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Galactic Terrorists

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    Flight between galaxies in human history . Four mutant girls set out to unravel a mysterious crime. But the longer the investigation goes on, the more mysteries and fewer answers there are. Along the way, the mutant girls visit various, most amazing worlds.

  flight between galaxies in human history . Four mutant girls set out to unravel a mysterious crime. But the longer the investigation goes on, the more mysteries and fewer answers there are. Along the way, the mutant girls visit various, most amazing worlds.
  The cosmic future, humanity has already mastered most of the galaxy, occupying uninhabited planets and establishing trade relations with intelligent worlds. This alone is not enough for people. And now they are preparing to fly to a neighboring galaxy. The most powerful spaceship, powered by the latest thermopreon engine, is about to launch from the Moon and carry the first people to a fantastic distance of two hundred thousand light years and return back.
  This is the greatest event that should go down in the history of mankind as a colossal achievement of reason and science.
  But literally on the eve of the start, something incredible happened. The rocket, despite strong security, unexpectedly took off by itself and launched from the surface of the Moon. And she rushed off, picking up speed. No human starship has ever had an engine based on the process of fusion of preons - ultra-elementary particles that make up quarks. And no one could catch up with this amazing car.
  She rushed, gaining speed, and then instantly disappeared, as if dissolving in a vacuum.
  And it had an effect like a supernova explosion.
  At the same time, it turned out that someone else had stolen ten thousand tons of hypergold from the bank of the Moon - the most valuable metal worth trillions of galactic units. And this, too, became such a crushing blow.
  But it was believed that humanity had long ago done away with organized crime. But as it turned out, not completely.
  All space police forces were sent to search for the robbers.
  But special hopes were placed on the legendary four mutant girls. Very beautiful and strong warriors had numerous abilities, including magic. At the same time, they bore quite normal female names. Moreover, they all started with
  E - Elizabeth, Ekaterina, Elena, Euphrosyne. The famous four mutant beauties took up the investigation.
  And so they headed towards the Moon...
  Elizaveta is a tall, broad-shouldered, very muscular girl in a short skirt and T-shirt, with blue hair. The beauty"s extremely sculpted muscles rolled like balls under tanned bronze skin. She is the unofficial leader of the four, although, in essence, everyone here is practically equal.
  Ekaterina also grew up, a broad-shouldered and very muscular girl, also in a skirt and T-shirt, with yellow hair like a spring dandelion. And it is not inferior to the first in muscularity.
  Elena is a girl of colossal strength and copper-red hair. The most temperamental and depraved of these four, and also with prominent and powerful muscles. She loves to misbehave, and often acts at her own peril and risk.
  And of course Efrosinya is a girl with hair as white as snow, and just like everyone else in a skirt and T-shirt, but with maximally developed muscles.
  All four girls also have very dexterous, agile and tenacious legs. And they are ready to show their highest aerobatics.
  Especially in this world, where people are unaccustomed to wars, crime and other problems.
  . CHAPTER No. 1.
  Elizabeth threw a sharp dagger with the bare toes of her right foot. It flew over and pierced the annoying insect hovering over the target. It was cut exactly in half, and the dagger pierced right at the number seven.
  Catherine tweeted:
  - Lovely!
  Elena snorted contemptuously:
  - A dagger, that"s good, but against a force field and a killer hyperlaser, it"s like a child"s firecracker.
  Euphrosyne stated:
  - Laser beams, laser beams,
  Better fighter keep quiet, fortunately find the keys!
  Elizabeth objected:
  - There may be circumstances when physical strength and fighting skills decide everything. So don't relax, girls!
  The spaceship landed on the moon at the Lunar spaceport. The once lifeless, cratered planet has been populated and turned into a thriving metropolis. Huge, beautiful buildings of various shapes dotted the surface.
  Speedways flowed through the streets. But most people preferred to travel by air. Artificial gravity and force fields held the atmosphere. And the sky, even during the day, was dotted with bright stars. Which created a unique lunar landscape.
  Almost complete idyll reigned in the cosmic, human empire. All people were forever young and beautiful. There were several times more girls than boys.
  A man with a beard has become a very rare thing. And in fact, women turned into the stronger sex, ruling the empire.
  Moreover, there was no smell of war yet. There are so many wonderful things on the Moon. For example, huge diamonds the size of a three-story house are simply a miracle, a delight. And colossal-sized fountains, covered with gold leaf, silver, platinum and, especially valuable, made of the thinnest layer of hypergold.
  The latter is much brighter and more beautiful, and sparkles with all the colors of the rainbow on the three suns - it cannot be compared with ordinary gold.
  And the jets reach a height of up to a kilometer and come with various backlights and tints. And how amazing it all is.
  Some statues are in the shape of alien animals, such as a mixture of an eggplant, an octopus and a butterfly. Or a cross between a snail, a rhinoceros and an eagle.
  There are also statues of naked, muscular girls and boys. And it looks lovely too.
  The moon has become a wonderful place. And peaceful and, at the same time, cheerful. And how many different kinds of entertaining, almost free, attractions there are!
  There is technically no unemployment on Earth, but the vast majority of people receive a salary for such work as once a month to press a button. There are robots everywhere, a lot of electronics.
  And there is a general abundance of goods, and through the Hypernet you can even eat for free without any problems. Moreover, not just how, but food from a restaurant with millions of different dishes.
  Other goods cost pennies and are constantly getting cheaper. Even such ancient, half-forgotten coins have already appeared, such as a penny - half a penny, polushka - a quarter of a penny.
  The girls flew out of the belly of the spaceship and flew over the surface of the Moon.
  Usually everyone preferred to travel by air. You can fly with the help of nanobots. And this is truly progress. People rarely walked the streets, either only children, or rare tourists from other worlds.
  And even if they didn"t take to the air, it was more out of fear of running into people.
  There were a lot of girls flying. How wonderful it is when there are so many girls, and handsome boys are rarer.
  A fairy-tale world of domination by the fair sex. Babies are raised in incubators so women don't have their bellies disfigured. Which makes the world even more fabulously beautiful.
  And the smell of the most expensive and exquisite perfumes is in the air. There are such wonderful girls around. And the figure, and the bodies, and the relief muscles.
  However, even against their background the four stand out. Firstly, their muscles are larger and more sharply drawn, and literally bulge. And the girls themselves are taller and broad-shouldered than the rest.
  By the way, if there are few men among people, then among robots, including biological ones, there are about fifty to fifty of them. However, male robots are mostly just as young and beautiful. Women are also a little unaccustomed to beards and lovers of hairy males.
  Robots cost pennies and can be rented. Some of them offer goods. However, only tourists buy dubious blesh. Most people order everything through the Hypernet. It's cheaper and has a choice for all tastes.
  Many girls literally hung themselves with precious jewelry.
  One of them flew up to the four and squeaked:
  - I saw you somewhere!
  Elizabeth nodded:
  - We are a team of mutants E-4!
  The girl chirped:
  - Wow, the water is burning!
  Elena muttered:
  - An intergalactic spaceship was hijacked from the Moon, what is known about it?
  The girl twisted around, flashed precious stones and answered, baring her pearly teeth:
  - Everyone is talking about it! And the hypergold was also stolen. What, are you going to catch criminals?
  Catherine sang:
  - No one can hide from us,
  We will even catch neutrinos...
  We'll stick a stake in your throat,
  And let's not rush past!
  Elizabeth nodded and released a spark with her fingers, which flew and turned into a snow-white dove that flapped its wings.
  The girl with blue hair noted:
  - Whoever the criminal is, we must find him!
  A young man and two girls flew up to them. All three were wearing jewelry made of precious stones.
  The young man said with delight:
  - How healthy you are, just like the best buffaloes!
  Elena grabbed the guy"s nose with her toes and squeezed so hard that he screamed.
  The red-haired vixen noted:
  - We are stronger than any buffalo!
  Euphrosyne nodded in agreement:
  - Men are smaller these days! And we remember the time...
  The girl asked in surprise:
  - Are you really more than a thousand years old?
  Elizabeth laughed and replied:
  - We are so old that no one believes that this is possible. But we fought in the Second World War. True, then we were ordinary girls. And they became mutants a little later. And what have we not seen!
  The girl chirped:
  - That means you are already more than two thousand years old! This is really cool!
  The young man muttered in fear:
  - Wow, they are so old! That's horrible!
  Elena clicked her bare toes, and a fire pulsar flew out from her bare heel. He hit the impudent guy in the forehead. He, having received a crushing blow, flew down like a downed fighter, leaving behind a purple column of smoke.
  And the young man almost died, but a couple of robots managed to set up a force field.
  Elena tweeted:
  - Surprise, surprise,
  Long live surprise!
  Elizabeth grinned and replied:
  - Yes, there is no surprise here! All your behavior is very predictable.
  Elena blurted out:
  - I will be punished for my insolence! Well, are we old ladies?
  Euphrosyne tweeted:
  - We are forever young!
  Catherine squeaked:
  - The adversaries are all shaking,
  Hyperplasma over the edge...
  If women fight
  Better not get into a fight!
  Elizabeth barked:
  - Everyone who is against us is unfortunate creatures. Real mutants are waiting for them!
  And the whole foursome sang in chorus:
  On starships we rush across the waves,
  Quarks foam in the ether vortices...
  What will I convey to my planet,
  To the children of the endless space of the world!
  Several robots flew up to the girls and very politely asked:
  - Don't kill or maim anyone. You are servants of good.
  Elena sang in response, shaking her red hair:
  - Angels of goodness, two white wings,
  Two white wings over the world!
  Catherine shook her golden hair, muttering:
  - Or maybe over the universe!
  The girls laughed. They were amazing beauties and very witty. No army can resist such girls.
  The warriors flew on. The main thing is to inspect the site of the cosmodrome from where the starship was hijacked. True, given the carelessness of people, this was not surprising.
  Red Elena remarked:
  - They could steal the entire Moon here. It wouldn't surprise me at all.
  Blonde Euphrosyne tweeted:
  - I can with my skillful hand,
  Reach the Moon from the sky...
  I'll make an elephant out of a molehill,
  And I won"t blink an eye!
  And the girls will just laugh and laugh. Although their laughter was without reason and with a sign of stupidity.
  And here is the cosmodrome from where the intergalactic rocket was supposed to launch.
  He was very handsome to look at. There is a whole cascade of fountains around it. Moreover, fountains with very elaborate statues. And the flowers grow very bright - the size of a whole carriage.
  Catherine sang with a smile:
  - Everything sparkles like lightning,
  A lot of unnecessary beauty...
  But tell me, queen,
  Have you changed your watch?
  The cosmodrome was covered with gold, and this gave it a not entirely real look. In general, both gold and hypergold were loved on the Moon. In the very center, where the intergalactic rocket stood, there was also a mirror surface. Very smooth and sparkling.
  As for the security, they were robots. Some of them looked like large seagulls with laser guns. And they were spinning.
  Elizabeth noted:
  - There is a lot of pomp and outright chaos here.
  Catherine squeaked:
  - After all, we have only one Motherland in our hearts,
  Extending to many galaxies...
  Let my country be famous for centuries,
  They dreamed about her while wandering around the worlds!
  Elena tweeted:
  - We ate a little, but sang a lot!
  The girls showed passes on their palms and entered the very territory of the cosmodrome. There were several more starships standing here. They were brightly colored and looked like beautiful fish. They were cast with various precious stones and metals.
  Euphrosyne hissed:
  - And how did they manage to hijack a rocket when there are so many people around?
  Four girls in spotted suits and shoulder straps flew up to them. They were wearing boots, which spoke of public service.
  One of them in colonel's uniform cooed:
  - Greetings, team four E. I see you are ready to conduct an investigation and lead the criminals to pure hydrogen.
  Elizabeth remarked with a grin:
  - We need clues. In particular, is there a video recording of the hijacking of an intergalactic starship?
  The girl colonel answered with a sigh:
  - Unfortunately, no video recording has been preserved. Oddly enough, all the guidance systems and security robots were affected by hyperviruses. And it turned out to be extremely dangerous. They disabled all systems.
  Elena whistled:
  - Wow! It's quasar!
  Euphrosyne corrected:
  - Rather, even anti-pulsar!
  The girl colonel nodded with an innocent smile:
  - The situation, of course, was such a stalemate. We have already conducted an investigation. Only a few girls and boys were able to make notes on their smartphones. And it was somehow vague. And the nanobots got damaged!
  Elizabeth remarked with a malicious smile:
  - It's clear! There is some kind of organization operating here. And the organization is powerful.
  Elena expressed her version:
  - What about the intelligence services of aliens? Could they have been involved in this too?
  The girl colonel nodded:
  - We do not exclude this either. But in our galaxy there is not a single alien power that is technologically superior to humans. I will even say that, moreover, none of the alien civilizations even comes close to humans in terms of technology.
  Catherine tweeted:
  - Humanity has iron technology,
  Certainly necessary and very useful...
  But the barefoot girls are into boxing,
  After all, the big releases in battle continue!
  Euphrosyne finished singing:
  I believe that people don"t say goodbye to a fairy tale,
  And they will remain true friends forever!
  The female colonel turned on the hologram. There appeared an image of the silhouette of an intergalactic spaceship flying over the Moon. Then he completely disappeared, as if by magic.
  Elizabeth smiled, but her sapphire eyes were sad, and her voice sounded silver:
  - Vacuum, of course! Apparently, we are dealing with technologies superior to those on Earth. Who could arrange this?
  Elena suggested:
  - Some advanced civilization from a neighboring galaxy. Not everyone wants to see their competitors in terms of intelligence!
  Catherine whistled:
  - If this is so, then we ourselves will have to be transported to a neighboring galaxy. This is very interesting, but the question is, how will we achieve it?
  Euphrosyne suggested:
  - Let's make our own rocket using thermopreon fusion, just not so big, we can fly at high speeds.
  The girl colonel nodded:
  - I watched cartoons about your four. There are even games with your participation. Tell me, have you been scared at least once in your life?
  Elizabeth answered honestly:
  - It happened more than once! In particular, I managed to be in fascist captivity, and this is not just fear, it is even, perhaps, more!
  Elena said boastfully:
  - And I also spent time in Stalin"s camps, in particular in a juvenile colony. And the investigators intimidated and beat me. She not only fought, but also trampled the zone. So here I am the most advanced!
  Catherine objected:
  - I, too, was in a children's colony, and I was in the zone, and if Elena had parents, then I was generally an orphanage! So it is unknown which of us is cooler.
  Euphrosyne giggled and remarked:
  - But I am the oldest of you. And she managed to fight in the civil war. And this, in some ways, is even cooler than the Great Patriotic War. At least different states and peoples fought there. During the civil war: brother went against brother, father against son. And this is even worse.
  The girl colonel asked:
  - Why do you have an unofficial leader, Elizabeth?
  Elena answered honestly:
  "She understands technology better than all of us." However, over two thousand years, we have all learned a lot. But she is still a genius in this matter.
  Euphrosyne sang:
  - We all learned a little, something and somehow.
  The mutant girls looked around carefully. And they enlightened the robot guards with their own eyes. The girls could even see in the gamma range. But we saw that the robots, in general, were in good working order, quite mobile and modern. In particular, processors were overclocked using unter-photons, which, compared to conventional photons, had a number of advantages in efficiency and productivity.
  Elizabeth, however, noted:
  - An ultraphoton processor would be much more efficient and faster!
  The girl colonel asked:
  - What, can you do something like that?
  The girl laughed and answered:
  - Everything impossible is possible in the universe, not only living with an unchanging dream!
  Elena squeaked:
  - Our inventor will exchange herself for nickels. Let's sing better!
  Catherine snorted contemptuously:
  - We will sing when we catch the criminals!
  Euphrosyne wittily noted:
  - Teach me to sing, teach me to sing,
  And the bear will take you by the throat!
  Elizabeth remarked:
  - I see something. A couple of robots were carrying computer viruses. And extremely active.
  The girl colonel asked:
  - And what does this mean?
  Elizabeth whispered:
  - This may not be the only attack. And the fact that the criminal knows a lot about human technology.
  Ekaterina noted:
  - But this makes our work easier. More precisely, the search for the kidnappers.
  Elena grinned:
  - Do you think these are not guests from a neighboring galaxy? And I would be very happy to take a walk.
  Euphrosyne sang:
  Galaxy, galaxy, galaxy,
  It's all math,
  And the romance will be great!
  Elizabeth muttered:
  - It"s too early to draw conclusions!
  The female colonel took and handed over a small piece of hypergold to the team. It sparkled with all the colors of the rainbow. A metal that has no equal in beauty.
  And with a smile she said:
  - Hypergold has its own energy, and such a large accumulation of precious metal cannot fail to be detected by ultragravio-radars. I think this will specifically help you in finding the kidnappers.
  Elizabeth asked:
  - What, scanning the space didn"t give anything?
  The girl colonel reluctantly answered:
  - No, nothing yet!
  Elena remarked with a grin:
  - It's kind of strange. We should have at least discovered something! After all, hypergold is such a metal... It has a special type of technomagic.
  One of the female officers remarked:
  - The kidnappers are so technologically advanced that, to be honest, I'm a little afraid of them. What if they strike again at planet Earth, and, in general, try to destroy humanity!?
  Euphrosyne noted with a sigh:
  - The masculine principle is disappearing from humanity. Males stop reproducing, and those that exist can no longer be called men at all. They are infantile, like children.
  Elena nodded and growled:
  - Sooner or later, this will lead to the death of humanity! Still, girls, this is wonderful, but the leading, fighting force was still the male!
  The girl colonel shook her head:
  - In ancient times, males beat girls, mocked them, and were simply sadists. And now complete harmony has been established. And don"t you yourself like it!?
  Elizabeth replied:
  - Our youth passed in other times. The first hundred years of life laid down a different idea of what men should be like! And maybe I will seem old-fashioned, but a female does not need a weak and weak-willed male!
  Elena sang fervently:
  - I won"t tell anyone,
  That I love a robot
  I love robot!
  And I will drown the man alive!
  Yes, indeed, such a performance was funny.
  However, Elizabeth and her team continued to explore the spaceport. First of all, no matter who the kidnappers were, they had to leave traces behind them. And the girls looked out for the pattern of space. And they tried to feel the tension of the lines of force.
  Elena, however, began to sing out of place:
  I'm a brilliant detective
  I don't need help...
  I can even find a pimple
  On the body of an elephant!
  More agile than a macaque
  Hardier than an ox...
  And the sense of smell is like that of a dog,
  And the eye is like an eagle's!
  Elizabeth remarked:
  - Compared to us, the eagle is almost blind, and the dog... There's something here. The kidnappers left virtually no traces, but the air smells of childhood!
  Catherine nodded:
  - Maybe! But children can"t do something like this. Most likely, these are very advanced aliens. It's hard to believe that such a technologically advanced and secret organization could exist among humans.
  Elizabeth objected:
  - Such an organization already existed, and we fought against it. Remember "Spectre"?
  Elena laughed and noted:
  - These are the ones who stole thermoquark bombs? And they wanted to blow up the supreme coordinator? Yes, it was interesting!
  Euphrosyne remarked:
  "And for me personally, the most interesting thing was when I learned, during that war, to throw grenades at the Germans with my bare feet. And it simply shocked the men!
  Elizabeth nodded in agreement:
  - Yes, you can throw with your foot much further and more accurately than with your hand! This is a very strong and long muscle. What, could you do this even before the mutation?
  Euphrosyne nodded:
  - I tried it! In general, we fought differently at first. And then we met in the tank. For some time we were a single crew, until we were scattered again.
  The girl colonel asked:
  - Please tell us in more detail how you fought? It's so interesting!
  Elena muttered:
  - Watch a movie! There it is all shown colorfully and with our participation.
  Efrosinya noted:
  - Our world, I must say, is so calm, and so few serious crimes are committed in it, that our exploits in movies and in virtual games are a million times greater than in reality! We are iconic, we have become like cartoons, like ninja turtles!
  Elena giggled and noted:
  - Yes, in a movie about us. And still, not everyone recognizes them on the streets.
  The girl colonel replied:
  - Out of a billion people, only one is engaged in serious work. And so, continuous entertainment and pleasure, and an almost complete absence of real men. The girls go crazy from idleness.
  Catherine sang:
  - Girls, girls,
  Restless fate...
  But why, to be stronger,
  We need trouble!
  Elizabeth noted:
  - This is just the beginning of a big game. One thing I don"t understand is where the smell of childhood comes from? Maybe, in fact, these are some kind of prodigies?
  Euphrosyne suggested:
  - What if they used a time machine!?
  Elizabeth said not too confidently:
  - Time travel is prohibited by the laws of nature!
  Ekaterina noted:
  - But also to steal a rocket in broad daylight, leaving no traces, contrary to all the laws of nature. Moreover, many scientists believed that it was impossible to cause the process of preon fusion. But the facts say that there are also bipreons, and perhaps many more discoveries await us.
  Elena sang with delight;
  Oh, how many wonderful discoveries we have made,
  Suddenly brings a moment of enlightenment...
  And experience, the son of difficult mistakes,
  And genius is a friend of paradoxes!
  . CHAPTER No. 2.
  The girls continued the investigation. Several more beauties in police uniforms and one young man flew up to them. True, he had a young, tender face, without a single hair, and he was practically indistinguishable from the girls, especially with his long, blond hair. Human males have completely lost their masculinity. Not wanting to shave, they became like teenagers in appearance and infantile in spirit. However, if you look closely, there is also a difference in the figure. The boys are quite well built and muscular - also handsome.
  Without thinking twice, Elizabeth ordered lunch. And you can eat for free on the Hypernet by ordering bioplasma food from there. Which is very tasty, healthy and high in calories. And she also looked very beautiful.
  The mutant girls sat down at the tables. The cutlery was gleaming gold, delivered through the ultramatrix channels along with the food.
  Elizabeth noted, taking the fork with her fingers and stabbing it into a slice of fresh cactus diplodocus meat:
  - It"s so nice when food is free!
  The girl colonel remarked:
  - Not all. Some dishes, especially those made from natural, rare varieties of meat, are sold for money.
  Elena giggled, noting:
  - Especially natural dragon blood from the constellation Sagittarius! It has a strong intoxicating effect. And it hits the brain!
  Catherine tweeted:
  - The Fatherland does not believe in tears,
  Let's give the evil dragon a whack!
  Elizabeth remarked:
  - Although Sherlock Holmes said that it is not worth putting forward a hypothesis about the specific implementation of the crime, there are not enough facts yet. So, in this case, the investigator begins to adjust the facts to his hypothesis. But, nevertheless, maybe we can express some more thoughts?
  Euphrosyne shrugged her shoulders and said:
  - At first glance, it seems that we are dealing with a civilization that, in its development, surpasses the earthly, or more precisely, human. But this may just be a false trail.
  The girl colonel noted:
  - A civilization superior to that of Earth, in its technological advantage, can be a terrible adversary. It's scary to even think about it!
  The young officer squeaked:
  - Our affairs are black!
  Elizabeth answered with a sigh:
  - In any case, we need to study more carefully all the videos of the abduction. And also scan the Hypernet cloud. And this will also be a very difficult and realistic decision. But there may be traces of the rocket thieves there.
  Elena asked:
  - Do you think people did this after all?
  Elizabeth nodded:
  - Most likely, people!
  And I thought that not all earthly individuals can be called people. For example, one boy, about thirteen years old, had his heels burned with a torch by police during that long-ago Second World War. And then they also applied a red-hot piece of iron in the shape of a five-pointed star to the child"s bare chest.
  They actually saved the boy. But the star-shaped burn on his chest remained. They also managed to break several of his bare toes with hot tongs. But fortunately they grew together. But how painful it was!
  But this is far from the only case.
  One girl of about fourteen was driven barefoot through the cold. And then they put their bare heels on a hot stove.
  Elena, meanwhile, ordered a wonderful soup from a turtle with a diamond shell and a hybrid of pineapple, cabbage, peach and chocolate donut over the Hypernet - which is very tasty.
  The red mutant girl sang:
  - We will look the food in the eyes first,
  And then, with great gusto, we"ll eat it all!
  Ekaterina noted:
  - So I"m thinking, maybe the spaceship was stolen by robots?
  Elizabeth asked:
  - Why robots?
  The girl with yellow hair sang:
  If a person is down,
  If a person has reached the end of his rope,
  Turned into a savage again
  The new Boss robot has appeared!
  Euphrosyne nodded:
  - With men like ours, it"s a wonder that robots have seized power!
  The young man squeaked:
  - And why are men bad?
  Elizabeth sang:
  - All men are weaklings,
  They are all like children...
  The girl can't handle them,
  It's boring on the planet!
  The girl colonel objected:
  - No need to offend Seryozha! He alone can serve two or three dozen women a night - he tries, although it"s not easy for him!
  Elena giggled and remarked:
  - In this case, it"s better with a vibrator and a biorobot!
  And the girls sang in chorus:
  How far has the progress come?
  But unprecedented miracles,
  The galaxies have reached the edges,
  Not shying away from rough practice!
  Seryozhka sighed heavily and whined:
  - They really drove me crazy! It would be better, indeed, with biorobots!
  The girls laughed. And they stroked the young man from all sides, and even pinched his muscular body.
  Yes, an interesting world. It seems like paradise for men, but for males there is such tension, and they are literally exhausted.
  Catherine expressed her version:
  - Or maybe men really did it? The ones we drove over and tormented? To escape from such overstrain, they just took it and ran away!?
  Elena giggled and cooed.
  - Wonderful version! Well, it looks pretty cool! Men run away from girls!
  And the girl whistled through her nostrils, which looked very cool when she performed it.
  Euphrosyne stated:
  It"s impossible to live in the world without a woman, no,
  In them is the sun of May, in them is the dawn of love...
  The girl colonel noted, baring her teeth:
  - Is it possible without men?
  Elizabeth grinned:
  - Somehow we manage without them. But it"s time for us to stop drooling over the stronger sex.
  The girls laughed. And they began to eat, that is, to work with their jaws more energetically. The world around them seemed beautiful. Elizabeth thought that, for example, when it comes to gender reassignment, for some reason more men wanted to become a woman, and not vice versa? Although it seemed to be much better to be a man. For example, there is no need to give birth and bear children, and there is much less housework to worry about. And in general, it"s so hard to be a woman, and their salaries and pensions are lower than men"s. These are truly miracles that happened in the twenty-first century. And then the male gender almost completely died out.
  And Catherine thought: "Who actually committed such a crime?" And why did they smell childhood? What does this have to do with?
  In addition, something else was felt, but it was not entirely clear and, at the same time, familiar.
  The girl broke off a piece of banana roe deer and chewed it, tasting the juicy meat with a fruity taste.
  Then she sang:
  I trust you alone
  Sherlock Holmes...
  Although you can"t count the losses,
  Sherlock Holmes!
  Elizabeth noted with a smile:
  - Whether you want to believe it or not, the rear will go to the enemy for lunch!
  And the girls laughed, baring their teeth. And they are pearly and sparkling, like polished mirrors. These are really girls who will show their class.
  The girl colonel asked:
  - What will you do now?
  Elena suggested:
  - Let's interview the witnesses! This will be pretty cool.
  Elizabeth noted:
  - It will take too much time. Can't you offer something more significant and effective?
  Euphrosyne tweeted:
  - The best thing is to fly to Jupiter. The largest planet in the Solar System, and so have a lot of fun!
  Elena sang:
  - Jupiter is the royal planet,
  She drops a ray of sun...
  Glorified by a great feat,
  Be radiant with us!
  The mutant girls sang in chorus:
  - Life is a ridiculous mistake,
  The spider was crushed...
  There is a way out of the labyrinth
  From any dead end!
  We will even break quarks,
  Even the priest will not be saved...
  Girls will not avoid fights,
  We are legion of beauties!
  Elizabeth chirped, baring her pearly teeth, as if they had been polished and came from the bottom of the sea:
  - We can find everyone,
  At the bottom of the sea...
  No more than twenty
  Looks like a hero!
  And the warriors burst out laughing!
  After which, they began to work energetically with their jaws again.
  The girl Elena remembered how she practiced soldering in a children's colony. Rather than wearing government-issued wooden shoes, it is better to go barefoot. Moreover, even in winter, once they get used to it, children"s feet hardly freeze. The food in the colony was still decent, better than for adult prisoners. But they worked like adults - twelve hours a day, and even studied for four hours. That is, there was no free time at all. True, while working, the girls tried to shirk. Sometimes it rained. And they played with homemade cards for soldering.
  Red-haired Elena quickly learned to cheat and beat her friends. So she had enough food. Sometimes even on holidays, child prisoners were given candy and sweets.
  And during the war, the Americans also sent food. And there were also canned goods and sweets and chocolate. They also supplied raw materials, equipment, and cars.
  Of the American aircraft, the Airacobra was considered the best. It was armed with four machine guns and a powerful 37-mm air cannon. But one pilot received ten years in the camps just for saying that the American Airacobra was better than the Soviet Yak. Although, that's how it is.
  Elena, too, is not restrained in her tongue, and during the war she was arrested, transferred to punishment cells, and beaten on the heels with batons. And the Nazis tortured me in captivity.
  Yes, they had a rich life in the past. In addition to the Great Patriotic War, they fought in Korea, Vietnam, Cuba, Afghanistan, Iraq, Chechnya, and Syria. But they refused on principle to fight in Ukraine. Having said that there will be no brotherly blood on them.
  The girls have experienced a lot in life. And, to be honest, they didn"t particularly want thrilling adventures. True, the last few decades have been too calm.
  In the future, in general, especially when there are so many women, life has become calm.
  But there were, for example, space pirates. In particular, they once attacked a caravan of gold and hypergold. The girls were chasing them. Most of the pirates were mosquito mites. Perhaps one of the few races in the universe that is more aggressive than humans. They even destroyed their own planet with a nuclear war.
  Mosquito ticks were the only major problem people had. Fortunately, there were few of them, and they preferred piracy. Well, sometimes they also launched hacker attacks. Here the gnomes helped them. This race, in general, is peace-loving and small in number, but really loves money.
  There are also elves in the universe. But there are also few of them, and they are stuck in the Middle Ages. Elves are, of course, beautiful, not aging - with eternally young bodies, however, not immortal - three hundred or four hundred years and the end. At first glance, they are not stupid, they have a good memory, they count and write quickly. But so uninventive. They didn"t even think of a steam engine - they sailed on sailboats and used such primitive weapons when shooting that the main ones were still bows, or, at best, crossbows.
  Their level was, at best, sixteenth century among people. But elves are much older than humanity, just like gnomes.
  For some reason, people have an extraordinary talent for technology. And even the extinction of men did not prevent progress.
  The mutant girls finished off various delicacies, including a hybrid of a bicycle, a tractor and a watermelon, and a chocolate-covered squid.
  The food was very tasty, the girls even sang:
  Blessed is he who is in space,
  In a blissful corner...
  Doesn't think about grief -
  With a ladle of wine in hand!
  Of course, they also drank wine. Very sweet, pleasant to the taste, which invigorated, but did not intoxicate.
  The mutant warriors took off and headed back from the spaceport. They began scanning the HyperInternet and eavesdropping on smartphones.
  Elena noted:
  - There are millions of smartphones, or, more precisely, billions! Let the program check them better!
  Elizabeth nodded:
  - This is a very reasonable idea. Although the program cannot replace your eye, even if it is the most advanced.
  Ekaterina noted:
  - Robots are what replaced people in everything. But they have not yet learned to invent.
  Euphrosyne said seriously:
  - But if you learn, it will be the end of biological civilization.
  The girls launched a search engine program in hyperplasmic form onto the Hypernet. And we started wiretapping smartphones and other devices.
  Elena suggested launching at least a dozen more such programs and testing nanobots as well.
  The idea wasn't the stupidest. The warriors began combing the virtual space. And other types.
  Elena thought who the culprit could be. Maybe whoever developed this Starship was somehow involved in the kidnapping. And what? Maybe, for some reason, there was a desire to fly to other galaxies, or there was jealousy and envy of the designer.
  By the way, we need to check the information about who worked on this.
  The girl turned on the scanner and started wiretapping the data. Everything so far showed that, indeed, the abduction was invisible and without concrete traces.
  There were several dozen designs of this intergalactic rocket. Of these, approximately a fifth are men. They still have a mind more inclined towards mathematics and engineering than women. Their percentage among scientists is much higher than in life. And among great scientists it is even higher.
  Therefore, women are concerned that males are disappearing. In bed they will be replaced by a biorobot or a vibrator, but robots are not yet strong in science. Unless games can still be invented, or something small. But people make serious discoveries.
  Elena, guessing her thoughts, remarked:
  - Sometimes I regret that I was not born a man!
  Elizabeth laughed and replied:
  - Yes, I am too. I could have millions of children. And this would be a new, superior race.
  Catherine tossed a coin with her bare toes and caught it. And then she threw it again, knocking down a fly in flight. After which, she tweeted:
  - If a sparrow is close,
  We aim the gun...
  If there is a fly, hit the fly,
  Take her at gunpoint!
  Elena snorted contemptuously:
  - Shooting sparrows with cannons is too wasteful!
  Euphrosyne nodded:
  "And there"s no point in shooting a pellet at an elephant!"
  The girls took it and sang:
  It's bad when you're alone, like a snob
  You are alone, and your enemies are legion...
  Even an elephant can be eaten by a bug,
  If there are more than one million bedbugs!
  And so the girls launched several more searching programs on the Hypernet. And it was quite interesting.
  After which, they flew away to a distance from the Moon. We looked at the planet from space.
  Most of it was already built up. And fabulous, beautiful trees grew. And on the trees there are large, multi-colored buds. Women in general really love flowers when they are bright and full of colors. On some buds the petals had their own individual pattern.
  Elena sang with delight:
  -How beautiful is the planet Moon,
  Like pearls, crowns of rubies...
  Don't squeeze us girls at the corner,
  We are such strong warriors!
  And the red-haired queen spun like a top in the vacuum. The girls had special suits that allowed them to fly between planets. In addition, mutants were not afraid of being in space and vacuum without protection.
  They are not ordinary people.
  Elena remembered how they first smeared the bare soles of her feet with oil, and then fried her bare heels with a brazier. How painful it is. To keep from screaming, she imagined herself fighting barefoot in the desert. And, for example, he saves Julian the Apostate.
  Indeed, if Julian had lived for seventy years, Christianity might have died out forever. Moreover, this faith is paradoxical. Consider the unfortunate man crucified on the cross to be Almighty God.
  As progress developed, the vast majority of people began to consider man as the main God. Like, people in the universe are the messiah.
  And the time will come, the secret of time will also be revealed. And then the dead will be resurrected.
  Elena whistled. She had a boyfriend during World War II, and she loved him very much. It was a strong love, the kind that lasts forever. And he died while storming the Reichstag. It's a shame, of course.
  Elena dreamed of resurrecting him. Then, indeed, the mutant girl will find absolute joy and happiness.
  But science has not yet reached this point. But two thousand years will pass, and then it will be possible to resurrect the dead.
  Now, for example, all the girls and boys are forever young. The young men are even getting too young. But once upon a time a beard commanded respect.
  Elena looked at the scanner. The program reported general data. You still won"t see and digest everything.
  There is so much information that your head is spinning.
  Elizabeth noted:
  - We haven"t achieved anything!
  Ekaterina grinned:
  - These are the most technologically advanced criminals we have ever encountered. And you shouldn"t count on too quick results!
  Euphrosyne squeaked:
  - The quieter you go, the further you'll get.
  Elena suggested:
  - Or maybe let's fly to Earth. Let's first interrogate the chief designer of the intergalactic rocket, Vishu Aran. He is, apparently, a very handsome male.
  Elizabeth shrugged:
  "I don"t know what this will give us, but it won"t hurt to interrogate Visha." We need at least the slightest clue!
  Elena tweeted:
  - During the interrogation, the evil male asked:
  Who is the guy who hit me...
  He answers, the slanted one,
  What commanded the interrogation -
  The devil himself brought you down, the main son himself!
  And the girls laughed again.
  The girls flew to Earth. The planet was beautiful, and at the same time, so many things were flying around it. There were also girls in spacesuits with ultra-gravity engines. They flew up to the mutants and offered to buy this or that product.
  At the same time they chanted:
  Above the earth the sky is frowning,
  Everyone is afraid to overdo it...
  A guy kisses a girl -
  He asks to increase the price!
  Elena took it and clicked her bare toes, releasing a large, deadly pulsar at the girl. He flew and hit the beauty. She was enveloped in sparks, spun and sang:
  - The pulse of the Earth beats anxiously between the stars,
  The fields were irrigated with crystal dew...
  All people, know one family now,
  They live in blissful happiness, eternal peace!
  And Elena smiled back with her very radiant and wonderful smile of pure pearl.
  Catherine sang in response:
  We wish you happiness,
  Happiness in this big world...
  Like the sun in the morning
  Let him come into the house!
  The girls waved her hand and objected:
  - Not to the house, but to the whole universe!
  Elena sang:
  - The universe is full of fabulous surprises,
  She is magical and extraordinary...
  The stars are now just a stone's throw from the earth, count with your hand,
  So be a boy in battle, tough in love!
  And the girls sang in chorus:
  Be a cool guy!
  Be a cool guy!
  Get a beard soon!
  Be a cool guy!
  Be a cool guy!
  Marry a barefoot girl as soon as possible!
  The warriors, it must be said, are indeed of an outstanding class. And if they roar and start laughing, then this will be an outstanding coolness.
  The earth looks very impressive from the air. Firstly, besides the Sun, it also has four additional luminaries. At the South Pole, coconuts, bananas, pineapples and many previously unseen fruits grow.
  There is practically no night - eternal day and eternal summer
  The female kingdom is a real paradise. And there are so many flowers everywhere, large and bright. And how many fountains and statues there are. Especially beautiful are the statues covered with a thin layer of hypergold leaf. It sparkles with all the colors of the rainbow, it is hypergold, which makes it unique in beauty.
  And how many different jewels there are. Especially diamonds, some the size of a good house, and sparkle in the rays of several luminaries.
  And how many girls there are, tanned, muscular with abs like chocolate bars.
  The boys, who are a thousand times smaller in number, are also very handsome, and usually wear shorts.
  It must be said that they are also different. Only a small number of people wear uniforms. It's hot here and a real paradise.
  Many people disappear every now and then, plunging into the Hypernet matrix. Right on the streets, girls kiss guys and caress them. Sometimes with robots. True, it has not yet reached the point of open public sex. But in the Hypermatrix, everything is possible.
  For example, you can virtually get almost any body on the Hypernet. Even become really King Kong, or a butterfly. And the brain will not feel the difference.
  And there, in the Hypermatrix games, you can fight. Moreover, as you want. Elena, for example, loved to shoot laser beams from her scarlet nipples and burn entire regiments of enemies. Orcs in particular.
  Yes, there are orcs in the real universe too. Only they are even more backward than the elves, wild, and almost do not speak.
  However, how the orcs managed to visit Earth, leaving legends about themselves, giving fairy tales.
  Elves in ancient times were able to move with the help of magical medallions. And there were special, powerful spells that transferred from planet to planet.
  But then somehow the secret was lost. It seems that they were very powerful sorcerers, but then they either degenerated or moved to another galaxy.
  Here Elizabeth thought again:
  - Aren"t these wizards? They may have their own reasons for stealing an intergalactic starship like this!
  And the girl sang:
  Life is not easy for our beauties,
  And she rushes like a spring swing...
  Let our dream come true,
  We flew to the edge of the universe!
  . CHAPTER No. 3.
  On the way to Earth, the mutant girls sat down in one of the restaurants where for money you can get exotic things that are not available for free from the Hypernet. In particular, Elena ordered the blood of a hybrid of a tyrannosaurus and a cactus. After which, the girls swallowed it with pleasure.
  They remembered their glorious past and began to sing with great enthusiasm;
  We are girls from the country of the USSR,
  Which is a torch for the whole world...
  Let us show, you know, an example of greatness,
  Here are the heroic deeds sung!
  Girls were born under the red flag,
  And barefoot they rush through the frost...
  Daughters and sons fight for Rus',
  Sometimes the bride gives the guy a rose!
  There will be a red flag over the universe,
  Shine so brightly, like a torch-flame...
  After all, heroic, know our swing,
  And our banner sparkles like red!
  Don"t believe it, the damned fascist will not pass,
  And the Russian spirit will never fade away...
  Victories will open an endless account,
  Let's say hello and hello to anyone!
  Russia is a wonderful country,
  You gave communism to the peoples...
  Forever given by God generously,
  For the Motherland, for happiness and freedom!
  The enemy will not be able to defeat the Fatherland,
  And no matter how cruel and insidious he was...
  Our invincible Russian bear,
  The Russian soldier is so glorious for his victory!
  Beautiful Soviet country,
  The girls in it are proud that they are beautiful...
  She was given to us by birth forever,
  And let us Komsomol members be fair!
  We are fighting on the outskirts of Moscow,
  Blizzard, snowdrifts, and the girls are barefoot...
  We will not give up our Fatherland to Satan,
  even our scythes shoot accurately!
  So in rage the girls are eager to fight,
  And with the naked heel they throw an explosion-package...
  A fascist, he just looks cool,
  In fact, just evil Cain!
  Enemies cannot defeat girls,
  They were born under such a star...
  Our invincible monster is the bear,
  Who made the Motherland his wife!
  We Russian girls are good
  We are not afraid of torture and frost...
  And we will repel, believe the onslaught of the evil horde,
  The enemy will go crazy from the dose!
  They were able to push the enemy away from Moscow,
  Although he is full of enormous power...
  We girls are so proud of ourselves,
  Opponents will all disappear into their graves!
  Don"t believe it, enemies can"t defeat Rus',
  Since every knight comes from diapers...
  The hunter has apparently turned into game,
  And the adversary is still just a child!
  But the Russian spirit, great, believe the spirit,
  You know, there are hidden powers in it...
  The enemy will be completely crushed,
  After all, knights are invincible in battle!
  Cast aside your doubts, girls,
  We are the bravest ones in the world...
  Let us cast Satan's hordes into the inferno,
  Let's soak all the adversaries in the toilet!
  The holy war will end
  Peace and morning will come over the planet...
  She is forever with the sun, know this,
  May summer blaze forever!
  And communism eternal in glory,
  And Lenin and the great Stalin are with us...
  In bloody cinema only now is fascism,
  And our will is to believe stronger than steel!
  My Russia rules for centuries,
  And gave happiness to the whole universe...
  You need the strength of a steel fist,
  And daring, but in a reasonable way!
  The girls sang with great enthusiasm and feeling. But after that, I had to return to reality. And strain your smart and bright, in the literal sense of the word, heads. In fact, what should they do and how to find the criminals.
  Information accumulated mercilessly in large quantities. And it was necessary to isolate something. But so far there have been no leads.
  The mutant girls drank more blood. Then we went back to the Hypernet. But there is so much mixed in here. This is not the Internet of the twenty-first century, where you can"t find everything you want, even among books. And this is a whole virtual energy with the energy of thermoquark fusion, and already the first thermopreon emitters. And there"s already so much fancy stuff here.
  And not only earthly. There is something that penetrates from other galaxies that are still inaccessible to humans.
  Elena cooed:
  - Like this! It"s not even clear why people were given heads? Probably solely for torment!
  Catherine sang with excitement:
  - Why do people need heads?
  It cracks, it happens...
  They don't chop wood with their heads,
  Don't forget nails!
  Euphrosyne picked up:
  At least for some it is empty,
  Others are fooling her...
  But everyone is not easy to see,
  He doesn't want to lose her!
  Elizabeth stamped her foot angrily and growled:
  - These are children's songs! Let's better, girls, sing something more cheerful, strong and expressive. Otherwise, really, our balls will soon go behind the rollers!
  And they were mutant warriors and, at the same time, investigators, which they didn"t like at all, especially working with their heads. Move your bare heel into your nose, please. But use your head - God forbid!
  Nevertheless, they sing well - their throats are healthy, and their songs are invigorating;
  I joined the Komsomol while playing,
  Beautiful dream girl...
  I thought the world would be eternal May,
  Every day is the birth of spring!
  But for some reason it didn"t work out,
  Somehow I can"t fall in love...
  Well, tell me guys please,
  Life is a very strong oar!
  Suddenly the war suddenly thundered,
  And a hurricane of death rushed...
  And my girls have a strong body,
  You can immediately put yourself under attack!
  Believe me, I don't want to give up,
  Fight for the Fatherland to the end...
  We carry grenades in a strong backpack,
  Stalin replaced his father in the hearts!
  Great warriors of Russia.
  We can protect peace and order...
  The stars of the sky watered the velvet,
  And the hunter turned into game!
  I, a barefoot girl, fight
  Full of temptation and love...
  It will be, I know a place in this paradise,
  You can't build happiness on blood!
  Great warriors of the Fatherland,
  We will fight firmly near Moscow...
  And then the dream under communism,
  Against the underworld with Satan!
  Brave Russian guys,
  That they fight honestly to the end...
  They're shooting with a machine gun,
  If you need a crown of gold!
  Not even a bullet can stop us
  Jesus the great God has risen...
  The days of the predatory dragon are over,
  It became even brighter from the skies!
  I love you, dear Lada,
  The highest God Svarog will be in glory...
  We need to fight for Russia,
  The best White God is with us!
  Don't bring the Russians to their knees,
  Believe me, our flesh cannot be curbed...
  Stalin and the great Lenin are with us,
  You must pass this exam too!
  The pain of the Fatherland is also in our hearts,
  We believe in her greatness...
  We quickly open the door to space,
  It will be a very sweet life!
  We are barefoot beautiful girls,
  We run so briskly through the snowdrifts...
  We don't need this bitter vodka,
  The cherub spreads its wings!
  We girls will stand up for the Fatherland,
  And we will answer the evil Krauts, no,
  Hellish Cain will be destroyed,
  And hello to Christ the Savior!
  There will be an era - it couldn"t be better,
  The dead will rise forever...
  The universe will become a real paradise,
  Everyone's dream will come true!
  The girls sang with great enthusiasm. And their voices are very iridescent and strong at the same time.
  After which, they left the restaurant and flew to Earth. They had a great review. Here, in particular, Moscow. The Kremlin is visible - very large. The walls are ten kilometers high, and the towers are fifteen to seventeen kilometers high. Yes, there is something to see here. The Kremlin itself was spacious, so that a whole metropolis arose inside it. And this is a very impressive sight. And instead of stars on the towers there are different signs of the zodiac made of hypergold.
  Of course, the former name Moscow is no longer used. It is called New Rus'-York. Such a modern name. And of course, Russia remains in the distant past. Now there is a single empire on Earth, which stretches over most of the galaxy.
  And life is good like that. And how many beautiful girls in light sundresses. How beautiful it is - so many half-naked, muscular female bodies.
  On Earth in the distant future there is simply Paradise. And the kingdom of the fair sex. This is probably how girl-hungry men imagine Eden. They feel good in this world.
  A wonderful fairy tale in which women themselves look after the guys and fight for them. A world in which males are forced to strain to satisfy many girls. And it"s good for them and, at the same time, it"s not easy.
  Some girls, however, wear high heels. Although they are not comfortable for the leg. But it is fashionable and beautiful. The shoes themselves can be made of a solid piece of diamond, without hiding their graceful shape.
  Some girls put so much jewelry on themselves that it"s in bad taste.
  People have good muscles. But usually the volumes are small for convenience and beauty, but the relief is excellent. The young men look very much like youths, including almost no large bodies visible among them, and their skin is smooth, clean, polished. Indeed, the males have become infantile.
  Although, fortunately, not everything yet. And among them there are also those like Vishy, who led the group that designed the first intergalactic starship. And it was interesting to talk to him. Even if he looks like almost all men. Perhaps the forehead is slightly higher and wider than that of standard males.
  In general, people become stupid from idleness. They study according to tests, almost all the time they have fun and enjoyment. Well, just like in the famous cartoon: "I don"t want to." Yes, it turned out to be such a wonderful world. There are too few problems for people in it. It"s especially good for men, since women look after them like little children.
  It is also a miracle that intellectual giants have survived among the males.
  The girls, however, did not find Vishy in place. It turns out he has already left Earth. But there were two deputies left: girls with the rank of generals.
  Elena noted:
  - The females are already making me sick! There is a clear shortage of men here!
  Catherine giggled:
  - And in the colony?
  Elena snapped:
  - In the colony there are guards made up of men, and there are also educators. And when you're a girl, you don't need them. We have been here for more than two thousand years. There is no one older than us on planet Earth.
  Euphrosyne nodded:
  - I still remember the tsarist times. Yes, we really are girls who have experienced a lot and tried a lot. But real men have degenerated. Only the eternal youths remained. It"s even disgusting when a man has a girl"s face, without a single hair on his rosy cheeks. And no one, perhaps, except the gigolo biorobot, will prick you with stubble!
  Elizabeth nodded:
  - Yes, it"s not easy in this world. But what would happen if it were the other way around? When there are a thousand men for one woman.
  Elena licked her lips:
  - Why, a female like me would be quite happy with such a world!
  Efrosinya noted:
  - But it would be scary for men! And how many fights there would be. Still, we women rarely use our fists in the fight for males. And this would be a nightmare world!
  Catherine sang:
  -Girls are different
  White, black, red...
  But everyone likes the love of a guy,
  Beautiful women love men!
  Elizabeth suggested:
  - Let's sing something else from our glorious past. When, of course, there were enough real, courageous representatives of the stronger sex!
  Elena nodded:
  - Singing is a good idea! Although there is a wise proverb, or rather a saying: just don"t sing to your death! Or, if you want to sing, know how to twirl!
  And the warrior-investigators began to sing;
  Beauties attack barefoot,
  Such nice girls are running...
  If you need to hit the Fritz with your fist,
  Or they will slash him with a machine gun!
  Girls can't afford to doubt
  They will bury the Nazis dead...
  And they will kick him hard off his feet,
  And somewhere wolves howl carnivorously!
  Russia, this is a word for soldiers,
  When, believe me, it doesn"t get any cooler...
  Although sometimes the situation is bleak,
  Where the evil black Cain triumphs!
  Don"t believe it, Komsomol members don"t run away,
  And if they run, then only to attack...
  And all the Nazis will be killed at once,
  And the Fuhrer will be raised to the chopping block!
  Russia, this is my Motherland,
  She is radiant, simply beautiful...
  Whoever is a coward is not worth even a ruble,
  And, you know, arguing with a warrior is dangerous!
  But know that we will defeat the fascists,
  Evil will not reign on the throne...
  Above us is a golden-winged cherub,
  And God Svarog with greatness in the crown!
  Whoever is a coward, believe me, is a weak slave,
  His destiny is one - to endure insults...
  Today you are a mechanic, tomorrow you are a foreman,
  And you yourself can beat other people"s backs!
  Girls have strength, simply a volcano,
  Sometimes she powerfully demolishes mountains...
  The war is raging with an evil hurricane,
  And death frankly mows down the human race!
  I"ll tell you honestly, knights,
  We are strong when we Russians are united...
  Need a snack to go with your fork and knife,
  We are knights invincible in battles!
  What is our faith, in the Lord Christ,
  Although we also respect Lada...
  Comrade Stalin is like our father,
  And there will be a place of paradise communism!
  The one who was once dead will be resurrected
  And we will become more beautiful, wiser...
  And the man, of course, is very proud,
  Although sometimes he talks nonsense!
  In love, our Fatherland is like a star,
  Believe me, it will never go out...
  A great dream will come true
  There will be peace and happiness throughout the universe!
  I love Maria, I honor Lada sacredly,
  Svarog is beautiful and Perun is great...
  I love Jesus and Stalin,
  Holy faces of icons are dear to me!
  When will there be real paradise?
  Believe me, all your hopes will come true...
  Give your heart to your Motherland,
  Everything will be fine, stronger than before!
  After such a song, the mood rises by an order of magnitude, or even two. The girls finally flew into one of the towers. We decided to talk to the deputies. Since Vishy, according to the latest data, flew to one of the planets of Sirius. And this is a flight not between planets, but between stars. The distances are much greater, and you will have to board a starship. You just can"t fly like that anymore.
  The mutant girls entered, barefoot, as always. Well, you won't see anyone with this. Almost everyone here is like that.
  But the female scientists are dressed more impressively. They had short skirts, and their torsos were naked, but so thickly hung with jewelry that not a single bare patch of skin was visible. And everything is so beautiful here. And her feet are in precious high-heeled shoes. And this, I must say, is very cool.
  Elizabeth extended her hand to them, shook them softly and asked:
  - What do you think about this kidnapping?
  The girl, the right-hand scholar, replied:
  - You can think anything! But we are people of science and are accustomed to operating with facts. And the facts say that this is someone very technologically advanced. And here you can"t argue against the fact that the enemy is very smart and has intelligence!
  Elena blurted out:
  - Is this a mind from another galaxy?
  The girl, the scientist of the left hand, remarked:
  - Theoretically, it could even be a mind from another universe. There are universes beyond our universe. There are only one hundred sextillion stars in our universe. And it is approximately twenty to twenty-five light years in diameter. This means that there are other universes beyond it. And we can visit them. It has been proven that it is possible to fly at speeds higher than the speed of a photon. More precisely, practice has shown this. This means that you can fly faster than a graviton, which is ten trillion times faster than a photon. - The girl stamped her high heel and added. - There are already ultragravitons and ultraphotons. The ultraphoton was obtained as a result of a thermoquark reaction. Thermopreon reaction can open the way to hyperphoton, or rather, it has already opened it. And when hypergraviton appears, starships will acquire such speeds...
  Catherine nodded:
  - It will be wonderful! And very cool!
  Elena growled aggressively:
  - It"s not harmful to dream! What will practice give us there?
  The girl, the scientist of the right hand, remarked:
  - Hypergravitons may have been used here. They could steal a starship of this size and power almost unnoticed and make it disappear. This means that even more powerful bipreon synthesis could be involved! And this shows the theoretical possibility of synthesis, which from one gram of matter will give energy comparable to the explosion of a supernova, larger than the sun!
  Euphrosyne whistled and noted:
  - It would be very cruel and stupid not to use such energy for creative purposes!
  Elena asked:
  - And when will you learn to resurrect people?
  The girl, a scholar of the left hand, answered with a smile:
  - We do not work according to this profile. But I think that we will soon learn this too. We have many empty planets. And many planets can still be made using the matter of stars. There are many millions of planets in our galaxy alone. And you can also do them for those stars where there are no planets. So... Don't get on the horse, girls! The time will come, and you will also communicate with Napoleon not only in a virtual game!
  Euphrosyne giggled and answered:
  - Glory to science, glory to us,
  He will fight to the fear of his enemies!
  Elizabeth noted:
  - This is, of course, wonderful! But so far we haven't caught on to anything. Except for the smell of childhood.
  The right-hand scholar asked:
  - Whose childhood?
  Elena laughed:
  - The sensations here are too vague!
  The left hand scientist girl asked:
  - And you yourself, when were you born? In cartoons they show you back in the Second World War!
  Elizabeth nodded:
  - This is not an exaggeration! We are, in fact, from that distant past.
  The girl, the right-hand scholar, asked:
  - How did you manage to live until the time when Earth science conquered old age?
  Elena giggled and replied:
  - We are not entirely from this world... We have undergone mutation. More precisely, a series of mutations that made us superhumans.
  The girl, the scholar of the left hand, sang:
  -Everything impossible is possible in our world,
  But why, everything is always only on the air!
  Elizabeth remarked:
  - We have lived for more than two thousand years. It"s hard, frankly, for the psyche. A lot of memories. And it's tiring.
