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Alexander Lukashenko - a man in a black cap. A strokes for the portrait

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    Alexander Lukashenko - a man in a black cap. A strokes for the portrait.

  Alexander Lukashenko - a man in a black cap. A strokes for the portrait.
  The footage is circulated in the media. Alexander Lukashenko in a black cap. He has a Kalashnikov submachine gun in his hand.
  The politicians in the cap are not very visible. Perhaps they wear a cap when playing sports ...
  Mr. Maduro's cap is the most noticeable ... But he usually wears a red cap ...
  What does the black cap mean?
  If Alexander Lukashenko positions himself as a serviceman, then he must be in military uniform and have insignia [signs of military man]. He must have a military card or other similar document.
  Insignia, it seems, are not visible.
  To a greater extent, the cap resembles a fragment of hunter's clothing. But the hunter must have a hunting ticket (or other similar document). The hunter is not entitled to a Kalashnikov submachine gun. Could it be a Saiga carbine stylized as a submachine gun? Who can you hunt in Minsk? The crows? Squirrels in the park? Probably, such a hunt is illegal ... Alexander Lukashenko visited Minsk on his way to hunt? ... Hunting weapons should be carried in a special case (holster) ...
  The cap can also indicate that its owner belongs to a wide layer of various kinds of guards. Again, the Kalashnikov submachine gun is not allowed to the guards. The guard must have a license or some other similar document ... Usually a guard has a pepper spray and handcuffs with him ...
  Finally, the cap can testify to the performance - in the style of historical reconstruction ... In Russia, Napoleon is the most famous figure. Napoleon was on horseback in a beautiful uniform, in a historical headdress ...
  What other options are there?
  Number 34? ..
  Alexander Lukashenko's cap remains a mystery ...
  (Clothes are changing during a history process... They say that under Stalin, diplomats had a naval dirks. Maria Zakharova, it seems, somehow (once) appeared before the public in her uniform ... I have never seen Minister Lavrov with a naval dirk ...).
  August 23, 2020 23:11
  Translation from Russian into English: August 23, 2020 23:47.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Александр Лукашенко - человек в чёрной кепке. Штрихи к портрету'.
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