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A meeting of gardeners. The one-act-play

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    MMMCCXCII. A meeting of gardeners. The one-act-play. - June 10, 2023.

  A meeting of gardeners. The one-act-play.
  Thoughtful gardener.
  Mobile gardener.
  ACTION. The meeting of two gardeners takes place on the street.
  Mobile gardener:
  - I'm glad to see you! Didn't expect to meet you. Such a time now. The season. Now everyone is busy.
  Thoughtful gardener:
  - However, nice to see you.
  Mobile gardener:
  - What are your harvest prospects?
  - They are not bad.
  - Not bad for me, either. Could have been better. But what to do? Not everything depends on us.
  Thoughtful gardener:
  - Do you deal with pests-plants?
  Mobile gardener:
  - I took a mechanical scythe (with a motor) and mowed everything away.
  Thoughtful gardener:
  - I'm used to work selectively with a hoe.
  Mobile gardener:
  - Have the midges already attacked you?
  Thoughtful gardener:
  - They are flying around. But somehow I manage - to defense against them.
  Mobile gardener:
  - Specialists from the plant protection station warned me that clouds of midges are accumulating near my site.
  Thoughtful gardener:
  - If it be difficult, call me. I'll help.
  Mobile gardener (he feels a surge of strength):
  - You have a great thing - a special cleaner device. In one second, the land plot is made flat and the site frees from everything. This is a great thing! Give it to me.
  - Why do you need it? If you will need it, I'll bring it.
  Mobile gardener:
  - It's a different feeling of life when there is a special cleaning device nearby!
  - I will send, but only with my nephews. The thing is expensive. They'll watch.
  - Let with nephews - for start. Send it.
  Thoughtful gardener:
  - Do you remember Michurin? Do you remember his major work on gardening? He is our teacher! Let's remember him.
  He takes out a juice packet and two plastic glasses.
  Thoughtful gardener (he continues):
  - At first, everything he wrote sounded unusual. Many people - they simply were spitting. And then people figured it out, began to use, apply.
  Mobile gardener:
  - Well, if it was poured already, then let's drink. What a persons we would be without him? Where would we be without his seminal writings?
  The interlocutors drink juice from glasses.
  Thoughtful gardener:
  - What? It's time to get to work? Shall we say goodbye?
  Mobile gardener:
  - Could you borrow me a couple of coins? Somehow I did not calculate correctly, I made a lot of purchases. The fare is 32 rubles, and I have only 15 in my pocket. I don't want to ask anyone. And I apply to you out of our old friendship.
  The thoughtful gardener silently takes out and gives the interlocutor a few coins.
  Mobile gardener:
  - Thank you! You are a real man!
  - You too.
  - See you!
  - Do not forget, do a phone calls!
  Gardeners shake hands and they back to their worries. The stage is empty.
  (A curtain).
  June 10, 2023 14:35
  Translation from Russian into English: June 10, 2023 20:28
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский ' Встреча садоводов. Одноактная пьеса '.
  { 3321. Встреча садоводов. Одноактная пьеса. - 10 июня 2023 г.
  MMMCCXCII. A meeting of gardeners. The one-act-play. - June 10, 2023.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского. }
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