  The girl, the right-hand scholar, suggested:
  - Erase some of your memories. And you will feel better.
  Elena objected:
  - No! How the Nazis fried my bare heels, I don"t want to wash them off. Especially about what made us stronger!
  The girl, a left-hand scholar, remarked:
  - When you become ten thousand years old, you will have to erase part of your memory, otherwise there will be an overload. Although, you don"t need to remember much.
  Elena sang:
  What happened to my memory?
  I remember everything that happened on earth...
  Evil will leave, believe me, from the pedestal,
  We will get a share from fate!
  The girl smiled her pearly smile, which suited her red hair so well.
  Elizabeth noted:
  - I think that by this time they will invent something that will make the psyche, memory, and brain more perfect. Moreover, I think our brains are already able to withstand much larger volumes than those of ordinary people, we are mutants after all!
  Euphrosyne tweeted:
  Believe me, we can do anything
  Even swim across the sea...
  If the mummy catches fire,
  And the hunter turned into game!
  The girl, the scientist of the right hand, remarked:
  - Was there a time when you believed in God?
  Elena answered confidently:
  - I personally never believed it! Because she was a pioneer... And in the colony they explained to us very well how they make money and politics on faith, and use God as a bogeyman for the exploiting classes!
  Euphrosyne nodded:
  - Yes, we were brought up as atheists. And at the same time, there were moments when I wanted to pray. But we pushed it away from ourselves.
  Catherine nodded:
  - Trust in God, but don"t make a mistake yourself!
  . CHAPTER No. 4.
  The girl, the left-hand scholar, nodded and suddenly said:
  - Perhaps our universe has an intelligent creator, or creators. Some research evidence points to this.
  Elena opened her emerald eyes and, whistling, asked:
  - Where did such an interesting conclusion come from?
  The girl, the right-hand scholar, replied:
  - Very simple, and even elementary. In fact, how could such complex organics, including humans, emerge from inorganics? Life simply cannot arise from molecules and atoms! This means that there is something initially reasonable and consolidating. For example, any super-civilization that has reached such a level of development that it created our civilization.
  Elizabeth logically objected:
  - If so, what supercivilization created the supercivilization that created us? It will be like in the fairy tale about the white bull!
  The girl, a left-hand scholar, remarked:
  - In ancient times, this problem was solved simply. There was a God and He always existed! And so, an incomprehensible mystery. Why He did not create earlier is also a mystery, especially since there was a time when there was no time. And this had to be accepted by faith.
  The girl, the right-hand scholar, added:
  - On the other hand, science has not yet been able to reliably and convincingly explain the appearance of man and life on planet Earth and other worlds without God. In any case, there is a mystery of our Self, and this mystery is still incomprehensible. In the same way, it is still not clear where the person"s identity is hidden. In which molecule, or set of molecules? Or, conversely, does the soul exist?
  Elena noted:
  - Bioplasma, or in common parlance an aura, was discovered a long time ago. The soul can also exist in the form of a set of different fields, which are like a special type of matter.
  Elizabeth nodded:
  - And we know how to do it. Namely, our soul, or a special substance made of elusive matter, cooler than neutrinos, is capable of leaving the body. And we can, and this is real, penetrate some secret places with our spirit!
  The girl, the left-hand scholar, asked:
  - And how does this happen? This is the first time we've heard of such a superpower!
  Catherine nodded again with a smile:
  - Oh, this is a special practice for the soul to leave the body. And we can do this for a relatively short time - no more than an hour. The more dangerous thing is that you may not return. During this time, we carry out reconnaissance, if necessary. By the way, even the most sensitive dog cannot smell the soul. So this is the perfect spy!
  Efrosinya added:
  "Besides, the soul can pass through any armor!" This is her property. In this case - perfection itself!
  The girl, the right-hand scholar, asked in surprise:
  - If you know so precisely that the soul exists, then why do you doubt the existence of God the Creator?
  Elizabeth answered honestly:
  - Because... I saw too much grief, suffering and tears. And if God allows this, then what kind of God is he? After all, not to help a consciously suffering person means you have to be a monster!
  Elena grinned and remarked:
  - That's it! When the girls were raped, where was the Almighty? Either God is weak, allowing evil and arbitrariness, or he is evil, or he does not exist!
  The girl, a left-hand scholar, remarked:
  - But now everything is fine. We live in a world of absolute happiness. Isn't this God's providence?
  Elizabeth shrugged and remarked:
  You see very well that the world is filled with miracles!
  Only these miracles were created by people themselves!
  Elena winked and noted:
  - Like this! God and man are one! We were able to refute the words of the Bible: "Let their days be a hundred and twenty years." We were able to fly between the stars. And the time will come, we will be able to resurrect long-dead people.
  The girl, the scientist of the left hand, nodded:
  - There is already progress regarding the latter. Discovery of an individual river of time for each human body. If we learn to reverse
  If we reverse this, then we can regulate it, and it will even turn out that we will create something so that no one will die at all. And this will turn out to be even better than the idea of biblical immortality!
  Elena agreed:
  - Of course, it"s better! In the revelation of John it is written that the resurrected righteous will glorify the Lord and serve Him. But it is not written whether they will have any entertainment. What if they don"t even let me watch the movie?
  Catherine grinned:
  - Well, plus eighteen, it"s definitely prohibited in Paradise! And this will turn out to be extremely boring.
  Elizabeth giggled and noted:
  - Yes, in Heaven, of course, it"s a little boring... And in Hell? There is absolutely crying and gnashing of teeth!
  The girl, the scientist of the right hand, noted:
  - This suggests that there is no need to be fanatics. In this regard, it is impossible to take everything literally.
  Elena took it and began to sing in her full-voiced voice;
  What did the Lord mean?
  He, living in a terrible distance...
  When the order was given to work,
  So that we do not remain in a dream.
  Though the royal attire is magnificent,
  But there is no stingier person...
  Poverty shoots point blank -
  Our world of suffering is epic!
  And Adam is not to blame for this -
  A simple Soviet, Russian guy...
  I walked naked, not hiding my shame,
  Like a proletarian under tsarism!
  God gave him food - the limit,
  Pasture, without knowing the forks...
  If you want more, you'll be beaten!
  And drink with the palm of your hand without bottles.
  Adam suffered such a fate,
  In some creepy, boring paradise!
  But the serpent flew on wings,
  He understood: a person is suffering...
  There is a way to get out of the thicket,
  Build a city, give birth!
  So as not to wander around the grove for a long time,
  Sometimes treachery is necessary.
  I stole the magic key from heaven,
  To leave the Eden of routine...
  There you will find the maiden of your dreams,
  At least you can perish in the underworld!
  Yes, of course there is a risk, boy
  This planet is not a gift...
  But you will recognize conscience, honor,
  And you will find yours, know your match!
  Adam received this key -
  He opened the gates and left heaven.
  The sinner spent a lot of energy,
  Walking on the stones of large mountains...
  Here he sees the gate again -
  And again the winged serpent appeared...
  He said: I am a good Satan -
  The bolt opened by itself...
  Adam entered and he saw -
  Such a painted miracle...
  Naked maiden behind the hill,
  Rubs a porcelain gold dish.
  But how good is it?
  Adam the boy couldn't hold back!
  And kiss her lips
  It turned out to be sweeter than honey!
  She answered him -
  The bodies merged in stormy ecstasy...
  No, don't curse Satan -
  The guys showed up in sin!
  God expelled them from paradise, but...
  The planet became their home.
  Even though people have only one sun,
  But there are thousands of offspring!
  Yes, it was very difficult -
  Floods, droughts and winters.
  But the mind is a powerful oar,
  Man has become a strong creation!
  How can an angel fly?
  How the demon of mountains destroy the relief!
  Create a road where there is a way -
  Reach any point on land.
  And it"s necessary, there"s plenty of space -
  We will also be able to conquer.
  So, our sin is not a sentence,
  No, don't talk nonsense!
  Without sin, there is no progress,
  Movements of thought generate!
  There is only one answer to the sermon:
  We don't need someone else's paradise!
  The girl, the right-hand scholar, clapped her hands and chirped:
  - Lovely! Now is the time to eat some cake!
  Four robot girls appeared wearing only tunics, and were very muscular, indistinguishable from real girls. Without further ado, they took and placed a large culinary product in the form of a luxurious palace with statues and fountains. It was clear that the girls were the real ideal of warriors. Even though they are biorobots. They slapped their bare, graceful feet and bowed. These girls are pure charm. And her hair sparkles with gold leaf.
  Six human beauties sat down at the table. And they began to destroy the cake with great enthusiasm. And it was so fragrant, so sweet with many layers.
  The girls used hypergold cutlery when eating. And you can"t order these so easily on the Hypernet. This seemed very rich and cool.
  The mutant girls even began to sing:
  We're tired of fighting
  Fight for a copper penny...
  I want to become rich so bad
  And swim in luxury,
  How much happiness can life give,
  And the beauties winked at each other. Although they had already seen treasures that were not at all weak. They achieved a lot and were able to comprehend. These girls are super class.
  The girls burst out laughing. How ridiculous and stupid it all looked. And both mutant girls emitted lightning from their eyes. They hit each other, and a whole sheaf of sparks rained down.
  Catherine noticed with a chuckle,
  Men when they fight
  Their cruelty is beyond the bounds,
  Well, what if women fight,
  Better not get into a fight!
  The girls continued to eat the cake, which was very tasty and had a strong, spicy and exotic aroma. Everything here was so beautiful and delicious.
  Elizabeth noted with a smile:
  - I think that most likely the criminals used something like chrono-hyperwaves. They could well have had a similar, extremely murderous effect. Or rather, not murderous, but hiding matter a thousandth of a second forward, or backward, which makes it practically imperceptible!
  The girl, the scientist of the right hand, noted:
  - This is quite possible, the smartest of the smart! But in this case, another hypothesis gives us nothing!
  Elena sang in response:
  - And they tell us that the leg
  In short, the hypotenuse...
  I say you've had enough
  I'm tired of this burden!
  Catherine giggled and chirped:
  - Did all the carousels really burn down?
  Euphrosyne muttered:
  - Why are you saying this?
  Elena expressed her opinion:
  - I believe that the criminals are very advanced mutants like us. Maybe even their abilities are completely incomprehensible to our civilization. Or vice versa, they are close and dear to us.
  Efrosinya noted:
  - The version that these are mutants like us is very interesting!
  The girl, the scientist with her right hand, asked:
  - Is it like ninja turtles?
  Elizabeth muttered:
  - Ninja turtles only appear in cartoons!
  The girl, a left-hand scholar, remarked:
  - What about the version that everything that exists in the human imagination exists in a parallel reality?!
  Elena sang:
  Nightmare Factory
  Satan's Kitchen...
  Powerful blows -
  Dreams betrayed!
  Ekaterina agreed:
  - If thought is material, then there is too much nonsense crawling around the universe and parallel worlds!
  The girl, the right-hand scholar, took a bite of the cake and roared:
  - We were born to make a fairy tale come true!
  Elena giggled and chirped in response, simultaneously tossing her fork with her bare toes:
  - The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it,
  A lesson for good girls.
  The girl, the right-hand scholar, exclaimed:
  - You are a super class warrior! And you have so much charm!
  Elizabeth tweeted:
  - We will boldly go into battle,
  For the power of girls...
  And barefoot
  Let's break the barrel!
  After which, the girls laughed deafeningly, as if their voices were in a cascade. And they winked with their sapphire and emerald eyes. These are the girls here after all. And their feet collided with their bare, round heels and knocked out sparks.
  This is really so cool.
  Elena sang:
  Somewhere on Kama,
  We don't know ourselves...
  Somewhere on Kama,
  Mother River!
  Can't reach with your hands
  Can't reach with your feet
  Bare feet!
  Girls ahead!
  And her emerald eyes sparkled. The girl ended up on a high note, taking the sound.
  After which, they began to work with their jaws again, finishing off the delicacy.
  Then the girls shook hands goodbye and left the laboratory. Good company, but they're a little tired of it. The mutant warriors sang in chorus:
  - We're not tired of it at all.
  Drink, go for a walk and fall in love evilly....
  And hit the faces for the cause,
  And wallow in a knockout,
  And wallow in a knockout!
  Natural mutants
  We will tear our enemies to pieces!
  Natural mutants!
  And no malingerers!
  And the girl will again grab each other and hit each other with the bare, round heels of her strong legs.
  After which, they flew again. This time we decided to visit Venus.
  Why not? Also a very lovely planet. The girls are on a big upswing. And you can still fly to Venus using individual gravity jet packs.
  The girls flew, and their sapphire and emerald eyes widened. They raced through the vacuum and sang:
  There are many different doors in space,
  Evil hyperplasma raging streams!
  Knowledge gave a lot of clues,
  We were people, and now we are gods!
  On starships we rush along the waves,
  Quarks foam in the ether vortices!
  What will I pass on to my descendants?
  Children of another, stormy world!
  The vacuum is warm, warms hearts,
  The stars around are like the faces of lovers!
  We serve progress, there is no end,
  And on Earth the maples rustle gently!
  Where we step, there Rus' blooms,
  The thunder of battles, the music of life!
  Let us boldly set out on a new campaign,
  Let us sacredly serve the eternal Fatherland!
  Yes, there will be casualties, space is harsh,
  Many different species and races!
  The abyss of worlds is too vast,
  A friend in the evening, but a betrayer in the morning!
  But for Russia, there are no barriers,
  Anyone knows: the Russian spirit is strength!
  Neither Gehenna nor Hell will frighten you,
  Death-the-grave will not imprison you!
  Only flesh can be annihilated,
  Well, the soul serves the Motherland faithfully!
  Troubles and sorrows, overcome everything,
  We need to tighten our belt!
  So we defeated the enemies,
  We are humanity - the navel of the universe!
  The abomination will thrust itself in, meet the blow,
  Gentleness, sorrow and sobs do not suit us!
  Space has become like a courtyard for us,
  A quick flight between the stars is like a walk!
  Although the heavenly carpet is limitless,
  We can reshape it - no joke!
  The girls really can sing very well and wonderfully. And their voices are just honey.
  There are also many different kinds of stations, restaurants, entertainment centers and computer rooms around Venus. The planet itself is only slightly smaller than Earth. And very warm, close to the sun.
  And it"s full of half-naked girls, barely covered with threads of fabric. And they rush across the surface, sparkling with their bare, pink heels.
  These are the wonderful girls here. They are darker than on earth, with chocolate skin, but almost all are also fair-haired.
  And rare guys who look like youths. They are also very dark-skinned, but fair-haired and very beautiful, with delicate facial features, like those of girls.
  And Venus itself has a lot of gold, which is quite cheap for the futuristic era. And this gold is everywhere. And sparkles in the large sun.
  And there are still mirrors hanging around, and there is a constant, eternal day on Venus. And a very bright and eventful day.
  And how many statues and fountains with girls. And also sparkling with gold. And how amazing this world is. Everything about him is so bright, wonderful, and somehow youthful.
  And much more besides gold and rubies. They are mostly artificial and very large. Individual rubies are the size of a football field. And children play on them, mostly girls too.
  It"s amazing how their bare feet don"t get hot. And everything is great and wonderful.
  And of course a lot of flowers. Some of them are also huge. And many houses are either like buds or flowers standing on top of each other. The colors are also mostly yellow, red, and orange.
  And even in a vacuum you can smell wonderful aromas.
  Everything here is so magnificent, it"s just dizzying.
  Elizabeth sang with delight:
  Venus, you are a beautiful planet,
  It"s warm, wonderful flowers are growing...
  Let the deeds of heroism be sung,
  There is order and comfort everywhere!
  The girl really is so gorgeous with her blue hair. And she has them long and wavy. And men often get confused in them. And the warrior herself is very temperamental, and loves to be caressed and to be caressed herself.
  The warriors circled over Venus. They saw its small, warm seas and rivers. There was a shortage of water on the planet, but this was quickly compensated for by hydrogen, which was combined with oxygen, and water was obtained.
  Moreover, some of the moisture was delivered from Jupiter. On the contrary, there was an excess of it.
  Venus is a good place, too warm, but its atmosphere is designed in such a way that it removes excess heat.
  Four mutant girls connected to the information field and began to listen to it. Is there a source of information about the theft of an intergalactic starship?
  Ekaterina noted with a smile:
  - Our ears are right on top of our heads!
  And her pearly teeth sparkled. The girls continued scanning and hyperscanning. In principle, this is not entirely logical.
  The kidnapper will not fly to the Sun. This would be an extremely risky act.
  Although Elizabeth noted:
  - To hide an intergalactic starship in the depths of the Sun would be very original!
  Elena giggled and remarked:
  - We can create everything,
  Even find a starship...
  There was a hunter, there will be game,
  Count to ten!
  And the girl took it and winked with her emerald eyes. And in response, Elizabeth winked at her with sapphire ones. They mutant girls love to wink. This is how they exchange energy flows with each other. Which is pretty cool.
  On Venus there is a monument to the first two cosmonauts: a guy and a girl who set foot on its surface. They are shown as very young and covered in hypergold. It is more expensive than just gold, but it is brighter and sparkles in a fabulous range.
  Everything here is so magnificent and colorful.
  From the palms of a young man and a girl, stormy, radiant fountains shoot into the sky and soar into the heights.
  Venus is generally a magnificent planet. It has wonderful air and wonderful landscapes.
  And now children are marching next to the monument. They are dark-skinned, in short skirts and rare boys in shorts. They hold flags in their hands, and from time to time they reproduce inscriptions with them.
  Elena snorted contemptuously:
  - This is primitive! You can use trivial computer graphics!
  Elizabeth remarked with a smile:
  - Why are there attractions? You can reproduce everything cooler in the hypermatrix. But all the same, people are drawn to natural things. Just like with a real male, it"s much more pleasant and fun than with the most skillful biorobot!
  Elena sang playfully:
  And I won't tell anyone
  That I love the robot!
  I love robot!
  And I'll kill the male!
  Catherine giggled and chirped:
  A robot will not replace a person,
  Neither in bed, nor in science, know...
  The man, believe me, is not a cripple,
  And he will build a real paradise!
  Efrosinya noted:
  - And yet people, and especially males, have fallen too much into childhood. And if there is a big space war, it will have an impact!
  Elizabeth sang:
  - There is peace in the world, there is no need for war,
  There will be love and friendship!
  . CHAPTER No. 5.
  The girls landed in the capital of Venus, Aphrodite. It was a whole metropolis. There is so much gold in it that it even dazzles your eyes. Girls and boys, although dressed lightly, also hang chains, bracelets, watches, snakes and earrings made of precious metal on themselves.
  Many young men also like to wear earrings. This is such a fashion. And local residents also pierce rings into their nostrils.
  This is truly the entertainment industry.
  And the aroma of very strong, pleasant-smelling perfume spreads through the air. And how many beauties there are of different hair colors.
  Elizabeth noted:
  - This planet is delightful, but too colorful. It somehow has too much of everything, sun and gold.
  Catherine remarked with a grin:
  - And what can we find here?
  Elena tweeted:
  Who is used to fighting for victory,
  Let him sing with us...
  He who is cheerful laughs
  Whoever wants will achieve it
  Who seeks will always find!
  And she showed off her sharp, large biceps. Reminding:
  - In Afghanistan, I once dispersed an entire gang. And she captured three camels with gold from them!
  And the redhead laughed. She remembered how she brought Taliban leaders to their knees and forced them to kiss her bare, dusty, muscular legs.
  Yes, she loved to humiliate men. And that's great.
  Catherine nodded:
  - During the war between Russia and the Taliban, we fought great. She refused on principle to interfere in the dispute between the Slavs. But fighting the Taliban is a sacred thing.
  And the girls then killed a lot of Mujahideen.
  In general, they lost the first war in Afghanistan precisely because the mutant girls received orders from higher powers not to go on a rampage there.
  They say that each country has its own path to both freedom and enslavement and it should be followed. And in the twenty-first century, Russia was ruled by a president who made a lot of mistakes.
  But everything passed, and it became much better. People finally learned to live peacefully, which was facilitated by a decrease in the number of males. And, indeed, men are aggressive, and women are peacemakers.
  Elena tweeted:
  There is no life in the universe without women,
  In them is the sun of May, in them is the dawn of love...
  And evil men are like mines...
  Only girls give bright light!
  Elizabeth grinned and noted, baring her pearly teeth:
  - Don"t disparage the stronger sex like that! There are some useful things about men too.
  Elena nodded.
  And she winked at her friend. The girls' spirits lifted noticeably. And they flew over the surface of Venus, picking up speed. It is, of course, more difficult to accelerate in the atmosphere than in a vacuum. But everything flashes so charmingly and quickly.
  There are many aircraft, also gold-plated or platinum. How amazing they are.
  Elena slowed down, caught one of the aircraft with her hands, on which there was a boy of about thirteen, and sang:
  - My little boy,
  Do you want to get some shish?
  The child stuck out his tongue in response. And he pressed it full speed with his elbow.
  His car jerked and threw Elena away. The girl spun around. And she grabbed the stun gun from her belt. And she aimed with wild frenzy at the little imp.
  He squeaks, speeding up.
  Catherine grabbed her partner"s hand and shouted:
  - It's not worth it! This is a child.
  Elena hissed:
  - The godfather has come, the godfather has come,
  And the sun began to spin...
  Go away boy, you're very drunk
  And the Japanese will not save you!
  Elizabeth answered sternly:
  -Well, you"re singing nonsense!
  Euphrosyne chirped and hissed:
  - I'm not a pathetic bug,
  Not a snail's speed!
  Ekaterina, a girl with hair the color of gold leaf, took it and said:
  - Girls are different
  And sometimes dangerous in battle!
  But they all want a guy,
  Send to the kennel!
  The warrior was magnificent, and the girls, all four of them, began to spin in the air. They are so cool and wonderful, let's say, girls. And their heels are very pink and bare.
  Elizabeth took it and sang, jumping up and down:
  I'm the strongest girl in the world
  My friends are also very strong...
  We conquer the vastness of the ether,
  And cherubs are really equal!
  These are the girls here - very beautiful, and what strong and muscular legs they have. Balls of muscle roll under bronzed skin.
  Elena took it and ran the needle with her bare toes. It flew over and pierced right through the wasp, nailing it to the palm tree.
  The red harpy took it and sang:
  - My blow is crushing,
  I"m such a girl, believe me, I"m cool...
  The beauty's voice is captivating,
  Even in the cold I go barefoot!
  And again the warrior will take it and spin. And she seemed like a spinning top. This is a girl of amazing composition.
  She is supreme in her colossal, warlike fury.
  Elena clicked her bare toes with aggression and released lightning. She flew over and hit the petal of a large flower. And the whole, huge bud sparkled with all the colors of the spectrum.
  That was extremely cool.
  Elizabeth noted:
  - It"s good that you didn"t burn the flower! But something more constructive is needed. For example, find the criminals who stole an intergalactic rocket!
  The red harpy sang, baring her teeth:
  - Bombs and rockets are flying,
  Napalm is falling from the sky...
  Like comets raging,
  A hurricane of death is coming!
  Yes, it was wonderful.
  The girls felt bored. They really wanted to fight and show off their prowess.
  Here Catherine suggested:
  - Let's jump into the Ultramatrix of the Hypernet and have a little riot there!
  Elena nodded her head, red as a proletarian banner:
  - This will be great! What a killer flight of fancy!
  And the girls took it and, without thinking twice, turned on the scanners and jumped into
  And there are so many games there and, moreover, they are completely free. A virtual reality is reproduced, which cannot be distinguished from the real one.
  Now the girls have taken it and, without further ado, entered the space battle.
  They each controlled a combat starship of the missile cruiser type.
  There are several hundred guns on it, but they are loaded, controlled and serviced by machine guns.
  And the girls now entered the battle.
  Elena pressed the joystick buttons with her bare toes. Fired a deadly missile. They drew a vacuum and hit the enemy cruiser. And it was like a supernova explosion.
  The girl took it and sang with delight:
  - Hit and fucked,
  I'm a real shark!
  And the warrior winked with her emerald eyes.
  Elizabeth controlled the dreadnought. And this spaceship has colossal striking power.
  And it spins like an easily controlled car.
  The girl with blue hair exposed her scarlet nipple. She pressed it on the joystick button. Released the deadly force of the gift of annihilation. It swept by like a fiery whirlwind. After which, Elizabeth took it and sang:
  I firmly believe in my Motherland,
  She considers the whole planet...
  May I have many friends
  And streams of light will fly!
  And the girl with blue hair again sent a gift of destructive power, blowing up the enemy starship.
  This was actually very cool.
  Elizabeth chirped and sang:
  - I believe the whole world will wake up,
  The orcs will lose the war...
  And the sun will shine
  The world will be eternal May!
  And the girl will shake her hair, which is like the color of the summer sky.
  Ekaterina is also on the cruiser. She fires using her bare, round heels. She has them very seductive. And now she, too, shoots down an enemy starship with a stream of energy.
  And a girl with hair the color of gold leaf sings:
  May there always be sunshine
  May there always be heaven...
  May there always be a mother
  May it always be me!
  And the warrior bared her breasts and fired again, pressing the button with her strawberry nipple, shining like a jewel.
  This is truly a beauty.
  But Efrosinya is fighting - she is also a very beautiful and muscular girl. And she uses her hair when shooting at the enemy. And they are white, like fresh snow. One hundred percent natural blonde.
  So, one might say, wonderful and magnificent. Just a miracle.
  Euphrosyne fires from her battleship filled with the most modern weapons and robots, singing:
  - A volcano of war has flared up in the universe,
  Between the stars, like a hurricane, waves rage...
  It seemed as if the servants of Satan were attacking,
  But the girls" gaze will not go out, know the proud one!
  These are the mutant girls here. And they have entertainment worthy of superheroes.
  So they set about destroying the enemy fleet. And they fuck orcs so much that they control spaceships.
  And at the same time, the girls sing:
  We are beautiful girls
  We beat the orcs with all our might...
  The voice, of course, is sonorous,
  We will definitely win!
  It"s especially gorgeous when warriors fire using their scarlet breast nipples. They are so bright, like rosebuds. And you can see that the girls" bodies shine as if oiled. They are amazing and unique. And the lines of the body are so graceful. And how much charm and perfection they have.
  Purely physically you feel these girls, as if they were wild panthers.
  Elizabeth remembered that she was not always so formidable. That it was also the forty-first year when she experienced this...
  And memories flashed before her like a hurricane;
  Elizaveta Petrova, a young lieutenant of the border troops, was dumbfounded. Rumors about a possible outbreak of war had been circulating for two months. But somehow I couldn"t believe it... Being a smart girl, Elizabeth did not share the pretentious force majeure of the official doctrine - that the Red Army was stronger than everyone else. Her uncle fought in the Finnish war, was wounded, and spoke very passionately about its progress.
  - Our tanks flowed slowly, like jelly from a pan. Moving ahead were the formidable SMKs, with two muzzles, sixty tons each. A kind of battering ram for breaking defenses. And how they rumble! The sound of thunder is like the squeak of a mouse compared to the roar of a bull. And there are potholes under the tracks. A few days ago there was a thaw, the black earth was covered with an ice crust. The tanks are moving slower and slower, and the cavalry is catching up with them. Thousands of horsemen, they have to be held back so as not to be overtaken by tanks. And ahead, the Finns laid mines and buried barrels of oil. Many of our tanks burned like candles. A terrible sight, especially on an early polar night, gasoline and oil spilled and mixed with melting water. The horses were frightened and neighed furiously, they were burning, and a living avalanche rushed towards the infantry. The spectacle was simply terrible; the tanks could neither stop nor turn around. And the command forbade us to stop.
  If you go, then only forward, breaking the enemy. And the tanks exploded and burned, the cavalry trampled their own infantry. The offensive sputtered, it seemed as if the stars had fallen from the sky.
  The guy coughed up blood and paused. I took a sip of a hundred grams and continued.
  - That"s how we got stuck without reconnaissance, without air cover. They fought all winter and half of March, they broke through the fortifications, but two hundred thousand of our soldiers will never rejoice in victory. The light has gone dark for them forever.
  The girl asked in surprise:
  - Is it really that much?
  The uncle nodded:
  - I don"t think anyone knows exactly, but the corpses were transported in trains. It was creepy. We were forced to storm the defense, and the Finns mowed down our ranks. Just wild madness.
  Elena asked, stammering:
  - So what, we"re not that strong?
  The uncle replied:
  - The strength of a tank is not in its armor, but in its head!
  The girl nodded:
  - What you said is wonderful!
  Elizabeth remembered this conversation for a long time. She asked what kind of tanks the Germans and Finns had. Finland, however, had no tanks at all, except for a dozen light three-ton wedges. And my uncle knew about German tanks; his cousin, who went to Germany, told him about them. In general, the Nazis were not impressed with his technique.
  - Tank T-1, weighs only five and a half tons, speed 57 kilometers per hour. The armor is bulletproof, the armament is three machine guns. Well, it will go against infantry, but the machine is rather weak.
  - But she"s not the only one with them? - The girl asked anxiously.
  - There are also T-2, T-3, T-4, and T-5!
  Elizabeth smiled:
  - Which one is the strongest?
  - T-5! It has two cannons, 75 mm and 37 mm, and four machine guns. Yes, this tank is beautiful, the Germans call it "Werewolf". - The guy spread his arms and waved them like a mill.
  "What about the speed?" asked the girl.
  - Fifty kilometers on the highway, in general, is enough. Overall, the tank is interesting, the turret is streamlined. The best of the creations of fascist tank building. - Uncle sighed. - True, our T-28 and, especially, T-34 are no worse, and the guns of our tanks are even more powerful.
  The girl suggested:
  - What if we create new tanks, cooler ones?
  The uncle replied:
  - There is nothing cooler than the KV-2, it is so powerful, but there is also the KV-3, and the KV-4, and especially the KV-5. The latest monster weighs one hundred and twenty tons, and is about to go into mass production. Then the Germans will be threshed like a chain of millet.
  The girl yawned demonstratively:
  - If you want to bore a girl, talk about weapons, but if you want to break up forever, talk about Soviet weapons!
  The uncle was offended:
  - What do we have, bad technology?
  The girl joked:
  - But the data on it is classified. They say you can get a prison term for just mentioning the caliber of a tank's gun.
  The uncle shook his head negatively:
  - Not true! No one gets imprisoned for such a trifle!
  The girl winced:
  - How to say! And that"s not what happened.
  The uncle remarked:
  - I"ll tell you, the T-34 has a weapon caliber of 76 mm. And the armor is 52 mm, if you're interested.
  The girl snorted contemptuously:
  - I would like to see this miracle. Will you show me?
  The uncle reluctantly answered:
  - I'll show you if you want. However, Voroshilov called this tank a monstrosity. Thanks to Marshal Kulik for insisting on its implementation. Yes, Stalin personally appreciated this tank. By the beginning of forty-three, it is planned to equip one hundred and twelve tank divisions with it.
  The girl was surprised:
  - One tank?
  - No! Also KV and T-80, although this tank is light, I mean, T-80. True, he can swim!
  The girl was surprised:
  - Swim? This is interesting!
  - We have three thousand three hundred amphibious tanks. - The uncle said this with pride, then lowered his voice to a whisper. - Just don"t tell this to anyone, it"s a huge secret. If you spill the beans, you could end up behind bars. Look, nothing shortens life more than a long tongue.
  Elizabeth immediately fell silent. Two days ago, a rather unpleasant incident happened to a good friend of hers. The following happened. There was a theater evening, everyone was having a lot of fun, and of course they drank. Trumpets played, girls and boys danced. So Yashka Klopov, a merry fellow, was the ringleader, as always he wanted to joke. He ran to the wall where a portrait of Stalin hung. A hefty portrait, covering the entire wall, bright, lined with mosaics. Stalin looked young, no more than thirty-five years old, handsome. Even the forehead was not as low and sloping as the original. Yashka played the harmonica, then threw it into the hall.
  - Oh, yuli, yuli, yuli! This is the song "Matuli"!
  Someone asked mockingly:
  - Why do you sing about your mother if your father is in front of you?
  Yashka grinned in response and sang:
  - My freak father was dispossessed in the village! My father, the father of the people, reigns in the holy Kremlin!
  Everyone laughed, clapping their hands and whistling. Yashka, meanwhile, took a ruler from his belt and, giggling, declared:
  - I would like to measure the nose of the father of nations!
  The audience asked in unison:
  - Why?
  Yashka, playing with a ruler, purred:
  - Because Stalin has a big heart! The biggest in the world! This means that the nose must be the largest!
  In response, friendly laughter and whistling:
  Yashka stood up on tiptoes, applied a ruler, and turned it over a couple of times. And, laughing, he said:
  - Fifty-three centimeters! That's cool! He really is the biggest!
  Everyone laughed again and pointed fingers. Overall, the evening was a great success. Elizabeth shook her head in annoyance, driving away the memories. Yashka was taken away at dawn, on the way to a black crater, people in leather jackets beat him with batons and fists. The once young, cheerful face turned into a bloody mess. Elizabeth saw this because they were all specially brought in to watch the arrest. Then the political officer spoke, yelled a lot and made threats. Five more were arrested on the spot; no one dared to resist. Elizabeth remembered this, her ardent love for the party was shaken.
  However, even now, if the enemy had made an attempt on Stalin"s life, she would, without hesitation, offer her breasts!
  The girl asked the guy:
  - Is France a strong country?
  He replied:
  - Yes, strong! Together with Britain, they control more than a third of the world. Taking into account the colonies, the population of France is not inferior to the USSR.
  Elizabeth whistled:
  - And such power lost!
  The uncle scratched the balding top of his head:
  - Yes, I lost! In just a month and a half, four European powers were defeated. Even Napoleon and Alexander the Great did not have such victories as Hitler.
  Elizabeth asked in a whisper:
  - What is he like, Hitler?
  Uncle shrugged:
  - I did not see him! In the portraits, you saw him yourself. They say he is of average height, nervous, eats human flesh, and especially likes to cut off women's breasts.
  Elizabeth shook her head:
  - Do not whistle! Hitler is a vegetarian.
  The uncle did not agree:
  - In spirit, he is a typical cannibal! He ordered his best friend Rema to be cut into two parts with barbed wire. What a carnivorous monster! After the surrender of France, he ordered the burning alive of one hundred thousand Jews living in and around Paris. As a result, there was a terrible stench. Moreover, the Nazis did not spare even small children. After the burning, the SS men demonstratively urinated in the ashes. They say that Hitler personally participated in torture and torture,
  Elizabeth remarked:
  - The ruler of those who take bread from the executioner, collects salt on his ass!
  The guy shook his head, took out a cigarette, and took a drag. He knew how to smoke very interestingly, blowing out smoke in rings. His look became more cheerful:
  - Do you know what I'm afraid of?
  The girl answered in a thin voice:
  - I think it"s okay.
  My father's brother objected, taking short puffs:
  - Only frostbitten people are afraid of anything! For a normal person, it is by no means shameful to experience fear. Especially if he is reasonable, and not so much for himself as for others.
  The girl nodded decisively:
  - I agree here!
  The guy stopped smoking and shook his head, as if stretching his neck:
  - You know, there are rumors that the Nazis are creating new terrible weapons. A bomb capable of pulverizing entire cities into toxic dust. Moreover, there will be no salvation from him.
  Elizabeth snorted contemptuously:
  - Typical bluff of Goebbels propaganda!
  The guy sighed deeply, like a walrus under water:
  - Oh no! This is science! The weapon, scientists say, is quite real. They even came up with a name for it - the atomic bomb. So, I believe that it is best, without waiting for such a monstrous weapon to fall into the hands of the Nazis, to attack Germany first.
  Elizabeth shuddered as if from an electric shock:
  - But it"s dishonorable to violate the peace agreement. We have a non-aggression pact with Germany, a treaty of friendship and borders!
  The uncle sarcastically remarked:
  -Have the Nazis ever respected agreements? Let us recall, for example, Poland, or Belgium and Holland. Hitler even said this: - Honesty is a typical sacrifice on the altar of expediency!
  The girl answered eagerly:
  - Stalin is not Hitler!
  The guy agreed, but said the diametrically opposite:
  - Of course, and that"s why he must strike first! Descendants will not forgive him for his delay. The attack triples the strength, the defense halves it!
  Elena noted:
  - Our army will become the most offensive in the world if the enemy strikes! - And then she repeated it even louder. - But only if the enemy hits!
  The uncle narrowed his eyes slyly:
  - A head cut off by a blade is called a garden head, from it the grapes of retribution spring up! No, I think that Hitler should have been finished off even when his hordes rushed to Paris.
  The girl stamped her foot and replied:
  - Maybe you are right!
  Elizabeth remembered this conversation for a long time. Rumors about the concentration of Nazi troops, especially in Poland, constant violations of the Soviet border by German planes, and increasing arrests among the troops created a nervous situation. At the same time, political instructors actively inspired: there will be no war! Nevertheless, additional forces, especially armored ones, were pulled up to the border. In particular, Elizabeth first saw the newest KV-3 tank, with two guns and weighing seventy-five tons. It was an experimental model, which, as someone whispered, was supposed to be tested in battles. The girl, however, didn"t quite like the tank; it was too heavy, it had low maneuverability, broke bridges, and the turret rotated slowly. In addition, due to the large caliber of the guns, the rate of fire suffered and the accuracy was relatively low! Nevertheless, such a powerful tank inspired confidence. The 850 horsepower diesel engine rumbled terribly, it sounded like a volcanic eruption; German cars, by contrast, were quieter. The girl looked at the monster with a skeptical look and turned on her heel...
  The morning of June twenty-second became a terrible event; large forces of fascism were thrown against the USSR. Elizabeth, however, did not feel shocked at first. Moreover, the guy"s words about the atomic bomb being created by the Nazis were deeply etched in my memory. Maybe it"s even better that Hitler attacked now, when the creation of a superweapon is still far away! It is better to crush a tiger when it has not yet grown fangs. Although, what kind of Fuhrer is a tiger, rather a jackal. But the sadder will be the end of fascism.
  Elizabeth was lifted from her bed, and she quickly dressed and joined the rest of her comrades and brothers in arms.
  The Nazis delivered the main blow to the rear of the Bialystok group. Powerful armored and mechanized columns advanced forty kilometers within two hours. And as luck would have it, even the trenches weren"t dug.
  There were no artillery shells delivered, and the girls were forced to meet the Nazis with rifles and grenades. Then Hitler's tanks and armored personnel carriers appeared. Moving ahead were T-3s, armed with three machine guns and a 50-mm caliber cannon. Somewhat smaller than the T-4, with high-explosive fragmentation shells.
  Elizabeth immediately felt helpless. What can she do, armed only with a Mosin rifle and a couple of anti-personnel grenades? German tanks rain machine-gun fire on the Soviet infantry, shells explode. Bloody girls and boys fall nearby. One guy, still beardless, had his legs blown off. He screams and reaches out to Elizabeth with his hands, which are missing fingers. There are explosions again, and German Messers appear in the air. From a distance they are not very scary and resemble flies, but when they fly closer they turn into vultures.
  German tanks are getting closer and closer, snakes with swastikas are hovering above them. At the same time, Wagner's grandiose symphony sounds. Everything looks unusually threatening, even the tanks, which by the way are not too big, are painted so that they resemble predatory animals. There are especially a lot of grinning faces. Elizabeth feels animal horror, she wants to run, her legs are numb, but...
  How can a Russian person (And Belarusians and Russians are one and the same people) betray and be afraid?
  Elizabeth throws a grenade. She, having a strong hand, throws it far and hits T-3. The tank freezes for a moment and immediately responds. A deafening explosion is heard, the girl is thrown into the air, and a wave of darkness covers her consciousness...
  . CHAPTER No. 6.
  Elizabeth remembered this at a frantic pace, as if whirlwinds were rushing through her head.
  And after that, the girls, having had their fill of the space battle, began to fight, but in a slightly different way.
  In particular, they decided to fight the monster Generous and his fighting pair of mutants.
  They actually planned to burn down an entire city using gravitational-pumped laser weapons.
  Well, this is also an interesting adventure. Moreover, the monster Generous also summoned steel soldiers from the zero dimension.
  Elizabeth jumped up and slammed her bare heel into the steel soldier's stomach. The impact rattled the iron.
  The brute bent over, but immediately straightened up and laughed:
  - Insignificant, earthly woman!
  Elena moved her shin in the groin of her counterpart. But I came across solid, alloyed metal that rang. And she even felt a little pain.
  The red-haired queen cooed:
  - This is a man with balls of steel!
  Catherine also kicked the armored monster in the head with her bare foot. And she couldn"t take it down, she flew off, yelping:
  - A man is harder than a rock!
  Euphrosyne also moved the steel warrior, this time performing a sweep. The brute collapsed with a crash, but then immediately jumped up. And the battle continued with new, frantic, hurricane force.
  The girl took it and sang:
  - Yes, we know how to fight,
  But we don"t want it to happen again...
  The girls fell in battle,
  And they filled the rut!
  Elizabeth responded by deftly jumping away, and the two warriors of steel collided heads, so much so that sparks flew in all directions.
  The girl with blue hair chirped:
  - Metal can also be exposed to electricity.
  And she took it and launched the dagger into the wires with her right hand... Elena did the same. And then the electrical circuits fell on the steel warriors, and an aggressive, shock discharge swept through them. And the steel monsters began to glow red hot.
  Then they went through cracks and froze like dust.
  Catherine noted, throwing her boomerang at the wires. Causing them to fall and fry monsters:
  - We disable dangerous fighters!
  Euphrosyne cooed:
  - For outstanding achievements in space battle!
  And he will also throw his gift at his enemies.
  In any case, the warriors of steel were finished. And the warriors save the world again.
  The main enemy had already prepared for firing a deadly battery with a special generator that worked by absorbing gravitons from the Earth and from other planets.
  And how the killer discharge will turn on. And the atmosphere began to oscillate, and the air became much hotter. And it was as if there were cracks running through it, filled with radiant light.
  Elizabeth cooed:
  - Like this! Let's fight guys!
  A large mutant appeared in front of her, looking like a gorilla, with a fanged face. He rushed at the girl, and very quickly and deftly. Elizabeth jumped back, tripping her. And the gorilla collapsed, sprawled on the surface.
  The girl with blue hair spat, and her mutant saliva made the gorilla, who had risen up, fall down again. And besides, his head just ended up in the trash can.
  Another mutant beast, more precisely, a mixture of human and animal, had the head of a wolf. And he tried to attack Elena. The girl with red hair fell on her back and threw the monster over herself. He flew over and crashed into a lamppost. And howled like a beaten dog.
  Euphrosyne hit the mutant wolf on the head with a brick. It split.
  The girl chirped:
  - Bricks, bricks!
  You are not the howl of a wolf - better shut up!
  Catherine noted with a grin as the mutant gorilla tried to stand up. She moved between his legs, making him jump. And then she turned her opponent upside down.
  After which, they, together with Elizabeth, tickled the mutant animal"s heels with daggers.
  And the animal will laugh and laugh. And it was literally cemented inside the trash can.
  The girls grabbed the wolf by the scruff of the neck and threw it at the gorilla. Again they collided and turned over. All four beauties added bare heels. And a couple of mutants rolled at high speed and flopped into the river.
  Elena sang:
  - As soon as I hit you in the forehead, you will go to the bottom!
  And the girls rushed on. And here he is, the main villain Shchedry. He holds a heavy blaster in his hands. And from it, as if blasted by an energy flow. Moreover, Shchedry himself is in armored armor, as well as in a mask and armor.
  The girls, jumping and dodging, dodge the killing rays. And their bare, round, pink heels flash so much.
  Elizabeth threw a boomerang at the enemy. He fired at him. But the weapon went to the side and hit a traffic light. The pole was cut, and the three-eyed device showing road traffic hit the Generous on the head, covered with a helmet.
  Elena, seeing that the enemy was stunned, threw the rope twisted into a lasso and grabbed the blaster. She pulled sharply and tore it out of her paw.
  After which she sang:
  - From the girls' paws,
  Cruel paws...
  It"s impossible to leave, believe me,
  Hit the nickel
  Hit the nickel!
  It's not difficult to put a man to bed!
  The generous one was disarmed. The ninja girls took it and hit it with their bare toes. And they literally brought down the criminal with their quartet. After which, we jumped to the generator. Elizabeth tried to turn it off when the current hit her. And the mutant girl jumped back and chirped:
  - Glory to the ninja girls,
  Glory to the combat heroes!
  Elena threw a wrench at the generator, picking it up from the asphalt. It flew by, hit and caused a short circuit.
  The girl with red hair chirped:
  - I solve the problem not simply, but very simply!
  The air temperature was no longer so hot. Meanwhile, the girls began to play again.
  Here's another mission. A serious opponent has appeared in the face of a robot monster. And this monster is very dangerous. He took on the image of a jet fighter, and let's use laser beams to hit one of the large, virtual cities, demolishing skyscrapers.
  Here a flow of energy destroys a large, multi-story building, demolishing both concrete and metal.
  Elena noted, looking at this with admiration:
  - How much energy he has!
  Elizabeth answered with a sigh:
  - Now we ourselves need to acquire something against him!
  Catherine giggled and pulled a very serious military weapon out of thin air:
  - This is a hyperlaser machine! Hit the enemy using the energy of quark fusion!
  Euphrosyne nodded:
  - This is just right! Come on, let's take the enemy and kill him!
  Elizabeth nodded, and a very coolly sophisticated gun appeared in her hands. The mutant girl cooed:
  - This is a beam cannon, with hypernuclear pumping!
  The other two girls also acquired trunks. And when they take the robot that"s destroying the city, they"ll beat you up.
  They did it, of course. But something unexpected happened. The combat radiation hit the robot, but was immediately reflected by some very strong protective barrier.
  And the girls felt themselves overwhelmed with intense heat.
  Elena sang:
  - This is the protection that has come,
  How to defeat the parasite?!
  Elizabeth answered with a smile:
  - I think I know how this robot defends itself. In this case, this is a one-and-a-half-dimensional dimension that cannot be penetrated so easily!
  Ekaterina suggested:
  - What if we use a thermopreon-pumped hyperblaster?
  Euphrosyne nodded:
  - There will be lethal power!
  Elizabeth objected:
  - No! You can't easily add energy here. The essence of this measurement is that all flows of energy and particles go in the same direction!
  And then, in response, a hyperlaser beam hit them. The girls barely had time to jump to the sides. They even felt barefoot, with a graceful curve of the heel.
  All four of them were immediately licked by hyperfire on their bare, calloused soles.
  The girls even screamed and chirped at the top of their lungs:
  - Glorious is my holy land,
  A storm of storms in the flames of victories...
  You are the only one like this on the whole Earth,
  And there is no one more precious than you in the world!
  After which, the beauties took it and spat with all their anger at the robot. And the saliva of mutant girls is a poisonous ultra-acid. She will rush through and break through the field. And the combat robot received four severe wounds. His armor was eaten away, forming impressive dents that smoked.
  And the combat vehicle began to lose speed.
  Elena sang mockingly:
  The Earth is noisily approaching.
  My photon does not listen to the steering wheel...
  I bend over the sight,
  And the missiles rush towards the target...
  We don't start the fight from scratch!
  And the combat robot responded and hit the girls with the help of a hyperplasmic blot. She flew out of the combat guns and rushed after the mutant girls.
  Elizabeth took and exposed the scarlet nipples of her breasts. Her teammates followed suit.
  The red harpy sang:
  Russia is a globe with its breasts,
  She covered and saved the people from troubles...
  But hell has risen with its red dregs,
  Someone was annoyed by our roar of victory!
  And the warriors took and synchronously released hypersonic waves from their nipples, the color of overripe strawberries.
  They flew by like a tsunami. And they hit the hyperplasmic blob. She, having received a crushing blow, vibrated and rushed in the opposite direction. After which, she took and covered the robot, which was already burning and smoking. And so the mechanical monster became entangled in a fiery web and began to burn like a candle.
  Elizabeth sang with a laugh:
  Girls will rule the universe
  Even though napalm is raining from the sky...
  To serve the Fatherland is our unchangeable duty,
  The sacred fire burned in my heart!
  And the warriors will again take it from their ruby nipples and beat them with lightning.
  These are truly written beauties. And their bodies are so muscular, strong, sculpted, energetic.
  The killer robot finally crumbled into space dust. And it turned out to be a really deadly effect from the breasts of such magnificent beauties.
  Elena sang:
  We will bring light to the whole world, believe me,
  Let us die and save the planet...
  Although the fate is terrible, evil death has come,
  Do not die in vain, because our Motherland is alive!
  Elizabeth objected:
  - No, it"s better to survive and win!
  The girls, in general, showed their considerable fighting level. But then the Generous One appeared again. This is a pumped up, muscular man in a mask and armor, in this case, together with two other partners, he carried a weapon that caused combat corrosion of stones. And he hit houses with it. They became loose, like sand, and crumbled. And the beautiful girls who lived in them fled from the wars.
  Ekaterina noted:
  - Destruction is a passion,
  Bad power rules the roost...
  The one who generously drinks other people's blood,
  Let's throw in the trump card by giving love!
  The girls took it and immediately, as soon as they whistled. And several weighty vultures flew off the roofs. They fell on the heads of the mutants - a mixture of man and wild boar and another obvious rhinoceros. And the beaks of the vultures filled their skulls with heavy bumps, causing them to fall knocked out.
  And another beak will hit the Generous between the legs in the groin.
  And he will jump up and sing in a thin voice:
  I'm jumping on the stage, I'm jumping on the stage
  I will become a eunuch in a harem!
  I will become a eunuch in a harem!
  And the voice became so thin, like that of a small child.
  And the cannon itself jumped higher and turned over. Elizabeth jumped. She caught it with her bare toes and redirected it with swift movements.
  And the houses that were destroyed began to be restored. Including those that were burned by the killer robot.
  Elena and Ekaterina jumped up to the mutant monsters who had begun to come to their senses. The girls fell on their backs and tossed both monsters up with their strong legs.
  They flew up and turned over in their loitering. And their heads ended up in trash cans with different cigarette butts.
  And how they took it and howled in pain.
  Elena chirped, baring her teeth:
  - Let me go to the Himalayas,
  Let me go completely...
  Otherwise I will howl, or I will bark,
  Otherwise I'll eat someone!
  And the warrior with hair red, like the color of Lenin"s banner, took it and spat in the ass of the mutant stuck in the trash can. He, having received a discharge of cruel, burning ultra-poisonous juice, will jump, roll over, roar and hiss, with a wild howl.
  Efrosinya and Ekaterina kicked the enemy with their bare feet, sending him in a hellish flight to one point.
  He'll rush off like an unguided rocket. And he will hit the Generous, crushing the latter"s shell.
  And then the rhinoceros man flew there, colliding with his owner.
  Elena took it and sang in delight:
  - Even though I come from a modest village,
  Where we were taught to live according to Ilyich...
  I don"t want to be a trouble-free chick,
  And I don"t want to become a milk cow!
  And all four girls took it and with their bare, muscular legs began tossing the mutants along with their owner, making them literally spin.
  At the same time, the beauties sang:
  I you he she,
  The whole country together
  Together a friendly family
  In the word we are one hundred thousand I!
  And the warriors, like major league football players, took and beat the three villains straight into a large concrete mixer. After which, Elena turned on the engine at full power.
  And these monsters began to spin.
  Elizabeth noted, took the specially designed cannon in her hand again, restoring the destroyed buildings:
  - We, as always, win...
  Elena, with a grin that seemed scary, chirped:
  But to be honest,
  I'm winning everything!
  The hunter turned into the game
  Open an account, then, of course!
  Having thoroughly mixed up their opponents, the girls took it, and without further ado, they were launched. And then a huge concrete cube flew out, plopped down and froze in the bright virtual sun!
  Ekaterina noted:
  - Another showdown in our favor!
  Elena clarified:
  -Virtual showdown!
  And she clicked her bare toes. What gave rise to a fiery, iridescent bubble. He flew higher into the air, expanding as he went and sparkling with all the colors of the rainbow. This was a work of art.
  The red-haired girl chirped:
  - The universe is full of fabulous surprises,
  And the girl, who is very valuable in battle...
  Can I kick the evil one in the groin with my bare foot,
  However, I prefer to be myself!
  Be yourself! Be yourself!
  Such a girl, wild, groovy!
  Elizabeth said with a smile:
  - Keep it up!
  Elena, crushing the monster, muttered something incomprehensible.
  Euphrosyne took and pulled off her bra, hitting the crystal adversary that suddenly appeared in front of her like pulsars. They flew past and fell onto the shiny surface. And they delivered a large, deadly blow.
  A girl with hair as white as snow chirped:
  - The girl fills the earth with her breasts,
  Covered and saved the whole world from troubles...
  We haven"t figured it out, apparently the girls have the essence,
  When a neighbor went all-in to play!
  Ekaterina, a girl with golden hair, took it and kicked it on the surface with her bare heel. One of the protruding pipes burst from the concussion, and the advancing enemy soldiers were actually doused with a stream of steam.
  A girl with hair that looked like a dandelion, only more voluminous, took it and sang:
  - Bath, bath, bath, bath,
  Oak and birch infusion...
  Bath, bath, bath, bath,
  A cool kick from a barefoot girl!
  And her pearly teeth will sparkle like a mirror. These are Terminator girls.
  Really, no army of virtual creatures can stand against people like them. And don't even try.
  Elena suddenly saw a huge snowy mountain above the city. And some people in Viking costumes were milling around nearby. They were tall and much larger than ordinary representatives of humanity.
  The red-haired girl yelled:
  - No mercy, no mercy, no mercy for the enemy,
  Know, evil Viking, know, evil Viking will eat stew out of you!
  Elizabeth tossed a coin with her bare toes. It spun around and hit the crow that was flying through the air. Moreover, this gray creature was the size of a large albatross. And it hit her right in the crown. The crow lost consciousness and rushed down like a meteorite. And she left a smoking tail behind her.
  The girl with blue hair sang:
  - Love is like a mountain stream,
  What falls to the ground like hail...
  And turning it on, giving an electric shock to the adversary,
  The girl is loading the machine gun!
  The crow hit the combat robot with its beak during its wild fall. A short circuit has occurred. And the huge cyborg explodes. After which the mountain shook.
  And snow fell on the brave four girls.
  Catherine noted, singing:
  Snowfall, snowfall,
  Don't point at my hair...
  Result, result -
  Girls are always barefoot!
  And the warrior took it and twirled her golden hair, as if she were a top. And immediately a bright radiance arose, and streams of fiery rays poured out. And instead of snow, rain began to fall. And it was all very beautiful, and the droplets shimmered in the virtual sun like diamonds.
  Elizabeth noted with a chuckle:
  - We should show our talents in business,
  A girl's best friend is diamonds!
  Euphrosyne giggled and, pointing to the mountain where Scandinavian warriors were swarming in the snow, noted:
  - These guys are up to something bad!
  Elena suggested:
  - Let's release killer rays of death from our scarlet nipples.
  And the red-haired vixen laughed, baring her pearly teeth.
  Elizabeth suggested:
  - Let's go, girls, first, let's land troops!
  Catherine sang with delight:
  - How the warmth of their hearts helps the landing troops,
  How the warmth of their hearts helps the paratroopers,
  Windswept troops!
  And the warriors took it, accelerated and with all their might, as if they would take it and jump.
  And the fighting, aggressive four beauties will fly straight into battle. And it"s clear that they are ready to move mountains at once.
  Elena took it in delight and sang:
  I will be the absolute world champion
  And I"ll sweep through like a sparkling hurricane...
  Cooler, these are all the works of Shakespeare,
  I'll just jump into the Pacific Ocean!
