Рыбаченко Олег Павлович : другие произведения.

My Motherland The Great Ussr

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
 Ваша оценка:

My homeland is the great USSR,
I was born in it once...
The onslaught of the Wehrmacht, believe me, was wild,
As if Satan were his relative!

Fighting is something a pioneer is accustomed to,
He doesn't know any problems with this...
Of course, study excellently,
It's time for a change!

Children will not show weakness in battle,
They will defeat the evil fascists...
We will bring joy to our ancestors,
Passed the exams with flying colors!

Tying a red tie around his neck,
I became a pioneer, a little boy...
We're not just saying hello to you,
And I have a revolver in my pocket!

If a severe battle comes,
Let's protect the USSR, believe me...
Forget about sorrows and reproaches,
Let the evil sir be defeated!

My tie is like a rose the color of blood,
And it sparkles and flutters in the wind...
The pioneer will not groan in pain,
Let's make your dream come true!

We ran barefoot in the cold,
The heels are flashing like a wheel...
We see the light of communism,
Even though it's hard to walk uphill!

Hitler attacks Russia,
He has a ton of different resources...
We are carrying out a difficult mission,
Satan himself is going on the attack!

The fascists' tanks are like monsters,
The thickness of the armor and the long barrel...
The red-haired girl has long braids,
We will impale the Fuhrer!

If you have to go barefoot in the cold,
The boy will run without thinking...
And he will pick a rose for the sweet girl,
His friendship is a solid monolith!

We will see communism in the distance,
There is confidence in this, believe me...
Napoleon was given a slap on the horns,
And the door to Europe has been opened a crack!

Peter the Great was a great tsar,
She wanted Russia to be a paradise...
Conquered the wild expanse of the Urals,
Even though the weather there is not at all like May!

How many heroes are there in the Fatherland,
Even children are great fighters...
The army marches in menacing formation,
And fathers are proud of their grandchildren!

Leader holy comrade Stalin,
Took an important step towards communism...
From the ruins of the most nightmarish ruins,
He shot the Fuhrer in the snout!

How many heroes are there in the Fatherland,
Every boy is just a superman...
The army marches in menacing formation,
And the guys won't have any problems!

We will defend our Fatherland with courage,
And we'll give the fascists a kick in the ass...
And he won't be a goody-goody,
A pioneer is considered akin to Gods!

We will break Hitler's back in battle,
It will be like Napoleon, beaten!
We will see communism in the distance,
The Wehrmacht will be finished off!

There will soon be joy on the planet,
We will liberate the whole world in the world...
Let's fly to Mars on a rocket,
Let the children rejoice in happiness!

The best leader is comrade Stalin,
He is a hero and glory and fatherland...
The fascists were torn to pieces,
We are now the banner of communism!

The boy will not tolerate Fritz's rudeness,
He will answer him decisively...
This is what I believe will be wisdom,
And the sun shines with radiant color!

I will join the Komsomol already in Berlin,
There I will walk with my bare heel, boys...
We will be the beaten Fuhrer howling in the toilet,
And we will pin him with a pin!

The USSR is an example for the peoples,
I know the world will be so wonderful...
Let's bring freedom to the whole planet,
The wind will inflate the sails of your dreams!

Stalin will rise again from the grave,
Even if he lies there...
We pioneers will not bend our backs,
Evil orcs belong in the latrine!

And when the Goddess Lada comes,
That love and joy gives to people...
The boy will be rewarded forever,
Then he will hit the evil Koschei!

The front is of course burning furiously,
And the field burns with dry grass...
But I believe that victory will come in May,
It will become a glorious pioneer's lot!

Here is the Fatherland, the Homeland of Svarog,
That dream is fiercely rich...
By order of the God of Happiness Rod,
There will be a chamber for everyone in the palace!

I believe the proletarian will throw off his chains,
We will defeat the enemies in one fell swoop...
Let us sing at least millions of arias,
And we will tear our shirts in battle!

The pioneer will finally give it away,
The happiness of the entire universe...
The evil Cain will be destroyed,
Our business will be creation!

Then the time of light will come,
That will make everyone's dream come true...
The feats of heroism are praised,
And the missiles have an increased range!

The enemy of the Fatherland will be destroyed,
Those who surrendered, we will of course spare...
Let's hit the Fuhrer in the face with a sledgehammer,
So that there is hope in communism!

I believe that grief will end,
The eagle will sing the march of millions...
Believe me, we will have a sea of victories,
Our red children's legions!

That's when in Paris and New York,
And in Berlin, Tokyo, Beijing...
The pioneer's ringing voice,
He will sing about the eternal world of happiness!

If necessary, we will resurrect the dead,
The fallen heroes will rise again...
The path to victory is long at first,
And then we will bury the Fuhrer!

And when in the universe of communism,
The power will be strong and majestic...
For a beautiful endless life,
The boys did a great job!

Even though they are barefoot,
But the real power is possessed by...
The boys will run along the path,
And Adolf will be boldly torn to pieces!

That's why we falcons are cool,
We'll break all the orc bandits...
The coconuts will bloom,
The pioneer's look is certainly proud!

Here will be the banner of communism,
It's beautiful to rage over the universe...
And such a banner of red power,
A marvel to all the peoples of the party!

We take on any task,
And believe me, we always win...
Here the sun rises over the Fatherland,
The universe has become a wonderful paradise!
I was once a sailor on the Pharaoh,
And even the captain became noble...
And he sailed the vast expanses of the sea,
Neptune is the ideal for you!

I was on Elba where Napoleon was,
He shook my hand very firmly...
This great defeat did not escape,
And this was a real onslaught!

But then Edmond was thrown into prison,
And they scribbled a denunciation on him...
And the sea miles of waves flew away,
Oh help, Almighty God Christ!

I sat behind bars for a very long time,
There I met a most intelligent abbot...
Although his voice is not ringing,
That's just the way things are!

And he revealed such a great treasure to me,
That in it you are like a reborn Croesus...
And you receive riches wildly,
At least there are no clearly different types of tears!

But then I escaped from prison from the enemy,
He ran away like a sly spy...
I ate the jailers - they are slobs,
And he got it in the snout from me!

I found a chest, believe me, it"s rich,
In which, believe me, there are countless pebbles...
Raking in money with the width of a shovel,
You know, there will be such an honor here!

I acquired the title of count with money,
And he bought the island of Monte Cristo...
Now the man is not poor,
And I gained a lot of strength!

But the problem is no longer the man,
I don't have any more strength for girls...
He looks like a real kid,
Or maybe even just a moron!

But then they promised me immortality,
The Duke paid more money...
I warned you not to believe the sorcerers,
I hope you don't dodge it anymore, boy!

But he paid the sorceress a lot,
And miraculously I became a barefoot boy...
He rose from the lord's pedestal,
And he even screamed with happiness!

Now I'm in shorts and a half-naked guy,
Agile, muscular like a marmot...
Well, what a cool guy, believe me,
Better young than the other way around!

I'm quite good with a sword,
Even though mine are small...
How good it is when the boy is not dead,
These are the kind of roosters that attack!

Well, what about the young barefoot boy,
He runs, his heels flashing like hail...
They don't judge the child harshly,
The main thing here is the result!

I will not give in to evil enemies, believe me,
And I will fight like a titan himself...
Although they look like just children,
But the evil tyrant will not bend the boy!

I fought like a brave gladiator,
For France, the mighty country...
The bear was struck by a shaggy paw,
Although the enemy sees Satan!

We can be tough fighters,
Enemies that are pressing to be defeated...
And throwing a fight with bare feet,
The enemy will be such an army!

I fought for Paris in other worlds,
And the boy's sword cuts like a ray...
Believe me, I fight bravely with the orcs,
The French cannot be bent by the infidels!

My love for my fatherland is immeasurable,
Edmond Dantes - a mighty fighter...
And my homeland is so valuable,
Because Jesus is the Father!

Well, I may be a boy, but I"m great,
And my heart is a bright star...
The enemy is very wild, you know.
May a great dream come true!

But why will you be cool,
Well, what is our role here before the star...
Although the Fritz's uniforms are blue,
We will be honest with our Motherland!

From our power France is great,
Any opponent will win, you know...
Napoleon the titan with a thousand faces,
His weapons are a sword and a shield!

Paris, believe me, will never surrender to its enemies,
And the possessed Fuhrer will be beaten...
And the boy didn"t sell out to the orcs,
Because the heart is a monolith!

But what beautiful girls,
Which bloom so much in Paris...
And the voice is very clear,
And the furious orcs will be finished!

Well, Edmond is such a fighter from God,
Capable of leading eagles into battle...
Although he is still a boy, he won't be around for long,
But alas, it works without fools!

And Mercedes, believe me, is my bride,
She shone with wonderful beauty...
Oh, where can I find a place for the child now...
After all, he is just a naked man and barefoot!

Look at me, if you are a baby,
He's not very tall and he's a bit thin...
And it strikes with emptiness of the stomach,
That's just the way things are!

Yes, I have now turned into a child,
That's good and that's bad, that's the fate...
But it didn't turn out clearly,
How much the man wanted to go further!

I was a duke, rich as an emperor,
Now I only have torn shorts on...
As if Satan is such a curator,
That there is no place for the boy on Earth!

Well, why are your bare heels sparkling?
We are so cool, you know...
Let the weather be like eternal May,
You, boy, help France out!

Edmond, he can certainly sing a song,
And even dance very briskly...
And if necessary, he'll punch you in the face,
And even learn to do magic!

Napoleon, believe me, will reward me,
I will give an order and I know a worthy rank...
And the boy hits Kutuzov like that,
He is such an extremely powerful gentleman!

You know, I am then D'Artagnan,
I wield a sword like a virtuoso...
Although sometimes I get wounds,
My mentor in blades is the Lord Christ!

I believe France will be great,
We will soon enter London, boys...
The dragon is the enemy here with a thousand faces,
But we will confirm our glory with a steel sword!

Athos, Porthos, and Aramis are my brothers,
Dumas didn't just make up stories about them...
I believe in liars, a curse will come,
We will bring our Fatherland to its senses!

I believe the boy will have space,
I'll get to it playfully...
At least I get real bumps,
I send the orc furiously to the bottom!

And if Suvorov attacks us,
Well, we will give him a fight too...
We will respond to the enemy with defeat,
Paris, Champagne, Burgundy with me!

Well, Edmond is such a handsome boy,
He's muscular and so cool...
But he will give the enemy a good beating,
And the boy's biceps are so tight!

Well, the fame will be very loud,
We will defeat Suvorov and Kutuzov...
And believe me, I will have a girl,
We believe we will definitely win!

King Louis is also a patron,
She conquered Algeria and is no weakling...
And Marshal Davout is a good teacher,
And he'll kick you in the snout!

Let us be like wolves now,
That bare their teeth and roar furiously...
And then the boy will have tattoos,
The boys are having a great time!

I will become a duke again, believe me,
I can do everything cleanly, go for it...
In appearance we would say that we are barefoot children,
Who will build a wonderful paradise!

I'll prove that the boy can fight,
He is very frisky and so cool...
The soul of a fighter, not a clown,
Your airy blue dream!

And even if I don't grow up,
Will forever be a barefoot baby...
I'll arrange a heroic undertaking,
The boy turned out to be a tough guy!
I remember how the girls and I played,
On the tablet in the virtual citadel...
There the units hesitated while attacking,
Into the pool of byte they were carried away into the distance without a goal!

We erected terrible agreids there,
And the fighters were boldly stamped out like packs...
After all, children, don"t just know with your soul,
The new century has spread the company's reach!

We will be able to find this light dream,
To make the whole world safer and more beautiful...
Let's create all the beauty in an instant,
We'll reach the stars and even the galaxy!

Here we go on the attack against Napoleon's regiment,
Our strength is enormous and there is no end to the battle...
For the sake of our heavenly laws, believe us,
The feat of warriors will be praised!

The sword with hyperplasma cuts decently,
It can cut through all armor, believe me...
The boy is capable of studying excellently,
He is like a furious beast to the school of knowledge!

Children don't have to peck like a woodpecker,
Capable of breaking through on the first try...
The boy will say that we have had enough cramming,
We'd better learn verbs!

The monster from hell will go on the attack,
The boy will meet you with a running sword...
He'll chop off the head of the hundred-headed bastard,
Then add bricks to the consumption!

Here we are already in a virtual showdown,
Where unit sits on unit...
The boy draws tattoos on his skin,
Will soon receive a loan on the card!

In general, we don"t need to listen to nonsense,
Better to play on the computer sooner...
I believe that the Lord will accept the soul into Eden,
Just don't read morals!

Here we are on Olympus together with the Gods,
And they printed out the byte numbers...
Children run around barefoot,
This is what life will be like for us later!
We are children of the twenty-first century,
In which everything is so cool...
We have received the true strength,
Create something cool and beautiful!

If necessary, we'll give you some flicks,
And we'll give him a hard slap in the face...
We'll hang a pack of evil orcs,
And we will cope with hunger!

We are pioneers of fierce strength,
Such class of modern...
The country shines like a bright star,
Yes, we will make a similar class soon!

Our treasures in the swamp,
Which shine like stars...
There may be such values here,
Children don't water themselves with tears!

Now we'll do something cool,
What is higher than the fusion of an atom...
The red banner flies above us,
Let's shoot at the orcs with machine guns!

Well, what about lessons at school?
We will be watching with confidence...
Know these cooks,
As a continuation of Lenin's work!

We children are very modern,
Which are like fiery flint...
To compose, one is not poor,
Birches were broken in the hurricane!

In short, we will make lightning,
And we will boldly move with flamethrowers...
We walked a long path up the mountain,
Mowed down the trolls with machine guns!

In short, we'll be in Africa soon,
And we'll have bananas for lunch...
The pioneers have fruits for breakfast,
Successes like tornadoes and hurricanes!
My holy homeland, the USSR,
In it, cranes float across the sky...
The little pioneer runs barefoot,
At least the snowdrifts haven't melted yet!

There is no more beautiful homeland in the world,
In it, every boy is a giant...
Our faith is even higher than the sun,
And believe me, there is only one impulse in your soul!

Pioneer red tie,
He burns like a berry in the forest...
The stars above the fatherland will not go out,
Let's make the great dream come true!

The light of communism flies above us,
It will be a paradise for pioneers...
We march barefoot,
Summer is coming and May is beautiful!

Never give up and pioneers,
Even though the fascists are attacking us...
We will rid the region of cholera,
Even Karabas doesn't scare me!

We boys and girls fought,
For the Motherland, for Mother Moscow...
To see the distances of communism,
So that there are no fascists on our nose!

When the thunder of the great war sounded,
Rockets rained down on Moscow...
We showed these wild hordes,
That we can give you a good punch on the nose!

Boys and girls through the snowdrifts,
They run very briskly barefoot...
And don't judge our children harshly,
They don't drag you and you have to attack by force!

Although my bare heels are frosty,
But the children sing happily...
And success will be very formidable,
That the Fuhrer with a bald head is kaput!

We will make a new school,
In which everyone will be like chalk...
And our happy lot,
Greedy Sam won't be able to trample it!

Stalin himself is a great ruler,
He ordered to kill the evil orcs...
So that the faces of the saints from the bright icons,
They could approve of our campaign!

We fought for the circle of Stalingrad,
Where a mass of ruins has risen...
And Zhukov presents the award,
Look how much strength we have now!

Throwing a boy a grenade,
And the evil "Panther" is burning...
The girl picked up the shovel,
And she nails the fascist!

We kids are so cool,
That even the troll himself is at zero...
I flash bare soles,
We'll appear on the moon soon!

Believe me, children will not know grief,
We are moving towards the dream of communism...
Warm our souls with your rays,
May everyone on Earth be happy!

Here is someone digging with a shovel,
Someone has a strong crowbar in their hands...
A gnome crawls along, just hunchbacked,
The girl let out a groan!

No, we will not get on our knees,
We won't lie down under the orcs, believe me...
We throw grenades at our bare feet,
The beast was already drowning in blood!

In the cosmic distance, girls,
They already see holy communism...
At least they are wearing short skirts,
But they crush fascism beautifully!

Lenin was once mighty,
He shook his beard in rage...
We are able to drive clouds from the sky,
The double bass roars like a saw!

A boy is running across the field,
He is a barefoot pioneer in shorts...
He gave the fascists bruises,
So that there are no more problems!

Well, Fritzes, why have you shut up?
It's painful to look at children...
And why were you shouting so loudly?
There aren't enough chains for the Russians!

My homeland is the light of communism,
Which burns the tank's armor...
Fighters don't need pacifism,
He will clench his fist tighter for battle!

Here is the Fuhrer, a mad goat,
What did you want from the Fatherland...
A boy will hit you with a shovel,
And soon the shelling will begin!

Where there is space, there are our rockets,
And we will enter new thickets...
Comets tear through the vacuum,
The bald Fuhrer became a zero!

Berlin is a pile of ruins,
The runes smoke tiredly...
Evil Cain came to kill,
Our machine gun is loaded!

Here comes a tank, big as a mammoth,
And shakes its longest barrel...
The enemy has little territory,
Let's kill the orcs!

For the boy, Lenin is like the sun,
And Stalin is not just the moon...
Girls, the bindweed is growing strong,
She's not stupid!

When we went to Rome,
The ancient Slavs in battle regiments...
For we are under the wing of a cherub,
To blossom in the paradise of Eden!

When God Svarog is with us,
He will come with swords like a razor...
Children will walk through the field on their feet,
And everyone will bring a wreath!

By the very blue sea,
The boys pitched a tent...
There will be no more grief,
And the Fuhrer will go under the axe!
At sea the brigantine is like an eagle,
Swift, playful, majestic...
Svarog the great treasure has spread,
May strength, wisdom and glory be with us!

We girls were born to fight,
To strike the vile, hairy bears...
In the name of the Family and His country,
To heal the poor and hunchbacked!

We love God the Lord Christ,
Belobog himself is his comrade in labor...
For us, the Almighty Rod replaced our father,
There will be no more darkness, graves and cemeteries!

When the Supreme God Svarog comes,
I believe all the orc hordes will immediately disappear...
We will open an endless account of victories,
Those who were evil will perish by the sword!

The girls make good fighters,
The beauties are swift in their movements...
The warriors are simply great,
Tinned beauties in the screaming throats!

To rush across the waves on a brigantine,
And they cut through the surface of the sea water...
We are quite lively beyond our years,
The girl will turn her bare foot!

I am a karateka - you won't find a better one,
I'm also used to fighting with a sword...
The girl looks no more than twenty,
And he fights the boy very well!

Nothing can hold back my beauty,
It can't be measured with a common yardstick...
When I defeat the orc army,
I make you believe in your strength!
God did not deprive me of beauty,
Natural blonde like the sun...
And above me a cherub hovering,
And karate is not the domain of the Japanese!

I love to scatter snow barefoot,
And hit him in the chin with a bare heel...
I will celebrate cosmic success,
Because the defeat is a typo!

After all, even if the guy is really cool,
I'll knock him down with one blow, believe me...
You'll strain your belly button fighting me,
I'll pour turpentine on sensei!

In what unknown country now,
We are cool girls living...
We'll break even Satan's back,
Let the evil Cain be destroyed!

That's why I don't understand girls,
I love beating guys up brutally...
He likes a fist in the face,
You were a man, and now you're a cripple!

There will be Solcenism on the planet,
Faith in the God of Light Rodoverie...
Then we will have to build communism for a long time,
It's just stupidity, superstition!

We can sink any frigate,
Send legions of orcs to the bottom...
When Petrograd was on the map,
Millions died to build it!

The grin is of human fangs,
Although not wolfish, it is quite understandable...
Get reliable rear fighters,
Believe me, the catch will be very impressive!

The girl is a real filibuster,
Even superman can be robbed...
You were a beggar, but now you are a noble sir,
Such a change has come!

Here comes the assault again - we're going to board,
The girls are in a very frantic attack...
This is the kind of crew we have,
What is thirsty for change and a new fight!

When we crush our enemies with the sword,
And we'll chop off the heads of the orcs...
Any troubles will be nothing,
The planet will become a real paradise!

Well, how good is Lord Svarog,
Girls and boys have fun in it...
We will not sell our Fatherland for a penny,
At least we'll definitely get our bumps and bruises!

Here we are carrying noble booty,
Our pockets are now full of gold...
And we'll just cut off the goblin's head,
As they shoot at the orcs, it rains from the machine gun!

I am a boy born of the Gods,
My mother Lada, a strong Goddess...
We'll bake the most delicious pies,
My bride will be a duchess!

I am a warrior of the Family - the elder brother Svarog,
In battles, consider yourself invincible...
We will break the horn of the evil trolls,
When the army is united with the demiurges!

Elena is my older sister,
Fights like a witch made of syrup...
The great place will be filled,
When will we see the power of God Rod!

And Zoya has golden hair,
She is a famous fighter from Belobog...
As he kicks with his bare foot,
How a demon runs away without a garden bed!

Victoria is the sister of my soul,
So fiery red-haired devil...
For Chernobog, crush your enemies,
And the maiden's voice will be ringing!

Nadezhda is the daughter of Perun,
He swings his sword like lightning and strikes...
He is a spark of loyalty to the people,
Let the evil Cain be destroyed!

Here we are, rushing into battle, five of us,
Cutting down the army of orcs with swords...
A fierce defeat awaits them,
From the Rodoverians - the strong Soltsenistov!

We are warriors, there is no one cooler than us,
Crush the evil orcs with the power of Svarog...
The girls look to be under twenty,
But they have lived for many centuries!

They are capable of running on water,
To cut a huge battleship with a sword...
There is no place for enemies on the holy land,
And the land will be rich and flourishing!

O Lada of the Russian Mother of the Gods,
You wove all the light in the world...
In the name of our valiant fathers,
Let there be happiness and peace on the planet!

Here is Jesus, Svarog's brother,
He went to the cross so that grace would reign...
Let us bow to the Holy Mary,
After all, together with Lada it"s a great power!

Archangel Michael and the formidable Thor,
They protect the Fatherland of Light...
We will put the enemy under the axe,
The stars shine brightly above the world!

Perun, who was Zeus among the Greeks,
And the Romans call him Jupiter...
He sent a sign that Christ is risen,
And now the master of the light power!

And who else is related to me with the Gods,
Yarilo and the coolest Divana...
When a boy mounts a horse,
It was as if they had burned it with turpentine!

Well, why are we chopping down orcs so quickly?
We'll throw a grenade and tear them apart...
And somewhere the servants of Satan are digging.
To make humanity powerless!

But the Black God knows how to protect the Slavs,
And his club will break bones...
He will strike such a blow, believe me,
That the enemy will turn blue with anger!

So boy, run furiously,
A cool kid barefoot in the snow...
Even if the enemies attack in rage,
But you have plenty of strength now!

The Almighty Rod created the cosmos,
He is the One who exists in the universe from the beginning...
Here is a cherub circling over the Fatherland,
Always gives hope to people!

You make a very bold move, boy,
Take the sword in your hands, fight fiercely...
Let the lousy orcs go to waste,
And win, don't give up in battle!

We have great power,
All Rodoverians are the spirit of Russia...
And we will be faithful to the light until the end,
To Christ, Mary, their holy mission!

There are no equals in battle to the daughters of the Gods,
They swing their swords like helicopters...
Reality will be cooler than even dreams,
Soldiers run faster than planes!

Svarog the blacksmith and warrior of Rod's Son,
Capable of making a bomb out of a carrot...
For the God of the Gods of the universe is One,
Will give people everything - snacks, lots of vodka!

When will the world be a real Paradise,
All young, beautiful, happy...
Dream about this in battle,
The army will become a real team!
We are the daughters of the great demiurges,
Who created the universe...
And it turned out great with the universe,
The Gods have conquered everything that flies!

We fought bravely like eagles,
And they conquered the heavenly distances...
They are able to fly as furiously as birds,
And they gave the evil orcs a good slap on the horns!

We love to fight very furiously,
To cut down enemies without knowing fatigue...
With the soul of a poet, not a clown,
And the goblin was torn to pieces!

Elena is the daughter of the great Svarog,
That the gunsmith of mother Russia...
He revealed to us the power of God in battle,
And to fight is his mission, believe me!

And Zoya Belobog is the daughter of light,
All the hair shines with gold...
And will bring the enemy to the point,
May nature live in eternal May!

Victoria, daughter of Chernobog, know,
So the suit burns with bloody fire...
The boy draws a picture on the desk,
For the love of endless glory!

Hope was born in the womb of Perun,
She is capable of doing something miraculous...
As far as her power was manifested,
Eyes are shining - sapphires, emeralds!

Oleg is a boy, Lada's favorite,
Whose son is her own blood...
And receives rewards from love,
Hearts are full of more than just half!

Here we are, fighters who are happy,
Fight for the Almighty Family!
So that people will be beautiful forever,
They knew how to win and fight bravely!

So that the planet shines with joy,
Which does not exist in the universe...
Where the exploits of heroism are sung,
The trumpet thundered all over the world!

O God Svarog, we serve you faithfully,
You gave a sword to the prince of Kyiv Oleg...
And now we don"t worry about campaigns,
Khazar and Pecheneg raid!

Here we are walking through peaceful China,
There we look for Perun's trident of fate...
And to be in the Fatherland, a fiery paradise,
Whoever goes against us is a madman!

We will defend the holy Fatherland,
Svarog, the sun-bearer, is with us forever...
And the sky will be light blue,
And we will speak only in poetry!

Yes, Lada Mother of God without edges,
She was there from the beginning...
The bare foot created the stars,
Love has been raised above the pedestal!

Let the peoples be united in heart,
As Bela Rus, so Ukraine, holy...
I believe warm weather will come,
Svarog and Jesus the Crucified are for us!

Perun, he sends rain and thunderstorms,
And now we have a rich harvest...
Yarilo God will shine brighter than all,
And believe me, it will straighten the hunchbacks' backs!

No one will betray Christ in his heart,
Lada and Maria are united in spirit...
We will open the door to salvation, I believe,
Youth will return even to an old woman!

O there is a ray of hope from Belobog,
Which filled the world with bright light...
Oh, don't judge a person harshly,
Let the new day dawn with a great light!

We fought the orcs very bravely,
And the goblins are pressing so viciously...
The barefoot girls walk quietly,
And they are tormenting the Orc army!

There will be no distance for the girl,
She is everywhere on top of the world...
Let the light's retribution be evil,
What you can"t describe even with Shakespeare"s pen!

Christ and the White God are brothers,
They gave salvation to people...
Now he will accept the holy one into his arms,
And the stars watered the sky with pearls!

How good it is to serve Goddess Lada,
Always happy and always sane...
The Mother of God will present you for a reward,
His eyes shine, his emerald eye!

Each fighter has a palace from the Family,
It will sparkle like a bright diamond...
And the weather is always sunny,
Young men will reveal their talents in Paradise!

We are born by the Gods as pulsars,
That fan out from quasars...
And it seems that the world is certainly not enough for us,
Such wonderful sights come!

O Jesus, creator of the universe,
How you suffered for our holy Rus'...
You suffered punishment for the human race,
May the Almighty accept with a kiss!

Yes, I believe the time will come soon, sisters,
That the world will become happy in an instant...
And it"s not too late to create,
We fall straight into the abyss of amazement!

May the Lord accept people into God's Paradise,
There he will give them happiness, a lot of entertainment...
Above us the glory of the Family shines, the Name,
Without any useless distractions!

Yes, of course we will defeat the orcs,
And the banner of Rod will be in the universe...
As the sun shines in our clear sky,
This kind of work is simply creative!

How he created the universe from a furnace,
God the Giver, the Supreme, the Almighty...
And the man bent his back obediently,
Because Rod is the ruler of the Omnipresent!

Thus our faith in Rod is truly growing stronger,
We never tire of bowing to him...
He will give us happiness people know forever,
To see the Solzenism of Paradise!

Where, believe me, have we not fought?
They smashed the Fritzes and beat the Chinese...
We held on to each other firmly in battle,
And they were lions instead of ragged hares!

Well, let's become even higher,
And steeper than the great Himalayas...
Sometimes pride even blows the roof off,
A fighter shouldn't be a cowardly parrot!

Everything on Earth will be so wonderful,
Coconuts will also bloom on Mars...
The whole war with girls is dangerous,
Even though they run barefoot through the snow!

Elena is Svarog's girl,
He wields a sword and makes grenades...
She has the glory of Rod in her heart,
Jesus is crucified in her soul!

And Zoya is the daughter of Saint Belobog,
Grows flowers and plants oranges...
Sometimes people are even too strict,
But in that people are united!

And the Black God, after all, is powerful,
Enemies are actually defeated in battle...
And if necessary, it disperses the clouds,
And believe me, there is no greater power!

Nadezhda and Perun flew in a cradle,
And where hasn't the girl been?
She will never play with trinkets,
Even on the planet, there is little space!

Oleg boy in shorts in the cold,
You know, he never knows fear...
And if necessary, he will give you a rose,
In battle, the orc will be fiercely torn apart!

Well, believe me, we are tough fighters,
You know, we can do this right away...
The girls' bare heels flash,
And they can destroy an army at once!

Soon there will be a glorious victory,
Whose power is known to be immeasurable...
What did our grandfathers fight for in battle?
When the Fatherland is one in Christ!

We see the king of vampires laughing,
He thinks he's trapped the girls...
But the sun will forever shine over the Earth,
And we swing our beater!

The bloodsucker will not defeat us in battle,
And I will not succumb to the vampire's cunning...
So leave the blood king's idea,
Believe me, I will never give up!

And Rod will come and bring happiness to the whole universe,
It will be heaven for everyone, beyond words...
The smoke of battle and bad weather will disperse,
Love and joy, light and wisdom are with us!

I am a boy, the son of the perfect Goddess,
Which will give you love...
Serve Lada with unchanging happiness,
And shed blood if necessary!

When she created the bright world,
She taught people to live in a heavenly world...
To throw evil off its great pedestal,
And may the hunter become the game!

A barefoot boy through the snowdrifts,
He laughs, grins and runs like an arrow...
He is devoted to the Lord's family until the grave,
A child's fist is as strong as granite!

Once upon a time there was a boy, of course, an adult,
But again I found myself in the joys of childhood...
The red-haired girls cut their braids,
And the most beautiful oval face!

How good it is to be a boy forever,
When you're young it's easy to breathe...
I am an adult at heart, maybe even too much,
A strong oar in the child's hands!

I feel so good barefoot in the summer,
The blade of grass gently peels off the heel...
I will call the enemies of Rus' to account,
After all, Roda is a monolith!

I can chop down enemies with a sword while playing,
And give no mercy to the orcs of the seven...
Nature blossoms in lush May,
And it seems that we have no problems!

My girl has teeth like pearls,
She can fight with a sword, you know...
And the voice is so loud,
And believe me, our world is a wonderful paradise!

Here the sun turns yellow in the clear sky,
And the nightingale trills...
Our Almighty Family is eternal in success,
And let us raise our shield higher for him!

Yes, there is Svarog, Saint Yarilo,
They are the sons of God's Rod...
And in them, believe me, such power is seething,
They'll put down an elephant like an ant!

What do we children need tight shoes for?
We rush briskly down the hill barefoot...
There will be no hesitation in the battle,
And if necessary, we'll hit you with our fists!

The eagle tramples the Russian land,
Both Nikolai and Alexander are everything...
Samson tears apart the enemy's mouth,
This will make life a joy!

The evil wolf sharpens his fang under the birch tree,
He wants to eat a Russian girl...
We will surely wipe away the tear from her cheek,
So that you don't get dirty!

Here communism is happiness on the planet,
The tsars will build a new USSR...
Where children will rejoice in happiness,
You are not a slave, but the greatest sir!

Goddess Lada gave us light,
Created a world of beautiful love...
The sun rises - this is God Yarilo,
The radiant one will give you warmth again!

Space will open new arms,
And we will fly quickly to the planets...
The girl will have an emerald dress,
A glorious cherub hovers above us!

There will be no grief, old age or death,
We will live in eternal happiness...
Although we remain children in body,
But he can accomplish a true feat!

We were not born for this, you know,
Than to be slaves of evil and slanted...
We will draw a city on this map,
Let's trample our bare feet in running!

Here is the White God, our faithful patron,
He gives people bright goodness...
The Black God is a powerful destroyer,
But the Slavs were also lucky with him!

That we have not forgotten how to fight in battle,
Let the great God Svarog give the sword...
We drank brave mead,
Run to the attack, the enemy is already at the gates!

There are no children of Rod, and of the great Gods,
They will never kneel...
For the sake of the mighty and thousand-faced,
We will rule Russia forever!

Our city is the Great Glorious city of Kyiv,
Where the king of the Fatherland rules like a God...
Goddess Lada became very sweet,
Her father is the Supreme Light of the Rod Himself!

We will make such beauty skillfully,
That such a world will come as if it were paradise...
And even this vodka will be sweet,
This paradise will become extraordinary!

Perun is the God who was called Zeus,
His trident is a sign of power...
And where can I find such a remedy, brothers?
Help find this artifact!

In good hands you can move mountains,
But the evil spirit burns the cities...
When the knight fought with Chernomor,
To conquer all is a great destiny!

I am the son of the greatest Goddess Lada,
Which gave birth to a host of cool Gods...
I am an eternal boy, a real warrior,
Which is higher than the wildest dreams!

Well, what about us, let's take Paris and Vienna,
And we'll run through Berlin like a horse...
After all, there are big changes ahead,
We will go through pipes, water and fire!

I will never hesitate to strike back,
I'll show you what a great boy I am...
The enemy will abandon his plan,
I will strike the enemy with a well-aimed arrow!

The dragon is defeated by a mighty warrior,
Although the boy seems to be small in stature...
But it blows away even the clouds with its whistle,
This fighter has adopted these techniques!

In short, he was a great knight,
He will throw a boomerang with his bare foot...
The hordes will be dispersed by a wild, stormy onslaught,
Express your love for your Fatherland in poetry!

On Mars there will be the flag of Holy Russia,
And on Venus there is the USSR coat of arms...
We will make everyone in the universe happier,
Let's solve at least a million big problems!

When Svarog restores order,
And we will lead the planet into space...
Let's sow a lot of pineapple beds,
We will save the universe from disaster!

Let's forge ourselves some cool swords, believe me,
Shining steel like a thunderstorm...
Even though children's feet are bare in battle,
But the power of the Family is with us forever!

In short, let's finish our trips to the stars,
We will conquer all the expanses of the Universe...
After all, believe me, it"s not too late to defeat your enemies,
We will be cooler than ancient Rome!

For Rod, for Svarog, for the light of Lada,
We will spill the scarlet blood of the orcs...
And then there will be Solcenism as a reward,
Let's bring freedom to the universe!

Then the Holy Rod will grant immortality,
And you will be forever young...
And you will have children born in happiness,
May a great dream come true!

For this he will bare his sword as a boy,
Will chop down orcs, trolls, all enemies...
And he won"t even get a bump in the battle,
In the Name of the Family and its Sons!

Then the time of Solntsinism will come,
Rod will rule over all the planets...
And the endless path of a beautiful life,
And let man be like God!

Not only a sword, not only a whip,
Love is needed by the crown...
After all, without love, even two minutes,
You can't sit on the throne!

Love is a helper in everything,
Sometimes he does harm skillfully...
And we call her a saint,
And we call her vile!

For love in all kingdoms,
They always challenged to a duel...
It seems that fighting for love is useful,
May our dream come true!

And the king is the master of the people,
And in short, the big gentleman...
We will see Eden in the distance,
And let the Lord be one!

We will fight for France,
How true to the Motherland with our hearts...
After all, the fighters of light know how to fight,
For the sake of faith, love, and dreams!

We will rush across the seas like arrows,
And a squadron to the British seas...
Children's faces will be joyful,
The boy is a brave and daring sailor!

To the king, if he is only a child,
I also want to run barefoot...
The nightingale's voice is so clear,
You can't catch a bird by force!

No, I like it when my heart is sad,
This is a very sad scenario,
Bright feelings awaken,
The boy is loading a machine gun!

There is chocolate ice cream,
And cool marmalade with raisins...
A pioneer marches in a detachment,
He's really going to the parade!

I once had a backpack,
The boy also went to school...
He performed a cheerful dance,
That would be enough strength!

But now I am the king on the throne,
And it's really hard to serve...
I sit in a magnificent royal crown,
And in his hands is a scepter, not an oar!

I can order to hang,
Anyone who goes against me...
This is what children are like,
Giving an account in battle!

There is no chance for the enemies of the French,
Now I am their master...
I believe the ball will fall into the pocket,
And an heir, a son, will be born!

Don't throw words to the wind,
To avoid any stupidity, know...
The devils are raging in the underworld,
Well, the angels celebrate heaven!

It will be wonderful guys,
Because now the crown is on me...
We can even break an atom,
Make people on Earth happy!

Lord Jesus is above us,
We keep the Mother of God in our hearts...
We will express our faith in verse,
And the Lord will be loved by us!

Even though I'm still a boy, believe me,
But his mind is like that of an aksakal himself...
We are such powerful children,
God didn"t create us for nothing!

Where the evil lizard crawls,
Well, where does the dragon fly?...
The beast of hell opens its mouth,
The unclean Sodom is whipping up!

We never know the barriers,
By faith in the Lord God Christ...
We must fight for France,
Protecting both mother and father!

If snow falls from the sky,
Know that grace will multiply...
We are for France with the power of the coat of arms,
The thief will run away in wild fear!

Well, in short, the boy is nimble,
He will defeat all the evil orcs, believe me...
The wolf will be trained to be hungry,
Even though she is a free beast!

We will reach the end of the camp,
And we will conquer the peaks of all the mountains,
Let's ask the Devil from the pedestal,
Light, happiness and peace will reign!
We children are marching towards blessed Rome,
There the Holy Pope gives grace...
The Catholic throne is the most important one,
He will send our young army on a campaign!

Let's go, guys, on the greatest campaign,
And the regiments will plow Palestine...
The crown of Catholicism is real,
And you need to read books about God!

Here bare feet walk on sharp pebbles,
The soles of children are like bone in hooves...
Let Abel be honored, not Cain,
And the evil parasite will be crushed!

The Lord will reconcile all people,
He will show everyone the gracious face of Christ...
A miracle will come from the Virgin Mary,
And there will be no number of military exploits!

We children walk slowly through Rome,
And we are very pleased to see this city...
May the Lord greet us with a tender embrace,
And there will be a pleasant and bright layout!

I'm Tommy, a boy, with my sister Annita,
We are children from Sweden, a kind country...
And our hearts are open to Jesus,
Let us be faithful to the Lord with our souls!

So we set out on this greatest campaign,
And thousands of barefoot children stomp...
A real cherub flies above us,
Let the villain be smeared across the wall!

When we are in the sands of Palestine,
An angel will protect us from evil blades, I believe...
Maria and I are one in heart,
And we will become a dear family forever!

Believe me, God will give us a command,
Fighting enemies with more than just a sword...
From the light of Mary will come forgiveness,
And we must save the universe in battle!

When Jesus comes from the throne of heaven,
And he will resurrect the dead playfully...
It will be such a big crown, believe me,
And the friendship of children with Christ is monolithic!

Annita and Tommy will receive the grace pie,
And they too will feast on Christ forever...
Life in heaven will be better for everyone, believe me,
Just don't moan in pain, guys!

The Kingdom of Heaven will soon come,
The greatness of God the whole world, the whole universe will see...
Evil Cain will go to the hell of the fire,
Therefore, the Devil is being stupid in vain!

And you, children, serve the Mother of God,
Pray to Christ and Mary in love...
Love your friend and do not sin evilly,
Because success cannot be built on blood!

Here God resurrected all people at once quickly,
Now they are all handsome, young stallions...
There will be no more Gomorrah, Sodom,
After all, everyone is submissive and honest before the Almighty!
We storm the fortress of Azov,
On the Black Sea there is a citadel...
The valiant sons of the Cossacks,
This is the Russian goal!

Our leader is Stepan himself,
The bravest man...
The dashing Cossack chieftain,
And with him we know no troubles!

The Turks fight like eagles,
Fighters from different countries...
But our girls are great,
The rod is like a hurricane!

Our Razin is a warrior,
Believe me, he's so cool...
We saluted him,
In a mischievous attack!

The boy is a fighter,
Not born in spring...
And he has a cool dad,
In alliance with Satan!

He is the enemy of all with his sword,
The well sparkles...
People, swear by Ilyich,
The boy is a good boy!

With him is the Almighty Rod Lord,
Which created the world...
He will restore the flesh of the fallen,
And it will give you a lot of strength!
Svarog the Great is also a God,
Mighty Son of the Family...
He will bend his enemies like a horn,
There are cherubs above us!

We will make such a passage,
That all of Azov will fall...
We have a great crew,
The score will be victorious!

I am Lada's boy, my own son,
Which love...
Under the patronage of the saint,
At least blood was shed!

In prayer he raised up to God,
Believe in your dream...
Conquered the arenas of the world,
And I'll cut off heads!

My calling is to create,
The brightest good...
So that the thread of life is not broken,
The silver sparkles!

We are the children of the daring Lada,
And the White God is with us...
If necessary, I'll move the poker,
May the Fuhrer die with a bald head!

Love is a beautiful path,
Which creates...
Without the Lord's Family it is impossible,
Perun speaks to me!

In the name of these Russian Gods,
Jesus also suffered...
Without wasting unnecessary words in the world,
I will cross myself with my hand!

Let Lada be with me,
She is not at all beautiful...
We can even cope with Satan,
On a narrow strip!

Svarog's bright face is visible,
And his sword is like a ray...
The enemy is defeated in this battle,
A new path has been founded!

I bow to Lada,
I kiss the sharp sword...
And the acceleration begins,
To light a fire!

Here the fortress has fallen, we are on it,
The flag of Rus' shines...
And there will be many glorious days,
Lord save my soul!
A fairytale forest lies before us,
Children walk marching on the grass...
It feels good on bare feet,
We will receive gifts from Santa Claus!

We Swedes are very simple people,
The young ones have very tender faces...
Boys and girls are always barefoot,
They even rush across the snow-white field!

God loves children, very much,
Wants to make everyone in the universe happy...
The child's heart will become omnipotent,
We are a big, bland team!

I am Svante, an ordinary child,
In the world of fairy tales I found myself jokingly...
My voice is very loud,
That's where I remained a boy!

I twitter like a very young nightingale,
Like a winged bird he soared...
We need to hit with a cast iron blow,
For a new ruler to be born!

Svante the boy walks barefoot,
Along the forest path they pick pine cones...
Don't judge the child harshly,
He will be a brave, courageous boy!

Soon the boy will come to a fork in the road,
Where an evil stone awaits him...
For lunch you need a knife and fork,
But the child has bare feet!

It won't become prey for Koschei,
And will not fall under sharp pincers...
The enemy's head will remain a bull's head,
Let the blood flow brightly in streams!

We will fight for Sweden,
Like warriors of heavenly power...
We can even fight with Koschei,
Even if he fights unfairly!

That the boy did not kneel,
Show your mighty character...
For the sake of a new dream of generations,
Let's ram the boat with a torpedo!

This is the kind of strength we will have,
Everything will explode and really break apart...
Choke the crocodile, boy,
And buy yourself some luck for an hour!

Get into a tough boxer stance,
Split the Fuhrer's jaw sharply...
So that there is no stupid thief,
A bride from God has appeared!

To make the universe more beautiful,
So that the young men were made of steel...
So that children grow up the happiest,
Having seen the elfinism!

My people are the Sweden of the world,
A country that does not suffer in war...
You can't describe Shakespeare with a pen,
At least sometimes a person goes hungry!

I am the boy who flies,
When a falcon dreams at night...
He dreams of a military feat,
To sing many songs in battle!

The Swedes fought Peter fiercely,
They showed their feat and valor...
But we had to leave the battle quietly,
And sometimes our conscience bit us!

Charlemagne is now a failure,
The Swedes have lost the Baltics...
So, boy, solve the problem book,
May there be changes in the soul!

The boys will gallop dashingly on horseback,
They will boldly fight with enemies...
And the Swedes will give you a real fight back,
Believe me, it is not right for us to retreat!

In the open field the ears of corn turn yellow,
The maples are filled with gold...
The girl will enter with her bare foot,
The foot will surely be hardened!

We will be able to turn our enemies into corpses,
To win despite bitter fate...
After all, our grandfathers died for us,
Washing down your bread with moonshine!

I'm a boy who fights,
Defeating the horde of infidels...
And then the boy laughs loudly,
Dispersing all the fogs into pieces!

Why did the aspen bend its branches?
Her leaves have faded...
We will have a middle ground in the world,
And if necessary, we will get to the point!

The Swedish army will be harsh,
Having crossed over to Moscow lands...
And we will build a new order,
The world of love is like the evening bell!

The lush roses are blooming,
How beautiful it is in a free universe...
Frosts retreat with thunderstorms,
Our world will be great and happy!

I pray to God the wise to make it so,
So that my youth is not wasted...
So that I don"t become a gray-haired grandfather,
Let your youth shine brightly!

So the world will never go out,
The stars will burn in the sky forever...
True happiness will come to people,
So that what you know is impossible!

I want with my hot heart,
To soar like an eagle into the sky...
Receive the gift of great luck,
So that the dead may rise again at once!

Mighty Thor will give us a reward,
For the sake of Sweden, the bright power...
And let us keep joy in our hearts,
Endless love, loud glory!

Don't believe the lies - there is no God,
In every heart there is joy...
Let's bring the enemy to justice,
Let grief and old age disappear then!

Don't grieve about the past, people,
There will be great happiness soon...
Even though the children's bare feet are freezing,
The sun rises, the bad weather passes!

We are the daughters of the Russian Gods,
Believe me, they are so cool...
French varennikov,
The beast will not overcome!

We are millions of troops,
Capable of putting...
Such are the laws,
The hunter is now the game!

We don't know the girls' weakness,
Kill the Orcs...
Let's bring joy to the boys,
Exams with A's!

We're probably going on the attack,
It's already the tenth day...
Let the orcs feel bad,
Barmaley is crushed!

We are nice girls,
The fighters are the coolest...
And a ringing voice,
The crossbow is loaded!

Let the army be big,
The evil orcs are greedily rushing...
My foot is bare,
Will kill the evil trolls!

My sword is the sharpest,
Sparkles like a ray of...
The pressure is crazy,
Although the enemy is cool!

There are many different types,
Know all sorts of ideas...
There is an echidna lying behind the stump,
A complete villain!

Well, we are people of light,
There is no one higher than us in the world...
Here the planet spins,
The gun is loaded!

And somewhere in the Black Sea,
Ships are scurrying...
The orcs will be in grief,
And they will tear their belly buttons!

Here the wolfhounds howl,
A formidable lion was found...
There are big countries around,
The gun is loaded!

These are the girls,
What can be cut...
Their hearts are golden,
And in the glory of life the thread!

With a silvery stream,
The crystal stream babbles...
And a clear voice,
Girl, sing something!

On sea and on land,
A violent storm is raging...
The bear will probably be strangled,
Flutters like an eagle!

The girls won't be silent,
The only thing cooler than them is an egg...
Whistle louder, kids,
Even though it was hard!

We are warriors to such an extent,
Beautiful and strong...
What if we hurt you?
To the grave, servants of Satan!

We love a bloody fight,
Such brave men...
In the name of terrible glory,
Well done girls!

And if things get tough,
Then we will defeat our enemies...
The strongest chainmail,
Pound fists!

In the name of God Rod,
We fight with a sword...
Freedom is coming now,
Payback for the executioner!

It's so great to be barefoot,
To the girl on the grass...
Her golden braids,
And lips in amber!

She jumps like a stubborn goat,
Beautiful, with golden hair...
And somewhere there is a naughty boy,
He grew up on milk in the steppes!

We will give birth to such beautiful children,
That they will be equal to the Gods...
To live happily and joyfully,
And they beat the orcs on the horns!

The mighty city turns silver,
And in the rays the river stream boils...
In the fields the wind is waving,
And the friendship of girls is monolithic!

Svarog is the great and mighty God,
Which cuts like a snake...
And over the Fatherland there are clouds again,
The nightingale plays in mourning!

Our homeland is radiant,
In it, God Perun gives rain...
The people will be so glorious,
Spread your wings and take flight!

And the girls are fighters from the Family,
Capable of making a glorious path...
For them science and nature,
Don't you dare bend them into a spiral!

Thus says the Lord Almighty,
Serve your Motherland...
To become higher than everyone in the universe,
And then he does not count his sorrows!

So I'll tell you a secret,
That the Parent is not cruel...
He will bring the orcs to justice,
Vampires will have garlic in their mouths!

And if things get really tough,
Let's squeeze a mosquito in our fist...
The bear's ear was crushed,
And there will be dancing until the morning!

When Svarog comes to Earth,
The Supreme Being will resurrect everyone...
He will say I do not accept death,
Return with the power of Belobog!

The capital prince and the city of Kyiv,
We serve you for centuries...
Whoever is against the Motherland, we will reject,
Believe me, your dream will come true!

All Russian lands are united,
Svarog, Yarilo, the formidable Thor...
In battles, the fighters are invincible,
And Satan will receive an axe!

Oh Paris, such a beautiful city,
In it, every cobblestone is like a diamond...
Even though there is childhood hunger,
We will show the greatest class!

Here comes a boy, running, barefoot,
Heels like rabbit paws...
After all, no child is poor,
I believe the guys will be happy!

Our Paris was founded once upon a time,
Apparently Caesar himself built it...
There are boys and playful girls in it,
Maybe even Adam wandered here!

France is my native country,
There are many forests, fields and rivers in it...
You are forever glorified, O saint,
Where a person can breathe so freely!

Charlemagne expanded your space,
To the Slavic, snowy shores...
I have accomplished a great mission,
The best sons of France!

