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Sumerian roots of the Tree of Tongues: Vietnamese, Mongolian, Sinesian, Suomi...

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    Chapter 1. Word. in Engl

   A. Zabolotnikov
   Sumerian roots of the Tree of Tongues:
   Vietnamese, Mongolian, Sinesian, Suomi...

to the native Altai

Chapter 1. WORD


   Schumer has created not only the foundations of modern civilization, science, culture, art, urban planning, business, first written... Schumer has given us the algorithm for study this writing and the language. The question, of course, remains: how it was perceived and stored in the heads of the successors of Sumer, which are easily able to take away his key to themselves things: space, time, power, wealth - but at the same moment destroyed his school, "Edubba, Tablets house", plunging the whole Humanity into primeval darkness for many centuries, even millennia ... Ignorance is capable only of this, again and again proving it for itself, but nothing has never understood until now!
   Oh, no, this Grayness dressed sometimes in the brightest clothes!
   Many of us celebrate 1000, 500 and fewer years of our written language, but not 3000, not 5000. Moreover, the "own" writing, but created, basically, "aliens" - from the West! Echo Words belated thousands of years! But in any case the "urge" was outside ... Much of this urge was haughty, arrogant, imperial, European! But without this would not have been a Tamerlane, Genghis Khan & Napoleon! All would be happy to corporals stripes, rejoicing in the fullness of life of their chamber-pots!
   All of our ancient culture, a culture of Homo sapiens - is a primitive designs on clay pots (Vivat, Sigmund!)! And this is after the magnificent murals on the walls of ancient cave art galleries, after many amazing paintings of the Nazca desert!
   But it only says about our attitude to the past, not as to our principles, sources, but just as our decrepit forefathers! Our view in the past but rather think of geologists, archaeologists - we look deep into the centuries, the sigh of the legends of old, our "new, young" word (which for thousands of years), expressing our relationship to Him, to the childhood of Humanity. Our view in the past is more opinion of geologists, archaeologists - we look deep into the centuries, the sigh of the legends of old, and with our "new, young" word (which for thousands of years) expressing our relationship to Him, to the childhood of humanity. It's a banal projection of individual existence in the story. Philosophers build relationships of the individual or vertically - with something "higher" or, conversely, existential, or horizontally - with society. Only Freud, Jung traced the axis of absolute time ... but only in our unconscious, and there in search of the origins of "chronic" disease.
   Philosophy answered they really absurd! Rather than follow this axis of the "time" in Consciousness, our "abandoned" philosophers have seized upon it short, the last segment of mindless individuals journey to nowhere, and his consciousness is not even sent to the Historical Museum, but plunged into the tomb of myths, infested only by primitive fears, hopelessness and despair ... Paradox! Freud, Jung made ??a sensible, domesticated subconscious mind, but philosophers turned consciousness of the individual in nonsense!
   And the reason is one: the lack of real ideas, information about the origins of our civilization, which may well seem absurd "tree" greening without roots in the air - why, why?! And Faust did not find these roots, even in a superb, magical folklore of Europe, and European Mephistopheles has not offered him anything better than the Eastern finals St. John the Evangelist, in the literal sense of the existential, but with many other Excellences ...
   Of course, the great Goethe knew better than anyone that the word was in the beginning ... And his Word! But all these "roots" is not in Europe!
   The Greatest disciple of Aristotle sought these roots in the East, but has left us, more omnivorous herd of Rome, only their "gold equivalent"! At the East were directed thoughts and Alexander Nevsky, Ivan the Terrible, expanded the Russia in Siberia, but, rather, approached Siberia, East to Europe of failed crusader, still searching for the Holy Grail in the middle of lost illusions and Christmas fantasies!
   But in the great History there are no fantasy, coincidences! It is no accident, that key to the first language was given to Jan Grozny, Cech, a descendant of the first Europeans, who moving the boundary of our culture to its original sources!
   Yes, the words of the song can not erase! Tablets do not burn! It's clay's waiting millions of years, when man will leave on it's surface not trace of a foot, but a man's hand, and clay can wait longer.
   Many paradoxes have ahead of us ... For us - a paradox!
   Truth is very wise, and so it is silent among the fools, but unlike them it is immortal. The main value of the Tablets was that they was not necessary for the dark, ignorant masses, therefore they and survived, unlike many of the treasures of the pyramids, untold wealth of Alexander of Macedon, "Amber Room" or the Nibelungen treasure...
   However, the bulk of the surviving Sumerian clay tablets devoted to business correspondence and documentation related to the financial, commercial operations. That is, the letter was mainly created, developed in Sumer synchronous with the development of foreign, mainly trade relations with other nations, regions and even with the mysterious ancestral home, Dilmun, whence Schumer imported a variety materials, metals, stones, wood ...
   This "land, country" (Delhiy - mong; Dia - viet; Di - sin) is not in the "geography" (Dia ly - viet; Di li - sin) even on the archaic Vietnamese Muong. In that's the "salt" (mun - sum; muoi - viet), or that's the whole point!
   No one knows from where "come" (di, du - sum; Di - viet; idi, idti - russ) and which way "went away" (dutaah - mong) Sumerians ...
   Even curious, fantastic Earth-Moon is unlikely to suit the researchers, if it appear not overseas, not at the bottom of it, but in a modern, well-known for new Columbus area ... Looking to the east we all present ourselves Marco Polo, but not Red Eric even in the 4th millennium BC.
   Now no one knows where the new "Land of Sumer" (kalam; ka-na-ag2; ka-nag - sum; matu - akk) ... But I doubt anyone would look for it in a concret "place" (ki - sum; ky - viet), for example, in "Southern Vietnam "(Nam Ky - viet), in Nanjing,
   where nam - viet; nan - sin = Son, man, male, south; & na, nu - sum = man ...
   Perhaps we'll find it at the excavation of Atlantis, buried by volcanic ash in the other is "extinct" centers of culture, suddenly light up in different parts of the world, illuminating its bright light from a distant past ...
   And they are extinguished ... Ambient Reality, illuminated by its radiance was too miserable to enjoy it forever. Our people can not live all the time in the light. He used to spend half his life in the darkness ... Mankind is not much different from the man ... A consciousness of this man who drowned in itself, is not connected with the outside world, absurd for him. So Sartre regarded ... But beyond edge of existence philosophers and should not be! There death strop the Occam's razor!
   Simpler for us to "drink" (nag - sum; uong, noc - viet) without "measures" (ag2 - sum; e he - viet), to be always "drunk" (nga nga, say - viet; si - sum) like in "Russia"(Nga - viet) - it is also" the way"(nga - viet; inti - sum) of man after Noah's Flood...
   But the Sumerians "declared themselves" (dilmun - sum; tuyen, tam ... - viet; tunhaglah, deed - mong; tilaus, tarkea - finn), have made "important", "significant" contribution to the history of our earth - Is that not enough? They also found a way to communicate with the world, which all philosophers have hitherto enjoyed, but sometimes not seeing beyond the tip of the pen! Yes, now and the pen is absurd!
   And the fact that the people at that time could not live without each other - is a sign of civilization, spreading around the world for trade routes, the most intelligible to the heart!
   But the spoken languages ??of different nations differ too much, even for physiological reasons. It is a misconception that "the organs of speech are outsiders in relation to language" (Saussure, 1999). The same Morse was directly determined by the transmitters of that time. Human Nature was preparing to talk not one million years old and not in one version!
   But spoken languages could not be the basis of international business, contractual relationships, especially for Schumer, whose principal exchange "capital" was seasonal, futures, or abstract - Knowledge... Both are impossible to fix in the air... Trade, Business required an adequate sign!
   If they only knew who the one is Lord, and who - his servants?! But this is the highest arithmetic! However, today the newest "tongues", sign systems used primarily in trade, in financial business!
   And the written word was produced by the wise men not only as an affirmation "of the Babylonian bazaar noise", but also as a kind of "trademark", which has a well-defined customer value. Taking into account how widely has been developed in Sumer "accounting" of everything, we can say that this word was "trademark" is not only for trade items.
   It should be noted that in Sumer was many subjects of trade exchange, from the Love... Many things like the daily word itself, has not yet become abstract, ideal concept, the "forbidden fruit" - except the apples, which from the birth were in Sumer on a personal account! The Lord could very simply to find out about the loss of a single apple. Who ate it - is another question! To answer this question had come up with the laws of logic, the Commandments, the laws of the earth ...
   To become an "abstract," the Word was supposed to become a stranger. Although oral language, too, must have seemed the creators of the first written almost a stranger, particularly in Mesopotamia, in the passing yard of the first civilization. The Sumerians did not come here first, but they first went away, full tasted the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge planted them! In other public Garden, they are unlikely to have planted this Tree first! Nowhere It was first planted ... Tree of Life was green throughout the first...
   The Sumerians themselves were strangers in this world, the first nation-existentialist, are well aware that such "abandonment"! They came, created a new world, his philosophy, language - and have remained among them alone! Forever ... Existentially!
   Perhaps they, too, saw the absurdity of the world, but filled it with a completely new meanings! We can say that the Sumerians gave the world a new poly-portal program, created the first Words!
   No, not gratuitously ...
   Philosophy, Wisdom, Word is much more profitable trading! They can easily and at an exorbitant price to sell, exchange their views. But only if the convictions is not! When they are, it is no longer trading, but the Service of Hire.
   In Sumer, along with the main language "eme-sisa", already mentioned "great language" (eme-sukud), "exalted language" (eme-suh) and the "curve, secret language" (eme-tena), but they are not identified in the written memorials (Falkenstein 1959). In contrast, usual, business-word, apparently, has no real value without their equivalents, to keep it or destroy like relics, whether domestic or foreign. It has survived ...
   Yes, Sumerian manuscripts do not burn, although it was fired!
   But we in search of correspondences between languages is very distant nations often are focused on the most primitive (stable, purely national, it seems to us) forms and objects of domestic life: pots, soup, millet ...
   We do not always take into account to which culture (area of distribution) refers, for example, a chamber pot of princess, described in the literature of the ancient people, who's seems to us very isolated at the time of writing, often very nostalgic ... The Kings were able to write, but there was no one to write them!
   Here, we unwittingly become like Freud, with his system-spanning potty routine. Our pots!
   But all this is not so surprising when compared, for example, with our arrogant distrust to geographical knowledge of quite competent William Shakespeare, who knew from somewhere in the 16-17 centuries, Venetian merchants no worse than his own former kings!!!
   Shakespeare, who lived much later than authors and heroes of the "Old Edda", "Kalevala", "Beowulf", " Song of the Nibelungs", " Iliad", "The Song of Igor's Campaign", not to mention the real Gilgamesh and Alexander the Great, with their geographical knowledge! Shakespeare, who lived among the ruins of the Great Roman Empire, still smoldering in the temples, churches...
   However, the Gray here in their doubts to be surprisingly self-critical! Would have asked: how an ordinary clerk of the Patent Office could know something about the laws of the Universe, the Supreme Light?
   From where did this European arrogance to another's Past, to Asia - it is also a question of this book, but not the most important.
   Among the ancient linguists would hardly have been a lot of Van Gog who began his brightest career of painter from the "Coal period", with the "Potato Eaters". But they did not forgot also about the daily bread that we'll see in other chapters! ...
   Alas, in Sumer, there were many priests, wise men, officials, according to a set of names who would not allow such a primitive approach to the first word written on the earth!
   In contrast to the Egyptian, priests and scribes of Sumer have dedicated this Word not only to pharaohs, deities, but more to real-life business, to Man. Perhaps, the Creator or creators of the "Creator" disliked it, like we may see in Chapter 11 of much more recent "Genesis," where the Sumerians were mentioned first and last time, as we all think ...
   The Chinese "religion of thought", Taoism, Confucianism, were also addressed to a man, his daily life, business, society. This is main Sumerian heritage of the East, although southern and highland religion is more addressed to the post-mortem, not earthly, vain life but all the same of Man.
   This conversation will go later, but now we just want to reiterate that the approach of more later nations to the written word will unlikely be more primitive, even if they cut their first words, travel notes, notches at the bark of the sacred oaks (dub - russ ), so consonant with the Sumerian "tablets" (dub) for writing ...
   Chinese scribes do not accidentally wrote his first sayings, as the first Sumerian, in a columns, erected to the sky like those Pillars of Babylon, but which, unlike stone, have survived the centuries that have passed before us ...


   In the preface to the published separately the first chapter of the book, we would like to note for most readers some features of reading Vietnamese words in Latin:
   Letter "d, gi" read in North Vietnam as sounds "z", and in the South - as "j". Also, letter "r" is read as "z", and "r", respectively. So in Chinese letter "r" is read as "r" only at the end of a syllable. The sound of "d" is denoted HERE, in Samizdat(in the Vietnamese another) like letter "D". Other consonants are not so much distorted by geography, so we omit these differences. We emphasize this in order to show clearly, in a rather simple example, what role grammar, writing play in the knowledge of languages! They seem are creating a job for themselves for the future. But the Sumerians also easily treated the alternation of sounds and consonants "r" and "z", which is not so easy to pronounce in different ages and different nations, including multinational Babylon.
   Take the consonants "r-l" of Chinese and Japanese ... Alas, the last - l does not exist in Japanese, and consonants c, j, z, do not stop in China, the Japanese have a very limited distribution even in the dictionary ... In the Sumerian dictionary all those difficult to pronunciation consonants very prudently have a very limited distribution ... But the consonants g, k, n, s is very abundant in the Sumerian and Vietnamese speeches, which are not such "babbling" as the Chinese speech ... It is no accident, even all the latin letters can not express the variety of sounds in the scale g-k, s-z,-n- Vietnam speech. Latin's as helpless in China and in Sumer, as we can see ... The whole "rank" (STRoy - russ) of Latin, Slavic consonants can not just announce the eastern, unwritten consonants, not to mention the sonant, vowel!
   This is Languages??-Music! Its have their own laws, which are not subject to the laws of Hammurabi and other ...
   Of course, for this kind of correspondence for us is not preferable to use the national spelling of words, but their transcription, but the phonological letter has long been engaged in this, but a cart bogged down in the same place so far. In addition, transcription (same international language!) reflects the modern pronunciation of the word, but a national record often reflects its more ancient pronunciation, which corresponds more to our problems of retrospective studies. Therefore, for the English, Slavonic words, we often give it in Old English(o-engl), Old Slavonic(o-slav) spelling...
   The example of Vietnam is more complex and global, that we try to discover the latest ... But the missionary, as well as colonial violence perpetrated on this language, too obvious, so we have to mention this in the preface. One has only to be surprised that the French language did not imposed the Vietnamese language its own paradoxical vocal, and limited, as the Portuguese, two-story set of ticks and sticks over the vowels, literally constructing some sort of Tower of Babel, perhaps imagining themselves with the right hand of the Creator!
   However, an unusually rich, musical phonetics of vowel sounds in Vietnamese, Chinese and Finnish languages ??we do not show, because, firstly, it is not yet known for the "silent" Sumerian language. Second, it would be even more conceal our picture correspondences between such distant languages??, taking into account the transformations that are undergoing a more stable, basic consonants for written language, examples of which we have also tried not to consider ...
   In the first chapter, devoted to the Word, we are not as thoroughly examined interlingual correspondence. Every nation has its own word, has all rights to it! So here we are no hurry with the findings of conformity relationship or similarity of languages. Let the word speaks for itself. Concreteness required in a conversation about things, but it is other chapters ...
   Also differences in the phonetics, grammar, there are strong in the neighboring languages ??within language families. Therefore we were interested mainly in acoustic correspondence similar within the meaning of morphemes, semantic groups of morphemes, derivational morphemes in several languages being compared, what in the opinion Dolgopolsky AB (1), Polivanov ED (2), Syromyatnikov NA (3) are unlikely to belong to the category of random phenomena. However, one chapter it is not enough for this!
   The author would like to first express my deep appreciation to the Pennsylvanian scientist S. Tinney, Ph. Jones, whose very extensive material on the Sumerian and Akkadian languages used in this paper. We are not making references to other works, in particular, Polish Assyriologist J. Brown and others, in which the authors were engaged in similar comparisons. We do not have the raw materials of these authors and we have no purpose here to establish our priorities, which were installed many thousands of years ago! Our goal - in other! ...
   Well, first of all, we just want to play the oldest game of Homo Sapiens - in Wordball. For the other ancient "dice" Man did not need mind. For it was enough to kill and eat ...
   This book was written for a long time by all mankind, but the names of its first principal authors, no one knows ...
   But the author expresses appreciation to all who will render some help, assistance, connect to the completion of this work, which I make for many years in perfect solitude, amid the ruins of the largest in the history Babylon, SU ... But in fact, only the bare walls, towers, state, dynasty, empire, even civilization collapse, turning into dust ...
   The Word is immortal ...
   The Sumerian language was used in Babylon, though in a very limited range, up to the I century BC, the century heyday of Rome and the coming of God's Word ... Many Sumerian morphemes became legacy of Akkadian and other Babylonian peoples, which the Sumerians have accustomed to literacy, culture, art, long before other barbarian peoples ... But the Word together with schools and the Sumerians after the failed uprising Rome-Sin II against the regime of the Amorites in 1736 BC "came out of the gates" of hostile to them Babylon and...
   The easiest way to tell that the people that appeared out of nowhere, and disappeared into nowhere ... Alas, from our purely scientific point of view - only faceless, nameless crowds, the hordes of brainless barbarians and savages herds are immortal and do not exterminable, but people-creators of civilizations, are mortal. Languages of the crowds, the barbarians are still alive, they pray for immortality, beg for an eternity. The first languages ??of the world, who created the other, is dead ...
   The question suggests itself: Is there any meaning, the need to call himself, declaring himself immortal in this world? Is there a meaning to call themselves the People in general?
   But the reason for sadness is not here ... "Only by becoming dead languages ??become immortal" - wrote Antoine de Rivarol, and we are happy to agree with the second half of his immortal phrase, too ...
   Yes, we can improve this world, teach it reading and writing ... but to remake the world of fratricides is impossible ...
   Simply come out of the Gate, or rather, re-enter through them in a totally different world that you create for yourself is ...
   The Gates are wonderful, magical about just that! Only for them we should have to build walls around the cities, our homes ...


   But there, behind the gate, from the first step, we are confronted not with Confucius, but with a different kind of discomfiture and confusion. It is no accident on this road and we finally left alone!
   1. The "mouth" (rot - russ; urt - kazah; uruul (lip) - mong), similar to the Japanese "funnel" (roto - jap), or "gate" (vorota, vrata - russ; var - push; oroh - mong) of words in the Sumerian denote a single word "murub". It has many other related values ? ?(middle; female genitals, vulva; buttocks, rump; knob; mouth; space between, distance; link; hips; (see - S. Tinney, Ph. Jones)).
   In the derivation morpheme "mu" (to make a sound) don't take a part, like a cow-sound "mu-u" in word "Music" also.
   Through these gates we enter into life, go into immortality or to nowhere ...
   It correspond to Chinese words "men, menkou" (gate, door), "mu" (female, the uterus, the end ...), Japanese, Vietnamese "mon" (gate, door), Vietnamese "mom, mieng" (mouth) with a own "lip" (moi - viet; numdum (šu-um-du-um) - sum), and "mong" (buttocks), "mat xich" (link chain eyes), "am" (sound),
   as well as Indo-European "mula" (mouth), Gothic "munth", Old English "muth", German "mund" , Sanskrit "mukha" (mouth, entrance), Mongolian "am" (mouth, word, language) and "umsag" (vagina)!
   Vietnamese "am" also means "the female principle, yin", and the words "am Dao, am ho" - "vagiva, vulva" (imma, mug - sum), which is not so popular in dictionaries, but we find it(manda, mudy - russ) in Russian "mat"(scold) or non-literary lingo.
   Indo-"mouths" are more similar to their "mouse" (mus - IE; mugak, mush - push, dari; mish - russ), rather than on their "burrows, cave" (magara - dari) - Afghans would say so.
   2. Another Sumerian morpheme "mouth" (kag, ka) correspond to the Vietnamese "hong", Chinese formative morpheme "kou", Japanese "kuti", as well as the "mouth" (hula, hla - push) Pushtu, but with the Finnish "lip" (huuli - finn).
   "Kou" also means "entry, exit" which correspond to the Sumerian "exit, gates, doors" (ki-e; kan - sum; cua vao, cong, ngo, cua - viet), some of which continue to Gothic "gatwo", Mongolian "haalga", Russian "kalitka"(small gate) ...
   Here again we note the consonance with the Sumerian morphemes "gala, GAM" (vulva), Vietnam "gai, ho" (female, hole), Latin "cunnus" (vulva, hole), Mongolian "hevtesh" (womb), "hondloi, ogzog" (buttock) ...
   These mouths are already in tune with European "holes, burrows, caves" (cave - engl; KU, hurrum - sum; ku - sin; ho, hoc - viet; kuoppa - finn; agui, hongil - mong; get - turk), and not only with "mice, rats" (ha-mun-zi-lum - sum; hulgana - mong; haozi - sin; hiiri - finn; humsiru - akk; harmush - dari, ahebar - jew) ...
   Morpheme "ka, kan" similar to the more simple Chinese character "kou", a component of many other characters. In practice, this is the same white "square" ... In "murub" dominated triangular shape, white, shaded, very similar to children's drawings on the walls.
   But Finns can be used here and the other "exit" (loi ra, loi thoat - viet; lahto - finn) ...
   3. The Finnish word "suu" (mouth), which is "chewed" (zhui - russ), "say" (sanoa) residents Suomi, corresponds to the Chinese "zui" (mouth, tongue).
   We may note here consonant words "angry" (suuttua - finn; sur - sum; du(zu!) - viet), "bear" (suvaita - finn), "great, very" (suuri - finn; asar - mong; man mac - viet; mah - sum) and "very, very big" (zui - sin), as well as "wine, a crime" (syy - finn; zui - sin; zašda - sum; zem, osol - mong) and other "areas , the way "(suuntaa - finn; xu huong, xu the - viet; zouxiang - sin; šušer - sum; zyg, zam - mong) of following matches ...
   But talk about it further, otherwise we get confused from the beginning completely, and not "going out" (ra, xuat - viet; zig, gaba zig - sum; garah - mong) for the next "gate" (shaar - jew; esik - kazah) in "void" (sidug, sug - sum; suong, ro, rong - viet; šilu - akk; hooson - mong) some "holes" (suray, sorah - push, dari), like "ass" (shiri - jap) ...
   The similarity observed in all the languages ??for the word "Throat" (guMUR, geli - sum, hong, go hong - viet, houlong, sang - sin, kurkku, kaula - finn; gorlo - russ). This continues a series of correspondences in Indo-European throat "g ? el", in the King's Indian "gala-m", Jewish "garon", and other.
   4. Sumerian-Akkadian morpheme "pu" (mouth) with Proto-Ural "lip" (pe (p) t - p-ural; papus - ainu), has something in common with the Jewish "pe"(mouth),
   which re-tune "entry" (paasy - finn), "gate" (postis, porta - lat; abula - sum; abullu, babu - akk ), "locking" of the "wall" "Fortress" (bi - sin),
   but which may be a simple "hole" (burud, pu, puzur - sum; pozhan - sin; palašu, huppu - akk) in the "belly" (pantex - lat), in the "clay piggy bank" (puman - sin),
and a large "mouse" (peš - sum), and what they "say, call, open, suck" (bao, bieu; bo; bu - viet; puhua - finn).
   China are left all with a "nose" (bi - sin) with their "vagina, vulva" (bi - sin), "whores" (poxie - sin), which resonate with different Russian counterparts (piska, pizda ... - russ), with Akkadian "biritu, bissuru", with the Jewish "pot" , which also have the Indo-European "lips" (bu-IE).
   Confusion incredible! But almost all the groups mentioned above semantic morpheme remains the priority for the eastern gate: Sumer, China, Vietnam, Mongol..., Suomi - with their stable bundles "mouth - gate - gate of life "...
   5. Only in our age-old "hole" (dira - russ), "door" (dver - russ; dar - push; delet - jew; dvar, dur - sans; dor, duru - o-engl; darbaza - kazah; yyd - mong ), the Chinese can just "tap" (damen - sin), but and here they have their "door to the top" (ta - sin)!
   "Mouth" (dahan - dari) Afghans could "say" (diber - jew) that in Dari, but strangers' "lips"(tun - sum; turpa - finn; dudak - turk).
   "Mouse" (thu, chuot - viet; tishkan - kazah) too - in all languages ??of the mouse world ...
   The Sumerian mouseis silent until ...
   Yes, the gates of Babylon were a lot! Many foreigners went in them from all sides of the Light...
   The question remains open: in which the gates builders' of the eastern "pyramids"(jinzita - sin; tsats, suvarga - mong) or" ziggurats "(unir, sigguratu - sum),
   or may the whole "earth" (zikura, kindu - sum; the gioi, qua Dat - viet; gazar - mong; shijien - sin; zemlya - russ; dzmoka, zamin - push, dari),
   the whole "world, the sky" (gioi - viet ; šu, šar; zikum - sum; zambuulin - mong)
   are gone out?...