  Elizabeth picked up, singing:
  - Dashing athletes are eager to fight,
  Everyone fervently believes in victory!
  Euphrosyne added, baring her teeth:
  - After all, we can have any sea, the sea is knee-deep,
  After all, any mountains are up to us!
  And so the girls actually climbed the mountain in a virtual game. They are determined to give battle to the Vikings. Even if they are giants three times human height.
  Elena entered the battle. She ran the mill with her swords. And she cut off the Viking's head, singing:
  No need to lose your head
  Don't rush...
  No need to lose your head
  What if it comes in handy?
  Write it down in your notebook,
  On every page!
  Don't lose your head!
  Don't lose your head!
  Better to run away quickly!
  Elizabeth threw several needles with her bare toes. They flew over and hit the vultures flying above the Vikings. Large birds of prey, having lost their orientation, flew and rammed their beaks into the skulls of the Viking warriors. They pierced them, forcing them to release fountains of blood.
  Catherine kicked the nearest Viking with her bare, tanned foot in the groin. Made him jump and roll over from the blow.
  After which, the girl said:
  - You see an eclipse in the sky,
  This is an army of enemies...
  A sign of hell will come,
  No more words needed!
  And the girl took it and her pearly eyes sparkled. This is really a steal, really a steal!
  Euphrosyne took it and whistled. A couple of pine trees shook from the whistle, as if bamboo sticks had fallen on them. And heavy cones flew down. They hit the Vikings' heads, breaking through them along with their helmets.
  The blonde girl noted:
  - I let my enemies go to waste,
  My first move, last move!
  And now only the largest, broad-shouldered Viking leader in golden armor remained.
  And he roared at the top of his lungs:
  - You have no chance! I have Thor's axe!
  The Viking brute swung and sent a tsunami wave from his axe.
  The girls were lightly covered with snow.
  But they quickly stood up.
  Elena understood the basket dropped by the giant warrior and barked:
  - Well, get your adversary into your wallet!
  And she took it and shook it.
  Elizabeth sang with a sweet smile:
  - My boy, my baby,
  At this hour you are not sleeping,
  And in what unknown country,
  Your thoughts will be about me!
  The Viking giant swung again. And at that very second he felt a distortion of space. And he, like a swan feather, was sucked up by a powerful vacuum cleaner.
  And the giant flattened out in the basket, becoming the size of a poppy seed.
  Elena grinned and noted:
  - This is truly a transformation!
  Catherine sang with a smile:
  - There will be forced treatment, and funny transformations!
  Elizabeth looked up the mountain with alarm and remarked:
  - There's a bomb hidden under the snow!
  Elena squeaked:
  - Nuclear?
  The girl with blue hair muttered:
  -Take your sister higher - thermopreon!
  The red-haired warrior widened her eyes and asked:
  - And how do we neutralize it?
  Euphrosyne giggled and cooed:
  - To do this, we need to release infrasound from our scarlet nipples. Let's girls, all four of us, do this in unison!
  And the warriors took and fucked with streams of enormous energy from their ruby nipples.
  Thermopreon bomb grunted and turned off. After which, a solemn march began to play.
  Elena tweeted:
  - Whoever wants a bomb will get it in the forehead!
  . CHAPTER No. 7.
  The girls emerged from virtual reality. They've already played enough, but business comes first.
  Catherine remarked after Wirth"s adventures:
  - So you don"t have to pay anything. And how else do people go to the attractions?
  Elena remarked with a smile:
  - What"s most surprising is that there are still individuals who read books. And this doesn"t fit into any gates at all.
  Elizabeth remarked:
  - I also sometimes read books, and sometimes I even write them! So let's not consider this an oddity.
  Euphrosyne tweeted:
  There are many unknowns in a strange country,
  You can get confused and lost...
  Even goosebumps run down your spine -
  If you imagine what could happen!
  After which, all four girls took it and spun like a spinning top around its axis. And they even began to rise into the air. They are beauties, it should be said that they are of cosmic class.
  Then the girls froze in the air, after which Elizabeth noted:
  - We are already too distracted from the search for the thieves of the intergalactic rocket. Instead of looking for criminals, four mutant girls play the fool or have fun with various useless virtual games!
  Elena objected:
  - Virtual reality games greatly develop intelligence. This should not be forgotten.
  Ekaterina added:
  - And also intelligence!
  Euphrosyne nodded:
  - There aren"t enough adventures in life, so we take them in virtual reality!
  Elizabeth nodded:
  - This is true, but we should not forget about the main thing. So let's scan the information from the Hypernet.
  And the whole four took it and sang:
  -We are super-class bloodhound girls,
  We will find any fallen hair...
  Let the gnawing dog break his teeth,
  We have a very loud voice!
  The girls began to look at information from the Hypernet. But there was so much of it that it literally dazzled your eyes. And nothing significant was found. Something that you could really cling to. So far, nothing but the smell of childhood.
  Elena suggested:
  - What if all kindergartens were checked?
  Catherine answered with a chuckle:
  - I appreciate your humor!
  Euphrosyne giggled and noted, also with a chuckle:
  - Yes, maybe we can also examine insane asylums?
  Elizabeth suddenly nodded:
  - But there is something in this idea. There aren't that many crazy people, thanks to improved genetics. But madness and genius go side by side and hand in hand!
  Elena noted here:
  "Perhaps we are a little crazy too." They have lived for more than two thousand years, but have not yet parted with childhood. At least I am. Just as I was, I still imagine myself as a barefoot girl from a children"s colony.
  Catherine nodded her head:
  - Yes, that's right! We, both devils, stomped the zone! The rest don"t know this, and that"s what makes them different from us.
  Elizabeth objected:
  - I visited German captivity and Stalin"s pre-trial detention center. So I know what prison is. And I had to be in adult custody in the camp.
  Euphrosyne nodded:
  - We weren"t in the junior zone, but all four of us had to visit the adult zone. Do you remember how we voluntarily became prisoners in a US women"s prison, performing one interesting task?
  Elena nodded with a grin:
  - I remember this. Yes, it"s great when the matron touches you and gets into all your holes. There is such debauchery in America, and so many different lesbians. This is just great!
  Catherine angrily remarked:
  - Maybe! But this is not the main thing.
  Elizabeth noted with a very serious look:
  - Yes, we need to study all the histories of mental illness. Especially paranoid schizophrenia. Sometimes such a disease makes a person very gifted and, at the same time, antisocial. This is where the key to solving a complex riddle may be found.
  Euphrosyne nodded with a smile:
  - That's it. Only the space power is large, it has trillions of people, and there are not so few mentally ill of them. And what will this give us? Do you really think a clinical schizophrenic did this?
  Elena recalled:
  - Hitler had signs of a real, clinical schizophrenic. On the one hand, he even pitied the sheep that were slaughtered for meat. But at the same time, he was cruel in real actions towards people, especially towards Jews.
  Ekaterina noted:
  - Most likely, not even Hitler himself, but his zealous henchmen. Why, however, is not easier. But in any case, a search among the mentally ill, at least some kind of clue!
  Euphrosyne sang:
  The world rests on madness,
  Madness is spreading in a big way...
  The tension is supreme,
  Appears with pain and fear,
  Only fear will give us friends,
  Only pain motivates you to work,
  Because I want everything more and more.
  Explode hyperplasm into the crowd!
  Elena giggled, noting:
  - This is the real mind of the blonde!
  Elizabeth took it and threw the needle with her bare toes. It flew over and hit the gadfly, pinning the insect to the palm tree. And the girl noted with a very pleased look:
  - As you can see, I can! And we can do everything, even if we are two thousand years old!
  Elena sang, baring her teeth:
  Two thousand years war
  War without reasonable reasons...
  The girl is not alone in battle,
  At least there are few men left!
  After which, the girls, without saying a word, went onto the Hypernet to collect information about mentally ill people. They really wanted this. More precisely, Elena, the red-haired vixen, was very curious. But the rest of the team weren"t particularly eager to try it for themselves.
  Elizabeth looked through the information at a wild pace.
  For example, mentally ill people of Venus. As expected, there were only four patients with paranoid schizophrenia: three girls and one boy. Not much for a big planet. There were also other forms of the disease. Not much either.
  Elena noted with a smile:
  - Let's check on the psychos, or what?
  Catherine added with a grin:
  - That would be a very good idea. I haven't seen crazy people for a long time.
  Elizabeth suggested:
  - You can contact them through the Hypernet. Make contact.
  Euphrosyne nodded:
  - Great! Welcome.
  The girl with blue hair immediately contacted the first patient. Outwardly, she was a completely normal girl, perhaps beautiful, like all representatives of the human race. She winked at Elena and asked:
  - Do you love me?
  The girl with blue hair answered with a smile:
  - Certainly!
  So she turned over and cooed:
  - So make love to me!
  Elizabeth giggled and replied:
  - Let's go straight to virtual!
  And the girls" bodies were exposed and intertwined together in a ball. And Elena began scanning them. And first of all, she read out emotions and feelings, and also probed the memory of the schizophrenic girl. And this was interesting in its own way, although the memory of the mentally ill girl was unique. And sometimes it took on exotic forms.
  Elizabeth was also blissful and working. So far the contact has not given anything valuable.
  And in general, logic and intuition suggested that this was not the best way. Moreover, even if the leader is schizophrenic, it is unlikely that he or she will just sit on the planet and wait until they are caught and turned inside out.
  The schizophrenic girl asked:
  - You are so hot... Probably very young?
  Elizabeth automatically blurted out:
  - No! I am two thousand years old.
  The schizophrenic girl roared:
  - So you're old! And you seduce young maidens! Get out of here!
  Elizabeth nodded:
  - Good riddance!
  And she broke away from her. Anyway, I scanned my entire memory and found nothing but nonsense. Although, sometimes the nonsense was bizarre and aroused interest with its colorfulness.
  After which, the eternal girl disconnected.
  Elena suggested:
  - Come on now!
  And the warrior with red hair took it and jumped through the virtual to the schizophrenic young man. He was cute to look at, but he whined with fear when he saw the redhead and muttered:
  - Witch!
  Elena giggled and noted with a chuckle:
  Witch, witch, witch,
  And where did the witch come from?
  Witch, witch, witch,
  I'm forever beautiful
  Everything else is complete bullshit!
  And the red-haired girl winked with her very bright emerald eyes.
  The young man softened and nodded:
  - Do you want to make love to us? We do not mind!
  Elena giggled and chirped:
  - And we don"t mind either!
  After which their bodies intertwined into a ball. Having sex over the Hypernet is great. And it"s nice, and there"s no infection.
  Of course, the girls scanned the boy"s consciousness, subconscious, and memory. Schizophrenics have a lot of interesting and colorful things hidden in their heads.
  And here you can do a lot and have a lot of fun. Even when everything was downloaded, Elena did not want to part with the young man, and she was torn away from him with difficulty.
  Then there were two more girls. Here Euphrosyne and Catherine took care of them. Moreover, at the same time. And this is also great fun, and you get a lot of educational things. And the girls, let"s just say, are very cool and amazing.
  And they can even sing very colorfully. But they won't do it without a reason.
  In any case, mutant investigators checked the first four paranoid schizophrenics, but did not find any significant leads.
  Elena noted:
  - The process itself is pleasant, but there"s nothing significant about it!
  Catherine tweeted:
  - Finding kidnappers using this method is like rummaging through a haystack in search of a needle.
  Euphrosyne stated:
  - Of course, it"s far from the best idea to search like that! But it's a pleasant process.
  And the girls sang in chorus;
  One two Three -
  Tear apart the spies
  Four, eight, five -
  Kill the bandits!
  Elizabeth, after this, again remembered her glorious past on the fronts of the Second World War, and the fateful, terrible forty-first year;
  Elizabeth felt herself plunging into a deep pool, hopelessly black, and only in the heights the scorching eyes of the stars flickered ominously. As you dive, the pressure on your chest gets stronger, sledgehammers pound in your head, and each blow becomes more painful and heavy. Finally, her body touches the bottom, the back of her head feels cold, the girl wants to jump up and cannot move. Here, all around, at the same time, from all sides you can hear a squeak, some small creatures rustling. Elizabeth feels her heart beating wildly in her chest. Rats, large as rabbits and multi-colored, with a predominant bloody tint, rush at her. They rush and start tearing. Elizabeth screams and... Comes to her senses.
  Two German soldiers feel the girl, then suddenly lift her up by her hair:
  - Schnell! Get up, bitch!
  Elizabeth gets up and is unsteady. The girl turns her head, it"s heavy. Wow! But everything seems to be intact.
  The Germans are building columns of prisoners, men and women separately. Elena was even surprised that so many gave up. Some women, more than fifty, are not visible, the wounded seem to have been simply finished off by the Nazis. Urging the girls with rifle butts (almost all female soldiers were young and recently drafted), we drove on. It was quite hot, some women had their tunics torn off and were "strutting around" in their shirts.
  Elizabeth asked Captain Valentina Sinitsa, who had a couple of impressive bruises on her face:
  - So what now, Valya?
  The captain, a twenty-eight-year-old, rather pretty red-haired girl, answered:
  - It"s okay, if the night is dark, we"ll run away!
  Elizabeth looked at herself:
  - I think yes! Captivity is not for Soviet people. There seems to be no damage, the fragments have had mercy on my body. It's just a noise in my head.
  Valentina replied:
  - You seem to have been stunned. Brr! But I myself don"t understand how I ended up in captivity. The submachine gun jammed, and the other girls gave up. As a result, I was caught like the last fool.
  Elizabeth nodded:
  - Yes, a good start to the war. Before she even had time to kill one German, she was captured. Wild horror! What if we don"t have time to escape?
  Valentina replied:
  - You know, you are unusually beautiful. Golden-haired, with a perfect figure. I have never seen a more beautiful girl than you!
  Elizabeth waved it off:
  - Why do I need these compliments? And you're not a guy.
  The captain remarked:
  - You could simply be raped.
  Elizabeth was confused:
  - What does it mean to rape?
  Valentina was sincerely surprised:
  - Don"t you know?
  Elizabeth blinked her eyes:
  - Theoretically, of course, I know, but...
  Valentina narrowed her eyes:
  -Have you never tried it with a guy?
  Elizabeth shook her head negatively:
  - Of course not! In general, a communist should not become morally corrupt and make love outside of marriage!
  Valentina shrugged:
  - How to say! In my opinion, this is a personal matter for everyone. In addition, men are all different, and you get pleasure from them in your own way. It"s not so easy to guess, but my husband quickly gets bored.
  The Komsomol girl walking on the right objected:
  - For a person, the main thing is spiritual communication, and not animal instincts.
  Valentina raised her finger up:
  - Let's not talk about indecent topics. Maybe it"s better to talk about the party and the building of communism?
  Elizabeth wanted to say something, when the order came for the column to stop.
  They found themselves directly in front of a concrete area, which was approached by a couple of trucks and a car. At the same time, another column of persecuted women appeared. Judging by their clothing, they were civilians.
  An obese German crawled out of a khaki-colored German car. He had an unpleasant, poorly shaven face with a triple chin, and a strange double-barreled machine gun slung over his shoulders. But the cap, on which the emblem shone - two lightning bolts, revealed an SS man. The fascist came out in front of the girls and commanded in broken Russian:
  - Equal! Attention!
  The girls automatically stood up, their military training taking its toll. One of the girls, however, hesitated and received a butt on the butt.
  The SS officer grunted contentedly, looked at the woman"s legs and commanded:
  - Everyone take off their boots!
  The girls shuddered, and a rumble swept through the rows. The fat German yawned demonstratively and muttered listlessly:
  - Whoever disobeys will be hanged! - And then suddenly a menacing shout. - Schnell! Schnell!
  The girls began to take off their shoes. Elizabeth felt her hands moving automatically. It feels like submitting to fascist monsters is habitual for her. She took off one boot, feeling the pleasant warmth of the concrete surface with her bare foot. Then the second one, carefully put on new, recently issued leather boots (canvas ones will appear only at the end of the war). Then screams were heard. A young girl, no older than sixteen years old, jumped out and shouted:
  - I won"t take pictures, you idiots! It would be better if they take me down dead!
  The German hog gave a sign, two tall SS men grabbed the girl and dragged her to a pre-prepared gallows.
  The girls-prisoners of war let out a sigh, but no one dared to object, apparently the shock of captivity had an effect.
  - Hook her! - The fat fascist shouted. - Don't let him die right away! The devil will know how to resist.
  The young girl's clothes were torn off, and the SS man even poked a cigar into the beauty's pink nipple. The girl squealed and shouted:
  - Remember, my name is Tanya! Death to the Nazis!
  The SS officer roared:
  - Rip out her tongue!
  A Mordovorian jumped up to the girl with a crumpled dirty apron and tongs in his hands. Another Nazi squeezed the girl"s cheeks, opening her mouth. She tried to resist. but the forces are too unequal. Blood poured from the girl"s mouth, and she herself fainted from the painful shock. The fascist monster threw his torn out tongue and trampled it with his boot. The Nazis quickly hung the hanging naked girl edge-on on a sharp ship hook. She let out a weak cry and trembled, brought to her senses by the additional pain. Bliss was written on the faces of the fascists, that incredible feeling of sadistic satisfaction when you cause pain to your fellow human beings. Even if it's a beautiful girl with blond hair. Here a sexual element is mixed in with sadism.
  Elizabeth closed her eyes so as not to see such arbitrariness. Meanwhile, a column of prisoners, civilian women, approached them. The Nazis also forced them to take off their shoes. The women selected were young; none of them looked over thirty-five or under sixteen. Strong Belarusian women, mostly fair-haired, blue-eyed, pleasant to look at, blood and milk.
  The fat officer commanded again:
  - Take off your outerwear!
  Elizabeth suddenly blushed, what if the Nazis left her completely naked? And my fingers are already unbuttoning my tunic. Civilian women cry and moan as if they are going to execution. One of them has a baby in her hands. The Nazi snatches it from his hands. The mother woman rushes and is stabbed in the stomach with a bayonet. He falls, bursting into a heart-rending cry. The SS officer runs to the baby, throws him under his feet and begins to trample him. Moreover, he makes sure that he does not die immediately, breaking his delicate arms and legs.
  The mother howls and is dragged to the gallows, in order to be hung on a hook while still alive. Along the way, they tear our clothes to pieces and hit us with rifle butts. Then, at the end, they jerk up the mutilated woman, laughing cheerfully, as if stoned on marijuana.
  Elizabeth whispered:
  - And is there a limit to their atrocity? Who gave birth to them, a woman or a she-wolf?
  Valentina said with passion:
  - We will never forgive and forget this. The fascists will pay a hundredfold for each of their atrocities.
  Elizabeth replied:
  - All of Germany is not enough for this.
  Valentina joked:
  - What's left will go to Japan!
  The main Nazi still had not calmed down, madness was burning in his dull eyes, his small mouth was curled:
  - Now, I"m warning you! We will take you to German territory. Those who behave well will have a good place, food, and in the future, honorary citizenship of Greater Germany. But if anyone escapes, then for each fugitive, I will order twenty hostages to be burned alive. Do you understand me? - The roar of the scoundrel intensified. - And now, you will clearly see what it means to disobey the Fuhrer.
  The Nazis rushed in a column of civilian women and chose ten of the ugliest to look at. They were unceremoniously dragged by the hair and knocked into a heap. After which, the SS men began to twist the women with barbed wire. They screamed desperately and tried to escape. In response they received rifle butts to the shoulders and chest.
  The fat officer smiled contentedly:
  - Well, now a torch for them! Let them "enjoy" the pain!
  And again the idiotic laughs of fascist animals. Three SS men with degenerate faces dragged out the gasoline tank and unscrewed the lid. Despite the distance, the disgusting smell of fuel reached Elizabeth. It appears to have been low-octane gasoline produced by the hydrolysis of coal. The Fuhrer did not have enough natural oil for all his numerous equipment, even taking into account supplies from the USSR, so the physicists of the Third Reich showed ingenuity. This gasoline had the peculiarity of a lower combustion temperature than usual, and also the fact that it began to freeze already at nine degrees below zero. In due time, this will affect the course of the war. The women, twisted with metal barbed wire, desperately waved their arms (those who had them free). The Nazis smiled and shouted something in German.
  Elizabeth desperately asked:
  - Will they really be set on fire?
  Valentina replied angrily:
  - No, they will let you go! They'll also give you cakes for the trip!
  Elizabeth burst into tears:
  - And it"s still so cruel! Okay, men, but why should women suffer so much!
  Valentina suggested:
  - The Germans need Slavs only as slaves. And the slave must fear and obey. This is a dictatorship based on fear. And to intimidate, you need to inflict pain.
  Elizabeth flashed her blue eyes:
  - And to make you angry, you need to hurt!
  A flame broke out, the fire did not spread as quickly as with ordinary gasoline, the women were tearing, trying to break the wire, blood dripped from their bodies, cut open by needles.
  It seemed to Elizabeth that time was creeping surprisingly slowly, like a serpentine, a fresh wind blew, and her body, barely covered by a light shirt, felt cold.
  The flames finally engulfed all the female martyrs, and their screams became much louder. The skin blistered and peeled off before my eyes. The smell of burning became stronger and stronger. He felt sick, and tears flowed from the girls" eyes. The main fascist crowed with a malicious grin:
  - If anyone runs away, I will burn you all! Heil! Heil Hitler, greatest ruler of the universe!
  The fascist soldiers took out harmonicas from their belts and played them cheerfully. Moreover, it is clear that the Nazis did not suffer from a complete lack of hearing. But this made the music seem even more ominous.
  The fat officer bellowed in Russian:
  - Music flows, music, music! Sometimes sad, sometimes breathing timidly! Who dances merrily to the tune of a pipe that brightens the soul! Music flows, music, music, away with sadness, stop bothering the Germans! Endless, eternal, young, which makes you want to live so much!
  His assistant, a red-haired officer, crowed:
  - Everybody dance! Well, bitches, dance, or I'll burn you all!
  The girls began to timidly move their bare feet. The main fascist shouted loudly, waving his arms:
  - Live up! Come on, bitches and whores, come on!
  The girls began to move much faster in discord, but it was little reminiscent of a cultural dance, but rather a wild dance of the Papuans, the coast of Paraguay!
  The fascists ran up to the women and hit them in the face with their fists, screaming and grunting something heart-rending.
  The main fascist made a gesture. A boy in the uniform of Hitler Jugent brought him a bottle of cognac. The fat pig pulled straight from his throat, the forty-degree liquid warmed his stomach. Borov asked the boy in a neat manner:
  - You are already fourteen, I give you permission to shoot any whore!
  There was disappointment on the boy's face:
  - And just shoot? It's too soft! - He exclaimed.
  The fat bastard grunted:
  - What do you want to do to her?
  The boy snapped:
  - Screw him to death and then set him on fire!
  - Okay, come on! Just hurry up, these chicks still need to be brought to Germany on time.
  The boy, sparkling with his dazzling, highly polished boots, moved along the line of women. He grinned predatorily and smiled cruelly. From time to time, the young Nazi stopped and kicked this or that woman in the stomach, but made no choice.
  Elizabeth prayed to someone unknown, but not me! But the young man just stopped in front of her and pointed his finger:
  - This whore is mine!
  Elizabeth froze, trembled treacherously, and her tanned face turned pale. The main fascist unexpectedly objected:
  - Nain!
  The fascist boy was offended:
  - And why is that?
  Borov replied:
  - She's too beautiful! Just a wonderful girl, you can give her to some general and get a lot of money.
  The young Nazi reluctantly agreed:
  - OK! Only because you refused my first request, I will torture two whores!
  . CHAPTER No. 8.
  The boy turned, quickly ran around and chose two younger girls. This time he was in a hurry, fearing that his lawful prey might be snatched away.
  The girls ran out onto the square on their own, perhaps they hoped that the handsome boy would have mercy on them if they were obedient. The young man snorted contemptuously:
  - Get on your knees and kiss my boots!
  The girls collapsed and crawled. They confidently kissed the polished skin, feeling the strong smell of expensive blackening. The son of Hitler Jugent suddenly grabbed the girls by the hair and lifted them with force:
  - What, bitches! - The boy hissed in Russian. - Tired of living? Now take off your clothes immediately!
  The girls feverishly took off their clothes, leaving them in only their panties. The young sadist ordered:
  - Lie down on the clamps.
  The girls obediently lay down, and the SS assistants secured their arms and legs in special stocks. The boy ran his fingers over the seductive pink heels of the girls, which had not yet had time to gather dust. He suddenly felt a strong excitement and yelled heart-rendingly:
  - Give me a heavy whip!
  The henchmen handed over the whip. It was not simple, but consisted of red-hot wire with sharp stars. Impacts from such a weapon are much more sensitive.
  Elizabeth felt a fever as she thought about what awaited her. Here is the monstrous grin of fascism, when people turn into animals. And these hellish torments of monsters who have lost basic human feelings.
  The whip whistles ominously and falls on the bare backs of the girls. The blow to the bone cuts through the skin and meat. The young fascist purred contentedly; he felt like a real God. Yes, it was a deity of evil and indestructible will, devoid of the slightest sense of compassion. However, the Hitler Jugent taught that compassion is weakness! Pity, a bad feeling, is not worthy of a true Aryan. It is not enough to kill the enemy, he must be made to suffer and humiliated in the meanest way. The Slavs are an inferior nation like the Jews, and killing a Slav is like killing a mad dog. What is conscience? A hellish trap of the soul, invented by Jews and Russian philosophers. A true Aryan knows no remorse, only one thing causes him annoyance, that he killed few enemies. But to cruelly torture a woman or child is the highest manifestation of Aryan valor.
  The panties burst under the blows of the hot wire and fell off the buttocks. The girls screamed at first, but the boy was strong beyond his years, and they quickly fell silent, losing consciousness from terrible shock. However, Hitler"s executioners were not at a loss; they brought down pre-prepared buckets of ice water (using a camp refrigerator) on the heads of the young beauties. Meanwhile, the young sadist again heated the wire on the fire and brought it down on the girl"s bare feet. And again terrible squeals, screams in which there was nothing human.
  Elizabeth could barely stand on her feet, it seemed where the strength could come from to withstand this. It was something devoid of the slightest meaning, far beyond the boundaries of humanity. It"s strange how such a sweet-looking boy, almost a child, could do this. It"s simply incredible how much fascism deforms souls, even children"s. So cripple the perception of an entire generation!
  The girls fell silent again, and water was poured on them again. However, despite all efforts, the screams of the tortured became quieter and quieter. From the shoulders to the feet, the unfortunate martyrs had no living space left. Finally, the boy got tired, wiped the sweat from his forehead and spat through his teeth in the direction of the column of unfortunate women.
  - Tired of it! Can you burn them?
  The torn girls were no longer moving, probably the suffering had exceeded a certain measure. The Nazis ran up to the unfortunates, not particularly generously dripping gasoline, and set them on fire. The girls didn"t even move, although the fire slowly devoured their flesh with gusto.
  By this time, the screams of the wretched beings being burned alive had also subsided, whose entire guilt was only in the fact that they were supposed to become a clear demonstration of the unyielding will of Nazism!
  The fat bastard waved his crooked fist.
  - Well, whores? I hope you understand what a pound is worth! And now, line up and march step by step towards your new destiny.
  The women stood motionless, as shocked as they were by the cruelty and nightmarish spectacle.
  The fascist boy, without hesitation, grabbed a pistol and, grinning predatorily, shot the girl in the leg:
  - You heard, they told you, march!
  The shot awakened the women, Elizabeth felt Valentina"s gentle hands on her shoulders.
  - Let's go, my faithful comrade, to take revenge, you need to live!
  The girl answered bravely:
  - And I swear I will survive!
  Meanwhile, the young bastard was shooting at the writhing, fallen girl. At the same time, he tried to break both her arms and legs. I didn"t want to finish off the girl right away, because listening to screams of pain is much more pleasant than laughter.
  The seriously wounded girl remained lying on the road, the young fascist did not finish her off, and they grabbed her with a hook by the rib and dragged her to the gallows.
  The fat SS man patted the boy on the head:
  - My dear friend! You are exactly like the Fuhrer as a child! You know, the great Adolf had a quarrel with a girl already in the first grade. So he and his two friends waylaid her on the way home. They caught her and tied her up and began to abuse her. They burned her with fire, broke her bones, gouged out her eyes, and then young Adik poured sulfuric acid down her throat, taken from chemistry lessons. Then Hitler was only seven years old, and he was already capable of a courageous act worthy of an Aryan husband.
  The young Nazi, grimacing, asked:
  - Was the girl Jewish?
  - No, Slav! Austria-Hungary collapsed because the Germans were betrayed by the Slavs, so the Fuhrer vowed to destroy them! - Borov ran his hand over his throat. - In general, monkeys deserve leniency, but Slavs do not!
  The SS men raised their paws in unison:
  - Heil Hitler!
  Young, barefoot, half-dressed women walked quickly along the road. The Nazis rode on special four-wheeled escort bicycles (so as not to waste gasoline on escorting subhumans). Elizabeth, shocked by the atrocities and blatant immorality of the Nazis, was silent for the first couple of hours, she didn"t even think about anything, but walked half asleep. The other girls, it seemed, were also in no mood to talk, at least on secular topics.
  While the barefoot girls walked on the smooth asphalt laid out on Soviet soil, their feet felt more or less comfortable. But having passed the destroyed border post, they found themselves in Polish territory... The road turned out to be covered with fine gravel and sharp crushed stone, digging into the bare feet of the girls. Elizabeth, in recent years, could not often afford barefoot walks, and soon felt how her bare heels began to mercilessly tear and burn. To distract herself, she spoke to Valentina:
  - So what do we have to do now?
  The captain answered quietly after a pause:
  - We can"t run, otherwise all the girls will be killed! At the same time, there is no strength to endure this either!
  Elizabeth suggested:
  - What if we arrange an escape for everyone?
  Valentina nodded:
  - This is exactly what I"m thinking about. It"s just technically difficult to do something like this. Look how many guards there are around.
  Elizabeth uttered Suvorov"s phrase:
  - They howl not in numbers, but in skill!
  Valentina replied:
  - One of the main reasons for Suvorov"s victories was the better combat training and physical training of the Russian troops. In particular, the Turkish troops were not taught bayonet and hand-to-hand combat, so they quickly fell apart. But with the French it was more difficult, especially since the bayonet was invented in France.
  Elizabeth answered decisively:
  - But we won!
  - Yes, we won. But to be honest, it"s not as easy as they say in textbooks. - Valentina sighed. - The price of victory is too high, it can depreciate the value of trophies.
  Elizabeth muttered:
  - We are not talking about trophies. The greatest trophy in war is a life saved. In general, as Stalin said: "A soldier has no gender."
  Valentina suggested:
  - Then become a boy, and it will become easier for you.
  Elizabeth winced:
  "I wouldn"t mind becoming a boy myself; boys are much freer."
  Valentina whistled:
  - Why?
  "Because their feet are rougher, and I feel like I"m walking on coals." - Elizabeth squeaked.
  Valentina replied:
  "And I feel like I was beaten on my heels with sticks for a long time, but I have to endure it." It is possible that our captivity will drag on, and that will not happen. I heard that women in concentration camps are given shoes only when snow falls, and even then they are made of wood.
  Elizabeth shuddered:
  - Wooden shoes for a girl"s feet are simply torture; once, when I was still a schoolgirl, I put them on in a museum and walked along the corridor. They are so uncomfortable and keep falling off.
  Valentina corrected:
  - And they rub your feet terribly, and they keep you warm in the winter very poorly. Bast shoes are much better, they are warmer and softer.
  The women from the village were more seasoned and did not complain, but droplets of blood had already begun to appear among the urban women, imprinting themselves with the traces of graceful, youthful feet on the gravel.
  A flock of ME-109 fighters flew across the sky, they were flying at a relatively low altitude, and you could even see the swastika on the wings.
  Elizabeth remarked:
  - I wonder, where are our glorious Migi?
  Valentina reluctantly answered:
  - I think they are left unfilled. In general, the Germans have an interesting new product, miniature bombs, they can even be hung from the wings of fighter planes. They fall to the ground like hailstones. It won"t take a tank, but it"s quite effective against infantry or aircraft, especially light ones like the IL-16.
  Elizabeth remarked:
  - In our country, it seems, such "little things" were also about to go into production. We were a little late. In general, the heavy legacy of the tsarist system, the restructuring of industry from capitalist to socialist ones.
  Valentina added:
  - Plus, civil war. In the twenty-first year, industrial production fell seven times compared to the thirteenth year. Millions of people died, the country was ruined and, unlike the tsarist government, no one gave us loans. Of course, we didn"t have time to do much. Hitler caught us at a moment when the army had just begun rearmament.
  Elizabeth agreed:
  - You're right here. We have done a lot, but we didn"t have time to do much. All of Europe works for the Wehrmacht. Europe! And tsarist Russia was losing the war, despite the fact that Germany had its main forces in the West. Now we find ourselves in a crappy situation.
  And when will our tanks arrive in Europe?
  Valentina replied:
  - I wanted it to happen soon! But I also fought in Finland, therefore, I am not so full of optimism, our army is not quite ready for war.
  A young girl with junior sergeant's shoulder straps entered the conversation:
  - I think that in two weeks our tanks will liberate Warsaw, and in a month Berlin.
  Valentina shook her head, spreading her red mane:
  - I would like to believe this, but... The Nazis occupied fourteen European countries in a very short time. This speaks of the very great strength of the Wehrmacht, and for three and a half months we were busy with the tiny Finnish army. I know firsthand what war is. No, in this case, the enemy is much stronger than us!
  The young girl was confused:
  - So, can we lose?
  Valentina replied:
  - In principle, yes, but...
  The girl squeaked:
  - What but...
  Valentina replied:
  - The Nazis will become their own gravediggers. Look how they commit atrocities. Everyone from sea to sea will soon rise up against them. Even the pioneers will fight against fascism, the earth will burn under the feet of the occupiers. The Nazis will choke in their own blood. Their decision to attack the USSR would be a fatal mistake. Or rather, a catastrophe, and fascism will be wiped off the face of the planet.
  Elizabeth agreed:
  - No, the vampire Hitler cannot escape the aspen stake. But how many of our cities will be destroyed and villages burned. And we are fools, knowing about the impending attack, we didn"t even dig trenches.
  Valentina nodded in agreement:
  - I think Pavlov will be shot.
  Elizabeth waved it off:
  - It"s not about Pavlov. In general, the order to bring the army to full combat readiness had to be given personally by Stalin.
  Valentina nodded:
  - Definitely, you're right. But apparently the leader wanted to delay the start of the war until the last minute, especially since the Wehrmacht was not ready for winter, and if we had won at least a month, the Wehrmacht would not have been ready. And by 1942 our army would have become much stronger. What worries me is the position of Churchill and Roosevelt. They can make an honorable peace with Germany, and even receive part of Soviet territory. In addition, Japan may try to take revenge for the defeat in Manchuria. And then we will find ourselves in a ring of isolation.
  Elizabeth gasped as she stepped on a sharp pebble, her foot immediately began to bleed, and her bruised toes began to ache even more. She thought that the fascists, perhaps, did not need them, even if they needed new and good shoes, but rather a desire to humiliate and cause pain. After all, in Rus', bare feet were considered a sign of poverty, not without reason; there was an expression tramp, that is, a beggar. Now it remains to be seen whether she will be able to reach the halt. And if she falls, what will happen to her?
  As if in unison with her words, one of the young girls, with bloody, broken legs, screamed:
  - That's it, I can't take it anymore!
  And she sat down, stretching her long-suffering legs forward. The Nazis drove up to her, and gasoline poured on the girl"s head. She jumped up sharply, but it was too late, the abandoned lighter flared up, and the unfortunate woman was engulfed in a burning flame.
  The girl, screaming protractedly, rushed to run, the other captives scattered to the sides. Having overtaken the column, the martyr fell, losing consciousness, streams of flame burned the unfortunate woman"s lungs, and her death was terrible. A menacing shout followed:
  - Schnell! Schnell! Death to those lagging behind!
  The girls quickened their pace in despair. Elizabeth moaned quietly and limped, her feet exploding with pain, as if from the touch of a hot iron. But she, like other girls, persevered.
  To distract herself a little, Elizabeth said:
  - Maybe we can sing the Internationale?
  Valentina shook her head:
  - These monsters will shoot us all. Be patient! Bare feet, especially those of young people like us, quickly become rough. We will endure and survive. Victory will be for the Red Army. Even if all the capitalists take up arms against us. After all, from the taiga to the British seas, the Red Army is the strongest!
  Elizabeth clenched her fists:
  - But there is no stronger Russian spirit,
  We will revive ourselves from the ruins!
  Russian warrior, take your sword quickly,
  We will stand and win again!
  After that, it somehow became easier, and even the burning pain in my bloody legs became weaker.
  The sun was setting, the Nazis were getting more and more nervous and urging the girls on.
  It became fresher, the breeze pleasantly blew across the sweaty faces. Elizabeth remarked:
  - It looks like even the sun is on our side!
  Valentina smiled forcefully:
  - The sun of communism is always for us!
  The shadows on the road lengthened and became darker and darker. The Nazis lit lanterns, which made the appearance of their bicycles much more mysterious; there was a sense of mystery in it. Elizabeth already imagined that these were not Nazis, but terrible monsters. A kind of many-faced Viy, or ghouls. Oddly enough, this made the Nazis not scary, but seemingly unreal. Elizabeth began to hum a song:
  - There, on unknown paths, devils in sandals are dancing! Well, Koschey ate too much cabbage soup!
  Valentina grinned:
  - You, as always, are inimitable!
  Finally, a signal tower appeared in the distance, and blackout houses became visible. This means their journey is already close to the end. Most of the girls were already exhausted, were at the last point of physical exhaustion and were holding on only to the instinct of survival.
  Elizabeth asked Valentina, as if she should have known this:
  - Will they feed us?
  The captain, jokingly, although it was difficult for her, answered:
  "For the Germans, we are like cattle, and no one promised to feed the cattle on the way."
  Elizabeth remarked angrily:
  "Then I"ll rip Hitler"s throat out!"
  A few hundred more painful steps, and the girls began to be taken to a special camp. It looked like it had been prepared in advance for prisoners of war; in the darkness one could see wooden barracks, as well as towers and a fence with barbed wire. They began to separate the women into barracks, trying to place civilians and military men separately. However, the prisoners were so tired that they did not even think about escaping. They simply collapsed onto rough wooden bunks. Elizabeth, walking with her broken, bloodied feet on the trampled grass, experienced a blissful sensation. Finally, she will be able to lose herself in sleep. But when she was already entering the barracks, two SS men jumped up to her and unceremoniously wrung their hands.
  - For what? - The girl shouted.
  - Russian, Schwein! Follow where you are told!
  Elizabeth was led out of the camp, and they passed the towers and iron gates. At first the girl thought that they wanted to shoot her, but then she was afraid that torture awaited her. What if the fascists think that the girl has an important secret?
  She was led to a mansion decorated with a bas-relief of lions. Oddly enough, the sight of the rich estate reassured Elizabeth; it was not like the gloomy torture cellars of the Middle Ages. However, these monsters can torture and torment anywhere, and for as long as they want.
  She was led into the building, the girl"s bare feet touched the lush, velvet carpet and sank into it.
  A bright electric light flashed. A man in livery appeared, cast a casual glance at the girl, and commanded:
  - Wash her feet!
  Elizabeth was seated in a chair, and a maid neatly dressed in white brought a silver basin of water. The maid was a Belarusian Polish by birth and knew Russian. Dipping her sore feet into a basin of warm water, she began to gently rub them. Elizabeth's girlish feet were a pitiful sight. There was literally no living space left on them, the fingers were knocked off. And yet, the Belarusian beauty"s legs were beautiful, and worthy of a princess, or a Greek goddess.
  The maid carefully washed off the dust and blood and wiped each finger. Then, with sympathy in her voice, she asked:
  - Looks like you got it really bad, honey?
  Elizabeth replied:
  - Others got it worse. I have nothing to complain about fate.
  The Polish woman nodded:
  - I believe that everything will end well for the country of Soviets.
  The SS men interrupted the conversation and, picking up Elizaveta, dragged her into a luxuriously furnished hall. The girl weakly resisted, they threw her, slamming the door, and then, like a ghost, a fat boar appeared. Already to the point of colic in my brain, a familiar voice rasped:
  - Well, birdie, will you be submissive?
  Elizabeth tried to jump away, but the seemingly clumsy Nazi turned out to be more agile. He suddenly jumped towards the girl and tore her shirt, revealing rather large, firm breasts with nipples pointing upward. The girl kneed him in the groin, but the fascist expected this; after all, it"s not weaklings who serve in the SS, and he parried the attack.
  - Resist, it will be even more fun.
  The fat hog rushed at her again, tearing off the remnants of her clothes, primarily her pants, but suddenly howled heart-rendingly:
  - Yes, you still bite, bitch.
  Half-naked Elizabeth broke free and rushed to the opposite door, she hoped that maybe there would be no soldiers there. She opened it and immediately received a strong blow to the chin. A muscular teenager with a naked torso appeared in front of her. In him, to her horror, she recognized the young sadist from Hitler Jugent. He smiled predatorily with snow-white teeth:
  - And you are temperamental!
  The fat SS man squeaked:
  - I allow you to use it with me. You're already an adult, and it's time to try the female body.
  The young Hitlerite replied:
  - I haven"t raped Russians yet.
  Elizabeth felt sick that she could be raped and deprived of her honor by a teenager. She, at twenty-one years old, kept her innocence, and now she must part with holiness not with her beloved Soviet guy, but with such degenerates as the world has never seen. The girl screamed heart-rendingly, but the big fascist and the not-so-small guy attacked her at once. The hog weighed, at the very least, one and a half centners, and tired Elizabeth felt how quickly her remaining strength was fading.
  At the same time, the young sadist crushed her hands and pinched her breasts. At last she fell, and the monster took her roughly, with the delicacy of a boar in heat. Elizabeth experienced terrible pain, plunging into utter hell.
  Yes, she had the strongest impressions from this. Will never be forgotten.
  During the pause, Elena also plunged into memories.
  She fled straight from the colony to the front. A barefoot teenage girl, in the turmoil of 1941, found herself in occupied territory and at first acted in partisan style.
  The first German she caught turned out to be a rather handsome young man. Elena even made love to him. Then, not knowing what to do with him, she strangled him with a rope. And this was her first baptism of fire.
  The young man was suffocating in the noose. And Elena strangled him and sang:
  - We'll look you in the eyes first,
  And then we'll fry you and eat you!
  The red-haired vixen laughed evilly. Yes, the Germans weren"t scary at all. And it was a pity to kill them. Until Elena saw burnt huts and destroyed houses.
  And after that, she took one of the captured Germans and tied him upside down by the arms and legs. Which, I must say, is very cool of her. The girl is, let"s say, extremely aggressive and combative.
  While still in the children's colony, Elena learned to throw various destructive objects with her bare toes. She managed to do this masterfully. And she even knocked down insects with cones and needles. True, this level of skill came to her after the mutation. Before that, she just threw grenades with her feet.
  The war went poorly for the USSR at first. There were many reasons. One of them is that the troops were not taught to defend themselves, but only to attack. And this, of course, had an impact in the real war.
  Elena met a girl Lara in the forest, also red-haired and a refugee. Unlike the hardened Elena, Lara bled on her bare feet and walked with great difficulty.
  Elena washed her soles and bandaged them. Since the girl could get infected. And he lifted her onto her shoulders and carried her.
  Lara remarked tearfully:
  "The Germans whipped my mother so hard that she crawled away on her hands and knees." And only because she was a Komsomol member, although she did not join the party.
  Elena smiled:
  - Whipped? It's not that scary yet. They could have hanged him.
  The girl sang:
  If, for a long time, for a long time,
  If it's long, along the path,
  Run, stomp and run,
  But probably, then probably
  It's possible, it's possible, it's possible,
  You can go to Africa!
  Elena laughed and sang in response with great enthusiasm;
  We are in the jungle in the land of wild monkeys,
  Where the bananas are green, there are heaps of cannibals!
  We had to overcome the ocean,
  With such ebullient energy!
  Russia ordered us to go -
  Reach where the equator ditch!
  Well, God is One and not One,
  And so we have more than one grenade
  They sent young pioneers into battle,
  They said it was just an internship!
  So that everyone is a daring boy,
  The energy of large rockets is accelerating!
  I shoot with a machine gun right at the target -
  I killed off the fighters with khaki paint!
  They won"t be able to take over our Motherland,
  Pindos and other bullies!
  Such a Fatherland is a furious order -
  Learn, boy, to fight like a ferocious lion!
  And if the red leader gave the order,
  Don't be a pathetic clown!
  The shell casing severely burned my cheek,
  She doesn't have any stiff stubble yet!
  But believe me, I"ve been serving my Motherland for a long time,
  Don't think, you weak teenagers!
  Ours was surrounded by the Mau-Mam tribe,
  They don't have spears, but grenade launchers!
  In response we will strike with steel,
  Russian pilots will help from the sky!
  In Russia, every warrior is from a manger,
  The baby is reaching for the gun!
  And defeat the army of invaders,
  The poems were sung by the bard about the exploits!
  . CHAPTER No. 9.
  The girls resumed the investigation again. And they started from Venus to Mercury. The planet closest to the Sun is covered with a protective force field, and there are many industrial facilities on it. Mercury has huge reserves of valuable metals, and the proximity of the sun allows it to receive flows of energy for smelting various metals.
  Therefore, this planet is different. It has both a garden city and an industrial metropolis, where robots mainly work.
  Elena remarked during the flight:
  - Mercury is perhaps the most boring planet in the universe. Or, at least, in the solar system.
  Elizabeth noted:
  - But it"s not all the time to play spillikins. We need to do something more serious.
  Catherine remarked doubtfully:
  - How will a visit to Mercury help from the point of view of the investigation?!
  Euphrosyne tweeted:
  - But from greed Kva-Kva-Kva,
  And out of stupidity...
  But from the meanness of Kva, Kva, Kva,
  And from stinginess!
  And also from boasting,
  Kwa, kwa, kwa! Kwa, kwa, kwa!
  Mercury can't do it for us
  We blew this mast dry!
  And all four girls will laugh like madmen. These are truly cool women.
  They fly in their combat suits to Mercury and on the way, at the same time, dropped into the cafeteria.
  There they bought colorful cakes for free on the Hypernet along with a cocktail and something else tasty to wash it down.
  And they began to have fun, flying and jumping, as if there were frisky horses under them.
  Elizabeth noted with a very pleased look:
  - We sometimes like to make noise,
  Fight for each other!
  Catherine nodded her head with pleasure:
  - Yes, we will literally move mountains for each other!
  Elena giggled and chirped:
  - Our sharp fangs,
  Claws, teeth, fists...
  So they're looking forward to a good fight!
  Run away quickly
  Large animals and small ones,
  Who is stronger than all the animals?
  We are mutant girls!
  Euphrosyne noted with a chuckle:
  - And much, I must say, stronger! Let's take the crocodile and tear it apart!
  The girls were flying and already saw the red planet from one side in close-up. Most of it is desert with industrial buildings and robots. But there are also oases with heavenly places. Which are very beautiful. And as is usually customary among people dominated by girls, there are statues with fountains.
  All this, let"s say, is super!
  Elizabeth remarked:
  - Something is in our heads, the word super, flashes too often! It's like we're teenage girls.
  Catherine nodded with a smile:
  - Yes, that"s what we are... What do you expect from professional warriors? We killed so many people in wars that sometimes even we ourselves become scared.
  Elena nodded and sang:
  - Anyone who is human is born a warrior,
  Even though it is a great sin to kill before God...
  But there was once a Roman legion...
  And now there is a lot of hyperplasma in the battle!
  Euphrosyne logically remarked:
  - And yet, so far we have no serious leads! By the way, there are no patients with paranoid schizophrenia on Mercury at all. There is, however, one psychopath. And she draws very well by hand!
  Elizabeth giggled:
  - Is she painting with a brush?
  The blonde girl objected:
  - No! Felt-tip pens, but it does it very well.
  Elena noted:
  - Yes, it"s a rare activity to draw by hand. However, look, the girl is reading a paper book. This is a rare occurrence, but sometimes it happens.
  The girl with blue hair asked:
  - Have you, redhead, read books?
  Elena nodded:
  - Yes! In a past life. Until the Internet appeared, and the ability to watch any films on a smartphone. Then it became uninteresting to read.
  Catherine nodded:
  - Yes! The book is even inferior to cinema, and even more so to computer games in virtual reality. Maybe we'd better have some fun? Otherwise, a visit to a psychopath does not inspire me.
  Elizabeth objected:
  - We have a main goal: to find a hijacked intergalactic starship. And not just wander around other worlds, or destroy virtual monsters. Let's check on the psychopath and return to Earth. There are a lot more different psychos there.
  Elena noted:
  - The population on Earth is larger. Although I doubt that this will give anything. It would be better to fly to Sirius and catch Vishy!
  Catherine became wary:
  - Do you think the chief designer is in cahoots with the kidnappers?
  The red harpy shook her head.
  - It"s unlikely, but we may find unexpected clues. Besides, maybe he can tell you where to hide this spaceship!?
  Euphrosyne sarcastically inquired:
  - A word twice in one phrase - maybe?! This is symbolic and says something.
  Elizabeth stated:
  - And we"ll visit the psychopath. Let her make our portraits with felt-tip pens, and in the meantime we will scan her brains and subconscious.
  Elena nodded in agreement:
  - This is a good thing!
  The girls headed to one of the oases. Everything about it was very magnificent and solemn.
  And a huge fountain shot into the sky. It was in the form of a griffin covered with hypergold, which was held at outstretched arms by four muscular girls, also in precious metal, with a naked torso and short skirts.
  And the fountain jetted high into the sky, about a mile high.
  Elizabeth noted:
  - Nice place!
  Elena nodded and sang:
  - Girls are circling above Mercury,
  They are powerful in their strength...
  Here's a beauty throwing a grenade,
  Kill the monster of hell quickly!
  This time, the girls decided to communicate with the mentally ill woman not through the Hypernet, but directly.
  They approached, or rather, flew up to the house, which consisted of a series of seven pink elephants standing on top of each other. People with mental disabilities lived and had fun in this nice establishment.
  The girls contacted the psychopath and very politely asked to draw a portrait.
  The girl with a mental disorder was beautiful, but her hairstyle on her head was something surreal. Only Picasso could have written this after smoking a lot of weed. Very pretentious. And there are also tattoos on the face and body. And also extremely artsy, including hybrids of plants, animals, a mixture of a bicycle, an eagle, a dump truck, a camel and a pumpkin. And much more. The girl was almost naked, wearing only thin panties, but she was depicted in such a way that it was simply creepy.
  It's immediately obvious: she's a psychopath.
  And when she smiled, you could see that her teeth were colored like markers. This is the girl.
  She answered harshly:
  - I"ll draw you, but it will cost a lot!
  Elizabeth nodded:
  - Fine! We are rich.
  Elena objected:
  - Throwing money away during the investigative process is not productive!
  Catherine nodded:
  - I think so too. Still, it is better to receive money than to spend it.
  Elizabeth cooed:
  - Do you know, we are the famous four girls who became mutant ninjas!
  Psycho girl asked:
  - Well, so what?
  Elizabeth noted:
  - I can draw your portrait while you draw us! Moreover, not with felt-tip pens, but with oil on canvas. Do you want it like that?!
  The psychopathic girl nodded:
  - Yes... But how much will it cost?
  The girl with blue hair replied:
  - You will make a sketch for us, and we will do it for you!
  The girl, completely avant-garde in appearance, nodded:
  - Quasar! Then I draw you, and you draw me, and no one owes anyone!
  Elena giggled and noted:
  It's not my fault, it's not my fault,
  That Mickey Mouse is related to me!
  The psychopathic girl gave them the go-ahead to visit her home.
  The inside is quite spacious and full of drawings. True, in appearance they are the delirium of a schizophrenic. So unusual and artsy.
  The girl herself is a very good figure, but she is painted terribly. But at the same time, beautiful. And she winked at the mutant girls.
  I picked up felt-tip pens and began to draw. Moreover, not only with hands, but also with bare toes. Moreover, there are four drawings at once.
  Elizabeth is also no slouch, and she prepared the brushes, ordering both paints and canvas from the Hypernet. And she also used her bare, chiseled feet.
  Other mutant warriors began to scan the psychopath's brain. And they did it very energetically, but at the same time, unnoticeably.
  As Elizabeth expected, the psychopathic girl began to draw the four of them in a very pretentious and extremely extravagant manner.
  Elena, seeing this, also began to help her blue-haired partner with her bare toes.
  Yes, the girls were pretty wild. They look like beauties, but they are made by the hands and bare feet of a psychopath, who knows what.
  Catherine tweeted:
  In a box of pencils
  The circus is usually full...
  A clown walks on a tightrope
  Juggling hoops!
  Euphrosyne giggled and noted with a smile:
  - Yes, it"s beautiful when they depict us like this!
  Elizabeth sang:
  I draw, I draw for you,
  A motley picture, standing at the window...
  I miss you, I miss you,
  Cool girls - you're the only one we have!
  The psycho girl giggled:
  - Great! Maybe you'll make love to me?
  Elizabeth smiled and replied:
  - First, finish drawing us, and we will draw you!
  Elena nodded and gurgled:
  - And to make it more fun for you, I think I"ll sing!
  And the red-haired queen began to perform something extravagant and, at the same time, patriotic, and very familiar to the girls;
  We are girls, joining the Komsomol,
  They swore an oath to be faithful to the Fatherland...
  So that a furious defeat awaits the Nazis,
  Well, let"s live in Russia under communism!
  After all, Lenin is with us, like metal,
  Made of bronze, which is stronger than any steel...
  I dreamed of turning worlds upside down,
  As the great genius Stalin bequeathed!
  We will make the Fatherland cooler,
  And we will raise the Fatherland above the stars...
  Let there be success with the Komsomol members,
  Even though our little feet are completely bare!
  The fascist attacked my homeland,
  Samurai are brazenly coming from the east...
  I love Jesus and Stalin,
  And, I believe, we will tear the adversary to pieces!
  After all, the famous God Svarog is with us,
  Which, jokingly, will build communism...
  Strongest of all in the universe is the glorious Family,
  It will add consciousness and will to us!
  I believe we will never give up,
  The Fatherland cannot be brought to its knees...
  Comrade Stalin, bright star,
  And our teacher is the wise genius Lenin!
  We will make our Fatherland,
  More beautiful and radiant on the planet...
  And you know, there will be a killer gun,
  Let adults and children have fun!
  Burn Svarog, don"t burn in your heart,
  You are the patron saint of all swords in Russia...
  We will build soon, I believe, a strong paradise,
  Jesus will come, holy mission!
  Don't trust Hitler's gang, friends,
  That she will win easily and menacingly...
  We are all one family -
  And believe me, it"s not too late to love your Motherland!
  The Lord Almighty will protect us all,
  Will raise the tricolor flag over the ground...
  And the evil predator will turn into game,
  We can cope with Satan too!
  I love the Great Fatherland,
  In the whole universe there is no more beautiful you,
  We will not sell Russia for a ruble,
  Let's build peace and happiness in the universe!
  In the name of our Motherland, a dream,
  Great Russia will rise...
  Everything else is just vanity
  And a new messiah will be with us!
  Oh Lada, my almighty,
  You will give love and peace to the Russian...
  I turn to you, begging you,
  And if necessary, strike with lightning!
  Mary, Mother of God of heaven,
  The universe gave Jesus...