And then thunderstorms thundered brightly,
There was unrest from the dukes, princes...
The widows of the fallen shed tears,
They also took children into slavery!

France, however, developed,
Louis was a saint as a monarch...
Above the stars, like the sun, it rose,
With your faith and big dream!

Here Versailles was built by honest Colbert,
Believe me, the world admired him...
You kids put a comment with your pen,
May Shakespeare himself sing for you!

Louis was a solar monarch,
Under him, France flourished magnificently...
She ate frogs for breakfast,
Donuts, a barely full country!

There was a revolution recently,
The French people overthrew the king...
A new program has now started,
The newly elected convention reigns!

But it didn't bring happiness to the people,
The reign of the guillotine began...
The gloomy bad weather has come again,
And the executioner became the new master!

But Napoleon the eagle appeared,
Like a falcon in the wondrous heights...
And it seemed that Christ was born again,
Satan's vision has become difficult!

The glorious campaigns of the giant,
Austria, Italy in smoke...
He will go around and hit you hard in the back,
If necessary, it will end up in Crimea!

He was in Egypt and smashed the Arabs,
And the pyramids were under the eagle...
He has so many different layouts,
When he conquered fate with a blade!

And Prussia is submissive to Bonaparte,
And Poland became his fiefdom...
Boy, sit down at your desk quickly,
So that nothing becomes impossible!

It's true that Russia has severe frosts,
And it's hard for the French army...
Children drop crystal and tears into the snow,
And somewhere in the snowdrifts it blossomed!

Napoleon certainly gained the upper hand in battles,
And he was great even in the Kremlin...
He would rule the world almost forever,
Everywhere on our mother Earth!

But here's the problem - the French are retreating,
I'm walking through the snow, and a prickly swarm...
Napoleon's ranks are quickly melting away,
It turned out to be such a crushing game!

Kutuzov is unable to win the battle,
But the cunning man took it by starvation...
The country of Russia is very large,
You can wander around it for a whole century!

Then the Russians burst into Europe,
A large army is moving forward as a horde...
And no matter how hard the French fought,
But we got a losing score!

Napoleon was exiled to Helena,
And Louis came to our throne...
If necessary, we will block the Seine,
Let's give the English a real thrashing!

The Cossacks took a stroll through Paris,
They spanked the children with whips...
Others also tried hard,
This is how he acts without valiant ideas!

In short, we are no longer a power,
And it seems that France is finished...
I see that our glory has faded,
It's as if the Fatherland was hung on a hook!

But our will to fight has not faded,
The French went to storm Algiers...
Let the army have happiness in battle again,
And our military idol will be reborn!

I know the time will come for revenge,
France will enter Moscow with victory...
The soldier carries grenades in a sturdy backpack,
And if necessary, he'll hit you on the nose!

And Napoleons will burn again,
Victories will come, you know that...
We will crush hostile laws,
Let's build a new, bright, wonderful paradise!

And the French fleet will be reborn again,
The stormy fox of the seas will arise again...
An armada of ships will rush forward,
And the villain will be crushed in battle!

Then Gavroche will no longer be a child,
And the great and cool marshal...
He will marry the bride with a girl,
May strength and luck be with him forever!

We are the children of happy France,
What boldly conquers the world...
Let the share be fair,
As Shakespeare described with his pen!

Napoleon is the idol of the people,
And the commander is the son of the Gods...
He brought freedom to Europe,
Without wasting unnecessary, idle words!

Born in Corsica in the south,
As a boy I ran around barefoot...
It seemed like I studied with difficulty,
And someone beat against him with a fist!

But the boy grew up to be a military leader,
As if Caesar had become great...
Talent will not be lost in the well,
Napoleon is my ideal!

A glorious commander on the campaign,
Reached Rome - Hannibal...
The great people loved,
Saluted Napoleon!

The Pope himself will crown,
Saint of France, King...
The words of the mighty are like bullets,
After all, Bonaparte reigns for a reason!

Egypt - the land of the pharaoh,
Napoleon beat the Arabs...
And without reading the code of laws,
He conquered the pyramids!
When Napoleon is great,
Went to war against Austria...
This is how the wild dance began,
He is like a relative of Satan!

Don't believe those who laugh here,
You can't take Napoleon...
Because his power is like the sun,
And grace flourishes!

Mighty are the young soldiers,
They march boldly towards Moscow...
And soon there will be machines,
Death will sharpen his scythe!

Beauty of glory Josephine,
Paris has been conquered by you...
Even though you didn"t give birth to a Dauphin,
But your husband is Napoleon!

The soldiers march into battle,
They want to conquer the world...
Guns and thunder,
The hunter has become the hunted!

Napoleon is a child of fortune,
A fighter from God, a warrior from the devil...
Will sharpen the strings of poetry,
And let it count towards his credit!

A large army is heading towards Moscow,
It doesn't know the number...
It's too late for Kutuzov to save himself,
Attack sharp needle!

Well, what about Napoleon the Guardian,
Able to overcome difficulties...
And he is the winner of Russia,
Night has fallen on the field!

The Kremlin awaits Bonaparte,
The chimes are loud and measured...
The French are the coolest,
And apparently the fire went out!

Gavroche will then enter the capital,
In uniform, he is a general after all...
He will find an eagle as his bride,
That's the title he was given!

And then we will live happily ever after,
And we will give birth to a load of children...
Let's all be a good team,
A palace and many swords!

The great name of the boy of Paris,
Shines over the world like a ray of sunshine...
The French do not fight for prestige,
The people will show the way to all of France!
The French do not fight for prestige,
They will show the way to all the peoples of France!

Gavroche is a boy who is completely barefoot,
But a proud handsome man and a brave fighter...
And you don"t judge the ragamuffin harshly,
Really believe me, the guy is great!
And you don"t judge the ragamuffin harshly,
Really believe me, the guy is great!

The treacherous enemy went on the offensive,
But I believe the French people will not waver...
The enemy awaits defeat and oblivion,
And the glory of Paris will blossom even more!
The enemy awaits defeat and oblivion,
And the glory of Paris will blossom even more!

We are together with Stella and the brave Fox,
We are rushing to attack the Russian regiments...
And the voices of boys are so clear these days,
French kids are so hot!
And the voices of boys today are so clear,
French kids are so hot!

We will fight without fear,
We will fight without a step back...
Gavrosha, the Fatherland of Christ and Allah,
The whole squad will come to the glorious parade!
Gavrosha, the Fatherland of Christ and Allah,
The whole squad will come to the glorious parade!

Don't believe, French, that the Russians are weak,
The enemy is worthy, Kuzov is smart...
We are the children of Paris, worthy of glory,
Forward with Bonaparte to the rustle of banners!
We are the children of Paris, worthy of glory,
Forward with Bonaparte to the rustle of banners!

The Russian guns are pounding terribly,
The Cossacks are on the attack, and there is a terrible onslaught...
But you know it"s dangerous to argue with the French,
I will convey Bonaparte's order to the regiments!
But you know it"s dangerous to argue with the French,
I will convey Bonaparte's order to the regiments!

Gavroche is a brave boy, now near Moscow,
Fight for France in a big field...
He loves his Fatherland with a young soul,
Even though death threatens with its sharpest scythe!
He loves his Fatherland with a young soul,
Even though death threatens with its sharpest scythe!

The Cossack attacks with a huge horde,
Pearly hussars, dragoons in a crowd...
But the boy fights in the name of the state,
Even though you yourself are just a child in rags and barefoot!
But the boy fights in the name of the state,
Even though you yourself are just a child in rags and barefoot!

Gavroche is a relative of the titans with his heart,
Although young in years and small in height...
Do not trust the French under the rule of tyrants,
Kutuzov will get nothing from France!
The French will never be under the rule of tyrants,
Kutuzov will get nothing from France!

Centuries will pass, an era will come,
In which there will be no suffering and lies...
Fight for this until your last breath,
Serve your France with all your heart!
Fight for this until your last breath,
Serve your France with all your heart!
Napoleon is a great commander,
Monarch born of the mother of Gods...
And a considerable foreigner received it,
A strong blow from Bonaparte!

This great one was born in Corsica,
He was a very lively boy there...
Such a mighty genius has appeared,
Napoleon has plenty of military forces!

He fought bravely in Italy,
I went on a hike to the land of the pyramids...
The French fought hand-to-hand,
The soldier's fist is a strong monolith!

I am a boy, too, in the army like a falcon,
I love you, my emperor...
The houses are full of windows broken by the boy,
This warrior is simply cool!

Well, I'm too small for a rifle,
But the pulsar burns from magic...
And the boy has a loud voice,
How my poor trumpet sounds!

What should I do for the future of my children?
So that the French can live happily...
Napoleon is responsible for everything, believe me,
Here you can't tell whether you're a hunter or an elk!

Napoleon fought bravely in Egypt,
However, he couldn"t win there...
The fleet was cut off by the sea,
There's a lot to build here!

But he was placed on the throne by fate,
First the consul, who is almost a king...
Bonaparte was terrible for the enemy,
Don't get carried away by the tricky game!
Where only the French hero did not fight,
There was a glorious battle at Austerlitz...
This is what this emperor achieved,
War is not just troubles and robbery!

And in Prussia Napoleon is a master,
And the monarch conquered Poland by playing...
In Spain there was just a bang,
The news thundered all the way to the Himalayas!

Almost all of Europe is under the heel,
But of course this is not enough for the tiger...
Now we are a friendly family,
All that remains is to defeat the aksakals!

The campaign to Russia also began,
The empire is huge and endless...
Bonaparte spends a lot,
And he wants to do it with Russian parrots!

He promises freedom to the man,
And to pin down the master with laws...
I don't understand why he's rebelling.
After all, a great person wants the best!

Borodino, this is a glorious battle,
The battle is decisive near Moscow...
France will be with you forever,
And your Gavroche will become a great hero!

The body is a cunning fox - a strategist,
He is a master at setting traps for the French...
I saw barefoot girls running,
This will become art!

Well, boy, help the French,
Even though he vegetated in the back alleys of Paris...
Let not brave enemies disturb you,
You yourself will blow Bargation's mind!

Gavroche is a boy - like a cool soldier,
Here comes a blast of grapeshot from the cannons...
And the Russian army will mow down the line,
Believe me, his glory will not diminish!

Napoleon, you are a valiant idol,
Who raised France to the sun...
You conquer the whole world in glory,
And if necessary, you can give it to the Japanese too!

In short, we will now enter Moscow,
In the Kremlin the French have a glorious crown...
And we will create a happy country,
Napoleon's power of the throne!

And what about Gavroche, he will obviously receive a rank,
And he will become an officer in epaulettes...
We will conquer the vastness of the universe,
And your exploits will be praised!

But then the boys set out on a hike again,
While we hang the French flag in Istanbul...
To waste the Sultan's army,
Even Kutuzov won't help them!

We draw a new bold plan on the boards,
Napoleon with his cocked hat...
So that the Sultan does not dare to deceive,
The boy was not embarrassed by his AWOL!

After all, the boys aren"t afraid of crossings,
Let's cross the nightmarish rubble...
In the name of France, the holy land,
And for the sake of our eternal, bright glory!

And then China awaits us,
Let's go on a hike across great Siberia...
And there will be a perfect paradise of peace,
Boys and girls are running barefoot!

Well, the French are our people,
They are brave and noble in stature...
They even put China to waste,
To make the world happy and free!

Don't stand on the throat of your song,
Sing ditties with a ringing voice...
The sabres of Damascus steel sparkle,
With a French blade, the real thing!

We will beat the English at sea,
We build frigates, cruisers, battleships...
Such was the fate given to Napoleon,
So that a new order emerges in the world!

Oh France, how I love you,
There is no one more beautiful than you in the whole universe...
The Fatherland will not be torn apart ruble by ruble,
There will be peace and happiness throughout the universe!

When Napoleon enters New York,
In the land of Indians and dashing cowboys...
This will be a real bill,
French, the most legendary heroes!

Then there will be a whole world beneath us,
Which will become a radiant light...
The glorious cherub will spread his wings,
Above our blessed planet!

God will be full of color,
At least he is a man, but he is such a great one...
And Satan's horn will be broken in battle,
Although the dragons of war have a thousand faces!

Well, why should we win by force?
Let's create a storm - like hurricanes...
You don't need to yell at France,
That the volcanoes erupted in flames!

In France, life will become like Eden,
And in the world, everything is blooming and beautiful...
The time of glorious changes will come,
The Fatherland, without a doubt, as a team!

The branch of endless France blossoms,
She blooms flowers so brightly...
We receive this reckoning in battle,
Let Abel triumph, not Cain!

Pray to your people of France,
Now she is the Holy Motherland...
You don't need any unnecessary, stupid ideas,
So that the plague does not come!

The stars in the sky are shining brightly,
The Milky Way points the way to the universe...
Paris doesn't raise pigeons at all,
Bogatyrs with unfailing courage!

In short, the boy-hero Gavroche,
He became related to Napoleon in honor...
They didn't give him a penny in addition,
Even the sheikh was so surprised!

The boy soon had his wedding,
That is why he is a duke and is immeasurably rich...
And the day of happy youth has come,
We will be in the light - that's for sure!

A barefoot boy runs along the pavement,
His smile shines like pearls...
He managed to steal the copper piggy bank,
And the policeman catches up with the guy!

But without shoes the child's feet,
He is very nimble, to the envy of the bunny...
And the voice is very clear,
When he sings the songs of a thief!

He picked up speed and slid towards the fence,
A small crack was found between the boards...
He arrived in time for the life analysis,
And the bird fluttered away from the cop!

Then he bought some bread for the girl,
The crust is beautiful, the crust is salted...
They held the loaf of bread in her little hands,
And in gratitude, only thank you!

The Lord will not condemn the orphans, believe me,
They steal only to live under God...
And how many different throats the bourgeoisie has,
That they wash down lard with moonshine!

Well, why should I light a candle for my sin?
And I will sing a psalm like a poor monk...
And I glorify Jesus the Lord,
Not like those bottle lovers!

We will pray in a large cathedral, 
crosses, icons, Mother of God Mary...
About our evil orphan, childish lot,
Under the wings of the holy cherub!

Of course, the Lord loves barefoot children,
When they don't need warm shoes...
But if the winter cold comes,
The sun will shine and the puddles will melt!

Give to the naked and unfortunate children,
For every penny you will forgive any sin...
Let's go through the children's possessions simply privately,
Because every man was born a king!

Here comes God, who will make the old young,
We will be barefoot like children...
In Paradise it is beautiful and in wonderful Eden,
May there be endless happiness on the planet!
I am a homeless toddler,
I walk barefoot on sharp stones...
With me in my heart is the good Jesus,
Don't be too arrogant and proud!

Why is it so hard in the world?
One rich, fat as a pig...
Another one doesn't even see milk,
And he jumps around hungry like a bunny!

And I, a boy, will ask for mercy,
And if necessary, I'll just steal it...
Yes, I sin against the Lord unwittingly,
We are simply ruining a young soul!

Such is the lot of a boy, however,
Fight desperately for a bright world...
There is chaos on the planet,
But the will will not be the soul of the clown!

My homeland France is beautiful,
Napoleon is a great former genius...
The monarch really performed miracles,
For the glory of all future generations!
And we boys are delighted with this,
Napoleon was listened to with such greedy attention...
There will be no more problems for France,
We will see, believe me, Eden, the light will come!

But it turned out that blood was shed,
Guys, we don't know how many people died...
Where is the love of the wise God,
Faith and Christ's care have disappeared!

How good it is when a boy is young,
But how disgusting is evil old age...
Believe us, we don"t need sad thoughts,
Think about something cheerful, boy!

After all, there will be peace, I believe, a complete paradise,
In which there will be no old men or old women...
And you, boy, in rage, dare,
And such people will become for you!

God will come to our planet,
And he will establish a new order there...
Victories will open an unlimited account,
Without any compromises or dirty tricks!

The boy won't just remain silent,
He actively makes calls...
Passing exams with only A's,
We will simply think collectively!

Well, my valiant friend Gavroche,
He looks like just a barefoot boy...
You're not really selling yourself for a pittance,
And if necessary, you jump like a ball!

So we boys climbed into a cool house,
We collected a lot of different trophies there...
And they gave it to the girl barefoot,
From diamonds straight to an orchid!

In short, everything is fine with me,
I'm smiling, the sun is shining brightly...
The thieves are a glorious family,
And there will be happiness, paradise on the planet!

And even if I end up in jail,
And they will beat me on the heels with a stick...
I will sing a thief's song,
And I'll play hide and seek with the executioners!

I became a fairy, wonderful and beautiful,
Now I have bare feet...
After all, the Gods have endowed him with a noble regalia,
Like the flame of the Olympic fire!

I want to fly higher like an eagle,
Dispel all sorrow and sadness in the heart...
To walk on the thatched roof,
God Almighty Jesus is with me!

I want to pay my respects to Mary,
What made me stronger now...
For the sake of the great mission of France,
Now she's an eagle, not a sparrow!

My swords are sharp and my arrows are accurate,
I'll hit a fly if I want...
I will save you from the evil Koschei, believe me, children,
And I will fly into the sky like a bird!

I can make France happier,
Even though Tsar Napoleon lost...
But believe me, there is no country more beautiful,
Let Paris become an ideal for the world!

I am Mercedes - almost considered a Goddess,
I fight like a wild angel in the flesh...
Let the bloody mission come true,
And we will be able to find our trophy!

Well, what should I do with Baba Yaga?
She, too, can be said to be powerful...
Believe me, you won't be able to cope with Satan,
When the underworld makes you shudder!

I say - Jesus will be with me,
And he will cut everyone down with swords in battle...
Know that the grace of the Lord will not diminish,
The Archangel blows his trumpet furiously!

When Esmeralda was barefoot,
Now I'm running almost naked...
Of course, a long journey awaits us,
To settle into a new dream!

We will reach the stars now, believe me,
We have both magic and technology...
In spirit we remain children forever,
And they showed simply top class!

When London falls to the French,
The crown will be over all of Europe...
We are led by holy, well-known faces,
Without any delays or fuss!

Then Napoleon will return again,
And the pride of the universe will awaken...
The sun will shine over the Fatherland,
And our fortress is like a monolith!

I am young, beautiful, barefoot,
And I have the muscles of a panther...
I will create for myself a paradise,
Let there be a cherub of dreams, relatives!

I became young again,
Beautiful as a daisy...
I walk barefoot on the grass,
And now there is no need for a kibitka!

The girl has a sharp sword in her hands,
What cuts through the flesh playing...
You need to take care of this one,
So that the tabernacles of paradise do not burn!

And a bow with a quiver of nimble arrows,
And muscles like a panther...
What did you want man,
And the girl's teeth are white!

Now I am a warrior,
She became such a beautiful girl...
And the warriors are my family,
And the will is stronger than metal!

I can kill a tiger too,
And roast a boar over a fire...
Don't dare to distort the faith,
And to steam up various stupidities!

And in this world flowers grow,
And the aromas are so wonderful...
Without any unnecessary fuss,
Nature in endless May!

Victoria is to be celebrated,
We will be very bright...
Pass your exams with flying colors,
So that there is no dream, no pity!

I want to become Napoleon,
But only in a red miniskirt...
And defeat the enemies,
So that they would be scared of course!

This is what I wanted before,
Find yourself a man correctly...
So that I have my family,
And for those who are against it, it's extremely bad!

Well, if I meet an orc,
Well, he'll get what he deserves!
I'll hit him in the side with a blade,
That's just how it turned out!

Well, let me drink some nectar,
I wet my lips...
The girl has such a cool gift,
Her great world power!

Well, what shall we do, make a detour?
And we'll rip their stomachs open...
And the demon will be finished,
May it be bad for the enemy!

It's better to break than to build, you know that,
There will be such changes...
And the planet will become a paradise,
Prices are skyrocketing!

There is no need to show weakness,
Otherwise it will become extremely bad...
Write this down in your notebook,
When there is a big change!

And if you meet a dragon,
Then, believe me, we will not waver...
And the enemies will be defeated,
Let's pick at the snout with our fingernails!

I look so cool,
I can keep my face...
The color of the sky will be blue,
And I will destroy the infidel!

The girl won't remain silent, you know,
She will not give in to her enemies anymore...
Let's build a paradise in our world,
Well, sometimes a girl is so stupid!

And what will make its move,
Not a pawn, but a queen, believe me...
And he will send the monsters to destruction,
We are such children of light!

God does not give the weak any slack,
What they wouldn't want...
We put our enemies to death,
Such a strange lottery!

We will deliver a cascade of blows,
And we'll break the orc's jaw...
If we need the planet, we'll save it,
And we'll tear the troll apart too!

The wolf is also a glorious beast,
It's like he's attacking in a pack...
We open the door to success,
And someone doesn't give a damn!

Well, what do you tell us, fighter?
That the bears are squeezing us...
But we have the Lord Father,
And my boyfriend, Fedya, is not stupid!

How does a game of chess go?
We move the pieces...
And Koschei has a needle,
We will be able to download everything from life!

Paris is a great city, you know,
Handsome and wise...
So, girl, dare,
And throw your enemies off their pedestals!

Louis the Sun King,
Who built the same amount...
And someone is a complete zero,
And believe me, different heroes!

Napoleon went to Moscow,
And was in the lands of the pharaohs...
Even a donkey can understand this,
What a greatness he is on the throne!

Yes, we failed to take London,
We stormed for Mandrid...
Elk roasted on a fire
We feasted with a beautiful goose!

And our meat is juicy,
It was literally pouring down my waistcoat...
This is truly top class,
And the vile one will not receive mercy!

Well, orc, why don't you whine?
We will tear you to shreds...
And there will be big zeros,
Let the enemy go to the smoke!

Well, now what kind of flesh,
The girl is a cool beauty...
May the Lord help my dear one,
And why has even the vodka gone sour?

But what are you looking at, fighters?
Believe me, you girl are jealous...
And the young men are really great,
And what is beautiful is not visible!

We will create a nightmare for our enemies,
Such that they won't get weak...
The enemy receives shame,
We'll fry you like a toad!

In short, the girl is in battle,
She showed herself to be a Goddess...
I love Christ and Mars,
And believe me, the world is not enough!

We will give for France,
And soul, heart, and wealth...
There's a cool cherub above us,
Such a light-brotherhood of knights!

And again we will be in Moscow,
And London will lie down under the girl...
Let us not submit to Satan,
My voice is very loud!

Let's cross ourselves and go ahead,
For the Motherland and for the French...
The Holy Virgin will lead,
Fighting is also an art!

But the Almighty God will win,
For France, and for the Fatherland...
May the possessed orc die,
May there be happiness in our lives!

We have found ourselves in a wonderful, glorious world,
Where there are Mercedes, Citroens...
There progress celebrates a wonderful feast,
Everyone around is rich as sirs!

We are just barefoot children,
We rush along the burning asphalt...
If necessary, we'll hit you with our fists,
And we'll literally burst into laughter!

We lived recently in that world,
Where horses went - carriages...
They built houses with a hammer,
And only mirages flew!

We thought there was no more space,
More beautiful than Paris on the planet...
Prepare a bouquet for the girl,
Let adults and children laugh!

What a wonderful country this is,
Now, however, a problem has arisen before us...
Satan does not seem to rule in her,
And we walk barefoot!

There cars rush without horses,
Perhaps it is also possible to fly...
And although there is a villain,
Let's do what is completely impossible!

The new universe is already here,
Boys and girls rejoice...
I believe the orc will be kaput,
The winds will blow from the tropics!

Let's compose a new story then,
Now the girl and I are time travelers...
Everything will be top notch, believe me.
Let's carry away progress in a wide backpack!
No, there is no point in reasoning for long,
We are capable of this, I know,
Passed all exams with flying colors,
The boys turned out to be heroes!

This is such a wonderful dream,
I believe that it will come true wonderfully...
Beauty will rule the world,
And everything will become very interesting!

Why do the girls look sad?
All sorts of things happen here...
Our friendship is simply a monolith,
Even though it looks crooked at times!

We are capable of creating different things,
Trampling various laws...
Even an oligarch can be ruined,
And take millions from the bosses!

Well, fighting is also our destiny,
Boys from such a universe...
Even though there is utter chaos,
We have different names!

A gun can create,
It's also a wonderful miracle, believe me...
At least the boys are a little older,
They will open the door to hell!

Let love reign in the world,
We'll make the guys happier, believe me...
Even though blood may sometimes be shed violently,
But the outcome will be fairer!

The sword was good in the past life,
Nowadays weapons are more powerful...
The boy has a bright soul,
Even though clouds gather sometimes!

That's why I say boldly,
Don't bend in battle, boy...
I love both God and progress,
Defeat the enemy and try your best!

Man, believe me, you are great,
If necessary, he will move mountains...
Our friendship is a solid monolith,
And let's leave the talking to hell!

Our power will be very strong,
The French army is all-powerful...
By faith a free country,
And her blow is certainly strong!

The spirit is truly lawless,
By our great power of rage...
There will soon be a redistribution of the world,
Our power is absolutely wild!

As Napoleon taught his soldiers,
Be wise and witty...
And such a merciless law,
The smartest one wins in battle!

Our glory will live forever,
Like fires in the hands of Prometheus...
And we will be able to sew up our enemies,
Not sparing the enemy at all!

The enemy will be defeated by force,
We'll stick him with a bayonet, believe me...
The legion attacks in battle,
There will be a world of good and bright destiny!

France is a great country,
And I went on different hikes...
Sometimes the horde would come,
And there were different expenses!

There was a king named Charles the Great,
Which he could do very cool...
His radiant gift of battle,
The enemies were extremely stupid!

There was another monarch like that,
That the whole world was literally surprised...
Striking fear into the enemies,
So that the evil enemy chokes!

And Napoleon is my dream,
This guy is really cool...
If beauty attacks,
He's terrible on the offensive!

The brave man conquered all of Europe,
He showed his prowess, believe me...
He has so many fighting forces,
I see you are surprised, sir!

What wise fighters we are,
We are doing a great job, you know...
Let grandfathers and fathers be proud,
My soul was pretty boiling!

Let's do something like this, people, know that,
That flies will die from surprise...
The planet will soon become a paradise,
And the damned enemies will wither away!

My homeland is blooming,
Even though Napoleon was a loser...
But victories open the account,
And we boldly solve the problem book!

We are able to figure out the enemy,
I know there will be a new messiah...
And we will put the devil on horns,
The spirit of greatness will become omnipotent!

Although Kutuzov won the battle,
But in Moscow Napoleon made a fortune...
On the throne was this Lord,
How could the Russian enemy not go crazy!

Yes, the French had to retreat,
The nasty frosts finished me off...
A thief attacks in the underworld,
And there are different threats!

France will not fall on its knees,
At least the Cossacks were in Paris...
Our faith simply cannot be trampled upon,
I will see new deeds!

I'll buy a beautiful Mercedes,
And a pretty girl to him...
For our sake the Holy Lord has risen,
The angel's voice is ringing!

I believe we will reach victory,
Believe me, to the peaks of Everest...
We will defeat the English and the Spaniards,
Let's be in eternal glory, to be honest!

The head is strong on the shoulders,
Believe me, we can think...
You can't catch a boy talking,
This is a futile undertaking!

Well now we have a new world before us,
It's also true that it's fun...
Shakespeare will not describe this,
And believe me, the enemy will feel bad!

Why should we gallop so briskly?
Like strong and dashing hares,
The boys won't have to die,
The children's feet run barefoot!

Well, in short, France is for us,
And Dumas, believe me, is resting...
We will show simply the highest class,
And I know it doesn't get any cooler!

There will be a new emperor, know,
We will conquer the space of the world...
And we will build the coolest paradise,
Sometimes with a bayonet, sometimes with a lead bullet!
A naked girl hung on the rack,
And before she was a great queen...
Now the slave girl is barefoot with chains,
Here is fate, like life, like a needle!

The same thing happens in the world sometimes,
I was there, but at the top, and now in the darkness...
In purple, scarlet, and became naked,
And there is no place for you on Earth now!

Well, fortunes sometimes have grins,
When the king turns into zero...
Sometimes the whole world is not enough for you,
Then comes the sad role!

So it turned out that pirates attacked,
The palace is under attack, by a stinking crowd...
I believe that the uncountable will come to their senses,
And we will cope with this without counting the horde!

I don't know why he throws the swing like that,
Now up, now higher, a cascade...
And you can plow the shallows of the beach with your stern,
Or maybe it"s a truly demonic arrangement!

Well, what about the executioner, there's no point in being a bazaar here,
You can't lecture an idiot...
Sometimes people solve problems with their throats,
An enraged demon is going on the attack!

Well, princess, you have to suffer painfully,
The fire caresses the soles of the brazier...
And I want to scream at the top of my lungs,
But I can't cope with this girl alone!

Oh Gods of Olympus, help me,
Save me from the rack, the whip and the fire...
You all will spare the naked girl,
Here's an invoice, a penalty has accrued!

Well, did the beauty get the whip?
The executioner burned the chest with a red-hot rod...
But this girl has a huge power hidden in her,
Although there is often sorrowful crying!

Well, is this war going to be serious?
It's not just fire that will burn my heels...
Believe me, it's not too late to dream about your loved one,
The enemy can be so tough sometimes!

Well, now that I am crucified on the rack,
And they beat the girl with a barbed whip...
The executioner burned the heels with the red-hot end,
And my chest already begins to groan!

The inquisitors tortured me for a long time,
Broke all the toes on my bare feet...
They acted, as you can see, vilely,
You can't express this in sad verses!

But the bastards still lowered the rack,
And they wiped my body with alcohol and water...
The lounger was lowered onto the soft straw,
They just left the girl naked!

I thought that I would end my days at the stake,
That they will burn you like a witch in a hot fire...
Or a stake will drill into my butt,
They will send the beauty into captivity to Satan!

Apparently the inquisitors need money,
They took us to the slave market...
And without leaving a single thread of clothing,
Only the hair is decorated like a cream cake!

The men looked lustfully and greedily,
They couldn't find a better beauty...
The infidels' eyes burned brightly,
I look no more than twenty years old!

Of course, everyone wanted to make love,
And press the girl's strong body...
Even though this may only end in pain,
I myself began to tremble with desire!

For a whole bag of golden ducats,
They gave the girl to the Sultan for the harem...
If they didn"t break you, neither the whip nor the roll,
And the main ruler is cooler than a peer!

Well, why is the girl bored in the harem?
Although great luxury clearly reigns in it...
The girl then won the lottery,
Such a stunning view of gold!

But finally she is in the Sultan's box,
Gave birth to an heir - that's a move...
And the girl of the world, believe me, is not enough,
She is ready to put legions to death!

The Sultan has already died, she is an X-ray artist,
She decided to take revenge on the executioners forever...
The girl now has great hope,
And now you can see anything on your shoulders!

The infidel hordes are heading to Europe,
The Ottomans are already approaching Rome in a crowd...
The sultana girl cast a proud glance,
She stepped on the throat with her mighty foot!

The monarchs of Europe kiss her shoes,
The Pope himself will not rise from his knees in Rome...
And the Ottomans beat the priests,
Now the inquisitors have been captured!

Well, it looks like retribution has been accomplished,
The girl is now at the pinnacle of success quite...
She will now apparently give you mercy,
And there are no more beautiful places on Earth!

So, executioners, don"t rush to torture,
Today she's naked on the rack, and tomorrow she's a king...
And it"s better not to tempt your fortune,
She used to be a victim, but now she's cool!

So if the conscience of the cat is still left,
Get me off the rack quickly...
I can forgive you just a little bit,
Here's the invoice, and a penalty has accrued!

In short, she laughed to spite the executioners,
And she showed them her long tongue...
The rope on the rack has now broken,
Under my bare feet the fire flames had already died down!

We are warriors born of Svarog,
And believe me, we are so cool...
Like daughters, so are brave sons,
Our homeland is very brave!

When children enter into battle boldly,
They are capable of performing miracles...
I will be with you forever, Motherland,
I know the Fatherland of the Gods, do not anger me!

My family, believe me, is the family of Gods,
Who are capable of ruling the world...
There is no need to waste unnecessary words on this,
The goddess became an idol for me!

I believe we will fly to the very stars,
Where bright comets rush there...
Above us is a golden-winged cherub,
And the feats of heroism are sung!

My big Russian family,
In it, Lada and Svarog are already on the rise...
The Lord is One, but here I am already seven,
People don't need to think about the throne!

The boy's sword cuts down the Ottomans,
Sparkles like silver at low tide...
I know I will definitely build paradise,
Divine in the light of the collective!

Let faith not weaken on Earth,
Believe me, we are striving for new frontiers...
A swift flight to a big dream,
So that any ruler can be useful!

I know we will bring the kingdom of light,
After all, barefoot Nadezhda is with us...
And if necessary, we will save the Earth,
Although what was before will not be!

Let the boy's soul delight,
Goddess of light, know the wise Lada...
The young man goes on the attack, crushing,
Without expecting a future reward!

The wolves will howl very loudly, know that
Their howl will suddenly deafen the army...
Then there will be a deafening bark,
It will be difficult for the enemy!

Here the sun of peace rises over the earth,
It reflects the wisdom of the universe...
The victories opened an endless account,
With your strength in battle, unchanging!

The eagle circles over the furious world,
Two heads are crowned...
The Fatherland has a sword and a strong shield,
And there is a huge army at the throne!

We will get what we want, you know,
The victory will be very loud, I believe...
We will soon build a paradise on the planet,
Drink mead, and don't need vodka!

Here the army is already going on the attack,
The girls run barefoot...
The victories opened an endless account,
So that there is no greatness for the poor!

When a girl raises a sword,
All that is as sharp as steel...
He is able to cut through the unclean,
And it's too late to kneel!

My victory will be near,
I believe in the sword and wise desire...
Love for the Fatherland is true and pure,
And the enemy will receive retribution!

The Lord will not accept the weak into his bosom, know that,
He also respects the power of faith...
Then nature will be eternal May,
And stop this grief, people!

Why is a man given a sharp mind?
To enjoy eternal immortality...
And let it not darken the brow of thought,
We humans are really capable of fighting!

I am a boy, even if I am a little small,
But believe me, the spirit is simply heroic...
And the infidel will of course be beaten,
The child, know that his heart is very pure!

My friends are the daughters of the Gods,
They are cool as hell...
No need to waste unnecessary words, brothers,
It's time to conquer all the capitals!

The mighty spirit of the Fatherland is good,
It gives off a hint of honey and a layer of cinnamon...
We will not sell our Fatherland for a penny,
Let's fly higher like birds!

There is our faith, like a diamond,
Svarog, daughters of the great Gods...
Well, boy, get your machine gun ready,
Fire away until it becomes really bad!

Well, orc player, I see you threw an ace,
The hunt is to kill us brave ones at once...
But boy, believe me, you are not a coward,
And destroy the dirty infection!

We will all fight bravely,
Let's help make our Motherland happy...
Our grandfathers and fathers are proud of us,
The faces of the saints shine from the icons!

Well, of course we'll take Istanbul,
And there is not an ounce of doubt about this...
When Napoleon blew away our ancestors,
Don't ask him for forgiveness, believe me!

This is how strong our steel is,
And the infidels feel the blow...
May the great dream come true,
Boys, get off the sofas quickly!

My homeland is not a prison,
Its vastness is beyond your ability to take in...
But the boy has only one homeland,
And you can't take off your boots!
Well, why are we taking Istanbul now?
It is a very large city, with walls and mountains...
When Frederick the fiery one blew away,
Now there are different conversations!

Our reign is a miracle of miracles,
Everything about him is beautiful with a nightingale's trill...
Does anyone have a flashy Mercedes?
And someone exposes their back to the whip!

In every land there is also a noble God,
Which can do a miracle, believe me...
His names are Christ and Svarog,
The essence of the name is more important, children!

The Bible and the Vedas are one and the same,
Will give happiness and rays of freedom...
We will throw off the infidelity brightly,
And let's dance furiously in a circle!

We will not remain silent, I say sternly,
And we will not give an inch to the adversary...
I love Maria and Lada with all my heart, 
And I will receive the Almighty reward!

Well, I know they are waiting for us on the southern shore,
To the ocean with beautiful India...
In the north, snow is like diamonds,
And warriors of the Motherland are happy!

Well, how disgusting lies are to us,
We want something new in the classroom too...
We will boldly make our enemies tremble, brothers,
We have a king, they called him Vasya!

What will happen if the war ends?
The time for wild entertainment will come...
The evil Satan will not reign,
We'll eat cookies with nuts!

The greatness of the Fatherland is peace,
War is not needed, let the Fuhrer perish...
And the White God of love is a great idol,
Believe me, it will never leave us!

We'll see our grandfathers on Sunday,
And we will hug our young grandmother...
We don"t need unnecessary words in prayer,
We will take new steps towards Eden!


We have found ourselves in hard times,
Where the East is treacherous and cunning...
We walk barefoot on the pebbles,
There is no carpet under your feet!

We want to find such a power,
To conquer mountains at once...
The crocodile will have to be torn apart,
And the evil bear will be crushed!

Rus' was under the rule of the Genghisids,
And the horde trampled the Motherland...
How many parasites have attacked,
This is the Russian destiny!

Waves from the underworld attack,
And the hooves beat like a drum...
For the sake of our Mother God,
Get Svarog's sword ready, boy!

Lada gave birth to the mighty Gods,
Her power, you know, is great...
The guys will receive a noble reward,
And the vampire's share of garlic!

We will stack the infidels in stacks,
We'll chop them like hay...
Girls with muscular legs,
They can beat their enemies hard!

We disperse the clouds in the sky,
In the glory of the Almighty Perun...
Fighting is a stupid idea,
Search for the golden rune!

The sun's rays shine over the earth,
It is Yarilo who lights the way...
Someone possessed by Satan,
He wants to bend our Rus' into a fist!

There are no trifles in warfare,
We are all over the Earth...
Someone gets a deuce, I see,
And brings harm to his family!

We know where the strength comes from,
The almighty God Svarog is with us...
The dead will rise from the grave,
When the White God comes into the world!

It's not good for the guys to retreat,
Let us stand firm in battle...
Even if the swarm of okrov went crazy,
We'll be able to really drive them!

In the extermination of the tough warriors,
And believe me, they have such a blow...
The apples are already ripening,
This is the kind of fun gift we have!

Help the girls, guys,
So that they fight like a hurricane...
And they fired from a machine gun,
It's like a volcano is flaring up!

By God's power we will drive away our enemies,
I believe we will definitely win...
And although the evil robber rages,
But a cherub flies above us!

Why are we young men embarrassed?
Why aren't girls nice...
The fields are already in full bloom,
The rain washed away the boulders!

We'll have to gallop madly,
And we will receive the very first prize...
The boy is a nimble, real bunny,
And a beloved artist in my soul!

What about the orcs, no matter how fierce you are,
I still believe we will defeat you...
Know that you forge victory for yourself,
May you have unlimited strength!

The evil crows don't scare us,
We are used to fighting like a titan...
Where the evil Cain sharpens his knife,
And the tyrant weaves intrigues!

Warriors of the Fatherland can do a lot,
Their power, believe me, is great...
Someone has the sharp sword of Svarog,
The boy has a steady hand!

Even though the boy wasn't very tall,
His childhood lasts a whole century...
Defeating Koschei can be simple,
What a powerful man!

The Fuhrer is an evil, bald, schizophrenic,
He wants to destroy our Rus'...
He's got five kopecks of intelligence,
But he is cunning, which brings on sadness!

To defeat him we need,
Children, sharpen your sword more firmly...
And then this is what friendship will become,
The predator will soon turn into game!

We will reach the edge of the universe,
The garden will bloom on Mars too...
Our business is work and creation,
And really save the world of Earth!

From victory we go to victory,
And we cut off the heads of our enemies...
The neighbors are getting a bit sad already,
It turned out to be an absolute disgrace!

What happened that the sun went dark?
Has Genghis Khan invaded?
The Japanese army attacks,
Port Arthur fell in heroic battle!

But the girls rushed to help,
To show the combat class...
Homeland of the most beautiful Elfia,
And a kick with a graceful leg!

Now these orcs have been beaten,
They clearly burned out a stormy horde...
The fight, believe me, will be very long,
And I will come to you, bald devil!

Believe me, we will drive the enemy into the walls,
Or rather, even into the cellars... 
There will be big changes,
The power of the Family is with us forever!

They opened their souls for the Fatherland,
We are girls and we will spread the edge...
We pierce the carcass with bayonets,
Our Tsar Nicholas will be glorified!

You girls will love him,
So that Rus' may flourish under the Tsar...
Somewhere the wolf cubs are already moving,
Not letting Satan out!

Well, in short, we will fight,
We will not give up even an inch of land...
Boys have always been good at fighting,
Warriors of one family, so to speak!

We have defeated our enemies with great strength,
We showed that we can beat, believe me...
Elfinism will soon be given,
And the wild beast is torn to shreds!

We will fight for the planet,
As Lord Svarog commanded us...
The feats of heroism are praised,
Black, White, Red God is with us!

We can all do something really cool,
Defeat the enemy orcs...
It is dangerous to argue with demiurges,
This is not about building fences!

The girls evoke admiration,
They can do such a havoc to you...
And they throw grenades with their feet,
So that the enemy flies away to be scrapped!

There is a military path to know the greatest,
Believe me, the heights of space...
God Almighty is the most real,
And believe me, Rod cannot be defeated!

Well, where are you all heading, you orcs?
We will cut you down with swords, believe me...
You will bend under the blow of a girl,
And you will break down the door with your oak forehead!

We will arrange a proper grave for you,
Well, let's feast ourselves...
We will soon go out with the army to the valley,
We'll have a really cool fight!

Why don't you frown, girls?
I believe I will grow up too...
We will see here the streams of will,
And I will bring salvation to people!

Know that Belobog will resurrect the dead,
Everyone in a young body forever...
And such beautiful women of Paradise,
You will never lose!

The noble Virius will be in eternal happiness,
Everything is wonderful, the apple trees are in bloom...
And we will enter the honey valley,
And let's make our long-standing dream come true!

Glory to the new regime,
What raised us all from our knees...
For the sake of the strength of the cherub,
And now you are just a sir!

used to be old men,
And they suffered as best they could...
They became just great guys,
Joy just from the earth!

The boys are lively now,
Bare heels run...
Both boys and girls,
The man is cool these days!

The parrot elevated us all,
Made above all people...
Rise up, children, to the heights,
And let the villain be defeated!

Now all the wrinkles have disappeared,
My back straightened up at once...
Young men again,
And Satan is defeated!

The teeth became pearls,
There are no holes in sight...
The power of God is with us today,
Oranges for lunch!

It's good to be forever young,
And forget all illnesses...
Be cheerful, daring, noisy,
The thread of life will not be broken!

In Sweden, ruby roses bloom,
Everything is so wonderful and very beautiful...
Our guys honor the Bible,
Bright brotherhood and team!

The spirit of Christianity hovers above us,
Jesus and I are in the same team...
Our homeland is a sword and a shield,
And for Christ's sake let's just give up our shirts!

A boy runs barefoot in the snow,
There is soul and humility in this...
Know that you should not drag a child by force,
And the enemy will not receive forgiveness!

Our homeland is a steel rock,
The guys have strong muscles...
Strength against strength, ours took,
I fire my machine gun firmly!

Children are able to hold on to victory,
Fight to new frontiers of luck...
Even if a furious thief attacks,
Let's give this young man some serious slapping!

Eternal glory to our guys,
It's as if they were cast in titanium...
There are many boys and many girls,
We will mock the old tyrant!

Our power, children, is great,
It casts a radiance of steel...
Let the dream of light come true,
The damned orcs will receive their retribution!

Stalin will not rule the country,
Democracies light the way for us...
Let us say directly death to Satan,
Be destroyed, evil, bald-headed Cain!

The enemy is advancing, orcishism has invaded,
He bared his teeth like daggers...
We will win - this is the children's motto,
We are not embarrassed by death's grins!

This is our glory,
To crush the evil bears from the abyss...
Friendship of peoples is a monolith,
We are me in honest multitude!

Svante's talent knows no bounds,
This child has so many faces...
Here is a bold layout,
And the wild onslaught has been stopped!

I believe I love Jesus,
The Virgin Mary shines like the sun...
They won't steal us for a ruble,
And the girl's hair curls!

I am a boy of light - hair like snow,
The Swede is real and very handsome...
Here we begin to run barefoot,
Know our brave team!

Here we go in formation to attack,
We will crush the orcs with a sharp blow...
Afterwards, the girl and I will be alone,
It's not for nothing that we are loved!

Chess is a cool game,
You just can't put the figure back...
The bullet pierced like a needle,
And the comrade choked on blood!
Why should I carry it on my shoulders?
So that the torn wound heals...
I will also save the girl in battle,
And I will not give the country to the infidels!

Eternal memory to the fallen soldiers,
God promised they would soon be resurrected...
Pride will be our fathers,
Each of them will be an honest warrior!

There is no need to anger God and people,
We must pray with special humility...
At the same time, the orcs were beaten furiously,
Even when they ask for forgiveness!

The boy fighter is pride and laughter,
The wolf cub bares his teeth like pearls...
I believe in success in battle,
And the Swedish warrior will crush the orc!

We carry the light of faith of Elfinism,
Even roses will bloom on Mars...
I believe we will bring freedom to the Earth,
The planet will become a place of universal happiness!

The evil dragon will be firmly defeated,
They will chop off his heads as if with a razor...
Fuhrer, you bald evil parasite,
We will destroy you, carrion, in battle!

Well, and then on my planet,
The garden blossomed into a very stormy Eden...
As if the villain was crushed into a pancake,
We win with words and deeds!

Sweden is a beautiful country,
The sea is on her coast...
And given to us by God forever,
In this most fiery hope!

I am a tomboy, Svante,
I run through puddles barefoot...
I have a mother and a father,
And sometimes they can be strict!

But now the war is coming,
Hitler can't sit still for some reason...
He crawls like an evil Satan,
And it seemed that the sun had gone dark!

But the boys are not embarrassed by this,
They can fight very bravely...
I believe that the predator will turn into game,
So that the Swedish soldier doesn't get scared!

Now we're about to have a war break out,
The battle is brutal and bloody...
You are my only homeland, Sweden,
And Svante will fill you with glory!

The courage of boys cannot be broken,
They are children of the great Motherland...
We will beat the enemy hard,
That horde is really very wild!

We boys run barefoot,
And we throw a grenade furiously...
If necessary, we'll move our fists,
And then the orc will get his comeuppance!

Like fighters cast in steel,
The girls run into the attack with abandon...
Our grandfathers and fathers are with us,
So that there is no silence among us!

This is the section we have now,
Why are we throwing grenades so furiously...
There will be crazy chaos,
Our enemy will not escape retribution!

If the bald Fuhrer is like a dragon,
He devours people like a cutlet...
But we will give him a smashing defeat,
The feats of heroism are praised!

The best soldier in the world is Sweden,
By nature a clear winner...
He charges the machine gun boldly,
So you sell-outs, don't lie!

Barefoot boys rush into battle,
Even frosts don't scare me...
Forever our homeland we are with you,
Don't waste someone's tears!
We will have to go into battle boldly,
And the victories will be through the roof...
Striking with bullet and sword,
The boys attack in a fury!

Here we are, guys, already in Berlin,
We walk along the highway with our bare heels...
All obstacles have been overcome,
And the weather became eternal May!

Swedish communism is not at all simple,
He is not Stalin, rude and bloody...
And behind us is God the Holy Christ,
The embodiment of universal glory!

So the boy will be a giant,
He holds the rifle firmly in his hands...
The cherub spreads its wings,
We will build paradise and that's for sure!

There used to be a newspaper box,
And now we have a computer in use...
We meet the dawn in the dark,
And the judges have already signed for us!

We love Jesus with all our souls,
The Virgin Mary burns in the heart...
The unearthly will bestow beauty,
And I know the door will open to happiness!

The boy was not allowed to moan, 
Even if the despots tortured...
We children were born to win,
The evil Cain will be destroyed!

We can admire, I believe,
That the boys are brave guys...
And truly proud sons,
And we rush like foals!

I'm a child - it's just great,
That's why there is a lethal blaster...
I'll hit the orc right in the eye,
This is the kind of master of destruction!

The stormy years will pass by,
And then I'll find myself a bride...
Aphrodite is with us forever,
And the dead will truly rise again!

There will be no more obstacles for the dream,
She is like the sun above the planet...
Somewhere the orcs are being attacked by Grad,
We sang this song in our dreams!

This is the kind of impulse we have now,
Doing business, very aggressively...
We will burst the furious abscess,
We will cope, I believe positively!

And we Swedes will surely enter Moscow,
The evil Stalin will be overthrown by us...
We will conquer Russia with the sword,
And there will be no more beggars and poor!

I believe we will fly to Mars too,
There will be settlements on Venus...
The guy will give the devil a run for his money,
Know among different generations!


I was born in a country so beautiful,
Where the sea illuminates the path with its caress...
I want to have a happy destiny,
So as not to bend the boy into an arc!

I want to visit different countries,
To arrange an incredible transit there...
On the coast of stormy oceans,
So that the bald Fuhrer is defeated!

My expanses float for space,
In them the radiant light of the sun is visible...
There are such fields and mountains,
The boys greet the dawn with laughter!

We love to run barefoot through puddles,
After all, these are God's flowers...
And if we need to run in the cold,
Souls of gusts of wondrous beauty!

The Lord loves those who are hardened in heart,
Which is capable of burning Sodom...
And somewhere the maples are golden in their leaves,
And equipment slated for scrap!

Here the evil orc devils bare their teeth,
They are even ready to gnaw metal...
The path to success can be too long,
But you will get what you always dreamed of!