   After "One Hundred Years" (ji - sin) "solitude" (dili - sum; duli, dan, jimo - sin; Don, le loi - viet; dan - mong; delu, edu-akk; bedidut - jew; pito (one) - o-jap; bikes, tek (one) - turk) of Gabriel Garcia Marquez in "remoteness" (pijing - sin; poissa - finn; apo - IE; feor - more),
   and more then three thousand years of "silence" (me - sum, im, ngay mat - viet; mo, momo - sin, mukka - finn, maona, mauna - sans; molcha - russ;
   demama, dumia - jew; nam, dugay - mong; damaru - jap; tym - kazah)
   is not afraid to "us" (we: menden - sum; em - viet; women - sin; me - finn; mi - russ ...).
   "Quiet, silence" (sig, nigmegar - sum; xi, ri ..., khe, nho - viet; ji, jijing, anjing, ningjing, sujing, jingxialai! - sin, nam gum, chimeegui - mong; sileo - lat; hiljaa , aaneton, - finn; šaqummatu, qulu - akk; shetika, shekem - jew; hamushi, sokut - push, dari; susmak, sukut - turk; tushnika - sans)
   our "books" (ji, jing - sin) is much more polyphonic
   "banality, simplicity, vulgarity" (idim - sum; diji, disu, dinengr, jiandan, tingliu, ma, man - sin; tho bi, tam thuong, moc mac - viet; tavallinen, mauton - finn;)
   do not cease for centuries the Babylonian "bazaar" (šakanka - sum; zah, zeel - mong; ji, shichang, hui - sin; shuk - jew; charshi-turk),
   the immortal "middle class" (shikuaiqi - sin ) ...
   "Conversations" (huihua - sin; hoi - viet) do not cease on "fairs" (hui - sin ) thousands ...
   But that silence is one of the two "poles"(ji - sin, zag - sum; zah - mong; ria - viet), one of the two natural state of the language.
   We see this even in the "voids, gaps, pauses" (sug, agazig - sum; doc, dau lang, rong khong, cho trong - viet; zai, zogsots, gazar, hooson - mong; xiuzhi, kongxin, tingdun, dun - sin; kundo - IE:
   tyhjyys, tauko - finn; taema - jap; tuccha - sans; eru - akk; haphuga - jew; cuaille - celt; kemtik, kuys, tynys - kazah) of texts, in their signs, in different compositions
   of "white" (babbar - sum; bach, phau-viet; bai, baise, baila, danbai, ai - sin; ak, appak, beyaz - kazah, turk; pesu - akk; valkea - finn ; hwit - o-engl; beliy - russ; alba, belos -celt; bamio - iran; bal - arm; balaksa - sans) void of "white lotus" (bailian - sin)
   and "black, dark" (mes, giggi, sumug, udmud - sum; musta, sysimusta, tumma, hamy, pimea - finn; bam, huyen, mit mo, mo am, si, sam, Den, Den toi, toi mit , tham - viet; an, man, mei, mohu, hei, gui, ke, (guang), li, lu, shense, wu, pou - sin; har, baraan - mong;
   salmu - akk; shahor - jew; myrce , deorc, sweart, wan - o-engl; adaig, melem, temel - celt; ater, niger - lat; mayrr-germ; malin, masi, kalitva, kavara, tamo - sans; kuroi - jap; kara, siyah - kazah , turk; kirros, amauros - greek; kax R areda, temah - iran)
   labor masters' of "books" (lu - sin),
   which "glosses over" (mar, gunu - sum; mo, gou - sin, quet - viet; kitata - finn; equ - akk) void,
   writes "in black and white" (mingwen, baizhi heizi - sin), to give the other "white" (shiro - jap), "grey"(seriy - russ) ...
   "Darkness" (mrak, mgla, hmar, sumrak, thma, potemcy, chernota - russ) was the same all over the world!
   We stand still in "silent amazement" (lib - sum, lang - viet, liaobuqi - sin) in front of him, as if to "royal tomb" (lang-viet; lingmu - sin), just before the "grave" (mu, fenmu, gongmu - sin; ma, mo, huyet - viet; hauta - finn; ki-mah - sum, where ki = place) ...
   And only a "blind" (mang, xia, xiazi - sin; sokea - finn; mu, nguoi mu, Dui - viet; nydgyi - mong; igi-nu-du - sum, where nu = man = nguoi - viet) do not see
   "image" (mao - sin; mieu ta - viet; mete - sum; muoto - finn; mayag - mong; simtu - akk) of the silence.


   Not surprising was pandemonium in the streets of ancient Babylon, filled with many foreigners, abundant in the word that we will see later. But Babel was not built to simply mix their languages. Babylon was built in order to make noise, screams, spoken voices of different peoples, savage tribes - its first languages.
   The basis for this was the written language of ancient Sumer, the country's literacy, campaign for abolishing illiteracy (saomang - sin)! Yes, over-all, with no distinction between friends and foes. The famous stone stele with inscriptions in three languages is the first true Wonder of the world. It is much higher than the Egyptian pyramids of Egyptian pharaohs well above the Alexander Column, colorful Babylonian Gardens. Many of the recognized wonders of the world were able to survive until modern times in the Word, knows how to keep silent ...
   But the ancient sages grew up on noisy, vociferous "streets" (esir, sila, tilla, ublia - sum, where ub = corner, li - twig) of ancient Sumer,
   which became later Akkadian "suqu, sulu", crowded, and multiple Chinese "xiang, jie, jietou, dalu, dadao, daolu, tong, hutong, lu, long, beixiang", & thanon Thailand,
   "roads, avenues, alleys, streets" (xa lo, lo, Dai lo, Duong, hem, ngo hem, pho) in Vietnam, & "via , platea" Rome,
   far "kuja, katu" Suomi, "gudamzh, ih zam" Mongolia; "kjoshe" Kazakhstan, "kutca, kocha, jadda, tanga" Afghanistan, "gata" Sweden, "galli" Nepal, "sokak" Turkey,
   & "lane" (simetah - jew ) Jerusalem ...
   The ideogram "tilla" incredibly similar to a dual character dao (path, true) in one of the options in the other recalling the intersection of four roads or character tou (head) ...
   But not likely the "whispers" (isiš - sum, xi xao, ri ram, di - viet, eryu, sususheng - sin, supattaa - finn, sihu - akk, shivneh - mong; shepot - russ) their wisdom was heard in these streets,
   although her "voice" (teš - sum; duu - mong) is very in tune with "silence" (tish - russ; tyyni - finn; tinh - viet; disheng - sin; dugai - mong; tit - push; tis - turk , tym, tolas - kazah; demama - jew; tusniim - sans, tak - IE, taceo - lat)
   and with the "voices, noise" (tieng - viet) and even the "explosion" (tieng sung - viet; tesreh - mong) Vietnamese,
   who is therefore not afraid of them, even when the sky above they became the abode of "Thunder" (sam, sam set - viet; guane-si - sum) Zeus, Who "blew" (si-gurah - sum) in the "horn" (si - sum; giac, sung - viet) at all "frets" (si - sum) of the war...
   But here, in the world of words, we can hear and simple, even the wild, fighting, "cries, shouts" (akkil, gagig, giri, gu, kušum, tal - sum; keu, keu la, keu gao (cuu), ho het , hon, than - viet; huutaa, kirkua, kaiku - finn; hu, jiaohan, hanshen, huhaon - sin; hashgarah - mong; kolahala, phut, tankara - sans; gurultu, kavga, kiku - kazah, turk; krik - russ; crien, houpen, cirman, clipung - o-engl; karmeh - germ; gag, gauga, qil-o-qal (!) - push, dari; glos, kei, ger - IE).
   More ominous consonants "noise, screaming" (RI - sum, rakabu, rigmu - akk; ro, rao, roi le - S-viet; raikua, riita, urista - finn; rash - jew; rychat, revet, ryavkat - russ; rop - swed; reisei - jap) are less often and everywhere ...
   Solid consonant create more "noise" (dubdab, dumdam, tal - sum; tieng Dong, tap am, thanh - viet; dahan - sin; duun, duulian - mong; dabyr, du, duman - kazah; din - o-engl; dhwen - IE; darda - greek; tumul - sans) in the world.
   In the East, even "ejaculate" (tal, dub nir - sum; than, noi ... - viet; duudal, duun, halaglan - mong; dajiao, nao - sin; huudahtaa - finn; nida, nara - push) were very similar...
   All "noises" (namgurah - sum; naqu - akk; nao - sin; ngay, nhao - viet) of the Nature is similar. Is there a place for arbitrariness in Nature? No!
   Here we have in mind the "Principle of the arbitrariness of the sign (acoustic!)", at which referred F. de Saussure, who on the basis of this principle considered the origin of languages ??is not as important as some think. But as it was considered different if the first literary memorials Vedi Sanskrit, which some people still consider our mother-language, appeared almost simultaneously with the writing of Greece, in the VIII-IX centuries BC, and so on ...
   Another thing - a Sumerian language, the precursors of which we know nothing! But the Sumerian language already know a little bit ...
   But on the very principle we would like to say here only that the "arbitrary" selection "sonic sign", "first word" was, first, limited to the criteria of beauty. None of our words does not look like a babbling madman. All material antiquities also show that if people knew how to appreciate the beauty! Second, the arbitrariness was limited by the physiology of the first talkative or glamorous...
   In Sumerian "noise, voices" (ad - sum; duu - mong) resonate even "traditional Vietnamese songs" (a Dao), consonant with some Sumerian "songs" (tigi, adab, endu - sum; duu - mong), c Mongolian "opera" (duur - mong), although both morphemes Vietnamese words refer to the ladies, singing them to the "mother" (aidin - finn) language another than Sumerian "ušela" (female lament singer), but equally pleasing to the "ears"(ushy - russ) ..
   Everywhere we hear and "shout, noise" (ašša, suham, šeg - sum; sarahu - akk; ro, Rao, roi le - viet; chao, chaonao - sin; ?'ank - ugr; bacchor, susurrus - lat; shan-shun, shu, shulau, shamata-kazah, turk; shodo - jap; shor, sad - push, dari; shoom - russ; tseaka, zeaka - jew; skrik - swed ) more familiar, habitual, loud consonant .
   Vowels are less likely to "make noise, scream" (a, a'u, aya, u, urar, ad - sum; am, inh, u, uc, uom, vang, vong, vu - viet; am, ayanga, ayadah, avia, ulilt, ulih, ungah, uray, uur, hur - mong; wu - sin; ulvoa, urista - finn; yn, avaz - kazah, turk; vinada - sans; wau - modern),
   but they also did not refute the words of the Bible that at the earth one language was in the beginning, before the Advent of writing, meaningful Words.
   We can say the same thing, getting into any foreign market, on the Malay-Singapore Bazaar, on the Sorochynsky Fair ...
   It is necessary to draw attention to another group of onomatopoetic morphemes, words Sumerian language, reflected in the Russian word "sound" (zvook) if the "echo" (gu šum (šum = give) - sum; huisheng - sin; tsuuray - mong; šagamu - akk; doi (to bound, to resound, throw ...), tieng doi, du am, vang doi - viet; kaiku - finn),
   wafting to us "winds blow" (tumu - sum; thoi - viet; tuuli - finn ) of time or its "drafts" (toufeng - sin).
   This is a Sumerian word suhsah, zigzag, zurzar (sound (onomatopoeic)), as well as zuša (roaring; murmuring).
   They are, except for "Odessa noise" corresponds to "resound" (doi, ran - viet; xiang - sin; soida - finn),
   "noisy" (ram - viet; xuanhua, shengxiang - sin; shuu - mong), "roar" (rong - viet).
   Sumerian "roar" (murmara ša - sum; ramamu - akk) consonant "soundly" (giap mat-viet), "resound" (am - viet; ming - sin), as well as the "roar" (melu - finn; mooroh - mong .)
   We can hardly attribute these morphemes in the category of correspondences. They would rather just talk about a similar mechanism of onomatopoeic word formation, where it is a screaming, noise, screaming ... About the origins of human language...
   However, as we noted earlier, Sumerian linguists treated very strictly to every word. All of these inarticulate, almost animal, unconscious sounds were quite meaningful words in the written language it is! In speaking there is no reason to give the names of noise, the screaming, we hear. We just shout in response, or silent.
   Becoming a written language - this is the finding of every word of its new meaning, value! Creating a written language, like mathematics, as it was the Sumerians who came to music the same way as Pythagoras was trying to do afterwards, but without creating a language, music, unfortunately. Pythagoras used language that was already created by others before him, mostly poets, blind mythmaker, which was more important for the sound, the beauty of words, for they saw no real content, inventing it own!
   But man was created himself in order to create their own, new thing, but not just a copy of God. To do so, God could have created a helpmate for Himself!
   Alas, Homer had to be blind to create all of our Literature!
   And therefore the Sumerians created agglutinative language in which the proposals were similar to mathematical formulas, and any words were similar numbers! Such a language could not die in principle that we can see an example of some morphemes, in real life do not have any meaning or entirely different. Saussure's right! A complete "outrage"! ...or arbitrariness? Where is it?
   What kind of popular speech we are talking about? And in what dialect we say about this? About the songs Bojan? What do we know about the ancient "people's" primitive language, if we judge by writing about it? Or we visited Athens fairs, the Forum in Rome?
   Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah! Oh-oh-oh-oh! Oo-oo-oo-oo! E-ee-e! Hooray! ...
   Oh, yes, that Hellas was the next step in the evolution of words, when the word creation became the Art created something that is not the Creator created Himself... Hellas, Ilion so in tune with the "songs" (Elil, Elilum, Elulam, Ilalum, Illalum, Illu, Ilu ... - sum) Sumerian!
   And with our Hell!
   But first, it was necessary to create the Word "Creator" (Ilu - sum), "The Spirit" (Alad - sum; Ling - sin) of the word, or at least his "statue" (Alan, nam-Tibira - sum; Dur - mong; Tuong - viet; Diaoxing - sin), or some "affinity"(ai luc - viet) of "Authority"(Uy luc - viet)" of "Great"(lon - viet) "Dragon"(long - viet)...


   And the Creator, "the higher, upper," "companion, friend", "Deity" (Anta; Anguba - sum; Anh; ong ba, ong but, ong to, ong Troi - viet),
   "Guardian" (namennug - sum; an, an ninh - viet; manaa - mong) was very necessary in Sumer, as in "Nam"(An Nam - viet),
   as "the sun" (nang, anh nang - viet; nar - mong) in "heaven" (an-sum; ong troi - viet) in the "Noon" (anbar - sum; ngo - viet).
   "Man" (nam - viet), "Lord" (nam - sum) is required for any "Son" (nam - viet; nugan-mong) of God,
   as a "helper" (a2-tah, ka-tab - sum; tro thu, phu ta - viet; where tab - companion; ta - officer; thu - to guard),
   which "adds" (tah - sum; tang - viet) strength, self-confidence, which "protects" (gal, du - sum; giu, thu - S-viet; sahih, harah - mong). Everyone needs "assistance, benefits" (tus - mong) ...
   "So much" (ana - sum; nhieu, ngan - viet; nileed - mong)?
   "Everything" (anamea - sum; van - viet)!
   "Add" (bo sung, bo tuc, tang - viet; tah - sum; turgesgeh - mong)?
   "Enough" (ib-si - sum; Du roi - viet; zu - sin; bol - mong)...
   "Why?" (Anaš, a-na-aš - sum; sao, ... nao, nhu - viet; an - sin; yuund - mong; niye - turk; yena - sans)
   "Because" (yinwei - sin; bar - sum; boi - viet) ...
   Because in a very poor (!) of resources Sumer fate and lives of its hardworking people have been severe. They were hard and wait, and take favors, handouts from nature. Therefore here, especially in Babylon, all was on a strict accounting. The fate of Shumer was very similar to the fate of the long-suffering Chinese people. Therefore, the priests of Sumer gave a special cult mention for cries of sorrow, tears of despair of ordinary people ...
   "Grief, sorrow, trouble" (isiš - sum; au sau, sau, uu sau, rau, ruoi, sau muon -viet; aishang, qi, saoxing, zaihuo, zaigao, you, youshang, min - sin; suru, murhe - finn, tsarah - jew; zovlon - mong; aza, zar, zil, sher - kazah; sorg, sorh, sarig - o-engl; sauda - dari) were the same everywhere and at all times, but in Sumer we found few similar words .
   "Why produce such a superfluous essence as evil?" - Occam would have asked Adam for the first time and sign for a second time and laugh for a third time!
   The world of words has become more rich and varied verbal "sad, trouble and sorrow" (tai hoa, kho, Dau kho, tham - viet; ai, aidao, aishang, aitan, bei, beiju, tongku, daomei, ku, kunao, huohai, fachou, lan, lar, nan, nanguo, nao, wan, wei - sin; ahdinko - finn; lai, gai, harlah - mong; luctus, lues, maeror, triste - lat; liho, beda, drjasel, gore, muka, pechal... - slav; wa, wea, cearu - o-engl; kara - got; alam, andoh, bala, gam, gossa, gossa, nul - push, dari; bele, beis, kaigi, keder, kappa, gaile, gam, dert, teessur, elem, mun - turk, kazah; arti, bhaya, cuma, du, duh-kha, visanna - sans) after the Sumerians, especially in China, where there were many dialects that do not have separate languages, all adding up the wealth of sounds and meanings into a single treasury single written language ...
   Even the "Word" (ena, akshara) was in tune with the "trouble" (enas), "sin"(akuchala), for example, in the divine Sanskrit. And the Slavic "word" (Slovo, govor) was in tune with the "evil, woe" (zlo, gore), "sorrow", and with the people themselves! It should be noted the combination of "good"(Dobro) and "sorrow"(scorb) of the Slavs with the "goods" (dobro), property or "bag and baggage"(Skarb).
   This is again evidence of the involvement in the formation, preservation of national languages ??as a linguistic so and "logistics" or, more precisely, trade, do not always agree with each other. Only optimists and dreamers can be real traders, merchants, who cobble together capital from the Nothing from the air - phonetically! Who else could understand the price of Word?
   But sometimes the "voice, sound" (sheng - sin; šeg - sum), "word, language" (am - mong) became the foundation of "life" (sheng - sin; amdral - mong) people ...
   In this series of troubles we find it hard to talk about correspondences and borrowings, if you do not take into account the time emergence of writing in different nations, and the existence of trade relations between them, are widely developed since the days of Sumer. But these morphemes speak for themselves, and not only from neighboring nations today.
   Here, we only want to note once again the incredible polyphony of Chinese language. It is caused not only a difficult, often tragic fate of this long-suffering people, but also antiquity, including the antiquity of his love for his language, as to the main shrine! Many dynasties changed in China, but the characters remain inviolable ... they could only improve, grow into new meanings.
   The priests in China, not settled the world, to dissociate themselves from which the walls, but the fate of the man himself, people and society. Sumerian creators have paid less attention to this ... The Chinese and the nation, and the Word became more "introverted" than Sumerians, who built the whole World, turned out to be too ungrateful to the Creator! Many Gods, the God-man, the kings of Sumer did not help him. Their names were easily replaced by others ... This is not only to replace the Man- Creator!
   But the man "complaints, laments" (anir, ašša, širsag, zarah, du, giri'ilu, makkaš, ururu, ug, uli, ululumama) had a lot in the language of Sumerian,
   China (yuan, youlu, aidao, aishang, dui, dao, manyuan, kongsu, suku, shensu, lianmin),
   Vietnam (nai, nai xin, yeu sach, xot xa, ren ri, Dau, than tho, yeu cau, keu la, mach, loi ren ri, loi le), in which the word served to the Man, Creator, the employee...
   They became less and less, where the word "complaint" (saali, surkeasti - finn, ikkillu, lallaratu, nissatu, tanehu, yaruru - akk; gomdol, zoviur - mong; zhalba, molba, tuzhba - slav; shikayet, shagu, dat - turk, kazah; shikayat, gila - push, dari; delatio - lat; tluna - jew) was to serve the power, Mammon ...
   The gods are more tolerant to the number of complaints and complainants.
   All human "moan" (še ša - sum; ren, ren ri, ni non - viet; shenyin, hengjiao - sin; stonaty, nity - russ; stan - sans; zgervay, nala - push, dari) equally, but not always like "groan" Itself.
   All the "cry" (er pad, šeš, zarah - sum; ua, u ru, xuyt xoa, roi le, khoc - viet; aidao, suku, salei, haotao, ku, kuqi, liulei, peiku, tao - sin; varistys, surra - finn; agit - turk; uylah - mong; baku, bikitu, dimtu, nissatu - akk; beki, ilalot - jew; fleo -lat; kei, klau - IE; teikyu -jap) a same "weeping",
   all shed similar "tears" (er, šeš, uKU - sum; roi(drop), roi le, giot le, khoc, le - viet; kyynel - finn; lei, yanlei, leizhu, hanlei, ti - sin; lacrima - lat; sleza, suza - slav; dimtu - akk; dima - jew; asru, baspa - sans; uhka, ashk - push, dari; yash - turk).
   All "pity" (šala - sum, saali - finn; zhal - russ; xot, xot xa - viet; xi, lianxi - sin) theyself the same way.
   All equally "suffer" (ur tab - sum; uu tu, xot ruot, xot thuong - viet, ortoh, zovlon, tarchlah -mong; kidutus, tuska - finn; kutong, tongku -sin; terzatsa, stradat - russ),
   all have "nerve" (roi tri - viet).
   But even the literary dogs "barking"(cho sua, sua - viet; haukkua - finn; hutsah - mong; fei, yin, wang - sin; gapel, af - push, dari; woof - engl; navah, lineboha - jew; lai - russ; latro - lat; uru, shabalandau - turk, kazah) in all different ways, sometimes just like... At the street!
   Alas, it is also a "voice crying" (lai - sin) in the desert of life!


