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Love is a funny thing

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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   Love is a funny thing
   Words and music: Pavel Voronkov
   Love is a funny thing
   Love is a funny thing
   Let me tell you of my brother
   He was teacher and he taught
   That you must love one another
   But he never loved
   In his life he had no women
   And he had no child
   But he used to say "Now see, men,
   Love can be so wild"
   And I was asking why
   He speaks of love
   But he is still alone
   He was answering
   "My brother,
   There's no love at all"
   But then one day
   Love came his way
   And now he thinks
   Of what he speaks
   Love can be cruel
   Love breaks the rules
   Full of your dreams you go to war
   And then it leaves you on the floor
   Love can be pain
   Love can remain
   For all your days and all your nights
   In all the things you do it guides
   Love is a funny thing
   Love is a funny thing
   Love can tell everything
   Of you and me
   How I wish to tell you, people,
   That my brother's love was fine
   But the woman didn't love him
   And she always lied
   And he was asking her
   Why is she cold
   But she did start to laugh
   There were no answer nor
   Beneath the earth,
   Nor in the skies above
   And then one day
   Love's gone away
   And left my brother
   With his grief
   Love can be arch
   Love means so much
   A gentle touch when you were sad
   Could be the only joy you had
   Love can be cruel
   Love breaks the rules
   Full of your dreams you go to war
   And then it leaves you on the floor
   Love is a funny thing
   Love is a funny thing
   Love can tell everything
   Of you and me
   2-4 October 2001
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