A crust of bread will be for the road,
The girl and I walk barefoot...
A small stone hurt her leg,
I hit the gadfly with my fist!

The war has come, we are refugees, children,
And believe us, we are hungry, alas...
Where will our place be on the planet,
The shells are turning over boulders!

Here are the barefoot girls and boys,
They march in formation to the sound of a bugle...
They are still too young in years,
But they didn"t even utter a groan in the torture!

We will give battle to the orcs, I believe in it,
And I know we will definitely win...
Let's soap the neck of the beast-enemy,
After all, Thor himself is our great master!

The boys carried the shells with gusto,
We became like a brave son of the regiment...
And somewhere there the girls were screaming,
We'll drink a glass of milk, I know!

Then we will fire accurately,
Like a sunny Robin Hood...
And the children will laugh in the happiness of paradise,
And the bald Fuhrer is kaput!

And then we will become more mature,
Let's add garlic and refined sugar to the soup...
Now that would be a smart idea,
Squeeze your machine gun tighter, boy!

The boys fire without mercy,
And they make such a mess, believe me,
It won't be this way, believe me, children,
If a child bends a crowbar in a fight, know that!

Let Stockholm be the capital of the world,
Ships sail to him with a bow...
We will create for ourselves a believer idol,
Let's not believe, brothers are broke!

When our Sweden is holy,
He will soar like a falcon into the sky, you know...
I'll have a dear girl with me,
And we will build a paradise on the planet!

There are girls in the blue sea,
Very cool, believe me...
The voices of beauties are ringing,
Consider yourself the most beautiful in the world!

We are able to move our elbows,
Believe right into the dragon's mouth...
Let the evil orcs die,
To the greatest defeat!

We are such girls of light,
Why don't you dare...
And until the very blossoming,
Exterminate, kill!

And with a sword and a sharp saber,
We blow off the heads of evil orcs...
We will not step on a rake,
And we mow down our enemies with a scythe!
And we mow down our enemies with a scythe!

If a girl wants,
Pick up a pirate guy...
She will jump on him,
With a striking temperament!

She groans on the seas,
Chops off the heads of corsairs...
And it kills men too,
Crazy for a reason!

Be a beautiful girl,
To make you feel good...
And cut the men's manes,
There will be thick stains of blood!

For new victories,
And thick changes...
And such in the glory of grandfathers,
Registered filibusters!

And they are capable of punching you in the face,
Even Cain the fascist...
The age of enemies will be short,
And the movement towards communism!

Then we will trample the orcs,
And let's burn their filthy flag...
Let's take the scum into the wasteland,
Santa Claus is a little tipsy!

It's time for our girls,
Where the beauty decides fate...
The shot will be very accurate,
And into battle AWOL!

We disperse evil clouds,
We defeat the enemy...
Our squad of flying fighters,
Very nice girls!

They sharpened their arrows in battle,
They loaded the cannonballs into the cannons...
We'll hit you with a quick shot,
These are definitely not toys!

There are some lively girls,
Muscles like chocolate...
Strong bare feet,
This is how the layout will go!

Mountains can be reduced to dust,
Crushing stones into ashes...
Stop talking,
This fried planet!

We are planning changes,
Very cool indeed...
Let them disappear into the abyss of troubles,
They know the fruits are juicy!

We will not cry bitterly,
Shedding tears in three streams...
Some people wear bast shoes in the summer,
Well, in winter we are barefoot!

Let's not forget the beautiful world,
The one in which they were born...
We will be happy forever,
Rising like a rocket into the sky!

We are pirates - that's the word,
I believe it makes me proud...
Though the greatness of Sodom,
Very nasty things happen!

We drive stakes into the back,
Cutting evil into pieces...
There will be death, believe the vampire,
And happiness to the wise girls!

Elfinism will come soon,
The doors of space will open...
It will be a death sentence for the orcs,
Our bold undertaking!

I was born in Stockholm the great,
Where the cherry trees bloom in the snow...
Once upon a time the land was fiercely wild,
But at least he didn"t surrender to the enemy!

I'm just a child, believe me,
I walked quickly to school with my ABC book...
I had to learn from the cradle,
To avoid being a zero in life!

I fly on Mars in my dreams,
And believe me, I will visit Venus...
Man is in the cosmic kingdom,
And we don"t need to go to the doctor!

Here comes a strange boy,
He had a motor behind his back...
Not some boring teacher,
And the child of the snow-white mountains knows!

And wherever the boy looks,
A fire immediately breaks out...
You can clearly see a huge bump,
And deals the fatal blow!

It might be something strange,
Not a boy, but a fierce volcano...
It's so difficult to tame him,
There's a hurricane tearing through my heart!

Well, Svante, hold on, it's going to be cool.
He might destroy Stockholm...
The head is not made of cast iron,
We are passing the test very well!

We visited Krala during the time,
Why did the eagle fight with Russia so much...
And now a bright tomorrow is with us,
We'll have to destroy the quasar!

Believe me, the starry world doesn"t scare us,
We are able to fly beyond the zenith...
Summer will come and the ice will melt,
The silver stream is ringing!

The battle can be bloody at times,
Somewhere the Fuhrer was going wild, believe me...
But we are the embodiment of the state,
And the evil beast will be defeated!

The new world turned out to be happy,
Anyone can star in a movie there...
You can be very beautiful,
If you are not given the ability to be smart!

What will happen now guys?
The new world is a lot of problems...
But love for our Sweden is sacred,
And now I will be lord and sir!

We don't want to cheat fate,
Because the fate is unclear...
You can just get sucked into a swamp,
To rob like a bush, rabble!

But believe me, the boy is growing up,
Svante is like a superman hero...
So abandon this bad idea,
There will be time, believe me, for change!

We'll have to fly above the roof,
Or get to the center of the Earth...
Although we will of course get some bumps and bruises,
Gratitude from a huge family!

Well, what were you guys doing?
After all, everyone has their own motor...
It seems you kids have fallen in love with space,
And we still dream about it!

There are fires at sea too,
Our fiery star...
We boys have a gift,
May our dream come true!

Here are the planets beyond the solar circle,
No doubt, believe me, they are waiting for the guys...
I'll be there with my space friend,
I'll get myself a pack of girls!

There are plenty of stars in the universe,
They burn brighter than the sun...
Creation is a bright thing,
The pioneer detachment is marching!

Barefoot boys in formation,
And the beautiful girls are coming...
I will become a true hero, boy,
Well, that's the end for the evil Chekist!

We will grind down the pack and the orcs,
We will defeat the creepy trolls cascade...
A proud bird flies over the Fatherland,
And a detachment of military boys!

And when the bright sun rises,
We will sound the pioneer gathering...
And the joyful time will come,
This is what we are talking about!

How wonderful it is to torture guys,
Beating cute boys with a whip...
I really became stronger,
And she gave me a dozen bumps!

This is how slaves should be raised,
With a whip, harshly, without mercy...
And without wasting unnecessary words here,
Getting rewarded for it!

It is not for nothing that the Marquis de Sade,
Described the voluptuousness of torture...
Sending the boys to hell,
Right on the first try!

Burn your bare heels, boys,
And carve a brand on his chest...
So that there are no zeros in the debit,
Give the boy a lot of bumps and bruises!

Clutching the whip tightly in his hand,
I beat the boys without mercy...
Strength will be in your fist,
And we will receive rewards for this!

But break the boy's toes,
With red-hot tongs...
This is cool girl, you know,
Pierce the boy with horns!

There will be no mercy for the enemies,
I believe you are the queen of suffering...
And shame and disgrace to the enemy,
And I take off like a bird of prey!

I make you run barefoot,
The boy over hot coals...
I'll pull you with a lasso by force,
I'm giving this guy a hard time!

There will be some, believe me,
That the pain will blow your mind...
The girl will growl like a beast,
Torturing the boys savagely!

Know well what this is,
The strong torment those who are weak...
The steering wheel is fixed in the hands of the oar,
Torturing guys never gets boring!

Well, in short, I whipped the boy,
She beat me until I lost consciousness...
Loved the young man,
This is the soul of a crocodile!

And when she untwisted the whip,
Hitting hard, with all my might...
She burst into tears like a bear,
And sent the boy to his grave!

Let's put the boy into circulation,
His skin will be used for gloves...
And from the blood there will be compote,
And we'll burn your heels with iron!

I have the reputation of being the queen of executioners,
I'm a girl who has no pity...
The coolest and the most agile of all,
And try to call to account!

We are the children of Africa now,
Although we are proud of our white skin...
We will show our highest class in battle,
And we'll punch the demon in the face1

Although we are still small in stature,
But every warrior from the cradle...
Children really know how to be eagles,
The wolf cub is not a lamb at all!

We can outrun a hare,
Flashing bare heels...
Pass the exam with flying colors,
In his boyish element!

Why are we attracted to Africa?
There is a scent of rebellious will in it...
The victories opened a stormy account,
That endless share of ours!

Capable of bringing down an elephant,
And fight with a lion on sticks...
After all, children are full of intelligence,
The faces of the young shine brightly!

We shoot like Robin Hood,
it ...
Let the Fuhrer be kaput,
It won't be difficult for us to finish him off!

We will cause such a rout,
That the British lion will tremble...
After all, it was a historical defeat,
Empires of continuous sun!

In Russia the wise man rules,
His name is glorious Nicholas...
Glorify him in poems,
So that the evil Cain does not rise!

He will lead Rus' to victory,
And will defeat the evil Japanese...
Will make a menacing turn,
We have drunk the cup to the bottom!

War is certainly hard,
Rivers of blood flow like streams...
But we'll wind the oar here,
In the name of African will!

The Boer is also a white man,
And it's awkward to kill your own...
That's just the way the century turned out,
All like an evil tattoo!

Streams of blood flow, know,
The torch of the abyss burns with fire...
But there will be paradise on the planet,
The Lord will exclaim: people, enough!

We will give for our Motherland,
And the soul and the boy's heart...
A cherub flies above us,
He opens the door to happiness!

A fierce fire is raging,
Over our mother Fatherland...
We will strike the enemy,
And we will live under communism!

For the Lord went to the cross,
For the planet to prosper...
And then Jesus was resurrected,
The light shone brightly!

All people will have a glorious paradise,
In which there are bright tulips...
So , boy, go for it,
Don't lean on the glasses!

For the glory of the Motherland, a star,
It's like a torch is shining above us...
We are with Jesus forever,
All are children in Eden forever!

It's beautiful to run barefoot,
A boy sliding down a snowdrift...
And if you need to use your fist,
He will strike at the one who is proud!

Each of the nurseries is a warrior,
He gives his soul to the Fatherland...
You beat the enemy hard,
And do not regret the truth of life!

The grave of the infidel awaits,
What attacks Holy Rus'...
We'll settle the score for him,
Let the enemy not get fat!

The dragon bared his fangs,
And it shoots out jets of fire...
In battle, the days are not easy,
When the enemy attacks!

The troops are going on the attack here,
Of course we exterminate them...
Let the spy be kaput here,
So that Cain doesn't go to Kyiv!

We believe that we will revive our Rus',
We know how to fight bravely...
We cannot defeat a people with a dream,
Don't scare the boys!

When the storms have died down,
The planet will become truly united...
Our small detachment will pass by,
Love kept in the hearts of children!

And the children's bare feet,
They'll leave dewdrops on the grass...
There are plenty of boys and girls,
What do the mountains and valleys know!

I always want to be a boy,
It's fun to live and not grow older...
To swim in the sea in just swimming trunks,
I will defeat the shark in battle!

And fly into space correctly,
To Mars, Venus and Mercury...
In the constellation where the big bear is,
And Sirus has its own peculium!

When the universe is with us,
Happy children underfoot...
Everything will be just top notch,
With baked goods, honey and pies!

We will be forever in that paradise,
Which we will build ourselves, believe me...
I love Svarog and Christ,
Let's feast together, know with the Gods!

There are no limits to happiness,
Let it be children forever...
Grace to all in the universe,
Just don't be careless!

For our land and borders,
Let's build a light of defense...
And there will be a furious revelry,
And I know the groans will stop!

And evil will disappear forever,
And it will only be entertainment...
May people's dreams come true,
Hearts filled with forgiveness!

My girl is like a flower,
Burning in the garden of the Lord...
And a look like a pure breeze,
Will dispel the flames of hell!

In love who lasts without end,
We will be in happiness without borders...
In the Name of the Family and the Father,
It's time to be proud of your destiny!

The radiant light of the universe,
Check it out, it spilled over my Rus'...
And the feat of the knights is sung,
And the Fuhrer with his bald head failed!

Now the planet is like a crystal,
Shines with joy and light...
Svarog is our new ideal,
With your radiant light of Rod!

Soldiers fight for the Motherland,
They are girls, barefoot boys...
Let's just say that they are great guys,
They gave the English a hard time!

Although it is not easy for them,
To fight furiously with the countless horde...
The boy holds the gun like an oar,
After all, the Boers are used to fighting!

We are people who have been hardened by warfare,
The war has been going on for months now...
All daughters and sons in battle,
And we believe that Jesus will rise again for us!

We want to be independent,
Don't become another British region...
The thread of our life threatens to break,
May souls rush to the bosom of paradise!

Well, boy, don't be shy in battle,
Don't let your honor be trampled by shame...
After all, a husband is an eagle, not a timid sparrow,
And for the enemies the battle will end in defeat!

Although there are a lot of evil Englishmen,
And with them come the Arabs and Indians...
Our eyes are clouded by fog,
But warriors from Africa are not cowards!

We swore to defend our Fatherland,
The evil lion will not bring us to our knees...
Write this down in your notebook, boy,
In the name of all future generations!

Let the Orange Republic bloom,
And Transylvania will be covered with flowers...
We will go to communism now,
To fill the bright world with dreams!
Our commander, the most glorious Jean the Frenchman,
The leader assembled a team of youngsters...
He is very nice like Jesus,
He will be able to make warriors and children!

We'll break through any front, believe me guys,
And of course we will defeat the English.
If necessary, we will even attack a fort,
And the boy will become a valiant hero!

No, the young men won't have to blush,
At least the boy didn't grow a moustache...
And if you need to die in glory,
This is what boys were born for!

If necessary, we will fly to Mars,
These are our boys and girls...
We will show you the absolute top class,
They'll break the lion's back, believe me guys!

When the war with the enemy ends,
We will drive the English out of Africa...
The evil Satan will not rule,
Believe me, we can defeat any Horde!

The Lord Christ will resurrect the dead,
And people will be forever in the kingdom of God...
Let us not shed any more tears,
Don't be in shameful spiritual slavery!

There will be Eden on the whole planet,
An era of glory, joy and happiness...
This is a time of glorious change,
When will thunderstorms and bad weather disappear!

And everyone will be like a cherub,
Handsome, young and of course well-fed...
Children, we will really defeat our enemies,
The enemy will be completely defeated!

And then the thrushes will sing our anthem,
Their trill is beautiful, wonderfully majestic...
And the fresh scent of spring thunderstorms,
And a new, free state!

We are children from cosmic worlds,
Who conquer all the stars...
And life is cooler than any dreams, you know,
The warriors play so furiously!

We attack the starship boldly,
Shooting a beam from hyper blasters...
Once upon a time there was a plane made of plywood,
Now we are cooler than Chinese ships!

The enemy cannot defeat the fighters,
We young warriors are united...
And the boy's strength is like that of an angry bear,
In battles, girls are invincible!

The White God was born in our world,
Who created the stars of the universe...
And the main glorious Rod in the universe,
Bow down to him - it will be too late!

The coolest special forces are made up of children,
Who are used to just fighting...
You defeat the bald Fuhrer,
After all, knights always knew how to fight!

We fight bravely for the USSR,
And we won't let you overthrow Gorbachev...
We are the daughters and sons of the Fatherland,
We have no other recognition!

No, leader Mikhail is not a traitor,
I just wanted to give the Soviets freedom...
And he opened up glasnost and democracy,
Gave the people the opportunity to make money!

O Michael, you have done well,
We will not let the USSR fall apart...
Let someone be like a chisel,
We believe in fighting for our dream!

When we win in Afghanistan,
The authority of the councils will be strengthened...
Let's show that we have a lot of strength,
And it can beat very hard!

We will make free communism,
Where there are no poor people, well, everyone is rich...
And we only go up, not a step down,
The boy's mind is a whole ward full!

How good it is to be an eternal child,
The movements are light, you are like a bird...
The hunter believes that he will become the game,
We are for you, Soviet border!

The glorious creator of the universe, Rod,
Almighty God - let us fall on our knees...
And somewhere Satan will sharpen his horn,
To trample on what the genius Lenin did!

After all, in communism there is all the power of faith,
Believe me, it is bequeathed by the Gods...
Lada is my radiant relative,
You don't trample the Earth with your boots!

Here in space is the mighty God Svarog,
You know, he taught us how to make starships...
And the sun-bright White, bright God,
He showed us that we are Russian pilots!

Don't forget Chernobog,
He is also the guardian of humanity...
No need to think, the kingdom of Satan,
In fact, the Black God is the arbiter of fate!

He will create something that is beyond the devil,
And it will really be very sickening...
And in this will be our whole faith,
That it is impossible to give in to battle!

O Motherland, believe more powerfully than anyone else,
Although there are more girls than boys...
Koschei has already sharpened his fangs against us,
But we'll give him a fair amount of beatings!

We are knights, believe me, know the light,
And shines above me like a sunny star...
Let us build a glorious paradise in the universe,
Where Abel rules, and not the vile Cain!

Afghanistan will become Soviet, you know,
In it we will really build communism,
There will be no heat, May will become eternal,
We are pioneers with barefoot formation!

The Communist Party united us in the fight,
The Soviets, Lenin and of course Stalin...
USSR is the only country
The people of which actually rule!

And Gorbachev is our symbol and hero,
The USSR will rise higher than the mountains,
We will go for him, hero,
And then death will come to others!

There are fifteen weighty coats of arms,
And new ones will be added, believe me...
And the enemy will receive a cemetery of crosses,
Because in battle the supermen are children!

We defeat the formidable horde,
The enemy will be crushed like a fly...
Boys and girls leapfrog,
They will arrange it without even losing their hearing!

Now the battle will be finished with victory,
We will clear the vast expanses of Afghanistan...
The children accomplished a great feat,
The fog cloud has been dispersed!

And here come the local guys,
Grimy, barefoot and thin...
The pioneers weave ties for them,
Let our checkers be passable!

Here the girl tore off her burqa,
And she became a barefoot Komsomol member...
Who writhes in hell against the light,
The USSR is the power over the universe!

In the starry heights like diamonds,
A multitude of sparkling luminaries...
The knights show their talents,
Revealing legions of power!
The daughters of the gods are barefoot in winter,
To rush with a bare heel through the snow...
We are eagles in battle anyway,
I'll smash the goblin with my swords!

Believe me, Elvenism will be built,
You know, we are on equal terms with the Gods...
The boy will become a valiant hero,
Life will be like it was under the tsars!

We fight like giants,
We can even roar loudly...
The girls are united with the Motherland,
Even a bear can't compare in strength!

There are mighty expanses ahead,
And we will show our fangs...
If necessary, we will move mountains,
Let's break the mighty regiments!

The girls are cool like tigresses,
If necessary, they will tear the elephant apart...
And the queens are bright with beauty,
They jump out of the window like cats!

The word weakness is not familiar to girls,
They also don't know shame, believe me...
But they will bring joy to the husband,
And even the fiercest beast will become silent!

For girls, nothing is scary,
For them, Leo is just a puppy...
And it is dangerous to get involved with the young,
They'll lock everyone up!

They don't even hide their admiration,
This is how cool girls are,
Orcs are killed by millions,
Ripping open the bastards' bellies!

So, beauties, don't be shy,
Attack the enemy head-on...
Beat the orcs harder, girls,
Hit me in the side with your bare heel!

The Almighty created the universe,
His Name is the Almighty Rod...
Our business will be creation,
May the bald-headed Fuhrer die soon!

We women never get tired of love,
Let's give the men a run for their money...
Damn that vile, vile Cain,
Svarog raised Rus' to glory!

In the Fatherland the girls are giants,
The lights shine with beauty...
We are knights of the sword, united,
To Perun with heart and soul!

After all, by the Almighty Universe,
The glorious Rod rules everything...
He commands all that exists,
The Russians have such a glorious God!

The girls really didn't lie,
And they went to fight the orcs...
And so they gave the shaggy ones a strong hand,
Even the swords have become dull!

They chopped the orcs into cutlets,
To get just shashlik...
Rockets are flying through space,
And the girls' spirit did not perish!

We are created to create planets,
Defeat evil enemies...
Here the planets are spinning like tops,
We pass our exams with flying colors!

We chopped up the enemies decently,
Let's go make love in the hayloft...
There will be excellent guys there,
This is the order given by Rod!

The White God will give us a child,
And Black will protect the Earth...
The planet will become a fairy tale paradise,
And the Lord will give birth to a new spirit!

O Lada, mother of the great Gods,
You are simply a miracle of miracles...
For the sake of the wild expanses of Rus',
Svarog was born and resurrected!

Girls have souls made of steel,
And believe me, my heart is gold...
The Almighty will not break the covenant,
The fighters will have a door to Eden!

Let us praise Rod in prayer,
The Great God of Gods...
Believe me, Nature created them,
And a batch of fluffy pies!

We sing songs for our Rus',
So that the earth may be glorified throughout all ages...
The falcon soars into the sky,
Nations are a friendly family!

Here is space - the milestones of the universe,
Yarilo created the Sun...
The lot of the Gods is creation,
All these images, measured!

The Almighty will not let us perish,
Do not trample Holy Rus'...
Hymns to the glory of Belobog,
Rod and Jesus are behind us!

A boy was born in the Moscow region,
He was called Christ by everyone...
He laid down our health,
And the sinner justified himself with the cross!

For Jesus is the White God for us,
That he created the universe...
His intentions were good,
The Almighty created the whole world!

Yes, there are many faces of the Family,
He is both Yahweh and Allah...
All nature is submissive to Him,
And it inspires fear in Satan!

Don't be cross-eyed, people,
Prayer cannot replace work...
Girls with bare feet,
The enemies will be torn to pieces!

May God not allow a miscalculation,
Rod will save all who are worthy...
The Russian infantry is rushing into attack,
Will bring victory to the people!

We, girls, are rich in soul,
Even if it's barefoot in the cold...
We rake in money with a shovel,
And they tightened their belts!

We won't count crows in battle,
As Lord Svarog commanded...
We are kings, satraps, judges,
Well, and above everything is the Supreme Rod!

There is a boy with us, Olezhka,
A child - even if you can't count the centuries...
He was born to Snow White,
So that Lada's grandson would observe honor!

When victory is with us,
We will reach the steep limit of darkness...
They trampled with bare feet,
That even the colossus has thinned out!

For girls there are no barriers,
They are great in battle...
We know that rewards await us,
Clenching your fists tighter!

We will be together with Rod forever,
If we're going to fight, we'll fight...
We have good weather,
Peace and grace reign!

We are all girls in a young body,
Beautiful eagles, you know...
The beauties' hearts were on fire,
The fathers will soon be resurrected!

Filling with magical sound,
We will give our souls to the Family...
Our gaze is not that of an eagle,
And we will soar above the universe!

We are warriors of the space age,
We fight like cool warriors...
Believe me, things are not bad at all with us.
At least the boys and girls have bare feet!

But we have powerful ultrasound,
Which hits with such a deadly wave...
And the boy will soon make a hook,
With its incomparable striking power!

In Afghanistan there is a formidable mujahideen,
Fighting against mother Russia...
The enemies bring a lot of troubles,
And win the honorable mission!

We can defeat these monsters,
Although these enemies are very insidious...
The hunter believes in becoming the game,
And the dashing infidels rush into battle!

But it was not in vain that we were born among the stars,
The boy and the girls are giants...
Jesus Christ fought for us,
And we are forever united with the Motherland!

The USSR was once in glory,
The country was flourishing very rapidly...
But poor Sam ruined us,
It used to be a tank, but now it"s a pile of metal!

But children from space eras,
They took it and appeared in this past...
May the enemy of the Soviets die in this battle,
And we appeared in this universe!

The enemy will be beaten very hard,
We will tear it apart, believe me...
Let the evil Wahhabi attack us,
Victory will be, believe in our power!

Gorbachev is not so bad, believe me,
He wanted to do it, believe me, better know...
And Khrushchev started as a democrat,
Although chance intervened in this matter!

But Yeltsin is also an enemy, you know,
Uses animal instincts...
The enemy trampled our crimson flag,
Covered the era with a worn-out boot!

But we will give him a surprise,
And we will exalt Gorbachev again...
And we will not let Satan to the throne,
We will strive to the heights of communism!

They won't kick Stalin anymore,
The arbiter of destinies and new generations...
We pass exams with flying colors,
And with us is the leader, the great genius Lenin!

We will tear Masud to pieces,
Fighters of the space age...
We will become such sons of heaven,
For us, the mujahideen are like fleas!

We are the children of those same great times,
When the computer is in each brush you know...
And the enemy will be crushed by us,
And the girl has a ringing voice!

There are no obstacles for warriors of dreams,
We are capable of making the color of the universe...
We will receive many awards at once,
And our business is simply creation!

We are knights of a vast country,
Where did Lenin make such a matrix...
We are faithful to the cause of communism,
They're leading the girl barefoot through the snow!

Let's drink red wine to your health,
We congratulate our Fatherland on the victory...
And somewhere the Führer-Satan is wandering,
We'll get it from space too!

I used a hyperblaster in battle,
And believe me, his beam is so powerful...
Now above us is a super cherub,
And the Devil will be ours and we will be calm!

For the Motherland, for the light of the USSR,
Which is very red and great...
Let's show the universe an example,
And we will stop the onslaught of the wild horde!

After all, our life vector is,
Who spread his rays above the stars...
Everything will be top class, believe me,
The boy punched Masuda!

In short, we will crush the mujahideen,
We will reach the shores of the fog, believe me...
And the whole world is conquered by the sword,
To achieve this without cheating!

And in the future everything will be fine,
We will reach the peak of communism...
And it will never be hard,
After all, the rule will be altruism!

I used to be an old widow,
Then I took it and immediately became rejuvenated...
She passionately loved the eagle knight,
Great wisdom has entered into me here!

How good it is to be young again,
When energy flows through your veins...
Blonde is cool, not gray at all,
It's like mom gave birth again!

My soul is full of wondrous beauty,
The girl is prolific in her deeds...
And I won't be left alone anymore,
The faces of holy icons shine with me!

The Lord Christ has risen in my soul,
Although she probably became young with magic...
Let the black-skinned diva be a demon,
But obeying her is not at all bad!

I believe I will defeat my enemies,
I will conquer half the world with a sharp sword...
Fight here without wasting unnecessary words,
And greet the guy with a hot kiss!

My bow is also a power, of course,
I'm used to shrinking very dashingly...
Trivially making enemies tremble,
I'm a barefoot girl, not a party girl!

And if the left comes out to me,
I will not be afraid of this beast...
Even though a large penalty has accumulated,
Know that I will defeat the damned enemies!

Our faithful sovereign of the people,
The order will give me the Legions of Honor...
And the French will have a new king,
Empires, believe me, millions!

O Duke of Montecristo, I will come,
To you, barefoot and of course young...
I will cross out the bloody fate,
And I will create a miracle, believe me!

When will we create happiness again,
And the state is faithful to us...
We will conquer the vastness of the universe,
And we will express our admiration in verse!
You won't find a better country of advice,
In it, every boy is a solar warrior...
And there is no other way for the Motherland,
Lead the people to very glorious victories!

We are pioneers, great fighters,
Who fight so bravely...
We have a motherland and fathers,
We win in hand-to-hand combat!

For us, comrade Lenin is an ideal,
Even though this genius is a little bald...
But he passed on to us the secret of being young,
In the name of new generations of light!

And Stalin is the new glorious leader,
Who, if necessary, will punch you in the face...
The formidable one will definitely make the enemies tremble,
And he is also an extremely proud person!

We pioneers will make a fire,
We'll fry pork shashlik on it...
Those who are not with us are better off under the axe,
And we'll hit you in the gut very hard!

When winter comes - barefoot,
We will run bravely through the snowdrifts...
And if he's a hooligan, then with a fist,
So to prison, where they put on a uniform!
We knock out the tooth of anyone who drinks,
Give a hard flick to the one who smokes...
If your mind is like an old oak tree,
It's definitely easier for you to be beaten!

In short, for our Motherland,
We will fight very fiercely...
The pioneers will not advance,
We can push ourselves very hard!

Here in New York there will be our parade,
Barefoot boys and girls will pass by...
Those who are against communism go straight to hell,
And the voices of the children of Marxism are loud!

In October the country was born miraculously,
The shot from the Aurora gave her life...
And let's not argue tediously,
Hold on to the greatness of the Motherland!

Lenin illuminated the great path for us,
The most distant peaks of space...
For the sake of the color of the dreams of a thousand faces,
And the boundless ocean depths!

When our peasant was a beggar,
And a lame man with a plough walked across the field...
And above him a pot-bellied boyar was flying,
The boy runs barefoot even in winter!

But now we have straightened our backs,
The pioneer is now in stormy glory...
The cursed power of the kings was overthrown,
And then the USSR arose!

We are dashing guys now,
We are waging a fierce battle against fascism...
Boys and girls are barefoot,
In the cold, we warm ourselves with fire!

So we fight in free rage,
For the Fatherland and Mother Russia...
In its stormy, noble strength,
Tear the dragon Fuhrer to pieces!

God for us is of course the wise Lenin,
Stalin is also our hero...
For the sake of all future generations,
We rose up to battle like a mountain!

We will not surrender an inch of land to the enemy,
There will be true glorious communism...
We don't need false democracies,
Because it's still fascism!

In the cold, the pioneers are barefoot,
We dive into a snowdrift in shorts...
The red-haired girl has long braids,
The Fuhrer with a bald head will be driven into the grave!

The enemy is powerful, even too powerful,
Attacks with an army like hell...
But believe me, any boy now,
It will tear an adult Nazi apart!

Instead of a cannon, he has a slingshot,
Instead of a machine gun, there is a slingshot...
The unclean one is tormented by a riddle,
How to taste Russian borscht!

A pioneer will not show weakness,
Even if he is captured...
It won't bring joy to the evil Fritzes,
Believe me, I won't scream under the whip!

And fascists are also animals,
But the pioneer hunter is hunting them...
Was born without any superstitions,
Our great land USSR!

Lenin - Stalin glorious era,
We are heading towards communism...
For the Fatherland and until death,
We'll sing such a song!

Pineapples, hazel grouse, fascists,
To those who betray, they promise...
But the communists were right,
You Fritzes just go to hell!

We will not give in to the battle,
Let's make a swift defeat...
We will not dull our sword,
And the fascist tank will be scrapped!

Lenin bequeathed to live quietly and peacefully,
But when a thunderstorm rumbles, believe me...
Don't sit quietly, guys, as if you were in a cage,
Tears do not suit boys!

We will prove to Hitler the scumbag,
What will he get from us by the sword...
I'll beat the Fuhrer's liver,
I'll hit you on the bald head with my fist!

Across the expanses of Mother Russia,
Hordes of infidels swept through...
But we will make her happier,
Let's scatter this dope like the wind!

The boy walks barefoot on sharp crumbs,
His mortars are stronger than titanium...
We ran along the steep mountain path,
And the evil tyrant Fuhrer will be overthrown!

Now the war has ended with victory,
The red flag flies over Berlin...
This visible miracle happened,
The time of happiness and blessings is coming!

My homeland, believe me, is beautiful,
In it, people live almost in paradise...
Let's make the USSR happier,
I love Lenin and Stalin!

But damned fascism invaded the land,
Wants to turn people into slaves...
This is apparently the fate of boys,
Inflict defeat in a military battle!

Pioneers - girls and boys,
They are digging a strong dugout here, a trench...
So that our land doesn"t become a lousy kennel,
So that the rule of beasts does not come!

We will fight for the Fatherland,
Kill evil enemies from the abyss...
Pioneers can fight too,
Tear evil enemies to pieces!

Stalin in the young pioneer heart,
And it knocks like a pendulum...
We will open the door to communism,
Our friendship is a strong monolith!

We will never kneel,
Let us not bend under the fascist, know...
Stalin and the great Lenin are with us,
A pioneer is essentially the king of the world!

Somewhere a Tiger is eagerly rushing into attack,
And the Panther bared its teeth...
The sun is blazing over the Fatherland,
And a stormy hurricane is rushing!

We love our holy Motherland,
Our native believe USSR...
The girl is led out into the cold barefoot,
It seems the Fritzes are angry and ready to be shot!

A pioneer is not a child at all,
And a fighter born to beat the Fritzes...
How many boys and girls,
We will have to put it down in battle!

But we will come to victory, we believe in it,
Let's crush the fascist horde...
Without the priests' stupid superstitions,
Pioneer pray to Christ!
I've had many men in my life,
Believe me, my blood is hot...
Margarita is a girl with great strength,
She was probably born from fire!

I like the girl early in the morning,
The beauty runs barefoot through the dew...
If we know in advance, of course,
I drag the guy into bed by force!

The stormy time of peace has already ended,
The cursed and evil war has begun...
The power of the tough Stalin did not end here,
And now the girl goes into battle alone!

Tigers and Panthers are barking a lot here,
Having received phenomenal power...
You know, I'm a girl - a flower-beauty,
And a team welded together by titanium!

I have a new boyfriend now,
He's handsome to the point of pain and blond...
And sometimes I can"t believe it, babes,
What a handsome gentleman he will become!

When I gave Stalin hope,
And she seduced Joseph by force,
Well, I'll punch the stupid Fuhrer in the face,
Here's your bachelorette party fist!

The battle is already raging - aggression is on the rise,
I am a noble girl, like the earth...
I know for sure that I will have a session soon,
If the whole family gets a profit, know that!

And the girl has a big army,
I run barefoot through the grass into battle...
And the thin boards creak under your heels,
Got a strong poker!

This is how strong our army is,
The girl is a great know cool fighter...
Get up, my dear, early in the morning,
And a fine husband will come from his prime!

Here spring has come to our house and the thawed patch,
How many corpses piled up in mountains...
I know they will bury everyone - even Stalin,
I clutch the oar tighter in my sack!

My noble Motherland in bloom,
Happy April is coming...
I didn't freeze my tender heart,
You can even hear the nightingale's trill!

There is a mountain path going up, you know,
I walk barefoot on the pebbles...
Soon the girl will be black from the sun,
And I'll come to the Cossack's farm!

The tanks here are very powerful,
The formidable "Lion", the glorious space "Tiger"...
Mighty mountains are looming here,
And there are plenty of different glorious games here!

God created the universe in stars balls,
But Lenin himself exclaimed: There is no God!
The pioneer boy's heels were fried,
And give the girl a bouquet!

Here are bloody battles - the path is laid out here,
A huge snowstorm arose...
The girl is not afraid of the snowstorm,
Even though sometimes there is need!

The pioneer banner is very red,
The banner of the Komsomol girl is scarlet...
There will be a terrible adventure,
And we greet the blossoming with joy!

I greet Jesus dearly,
Even though he is a hopeless pacifist...
For me, the dearest is the female Lada,
And the king of all clowns is that artist!

Don't suffer from prostration, girls,
You know there will be a bright star here...
We are famous for punctuation,
And the true spring will come!

A terrible battle is now raging near Moscow,
Believe me, the enemy has countless forces...
And the mighty "Lion" shakes its towers menacingly,
And of course he looks like a Bear!

Whether the Lord exists is unknown,
One can argue with the stupidity of hoarseness...
We thought over tea, over conversation,
How can we avoid this emptiness!

Our powerful cannon has already moved to the side,
Sends a furious projectile into battle...
Somewhere here a Komsomol member has died,
The result was sad!

I tell you girls - there is no stupidity,
We must take Berlin immediately...
And there is a lot of different stupidity here,
When the enemy killed the soldiers!

I told the guy - be handsome,
Kiss the girl on the chest...
And then we'll jump like a bunny,
So that the evil enemy cannot rest!

My feet are bare and hardened,
They run over the stones like a deer...
We were walking with my darling here under the maple trees,
They thought that Lenin was the best tsar for us!

And the fascists and orcs are rushing down the street,
And they want to conquer us girls...
I see that beauty is pouting here,
The evil predator will soon turn into prey!

How the girl wants to steam herself,
Heat up the bathhouse, it's very hot...
The beauty washes herself very seductively,
Maybe even pour some oil on it!

The silvery puddles are covered,
With a diamond crust - great ice...
Our guys are barking loudly here,
I believe that the wise force will break it!

Well, in short, I sang a song, guys,
And which is fun - so many words...
I would take the Fuhrer and hang him,
So that he doesn"t lead donkeys on a campaign!

God doesn't like girls if they are boring,
If you are very stupid, go to a monastery...
Somewhere there are herbs - very lush,
And in any endeavor he is a warrior and a hero!

I fell in love with the marshal, my delicate soul,
I just want to put on shoulder straps...
The song is pouring out - truly ringing,
You can also look at the face!

The girl is great and beautiful,
Wants to make the world new - know this...
And Stalin's Fatherland is arrogant,
That sovereign is very bloodthirsty!

Well, in short, enough of this grief for us,
We need to be stronger, to dare into the light...
Soon our strength will be gone from rage,
We will be able to tear the bald one to pieces!

My name is Koschei,
A great sorcerer, believe me...
In some ways I am more powerful than the devil,
Even children know my courage!

He waved his magic wand,
Having turned the houses into cinders...
And he jokingly fanned the fire of war,
People are just pawns to me!

The battle rages with a huge horde,
Somewhere Khan Batyga is attacking...
A boy with a bow in the snow, barefoot,
The poor guy was shot on the heel!

There is no paradise or love in the world,
Everywhere war sows destruction...
You do not build a covenant on blood,
The enemy will not receive forgiveness!

The storms of evil war are now thundering,
There are whole cisterns of blood there...
Somewhere Fritz will load his machine gun,
Well, somewhere there are Amazon bitches!

Orcs can do a hit too,
Attacking like a hairy pack...
The rival of hell will be beaten,
And Koschei's enemy will get a fig!

We, the evil spirits, roar in rage,
We will show no mercy to man...
We need to tear the child apart too,
There is no one worse than us since the beginning of the century!

Well, what if Ilya is against us,
Or Dobrynya will stand up with Alexey...
And the family of the Slavs will trample Rus',
Then Koschei will hit them with magic!

I don't have Yaga on my team,
The lady is, let's say, quite cool...
And Kikimora is a scary fighter,
Even though she is a barefoot girl!

And there is a vampire boy too,
He is a warrior with the strength of millions!
Defending evil wisdom, honor,
Sending hundreds of legions!

Well, in short, we are a big power,
Something like the power of Chernobog...
We will make you fall on your knees,
Because people's lives are miserable!

Solomon's staff will be mine,
I will make the whole world obey...
To control the destiny of the universe,
Becoming the God of Hell will come in handy for me!

And then over the entire universe,
There will be a shadow of the great Koschei...
The time will come for terrible changes,
The cruel plan will win!

On the mountain of the people Genghis Khan arose,
Why did fortune give birth to him...
What city has perished from him?
Why did this bad force come out!

But I'm a boy - the twenty-first century,
I was born in it and now I fight...
Let the honest man be in glory,
Let the vile Cain be destroyed!

My Fatherland is blooming wildly,
The desperate Mongols cannot be defeated...
We will open the account of victories, young knight,
And we will know that we have a new order!

I am a boy in the cold, barefoot,
Fighting with the wild rage of a child...
And I'll hit the Mughlan with my fist,
And the girl has a bright voice!

Here we are, sons of the Motherland, on the attack,
The swords flash like a nimble propeller...
Even if the servants of Satan attack,
We will bring our nasty enemies to their senses!

Let the glory of the cool Slavs be with Rus',
Its capital Kyiv will not bend...
The streams of infidels cannot be overcome,
And the sun shines brightly over the Fatherland!

Yes, Jesus is a great, powerful God,
We will go through fire and water for you...
Even though Batu sharpened his mighty horn,
We will fight bravely for freedom!

Swords flash like lightning,
And the heads of the evil Mughlans roll...
In life we are young boys,
Believe me, all countries recognize this!

Even though the thunderstorm rumbles and rages evilly,
The vulture eagle spreads its wings...
A girl's tear will be shed,
There are no tougher guys than ours!

And the arrows flow like a waterfall,
The enemy throws the horde in rage...
That's just the way things are,
What is not even in wonderful paradise!

Well, why are we desperately going into battle?
Cutting down troops from scumbag enemies...
And we, bright children, will sing a song,
After all, the young voice is very clear!

The drunken nuker is again on the attack,
He's like a cobra in a rage, he pounces...
Well, Batu, that's what you wanted,
To get a grave before the time!

I fight like a giant boy,
Who was born in the age of space...
And our people will always be united,
The spirit of the Fatherland has manifested itself in a short time!

We will defeat the enemies,
To what extent is this possible in principle...
So let the thief run away quickly,
And it"s not difficult to defeat those Mongols!

We are brave fighters boys,
We cannot be brought to our knees correctly...
Let the enemy get coffins,
We are cutting down the Horde without any laziness!

O God Svarog, you have given us the peculium,
So that we may reign ably...
And how many different countries have they conquered,
When a holy leader gets down to business!

Maria, Lada is one family,
Christians and Rodoverians are united...
We cannot forget the faith of our ancestors,
Let's open the door to Eden together!

Believe me, guys and girls have strength,
To fight with military courage...
There used to be a bow, but now there is a machine gun,
If you stab them with a bayonet, they'll be better off than with a sword!

If we must head east,
There are plenty of deserts and waterfalls around...
And if you, enemy, receive a bullet in the temple,
Victory is the highest reward!

In short, here is Batu himself,
Believe me, the sharpest one fell under my blade...
He was hacked to death without any fuss,
The battle is over, boiling, terribly evil!

We are young fighting creatures,
Who fight for Rus'...
And our business is creation,
Go on the attack, boy, and don't be afraid!

The Mughals are attacked by legions,
They stink like that manure...
But I believe there will be millions of bright ones,
The Almighty God Christ will sign!

The child lived in the twenty-first century,
But he is destined by fate to fight bravely...
His mighty Family moved him to Ryazan,
So that you don"t act like an eagle with your soul!

Yes, I love the great Christ,
Svarog the mighty is also a dear brother...
Love for Lada is holy and pure,
Even though the path to victory is sometimes too long!

Don't raise your paws up, brothers,
You shouldn't be afraid and give up...
You know, man was born for this reason,
So as not to be afraid of evil trials!

We always fought for a better fate,
Showing off his highest class...
Perun the ruler is also a star,
And Rod is the Lord, mighty and greatest!

Believe me, we will not surrender to the enemies,
Let's show the highest level with swords...
Even if a fierce beast attacks the earth,
The boys will greet you barefoot!

Diana is also a cool girl,
Fights without giving a shadow of doubt...
And her sword is like a sharp needle,
Coming in the name of the light of generations!

We don't know where the arrow will fall,
When an evil enemy attacks...
The great place will be filled,
When the knight starts to show off his victory!

Well, we are great fighters,
Although they look like children, of course...
They didn't even expect a father,
That we are building order on the planet!

Svarog playfully swung his sword,
And the Mongol's head rolled away...
And I see someone with sadness, I cried,
So expecting defeat in a frenzy!

We can fight very hard,
Showing the greatest experience...
Once we were writing letters in a notebook,
Now the boy is a real fighter!

Yes, Khan Batu is great in numbers,
Throwing hundreds of thousands of nukers into battle...
But if necessary, I will move the oar,
In the name of all girls and boys!

Although we fighters are small in stature,
Our swords sparkle like lightning...
And if necessary, we'll bake some Easter cakes,
Let the enemies suffer more!

It's a pity there are no computers in the ancient world,
And this is of course a disadvantage...
But I will send greetings to the enemy,
We will build order and prosperity!

This is how beautifully we sing,
What the nightingale mutters from envy...
If we need to kill the demon with a bald head,
So that he doesn"t interfere with his evil power!

Well, what about Batu and the Mongol horde,
We're cool with you, boys, we'll show you around...
And the woman will not remain a widow,
We will crush the Tatar army!

The enemies will not capture Kyiv-grad,
Where did Genghis Khan's paws reach...
The enemy gets an unfavorable deal,
The fighters will sweep him away with one blow!

And the Russians will not fall to their knees,
Believe me, they were not born for this...
Let the evil thief be destroyed,
Although the Mughlans simply went crazy!

We will give our hearts for the Motherland,
Both boys and girls join the battle...
Above us is a golden-winged cherub,
And the voice is very clear!

I won't read the moral for long,
You understand yourself of course...
That our army is fierce in attack,
Although we shouldn't act carelessly!

Children fought for Rus' like titans,
And they showed their greatest class...
And somewhere Batu the tyrant roars,
We will show our highest class in battle!

There are many heroes in the Fatherland,
And the girls are powerful and beautiful...
We pay homage to Jesus,
Here we remain a friendly team!

Although the horde is huge in number,
But God Svarog will increase our strength...
There was a Y, but add an X to it,
And if you need a punch in the face!

Ilya, the mighty hero of light,
Just now I cut off Burundai's head...
He won't let girls be taken away to prison,
He looks like an eagle, not a parrot!

The greatness of the Fatherland is such,
She herself brings everyone to their knees...
It won't be, I know people anyway,
When God guides you into battle!

What do we, brave men, do in battle?
Enemies just don't understand this...
We are boys, but brave in battle,
The boys are attacking fiercely!

And what is not a swing of a sword, there is a blow,
The nuker is cut to pieces in blood, you know the crumb...
We have such a crazy gift,
We hit with force, not pretend!

Well, Batu, let's get closer to you,
Our enemies will not bring us to our knees...
We will arrange a rout for the horde, believe me,
For many dozens of generations!

And of course Rod will give us victory,
Such rejoicing is incessant...
And where Karabas plots,
But let's let his blood flow, a scarlet bath!

Well, how many enemies have we been cutting down?
The Horde is thinning out, as if dying...
We do not spare our fists,
Fighting against Batu and Mamai!

I am a boy and, you know, I am small in years,
But he is great with all his youthful heart...
We deliver a crushing blow,
And let's open the door to success!

This is our action, believe me,
So that the Fatherland may prosper...
And the boy is not too lazy to plow the grass,
And the child's muscles are made of metal!

We fought until the cocks crowed,
Batu's Horde was furiously tormented...
Don't believe us, we don't need any extra words,
I know we will see communism!

We'll have to go to the sea too,
And in space, know how to fight bravely...
The fiery eagles of the Fatherland,
After all, boys are given the ability to fight by God!

We will protect our honor in everything,
Let's raise Rus' to the limits of dawn...
The boy who has matured will start to speak,
Without stupid speeches the round dance is ashes!

And the boy's soul will rush,
At such boundaries Eden gives in...
The girl will be good too,
When her fighter prince gets jealous!

We will strive higher than the mountains,
Where we touch the ice cap.
After all, the glorious Russian uncle Thor is with us,
Who beats the army without respite!

I know this will be a sign,
We deserve such glorious victories...
All of Rus' is one, a friendly family,
The accomplishments of a giant are to the liking of our hearts!

There is no need to cry for the one who fell,
Svarog will resurrect them, believe it...
And the boy's muscles are like metal,
And by force we are not children anymore!

In short, the war will soon die down,
We will wash our enemies with blood until they drop...
Satan will be cast down into hell,
The Mongol horde will pass away!

My Rus' will blossom like a grove,
And the golden harvest will begin to ripen...
And we will count the light endlessly,
And Christ the Holy One will be born again!

The devil himself is not a brother, believe Koschei,
He is a rich man in a miracle tale...
You are not talking nonsense,
The monastery will not shelter you!

We are also a great team,
And it's just torment for people...
You won't say here fly okay,
Each of us is a cool villain!

We love to cause suffering,
And strike at the forehead...
We do not know true repentance,
Driving a man into a coffin!

Now we are robbing banks with gusto,
Bandits are too weak to do such things...
We don't even put on slippers,
It's not hard for girls to hit!

We are children in this world in the flesh,
But our strength is higher than the mountains...
We are spinning around the planet,
What do you need Chernomor for?

We will be able to pin down our enemies,
And it's like breaking a doll...
And the hero will receive from us,
Even a thief will be trampled!

What about rockets, we also need guns,
We have the power of magic...
For us, firecrackers are weapons,
Even though it howls like a double bass!

Playing with a magic wand,
We turn the horde into dust...
The enemy does not count losses,
It was a complete mess!

But we are children of the underworld,
However, let's just build paradise...
Let us create our own throne of the Lord,
And the climate will be eternal May!

So the count boldly loaded the cannon,
It contains a magoplasma charge...
And it will hit at full blast,
Having mowed down a whole row of people!

So don't tease the team,
The villains are powerful and cool...
Believe me, we have assembled a gang,
Of the sorcerers who hit the target!

In short, we're going to rob a bank,
We'll collect some more money..
They will glorify us in a poem,
That we burn all living things with fire!

We were born in the era of cyberpunk,
When a computer is available to everyone...
Who wants to turn a five-kopeck coin into a ruble,
He chooses the path that is not criminal!

I lived in the twenty-first century as a boy,
I played shooters and a ton of strategy games...
And I had a decent amount of strength,
When tanks and carts are on the attack!

A boy at sea is building a battleship,
On land there is a factory where the planes are...
He will cause the enemy a complete rout,
And at the helm are cyborg pilots!

He didn't know that the fairy tale world also exists,
And it's quite real, children, you know...
Believe me, there are countless different evil spirits there,
Let's tie a bow in Baba Yaga's braid!

