Сорокина Елена Юрьевна : другие произведения.

Born to love

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Love story

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made by:

Helen Sorokina

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"Born for love"

   This is a love story about two young people who had almost lost the hope to find their second halves in this big world. But, as far as you know, hope dies the last, and they were lucky to meet each other. But the fortune seemed to be against them: not only beautiful feelings, but the former dates and affairs, the betrayal, even shots interfere in this story... So, would these young people bear it all and win the battle with the destiny? Enjoy reading this exciting and full of interesting events story up to the end, because only there you will find out all the truth. I know that when we read a story, we always try to predict what happens next, but as an author of this book, I advise you not to do this. Therefore, whatever you imagine, I'm sure this would be the last thing you could think of. So, I hope you will like this book and spend enjoyable hours reading it.

Chapter 1

A long-awaited meeting

   It was a fine April day, the spring was at its height and everything around was blazing with love. We all know that in spring it's impossible to be alone. Nevertheless, Gregory was alone, but this was already familiar to him - he had always been alone, and the finest moments he remembered was spending time with his fellows. Even if he met a girl, she became just a friend for him, but not more. He didn't know why it happened so. Was he not like the others? Or hadn't he met his fortune yet? Gregory had no answers on these questions, but he knew one thing: today or tommorow, his life will change entirely. He was felt this mysterious sublime atmosphere and his soul was full of happiness and joy.
   The sun was shining as if it was summer, and Gregory decided to go to the beach - the place where he could relax and put his thoughts in order. The young man looked around: sparkling sea, golden sand and ... He couldn't believe his eyes, maybe, it was a kind of a vision ... A beautiful, no, a really BEAUTIFUL girl was standing near the water. Her golden hair was streamed away by the light wind, and her face was like a face of an angel, whom Gregory always imagined drawing his pictures (he was an artist).
   "This is my chance, I can't lose it. I'm sure this is the girl I've been looking for". Gregory was hesitating - he had little experience in getting acquainted with girls and communicating with them - he was quite shy. But there was no time to think a lot. He had to start the conversation with something common. Being afraid that the girl will go away, he ran up to her and asked:
  -- May I ask you what's your name? Let us get acquainted.
   "Good gracious me, what am I saying? Of course, she will refuse even to talk to me", - and he was ready to turn back. But, contrary to his expectations, the young girl rose her head and cast a concerned glance on Gregory.
  -- My name is Ann, and what's yours?
  -- I'm Gregory.
   She was looking at him, smiling and waiting for something, and thousands of strange and unknown feelings appeared in Gregory's heart. This obviously was love from the first glance. But was it mutual?
  -- The weather is wonderful, isn't it?
  -- Yes. It's strange because it is only April now. And you have a nice sunburn. Do you live somewhere here, on the seaside?
  -- Yes, I have my own house not far from the beach.
  -- I'm a stranger in this borough. Can you show me everything here?
  -- Of course, with pleasure. We can meet tommorow just here, at 2 o'clock p.m.
  -- Ok. See you soon. Bye.

