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Until The End Of Time

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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Sit-down and wait
Do not be sad
You know that
Everything is Rad
And don't feel down
The World is in your hands
And life is just a little mess.

Like a wild elephant
That swallowed the phone
I am going to work.
A madhouse waiting form me there
At eight o'clock
From all of those who are insane
The most delirious is - I.
And this is why they keep me there
Until the end of time.

My mind is roaming
Through the mounts
It's seeking The thoughts
That out of bounds;
Neither view from the windows;
Nor a flower or tree;
It is looking for thoughts
Which cannot be free;
In the depth of our soul
There is a stone
Neither Jesus,
Nor Allah
Can lift it alone;
Only someone like - I...
Only some people like - Me...

Like wild elephant
That swallowed the phone
I am running home.
A mad house waiting form me there
All alone.
From all of those who are insane
The most delirious is - I.
And this is why they keep me there
Until the end of time.

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