   All through suffering, "mourning"(sang - sin; aza - dari; tcrnina - serb),
turned into the "prayers" (šaneša, nigaldi, arazu - sum; xin xo, su nan ni, nan ni, ru - viet; sangqi, aiqiu, qiqiu - sin; erištu, unninu - akk; armo, rukous - finn; ariza, zari - push, dari; prosba, nitjo - russ),
   that could cause a "compassion" (muš-am, šaneša - sum; (am), long thuong, xot, xot xa - viet; min, lianmin - sin; osanotto, saali - finn; milost, mil - o-slav), "forgiveness" (mien - viet), "cordial" (man ma - viet; miloserdie - russ) of the gods,
   in the "Temple" (mieu - viet), the "holy place" (muš3 - sum), in another "place" (me - viet) ...
   What surprised verbosity ancient Sumerians, if the English language through many invasions, no less wordy, when "beg, entreat, beseech, ask, request" (inanna, en tar - sum; an han, nguyen, nan ni, van nai, van tam ... - viet; yangqiu - sin; anoa - finn; nity - russ),
   "pray" (šu mu, šud ša - sum; xin, xin moi, cau xin, niem - viet; qi, qiqiu, qidao, dao - sin; siinu - kazah; zalbirah, morgoh - mong; molit, zamolit - russ ; detestor, adoro - lat; adur, mati - sans; karabu - akk),
   whispers "prayer" (šita, siškur, šu'ila - sum; zalbiral - mong; su cau kinh, su cau nguyen, loi cau xin - viet; qidaowen, daogao - sin; dua, doa - push, dari; tefila - jew; yakarish, duga, dua - turk, kazah; riksu, ikribu - akk; rukos - finn) to their gods, which deal only with our problems.
   Working morpheme "hand" (šu) served as an assistant here Sumerians, and the Vietnamese - "business, affair" (su), with whom we have not once meet. The Finns had an assistant, apparently, the Russian "hand" (ruka - russ)!
   Of course, the gods, "blessed" (šu e - sum; sung bai - viet; zhu, zhixie - sin; siunaus - finn; sysleh - mong; wasu - akk)
   all who "trust, faith" (tam, dam, giškim, nir gal, šu la2 ... - sum; tin, Dao, ngo, giao, pho, uoc - viet; uskoa - finn; xin, dao, fu - sin; itgeh, susegleh - mong; din, dad, iman - push, dari; dat, amuna - jew; doveri, doverba - slav; qiapu, paqadu, takalu - akk; g * elyfan - o-engl; kreduo - lat) in them and in their own faith, to which we shall return in special chapter...


   Of course, the gods could hear all the groans and cries of the disadvantaged and at the streets and at bazaars ...
   But the Sumerian priests known to himself that the gods will be pleased to hear all this in "holy places, temples, churches, chapels" (dukug, itima, nigar, ašte, sug, zaggarra - sum; Den tho, thanh, chua, mieu, gia mieu, mieu tho, ngoi, nha tho, nghe, giao Duong, giao hoi - viet; ta, tang, miao, jiaotang, xiaolibaitang - sin; sym, dugan, datsan -mong; bitu, kissu, kummu, sukku - akk; kappeli, kirkko, temppeli - finn; tapinak, meschit - turk; jumat, kalisa, mabad, masjid - push, dari; beit, beit kenasat, kenesia, mikadash - jew; ayatana, caytya - sans; delubrum, fanum - lat; cyrke - o-engl;),
   and listen to not incoherent babbling suffering, but "Song" (ilu, elil, ilalum, šir - sum; laulu - finn; niutu, qubu, zamaru - akk; shir - jew; sandera - push;
   phong dao, bai hat, bai ca, ca khuc - viet; duu - mong; changr, qu, ge, gequ - sin; raisan, rito - jap)
   by the forgotten sound of "testicles" (šir - sum; hРn dАi - viet; sag, ondog - mong; ran - jap)
   professional "singers" (gala, nar, lušira, ušela - sum; hat, ca si, ngheu ngao, sam - viet; lingchang, geshou - sin; laulaja - finn; kalu, zammertu - akk; zamar - jew), possessing "skillful " " voice"(kheo leo - viet),
   "Art of prayer songs, Liturgy" (nam-gala - sum; nghi le, nghi thuc te le - viet; kalutu - akk), with what is now possible to compare only the "Opera" (nhac kich - viet; geju - sin) ...
   Here we can quite compare "music" (nhac - viet; namnar, nab - sum) with the "fate" (nam - sum; van - viet) the "blind street singers" (sam - viet), for which everything else - "darkness" (sam - viet; sumug - sum), for which there is no difference,
   what language they sing, what instrument "play" (šu gid - sum; dien tau, tau - viet; danjiru - jap; darah - mong; soittaa, toimeem - finn; zou, yanzou - sin. Here: šu - hand; dien - fase; zou - to beat): the "balalaika"(russ), the "balag, balagdi" (sum) -
   its "sound" (ngan, ngam - viet) is the same everywhere, as "trills" (ngan nga - viet) birds.
   But in this chapter we are only interested in those "noises, sounds" (mumun, mu - sum; am - viet; melu, aani - finn; anir - mong; ming, yin - sin),
   which is composed of the "word" (am - mong) ...


   But in Babylon, the people not only "loud, noisy disorder" (ea, eo oc - viet; duu - mong),
but always "said" (e, dug, di - sum; Dam, thua, thuyet, tieng, bao, noi, - viet; tanhua, tan, tanglun, wei, yun, guachi, cao, shuo - sin;
   atwu, dababu, qabu - akk; dibar - jew; ay, ajtu, deu, demek, kelme, sЖylemДk, Эn, tankyldau - kazah, turk; datte, benjiru, butsu, yu, hana-su - jap; declamo, dico, sermo, for, oro - lat;
   puhua, juttu, haastella - finn; heleh, geh, jarih - mong; wayel, sohbat - push, dari; au, eg, or, ueku, kens, bha, guet, spel, suk, tolk - IE; damc, ah, pat, vak, vyak, gar, uktam, klap, bhan, bar, bruu, hap, hlap, iek - sans;
   banh, faig, iaith - celt; ban, kosem - arm; aue, ara, epos - greek; huek - etr; reordian, cwethan, sa * de, secgan, sprecan - o-engl, qithan - got, segja - norm) in many languages, as evidence the Bible.
   As we can see, noise is often closer to the truth to nature, so look into this racket is not so easy if you do not follow:
   A. way of "hard" consonants DT in the directions of rejuvenation: Schumer - China - Vietnam - Turks - Rome ... or Sumer - Akkad - Sanskrit - Hebrew - Europe;
   B. the spread of occlusives consonants B-P in Sanskrit, Vietnam, Europe - until the Finnish Puhe, Puhua and Russian Baity, Balakati;
   C. Chinese morphemes "Yun" through the neighbors of the Turks up to the Caucasus;
   D. routes other consonants KGH in time and space of words ...
   The role of stable, even the "unstable", uppercase consonants is large, given the brevity of the oldest, root, inherited morphemes, mainly CV, CVC, phonetic Silences of the ancient languages, and physiological characteristics of different speaking peoples.
   Sanskrit, on the contrary, was extremely rich in morphemes "conversations", which is not surprising for the mountain abode of the gods, and for the flowering of the Indian subcontinent, the eternal abode of love and bliss, just earthly Paradise, where Adam had only one job - to think out all the names between the kisses and churning. Sanskrit as if trying to puzzle, to enrich the world with words or re-assemble, maintain after Babylon all the verbal variety of the ancient world. Babylon Bazaar as if moved there and got lost among the noise of the local fairs.
   But his foundation, Vedic language, originated probably in the XV-XI centuries BC (VA Kochergina, 2005), and is actively formed most likely during the establishment of Buddhism. A very strong motivation needed for this, as we have noticed! The main literary memorials Sanskrit came later still, mostly in the IV-VII centuries of our era is much later than the Chinese. Priorities are not contestable by any speculation, and fraud ... Timeless magic ekzoterizm, of course, objected to quotations from the Honourable Madame Blavatsky, but the first Chinese inscriptions and were associated with magic, with fortune telling on the bones of "ancestors" ...
   But only the self-styled followers dare to challenge the priority of the priests of Sumer and Egypt, or they themselves, when it is desperately needed ... everything!
   In Sumer, on the contrary, we may note, first of all, the very brevity of the conversation, as well as the close relationship of the verb "to say" (dug, di) with the verbs "do, to create" (du, de - sum; Dong, tao, Dung - viet; da - sin; tehda, tyo - finn; delo - russ; dha - sans; dekasu - jap; et, etmek - kazah, turk; BUT: laasoh, paal - jew, hiyh, uyldeh, toroh (bear, born) - mong ...).
   Nothing surprising here. The Sumerians first "created", literally "doing" (du2 - sum), "weed out" the first written conversation, "to say" (gu3 de2 - sum) from the "voices, noise, screams" (gu3 - sum) of "neck" (gu2 - sum; co - viet)!
   The verb "dug" has also business value "to negotiate" (Dam phan, thuong - viet; tanpan, tong - sin; togtoh - mong; dogovor - russ; tarun - push), coinciding with the other in the sense of "performance, perform" (thuc hien, Dong vai - viet; taytanto, taytaa - finn),
   including, "play on" (choi - viet; togloh, duulah - mong; ada - push, dari) on numerous musical instruments Sumerian leisure ...
   It is no accident, "written" "Word," "idea, thought," courtesy name" of the "most" "son" of the Vietnamese people have the same root with "private property" or "death" - Tu, differing with the "Chinese character "only phonetics! Sumerian morpheme Dug well connected with the "good", "things", "death" and ... "clay pot", the creator of the character of Freud's sons!
   Babylon Bazaar was concise and to the "conversations, messages" to each other: "say, call" (gu de - sum( where gu - neck (co - viet; kaula - finn), & de - to shape, create (tao - viet)); Dien, Doc - viet; dao, taolun, tanhua, shuo, da - sin).
   This number of correspondences can be extended by such Vietnamese words: cau tao (to create), cau, cau kinh (to pray), cau tho (line of verse), cau Do (riddle), cau chuyen (conversation), cau (phrase), with sonant differing phonetics.
   In this series and the Finnish kaantymys (ask), kertoa (speaker), the Mongolian "say" (held, geh - mong) and others ...
   At the same time we wanted to separately identify compliance Vietnamese rang, noi (say), cau (ask) and Finnish sanoa (say), kysya, kaantymys (ask), Mongolian surah, guyh, neheh (ask).
   Nowadays, it is worth noting the Vietnamese verb "chat, babble"(dong dai), the Finnish "chatter" (suulaus), Chinese (xianhua, chetan), Mongolian (chalchih), and given another meaning of Vietnamese verb "loiter, wander" (dong dai - viet; samota, samoilla - finn; zaigyi - mong; xianguan - sin). Now, wandering around the Internet in the world of words, where all talk a lot ...
   Nobody knows what "oral conversations" have not been preserved in the oldest written Word! But the sound of a letter preserved even scold, swearing!
   Sumerian creators of written language is literally sculpted word as sculptors - in stone!
   The later written "conversations" became softer, sonorous. Letter broadcasted the sound of the oral dialect, folklore ... Late written language did not create, but only recorded, sounding recorded in former - in the chronicles, epics, at the streets!
   The business of all nations have become increasingly similar, but the written language became more and more unlike after the Tower of Babel, after the 11th chapter of Genesis ... The word ceased to be a matter of even so. It increasingly becomes poetry "Mahabharata", "Ramayana", "Odyssey" the descendants of Gilgamesh ... The idea of the Creator lies in that, apparently. Few nations Word and Work were adequate. Although there are some ludicrous exclusion as Russian "do"(delat) and "twaddle"(doldonit). Delayed laugh!
   However, a similar hardness and concise conversation mentioned in the business Roman, Chinese Empires, although the latter had much more centuries, peoples, dynasties, dialects for linguistic diversity. All the more amazing traditional sound laconic Chinese language is incredibly rich, like the Vietnamese, only the air, "phonetics" (the word, by the way, with the Chinese roots of "fen, feng").
   The Chinese language has become more specific and concrete than the Sumerian language, with its more diverse grammar ... Perhaps it was his weak spot, "heel" (sila - sum; osgiy - mong; xom - viet; zhong - sin) of Achilles ... But, perhaps, and vice versa!
   But if a stranger tries to understand exactly what the Chinese said in his speech, he'll be deceived in his awaits! The Chinese language has become almost the language of the priests: every word, even the written, has many meanings ...
   Latin, the language of science, not understandable only to those who do not know it... But where is a mystery? Where are those who spoke Latin at home, at noisy fairs of three continents? Who was accurate and understandable to all!
   Alas, the Russian language is extremely literal, but no one understood Russian soul is still ... Why speak accurately and clearly? It is better to speak beautifully, as the Pushkin! Yes, sometimes even cursing!


   Curse, swearing were very peculiar product including the "good neighbor", the international contacts - not just on the "battlefield" (dayni talbar deer - mong; chien truong tren (Den) - viet; dao ... doutien - sin ; ... damhara, dud - sum), where shed another blood ...
   We found many examples of "sacred" by some people in tune with the "swearing, cursing" from their former neighbors. For example, "good, God" British became "filth, bastard" (gad, gadost - russ) at the Danish Prince's former neighbors on the southern Baltic. And "God"(Bog - russ) of Ivan became "latrine" (bog - engl) for the Prince. "Bog" and in the Mongolian language means "litter" (anba - sum; Do rac - viet) ... And this very English word Litter, including consonant with the "sacrifice" (lito - lat) of the Roman Empire? Sacrilege!
   This applies to the "blood" (mud - sum; mau - viet; damu - akk; krov - russ), which "whore" (blyad, bludnitsa, shlyuha - russ; karkid, suhurla - sum; gai Diem - viet; jinu - sin; kezertu - akk; sadar em, looloi - mong; lupa, scortum - lat) already does not shed, if she had not- "disciplined" (kuri - finn), "dirty" (kura - finn), "the birth-sex"(suku - finn) "relations, communications"(suhde - finn) ...
   But it may shed a different "blood" (urin, uš - sum; ruot - viet; tsus - mong) - not "membrane"( - sum)!
   Oh, yes, there is no limit to the imagination! And there was!
   But viz the such visionaries as itinerant traders, "skalds" could be distributors, creators of such verbal "scold, curse", wandering through the world of its course, not to mention the Argonauts and the other Priests of jargons, contemporaries of Homer! Yes, the language borrowed has been and thus, "inverted". What to do? Language, it has been and remains the primary means of communication between people and nations. Language is living, growing, and he creates a communications infrastructure, including through the inevitable, compulsory borrowing, exchange through which information, knowledge ... What are they - is another matter, but they are!
   "To own native language - it is more suitable for the merchant. Artists - the servants of the language "- Karl Kraus wrote ...
   Yes, it is unlikely Babylon bazaar was a place of literary debates, although his business squabbles were recorded on the Tablets...
   Concrete "sum" (summa, itog - russ; šunigin, gu - sum; zonghe, kuan - sin; so, ca, toan, Dong - viet; dyn - mong)
   was the result of all this "noise" (shum, gam, gud - russ; suham, gu - sum; xuanhua, hua - sin; tien Dong - viet; duu shuu - mong) ... Irony? But it's true!
   In the harmony of language is not accidental! And the Sumerians made ??harmonious language!
   It's not their fault that we are not hearing ...
   But the millennium may well have turn even "praise" (mi - sum; ming - sin; maine - finn; macto - lat, magtah, magtaal - mong; muktedir, mansyon - turk, kazah) Sumerian "language" (eme - sum, am - mong)
   in "scold" (mang - viet; ema, ma, maren - sin; mat - russ) of other nations.
   Traced and the other scales morphemes "abuse, insults"( a'aš, aš, aš bala, aš sar, sikildua, sarda - sum; ray, ray la, si vu, ria roi, chui, chui rua - viet; ze, saye, zanyang, rang, ru, ruma, chize, chao, qiwu, - sin; sadatella, sattia - finn; sibutu - akk; aashlah, zagnah, zygeh - mong ; ssora, skverna, svara - russ; shabalandau, sЖvmek, zilgit - kazah, turk; zaya - sans;
   ib, aš bala - sum; biaoyang, pokou - sin; bran, eben - russ; bakyru - kazah; bari, bato - jap, objurgatio - lat; parusyam, pida - sans;
   in dub - sum; tapalu - akk; chui, chui rua - viet; dama, duo, tungdi, tang - sin; torua - finn; dhir - sans;
   kar, inim hulu, hulu - sum; ha nhuc - viet; ekou, huiyan - sin; haukkua, kiroilu - finn; haraal boloh - mong; hula, grubost - russ; kufur - kazah, turk; kelala, kashot - jew; carc, gali - sans;
   lu..., lum... - sum; lang nhuc - viet; lingru - sin; lis, litigo - lat; loukata - finn; elebon kashe - jew;
   inim hulu, nam kud, niggig - sum; nazaru - akk; ha nhuc, nhuc, nhiec - viet; nuhdella, noitua, noyryytys - finn; injuria - lat; ing'i - turk, kazah; nikara, - sans;
   RI... - sum; arratu - akk; ray, ray la, si vu, ria roi - S-viet; riidella - finn; rugan - russ, ursu - kazah, turk; jurgo - lat;
   where the Vietnamese "swearing" (ray, ria roi - viet) resonates at different latitudes with the Sumerian abuse ... The role of dialects is incredibly high, they do not just enrich the national language, they expand abroad and most of the nation!
   The mob has always been rich in imagination and in the "slander" (KAegal, kar, šu kar, šara, sulum mar - sum; šaru, tupullu - akk, diba - jew; giem, sam, treo hong, vu khong, vu oan - viet; zhizhai, dihui, te, wu, wugaozui, wumie, wulai - sin; siivoton, saastainen, herjata - finn; gordoh, gorloh, guzhir, laidah - mong; hibo, bugen, bukoku - jap; paicuna- sans, iftira- turk, kleveta, navet, ogovor - russ).
   Sumerian "abuse" ( - sum) consonant, the same root with "spider" and the number "6" (six, sex - o-engl), but not with the creations of the sixth day, when Adam has generated
   a lot of philosophical "debate, discussions"(ada, adamin, ešdam, inim šar, inim gi - sum; amatu šutabulu, šitultu, tesetu - akk;
   Dam, Dam luan, tranh luan, luan giai, cai, cai nhau; ca Do, ban bac - viet; bian, bianlun, boxi, zhenglun, fanbo, dadu - sin; benron, togi, toron - jap; bulaaldaan, erdmiyn margaan, shyymzhlen, zarga; moriy - mong;
   bargan - o-engl; bahs, gaur, tserena, mobahisa, monazara - push, dari;
   davali, talas, talky, keris, munakasha - kazah, turk; diyun, vikuha - jew;
   kiista, kina, keskustelu, vaittelu,veto - finn; ahava, vyaja, vijaya, spardha, tarkika - sans).
   Here we can mention only a decrease in the number of words and their extension in time ... No, in comparison with the swearing!
   Yes, the "abode"(adam - sum) Adam was somewhere close to Schumer. "The End" (adag - mong) of his "adventures" (adal - mong) was out there ... For a "dispute" (ada - sum) with the Creator Adam did not have "skill, resourcefulness" (ad - mong) ... But in the Sumerian word "adamin"(dispute) morpheme "min" means "two" ... Alas, that first Eden dispute gave rise to the whole logic of "truth-lie!"
   For this we may "to praise"(ar, katar sil - sum; khen, ca tung, tan duong - viet; kehua, kiitos - finn; kuajiang - sin; dalili dalalu - akk; guer, luba, spondo, steu - IE; pan, vand, gar - sans; laudo, laus, pollex - lat; shibah - jew, kibir, zart, sitayish - turk; sitayish - dari, tahsin - push; sayshaah - mong; herig*e - o-engl, hazjan - got) only Eve ...
   We "praise" (mi, ming, maine, macto, muktedir, mansyon ...), starting with the Sumerians and ending ...
   But before of such conclusions are far!
   It is quite clear to correspondence Chinese and Turkic morphemes: the ancient boundary between the two peoples, the Great Wall of China - is also one of the Wonders of the World, demonstrating the "scale" of their interaction in the last century BC and first century AD, which is very detailed considered L. Gumilev. But in case of correspondence Sumerian morphemes with Chinese and Turkic premature to assert a direct relationship last with the Sumerian written language. Especially if we take into account the time most of the Altai people "own" writing, fundamentally different from the Chinese and Sumerian. The exception now is Japan, although its syllabic alphabet is much simplified Chinese characters, and has lost its mystery, beauty, depth and imagery, including the ancient ...
   Another matter that we can not deny unproven some degree of root relationship of these languages ??to each other, not understanding the system of languages inheritance!
   But here we can isolate the two line correspondences: Schumer-China-Vietnam-Mongolia-Suomi and ... China-Vietnam-Mongolia-Suomi ... And these lines are complicated by differences consonants ch, r in the northern and southern dialects of Vietnam, for example, that affects the one correspondence of words such as chui rua and torua ... But these differences only highlight features of the "posthumous" Sumerian stories ...
   A feature of any abuse, discussed briefly above, is that her name is not much smaller than hiding behind them swear-words themselves. Public written language seemed primordially shielded themselves from the marketplace "abuse" (aš sar - sum) its quite acceptable for a "writing" (sar - sum) names, the equivalent ...
   But most of all, we're just overestimate the creative ability of the so-called "people", especially those of its representatives whom for expressing their thoughts enough a few words, and meaningless ... It is no accident that some random "interlocutor" of Dostoevsky treated in a conversation with just one "word" without even knowing how much the values ? it have in China, Vietnam, Mongolia!
   It is worth recalling the words of F. de Saussure: "... language is dependent on natural instinct, but not determines it," - which he hereafter questioned however...
   The situation is different for "jargons" (heihua - sin; edged hel - mong) of various public implicitly and explicitly non-public community of voluntary and involuntary followers 11 chapters of Genesis. As we have noted, the Sumerians also created some of these languages??, jargons of boatmen, bricklayers and other (even one for children), but did not come down to us - do not come down on usual bearer - we only can say, having been on the Argo only from the words of Homer! But the Sumerian language is much more interesting and mysterious than the artificial formation of...