Chapter 2

An unforgettable day

   "Hello, my dear diary! Yesterday I've met a handsome young man. I liked him, but I want to know more about him and his life." This were the first words in a new keeper of her thoughts. Ann was very excited because she had never met such a good-looking and well-brought fellow. She understood that he was not like the others just by a couple of simple phrases he said. "It seems to me, that Gregory is a unique person, and it's great. I will obviously meet with him today. I'm almost sure I won't regret about it. So, now I must get prepared. Good-bye."
   While Ann was writing a diary, Gregory was sitting at home and thinking about what happened to him yesterday. He asked some of his friends what to do, but they seemed to be scoffing at him, giving silly, to his mind, advices. At last he decided not to take them into consideration and behave how his heart would tell him.
   So, when Ann came to the beach, Gregory was already waiting for her with a camera in his hands.
  -- Hello, Gregory! How are you? And what for have you brought the camera?
  -- Hi, Ann! I'm fine! As to the camera, I will record our today's walk and give you a tape. I'm sure you will have great memories about this evening.
  -- Hope so. Let's start!
   And he showed her a lot of interesting places, monuments, museums, took her to some shops. When it was 9 o'clock p.m., Gregory invited Ann to the coastal cafe, where they had a little supper. Of course, they devoted this time not only to eating, but to communication also. They wanted to know more about each other.
  -- Gregory, you are so cheerful and friendly, but modest. I have never met such people before. What are you? I mean your occupation.
  -- Actually, I'm an artist.
  -- An artist? Oh! And what do you paint?
  -- I can't say exactly - just everything that comes to the mind: sceneries, portraits, etc. I can show you my pictures. I can even draw your portrait, if you want.
  -- Really? Oh, that's wonderful! Thank you very much.
  -- Not at all. And what about you? No, let me guess about your profession... A piano player?
  -- Brilliant, Gregory! How did you guess?
  -- Well, you have so delicate, tender hands... I can't imagine anyone except for the piano player with such soft and delicate skin.
  -- Thank you. - She smiled, colour rushed into her face and her cheeks became rosy. It was so pleasant to hear such words from the young man!
  -- It's already late, Ann. What about meeting tommorow? I've promised to draw your portrait.
  -- With pleasure. So, when and where shall we meet?
  -- Here is my adress. - And he wrote a couple of words on the sheet of paper. - Come at 3 o'clock p.m. and we'll have a great time.And now let me see you off, please.
   And when they came out, they saw a beautiful scenery: the moonlight, shining stars and soft warm wind from the seaside. This atmosphere made them feel happy and light. When Gregory went to bed, he thought only about Ann, the same was with Ann - she saw a dream about Gregory.

Chapter 3

Сlose friends and even more

   The next day they spent together in Gregory's house, and, painting the portrait, Gregory was looking steadfastly at Ann. Yes, she was a real beauty: regular features, clear blue eyes, soft mouth and sensual lips, rosy cheeks with dimples. When he showed her the portrait, Ann was dazzled - she didn't know she was so beautiful.
  -- Gregory, didn't you embelish it a bit? I can't believe it's me - it's an angel.
  -- Yes, because you are as beautiful as an angel. I'm an artist that's why I see the soul and the real nature of a person and I show it on the picture.
  -- I have no words.
  -- Don't say anything, just let me admire you and, - he came up and sat near her, - let's be close friends, please.
  -- O.K., with pleasure. You are an interesting young man, Gregory, I've never met such people like you. I would like to date with you, and maybe, we'll become more than close friends.
  -- I hope so, I just dream about it.
   So they met every day, and each time Gregory made Ann little presents: a bouquet of big red roses (her favourite flowers), perfumes, a wonderful golden bracelet, etc. Once they were speaking about dreams, and Ann said, that her greatest dream was to have a pet at home. She always wanted it, but her parents didn't let her to. The next day Ann was sitting at home and heard a knock in the door. When she opened it, she saw a beautiful basket, from which a wonderful little puppy was looking out. She laughed and took it in her hands. Suddenly she saw a note in the basket. It said: "You fulfilled my dream, and I also want your dream to come true. Be happy! I love you. Gregory". Ann was very pleased and when they met next time, she thanked Gregory. And he said, that it was the least he could do to make her happy.
   The greatest Gregory's present was when he led Ann to the seaside at midnight, gave her a telescope tube and showed a small but brightly shining star. As it turned out, he named the star in Ann's honour - Annelia. Ann couldn't believe her eyes, she had a wonderful feeling that couldn't be expressed by the words.
   He also took her to the sea trip on the yacht, where they spent one more romantic evening. They told each other about their feelings, their fears at the beginning of their acquaintance. As it turned out, Ann also just pretended to be self-confident and easy-going. In fact, she was very nervous and was afraid to start the relations, because she didn't succeed with the fellows she met earlier. They were rude, not very intelligent and egoistic. Ann thought there were no normal men in the whole world at all, but then she was lucky to meet Gregory.
   Soon their relations came up to the stage, when they couldn't imagine life without each other. If they spent a few hours apart, they missed each other and started calling back and asking: "How are you? I miss you very much."
   More and more lines appeared in Ann's diary - all they were about her date, Gregory: "He is so extravagant, he is so much of a man! I can't live without him, I love him, he is the best in the world". So, now it was apparent - it was a real BIG LOVE.

