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A financial paradise for historians. A humorous essay

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    A financial paradise for historians. A humorous essay.

  A financial paradise for historians. A humorous essay.
  There were several significant moments in the life of the famous associate professor of history from St. Petersburg that he should have paid attention to.
  After the successful, with an international scale, celebration of the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Borodino, as far as one can understand, not only was he not awarded. He was removed from the position of the leader of the movement of historical reconstruction, a historical society was created 'instead of' the movement, and in place of the head of the historical society they put a man who today calls himself a historian and who now receives 100 million rubles a year.
  Did the assistant professor - historian pay attention to this 'call'?
  Somewhere in history, the date of appointment to the post of chief - the director of an educational institution - a person with an insignificant topic of a doctoral dissertation, was lost. The topic is insignificant, but the doctoral degree was awarded. The new Doctor of Sciences was appointed the boss of the Associate Professor.
  It was also a "call".
  Why shouldn't the assistant professor become a doctor of science himself? He advised people close to the former mayor of Moscow. He also lectured in foreign universities (in a foreign language), he knew how to work in foreign archives, he wrote many articles and books in different languages ...
  One day the assistant professor got a call from the phone pranksters.
  They presented themselves as powerful people and probed him about political loyalty.
  Associate Professor is a fairly loyal person. But that's not what's interesting. He asks influential people to help him with the defense of his doctoral dissertation... It's a good scientific atmosphere!!! This means that scientific qualifications, popularity among students, knowledge, scientific activity - all this is not enough to become a doctor of science. And what is needed, in this case? The "Apple" in front of influential people to dance? So after all, the performance of sailor dances is not a guarantee of a successful scientific career ... Here are the jesters [clowns] of Anna Ioannovna - they may have had a chance ... They did not claim any scientific achievements, they looked like obvious fools, and their loyalty was long and many years old.
  The phone pranksters - they are cheerful people. They posted a recording of a telephone conversation with an associate professor on the Internet. So the public learned about this conversation, about the request of the associate professor to influential people to provide support in defending a doctoral dissertation.
  So the assistant professor was first introduced to the public in a funny way.
  It was a serious wake-up "call".
  Events took their course.
  One of the media activists invites an associate professor to participate in the program.
  It is necessary to protect historical science from a kind of dilettante.
  Very interesting this dilettante. It is not clear whether he received a diploma of higher education or not. For a talented person, a diploma is not in the first place. But what is interesting is that there is no clarity in the very fact of obtaining (or not receiving) a diploma.
  Nevertheless, an energetic historical innovator wrote a historical work, he achieved the fame for this work and received some start-up scientific and financial capital for this work.
  The defense of historical science by the assistant professor against the innovative historian led to a conflict. Relations have strained...
  (The presenter of that program is now the presenter on one of the central radio stations).
  Associate Professor found himself in a strip of adverse events. A long-time baiting begins. He is a victim of a baiting. And insults come to e-mail, and unknown people write inscriptions in the entrance, and rats are thrown under the door ...
  For a Associate Professor - historian, the situation is unusual - even if he is not a doctor of science, his professional qualifications have never been called into question. It is unusual for him to become the object of baiting.
  Moreover, this is unusual for his young girlfriend - the de facto wife. She thought that if she knows French, if she is able to work in the French archives and to write scientific works in different languages, then she belongs to the number of respected people.
  The prolonged bullying - it proves the opposite.
  To whom to turn for help - to the prankers?
  To the director-boss with a provincial doctoral dissertation topic?
  Gradually, the graduate studentess has a perspective - there will be problems with the defense of her dissertation. Do she have to finish this stage of study without defending her dissertation?
  The actual husband is confused and depressed at heart - he is deepened and he is embroiled in conflict.
  Apparently, he missed an important turning point in his personal relationship with his young de facto wife.
  Relations have cracked.
  Now, not only unknown enemies attack the assistant professor, but, periodically, the young actual wife shows aggression against her actual husband - the assistant professor historian.
  At some point, the situation reaches its maximum intensity, and everything ends with a tragic denouement.
  The innovator-historian, initiative person, does not disappear from the horizon. He appears at the trial. He testifies against an unlucky assistant professor - historian.
  Events move on.
  Today there are publications on the Internet. It turns out that the enterprising innovator-historian went on vacation to Italy (via Turkey). It seems that he has no problems with the currency. He is a famous figure. World media inform the public about the details of his life. He is from Italy giving an interview.
  It turns out that annual trips to Italy have become a habit for him ...
  Of the three historians, we see two quite prosperous representatives of historical science.
  One has an annual income of 100 million rubles. Another historian has vacations in Italy every year.
  Associate Professor, although he did not become a doctor of sciences, he experienced many pleasures during his life - such enjoyments that not every doctor of sciences tasted. He traveled a lot around the world. He have seen many countries. He was financially well off.
  Only the professional career of a graduate studentess ended unsuccessfully. She was a pure, naive girl ... A little more life experience - and she would have had a chance to make a scientific career ...
  In general, if you look without being too critical, we see a paradise for historians.
  [MMDCCCXCI. A financial bar for the modern historian. A historical and cultural essay. - April 17, 2022.].
  April 18, 2022 20:19
  Translation from Russian into English: April 18, 2022 21:42
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Финансовый рай для историков. Юмористический очерк'.
  { 2923. Финансовый рай для историков. Юмористический очерк.
  MMDCCCXCIII. A financial paradise for historians. A humorous essay. }
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