  For your sake the great God has risen,
  People haven't really lost their taste!
  Please note that Komsomol members are like this:
  The gods of Russia are highly respected...
  We are great sons of the Motherland,
  Russians always win!
  We must pray to the Motherland, friends,
  Perun, Yarilo, and Svarog are powerful...
  We will be very strong husbands,
  And we will blow away even the clouds in the sky!
  Now the enemy has already been driven back from Moscow,
  You hurt the Nazis a lot...
  We are faithful to Jesus and Stalin,
  And there will be plenty of tanks with guns!
  No, the enemy will not be able to curb the Russians,
  Because our warriors are omnipotent...
  Passing exams, only a five,
  So that every boy would be very strong!
  Believe me, Stalingrad will be glorious,
  And we will keep him from the onslaught...
  The victorious alignment of the knights will come,
  Even though blood flows in an uncontrollable stream!
  Girls barefoot in the cold,
  They run, their heels flashing...
  And they will hit the fascists with their fists,
  The unsociable Cain will be flattened!
  Everything will be okay, people know,
  We will discover constellations in space...
  After all, it is a sin to doubt valor,
  And there will be a man on God's throne!
  We will soon resurrect the dead with science,
  We can become younger and more beautiful...
  Above us is a golden-winged cherub,
  My beautiful mother Russia!
  While the girls were singing, work was going on. And now four drawings were ready. They depicted, rather, some kind of monkeys, which instead of a body had a clock with hands, eyes like saucers, wings like a bee, and flowers instead of ears.
  However, Elizabeth did not remain in debt. She didn't even have to distort anything. In reality, the psychopathic girl looked crazy.
  But nothing, the girl with a disturbed psyche was happy. And she even kissed Elizabeth. And she invited her to make love.
  The girl with blue hair replied:
  - We are in a hurry, we have urgent matters, maybe another time!
  Elena noted:
  - I can do it with her. I love girls, especially with tattoos!
  The psychopath winked:
  - Let's!
  Elizabeth objected:
  - Either we all do it together, or we leave!
  Ekaterina suggested:
  - Let's have five of us for a quarter of an hour. Anyway, there is no hurry!
  Euphrosyne nodded:
  - The body is burning, I miss the affection.
  Euphrosyne nodded:
  - OK! Let's!
  And all five girls took it at once and intertwined themselves into a ball.
  A quarter of an hour later, all this heavenly pleasure was over. And the girls went their separate ways again.
  The four, taking the drawings, flew out into the street. Elena noted:
  - It turned out to be a great adventure!
  Elizabeth agreed:
  - It couldn"t be better.
  Catherine tweeted:
  The world flies like a hurricane
  In girls' fairy tales...
  Kicked -
  It was a shock!
  Catherine cooed:
  - We will sweep away the enemy with one blow,
  We will confirm Glory with a steel sword...
  Believe me, it was not without reason that the girls beat everyone,
  If necessary, we"ll kill it like bedbugs!
  And the warriors are again in the excitement of attack. The energy in them is very great.
  After which, Elena suggested:
  - Let's eat. And we"ll order a local jerboa in ultra-chocolate sauce.
  Catherine nodded:
  - Yes! This beast can only be devoured for free at the local cafeteria. It costs a lot of money to order on Hypernet.
  Elizabeth smiled and doubted:
  - Are you sure that it"s completely free here?
  Euphrosyne said with the air of an expert:
  - If you tell an interesting story, it"s free. If you are too lazy to tell and don"t have time, then for money!
  Elena grimaced:
  - Fi! Tell more for the amusement of the crowd!
  Elizabeth seriously objected:
  - And I personally don"t mind training my mind! And indeed, I"ll take it and tell them something interesting.
  The girl with yellow hair chirped:
  - And what? Let's try. It will be great!
  And the girls moved to the cafeteria where they sell local jerboas in a special sauce.
  The warriors walked and chanted:
  Our beauties hit like a battering ram,
  Breaks spines and ribs...
  We'll rush through like a hurricane
  And, believe me, it will be very scary for you!
  The girls, of course, knew a lot about themselves. Elena fought in the winter, barefoot in the cold, and at the same time managed to work miracles. Her footprints in the snow were very graceful and beautiful. The girl even once tried to do business. She dipped her bare feet in paint and made prints on white paper. And then sold it for money. And there were buyers.
  And now you need to write some kind of story for food. They are not so poor as to waste their imagination on children's stories.
  The girls found themselves in a very luxurious cafeteria. To prevent the audience from getting bored during the stories, magnificent cartoons were shown on a hologram.
  In this case, about the Goosebumps ninja. And it was extremely beautiful and funny. So the Goosebumps ninja took it and slammed its paw on the asphalt, it cracked, and the villain, who looked like a shark with a human body, fell through and got stuck. How he will scream in pain. And also, two piranhas with the bodies of bears were sprinkled with flour from bags that had been torn open by the chakra throw.
  They were sprinkled from head to toe, and they began to sneeze, raising a cloud of white dust.
  Elena jumped up to the robot, which was handing out local jerboas in a very expensive ultra-chocolate sauce, and chirped:
  - For all four of us in the form of a shish kebab!
  The sales robot nodded:
  - Will you pay by card, in cash, or give away your story!?
  Elizabeth answered with a smile:
  - Better story! We love to write and tell everything. Our languages are so long.
  Catherine said with a whistle:
  - And thinking, alternatively, gifted.
  Robok asked:
  - Who will tell? Or are you all together at once?
  Elena roared:
  - Let me tell you better!
  Catherine nodded:
  - Let it be red! She will again say something funny about the Second World War. And beautiful girls.
  Elizabeth tweeted:
  - Yes, in this regard, we girls are very cool! And the redhead? Yes, she can!
  Elena opened her charming mouth and began to weave a story;
  There are many dimensions in the universe. In one of them, Adolf Hitler became the victim of one of the many assassination attempts. Just April 20, 1941. On the Fuhrer's birthday, English spies managed to blow up Nazi number one.
  And this changed, and significantly, the course of history. The Fuhrer's successor was Hermann Goering. He refused to attack the USSR. In general, Nazi number two believed that it was impossible to fight on two fronts until Britain was finished. In addition, the May 1 parade featured new Soviet KV-2 tanks. And the Nazis were alarmed by their 152-mm guns. Yes, the T-34 is a dangerous machine.
  Goering continued the war in the west. After the capture of Crete, German aircraft dealt a crushing blow to Malta. Goering, being less sentimental than Hitler, declared total war and introduced universal labor conscription in the occupied territories.
  The Germans reinforced Rommel's corps and took Tolbuk by storm. Then they launched an offensive against Egypt. Malta fell, a successful landing took place. Then Franco agreed, after the German ultimatum, to storm Gibraltar.
  The fall of this fortress made it possible to block the English fleet's access to the Mediterranean Sea. And the Germans began to transfer troops to Morocco over the shortest distance.
  As a result, already in the second half of forty-one, the fascists captured the entire north of Africa, and, importantly, the Middle East.
  Then the war continued. Stalin adhered to friendly neutrality. Japan declared war on Britain. And the United States, as is typical for them, found itself in the position: my hut is on the edge.
  The Germans captured the rest of Africa, and their main problem was not the British troops, but the distance, lack of roads and stretched communications. In addition, there was a successful campaign against India. After which, the German units met with the Japanese.
  And in the summer of '42, the landing in Britain finally took place. England, by this time, was weakened by submarine warfare and massive bombing. In addition, the air offensive, after the conquest of Africa and Asia, as well as total war, went more successfully. Yu-188, Do-217, and Focke-Wulf coped with their tasks quite successfully.
  And they pressed Britain...
  The landing took place in August, and in many places at once. The modernized T-4 and the Tiger tank took part in the battles for the first time. Britain was defeated in eighteen days.
  And in September, together with the Japanese, they captured Australia. Completely overthrowing the British colonial system.
  Thus ended another military campaign of the Third Reich. Victorious and with enormous conquests. But of course, it didn't end there. The Nazis have the mighty USSR at their side, which has the same worldwide ambitions as the Nazis.
  And Hermann Goering began to prepare for war. The main bet was made on the latest tanks: "Panther", "Tiger", "Lion", "Mouse". Plus modernized T-4s and various self-propelled guns. Including the formidable "Strumtigers", "Ferdinands", "Bumblebee", "Rhino" and others.
  In addition, in June the Tiger-2 began to appear, which in practical terms is a good tank destroyer.
  But Stalin also has something to answer. KV-3, weighing sixty-eight tons with a 107-millimeter cannon, and an initial projectile speed of 800 meters per second. KV-5 with two cannons of 107 and 76 mm and frontal armor of 170 mm. And the KV-4 weighing one hundred and seven tons and frontal armor of 180 millimeters. A whole brood of heavy and super-heavy tanks.
  A kind of competition with the Germans to see who will launch heavier vehicles into production.
  Plus the development of heavier machines. But still in the project.
  In aviation, the Germans launched the production of ME-309 and Yu-288, the new Do-317, and HE-177, HE-129, the modernized Focke-Wulf family. And most importantly, jet aviation. First of all, the ME-262 fighter. So far, however, it is imperfect.
  The USSR also had Yaki, Migi, Laggy, PE-2, TU-3, IL-2, PE-8 in service. And a lot of outdated cars.
  German fighters, perhaps, were superior to the Soviet ones in armament and speed, but were somewhat inferior in maneuverability, but only horizontally, having an advantage in the vertical.
  In general, it must be admitted that, having the resources of a significant part of the world, the Germans have increased the production of machines many times over. And they were ready for serious abuse.
  The USSR had about thirty-third thousand tanks against the Third Reich, most of them light. The T-34 was quite popular, but the T-50, a lighter vehicle, was also produced a lot.
  The Germans almost curtailed the production of light armored vehicles, relying on heavier vehicles. The most popular tank was supposed to be the Panther. But even with tens of millions of slaves, the Nazis did not have time to complete their tank fleet.
  And they lacked cars, especially the newest ones. In addition, considerable problems arose with the transportation of the Maus and the Lion tank. Which is also not honey at all.
  It must be said that the MP-44 assault rifle also just began to enter Goering"s troops. The German army is numerous, but not completely rearmed.
  She doesn't have enough time. And you also can"t put off the operation for too long - autumn and winter are ahead. And Goering risked striking first. Despite the fact that the Nazis do not have enough tanks, they only have a little more than twenty-five thousand. In aviation there is a slightly better ratio: pilots have stepped up. The USSR has a little more than forty thousand aircraft, Germany has over fifty thousand, and almost all of them are of the latest brands.
  The most important thing is the Wehrmacht's superiority in infantry. Having recruited many Hiwi and foreign divisions, the Germans deployed more than twenty million soldiers.
  The USSR, even taking into account mobilization, was able to put up no more than twelve million. Plus, you still need to keep the army in the Far East to repel Japan.
  The samurai also deployed twelve million soldiers, ten million of them directly against the USSR.
  Plus, a significant number of light and medium tanks. And also, its not at all weak aviation and a strong navy.
  . CHAPTER No. 10.
  So it wasn"t easy for Russia. Goering decided not to postpone the war until a state of full combat readiness, but to strike immediately. And his hordes went on the offensive on June 22, 1943. As it turned out in the very first days, Soviet Russia was not at all ready for a defensive war. The troops were taught to beat the enemy on their own territory, and not to defend themselves. And there are no defense plans, and the troops are not sufficiently staffed with officers, and many defensive structures are not completed. It turned out, in short, somehow bad.
  Indeed, the Red Army is an offensive army, and not very capable of sitting in the trenches. And the Nazis began to advance into the depths of the Soviet defense quite quickly. They broke through the defenses of the Soviet troops. And already on June 30 they took Minsk. And we moved on. The Red Army was not very successful in trying to counterattack.
  But there was little sense... On July 20, the Nazis broke into Smolensk. And battles broke out for the fortress city. The Nazis desperately tried to advance further, but came under counterattacks. And the Japanese came from the east.
  Plus, the Turks, Portuguese, Spaniards, Brazilians, Argentines and others entered the war against the USSR. Such wild pressure arose.
  Under terrible pressure, the USSR caved in. And then Kyiv fell, then Donbass, Leningrad was surrounded. And the decisive assault on Moscow began. "Mouses" and other metals climbed into battle.
  Here are five beautiful German girls fighting on the Mouse. Gerda, Charlotte, Christina, Magda and Frida.
  They fight in the heaviest vehicle of the Wehrmacht. What is "Mouse"? One hundred eighty-eight tons empty. And 185 mm of side armor, and 240 mm of frontal armor. With two guns.
  But at the same time, the tank barely moves due to its large mass. The girls inside are almost naked, wearing only a very revealing bikini. And very curvy and beautiful.
  Gerda, slapping her bare foot, opens fire from a 128-mm cannon. Charlotte and Eva serve the shell. The girls are almost naked and muscular. A present of death weighing twenty-eight kilograms bursts out of the trunk. And it rushes at a speed of 930 meters per second. This is a colossal destructive force.
  It hits a Soviet KV-3, ramming its armor from a distance. The warriors exclaim in unison:
  - Wow, the bay is floundering!
  And they bare their pearly teeth. The beauty of the girls is impressive. They are simply the magic of nature.
  Gerda again aims the anti-aircraft and rapid-fire gun, saying:
  - In this cry there is a thirst for a storm...
  Christina fires a 75mm cannon, saying:
  - The power of anger, the flame of passion!
  Charlotte and Christina fire together. They crash the Soviet KV-2 and tweet:
  - The knight hears all the confidence in victory in this cry!
  And the warriors wink at each other.
  Eva fired at the Soviet infantry with a 75-millimeter bullet. Finished off a dozen soldiers. And she giggled, slapping her bare feet on the armor:
  - I shoot and kill recklessly!
  "Mouse" worked rhythmically, destroying tanks. He did not move quickly, but stubbornly. And he moved slowly, crushing enemies.
  In general, in real history this tank never had time to fight. Instead, the choice fell on the more advanced model E-100. The last vehicle had the characteristic features of the E series: a lower silhouette, a denser layout and larger armor angles. The E-100 tank had frontal armor, like that of the Mouse, 240 mm, but with a large angle of rational inclination of the sheet. The sides of the E-100 were 170 millimeters long, together with hinged sheets, but at an angle of inclination. In general, the new tank turned out to be equal in armament to the Maus, better protected and lighter. Its speed on the highway was 40 kilometers per hour, versus 20 for the Mouse. But the more advanced and lighter model did not have time to enter the series. And the war was already lost then.
  Now the girls have mastered "Mouse" and were shooting.
  Gerda licks her lips with her tongue.
  And now she is firing from the powerful Mouse cannon. The guns are capable of penetrating all Russian KV series vehicles.
  In general, the super-heavy German tank proved to be not a fast one, but a very lethal machine. Which crushes any armor, while remaining impenetrable.
  Gerda took it and sang with aplomb:
  - And he rules the shore through the gray fog...
  Charlotte hooked the heavy projectile with her bare foot and sang, baring her pearly teeth, as if they had just been picked from the bottom of the sea:
  - The ship of the desert is a dashing captain!
  Eva is also a very beautiful girl. Blonde and thin waisted. Such a sexy woman.
  And again the warriors shoot. This time their victim was the KV-5, a tank with 170 mm of frontal armor, although without a rational slope of the plates.
  It was hit by a German shell and broken.
  Charlotte took it and, jumping up, sang:
  - Barefoot dream - such beauty!
  And the warrior shakes her lush hips.
  Yes, it looks beautiful. The girls are wonderful. They'll hit you with shells and hit you.
  Gerda took the thirty-four and croaked:
  - I'll make a banzai!
  And Mouse listens to her. Girls crush Russians. The Mouse is unable to penetrate any Soviet tank head-on. All shells literally bounce off the armor. And the warriors bare their teeth and roar:
  - Woof woof woof! We will strike...
  "Mouse" puffs and glares...
  In short, the assault on Moscow turned out to be somewhat more successful for the Germans and their hordes than in 1941. And the winter wasn't that harsh.
  The Krauts and their satellites surrounded the capital. And in December the assault on the largest city began.
  Stalin, of course, moved to Kuibyshev. But Zhukov remained in the city itself. This commander decided to stand to the end. And the Nazis began their winter assault. It took place in several stages. During the fighting, the Nazis used "Sturmtiger" and "Sturmlev", with powerful bomb throwers. And they destroyed the capital. They turned her into ashes.
  Zhukov ordered to fight to the death. The fighting dragged on until the end of March. But in the end, Moscow fell. The Nazis suffered colossal losses, but won.
  The Fuhrer awarded Mainstein the Grand Cross of the Knight's Cross for the capture of Moscow. The forty-fourth year passed in an almost one-sided Nazi offensive along the Volga, and further to the Urals. The Soviet troops were retreating, there were many deserters and surrendered. Over the summer, the Germans captured the entire Volga region and the Caucasus.
  In the fall we reached Sverdlovsk and stopped, faced with frosts and the harsh Siberian winter.
  Stalin tried to resist for some time. The Russians counterattacked in the Urals region. They made partisan raids. But in 1945, the Nazis finally, together with the Japanese, captured large cities in Russia. Stalin refused to capitulate and went into one of the Siberian bunkers.
  The war entered the partisan phase. The Nazis and the Japanese digested Russia for some time and hunted for partisans. But the United States, meanwhile, managed to create an atomic bomb.
  Goering did not dare to fight overseas. In 1948, Stalin was finally killed off, and the partisan war began to wane. Russia soon found itself absorbed by the Third Reich. Gradually the empire digested its possessions.
  Goering held a referendum and became emperor. His power strengthened and became strong. The USA also sharpened its fists. Although the Second World War ended, an arms race began. The militancy continued unabated, and nuclear weapons accumulated.
  The Cold War lasted a long time. Until, finally, in 1975, radiation was created that neutralized nuclear charges. In 1985, already the son of Emperor Goering, Adolf Germanovich started a war with the United States.
  The Third Reich, especially having, together with Japan, an advantage in human resources, began an invasion of the United States.
  The Nazis moved through Alaska, using their more advanced pyramid tanks, against the Ambrams. And then the legendary crew of Gerda took part in the offensive.
  The girls are still young - so they are witches and genetically altered bitches who hold the secret of eternal youth. They settled in pairs, into tanks made of multi-layer armor and with special guns.
  The Germans use special weapons, powered by electromagnetic propulsion. The tank is externally quite small and has a caliber of 88 milliliters. But the armor-piercing power is much higher than that of the 120-mm Ambamsa cannon. And at the same time, the German tank is impenetrable from all angles.
  Gerda shoots and giggles:
  - Let's conquer America!
  Charlotte also fires, pressing the joystick with her bare finger and roars:
  - The unconquered hero Fuhrer-bastard!
  Barefoot, eternally young beauties in bikinis are also riding on another tank and chirping:
  - Unconquered at all times!
  Christina presses the button with her bare finger and whispers:
  - Super country!
  And an American tank explodes...
  Magda remarks with a smile:
  - And time has no power over us. We have been fighting for more than forty years and have not changed at all!
  Gerda from another tank responded, having previously destroyed the American car:
  - Because we are witches!
  Charlotte pressed the joystick button with her bare toe. She knocked out an American self-propelled gun and barked:
  - And the coolest witches!
  Eternal girls benefit from being in a bikini. They are so sexy and cool in it. Like figures chiseled and gilded. These girls are just sex symbols.
  Gerda wittily remarked, shooting and using her bare, chiseled foot:
  - I ask you not to be surprised...
  Charlotte also thumped, humming enthusiastically and flexing her strong muscles:
  - If magic happens!
  Christina, this golden-red bitch, fucked, pressing the joystick button with her fingers. She smashed an American tank and kicked:
  - And who was very badly blown away!
  Magda, not quite in rhyme, fired at the M-60 and, shaking her bare foot, yelped thinly:
  - From the boat that we sailed, only an oar remains!
  Gerda cooed in response:
  - Rush up! Be able to achieve your calling!
  And also the bare heel will press.
  And he shakes his thick hair, white as snow. Although the girls are already over sixty, they are so young and fresh. Not a single wrinkle, not a single mesh, not a single hint of age. The bodies are muscular and not a drop of fat in them.
  Charlotte, with her copper-red hair, shakes and at the same time squeals:
  - Truly a banzai!
  And what? The most beautiful girl...
  And Christina? What a girl! As if all filled with fresh juice. She has such inimitable beauty. And the warrior is ready to tear and throw everyone.
  She smashed an American tank and screamed:
  -We are she-wolves with a grin!
  Magda is a modest girl. And a witch, and at the same time a believer! Her bare feet press the joystick buttons. This girl is super! How to hit the American mastodon and smash it to pieces.
  But the German pyramidal tank is much lighter than the American one. And the girls themselves are so beautiful.
  Magda yells:
  - For the glory of the Holy Fatherland!
  Christina supports a similar impulse and says:
  - We will give our souls and hearts! We are our holy Fatherland...
  After which the girl sent a gift of destruction.
  Gerda, in response, she can hear everything perfectly well in the next tank, sends a shell and screams:
  - We will stand and win!
  Charlotte pressed the button with her bare fingers and barked:
  - And we will not regret our lives!
  Christina squealed as she demolished an American tank:
  - A woman who will kill!
  The warriors barked at once. They crushed the tanks with their shots and hissed like the embodiment of mastodons.
  - We"ll unload everything in a coffin, consider yourself at peace!
  The girls will then laugh and send sunbeams with their teeth.
  Gerda chirped as she fired, using her dainty, bare foot to knock down a tank:
  - I"m still a girl with a real head...
  Charlotte remarked enthusiastically, sending sparkles from her eyes. She stamped her head with her heel, hissing:
  - I will copulate with Satan!
  Christina will fire at the Ambrams, shatter its armor, and then squeal at the top of her lungs:
  - And I"ll shoot an arrow!
  Magda pressed the button with her bare fingers. She sent a shell and enthusiastically declared:
  - The broth is cool!
  Witty and with pearly hair, Gerda will laugh with a grin:
  - But not blue!
  And he will send a cascade of radiation with his eyes. This woman is clearly cool. And it will blow another American car into a ditch. And there they will also crush it into spare parts.
  Charlotte, shooting, pressed her bare heel on the keyboard. She sent the American mastodon to her forefathers and sang:
  - Break, destroy and tear into pieces!
  Christina, this girl with hair - a mixture of gold and copper, will send a gift of annihilation and hiss:
  - This is life! This is happiness!
  And he will grin his cute little face! And it hits American tanks.
  And Magda, this embodiment of beauty and special kindness, squealed:
  - And bad weather will not come to us!
  Gerda took it and hissed, baring her pearly, dagger-like fangs, roaring:
  - This is a riot!
  Charlotte responded, pressing the pedal with her bare foot, and hissed, baring her fangs:
  - And Hollywood!
  Baring her teeth, Christina with wild frenzy sent a projectile into the steel and took it and sang:
  - What people are in Hollywood!
  With even greater excitement, Magda threw out a missile of destruction and chirped with aplomb:
  - They're all stars, not people!
  Gerda giggled and screamed, flexing her muscles. And at the same time she sent sharp needles with her bare heel that pierce US tanks.
  - And Reagan will be kaput!
  Charlotte gave in with great delight, her beautiful legs, and gave out a deadly abs:
  - We are invited to Hollywood!
  Christina tweeted enthusiastically:
  - Yes to this strange Hollywood!
  Magda fired, pressing the joystick button with her bare fingers and aggressively chirped:
  - May Hollywood be in glory!
  The Germans failed the American defenses. Within six months, they captured not only Alaska, but also most of Canada, attacking the west coast of the United States.
  As it turned out, German tanks are stronger than the heavier American ones in all respects. And who has much better aviation for the Third Reich? And discos generally have no equal opponent. And this, of course, is a clear disappointment for the arrogant Yankees.
  Reagan declared a holy war. But the United States was also attacked from the south. Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela, Chile declared war on America. And together with the Japanese, the Krauts advanced through Mexico. And they approached the American borders from the south.
  In 1986, fighting began directly on American soil. Both Germany and Japan defeated the enemy. Three months passed and by mid-April more than half of the US territory was occupied by the Japanese and Germans.
  And then Reagan offered surrender. The war ended just on April 20, 1986.
  The USA was divided. And everything would be fine, but... Adolf was the first to attack Japan. He launched a real war against her, and the situation really escalated.
  Again in the battle are Gerda, Charlotte, Christina and Magda. These girls are real witches and do not age. They are forever young, fresh and they all fight only barefoot and in a bikini.
  In this case, they are on two tanks that run on electricity and are shaped like pyramids. These cars have atomic batteries and accelerate to three hundred kilometers per hour. Try to contrast this machine with this one. And they are armed with electromagnetic guns - with small but very lethal shells with graviuranium cores.
  This is truly the weapon of the future. The girls fight two in each tank, and monitors on the walls give them an absolute overview.
  The girls took off their bras and completely exposed their muscular torsos.
  Gerda pressed the joystick buttons with her bare toes, hit the Japanese car, knocking it all the way through, and sang:
  As a child he dreamed in his native river,
  About world power, an invincible fighter....
  But the girl appeared as if in a dream,
  And there is no more place for you on Earth!
  After which the radiant blonde took it and pressed the button with the scarlet nipple of her breast. The samurai's howitzer was overturned by a shell flying out of the barrel. This girl is a witch and super.
  Charlotte is also a girl who is left in only her panties and fiercely fights with samurai. And he literally shows miracles of courage.
  He does this with great enthusiasm. And her bare toes are unusually flexible and nimble.
  And as if on a piano keyboard they play the joystick buttons, which they do masterfully.
  And then the Japanese all-terrain vehicle pierced like a hot needle through a blotter:
  Charlotte smacked her lips and sang:
  - Like the girls in the Third Reich,
  You know, kid, don"t drift with them!
  Can you beat me hard?
  You will discover a stormy path to glory!
  More precisely, even the right path!
  And the girl will take and press the joystick button with her crimson nipple. And again something extremely aggressive and lethal will work. And now the Japanese rocket launcher flies into the air.
  And the red-haired queen sings:
  Forever young girls
  The girls' voices are ringing...
  And their bare chests,
  They can bend everyone into a circle!
  Christina also fights like a fighting raspberry. She is young and beautiful. Almost naked in thin panties. And her abdominal muscles are so defined, like chocolate bars. These are truly magnificent and delightful steals.
  They have so much beauty and grace. How beautiful is a girl whose body consists of sculpted muscles. Which roll under tanned skin.
  And she will also take it and kick you with her bare toes. And the large, tall Japanese tank, having received a hit, caught fire.
  Christina tweeted:
  The world should respect us and fear us,
  The girls' exploits are countless...
  We will fight until victory,
  And the beauty"s love is pure!
  And so she presses the button with her ruby nipple and fires off a successful and very lethal shot. And it will hit the ammunition box so accurately that it will immediately throw up a whole battery of Japanese guns and throw a fiery fountain into the air.
  The girl said:
  Love and death, good and evil,
  What is holy, what is sinful! Let's kill everyone!
  And here is Magda, also a very beautiful girl with dandelion-colored hair and prominent muscles, naked to the waist, and wearing only very thin, white panties.
  She fires by pressing the button with her bare heel. Will hit the enemy and display:
  I'm a very gentle girl
  Always barefoot in battle...
  Little voice silvery bell,
  If necessary, I"ll crush the yellow ones!
  And the warrior will laugh in her radiant voice.
  And then her strawberry nipple will press too. And in this case, the cannon sent a shell at a large Japanese bomber. She took it and tore open his belly, and gifts of annihilation fell on the heads of the samurai. Literally crushing them and destroying them... And two entire battalions of Japanese infantry were destroyed.
  Magda sang with delight:
  The one who is deprived of heart and love,
  Don't count on it, because life is not a dream!
  The evil enemy will be resolved,
  And crushed by mighty power!
  It is clear that Japan cannot resist such girls. And the secret of their skill is that they fight almost without clothes, which gives them unprecedented, phenomenal, cosmic power.
  And then there are female pilots who fight in just their panties. And they, too, completely kill the samurai in the sky.
  So Helga took it and pressed the joystick button with her bare toes and was like crazy.
  And a colossal release of rockets will go off.
  The girl shook her breasts with scarlet nipples and began to sing;
  Poverty, alas, is familiar to me to tears;
  How the village house has become askew!
  Even the straw on the roof was rotten,
  A severe snowdrift under the window!
  It was a time of terrible disasters,
  Great tensions of Russian forces!
  My dashing and suffering childhood,
  When the cold turns blue!
  Running barefoot in the cold;
  It burns to the bones!
  Where can I find a rose of happiness,
  How to throw off the cascade of chains of poverty?!
  I don"t know happiness and peace;
  Hard work is so familiar to me!
  I'll cover the window with sackcloth,
  And onto the porch with an axe!
  We just have to survive the winter,
  So that your family doesn"t catch a cold!
  In spring the cherries bloom in rubies,
  And collect blueberry thread!
  And now the girls' legs,
  They are burning so much from the hellish cold!
  How hard it is to be barefoot forever
  Place logs in a row in the snow!
  But spring has come beautifully,
  White velvet snow flowed!
  And I hear a ringing voice,
  After all, this is how the streams sing!
  Here is a garden of sapphire color in specks;
  And summer flows like a torrent!
  Oh, the linden smelled in honeyed paws -
  Delight in bird rubble!
  We are putting up a wooden fence,
  The boy came to the rescue!
  And the feelings became strange
  It was as if the juice of the soul was flowing!
  Now the rain is pouring down, the downpour is loud;
  Hides a girl's pearly tear!
  I'll build a brick house -
  I'll take you out of the abyss!
  I was a cabin boy, you know, I saw countries;
  Wasteland sand, Turkmen gifts!
  Palaces, mosques of Samarkand,
  Some people are so kind!
  I know European countries too -
  It's been a long journey at sea!
  But the edge of the groves is closer to the heart,
  I want to turn my bird towards him!
  He kisses me, caresses me;
  Already dizzy!
  He promises a place in heaven
  And he himself is as handsome as Satan!
  We had a more modest wedding;
  Now I live in the city!
  Words of love are not nonsense -
  The increase is a good thing!
  But when sleep sets in,
  Where are the dreams in the blue sky...
  I dream about soft straw,
  My old village house!
  In short, Japan capitulated under a series of crushing blows from barefoot and half-naked girls. And a single world arose,
  Empire of the Third Reich. They began to implement a special policy to ensure balance in the family. And as a result, twelve times more girls were born than boys. And at the same time, a large-scale space expansion began.
  And now Gerda, Charlotte, Christina and Magda are fighting in space. They have single-seat fighters with very powerful weapons.
  This time they are fighting with a mixture of bedbugs and cockroaches, which also breathe fluoride.
  And the girls are again in their shorts, and use their scarlet breast nipples and bare toes when shooting. Which gives a colossal effect of devastation.
  And the warrior women sing;
  We girls have become cooler,
  We crush insects dashingly...
  Our army is made of steel
  It will be quiet very soon!
  . CHAPTER No. 11.
  When the redhead interrupted her story, Catherine muttered:
  - We could have made it shorter!
  Elizabeth nodded:
  - Brevity is the soul of wit!
  Euphrosyne tweeted:
  - Yes! It's almost like a story! And to be honest, you get tired of describing bare toe legs and scarlet nipples!
  Elena giggled and noted:
  - I just got a little carried away! But you must admit, this is cool!
  Elizabeth nodded:
  - Maybe! But it turned out anti-pulsar! Now, let's eat the jerboa.
  And the girls began to eat something very tasty and appetizing with golden forks.
  Elena, who had a restless disposition, could not resist and began to sing in her wonderful and strong voice;
  Terrible news in a cruel war,
  The girl I've loved forever!
  Thrown into the mouth of the monster Satan,
  Where is the Lord, justice and mercy?!
  Virgin Natasha went barefoot,
  Feet clattered along the dusty paths!
  After all, for the sins that flowed like a spring,
  She had a chance to march overseas!
  In early spring I hit the road,
  My feet are so blue from the cold!
  You can't bite a particle of meat,
  They just nod into the frost of the spruce trees!
  So on a road full of stones,
  The girl's feet were bleeding!
  And across Russia past people,
  Towards the city of the kings of Jerusalem!
  Caucasus Mountains, ridges covered in snow,
  Sharp stones prick your soles!
  But you fed on the power of the earth,
  Choosing a difficult hajj to the city of God!
  Summer, desert, angry sun,
  Like a girl's legs in a frying pan!
  The sacred city is not far away,
  Everyone carries an endless burden!
  There at the grave of God-Christ,
  The virgin bowed her knees in prayer!
  Where, great one, is the measure of sin,
  Where do I draw strength from in righteousness?
  God told her, frowning his brow,
  Prayer alone cannot change this world!
  Russia is destined to rule for centuries,
  That's right, serve her without asking for money!
  The virgin nodded: I believe in Christ,
  You chose Rus' as the savior of the world!
  I will spread the truth about this to everyone,
  The message of Jesus: God the idol!
  The way back was easy and quick,
  Bare feet have become strong!
  God extended His hand with grace,
  Muscles and will, as if made of steel!
  And you joined the army,
  Became a pilot, fought the Luftwaffe!
  There she showed the height of beauty,
  The German destroyer exploded on a landmine!
  A warrior is a dashing, brave fighter,
  Devoted to the party - to the cause of the Soviets!
  I believe in a victorious end over scum,
  I'll drive the demonic pack to the wall, to the answer!
  Well, why was the fighter shot down?
  You didn't have time to release the straps!
  And the shield turned out to be defective,
  And evil fascism fraternized with the Yankees!
  The war has become unequal and cruel,
  I am not a man: I cry bitterly!
  As if in trouble we can dive to the bottom,
  After all, luck has disappeared from the Fatherland!
  My cry to God: Almighty, for what?
  You separated me from my beloved maiden!
  Even in the cold I didn"t wear a coat,
  And she beat for three adversaries!
  Doesn't she deserve it?
  Meet me with flowers for victory!
  Bake generous pies for the holiday,
  And Natasha and I will come to the parade!
  The stern Lord answered gloomily:
  Who is happy in the world, who is doing well?
  The flesh will suffer and groan with pain,
  After all, humanity is vile and sinful!
  Well, then, when I come in glory,
  I will throw into Gehenna, whoever is not worthy to live!
  I will resurrect your virgin and you,
  The best one won"t want a share then!
  During the performance of this ballad, other girls even began to sing along with energy.
  Ekaterina noted with a smile:
  - The song helps us build and live,
  And with this lyre we take flight...
  And who walks through life singing,
  He will never disappear anywhere!
  Elizabeth agreed:
  - Indeed, the song is good!
  After which, the girls finished the delicacy. And they felt as if they were intoxicated. Music started playing in their heads. Why is jerboa meat so prized? It causes intense euphoria and it makes you feel good.
  The girls felt a surge of strength and began to dance. They began to jump up, twitching their bare, chiseled, graceful and very seductive legs.
  And at the same time, of course, they started singing;
  You are the Holy Mother of God, unearthly,
  Send us your heavenly grace!
  Let the river surface sparkle like a sapphire,
  The expanses of Mother Earth, my favorite!
  Let inspiration flow in your heart,
  In a fiery burst of girls' souls!
  With a careless brush of pleasure,
  Write to me a friend of your heart and dreams!
  Keep beauty in charming innocence,
  It"s not our fate - we risk losing everything!
  Although sometimes, believe me, honestly,
  The army dreams of the embraces of young kings!
  There are ribbons of bullets wrapped around the waist,
  There's a backpack on their backs, and a grenade launcher in their hands!
  Enemies are like fat sheep, believe me,
  Their army of brave Amazons will tear them apart!
  Night, black velvet, sky blanket,
  And my chest squeezed from excitement!
  As if a fur blanket is pressing,
  It"s so hard to even say a word and breathe!
  These are the burdens of bashful love,
  In this woeful war!
  But I believe I will become happy
  And I will serve my native country!
  The girls kicked off their boots
  Running through the snow barefoot!
  Legs turn red in the cold,
  It"s like they"re being scalded with boiling water!
  But the speed only increases
  The redoubt flickers ahead,
  The machine gun spits lead!
  We are not looking for a place in heaven,
  Throw wherever the Lord sends!
  Flashing barefoot heels,
  We're rushing along the barbed wires!
  The girls are Russian, simple;
  We will definitely win!
  Here the redoubt has been taken, all corpses,
  A proud, red flag went up!
  The ambitions of the evil orcs are deflated,
  We, like eagles, soar in poetry!
  The song is really catchy. But girls want something more. They are full of energy and desire to show their phenomenal cosmic power of mutants.
  Elena stamped her bare foot so hard that the tiles cracked and growled:
  - I want to fight! Energy is bubbling inside me!
  Here the robot seller tweeted:
  -You sing very quasarically! Sing something else and you'll get paid good money!
  Elizabeth corrected:
  - Not good! And quasar money!
  The robot nodded:
  - I will connect you to the Hypernet, and if you do something cool, then you will receive large financial transfers!
  Elena muttered:
  - Is it true? It will be hyperquasar!
  Ekaterina noted:
  - Let's sing about the love between a boy and a girl. And it will be extremely, great.
  Euphrosyne nodded with her snow-white and very beautiful head with lush hair:
  - That's it! Such songs are a huge success!
  The red-haired vixen added, baring her teeth:
  - I don"t care what to sing, as long as the money is transferred more energetically! This is the main thing!
  And the four girls, with great enthusiasm, sang a magnificent, albeit somewhat old-fashioned romance, which turned out to be a whole ballad;
  What happened to the tender bride,
  I am in suffering with a black soul!
  Remembering her lovely face,
  What do I keep when I go into battle?
  I remember how we walked slowly along the path,
  Through peaceful villages, wastelands!
  You're wearing fancy clothes,
  The step to the monasteries is easy!
  And the golden grass is ripening in the field,
  The breeze cleared away all the fog!
  Orthodoxy will be in eternal glory,
  Light of hope in the prayers of Christians!
  Bare feet on the roads,
  The girl and I repent of our sins!
  Worship and believe the Holy God,
  He will weigh your life on the scales!
  And when the voice from the throne boomed,
  You are not worthy to enter My paradise!
  Because the holiness of the sky,
  Not available, don't even dream!
  To you sinners in low, dirty troubles,
  One should abide and abide for centuries!
  Only courage in victories is valued,
  Like an alloy, the Russian army is united!
  Our soldier does not go to taverns,
  Drinking vodka is disgusting to him - evil!
  He is the strongest warrior - the thunderstorm of the world!
  Whoever climbs into Rus' will be erased into shit!
  My girl's step along the path,
  A torn bag behind me!
  She takes care of her boots
  I gave everything to God's granaries!
  And he can already smell the black burning smell,
  A horde swept through the villages!
  The whole country was torn apart,
  In the ashes and ruins of the city!
  That's when the girl became indignant,
  No, it"s not a matter of hiding in the basement!
  And with all my passion I asked to go to the front,
  Because Jesus called!
  They gave her a plane to beat the Nazis,
  So that she can fly, glorifying Christ!
  To make it hot in the clear sky,
  May the skies close to the Krauts!
  Yes, she fought with all her might
  And she prayed evilly before the icon!
  I didn't want to be captured by the grave,
  She exterminated countless reptiles!
  But the last battle turned out badly,
  For some reason the gas tank burst!
  Have mercy, I pray to God crying,
  It's a shame if the girls are on fire!
  Jesus answered me sternly,
  I suffered for you, I suffered!
  And now, believe me, there is no coffin,
  The Almighty resurrected all those who fell!
  And now your bride is in heaven,
  Good for her, I wiped away a tear myself!
  Believe me, there is a place for you too,
  You will make your old dream come true!
  Just know - service to Russia,
  This is the way to please God!
  What makes the entire planet happier?
  We need to serve our Motherland with all our strength!
  The main sin is to turn away from the Fatherland,
  Don't go to war, lie down in the bushes!
  Prefer the role of a pathetic clown,
  Without knowing the Lord's beauty!
  So go and take revenge on the fascists,
  Jesus commanded so menacingly!
  The smoke will disappear into the fragrant air,
  There will be time for peaceful affairs!
  Snow pearls from the sea, glitter brightly,
  The blizzard will swirl the curls of the lambs...
  Our Fatherland is granite faith,
  To be honest, the Krauts are not scary!
  The clang of metal, the creaks of rollers -
  Tanks are crawling through the borders of Russia!
  Let's build a ridge of sharp bayonets,
  With a shout of "Hurray", we went on the attack!
  A tie on the neck the color of dawn,
  We were inspired into battle by an idea.
  There is only one choice - win or die,
  Here the scarlet flag flies over the redoubt!
  Pale lips, a blizzard blows,
  The captured girl's hands were tied...
  Oh, how merciless fate is,
  In the bitter cold, barefoot to the scaffold!
  But I didn"t want to end up in a loop,
  She gathered strength and grabbed onto the German.
  There is no one stronger than us on Earth,
  We don't need your vile mercy!
  And so she died, gnawing at her throat,
  Russian girl, Tanya Krasnova.
  But the path will lead us to Berlin,
  Let's build a world without violence, a new one!
  How many of my brothers died,
  All volunteers, just boys.
  For the pioneers of the poor, barefoot -
  Crust for breakfast, bumps for dinner!
  We are near Berlin, triumph is coming soon,
  The Komsomol sign lights up your chest!
  Even though the boots are too tight because I"m not used to them,
  But the color of happiness in May inspires!
  The Fuhrer is in hell, the hurricane has died down -
  Joy has come, children's laughter is heard!
  The den is sleeping in the ashes of the underworld,
  And above the Fatherland - the Red Sun!
  The girls sang with great enthusiasm. And indeed, they immediately received millions of likes. And with money it"s a little worse, but it"s also going well. So girls have nothing to complain about.
  Elena nodded:
  - Let's go, girls! I'm in voice now. And if I do start drinking, it will be in such a way that no one will find it enough.
  And the mutant warriors and investigators began to sing again;
  The flow of the wave is coastal crystal,
  The breeze is fresh, gentle, groovy!
  And the snow is falling so snow-white,
  Above Mother Earth, gray!
  The rays gilded the snowdrifts,
  And the flakes fell like fluff!
  Quickly throw off the weights from your soul,
  So that the enthusiasm doesn"t go out all at once!
  I'm a barefoot girl
  Now an evil guerrilla avenger!
  A tattered skirt in patches,
  The fascist attacked the homeland!
  Now satiety has rushed into the abyss,
  Stale cracker for lunch!
  The fascists, I believe, will be beaten,
  And the girls" feat is glorified!
  She placed explosives in the rails,
  Even though the night was cold!
  The rain poured down mercilessly,
  The trouble seemed to reach the bottom!
  But the train with the Germans was blown up,
  Fascist tanks cannot pass!
  Although there is no ideal in the world,
  I keep the motive of love in my hearts!
  The path is very long, I lost my legs,
  But I collected everything about the Germans!
  Hitler, I believe, will get it in the snout,
  For your lawlessness!
  Heroism knows no age,
  There are no limits - death knows no!
  We will go out into limitless space,
  To wipe away the tears of sorrow at once!
  Let's achieve new greatness
  Red flag over the entire planet!
  And you make your contribution: emotional, personal,
  Carry it in prose and poetry!
  Moreover, not for the sake of idle talk,
  After all, the word is a hammer, a sharp sickle!
  Without vile worship of relics,
  And with the creation of the Russian coat of arms!
  They conquered half of Europe,
  Of course, we need a new world!
  Streams of cavalry, infantry,
  Let's conquer the vastness of the Universe!
  And it's time for you to serve Russia,
  My dear descendants!
  So that the holiday is under the blue sky,
  So that the doves shoot upward!
  The girls released a little of their frantic energy. And they were tired of singing. Moreover, there has been no Russia for a long time. Humanity is a single power. It even has two supreme coordinators: according to tradition, a man and a woman. They are elected every three years on the Hypernet. Moreover, no more than one term. And you can return for a second term only after thirty years. This is to avoid the usurpation of power and the establishment of an authoritarian regime. In fact, in three years the supreme coordinators will not have time to strengthen themselves enough to become dictators, and the tradition of democracy plays a role.
  In the USA, not a single president has ever become a dictator, and Roosevelt remains an exception. In Russia it is worse in this regard. One ruler made a lot of mistakes and extended his powers. But after it, the system somehow became more democratic. The president's powers were reduced to five years and two terms. And somehow we got used to it.
  Until, finally, all the countries of the world united. A hegemony of Russia, the USA and China was first created. And other countries joined it.
  World integration was facilitated, oddly enough, by the decline of almost all world religions. People grew wiser and realized that all these were fairy tales and purely human ideas about God the Creator, and even more so about other Gods. In fact, everything is much more complicated and simpler. But not a single human book is the truth, not a hundred are entirely false.
  All religions are both light and the desire for good, but again, human. And fantasies from the world and nature of people and the psyche. People began to understand this, and a fashion arose for a new belief: in the omnipotence of human Reason. After which, the countries disappeared and unity occurred.
  In addition, the decrease in the number of males also contributed to unity. Men are more aggressive, while women, on the contrary, are kind. And because of this, it became easier for people to agree. And that"s not how women want to separate.
  Therefore, humanity became a single power and a democratic republic in which there was almost no separatism. Well, almost, because there were some attempts. And the mutant girls also struggled with this. So separatism could lead to new, already star wars among people.
  It's better to have a united democracy. Moreover, this is unity in diversity. And not the desire for unification. At the same time, practically the entire population has a single religion: Archhomotheism - belief in the omnipotence of the Human Mind, and this unites everyone. But at the same time, of course, there are still various kinds of sects, albeit rarely. Some are Christian, others are Buddhist, there are Muslims and the latest formations. They are few in number and usually not dangerous.
  But there were also terrorist attacks on religious grounds, but also very rarely.
  The world of people, in which there are many times more girls than men, was distinguished by stable progressive development, peace and tranquility, almost without crime.
  But at the same time, there was something missing from him. For example, adventures and the fight against evil.
  Although in virtual reality this is quite possible.
  And arrange adventures for yourself every day.
  And now, the girls clearly want to jump into virtual worlds instead of a dead-end investigation.
  Such adventures await there.
  Elizabeth remembered how she fought in the winter near Moscow. It was terribly cold then. And the Germans then caught two pioneer boys. They searched them and stripped them down to their underpants. Then they drove us out into the snow, almost naked.
  Children, about twelve years old, walked barefoot on the icy, very burning snow. It was very painful. Their feet became scarlet, like the feet of geese. Then they were driven into a warm hut, allowed to warm up, and then out into the cold again.
  The pioneers experienced terrible pain and moaned. However, they did not give the Germans any information.
  Then an even more cruel method, children were placed on flaming coal fires with their bare feet. And it"s so painful, especially after the frost, and the smell wafts through the air, like they"re roasting a lamb. And German warrior girls lick their lips carnivorously.
  This is the cruelty that was shown. One guy couldn't stand it and broke down.
  He said that he knew where the Soviet troops were going to attack. Well, of course it was a gag. But the boy accidentally guessed. And indeed, the Germans were able to regroup and close the breakthrough.
  The Nazis took one of the boys half naked and barefoot out into the snow. And there they left him in the bitter cold until he turned into ice. And the boy who broke down was told that there was no turning back for him anyway, and they offered him either to be expended or to continue to serve Germany.
  He chose service. However, having caught the moment, he was able to escape.
  Then, after the war, as an adult, he admitted that he had lost heart to Elizabeth.
  She answered with a sigh:
  - If they were you, too many people would break down. I'm not to judge!
  In fact, it is only in books that heroes remain steadfast under torture. Everything in life is much more complicated.
  Although in this universe, the war was won. But there are parallel universes where things have happened much worse than theirs.
  And a story could be written about this.
  . CHAPTER No. 12.
  The girls rushed in their swift flight towards planet Earth. It has a very large population and probably the largest number of mental patients. Only on it can you find at least some clue in the search for mysterious criminals. And maybe you will be able to get hooked.
  Elizabeth, being a medium, remembered one of the parallel worlds, where it was even worse than in the Great Patriotic War.
  In January 1943, the Germans acquired a mutant ace. He also underwent modification as a young man and acquired superpowers. At first he fought on the Mediterranean front with the British and Americans. He became the first Luftwaffe pilot to shoot down two hundred aircraft, receiving the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with silver oak leaves, swords and diamonds.
  After shooting down three hundred planes, he was the first in the Third Reich to receive the Military Merit Cross in gold and diamonds. After which he was transferred to the Eastern Front.
  There he took part in the epic Battle of Kursk. A mutant young man, a blond boy who looked like a boy, who didn"t even have a mustache or beard, looked like a teenager of about fourteen years old, by this time had become an incredibly strong air fighter. And they couldn"t hit him, but he himself intuitively sensed clusters of enemy planes.
  And his instincts and accuracy became supernatural. And he knocked out Soviet planes so famously that he received the nickname White Devil, and he was afraid of him like fire.
  Moreover, he received a unique experimental fighter ME-309, which had seven firing points at once - three air cannons and four machine guns, and no one could resist it.
  A boy named Wolf, who survived the mutation, was rapidly racking up bills. And he shot down about five hundred aircraft in two months of the Kursk Bulge. And other German pilots followed him. The Nazis retained their air superiority. And they were able to avoid defeat on land. True, there was no victory. The Nazis retreated to their original lines and gained a foothold there. The front line turned out to be stable.
  The losses of the USSR turned out to be higher than in real history. By the way, the Allies also postponed the landing in Sicily. They were afraid to transfer the fighting to the continent. And Wolf Rommel, that was the name of the mutant pilot, instilled fear in them.
  In addition, Wolf managed to shoot down a plane carrying Montgomery himself during his Mediterranean flying career. The most talented English commander died. And because of this, the British postponed the landing in Sicily. And then they abandoned it altogether. And Roosevelt was also more interested in defeating Japan than in getting into Europe.
  So Wolf Rommel successfully fought and shot down USSR planes with great gusto. It's not for nothing that he's a mutant.
  The bombing of the Third Reich and its factories also decreased. This allowed the Germans to launch the new Panther-2 tank, with more powerful weapons and armor, into production back in September 1943. The tank had good forehead protection: the hull was 100 mm thick, and the turret was 120 mm thick. And the sides are 60 mm. And everything is on slopes. This allowed Panther-2 to withstand attacks from smaller Soviet guns. Plus there is also an 88-mm gun in the 71EL, very powerful and fast-firing, penetrating Soviet vehicles from a long distance. At the same time, the driving performance of the Panther 2 was not bad. Weighing 53 tons, it had an engine of 900 horsepower. This means that it could move no worse than the Soviet thirty-four. In addition, Tiger 2 entered mass production earlier.
  The Germans controlled the largest bauxite deposit in Zaporozhye, and therefore their tanks had good quality armor.
  In the fall, Soviet troops tried unsuccessfully to advance in Ukraine and in the center.
  Wolf Rommel received a new award for the five hundred shot down Soviet aircraft: the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with golden oak leaves, swords and diamonds. And for seven hundred and fifty aircraft a unique award is the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with platinum oak leaves, swords and diamonds. And for a thousand aircraft shot down, Hitler approved a special award: the Star of the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with silver oak leaves, swords and diamonds.
  And when the mutant pilot exceeded one and a half thousand downed planes by the New Year, he received another award: the Star of the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with golden oak leaves swords and diamonds.
  So the accounts were actively accruing, as if in a fairy tale.
  Wolf Rommel became a phenomenon that other Luftwaffe pilots looked up to.
  In January, the Red Army tried to advance near Leningrad, but was unable to break through the defenses. And in Ukraine, Soviet troops were not successful. Moreover, German tanks were produced in large quantities. And especially "Panther" was very good in defense.
  Within two months, Wolf Rommel shot down more than five hundred more Soviet aircraft.
  Winter is over. The Germans were accumulating forces for new offensives. They had a perfect propeller-driven, multi-role attack aircraft, the TA-152, superior to Soviet aircraft. And jet aircraft.
  So Stalin decided to deal with it specifically. The front line was still the same as in the summer of '43.
  But the Germans were accumulating forces for an offensive. The number of "Panthers"-2 was increasing, and they could go on a decisive offensive.
  Hitler counted on this very much.
  Stalin, meanwhile, negotiated with Churchill and Roosevelt. They declared that landing in France was impossible and made no sense. The soldiers will only die in vain.
  Like, the Germans are still strong. Difficulties also arose regarding Lend-Lease. Hitler somewhat softened his policy towards Jews, and hinted that he could completely abandon anti-Semitism if the West made peace with him and helped.
  Stalin understood that he was in a difficult position. The country is exhausted and overstressed. The Germans kept themselves from defeat in the winter, and in the late spring and summer they can take their victories. So it"s better not to meddle against them.
  There was, of course, hope for new technology. Tanks T-34-85 and IS-2. But they, of course, are not as strong as "Panther"-2 and "Tiger"-2. Yes, the IS-2 is inferior in armament, quality of shells and frontal armor. It"s just that the new tanks are at least something better than the old ones. Especially the T-34-76, which could not even penetrate the Tiger-2"s side.
  Stalin gathered his closest circle. The bunker was underground in the Kremlin.
  So far the Germans have not actively bombed Moscow. But they had FAA missiles in development, and, of course, formidable jet bombers, against which the USSR aviation and air defense were still powerless.
  In addition, the Nazis have already received new aircraft into production. And the TA-152, which could carry up to two tons of bombs. And the Yu-288 bomber, already carrying up to six tons, and with greater range, speed, and defensive weapons. And these are the ones in the series. And there are developments. This is primarily a four-engine Yu-488, with a speed of up to seven hundred kilometers per hour, which is very much for a bomber, and could carry up to ten tons of weight. And the even more formidable six-engine TA-400. It carried more bombs and was protected by thirteen air cannons. Plus it could also have jet engines.
  So it"s clear that the capital won"t be calm for long. The Germans also launched the MP-44 assault rifle, which was the best in the world at that time. And they already had the "E" series on the way, which had no equal.
  So it was clear that the USSR could very well lose this war. Moreover, all of Europe worked for Hitler. And foreigners were recruited into the infantry, and into factories, and so on. In terms of human resources, taking into account the occupied territories, the Third Reich has a significant advantage. And the quality of weapons is probably even higher.
  Although the ME-262 is not yet perfect, and it is too early to launch it into production. But there are TA-152 and ME-309, which are already in the series, and fight well. Both their speed and weapons are at their best. True, the cars weigh a lot, which affects maneuverability. But powerful weapons make it possible to shoot down in one go, and the speed during a dive goes away when the Yak, for example, comes into the tail. And in vertical maneuvering, German planes are stronger and have higher speed.
  Yakovlev informed Stalin about the Yak-3, which was in development, lighter and more maneuverable than the Yak-9.
  Stalin listened to this, looking at the portrait of Alexander Suvorov. This commander of Tsarist Russia was unique, and lived for almost seventy years, being invincible. Although he was not given large armies. And the loudest victories over the French did not bring Russia even an inch of land. But he knew how to win with numbers.
  Now the Germans began to form legions from almost all over Europe. Hitler stopped terror against Jews, and they even began to recruit battalions of volunteers from them.
  The Polish Liberation Army also appeared, as a counterbalance to the Polish army.
  The French, Dutch, Belgians, Danes and other Europeans were recruited into the Third Reich, especially into the SS units. Both Belarusian and Ukrainian divisions appeared in the USSR. The Germans became smarter and more flexible as the war progressed. And now there was a central Rada in Belarus, and local forces were used against the partisans. Formally, Belarus received autonomy, and a semblance of self-government appeared. Just like in Ukraine. Where Bandera was released from prison. And new nationalist divisions began to be formed.
