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Alexander Lukashenko. Mental associations with Salvador Allende? Movement towards the image of Sharikov? A cultural hypothesis

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    Alexander Lukashenko. Mental associations with Salvador Allende? Movement towards the image of Sharikov? A cultural hypothesis.

  Alexander Lukashenko. Mental associations with Salvador Allende? Movement towards the image of Sharikov? A cultural hypothesis.
  After Alexander Lukashenko appeared in the center of Minsk with a Kalashnikov assault rifle, some commentators wondered whether he wanted to be like Salvador Allende?
  In this regard, we recalled the book by Joseph Lavretsky "Salvador Allende".
  Thinking about a modern times, I found several interesting episodes.
  Here are some examples.
  "However, on June 27 [1973] there was no coup. Instead, a provocative attempt was made on the life of the commander-in-chief of the army, General Prats. A pursuit was arranged for his car. Prats was forced to stop (with a pistol shot) one of the cars, which was trying to block his path. In the car was a certain Alejandrina Cox, an aristocrat known for her fascist sympathies. She stated that she only "showed her tongue" to the commander-in-chief. The reactionary journalists from newspapers and television appeared immediately and captured the scene. The general was surrounded by a crowd of provocateurs. He was laughed at. Someone punctured the tires of his car. Amid the hooting of "citizens", the commander-in-chief left the "battlefield", as the press hostile to the government reported, in a taxi ...
  Outraged at this provocation, General Prats immediately resigned. "
  "The ring is closing around Prats. On August 21, right-wing forces organize a new demonstration of several hundred women in front of the residence of the Minister of Defense. They grossly insult him and demand that he leave the ranks of the army. " After various events, Defense Minister Prats resigned.
  In the book of Joseph Lavretsky, I did not find direct mention of the march of empty pots. " [Cacerolazo]... At nightfall in the richer neighborhoods of Santiago, women and children went out onto the balconies of their apartments and into the gardens of their homes to rattle pots. Also on December 1, 1971, in the center of the Chilean capital, a group of women marched and beat pots in protest against the government. The march was replicated in different cities of the country and repeated several times ... "(Wikipedia). Apparently, for Joseph Lavretsky-Grigulevich, a man, although atheistic (presumably) beliefs, but who lived for a long time in the midst, in the depth of Catholic culture, these were unpleasant episodes from the history of the reign of Salvador Allende ... Salvador Allende tried to oppose to marches with empty pans using the appeal to the "Chilean mother" ...
  In general, a Catholic culture contains an element that is difficult to explain - an unwritten code of rules for the relationship between men and women. Under certain circumstances, the name of a man who, willingly or unwittingly, crossed a certain line in these relationships, covers dishonor, shame.
  In general, much separates Salvador Allende and Alexander Lukashenko ...
  The situation with the attitude towards women is different in Orthodox culture, in post-Soviet culture.
  Mikhail Bulgakov described the gradual abandonment of such a concept as "honor" in the situation after 1917 ...
  Nevertheless, in the modern culture of post-Soviet countries, it is customary to observe a certain set of rules, a certain decorum, it is customary to say pleasant words to women, to be proud of the celebration of March 8 ... (Let's recall the praises associated with this holiday ... And did anyone express condemnation connections with attempts to disperse demonstrations of peaceful Belarusian women, in connection with other dubious political actions against Belarusian women? ...).
  It is all the more interesting to watch the events in Belarus. Some of Alexander Lukashenko's statements about women during the pre-election and election periods ... The event with Maria Kolesnikova ("LUKASHENKO: Yes, a flutistess. Well, she's probably not a former, plays along a little. Although, being here, it is unlikely. Well, Lord with her. "[Interview September 8, 2020] - Still, the case didn"t come to the most dubious, shameful situations. The "old border guard"once wore shoulder straps and was an officer ...).
  But today, September 12, 2020, after another attempt to disperse the peaceful demonstration of peaceful Belarusian women, I tried to find some kind of cultural analogy to these actions. For a long time nothing I could to find nothing.
  The only thing that after long efforts I recalled was the image of Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov from the "Heart of a Dog" by Mikhail Bulgakov ... [the homeless dog Sharik was transplanted testicles and pituitary gland of a recently deceased person-instead of the "sweetest dog" appeared a bully, a drunkard, a brawler and a cat strangler Polygraph Polygraphovich Sharikov (Wikipedia)]
  September 12, 2020 19:53
  Translation from Russian into English: September 12, 2020 20:37.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Александр Лукашенко. Ассоциации с Сальвадором Альенде? Движение к художественному образу Шарикова? Культурологическая гипотеза".
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