Chapter 4

A treachery

   Life is never perfect, and can sometimes present us unpleasant surprises. Ann knew about this, but a bad news came from the side of the person, whom she could hardly expect it from.
   Her best friend Kelly came to Ann, and she was happy to see her. Kelly was younger than Ann, she was 18, but it didn't prevent them from communicating and understanding each other. They were best friends and were sure that their friendship would last forever. At least, Ann thought so till that fatal day.
  -- Where have you been, Kelly! I haven't seen you for a long time!
  -- I had to pass the exams to enter the California University, but I haven't managed to.
  -- Oh, what a pity!
  -- Thank you, Ann. And how are you? Has anything interesting happened to you during this time?
  -- Yes, everything has changed. Kelly, I have so much to tell you! I have a great news!
   And Ann told her friend everything about her and her beloved Gregory, their acquaintance and relations, their feelings.
  -- I see, Ann, you are so happy. Perhaps you have the real feelings.
   She was talking with smile, but a bad fire of envy was burning in her eyes - Kelly always wanted to date with a handsome, inteligent and kind, romantic young man. Ann didn't notice anything.
  -- Why are you saying "Perhaps"? I'm sure it's the real love.
  -- Maybe, the real love from your side. And are you sure about him? I think he is just like all other men, but wears a mask of kindness and love. He is just joking at you, he's using you.
  -- Using me? What do you mean?
  -- I'm almost sure that you are just a kind of entertainment for him. Believe me, I've read a lot of books and watched a lot of films about love. It's the common situation.
  -- I hardly recommend you to stop saying this. I'm older than you and I have some more experience. I know this is a common situation, but Gregory is another kind of a man.
   Kelly made a contemptious laugh.
  -- I think you just envy me a bit. But let me ask you, why?
  -- Yes, you are right, I must confess. God knows, how I want to be you now.
  -- Kelly, don't be upset. You are so young, everyting is ahead. Aren't you happy for me?
   A silence followed. Ann was strained. She had a bad foreboding that something awful will happen.
  -- Frankly speaking, I can't say I'm too happy, as I always dreamt that all this would happen to me. Anyway, I'm sure this won't last too long and you will soon break your relationships. Keep it on your mind. And don't come to me with tears in your eyes. Remember: I have warned you. And one more thing that I want to say: I don't want to see you anymore and I don't want to be friends with you.
   Ann felt horrible, a lump came to her throat and she was ready to start crying, but it occurred to her that she wanted to show her character, to be strong and dignified. So she said in a calm voice:
  -- O.k., Kelly. I think it's a right decision. I can't be friends with a person, who is envious, jealous and selfish.
  -- What? Do you call ME selfish? But YOU think only about yourself. Have you ever asked me about my relations with people? Have you given me a couple of advice how to behave, how to make people be interested in me? Have you asked me about my problems? No, you always spoke about yourself...
  -- If you wanted, you would tell me everything. Anyway, I don't think there is any sense in discussing this now.
  -- Yes, I entirely agree with you.
   And she came out and slapped the door. And immediately Ann changed - she became a common girl with her feelings and excitements.

