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Meeting with Aliens Or The Aliens Around Us

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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  • Аннотация:
       Meeting with people from a parallel world.
       The reader will learn to recognise aliens, discover their characteristics, and learn how to fight against them.
       Dream 1. Signs visible to ordinary citizens, or how to recognise an Alien in a crowd.
       Dream 2. The electromagnetic sensitivity of Aliens.
       Dream 3. Displacing objects, and the like.
       Dream 4. Aliens and public transport.
       Dream 5. Aliens" vulnerabilities, and ways to fight back.

   Dream 1. Signs visible to ordinary citizens, or how to recognise an Alien in a crowd
   The action takes place in Montreal, Canada, a place well-known to our older generation of hockey fans. It's mid-February, when the city is still buried in snow and everyone is waiting for spring.
   I'm always suffering from vitamin deficiency by the spring, and it was either this or the Valentine's Day celebrations that made me suddenly start noticing things to which I (and most regular people) had previously attributed little significance.
   Aliens (I'll call them that for now--I don't know exactly where they come from) are not outwardly different from ordinary people. Among them you'll see representatives of a wide variety of races and nationalities, and people of different sexes and very different ages.
   Their aim is to make an ordinary person display ineptitude across a broad range. They achieve this through the use of hypnosis and various psychological tricks. It works like a charm on people who succumb easily to stress, or are morally weak or afraid of making any kind of mistake (such as being late). The Aliens' initial aim is to make you feel dissatisfied with yourself, guilty, embarrassed, ashamed, and fearful for yourself and your loved ones.
   Aliens have a suite of psychological tricks that ordinary people can see and hear: coughing, nose-blowing, irritating clicks, scratching, yawning, clothes, gait, crutches, loud screeches made by cars, unpleasant smells, facial expressions, gestures, limping, and other things that attract people's attention and prod them into making bad decisions.
   They also trade on one of the fundamentals of human nature--the impulse to be like everyone else. For example, if you see an Alien start talking on the phone, you'll feel drawn to making a call. If an Alien starts eating, hunger quickly sets in. The sight of an Alien drinking brings on thirst. If the crowd turns left, you'll turn left with it, even though you need to go right.
It's the urge to conform that's driving you--not to mention hypnosis.
   Their interim goal is to confuse. This is very easy to do when you're going somewhere for the first time. All that's needed is a quick change of street signs or to hypnotise the bus driver and have him make a slight detour. If you're unfamiliar with the area you'll be totally confused, especially in winter when everything is covered with snow and there are no clear landmarks.
Even worse, it looks as if you've made all these mistakes yourself.
   Aliens use what appears to be a set of coincidences, and the uninitiated have no idea what's really going on.
   At the same time, the half-life of all these influences is short, and since Aliens are very reluctant to be flushed out into the open, it is possible calmly to stay on top of everything--no matter how hard they fight against you--by having 20-30 minutes spare, keeping your cool, and knowing all their tricks. This is also a good time to mention that they step up their activity at weekends, especially in the mornings. Probably because people are more closely monitored during the working week.
   Be aware, too, that representatives of this offshoot of humanity are forever trying to overtake you. They do this so that you adopt their pace, which they then gradually drop, trying to slow you down, if only a little. This way you usually lose exactly the time you can't afford to lose, and your bus pulls away right in front of your nose. Another reason they try to get past you is the electromagnetic radiation from your body (especially your eyes). They effortlessly lock onto it and pass it to others of their kind. These in turn send out electromagnetic pulses, which, if they hit you, cause sharp pain.
   Read more about the electromagnetic capabilities of this other branch of humanity in the next dream.
   Dream 2. The electromagnetic sensitivity of Aliens
   Aliens are far more electromagnetically sensitive than ordinary citizens. They can hook themselves up to any electrical appliance and change its characteristics--though not usually for long. They are particularly good at connecting to mobile phones or computers, and this gives them opportunities, once again, to confuse ordinary people with false information.
They can plug themselves in to traffic lights to keep you waiting on a red for longer, or to the displays at bus stops and stations to show new bus and train departure times--while in real life, the times don't change.
They do this to throw you off balance and have you follow through on bad decisions made on the basis of corrupted data.
Aliens are also able to use devices that look like mobile phones in order to see the electromagnetic radiation from human organs. They then plug themselves in as the need arises. For example, connecting to the bladder triggers the urge to go to the toilet, while connecting to the back passage triggers a similar urge, just on a somewhat larger scale. Connecting to various joints causes pain. Aliens pay particular attention to the feet, especially the heels, and like to beam strong electromagnetic pulses in their direction, causing sharp pain and a short-term limp.
   These creatures have a genuinely interesting ability to plug in to people's eyes. This way they can see what their victim is seeing, and not only that: these inhuman beings can actually focus a person's eyes on what the Alien wants to see. Once again, the whole idea is to provoke the making of inept decisions.
   Pride of place on this roll-call of achievements must go, though, to the Aliens' ability to plug into the human brain. They can read a person's thoughts in real time, and, by using certain objects, conjure up images in the brain, the point being to invade the host's memory. One need hardly say that these capabilities permit the Aliens to exert control over people and influence their thought processes. Exactly what happens next will depend on the host's psychophysiological make-up. Over some of us they can gain complete control; over others only partial. The more educated people are, the more languages they know, and the stronger their willpower, the weaker will be the influence of this evil spirit.
