets unattainable goals for himself, such as equalizing all people for the sake of their well-being, or he is trying to stand out himself against the general public background, for example, by growing meter-long nails or beard up to the floor.
  Quite conscious foolishness, not mistake, is to follow bad habits for the sake of pleasant sensations, which is typical for almost all individuals living also today, manifested as a consequence of their animal nature, that is, the animal component of consciousness, which aspires only towards sensations, preferably - pleasant, no matter what. Of course, aware of the harmful nature of these habits, a person thinks inside himself that, in principle, bad habits he will overcome, but he does not want yet. But then it turns out to be late, and foolishness triumphs again.
  The philistine stupidity captures not only the bulk of the population, but also many comparatively wealthy and quick-witted people who consider prosperous existence to be the most important thing in life, that is trite, extremely simple, and does not require serious analytical and synthetic brain work, debasing a person with actual brain inaction. This kind of stupidity deprives them of their independence, making them susceptible to outside influences, in particular, of various religious faiths and sects, as well as politicians and other eloquent people, and thereby depriving them of the possibility of a full, that is, creative life, which is impossible without risk, and requires maximum liberation of consciousness.
  An extreme form of stupidity is dullness, which leads to permanent errors, and producers of this extreme degree of stupidity are called blockheads.
  In this case, mistakes are made simply because the person does not understand what he is doing, that is, he lacks both quick wits and competence. There are a lot of such figures in the power structures, where influential relatives drag them. This is largely the reason for the bad governance situation in most States, which cannot get to, at least, some acceptable standard of living for the main population, even if the rulers do not particularly rob the treasury.
  Thereby, among people, who do not eat already each other, there may exist specimens that are actually suitable only for food. However, these blockheads, thanks to their underdevelopment, feel great, with impunity doing a lot of stupid things at the sympathy of close relatives.
  Thus, in a human hostel the different stupidities are produced.
  There are pure stupidities - without an admixture of erroneous intentions, for example, in the form of a conscious pursuit of unattainable goals.
  One can also observe stupidities committed out of thoughtlessness, for example, the theft of something good in the field of view of a surveillance camera.
  There are stupidities-misconceptions, for example, when a man puts on a female hat and solemnly walks in it along the street, causing laughter among passers-by.
  Special troubles can cause society, the so-called benevolent stupidities. Basically, these are ideas overshadowing very worthy and quick-witted people. These ideas, according to their authors, must certainly make everyone happy. Almost all great thinkers and philosophers were subject to this nonsense because they reasonably wanted to make everyone happy, and not just a bunch of robbers who seized power. Kant alone doubted that very much. But neither Lenin nor Hitler thought about doubts of Kant, having received the corresponding result.
  If animals in development are promoted by perseverance in achieving more acceptable and even pleasant living conditions on the basis of unconscious dissatisfaction with the present, then the will helps a person to develop, keeping him in the direction of the set goal without distraction to outsiders. That is, the will is already a conscious reaction to what is happening both outside and inside the person, manifested in the form of the steady mental effort to achieve the goal, which creates the opportunity of the pursuit for the prospect in a competitive surrounding, supporting the progressive development direction.
  At the same time, the will, as one of the components of self-consciousness, and the perseverance, characteristic of animal consciousness, acting together, can support the whole time of the aspirations of both a person and his communities to make the stupid things, which seem necessary to self-consciousness, and pleasant to animal consciousness.
  In particular, such well-known personalities as Napoleon, Lenin, Stalin and Hitler wished, in their own way, good for the nations, considering, however, secretly the nations themselves by the rabble of rams. They believed to achieve this good, and at the same time to get complete supremacy for themselves through the conquest of world domination. They were imbued with this utopian idea because of their "outstanding" mind. The peoples also wanted to quickly get to the promised Paradise on Earth due to the rather convincing arguments of these blockheads, who thought they were geniuses. However, presented arguments thanks to their many talents and full of sincerity proved to be effective. As a result, they turned the peoples into a herd of rams, which followed them.
  All this organized herd, with the utmost effort of will, tried to achieve their goals, and it is difficult to concoct more fool goals. Naturally, everything ended in a fiasco, and of these leaders only Napoleon and Lenin eventually realized their stupidity.
  Napoleon, however, at the second attempt - after Waterloo, realized the idiocy of his actions in an effort to unite completely different peoples in their self-consciousness into a single whole under own sensitive leadership, and retired not without the help of his enemies-Britishers, on an island in the middle of the ocean to outlast own foolishness there.
  It was followed by Lenin, who was just as stupid in trying to introduce into the minds of the primeval Russian people the utopian ideas of Marx in the form of communes, which led to the complete collapse of the Russian economy, and to Lenin - to the idea of returning the country to capitalism in the form of NEP (New economic policy). He was also experiencing his own fiasco in the seclusion of the Gorki (Hills) estate near Moscow, where he, to a large extent from frustration, like Napoleon, untimely deceased.
  That is, not much limited volitional effort, which coincides at leaders with intense animal perseverance of the people masses, can lead to complete stupidity due to the known kinks of self-awareness in the form of setting utopian goals, especially if the lowest consciousness of the masses also begins to expect benefits from such aspirations.
  Let us also recall the idea of Karl Marx about the proletariat as the true mover of mankind towards communism, which has attracted and still attracts the population, expecting happiness for everyone on Earth, although the proletariat has disappeared somehow, but, rather, turned into a customer service staff, and the number of beggars is only growing. So the people foolishness also has no borders.