  So the USSR did not have an advantage in manpower. And in terms of technology, the advantage passed to the Germans.
  Stalin noted:
  - Manufacturing the Yak-3 requires a large amount of high-quality duralumin. And its supplies from the USA and Britain have decreased sharply. And the allies are already brazenly demanding that we pay for this in gold!
  Yakovlev answered with a sigh:
  - Yes, for now the Yak-9 remains the main fighter! And its output should be increased.
  Ilyushin said:
  - The production of aircraft reached one hundred per day, including forty fighters. But their quality has decreased. Many cars weigh three hundred or four hundred kilograms heavier than the standard ones, and because of this they are inferior to the Germans even in maneuverability!
  The air commander nodded:
  - We simply have a catastrophic ratio of losses in air battles - one to ten in favor of the Germans. And the pilots are poorly trained. The allies have stopped supplying aviation gasoline, and there is not enough of their own. And Soviet cars are no different in quality. Plus, the Germans have a whole galaxy of excellent aces. There are also female pilots. For example, Albina and Alvina, two new stars, have already received Knight's Crosses with silver oak leaves, swords and diamonds, having shot down more than three hundred aircraft each.
  And this in a short time!
  Stalin nodded and remarked:
  - Wolf, this terminator pilot is not alone!
  The commander nodded:
  - If only there was one!
  The Supreme Commander asked:
  - What will Zhukov say?
  The USSR Marshal answered with a sad look:
  - We need new weapons. The T-34-85 tank is not powerful enough. Its cannon still does not penetrate either the Panther-2 or the Tiger-2 in the forehead. The Germans developed a more advanced Panther-3, which should have the armor of the Tiger-2, with less weight and a more powerful engine. If such a tank goes into production, we will be completely ruined!
  Stalin muttered:
  - How about the IS-2?
  Zhukov answered honestly:
  - The frontal armor of the tower is rather weak. Even a simple "Panther" can easily take it from a distance of a kilometer, and even further with an under-barrel shell!
  The Supreme noted:
  - Why wasn"t his forehead armor made 160 millimeters thick?
  Zhukov answered honestly:
  - Because a powerful gun is already heavy. And the transmission will simply jam.
  We were forced to abandon this and limit ourselves to 100 millimeters in the forehead.
  Stalin grinned and looked unkind. Then he asked:
  - What if we reduce the side armor of the IS-2 from ninety millimeters to fifty, and thereby strengthen the forehead?
  Zhukov nodded:
  - This is quite possible, Comrade Stalin. But it takes time to develop a new tower and put it into production!
  Marshal Vasilevsky noted:
  - The Germans, in this case, will be able to punch the IS-2 turret into the side with bazookas and faustpatron, and lighter guns. So this is a controversial decision!
  The Supreme One growled:
  - No matter where you throw it, there"s a wedge everywhere!
  Yakovlev noted:
  - We should develop jet aviation! The Germans already have ME-262s fighting in the sky. True, they are not very effective, but time passes, and the Nazis will probably have something better.
  Beria nodded and said:
  - According to the latest data, the Germans are developing a jet fighter ME-1100, which could take off in the air this fall. It has some original ideas. And the ME-262 X is also being developed, which should be more powerful and better than previous models and be ready for combat use.
  Stalin asked:
  - What are the details?
  The People's Commissar of Internal Affairs answered with a sigh:
  - They are secret and we are working! But according to rumors, the ME-262 should have a speed of over 1,100 kilometers per hour.
  Stalin's entourage whistled in surprise.
  The Supreme nodded:
  - Wow! Then we're definitely screwed! What will Molotov say?
  The People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs answered with a sigh:
  - The Western allies put the brakes on the war. They seem to be formally still fighting, but in reality they are not conducting combat operations. The Germans also stopped producing submarines and concentrated on tanks and aircraft. In addition, instead of FAA missiles, factories will produce the latest jet bombers. And this means that we will be bombed without pity. We simply won't be able to keep up with jet planes!
  Stalin muttered:
  - This is bad! This means there is no place to wait for help.
  Marshal Vasilevsky replied:
  - Russia has only two allies: the army and the navy!
  The Supreme Commander nodded:
  - Yes, it is true! However, the not very good Tsar Alexander the Third said this!
  Beria noted:
  - If Tsar Alexander the Third had lived longer, he might have been great. He could well have won the war with Japan!
  Zhukov grinned and replied:
  - If I were Kuropatkin, I would beat the Japanese. And nothing would stop me!
  Stalin muttered:
  - Stop talking nonsense! We don't have AIs to figure things out here! We need to save our homeland. Soon Hitler will trample on us with all his might, and it won"t seem like much. And we need specific ideas!
  Marshal Vasilevsky, who was reputed to be a great strategist, suggested:
  - Let's rely on defense in depth. We need as many guns as possible, including anti-tank ones. How are we doing with their release?
  Nikolai Voznesensky confidently answered:
  - Very good! We produce exactly as much artillery as the military requires. But it"s no longer worth it, there won"t be enough people for the gun crews!
  Marshal Vasilevsky noted:
  - We need more, especially anti-aircraft guns. The latter can be used both against aircraft and ground targets!
  Stalin nodded his graying head:
  - We need to produce more 100-mm anti-aircraft guns. They can penetrate the Panther-2 head-on, and even the Tiger-2 point-blank, and at the same time shoot down intrusive German planes.
  Voznesensky noted:
  - For the 100-mm cannon, we still need to make the necessary projectile. And so, there is an idea for a self-propelled gun based on the thirty-four chassis. Make the SU-100, which will be easier to produce than the T-34-85, but much more powerful in armament.
  The Supreme Commander nodded with satisfaction:
  - Well, you are Voznesensky and the head! Now let's sing!
  And the crowd sang in chorus:
  In the vastness of the wonderful Motherland,
  Tempered in battle and labor...
  We composed a joyful song,
  About a great friend and leader!
  Stalin, this is military glory,
  Stalin, this is the flight of youth...
  Fighting and winning with songs,
  Our people are following Stalin!
  Fighting and winning with songs,
  Our people are following Stalin!
  Well, the Red Empire is gathering forces to repel the onslaught. But on the other hand, Hitler is preparing an offensive. Arms production in Germany is growing. "Panther"-2 has become better protected in the turret forehead, due to a 150-mm gun mantlet at an angle, and a 100-mm hull forehead with an angle of 45 degrees. This is just enough that the T-34-85 does not penetrate a German vehicle head-on. But she can penetrate it from three and a half kilometers.
  Thus, "Panther"-2 became the main tank, and simple "Panthers" are already being discontinued. Like the T-4. But they are still being produced so as not to collapse production volumes. Like "Tiger", despite the release of "Tiger"-2, it is still being produced.
  It is not possible to immediately rebuild the entire production to Panther-2. Although this tank is very good. And in speed, and armor, and especially in weapons, where it has no equal.
  In early March, while the roads were still wet, the Germans made their first attempt to attack. And they struck in the direction of Voroshilovgrad and Krasnodonsk. And also Donetsk.
  These parts of Ukraine were recaptured by the Red Army during the Stalingrad crisis, and the Germans did not have time to return them. The Nazis managed to achieve tactical surprise.
  So they spread misinformation that they wanted to encircle the Soviet war on the Kursk Bulge. But they hit in a different direction, where they were not expected!
  Powerful tanks of the Nazis took part in the battles, and "Tiger"-2, which, compared to real history, had a more powerful engine of 1000 horsepower, which means it moved faster and could serve as a good breakthrough tank.
  The Germans advanced quickly at first. They captured Voroshilovgrad, Krasnodonsk, and Donetsk, but then the snow melted and the heavy German tanks got stuck in the mud. However, the Krauts were able to completely take control of all of Ukraine. And they announced their new victory.
  The first German tanks of the E series also took part in the battles. In particular, the E-10 self-propelled gun. This machine had very advanced characteristics. Firstly, its height was only 1.2 meters. And the crew is only two people lying down. The engine and transmission were together and across. And the self-propelled gun itself is small in size, but with an engine of four hundred horsepower. And at ten tons it was possible to fit 82 mm of frontal armor at a large angle of rational inclination, and 52 mm of side armor, plus rollers.
  E-10 is a machine that is almost perfect. Speeding up to one hundred kilometers on the highway, and seventy on the highway, it is difficult to hit and is easily camouflaged.
  At the same time, it is cheap and easy to produce. The only drawback is that the gun is the same as in the T-4 75 mm 48 EL barrel length. But it penetrates Soviet tanks head-on, albeit from a short distance. And she can withstand the T-45-85"s blows to the forehead, and it"s almost impossible to hit her.
  And the crew is also unusual - two wolf girls from the SS. Gerda and Charlotte.
  They are ready to fight like monsters. And they have colossal, destructive power.
  And they showed their fighting master class with especially bare feet and only panties.
  But, of course, we don"t have to talk about them in such detail. On the other side, barefoot Soviet Komsomol girls in only a bikini are fighting.
  And they show their aggressive and cool character. They shoot accurately, throw gifts of annihilation with the bare toes of their tanned, strong, muscular legs and sing at the same time;
  We are daughters of the dear Fatherland,
  Countries of Soviets under the red banner!
  Comrade Stalin, daring falcon,
  Which will make the whole world beautiful!
  My Motherland and I were born into happiness,
  To grow grain and textile flax...
  You know, these are the sons of Russia,
  That man will be omnipotent!
  A thunderstorm is thundering - fascism has invaded us,
  Armadas of formidable tanks struck...
  But better hit your adversary in the eye,
  We are not babies who lap up semolina!
  The Fuhrer broke through to Moscow on horseback,
  On white and from steel that is polished...
  Adolf Hitler sold himself to Satan,
  I thought bullets couldn't stop him!
  Comrade Stalin, the daring knight,
  He collided with Hitler in the lists...
  And it turned out that the Fuhrer is not cool,
  The leader's fist stuck into his Adam's apple!
  Now the fascist is shaking like a leaf,
  So Stalin crippled him severely...
  He would prefer to play whist at the circus,
  Well, now Adolf is just a tanning bum!
  Nightmare of the Nazis of the world, Stalingrad,
  Because our guys have become stronger...
  The soldier of the land of the Soviets is very happy,
  We slapped all the adversaries on the horns!
  Berlin will collapse at the feet of the girls, you know,
  The girls will walk around barefoot...
  We will soon build a paradise on the planet,
  And it will be very joyful and quiet!
  Everything will be fine in the universe,
  The girls will receive a cloak made from diamonds...
  Sometimes it's too hard
  But we are a country older than the Atlanteans!
  In Russia there is a pioneer and that titan,
  In the Fatherland, every warrior is from diapers...
  Adolf, you are a loser and a tyrant,
  You got a black eye from the girls' feet!
  When communism is above the universe,
  The veil, as the Mother of God will spread...
  Then all revenge will be caged,
  And Jesus God of Light Name!
  Indeed, the Pioneer Boys are titans indeed.
  And they fight with incredible and wild fury. These are truly child heroes. Which will not bend or break, although the legs are bare, red from the cold and the boys are wearing only shorts with naked, muscular, tanned torsos.
  And at the same time, of course, they show character no worse than the Razins.
  The pioneers sing with great enthusiasm;
  We are pioneers, children of communism -
  A fire, a tent and a ringing horn!
  The invasion of damned fascism -
  Which awaits a furious defeat!
  What did we lose in these battles?
  What did you gain in battles with the enemy?
  We used to be just children of the world -
  And now the warriors of the Motherland!
  But Hitler took a step towards our capital,
  The waterfall dropped countless bombs!
  My Fatherland is even more beautiful than the sky -
  Now the bloody sunset has come!
  We will respond to aggression harshly -
  Although they themselves are, alas, small in stature!
  But the sword is in the hands of a fragile teenager -
  Stronger than the legions of Satan!
  Let the tanks rush avalanche after avalanche,
  And we divide the rifle among three!
  Let the police meanly aim at the back,
  But the Holy God will punish them fiercely!
  What we decided? Doing the work of peace -
  And for that, alas, I had to shoot!
  The calm is already hateful.
  There is also violence and grace!
  The girl and I are running barefoot together -
  Even though snow has fallen, it burns a snowdrift like coal!
  But they have no fear, you know, children -
  The fascist will be driven into the coffin with a bullet!
  So they killed a vile company of Krauts,
  And the rest of the cowards are running!
  We destroy infantry like a scythe in battle -
  Young summers are not a hindrance for us!
  Victory will be achieved in May,
  Now, blizzard, prickly, hard snow!
  The boy is barefoot, his sister is barefoot,
  Children met the dawn in rags!
  Where do these forces come from in us?
  To endure pain, and cold, and need!
  When a friend measured the bottom of the grave,
  When a friend moans, I die!
  Christ blessed us pioneers,
  He said, the Fatherland has been given to you by God!
  This is the first faith of all,
  Soviet, sacred country!
  . CHAPTER No. 13.
  Well, finally, they flew up to planet Earth. Cradles of human civilization. And the planet is undoubtedly rich and generous, both in talent and in crazy people.
  Catherine was still sleeping, and this girl was dreaming of that glorious time when they fought the Taliban. I dreamed what really happened;
  In May 2023, the Taliban, having completed all preparations and waiting for all mountain passes to open and warmer temperatures, struck Tajikistan. In fact, while Russia is stuck in Ukraine and is spending enormous resources there, fighting, in fact, with the entire Western world, it is not a sin to take advantage of the moment and strike at the southern underbelly of the CIS.
  Moreover, the USA encourages it. Like, come on Mujahideen, attack, we will support you.
  Plus, of course, internal problems. Life in material terms has become worse than under the pro-American regime, but in terms of political freedom and human rights, there is nothing to say.
  So the Taliban began to look for a way out in external expansion. After the protracted war, the Mujahideen had time to rest, sleep, and make children for themselves. And again they began to miss battles.
  Moreover, they seemed to have won the war with America and, of course, were drawn to new exploits. In Afghanistan itself, especially in the north, there are many Tajiks and, of course, there is a desire for unification. Moreover, Tajikistan has been ruled by dictator Rakhmonov for almost thirty years. And it"s time to free the Tajiks from this idol and subordinate them to the will of Allah. By the way, in the Taliban itself, its chairman is not an oriental despot, collective governance reigns. And in everything, Allah and Sharia, and strict Islamic laws.
  And, of course, now they are no longer so afraid of Russia. And a huge Taliban army marched into Tajikistan.
  The son of Mullah Omar and the head of the military wing of the Taliban especially wanted war.
  Of course, due to his youth, he is itching and has a thirst for war. Plus, of course, the desire to lead all of Afghanistan. But the country is not small, and its population is almost forty million people, and quite young, or rather, the average age due to the high birth rate is such that the desire to fight has not yet gone away.
  So what happened was practically inevitable. A Tajikistan army of half a million attacked Tajikistan. Well, as many predicted, the Tajik resistance turned out to be weak. Many of them surrendered, many fled, and some went over to the Taliban side. And the Russian base in Tajikistan was completely surrounded. And they began to shoot and beat her with great intensity.
  Russian aircraft tried to bomb the Taliban, but without much success.
  We had to enter the war on two fronts. Uzbekistan has so far maintained neutrality.
  The warrior went with great bitterness. And more and more Russian troops were transferred to the south.
  Well, of course, the magnificent four could not miss this, having entered into a fierce battle with the enemy.
  In Tajikistan, even in winter there is almost no snow, and in summer it is a pain to fight in shoes - your feet swell, especially if you run a lot. And the girls go on the attack, flaunting their bare, pink heels. Dirt does not stick to their soles, which are as hard as camel hooves.
  Elizabeth fires from a machine gun, at the same time, with her bare toes, throwing a destructive gift of death.
  The bodies of the Taliban, torn to shreds, jump up.
  The warrior exclaims:
  - For our beautiful children!
  Another warrior, Catherine, also fires from a submachine gun. He scribbles with great accuracy, killing Mujahideen. They fall like mown sheaves of wheat.
  And a charming girl with golden hair threw a pea of death with her bare heel and cooed:
  - Rus' defended the country with itself,
  From the invasions of hellish locusts...
  And covered it with her breasts -
  All peoples of Mother Earth!
  And the warrior laughed, showing her mouth full of teeth.
  Elena, another girl from among those who show aerobatics and mow down the Taliban in ranks, cooed:
  - Apples in the snow,
  These are girls' breasts...
  I will help you,
  There will be cool judges!
  And the warrior again threw her bare toes the murderous gift of annihilation. And she scattered many Taliban in different directions, tearing off their heads and limbs.
  Efrosinya also mows down the Mujahideen, and does it with great enthusiasm. This girl has so much drive and crazy energy. She throws with her bare toes a gift of death of great destructive force.
  And then he sings:
  - Oh girls, barefoot, barefoot, barefoot...
  We're swinging braids, braids, braids!
  The warrior girls have taken on the Taliban so much that the beauties" heels are sparkling.
  Indeed, a Russian woman is a great force. And she mows down enemies like a scythe with a motor. And it really drives you into coffins, or even into the ground.
  The warriors show their furious temperament and roar:
  We are Komsomol girls
  We love Eskimo...
  The voice of beauties is clear,
  There will be a new movie!
  And the warriors took it and showed their very long and very playful tongues.
  Fighting the Taliban is, of course, not an easy task. And Russian guys are dying in considerable numbers. And we have to transport two hundred cargo from Tajikistan.
  Of course, in Russia itself people are starting to rebel - why was the war with Ukraine necessary? Should Russia pay with the lives of its sons and daughters in the war in Tajikistan? The questions are, of course, quite natural. In fact, is the game worth the candle? For the sake of dictator Rakhmonov, lose the lives of soldiers, and spend new trillions of rubles on a war with an enemy who is fanatical and numerous like locusts.
  In addition, prices are rising, but there is no sign of victory. And then Zyuganov suffered a stroke, and the pocket oppositionist was paralyzed. For how long, obedient to the authorities, he led the marginalized in circles and imitated quasi-opposition. And now the leader of the most numerous and popular opposition, the most convenient for the authorities, has fallen ill. But a holy place is never empty. Others came, younger and much more aggressive.
  And the throne shook...
  But for now there is a war with the Taliban. Here are girls from among the attack aviation pilots fighting in the sky.
  Anastasia Witchakova is one of the famous red-haired warriors. She refused to fight against fraternal Ukraine, but destroy the Taliban, please.
  Of course, many female warriors ases did not want to kill their Slavic brothers.
  But dealing with the Mujahideen is a sacred matter for the Orthodox.
  Anastasia fired at the Taliban using her bare toes. She sent a rocket at the Afghans and sang:
  How we lived, fighting,
  And death, without fear...
  This is a present for the barefoot pilot!
  Another ace warrior, also beautiful, only this time the blonde Akulina Orlova also fights with the dushmans. Yes, the Taliban are called, as in the first war with the Afghans, dushmans, or spirits. The enemy, however, is strong and large in number. But the Taliban and air defense have their own. Including those captured from the former government army.
  Akulina Orlova makes a U-turn with her plane and moves away from the Stinger missile, after which the girl sang:
  - An evil spirit is crawling along the rocks,
  You burn it with napalm...
  Well, what if the Taliban,
  Use deception in battle!
  Another girl, Margarita Magnetic. Her hair is like gold leaf. Very beautiful girl. And she also categorically refused to fight with Ukraine. Because he will not take up arms against his Slavic brothers. Which caused approval from many. And the Taliban are religious fanatics, and at one time they helped the Chechen separatists. Moreover, the Taliban was the only state in the world that recognized the independence of Chechnya. And this, of course, left an imprint on relations with Russia for many years.
  Margarita Magnetic is ready to fight. Her bare toes press the buttons. And rockets of colossal, destructive power are flying at the Taliban. And they defeat the bearded Afghans.
  Margarita sang:
  - Eh, Motherland, let them scream, you ugly thing,
  And we like her, even if she"s not a beauty!
  Bastards, gullible,
  If the security officer rules,
  So there will be fascism,
  An abomination of humanity!
  The first thawed patch,
  Stalin's funeral -
  Rus' will not be Cain,
  Even though she is injured!
  And the warriors took it in unison and chirped:
  - The Slavs cannot tolerate humiliation,
  We are all for our Motherland...
  We will not tolerate any more insults,
  Cain's head is in the pool!
  Girls on attack aircraft hit the Taliban, and defeat and kill these Mujahideen.
  Here they are flying to thresh the spirits. But zinc coffins with killed Russian soldiers and officers are being taken out of Tajikistan.
  One of these soldiers was left without a leg. And he sings sadly and with tears in his eyes:
  - Somehow they drove into the coffin,
  And the most powerful ghoul,
  I squeezed everything in and out,
  And compacted it tightly!
  There are girls on tanks too. A very interesting Russian car "Bear". Mutant girls settled in again, trying themselves in a different form. This is a very heavy tank, more than a hundred tons, an experimental model. Of course, it also has a special crew: four girls. And everyone has names starting with E!
  For example, Elizabeth presses the joystick buttons with her bare toes and hits the bunker with the Taliban, and roars:
  - Glory to communism!
  Catherine, continuing to fire from machine guns and pressing the buttons with her scarlet nipple, roars:
  - And without Zyuganov! Bald and drunk!
  Elena squeaked, pressing her bare heel on the pedal:
  - For trips to the Indian Ocean!
  Euphrosyne also fired, this time with the help of her playful tongue, and squeaked:
  - For victories in assault battles!
  And the girls laughed. They rain lead on Taliban fighters. And they do it very well.
  Elizabeth, shooting at the enemy, thought. In fact, if a person has brains, he understands that any religion is a fairy tale and human fantasy!
  But why have different kinds of religions spread all over the world? Moreover, many contrary to common sense? In fact, take the most popular religion: Christianity. Believing in God crucified on the cross is stupid and absurd. In fact, if you believe in the Bible, then God becomes somehow strange and incomprehensible.
  Then he drowns almost all of humanity with water, millions of people die, and only eight people are saved. Then, on the contrary, on the cross he prays for the executioners.
  You may notice: the God of the Old Testament is very cruel, but in the New Testament Christ is extremely kind. And here a glaring contradiction is visible. In fact, if Jesus were God the Son, he should have burned down Sodom and Gomorrah. But there were adults, children, and women there. Isn't this cruel?
  And many other examples of cruelty can be listed, for a very long time. The murder of children by Elisha alone is worth something.
  So think about what people believe. And the government also imposes religion. And now they are fighting the religious fanatics the Taliban.
  But they warned - do not be happy that the United States is leaving Afghanistan, it will only be worse for Russia.
  The Taliban, having rested a little and taking advantage of the fact that Russia"s hands were tied by the war with Ukraine, took action and struck. And this was predicted by many. And Russia had to sign up. And, of course, against their will, too many Russian soldiers died at the base in Tajikistan. So Russia found itself embroiled in yet another war. And the mood, of course, in society has become much more hostile towards the current president. People's love is very changeable. And the Taliban, of course, calculated everything correctly. Moreover, the United States, in this case, is happy - it pitted its enemies against each other. And they began to say about their president: a wise old man. Like, how cleverly he arranged everything.
  In fact, age is no barrier to both sport and wisdom!
  Elizabeth shoots again, and again, of course, with her bare toes. It's quite warm in the tank even in winter. And in summer it is really hot in Tajikistan.
  The girl took it and sang:
  -If it's long, long, long,
  Fight, destroy the Taliban...
  If it's long, long, long,
  Run downhill in battle!
  It's possible, it's possible
  That is of course true, true...
  Even though sometimes it feels like
  We can catch up with Africa!
  And in Africa prices are so high
  And in Africa money is this wide!
  Hippos have lost weight
  Sperm whales have become emaciated...
  And the people, like a parrot,
  Go straight to heaven!
  Ekaterina noted with a grin, pressing the tank's joystick button with her
  scarlet nipple:
  - There"s something not enough optimism in you!
  Elizabeth replied angrily:
  - If the ruler is a moral cripple and a rogue, then what joy can his subjects have!
  Elena nodded:
  - Yes! They say that trouble has just begun! But it was precisely his excessive luck that made him overly self-confident!
  Elizabeth nodded her blue-tinted head:
  - Yes, I always thought that so much luck cannot be given to one person, he mounts a white horse, in the sense, he begins to believe that the sea is knee-deep to him. And then, like the old woman who wanted to become God, she ends up with nothing!
  Catherine agreed with this:
  - Yes! There was too much luck and it spoiled him. How in its time fortune loved Napoleon, Hitler, Ivan the Terrible, Louis the Fourteenth, and then turned away from them.
  Euphrosyne remarked:
  - Nicholas II was a very unlucky, but at the same time, a kind and decent king. For example, you think he would have been at least a little lucky in the war with Japan. For example, if Admiral Makarov had not died, everything could have been different. And Admiral Makarov died due to a whole series of unlikely coincidences. For some reason, he did not order mine sweeping by destroyers, and none of his subordinates gave such an order. And the mine, most likely, was Russian, and the large battleship should not have sunk from one mine. And even in this case, Admiral Makarov could have been saved, as, for example, Kirill Romanov was saved.
  Elizabeth agreed:
  - Yes, a little luck for Nicholas II could have given Russia much more than a lot of luck for other rulers. I emphasize, especially to the current president, who, receiving the gifts of Fortune as if from a cornucopia, threw them into the sand. Until, finally, the luck of the former head of the secret police began to run out. But a little luck to the kindest Nicholas II! For example, Admiral Makarov could defeat the Japanese at sea with little bloodshed, and then the war with the samurai would not have cost much sacrifice. And if Tsarist Russia had won the war with Japan, the First World War most likely would not have happened. So the authority of the imperial army would be too high, and the Germans would not dare to declare war!
  Elena nodded:
  - Maybe! Although Makarov alone does not exhaust the number of failures and bad luck in the war with Japan. Although, I must admit, the enemy was strong. But on the other hand, if the battleship Oslyabi had not sunk so quickly, even during the battle of Tsushima, the squadron could have easily broken through to Vladivostok! And so, the war with Japan turned out to be so unsuccessful.
  Euphrosyne remarked:
  - But the war in 1945 with Japan turned out to be surprisingly easy and successful. As if Japan had run out of luck. However, alas, Stalin"s victory led to the communists coming to power over China and the emergence of a very strong and dangerous empire, which almost attacked the USSR under Brezhnev. And even now China is only pretending to be a friend. And he himself wants to chop off land from us up to the Urals.
  Catherine nodded:
  - Yes! If the Japanese had been defeated then, there would have been Yellow Russia instead of northern China, and Orthodoxy would have come to the Celestial Empire. What happened as a result of Stalin's easy victory over the Japanese? The birth of an atheistic empire, and a mighty monster on the borders with Russia!
  Elizabeth noted, baring her teeth:
  - Then believe in the Christian God. Victory over Japan would give new tens of millions of Orthodox believers. But instead, an aggressive atheistic regime came to power in Russia. And then the bloody Stalinist regime brought atheism to China. And the cruel empire of Mao appeared. I really don"t understand what God wanted!
  Elena noted:
  - Either there is no God at all, or Satan is much stronger than the Bible says, or the plans of the Almighty are incomprehensible to us!
  Euphrosyne remarked:
  - Usually, cruel kings are more successful! The only exception was, perhaps, Alexander the First. The Tsar is intelligent, kind, liberal, a gentleman, and wouldn"t hurt a fly. And at the same time, successful!
  Elizabeth remarked:
  - And Catherine the Second was not considered a cruel and evil ruler, and was also very successful. True, she was a whore, and in general, not a very good person. She forbade the peasants to complain about their masters. It"s even strange that so much luck was given to such a vile person.
  Elena nodded:
  - Yes, and then believe in the Christian God! When the evil and vile are the most successful!
  Catherine sang with rage:
  The world rests on violence
  The volcano of rage is gushing out in a big way...
  The tension is supreme,
  Wakes up with pain and fear,
  Only fear will give us friends,
  Only pain motivates you to work,
  That's why I want it more and more
  Explode hyperplasm into the crowd!
  Elizabeth remarked with a sigh:
  - Yes, Genghis Khan was a rude pagan. He couldn"t read or write, but he took over half the world. Both Muslims and Christians lost in battle with him. And the question is, where was Almighty God at this time? And why did the paganism of the Mongols defeat Monotheism: Islam and Christianity?
  Euphrosyne remarked with a smile:
  - In the same way, one can ask: where was Almighty God when Cain killed Abel? Why did he allow the first fratricidal war in human history?
  Elena grinned and summed up:
  - Yes, you can argue endlessly, but you will never prove either that God exists or that He does not exist.
  Ekaterina noted:
  - I strongly doubt about Jesus Christ. The unfortunate, downtrodden Jews could well have taken a strong, gifted hypnotist, such as Anatoly Kashpirovsky, for a messiah and deified him. If you look at the statistics of Anatoly Mikhailovich"s miracles, he is cooler than Christ.
  Euphrosyne giggled and sang:
  - God forbid, open the eyes of the blind,
  And straighten the backs of the hunchbacks...
  Yes God, be God, at least a little bit,
  But you can"t be a little crucified!
  And the girls took on the Taliban again. Pressing the joystick buttons with their bare toes, they mowed down numerous Mujahideen and literally laid them down in batches. Bearded Taliban died under machine gun fire and high-explosive fragmentation shells. Serious fun ensued, with the mass extermination of religious fanatics.
  And here is Alenka with her battalion of beautiful girls who, despite the cool, winter weather of Tajikistan, attack the Taliban barefoot.
  They are, however, in short skirts, and their bodies are covered with armor plates made of Kevlar.
  The beauties run to the attack and sing:
  - The evil Taliban is crawling along the rocks,
  But the girls are the coolest...
  Hit him with napalm
  We will celebrate success!
  And the girls will sparkle with pearly teeth.
  And then Anyuta, with her bare toes, will throw a pea with explosives at the Mujahideen. And she will scatter the Taliban in different directions, like kittens.
  The girl took it and sang:
  - Glory to the Fatherland, glory,
  Tanks are rushing forward...
  Divisions of girls in bikinis,
  Greetings to the Russian people!
  Red-haired Alla also fires at bearded enemies, mows them down and sings:
  - Rus' laughed at this Taliban,
  In all ages, that"s why it"s Rus'!
  And the girl will take it too, and throw a killer lemon at the Mujahideen with her bare toes. And scatters enemies in all different directions.
  And how he whistles at the top of his lungs.
  Several dozen crows were stunned. Having suffered a heart attack, they fell on the heads of the Taliban's shaved heads and were shot through. After which, the warrior chirped:
  - The matter is very controversial here,
  I believe it will be simply top class!
  Taliban, I know we will win,
  After all, there is a proud cherub above us!
  Maria, another one of the bikini girls, took it and whistled. And with her bare toes she hurled enormous murderous force at the enemy, a very destructive gift of death. She shredded the Taliban fighters and cooed, baring her teeth:
  - There is a huge fog around Russia,
  And the Taliban fighter is rushing to the Fatherland!
  Olympics, truly a hero girl. She is large and, at the same time, her hair is light brown. The warrior has luxurious hips and strong abs, which are lined with chocolate bars. Well, no one really can resist such a beast girl.
  And so she, with her powerful, muscular, bare feet, lifted a whole barrel of explosives and threw it at the Taliban. And this barrel rushed with great, deadly speed. And how it will crash into the Mujahideen, literally tearing them apart.
  The warrior-hero took it in joy and sang:
  And over Murom the sky is frowning,
  The dawn of light is rising...
  We, like the daughters of Ilya Muromets,
  It was not in vain that they boasted of their strength!
  Indeed, it is much more pleasant to fight and kill the Taliban than to fight the Slavs. Here I think everyone will agree that it is a sin to kill brothers.
  Olympias sang in rage:
  Well, how many brothers can you kill?
  After all, believe me, a person is born for happiness...
  The mother does not let her son go to the front,
  And even in the summer there is bad weather during the war!
  After which, the heroic girl will take a deep breath of air into her lungs and whistle. Many hundreds of crows immediately have a heart attack and faint. And their sharp beaks fly down and pierce the skulls of the Taliban, who are pressing on the positions of the Russian troops.
  Olympias, knocking down the crows with whistles and causing them to fall stunned, took it and chirped:
  Ta, ta, ta - the hooves are knocking,
  Here, there, there - the machine gun hit!
  The Taliban army is completely defeated,
  And no one can defeat the army of girls!
  Marusya also fires at the advancing Taliban soldiers. Shows his temper and the highest class. Her machine gun mows down entire ranks of Mujahideen.
  The girl throws a killer gift of death with her bare toes. Knocks out a lot of Taliban fighters, and squeaks:
  - Classics of war,
  This is for a girl to be barefoot...
  Daughters and sons,
  Let's turn everyone into game!
  The warriors are truly beautiful.
  Matryona, shooting at the Taliban and throwing gifts of destruction with her bare toes, chirped:
  - Glory to the girls in bikinis,
  They beat the Mujahideen...
  The girls have knives barefoot,
  They attack like this for lunch!
  A girl with a thin waist and luxurious hips shoots at the approaching Taliban. He does this very deftly and accurately. He mows them down like a lawnmower and sings:
  - The girl was dancing a polka,
  On the lawn in the early hours...
  Tail to the left, tail to the right,
  This is polka Karabas!
  And now the warrior will again throw a killer present at the enemy with her bare toes. And he will kill a lot of Taliban.
  Here Victoria and Veronica are fighting. Both girls are very cool. And they shoot extremely accurately.
  Victoria threw the gift of annihilation with her bare heel with lethal force. She tore many dushmans and squeaked:
  - The money is melting in the wallet,
  Capitals are melting...
  And in Russian -
  Money means manna!
  Another girl pressed a button with her scarlet nipple, which turned on a deafening ultrasound, and sent it flying through the air. And already thousands of crows fell on the shaved heads of the Taliban. And let's punch them.
  The red-haired girl sang:
  Russia is being attacked by the Mujahideen,
  There are a lot of them in Afghanistan...
  Yes, our grandfathers fought in Afghanistan back then,
  Now the formidable Taliban has raised his sword!
  But barefoot girls don't give up,
  They will show simply the highest class...
  They are fighting briskly with the Taliban armada,
  And they hit the spirit right in the eye!
  And the warrior with her bare toes will throw the gift of annihilation with murderous force. And everyone gets it from him.
  Alice and Angelica shoot at the Taliban with sniper rifles. And they do it extremely accurately. And they fire with such precision.
  Alice took it and sang:
  There will be a coffin for the dushman,
  Stay healthy to...
  Girls run around naked in winter!
  And they break their backs with the Mujahideen!
  And then Alice shot, using a scarlet breast nipple when she pressed the button. And knocked out a dozen Taliban.
  Alice took it and chirped, baring her teeth:
  - For the Fatherland and freedom to the end,
  Barefoot girls in bikinis
  You are such heroines...
  Making hearts beat in unison!
  Angelica confirmed:
  - Knock in unison! This is great!
  . CHAPTER No. 14.
  Okay, they woke up Catherine. Meanwhile, Elizabeth chose her next victim, or client, for interrogation. So far they haven't found any significant clues.
  But in this case, the girl Marianna seemed the most interesting. She is not only mentally ill, but also has a technical education, and seemed to show considerable abilities in electronics as a child.
  Elena, this red-haired queen, noted:
  - If there"s anything to start with, it"s with her!
  Euphrosyne said with a smile:
  - This is not the worst idea, but... I have an intuitive feeling that we are not digging in the right place!
  Elizabeth logically objected:
  - Intuition should not replace information and analysis. Moreover, Marianna is a very smart girl. And at the same time, she has a severe form of schizophrenia. And you can"t argue against this!
  Catherine, baring her teeth, sang:
  -We all love to make faces,
  Taking the easy way
  And at the same time they are so similar,
  A little crazy!
  The mutant girls, however, did not get into the deep jungle. And they took it and flew around the metropolis of the Earth.
  Around them flashed the rich and ornate skyscrapers of the planet, which literally sparkled with gold and a mass of skillfully carved stones, and many other beauties.
  The flowers looked especially wonderful, the size of a good stadium, and people also lived on them.
  And also a great many children were running and jumping. Moreover, many of them are former adults.
  This is how people fall into childhood and get bodies in which there is a lot of fun, and you constantly want to laugh and jump.
  Elizabeth remarked:
  - And why is Marianne schizophrenic? There are billions of such crazy people here, if not worse!
  Catherine nodded:
  - Yes, to be honest... We will have real problems if we don"t educate them. More precisely, for all of humanity.
  Elena, shaking her red hair, agreed:
  - There is total degradation. And the further it goes, the worse it gets.
  Numerous children flashed their bare heels, which were pink and soft-looking, although they were spanked on a rather harsh surface, including streets and walls of houses strewn with diamonds.
  Yes, there was a very cool composition here.
  Euphrosyne, a girl with white hair, sang:
  - Oh, childhood, childhood, where are you in a hurry?
  Oh, childhood, childhood, where are you running to!
  I don't want to just become an adult,
  I want to be a girl again!
  Elizabeth noted:
  - Love for all ages. But it will be stupid if we also start imitating madmen. After all, we went through the Second World War - this was hardening and testing!
  Catherine remarked with a chuckle:
  - And the war with the Taliban was even worse. More precisely, if not cooler, then at least more spiritually pleasant. For example, some German boys, especially those with blond hair, are so cute that it is unpleasant and disgusting to kill them!
  Elena remarked with a smile:
  - But Afghan boys, even if they have black hair, when they don"t have a beard yet, are quite cute and pleasant. But there are a lot of teenagers in the Taliban army, and it"s somehow disgusting to shoot at them, and even more so, to cut off their heads with swords.
  Euphrosyne, giggling, remarked:
  - Afghan beardless boys prefer to fight barefoot in order to save their shoes and to be more agile. In any case, until frost. And in that zone, frosts usually occur only in the mountains in winter. But the climate is unpleasant, a little cold at night, hot during the day - but dry! Here in India the climate is very humid and so warm and mild.
  Elizabeth nodded:
  - Yes, in India. There you can sleep under a bridge, even in winter, and in Bombay, for example, you won"t freeze even naked. But it"s still humid and there are a lot of insects. So in ancient times there was no heaven anywhere on Earth!
  Catherine sang:
  I'll take you to a faraway place,
  Life will be paradise...
  Just have pity on me
  Become my wife!
  Marianna lived in a special house that looked like a strawberry. And at the moment the girls appeared, she made love to the gigolo robot. And the beautiful blonde was literally shaking with pleasure.
  Elizabeth noted:
  - No! Looks like we're complete idiots.
  Ekaterina suggested:
  - Let's not disturb them. Let's wait a little.
  Euphrosyne remarked:
  - A robot is not a human boy, but women can make love for a very long time!
  Elena the red-haired girl suggested:
  - Let's play.
  Elizabeth asked:
  - What?
  The fiery beauty replied:
  - We will utter aphorisms. Who is wittier and cooler?
  Catherine nodded:
  - It"s logical, come on, I"ll go first!
  Euphrosyne muttered:
  - Start!
  The girl with yellow hair said:
  - He who does not have a heart of gold is not worth a copper, broken penny!
  Elizabeth tweeted:
  - If you are a garden head, you will not be able to use the harvest!
  Elena continued:
  - If you don"t know how to clench your fists, then you"ll definitely get screwed!
  Euphrosyne about gurgling:
  - Women's weaknesses make powerful men powerless!
  Catherine hissed:
  - The tongue is the most reliable net for catching insects with intelligence!
  Elizabeth wittily added:
  - A girl"s bare heel will help you find luxurious new clothes and put a man"s shoes on like a club!
  Elena tweeted in response:
  - A fox woman can turn a lion into a bleating ram, let loose on a sheepskin coat!
  Euphrosyne squeaked, baring her teeth:
  - It"s better to be a barefoot boy forever than a shod old man for a while!
  Catherine noted with a chuckle:
  - It"s better for a girl to be barefoot than cross-eyed!
  And the warriors burst out laughing. That was their thing.
  Red-haired Elena remarked with a very pleased look:
  - Yes, our investigation resembles, frankly speaking, a clownery. We are not even marking time, but crawling in circles. Now, instead of doing serious business, we are listening to the voluptuous sighs and screams of some crazy lady. And we look like total fools!
  Euphrosyne sarcastically noted:
  - It's right! But what exactly do you suggest we do?
  Elizabeth, a mutant girl with blue hair, who was the unspoken leader of this four, suggested:
  - Let's sing!
  Catherine laughed and asked:
  -Are you serious?
  The girl with blue hair nodded and added:
  - Quite! Moreover, some popular aphorisms do not come to mind.
  Euphrosyne stamped her bare foot and squeaked:
  - Of course, we"ll take it and sing! The song helps us build and live.
  And they sang in chorus;
  Our beautiful Rus' is famous,
  Measure of the cosmic glorious Fatherland...
  Don't let sadness bother the boy,
  We will live under holy communism!
  Our homeland, the string plays,
  It will be wonderful for everyone on the planet...
  Our Russia is a holy country,
  Where happy children laugh!
  There is no Fatherland - better than a country,
  The one who revived great power...
  We are just people, know the eagles,
  Let's hit the Wehrmacht in the face!
  Our Fatherland is a powerful suit,
  We will deftly take excellent cards...
  No, Russia will not be able to disappear,
  If we play the main sledge!
  Russian faith - powerful Svarog,
  The one of cosmic furious force...
  Let's pray that Rod will help us,
  Wings of gold flutter over the world!
  Glory to the cosmic power of the Earth,
  That power gave birth to the phenomenon...
  People of the new Russian family,
  The Russian army is a formidable force!
  Believe us, we were born for space,
  Let's make Russians a super nation...
  We will become sons of great generations,
  The enemy will be like shelled eggs!
  This is the coolest one for Russia,
  You are a pioneer, even though you are a child for years...
  The girl will kick with her bare foot,
  You are a super warrior, count from diapers!
  The homeland lives in the boy"s heart,
  The one that was created quickly for space...
  You go straight on a hike,
  I believe we will build a palace of communism!
  This is where our world will become for Russia,
  The most cosmic, wonderfully beautiful...
  You are our Lada idol of happiness,
  And it"s dangerous to fight Svarog!
  True strength, our country,
  The one who was born into happiness for us,
  Even though Satan attacks Rus',
  The greatness of power will be an idol!
  This is a glorious blow for the Fatherland,
  The girl will hit you with her bare knee...
  We will receive a joyful gift,
  And we will put Hitler against the wall!
  The Russian army is eagles,
  Those who will destroy the Kraut army...
  The days of the Horde, you know, are numbered,
  And you dogs, know not to fight back!
  Eternal glory to cool Rus',
  We will be faithful to the banner of the Family...
  We can save our Fatherland,
  For the great happiness of the people!
  Russia will become like the torch of the Earth,
  What lights the way to the universe...
  For the sake of the great Russian family,
  And we continue to move towards creation!
  The best example for a pioneer is
  This is a battle where everything is cool...
  Maybe sir will want to win too,
  Arguing with us, believe me, is dangerous!
  I believe that we will all fly into space,
  Let's make funny jokes on the world...
  Somewhere the cherub himself rushed by,
  Be a genius rather than a moron!
  That's what it's all about, peace for space,
  Eternally beautiful, like a toy...
  Somewhere there is a furious feast,
  And the mental hospital is crying for Adolf!
  I believe that Rus' will bloom magnificently,
  That we will build mansions on Mars...
  We can save our country, I know,
  Everything will be great, believe me, it will be great!
  Eternal Motherland, our country,
  The strongest, destroys beautifully...
  Why are you attacking us, Satan?
  It will be great, people will be amazed!
  This is what our race created for the cosmos,
  True to the space, cool era....
  Somewhere a bunker was destroyed by shells,
  Our affairs, people know, are not bad!
  This is what Russia brings to the universe,
  The best gifts in the world...
  You will be honored as a Komsomol member,
  And the girl"s hottest kiss!
  Here is a city built on Venus,
  Very huge and very beautiful...
  And the pioneer is happy about everything better,
  He is a preacher of the country of the collective!
  This is the best suit for space,
  This is when you rush over bumps...
  And we will not let the Fatherland disappear,
  It's all simple, know the flowers!
  God is the patron of our Rus',
  The one that appeared in the sun's rays...
  So girl, don't be sad
  And the pioneers beat with their fists!
  Our girls are the coolest
  They can mow down all the grass with a machine gun...
  The Fuhrer is running - attack him,
  Let's make a trip to the bait!
  If we have to, we will sweep away mountains,
  The girls' bare heel is like a sledgehammer....
  Let's save the earth from the swarm of napalm,
  Well, there"s a noose on the Horde"s necks!
  Girl, this is a nice fighter,
  Can mow down a line with one swing...
  You're a boy, you know, well done,
  Even though he"s a pioneer, there"s a kid who"s not poor!
  Now we are already attacking Berlin,
  It's covered with power shields...
  And in our support, know the cherub,
  Swords sparkling like diamonds!
  This is space, our Earth,
  We can fly, believe me, with a quasar...
  Our best family
  It crushes everything with a vaunted blow!
  This is the heart of the children for the Fatherland,
  The coolest place in the universe...
  The most beautiful girls in the world,
  With great power in imperishable space!
  Marianne is finally tired of making love with the cybernetic gigolo. And four mutant warriors entered her room.
  Marianne had a multi-colored hairstyle and looked youthful and, perhaps, even childish.
  Seeing the heroic girls, she laughed and stuck out her tongue, growling:
  - Have you come to serve me?
  Elizabeth roared:
  - You are a dangerous criminal, and you must answer a series of our very tricky questions, otherwise you will be sent to prison!
  Marianne giggled and boldly replied:
  - They won't send me to prison. And the hospital is not bad. It"s also full of different kinds of entertainment and the food is good.
  Elena noted in a stern tone:
  - Don't pretend to be stupid. Are you the one who hijacked the intergalactic ship?
  Marianne giggled again and replied:
  - Yes I! I blew up another universe and swallowed another.
  Catherine remarked with a chuckle:
  - It"s not clear from you that you swallowed universes!
  The crazy girl bared her teeth and roared:
  - Now I want to laugh
  And I"ll just swallow you!
  I'll swallow it! I'll swallow it!
  I won't have mercy!
  Elizabeth winked back at her and sang:
  Madhouse on fire
  Sanatorium of Satan...
  There will be a whip on your back,
  We are faithful to the Lord!
  Marianne suddenly stopped twitching, her blue eyes taking on a meaningful expression. And the girl with a disturbed psyche asked:
  - Are you by any chance the same four - E-4, girls with blue, yellow, red and white hair?
  Elena asked:
  - And if so, then what?
  Marianna sang with a smile:
  - Four girls with bare feet,
  You have daggers, you also have swords...
  You run briskly along the paths,
  And if you need something, you fistula!
  And again he starts laughing. Well, she's definitely wildly crazy. But at the same time, it should be said, she is pretty.
  The girls looked at each other. And Euphrosyne noted:
  - So, are we going to continue playing fools, or what? In fact, is she even capable of making anything?
  Marianna immediately perked up, turned her head and muttered:
  - Do you know that I invented a perpetual motion machine?
  Elizabeth nodded:
  - Yes I know! This indeed, the graviomagnetic principle of hyperinduction is used. It just has little practical use. The device is bulky and produces little electricity. It is much easier to use traditional, controlled and completely safe thermoquark synthesis, which from one gram of sand produces the same energy as from burning four billion tons of coal. How to make such complex devices that, at best, can charge a super-smartphone.
  Marianne barked:
  - But she was able to refute the law of conservation of energy!
  Catherine nodded and added:
  - The law of conservation of energy was already refuted by thermoquark fusion. And with thermoprene synthesis, energy is extracted from one gram of sand, as when burning eight quadrillion tons of coal! And all the energy problems of humanity have now been solved forever!
  The crazy girl kicked her bare, tanned, muscular legs and sang:
  Unrevealed secrets for us, it"s time to reveal them,
  The secrets of nature lie like in a piggy bank...
  We will tear out the power of the galaxy, the energy of the core,
  The power of the genie in the bottle will fade!
  Elizabeth clapped her hands and noted:
  - Well, you are lovely! I believe you will deal a crushing blow to the enemy.
  Marianne giggled again, and her teeth, sparkling like pearls, began to sparkle.
  Catherine asked in a stern tone:
  - Do you have an alibi?
  Marianne giggled and replied:
  - No, I don"t have such a disease.
  Elena noted, having made a request to the Hypernet in advance:
  - No! Looks like she was playing here. I also flew to Venus. And it was extremely great, for her, of course.
  Euphrosyne sang:
  To dream about other worlds,
  Fly to the stars into the clouds...
  Create a magical world
  Who, girl, is your idol?
  Marianne giggled and suggested:
  - Let's make love instead. This will be the best deed.
  Elizabeth hastened to change the topic of conversation:
  -Have you tried inventing anything yet?
  The mentally disturbed girl scratched the top of her head with her bare, chiseled foot and answered:
  - I tried to create a time machine. This, you see, is great. Especially if you fly into the future. Yes, and in the past it would have been possible, for example, to kill Hitler. And change the course of world history.
  Elena logically noted:
  - Then this world, if history is changed, can disappear. Like the ancient movie: "The Butterfly Effect." And then killing Hitler is not a butterfly at all!
  Elizabeth nodded in agreement:
  - Yes, destroying Hitler would not necessarily make the world a better place. Firstly, someone smarter, cunning and flexible could have become the Nazi leader, who would not have sent Jews to the oven, but would have acted more subtly. And quite possibly he would have conquered the world. Or there would be even more victims. In addition, Stalin could have taken over all of Europe without Hitler, and then other countries. And it"s not a fact that it was good!
  Marianne objected:
  - If the communists had united the whole world back in the twentieth century, then perhaps we would have already conquered the entire universe!
  Ekaterina replied:
  - Is not a fact. The fact is that in a planned economy of the Stalinist type, there is no such motivation to develop technology as in capitalist competition, especially between different countries. If the whole world was under the control of a Stalinist, planned economy and only the public sector, then there would be no incentive to introduce electronics and other improvements. And there could be stagnation of progress.
  Elena nodded her head, which was red and copper, like a pioneer tie:
  - That's it! There are some smart people who say: maybe it would be better if Hitler won? Indeed, in the Third Reich, in twelve years, military technology advanced practically from scratch to advanced positions, and under the skillful management of the Germans, ideal order and discipline, humanity would have really conquered not only its own universe, but also others!
  Marianne squeaked, rolled her hips and asked:
  - Well, isn"t that so?
  Elizabeth replied:
  - Well, if in the Third Reich there was equality of all nations, and there were normal leaders, something good might have happened. But if the slave system returned, then what incentive would there be to develop technology? After all, there are slaves anyway! And they do all the dirty work for the masters!
  Ekaterina confirmed:
  - Yes! A unified empire seems to be not bad. But if it arises on an unhealthy basis, when humanity has not yet matured, then nothing good can come of it. And so, people went through everything, shed a lot of blood and went crazy!
  Efrosinya added with a smile:
  - And we went through a fratricidal war, but we realized that this was not the right method. Although more than a million people died. However, even more died in the Second World War, and it cannot be said that this taught people anything.
  Catherine remarked with a smile:
  - The general level of education among people has risen. Especially thanks to the Hypernet. When people wised up, they realized that it was stupid to get down on your knees five times a day, and to consider dictators as deities, and that being an enemy to each other because of the color of your skin was an abomination, and so on. And the countries began to unite. And not at all thanks to the new Genghis Khan!
  Marianne giggled and noted:
  - And I wanted to go down into the past. Hit Genghis Khan with a blaster, incinerate him and take the place of ruler of the universe!
  Elizabeth noted with a smile:
  - Sometimes I wanted this too. So you think, why did providence give luck to Genghis Khan? After all, his empire crumbled quickly and without a trace. Although, on the other hand, this also has a philosophical meaning.
  Euphrosyne suggested:
  - Maybe it"s better if we don"t go into the wilds and eat?
  Marianne muttered:
  - I won"t treat you. It"s better to order yourself on Hypernet. It's so simple. You can eat for free something that tastes indistinguishable from royal food.
  Elizabeth laughed and sang:
  Free food and cream,
  In a cafe called San Remo!
  Elena logically concluded:
  "We definitely won"t find anything here." Let's check the others instead. Otherwise, you"d waste so much time on every crazy person.
  Marianne growled:
  - I'm not crazy, I'm a genius!
  Elizabeth nodded vigorously:
  - We are all really geniuses! Is not it?
  Catherine tweeted:
  - Everything is ingenious, concentrated...
  But then the girl with yellow hair didn"t come up with anything smart or witty.
  And red-haired Alla remarked:
  - That's it, girls, let's go! There are still some very suspicious addresses here!
  And the warrior-investigators jumped out of the house where the funny and, in her own way, brilliant crazy girl lived.
  Elizabeth shook hailstones of sweat from her blue hair and noted:
  - Another false trail. In general, we are unlikely to achieve anything.
  Euphrosyne suggested:
  - Maybe we can take a break and meditate? In any case, some significant clues are needed. For example, something related to childhood. Or maybe this is not infantilism at all, something completely different!?
  Elena nodded her head vigorously and agreed:
  - Yes, meditation! This will likely prove to be the ideal choice and conclusion.
  And all four mutant girls, having chosen a quiet, comfortable place, sat down in the lotus position. And we began to meditate. Hoping that inspiration will come to them sooner or later.
  And eternal day reigned on Earth.
  . CHAPTER No. 15.
  During meditation, the girls again began to remember their glorious, and extremely turbulent and rich past. In which, they fought with different kinds of armies. Including in the wars of the turbulent twenty-first century. Summer 2023 - war in the southern CIS. Where the four, unlike the war in Ukraine, decided to fight at full strength.
  The war between the Taliban and Russia continued. Afghanistan has a large population, many young people who are hungry, angry, and aggressive.
  And they are fighting in Tajikistan while Russia"s hands are tied with the war in Ukraine, which is supported by most of the world.
  And the Taliban take advantage of this.
  But very barefoot and beautiful girls in only bikinis are fighting on the Russian side. The battles come in waves.
  Elizabeth shoots at the Mujahideen. She uses a powerful dragon-type machine gun. And rains bullets on the Taliban.
  And they fall, pressing on the girl. A Russian helicopter shot down from a homemade anti-aircraft gun will fall. He was shot down by the Taliban. True, there are not girls on the helicopter, but men, and you don"t particularly feel sorry for them.
  And Elizabeth, the girl is barefoot and in a bikini. And when you are almost naked, then no one will hold you back or stop you.
  The war in the south, however, is dragging on. Summer has already passed. And then autumn - damp and rainy. Afghanistan has a large population, plus Muslim volunteers from all over the Islamic world arrive there. And now winter has arrived, and the war is still going on. Elizabeth threw the gift of annihilation with her bare toes of chiseled legs with murderous force. She scattered the Taliban in different directions and sang, baring her pearly teeth:
  Here it is winter, winter, winter,
  It started suddenly...
  Sweeps furiously, sweeps -
  It will be better tomorrow
  Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow!
  And now it's a new year!
  Indeed, snow fell in Tajikistan on New Year 2024. And now Russian girls leave barefoot, chiseled footprints in the snow, and it looks very beautiful.
  Zoya took it and sang:
  One two Three -
  Wipe down your processors!
  Four, eight five,
  Let's go play lapta!
  And the girl, with her bare toes, launches the gift of death with deadly force.
  Catherine took it and sang, baring her teeth:
  One two three four five,
  The bunny went out for a walk...
  Here's a girl running out
  Kills Mujahid!
  But Elena also leads the fire. The kind of girl who couldn't be cooler. And he writes with deadly aplomb. Mows down the Mujahideen without unnecessary ceremony. After which, he begins to sing;
  If the rear is useless -
  Military ardor will not help...
