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The Ballad About Stierlitz Баллада о Штирлице

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    The Ballad About Stierlitz by Arkady Ukupnik Баллада о Штирлице Аркадия Укупника He sings and plays in this music video https://ok.ru/video/1844839762 Maximillian Otto von Stierlitz is a well-known Russian character of the TV serial `17 Instants of Spring` from the same name novel by Yulian Semyonov and a famous character of many funny stories being told in Russia. One of few great music videos of the 90s. Highly artistic and imaginative! Humorous! Good acting and singing, fine settings, direction, all! A sheer masterpiece! Evergreen!

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Pastor Schlag, Stierlitz`s Catholic connection, on his way to Vatican to
destroy Allen Welsh Dulles` secret negotiations in Switzerland with the
Nazi behind the back of the Kremlin yellow-eyed tiger

Музыка Аркадия Укупника
Слова Кирилла Крастошевского
Гестапо с Абвером, им не хватает сил.
На днях в Германию опять весна придёт.
Агент фон Штирлиц снова рацию включил,
Прогноз погоды он в Москву передаёт.
Привет из Берна утром выслал пастор Шлаг,
В душе он юный Ворошиловский стрелок,
И он бредёт один среди швейцарских Альп,
Он совершает по заданью марш-бросок.

Штандартенфюрер Штирлиц, истинный ариец,
В упор стрелял, упор упал.
Штандартенфюрер Штирлиц, истинный ариец,
С красивой фройлян в лесу гулял.
"Давай капитулирен", - он ей сказал.
"Давай капитулирен", - он ей сказал.

В подвалах Мюллера фон Штирлиц парень свой.
Не отличить теперь нам марку от рубля.
Не скажет никогда вам, что ребёнок твой,
Радистка Кэт - Козлова Катя ты моя!
Но Алекс Юстасу коварный шлёт приказ,
Мол, сувениры из Берлина привези,
Руль "Мерседеса" и кроссовки "Адидас",
Гуманитарную нам помощь попроси.


Штандартенфюрер! СС!

Musics by Arkady Ukupnik
Lyrics by Kyrill Krastoshevsky
Gestapo, Abwehr, they`re now overworked,
Spring gonna come to Germany at last.
Spy Stierlitz had the VHF once more switched on
Just to transmit to Moscow what`s the weather like in Reich.
The message right from Bern is sent by pastor Schlag,
That oldman is a Voroshilov sniper* in his heart,
He plods his way on snowshoes alone high on the Alps
He executes an order - a quick march to Vatican.

Standartenfuehrer Stierlitz who is dark blond and glitzy,
Fired point-blank, but was not frank.
Standartenfuehrer Stierlitz who is dark blond and glitzy,
Strolled in the wood with a dutch** beaut.
`You must kapitulieren`, he said, `Gertrude`.
`You must kapitulieren`, he said, `Gertrude`.

Von Stierlitz was Gestapo Mueller`s favourite
He used to pay in Reichsmarks and forgot `bout roubles.
His operator Kate would never tell ideed
Who is the father of her child to stay for good.
But Moscow orders him all time to buy
The souveniers both from Munich and Berlin:
Mercedes-Bentz and trainers `Adidas`,
And all those goods to send home as relief.


Standartenfuehrer! SS!

*a Voroshilov sniper is an enthusiastic champion of the pre-war triathlon (sprint, firing practice, skiing) programme of training the Soviet youth for the defence of the
country based on the emulative spirit and named after Clement Voroshiv who was a Soviet Defence Minister before the WW2.
** dutch = deutsch like in The Predator where Schwarzenegger`s character was nicknamed `Dutch`, i.e., Deutscher (German) rather than a man from the Netherlands.

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