  Along with that, many rich people, with the help of various specialists, are diligently seeking to extend their own lives as far as possible - right down infinity, spending fantastic amounts of money on this stupidity. All this is ridiculous, but a fact. What they will do in this infinity is not clear to themselves, but they would certainly want to transfer pleasant sensations of what is available now into the limitless future.
  It turns out that to mistakes of a person, as and animals, can lead the external hindrances, lack of quick wit and experience, lack of the necessary knowledge and skills, that is, something to which self-consciousness may not has relevant.
  Along with that, a person may make well-aware decisions during which he can make mistakes, for example, developing complex projects and not working under them out enough, or these projects may be completely untimely or incorrectly corrected, etc.
  In these circumstances, there is also no humanitarian-social activity of self-awareness.
  But as soon as this humanitarian and social activity is manifested, then it is faced with adaptive activity, characteristic of the animal consciousness.
  They can counteract each other where temporarily by dominant turns out to be one or the other component of consciousness, but they can also act together in the same direction.
  It is in this humanitarian sphere of communication that a number of actions can be considered by the public or by the person himself subsequently as stupid, but not erroneous, due to the conscious display of these foolish things, which is especially typical in the sphere of art.
  In general, stupidity, unlike mistakes, can be defined as an inadequate aware reaction to what is happening in the humanitarian sphere of communication as a result of a person"s falsely understood or underestimated situation, which, of course, can happen to everyone, and which can lead both to fatal results for a given person and his environment, and simply to mockeries over the blockhead, who is creating God knows what. Stupidity is absent in other living beings who are not capable of conscious actions to detriment for themselves, which is often characteristic of Homo sapiens.
  Stupidity is not necessarily insufficient intelligence, because often stupid things are committed by very smart people for reasons that seem to them true, which are dictated to them by supposedly the highest considerations or urgent needs, and they have not patience to satisfy them.
  In our opinion, stupidity is manifested in the borderline state of consciousness, that is, in a relatively narrow field - between the instinctive-reflex (animal) consciousness and self-consciousness.
  Self-consciousness is a property that is available only to a person. It distinguishes any person - regardless of his intellect - from animals the fact that a person has project thinking, thanks which the person can break out of the environment, consciously changing it and oneself - and not only for utilitarian purposes, while the animal consciousness needs just the pleasant food and strives only for dominance to acquire the best conditions for life and reproduction, but only according to standard tracing papers in the form of instincts and reflexes, and awareness themselves as self-valuable subjects of activity does not appear in animals, even when the reaction to what happened leads them to injuries and other negative consequences, but is taken into account subconsciously, passing into the generations with the formation of additional instincts and reflexes.
  A person, since he has two states of consciousness, thereby receives a conditional field bordering between them, unlike animals, although consciousness is indivisible, but, nevertheless, each of both of these noted states of consciousness can manifest itself to a greater or lesser extent - to varying degrees of influence on each other. In this rather "narrow" field, a person is also capable of acquiring ideas and drawing up projects as products of self-consciousness, but, being under the strongest pressure of the animal consciousness, he, like animals, is subconsciously sure of the correctness of own actions and direct vision, not understanding that he has already gone from the natural environment to another, where, in addition to tactics, a strategy with appropriate assessments and, at least, analytical and synthetic thinking is required, and where instincts and reflexes (animal intelligence) cease to work adequately in accordance with incoming requests within the framework of the artificial sphere of self-consciousness, reflecting the moral and cultural rules of the human hostels, not just the natural environment.
  Therefore, the reaction of a person who is in such borderline state of consciousness, which can be both short-term and very long, as a rule, does not assumes the balanced actions in the framework of cultural and civilizational environment - they can significantly deviate from the norms of morality and even laws, quite often later presenting to the environments, and later to the authors themselves as stupid. This is facilitated, in particular, by the lack of careful analytical-synthetic brain work, either lack of time for reflection, weak intelligence, ignorance (incompetence) or the adherence to unfit at the moment traditions, or the influence of extraneous interference, etc.
  The impossibility of exercise of the balanced (verified) acts within the frameworks of the cultural environment leads to their replacement with acts according to reasons of animal intelligence in this occasion, leading the person to actions, disproportionate to the cultural environment, but quite efficient on grounds of the animal consciousness, however - inadequate, that is, stupid from the position of an outside observer of the same cultural environment. Although sometimes the subject of action understands his stupidity and tries to disguise it with a different degree of success.
  Someone can quite often get out of this semi-animal state, containing a lot of tactical tricks and cunning twists, but there are not too many of them. Most are being limited to the framework of habits and faith, living in a half-sleep life in the manner of a sleepwalkers, "preserving" themselves in endless dullness and mental laziness, doing about the same thing every day.
  Although, in principle, the developed self- consciousness makes it possible quite often to distance oneself from a dull, semi-animal existence; however, the animal essence of man is not asleep, throwing even the most intelligent and discriminating, for example, into the arms of passion and unpredictable acts, stupider than that cannot be.
  So if someone thinks that progress is purely a matter of wise men, then he is deeply mistaken, because wise men are often stupid than everyone else. Everything is not so simple, because stupidity captures all sectors of society and all individuals - the question is only in the degree and place of the individual.
  On the other hand, in the same "narrow" field between the lower consciousness and self-consciousness, the predominance of self-consciousness over the animal consciousness of a person can likewise force a person to do stupid things.
  For example, the monks are trying at all costs to destroy their own, as they believe, vicious nature, that is, in fact, their own animal consciousness that controls the entire process of interaction of the body with the external environment, by mortification of the flesh in various ways.
  Stupidities is also committed when the intentions of self-consciousness and aspirations of the animal consciousness coincide, if they seem necessary to self-consciousness and pleasant to animal consciousness.
