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Additional measure of support for volunteers. A financial and economic story for children about Seryozha

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    MMMCCCXLII. Additional measure of support for volunteers. A financial and economic story for children about Seryozha. - August 16, 2023.

  Additional measure of support for volunteers. A financial and economic story for children about Seryozha.
  During the next visit by the detachment to a fast food restaurant, Seryozha carefully said to his subordinates - members of the volunteer detachment:
  - Fellow volunteers! You receive periodic cash payments. I'm going to approach the higher authorities with a proposal for an additional measure of support - in your interests.
  The volunteers looked at Seryozha. He continued:
  - Our economic experts draw the attention of the population to the change in the exchange rate of the ruble against the dollar and the euro. I think that the payments you are entitled to should be doubled.
  The volunteers murmured in unison:
  - No! no! We do not agree! This can lead to an additional burden on the state budget! We do not agree with such a step, we think about the public interest! The Central Bank raised the discount rate. We will place our money, if not all, but a part, on deposits at 10-15 percent per annum (or at higher interest rates)! We'll beat inflation!
  Seryozha carefully listened to the opinion of his comrades in the volunteer detachment:
  - Okay! But you are focused on performing socially useful tasks. Do you have a sufficient financial literacy? If you are mentioning about bank deposits, then I am ready to come up with a proposal that your payments be credited to long-term escrow accounts - so that you become owners of apartments over time and not be disappointed.
  The volunteers looked at each other. The word was taken by one of them, who previously worked as a financial analyst for a large company:
  - That's a good idea! But we hope for a digital ruble. If we will receive payments in digital rubles, and our closest relatives will receive additional 'buttons' in their personal electronic accounts (electronic office-rooms) for the information access to our 'wallets', then we will not buy a beer and will not visit the entertainment establishments - even if we will really want to. The digital ruble will help educate us in financial literacy. We will only make a rational money spending and will not disappoint ourselves and our families with ill-advised financial moves (steps).
  Seryozha shook his head approvingly - a responsible people are subordinate to him. But he, nevertheless, wanted to show himself, to declare himself (with a useful initiative):
  - Recently, a message came that Russial citizens are in the forefront among buyers of real estate in Turkey. I am ready to take the initiative to give you electronic certificates (as a form of payments) - for the purchase of real estate in Turkey. Imagine: together, by combining your certificates, you purchase a house or apartment in Turkey. On rest days, you fly to Antalya - for an all-inclusive vacation. Naturally, you also visit Istanbul: you sit in a good cafe, look at the Bosphorus ... Do you remember how Nikolai Gogol traveled to the East, to the Holy Places, and stayed in the house of his gymnasium friend - he was the Embassy Employee?
  The volunteers made a lively noise. Seryozha did not understand whether they support his idea or they object to it.
  At last, he managed to hear the individual statements:
  - Some flights abroad are delayed ... two Boeings need to be repaired ... For now, it's better without certificates ...
  Seryozha was silent for a moment:
  - Okay ... From the sale of a large coil of copper wire you found for charitable purposes, a small amount remained ...
  Seryozha ordered each volunteer another cup of coffee and a pie with a sweet filling.
  Volunteers ate sweet pies with pleasure.
  August 16, 202308:01
  Translation from Russian into English: August 16, 2023 09:16
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский ' Дополнительная мера поддержки для волонтёров. Финансово-экономический рассказ для детей о Серёже '.
  { 3371. Дополнительная мера поддержки для волонтёров. Финансово-экономический рассказ для детей о Серёже. - 16 августа 2023 г.
  MMMCCCXLII. Additional measure of support for volunteers. A financial and economic story for children about Seryozha. - August 16, 2023.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского. }
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