Chapter 5

Help and support

   Have you ever been let out by your friend? If not, you are a lucky, and I wish you would never experience it. And if yes, you can certainly imagine how Ann was feeling at that moment. So, some new sad lines appeared in Ann's diary. - "I can't believe that my best friend betrayed me. It's such a shock for me, I even have no words to describe my state".
   Ann couldn't even cry, she was puzzled. She was just sitting in the arm-chair and looking in the window, her thoughts were mixed. At last she realized that she couldn't bear it alone, she needed help and support, she had to confide in someone. So she phoned Gregory. Gregory was busy drawing a new picture, but when he heard Ann's shuddering voice, he understood that she had big troubles and promised to be in 5 minutes.
   When Gregory came in, Ann told him everything and suddenly burst into tears - she couldn't keep it in herself anymore. He couldn't see her crying and tried to find the right words to calm her.
   - My dear, - he spoke in a low and soft convincing voice. - Believe me, I understand how horrible you feel. But maybe it's temporary, maybe you will be together again. I also had such situation in my life, but in a week everything was O.K.
  -- You don't understand, Gregory, I'm a person of a forgiving nature, and I can forgive everything, except for a treachery and envy.
  -- I see. So, if not, it's a fate and you can't do anything. Anyway, I would advise you to wait for some time, and who knows, what may happen. - He decided to change the topic, to distract her. - You know, you are very beautiful even when you cry.
   She smiled. Only Gregory could make her smile and feel very well at any moment.
  -- I would like to sing you my song. Try to listen, this is what I want to say.
   So Ann listened to Gregory, and when she understood the sense of the song, she felt very light and forgot about all her problems. I would like to present you the text of the song because I want you to feel it yourself:
   Everybody's searching, everybody's looking for
   Something to believe in, something more.
   Well, baby I know the pain, that you go through,
   So let me be the arms that you can run to,
   Far away from all the things that hurt you!
   Whenever you be in the sky,
   Feel like you live in lie,
   And your world is a broken dream,
   Don't lose your faith in love,
   Baby, I'll be enough.
   When you don't have the strength in your eyes,
   I'll be the one to cry.
  -- Oh, Gregory, it's so pleasant to hear such words, for every woman in the world and, of course, for me, especially now. Thank you very much for your support, I feel much better.
  -- I see. So, you know you can always rely on me and receive help and support whenever you need it.
   So this not very pleasant event strengthened their relations. Gregory once more proved Ann that his feelings were true and pure and he was ready to help, to do everything to make his beloved be happy.

Chapter 6

Meeting an old friend

   Life was going on, and Ann forgot about what happened to her. She was busy helping Gregory in organizing the exhibition (it was a big and important step in his carreer) and didn't know that her past would soon mix with the present.
   So Ann came to Gregory and saw a great amount of famous people in his house: artists, collectioners and, of course, journalists. She wanted to find Gregory but suddenly heard that someone called her by name.
  -- Is that you, Ann? Please, wait!
   She turned around and saw a good-looking well-dressed young man with a broad smile on his face, who was waving his hand and looking at her. Who could it be?
  -- Ann, don't you recognize me? I'm Peter, Peter Piper.
   No, it couldn't be Peter. To let you know, Peter was her groupmate from the university, they had very warm friendship which was very close to love, they even wanted to get married, but...
  -- Peter? Oh my God, I really didn't recognize you. You have changed so much!
  -- And you haven't, Ann! You are still very beautiful, I can't even find words to describe you.
  -- Peter, I see, you haven't changed in this aspect. You are as flattering as when we met. - She smiled.
   Peter smiled back at her. - So, what are you doing here, Ann?
  -- Well, this is the house of my date Gregory, he is the organiser of this exhibition.
  -- Oh, I see. - His smile turned sour. - And I came here because I've heard that a new talanted artist appeared in our town. I wanted to watch his paintings, and, maybe, to buy some of them. As far as I understand, this outstanding artist is Gregory. What can you say about him? - Peter wanted to revive their relationships, to marry Ann, and he had to know what chances he had, to know everything about his possible opponent.
  -- If I begin to tell you everything I think about him, the whole evening won't be enough. The main things I can say about him that he is very talented as an artist and very caring and delicate, but at the same time firm person as a man.
  -- O.K. Ann, do you have any plans for tommorow? We could meet and remember some funny cases, our university life, the old times when we were together...
  -- With pleasure, Peter. I have so great memories about all it. Gregory can also join us.
  -- Well, I think that would not be the case. I would like to talk to personally. We can meet altogether next time and have a great evening.
  -- Maybe, you are right. Anyway, I will tell him about our meeting. You must find the time to get acquainted with Gregory. I'm sure you'll like him.
  -- O.K. I have to go now. I'll phone you, Ann.
  -- Phone me? But I have moved to another house, my phone number has changed...
  -- Don't bother about it, I'll find the way to connect you. I have a lot of power in this town now. - And he went out.
  -- What about the paintings, Peter? Wait! - but he didn't hear her.
   Ann was glad to meet Peter, only... There was something odd in the last phrase he said. She decided to talk to Gregory, she didn't want to hide anything from him. And she told him everything, except for one detail - that they had an affair in the past. It was unconscious, and Ann thought there was nothing bad in it, but very soon she felt regret about this mistake.
  -- I think it would be fine to have a great time with your old friend, especially with your group-mate.
  -- So do I, Gregory, so do I. But Peter had changed, he became more dignified and ill-natured, and I don't like it.
  -- Well, Ann it's up to you to decide how to behave. You may not go, if you don't want to. Nevertheless, I will support you.
  -- I think I'll meet with him, - Ann said after thinking for a while. - It can be just my silly fears.