   The Sumerians started their business, "writing" from the ideal forms clay balls. Each ball was a sign, a symbol of a particular thing, the head... In other nations symbol of head was a scalp, teeth ... Ball and became one of the first written characters. Then on the balls they were making fingerprints, marks, which also became symbols of owner, things, heads, fields ... Then, when the character became a lot their needed their own "field"(gana, alal - sum; kentta, lierit(hat) - finn; canh, canh Dong, le -viet; chang, lingyu - sin; heer, tal - mong) ...
   Library of Sumer, come down to us, was much richer in Alexandria, richer even primarily financial, business content, not to mention the actual availability of this wealth. No worse than Novgorod birchbark manuscripts, birchbark while on fire! But best of parchment, suitable for other purposes.
   Word - a jewel whose value is only reduced the price of the rim!
   And as we begin to notice this "library" some people use long before its discovery by archaeologists. No wonder this ... for who can be surprised.
   1. Creator molded man from the "dust" (sahar - sum), from the "clay"(im, imNIsahar(NI = net) - sum; tidu - akk; set, Dat set - viet; savi, muta(silt) - finn; shavar, naangi - mong; nitu - sin; nendo - jap; Antika - sans; glina, il - russ; gil, havra, hata - pust, dari; Homer, heres - jew; lera, mudder - swed, dat ),
   from which the Sumerians made ??"Tablets" (im, dub - sum), and wrote on them "signs" (dohio - mong; dau - viet) pointy "sticks" (DUB - sum; Dua - viet; dohiur - mong),
   which can be used as a "spoon" (dilim - sum; thia - viet;), as a "forks" (gidim - sum; dia - viet) ...
   In Sanskrit, "the book" (pusta - sans) this is "the product of clay" - one word!
   2. Sumerian "tablets" (dub - sum), known to us and through the Akkadian "tuppu", it was not just a "sound" (dun - mong), it is not just "signs, tiles, plaques"(t?m, b?n, th?, tam van nho, tam bien, Dia hat, tang - viet; taulu - finn; tevher - mong; ban, shiban - sin; tablica - pol),
   but "text, picture, drawing, writing board, book, letter" (devter - mong; bang Den, Do ban, thu, thu an, thu phap, tu - viet; tu, tubiao, tupian, duben, duwu - sin ), "school" (deg-mong; truong - viet),
   "paper" (to, to bao, giay, to giay - viet; zhi - sin; tsaas - mong), else called it the Chinese inventors.
   This is "receipt, document" (tai lieu, giay to - viet; dan, danju, du - sin), which the Europeans naively consider of their gifts, as well as "beads" (za, zagingešdili - sum; xianglian - sin; dat ngoc - viet; suvs, sondor - mong; abnu - akk; mura, mohra - push; maharonet - jew).
   Yes, a lot here - the new concept for us, but do not forget, when the Chinese invented writing, paper, and the Sumerians - beads, which lapis lazuli was from the Pamir ...
   Here we must note, for example, that almost full compliance with the Sumerian and Akkadian word "letter" (see below) also does not mean Akkadians involved in its creation, but vice versa - a mechanical borrowing,
   although Cro-Magnon man walked on the same clay with Neanderthals ...
   Their "blackboards" (da - sum; bang Den, thu an - viet; taulu, luokkataulu - finn; ita, ban - jap; tabella - lat; tahta - kazah, turk; le'u - akk; luhot - jew) were different, although the latter was borrowed from the Sumerians (le'um) ...
   It is no accident morpheme "dub" associated with the verb "to speak, put in order" (dug - sum; thu, thua, thuyet ... - viet), above.
   3. Sumerian "tablets" (im - sum; modon payz - mong) have something in common with "sounds" (am - viet; avia, chimee - mong) of Mongolian "oral" (amaar - mong; am ... - viet) "language, word"(am - mong),
   with "inscriptions on the stones" (ming, mingke - sin), with "labels" (mazi - sin), with "the numbers" (ma - sin), the "notes" (manbi - sin) of Chinese "people" (min - sin) about "casual conversation" (mantan - sin) "illiterate"(mang - sin) "students"(men - sin) near the "gate" of "school" ...
   The Chinese have used instead of chopsticks the "brush writing" (maobi - sin), which became and "brushes" (moltsog - mong) of decorations ...
   "Mongolians" (meng - sin) "branded, put the label" (imneh, mal imneh - mong; simda - sum; mat hieu - viet) on the ears of cattle, "similar" (ium - mong) by "images" (imago - lat; mian - sin) with first script, by which then could "know"(medeh - mong; am hieu - viet) their "ownership" (oma, maarai ... - finn; a šum - sum; ezem, medel - mong).
   Yes, there is no direct correspondence here, but it is hard to say for sure how these or other the original semantic units, the roots have evolved in other languages. But in the famous example of the Latin language can be argued that they are likely to have been borrowed and evolved on the branches of semantic graphs. The coincidence of the acoustic images similar in meaning words is unlikely to be accidental. Another question: who was a verbally "donor." Especially who was the first it. Although here we consider correspondence between and modern neighbors.
   The "order, system" (emh - mong; nam - sum) must be everywhere, even in "hell" (tam - mong; am phu - viet) ... It can be said about "taste, aroma" (amt - mong; mui - viet; gamgam - sum; maku - finn), but everything has its time ...
   These tablets-IM are associated with the first earthly creation, with such "profession" (ammatti - finn; mergezhil-mong), as a "bear" (amarzhih - mong; amagan, muDU - sum; mian - sin), to create the "life" (am - mong; namtil - sum; mang, menh - viet; ming - sin). What other work can be more important for the nomadic pastoralists?
   But for this is enough a "vital force" (umun - sum) "vagina" (GAM, mug - sum; umsag - mong; am ho - viet), modestly covered up by "hymen"(mo, xiongmo - sin) of silence,
but where the "economy"(gam - mong; kiem - viet) words are not needed, where they need to "squander" (mi - sin) ...
   Economy need to "trade"(mao - sin; myi - finn; naymaa - mong; merx - lat) on "Fair" (miao - sin; macellum - lat; myymala - finn; magazin - russ) even at the "church" (miao - sin).
   All life, work, the "success" (uma - sum; amzhilt - mong; may, my man - viet; menestys - finn), "profit" (maoli - sin) nomads depended from this creation.
   Without it, "Shepherd"(malchin - mong; muren - sin) in vain would "pasture" (hariulah - mong; KUr - sum; kaita - finn; chan - viet) his herd and would not have had "nothing" (yum - mong; ei mikaan - finn; moc xi - viet),
   nor "things"(yum - mong; omaisuus - finn; su mon - viet), nor "cattle" (mal, amtam - mong; mašanše - sum), nor "saddle" (emeel - mong; ma'an - sin), the throne of the nomad,
   and instead of "sum of money" (mongo - mong; mon - viet; maara - finn; summa - russ) went with a "bag" (hyydiy, uut - mong; budai, daizi - sin; suma - russ) of lone beggar...
   A "woman, the feminine principle" (munus - sum; em - mong; am, mau - viet) - is the basis of these "creation" (amtan - mong) ...
   It all started with "Tablets, Word" (im - sum; am - mong) of a simple "clay"(im - sum; Homer - jew), and not from the "cardboard"(mafenzhi - sin).
   Even the song "blind"(mang - sin, mu - viet; sokea - finn; sohor, nydgyi - mong; igi-nugal - sum) Homer who does not "seen" (igi sig, igi duh - sum; you shili, kandao - sin; quan sat, nhin, nhom, xem - viet; amaru; naplusu; natalu - akk; nahda - finn; yzeh, harah - mong), what, what country, what time he sings ...
   All of this could be "copy" (miao, mo - sin) from memory ...
   All this was a "literacy campaign" (saomang - sin) universal scale!
   But all this is great "secret"(mi - sin) Punchinello, the mystery of "hermetic sealing" (mifeng - sin), which "key, code" (mima - sin) is not known to anyone, especially those who hold it in his mouth ...
   Very tasty!
   Especially "lies, fraud, mistake" (menda, mendax - lat; miu, miuwu, meng - sin; meh, mehleh - mong) verbal indigestion ...
   Two previous tablets were associated with either business or simply with the clay, although there were special "tablets sales" (gabšum, imga-ab-šum2 - sum; where šum2 = "onion, garlic", or even "to slaughter"!) ...
   4. But these "tablets" (ligin, imli-gi4-in; where gi4 = to turn, change status ..., kill (!!!); In = sector, abuse!) has been directly associated with the school: "tablet with excerpts, school text".
   Even the young "clay, silt "(ala - sum; lag, lai - mong; lieju - finn; il, glina - russ; gil, lai - dari, push; limus - lat; ler, lera - swed, dat) sound in them in an especially!
   F. de Saussure, for whom the word was the main thing in life, said: "bad, when certain things come from the words," - implying that thing the "Language" (lingua - lat), "speech" ... What would happen if drafters of the first written language each time came from the things themselves, not of words, morphemes, signs, which correspond to them? Language would not have been so far! Or he could always smelled garlic and onions!
   Yes, there would only be words such as the Russian "garlic, honor, honesty, ambition" (Chesnok, Chest, Chestnost, Chestolyubie ...) ... But what bad garlic?
   In 1970-80 the author studied about it when with colleagues tried to organize, regulate scientific terminology, the conceptual apparatus. Alas, we started from the words in the definition of words (things)! Explanatory dictionaries - an example of that. A vicious circle? The paradox?
   Yes, but the word was given to man in order to call, give names to things, creatures of the Lord! The world of words - it is literally parallel, The mental World, Parallel Universe, its mental, symbolic copy! In the essence of the Word! But the paradox is that we are still exist in it!
   And the creators of the Sumerian, as you can see, when defining a new written words come literally from the Things from their characters from their "acoustic image", but not always adequate from the meaning! First, always small, not enough words! Every word was a combination of beautiful symbols of the objective world, especially words like "horse" very valuable "thing"! We can say this about the hieroglyphs, symbolic images of the material world! And all this was in the beginning!
   Combinatorics of their "wedge" in the ideogram may shock the imagination of Europeans with our primitive, but post-diluvian sets of "lines" and "cuts"! Combinatorics, without a computer, without the science of "combinatorics"! What Beauty, Fantasy, Meaning, Symbolism, Riddles in each ideogram, hieroglyph? There is this all in combination 2-3 sounds? Now there is, after the appearance of the written word!
   Alas, to create a language and speak it beautifully, talking - they are two totally different "thing", and very different people can do it! The creators of language - it is the artists, new picture paint with old, known to all paints, which we do not notice, admiring the picture itself!
   F. de Saussure almost in our time also wrote that the individual "by itself can not create any language, any change it ..."! The Sumerians, for sure, did not read it, and therefore created... Homer especially! Blind...
   Yes, for us it is the main secret: Who were the Sumerians, Homer, Bojan? Were? But in their Appearance, there was no the arbitrariness! Only the Will of the Mind! Homer, Bojan were not blind, they simply saw the world differently than we see so far, even the reading of their myths! Spiritual blindness is worse than usual.
   But Saussure was written more about Indo-European languages??, where the language - "a system of signs, in which the only essential is the connection sense and the acoustic image ... Sign language - ... is not an abstraction... In the language ... there is nothing but an acoustic image ... Language is a storehouse of acoustic images, and letter - their tangible form."
   It is hard to imagine a reader, say, Jerome K. Jerome in the original, never even heard the barking of the British dog. But his native, European letter, indeed, only transmits sounds, it all can listen in the audio recording in the theater, where for you to read more and much better ...
   Yes, and from a professional point of view of linguists Saussure own right! They know the national written language perfectly, better than all the rest! Something new, unusual and writers, they can seek and find permanent only in folklore, dialects!
   What's new in general can be found among the many combinations of just three of dozens of letters, and an incredibly literal? And as soon as the musicians have bypassed smaller number of signs? It is amazing! Although, yes, we just listen to them!
   Of course, all this is true for the languages ??in which the written form appeared thousands of years later after origin of the language, speech, or after Sumer, Homer... For those languages ??whose alphabet was borrowed from the Phoenicians, sea pirates and merchants, for whom time - Money! But we do not doubt that the Phoenician alphabet - this is only a stylized Sumerian ideogram, but in an entirely different, new, literally Writings! Pirates and traders want to be understood literally, tangibly as the flags on their ships! Competitors they did not exist, it was not NATO. But their first letter Aleph is very similar to the form of ideograms words "A" (hand, time), as well as "alla" (oak).
   A letter has ceased to be an artistic creation, graphics, but it became literally "warehouse sales" of sounds, their initials, "tangible form", but the schedule was the same calligraphy with the beauty and absurdity of her monograms! Creation of Sumer - Civilization affairs absorbed the artists themselves. And if not Homer, Boyan who gave letter poetry, mythology, symbolism its Images and Meanings, we are now read only "Exchange Gazette"! We here do not even mention Orpheus, teacher of Homer, not to mythologize the theme ...
   But these "tangible form" then themselves gave rise to the acoustic images are far removed from the original "acoustic rubbish" marketplaces, the roar of the jungle - or would we still stayed there, speaking with a banana in your mouth or in your ears! The creation of the written language has become the prototype of creativity, creating a new, the Other - from the ordinary, even from Nothing ... And Saussure wrote that "it is language shapes the nation," but on the other hand ... Alas, the only language, only sign systems, communication systems, and form It, ties together all of this chaotic world!
   Everything else is done for us, other Creator, Woman ...
   But Saussure in reasoning about the language, modestly missed the main individual - the researcher, creator of the least knowledge about the language, himself! Alas, for us, language is a social phenomenon, but it is studied, created an "individual", and this individual uses speech in the crowd, at least two. For lone individual his own speech is not necessary - that's a paradox of Saussure!
   For the researcher language is a super-social phenomenon that creates a society itself, for the banal existence of which is enough its speech, bestial roar, or "Silence of the Lambs"!
   The Sumerians and created such a language, using the very recognizable "forms", morphemes - to make it more understandable by all ...
   It's funny to hear when someone calls this language of "ordinary", "public", but not the Exalted, not a mystery, because those secrets did not reach us. To us just a lot of things did not come and does not reach!
   We purposely started the book and the first chapter from screams, noise, swearing, even to show clearly how those original "acoustic images" were far from their already "palpable form" in the first language ... Indo-European "market" has gone probably the other way - rock, guttural, harem, gourmand ... Where led him, more!
   But Saussure was all the same rights that the colloquial "language is a social phenomenon," and for the materialists - even tangible, Darwin. What was the society, so were the primary roots, composite, sound morpheme of languages??, even those which were written in "Mahabharata", "Iliad," "Golden Ass" ...
   The compilers of these languages ??simply ashamed of its substrate, the national lexicon, have not used its sound morpheme to create a written language of the gods, or covered up their shame many meaningless, empty morphemes, flexions, "castles in the air," "bubbles" of Grammar! Sound letter makes it very easy to get rid of unnecessary words - just do not write them! They are not in letters, like it seems us...
   But in order to erase the boundaries between "language" (langue) and the "speech" (parle), which cautioned of Saussure, it is impossible, that is two strongly overlapping concepts. The area of its intersection - the Word itself! Erase the boundary between them - that means erase everything! Will just the icons, scribbles, wedges, as it was with the Sumerian language for a long time that has passed after him ...
   But the language gets in our time and a different definition, the purpose that we try to reveal in book... Language - is not just a social phenomenon, but super-social, global, system-spanning ... Here he does not simply intersect the speeches of individuals ... The essence of such a world language - Information, divine Word itself ...
   And here is a different attitude to the letter! According to Saussure, "the letter itself ... alien to the internal system of language ..."
   Yes, maybe, but the language in which the late nineteenth century spoke to some deaf valley of Switzerland, or even duller ...
   Now the whole world unwittingly once again begins to speak a common language, but what "God has sent him or a blog" on the external, financial and political reasons ... The mass of dialects, even whole languages ??have in life are almost "dead", although still strong resist ... from time to time, clogging the Virtual lot evil and stupid rude "words" ... Moreover, inevitably dying language in Saussure's sense, as if repeating the tragic fate of Sumer, but not for the first time in history.
   Everything is repeated, but only in the other scale, but so far only repeated ...
   But nobody deliberately did not choose this English as a world language - so easy turned out, such a coincidence! By law the strong, as in the herd, like Cain with Abel? This is perhaps the main paradox, nonsense Virtual, Information World, still have not created the Artificial Intelligence for this reason: it is nothing on which to say to be an Intelligence! In all other incredible scientific, logical World ... But in reality - so far only calculative ...
   Alas, as are linguists, mathematicians and physicists are too fixated on their own languages ??... Fortunately, mathematicians, physicists already have a world language, but only in their field - not Universal! Mathematical linguistics, a kind of "verbal-digital" Dictionary, also stepped nearby in the ... Pythagoras' Trousers. Therefore the newly created, colorful "Babylon" is like so far only its "bazaar", "public house", a forum, though ...
   But not all at once!
   Let us return to Chapter: in Chinese, Vietnamese for writing foreign words by ear, too, sometimes used characters are very distant or opposite in meaning to the word itself. As used for the morphemes can find out their treatment of this new word.
   For the first written language and the "native" language spoken would seem so, especially for newcomers of the Sumerians ... It says only that the ordinary, everyday written language originated and evolved before the church, "high" language with their "lofty" constituent morphemes, signs ... That is, the vital need was determined more than any messianic, priestly and other aspirations ... Those could come later, at the second or third language.
   Therefore the morpheme "abuse, murder," and could become part of the Tablets with school texts! And a part of the word "pleasure" (kirizal, kiri3-zal) became the "nose" (kiri3), smell the "orchard" (kiri6), and not the garden! An example is, of course, simplified, but the nose appeared before an orchard ... But polyphony, homophones veil hid all the puzzles!
   A separate question - who satisfy these needs, the public demand ...
   Of course, it was very funny to compare the French word "langue", "langage" with a more "narrow" within the meaning of the Latin "lingua" ... This is the same, to compare children and parents of the dead: who is better ... Aznavour sings! Saussure could have mentioned for comparison and the Greek "Logos", which Heraclitus gave seven definitions from the "Great" (large) to the "ridiculous" (laugh)!
   Now in this series, we can mention the Sumerian tablets school "ligin", which became the prototype of "Language" Saussure, Tablets
   of not "read" (lan-sin), but the "spoken words" (loi, loi noi - viet), "texts" (loi chu, loi - viet; lan - sin), "vows" (loi hua, loi nguyen - viet) , their "style" (loi van - viet) and even "error" (loi lam - viet; aldaa - mong),
   may be result from differences in phonetic morphemes given that we deliberately omitted, having no precise data on the phonetics of Sumerian and other ancient languages hermetically sealed Thoth Trismegistus.
   Vietnamese morpheme "spoken words, texts"(loi; loi nhuan, lai), "talk"(liao - sin), "notes"(lu-sin; lappu - finn), also means "profit",
   that was not surprising and for Schumer with their " surplus, profit" (la'u - sum; loi - viet; lao, li, lirun - sin; ilyydel - mong; liika - finn; lih, lihva, lihotk - o-slav; lucellum, lucrum - lat),
   "loss, damage" (luga - sum; luo - sin; bat loi - viet; aldah - mong; lihovanie - o-slav), their "compensation, restitution" (lulgu - sum; olgovor - mong)
   and the "business, profit" (liikeala - finn; lihoimie - o-slav; olzorhoh - mong) of "merchants" (lunigsamgu - sum; liike ... - finn; lixa - lat) at all!
   Another, more similar to the Sumerian, Vietnamese morpheme "long" means "slang"(long, tieng long - viet; li, liyu - sin), going back to the ancient name of "Hanoi"(Long Bien), which is based on morpheme "long" (dragon , come off, come apart) from Vietnam "ABC" (Sach vo long - viet; Yseglel - mong), but borrowed from the Chinese. It is also a "brush" (but long, choi long - viet) for writing...
   In Finnish, we can note a number of lexical, school correspondence - "sentence" (lause), "reading, learning" (lukea), "chapter, section" (luku) "a book to read" (luku-kurja), "training year "(luku-vuosi)," class "(luokka), and" leaves, the press "(lehdisto), "LP" (levy - finn; jaltas - mong), until the commercial examples of "account, number "(luku), "credit" (luotto), "buy" (lunastus - finn; chuoc lai - viet; toloos - mong).
   Mongolian "Lamaists, teacher" (lovon - mong; laoshi - sin) managed in a "language" (hel, eh hel - mong; kieli - finn) mostly without the letter "L" at the beginning of words, but could not do without "lotus "(linhua - mong) in their" news, reports, connections "(hel, holboo - mong; ilmoius, liikenne - finn; lianxi - sin; lien - viet) and in modern times ...
   But so far nothing about "Lingua", which still have to survive the "Logos", to make a lot of "work, affairs" (labor - lat; lam - viet; altar, il, dulum - sum; lai, lao, laodong - sin) with "lips "(labrum - lat), many " sheets, planks, boards" (lamina - lat) of the" stone "(lapis - lat), a lot of "baked brick"(later - lat), spend a lot of "plenty ", "wealth"(lagritas - lat), a long time "bargaining" (liceor - lat), to work "hoe" (ligo - lat),
   from "lines, nicks" (linea - lat) under the ass to do "the letter" (littera - lat), to write some "small compositions" (libellus - lat), and then a lot of the immortal 'book"(liber - lat; lunzhu - sin) in Latin, on the next great "dead" (leto - lat; lan (end) - sin) language of "the Romans" (luomaren - sin), who did not know any words about the Sumerian "Tablets" (ligin) ...
   Alas, no one is safe from the "death" ( - sum; uššu - akk; uhel - mong; si, siwang - sin; sanguis - lat; si, sibo - jap; swilt - o-engl; surma - finn; smert - russ; tan so - viet), although other "death" (bukko - jap) is similar root with "barter", with the market.
   5. ABC East (Sach vo long, Sach hoc van - viet; Useglel, Tsagaan tolgoi - mong) have something in common with Sumerian "notation, musical writing, notation" (sagida, sagara), "liturgical rubrics, liturgical rubric" (šagbatuku: wr. Šag4 -ba-tuku),
   that are "topics, the subject of the teachings" (giang De, giao khoa - viet; zuil - mong; xueke - sin) of "school" (shcola - lat) "textbook" (sach giao khoa - viet; jiaokeshu - sin; surah bichig - mong), of "the Church" (giao hoi - viet; sum - mong), "religious doctrines" (giao thuyet - viet; suseg surtal - mong),
   of all "education" (giao duc - viet; sivistys - finn; surah, surguul - mong; jiaoyu - sin), the lessons of the old "teachers" (giao thu, giao hoc - viet; surgan - mong; jiaoshi - sin), much to us "learn, enlighten" (giang, giao - viet; sivistaa - finn, xunlian, jiao - sin; surgah - mong),
   because they themselves were the "masters" (sagimla - sum; ummianu - akk; jiangren - sin), "wise men" (šugalanzu - sum; sang suot - viet; xianren, shengxian, zhe, hui - sin; tsetsen hyn, mergen hyn - mong; sapiens, sciens - lat; mudu - akk; mudrets - russ), well, "the priests" (sacerdos - lat), of course, that now sounds more mysterious and sublime ...
   It is "enough" (ibsi - sum; satis - lat; Du roi - viet; xiangdong - sin; bol, bolioch, zogs - mong)!
   Vietnamese "designation, announcements, cards" (giay bao, xep giay ghim lai - viet; zurag - mong), "paper, a document" (giay - viet; sheda - lat; tsaas - mong) and other similar not only with above Sumerian but with the Finnish "word" (sana), "page" (sivu - finIn; sonin - mong; sayfa - turk) and, more importantly, with the ancient "sagas" (saaga), the "heart" (sydan - finn; šag - sum; ruot, ruot gan - viet; xin, xintou - sin; zurh - mong) "inside" (sisassa - finn; ruot - viet; zai - sin) throughout the Scandinavian literature.
   They each "line, verse" (giong - viet; sae - finn; shi, shijie - sin; shuleg - mong) sound his "voice, tone" (giong - viet; šeg - sum; sheng, sang - sin; savy - finn; tsohilt - mong), as the ancient "Soothsayer" (saga - lat; zonch - mong)...
   Sumerian morpheme šag4 also means "inner body, viscera, the heart, inside," as "long" morpheme Vietnamese ABC book, where the morpheme "Sach" matter "book", "clean, fully, completely," "forgiveness of all sins" (sach toi) .
   The similarity is noted and the Chinese "Primer"(Shizi keben), which is very poetic, versatile, morpheme "Shi", alsou means "corpse, digestion" and its fruit. "Heart" in Chinese - xin, xinkou, & keben - "book", but "interior" - zang, and "curse words" - zanghua, zang ... This is also in Chinese "Tibet". Here it is necessary remind the Chinese designation "Sanskrit" (Fanyu), reminiscent of Russian thieves "jargon"(Fenya). Zang in Chinese - this is "stolen stuff", zei - "thief." In the Sumerian "steal" - zuh, that the Vietnamese will "giat, suy suyen". Vanity of vanities! The thief'is eternal under the Moon!
   All of this underlines not an accident, but systematic cited correspondences between languages??, even with our limited direct knowledge of the Sumerian lexicon. Comparative analysis of the language itself must be systemic, rather than the level of kitchen crocks, dishes, flexions and the phonetics of their ringing in the bygone centuries ...
   We will inevitably compare the written languages??, which were created on the other "kitchen" (emuhaldim - sum; mon an - viet), where was prepared Spiritual food for Man!
   6. The Sumerians also had a "wooden counting board, ledgers, ledger board" (dur - sum; kiskirru - akk; keresh - jew), Akkadian version of which became a "cash-boards, cash-desk" of our Creusot.
   Sumerian same board formed the basis of Vietnam's "cash" (thu ngan, where thu = collect; desk, book), as well as the whole "accounting ledgers" (ke toan) in the form of a "mathematics" (toan - viet; tooni uhaan - mong, where too = quantity).
   In the Chinese language is only one similar morphemes tuan: "group, company, band, union, Komsomol," ... - not associated with the Chinese morpheme "tu" (map, plan, drawing). "Accounting" (buji), "Mathematics" (shuxue) in China are different.
   We present here two examples of accounting terminology, "accountant" (totsaa (in game), heshebon - jew; shu, dianshu - sin; too, dyn, dans - mong; dasan - jap; talu - o-engl; šittum - akk ; su tinh toan - viet; šitadu - sum, where du = all; toan = all, total - viet)
   and the "balance" (situm, dub bala - sum; šittum, paqidu - akk; su can bang, ban quyet toan - viet; tootsoni dun - mong; tase, tasapaino - finn; pingheng, duizhaobian - sin), after which one can say where Babylon book-keeping moved with her accounting boards ...
   7. Not only tablets, but also the ancient "inscriptions" (mašdara - sum; maštaru - akk; ming, mingke - sin; merkinta, omistus - finn; De muc, cau viet - viet; medee - mong) on them, on the Chinese stones, "say, inform, provide a clue" (mach- viet), "describe" (mieu ta - viet), "illustrate" (minh hoa - viet) similarities between the languages??. Sumerian dara3 morpheme occurs in the notation of fish, lamb.
   In all there are the principle of "Dao" (line, scratch, truth, teaching ...), Lao Tzu would have said ...
   Saussure was right in saying that "the language and writing are two different systems of signs ...", but still a little bit wrong in setting priorities when he stated that "... the only reason the second one - to serve the first image, the object of linguistics is not written in a combination word and the spoken word, but is entirely in the latter." Among the "first" and "second" the "last" is still "second", as mathematicians would say, not linguists...
   Sumerian written language has been mixed, word-syllabic, phonetic-ideographic. Some ideograms transmitted sound of a syllable, not the meaning ... As we can see, "business", the precise and concrete letter not only markets but also the entire economic activity Schumera was a priority. The same written language was formed on the basis of a fully developed spoken language is quite a civilized nation. Therefore, for transmission to the letter of words spoken language used is "voiced" in business correspondence ideograms.
   Chinese language was created as a strictly ideographic, analytical, as a real and visibly basis for the nation, where the word-meanings were similar to the "bricks" from which it was possible to create a new Tower, to unite disparate peoples into a nation, and so on ... Oh, no, China instead of Tower building walls, and its ziggurats were the mounds, tombs, which did not seem to give the departed souls leave this world, as in Egypt! They are needed here on earth, with their armies! China was not Mesopotamia, China was the Celestial Empire! Shumer created for other languages??, China has created a language for many!
   On the territory of China are many different dialects, peoples that also led to an extraordinary polyphony homophones but one language...
   No, we will not repeat known things about the relationship Chinese with the Vietnamese, Mongolian, Japanese who have long enjoyed his writing ... In particular, the Mongolian language, the oral version of which is different from the Chinese not only the individual sounds and roots, as the Japanese, but also the structure of words, sentences ... In that Mongolian language, even closer to rich grammar Sumerian! Time is now Mongolia uses the Cyrillic alphabet, like many Turkish people, now users of Latin, but with their not available for Latin phonetics!
   Cyril and Methodius went much further than even the Greek language, phonetically improve, adapting its alphabet to the phonetics of Slavic languages??, sounding closer to Turkic, Ural ... Cyril knew why the Slavs settled in this territories, who are our neighbors, with whom we are communicating to live together ... He did not know only one thing - what will happen to itself Byzantium, who took revenge on Rome! But what he was for that, if he created a new language in the ancient Thrace of Spartacus, famous by Homer, so sweet heart of Knight Svyatoslav, who ruled Rus' more from the Bulgarian Pereyaslavets than from Kyiv ...
   Alas, now the language problems are solved "courtiers," deputies, voting for something that does not have any idea, to try on the Latin, as the lats or brass pennies! ... What to do, so Babel was. Conceived of his Creator, but carried out the usual, not creative people... Those Amorites, their name already says a lot about anything the same western ear! Such is the moral of the History...
   Joke! The present pandemonium - is not the first in history, therefore it is similar to farce! The first pandemonium was not so sad and embarrassing as it may seem to most readers of the Bible ... Thanks to him, Sanskrit, the West has gained such a resounding letter...
   Saussure was right that the languages??, dialects, with no written language, too, remain a very long time, that is, do not develop - they have no support for the conservation of single, sporadic changes: the wise are silent, and the fools still do not hear anyone... Naturally, and oral language ever acquire new words-things, but we are talking about the old words, which are forgotten, lost, distorted (sick) ... but do not update! To update old word need material basis, "paper", form, which can still be changed, cleaned like clothes! What can we do with a sound depending only on the number of teeth in mouth?
   But for researchers of Antiquity it is great advantage of oral language - their conservatism, by which they have for thousands of years preserved their ancient ancestral roots!
   If all nations have found written in Babylon, the modern world would be completely different! In that Akkadian, Amaury rulers sensed in it his animal instinct a mortal threat to themselves why they stopped the line "expansion" of writing, of the immortal words, replacing it with the expansion of the government of mortals!
   But apparently, the All-Seeing Creator was right: most of the barbarians, that is, earthlings, then just were not ready to return to heaven, in Paradise, to the Tree of Life ... Are they now?
   The question is very difficult to perceive, judging by the many websites and blogs, where from cultivated of centuries, meaningful "morpheme" is built up such a monstrous absurdity at times, which did not know what the ancient Babylon, judging by his surviving library! This is, perhaps, still only a "new Capriccios" generated by the "Dream of Mind," dozing under the sound of the most reasonable period of humanity ... too intelligent for him ...
   But the Word, fortunately, not in their power, not at the mercy "speech" (parole) "Man of the speaker," dealer's name ... The word appeared in the "power" "Man writing" becoming subservient, obedient to his creative hand, and not just eating Mouth. "Monkeys" (bich - mong) did not know how "to write" (bichih - mong; pisat - russ; sar - sum) - they just "urinate" (a sur - sum; sheeh - mong; pisat, ssat - russ; Di giai - viet; saniao - sin)!
   The Sumerian Tablets were the basis of literature, writing "(namdub, namdubsar - sum; but nghien - viet; utga zohiol, bichig useg - mong), where the "roots "(nghiem - viet; yndes - mong) can be a certain "order, Testament" (nam - sum; di ngon - viet; yun - sin; emh - mong; neuvo - finn), "ink stone"(nghien - viet), "brush, pen"(ngoi but - viet ; yzeg, otgo, ug, nairuulga - mong; kuna - finn; gangbitou, hui ... - sin) ...
   For "writers, scribes" (namšešgal - sum; nha van, tac gia - viet; nu-zuojia-sin (lady) - sin; uran zohiolch - mong; navisinda - dari; scriba - lat; soper - jew) it did not matter - than to write ...


