Торшина Катарина Евгеньевна : другие произведения.

Magic chest

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    Beauty outside is not always necessary if there is no beauty of soul.

   In a certain kingdom, in some state there lived a king. He had an only daughter, Princess Liliana. She was so beautiful that even eclipsed the sun. Woo came to her princes, barons, dukes, merchants, but none did not stay long. What's the deal? But the fact that how beautiful princess was so lived in her rudeness and arrogance. Besides princess could not connect two words.
   The king was sad that he had an evil and uneducated daughter.
     - I wish you were ugly, while grooms are not so disappointed - sad father said.
     Princess just shrugged her shoulders and lifted up her beautiful nose.
     - I am beautiful! All my unworthy - arrogantly replied Liliana.
   She was rude to everyone, even to his father. Finally, fed up with the vagaries of the king's daughter, and he decided to issue a decree: who will soften the heart of the princess, he will receive a bag of gold and the ability to live in the palace. And if it is a young man, he will be able to take a wife Liliana.
     And at this time in the grove, in a poor little house she lived an old woman and her daughter. She was very fond of his mother, and the mother doted on his child. The house is always clean cleaned, cooked delicious food, beautiful woven garments.
    The girl's name was Anna and she was very good. Her heart is full of tenderness and kindness, to beat people. But one trouble; Anna was ugly person and this is very saddened girl's mother.
    - My daughter, you are so good, but why not Fate gave you beauty?! - Complained the old lady
    - Do not worry mom, beauty is in love, kindness and honesty - softly answered Anna, kissing her mother. She did not complain of destiny, which is not presented to her beauty. So Anna lived with her mother, and no one to woo her not to come.
    Once arrived in the kingdom two fairies, one was called Beauty, and the other Kindness. Beauty was blindingly beautiful and very proud of it. But Kindness did not allow his sister to be arrogant. But the fairy Kindness was not so beautiful, more like a simpleton.
    Sorceress learned about the two girls, and that the king is sad because of the wickedness of its single beautiful daughter.
    - Well, sister, we help the girls - offered Kindness.
   - Oh, sister, wait, I need to bring marafet - slightly cocked her nose, said Beauty.
    - If you help someone who needs you, you will become more beautiful, - smiled Kindness.- And first I will help the princess, she needs to.
    And the fairies flew to the royal palace. At this time it came from a distant kingdom, Prince Edwin, the youth of unprecedented beauty with her loyal friend, a poor fisherman Christian. Prince was not only a beautiful face, but a good heart, just and wise beyond his years. And his friend, Christian did not differ beauty, but also was a brave, smart and a bit strict boys.
     Go with friends on the royal bazaar, goods look. Edwin had heard about the decree of the king and decided to try to soften the heart of the arrogant beauty.
    -Kristian, Advise that I buy for her Highness - Prince asked, looking at the gold necklace with precious stones.
    Do not worth spoiling the upstart, - rudely replied drug.- Come on, let's see something simpler.
    And they went fishing with his son Prince further along the benches. The merchants offered their goods, praising literally everything that lay on their shelves. But he could not find a prince.
    And then they heard the clatter of hooves and the sound of wheels. The alley was riding royal carriage. Princess Liliana deign to go to ordinary people, to further emphasize its beauty and power. She got out of the carriage and arms akimbo, the people looked.
   -population Kingdom, I am beautiful - arrogantly said belle.- who disagree with this, to the head from his shoulders!
    Submitted fell down and fear began to praise Her Highness:
    -Princess The most beautiful in the world!
    The prince also looked at Liliana, wanted to find a love for her, but did not find in his heart. At this point, a little boy in a poor little shirt ran to the princess, and fell at her feet.
    -Your Highness, allow bread, please, really want to eat! - I begged baby.
     But the arrogant king's daughter rudely shoved the little boy.
     -Fuck Off, beggar - ona.- screamed at you is not impossible to satiate!
     Christian is very angry princess behavior. He wanted to scold upstart, but
     I felt a slight touch of the hand. The young man turned around and saw a girl, not
     a beautiful woman, but her large eyes were full of kindness and tenderness.
     -I See that you are good and right heart, - said the girl softly. - I
     Fairy Kindness and want to help the princess. Do you like the beauty of Liliana?
   Yes, sorceress, I fell in love at first sight with the princess, but it makes me sad
     anger and arrogance, - he said sadly Kristian.- Especially her Highness
     Prince love Edwin.
