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A great desire to work! (Philately without deception). A story for children about Seryozha

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    MMMCDXXVIII. A great desire to work! (Philately without deception). A story for children about Seryozha. - January 5, 2024.

  A great desire to work! (Philately without deception). A story for children about Seryozha.
  After the Congress of young stamp lovers and after the ridiculous absence of the kid - the owner of the Mauritius blue at the Congress, Seryozha proposed a program to free philately from deception, from gray schemes and crime.
  At a meeting of the Council of the Philatelic Club, Seryozha proposed a system of appropriate measures.
  For example, the following actions were proposed: (1) careful collective inspection of albums with stamps (belonging to toddlers), (2) withdrawal of the most valuable stamps from albums for their careful analysis by the Council of Philatelic Experts (the head of this Council is Seryozha), (3) transfer of the most valuable albums for examination by specially selected third-party experts.
  Seryozha was convincing the members of the Council of the need to strictly observe the Constitution of the Club (that is, the Charter of the Club). This thesis aroused general approval.
  Some members of the Club's Council were looking thoughtfully at the List of events offered by Seryozha. This list was set out on 15 (fifteen) pages.
  Having noticed such glances of some members of the Club's Council, Seryozha explained:
  - I really want to work! A great desire to work! It is necessary to free philately from criminality and gray schemes. I have a great desire to work!
  A beep sounded. A message came to Seryozha's phone.
  Seryozha explained to the members of the Club's Council:
  - Kids-fans of postage stamps, having learned about my program to combat criminality, deception and gray schemes in the field of philately, have already begun to gather in our Club - along with their albums. Please conclude our meeting. A great desire to work!
  Ten minutes later (without any delay), the inspection of the albums with stamps, brought by the kids, began.
  January 05, 2023, 21:38
  Translation from Russian into English: 5 января 2024 г. 22:37
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский ' Очень хочется работать! (Филателия без обмана). Рассказ для детей о Серёже '.
  {3457. Очень хочется работать! (Филателия без обмана). Рассказ для детей о Серёже. - 5 января 2024 г.
  MMMCDXXVIII. A great desire to work! (Philately without deception). A story for children about Seryozha. - January 5, 2024.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского. }
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