Татилан Анна Витальевна : другие произведения.

The Stairs

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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  Margaret was lying in her bath which was full of foam with a glass of white wine in her hand. The atmosphere was relaxing, scented candles were everywhere around her, the sounds of slow music that was playing somewhere in the house reached her ears. She rose up, took a snow-white towel and deliberately wiped her divine-beautiful body. Than Margaret came towards the mirror and has been gazing in it for a long time. It was already not the first image which came to her mind during this evening. The particular image... She was standing in the middle of a huge hall looking stunning as always. There were swarming lots and lots of people in posh suits and evening dresses with champagne and intoxicating smells of their perfume. Margaret was already a bit tipsy when somebody touched her shoulder. She turned around and saw Christopher standing behind her. He looked astounding in his luxurious suit and watches glittering in the light of giant chandeliers. They have been talking and laughing, time ran faster than sand between fingers. He offered to run away from this mess and she agreed.
  She put on her black silk dressing gown and went out from the bathroom. Margaret went along the corridor and turned into stairs in order to drink a cup of coffee in the dining room on the first floor. When coming down the stairs another memory crossed woman"s mind. She is alone in a café. There are not many people sitting at the tables. A young couple behind her is laughing out loudly. Strange old woman is reading a book in a green binder. Two Indian men are discussing a business or something else with serious faces. Watches on Margaret"s hand are ticking without ceasing. Every five minutes she looks at them as checking if something has cardinally changed. A waiter comes to her secondly or thirdly and asks whether she has already chosen something or not. The rain began to pour immediately not warning beforehand.
  The song wafting from an acoustic system has ended and the new merry one began. On the halfway Margaret stopped, closed her eyes and a light smile appeared on her face. She recalled one moment when Chris and she were running along the snowdrifts, he was trying to catch her up and when he managed to do that they kissed. The snow was glittering so awesome and this very Christmas song was heard from the talkers on the street. He hugged her softly, delicately, tenderly. And Margaret echoed this song knowing that she has absolutely no ear for music. But it was no matter. She was happy and that"s it.
  When woman in black silk dressing gown has finally came out from the stairs a key in the door lock has turned and two little red-cheeked children ran into the house and kissed their mother. Behind them one big silhouette was standing. Margaret lifted her eyes and said almost whispering: "Good evening, John, honey".
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