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Fuck&fucked Ебла и ебу

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    F&F E&E You can see a mysterious abbreviation of the E&E on the T-shirts of the Pled members. It`s but a title of their song below. Well, the Pled`s lyrics are sometimes cocky and shocking but true-to-life and highly artistic. Pled - E&E (F&F) (Red Curtains Session) https://youtu.be/FQc2zG6-Gnk Live version https://youtu.be/M38xX6L97N0

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Музыка и слова группы "Плед"
Заведи дисок, открой бутыль,
В воздухе кружит немая пыль.
Чувства открывать - это ни к чему.
Верить ведь нельзя никому!

А ты ебла и еби, ебла и еби.
И никому про свое сердце ничего не говори!
А я ебла и ебу, ебла и ебу.
И никому про свое сердце ничего не говорю.

Красные глаза с утра открой.
Налицо вчерашний перепой.
Было весело, пили все друзья.
Но чувства открывать нельзя!

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Music&Lyrics by the Pled group
Switch your player on, open up a bottle.
Floating specks of dust. Your quiet home.
There`s no need to open up your heart,
`Cuz you can`t believe anyone!

Since it`s time to make love, then do make your love.
But never open up your heart for anyone.
I fucked and I fuck, I fucked and I fuck
Without op`ning up my heart for anyone.

Open wide your eyes, blood red at dawn.
You had overdrunk the night before.
All had too much fun, there were all friends,
But feelings are of yours. Understand!

Like many other Russian women`s poems of our days this poem by Dasha Davydova (aka Singer Poreva (lit. Singer Fuckingham)) is based on a device of `a semantic oxymoron`,
on the inner assertion through the external negation. (See also Striptease Cтриптиз http://zhurnal.lib.ru/p/prjahin_a_a/striptease.shtml; Standing Naked Стою голая
http://zhurnal.lib.ru/p/prjahin_a_a/standingnue.shtml; So Do I! Как и я! http://zhurnal.lib.ru/p/prjahin_a_a/sodoi.shtml). So it`s a literary trend reflecting some social and
psychological phenomenon deserving a special analysis. The keywords of the poem are `open`, `to open up`, the poem insists on `openness` rather than on a social and emotional
closure by its inner meaning, it`s a call for a dialogue with the world. The lyrical heroine of the poem is in her contradictory search of a native soul, it`s a cry for help and a
simultaneous protest against the `blanche solitude` in a familiar crowd. It`s kinda provocation! That`s why there appear the unprinted words of `fuck and I fucked` in the text. They
are not occasional, not just an attempt to shock people. It`s no shock for shock`s sake. The character of a poem expects the readers and listeners to pro-actively refute her position.
And we, readers and listeners, really say `Yes, you`re right in form, but not in essence, the world may be wider and more open than one can think, especially if you fuck the right

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I loved and I love! I`m a heartbreaker!

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