Well, Ilya is walking around Moscow,
He is a hero and simply a handsome man...
You know, we are a friendly family together,
It doesn't matter if you are Russian or a foreigner!

Dobrynya is also a warrior from the nursery,
He holds the sword securely in his hands...
Motto: just kill the enemy,
And behave gently with the girl!
Alyosha is also a glorious hero,
Tugarin the Serpent experienced this first-hand...
She wanted our girls for ransom,
And the guy hit me under the nose with a fig!

And a boy with the nickname Albert,
A fighter who loves to plan strategies...
I also have my own moped,
Without any electronic superstitions!

I'll take it for a ride around Moscow,
Threatening to knock down the lamp posts...
And if someone tells me, I"ll make you rich,
He will promise thousands of money right away!

But then the cool Koschei entered our world,
And believe me, he has plenty of ambition...
He's just a fantastic villain,
Who wants to turn the capital into a bonfire!

But the guys took on him,
And they began to beat the immortal in the face...
The boy's fist is now a chisel,
Why did the noble lords run away?

Well, what am I, your boy Albert,
I fight with the army of the fierce Koschei...
Although we have plenty of troubles, believe me,
Don't talk nonsense, people!

My swords, here are sharp blades,
Any army will be cut down playfully...
The guy's fists are heavy,
And if necessary, the monsters will be destroyed!

Now we are defending Ryazan,
And we fight for it very fiercely...
Baty is a robber and such a scumbag,
Consider Malyuta the one who cries for him!

And I'm a boy in shorts, barefoot,
You should know that frost doesn't scare a child...
Believe me, they don"t drag me into battle by force,
I fight like an eagle, not like a pathetic parrot!

My swords are the sharpest swords,
We boldly cut down the furious Mongols...
We are the first, of course,
And I believe we will build a new world soon!

We will show any class in battle,
The enemy of Rus' playfully knocks down...
We are not afraid of hellish Karabas,
Winter will pass and May will come!

We are heroes here, cool fighters,
We have a flamethrower, albeit a homemade one...
Grandfathers and fathers are proud of us, 
I invented the rapid-fire crossbow!

How cool the land will be,
Fertilized with the corpses of scum...
And we are all like a friendly family,
And if necessary, we will go AWOL!

I'm a boy and I don't know the word coward,
To fight, that's my calling, believe me...
I fight fiercely for my Fatherland,
And our business is in common creation!

Well, if the enemy is fiercely attacking,
Then believe me, we will stop him...
We will open an endless account of victories,
And I can"t stop the monster!

For a boy there is no word no,
Always on the attack, and always beautiful...
Barefoot greets the blossoming in the snow,
With the same barefoot team!

No, evil Batu, you cannot defeat him,
You will be defeated with great shame...
The hunter will turn into the game, I believe,
We will draw our boundaries to Mars!

Well, the horde is attacking again,
I am a modern boy...
Satan will not defeat the Fatherland,
We will do everything decently and beautifully!

And after God Svarog will come to Rus',
Will resurrect all who fell in heavy battle...
And we will have glory and honor,
We will collect a decent amount of tribute from our enemies!

I'll kiss the girl on the lips,
And after that we'll have a bright wedding...
Let there be light and purity in love,
We will give birth to beautiful, strong children!

Cats are not like people,
But they are beautiful creatures...
The villain wants to burn their tail,
And know that he will receive his reward!
The cat is not very tall,
A very cute face...
But the fighter is very cool, believe me,
It crushes the mouse like that bug!
The cat is nice to pet,
Run your fingers over his fur quietly...
Write it down in your notebook, girl,
May evil not happen soon!

Here comes this cute little animal sneaking up,
To grab a mouse with claws...
The eyes sparkle like coal,
We will measure everything, believe me, in a few days!

A barefoot girl sings here,
He makes his horns with his fingers...
Opens his winning account,
Let your feet run along the path!

The cat was fed milk,
And he quietly removes the foam...
You can work with a chisel,
And stick a sharp hatchet into the wall!

The girl stepped with her bare heel,
On the grass that shines like emerald...
What a strong team!
There is something radiant and wonderful in her gaze!

Here she poured some for the kitten,
Milk, you know, a bowl of milk...
And a sharp arrow pierced,
Know that success is coming soon!

Children, don't chase the cats,
They are very useful creatures...
Even though the cat has a smattering of fangs,
But it really creates creativity!

Do your job, dear boy,
Walking barefoot through the dew...
There will be a golden ear of corn in the field,
We'll sit down with my darling before we go!

The cat is one family,
Together we observe order...
You and I settled accounts quickly,
Putting on thin gloves!

The cat celebrated his name day,
Fragrant cream cakes...
I'll bring him some candy,
An axiom, not a theorem!
We are the children of the underworld of evil,
We're fucking humanity up for real...
And with us is the Almighty Satan,
He is the unchanging power of Chernobog!

Our leader is the unbridled Koschei,
And with him we can breathe easily and freely...
He is a boy, not a collection of relics,
He sings and conjures simply amazingly!

And Baba is the evil girl Yaga,
He will take it and blow with his childish cheeks...
The bare foot is still graceful,
And she can do some very clever magic!

Kikimora is just brilliant,
Such a radiant girl...
And a very frisky demon rages within her,
And the voice is incredibly ringing!
A team where there is a vampire,
United by blood, consider yourself one...
A cherub spreads its wings above her,
And the gang of evil ones, believe me, is invincible!

We attack the White House together,
There are many treasures there, money...
Let's arrange a rout for the government,
We are scribbling in automatic mode!

The girls and boys are good,
They are very combative in battle...
They beat the enemies with all their might,
And the children's feet are bare during battle!

You can't resist such evil spirits,
How formidable and cool she is...
I know Yaginya will move the poker,
To find yourself in a place like paradise!

We'll make such a big mess,
The evil spirits are blowing your brains out...
And somewhere around the corner a thief is smoking,
His vampire fist will twist!

Koschei is a great monster and villain,
Will burn the heels of the poor children...
That's why you're afraid before him,
And there is no tougher fighter on the planet!

We conquer the peaks in jest,
Breaking down walls and big houses...
We knock down the queen in an evil game,
We tear apart our blue uniforms!

Baba Yaga made a strong cake,
Biscuits filled with candied fruit...
She threw a piece into her mouth,
And then she started shooting from a machine gun!

Don't touch the girl Yaginya,
She is cowardly and weak, believe me...
Even though he opens fire furiously,
Pointing furiously at the door!

Anyone who thinks this way about Yagin is stupid,
She's as cool as if you were boiling an egg...
And will turn the enemy into a corpse,
Will show the boxing of a desperate Thai!

So keep your eyes peeled, children,
And don"t tease evil spirits without an idea...
The legions of Satan are on the attack,
And powerful villains climb into hell!

Kikimora is attacking a giant,
Only playing can do this...
The race of villains is truly one,
We will reach the limits of Paradise, brothers!

A large machine gun is firing,
Cheburashka does the splits with him...
From where the mighty Koschei himself strikes,
And the army of orcs is rushing to attack!

Here the catapult spat out a present,
The boulder rushes furiously, lethally...
Where did the bald president disappear to?
And Dracula is such a calm vampire!

We will fight for a new world,
We will show you our incredible class...
And we will boldly lose the leapfrog,
We'll crush the enemy into a blood compote!

Let Baba Yaga fly higher than the mountains,
And on a broom he flies over Moscow...
It is capable of burning the capital to the ground,
Leading a countless horde!

Vampires will attack you,
And in the attack are orcs, evil ghouls...
And write down the fighter in your notebook,
What bullies are going on the offensive!

Of course there is such a fashion here,
That we will laugh uncontrollably...
We certainly have the honor of reason,
Koschei is capable of competing with the devil!

I am now stronger than I was before,
The girl has the strength of three heroes...
But muscles alone are not enough for success,
You need to be more resourceful and smarter!

Other peers are pecking...
When you are short,
The boys are pestering you!

Then they'll pull the little one's pigtail,
Then you'll get a slap on the back of the head...
And the girls' tears are already drying up,
Quite an offensive outfit!

But here are friends from another world,
Such eagle boys...
Shakespeare's pen cannot describe it,
Although they are not fighters at all!

They are kind and cooler,
Guys, I guess you won't find them...
The enemies will be laid down like heaps,
Let even the shelves move!

The age can be harsh sometimes,
The horde is advancing on Rus'...
The evil Cain went on the attack,
And then came the chaos!

But with the wise strength of a hero,
They were able to stop him...
And the boys performed a miracle,
Beat the Mughlan horde hard!

I'm a girl fighting with them,
Swords sparkle the word ray...
We will make the Earth more beautiful,
Let's pave the way for a happy world!

Dobrynya or Ilya fighting,
Everyone was shown top class...
We will see the distance of Eden,
And Karabas will be in hell!

Poetry is our glory,
In which all the curls...
The Russian state will become famous,
We will open the way in the spring!

The scumbags won't be able to defeat the children,
We are strong in eternal youth...
And we won't go AWOL,
Believe me, your enemies are doomed!

Diamonds sparkle in the sky,
It is a scattering of fiery stars...
We showcase our talents here,
And the Lord Christ Himself is with us!

May there be happiness in our world,
Let the war end...
Troubles and bad weather will pass by,
And the country is reborn!

When we reach the limit,
The vastness of space, believe me...
We will do such a thing,
That the beast will choke on blood!

In short, we will fight,
Victory is glorious until the end...
We children know how to fight bravely,
And the spring of eternal youth!

We will level mountains if necessary,
Crushing evil enemies like a pear...
The forests are vast and open spaces,
We'll give you some serious bruises!

Minutes, years and centuries,
Svarog will resurrect the dead...
The knights have achieved immortality,
Let's sharpen our sword and raise our shield!

And from the ice of the harsh taiga,
To the hot sunny deserts...
We will build a new order,
And we will certainly win!

We are an unclean and thieving force,
Capable of rolling the whole world into a pancake...
A barefoot girl walks to the chopping block,
And even Shakespeare won't help her here!

In our world we do shit to everyone we can,
And now the horde has found itself in Moscow...
And it is impossible to tame Baba Yaga,
Because she knows Satan's godfather!

And the mighty Koschei is the master of that force,
Capable of squashing all people like a fly...
He is the ruler of all hell, believe me,
And the greatest villain in the world!

When with your very magical wand,
The great immortal will shake like a fan...
Then you will experience the pressure of the entire universe,
And hell's gehenna will breathe with all its heat!

Count Dracula is also a great warrior,
To vampires he is a strong, mighty king...
To all bloodsuckers, there is a master,
The little man will turn you into zero!

Kikimora is a girl who looks more modest,
But she can also do magic...
Capable of creating something stronger than the wind,
And raise a storm at sea, a tsunami!

We have such a team that we have assembled,
Koschei, Baba Yaga, and the main vampire...
Kikimora is not a maiden either,
And together they arranged a valiant feast!

In short, insignificant people will receive,
From a gang of villains, a great defeat...
We will torment the unfortunate in a strong hell,
And let's throw it all into the ashes to be scrapped!

First we robbed the diamond fund,
And she did it like a burning pressure...
But we must destroy all the enemies at once,
And we will cause total destruction to the people!

And we have our own problems too,
If there are such fighters in the world...
But I know changes will come soon,
And we will be villains, believe me, well done!

And you are Ilya Murovets or Dobrynya,
What can you do against us...
Magical powers, tornado element,
Let's show the highest greatness, death-class!

What we want we don"t even know ourselves,
To conquer the whole world - it's all vanity...
The weather is wonderful in sunny May,
We also like the beauty of spring!

Here we have mined a mountain of diamonds and gold,
Now we have become even richer...
We will find many more trophies in Russia,
Let's arrange such a life of robbery!

Any weapon is weak against magic,
We defeat everyone, mowing down missiles...
But the mad gang still has little money,
This is what our team turned out to be!

In short, we have now won,
It's time for us to feast on the villain...
Then we will have a conversation like this,
And we will laugh until we cry!

Baba Yaga Bone Leg,
Became a girl in Moscow...
Apparently, this is the fate of sorceresses,
Serve Satan faithfully!

It's good to be young again,
With a bare heel flashing...
But in her soul she's still a thief,
Believe me, it's really cool!

Can throw cake while playing,
It could cause two cars to collide...
Quietly chirps its tongue,
Having knocked a flick out of the kid's face!

This girl is like that, believe me,
It's just punishment...
An angel in appearance, but a fierce beast in his soul,
He will obviously send a test!

But Ilya Muromets, a strong fighter, 
With him and Dobrynya and Alyosha...
I know they will wear the crown of victory,
It will more than pay for all the money spent!

To the red-haired girl, what Baba Yaga,
Many adventures will come...
The coals are moved by the poker,
We will have luck too!

I know the path to Mars has been paved for us,
What we forget, believe me, is suffering...
The evil forces cannot bend the heroes,
Will withstand all tests!

Even when Koschei attacks,
Russian warriors will not flinch...
We'll tear you out of the clutches of the girl,
Let the infidels die!

We are not fighting the enemy for that,
So that later on your knees...
We will give the enemy a punch,
Let us come with the glory of generations!

Baba Yaga will be beaten, believe me,
We will take revenge on her in great measure...
And let us open the door to immortality,
In our main entrance!

Well, and then there is spring on the planet,
It will bloom lushly in May...
We will create miracles, I believe,
Let's make the world a generous paradise!

The boy is tortured by the Jade executioners,
They break him without mercy, they whip him with a whip...
They scream desperately - child, don't be silent,
They chained the rascal - the dogs barked!

But our young hero does not give up,
Even if the enemy's shoulders are twisted on the rack...
His motto is: you bury evil trolls,
The shooting goes like a fire shooting range!

No, I cannot kneel before the executioner,
The trolls won't be able to bend the boy...
If necessary, I'll even hit you with a brick,
After all, children of space know how to fight!

Well, what is flame for soldiers?
They are accustomed to torture and shackles...
The boy loads the machine gun,
And I believe a new guy will build the world!

Even if the evil troll burns your heels,
Iron hot as coal...
But the boy says: don't touch the dream,
In response, you'll get a fig from the child!

I can't kneel before you,
Even though you are a cruel monster and an echidna...
The invincible army of boys,
Let the trolls and jades perish in the abyss!

Well, why am I laughing in the executioners' faces?
They were already sweating from the effort...
The rack is good for the boy,
And after the torture he will go to his girlfriend!

In my world I flew through space,
They can reach quasars with their hands...
Then he became a viscount in the world of magicians,
Dealt a cascade of cool blows to the enemies!

So the executioners became powerless,
They are not afraid of whips, rods, and pincers...
If they beat you, laugh or keep quiet,
You will become an eagle, not a parrot!

In war, you know, there is captivity,
When you endure whips and threats...
The time of glorious changes will come,
The boy won't let you cry, believe me!

I will take revenge on the damned executioners,
After all, man is the ruler of the universe...
Any task will be within your reach,
Victory, work, light, joy, creation!

I'm such a cool boy, believe me,
I chop down the evil Romans with my swords...
I'll kick you in the balls barefoot,
All enemies will soon disappear!

And if necessary, I'll chop it up,
Enemies of the Fatherland like cabbage...
I love the Mother of God,
And the demons of hell will be empty!

My sword of Svarog is a treasure,
He chops down evil enemies while playing,
And Rod became the boy's father,
The time will come, believe me, May!

I'm such a gangster guy,
I steal from houses by climbing through windows...
A girl with a pearl earring,
He kisses me amazingly!

Now I am in Spartacus' army,
Although I fight in just swimming trunks...
The boys have a firm hand,
He will make Rome hot too!

The boy swung his steel sword,
And the embers rolled...
You know, I don't care about troubles,
I am a queen, believe me, not a pawn!

The boy is hacked like a monster,
Fights with a fury like flame...
Believe me, he's grown up enough.
What raises the banner higher!
His sharpest swords,
Evil orcs are mowed down very sharply,
We are under attack by executioners,
And the boy knocks them down really well!

Hit, hit, hit again,
The boy cut down Crassus in the attack...
And he showed his cool gift,
Gutted like Karabas!
Then he performed a low kick,
With my bare, childish heel...
The centurion died then,
We don't feel sorry for him though!

The boy is a fierce fighter,
In the same cohort with Spartacus...
And that will be the end of the Romans,
When such a guy is at the front!

My swords strike with fire,
Pulsars send strong...
We will take charred Rome,
Let's build a place in paradise soon!

Our fight cannot be described with a pen,
We rush in a swarm like rockets...
We'll pass our exams with flying colors,
We are the comet terminators!


Ukrainians are dying under the pressure,
Putin's vandals-executioners...
The end of the world is coming soon,
Hell has risen from the ovens of Auschwitz!

Putin is very humane in words,
But in reality he is a servant of hell...
He is the executioner, the main killer,
And his idol is Satan himself!

The brothers are being destroyed by the damned enemy,
Ukraine was attacked by cattle...
But the soldiers of Little Rus' are holy,
One blow will be followed by another blow!

The Slavs cannot bear this humiliation,
We are all for Ukraine...
We will not tolerate insults any longer,
Let's crush the enemy with a steel hand!

There are two hundred million of us Slavs,
We have always known how to fight...
Hitler was cast into the darkness of Sodom,
Let's give Putin a kick in the ass too!

Putin stole a lot,
The real Borka is a bloodsucker...
I will kneel before God,
God Christ protect Russia!

After all, there is simply a madman on the throne,
An evil killer, and a cruel thief...
He is a rapist, he loves to torture women,
An axe awaits Putin!

Russians are for our Ukraine,
It would be better for all Slavs to live in peace...
Let us become one with Little Russia,
I believe the thread of life will not be broken!

Cursed be Putin, the son of Sodom,
This barbarian is a mad executioner...
And he cannot avoid defeat,
We'll be able to give him a punch in the horns!

Putin is an evil schizophrenic killer,
Attacks brothers like a vandal...
He collected a decent amount of money for himself,
And the cattle attacked Ukraine!

God will punish him, I believe people,
Bald Rus' will throw off the yoke of the rat...
Together with Ukraine we will be brothers,
Fight for her and don't be afraid!

Let us be together, all Slavic brothers,
Let's destroy Putin's horde...
After all, the people of Russia are with us,
We will not follow the power of hell to the bottom!

Rus' will not be an executioner for Russians,
Ukraine, your enemies, will not be crushed...
Only the hearts of the young are very sad,
That in Russia a thief and a thief rule!

How long can you tolerate a tyrant?
The crazy king from the KGB...
My homeland is full of wounds,
To our mutilated country!

I appeal to Russians - people,
Don't shoot at your Slavic brothers...
Cherubim will be your judges,
Incense sings the funeral rites for the dead!

We will not let Ukraine be offended,
Let us be a monolith for the Fatherland...
We Slavs are formidable and united,
Raise your sharp sword and shield!

A horde of security officers separates us,
That they killed a lot of Russians...
They themselves are even worse than terrorists,
How many countries have you destroyed!

Executioners and thieves are in power,
They are strangling Rus' with the Chekist noose...
But I believe there will be happiness soon,
Let's deal with the murderer, Satan!

Little Rus' will not fall to its knees,
The Cheka horde will not conquer us...
The evil Cain will be destroyed,
Ukraine's strength is monolithic!

Our Motherland will be free,
Russia will have a new tsar...
Russians are a noble people, after all,
And the vampire shall not rule the Fatherland!

You soldier, don't touch Ukraine,
Don't you dare kill your brothers...
Let us all stand united for freedom,
We will throw Putin aground!

And when all the peoples are Slavs,
They will become in democracy, love...
Russians will also be able to rise from their knees,
And the evil Putin will drown in blood!

I am an outstanding fighter boy,
Fought in space with the ninth wave...
To me, the Almighty Rod, the Holy Father,
We were born of God for a reason!

I look at the computer as if it were a sword,
And I press the buttons with the power of thought...
And if necessary, I will order the quark,
Become a quasar the size of Africa!

I am a boy like a giant genius,
I don't want to become an adult...
The boy has already flown around many countries,
Pulling the girls' braids!

If I have to fight with Baba Yaga,
And I will fight Koschei himself with swords...
It's not scary to fight with a bone leg,
We will win any lottery!

For a boy, believe me, there are no barriers,
If necessary, he will even break through to the front...
From hyperplasm there will be a machine gun,
May the sun forever float above the planet!

Don't believe me, children, there are no barriers for us,
We will defeat both orcs and vampires...
We will certainly send our enemies to hell,
Know the warriors of the titan giants!
The children will not be stopped by the evil enemy,
Believe me, they are monsters...
The boy clenches his fist furiously,
It's not too late for him to beat up his enemies!

Believe me, enemies have no chance in battle,
The guys are cast in steel...
Let's send the girl a bouquet instead,
I will become an eagle, not a parrot!

We will conquer space, believe it,
In the air, quarks swirl like compote...
Although the vicious beast is furious in attack,
The boys know how to fight bravely!

Such a fist is like our cast hammer,
And if necessary, he will push very hard...
The boy caught a furious urge,
Above him is the name of Svarog, Belobog!

Yes, it sounds proud man,
He conquered the foundations of the universe...
Now it will be without edges for a century,
Will produce great creation!

Our world is famous for the magic word,
And believe me, this century will be full of glory...
Let's arrange an endless feast of strength,
And let us remain with the power of the Mother of God!

And if a troll makes fun of you,
We will also accept this with just a smile...
And we will turn it into zero, believe me,
We will move it into the spacious hole between the stars!

No, the boy can't get down on his knees,
Although the fire fiercely roasts the heels...
He will pass his exams with flying colors, believe me.
He won't play hide and seek with evil fate!

He will show the troll a fig bravely,
And the powder will smear his snot...
Let the enemy suffer a furious defeat,
The groans and cries will not stop!

I'll be laughing at this,
I will soon become a very brave boy...
Everywhere we advance at a gallop,
Disobeying the master and lord!

I am a pioneer and this word says it all,
It burns in my young heart...
In the USSR, everything is nice, believe me,
We even open a door to space!
I gave an oath to Ilyich then,
When I stood under the banner of the Soviets...
Comrade Stalin is simply ideal,
Know the heroic deeds sung!

We will never be silent, you know,
We will speak the truth even on the rack...
USSR is a great star,
Believe me, we will prove it to the whole planet!

Here in the young heart the cradle sings,
And the boy sings the anthem of freedom...
The victories opened an endless account,
People, you know it doesn't get any cooler!

We defended young Moscow,
In the cold, the boys are barefoot and in shorts...
I don't understand where so much strength comes from,
And we send Adolf to hell at once!

Yes, you can't defeat the pioneers,
They were born in the heart of the flame that flutters...
My team is a friendly family,
We raise the banner of communism!

Because you are a boy, that's why you are a hero,
Fighting for the freedom of the entire planet...
And the bald Fuhrer with a bang,
As our grandfathers bequeathed in military glory!

Don't expect mercy from us, Hitler,
We are pioneers, children, giants...
The sun is shining and it's raining,
And we are forever united with the Motherland!

Christ and Stalin, Lenin and Svarog,
United in the heart of a young child...
will fulfill their glorious duty,
A boy and a girl will fight!

This boy is out of luck now,
He was captured by the fanatical fascists...
And the oar broke in this storm,
But be a steadfast pioneer, boy!

First they beat him with a whip until he bled,
Then they fried the boy's heels...
The Fritzes seem to have zero conscience,
Madam put on red gloves!

The boy's soles were burned by the red fire,
Then they broke the boy's fingers...
How the fascists stink,
And in the thoughts of communism the sun has been given!

They brought a flame into the child's chest,
Here the skin is burnt, reddened...
The dogs burned half of the pioneer's body,
Not knowing the boundless suffering!

Then the evil Fritzes turned on the current,
Electrons flew through the veins...
Capable of putting us to waste,
May you, children, not hibernate!

But the pioneer boy did not break down,
Although he was tortured like a titan...
The young boy sang songs bravely,
To crush the fascist tyrant!

And so he kept Lenin in his heart,
The lips of a child have spoken the truth...
Above the pioneer is a glorious cherub,
The boys of the world became heroes!  

I was born in a fairly wealthy house,
Although the family is not noble, they are not at all poor...
We were in this well-fed, bright lot,
Even though they didn't have thousands in their savings book...

I'm a girl and I'm growing up a little,
Trying on outfits in delicate colors...
So I became a servant in this house,
Without knowing any evil troubles!

But then trouble happened, I was guilty,
They drive me barefoot out the door...
Such an outrage happened,
Oh help me Almighty God!

Bare feet walk on the pebbles,
The gravel of the pavement is knocked down by the feet...
They give me crumbs of bread as alms,
And they will simply rot with a poker!

And if it rains, it hurts,
It's even worse when it snows...
It seemed like we had enough grief now,
When will we celebrate success!

But I came across a boy,
He is also barefoot and very thin...
But he jumps like a naughty bunny,
And this guy is probably cool!

We actually became friends when we were kids,
They shook hands and became as one...
Now we've clocked up the miles together,
Above us is a golden-headed cherub!

Sometimes we ask for alms together,
Well, sometimes we steal in gardens...
Fate sends us a test,
Which cannot be expressed in verse!

But we overcome troubles together,
A friend lends a shoulder...
We collect ears of corn in the field in summer,
It can be hot even in frosty weather!

I believe that great times will come,
When Christ the great God comes...
The planet will become a blooming paradise for us,
And we'll pass the test with A's!

I have received a great gift for myself,
The ability to do whatever I want...
The boy can handle any blow,
And if necessary, I will tear the orcs to pieces!

I can conjure up a palace for myself,
In which there will be a dome made of diamonds...
And soon the darkness of the ages will end,
Let us receive a crown of orders from goodness!

All the children will have a delicious pie,
A glass of game and a sandwich with jam...
So don't argue with fate, my friend,
To start with the fortune-maiden game!

I know and can do everything, imagine,
The guy's strength is simply legion...
We will make stew for all the poor,
Whoever is poor will receive millions!

There will be no evil, believe me, without good,
In this beautiful and happy childhood...
And if the horde comes against us,
And then, believe me, a remedy will be found!

Now children need to dance,
To catch moments of great joy...
To get an A in class,
Without straining my memory it's wild!

The boy is a genius from the nursery,
Sometimes born to fight with a machine gun...
And here you are like a young mourner,
You will arrange for inevitable retribution!

You make a milkshake,
Diluted with protein, chocolate...
May your hand be firm,
When will you receive the reward of your dreams!

Let there be pineapples in the snow,
And let apricots ripen on Mars...
And I run with the girl on the grass,
Our feet are definitely bare!

And what you sow, so shall you reap,
We will create palaces and escapades...
Don't tell each other lies,
Just putting on a clown show!

Here a fountain rushes into the sky,
A crystal stream cuts through the air...
I know this boy will have a plan,
Because it"s not too late for him to cast spells!

So sharpen your fangs,
More precisely, snatch them from the enemy...
Kill the evil enemy,
Throw the monster into the depths of hell!

We don't know any problems with the sword, believe me,
And if we need to use magic...
The most ferocious beast will be torn to pieces,
Who dares to beat up the boys!

Then I'll conjure up a clever cake,
With biscuit, chocolate, rich cream...
And the children will have such an expense,
That even a plebeian will appear as a proud sir!

There is no more beautiful homeland than Elfia,
There are girls of amazing beauty in it...
The fields were all irrigated with pearls,
Diamonds of light and dreams!

Elves adore good gnomes,
My advice to anyone you love...
So that trouble and defeat do not come,
So that righteous blood is not shed!

You can"t tell where the truth is and where the lie is,
If Koschei dropped by for a visit...
And sometimes we feel very offended,
What steals the immortal doves!

There are many good things in the world,
And sometimes quite gloomy thoughts...
The slave boy is flogged barefoot,
Because he blew on the glass!

Trolls are also brothers to elves,
And with noses like all eagles...
In battle, girl, don't be afraid,
Believe me, we were born to win!

And every country has its own faith,
Worship different Gods...
Someone loves the devil Lucifer,
Saluting his horns!

We elves know that we are always beautiful,
Our waists are like a shot glass...
And believe me, in such a team,
We'll shoot the orc right in the eye!

God doesn't like weaklings, believe me,
Fortuna and I will be on the same path...
Here adults and children are dancing,
Go to the paradise of Eden with a song!

So you are the king, without frowning,
Keep the memory of the girl...
So that our children do not know pain,
So that those zeros don"t go into income!

Kiss her goodbye,
And say - I love you, beauty...
There will be a promise of eternal friendship,
And let the heavens rejoice!
I was born an elf of dreams,
In a glamorous, very precious palace...
And she went to the throne without any fuss,
Keeping in our hearts a priceless fire in our chests!

I had everything I wanted, you know.
And received the title of Duchess...
After all, life was, of course, paradise,
Not like barefoot slaves!

Now she's grown up, the girl has blossomed,
And the suitors began to swarm around her...
One had a mountain of orders,
And the army marching in formation!

Another one was hoarding treasures,
He collected wealth in chests...
And who had so much strength,
That literally created a county!

Well, the grooms are such goats,
Can't start a fire in my heart...
Men are just donkeys,
They can't even put words together into rhyme!

And I am a girl, a radiant light,
Beautiful and full of her breasts...
Let there be a bright sunny dawn,
For us, anyone will become a judge in color!

No, love did not come into the maiden's heart,
No one is suitable for a girl in passion...
Only the blood of the elves was shed for free,
The same thing happens to us sometimes!

So I am an elf duchess, you know,
I will be able to love a slave in an evil passion...
For universal paradise to come,
And our fire didn"t go out before its time!

This is how good it all is, believe me,
When will there be... in our universe?
And the woodpecker twists the chisel at once,
And I know the power of the elves will not diminish!

Here are the slave girls, barefoot,
However, slaves should take these shoes to the bathhouse...
We don't have such beauty, believe me,
And if we need to, let's all go nuts!

The sea expanses, the mountains ahead,
If necessary, we will go to the ends of the earth...
There's something silvery in the distance,
My planet sparkles with silver!

Our homeland is the birthplace of elephants,
Beautiful blooming Elfia...
Don't waste unnecessary words in your excitement,
To make the universe more beautiful!

All over Elfia the harvest is ripening,
And adults and children are having fun...
Nature is an endless May,
All the coolest things on the planet!

The girls are good poets,
Handsome and fresh boys...
Our children laugh heartily,
You can't even write about this in a book!

We believe that we will defeat the enemies,
Although the orc is cunning and quite cruel...
Above us are golden-winged cherubs,
So that even the devils in hell understand!

We don"t know when we"ll finish our journey,
And how shall we discover the luminaries in the heavens...
But you know, you can't bend us girls,
Believe us, we'll clean up the goblin's snout!

Although somewhere the orc executioner is laughing,
And the enemy sharpened his axe like a razor...
Let not the bitter, childish cloak be heard,
We will read a bright prayer!

It won't happen, I know it's hard in battle,
On the contrary, we will grit our teeth even harder...
We have the strongest oar in our hands,
And the girls are rubies like lips!

And when we go into holy battle,
We'll chop up the Orcs at once like meat...
I'll be left alone with my sweet guy,
And together we will build ourselves a spacious hut!

Children will be born - it will be good,
And milk has a honey-like aroma...
The girl won't have it hard anymore,
The world is a perfect happiness, fresh, new!

The curse of terrible hellish revenge has come true, 
The sun has faded in the country's mourning... 
The murderer is deprived of conscience and honor, 
The bloody hand did not tremble! 

The fighter exposed the thieves at the throne, 
Branded the one who threw the Russians into poverty... 
When even the crown steals, 
The people will bring memory to him! 

Navalny is a martyr of Russia, 
He wanted to make our government honest... 
He wanted to make the Motherland happier, 
So that grace would flow to the people! 

My Russia has suddenly become an orphan, 
It has become a mountain of skulls... 
He exposed officials for good reason, 
Various embezzlers and cattle! 

In a blinding, radiant stream, 
The revelations flowed like poetry... 
Navalny loved people with a pure heart, 
In his creations the light of evil branded sins! 

His words were a sharp diamond, 
He conveyed all the power of truth in the cinema... 
He created beautifully, to everyone's amazement, 
He tore apart all the thieves and embezzlers! 

We will never forget this, 
We will remember him forever... 
I know there will be judges for the murderer, 
The great dream will come true! 

There are no limits to the poet's talent, 
There is no number to the star fragment in the sky... 
The Lord will bring the murderer to justice, 
Navalny will be with us forever!

We are the girls of the cosmic path,
The brave ones flew on starships...
In fact, we are the bread and salt of the Earth,
We can see communism from afar!

But we flew into a loop of time,
In which there is no room for sentimentality...
And the enemy was greatly astonished,
No need for unnecessary sentimentality, sister!

We can fight with a fierce enemy,
That we are being attacked like an evil tsunami...
Let's arrange a zealous rout for the orclair,
Neither sabers nor bullets will stop us!

Girls need order in everything,
To show how cool we are...
The machine gun shoots accurately at the orcs,
Throwing a grenade with bare feet!

We are not afraid to swim in the sea, you know,
Now the girls are glorious pirates...
If necessary, we will build a bright paradise,
These are the soldiers of the twenty-first century!

The enemy does not know what he will get,
We are capable of stabbing daggers in the back...
The Orkshites will be in for a fierce defeat,
And we will set up our own brigantine!

There are no cooler girls in the whole country,
We release lightning at the orcs...
I believe the sunny dawn will come,
And the evil Cain will be destroyed!

We will do this sisters at once,
That the troll will fly apart like grains of sand...
We are not afraid of the evil Karabas,
Barefoot girls don't need shoes!

We shoot very accurately, you know,
Mowing down the Oklerites with zeal...
The servants of Satan have invaded us,
But girls, know that glory will not pass you by!

This is what they are capable of doing in this battle,
Cut down the aggressive orcs into cabbage...
And our word is not a sparrow,
The enemy doesn't have much time left!

You can't understand what the girls were fighting for,
For bravery, for the fatherland and for a man...
When the enemy sows evil lies,
And the boy is lighting a torch here!

There will be no place for enemies anywhere, know that,
We girls will sweep away their powder...
And there will be paradise on our planet,
We will rise as if from the cradle!

If you need to cut a sharp sword,
Streaming from machine guns like rain...
And the thread of silk life will not be broken,
Some will die and others will come!

Raise your glass to our Rus',
The wine is foamy and emerald in color...
And strike at Orkler,
To be strangled by rotten Judas!

In the name of honor, conscience, love,
The girls will achieve a glorious victory...
Let's not build happiness on blood,
Don't cut your neighbor into pieces!

Believe me, we girls are brave,
In everything we can do, we do it with dignity...
The fierce beast roars, I know, in battle,
We will fly very freely!

The sea surface sparkles like emerald,
And the waves splash like a fan in a caress...
Let those scumbag orcs die,
The bald devil doesn't have much time left!

That's how good girls are,
I glimpse the bare heels of beauties...
We will sing very boldly from the heart,
The backpack is filled with hyperplasma!

Know that the greatness of girls is in this,
That the enemy will not bring them to their knees...
And if necessary, he will move with an oar,
Damned evil orc fiend Cain!

The scale of the girls' events is great,
They are capable of breaking all cheekbones...
Our hope is a solid monolith,
The bald Fuhrer is already blown away!

We rush into battle as if to a parade,
Ready to defeat your enemies by playing...
I believe there will be a great result,
Greatness blooms like roses in May!

Here she threw a dagger with her bare heel,
He plunged his sword into the orc king's throat at once...
The girl of death is apparently ideal,
In vain did this demon exalt himself!

The donkey released a fountain of blood,
He threw away his wild hooves at once...
And the bald devil king collapsed under the table,
His orcish head is smashed!

We pirates are great fighters,
So they showed a virtuoso class...
Our grandfathers and fathers are proud of us,
The distances of Soltsenism are already sparkling!

When we seize the royal throne,
Then the coolest part will begin...
The slave will not groan,
The reward is something that can be earned!

And then we will create, believe me, a family,
And the children will be cool and healthy...
I love the new world, the color of joy,
Where children dance in circles!

Girls and boys, warriors of Rus',
They are barefoot, running through snowdrifts...
You are a warrior of youth, just don't be sad,
The angel will greet you with a tender kiss!

I am a child of the Lord and I am so cool,
I can do magic, just know how to use a magic word...
And I rush towards the enemy completely barefoot,
But at the same time, the boy in shorts is not poor at all!

The boy received a magic wand,
Emitted a pulsar that was deadly to the enemy...
A child with magic has a lot of power,
He crushes the orcs with one blow!

The boy was friends with the valiant fairy as always,
I received donuts and candies as gifts...
The young man turned a fly into a diamond, just for fun,
These kids are so brave here!

The boy showed his magic boldly,
And he clashed in battle with the almighty Viy...
And with her swords she struck furiously,
Having crushed the goblins with bare heels!

So don't bare your teeth at your boy,
He is such a warrior - a nightmare for his enemies...
As always, the child magician is in a furious excitement,
He shows an undoubted gift in that battle!

Soon, you know, that boy will clash with Koschei,
And it will show the evil spirits absolute brilliance...
It is not for nothing that the Sun shines in the sky,
And the enemy will enter the coffin and receive a cross!

The boy fights the orcs very fiercely,
He is a sword fighter who spent the mill...
Well, somewhere a girl is suffering without a man,
After all, in love, sometimes a sweet and stuffy goat is sweet!

The warriors, though young, are always barefoot,
And the boys and girls run to attack...
After all, in battle, believe me, there are strict institutions,
To clearly sign - Orkler is kaput!

In our universe everything seems cool,
We will be, believe me, great fighters now...
Boys and girls do not put up with orcs,
So consider yourself simply great!

Here warriors from space rush into attack,
You won't find any cooler boys here...
Even if a storm is blowing, we attack barefoot,
There will be warriors-fighters with luck along the way!

And the young howl fights with the furious dragon,
As soon as a fighter swings his sword, heads fly...
And in this case he simply will not repent,
It"s true what the children say - there will be results!

The heads of evil dragons roll across the lawns,
They spin easily, like that top...
The orcs are scared and stare like dogs,
How they will get a slap and you will be silent!

Well, in short, the boy's song ends,
There will be a bloody stroke of luck and a big throw in it...
I believe that the dragon of rain will die in agony,
And the most lethal shell will hit the temple!

Here the boy jerked, spat fiery saliva,
He showed a big lead, and the volcano is burning...
And the dragon spewed out blood and even snot,
There will be a powerful hurricane, like a monolith!

Soon the boy will be running wild in the universe,
He chopped off a lot of heads, cutting off a whole bunch...
And you, evil orc-goat, it doesn"t end there,
We will build a cruiser and a dock for it!

The war will end, damned school,
There will be a big fire in it and a burning path...
And you know, a boy's love is very famous,
And the skunk is a reptile, bent like a spiral!

We are the magic of captivating beauty,
Capable of making the dead come alive...
Our girls, our little feet are bare,
And the cherub spreads his wings!

Here is a boy who was very badly burned,
Fairies are able to heal him...
There won't be any problems with this, believe us.
And the bright thread of life will not be broken!

We learned a little magic,
Although we didn"t attend classes...
I believe we will fulfill this bright dream,
Let the evil Cain be destroyed!

We girls, it's spring for all of us,
The beautiful impulses of love of the soul...
We will do miracles, believe me,
Forever one with the elements!

The Lord is for us and the White God is for us,
We are the daughters of the very first family...
We will show our highest class in battle,
And girls don't have nerves!

I believe the earth will soon blossom,
It will be covered with lush buds...
We will open an unlimited account of victories,
And there will be peace with us, believe me, a new one!

Just like bananas grow in Africa,
The skin sparkles like gold...
The girls will swim across the ocean,
Fly across vast expanses by plane!

And step barefoot onto the moon,
Aurora, with her Maria and Natasha...
We'll push through the shell with our bare heels,
Svetlana, you are cool too!

Now, the beaten boy, come to life,
Let the skin grow over, let the legs grow together...
The girls are the fiercest enemies to fear,
When they rush down the road!

The spring of girls will last forever,
And the lilies of the valley shine like pearls...
Believe me, how pure is the soul of a fairy,
The weather in your heart will become eternal May!

I am a young warrior super karateka,
I love to settle accounts with my evil enemies...
Even if a mad sadist attacks,
We boys have always known how to fight!

For boys, believe me, there are no barriers,
When the shaggy horde comes...
The boy will aim his machine gun boldly,
And the fighter shoots accurately at evil enemies!
The boy has a sharp knife,
It will cut through any armor you can think of...
Svarog is truly like a Father to him,
He'll send a really hot girl!

The child is a warrior from the nursery,
When frost rushes into attack barefoot...
You smash the enemy in rage,
Beauties, boy, untangle your braids!

Fight the enemy using a slingshot,
The anti-charge hit very hard...
The boy is known to be invincible in battle,
The orc armada was simply cut to pieces!

When a boy fights, it's cool,
He chops with a sword, shoots with a blaster...
Sneakers of the Adidas brand,
He tries it on for the saved girl!

Well, if the orc is going on the attack again,
Then the young warrior will kick him with his heel...
Victories will open an endless account,
Showing furious boundaries!

I am Petka, a strong pioneer boy,
Not a Leninist - of the space age...
I'm showing everyone a cool example,
I crush my enemies, they are essentially fleas!

Here comes an orc on a tank,
I gave him an antiparticle from my horns...
And he tarred the body with hyperplasma,
Tem showed the winning page!

Well, what if there is an evil troll in battle,
His boy will greet him very warmly...
There is a fierce fire in the child's eyes,
Such destructive children!

And the plane, and that's nothing,
We'll knock him down, consider it with one blow...
The boy holds a strong oar in his hands,
And the orc, perhaps, breathes fumes!

That's how I chopped him with my sword,
He really cut off the enemy's head...
We don't care about any problems at all,
A fearless soldier can do anything!

Here is a boy attacking evil orcs,
He drove the mill with sickles with swords...
From the child's bare feet in the snow,
Even the sparks started to sparkle brightly!

And the endless horde of orcs,
I really got deflated in this battle...
Even though the boy's beard doesn't grow,
This youth conquers everything in the storm!

The boy blew, his cheeks filled up,
And a hurricane came out of the mouth of the warriors...
What did the proud boys fight for?
It turns out that orcs are nasty!

The karate kid swung his swords,
Like cabbage heads the orcs' heads rolled...
Consider this boy's stroke,
And the young man's conversation is short!

The boy kicked me in the eye with his bare heel,
So that the orc in the wild battle becomes empty...
And if it hits you with a bow, it"s a diamond,
He doesn't feel sad at all about crushing his enemies!

And fight for our Motherland...
So that the Fatherland may flourish,
Soar into the sky like a mighty eagle,
For whom the universe is not even enough!

Boy, you are truly a young lion,
That deafens the Earth with its roar...
People's dreams will not have problems,
Let even Cain climb out of hell!

He who has great power has great strength.
He who fights with an army without knowing the score...
We will receive, I believe, a holy calculation,
And the Sun is blazing over the Fatherland!

When the orc boy wins,
And he will chop up the goblins into cabbage...
Will show his monolith of friendship,
And the trolls and vampires will be empty!

Then let us build a paradise in the universe,
In which we will be young as elves...
About this boy, dare bravely,
Fight the enemy, and boy, don't be afraid!

Then the brave crown awaits you,
You will be an unprecedented emperor...
An open and endless account of victories,
In the name of bright and boundless glory!

Photons and quarks are seething like a wave,
We are sailing on a space brigantine...
We are all a cheerful group of pioneers,
Believe in the mighty elements of quasars!

But then the pirates attack - the beasts,
They fire cannons, pulsars blaze...
Our peaceful life was interrupted,
It's as if an evil spirit had cast his spell!

They shot down a starship by firing a hyperbeam,
And the ultratitanium burns like a torch...
The corsairs opened a most nightmarish account,
The fire of hyperplasm opens its mouth!

But we don"t give up, know that there is no weakness,
After all, the children of the glorious space era...
Let's send greetings to the stars of preons,
Things are going well for the guys in this world!

They punched such a hole in space,
It was like a needle slipping through us...
Now they've started such a game,
And so much has been spun up in that world!

Here, too, evil things are happening,
If trolls and elves, cool dragons...
And I believe that our dream will come true,
When will we understand the laws of the universe!

Believe me, the executioners know no mercy,
They beat you on the heels with a stick, not sparing the children...
But the guys are now eager to become first-graders,
This is their idea in the new world!

Such things are happening in the world,
No blasters, instead, there are crossbows...
Three suns will not come again, spring,
Other nightingales sing sonnets!

Elves are beautiful and very strong,
And the trolls are not the last fighters...
We are faithful to our planet here,
Let's go barefoot, saving our tights!

And we must clash with the dragon, believe me,
And we will chop with big swords...
Let the beast attack us in evil rage,
They sparkle in battle not only with swords!

We are children for years, but very smart,
They are able to create grenades from sawdust...
In battle, the guys, believe me, are cool,
And they can even create bombs from bottles!

So the boy first fell into captivity,
The slave became barefoot and almost naked...
The overseer lashed out with a whip in anger,
Yes, the child's fate has become harsh!

The boy now carries boulders,
And your feet will get hurt on sharp stones...
But children, believe me, are eagles in their souls,
Although the world turned out to be not really a paradise!

Well, what about the overseer's burning whip,
Which hits the boy painfully in the ribs...
After all, you can really believe that you can die,
Or suffers in slavery so fiercely for so long!

But the boy, believe me, didn"t bow his head,
The boy didn't just fall to his knees...
The child has enough strength,
In the name of the great dreams of generations!

He and the other boys used a crowbar,
He hit the orc guard on the skull...
Believe me, he caused a real havoc.
And so he showed his mighty powers!

The boys rose up and crushed the orcs,
They break their paws and cut off their heads...
And believe me, there will be a result then,
When the boys are carried away by the anger of the world!

We beat the orcs and evil executioners,
Freedom was gained using pickaxes...
For the glory of free and honest people,
They crushed the stinking bears' heads!

They were able to perform a miracle - even though they were just children,
And the chains of heavy slavery were broken...
I believe there won't be any such problems,
The kingdom of the great Solntsus will come!

Here comes an army of barefoot boys,
With swords and picks and axes...
The children set off on a sacred journey,
So that all people will no longer be slaves!

We met again with the army of those evil orcs,
And in their fury the demons attack...
They torment boys and barefoot girls,
Crossbow bolts are like bullets again!

But the children fight - having caught heroism,
They wave their swords like mill blades...
Let this damned orcism be defeated,
And a full broom of deaths is launched into the battle!

The boys know no mercy, believe me,
And they fight fiercely with the orcs in battle...
We defeat enemies without any fuss,
And we believe that bears will not escape in battle!

As our Fatherland is a country of freedom,
Where are the children from the cradle, believe me, patriots...
Given to us forever with heart and light,
All for the sake of great and peaceful nations!

And we won, and the orcs are running,
Well, that's what they wanted, that's what they got...
Let's build a united dream, I believe,
May there be goodness and order on the throne!

More precisely, the young fighters don"t need the throne,
They are for freedom, and elections are fair...
That there was a real defeat for the evil furry one,
It's interesting that something like this happened!

Walk barefoot through bloody puddles,
Boys and girls run in herds...
Freedom comes to earth naked,
Unfortunately, this cannot be described in poetry!

Here is the orc capital on our way,
We go on the attack, in rapid formation...
Believe me, you won't find cooler guys,
And each of us will become, I believe, a hero!

The boys rush towards the walls in a crowd,
And in the fury of the wind they attack...
The boy knocked down the orc with his foot,
It's clear that the bears will really lose!

Here the castle of evil orcs came under attack,
The slave boys took him by storm...
This is how much strength those youths have,
Believe me, you won"t even start a dispute here!

Well, the capital has fallen to the orcs,
Now the whole country has become simply free...
All the children rejoice with joy,
Believe in your noble power of light!

But this, alas, is a gap in the battles,
We are being viciously attacked by a huge dragon...
And know that forgiveness will never come,
Let the enemy be branded as a slave!

Not everyone is capable of fighting a dragon,
But the boy went into battle bravely...
Although the seven-headed monster is certainly huge,
But a brave boy is not a donkey either!

A nice boy chopped off his head,
And this dragon is a little cross-eyed...
It happened beautifully, sometimes even too beautifully,
The boy flew as high as possible!

Well, swords are blades, you know,
Here the storms are swirling, a hurricane is coming...
And you do not look for this country on the map,
Because the blow here will be fatal!

Here the dragon fell - neutralized by the boy,
The reptile's chainmail glows dimly...
Here, of course, everything didn"t work out too well,
It worked, believe me, it's a cool monolith!

The war ended with a wonderful victory,
Boys and girls laugh like crazy...
But if we have to go to war against our neighbor,
And we will save our slave brothers from the yoke!

Here is the end of the era of hell and cruelty,
We are building a beautiful, believe me, Solcenism,
Fight for this until your last breath,
And we will really have communism!

Our century is so wonderful, believe me,
You can do everything in it, you know...
And even space is not dangerous,
Various crooks have disappeared!

In it, schools are paradise and entertainment,
Any food is like snow in winter...
The child will go on an adventure,
With your great dream!

We don't need to think about sad things,
There is no sign of old age...
There are such feelings,
And a bouquet of fresh roses forever!

But now we are in a different world,
It has fairies, gnomes, sorcerers...
We are just children, barefoot,
But we were born to win!

With a magic wand they are capable,
You can conjure up anything...
If we have to move mountains,
And we extract grace!

Dragons fly across the sky,
It's so easy to fight them...
Nature has become an eternal May,
It's so wonderfully good in her!

And the elves, in this wonderful light,
The waters sparkle like pearls...
On a wonderful magical planet,
We are leading a children's round dance!

We will have great love,
Let's light a hundred lights in the sky...
For us, judges will become a quasar,
And in the endless light of forces!