  Such may be at the arrogant attitude of some educated or high-ranking persons to a simple public, which flatters their pride, but from the outside looks ridiculous and stupid, because this public knows that they are mostly ordinary incompetent persons and loafers. Stupidity is also the pride of a miser by the accumulated treasures that he does not use himself and hides from the rest. Naturally, he realizes his own stupidity only before death, when everything material becomes unimportant.
  So, all organisms, except for human ones, act only following the trial and error procedure, accumulating positive experience in their genes, and invariably die under significant environmental changes, the consequences of which were not reflected in their genetic memory.
  A person, unlike them, can relatively quickly, if he's not a complete fool, deliberately correct his actions, even incredibly stupid, observing their consequences.
  At the same time, it should be noted that intellect as the final product of brain processing of incoming information together with data from memory neither with the natural consciousness, got to the person from primates, nor with self-consciousness is directly related, as the intellect is a kind of reflection of technical efficiency of processing of information entering the body-managing system (brain for a person), assisting in any living creature to its consciousness - from bacteria to human-genius.
  Consciousness simply owns the available intellect and applies it to the actions of the body. They can be more or less effective depending on the power and flexibility of the available intellect, which is sometimes called cleverness. Intellect can be excellent in an apparent scoundrel and weak at an honest, educated and cultured person.
  Although outwardly any individual consciousness manifests itself through intellect, in reality, a person willfully and no only uses it for his own purposes, being considered more or less intelligent for his surroundings.
  However, cleverness is not so important in finding new ideas and setting goals, but it can be important in realizing goals.
  In other words, a quick-witted performer, who quickly and accurately fulfills an order, can be a completely unsuitable planner, and vice versa, unskillful, thinking slowly and with difficulty, can turn the world upside down with an original idea, which, however, he"s not able to realize without the trained and quick-witted in business activities on this profile professionals, who, incidentally, often take advantage of the author"s selflessness, attach themselves to him or even publicize, his idea as his own.
  At the same time, the inability to use one's own intellect can lead to stupid actions, which is typical for an ignorant audience that is not used to thinking and checking what has been said, in particular, by politicians who constantly deceive this audience.
  Be that as it may, the duality of human consciousness - the presence of a person both the natural (lowest) consciousness and competing with it self-consciousness, predominantly antagonistic to it in the direction of aspirations - indicates, that the main factor in manifestation of stupidity at a person - the interaction of his self-consciousness with the natural (animal) consciousness.
  Without this interaction, stupidity cannot manifest itself. Therefore, it is absent from other living beings that are not capable of conscious actions to their own detriment.
  But since the life of every person is built on the interaction of his animal consciousness and self-consciousness, each of which can temporarily or permanently dominate, and the levels of these forms of consciousness can be different, stupidity certainly manifests itself even in the most intelligent (quick-witted) representatives of the human race, often even in on a larger scale than in weak heads, as we have shown above.
  This efficiency of information processing by the corresponding centers under the name intellect (resourcefulness) is also characteristic of monkeys, some of which cope better with some affair, others worse by making more mistakes, but monkeys are not able to evaluate each other's erroneous actions as stupidity, because they lack abstract thinking and they cannot comprehend their own actions from the position of absurdity, and they can only be angry and growl at each other because of mistakes in actions, or they can beat or even eat the inefficient specimen.
  That is, monkeys, not possessing self-awareness, are able to assess the inefficiency of their own actions or the actions of a neighbor only as errors, while a person is able to evaluate them and as errors - from the position of technological effectiveness of actions, and as stupidity from the point of view of breaking laws, morality, as well as the absurdity of behavior, in particular, the desire for unattainable or deliberate actions to their own detriment within the appropriate framework of civilization and culture. A person is also able to relatively quickly change the method of his actions to a more effective or moral one, even with a weak ingenuity thanks to the various approaches at his disposal, as a member of a society, educated to one degree or another, which has an extensive database of accumulated and recorded data, as well as relevant mechanisms their implementation.
  In other words, in accordance with the considerations of the monkeys, preposterous actions are insufficient only in terms of results, but their quick wits are limited by a lack of self-awareness and a relatively scarce database of personal and genetic data, in which there may be no suitable hints for making more effective decisions, and monkeys cannot have morality, since they are not aware of their own presence in time and, therefore, their mortality. They try to correct errors within the framework of their adaptive coexistence with the environment in search of more effective solutions only by trial and error, because they are not capable, in particular, to solutions of the design or intuitive type to change the environment for their own purposes with more or less distant prospect. Monkeys, even in their highest incarnation of primates, having existed for tens of millions of years, unlike Homo sapiens, whose period of presence on the planet is more than an order of magnitude shorter, did not come out beyond their own animal consciousness, whose aspirations are limited only to food, reproduction and domination among their own kind.
  3. The roots for the negative selection of representatives of an authority elite.
  In all human communities, there are quite a few individuals with a relatively weak level of self-consciousness, and therefore prone to making decisions dictated by the animal consciousness, which tends mainly to the above triad, which narrows their interests so much that many of their intentions and actions can be qualified like the actions of the monkeys, but if for the last these actions are excusable - they simply satisfy their animal needs, without shame and other moral principles, then for people these "low" actions cannot but be stupid, and often they are nasty, since they are being committed intentionally.
  For example, they are able to dishonor themselves by stealing someone else"s property, although their own may be enough; they can easily leave the family for the sake of a lovely girl, who can immediately escape to a wealthier "daddy"; these rather active and agile, like monkeys, individuals necessarily try to climb themselves into the position of leader even in complex production, not having sufficient knowledge and qualifications, but only ambition, doing thereby only harm.
