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A career elevator and a doctors of science in St. Petersburg State University. The essay on the historical mysteries of modern Russial science

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    A career elevator and a doctors of science in St. Petersburg State University. The essay on the historical mysteries of modern Russial science.

  A career elevator and a doctors of science in St. Petersburg State University. The essay on the historical mysteries of a modern Russial science.
  From time to time I return to the phenomenon of Oleg Sokolov - as a person with a history of powerful long-term success (in the era before 1991, until 2012), and with a history of a long, imperceptible, and then - a rapid deep fall - in modern times). (Oleg Sokolov is the author of 16 monographs and over a hundred scientific articles).
  In one of the miniatures, I compared the rector of St. Petersburg State University (from one side) and Oleg Sokolov (from another side) by a number of indicators - by the number of monographs and by a number of other indicators. It turned out that these figures - are roughly equivalent figures.
  But the rector rised up to become a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and Oleg Sokolov - you know where he went. Moreover, a feature of the life path of Oleg Sokolov was the lack of the academic degree of Doctor of Science at this person of knowledge (despite all the publications, all the achievements and all the merits). (He also did not receive any - not even the lowest level - for example, the third degree - of the order after the successful (internationally) celebration of the anniversary of the victory in the Patriotic War of 1812 - the celebration in 2012).
  I asked myself a question - who and how gets positions, who and how gets a doctors of science?
  Naturally, no one condescended to any explanations. A figure of a not enough level... For a positive actions - not enough significance ... In an extreme case, you can steal ideas on the Internet - imperceptibly ...
  But yesterday, September 15, 2020, late at night, I read another batch of publications in Komsomolskaya Pravda (their author is mainly Roman Lyalin).
  One of the materials (https://www.kp.by/daily/217168/4269016/) mentioned the document ("the characteristics") that the director of the Institute of History of St. Petersburg State University had written about associate professor Oleg Sokolov ('Sokolov ... published more than 100 scientific works - published in Russia and in France "). I selected the name and surname of the institute director with a computer mouse and activated the "search" command. The search engine presented a list of materials, of which I limited myself to an article on Wikipedia.
  So, my questions were partially answered both by an accidentally read publication in the media and by the Wikipedia ...
  The director's scientific works are listed - two titles.
  Naturally, I tried to switch my thoughts to other topics, I tried not to read too much. As we remember, after 2012, after the successful (of international level) celebration of victory in Patriotic War of 1812, Oleg Sokolov's active descent down the career ladder began. In late 2012 - early 2013, the Military Historical Society ['Российское военно-историческое общество'] was created. As you can imagine (details in Wikipedia are not set out), the Military Historical Society absorbed the organizations of historical reconstruction, headed by Oleg Sokolov, and pushed the assistant professor to secondary positions (he became a member of some "scientific council" of the Military Historical Society ... Not a member of the board? - About the composition of the board of the Military Historical Society, I did not find information on Wikipedia). So, it was in 2012 that the current director became the dean of the Faculty of History of St. Petersburg State University. But I tried not to notice this circumstance, to ignore it.
  I focused on the number of publications.
  The rector of St. Petersburg State University and Oleg Sokolov have an approximately equal number of monographs (about 16 - information is approximate, inaccurate. It depends on how you count ...), and the director has 2 publications (information - according to Wikipedia).
  However, one of them is on post of rector, who after the international loudness scandal (the events with Sokolov and Yeshchenko) became a correspondent member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. And the second (Oleg Sokolov), if you believe the information about Sokolov's conversation with the prankers, asked an external forces for support in defending his doctoral dissertation ('Oleg Sokolov begs for a dissertation from the' presidential administration '- https://www.youtube.com/watch? v = qH57_HDdFAU).
  ("In February 2018, a prank was played with Sokolov. ... to him [to Sokolov] was said that it was an employee of the administration of President Putin. He wants to involve the historian as a proxy before the elections. (...)
  And in the last conversation, an elderly scientist suddenly begins to ask the "presidential administration" to help him in his career: to defend his doctoral degree and obtain the post of professor. (...)
  - I will discuss this issue with the management, - the pranker promises.' - The author of article: Irina Tumakova. Novaya Gazeta. https://novayagazeta.ru/articles/2019/11/14/82734-nashestvie-napoleona).
  In general, after all this information, I felt a complete non-understanding ...
  The history of modern Russial science is mysterious ...
  [MCXXXI. A Scientific Circle Dance and A Scientific Dragon. The Essay on the history of science. - November 17, 2019.
  MCCL. From Russia into Loseristan. Two realities of modern science. Essay on the history of science. - January 29, 2020.
  MDLV. Vaccine. - Russial science. Achievements. Leaders. Essay on the philosophy of modern Russial science. - July 12, 2020.
  MDCXVIII. The principle of illusory reality. Sokolov. Yeshchenko. Furgal. A philosophical essay. - August 4, 2020.
  MDCXXIX. Oleg Sokolov, Andrei Sakharov, Vladimir Medinsky ... Details to the biography of Oleg Sokolov. - August 9, 2020.
  MDCLXII. The economic future of Belarus. A forecast. - August 21, 2020.]
  September 16, 2020 07:07
  Translation from Russian into English: September 16, 2020 08:10.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Карьерный лифт и доктора наук в СПбГУ. Очерк исторических загадок современной российской науки'.
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