   Novgorod novelists would have understood perfectly the Sumerian verb "scribe" (sar, sarar - sum; šataru - akk; soan, sao - viet; zurah, zohioh - mong; xie, zuo, bi - sin; zix - etrur, scribo - lat; kaku - jap; katav - jew; rizan - germ),
   when "scratching, scraping" (kad, hu, suhur - sum; cao, quao, say - viet; gua, hua, zhua - sin; kynsia, kutista, syyhyta - finn; husah, savardah, saraachih - mong; koryabat, tsarapat , skryabat, skresti - russ; sarat - jew; scribo - lat) on birch bark,
   probably the same knife which cut a "food" (thuc pham - viet; pin - sin; puttu, paššuru - akk; bubu'I - sum; penus - lat; baksa, pista, pitu - sans; pisha - russ ...) , in tune with this, saying:
   I "am writing"(pishu - russ; bichih - mong; biji - sin; viet - viet), therefore I exist!


   Relationship of food to the letter is not random, but not corny gastronomic, if we remember the ancient divination of Sumerians, Etruscans on the "signs"(zah - sum; zihhu - akk; dau - viet; osoitus - finn; shinzh - mong; jihao, xinhao, zheng - sin; siman - jew)
   of "liver" (bar, ur, nig-kiggia - sum; gan (buong), can - viet; ganr, gan - sin; keuhko - finn; pechen, jetra - slav; kabattu, takaltum - akk; kaved - jew), which is no accident in tune with life.
   Yes, although the constituent morphemes Sumerian "liver" nigkiggia are: nig = thing; kig = pointed, to work; & gi = kill! But the Chinese have their "gan" = shield, to make; gange = war, gun; & the Vietnamese "gan" = brave, nerve; and consonant morpheme "gam" = to point!!!, "gang" = to make efforts ...
   Once again, we can note that the lead, the key consonants, especially in the eastern roots is the first most often occlusive or dental fricative, with which we open our mouth or grin... They are still easy to distinguish from the sonant, especially in the Oriental languages??, not to mention the silent language of Sumerian...
   At them we focus our attention, not to "rhymes" (van, am van, van tho - viet; yun - sin; uyak - turk; holbots - mong; kafiya - push, dari; harun - jew), which always were in power of the poets, but the same root with the "letter" (van, van tu - viet; unadug - sum; wenzi - sin),
   if it "echo"( vyanunanunada - sans; vang, vang doi, tieng doi, doi, am huong - viet; gu šum; ad ša - sum; hui-sheng, yinxiang - sin; yanki - kazah, turk; angei, azanga, tannin- push, dari; kaiku - finn; tsuurai, duu-ria - mong; šagamu, - akk; hed - jew; )...
   Here gu, ad, tieng, duu, sheng = voice, noise...
   Sonant depend on end of rhymes, where consonant is more unsteady.
   Yes, it's already been written ... We just wanted to note that the morphemes in the Sumerian word "gu šum" share their meanings with the words of Chinese morphemes "hui sheng" crossover manner: šum = to give; hui = to return, give, answer...
   At the same ideogram morpheme hui - it is double square of the character "oral, mouth" (kou), from which we started the chapter, which is more similar to the Sumerian ideogram "gu" - almost too square! And this is not single example for those languages.
   Here again it should be noted, and a striking resemblance to write both words and morphemes in these languages??, as far as you can compare the cuneiform and hieroglyphs ... That is, we do not exclude the exchange between the two languages ??at the level of namely written language...
   But we live spoken language ... In the last century it was often the single means of communication in remote corners of the earth, and now is incredibly spread its space (with the help signs of information and electronic systems). After the talk, we can easily forget what was being said, especially if the conversation was unpleasant, not to write to a memory book ...
   Lao-Tzu said, "Who's dead, but not forgotten, he's immortal".
   And millions years, millennia that have passed before us, "remembered"(si(!) - sum; ji(!) - sin; hasasu - akk; nho, nho ra, nho dai - viet; sanah, medeh - mong; muistaa - finn; zahar - jew), don't "forgot"(šu bar, halam, geštug ulu, uh - sum; xi xoa, quen, bo quen - viet; unohtaa - finn; mašu - akk; martah, uhaan aldah - mong)
   only "signs"( zah, zib, šušer, a'aš, giškim - sum; dau, dau hieu, ki hieu - viet; useg, shinzh - mong;osoitus - finn; jihao, hui, xinhao, zhang - sin; zihhu, ittu - akk; siman - jew; znak - slav) from all this wisdom of the ages,
   only "trace" (sled, stopa - slav; zukum, giri'us - sum; giam, dau vet, vet - viet; jiaoyin, henji, zuyin, zheyin - sin; iz, eser, shar - kazah, turk; ixnos - greek; hev, hev garah, mor, or - mong; asar, pal - dari, push; kabasu - akk; akev, tevia - jew; ato - jap; last, trod - o-engl)
   on clay from the "paws, legs" (giri, hub, pah - sum; gio, cang, chan - S-viet; hel, god, savar, ul, tavhai - mong; hairus- germ; jiao, gu, zu, tui - sin; jalka, saari, kapala, tassu - finn; asi - jap; ayak, balak, balder, penche, taban - kazah, turk; ben - swed; šepu - akk; carana, pad - sans; pedis, pes - lat; laffa - germ; pah, bedro, golen, lapa, shapa, stopa - slav; fot - o-engl...) even unreasonable creatures ...
   At the same time the Sumerian ideogram "hub" again like a character "hips" (gu) ...
   People have long known marks.
   They are "burned out" (šu huz, sig, dib, gurum - sum; sem, Dot, cham - viet; shao, dian, tang, kao, lao - sin; shataah, tuleh - mong; tuli - finn; šuhuzu, sarapu, kababu - akk;saraf - jew; zhech, goret - russ) on the skins of their cattle,
   used them already in Sumer as "brands" (zagšu, simda - sum; dau - viet;), "seal" (šab, kišib - sum; dau - viet; šipassu, kunukku - akk; chuozi, yinzhang - sin; sinetti - finn),
   "emblems" (šunir - sum; huizhang, xiangzheng, zhang - sin; šurinnu - akk; dau, tuong - viet; tunnus - finn; temdeg - mong),
   "marks the boundary" (ki sur - sum; gioi (sex) han, ranh gioi - viet; jie - sin) of their possessions.
   We have not found in the Sumerian dictionary only "flag" (la co - viet; lippu - finn), similar on the form of "leaf, foliage" (gilim - sum; golom, huudas - mong; chiec la, la - viet; lehti , levy lehvisto - finn), who "fall" (luo - sin) to the feet ... more often.
   But in the first chapter, we can say quite responsible, that bank notes were given (!) Man also not accidental, as commerce itself, more objective judge and a tireless engine of progress, the most powerful ancient communication infrastructure of Humanity... For it, the acoustic sign and oral speech was not the most reliable means of communication ... To the Word trust, when a lot of money to buy it! But there are always buyers and sellers have different amounts of money, why they were great need cash equivalent of the other signs that actually is also a nothing ... But speech about business will go to another chapter.
   Here we note only the following:
   Link word and deed is not accidental! We believe the Word, and appeared in "primitive", ie yet unorganized, but a common tribe, as "compensation action" for those who could not act, but had a other, mental benefits! Some silently made??, while others watched in silence on it with streaming saliva. But the third talked about this, painted this, carved, sculpted figurines inaccessible for them women, composed for themselves instead of them enchanting, divine images of the Muses, and so on...
   In general, the development of Mind we believe happened on the way of compensation, replacement of the "real" missing, but necessary some - its mental, created inside the "image". The dog, too, dreams of "yesterday's piece of meat" - it just can not say about it, draw it on the wall of the cave...
   These capabilities have already been given, and developed a long evolution of primates (or rather, the DNA at all) in humans - had only to use them, something had to get his to do: get a dog to run after stone on a stick ... The natural motivation in the herd: hunger, sex, heat, power of force over all this, life itself ... And there Demand gave rise to the Offer. In this case, the internal demand - but the internal proposal, compensation reality with mental "image", fantasy, but the man already possesses the physical, physiological ability to put these fantasies into reality, to sound them out!
   This reality had no idea how much richer this fantasy then reality, how they enrich and reality itself, creating, composing what is not in it, something - instead of something missing from the writer, that is, instead of - "Nothing"! The principle of the Tao! Nothing creates All! The principle of creation!
   Here, we did not deny the fact that the man already had the need to write, to think, as this possibility - but the possibility also generate demand for its implementation ... But the dog, too, dreams! Many of us, almost all dream, think, but not all of these thoughts, fantasies become reality and nowadays in the form of books, discoveries. The majority remains well as the words, the acoustic images of our dreams, cries in the wilderness!
   Much to the "happiness", wild, absurd, purely hierarchical structure of the animal and our primitive herd, modern societies, where only some can do in silence, only to do what the dream of all, and creates a mass Demand for these fruits of imagination, the fruits of the Mind, for itself The Word! Sublimation here - it personal, private case. If we were butterflies, angels with wings, elves in a flock like them - we would have remained so.
   Alas, the most prolific is the Forbidden Fruit! But it has long been mentioned in the Bible... The Sumerians probably did therefore Love or temples, or a street, but affordable, similarity of the goods to slightly reduce Her role as an great incentive in life - is too large it is!
   What Love can motivate man - is the main essence of the "Iliad," the "New Testament" Antiquity, Renaissance! At the Grand Frenzy! "Odyssey" was, rather, the Old Testament, quite patriarchal, yet starting with the journey of Gilgamesh...
   The Sumerians, being among the many quite mentality primitive populations, like the main stimulus make the Creation itself, matter. And they did it - for themselves...
After they all returned to normal. In neighboring India, in the Greece, the main stimulus of "full" again became Love. But in China, in Far East, it all began with the Tao!
   WWW: World Word Work - quite self-contained three words that can be combined in different ways with different nonsense ...
   Yes, nonsense ... Existentialists, peers era of modernization, and then socialization already upgraded Culture, Arts, as a part of the consumer society (in the USSR - Consumption of Labour), killed The God... But along with the "water" of the words they are splashed out from the broken trough of Being and the Child, Love. Yes, instead remained only a purely existential ejaculation of "hung boys" of Burroughs, and same posthumous it of Pavlik Morozov, betrayed, killed in the Father himself!
   But without it, without Love the World, Life of simple, little man really become meaningless, as they and distressed, but distressed by those "Words", which they are deprived of this meaning! There only remained a small boy Jean-Paul, frolicking with the "Words" like a tin soldiers among the ruins of the next Antiquity, trampled red, then black boots from pig skin! They were against it? O, Yes! But against that: consequences or causes?
   Reminds is Babylon? Of course! Especially the ruins ... Not Schumer, though the origins of all this - also there!
   The Sumerians did not destroy Babylon but created the whole world, our civilization! And for that, the efforts and creativity of all people, all nations is necessary, but who did not have internal incentives for this, especially in the herd... Therefore, the Sumerians created new and developed old incentive and engines already to endless progress, in which active and even unwittingly incorporated everyone from the leaders, kings flocks, until the last at the watering ... They also created and the main infrastructure of that Progress, a means of universal communication - the written Word! Therefore, the first written Word was not addressed to Laura, not to the nice neighbor any rentier, but to the people Affair, spoke their language...
   But they knew by himself that any creative man have these incentives & Motors inside - in his heart, and he does not need other. All the problems - him outside the! There is necessary only the external demand for its creativity, almost the same as in the creation of the Lord. This secret is in subtext of all our progress ... More words do not. Everything is clear to all... At least, this mechanism still works flawlessly!
   In written Word...