  Normal observation demonstrates that the desire for the best food, pretty women and a warm armchair, which allows you not to overwork, but to receive wonderful bonuses is typical of almost all representatives of the authorities both at the very top and in the outback.
  These, it must be admitted, aspirations, typical for monkey all time provoke superiors to all sorts of stupidities, especially since the authority position produces the reassess own personalities in their minds, which they now see as infallible in front of their own environment, that is reinforced by propaganda and flattery of subordinates, but all this an unbiased observer perceives as a real idiocy.
  But their stupid and brazen acts too often go unpunished because of the understanding of the situation by higher superiors, who differ from the fool of a lower rank only in the height of the chair and does not want to have independent and decent person in their subordinates who will quickly points to all this dullness.
  So, alas, the actions of monkey-like actors in the leadership produce innumerable follies - from wars to mass hunger, concealment of large-scale inventions for the sake of personal gain, and other obvious stupidities, up to the desire for world domination if they have the appropriate resources, which leads to troubles also their ones, and especially their offspring, but they invariably repeat the stupid things under the pressure of their own animal consciousness, which always wants more and the best. And these imperious semi-primates cannot stop at all - they climb and climb to command all the same than for a pleasant, as it seems to them, life.
  Since it is not talents and creators who are rushing into power structures, but mainly subjects who, like primates, most of all want the most refined food, the most affectionate and pretty females, it is desirable, in large numbers, as well as - the greatest opportunities to dominate, enjoying what they can kick during own rule as many fellow tribesmen as possible, and even "shake" the whole world if possible, insofar such negative selection into power structures cannot but be caused by the predominance of the animal consciousness of primates at such individuals.
  And this selection into the structures, governing society, of the impudent but energetic and unscrupulous mediocrities, who are capable of everything, and which is primarily interested in power, is inevitable due to the many advantages that they possess in comparison with the rest more passive population, which does not have such a dominance of lower consciousness in their consciousness at the weakness of the highest.
  Therefore, there are in power at all times, with rare exceptions, in fact, scoundrels, what was noticed Plato with surprise two and a half thousand years ago.
  Indeed, it is difficult to disagree with him, having familiarized himself with his brief description of the tyrant: "But when he has disposed of foreign enemies by conquest or treaty, and there is nothing to fear from them, then he is always stirring up some war or other, in order that the people may require a leader... What a blessed alternative, I said: - to be compelled to dwell only with the many bad, and to be by them hated, or not to live at all!... And the more detestable his actions are to the citizens the more satellites and the greater devotion in them will he require?" [1].
  The reliability of his abusive words, characterizing tyrants, is confirmed by Plato"s attempt to collaborate with the Syracuse (Sicily) tyrant Dionysius Junior for the sake of building an aristocratic, just state under the wise guidance of philosophers, as a result of which he slightly not set off towards the forefathers, but somehow survived. Those interested will be able to learn more about the vicissitudes of Plato's life on Internet.
  Plato ranks democracy a little higher than tyranny, but not by much, believing that it is precisely because of its proximity to the crowd with all its stupidity and abomination that democracy inevitably produces tyrants: "And then democracy comes into being after the poor have conquered their opponents, slaughtering some and banishing some, while to the remainder they give an equal share of freedom and power; and this is the form of government in which the magistrates are commonly elected by lot... This, then, seems likely to be the fairest of States, being an embroidered robe which is spangles with every sort of flower. And just as women and children think a variety of colours to be of all things most charming, so there are many men to whom this State, which is spangled with the manners and characters of mankind, will appear to be the fairest of States... how grandly does she trample all these fine notions of ours under her feet, never giving a thought to the pursuits which make a statesman, and promoting to honour anyone who professes to be the people's friend... I replied, which, as they tell you in a democracy, is the glory of the State - and that therefore in a democracy alone will the freeman of nature deing to dwell... the insatiable desire of this and the neglect of other things introduces the change in democracy, which occasions a demand for tyranny... loyal citizens are insultingly termed by her slaves who hug their chains and men of naught; she would have subjects who are like rulers, and rulers who are like subjects: these are men after her own heart, whom she praises and honours both in private and public. Now, in such a State, can liberty have any limit?... And above all, I said, and as the result of all how sensitive the citizens become, they chafe impatiently at the least touch of authority and at length, as you know, they cease to care even for the laws, written or unwritten; they will have no one over them... Such, my friend, I said, is the fair and glorious beginning out of which springs tyrant... This and no other is the root from which a tyrant springs; when he first appears above ground he is a protector... having a mob entirely at his disposal, he is not restrained from shedding the blood of kinsmen?" [1].
  Plato puts an oligarchy over democracy in relation to moral qualities, apparently because of its lack of obvious bloodthirstiness and stupidity, but he despises this system in the same way as democracy and tyranny, since oligarch-rulers are only concerned about the thirst for profit at the expense of the people, and absolutely indifferent to his needs, trying to satisfy only own indestructible greed: "A government resting on a valuation of property, in which the rich have power and the poor man is deprived of it... They next proceed to make a law which fixes a sum of money as the qualification of citizenship; the sum is higher in one place and lower in another, as the oligarchy is more or less exclusive; and they allow no one whose property falls below the amount fixes to have any share in the government. These changes in the constitution they affect by force of arms, if intimidation has not already done their work... First of all, I said, consider the nature of the qualification just think what would happen if pilots were to be chosen according to their property, and a poor man were refused permission to steer, even though he were a better pilot?... The inevitable division: such a State is not one, but two States< the one of poor, the other of rich men; and the are living on the same spot and always conspiring against one another... Well, I said, and how does the change from oligarchy into democracy arise? Is it not on this wise? - The good at which such State alms is to become as rich as possible, a desire which is insatiable?..." [1].