  Well, if there is no ardor,
  The rear will be the enemy's lunch!
  And red-haired Elena, both taking and throwing the gift of annihilation with her bare toes. And in reality it will tear apart so many dushmans that it"s simply terrifying.
  Elena, of course, did not miss the opportunity to sing:
  I've been naked
  She was jumping around the field like that!
  I was jumping around the field...
  Kulatsky sang along!
  And the girl will take her eyes that sparkle with sapphires and sparkle. And her eyes are beautiful. And the language is very naughty. And so agile, and so groovy. Well, just like it"s some kind of juicy orange.
  Euphrosyne also fights. And with his bare toes he throws presents of annihilation. Which are so lethal and destructive.
  And nearby the Taliban took and knocked out a Russian tank. And the Russian army vehicle began to tear into pieces, and the combat kit detonated. And again men die.
  But Euphrosyne doesn"t need men. They need to be tortured. And the girl took it and sang:
  Men, men, men,
  You're just big brutes
  When girls kill you
  They cleanse the earth so much!
  Indeed, the Taliban are beasts.
  They once caught a beautiful girl scout. Well, to begin with, they took her and pulled her up on the rack. They twisted the joints out of my arms, which was very painful.
  Then they placed stocks on the girl's bare feet, which shackled her ankles. And after which, they took and lit a fire under her bare, gracefully curved soles.
  The Russian girl was in great pain. The Taliban, before frying her heels, took and lubricated her feet with oil. And therefore, the sole burned slowly, and it was excruciatingly painful. And the girl moaned and roared. And the Taliban also beat her on the back and sides with a whip. Then they decided to intensify the torture. We took out a hot wire and started hitting the beauty on the back and chest.
  And how painful it is. Especially when the Taliban began to twist the Russian girl"s scarlet nipples with red-hot tongs. And she cried so much.
  And the main leader of the Taliban detachment was simply crazy from the torture. And he bared his gold teeth.
  The Russian girl spat in response. After which, they began to break her bare toes. Which is very painful. And the girl passed out from the terrible, unbearable pain.
  But the Taliban continued to torture. First, they brought the girl back to consciousness by pouring out a bucket of ice water. And then they installed sensors and electrodes on her body.
  After which, two boys began to pedal the dynamo. The current started flowing, and the girl twitched from hellish pain. And indeed, when the body
  electric discharges pass through, it"s creepy, the word is that herds of horses are rushing by. And indeed, any girl here will howl.
  And the boys pedal, and the naked girl howls like a wild wolf. And it really hurts her.
  And besides the shock, the Taliban also fry the Russian girl"s heels, which are already covered with large blisters. They also hit me on the back with a hot wire. And they hit with fury and delay.
  And at the same time they increased the flour. They began to stretch the girl and hang more and more weights on the block in order to completely twist her joints.
  The main Taliban bandit sang:
  What a pain, what a pain
  The match score will be: five - zero!
  Well, what can you take from savages? They tortured the girl very cruelly, but not particularly sophisticated.
  The Taliban are barbarians. So, with the money they got from drugs, they bought an entire armada of tanks from China. Indeed, China is Russia"s calico ally and friend.
  And the Taliban attacked the enemy with their tanks.
  But against them are four Russian mutant girls, this time on the newest T-95. They are, of course, barefoot and in bikinis.
  And what?
  Elizabeth fired at the Mujahideen with her bare toes and chirped:
  - Glory to the Motherland of Elephants!
  Catherine also hit the Taliban, using her bare, round heel, and asked:
  - What is the homeland of elephants?
  Elizabeth, baring her teeth, replied:
  -Of course, Russia!
  Catherine giggled and replied:
  - I thought it was India!
  Elena hit the dushmans with the help of the scarlet nipple of her breast, having first taken off her bra, and squeaked:
  - I thought the homeland of elephants was Africa!
  Euphrosyne pressed on the pedals with her bare, round heels and sang:
  - Small children,
  No way...
  Don't go to Africa for a walk...
  In Africa there are sharks, in Africa there are gorillas,
  There are big crocodiles in Africa!
  And all four barefoot girls sang:
  They will bite you
  Beat and offend...
  Children don't go for a walk in Africa!
  There's a robber in Africa
  There's a villain in Africa
  In Africa there is a terrible Barmaley!
  It will bite you
  Beat and offend...
  Children don't go to Africa for a walk,
  It's a nightmare in Africa,
  Mad villain
  Barmaley suddenly appeared in it!
  He runs around Africa and eats children!
  Yes children! Yes children!
  Laughter is laughter, but when the Taliban caught a Russian boy of about fourteen, they took him seriously. First they stripped him and strung him up on the rack.
  Then the dushman in a turban and with a beard began to cauterize the teenager"s naked, muscular body with a rod with a hot iron.
  Then the Taliban executioner brought a red-hot iron star to the boy"s bare chest and pressed it to it.
  The boy screamed in terrible pain and lost consciousness. After which, the boy was brought to his senses. And they squeezed his bare, almost childish feet into stocks. And they began to hang weights on hooks in the block. And it was very painful. The boy"s young body was stretched greatly, and the boy literally groaned in pain.
  The Russian boy continued to be tortured. We smeared the bare soles of our feet with oil. And then they lit a fire under them.
  And how the boy screamed wildly after that. Yes, it was extremely painful.
  The boy continued to scream, and the Taliban beat him with a whip.
  Then they took the boy and hooked him by the ribs. And again they completely turned it inside out.
  After which, the Taliban sang:
  We will destroy all the infidels,
  Let them be teenagers...
  Here is a cherub above us,
  We'll put everyone on the board!
  After which, a boy from Russia had all his toes on his bare feet broken with hot tongs. And the Taliban did it slowly, in order to cause as much pain as possible to the pretty boy. And then they began to break the young warrior"s ribs with white-hot tongs.
  So they broke them for him so that the boy did not have a single whole rib left. And the boy died from painful shock.
  Meanwhile, Anastasia, using the Witcher, attacked the Taliban from an attack aircraft. At the same time, she used rockets. She pressed the joystick buttons with her bare toes and sang:
  Higher and higher and higher
  The Fuhrer lifted his nose...
  Sometimes our roofs are blown away,
  However, the Taliban have not matured!
  Akulina Orlova also strikes her opponent. He does this very accurately and uses his scarlet breast nipple to press the button. And a Russian attack aircraft explodes nearby. It was hit by a killer gift from the Taliban. Possibly something made in China. And it will completely screw you up.
  Akulina sang:
  - If it"s a man, go straight to the coffin,
  Saving lives so...
  Be barefoot girls!
  And the warrior will laugh and laugh. The girl"s legs, of course, despite the winter, don"t know shoes. And her heels are round and literally shine. This girl is simply super.
  And the nipples of her breasts are scarlet and sparkle like the tops of churches. This is a fighting girl, so to speak.
  Yes, she doesn't like men. Although he happily uses them for pleasure. To make it great.
  Akulina took it and sang:
  About this barefoot girl
  I couldn't forget...
  It seemed like the pavement stones
  They torment the skin of tender feet!
  And Akulina, how she will take and roll up her sapphire eyes.
  Here she is a girl of the highest level and class.
  And Margarita Magnitnaya is also a pilot.
  Well, in the meantime, Margarita is hitting the Mujahideen with great lethal force.
  After which he will sing:
  Oh, what legs!
  How good...
  Don't be afraid, baby
  Write down your phone number!
  And Margarita will take it and show her tongue. She is an extremely combative girl.
  And her bare toes send murderous gifts of death.
  Akulina Orlova sang with a laugh:
  - Margarita, the window is open,
  Margarita, you remember how it all happened!
  Anastasia Witchakova nodded:
  - Yes, women! We can do anything, and we will thoroughly erase our enemies!
  And the girls sang in chorus:
  Our army is strong
  She protects the world...
  Let the Taliban advance
  Their girls are killing them!
  For example, Fedora also fights. She fires a mortar at the Mujahideen. And if he fucks up, it won"t seem like much to anyone. Even if the Taliban has a long beard and a shaved head.
  Fedora stamps her bare feet in the mud and sings:
  Do you see an eclipse in the sky?
  A formidable symbol of the surf...
  Black wings over the world
  Flocks of cosmic howl!
  And another girl, Seraphim, threw a killer bomb with her bare toes, tore apart the mass of Taliban and said:
  Taliban - the curse rises,
  Taliban - total death...
  Taliban and dead regiments!
  The Taliban are leading the madman!
  And Seraphima will take a whistle in her mouth and how it will blow that the crows will faint and pierce the heads of the Mujahideen with their beaks.
  The girls, I must say, are so great and beautiful.
  And now you can see how the Taliban set fire to a Russian ammunition warehouse. It began to burn, and the shells exploded with deadly force. The Taliban roar and rejoice.
  But the girls from the sky are fucking with the Mujahideen. And you can see how Albina and Alvina appeared in the sky.
  Both girls are simply amazing blondes. And wonderfully beautiful. And, of course, barefoot, and in only thin panties.
  These are women of the highest, let"s say, order. And what they are capable of doing, not everyone is able to repeat.
  And the warriors, indeed, if they start killing, you won"t be able to stop them.
  Albina fired a rocket of colossal destructive power from the plane. And she smashed the Taliban army bunker, after which she sang:
  - I am the strongest in the world,
  Even bare feet, naked nipples...
  Let's soak the Taliban in the toilet,
  We can't afford to be weak!
  Alvina continues to send, with the help of her bare toes, gifts of death. And kill the Mujahideen, she took it and sang:
  - We have cute girls,
  They just say, beauty....
  The voice of the Komsomol members is ringing,
  Stormy spring is coming!
  And both girls will take it and sing at the top of their lungs:
  Let me go to the Himalayas
  Let me go for good
  Otherwise I will howl, or else I will bark,
  Otherwise I'll eat someone!
  And the girl will just start crowing. And she thinks it"s very cool and charming. And when you scream - Kukareku - it"s really creepy.
  The girls, meanwhile, took up and began to shoot from heavy guns, which makes an impression. And they shoot so accurately.
  The girl Viola began to sing, grinning her teeth and shooting accurately at her enemies:
  - I am the strongest girl in the world,
  I love kissing men...
  The soldiers don't know cool broadcast,
  Where the girl forgot to dance a little!
  And the warrior will laugh. Yes, beauties know how to strangle dushmans.
  And to be honest, they are capable of breaking off the horns and features of a bald person.
  So try to go up against such beauties.
  Nicoletta also talks about the Taliban. She is a very combative and aggressive girl. And when she laughs, it seems like the laughter of a madwoman.
  Nicoletta bares her teeth and roars:
  We are, wow, robbers,
  Robbers, robbers!
  Bang, bang and you are dead,
  Dead, dead!
  Nicoletta laughed and chirped:
  - Glory to space pirates!
  Girls in other places were also furious. And then rockets fell on the Taliban positions. Aurora released it using the scarlet nipples of her breasts, which were used to press the buttons.
  And the rockets flew. And the Mujahideen are roaring.
  Here is another Komsomol member being tortured. Without hesitation, cotton wool smeared with gasoline was inserted between her bare toes. And they took it without further ado and set it on fire.
  The cotton wool caught fire. And the girl will take it and roar. And then they took her and shoved a red-hot rod into her chest, right into her scarlet nipple. And the girl literally burst out in pain.
  And the Taliban are laughing. Of course, they also love to break toes. One of the Mujahideen even took the girl"s bare round heel and burned it with an iron white from the heat. And it worked. The girl will start screaming in wild horror.
  Alice saw this through a sniper scope. I looked more closely. I took it and set it up, and it was like crazy. And the killer bullet would hit the executioner right in the stomach. And he screamed in wild pain and began to writhe. And the girl took it and sang:
  Angels of goodness,
  Two white wings over the world
  There is a country somewhere
  Where Svarog himself became an idol!
  Angelica also fired, and very accurately, hitting the torturer in the scrotum. He, too, will scream from a well-aimed hit. This is how the executioners got it.
  And the girls sang:
  You bad executioners,
  A cruel punishment awaits...
  We have a lot of candles
  The great people are attacking!
  And the girls began to shoot furiously and accurately. And knock out the Taliban. The devil wouldn't be able to resist such girls.
  Alice hums as she fires at the enemy:
  Your fate is in the balance,
  The enemies are full of courage...
  But, thank God, there are friends
  But, thank God, there are friends!
  And, thank God, friends have swords!
  And Angelica, continuing to fire at the Taliban and killing them, tweeted:
  - When your friend is bleeding,
  Trampled to the end...
  Don't call me a friend
  Neither a coward nor a liar!
  Then the girl took and threw a grenade with her bare toes with deadly force. And she smashed the Taliban to pieces. The severed heads of the Mujahideen rolled out.
  Angelica took it and sang:
  Day and night they bomb continuously,
  Knowing no pity, no shame...
  Because someone is acting strangely
  The whole country is dying!
  Alice, firing at the Taliban and punching through them, took it and noted, spitting out dust:
  - There is such a wonderful moment in this Russia,
  What is not easy to guess is who is the jester and who is the president!
  The red-haired warrior giggled and noted:
  - This is how it happens - it"s very stupid to have a spy as president!
  And both girls again rained down streams of fire on the Taliban. And they did it extremely accurately. And their shots hit the Mujahideen.
  And in another place other girls were fighting. And also, of course, barefoot and almost naked.
  Alenka, for example, fired a bazooka using her scarlet breast nipple. She pierced a Taliban fighter and several of his partners.
  After which, she tweeted:
  - Now we're at the parade again,
  We are not on the same path with the bandit
  We are a brigade of barefoot girls,
  The light of Lada is with us ahead!
  And the warrior, with her bare heel, will throw a gift of annihilation. And it will tear apart a mass of Mujahideen.
  The women here are cool. Olga is also firing at the Taliban. These are the Mujahideen advancing. They attack in thick chains. And the girls mow them down without ceremony.
  Olga fired a rocket launcher using her strawberry nipple. She knocked out a lot of Taliban and sang:
  - We"ll give our soul, our heart,
  We are our holy Fatherland...
  We will stand and win -
  And we will not regret our lives!
  And the girl will throw the gift of annihilation at the Mujahideen with her bare toes of murderous force.
  And how great it is for girls. How they beat the Taliban.
  Veronica fights too. The girl uses ruby breast nipples when shooting.
  And the mass of dushmans, as a result, were destroyed. And the warrior screams at the top of her lungs:
  - I am the strongest in the world,
  I can strangle the Taliban...
  Kill the dushmans in the toilet,
  We'll make them look like game!
  And Veronica, how she will take it and fuck it...
  Warrior Anna is with her. And he exterminates the Mujahideen. Of course, the girl is wearing only panties. It's practical. And the panties are so thin and they don"t actually hide anything.
  Warrior Anna fires, mowing down her adversaries. Her hair is red, and the girls themselves are simply the highest light of the cosmos.
  And Anna, with her bare toes, throws gifts of death, which defeat the Taliban on the spot.
  The warriors scream at the top of their lungs:
  - The Mujahideen are on a rampage,
  The enemy moved the regiment forward...
  Girls carry, know victory,
  The Taliban will be met with hostility!
  They will eat the pig skin,
  The enemy will be defeated...
  Barefoot girls fight
  The fist of the beauties is strong!
  And the warrior will take and beat you, using the scarlet nipple of her breast in battle.
  And this, let"s say, is very cool!
  A beautiful red-haired girl. And she loves men.
  So Anna took it and roared at the top of her lungs:
  - An order was given to raze the village to the ground,
  Grad salvoes destroy mountains...
  The Fuhrer with a bald head blew on Afghanistan,
  And let's stop talking to hell!
  And the girl will laugh and laugh. And her laughter is like the ringing of bells.
  The girls are full of excitement. Malvina is also fighting. Of course, the girl doesn"t mind using the scarlet nipple. And at the same time, the beauty also sings
  And this happened -
  What the soldier didn"t ask for!
  An evil tribe has rolled in,
  Lots of hellish, dark forces!
  Black devils are impudent,
  Escape from this quagmire!
  Here they have daggers in their hands -
  Songs howl - not a nightingale!
  The machine gun crushed the infantry -
  Smoke from broken mortars!
  They put down a company at once,
  the cuirassier's armor did not help!
  The pack has no desire to die,
  Hell, believe me, is not a resort!
  And the shells destroy bunkers,
  Their archangel hits them from above!
  Demons squeak into their holes at once,
  We burn them with napalm and sulfur!
  Even the mountains melt,
  We destroy everything around!
  But don't just think
  What an enemy is like water!
  Giant, pinnacle of growth,
  King of the Universe, Satan!
  Here is his breath of fire,
  The cherub burns at once!
  And the banner of God fell,
  But we believe, we will win!
  We went up the hill a little
  And let us be baptized!
  Grunted on the path,
  Sons of the wise God!
  And now we run to the attack,
  Shout-hurray, thunderclaps!
  How much can you hear, however, swearing,
  But to hell with the cabins, destruction!
  . CHAPTER No. 16.
  The girls continued their meditation. There are no interesting thoughts anyway, and the ideas, to be honest, have evaporated. And they've never had such a complex and, frankly speaking, incredibly slippery business.
  And here, indeed, one can remember the great exploits of the legendary four, invincible mutant girls.
  The women's sniper battalion under the command of Captain Elizaveta, who is not yet a mutant, but already a tough and strong girl, took a defensive position in the ruins on Volodarsky Street. Girls with machine guns and shotguns, tied with bundles of grenades, were hiding behind the ruins.
  Elizabeth herself is wearing a spotted tunic over her naked body and short pants. A beautiful and curvy girl, with strong hips, a thin waist, and a short bob haircut. The face is very expressive, with a masculine chin and wide-set blue eyes. Brown hair turned gray from dust, high chest, hard look. Captain Elizabeth has been fighting for more than two years and, despite her youth, has seen a lot. The girl's legs are covered in abrasions and bruises. It is easier for a girl to move barefoot than in rough and clumsy boots.
  The bare sole senses the slightest vibration of the soil, warns of the proximity of a mine, and mother earth herself adds endurance. The girl"s feet, on the one hand, have become rough, and are not afraid of hot metal or the sharp rubble of ruins, but on the other hand, they have not lost sensitivity and flexibility, warning through the roar of the movement of tanks.
  Sweet Elizabeth is holding a grenade with an explosion package attached in her hands. You have to crawl to the formidable German Lion tank, which is spraying the streets with machine guns.
  Ekaterina crawls next to her. Also barefoot, since all the girls from the battalion refused boots, imitating their commander. Her dusty soles stick out as the girl crawls on all fours. Catherine's yellow hair is dirty and long... Slightly curly. The girl herself is slender, thin, and short. She could even be mistaken for a girl with narrow shoulders and a seemingly large head.
  But Catherine has already experienced a lot. She also managed to be in fascist captivity, surviving cruel torture and the mines, from where, by some incomprehensible miracle, she managed to escape. But looking at her childish, gentle face, you would never say that she was beaten on the heels with rubber sticks and an electric current was passed through her body.
  Catherine shoots... A Third Reich soldier, in this case an Arab, falls dead, kicking up sand and rubble with his muzzle.
  Elizaveta slips a bunch of grenades under a pile of garbage. Now a ninety-ton "Lion" will crawl here, and it will be blown up. The girl"s blue eyes sparkle like sapphires on her face, dark from tan and dust.
  Experience suggests that a well-protected tank will now change position. "Lion" has 100 mm of side armor, and even at an angle. Thirty-fours cannot penetrate it; only heavy Keveshki have a chance. But caterpillars are the goal. The main thing is to deprive the car of mobility...
  Efrosinya fires a burst from a machine gun... A soldier of unknown nationality falls. The Germans, having conquered, even if only morally for the most part, most of the eastern hemisphere, cherish Aryan blood and throw colonial troops of Arabs, Africans, Indians, various Asians and Europeans into battle. The number of Poles who have been taught from the cradle to hate Bolshevik Russia has also increased. Ukrainian nationalists, Don Cossacks, Chechens, and the entire Caucasian Kaganate are fighting here. Hitler raised an entire international.
  There are many enemies...
  Efrosinya deftly dodges the machine gun fire. The bullet almost split the girl"s round heel, blackened by dust. The beautiful captain even felt a tickle from how close the large-caliber gift flew. The girl crossed herself, whispering:
  "Not even a bullet can stop us!"
  Efrosinya fires back... Another girl, Angelica, is very red-haired, above average height and muscular, despite her meager rations. She is also a very pretty girl, with luxurious hips, a taut waist, unwomanly broad shoulders and high breasts.
  Elena is fighting in only her panties, her tunic was torn to shreds and crumbled into dust, and new uniforms are not being supplied through the Volga. May God grant that we deliver some more ammunition and a little food for the exhausted Soviet troops.
  So Euphrosyne is almost naked, her legs are scratched, especially her knees. A shrapnel hit the sole of my right foot, and it hurts and it"s hard to walk.
  Red-haired, dusty Angelica twists her pretty, but at the same time, tough face. The girl, shooting, says:
  - The Lord is above us, Moscow and Stalin!
  And she cuts off the attacking Nazis, barely having time to roll back.
  The ruins and narrow streets make it difficult for the menacing German tanks to turn around. The almost two hundred ton Mouses cannot pass at all.
  As Euphrosyne expected, the "Lion" drove a little and ran into a pile of garbage. There was an explosion. The caterpillar burst and a pair of damaged rollers flew off.
  The wounded tank stopped and a shell flew out of its barrel...
  It rumbled somewhere in the distance, disappearing into ruins. Blonde Svetlana, like a snake, hissed:
  - This is my calculation! We opened an account.
  The girl captain is forced to crawl away again. The Germans and their satellites cannot use their technical superiority in the rubble. Thanks to the stubborn Hitler, the hordes of the Third Reich became bogged down in positional battles in a fairly large and well-fortified city.
  Ekaterina throws a grenade. Forcing the shot down Germans or Arabs to do somersaults, turning over. The hand of one of Hitler's fighters is torn off, and an English watch with a compass hangs on it.
  Ekaterina says with a smile:
  - What, the compass shows you the path to hell?
  And a beautiful girl shakes a piece of stuck ceramic from her dusty heel.
  Elena also shakes off the dust from her firm, full breasts. The nipples are almost black from dirt and itchy. Try to wash yourself. Again you have to bury yourself when German machine guns fire. And crawl on your bellies.
  The girls' battalion holds its position, although there is shelling. And heavy shells explode, and bombs fall from the sky... But nothing will break the courage of Soviet heroines.
  Now Euphrosyne sees the Panther crawling by. Well, this tank is not so scary anymore.
  You can punch it into the side. The girl sneezed and spat out the dust that was falling into her elegant mouth. She took a grenade in her hand, weighted with an explosion package. You need to creep up unnoticed. But there is so much smoke around.
  Elena began to climb up, resting her bare toes and elbows on the turf. She resembled a cat stalking a mouse. The girl remembered the war from that terrible summer of forty-one, when the Wehrmacht treacherously invaded the vast expanses of the USSR. Was the girl, almost a girl, scared? At first yes, but then you get used to it. And you already perceive the constant explosions of shells as an ordinary noise.
  And now it exploded very close. The girl slaps on her stomach. From above, fragments fly by like a flock of wild bees. Elena whispers with cracked lips:
  - In the name of justice, Lord.
  The girl accelerates her crawl, and then, with a running start, she throws a grenade with an attached explosive package. The gift flies in an arc. There is an explosion and the Panther's thinner side armor gives way. The German tank begins to burn and the combat kit detonates.
  Euphrosyne whispers with a smile:
  - Thank you, O Almighty Jesus. I trust you alone. I pray to you alone.
  The panther is destroyed. The torn off long trunk is buried in the rubble. The frontal armor, separated from the side armor, resembles a scoop.
  Euphrosyne, whose eyes sparkle like cornflowers on her face brown from dust and tan, says:
  - The more oak trees the enemy has, the stronger our defense!
  Elena is very sexy, with her black panties and naked, dusty, strong body. The girl is very clever. She can throw glass shards with her bare toes.
  Now she threw a sharp object with her graceful foot, covered with a layer of dust. And it went straight into the fascist"s throat. Beautiful Elena babbled:
  - And I am a sex symbol, and a symbol of death.
  The girl then crawled again, shooting. Euphrosyne also fired.
  The beautiful captain, Elizabeth, having cut down the fascist, tweeted:
  - Life is a chain, and little things are the links in it.
  Catherine fired, cut Fritz"s head open and added:
  - It is impossible not to attach importance to the link.
  Efrosinya, again shooting accurately, rasped:
  - But you can"t get hung up on little things...
  Ekaterina, as if shooting, added:
  - Otherwise the chain will envelop you.
  Another girl, Olympiada, also very beautiful, together with the pioneer Seryozhka, prepared a mine on the wire. The two of them pushed it... An insidious booger crawled into the Tiger-2 caterpillar. And how this long-barreled German machine will explode.
  The blond boy Sergei exclaimed:
  - Our Russia, a parasha for you!
  And he barely had time to jump away, flashing his black, knocked-down heels, from the falling roof.
  Olympias stroked the boy"s neck and said:
  - You are very smart.
  The pioneer made his way to the front and joined the women's battalion. The boy is even very inventive. For example, he made airplanes to shoot down fascist attack aircraft. When the Focke-Wulfs, or TA-152s, rise, an incredibly deafening roar is heard.
  The Germans strike to the accompaniment of a Wagner symphony. Such a majestic melody.
  Olympiad says with annoyance:
  - They are still trying to scare us.
  The pioneer boy sang with pathos:
  - The Russian warrior is not afraid of death,
  Death under the starry sky will not take us!
  He will fight hard for holy Rus',
  I loaded the mighty machine gun!
  Olympias, a tall, muscular girl with wide hips and shoulders, a typical peasant woman. The clothes were torn into rags during the battles, the strong legs were bare, the hair was braided into two braids and was very dusty.
  Seryozhka is only eleven years old, thin from malnutrition, a scratched and dirty boy wearing only pants. The boy's naturally white hair has turned gray, and his ribs are visible through his thin, tanned and dirty skin. My legs were terribly broken and covered in burns, bruises, and blisters. True, fate protected the child from serious injuries.
  Compared to him, the Olympics seems big and fat, although the girl is not fat at all, but with strong, trained meat on her bones. Moreover, hunger did not seem to affect her portly and large figure at all.
  A girl fires a heavy anti-tank rifle. You can"t penetrate German vehicles head-on, but there is a chance to hit the tracks.
  And the hefty "Lion", having received a heavy explosive in the chassis, began to blow smoke like a heavy smoker.
  Seryozhka sang sarcastically:
  - Stinky Fritz, without thinking, lit a cigarette at the entrance! He, of course, got into big trouble!
  Olympias, flashing her muscular, tanned calves, did a tap dance with her bare, beautiful feet. The girl sang:
  - The faces of Russian saints flash from the icon... God grant, you kill at least a thousand Krauts! And if someone kills more than the Nazis, no one, believe me, will condemn you for it!
  After which, she reloaded the anti-tank rifle and fired again. The German transporter again released a stream of smoke.
  The girls' battalion inflicted significant damage on the Krauts. But he himself suffered losses. One girl was torn in half, and her face became so pale, despite the dust.
  Elizabeth angrily stamped her bare foot so that splashes flew and cooed:
  - We will bravely fight our enemies like this,
  Because fighters can fight fiercely!
  Most of Stalingrad has already been captured by the Nazis, but what is left of the city does not want to give in and surrender.
  Efrosinya, meanwhile, is trying to break through the Tiger. The powerful German vehicle was hit in the side by a grenade, but did not give in. Turns around to fire the cannon. The girl has to bury herself in the ground and rubble so that the released gift is not crushed by the blast wave.
  Euphrosyne quietly whispers:
  - Mom, dad, I'm sorry!
  Catherine threw a grenade at the Tiger, which exploded on its forehead. The girl hissed:
  - About the fact that light is the teaching in winter in spring... I repeat without exception that Hitler is a pestilent bastard!
  Elena, breaking the aim of the fascists and spraying them with a burst of fire, muttered:
  - I saw the Fuhrer in the coffin now! And she kicked the wretched man right in the eye!
  The red-haired girl actually threw a grenade into the tank with her bare fingers. It hit the barrel... An explosion followed, and the Tiger's muzzle was distorted.
  The cowardly German took it and backed away.
  Euphrosyne whined through her nostrils:
  - Ours will not yield to yours!
  Catherine cut down Hitler"s hireling with a bullet and sang:
  - But the villain is not joking! Hands, feet, he's twisting Russian ropes! It sinks its teeth into the very heart... It drinks the Fatherland to the dregs!
  Euphrosyne, giggling, barked:
  - The Fuhrer is screaming wildly, straining himself!
  Ekaterina fired and added:
  - Well, death puffs and grins!
  Now an even more dangerous "Shtumrtiger" has appeared. It destroys entire buildings and bunkers. Moreover, it does not approach the positions of Soviet troops. The car is kept under cover by German machine gunners.
  Efrosinya sees that it is impossible to get close to the Kraut positions. But there are Focke-Wulfs in the sky. One of these vehicles flies closer to Soviet positions. The girls open fire on her.
  Elena throws a grenade and says furiously:
  - In deep death there is no forgiveness!
  After which, the girl fires a burst from a machine gun. Rolls back quickly. A relatively new German tank "Panther"-2 with a small turret and a lower silhouette quickly approaches.
  Several girls throw grenades at a German car. She, having received the gifts, freezes and is unable to turn around.
  Elena whistled and hissed:
  - This is a new misfortune. We'll tear her jaws apart!
  Panther 2 snarled and fired its more powerful weapon.
  The column of fire split the air and instantly heated and electrified the atmosphere.
  Elena giggled as the shells flew past the half-naked girl. The shameless redhead shook her hips and wrote:
  - And Newton defeated his enemies, threw off the yoke from the throne! He decreed his Newton's law to the Fritz!
  Stalingrad was completely engulfed in fires, when it seemed that tongues of fire were licking the sky and purple, orange and scarlet sparks were crackling. And every spark is like a ghost escaping from a hellish castle.
  Euphrosyne, having knocked down a German fighter, flashed her blue eyes and sang:
  - Why are you whining, you stupid old lady? Believe me, it"s just a crazy person crying for you!
  Catherine chanted as she fired at the Nazis:
  - How nice it is to lie down on the grass and hit the Krauts in the head! Give the Fuhrer a poultice and shoot bullets from a machine gun!
  The girl giggled wildly and rolled over from her stomach to her back. I made a bicycle with my feet. A grenade flew up. The flying Focke-Wulf, having received shrapnel under its belly, quickly soared higher. Apparently sharp fragments injured him. The fascist creature caught fire and began to lose pieces of its broken wings.
  Euphrosyne, seeing how Focke was losing altitude, croaked:
  - This is a semaphore. An ax hangs on board.
  The German plane exploded, scattering debris into all the distant corners of the sky. And where did the fascist ace go? Made my last turn. The executioner went to decay, not the pilot.
  Catherine sneezed, dispersing the dust, and said:
  - To be or not to be? It's not a question!
  Elena again threw a piece of glass with her foot, so much so that it hit the Fritz"s eye and came out through the back of the Fritz"s head:
  - I am a tank armada! And you need treatment!
  The Germans and their satellites tried to advance by throwing grenades in front of them. Such tactics did not work against girls. So Seryozhka deployed the catapult and attacked the enemy in response.
  The pioneer boy roared:
  - Santa Claus tearing Hitler's jaws apart!
  The catapult charge, piercing the crowd of fascists, caused them to fly apart and, at the same time, turn over in the air. The Fritzes fell and were broken against the rubble of the walls.
  The Tiger-2 tank, having lost its balance, collided with the Lion. Eh, Leva, where is your formidable name?
  Euphrosyne smiled and answered:
  - Well, Seryozhka is great!
  The boy barked aggressively:
  - The pioneer is always ready!
  The girl shook her bare foot in response.
  The girl captain began nailing again. And the Olympics tickled Seryozhka"s narrow foot, how hard it is! No wonder the boy is not afraid to run through fires.
  Catherine said in a chant:
  - Youth is good - old age is bad!
  Elena, this cheerful redhead, agreed:
  - There is nothing worse than old age. This is, in fact, the most disgusting state of all possible!
  And the girl did a flip jump. For a moment she imagined the old women. No, you can't compare an old woman with a girl. And what beauty there is in slender bodies.
  Elena took it and sang:
  - Year after year flows like a caravan,
  An old woman grinds henna in a mortar...
  And what about my slender figure?
  I don"t understand how my youth disappeared!
  Efrosinya flashed her eyes, knocked the German down with a hit in the groin and remarked:
  - No! Still, there is such a charm in war - to remain forever young! Always drunk!
  The Olympics put a new charge into the catapult. This is something like a good mortar. The girl hissed:
  - Don't pass, but pass!
  Seryozhka shuffled his thin but nimble foot and barked:
  - Fritsam face!
  And the grenade, along with the explosion package, flew at full speed towards the Nazi positions.
  Yes, Stalingrad was not given to them. The assault has been going on for three months since the end of June, but the city has not been captured. The Nazis achieved success in other sectors of the front, but not in this one.
  Euphrosyne fired a pistol and growled:
  - Everything is impossible, but it happens possible. There is no need to make the universe very complicated.
  And it hit the motorcycle's gas tank. The car exploded, and fiery whirlwinds illuminated the smoky landscape. And the German was torn apart by a fiery paw.
  The girl captain shouted:
  - I love killing evil! And this is the highest good!
  Catherine hit the Germans with a burst of fire and hissed:
  - Let's play porcupine!
  Elena opened fire, more accurately. Several blacks were left lying on the soot-covered rubble:
  - Kill the enemy! - The girl whispered.
  Catherine sang playfully:
  - Having painted Hitler with lipstick, Mainstein with hairspray, the demons will drag you into captivity, your faithful dog will gnaw you!
  Euphrosyne, firing, hissed:
  - Come on in the evening, Adolf will hang himself... Stop fooling around! Come on in the evening, fly like a gyrfalcon to beat the Nazis hard!
  Catherine said in rage, knocking the helmet off the stormtrooper"s head:
  - We can! And we will!
  Girls from the Lenin battalion stopped the advance of the foreign army. The Fritz moved forward, literally littering the space with corpses. The Lion tank, on which hopes were pinned, also did not help. Here is a modification of the vehicle with a 150 mm cannon.
  Elena knocks off a stone stuck to her bare nipple. The girl has such beautiful and full breasts. The girl throws a grenade with her foot. The leg is stronger than the arm, and the throw travels further.
  "Lion" received a gap in the track and stopped. Shot from his powerful mouth. Rumble and collapse.
  Elena, spitting, says:
  - A Russian warrior does not groan in pain!
  And again the girl shoots. And he does it extremely accurately. The fascist leaning out of the tower falls back.
  A red-haired, almost naked girl says:
  - It"s in vain that the enemy believes that he managed to break the Russians! He who is brave will attack in battle, we will fiercely beat our enemies!
  And Elena rolls out her abdominal muscles, which she has very sculpted.
  Oh, how beautiful the girls are! I really don"t want any of them to die.
  Stalenida ran by... A very beautiful girl with fluffy white hair. She somehow manages to smear them with some kind of potion so that they don"t get dirty.
  The girl is very beautiful, with the figure of Venus, only more toned and sculpted. She's wearing only a bra and panties. Everything else has already been torn apart. But how graceful the legs are! This is not a girl, but a seal of perfection, a crown of beauty.
  She moves in a special way, like a squirrel. And bare feet just flicker, and the heels surprisingly remain clean. Stalenida shoots, and the fascist gets an ulcer in his chest.
  The girl says:
  - Loyalty to the Motherland is the highest word!
  Elena remarked with a chuckle:
  - Take off your bra and stay in your panties, like me!
  Stalenida shook her head negatively:
  - This is not appropriate!
  Elena shook her hips, fired accurately and sang:
  - Somehow, a Komsomol member has become unusual! Walking around bare-chested like that is very indecent!
  Stalenida giggled and remarked:
  - Why bring joy to the Krauts by looking at our beauty!
  Angelica answered decisively:
  - Our beauty is deadly!
  The steel girl giggled and fired at the TA-200. The Nazis' car caught fire. And the beautiful blonde blurted out:
  - Death to evil!
  Elena giggled:
  - And life is good!
  Stalenida, seeing that the German was falling, growled:
  - This is the highest value! Don't think, fascists, that you have won!
  Elena will sing:
  - Victory awaits! Victory awaits... Those who want to break the shackles! Victory awaits! Victory awaits! We will be able to defeat the Nazis!
  A beautiful girl, and her naked breasts are shaking. It's good with a naked torso in the heat, which is intensified by fires.
  Euphrosyne now looked much more determined. She fired at the Fritzes with a machine gun and barked:
  - I'll castrate you!
  And indeed, the Nazis received deadly gifts and coffins! And the girl showed them her figure by pointing her bare toes. And she whistled like a robber nightingale. Moreover, through the fingers of the lower extremities.
  The girl captain is very smart. And sparkling. And not at all cruel. She, too, sometimes feels sorry for enemy soldiers who may have children who will cry for their murdered fathers.
  Euphrosyne, however, drives away such thoughts from herself, they make her want to cry. But it was not the Russians who came to the Germans to rob and kill. No, these are the Germans and a whole aggressive pack of foreigners from all over the world burst into Russian spaces.
  Efrosinya crossed herself and shot at the Fritz, who was trying to unnoticed to get close to the Russian positions. His eye and brain, knocked out by a bullet, leaked out.
  The girl captain smiled and said wittily:
  - Straight eye to eye, head to head!
  Efrosinya fired accurately and hit a motorcycle with a sidecar. The car began to tear, and the machine gun flew off and turned over several times. Then his muzzle pierced the rubble.
  The girl rubbed her bare, dusty sole on the rubble. And she took aim again. Her cheerful, young face grinned contentedly. The girl sang:
  "No," we told the fascists, our people will not tolerate Russian fragrant bread being called "brod!"
  Catherine made a very accurate shot, which set the Focke-Wulf on fire, and chirped:
  For a scoundrel, of course, the choice is clear,
  He is ready to betray Rus' for dollars...
  But the Russian man is so wonderful -
  I am ready to give my life for my Motherland!
  The girl did a somersault and showed the Nazis a cookie, and spun around, and the bullets did not hit the beauty.
  Catherine appeared, this beauty, almost naked and grimy, like a devil, threw grenades with both legs at once. And she checked:
  - What I have is... To the Fritz in the sharp side!
  The Olympics corrected Elena:
  - Sharp to the side, not to the sharp side!
  The girl giggled and shook her watermelon breasts, and launched a grenade using a grenade with an explosion package. "Tiger" was hit in the barrel, and this crooked work of art dodged.
  After which, Hitler"s creature retreated. She began to crawl, like a turtle caught in a fire.
  Euphrosyne sang, winking cheerfully:
  - And the Tiger is backing away and the Germans are hiding!
  The girls' battalion maneuvered under air attacks and heavy guns. Then the rocket launchers hit, broken, hot cliffs rose into the sky. And the stones caught fire. Fortunately, none of the girls died, but the men went to the next world. And souls fly - some to heaven, and others to hell! Where the devils with pitchforks are already waiting for those who did not believe in Jesus.
  Elena, the sexiest of the warriors, is furious: can the Nazis, with their Sturmtiger, fire at the positions of the Soviet troops and kill the red warriors?
  And the girl grabbed a grenade with her bare feet and spun in cascades of somersaults. And it spun more and more quickly. And then, with all her might, she threw the gift of death into the wide barrel of the Sturmtiger. The beauty's bare, tanned legs flashed, and a grenade flew into the wide barrel. And the powerful car first choked and then exploded. The two "Royal Tigers" that stood on the sides of the "Sturmtiger" were thrown up and scattered in different directions. The rollers were torn off them, and they fell, flying like the queen"s broken necklace.
  The blast wave threw Elena up, and the girl flew upside down. And she was turned over, rocked and thrown. But the beauty still landed, sharp rubble and crushed stones dug into her bare soles. The girl was in pain, and even through her calloused foot, a sharp point pierced.
  But Elena found the strength to stand up and yell:
  - You fascists will be in ashes!
  Efrosinya and the other girls were thrown up by the blast wave, and even slightly crushed. But not one of the beautiful warriors died. The girls met with hurricane and well-aimed fire. Suppressing the jumped-out Nazis and other aggressive insects besieging the USSR.
  Catherine sang with great enthusiasm:
  - And when the trumpet of the Lord blows us into battle, we will be friends together with the Komsomol! And by the will of Jehovah I will be at the heavenly roll call!
  Elena, shaking off the dust from her bloody, broken soles, sang:
  - Lenin, party, Komsomol! We are sending the Fuhrer to the madhouse!
  The girls began to laugh deafeningly, and Seryozhka said with alarm and annoyance:
  - And my catapult is not as accurate as these naked and strong, tanned legs of Elena!
  Olympias, flexing her arm muscles, said:
  - That is OK! You'll come up with something cooler!
  . CHAPTER No. 17.
  The girls really wanted to learn something new about this case and have at least the slightest clue. But so far, like fish in the mud, they fluttered, dangled and could not attach themselves to any specific target.
  In these conditions, it is better to remember your very interesting and, in their own way, unique exploits.
  Elizaveta and her team, so it was in the history of their adventures, repelled the advance of the Fritz in Voronezh.
  The Germans moved their tanks under the snowfall and tried to break through from the flanks.
  The warriors, as always in bikinis and barefoot, fought in the cold. They buried themselves in snowdrifts and fired from there and threw grenades and explosive packages with their bare feet.
  Very beautiful, sexy and perfectly toned girls. Tanned, bare-legged.
  Elizabeth cut down the Krauts and squeaked:
  - We girls are very proud of ourselves!
  Catherine also whistled and growled:
  - We strive only to be in the first rows!
  Elena, this red devil, sang:
  - We are just primas and ballerinas!
  After which, she launched a grenade with her bare foot.
  Euphrosyne took it and fired. She threw a lemon:
  - Let's fight purely! We don't have a clown's mind!
  The girls did a great job. They shot and threw grenades with their very seductive legs. What about the Fuhrer...
  Elizabeth bared her breasts and gave the grenade her scarlet nipple. It flew over and fell into the ranks of the Nazis. She squeaked:
  - Let there be a great doomsday!
  Catherine tweeted:
  - And Svarog the Great God will come!
  And the same way he launches a grenade with his bare fingers.
  Elena giggled and noted:
  - Still interesting. Christians have a pacifist Jesus. And we have a great gunsmith Svarog! You can see the difference!
  And he will also throw an explosion package with his bare heel.
  Then Euphrosyne will hit the enemy with a grenade with her bare foot. And he will sing, baring his teeth:
  - Our God is the God of War! Not pacifism!
  After which, the girls threw a snowball at each other. Elizabeth giggled and remarked:
  - It"s good that Vladimir was smart enough not to convert to Judaism. However, I think it would be better to develop our own. Well, why do we need other people's faiths?
  The girl took and launched a grenade with her bare foot. And scattered the fascists.
  Catherine, shooting, added:
  - No, in fact, make the faith pacifist. But you can come up with your own Iriy.
  And also with bare toes, as he launches the gift of death and smashes a couple of dozen fascists.
  Here Elena also attacked the Nazis. And again, with her bare feet, she gave in to the explosive packages.
  She scattered the fascists and squeaked:
  - An old fairy tale in a new way!
  And showed her tongue!
  Efrosinya fired a line. She mowed down the Fritzes and squeaked:
  - And big changes for the future!
  And she launched it with her bare heel, breaking the backs of the Fuhrers.
  Elizabeth took it and roared with a desperate expression:
  - I'm the coolest girl! I'll sweep everyone away at once!
  And bare toes throw death and chaos.
  Ekaterina also hit. Shot down a bunch of fascists.
  And she barked:
  - For honor and Motherland!
  After which, again her bare foot will start something.
  Here Elena will take it and fuck it hot. Will crush the fascists. It will crumble them into pieces.
  Then he will take it and sing:
  - Glory to the Motherland and Honor!
  Euphrosyne will also launch the gift of death and blather:
  - And we will be together!
  And bare legs, how they will launch destruction.
  Elizabeth, too, will just go and nail... She will mow down the Krauts.
  Then he"ll take it and give it a turn.
  She sang, grinning her mouth:
  - I"m not an ordinary girl! Golden hair!
  Elizabeth, of course, is a girl on her own. She can do anything and is ready for anything. You'll simply admire how it shoots. And mows down enemies like a cultivator.
  And squeaks:
  - Love leads to death!
  Ekaterina also shoots. He touches the grenade with his bare foot and hisses:
  - Brilliant chord!
  And he adds:
  - All fascists are gone!
  Elena also shoots at the enemy. Exterminates the Krauts. Mows down the Nazis and squeaks:
  - A little more and we will all become stronger!
  And the beauty"s bare feet again throw the thing that brings death.
  Euphrosyne also fires at the Nazis. And launches a grenade using the toes of his bare feet. And tweets:
  - We didn"t know troubles, but a neighbor came!
  And he laughs too.
  The girls are so amazing. And busty ones. And they love it when their tits are pulled.
  These are beauties. This is the highest aerobatics of love and poetry! Let the beautiful girls be celebrated. Yes, let it be very good with them.
  Elizabeth hit the fascists with a lead stream and squeaked:
  - Or rather us, believe me, no!
  And with his bare foot he will launch something deadly again!
  And here comes Ekaterina, like a thumper. He will bring down the fascists. And it squeaks:
  - There is no government for us!
  Elena, too, kicks with her bare toes, knocks out a lot of Krauts and squeaks:
  - And the next century will become ours!
  After which, her teeth will sparkle like a mirror!
  Efrosinya also took and launched a grenade with her bare foot. Shot down the fascists. And she piped up with aplomb:
  - Eternal victory! Svarog is with us!
  Elizabeth ran a piece of glass through her bare toes. She cut the Krauts' throats and squeaked:
  - And Jesus will be with us!
  After which she added:
  - Like the Russian White God!
  Ekaterina also handed over the grenade and shouted:
  - Glory to Great Russia!
  And with his bare heel he will throw up the package in an explosion.
  Elena shook her strawberry-shaped nipple. She fired a line at the fascists.
  Then she threw death at the Fritz with her bare foot and blathered:
  - Yes, let us not have problems!
  And she showed her tongue.
  Efrosinya also fired a line. She tore the fascists to pieces... And then the grenade launched by her bare foot flies.
  Blonde girl yells:
  - May the strength of the Family be with us!
  And all four girls screamed:
  - Glory to the Almighty, Omnipresent, Omniscient, Eternal and Eternal Family!
  Well, these are still flowers. Mutant girls had even cooler missions.
  And other beauties in a parallel universe work wonders.
  The warriors are again faced with a special task. You need to penetrate the castle of the magic plasma sorcerer. And here you can"t take it with your bare feet just by throwing damaging objects. Something different is required.
  Elizabeth shook her full breasts. All four warriors were very muscular, curvy, wearing only one thin bikini. And their bare feet were well adapted to tearing and throwing deadly things.
  Beautiful and unfading four.
  There are numerous combat robots located around the castle. Some of the steel mastodons looked like people in armor and loaded with weapons. The other part has the appearance of scorpions, with launchers sharpening from their stings. Still others look like ugly, steely birds. There are also tanks that look like pyramids.
  Thus, the girls have a lot of enemies. But the girls do not feel fear. Still, this is another game of nano-hobbits - a civilization that has fallen into eternal childhood.
  The Bounty Prince appeared before the girls without any enhancements. An ordinary boy wearing a crown, a T-shirt decorated with re-photographs, shorts and barefoot. Almost a normal child, only muscular, very beautiful, looking eleven or twelve years old. But in fact, it has long passed its second million years. Moreover, the years in this universe are longer than human years. So, it"s hard to imagine how long this eternal boy lived.
  And now the cute boy, together with the girls, laughingly says:
  - Well? Maybe we can make a breakthrough together?
  Elizabeth decisively slapped her bare foot and sang:
  - The whirlwinds of Avadon are above us!
  Catherine picked up the snowball with her bare, elastic sole, jumped up and sang with fierce confidence:
  - Streams of hyperplasma behind!
  Fiery Elena, with lush, flaming hair, also raked up the snowdrift with her bare heel and chirped:
  - Comrade Stalin, your coolest Koba..
  Euphrosyne quickly rolled a ball of snow with her bare fingers and cooed:
  - He will be able to cope with the rabid horde!
  The girls looked at Bounty... Well, a typical child. In general, in the world of elves they have somehow become unaccustomed to adult men. All representatives of the glamorous people look like teenagers, without mustaches and beards, with pretty girls" faces. Elves, at the same time, are muscular, prominent, with large perfections, and very affectionate. They know how to turn on a woman, and they are simply ideal lovers. They always smell nice, their skin is perfectly clean with an even tan, and hair grows only on the head. The elf, of course, is handsome, but... Girls get bored of this, and they want a man with a beard who smells of strong sweat, and not of flowers and women's perfume.
  Elizabeth asked Bounty:
  - You can take on a more respectable image. Why do you look like an undeveloped boy?
  The prince replied with a radiant smile:
  - The way I feel is the way I look! I am a nanohobbit squared, and my childhood is endless!
  Catherine, baring her pearly teeth and throwing snowballs with her bare fingers, remarked with a chuckle:
  - Well, you're just Peter Pan!
  Bounty retorted with a grin:
  - No! Peter Pan was not a nanohobbit. It"s just that our guys, while having fun, gave the boy eternal childhood and the ability to fly.
  Fiery Elena whistled and remarked in surprise:
  - So, Peter Pan really exists?
  The prince himself very deftly rolled a snowball with the bare toes of his nimble feet and launched it at Elena, chirping wittily:
  - Oh, childhood, childhood, where are you in a hurry! Oh, childhood, childhood, where are you flying to!
  The girl also rolled a snowball with her bare fingers and released it at the boy. And growled:
  - Get a fascist grenade! Sing a serenade to remember!
  Bounty responded by charging a whole cascade of snowballs. They hit Elena, knocked the girl off her feet, and tore off her bra. The redhead twirled under the hail of snowballs, cooing:
  - Well, you're a bastard!
  And she literally buried herself in a snowdrift. She crawled, digging out the corridor.
  Bounty said with a grin:
  - Peter Pan was very upset by the death of his grandmother - this unpleasant discovery: that people, it turns out, die. And the boy prayed to the gods to become immortal. Well, our playful Ephriala gave him immortality and the ability to fly, leaving the child, however, forever a boy... - The prince licked his full lips and continued. - Which, however, was what stopped him!
  Ekaterina, this melodious playful girl, took it and sang, simultaneously drawing an ornament in the snow with her bare fingers:
  - The flashing of days and years is not scary... He is the only one in the whole world! It's good to be like that or not. - The girl bared her breasts while dancing, sparkling with ruby nipples, and continued. - Is it good to be like this or not! It's unlikely that anyone will answer.
  The Bounty Prince stopped the bombardment and, baring his teeth, growled:
  - Well, that's enough! Now I will personally lead you to the assault.
  Five: the warrior girls and the boy lined up. And they moved towards the enemies.
  Bounty was the first to open fire, sending needles down his tanned, boyish legs with his bare toes, roaring:
  - We are going to storm! It will be very cool!
  Elizabeth gave in with her bare heel, threw out a portion of the death-carrying charges, yelping:
  - We'll smash you! You will be Malyuta!
  And the robots crumbled into multi-colored balls. The metal was cracking.
  Catherine chirped, showing her precious teeth. She kicked a few iridescent balls with her bare heel and sang:
  - What girls sometimes dream about...
  And the balls trivially smashed the robots into melted parts.
  Elena also launched fire needles with her bare feet. I crushed so many mastodons. Those, having received charges, split and turned to ashes.
  Elena sang enthusiastically:
  - At night the stars cascade! There will be an automatic machine!
  Next, Euphrosyne threw out the gifts of death and complete destruction with her bare fingers. The girl said enthusiastically:
  - And there will be cybor in the coffin! Let's send an ax to your temple!
  Melted dust fell from the robots...
  The warriors joined together.
  The Bounty Prince was not far behind. The boy was very happy that he could frolic.
  Elizabeth also received a charge from the mastodon, and exposed her breasts. Lightning flew off her scarlet nipple and struck the robots. They took it and crumbled into pieces.
  The girl hissed enthusiastically:
  - The white stork is flying!
  And after her, Ekaterina launched her bare breasts. Bubbles flew from her scarlet nipple, and her bare, sexy feet pulled out a fiery dagger. Such a gorgeous girl. And the robots fly apart like bowling pins from a crushing blow from a sword.
  The warrior chirped enthusiastically:
  - And the enemy flock flew to the ground! Under the pressure of steel and fire!
  After which, the beauty again released a cascade of destruction from her bare breasts.
  The fiery Elena also took it and hit the robots with a cascade of naked breasts. They split and flew into the air. The warrior hissed:
  - I'm tearing the tight rope with my bare chest!
  Euphrosyne also used strawberry nipples to conduct military operations. She's a really hot girl. And she also used her bare feet very effectively. She began to cut everyone up and turn them into ashes and fiery smoke, similar to red cobras.
  After which, the warrior chirped:
  - Rebellion means death, and death is rebellion!
  And all four beauties laugh as much as they want. They really are what they say - super!
  Bounty, this eternal boy tweeted:
  - Raise the barrels of gasoline like fires!
  And how he will laugh and bare his white teeth.
  Elizabeth, grinning aggressively and demonstrating the pressure of a high-flying warrior, took it and hissed:
  - Lenin is with us in October!
  And a very heavy lightning bolt flew off from her ruby nipple. She hit the cars, started tearing them and turning them over. Like a pyramidal tank thrown from the chest by lightning, it crashed into the robot, breaking it into pieces.
  Ekaterina also aggressively threw multi-colored bubbles out of her scarlet nipple and hissed with aplomb. And her breasts spread out in waves:
  - I'm a girl with a bullet in her head!
  And then, as he launches the gift of annihilation with his bare foot.
  Elena also hit me with her naked breasts. She is such a girl with a feeling of increased aggressiveness, and at the same time, kindness. And how he scatters fireballs everywhere.
  And then he will give in with his tanned, bare feet. What a miracle, what a miracle!
  The sea will swell violently!
  And Elena will sing:
  - I'm a top class girl!
  Euphrosyne also released bright sparkling lightning from her extremely bare breasts. And how your bare heels will blaze. How the brightest vortices will spin.
  And how from her bare fingers the carrying streams of death will disperse. And he chirps:
  - A porcupine will be cooked!
  Elizabeth is such a gorgeous chick. And her breasts, well, would literally seduce any saint. And multi-colored lightning bolts fly off from the crimson nipples and strike the robots.
  And bare feet spew out what they destroy and boil into ashes without any delay.
  Elizabeth purrs with delight:
  - I'll screw all of you bastards! And soon I"ll crush you into pieces!
  Catherine also chirped, bared her teeth and threw out missiles of destruction and devastation from her nipples, red as poppies. They swept everything away and melted it. And how red-hot threads of destruction emerged from bare fingers... This is generally the coolest flow.
  Catherine tweeted:
  - A grasshopper was burning in the grass!
  The fiery Elena also gave in with her bare feet. It gave out a cascade of frantic, raging death. Then she sent pillars of light, like lasers, from the strawberry nipples. Swept away some of the advancing robots into hyperplasmic dust and hissed:
  - He was green!
  And then Euphrosyne burst into flames, sending out bright rays with her bare heels and bare toes. And then, as if from the nipples, destructive and metal-melting charges would float through the air.
  Euphrosyne tweeted:
  - And he landed everyone in the coffin!