   But while people are full of "happiness" (pishn - o-slav; bishreh, duiren - mong), "rejoice" (bajasah - mong; vui suong - viet; ul šar - sum, where šar = be perfect) in life and without money.
   But become "perfect" (šar - sum; sain, saini tuil - mong;) can only be "writing" (sar - sum; sao - viet; zuo - sin; zurah - mong) this in the "letter" (zahija - mong ) oneself.
   No one will believe you in this word! People are happy to believe only our verbal confessions of sins, making up for this many ancient professions, even the gods, who are engaged only in our sin and repentance. Even leading linguists have preferred the spoken word, not knowing just where it came from ... The mystery is always tempting!
   Well that Sumerian "scribes" (sagDUN - sum; šassukku - akk) thought and wrote otherwise in his "notes, notebook" (sabarsud - sum; so, so tay, so sach - viet; zurvas - mong; zhengshu, jishi - sin),
   as well as the Vietnamese " authors, writers" (soan gia, tac gia - viet; zohiogch, zohiolch - mong; zuozhe, zuojia - sin; soker - jew),
   who "wrote" (Dat, De, ta, thu - viet; dursleh - mong; tongxin - sin) as well as the Sumerian "scribes" (dubsar, dubgal - sum; thu ky, thu sinh, toc ky - viet; tupšarru - akk; tatalgah - mong; tongxunyuan - sin),
   who unlikely to allow anyone, even the power to change their names, but which not saying anything to others ...
   Vietnamese masters of the word "cut to" (tac, Dieu - viet; tar - sum; daah, taslah - mong) it no worse then at the Sumerian "tablets" (dub),
   "sculpted" (Dieu, tac - viet; dim - sum; durs hiyh - mong) "Statue" (tuong - viet; nam-tibira - sum; huniy dur - mong),
   as the Sumerian "sculptors" (tibira - sum; nha Dieu khac - viet; but where tibir = hand; Dieu, Dieu tra = falce, untrue), creating a "hand" (tay, ban tay - viet) what is not in nature,
   like "liars" (dabariri - sum; hudalch - mong), in which the morpheme "da" so consonant with the "written boards" (da) and "lie, a fabrication" (Dat, doi, Dieu tra) Vietnamese.
   But as "sweet" (lal, nigdug - sum; lanh, ngot - viet; nyaluun - mong) is this "false" (lul, niglul, saglul - sum; lao, luong, doi, noi doi, lua doi, nham, nguy - viet) of first fruit of paradise to share it with anyone who has a mouth ... It still was the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, from which some lost paradise, while others have found creation work! Torments are the same, but the result is different ...


   One of the rare Sumerian words "letter" (unadug - sum; unnedduku - akk) we can translate from English language and how "the letter" (van tu - viet; wenzi - sin; bichig - mong),
   and as a "letter" (chu cai - viet; zimu - sin; moji - jap; useg - mong; kirjain, aakkonen - finn; erip, harf - kazah, turk; harf, toray - push, dari; litera - lat; bidja , matrka - sans, aot - jew; bukva, slovo - slav) or sign, is unlikely to familiar to the Sumerians ...
   But their "signs" (za, zib, uludin - sum) in tune with our letters.
   English proved to be incredibly stingy on such important words,from the Latin lexicon, where it also has many meanings in writing (from pieces of paper to literature, science), but also a lot of neighbors from the quarrels around of the sacrifice on the sea shore, to the augur staff. In English, we find only "let" us, and the Scottish "marsh"(letch), where, perhaps, and flows into the Greek "river" Lethe, if not "hinder"... We are not talking about the poverty of English, and emphasize the difference between the borrowed words, roots and the "native", which form in the languages ??of the semantic series, consonant string of words, which we often mentioned above!
   Sumerian "letter" (u-na-dug) clearly had a practical sense, it just pointed to read, "and, as such" (u) "talk" (dug)... Morpheme na - Compound verb nominal element, while consonant with morpheme "na" means "man" but has a more simple mark...
   In a complex by shape and simple by meaning ideogram "u" we see already familiar for us square!
   We may note here a special relationship in a letter to the grammar, work items, morphemes that do not have own sence! Ideograms, which represent the vital concepts certainly have been taken from an earlier, simpler, more familiar already written.
   "It is enough for the words to express the meaning" - Confucius wrote, but one of the most beautiful words on the earth...
   Letter, Word improved, becoming more beautiful on the "form" (bar, egar, sur, nigdimdim - sum; dang, hinh, khuon, thuc - viet; helber, hev, durs, mayag - mong; geshi, moxing, xingtai, ti, waixing - sin; tai - jap; kava, muoto - finn; bichim, kalip, nisan, shekil, tur - kazah, turk; shakl, surat - push, dari; ansyn, onsyn, wlite, hiw, scippan - o-engl; bašamu, lanu, salmu - akk; tsurah, tavnit, madim - jew; mana, runam - sans) than even the ideogram form itself ...
   The same thing happened with the "characters" (dyrs useg, bogd useg, hanz ... - mong; chu tuong - viet; zi - sin) ... The character of "man" (ren - sin) differs very little from the Sumerian ideogram "na"(man) - a little wedge.
   It is no accident "Tablet" (dub) were concordant with the verb "talk" but also "put in order ..." (dug - sum; thu, thua, thuyet... - viet; tapa - finn; des, des daraa - mong ),
   and the writing was similar to the "art, science" (thuat - viet; taide, taito, tiede - finn), to "drawing" (Do ban - viet; tuzhi, huitu - sin), to modern "charts, graphs" (Do thi - viet; tu, tubiao, tuhua - sin; durs - mong).
   Graph theory is directly applicable to the Sumerian language, where words, morphemes have four dimensions: the sound, form, meaning, and time - at least, if not to take yet another dimension of space, geography and so on ...
   At this the Sumerian language represents a huge scientific value as a model for creating artificial, machine language!


   But while the mouths of "most intelligent, deeply educated" (uyen bac - viet) "heads" (sag - sum; shou - sin), "scholar" (umbi-sag - sum; mingzhi - sin),
   just a "wise" (usandu - sum; sang suot, anh minh - viet; tsetsen - mong; shi - sin), a sort of "wise men" (gašam, kugzu - sum; hoc gia, ke si - viet; tsetsen hun - mong ),
   "teachers, masters" (sagimla - sum; day kem, su, su phu, muc su - viet; mingshou - sin),
   who themselves "have been taught, know" (zu - sum; zhidao, xiaode, xuehui - sin; ranh, day hoc; quen, tri; biet - viet; zaah, surgah, tanih - mong; tietaa, tuntea, opettaa - finn), and "teach" (day, day do, giang, giao - viet; jiao, xunlian - sin; zaah - mong) to the other,
   They are "debating" (luan - viet; lilun - sin; heleltseh - mong), "give lessons" (len lop - viet) us,
   that the gates of "secret knowledge" (LIL - sum; kitimtu - akk), "the truth", and "the theory" (li; lilun - sin)
   are closed, covered up "the laws, principles" (luat, luat le - viet; li - sin; huul - mong) of "logic" (luan ly hoc - viet; lunli - sin), "thesis" (luan an - viet), "analecta Confucius" (luan ngu - viet) for centuries,
   that it is "intelligence, mental power" (tri luc - viet; Li - sin),
   because it is a "secret" (len, len lut, kin, bi quyet, bi hiem - viet, adhal, bu, puzur, paphal, kiši - sum; dald - mong)
   "knowledge" (umun, nigumun - sum; medeh , medleg, tanih - mong; ming, mingzhi - sin; am hieu, tri nang, tri thuc - viet; tieto, tuntemus - finn),
   a "secret signal" (em hieu-viet) to future -
   not a dubious "nonsense" (am muoi - viet; namemedi - sum) "illiterate" (mang - sin) "blockheads" (u me, ngom - viet; mungah, mohoo - mong; mengdong, ming - sin), -
   but knowledge of our "minds, intelligent" (um - russ; anh minh, thong minh, minh man - viet; merged - mong; mingzhi - sin) about these "objects of study" (mon - viet),
   as same name "door" (mon - viet), "mouth" (mom - viet), "ass" (mong - viet) - Sumerian "murub" - a single word, with what we started ...
   No, we're not "laugh" (zu bir, isiš - sum; xiao, faxiao - sin; sang sac, ruc rich, hai, nhao - viet; ineeh - mong; nauraa - finn),
   not showing our "teeth" (zu -sum; rang, nha - viet; hammas - finn; araa, shud - mong; chi - sin )
   from "joy" (hul, ul, nigul, nighul, - suIm; hai, hai long, niem vui, vui, ua - viet; le, ler, kuaile, qu ler - sin; hoor, nargian - mong; ilo, nautinto - finn ;),
   although able to "rejoice, rejoice" (hul - sum; hai, hai long - viet; hooroh - mong; iloita - finn) not worse than the "jesters, clowns" (thang he - viet; douxiao - sin; uddatuš, alanzu - sum; alia, alia hoshin - mong; leikinlaskija - finn).
   Just because our laugh consonant with our knowledge of, for example,
that the gates of "life"(zi, namtil - sum; sinh, su song, nhan tho - viet; shi, sheng - sin; amdral, nas - mong),
   "love" ( hili teg, ki ag, ul, lubi - sum; yeu quy, tinh yeu, thuong, luyen ai - viet; aihao - sin; ramu - akk; rakkaus -finn; hair, oroo - mong),
   the names of the vital "things""( zigal, nig, nigdug - sum; s?, cai, nen - viet; esine, aine -finn),
   "food"(šaggal, nikid, niggu - sum; duong, an - viet; shiwu, yinshi - sin; syonti - finn; snedi - russ),
   so similar "uttered" (noi - viet; yan - sin; aantaa - finn),
   as the gates of "Cities" (iri - sum; tran - viet; oron - mong), " paradise"(Iriy - russ), the whole "earth, the underworld" (irigal - sum; ersetu - akk; oron, hors, gazar - mong)...


   But the Word was in "The Beginning" (tab - sum; Dau, bat Dau - viet; turuu - mong; duan - sin) just as the New Testament says.
   This "Word"( Inim, nigduga - sum; ngon, ngon tu, ngon luan, noi - viet; yan, wen - sin; onis - lat; vani, ena, nr - sans; amatu -akk;mila -jew; mova - ukr)
   in Sumerian meant as " matter"(Inim - sum; nghe - viet, neng - sin; amatu - akk; maase - jew, amr - dari, amal - kazah), familiar to us in the Akkadian version.
   "Where words are few there all they have a weight!", - said the great Shakespeare, who knew the "weight, importance" (dilmun, mana, na - sum; nang, mang - viet) for each of them! Words in the Sumerians were a little early!
   Other sounds series "words"((z)rang, ru, loi, loi le, loi noi - N-viet; ci, shuohua, lun, luosuo - sin; sana - finn; sohan, lugat, logat - push, dari; samasa - sans; soz, laf - kazah, turk; hel - mong; loquela - lat, logos -greek; slovo - slav),
   more familiar to us a serios (ir -sum; (r)rang, ru - S-viet; yaria - mong; word - engl; oratio, verbum - lat; waurd - got; rech, vorchati - slav) as also through: the East-West, being divided into northern and southern branches of the ...
   "Word," "benefits" (loi, lai - viet; olz - mong) in the Vietnamese language is again denoted by a single word, similar to the Chinese "work, grumbling, tuberculosis" (lao - sin), the Russian "babble, barking, fret "(lepet, lai, lad - russ), to numerous songs Schumer, Suomi ...
   And in the Sumerian "word, speech" (nigduga) morpheme "dug", as we said above, means "to speak, to do ..." and nigdug, nig - "a thing, property, something" than is apparently "milk" (ga - sum; ru - sin; šizbu - akk; suu - mong; sua - viet) or sacrificial "sucker" (ga - sum; hohuul - mong).
   It is no coincidence F. Saussure linguistics compares the political economies for their relation to time and the category of values ??... It immediately suggests the comparison to all known Word & Work!
   It is only in the Soviet Union, Gorky could write: "To transform the word in business is much harder than the "case" in the word." "Plow - write ..." - wrote a continuation D. Bedniy, his brother-in-arms ...
   Number of similar semantic morpheme-word can be traced and the Vietnamese: "Work" (nghe), "rest" (nghi), "thinking" (nghi), "discussion" (nghi), "meaning, right" (nghia), "art"(my nghe), " ritual "(nghi le), where the enough of vocals, sonatas,
   as in Sumerian "the art of liturgical singing" (namgala - sum). Here Sumerian "nam" - "will, a certain order, the Testament," similar to the Vietnamese, "oath, prayer" (nguyen - viet), "to think, to believe" (ngo - viet).
   Such morphemes in Chinese means "to make noise, scandals, do, mind" (nao - sin), "thought, read aloud" (nian - sin), which applies and to the popular word creation, the original ...
   Mongolians have a "name" (ner - mong; nimi - finn), "book, doctrine" (nom - mong), "faith" (naydlaga), "nomads" (nuudel - mong), "vow" (andgai - mong ), which are "reading" (unshih - mong) a few differently ...
   Hebrew "word, deed" (dabar - jew) of a similar series, as well as other "words" (dug (say, do) - sum; teltu - akk; tu, thoai, Do - viet; tan - sin; tuuzh, tuul ; tuuh - mong; dictum - lat; dhvani - sans; tolk, delo - russ), "noise, mumbling" (du - kazah, du - sin; duu - mong) ...
   Vietnam morpheme "tu" means "word, thought," "property" and "capital" (tu ban), like the Chinese "way, stall" (tan - sin), the Finnish "work" (tyo - finn), "counter" (tiski - finn; tai-sin; tiem (shop) - viet), "income" (tulo - finn, tus - mong), "knowledge" (tuntemus - finn) and even "stupid" (tyhma - finn ; dun - sin; teneg - mong, Do Dan-viet) ...
   These "things" (Do - viet) "academics, students" (Do - viet) can learn at any "time" (Do - viet; tur - mong) ...
   Such a word might be at the beginning of all, if in the beginning was the Word of business people such as the Sumerians, to the affairs of which we still turn.
   It was the essence of, for example, the "principle" (Li), ie, "coincides the unity of knowledge and action," Van Shouzhen, the essence of the eternal principle of the Tao, "Anything that creates all."
   However, all this tells us more about that development writing as a whole through the priority of going on, paid, business correspondence, whose morphemes are used to denote more words, syllables from other lexicons of spoken language.
   The big question: what the priests of the Word served at first place? Priests were a lot and finance for their maintenance had to be very much as well as for the general literacy of the population ...
   But the word "Word", "business", "money" are extremely rare in the known Sumerian dictionary. This indicates that for Sumerians they were like working tools, not some abstract concepts. They re-constructed the written word using the existing "construction". Other languages ??could already perceive it as some abstract, mysterious symbols, signs, recasting them in their writing with a natural simplification, adapting to their own sounds scale, to its own set of verbal morphemes, rather than images, if they were, of course, own ...
   Yes, because the exchange of language occurred in the first place at regular and periodic military and sales channels, with their characteristic attitudes to this values ??... Warlords, the destroyers of Troy has always been much more than Homer!


   Giving oral word written form in languages ??like Sumerian, pioneer, is similar to assigning him to "name, value" (zikru, mu - sum; šumu - akk; ming, yishi - sin; danh, danh nghia, gia tri, y nghia - viet; tsol, ner - mong; nimi, merkitys - finn; imja, zvati - slav; shem, shemot - jew; num, nam, ism - push, dari), which has no real content in advance, as the Chinese sage Xun Tzu's wrote about names at all, for many centuries ahead of Saussure.
   The creators of the first written languages ??were alike the biblical Adam must to "find, discover" and "name" (pad - sum; fa - sin; phat, phat minh - viet; beshem - jew) in the "texts" (bai -viet; bichig - mong) what they heard in "words, speeches, conversations" (puhe - finn; batka - slav). That is, the Sumerians did it all sensible...
   Akkadians have already two verbs (atu; nabu - akk).
   The Vietnamese could "catch"(bat - viet; barih - mong) "impression", comprehensive "discuss" a "root", "copy" (ban - viet), "to declare, say" (bao - viet), what will be in "epilogue" (bat - viet), but not in the beginning ... Only the Sumerians could say it.
   But we can boldly "call"(še - sum; nabu - akk; ru, menh danh, neu ten - viet; sanoa, nimeta - finn; tsolloh, nerleh - mong; shuochu, qiming, ming, bu - sin; zvat, narech - slav) all of their names, moving away farther and farther from their roots, the origins of ...