  Judging by the above fragments, over the past thousands years only the external form of government, or rather, its name, has changed, and the essence, noted by Plato, hardly strongly changed.
  Thus. the dominance of the animal consciousness of primates in the representatives of power gives them many advantages over other groups of the population, since, as a rule, the own dullness and extreme immorality - the legacy of lazy, but cunning and resourceful monkeys - they compensate, true, with varying degrees of success, by highly intelligent advisers and assistants, as well as their own energy, attentiveness and cunning, that is, creating a false opinion about themselves, but actually trying to deceive everyone.
  As a result, they provide for some time for themselves and their offspring a very comfortable life, despite the prevailing cultural squalor in their minds due to a low level of self-consciousness, that is, giving preference the animal "passions', but not to high values, groveling themselves over the superiors and hypocriting in every possible way for own material prosperity. They put social interests in the background and trying to use all segments of the population to satisfy their sordid needs in ways that are mostly stupid or at least short-sighted.
  To change such personnel of the power elites to wise men and geniuses, as Plato dreamed, had never succeeded.
  Plato himself, it was, tried to do it, but barely escaped death. Since then, decent people prefer not to climb into this shithole, and those who got there, as a result of, for example, revolutions, either gradually shoot back, or they quickly leave the power structures, or degrade in their self-consciousness up to the level of accomplices.
  Nevertheless, such impudent, cunning and resourceful in some respects subjects, but essentially stupid, rarely remain in the power elite for a long time, because they use power, primarily for their selfish purposes, neglecting the needs of the people. They are replaced by other subjects of a similar type, and they indeed at first they try to do at least something useful for population to gain popularity. Therefore, some progress in civilizational and cultural development is still tracing, despite all the obstacles that the power elites generally arrange.
  4. The consequences of negative selection into power elites.
  Decisions nevertheless have to be made not by advisers, but by those in power, and these decisions, of course, are dictated predominantly by the animal consciousness that are prevailing in them - very pragmatic, which has in mind own conveniences, which, of course, from the point of view of the development of culture and civilization, even more so - self- consciousness, is foolishness in its purest form.
  Similar stupidity of power elites as a whole is further aggravated by the servility of subordinates to own superiors. In order not to lose their position in the hierarchy of power, they try not to conflict with their bosses even if their decisions are wrong or simply stupid, which cannot but affect the negative course of events, at least locally.
  Indeed, this kind of stupidity slows down the development of the human community, often leading to incredible human losses, which is well known from history, but, on the other hand, this stupidity, as well as rudeness, hypocrisy, greed, irresponsibility, contempt for the rest of the population, attempts to make him slaves or dumb serving robots bring obligatory irritation to the public, creating constant tension in society, which, like the difference in potentials in electric circuits, forces it, at least, in the face of non-passive individuals, who disagree with the domination of these scoundrels over themselves, to involve and popular masses in a certain periods for the fight with them.
  In other words, civilization does not develop for considerations of the power elites that be, but according to objective laws, the main of which is the struggle of natural (animal) consciousness with all its egocentrism, and self-consciousness, for which altruism in every person and in society as a whole is most characteristic.
  It is these two aspects of human consciousness in their permanent struggle ensure the development of human communities, not allowing them to freeze in place in complete dullness, satiety, indifference and laziness, against what the animal consciousness does not mind, but only for itself - beloved, what does not tolerate the altruistic highest consciousness (self-consciousness), since it wants fairness for all without exception, that also - in its maximalism - is pure stupidity.
  If we return to the stupidity of those in power, then it is usually supported by low intellectual and educational levels, since the interests of these semi-primates are aimed not for development, but - towards pleasures, and this stupidity is aggravated is by the weak of self-awareness, which is expressed in the absence of sense of dignity, shame, and - in the manifestation of extreme hypocrisy. An increased level of dominance, allowing to aspirate to profitable places by using all means, including also unacceptable on moral standard, as well as the constant control of one"s own flaws well known to these parasites, combined with a good pragmatic (animal) mind - by a trick, enables them to successfully parasitize over the rest of the population, attracting to the help of parasites lower rank - from paramilitary structures.
  However, these scoundrels, by virtue of their dullness, do not understand that the extermination or stupefaction of everyone else, about what they permanently dream, means depriving them of the fertile soil on which they parasitize, that is, lead them to the disappearance, like the glistas in the intestines of a dead animal.
  In particular, rather fresh idea, promoted by them, is to convert all financial and other operations in everyday life into a digital format (digitalization) based on artificial intelligence. They believe that thanks to it the decrease in own incomes due to a growing drop in demand can at least be compensated by replacing the real needs of the population with those that are beneficial to those in power. To achieve this goal, a worldwide database is being created, which should include all available information about each client, including even the diseases that he suffers from. Accordingly, this information allows continuous monitoring of each person, imposing both tastes and goods on him, directing each person where the authorities consider it necessary, as a result of which it becomes possible to collect t from him and he maximum tribute, and permanently manage by him during whole his life.
  Such short-sighted idea, designed to completely subordinate each person to considerations of power elite with the help of computer networks, is aimed primarily at creating the ideal consumer by depriving him of his own will and desires. It will quickly and inevitably lead all sectors of society, devoid of initiative, and hence development, to degradation and decay in the form of the disappearance of civilization.
  This stupidity of the dominants of the animal passions and desires at the extreme weakness of self-consciousness, which cannot make own carriers peer into the future and stop the mass separation of a person from spiritual values, and most importantly - from creativity, actually denies the meaning of the existence of mankind in its desire for continuous aware renewal, turning it into semblance of a flock of monkeys.