  After which, all four warriors began laughing intensely and very aggressively. And from them such bright quasar rays of death diverge.
  Elizabeth sang, baring her large snowy teeth. Real, striking snakes and jets of lightning flew off from her bare heels. She's just hyper.
  - The highest measure is like a chimera...
  After which, the girl took it and giggled. And from the scarlet nipples came further, more than deadly discharges. They literally swept away everything with a magic plasma broom.
  Ekaterina, squealing and playing with her bare breasts, from which hyperplasmic bullets were falling, took it and hissed:
  - Aerobatics - we put the crew in cancer!
  And after he succumbs with his bare feet, he emits destruction from his bare breasts. And again the robots fall into the asymmetry of the multidimensional gates of cybernetic hell. And everything hisses...And the snow seethes, bubbles with boiling water, and steam rushes upward.
  And then there"s Elena, who will pick it up and accelerate it. And he will also throw out with his bare heels what he destroys. And then he will send gifts with his bare breasts.
  And it will give:
  - Changing the terms does not change the sum!
  The Bounty Prince chuckled and wittily remarked, baring his teeth sparkling like stars in a nightmarish, and at the same time, childish smile:
  - You are my delights!
  Elizabeth again launched a portion of extermination with her bare feet. Added a destructive charge with a bare nipple. Both witty and in her own brilliant way noted:
  - We are clowns with evil axes!
  And everything fell from the robots, like rusty and, at the same time, flaming shavings.
  The original Catherine, this warrior with bare feet, from which streams of death and destruction emanate. So she took it and hissed, sending lightning bolts from her scarlet nipples. And each lightning struck its target, flattened it, etched it and smeared it.
  Catherine took it and, grinning sparklingly, shaking her breasts, from which sparkling rubies of nipples emanate and that which carries annihilation, she said:
  - Axes are growing behind the hill, violent heads to flog!
  And the girl showed her sharp and pink tongue. And all that was left of the robots were red-hot chips.
  Fiery Elena is not a fool either. She took it and hissed, shaking her scarlet nipples, and threatening to sweep everyone away and flatten them:
  - But the foreigner will receive buckshot from us girls!
  And the warrior sent from her nipples such an energetic whirlwind of defeat and the fiery palette of death. And the girl"s nipples are so bright, and what emanates from them is so deadly, that you are simply amazed at how you can, in principle, resist something like that.
  And then there"s the girl, who will give in with her chiseled, bare feet. And such destruction that it literally turns noses. And from the robots there are dissected layers.
  And Elizabeth? She's actually a super girl! In fact, everything is subject to her, including what seems completely unreal. So the robots, having received a discharge of Katyusha from the girls" bare feet, begin to smoke and crack. And they will go into the stream of princeps plasma.
  Elizabeth will sing, opening her mouth with scarlet lips:
  - And in the heights of the stars, I bark at the hairdryer!
  And then the girl will take it and robotically hit you with her scarlet nipples. And it will release something that rolls metal into dried tubes. And this girl is literally a piece of cake.
  Elizabeth is on strike again, sending presents with strawberry nipples, destroying the robots. And the girl"s bare feet extract prickly destruction. And the girl screams:
  - And good fortune, by God, has no time for you!
  Elizabeth gave her bare soles to her seductive, muscular legs. Then she shook off the gifts of destruction and grinding of substances from her breasts. And she burned a whole row of robots.
  Then she sang:
  - While in this world...
  Elena also released streams of annihilation with her bare toes. Then she released multi-colored bubbles of digestion and destruction from her ruby nipples. She incinerated them and evaporated...
  Then she sang:
  - While in this world...
  Here Catherine sent her cultural profile barefoot, which drives mechanical mastodons into the coffin. Or rather, into snow-covered graves.
  Gave it with lightning. Then from the strawberry nipples, like sparkling balls. Like a hammer on an anvil.
  And she chirped:
  - While in this world, there is Gascony!
  And the warrior bared her virtual, but very real fangs.
  Elizabeth remarked wittily, sending with her bare toes what she was wiping into trivial powder.
  - The word coward is not known in Russia!
  And the warrior will throw lightning out of herself, or rather, from her bare chest. And it will sparkle with every fiber of the soul. And she turns out to be such a cool and cascading woman.
  Ekaterina also gave in to the robotic mower with her bare feet. She destroyed many, knocked over some. And how he sends columns of intense death to his naked chest - you will admire it!
  And then he will sing:
  - I don"t know the bullet if you"re wrong!
  Elena also launched her bare fingers, bringing destruction, crumbling the robots. After which, she chirped, simultaneously releasing magic plasma bursts from her scarlet nipples:
  - We Russians have the best taste in the world...
  Euphrosyne flexed her graceful toes on her bare feet, then pulled a stunning bite from her chest, and then hissed:
  - We don"t like anything except fame!
  Elizabeth giggled. She took it and lowered the hot stream of fiery lava from her bare heels. I removed all the parts from the robots. And wittily, baring her teeth, she chirped:
  - Your hand is strong!
  And from the bare chest he will again send out something that brings complete defeat, and the Anschluss with the decline of robotics.
  Catherine also sang, using her very strong and beautiful bare feet to fire. And sending what death brings with guarantee. At the same time, tweeting:
  - That's the right line...
  And rays were again sent from the naked breasts, burning everything to ashes and the highest cascade.
  Half-naked Elena also does not stand aside. She sends gifts of annihilation with her chiseled bare feet. Erases robots. Then she throws out bullets of magoplasma from her chest, which fry the metal army and the girl sings:
  - Russian refined style!
  The magnificent Catherine maintains this aggressive aplomb. First, sending from the strawberry breasts what exactly destroys. And then, giving out gifts from bare feet. Which is also deadly for robots. Baring his snow-white teeth and chirping:
  - I was just as daring!
  Elizabeth also sent something that would sweep away the magic-plasma witch with her broom at the enemy from her bare feet. The breasts gave off an intense lesion. And crushed a bunch of robots. I took this rusty ashes...
  Then she sang:
  - Moscow recognized the girl...
  Catherine sent something destructive at the enemy from her bare legs. Then she gave in to her scarlet nipples and hissed shrilly and deafeningly:
  - Very strong!
  Elena, swaying her body and sending out something with a guarantee of great mortality and burning with the scarlet nipples of her breasts, chirped:
  - Finland, Spain, or powerful Honduras...
  Catherine hit the enemy with a fuse of burning magoplasm emanating from her bare, girlish heels. She released lightning from her strawberry nipples and, laughing deafeningly, sang:
  - And there is fire in your veins too...
  Elizabeth, having fired several charges from her bare heel in a checkerboard pattern, chirped, grinning:
  - God grant that this song is about you too...
  And from the burning nipples the girls flew, flashing with all the colors of the rainbow and lightning. The robots simply turned to rubble.
  Elena, grinning fieryly, gave out, showing her fang teeth. But she"s a girl, let"s face it, a good one. And with bare feet he will launch ball lightning, destroying mechanical opponents.
  And how a discharge shoots out from a bare chest. Yes, he will set everyone on fire and blind! And it will burn you to the bones.
  The warrior sang:
  - Where there is faith, there is a fight....
  Elena supported the song, saying:
  - Two words and a glove!
  After which, how can he do such a thing with bare feet? That even Makar didn"t drive the calves there. And from the ruby nipples, fireballs will fly out, carrying a complete outburst.
  Catherine, intensely snapping with lightning that emanates from her chest, firing everyone and melting robots into a cesspool of metal. And with bare feet and completely working miracles, she said:
  - While love is still alive!
  And the girls burst out laughing in unison. And they began to bare their teeth, emitting sunbeams from them.
  Elizabeth, sending with her bare fingers the next gifts of annihilation, exterminating very peculiar enemies, took it and hissed:
  - Ephesus more often, warm it on your palm!
  And from her breasts she sent a whole stream of bubbles that crushed everything living and inanimate.
  Golden-haired Catherine again threw the gift of death with her bare feet. I scattered the terminators for spare parts. Then lightning would shoot out from the nipples and even glow scarlet.
  And coos:
  - Don't touch the naked girl!
  So Elena, too, with her naked breasts launched what is a gift of annihilation. And with her bare feet, the girl, as soon as she takes it, will send multi-colored bubbles. And they will fly off your heels, turn over and thunder like atomic bombs.
  The red-haired girl sang:
  - Just don"t touch the defenseless!
  And then Catherine arrived in time. And how it starts to roar and scream. Metallic, molten shards fly off from her voice. And the girls send their bare soles, and in them are embers of destruction.
  And the girl took and with scarlet nipples sent something that was capable of knocking down and sawing through the tonsils of a combat vehicle.
  And she chirped:
  - Kill the enemy!
  Elizabeth took it and giggled loudly. Her voice is like the chime of spring icicles in the rays of the brightest sun in the world. And then she took it and sent a whole bomb with her bare foot, with bright cascades of death. And then such lightning erupted from a scarlet nipple that even the snow was painted in the reflections of the glow from the flaming robots.
  The girl took it and chirped loudly:
  - Oh, the tail is scales! I'm a beautiful pig!
  Fiery in her golden beauty, the warrior Elena, baring her teeth, took it and hissed:
  - Boo Boo Boo!
  The girl sent a gift of annihilation with her bare feet, which killed a whole batch of robots. And then, as it screams and sends out reflections of hellish flames with its scarlet nipples.
  After which, it hisses:
  - I'm like a head of cabbage!
  A warrior with a capital letter, Elena, blinking in confusion and sending the most tender smile, said:
  - Let's play Pinocchio!
  And the red-haired devil will take and send at the enemy, with her tanned, bare feet, a real stun gun. And it will strike from the scarlet nipples with fiery lightning.
  And then Ekaterina poked her head in. She swung her bare feet and gave out bubbles of remarkable death. Then streams of fiery liquid flow from the strawberry nipples. And the adversary bursts into flames. It will burn with a candle of multidimensional caliber.
  Catherine took it and said:
  - I love Trufaldino from the pencil case!
  Elizabeth took it and stamped her bare foot on the snow. A huge gap passed through, the robots fell into it. And then very stormy waters of molten metal emanating from large bubbles poured out of the crimson nipples.
  The girl blurted out:
  - Eh, pencil case, pencil case, don"t penalize me!
  Golden-haired Elena took it and chirped on the violin:
  - Oh, bulls!
  And also with bare feet he causes sharp swirls in the snowdrifts. And they rise, and the robots are pushed against each other. And they split into pieces. It was very interesting when the girl took it and sent a magic nuclear charge with her scarlet nipples, using it to destroy an entire armada of robots.
  But the fiery Elena also sent with her bare, chiseled legs a whole cascade of destruction of electronic militants. And then, the red-haired girl took and hit a powerful pillar with her ruby nipples, grinding all metals and very cool.
  Elena checked:
  - The power of the terminator will be to beat the face!
  Ekaterina took and sent a fiery disk with her bare toes, which literally burned a lot of robots and dismantled them for parts. And then she sent an ultra-gravity wave from the strawberry nipples of her breasts, crushing and dismantling the mechanical mastodons for parts.
  The Bounty Prince whistled and hissed:
  - You have a riot of intellect! We will sweep you away!
  Elizabeth sparklingly showed her grin with pearly and sparkling teeth with a hiss. And before that, too, she launched a very aggressive glow with her bare, chiseled feet. And she twisted her hips, and from the scarlet nipples of her breasts she let out the destruction of death.
  - We will brutally kill! And for five!
  Golden-haired Elena also acted very aggressively. So she took it and sent ball lightning with her bare fingers. She went through cyborg fighters. And such destructive elements came from the ruby nipples. And the snow hisses and ionizes.
  The girl said aggressively, chewing metal creatures at a distance:
  - Five is not just a number, but my soul!
  The fiery Elena said wittyly and with a grin on her lips:
  - Your soul strives upward! You will be born again with a dream...
  And the red-haired warrior sent her discharges of destruction and flattening with her bare feet. And sharp and red-hot webs of annihilation erupted from the robot.
  After which, lightning came from the strawberry nipples, and they rained down like hail of fire.
  And then Ekaterina turned it on. She slammed her bare feet so hard that ghouls and harsh irritants flew away. And then volcanoes erupted from scarlet nipples. And so they took everyone and burned them. These robots scattered, the fragments jumped like frogs in the snowdrifts.
  Catherine sang admiringly:
  - But if you saved, you pig, you will remain a pig!
  And the girls simultaneously touched their heels, so that sparks fell. And then they connected with scarlet nipples. And fiery lightning also began to appear. And the traces melted... They stretched towards the castle. And this building shook.
  Prince Bounty jumped and also slammed the boy's heel, joining the girls. And then he exclaimed:
  - Girls, should you take off your panties?
  The warriors responded by tearing off the remnants of their clothes. And this added strength to them many times over. The girls recharged. And they began to spew out endless energy. And they had so much limitless power. Especially a lot of sparkling lightning erupts from the womb of Venus. And such furious, rolling streams that they burn and incinerate the most numerous regiments.
  And even the black castle itself burns down. It comes out in cracks and streams of red flames. And the streams wriggle, like a dance of snakes, and not under the pipe of a fakir, but by a whole orchestra. And this castle is burned, turning into hot ashes.
  The warriors were in chorus, tapping their bare, very graceful feet, and breaking all obstacles in the way with magic plasma energy. And the ruby nipples raised streams of hyperplasm and vortices of wild power. But the most important megahyperplasm erupted from the womb of Venus from pretty and delightful warrior girls. Their bodies are so gorgeous. A black, or ink castle. And how amazing the girls are, what can we say, warriors, the highest super class. And they did this.
  The castle exploded like an atomic bomb and fell to the very tonsils into the snowdrifts. All that was left was a black hole.
  . CHAPTER No. 18.
  The mutant girls were never able to find any clues in their search for the thieves of the intergalactic starship. In these conditions, there was only one thing left to do, to remember at least something from the glorious past. And there was this...
  The girls were now in combat, fighting in single-seat fighters. Still half-naked, wearing only red, very thin panties, the beauties drove the cars with their bare feet and scarlet breasts.
  Elizabeth pressed the buttons with her bare fingers. She fired at a streamlined fighter that looked like a killer whale. But the frontal armor held out. Elizabeth had to maneuver. And try to get behind the enemy. The blonde girl was very agile. Her bare fingers moved across the scanner and selected targets. No wonder she went through an excellent combat school.
  Starting from June forty-one, and ending with RPG games with nanohobbits. She really wanted to get out. The enemy, however, wanted to get behind him.
  It was hot in the cabin, and the warrior"s tanned body became shiny, as if it had been smeared with olive oil. How beautiful it is when the steel tiles of the abs are brown and textured, like chocolate, and the waist smoothly tapers. And the girl"s thighs are very muscular, steel wires of muscles rolling under thin but durable bronze skin.
  Elizabeth, this is simply the embodiment of animal strength and eroticism. And when her scarlet nipples move across the scanner, streams of magoplasm erupt.
  The girl, however, is forced to conduct a maneuverable battle. Which creates certain problems for her.
  But here is Ekaterina, this girl with hair the color of gold leaf. Simply a magnificent example of a warrior. She is a combination of beauty and sexuality. A typical Hollywood heroine, and she fights with a real ace.
  Multi-colored streams of magoplasm hit the forehead of her fighter. This makes it hot. A pearl of sweat falls from the girl's smooth forehead. She brushed past a bronze-pink cheek and plopped down onto the scanner display. It hissed slightly.
  Ekaterina expressed:
  - Just like a bull, first under the ax and then roasted!
  And the warrior bared her very sharp, pearly teeth. She has so much enthusiasm. And simply unearthly beauty. How can you not love such a girl? She has charm.
  And the bare, round heels are so seductive and sexy. Especially when she uses them to draw eights on the scanner. And he twists the fighter, trying to get behind it.
  The warrior, of course, seems to be made of muscles. Energy bubbles within her, as if from an erupting volcano.
  But so far victory has not been given to Catherine. She tries to maneuver, but her opponent is also not smart. The warrior nervously touches her bare toes and hisses:
  "You"re not going anywhere, you hairy louse."
  True, it"s not a louse at the helm, but a fat cutlet with legs like a cockroach. Yes, the nanohobbits created such an incredible culinary miracle.
  Well, it"s okay, sooner or later the enemy will come to his end.
  Fiery Elena is also in her repertoire. So mobile, bare-legged, with a thin, flexible and very muscular waist. Such a girl will not let anyone down.
  What about her muscles? Balls of muscle roll under bronze skin. This is a female terminator. But at the same time, tender and sexy. Although so strong. And he loves to make love.
  He bares his ivory teeth and, whistling, says:
  - In the age of space and mathematics there will be romantics!
  After which, wiggling his bare toes, he tries to get behind the rear of a powerful enemy fighter. And he spews out raging, frantic streams of magical plasma and deadly impulses.
  Elena turns red from the hits and is steamed. And beads of sweat flow down the girl"s polished skin. What a pleasant smell she must have and, apparently, she is an appetizing girl. And such a redhead. The hair sparkles like the flame of a torch.
  Elena, twirling her hips, took it and chirped:
  - A mouse defeats an elephant, but cunning defeats strength! Only cunning does not come with mouse brains!
  Terminator girl added:
  - The cunning of the fox gives birth to a bright victory, an excellent fur coat for a trophy!
  And again, as he twirls his bare, chiseled legs. Now that's a girl. A real red-haired hero woman. And she has so much sexual energy. An outstanding type, capable of turning any face into a brick.
  And how Elena will spin and shake her bare breasts. And sparks will fly from the scarlet nipples. And her fighter will spin like a clockwork spinning top.
  And Elena will sing, showing her teeth as shiny as a hairdresser"s mirror:
  - No, the mountains will not be golden, Angelica will cross the goal! And he will drive spurs into Adolf"s sides - he will give Hitler full credit!
  After which, the redhead will laugh! And her laughter is like that of Baba Yaga, who stole the samogudy harp from Ivanushka the Fool.
  Efrosinya, too, doesn"t mind squeaking and banging. Using his bare feet, he spins the fighter around its axis. Spins it in different parallels. And he doesn"t forget to take it and tweet:
  - Scolopendra! I'm going out to howl!
  Efrosinya, she's just a charmer. Not a girl, but a real giant of alternative creativity of annihilation. How it will spin and how it will hit the enemy with a ram of a magic plasma jet. Yes, this is a girl who is a genuine antimatter scorpio.
  The warrior says:
  - This is my empire! Let's throw all superstitions into the abyss!
  And yet, Efrosinya is such a woman that she can actually hit the back of the head with an iron. And it won"t get any better from her. She is a warrior, born in some special darkness. Twilight full of light. Try to figure it out with this one.
  But the girl still performs the maneuver and tries to get behind the shrewd enemy.
  And he very quickly dodges. You can't catch him in your crosshairs.
  Euphrosyne growls:
  - What a slippery guy!
  Elizabeth is also trying to catch the enemy. And he stings her quite quickly. And do not go into the vulnerable rear. The girl remembered the fight with the T-4, which had an elongated barrel. How difficult it is to get close. But the fight turned out to be quite fun. Eh, the warriors didn"t have to fight steel cats. And they bite specifically.
  Elizabeth clicked her bare soles and squeaked:
  - Ah, birth control... Not relevant with nanohobbits.
  And again the girl turns out her fighter. Although it seems to have caught the enemy. It looks like the cutlet was fried.
  Elizabeth whispered to herself:
  - What about space candy with onions or garlic?
  And the girl felt a strong feeling of hunger. And she"s a girl with the grin of a leopard.
  The scarlet nipples of the breasts will be twirled on the scanner. And the air cannons will rumble. And let's thresh in the vacuum. And drill holes in the void, filling them with hyperplasm.
  Elizabeth now looks extremely sexy in thin panties, squirming in front of the scanners.
  But Catherine looks very good, being almost devoid of clothes. She looks so heroic and sexy. This is the Terminator girl. And at the same time, her hair is the color of gold leaf, and her bare feet are so nimble. And the fingers move, playing an enthusiastic tune.
  In some ways, Ekaterina is unique. Although all four girls here are warriors of the highest and megaplasmic class.
  Catherine crowed:
  - I have strength and pressure against the enemy... But I"m in the skin of a bull, that"s the whole conversation!
  And both of the girl"s bare soles collide and shoot out sparks. How multi-colored jets and cascades of lightning will flow.
  The girl took it and even stuck out her tongue. And clouds of smoke flew out from behind the toughest warrior. And the bare feet took it and spun like a propeller.
  This is an active lady. And who does she need? King Louis the Fourteenth, or what?
  Catherine shook her strawberry nipples. And I thought that hardly anyone would have remembered King Louis the Fourteenth if not for Dumas. Yes, France once had such a personality.
  And he had a great-grandson, Louis the Fifteenth. He is also a very outstanding personality. Although, much less famous in Russia than the Sun King. And indeed, Louis the Fifteenth turned out to be a failure. Lost the war to Britain for Canada. He was not very successful in other battles either.
  Catherine giggled and shook her finger at herself. She was a little distracted, and she was already covered by a magic plasma wave. And it got so hot. Catherine is literally red and bronze.
  Flushed, she became even sexier and cooler, catching the eyes of men. But what kind of men did she have? There are only infantile nanohobbits and various kinds of monsters. The girl herself doesn"t mind sleeping with the latter. Or with elves.
  Catherine stammered:
  - My affectionate and gentle elf! I love you so much, don't drift! My affectionate and gentle elf!
  And the warrior took it and shook her golden hair. And her strands are so precious. Imagine how beautiful the purest gold leaf is.
  And here comes the fiery Elena. Such a cool girl. And her nipples are raspberry colored. Sparkling, reflecting the light of the stars. And when her bare toes move, and they cast shadows from the scanner, and cut circles across the fields of the scanner.
  Elena again tries to get behind the enemy fighter. Her own car seems to be tossed around like a piece of wood in a storm. Yes, the red-haired beauty is having a hard time. Like a donkey crushed by stones.
  Elena, throwing up her bare feet, sang:
  - Oh, under the ocean! Eh, under sail!
  She hit one of her round heels against the other and continued:
  - Oh, it"s fabulous for us to look at wealth...
  And all four girls rang out in silvery voices:
  - It"s a pity no one knows! And we don"t know ourselves! How much gold do we need! Eh ma, as much as we want!
  Red Elena, in this case, considered herself the coolest steal. And her red hair resembled the flames of a fire. And the fire is very hot. From which the heat comes.
  The girl, splashing her bare feet, squeaked:
  - Life is only a moment, between the past and the future!
  And she twisted her hips. The girl took it, spun around, and tried to spin her fighter. But the enemy retreated. And then he turned around and put up blocks. The vacuum shifted and half-space dimensions cracked.
  Elena was a fierce girl, and she did the Messer loop. But the enemy again managed to deviate. And he slipped out. Like bindweed from a net.
  Elena took it and tsked:
  - Oh, a foam tank!
  But the red-haired woman was sad only in the dreams of Hitler"s vultures. But the cutlets couldn"t throw her off balance.
  Elena took it and blurted out:
  - Oh, so many sharks! And even Friedrich blew away the battle of Russia!
  And she took it as soon as she roared...
  Efrosinya is very cool, she bares her teeth. And she shakes her ruby nipples. And the nipples are sparkling, and lightning comes from them. The girl will take it and yell:
  - Zone, oh zone! I want to be in a women's prison! There are a lot of riot police there, and a baton to the head!
  Euphrosyne imagined this, her bare feet twitched. And the body felt bliss. This is truly a thrill. Or maybe even everything so magical and cosmic.
  And here you are fighting with cutlets, so fatty and soaked in sauce. For now, Efrosinya decided to use the on-board computer to see what her opponents were made of. Still, it's still delicious. And these cutlets are delicious and crispy.
  This is how a hologram appeared in color, and it listed the characteristics of elaborate culinary products. And here there are such smells, everything is so delicious.
  And so, a hybrid of ostrich, orange and crucian carp. This is the composition of the cutlet that fights against the fair-haired and muscular Euphrosyne. Yes, it"s clear that this is a problematic species of living creature. You can't really fight with her.
  Euphrosyne sang with delight:
  - We make cutlets from the Krauts! And they blocked the Yenisei!
  Such a witty girl. She has such strength, energy supply. And her legs are so wonderful and very sexy. Against such a girl, some cutlet will be powerless. Or you can even make a chop.
  Efrosinya performed the fox snake maneuver, fired a cumulative discharge and blathered:
  - They make chops out of disgusting girls!
  And again with bare heels, as soon as it hits.
  Elizabeth became more and more angry. The enemy, like an elusive bindweed, slipped away. And she resembled a clumsy pelican. Who is trying to catch with his net, but everyone misses.
  Elizabeth hissed in rage:
  - Oh, this matter... And I myself don"t believe in these superstitions!
  Ekaterina, who also could not catch her target, asked her partner on the radio:
  - What are you, a witch?
  Elizabeth slapped her bare, tanned knees and answered:
  - We are all women witches!
  The girl was clearly nervous. Her legs were shaking with excitement.
  And what scarlet lips Elizabeth, the great warrior, has, like sugar lips. She, perfection itself, is the embodiment of eroticism. It is difficult for a man who is always hungry for sex to take his eyes off such breasts. From nipples shining like scarlet poppies. Oh, how beautiful this girl is, she has so much harmony and is full of fresh ripeness.
  But the warrior could not crack such a nut against a very strong opponent. The enemy constantly hit her fighter. Well, how is it possible for the cutlet to fight so masterfully?
  Elizabeth was extremely angry with the nano-hobbits. These immortal, but infinitely infantile creatures, conjured juicy fried meat, capable of fighting to the death.
  And they really fought, and skillfully and swiftly, moving and turning around in time.
  Elizabeth answered with a deep sigh:
  - Oh, my business... You burn like a nitroglycerin candle!
  Yes, there was something to freak out about here.
  Catherine did not do very well either. The girl with golden hair thrashed her legs and wheezed:
  - Having painted my lips with shoe polish, I go out onto the promenade... You Hitler vile brute, I will send you to hell!
  The girl crossed her graceful bare legs. They were distinguished by their perfection of form, strength and harmony.
  At one time, these legs stomped along the roads of the Great Patriotic War. We went through a great many difficulties. And when you walk barefoot, it"s not so pleasant, every twig, every bump, every bump is felt. They prick the girl's bare soles.
  Catherine whispered with the smile of a beauty who does not sleep:
  - Oh, my feet... My bare feet! In the cold with your heel, splash! Golden braids!
  The girl is truly the embodiment of unearthly beauty, a pure angel. What kind of eyelashes does she have? Imagine golden hair and black eyebrows. This is what beauty is.
  And seeks to pin down the enemy fighter. He, however, does not want to give in. It's like you're catching a butterfly with a net. Catherine chirps with delight, jumping up and down:
  - And I like you! I like you! I like you!
  And she shakes her full, tanned breasts, like ripe large apricots. And sings along:
  - And for me there is no better friend in the world!
  Ekaterina, of course, is a girl of the highest flight and quality. No one can compare with her in terms of charm and golden hair color. Such a seductive and amazing girl who has gone through the crucible of more than one war.
  But so far he cannot defeat the enemy. It's like a lasso slipping off a bull's neck.
  Ekaterina shakes her strawberry nipples and sings:
  - What do we need Billy? Seven feet under the keel!
  The girl is already tired of chasing a cutlet with cockroach legs. Although, this food is juicy. But I want something different. And not just this blatant nonsense.
  Nanohobbits are sick of it. They are such creatures that they can do almost everything that the human imagination can imagine. But such creatures, of course, with their phenomenal power, exchanged omnipotence for dimes.
  Fiery Elena took and turned her fighter around. She even went for a ram, but missed. The enemy bounced off like a billiard ball from a cue.
  The red-haired devil crossed her bare legs and shook her fiery curls. Elena thought that she had a funny prototype. Only this girl was unlucky to make love with elves. And she missed a lot. But the red-haired devil was able to learn many of the mysteries of passion. And her strong, muscular body, capable of enduring many troubles and hardships. And bear it all with a smile.
  Elena looked at the sky. How many stars. They scattered like rubies, topazes, amethysts, sapphires, emeralds, diamonds. And all these brightly sparkling jewels on the black, velvet carpet of the vacuum of space.
  The red-haired devil chirped:
  - To the right is the sea, to the left are the mountains! Moss in front, oh behind!
  And again the girl moved with the enemy to get closer. She fluttered like a butterfly catching fluffy pollen. And the devil, frankly speaking, is of the maximum level.
  Elena croaked:
  - Stars, ah, stars! Stars be with me!
  And the warrior showed her long and very agile tongue. This is actually such a thing, a battle. That's when she was sitting in ambush and hunting for a German, what was she thinking about. So she doesn't get caught! More precisely, they didn"t detect the first one. But in general, why is Elena not a fox? Catches Krauts-hares in ambush. In general, the thirty-four is a relatively small tank, and it is convenient to camouflage it.
  Eh, the redhead said:
  - Our tanks are not afraid of dirt! Russians have always known how to fight!
  But what can we say about Euphrosyne? Four girls are like four suits of cards. And each is beautiful and unique in its own way. And these girls have very developed warrior instincts.
  Euphrosyne took it and sang:
  - Let's love girls!
  The warriors are very pretty: the four trump cards. And very busty and muscular. Girls with muscles that are defined like wire. They twist and turn, but they can"t beat the cutlets!
  Euphrosyne says bitterly:
  - The smaller the target, the more difficult it is to hit, the greater the ambition, the easier it is to get caught!
  Elizabeth, an eagle girl with white but blue-tinged hair, fired at the enemy. She slapped her bare feet and chirped, baring her teeth:
  - Whoever exchanges himself for nickels is left penniless!
  After which, she sent bright, thick waterfall sparks from her scarlet nipples.
  The girl finally managed to catch the enemy fighter, and the container in which the cutlet was floating began to burn.
  Elizabeth replied wittily:
  - Don"t trade your life for pennies, you"ll devalue your existence to the next penny!
  The sunny beauty Ekaterina also deployed her fighter. Released a fatal discharge. She knocked down the enemy a little and issued:
  - Whoever sells for a penny gets a nickel!
  And the beautiful Catherine slapped her bare feet on the scanner screen. She moved her nimble fingers. Yes, this girl is simply irresistible in her graceful way of fighting.
  The Germans were hit in the face by her, and suffered colossal damage from the girl battalions.
  Catherine wittily stated:
  - Promises of mountains of gold are not worth a penny!
  And let her round, bare heels move like a girl. She is simply the cutest of cuties.
  These are the girls who make history! She has the strength of a dozen heroes, and even Emmanuel cannot compare in her ability to seduce.
  Such a warrior will overtake a horse with barefoot steps, and will enter the burning hut, fearlessly splashing her bare soles!
  And the fiery Elena is absolutely a charming girl. The embodiment of sinful beauty and seduction. So, she has an abyss of wit.
  The red-haired devil chirped:
  - Having bought into the promises of mountains of gold, you are left penniless and with a broken penny!
  The redhead spoke wittily. And with her bare feet she made a figure eight. And shook her luxurious hips. This is a girl about whom Lermontov would gladly write a whole poem. Brilliant and at the same time wild! Simply lovely and a masterpiece of red color!
  It contains fiery poetry and elements. So the beauty found a way and knocked out the car in which the cutlet was maneuvering. And she did it very cleverly, after which she rushed to finish off.
  Wittily remarking:
  - The Golden Mountains are the most inaccessible of the peaks!
  And from the strawberry nipples it will send a thick and long spark. After which, she aggressively stated:
  - Mountains of gold are mined with a blade of steel under the command of one who does not exchange his mind for pennies!
  But Efrosinya, also a girl, does not make easy decisions. She released a bubble with an iridescent concentration of magoplasm from her ruby nipple and said:
  - If the mind is not worth a penny, the mouth spews mountains of gold!
  And the girl"s beauty, frankly speaking, is amazing! And the figure is so fine, and the hips are luxuriously strong. And the toes of bare feet are very nimble and fast. This is a girl who can rearrange the stars in the galaxy.
  And the tongue spews out aphorisms:
  - First politicians promise mountains of gold, then I send you to die for pennies!
  And who will say that the Terminator girl is wrong? She is a natural blonde. Hair white as snow. And it exudes freshness and a winter aroma.
  And at the same time, the girl is very, very hot. Here he says again very wittily:
  - A politician who promises mountains of gold does not bring golden eggs!
  And he shakes and tap-dances on the scanner with his bare feet. And the tags play, and the moving pulsars disperse.
  Euphrosyne says:
  - A politician loves to promise the moon, but he is guaranteed to get a dog"s life for free!
  Elizaveta, also a girl with Terminator manners, very deftly sent magic plasma bubbles with her bare, tanned knee. Then she spoke, flashing her pearly teeth:
  - Do not promise a politician mountains of gold, and you will be handed over for a copper penny!
  What kind of legs does she have? Very dark against the background of white, with blue hair. How sexy and beautiful it is. It"s even just wonderful when her bare toes move and play.
  And from the lips comes:
  - If you want not to be sold for a nickel, don"t promise mountains of gold!
  And the girl"s lips are fragrant and sweeter than a ripe watermelon. Finally, the car driven by the cutlet lit up with a blue light. And it started to fall apart. And pieces and burnt parts flew off from it in all directions.
  And the cutlet itself was very burnt, and it sizzled, as if from fresh kebab grilled over a fire.
  Elizabeth felt shocks rushing across her bare heels. The girl squeaked:
  - On your feet, like on asphalt!
  And finally finished off the remains of the fighter with streams of magoplasm. She is a warrior of the most dashing kind.
  And the breasts... Where else can you find nipples so scarlet and glowing with heat? They burn like embers. And they burn the imagination of men. Moreover, inflaming them to the highest point.
  But Catherine again got behind the enemy. And I finally picked up this cannibal. And it caught fire, emitting orange flames. The girl felt like a piece that checkmates the king, and sang:
  - A pawn is promoted to queen, a politician does not pass without the promise of a career, considering you a pawn!
  The golden-haired beauty, as always, simply cannot be without wit. At the same time, a beauty of rare brightness is combined with a very mobile and flexible body. Such a warrior simply cannot help but be the first. But what to do when your three partners are no less magnificent?
  However, Catherine still manages to knock down her aggressive opponent. And the cutlet burned. And the girl said:
  - In politics, like in chess, there is only time pressure from the very beginning, and checkmate is constantly heard!
  The golden-haired girl was very pleased. Finally solved the problem.
  The fiery Elena also pressed on. She is a girl with character. And her color is so red and so sparkling. And the hair looks copper-red. And the feet are bare, and very agile. They have veins like steel. This girl is aesthetically attractive. And it is distinguished by prominent muscles.
  She has a lot of bright warrior talent.
  Elena tweeted:
  -If you fall for the speech of those who promise mountains of gold, you will need gold teeth!
  And he will press with his bare heel. And turn the fighter over. And it will go for total rapprochement. And the enemy is already ready. It burns like a pioneer fire. And from the cutlet fatty, flaming splashes fly away.
  Elena spoke in the manner of a red harpy:
  - Gold is a valuable metal until it is transferred to mountains of promises!
  And her breasts with strawberry nipples moved like buoys on the surf. It spun and an arrow made of magoplasm flew out. It hit the scanner and slightly melted the transparent surface.
  Elena answered with a sigh:
  - How often people are attracted not by a real heart of gold, but by imaginary mountains of gold!
  With her red hair, the girl resembled the embodiment of demonic power. And the cutlet, emitting a delicious smell, crumbled.
  Euphrosyne is also on her very fast fighter. I set fire to the typewriter and noted:
  - The golden promise is an unreliable chair!
  The warrior finished off the scratched and burning cutlet. Threatened with a ram.
  And she deftly controlled the fighter with her bare, chiseled feet.
  At the same time, Euphrosyne issued another, very caustic aphorism:
  - Gold is too soft a metal to promise mountains to build a foundation for prosperity!
  And she showed her very long, whip-like tongue. And the cutlet, this awkward creation of the nanohobbits" imagination, evaporated.
  So the hologram of the Bounty Prince appeared. The eternal boy roared:
  - And you can fight in a raised voice! The opponents were great.
  Elizabeth readily agreed with this:
  - Quite! I even started freaking out!
  The boy, who had exchanged his second million years, raised his eyebrows with delight and sang:
  -It's only the beginning! It's only the beginning! It's only the beginning! Oh oh oh!
  . CHAPTER No. 19.
  The girls never found anything, floating in the mental layers of the atmosphere.
  Elizabeth waved her bare, chiseled foot and suggested:
  - Let's better watch a movie about our exploits in the war with the Taliban!
  Catherine nodded with a smile:
  - And most importantly, there are no exaggerations here. Although there is a whole team of fighters shown there.
  Elena, pressing the joystick button with her bare toes, turned on a huge, three-dimensional hologram, and a fantastically beautiful and dynamic image appeared;
  And barefoot girls in bikinis fight with fury.
  The famous four fight near the village of Middle East.
  Elizabeth fires a burst and throws a grenade with her bare toes.
  Tears apart the Afghans and squeaks:
  - Glory to the era of communism!
  Ekaterina also shoots at the enemy. He mows down his enemies, throws deadly grenades with his bare feet and squeaks:
  - For our Motherland!
  Elena mowed down a line of Afghans with a burst from a machine gun. She threw a destructive lemon with her bare heel and barked:
  - For the USSR!
  Catherine also hit the enemy, cut off a mass of Islamic warriors and squealed:
  - For the world of communism!
  And also how the toes of his bare feet throw the gift of death with destructive and immeasurable force. And thoroughly tore apart her enemies.
  These girls are just super...
  Elizabeth remarked as she mowed down the advancing Afghans:
  - They are literally like locusts!
  And the girl again threw a grenade at the enemy with her bare heel. And she tore up quite a few enemies.
  Catherine, too, hits the Islamic soldiers with a well-aimed burst. He thoroughly mows them down and coos:
  - For Russia!
  And again the killer gift of death will be thrown with bare toes.
  Elena, firing at the enemy and literally mowing down the Afghans, cutting them off as if with a cultivator, squeaked:
  - For the Motherland!
  Euphrosyne, cutting down the enemies and actually mowing down the warriors of the Islamic empire of the Taliban, and knocking them out with mounds, said:
  - For the Fatherland and new victories!
  And again, as he throws a grenade with deadly force with the toes of his bare, chiseled feet.
  The girls completely dispersed. And they beat the Taliban armies with superior numbers. And they came in large streams.
  This immortal crew of Elizabeth fights on a tank with girls who are mutants, and in 2024, fighting the Taliban, even younger and fresher than eighty years ago, when they fought the Nazis during the Second World War.
  The girls here are also in only bikinis and barefoot. And at the same time, they fight well. Afghanistan's tanks are outdated and of worse quality than Russian ones, but there are quite a lot of them.
  The craftsmen of the Islamic Empire made some machines from wood. Which, I must say, is very progressive.
  Elizabeth, using her bare toes, fires a shot and breaks through an Afghan tank, after which she growls:
  - I'm the coolest woman in the world!
  Ekaterina will also kick, using her bare heel, smash the enemy and squeal:
  - For the USSR!
  Elena, without thinking twice, will shoot at the enemy. It will tear it apart and squeak:
  - For communism!
  Euphrosyne, too, will hit the enemy. He will smash the Afghan tank and blather:
  - For the Fatherland to the end!
  And these are the girls, they are just super. No forces can stand against such people. And they, warriors, are truly the coolest and most greyhounds. And no one can oppose them.
  And if they started to fight, then it would be just a fight of hypermen.
  And Elizabeth will shoot again with her bare toes and squeak:
  - For the new USSR!
  Catherine also took turns shooting at the enemy and stated:
  - Yes, president, leader, to put it mildly, not very well! We are at war with Ukraine and with the Taliban, many people have already died under him.
  And the girl twirled her bare, round heel.
  Elena continued to thresh the Afghans and chirped:
  - For great communism in the USSR!
  And with her bare toes she added specifically destructive and murderous!
  And then, how the girl Efrosinia beats. And he will smash the enemy and squeak:
  - For the Goddess Lada!
  This is their military offensive.
  And the warriors, how they began to mow down their opponents, and how they gave them no mercy, exterminating the Afghans.
  Elizabeth also shot at the enemy, and also used her bare heel and cooed:
  - For communism in the land of the Soviets!
  And here she is, what a fighting and warlike woman.
  Now the Afghans are being threshed from the sky.
  Anastasia Witchakova is very hot in battle. And destroys everyone. And it shoots down Afghan planes in the sky, and also strikes on land. This girl is so aggressive.
  And she sang with a laugh:
  - For our mother"s Fatherland, kill all the Taliban!
  Akulina Orlova confirmed, baring her teeth:
  - In fact, the spirit is a demon, it has attacked the USSR!
  And the warrior shot down another Afghan plane.
  Mirabela Magnetic, the wreck of the warriors of the Islamic Taliban Empire in the sky and on land, while using her bare toes, blathered:
  - For our Fatherland!
  This is the triad fighting in the sky. And she thrashes the Afghans with great intensity. And he completely knocks down his enemies.
  Akulina Orlova pressed the buttons with her bare heel and blurted out:
  - For our great country!
  And how he winks at his partners.
  And again he shoots down the Afghans. And these are very aggressive moves among girls.
  Anastasia chirped with a smile, baring her teeth, shooting down the Afghan pilots:
  - We are warriors who can defeat any army!
  And again she hit an Afghan car.
  Yes, the girls here have taken up the complete extermination of the warriors of the Islamic Empire. And they destroy...
  Alenka also fights desperately and shows her best performance. And knocks down enemies as if they were dummies.
  And the Taliban keep coming and going. And they are killed in colossal numbers.
  Alenka threw her bare toes something killer and sang:
  - We are white wolves!
  Anyuta agreed with this, mowing down her opponents without ceremony:
  - And we are the best in the world!
  And she also gave in to the grenade with her bare heel.
  And now Alla is also firing from a machine gun. And he knocks out a lot of Afghans and roars:
  - Glory to the era of communism!
  Maria also shoots very accurately at the Afghans. And knocks them out thoroughly. And he also throws grenades using his bare toes. And shouts:
  - Glory to Svarog!
  The Olympics also hits the enemy with tremendous, deadly force. Mows down enemies from the Islamic Empire and squeaks:
  - For the whole, whole world in the era of communism!
  And again the girl bares her teeth and shoots accurately at the enemy.
  And Marusya also writes about the Afghans. And with a scarlet nipple he presses the bazooka button, and knocks out opponents, and squeaks:
  - For Great Rus'!
  These are the girls here.
  But Matryona, as if hitting the Afghans, using her bare toes, crushes the Taliban enemy and screams:
  - For the Fatherland and freedom to the end!
  These girls went, and the way the Afghans are threshed is simply terrible. And there is literally a total and general extermination of them. Apparently, very bad days have come for the Afghans.
  Alenka noted, firing at the Afghans and mowing them down:
  - This is my homeland!
  And with a bare heel, as the murderous gift of annihilation yields.
  These girls are, let"s just say, super.
  Anyuta aggressively noted, shooting at the Afghans:
  - Glory to communism!
  Fighting Alla, firing and pressing her scarlet nipple on the buttons of the bazooka, squeaked:
  - Glory to heroes!
  And Maria, fucking the enemy with murderous force, cooed:
  - Glory to the coolest Motherland!
  The Olympics added, crushing the enemies and showing increased speed:
  - Great glory to the most prosperous country!
  Matryona, fucking the enemy and using her bare toes when shooting, took it and squeaked:
  - And to the coolest warriors, glory!
  Marusya, also scribbling at the enemies and literally mowing them down, cooed deafeningly:
  - And the USSR is also a great glory for centuries!
  And the girls sang in chorus:
  - People will be happy
  Happiness forever...
  In Soviet power -
  The power is great!
  And the warriors will laugh at the top of their lungs. And they bare their teeth.
  Alenka noted with a smile:
  - We will give our hearts for our Motherland!
  Anyuta continued furiously:
  - We will stand and we will win!
  These are, frankly speaking, wonderful girls. And they really like to fight at full strength.
  And here are Oleg Rybakov and Margarita Korshunova in battle.
  A boy and a girl, who look like children of about twelve years old, but in fact are immortal victims, are fighting so aggressively. That nothing can stand against them.
  Alenka, baring her teeth and cutting down her Taliban opponents, sang with a smile:
  - We will fight for a brighter tomorrow!
  Anyuta, firing and throwing bombs with her bare toes, added:
  - And our armored train managed to accelerate!
  And red-haired Alla, jumping and squirming, added, winking:
  - Let's kiss!
  Oleg Rybakov ran a mill with swords, cutting off the heads of Afghans, and squeaked:
  - Glory to our Fatherland!
  And the boy launched the murderous gift of death with his bare toes.
  The girl also used her swords to cut through the butterfly technique. She cut off the enemy and squeaked:
  - Glory to the Soviet system!
  And he will also throw presents of annihilation with his bare toes, destroying his enemies.
  And the children, crushing the enemy, sang in chorus:
  - I believe the whole world will wake up,
  There will be an end to the Taliban...
  The sun will shine brightly,
  We will tear apart all evil enemies!
  Children are indeed very tough fighters. They also whistle, bringing down a whole cloud of stunned and intoxicated crows on the enemy. And this is extremely cool.
  Oleg, chopping up the Afghans, noted with a smile:
  - The youth of the entire planet is with us,
  Our worldwide construction team!
  And the boy gave the destructive gift of death with his bare heel.
  Margarita Magnetic, crushing the Islamic warriors, also chirped, baring her teeth:
  - The people of the whole country are marching towards communism!
  And the same as he hacks at the Islamic ranks. And this, I must say, is very cruel and cool.
  Meanwhile, the Taliban captured a boy of about fourteen. They stripped him and tied him to a tree. After which, they first flogged him, stripping the skin until it bled.
  Then they sprinkled salt on the teenager's wounds. And it was so cruel. And ultimately they tortured the boy to death.
  And again there are fierce battles...
  And Russian attack aircraft are attacking Taliban positions using aircraft. And then the Afghans and missiles are hitting them. And they keep climbing and climbing, like a toad on a cramp.
  And they leave entire mounds of corpses behind them.
  Margarita sang with a smile:
  - We will fight for a brighter tomorrow!
  And Oleg, chopping up the Afghans, barked:
  - We were able to figure it out!
  And the boy again, with his bare toes, throws a grenade with deadly force.
  And these Afghans are being thrashed so confidently and famously.
  These children are real monsters.
  And the immortal creatures fight barefoot, and very actively destroy their opponents.
  But a tank from Germany also enters the battle.
  Gerda and her crew enter the battle with the Afghans.
  And the girl shoots with her bare toes and coos:
  - Glory to the ideas of communism!
  Charlotte, who fires after her, confirms:
  - Glory to the ideas of the Soviet system!
  Christina, firing at the enemy with her bare toes, squeals:
  - For new bright ideals!
  And it also hits the enemy very accurately.
  And the Afghans get it thoroughly.
  And Magda shoots at the enemy and squeals, baring her teeth:
  - Glory to our Fatherland!
  And the same way he hits the enemy with his bare toes.
  These are, let's face it, fighting girls.
  Gerda, shooting at the enemy, chirped:
  - For Russia and victory to the end!
  And he will hit you again, this time using a scarlet nipple when pressing the joystick button.
  These are the girls here. They are toothy and fanged, and can directly tear anyone.
  Charlotte took it and sang aggressively, baring her teeth:
  - Africa is terrible, yes, yes. Yes!
  Africa is dangerous, yes, yes, yes!
  Don't go girls - go for a walk in Africa!
  Christina, baring her teeth and hitting her opponent, said:
  - Girls, don"t walk barefoot through the darkness!
  And with his bare heel, as if he would give in to the enemy.
  These are women - women to all women!
  And the Afghans are shot down and destroyed without mercy.
  Magda, firing at the enemy and literally sweeping him away, aggressively said:
  - I am the strongest in the world!
  And the same way he smacks you with his bare toes. This is the girl.
  I must say that it is simply ultra!
  These girls, like they took on the Taliban, are hitting them with jackhammers.
  And the Taliban tortured a Russian Komsomol member. First, stripped naked. Then they began to pour water. First hot - boiling water, then cold. Then they started beating me with hot wire.
  And it was so cruel. And then again torture and fire at the girl"s bare heels. And they tortured her very cruelly. And then they started pouring acid, which made it even more painful.
  And the girl was also tortured to death.
  And then they took her skeleton and covered it with gold, and hung it for everyone to see. And it was extremely cruel.
  This is the kind of power the Taliban demonstrated. And try to compete with such a country. But girls want to have children. And their bellies are cut open. And they behave very cruelly.
  The battles, by the way, burn like the flames of hell.
  Oleg Rybakov, chopping the enemy, sang:
  - Glory to the era of communism!
  And the boy again with his bare toes, as he throws the murderous gift of death
  Margarita Korshunova, cutting down the Afghans, squeaked:
  - For the USSR!
  And he will throw away with his bare toes what brings mass death. Yes, no one can resist such girls.
  The boy and girl are in full and furious excitement and combat charge.
  Oleg, chopping the Afghans with swords, sang:
  - It's carried me away, it's carried me away,
  It carried me away!
  I'll just sit on the horse
  And fortune awaits me!
  And the boy will laugh and again take and slash the enemy.
  And here they are, together with Margarita, when they whistle. And a mass of stunned crows will fall on the heads of the Afghans. Let's just say this is really cool.
  Margarita Korshunova tweeted:
  - I am the strongest in the world, I will destroy my enemies in the toilet!
  And winks at his partner.
  And the superior forces of the Afghans began to run out of steam.
  Oleg Rybakov, in the end, pressed the switch with his bare heel. And the current struck, immediately turning a mass of Taliban soldiers into skeletons. And this should be noted - killer.
  Terminator Boy sang:
  -Let our Earth be glorified!
  And how he whistles, baring his teeth.
  This is the boy. And really quite combative.
  And then Soviet missiles are hitting the Afghans. And they are thoroughly amazed. And a lot of fighters are killed.
  Tamara and Veronica aim killer missiles with needles and balls, they explode. And a lot of Afghans are immediately killed. And it's so cruel.
  The girls are currently in the bunker, stomping on the concrete slabs with their bare feet. And they fire deadly charges at the enemy, completely destroying them.
  These girls are just super.
  Tamara fires and roars:
  - The great USSR and its leader Stalin are with us!
  Veronica also confirms this:
  - Let's kick the Taliban's ass!
  And the same way it fires at the enemy. And it will do it very harshly. Girls love to kill - these are girls.
  Veronica once asked a question:
  - What is two times two, - five?
  Tamara answered with a chuckle:
  - Four and a half!
  And it turned out to be a very witty statement.
  The girls here are so tense.
  Natasha and her team are also shooting at the Afghans. They are killed en masse and roar:
  - Let communism be celebrated!
  And then also with his bare heel, how he will take it and specifically give in.
  This is a girl, a girl for all girls.
  And formidable beyond measure.
  Svetlana sang with rage, scribbling at the Afghans.
  And in the starry heights, mountain silence,
  In the sea wave and furious fire,
  And in furious and furious fire!
  And then Zoya fires desperately at the enemy.
  These girls are very dashing.
  And Augustine crushes her opponents and roars at the top of her lungs:
  - For our Motherland, for the glory of the USSR!
  And then, of course, you can"t resist such a team.
  And the girls, of course, are very dashing and skilled.
  Not a single technique will work against them.
  Natasha, mowing down another line of Afghans, cooed:
  - I"m the strongest in the world, and I"ll throw you all into the toilet!
  And again, with his bare toes, an explosive package will be thrown with deadly force.
  Augustine, that girl of fighting power, chirped:
  - Glory to the times of communism!
  And he will also wink with his emerald eyes.
  Svetlana is very aggressive in battle. Destroys Afghans and chirps:
  - Glory to the times of communist victory!
  These are the girls...
  And Stalenida exterminates the Afghans without unnecessary ceremony.
  And mows them down as if she had a real scythe with a jet fighter.
  This is a girl, a girl to all girls!
  Stalenida, crushing the Afghans and throwing murderous presents of death with her bare toes, cooed:
  - Glory to our Fatherland - the USSR!
  And again the girl strikes the enemy with wild force. Here she is, how combative and warlike she is.
  Victoria, shooting at enemies, says with a smile:
  - Great glory awaits the USSR!
  Stalenida nodded:
  - Yes, he"s waiting!
  And while firing, I thought. In some ways this is reminiscent of the Patriotic War, except that the enemy was not taken by surprise. And the bet on a sudden attack did not pay off.
  But there are so many Afghans. They advance, literally showering Russian positions with corpses. And this is their rabid and wild tactics. And they don"t take their losses into account,
  And people are practically not taken care of. So try it, you can get along with these guys.
  Stalenida threw the grenade with her bare heel and chirped:
  - In the name of the USSR!
  And she showed her very sharp teeth.
  Victoria agreed with her:
  - Leaders come and go, but the USSR remains!
  Stalenida cooed with excitement:
  - The USSR is with us forever!
  Seraphim, firing at enemies, will coo and, knocking down the enemy, will issue:
  - We will be a classic force!
  And also the girl, like a bare foot, will launch a present of complete destruction.
  Victoria sang:
  -Glory to my country of communism!
  Seraphima readily confirmed this:
  - Communism is light and prosperity!
  And let's destroy the Afghans again.
  Gerda also fights very aggressively. And he shows his highest class.
  But against Gerda, there are no real tricks.
  This is a girl who gives a dream to the whole universe.
  And she will take it and sing:
  - Glory to my Earth, and we throughout the universe!
  And again, with her bare toes, the beauty will release the murderous gift of death and annihilation. This is, let's face it, the girl you need.
  Gerda shot her entire combat kit and is now returning.
  The famous German four, having killed many Afghans, are keeping secrets.
  Well, they also play cards.
  Charlotte, holding a deck of cards with her bare toes, remarked harshly:
  - Now we are fighting a war with the Taliban, but once we fought with the Russians!
  Gerda nodded in agreement and energetically:
  - Yes, there was such a time. And then we couldn"t win! Christina, do you agree?
  Christina confidently stated, throwing the card with her bare toes:
  - It's the men's fault! They didn"t show any fighting qualities!
  Magda confirmed:
  - Yes, men! If more women fought, we would have a real chance of success!
  Gerda nodded in agreement:
  - A barefoot girl, and even with scarlet nipples - this is super!
  Charlotte logically agreed with this:
  - Yes, barefoot girls, this is something colossal!
  And the warriors continued to throw cards.
  Stalenida remarked aggressively as she fired at the Afghans:
  - We will definitely hit the enemies!
  And with her bare toes the girl would throw a grenade. And it's killer.
  Victoria said confidently:
  - Although on the one hand there is no God, on the other hand, He is with us!
  Viola fired at the Afghans, mowed them down and confirmed:
  - Yes, God is with us! And colossal powers!
  And the girls will laugh and stick out their tongues.
  Alina will also hit the enemy, mow him down colossally and squeal:
  - I am the most fighting queen!
  And also with his bare toes, like a murderous force, he will take it and launch it.
  These are girls who love to kill. They have so much superhuman strength.
  Stalenida sang with aggression:
  - Our strength is in communism,
  We'll give our lives and hearts,
  We are our holy Fatherland,
  We will stand and win!
  She was such a fighting girl. Let's just say - she's just super. And very militant.
  Victoria tweeted:
  - For the USSR, which has a wise king!
  And the warrior stuck out her tongue and winked at her opponents.
  These are the girls...
  Alenka also confidently fights her enemies and shows incredible leaps.
  And at the same time, the girl roars at the top of her lungs:
  - I am a super lady!
