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A leg with precious stones. A story for children about Seryozha

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    MMMCCCXLIX. A leg with precious stones. A story for children about Seryozha. - August 25, 2023.

  A leg with precious stones. A story for children about Seryozha.
  Seryozha leisurely walked along the boulevard and thought about strategic tasks. "How to quickly become an International Sports Inspector? The position of Chairman of the Public Council of the Pool is a good chair, but I need to grow, to move forward, upward ...".
  A phone call came to the cell phone from Uncle Sasha.
  Seryozha was surprised. Yes, Uncle Sasha is the Delphic Oracle of the XXI century. But Seryozha did not turn to him today for predictions.
  - Good afternoon, Uncle Sasha!
  - Hi, Seryozha! Where are you now?
  - I'm walking down the street near your house...
  - Come up to the bench in the yard. I go out of the entrance to get some air. Let's sit and talk...
  - OK.
  Five minutes later Seryozha and Uncle Sasha were sitting on a bench in the yard.
  Uncle Sasha was with a crutch. His right leg was in a cast.
  "What does he want?" Seryozha thought.
  - You see, I visit the Beauty Salon, - Uncle Sasha said, - it's good there. There are a various useful procedures.
  "What is he up to?" Seryozha thought.
  - I was treated to a cup of fragrant tea there. - Uncle Sasha continued, - I drank, then moved from one hall to another. There's a step, a threshold. I sort of passed out after tea. I stumbled, fell. Broke a leg.
  "What does he want?" - Seryozha tried to guess.
  - I woke up: a cast, - Uncle Sasha continued.
  Seryozha looked at Uncle Sasha's cast around the leg and shook his head sympathetically.
  - But I could not assume, I could not foresee that in the Beauty Salon I would break my leg ... - Uncle Sasha continued.
  "Something incomprehensible ...", - Seryozha thought.
  - Now I want to fly abroad - to treat my leg. - Uncle Sasha said. - An ambulance plane was rented. A flight to Finland, they say they treat broken legs well there ...
  "It's not clear what he wants from me ...", Seryozha thought.
  - I'm leaving to the Finland in two hours. I'm going to the airport now.
  - I wish you a health and a success in predictions. Of course, you could not foresee that an unpleasant situation would happen in the Beauty Salon.
  - Thank you, Seryozha, - Uncle Sasha said, - see you soon.
  - See you.
  Seryozha continued a walk. Somehow this is not clear. A phone call. A conversation on a bench. A story about a Beauty Salon and about the cast (plaster) around the leg.
  "Or maybe he hid the gems in plaster?" - Seryozha put forward a version. - "The sanitary airplane will not be checked. And if the precious stones will be found, he will say that he had nothing to do with them, that he did not know anything. And he called me to refer to me if it will be necessary - I will recall this conversation and I will say that Uncle Sasha did not foresee anything, they put a cast on his leg when he was in an unconscious state."
  An announcement hung on the fence: "Uncle Sasha - the Delphic Oracle of the XXI century." And the number of phone of Uncle Sasha.
  Seryozha glanced at the announcement and moved on. There are many problems. Uncle Sasha and his leg with precious stones in plaster is a secondary issue...
  August 25, 2023 19:58
  Translation from Russian into English: August 25, 2023 20:57
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский ' Нога с драгоценными камнями. Рассказ для детей о Серёже '.
  { 3378. Нога с драгоценными камнями. Рассказ для детей о Серёже. - 25 августа 2023 г.
  MMMCCCXLIX. A leg with precious stones. A story for children about Seryozha. - August 25, 2023.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского. }
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