Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

A caring mayor and a real estate insurance. A story

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    A caring mayor and a real estate insurance. A story.

  A caring mayor and a real estate insurance. A story.
  A large regional city existed for a many years.
  But, suddenly, a strange page was written into his history.
  Together with the start of active construction in the city center, such an unexpected phenomenon as fires arose for the townspeople. Yes! Something an unexpected seemed to be felt in these fires ...
  And along with the fires, a population's fear appeared.
  The townspeople were especially frightened after the two large apartment buildings in the city center burned down.
  One building stood on the main street and next to it there was a significant flow of transport. The second building stood in a quieter place, aside, on a calm street, in a cozy courtyard - a few dozen meters from the city hall (a convenient place).
  An ominous rumors spread throughout the city, and a public opinion even tended to the generally recognized informal reconstruction of unpleasant events.
  Newspapers constantly published information about the situation - from different points of view.
  Under these conditions, the mayor's office took a number of vigorous actions.
  The building, which stood next to the dense traffic stream, was wrapped in transparent dark green fabric. In this drapery, it stood for much more than one year.
  Now public opinion could to focus on a new postulates. For example, on a such ones. No one needs the land plot under this building (you see: year after year it stands, and no one encroaches on it, or on the land plot under this building); an unyielding, too picky, demanding people with big requests remain for years without a building and without money (without a "compensation" for the remains of the building and for the land plot under it).
  The second building (near the city hall) stood in a quiet yard, closed from city noise, - and we can't say anything about this building ...
  In addition, the mayor with his characteristic charming smile began to tell in the media that the mayor's office has developed a new real estate insurance system. An agreement has been achieved with three firms. An apartment owners can take advantage of the care of the city hall.
  Having paid about 40 rubles a month, they could realy hope to receive 150,000 (one hundred fifty thousand) rubles in case of unforeseen events. The amount is relatively small, but still useful.
  A monthly payment of 40 rubles was included in the standard receipt, according to which the residents of a huge city paid for many services in connection with the ownership of apartments. The majority of the population paid the required 40 rubles every month. (The newspaper company, which took place after the disturbing events, made itself felt!).
  Behind the period of fires, a new social period began.
  There were no fires. But there was an insurance. And there was a wrapped building that stood in the center of the city for much more than one year. The building as if was sending some encrypted message to numerous townspeople passing by it along the main street.
  The mayor, of course, did not leave the pages of newspapers. There were the other publications about his activity. So, gradually, a tendency became clear of deleting him from the post of mayor.
  Somehow, imperceptibly, without any official statements, the amount of 40 rubles disappeared from the receipt. Last month, the amount stood. And this month, this amount is not standing in the receipt. A failure of a system? A next month. There is no such amount, again ... Somehow the topic began to be forgotten... By this time, if to see in total, the population of the big city had paid a lot of money.
  And the mayor has moved to the federal level.
  Did he deal with an insurance process at a new level? However, it is clear that insurance issues are increasingly coming to the fore.
  Now a different types of insurance are important.
  For example, a talk began about insurance against coronavirus ...
  May 19, 2020 07:36
  Translation from Russian into English: May 19, 2020 08:31.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Заботливый мэр и страхование недвижимости. Рассказ'.
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