Zalessky Vladimir : другие произведения.

A Certificate for the right to wear a badge for graduates of the university. An antiquarian story

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    A Certificate for the right to wear a badge for graduates of the university. An antiquarian story.

  A Certificate for the right to wear a badge for graduates of the university. An antiquarian story.
  The more I put up for sale various things, the more my powers of observation develop.
  For example, I have 4 (four) university graduate badges at my disposal.
  One of these badges is clearly different from the others. Three large letters are placed on it: "NPI".
  But the other three badges (generally similar in design) are slightly different from each other, too.
  For example, one of them has dark enamel, a darkened image of the coat of arms, and under the coat of arms there is an image of the Sun and a ribbon different from the other two (this is how I perceive these symbols).
  Through reasoning, I come to a guess - perhaps this badge was issued by the North Caucasus University.
  Now is the time to be active...
  I am making an interesting discovery: A Certificate number 741 dated April 15, 1948.
  ('This Certificate is issued to Vasily Alexandrovich Zalessky, who graduated from the North Caucasian State University in the Faculty of Economics (diploma number 15675 dated April 4, 1930) that he has the right to wear a badge for graduates of the university in accordance with the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated September 4, 1945. Rector of the University (signature). April 15, 1948.).
  If I put up for sale the NPI diploma and the badge of the NPI, then why not put up for sale the Certificate for the right to wear the badge (dated April 15, 1948) and the corresponding badge?
  Logically, more rare (old) things should cost more than less old ones.
  But I will make a discount for the Certificate - I will put it on sale at the same price as the NPI Diploma.
  And for the badge - I will add a little to the price of the NPI badge.
  In general, you need to think, look for options ... Now is the such time, such a historical period ...
  Since my thoughts and actions have taken this direction, I turn on my creative imagination and compose a short story. Title of the short story: "Badge and Certificate".
  The text of the story follows.
  "April 15, 1948.
  The Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 ended.
  Captain V.A. Zalessky is being treated (with varying success) after a shell shock received during the hostilities.
  His son Vladimir studies at the technical school of the fishing industry. The learning process at the technical school is going well.
  The family is discussing the issue of Vladimir's transition to study at a higher educational institution.
  Vladimir's birthday will be celebrated tonight. A good time to talk about the importance of education.
  In September 1945, the Decree on University Badges was adopted.
  Captain V.A. Zalessky gathers his strength, he walks to the university, presents his documents.
  University staff take into account the state of his health and immediately issue a certificate for the right to wear a badge, give out him a badge.
  Tonight, Captain V.A. Zalessky will show his son Vladimir a badge and a certificate for the right to wear it. Such event will be useful to understand the importance of education."
  So ... There is a badge, Certificate is found, the short story is written.
  Things are moving...
  November 6, 2022 00:18
  Translation from Russian into English: November 6, 2022 00:57.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Удостоверение на право ношения нагрудного знака для окончивших университет. Антикварная заметка'.
  { 3237. Удостоверение на право ношения нагрудного знака для окончивших университет. Антикварная заметка.
  MMMCCVIII. A Certificate for the right to wear a badge for graduates of the university. An antiquarian story.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского}
  https : // bonzon . ru/items / udostoverenie _ na _ pravo _ nosheniya _ nagrudnogo _ znaka _ dlya _ okonchivshih _ severo _ 832087
  https : // bonzon . ru/items / nagrudniy _ znak _ severo _ kavkazskogo _ universiteta _ rostov _ na _ donu _ 1948 _ 832086
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