  If we return to some peculiarities of representatives of power elites, it should be noted that monkey trick is their second nature. Taking advantage of it, they are quite successful against the general background of the rest - mostly passive - population, can provide themselves with the best food, the maximum possible comfort and the best conditions for reproduction. Everything else is of little interest to them - typical semi-primates with a human appearance: cunning, insidious, but stupid, because they do not strive for the heights of culture and the human spirit, but for the most primitive - in essence, for the monkey life, which does not ensure their development, more precisely, development of their consciousness. Although, most likely, they like to be semi-primates, but they carefully hide it by erecting monuments of themselves on the squares, as to the great leaders of progress.
  For those in power, the only good is that which is pleasant and beneficial for themselves. They despise others, but consider them necessary creatures, which it is desirable to use to maintain their own pleasant existence.
  However, a certain awareness of their own original stupidity and animal nature always worries them, especially since competitors do not yawn and they need to constantly uphold, as is the case in the animal world, a occupied niche of power and privileges.
  The elites of the Anglo-Saxon world, whose decisions and actions are reinforced, controlled and directed to a certain extent by the supranational financial elite, are currently leading in defending the occupied leading positions among the power elites of the developed countries of the world.
  The unconditional successes of these leaders tactically, which allowed them to push back or subjugate all the other power elites, coming out on top in the robbery of countries and peoples of the world, due to which they are considered the most intelligent and advanced, seems to contradict our reasoning about the enduring stupidity of any power elites.
  Let's see if this is so in the strategic plan?
  The only real achievement of these leading elites is the seizure and temporary holding of actual power over most countries of the world due to control over energy resources, as well as thanks to military force, threats, blackmail, bribery and deceit, in which they have become quite adept for several hundred years.
  What exactly gives them this achievement?
  If we recall the alpha male flocks of monkeys, then their temporary achievement of power over the flock is achieved by similar means, without adding anything from above.
  That is, in the pursuit of power and profit, these elites are not able to turn to other - truly human - rather than monkey values. As a result of their position, in which, as it seems, you can do anything you want, they do the most pleasant things on sensations: In the first place is power, giving undeniable superiority in the animal world, on subsequent places - a variety of pleasant sex, replacing normal reproduction, and gluttony, as well as abuse of drugs, alcohol, etc., which undoubtedly create phantasmagorical visions and pleasant relaxation.
  What is it all? It is the decomposition! Of course, it can last for some time, but this bestial world in the face of more restrained and energetic competitors cannot fail to end in collapse.
  Let us recall how Spain ended in the Middle Ages, over whose possessions the sun the sun did not go down, and which flooded itself by American gold.
  Its elite gradually decomposed, the economy collapsed, military power fell. And this was taken advantage of by Spain's main competitor- energetic at that time Britain.
  Currently, China is breathing similarly into the back of the head to the Anglo-Saxons.
  One can conclude: any power elite inevitably ultimately comes to decomposition and disappearance precisely because of its original stupidity associated with the prevalence of animal consciousness in its representatives, which provides them with a leading position in society, but temporarily, since the pragmatic-parasitic aspirations of the animal consciousness not only lead society to stagnation in the end, but also inevitably come into conflict with the considerations of social self-consciousness, which requires the development of society towards altruism and harmony.
  Therefore, this elite is fairly quickly replaced by another power elite, which at first, striving for popularity and retention in power, provides society with greater scope for the development of technology and culture, unwittingly promoting society to the increase of self-consciousness in general, but again it gradually slides to stagnation and parasitism.
  However, in general, in small steps, society follows the path of progress, and along with this, the level of its self-consciousness rises - more and more people appear in it, thinking not only about themselves, but also about the common good, the development of culture and art, everything more pacifists and nonconformists appears
  Thus, the predominance of the lowest consciousness for representatives of the power elites in combination with the weakness of the highest (self-consciousness), is the true reason for their aspiration for dominion domination over other people, during which, taking advantage of trick, shamelessness, flattery to superiors, servility to them, obsequiousness, hypocrisy, dynamism, sociability and sometimes quite acumen, they get an advantage in occupying leadership positions, ousting to people, more worthy upon their abilities and talents to management, that determines the negative selection of candidates in the power elite.
  Nevertheless, the positive role of the power elites, for all their inevitable stupidity, lies in the fact that they, separating themselves from the masses in their privileges, begin to resist them, introducing the corresponding irritation of all others, deprived of such bonuses, and thereby create ineradicable contradictions in society, provoking its development in the ongoing struggle of one with the other for power, food and women, but, along the way, for the development of science, technology and culture, which give certain advantages in this struggle, which would be impossible in the General state of well-satisfied needs, for that so fiercely are struggling all fighters for fairness.
  These fighters, despite their stupidity, consisting in confidence in the onset of universal happiness on the planet, also do something useful: they call the people to fight for universal fairness, without removing the tension in society, and they are introducing culture into the masses, that also contributes to the development of public consciousness.
  Nevertheless, neither the cunning of the representatives of the power elites, nor the goodwill of the utopians-intellectuals are able to adequately rule the world, also as and any outstanding mind not capable to this leadership due to the limitations both in the perception of signals, which coming through sensations, and in the processing of the brain information, not allowing you to finally find the coveted, which only always beckons.
  As for the considerations of some humanists, philosophers, religious figures, and even extremists, which are opposed to those in power, for the establishment of universal fairness in society, it is pleasant to everyone, with the exception of the power elite and its minions, but it is also ordinary stupidity, since with intensified propaganda and forceful measures to achieve justice, as we see from recent history, they invariably lead to the extermination of a significant part of this population, as well as lead to degradation of the population and the destruction of the economy, that deprives the country of independence.
