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A few words about the biography books of Heydar Aliyev and Nadezhda Krupskaya. The note

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    A few words about the biography books of Heydar Aliyev and Nadezhda Krupskaya. The note.

  A few words about the biography books of Heydar Aliyev and Nadezhda Krupskaya. The note.
  When I started reading the biography of Heydar Aliyev, I, at beginning, doubted how expedient such a reading was. (V.Andriyanov, G. Miralamov "Heydar Aliyev").
  However, the biography turned out to be unexpectedly interesting - especially in the light of modern events. Something has become clearer. Of course, a lot needs to be mentally reconstructed. Apparently, Jafar Bagirov - before the 'campaign to South Azerbaijan' and after the 'campaign to South Azerbaijan' (1941 - 1944 - 1946) - these are two different political figures with different political weight and potential ...
  ("The first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Azerbaijan, Mir Jafar Bagirov, was one of the most active organizers of the campaign to South Azerbaijan.").
  Biography of Krupskaya. (L. M. Mlechin "Krupskaya").
  Apart from some fragments of the book (where the style of presentation is felt), then, without reading the author's name on the cover, I would not assume that the author is Leonid Mlechin.
  It is not clear from this biography who the ancestors of Krupskaya were. The biography "starts" with her father and mother.
  'In Paris, they settled in an apartment of two rooms on the rue Marie-Rose, building 4. (...) They lived modestly. Some money to Elizaveta Vasilyevna Krupskaya [Nadezhda Konstantinovna's mother] was left by her late aunt. Sometimes Lenin was paid for lectures. Nadezhda Konstantinovna earned money by giving lessons or writing [inscripting] envelopes for mailing announcements. In general, it was enough. "
  So, the revolutionary activity of Ilyich was financed not only from the funds of the Ulyanov family, but also from the funds of the Krupsky family ...
  Be that as it may, after coming to power, Lenin recognized the independence of Poland, and declared invalid international treaties concerning the partitions of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth ...
  If you believe this biography, then on July 12, 1925 [it was period after Lenin's death] "Krupskaya began to quietly stroke her guest on the head as a token of gratitude, while pronouncing in Polish the verses by Adam Mickiewicz "Mother of God."
  In the history of the Krupski family, one can see the desire for education, and a penchant for intellectual pursuits, and a certain naivety ...
  In the post-revolutionary period, Krupskaya worked in the "field of education", for example, with both Lunacharsky and Krzhizhanovskaya (the wife of Gleb Krzhizhanovsky).
  ("On September 19, 1932, the All-Union Committee for Higher Technical Education at the Central Executive Committee of the USSR appeared. On October 16, Krupskaya's old friend, Vice-President of the Academy of Sciences Gleb Krzhizhanovsky, was appointed chairman of the committee (in the rank of Union People's Commissar)."
  It would seem what after Krupskaya remained, - except for encrypted letters (the era of emigration), archives and memories associated with different stages of Lenin's life?
  Lenin himself treated the slogan of eliminating illiteracy with a certain irony.
  'On December 26, 1919, Lenin signed the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars 'On the elimination of illiteracy among the population of the RSFSR,' which introduced compulsory literacy training.
  In the decree, prepared largely by the efforts of Krupskaya, it was written: "The entire population of the Republic between the ages of 8 and 50, who cannot read or write, must learn to read and write in their native language or Russian according the own will." (...)
  When Lenin posed for the artist Yuri Annenkov, he spoked out:
  - Our slogan 'Eliminate illiteracy' is only so that every peasant, every worker can read our decrees and proclamations independently, without help from others. The goal is quite practical. That's all. "
  If we turn, for example, to the memoirs (biographies) of Yuri Trifonov and Alexander Solzhenitsyn, we can see that by 1939 (the year of Krupskaya's death) the population of European Russia was at a very high educational and cultural level ...
  Let us also mention the story with Mikhail Bulgakov.
  'Among the myriad responses to the death of Lenin, one of the most unusual belonged to the pen of the then young writer Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov, whose fame was still to come. In the magazine "Zheleznodorozhnik" he described how in 1921 he, who had arrived from Kiev, was not registered in Moscow. With his petition, he decided to go to Lenin himself. And he got to Krupskaya, who was sitting in some worn-out fur coat.
  Nadezhda Konstantinovna read the paper and wrote in red ink: "Please give him a warrant [registration]." And she signed: Ulyanova.
  'The most important thing is that I forgot to thank her,' - Mikhail Bulgakov lamented [essay 'The Remembrance']. - "I forgot. Crookedly put on his hat and left."
  In the house management, seeing the signature, he was immediately issued a warrant. Upon learning of Lenin's death, he decided to say a kind word to Nadezhda Konstantinovna, at least belatedly:
  "I live. ... in the same room with a smoky ceiling. I have books, and there is a circle from the lamp on the table. On January 22, he turned red, and immediately a face appeared in front of me from a dreamy vision - a face with a beard with a wedge and steep bumps of a forehead, and behind it - in anguish and despair gray hair, the wiped fur on a katsaveika [a type of coat] and a word in red ink -
  Most importantly, I forgot to thank you then.
  It is inconvenient ...
  Thank you, Nadezhda Konstantinovna. "
  Of course, education is not at all a guarantee of happiness ...
  Perhaps, without industrialization, without collectivization and without a cultural revolution, life would be better for significant masses of the Russian population? Many people who were educated in parish (pre-revolutionary) schools - if even not to mention those who were educated in gymnasiums - showed themselves very well ...
  Nevertheless, it would be unfair not to mention the sharp change (increase) (rising) in the educational and general cultural level of the huge masses of the population of Russia and the USSR in the period from 1917 to 1939, which was largely the merit of Nadezhda Konstantinovna Krupskaya ...
  [MDXCVII. Lenin, Stalin, Mikhail Degryarev and a European intellectual potential. Experimental essay - an attempt of biographical and political comparison. - July 28, 2020.].
  March 16, 2021 04:30
  Translation from Russian into English: March 16, 2021 06:10.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Несколько слов о книгах-биографиях Гейдара Алиева и Надежды Крупской. Заметка'.
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