Talvir : другие произведения.

Abracadabra faces

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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Frigid silence, envy breath, 
Your scorn to the milksop essence
Untold tears and tearful dreams
Shredding lily daylight dresses..

The constrained throat of truth 
Chokes with swelling silence,
Clenches teeth, restraining ruth
And reckless yell of violence...

Mute, inexorable pain..
Hiding face in trembling palms
Horror-stricken of this world,
Pluging up unruly mouth...

Dirty money, insincere 
Holding back and hushing up...
Betrayed confidence unfair...
Death of angel of the I..

And after I desire meagrely
Playing whore and flapper,
Afraid to wear lingery
Incongruous trapper..

Sigarettes and glitchy sage, 
Rare sex of desperation..
But, however, by this edge
I`m just your mind`s conception

Of sexuality perverted,
Corrected with schizophrenia source 
And men`s dignity aborted,
Where disbelief`s the worst.

It`s offensively and pity
You don`t think of my senses..
In my head there are so pretty
Abracadabra faces...

In my head are jokers dancing,
Jesters dangle their feet,
Lowing them from clouds, passing
Over common mind`s defeat...

And all we here have gone mad,
And we are not right in the head,
And the white rabbit rushes wet,
Among scores of golden jets.

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