  On an invariable antagonism between people in society in due time drew attention Kant, having pointed out that the idyllic existence without struggle means the complete stagnation and a stop in development of society: "The means employed by nature to bring about the development of all the capacities of men is their antagonism in society, so far as this is, in the end, the cause of a lawful order among men... Without those in themselves unamiable characteristics of unsociability from whence opposition springs- characteristics each man must find in his own selfish pretensions-all talents would remain hidden, unborn in an Arcadian shepherd's life, with its concord, contentment, and mutual affection. Men good-natured as the sheep they herd, would hardly reach a higher worth than their beasts..." [3; thesis 4].
  That is, in general, the struggle of power elites, driven mostly by the selfish aspirations of the animal consciousness prevailing in them between themselves, as well as their struggle with informal-intellectual oppositionists, who is guided already in its considerations by altruistic self-consciousness, contributes to social turbulence, preventing the human race from stopping in its development.
  Thus, the opposite aspirations of both forms of consciousness in their external expression cannot fail to give rise to a forward motion of human communities in the frameworks of civilization, although with sporadic failures in the form of kickbacks and inhibitions.
  At the same time, it must be said that the animal component of the human consciousness has remained virtually unchanged, at least. over the past several tens of thousands of years. Unlike it, self-consciousness, that first appeared in its rudimentary form in hominids no earlier than six million years ago, gradually developed, accumulating its power, that, naturally affects the rise of culture, science and technology. The level of self-consciousness as a whole is growing, but unevenly, leaving most of the world's population in this respect on relatively low level. However, over time, the layer of cultural and educated people increased, having reached such magnitudes that a fairly large part of society became able to oppose itself to the power elite, provoking the masses to fight for a higher level of both material and spiritual life - the era of revolutions and world wars began.
  So, the initial preponderance of animal consciousness with its natural savagery over self-consciousness is replaced with the emergence of States in the frameworks of civilization to a large extent by the dominance of self-consciousness, provoking the intensive growth of not only culture, but also relatively rapid development of technologies. In other words, the forward motion of human communities in the frameworks of civilization is becoming increasingly accelerated, and the power elites, who operate mainly in the frameworks of their own animal consciousness, cannot oppose this acceleration. However, this acceleration cannot last long. After a certain time, information flows begin to overwhelm their consumers and makers - the information collapse sets in, largely triggered by the increased power of self-consciousness. And this factor means the renewal of the human community through the collapse of existing structures.
  If we return to the considerations of the power elites on this issue, then due to their narrow-mindedness, they do not go further than to usual foolishness.
  Those in power believe that it is possible to isolate themselves from the rest of the population, which they consider a pathetic rabble, for example, on floating comfortable islands, where from they will manipulate other populations, what, of course, is the amazing foolishness, because there in full comfort they will face rapid degeneration, but earlier they are likely to fight themselves there as spiders in a can, or from boredom, or from the desire to become even higher in an elite hierarchy.
  As for the other idiotic dream of these scoundrels at power about reducing the world"s population in combination with complete stupefaction of the remnants of this population, the obviousness of this stupidity, dictated by the predominance in their consciousness of its the animal form for the convenience of the full-blooded life of alpha males in a well-controlled flock, recalls the dreams of some learned idiots about control of volcanic eruptions, luminosity of stars and the movement of galaxies. As somehow without these ideas, which do not shine at least some spark of reason, the population of the planet will regulate itself, as, for example, is happening now in Europe, where it is decreasing due to excessive conformism and a desire to live well without restless children.
  Intervention in this complex process of the power elites with resettlement of savages to Europeans will only cause a catastrophic change in the quality of the population towards barbarism and uncontrollability, that is, it will lead to chaos and civilization collapse, at least in Europe, which can be short-term beneficial of US power elites and the top of international corporations.
  It is clear that any civilization cannot exist forever, but its life cycle is by no means determined by the stupidity of elites and the passivity of the population, but it is determined by the expansion of information flows and the corresponding densification of civilization"s own time thanks to the growth of self-consciousness with the onset of the limit in the perception of these information flows by the human community in the form of information collapse.
  More details about this phenomenon are described in my work "Back to the primates?! or forward - to the superman?! [1, part 3, chapter 3].
  In conclusion, it should be noted that the planetary civilizations infinitely following each other are by no means intended for the unlimited development of man and his communities, which is meaningless, since they are finite formations, but they are needed for the development of consciousness that changes eternal but discretely just in finite human lives.
  5. Brief comments in the form of aphorisms.
  If power is really the main human value, then what distinguishes the monkey alpha male from any ruler?
  Power, like a drug, creates only illusions for its owner.
  The disasters of our lives provide movement forward.
  If to recognize that elite - the best of people, then it is necessary to agree that foam - the best part of soup.
  The state always resists to us because there are no other people for it.
  For any public institution is characteristic loathsome spirit.
  Though in the history there was no really successful president, the people still hope, and again goes on re-elections.
  Deputies and ministers are deprived of a imprint of wisdom on a countenance, because other imprints are important for them.
  Anarchy presents unattainable order without chiefs, inasmuch everyone tries to become by boss.
  Mockery is nothing but an extreme form of edification.
  Property presents the last of the truly necessary.
  Comfort is the cozy beastliness.
  Life is what cannot be on any laws, but happens.
  The greatest potentate is the swindler out of swindlers.
  The population, which doesn't have any rights except the right to vote, is called citizens.
  The authorities are similar to the intelligentsia by a fantastic separation from the masses.