Chapter 7

A proposal

   The next day when Ann heard the phone ringing, she gave a start. It was Peter, who promised to come in half an hour. He knew her phone number, her address... It all seemed very strange. But Ann's surprise grew more, when Peter appeared in a new black Douge, and then, when she asked, where they were going, she got the answer: "To 'The Shadows', my darling". It was the most expensive restaurant in the town, and not everyone could afford to have a dinner there, only famous or very rich people.
   The restaurant was at their disposition for the whole evening. So they came to the luxurious hall, ordered a bottle of red wine and some delicious refined dishes. Waiting for their order, they had a chat. Firstly they laughed a lot, remembering the funny moments of their student life. Then Peter told Ann everything that had happened to him since they got apart. As it turned out, he became a successful businessman, then a millionaire, and for that moment he was owning almost all business firms, newspapers and supermarkets. Ann was much impressed by his story.
  -- Well, I'm happy that you have managed to gain so much, Peter. As for me, I wasn't so successful, I'm just a common piano player, but I had another luck - meeting Gregory. That was fabulous, I have always been dreaming to find such a man.
  -- I see, I know it is a dream of every person in the world to find his second half and to be together.
   They spent some more interesting hours in the restaurant, listening to the beautiful music and dancing. Then Peter suggested that they should go.
  -- It's late now and I don't want to let your date worry about you. But let me see you off to your house.
  -- Sure, come on.
   They came to Ann's house and stood before the door, being ready to say good-bye to each other. But suddenly...
  -- I have to tell you something very important, Ann. I just ask you not to interupt me because it is quite difficult to say it all.
  -- O.K., Peter, I'm listening to you very attentively.
  -- Thank you. I think you remember the times when we were together and only some time separated us from our future happy life. The circumstances didn't let us to... No, it was my fault that we haven't got married. But now, when I have everything to provide you troubleless and wonderful life, I want not only to revive our relations, I want you to be my wife. - And he showed her a very expensive diamond ring shining in the moonlight. - Do you agree?
   For a couple of seconds Ann was looking at Peter and at the ring, without moving, without saying a word and with an empty expression in her eyes. Then a flow of words rushed from her mouth.
  -- I can't believe my ears! It was just the last thing I could expect to hear from you, and I'm shocked! You know that I and Gregory love each other, and you proposal doesn't have any sense in this case. I won't marry you and I thought you realised this, we have been talking about this for the whole day. - Ann tried to make herself calm. - I'm sorry for my very emotional answer.
  -- Oh, you don't have to be.
  -- Anyway, I don't want to offend you, I understand that your feelings may be true, but it is impossible to return to the past. There is no good in marriage, when only one person is in love, and I feel nothing but sympathy to you. I think it would be better if we remain just good friends, but I'm not even sure in this after what you have said.
  -- I understand you, I knew almost perfectly that you would refuse, but a little fire of hope was burning in my soul. I want to have a strong friendship with you, and I will be happy if it is so. - These words Peter said to Ann before saying good-bye, but he had another thoughts in his mind. He had a lot of power and he certainly was going to use it. He wanted to be with this young girl, using any ways. - I think we'll meet very soon.
   This time Ann didn't pay any attention to his last phrase, but she had to.

