Пономаренко Юрий Александрович : другие произведения.

Scarlet Heavens

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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Scarlet heavens

by Ivory Skin


Once all your dreams will become reality, and you to this will not be happy..... is truth

   1. Schizophrenia........................................................................... 2
   2. Sacrilege......................................................................................... 4
   3. Consecrated..................................................................................... 6
   4. Epiphany.................................................................................. 8




I can not find myself in the mirror reflection

There is an enemy and friend

There is anger and forgiveness

There is All except of me


One day my story has begun

From honor, love to betrayal

For promises and hope

Remaining price forever nope

When human like a wolf become

And calling up eclipse of sun

Awaiting that my moon will cry

Debris of heart collect should try

Suddenly love came to me

Forbidden fruit on heavens tree

Second shadow, flawless twin

I gently touched, it was my sin

We were together a long time

Full blinded eyes don't seen your lie

Hot kisses, sleepless nights

Revelations and soft arms

I flied in paradise, I was so glad

But saw two sinners in my bed

Your offence - thrust knife in the back

I was so trusting and so slack

Carnage, lost control and you sliced

By dirty bodies ground fertilized

No sorrow or regret, remorse

I took revenge as winter frost

From that time I am fully seek

By this two parts what make me weak

Cruel treason cause of my scourge

Now monks are crying in the church

My blooded heart divided was

One side for murder, ruthless wars

Another me need live in peace

Concord with nature, water, leafs

Agony, anger, pain and fear

That's all my crime, that's all my real

At midnight hearing clashing ice

And see the demons hungry eyes

They comes to me, they eat my soul

Concuss eternity by growl

No facilities to run away

My spirit just a shabby prey

The hand of Reaper on my throat

Clench as vise all nasty thoughts

And devastated proper choice

Unseeing, I hearing snaky voice



In Gehenna bowels I begat hellhounds,

And noise of demon's madness

I am unshakeable and great

Final insanity of human soul


Snaky voices in your head

Just raucous sunrise of my hate

Enraged hellhound on the trail

What will be given in the bail?

Unambiguous Venom is my name

I want to play and win this game

Ultimate insanity of burning snow

I came to harvest off your soul

You will remember all my words

Becoming truth my dirty thoughts

Where are you, fool? I am still in search

To cut your head and make a torch

Let's go with me, let's go to hell

Your locks are lit, I feel a smell

Just take a pleasure, - there is so hot

I promise you, there is no God

No tiny hope, no wind, no lights

Sharpened spikes and Sulfur clouds

Desolation smoke, what growing up

And Holy Grail is just a cup

Worms and bugs are fun and sweet

They so enjoy the human's meat

Screams of deadly pain I hear

Don't call the Death, she is not near

Look on the sky, its coming storm

Now you control this power form

With us together clean this world

What rotten through, what is so cold

In mirror look, you are the beast

Like brother-devil in the mist

Around offal, humans flesh

It's scattered like unneeded trash

In deepest cave ghost not alone

All deadly sins control your own

Fair humaneness not real

The charge of grief on icon tear

Why need to ask, if you can take?!

Light want to kill us, that's mistake

Pour oil to fiery fate

Forget salvation, now is too late

Invincible gluttony, lust your reign

Flows inside the meltdown vein

Live out fast, as a bullet fly

Save the enemies and let them die



Magnificence glory is the prophecy of love

What glowing in the sky

Your light will never die

Before we stay behind your back


Read my truth between the lines

Pour in goblet honeyed wine

Across the mirror watch my step

Release your hands from devils net

And full accept belief in heart

Smite evil good and darkness light

Be glad and hold the banner great

Feel the courage of this weight

We are the great and crystal clean

And each one warrior within

Holy store of pristine height

Fair, brave and always right

We cover you with godly wings

From bitter tears and poisoned stings

Heartbreak, disasters, fatal flaw

Saving from bog, in what you drown

Remember us, then come to grief

Invoke for blessing, ask forgive

Kneel to God, pray till the tears

Your hopes and wishes will be real

Don't you hear oncoming noise?

This is trumpet scream of Angel First

Six hundred calls of Judgment Day

Sick humankind will start to pray

Behold Seraph with flaming sword

He left the east of Eden fort

To extinguish off the breath of stars

By void filling heavens scars

Pale rider holding time

With scythe he punish for the crime

Reducing moonlight to the ash

Love and force horrible smashed

Forbidden path banish in past

Your fortune over, runs so fast

Terrific vague time as come

Everlasting fame and justice done

Immortal soul behind your back

Cross to legs or on the neck

Choose your destiny and what you like

Adopt decision, straight to side

Dust and fog, you must beware

Shake my hand and rise again

Good tree cannot bring evil fruit

We are not demons, we Absolute



Under wings of Destiny, my broken choice

Existence hidden from the shame

The end of road still very far

I need to pass this way... alone


I can not kill some one of you

You live inside like leaf and dew

Two loud voices in my head

Veiled by smoke of shadow fate

Truth on your side I made from steel

Beyond the shade abnormal wheel

What spinning over colder flame

And giving force from human pain


I am not a seer but heard a bell

Like holy priests were burns in hell

Their screams are prophecy of trails

Crown of thorns and rusty nails

So if you ask me, who I am

Today an Angel, sacred fray

Tomorrow Spawn, tail and horn

My companions, I was reborn

My life is one-man show

Short moment like a fallen snow

Coming so cold, my battle failed

My entire gist again I bailed

Hellish torment burns my soul

And pushes out from this world

Dissuade me to be live

Future want divide, deprive

I leave a war, what so adored

Becoming rust my broken sword

In land with arrows, shield and bow

But this for good and best, I know

Now looking down from edge of cliff

Shattered out my fateful glyph

Predicts my own premature end

The end of life, what had I spend

This deeper abyss calling down

Truth or deception there I found

Towards to wind one single step

Your lie I am at last forget

Echoing down broken scream

I feel a freedom of my will

Weak shell is broken, spirit out

To look on you from other side

The story coming to an end

I was in love, in prison pent

And felt a flocks of hundred birds

I saw a fire of your thoughts ...


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