   But everything flows, everything changes, as said Heraclitus philosopher Logos and Cosmos.
   Changed names, people, just less than the grass on the steppes, changed "speech, talk, pronunciation" (ir, ibilu - sum),
   but remained their "roots""(irina, arina, ur, gešarina, išdum, ibsi(math) - sum; juuri, vartalo - finn; re, re con, goc re, can, cu, ban - viet; ug, ug survalzh, ug garal, yazguur, yozoor, undes - mong; koren - slav; ger, ben, gen, di - sin; radix -lat; bex - IE; bija, stul, dhatu, kanda, mula, mura - sans; kЖk, tup, tamyr, tukil - turk, kazah; šuršu, išdu - akk; shoresh - jew),
   may be even a special "germinated" (si a - sum; gia - viet) like barley, beans ...
   It is no accident the Latin "grammar" (grammatica) is almost the same root with "grass, herb stalk" (gramineus), with a "bamboo cane"!
   Regarding the role of "grams" in word formation, then in the Mongolian "Grammar" (hel zui) a "degrees, measure" (hem) is also a "grass" (henz), but the second, autumn.
   In the evergreen Rome was not such problems as in the "Imperial Park" (ngu uyen) tropical Vietnam, with its "measure" (phap) for the "Grammar" (ngu phap), "Etymology" (ngu nguyen), "Linguistics" (ngu hoc) and "roots" (ngu can) of the "language" (ngu) ...
   In the Sumerian language is not found until the word Grammar, but the word "garden" (sar) "write" (sar), just the same "units" of "area, volume" (sar) ... This is what we give as an example of the principle of "random" word formation ... Just strange that this outrage was approximately the same everywhere!
   In China, however, where other "language"(wen), "Grammar"(Wenfa, Yufa), "temperature" (wen) and "dumbbell" (fama) for Themis (fa),
   this garden has "hack" (fa), as well as Chekhov's cherry,
   as an Afghan "Garden"(ban), but on the other "language"(zoban) and in other "volume" (zarfiyat - push; dung luong - viet; zelehuun - mong) ...
   Alas, the Sumerian "saying" (ir) is not as if part of the "root" (i-ri-na), although its more complex ideogram is very similar to the overall triangular shape on the ideograms morpheme "i" (Hey!, oil).
   The last morpheme is part of the ideograms of another "conversation, pronunciation" (i-bi-lu), ending with "an abundance" (lu). The square of this ideogram is incredibly similar to the character for "mouth" (kou), but more to the character "pickle" (lu), which is in tune with the "multiple" "coefficient" (lu), like "partners, fellow travelers" (lu), denoted two squares ...
   A "few" (yi'er - sin) similarities, but the "idea, meaning" (yi) is, it all depends on the "mastery" of "translation" (yi, yiben, biyi - sin) ...
   What is there to "say" (yue - sin) except the "Hey" (Yi - sin)!?
   What the "answer, response" (irae - jap; hariu - mong) for this is in the "Japanese alphabet Iroh" (Iroha - jap), we do not know, they have their own "entry" (ir-i - jap; oroh -mong ; vartag, vorud - push, dari) in the past, own "literary monuments" (ibun - jap), the initial character who have the same triangle, but "the incoming" (ru - sin, ir - jap; irsen - mong) in a story on two legs, as befits a man (ren - sin), the basis of this ideogram.
   It is similar to the Sumerian ideogram "man" (i-li, lu - sum) ... If the character 'man"(ren - sin; er - mong) to add something, you get the characters "know" (ren - sin), "talk" (shu - sin; yarih - mong) and our "hey" (yi - sin) ... But this is detailts.
   Sumerian ideogram for another "root, bases" (ur - sum; juuri - finn; juur, sugu - eston; ug, undes - mong; re, re con - viet; riha, resha - push, dari; armat - arm; radix - lat; Ursprung - germ)
   from our "story"(yuju - sin; juttu - finn; ug, tuuzh - mong; truyen ngan, chuyen - viet) is quite simple,
   but "confused" (wu - sin) in the "essence, content" (wu - sin; utga - mong), the "principles, reasons, the original sources" (yuan - sin; anh, undes, arga - mong; hanke - finn) Chinese 'Garden"(yuanzi - sin; UNUGSAR? - sum; uyen, vuon cay - viet ;) with its" fruits, seeds"(ur - mong; tair - sin; trai - viet) ...
   There is a certain bond in the form of ideograms "Oil" (i - sum), which begins one of the options the Sumerian word "root" (i-ri-na), which also has a triangular shape, relatively similar at the "oil" (you - sin; ooh - mong; voi, ihra - finn) in the Chinese "language" (yu, yuwen - sin; ug - mong) ...
   Another meaning of the morpheme "ur" (limbs, lap) resonates with the Chinese "wings "(yu), but how far we on them fly away without the other" limbs"(erhten - mong; geray, uzv - push, dari)?
   In this chapter, we make no conclusions about the accordance of languages. Sometimes too expensive for peoples the Word are considered here, as, for example, "Vietnamese" (Viet) verb "to write" (viet), which sometimes reveals all the uniqueness of any nation!
   In this chapter, we try different variations comparisons of languages ??in the modern form of an entirely different between them.
   And the great linguists do not talk about the origin of words, language anything concrete, limiting the scope of certain linguistic knowability of "by the uncertainty principle". This is an objective, because of the ancient languages ??other than written records are not kept any sound and ancestors speaking exists only in the mouths of contemporary of researchers.
   But this principle of conditional uncertainty does not exclude any retrospective constructions.
   In the Universe of our Words there is also The macrocosm of National Language, Speech with its laws, regulations, space-time, and a special Microcosm of the Word, which in many cases has long lost its national identity, and, perhaps, did not have any in the whole...
   Of course, we are here talking about the roots, root morphemes, a kind of elementary "particles," and, more precisely put, the "nucleus" of words. The root of the word - this is an area of uncertainty in linguistics, of which we can not say how and where he appeared primordially or in the beginning of the known etymological chain of borrowing. Single Language Tree has not grown, yet it is only a garden with a large Indo-European Oak in the middle and cherry blossoms of the edge.
   Of course, the roots of eastern agglutinative languages ??is very difficult to compare with the roots of Western languages??, with phonetic-sign letter! The Chinese language is the same isolated in classification schemes, like the Sumerian. The Vietnamese language is susceptible of classification mainly due to national fragmentation of Indochina, whose history was spent in the border area between China and Sanskrit, which literally and permanently blocked the East. Even the Mongolian language had stronger contacts with the Sanskrit language especially in times of Mughal Empire of descendants of Tamerlane and Genghis Khan.
   But thanks to this isolation, the Far East has preserved its linguistic self-identity.
   Hindustan in every sense, from a geological, literally wedged into the body of Asia, creating an insurmountable Great Himalayas, dividing the continent into two language?? Worlds: Western Indo-European and Eastern.
   But the Indo-Aryans, in whatever way they may have migrated around the Indian subcontinent, populating it, and dispersal throughout the world, inevitably contacted with the East ... But this contacts are limited interchange roots without affecting the originality of the Writings of this Worlds. What was the extent of this interchange, or what were the origins of the root word of both worlds, can only be understood when comparing these roots.
   Here the problem arises how to compare between these roots?
   In the Sumerian language was only about 600 ideograms, transmitting a letter to all its wealth of root! Now they pass it on to the conventional language of science - in Latin.
   In Chinese characters more than a few times, but they passed 400 combinations of Latin letters CV, CVC, multiplied by an additional 4 to 5 less phonetic tones, which dramatically increases the role of vowel sounds, vocals in the formation of root-words. All the rest the semantic richness of the Chinese "roots" in the Latin writing creates homophones, polyphony...
   In the Vietnamese language, such combinations of Latin characters CV, CVC bit more because of the greater variety of consonants at the ends in rhyme morphemes VC, CVC. It is much richer and vocal with six tones and eleven vowels, just like in the Russian language. More combinations of tones consonants CC, CCC transfer of Vietnamese consonants 27 ... Latin, in spite of all its detrimental impact on the traditional written language of Vietnam, yet made ??its script more musical, vocal from all the languages ??of the world. All of these ticks and dashes above the letters, we can consider namely as a sign of musical notation, as wedges...
   Nothing there is not only bad, just only good. Such is the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil at the same time!
   But all this is difficult to be compared on the letter with a more Western roots, starting with the Mongolianin the spelling and pronunciation which prevail consonants, not to mention Hebrew, where the vowels are only implied, but must be the consonants at least three! It is the Law!
   Japanese syllabic alphabet Romadzan, Cana created according to the prototype of Sanskrit alphabet, with its open-syllable CV, and have only 50-60 combination of Latin characters. But the Japanese are surprisingly able to learn to see and to find more, all in the smallest. Severe life on the edge of the Earth has taught them to this, and continues to teach, and very cruel. It is difficult to say whether are necessary lessons such cruel to each person, but they are certainly useful peoples, nations. The Earth is not always similar to Garden of bliss ...
   Alas, for physiological reasons, snub-nosed, hawk-nosed, thick-lipped and so on people simply could not speak the same way. Of all the Indo-European languages English, namely English and roots, and the consonants, and his "rhymes" and even vocals is most closely to the languages ??of the Far East. Its role the world's spoken language "predetermined" that more than a political, economic reasons ... But it's a different story.
   Our alphabets cost about 27-33 letter, mostly consonants, and with their highly arbitrary alternation in the writing, which, apparently, also leads to accept the principle of arbitrary origin of words, roots ... Combinatorics of our languages ??breathtakingly "chaotic"! Seem... It is much stricter in the writing of the East, who apparently took into account the sad experience of the Babylonian confusion of tongues. But that's why it can be used to write another speech.
   This suggests the role of the Chinese was originally missionary, like Sumerian language! And that was before them, who can contest?
   But because of the limited number of vowel sounds, music and poetry of our language is very strict, logical, as well as music recording, enjoying the "only" seven notes, which number has many charms! Music, singing with incredible vocalize our speech, bringing her something to the vocals of the East! Singing we do not accidentally called Vocal!
   So the question arises: is it possible without vocals compare the East Asian and Asian-European roots, morphemes?
   How to compare the Scribble, Scribe, Russian Scryabat and Vietnamese Sao, Soan (Sach, So Sach), China Zuo? The easiest example.
   Some seemed to have swallowed consonants, and the other chewed vowels! Yes, in a letter and at the court the roar of the whole system of European consonants scare any match.
   Another matter if you sing these words on the same note, vowelize! Sometimes, opera singers, especially sopranos, sing, so that it is difficult to understand the language of the libretto was written - just heard Celestial voices of music, vocal and understood by all ... In this paper we also use when searching for correspondence more ear than eye, which literally numb with amazement to the Chinese hieroglyphs and Sumerian ideograms ... But almost all the artists work in silence!
   Poetry West, precisely because of blind poets, singers took the path of a literal reference to writing the poetry of their oral language. In other words, a lot of traveling for a long time the West has gone the way convergence writing with the oral dialects of their peoples. During the journey, frequent changes of different dynasties, the same as in India and in Mesopotamia, II, I millennium BC, the problem business takes a back seat. Experience Schumer has been accounted for. Do not become the language - no more people.
   Now the language rises from the ashes and ...
   Everything to lose people, but yourself! But the people remain himself in those days could only preserved its spirit, its own national language, spoken language! Poets, The Soul of the peoples, it is understood. The blood relationship - more family matters, generic. The gods - business of the temple. Wealth - business of Croesus. Language - it nationwide.
   Leapfrog authorities, peoples, and politics generated Sumerian cities, convinced of the wise men at that. Only an isolated East could afford else go the other way, but choosing for this is not pass yard, but the outskirts of the world ...
   But it all began from Sumerians, and it became a starting- point, and thetest of the pen, and a kind of golden mean for the East and West ...
   Take, for example, the Sumerian root of "to write" (sar), from which the letter begins. His Mongolian zurah, zohioh, Germanic rizan, Slavic rezat, tsarapat - counterparts is only minor, it is quite usual transformation of the sound (s-ts-z-r) Sumerian verb.
   But in the East, Vietnam, he was literally vowelize, has the other "rhymes": Sao, Soan, Sach (book) - viet; became the Chinese characters xie, zuo, literally Oak (zuo) of the East!` Priority Sumerian writing was for the ancient founders of Letters, knowledgeable people, no doubt, as shown in this particular example.
   This example in particular shows the extent to which you can compare the roots, the word laconic East and West, polyphonic. But its "rhymes" an, am, ar, im, in, ir, um, un, ur ... Sumerian language has been focused to different sides of the world where it germinate...
   Where to the modern man to go without roots, if it still does not know where it was his word? Some naive to say that it grows out of Eden "Garden" (Sad - russ, Sar - sum), scientists arrogantly argue that it is arbitrary, pointless came from some social "Herd" (Stado - russ; sureg - mong; qun, zu - sin), to which, naturally, they no relation, so, apparently, and do not know anything about it ...
   Nobody wants to be a member of the Herd!
   But if an evergreen tree of life has no roots, it will inevitably die. This is happening with Europe today!
   "Fate" (nam - sum) of any given "flock" (namuruna - sum), as though it may call itself, is "death" (namuš, - sum; zu - sin), because it is very similar to the "epidemic", devouring itself ...
   Such "wisdom" (gizzal, nam-zu - sum) of Words, "the teeth" (zu - sum; zub - russ; rang - viet) of which have a millennia-old roots in the "mouth" (zui - sin),
   and large "ears"(gizzal - sum) on the head of wise


   not only to hear "rumors"(tieng Don, tin Don - viet),
   but the "news, information"(tiedon, tieto - finn; tin, tin tuc, thong tin - viet; shine, sonin - mong),
   so necessary for the "minds, calculations, scientists" (tinh; thong - viet), "науки (tiede - finn; uhaan -mong)...
   In principle, we could be satisfied with that information,
   that the roots "carry" (la, bala, gag, šu de -sum; la, lai, bao, ti, dan, kang, nailai, - sin; loi, le, be, Deo, ganh, cong, nach, neu, nuoi nang, dat, xach - viet; laahata, kantaa, noutaa - finn; našu - akk; nesu, tashyu - russ), "drag"(tuo - sin; teeh, tatah - mong),
   "bring"(de, tum - sum; tha, Dua - viet; dailai, duan - sin; tuoda - finn; babalu - akk) to us, "moving forward"(tien - viet) on the "road"(tie - finn) of "provinc, towns"(tinh - viet), other "neighborhoods"(tienoo - finn),
   the whole "continent" (tiv - mong; Dia, luc Dia - viet; di - sin),
   under which the Mongols, whose horse "kicked" (tiyreh - mong; ti ren - sin), as a "jet" (tiyreltet - mong), is "galloping" (tavrah - mong; tiao - sin) is not just with "ticket" (tiyz - mong; the - viet) in one "direction" (tiysh - mong), covering all of his "mind" (tarhi - mong; tri oc - viet) under the "crown" (titem - mong) of the sun,
   all "defeated" (diyleh - mong; thang loi - viet) ...,
   but the list of morphemes "was very brief" (tovchdoh - mong) for the complete victory ...
   We had to take on other "mind" (tolgoy - mong; thong - viet), another "Dictionary" (tol - mong; tu dien, tu vi - viet), run on the other "villages" (tosgon - mong; thon xom - viet), on the other "dust" (toos - mong; tu - sin) ...
   "Here"(Day - viet; tassa - finn; tus gazar - mong; cidi -sin)
   all "precisely"(Dung, chinh xac, Dang xac - viet; tasmata, tasmalleen -finn; tiym - mong)
   "calculated" uttu - sum; tooloh - mong; tili - finn; tinh - viet),
   all "corresponds"(vastata - finn; fuhe - sin; tuong ung voi, phu hop voi, vua - viet; ter - mong; ur - sum),
   does not "against" (vastaan - finn; weifan - sin; trai voi, trai - viet, darah - mong; dirig - sum)!!!...
   Yes, all these roots "bring news" (kag(mouth) tum - sum; Dua tin - viet; bussuru - akk) of the more metaphorical past, all information of which is for us the "news" (tin - viet; uutinen - finn; yin - sin; azhig - mong, where azh =life; a'ag-ga - sum, where a = hand, ag - measure, ga - house)
   or "innovations" (cai cach - viet; gexin, gaige - sin, where ge - hand, house, ger - size) of the "virgin" (aglag - mong) time...
   We can note here the other, direct correspondence: tin - it is "news, believe, trust" in Vietnamese, and tam - "faith, trust" in Sumerian, if they are still "burn, brand"(tab - sum; tamgalah - mong) with "stamp, seal" (tamga - mong; dau - viet)...
   Metaphorical Sumerian and Oriental Languages astounding, especially communication of news and hands them to create it!


   The roots of the word is very reliable "messengers" (kiggia, kaš, maškimegi, ragaba - sum;  rakibu - akk; aika-kaus-kirje, kirjeenkantaja - finn; hurgegch, medeech - mong; glasnik, glashatay - slav),
   "ambassadors, consul"(gongshi - sin; cong su-viet; gontsi - russ; elch, ilgeesen hun - mong; lahetti - finn; tsir - jew)
   of the Gods, "sending" (šu taka, šu us - sum; abaku - akk; shalah - jew; gui, cu - viet; zarah, hurgeh, ilgeeh - mong; lahettaa - finn;)
   to us various "messages"(kirje, kirjelma, lahetys - finn; gui loi - viet; gašam - sum; glas - slav) from the past...
   In "kiggia" morpheme kig = work, look, As in "gongshi, cong su" - gong, cong = work, supply, study ...
   Sonants, cries during a "work" (azhil, hodloh - mong; kaytanto - finn) with "hands, limbs of"(kišib - sum; gar - mong, kasi - finn; canh - viet; gebo - sin) can be pronounced different. Hands, too, are different...
   And kaš = "messenger, runner," & "run"(karata, hiihtaa - finn; guyh -mong; chay -viet), which is similar to "walk, travel"(hanh - viet; kavella, kayda, kaynti - finn; hereh, holhoh - mong),
   "walker, traveler"(hanh khach - viet; hesuul - mong) "out on way"(kai, kaiche - sin; khoi hanh - viet; hodloh - mong), who may to "visit"(kan -sin; kaynti - finn; khach -viet)
   "the dorm messengers, the hotel"(zikum -sum; khach san - viet; guan - sin; zochid boodal -mong).
   Sumerian-Akkadian "Bulletin"(ragaba, rakibu), surely could "come"(ra, ra Di, ra thanh - viet; garah, ireh - mong) for "border"(gaba - sum, bien gioi, ranh gioi - viet; gadaad, hil - mong) Hanoi pronunciation, "honk"(ra hieu - viet), "inform"(rao - viet; zarlah - mong) us about the news of the Past,
   but, more importantlyhe It had to quick "walk" (rao, rao buoc - viet; kayda - finn; hodloh, zamaglah - mong),
   as well as a "passes"(zal - sum; zamhrah - mong; rao, xuong, rot - viet; zou - sin) "Time" (tsag, zav - mong; gio, dao - viet; qi, shihou - sin),
   our "roving"(zolbin - mong; rong - viet; samota - finn) "happiness, good"(zol - mong; šag hul, zil - sum; gioi - viet),
   as well as Finnish Journal "Aika-kaus-kirje" and other "periodicals" (qikan, kanwu - sin; cong bao -viet; hevlelt - mong) "out, published"(an hanh, cong bo - viet)...
   Thanks to the Messengers, and we "remember" (si - sum; jizhe - sin; sanah -mong) all the cultural "heritage"(di san - viet; soyolin ov, zalgamzh -mong) thousands of years, not only on the "relics"(di hai - viet) of archaeological site(di chi - viet)...
   That is, "whistleblowers, informants"(gab-du-du - sum; gaomizhe - sin; hovch - mong; to cao - viet; tiedottaja - finn) are sometimes useful?
   Morpheme "du" is just in the word "beget" (sag du - sum, where sag = king). & Vietnamese morpheme "to" also meant as a "report" and "ancestor, founder" ("bear" = De), and "cao" means a "report" and "noble", as the morpheme "gao" in Chinese word, where the morpheme "mi" means "secret."
   Paradoxically, in our time, "The Past"(ud zal - sum; qua khu, di vang, dao no - viet; kulunut, viime, entisyys, menneisyys -finn; guogu, shang, wang, yiwang - sin; urdin, ongorson - mong; sabika, mazi - kazah, turk; antama, bhuta - sans; biloe, davnee) is the inexhaustible source of good news! In Sumerian the Past was long thousands of years ... In Sanskrit the Past was an intimate.


   Each language has developed in its own way, some - in depth, into root, like philosophy, others - in breadth, into the distance followed by the nomads, the sun ...
   But in the road "scrip"(šutul, tun, duggan, dagaltum, lub, girlam - sum; tui, Day, tai, lan, lang - viet; douzi, dai, dou, lan, lou - sin; tasku, laukku - finn; tsunh, uug, huudiy - mong) there is a place for only one "root"(ug - mong; ur - sum, re -viet;), especially if this scrip - mouth ...
   The road is bad "glue"(šegin - sum; tsavuu - mong; dan, ho dan, gan, keo - viet; jiao, hu - sin; liima - finn),
   "link"(rang - viet; suhde - finn; zu kešed - sum; zalgah - mong; guanxi, lianxi - sin) for the words.
   The Sumerians glued it the word of the symbols, ideograms... The letter they had, and syllabic and ideographic. Each individual ideogram of the word carried the sound-image, and often a single syllable - and its own meaning, do not always coincide with the meaning of words formed by them. The symbolism of the ideograms yet to understand. It is much more complicated than in the case of the more recent and more symbolic, artistic characters with whom they have marked similarities, some succession... Cuneiform was more limited in the choice of form and time. As creators of murals on the plaster, the scribes had to write the text until clay of tablets dries...
   And the main consumers of created writing were not artists but bustling business people, for which was essential simplicity, accuracy signs and lesser its inner meaning ...
   But it is from here and went to the hermeneutics legend about the ambiguity of ancient texts, sign... But hermeneutics are looking for different meanings of the words written by the same icons, letter from the very meager set of alphabets. By assigning these secret meanings to the letter, they thereby limit the polysemy of the verbose texts themselves...
   In Sumerian, in Chinese almost every ideogram have these multiple meanings, especially in the most simple words, syllables, such as the Chinese "bi or not to bi" ... A very small number of ideograms have only grammatical meaning, although the complexity of the picture sometimes tempting to think that they have a meaning, yet unknown to us, lost in the Past ...
   Of course, today's linguists, researchers might well envy the Sumerian counterparts, who had so many centuries to create the writing, the fruits of whose labor had such a huge demand in the first earth society! Therefore their product is a high-quality, accurate, reliable fused, made for ages, but ...
   No, is no but! And so it happened...
   Just our Word that contains within itself all the known senses, and could not have simple, banal destiny... To create this such a complex modern humanity, the Word must be overcome along with its creators and all earthly way and road. Aren't leaving a cell of mind...
   But the road hurry to "link, connect"(a la, sa la - sum; sulautua - finn; zalgah, huleh, holboh - mong; lien, lien minh - viet; lian - sin), to "glue"(liimata - finn) not roots in the "fused writing"(lianxie - sin; niylleg - mong),
   but the right words in "sentence or phrase" (lause - finn; helleg - mong), "conjunction"(lien tu - viet) of "epic"(ulger - mong; trang si ca - viey), of "chronicle", "legend" (taru - finn; qitan - sin; tuuh domog - mong; truyen thuyet, huyen thoai - viet;)
   about the "road" itself(dus, inti, kigiri, kindu, us - sum; alaktu, malaku, šiddu - akk; Dao, con Duong, loi, neo, nga - viet; ayan, harguy, zam - mong; daolu, guidao, tonglu, lutu - sin; tie, matka - finn)...
   "The Road"(zam - mong; doroga, stezya - slav) there have been for nomad the "All" (tsom - mong; šu - sum; suoyou - sin):
   the "order"(zamh, daraalah - mong; dirida, šušur -sum; šušuru, tЙrtu - akk; trat tu, sai bao, day, xep - viet; tapa, saanto - finn; touxu, zhixu, cixu - sin),
   the "world, the universe"(zambuulin - mong; šargad, šu, kiš - sum; gioi, the gioi, vu tru - viet; jie, zong, shijie - sin; kiššatu - akk; kaikki - finn; )... All this we'll still to come! We have many time for It!
   But the road has a bad memory, it is a bad interlocutor. On the way we want not to think, but sing, putting a twist on some compulsive little word in every way, and then forgetting where to begin ... The long, complex words were forgotten, simplified ... But the forgotten sounds of the bazaar, bustling streets back to with its meaningless but fanciful suffixes, endings ... Alas, the road - a path of poets, storytellers, not thinkers. News on the road and so is enough, no need to invent the most ... Invent a new name!
   In noisy squares, fairs of Babylon, we would like to retire, to hide from the crowd in the word ... In the steppe, mountains, in the way we wanted inverse ... Man of the social, addressed to himself, to his God in the desert roads became a unit, a person facing thoughts to society, to the gods of the crowd!
   And his word of the introvert, deep in meaning, inevitably become extroverted, facing outward, to the sound! The Great Migration was a time of global transformation languages, the man himself! Cro-Magnon Man passed the second time this way.
   This time, his path began in Mesopotamia, the center of the first World Civilizations, a reputation which was tarnished the first biblical flood, and then the persecution against the Word, Reason, against the founders and creators of this civilization...
   Increasing the heat, the expanding desert with their "dust storms" (dub, ukum, dalhamun, mermer - sum; turbutu - akk; myrsky - finn; bao tap, Dong, tran bao - viet; tu, fengbao, mengliede - sin; dogshin shurga - mong) also turn out the man behind the ice cover, escaping to Scandinavia ...
   Now we can simply "write, copy, print, publish" (bien -viet, paino - finn; bian -sin; barlah - mong), "compose" "book" (bian, bu - sin; bichih, bichig - mong)
   about the road on which our ancestors, "couriers, messengers" (buuhia - mong) The Words were followed by the retreating "chill, winter" (sed - sum; ret, mua ret - viet; osgoh, zhavar - mong)
   in the "side" (bar - sum; bie -mong; phuong- viet, puoli - finn)
   "North" (phuong bac - viet; Pohjola - finn; beifang - sin), for someone to "West"(baruun - mong), where "off"(bohoh - mong) the Sun!
   Where did they come - this is still a big "secret" (paphal -sum; bi quyet, bi hiem - viet; fuhao - sin; bituu - mong),
   but only on that road and we can with "joy, pride" (bah -mong) "come back"(bal, bala - sum; palata, pallu - finn; bien, lai - viet; bian - sin; butsah - mong).
   Yes, as long as we're going in closed circles ... But we can already see, from what set of congruent meaning "glue" although the word-symbol of Pohjola, accidentally got us on the road ...