God does not love the weak, believe me,
He wants you to be like the light...
For the sake of the magical power,
The glorious man would work hard!

Yes, everything in this world is beautiful,
Like gems, a swarm of dragonflies...
We will be together as a team,
Without shedding bitter tears!

There is no more beautiful place on the whole Earth,
And the Sun's yellow, bright circle...
I'll give a bouquet to Masha,
So that the girl's gaze doesn't fade!

Yes, magic is powerful, believe me,
Capable of moving mountains...
In appearance we are all children of the Family,
And the thread of life will not be broken!

Of course, slaves can rebel,
As the brave Spartacus commanded...
The slaves groan in pain,
You kick it in the snout!

The dragon, of course, is powerful,
We can defeat him...
Even though clouds hover over the Fatherland,
The angry bear roars!

Here the orcs attack in a swarm,
We will be able to cut them down...
Guys, believe me, they won't give up.
The hunter will become the game!

We have the strength of generations behind us,
We, children, flew to Mars...
Lenin led the country at first,
Then another leader saved the Earth!

After all, we have such muscles,
Elastic muscles in children...
We run barefoot through the snow,
The villain was destroyed by a blaster!

Let's get happiness for the universe,
So that the rye blossoms from gold...
Everything will be in the light of the world of power,
Evil, meanness and lies will disappear!

Yes, I've been a child for years,
But believe me, the mind is a titan...
The young man rose from his swaddling clothes,
The evil tyrant is defeated and defeated!

My love for the Holy Fatherland,
With all my heart and bright soul...
We now live under communism,
Where is the golden washbasin!

What do magic and gnomes mean to us?
Technology is important here...
Let's build a new world, believe me,
And into the abyss the wiles of Satan!

Love burns in a child's heart,
Strive for open fields...
We opened the door to immortality,
And together we will be you and me!

Here I fought with a terrible orc,
He cut it with his sword...
We fought with the enemy for a very short time,
You know, we don't care about troubles!

If we have to fight Koschei,
We'll eat this fruit too, believe me...
He will do any idea,
There is nothing cooler in the future than children!

Adventures await in the new world,
I know such miracles...
Of course, revenge will come for evil,
And the heavens will burn!

The bald demon will soon disappear,
There will be peace in the skies...
There will be others after us,
Even Shakespeare couldn't describe them!

I will kneel before God,
I'll read a prayer and go straight into battle...
In the name of bright generations,
There will be no other fate!

Years will pass, we will grow up,
We will have offspring, just know...
And the grass turns green again,
The whole universe will become paradise!

Child son of the space age,
Went to wander around the big worlds...
His affairs, believe me, are not bad at all,
And life is just a child's play!

At first, in the middle century, it turned out,
They tore his boots off...
And he wandered barefoot in the snow,
The snowdrifts burned my bare heels!

But this only hardened the boy,
And he really became, believe me, stronger...
And he hit the boar in the snout with his elbow,
And this villain fell into the pool!

The boy will not give in to adults in swearing,
His destiny is to kill evil orcs...
So that the evil Cain doesn"t come with a dagger,
And the heroes didn"t have to suffer!

The warrior is young and of course brave,
He rushes forward into attack...
When the boy-boy gets down to business,
Enemies are simply wasted!

So I ended up as a cabin boy for pirates,
And this is also very cool, you know...
And for the merchants, of course, there is retribution,
And this fat dog won't go to heaven!

The boy sailed the seas quite well,
Remained a child, did not grow up...
But he had such a cool punch,
What remained of the adult bodies was a corpse!

Here is a huge galleon they took,
Believe me, there is gold in it up to the brim...
You literally see the distances of communism,
Fortune, you are the favorite of the sons!

Well, maybe we should buy ourselves a title?
The barefoot boy will become a count...
And we'll show the queen the fig,
Both doubts and fear disappeared!

But something so daring happened,
The executioners caught the boy again...
And don't count on mercy now,
Or better yet, scream on the rack!

The boys beat me with a whip very painfully,
They burned his heels with fire and iron...
And he dreamed of a field, of a spacious one,
The Spanish have put on their boots!

The scumbags tortured the boy for a long time,
However, they were unable to find out the truth...
And the child's voice is so clear,
And the truth will come - just be bold!

Well, what's the noose waiting for the boy?
They are leading him to the scaffold to be executed...
Snowflakes are floating in the white sky,
Let them cool your slightly bruised forehead!

The boy's bare feet step,
In the snow, and there are blisters on my feet...
The soles are burned with pliers,
Bloody and evil executioners!

But the boy felt better because of the snow,
He smiled and sang cheerfully...
After all, he is with the alpha, the bright omega,
And she is capable of doing so many things!

Here the boy is already standing on the scaffold,
Almost naked, because of the scars, blisters...
But it seems the child is in gold,
Like a prince in some childish, bright dreams!

The rope has already been put around the neck,
And the executioner was ready to knock the chair down...
The boy imagined a barefoot girl,
I could barely contain the sad cry from my chest!

But then a bullet pierced the kata accurately,
And they laid down the evil executioners...
Once again the queen gets screwed,
And to the boy the light of grace rays!

The boy was freed from punishment,
The boy is sailing on a ship again...
And the filibuster will not be caught by the katys,
They are now rotting in the ground!

But adventures await again,
The Middle Ages have gone like a wave...
We expect forgiveness from those who are innocent,
A wonderful dream will come true!

It's a different time, in an adventure,
And the plane is spinning in the sky...
For torture only the descendants will be avenged,
And you, forward into the attack with songs!

The boy is sailing on an armadillo,
He's a cabin boy again, no longer a pirate...
The sun is shining brightly in the sky,
That's just the way things are!

And Olezhek is still a barefoot boy,
In hot weather, children don't need shoes...
And he jumps on the armor like a bunny,
If necessary, he will outdo Satan!

Here is a battle taking place on the stormy sea,
Believe me, this is such a wonderful world...
Not like somewhere in the dark underworld,
Here the girls are having a battle feast!

This world is quite technical,
There are a million girls for every man!
And believe me, everything in the world is great,
When there are legions of beauties!

It's a shame that you're a boy and not a man,
Otherwise I would have shown it to the girls...
There is a reason why you don't grow up,
This is the destiny that the Almighty Rod gave us!

But fierce battles are raging,
At sea, the word geyser on the water...
And the boy will have, you know, accomplishments,
The boy's victories will go everywhere!

A shell flies out from a huge cannon,
And described a high arc...
The weather is like in the warm tropics of May,
You inhale the eternal spring with the smoke!

Beautiful girls are running along the deck,
They send light with their bare heels...
And the ringing voice of the warriors,
Celebrate both joy and success!

So they pointed a gun at the adversary,
And they even fired a very accurate salvo...
And the song penetrates straight into the soul,
And you hit him in the snout with your knee!

Oleg fought with the girls bravely,
And he laid down legions of orcs...
So that the planet becomes very quiet,
And the radiant world of light ruled!

Well, God won't abandon the boy,
The boy matured in battles...
He furiously winds up the miles -
Deals a crushing blow!

Svarog taught the girls to fight bravely,
So that they can show everyone their class,
And there are no thoughts of surrendering to the enemy,
We'll really punch the bastard in the eye!

Here the orcs' battleship was sunk,
They sent all the hairy ones to the bottom...
They crushed a horde of fierce bears,
And they showed it as if life was a movie!

Well, what about the boy, the eternal winner,
He's wearing shorts, tanned and cool...
And the ruler will be seen in battle,
Breaking the jaw with a bare heel!

So if you are a boy, don't be embarrassed,
If you are small in stature, then you are more agile...
And smile more often, young warrior,
The ghoul is not scary to you, Koschei!

Here the boy threw something with his bare foot,
There was a very strong, powerful explosion...
And the Orksha infantry fell,
It was as if a blood abscess had burst!

The girls attack the orcs fiercely,
The beauty rushes to board like an avalanche...
Those bears don't have much time left,
This is the kind of crew we have!

We will drive the hairy ones underground,
Those that really stink...
And we will also crush the long-nosed trolls,
This is our character - a monolith!

And then the fighting died down, of course,
We won - know this for sure...
And they hit everything, believe me, the target,
Let's build it, I know there's paradise on this planet!

Again the boy was caught up in the whirlwinds,
And he rushes into the blizzard of space...
The boy, believe me, is not quiet at all,
And does not curse capricious fate!

Yes, this is the time of the future, you know,
Where ships flicker in space...
And you guys are brave, go ahead,
So that the credit doesn't only contain zeros!

After all, starships are just super,
Swift as a hurricane...
Everything is raging on the hot quark soup,
We strike with such fury!

And in the future everything is cool and wonderful,
All young and beautiful, believe me...
So the supreme one did not work in vain,
Although the carnivorous beast is already roaring!

And the barefoot girls attack legions,
They are of such unprecedented beauty...
And there are simply millions of starships,
Well, get it, orcs, you donkeys!

So do you want new adventures?
And cool super-cosmic victories?
Let there be vengeance for the orcs,
So that there is no trace of evil troubles!

This is how I fight so fiercely as a boy,
In a spacesuit and barefoot...
That I will never regret being a child,
And I'll punch you in the face!

So the adventures will be endless,
After all, life is just a child's play...
We'll eat cakes and cookies,
And the blaster with hyperplasma is pushing the needle!

I'm going to wander around the worlds now,
To instill goodness and truth...
After all, boys have always known how to fight,
Get only A's plus!

It's nice to live among fire and smoke, 
And hear the machine gun rattle... 
Lead us, invincible president, 
Forward and straight to the coffin! 

When everything is ablaze and thundering, 
Ranks and orders come faster, 
Let the rockets fly day and night, 
War, war, war! 

Fewer women in Russia give birth, 
A load of two hundred thousand names already... 
But if you are for peace in Ukraine - 
Spy, spy, spy! 

When shells explode day and night, 
Let's quickly fill our mammon oligarch... 
Let it thunder furiously over the world, 
And sow wild fanaticism fear! 

A mother received her son as a load of two hundred, 
But she was told - there is no money in the treasury... 
He died for the Fatherland for the sake of honor, 
And will simply be buried in the earth! 

Why do people die in battle, 
A simple soldier, of course, will not understand... 
If they choose bald Fuhrers, 
They will let the Russian people be expended! 

The Chinese and the Japanese, 
the American and the pot-bellied sheikh have made a profit... 
And the sun has dimmed from the fires, There are 
many crosses killed, as if on purpose! 

When bald Fuhrers are elected, 
All that 's left for the Russian is to groan... 
When people are senselessly killed, 
To die for the capital of scum!

My homeland is in a stormy battle,
Where the boundless ocean boils...
There are forget-me-nots in the child's soul,
At least sometimes you can see fog!

Jesus is the Creator of the Great Universe,
For us people he went to the cross...
With his spirit unchanging in battle,
He died and was resurrected in joy!

With Svarog God - these are brothers,
That fighter and military sword of the Slavs...
One of the Highest was going to the crucifixion,
And another one was blowing the furnaces!

To whom the sword is a great reward,
Worship Christ, people...
Bring you joy to the fallen,
Believe him, I will tell you the truth!

What does God want from us guys?
So that you, boy, fight for Rus'...
And shoot at enemies with a machine gun,
Fight for your dream and don't be afraid!

Warriors of the great Svarog,
His brother God Perun...
You do a lot for people,
The Russian country is flourishing!

The White God brings good to people,
Of course there will be happiness with him...
He will forgive our sinners and will not condemn them,
This is the layout we got!

You are just a child to God,
He will love you very much...
The girls have a bright voice,
Let the hunter turn into the game!

Christ the Lord created joy,
So that we could feast boisterously...
Will stop the onslaught of the wild horde,
If necessary, we will kill!

We exterminated the hordes of Mamai,
Even though the vampire Batu went on the attack...
We'll just tear the nukers apart,
Shakespeare couldn't describe it with his pen!

Gods, you create the universe,
The Almighty Rod will be with us...
We do not anger Him with our deeds,
And then everyone will get a term!

Let those who fought be in Eden,
Iriy protects the souls of the righteous...
Don't give in to the chimera, people,
There will be a monolith for the Fatherland!

How we love our Motherland, guys,

Kyiv is the mother of Russian cities...
Believe me, the enemy will face retribution,
And no need to waste unnecessary words!

Rod created the Universe by playing,
Opening the heavens with a word...
The girl is tearing through the snow barefoot,
Performing miracles in battle!

There is no salvation except Jesus,
Lada, mother of the Gods, will give paradise...
And do not believe in various temptations,
You choose to be the head of your family!

He will give life to those who died in battle,
May everything appear to you in a new light...
The fierce Cain will be destroyed,
There will be a paradise without boundaries of existence!

The endless expanses of space,
Holy Rus' will be conquered...
If necessary, we will melt mountains,
Write down your accomplishments in a notebook!

You know, the Black God is also needed,
So that the bear man doesn"t sleep...
The boy runs nimbly through puddles,
Even if napalm falls!

My mother, the Goddess of happiness Lada,
Since the beginning of the world, paradise has been sowing...
Will bring a reward to the warrior,
Paradise is in full bloom!

She is an eternally young girl,
Although she gave birth to many Gods...
She walks around with a thin waist,
So beautiful - words fail me!

My Fatherland is infinity,
The Japanese were born to defeat...
We guys serve the Family forever,
God, the embodiment of spring!

And when Christ the Lord comes,
Which promises to resurrect everyone...
The host of God will come with a thousand faces,
May people live in the happiness of Rodnovery!

We children are the highest reward,
To preserve bright youth forever...
After all, the Goddess of Paradise Lada is with us,
With her, the thread of life will not be broken, I know!

In battles with the enemy we moved mountains,
As if Ilya Muromets was chopping...
The treasury was filled with spoils, you know,
We spent a lot of effort in the battle!

We loved our Gods, believe me,
Who gave such a life, you know...
That they received immortality in joy,
That we will even see communism!

So, to begin with, we smashed That,
Opened the way to China for Russia...
The samurai squadron was sunk,
Now let the East turn into paradise!

We will fly to Mars soon, believe me,
Venus will be ours too, just know...
We are still children of centuries in body,
Although we fight better than a Jedi!

Yes, Port Arthur is now forever Russian,
Manchuria is Russian land...
Well, why are you a sad boy?
The navy is a friendly family!

Any war will end, believe me,
Even though a lot of blood is shed in vain, know this...
We have found happy immortality,
Give others the joy of the world too!

Let us shout - our Lada will be in glory,
Svarog with Christ, Perun for centuries...
The flames of hell will not scorch the planet,
A great dream will come true!

Someday we will grow up too,
We will probably give birth to a million children...
Let's have a really fun party,
After all, our strength is legion!

Now the boy and the girl are fighting,
Bare heels of child fighters...
And ahead of Eden there will be distances,
And at this moment, bravely beat the Japanese!

Tsar Michael is a great king,
The thunderstorm of all oceans...
You are Orthodox, rule wisely,
Amidst the furious fogs!

We are born to win,
The bravest warriors of Togo...
We'll pass our exams with flying colors -
Because we know a lot!

Yes, the girl and I are sailors,
Forever a boy now...
They're not really fools in battle,
And we jump like a bunny!

I believe we will sweep away the Japanese,
Consider it one blow...
Together we are invincible,
Makarov leads us into battle!

So the villain will be beaten hard,
Near our Port Arthur...
Defeat your enemy with ease,
Defeated in the first round!
No, we will not give in,
Nobody will pinch us...
Run, shake with fear, thief,
Let's disperse the clouds in the sky!

Let Rus' be in eternal glory,
Kings and rulers, know the peace...
So, boy, don't be afraid in battles,
The boundless greatness of an idol!

Yes, there was once Ushakov,
Now the hero is Makarov...
No need to waste unnecessary words,
We'll sweep it away with one blow!

We are eternal children now,
I am a boy and a girl...
In attack you can see just a beast,
At least you have a loud voice!

Well, here the squadrons go into battle,
The battleships are rushing to attack...
We'll do the Japanese kaput now,
Although it is not easy!

The boy with bare feet,
I hit the stern armor...
And if you need a poker,
The sun will stir it up too!

He fired the projectile with flying colors,
He fired, knocking down the samurai...
What will be the result?
Winter will bring the sun of May!

Tsar Michael on this throne,
The ruler is wise, very strong...
He now has a gold ruble,
Capable of governing Russia!

And Almighty God Christ,
Sends us harvests...
Like a stream the colossus is filled,
The homeland turned out to be paradise!

So bow to the king, boy,
You are his brothers and slaves...
I love the girl in my hearts,
Even if the children bring trouble!

Here is Togo's flagship already on fire,
The fire is blazing like a raging fire...
I will serve my country,
The Fatherland is an Orthodox land!

We, having cast a glance at the icon,
And let us all fall on our knees,
For us Jesus was crucified,
Even Lenin knows about this!

When the war is over,
Goddess Lada will come as paradise,
A barefoot girl's foot,
Will present a great reward!

Yes, the Russian Gods are strong,
The family gave Christ - the ruler of the Earth...
And the legions of Satan,
I believe they will be beaten hard!

The Russian girls were born by the gods,
They are giants in their figure...
Now the servants of Satan have fled,
After all, the daughters of all forces are invincible!

Elena, you are the daughter of God Svarog,
That he is a strong master of weapons...
He will undoubtedly show his might in battle,
So that there is no hello girls, hello!

Zoya simply means life,
Daughter of the light of the most holy Belobog...
You, boy, stick with her in battle,
If a girl is a coward, she will be judged severely!

Victoria, born of evil,
Her father is God, black and great...
In battle she is simply Satan,
The pressure in the battle will be simply wild!

Hope and her Father Perun,
Here the brightest lightning flashes...
And a furious hurricane blew,
And the lilac blossomed in beautiful May!

Such are the daughters of the Russian Gods,
They hover above them like cherubs...
No need to waste unnecessary words,
They are invincible in battle!

Girls rush barefoot through the snow,
For them, this is simply normal...
They don't make mistakes in battle,
They do an excellent job!

They fought with different hordes,
With massive and numerous infantry...
And against them, Mars himself is a tough fighter,
Having defeats and ups!

Here we are capable of making a strong move,
To chop off a lot of heads at once with one swing...
If it happens, then the opposite will happen,
We'll rob the cash register if we need to!

Keeping silent is not convenient for girls, you know.
Their tongues are sharp - like steel daggers...
And the girls go into battle barefoot,
To get, we are capable, we know a lot of glory!

Elena set fire to the orcs' tank,
And he burned hotly like a torch...
That's just the way things are,
And her pressure hasn't gone away!

And Zoya is simply a flower,
And believe me, the voice is sweeter than honey...
Here a sprout is breaking through the snow,
And freedom matures in joy!

She took the Orkish plane,
Making it really blossom...
And sends evil enemies flying,
May the fierce Herod-Cain be punished!

Victoria fights like hell,
And set fire to the orcs' self-propelled gun...
Pobeda opened an endless account,
And with her bare heel she tore apart the swarm!

After all, the red-haired beauty is not simple,
She is a fighter against the dark power of God...
Always runs barefoot in battle,
And it"s obvious that she"s untouchable with a man!

Hope crushed the stormtrooper,
She is a top-class fighter of Perun...
She won't let her enemies forget for a moment,
That she was born in battle as a brave ace!

Now if this girl is in battle,
Will show his brave skill...
She screams: I'll beat the enemies now,
And it simply evokes amazement!

Four brave knight girls,
Believe me, it can show something like this...
A powerful machine gun has become your friend,
Capable of destroying evil orcs!

Let our faith live in our hearts,
In the Gods who forever protect Rus'...
Let's plunge the trident into the bastard's fat side,
To see the elvenism of the distance!

When the enemy attacks us,
Girls, let's unite even more strongly...
We will show the greatest class in battle,
No wonder even the Fuhrer shot himself!

And what is this furry orc?
It stinks very badly and stinks...
I wish the Fuhrer with the bald head would die,
And that Abel would rule, not Cain!

The Fatherland has been for us since ancient times,
That even King Pea was not born...
Under the rustle of bright, colorful banners,
Svarog, the God of swords, appeared to the Slavs!

And he began to teach people how to fight,
How to fence and fight very bravely...
Write this down in your notebook,
That you will fight the enemy to the end!

Svarog He is the gunsmith and the Creator,
It"s not for nothing that people say "cook up a fuss"...
And father to the knights of the Fatherland,
When will grace reign!

And White is the brightest God in the world,
Brings goodness to all people on the planet...
Bends malice like a bronze horn,
And adults and children have fun!

He taught us to sow and plow,
And to reap countless harvests...
No, people won't have to go hungry,
When sickles of strong steel ring!

He made old men and women look younger,
So that people all over the Earth would be beautiful...
You know, you have gained quite a bit of strength,
So let's be fair, of course!

Yes, of course there is a Black, Terrible God,
Which does not allow us to relax...
He drives a man into a coffin,
And makes you fight bravely in battle!

Of course, sometimes you get tired of evil,
And they pray for mercy: the Slavs of Rod...
So the robber sharpened a sharp knife,
And he encroached on people's freedom!

But of course we need Chernobog,
So that people don"t doze off in idleness...
To be ready to fight back against enemies,
So that they storm and give science!

Therefore, suffering will harden,
They will make us stronger and more durable...
And I know there will be a great result,
We will be a horn, passing even more powerfully!

Perun gives fires and rains,
And lightning flashes cascade...
Let there be only joy ahead,
The girls' bare heels are flashing!

Yes, God is sometimes harsh,
Sometimes there is a drought, sometimes the soil shakes...
Sometimes it will fill a whole ditch with water,
And then the sun dries you out with its heat!

Well, what is this necessary God,
The Slavs now send their respects to him...
And of course we will fulfill our duty to you,
So that they are not as stupid as parrots!

Girls can overcome everything,
They are relatives of the Gods, not slaves...
Here lies a bear, bleeding to death,
They trampled him with bare heels!

They are beautiful, always young,
Although they have been living for many centuries...
They are attacked by the servants of Satan,
Know that the girls will answer your calls!

Here they leave a bare footprint,
Their beauty drives boys crazy...
Let their feat in battle be praised,
And Lada, believe me, will give birth to a new world!

Girls are fame and success,
Of the cosmic, magical era...
We will defeat all the evil orcs,
Because the holy Gods are for the Slavs!

Let there be peace and joy for the people,
The girls crush their enemies with their bare heels...
Let the evil enemy be destroyed,
We don't play hide and seek with the fate of the world!

When victory over all evil comes,
The time will come when we will all become happier...
Let's celebrate the new year with honor,
In the name of Mother Saint Elfia!

I am an amazing fighter boy,
You know, I was born in the twenty-first century...
And believe me, I have a cool father,
Imagine the nerves of a steel guy!

I fight like a furious knight,
Believe me, the kid is used to fighting in all sorts of ways...
The motto is simple: in battle, boy, don't be afraid,
Americans can fight well too!

My victory will be great,
It's wonderful in this twenty-first century...
And the Mississippi is a stormy river,
We boys, believe me, are not cripples!

I run on the grass barefoot,
A simple boy in a white basketball jersey...
And if necessary I'll hit you with my fist,
Let the voice be very loud!

Any task goes well for us,
We will be able to build a new world of dreams...
And I'll charge the orc right in the eye,
The little boy is capable of creating a hero!

You won't find a better army than Yankee,
Americans make the world a more beautiful place...
Although he looks no more than twenty years old,
We will be the sun, I believe, even higher!

People of the great country of the USA,
Dreams of flying actively to the stars...
Everything will be as if two times two,
When we solve a problem collectively!

For us Americans, the bright God,
The boys cannot be brought to their knees...
We'll simply twist our opponents into a horn,
In the name of new generations of faith!

The boys run briskly into the attack,
They stab enemies with bayonets without ceremony...
Let it be, I know all the orcs are kaput,
And if necessary, they will bury the goblin!

Let Pegasus inspire you to great deeds,
So that everything is clean in bright light...
I believe the bright hour for the Fatherland will come,
Both adults and children will have fun!

We pirate girls are just beautiful,
We rush like menacing panthers...
Everything else in the world is vanity,
We are absolutely bright hetaera!

Raise your glass to the captain,
Let's throw a whole liter of rum down our throats...
The girl has such a stroke,
What a simple offspring of Sodom!

There was once a serf girl,
I walked barefoot even in the cold....
She crushed the manure with her bare foot,
I grew a scarlet rose in the garden!

But the seas of storms, you know, drew me,
The barefoot woman wanted adventure...
You will be broke, bastards,
And for me it's just entertainment!

The girl ran barefoot in the frost,
Leaving footprints bare...
The almost naked Christ will help me,
Fate's pricks are so bitter!

Guys, I don't know the word coward,
After all, for me religions are one...
And somewhere in the heart the flame of Jesus,
And somewhere is Lado, with the face of Valentina!

I reached St. Petersburg in the cold,
Leaving behind many barefoot prints...
The girl's torso is almost naked,
And she doesn"t play hide and seek with the cold!

And here is a barefoot girl in the port,
She dressed up like a boy...
I'll carry a barrel on the ship,
The beauty is so strong, it's even too obvious!

Everything will be fine, I believe the sea is good,
Especially when you go to the equator...
Even in January, believe me, it"s warm,
As you can see, Mikhail is such a curator!

But the pirates have a tough fight with them,
We fought in the fury of love, not knowing...
I will be in the sea and in the dream with myself,
The girl is very proud and barefoot!

They undressed me after examining the goods,
We saw that the girl is not a boy...
This means there will be a significant fee,
Because I'm even too good!

They brought me to the Arabs,
Naked, I put it up for auction then...
This wasn't all zeros,
They considered me a virgin of paradise!

Well, now I'm a girl in a harem,
In the luxurious attire of a hetaera...
And the family of maidservants,
Without knowing any, believe in faith!

But this is also boring to me,
The owner rarely calls the girl...
And the beauty's bosom is on fire,
If only children were born in this happiness!

So, seizing the moment, I ran away,
She cut her hair and swaddled her chest...
Now the sailors are my family,
Apparently I guessed a lot of things right!

Like a cabin boy, I am now a barefoot boy,
I scraped floors and carried loads...
This is clearly the destiny given to the girl,
What I didn"t wear, believe me, belly!

But now everything is new,
It's a different matter at sea, because there are pirates...
And the free life began,
At least you understand that you will have to pay!

Here I am, barefoot, going on the attack,
She chopped off a soldier's head with a saber...
You won't see this in delirium,
What we will do in battle against the enemy!

I'm the coolest pirate you'll find,
The prisoners lick my girl's heels...
I look no more than twenty,
Don't play hide and seek with evil fate!

We robbed the caravels with gusto,
They sank an entire galleon...
These are the kind of heterosexual girls,
The fortune is a whole million!

We love to butt heads with men,
There is temperament in this matter...
They are capable of riding a male,
Maintaining dignity and honor!

And what haven't we seen?
They cut the men down, practically alive...
And they beat the sides of the males so much,
As if burning everyone with fire!

There are no cooler girls in the universe,
And they are capable of fighting...
They disperse the clouds with a wave of a saber,
It's really possible to kill all enemies!

Yes, the frigates will be racing after us,
And even cooler than the cruisers...
The enemies attack viciously,
There are names of our heroes!

We are capable of fighting the enemy bravely,
Great class girls show...
And we don't have the skills of a clown,
We'll be able to give you a kick in the hellish horns!

We will commit hara-kiri on our enemies,
He released the guts with a sword as a joke...
Just count three or four,
The waves are spinning furiously like a spear!

So try to get in, enemy,
The girls will just crush you...
Even if you are a player Botvinnik,
We'll give you the kaput here!

Our strike is really impressive,
The girl has a very sharp sword...
Somewhere Cain gets it hard,
We'll be able to cut his head off!

We are cool barefoot girls,
We chop up evil enemies like cabbage...
We knock out gold teeth,
Simply without wasting unnecessary words!

No mercy for the mad, evil enemies,
We will defeat them like orcs...
The bastards run away from the girls,
This cherub spread his wings!

God knows no mercy for the weak,
He crushes them, crushes them like a louse...
The girls receive awards,
And it will really make your enemies shudder!

But it happened, the girls were caught,
They locked them naked in the basement...
Apparently you lacked courage,
Received a furious blow!

The girls were beaten on the soles of their feet with a stick,
And then they roasted it with fire...
Believe me, the monsters don't feel sorry for the girls,
And they hung him on the rack with a belt!

And they tormented the girls' breasts with pincers,
Broken toes...
And then they hit me so hard with a whip,
Who will make the beauties bleed?

The girls were still smiling,
And they laughed in the executioners" faces...
And they didn't break under torture,
They said, hit me some more!

So, without getting any confessions from them,
The girls are led to the scaffold...
And furiously nailed to something,
They got blood in their mouths!

They hang barefoot girls,
All clothes were violently torn off...
Their legs were all burned with fire,
And they poured solid napalm on my chest!

But the girls just smiled,
Even though the noose was around their necks...
They used to fight well, apparently.
With faith - we will win anyway!

They tightened the nooses around their necks,
It became very easy for the girl...
This is the idea that was presented,
Life is like fragile glass!

Now the girls are in a new world,
It turned out to be just paradise...
Count three and four,
And barefoot girl, go for it!

There are battles and adventures again,
The girls are rushing to board again...
This is such a new attraction,
And such a glamorous crew!

Here the girls have captured us again,
New and beautiful galleon...
The men were pretty much crushed,
The world of bliss will be praised!

What is the meaning of the dream pioneer,
Moving forward towards communism...
The greatness of youthful desires,
Go on an endless hike!

We are the children of our beautiful Fatherland,
And Lenin illuminated our paths...
Although this world is dangerous,
He inspired us to great deeds!

We go to the fields to work,
Blades of grass tickle the soles of your feet...
Why do our boys need boots?
The bugler plays on the cover!

How beautiful it is in the Soviet world,
Chamomile, water lilies, diamond...
The team moves as a united team,
We punched the bourgeois in the eye!

We'll milk the cow if necessary,
And cut the grass with a scythe...
Both Stalin and Lenin are two of them,
I will keep the fire in my heart!

In the name of the Soviet Fatherland,
Ready to go behind the plow...
We are barefoot in childish rage,
Let's beat up adults of about twenty years old!

Here comes Hitler's power,
The evil horde is invading...
And the attack of fascism from hell Cain,
And a big blizzard is blowing!

But we pioneers will not waver,
Our great know the USSR...
Let's throw a grenade with our bare feet,
Let's show an example of courage!

We love our Fatherland,
Where is Stalin the ideal of love...
And there are no more beautiful girls than ours,
No wonder the poet composed!

Let this be the flag of communism,
To shine over our Motherland...
We must not fall under the yoke of fascism,
Passing the exam with flying colors!

The pioneers fought near Moscow,
Where the evil Hitler climbs with his horde...
But we are proud peers,
Let the boy and the girl be barefoot!

Well, we are giant fighters,
Well, you have to know how to fight...
Forever united with the Fatherland,
Know the furious Russian bear!

In the snow, guys and girls,
How birds run barefoot...
They shoot with a machine gun,
And they catch with a lasso, with a snare!

A boy bent over the map,
And the tie burns like a flame...
He is a wise strategist - even too much so,
And the strength of the soul is monolithic!

Here the girl took a grenade,
I was sneaking like a cat through the snow...
The fascist gets his comeuppance,
And a bullet to the enemy on the run!

Well, we are cool kids,
We are firing like hail at our enemies...
The frost is very strong - barefoot,
In spite of the cold, you know!

Well, what is a pomegranate to a boy,
He throws them to overtake...
And the Fuhrer will be punished,
The monster can't utter a groan!

Here's a girl shooting from a bazooka,
And she knocked out the tankette...
Her hands are very dexterous,
Fights like Satan!

Hitler will be fine,
I ran into a strong fist...
After all, with our steel team,
He'll definitely get it in the snout!

We are pioneers only in appearance, children,
In fact, a wild demon is boiling inside me...
And the Fuhrer will answer for the violence,
We have a sharp sword and shield!

But the enemy offers an answer,
He freezes in the snow even in boots...
And we are barefoot both in winter and in summer,
And we see Hitler's army in coffins!

They showed such strength in battle,
That even Satan himself is shaking...
The boys will even tear a crocodile to pieces in a fight,
Our country is so powerful!

No one knows who can destroy us,
Beware of the boy, you predatory bastard...
We hit him in the face so hard near Moscow,
And then comes Stalingrad!

Here the pioneers fired from a slingshot,
They hit that formidable Tiger with precision...
And the heels flashed in the frost,
No time for empty games!

These children are warriors from the cradle,
Capable of showing high class...
And the girl has a bright voice,
What would even a thief be afraid of?

The girls have stars burning in their hearts,
They know that the fair sex...
It's time to go and fight before it's too late,
May the insidious enemy be crushed!

The fascists even have orcs,
Believe me among your allies...
But the voice of the pioneers is ringing,
Will open the door for the glorious elves!

And our knights, you know, will not flinch,
They will show the greatest class...
Here the wind swayed, I see the pines,
The crow was shot right in the eye!

We fought bravely at Stalingrad,
Yes, pioneers, sons of Lenin...
The children walk quietly with bare feet,
From White Rus' all the way to Kolyma!

And Stalin is a leader of great appearance,
He is also a furious executioner of the Germans...
Let this vile viper perish,
We will not be awakened by children's bitter crying!

The arc on Kursk has bent menacingly,
"Panther" tank is as nimble as a fox...
But the youth of pioneers will be with us,
The girls are absolute beauty!

So let's not surrender to the Tigers, pioneers,
The powerful Ferdinand is rushing into battle...
The boy composes, we see the lyre,
And he deftly loads the machine gun!

Well, the guy threw the grenade so boldly,
And he hit the caterpillar furiously...
Here is a girl combing her braids,
We are not afraid of bombs and napalm!

Now the battle is raging on the Dnieper,
And a lot of blood is shed - the battle is harsh...
I will ask my Motherland for forgiveness,
What if I'm not healthy in battle!

For a pioneer there is no word for weakness,
He is such a great fighter, such a warrior...
Old age will not overcome the young, know that
Girls, you will always look fresh!

Well, the girls' heads are hanging,
But the boy fell, having received a bullet...
But know that the soul is immortal - it will not perish,
Stalin himself presented the order posthumously!

We believe that science is all-powerful,
All the dead will rise to rewards...
And death is powerless for pioneers,
Let's take a machine gun with us to the world of paradise!

Let the universe be in communism,
Which bright and sacred path...
They did not spare their lives for the victory,
And we cannot turn away from the Soviet path!

In Berlin, the pioneers are marching,
Smiles, the hum of the orchestra and flowers...
And the children draw a red flag with the sun,
Great, most radiant dream!

The pioneers are glorious guys,
The first collective farms were created...
We were taught to shoot with a machine gun,
So that children don"t shed tears in vain!

We went to the collective farm to mow hay,
The work there was hot...
We walked miles in bare feet,
The boys now have a string!

God does not help pioneers,
They have Lenin the Almighty Himself...
Somewhere the carnivorous Cain howls,
The nightmare bear roared like thunder!

Boys and girls are walking,
They reaped rye with sickles on the grass...
It's good on a collective farm in hot May,
And don't tell us lies!

Let us admire the dew, boys,
What hits our heels...
With a beautiful girl, barefoot,
Let us, young men, take flight!

We can do a lot, after all.
Lenin inspired us to perform this feat...
The road is wide for boys,
Warsaw and Berlin are ahead!

And suddenly the vile Fuhrer attacked,
It was as if the devil from hell was climbing on us...
But the bald bastard will get a fig,
It"s not for nothing that Stalin is also a demon!

For the guys, all tanks are not an obstacle,
They fight like those eagles...
A glorious reward awaits,
Lenin's great sons!

The Fuhrer's dashing tanks are tearing through,
And believe me, their barrel is smoking...
The Komsomol members beat their enemies barefoot,
Hitler is facing defeat!

The battle is already raging near Moscow,
The adversary is insidious and cruel...
A prayer to Ilyich will help us,
If necessary, the deadline will also come!

Pioneers: boys, girls -
Rushing through snowdrifts barefoot...
The Fritzes will face a harsh retribution,
If the young man moves his fist!

Believe us, snowdrifts don"t scare us,
Trust your bare heels, snow is not scary...
The pioneers' feet flash,
The children are starting to run fast!

And now boys and girls,
They attack the Fritzes with that wave...
The ringing voice of the pioneers,
They will clearly deal with Satan!

The fascists won't understand who's killing them,
The angular Tiger caught fire...
The boys have a lot of power,
The torn policeman fell silent!

Here the boy tossed his bare heel,
A very destructive present...
We don't play hide and seek with death,
The feat of the knights will be praised!

The barefoot girl is rushing into attack,
The heel became a rose in the snow...
We wish for a very strong fight,
If you are weak, I will help you!

We fought off the fascists from Moscow,
And they drove off as if with a broom...
Miles have been added to communism,
The brightest and most sacred dream!

Fighting glorious girls,
That they fight in spite of death...
The voices of beauties are very clear,
They will bake pies while playing!

And the boy was given this freedom,
I am very glad, believe me...
Paying tribute to this underground,
They defended Stalingrad bravely!

What is this very powerful "Tiger" to us?
This tank is certainly a giant...
The pioneers sing the lyre,
We will have a new master!

There is no other for the knight, believe me,
The boy tied a red tie...
Yes, for years we are just children,
Napalm is falling from the sky!

Stalingrad fights very gloriously,
The pioneers in it are like fighting lions...
After all, for us, an example is the most important thing,
So that grandfathers and fathers can be proud!

We can do everything in this battle,
Defeat the evil fascists with a joke...
Singing cool tips,
As if you were a child of God!

The boy saw a nimble "Panther",
This tank is not weak, boy, you know...
Sometimes we compose things that are not on topic,
All the same, there will be paradise!

God created people for eternal glory,
So that Lenin's strength would be...
For the sake of the new red power,
A sharp needle stitches!

The boy ran through the snowdrifts,
And he bravely threw a grenade at the Tiger...
He will have a bazooka in his backpack,
So that the possessed Fuhrer would blow away!

You can also solve the riddle,
How much is just two times two...
Let's defeat the fascists carefully,
After all, we have enough intelligence!

The snow is falling and burning the boy's heels,
He's still a child, but he's a hero...
The boy does not play hide and seek with death,
This Fuhrer is a vile pain in the ass!

Here is the Panther, it got a good beating,
The angular one smokes heavily...
He kicked the fascist in the face with his bare heel,
The enemy will be shattered like glass!

There are no impossible goals,
The brave pioneer proved...
It is not difficult to defeat the enemy horde,
This boy showed courage!

This is why we fought for our Fatherland,
Every pioneer knows this...
We will not spare our lives in battle,
Glory to the saint of the USSR!

A barefoot boy is not afraid,
Even the most severe frost...
And I see faces shining from the icons,
And for us, Lada and Christ!

Lenin invites us to a new world,
Where's the free bagel, cream cake...
Abel wins, not Cain,
Don't look into the loudmouth's mouth!

Now the battles are underway near Kursk,
Even though the enemy is as cruel as a wolf...
Boys and girls fight bravely,
They hit you right in the cast steel forehead!

Well, the enemy is retreating,
And in the attack, a barefoot pioneer...
He believes in victory in glorious May,
And he will set an example for the warriors!

Somewhere the Fritzes were beating up a Komsomol member,
They burned the heels with a poker...
The damned ones tortured the girl,
They put him barefoot on the coals!

She didn't tell them anything,
I just laughed in the faces of the monsters...
What bastards, you have not suffered enough,
We'll hang you ourselves on the ring!

The Komsomol member was shot by the Fritzes,
And then they threw me into a noose...
And for this the pioneers gave,
Because I love girls!

What the Fritzes wanted, they got,
Hitler was clearly dragged into the coffin...
We really nailed the enemies,
They hit the forehead with the power of a projectile!

Yes, for us boys it's easy,
To defeat the evil fascists in battle...
Even though we look small in stature,
But at least there is school, only five!

Now we have entered Berlin in formation,
Putting on boots for the first time...
The boy was a child, became a hero,
He showed literally the highest class!

We do not mourn for those who fell in battle,
I know their science will resurrect them...
And they will see the distances of communism,
Therefore death will conquer light!

And Jesus is not our Lord,
Lenin, the radiant Lord...
His will is not forgotten by us,
Eternal cherub over the planet!

We will achieve victory, I know,
If there is a war in space...
The Vedas spoke to our ancestors,
A third of the worlds will be captured by Satan!

But we will free them, believe me,
Let's do something like this - it's a fairy tale...
In the joy of bliss like children,
And let's build a paradise in the universe!

There is no death - you people know this,
Life is good, believe me...
And give happiness to our descendants, people,
May you live in paradise with the Almighty forever!

That's when the world will be communism,
The whole universe, the darkness of worlds...
Eternally, endlessly, the light of life,
Where there is plenty of great mind!

And now Lenin will rule, I know,
On the right hand, Stalin is the leader of the fighters...
We will be able to fix everything in the future,
Our guys are like titans!

USSR beyond distant universes,
There are no boundaries above the very edges...
And in the name of great creations,
Glorious pages of this history!

Pioneers, were, are and will be,
In our happiness there is paradise for centuries...
Never know, strength will never diminish,
In endless joy dream!

My country of love, USSR,
Beautiful, ruby blooms like a rose...
Let's set an example for humanity,
No one can destroy children!

We are the pioneers, sons of Lenin,
Who serve the world as eagles...
Children are born to rule the universe,
In the meantime, they run barefoot through puddles!

We are the warriors of our native Ilyich,
Who showed the very right path...
You don't cut knights off the shoulder,
Otherwise it will be really bad!

Here Hitler threw down his regiments in rage,
The guys had to fight the evil horde...
But it's not in the interests of pioneers to be cowards,
We are born like lions, to fight the unclean!

Comrade Stalin is also a glorious leader,
Although he screwed up quite a bit in his swearing...
But he simply makes his enemies tremble,
Capable of delivering a full blow!

We fought barefoot near Moscow,
The snowdrifts bit my bare heels...
But Hitler turned out to be a fool,
The pioneers gave him quite a beating!

Both boys and girls in battle,
Believe me, they showed their class...
The dead now bloom in paradise,
And they see, believe me, the distance of communism!

Boys are not afraid of frosts,
They jump bravely in just shorts...
Their feet are considered bare all year round,
The guys are strong in hand-to-hand combat!

Here the boy threw a bomb at the formidable tank,
The powerful "Tiger" is burning like a bonfire, blazing...
Stalingrad became a nightmare for the Fritzes,
It's like the underworld, the hell of the game!

Here is a pioneer in attack, a good fellow,
He steps onto the fire with his bare sole...
Now comrade Stalin is like a father,
Let the evil Cain be destroyed!

We are very cool and proud kids,
Believe the Russians, our enemies, we will not surrender...
And we will repel the streams of the evil horde,
Although Adolf went crazy like a mangy dog!

A pioneer fights for his homeland,
The boy simply doesn"t know any doubts...
He will show the Octoberites an example,
And he attacks furiously!

For us, Vladimir Lenin is a glorious God,
Which creates reality boldly...
And so that the bald-headed Fuhrer, the nasty one, dies,
We will beat our enemies for good reason!

Oh girl my friend,
We are just children in the bitter frost, barefoot...
But I believe there will be a strong family,
We will see blue expanses!

Summer has replaced the burning winter,
The damned fascist is attacking again...
We fought hard last spring,
In space, the enemy is a little virtual!

Well, what is the Panther coming at me for?
The boy bravely threw a grenade at her...
The penalty has already started to accrue for the Fritzes,
And the fascist tank threw off its caterpillar tracks!

A child is a giant warrior,
And he wears a red, poppy-colored tie...
Our people are united in our Fatherland,
And the stars of communism will not go out!

We will fight in the summer as always,
It's nicer for children's feet to walk on the grass...
May the great dream come true,
When the boy clangs his steel hard!

I believe that we will all enter Berlin,
And the girl and I will live to see victory...
We will conquer the vastness of the universe,
So that grandfathers can be proud of the pioneer!

But we need to exert our childish strength,
And fight in such a way that people are not ashamed...
Passing exams with flying colors,
I believe we will soon be in communism!

Don't believe the tales that the priests spin,
It"s as if atheists are being roasted by the devil...
In fact, they are doomed,
What sacrifices do not bring to communism!

And we will soon conquer the planet,
The entire Soviet universe will be...
Our starship is stronger than a cherub,
We are the kings and judges of the universe!

Then science will resurrect the dead,
All the pioneers, the grandfathers of glory, are alive...
The fatherland forged the sword and shield,
After all, the Mind is with us and we are invincible!

We are evil fascist tigresses,
Girls who are used to sucking blood...
The ambitions of eagles are simply the same,
Passing exams with only A's!

We will chop down our enemies with swords,
And the vampire can handle a machine gun...
Let the sea of blood be with us,
That's just the way things are!

We are beautiful, dashing girls,
Let's go into the attack of death without fear...
And our strong bare feet,
We won't knock down the women!

At night we fight very skillfully,
And we can truly bite your throat...
And for us there is blood, and for the men there is vodka,
Forward, the vampires rushed upward!

Don't believe those who say you are weak,
Girls, know that power is great...
In the name of the light of the furious power,
Let the power of the fist rule!

I'll kick the soldier in the forehead with my bare heel,
And he will fall down as an orphan...
Let there be retribution for the wicked,
Fighting us is no cakewalk!

We are the vampire girls of the underworld,
And this Fuhrer, this Devil, is our father...
He claims the throne of God,
And simply, of course, he's a great guy!

And we kill in the name of the Reich,
And we suck the blood of Stalin's soldiers...
So that the planet would not be a paradise in color,
Just know, we'll really beat the USSR!

When we trample Moscow underfoot,
There will simply be mountains of corpses there, you know...
The soldiers here are shining with their boots,
And the sunny May blazes!

And we girls will be in New York,
The president kisses our heels...
And the beauties have a ringing voice,
Such a sublime moment has arrived!

And then the vastness of all the galaxies,
I definitely know the girls, they are waiting...
And we cannot find our limit on the map,
The vampire, believe me, is very cool!

We girls will soon take the place of God,
And we will rule the universe...
We have one path to greatness,
Kill all enemies viciously!

We are the pioneers - the falcons of the country,
Who are used to fighting with Fritz...
Let the legions in the battle of Satan,
No pioneer thoughts, just give up!

On the contrary, we are hot in battles,
Let's give the Nazis a good hard time...
After all, pioneers are just first-timers,
They fight fascism perfectly!

We will never retreat,
On the contrary, we will rush into attack...
Passing exams with only A's,
We're simply not afraid of those filthy Fritzes!

For us, Comrade Stalin is the main leader,
In the name of all great generations...
He makes his enemies tremble,
To finish what the genius Lenin started!

My beloved Motherland,
The USSR is a holy, unearthly country...
We are pioneers, a friendly family,
The camp counselor is a lively girl!

Frosts are freezing, children are barefoot,
They are not afraid of burning snowdrifts...
They will catch a bullfinch, jokingly with force,
Always capable of fighting, believe me!

Here we are running like bunnies to the front,
We will stop the fascists there near Moscow...
And let the Wehrmacht, maddened by the loss,
I will cut down the enemy without restraint!

Without God, happiness can be generated,
When a fire rages in a child's heart...
The hunter will soon become the game,
Let's open the door in our hearts, I know soon!

When the great Stalin leads,
Liberate Berlin, Paris and London...
We will open an endless account of victories,
And the pioneer warrior is very proud!

I'm a boy in shorts, running with a tie,
The frost is really nipping at my heels...
I take care of my felt boots even in the cold,
That Hitler suffocated in hell!

So I pierced the fascist with a bayonet,
Believe me, I cut the monster into pieces...
And if necessary I will move my fist,
And on Monday and Wednesday I beat the Fritzes!

But the girl and I took Berlin,
And the whole world hanged the Fuhrer...
We will conquer the vastness of the universe,
We will describe everything, with Shakespeare's pen, believe me!

Well, when the war ends,
We will grow up, we will have children...
The Führer-Satan will not reign,
And the planet will become happier!

The fascist attacked like a mad villain,
And he threw an armada of steel pincers into battle...
We are pioneers full of ideas,
Let's go on the attack so that hell doesn't rule!
The enemy is very fierce and strong,
Even proud London was trampled by tanks...
But the blond boy is an eagle,
And if necessary, he will fight with Fritz for a long time!

For the pioneers, truth and love,
In honor of the new generations of light...
Even though poppy-colored blood flows violently,
We will finish what the wise Lenin started!

Yes, Stalin is truly our father,
Who will send pioneers into battle...
Even though he's a boy, he's a real daredevil,
And Fuhrer Cain will be destroyed!

And the girls, believe me, are not weak,
He is not the weaker sex, but the giants,
We will repel the streams of the evil horde,
When the people and the party are united!

A barefoot boy is eager to fight,
Even though it snowed and my heels were burning pretty badly...
But Hitler will not force him to pay tribute,
We fight just great!

They stopped the Fritzes near Moscow,
We gathered our strength, even though the enemy is impudent...
The girls are also barefoot in this frost,
And the wind blows through the red braids!

We will drive the fascists to Berlin,
Let us liberate London too, with fierce fervor...
We will conquer the vastness of the universe,
Don't stick your unwashed snout in, Adolf!

Stalin personally presented the award to me,
The star that shines brightly with gold...
Above us is the cherub of communism,
Nature blooms with fiery May!

We are children of the cosmos of a great era,
Bright communism has already been built...
Believe me, people's deeds are not bad at all,
We rush up and not a second down!

We pioneers spew hyperplasm,
We have a super computer right in our tie...
And the robots of children are obedient to orders,
Able to do ultra at this hour!

We are pioneers, believe me, we are very dashing,
We flew to the very edges of galaxies...
And our feet are now completely bare,
Capable of killing more than just sparrows!