  And bares his pearly teeth.
  Anyuta shoots at the enemy, crushes him with lethal force, tears him into pieces and roars:
  - I am a hyper girl!
  And her bare toes throw the shocking gift of death!
  And the fighting Alla is also in battle. And so she threshes the Afghans.
  And at the same time, the girl also squeals:
  - Glory to the times of communism!
  And again, it"s like he"ll launch something really lethal at the enemy.
  And a lot of Afghans will be torn apart.
  Maria, writing about the warriors of the Islamic Empire, took it and noted:
  -Who will we find in the forest?
  And how he will hit you with a present from a machine gun. Here she is, what a fighting and beautiful warrior she is.
  Olympics shoots at the enemy. And he does it extremely accurately.
  And he bares his teeth and roars:
  - Glory to the times of communism!
  Marusya remarked aggressively, crushing enemies and throwing murderous grenades with her bare toes:
  - Glory to the new Secretary General!
  Matryona hit the Afghans and said:
  -If only it weren't homosexual!
  Alenka, shooting at the enemies, took it and chirped:
  - For great communism!
  And again, as he hits the Afghans with a murderous burst. Well, she is a fighting beauty. And she has so much charm.
  Anyuta, also shooting at the enemy and mowing him down, squeaked:
  - For Russia!
  And with a bare heel, as if he would give in to the Taliban. This girl is just really super.
  Red-haired Alla crushes her opponents and roars at the top of her lungs:
  - I am a hyper lady!
  And with his bare toes, he will throw lethal death at the enemy.
  This is a girl, let's say, ultra!
  The very beautiful Maria, shooting at the enemy, cooed:
  - I am mega class!
  And again he will hit the enemy with his bare, very round, pink heel.
  The Olympics celebrated by cutting down Afghans and piling up a mountain of corpses of the Taliban warriors of the Islamic Empire, cooing:
  - I am the highest class!
  And he will also throw his bare toes, something completely and uniquely murderous. This is a girl, all girls, girl!
  Marusya also smashes and tweets, killing Afghans:
  - I will destroy the enemies! It will be a real madhouse!
  And the girl will laugh and laugh.
  And the scarlet nipple, as he presses the joystick button. And he slashes at his opponents with something so lethal.
  Matryona also began to hammer at the Afghans and cooed:
  - Glory to the dawn of communism!
  And her bare heel will kill everyone like an enemy. What a beautiful girl she is. And they are girls, let"s say, super class.
  Or maybe Giga, or even TETRA!
  These are the girls who completely knock out Afghans. And this is, in general, a super class.
  Alenka took it and sang, baring her teeth:
  - I am the strongest in the world! And two plus two is four!
  And how he hits the enemy very accurately. And he will smash the next Taliban to pieces.
  And this girl has such fantasies. But the Taliban are doing something.
  A girl is being tortured. And how they treat it with whips. And then barbed wire. And then they will burn her heels with a hot iron. And the girl is very pleased.
  And she wants to be a beautiful woman.
  Alenka sang:
  - For the great communism of the coolest USSR!
  And again he will throw a grenade with his bare toes at the enemy.
  And it's really cool.
  Anyuta, shooting at the enemy, also roars:
  - How great is communism!
  And with a well-aimed burst he mows down the Afghans. This is a girl of great beauty.
  And her bare heel gave way to the present of annihilation.
  And red-haired Alla is also very aggressive in battles. And how he will crush his enemies with wild fury. And he scribbles to himself with tremendous activity.
  And with his bare toes he throws gifts of death with deadly force.
  This girl is simply super cool!
  All this is a barefoot army of girls, capable of very great feats.
  Maria, writing about the Afghans, noted:
  -Our greatest strength is our highest class!
  After which, the warrior winked.
  And with her scarlet nipple she pressed the bazooka button. And this is its highest pilots and the real construction of the sum of squares of the legs.
  Olympias, crushing the enemy, cooed:
  - For the best victories in the universe!
  And with his bare toes, he will launch the gift of annihilation at the enemy. And it really becomes simple, like an action beyond your strength!
  The girls, I must say, are extremely fighting. And if they do anything, then people will be happy forever. And there is so much joy and real cosmic sparkle in them.
  These are female warriors of the highest aerobatics.
  Marusya, crushing the Afghans, took it and blathered:
  - Peace to your home!
  And again she threw the murderous gift of death with her toes, tearing apart the enemies.
  Matryona also hit the Afghan troops. She tore the Taliban and blathered:
  - For the greatest socialism on the entire planet!
  And her eyes will emit sparkles.
  Yes, this is the highest shelling of positions taking place.
  And the Afghans are suffering colossal damage, but still they keep climbing and climbing. And they have enormous human resources. Which never seem to end.
  And everything flows in a wave and a continuous stream.
  Alenka, with a big smile and bared teeth, sang:
  - Glory to the era of communism and Russian tsars!
  And with her bare toes she again threw the murderous gift of death and destruction.
  And the girl deafeningly, baring her teeth (yes, you can bare your teeth deafeningly!), took it and yelled:
  - Strong sovereign,
  Reign with glory
  To our glory...
  Reign to the fear of your enemies,
  Orthodox Tsar,
  Reign for glory, for our glory!
  Anyuta remarked with a chuckle:
  - You missed the words: God save the king!
  Alenka readily agreed with this:
  - Yes, I missed it! But this, unfortunately, is a given!
  Maria, with the smile of a very cool girl, remarked:
  - The Tsar Father has left, and in his place is Lenin"s work!
  Red-haired Alla chirped, mowing down the Afghans:
  - Lenin"s cause is alive, even though Lenin died!
  The Olympics logically responded to this:
  - Lenin is immortal!
  And she winked with her emerald eyes.
  So you can see right away that there are wonderful girls here who are capable of specifically fighting the Taliban. And in general, their power, it should be noted, is colossal cosmic force.
  Marusya noted with a smile, shooting at enemies:
  - The Tsar will return, and Lenin will live!
  Matryona completely agreed with this:
  - Of course it will! Glory to Lenin!
  Alenka continued with a smile:
  -And Tsar Nicholas II! Great glory to all heroes!
  Anyuta completely agreed with this:
  - Glory to all heroes indeed!
  And the girls sang in chorus:
  - Glory to Russia, glory...
  Tanks are rushing forward....
  Troops under the red flag
  Greetings to the Russian people!
  . CHAPTER No. 20.
  It was not possible to find anything significant. The girls pecked their noses in despair and fell asleep. Already, they are thoroughly exhausted by all this disgrace. And so maybe at least something will hatch. And they dreamed...
  One of the alternative realities in which the ace pilot Olympics, an elf warrior, appeared in the Third Reich. This spectacular blonde made such an indelible impression on Goering himself that he persuaded Adolf Hitler to send the warrior to the front. At first, the girl fought with great effect in 1943 at the Mediterranean theater of air battle. And in a short time she shot down more than three hundred Allied aircraft. After which the Fuhrer ordered the invincible girl, awarded the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with oak leaves, swords and diamonds, to be sent to the Kursk Bulge. And there the real baptism of fire of the invincible warrior, whose fighter was never even scratched, was supposed to take place.
  But this time, the elf received an experimental formidable ME-309, which had three thirty-millimeter air cannons and four machine guns.
  This machine had no equal in terms of firepower. And its speed is high for a propeller-driven fighter, almost seven hundred and forty kilometers per hour. Yes, this is great and cool.
  And the elf herself, as a rule, fought barefoot and in a bikini, which barely covered her muscular, tanned body.
  Having no equal in skill, the warrior also loved being massaged and caressed by strong and muscular guys. And she really liked it.
  The elf's name was Olympias - a universal name for any European race. But she was considered German. Although her pedigree was unknown, such a spectacular blonde could only be Aryan.
  Well, she was preparing for her first battle with Russian planes. It was just in the morning that Operation Citadel began, precisely on July 5, 1943. The girl made a test flight and shot down a Soviet U-2 night bomber, which was also causing problems for the Germans. Olympias smashed her to smithereens with one press of the bare finger of her graceful, girlish foot.
  Which the warrior really liked, and she replied:
  - Tomorrow I will arrange Armageddon for my enemies!
  And now tomorrow has come. And its powerful Me-309 fighter took off from the runway and rushed into battle. It was clear that this girl would now start tearing the hot water bottle, and that would be okay.
  The Olympics sang:
  It became very hot in the sky,
  This is an elf girl fly...
  A stick is waiting for her,
  If the guy doesn't fly off!
  The girl saw a Russian reconnaissance plane in the sky and shot it down with a machine-gun burst so as not to waste air shells.
  Then several Soviet Yak-9 fighters appeared. Well, the warrior is at her best as always.
  Firing from 30mm German air cannons. And the ME-309 has three of them. And then immediately six Soviet cars flare up like torches, leaving fiery tails and falling down. Another seventh PE-2 plane, and it was also shot down, so that the Soviet machine was literally torn apart.
  The Olympics says with delight:
  - I am the coolest and most aggressive girl in the world! Simply great! It"s not for nothing that I"m known as a strongman - seven with one blow!
  The warrior shook her bare, chiseled, tanned legs.
  And he flies further on the ME-309. There are a whole dozen Soviet fighters ahead.
  The elf girl's bare heel presses on the trigger. And again a lot of downed planes, ten Yaks and two Lagg-5s were destroyed. This is how the elf works phenomenally - she hits trivially from a long distance, and she does it very well. Well, what else can compare with such a girl?
  Below you can see several Soviet Katyushas. The Olympics are going down a bit. And fires from its thirty-millimeter air cannons. And Soviet Katyushas explode. And seriously wounded and killed Russian soldiers fly off in different directions. This is really great.
  But there are Soviet cars in the air again. This time there are as many as thirty of them.
  Olympias grinned carnivorously and chirped:
  - Well, the more enemies, the more interesting the war!
  And the girl fired a deadly burst from the air cannons, using her bare toes. And it really turned out to be a super-level impact. And sixteen Soviet yaks, ten Laggs, three Pe-2s and one IL-2 were blown up and destroyed at once.
  The Olympics tweeted with delight:
  - Wow! Wow! I know the girl Satan!
  And he giggles... Indeed, this is a sad day for the Soviet troops. Here she is, an elf, who appears and hits her enemies very furiously.
  Why not switch to Soviet tanks? The girl lowered herself a little, and let"s fire at the Soviet cars. Several thirty fours and two KV tanks caught fire. As well as three SA-76 self-propelled guns. Then the girl knocked out another ammunition depot and eight guns, which was very effective.
  After which the girl took it and switched back to air targets. This time she took on IL-2 attack aircraft, shooting down eighteen of them, four Yaks, five Laggs, three PE-2s, and one Tu-3 bomber.
  This is how the terminator girl did a very dashing job. And now you can see how new cars are moving down. In this case, thirty-fours.
  The Olympics fired another stream of annihilation from the air cannons. Knocked out twenty-five Soviet vehicles.
  After which she ran out of air shells. And the warrior turned back. To change the combat kit and refuel. The ME-309 has a speed of up to 740 kilometers per hour - they won"t catch up!
  The Olympics even sang:
  - Heroes rush from the chase! A stranger has broken in and won't catch up!
  The ME-309, already fueled and equipped, was waiting for the girl. The Germans currently have only four such aircraft. And two of them are allocated to the Olympics. Which fights virtually without interruption and threshes Soviet troops.
  Here again the ME-309, overloaded with ammunition, is heavily torn off the runway. This fighter has seven firing points and three air cannons of 30 mm each - colossal power. Well, try and cope.
  The Olympics sings with enthusiasm:
  I'll tear you apart Stalin
  You should have gone to the Wehrmacht in vain...
  I will have the highest happiness
  Prove that you are a mustachioed goat!
  And now the girl sees new goals. So these are IL-2s, accompanied by yaks, rushing towards German positions. The elf girl shoots with her bare toes. She is almost naked in only thin panties.
  She even took off her bra so that her high breasts were freer and she could breathe easier.
  Here is a girl who is firing very accurately. Seventeen IL-2s and eight yaks were shot down with one burst of three air cannons.
  The Olympics even thought about removing the machine guns altogether. Air cannons allow you to fire over a long distance. And a 30-mm shell allows you to shoot down a Soviet vehicle with one hit.
  So the elf girl feels very confident. And machine guns are only suitable for close combat. True, the elf has a talisman on her neck; it deflects bullets and shells from her plane, so she has not only never been shot down, but not even scratched. But still, it"s better to hit enemies from a distance.
  Here you can see the Soviet PE-2 or they are also called pawns. The girl shoots with her bare feet. Nine PE-2s and three LAGG-5s were shot down. That's the kind of girl he is. And German troops are already advancing. The formidable "Tigers" and "Ferdinands" are rushing into battle. The latest vehicle is somewhat modernized - with the engine and transmission located in one unit in front of the vehicle, and the turret itself with a powerful gun at the rear.
  And this made it possible to reduce the weight of the self-propelled gun to fifty tons, and it became much faster and more maneuverable, and its combat effectiveness increased sharply.
  And the range of destruction from a distance was colossal. And Soviet vehicles came under attack every now and then.
  The Olympics crushed Katyushas and sang:
  -Stalin, Stalin, Stalin,
  I'm made of steel myself!
  And the warrior sets fire to enemy vehicles. And Russian multiple launch rocket systems explode.
  This is how the Olympics actively thrashes them and presses buttons with their bare toes.
  The girl sings:
  I will burn all my enemies to the ground,
  I'm Satan girl!
  And the Soviet Katyushas explode, scattering far into pieces. Especially if a hit by an aircraft projectile causes the detonation of the combat kit. And the arms and legs and heads of Soviet soldiers are torn off.
  The elf girl very accurately and masterfully landed in the ammunition depot. And it exploded with very great force. And a broken KV-10 tank with two barrels flew up. He also took and tore off the head of one of the Soviet generals.
  Olympias took it and licked her scarlet lips and sang:
  No need to lose your head
  Don't rush...
  No need to lose your head
  What if it comes in handy!
  Write it down in your notebook,
  On every page!
  Evil orcs must be killed!
  Evil orcs must be killed!
  And capture the capital!
  This is how this terrible and very aggressive elf girl, a very spectacular blonde, broke up.
  And then she shot down another dozen Soviet Yakovs and turned back. And she had fun. Here she is, how beautiful and cruel at the same time.
  The girl remembered the torture of the pioneers.
  A blond, tanned boy of about thirteen was stripped by the girls and strung up on a rack. And oak stocks were screwed to his bare feet, which stretched the young pioneer.
  The boy's muscular, sinewy body tensed. And then Olympias took and brought a torch to his sides. The tanned skin began to become covered with burns, and it was clear that the boy was in pain.
  But the pioneer, gritting his teeth and breathing heavily, remained silent. And you could see droplets of sweat running down the childish and at the same time courageous face.
  The Olympics grinned. Two other torture girls placed bundles of brushwood under the boy"s bare feet. And they set them on fire. Yes, so the fire started burning. And the flames predatorily licked the boy"s children"s heels, roughened by walking barefoot for a long time.
  He even howled in wild pain, but bit his lip again. In response, the German girls took a hot wire from the fireplace and began to whip the pioneer with it.
  Despite the pain, the boy not only did not cry and did not ask for mercy, but even sang:
  You evil fascist have crossed all limits,
  Your Hitler is a possessed sick corpse!
  Over the unhappy, gray-haired Motherland,
  Our eagle, dear Stalin, is flying!
  There"s a brutal horror in the noose, I"m painfully suffocating,
  I wouldn"t prefer a sofa to suffering!
  Spreading across the city like smoke,
  Fire - I've never seen anything like it before!
  A snake crawls through the cities of Russia,
  Surely the terror will just pass!
  The Nazis watered the fields with blood,
  Cruel forty-first, terrible year!
  And I think maybe it"s a dream,
  Reality is impossible to comprehend at once!
  God's providence saves the Fatherland,
  How fragile the world is, it is thin - a silk thread!
  The country is under an iron heel,
  And the tank tracks, rusty clang!
  But I will cover the heart of the Motherland with my breasts,
  So that the torch of communism does not go out!
  To die for the Fatherland is valor,
  But it"s better to survive and raise children!
  Our conscience is an inexorable guard,
  And the word is not a lousy sparrow!
  I remember the eyes of Jesus,
  He is a kind, merciful, bright God!
  I pray to Christ that our days and nights,
  For the Krauts they were death: the Fuhrer died!
  In freedom there is joy in every movement,
  Freedom is something that cannot be taken away!
  No need for laziness, muddy pleasure,
  After all, work is your father and mother!
  We will win, I see it clearly
  They nod, they believe in the truth - a choir of oak forests!
  Russia will become so beautiful
  We will all rejoice having driven away our enemies!
  And we will not be like silent slaves,
  Do not trample with the grass of the world!
  The troops are coming like furious waves,
  They are led by a genius - dear Stalin!
  We too will be worthy of Stalin,
  We will be able to save Rus' from the scum!
  The time will come when they will perish in the abyss of war,
  Socialism will not go down the road!
  Now I feel bad, I"m dying in agony,
  But let us find immortality in our hearts!
  Victory will come, I believe, in warm May,
  And the memory of the heroes will last forever!
  Olympida then took hot tongs from the fire and began to break the child"s bare toes. This elf girl and great super ace started with her little finger. The boy shuddered and the bone crunched.
  The pioneer's childish face twisted in terrible pain.
  And the elf Olympias continued to break the child"s bones. So, with a crunch, she broke off one finger after another with hot tongs.
  The last thing she broke was the pioneer's largest big toe. The boy became very pale and lost consciousness from the shock of pain.
  However, Olympias, who, being an elf, knew all the nerve nodes and points on the body of people, and especially children, pricked the child in the neck with a needle and forced him to come to his senses.
  Then she tweeted:
  - You won"t go anywhere - a pioneer is like a louse!
  And the pilot, using red-hot tongs, squeezed the boy"s balls. He howled again, and this time he passed out for a long time. Wow, it hurts so much.
  One of the torture girls remarked:
  - Maybe we should leave him? Still won't say anything!
  Another added:
  - We will torture the child to death like this!
  Olympias laughed and remarked:
  - You seem so pitiful, as if being executioners is not your job. But I"m an ace pilot and I don"t know the slightest pity!
  The torturer girl suggested:
  - Maybe we can try another current?
  Olympias nodded approvingly:
  - This is really the case! Electricity is a symbol of progress!
  Several executioner girls pulled the dynamo. This is actually a very good way to generate electrical energy. And at the same time knock the pain out of particularly stubborn boys and girls.
  The naked boy was again shaken off and brought to his senses. Then wires and electrodes were attached to all sensitive areas. And the tongue, and the fifth point, and the root of life, and the nipples, and the back of the head, as well as the already burned heels and palms.
  This is how they completely covered the young pioneer hero. After which the Olympics, this female ace and at the same time an executioner began to turn the switch, regulating the supply of electricity. Electric discharges rushed through the exhausted, beaten, bloodied and naked boy, like horses galloping and with sparkling hooves.
  And the young pioneer let out a piercing scream, with simply inhuman pain. The Olympics took it and strengthened the category. Lights and sparks flashed across the boy"s naked body, even the ribs became visible, as if on an x-ray, they were visible through the meat and the boy"s tormented skin, covered in abrasions and burns.
  It seemed that no one could withstand such torture. But the pioneer boy again sang with great courage and feeling, completely pierced from his heels to the back of his head by electric discharges:
  I am a pioneer and this word is everything,
  It burns in my young heart...
  In the USSR, everything is cute, believe me,
  We even open the door to space!
  I swore an oath to Ilyich then,
  When I stood under the banner of the Soviets...
  Comrade Stalin is simply ideal,
  Know that heroic deeds are sung!
  We will never be silent, know
  And we will say the word and on the rack of truth...
  USSR great star,
  Believe me, we will prove to the entire planet!
  Here in the young heart the cradle sings,
  And the boy sings the anthem of freedom...
  The victories opened an endless account,
  Know that people can"t be cooler!
  We defended young Moscow,
  In the cold the boys are barefoot and wearing shorts...
  I don"t understand where so much power comes from,
  And immediately we send Adolf to hell!
  Yes, the pioneers cannot be defeated,
  They were born with a flame burning in the heart...
  My team is a friendly family,
  We raise the banner of communism!
  After all, you are a boy and therefore a hero,
  Fighting for the freedom of the entire planet...
  And the bald Fuhrer with a bang,
  As the grandfathers bequeathed in military glory!
  Hitler, don"t expect mercy from us,
  We are pioneers, giant children...
  The sun is shining and the rain is falling,
  And we are forever united with our Motherland!
  Christ and Stalin, Lenin and Svarog,
  United in the heart of a young child...
  will fulfill their glorious duty,
  A boy and a girl will fight!
  The boy is unlucky now,
  He was captured by the fascist fanatics...
  And in this storm the oar broke,
  But be the boy a staunch pioneer!
  First they beat him with a whip until he bled,
  Then they fried the boy"s heels...
  The Krauts have zeros in their conscience,
  Madame is wearing red gloves!
  The red lad's soles were burning with fire,
  Then they broke the boy"s fingers...
  Like the fascists stink,
  And in the thoughts of communism the sun was given!
  A flame was brought into the child's chest,
  The skin was burnt and red...
  The dogs burned half the body of the pioneer,
  Not knowing the suffering of lawlessness!
  Then the evil Krauts started the current,
  Electrons flew through the veins...
  Capable of putting us to waste,
  So that you children do not stay in hibernation!
  But the pioneer boy did not break,
  Although he was tortured like a titan...
  The young lad sang songs bravely,
  To crush the fascist tyrant!
  And so he kept Lenin in his heart,
  The child's lips spoke the truth...
  Above the pioneer there is a glorious cherub,
  The boys of the world have become heroes!
  Well, what gets what doesn"t always happen and the executioner remains the winner. The Olympics are eager to fight again. And now her ME-309 rushes into battle. The elf girl presses the joystick button with her bare toes. And air cannons and machine guns are working. Shot down and burning Soviet planes fall.
  This is how the Olympics took on the Russians and gave them a total defeat, killing and purge. How many Soviet planes were killed by a couple of salvos? Here the girl immediately knocked down sixteen yaks, ten lags, and four pawns. This is how the lethal showdown went. Thirty planes in two bursts.
  True, the Me-309 has as many as seven firing points: three air cannons of thirty millimeters in caliber and capable of shooting down a Soviet aircraft with one hit. Well, four machine guns - also not weak, fourteen millimeters in caliber.
  This elf girl destroyed Soviet planes with all her stupidity.
  And then she switched to ground targets and took them and hit the tanks. Its air cannons pierced the roofs of Soviet thirty-fours very calmly and serially. This is what this warrior Olympias was like. She waged such a murderous showdown.
  And when firing, she used both her bare toes and the scarlet nipples of her breasts, pressing them on the joystick buttons. And it was a deadly impact.
  From the horizontal plane, the Olympics destroyed twenty T-34 tanks, ten SU-76 self-propelled guns and four Katyushas. After which she turned her plane to replenish her combat kit. She is a girl of the highest class and brand.
  Several Soviet fighters chased after her. But the elf warrior was not afraid. She took it and hit it with machine guns. Both six Soviet yaks and one La-5 exploded from a direct hit on the canopy.
  The Olympics roared:
  We are the strongest in the world
  Let's soak all our enemies in the toilet!
  And again the beauty took and turned her fighter in a loop.
  After which I safely made it to the airfield.
  And there were already boy servants who, wearing only shorts and naked to the waist, flashing their bare heels, began to refuel the plane and replenish the combat kit.
  So there was such a leapfrog. Teenage boys were working.
  The Olympics boarded another plane, already refueled and equipped with a combat kit, and took off. The Me-309 took off somewhat heavily from the runway. It was too full of combat kit. And he rushed east.
  The Olympics bared its teeth. She was a muscular girl in a bikini. And her bare feet are not a whim, but a tool of labor. The elf herself is dark bronze from a tan, and her hair is bright and blond. An exemplary Aryan, one might say.
  And now she sees Soviet planes coming ahead again. And the most popular are, of course, Yaks fighters. Especially the Yak-9. I can"t say that this machine is particularly cool, but it is quite simple to produce and therefore widespread. But the armament is so average, only one air cannon and a machine gun.
  The Olympics opens fire from a distance with the ME-309. And she has very accurate hits. Soviet vehicles begin to burn and explode. Thirty-millimeter air cannons are especially deadly. So they beat like that.
  The first two dozen Soviet aircraft were shot down by the first burst.
  The Olympics roared:
  - And we keep something in our bosom,
  Come to us, otherwise we will kill you!
  And then the elf girl fired another burst and sixteen yaks and eight LA-5s exploded, which is an extremely lethal effect.
  After which the girl pilot turns her plane around again and fires her killer aerial shells at ground targets. They explode and cause colossal devastation when they hit an ammunition depot of the Soviet army. And also tanks. This Olympics is just a monster girl.
  And if he fucks up, it won"t seem like much to anyone. Such a devastating effect here.
  The Katyusha exploded, as did the missile depot, which began to explode so that fragments scattered throughout the entire perimeter and killed Soviet soldiers.
  The Olympics roared:
  I am a demonic fighter,
  There will be no more advice for you...
  Stay with Stalin, children,
  There will be no place for you on this planet!
  And the warrior will just show off her fang teeth. And then he"ll take it and growl!
  Yes, this is really very cool and a little funny at the same time.
  Another girl, Helga, who is fighting on Focke-Wulf, shouts:
  - What a bravo - a throw to the right!
  And with his bare heel he presses the trigger and hits ground targets. The Focke-Wulf is a very decent attack aircraft in terms of armament and armor.
  This is truly a girl about whom you can say: a monster. More precisely, the monster is the Olympics, and Helga, as you can say, is a monster. But these barefoot warriors in bikinis are a major nuisance to the Soviet army.
  Now the girl presses the trigger again with her bare heel, and the warehouse with Soviet ammunition flies into the air.
  And then she laughs and says:
  - We will tear Stalin and Stalinism to pieces!
  After bombing, the girls return back. And on land the Nazis are advancing. They have quite strong tanks - Tigers, Panthers, T-4s and the powerful Ferdinand self-propelled guns. The latter has no equal in the world both in terms of the power of its gun and the thickness of its frontal armor. A formidable breakthrough machine. And the Germans are putting pressure on the Red Army.
  It seemed that one elf, even a pilot of such a high class, was not able to turn the tide of a war in which many thousands of tanks and planes were participating. And here it turns out that it is possible. And the Nazis begin to win. Moreover, it"s not only about the killing of Soviet troops, but also about the moral impact. And this terminator girl Olympics has a major impact. The Red Army is overwhelming, but the Wehrmacht is encouraging!
  Then it suddenly turns out that the Tiger is a very tough tank that is difficult to handle. And the German troops keep climbing and climbing.
  Olympics takes off again in the ME-309 and fires something extremely lethal from his fighter. And again Soviet planes explode and break apart.
  The elf girl laughs and squeaks:
  - I am a super woman!
  Helga blows her a kiss and confirms:
  - Even hyper!
  And now another dozen Russian planes explode and split in the air. This is truly the work of ace pilots. Which have both reaction and speed, and planes of deadly power.
  Meanwhile, the pioneers in red ties are digging field fortifications. The children are barefoot, the boys generally wear only shorts. The bodies of the children, both teenagers and very young ones, were covered in a chocolate tan in the sun. And they work and work like young titans.
  The bare feet of the children press on the shovels and a song is heard:
  For a pioneer there is no word for coward,
  He fights bravely with the Wehrmacht...
  For cards, one deck is an ace,
  We are used to fighting in hand-to-hand combat!
  Why shouldn't they sing? They even brought boys from the juvenile colony. They are wearing black shorts and gray turtlenecks. When they took off their naked necks, the torsos of the boy prisoners were exposed. Many people have tattoos on their bodies. And heads shorn bald. At the same time, the boys look quite well-fed. Because in the juvenile colony, the prison rations for young prisoners are even better than those of dependent schoolchildren in the wild. That is, such a paradox - young criminals are fed even better than normal children.
  And they work very lazily. If free pioneers work with enthusiasm, and even sing songs:
  The homeland of the pioneer of the USSR,
  We will fight for it forever...
  Even though chaos ensues,
  We will fight bravely!
  The young prisoners giggle in response. They are quite normal boys, only with their hair cut and many with tattoos. Some of the pioneers also have hairstyles that look like zero. This way there is less risk of getting lice or something else bad. One of the young prisoners, Volodka, giggled. I remembered how, during his arrest, a nurse in a white coat groped him. And it was both humiliating and pleasant at the same time. And the girl"s hands in a white robe were in thin rubber gloves, and the touches were so affectionate and gentle that the masculine perfection of a teenager rises.
  And then there are the pioneer girls in short skirts and bare tanned legs. And how can you not make playful jokes? At the age of fourteen, hormones are still playing.
  Volodka sang:
  Oh, what legs!
  How good...
  Don't be afraid, baby
  Write down your phone number!
  While the investigation is ongoing, other events are also taking place, which are also not without interest.
  In particular, Alice was taken and arrested. The young girl had barely turned eighteen, and the policemen rushed out of the entrance to handcuff her.
  The girl screamed heart-rendingly:
  - No need! I'm innocent!
  The police grunted in response:
  - That's right slut! You are all innocent, after all.
  The action takes place in modern Moscow in the twenty-first century. And the girl is dragged to a pre-trial detention center and who knows why.
  The police twisted her hands, and handcuffed her from behind, which hurt.
  The girl shouted in response:
  - May the fascist dictator Putin be damned! Give peace with Ukraine and the West!
  In response, the girl was hit with a baton. And she shook. They shout at her:
  - You are a spy! We'll kill you!
  beautiful blonde girl was taken to the police station. There she was taken to a personal search room. Three policewomen in white coats appeared. They pulled rubber gloves on their hands. Alice trembled, bruises remained on her body.
  And the guards simply tore off her dress without any further questions. And also shoes and tights. Then bra and panties. And they all did it rudely, tearing their clothes. Then they took it and started feeling the girl. Hands in rubber gloves reached into Alice's mouth, felt under her cheeks, under her tongue, so that the beautiful blonde almost vomited. Then they looked into her nostrils, shining the device and into her ears.
  Rough hands kneaded the breasts, checking for silicone or drugs. And then the finger of the largest matron pressed on the navel. But that"s not all - Alice"s hair was combed, and it was wonderful, white with a slight yellow tint. And they checked every piece of hair. And also between the fingers.
  But the most humiliating thing was when the largest warden stuck her paw into the Bosom of Venus. Alice responded by biting the woman in a white robe on the hand and breaking away. She's young and strong. Three guards grabbed onto her, but could not hold her naked, tanned body.
  Then one of them pressed the button.
  The male guards burst in. Four strong guys grabbed Alice by the arms and legs and pulled them apart. And the matron in a white robe and a large paw in a rubber glove thrust it into the bosom of Venus. And then it turned out that Alice was still a virgin, but this did not bother the monster woman. She tore the hymen, causing blood to flow, and the girl being searched screamed obscenities. And she felt it all the way to the uterus. And she did it very rudely and painfully.
  Then her paw reached into the back passage. She didn"t even apply Vaseline, so it was very painful, and blood came out again. And the matron"s paws are very large.
  And a personal search looked more like torture than a way to detect prohibited items. Next, the girl"s feet and toes between her legs were examined, and then released.
  But they didn"t let me get dressed. They just hosed him down with cold water to wash off the blood. And they took me to the next room.
  There, Alice, naked and helpless, was led to a white wall and given a table with a number in her hands. They photographed the profile, and from the front, and half-side, and from the back. And then in full growth - naked. And also from the side, half-side, front and back.
  Next, the girl began to write down all her signs. Moreover, there were both men and women in white coats. And they did it slowly and carefully. They forced me to turn around, raise my legs and arms, and look under my armpits. And they even got into their mouth again.
  For example, a woman in a white robe made me put my head on a square and dug my fingers into my chin. Then she put her fingers into her mouth, without gloves.
  Alice broke free and screamed again:
  - I don"t know what she did with those fingers, it"s not sterile, let her put on gloves, and then stick it in!
  The young woman in a white coat did not argue. She put medical gloves made of thin rubber on her hands, and again opened her mouth. And she searched, apparently expecting to find grenades, and looked for fillings in her teeth.
  Well, Alice"s teeth are all white, flawless, clean, not a single spot, much less a filling.
  After which her height was measured and weighed on scales. Well, it's common. Alice was quite tall, one meter eighty, and weighed seventy-two kilograms. Then they measured her arm span, the length of her feet, palms, elbows, and the volume of her biceps, calves, and neck. And also the size of the head, and so on.
  This, of course, does not hurt, but it is humiliating, especially since there are a lot of people around, and some of them are men.
  A woman in a white robe came, holding an electric hair clipper in her hands. Alice turned pale. It seemed to her that they would take her and immediately shave her wonderful hair off her head. But the young and pretty woman smiled and cooed:
  - They'll only shave your pussy!
  She began to remove the white, curly hairs from Venus"s womb. It was ticklish and even pleasant. In addition, it still hurt after the rough search and tearing of the hymen, and this pleasant tickling distracted from the suffering and whining in the young womb.
  After which they sprayed her with non-infectious liquid, and so she was taken naked to the next room.
  There, they first rolled the palms in black paint and left all the fingers and the entire palm separately. This is generally normal, and Alice saw it in the movies.
  But then they smeared black paint on her bare foot. And they also made typos, first as a whole, and then on each finger individually. First from the left girl"s leg, and then from the right. But Alice had never seen anything like this in a movie and was amazed. However, it"s not painful, but it"s humiliating, once again they show that you"re under arrest and that you"re nobody and nothing at all.
  Although, when a roller with black paint passes over a bare sole, it tickles.
  It"s shameful that she"s completely naked, and a man in uniform takes her off. But there are women next to him. And they grin.
  Alice, however, is not particularly embarrassed. She is very beautiful and curvy. And she was a virgin because she wanted to sell her at auction and get a lot of money. But to do this, you first had to become an adult. And she simply didn"t have time to do it.
  But she"s not that much of a nun at all. Quite a modern and developed girl.
  But they began to smear her lips with a roller of black paint. And this is already unpleasant. The paint itself has a bitter taste. It's clear that she might leave lip marks on the jar or somewhere else, but it's still disgusting.
  So they pressed her lips to a white sheet of paper and made this imprint.
  Then there are the dental casts. Well, this is generally understandable too. She must bite off the plasticine and stand like this for a while so that the teeth prints are clear.
  Alice thought that this was the end, but they also greased her ears, both right and left, and also printed them on white paper.
  And the girl was pretty dirty. She wanted most of all for this to end quickly and for her to be taken to the shower.
  But this turned out to be not enough. The female major noted:
  "They"re often naked in prison, so we"ll take prints from their butts."
  After which the man began to run a roller with black paint over her buttocks.
  And this is very shameful, a representative of the stronger sex brings his face too close to his private parts. And her roller rubs. Alice's hips are wide. And several times the man dipped the roller into paint to apply it again on the girl"s luxurious charms.
  Then she was also seated on several sheets, and imprints of flawless skin were taken separately from each part of the thighs. And it was so humiliating, being in complete nudity.
  But finally, this too ended, although it seemed to drag on forever.
  Then they took her to the next office and did an x-ray of her stomach, arms and legs, also naked. It also doesn"t hurt, but it"s somehow disgusting, and you don"t want to receive radiation.
  She was then taken to the shower room. Moreover, they led her naked like this, and her hands were handcuffed from behind. And this is also another humiliation. Alice's bare feet spank. And along the way, first I came across a prisoner, quite young, and she started pointing fingers and making snide jokes - saying how great they will love you in prison.
  And then the male prisoner, his eyes widened and he devoured the naked girl with his gaze, and his pants literally bulged.
  Finally, Alice reached the shower. It was empty inside; only two uniformed guards stood and watched her wash. And fortunately the water was warm, well, the state was not yet so impoverished. Under the streams, Alice felt almost bliss in her soul, but it was unpleasant that the guards were staring at her like that. Well, they gave me another piece of laundry soap. Alice was washing off the black paint. And they became clean.
  Despite all the trouble, one of the guards still reached into her mouth, and the other felt her bare breasts with her gloved paws. Alice endured yet another humiliation without arguing.
  The guards dried her off, not too dry, with a government-issued towel and took her out of the shower. Apparently they took me to a point where government clothing was issued.
  Apparently a prisoner suspected of espionage is prohibited from wearing hers.
  And again humiliation, and laughter from men and women.
  In the government premises, we still had to stand in a line of several naked women. They were young and quite pretty, many with tattoos. And they also began to make jokes about Alice. Especially in view of her shaved pubis and beauty.
  And one of the older prisoners even began to feel Alice"s breasts. The girl was handcuffed from behind, but her legs were free. And he pushes his knee into her solar plexus. She crashed.
  The police attacked Alice. They struck her a series of blows, almost until she lost consciousness. And then, like that, they dragged me naked into the punishment cell.
  The girl was brazenly groped while crossing. And Alice again experienced pain and humiliation.
  She was thrown naked and handcuffed from behind into a cold, dark room and the doors were closed. The girl found herself naked, helpless and chained in the darkness. And she was very dumb, cold, scared. Plus there were rats running around in the punishment cell and there was a strong smell of sewage.
  Alice took it and burst into tears, but tears cannot help her grief. And she quickly realized this, especially after a rat bit her on her bare foot.
  The girl crushed the offender with her bare toes, and sang with rage, demonstrating strength of spirit:
  There was a simple girl - the warrior Jeanne,
  Barefoot and in rags, she grazed the cows...
  But God Almighty from a big pedestal,
  Sent a countless swarm of gifts to the little beauty!
  And a simple girl became a warrior,
  The French people are in valor, having united...
  And asked Britain with a peasant blow,
  A mighty team rallied around her!
  The warrior, in a rage, swept away her enemies with her sword,
  For demonstrations I chose a very brave look...
  Well, how powerful Zhanna seemed to people,
  Believe me, the blood of the bravest knights will boil in it!
  Here she is, a brave girl fighting,
  Breaking the fierce damask hordes with your sword,
  And the beauty"s voice is already ringing out...
  She can even throw a brick in the face!
  Victory after victory, it"s already in Paris,
  And it seems over France that the star is burning with fire...
  Zhanna barefoot flew higher than the sun,
  The girls' long-time dream has come true!
  But the fickle goddess is fortune,
  And the great girl fell into someone"s net...
  They whip her and call her a fool,
  Surely the brave Jeanne must die at once?
  They pulled Jeanne onto the rack and lit the flames,
  The fire is licking her heels, and the chains are on her hands...
  But just recently the king entrusted her with the banner,
  And they locked the beauties all in stone walls!
  Under torture, the girl did not make a sound,
  Even though the hot pincers burned my naked chest...
  The "Holy Inquisition" gave her torment,
  But they couldn"t even extract a moan from the girl!
  Then they built a fire, and the girl was barefoot,
  And in rags, all beaten, the executioner leads to execution...
  Oh precious Jeanne, I miss you,
  The fleshly power of hell threw you into Gehenna!
  She is burning, a beauty, naked in a bright flame,
  But a precious cry, without ever uttering...
  For her immortal death, we gave so much to the enemy,
  Fighting with a wild enemy, and without betraying Jeanne!
  And now the girl is fighting with the Nazis,
  Almost naked, barefoot, there was a great frost...
  Now you"re Zhanna Russian, I see you"re toiling from the heat,
  Because her prickly grandfather froze her nose!
  But with a cheerful prayer, a holy pioneer,
  Believe me, we will revive this sick girl!
  And with our daring song, although completely childish,
  Believe me, we will give birth to a new movement immediately!
  Victory over the fascists will come, you know it,
  And Germany will be conquered, believe me...
  While the battle is going on, and you wound your body,
  Fascism is so fierce - it"s a mighty beast!
  But then a radiant spring came, and everything melted,
  The grass is growing fluffy, and soon it will be glorious May...
  You are brave in Berlin, then you will walk beautifully,
  And the whole young planet will immediately turn into paradise!
  After which the girl somehow sat down on the iron trestle bed. It"s good that it"s still summer, and although it"s cold in the punishment cell, it"s still tolerable. What's going on there in winter? You can simply ruin your health.
  Alice sighed heavily and tried to imagine something to distract herself.
  For example, the Makarenko children's labor colony. And the boy Alyosha was sent to it. Just for skipping classes. And the boy entered re-education at the age of twelve. This can even be said without a criminal record. He was sent by a commission to the legendary colony. It"s already the thirties, people don"t seem to be that poor after all. Therefore, the boy was shocked.
  They shaved his head like a prisoner and took fingerprints from his arms and legs.
  Then, on the very first morning at five o"clock, when it was still dark, in April they kicked me out onto the platform along with the other boys. And the children are naked, wearing only panties, barefoot. And it's freezing cold. The buglers are also barefoot in shorts, but at least in shirts and red ties.
  The boys stand like this on the line, then begin to do exercises. Leshka"s head hurts, he wants to sleep, but he has to move, otherwise you"ll get a slap on the head from the other guys.
  And so every day. The food is poor, mostly pasture, there is a lot of work, plus studying. There is no time for entertainment. Boys walk from frost to frost wearing only shorts and a bare torso. This is the summer uniform here. From the first of April to the eighth of November, any shoes are prohibited. Well, they can give you a maximum of bare necks. The boys are hardened, thin, wiry, and from constant hard work their muscles are filled with heavy chewing. Well, in general, there is enough food to grow and work - rations for children are calculated scientifically.
  In the very first days, Leshka's bare soles were covered with blisters and abrasions, and every step was painful, but children's skin very quickly becomes rough and calloused. And it becomes comfortable to walk barefoot, and your feet get used to the spring coolness and no longer freeze. And in Ukraine, spring is coming quickly, and it"s already warm. And when it gets hot, you even feel comfortable working and marching in shorts.
  Leshka had his head shaved twice a week and had a bath once a week. And before going to bed, they poured cold water over it every day. In the first days, the boy"s muscles, unaccustomed to hard work, were very sore. The pain was everywhere, not a blood or vein remained untouched by pain. But the boy continued to work through strength, using strong-willed qualities.
  Then the pain dulled. And the muscles became dry and prominent, veins and veins appeared on the body. And Leshka was no longer so tired. And immediately lying down on the bunk in the children's barracks, he fell asleep.
  The fact that the colony was exemplary had its advantages. There was no thieves' lawlessness, humiliating registration and rape, and omissions. Everything was according to the regulations, and the detachment commanders fought only for the cause.
  Leshka has grown and become stronger over the spring, summer, and fall. And when winter came, he was given government-issued shoes and warmer clothes. And he already studied more and worked less. And the activists beat me hard for getting bad marks. But Leshka, a capable boy, soon became an excellent student.
  That's it until spring comes again. And again the boys splash with their bare feet and shorts on the still-unmelted snow and puddles.
  Leshka smiles, his teeth are white, so the guys regularly brush them with powder. And the boy"s body is muscular, sinewy and healthy, although lean with lean muscles. So he is already in some kind of authority in the children's colony. Although, of course, they work a lot, they also sing a lot, and the barefoot, marching pioneers sing such songs:
  What does the pioneer boy want?
  When he's always barefoot in the cold?
  And set an example for other fighters,
  Pioneer girls cut their braids!
  Stalin gave us the faith of communism,
  To lead the people to the top...
  Let the fascists rain napalm on us,
  We have won in the past and still do!
  When there was a mortal battle with Mamai,
  Fighting bravely, we defended Rus'...
  The Motherland is with you forever in my heart,
  We'll see communism, I believe so!
  Ivan Vasilev - Orthodox Tsar,
  Kazan was conquered from the adversaries,
  After all, in the vastness of Mother Earth,
  No, the soldiers are stronger in spirit than the Russians!
  And Peter the Great is a warrior and a flint,
  Russia built a mighty fleet...
  A very glorious day has come in the battles,
  When the Great One became the great messiah!
  Petersburg was built on bones,
  But the capital of Russia is glorious...
  The proud Russian flag flies on the sea,
  And we will make the Fatherland happier!
  Suvorov the Turk was hammering in rage,
  And he set an example on the Black Sea...
  We had enough strength with the infidel,
  Although sometimes grief also happened!
  Vladimir the leader - opened the way to communism,
  So that the peasant, the proletarian becomes happy...
  And now fascism is on the offensive,
  But let's sing five thousand, brave arias!
  Let the banner be red forever,
  Let Russia flourish in glory...
  Bright years will come, I believe,
  The planet will become a communism paradise!
  Well, in the meantime, the pioneer boy,
  Measures snowdrifts with bare feet...
  And the Fuhrer rushes with a fanatic grin,
  Our Russia is being trampled underfoot!
  But I believe that sacred peace will come,
  There will be peace and happiness throughout all of Russia...
  And we will celebrate a sacred, stormy feast,
  In red-colored Berlin!
  Leshka turned thirteen years old in prison. He is a boy with a close-cropped head, barefoot, but already longer in stature. There are a lot of vegetables and fruits in the children's colony, and Leshka radiates health, never even sneezing, despite the fact that he walks only in shorts, like other boys. Sometimes they are harassed, their beds are searched, and they are forced to do squats naked. Moreover, this is done by women in white coats, as if this is not a children"s prison, but a medical institution.
  Then the boys run off to work again. They feed three times a day, which is normal. There is also fish, quite often, and meat only on holidays. But the guys are more or less well-fed and healthy. And the team is good, although there are thieves, there are also robbers and other criminals. But then they calmed down. It"s not a bad colony, and indeed the children are basically re-educated. They stay here until they are sixteen years old. Then they will either transfer you to older adults or release you. More often, by the way, it is at will.
  Leshka was also promised parole and a return to his parents in a normal school. Moreover, he was not even by a court sentence in a children's labor colony.
  And the boy, in the imminent anticipation of freedom, together with other boys, walks with his bare feet and sings:
   To be a pioneer is an honor,
  And there is a lot of heat in this word...
  Although the boy has countless problems,
  He will call the Krauts to account, believe me!
  The boy walks through the snowdrifts barefoot,
  He runs without noticing that the blizzard is swirling...
  I made it straight through the cold,
  And he smashes the Nazis dashingly and coolly!
  For a pioneer there is no word for coward,
  And there is no word, he will never say...
  Although the fascist reptile inflicted a bite,
  Let's catch the Krauts in a banal theft!
  We will make the Fatherland stronger for everyone,
  Let the pioneer's will be stronger...
  And the Fuhrer was destroyed by the enemy-villain,
  And the rest will have an easier time!
  Fascism showed a bloody grin,
  But our veins will be stronger than steel...
  After all, the will of the Russians is stronger than metal,
  To the glory of the legendary warrior Stalin!
  We are pioneers - sons of Lenin,
  The boy wants to fight the Reich...
  We are faithful to the precepts of communism,
  For us, any business - don"t believe it too much!
  For the glory of our holy Motherland,
  Very young soldiers are fighting...
  I'm a boy barefoot in the snowdrifts,
  Machine guns are shooting at me like rain!
  But the pioneers forgot fear,
  Like the sun burns brightly in the heart...
  And hit Hitler with a grenade in the crown,
  Let the hated Cain get it!
  For the glory of our holy Motherland,
  Both boys and girls fight...
  The old woman will not crush us with a scythe,
  Let your voice be very clear!
  So the boys are marching in only shorts and with their torsos naked, and here are children from ten to fifteen years old.
  Alice sighed heavily. I thought that being a child was both good and bad at the same time. But there is still more good - the body is young, healthy, the head is light, and the main thing is that everything is ahead. And there is no fear of the future, since it looks bright and pleasant. But it"s very bad for the old people. Moreover, not everyone is promised Paradise. And is there even such a paradise? What if nothingness or something worse lies ahead.
  Alice remembered a TV show when they were digging a tunnel far underground. And it seemed like something was howling and roaring there. So they suggested that it is possible that the souls of dead people howl like that. But it"s not evident from a good life.
  However, howling can be due to many reasons.
  Alice decided to change her thoughts and the topic of thinking.
  Here, for example, is this version of the story:
  In March 1943, in exchange for the suspension of the program of extermination of Jews, the Allies declared a truce with the Third Reich and began negotiations. Rommel's corps was withdrawn from Africa and prisoners of war were exchanged. Due to the cessation of bombing, Germany's weapons production was greater than in real history. And more Panthers and Tigers were produced, as well as T-4 tanks in a modernized version.
  But the battle on the Kursk Bulge never began. The Fuhrer again postponed the offensive in order to try even heavier tanks at the front: Tiger 2, Lion and Mouse.
  And on the first of August, Soviet troops went on the offensive on the Oryol ledge and in the direction of Belgorod and Kharkov. The fighting became protracted and fierce. On the southern flank, the stronger Mainstein group held the front line. There was a wedge on the Oryol ledge, but it was not possible to cut it off either.
  The battles showed the strength of the Panther tank in defense. And they dragged on until late autumn. The more powerful "Panther"-2 entered the series in September 1943, and even earlier "Tiger"-2, "Mouse" and "Lion". And it was very cool.
  And so the Nazis tried to counterattack. Fierce and bloody battles unfolded.
  The Komsomol girls fought with rage and honor, showing unparalleled heroism:
  We are Komsomol warriors of Christ,
  And Lenin and Comrade Stalin are with us...
  Although there are countless numbers of fascists here,
  But our will is stronger than military steel!
  We believe for sure: we know we will win,
  We will raise our homeland above other countries...
  May there soon be peace in communism,
  To the glory of Mother Holy Russia!
  Although it"s hard for Komsomol members now,
  Being naked in the cold...
  But I will lift the oar barefoot,
  And Hitler will fail in a stupid pose!
  We are dashing knights as always,
  We"re actually killing fascists with a machine gun...
  Everything else is just nonsense
  Believe me, retribution will come to them for their sins!
  Why did the adversary come to the Fatherland?
  He likes Russian slaves...
  What will be the result?
  The girls mow down all the Krauts barefoot!
  They are dashing girls, believe me,
  For them, only the machine gun is most important...
  And soon the beast of fascism will enter the coffin,
  And we will become stronger than all enemies at once!
  Why is the girl fighting? Ask
  She wants to find a cool guy...
  So that he looks no older than twenty,
  And he managed to disperse the kennel immediately!
  And it"s good to walk through the snowdrifts barefoot,
  The frost pleasantly stings the girl"s heels...
  The warrior demands one thing,
  May the boy's kiss be the hottest!
  And I believe we will reach Berlin,
  The Name of Jesus shines everywhere...
  We will smash all the adversaries at once,
  We are girls half naked, barefoot!
  Nobody can stop us
  How cool we girls are...
  And we will beat all the fascists hard,
  They are already quite bad!
  We mow down and exterminate everyone,
  You can't bring a girl to her knees...
  And the communists will know success,
  Stalin and the great Lenin are behind us!
  The girl's breasts are now naked,
  But the blizzard is blowing snow fiercely...
  Sometimes it"s hard to even breathe,
  The snowdrift is turning white insidiously, furiously!
  Shakers even beat fascists in fur coats,
  And the girl walks almost naked...
  We don"t need sad thoughts about this,
  She is beautiful - naked, barefoot!
  We slaughter the Komsomol members of the Krauts at once,
  And the beautiful girl laughs...
  The Fuhrer will get a fist under the eye,
  And the Sun always shines over the Fatherland!
  We are great knights everywhere,
  And we serve Russia very faithfully...
  Let's open the way to an impossible dream -
  Although the women were crying out of grief!
  Know that Stalin will lead us to victory,
  Let's liberate Berlin, Paris and London...
  Let the communists be honored by all,
  And over the universe there is a proud Soviet flag!
  In battle, the girls are, of course, really eagles. They throw grenades with their bare, chiseled feet. And they fight like lionesses.
  Mirabela fought especially fiercely.
  How their faces were distorted, worn with obvious traces of degeneration. Four Nazis fell, but the fifth fellow managed to dodge and hit the exhausted cadet in the temple with the butt. Mirabela passed out.
  The girl woke up at night, her temple ached painfully, and she herself was tied to a tree. Mirabela lowered her eyes and was embarrassed, she was almost naked, only in panties. The Nazis were sitting next to the fire, drinking and laughing vilely. The main officer, apparently, growled in German:
  "It"s a pity that the man who was with this woman died, he would have been tortured in front of her eyes."
  Another fascist muttered:
  - But golden-hair is with us, there is someone to have fun with!
  Mirabela screamed:
  - You're lying, Nikolai is alive!
  Officers with the emblem of lightning, which signified the SS, stood up like the hairs on the head of the last coward. Howled:
  - Wow, look, the king has woken up!
  - What a whore, she already wants German horseradish!
  The two chief officers approached Mirabelle and asked:
  - You know our sacred German language!
  The girl proudly answered in German:
  - I know the Russian language well, and your speech is the croaking of a frog and the bleating of a donkey. It"s even disgusting for me to desecrate my lips with this babble.
  The junior officer pulled out a dagger and swung it, but the senior officer held him back:
  - No! Don"t you understand, this Russian just wants to provoke us to murder. After all, in this case, her death will be quick and easy. And so we will literally take her apart, piece by piece, according to all the rules of the executioner"s art.
  The Germans started shouting:
  - Let's hurry up, let's sort out the whore right now!
  The senior officer, SS major nodded:
  - Let"s scare the parrot a little, but she won"t die today! So many of the best Aryan guys were killed by the commissar. He will die slowly and painfully.
  A junior officer, an SS lieutenant, asked:
  - Where do we start?
  The major suggested:
  - Braziers! And with fat, as it should be with cutlets.
  The Germans giggled and began pointing their fingers obscenely:
  - Or maybe she can do that too!
  The major shook his head negatively:
  - She is a woman of a lower race, for us SS elite, this is indecent.
  The lieutenant approached the tied up girl and began to smear her heels with fat. Mirabela growled:
  - Hands off! You are German carrion!
  The lieutenant smiled wryly:
  - Now you won"t sing like that! For now, enjoy the touches of a true Aryan, on the hooves of an animal like you.
  Mirabela experienced a rare and disgusting feeling of disgust; even the touch of a poisonous cobra was not so disgusting. But that was just the beginning. They began to build a small fire under the feet of the beautiful girl. Then the girl suddenly realized what the bastard fascists were up to, and she became scared. After all, fire causes terrible, terrible, unbearable pain, even with the mildest burns. And they were clearly going to fry her bare heels. Mirabela began to shake, and the major bared his teeth:
  - Now you would tell us everything if you knew at least something valuable. Only we can find out from the underage cadet. So you'll have to amuse us with your screams.
  In response, Mirabela took it and bravely sang:
  I am a warrior of our Mother Russia,
  A simple girl, always barefoot...
  Sometimes the crows cried vilely,
  But I believe that the dream will come true!
  I joined the Komsomol hungry,
  Almost naked pearl in the cold...
  But I will throw the fascist off his pedestal,
  Give Adolf his long nose!
  Don't trust the Komsomol girl,
  Will not be able to curb the universe...
  And a clear voice is heard here,
  Our army has risen to the top of our Fatherland!
  For the Motherland Great Russia,
  Fight, please, pioneer without fear...
  Although you know the fields are watered with blood,
  But show me, you are an example of valor!
  For Komsomol members, the sky is happiness,
  There are no worries for the girl...
  Everything will be in her proud, glorious power,
  And the Fuhrer will come to the fate of abortion!
  But time is tough - Hitler is coming,
  He can even defeat the terrible one...
  He throws rockets as generously as bombs,
  Capable of turning all soldiers into game!
  But believe me, girls don"t know fear,
  Throwing a grenade with your bare foot...
  She is naked - her shirt is burned,
  Fighting against an unaware horde!
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