Talvir : другие произведения.

Entangled knots of destiny

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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We rush with blinkers on our eyes,
Through cemeteries and gardens of delight,
Conjecturing we`re masters of our lives
And our destiny springs up in our heart.

Sometimes... amid silent mirror`s glass
And blinks of spectral faces roam,
But who we are can`t tell wise stars,
What we are and why been born...

We can`t sometimes clarify 
The cause of our thoughts and deeds,
Unfeasible to justify,
The reason for distructive seeds.

But have you ever deeply thought
Of shadows standing by your back?
The shades of ancestors now gone,
Forefathers with the tattered sake?

Forgotten sins, arising faults
And unbewailed wishes
On our lifelines bundle knots
Of catatonic contradictions...

Self-muderers and assassins,
The traitors of true love..
You know the story of your kin
And bitter lot you have to scuff?

We have to puzzle out the knots
On gasping throat of our lives
And clear river from the stones
To make our fading spirit rise!

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