Everything will be so great and quasaric,
What simply cannot be found in the universe...
We will do it, believe me, so pulsarically,
Ilyich and I are on the same path as the boys!

The USSR is now huge, millions,
Includes stars and joyful planets...
We have legions of communists behind us,
We do not know suffering and troubles!

We are capable of creating any miracle,
And to give out a theoplasmic pulsar from a finger...
In the distant past, all the gods and the evil Judas,
And now we have God's gift!

Let there be pioneers in a new world,
In a beautiful body, full of love...
We will build communism on any planet,
And the nightmare zeros won't come!

Vladimir Ilyich will give us inspiration,
And will sing the song of a nightingale...
Catch this happy moment,
And a person cannot die!

And believe me, quasars will be ours now,
There is red communism throughout the universe...
We will then strike at evil, at nightmares,
Let's show pioneer altruism!

Here the starships rush briskly into the sky,
They are cooler than nuclear missiles...
And children know plasma-light pilots,
Capable of taking parquet with polishing!

While we are resting on the planet,
And Sirius is our native star...
The USSR will be a bright paradise for everyone,
And Lenin is radiant forever!

For pioneers there is no word coward,
They are brave and courageous like eagles...
The boy won't say, "Mom, I'm afraid,"
We move both sixes and aces!

Darth Vader will lead the brave into battle,
A mischievous boy runs to attack...
The victories opened an endless account,
So that this isn't even too much!

We are the children, know the sons of Vader,
We go on the attack barefoot in the cold...
And in some ways they are also servants of Satan,
And let's not shed tears in vain!

There are no words for us, believe me,
Because the boy is like a blade of steel...
Others probably won't care,
Darth Vader is cooler than the mighty Stalin!

So there is no doubt what is right here,
In the name of the Sith, dark ideas...
We'll tear the Jedi apart like we would a cat,
No, don't talk nonsense, orcs!

The Lord is the only one, our brave Vader,
He will be the ruler of all the universes...
Let's show the children the greatest class,
With your strength in battle, unchanging!

Every child is a giant,
Who twists the stars with his fists...
O great Darth, you are like God alone,
And the Almighty will be with us forever!

So know, children, there is power in the world,
It's bubbling, believe me, with such a stream...
We will give you a salute, know the honor,
And if necessary, we'll even shock you!

Prayer is courage and success,
And bow to Vader from the waist up...
He is a great leader for everyone now,
And the vile adversary!

Here we are rushing into attack barefoot,
And we enjoy racing through the snowdrifts...
We'll drag the Fuhrer by force,
Let's make the king of nightmares a clown!

Darth Vader is ideal and just cool,
She can cut off everyone's heads with swords...
And you, knight, are probably very stupid,
If the Jedi are captivated by fairy tales!

Don't trust someone who wants kindness,
Since the whole world is given with fists...
And that's why we are eagle boys,
Why do we trample evil with our feet so furiously!

Each of us is a child superman,
Which will break the shell like a shell...
Where are you going to attack, evil sir?
The boy will sweep the evil soul off the orc!

We can take big steps,
Who break the backs of their enemies...
And a swinging blow - karate legs,
And the evil Cain will be destroyed!

We are pioneers - that means the steel of the blade,
And we even chop thick iron...
After all, our power, believe me, is great,
We are capable of doing useful things!

We will build a reactor, you all know,
And we will launch thermoquark synthesis...
And there will be happiness for people on Earth,
Not knowing sorrow or gloomy sadness!

In us children, the heart of Vader beats,
It actually gives commands...
Let us raise a sharp sword and a strong shield,
And if necessary, we'll rip out the orc's tonsils!

May the boy not bend before the enemy,
He's a great guy, just know, he'll show you...
So that the person here is not a fool,
Don't get your face covered in soot!

You are such a pioneer, you know, a hero,
Great, strong, although still a boy...
Koschey of evil, bald head,
And that's good, not too good yet!

When Vader gives the command,
The regiments are desperately going on the attack...
Or maybe you should think the opposite,
When they fry it, the orcs will kick the prisoners in the heel!

There is a war going on in the whole universe, I know,
The hyperplasms are blazing, the whirlwind of fires...
But you are an eagle, not a weak sparrow,
You hit really hard!

This is how good the world is,
We will do any job well...
And the woodpecker is clearly hammering away at the chisels,
The crow's cage has already been prepared!

Fight for the cause of the right, boy,
The meaning is this: in the name of communism...
Fly, feathered one, without pause, upward,
Our backs will break, believe me, orcishism!

Darth Vader will become our new king,
Who, if necessary, will judge...
And we will kill the bald Fuhrer,
Let the Gods of light be judges of the evil!

There will be boys in the attack, believe me,
They are so formidable, dashing...
And somewhere a shaggy beast howls angrily,
And bare feet trudge through the snowdrifts!

We are boys and girls fighters,
Serving an idea for years is no obstacle...
Although Vader is old enough to be our father,
But the Sith spews streams of laughter!

We, too, are eternally young at heart,
Let us also be immortal in body...
O Vader, this is my God Almighty,
Which proved to be powerful in deed!

We are children - that means we are the strongest,
And the body will be, I believe, forever young...
Trampled, the furious villain will become,
And believe me, we will show you a miracle too!

God does not allow the Jedi to win,
Fighters of the great dark light force...
The boy is simply a bear,
He will simply drive the orcs into their graves!

So I will tell you, fighting fiercely,
The enemy will not bring the terrible to his knees...
Darth Vader is the eternal prince over the planet,
Believe me in all the light of generations!

But when the universe rings,
And the sun will shine seven times brighter...
The Jedi are awaiting capture and defeat,
And life will become even sweeter than honey!

We children will definitely win,
The space saga will be bright...
Darth Vader of glorious power cherub,
It will bring us immortality and gifts!

That's why you work, boy,
And build a reactor where quarks merge...
And then there will be glorious communism,
Great, endless sweet life!

Pioneers are, you know, Lenin's sons,
And their flight, believe me, is like that of an eagle...
Somewhere the servants of Satan roam,
Their gaze is so animal-like, believe me!

Boys are born to win,
And fight bravely with the insidious enemy...
We pass exams, believe me, with flying colors,
We have no option but to surrender!

Pioneers are the family of the Motherland,
USSR is a country of opportunities without limits...
Let's be together, you and I...
Before there was Lenin, then the great Stalin!

Believe us, we will not give in to evil enemies,
We will be able to defeat the insidious orcs...
And I will give an answer to the evil sorcerers, brothers,
The pioneers' gaze, believe me, is very proud!

Boys and girls are running barefoot,
In winter, snowdrifts bite their heels hard...
But they beat the orcs with their fists,
If necessary, they will weed the beds in the field!

Pioneer, believe me, does not know the word coward,
He fights bravely, like a courageous falcon...
Lenin is with us, and Jesus of God of Light,
Raises the Sun higher above the Earth!

Be brave great fighters,
We are able to defeat enemies with courage...
Let our grandfathers and fathers be proud of us,
We are fighting in a stormy hand-to-hand battle!

How good it is in the country of the Soviets,
Sausage and cottage cheese are almost no longer available...
Yes, it can be hard for pioneers,
But they don"t know, know the other fate!

So the girls and I went on a hike,
We picked berries, mushrooms...
A grey wolf emerged from ambush,
But the boys hit him in the kidneys!

We have Vader with us - he is the new leader,
His will became stronger, you know...
So don't touch the boys, enemy,
He is even cooler than Stalin!

Vader used to conquer the stars,
Furrowed the vast expanses of the galaxy...
He instilled a great ideal,
He could easily roll up any mountains!

The pioneers are great in strength,
Believe me, they have the power of formidable giants...
You clench your fists tighter, boy,
Let us be united with Darth Vader!

There are no boundaries, believe me, galaxies,
Stretched over millions of parsecs...
Children bravely open the door to space,
Trampling the laws of the universe!

Paradise will become big, believe me on Earth,
The blossoming, you all know, is very lush...
Barefoot pioneers everywhere,
And they look like children with greetings!

But nevertheless, in battle we are truly strong,
And they can fight like those cheetahs...
And truly the children of Satan's light,
Our father is Darth himself, and that means we are not bastards!

When space becomes ours, know that
And we will be able to seal it tightly...
Then we will build a paradise in the universe,
Even though we still look like kids!

No Darth Vader is our holy father,
And our dear brother, beloved by all our hearts...
He is of course a perfect fellow,
With them, we are invincible in battles, believe me!

If necessary, Vader will resurrect the dead,
He has such strength, you know, children...
He is the strongest monolithic rock in the world,
After all, the Dark Goddess gave birth to him!

Here we will finish the path to victory, you know clearly,
We will crush all the forces of these thieving bastards...
And we will build a paradise of endless happiness,
Pioneers run into battle barefoot!

Our goals, believe me, are very great,
We can make the universe bright...
Believe that achievements are not far away,
After all, it gave for creation!

Darth the Great is with us, know, sings,
He is the same boy as I am...
In communism, the bright path goes,
At least sometimes we get our bumps and bruises!

Glory to our USSR country,
That the universe couldn"t be more beautiful...
We showed the fig to the Horde,
And let the broken Cain run!

And now Darth Vader forever,
Pioneers, know that they don"t age...
Let your dream come true, believe me,
The light of previous generations!
The gods have cursed Rome for the third time,
He began to take on too much...
The cherub flaps its wings,
Somewhere a child is crying tears!

I wanted to tell you,
Know your limits in any action...
To pass the exam with an A,
And cause complete destruction!

I can't say, brothers,
That it is not worth chopping down evil Romans...
Sometimes Satan attacks,
And threatens to kill us all!

My head will not bow,
Boy, straighten your shoulders wider...
We know for sure that two times two,
There will definitely be four!

We are ready to fight the enemy,
Having created miracles in the universe...
And without wasting unnecessary words,
Creating this unchanging path!

We will cause such a rout,
The one in which Spartacus is the winner...
And the legions will be broken,
There will be a new Lord-ruler!

We will not give slaves to our enemies,
Let's commit hara-kiri together...
The best sons now,
We'll really soak you in the toilet!

The boys' sword is now sharp,
And they just sharpened it...
Crassus awaits the axe,
And know mochilovo in the toilet!
Rome has many Gods,
The coolest and the greatest...
We will break off a lot of horns,
And we'll make the flight very wild!

Here is Jupiter, and where is Perun,
Every knight is now a thunderer...
Crassus really blew away in battle,
And now he is defeated by slaves!

And we have power beyond measure,
We are such guys!
Run away, bandits, go away,
This brutal Rome!

God does not like the weak, believe me,
And the boy will not be a slave...
Here is a furious beast on the attack,
And really, believe me, it won"t hurt!

The evil Roman growls like a wild wolf,
And the grin is very fierce...
That Fatherland is a sword and a shield,
Well, somewhere there's mad Cain!

I, a boy, swung my swords,
The heads of evil people flew...
It seems that you really lost your mind, Crassus.
You obviously want to sing in the cradle!

The executioner swung his sword,
Wants to destroy peace on earth...
Wild howling and real crying,
Souls rush to heaven!

Jesus is always with me,
There is a great warrior in my heart...
Well, someone is now with Satan,
And he really deserves to fight!

I am a boy with a sword in my hands,
Very sharp, made of durable steel...
I want to cut the enemy with it,
So that Crassus really gets beat up!

This is sometimes fate,
Believe me, it happens...
Evil Satan is attacking,
Well, and Cain's sword pokes into his back!

We are not weak at all, however,
Our muscles are filled with titanium...
We will repel the evil flow of the horde,
So that there is no place for tyrants!

Who is this evil executioner?
You are a boy and you don"t know yourself...
Why is the girl crying?
Why are you scaring the crows like that?

God is able to save us all,
And send the evil Crassus to the grave...
Count to ten
Then get the middle ground!

What makes our country great?
I see its powerful expanses...
The stormy river overflowed,
And painted the mountains pink!

We have reached great heights,
The highest peak here is communism...
Our people will be united,
And the girl doesn't know feminism!

Rome, believe me, is already burning,
And the empire collapses quickly...
And the friendship of slaves is a monolith,
A whisper was heard somewhere quietly!

Children will always be free,
They will surely throw off the slave chains...
Let our dream come true,
In endless joy forever!

The blue sea and the boundless ocean,
I splashed around like a baby in a cradle...
The emerald colored wave wavered -
Into the gentle pool they were carried away into the distance without a goal!

And then a brave young man appeared to me,
The look pierced my heart with the tip of a dagger...
Although the handsome lad had not yet shaved,
I whispered to him with such feeling:

I'm in love with you, you are beautiful and pure,
I believe that love for a boy is endless...
Let's spend a life full of happiness together,
And in my young heart know that you will burn forever!

My boyfriend is beauty, joy, peace and love,
The embodiment of boundless bright light...
If necessary, you will shed blood for your country in battle,
Open to your feelings, my native planet!

So we splashed around until dusk,
Cutting through the waves with your hands...
And the eyes in the night of uncontrollability were stuck together,
I danced the polka barefoot!

And my lips are now joined with yours,
And they came together in a bend, consider it a bend...
This is what our youth will be like,
And with the universal it will become an excess!

I'm in love with you, you are beautiful and pure,
I believe that love for a boy is endless...
Let's spend a life full of happiness together,
And in my young heart know that you will burn forever!

My boyfriend is beauty, joy, peace and love,
The embodiment of boundless bright light...
If necessary, you will shed blood for your country in battle,
Open to your feelings, my native planet!

That's when we splashed together to the limit,
Immersed ourselves in these sweet moments...
And then the guy and I had a good laugh,
Showing your cheerful aspiration!

Believe me, you and I will raise a child,
So that he grows, creates inspiration without boundaries...
The girls have a loud voice,
There is no weakness, believe me, there is forgiveness!

I'm in love with you, you are beautiful and pure,
I believe that love for a boy is endless...
Let's spend a life full of happiness together,
And in my young heart know that you will burn forever!

My boyfriend is beauty, joy, peace and love,
The embodiment of boundless bright light...
If necessary, you will shed blood for your country in battle,
Open to your feelings, my native planet!

So love me as your goddess,
So that I may become the edge of the hyperuniverse...
They won't steal your dream, believe me, one ruble at a time,
With your awesome strength and unfailing in battles!

I'm in love with you, you are beautiful and pure,
I believe that love for a boy is endless...
Let's spend a life full of happiness together,
And in my young heart know that you will burn forever!

My boyfriend is beauty, joy, peace and love,
The embodiment of boundless bright light...
If necessary, you will shed blood for your country in battle,
Open to your feelings, my native planet!

We are pioneers, children of communism,
The fiery furnace hums like bronze...
Under the banner of holy Leninism,
We will arrange a rout for all the villains!

They tied a bright red tie on us,
Which color is that of scarlet roses...
And we will go bravely to the attack,
The boy has grown up to perform feats!

In battle, we pioneers will not give in,
It won't hold up to a machine gun, don't even dream about it...
My feet are numb from the cold,
But the children will still build paradise!

We will also study excellently,
We simply have countless fives...
I made a draft of the essay myself,
Because the boy has a conscience and honor!

When a jump is made from a tower,
When you run barefoot through the snow...
We are such brave boys -
What's bold, we can hit with our fist!

Lenin himself tied a tie for the boys,
Which is the color of the flame of hearts...
And gave people eternal joy,
The bourgeoisie and the nobility are finished!

Yes, the USSR shines over the planet,
The light of salvation brings to all people...
We will hold capitalism accountable,
We will open an unlimited account of victories!

October is forever written in our hearts,
Lenin rules the earth forever...
The faces of children who are true to the truth shine,
Let's fly towards the sun and our dreams!

Pioneering over the world,
The red flag is blooming,
Lenin became our idol...
We march firmly!

We love to jump and run,
Jumping up with a skipping rope...
And then have lunch -
Get an A in this lesson!

Our camp is so beautiful,
Scarlet flowers grow...
Our wise team,
Unprecedented beauty!

The girls sing ditties,
A boy cleans a machine gun...
Children are collecting pears,
This is the kind of squad we have!

Pioneers are a force,
They have the energy of elephants...
The homeland will be happy,
Know our best sons!

We'll be on Mars soon,
And we will fly to Sirius...
There is happiness on the bright planet,
And great peace reigns!

We salute with honor,
And a pioneer on a hike...
We respond to aggression with revenge,
This will be an example for the monster!

Lenin will be with us in our hearts,
From immortal forever...
The door to space has been opened,
Sweet as a dream years!

My princess Margaret,
You are like a rosebud...
My soul is open to you,
It's like there are a million hearts!

My heart burns brightly,
It beats like a drum...
Let's open our door to happiness,
How bright are the rays of the sun!

We can be like eagles over the world,
Flapping your wings to soar...
You became an idol for me -
May the thread of life not be broken!

Margot, you are a lady of fortune,
Beautiful with hair like copper...
The strings here will be lyrical,
Although the bear roars sometimes!

We fly up to the sky with queens,
Which is beauty...
We got up in the morning, bright and early,
May my country flourish!

We are like elves in this world,
With its heavenly purity...
We fly with the girl, the light is on the air,
The child with her will be mine!

We love each other so passionately,
The volcano is raging in anger...
And I believe that a miracle will happen,
The hurricane of death will pass!

Yes, the unimaginable light of the Fatherland,
Forever in love in color...
We look at the world as if through lenses,
Let your dream come true!

My beauty Margarita,
Walk barefoot through the snow...
The window is spacious and open,
And you can't hit it with your fist!

How come her feet don't get cold?
The snowdrift caresses her heels...
The sky is raining down crumbs of powder,
And the wind blows over the threshold!

The girl feels great,
All with his bare soles...
The cold doesn't bother her at all,
And it's even cool to be barefoot!

But now the snowdrifts have melted,
And spring is blooming here...
And there will be new updates,
The girl is sweet and honest!

Let's play a wedding with Margarita,
There will be a magnificent diamond in it...
So that there are no attacks from the thief,
I've got the machine gun ready!

Well, let's get married, beauty,
Pendants that sparkled like diamonds...
They sipped the wine along with the tea,
And while drunk they punched me in the eye!

A girl with a boy rings,
Nadel - a passionate kiss...
It was as if heat was coming from a stove,
The priest shouted: Don't be naughty!

Now she has a husband,
And gave birth to three children...
Their feet splash through the puddles,
And pour down some more rain!

In short, there will be peace and happiness,
All the thunderstorms of hell will die down...
Believe me, the bad weather will end,
And the guy and the girl will be happy!

I was born into a family that was essentially royal,
In which there was honor and a bright harmony...
And she was distinguished by her hussar-like daring,
This is what happened already, know the layout!

I wore diamonds while playing,
And the pearl loaded the girl's chest...
We have shown great talent,
You know, the girl really can't bend!

We will make the Fatherland of the sun more beautiful,
Under the flag of the Orthodox Tsar...
Let's even raise an eagle above the planet,
We fought the infidels for good reason!

This is how cool I am, princess,
I fight with a sword - it"s better than a machine gun...
And my feet are bare now,
As I begin a powerful take-off!

Why do I need shoes, in a furious attack,
She's just stopping me from running...
I will show myself in a bloody fight,
Passing exams with only A's!

We will commit hara-kiri on the evil orcs,
We'll really defeat the enemies...
We will trample the swarm with our bare feet,
And then we will build a new world!

After all, why does God love barefoot people?
Beautiful and curvy girls...
Since there are no wretched among us, know,
And if necessary, we charge the machine gun!

Now I am a girl and a princess,
Who fights like a titan...
I fought yesterday and today,
When the hurricane of death swept through!

She loved to walk with her bare heel on the grass,
It's so nice to tickle your feet...
And to a very joyful childish tear,
So that they don't start letting their hair down!

What warriors I didn't know,
What battles have I not been in?
After all, the will of a maiden is stronger than metal,
And the voice is like a sharp saw!

When I start screaming like a raven,
Even the clouds in the sky will collapse...
Sometimes I have to be tough,
To catch with nets in the best dreams!

But I'll kick you in the chin with my bare heel,
And the orc will fall, spreading its paws...
I am a warrior, simply from the cradle,
May the bald Fuhrer of hell come down!

For a girl, battle is no obstacle,
No spears, no swords, no sharp knife...
The highest reward awaits us,
Believe me, beauty will not be lost in battle!

The girls have a magical charm,
They are even capable of chopping metal with ease...
They shoot very accurately, even the thieves,
And they smash the orcs, twisting their wool!

They are on the very highest pedestal,
Believe me, you won"t find anything cooler than them...
And they gave the lousy demons a slap on the horns,
The girls are no more than twenty!

Capable of knocking down even a fly with a stele,
And launch a boomerang with your foot...
They have so much fighting spirit,
Let the thread of our life not be broken!

We greet the sunrise, believe me,
Which is very bright like a quasar...
And the girl's heart beats strongly,
Capable of delivering a triple blow!

We fight for our Motherland very hard,
In which, elves, like kings...
No, we can't just watch stupidly,
Tear the enemy to pieces!

Even though we experienced a lot of pain,
But we are used to fighting like animals...
The girl has no better fate, you know,
She will jokingly break the steel door!

A girl's bare heel is strong,
And believe me, it will crush even an oak tree...
And the voice, you know, is so ringing,
What, rattling, even breaks a tooth!

And then blows will go to the ears,
That the brain will be instantly and firmly knocked out...
Turpentines poured into the sky like lava,
The opponent will probably be tough!

A magic beam will flow from the wand,
And the Earth will be illuminated with a wondrous light...
And the sun will shine very brightly,
It will definitely illuminate the planet!

The executioner will shut up from the enormous losses,
Which I received from the girls...
Even very modest warriors,
But full of endless light forces!

The sky will light up in a stormy hurricane,
And there will be a very formidable wave...
And tsunamis will sweep furiously,
It's like a wild horde!

Then the girls will move like an avalanche,
And the orcs, evil and fanged, will be killed...
The enemy will show his back in battle,
And the maidens of light sing a hymn of love!

I am a boy from another world,
In the one in which there is space...
And Shakespeare's pen cannot describe it,
It's funny to live in the twenty-first century!
It has such devices, believe me,
That children are capable of flying upwards...
We discovered the properties of hyperplasm,
To kill evil aliens!

There are no more wars on Earth, believe me,
And bright communism was built...
People opened the door to space,
So that forward and not a second down!

The hurricanes had passed by, you know,
And evil napalm is pouring down on the Earth...
The countries have now become related in brotherhood,
Cross the ocean by boat!

Where combine harvesters plowed with a plow,
In the Arctic, apple trees are blooming...
We drove away the hordes of Mamai,
Making a dream come true!

No kings, we don't need that,
There is happiness and peace on the planet...
Between peoples there is friendship in eternal happiness,
I believe stagnation will not come!

The children are very happy and laughing,
Barefoot summer rushes...
Their eyes sparkle like saucers,
All that remains is to sing for joy!

Snow will fall when scientists have the will,
And then we'll get on our skis...
Such is the lot of man,
We are the sons of the stormy wind!

If someone from space comes,
He'll get it in the neck hard...
The boys' cheeks are crimson,
And in their hands shines a bright flag!

We've been to Mars and Venus,
We even visited Uranus...
We will even fly in the noosphere,
A terrible hurricane will sweep through!

The starship is like this, believe me, let's stand,
It will fly to new galaxies...
Then you will become a hero, boy,
And you will raise a new strong shield!

There are battles in space,
In them, aliens will be able to fly like this...
Somewhere an evil Cain appeared,
We will exterminate the enemy!

We don't want an evil planet to rule,
So that Genghis Khan could burn Rus' again...
Yes, war is considered a game without rules,
A sneak attack!

We guys just won't give up,
We will protect the earth from fire...
Children's faces shine in battle,
The cherub is rubbing his wings!

Well, in short - the era of communism,
What awaits the children of our planet...
We will not spare even our lives,
Opening an unlimited account!

We will never kneel,
Because weakness is pain...
After all, the great, wise Lenin is for us,
Our ancestors shed blood!

It was not in vain that we stormed the Winter Palace,
So that the color is beautiful, the edge is stormy...
We will sweep away the enemy with one blow,
We are building a red paradise on the plan!

Now all nations are united,
Let us boldly go towards communism,
And under the red banner of freedom,
Believe me, we will be able to enter Eden!

Atom twisted the core,
Here is the Politburo!
The boy was torn apart,
The Politburo has farted!
He put a yoke on the people,
The Politburo will get involved!
The hut was covered in snow,
The Politburo is here too!
The roof was blown off by the wind at once,
The Politburo is blowing!
I lean on the oar,
It's the Politburo rowing!
The chicken laid an egg,
We are being raised by the Politburo!
The woodpecker pecks at the chisel,
There is also a Politburo!
The ox pulls its yoke,
The Politburo has got into action!
Vova was brought into the mausoleum,
It will drive the Politburo into its grave!
Here the cart was carried away,
The Politburo has taken the whip!
It's pretty overgrown with moss,
The Politburo is rotten!
Let's punch in the first number,
The Politburo opened the account!
That it's too much for you to score a goal,
Teach the Politburo!
The explosion was heard, it shook,
The Politburo has farted!
Live a beautiful life,
This is the slogan of the Politburo!
Here comes the tsunami,
A new move by the Politburo!
And the boy got carried away,
The Politburo will be flogged!
It hit, it passed,
What are you laughing at, Politburo!
The hut was covered in snow,
Wait for spring, Politburo!
Well, in short, you're finished.
And whoever listened, well done!

Chess is a wonderful game,
There are such frisky figures in it...
Wake up boys in the morning,
Let's create muscle relief!

The whites are used to attacking,
The boys make their moves quickly...
Write it down in your notebook, children,
There is artillery shooting going on!

The boy made the first move with his pawn,
He moved her, playfully and boldly...
Here he is throwing away his chips,
May the black king perish in checkmate!

Here the whites go on the attack,
Pawns are actually sacrificed in battle...
The boy is a toddler, but very cool,
There will be firebrands from the defense!

So he placed the queen in a dashing manner,
This is a very powerful attack...
It was not in vain that he read Capablanca,
It turned out to be a fight, no joke!

It'll be black soon, I know the mat,
And the king is decisively crushed...
You know, a machine gun suits a boy,
And the enemy is completely crushed!

Get your fists pumped, boy,
You can't live on chess either...
Believe me, being weak is not good for you,
You will gain wooden glory!
Here the enemy has finally surrendered,
He was checkmated by the white pawn...
This is the end for the king,
They just gave it to him for nuts!

The boys hugged each other with their hands,
The game was obviously played well...
Somewhere in my heart a boa constrictor is moving,
And the most important limit has been reached!

The boy wants to become a king,
And to sit on the throne very proudly...
To avoid being practically zero,
Behave nobly, child!

Now take the dumbbells,
Pump up your muscles, boy...
So that there are no zeros in life,
You have to be strong enough to be a forest lynx!

And then good luck awaits you,
You will become a very strong boy,
Glory and fortune and honor,
If you're a tough guy!

Of course, a young man needs intelligence,
To have strength and skill...
And a heavy fist to the face,
You'll get some training too!

And when the boy ascends to the throne,
Playing with glorious muscles...
There will be a cry of glory from all sides,
And the weather is like an eternal warm May!


Stalin, you are a great executioner,
The Georgians killed many Russians...
And he carried out a very wild pogrom,
How many people did you strangle?

Kick you in the jaw
Hit him in the face with a hard fist...
You are talking real heresy...
Pouring boiling water over the will of the Russians! 

What is that peasant guilty of,
That he had a large allotment...
What the Russians plowed,
We weren't sitting around doing nothing!

Why did you dispossess them?
Evil, mustachioed, pockmarked devil...
We'll be able to hit back,
You and Satan!

He drove people into barracks,
And you don"t feel sorry for the children...
We want a fight with the devil,
You, the mustachioed one, are not our king!

Even though I'm just a boy,
And of course a pioneer...
I can hit too hard,
Set an example for others!

So you are bloody Stalin,
Get out of Russia...
With your mug, Poganin,
You can't build communism!

You are ruining the idea of light,
Turning into an executioner...
You chop off the guys' heads,
Count from all your shoulders!

But you will come to your senses,
There will be a stake, mustachioed one, just know...
And the salary will rise,
We will build a wonderful paradise!

We will not lie down under the hooves,
Let us not bow to the Horde...
We'll spread butter on our bread,
So as not to be in need!

Let's chop off Stalin's head,
To hell with dirty Stalinism...
He destroys the people like the devil,
Real fascism is coming!

And who will he shoot?
Even his brother...
The real Stalin is Cain,
There's nothing to say here!

But the people are more precious than anything,
We will build communism...
Let's punch the evil devil in the face,
Well, to hell, Stalinism!

Now the era will end,
Know the mustachioed leader...
Of course, we felt bad,
Shadow of the Bloody Rain!

But everything has changed a lot,
The sun of joy has risen...
Grace was poured out upon the people,
It became very good!

I am a boy of the new world, believe me,
Born to the sound of loud guns...
Even if a terrible beast attacks us,
And they cut down countless carcasses of enemies!

I dreamed of becoming a very smart pirate,
In my fantasies, a cool kid...
To kill enemies in battle,
And this, of course, is not too much!

But then this boy ran away from home,
In the spring, the cold snow had barely melted...
In the port I found a great ideal,
Not very noble, of course!

When he walked, the boy knocked down all his legs,
Since he doesn't need shoes...
And he has a lot of strength, you know,
He can do anything - this is no joke!

Now he's a kid on a ship,
And he rustles the deck energetically...
Yes, the boy got tired of being on the ground,
The boy behaves like a proper guy!

His bare heels are like calluses,
An evil stick often dances over them...
And they beat the boy viciously until he bled,
Sometimes a skipping rope will beat him down like dust!

Well, boy, you'll get a whipping,
From the boatswain and from the other sailors...
And bring the bricks to the counter,
Without any unnecessary and stupid questions!

The boy dreamed of accomplishing a feat,
But he gets mountains of punches...
Well, he has sinned so much,
With your bloody feet!

But finally, boarding happened,
The ship was found by evil pirates...
And they killed the entire crew,
Believe me, evil retribution has come!

The boy was beaten with a strong vine,
Then they viciously beat me on the heels with a stick...
The fire was brought to the bare foot,
So that the boy would scream from disgusting pain!

But the boy endured it steadfastly,
And under torture he didn"t utter a word...
The evil boss was very surprised,
Living offspring of Sodom!

Well, what does the child say - a monster,
I see you have passed our test...
And you look quite like a wolf cub,
You take the common desire to yourself!

And the boy became a cabin boy for the pirates,
Now they have blood in their blood on the same team...
Finally, what I dreamed about happened,
So to find yourself in the sea, red gang!

The raids began, the ships were in smoke,
The pirates are boarding at once...
The boy was fulfilling his dream,
His desire is that the fight is not for sale!

The pirates are raking in treasures here,
Literally with a seven-bucket shovel...
And the boy became, believe me, so cool,
Desperate, even if young, a bully!

But fate is such a villain,
The pirates surrounded the brigantine...
Probably the vile Satan betrayed me,
And the unfortunate boy was captured!

Oh, they beat me hard on the back with a whip,
And the sticks pounded my heels hard...
They roasted the boy over the fire,
So that you don"t play hide and seek with the villainous fate!

In short, the torture was harsh,
And they broke his toes...
You also set the boy's chest on fire,
And they hit him hard on the head with a truncheon!

And then the boy's path is to the noose,
To have a child hoisted onto the yardarm...
The boy whispered: I love Satan,
The situation in Hell will be different!

Oh, the boy's neck is so thin,
It squeezes her tightly with a noose...
The boy was stabbed with a sharp needle,
And the evil executioner beats the naked man!

People look at this with a grin,
Whoever might feel sorry for a child, know...
The government here is already so cruel,
They don't care whether you're a boy or a girl!

And now the boy is hanging from the noose,
They broke his neck by jerking it sharply...
The naked man went to Satan,
I've got such an idea now!

Well, the Devil met him without love,
He ordered the child to be flogged in Hell...
O poor unfortunate child,
When you see the heights of communism!

But Satan brought him back,
He said that you have a boy's body...
No need for extra sad thoughts, boy,
You're probably tired of crying!

The boy is now back in the flesh,
And he was moored to a military ship...
There is probably no better service to be found,
Any boy would definitely be surprised here!

He was a cabin boy, and now the boy is a cornet,
And you can"t walk around barefoot anymore...
Now he is not a six, but a jack,
Under sail the cruiser moves whole!

The guys' lives have become much better,
Now he himself is capable of hitting with a stick...
The hunter will turn into the game, I believe,
If the boy has skill and ingenuity!

We pirates are really cool,
If we cut the cabins with a saber...
The beauty's feet are bare,
She will put a hook on the enemy!

Here, enemies, don't torment the girls,
Better hit them hard in the brain...
And hit him hard on the neck with a sword,
So that there is no real shame here!

So what if you don't measure with girls,
They are very good indeed...
Our children laugh merrily -
Let's just say this from the heart!

The enemy will be defeated, that's for sure,
We will build paradise soon, I believe...
And with his passion, immaculately,
We'll drive all enemies into the barn at once!

We are sailing on a fast brigantine,
Cutting through the waves in a stormy storm...
And the girls and the boys are united,
Let's pass judgment on the Spaniards!

We cannot bear the humiliation of girls,
Let us all stand up for our Fatherland...
We will not tolerate insults any longer,
Let's crush the enemy with a steel hand!

We pirates have nothing to fear,
Girls are naturally brave...
And always believe me, they loved to fight,
Just incredible eagles!

God knows and inspires us to accomplish our feats,
And leads the filibusters into attack...
There will be, I know a place in heaven soon,
We will show you many examples!

The girls are so beautiful,
What stronger queens you won't find...
They'll drink rum and vodka if needed,
And they are capable of sweeping away everyone in a row!

This is how cool these women are,
We pirates chop so cruelly...
Now we'll rip open the Spaniard's belly,
We don't even need machine guns!

Let's commit hara-kiri on these scumbags,
Like the daughters of glorious samurai...
Believe me, two plus two is not four,
And this really does happen!

We will not tolerate weakness, believe me,
We girls are top notch at this...
We'll break the doors in the classroom, I know,
The evil Karabas attacks!

There are no barriers for girls,
The brig cut through the wave...
Rewards await us now,
Don't curse Satan, women!

Let's make our Fatherland cleaner,
So that our Motherland may flourish...
The filibusters will rush to the heights,
Let your dream come true then!
We have guns for our enemies,
And their lethal swarm of shells...
We girls are just soul mates,
And in the battle with the power of Satan!

So let's tear our enemies apart like a rag,
With its strength like a hammer...
And we will put figuratively banks,
Let's hit him in the temple with our fists!

Don't be foolish, people, you and the girl,
She is simply a giant of strength...
The beauty has a ringing voice,
And believe me, the people are always united!

And beauties have a heavy blow,
They strike furiously with the sword...
If necessary, we will build a new world,
And we'll hit it harder with a brick!

There is no obstacle for warriors,
What the enemy puts up as a wall for them...
Let the meteor showers begin,
What a weighty fist!

Girls will love guys faithfully,
They want this, believe me...
They are used to acting badly,
Because the guy is a beast!

We ourselves are like tigresses,
With aggressive force eagles...
And at the same time, like doves,
That's why all enemies are cattle!

We love to kill - you should know that,
Blood excites us girls...
So give your enemy a slap on the wrist,
For there to be order and love!

No, the girl will not be weak in battle,
We are not tempted by such a fate...
We attack as if we were tanks,
Generating eternal chaos!

For us there is no word, know weakness,
The girls' aggression is mountainous...
We bring joy to the whole world,
We can drive all our enemies crazy!

The girls' ascent to the top,
The guys will be very dashing...
We won't, know in the middle,
The cherub spreads its wings!

If there is a fight, we will fight,
If it"s a feast, then let it pour down like a mountain...
The girls are not afraid of the flame and gloss,
Let's crush our enemies with a steel hand!

The girls evoke admiration,
Guys, the mighty are light...
That the Spaniards are being killed with abandon,
And they have such fists!

We can chop off a head quickly,
Let her fly like a ball...
We are stronger than all the weak, to be honest,
I know the sun is shining in the sky!

The ferocious wolf howls very menacingly,
Apparently he wants to tear the sheep apart...
Someone has to be with the crown,
Believe me, I'll smash it!

A close fight certainly awaits,
The brigantines' sails are full...
There will be our place in a wonderful paradise,
Boys are equal to girls too!

What the Creator of the Universe Himself told us,
What, go ahead girls...
With his strength in battle, unchanging,
Set off on a glorious campaign!

The devil also helps girls,
Because everything in the world is evil...
Spreads its wings over the planet,
I believe there will be happiness and goodness!

Well, why should we betray the mask,
Girls show their weakness...
Someone might hit me in the back, I know,
And some people just don't care!

There are pirates, there are none cooler,
And girls are like that too...
Faith in power then saves us,
When the servants of Satan are on the attack!

The girl can't stand the humiliation,
Even though we ourselves love to beat up guys...
We will not tolerate insults any longer,
Run away, you defeated villain!

Heaven or hell, believe me, it's all the same,
There is no forgiveness for those pirates...
He who pays tithes foolishly,
And someone else wants wood chips for lunch!

We won't arise, girls,
That's why a pirate exists, that's why a pirate exists...
Trust us, Archangels, judges,
There will be a suitable result!

The brigantine destroys the battery,
Shatters all enemies into pieces...
If necessary, we'll shoot you in the neck,
With the strength of girls' fists!

There is nothing more stupid than poverty,
Make money and then you are right...
Better cunning than bad honesty,
That boa constrictor will be destroyed!

Sometimes the gods have sarcastic jokes,
Yes, such that you yourself are a goat...
There are spaces between teeth,
And we will firmly drive a stake into the grave!

That you dared to offend the girl,
She's not a girl, she's a pirate...
Only the evil blade managed to see,
It turned out to be a crazy layout!

A girl cut off your head,
It rolled so much that that head of cabbage...
Then a little voice rang out,
That an unimaginable blow has passed!

Don't shout people, don't scream,
No, you don't have to deal with such aces...
In the underworld, do not anger the devil,
So that you don't get bruises!

That's when the girl chops everyone up,
And there will be a whole load of prey...
The young guy will take a liking,
And it will close the question forever!
I am a white-headed orphan boy,
He jumped boldly through the puddles barefoot...
And the world around is somehow very new,
Why can't you drag the boy there by force!

I am a street kid, even though I have a pretty face,
I love to sparkle my barefoot feet...
We are thieves, know as a single collective,
Passing exams with only A's!

The enemy does not know, believe in our strength,
When the boys rush to storm in a crowd...
I will pull the slingshot like a bowstring,
And I will release the projectile with great soul!

No, know that the boy cannot be scared,
Nothing will make him cowardly, tremble...
We are not afraid of the flame of the color of gloss,
There is only one answer: don"t touch what is common!

We can crush any horde,
The boy is a complete ideal...
He loves a girl, also barefoot,
To whom he wrote letters from prison!
So the boy didn't think for long,
And he began to steal quite actively...
You won't just be put in the corner for this,
They might even shoot you brutally!

In short, the cops caught the kid,
They beat me hard, even to the point of bleeding...
In his dreams he had the distant future of communism,
In reality, there were only zeros!

Well, why does this happen in our lives?
The boy was put in chains...
After all, the Fatherland doesn"t need bandits, you know,
We kites are not exactly eagles!

The cops beat me on my bare heels with a stick,
And it is very painful for children...
They hit you on the back with a skipping rope,
As if you were a complete villain!

But the boy didn"t answer them anything,
She didn't give up her comrades to the cops...
You know, our children are like this,
Whose will is like a mighty titan!

So, at the trial, he was threatened a lot,
And they promised to shoot the boy...
There is only one road for the boy here now,
Where both thieves and robbers go!

But the boy endured everything very well,
And he didn"t even confess in court...
These are the kind of children there are in the world,
Consider this a turn of events in fate!

Well, they shaved him with a machine,
Let's go barefoot in the frost...
The cop accompanies him with such a grin,
I just want to punch him!

The boy trudges barefoot through the snowdrifts,
He is being chased by a furious convoy...
Her friend also had her braids shaved off,
She now has her head down!

Well, you still can't break us,
And Petka is at least shivering from the cold...
The time will come, there will be summer with May,
Although there is still a snowdrift and frost!

And the boy's legs are like paws,
Such a blue goose...
There is no way to avoid the crush in the carriage,
It just happened that way, no joke!

The boys walked a lot barefoot,
Believe me, even the boy didn"t sneeze...
He will be able to throw evil off its pedestal,
If the Lord fell asleep in unbelief!

That's why people everywhere suffer,
This is why we are threatened with destruction...
There will be no place for the righteous in paradise,
Because the parasite is coming!

It's not easy to be in this world, you know,
In which, believe me, everything is vanity...
You can't say that two plus two makes four,
And figuratively it will be beautiful!

I believe in the Lord, He will heal, He will cure,
All our wounds are firmly known...
I know cruel enemies, they will cripple,
Boy, be bold in the attack!

We won't go around in circles now,
Let the banner show us the way forward...
We trample the snow with our broken feet,
But Bolshevism cannot bend a thief!

In everything we will make signs of light,
Thieves will raise a cop on their horns...
This is how our planet moves,
And the endless blizzard rages!

Of course, there is an evil wizard,
He roars like a lion without restraint...
But we raise the banner higher,
The glorious monolith is the solution to thieves!

For your honor, for your intelligent courage,
We will fight, I believe forever...
Tear the red shirt, boy,
Let the thieves have a different dream!

We are not building communism, of course,
Although we have our own common fund...
For us, the most important thing is will,
And consider the thief's fist strong!

And we thieves also think fairly,
So that all the loot goes according to plan...
And whoever is overly arrogant like a rat,
He will not escape the sharp knife!

There are a lot of bandits in our world, you know,
But the thief, believe me, is not a simple bandit...
He can soak an enemy in the toilet,
If the parasite has gone too far!

But he can also help a person,
And to provide support to the poor...
And to caress the unfortunate cripple,
And make way for the fist of honor!

That's why you shouldn't argue with thieves,
These parks are the coolest of all...
They will show achievements in running sports,
Let's celebrate cosmic success!

Therefore, contribute money to the common fund,
And he will show generosity from the heart...
Well, why do you need pennies for drinking?
And collect money for cigarettes?

In short, Thief is a great confession,
A worthy and sacred man...
And trials will become an edification,
May your luck be in order for the rest of your life!


We are cool warriors,
They are very good indeed...
So we fight like crazy,
I won't sell myself for pennies!

We are sailing on a brigantine,
Glorious Dikul is ahead...
And in her girlish element,
We're on the same path as the snowstorm!

We are not being hit by cannonballs,
Hurricane missed the target...
It's hot in the southern sea,
And the ocean is raging!

We love to swim,
The storm won't stop us...
We will not extinguish the flame in our hearts,
And we will not fall under the axe!

There are no barriers for girls,
With us is the White, glorious God...
Gives us all awards,
May the Fuhrer with his bald head die!

We girls are famous,
We have a yellow braid...
All enemies are defeated,
The girl is nimble and barefoot!

Won't bring you to your knees,
Know that our enemy is insidious...
For the sake of new generations,
Kick it in the snout!

The will will be stronger than steel,
In our friendship and love...
We have become stronger than the devil,
Shedding a pool of blood!

So what if the girls are barefoot?
So believe me, there is a catcher there...
Our impulse is thousand-voiced,
He will even be the kindest of all!

We will give no mercy to our enemies,
At least the enemy seems cool...
Run away quickly, you bastards,
Otherwise there will be a corpse!

The drawing on the rock is stylish,
The boy sketched it out smartly...
Yes, he will be a strong fighter,
A real superstar!

And the girls are not shy,
They rushed boldly into battle...
Cowardice is nonsense,
Let us be with a brave soul!

Here comes victory, know it,
Over an unthinkable enemy...
We robbed our neighbor,
And they poured boiling water on him!

We dispersed the shells,
They dealt such a blow...
The devils and bastards ran away,
Because we have an insane gift!

We are pirates after all,
The sword is as sharp as a dagger...
And so lively,
Napalm is raining from the sky!

Here the traveler drinks the sea,
It's raining hard and heavy...
And we will not have grief,
At least sometimes it makes you shudder!

And on this brigantine,
The girls are top class...
And they are in their element,
Let's shoot arrows into the eye!

We will knock down our enemies with a joke,
We'll mow them down like moss...
Let's put it with the edge of the sword,
And really straight into the coffin!

Well, why is the enemy so gloomy?
And roars like that bear?
We are of course stupid women,
If you look closely!

But the girls shoot accurately,
They also chop like a scythe...
We don't tolerate cells at all,
Here the wasp's blade buzzes!

And we will not give in to battles,
We'll kill the enemies with ease...
The enemy will dull his fangs,
Will cry like a baby!

There is no doubt about it for the girls,
With us is a black, white God...
Lenin will also be at sea,
And a bald man with a stake in the side!

The greatest world is beautiful,
There is a ball shining above the planet...
It's dangerous to go against us,
Look at the hurricane!

We chop down the weak with swords,
Those who are against the girls...
And let us not forget that order,
So that girls don't borrow money!

There will be no defeat,
I firmly believe in this...
And fortune will not condemn,
Our glorious family!

The greatest world sparkles,
Believe with a golden oar...
Even if the enemy attacks,
Let's hit him with an axe!

Don't break the girls to the scumbags,
That they attacked the country...
There will be debris from the enemy,
We will crush Satan!

The Fuhrer with a bald head will be beaten,
And the planet will blossom...
And the bears of evil are buried,
And the count of victories is endless!


I was born into a noble family,
True, this hussar was poor...
The merchant is probably richer,
Money is an incredible gift!

And when the revolution broke out,
Aggressive and red fire...
The green leaves turned yellow,
A fatal blow to the nobility!

I am a child running barefoot,
Across the cold autumn ground...
The boy's poor legs are freezing,
In this red, unfortunate country!

But the hardening was steep,
And the boy grew stronger in his suffering...
I ran barefoot through the snow until May,
Running only made the boy stronger!

So the boy joined the White Guards,
I wanted to fight against the Reds...
He has a purple heart, after all,
He is for the brave Russian army!

This boy fought with Kolchak,
A continuous hurricane with its power...
He was not afraid of the frosts barefoot,
He drove away the evil, red commissars!

However, the master is no gift to him,
The bloodsucker also tears the skin...
It is not for nothing that I am a poor man,
Unfortunately, I haven't grown to the point of wealth!

The commissars are no picnic either,
But they promise paradise to everyone...
They tore the shirt off his body,
And they drive me into the barn!

There they flogged us very severely with whips,
The boy's bare heels burned...
The outfit turned out very stylish,
But the calculation is not all zeros!

Yes, the boy endured these whips,
The unfortunate man gritting his teeth...
Why even small children,
They are being escorted to be shot!

But they also found among the commissars,
People are honest or smart...
And the boy has other orders,
Of course, it was them who suggested it!

Like, go, naked man, to the commune,
You will live in an exalted brotherhood...
The proletarian must learn science,
Turning the hunter into the hunted!

Why did I agree to this?
Believe me, I didn"t want to die...
Get answers to your questions,
And gather an endless army!

Here the boy put on a tie,
The color is scarlet like red calico...
And you can't just say hello here,
A frantic cry is heard!

There will be no obstacles for the boy,
To rush desperately into battle...
Receiving awards for this,
May the Almighty be with you in your heart!

Of course, we didn"t know about God,
What is it and what is faith in...
The great distances of communism,
Getting a shield boost!

Here our final path will be true,
Let us ascend to the summit of Marxism...
And the enemy's behavior is vile,
Let's crush the enemy with the sword!

Well, in short, now it's time to join the pioneers,
The boy marches in formation under the horn...
And the younger one will show examples,
And the enemy will be defeated!

Let us defend our banner and name,
We will defend the honor of our Fatherland...
Let the skies soar blue,
Well, let there be peace in the world!

We are brave she-wolves of tanks, know,
We fight with the legion troops...
Let's build a paradise on the planet,
Although there are countless millions of enemies!

We shoot very accurately, believe me,
To the orcs that rush like a whirlwind on tanks...
Even if a beast attacks from the underworld,
We'll make a casserole out of the trolls!

We do our duty as girls,
Which you know was written down in notebooks...
So that the evil orc leader with the bald head dies,
And we will see the distances of elfinism!

I believe we will acquire wealth,
We will fly higher than the clouds, believe me...
And we will confirm our glory with a steel sword,
May adults and children be happy!

What is a hairy orc?
He is a growling beast and so smelly...
The soldiers stab him in the side with a bayonet,
And figuratively disperse the clouds!

The girl's boots were torn,
Well, why is she shooting with her bare heel...
Giving out such pies,
And braiding hair in this passion!

Do not trust someone who is weak in heart,
We will do everything as it should be...
And the miserable slave will be destroyed,
The girls of the world will receive a reward!

No, the enemy will not catch us in the net,
We will definitely bury him...
And even though the wounded bear roars,
He should know that hell will be miserable!

Such miracles happen here,
So that everything is beautiful, like in a museum...
We will fly, believe in heaven,
And let the villains be in hell!

This is how good it is for girls,
The shooting is done with a small caliber...
Let the girl's oar break,
We will respond with an extremely wild blow!

Girl, you know, I've been barefoot all my life,
Why does she need shoes? It's nothing but trouble...
She creates a beautiful voice,
Let us not be plebeians, just sirs!

For the glory of our Motherland, love,
To what helps beat the orcs...
Even though blood flows like a stream,
The era of light elvenists will come!

We are the girls who sing,
And the beauties have a ringing voice...
And the orc certainly looks very cool,
But the elf will beat you literally from the cradle!