     King's son heard the last words, and hugged each other.
     -My Love is gone, when I saw the Princess anger, - said prints.- But you, my
     friend, his tenacity, perseverance and love can soften her heart.
     Christian hugged Edwin. Kindness Fairy son reached the fishing two caskets: one
     gold, studded with precious stones, and other simple, wooden.
     Princess -Poday these two magic casket to choose from - admonished volshebnitsa.-
     What it open, there lies its destiny.
     The young man took two boxes and wanted to present their princess, but not in time, the coach
     He disappeared from view. Suddenly a girl came out of the crowd. It was so ugly that
     All have turned away first. But the eyes of the ugly were so friendly and kind that
     external ugliness immediately disappeared. It was Anna. She went to the poor boy,
     who asked the princess bread and handed him a large piece of the pie. little boy
     at first he frightened the girl's face, but looking at her soft and radiant eyes, immediately
     He calmed down and clung to the hand of Anna. She gently stroked his head.
   All the residents began to come to an ugly girl, and after a few moments
     ugliness vanished in the glow of her boundless love.
     Prince Edwin looked at Anna and felt in his heart of love overflows.
     -Who Is this good woman - a young man asked the fairies.
     Anna is the daughter of a poor seamstress, - Kindness replied..- girl is beautiful soul and
     heart, but my sister Beauty forgot to give her his strength.
     -My Heart full of love for this girl! How can I help her - pleaded Edwin.
     -In This beauty can help - with these words Kindness clapped her hands, and then
     there was a dazzling beauty girl with a mischievous twinkle in his eye.
     My Sister, Beauty, you see this infinitely good girl Anna - appealed to
     fairy Kindness.- Give her beautiful face and body!
     -dear Sister, I want everything to be honest, - he said Beautiful girl.- Let Anna selects one
     two caskets that Prince Edwin owed her present.
     With these words, there are two chest in his hands a beautiful fairy in the accuracy of such
     same that were Compassion. Beauty filed these chests prince and said:
     -Suggest. Poor girl choose a casket. What she chooses, then the soul
     I chose their own destiny.
   Edwin took two chest, one was gold, studded with precious stones, and the other
     simple wooden. Prince wanted to go to Anna, but she was busy that
     distributed to children fresh bread and woven shirts. Neither girl hump or slanting eyes,
     no lameness is not marred kindness Anna. Edwin still decided to go to the plain woman.
     She saw a handsome prince, a little scared, and hid her face in her hands.
     Do not be afraid of me, dear Anna! - A poor young man bowed krestyanke.- I admire your
     good heart and want to give you the casket, but you must choose one of the two.
     -I Am not afraid Your Highness, - he said softly Anna.- You just suddenly
     deigned to come. I hate to take your gifts, Prince.
   Do not deny me, it's from the heart!
     Edwin handed the girl two caskets: one gold, another simple. Anna does not
     hesitation, took a wooden chest.
     -Here I'll take this, - the girl said I do not need gold and diamonds. A simple
     too, can be beautiful!
     With that ugly opened the casket, and then there was a blinding light, a
     bright that blinded all around. And then before the eyes of astonished crowds appeared
     lovely maid with blond hair, delicate as rose petals skin, blue
     eyes, in which heat is tremendous kindness and tenderness. Stan was beautiful
     like a young willow, a flexible and slender.
     People worshiped beauty, which looked down in embarrassment. Anna was not used to
     so enthusiastic views. Edwin Prince got up on one knee and kissed her hand
     -Sweet, kind Anna, be my wife - the young man's eyes were full of love.
     The girl raised her prince to his knees, and with boundless kindness looked into his eyes.
     -I Agree to be your wife, Your Highness, because you have a good heart -
     Anna said softly.
   Beauty winked Kindness.
     -Here You see, sister, I kept my word - and proudly said mischievously beautiful
     fay.- Now it's your turn to bestow the gift of kindness princess.
     Thank you for your help, - said Kindness.- I want to princess herself
     I chose their own destiny. Let the Christian will go to the King's daughter, and give her a choice.
     Christian hugged his friend and kissed Anna's hand.
     -You Made an excellent choice, Your Highness! - Addressed to the son fishing to Prince.
     -Now I'm going to the princess, and I hope that she will make the right
     -Go, My friend. Let Liliana would be good soul, how beautiful a person -
     Edwin patted each other on the shoulder.