   But it is precisely in this way we will get back to basics "native, national"(gir - sum; quoc, que - viet; guojia, guo - sin; koti-, kansa - finn; ugsaatan - mong)
   "Tongue "(eme - sum; am, hel, ug - mong; mova - ukr; am, giong luoi, ngon ngu, tieng, tu - viet;
   kieli - finn; yu, tan, tantu, wen - sin; tauot - celt; lišanu - akk; lurat, lisan, til - kazah, turk; lashon, safa - jew; sita - jap, lingua, vox - lat; g*ereord - o-engl; govor, yazik - slav; hizva - iran),
   to the "ancient writings"(guwen - sin),
   or to the first, "the Sumerian language"(emegir - sum; šumeritum; šumeru - akk), "national language"(muyu - sin; quoc am - viet) of "mother country"(mau quoc - viet), to the "oral words"(am geree - mong),
   past which can not go anyway, as past the people "swearing" (ema, maren, ma - sin), which character is similar to it for "horse"(ma - sin), but not "plow"(li - sin)... However, the latter is very similar to the Sumerian ideogram "language, plow" (eme - sum), if that re-deployed to 90 degrees!
   Vietnamese "language" in different dialects are in tune with the Finnish language designation, and turned over to the Akkadian, on which "talking" (liao, liaotianr - sin) in the later gardens of Semiramis.
   With Sumerian "language"(eme - sum) more in tune the people, "abusive language, swearing" (mang - viet; ma, manma - sin; mat, matershina - russ),
   as mentioned earlier, whose origin is "hidden, concealed" (em, rap, giau, lan, cat dau, Day - viet; za, sul, HI la, a'ur-dab5 - sum; salata, suojata, katkea - finn; duo, duoshan, duokai, cang, zhe, zhezhu - sin,... Where Day = to push, promote, deport, full, bag; & dab5 = to hold, seize, to take charge of...)
   in various "codes, secrets" (ma - viet), "sign, omen"(moi - viet), in "sounds"(am - viet) of "melodies"(em ai - viet), we "know well" (am hieu - viet), and alsou in what we consider "nets" of "lie" (mach que, man, nham, noi nham - viet; nam-eme-sig - sum), ), "the devil incantations" ( em ma quy - viet) and so on ...
   Ideogram dab5 very similar to the Chinese characters "dodge"(shan, zhu, kai), mentioned above, but re-turned to 90...
   Character "zhu" (live, cease) - part of the word "grab, seize" (yao[zhu], na[zhu]), as well as similar to its ideogram dab5... It also reminds a visual ideogram "close"(za - sum), for example, the word "tower" (an-za-gar - sum), as well as the character "pillar"(zhu - sin; zage - sum)...
   The first half of the words a'ur-dab5 means "the armpit" (a'ur - sum; yewo - sin) ...
   Often, the Chinese characters are very similar to the Sumerian cuneiform stylized, as if someone copied someone words ... Unfortunately, the Latin and Cyrillic deprived us of the possibility of such visual comparisons with the Mongolian and Vietnamese words, where there is more phonetic accordace.


   And this is our language that is written is not always so as "heard" (geš la, geš tuku - sum; nghe, nghe loi, nghe Don, nghe thay, thinh giac - viet; kuulla, kuunnella - finn; ling, ting, tingli, shenli - sin; duuldah, sonsoh - mong; tindau - kazah; šemu - akk; shema - jew)...
   Morpheme geš, mu = "tree"(cay, go, moc - viet; mod - mong), a similar Vietnamese ngan = mountains and forests; & tucu = to acquire, get(Duoc - viet), to marry(thu, cuoi - viet)...
   Sumerian morpheme geš3 = penis, male, geš3 dug4 = to copulate; a similar Vietnamese nghe, co nghe = already "to be pregnant"; tinh Duc, giao c?u = to copulate, sex, ngoc hanh = penis; nguoi = man...
   Surely a saying about love by "ears" (gizzal , geštug - sum; tai, thinh giac - viet; er, erduo - sin; korva - finn, uznu - akk; awzen - jew) comes from the Sumerian times, although these words are considered another chapter ...
   Now we can only note that the Sumerian verb of love "geš dug" means literally "talking penis" ... Yes, they seemed to realize what language, what the "word" the "children" themselves to be fun to paint everywhere: in the tablets or on the walls - and the paint is still, though now it's a sin, a shame. But then we were all children, yet the authorities do not have taken bearded men that only old-age take on a mind, or rather experience, but they lose this important - vital, fertile force of Mind! They hide their decrepit, dry, barren roots under white robes of Shame ...
   But now we must close our eyes at the same time, just like the ears ...
But how can we "love" ears all World if the national language, the dialects differ from each other, even for physiological reasons?
   We are all "blind"(idim, upila, geštug la - sum; gluhoi - russ; Diec tai, cam Diec -viet; erlong, longde - sin; dyliy, chih hatyy - mong; duley, kar, sagir - kazah, turk; kar - dari; kuuro - finn; dub - celt; sukkuku - akk; tsunbo-no - jap; surdus - lat; heiresh - jew; akarna - sans ),
   not "hear" (geš tuku - sum; gosh dadan, shonidan - dari; šemu - akk; shama - jew; nghe Don, nghe thay - viet; tingjian, di - sin; kuulla - fin; kiku - jap; tindau, dinlemek - kazah, turk; duulah, chagnah, sonsoh - mong; chuti - slav; heren - o-engl; hora - swed; tytte til - dat; audio - lat; ) each other, aliens, immigrants, foreign neighbors ... What are we then to say about our ancestors, forefathers?
   Of course, by F. de Saussure rights, and speaking is the foundation for the study of the national language, but what is its role in the study of the silent Past, for the rapprochement the peoples of the present?
   In addition, Lao-Tzu said: "Who knows - silent" ... And who should we listen? Those who say incessantly? Own heart, which knows only two words: so or not, be or not be - but with thousands of intonation? But whether we have a musical "ear" (gizzal - sum; kuulo - finn; thinh giac, thinh tai - viet; eryin - sin; sonor - mong; sama - push, dari; shemiah - jew), "wisdom" to hear in all listed chaos melody Word?
   Sumerians said one word to "listen and ponder (geštug deg; šag bala - sum; nghe-nghi, hay-biet, nghi ngoi, tuong, suy, suy ngh?, suy tuong - viet ).
   Here bala = "wastage"(ba, thiet hai, lo von, ban lo - viet; bagasah, buurah, balrah - mong; tappio, vahinko - finn; bujianle, lou, yonghuai - sin) in the processing of grain.
   Listen to the Sumerians could only different voices noise of the streets. Century that were before them, silent ... All to them came from their own experience from their business ...


   It is no accident wise "thoughts, thinking" (nam, namzu - sum; ngo, nghi, suy nghi, tu, - viet; miele, ajatus - finn; siwei, niantou - sin; sanaa - mong; andesha, tafakkor - dari; temu - akk; hashiva, maashava, rayon - jew)
   sometimes grow from "seeds" (ngo, ngu coc, nhan, mam mong - viet; NEGIBAR, ašnan, ezina, šezah - sum; ur, mohlog - mong; zili - sin; siemen - finn; dana, galla - push; greyn - jew),
   the main cause of "life" (namtil, zi - sum; napištu - akk; nhan tho, su song - viet; shengji, jingshen - sin; asua, elama, synty - finn, amdral, am nas, nas, naslah, suuts, tsog - mong; zindagi, hayat - push, dari; hayim - jew )...
   The ancient sages "thought" (šag dab - sum; suy tinh, suy tuong - viet; xiang, sikao - sin; suunnitella, luulla, ajatella - finn; sanah, setgel -mong; hashav - jew)
   not the "head" (šag - sum), but the "heart"(šag - sum; ruot, ruot gan, da - viet; zurh, setgel - mong; xin, xinkou, xintou, xinzang, zang - sin; sydan - finn; zre, zeray - push; libbu - akk; lev - jew).
   The "Heart, the Soul"(xinkou, xintou) the Chinese not in vain associated with the "mouth" (kou) and "head"(tou) even in the word.
   Ancestors did not just "grabbed, caught"(dab - sum, Dop, chup, chop - viet; daibu - sin; tarttua, havaita katoaminen - finn; shuureh - mong; sahapu, tamahu - akk; tafas - jew) thoughts on the fly
   to a cage of "Skull""(ugu - sum; hoa(China) cai - viet; eli - akk; lu, lugu, gai, tougai - sin; gaval, tolgoyn yas - mong; koprey - push; kallo - finn; gulgolet - jew),
   which "eating"(gu, zu2 gub - sum; dung, thuc - viet; syoda - finn; chi, chi bao, hu, hukou, shi - sin; hvarel, hordan - push, dari; hool, ideh, zoogloh, - mong; zalal, akal = jew; akalu - akk),
   and "laughing"(zu bir - sum; chi, xiao - sin; sang sac, ruc rich - viet; zol..., tsengeh - mong; hauska - finn; ) even without the cheese ...
   Here zu2 = tooth; rang - viet; shud - mong; chi - sin; shen - jew; gah - push).
   Therefore, they "know"(zu - sum; zhidao, xiaode, xuehui - sin; ranh, day hoc; quen, tri; biet - viet; zaah, surgah, tanih - mong; tietaa, tuntea, opettaa - finn) all  
   and "learned"(zu - sum; day, day do, giang, giao - viet; jiao, xunlian - sin; zaah - mong) to the other ...
   We all have the "wisdom teeth"(rang khon - viet; agt shud(araa) - mong; zhichi - sin), but the rush to remove them "stupidity"(chi - sin), because of much wisdom is much grief, as the Ecclesiastes... The Chinese character for a tooth is based on the character of the mouth, and they are denoted in Sumerian ideogram one. Another ideogram for "tooth" (gug - sum) is very similar to the Chinese ...
   It is no accident Chinese philosopher Xun Zi, almost the same age as Zeno of Citium, and learned "Dao" his heart after thousands of years.
   The Character for Tao consists of two parts: the "head"(šagdu - sum; Dau-viet; tou, shou - sin; ) and the verb "go" (du, di - sum; Di - viet; duo, zou - sin; tulla - finn),
   why he became the "way" of "truth" (dao - sin; Dao - viet), "всем"(du - sum; tat - viet; daji - sin)...
   Yes, this is a difficult thing - to paint, studying Hieroglyphics, "Cuneiform" (shaantag useg - mong; gušum, sagtak - sum; xiexing wenzi - sin; santakku - akk; ch? hЛnh nЙm, hЛnh nЙm, ria, - viet)...
   But after that we admire the flowering "sakura" (sakura - jap), but not cut down, "Cherry" (anh Dao - viet; yintao - sin; intoor - mong; duvedvan hamu - jew; shie, vishne - kazah, turk ) Garden!


   After that we will not close the "door"(mon - viet) "places of learning, schools" (ki'umun, edubba'a - sum; hoc Duong, mon, mon phai, truong phai, truong, truong hoc, xuong - viet; men, xian, xuetan, xuepai, pai - sin; surguul, chiglal, turshlaga, ...mergezhil - mong; koulu - finn; ekol, mektep - kazah; turk; maktab, sabk - push, dari; secta, schola - lat; bit tuppi - akk; beit sefer, ...limudi - jew).
   Because school is the "place" (ki - sum; khu - viet; kohta - finn; gazar, heseg - mong) for "lessons" (ke - sin; hoc - viet; hicheel - mong;),
   where trained "interpreters" (tulkki - finn; tilmash - kazah; turgman - jew; zheba-ren - push; tongxi, fanyi, fanyiyuan, yiben, yizhe - sin; emebala - sum; phien dich - viet; where yi, fan = translate; bala = turn, transfer...; phien = turn; & phien am = to transcribe phonetically) from the language of the streets, bazaars, jungle, to the language of the Man!
   But we can "copy, transfer" (buulgah - mong; fuxie - sin;) text, and a blueprint to help Xerox...
   Now we learn this in School ...


   We live on the other side of the head 11 of the Old "Testament, Will"(nam - sum; nguyen, y nguyen, di huan - viet; neuvo, ohje -finn), which has become for us
   the "Order, program" (cuong linh, huan lenh - viet; kunto, ohjelma - finn; guanli, heleltsee, touxu, tiaoli - sin; des daraa, deglem, zanshil - mong) of life,
   and "reins"(zib, hul - sum; hullu - akk; day cuong, cuong - viet, zholoo, hazaar - mong; ohjakset - finn; jiangsheng - sin )
   for the "Creator"(nu - sum; banu - akk; ong Tao, Tao vat - viet; buteegch - mong), "builder"(šidim - sum; zutgelten - mong), our "ancestor"(ong - viet, vanhemmat - finn; ovog, ug udam - mong),
   All this "created"(du, dim, de - sum, Dong, tao, tac, sang tao, tao dung - viet; toruuleh, buteeh -mong; banu, pataqu - akk) - his "creativity" (teokset, tuotanto - finn),
   once again marveling at this new cross-correspondences of words in such far-flung languages??, not just in the words of the Tower of Babel era, When the Creator decided - no, do not laugh, as it may seem, not only Russian, -
   but all the same "mix"(hi, HAHAHA, da, lu, šar, šu tubul - sum; hoa, quay, Dau, lai, lan lon, xao, roi, xao tron - viet; hunhe, hunxiao, hunza, za, ban, luan - sin; hammentaa, hairita, sotkea, estaa - finn; anduurah, holih, hiyh, samrah, budlih - mong; balalu - akk; ) - our languages,
   create a "confusion"(suh - sum; sam uat, roi ren, dap diu, lang nhang, ngo nhan, uan, - viet; sotkea, seos, nolaus - finn; nan-, nongluan, nongcuo; nunluan, xuxuan, hunluan, wen - sin; itu - akk; hel uymeen, budlian - mong; gadvadi, benazmi - push, dari; bilebul - jew),
   such "vanity, chaos"(dih - sum; daoluan - sin; Don, hon Don - viet; touhu - finn),
   that even with the same with mishmash "clever words" (xao ngon - viet) will seem to "scream, noise"(suham - sum; ro - viet; shuugian - mong; shor, sada - push, dari...)
   "stupid, fool, madman" (lil, ludima - sum; lieu, ba xao, ngoc - viet; hullu, holmo, narri - finn; lu, hutu, leng - sin; uhaanguy, galzuu, soliotoy - mong) or the squeaking "bug" (lude - finn) ...
   Oh, no, Babel will not soon! This is only the beginning of the return journey ...


   We still have a lot of talk about "people" (Lyudy - russ), the "creators" (luoja, luoda - finn) all this ...
   No, not just a "Tower"(anzagar, dubla, dimdim - sum; dimtu, išdu, tublu - akk; tsamgah - mong; thap, Dai - viet; ta, tai, lou - sin; torni - finn; tur - engl; sin - o-slav),
   "Buildings, houses"(ga - sum; gia, nha - viet; guan, lou, tang - sin; koti, talo - finn), "monasteries"(luostari- finn), from the gate that we started way ...
   We have a lot of talk about the creators of "Words" (ir, dug - sum; ug - mong; tu - viet; dao - sin), in which they wanted to raise "child, Son"(tur, lutur, dumu - sum; ur - mong; tu, tre, giai - viet; er, tong - sin; sin - slav; son - engl) "Human"(ur - sum) to the heavens ...


   This Tower for all of us have yet to build, finish building, if you say more accurately.
   We began to publish the book with a chapter on the Word and accidentally (as we have developed complicated life circumstances), and not accidental (it was so developed) ... According to current methods, it must be one of the last final...
   Alas! This is a major system error. The author got it back in the 70-80s of last century, dealing with the problems of scientific terminology, hierarchy and cycles of natural processes in the school goodmemory Academician Yuri Aleksandrovich Kosygin.
   Random words not in the Bible, but there are many misunderstood us.
   It is difficult to compare this Book to the beauty of style with the ancient Sanskrit Songs, poems of Homer, but it was created for other purposes. But only in this ancient book, the Old Testament, it has emerged the New Testament, which has other targets have been identified to us, to blind readers, but not singers ... But the Bible, its language, and take account of it! All this should be so, otherwise there could be what has been!
   And in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God...
   Yes, because it is the Word will be at the end of the evolution of our Universe, and this, its apogee and quintessence. It is because, the Word will be back the next evolution in the Beginning, once again, but our Universe ... All again turn and have before our eyes drawn to the dust at Point Singularity ... Oh, no, do not be afraid, because this "terrible", but nice-looking Curve Singularity is symmetric, like all natural "curve"! We simply can not look beyond, infinity lies between us, "Zeno's Turtles," and point of Singularity. And it is just a point, the point symmetry of Eternity. Ecclesiastes was right not only about our Past, and his wisdom is applicable to the eternity of the Past and the Future.
   All of this has been! That's it! And the End of the World was! But World is there! Where is only the end itself?
   Ecclesiastes, as a poet, he was wrong about one thing: not all it was up to us and not all will be after us! Man was created by the Creator as an assistant to the Creator and the created precisely in order to create something New that was not up to us and that will remain after us!
   Cain did not create anything new. All before him had created, declared the Creator Himself. All was in the field, in a wild herd. Cain was just the smoke from grass back to The God, and own brother just returned to dust, hiding from the light in the darkness of the earth! But the era of fratricide Cain is now over, ends as it began - The End of the World! Era ends with Cain very cruel and terrible, meaningless at first glance, the blinds, but the other end it can not be. No one could harm Cain, Lamech descendant of his - except themselves! This is happening to them now ...
   But Adam in his first Cause in Paradise has created something that is not created the Creator Himself! Adam gave names to all creatures of the Lord! Adam gave birth to new Words that were not there before him, was not in the beginning, which was not from God which was not God ... But it all started, and through them to be ... Yes, the act of creation is always like itself, but its own creation is always different from each other ...
   Acts of destruction, as well as sins, are very diverse, sophisticated, but the outcome of their - no fruit - always banal and ugly of the same type ... Not the fruit of their name, but the Ashes! Other names are not added to the meaning ...
   Unfortunately, the author himself became an unwitting participant in the destruction of another Babylon, in the dust of it, and staying now. But such is the essence of progress: the creation of a new - this is the destruction of the old. Alas, any of our role in the Earth Theater is objectively determined, inevitable, we can not change the great script - we can only agree on the proposed role, or we reject it or just in general, will be like those who do not choose roles ...
   Alas, our era, Cain era ends, but there is no reason for sorrow!
   Most of us are wrong imagine this end, as the End of the World, in particular. Of course, any rope has its own end, like Ariadne's thread...
   For us personally signs of the "end" of the "World" and approach to the singularity point of the present Humankind were:
   First, explosively accelerating scientific and technological progress that is inherent to the area singularities, in other words an incredible tendency of our mind to the Tree of Knowledge ... but Good!
   Second, dramatic increase in and concentration of catastrophic geological processes that actually happened before us in the history of the Earth hundreds of thousands of times, each time resulting in the destruction of the old, but to create more favorable conditions for life and development of new and better. We ourselves are wise is the fruit of one of these disasters. A similar, but only on a smaller scale, happened within the memory of the biblical prophets in Mesopotamia ... But for the old it is always a catastrophe, the Flood, End of the World ... But is it "fraternal" tomb of dinosaurs cause us much grief?
   Third, that mass "Art", Pop Art, which appeared in the explosive growth in the number, yield their fruit, not always have time to ripen.
   Fourth, it is striking the imagination of the singular rise in prices for truly great works of great masters of the Past, largely due to the preceding paragraph.
   Fifth, it is coming to replace the Avant-garde, Decadent, Modernism and the other - Postmodernism in virtually all life in any genre, not just in art! His predecessors seemed to have destroyed some psychological, subconscious dam, a mental barrier in our perception, and the whole Past culture is literally rushed us like a huge tsunami wave, naturally will spam, scraps, fragments of the former the whole of past human culture a luxurious beach at the foot of the same wall Singularity, where New Cro-Magnons wander back with the bodies of ancient heroes and goddesses, the secrets of the origin and mutations which are nearly solved.
   Sixth, in the main, as follows from the number itself, is to create a new virtual World, literally Earthly Paradise for the heads and our hearts, until inevitably cluttered all the above-described debris of the past ...
   Which of these signs of impending catastrophe occurring already have the most terrible for the Reasonable Man, it's hard to say. We can in all of these cases sympathize with only the descendants of Cain and the "fruits" of their activities, their social, personal and even ecumenical institutions, sects, doctrines and misconceptions...
   No, we do not accidentally said it in the chapter devoted to the Word. Among all of the trash, filling and Virtual World, dominated, of course, "word" ... Yeah, Word is the most prolific and capacious information carrier, although the now business people once again begin to use in communication the new kinds of cuneiform dashed codes and other things... The word - it is still the only way for us, the language of reason, spiritual communion and in the new world! Even many sensual contact is made ??through the Word ...
   No, the reason is not in the poverty of the mind, not in our limited means of communication ... No! Only the Word has algorithm of structure, existence and evolution, similar to that of the foundations of our life, immortal DNA! Word is mental twin of DNA, as well as our language - a double life itself as a whole, not just biological existence ... Artificial Intelligence helpless, like a monkey, a as stupid parrot while he is not aware of it!
   But All that came out of the dust, in the dust and will return.
   Only the Word is immortal!
   And even if from the whole of our civilization will be only "Scream" Clay - it would be very surprised cry of Eternity! The same cries are heard now from a distant, long-forgotten Past, which we still believe a stranger...
   We therefore began this chapter with them, with shouts, with the noise of the former Babylon, and they end up quite yet, among the fresh ruins of another ...
   Sorry my English, not mother-tongue...
   [email protected]

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