Sometimes a cruel thunderstorm sounds,
And lightning flashes without restraint...
But the girl will not shed a tear,
Let Abel triumph, not Cain!

In our world, we are not given the opportunity to rule,
To the one who is evil or too proud a guy...
But for us girls it doesn't matter,
Let's reduce the enemy horde to ashes!

We girls dispersed the tank,
And they rammed the evil orcs...
The orc player got a hard punch in the snout,
May the kingdom be ruled by a kind, good-natured guy!

Believe the light forever, we will not betray,
Since we girls are giants...
To us, to us, the golden-winged cherubs,
After all, we are completely invincible in battles!

Our tank is certainly strong and powerful,
He breaks trees like matches...
The wind will disperse the flocks of gloomy clouds,
And we study, we will be excellent!

Where a girl walks with her bare heel,
The harvest there is rich and luxurious...
The number of victories has been endless,
The lesson has been learned, believe me, the most important one!

Glory to the era of cool pirates,
There is no one in the world stronger or more beautiful than us...
There are really many mountains of gold,
We will be even higher than the sun!

We will be able to defeat all enemies with ease,
Let's tear out the real, know the sting of death...
Here comes the mighty bear howling,
It looks like they punched him in the face a little!

Our God, believe me, is not Christ at all,
Our idea is to break people's necks...
And believe me, you yourself are not mature enough,
If sometimes you talk nonsense!

We pirates are cool fighters,
We beat the corsair from Morgan's army...
Even our fathers are proud of us,
And you should simply be afraid of girls!

We have a large army, you know,
We will be able to defeat all enemies by playing...
The planet will be a true paradise,
And we will defeat all the hordes of Mamai!

No, I don't believe that evil is forever,
The truly hard times will end...
I know Satan will not reign,
We will create our own seed!

May the girls always be in glory,
They are also really giants...
I believe that our dream will come true,
We are forever united with the Fatherland!

Yes, that's the fate of pirates,
We will fight our enemies without honor...
I know that there is chaos in the world,
We are capable of putting up a real fight!

We will truly put our enemies to flight,
We'll give all these bastards a good punch in the face...
Let the cherub spread his wings,
We will become strong, I believe, we too!

Know that we are our brigantine,
Let's make powerful, strong guns...
The villain will get a good punch in the face,
And he will be beaten like a fat carcass!

The enemy has an army, believe me,
It may only appear strong...
Here comes a furious beast attacking,
Let us become all-powerful in battle!

No, we will never surrender to the enemies,
The nuclei jump like a ball...
Even though the pirate is old,
But he is as playful as if he were a boy!

In battle the girls are very brave,
This is how they fight, not letting their enemies...
Somewhere the enemy donkeys are roaring,
We pull out the fangs of our enemies!

Believe me, the girls shine with beauty.
You can never take that away from them...
The enemy attacks like a furious beast,
So a great disaster broke out!

There is a frigate ahead of the corsairs,
Large guns are firing loudly...
No, the situation here is not very cheerful,
It's like a maniac has broken out of a mental hospital!

But believe me, girls, in battle,
They will do something that is completely impossible...
I will quickly kill the enemy,
Which is not so difficult for me!

Believe me, girls are good at fighting,
They can laugh, just like a stormy stream...
And believe me, they will laugh heartily,
The bodies themselves are already filled with juice!

Well, in short, the girls are in battle,
They rush into attack like an avalanche...
I love chopping up orcs' carcasses,
So that the monsters don't stab you in the back!

What about the girls, brave pirate,
If he decides, he will really hit...
Well, it turned out to be a serious situation,
So he'll just go and kill you!

The gods can be very angry sometimes,
Remember Seth of Egypt and Kali...
We girls are such eagles,
The brave ones gave the bear a strong blow!

The girls know everything in advance,
What will be real in this world...
We are zealously putting the pirates to death,
Then everything will be brilliant for us!

The enemy cannot break brave girls,
There is no force at sea that is equal to them...
They can kill the filibuster,
And find yourself at the edge of the grave!

There is such a battle raging at sea,
Bloody Morgan is attacking us evilly...
We will raise our shield higher,
The barefoot girl is chopping Morgana!

Here is Margarita in battle again,
It's very prestigious for her to be a pirate...
We'll soon chip in for a ruble each,
And the girls will dress stylishly!

Well, and you, Morgan, where are you going drunk?
Do you want a kick in the face with heels?
You will be crushed literally like a louse,
Know girls with strong legs!

Here again the cruiser is rushing towards us,
The monster has too many guns...
We will open a wonderful account of victories,
The Fatherland of the White God is with us!

Well, the enemy got hit with a cannonball,
And suddenly the beam collapsed from the impact...
The girl put herself into it with all her might,
It was as if a stick had been firmly passed across my heels!

Well, here's the battle going on,
The cannonballs fly like a fan waving...
We open the account of glorious victories,
The evil orc Cain will be crushed!

Well, the girls won't flinch at all,
The enemy army will not grind...
I am not a slave, but a furious sir.
I won't even flinch if a bullet hits me!

We don't need any whistles and dances,
The girls themselves dance beautifully...
Beautiful daughters, cool sons,
Let's playfully crush all our enemies!

The girls will win now,
The black Rogers flag flew over the cruiser....
We opened the door to the treasures,
At least this Morgan is pretty pissed!

Here is the main enemy hanged in a noose,
Our victory is the most complete success...
I love Chernobog with all my heart,
Warm waves are lashing the sea!
a child is wonderful in its own way,
You can run in the field barefoot...
Although it is a little dangerous for the boy,
A hooligan is capable of catching by force!

But what kind of boy is he in his eternal childhood,
When you don't grow any further in shorts...
An alien has appeared in the neighborhood,
And he sold out the man for a copper penny!

It's not very good, believe me,
To be a child in shorts forever...
Although your heart will be healthy,
But the warden will hit hard!

After all, it"s not a paradise valley that awaits you,
The master is not the Lord Holy Christ...
No, there is no such thing as half the world,
When you just fly up to the stars!

They'll make you work like that, boy.
That they will figuratively drive away seven later...
And they don't have Saturday here,
You'll soon be scalded with boiling water!

The boys' need really got the better of them,
After all, there are a lot of problems in the new world...
The boy's body ached with fatigue,
He is a serf, and not at all a proud sir!

So, dearest barefoot boy,
As you should, try hard...
Jump across the field like a frisky bunny,
And never become a fighter!

There are women who are beautiful,
But they don"t need boys and children...
In their own way, the boys are happy,
Don't trust your hearts, people!

Believe us, slavery will not overcome us,
And the evil whip of the enemy will not break...
The children believe they will build their own kingdom,
The prickly blizzard will clear!

We are children, I believe, we will all soon rise again,
We will defeat the aliens and fanatics...
The lousy Cain will get his horns kicked,
And let's hit the insect with a club!

Don't believe it, people there will be no weakness,
We will make a real paradise soon...
Let us be our own judges, boy,
Otherwise, napalm will rain from the sky!

The scumbags steal a lot,
That's why children are in poverty...
We will come out onto the wide road,
So that people have fun everywhere!

Well, what about my bare boyish feet,
They walk on stones sharper than mountains...
However, walking along the path,
We will bring the alien under the axe!

We will be able to win presents,
Defeat aliens from space...
And the boys' hearts beat strongly,
The hunter will soon become the game!

If necessary, we will defeat the legions,
Believe me, it is not in our interests to retreat...
There will be millions of children behind us,
With fortune we will be on the same path!

We'll crush a cockroach with our bare heel,
For us, this is not the limit at all...
We don"t play hide and seek with this fate,
Higher, our childish falcon, fly up!

But it doesn"t come for free, know victory,
It's time to cut down the horde from space...
This is not what our grandfathers fought for,
So that the aliens could beat the boy!

Let's create an empire like this,
In which there will be peace and grace...
They lead a barefoot girl to execution,
But we will be able to punch the executioner in the face!

No, we are not destined to break, believe me,
How strong the boys' spirit is...
Although in body we are only children,
But I can crush even two adults!

I believe that happiness will come to the universe,
Since Almighty God is with us...
The terrible storm will dissipate,
The devil will break his long steel horn!

The boy will then find freedom,
And it will become a muscular titan of power...
It's time to end this stupid round dance,
Soar into the distance like a heavenly eagle!

I am a barefoot pioneer boy,
Although I put on this tie against my will...
And it should be an example to everyone else,
So that such a terrible fate does not happen!

The cops arrested the boy,
And they gave the boy a good beating...
Throwing antlers to them is a habit, you can see,
So that the cops can split me into pieces!

I'm still a child, still a boy,
But the devils locked me in a cell...
And there reigns a boyish frenzy,
They beat me almost to death when I was registered!

Then they shaved his head completely,
So without leaving the boy even a forelock...
I want to know new changes,
If such a case comes, believe me!

Here is a photo of the boy in profile, full face,
And they took fingerprints too...
They will keep it for more than an hour,
We will still see the distant future of communism!

Work, boy, only barefoot,
The teacher is urging us on with a whip...
And if necessary, they will hit you with their fist,
And the activists are encouraged with vodka!

Yes, a children's camp is not a resort,
There is a lot of work and studying is going on...
But I want the exact opposite,
It seems that the demons have forgotten God here!

Well, the boy became a pioneer,
So that the activists beat the boy less...
Now comrade Lenin is the ideal,
We will start winding up, believe me, miles!

If necessary, we will arrange things for all enemies,
How pioneers of light faithfully bathe...
They erected the pedestal with their hands,
Getting up early for hard work!

This is the time when we lay the rails,
Although they are still just kids...
And we walk barefoot until the frost sets in,
And in the field there are girls cutting sheaves!

And only black bread for the boys for lunch,
They'll add a little onion and lard for us...
A neighbor, beaten to a bloody pulp, groans on the bunk,
The boy probably didn't work hard enough!

Well, what is this camp for children?
Which the Lord commanded to work...
And now we are inseparable,
We managed to become very close friends!

No, the light of communism will not go out,
Although, we are children, just know, we are children...
The feat of the knights is glorified in poems,
And there is no sadder place on the planet!

But the pioneers' line marches,
Under the horn and the cheerful drum...
The signal sounds - you are a monster,
And the boy himself will certainly become a gentleman!

What should we do? Work is good, after all.
It hardens, strengthens muscles...
The Komsomol member squeezes, know the oar,
And he kills his enemies with ease!

We work and began to live better,
We were given sandals and T-shirts...
And they started sewing something for themselves too,
So that there is no AWOL, believe me!

The boy still has his whole life ahead of him,
Why be sad when everything around is wonderful...
We will be on the same path with communism,
And believe me, everything will turn out great!

The girls will soap Morgan's neck,
And the pirate's head will be cut off...
Don't talk nonsense, enemy...
If you get a corpse, you're completely kaput!

We girls know how to fight,
In battle the result will be steep...
And believe me, we can fight bravely,
Hitting hard with my bare foot!

The enemy won't stop us girls,
Our will cannot be broken...
The girl will bury all the pirates,
Write her this greeting in her notebook!

For her, fighting is a joy,
We will grind Morgan into dust...
The girl will not experience evil old age,
Her temple won't be silvered!

There are no girls stronger and more beautiful,
Their fists are like crowbars...
They will make themselves happier,
The gnomes ran quickly!

The beauty of girls is endless,
And they hit their enemies so hard...
If necessary, they fight forever,
And sometimes they drink a lot of wine!

Girls in battle are giants,
Their strength is simply overwhelming...
They certainly receive grants,
We believe there will be paradise on the planet!

For girls, believe me, there are no barriers,
We must conquer the universe...
And they will receive brave rewards,
And we will build a truly new Rome!

God, believe me, does not like weaklings,
He beats weaklings with a baton...
I believe that the girls will have a new world,
From the abundance of sharp bayonets, know!

The homeland is beautiful, majestic,
She has many different concerns...
The glory of pirates awaits us,
At least there weren't a lot of problems!

The barefoot girl raises her sword,
Yes, believe me, she is good...
Become an eagle, not a parrot,
He says, these girls are the soul!

The world will definitely become more beautiful,
We know for sure that we will win in this one...
It's bad to get it from filibusters,
And a cherub flies above us!

Why don't you fool around for the girls?
Of course we love guys too...
Come quietly at night, young men,
We will make new children!

Machine guns fire furiously,
They laid down a whole arsenal...
No, the evil Cain will get it hard,
We smashed Agdam on our heads!

The brig's sails are filled,
We have a very strong feeling...
We know that the crows will be beaten,
The double bass will play loudly!

Girls, what do you want?
Win, fight and love...
And sin more often with guys,
To live better in this world!

There is no obstacle for us in this battle,
We will launch a satellite high...
Do not waste your time in prayer,
God is very far from fools!

We pirates are very bloodthirsty,
We chop everyone with swords like steak...
The forces are sometimes not at all equal,
And they put the girl under arrest!

Here I cut off a soldier's head,
With his razor-sharp sword...
We are happy to chop down the enemy,
If you need to hit with a brick!

No, we know no doubts at all,
In the force of the wind, storm and hurricane,
In the hearts of the pirates there is the genius Lenin,
This would certainly be a gift!

The end is near for the pirates' enemies,
We've already got them backed up against the wall...
And although we got some bumps,
The Earth has become much cleaner!

We are brave beautiful girls,
Capable of fighting like a hurricane...
And the voices of the beauties are very clear,
Sometimes napalm falls from the sky!

We sailed in a pirate brigantine,
We have a brave Pavel the Captain...
We don"t like to live in this sad world,
In which there is a fierce hurricane of death!

Girls don't want to lie down under evil,
They are ready to defeat the orcs...
They will fight the enemies very fiercely,
Write something like this down in your notebook!

And believe me, they have no barriers,
They are capable of defeating the Fritzes...
Great rewards await us,
To get a stable five we will have to!

But we are very brave pirates,
We will fight like a furious storm...
If necessary, we will sow the beds,
The enemy is crushed by mighty force!

Our ship is simply impregnable,
Rides over the waves like an eagle...
And any business is available to us,
The enemy will be crushed harshly!

I will not show weakness in battle, I know,
After all, the choice for girls is limited...
I don't care about different fatigue,
We will be drawn to a new world, this face!

And no one will pinch the girls,
We are capable of defeating the enemy...
Even though the clouds rage very menacingly,
And there's a terrible blizzard in the sky!

Well, how cool are we girls,
We will surely conquer the universe...
The evil Judases will scatter,
And believe me, the whole world is behind us!

What is on the sea, what is under the water,
We fight a glorious battle everywhere...
As in alliance, women with Satan,
Forever, Fatherland, we are with you!

There will be no mercy for the enemies, know that there will be none,
After all, that's why the girl is an evil pirate...
We are the great judges of the Fatherland,
We're assembling a machine gun with ease!

God will reward the girls with a crown,
Each one will be given both an order and a medal...
The beauties have a ringing voice,
And of course they are the king by force!

This is what the warriors mow down,
Like a machine gun, the ranks of evil...
And literally they convey the light of their eyes,
Let it be without any unnecessary nonsense!

The girl's face glows with a grin,
And the lips sparkle like pearls...
We need to see quite a lot,
This is our beauty!

We will not enter any gates,
Let's just finish off the enemy...
The girl is bored for some reason,
And it is capable of hooking all enemies!

The girls attack brilliantly,
And the eyes sparkle like lightning...
Why, they are jealous,
Tears cover the girls' faces!

What whirlwinds will we fight for?
Then a new wave of death is rushing in...
Why have the girls' enemies become so quiet?
What did fat-faced Morgan give you?

And the fire is full of fires now,
A fiery whirlwind will sweep through...
It was not in vain that we defeated the orcs,
I see that the enemy has simply fallen silent!

Here the archangel blows his menacing trumpet,
She's so confusing for everyone...
It's not too late to win,
You can see the wind stirring the leaves!

Well, who will become fierce here when?
Who has a fist that weighs a pound?
Don't drive with the fake Malyuta,
If he's a complete asshole!

Our brigantine is once again in glory,
Cuts through the stormy wave...
We girls are united in rage,
I'll tear Morgan to pieces!

That's why we rush into battle so fast,
In it we will show storms, hurricanes...
Black Rogers rose above the stern,
Showed your great gift!
												Well, Morgan will enter the coffin, of course,
He will make a stake out of aspen...
We girls always win,
And don't let out a heavy groan!

Let's lead the Fatherland to victory,
Orcs, trolls, we will boldly defeat...
And we will arrive in Eden on ships,
Let the whole world be beneath us!
We are pirate girls of heavenly beauty,
And we chop down all our enemies skillfully...
Believe me, our bodies are crystal clear,
Here the enemy is attacked boldly!

In battles above us the cherub shines,
Swords seem to strike lightning from steel...
We are lady filibusters, our impulse is invincible,
And they gave the Spaniards a good slap on the wrist!
The girl has a saber and sharp swords in her hands,
And with one swing we will tear down the head of cabbage...
And if we attack with our foot the dagger swords,
Here comes a hurricane of death!

There is no hot girl, you won't find us cooler,
We will fly by like a radiant meteor...
We look no older than twenty years old,
And a wild, brutal rout awaits!

Here is our glory, you know, we are no strangers to battles,
Truly a pirate bloody wolf...
And somewhere a cruel, evil thief attacks,
And a sure defeat awaits him!

In any battle, girls are already such fighters,
That they can even break the back of evil...
Believe me, the filibusters are actually great guys,
And write this logarithm in your notebook!
So in rage the attack on the galleon began,
We are rushing like jellyfish into battle again...
After all, the evil pirate has a good soul,
But at heart a filibuster is always a cowboy!

We don"t know the word weakness, we don"t believe in the word coward,
It is not at all convenient for the corsairs to retreat...
After all, the crucified Jesus signed for us,
And we girls sharpened our fists tightly!

This is our truth that lives in the hearts of love,
That the girl has the mighty wing of a swan...
We will open victories correctly, we have an endless count,
And let us lean firmly on the oak oar!

There will be a difference in battles, we are talking about this,
Let's arrange a holiday, I believe it's real on the planet...
Believe me, we have a lot and an abundance of different forces,
Let the adults laugh and the children have fun!

No, in a fierce battle, this success is not without reason,
Because we girls are so nice and beautiful...
Believe me, we have such spiritual beauty,
That we are completely, without further ado, invincible in battle!

That's how the filibusters ended up here in battle,
They go on the attack furiously, with aggressive success...
And know that I will kill the enemy like a bug,
The girl's blow was very strong!

In bed we girls are top class,
Capable of giving orders to men...
If you tell me for real, God will provide,
Let's see the golden mean of the sun!

Well, you won't find us more beautiful in the sea,
The girls will really give the enemies a head start...
We will be able to reach the equator,
To really give a dirty thief a nickel!

To the glory of our valiant destiny,
Which kept, gave bread...
We will answer Morgan to Satan,
So that this scum doesn't attack us!

Let us break those vile pirates,
The backbone of those who climb on the filibusters at once...
And so that we don"t have any problems,
There will be many examples of this!

So Morgan will get a bald spot,
We'll hit him with great force...
And the military girl shouldn't whine,
The enemies will have powerful graves!

These girls are the highest color,
The beauty is so beautiful here...
This is what our dawn will be like,
We will be a mighty team!

This is such a great power,
We are the best girls on earth...
They really stole the crocodile,
May death come from that hellish family!

Well, Morgan is this son of a bitch,
You'll get punched in the face by me...
And the cherub will stab you,
Well, the enemies don't have much time left!

Girls born in spring,
They are even very aggressive in their swearing...
They rush about with an endless dream,
So that a person is very strong!

Somewhere a thunderstorm is already raging,
And the goosebumps are very strong...
Here a woman's tear has been shed,
Then man will become omnipotent!

The fight goes on until the last blood,
That cruel, multi-faceted one...
We opened a winning account here,
This wild boar Morgan is climbing!

No, for God there are no obstacles here, believe me,
Believe me, we will go forward with victory...
The girls will have many awards,
And we will open with a new visible shift!

Well, pirates, we went ahead,
Let the girls actively attack...
I am an eagle, and the enemy is the opposite,
Morgan, you are a mangy, evil Cain!

We love to rob and steal,
We have no conscience, believe me, and no honor...
And our business is to kill for doubloons,
So that all the pirates are together!

We will slash you with a dagger,
And we'll tear the girls' guts out without holding back...
There is no one on Earth more evil than us,
Avadon himself stands modestly to the side!

Believe me, we will kill and burn everyone,
This was all planned out for us first and foremost...
And somewhere a golden-winged cherub flutters,
And the corsair will cut off a few of his wings!

Believe me, the pirate will not give in to you,
Neither to priests, nor to others who speak evil...
May the result be very glorious,
So that the filibusters don't sit quietly!

In war, of course, there will be a limit for you,
In battle, a pirate cannot surrender!
The enemy has thinned out in battle,
I showed that our corsair knows how to fight!

So we pirates besieged the galleon,
They slaughtered the Spaniards mercilessly...
We'll kill, even if it's a million,
And we will never say, enough guys, okay!

The frigate is now on fire,
The flame in it blazes very fiercely...
We swore an oath to Satan, apparently,
To ruin everything that was a bright paradise!

This is how good everything has become,
Of course, we love girls too...
As a result, everyone will get what they want.
The woman will give him a kiss!

We will, believe boldly, win,
Doing everything glamorously and beautifully...
Donating blood, essay for five,
And puffing up his mouth arrogantly!

For Morgan, the glorious captain, is with us,
Who burned cities with fires...
Such a great ataman has been given to us,
What tramples with steel boots!

In short, there is a pirate's way -
To crush, to strangle, without mercy...
The enemy will not be able to bend us,
After all, you should know that any people are bastards!

We don't even care about the Duke,
We will boldly break off his horns...
And we'll hit you in the face with a brick,
That he will become just a parrot in the oven!

Well, this Louis is the king,
It will be just good for the pirates as nuts,
He is not a king, he is just a zero,
Believe me, it's not worth even a pathetic black pawn!

In short, Morgan will win handily,
Any army that the enemy sends us...
We corsairs are like a monolith,
And let's load our crusher for battle!

Believe me, there will be time for glory,
Each will receive half of the world...
A pirate is essentially a predatory beast,
It will treacherously hit you in the back!

When we have robbed up to our navel,
We will build ourselves luxurious mansions,
Satan is with us forever,
And a new planet will enter the world!																										
People have dreamed since the depths of centuries,
Find a brother in the vastness of space...
And they composed many poems,
And there was a lot of talk about it!

But the world suddenly turned out to be different,
What did people think, know about this...
The alien introduced himself as a cherub,
And good judges will come!

But the planet is collapsing into a nightmare,
She was attacked by a pack of parrots...
This is what the horned devil has done,
And now humanity is tormented!

However, to be honest,
The government got what it deserved...
The hunter has truly turned into the game,
And the bald Fuhrer got it in the face!

Now, believe me, another government has come,
Which governs more wisely...
There used to be just an evil Satan,
Now it's parrot control!

And now a new alignment has come,
In which justice appeared...
An undeniable result was obtained,
Recognition and mercy from the Lord!

This is how they turn adults into children,
End suffering and pain...
It seemed like he used to be a cool villain,
And now something has turned into a moth!

Now they are all children - there are simply no adults,
They raise boys, girls...
Of course, we mustn't cause trouble,
So that there are no problems from diapers!

Who was there when the president was nobody,
He really became something of a turtle...
And somewhere a chisel was humming,
And I was thirsty for a really good fight!

That's why we can't understand it,
When the aliens build these adults...
Passing exams with only A's,
It's not too late to change this!

Now the boys run barefoot,
And the girls' heels are also bare...
Here they were driven with a whip to the failure,
And the little voice is radiantly ringing!

May God grant that children remain young forever,
So that they could build Eden...
So that the thread of silk life does not break,
So that at least we don"t have to be in formation all the time!

We love games, believe me,
Shooters and various walkers...
Strategies are great for kids,
We will make a fork, believe me!

And that a computer is also a friend,
He counts all the bytes very quickly...
We'll take a decent amount on our navel then,
And believe me, it doesn"t get any cooler!

Well, the games are over, I guess.
The girls and boys ran away...
One counted, count zeros,
It was in vain that you were sick and tormented!

Here Jesus accepted death for people,
But that didn"t make you any better...
And only from the planet of space the villain,
Will open the Eden of the world for you!

We are cool pirate girls,
And we don"t know, so consider it a problem...
They will throw a boomerang with their bare feet,
So that sir doesn't become too proud!

Here we are sailing in a storm on a brigantine,
We cut through the nose, know the wave...
In this there is certainly light of the elements,
Putting the evil horde to flight!

The girl is not afraid of a tornado,
They are like a monolith in strength...
There will be a fierce fight for piracy,
And the enemy will truly be defeated!

Girls are capable of learning everything,
The girls' thoughts are a hurricane...
A woman doesn't want a better share,
Break through the fog like an arrow!

We don't know the word "weakness" for girls,
Our power beats, believe me, with a key...
We will receive, I know joy soon,
If necessary, we'll hit you with a brick!

Our strength is as violent as gunpowder,
The girls have fire in their veins...
Believe me, my fiancé is very dear to me,
The girl will be in glory and honor!

We raced boldly on the brigantine,
Quickly dispersing the sails...
Or they could have used the Limousine,
These are the kind of miracles you know!

The enemy will not hang chains on the girls,
Because we are all brave...
Our courage infuriates our enemies,
There are no braver girls on earth!

We will pierce the heads of our enemies with swords,
Believe me, we will protect those who are weak...
Let's fight for the strength between us,
I believe we will definitely win!

We are pirate girls,
That there is no one more beautiful than us in the world...
The waves splash in the blue sea,
We look no more than twenty!

We can do everything, we know how to do a lot,
Our girls' collective without boundaries...
Don't talk nonsense, priest,
Christ himself is not for the sword for peace!

We are used to fighting fiercely,
Things are going well for us...
If you're a boy, you're no longer a crybaby,
And you will show simply top class!

God, believe me, does not like weak guys,
His strength is in the fury of the sword...
You know, we are such girls and women,
No, believe me, there is no one stronger than us!

We are not afraid of insidious enemies,
Pirates have a hard life...
Under the radiant rays of the sun,
The crows flew away like wildfire!

A girl shoots a musket,
Hits the filibuster in the forehead...
That's why the planet spins,
What a God the Most High will be for us!

Here the beauty will swing her saber with deftness,
Someone's head rolled...
The girl won't step on the rake,
After all, she is an eagle, not an owl!

Her power is in such boundless strength,
The Spaniards are retreating, believe me...
Somewhere the women were loudly shouting,
The beast is definitely attacking!

Death bares its bloody grins,
There is an uncontrollable roar...
The bastards attack from the underworld,
Where are you, our two-headed eagle king?

Girls know no mercy in battle,
Their enemies will not be able to cut them down in battle...
They are, of course, happy to win,
Because he's as strong as a bear!

Any girl will tear the wolf's mouth apart,
They will pull out all the fangs without a doubt...
Yes, sometimes they fight for too long,
The women have raised their fists!

And she went to write to them about the province,
Believe me, women are the strongest...
Whatever happened in my previous life,
Don't rejoice here, you villainous orc!

No, the kingdom of light will soon arise,
And the evil dragon will be chopped down...
And the hussars will also join the attack,
And it's a complete disaster for the trolls!

And the pirate is barefoot,
The trace of the evil monster will be wiped away...
He'll hit you on the top of your head with a poker,
And it will really kill all the enemies!

It's not clear what the beauties want,
Showing his great enthusiasm...
We don't need cigarettes and vodka,
It would be better if the orcs were truly defeated!

The strings will play like a lyre,
The sun's bright ray will sparkle...
The girl has lips like velvet,
He will blow through them like a muse!

With its undoubted beauty,
The girl will conquer the peaks...
Glory will give birth to the whole incorruptible world,
Let the sun rise to its zenith soon!

That's when the rays color the mountains,
They will be like the color of rubies...
We'll stop just talking,
For the sake of the highest powers in heaven!

Let the bald dragon die in agony,
Let the end come for the monster...
And you need to smear this snot,
Let everyone be a good guy!

We pirates will make the world cleaner,
And let's end the old feud...
And we will gallop across the waves like lynxes,
If necessary, we will deal with Satan!

We will win, we know it for sure,
Even if the enemy is like a legion...
And victory will be in glorious May,
Even though there are a million of us enemies!

God will not help the cowardly,
Our girls' courage is great...
And a mighty collective in the sea,
We will raise the devil up on his horns!

And when we finish all the battles,
And Jolly Rogers above the Earth...
We will ask for a timid forgiveness,
Who parted with life and family!

Then there will be a statue of evil,
For girls to sparkle like sunshine...
Shots are fired from a machine gun,
Then I'll start blazing with fireworks!
I'm still a very green kid,
Of course, I wanted to catch some luck...
In Kyiv he left maples with gold,
And he went straight to Leningrad!

There are such beautiful palaces there,
There probably lived an Orthodox tsar...
The pride of our mother Russia,
Glorious and sovereign Nicholas!

But the people disliked the monarch,
They rose up against Nikolai...
The windows in the Winter Palace were blazing,
And they took up pitchforks and axes!

Why did people become ill?
It's not just about the evil war...
After all, the era of kings has ended,
Apparently there is no place for them on Earth!

The Tsar was exiled with his family to a foreign land,
The poor man was led under guard...
He had a golden mean,
It was on the way with Jesus!

On Golgotha the Son of God died,
For the sake of the light of the world for people...
The Tsar married Russia faithfully,
His credo was: do not kill!

Here the tsar was shot in Siberia,
And his family came to an end...
We are marching towards the distance of communism,
To Stalin, the great father!

The new tsar is already our proletarian,
And he has a thick black mustache...
It's not by chance that I'm a boy here,
Barefoot along the boulevard!

The cops have really gotten on my nerves,
Every now and then they catch all the children...
After all, all the food has become more expensive,
Apparently they didn't release enough chains!

For a simple crust of just bread,
A cop caught me, a boy...
Well, what kind of heart do cops have?
He beat the boy with a truncheon!

And they send him back to prison again,
The colony is waiting for me, believe me...
The boy's head is shaved bald,
They're locking everyone behind the door now!

Work awaits in that children's prison,
From dawn to full moon...
The cops have only one concern, believe me,
They are like servants of Satan!

Barefoot and in shorts we worked,
And the studies between us went on...
And the cops seemed to go crazy,
Life is like a sharp needle!

The boy managed to escape from the dungeon,
And he set off to wander again...
No, he is not attracted to the cage,
The boy is better off free!

And his mentor Ostap Bender,
This swindler is the first of people...
And now the boy is faithful to him,
Because he is not a villain!

Together we search for the treasure of Genghis Khan,
And I hope we find him...
Money is always not enough for everyone,
So that we don"t become petty thieves!

And when we reach the goal, I know,
Let us become the richest of all people...
Well, we shared our appetites,
I have many friends in my heart!

I'll share even a penny with him,
And I'll fight with the ruble if necessary...
We will argue with the villainous fate,
You fight, just don't be a coward!

But you don't have to fight with a rifle,
But in reality, it"s simply smart...
And then our voice is ringing,
It will grow from gold into an ear of corn!

And we will fill our pockets generously,
Let us be the richest in the world...
And now no one will be poor,
The time will come for glorious changes!


In the fairy-tale world everything is wonderful,
The fairy shook her wand...
But sometimes it can be dangerous here,
Satan attacks with a horde!

I came from the technical world,
Starships where they circle in a row...
And there is a lot of different things on the air,
The pioneer squad is coming!

The children boldly gave off a salute,
In a world full of love, beauty...
And we saw Eden in the distance,
So that you can go without unnecessary fuss!

And now the orcs are fighting us,
This is a powerful impulse of bears...
It is not proper to run away without leave,
Our squad is invincible!

We confidently advance into the attack,
A squad of barefoot girls...
Know the beauty, you bully,
Which will hit you right in the snout!

What is this hairy monster orc to me?
I was born with victory in my hands...
And the evil katy rush into attack,
But believe me, I will be able to give you an answer!

I won't say a word to the girl,
And the syllable is missing - I can"t...
If a miracle needs to happen,
I'll run barefoot in the cold!

There is no limit, believe in our power,
I'm only a woman in appearance...
Let's make the world, we believe, more beautiful,
Our sword is sharp, our shield is strong!

I'm ready to fight with my enemies,
The goblin will also get a punch in the face...
You will become a wolf, not a hare,
As Vladimir Ilyich taught!

These are the kinds of layouts that happen,
The world is not a chessboard...
And sometimes there are meteor showers,
And my heart is filled with melancholy!

He won't be able to break it, I believe in it,
Our cruel, insidious enemy...
We play the lottery as it is,
Where the layout is the ghoul himself!

No, the girls will not end in battles,
We are dashing, cool, you know...
And we have plenty of accomplishments,
Let's build a paradise on the planet!

God does not like weakness in people,
His credo is a steel monolith...
And then old age will not break you,
Even though the girls' hearts hurt!

There are many gods in the world of fairy tales,
Those sorcerers can be so evil...
Let's throw evil off its pedestal,
Let's become like the heart of an eagle!

I'm a girl fighting barefoot,
Shoes only drag me down...
And believe me, she's so cool,
Svarog himself is my relative!

So giving up is not a choice,
You won't live to see this orc...
I am a warrior like a cyborg,
May the bald dragon die!

The girls will go on the offensive at once,
They know that there might be...
The beauty has a ringing voice,
There will be a thread of the heart here!

We will be able to finish off these hordes,
There are simply countless evil orcs here...
There will certainly be a long fight ahead,
But glory and honor are with us!

I found myself in a fairy tale - a world of wonders,
In which there are elves, ghouls, trolls...
Sometimes it's just the world of heaven,
When magic has no measure of will!

I am a girl born near Moscow,
And at school she furiously beat up boys...
Well, I met Satan, I guess.
And I got a lot of bumps there!

I wanted to conquer almost the whole world,
And she joined the elven army...
To celebrate a glorious feast with Koschei,
What else is left for this girl!

A barefoot girl goes on the attack,
What does she need to fight here, what orcs...
And if necessary, he will hit you with his fist,
And the conversation will be short, believe me!

That girl knows how to win,
That is her great calling...
Passing exams with only A's,
And choosing creation as a deed!

There is no such word for girls,
There is absolutely nothing like that in this world...
She breaks the stool with ease,
And he throws the young man off the balcony!

The girl doesn't know weakness, believe me,
Her strength in battle is immeasurable...
Even if our terrible beast attacks,
Yes, in battle, know that it is invincible!

Here she kicked with her bare heel,
Right into the throat of the orc enemy...
The girl is really Satan,
And he will even drink vodka from the bottle!

When a cool showdown is coming,
No, the girl didn"t appear, they are afraid...
Believe me, fate will give her a pass.
After all, the girl is used to fighting a lot!

She doesn"t know the word - I"m weak,
How dashing is this girl...
Even though the orcs are rushing in countless hordes,
She fights completely barefoot!

She doesn't care about frosts and snowdrifts,
He will clear everything away with his bare heel...
He will drive the troll into battle, I believe in the coffin,
And turn the battle into a typo!

Here comes a new world again,
In which the girls are great, believe me, they will show you...
And Shakespeare will not describe it with his pen,
And if necessary, the Lord will punish!

The girl is not alone in the world of elves,
She is a beauty of cosmic heights...
We drink the glass, know, to the bottom,
Although the evil vodka is bitter with wormwood!

Don't be weak in the fight, people,
So that everything is free and beautiful...
We will win, in spite of fate, believe me,
A powerful team without boundaries!

Let's put the evil orc to death,
Believe me, the conversation with him is not long...
And we will make such a strong move,
That the girls' voices will be ringing!

This is what I sing to you about, elves,
So that you generously appreciate my trill...
And give me a little bit of money, a ruble each,
I'm a girl from proud Russia!

We have a wedding coming up soon,
Leo the Captain will get married, no doubt...
He is a real believer monolith,
And he will certainly lay down all his enemies!

The captain has a strong fist,
If he hits, he hits hard...
It will crush you in no time, really a nickel,
You got punched in the nose by an ignoramus!

Here is Margarita, his daughter-in-law,
The girl is so cool, there's nothing to do...
He grips tightly, like a helmsman gripping an oar,
There's no point in arguing, this is a real conversation!

A girl is like a flower in a field,
The daisy is blooming beautifully...
Here, believe me, the petal has blossomed,
New, loyal team here!

Children will be born, and everyone will be here,
Clearly a cool girl's joy...
And believe me, there won't be any problems here.
And the damned old age will not appear!

Girls, go on a hike with confidence,
So that the battle turns out beautifully...
We zealously destroy our enemies,
Our team is furious!

The first-class fight is now in full swing,
It's like a gushing waterfall...
And the resource for reinforcement has already arrived,
Our captain is like Peter the Great himself!

Here Pavel leads the girls into battle,
One swing of his saber and heads are crushed...
We open a stormy account of victories,
Fallen souls are carried away into the sky!

Yes, this Pavel is just a pirate,
But believe me, he is a great filibuster...
The fighter grips his machine gun tightly,
And above the seas there are faces of angels!

We chop up the Spaniards and the English,
The times are such, in the seventeenth century...
And don't fall for the deception,
So that the girls don't become crippled!

We were all lucky in this battle,
And the captain got himself a bride...
This will be the winning number,
We will win, and we are confident, honestly!

The priest will marry him to the marquise,
And Paul inherits the title...
Let us love the whole person,
Well, let the problems disappear into the fog!

Believe me, you will soon be a duke,
And if you're lucky, you'll get a crown...
Will become the reality of the guy's dreams,
A new ruler on the royal throne!

We were not born princesses,
The proletarian women are barefoot, alas...
We are not subject to stress,
So girls are mountain eagles!

Nowadays girls have become pirates,
This is now their sacred path...
If anything, they will cover it with mats,
They are not so easily bent in battle!

Here they are on the ship, beauties,
The brigantines are full of sails...
The girls really like swimming,
These are the miracles that will happen!

Cool, beauties and warriors,
That the pirates are furious...
They will be the masters of the wind,
Girls, believe me, it's cool here!

Here we saw a galleon ahead,
There will be a very cool boarding...
We girls are true winners,
What a beautiful setting!

We'll make a bun with poppy seeds for our enemies,
We'll hit you hard with a bazooka...
Against us you will become macaques,
That's right, we'll wring our enemies' necks!

Girls, shine with radiant light,
Teeth like pearls, the color of kings...
The thoughts of the soul are pure,
Well, in your flesh you are simply a villain!

There is no weakness for girls with reproaches,
They are the evil power of the sword...
And it's time to stop talking,
The girls are already in the role of executioner!

The battle is raging, very fiercely,
Don't expect any leniency from the girls...
Even though there are weaknesses during a feast,
There's even more abuse to come!

The girl is considered a beauty,
It fires like a powerful machine gun...
I like to rush into attack barefoot,
She won't wipe out her enemies like that!

No, don't believe in our girls' weaknesses,
We are fighters, believe me, top class...
The beauties will soon have joy,
Even if Karabas climbs in!

A swing of the sword - and the head rolls,
The girl is a fighter, consider her cool...
Well, somewhere a nightingale is trilling,
And we'll hit the enemy with a poker!

Here is a galleon captured with loot,
There is a lot in it, believe me, now...
We greedily devour the bull's leg,
And we have a paddle in our hands!

There are no barriers to battle for female warriors,
Cannons and cannonballs don't scare the cool ones...
We will become a victorious nation,
And we will soon send our enemies to hell!

Girls are so cool and feisty,
That they will tear the men apart like rags...
They had such tough fights,
For beauties a strong fist!

Nothing will stop the girls,
If they push forward like a shaft they...
Men can be horses sometimes,
And the girls are like eagles!

Give no mercy to your enemies,
Girls of the cosmic peaks...
The bastards are running away like cowards,
After all, the people are considered invincible!

They cut off heads with swords,
The heads of cabbage are already rolling in blood...
And there is no autumn at sea,
Let us be eternally faithful to Mars!

The girls are so beautiful,
That in battle do not ask for mercy...
Believe me, my tongue is so sharp,
Don't hold me, the cool one is on a chain!

Again a battle, now a cruiser is in the fight,
If necessary, we will show our class...
Somewhere children are dying from bombings,
Well, where did the double bass break?

These girls are really cool,
They can hit you in the jaw with their heel at once...
The waves lash into the blue sea,
And the girls will show their class in steel!

The girls fought in the surroundings,
Like tigers with a pack of evil wolves...
And you know, we broke through to the outside,
Repelling the bayonet attack!

The girls won,
How pirates spin ships...
We had a peaceful conversation,
So that there are no zeros at all!

Well, in short, the sun is shining brightly,
And the nightingale chirps with a ringing trill...
The girls will have children soon,
And your heart will become more cheerful!

We are dashing pirate girls,
We love to fight with the enemy fleet...
And real acrobats, you know,
That you are worthy of the recognition of your fathers!

We look like monsters sometimes,
And we have a black and white flag...
Yes, we are now related to Satan,
Get the enemy exactly in a nickel!

We are sailing on a pirate brigantine,
We attack a big ship...
We girls are of course barefoot,
And we'll charge it with our feet!

We have skulls, know the banner,
What can give a dream...
The bright flame of the girl shone,
Let the hunter turn into the game!

There is no mercy at all in our business,
The enemy will fall under the knife...
And we have very strong armor,
A strong girl's fist, of course!

We are really ready to fight,
Against force, believe me, any...
We are capable girls to fight,
Compete with Pallas-fate!

Sometimes changes come,
The fighting really makes me sick...
We don't know the limits of anger,
Our power is like selected granite!

For girls, weakness is unknown,
Their strength extends from sea to sea...
Here's some cool rage to experience,
So that the villain is destroyed!

On a cool pirate brigantine,
We will show you great class...
To find yourself at the main peak,
And blow furiously into the double bass!

For the victory and the final point,
We will put on a real finale...
We'll pour a round barrel on our enemies,
This is our ideal wine!

We know no mercy in battles,
After all, we have a dream with the strength of spirit...
We receive real rewards,
The girl's conscience is apparently clear!

After all, a pirate is not just a robber,
That growls like a wolf cub...
You will be a glorious fighter like a dead man,
The girl's heart beats with joy!

Our brotherhood will not understand betrayal,
Under the thunderous and warm wave...
We will soon receive a valuable gift,
It might even be a gold roll!

Don't read the coffee grounds, girls.
There is no need for you to get married...
There are leaden clouds over the Fatherland,
The rain can pour down in torrents!

We pirates will go on the offensive,
Let's win back a new paradise for ourselves,
You won't get forgiveness from God,
If you made a ship in the barn!

Write the honest motto on the board,
Like, you'll see, we'll defeat the enemy...
And walk arm in arm with the bride,
Let the cherub spread his wings!

I believe the explosions will rumble,
And the executioner will get hit with a sledgehammer...
The girls won't show their backs,
The beauty's cry will not be heard!

The beauty wiped away her tears,
She rushed into attack...
Moonshine won't help your enemies,
Even if Satan comes!

My name will be on granite,
Shine like the sun of paradise...
Glory will be at its very zenith,
Something we never even dared to dream about!

We will conquer different countries,
Let's break the back of the evil authorities...
Even though the fogs are raging around,
Rod the Almighty Father is with us!

Then there will be peace throughout the world,
A pirate's dream come true...
We will become girls of the elements in our own way,
Joy and happiness will come forever!

All the dead people will be resurrected,
The night will disappear and paradise will be forever...
Then we'll tell the girls honestly,
Our soul power is great!

You know, I was born a nimble boy,
And he loved to fight with swords...
A cruel wave of enemies rolled in,
I'll tell you about it in verse!

Here the boy fell into evil slavery,
And his evil lashes out, a hard whip...
Where is all his hussarism going?
What can I say, the enemy is very cool!

I'm a boy in the quarries now,
It's very hard for me to be barefoot...
There will be, I believe, a new world order,
What the Almighty has given to everyone will become true!

The whips lash out vigorously on the back,
I am naked at any time...
These are such bastards and sadists,
This is a real madhouse!

But the boy is not afraid of work,
She carries boulders for free...
It was no wonder the boy was sweating,
The boy needs to be hit in the snout!

Why swing a sledgehammer for too long,
What is it like to carry granite boulders...
It's not too late for us to gain strength,
Repel the onslaught of any horde!

Here the infidels are rushing wildly,
They have a very foul smell...
The strings on the guitar broke,
And perhaps the torch went out!

I fought desperately and boldly,
And he ended up in prison for a long time...
I was lucky, of course, to be honest,
Apparently fate spared the boy!

Now the traders have noticed me,
They took the boy to the circus...
Well, you can see such guys there,
They will bring anyone to their senses!

Well, in short, a boy goes into battle,
In swimming trunks and of course barefoot...
And the enemy is tall, even too tall,
You can't knock it down that easily with your fist!

I go on the attack without hesitation,
And I am ready to die with honor...
Living is, of course, the best idea,
So that you simply don"t have to endure beatings!

Well, the boy can fight too,
He is ready to believe everything...
Believe me, his soul is not that of a hare,
You won't understand why!

God will grant immortality to all the young,
Those who fell in the terrible battle...
We are still, essentially, just children,
They gave me a good slap on the back of the head!

And he knocked down the enemy with a blow,
Confirmed the stab with a steel sword...
The training wasn't in vain,
Blood is flowing in a stormy stream, you can see!

The boy won, he put his foot down,
And left a bare, clear footprint...
It's too early to draw conclusions,
I only got meat for lunch!

Again, fighting, now fighting with wolves,
This predator is fast and cunning...
But the boy swung his swords at once,
And they are already weaving a carpet from the skin!

And then we had to fight the lion,
This is no joke, it"s a formidable beast, believe me...
And you don"t have to be ashamed of your victory,
We have opened the door to success!

God does not love the weak - know this,
He needs powerful force...
We will find ourselves an Eden on the map,
The boy's destiny will be to take the throne!

What did the boy get freedom for?
And in battles he became very mature...
He's a wolf cub now, not a bunny,
And his eagle is the ideal!

There are no barriers to the power of a boy,
He already has a mustache...
He is now powerful, even too powerful,
And, of course, not a coward at all!

He can do everything in a big battle,
And overcome the horde with an avalanche...
He's a guy who's stronger than steel,
A real bull is considered a bear!

He who was a slave will become a master,
He who was weak will come out by force...
We will see the suns of the sky,
And we will open a resounding account of victories!

And then we will put on the crown,
And we will sit on the throne like a king...
We will receive a generous share of happiness,
And the enemies will receive retribution and defeat!

I chose the path of a pirate,
Although she was a most noble marquise...
She could easily bend anyone into a horn,
And it wasn't a surprise to anyone!

I am a beautiful flower girl,
She took off the yoke of diamonds...
I shaved my temple slightly with a razor blade,
I had, I think, many talents!

And first I became a cabin boy,
He really does have a boyish face...
And I have a new family,
I'm perhaps even too playful!

No need for shoes - better barefoot,
The girl's feet are pleasantly warmed by the boards...
And if necessary I will move my fist,
I'm not a baby that bites a pacifier!

I, a girl, held a sword in my hands,
They furiously chopped up the sailors...
I can even cut a ribbon on the fly,
You know, this girl has such strength!

He who is not a fool is the girl's relative,
I loved sleeping with a good guy...
Pirates are a close-knit family,
And the rest are just a kennel!

Here we have laid siege to someone's city,
The giant girls went on the assault...
Yes, knights, like eagles,
And together all the corsairs are so united!

The enemy knows that he can"t stop us,
When a cheeky girl rushes...
From the dirt we will climb into princes at once,
And the voice will be very loud!

Man does not know what is light and what is shadow,
His cunning fox can destroy him...
But we knights are not too lazy to fight,
And don't rest on your bed, believe me!

Here we have besieged a powerful frigate,
And they took that sea fortress by storm...
And I have a powerful machine gun,
And if you need to shoot live!

Yes, they raked in a fair amount of gold,
We are strong and powerful pirates...
The enemy will soon be aground,
Believe me, we have grenades in stock!

Here are the girls in battle as if on parade,
A sabre swing and heads rolled off their shoulders...
We'll send the enemy straight to hell,
The girl went berserk like a tiger in her battle!

What do I care about that sleepy soldier, a pirate?
She will cut him into pieces...
Let even a detachment attack,
Let's dilute the mushrooms with our heels!

So we visited the capital,
The adversaries were pretty much ruined...
We are simply children of Satan,
Thus the enemy's power was smashed!

What are you so excited about, you savage enemy?
You will fight the pirate in style...
A kick to the snout will follow,
But overall you will simply be powerless!

And what about the girl? We don"t have any problems,
She is beautiful, fast, majestic...
Even the formidable sir will bow to her,
And even a bow to her will not be enough!

Well, you know that she is a princess of the sea,
To which even the prince bowed low...
You know, it's simply not paradise,
Girl, you deserve an obelisk!

But the girl's fate is variable,
Her treacherous troops caught...
And again there was need here,
And they gave that girl a good spanking with a whip!

She is barefoot now, in rags,
The girls took the prince's new clothes...
And the dog growls like a fierce beast,
After all, the girl ended up behind bars!

And they keep the princess here on a chain,
In the basement, dirty, wet and smelly...
Well, what was the girl like in the mud,
And in the sky the clouds frown their grey faces!

A hungry girl is like stale bread,
With muddy water all the food goes to the princess...
And they beat you on the heels with a stick for lunch,
Her bare feet are swollen!

The hoop on the chain rubbed her neck,
And you know, this is also very painful...
I want to shout: Lord, forgive me,
That's enough for a pirate!

But then they took her to the rack,
And there they tore the rags off the girl...
The evil executioners grin with a nasty grin,
And they firmly beat her with a whip!

Then they lit a scorching fire,
And they began to fry the girl"s bare heels...
These executioners went wild -
No, you can't play hide and seek with them correctly!