     Christian jumped on his horse and rushed toward the royal palace.
     Meanwhile, back in the royal castle princess groom chooses among
     princes, barons, dukes and even ordinary merchants. But unfortunately, despite the
     the beauty of the princess, no one wanted to stay with her evil heart. King in
     despair clutched his head.
     -Because Of your anger, and arrogance, and you'll stay an old maid! -
     lamented her father.
     -I No unworthy - scornfully replied Liliana.- Daye sun fades
     in front of me!
     Suddenly the door flew open and a simple fisherman's son entered the royal hall
     Christian. Nobody expected that among the suitors will be a commoner.
   -Who Are you? - I asked king.- and with what intentions come from?
     - My name is Christian, I am the son of the fisherman - bowed younker.- I admired
     Beauty Princess, but upsets her anger. I came here to give your
     daughter of one casket, but she should choose one of two offered me.
     -In This palace was visited by many suitors, but ran from arrogance Liliana -
     I said king.- Can you, my friend, will be able to reason with my daughter. Go to her!
     Fishermen's son came to the princess, and bowed to her.
     -You Who is - outraged royal doch.- I do not accept the common people!
     -Listen to me, Your Highness, - began Kristian.- Yes, I am a simple fishing
     son, but I admire your beauty. I brought you a gift- two casket, but you
     You must choose only one!
   Liliana lifted her nose and arrogantly said:
      -Shows Their chests!
      The young man held out the princess two chest, one gold with emerald and ruby
      stones that sparkled like the sun's glare. And the second was a simple casket
      and wood.
   -Of Course, I'll take the most beautiful - proudly said royal doch.- This
      charmer like me deserves a golden casket!
      And the princess took blindingly beautiful casket. As soon as she opened it, there
      also fell a black thick smoke enveloped and Liliana. The girl screamed and
      He threw the unfortunate chest, but there came a terrible voice:
      -Let Your soul will be your face!
   Sound of Thunder, and instead of a beautiful princess, everyone saw the ugly creature with
      fangs, little bloody eyes. On the back hump, long bony hands
      hanging to the floor.
      Served with fear fainted, grooms jumped out of the windows, the king
      He clutched at his heart. A poor princess fell on the royal floor and burst into tears
      Suddenly there was a fairy Kindness. Christian bowed to her, and even the king weighed
      bow beautiful sorceress. Compassion eyes were so gentle and affectionate, that
      all heart spilled heat.
   A fairy Kindness went to the ugly princess and gently stroked her head.
     -Dear Princess you because of their greed and arrogance has chosen the wrong path -
     gentle, but a little strict volshebnitsa.- said is not always beautiful packaging
     has good content and the Witch Horror punish you. But I can only help
     in one. I will do your heart good!
     Fairy princess hugged, and something pricked at the heart of evil Liliana. In his heart became
     bottled pity, but to themselves and to others. Then they saw that his eyes
     Princess again became blue, and they originated kindness. Tears of tenderness
     running down her cheeks. Gone are the fangs, but Liliana was the smiling modestly. transgressed
     even hump. King's daughter fell at the feet of the fairy Compassion.
   -Thank You, a beautiful sorceress - Liliana spoke sincerely and from the heart.
   - I apologize to all those offended and promise to help all people and
      -My darling, your soul will become good, so faded and ugliness, - he said
      Kindness.- Be happy, dear!
   King embraced his daughter and wept. A princess looked at simple
      fishing Christian and realized that fell in love. The young man kissed the hand of the girl and
      I got down on one knee.
      -I Loved you for your beauty, is now loved and good soul - with trepidation
      Pronunciation Kristian.- Be my wife, I ask you, the beautiful princess!
   -I Agree, dear Christian - shyly and modestly replied royal doch.-
     Now I can see and feel the heart and soul. I loved you.
     The king gave his consent to his daughter's wedding, and a simple fisherman Christian. On
     celebration invited Prince Edwin and his beloved Anna. And two of the fairies;
     Compassion and Beauty. Besides the main guests, it's still a lot of people. AT
     Royal Palace immediately began to celebrate two weddings: a Christian princess
     Liliana and Prince Edwin and Anna. Ball was fun, kind and with all his magnificence.
    But understand one truth, that is not always beautiful appearance    He speaks about the goodness of heart and soul. But you can always correct the mistake. END.
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