   Aliens are also able to use the electromagnetic radiation from a range of objects. The more useless items there are lying around in the same place for a long time, the more opportunities will arise for inhuman beings to use their radiation for their own purposes.
One sign that people have fallen under the influence of these creatures is the presence of a large number of useless items in their homes (like in a rag and bone merchant's shop).
   Dream 3. Displacing objects, and the like
   Displacing small items such as plastic cards and banknotes from your pockets or wallets is something Aliens do with enviable ease, but they resort to it fairly infrequently, as it can attract the attention of law enforcement agencies--something they make strenuous efforts to avoid.
What usually happens is that your card or banknote disappears from your wallet and turns up in another pocket or in your handbag. You start feverishly searching for it and are thereby thrown off balance, and before you know it, you're back to making inept decisions.
   It's also worth mentioning that our heroes can change the packaging of items in a shop in the twinkling of an eye. You take a look, and conclude that the shop doesn't have what you came in for. Meanwhile, what's inside the packaging hasn't changed. You leave the shop empty-handed, and they whip the original packaging back on in no time.
   Let me repeat: their interim goal is to make us do various idiotic things on the basis of corrupted information. The changes to the information are tiny, but enough to plunge a stressinclined individual into complete chaos.
   It's particularly worth noting their effect on telephone conversations. At the ideal moment for you or the other party, you won't be able to get through to each other. Conversely, you'll receive a call or make it precisely when one or both of you least want it.
   Naturally enough, Aliens are appraised of all of your personal information, including credit cards and passwords, but these they rarely use, because credit card and password activity is easy to detect. Your psychological and emotional state is more important to them. They monitor it through your taps on your mobile phone screen and your mouse clicks and touchpad strokes on your computer.
   In this way, these sly creatures play dirty tricks on us the whole time.
   The Aliens' ultimate goal, I am very sorry to say, has proved completely impossible for me to fathom.
   Dream 4. Aliens and public transport
   Aliens feel very at ease on public transport. They are confident that a person caught in their net has no way out. Their confidence is not wholly unfounded. Someone unfamiliar with the local public transport system and not very familiar with the area has very little chance of escape.
   All sorts of tricks are used.
   One of the most common is as follows. You enter an underground station and are met by a large crowd exiting the subway. The impression created is that the station is, for some reason, closed. You follow the crowd, trying to figure out what's happened, and as a result lose vital time. You're late, and it's all your own fault. You opted not to make your way down to the trains--which went on happily running to their normal timetable.
   Other techniques are employed, for instance, changing the signs saying which way the trains run. We use them to get our bearings; they're important. You check the arrow and get on the train ... but actually travel in the opposite direction. If you don't know that branch of the underground, you'll be carried some way from your destination while you're still figuring things out.
   I'd like to touch on another Alien trick. This is a method of exerting psychological pressure on you so that you get on the wrong bus. Here's how it goes. There are two bus stops next to each other. A large queue has formed at one of them, and a bus hoves into view. You're a bit late for your bus. You run up, join the queue, and get on the wrong bus. By the time you've worked out what's happened, you're somewhere completely unfamiliar, and once again have no time to do whatever it was you caught the bus to do.
   The trick of changing the direction signs is also used where there are stops on opposite sides of the road for buses with the same number. The goal is the same: to confuse you and throw you into a panic.
   It's worth noting that to the aforelisted methods Aliens' often add an uncanny ability to change street and house nameplates in the blink of an eye. The moment the work of influencing us is done--blink! They've switched the signs back to where they were.
   If you manage to sidestep all the aforementioned traps and let yourself relax a little, you still have a couple more snares lying in wait for you. Beings from a parallel world will start by trying to pin your attention to your mobile phone so that you overshoot your stop. If that doesn't work, they use hypnosis to put you into a deep sleep. You'll find yourself waking up at the terminus, having slept straight through your stop. This method is not used very often, since not many people get this far. Most fall into the traps mentioned above.
   The overall impression created is that Aliens are capable of sending modern city-dwelling people into a dizzy spin, just as in olden times all manner of unclean powers used to befuddle our ancestors in the forests.
   Dream 5. Aliens' vulnerabilities, and ways to fight back
   The Achilles' Heel of an Alien is its most frequently used asset, namely its heightened sensitivity to electromagnetic fields.
   Without that, all its other advantages collapse like a house of cards.
   If you can switch off the electromagnetic field in the zone of influence of these non-humans, or create a noticeable and continuously changing electromagnetic disturbance around them, that will as good as disarm them. Creating a device that can do this is surely not beyond the wit of the boffins in our laboratories. It might even already exist.
   Their reaction to the smell of strong cosmetics has also been observed (granted, not all cosmetics).
   Above all, though, it should be noted that, apart from technological resources, our most effective weapon is a cool head and the ability to make informed decisions without panicking.
   Always remember that Aliens cannot change things drastically, since that would be obvious to everyone.
   They pick on individual representatives of our branch of humanity and make small, subtle changes in order to send them into a panic.

English translation Copyright Richard Coombes 2021

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