  The ability to force to listen the own nonsenses by all means will make thou the prophet.
  A gathering of diverse believers into education invented to itself universities.
  Officials suppose that they do not steal, and only drop to treasury.
  If to deprive of the rich of property - the number of the poor will only increase. If to exterminate all poor, then the rich will be busted without workers and as resulting the poor becomes to produce the rich again.
  Stupidity remarkably distinguishes the person from a monkey.
  Stupidity represents self-conceit up to which it is necessary to grow too.
  Everyone has a mind, but not everyone can use it wisely.
  The fool ignores knowledge, the cunning person sells it, the nerd does not know what to do with it, the sage - represents, but does not want to bother.
  People become kinder, if they suddenly realize that one can get conked on the neck.
  The decent person is such only at a certain order.
  The rich are capable to share with the poor only by bad diseases.
  The principal difficulty of mankind consists in absence of understanding of that, for what it is necessary generally.
  People are inclined to theft because the abiding irritation by another property can be appeased only by transfer it into own asset.
  The person always wants everything were better for him, than what he yet has, without special bases.
  The foundation to the correct policy of downsizing staff was "Procrustean bed".
  Honesty is checked outside a zone of visibility.
  Wisdom contradicts rationality and common sense, but isn't able to overcome them.
  To demand respect for itself means to parade own nonsense.
  People are similar at commission of the same nonsenses, which differ only quantitatively.
  Pleasant life doesn't cost humiliations.
  As long as some are humiliated, others are understated.
  Society is the island of stability which is slowly sinking in circulation of life.
  Enthusiasm, openness and affectionate treatment are the invariable features of all scammers and scoundrels.
  The degree of the development of civilization can be identified by growth in the number aborigines stealing without fear.
  Democracy is effective only for rogues from the people.
  Will is necessary in order that all life to be engaged in senseless business.
  Inequality drives the minds to seditious thought about the possibility of equality.
  Private aspirations are questioned only before death.
  The real subject differs from the object by his exceptional insolence.
  If to divide people on predators and herd, then you receive one digestion.
  Inasmuch opposites converge, the use of pleasant always finds trouble.
  Bribes are ineradicable inasmuch they are dictated by reason to hands, and those aren't capable to disobey.
  The herd of sheep and the crowd in the square differ only in the degree
   of the produced hubbub.
  Distribution of elephants is made when is advisable to get rid of them.
  And the birds used to crawl before.
  The one who speaks for a long time, either a fool, or a scientist, or a rogue, who is specially misleading the heads.
  From garbage of a civilization only junkyards well grow.
  Actually instead of paradise and hell the hostel is provided to us.
  If you have everything, then you are already a corpse - for thou, as and the corpse, already do not need anything.
  Genius and villainy quite compatible, if the genius has not yet recognized himself.
  All crooks differ by the seething energy.
  Good life is wanted by everybody, but also from bad no one refuses.
  Immaculate life is like the existence of a patient on a diet.
  It is also possible to think of nothing.
  In hard times cash serves as a quite good kindling.
  The bright future is always concealed behind the shining horizon.
  Life differs from a game in the fact that as a result everyone is the loser.
  Looking at the property which was being accumulated up by toil, the owner once understands all its needlessness.
  Confidence appears in vision, by stupidity or from hopelessness.
  Time stream for the person follows from information source.
  Resistance of things will quite successfully organize a world order.
  If information existed irrespective of consciousness in what then to a brain it is located?
  The finite acquires a form in order that it could be distinguished.
  Full harmony denies the presence of alive.
  Inertia of perception, deceiving the living being, gives it time from the birth to death.
  Cosmos exists only for the interspersing of alive and thanks to it.
  The very fact of our existence confirms the absence of non-existence.
  The person in temporary possession is given everything that is.
  Creation, being Everything and Nothingness, is a sheer contradiction, and, denying self, it permanently aims at novelty.
  Appearance of the person in beingness means detection by consciousness of oneself in beingness.
  Idyllic existence happens only on a sheep pasture.
  Injustice, more precisely, all kinds of antagonism in their negative aggregate, are an unchanging positive development base.
  The person is free owing to awareness of own existence in a pattern of own time.
  Arbitrariness is ignoring the established order, leading nevertheless to the establishment of a new order.
  The computers, answering any questions, so rarefy the brains of users, that their brains nothing remain.
  Difference of the person from a ram or a computer consists in the understanding self by him, that is expressed in conscious activity.
  The person consists of billions of cells, and lives somehow without knowledge of the principle of their action both separately, and in total.
  Not every rich man who became poor, is jealous of the beggar who became rich.
  The purpose can't justify the means which are being plundered within its visibility.
  Wealth is burden, poverty is humiliation: hence, it is necessary correspondingly to give away extra or take the missing, but apparently encumbrance is not in contact with humiliation.
  Adaptability turns the person into an animal, and an animal, on the contrary, draw closer to the person.
  Losses or winnings are important only in that they make you think.
  Not all sages could read, let alone write.
  Common sense is the possession of trite prudence.
  Each person dreams to live how follows, without knowing precisely in what direction to follow.
  If the person would being make only useful, he would have become an ant.
  People like to discuss things that they do not really know or cannot know.
  1. Nizovtsev Y. M. It's the other way around. Answers to tricky questions about interesting things (Collection). 2019. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: Amazon. Yury Nizovtsev.
  2. Plato. Complete works. Republic. Book VIII. Hackett Publishing Company. 1997.
  3. Idea for a Universal History from a Cosmopolitan Point of View (1784). Translation by Lewis White Beck. From Immanuel Kant, "On History", The Bobbs-Merrill Co., 1963.
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