But I endured, clenching my teeth tightly,
She didn"t say a word to the fanatics...
After all, the girl has metal,
Although believe me, she knew a lot!

They branded her on her chest,
And they even broke bones with their claws...
But the rock maiden is nothing,
And how the bastards didn't torture!

Now they are leading her to the scaffold,
Barefoot and almost completely naked...
People gathered around, having fun,
They will probably hang our dear princess!

The girl walks barefoot without fear,
She was badly beaten, her skin was all burnt...
But it seems quite the opposite,
She will judge you very harshly!

Like a queen on the steps to the throne,
She climbed onto the scaffold easily...
They won't hear the pirate's groan,
Or at least tear up a little bit here, a little bit!

They've already put a noose around my neck,
The executioner knocked the box out from under her legs...
She will go to feed the sparrow,
And the girl's flesh will simply be destroyed!

But then a shot rang out, the executioner fell,
The rope broke like a rag...
Someone's heartfelt cry was heard,
A powerful rescue company has arrived!

We grabbed the girl tightly,
And they snatched it from the clutches of the law...
We are knights like eagles,
And the executioners will receive their sentences!

And here she is, barefoot on a horse,
And a cloak is thrown over her naked body...
She did not stand in hell with Satan,
It would be better if these fanatics perished!

Here she is again on the ship,
And he rules the army of these formidable pirates...
There is no braver girl on earth,
And above it you can only see the stars!

Someday the girl will have a throne,
The king will kneel before her...
And the pirate will set the tone,
Will show all the Eds, the distance of paradise!

We girls went to be pirates,
We wanted to fight like eagles...
We females are like acrobats,
And daughters of God and sons!

We love to splash in the blue sea,
There is no beauty more awesome...
We succeeded in sorting everything out,
Giving radiant light to people!

More precisely, we only rob the rich,
They're like Robin Hood...
The royal chambers sparkle,
And let's do a punching hook!

The Spaniards are short of girls,
And it's not easy for the Portuguese either...
Our voice is so loud,
He writes like a chisel!

We want to become the coolest, the highest,
And conquer the vast expanses of stars...
Although sometimes it blows the roof off,
The hunter will become the game!

We girls are becoming more and more beautiful,
Here we go in a crowd to board...
To make this world more beautiful,
We attack the crew!

The English are fighting in battle,
And with them is Morgan, their leader...
He wants to impose a tax on us,
And rule like an evil king!

But we girls are not shy,
We rush barefoot into battle...
Sometimes it's nonsense,
The mad leader is raging!

Here we attack the caravel,
And the beauties rush forward like a horde...
We will, of course, make a sacrifice,
After all, God and Satan are with us!

I fight, waving furiously,
With the sharpest razor sword...
So that there would be a place in a wonderful paradise,
To hit someone in the face with a brick!

I cut it down with my saber,
Four large heads...
And so she beat the Spaniards hard,
It's as if eagles are my relatives!

Here we have a hard time,
It just blew me away...
We are such children of Pallas,
The strongest oar in your hands!

Possessing great strength,
We honor Christ with a pure heart...
Let the world be a beautiful paradise,
There is great purity in it!

Our swords are sharp and strong,
They'll cut it in half at once...
Well, and then the children will be born,
And we will apparently endure the shame!

How wonderful it is for me to be a pirate,
That woman that the fire burns...
And I wanted a sweet life,
The girl is forever young!

My swords were spinning wildly,
They are like a mill in the whirlwinds...
The girl won't be quiet,
What will we dedicate at once in verse!

Once upon a time there was a glorious Buddha,
He said it right - do not kill...
But Judas swam to it,
And after the gnomes, the royal Viy!

I'm not just a simple pirate,
There are different years...
I go to the scaffold barefoot,
Satan must have betrayed me!

The executioner tortured me on the rack,
Roasted my heels with fire...
But I can"t remain silent like a fish,
I'd rather hit you with my fist!

So I escaped from the scaffold,
How did you manage to escape so easily...
I will knock the enemy off his pedestal,
Although the evil horde is attacking!

No one can pin us down,
Neither the enemy, nor the army, nor even thunder...
Although clouds hover over the sea,
The enemies are in for a furious defeat!

The enemy knows a lot, maybe,
But the pirates are great too...
They'll be able to hit you in the face like that,
That the scoundrels will fly away!

Here's the girl on the loose again,
And he cuts down the English in battle...
He clearly cares about the people,
I see from a variety of countries!

But we tried hard to win,
We were able to stop the enemies...
And the girls fought so hard,
That we will never part in life!

When the war comes to victory,
And there will be a bountiful harvest...
Happy adults and children,
And the whole planet is a bright paradise!

The fight against the Orkish plague is underway,
We are being attacked by a pack of ghouls...
Into battle a girl with bare feet,
And the enemy will be crushed like a dog!

We girls are the coolest fighters,
We fight like cherubs in battle...
Our grandfathers and fathers are proud of us,
Know that hobbits are invincible in battle!

Capable of doing what the enemy can do in a coffin,
We'll hit so hard that the predator will go speechless...
And we will stop the horde in its fury,
Although Koschei was talking nonsense, of course!

This is a battle with a gang of orcs, you know,
We are capable of creating a beautiful world...
Build a wonderful paradise on the planet,
For the glory of our mother Elfia!

The enemy attacks us, he is cruel,
There is a lot of blood and rage in it, believe me...
But with us is the great God Solntsus,
To whom even children are obedient!

We will not give in to the enemy in anything, know that,
Let's push it to at least the median...
May will be radiant forever,
And believe me, the enemy is just like a monkey!

We warriors are so cool,
That there is nothing stronger in the universe than us, believe me...
Believe me, the enemy is just a sketch of a donkey,
And someone started talking nonsense all at once!

God inspired us to fight the beauties,
He ordered, fight, show your strength...
And somewhere an orc moron burst into tears,
He obviously wants to go to the grave himself!

Don't believe that girls are weak,
They are capable of doing something really cool...
It's not at all convenient for us to cry now,
Although the enemy is like a puffed-up turkey!

What do you want, evil Grobovoy,
How can the unclean rule in the whole universe?
Is it with your stupid head?
The girl wants to hit her so much!

In short, an orc or a troll is no match for us,
We can win, we are capable of everything, believe me...
The family is now growing as one,
We will be in the universal, I know, center!

The warrior is a hurricane,
Which swept through everywhere like a tornado...
There are a lot, I know from different countries,
A furious gyrfalcon rose above them!

Let there be faith as much as there is sunshine,
Mountains will appear like the light of the sun...
Go ahead girls, not a second down,
Let's leave this talk to hell!

Solntsus leads us in a wonderful world,
Where there is no fear, sorrow and captivity...
The victories opened an endless account,
And I believe in happiness and changes!

We just have to take the last step,
Solve the problem with a furious attack...
Where every person is of course a magician,
And we girls are just bullies!

And Grobovoy is already running like a louse,
He lost his tyrant appearance...
The strong shield shattered against the girls,
He flew off the sofa with a strong blow!

So the girls' victory is near,
They are capable of knocking down the enemy for breakfast...
And how Satan rages,
We will win today, not tomorrow!

Like the Nazis, the orcs of evil soldiers,
They exterminate women and children...
Evil executioners and enemies -
Girls can't be chained!

You orcs roar very loudly,
It's like an old double bass...
But the girls crush you so skillfully,
Showing literally the highest class!

We elves were born from God,
Soon there will be girls in paradise...
The boy bravely sharpened his Finnish knife,
I will kill the orc enemy!

Let's not give the bears evil power,
So that they give us away like rats...
And we will tear the horde of fighters into pieces,
Let's rush straight up, girls!

What happens if the enemy is on the attack,
Believe me, he is furious, cool...
Girls who are ready to fight,
They'll move you right away with their bare feet!

We fought even in the cold,
Fear is unknown to the elf-girls, know...
Here grow the most beautiful roses,
Head straight to heaven, girls!

At dawn we rushed into battle,
They started chopping up orcs like peas...
All at once the girls were so renewed,
Pass the exam with flying colors!

The girls are stately and beautiful,
It would be cool for them to fly to Mars...
Together with the glorious elven team,
The evil bear will not defeat us!

What girls may not understand,
We don"t know ourselves, believe me...
Let's play hide and seek so bravely,
That the hairy beast will disappear!

Our blow is so strong, believe me,
Which literally sweeps enemies off their feet...
Orc enemies, you are powerless,
With us is Svarog himself, the great God!

Why did the girls come to the kingdom?
To bring order there...
And the dashing hussars will come to us,
If the orc is captured and chained!

There are no braver girls,
Each of them is a giant...
And he will find a place for himself in paradise,
Our God is mighty and one!

Believe me, what girls think about
So as not to give in to enemies in battle...
In some ways, of course, they are like children,
Write it down correctly, you are in a notebook!

We can make our homeland more beautiful,
If the battle is severe, blood flows...
For the sake of our mother Elfia,
We will give you happiness and love!

The life of girls is colorful as the wind,
And she seethes like that volcano...
The faces of the beauties are very bright,
Like a ray of sunshine burning in the darkness!

And we will destroy the enemy with ease,
We'll wipe everyone out like a broom...
Somewhere an evil she-wolf is howling,
I'll punch an elephant too!

We will achieve any goal, I know,
Because girls are paradise...
In the stormy battle they faithfully survived,
And the evil enemy is locked in the barn!

The girls can't stand the humiliation,
We will stand up to evil like a mountain...
We will not tolerate insults any longer,
We will crush the orcs with a steel hand!

Our world must be respected and feared,
The girls' exploits are countless...
Elves, hobbits know how to fight -
The horde will be destroyed!

And then we fly to a new world,
Where a strong giant rules...
The evil Cain will be sent to Hell,
Abel will receive new strength!

And the sun shines over the Motherland,
Every boy is a warrior from the nursery...
And the girl's heart beats,
The nightingale plays a loud trill!

I dream of finding myself a prince,
So that this colorful elf...
Somewhere in the light the capital sparkles,
Don't be afraid, girl!

If you want to achieve happiness,
Fight for freedom against the horde...
Let the bad weather clouds disperse,
For a girl with a strong braid!

Don't believe me, enemies are not omnipotent,
We will boldly torment them...
Let's strike hard and strong,
And we'll get a solid five!

The best years of the Fatherland are with us,
A radiant laugh is heard...
Let us live in holy elfinism,
And let's celebrate, I believe it's a success!

God is not weak, believe me girls,
He calls you all to feats...
You are forever beloved children,
Get going straight away!

Defeat the enemy,
Show your character...
And there will be no forgiveness for the enemies,
The girl will move her bare foot!

We now find ourselves in a new world,
Where flowers grow brighter than the sun...
Where Abel lives, cursed is Cain -
Everything goes without any fuss!

And in the sky the star shines brightly,
There will be a real paradise for people...
We are all happy on the planet,
Fly high, rush, dare!

Yes, believe me, there are a lot of enemies,
And the girl always fights...
Sometimes you forget God,
And there is a lot of hustle and bustle all around!

The girls were surrounded by bandits,
And there are countless scary mutants...
I believe that they will be beaten -
This is our conscience and honor!

We are ready to fight bravely,
If only with a cool monster...
In a fierce, hand-to-hand fight,
We will create a new world!

Providence will shine forever,
Having created an endless layout...
And sometimes there are visions, 
People then end up in an evil hell!

No, do not trust what steals,
Promises heavenly paradise...
Lead bullets fly by,
The palace has turned into a barn!

Let the elves then be monolithic,
And we will show our powerful fist...
And the legions of enemies are defeated -
And the orc-ghoul is defeated!

Well, why look at bad examples?
In battle, the brave will be the fighters...
Pioneers, men and women,
Our children are simply great!

We want to make the world a brighter place,
So that the sun is not alone...
So that the enemy becomes paler from fear,
Well, the woodpecker was tapping on the chisel!

We will never surrender to our enemies,
It will be our victory, believe me...
Let the cheerful faces shine,
The most insidious beast has been defeated!

For our enemies we will triple those games,
Where we are always given to win...
Our cats, like tigers,
They'll tear you apart like a notebook!

Well, in short, everything will be fine,
And the cry of victory will be heard...
It's dangerous to fight with our woman,
You'll get a kick in the bast!

And when you get hit on the horns,
It will hurt, believe me, from the girl...
And the enemies freeze in vile fear,
They smashed the door with a battering ram!

And the girls walked barefoot,
In Orklin, the capital of devils...
They have a very loud voice,
And they sing clearly more boldly!

Here is a beaten orc on his knees,
The bear begged for mercy...
We will now have a new Lenin with us,
The order to continue to beat the enemies!

My wonderful homeland,
The sun of communism illuminates...
In the USSR we are a friendly family,
Let nature be eternal May!

Lenin illuminated the great path,
For a pioneer to serve the Fatherland...
And inspired the workers to swear,
Let's live in radiant communism!

So, boy, take it,
Hold the proletarian hammer tighter in your hands...
And crush iron with force,
So that people do not know the world hunger!
Soon a new light will come everywhere,
The dawn of the Soviets will come upon the Earth...
Lenin inspires us on our journey -
The feat of communism is glorified!

The whole world is in our hands
We are the stars of the continents...
Always busy,
Without any sentimentality!

We don't believe words,
Various elements...
They broke it into corners,
Damn competitors!

We girls are just super-class,
We'll tear everyone apart...
Dressed in velvet and satin -
May we have success!

Come on girls,
Let's clean the saber...
The voice is loud,
We'll clean them all out into the grave!

We will kill orcs,
This is our lot...
Pass exams with flying colors,
Create chaos!

Well, how is everything together?
Prick up your ears...
If it doesn't work out,
They will, he will suffer for a long time!

Orc attacks the idea,
He thinks he's cooler than barefoot girls...
We just sweep him away with a joke,
And the handsome man has such a ringing voice!

So tremble,
Don't make us laugh...
Let's throw a grenade -
The orcs need to be put in a coffin!

A furious volcano is raging,
Evil orcs from hell are attacking...
A strict order was given to the elves.
Let bears and wolves not pass!

We, girls of light, boldly advance,
To fight bravely with the enemy of orcishism,
Here, write down the fighter Elfie in your notebook,
Why are you serious and not have the soul of a clown?

In the Fatherland, every warrior from the nursery,
The elf reaches out to the crossbow...
So you defeat Koschei,
Let our exploits be sung!

The girl rushes into attack barefoot,
In just a bikini you are a fighter-hottie...
And if necessary, he will move his fist -
No, even vodka won't help the Fritzes!

Yes, the holy Elf - there are countless places,
You can show your class beautifully...
And the pride and honor of the bravest warriors,
And we will defeat the terrible goblins!

May our Motherland always be,
Great and simply beautiful...
The universal dream will come true,
Such a team of elves has become!

Yes, we are ready to fight for the people,
Who can make everything cool...
And who is Koschei - an unimaginable freak,
Although it can be very dangerous!

We will give our hearts for the Motherland,
The soul is full, and the seas of light...
Above us is a golden-winged cherub,
And the blue planet moves!

That's how good girls are,
Although in battle you are always barefoot...
Believe me, the girls will dance from the heart,
And the golden luxuriant braids comb!

This place is just a miracle Elf,
Which is more beautiful than Eden...
Fight for your homeland and don"t be afraid,
You will certainly be a brave sir!

Yes, for elf women there is no word for coward,
For them, any business is worth five kopecks...
Although sometimes sadness comes to brothers,
That the boy doesn't have enough money!

After all, you want unbridled love,
So that the Fatherland may prosper generously...
Although much blood will be shed,
But believe me, even the world is not enough for me!

Yeah, it's cool with a barefoot girl,
To lead the boy on some exciting adventures...
And deal with the hairy horde,
And then they plowed the fields with a plough!

This is how beautiful the lush May is,
The air in it is filled with endless honey...
And you, a furious boy, dare to do so,
For the Motherland, for happiness, for freedom!

And man and elf are considered one,
Together we will have infinite strength...
The girl holds a strong oar in her hands,
This is the daring of a hero!

I believe we will bravely defeat the orcs,
I know we'll punch the goblin in the face too...
We fight for freedom and for peace.
And let's make the whole planet happy!

May Tsar Koschei not defeat us,
Even though the army of the bony one is great...
We fight for our wives and children,
And there will be faces of light on the icons!

Then to the glory of the Lord Elst,
We will sing such songs as...
That we will be in the glory of our father's family,
And everything will become more interesting!

Yes, our Supreme God is now one,
But multifaceted, in different guises...
Both the elf and the man are master,
I believe there will be no evil misfortune!

Yes, the Elven homeland is blooming,
And for people she is a mother...
We will show honor to those who need it.
Let there be a very generous reward!

I know the dead will rise again, believe me,
And in a beautiful paradise they will be, I believe people...
Even if a beast attacks from the underworld,
Believe me, no one will judge the bravest!

And now the light of the Earth rises as a paradise,
The radiant savior of the world will come...
And all nations are a friendly family,
Sacred Eden given by the God of happiness!

Whoever takes up the sword in the darkness of slavery,
And do not endure the humiliating shame...
Your enemy will not build a foundation on blood,
You will pass an unfortunate sentence on him!

The boy is beaten with a vicious whip,
The executioner torments with an evil rat...
But to turn the evil tormentor into a corpse,
We won't hear girls crying anymore!

Don't be a slave, humiliated in the dust,
And quickly raise your head...
And there will be the light of elfinism in the distance,
I love Solntsus and Spartak!

Let there be a bright world in the universe,
In which happiness for people lasts forever...
And the children will have a merry feast there,
That kingdom is not of blood, but of the fist!

We believe there will be paradise throughout the universe,
We will master the cosmic space...
About this, warrior boy, you dare,
So that there is no nightmare and evil shame here!

Yes, we are slaves in chains, groaning under oppression,
And a burning whip lashes our ribs...
But I believe we will kill all the orc-rats,
Because the leader of the rebels is very cool!

Right now the boys have all risen up,
The girls are also in cahoots with them...
And I believe there will be soltsensism distances,
We will throw off the hateful yoke!

Then the horn of victory will sound,
And the children will prosper in glory...
Changes in happiness await us,
Passing exams with flying colors!

We will achieve this miracle, I believe,
That there will be a real paradise of light...
At least somewhere there is a witch - a vile Judas,
What drives boys into the barn!

There is no place in hell for us slaves,
We will be able to drive the devils out of the cracks...
In the name of paradise, that holy light of the Lord,
For all free and joyful people!

May there be peace throughout the entire sublunary world,
Let there be happiness and sacred sunniness...
We shoot at the enemies like in a shooting gallery,
Just up and not down for a second!

Yes, our power, believe me, will not run out,
She will be the universe's heavenly path...
And the army of the rebels will shout loudly,
So that the hostile rats drown!

This is how joyfully happy it is,
The grass grows like roses all around...
Our boys' team,
The look is definitely that of a mountain eagle!

Victory will be in the undoubted light,
I believe we will build Eden honestly...
All the happiness, joy on any planet,
And you are not a redneck, but a respectable sir!

I am a complete and unhappy orphan,
I run barefoot through the snow in the cold...
But the girl's voice is very clear,
She will drive out the frost as if by force!

The war took my mother away with a bomb,
Of course, my father was called to the front...
Curly-haired brother is frozen from the cold,
The older sister should be sent to the scaffold!

Hungry, I gnaw on a crust of bread,
And the legs are red from the frost...
I'm where the stray dog had lunch,
What a cute and beautiful girl!

I can tell everyone boldly and courageously,
That, of course, damn the war...
It doesn't matter what we're fighting for,
The fiend Satan is to blame for this!

Oh, the girl's legs are suffering,
And the families whine loudly in the cold...
I wish there would be dawn soon in warm May,
May the radiant falcon fly in!

We want to make our homeland more beautiful,
But hunger, cold, snowstorms and blizzards...
Where are you going, unhappy Russia?
Such a difficult fate!

I am a girl, still just a child,
I managed to experience a lot...
I worked almost until I was in diapers,
I only got A's and B's!

Why did this grief appear to me?
The cruel fate of broken hearts...
Believe me, such evil has come upon us,
What seems like just a little bit and here it is the end!

But the girl did not break under the yoke,
She managed to pull herself together and is walking...
She is a child, far from old age,
And she enjoys stomping around barefoot!

The little girl's footprints are graceful,
Raphael made the drawings...
And I believe the baby will be happy,
The Lord will see, believe his children!

That's why I'm singing a song,
To the glory of God the Lord Christ...
I believe that the planet will become a paradise,
And I will meet my true father!

Then the time will come and they will rise again,
Who died, who perished and who was sick...
And there will be happiness in old age and childhood,
Because Jesus wanted it!

Yes, I will kneel before God,
I will fulfill this psalm in the happiness of light...
In the name of all future generations,
The criminal monsters will be defeated!

Then girl, there will be eternal happiness,
And all the peoples of Mother Earth...
The pitch-black storm will dissipate,
Our people won't be left broke!

She crossed herself and knelt down,
Kissed the silver cross...
For God, it is clear that she has created little,
After all, Jesus came down from heaven for us!

We will soon be all with the Almighty,
In his beautiful, loving hand...
Let our thoughts soar higher,
And there is strength in a child"s strong fist!

And now I have read the prayer,
He said, My God, forgive me...
Now we are together with Him on the pedestal,
And believe me, we are on the same path with Christ!

And we will go hand in hand with Him to heaven,
And there a golden rain will fall...
The Lord will show his generous character,
And it will make the enemy shudder!

Now, finally, happiness has come to the world,
We have waited for the appearance of Christ...
We fly like angels to a feast in the air,
The love of the Lord is bright and pure!

The good fairy gave it to us,
Lots of toys, of different kinds...
We were born from a great power,
Just like birds and animals!

Children play, in the light of a smile,
Great joy has come into the world...
Will we be able to hit the target on the first try?
Even in the yoke that drove the donkey mad!

We rush barefoot at once through the dewdrops,
There are so many wonderful ideas in the world...
Children shed pearly tears,
Believe me, your soul will become more cheerful!

Evil Koshcheis are attacking us,
Baba Yaga is rushing in a mortar...
They lash the barefoot girl viciously with a whip,
And the river floods the banks!

But we will tremble, boys and girls,
Let's fight like a titan...
And our voice will be so clear,
Like a pioneer bugle, a drum!

So even orcs are not an obstacle for us,
A mad troll won't scare you...
There will be a great reward for bravery,
If the child is not zero in swearing!

What is the dragon Gorynych for brave boys,
There is no obstacle for us, we rush into battle against evil...
We give him a lot of lumps,
And we lock them right in the barn!

If the evil goblin fires his cannons,
Then we will answer him with grapeshot...
Enough of this whining, guys,
We will defeat Satan at once!

To a bloody, holy and just battle,
Girls, boys, run boldly...
We will rule the sacred state,
Let's kaput the evil dragon!

There are no shores happier than our dear ones,
We'll catch a whole pond of fish...
For the sake of the great, glamorous Elfia,
The boy will prove that he is very cool!

Let's make the world so beautiful,
So that flowers from paradise grow in it...
Even though we fight sometimes dangerously,
After all, dreams come true in the light!

We will never be under enemies,
Let's say girls, boys first...
We will trample the army of the infidels under our feet,
We will present a noble and victorious score!

Believe me, there will be eternal summer in the world,
Our childhood will never pass...
The exploits of the knights are truly sung,
And set off on a victorious campaign!

Well, and when we defeat all the orcs,
A glorious victory will end all battles...
It will be wonderful in my pure soul,
We raise the sword and the strong shield!

We cannot be conquered,
The boy won't get on his knees...
Our army is invincible,
To the glory of previous generations!

And whoever comes against us with a sword,
That one will be beaten, believe me, hard...
We attack only forward,
The enemy has already been beaten more than once!

After all, the elves and gnomes are all with us,
And even the trolls in this impulse...
The races in this land are united,
And it will be - it is still like this today!

The boy is also an evil fighter,
Able to win by playing...
His great father Mars,
Even though the dogs sometimes bark annoyingly!

The boy will kick you in the nose,
And the blood will flow like juice...
Believe me, he has grown so much,
In fact, he's a total sweetheart!

He was a prince and had a palace,
Now the boy is barefoot...
But if I hit you in the end,
The enemy will not carry away his legs!

I can defeat the evil orcs,
And with them, furious vampires...
The hunter will become the game,
We are united with our Motherland!

The Lord said, "Grow up, boy."
Be fair in your decisions...
Then you will be able to save the Elf,
And you yourself will become invincible!

I believe the Elf in bloom will rise again,
And it will be like a bouquet of roses...
Let's make an old dream come true,
May the frosts disappear into the sky!

I love you, I know the new world,
In which a miracle was performed...
And we will have an idol there,
It will go there and out of nowhere!

I am a boy - a proud man,
Whose proud banner is the universe...
We will not vegetate forever,
Any real variable!

The God of the whites will be with us,
Who will judge us correctly...
Trouble is knocking on the door,
It's not clear what will happen in the world!

And I'll tell you, vampires,
We will win, because strength lies in truth...
And if I have to sin,
I can't sit at my desk for too long!

Here is a new world,
It arose from the old, believe me...
We will have a great feast there,
In which adults and children!


We all look to Napoleons,
We want unimaginable victories...
So that millions of us fight,
And so that children do not know troubles!

So that Waterloo doesn't thunder,
So that the leaves don"t bleed...
And so that there is no defeat,
Success of the correct number!

Now he's just a boy,
And soon I will become an officer...
I jump across the field like a bunny,
Let's show an example of courage!

I will deliver what the lord ordered,
Although there is a considerable risk in this...
And Satan with a thousand faces,
Capable of bringing us down!

Sometimes they would hit me on the heels,
And the strong stick whistles...
We played hide and seek with fate,
With the strength of a monolith!

We cannot be brought to our knees,
And you can"t bend it with a hard whip...
In the name of bright generations,
We will show you the way to success!

The Lord is not often merciful,
We all have to suffer...
Unhappy and rich, poor,
Let there be time for change!

I believe peace will come to Europe,
Napoleon is monarch forever...
We will all have a good fate,
And the person will become happy!

She was a barefoot slave in shackles,
I was whipped so cruelly...
It is impossible to express tragedy in verses -
It was very lonely at times!

When you are flogged by a villainous executioner,
When work in the field from dawn...
But you won't hear the girl crying,
Let her exploits be praised!

I had to get it hard,
Sometimes they tortured a girl with a rack...
When the executioner tore you with pincers, 
But the voice did not die down, know that it was ringing!

And even when your heels are on fire,
And the shoulders are walking on bare shoulders...
I dreamed of swinging a sword quickly,
And be an eagle, not a parrot!

And now other times have come,
Now I am not a slave, but a goddess...
Girls, your dream has come true,
At least my bare feet have gotten rough!

Now I have an army under my command,
The girls and boys in it are cool...
Let's go kill the evil orcs,
And there will be mountains, I know they will be golden!

And so the girls go back into battle,
We have bows and strong crossbows...
I will be with you forever, Elf, believe me,
And the beauty's exploits are sung!

Ready to defeat the evil orcs,
To act beautifully in battle...
So that God's grace may be poured out,
And the girls finished so happily!

May the Almighty Rod be with us,
What created the vast expanses of the universe...
And may the devil from hell die with a bald head,
Let's leave this talk to hell!

I know there will be happiness in this world,
The stars of the world sparkle like diamonds...
The time for great changes will come,
It won't be too late to fly towards your dream!

The planet will be like a solid Eden,
The weather is like endless, warm May...
And every warrior is a gentleman,
And life is a continuous and endless paradise!

And magic will resurrect all the dead,
We will create planets for them too...
Let us raise our sword and steel our shield,
Here are the heroic deeds sung about!

There is glass in the yard,
And underneath it lies a saw...
Two drops of glass fall down,
The canary drank juice!

Cossacks are fighters of steel,
They dashingly drew their sabers,
And they began to fight with them,
Just play checkers quietly!

There is a spit of land near the bay,
Figs are ripening on it...
The girl's braid is tugged,
And in response, stick your figs in!

The Indian drew his bow,
I wanted to score points...
The onion pinches the eyes tightly,
Even glasses won't help!

He married an elf,
That there was harmony and peace...
There is a terrible defect at the factory -
Cluttered up, practically the whole world!

The geyser knocks out a key,
It looks like a busy schedule...
The thief turned the key -
In the room of old graphics!

The lake's surface sparkles,
Hang gliding plan...
The girl is embroidering satin stitch,
It's time to plan the day!

Fill the cupboard with porcelain,
There will be a beauty outfit...
To force the parasites,
A combat unit has been dispatched!

Wednesday has arrived,
A herd galloped to the camp...
Wednesday is dusty here,
The girl bent over!

Juice flows down my lips,
Scarlet garnet color...
The brain juice has awakened -
Like a garnet bracelet!

And we have a dryer in our apartment,
And under the windows there is a tap running...
The drying clothes got soaked in water,
Because the tap burst!

A weasel jumps through the trees,
There are perhaps even three of them...
There will be affection for the girl,
You scrub her like a brush!

The woman's name is Love,
And on it is ruby satin,
It awakens love,
Not an obstacle atlas!

The girl screams - I'm flying,
In front of her is an ancient castle...
Now I fell - I'm flying,
They locked her up!

There will be sweet flour,
Here the organ plays a trill...
But the outcome of love is torment,
And they stole your organ!

You are going to the village now,
They will steam you in the bathhouse...
But then the sun set,
Order for the moths to fly!

Your eyelids are like velvet, maiden,
I cherish the moment of meeting with you...
Alas, love does not reign forever,
Walk barefoot along the shore!

I won't gain weight on a diet,
Otherwise I'll burst into tears...
I'm telling you, believe me, I'll get better,
I owe my debt of faith and will pay it back!

The boy carried, walking towards the market,
A jar of honey for sale...
But then a misfortune happened,
The wasps rushed to attack...

The boys are an army of aspens,
I was bitten by an aspen,
Animals can become enraged,
And tear the mouth into pieces...

They sting wherever they want,
The boy"s tongue is already swollen,
But they got into trouble for that too,
Brani used language!

Girls, the view is beautiful,
A comb for your hair...
There is such a feathered species,
What has a comb!

A warrior keeps his duty,
Guarding the royal court...
He has a huge debt,
He's sweeping the yard now!

Here discipline has fallen,
A shot flew past...
There is such a discipline -
Where they add and divide fractions!

Here the factory smokes from its chimney,
A tooth broke off in the machine...
And set the alarm clock to work,
So that you can treat your tooth in the morning!

A schoolboy is warming up his wrist,
The poor guy got a stake...
The artist has a brush,
Why does it draw a stake?

So the shop opened in the morning,
Visit her motive...
My bench is broken -
Let's sing a mournful tune!

The mink hid from the marten,
She is being hunted...
The hole of salvation has been dug,
Believe me, the animal wants to live!

Made a business proposal,
There is a romance with the girl...
I sketched out a proposal,
It turned out to be a novel!

This girl is high society,
Passions are the consequence of...
But light came out of the darkness,
And the investigation is already underway!

Our union will be strong,
And know the only language...
He drew a union with his hand,
Showed the cat his tongue!

The wind tears the waves in the sky like lambs,
The girl is being roasted by vampires with fire...
She cast a proud glance at her rival,
How nice it would be to have a shield and a sword!

Although I was born a slave in humiliation,
In the field, work is under the whip, alas...
The girl's feet are always bare,
He carries stones and boulders on his shoulders!

But the beauty got a chance,
There is a place open in the army, believe me...
Apparently she wasn't ticklish.
And the beast will not be able to devour her!

But vampires attack her with magic,
The evil bloodsuckers have great power...
Sometimes you need the offspring of satire -
The girls have strong fists!

But what does a barefoot girl want?
If a vampire is roasting her heel...
And the beauty's ringing voice,
It's obvious that Cupid is her main idol!

With song, believe me, I discover a new world,
There will be happiness in it - grace will reign...
So that the evil terrorist Cain doesn"t come,
If necessary, we can give a vampire a punch in the forehead!

It is true that we can create a great light,
It will be wonderful and cool, believe me...
And we will crush the wild onslaught of hell,
And let's open the door to greatness!

Soon the slaves will raise the axe over their enemies,
There will be an uprising, there is no chance to extinguish the fire...
If we have to chop, we will become fists,
Although we can't tell for many years!

We chopped down the orcs in battle,
Threw off the yoke of vampires and evil...
Although the path to success seems long,
I believe that Satan will not reign!

Soon the slaves will rise from hell,
They will come to a glorious victory in battle...
Well, that's why there will be strong children,
The torch of success is inflated like a hurricane whirlwind!

I believe that such an era will soon come,
There is no slavery, suffering or lies in it...
Happiness flows like a geyser, pouring out to the brim -
Young lady, young man, dance at the wedding!

Glory to our Elven Motherland,
Glory if the dragon himself rules...
There are no more beautiful girls among us,
Well, the evil orcs will suffer a total defeat!

Where the barefoot girl walks,
There, you know, the gardens of paradise are blooming...
There will be a time, as if in eternal May,
We will repel the onslaught of the steel horde!

Our girls love justice,
They want to create Eden...
I believe we will skim the foam off the battlefield,
Time will become part of the changes!

We girls can fight bravely,
Defeat any army, you know...
There are powerful talismans in backpacks,
If you need to kill orcs!

Glory be to the era of Elvenism,
What will build happiness for centuries...
And the onslaught of nightmarish orcism,
Know that our victory is great!

Girls are capable of thinking sensibly,
Believe me, it's easy to defeat enemies...
Glory awaits us ahead,
And as a reward, cheese and milk!

God the creator of the world was not timid,
He said: Girls, get ready to fight...
If the elven world is dear to you,
I believe that your Motherland will be with you!

May the Lord give you a great reward,
All who fought for Elfia, know...
We need to defeat the trolls too,
And so, fighter, dare!

Well, in short, the orcs ran,
Girls are always on the plus side...
There is still a very long path of battle ahead,
But in the end the dream will come true!

We are girls of amazing beauty,
We are walking under a very hot star...
Even though the slaves' feet are bare,
They strike a chord like beaters!

We have almost nothing,
We walk around in torn tunics...
But the girls have a strong oar,
Our pressure is wild and furious!

We work like donkeys,
We do not know love and joy...
My broken legs,
But believe me, there will be rewards!

For a girl, the main goal is,
Harvesting in a warm field...
We'll throw the reptile aground,
I know my own furious fate!

Why did the gnome invent the plow?
That it was easier to carry it...
Of course, the designer is not stupid,
His mind is the wise power!

For God, believe me, there are no barriers,
Although barefoot girls...
But they will have a machine gun,
And the voice is so very clear!

Everything is wonderful in them, believe me,
And believe me, it"s very beautiful...
An evil beast is going on the attack,
From our team, know!

Our girls will be the sword of our enemies,
Slaves dream of war...
He will be able to cut through the evil orcs,
And the power of love will not melt away!

The Lord created everyone equal,
Since the girls are eagles...
Whining is simply a sin,
They really are queens!

There is grass under my bare heel,
She gently tickles my feet...
The girl was born to love,
She wants a nice guy!

For a girl, the main destiny is,
Fight for happiness, freedom...
For now, chaos reigns,
Beauties know how to fight!

When the country is in bloom,
The ranks will close even tighter...
The vice will disappear - Satan -
And the orcs will bend in bow!

Then our faith is in bloom,
Let's put an end to the grin of orcishism...
Let's build a holy dream,
Great light of Elvenism!

We are warriors of the most beautiful Elfia,
The great country that conquered the whole world...
The fields were watered with diamond dew,
Celebrating a radiant feast in battle!

We will be in eternal youth, girls,
Boys are not threatened by old age either...
And the ringing voices of young warriors,
And our friendship is a strong monolith!

Brave girls cannot bend under the orcs,
The cruel bear will not eat people...
Although the enemy puffed himself up like a turkey,
But kill the cruel bastard!

We warriors know how to fight bravely,
The union of damask steel, steel and fire...
The soul of fire, and the shaker of a clown,
And the orcs will be severely punished!

There will be peace and happiness in our Fatherland,
Girls and boys on horseback...
Let heaven and earth be in their proud power,
No, good luck to Satan!

We were born to make a fairy tale come true,
And I know we will fly to distant stars...
And the evil of the universe will turn to dust,
We are the golden-winged cherub!

May God love the brave in heart in battle,
Girls and boys - who is the hero...
Under the radiant sky of diamonds,
You are an orc with a bald head, a vile wretch!

Let there be peace, believe me, in the whole world,
I believe we will definitely win...
And my Elfia will prosper,
After all, every warrior with a genie is Aladdin!

Once the wars have died down, happiness will come,
And everything will be beautiful, like in a dream...
The clouds will disperse the gloomy bad weather,
And evil will disappear, dissolving into the earth!

And then peace and joy will come,
The expanses above the stars will open up...
And never will people grow old,
Because man has grown in intelligence!

I was a famous actress,
Filming, swearing, music, balls...
She began to dance furiously and wildly,
Like the incarnation of Satan!

My legs are so strong,
They beat out a furious hopak...
We are such cool girls,
Let's give the bastard a punch right in the face!

But I ended up in a world that is special,
Where dragons rule as kings...
The order there is very new,
You might even rip your shirt!
I had to become a barefoot slave,
Getting a whip on the back...
The clouds above us are blue,
It's an unpleasant place on Earth!

Here comes a stern gnome to me,
And in his hands he clutches a whip...
The boy ran past with a white head -
The slave is barefoot, the master is obviously stingy!

The gnome laughs and sticks his paw into his teeth,
Like a girl with the stature of a stallion...
May the club-footed bear gnaw it off -
The dwarf will be finished with a bald head!

But then they sold me to the mines,
There were no visible places in the harem...
And they gave him a hard spanking with a whip,
Because the girl eats a lot!

Here the gnome leads me on a rope,
The girl's charms are absolutely amazing...
The slave's voice is very clear,
But in the end there are only zeros!

I'm almost naked and barefoot,
I work in the mines like that donkey...
Mom, I say, my dear,
How stupid it turned out!

I was a capable girl,
I was multiplying fractions in my mind...
And now count the skirt in one,
I am in wild bondage!

For a long, long time I endured the dwarf,
I got hit on the back with a whip...
They beat me for business and for no reason,
They promised to feed me later!

But the barefoot slaves rebelled,
Crowbars at work, Molotovs...
And now count the elements in your own way,
I hope that the gnome with the bald spot dies, that nasty thing!

Well, the evil ones were killed,
We had terrible casualties...
But believe me, you have freed yourself -
The girls showed top class!

And now we have a large army,
The guys are also going into battle with us...
We break shields like boards,
The evil rulers will be finished!

And then the slavery of hell will disappear,
The man straightens his shoulders...
And we will put an end to the well-fed gentry of the enemies,
There will be a century of happiness and progress!

And then there will be peace throughout the world,
The man is a great star...
We will fly in the starry, know, ether,
Let people's dreams come true!

How I wish I could be a boy again,
To run on stones, barefoot...
And in dreams, a child can fly higher than the sun -
Let the angels cry there!

Of course, I really want to go back to my childhood,
Everything there seems very wonderful and magical...
Of course, we show love to God,
It is better to be a boy than to be poor!

Because when you're a child, the scent is different,
Flowers, plants, every drop of dew...
Just know, this is the magical alignment that happened,
At least sometimes the guys shed a few tears!

In childhood, bright stars float above us,
Every bump in it tickles your heels...
And when you're a child, believe me, you're very cool,
You possess truly fabulous power!

Here you draw a dragon with your brain,
And Koschei is just a fluff for you...
We drive the enemy away with an oak stick,
And a snowflake will warm the boy's cheek!

Everything is fine when the baby is barefoot,
You can see that the cat is like a trained tiger...
And the enemy will get - believe me, only a fig,
Let Koschei be offended by the whistle!

Well, then it grew, why the beard?
It's so disgusting and painful for you to shave, boy...
Such is the bad fate of a man,
And then there are dreams - if you need to get married!

A boy flies down a snowy hill like a bird,
And believe me, the big sizes only get in the way...
In my dreams you are like Atlas raising his shield,
And I want to become an eagle and eat parrots!

Childhood is a wonderful time, know that,
Everything in it seems like a fairy tale, cheerful, beautiful...
Children rush barefoot through the snowdrifts,
And even a terrible runny nose is not scary for the child!

Yes, the boy also has problems, you know,
I have to go to school, which is quite sad...
But in a childish fight the boy keeps his honor,
And is able to understand everything that is visual!

I know it's boring at the board, I want to yawn,
But change is a great joy...
Give the boy - God - mighty power,
And then the damned old age will not come!

Well, tell me boys, you're doing well, aren't you?
Your heart doesn't hurt, and to hell with shortness of breath...
It's hard for adults to climb up the stairs,
Well, if you're an old man, then you're definitely done for!

When you're a child, your bare feet are so light,
They rush like the nimble wings of butterflies...
We are boys, believe me, just butterflies,
How I wish to become the Almighty and all-powerful at once!

Well, of course it's time to abolish schools,
Something else is needed - something much more effective...
And don"t you dare, parents, beat your children,
After all, the guys have, you know, the wings of angels!

Well, why do we grow up, believe me, why?
It's not sweet at all, rather disgusting...
Know that the end comes - to absolutely everything,
Even if you behave very positively!

May the Almighty Lord grant you childhood forever,
How wonderful it is to be a child, to be eternally happy...
So that this boy's dream comes true,
Because believe me - make youth beautiful!

Why should those boys grow up and get old?
Stay a child, in short pants...
And then you won't get gout,
And harmless bruises will become bumps!

Well, in short, we wish to become children again,
To remain forever in the bright childhood...
To have a plus in life to hell with zeros,
But we will have to fight the enemy fiercely!

I believe that the power of science will bring back childhood again,
Let us be children again, both in soul and body...
Show compassion, O Almighty, love,
Make the old young with great skill!

And then there will be a joyful paradise on the planet,
Everyone is playing, laughing, dancing playfully...
And both boys and adults dare,
So that people can become one team!

I was born free, believe me,
He was a boy with great aplomb...
We were frolicking - after all, we were little children,
And I wanted to become really cool!

But suddenly the horde came running,
They attached a lasso to the boy...
It seems they don't have enough territory,
It roars like a menacing hurricane!

What should I do in this harsh world?
Where the boy has now become a slave...
They put on steel shackles,
And they drove onto the ground barefoot!

I walked on stones, on the sharpest ones,
But it stings, they beat with a whip evilly...
I wanted to have many women,
And now I see it's almost kaput!

They laid baskets on me,
There are heavy stones lying in them...
The overseer's whip lashes my back,
It would be better if they gave me a machine gun sooner!

But the Lord, of course, does not sleep,
Gave the boy an incredible chance...
The boy was not born in the village,
And I didn"t drink the faded kvass with foam!
So they offered him a fight,
Fortunately, such was the fashion...
There is no chance, believe me guys, to give up,
The path to follow is from the beginning to the bottom!

You're a gladiator boy now,
And not just a dumb ass...
And you'll push through this battlefield like a tractor,
The boy has a sharp fountain!

Here he met in a severe battle,
And the opponent is the same kid...
The technique he uses is not new,
And strikes with swords!

But the boy responded with a lunge,
And he struck the enemy so hard...
The blow was very strong, almost too strong,
He cut the boy in half!

The fight is over and there will be a reward,
They gave him some bread and lard to go with it...
A new battle must be fought again,
And you ask, alas: why!

The world around us has become wonderful,
Man as a demiurge...
Life has become so interesting,
You won't scare us!

We can make a rocket,
Fly around Mars, playing...
To saddle a comet, jokingly,
Show great class!

We build houses with love,
Because that's the point...
Sometimes blood is shed,
If a stupid pacifist!

I don't understand why we need hands,
We give commands...
Enemies have torments,
Let's do it, know the knight's move!

We flew to Venus,
There are such clouds there...
We are not lackeys, but sirs,
Our pride is great!

We will reach great heights,
Even if it's hard...
These are the games boys play,
You have an oar in your hands!

It is impossible to understand how the enemy is disposed,
If they are a bandit and an orc...
Here they march in unison in formation,
They stare blankly at the ceiling!

What do you want, shaggy beast?
Know how to destroy Elfia...
I'll hit you with a shovel -
The thread of life will not be broken!

Here is any prose in style,
And there are even cooler poems...
The rose smells very sweet,
It's not in our interests to fight!

We want love and peace,
So that the Fuhrer with a bald head dies...
In the space of ether,
Green moss does not grow!

What love for the people,
The boy is like a star,
And the slave received freedom,
May your dream come true!

We will bring the score to victory,
Count to the greatest peaks...
The man is no longer poor,
He is a real gentleman!

Under the wings of the great dragon,
We will build a new world of happiness...
Everyone knows the letters of the wondrous canon,
That whoever is obedient will have a sumptuous feast!

We girls do not know disobedience,
And we serve our elven masters...
They have, I know, superiority,
This is judged precisely by actions!

Now we are barefoot slaves,
And they hit you hard on the heels with sticks...
But believe me, in your poems,
Peace and valiant comfort reign!

No, never, girls don't rebel,
They idolize their masters...
And if necessary, then as the wind blows,
The slave girls lined up in a row!

They are modest in their attire, true girls,
It's not convenient for them to wear jewelry...
However, the beauties have a very keen eye...
They are capable of conquering shelves!
Nobody considers the girl a whore,
She's just doing her duty...
He catches orders with his eyes and ears,
And may anyone who lies too much die soon!

But here the pebbles step on their heels,
They are very calloused and hard...
But girls don't play stupidly with their heels,
Their little legs are nimble and barefoot!

The time will come - I know this for sure,
We will receive as a reward - a fairy tale paradise...
There the girls play a serenade,
The barking of the wolf pack will not touch them!

May God grant you success -
One for all elves!
We will defeat our enemies,
Without wasting unnecessary words!
Although Satan's powers are great,
There is a hurricane raging all around...
But the mighty regiments of the Motherland -
They will erase the scar of death from hell from the planet!
We will do what seems like a sin-
Although murder is not a sin...
When a monster with a fist attacks those close to him,
Then all the tests are no laughing matter!
Some are not given the ability to comprehend faith,
For them, God Light is a mystery, vanity...
But life, believe me, is not a movie,
When there's a leaden blizzard in the spring!
Let there be rivers of blood,
Flowing along the ground...
Let the pains groan,
Fires everywhere!

Let death devour,
The harvest of human bodies...
The planet is suffering -
There is chaos!

And let it be only death,
A furious ball rules,
You all have to die -
Satan has called you to account!

God won't help,
You will burn in hell forever...
We'll punch you in the face,
This is the orcs' dream!

There will be no mercy,
Death to the pathetic enemies...
There is no better reward,
Give everyone a good whack on the brain!

The enemy doesn't know,
That orcs are all-powerful...
The alarm clock is already ringing -
The blow will be strong!

Let's fry some food for the elves,
We are the heels of the barefoot girl's feet...
And we'll crush the elves,
Let's cut the beauties' braids!

And if someone says anything,
He'll get it hard...
There's a loud ringing in my head,
And in the sky there is thunder and clouds!

And if we howl,
Like wolves in the desert...
The children will march in formation,
To the chopping block barefoot!
Victory awaits, victory awaits,
Those who are eager to break the shackles...
Victory awaits, victory awaits -
We will be able to beat the evil orcs!

Even though we look like children and are barefoot,
We often even find ourselves in battles...
And the guys have hearts of gold,
The scumbags will get a penalty!

The orc is like a bear, cruel,
And roars like a wounded elephant...
But in battle we are children of skill,
The executioners will not hear our groans!

We will never kneel,
It is not we who will straighten our proud figure...
There is no influx, know laziness,
Let's strike like a hammer!

Sometimes the orc's heels are fried by the freak,
Burns the girls' feet...
Here they are, an evil people,
But I, boy, will kill him!

In the child's heart the flame roars violently,
And the fire is really raging...
Raise your banner higher, warrior,
You have a gift that knows no bounds!

Yes, boys can be passionate,
We are children now forever...
But sometimes we shine with talent,
And a star shines over the world!

No enemy will twist you into a spring,
We are, after all, proud children of the Earth...
And the boy beats the orcs with a sword,
He is from God's family of titans!

May the Lord be with us forever,
He gave me youth that lasts for centuries...
We shine with our bare feet,
And let the river flow without end!

The Orc does not love, believe the words of truth,
His evil, vile color...
We'll take those bears by the gills,
There will be eternal good power!

The orc threatens us all with his fangs,
Not greedy enough for land...
He is the insidious flight of hell Cain,
And it draws nothing but zeros!

For bears, believe me, it's not honorable,
They only torment with roaring...
But we are eternal warriors, children,
We can't stand lies, believe me!

Satan is apparently the creator of the orcs,
They howl and bray like donkeys...
The girl has a beautiful dress,
Although the beauty's feet are bare!

No, you are an orc - a fanged, nasty wolf,
And the bear, whose nature is not honey...
But believe me, the father of evil is not all-powerful,
And we will have, just know, a plane!

We are capable of doing everything beautifully,
To create a new joyful world...
There is no more united group of children,
There will be a new warrior-idol!

The heart of the young burns for the Fatherland,
It loves its glorious people...
We will open the door to new worlds,
Well, the orc is a pathetic freak!

The honor of a boy, a girl,
They love, believe me, to create...
The children's voices will become clear,
The legs will throw daggers!

That's when we build a new world,
It contains happiness for new people...
And we will march very proudly in formation,
And the villain will get his comeuppance!

God does not love the tearful,
He, however, respects goodness...
The boy and the girl, believe me, are not arrogant,
His choice to success is a window!

And when peace comes to the universe,
We will resurrect those who have fallen with science...
With your faith, imperishable through the centuries,
And a cherub carries him on his wings!

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