Chapter 8

A bad news

   "Monday is a difficult day" - people say. It means that you can meet a lot of difficulties and problems. Ann was quite superstitious, but she just forgot about it for a long time as her thoughts were only about Gregory. Though, it didn't save her from problems. That day, Monday afternoon, Ann was cooking a romantic supper (she wanted to spend an evening with Gregory), when she heard a telephone ringing. She took the phone and heard an unknown voice speaking. "Is it miss Williams? It is doctor Smith speaking. Do you know Mr. Gregory Wilkins?" - "Yes." - "You have to come to the VG Hospital right now." - "And can you tell me what's the matter?" - "Mr. Gregory was shot and you have to fill in some forms to begin the treatment. It's very urgent." - "He was shot? But how? Is he all right? Please tell me!" - "Just come and you will know everything. It's not for speaking over the telephone". - And Dr. Smith hanged up the receiver.
   Of course, Ann rushed to the hospital immediately, wondering about the news. And to understand everything, we should return back to the day, when Peter proposed to Ann. So...
   When Peter was going home after meeting with Ann, he was thinking over what he was going to do next. The first thought that came to his mind was to have a serious talk with that lad, Gregory. As Peter was a decisive and emotional person, he made up his mind to do that immediately, but realised that he should wait for tommorow.
   When the next day, on Sunday, Peter opened the front door of his house, he saw an unknown young man whom he didn't like from the first glance. As he was an artist, he noticed something bad in this person, but he couldn't explain to himself what it was exactly.
  -- Are you Gregory?
  -- Well, yes, but... Do I know you?
  -- I think you don't, but I know enough about you to have a talk with you about Ann. My name is Peter Piper, and I am Ann's former date. I've come to tell you that this girl will be mine because I love her.
  -- And you think that I will leave Ann? Don't be so naОve.
  -- If you love her, think what life would be better for her. I'm very rich and you are just a common artist. Try to guess whom she will choose.
  -- Anyway, we'll never be apart, even if you pay me millions of dollars.
  -- Oh, you remembered about money. How much do you want?
  -- Are you crazy? You want to offer me money for the girl? This shows everything, and it proves that you don't love Ann, you will buy her love.
  -- Well, I give you time... let me think... till tommorow afternoon, when I'll come to receive your answer. And I don't recommend you to say "No", because then it will be worse for you. - And Peter disappeared.
   This event gave Gregory a food for thinking for the whole day. He couldn't decide what to do and at last made up his mind to talk to Ann. When the young girl came in, he was standing near the window, looking aloof. He didn't like the future conversation and didn't know its consequences, but he had to make everything clear.

