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A creation of a new literary portrait of Nicholas Roerich. An essay

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    A creation of a new literary portrait of Nicholas Roerich. An essay.

  A creation of a new literary portrait of Nicholas Roerich. An essay.
  Today, December 3, 2021, in the extra early, in the night hours (hours, turning into early morning), I spent a lot of time for a looking at paintings by Nicholas Roerich from one of the collections on the Internet.
  I watched paintings, overcoming fatigue. And I didn"t regret it.
  Yes, Nicholas Roerich is an interesting artist with original talent and original creative style.
  You can look at the personality, at the figure of Nicholas Roerich from different angles - after the reading two of his biographies - by M.L. Dubaev (2003) and by P.F.Belikov, V.P. Knyazeva (1972).
  But now, more or less by chance, I read a text published on the Internet in connection with the defense of a thesis by V.A.Rosov.
  Rosov, Vladimir Andreevich. Russian-American expeditions N.K. Roerich to Central Asia (1920s and 1930s): dis. Doctor of Historical Sciences: 07.00.02 - Domestic history. St. Petersburg. 2005.400 p. [unofficial translation]
  As I understand it, this text consists of fragments of the abstract of the dissertation, written by V.A. Rosov.
  It"s curious!
  The focus of this text is an attempt to create a new state in Central Asia.
  Nicholas Roerich, according to this concept, acts as a politician-practitioner who communicated with a number of political figures and made efforts to create a new state in Asia.
  In addition, V. A. Rosov evaluates Nicholas Roerich as an active creator of myths, giving this process of myth-making not an ironic, but a respectful shade.
  Yes, it is interesting. And it may even look fresh in connection with the recent creation of the Organization of Turkic States (with the participation of Kyrgyzstan).
  For me personally, the mystical interpretation of the life of Nicholas Roerich is closer. His fortune led him through various circumstances - so that he could to receive a sufficient creative experience, extraordinary impressions, to show himself as an unusual, talented artist; and his fortune almost forcibly settled him in a heavenly place - in the Himalayas, in India, in the Kullu valley.
  (How different is the life path of Nicholas Roerich from the lives of many creative figures who were suffering and souring after emigrating from the revolutionary Russia! And he participated in expeditions, traveled, enjoyed with the fame of an outstanding artist and initiator of the Roerich Pact.).
  For a politician-practitioner, in my opinion (if we focus on the two above-mentioned biographies of Roerich), he is too naive, romantic and idealistic. What is his desire to return to the USSR worth?
  One of his sons did it (after the parents passed away), but somehow he did not live in the USSR for long. He died of a heart attack about three years after "returning to his homeland", before he was 60 years old.
  His other son lived a prosperous life in India - he lived to a ripe old age.
  It is good (for Nicholas Roerich) that the authorities of the Western countries had pressed on him - as a result, he enjoyed life and work in his beautiful home in the paradise mountain valley of Kullu.
  I don't know what he would have done in the USSR, and how long he would have lived in the USSR - in the event of a "return" ...
  But the idea of V.A. Rosov is also quite interesting.
  Why not?
  It turns out that Nicholas Roerich is a builder (one of the builders) of a new state in Asia, a state that may yet have to appear ...
  In general, thanks to the rather laconic text by V.A.Rosov, I got acquainted with the new literary portrait of Nicholas Roerich.
  It's even pleasant to look at Nicholas Roerich from a new point of view ...
  December 3, 2021 23:29
  Translation from Russian into English: December 4, 2021 00:52
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Создание нового литературного портрета Николая Рериха. Очерк".
  { 2585. Создание нового литературного портрета Николая Рериха. Очерк.
  MMDLV. A creation of a new literary portrait of Nicholas Roerich. An essay. (English). }
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