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Academician Prokopy Cherepanov. A humorous historical story

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    MMMCDXLIII. Academician Prokopy Cherepanov. A humorous historical story. - February 9, 2024.

  Academician Prokopy Cherepanov. A humorous historical story.
  February 1725. His Serene Highness Prince Menshikov entered the Empress's chambers, tightly closed the door behind himself and carefully examined the bedroom.
  - Hello, Katya! How did you sleep? Are you sad?
  - I was reading Plato before going to bed. How are we doing with the Academy?
  - It's okay! We are choosing knowledgeable people to appoint them as academicians.
  - Who do you have in mind? - The Empress asked.
  - I want to appoint Demidov as an academician. He owns plants and factories.
  - I know. Prokopy Cherepanov works for him - this Cherepanov invented good guns. I was informed that he repented in confession: his conscience torments him.
  - Let him invent a steam locomotive and build a railway, - His Serene Highness remarked.
  - So far, only good guns. Why don't you appoint him an academician?
  - I was visiting the weapons factories, invited him to talk. He didn't want to be my orderly [batman] [officer's personal servant]. He said he was preparing a blueprint for a new gun, he don't have enough time to serve me as an orderly.
  - And without a serve as an orderly, can't he be appointed an academician?
  - Katya, you come from the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, you don't know our life. Rely on me, on my life experience. I didn't screw up when you was nominated for Empress, did I? Do you remember? Because I have experience, and I know life.
  - And Demidov, will he be a good academician?
  - Of course. He owns factories and plants. Cherepanov his ownership, too.
  - Well, what's the point of Demidov sitting at the Academy? He's a busy man!
  - We will set him a good monthly salary. He will be sitting.
  The Empress laughed:
  - And you say that you have experience and know life? He needs the Academy, as ... you know what?
  - And what do you suggest, Mother?
  - Send to our ambassador in France my personal decree "On the invitation of scientists to the Russian Academy of Sciences and on the issuance of necessary allowances [financial means] to those wishing to travel to Russia." They, in France, took into account both the German and Italian experience. And they have heard a lot about the Portuguese Prince Henry the Navigator.
  - Thank you, Katya! Pastor Gluck taught you well! I'll do that. You get up, the Privy Council is meeting soon. Come.
  His Serene Highness came out of the Empress's chambers and looked sternly at the footmen:
  - So that without pampering!
  He found the secretary with his eyes:
  - Prepare for chamberlain Kurakin, the ambassador to France, a decree "On the invitation of scientists to the Russian Academy of Sciences and on the issuance of necessary allowances [financial means] to those wishing to travel to Russia"!
  - Don't bother, Your Grace! Everything will be done in the fastest way!
  February 9, 2024 01:02
  Translation from Russian into English: February 9, 2024 02:23
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский ' Академик Прокопий Черепанов. Юмористический исторический рассказ '.
  {3472. Академик Прокопий Черепанов. Юмористический исторический рассказ. - 9 февраля 2024 г.
  MMMCDXLIII. Academician Prokopy Cherepanov. A humorous historical story. - February 9, 2024.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского. }
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