Chapter 9

A serious talk

  -- Hello, my darling! How are you? What happened?
  -- Ann, I have to talk to you, and it's very serious. You know, for me the relationships must be based not only on love, but on trust. Do you agree with me?
  -- Yes, certainly.
  -- So, there mustn't be any secrets between us, right?
  -- I entirely agree with you, Gregory. But what are you talking about? I don't understand.
  -- Don't you want to tell me anything? About your former dates, for example? And especially about... Peter Piper?!
  -- Oh, Gregory...
  -- Listen to me, please. I don't like this situation and I thought it would never happen to me. I don't want our love to be broken down because of someone else, but I feel horrible when my girl hides something from me.
  -- Please, forgive me, dear, I just didn't emphasize it. I certainly don't want to quarell with you, especially because of Peter. Of course I can tell you everything. - And she told Gregory everything up to the day when Peter proposed to her and how it all finished.
   Listening to her words, Gregory was hesitating whether to tell her about his meeting with Peter Piper but at last he decided not to frighten her. "We have to decide it ourselves. I will never let him take my girl, my dear Ann".
   The next day when Gregory was waiting for Peter, Ann suddenly came in and said that she wanted to spend her time with him. Gregory was in vain trying to make her go and to do in the politest manner he could, but he wasn't in time to do it as Peter came. Both were confident and when the young man knocked at his door, Gregory greeted him and shook his hand firmly.
  -- I don't have much time to talk to you. - Peter said looking steadfastly and haughty at Gregory. - So I'm waiting for your answer. What have you decided?
  -- I have decided the first time you came to me and I - he was going to continue, but suddenly Ann interrupted him.
  -- Wait, wait, what are you doing here, Peter? And what are you talking about? I can't understand...
  -- These are our problems, Ann, I think it would for you to let us solve them and not to intefere. - Peter said quickly.
  -- Why, then you are not sure in what you have said, - objected Gregory, - it is first of all concerning Ann and she must know everything and say her final word. - So Gregory told Ann everything, including that Peter was threatening him.
  -- Well, guys, it seems I'm sleeping and seeing a dream, it can't be so. Especially I'm shocked with your words, I didn't expect this from you, we have talked so many times about it. I love Gregory and I don't want any other man to be with me, can you understand this? And there is no sense in your struggling with each other. I won't change my mind. I'm going now, but before that promise me that you won't do any silly things.
   They promised, but it was clear that they wouldn't finish it then. When Ann left, Peter continued insisting that Gregory should give his answer. Soon both young man lost their temper, though it wasn't familiar of Gregory, and began shouting at each other, so that Gregory's neighbours and passers-by could hear them.
   - I have warned you what will happen if you say "No", and my words only change into actions, - and with these words Peter took out a pistol and shoot at Gregory at the eyes of at least a dozen of people and then disappeared. Luckily, the neighbours called for the ambulance, which took Gregory to the local hospital. All the time he was in conciousness, he told only "Ann, my dear Ann", therefore the doctors asked the neighbours about her and found out her telephone number. So that was how Gregory happened to be in the hospital and you understand, why Ann was so perplexed when she received a phone call from Dr. Smith.

Chapter 10

A final check-point

   In the hospital Ann was told that Gregory needed an ugrent operation, which wouldn't obviously save the young man's life therefore the wound was very serious. There were 40 % that he would live a normal life. Surprisingly, Ann was more anxious than the injured himself.
  -- Life doesn't end with this, so many people in the world have more serious problems than I.
  -- Yes, my dear, you are right. I'm sure everything will be O.K. I was born to love you and I won't leave you alone, I will stay with you and support you.
  -- Oh, these words make me forget about everything, I hoped you will say that. Now I have to say something important to you.
  -- Don't talk so much, it is bad for you.
  -- No, you don't understand, I'm fine, I never felt better than now. It was a last check-point, now I'm absolutely sure you are the only girl whom I love and who loves me!
  -- Wait... It was a last...what?
  -- All that was made to check whether our love is true and will last forever, and nothing will spoil it. In fact, Peter and Dr. Smith are my best friends and they agreed to help me. - While he was telling all this to Ann, Peter came in, and Ann screamed at him:
  -- YOU! YOU KNEW EVERYTHING AND DIDN'T TELL ME THE TRUTH! - She stopped for a while because she couldn't express her feelings in the words. - I don't want to have something common with you, two fools! And especially with you, Gregory! It was a mockery from your side! Forget about my existence in this world! - And she ran out in tears, having left two guys in bewilderment.


   I won't tell you what happened next because the bounds of your imagination are endless, so you can decide for yourself what will be the life of these two young people like. Will Ann forgive Gregory and understand that he was also born to love her and their fortunes must cross by all means? Or will she forget this young man, move to another country and begin her life from the very beginning? So, think it over now and make your choice!
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